Google takes particular and exceptional interest in people with heretical views, as illustrated by the fact that people who post subversive material under their google accounts get special treatment, and special requests for identifying information.
Google is evil
Google has shut down my gmail, you tube account, google documents, and so on and so forth, until I give them a phone number at which I can be contacted – which is to say, until I give them a provable link to my true name. This did not come as a total surprise, so I have not lost anything important.
How to fire big bird
Romney has promised to defund the Public Broadcasting System. Reagan promised to defund the left, and did not seriously try it. If Reagan did not, what chance Romney? But if Romney is serious about it, which I doubt, here is how to do it: The Public Broadcasting System is, in large part, half a billion dollars paying media people to be left wing, which includes paying them to be nasty …
The Romney/Obama middle east policy
The major problem with Obama’s policy is that it is a progressive policy. By being nice to our enemies, and hateful to our friends, our enemies will supposedly come to love us. This policy has been tried from time to time over the last several thousand years, particularly by Christians towards Muslims over the last thousand years, with entirely predictable results. Though doubtless sincerely believed, it has in practice a …
the gimmedat party
Today, you can predict pretty accurately how someone will vote from which interest group she belongs to. I say “she”, not out of political correctness, but because this is most obvious for females. The gimmedat party is non whites and single white females. And it has a majority in the US. Thus, Obama and Romney pander to it to precisely equal degrees. This is the end state of democracy, for …
This video is racist Because reality is racist. “Everybody in Cleveland got Obamaphone. You minority, you low income, you disability …†The obamaphones are not paid by taxes, or printing money, or the US government borrowing from China. The phone companies are required to give obamaphones to people like this woman, so if you pay for your phone, you are also paying for someone like this woman, someone in the …
The Dark Enlightenment
The fundamental realization of the Dark Enlightenment is that all men are not created equal, not individual men, nor the various groups and categories of men, nor are women equal to men, that these beliefs and others like them are religious beliefs, that society is just as religious as ever it was, with an official state religion of progressivism, but this is a new religion, an evil religion, and, if …
No prophet mocking
They hate our freedom – and so do Obama and Clinton
“This video is disgusting and reprehensible,†Mrs. Clinton said in remarks at the State Department, broadcast live on CNN. Maybe she should not be telling people who murder ambassadors that they have perfectly good reasons for doing so, regardless of whether they do or they don’t.
Religion and reaction.
Fosetti criticizes Bruce Charlton’s claim that there are only three sides: Christianity, Islam and secular Leftism Obviously most Christians are secular leftists, in that they have chucked the Gospel overboard because of all those horribly reactionary bits commanding patriarchy and commanding toleration of all sorts of things that progressives are not supposed to tolerate, and in the process they have demoted Christ the redeemer to Jesus the community organizer. See …