
In favor of a repressive state religion:

We anthropomorphize the Cathedral as a person or a conspiracy.  Such anthropomorphizing is a good approximation for corporations, since they make considerable efforts to make the approximation true – by concentrating all power in the CEO, and then delegating power from the CEO. However, the cathedral is rather a bunch of conspiracies, and its direction is determined by entropic forces akin to enthalpy, rather than a sinister and clever plan. …


Externalities of IQ

“Hive mind” is in error by comparing the individual correlation between income and IQ with the national correlation. Correlations are dimensionless quantities, and we need a quantity with dimension “increase in income per IQ point” From Scott’s graph of income by IQ decile, I conclude that within a nation, individual income increases by a factor of 1.024 per IQ point, that for IQs in the normal range, average income for …


James Deen rape and porn

The very Jewish and quite politically correct pornographer James Deen has been accused by eight female porn stars of raping them. The accusations are all obviously false in that none of the pornstars are bringing charges or suing him, probably because he has videotapes of most of the “rapes”. What is obviously happening here is that pornstars realize that they are hurt, humiliated, degraded, and their souls are being destroyed, …

party politics

Trump has a good chance

I, and Trump, have always expected that at some point the Cathedral would change the rules to block him because racism. But now it looks as if they are comfortable with him as Republican candidate, because supposedly Hillary can beat him. Hillary is a stupid drunken carpet munching bitch.  No matter what polls may say, people are only saying they will vote for Hillary because they know that that is …


Technological decay

I have long argued, and commenters on this blog have long been disputed, that science died shortly after World War II, replaced by official state religion wearing lab coats as priestly robes, and using test tubes as aspersoria for holy water. The age of science began with the Restoration and the Royal Society.  The Royal Society’s motto was “Take no one’s word for it”.   Feynman, in his address “What is …


How to genocide inferior kinds in a properly Christian manner.

Christianity, or perhaps Churchianity, tends to endorse suicidal collective behaviors. Progressives and Christians eagerly strive to outdo each other in how thoroughly they get cuckolded. Note how Christians and progressives both demonstrate superior holiness by adopting subsaharan blacks – who tend to grow into adult subsaharan blacks, with consequences as disturbing as adopting a baby chimpanzee. I have not yet noticed Christians imitating the progressives by adopting male children and …


Yes, the US did treacherously stab Russia in the back over Syria.

Russia informed the US approximately when and where Russia would be bombing terrorists, as part of their agreement to avoid incidents over Syria that might lead to World War III. According to Russia’s account, shortly before the pre-announced Russian bombing near the border, Turkey put up two F16s which loitered near the border, awaiting the bombing run near the border. When the bombing began, one of the Turkish F16s crossed …


Recap on NATO shooting down a Russian jet and murdering the pilot

A Russian Jet that was flying over Syria at the invitation and with the permission of the Syrian government was bombing Turks in Syria. While bombing Turks in Syria, was shot down by Turkey, which is part of NATO. Allegedly the jet strayed slightly inside Turkey, but it was shot down over Syria, the wreckage landed inside Syria, the pilots landed inside Syria, and the pilots were murdered inside Syria. …


Yet another PC outrage, again

point deer, make horse, 指鹿为马. Lately there has been some hand wringing about how freedom of speech in Academia has just been killed. Bollocks. Academics have been terrified, servile, docile, and submissive since the middle of the nineteenth century. The purpose of political correctness is to humiliate and degrade by demanding that people accept an obvious lie, thus demonstrating who has the power and who shall submit. Every so often …


Yes, all Muslims are like that

Turks celebrate Paris attack Turks boo and chant during moment of silence for Paris. Not all Muslims will kill you, just as not all Christians will turn the other cheek, but if he will not kill you, he is not being a good Muslim. In this case, the no true scotsman fallacy is no fallacy, since killing infidels is required by the Koran. If he is not murdering innocents and …