

A conservative blog by an anonymous right wing academic announced that it had been suppressed, shortly after he was outed. And then, predictably, the announcement of censorship was itself censored.


Herman Cain: Not the affirmative action candidate

Because Herman Cain has black accent, and tends to use simple sentences to express himself, while Barack Hussein Obama has a ruling class accent, I initially got the impression that Obama was smarter.  I should have known better. Herman Cain will answer tricky questions extempore.  No teleprompter for him.  Who then is smarter?   He has lots of facts at his fingertips.   If someone expresses himself simply, it is apt to …


Andrew Bolt convicted of heresy and impiety

Andrew Bolt was convicted for impugning various people by accusing them of being white, merely because they and their parents on both sides were physically and culturally white.  This (calling people white) has been declared to be a racist insult. Having created special privileges for black people, many of our ruling elite naturally declared themselves to be of the privileged caste, though few of them have ever been close enough …

global warming

“Arctic ice hits near record low”

“Arctic ice hits near record low, Threatening Wildlife” Since we have been observing the total ice area for thirty years, on average, assuming that there is no long term warming trend, arctic ice will hit a near record low one year out of ten. But, of course, there are two poles, so in one year out of five either arctic or antarctic ice will hit a near record low. And …


Herman Cain is front runner for Republican Presidential nomination

Governor Romneycare is, or was, the establishment Republican nominee.  When his campaign turned out to be dead on arrival, Rick Perry was the emergency backup establishment republican nominee.  But Herman Cain now leads 28% to 17% Herman Cain has from the beginning been the main Republican Republican nominee.  Back in May I said “It is a long, long way to the 2012 presidential elections, but they are Herman Cain’s to …


The astroturf arrives to “Occupy Wall Street”

Until yesterday, the movement to occupy Wall Street was genuine, with a handful of lunatics and a few homeless hippies who had lost their way to the 1969 San Francisco love in.  The hilariously tiny turnout, and the general level of idiocy, was an embarrassment to the left, revealing that the left is not a mass movement, but an elite movement, that the left is merely the voice of the …


Palin surges

Palin’s poll numbers are shooting up. Although her speech on crony capitalism seemed to go right over the audience’s heads, since then the party faithful have been banging away on message, and it looks like it is penetrating.  Zombie’s cartoon should explain crony capitalism to anyone. Maybe democracy can work against crony capitalism.  Democracy tends to self destruct in massive vote buying, as tax consumers outnumber taxpayers, but should not …


Zombie reports the day of rage

Zombie reports the day of rage.  All the pictures showing them marching down the street, symbolically confronting capitalist institutions, and so forth, show a group of less than twenty, but there is also a photograph of hundreds of people gathered in a park listening to a speech, which gathering looked genuine enough, not much indication of astroturfing.