The Crisis and Coup Thermidor

The most cohesive faction within the left wants to burn down the world in order to immanentize the Eschaton, and the kleptocracy does not want the world to burn. The kleptocrats want to steal it, not burn it, and are upset that their plan for stealing Russia and then China came unstuck. The old Clinton/Bush/Obama normal is heading towards an iceberg. Since the point of stealing the 2020 and 2022 elections was to restore the old uniparty normal, there is now substantial division within the elite on how to proceed. The old Bush normal is not coming back.

A small united group will always defeat a large internally divided group. Which normally results in the left getting ever lefter, and ever smaller, but I predicted Coup Thermidor eleven months ago and as I observed 23 days ago “coup Thermidor has gone through, and they are just waiting to hold an actually free and fair election to make it official and legal. Which does not mean that free and fair elections are back in style, but they will be held when convenient, and today is convenient for team Thermidor.”

Team Thermidor has been losing for two centuries, because inherently and naturally incohesive, because composed of not entirely sincere believers in leftism. Their faith is weak. This day Team Thermidor won. Still incohesive and weak in faith. Thermidor in power is fragile and apt to fall apart, while it is under assault from its right and from its left. Thermidor is apt to end in Caeserism. Caesar may be a rightist, a General Monck or a Deng, a leftist, whereupon the brief Thermidorean episode vanishes from history in a sea of blood, or a Thermidorean, like Stalin or Napoleon.

The organisation that stole the 2020 and 2022 elections could not get its act together this time around. Diversity, Equity, and inclusion is now a battlefield between the feminist lesbian left, the feminist left (which is massively losing) the trannie left, the black left, and so on and so forth. The brilliant Jewish strategy for reconquering Russia blew up in their faces, and left them without the logistic capability for the brilliant Jewish strategy for subjugating the middle east, whereupon the Jews turned on each other as usual. Israel is about to get pounded because American air defence systems have been blown up in the Ukraine. The radical brown left found genocide in Gaza a bit too much. The organisational core of the election stealing organisation was Jewish, and the Jews were running dead.

Stealing an election requires cover organised in advance from judges, media and law enforcement. Who have to agree on what the outcome of the election will be. Without such agreement, the stealing tends to distributed rather than centralised theft, half assed and small scale, incapable of containing a landslide. It also requires competence. Diversities cannot steal an election, and the radical core of the left is now diverse.

America needs a leader. It has not had one for one time. When Biden was appointed, he was a placeholder pending agreement on a leader. They could not agree

Everyone wants to resolve the crisis by some half assed not too drastic resolution. Trump is considering trying to restore non political justice by pardoning the obviously guilty Hunter Biden, a very Christian solution, but one likely to have the same outcome as Julius Caesar’s very similar measures after he was condemned to death in absentia.  Caesar repeatedly pardoned Brutus, and Brutus murdered Caesar.  Don’t do that.  I hope RFK Junior explains why to Trump.

Elections are broken, government regulation is grotesquely corrupt from top to bottom. RFK Junior’s complaints about vaccines, medications, and food ingredients are just particular cases of the general problem of corrupt regulation and corrupt administration of the law. Everything the government does is subject to the same ailments. The justice and policing system is entirely rotten from top to bottom and needs to be completely replaced. It is not just Republicans getting political justice, husbands, fathers, homeowners, and shopkeepers are getting political justice. The reason the big blue cities are dying is that if a shopkeeper is so insolent as to impolitely interrupt someone stealing from his shop, the shopkeeper is going to jail. Child protective services is kidnapping small boys and selling them to gays. They assumed that they could get rid of the rust belt without consequences for themselves. but consequences have become apparent in America’s logistic failure in the Ukraine. They assumed they could legalise theft and murder without consequences for themselves, but now the cities in which they live have become intolerable.

The Trump team’s solutions to these problems are likely to outrage substantial elements of Thermidor, even though they will be half assed and inadequate solutions. Thermidor is always apt to break hard right or hard left. Expect the unexpected.

Real solutions to these problems remain utterly unthinkable. But now they are at least thinking about half assed solutions. Thermidor needs reaction to give it steel. Thus it must hire reaction to deal with its left, thus can break right or left. If it breaks right, real solutions become thinkable.

Trump, being Trump, will attempt to implement solutions. Being a 1980s leftist, he is naturally in favour of half assed solutions, but the 1980s worked because of the social capital that the left has destroyed. They were running on the fumes of greatness.

Whites are being forced by arson and terror out of the cities that we built and we are prevented from building new cities in new places. You cannot get building permits. The wildfires in California reflect a policy of burning alive whites who build new places. They want us to build close to the imported vote banks of people who live on crime welfare, and government employment. They want us burned alive. We are both being forced to flee the cities we have built, and prevented from fleeing. We resent the obstacles to building, we resent being burned alive.

Not every element of the Thermidorean coalition is likely to agree on every policy of the Trumpist coalition. Last time around, he was naive about Washington, and allowed himself to be surrounded by enemies and traitors. They intend and expect to do so again, expect to contain Trump. But this time around, Trump has a team with him. Musk, RFK Junior, Jack Vance, and Tulsi Gabbard. Musk and RFK Junior have some big axes to grind and Tulsi Gabbard has proven uncontainable. The holiest core of the left have long been outraged by Musk, and intended to eradicate him and Trump. Pretty sure that the Trump coalition have something in mind more radical than Team Thermidor has in mind, though what Dark Maga has in mind is not quite as unthinkable as what the Dark Enlightenment has in mind. Dark Maga wants to restore the Republic, the Dark Enlightenment wants to hold the funeral. A Republic is unworkable without a virtuous elite representing a cohesive group and a sane state religion. You just cannot have diversities participating in the Republic, and you cannot have a cohesive group without a virtuous elite and a sane state religion.

The jury system is vital and fundamental to the Anglo Saxon tradition of self governance, but it does not work in a diverse population divided by faith and ethnicity. As Lee Kuan Yew observed, in a diverse society, the jurors just deliver a vote on race and identity.

It used to be that pretty white girls walked the Embarcadero looking for alpha dick. Then José Inez García Zárate came to San Francisco illegally, lived on crime and welfare, murdered Kathryn Steinle on the Embarcadero with a stolen gun because she was white and he was brown. The jurors who voted to acquit him, voted on the basis of racial, ethnic, and religious identity, and he is still there despite illegal status and numerous arrests for very serious crimes. Because people like him are still there, pretty girls no longer walk the Embarcadero. Ethnic cleansing is coming to you.

Jury system needs to be replaced by a system analogous to the Roman system of Imperium (Judge Dredd style policing). Or at least Singapore style policing. Or we could restrict jury trials to disputes involving a white male married Christian property owning taxpayer, and restrict juries to white male married Christian property owning taxpayers.

And of course marriage is broken, an issue I have already addressed repeatedly and at length. If that problem is not fixed, none of the other problems matter, because we are going to disappear.

With depopulation and falling IQ (because smart women are substantially less successful than stupid women at reproducing in the current environment, because they have more “success” at following the false life plan) we are on track for the Bronze Age collapse. To fix the problem, have to preferentially enforce the property rights in women of taxpaying and upper class males. For smart women to reproduce more successfully than dumb women, their marriages have to be more arranged by their smart long time preference fathers, and they have to be compelled to obey their husbands and forbidden from cheating on them. Women are happier that way. Freedom makes them uncomfortable, and makes them less inclined to have children.

The entire west is falling into the crapper, because IQ levels have fallen, but most of the fall is in the elite. A quite small smart fraction in power suffices to run a well functioning society. The short term, and relatively fixable problem, is that our officially unofficial state religion selects for evil and stupidity, and has been selecting harder and harder. The longer term problem is that selecting the elite from the smart fraction means Singapore: The smart fraction then lives in the heart of the gene shredder.

Observing international comparisons, a quite small fall in IQ is sufficient to make democracy unworkable. Due to mass migration and the gene shredder, IQ levels have fallen to a level where democracy is unlikely to be an option, even if we had a relatively virtuous elite. Short term, sufficient to overthrow the evil and insane state religion, and replace it with a more functional one, but the real long term solution is a republic with a restricted franchise and a high fertility elite, or a monarchy with a fertile aristocracy. The latter is a lot easier and quicker to accomplish, that being the natural state of mankind.

Women want to be owned. They want to be owned by someone that loves them, but not someone that needs them. If you don’t think women are entitled to make decisions, nor good at determining their best interest and acting on it, you will not be acting needy. If you simply believe that decisions are yours to make, that her decisions are made by your permission and are ultimately subject to your approval, if you don’t believe that women have agency, in the sense that they are not morally entitled to agency and are not good at exercising it, you will express that belief non verbally and she will gladly accept that belief – provided of course that that belief comes out of love.

If you want to reproduce, you should believe that women should be property, should be pets, are happier that way, and that a society that allows them agency is corrupt, ridiculous, immoral, and absurd. For a society to reproduce, for the smart fraction to reproduce, for the elite to reproduce, state, the official state religion, society, and family must believe the same.

250 comments The Crisis and Coup Thermidor

Anonymous Fake says:

Elections are still fake. Lots of grotesque pro-abortion amendments passed by absurd margins in otherwise deep red states. People either vote Republican because they like their economic ideas (tax cuts for billionaires) instead of saving babies, or elections are fake. Duh.

Thermidor is a pack of leftist cucks who are going to get crushed by hard left true believers. Trumpenproles will be replaced LEGALLY by Africans. And they’ll probably like it.

The Cominator says:

Most of the abortion laws were set too early most people want it set around roughly the time of the old Anglo Saxon law on abortion which is that it was okay before “the quickening”.

Florida’s pro abortion law failed though because the sucker’s wanted to make it legal to kill a baby at 9 months. A lot of Floridans including myself hedonistic as we generally are did not want to have to face God and explain why we voted for that.

The Cominator says:

It will be interesting.

RFK and Tulsi are actually old style FDR leftists (I think Tulsi won’t have the normal problems of women though she is 100% mind body and soul on how much she hates the neocons)

Ron Paul and his people hates the administrative state entirely, Musk is likely to end up the referee between the factions of Trumps coalition against the demonic tranny left.

cub says:

It is no coincidence that Thermidor began to ascend right after the anti-white left started protesting against Israel. I worry that they will expect certain things of Trump for allowing him to win this time.

No more Jewish wars. America First.

notglowing says:

Have an excessively optimistic take from X:

We’re officially in the post-Moldbuggian era now. The Cathedral regime is collapsing and about to be routed over next 4 years. Political economy fundamentals remain, but the specifics of the progressive consensus look pretty busted over the course of this year.
Maybe I’m just hyped on election comedown, but I’ve been seeing this all year. Elon going all in, the rest of silicon valley breaking right, no big election violence, no wall-to-wall elite “resistance”, no funding for journalistic persecution of random commenters, etc.
The thing to watch will be how this MAGA stuff in power interacts with the deep state and core Cathedral (universities, etc). Will they get frozen out and prevented from doing anything fundamental, or will they be able to make a deal?
Really we should complete the Moldbuggian system and finish this with tanks in Harvard yard. Shut down the education-expertise cartel, fire all government employees, etc. We’ll see what they actually do, but I think we’re in open territory now if Trump wants it.

Ultimately the battle is in the hearts and minds of the elite. They just don’t believe in it anymore.

While I don’t share the same level of optimism, and it’s too naïve to interpret this as the Cathedral “giving up”, I do wonder how exactly they’ll come back from this.
Taking the foot off of the neck of the right like this for even a short time is apt to get a lot of things that were bottled up to shoot out and the influence of the right on public opinion will probably increase in an irreversible manner.

Over the past decade, the number of disbelievers in the Cathedral among regular people and possibly the elite, has only increased. They were successful in technically expelling all dissenters from all platforms, but this didn’t stop right wing ideas from spreading, in the end.

The Cominator says:

Whatifalthist (yes I know in his heart he’s a lover of 80s leftism but many good people are) has likened the internet and the spread of reactionary ideas (what he calls anti managerial ideas) to the spread of Protestant ideas after the printing press.

80s leftist are sort of like the people who during the Reformation wanted to get rid of the Papacy but as much as possible preserve the outward forms and customs of Roman Catholicism ala Henry VIII. It’s thus not likely a sustainable position.

Jim says:

> The Cathedral regime is collapsing and about to be routed over next 4 years.

Thermidor has routed the radicals, but Trump has not routed Thermidor.

Thermidor is well to the left of Trump, and some Thermidoreans are well to the left of other Thermidoreans. A lot of them are thinking “OK, we need a real commander in chief, because we have to make peace or war, and Trump has been good at that. But then we are going to return to the Bush Clinton Obama normal.”

When Biden’s puppet masters were in power, a whole lot of issues within the elite were left unresolved. Now it is time to resolve them.

“Tree of Woe” predicted that the election would lead to coup or civil war, and still expects something dramatic to happen between the election and the inauguration. I don’t think so. Rather, drama will ensue when Trump gives effect to policy.

Trump is a merchant, not a warrior, though when push comes to shove he has the warrior spirit. From his point of view, America Incorporated acquired the Ukraine limited in a hostile takeover bid in 2014. To 2022 this was not a good investment, since 2022 has been a catastrophically bad investment, and this investment needs to be completely spun off from America Incorporated as fast as possible to avoid the ensuing liabilities. From Trump’s point of view a Finlandized, or better, Russia aligned government, in the Ukraine is great, because then the Ukraine is Russia’s problem.

Dumping a bad investment as a total loss and writing it off completely is going to upset a whole lot of people in the elite.

Next up, expulsion of the invaders. The elite has not taken Trump seriously, but Musk correctly calls it as an existential issue. If no expulsion, all America becomes California, which Musk and enormous numbers of other white males just fled. Tony Abbot expelled the people invading Australia, but he had to ignore the courts, imprisoning large numbers of invaders without trial and dumping them in third world camps. If no expulsion, then it is time to leave America before likely destinations get sick of the alarmingly large numbers of American refugees. You will need to get ahead of the crowd. If no expulsion, and you want to stick around, you are betting on winning a civil war and installing a non diverse non democratic government. Which is not a viable option unless God gives us a King.

JustAnotherGuy says:

Is the 2026 democide date averted now Jim? Or is it still on track despite trump and thermidor’s refusal to go along with it?

T says:

To kill all straights, all whites, and all males, need to be in charge of the robots. L assured us that that the Left is firmly in charge of the robots. Is it?

Still headed to Bronze Age collapse if WP and Infinigger+++ are not solved, but the Left Singularity of infinite leftism in finite time has probably been averted for at least a generation. This does not mean that bloodshed will be avoided — that’s pretty much unavoidable — but shitskins and troons are unlikely to defeat the Awakened Amerikaner.

That’s just my hunch, at any rate.

T says:

Thermidor is a bunch of kikes who at long last realized that White Genocide will necessarily entail and precipitate Jewish Genocide, and they are less than perfectly keen on that. So if you’ve been *reading* your Bible and *practicing* your guns, what competent faction of the elite will sign up to murder you? And Elon is in charge of the robots and the AI; he knows that killing the whites, the heterosexuals, the males, and the Christians, means that even a type 1 civilization on the Kardashev scale will not be reached.

Obviously the demonic and irrational Left will give it a try anyway at some point, but they are not competent, and are in the process of being purged from the elite.

T says:

The kleptocrats understand, or are beginning to understand, that getting rid of wypipo means that the entire edifice is doomed, but they are far too leftist to suggest, or even conceive of, what needs to happen to secure the existence of white people and a future for white children. (That’s where Reaction enters the picture.) There’s just not much more social capital to burn. You either give the higher races a memeplex that allows them to reproduce and thrive, or you live in Somalia and never reach the stars. The kleptocrats have been trying to escape the implications of all that, but the implications can no longer be escaped. If you don’t want to go Left, *need* to go Right.

T says:

We don’t know yet if Vance is reading Jim’s effortpoasts (and shaman’s shitpoasts), and he did not even secure the existence of his own white bloodline, plus he’s a Catholic, but if Vance is not God’s King, he might nevertheless do what needs to be done to pave the way for the King, which necessitates sneaking in the Cult of Gnon into the Priesthood.

And I do expect Vance to sneak in the Cult of Gnon into the Priesthood. It’s either that or Somalia, and the elite seems rather disinclined to live in Somalia, as this Election has demonstrated, so there is yet hope.

Jim says:

Thermidor is usually the death knell of the left, so probably no democide. But there is usually a civil war before the left expires. My prediction has been war internal or external or both, or democide, or all of them simultaneously or sequentially. Democide is less likely now, and war external less likely. Civil War II, unclear.

