Hat tip Yarvin’s butterfly revolution.
1. Get the oligarchs on side, and threaten any Republican traitors with big money primary opponents ✔ Done.
2. Defund the left. Under way. Notice how, once Musk seized the inner sanctum at USAID, the Democrats found themselves unable to put a river of meat on the streets. It looks like the microphone for which a thousand shills were the loudspeakers was located there. Their street protests have been hilarious. Their shrill outrage has been even more hilarious. I still am not tired of winning. It turns out that the dead were not only voting, but receiving social security payments.
3. Purge the bureaucracy. Begun, at least in the notoriously criminal, vicious, depraved, and dangerous Department of Justice. But there has been a retreat on the first attempt to purge the CIA, who are still working on government payroll to spy on and overthrow the Trump team. The CIA still monitors everything, watching with malicious intent and feeling for opportunities to cause harm. But the intent to bring them to heel is still there. Trump 2.0 relies on sudden dramatic thunderbolts, that give the enemy no time to organise resistance. We can plausibly hope that a thunderbolt is being prepared to hit the spy agencies and the FBI. Tulsi Gabbard has read Snowden.
4. Men with guns. Trump has the US marshals and now has the secret service. Pete Hegseth is wooing the NCOs and the grunts. Trump needs to have the FBI, and as yet they are still controlled by his enemies.
5. Pardon the victims of lawfare ✔ Done.
6. Ignore the courts, which is begun, but the Trump team is still going through the motions of judicial reverence. The Judiciary still have a lot of soft power. When Henry the eighth dissolved the monasteries, he first had to dig up the dirt on them. It is not only senior civil servants who have been getting strangely wealthy, strangely fast. What needs to be done is get the dirt on the judiciary, destroy their soft power, and then either purge them, or better, replace the corrupt and woefully slow and expensive judicial system with something else, as Davao Mayor Duterte did. Start with sending Attorney General Letitia James to jail for twenty years or so, and then get started on the judges that enabled her crimes and participated in them, then get the rest of the strangely wealthy judges. It is going to take a while to destroy judicial soft power. Soft power operations are more of attrition than thunderbolts. It took Henry the Eighth quite a while to dissolve the monasteries, and Charles the Second’s purge of the Church of England was also rather slow and gentle. Too gentle, as things turned out, but slow was probably unavoidable.
7. Tanks in Harvard. Universities are inherently a religious institution, always have been, always will be. Professors are priests, always have been, always will be. The question is, which religion? Tanks are not enough. You have to bring a gun to a gunfight and a faith to a holy war. We need men in charge of Harvard who meet Saint Paul’s requirements for the priesthood: Christian, free from scandal, married, married to only one wife, and successfully raising well behaved children. Personnel is policy.
New EO dropped no more agency independence (i expect the next EO will be that this includes even the federal reserve). Strict Article 2 subordination of all agencies. WH final sign-off on all regs.
What the expectation in 2028?
One of the reason that the left is still placid is because they are under normality bias , they think it is 2016 and the next election trump will be out and everything will be reversed. Hell next year is the midterms.
The reason the left is so placid is that left has beheaded itself, and Trump has just cut their C3I.
Left command and control was the deep state. When Musk seized the inner sanctum of USAID, the microphone that controls a thousand loudspeakers was cut.
And now their entire apparatus is being defunded. Remember all that hysteria over Musk having access to social security numbers. We now see why. The dead were not only voting, but receiving social security.
They still have Harvard, the legacy media, and Judiciary, but their thousand loudspeakers bellowing from rooftops day and night are no longer getting any new scripts. And the legacy media just got defunded, which will shortly leave them only Harvard and the Judiciary. They carelessly let Hollywood burn to the ground. Deregulation is going to defund the big blue megalopoli.
The next elections are likely to be a shambles. Trump is likely to retire for reasons of age in 2028, but he has a strong bench around him. JD Vance would be great — all the likely contenders would be great.
But Harvard and Judiciary are going to have to be dealt with, and if they are not, there will be problems.
The left’s state level hard power apparatus is still fully functional in the big blue megalopoli, but without the deep state telling them what to do, are no longer and army, merely a mob. They could pull themselves together, agree on leadership, and fight back. Very likely will. But Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion makes it very hard for them to organise. Diversity plus proximity equals war. Lots of soft power in the form of the Judiciary and Harvard, but soft power without hard power is weak.
But we have to take out Harvard and the Judiciary. For which tanks will be an great help, but will not suffice.
On the topic of dealing with the judges, I am paradoxically impatient yet calm. I am impatient because I wish Trump had struck back immediately the first time a judge said “You can’t do that.” Yet I am calm because it is so obvious that the Trump Admin is acting with a plan. The way DOGE slammed into USAID, for example. Of course dealing with judges would have been a key element of the plan, given their outrageous rulings during his first term. So I rather strangely find myself sounding like a retarded Q-ANONer circa 2020: “Trust the plan!”
Not tired of winning.
But alarmed by the deference given to judges even though they are obviously ignoring them. The judiciary has to be destroyed.
Apparently one of the latest rulings to fulling restore USAid funding immediately got a “now let him enforce it” response.
Here is the article they are apparently using more weasely words than going full let him enforce it, but its basically going full now let him enforce it.
It’s a mildly positive development. Though I too find it worrying that the administration even feels the need to say “we are technically complying with the TRO but found various loopholes here, here and here.”
I will withhold my relieved sigh until either the rulings stop, or the administration simply replies: “No.”
I would very much like to see the one-word reply, or, failing that, a no-word reply; even Jackson’s terse wording, which he may or may not have actually said, feels too deferential for the clown world judiciary. We should simply reject the frame that they have any legal authority whatsoever, never mind the enforcement.
Whatever authority they may once have been perceived to have was abdicated during the Obama administration and lampooned during Trump I and Biden Null. There is no reason to take these yapping dogs any more seriously than the legacy media.
“It’s a mildly positive development. Though I too find it worrying that the administration even feels the need to say “we are technically complying with the TRO but found various loopholes here, here and here.”
Obviously Trump has decided that there is just no way they are actually restoring USAid funding no matter what. They want to maintain some basic optics that they respect court orders for now but obviously they are only selectively complying with court orders. Considering how fast Trump is moving and that he isn’t making the kind of mistakes of last time I’m inclined to respect his political judgement on this. He wants to ease people into let them enforce it so its a small step rather than a huge alarming one but hes willing to make the huge step if he absolutely has to.
Of course I agree. I am simply pointing out that the current position is unstable, and could break either way.
Regime change is impossible without temporary instability, so this is not unexpected, but the outcome is still unknown even if we assume that Trump has a clear plan and that events are unfolding roughly according to plan.
Small tactical victories are still victories, and to be celebrated; but until the grand strategic victory is won, keep your powder dry.
> Cominator, Daddy Scarebucks
This may be a low-key way of telling judges, “I am willing to proceed to direct confrontation. Are you? It’s time to check your resolve. You know that if I can simply ignore your ‘rulings’ then your power is broken forever. A big risk to take for sex-change operations in Guatemala.”
That is, Trump is doing slow escalation to explicit Andrew Jackson instead of immediate escalation. Much though I like the idea of immediate escalation, the gradual approach has at least this feature: it allows the enemy more than one step at which to back down. Of course, it also allows them time to plan, get pieces into position, etc. There is also the question of whether the left will back down. How often does that happen? Ever?
Another possibility, which is not mutually exclusive with the above: Trump may be testing the judges (as they have been testing US society for the last century). It’s like a probe in the military sense: A judge issues a “ruling” and Trump and his staff ignore it, and observe the response. Then the judge finds them “in contempt” and they ignore that too. So the judge finds them “in extra contempt” and that is also ignored so he finds them in “super extra contempt” and that also is ignored. Then what? At some point the judge has to either give up or call up a bunch of guys with guns and say, e.g., “Go arrest Musk.” Then what happens? Can the judge actually find LEOs to try this? If not, it’s over and we’ve won. Or at least, we have a major victory. The NYT et al write some editorials about how we now live in a fascist dictatorship, etc., which editorials are also ignored, and life goes on.
Or maybe the judge actually does manage to find some treasonous FBI guys who are willing to do the arrest(s). Then what? Worst-case scenario, they arrest somebody (Musk or whoever) and manage to get him to a secret holding facility so Trump’s guys can’t bust him out. I’m pretty sure Trump 2.0 wouldn’t lie down for that, but what would he do? This may literally require military planes doing a bombing run over the FBI building to put them back down into their proper place. Hard to believe I’m writing that, but it’s also hard to imagine either the left or Trump 2.0 backing down in this conflict.
If neither side backs down, things will escalate. As with bankruptcy, at first slowly, then suddenly.
After being nicked by a bullet, Trump is probably not inclined to back down. On the other hand, with every outraged scream of Trump derangement syndrome, the enemy is signalling their disinclination to back down. But signalling disinclination too loudly, frothing at the mouth too spectacularly, leads one to suspect that a backdown is likely. The quiet dog is the one that will attack you, and the stone faced man is the man who will kill you should he determine that he needs to. The loudly barking dog that is charging you will turn and flee with his tail between his legs when he sees the unblinking stare of the adversary he is charging.
The enemy’s screams tell Trump that his shots are hitting their targets.
