Posts Tagged ‘appeasement’

The trans cult

Sunday, April 3rd, 2022

First they overlook evil, then they permit evil, then they legalize evil, then they promote evil, then they celebrate evil, then they persecute anyone who still calls it evil.

You pretended they were your equal, only to be promptly informed that they were your superior, which superiority is backed by the fist of the state and the officially unofficial state religion shouted at you from every rooftop.

We feel helpless, we have no authority to call evil evil when the state calls it good. But you do have that authority. Even though my faith is less than a mustard seed, demons still flee before Christ. In my personal life, invoking God and Bible is startlingly and surprisingly effective. Works. Possibly it works because Christ has real power, and possibly our state religion has real demons. Possibly it works because progressives are eternally uncertain that they have the support of their tribe, while they they feel if someone is referencing the bible and God, he does have the support of his tribe. Possibly it works because we have been Christian for seventeen centuries, and it takes a while for the coals to go out. They see God behind me.

It feels very much as if Christ has real power, and whether the demons of the state religion are real or not, demon worship is real.

Hear is a report from girl was caught in the trans cult as a naive teenager, as so many are caught today, but escaped. Hat tip ExileStyle

Its understandable that any young person exposed to this kind of belief system would grow to deeply resent being white, “cis”, straight, or (biologically) male. The beauty of gender ideology is it provides a way to game this system, so that you can get some of those targets off your back and enjoy the camaraderie of like-minded youths. You can’t change your race, pretending to have a different sexuality would be very uncomfortable in practice, but you can absolutely change your gender, and it’s as easy as putting a “she/they” in your bio. Instantly you are transformed from an oppressing, entitled, evil, bigoted, selfish, disgusting cishet white scum into a valid trans person who deserves celebration and special coddling to make up for the marginalization and oppression you supposedly now face. Now not expected to do as much groveling and reaffirming to everyone how much you love checking your privilege, you can relax a little and talk about your life without wondering if you are distracting from the struggles of or speaking over marginalized groups, because you are marginalized too. With the new pronouns often comes a wave of positive affirmation from friends and followers, and the subconscious picks up quickly that there’s a way to make the deal of being on Tumblr even sweeter.

This is the incentive I felt to comb through my thoughts and memories for things that might be further evidence that deep down, I wasn’t really a girl. I hated my body; it must be because I don’t like that its female. Boys have never been interested in me like they are with other girls; well, maybe I would be attractive as a boy, and then I could be like all these cute “gay trans boys” I saw dating each other online. I didn’t have many friends, it must be because being a girl isn’t my “authentic self”, and that was getting in the way of my social life. Plus, people were nicer to me since I said I was trans so that must be an indication that being trans is the right thing to do to make friends. Female sexuality is hypersexualized and pornified, yet it’s supposed to be “empowering” for women to do porn, be prostitutes, or have dangerous, kinky, scary sounding sex with many different men.

She should have tried hitting them with the old and new testament. Works, and psychologically a lot healthier.

part of me genuinely thought testosterone would somehow make me into this outgoing male jock archetype and I would be handsome, have lots of friends, and love life. That wasn’t really panning out.

What a surprise. No one tells them about the staggeringly high trans suicide rate, because that would be discriminatory. Women and men are too fundamentally different for transition to work. Testosterone works great for men on a male mind and a male body. Disastrous for a female mind and a female body.

During the initial months following my first shot, I recall a general feeling of suffocating numbness and inability to identify my emotions, with bouts of anger that were easy to trigger dispersed throughout. Something that before would have made me mostly sad, or even frustrated, made every cell in my body overflow with rage.

Women cannot handle the psychological effects of testosterone, and not all men can handle it. But in me, testosterone makes stronger and braver, and gives me more, not less, self control. “Roid rage” is a perversion of what testosterone is supposed to do – and if you are already practicing perversion, that is what you will get – it is the psychological impact of testosterone going into perverse and self damaging channels, rather than to its proper telos. And of course, when a woman takes testosterone, there is no proper telos for testosterone’s psychological effect to go into.

