
No one shows up for Day of rage.

Less than a dozen protestors showed up for the promised day of rage at wall street. Either people are not enraged, or, more likely, they decline to swallow the story that Fanny, Freddie, the FHA, and the rest of the government alphabet soup now merged into FHFA were poor innocent victims led astray by the manipulations of their evil wall street partners.


Crony Capitalism

Palin’s brilliant speech on Crony Capitalism seemed to go right over the heads of most of the voters, but the party faithful understood it, and now this talking point is being used to hammer Obama at every opportunity. After it has been repeated one thousand times, the voters might well get it.


Lets roll

On 2001, September the 11th, on United Airlines Flight 93: At 9:27am, Tom Burnett called his wife, reporting the hijacking. She informed him of the attack on the two towers, from which he concluded the hijackers intended to fly them into a building.


NGO astroturf

NGO stands for “Non Government Organization”. The butcher and the baker do not call themselves non government organizations, because they actually are non government organizations.  Any organization that calls itself a non government organization turns out in practice to be largely a government organization.  It follows therefore, that an NGO is a government doing something evil.