
Trump and testosterone

Testosterone levels and sperm counts have been falling steadily. Young men commonly have levels that once would have been normal in seventy year olds, and “normal” testosterone keeps being redefined downwards, while “normal” estrogen gets redefined upwards.

I have long suspected that this reflects metaphorical estrogen in the metaphorical water supply, rather than literal estrogen in the literal water supply, and the Trumpening hints that this theory is true. Trump’s supporters, critics, and opponents are all acting as if they have had testosterone shots, notably Rubio whose surgical castration seems to have been temporarily and partially reversed.

A Trump presidency is likely to have a big effect on the way American males walk, the way in which they speak, and the amount of kitchen work that they do.

43 comments Trump and testosterone

GameOn says:

Rubio was seen pounding pills in the last debate. We know he takes Adderall from the having to drink water all the time, but it wouldn’t surprise me if they have him on steroids now.

Y. Ilan says:

There’s nothing unmanly about cooking your own food. Beyond that, I wish American men the best of luck in reinstating some sort of sanity into their culture.

jim says:

Men should do barbecues, but women should prepare the food for barbecuing, and serve it once barbecued, and clean up the ensuing mess.

Y.Ilan says:

Certainly. Yet in the spirit of self-sufficiency, any self-respecting man should be able to rely on his own abilities to cook tasty and nutritious food, forgoing the need to rely on the consumerist service-economy overmuch. Providing one’s own source of meat is a step further.

Hunting In Finland says:

I always cook everything I kill, even though my girlfriend works as a cook in a restaurant. I find it fulfilling, and I need no other reason for it.

I find it unmanly when men are too concerned about what other people think is unmanly. “Oh, golf is so unmanly, you silly willy!” If I would find it enjoyable I would play it.

Alan J. Perrick says:

This blog is actually about things that are bigger than personal preference. Maybe that’s why you’re screaming “Ohhh!! Silly!!”

It’s just screaming.


Minion says:

“my girlfriend works as a cook in a restaurant.”
What are the chances she is taking cock from her co-workers?

Hunting In Finland says:

Oh I’m sorry AJP, I thought I made a general statement in the second paragraph, although I made it in first person. I can try to help you understand that point if you want me to spell it out. Maybe you can help me understand what is this screaming thing you keep talking about in the comments?

To Minion I would say that the chances are non-zero, but not high enough for me to be concerned. Any kind of contact a female has with the outside world carries some risk, work being no exception. As a man you have two choices: either guard your female 24/7 or be the kind of man she cannot replace with some limp wristed dude from work.

jim says:

Any kind of contact a female has with the outside world carries some risk

Some contacts are considerably higher risk than others. Working under a male boss is a biggy.

Hunting In Finland says:

Her boss is female.

But like I said, the other option is following her around 24/7 (or denying all contact to outsiders, I guess), or trying to be someone who she would not even consider cheating on. I have made my choice and am so far happy with it.

Minion says:

Working outside, in and of itself, is a huge risk for female promiscuity and infidelity, as it puts her in contact with other men.

> trying to be someone who she would not even consider cheating on
So I take it you have made it clear to her you believe in honor killings, right? Otherwise, she is just another Chad away from cheating on you.

Alex says:

Minion you seem to have a pretty twisted view on female relationships. From your talking it seems like you just would want to lock up any ladies in your life because you are so insecure about them not being faithful to you. And who the hell cares about who is cooking, we are all animals, cooking is a modern invention, not something women or men are specifically born to do.

Be a man, take responsibility for your own life and let go of the stuff that is out of your control. If people cheat on you, fuck em! Give no second chances, kick them out and march on! People will only respect you if you respect and believe in yourself.

The only people that get anywhere in life and get people who really stay with them because they love them are people who go their own way, not worrying about having to lock up their girlfriends because they are insecure. That’s madness!

jim says:

You, alex, are not “secure”. You are cuck.

If you accept the likelihood of your women fucking someone else, you are broken and damaged.

