Read it and weep If still in doubt, watch the video For a lot of men, game is not all that effective. This is because the major part of game is to superficially appear to be high status, as women perceive status, which is very different from how men perceive status, and it is simply hard to appear to be high status. One’s subconscious shoots one down, resulting in incongruent …
Very minor outbreak of democracy
Elections are about goodies. Even more obamaphones for all. No money down mortgages for minorities. One might hope that republican primaries might be conducted on a slightly higher level. In the recent primary, Eric Cantor campaigned that he was going to bribe the voters with their own stolen money, while David Brat campaigned on issues that have overwhelming support – campaigned against immigration, against crony capitalism, and against Obamacare. Just …
The best of slavery, and the worst of abolitionism
Let us compare the best of slavery with the worst of abolitionism. In the West Indies, free blacks were apt to be re-enslaved: If found with no visible means of support, would be sent to the workhouse, on the assumption that otherwise they would be stealing or starving or very likely both. The workhouse would then attempt to find owners for them, but often these were blacks with problems. The …
The Christian right – is left.
There are few good Christians, darkly enlightened, neoreactionary: Among them are Dalrock and Sunshine Mary. I really am not aware of many others that blog, or used to blog. If a Christian is to the left of Saint Paul on female subordination or slavery, he is holier than Saint Paul. If holier than Saint Paul, no friends to the right, no enemies to the left. An atheist reactionary could have …
Official Reactionary Position
If I meet a tranny in person or on video disguised as a woman, I am apt to vomit. This does not mean that I refrain from text or audio conversation with a tranny. I do, however, refer to trannys as “he” or “him”, and when I hear someone using the other term, it puts me off my food. A someone who has frequently been nominated for the as yet …
Technological decline
Konkvistador has drawn my attention to the Pu238 shortage. We stopped making Pu238 in 1988 You need Pu238 for nuclear batteries. The 2006 New Horizons mission to Pluto and the Kuiper belt was launched without enough Pu238 to keep all its equipment live during the Pluto flyby, and without enough Pu238 to do its Kuiper belt mission, from which I conclude that since 2011 we have been totally completely flat …
Words that are lies
A word should refer to an essence, a natural kind, and normal words do. Suppose we had a word that referred to roast pork and fried chicken, but not to other foods. This would imply that roast pork and chicken were the same essence, the same natural kind, which of course they are not. So when you have a word that does not refer to a natural kind, that word …
falling testosterone
For the past thirty years, testosterone has been falling at about one percent a year. This is about the same rate of decline as that produced by aging after the age of forty. So a forty year old male today has about the same testosterone levels as a seventy year old male had in 1984. This is a change sufficient to produce a massive decline in interest in sex, and …
Elliot Roger murders
The first time Elliot Rodger hit on a girl, she gave him a mighty harsh shit test, and he completely fell apart. From the fact that that his first shit test was the only one he complained about, I deduce he never exposed himself to the danger of a second one, that he was scarred for life, and never again made any real attempt to hit on a girl, and was …
Improbable caring as an indicator of evil
No one cares about far away strangers, still less about far away strangers very different from themselves. Claims to do so are lies or self deception. People near one are always the big threat. So if one wants to destroy everyone near one, one justifies it by piously announcing love for those far away.