John Corzine was the US Government, in the same sense, and to the same extent, as the Occupy Wall Street protestors are the US government. He stole his depositors money, and pissed it away, not on wine, women and song, nor on gambling on stocks nor horses, nor at the casino, nor on purchasing little boys for sexual purposes, but gambling on Greece. You know how the occupiers demand virtue …
Women drivers
Women drivers have more serious crashes than male drivers. Obviously sexism it to blame, and car manufacturers must be punished. Poor fragile women driving a car need more protection from evil men.
Next climategate installment.
Climategate 2011 From Watts up
Pepper spray theater
Observe that when the video begins, all the students obviously know that the designated group of pepper sprayees is going to be pepper sprayed, and everyone has taken their positions to spray, to be sprayed, or, for the great majority, to watch the spraying in the confident knowledge that only the designated evil bad guys will be spraying, and only the designated innocent victims at the designated spray point will …
The right is also left of reality
Alternative right correctly points out that Darwinism, which is to say reality, is far to the right of what either the mainstream left, or the mainstream right, dares think. but the science of human nature demolishes more than just bitchy feminism.
Paper precious metals start to evaporate
Gerald Celente purchased six figures worth of gold futures, with the intent of taking physical delivery He won’t be. Jim Willie tells us: The CME has advised that 1.42 million ounces of registered COMEX silver inventory is unavailable for delivery due to MF Global bankruptcy, as well as 16,645 registered ounces of gold also unavailable for delivery. He tells us that there will be naked shorting of gold, but it …
Police protect astroturf to obstruct Seattle traffic
The Seattle Times tells us that: Hundreds of demonstrators marched onto Seattle’s University Bridge Thursday halting traffic during the evening rush hour in one of several rallies nationwide for “Jobs Not Cuts.†You may ask: How did they manage to get “hundreds†to show up, and how could “hundreds” halt traffic?
Cops protecting the occupation
Observe the cops keeping the occupiers safe as the occupiers illegally confront, harass, and obstruct drivers. Without those cops, the occupiers would have been road kill.
Stultum facit fortuna
Consensus leads to the madness of crowds, not the wisdom of crowds. As we move to a society ruled by consensus, madness and evil prevails.
Real eviction for fake Occupy Denver
You can tell that when Occupy Denver was finally evicted, it was a real eviction (not a pretend eviction to be immediately followed by them being allowed back in as happened with Occupy Oakland) because this time, no Kent State Moment, no highly dramatic confrontation footage, no gigantic hordes of police dressed in maximum menace gear. Seems that when you actually evict the Occupiers, you don’t need nearly as many …