Archive for the ‘culture’ Category


Wednesday, July 18th, 2018

This is not a PUA blog.  To learn PUA, read Heartiste and Rollo, But, I seem to have been conscripted by the Dark Enlightenment

How to deal with woman, the pitch.

Call +31 J-I-M-I-A-N-I-T-Y right now and order our #1 best-selling product, how to deal with women.

to issue a post on how to deal with women in a relationship, what do with women after picking them up, and how the religion should deal with women, how the true religion should treat women and support husbands and fathers.  So here it is:

Women are wonderful, much better than men in some respects.  A woman wants, a woman needs, to serve and obey.

Women are terrible, much worse than men in other respects.  All Women Are Like That.

This is the dark enlightenment, so I am leading off with the bad news.

Women are hypergamous.  Men want to bang every fertile age chick. My little man salutes most of them. Women, however, only want to bang the very best. So men tend to be nice to every fertile age chick, while women give every attractive man a hard time, to see what he is made of, including the more attractive men in their place of employment, including the boss in their place of employment, so will invariably disrupt the working environment. They will give their husbands a hard time, to see what he is made of, and if you don’t pass the test, you become invisible to her.  And if you are her boss, also invisible to her.

A lustful man, such as myself, is nice to every fertile age woman he meets.  A lustful woman does the opposite. Like Kate in “The Taming of the Shrew”, her disruptive behavior and misconduct reveals her hunger. And I see a great deal of disruption and misconduct in the workplace, which disruptive misconduct seems to be strangely invisible to everyone else.

Women pay alarmingly little attention to the male hierarchy of status.  They want an alpha male, but in our society, alpha males are severely restrained from violence, aggression, and misconduct, which restraint registers with women as not alpha.  All Women Are Like That.

Hypergamy never sleeps, a man must always perform, can never relax, is always on stage, can never let his guard down. I generally maintain the semblance of a charismatic arrogant asshole playboy with potential for violence and crime (Marlon Brando in The Wild One) but if General Butt Naked showed up wearing an AK 47, his trademark necklace of human eyeballs, and absolutely nothing else, I would be $#!% out of luck.

You will be $#!% tested, often brutally, and you have to pass your $#!% tests. $#!% tests are hard to pass, and are subconsciously intended to be hard to pass. There is no easy magic trick for passing $#!% tests. Anyone who says it is easy is lying, because women intend it to be hard. They want to separate the men from the boys, and the top men from the ordinary men. If you have an easy magic trick for passing $#!% tests, then as soon as chicks figure it out, it will not work any more.

Although women pay alarmingly little attention to the male status hierarchy, that is because our existing hierarchy fails to register with them as real. They are nonetheless much impressed by males backing the status of other males. If you have a driver, you score pussy points because you dominate the driver. If you have a bodyguard, you score huge pussy points because the bodyguard registers on women as alpha, and because he implies the potential for violence. Similarly, cops impress women, but you will not be able to get a cop to treat you as high status, though you may well be able to get a security man to treat you as high status. Observe the theatrical way in which Trump deploys presidential security. He is very good at this.

God, of course, is the ultimate high status alpha male. So the husband should be the priest of his family. Say grace, don’t let anyone start eating till you start, and don’t let family leave the table till you are done.

Paul commanded: 1 Timothy 3:

  1. A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, …
  2. One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity;
  3. (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)

The Church should support the Sovereign in his state, the husband in his marriage, and the father in his family. And has not been doing that. We got Romance, celebrating adultery, at the same time as the Church undermined the power of the Holy Roman Emperor, and tried to require mandatory female consent to marriage.  Priestly celibacy is a Christian holiness spiral, without support in the New Testament or the practices of apostles, which has been blowing up in scandal since it was introduced, because, as Paul observed, God calls very few men to celibacy.

Female consent should only required for virtuous women. Female misconduct should be dealt with by shotgun marriage, and in practice, despite near a thousand years of Church opposition, misbehaving women were shotgun married until quite recently.  The holiness spiral that led to Romance, mandatory female consent, and priestly celibacy resulted in a Christianity that has failed to support proper earthly authority for husbands, fathers, and Kings, and in recent times has become dementedly and dangerously hostile to the authority of fathers and husbands.