It is certainly possible that my estimated 2026 date has been averted. Assuming nothing dramatic happens on the way to the inauguration, and assuming that after the inauguration Trump and his team are willing to do radical things, and assuming that the left does not do radical things in response.

Yes Minister and Yes Prime Minister was a show about all the boring undramatic things the permanent government can do to avoid any interference from the merely elected government from having any effect. And when Trump, with his long experience in business management attempted to get his way anyway, we got RussiaRussiaRussia and two impeachments.

(By the way, Trump has been convicted of thirty four felony counts for a crime that there is no evidence he ever committed, and which has never in history received felony conviction rather than a fine.)

Obviously Thermidor is willing for him to do some radical things — but not all of Thermidor is willing for him to do all of the radical things that fulfilling his promises would require. Even if all turns out well, we are going to get a whole lot of drama on the way there.

Jehu says:

You are correct that Trump is a merchant, not a warrior. But in the final analysis, he is who God says he is. God has clearly meddled in this election pretty strongly, and that’s plain to anyone who hasn’t set an impossible improbability threshold before they’ll consider the possibility of such intervention. Just the assassination attempt in Pennsylvania. Think about how improbable that was—if Trump was missed, it would have never even made the national news. If he was hit, he’d be discussing the election with Saint Peter face to face. To get the result we got we have to have this grossly improbable nicking of Trump’s ear. Someone actually INTENDING that result probably couldn’t do it. I’m sure this incident turned a huge number of votes, especially in PA, where it happened.

But it doesn’t stop there. God makes Biden say exactly how he feels about ordinary people, and at exactly the right time for the best impact. This is almost like the Rittenhouse trial, where witnesses that you KNOW were coached to lie and lie and lie some more suddenly can’t tell a lie, almost like they were in a D&D zone of truth spell or something.

And the federal government even managed to piss off and activate the Amish, who customarily don’t vote. That’s like over half of the margin in PA right there—harassment over farm stores and raw milk.

New York, right nearby PA also got into the act, right before the election by going jackboot Waco on a freaking animal rescue center and killing a couple of very photogenic beasts, under the orders of a literal Karen who looks like a character out of That Hideous Strength. God compelled them to display all of the evil in their hearts, on His timing, not theirs.

All of these are very much in keeping with the sense of humor you see from God and Jesus in the Old and New Testaments. I wouldn’t be surprised if Jesus told Trump a line straight out of Judges (The Lord is with you, mighty warrior—last said to Gideon when he was covertly threshing wheat in a winepress to avoid the ‘taxation’ of banditry).

Jimmy says:

Yes. I’ve said it for years–God’s fingerprint is comedy.

Contaminated NEET says:

This morning I went into work and the most Left-wing, genderfluid, shaved-side-haircut-having, mask-wearing woman in my unit collapsed on the ground and wept. Who was it who consoled her and helped her regain her composure? The Trump-voting conservative White male boomer boss. It was a microcosm of why we don’t win, we won’t win, and we haven’t won.

I admit I voted for the Great Orange Boomer myself, and I do enjoy the gnashing of teeth and rending of garments from our enemies, but never forget: we will drown and nobody shall save us.

T says:

>never forget: we will drown and nobody shall save us.

Look, I get why social entropy seems impossible to defeat, but don’t recent events show that, “While ye have light, believe in the light”? After all, if Satan was impossible to defeat, why would there be civilization in the first place? Why are we having this conversation on the internet rather than rubbing sticks to make fire?

Death-by-entropy is decidedly *not* a forgone conclusion. If we reached this far, why not believe that we can reach farther still?

T says:

Also, your boomer boss is trying to get his dick wet – whenever a male consoles a crying female who is not an immediate blood relative, there’s a secret erection involved. Pure EvoPsych.

It’s not the blackpill you think it is.

Contaminated NEET says:

You haven’t seen this woman. She’s young-ish, but that’s all she has going for her. Significantly overweight, deliberately unappealing hairstyle, never takes off the COVID mask, poor hygiene, worse fashion sense. This creature was once reasonably cute, but she has deliberately destroyed her appearance because the male gaze is problematic.

T says:

Lemme tell ya a little secret –

The uglier, the easier.

And ugly + crying is *very* easy indeed.

Contaminated NEET says:

That’s too blackpilled, even for me.

T says:

It’s true, though. Those of us who aren’t absolute Chads have all “been there.” Have you never fantasized about a plain (or worse than plain) girl breaking down in tears and falling into your arms? Come on. It’s beta tactics 101. And I doubt the boomer boss is any exception.

ayyylmao says:

I, for one, have never desired to interact with a plain girl at any level.

Jim says:

My little man salutes them all.

DH says:

I dunno.

As the Russians are fond of saying, “There is no such thing as an unattractive woman – only not enough vodka.” But to each his own, I guess.

A2 says:

Let’s call the thirsty boomlet boss ‘Esau’. Seems quite fitting.

Fidelis says:

Look I doomerpost too but this is pathetic. For one, we just had our last election. The will of the peasant no longer matters, you may as well be complaining about the opinions of the abuelas in some dusty mexican village.

Second, things are about to start shaking. They tried very hard to kill the man before he got into office. Wait until the fun and games of Musk running his Department of Government Efficiency, when a lot of parasite money is on the line.

In a way, I was hoping for an internal conflict, because despite the risk and bloodshed, we would be on a faster course for entirely destroying both the overton window and the current status quo, in favor of those promoted by adherence to reality and human talent. But this is a good enough consolation prize, and still could break into something bigger. At least hold off on the doomerism until they start their third campain of tax breaks for child havers and fines for bachelors under President Barron, then we’ll be sure the empire is never coming back to life.

T says:

At least hold off on the doomerism until they start their third campain of tax breaks for child havers and fines for bachelors under President Barron, then we’ll be sure the empire is never coming back to life.

The thing I am slightly concerned about is Musk’s signaling against “pedophilia.” Now, if the intention is only to protect boys from being groom-dopted by the poophole-buggers, that’s perfectly good. But, in the final analysis, he needs to get over this crucial bit of Harvard’s memetic pwnage if he intends to fix fertility and solve the WP – some girls need to be married off at disturbingly young ages, and complaining about Cheese Pizza while doing absolutely nothing about that won’t solve the problem.

I don’t yet expect anyone to go full Jim in public and discuss the specifics of what gets 9-year-old pussies wet (but I welcome anyone doing so), but Musk and his friends should understand that the anti-concept of “pedophilia” is not the thing they should be worried about. There are still some Jim-bombs that haven’t yet exploded, and they do need to explode if we want to go all the way to Divine Law.

T says:

Already posted it in a previous thread, but it is highly pertinent here, and we don’t know (or, rather, we *do* know) who might be lurking here right now, so once again:

Sirach 42:9-14:

9 Although he will not let his daughter know it, a father will lie awake at night worrying about her. If she is young, he worries that she might not get married. If she is already married, he worries about her happiness. 10 If she is a virgin, he worries that she might be seduced and become pregnant while living in his house. If she is married, he worries that she might be unfaithful, or that she might not be able to have children.

11 Keep a close watch over your daughter if she is determined to have her own way. If you don’t, she may make a fool of you in front of your enemies. You will be a constant joke to everyone in town, a public disgrace. Make sure that her room has no windows or any place where she can look out to the entrance of the house. 12 Don’t let her show off her beauty in front of men, or spend her time talking with the women. 13 Women hurt other women just as moths damage clothing.

14 A man’s wickedness is better than a woman’s goodness; women bring shame and disgrace.

T says:

Thing is, NRx is not Trad-Cuck moralfaggotry.

Our reading of these verses is not, “Lets keep girls locked away in their rooms horny and frustrated forever,” not so much because it’s cruel towards the girls, though it is cruel towards the girls, but because it ain’t gonna work. If you are an adult male with adult female pre-selection, and you stay over for the night, might well find yourself in the morning experiencing “a rude awakening, followed by a big surprise.” Or she will find a way to sneak out and cruise for a dicking. Harvard, of course, doesn’t want you to think about it, yet not thinking about it won’t do much to solve the problem.

So NRx advocates ditching the “pedophilia” framework, which lumps together faggots buggering little boys and little girls sexually harassing alpha male Chads, and calls on State, Church, and Culture to facilitate marrying off girls when the toothbrush starts smelling rather funny. Cheese Pizza is not the problem per se, but serves as evidence for the real problem, which is that female sexual misbehavior often starts quite early, and if you want a stable and monogamous marriage to a virgin girl (or very recently deflowered girl), need to “strongly encourage” dads to wake the f**k up and find their daughter a suitable husband. Or else, stop complaining about it when high-resolution pictures of your jailbait daughter’s gaping anus circulate widely across the web. It’s your fault, daddy, and not the fault of anyone else.

An orderly transfer of ownership, that’s what it’s all about. Which right now is totally “beyond the pale,” but if Musk is serious about restoring civilization, that’s precisely what the New Priesthood should address. Failure to notice the problem will not solve the problem, and is itself a cause of much needless misery and many unforced tragedies.

FrankNorman says:

At least hold off on the doomerism until they start their third campain of tax breaks for child havers and fines for bachelors under President Barron, then we’ll be sure the empire is never coming back to life.

I think fines for spinsters would be a better idea. It’s women after all who need to be forced into marriage.

Jim says:

I don’t think fines are relevant. Economic incentives are not relevant. The female mating software has not been updated for the market economy. Women unconsciously expect to be assigned or abducted. We have to have something that happens in person. Watch what happens when a group of men pick up a group of women. This stuff is pre verbal. Women are still running software that predates language. They understand what guides their actions less than any man.

Men complain that women are mysterious. The reason they are mysterious is that their actions are incongruous with what they say and what they think that they want. Men know what they are doing and why they are doing it. Women just do not. In any interaction, the man is trying to figure out where the woman is coming from, and the woman is oblivious to where she is coming from.

Jehu says:

Yeah lots of people have tried incentives and punishments to ratchet up the fertility rate. Doesn’t seem to work, even if you dial it up to 11 like Singapore has been trying since 1987. You’re right, women are wired to get turned on by status, but it’s a really old status estimator being used. That’s why gold diggers are vanishingly rare in practice, even a very very thin leaven of them—like, say 1 in 1000 women, would give guys like Bill Gates access to +4 sigma or so attractiveness mates (I think that’s what most guys would call a 9).

Jim says:

Observing Trump in action, when he was younger, he used his wealth to stage alpha in a way that would register with women’s supersensitive, but grossly obsolete, alpha radar. Merely being immensely powerful and wealthy in the status hierarchy as perceived by men was quite useless to him, as it was useless to Bezos and Bill Gates.

I have to jump through hoops, Feynman had to jump through hopes, Trump had to jump through hoops, Bezos does not know how to jump through hoops, and Einstein married the KGB.

We are all dancing monkeys, and we perform the pimp monkey dance for the benefit of an audience still running ape mating software. To raise the fertility rate, the state has to haul single women off to a performance for the groom that will register with a chimp.

The core performance is a gathering of males paying attention to the bride and groom, who expect the bride and the groom to go off together. This triggers the “get abducted by a strong man in a strong tribe” routine in the mating software.

As for example mock and real bridal abductions. The abductors haul the bride off to big party where the groom is treated as high status. It is the same as the “alpha male of the group” pickup strategy, though applied with a more permanent result intended and expected. Works. The state is the biggest gang of all. Just frog march stubbornly single women into a bunch of males, her assigned husband gets to be alpha male of the group for a short period, and then the groom carries her off with social support from the males. It will go down smooth as butter. But you cannot do it by paperwork and bureaucracy. More ancient methods have to be applied. The state has to stage a semblance of what band of killer apes would have done, as a garden resembles a wilderness.

In a staged abuction, a mock abduction, the males of the paternal family are somehow not around, the bride and the bridesmaids are suddenly abducted to a big party (they are not supposed to know when the abductors are going to arrive. It emulates an actual bride raid as much as possible) and the family of the bride show up a bit later just in time to say goodbye.

The western tradition is orderly property transfer. “Who giveth this woman to this man”. The groom is granted alpha male status by alpha dad. But today we have weak fathers or no fathers. Have to do the mock or real abduction thing in order to restore property rights in women in a way that will register with female software millions of years out of date.

Unowned women have to transition into being owned woman in a way that makes sense to a chimp. Nothing else will work on them.

DH says:

The state has to stage a semblance of what band of killer apes would have done, as a garden resembles a wilderness.

If Arabs can make wedding ceremonies with lots of swords and lots of horses, so can white people. No gay-ass “you may now kiss the bride” bullshit. This should a warrior-spirited event.

Sher Singh says:

Sucks that you can’t link to individual comments anymore.
Among Panjabi weddings – a large procession arrives from the male village.

The groom sits armed atop a horse & they take the bride back with them.

Both the state & Sikh progressives have tried to limit this practice citing cost & burden on the female’s family.

Jehu says:

Last wedding I went to I gifted the groom a good sword and one of his groomsmen gave him a shield. The bride he got was the best gift though.

skippy says:

“I don’t think fines are relevant. Economic incentives are not relevant.”

It is anyway not the best way to do things, but it’s important that every fine attaches to men and every subsidy to women, which just makes women more comfortable, high status, with more optionality.

If fines would seriously reduce the spending power of women, including successful career women, then men would start looking mighty attractive to them. Maybe not as attractive as a man who appears to be leading a warband, but a lot more attractive than a man who is being fined for being an incel.

Jim says:

I know by direct personal experience. I have spent a lifetime studying what makes women tick. It will not matter how poor you make women. It is not going to register with the ancient chimp software except you make women low status and the men they are supposed to marry high status. Status as measured by the female mating software, which correlates poorly with the actual male status hierarchy, and is not directly influenced by it.

Economic forces can be applied to adjust female perception of status, Trump was a master at this, and I, with considerably less resources, manage it a little bit. But it does not translate automatically into female perception of status.

Fidelis says:

Jim can you once again elaborate on what the status hierarchy looks like to women?

It doesn’t seem as simple as mere capacity for violence, though that clearly plays a large role. One aspect is how other men treat you; are they afraid, are they petty and mouthy, are they chummy, the highest status in this case is the fearsome, fearsome and Awesome, as the old Kings were apt to be called Terrible.

Another is how many eyes are on you. If many pay attention to you, seems to register as status. See: boyband phenomenon. One interesting instance was a few years back when a short man sperged out at a bagel place, the video got famous, and ethots flocked briefly to pose with him. Seems even attention that may seem humiliating to men, is not always so to women. Being the center of a controversy, and not being killed for it, as petty serial killers recieve panties in the mail it must be killing as the punishment for controversy, seems to raise status.

Similar to the above but not quite the same, is attention from other women. The more women you sleep with, the more women that pay attention to you, raises their interest higher as well. Seems to work even if its hookers, purely paid actors, and even if the other women know they’re just hookers, so long as it seems like you are more of a pimp than a john.

Jim says:

This summary is excellent. I should have given it long ago. Except for the John part. Men rightly look down on paying for sex. But women do not seem to. Or at least their pussies do not, even if their rational mind does. As I said, their sexual instincts have not been updated for the market economy.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Fines on women won’t work. Instead, spend two years building “spinster camps”, with plenty of media coverage. Then all unmarried women over twenty-four are confined to the camps until they find husbands. If a woman leaves her husband, she goes to camp. If she fails to get pregnant in the first year of marriage, she goes to camp.

These camps won’t be Auschwitz, but they will be institutions, with simple food, plain uniforms, forced diet and exercise for the fatties, free tattoo removal, and limited entertainment options. The most exciting events will be carefully supervised visits by men looking for wives.

I expect China to implement this system first, and when their birthrate doubles, others will copy it.

Making weddings resemble abductions is a good idea too, but I’m thinking about what undemocratic governments can do.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Prisons are overhead. Limited value if you don’t value sadomasochism (paging Dr. Foucault).
By analogy of the indenture/exile/execution system, auctioning unmarried women (see, cryptofeminist conservadads) off past a certain age seems perfectly apt. Women who are particularly troublesome can be taken out of the genepool for the good of the volk via convents like what you describe. Not for marrying obviously. Enterprising rectors and mother-superiors may be free to get some forms of useful work out of them to offset costs. Should be made obvious that this is a very low status outcome.

The Cominator says:

Over 20 and unmarried auctioned. The ones who test as nymphomaniacs and such go to brothels (though men can marry them later).

Camps well only need to make some of them lose weight and feminist ideas.

DH says:

The ones who test as nymphomaniacs and such

And blessed is he who does the testing – I expect many volunteers.

