Radix observes the panic on the left when Rachel Dolezal was revealed as transracial, wearing chocolate covered makeup over her naturally fair skin, dieing her blond straight hair black and curling it into tiny tight curls. Melissa Harris-Perry, once called “America’s foremost public intellectual†by one of her fellow affirmative action scholars, had real terror in her eyes as she desperately tried to reconcile “transracial†people with “transgenders†without an …
Anti slavery people were evil from the beginning
Anti slavery people were always evil scum, and the modern left walks in their evil and hateful footsteps. The Africa Association was founded to explore and economically develop africa. It came completely under the control of anti slavery people, and changed its purpose to opposing slavery and humanizing blacks, showing that the left were entryists back then as they are now. The Africa Association launched a lawsuit against the Hottentot …
Libertarians support ethnic cleansing of whites
The libertarian position has always been to go with the left on everything except economic leftism. As the left abandons economic leftism, and at the same time goes lefter and lefter, this leaves libertarians indistinguishable from leftists, and libertarians going lefter and lefter. And as the left goes frothing at the mouth batshit insane, the libertarians froth with equal enthusiasm. The highest point of absurdity so far is Reason magazine …
Into Darkness
Dalrymple reviews the poor sexual choices of an underclass woman, Tina Nash, who lived a very nice lifestyle on aid to her neglected absolutely fatherless children. She was into horseback riding, possessed disc-jockey equipment costing $3,200 had a car, had a 42-inch plasma television in her living room while her children could watch a second TV in their bedroom. Two conclusions are obvious from his review: Poverty is not caused …
On utilitarianism
I, you, and a couple of friends discover that a railroad bridge has been crucially weakened, and if a train goes over it, the train will fall. A train with a thousand people in it, a thousand strangers none of us have ever met, is rattling down the line to bridge. One among us has his dog with him. If he ties his dog to the tracks the dog will …
Degentrification is ethnic cleansing of whites. The politically correct account of the inner cities is that white people made them into shitholes in order to hurt black people. But, if you look at the ruins, there are a bunch of really nice buildings which were obviously once inhabited by the better sort of people, middle class whites, upper class whites. What happened of course, is that in the 1950s and …
Rohingya terrorist problem
You may have heard that there are over a million poor stateless victimized Rohingya that our do gooders want to move into first world countries to vote for more leftism. And indeed it is true that they are poor stateless and victimized. But a big part of the reason that they are poor, stateless, and victimized, is that they believe that Muslims should live under Muslim rule, and to this …
Psychopathy is an anticoncept
Thumotic proposes that “psychopathy” is an anti concept, created to make men weak. The definition of psychopathy combines traits that are unlikely to be correlated, for example 1: the ability to endure stress and danger calmly, and the propensity to lie casually without regard to the long term consequences. 2: the propensity to act vigorously and competently in pursuit of goals and the lack of realistic, long-term goals The concept …
Taleb refutes Pinker on war
A long time back I criticized Pinker’s “better angels of our nature”, arguing that he mistakes leftism for progress and goodness, arguing that criminal violence by citizens against each other is at extraordinarily high levels, that state violence against citizens in the form of imprisonment and policing is at levels unprecedented except when a state is crushing a hostile enemy population in a condition of war or near war, and …
The moron elite
Twenty two out of twenty three Harvard grads could not explain why the earth gets hotter in summer and cooler in winter. So I asked my cleaning lady, who has received no science education whatsoever, and very little education. She replied that the days were longer in summer and shorter in winter. I then prompted her “Why are they longer in summer and shorter in winter?”, to which she correctly …