Prosperity is not the problem. Many great nations have declined before we did, showing much the same symptoms as we are showing, and none of them were as prosperous as eighteenth century America. I suggest the root of civilization is patriarchy. Firstly, patriarchy with monogamy gives men posterity, and civilization is what men build for posterity. In a society where most men do not have children or do not know …
The decline of sperm production
Today’s average male has sperm production and sperm motility considerably lower than when these were first recorded, the data least subject to systematic error being sperm counts from couples tested for infertility where the infertility was subsequently determined to be due to the female. It has been in decline over the last seventy years. Testosterone levels have also fallen substantially. Changes in obesity and other factors do not explain the …
I predict no riots in Seminole County
The press have been calling on blacks to riot in the event of a Zimmerman acquittal Assorted black leaders have been calling on blacks to riot in the event of a Zimmerman acquittal. We have a full Zimmerman acquittal, somewhat to my surprise, since I expected an all female jury to do whatever the judge signals she wants them to do, which in this case was to convict Zimmerman of …
Radish explains what racism means
This is an old post of Radish’s, but it took a while to sink in, so now I summarize it. Radish is replacing Moldbug, with lengthy, slow essays, that marshal all the facts without clearly pushing the conclusion, leaving a mental time bomb to slowly detonate as the implications slowly dawn. Racism, racist, etc are new words. We did not have them before 1930 or so (earlier sightings in google …
Why gay marriage is not
Why Gay Marriage is not One of the gay couple had a son by artificial insemination, the couple adopted the child, became poster boys for Gay Marriage “Two Dads are Better Than Oneâ€, and proceeded to use him sexually, and rent him out to their friends. Now someone will say “Not All Gays are Like Thatâ€, but all the gays I know are like that, and when the progressive media …
Marriage, supply and demand
The old deal, legally enforced before 1857, and socially enforced before 1960, was that a man got: The role of head of household. Marriage for life. Not to be denied sex by his wife. A bride who gives him her youth, virginity, and submission. This gave all males a powerful incentive to build civilization for their posterity, to invest in the future and in themselves. The deal has been endlessly …
GDP and lies
When a government moves left, it damages the economy. When it moves left far enough and fast enough, this becomes embarrassing, so it lies about the economy. North Korea, Cuba, and Argentina are infamous examples of this, the Soviet Union used to be an infamous example. Lately the USA has been understating inflation and overstating real GDP growth. How far out of contact with reality have things gone?
The real charge against Zimmerman
Supposedly, the state’s theory is that Zimmerman followed Trayvon, jumped him, beat him up, then shot him. Of course no one believes this. When the prosecution questions prosecution witnesses, they make no attempt to support their supposed theory. Every prosecution witness bar one, while being questioned by the prosecution, has shot down that purported theory one way or another. It is clear from the prosecution witnesses while being questioned by …
Racism explained
Yet another excellent post by Radish. All whites are racist. Only whites can be racist. Therefore all whites need to be attacked and beaten up – starting of course, with someone like a small woman who cannot and will not fight back. This post categorized under culture rather than politics, because politics implies that there is some conflict and disagreement on the issue, whereas culture refers to universally shared and …
The left devour their own
In the latest re-run of Racefail09, Barry Malzberg and Mike Resnick are being demonized for insufficient leftism – primarily Barry Malzberg, previously a leading leftist of Science Fiction, who, in his younger days, was substantially influential in imposing the then new and rigidly boring political orthodoxy on science fiction and fantasy. Now in their seventies, they failed to quite keep up with the latest orthodoxy, falling two or three years …