The Cominator says:

we’ll need a method of to the extent possible impersonal testing for that…

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

A storm descends on a small town, and the downpour soon turns into a flood. As the waters rise, the local preacher kneels in prayer on the church porch, surrounded by water. By and by, one of the townsfolk comes up the street in a canoe.

“Better get in, Preacher. The waters are rising fast.”

“No,” says the preacher. “I have faith in the Lord. He will save me.”

Still the waters rise. Now the preacher is up on the balcony, wringing his hands in supplication, when another guy zips up in a motorboat.

“Come on, Preacher. We need to get you out of here. The levee’s gonna break any minute.”

Once again, the preacher is unmoved. “I shall remain. The Lord will see me through.”

After a while the levee breaks, and the flood rushes over the church until only the steeple remains above water. The preacher is up there, clinging to the cross, when a helicopter descends out of the clouds, and a state trooper calls down to him through a megaphone.

“Grab the ladder, Preacher. This is your last chance.”

Once again, the preacher insists the Lord will deliver him.

And, predictably, he drowns.

A pious man, the preacher goes to heaven. After a while he gets an interview with God, and he asks the Almighty, “Lord, I had unwavering faith in you. Why didn’t you deliver me from that flood?”

God shakes his head. “What did you want from me? I sent you two boats and a helicopter.”

T says:

Best poaster, as usual.

Hope KD is doing okay, too. And making the requisite preparations.

alf says:

Everyone wants to resolve the crisis by some half assed not too drastic resolution

A chronically recurring theme. The car is burning, and rightists say ‘let’s install new tires.’ Nothing wrong with new tires, but the car is still burning.

The fire must be addressed. The 2024 election is a victory in a war we’ve been losing for many years. Unless normalcy bias is shed, we will revert back to losing before you can say ‘brazilification of the world.’

Karl says:

“Observing international comparisons, a quite small fall in IQ is sufficient to make democracy unworkable. ”

Nah, democracy runs on social capital. As soon there is not enough social capital left, it is unworkable.

IQ is less important. A dumb Christian neighbor won’t give me trouble, but a smart evil neighbor might. Social capital means that people won’t rob their neighbors when the opportunities arises. Democracy guarantees that plenty of people get opportunity to rob.

The West is in trouble because there isn’t much social capital left. There are still plenty of smart enough men around.

alf says:

Jim, looks like my comments get stuck in moderation. Can’t log into my account since the blog move.

Jim says:

I sent you a password reset. If your email is fake or ceased to work, I can reset your password to your email address by directly editing the database.

alf says:

Email has ceased to work, reset to email address sounds perfect.

Jim says:

Your email address starts with a capital letter. I suspect your login name may start with a capital letter, though probably case insensitive. As a temporary password, your email address is case sensitive.

Alf says:

Thank you, worked it out and changed password.

A2 says:

What a wonderful day, by the way!

To my surprise, there was not massive cheating and Kamal was easily dispatched. The left must have been quite demoralized once they realized what sort of candidate they had on their hands. Indeed, it was reported she got fewer votes than Biden in every state. (Though reminder that Biden’s votes were manufactured to a great extent.) TRUMP IMPERATOR ET REX.

Bouncer says:

It wonderful that Trump won the popular vote this time around. Remember this thing?
What are the odds it will be ignored? Probably 100% I’d say, which is a pity, because it would be simply AMAZING seeing California’s electors having to vote for Trump.
They were warned of the unintended consequences of their plan at the time they made it.

Bix Nudelmann says:

Holy shit you’re right. Thanks for resurfacing that. It at least needs a good round of point-and-laugh on Twitter.

notglowing says:

The thing is, it was never that hard for republicans to win the popular vote, cheating notwithstanding.
Republicans have amazing turnout compared to democrats. If the popular vote mattered, turnout in blue states like California would probably increase significantly.
It would be more than enough to cover the few % points difference there normally is.

Of course, the real issue is that this would make decentralized cheating all too easy for democrats.

Bix Nudelmann says:

“Real solutions to these problems remain utterly unthinkable.”

I challenge, for the sake of argument and exploration.

Not so much “unthinkable” as “unspeakable” or “impractical”.

Everyone sees female misbehavior everywhere, for example. We have to publicly pledge allegiance that the 19th Amendment was double plus good so we don’t get fired, and how does one get women to vote themselves out of voting anyway, but also, what people who actually matter in a pinch really believe this anymore?

So call me crazy and projecting, but I perceive an ever-widening gap between what people privately perceive to be true, and what they can talk about without getting into trouble.

The internet helps with this immensely. Remember when bodycams would prove that cops iz rayciss and sheeit? Remember that one? But then the actual videos came out and “Oh”. Before, the media would memory-hole that kind of thing, but Twitter/Tiktok/whatnot let those clips of reality reverberate for far longer.

There’s a sociology and “cognitive game theory” to this. I will watch and be amazed by “truth leaks” online — be they nigger chimpout videos or just people like Jim using words to tell me the truth about something — that if presented publicly in a Powerpoint, like at work or at church, I’d have to flee the room just to stay out of social trouble.

It’s a pre-collapse/pre-civil-war type of situation, when reality becomes so socially unacceptable to be seen knowing, but the dry wood and crumpled-up newspapers are piled up just everywhere. The Trump re-election in 2024, to a degree, shows us how just a little privacy and plausible deniability — aka “secret ballot” — can let people express their understanding and agreement to forbidden truth.

And I think Margaret Atwood understood this too when she wrote Handmaid’s Tale. Remember that one? In that very novel she would glance back at the pre-revolutionary (but also “safely” fictional) “before times” when degeneracy was through the roof and unowned women were a fucking problem.

Whoever here said that the JQ was old and busted now, and the WQ was the new hotness, was onto something.

“I’ll be the protector of women whether they like it or not.” –DJT, 2024

“It was on the tip of everyone’s tongue. Tyler [Durden] and I just gave it a name.” –Fight Club, 1999

DH says:

Whoever here said that the JQ was old and busted now, and the WQ was the new hotness, was onto something.

I am now extremely whitepilled. That women are going further and further to the Left, while men are going further and further to the Right, can only eventually result in the reinstitution of patriarchy and the abolition of Feminism. Not yet, not soon, but that looks to me like the likeliest of potential outcomes, by a wide margin. It is through witnessing Satan at work that many people come to believe in God, and we are now seeing that without hardcore Thot-Patrol, women do gleefully go Satanic. The solution forcefully suggests itself.

Feminism won’t make it to the 22nd century.

Jehu says:

I wonder what the maximum gender gap politically can be before men say, ok, you girls don’t get to vote anymore. Clearly if it was 100% (all men on one side, all women on the other), it’d be a no-brainer. But I wonder where the tipping point is. If say 75% of men favored X and 75% of women favored not-X, would that 75% of men accept the outcome of a majority vote? I wouldn’t, but hell, I won’t accept it as legitimate most of the time anyway.

notglowing says:

Trump is banning child “””sex changes”””, allowing doctors who performed it on children in the past to be sued by victims, eliminating all gender insanity from all government programs and all government funding related to it.
According to him, from now on the USG will only recognize male and female, and only as *assigned at birth*.

He’s likely to face opposition. But I’m really happy to see this on day 1, especially *after* the election.
With the Senate and House, and general gender insanity cooling down, he can do it.
Also, while the troons may strongly oppose this, we know there are many americans who will very aggressively side *with* Trump on this issue. This will be really, really interesting.

Highly recommend watching the video.

Hesiod says:

The wahmen governors of MA and NY along with the sheboon NY AG are already thumping their wizened bosoms in defiance of Trump. What remains to be seen is if they have any actual power now or if they’re just effectively cargo-cult authority posturing.

Rod says:

What you see on the streets right now is the direct result of strawberry coloured dick-starved Marxist cunts like AOC, Pelosi, Hitlery, and Michelle… and of Billionaire SocComs like Soros, Gates, Schwab, and hundred other ProgJews… enchanters like Clinton and Obama, liars like Biden, NeoCons like Bush and Nuland, as well as the rest of the Mass “Democracy” Cult of Leftism, their LeftJew FakeNews Propaganda Outlets, and cucked-out pussy men like Shucked Schumer, Tampon Timmie, Douchie Emhoff, and all their functionaries and enablers and supporters in the Congress, Courts, and Corpo-LeftyLand.

All this twisting is new since roughly 1998 2008 2020, it is manufactured and fake, it does not work anywhere ever, and it needs to be charged with high crime and treason, imprisoned, and ended, fast.

Rod says:

“One thing is certain: any political phenomenon which has even Alex Soros – who just wasted $1 billion backing the biggest Democrat loser in recent history – shocked that people everywhere are fed up with leaders who put globalist agendas above their own citizens, and are finally voting for leaders who actually serve them, has got to be good.”

Alex is the real piece of human shit and sick manipulator in charge now, and can go fuck himself.

He’s a flaming gay Jew, which also fits right with his Progressively convenient claim to be banging this dried up evil Hitlery Muslim Democrat hag…

Please Huma, command your cucked Sheikh to go hard on your “practicing muslim faith” and kill both yourself and these fake jews for fornication and illegal marriage and sowing corruption in the land…

Also Huma re Hillary re Dems re fake “pro-Palestine” Protest Movement… ties explain a lot about why the USA has been losing to Islam and Jews the last two decades.

Before you beat yourself up about the elections pls read this:
The incumbents in every single one of the 10 major countries that have been tracked by the ParlGov global research project and held national elections in 2024 were given a kicking by voters. This is the first time…
— Alex Soros (@AlexanderSoros) November 7, 2024

Niiiidriveevof says:

counterpoint to the whitepilling here and at chevauchee.
yeah, ok, there might be some preference cascades. it’s an ok hope.
but trump’s entire existence right now is thanks to making deals with thermidor. his campaign couldn’t exist, the lawfare & assassinations would have been through the roof, the fraud would have been in.
he had very little leverage two years ago, and the significant leverage he has today came to him entirely at the gift of a thermidor united enough to offer it. they wrote the rules and he played entirely by the rules.
whose team is probably going to survive a conflict here?

here’s what’s more likely. trump just wanted to get to be reagan. now he’s reagan. he won’t even try to break the rules.

hope i’m wrong.

DH says:

Moldbug says “nothing ever happens.”

And it may well be that, if the Left decides to just sit quite (and reorganize) for four years and let Trump deal with the hostile and plainly Kafkaesque deep state bureaucracy, not giving him any pretext to go Civil Warrior, nothing dramatically significant will happen in those four years. But can you count on the deranged and demonic Left behaving in a rational manner? I really don’t think so. You just stopped their march towards the Left Singularity in its tracks, and you earnestly intend to kick them out of power (forever) – and Jacobins falling out of power do not, to put it mildly, magically become any less violent than Jacobins securely in power.

They will likely give him plenty more pretexts, in addition to those myriads of pretexts they’ve already given him, to ignite the powder keg.

Destiny awaits.

DH says:

Maybe rightful justification is a more accurate term than pretext, but it practically doesn’t matter – in my view he already has all the justification one needs to go full Cominator on the Left. And the Christian Nationalists are “all in.”

He just needs to say “Go.”

S says:

Thermidor doesn’t have a leader or ideology- it is the members of the elite not onboard with the death cult. In the event of a conflict, it’d break into factions which would align with whoever they think would win.

DH says:

The preference cascade is running wild. The lines between reaction, neoreaction, hard right, alt right, Christian Nationalism, Dark MAGA, regular MAGA, American patriotism, and such – those lines are now as blurry within the nascent Thermidorean elite as they are among the public at large. It was only a few months ago that Musk announced that he is a “Cultural Christian.” The memetic gears are turning fast and faster.

“Jim’s Blog is the only website I ever visit.” – James David Vance

Just kidding; he never said that, of course. But is it really just a joke? We literally got a neoreactionary, who is friends with Peter Thiel, in the White House. Let that sink in for a moment. If he plays his cards right, he can serve as the High Priest of Thermidor (he is certainly more qualified for that than Musk, whose strengths lie elsewhere), ideologically-memetically leading it in the right direction. I would rather it be someone else, but you work with what you’ve got, and he isn’t all that bad.

The Left should be in panic.

Hesiod says:

Musk will soon have his hands full unleashing his Mentat-Inquisitors on DC as well as making sure we finally get to Barsoom.

Dave says:

I look forward to 15 starship launches next year, and 40 in 2026 with geometrical progression after that. By 2030 there will be a fleet of Starships with regular runs to Barsoom. Ticketed flights to start in 2029.

yes im massively whitepilled

Aidan says:

Whitepilling? Trump has a very tall order ahead of him, a lot of very hard and difficult work, and we will not know for quite a while what is happening, because Trump’s road and Thermidor’s road run together for many years before they diverge. If Trump relaxes and lets Thermidor run the show, as represented by mere changes of management at the 3LAs rather than their purging, it will fail to make headway on the very hard problems it needs to solve, and will be under attack by the left, and it will either capitulate or put some really scary and brutal right wingers in charge. Some of Thermidor might even believe that the mere election of Trump is good enough to turn things around and their work is done. We will see. The election allows us to come to the battlefield. I am not saying that the battle is already won or even looks especially hopeful.

Adam says:

IMO it will be time to get excited when Fauci hangs next to the radical left running education and the media. Someone has to pay for Covid, Floyd, and the steal.

DH says:

Moldbug just doesn’t seem to believe that one day, could be tomorrow, could be in a few years, the bullets will start flying. He seems to believe that Globohomerica is actually run by Elite Human Capital, and that you can’t slaughter the youth camp – you must recruit the youth camp. (Coincidentally, he also thinks that the Restoration will be Trad-Cath, and is suspiciously chummy with the Catholic faction of NRx)

It’s all bullshit and Jewish thinking on his part. The Left has long been selecting for stupidity, insanity, and evil, and is now mostly motivated by spite. Unlike Jim, he has not foreseen Thermidor, and unlike Bruce Charlton, he doesn’t recognize the demonic nature of the enemy. He believes the leftists to be “decent people” motivated mostly by “ambition.” But in 2024, 90% of the good leftists have already become rightists (just as 90% of the good Jews have already converted to Christianity or made aliyah or both, and Moldbug should consider that too), and whoever is still a leftist is not temperamentally and cognitively capable of converting to any sane worldview – the only thing they can convert to is fertilizer if male or concubines if female.

His Elite Human Capital is neither elite, nor human, nor capital, and having these ghouls in power can only result in a tumultuous collapse. They have to be removed from power, and as Moldbug himself argues so persuasively, they’re deeply, deeply entrenched there. “And if it bear fruit, well: and if not, then after that thou shalt cut it down.” (Luke 13:9) Moldbug sees no necessity in cutting it down, yet the so-called EHC bears poisonous fruit solely. His ‘Passivist’ strategy is to just wait until they all see the error of their ways, and — no doubt inspired by skimming his old blogposts on an ebook format — come to their senses, and kindly consent to “retire.” But in truth, whoever could come to his senses has already done so, and whoever’s left on the Left is possessed by DROM and can only be redeemed, or said to be redeemed, postmortem. You are not going to “retire” USG, Yarvin. Eventually, the bullets will fly, and hopefully so will the helicopters; the next 4 years, or however long (or fast) it will take, should give the Right sufficient time to Prepare. A bloodless coup was never in the cards.

Moldbug’s entire strategy rests on the ludicrous assumption that leftists are reasonable, or can be made reasonable.

Might want to reconsider that.

Aidan says:

Yarvin uses Carlyle’s metaphor of a runaway horse, but there is another option here; a man can cut the horse’s throat and walk to his destination. One cannot do so who is unarmed, and Trump did not have a knife in his first term, but now it seems like he has been given a knife. Walking might be hard for those accustomed to riding, and the way might be long, but it is healthy, and horse meat is good eating to those who have nothing else.

DH says:

Thomas Carlyle’s greatest idea, also his most famous, was the Great Man of History theory. And as Jim wrote upthread,

Tony Abbot expelled the people invading Australia, but he had to ignore the courts

Trump and his merely elected government are highly unlikely to receive any permission from the permanent government to do what needs to be done, which means that he will have to ignore the permanent government and proceed anyway – and to do that, will require turning some fruits into vegetables. Not something a merchant is used to be doing, but Carlyle was right, and destiny does indeed await the Great Man, whether it’s Trump or someone a tad bit more “oy vey” inducing.

DH says:

If we see a surge of sudden resignations from the FBI, the “intelligence community,” and the Justice Department, that would be a sign that the Nothing Ever Happens era is officially over – Something Happens.

DH says:

(Meant as reply to Hesiod above)

Jim says:

We have seen outbreaks of interesting resignations in Europe.

Jim says:

I have lost track of resignations. There have been a lot of them.