I resorted to hitting myself. I would struggle against the anger by punching myself and eventually, after there was enough pain, I could cry and when I cried I’d cry for hours, often falling asleep and not remembering much when I’d wake up.

The testosterone was prompting action, but no proper telos, so self destructive action

I told Jamie that I was regretting my transition and questioning my trans identity in general, and predictably she was extremely upset. She reacted in anger, saying I must be confused and, like my therapist, accusing me of having these thoughts due to some underlying psychological issue, like only an insane person would ever regret being trans.

They generally do not regret being trans, but for some entirely unrelated reason 🙃 are apt to commit suicide. Odd that.

Not odd at all, for regretting being trans is sacrilege against their demons.

Then she reads an essay that depicts trans as socially transmitted insanity:

I was in shock. This was… me! Perhaps more importantly, this was… EVERYONE! All of those young biological females I had been friends with online and offline who identified as trans also fit this exact description.

She succumbed to social pressure from wicked people. And it is hard for anyone, and much harder for women, to resist wicked social pressure unless you can call it wicked. We have several millenia of ancient wisdom, that is proving useful as the Enlightenment goes full demonic.

Pushing back on social justice warriors.

Tuesday, July 11th, 2017

Remember how Github went social justice?

Well elections have consequences

“Coraline”, an autogynophilic male to female transexual, competent programmer, and political commissar, recently got purged from Github by the mandarinate.

Mandarins are priests, and Social Justice Warriors are priests, but social Justice Warriors are primarily into runaway extreme holier than thou holiness, while mandarins are more into politely conforming to the official religion and emitting all the right social signals. Thus the holiness spiral with mandarins tends to be <the current generation>, while the holiness spiral with social justice warriors rolls a lot faster, tending to be <the current year>

“Coraline” claims to be a good programmer by the objective standard of high lines of code contributed, high bugs fixed, high features added, low bugs caused. This is plausible because autogynophiles tend to be good programmers, combining the male propensity for strong and rigid logic, with the female propensity for conformity, obedience, and rule following. Effeminate gay male to female transexuals, on the other hand, combine the female incapacity to do logic, with an extreme form of the male propensity to break the rules and defy authority, showing up for work infrequently, late, and stoned.

But “Coraline” was not hired as a good engineer, but as a social justice warrior that other engineers could respect and take seriously, as a political commissar that could understand what the engineers were actually doing. It was hired by its female non engineer boss, to impose social justice on its fellow engineers.

In restrospect, should have stuck to engineering, for women will never perceive a male to female transexual as genuinely female, and thus, never perceive it as genuinely deserving of their own immensely high social status, thus always in their hearts perceive it as a low status male (redundant, I know, because males are always and automatically low status – observe how the guy in the corner office gets interrupted by his female staff and does not get laid) thus denying it the power and authority that a political commissar needs to be effective, needs to do its political job.

If you want to check to see whether your company’s organization chart corresponds to actual status, pay no attention to mere words, but rather watch who interrupts whom, who speaks over whom. Chances are the women speak over and interrupt their merely male boss. The words of the interruption are invariably courteous, helpful, respectful, friendly, and polite, but the fact that it is an interruption is the opposite of courteous, the opposite of helpful, is disrespectful, unfriendly, hostile, hateful, and impolite. It is a shit test. Fertile age women cannot help shit testing men, just as men cannot help looking at a woman’s boobs. And if she gets away with interrupting and speaking over your boss, he failed the shit test, no matter how superficially friendly, respectful, and polite the words of her interruption are. Conversely, if he regularly and routinely passes her shit tests, she will probably fuck him, no matter how old, bald, fat, and married he is. No action of his, no matter how gross, will ever constitute sexual harrassment.

Yes, if you are a boss who regularly and routinely passes their inevitable shit tests “you can do anything, you can grab them by the pussy.”

