Google and Facebook competing for an Obama cabinet slot Big corporations get bigger while smaller businesses disappear. Most regulation is impossible to comply with, and is intended to be impossible to comply with. You “comply†with it by getting favors from the state exempting you from compliance.
Google is evil
Google tells us Like other technology and communications companies, Google regularly receives requests from government agencies and courts around the world to hand over user data. Note that “government agencies and courtsâ€. No warrant needed. Google … provides government agencies with e-mail communications, documents, browsing activity, IP addresses used to create an account and other data when asked.
Google is evil
The official story for the shafting of General Petraeus is that: Central Intelligence Agency Director David Petraeus resigned after a probe into whether someone else was using his email led to the discovery that he was having an extramarital affair, according to several people briefed on the matter. A Federal Bureau of Investigation inquiry into use of Mr. Petraeus’s Gmail account led agents to believe the woman or someone close …
America was cooked a long time ago
A lot of people are saying that this election shows America is cooked. What this elections shows is that producers are now outvoted by gimmiedats, a change that happened between 2010 and 2012: The gimmiedats are mostly non asian minorities plus white sluts. Obama’s stimulus failed to stimulate, for the same reason as Britain’s austerity is not austere. It discouraged people from being producers, while encouraging them to become gimmiedats. …
The end state of democracy
President Camacho-The Economy from President Camacho Hat tip Fosetti
The damage caused by diversity
Diversity kills. Occidentalist has updated his survey of surveys. Despite radical social changes and a wide variety of testing regimes, American black IQ always tests out one standard deviation below American white IQ. Similar differences in character and criminal propensities are obvious. How big is one standard deviation?
Free email addresses
For as long as comments remain open on this post, you can get a free email address, such that any mail sent to will be forwarded to the address requested in your comment. I have discovered that yahoo does not like people registering email addresses by proxy, and google likes one true name to rule them all, insisting on it as part of the android operating system, among …
Vote Cthulhu
Why vote for the lesser evil? If you vote Democrat, you vote for the branch of the Cathedral’s public relations department that specializes in moving the left edge of the Overton window leftwards If you vote Republican, you vote for the branch of the Cathedral’s public relations department that specializes in moving the right edge of the Overton window leftwards. A vote for Romney will slow the destruction of the …
Origins of Leftism
Bruce Charlton, who is usually wise except when his religion gets in the way of reality, argues that the origins of the left are not in Christianity, but rather in secularism, that Christianity became corrupted into leftism by becoming secular, rather than secular because corrupted into leftism. He is wrong. Christianity really is to blame. First Christians became leftists, then, being leftists, became secularists. Christianity became corrupted, then became secular …
The Flaw in Moldbug’s proposed dictatorship.
Obviously democracy is not working, is failing catastrophically. The productive are outvoted by the gimmedats, in large part non asian minorities and white sluts. Moldbug’s solution is simple: Dictatorship, evolving into Monarchy. The dictator, he hopes and expects, will fire all government employees, except for military, police, and some tax collectors. What use are all the rest of them to a strong dictator? A good government is a stationary bandit, …