DH says:

Trump needs to gut the spooks, or the spooks gut him. It’s best to fight a civil war when the intelligence and law enforcement agencies and the justice system are on your side rather than your sworn enemies. They are not currently on Trump’s side. (Although someone in DoD probably is.) You can fight either way, but for an optimal chance of winning, it’s better to commence as soon as possible purging as much of the apparatuses of the state off of your enemies (suspected or proven) as possible, starting with the spooks.

Contaminated NEET says:

Listen to Trump talk about the spooks. He’s dazzled by them and he loves them. He thinks they’re tough, serious, competent men of action, and he likes hanging around with them and feeling like he’s part of what they’re doing. In interviews, he relishes bragging about how he worked hand-in-hand with them to take out the bad guys. It’s completely obvious that he is not purging them.

From the Tucker interview:
“Tucker Carlson (32:18):
When you were president, are you confident that you knew everything, say CIA was doing around the world?
Donald Trump (32:24):
No, I’m not. I’m not. It’s a very interesting group of people. I had very good relationships, I thought. But I was a little surprised when I got out that things go on. Look, it’s-
Tucker Carlson (32:38):
What were you surprised by?
Donald Trump (32:39):
I was surprised, I think at some of the people. I had a group of people, look, we killed many using the CIA, I have to say this, very bad actors. We were very good at it. You look at Soleimani, you look at Al-Baghdadi, bigger than Osama bin Laden. I mean, Osama Bin Laden is, but Al-Baghdadi did ISIS and he was rebuilding ISIS very strongly.”

It looks a little better on the page than it sounds in the video, but it’s still not great. Listen to the audio. Trump is really proud that he got to work with the badass James Bond guys. I admit, he does mention that he felt surprised and betrayed by some of the things they did, but on the whole he clearly still has a sky-high opinion of them. Tucker tries to steer him into badmouthing them, but Trump naturally falls into to praise and boasts.

Jim says:

He similarly praised the Secret Service, even though it rapidly become completely obvious that the cat lady in charge was part of the conspiracy that set up the attempted assassination. Yet, very shortly cat lady removed, and when we next see him with the secret service, no women in sight.

It is obvious that the CIA was party to the second attempted assassination, but it looks like the secret service was not party to the second attempt.

If his, and our, enemies had total control of the institutions, Trump would be gone, and no one would dare remember he ever existed. Analogously, Musk is under attack by the Department of Justice, but he also has powerful friends. There are bad actors in charge of the CIA, but it looks like there are no longer bad actors in charge of the secret service. And, if Sulla is coming to town, the bad actors in charge of the CIA are lame ducks.

JD Vance observed that we need to get control of the institutions, and proposed de-Wokification, making the analogy to de-Ba’athification. The secret service looks de-Wokified.

Nancy was seen having a very angry conversation with the mulatto cat lady in charge of manufacturing ballots. It is obvious that orders went out to manufacture sixty million ballots, and it did not happen. They give orders and stuff just does not happen, partly because of DEI incompetence, and partly because people no longer believe that that the chain of command through which unusual orders flow will be around for much longer.

The Cominator says:

Jim link on this Nancy Pelosi convo?

Your Uncle Bob says:

If Trump and his team can seize the moment rather than preemptively cucking (remains to be seen), gutting intelligence may be easier than I naively imagined. A Washington Times article claims senior FBI are eyeing early retirement before they can be fired, and agents are worried about old fitness standards that have been relaxed being reinstated.

Still short of a true purge, and really need your own guys in charge of hiring. (FBI hiring has been leftist for longer than Back theBblue rightists can conceive of. I heard one anecdote about a veteran being advised to answer interview questions opposite of his first instincts that’s decades old.) But exploiting the two angles they’re worried about would give a running start.

DH says:

A Washington Times article claims senior FBI are eyeing early retirement before they can be fired, and agents are worried about old fitness standards that have been relaxed being reinstated.

Off to an excellent start if this comes to pass.

LEAs currently serve as Harvard’s militia. Flipping their loyalty to Trump by purging all the bad actors is step number one. It won’t avert the civil war (there is no averting the civil war; there is only organizing for it), but it will make the challenge ahead somewhat easier. “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master – that’s all.” To gut the spooks is, among many other things, to answer that question.

Jim says:

When Putin intervened in the Ukraine, the entire Soros operation in Russia grabbed everything they could carry, smashed everything they could not carry, and left.

Russia’s door remains wide open, possibly because they have made no attempt to return. They will not even go to Kalingrad, even though they are running an operation against Kalingrad in the adjacent Nato countries almost within walking distance. Believing their own propaganda, they fear that if they show their faces, they would disappear.

Purging the FBI may well be easier and less controversial than I anticipated. Just enforce the physical fitness and marksmanship standard, and poof, most of them are gone. The place will be a ghost town, and those few remaining will mostly have a natural inclination towards being right wing.

Bix Nudelmann says:

Could also do physical fitness requirements for the armed services also. I imagine the correlation between Shaniqua, woke, fat and slow is pretty strong. How many pull-ups can Vindman do?

Stochastic purging.

very occasional commenter says:

The public comments by Mike Davis, Trump’s attorney in the NYC criminal case and under consideration for Attorney General, are encouraging.

In an interview post election he threatened the Soros attorney, Letitia James, that “we are serious this time” and “will throw her fat ass in prison” if she doesn’t stop the lawfare.

Hesiod says:
DH says:

Mike Davis sounds like a pretty BASED individual.

I wonder what his Power Level is. (You never reveal your Power Level)

Rod says:

This is why, other than crime and drugs, people shouldn’t put too much priority on Hispanics in the USA, they actually vote Christian, and can easily be reached by Republicans if they wake up and start speaking to Hispanic values. Also, Hispanics actually do real work and are mostly compatible and friendly, have real families, etc.
Unlike Muslims who do nothing but run a bunch of c-stores and sleazy used car dealerships, who literally think you’re filthy garbage, are forbidden from mingling, and are commanded to conquer and kill you. The families are a mess. They’ve got your Politicians by the balls. They also suck the tongues of pre-pube boys.
Unlike new-age Jews who are running even worse PsyOps on you than the even Muslims are, and totally own your Fake News Media, Banks, and Politicians. They also suck the dicks of pre-pube boys.

Ryan says:

Real marriage is illegal in that the woman can defect easily.
Religious devotion helps a lot, where the woman believes it is her divine duty to have children and be faithful. She would generally only instinctively consider ‘trading up’ within the same faith, and any good faith bans this. Sincere Christians or the very limited supply of nationalist/identitarian women are good bets. Community pressure also helps a lot.

If you can build a small local community of men, you can start attracting and keeping women. Those who approach your group of high quality men will be a lot easier to keep than random women.

Outside of that, the average woman likes 50 shades of grey. Those who actively advertise themselves as looking for a master are probably nymphos and hard to keep, but I recommend introducing some healthy kink stuff early on in a relationship like spanking and giving commands. Push towards a 24/7 Dominance/submissive relationship where your whole life together is an exciting, sexy game. Set rules and punish her when she breaks them. This shows that you care about her, and proactively passes shit tests. You have to give some affection and plenty of satisfying sex of course. Many women love this stuff.

It’s all framed as being consensual and fun so it’s low risk. The dynamics of the relationship will make her see you as high status and want to conform to you. You can then slowly reprogram her towards sane and healthy views on things including wanting lots of children. If you can train her into a good wife, then marry her and knock her up. Once you have children with her, she will have litle reason to leave and many to stay.

dharmicreality says:

The mood in India is generally upbeat about Trump’s return to the White House, even though the usual Cathedral mouthpieces are warning us of the “dangers” of Trump’s administration especially in respect of his protectionist policies and “America first”.

In India the feeling is that GAE pressure tactics against India with respect to Russia will reduce considerably and this has everybody relieved. Everybody in India wants business as usual with Russia without the threat of GAE sanctions. Even Modi was quick to congratulate Trump (it was reported here that Modi was one of the first world leaders to greet and congratulate Trump after the victory)

Trump had already praised Modi before the election, and in fact, he spoke as though he was returning to the White House and indeed, that has come to pass.

The GAE/American media seems in a completely different world to the India media. I am seeing a lot of doom and gloom pieces from the usual suspects which I haven’t bothered to read in full.

But very interesting to see more and more divergence between the Cathedral line and the line taken by the international media. I think the Globohomo media is already losing the lock-step synchronization between its different wings.

Dharmicreality says:

It’s also amusing and instructive, though predictable, to see the Harvard radical leftists blaming the Democrats’ loss on the establishment Left not being left enough.

yewotm8 says:

There was a lot of shit talking directed towards Fuentes in the last comment section, but his “Your Body, My Choice” meme is popping off.

Jim says:

It is a bad meme, probably created by our enemies.

Dan says:

What is the problem with Fuentes?

DH says:

“If you have to ask…”

Jim says:

Enemy agent. Tool of the deep state, part of the same apparatus as Zelensky et al.

Dan says:

None of this says what’s the problem with Fuentes.
Ppl aren’t going to listen to statements without evidence.
Ppl aren’t going to stop listening to him unless other people show exactly what he’s wrong about.
Ppl still listen to Shapiro.
And the WEF crowd of globo-maggots.

Jim says:

The problem with Fuentes is that he is an obvious glowie, and to my knowledge (correct me if I am wrong) all the traction his meme is getting is from glowies and open leftists.

Further, whenever someone promotes a glowie, it is usually another glowie. Commit the thought crimes that Fuentes meme strangely fails to point at. Why should women not have choice.

DH says:

Given all of the known criticisms we have of Fuentes, the onus is rather on you to explain why someone should pay attention to him. Has he provided you with any special insights? Is he particularly entertaining? Explain why people should listen to him.

notglowing says:

I totally disagree on the meme being bad.
It’s incredibly funny, for one, and it’s true as well.
Whether Fuentes is an enemy or not, he produced a banger.

I don’t believe it’s only getting traction from leftists.
It circulated in right wing circles first, I found it on X, and then only later did leftists start reacting to it, upon which right wingers started spreading the reactions, consisting of women in tears complaining about how sexist it is. No different from leftists crying about the election.

It reminded me of why I used to watch him. He’s funny.

notglowing says:

I don’t really get the whole “he said women shouldn’t control their bodies but he didn’t say why” argument. We’re not leftists who need to have everything explained to them. The meme is directionally good and funny.

The most valid point against it made here seems to be that he just took the left-wing accusations of right wingers and validated them, which is like implicitly agreeing with them.

This is true, but what is the context of the clip? Him gloating over the right winning the election and leftists pissing their pants. He’s (somewhat disingenuously, given he had lost faith in Trump) making fun of his enemies and gloating to them, who are cowering in fear.

I don’t know if you watched the full clip that was originally posted on twitter, but he goes on by saying that it seems the glass ceiling turned out to be a brick wall, and conjures the image of kamala’s stupid face smashing against the brick wall over and over. Trump won, you lost. You’re going to get it now. That’s the message.

Leftists keep accusing right wingers of wanting to do this or that bad thing to them or minorities or women or whatever, and now they lost, and are crying about what is going to happen. And he’s saying, fuck you, I guess we are going to smash you into a brick wall after all then, nigger?
It’s a form of agreeing and amplifying, which is always powerful. The opposite of saying “No, I’m not sexist/racist, but…”
The fact that he’s retorting their accusations back to them is incredibly funny, and should be demoralizing to leftists. Being able to say these things without being punished is good.

It’s not some kind of serious sermon on what women or men should do or be.
I think this blog is too serious and there’s some lack of a sense of humor here.

Adam says:

> I think this blog is too serious and there’s some lack of a sense of humor here.

Jim’s blog is the only place I visit on the internet for serious content. And I am 100% on board with Jimianity.

That being said even though I am funny in real life, many people have said I am very serious or too serious. Is that a flaw in us? I don’t know. I don’t think so, at this time. I cannot really enjoy the decline. I have just the one gear, forward. We have too much work to do to spend much time fooling around. And foolishness in general is best left to women and children.

yewotm8 says:

Can you elaborate on why? Is it because it you believe it implies public, rather than private ownership?

Jim says:

As a democratic source said, analysing their defeat:

“These young men, especially those without a college degree, have expressed feeling unfulfilled, dissatisfied with their jobs and lives, and desirous of a society and home life with traditional gender roles. For years, media outlets have documented how more and more young men have been radicalized after consuming content from right-leaning entertainers and commentators, especially on platforms like YouTube and Twitch. Now, as more of those men have reached voting age, this phenomenon appears to be benefiting Trump and the far right.

One 2021 study found that a leading predictor of support for Trump – over party affiliation, gender, race and education level – was belief in “hegemonic masculinity”, defined as believing that men should be in positions of power, be “mentally, physically, and emotionally tough”, and reject anything considered feminine or gay. Some heterodox influencers gained a following by embodying or promoting precisely this brand of masculinity, and giving their followers a script for blaming dissatisfaction on women.”

Individual men have want to own individual women and children. The meme as it stands has maximum threat, and minimum appeal.

Rod says:


Did you notice that the Pelosi-AOC-Kamala-Biden Leftist Corrupt Ruling Class of literal MARXISTS… tried to blame inflation on the GROCERY stores (they make way under 5% profit on food, not to mention their Leftist Unions rape prices higher too)… instead of on their own ProgMarxSocCom’s… Wilson, FDR, and JEWS, who instituted the “FEDERAL” “RESERVE” MONEY PRINTING INTEREST ENSLAVEMENT FORFEITURE AND RAPE SYSTEM, and their IRS TAXATION IMMORAL MONEY TRANSFER SYSTEM.

FUCK these people.

Time for the Republicans to go all restoration to pre-1900 on their ass.

Ron Paul… can I get a witness.

c4ssidy says:

Pretty sure I saw it start from the left but if someone could manage to pop-off ‘wife’s body, husband’s choice’…

DH says:

Yeah, they started with “my body, your choice,” and the cum-guzzler just turned it around.

It is the Right viewed from the Left: “Yes, we are horrible misogynists who passionately hate women and want to oppress them just because it’s funny,” totally accepting the leftist frame and siding with the bad guys in the story. That’s precisely what shills do.

“We hate blacks because they are funky, Jews because they are intelligent, and women because they are awesome.” The little fag does not think like an authentic right-winger at all. It’s all shill scripts.

Jim says:

This issue is finally on the radar of people running for political office.

Next, we auction off single non virgins.

Jim says:

“Start from the left”? I only see it from the left and from obvious glowies. It is a 100% shill meme that so far, to my knowledge, has gained zero traction.

Niiiidriveevof says:

notglowing is correct. “minimum appeal”? you guys just do not get it. the overton window in the younger generation really has shifted, i think due in large part to fuentes himself, to the point where this this DOES have direct appeal, it IS directly over the target. the fact that it prioritizes hoe-scaring over argument IS THE APPEAL, as it is with god-emperor trump meme material – amplifying the meme is like joining a digital parade, it’s not didactic, it’s not seeking a seat at the table of ideas in a free society, it’s saying that on this issue, you either get it or you don’t, we’re past discussing, and our side is stronger than our enemies’.
that you guys don’t know that nick is based on the wq suggests you really have dismissed him out of hand from him. those are the clips that get shared the most. i don’t keep track of that stuff or i’d find some. “women are retarded and need to be owned, will destroy themselves and anything around them if they are allowed to, need to be treated like children instead of like men in any useful social environment” is the position. much less elaborate than the full story, but certainly not an enemy meme, because (1) it’s TRUE, and (2) it has lots of traction with young guys. everyone on the right amplifying that meme understands that’s what it signifies.
i may be projecting, and i’m not as plugged into twitter as i once was, but i suspect that his aggressive, direct attitude on the wq is actually the center of gravity of his popularity, rather than his positions on anything else. he hooks into men’s subconscious expectation of “joining this warband might lead to me getting to capture a wife”.

his political platform is ‘the american empire is mismanaged and collapsing socially, morally, financially, diplomatically, and needs a new ideology – this ideology must be explicitly Christian and nationalistic.’ as far as i know, he doesn’t talk about the federal government or the dollar collapsing, he doesn’t talk about secession or balkanization, he doesn’t talk about civil war that completely changes the political landscape, his criticisms of the american empire is just that it’s not helping us, he doesn’t talk about completely replacing the elite. so my take is that this is a more far-sighted version of trump’s 2024 campaign: it’s a a pitch to the existing elite, “you want to keep the american empire afloat, only my ideological package will do that.” motivated by a desire to improve the condition of his fellow man, but based on the calculation that getting existing kleptocratic factions of the elite to adopt new ideas is the route with the highest chances of success. i think this blog’s program is superior. but these programs should certainly be allied in the present day

Niiiidriveevof says:

moreover – although i have seen lots of leftists spreading the meme, they are all women, and while the rest of their face is frowning and looking upset, their eyes are smiling. they’re just indulging in rape fantasy and amplifying something they feel might reify rape fantasy

notglowing says:

I think the age divide is a factor as to why Jim and many others on this blog seem to not find this meme funny or enjoyable. For what it’s worth, I’m about the same age as Nick. The younger generations see this differently. Based zoomers, me included, think this type of humor is funny.