Men have to control women. If you fuck without control, you are fucking whores, and that just hurts too much.

It is OK to fuck whores in addition to the women that you possess, but if man does not possess any women, he soon becomes a horribly broken man. He acts as if every day a big fat blue haired lesbian beat him up and took his lunch money. Worse, he acts as if would be delighted if every day a big fat blue haired lesbian beat him up and took his lunch money, because he would be grateful for the female attention.

Corvinus says:

“It is OK to fuck whores in addition to the women that you possess, but if man does not possess any women, he soon becomes a horribly broken man.”

Please show me the exact Biblical quotation that unequivocally supports this lifestyle choice.

Now, is that what your wife believed, being “owned” and “controlled”? And how about your alleged girlfriend, does she feel that way?

You always talk about completely dominating women, but we never hear exactly what they have to say about the matter.

More importantly, the Christian who is married commits egregious sin when they have sex outside of the marriage. A man or a woman who is married must only have sex with their husband and wife lest they incur the wrath of God. That means no men or women on the side as fuckbuddies.

You constantly pervert the meaning of the Good Book to suit your own fantasies and fetishes.

Christianity is for cucks like you and was the singular biggest mistake the White race ever made

» From your talking it seems like you just would want to lock up any ladies in your life because you are so insecure about them not being faithful to you.

No need to lock them up usually, it’s enough to make enough shows of dominance that they respect you.

» And who the hell cares about who is cooking, we are all animals, cooking is a modern invention, not something women or men are specifically born to do.

People have been cooking for long enough for our guts to be smaller than chimps. Did you know that niggers can get away with eating raw meat in a way that would make humans sick? Women are supposed to cook because it gives them something to be responsible for, and THEY LIKE TO DO IT.

Have you ever in your life had a normal relationship with a woman?

If you had, you would know that she WANTS TO cook for you, even if you think you’re better at cooking and want to do it.

» Be a man, take responsibility for your own life and let go of the stuff that is out of your control. If people cheat on you, fuck em! Give no second chances, kick them out and march on!

Yes, if a woman cheats on you, and you put up with it, you’ve shown her that you’re a cuck and aren’t going to stand up for yourself or your kids, so she’s going to try to find someone who will.

» The only people that get anywhere in life and get people who really stay with them because they love them are people who go their own way, not worrying about having to lock up their girlfriends because they are insecure.

again: the reason they don’t worry about needing to lock up their girlfriends is that they have determined that they have made enough shows of dominance that their girlfriends respect them.

Hunting In Finland says:

Well, If the only thing you have in your toolbox is: “If you leave me I’m going to fucking kill you!” then yes, you might not want your females to have any contact with outsiders. Now there are times that violence or the threat of it has a place in leadership situations like keeping females or training hunting dogs. But if that is your first (or even second or third) go to, then I would say that you will end up with women who are reliable only as far as your jabbing distance and shitty hunting dogs.

Now I’m sure that that is not the case with you, I am just slightly exaggerating your statement to make a point.

Inquiring Mind says:

Certainly you heard about how a Westerner can differentiate persons of the different East Asian nationalities?

Man in front of house operating a lawnmower to cut the grass — Chinese.

Woman in front of house operating a lawnmower to cut the grass — Korean.

Team of Guatemalan men in front of house operating lawnmowers and leaf blowers to maintain expanse of lawn — Japanese.

My culture affinity must be aligned with China — I regard it as the man’s job to operate the lawnmower, leaf blower, and string trimmer, to get up on a ladder to empty the gutters, perform minor plumbing repairs, and change the furnace filters. I would regard it is a disgrace to have a woman do these for me unless I were disabled or laid up.

It is also the man’s job to keep the family vehicles in safe operating condition. These jobs and anything else John Madden or Pat Summerall tell me I should do after purchasing wares from the stores they are promoting are all proper jobs for a man.

I also regard it as the man’s job to pay the bills and file the family’s taxes — guys, do you want your wife control over your financial destiny by delegating this and not knowing what is going on?