“Coraline” was working as an engineer, and was successful as an engineer, and appreciated for its engineering, when Github recruited it as a political commissar:

They wanted to offer me a job. They had just created a team called Community & Safety, charged with making GitHub more safe for marginalized people

Danger Will Robinson!

Its team was one normal male, two male to female transexuals, two colored women, and a normal female manager. Thus, three real engineers, all low status, and three fake engineers, all high status. And it is a real engineer, and a good one. Danger Will Robinson!

“Coraline” found itself socially isolated at Github. Danger Will Robertson!

This was the first instance of what came to be referred to as my “non-empathetic communication style”.

“Coraline” was talking about social justice issues in the direct, logical, unemotional, and factual style of a male, rather than in the socially required female style. The mandarinate found this low class, which is to say masculine, and did not like it. Danger Will Robinson!

when I joined the video call with my manager, it became clear that something was wrong. She went back to the issue of my lack of empathy in communications and collaboration.

“Coraline” was claiming status as a very holy social justice warrior that the mandarinate was reluctant to grant to a white male – and women will always see an autogynophile as a male, no matter what delusions the autogynophile harbors. So all the high status people on his team were reluctant to accept his holiness status, and incapable of perceiving his competent engineer status.
So, perceiving his attempt at female status had failed, he attempts to kill himself and is involuntarily committed to a mental hospital.

It is not people like me who keep using the wrong pronouns who drive people like “Coraline” to suicide. It is people like his manager, who no matter what pronouns they use, keep acting as if they perceive him as what he is – a man wearing a dress who has cut his dick off and grown boobs. The Opalgate incident, when lots of people piled on him calling him a man in a dress, did not make him in the least suicidal. It was the bad review by his boss, which review effectively amounted to “I can still sense the masculinity in your communication style” that caused his suicide attempt.

When the politically correct say “empathic” they actually mean feminine. If his female boss had actually been empathic, would not have driven him to suicide. They wanted someone who was a competent engineer, but who could also pass as a female social justice warrior, not just in carefully posed still photographs, but interactively. And that is not what they got. Indeed, it is never what they get.

He irreversibly mutilated himself to elevate his status to that of a woman, and his status did not in fact rise. Hence, suicide. Calling him a man in a dress did not adversely affect his perception of his own status, because he perceived those using the wrong pronoun as low status. But he perceived the women in his group as high status, they perceived him as a mere male, no matter what pronoun they used, thus, suicide.

In the past several months GitHub has fired at least three transgender engineers

He was fired for being interactively unconvincing as a woman.

and many more cisgender women.

With Trump in power, less need to pretend women are engineerettes.

Prominent people who were trying to effect positive change in the company culture have quit.

Social Justice Warriors have quit, perhaps one step ahead of being fired.

… In a return to its meritocratic roots, the company has decided to move forward with a merit-based stock option program despite criticism from employees who tried to point out its inherent unfairness.

That merit is inherently “unfair” is an implicit admission that women are inferior at activites in the male sphere and coloreds are just inferior.

And the widely publicized results of the open source survey show that the company’s platform is still not appealing to anyone but straight white guys.

The company’s platform is quite appealing to autogynophilic male to female transexuals, who are heavily overrepresented. And the rest cannot code. Ability to code is a pre-requisite for actually finding the company’s platform useful.

Ferguson chimp out

Sunday, August 17th, 2014

Short recap of the Ferguson story:

Michael Brown, a huge black man helped himself to some tobacco in a shop, then strong armed the shopkeeper rather than paying.  He then walked down the street, expecting traffic to get out of his way.  When a policeman told him to stop jaywalking, he attacked the policeman, forced his way into the policeman’s car, and attempted to take the cops gun. The cop shot him.

According to heavily tattooed gang members wearing clothes intended to intimidate, after being shot, Michael Brown ran with his hands in the air, and the policeman shot Michael Brown again while he was holding his arms in the air and running.