All marriages that actually work are quietly eighteenth century.  If your Church is hostile to such relationships, and it very likely is, you just cannot go there.  Because then your wife or girlfriend sees you emasculated by other men, and by the the most alpha male of them all, God, and then she starts cruising social media looking for someone more alpha.  The Pauline rules of worship (that women should cover their heads, and should not speak in church, nor exercise leadership positions) provide psychological support for the proper relationship of men and women, thus  provide social support for durable relationships, thus make it possible for men and women to cooperate to conceive and raise children.  If a Church deviates from these practices, it is likely not just failing to support, but aggressively undermining, the relationships necessary between men and women to form families.  Dalrock has a great pile of horrifying anecdotes on this topic.  Don’t get burned.  Do not let your wife or girlfriend see you bow your head before enemies who hate you.  You need a God that backs you, not a God that emasculates you.  If your church edits Ephesians 5:21 into Ephesians 5:22, and then drops Ephesians 5:23-29, they are your enemies, they hate you, they intend you harm, they intend to deny you children and grandchildren.  Ephesians 5:21 is part of Ephesians 5:19-21, referring to the congregation, while Ephesians 5:22-29 refers to the husband and the wife.  If they cannot say 5:22 without first saying 5:21, they are evil people who intend you harm, they twist the words of the bible to emasculate you before your women.  By quoting 5:21-22, without quoting 5:19-21, or 5:22-29, by joining these two verses, and separating them from their context, they place a false context on 5:22, which false context is intended to harm you and poison the relationships between men and women, for the context of 5:22 is 5:22-29, not 5:19-21.  Whosoever does this is is a heretic and a white knight. White knights are evil and dangerous, and need to be punched out whenever you can get away with it.  The God of Saint Paul’s Church backed husbands and fathers.  Accept no substitute Gods.  The usual substitutes will destabilize your sexual relationships, impairing your ability to reproduce.  There is no better ground for violence than that some male is impairing your sexual relationships and capability to reproduce.  You need to defend your extended phenotype.

For your relationship to survive, you cannot be hardcore asshole all the time. From time to time you have show her a bit of nice guy beta provider. But not too much. Hard exterior, soft inner core that only she can reach. It is easy to overdo the nice guy. You have to make her earn it, or she will not appreciate it. You have to keep her on her toes. Having gracefully handled an exceptionally brutal $#!% test, then it is a good time for a generous chivalrous action. Having failed a $#!% test, then it is a really bad time for any action that is the slightest bit chivalrous.

Women want attention.  They want a lot of attention.  I wish women had an off switch like a television and could be put in a closet, but unfortunately they do not.  Women want to help you.  They want to be valuable to you, and you have to find ways to keep them busy, and then spend time appreciating what they have done.  Quite frequently she will however not do stuff you have told her to do.  This is both a $#!% test (she is daring you to make her do it) and also a cry for attention.  Hear that cry.

Yes, you have to give a woman lots of time, energy, and attention, or she is going to go looking for attention on social media, where she will find a hundred males richer than you, handsomer than you, and with bigger tools (which they will show her) than yours.  But at the same time, Poon Commandment Number Three:  “You shall make your mission, not your woman, your priority”  The natural order is that a woman’s focus is her man, and a man’s focus is something higher.  If your focus is her, suddenly and mysteriously she will lose interest in your interest.  You have to give her attention, but you have to keep her on short rations and make her earn it, because you are an important person with important things to do.

When you get her doing stuff for you, reward her liberally with attention.  When not satisfied, turn your face away.  She wants attention, but also wants to earn it, not simply demand it.  Shouting and spanking is attention and drama, and women love attention and drama, so shouting and spanking is not very effective in getting compliance.  Women love to be made to comply.  Just as you tip generously so that you can not tip when displeased, you should supply attention generously so that you can not supply attention when displeased.  This is more effective in obtaining compliance.

But some kinds of attention are bad.  If you are looking at her, and she is looking at her task, this is the wrong dynamic.  She should be looking at you, and you should be looking at your mission.  Reversing the dynamic will make her unhappy.