Also true on the women aspect, the lefties sharing this are all women reacting to it. That’s actually a good point. I think they like it on a subconscious level.

Tom says:

Russia, Belarus, Hungary and a few others will all become America’s greatest allies in the restoration of a White Christian Europe free from the scourges of Evil Pols, Bolshevik, Jewry, and the ReligioPol-Incompatibility of Islam. All Corrupt and Evil will be thrown out of office and influence. And all their Importeds and Invaders of an Incompatible type will find the entire North-Western Arc of Lands, from the America’s through the East of Russia, no longer free for them, exactly as their own Islam treats all non-Islam, such that they will then find great personal endeavuour and desire to return to their own Islamic lands, remain there, and embark upon making them truly great again, internally, for themselves.
When you follow the way the Nature made, you have peace and success, when force false diversity, and thus its resultant internal incompatibility and warfare, you have fail.

Dan says:

We are rapidly returning to a
– an amazing 1950’s family… wife, kids, garden, car, work, house, church…
blended with
– 1980’s music
– 2030 new crypto L1’s by then, usable by a billion worldwide
– 2030 by then achieved reframe of formal education toward mostly advancement of tech only, prime targets: Fusion Energy, Life Extension, Interstellar Travel
– 2025-2030 political shift, driven by free speech on free p2p platforms thereby attracting billions of people… back toward not just “Limited Govt” but forward into Libertarian AnCap Self-Sovereignty Liberty etc… nothing but defense of nation, crime, property, and possibly Nature / Resources … will remain of Legacy Govt… all “Law” outside that will be removed and relegated to private contract.

Hesiod says:

> I think this blog is too serious and there’s some lack of a sense of humor here.

An Arab, a Persian, and an Indian are floating amidst the debris of a shipwreck. A shark circles them before grabbing the Arab.

Chomp, chomp, chomp.

The shark circles again before taking the Persian.

Chomp, chomp, chomp.

Once more the shark circles but this time swims away.

The Indian shouts out, “hey, why aren’t you eating me?”

The shark turns and says, “I ate one of yous guys last week and my asshole is still burning!”

DH says:

Unjokingly, this reminds me of someone once telling me that Islam is the “civilizational laxative” – when your high civilization gets excessively clogged up with tons of shit (memetically speaking; this refers to leftism), the introduction of Islam into the system, more often than not, forces the body-politic to expel much of the waste, as the planks of its leftist worldview are rapidly destabilized from the inside out – there is no defeating Islam without first defeating leftism, and since Islam pretty much forces you into war both memetic and kinetic, it thus forces you to abandon leftism if (and that, indeed, is a big “if”) you want to survive and triumph.

Perhaps that’s why GNON allowed this religion to happen.

DH says:

In physiological, non-scatological terms, if your body-politic isn’t suffering from terminal memetic AIDS, Islam triggers and activates its immune system; your civilization’s amygdalae turn on the fight-flight-freeze response, ideally opting to fight; hence, the toxic senescent cells (leftist memes) die off, and the memeplex is rejuvenated. Many such metaphors are apt here.

Rod says:

> the introduction of Islam into the system
> first defeating leftism
> Islam pretty much forces you into war

Admitting one enemy in to dispatch another, does nothing but leave you with a new and hardened enemy installed in your lands. And since *you* were not the ones that forced *yourselves* to muster and fight that war yourselves… you’re still nothing but a bunch of weaklings, regardless of whether “Leftism” is now gone or not. Choosing to remain weaklings is precisely suicide. So if you still have any Righteousness left within you, then mustering that to do the dispatching yourselves is the way. Else yes, at that point you’re nothing but self-admitted permacucks, trying to be JEWS using others for your gain and survival, so you might as well give yourselves up forever to Marxism, ISLAM, or whatever else… no point in importing an enemy to fight for you, you’re dead already inside.

FOOLISH Christians CHOSE to admit Islam into their [white] Christian lands under the UTTERLY FUCKTARDED premises that…

– They could convert Muslims AFTER they let them in. Instead of converting them to Christ on mission to their lands FIRST, then selectively inviting the proven followers and workers for the Lord among them, and Christian Asylum seekers, into their lands.

– What they learned about ISLAM the hard way after Islam INVADED OUTBRED and SLAUGHTERED them centuries before, thus forcing them to fight back via the first Crusade, could all now be ignored, because somehow JESUS SAVES the SHEEP from SLAUGHTER or some shit, differently now from then vs the 1990’s through today.

DH says:

Dude, did I advocate introducing Islam as a brilliant strategy to jolt the system into fight-or-flight? Of course not; read carefully what I’m trying to convey here. Rather, the point is that once it already has been introduced (by the usual suspects), you are either on the path to becoming Muslim, or on the path to ridding yourself of whatever hostile memes allowed it to be introduced in the first place. There is no long-term coexistence with Islam within the same borders – you either succumb to it or you ward it off, but to ward it off you need to cease being a leftist first.

In other words: to liberate GAE-dominated Europe from Islam, need to liberate America from Harvard. Islam serves as a constant, painful reminder of what will happen to your civilization if you don’t liberate America from Harvard.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Islam is the lesser enemy because rock-paper-scissors. Christianity defeats Islam by breeding better farmers, industrialists, and warriors (Islam makes people brown and stupid), Leftism defeats Christianity by polluting it with heresy, and Islam defeats Leftism by cutting their blue-haired heads off.

DH says:

Exactly so.

Bouncer says:

And when one reads “Leftism” after about 1880 or so, one really needs to read it as Jewish-imbued leftism, because since around that point leftism absorbed the Jewish practice of pilpul and legalistic obfuscation.
Hence one should be wary of those who “support Israel” against Islam, because Islam in great part sprang from Judaism: the Quraysh merchant tribe which ruled Mecca and from which Muhammad sprang was composed of polytheistic pagans and those who followed a form of judaism. As the website informs us:

There was a small group of monotheists present in Arabia on the eve of the rise of Islam. Its members did not worship idols, and they were the followers of the Prophet Abraham. The members of the families of Muhammad, the future prophet, and Ali ibn Abi Talib, the future caliph, and most members of their clan – the Banu Hashim – belonged to this group.

This will no doubt prove to be an unpopular and much-decried opinion among some, but facts will tend to do that to people.

T says:

>Leftism is Jewish
>Islam is Jewish
>Trump is Jewish

We’ve heard it all before.

Hesiod says:

The Persian chemistry TA who originally told me this joke 30+ years ago would have been surprised by these responses, but I’m not. Love yous guys (no homo), especially our dharmabros.

DH says:

To paraphrase Saint Paul in 1 Corinthians 9:20-22:

To the Nazis I became like a Nazi, to redpill the Nazis. To those under autism I became like one under autism (though I myself am not under autism), so as to redpill those under autism. To those not having a sense of humor I became like one not having a sense of humor (though I am not in denial of God’s sense of humor but am inside Christ’s Comedy Club), so as to redpill those not having a sense of humor. To the trolls I became a troll, to redpill the trolls. I have become all personas to all poasters so that by all possible memes I might redpill some.

Rod says:

Always said the Media PsyOps account for at MINIMUM 10% of total votes cast.

Abject retardation cast into DNA from 100 years of govt public schools, free shit, and blindly following family and city traditions… account for the rest of the Democrat Party’s votes.

Rod says:
Rod says:


Bouncer says:

Again, There is no “Reply” button to your pro-Israel spergouts.

T says: 2024-11-12 at 10:17
>Leftism is Jewish
>Islam is Jewish
>Trump is Jewish
We’ve heard it all before.

I’m so very very sorry T/DH, that reality hurts you every time single time you hear it, but it remains reality despite your sperging out about it.
According to Islamic history itself, Mohammed came from a sub-tribe that was ostensibly jewish in ideology, even if not in name. It’s rather pathetic that you start your screeching about “Harvard shills” when you yourself keep spreading Harvard-style memes in support of Israel.

Take this one you were spreading for example:

Obama gives you Iranian Middle-East and WWIII.
Trump gives you Israeli-Saudi Middle-East and no WWIII.

While WW3 is the worse option globally, an Iranian Middle-East is a better option regionally“Christianity did not come from Judaism: rather, Judaism is a perversion of Christianity.”

(note to Jim: please fix the vanishing “Reply” buttons – it’s very frustrating to have to respond to responses like T’s in separate threads)

Bouncer says:

That is very odd, half my comment vanished.

The latter part should read:

While WW3 is the worse option globally, an Iranian Middle-East is a better option regionally, especially for Europe. The reason an Iranian Middle-East is the better outcome is that Saudi Arabia is THE biggest exporter of global jihadism/terrorism, regardless of the garbage the US regime puts out claiming otherwise. It also means that Christians in the Middle-East remain relatively safe – people really need to remember that the Iranian-backed Hezbolah helped the Assad government protect Christians in Syria, while the Saudi-supported Jihadists of the FSA and the US-backed Kurds systematically tried to exterminate them. Saudi Arabia’s Islam is clearly more demonic than Iran’s, and nuclear-armed Iran poses no significant threat to any nation other than Israel, for whose people I care not one iota. I certainly don’t want WW3, but I also want Israel and the Saudis weakened to the point that gunboat diplomacy can be applied against them by any western nation, and even if needs be by Iran as well.

Bouncer says:

The next part read:

As written in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9, Chriost called the Pharisee-led branch of Judaism the “Synagogue of Satan”, and that is the branch of Judaism which remains today in a much-evolved format since the destruction of the Temple in 70AD. It is for this reason that St. Ignatius Theophorus (Ignatius of Antioch), early Christian theologian and Patriarch of Antioch, stated “Christianity did not come from Judaism: rather, Judaism is a perversion of Christianity”…

Learn some history, and try to avoid spreading your toxic Harvard memes while you’re at it, “T”.

T says:

I’m not the one sperging out, shill.

Bouncer says:

LMAO this from the shill who thinks everyone who fails to kowtow to Israel is a Harvard plant, and who somehow thinks debasing White western civilization at the feet of Israel/Saudi interests is a good thing because it means defeating Iran (which is only considered an enemy of the US because Israel considers it an enemy).
As is to be expected from a shill like you, T, you provide no engagement with any point raised whatsoever.

“We recognize a tree by its fruit, and we ought to be able to recognize a Christian by his action. The fruit of faith should be evident in our lives, for being a Christian is more than making sound professions of faith. It should reveal itself in practical and visible ways. Indeed it is better to keep quiet about our beliefs, and live them out, than to talk eloquently about what we believe, but fail to live by it.” – St. Ignatius Theophorus (of Antioch) again.

T says:

>who somehow thinks debasing White western civilization at the feet of Israel/Saudi interests

My ketamine-meditation just got so much more hilarious.

Keep going.

The Cominator says:

Saudi Arabia was a massive exporter of Jihad and terrorism but Mohammed Bin Salman stopped that almost as soon as he came to power. You are trying to argue why is Trump is Jewish and le bad for not wanting WWIII with clever sounding foreign policy babbling and that sounds very very much like shilling.

T says:

When Trump makes the historical, unprecedented, hopefully long-term Peace in the Middle-East with Bibi and MBS, the Harvard shills will be seething, fuming, and raging like they have never seethed and fumed and raged before. It will be glorious.

Look how triggered they already are, how upset, how wrathful, how hurt, how whiny, how absolutely 100% pathetic. A veritable downpour of delicious, shiny, big, beautiful shill tears is incoming. Some of them might simply not be able to psychologically cope with 4 years of commonsense (non-demonic) foreign policy – the suicide hotlines should prepare in advance.

By 2028, “Slava Ukraini” and “Free Palestine” and the other shill memes will be blotted out of memory. Look how triggered the Harvardites are at the prospect of Peace in Eastern Europe and Peace in the Middle-East. They care about the Palestinians or any other Arabs as much as they care about the Ukrainians, which is to say – not at all; they want them to die, and encourage them to die (instead of encouraging them to give up and opt for a peaceful resolution), for absolutely demonic purposes.

And it’s all coming to an end soon.

“Whaaa whaaa abloo abloo HOW DARE YOU.”

Seriously, look how triggered they all are.

Bouncer says:

>You are trying to argue why is Trump is Jewish and le bad for not wanting WWIII with clever sounding foreign policy babbling and that sounds very very much like shilling.

*buzzer sound*
I’m sorry that’s incorrect . You get zero points.

You are being skillfully manipulated by T’s verbal diarrhea into joining together very separate arguments, including arguments I did not make but which T has hallucinated into existence (of course T could simply be a typical “educated” American who filters everything he reads through the filter of what he wants to see instead of what is actually there).

Trump is good for the world because we avoid WW3. He provides a political anchor in the social zeitgeist for whoever becomes our version of Caesar or Augustus down the line. But on the other hand, Israel is no friend to the USA (and even less so to Europe), and the Saudis to this day continue to export Wahhabi ideology worldwide, and assist in the immigration of Muslims into Europe via charities etc. This is still a big problem even with Trump in the WH for the next four years, and if you can’t see that there’s no helping you.

“T” aka “DH” keeps waving this “long-term Peace in the Middle-East” flag in front of you all (after all one of the biggest Progressive religious values is Peace), but Netanyahu’s solution is to ethnically cleanse the land Israel wants to grab and to ship the inhabitants to Europe: >

Then like a smart jewish shill, he insinuates that this is somehow in the best interests of Whites, and decries all counterpoints as “Harvard shilling”, knowing that doing so will trigger the brain to release cortisol and resist the very idea that this Jewish land-grab is dangerous and stupid, and harmful to us all. We are told we must cheer Israel even when it attacks Christians, because this will lead to “peace” (there’s that Harvard value again), otherwise we must be tarred by this moron as the very thing he is:

Just look at how “T” chortles at killing in the name of Peace. Remember to cheer on the jewish genocide of all inconvenient opponents, otherwise you too may be called a “Harvard shill” for thinking of the long-term.

T says:

Look how triggered you are.

Again – it’s over, and it’s never coming back.

Bouncer says:

Projection again. That smug condescending tone is a tell-tale.

And as for your fictional conversation with a Christian Palestinian: LOL. Nice of you to throw in an unprovable claim, while I linked to external evidence that Israel has actually bombed Christians.

I note you are yet to provide any proof of your claim that you “invented* … shill tests as a concept. … wrote most of them” back in 2013/2014, as you claimed. Still no evidence, and I daresay there never will be, for the obvious reason that it’s bullshit.

Now kindly fuck off, shill.

T says:

Oh, by the way, a few weeks ago I had a nice conversation with a Christian Palestinian (about 1% of the Palestinians are Christians). He bragged to me about personally killing a Hamas-affiliated terrorist in Gaza. He added: “Yalla Bibi, yalla Trump.”

Of course, you will say that I am lying. But as a Manipulative Mossad Meme Magician, I need to have some “background knowledge,” don’t I?

Now kindly fuck off.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>but Netanyahu’s solution is to ethnically cleanse the land Israel wants to grab

If only our neighbors were as based as our backbiters accuse them of being.

T says:


Israel is a cucked, leftist, Feminist hellhole. But when the backbiters make all these accusation, it’s best not to refute them with FACTS and LOGIC, but instead to Agree & Amplify: “Yeah, Bibi the King of Israel is a reincarnation of Yahweh on Earth, and he is going to Make Israel (territorially) Great Again.”

They just can’t stand it, and they always reveal themselves.

Bouncer says:

Did you miss the point I made, that the intent is to push them into Europe and the US? Or like “T” are you simply ignoring that because you figure it won’t impact you and will hurt lower-class whites?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>the intent is to push them into Europe and the US?

That’s certainly the sort of thing heebs tend to do; I just don’t like it being prefaced by ‘ethnic cleansing’ as if that’s a bad thing per se.

T says:

Hitler originally wanted the Jews expelled to Palestine or Madagascar, but the Brits didn’t let him, so “no food for you,” and oops many Jews are gone. Ideally Europeans and Americans won’t let Israel expel the Palestinians to Europe or America, and next thing you know, oops gorillions of shitskins disappear forever.

