Posts Tagged ‘entryism’

The parable of the Wicked Vinedressers

Sunday, August 8th, 2021

Don’t worry. This not going to turn into a Christian blog. The Dark Enlightenment is about material and effective causation and falsifiable truths.

But the Dark Enlightenment is also about religion, largely because we are trapped in a holiness spiral, and a holiness spiral that is increasingly becoming demon worship.

The parable of the Wicked Vinedressers tells us that “Judeo-Christianity” is a hostile Jewish entryist movement against Christianity, just a Socinianism was a hostile nontrinitarian entryist movement against Christianity.

Foreseeing his crucifixion, Jesus told us that God was going to become so pissed with the Jews that he was going to ditch them, and adopt someone else. The Christian Church is the new Israel. For this reason the parable tends to get stuffed behind the water heater in the basement along with Saint Paul on marriage and on the recruitment of Bishops. (The new bibles that translate Paul from the Greek as using some word other than “Bishop” are lying. His words on the priesthood have long been an embarrassment to the Church, and now some Churches have taken to just flat out lying about them.)

Who is the new Israel is way off topic. Not a fit topic for a Dark Enlightenment blog. Entryism, however, is right on topic.

As with all parables, the narrator, or in this case the narrator followed by Jesus himself, nudges us in the ribs and explains what the parable is all about, and Jesus then segues the parable into prophesy. That Israel will be destroyed and its people replaced. Which prophesy came to pass a generation later.

OK. So no such thing as Judeo-Christianity. Replacement theology, supersessionism, comes right from the horses mouth. The Christian Church has replaced Israel in God’s plan. Supersessionism is official, and any Church stuffing it into basement behind the water heater along with the rest of all the embarrassments is heretical.

Gnon, of course, works through material and effective causation. And while the final cause of the expulsion may well have been Divine Wrath, the material and effective cause was –

wait for it.

wait for it.

– Following the letter of the law at the expense of the spirit of the commandments.

A mob of Jews coveted someone else’s land and took it, and then when the Romans came around to sort out the disturbance, killed a centurion, or as I prefer to say it, killed a cop.

Well, the Romans had plenty more centurions, and ordinarily the matter would not have led to much, but in this case one thing led to another, and eventually to the prophesied fall of Jerusalem and the prophesied destruction of the Temple (there is a pile of prophesy about this event, which I am unlikely to cover) and the reason things got so totally out of hand was that the Jews were so self righteous about the matter.

And the reasoning behind their extreme holiness was that it is more important to strictly observe the law on contamination by blood, even if it is merely chicken blood, than the commandments on coveting, theft, and murder. You see, they took that land for extremely holy reasons. It seems that getting a cop’s blood on you is less important than walking on land that might be contaminated with chicken blood and they took that land because it was very close to the narrow access path to the synagogue, and they needed to prevent it from being contaminated by chicken blood.

There are a lot of prophecies relating to the expulsion, but this is not going to become a Christian blog, so I will skip the rest of them, even though some of them relate to material and effective causation. Religion is on topic when it impacts material and effective causation, as it frequently does.

And material and effective causation should impact religion. Hence, the Dark Enlightenment faith of Gnon.

Open letter to Linus

Monday, September 17th, 2018

When an open source project goes social justice it dies.

It suffers the same transformation we see in entertainment intellectual properties like Star Wars.

  1. Identify a respected institution.
  2. kill it.
  3. gut it.
  4. wear its carcass as a skin suit, while demanding respect

When a stem activity, such as open source, goes social justice, then its job gets redefined as showing that women, blacks, and Muslims are capable of stem by giving them stem social roles – which is how NASA lost the capability to go into space.

If you, Linus, are replaced by social justice warriors, which always happens when you get a code of conduct, Linux slowly dies – bugs will not get fixed, misfeatures will get added, and it will suffer from bitrot as the world changes around it.

It will go the same path as Soviet and Rhodesian agriculture. Soviet agriculture never recovered from the liquidation of the kulaks, Rhodesian agriculture never recovered from the genocide of white farmers.

This code of conduct is the work of people who think that all the stuff descended from the sky, and white males, being the evil sexist racist homophobic mysogynist islamophobes that we are, snatched all the good stuff up, thereby preventing anyone else from having it.