I don’t care what Neo-Reaction says, these are men’s work and have been men’s work since antiquity. I don’t care what the feminists say — this (unpaid work) is an equal contribution to the household economy.

A.B Prosper says:

I get where you are going with that but the best chefs on the planet are men. Also some men just like to cook and can do it without becoming a kitchen bitch.

That said if the hubby is doing the cooking, the wifey better be mowing the laws, cleaning he gutters and fixing the cars. Not hat modern cars can actually be fixed but you know what I mean

Alan J. Perrick says:

Men are supposed to be competitive, Y.. Therefore, it’s going to cost too much time to become skilled enough in knowing how to cook a variety of food unless it’s a man’s paid job. No, nothing unmanly about doing that regularly for money, but it’s understood then as either an entry level job in a restaurant or as a master chef which is definitely in the category of artisan, the latter which requires a certain disposition and also _talent_.

Having a society or culture full of artisans, is like having too many priests expanding their overmuch finely-tuned rules and preferences everywhere, having a degenerative effect. Too many men who pride themselves on the ability to “whip something great up in the kitchen” as a hobby are, in fact, being effeminate. Women should be tasked with busy work as a generality, and that includes supervising the stove and dishes, since their time is worth considerably less.


coyote says:

“(womans) time is … ‘worthless'” Mr. Perrick? Not a classically Christian view, but also: A helpmate is not worthless, sir: A homemaker, a lover, a mother of your children, companion and supporter of lives well lived – I must say, perhaps her time is worth more than we keyboard warriors, in this day of ineffectual males. This dance of life and death is so much more enjoyable when we can respect and love one another. We are different creatures designed to procreate and continue our species, competition among males is evolution, true: but do not forget the bell curve. The troop only looks to one leader, but the troop will die without support from all. Alt-right internet commenters seem far too ready to abandon those Christian women who stand ready with us to save Christendom and the white race from burial under the tides of mudpeople. PUAs and MGTOWs are not the answer to saving our race, nor our culture.

Alan J. Perrick says:


It’s funny how I’m being called a keyboard warrior, when you’re the one twisting the wording of my statement around with an underhanded semantical technique…

Alan J. Perrick says:

I like the Chicken icon, by the way. It reminds me of France. (heraldic)


It isn’t even so much that their time is worth less as hat they’re going to be unhappy if they can’t feel like they’re contributing something. If they don’t do your housework and organize your parties, they’ll go run a holocaust museum or volunteer to cuck you with dindus at a food pantry.

Minion says:

I would have to agree. I remember that Muslims argue that the solution to female sluttiness is to have the focus on religious activities and becoming pregnant

Alan J. Perrick says:

Coincidentally, Mr Trump would be 70 years old himself, if he were to be inaugurated next January…


Zach says:

He fails the projected cost benefit analysis, making testosterone pool commentary trivial if one is a voter. Actually having testesterone is what matters. Unfit to judge because policy is all over the place. Auto retard bait.

-phone reply

Alan J. Perrick says:

Well, I don’t get what those last two expressions mean, “Zach” but as far as Mr Trump’s utility, I’ve heard pro-whites talking about what he could do to help and they described him as a tourniquet, meaning that he could stop the flow of third-worlders into this country. Of course, a tourniquet by itself is never enough and there is always further treatment needed and going with the same metaphor the “gangrene” would be fatal even if the “hemorrhaging” had been stopped.

Best regards,


Zach says:

Trump is auto-default no pick for candidate ignorance, new record for bullshitting, aimless policy and no record worth a shit. Roissy clearly has stars in his eyes. They’re getting PUAed. Hard. Off topic but I felt the urge. BTW I don’t vote.

Having a Tcount is what matters. Pretending to have it seems ill fated.

This phone sucks so that better clear it up.

jim says:

Never having voted, I plan to vote for Trump, just to see progressive and cuckservative heads explode.

You’re the one bullshitting here like a low-information pleb.

