The basic religious impulse behind global warming is that technology and industrial civilization is a creation of whites, males, and capitalists, and primarily a creation of white male capitalists, therefore must be evil. The political impulse behind global warming, its strategic value for the blue empire was that the replacement people were largely concentrated in blue coastal federal electorates, thus wasting their votes, so the blue empire wanted to move …
Collapse of Building Seven
Since World Trade Tower Building seven is the most decisive evidence that the collapse of the towers was, as it seemed, the work of terrorists equipped with boxcutters, the troofers manipulatively announce it to be their strongest evidence to the contrary. Building Seven begins its fall like a tree, falling sideways towards the holes blasted by the plane on the south Side, and the fires started by the plane on …
The NPC plague
For a long time I have been urging the left to engage in dialogue with us. I complain that they will neither listen to us nor speak to us, and that this will end in war, and mass murder. Well, suddenly they have started to talk at us, with leftist NPCs showing up on reactionary blogs and lecturing right wingers on twitter and facebook. Listening, not so much. Their stuff …
Open letter to Linus
When an open source project goes social justice it dies. It suffers the same transformation we see in entertainment intellectual properties like Star Wars. Identify a respected institution. kill it. gut it. wear its carcass as a skin suit, while demanding respect When a stem activity, such as open source, goes social justice, then its job gets redefined as showing that women, blacks, and Muslims are capable of stem by …
We are all comicsgate
Ethan Van Sciver sues Vox Day for personal ownership of the comicsgate brand. This is pissing inside the tent, and is likely to result in social justice warriors taking over comicsgate, since judges will rule in favor of social justice without regard for merit. Whosoever pisses inside the tent is my enemy, for if he sues Vox Day, likely will sue me. As the Comicsgate Wiki rightly tell us: ComicsGate …
No perceptible global warming.
It is plausible that the world has warmed very slightly – but in any one location, if we count the number of unusually cold events, anomalous snowfalls, and the like, and compare with the number of unusually warm events, we are just as likely to get more cold events and less warm events in recent times than the converse. To detect global warming, you have to average over the entire …
And another one bites the dust
The American empire, aka anti American Empire, aka The international community, aka rule by rootless childless cosmopolitans with no future and no past, is in retreat. Having lost Russia, Poland, Hungary, and Philippines, it just took another body blow in Australia. A shark has to keep swimming, or it will drown, and the ever increasing holiness of the left has to keep knocking over new applecarts, or else there will …
Manafort trial
Manafort’s alleged crimes are boring. The permanent government’s openly criminal reaction to the possibility of an acquittal is entertaining. It is looking increasingly possible that Manafort will be acquitted, largely because his alleged crimes are obscure violations of complicated laws that are as difficult to understand as they are to comply with, so not everyone in the jury is likely to be able to keep straight what he is supposed …
The optics of noticing
There is a lot of bad female behavior. It gets worse as they get older, but it starts very young indeed, typically around four years below fertile age, with a great deal of variance, much more variance than occurs in males. People complain that when I notice sexual misbehavior in very young girls, that this is “bad opticsâ€. I say that there is severe and widespread female misconduct getting right …
The reactionary program for the coming civil war
The reactionary program is fallen governance for a fallen world: Immanentizing the Eschaton is the progressive program, it is the opposite of the reactionary program. Whosoever claims that the truest and most pure reaction will Immanentize the Eschaton is a progressive entryist, like those telling Muslims that Islam is the religion of peace, therefore the truest Islam is something that is suspiciously progressive sounding, like those telling Christians that single …