

If you watch the reality show “survivor”, you will have noticed that in any power struggle, the winners usually have invisible connections – there is a group that conceals from outsiders that it is a group.  Conspiracy tends to be a substantial part of any winning strategy.  Conspiracies are therefore as common as cockroaches and crabgrass.  Conspiracy theory has a deserved bad name because it tends to be invoked to explain away unwanted evidence, as for example Chomsky explaining that the Khmer Rouge were good guys under attack by the CIA, shortly before he explained that they were bad guys installed in power by the CIA.

But while we should not believe in conspiracies with the ability to program millions of refugees to say unkind things about noble mild mannered agrarian reformers, nor conspiracies that can bring out large mobs on the streets to lynch beloved leaders of the proletariat, we should believe in conspiracies that link together a handful of powerful people in a handful of powerful, but supposedly separate and independent, organizations.   The state department really was full of commies.

By definition, a conspiracy is small.  Astroturf, therefore is a signature of conspiracy. If there is a real mob in the streets, a conspiracy is unlikely to have much control over it.

Another good signature of conspiracy is people mysteriously rising to power from nowhere, as the current leader of the British Labor party. Ed Miliband has a mysteriously invisible powerbase. Before 2005, no one had heard of him. Then he is nominated to a safe seat – which usually only happens to people who have been working for years to inherit the seat, promptly becomes minister, and then, leader of the labor party.

Tracing connections, we find a lot of odd links between the London School of Economics, the people who made the 10:10 no pressure video, and Ed Miliband – revealing the presence of a greenie conspiracy that is

  1. Powerful
  2. Composed of morons
  3. Unable to get its agenda through

4 comments Conspiracy

Alex J. says:

Your Chomsky link is broken.

jim says:


Bill says:

And the conspiracies and their machinations look a lot like randomness from the outside. They even look a lot like randomness from the inside— if A promises allegiance to both B and to C, whom A chooses to betray is random to everyone but A.

Obviously, Obama is a lot like Milliband, except without the greenie thing. But what is the conspiracy that put him in power? The CIA? The random Marxists he hung around with don’t really look all that powerful. William Ayers is running a conspiracy from the third rate university he hangs out at? It’s hard even to see whose interests his presidency serves, given what a putz he is.

jim says:

Obama’s background, notably his lack of a verifiable past, looks like the product of a conspiracy or conspiracies, but as you say, nickle and dime conspiracies – washed up commie conspiracy and small time Chicago corruption. He is connected to Acorn. Acorn has friends in high places, but not the kind of power that can lightly hand out a presidency – but it does have the kind of power that can make someone a senator. My guess would be he got his start in funny business, but became president fair and square because of a deep longing among the elite for an intelligent black man.

Obama’s intelligence is much overrated. Whenever someone says how smart he is, and how fluent he is, the subtext is “for a black man”. Obama is smarter and more fluent than most whites, but not all that smart or fluent by the standards of the elite of which he is part. But he is smart enough to be non ludicrous as president, which is what the elite deeply wanted.

In the middle, there is a lot of overlap between blacks and whites, but at the extremes of the bell curve, very little overlap, that being the characteristic of a bell curve. This fact has been continual pain to the elite, and Obama soothes that pain. I think there is something funny about Ed Milbrand’s past, and something funny about him becoming leader of the labor party. There is something funny about Obama’s past, and something funny about him becoming Senator – but nothing funny about him becoming president. He met a need – a need among the elite for a black man that can legitimize affirmative action.

Black African races are heterogeneous, some, like the Tutsi, being pretty close to whites in intelligence and future orientation, some, like the Nigerian majority races, about two standard deviations below whites. So if you are trying to find a black that can fit into the elite without looking odd, have to go to Africa. You are unlikely to find what you are looking for in America.

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