A woman wants you to use her, to exploit her, to take advantage of her.  At the same time she is going to make it difficult for you to do so.  Life would be so much easier if  women had an off switch, but since they don’t, you just have to get on with the use, the exploitation, and the taking advantage.  She wants to please you, so you need to give her avenues and opportunities to please you.  At the same time, she is going to test you for weakness and neediness, and the tests are going to be hard.  You cannot be weak or needy.  Have to be arrogant, not weak, and demanding, not needy.  You should want lots of things from her, and communicate that you are pleased when you get those things – while at the same time being totally entitled to get it, pleased but not grateful, because you are completely entitled to get whatever you want from her.

And, of course, there is that soft inner core.  You should care, not about what she wants, for that will only irritate her, but about what she should want, as though she was your own flesh.

You will notice that for everything I have told you to do, I have also told you almost the opposite:  Be an asshole and cherish her.  Give her attention and don’t give her attention. But it is worse than that.  The difference between what I am telling you to do, and telling you to not do, is pre verbal, and by expressing the difference in words, I necessarily oversimplify and exaggerate the difference.



Thermodynamics of Social Entropy

Saturday, July 14th, 2018

Entropy is always increasing. A fully disordered society is illustrated by wild animals and primitive peoples such as the Tasmanian aboriginals, where all other creatures except for close kin are enemies, obstacles or sources of raw materials – Hobbes state of war.  So if you look back in history, you can always see entropic processes, bringing us back towards that condition.

So, how come ordered societies exist, how come surviving and prosperous societies are generally at least somewhat orderly?

You cannot make something clean without making something else dirty, but you can make any amount of stuff dirty without making anything clean. Order for the ingroup always comes at the expense of someone else: Thus, for example, chastity and monogamy requires men hitting badly behaved women with a stick. (Dalrock banned me for pointing this out.) Thus, for example, in Africa we saw societies that herded cattle and planted crops had to enslave, or kill and eat, vagrants that were apt to hunt other people’s cattle and gather from other people’s gardens. The shift from hunting and gathering to herding and gardening involved extended cooperation – and a fair bit of brutality to hunters and gatherers.

As birds are born to fly, humans are born to cooperate. That is our key capability. Our telos is various forms of cooperation, as the heart’s telos is to circulate blood.  The whites of our eyes are white, so that other people can see what we are looking at. We are vulnerable to choking, because our throat is optimized towards making a wider variety of distinct sounds than other animals. We have a more muscles in our face than other animals, so that we can unfalsifiably communicate our emotional state, just as every feature of a bird’s anatomy is optimized for low weight and high metabolic output. This cooperation manifested as tribes cooperating to kill other tribes and capture their women. Order consists of extended cooperation. Because entropy naturally tends to increase, because there are a near infinity of ways for society to be disordered, but only a small number of ways for it to be ordered, maintaining order requires a fair bit of ruthlessness towards disorderly people and towards outgroups whose cooperation is unlikely.  Gays undermine male solidarity.  David’s mighty men could cohere because David could love Jonathan.  David could love Jonathan because gays were put to death.  Peoples who have gay parades do not win wars.

The ten commandments consist of four commandments concerning man’s relationship to God, five commandments that had the effect of ensuring that congregation of the Lord operated on a cooperate cooperate basis, and the final commandment, the tenth commandment, prohibited coming up with clever rationales for undermining, subverting, and re-interpreting those five.

The four commandments that facilitate cooperation are:
Exodus 20:

  1. Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.
  2. Thou shalt not kill.
  3. Thou shalt not commit adultery.
  4. Thou shalt not steal.
  5. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.

The rule on honoring thy parents and committing adultery secured ownership of family, thus cooperation within the family. The rules against killing, stealing, and false witness enabled economic cooperation on the basis of property rights and the market economy.

And the final commandment:

  1. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.

prohibits people from concocting ingenious theories as to why someone else’s property or wife is rightfully their own – forbids the entire ideology and program of Social Justice.

Compliance to the four commandments concerning God made fellow members of the congregation readily identifiable, and by complying with these four commandments, for which compliance was as visible as possible, one gave other members of the congregation reason to believe one would comply with the other five commandments, for which compliance was less visible, and thus reason to believe that cooperation with people who complied with the first four would be reciprocated and rewarded by cooperation, resulting in cooperate/cooperate equilibrium.