Trump has made lots of policy proposals that dhimmicrats and republicans need to pretend were never made because it would be illegal or get them fired to recognize that these proposals have significant popular support.

So they pretend that he “only” has support because he’s said what no one else has about other republican politicians or what no one else can about current US policy like trade or the middle east.

Then Marco Rubio thinks he can stump the Trump by saying he has small hands and you know what they say about men with small hands.

Currently, right before Super Tuesday, the media is saying that Trump didn’t denounce David Duke quickly and forcefully enough. The ADL attacked him, violating the condition on their 501(c)3 status. Tomorrow, he’s going to win big.

The establishment has no plan other than name calling, and you’re an establishment toady.

A.B Prosper says:

Most Trump supporters myself included know he might betray us. Voting for him is about shifting the Overton window in our direction and maybe buying some time to prepare if he wins.

Him just running has already shifted the window and if he loses, so be it. Its already shifted .

if he betrays us, it simply cements the idea that there are no political solution that can be had at all and its a better position to be by far that the know nothing one we have. Americans have the means to rebel, just not the will.

The actual worst case scenario would be a Cruz victory combined with some deportation. This would bleed off momentum. Even so, its not a terrible case.

jim says:

Trump equivocates leftwards and rightwards. He disowns David Duke and refuses to disown David Duke.

This is a major improvement on cuckservatives, who equivocate only rightwards, talking double talk to their constituents while absolutely unambiguously kissing the feet of the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Trimegistus says:

I’ve been wondering if men’s testosterone production isn’t influenced by competition.

Think about it: testosterone production is metabolically expensive and has some physical downsides (you die sooner). So your body probably “wants” to get by with as little as possible, so long as you still can get mates and pass on your genes.

Which means there’s probably some programming down inside our mammal brain somewhere that adjusts the testosterone level based on how many other assertive, “high-T” males are in your environment.

Now think about the modern world a middle-class man lives in. He’s been raised and taught by women. At work he encounters a lot of women. All the men he encounters are peaceful and well-behaved (mimicking low testosterone). Naturally his body will reduce the testosterone level in response.

Is it a coincidence that one most often encounters aggressive, “high-T” men in jobs which require them to interact with other men, often in a confrontational way? Cops, soldiers, and athletes, obviously — but also jobs like taxi dispatch, construction crews, and agriculture. All of those are jobs where some asshole is going to argue with you at some point, and you’re going to argue back. And your mammal brain ticks up the testosterone a couple of notches.

Want to be more manly? Get in a situation where you’re going to face confrontation somehow.

Alan J. Perrick says:

The white suicide rate is climbing because the Cathedral’s religion of Political Correctness rewards men for being effeminate. They won’t heed your words of advice, T., regarding how to increase their own manliness when they understand their misery to be a sacrifice to their own evil gods… That’s why “Jim” is mentioning in this blogpost about how manliness is best re-instated from the top (or near to the top) of the power structure.

Best regards,


Morkyz says:

Nice theory, makes a lot of sense to me. I don’t really think T making you die faster biologically is really an evolutionary disincentive though you’re already infertile by that point anyway.

Mister Grumpus says:

I vouche for this 100%. Every time I watch a Trump speech I feel like a different and more confident person. A hopeful person with some agency for once. He’s raising us all together. America’s uncle.

No wonder Milo calls him “Daddy” now. On that same vein, one of the sadder tweets I’ve ever seen was a girl saying “I wish Donald Trump was my Dad.”

“The wall just got ten feet higher.” Holy shit I’ve never seen or heard anything like that since Bruce Willis movies twenty years ago.

But to be just a smidge scientific, I’ve read how when two animals face off, even if they don’t fight, the one who backs down suffers an instant testosterone drop. And isn’t that just American life now, day after day? Just one confrontation after another that we have no choice but to back down from?

[…] Jim’s got a quick note of good news regarding Trump and testosterone. […]

k says:

Looks like Bernie Sanders got it too

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