They think that if it was not for the horrid oppression committed by white males, they could just help themselves to the stuff in Walmart, and Walmart shelves would magically refill, the way the shelves in Venezuela were supposed to magically refill.

This code of conduct was brought to you by the same thinking on display in Venezuela and in South Africa, where without white farmers the South African crops mysteriously don’t grow and without bakeries run by lighter skinned Venezuelans, darker skinned Venezuelans find themselves mysterious short of bread.

A code of conduct results in social justice warriors being helicoptered into the social role and social status of people who create value, but strangely and mysteriously, value ceases to be created.


Friday, July 27th, 2018

Leftists have a word “entryism”, which they use when privately talking amongst themselves. They never plainly state what entryism is, but if you are part of the in group, it becomes obvious that they are talking in code. If the chans got hold of some emails about “entryism”, would probably interpret it as referring to satanic rituals involving sex with children.

I don’t know what “pizza” means in the pizzagate emails, other than that it obviously does not mean pizza, but I know what entryism means:

  1. Identify a respected institution.
  2. kill it.
  3. gut it.
  4. wear its carcass as a skin suit, while demanding respect

Since outsiders have never heard the word “entryism” used, they invented their own word for this: “Barnacling

Science died with peer review, and is now a skin suit worn by a demon. As social justice warriors moved into technology companies, the same has happened with technology. If you are a gamer, you will have noticed that you no longer need new hardware every year. If you are a fan of self driving cars, you will have noticed that they can self drive just fine 99.99% of the time, which is 0.01% less than is useful, and that impressive as this is, it is not getting any better, nor is it likely to get any better. Similarly, Google Translate was a gigantic achievement, but no real progress has been made in automatic translation since Google went social justice, quite a long time ago.

Musk is a serial scammer, always hyping technology that does not exist and that he has no real intention of producing, but his reusable booster was a real technological achievement. It was, of course, produced by male geeks, and now that the eye of Soros has fallen upon them, they are finding their job redefined from producing a reusable earth to orbit rocket, Musk’s proposed, and genuinely intended BFR, to proving that black muslim women produced all technology, and whites stole it from them. Musk’s electric cars and solar city are scams, which could have only produced a profit through Hillary’s crony capitalism, but he really did intend the BFR, the re-usable earth to orbit and back again rocket. Reading between the lines, I feel him giving up hope for it now, which is going to destroy the lives and careers of a horde of really great rocket scientists. If no BFR, there is not much for them to do now. Their careers are going through the same dead end arc as a Fortran engineer’s, or a nuclear engineer’s or a climate scientist who tells peer reviewers what he actually observed, instead of observing what they tell him he observed.

The term “Barnacling” was coined in reference to the Social Justice takeover and destruction of the Star Wars mythos and intellectual property, but I have seen the same thing happen to various open source projects that adopted a contributor code of conduct. Instead of the objective being to produce good software to serve some valuable purpose, the objective becomes giving black women STEM credits, and the project suffers bitrot and technical debt. The creators are, sooner or later, accused of mansplaining, sexual harassment, rape and racism, they become radioactive and permanently unemployable. And without them, the project mysteriously languishes while being used to adorn the resumes of progressives who do not know what a dongle or a fork is.

If you adopt Github’s community code of conduct, your STEM career is going to die, because you are giving people who hate you and everything you stand for, who hate your race, hate your sex, and hate the entire civilization that your ancestors created, the tools with which to destroy your life.

If you have heard leftists talk about entryism (and you will have only heard them talking about it if they are confident you are a fellow leftist) it swiftly becomes obvious that they are talking in code about something that gives them great pleasure. You might suppose that the code is code for satanic rituals and diddling little boys, which is probably how the chans would interpret it, but they are talking about something more fun that that: They are talking in code about destroying the lives of people that they hate. And they hate you, and they hate everything you represent.