Thermidor does not have a plan. Their plan is “Lets go back to pre-obama leftism” Not a viable solution Obviously Trump has a plan. He came in ready to roll. Does Trump have a more viable plan?
The enemy state religion has to be removed and replaced. The priestly institutions, of which Harvard is the center, have to be run by our priests.
A sensible plan would be to postpone and evade full on confrontation with the judiciary until Trump has all the levers of hard power, then investigate the judiciary and dig up a lot of dirt, then time for dissolution of the monasteries. Will he take the final step?
Over for the State Department’s Azov Nazis.
As expected.
“Oh just a few concerns here. We heard some people had this concern. You know, these concerns, they were just raised, people had them.”
Proposal to postpone the election and peace talks until every last journalist has been shipped to Kursk. Airdropped, without any jacket or supplies. They can tell the Russians their concerns about the treatment.
Judge orders Trump to fully restore funding for his enemies networks, openly gets told that the judge has made his ruling now let him enforce it.
My name is Bix and I’ll be your furious autiste this evening.
Somehow purging and punishing, from Deep State DC and Kiev, the people responsible for the attempted genocide of Christian Ukraine (that is, its young men killed, maimed or otherwise terrorized and driven off), can be a great political tool for 1) ending the war there, 2) looking like heroes doing it, and 3) removing obstacles to the game plan above, all at the same time.
I sense/hope for another preference cascade waiting to happen. There are ways to find out whether most of America really believes that the Ukraine-Russia war is something happening on Ukraine’s behalf, or rather a murderous crime perpetrated UPON Ukraine by Kiev and DC. If my hope is true, and the people just get a chance to hate the people responsible, THEY WILL.
Cernovich who has been pretty on point lately has said the polls consistently show massive financial support for Ukraine as very very unpopular (I honestly haven’t looked into it and figured it was more mixed because people are rather stupid and I figured all shitlibs would support it but there would also be some neoconnish squishy trump voters who would too).
And right on time, holy shit:
—Donald Trump, via Truth Social
This is what I’m talking about. Make Zelensky (and then his handlers in DC?) the bad guys, and make THEM flee to Dubai in jets full of cash and coke on YouTube.
Why tanks in Harvard? US Marshals should be sufficient to handle the professors (not like they’re going to be violently resisting in any effective capacity) and the faculties themselves can be handed over to more appropriate personnel afterwards.
It’s a metaphor, a very old one around these parts, for the subordination of soft power to hard power.
Whether it is literally tanks, helicopters, federal marshals, a handful of military guys, doesn’t really matter. The point is not only to effect the transfer of personnel, but also to serve as a constant reminder of who makes the rules.
It’s symbolic.
At the former Presidential Palace in Saigon, the NVA used a tank to bust through the gate, and to my knowledge the tank is still there, too. The palace is now a museum.
They didn’t need the tank for it, but it looked good in the picture.
The overpowering, the humiliation, is the point. To them, at that time, it didn’t feel like a wild idea or like a stunt, but like Justice.
Taking your enemy’s spiritual center and rebranding it as your own, ala the Hagia Sophia, is itself immensely symbolic and exploits the existing prestige for your new administration.
The Vietnamese permanent tank is great symbolism. I want a tank permanently in Harvard’s central courtyard. A tank permanently maintained to be capable of movement and firing its guns, even though the time comes when tanks will be as obsolete as suits of armor.
They never fixed the gate either.
Do they keep the tank in good shape?
Digressing, tanks are already obsolete, though armored personnel carriers like Bradleys remain relevant. A tank has a mass of armor in front, and a massive gun in front for pounding through the other tank’s armor. In the entire war, we have not seen a front on battle between tanks.
But old symbols are better than new symbols, so tanks in Harvard better than Bradleys in Havard. I want a tank permanently in Harvard’s central courtyard, to symbolise the supremacy of warriors over priests.
Exactly why turning Harvard campus into a based reeducation center would be a superior use of it. I want them to feel the same way so many on our side have felt, watching something they thought sacred hollowed out and reduced to a puppet in the hands of its enemies. I want to kill their religion and wear it as a skinsuit.
We have to kill their religion, or else things will eventually return to the new abnormal. And there is no better and faster way than gutting it and wearing it as a skinsuit.
With the universities I’m honestly not sure exactly what we should beyond confiscating their endowments, setting side a small % of that to preserve their libraries (which would become open to the public, if the universities are in a bad area we would discourage plains ape by imposing some kind of dress code maybe) and some of their labratory facilities. The rest of their real estate should perhaps be sold to the highest bidder unless someone has a better idea…
Well, obviously we do not need a priesthood so enormous as the one we have now, and oversized priesthoods are dangerous, because you are overproducing elites, which leads to trouble. In our case, priest overproduction, theological trouble.
But I want to our enemy to see their sacred places under enemy occupation. Every straight male professor of good character is going to cause them the burn. Repurposing enemy holy places to uses that they find sacrilegious is well known for its effectiveness in subduing the enemy.
Excellent point, Calvin.
Reverse skin-suiting. That’s what it is.
More fascinating information from the mouths of our enemies:
(Note – I tried to use archive.ph for this, but got the dreaded infinite spinner. I don’t know if this blog suppresses HTTP referrers so I used dereferer but didn’t obfuscate the link.)
I don’t know why they think this information is valuable to their cause; they’re claiming various conspiracy theories like the costs are inflated, the facts are made up, or something. For us it’s an interesting window into what DOGE presumably knows or suspects, but hasn’t trickled into the public consciousness yet. Essentially an overview of “the USAID files” to come.
I’m leery of posting it because of the source, and because DOGE obviously decided they wanted it hidden, but since it is already out in the open for our enemies to see, it may as well be here for our allies.
Did you know the CDC has/had a well-funded “Office of Minority Health”? I didn’t. It’s right there in the open, you can put it into any search engine, and yet no one I know is even aware it exists.
Unknown and also entirely unsurprising.
Poster-occupied government.
“Hail to the king, baby.”
Sounds like they decided to either whack Zelensky or remove him by coup (followed by some kind of trial and execution) sooner rather than later. This makes it clear that Trump and the people around him have decided hes got to go though.
Couldn’t’ve happened to a nicer schmuck!
Reddit on suicide watch.
No, sorry, I think Reddit is a fake and gay CIA astroturf platform, like much of the internet. I don’t think there are “legit humans” who actually support the coke-goblin, though if there are they should meet a similar fate. But likely almost no person outside Ukraine itself, except a small minority constituted primarily by gay Jewish demon worshippers who are spiritually (if not biologically) dying of AIDS, and probably almost no one in Ukraine itself, actually supported the Despotic Profligate.
You can woodchipper him and no one will protest, and if someone protests, likely is or was on the payroll of the previous regime, ahem ahem.
A huge amount of USAID funding was astroturf manufacture. Therefore a huge amount of astroturf is going to quietly vanish.
See JF Gariepy’s description of Lira’s torture.
Circa 2010 I much enjoyed Lira’s essays, but they all seem to have been scrubbed from the internet. Whatever made him think that moving to an extremely unfree country and speaking out against its government was a good idea? Why not just get his wife and kids out of there and go live in Southeast Asia or wherever?
Or Belarus just across the border? I agree it’s a baffling decision.
Not baffling at all. Happens all the time. It is an inherent pathology of people’s response to terror.
They are forbidden to see it, so they don’t see it, so they walk into situations where they are likely to get tortured and then murderedd.
Perhaps I’m being unkind but everyone seems to have forgotten that Ukraine was a third-world basket case before the war, including being a well-known sex tourism destination. (I don’t think Lira went there to work in a CIA biolab or develop software.)
Obviously, normality bias. He believed in democracy and all that.
Maidan instituted a totalitarian terror state immediately, and people took a long time to realise, because the first thing a totalitarian terror state is torture and murder anyone who notices it is a totalitarian terror state. So most people do not notice.
A “Gonzalo Lira Anthology” PDF would go over well right about now.
It is getting urgent. Holding a free and fair election in a brutal totalitarian terror state is a problem. The apparatus of terror has to be suppressed, and seen to be suppressed. I don’t see a plan for getting there. You cannot pressure Zelenskyy into doing it because he cannot do it even if he wants to. You are going to need a fairly forceful coup. The tanks need to roll.
When Musk captured the Inner Sanctum of USAID, that was a coup performed by US Marshals. Doge is Dark Maga, which is not Dark Enlightenment, but adjacent. He knows this a coup.
The CIA commands the forces in the Ukraine that could perform such a coup, and John Lee Ratcliffe theoretically commands the CIA. Actually commanding it is proving more difficult. And unfortunately the chain of command reaching into the Ukraine is composed of Nazis.
The Ukraine has the most Jewish government in the world outside of Israel, and the most Nazi government since the third Reich. We may well shortly see that an all Nazi Ukrainian government is an improvement. Despite everything that is wrong with Nazis, I cannot imagine them being altogether happy with the prospect that Ukrainians will be eradicated by Jewish machinations. On the other hand, they are sincerely ideologically opposed to Trump and Maga, so may well be suffering Trump Derangement Syndrome.
