In the recent release of the Mac operating system: If you set up an email that does not belong to Apple, the OS phones your email domain home to Apple to help them dox you. No matter who you use a search provider, the browser reports your search strings to Apple
Silk Road 2.0 goes down
“This hidden site has been seized” We are going to need a heavily decentralized solution, so that if a relatively small number of nodes get shut down or taken over by law enforcement, the network continues to function correctly, and, because no single node is central, no single node has traffic patterns that make it stand out. The Tor hidden site system will always fail if a hidden site generates …
Emmet Till was not lynched, but he should have been.
You tube video of white woman walking for ten hours through the vibrant part of town. Numerous catcalls and numerous menacing pickup attempts, 108 catcalls and crude and menacing pick up attemps, one every six minutes, all of them from vibrants. You tube video of white woman walking for ten hours through the white part of town. A few stares, mostly from vibrants, no catcalls, and two courteous pick up …
Inner Party always wins
The tea party, upon being elected, deems it impossible to repeal obamacare, despite the fact that it is unpopular, about to become more unpopular with startling price rises, and that it was quite popular to run against obamacare. Meanwhile, in a move that has absolutely no connection to obamacare, we are seeing a movement to publicize sedative overdose as a peaceful happy death. It generally is not. The dying person …
Don’t vote. It only encourages them
You will undoubtedly hear that the election is nail bitingly close. That is a lie. To sustain the illusion of a two party state, large numbers of Democrats are elected as republicans. They reliably vote Democrat whenever it matters. Observe, for example, the “bipartisan” budget passed by the supposedly Republican controlled house. And what is the issue of the election? Once in a while Republicans point out that Obama is …
tasmanian aboriginal skull
At least that is what the article says, though maybe they photographed a Neanderthal skull in error. On the other hand, Erectus walks among us gives an example of an almost equally primitive looking aboriginal skull, and suggests that our most recent common ancestor with the Australian aboriginals is not very recent. The difference seems to be at least as great, as the difference between a human skull and a …
Race and species
One of the many politically incorrect aspects of Darwinism is that races are the origin of species. There is no objective way of distinguishing a large race difference from a small species difference, any more than one can distinguish a large hill from a small mountain. To say that two closely related kinds are two races of the same species, or two distinct species is a fact about scientific terminology, …
Gamergate and corruption
Gawker media’s primary audience is nerds. Their primary income comes from advertisers, who pay them to show ads to nerds. And this is what Gawker has to say about nerds. Ultimately GamerGate is reaffirming what we’ve known to be true for decades: nerds should be constantly shamed and degraded into submission Upon receiving a hostile reaction from their audience: @hamiltonnolan @Based_Tet@max_read Max just told me I’m getting a raise because …
Why women ruin everything
Dalrock complaints that women ruin everything. They want to enter male spaces and make the space feminine, as a power play, not out of any interest in the things of value in that male space, which they inevitably destroy. This is a key issue in gamergate, where feminists demand that the games should be no fun and no one should play them. Women want to rule, even though it makes …
The reason that women need to be subordinated for successful reproduction
Examining difference in fertility, it is clear that fertility is primarily controlled by female status relative to their husbands. The more women are subordinated, the higher the fertility. Japan is a good test case. Not only did fertility dramatically drop when General McArthur emancipated women, but in feudal Japan, fertility among high status families was below replacement when women were high status, indicated by upward mobility and room at the …