Category: war


Allying with far to destroy near

Whosover wants to overthrow Assad of Syria, wants to murder all Alawites and murder or expel all Christians. There used to be a moderate opposition, composed entirely of do-gooder employees of “NGOs”, which is to say, employees of the State Department, but they all got out when things went bad, and are now employed on various do-gooder international grants all over the world, such as setting Somali refugees on middle …


Romanovs and war with Russia

Trump is seemingly going along with plans for war with Russia, or maybe he is pretending to go along to separate the sane from the truly mad. It is supposedly morally imperative to go to war with Russia because some bad people in the in middle east have gassed other bad people in the middle east, instead of their usual schtick, which is cutting people’s heads off. Kind of obvious …


Trump already remakes the world

Clearly the permanent government is still in control, and Trump is not yet in control. But equally clearly, he is working on it. With Trump’s election, the Arab Spring died. Suddenly and mysteriously, the mysterious benefactors that enabled Arab subversives to operate from a big important expensive office, stopped funding that big important expensive office. Simultaneously, Marvel heroes no longer push females doing manly things and sexual deviants doing admirable …


UN Peacekeeping

Trump proposes radical cuts in US taxpayer funding for the UN, and in particular and especially, “Peacekeeping” Now if you are a typical reader of this blog, your reflexive assumption is likely to be that “Peacekeeping” is code for mass murder, terror, and artificial famine. A major part of our peacekeeping is Ivory Coast, where we “democratically” installed some guy with extensive connections to Harvard and the UN, but no …


The solution we do not want.

One of my commenters asks “Why not just become Muslim?” I presume he means conservative Muslim, since a whole lot of Muslims are pozzed, are not breeding and not getting any pussy. That is the Mormon solution (control women’s socialization) plus the orthodox Jewish solution (make female status artificially low), plus the ever popular individual male solution (illegal violence or the quiet potential for it) plus you turn off the …

party politics

Dumping Flynn

Dumping Flynn looks weak and will encourage the left to go after more scalps. And the people that were after Flynn are seeking war with Russia and Syria. War is easy, peace is hard, for it is always easier to create disorder than maintain order. But, on the other hand, Flynn was expendable. On studying his career, I find he was a neocon, and an advocate of Coin (counter insurgency …


After the Flight 93 election

Comes the hour, comes the man. Trump, vivat rex, is president, and may well take the throne and save America from catastrophe. But what happened at Berkeley University when Milo attempted to give a talk shows that winning, we can never afford to lose again – if there is danger we might lose, we cannot afford a free and fair election, for the left intends to devour us. The stakes …


Analysis of the shooting near Milo’s talk.

I examined the video frame by frame. At nine seconds, Yellow Hat is walking swiftly and calmly through the crowd of thugs blocking access to Milo’s speech, and no one pays him any attention. He appears to be just another protester helping block access. At 17 seconds Bald Man suddenly starts running towards him, and Yellow Hat abruptly starts backing away At 19 seconds, a big yell goes up from …