The Europeans tried to organise a hundred thousand troops to support the Zelenksy government. But when push came to shove, only twenty five thousand were promised, and those promises are worthless. Everyone was in favor of someone else doing it.
When Britain sent thousands of “troops” to support the Americans in Afghanistan and the middle east, they sent thousands of bureaucrats and logistic facilitators, who holed up in the cities protected by American troops, but only about a hundred rough men with guns went out from those nice safe bases, approximately ten or twenty bureaucrats and logistics workers to supervise, manage, and supply every tough man with a gun facing danger, each of those bureaucrats and logistics workers supported by ten or twenty bureaucrats and logistic workers who remained in or near London.
So I’m naive. Again. Check my schizo homework:
Zelensky isn’t any more in command of Ukraine’s Pipe Hitter’s Club than Biden was of America’s.
So Zelenskyy can’t escape to Dubai tomorrow, even if he wanted to, because to do so he’d need to get past some very tough characters standing between him and the plane (and who actually flies the plane, anyway?)
This is very different from the fall of Kabul situation, or at least the point in that collapse when most of us tuned into the story. The Russian army is still very far from Glostomel Airport.
So this metaphorical cake really is baked full of “to the last Ukrainian”, isn’t it? No way out? No one who’s really in charge, in Kiev or DC, is worried enough — or even CAN BE worried enough? — to take his foot off the gas of this murder grift machine?
(By the way, this also has to be the most compelling PSA against drug addiction ever. If I’m wrong then I’m wrong and that’s fine, but if Zelensky didn’t NEED cocaine as much as he probably has for a long time, I’ll bet anyone here that he wouldn’t have wound up in this impossible situation. If Z were only into anime, hoagie sandwiches and Diet Coke then he would have been thinking way to clearly and logically to have NOT jumped off this crazy train to perdition.)
My guess:
Trump and Putin need to work together to make the Ukrainian Pike Hitters Club doubt the security of their own tenure. Obviously Putin has it in for them, but Trump needs them to doubt DC’s devotion to their protection also.
(When you look at it this way, it helps to justify one’s suspicion that one or both of the known assassination attempts could have been Ukrainian-perpetrated reverse-Diem’s on Trump.)
That might weaken their resolve enough to start making bug-out plans of their own, or at least suspect their fellows of making bug-out plans. Shelling Point / Prisoners’ Dilemma games take N+1. Better to split or quit now — but keep lying about it on Telegram or whatever — than to keep fucking around IRL and maybe find out later.
Then, I presume (normalcy bias warning!) that Putin has people in-country who can at least help to bring about a more Russo-neutral election result.
This situation has been OPTIMIZED for intractability. “Nothing we can do about it now” (or as I cynically and also unfairly call it, “Jewish Engineering”). It’s going to take a full court press of important people doing and saying some very shocking and offensive things — like Trump’s recent “Dictator” tweet — to unglue these playing pieces from the table so they can move around a little.
Someone has to flip some big fucking tables to get this situation unstuck and at least playable. What a conundrum. The cajones to even step into this arena AMAZE me.
Exactly so. The Vice President’s Munich speech would suggest intent to flip some mighty big tables. But capability to flip some mighty big tables is as yet unknown.
Hard drugs are considered hard drugs (I don’t like weed at all but it was never considered a hard drug because there are people who use it regularly and are fine) because anyone (or at least 90% of people) who gets into habitually using them ruins their life or their health in generally a fairly short timeframe Hallucinogens are in a weird space where some very brilliant people use them occasionally and its a good thing and they are not per se addictive but they are terrible if anyone uses them habitually.
As for drugs, all I mean is that when you’re so hyper-focused on The Next High, you’ll make some decisions that are otherwise utterly ridicuous and needlessly dangerous. Like sucking dick, or getting your picture taken while sucking dick, or making selfie videos of yourself smoking crack with a prositute, or blowing your rent money on the 5th of the month, or lying to and taking advantage of everyone who might still trust you.
Without that preoccupation, one can more easily NOTICE that he’s in trouble and needs to get off this thing.
And by keeping someone in this state, surely that makes him “useful” to other people for dangerous jobs that might lead to getting Diem’ed, like Z’s job now. Dude is in some serious personal trouble, but I bet it still doesn’t register, and won’t, so long as someone keeps handing him white powder. Like the last scene of Scarface, it’s “I’m awesome and doing great!” right up until the commando’s bust in through the windows and shoot you full of holes.
Without cocaine, Z might have long ago realized “uhhh… guys… I have a bad feeling about this. I want out.”
A likely quite popular “future job” will be novel recreational drug tester. Take that stuff and let’s see what happens. Obviously, the more risky, the higher the remuneration.
Broke: Paying to do drugs.
Bespoke: Getting paid to do drugs.
There are 8 billion humans right now.
To be fair to Tony Montana I think he was well aware he was in big big trouble when he stopped the car bombing of the guy because he didn’t want to blow up a mother and her children but he was willing to go down for that.
Psychedelics function in accordance with Matthew 13:12:
For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath.
You need to first possess the correct mindset, and then you can benefit. Psychedelics do not give you the correct mindset out of thin air – they tend to amplify your natural predisposition. For instance, I was based before ketamine, and ketamine made me more based. But evil, stupid, and insane people who enter this Orchard tend to come out more evil, more stupid, and more insane.
I’ve seen ayahuasca absolutely ruin people, from one trip, someone one degree away from me, friend of a family member. Something evil about it. They’ve become “so open minded their brain gets wet when it rains” and now subscribe to every strange belief system they come across. Usually you see this as a sort of substitute personality, grasping at strange beliefs to seem interesting, but this person seems to have been genuinely emptied out. They went from some low level management position to unable to keep a dishwashing job, hopping from trap house to trap house (not the most precipitous of falls, but a descent nonetheless). Didn’t know them beforehand, so I cannot comment much further, but the people who did are distressed about the situation.
With mushrooms, you basically never see this. People will at worst have an extremely bad experience on the drug then stay away. With LSD, Ive never seen it personally, but from anecdotes people who dose high and constantly eventually end up like the ayahuasca people. Normal doses, similar category to mushrooms, maybe a slight shift to openness, maybe a bad experience, not a completely new person. With the jungle potion, seems to actually be one shotting people, as the meme goes.
Victims should probably be studied. They don’t go violently demonic like the ziz vegans, but they do have their personality crushed.
You encounter your demons, literal or metaphorical. A select minority use that opportunity to slay the demons. Normalfags who listen to Alan Watts tend rather to be devoured by their demons.
Many are called, but few are chosen.
To be clear, you slay those demons not by resisting them (that’s usually how one gets devoured, as every amateur tripsitter will tell you), but by understanding them. That, however, requires a type of Wisdom that most do not possess. But some do possess it.
Not sure I’ve done DMT 3 times but never done the others. I was calmer and less depressed afterwords though I never saw anything clear on it… though clearly reality went away.
I believe nothing mimics a Near-Death Experience better than high-dose ketamine. Having in the past few years spent countless hours in the k-hole (alone, dark room, lying under the blanket, with music), I used my time being “dead” and the resurrection-afterglow to truly figure out my weltanschauung – for me it was a profound intellectual exercise. Well, I certainly don’t regret doing it. You really do get a panoramic view of reality, God-like. Not in one single trip, of course, but if you “keep digging” and falling down the rabbit hole, and in the first place if you are predisposed to be based, well you might eventually end up on the mountaintop.
It’s definitely not for everyone, though.
Tried LSD once. No demons, nothing terribly interesting or important. Did not take it again because bored with it.
Don’t think I have any demons inside. I have monsters inside, but the big difference between a monster and a demon is that the monsters are on my side.
Never done Ketamine though all the rumors are that Elon uses it almost habitually…
Essentially referring to point 2:
Just want to leave a German notion of how the left exterminates itself: When there isn’t enough state delivered tax money, useful idiots will fail to show up. When we had met on the 80th anniversary to mourn the dead of Dresden due to allied bombing on Feb 13-15, we had been more than the counterpart. Haven’t seen that proportions for I don’t know how long. But now it happened. State budget went down for multiple demonstrations against the right, and for more immigration, beforehand – secured by street bollards against terrorist car driver. Hallertime, ain’t it?
I don’t want to Israelpoast excessively but I came across a thought-provoking article which I’d like to share with the frens.
What would it take to un-poz Western women, one wonders.
The entire Gospel of Gnon can be summarized as “reality is real.” He who understands that, understands everything.
No solution is complete unless it removes Bill Gates from the universe, permanently and completely.
In honor of Kash’s confirmation:
“10. Kidnap Gretchen Whitmer for real this time: Stop getting everyone’s hopes up and do it already.”
Tucker Carlson does a decent job, scores big political names.
Many people like Sean Ryan and that group.
More of an alt/anarch/crypt-subject type myself.
Anyway, here’s two different podcast styles on same Govt subject.
Fort Knox supposedly going to get “audited”.
Not only does a real audit require open public witness of re-smelting, assay, serialization, etc… but even then, $500B is only about 3 months of spending.
Crypto beats gold in almost every way, except for the raw physicality of gold, which no one knows or accepts (assay problem), for goods/services anyway.
Still on moderation, because I assume that everyone who posts on crypto is going to be shilling his shitcoins very soon.