Social Justice Warriors have turned the tenth commandment on its head, making envy and covetousness a sacrament. This explains their chronic failure to cooperate, explains why rallies to save the earth leave a snail trail of trash behind them.  Social Justice declares that what people have is “privilege” and should be taken away from them.  Which creates a society in which people have no reason to have wealth or family.

A religion is a synthetic tribe. If the priesthood has power and status, and also has open entry into the priesthood, one gets holiness spirals – as for example priestly celibacy. Cooperate cooperate equilibrium, giving every man his due, makes all good members of the religion equal in holiness though unequal in property and power, thus a holiness spiral is going to redefine holiness away from forms that promote cooperation. The tribal religion has to reward exceptional and unusual holiness with honor, but not power and wealth. Send saints to live in a hermitage with spartan living conditions on a remote island as far from the capital as possible, where they can demonstrate superior holiness without subverting and undermining social order.  On the one hand, to encourage good behavior, the society must honor supererogatory holiness.  On the other hand preaching superogatory holiness always threatens to redefine holiness in ways that undermine order, making holiness a force of disorder instead of order.

As for example:
Lucas film hates its customers

Starbucks hates its customers, and LucasFilm hates its customers, which subverts cooperation on the basis of exchange.  While practicing supererogation should be honored, preaching it needs to be forcefully suppressed.  People who preach supererogation should not be martyred, which might increase their status, but rather treated like a stray dog that chases chickens – punished in ways that lower their status.

As example Russia dealing with Pussy Riot:

If the Sovereign is forced to punish someone who preaches supererogatory holiness in a way that might potentially increase their status (and Charles the second was forced to burn one conspicuously and irritatingly holy nonconformist woman at the stake) the Sovereign should lock the body in a mortuary for three days, and on the third day ironically check the body to see if they have risen from the dead.  But it is as dangerous to martyr those who preach supererogatory holiness, as it is to tolerate them.  The Sovereign must always strike at primarily at their status, as Russia dealt with Pussy Riot and European University.

While entropy always increases, it is always possible to locally reduce entropy, usually at the expense of someone else less effective and successful at extended cooperation (as, for example, women, pussy riot, gays, or hunter gatherer outgroups).

The highest and best example of this is western civilization, which is anglo civilization, which is the restoration of Charles the Second. The restoration gave us science, technology, corporate capitalism, industrialization, and world empire, which represent the highest level of extended cooperation ever achieved.

The restoration cured the disorderly tendencies of the protestant holiness spiral by putting priests under bishops, and bishops under the King. Which was the imposition of order, at the expense of “non conformists” – whose very name implies their disorderly tendencies.   “Non conformists” were priests, professors, judges, and suchlike who were disinclined to accept this hierarchy, on the grounds that the King at the top was conspicuously lacking in holiness.  We need to do something similar with our university system, as well as radically reducing its size and the amount of time it sucks out of people’s lives – we need to do Charles the Second’s Bishops, and Henry the Eighth’s dissolution of the monasteries.

Universities have always had as their primary job inculcating people in the official religion, and giving people cultural and scientific knowledge has always been merely their secondary job. Lately, their secondary job has largely been abandoned.  It used to be that giving people job skills was entirely irrelevant, since this was done by enforceable apprenticeship.

We shall restore the enforceable apprenticeship system and divest universities of the task of giving people job skills, in the process divesting them of the power to accredit people to jobs. We shall give considerably higher, but still secondary, priority to the task of giving people cultural and scientific knowledge, and change the official religion to make it saner, by erasing all doctrines that are potentially falsifiable by the realities of this world.  Members of the elite will still be required to adhere to the official religion, as they are now, but the task of checking adherence will not be outsourced to the universities. Instead, people in state jobs and quasi statal jobs will be required to recite a catechism and take an oath.

Contrary to the myth about the plymouth rock puritans, that early puritans supposedly filled the North American continent, where we have genealogies, puritans are descended from those who left restoration England to establish their own dissident theocracy, not from the pre english civil war wave of migrants fleeing Charles the first, but from the post civil war wave of “noncomformist” migrants fleeing the restoration, fleeing Charles the Second and subsequent Kings.  The first wave, the pre civil war wave, left very few direct descendants.