This might well nonetheless be true, at least the part about him being shot while running, though not the part about his hands in the air, for if Michael Brown attacked me I might well do the same thing.  He is big, scary, violent, thuggish, and crazy.  Yeah, it would be the wrong thing to do, but when a big crazy guy attacks one out of the blue, one is apt to do the wrong thing.

The blacks proceeded to loot and burn.  The local police, facing collective criminal conduct, responded militarily, engaging in collective violence to crush collective violence – a military style response.

This “military”, which is to say collective, violence of course horrified the press, who blamed the police, and in particular the white cop in charge.  So a black cop was put in charge, and a huge round of news stories proceeded about peaceful protests and how everything was wonderful in peaceful civilized harmony, blithely ignoring events running contrary to story, blithely ignoring that the blacks were taking out one cop after another by collective violence, which the individual violence of the cops was ineffectual in preventing.  And then, contrary to story, the black cop had to resort to collective military style violence to keep his cops alive.

This is analogous to events in Gaza.  One might well believe that Israel blockades Gaza because they are evil racists, but when Egypt blockades Gaza, people of the same race and religion as themselves, it’s pretty obvious that the problem is terrorists operating out of Gaza, not Gaza’s neighbors.  And, similarly, the problem in Ferguson is individual and collective black violence, which collective violence has to be met by collective violence.

The larger story is that blacks destroyed Saint Louis, then, fleeing their own destruction of the city and each other’s violence, proceeded to move into a white suburb, which they are now in the process of destroying in turn.

This is a reason that the cost of housing is so high.  If wealthy people got to live where they chose, and poorer people got to live in the less desirable places, the inner city would be full of rich people, and poor black thugs would live in the exurbs.  The city would be safe and orderly, while slums far away from the center, places that no one ever goes to or cares much about, were dangerous and disorderly.  If, however, we look at where people live, it is clear that black collective violence trumps money, which forces up the cost of housing as white people bid up the small and shrinking pool of safe housing, which is usually located in places inconveniently far from the city center, forcing them to perform long commutes.

The white man buys a house.  To support his crushing mortgage he makes a long commute every day, along a highway with big wall to protect it from black people living much closer to his workplace than he does.  And then some section eight women and her nine kids by nine different thugs is plonked beside his house, and while he is at work, the section eight woman terrorizes his wife, breaking one of his windows and threatening to force entry.

This makes it hard for white men to reproduce, that white men are not able, not allowed, to protect their wives and children, in part because blacks can engage in collective violence against white people, and white people are not allowed to collectively defend themselves.   To have a safe place for one’s wife and children, it has to be possible to run bad people out of that place.

That blacks live close to where white people work, while white people are forced to live far from where they work, tells us that blacks have the upper hand over whites.  Slavery worked.  Jim Crow sort of worked.  Civil rights has been a disaster.


Herman Cain charged with making a woman feel bad about herself

Tuesday, November 8th, 2011

And if a woman says whatever it is that she is saying (not that anyone is telling us what she is saying) the man must be guilty, right? (more…)

Curious cuddles between the Cathedral and Islam

Tuesday, January 11th, 2011

If someone is a called a “moderate Muslim”, he is probably part of the establishment, part of our ruling elite, or spends much of his day in their circles.

If someone is a Muslim, and part of our ruling elite or close to it, he is probably a terrorist, or spends much of the rest of his day in their circles.

There is at most one degree of separation between the elite, and Islam.  In contrast, there are several degrees of separation between the elite, and conventional Christianity.

Exhibit A in this story is Abdul Rahman al-Amoudi, who spent a great deal of time walking and talking with US presidents Clinton and Bush and the usual parade of the good and the great – and who also addressed terror rallies demonizing the US. In 2004 was an unindicted co-conspirator in a plot to assassinate the man who is now King of Saudi Arabia. So Abdul Rahman al-Amoudi is zero degrees of separation between the Cathedral and the terrorists.

Well, perhaps the Cathedral just happened to have one bad apple? But it’s other Muslim apples have smelly connections also.