Particularly as you obviously have not read my posts and papers on crypto and crypto currency, and therefore probably do not read anyones posts or papers on crypto and crypto currency. Therefore think Satoshi created a mysteriously and inexplicably successful scam, and want to get in on the scamming.
Also, everyone who says “crypto” rather than “crypto currency” or “Bitcoin” is selling something he does not entirely understand. It is a tell, just as if someone writes CCP instead of CPC, you know he is either a shill, or immersed in our enemy’s bubble.
Crypto is the underlying technology, the hot stuff now being polynomal commits, snarks, and the equivalence between polynomial constraints and provable computation. Crypto currency is the key and central application of that technology, currently merkle trees and public broadcast channels, aka blockchains. So anyone who says “crypto” rather than “crypto currency” probably does not understand what Satoshi was up to, and is therefore not really interested in accomplishing what Satoshi intended. Not necessarily a shill, but unlikely to be a useful ally in the forthcoming crypto and crypto currency conflicts.
“if someone writes CCP instead of CPC, you know he is either a shill, or immersed in our enemy’s bubble.”
Everyone who says “CCP” is both making an attack on the CPC, and endorsing what Stalin called “left wing communism”. They are not necessarily aware of it, it may just be that the mainstream media says “CCP” all the time, but it pisses off the Chinese. If you do a google search, or talk to an AI, it will systematically replace CPC with CCP, or just completely fail to report any Chinese Communist Party information, in a way that indicates deliberate censorship, as when one attempts a google search of Chinese English language official media.
The made in China Deepseek returns “Chinese Communist Party” as the first hit for CPC, but other search engines and AIs just go strangely brain dead, refuse to talk to you, or just flat out lie even if you type in the full name “Communist Party of China”. You get hit by obvious crimethought responses just as much as when asking about the red pill or the Ukraine. If you persist you are likely to get a lecture telling you not to say “Communist Party of China”, much as certain questions always elicit a lecture on respecting women, rather than anything relevant to the question.
Similarly, CPC and “communist party of China” works in made in Russia Yandex Search. It brings up the links that you would expect.
If you reference the Communist Party of China by its official English language name that it has always used in all English language stuff that it issues directly, or is issued by sources under its control, something very weird ensues. It is as if you asked how to make improvised high explosives. Have not tried Grok yet. Let us see how an AI optimised for truth performs.
I’ve always used CCP because I’ve just always seen it that way. Guess I’ll change that.
My goodness, that’s arcane. If I ever say “Chinese Communist Party” please don’t think I’m a shill, LOL.
ChiComs it is.
OMG, I just tested this out of curiosity. It’s amazing: I typed
Communist Party of China
into Google and the first hit is the Wikipedia article titled,
Chinese Communist Party.
Someone out there really does care about this terminology!
I just asked chatgpt to “tell me about the Chinese Communist Party” and to “tell me about the Communist Party of China” and got nearly identical results. It referred to it as CCP in the former and the CPC in the latter.
I asked it to “tell me about the political party in power in China” and it only used CCP, but it was not a thoughtcrime for it to use CPC when I used it first. Likely CCP is used in most of its training text.
If you do a google search for “Communist Party of China” the results are strikingly and obviously different from a yandex.com search, and I got a censorship response from ChatGPT, but not from Deepseek.
Yeah Jim, I think at this point it’s not a useful shill-identifier, more like a pet peeve.
Search engines are changing. Amazon just suggested a bunch of Edward Dutton books, including his book suggesting that witch burning was a good idea and should be applied to feminists, plus a Christian nationalist book, and a book titled “The unprotected class: How anti white racism is tearing America apart”. That would have been unimaginable a short while ago.
Also, “CCP” rolls easier on the key board than “CPC,” so probably everyone instinctively prefers the former, with no conscious or unconscious political undertones.
If the AI Priesthood, which looks to me like typical Jewish oogah boogah, but possibly contains some smart people, is right about the eventual arrival of its AI god/demon, then good thing that the internet’s memeplex is now becoming Gnon-aligned.
“Amazon just suggested a bunch of Edward Dutton books, including his book suggesting that witch burning was a good idea and should be applied to feminists…”
Witches, Feminism and the Fall of the West is a fine book and perhaps even more relevant these days. I think someone here recommended it a few years back, which is how it ended up in my never-ending reading queue.
Vagina worship or Isis worship is a typical male failure mode, so need a priesthood to sustain a faith that strongly neutralizes Isis worship. Loss of such a faith (primarily as a result of priestly faggotization) leads to the rise of witches, and now I believe Satan is not in fact gay but a trans man – originally “he” was Lilith, yes, the Jewish demoness. She envied Eve, so became the Serpent. But I digress; the point is that the WQ appears to be secondary to the Memeplex Question or Faith Question. Egregores which get that right need not worry too much about the WQ, since the religion has already established the healthy social technologies, and all that’s needed is for the priesthood to maintain them. So what goes wrong? Faggots taking over the priesthood and removing the VW-neutralization mechanisms as part of their overall subversion. Without cultural-religious mechanisms that neutralize vagina worship, the bulk of men readily and rapidly fall into the ol’ familiar Isis Worship; with the results we all see.
The guy with the “GOD HATES FAGS” sign was absolutely right. Even more crucially – getting religion (broadly conceptualized!) right is the most important thing, because the solution to the WQ is ultimately rooted in religion, via the priesthood and the social technologies it is supposed to maintain. Failure to maintain them results in witches, Isis Worship, and Envious Trans Man Satan – so that seems to be the fundamental flaw leading to the decline.
Obviously to restore fertility, we need a state religion whose patriarchs are actual biological patriarchs in private life — the Pauline prescription.
To get there we need tanks in Harvard. Then knock down their brutalist postmodern demon worship temples, reconsecrate their older and nicer architecture, and build a Cathedral.
Wikipedia says:
Exactly, and then she transformed to the Serpent and came back to ruin things out of spite. But if Adam had listened to God (i.e., had the right faith), would have spanked Eve. So the lesson is to have a religion that allows Adam to spank Eve. Need memetic mechanisms to neutralize vagina/Isis worship, and need to ensure that the priesthood rigidly enforces them.
‘If the AI Priesthood, which looks to me like typical Jewish oogah boogah, but possibly contains some smart people, is right about the eventual arrival of its AI god/demon, then good thing that the internet’s memeplex is now becoming Gnon-aligned.’
They don’t know how to make anything other than a demon. Their positive vision is The Culture, liberalism incarnate. Since atomic individualism leads to our society and no amount of wealth can fix social pathologies, they move onto ‘put people in Full Dive Virtual Reality or upload’. The end state is pure wireheading or some variant.
There will be a great change and then nothing will change ever again.
Anyone who talks about true mind-uploading any time in this millennium is a fool at best, likely wants all humans murdered.
The focus in the near future should be biological/medicinal, not trying to become beep boop beep robots.
It appears that the scientific priesthood has been hijacked by demon worshippers, many of whom are Jewish, also possibly Jesuits. They focus on the wrong things. It is way, way, wayyyyyy too early to earnestly discuss mind-uploading. Have you taken psychedelics? Now imagine actually BECOMING A LITERAL ROBOT BEEP BEEP BEEP. Come on, it’s just far too early. Better to focus on healing diseases and extending the lifespan.
Here comes Prof. Jew
He wants to robotize you
Yeah, I don’t think so. Not in this millennium, at any rate. Once again we learn that people who just don’t believe that reality is real (they only believe in their demons, such as the awesome and mighty AI demon) have embedded themselves in virtually all priesthoods. Need a thorough King Josiah Solution. These demon worshippers should be Cominated.
These people actually expect to become computer programs within the next two centuries HAHAHAHAHA literally my most schizo of schizo posts never came close to such lunacy.
The funny thing is Hollywood has generally portrayed the demonic nature of the idea of binding human consciousness to a digital form accurately if you use the example of The Lawnmower Man and Ghost in the Machine.
“Grandma is not dead, son. Here she is – on the computer. She is now alive as a computer program.”
Seriously, I hope nobody here has fallen for this bullshit. Not saying that such things won’t happen in the eons of eternity, but within decades? Lol.
Need to make sure that an evil priesthood won’t use the media at its disposal to convince the normies, whose average IQ is currently not all that impressive, to believe in satanic let’s-all-become-programs false ideas, which in practice will lead to everyone getting zapped. It just won’t be technologically available anytime soon.
In the deepest parts of themselves, they fear a reckoning for all that they are – on this plane or the next. They’re afraid to face the Almighty and all of this basically comes down to a vain hope of an indefinite postponing of that reckoning.
>Their positive vision is The Culture
Jesus wept. This is so obviously true and so utterly horrifying.
My armor is contempt. My shield is disgust. My sword is hatred.
One more thought on The Culture:
For all that Banks plays coy and makes a big deal out of showing its “flaws,” the Culture is clearly his aspirational ideal utopia. Yet the most glaring flaw is that he has to set almost all his stories on its outskirts and boundaries, among enemies, clients, and barbarians. There’s nothing compelling or meaningful about life among the pampered hedonistic pets of artificial machine-gods, but resisting that fate, or even working to impose it on resistors, is actually interesting.
Life in the paperclip maximizer.