Restoration England was successful at elite eugenic reproduction, because women were kept under control, and cured the disorderly propensities of the protestant reformation by keeping “non conformists” under control, thereby enabling the extended cooperation that made science and industry possible.  Immediately after the restoration, we see Ayn Rand’s heroic archetype appear, the scientist engineer CEO, mobilizing other people’s capital and other people’s labor to advance technology and make that technology widely available.  Often these were people who before the restoration had competed for superior holiness, (analogous to Musk’s subsidized and money burning tesla, solar panels, and solar batteries), but after the restoration competed for creating technology to produce value (analogous to Musk’s reusable booster rocket.)  This form of order was made possible at the expense of “non conformists”, such as the excessively holy woman that Charles the Second burned at the stake.

In order for society to have cooperate/cooperate equilibrium, the science, industry, and technology that we see promoted by the corporate form, in order to promote cooperation with cooperators, the sovereign must promote defection on defectors.  One such defector being a holy woman conspicuously holier than Charles the Second.  Charles the second successfully redirected status competition from unproductive channels into productive channels, as for example members of the Royal Society gaining status by discovering truth and speaking truth, while previously puritans had gained power and status by having a Christianity that was purer than the other man’s Christianity.  You will notice that Putin dealt with Pussy Riot’s weaponized supererogatory holiness preaching in a way that deliberately maximized disorder – maximized outgroup disorder in order to sustain ingroup order.  That is the way to do it.

The restoration created a society that had the greatest cooperate/cooperate equilibrium ever, where people were able to engage in positive sum cooperation, which was made possible by severely negative sum uncooperation – you cannot get more negative sum than burning an excessively holy woman at the stake. If Charles the Second had not burned a holy woman at the stake for excessive, conspicuous, and obnoxiously superior holiness, he would have had the William Wilberforce problem.

Humans are inherently tribal.  We have ethnicities and religions, all of which are in substantial part the same phenomenon.  A millet is a smaller tribe (religion) within the empire that the empire recognizes and grants some limited self rule and autonomy.

Two tribes cannot co-exist in overlapping territory, except they create little zones for themselves, for example the black table in school cafe.  One tribe will always rule, and another will always be ruled.  Segregation and Jim Crow was an effort to give blacks autonomy and self rule, make them into a millet, conditional on the black rulers assimilating to white middle class values and behavior. Integration proved to be black dominion. When the blacks were allowed to the front of the bus, they inevitably wound up forcing white people off the buses.

This tribalism is the problem with libertarianism – if you allow liberty, people will use it to synthesize smaller ingroups within the larger group in order to dominate the detribalized majority. William Wilberforce and his “elect” destroyed what the restoration had accomplished, undermining the small scale cooperation between men and women to have children, and the cooperation between elites and individual members of the elite to maintain an empire that kept large scale economic cooperation over the oceans.  His successors transliterated the religion of the elect from the next world to this world, creating modern progressivism.  Since the transliterated tenets, such as equality, are transparently false to this world, this required them to reject truth telling and truth speaking, resulting in peer review and the replication crisis that has destroyed science.

The earthly telos of holiness is to promote the broadest possible cooperate/cooperate equilibrium.  Holiness competition results in people finding grounds to declare other people unholy, thus Starbucks and LucasFilms declare their customers unholy, thus holiness competition destroys the earthly telos of holiness.  Therefore we cannot allow excessively holy people to gain power in the state religion.  Instead, need to send Social Justice Warriors away from the universities off to a hermitage in a remote island and honor their superior holiness from a safe distance.  If someone wants to demonstrate superior holiness, it should be costly for himself, rather than profitable for himself, and costly for everyone around him.  Superior holiness and performing superogatory acts has to be made unprofitable.

The axis of deplorables

Friday, July 13th, 2018

Until recently, everyone in power everywhere in the world was culturally aligned with the Blue Empire, or at least reluctant to be openly unaligned.  Every government, every head of government, every government school, every university everywhere, every television station (including Fox), every newspaper (including the Murdoch newspapers).  The Cathedral would from time to time go into high dudgeon because not everyone was as enthusiastic as they would like, but anyone who outright opposed them was low status and powerless.

Universities and their endowments are still converged, and all the mass media and internet giants are converged. Trump has few loyalists among his political appointees in government.  But it is a start.   A start that denies the inevitability of Blue Empire power, a start that tells us that surrender is not the only option.  That Trump had the last laugh over Gay Mulatto gives every man a shot of testosterone.  That Melanie is hot, while Michelle belongs in a zoo, makes every progressive everywhere look and feel bad.