Suhail Khan: Wikipedia tells us “Khan serves on the Board of Directors for the American Conservative Union, the Indian American Republican Council, the Islamic Free Market Institute, and on the interfaith Buxton Initiative Advisory Council. He speaks regularly at conferences and venues such as the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), the Council for National Policy (CNP), the Harbour League, and the National Press Club and has contributed to publications such as the Washington Post/Newsweek Forum On Faith, the Washington Post, Foreign Policy, and Human Events.”

Suhail Khan is Senior Fellow at the Institute for Global Engagement, a Christian organization dedicated to religious freedom worldwide.

And yet this same Suhail Khan, moderate, pillar of the establishment, advocate of tolerance, also seems to spend a lot of time with people dedicated to blowing up infidels.

So Suhail Khan is one degree of separation between the Cathedral and terrorism.

Similarly for Imam Feisal Adbul Rauf, of the ground zero victory mosque. So of three Muslims that I noticed as being Cathedral insiders, three had ties to terror.

It does not appear the Cathedral is consciously and cynically cozying up to terrorists – Suhail Khan put quite a bit of effort into appearing to be moderate.  Rather, they turn a blind eye to terrorist connections, because to do otherwise would be racism and discrimination – while quite slight and vague connections to conventional Christianity cause them to reel back in shock and horror, like a vampire at the sight of the cross, as they do from Sarah Palin.

They want to include Muslims, but terrorism is as central to Islam as the Eucharist is to Christianity, and so if someone is an important Muslim, he is apt to have important connections to terror, and if a Muslim is in with the Cathedral, he is an important Muslim.  In contrast, if a nominal Christian knew what the Eucharist was, the Cathedral would treat him with extreme suspicion.

This is not a pro terror bias, but an anti discrimination bias – which bias in practice means we are not allowed to discriminate against people trying to kill us.

The war with Islam was lost on the playing fields of Sidwell Friends

Sunday, November 28th, 2010

Roissy reports how when the Washington school to which the elite send their children made a poor sporting performance, their response to losing was childish, unsporting, and unmanly.

Pajamas Media reports how unsportsmanlike attitudes are inculcated, and masculinity treated as a mental defect caused by testosterone poisoning.

If the Battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton, America was lost on the playing fields of Sidwell Friends.

The childish and unmanly response of the kids from Sidwell Friends very much reminds me of the unmanly British response to military defeat in Basra.

Losing to Islam

Friday, September 24th, 2010

Islam is theocratic.  It intends to conquer. Shariah law, as interpreted by most Muslims, treats women fine.  Trouble is, as interpreted by all Muslims, even Sufis, it requires that infidels submit to law that makes them second class to believers and that Muslims fight to impose such law – and we are in fact submitting to such law.  The rather small Sufi minority merely propose less drastic measures to impose inferiority.

East Lansing, Michigan Police Department offers $10,000 reward in Qur’an-burning case

The department is offering $10,000 for any information that would lead to the identification and prosecution of those responsible for this act.

In November 2009, a high school senior was suspended in order to protect him from violence when he wrote an essay criticizing perceived special treatment for Somali Muslims in his school. In Dearborn, Mich., Christian missionaries were arrested for proselytizing at an Arab festival. In Minnesota, the state accommodates Shariah’s prohibition on interest payments by buying homes from realtors and reselling them to Muslims at an up-front price. Thereby providing Muslims with preferential access to homes at the expense of infidels.  Apparently the Constitution requires separation of Church and state, but no separation of mosque and state.

While Christianity is forbidden in government schools, Islam is preached and sponsored by the state.

Molly Norris, the Seattle cartoonist whose artwork sparked the controversial “Everybody Draw Muhammad Day!” has gone into hiding, changed her name, and so forth.  The state is not protecting her.

Similarly for the Sweden Democrats.