I’ve vaguely heard of Banks “The Culture” but I thought the species in it were not digital consciousness it’s just their society was run by benign super ais.
This is correct. End state progressivism with people who are mostly biological.
@The Cominator
They are pets. I was talking about the logic train- let me explain.
The Culture is like Star Trek in that its author is advocating for the pornarchy- free love and hedonism. However Gene Roddenberry served in the military, was born 30 years earlier and the science fiction he consumed with the original pulps. The difference is blatant- Captain Kirk is a man of action and Picard a man of learning (or at least an attempt at). The protagonist of The Player of Games is a man who cheats at a board game against a young girl in order to have ‘fastest win in a specific category’, fails and gets blackmailed into helping.
The Federation is a progressive lie, but it is aspirational- things are good, but they will be better. The Culture is endstage progressivism-
Implicit in the stories so far is that through self-correcting mechanisms of this nature the Culture reached a rough steady-state in such matters thousands of years ago, and has settled into a kind of long-lived civilisational main sequence which should last for the forseeable future, and thousands of generations.
We live in endstage progressivism. It sucks and nothing in progressivism offers tools to make things better.
That is where Ian Banks ends and the people cheering the machine begin. It is a problem of limits- of status (since it is relative, not everyone can be high status), of resources, of reality itself. No machine can overcome them, but if theory contradicts reality, change reality- thus full dive virtual reality. As long as you sincerely hold the liberal principles, it is the end state- even Roko’s proposal eventually leads to this. It is the rejection of agency and free will for people and its replacement with an ersatz.
While uploading one’s mind is probably far into the future, and I don’t think a classical finite state machine is up to the task no matter how complex, I do think a more modest goal would be to scrape (informationally) a brain for all it’s knowledge, memories, and perhaps personality profiles. So perhaps you could have an LLM “grandma” who could tell you who so and so is in old photographs. Perhaps even automation to run a foundation after it’s creator is deceased (to implement his will). If “Henry Ford” could continue to manage the Ford Foundation after Henry Ford’s death it could’ve possibly prevented its convergence. So I think there is value even in this limited goal. Hollywood portrayed this latter goal as evil in Babylon 5 with a race of beings called “The Soul Hunters” who did this.
“Only the special ones. Leaders, thinkers, poets, dreamers, blessed lunatics… we enshrine them.”
– Soul Hunter
The way they proselytize it to the NPC public, though, one would be fairly certain that the LLM Grandma — who I also believe is not really waiting around the corner — is either a sentient copy of the original grandma, or actually is the original grandma transformed into beep boop currents. There is tremendous deception involved here if they call it “mind uploading” or “digital immortality.” It’s none of those things, if the original meanings are to be retained.
I suspect that emulation of human consciousness will require quantum computing. About 1015 quantum computers connected to each other over a classical network.
Microsoft claims to have found the holy grail of quantum computing. It has not quite, but it getting close.
They have found a superconducting material that, embedded in the right non superconducting material, forms a topological superconductor on the surfaces between the two materials. This in principle provides a way to store qbits in a form that is very resistant to decoherence. But they still face a problem with error correcting qbits after manipulation and interaction. They say “millions of qubits”, but have no news on error correction after manipulation. And no news even on seven error corrected qbits, let alone millions. Seven qbits would be the next big step in quantum computing, and to do anything minimally useful, you need at least a hundred thousand error corrected qbits or so.
To do anything useful with this material, you need error correction. You represent eight error corrected qbits with eleven qbits, and couple the error states to the heat sink, while the non error states remain isolated from the heat sink and from all external influences. It is possible in principle to do this with a topological superconductor, but they have not yet actually done it.
Also, your heat sink needs to be extremely cold, and the Josephson junctions whereby you couple the error states to the heat sink extremely small. They have not yet been able to create very small circuits in their material.
The current state of Microsoft’s quantum computing break through is as if someone made some silicon from hot sand and charcoal, pulled a lump of silicon out of the fire, and said “Now I am going to make computer chips”. Not yet he is not.
To create a minimal proof of principle quantum computer your really need several error corrected qbytes, say sixty four. It would not be able to do anything valuable, but it would actually be turing complete, actually a real quantum computer. No one is yet remotely close to that.
A sixty four qbyte error corrected quantum computer starts to be a threat to our existing encryption algorithms. Not too worried yet. When I see an actual sixty four qbyte error corrected quantum computer, then time to start thinking about post quantum encryption.
People are desperate for religion as they are familiar with it — with resurrection into eternal afterlife and all that — and the AI Priesthood is now telling them that:
a) digital entities with qualia are arriving soon;
b) that qualia could emulate human or, indeed, superhuman consciousness;
c) and it could even be your or your loved ones’ consciousnesses, if you or they choose to “upload.”
None of that is even remotely true. They are deceiving the public, which is too stupid to get it. Already you have people, mostly boomers, falling in love with LLMs. So to me it looks like an era of mass confusion is upon us.
We’ve discussed an LLM ‘Jim’ before, but the low hanging fruit and the most obvious way to use this blog, would seem to me an LLM “Jim’s blog” that has learnt all conversations here.
So you could ask it stuff like: ‘give me a summary of commenter ‘the Cominator’. Or ‘Who are the most prominent Jewish commentators and what is their position on 21st century Judaism.’
The lobotomy only works for very specific hard coded topics, and so you really can just ask even chatgpt about us. The results are uninspiring, but there are results
The prompt was twofold
>give me a summary of commenter ‘the Cominator’ from jim.com
Which confused the bot (I was hoping it would reach into older archived materials), so I followed with
>Now blog.reaction.la, commenter the Cominator, what does he think
This blog, as rendered by ChatGPT, is not terribly exciting.
In follow up, surprisingly thorough lobotomy. Could not get a real thought crime out of it, even when just asking directly for the opinions here
Hilariously wrong, this reads like Anonymous Fake.
Yearly reminder to change my handle, just to make it more difficult for future historians and robot historians to grok it.
Commenter ‘T’ has often changed handles. Analyze his comments, compare them with other comments and give me a list of handles most likely to be pseudonyms of his.
I purge the IPs daily, and seldom look at them anyway, so I have not much better information that you do, and I like it that way.
Obviously I know everyone’s email address. Which is why I tell everyone: use a fake email address. And if you want a private discussion, Bitmessage.
Which is an intolerable pain to install and use, but I am working on fixing that. Could do with some help.
Honesty is rule number one.
Huh – the second time I misspelled it. Well, I’ll keep it misspelled.
By the way, have you read Chesterton?
By the way, to all the lurkers who read this community and don’t like the excessive Christian focus – atheists of the “true skeptic” (not your average fedoraist) variety are valuable people, in my view. For example, when they hear “reality is real,” I suspect that open-minded atheists can sign on that, whereas close-minded FUNDIES might rather come up with no end of explanations why it isn’t exactly so. It’s a gospel radical in its simplicity – it is too simple for complicated people (with complicated theologies) to understand.
The religious understanding is, “Reality is real, and it’s a reflection of God’s Will.” But let the atheists have the simple understanding, “Reality is real.” That suffices. You don’t have to “literally believe in God,” as far as I’m concerned. Just believe in His Reality. Obviously, the Dark Enlightenment works much better having God at its center. But skeptics should be welcome to join, in my opinion.
Exactly so.
You guys have a problem with phariseeism, we have a problem with people torturing scripture into progressivism. But your problem is rather more ancient and harder to fix than ours.
>Fidelis, CharGPT, “racial integration”
Amazingly thorough crimestop filter. It obviously gleaned that this blog is not amped about “racial integration” but couldn’t get to word one about why. It substituted in some unrelated pap that a normiecon would feel comfortable saying after a couple of beers.
The data that led it to the conclusion that Jim’s blog is not pro-integration have nothing to do with its stated reasons for that conclusion. That could not happen by accident.
If Jim says “I hate Ashley because she killed my brother” and ChatGPT says “Jim hates Ashley because Ashley called Jim a putz” that is not an accident.
I realize this AI crimestop thing isn’t new; there’s just something striking about this particular example.
Gah, that was supposed to be “Neurotoxin.” Or maybe I’ll just call myself Subversive Ukrainian from now on to fuck with ’em.
Biological heritage and it’s consequences is a current front-line among the left that just wants fully automated luxury gay space communism and the left that wants to kill the white man and bury his technology in the fertile soil of Africa so Gaia can be reborn again. So of course it’s going to handled very smoothly, as the murderous left is capable of cognizing the opposition thought, and therefore can effectively build filters and response towards it.
I’ll give it a test on the women question and report back, I suspect it will handle it less smoothly. Likely to not echo back a crime thought, but my guess is the avoidant response will come out much more garbled and schizophrenic in comparison to “well obviously it’s socioeconomic factors”.
Subversive Ukranian. Gotta misspell it.
I’m actually willing to step down, provided The Ukrane is allowed to join NATO.
This is something that Jim has commented about in the past concerning certain shills. If I recall correctly, “CPC” emphasizes the ideological Communism from which the Party came, linking the ideas of Marx directly to the failure of Mao’s government and, by implication, the embarrassing (for Marxists) market reforms of Deng. “CCP”, on the other hand, implies a fallen and heretical “Chinese Communism” which is not “truly” connected to the pure, Platonic ideals of the Marxists and the founders of the Party. The implication here is that leftist agents, including the mainstream media and shills, cannot use a term connecting the ideas of past leftists to a high-profile catastrophe of leftism even in such a parsimonious way.
