
Kabul has fallen

It has not quite officially fallen yet, at least not officially as I post, but this is normality bias, plus the fact that it is taking a while for the Taliban leadership to move from Pakistan to Kabul. Due to normality bias, six thousand US troops are due to arrive, and six hundred British troops are arriving, which could result in interesting events, as official reality encounters actual guns, in …


It is just the flu, bro

We have big programs for monitoring flu. And it has “disappeared”. Nah, it is not that flu is being deliberately misdiagnosed as Corona. Rather, it is the other way around. Corona is being deliberately named as not just another flu in order to sound scarier. Which, now that governments have generally abandoned programs of large scale iatrogenic murder by ventilator, is killing only about the same number of people as …


The parable of the Wicked Vinedressers

Don’t worry. This not going to turn into a Christian blog. The Dark Enlightenment is about material and effective causation and falsifiable truths. But the Dark Enlightenment is also about religion, largely because we are trapped in a holiness spiral, and a holiness spiral that is increasingly becoming demon worship. The parable of the Wicked Vinedressers tells us that “Judeo-Christianity” is a hostile Jewish entryist movement against Christianity, just a …


The Clot Shot.

It is early days yet, but it should be showing up in the death statistics. Has not killed that many so far, though it has killed far more than a normal vaccine. Official truth is that only a thousand or so people have died after vaccination, not all them for reasons likely to be vaccine related. This data seems unlikely to be true, but it is probably not a huge …


Obesity, nutrition, and spiritual pollution

We have three massive epidemics of ill health: Obesity, low and falling testosterone in males, low and falling sperm production in males, and abnormally high, and abnormally early, very early, levels of androgens in females. It is killing vastly more people than the holy Corona Demon. Almost every older male is diabetic. (I don’t know about women because I don’t hang out or talk much to old obese women. I …


The ISI, with the help of America, defeated America.

The Taliban exists because Pakistan sponsors it. Since Pakistan has nukes, everyone preferred to not notice this. Lieutenant General Hamid Gul, Pakistani Military intelligence, the ISI, accurately foresaw what is now happening in Afghanistan as I post this: when Afghanistan’s history came to be written, it would record that the ISI, with the help of America, defeated the Soviet Union. And next, historians would record that the ISI, with the …


The spike protein is cytotoxic

We have seen a holiness spiral on China flu. Initial medical treatment was catastrophic, resulting in a huge number of iatrogenic deaths. Which of course cast doubt on priestlyness of the medical profession. The resulting conflict was not at first left right aligned, but every conflict gets assimilated to the left right conflict, and the left naturally took the priestly side, forcibly suppressing effective low tech treatments for China flu, …


Mate guarding game

The common wisdom in the manosphere is that mate guarding in hopeless: “She’s not yours, it was just your turn” Even though a minority of men do get laid, laid by the overwhelming majority of women, none of them get what men actually want. This is the black pill and the council of despair. It also happens to be overwhelmingly true in our society. Owning a woman, in our society, …


Make women property again

Women are different. Very different. This is not a game post. This post is about the application of Game and Evolutionary Game Theory to religion and political organization. If you look at the landscapes we create everywhere, it is apparent that we long for our ancestral savannah, the lightly treed environment we entered when we came down from the trees and stood off the lions. And women long for their …


Free Software Foundation pushes back

I am a fan of the Gnu development environment, ./configure && make && make install, and a subscriber to the Free Software Foundation. And for a long time my emails from the Free Software Foundation have had only the most superficial connection to free software, and are primarily about the fact that everyone like me is evil and need to go because we oppress women and nams. Also my hatefulness …