Category: war


Bunker busters said to be war crime

As you know “the international community” is denouncing Russia’s use of bunker buster bombs as a war crime. There is a rebel video on you tube examining the hole made by a bunker buster.  Looks like the bomb blast went through two meters of concrete to blow up inside a bunker. Somehow I doubt that you will find all that many civilians under two meters of concrete inside a bunker.  …



Rebel held Aleppo is currently entirely surrounded, and is about fourteen kilometers by four kilometers, meaning every inch of it is within mortar range of Assad’s troops.  It will fall shortly unless there is a rescue mission from outside to relieve the siege.  There have been rescue missions before, each of which ever more blatantly involves some new foreign power directly intervening in Syria ever more directly against the legitimate …


Yes, women vote for rape, conquest, and enslavement

Some of my supposedly red pilled commenters doubt my account of the nature of women. So, I am going to steal shamelessly from the great and wonderful Heartiste, Minion of Satan. Bleeding heart (and bleeding bush) Frenchwomen are lining up to fuck the rapefugee dregs of humanity….in a romantic setting that looks like this: Contrast: There are White beta males at this very moment paying for dinners and nights out …


On the day of the rope

On the alt right, a lot of people correctly observe that certain groups are all enemies, and conclude we have to hang them all, or give them all helicopter rides to the Pacific. That is a lot of helicopter rides. Does not follow.  A lot of these people are Havel’s Greengrocer, and will chant the new slogans as mindlessly as they chant the old, without even noticing that the slogans …

party politics

There will be war

Politics is about who whom.  Politics is tribalism and sectarianism.  The question is simple.  Who’s side are these guys on?  What tribe to they favor grabbing all the loot, and what tribe to they plan to destroy?  Ferguson burning is real politics, not ethanol subsidies.  Milwaukee burning is real politics. The violence that followed Trump’s cancelled Chicago rally is real politics.  Politics is the destruction of your enemies, the burning …

party politics

Why Trump is Hitler

You have doubtless seen lots of people arguing that Trump is Hitler. Often “Trump is literally Hitler!” Of course people who read my blog know what “literally” means, and though Trump is obviously not literally Hitler, there is in fact a good argument that Trump is Hitler. But for some strange reason, Democrats never make the argument out loud in plain words. I wonder why. The argument, said outright in …


The next big thing in progressivism

Recently there was ass bandits. Then there was transgender. For a while it looked liked the next big thing would be pedophobia – the “anti bullying” campaign sought to protect pre pubescent children of ambiguous sex who had physically affectionate relationships with obviously homosexual middle aged males from being “bullied” and sought to normalize pre pubescent children of ambiguous sex who have physically affectionate relationships with obviously homosexual middle aged …


Now four sovereign nations

Reactionaries are fond of saying there are three independent nations on the earth: America, Russia, and China. Everyone else is under the boot of the Cathedral, except for a few small protectorates of Russia and China. Each sovereign nation has its own Twitter equivalent, which enforces the values of its own state religion. It looks like Turkey may be added to the list, probably leading the Cathedral to re-evaluate Islam. …


Trucks gone wild

Our rulers’ position is now clear. We should learn to live with terrorism. Unlimited immigration will continue, and it is unthinkable and morally abhorrent to object to anyone in the world moving to America and living on crime, welfare, and voting left. The continued existence of borders and citizenship in a world dominated by progressive ideology is an unprincipled exception. Open-borders absolutists are perfectly correct that there is no coherent …


Separation of Church and State has failed catastrophically.

Same problem as anarcho capitalism. The vacuum is apt to be filled. And today it is filled with an official government belief system that daily becomes more extreme, and is enforced more coercively. In retrospect it is clear that in England the demand to disestablish the Anglican Church came from a competing religion, then called Evangelism, descended from Puritanism, which was already most of the way to becoming the state …