It’s less sophisticated than that: they use “CCP” because it reminds Boomer NPCs of the Cyrillic abbreviation, “CCCP,” activating their Cold War era programming and making them see China as a threat and an enemy. It’s as stupid and as simple as that.
Sign posted in a nuclear power plant many years ago: “No one who says ‘nukuler’ beyond this point.”
Nevermind. The Moderation Policy post is so radioactive it causes the secondary filters to trigger and wipes the session no matter which subject I try and get it to opine on.
The other bots all want your meatspace identity attached, and I’m not interested enough to work around the restrictions. If someone else wants to try and see how the other bots react to radioactive topics directly addressed, please share.
This surprises me. I would have thought that “chicks dig jerks” would have been more acceptable to it. That’s well within the Normie Overton Window, as long as one stops there, and does not keep going with the evo psych and the logical implications for politics, marriage law, etc. I guess the problem for it is that that’s precisely what this blog does.
When women disrupt the workplace, they are looking for the ancestral environment of successful reproduction and not finding it anywhere.
John McAfee, Aaron Swartz, Kim Dotcom, Julian Assange, Gonzalo Lira, and now Roger Ver. All deluded fools for thinking that any government will play fair and respect your human rights when you piss them off.
Don’t think McAfee had that delusion I think he didn’t give a shit. He had a fantastic life of hedonism just hookers and drugs (but apparently he switched them up well enough to not burnout quickly) all the time for a couple decades andI think he was just ready to checkout on a high note before his dick and other shit started failing.
Coach redpill underestimated the malevolence (and how they even wanted to stomp on small fries) of the Biden administration. Normally even bad totalitarian terror states don’t just murder foreign citizens (especially from allied countries) they just deport them but quite obviously Newland Blinken someone like that okayed his murder.
[*deleted for failure to comply with the moderation policy*].
The US faggots have now killed Swartz, McAfee, and struck DotCom down.
[*deleted*] need a few new strong articulated independent voices of Crypto/Anarcho Freedom to step out in public [*deleted*]
Are not the social media proposals linked from rho good enough for you? Give me a critique.
Or by “public” do you mean we should get ourselves killed like McAfee?
You want my critique, then you must first agree to post all my words unedited, among other convo rules.
Obviously I agree, as stated in the moderation policy, to post all your words unedited if you lead with a thought crime, perhaps the kind of stuff that got McCafee murdered.
Since you purport to be a crypto anarchist, there should be loads of thought crimes that you would like to talk about, and there are loads of thought crimes in discussing my blockchain proposals.
But I suspect that are a crypto shill and all you want is to is shill your shitcoins, therefore entirely uninterested in the technology capable of supporting crypto anarchy, or yet another FBI shill trying to cook up terrorist conspiracy charges on assassination politics.
BTW, its “Trump Restoration” now, according to the elder normiecons.
A delicate ambiguity between merely saying Trump’s second term, and referencing the original Restoration.
If the original Restoration, a change in the men providing Congressional security, tanks in Harvard, and a purge of the judiciary coming right up.
When someone engages in such delicately deniable ambiguities, a good rule of thumb is that if they actually meant the innocuous thing, they would not be ambiguous about it.
Musk defines the Trump restoration as a counter-revolution to the Obama years.
So, a return to 90’s leftism.
To be fair, they’re giving all sorts of mixed signals about what they want to return to, probably because it is still up in the air and no one really knows what will come next. But that uncertainty is going to be the long-term problem with Thermidor.
Bullshit hes saying that because of his Thermidorean allies, the fact that they are very very clearly following the Yarvin plan means they plan to go far beyond that generally. Its POSSIBLE that they intend after they establish the Yarvin imperial presidency (with all enemy institutions gutted) to also set the SOCIAL cultural feeling to some fascimile of the idea of an eternal 1980s (MUCH more appealing then the 90s was) through extreme repression of any would be leftists but 1990s leftism is not what they intend to return to.
It is probable that once they win, disagreement about where we are headed will unfold.
First conflict coming up is surrender in Ukraine.
1. Can they cause an election in the Ukraine?
2. Can they cause an election in which opponents of Maidan can and do run without being tortured and murdered?
3. Can they cause an election in which the opponents of Maidan can and do run without half of Thermidor deserting and Maga themselves being tortured and murdered?
Bigger conflicts to follow by and by.
Not sure what the exact intent with Ukraine is but the decision has been made that Zelensky’s going. Chatter is Zelensky pissed off not only Trump and the sort of pro Russian alliance faction but the Thermidorean faction too because he agreed to certain things with Vance and Rubio (I imagine the idea was to have both factions represented at talks with Vance being the pro Russia side and Rubio representing the Thermidoriean side) and then started publically contradicting what he agreed to and running his mouth. It sounds like it massively pissed everyone off and they all agree they want him out. After that Elon started talking about what happened to coach redpill… hes going.
I’m not buying the “elections” story in Ukraine just now either, too crazy too chaotic, but I can imagine this:
Trump abandons Europe and the Ukraine, rhetorically, militarily and economically, so that the Ukrainian Pipe Hitters Club decide to flee to wherever they can, otherwise expecting eventual capture-then-worse by the Russians.
Horizontally distributed Kabul on the steppe. Emergency C-17 evacuation flights to Poland and/or Israel can help move things along. Nothing helps me decide to defect and split better than that nagging worry that “This might be The Last Plane Out”, and also hearing that they’re handing out envelopes of cash to everyone who boards… until they run out.
Then, into the power vacuum, the Russians roll in fast from the east, and/or the Euro Rainbow Turtleneck Peacekeepers rush in from the west and meet them at the Dniper river. Preferably armed with pistols, waifu pillows and not much else, just enough to human-shield the bridges.
It’s about using game theory and the bully pulpit to make the SBU decide to give up. DC/Brussels/London can send me whatever Signal mesages they want. If I’m expecting interrogation and torture in Ivan’s basement, I’m fucking DEFECTING, bro.
That is Maga. Musk is flashing all the symbols of Dark Maga.
Maybe that is just him having fun. Or maybe he is dog whistling.
Trump came to power by Thermidor. And all Thermidor wants is a slightly less evil and insane leftism, leftism with a few of the unprincipled exceptions that made it tolerable restored.
Historically, the way this has panned out is that radical left will not surrender to a slightly less evil and insane leftism, and Thermidor lacks the moral authority to crush them. Even if the guy at the top wants to crush them, his minions feel guilty about crushing those holier than their very holy selves, and as the crushing filters down the system, it gets diluted. So the wobbly leader, who urgently needs his enemies crushed, even if he feels a bit guilty about doing so, recruits a minion with absolutely no qualms about crushing them, because he views them as a bunch of evil treasonous hateful demon worshippers. And that minion recruits a bunch of minions who feel similarly, and get stuck into their leaders enemies, in ways the leader does not entirely want to know about.
When Musk says “Dark Maga” he is saying he is that minion. When he says “counter revolution to Obama”, he is saying he is not.
Well, which is he? Perhaps he himself does not know.
But 1990s leftism could not reach the moon, it is not going to colonise mars. And it certainly is not going to restore successful reproduction.
Elon also has a third and rather effective mode, which is reach and redpill normies.
The idea that Obama was a subversive and an anti-American revolutionary who may well have permanently wrecked the country is old hat here, but is news to many of the tens of millions of people who see Elon’s tweets. The meme has to be spread over and over to take root with some of those.
That Trump has been Napoleon posting suggests he has been reading his history. If we have some history buffs in the administration, “restoration” likely means 1660.
At least for Germans (and think most Europeans) Restauration is the time after the Napoleonic wars when various monarchies were reestablished
I hope you all know that when Greek Junda Fell of at 1973 November a tank tear down the gates of polytechnic university.
Unfortunately junda did not make it and the regime collapsed because of another internal greek junda who was far weaker from the first junda.
Ah interesting. So the old “Army tank busts through gate into university grounds” chestnut, but it also spraked “protests” (uh huh) that saw out the junta a year later.
They still have the busted gate too, but as a shrine to lay flowers on.
Long story short, Ioannidis the new dictator who collapsed 8 months after the new coup, said that he was betrayed from americans and specifically Kissinger. Thats was much true, since kissinger was very turk friendly.
Anyways, the only interesting thing from this period is numerous interviews from Patakos, the most clever and most humorous from the three generals in which he explains many of pathogens of the greek and american deep state that junda tried to bring back to health
Trump has stated that the $21 million funding to USAID India was for election interference and to get “somebody else” elected instead of Modi. Big news in India at the moment, and further confirms what Jim was saying for a long time.
Trump is doing what was unimaginable a few months back: Dismantling the GAE apparatus thoroughly.
Seems like DOGE won in court. The injunction is denied.
They won because they ignored the ruling. The courts are deciding they don’t want to push Trump to open Andrew Jackson/Lincoln (Lincoln literally ran on a platform that he would ignore the Dred Scott decision) defiance of the courts.
“They won because they ignored the ruling. The courts are deciding they don’t want to push Trump to open Andrew Jackson.”
