Dark Maga is described by the legacy media as an aesthetic, rather than a political ideology, political program, or a political faction. They just don’t get it, because the left cannot meme. Dark Maga is not just an aesthetic, it is a meme. And memes are not political ideologies or political factions either, but they are instruments that the meme magicians use to promote ideas that connect to systems of …
Calling the dip
The bell is ringing. Last time around, I called the 2022 dip slightly too soon when bitcoin was at twenty thousand, then called it again, more firmly and with greater confidence, when it was at sixteen thousand, which was dead on accurate. The current dip is sixty thousand or so. I may have called it a little too late, bitcoin was recently at fifty eight thousand, and is now at …
State of the Ukraine war
About eight months ago I said that the Ukraine was starting to crumble, and the war would likely end in summer. Well, summer is over, and the Ukraine still stands, but is now crumbling a whole lot faster. Hat tip Defense Politics Asia: Russia is still fighting a war of attrition, and will probably continue to do so, for whenever they try war of manoeuvre, get hammered. But war of …
Relief Fund for Hurricane Helene Victims
This an ad for a worthy cause. https://www.givesendgo.com/GDEF6 This relief fund is being organised by Carson Ford Brooks, who, unlike most people involved in Hurricane Helene relief solicitations has no history of grifting, so when he says “We are internally fundraising for our own travel, lodging, and food expenses. We are bringing our own equipment. Absolutely ALL of the funds received will go directly toward supplies for the victims and …
Communist Lesbian Space Witches
Video and game producers have been going woke and going broke. Step one: Purchase a deeply loved Intellectual Property with a huge die hard loyal fan base. Step two: Update it for “modern audiences” — which is to say, stick a chick in it and make it gay. Step three: Prior to release, tell the die hard loyal fan base they are vile hateful scum who should go away and …
War internal and/or external, and/or democide internal
For a very long time I have been predicting war internal and/or external, and/or democide internal for around 2025. Twelve years ago I updated this prediction to sometime around 2026. As yet I see no reason to further modify that prediction, though I have a track record for making predictions on Musk time. We are now a whole lot closer to war external, the imminent fall of Ukraine is likely …
Ukraine still crumbling
Five months ago I said “Ukraine begins to crumble” and said it has about six months or so of men and material left, but cautiously qualified that incautious prediction by adding that I am endlessly surprised by the Ukraine’s ability to scrape up more men and material. Well, it is now crumbling considerably faster, but does not look like it is going to fall in a month. Russia has been …
Definition of left and right
Leftism starts with envy and covetousness. Covetousness is that someone wants to knock over the apple cart to grab some apples. Envy is he just want to knock over the apple cart because he does not have one. And, given that there are people who want to knock over the applecart, easier and safer to knock it over as part of a gang. So, priests: Someone comes up with a …
Nazis are commies
And commies are Nazis, near as makes no difference to anyone who is not a Nazi or a commie This is evident today in the seeming odd alignment of Ukrainian Nazis and State Department Jews, but was obvious enough to Papen in his Marburg speech. Every time, always, everywhere, leftism gets ever lefter, ever more lethal, ever faster, until it is stopped by large scale deadly violence originating from a …
State of the war
Wars happen because some people expect one outcome, and others expect a different outcome. So prediction is hard, for if it was easy, the war would likely have been avoided, though as the war goes on, and on, and on, becomes easier. Due to fog of war, hard to know what is happening now, or has happened recently, But after a while, it becomes obvious what did happen, which gives …