
The total absence of a manosphere schism

Lately a bunch of people have been complaining about a schism in the manosphere.  Roosh dissed everyone except pick up artists, which upset lots of people.  But Roosh’s complaint was that men without lots of experience with lots of women are poor sources of advice about women, which is trivially true.  Dalrock is good as a source of truth about women, but Heartiste is better, even if you approve of …


The time approaches for a Sulla or a Monck

In a tranquil and orderly society a bunch of high status males work things out between themselves by means far short of actual violence, hence are “gentlemen”.  These gentlemen then present a unified and extremely violent front against outsiders.  Over time, their arrangement is apt to break down, their unified front against ungentle means of advancement dissipates, and it becomes increasingly possible to get ahead within the elite by using …


On Funding Science

Funding science is not a job that government can do, due to diseconomies of scale, and because government is inherently a religious organization.  It winds up funding pseudo science, thus damaging real science.  The patron has to know and appreciate that field that he is patronizing, and has to personally gain status from the success of his clients.  Otherwise he has the wrong incentives and the wrong knowledge, so patronizes …


The history of leftism against freedom

Today’s state is the left, and the left is the state, as is apparent when one traces the funding of Occupy astroturf to itself. Recapping Moldbug on the history of the left: If we trace back the American left through the years, decades and centuries, we find the roots of today’s distinctly anti Christian and disproportionately Jewish left were nominally Christians, the super protestants of the 1940s, who in turn …


The first rise and fall of the Left.

Before the English Civil war, the state was Throne and Altar, what we would now call the right.  The state maintained slavery, enforced official religion, and everyone was required to pretend to believe in the divine right of Kings, much as today everyone is with equal plausibility required to pretend to believe that women are equal to men. The English Civil war was intended to secure the rights of Englishmen, …


The last pope

Pope Benedict XVI was the last Roman Catholic Pope. It is unlikely that there will be any more. There will be people called popes, but they will be megaphones for progressivism, not Roman Catholicism. Progressivism is an entryist movement, the last major entryist movement standing, having fully assimilated the remaining communist movements. The progressive believes in Jesus the community organizer, Marx the moderate progressive, Mohammed the prophet of progressivism, Adam …


Keynsianism manufactures its own truth

Nigel asks: A problem is over-reliance on foreign work to produce goods. The jobs that are left here are service jobs and managerial jobs. … Did we get this way by free trade or by government intervention? In “Death of the Doctor”, the virtue of a character is proved by that character having traveled around protesting: …he’s picketing an oil rig… …you’re fighting oil barons and factories… Fighting factories. Not …


The Keynesian Fallacy

The Keynesian fallacy is not that Keynesians believe that governments can stimulate. Of course governments armed with fiat money can stimulate. Look at Argentina! Look at Zimbabwe! Look at the Wiemar Republic! The Keynesian fallacy is that Keynesians believe that turning labor into goods is easy, so excess demand will mop up excess labor, resulting in the expected level of production. Some of the conditions required to turn labor into …


Black privilege

Milhouse in esr’s comments linked to: On October 21st 2011 a burglary took place a few blocks from Krop Senior High School where Trayvon Martin attended. The stolen property outlined in the Miami-Dade Police Report (PD111021-422483) matches the descriptive presented by SRO Dunn in his School Police report 2011-11477. as a result of pressure from M-DSPD Chief Hurley to avoid criminal reports for black male students, Dunn wrote up the …


The cause of social decay

Prosperity is not the problem. Many great nations have declined before we did, showing much the same symptoms as we are showing, and none of them were as prosperous as eighteenth century America. I suggest the root of civilization is patriarchy. Firstly, patriarchy with monogamy gives men posterity, and civilization is what men build for posterity. In a society where most men do not have children or do not know …