But the liklier scenario, if Israel ever decides to be based rather than cucked, is other countries in the Middle-East, Africa, or (and this is far from ideal, but possible) South America.

I’m still rooting for “oops millions of shitskins disappeared, oh well what a tragedy, hey what’s new on Netflix?” though.

Paul says:

Amen to that, T.

T says:

How will Harvard’s Third-Worldist shills cope with four years of the incoming Trump administration? They will wake up to their worst nightmare every single day. Will their astroturf campaign flood NRx forums like Buttfucker is doing here, trying to “save” the poor, precious 67-IQ Jihadists from rightful retribution? I expect a lot of them to push blackpilling against Trump, “Trump is a Jew,” “Trump is Mossad,” “Netanyahu stole our elections,” etc. etc. Oh, the salt we’re going to rub, rub, rub into their wounds.

It’s like they never even bothered to read what all central NRx writers had to say about this issue. Harvard’s Buttfuckers should really do their homework next time before shilling Third-Worldism on NRx platforms, kek.

Jim says:

The two major shilling operations are Soros, who is working for the State Department, and the FBI. The FBI is a about to be radically purged, so FBI shills are going to vanish. What is going to happen with the State Department operation is less clear, but good chance they are abruptly going away. There is another operation, possibly several, more closely linked to Harvard, and a Democratic party shilling operation. Harvard is not going away, but the Democratic party is now totally focused on itself, with a power struggle under way, so will at least forget about us for a time.

T says:

I sure hope that Vance, or someone connected to him and more Dark MAGA than him, is lurking here, and will find the courage and determination to go ahead with the Dissolution of the Monasteries. Then possibly some of the Harvard shilling operation will end as well. If the Dark MAGA faction of the Trump Team successfully manages to dissolve the monasteries, it will be a decisive victory for civilization and the NRx priesthood.

Rod says:

The CDC Planned Quarantine Camps Nationwide

No matter how bad you think Covid policies were, they were intended to be worse…

Rod says:

Lot more docs and testimonies exposing COVAX and COVID mass depopulation and control schemes coming out…

Adam says:

Fauci and his kind have to hang. In broad daylight in front of a crowd of people.

Rod says:

Them, and all the Leftist Colour-Rev and Globo types… Hung, alive, by the ankles, heads 6 inches off the ground, in a chicken yard filled with hungry chickens that haven’t eaten in days, pecking holes so they drain out, then tossed in a yard full of feral boars to make fertilizer.

Apparently many of them have begun suiciding, so with luck they’ll do all the work for you. Look for an uptick in sales of razor blades, kitchen knives, and cheap wine.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Is there a reliable source keeping track of recent leftie/government suicides?

I suggest standing them in a line and giving them all mandatory vaccinations. Next to a pre-dug trench, in case anything sudden and unexpected should happen.

Another option is that they all hang themselves with identical red paracord that there is no record of them purchasing and no spool found in their homes. Police will find no connection. Red paracord then becomes a symbol of the Trump Revolution as the guillotine was for the French Revolution.

Rod says:

“They’re not learning in school, they’re not learning in the rest of the media. It’s all shallow and dumb, about race and gender, it’s all lying,” Carlson further asserted.

Ramaswamy told podcaster Lex Fridman: “Get in there on day one, say that anybody in the federal bureaucracy who is not elected, elected representatives obviously were elected by the people, but the people who are not elected, if your social security number ends in an odd number, you’re out, if it ends in an even number, you’re in. There’s a 50% cut right there. Of those who remain, if your social security number starts in an even number, you’re in and if it starts with an odd number, you’re out. Boom. That’s a 75% reduction done. Literally, stochastically, okay, one of the virtues of that, it’s a thought experiment, not a policy prescription, but one of the virtues of that thought experiment is that you don’t have a bunch of lawsuits you’re dealing with about gender discrimination or racial discrimination or political viewpoint discrimination.”

Vivek sat down with Lex Fridman, and he compared the federal government to former Japanese corporate culture. If you can’t fire an employee, the boss is actually the servant to the employee. Smart framing. The people through POTUS serve the bureaucrats when they should serve us.
— FischerKing (@FischerKing64) September 25, 2024

So the way I would do it, 75% headcount reduction across the board in the federal bureaucracy, send them home packing, shut down agencies that shouldn’t exist, rescind every unconstitutional regulation that Congress never passed. In a true self-governing democracy, it should be our elected representatives that make the laws and the rules not unelected bureaucrats. And that is the single greatest form of economic stimulus we could have in this country, but it is also the single most effective way to restore self-governance in our country as well. And it is the blueprint for, I think, how we save this country.

…most people who have run a company, especially larger companies know this, it’s 25% of the people who do 80 to 90% of the useful work, these government agencies are no different.

“They Just Got Handed Fraudulent Books” – Ed Dowd Confirms Our Warning That Trump Is ‘Inheriting A Turd Of An Economy’
Via Greg Hunter’s

Need More Soma says:

Jim, what are your thoughts on the alleged trend that Zoomer men are dating Millennial women? My knee jerk reaction is that this is wishful thinking, a desperate attempt to meme it into reality by dried up and desperate cunts.

Rod says:

Dating dried up infertile cunts is a waste of good semen.
Become of Faith, have work, find a fertile woman, marry her, bring forth children.
And if you see a man who has fallen into the trap of these Semen Harvesting Witches, counsel him similarly such that he breaks free from them.

Rod says:

Here we see a bunch of old irrelevant Jews, and a bunch of old irrelevant Commies… admin.jpg
Can we just get rid of them, and all the rest of their type, permanently, and just move the fuck on to better things without them.

Rod says:

Here we see a bunch of old irrelevant Jews, and a bunch of old irrelevant Commies…
Can we just get rid of them, and all the rest of their type, permanently, and just move the fuck on to better things without them.

Rod says:

Here are a bunch of old pointlessly irrelevant faggots…

You should STOP worshipping them and all their politician type that inhabit their not-actually-hallowed halls, and STOP giving them your money. You don’t need them anymore. So just move the fuck on from them already.

Maybe if Trump goes hard enough (ie: much harder) you will have a “good king” that everyone likes and that just gets the limited essential shit done that needs done. However history shows that is rare. They ususally all suck, and almost all of them do get successively worse after the first king of a new dynasty.

Rod says:

You have a serious problem when 69+% of your forces look like Satan-posessed Zombies before they’ve even ever set foot in the field.

And what type of society puts many of its women in actual field combat, instead of behind the lines supporting their manstock who are out fighting for them, or at home raising their families. There are exceptions for needed specialists, but those are few.

Rod says:

This is very gay…

And the White House is preparing to throw a very gay exit party which will be shown on MSNBC. RINO’s will attend.

The dead weight and damage from the Left is massive, to effect a real purge, to bring Light… the Right must go much harder.

Also, make them give Giuliani’s watch back.

Rod says:

Princes coming from all corners paying Homage to their new King, with only the True among them being awarded a Knights Commission…

This one has a bright future…
“It really looks like ancient Rome here. This is the conquering Republican Caesar who’s going into the Colosseum, and everyone’s cheering, and he’s got his political gladiators with him,” Howard excitedly whined, ignoring the fact that Julius Caesar was long dead when construction on the Colosseum began.
“Trump and his top supporters embraced alpha-male terms and often accentuated them with vulgar and demeaning language.”

Also, here are three long-expired buckets of disgusting crocodile vomit…

WTF, bits of middle USA like Oklahoma Nebraska up through Dakotas, and Indianapolis trended blue…
While some Blacks still-enslaved-to-pandering-dem-pols moved out the hood to the Atlanta burbs. They will convert and become real men soon.

Trump To Declare National Emergency To Conduct Mass Deportations

Jim says:

> WTF, bits of middle USA like Oklahoma Nebraska up through Dakotas, and Indianapolis trended blue…

What has shifted blue is counties that are still counting. Any place that is still counting is still manufacturing ballots.

There are elements of the left that want to repeat the 2020 steal, but they are leaderless and disorganised. They are in the same boat as Republicans were when Trump attempted to litigate the steal. We are in a post legal regime in reality, but still a legal regime in people’s minds. Litigation in a post legal regime is merely to rubber stamp decisions made earlier and elsewhere. The courts do not matter any more, as was demonstrated after the steal, and I doubt the Senate matters any more. When Matt Gaetz is confirmed, this will demonstrate the irrelevance and impotence of the Senate, as the steal demonstrated the irrelevance of the courts.

Dan says:

> blue … counties that are still counting. Any place that is still counting is still manufacturing ballots.

“SHALL NOT BE COUNTED”: Pennsylvania Supreme Court Orders Rogue Officials To Stop Counting Illegal Ballots

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court on Monday ordered all of the state’s county election officials to stop counting mail-in ballots that fail to comply with state law.

BREAKING: PA Supreme Court orders blue counties to immediately stop counting all disqualified mail-ins.
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) November 18, 2024

The order comes after Bucks County Board of Commissioners Chair Robert J. Harvie Jr. (D) and Vice Chair Dianne Ellis-Marseglia (D) defied the top Court’s previous ruling that ballots missing signatures in one of two places, or which are missing a date, cannot be counted.

State law requires a handwritten date on the outer return envelope of mail-in ballots.

The ruling and order to stop counting comes as an automatic recount is underway in the race between Republican Senator-elect Dave McCormick and incumbent Senator Bob Casey. The recount – which comes at a cost to taxpayers of more than $1 million, was triggered by a state law that calls for an automatic recount if a candidate’s margin of victory is no more than 0.5% of total votes cast.

“The Court hereby ASSUMES its King’s Bench authority … only to DIRECT that all Respondents, including the Boards of Elections in Bucks County, Montgomery County, and Philadelphia County, SHALL COMPLY with the prior rulings of this Court in which we have clarified that mail-in and absentee ballots that fail to comply with the requirements of the Pennsylvania Election Code …. SHALL NOT BE COUNTED for purposes of the election held on November 5, 2024,” reads Monday’s ruling.

Earlier this month, Bucks County, PA. commissioners voted to count ballots lacking proper signatures in violation of the state Supreme Court ruling issued earlier this year, and against the advice of the board’s legal counsel – which advised not to count illegal ballots.

🚨🚨🚨#BucksCounty Democrat Commissioners violate the rule of law and ignore PA Supreme Court ruling!

Democrat Commissioners Diane Marseglia and Bob Harvie voted today to count illegal ballots, against PA Supreme Court ruling, in an attempt to aid former Senator Bob Casey.…
— Bucks GOP (@BucksGOP) November 14, 2024

Now to see if they comply…

Dan says:

> blue … counties that are still counting. Any place that is still counting is still manufacturing ballots.

Contaminated NEET says:

Just watch. They will get away with this. They might have to stop at some point and let their guy lose, but there is zero chance any of them will do one second of jail time for openly and proudly defying election law and a court order. If the shoe were on the other foot, it would be a very different story. “People violate laws any time they want.” Ha! You have to respect these people’s power and confidence if nothing else.

Jehu says:

At the bottom everything is enforced by guns and cages. It’d be interesting to see who is going to go to the wall on this. PA Supreme Court said stop counting. Will the cheating officials say ‘Make us’? And then what?

Jim says:

Republics have died many times before. One side gets to violate laws, and the other side does not, and the side that obeys the law is imprisoned or executed. Happens all the time. But disagreements on how the Republic is to be governed continue, one way or another way, another sooner or later. And one way or another way, another sooner or later, most people who were violating the law die, one way or another way, another sooner or later. Not because they violated the law, but because they were on the wrong side in some subsequent disagreement. How else are such disagreements going to be resolved, once law and legality is dead?

Happens all the time. We have been around this merry go round many times before.

That Trump has been allowed to be elected indicates that the counties still counting ballots are on the wrong side in the latest disagreement.

Dan says:

When the self-declared “govt” over you becomes even more tyrannical, fake, and gay…

Dan says:

“Real Democracy” is a PsyOp against you, fake and gay at its core.

AnPol says:

Handling DPRK China Russia etc is converting them not to “Democracy” or toppling whatever, but to AnCap Libertarian Voluntaryist etc. Excepting exclusive invention of 99.9% shootdown success rates, which will not remain exclusive, nor not offensed against, for long, you lose… so your only other option is to let them decommission their States from within. And to win in that new environment, you must have built the early advantage from decomissioning yours first.

Jim says:
AnPol says:

The social equation, mindset, and system development necessary to stave off a conquering has been changing lately. Particularly since the advent of Cryptocurrency, which is heavily steeped in Libertarian thought. Humanity is nearing making a universal demand for freedom [*deleted for being unresponsive*]

Jim says:

It does not matter how many people prefer freedom, if those who want freedom can only act individually, while those who hate freedom are able to act collectively.

Please respond to the arguments I made. You may not find those arguments convincing, but I am not going to let you sail along as if they were never made, as if no one makes such arguments.

Fidelis says:

To make your point in a few words,

Rod says:

Noisy negro cunt on some “Blacks were stolen” slavery bullshit…

She is refusing to tell Con-gress the actual history…

It was her own neighboring tribes of Black Kangz who rounded her up directly boots-on-the-ground first-person hands-on across Africa to sell her off in their first-layer of slave markets to the world.

It was the “Brown” MUSLIMS from MUHAMMAD’s ISLAM that also rounded her people up and sold them off in their own first-layer slave markets to the world.
The ISLAMIC ancestors of her fake Congress “allies” and “friends”… Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib (traitors to the USA and fake friends to her, because ISLAM STRICTLY FORBIDS any non-Lying heartfelt allegiance to any non-Islamic country, and any friendship with any non-Muslim “Do not take them as your friends or protectors — Quran”)… They did this to her people, and they are still doing it to her people today wherever they in the world they can get away with it, as ISLAM tells the MUSLIM that they can do it.

It was also the MUSLIMS OF ISLAM who explicitly invaded the WHITE Euro lands to take the BLONDE WOMEN for their men to rape and impregnate and “marry” ignoring the fact of their living husbands, to enslave or kill all the NON-MUSLIM men even women and child, force them to convert or pay tax and submit to arbitrary conquerment authority and subjugation, or die for refusing and refuting ISLAM and MUHAMMAD.

Over 95% of the origin slave trade and its embarkment, and the numbers of slaves across global history, were entirely enshrined committed and proferred by entities other than the Colonial-Era/USA.

And it was the WHITE EURO CHRISTIAN MALES who rose up via both the CRUSADES and LAW to put an end to all that bullshit. And they’re rightly going to do it again, ending all of today’s bullshit too.

She literally owes the fact… that her obese ghetto-noisy slapahoe head-bobbin bitch-nail-wearin ignorant ass can sit in that chair and spew historical nonsense, leftist bullshit, and outright racist nigger-race preferential policy, that she’s even in and has anything in the world outside of Africa… to the WHITE EURO CHRISTIAN MALE.

If you didn’t “ask to be here”, you don’t appreciate what keeps “here” here, you want to turn it into Africa, then go the fuck back to your “home” and do it there, MAKE AFRICA GREAT AGAIN, bitch.

Keep pushing this garbage. You will continue to lose elections.
— Paratrooper Brady™️ 🇺🇲 (@82ndairborneBT) November 20, 2024

Why do they always have to make it about race?
— Renatta Michele Oxendine (@RenattaOxendine) November 20, 2024

Dear Texas: You had the chance to get rid of this racist, but you didn’t do it. So, her rants and her bigotry and her racist comments are on YOU, too.
— Catherine Evermore™ (@CatherineUSA1) November 20, 2024

She is an embarrassment and a racist
— Holly Frame (@ahframefamily) November 20, 2024

Ugh, these people are obsessed with race, while successful Americans of all shades and colors are simply just Americans.
— StacyAnn (@WorkMomhustle) November 20, 2024

Bouncer says:

You know, Jim, I often see you rightfully deleting the drivel of random commenters when they are nonresponsive and fail to address the points you make. It would be wonderful if the same courtesy was offered to the rest of us when …people… like “T” completely fail to interact with what people like me actually say, and instead attack imaginary phantoms.

Instead, from the very first interaction, he attacks me as a “shill” because I DARE to disagree with his points, no matter how I explain why he is wrong. Notice the constant stream of idiocy I get for simply pointing out that Israel is no friend to the USA (USS Liberty anyone? our nuclear “secrets”?) nor are Jews on the side of Amerikaners, except where it may directly benefit them to do so. They seek their own interest, not ours. Caution and distrust is needed, as they are a middleman people, and will forever remain thus. Every nation that failed to keep this in mind was harmed by them, like the good citizens of Toledo in the year 711AD.