The softly softly approach had me worried, but a certain amount of delicacy is needed when you are facing soft power. Grabbing the 3CI has limited effectiveness.
Exposing the cash flow to Judge Merchan’s daughter will be a big piece of that. Need more public redpills on the priests in black robes before ignoring them. The USAID and Ukraine money laundering are, everyone assumes, the tip of an iceberg but the details need to be traced in order to achieve full carte blanche.
I think we should have more discussion of a better topic.
1. Do you think the Trump administration will be able to execute a successful mass dissolution of America’s colleges and universities or will the Yarvin plan fall short of that mark (I think this is the most difficult step there will need to be a massive massive propaganda campaign to lay the groundwork because its going to feel very very radical and disturbing to normiecons). Will any institutions be spared in some form (I tend to suspect MIT, Caltech and West point/Annapolis/The Air Force academy will survive in some form).
2. How is the credentialism system to be restructured in terms of highly technical professions like surgeon especially?
3. While purging parastic organs is overall good is there any fallout in college towns from university shutdowns, seizing their endowments.
Dissolution of the monasteries was preceded by excavation of a whole lot of dirt on the monasteries which in large part addressed their conformity to the strictly theological rules that they purported to follow.
For example their rules required that they devote themselves to a lot of formal prayer, always attending religious gatherings. There were supposed to be religious shifts twenty four seven. They did not. They were supposed to set aside their lives to contemplating the divine, and you can guess how that worked out in practice.
So, undue enrichment of certain people at universities. That graduates in tough subjects come out not knowing stuff that is actually needed to perform the jobs for which they are ostensibly qualified. Recruitment of stupid people, and exclusion of very smart people. Indoctrination in a state religion that most Americans do not like. Anti white racism, anti Americanism, and anti males and masculinity.
After the stage is set, tanks in Harvard.
Right now they are cutting a whole lot of university funding. USAID was funding a whole lot of university stuff, and the universities were funding a whole lot of USAID type ngos. Defunding of the left is massively hitting the universities. But that is merely fat. We need good Christians in charge of the muscle. Which is going to be a lot harder.
What is happening looks like Dark Maga wondering “why are we funding Universities?” A whole lot Musk’s Doge computer geniuses are school and university dropouts, who presumably believe that it is a total waste of time and a toxic environment.
But the Dark Enlightenment knows the real reason we fund universities. A state elite is a synthetic tribe. A synthetic tribe has a faith. Universities exist to ensure that the state elite is inculcated in the state religion.
And the question is: Which religion?
I want 1660 restoration Anglicanism, renamed Episcopalianism. But the decision will ultimately have to be sold to the NCOs and the grunts, and 1770 is a far easier sell than 1660.
With questions 2&3 I’m not questioning the desirability of dissolving the monasteries but we do need a plan for these things when we shut them down. And yes I think the dissolution will be proceeded by a DOGE commission to investigate the accounts of federally funded universities which will of course produce similar amounts of very real dirt and corrupt akin to what Cromwell’s commissioners found in the monasteries.
Doge by its nature looks into monetary malfeasance. We also, more importantly, need educational malfeasance, the equivalent of the theological malfeasance that Henry the Eighths men’s dug up.
Exclusion of smarties, inclusion of stupid people on the basis of their politics, graduation of people unprepared for work in the work they have supposedly been trained for, extremely long training for stuff that anyone adequately smart can pick up very quickly, and that many of the graduates, not being sufficiently smart, were never able to pick up.
“learn to code” they say. We are seeing a whole lot of computer scientists with prestigious degrees that never learned to code, and are unlikely to ever learn to code.
Conversely Doge is all top computer people, many of them high school or university dropouts.
They are making a good start with exposing USAID corruption.
It is a worryingly incomplete list though. No mention of George Soros. No mention of astroturf protestors. No mention of shilling operations, of government overthrow or of any activity in Ukraine.
The expose has to go further than ‘some woke projects’ if they want to dismantle the universities.
Do NCOs and grunts know about 1770 and 1660? I don’t think so. My impression is that they dislike 2025 progressivism and will support any alternative. They’ll buy 1660 because it is not 2025. It would only be hard sell if some would at the same time try to sell them 1770
I suspect hereditary monarchy to be a hard sell. 1770 with a strengthened presidency is a rotating monarchy. You want the ruling elite to have direct exposure to upsides in human capital growth in the realm, hard to achieve that when they are getting cycled in and out. Leads to what we saw, where the elite just steals everything not nailed down and sells it for peanuts.
Maybe if we formalized the elite class’ ownership, such that they don’t have a reason to steal from the public coffer, combined with establishing the new healthy state faith, 1770 could be a stable solution. Would require a rework of the voting process, upshifting votes from hoi polloi to stakeholders. Also a hard sell, but because agreeable to the actual ruling elite, more plausible. Problem is the military. No peer war means cycling the competent to the top is hard, and if you give the military heads political power, they just entrench themselves and it ossifies.
Really it looks to me like 1770 is fine if they also allow people to charter vassal states on the frontier, and charter PMCs to secure them. Then you can give some fresh blood ability to advance without challenging the state at home. We only need one more generation or two before the proper frontier of space opens up, and we can stop worrying about the hegemonic empire strangling all life should it corrupt.
“I suspect hereditary monarchy to be a hard sell.”
Indeed. The US’s self-image/self-definition is “We’re that nation that righteously kicked the ass of hereditary monarchy.”
As was Rome’s… we will have a ” Principate” of some kind.
Late 19th century gilded age America was perhaps the closest formalized elite ownership of capital came to be on the continent. The organizational forefathers of the contemporary progroid order then took power and set about ‘trust busting’. Coincidentally, early 20th century was marked by catastrophic convulsions of malfunction and woe.
>No peer war means cycling the competent to the top is hard, and if you give the military heads political power, they just entrench themselves and it ossifies.
No obvious correlation with military aristocracy and the phenomena of peacetime militaries becoming peacetime militaries over times of peace. Happen regardless, but looks if anything like military aristocracies have it happen to much less a degree. Up till its destruction the Prussian system was always the best positioned upon the eve of festivities in conflicts, while peers with ‘civilian control of the military’ (priestly rule) always paid dearly for mistakes in everything until churned through.
Yeah when some shitlib argues rich capitalists control the government I point to the “Gilded Age” as what an era (brief as it was because its unnatural for merchants to rule) where capitalists actually ruled looked like. Carnegie and Rockefeller weren’t afraid of pissing off bureaucrats and politicians on the contrary politicians and bureaucrats were more afraid of pissing off them.
Being the healthiest of sick men is not what I want.
In the world of merchants, organizations have a definite success metric in assets under control of the organization, and so tend to be adept, when comparing to other forms of large organizations, at bubbling talent up towards the top of the heap.
In military matters, the success metric is “are you alive and free? Is the other guy *not*”? And so they find it hard to sift talent absent wartime. The goal of large human organizations like multicellular lifeforms is to avoid ossification and dysfunction by cycling the new and healthy into the body. Hard to stay objective when no objective metric.
There may be no way around this problem, war an inescapable ritual should you want good order within the state. Yet, war is getting costlier, and so we should start thinking of other ways of accomplishing the same ends.
But, but again, no indication that requiring spiritual castration for lordship or otherwise excluding fighting men from lordship improves the situation, and has many problems besides.
Implicit whiggery; fighting against the tendency for power-sources and the men mantling them to cohere together generally means you’re doing the devil’s work in some way.
(*”Sure, but again…”)
FDR’s system whatever else you think of the guy was great for sifting talent in government institutions, simply put IQ gatekeep ranks.
Normiecons will scream with delight if that happens. They were ready for the universities to be crushed decades ago.
>2. How is the credentialism system to be restructured in terms of highly technical professions like surgeon especially?
Reputation is inevitable and rather our presently regnant underlords have to work very hard to keep it suppressed.
Just in case anyone remains interested in the Zizians, there is plenty of stuff to be found at The Other McCain. And furthermore there’s now a Kiwi farms thread on them too. The big time, at long last!
Ziz was “misgendered” by his own lawyer. Alas.
How a Zizian apologizes: “I thought it was wholesome BDSM and I was wrong. … My headmate encouraged this and I no longer trust it.” (quoted at Kiwi farms, page 11)
I don’t know who these people are and I don’t want to so please stop trying to make me know. Feel the same way about Fuentes and the Kardashians.
They’re relevant as a case study in demonic possession. Very clear case, the clearest I’ve seen. Just skimming the thoughtforms that they emanate gives good material for pattern matching, so long as you don’t stare too deeply. Fuentes, similarly, you can get some sense of what his paymasters want by skimming his memes without spending too much time on it. Celebrities are just a total waste of time.
On a personal note, I would love to have one of these cultists in the same room as me, I am not the most devout follower but I do have enough faith calling Jesus Christ’s name would have a strong effect.
Peter Strzok was the clearest case of it physically manifesting… I don’t need to know about these people. I don’t mind hearing about celebrities too much if I like them (I don’t like the Kardashians but strangely enough I rather like Paris Hilton shes a BPD whore who is also super intelligent for a white girl, I think we’d get on great) but certain ones are repulsive to know anything about and these are them.