Stealing from the best, here is a detailed description of how social justice warriors destroy games and movies:

  1. SJW CRITICISM – The intellectual property is criticized by SJWs for being racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobic, and a smattering of other things.
  2. Intellectual property IS ABOUT TO UNDERGO REBOOT – or reimagining, or remake, or whatever term is fashionable at the time.
  3. THE BARNACLING – SJWs barnacle themselves to the intellectual property both within its production and without in the fan base, and start lecturing long time fans.
  4. FAN CRITICISM – Long time fans of the intellectual property voice legitimate criticism of the new direction.
  5. SJW RESPONSE TO FAN CRITICISM – A large fan backlash is created when SJWs both within and without the production falsely accuse critics of being racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobic etc.
  6. DISMISSING THE BACKLASH – Media publishes pieces declaring the backlash doesn’t exist.
  7. IGNORING THE BACKLASH – Media publishes pieces instructing others to ignore the “tiny vocal minority.
  8. SUPPRESSING THE BACKLASH – Blogs and websites delete or otherwise “redact” critical comments and posts in discussion forums under the aegis of “hate speech.”
  9. BACKLASH INTENSIFIES – As an inevitable side effect of suppression, backlashers seek out other venues to express their criticism, and some publish their own, growing the backlash exponentially.
  10. HATE HOAXES & FALSE FLAGS – The rank and file SJW activists get heavily involved in shouting down critics, and creating false flags and hate hoaxes in an effort to discredit critics.
  11. Intellectual property FAILURES – The intellectual property starts to falter as fans drift away and sales plummet.
  12. THE DAMSEL IN DISTRESS – A female member of the production (it could also be a gay man) is granted victim status over a fishy event in order to deflect from the failures of the intellectual property, and shame critics into silence.
  13. DESPERATE PLEAS FOR COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT – “White Knights” in the media call for creative authorities to smack down the backlash and restore control of the narrative in response to The Damsel In Distress event. Media publishes multiple articles with the same talking points and buzzwords such as “toxic” in an effort to mischaracterize the fan base. Major news outlets report on the story, and quote these “think” pieces as authoritative.
  14. ANSWERING THE CALL – Celebrities and creative cast & crew answer the media’s call, and make public statements admonishing critical fans, typically over false accusations.
  15. THE FINAL PUSH – Media entities, and rank and file SJWs tell long time fans to go find something else if they don’t like it anymore, in a last ditch effort to push critics out of the “community” once and for all.
  16. Intellectual property BLEEDING – The intellectual property continues to hemorrhage money, as long time fans continue to abandon the intellectual property in droves.
  17. FANBASE OBLITERATION – The fanbase is utterly destroyed, leaving behind only the small handful of SJWs who don’t make any purchases.
  18. THE END – The new incarnation of the intellectual property comes to an end. Since the majority of the fan base has abandoned it, there’s no more controversy or discussion about it. It’s over. The best case scenario is that the original intellectual property is largely forgotten with the exception of a few die-hards who still carry the torch. The worst case scenario is that the new incarnation of the intellectual property overwrites the original intellectual property, and the original intellectual property is forgotten altogether and overshadowed by the new incarnation in all future media mentions.
  19. MIGRATION – The remaining SJWs jump ship to devour a new intellectual property that is popular, and undergoing a transitional phase.
  20. REBIRTH – The process begins anew.

If you are working in tech or science, as for example Musk’s rocket, expect the same, though with far less reporting by major newsmedia. I have seen the same at Google and at projects that adopted a community code of conduct, and reading between the lines of Musk’s tech announcements, I can feel his reusable earth to orbit rocket fading from a real project that would create income, purpose, dignity, and status for a great many rocket scientists, to yet another of his many tech scams. (As, for example, his self driving car: When Musk decided to produce a self driving car without lidar, it was obvious he had given up on the possibility of producing an actual self driving car.) Today, only a scammer can produce science and technology, because you have lie to social justice warriors, and scammers are apt to scam all sides, scamming those who have high hopes for science and technology, and scamming those who hope to have income, purpose, and dignity in creating it. Trump is the only notable scammer who seems to be genuinely on our side.

Inclusivity codes of conduct

Wednesday, May 9th, 2018

When an open source software project adopts a “code of conduct” it slowly dies. Bugs don’t get fixed, new features break stuff, and it is unable to accommodate updates and changes in the environment. Over time, it gradually suffers bitrot – unchanging and unchangeable assumptions in a changing world, combined with “fixes” that introduce new bugs, and confusing new misfeatures that irritate old users, never quite work as they were supposed to, and are an obstacle to new users.