But even simply pointing this fact out brings accusations from the unwashed sphincter here that I am somehow equating Trump with Jews, or some other bullshit he created in the diseased corners of his mind. Best of all he claims I’m supposedly “trying to “save” the poor, precious 67-IQ Jihadists from rightful retribution” – it’s tragi-comic that he thinks its “righteous” on the one hand to bomb bystanders for the actions of a few militants, and on the other it is a sign of the usual leftist mind-poison that equates Jewish=victim=holy. Oh wait, that’s a Harvard meme too…

His fictional “personal experiences” would be more amusing if they weren’t so stupid, but the personal attacks provide me with an endless supply of salt – it’s not the first time you’ve had a convert arrive out of nowhere and push the conversation along paths that were at best dead ends. What was that first rule of propaganda? Accuse the opponent of what you are doing? Hmmm…

I will point out you were let down by some of Trump’s choices 2016-2020 and even stated so on your site. I remind everyone that Trump is not the destination – he is a solid bridge with which to cross the river of Harvardized leftist politics to a better future.

I also point out (though I shouldn’t need to) that over time, creeds required fine-tuning to adapt to changes in heretical beliefs: for example, the Nicene Creed was generally replaced by the Apostle’s Creed in order to stamp out the Arian heresy which arose in the 3rd century.

Harvard’s Buttfucker “T” really needs to go back to 4chan and before shilling his Israel-Firstism on NRx platforms. So far, I’m vastly unimpressed by how quickly you have all been taken in.

Jim says:

Muslims are in general no friends of ours, but there are good Muslims, and good entire Muslim groups and factions. I like Dubai and I like the Taliban. And Jews are in general no friends of ours, and even the best of Jews bring problems with them, but there are some excellent Jews.

So when someone unduly and one sidedly rants about the very real evils done by Muslims, or the very real evils done by Jews, it is fair to view them with suspicion. Not our wars, not our problems, not our business. Unless they make it our war, and one suspects the ranter of trying to do so.

Jim says:

You seem fairly based, and T seems fairly based. Could you give me the date and time of the comments you felt unreasonable.

Particularly those you felt inordinately and one sidedly six millionesque.

Bouncer says:

Jim, I take objection to his false portrayals of my statements in the comments starting with: “How will Harvard’s Third-Worldist shills”, “Look how triggered you are.” and “Leftism is Jewish” …at least in this page. I don’t want you to delete his comments, but perhaps a warning people when they make personal attacks and/or nonresponsive claims may be warranted. I avoid attacking other commenters personally and would hope I am given the same courtesy – even though some of his ideas are dumb, it does not mean he is usually malicious as a person.

I have little time or respect for Muslims for the most part – seeing two of my best friends die for ultimately, nothing at all, during the GWOT will have that effect on a man (we’re all young and dumb once I guess) – but I agree with your view that the one diamond in the rough they hold is their views on the social positioning of women vs. men.

I do believe that the Shia have the capacity to develop into a more moderate version of themselves than the Sunnis, purely because their religious authority is more centralized, but they aren’t there yet, maybe in a couple of centuries we can treat with them as full equals.

Similarly, there are definitely excellent Jews, and many atheist jews are masters in their technical fields, but the vast majority don’t see us as part of their in-group, so why should we see them as part of ours? It assumes a reciprocity that isn’t really there. We can deal with them as equals while still reserving some mistrust owed to their outlook/nature/genetics/whatever behavioral cause you propose.

I fear that Israel will draw us into WW3 all by itself and people may be too blinded to see it – if Bibi starts losing his little tiff against Iran and panics, all he needs to do is draw a US carrier group into the Gulf and launch something at it while falsely making it appear like its Iran’s doing. Pearl Harbor 2.0: sandy shithole edition Then everyone’s treaties and deals kick in and soon the nukes end up flying, then we’re back to the worst-case again.

As I mentioned at some point: the best-case scenario for the collective west is if they somehow all destroy one another, but the odds are low on that one. Thanks for responding.

T says:

Notice how these people lie through their teeth, Jim.

Did I make any threads about Buttfucker? Nope. 0 zero threads made about him, whereas he made several about me. Everything is an inversion with shills, and they throw all sorts of mud against you, hoping that something eventually sticks. So: Butffucker is the one who made a number of threads about me, he is the one who mischarachterized (whether deliberately or due to low IQ) my positions on a number of occasions, he is also copying my insults verbatim (which is the most lame thing of all, but I guess imitation is a form of flattery), and he started off his entire gambit latching on to a random post I made, telling me that criticizing some aspects of Hitler’s foreign policy is “concerning.”

Notice how they lie, and notice what tactics they use and what issues they focus on.

Bouncer says:

Ok, Jim, since “T” can’t stop his propagandist rudeness, note that on 2024-11-05 at 10:21 I commented about one specific unhistorical claim that was made by him under the DH handle (yeah, cope, I’m a history nerd), which saw T respond angrily at 10:30, 10:37, 11:02, and 11:42, in increasingly shrill and incoherent terms.

On 2024-11-05 at 11:59, “T” claimed to have invented shill tests. I asked for a link to proof, and am still waiting for any coherent response.

Then he used personal insults on 2024-11-05 at 12:49, a Harvard-style use of “Nazi” as an attack vector on 2024-11-05 at 13:11, evasion on 2024-11-05 at 12:11, deliberate misdirection on 2024-11-05 at 12:39, tilting at windmills on 2024-11-12 at 10:17, 2024-11-14 at 06:52, and of course, the most recent one on 2024-11-24 at 08:58. Oh and his post here on 2024-11-24 at 09:17.

It’s really cute that he deliberately interprets criticism of Israel, or of the all-too-common Israel-First stance as “Harvard shilling”. It’s an un-subtle indicator that the person is being dishonest. Even more amazing that he is this upset that I am disgusted by Israel’s attitude to non-jewish civilians. I may have just been a grunt, but we’d have gotten fucked over if we were as free and loose in the sandpit as Israel’s troops are. The rampant bloodlust and unswerving belief of the “evil” of Israel’s targeted enemies is also a sign that he never got his own hands dirty.

Harvard agent “T” seems to be going all out with his “Israel dindu nuffin” rethoric. Notice the unquestioning acceptance of Israel’s views and propaganda, the utter lack of humanity of any sort portrayed as being “one of us” and my dissent being rejected with his simple-minded and childish “good-vs-evil” worldview – the shill trying to claim I should be in the out-group. I bet he believed Pres. Bush Jr had our best interests at heart too.

I also expect that we’ll have some of the old “our ROE were too restrictive, that’s why we lost in Afghanistan” – no, you dumb shill, we lost because the Taliban wanted to be Taliban, the Afghans were fine with the Taliban running things, and we wanted them to turn into Americans instead. I saw the writing on the wall back around 2008, so once my contract was up I got out. I guarantee an armchair SOF expert like you didn’t do shit.

As I pointed out (and linked to an article about it) the IDF is bombing Christian areas with its usual chutzpah about civilians. The shill T responded with a cute fictional anecdote about some “Christian Lebanese” friend he claims to have spoken to recently. It’s really funny when Israel-First shills get THIS mad about the cattle criticizing their “chosen people”.

It’s amazing to witness them issue supposedly right-wing, supposedly reactionary exhortations to adopt the meme of eternal Jewish victimhood from Harvard’s faith, all explained as a determined defense of Neoreactionarism against the most minute disagreement – somehow always with special emphasis on defending far away Jews and their political interests from people over here, despite the potential for this to lead to war for us.

I read once that intelligence agencies infiltrate groups and push ever-more radical views to cause people to leave in disgust, as well as causing infighting by starting fights over fairly minor policy disagreements.

I mean, I can tolerate the guy being autistic, I can tolerate those who are stupid though I’d prefer to avoid them, I can tolerate those who are rude, but all three in one person is honestly a bit too much to have to put up with when it’s coming from someone who seems intent on using divide-and-conquer methods here. Truly amazing how butt-blasted he gets when called out on it too.

Me says:

I’d have to say sucking bibi’s cock has to got disqualify anyone from ever being called based in any way, shape or form, but that’s just me.

Bouncer says:

Hey man don’t kink-shame him!

Seriously though, this whole not loving jews=antisemitism=nazi! is an old Harvard shill shtick, however the =Harvard shill thing he added at the end is new.

Amazing he credits Harvard for meming “antisemitic” beliefs when Jews are massively over-represented in both faculty and students at Harvard and the other elite Universities – just ~1.6% of US population, but up to 26% of the students?!

Of course, people have dabbed on them for being intrusive shits long before either Harvard or the Nazis ever existed. Martin Luther (the original) wrote his book On The Jews And Their Lies back in 1543, when Puritans weren’t a thing yet. History shows “antisemitism” predates Christianity itself! The ancient Greeks and Egyptians correctly saw them as anti-social for their incompatible “cultural” behavior, seeing them as aggressively xenophobic separatists with offensive attitudes and customs – an opinion shared by the Romans, who saw the Jewish religio as corrosive to the Roman religio and contrary to Roman values.

As the saying goes, good fences make for good neighbors. Would be nice to see the day when putting up such fences, or stopping them from ripping them up, is legal once again.

T says:

it’s tragi-comic that he thinks its “righteous” on the one hand to bomb bystanders for the actions of a few militants

No actual right-winger who understands warfare speaks that way. This is the jargon of Harvard Third-Worldists.

The Harvard shills’ agenda seems to be sneakng in leftist talking points under the guise of criticizing the Jews. But we criticize the Jews all the time – it’s just not leftist Harvard critique. What the shills insist on is that you adopt leftist talking points, which they pretend are “criticism of Jews.” They issue supposedly right-wing, supposedly reactionary exhortations to adopt article A or article B from the faith of Harvard, all explained as critique of Jews – somehow always with special emphasis on Jews far away and the Jidahists whose heads they blow off.

People reading my comments closely can tell that I don’t defend Jews as Jews. What I object to is Harvard sneaking in its leftist worldview disguised as “criticism of Jews.” The little snippet I quoted — generally I prefer not to look at shill posts, but sometimes I take the bait — is a small but revealing indication of one’s interlocutor being on Harvard’s payroll.

T says:

But I really should stop responding to the pathologically lying shills. Even though they desperately try to single me out and isolate me pretty much every 4 or 5 threads (they know why they focus on me, and I know why they focus on me, and it’s been like that for many years, with ample documentation all throughout the archives of this blog), the regular commenters are smart, perceptive people, and they can notice patterns perfectly well, and draw their own conclusions.

Jim says:

“T” was responding to your reference to his stuff as “your pro-Israel spergouts”. His responses dodged your argument so completely that I did not realise what he was responding to. His dodging misled other readers about your point, and by dodging implicitly admitted your point was valid.

I should have cracked down him for not responding to your point.

T says:

I generally try not to respond point-by-point to posts that seem to be issued from Harvard. It is usually like arguing with troofers, in that they drag you down in endless and unending false claims, and refuting them all is impossible (there are always new false claims) and a waste of bandwidth.

What post do you wat me to respond to?

Jim says:

You don’t need to respond point by point to an excessively lengthy comment. You can quote one fragment of it and demolish that fragment. What you should not have done is write a general response to the comment as a whole that misleads the reader about the content of the comment that you are responding to. You were sperging out in favor of state of Israel. “Bouncer” was not sperging out in favor of the palestinians, and your comment misleadingly led the reader to suppose that he was.

I am quite sympathetic to the state of Israel, for they are now in a situation where they really need to genocide the Palestinians. I am also quite unsympathetic to State of Israel, for they willfully got themselves into this situation. In part because they were excessively confident that push came to shove they could genocide the Palestinians.

Bouncer says:

Jim, who needs to respond, and to what specific point, please?
It is really irritating to treat someone this rude and ignorant who projects all their own failings onto others as a person, but I will try to respond to whatever specific point you wish responded to, if me (I do ramble at times).

T says:

How many more posts do you intend to write about me, tearfully begging the commentariat to gang up against le ebul Mossad manipulator?

It’s basically a self-bullycide at this point; you insist on writing post after post about me instead of actually contributing anything to the conversation, whereas I would rather not even think about shills like you – you are not interesting, and only entertaining by coincidence. Presumably you don’t contribute anything except endless whining about me, because all you have is same-old same-old Harvard scripts, which tend to receive pushback around here.

But if Jim thinks that there is a specific claim of yours that I need to address, by all means I’ll do it.

Jim says:

Nobody needs to respond. It is waste of space. Everyone should move on, and if T neither moves on, nor makes relevant and appropriate response to the accusation of sperging out in support of Israel, I will silence such continuation.

Bouncer says:

T, you are in a phone-booth, having a vicious knife-fight against your own shadow. As Jim pointed out, your deflection and subsequent sperging shows several of my earlier points to be valid. If your reading skill is poor, or you don’t understand what is said, the trick is to not respond to things you CLEARLY didn’t understand.

I suspect it’s also possible that Harvard (or somebody)has upped its game and is now able to acknowledge at least some of our memes while attempting to undermine them and twist them to other, hostile ends – in this case, supporting a dangerous Israel-First position.

I suspect T lampshaded himself here on 2024-11-09 at 20:20. The “more right-wing than the right-wingers” schtick worked… for awhile. He also later stated: “regular commenters are smart, perceptive people, and they can notice patterns perfectly well, and draw their own conclusions” And yes, I did notice some odd patterns, and here we are.

I say that since Israel knowingly got themselves into that hole all by themselves , they can get themselves out of it, and if not, LOL bye bitches.

dharmicreality says:

Well this is extremely interesting:
Alexander Dugin on the need for India-Russia relationship to be a “civilizational” one rather than just a strategic alliance:

We are rediscovering our Christian roots, and you are rediscovering your Vedic and Hindutva roots. There is so much common between traditional Russian and Indian values,’ says Aleksandr Dugin.

I don’t know much about Dugin, or whether he’s really Putin’s “guru” as claimed, but this shows that beyond the strategic relationship, the priesthood of modern Russia are indeed thinking of uniting non-globohomo countries under a religious nationalist alliance against the globohomo.

I hope that Hindutva can help take this forward in a way that would benefit Bharat long term.

Jim says:

Hindutva, as defined by those pushing a definition, is leftist, and does not really reference a religion, still less codes of conduct and expectations that enable large scale cooperation. Vedic is reactionary.

The definition of Hindutva is designed around building the largest possible coalition against Islam, not around creating a functional society. You guys are too keen on elements of Hinduism that facilitate the struggle with Islam, such as cow worship, and insufficiently keen on elements of Hinduism that would give you the capability for greatness.

Dugin is not Putin’s guru, and he is sort of reactionary, but sort of not at all reactionary. The reason Harvard thinks he is Putin’s guru is that Putin’s concept of spiritual security has substantially similar practical implications to Dugin’s ideas, but Putin is more on the point than Dugin. Harvard is the Vatican of the faith of Harvard, and they want to rule the world. Rule it from Harvard and Washington. So the faith of Harvard is a threat to Russia’s national security, in the same way the faith of Rome was a threat to England’s national security in the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth century. Like Henry the Eighth, Putin fails to care much about the content of the faith, but cares a lot about where the Vatican of the faith is.

But Dugin’s ideas are built around building the largest possible coalition against the faith of Harvard, just as Hindutva is built around the largest possible coalition against Islam, and thus, like Hindutva, inherently have leftist elements. Also, he really does not much like Christianity.

You also need to start thinking clearly about love Jihad. Love Jihad works because Hindu chicks are apt to perceive a Muslim as a strong man in a strong tribe. Which tells me that Hindusim today is unduly infected by the terrible Cathedral memes that render them blind to the differences between men and women. We need a red pilled Christianity, and you need a red pilled Hinduism.

someDude says:

Point noted on our fixation of the struggle against Islam, but to achieve greatness, we first have to survive Islam, right? The struggle is really existential, and I am not sure that even throwing everything we have against Islam will work unless we also include the kitchen sink.

Jim says:

A cohesive minority beats an incohesive majority. But cohesion based on lies runs into the problem that you need to know the enemy and know yourself. So you need to build cohesion on truth, rather than try to create a diverse in-group. Your in-group needs to be at peace with all men of goodwill, but it does not need to be large.

dharmicreality says:

I agree that, the problem with those on the Hindutva side are thinking of “Love Jihad” in feminist and Leftist terms rather than reactionary terms. Frankly I am a bit sick of these whiners. They of course want “empowerment” of Hindu women and at the same time to protect them from Love Jihad, which is of course nonsense and not going to happen.

We need to disempower the Hindu woman completely, keep her at home in the kitchen and a state religion that supports Hindu men to establish ownership of his wife. Nobody will dare say this of course, especially a namefag in public.