When we successfully do the Dissolution of the Monasteries on the universities, confiscating their endowments, and ending their power as gatekeepers to high status high pay jobs, when we are no longer ruled by the clergy, that will be victory, and the rest will be mopping up operations.  It is a long way from here to there, some very bad things will happen on the way, and there may well be a red terror and a civil war along the route, but in the far distance, we can see hope for victory.  If Trump fails, he will nonetheless have pointed the way for one that will follow.

The best outcome would be that Democrats launch a coup prematurely, leading to civil war prematurely, and lose it, leaving Trump as King, as happened in the Social War of the Roman Republic, when the Populares played their hand too soon and too recklessly. Worst outcome would be that they launch their coup, get away with it, leading to a rapid succession of coups by ever more extreme factions, as in the coups against Czar Nicolas and King Louis XVI, and, as in those coups, we launch the civil war too late, and lose it.  But we have something that they did not have.  We can see the pattern, making it possible to step off that path early rather than late, getting an outcome more like that of Social War of Rome, than the French and Russian Revolutions.  That would buy us time enough for technological progress in gene editing technologies to save the day, assuming we can fix the fertility problem.  The failure of the Roman elite to reproduce led to endless waves of elite replacement, resulting in chaos and instability, so Sulla’s restoration failed to last.  To fix the fertility problem, we have to restrict sexual female choice.  We have to force women to get married, to stay with their husbands, to refrain from sex with anyone other than their husbands, and to obey their husband.   Even if we have gene editing, still takes two to raise a child.  A high IQ species necessarily has a long childhood, which requires cooperate/cooperate equilibrium between husbands and wives, which equilibrium requires substantial external enforcement.  Peoples that allow female sexual choice disappear.  Rome got in trouble despite Sulla’s restoration because its elite kept disappearing, resulting a dangerous degree of social mobility at the top.


Saturday, June 30th, 2018

This is not a PUA blog. To learn PUA, read Heartiste, and then practice on actual women, not this blog.

But some people have partially misinterpreted my observations on passing shit tests, so, clarifying.

I depict shit tests as tough, deadly, scary, threatening, and vital to pass, because they are. But though a cat will be bored if it manages to catch a cat toy, it will also be bored if it seems there is absolutely no chance of catching the cat toy.

The girl thinks she wants to enslave you, wants to dominate you. In a sense she does want those things, but if she were to actually get them, would lose interest. But at the same time you let her eventually earn the sight of soft vulnerable marshmallow inner core under that solid stone cold exterior – alpha badboy with a touch of provider beta. You need to let her win a little bit, or to think she might win a little bit. But not too much.

You are far more likely to err on the side of undergaming than overgaming. I play a very bad man, and I still regularly err by undergaming, and am endlessly astonished at the ways in which my mistreatment of women is rewarded. But zero vulnerability, zero betabucks provider, does not work long term either.

Do not take this as me telling you it is OK to be a whimpering beta provider. It is not. That tactic seriously fails to work. Been there, done that, got burned. Don’t be a nice guy. Be a bad boy. But while being a bad boy, let them see the occasional hint of a heart of gold. Just the occasional piece of niceness.

Ideally, of course, the man and the woman perform their biblical roles. The woman honors and obeys, the man loves and cherishes. And I suppose that if you got one hundred percent honor and obedience, it would then be safe to give one hundred percent loving and cherishing. But if you only get eighty percent honor and obedience, need to provide rather less than eighty percent loving and cherishing. Keep her on her toes.

Here ends PUA advice. Back to your regularly scheduled political posts.

Kathy Forth’s suicide

Saturday, June 23rd, 2018

Kathy Forth offed herself, leaving a lengthy suicide note in which she accused numerous men of sexually harassing her, and the entire society of ignoring this terrible sexual harassment, thereby driving her to suicide.

Fat, pushing forty, and supposedly suffers unbearable amounts of sexual assault.

Back when she was hot, the amount of sexual assault she suffered was entirely bearable.

All women love drama, all women create drama, and all women create drama because they are looking for a spanking from a strong man. All women are like that. Childlessness and the lack of a strong man in their lives greatly worsens this problem.

