
Riot choreography

Supposedly, according to Associated Press “Port of Oakland reopens after Wall Street protesters remove blockade that had shut down operations overnight” They very much wish that Wall Street protestors had been able to shut down operations Supposedly there was a general strike in Oakland yesterday, a strike, which, however, strangely only affected city operations. But what in fact happened was revealed by the Police Association:


The lesson of Gaddafi

The brutal death of Gaddafi teachers all rulers a lesson:  Emulate Syria, Iran, and Turkey.  Obstinately continue to do bad things to Americans, do not give in.  Do not imitate Gaddafi, who stopped doing terrorism, backed off and went on his best behavior after Ronald Reagan killed various members of Gaddafi’s family.  Still less should you emulate Egypt, and be an American ally.


More astroturf riots in Greece.

At one minute fifty seconds in this you tube video, a man carrying a burning molotov cocktail rushes up to police. They don’t react. He hurls it onto the ground, not at them, but right in front of himself. There is a huge spectacular whoosh as burning petrol sprays everywhere. They react only slightly. He runs away. They don’t chase him. They act as if they knew in advance that …