
Nullius in Verba

Checking the Royal Society website I find that the old translation, “take no one’s word for it”, which had mysteriously disappeared from the website, has mysteriously returned. But That it demands that evidence be presented by one side is rather less impressive if it continues to object to the other side also presenting evidence.

global warming

Climategate 2

The climategate letters, programs, and datafiles show a systematic and repetitious pattern of hiding and falsifying inconvenient data, cherry picking, self deception, and replacing peer review with theological review of the holy synod.  It is worth examining particular incidents from this sorry story in detail. When considering one particular such incident, you should keep in mind that each such incident is not an isolated bad apple.  Rather, the climate gate …


climategate 1

“Hide the decline” In this scandal, we see antiscientific attitudes of the IPCC, the big government branch of the big science conspiracy Hadley CRU, a coalition of big government and big science to take control of your life, with the intent of preventing you from making a living in an “unsustainable” way. And if the earth cannot support so many people “sustainably”, that is your problem, not their problem. The …


Against Libertarian Imperialism

Faré on Distributed Republic criticizes the Rothbardians for supporting the enemies of their country. Many libertarians, after Rothbard, start from the correct assumption that one’s government is one’s first and most direct enemy, to the conclusion that one should always side with the enemies of one’s current oppressor. Rothbardians are wrong in supporting our enemies and the government is right to do something about them, the trouble is that the …

global warming

Nailing the coffin lid shut on warmist alarmism

Constantinople has summarized the debate for me in private email. People in authority are reading the blogs, and acting on them, but we are seeing the warming alarmists making the “just one sexed up graph” argument – similar to the argument that Uri Keller only bent some spoons with his hands, but all the other spoons he bent with is mind shows he really is magical, and Chomsky only made …

global warming

Bishop Hill’s list of interesting Hadley CRU files

Bishop Hill has a list of Hadley CRU files he finds particularly interesting.  They are mostly good stuff but have zero overlap with the files I find particularly interesting.  It is going to take a while to digest sixty two megabytes.  It will be some time before we realize what of this revelation truly matters. To me, the relevant question is not whether global warming true, but whether alarmists been …

global warming

A first look at the internal climate emails

Rather than reading for data that discredits particular erroneous results, a task that Steve and his crew can do much better than I can, I study the papers to reveal evil and madness, to reveal the cause of error, rather than specific particular errors. The Anthropogenic Global Warmers know in advance the results of peer review that is not yet done.  They also know in advance what the decisions of …

global warming

Global warming fraud goes public

An unknown person posted a large amount of internal files from allegedly from CRU, which huge collection has become known as The Hadley CRU file set To understand all this stuff, you need to know lots of climate science. I have only just started to go through this huge pile. The original ftp server dropped the file (being stolen material and so on and so forth) and all those old …


The cause of the crisis 4-3

In the cause of the crisis, I addressed fraudulent ratings. Bill draws my attention to a report on securitized loans issued by the New York Fed in which they examine the somewhat surprising ratings given to New Century Financial: You might consider blogging this absolutely hilarious paper from a couple of people at the New York Fed. The good stuff starts on page 14, where we learn about a typical …


Finally, pirates resisted

Somali pirates attacked the Maersk Alabama on Wednesday for the second time in seven months and were “thwarted by private guards”. It appears that “thwarted” actually means “killed”, which is the only effectual way to “thwart” pirates. This will have the effect that pirates will cease to attack ships flying the American flag, which a considerably better result than I expected with Obama in charge. This action by captain Rochford …