Powerline found an interesting job advertisement in Craigslist: Under the job category “new york craigslist > brooklyn > jobs > government jobsâ€, people looking for a government job are invited to: “ FIGHT TO HOLD WALL STREET ACCOUNTABLE NOW! MAKE A DIFFERENCE! GET PAID!†I knew they were getting paid to protest, but until now there was some deniability – students were being turned out to protest by their professors, employees …
Category: party politics
“hundreds of protestorsâ€
ABC news tell us that “hundreds of protestors†showed up to occupy Wall Street, yet their photo shows only nineteen, count them, nineteen protestors, twenty one if we suppose the two well dressed men mingling with police are also protestors, twenty two if we suppose the guy in the distance is also a protestor.
Crony Capitalism
Palin’s brilliant speech on Crony Capitalism seemed to go right over the heads of most of the voters, but the party faithful understood it, and now this talking point is being used to hammer Obama at every opportunity. After it has been repeated one thousand times, the voters might well get it.
Obama’s Day of Rage
A Day of Rage has been declared for this coming Saturday by an obscure leftist group, one sufficiently obscure that anything bad that happens can be blamed on it.
Perry not the establishment candidate
If Governor Perry (welfare for Mexicans) is the anti establishment candidate we are doomed, though perhaps doom will come a little slower than with governor Romneycare.
Sarah Palin’s speech
Sarah Palin has issued a typically brilliant and insightful speech, while still teasing on the issue of whether she is going to run. I think at this stage, getting a bit late to run, better carry on in her lucrative career as a public intellectual, saying the things officially accredited public intellectuals cannot say.
There will be war
Brad deLong tells us: it took me only two months–two months!–to conclude that America’s best hope for sane technocratic governance required the elimination of the Republican Party from our political system as rapidly as possible. Since Republicans are supposedly terrorists, elimination is apt to mean lining them up against a wall and shooting them.
Rick Perry (Bush III) replaces governor Romneycare
Governor Romneycare was the establishment’s favored candidate for president, anointed as front runner, to make Obamanism bipartisan. It has, however, become obvious that his campaign is dead on arrival (strange for a supposed front runner) so the establishment has now anointed Rick Perry, a politician indistinguishable from Bush, as its preferred candidate, shortly to be proclaimed front runner.
The debt limit charade
US politicians are engaged in passionate debate and confrontation over the debt limit and spending. The question is whether to “cut†two trillion over the next ten years, which is to say, about two hundred billion dollars a year, which is to say, whether, after ten years, spending will be five or six trillion dollars a year more than it is now, or whether it will be five or six …
“Don’t call my bluff†says Obama
“Don’t call my bluff†says President Obama, thereby implicitly admitting he is bluffing.