A Day of Rage has been declared for this coming Saturday by an obscure leftist group, one sufficiently obscure that anything bad that happens can be blamed on it.
Category: war
Lets roll
On 2001, September the 11th, on United Airlines Flight 93: At 9:27am, Tom Burnett called his wife, reporting the hijacking. She informed him of the attack on the two towers, from which he concluded the hijackers intended to fly them into a building.
Seven felonies a day
A few years back I remarked that the average respectable middle class male had committed hundreds of felonies, each worth many years jail time. Things have become worse since then:
Expect leftist violence in 2012
Just as the treatment of Senator Joe McCarthy implied that suppressing communist spies was suppressing freedom of speech, in the same way, the message is now going out that suppressing Molotov cocktails is suppressing freedom of speech.
There will be war
Brad deLong tells us: it took me only two months–two months!–to conclude that America’s best hope for sane technocratic governance required the elimination of the Republican Party from our political system as rapidly as possible. Since Republicans are supposedly terrorists, elimination is apt to mean lining them up against a wall and shooting them.
Losing the war with Islam
FilmLadd gives a pre mortem on our defeat: On September 20th, 2001, President Bush gave a speech to a Joint Session of Congress after the attacks on 9/11 to rally the nation and steel its citizens for the days of strife to come. A few hours after the speech I received a call from a friend in military intelligence. The first words out of his mouth? “We lost.”
How the middle eastern revolutions are working out.
Bryan Caplan wanted people to go on record predicting the future of Egypt before the future becomes apparent. My prediction has come true
Democracy in action
Lara Logan, CBS chief foreign correspondent was beaten and gang raped by a mob of 200 enthusiastic pro democracy protestors chanting “Jew, Jew†There is an effort to blame Mubarak for this, but if the goons of a US ally had done this, if the goons of a man who accepted peace with the west had done this, the mainstream media would be covering this with headlines the size of …
Democracy in Tunisia
The promised democracy in Egypt is an infection from an outbreak of democracy in Tunisia. Yet strangely, Tunisia has fallen off the headlines. How is democracy working out in Tunisia, you might ask? Wonder no longer! Thousands of Tunisians have also arrived by boat to the Italian island of Lampedusa prompted Italy to declare a humanitarian state of emergency and ask the European Union for 100 million euros in aid …
The new Egypt
Earlier I argued that no Muslims should be allowed to vote anywhere in the world, least of all in Muslim majority countries. Brutally honest has some interesting survey results on what the Egyptian majority will vote for: • 84% favor the death penalty for people who leave the Muslim faith. Now 84% is an interesting number, considering that something like ten or fifteen percent of Egyptians are Christians (the number …