Not all women make false accusations of sexual harassment, not all women kill themselves, but all disruptively create drama and problems: The ones not under the authority of an alpha male, and the ones that have remained childless while their fertility is running out, create more disruption, more drama, and more problems.

They are all cruising for a spanking, every single one.

All the sides in this debate that are permitted within the Overton Window are the same insane side. Scott is evil, depraved, decadent, and insane, #metoo is even more evil and more insane, and the fat old cat lady who offed herself was ridiculous, hilarious, evil, sinful and insane, her over the top evil, and her over the top vanity being hilariously funny to any sane person. Any remotely sane person commenting on that reddit thread gets instabanned. Anyone who manages to post twice on that thread is evil or insane, and most likely both. That thread is a conversation in the lunatic asylum.

Every woman lusts for drama. Fat, and pushing forty, people were ignoring her: Men were ignoring her. So she decided to go out in a blaze of glory, the ultimate “Hey look at me” opera, a gigantic soap opera of martyrdom.

Kathy Forth was evil and spent her life ruining other people’s lives out of depraved, foolish, and ridiculous sexual lust.

It is normal, and indeed universal, for childless unowned women who are fertile age, or not very long past fertile age, to destructively and self destructively destroy their social and organizational environment, burn the family assets, disrupt the business, divorce, etc. Kathy took this to extremes.

All Women Are Like That. Kathy more than others.

When a woman creates drama she is unconsciously, and in Kathy’s case quite consciously, hoping to smoke the alpha male out of hiding so that he will take possession of her and give her a spanking. She flat out tells us in her suicide note. In her suicide note she tells of her fantasies for powerful alpha male to take possession of her, to own her, to command her, supposedly in order to protect her from all this supposedly terrible sexual harassment.

This is what female lust looks like. It is not genitally focused like male lust, but that does not make it better, it makes it worse. Much worse.

During her fertile years, a lustful woman is not funny. Past fertile age, a lustful childless woman is hilarious.

Not every woman makes false rape and false sexual harassment allegations, but every woman acts disruptively, every unowned fertile age woman acts more disruptively and causes great damage, childless unowned women even more so, and childless unowned women continue doing so well past fertile age, while women with children calm down as their fertile period ends, particularly women who have previously experienced the firm hand of the father of their children.

And Tango does not make three

Thursday, June 21st, 2018

Singapore and Hong Kong resist “International Community” dominance, taking gay books off the library shelves.

Now that Trump is disinclined to back Blue Empire soft power with Red Empire hard power, Blue Empire soft power is running into severe head winds. Recall Duterte threatening to give Soros a helicopter ride if he came to the Philippines.

One of the books removed is “And Tango makes Three”, a book that schoolchildren in countries under Blue Empire domination are forced to read.

The story in “And Tango makes Three” is about two cute homosexual penguins who adopt a baby penguin. Supposedly this is a true story, or based on a true story, but of course it is a lie. The two real life penguins on which it is based have never had sex with each other. They were buddies. It was a bromance. Gays are a signaling hazard, and this signaling hazard prevents male on male cohesion. That David and Jonathan loved each other facilitated David becoming King of Israel, because it facilitated cohesion among David’s mighty men. If David and Jonathan had had sex with each other, he never would have become King of Israel, because there would have been no cohesion between him and his mighty men. Gay men do not cohere, and gay penguins do not cohere.

That males could cohere, and could build a strong society, required that gays be put to death. Nations, tribes, peoples, cultures, and religions that forcefully suppress men who also lie with mankind, as they lie with women, conquer nations, tribes, peoples, cultures, and religions that do not or cannot. Israel has not won a war since it had gay parades, women in the front line, and gays in the military.

Chinese soft power actually works, being based on thousands of years of history and deep understanding of the use of soft power. Progressives know no history, because everything before the current year is shameful and hateful, so they cannot do soft power very effectively. Their “soft” power is actually based on terror and mass murder, as for example Libya and Syria. Peoples and nations submitted to their “soft” power in fear of what happened to people and nations that failed to submit.