In much of Europe, including England, people who criticize Islam are capriciously prosecuted

One supreme court justice has proposed that burning the Koran be banned – though none would suggest similar courtesy for the flag or the bible, or the 9/11 dead.  When an obscure church proposed to burn the Koran its website was  shut down, its insurance policy has been canceled, and its mortgage has been called in by its bankers.

In England two men were arrested for watching a video of a Koran burning

Muslims are abducting infidel women, raping them, getting them pregnant, and forcibly marrying them as additional wives, and everyone is closing their eyes to it.

Our official moderate Muslim, Imam Rauf, is curiously evasive about 9/11.

How many Christians reacted violently to Piss Christ? Not a one, zero.  How many Muslims reacted violently to cartoon Mohammed?  Hundreds of thousands committed criminal acts, millions cheered them on.

All the great leaders of Islam were war makers, military leaders, conquerors, slavers.  This just is not a pattern you see in Christianity.  Not only did the original prophet of Islam massacre defeated populations, every subsequent great Islamic religious leader acted similarly – some better, some worse, but all directly commanded wars, personally led them, and took extreme measures to subjugate the defeated population.  In contrast, absolutely zero great Christian religious leaders has done this – you do not see popes and bishops leading armies, burning towns, and personally ordering the rape of the women of the conquered.

Christian fanatics generally lock themselves in dungeons and meditate.  Islamic fanatics blow themselves up.

Christian leaders that combined the role of military and religious leader have always been a marginal phenomenon, and phenomenon that  occurred only among those directly at war with Islam: the Knights of Malta and the Knights Templar.  Further, those combining Christian religious and secular power have frequently led their followers to disaster by recollecting Christ’s command to forgive one’s enemies and turn the other cheek at some highly inopportune moment, as Grand Master Bolheim of the Knights of Malta did.

Just as there is in all the world not one Christian who called for violence against the creators of Piss Christ and Andres Serrano, there is in all the world not one Muslim very few Muslims who condemned the fatwa against Molly Norris.  In that sense, every single Christian in the entire world is opposed to holy war and seeks peace, and every single Muslim in the entire world supports holy war and seeks conquest.

Let us imagine the situation was reversed, and some notable Christian preacher was to call for the murder of Andres Serrano. Obviously, if this happened, which it never would, every other notable Christian leader would condemn that call. Compare and contrast with the call for the murder of Molly Norris.  Not every Muslim has called for the murder of Molly Norris, but not one Muslim has condemned the call either.

Losing in Afghanistan

Monday, September 7th, 2009

Michael Yon, who should know better than anyone, reports we are losing in Afghanistan.

He suggests the solution is more troops.  I don’t think so.  After all, we originally won in Afghanistan with near zero troops.

Democracy has been a disaster, both in Afghanistan and in Iraq.  The masses just do not like us much, and tend to elect people that do not like us much – or like freedom, or like democracy, or like capitalism.  And especially, they do not like religious freedom.

The winner in a guerrilla war is the side that most brutally terrorizes the population.  Our troops lack the stomach for what it takes to win a guerrilla war, so more troops will not help.  We already have enough troops to win any conventional battle, and there is not much else to do, other than what our troops are reluctant to do.  It also helps to know the locals, know the language and know the culture – so winning in a guerrilla war means arming the local killers that are on your side, and killing the local killers that are against your side.  And that, of course, means arming the Northern alliance and terrorizing the Pashtuns.

Moral progress

Thursday, August 20th, 2009

Robert Hanson observes we are less inclined to kill, rape and plunder than in past centuries, and proposes some explanations for this: (more…)

Terror works

Friday, May 23rd, 2008

Before the twentieth century, the usual method for suppressing guerrilla war was artificial famine, state sponsored mass rape, and mass murder. During the twentieth century the communists used these methods heavily to quell not only resistance, but to quell resentment, to quell suspected politically incorrect thoughts. These methods generated curiously little resentment. Indeed, it seems that the greater the injury, the less the hostility. Certainly that is how things worked out for the communists. (more…)