“You are fake news†Trump is able to take on the mass media because he has is own non state power base. He is the Batman’s Bruce Wayne. But the elephant in the living room is Academia. He has small plans to take on Academia over global warming pseudo science and reluctance to subject vaccines to adequate safety testing, but the biggie is degree deflation, and we have not heard …
Category: culture
The Cathedral defined
Because of the big expansion of the Alt Right, the Dark Enlightenment, and Neoreaction, we are getting a lot of people unfamiliar with the theory. Know your enemy, know yourself: The Cathedral is the Academic-judiciary-media complex. It is also priestly power, even if some of the priests are not actually in academia, the judiciary, or media. It the set of people, with actual privilege under democracy. All people are equal, …
Boycott people who hate you
Using their products will harm you. Seek out alternative products Boycott the Star Wars movie Rogue One. All the villains are white males. All the heroes are not. Not only will this depress you and persuade you that you are evil and villainous and doomed to lose, but this guarantees bad writing and a boring show for the reasons explained by Orwell. If it is written to political formula, it …
The American government has over several decades passed sterner and sterner laws to prevent illegals from entering and to deport illegals when they do enter, and then proceeded to ignore those laws. On day one, Trump will start enforcing those laws – and then the Judges will legislate open borders from the bench. They will find in the emanation of the penumbra of the constitution a universal human right for …
When mainstreamers read the red pill on women, they read it as “women are evil and dangerous”. Well, women are certainly dangerous, but not exactly evil, rather subject to volcanically powerful sexual impulses that are apt to have disastrous consequences for themselves and everyone around them. Now, me, I would fuck every fertile age woman I meet if I could. The little man gives pretty much all of them the …
We just have to have stronger frame than theirs. Their frame is that they are virtuous and we are wicked, and that we know they are virtuous and we are wicked. They refuse to interact with anyone who fails to accept their frame of moral superiority – that they are better than us because they deeply care about people located in places that they cannot find on a map of …
Hail Trump
That is Hail, not Heil That is Hail Trump as in Hail Caesar Augustus, not Heil Trump as in Heil Hitler. This is a reference and reverence to God Emperor Caesar Augustus who did to decadent Roman democracy much what Hitler did to decadent German democracy for much the same reasons, but fortunately your average Harvard graduated social justice warrior does not know any history other than Hitler killing the …
The Overton Bubble
The Overton window has formed a bubble. People inside the bubble now refuse to have anything to do with those outside the bubble, refuse to hear, refuse to understand, refuse even to notice, react to them only with ignorant crazy hatred, and if anyone respectable shows signs of listening, he loses respectability and gets cast out of the bubble. No longer will respectable people have anything to do with him. …
The winds of freedom already blow
Whatever Trump may do after he ascends the throne, he has already done more for freedom than every past president. Twitter shadowbanned numerous people, including Trump himself. The morning after the night that Trump’s election was called, the CEO of Twitter resigned.The COO of twitter resigned at 2PM on the 9th, about the time it became obvious that Trump had won. The “where is Hillary” hash tag ridiculing Hillary’s failure …
Demon Worship
The Clinton circle ritually and collectively perform degenerate acts as a sacrament (Podesta’s Spirit Cooking). There are increasing grounds to suspect that they engaged in child sacrifice. I don’t suppose they would think of it as demon worship, rather they think they are worshiping themselves and their own magical powers, but the connections to child traffickers reveal that it is demon worship. Hillary famously said “It takes a village”, and …