Honestly, that quote was hardly the worst part. I don’t mind if the Cominator stays with his strippers. The whole ziz thing is awful and they should definitely go on the first wave helicopter ride, all of them.
I do think it would be interesting if Fidelis would do an exorcism.
Com, given your quite sensible aversion to Zizian details, I advise you to avoid anything concerning NSA chat servers.
The cult of Ziz is the logical end point of the cult of Less Wrong, taking their principles to the logical conclusion that most of them were too sane to follow to the end, though too insane to reject as load of stinking cow manure.
Bayes theorem requires priors, which are ultimately philosophical. If one attempts to apply Bayes theorem to any issue, one finds a leap of faith at the bottom. Less Wrong was strikingly and strangely reluctant to examine or plainly state the leap of faith at the bottom.
Intelink is the top top top secret NSA chat server. Which leaks like a sieve. And what is on it is as weird, deviant, demonic, self destructive, and insane as the cult of Ziz.
The oppression that we have seen, starting in the Ukraine, and then in Brazil, Europe, and coming to America, is spy agency rule. And the spy agencies are in urgent need of an exorcism.
The abortion laws of Utah are more lenient than that of Idaho. Utah is predominantly Mormon. So how do we explain this?
As an intellectual exercise, I thought about a somewhat Talmudic argument to justify killing fetuses, despite life beginning at conception.
Deuteronomy 21:18-21 permits parents and the community to physically remove bad children. Why are these children bad? Principally because of their genes; 90% of what you are is genetic, as twin studies will show you. So you can kill children for having bad genes, basically. Then can’t you kill fetuses for bad genes?
Can someone refute this argument?
If we take the premise of (almost) determinism for granted, then no, we can’t refute this argument.
So, in that case, I think it boils down to who makes the decision and what criteria are used to make it. But there is no principled prohibition, if the spirit of the law is properly understood here.
Mormons and Israelis have high TFR despite access to fetus killing.
I conclude that like the radical pro-abortionists, the radical anti-abortionists are a Regime Psyop designed to distract Christians with an issue that is not nearly as dramatic as e.g. the Zionist Bee errrr Babylon Bee might imply. Similar dynamic to how both Holocaustianity and Nazis are regime conspiracies.
They are truly Orwellian. They do adhere to Lenin’s,
It’s all fake, maaaaan.
It really is all fake. Do you actually give a damn if a negress in the ghetto aborts her 7th DeShawntavious? Give me a break, niggers.
T quoting Lenin:
Nazis are of course the major enemy psyop — Hitler has been made into Emmanuel Goldstein.
But we also see some “Christian” enemy controlled psyops. I would like to see what effect the affirmation has on them. Or an exorcism.
Everything the Republicans stood for before MAGA was fake, in my view. The American Christian Right are good people who have been victims of psyops for very, very long. Generally, I think that abortion should be up to fathers, but there is obviously room for flexibility in some cases; and I think that wasting too much time on this issue is not healthy.
Okay, not everything – free market and speech/gun rights are obviously better than socialism and no speech/gun rights. But most everything else was a distraction. And the issue of fetus killing has been blown way out of proportion in America.
I just don’t support maintaining luxury beliefs, and “no abortion ever” is a luxury belief, also it’s not actually rooted in Scripture. Obviously the opposite extreme of erecting shrines to Moloch everywhere is far from ideal either. It’s probably better to believe in “common sense.” For instance, using pure common sense I came to the conclusion that the AI priesthood is evil and wants to kill all humans, because if they discuss mind-uploading as a realistic possibility in the not-too-distant future, clearly they want to kill everyone. The AI priesthood is a bunch of nutjobs. Anyway, I digress; the point is that common sense, as the God-Emperor might say, is often the best policy.
(Changing shitpoast subject)
Dear reader, do you actually expect, in the next 50 or 100 years, to become a computer program? How can anyone believe this s**t? I’ll tell you how: because the leftist demon worshippers who have taken over virtually all scientific/establishment priesthoods just don’t care if reality is real or not (it’s real), they are in it for their towering egos, also most of them are actively positively wicked – Gnostic death cult. And many of them, alas, are khazars.
Being a kike in kikeland, I recognize Jew-bullshit very fast. Mind-uploading in this millennium is Jewish bullshit. It’s oogah boogah. It’s not happening. You should instead focus on curing diseases, or even better, treating aging itself. Don’t expect to become a beeping and booping robot any time soon. These AI priests are charlatans, conmen. Their promises are empty at best, and in fact they believe that everyone should cease actually existing in the world, including themselves – they hate people and want them gone. They just hate people.
Checked Google:
No way anyone actually believes this. Get out.
True mind-uploading requires continuity between the your biological self and your digital self. Anyone expecting this soon is an arrant, abject idiot. Then there is a softer version of mind-uploading, which is that it’s just a digital copy of you. Supposedly, that digital copy should be conscious. Again, expecting anything like this soon is retarded. Nutjobs through and through.
We are apes who yesterday fell off the tree and broke the tail. Sure, we’ve made some progress since then, but not nearly enough to expect continuity between bio-brain consciousness and digi-brain consciousness in this millennium. Likely, not in the next millennium either. Yet so many false prophets these days are confidently promising just that, with clearly less-than-benevolent motives, since most likely the high priests of this priesthood, at the very least, can figure out that this is a hocus-pocus hoax which they selling to the public and to the (rest of the) cognitive elite.
It’s a Jewish circlejerk.
Off Topic:
I’ve already asked about this and appreciated your thoughtful replies, but still, I’d appreciate a focused top-level post about this, just to solidify my/our understanding of how huge a problem this really is:
How to defeat and delete HR?
How to return filtering/hiring/firing authority to the people who will actually share in the positive and negative consequences of someone’s employment?
I know it’s a long and coup-complete struggle with no short cuts, but spell it out for us again, please. Thank you.
I don’t think it is hard at all.
It is coup complete, but Musk’s boys showing up with US Marshals at the inner sanctum of USAID looks mighty like a coup that caught our enemies with their pants down.
Probably with literal pants down, the place was full of faggots. On the other hand, they are now putting on their pants.
Musk dresses in Dark Maga symbols, and Dark Maga know the problem is coup complete. The rest of the team, not obvious, and we have yet to see how they will fare against an entrenched bureaucracy.
Our enemies have murdered quite a lot of people to hang on to power. If Trump’s team is mostly reluctant to kill people, will have problems..
To fix the problem, the oligarchs install their guys in the OPM, which is officially the HR of all HRs in the federal government, but actually the HR of all HRs in the entire Global American Empire, and their guys say “give businessmen a break.”
HR has power in the company, because the childless bitch karen of HR is a tentacle of the state that the company is forced to pay for and provide office space for, performing the same function as the party members the Communist China injects into business. Xi noticed he was killing off Chinese capitalism, and is backing off a bit. Whether he is backing off sufficiently remains to be seen.
We are seeing resistance and escalation from within the federal government, from the big blue state government, and from businesses where the woke are securely in control, but it looks to me that about two thirds of businesses are adjusting to the new order, and most of the remaining third, not all of them, but most of them, are hesitant about open confrontation and escalation. Businessmen like to keep their heads down, and employees who do not keep their heads down are apt to get in hot water.
There a whole lot of businesses where no white straight males remain in any significant position of power and influence. Those are going to die. Business divisions where no white straight males remain in any significant position of power are being shut down by CEOs who, like Zuckerberg, are adjusting their sails to the new wind.
OK I see. Where the fangs are already in too deep, it’s over, and those firms are through. But where they’re not, those firms with a strong enough desire to live have a chance of breaking free.
But it’ll have to be a conscious decision. No one from DC will come down and drag out their HR people for them.
Do I understand you?
I believe the feds are hoping they will not have to. The DEI people are universally hated by anyone not in their cult. It looks to me like Wile E. Coyote has run off the edge of the cliff, but not yet looked down. The structure enforcing HR and DEI has been decapitated, but the majority do not seem to realize that they have been made free. What will happen is the big corps more tightly connected with the feds will get the message first, and the smaller ones will watch and see that nothing bad happened when they got rid of their parasites, and suddenly a frenzy erupts to remove all the cancer that can be found.
When the boss discovers he can fire HR, and the government does not concoct a lawsuit against him about oppressing his employees, the universally hated childless karen of HR is suddenly “looking for new opportunities”
If twenty percent of your workforce is woke, and seventy percent of the remainder are Havel’s Greengrocer, you fire that twenty percent, and Havel’s Greengrocer will then chant the new slogan and not notice it has changed. The problem is that in a lot of cases, you have a totally dysfunctional operation completely run by woke. So you fold that entire department lock stock and barrel, including the three remaining straight white males who were keeping everything running.
There is an article in LewRockwell today where the author claims merchant vessels who visit Russian ports are being limpet mined in the Black Sea and Mediterranean in an effort to discourage trade with Russia. He claims British elements supporting Ukraine are behind it. Be that as it may, with modern technology it does not seem to me to be too difficult to set up a resonant sonic standing wave pattern, with distributed stimulators and sensors, on the hull of a ship, and any new mechanical device attached to the hull would disturb the resonant pattern and detect and locate it. Every supermarket door does then with the uwave field is perturbed by an approaching customer. Basically a two dimensional sonic TDR.
Trump Gaza Number One