A Jewish school, partially funded by the British taxpayer, has been ordered it cannot define Jews by descent, because this is “racismâ€. Unfortunately, Judaism does define Jews by descent. If the effect of the ruling was merely that Jewish institutions, being “racist†cannot receive government funding, this would not be too bad, but unfortunately, Britain prohibits “racist†association generally, so the ruling logically prohibits Jewish association generally, thus the practice …
Category: war
Political correctness kills people
Section 3 of the US constitution. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. Major Nidal Malik Hasan adhered to our enemies and gave our enemies aid and comfort. He then waged war against the united states, shooting 43 soldiers who were not carrying arms at the time. When he adhered to our enemies …
Fighting to lose in Afghanistan.
Hillary has just announced that it is fine by her for Karzai to steal the election. “that bestowed legitimacy from that moment forward†Details, x Democrats of the Vietnam generation long for a re-run of Vietnam. Karzai is militarily incompetent, an enemy of western civilization, and is fighting to lose, thus to allow him to steal the election is defeatism, guaranteeing the Vietnam quagmire that Democrats long for. Next stop, …
Betraeus, the candidate to smash the GOP
So a general who has been conducting a losing war will unite the GOP behind everything it hates, plus a policy of continuing to lose the war for the next four years. Watch out for flying pigs.
The Cathedral and social decay
In 1984, I said the Soviet Union was falling. In November 2005, I said the mortgage market was collapsing. I was very far from being the first to say those things, but I was in a minority when I said them. And here is another prophecy:  The decline of our currency, and the our inability to rebuild the two towers, are symptoms of an illness that will bring about American …
Care Bear war in Afghanistan
McChrystal’s plan is to win the war by being nice, playing nice, and reminding our enemies of their inherent niceness, to win the war by means of rainbows and pink unicorns, care bear style. The trouble with this plan is that you cannot impose a more peaceable variety of Islam while the less peaceable variety answers words with bullets.
I consult the ghost of Raffles on Afghanistan
Blog: “Previously I talked to Xenophon on our troubles in Afghanistan. His advice was perhaps a little bit anachronistic. Today we are a bit too civilized for such drastic measures.†Raffles: “Troubles?†“A war, we are losing. In the Hindu Kush.†“Ah, yes, the Hindu Kush was a problem in my day. You should leave it alone. Dreadful climate, barren land, no gold or valuable materials, full of men with …
I consult the ghost of Xenophon on Afghanistan
Blog: “Ah, Xenophon, I am glad you could spend some time with us.†Xenophon: “I was not doing anything.†Blog: “We have a bit of a problem in Afghanistan. Despite overwhelming military superiority, we are losing.†Xenophon: “Afghanistan?†Blog: “It is a mountainous land east of your journey through Asia – the people there somewhat resemble the Kurds.†Xenophon: “Ouch! Kurds! Tough fighters, never give up. They never accept that …
Aiming to lose in Afghanistan
Obama is smart enough to know you should not announce intent to retreat in advance, so I conclude that for political reasons, he aims to lose in Afghanistan, and aims to justify the defeat with a disturbingly large level of American casualties rather than leaving immediately. The great wrong is staying there without intent to win.
Darwinian and divine morality
Morality derived from human nature (and thus from Darwin’s sociobiology) differs from divine law as expressed in the New Testament in significant ways. It is Aristotlean and Randian morality, is fundamentally selfish. Aristotle and Rand tells us to cultivate our own excellence. Darwin tells us we commit ourselves to conduct that will enable us to get along with others because humans are a social and political animal, we need to …