Hard power requires suppression of gays, among other things. Soft power requires knowledge and understanding of history. Thus the “international community” is weak, both in soft power and hard power, and now, as in the last days of the Soviet Union, this weakness is showing. The Soviet Union lost soft power, because they ceased to believe, and hard power, because socialism wrecked their logistics. The “International Community” cannot do soft power, because of self imposed ignorance, and cannot do hard power, because of gays and women in the military, and because people are getting sick of unsuccessful attempts to use hard power.

Jordan Peterson, controlled opposition

Thursday, June 7th, 2018

Jordan Peterson is on our side of the Culture War:

  • anti-political correctness
  • anti-identity politics
  • biological sex roles and traditional gender roles
  • meritocracy and meritocratic hierarchy
  • personal freedom and responsibility
  • angers our enemies

But this man is not an ally. The enemy of our enemy is not always our friend.

It is good that my enemy’s enemy is successful against my enemy, but much though I wish my enemy’s enemy was my friend and ally, I don’t get to choose.

Jordan Peterson is reaching a huge audience, and that is good news for us … but … (more…)

Baking a gay marriage cake

Tuesday, June 5th, 2018

The supreme court has rolled back the decision that forced a particular baker to bake a particular gay marriage cake.

But has done nothing in general about the rules that pressure everyone else to piously give service to gay marriage, that require ever other baker to bake a gay wedding cake.

The reason for undoing that particular decision is that the human rights commission was openly and enthusiastically delighting in mockery and sacrilege and openly expressed the intent to humiliate Christians. The marriage was completely unserious, just a piece of mockery directed at monogamy and Christianity, performed for the purpose of sacrilege.

So, the Supremes left open the possibility of forcing a baker to bake a cake for a serious and sincere gay marriage – if any such are ever found. (more…)

Inclusivity codes of conduct

Wednesday, May 9th, 2018

When an open source software project adopts a “code of conduct” it slowly dies. Bugs don’t get fixed, new features break stuff, and it is unable to accommodate updates and changes in the environment. Over time, it gradually suffers bitrot – unchanging and unchangeable assumptions in a changing world, combined with “fixes” that introduce new bugs, and confusing new misfeatures that irritate old users, never quite work as they were supposed to, and are an obstacle to new users.

And now the eye of Soros has fallen on the Space X reusable rocket program, and “women in tech” will likely kill the re-usable earth to orbit second stage. We will still get something called the Falcon Heavy which will reach orbit, but chances are that the promised reusability is never going to arrive, that it will not be able to land back on earth, promptly refuel, and promptly go back to orbit again. And will therefore never be able to radically lower launch costs.  And in a generation or so it will suffer the fate of the space shuttle. Too many disastrous accidents, costs keep growing without limit, eventually grounded for life. Similarly, the latest fighter planes have poorer performance than earlier generations of fighter planes, and much higher cost. People tell me that advances in missile technology and stealth make high performance fighters obsolete, and maybe that is true, but if performance is obsolete, why are fighters, like bridges that fall down, getting more expensive, rather than less? Looks to me that the government is buying all the performance it can afford – and all the performance it can afford is rather less than it used to be able to afford. Reminds me of the Obamacare website: No amount of money could get it up, until they gave up on political correctness, and went with a team of white males leavened with east Asian males – with white males on top.

Why is “inclusivity” so devastatingly lethal to tech? (more…)

Who gets sex

Thursday, May 3rd, 2018

The simplistic account is that eighty percent of women are having sex, and twenty percent of men are having sex – a hell of a lot of sex.

It kind of feels as if it is true, it is emotionally true, but it is not literally true. The number of men and women getting sex is not hugely different. More woman are having sex than men, and substantially more women are having regular sex with a regular partner than men are having regular sex with a regular partner (reflecting substantial levels of polygyny), but not hugely more, the numbers are not all that different.

What, however, makes the simplistic account feel true, is that ninety percent of men never get to pop a virgin. Every man, except for a rather small handful of men, are getting sloppy seconds. There is not a huge asymmetry as to how many men are getting sex compared to how many women, not a huge asymmetry as to how many men are in a sexual relationship as compared with the number of women in a sexual relationship. Rather the problem is that we don’t see virgins entering relationships with other virgins, and then having sex with each other. This is the huge inequality between men and women, and between the vast majority of ordinary males, and the small minority of males that females notice – the problem is that almost every women gets popped by a high status alpha male, while very few men get to pop a hot virgin. (more…)