Of course, I am clear that Hindutva is a very temporary solution to an immediate problem and we have to start moving to our Vedic, Dharmic tradition rather than embrace National Socialism in the Hindutva sense.

Dan says:

RUssia has long and deep problems with both ChiNa and Islam.
So does INdia. So does the US.

The CN (State Communism mod-Marxism) [1] and Islam [2] systems are ultimately wholly incompatible with and anti to the RU/IN/US, and those two are now conquering the world unchecked by anyone.
RU/US are compatibly nominally Christian, and more mutually friendly/respecful/inquisitively-touristy/mixed with IN’s Hindu/Buddhist cultures, vs rather than the violently incompatible of/with Islam / Communism.
It should be beyond obvious to the RU/IN/US three that they should drop their own foolish fighting, and coordinate against those two common problems to push them back and contain them.
The new non-Western crop of economic agreements and political alliances such as BRICS, should drop CN and Islam, and can morph their counter-GAE-mission into a pro-non-globo-conqueror-mission with other countries, regions, and the West.
The US should drop its penchant GAE-ness, and become more diplo-economic-libertarian-tech civilizational laissez-fair-each-other freedom-under-all partner type of thing with whoever is also of good will, there’s a lot more agreeable mass and resources worldwide therein… thus demonstrating that the hamfist tyrranies of CN/Islam re their extant rising external conquerment models are no longer valid (re trying to be the next GAY GloboHomo conquerers of the planet, what they do within their own borders is up to them).

After 10,000 years of repeated cycles of some new GloboHomo deciding to wreck over slaughter rape ruin plunder and conquer the world, it’s time to end the cycle before the world turns itself to glass.

[1] State-subjugated religions/priesthood (CCP/Jinping/Sinicization), atheist, variety/random/folk/pop
[2] False religion/prophet, copied from existing religions to settle tribal strife, and for self indulgences and geopolitical power

Jim says:

The endless expansion of the Globohomo empire naturally unites everyone else against it. America needs to change fundamentally and permanently before Brics can change. As long as our officially unofficial state religion rules America, all other faiths must unite against it.

So a precondition for Brics dropping China and Islam, or splintering over these issues, is an American Caesar sending the tanks into Harvard and installing Christian Nationalist deans and professors over the ruins. The Ukraine war started because an officially unofficial Nato base kept shelling Donbas, and it kept shelling Donbas because Donbas would not hold a gay parade.

Our Dharma Bros are too worried about Islam while Hinduism is being Globohomgenized as part of the Harvard project of turning the world in to a brown blob. Meanwhile the long term threat is that Islam is outbreeding them, that smart Mohammedan females can reproduce while smart females of other faiths are unable to reproduce, and that Hindu chicks are being converted to Islam by Mohammedan dick.

They need to worry about the inability of intelligent Hindu females to reproduce rather than Islam. The only way an intelligent Hindu female is likely to be able to reproduce is by marrying a Mohammedan. So that is what she is likely to do.

ayyylmao says:

Is this Christian Nationalism inclusive or exclusive of Nick Fuentes?

The Cominator says:

Fuentes is a fed, a faggot, not truly white, and even if none of that were true he is not christian but Roman Catholic (and Catholics are not Christians). So the answer is obvious and why are we even talking about the little astroturfed faggot. I highly doubt he has any organic audience.

Randy says:


Jim says:

take the shill test. Your comments will then come through unmolested. Anyone can pass the shill test described in the moderation policy and get white listed, regardless of their political beliefs and what they want to talk about.

There is no censorship on this blog, just spam prevention, plus I bring endless unresponsive threads to an end for wasting space.

dharmicreality says:

I cannot speak for others, but I recognize the danger of globohomo as much as I do of the desert cult and in fact, I have underscored this issue in my previous comments on this blog.

Yes, immediate threats should be addressed and Hindutva socialism is doing that somewhat effectively though not ideally, but they are also not keen on fighting globohomo with the traditional Dharmic faith and that is the concerning part.

Guns says:

[*Thermidorean spam deleted*]

Jim says:

Everyone here agrees with everything you say, and it is great that these issues are now allowed to be discussed.

But there are still a whole lot of issues that are not allowed to be discussed. If a new commenter wants to get through, he needs to lead with one of the many issues that are still thought crimes.

Fidelis says:

In my lifetime, there will be a day when the thoughtcrimes are “women are just like men” and “real race communism has never been tried.” Then we can discuss instead the logistics of terraforming the Jupiterian moons.

alf says:

white pilled and based

Pax Imperialis says:

Are the moons worth terraforming. All I see is a massive gas station for fueling mining operations and then later traveling out of system.

Fidelis says:

At the very least it would be fun as a playground for planet scale operations.

dave says:

Titan is the best bet for terraforming – its a ways out but reachable if we get a constant g torchship (Heinlein style) or “epstein drive”

S says:

Neither Jupiter or Saturn’s moons are good choices for terraform. Jupiter gets 3% and Saturn 1% the amount of sunlight Earth gets (Mars is 43% and Venus 191%).

K1 says:

Al Nusra terrorists begin taking down Christmas trees in Aleppo, priorities for them.
— War Monitor (@WarMonitors) November 30, 2024

Dan says:
Dan says:

Nothing done in secret is ever good for you

X user mcm_ct_usa makes the point the purported drone sightings could be a “psyop against you to manipulate Congress into passing the new H.R.8610 (Counter-UAS Authority Security, Safety, and Reauthorization Act of 2024) which will include appropriations and enhanced government powers to control you, and they’re even going so far as to use it to push for acts of war against other countries.”


The “FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018” expires on December 20th of this year.

So the Federal Government is literally using a terrorism psyop against you to manipulate Congress into passing the new H.R.8610 (Counter-UAS Authority Security, Safety, and…
— @mcm_ct_usa (@mcm_ct_usa) December 14, 2024

It’s coincidental that last week, a Homeland Security joint subcommittee held a hearing on H.R.8610, the Counter-UAS Authority Security, Safety, and Reauthorization Act. This bill would renew and reform counter-UAS legal authorities and strengthen the FAA’s oversight powers of drones.

“The reason we need legal authority is that without it, use of the most effective types of drone detection and counter-drone technologies could violate criminal laws, including those that prohibit destroying or disabling aircraft in flight and intercepting signals and communications,” said Brad Wiegmann, the DOJ’s deputy assistant attorney general for national security.

With current drone-countering authorities set to expire on Dec. 20, the sudden surge in purported drone sightings and the accompanying MSM and social media panic might make a bit more sense—as an effort to push for the reauthorization of Orwellian drone laws.

Dan says:

Jolani et al perhaps a problem base as time goes by, not necessarily in the trad-isis way, nor just inside Syria, or not.

The West is so fucking stupid… an entire generation now of assfuckinly gay and retarded Pols.

But if you don’t develop your own brethren among your own, it won’t matter anyways.

Here’s older…

Dan says:

I see a lot of people talking, but no one *doing*.
Without *doing, all the talking is just utter bullshit.

Please, someone, anyone, you… make 2025 a year of *DOERS*.

Jim says:

I see Vladimir Putin, Nigel Farage, Elon Musk, Trump, Baron, and a number of others, doing a great deal. All these people were 1990s leftists. But now they know that something is up.

What can we do, not commanding armies or holding political office? What we can do is shape the culture, shape the ideas, within which these men act. Our objective is not to be Constantine, but Constantine’s priesthood. Our ideas are entering the discourse within which politicians act, somewhat diluted and somewhat third hand, in the form of Dark Maga. I am fairly sure that Dark Maga namefags have been imbibing these ideas at full strength, but being namefags, have to issue them in diluted form.

What do you suggest we do? Shoot a healthcare CEO?

The time approaches for civil war, which the way the wind blows may soon come. Well, you cannot fight a civil war without a leader. And when the time comes some great man will then summon men to fight. If without a leader, just die ignominiously.

Our discourse has entered the field within which political leaders act. By and by, it is likely our discourse will enter the field within which soldiers and generals act. And at that time it is likely that the entirely undiluted full strength version comes to be widely deployed.

Dan says:


Jim says:

Take the shill test. It is impossible to hold a conversation about politics with someone who refuses to hear or respond to thought crimes, and attempting to do so is a complete waste of time.

Fidelis says:

>What do you suggest we do?

Take the myth of Wayland the smith very seriously.

Hesiod says:

If you stand all alone
George will slay his foe
Where the grass can never grow
At night, Wayland’s forges glow
Smelting iron and blood
For wings to fly him home

Jim says:

This looks like a total fed shill comment.

You are on moderation. Take the shill test. Your comments will then come through unmolested. Anyone can pass the shill test described in the moderation policy and get white listed

Rod says:

Nick Fuentes’ assassin unalived by police…
The killer parked his car in front of my house and approached my door with his pistol drawn and what appears to be a crossbow. I was livestreaming at the time. He rings the door bell tries the doorknob and yells “yo Nick”!
According to police, the would-be assassin committed a triple homicide in southern Illinois early yesterday before he arrived at my doorstep with his pistol drawn, calling my name.
I am grateful to God that I am still alive today.

MTG’s intern is the person who doxxed Nick and is now being accused by many online of trying to get him murdered in screenshots leaked that suggest he sent out Nick’s full dox and also suggest he allegedly asked people to pay a visit to him at his home.
There should be a…
— Laura Loomer (@LauraLoomer) December 20, 2024

Looks like one of MTG’s @mtgreenee interns (who lived with her at her own house in Rome, Georgia) is being accused of plotting and or participating in an assassination attempt.
Very disturbing behavior that warrants a criminal investigation.
— Laura Loomer (@LauraLoomer) December 20, 2024

Jim says:

I don’t care what happens to Nick Fuentes, who is an agent of the deep state.

But clearly the left hand of the deep state does not know what the right hand is doing.

S says:

Reaction is aware Islam is a dysfunctional and hostile faith. The problem is internal- we are ruled by elites who hate us and view ‘Muslims randomly killing people’ as a plus. Without that we could easily do the Russian or Chinese solution.

Jim says:

Russian solution involved killing enormous numbers of Mohammedans, however the remaining Mohammedans are pretty good people — perhaps because every Mohammedan that out holied them got martyred. Blood of martyrs is ineffectual when your adversary is feeling self righteous. It is not only ineffectual on the adversary, it is ineffectual on your own people.

Rod says:
Rod says:

Questionable whether US will be able to recover its military…
When your military “men” are more interested in who they can boof in the locker room, how much of your money your Pols can launder through them to the contractors, and what the next failed expedition should be… you have a serious problem on your hands.

DEI & The Death Of Effective Military Command
The U.S. military’s growing DEI policies are creating a climate where fear of unfounded accusations erodes leadership and threatens combat readiness – leaving the nation’s future at risk…

Jim says:

This is how the work priesthood go about removing everyone from positions of power who are not activist members of the woke priesthood. We have similar insider reports from Ubisoft.

I think that to remove such an entrenched priesthood from an organisation, you are going to have based leadership. Not the Thermidorians, but the reactionaries.

Which is why Cromwell appointed Monck, and Stalin appointed Beria.

And, I suspect, why Trump appointed Pete Hegseth and Stephen Feinberg.

Trump undeniably has the warrior spirit, but he lacks important qualifications to become Caesar. Pete Hegseth and Stephen Feinberg look promising.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Wow. Putin is fortunate to be fighting an enemy that has so thoroughly kneecapped itself. Now watch as Senate Republicans reject every one of Trump’s male cabinet picks because some slut says he tried to have sex with her thirty years ago.

Also, global warming is such a dire threat to our planet that all factories producing weapons for Ukraine and Israel must be immediately shut down and not re-opened until they and their entire supply chains have been re-tooled to use only carbon-free energy.

white bread says:

“all factories producing weapons for Ukraine and Israel must be immediately shut down”

Yes. Trump is supposed to be on the side of ordinary US citizens, not on the side of genocidal jews, so
Trump must shutdown all aid to genocidal jews.

anonymous mouse says:

> Also, global warming is such a dire threat to our planet that all factories producing weapons for Ukraine and Israel must be immediately shut down and not re-opened until they and their entire supply chains have been re-tooled to use only carbon-free energy.

This is not going to happen now, but it might have if Kamala had won, which is why I voted for her. I unreservedly support DEI in the military, because the American empire becoming incapable of projecting power abroad is a good thing. I don’t see why any right-winger should support Pete Hegseth and Stephen triple parentheses Feinberg making it possible for America to continue fighting its global war on civilization.

Jim says:

Whoever is able to purge DEI in the military is likely one of us, because no one else will be able to do it. That is why Stalin wound up empowering Beria, and Cromwell wound up empowering Monck.

Caesar lies that way.

> I don’t see why any right-winger should support Pete Hegseth and Stephen triple parentheses Feinberg making it possible for America to continue fighting its global war on civilization.

You have to take a gun to a gunfight, and faith to a holy war. To successfully remove the DEI priesthood, Pete Heseth will have to go full on holy warrior.

If you cannot say “Security, get this stupid lazy nigger bitch out of here” she is not going, because purging her would be racist. If you cannot fire a man in dress for wearing drag to work, he is not going because sexist, homophobic, and heteronormative.

So either he is going to fail, or Civil War II starts with us in control of the military.

The Cominator says:

Anyone who voted for Kamala should not be here and also they should be shot, all of them regardless of why they say they did it. America’s ability to project power will not recover for a long time in any case this is just one of those hail fellow right wing white guy shills.

Rod says:

The Military may actually be moderately successful in purging DEI, not least because there are still a lot of true men in it, who are sick of being forced to bunk with gaybois, who will help implement it if Trump, Hegseth and such give the greenlight.

Purging the corrupt contractor money funnel is more unlikely, but since Mil Brass knows that at least in proxy wars it gets assbeat by enemy drones hypersonics satrockets guerrillas, it will be forced to get real eventually, before they completely lose any remaining strategic edge too.

Pax Imperialis says:

I know a number of Officers who secretly recorded superior Officers teaching DEI classes. Some high enough to have stars on their shoulders. They’re salivating at the opportunity to send those videos to Hegseth.

Rod says:

Cadets should ask that Officer if he is going to be INCLUDE’ing an enemy bullet in his ass for them, and then walk out.
Maybe he wants to transfer EQUITY and EQUAL OUTCOME of his lavish quarters to them and go bunk in the bilge instead.
Or walk across CHINA to preach DIVERSE political speech of OUR DEMOCRACY in public street megaphone outside COMMUNIST PARTY HQ.
Maybe get a nice soapy rub from the gays he imported in the shower?

This DEI shit is so very confusing, lol.

Mayflower Sperg says:

This is not going to happen now, but it might have if Kamala had won, which is why I voted for her.

Good news for you, it’s happening anyway. Re-industrializing America will take a back seat to punishing CO2 emitters:

Rod says:

> This started when the a16z crew tried to appoint some random hindoo to some high bugocrat seat, and he immediately started shilling for infinity hindoos.
> “but we should definitely brain drain the world and hire the absolute best” is swapped with “and therefore pass out green cards like candy” which inevitably ends up like Canada, a literal shitheap.

No country succeeds by depending on imports for its upper knowledge layers.

Unless you’re dumb but maintain a sword wielding priesthood army at the top, like UAE, that lets people come and build as slaves, but never gives up control.

Otherwise, when the top is gay old foolish corrupt etc, giving everything away, like the USA Politicians…
– the imports take you over from within (Islam)
– the imports impart useless cost on your system (Africans/Hispanics)
– the imports just copy your secret tech and go back home with the USB sticks (China)
– you waste time and money giving them elite education access and bennies, because ignorant faith and hope, and they take that back home and outcompete you from there (everyone)
– the subliminal cultural monetary and religious stress of it all burns your cycles till all higher level functions of the civ break down.

If USA wants to stay alive it must block the exfiltration and sale of top knowledge product, sell 2nd gen knowledge product only to most proven longterm allies, it must evict and not give any bennies or papers to border-violating migrants (and imprison the Politician importers and Elite funders), must plow everything it has into advancing homegrown tech R&D and manufacturing base, must purge out DEI Marxist and Foreign influence including Islam and China, export the imports, get the Jewish over-representation out of Media and Banks, allow no more Mosques to be built or rented, stop all debt spending, end the Fed, end public govt schools insurance welfare and unions, stop land sales to foreign corps and noncitizens, stop initiating wars, uproot Democrats from Big Cities, and return to effectively White Christian cultural faith again.

Among other things.

> Blackrock

Fund managers (ETF/Mutual) must be banned from voting fundholders shares, fundholders must get be given proportional voting in the underlying holdings. This is one of the biggest GovCorp Jewish-type centralized power scams ever.

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