And now the eye of Soros has fallen on the Space X reusable rocket program, and “women in tech” will likely kill the re-usable earth to orbit second stage. We will still get something called the Falcon Heavy which will reach orbit, but chances are that the promised reusability is never going to arrive, that it will not be able to land back on earth, promptly refuel, and promptly go back to orbit again. And will therefore never be able to radically lower launch costs.  And in a generation or so it will suffer the fate of the space shuttle. Too many disastrous accidents, costs keep growing without limit, eventually grounded for life. Similarly, the latest fighter planes have poorer performance than earlier generations of fighter planes, and much higher cost. People tell me that advances in missile technology and stealth make high performance fighters obsolete, and maybe that is true, but if performance is obsolete, why are fighters, like bridges that fall down, getting more expensive, rather than less? Looks to me that the government is buying all the performance it can afford – and all the performance it can afford is rather less than it used to be able to afford. Reminds me of the Obamacare website: No amount of money could get it up, until they gave up on political correctness, and went with a team of white males leavened with east Asian males – with white males on top.

Why is “inclusivity” so devastatingly lethal to tech? (more…)

The Road of our people’s democracy

Monday, February 1st, 2016

In Hungary, and various other soon to be iron curtain countries, free and fair elections were held, which elections the communists completely and totally lost.

Untroubled, they applied pressure to purge the very rightmost people from government. And the very rightmost were purged. And they continued to apply pressure, and the very rightmost remaining were purged. And pretty soon there was no one left except communists. They called this “The Salami Slicer“. The process did not go all the way to infinite leftism and the execution of absolutely everyone, because Stalin had it under top down control, and turned it off once total communist domination had been achieved.

Which is OK, provided that Stalin has sufficient control to prevent those under him from using it against him.

Now lately, social justice warriors have been pushing open source software projects to adopt the following set of rules:

… People with “merit” are often excused for their bad behavior in public spaces based on the value of their technical contributions. Meritocracy also naively assumes a level playing field, in which everyone has access to the same resources, free time, and common life experiences to draw upon. These factors and more make contributing to open source a daunting prospect for many people, especially women and other underrepresented people.…

Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:

The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or advances
Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
Public or private harassment
Publishing others’ private information, such as a physical or electronic address, without explicit permission
Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting

Our Responsibilities

Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to any instances of unacceptable behavior.

Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful. …

tl;dr The project agrees to purge the politically incorrect.

Doubting that the politically incorrect need to be purged is, of course compelling evidence that your views are so shockingly right wing that you need to be purged.  Indeed, debates on this issue tend to reveal that practically all of the key contributors are so ultra extreme far right wing that they need to be purged.

Further, although supposedly it is everyone’s responsibility to purge the politically incorrect, obviously ordinary contributors, being mere coders and guilty of white privilege lack the required exquisite sensitivity to subtle slights, so people with the right race, sex, and sexual preferences need to be added to the project to take charge of purging people.

Note that the people pushing this proposal are so excruciatingly sensitive that they consider that the use of terms such as “forking” constitute sexualized imagery.  They find misogyny and racism absolutely everywhere.  Everyone (except themselves) is guilty, and must be punished.

Anti slavery people were evil from the beginning

Saturday, June 20th, 2015

Anti slavery people were always evil scum, and the modern left walks in their evil and hateful footsteps.

The Africa Association was founded to explore and economically develop africa. It came completely under the control of anti slavery people, and changed its purpose to opposing slavery and humanizing blacks, showing that the left were entryists back then as they are now.

The Africa Association launched a lawsuit against the Hottentot Venus, to gain control of her and her assets, alleging she was kept in slavery.

The court blew them off, implying that their testimony was perjury.

So then as now, they engaged in perjury to accuse innocent people of grave crimes.

William Wilberforce, the founder of the anti slavery movement, purported to be an Anglican and to subscribe to the 39 articles, that being at the time a requirement to be allowed near the levers of power, but his claim was fraudulent, making him an apostate, for his church claimed that members of his church were saints, and regular Anglicans were not – and again, the left has not changed since then.

He should have been enslaved for apostasy in office, and sent to the West Indies, and if he had been England and the British Empire would still be going fine.

Similarly, John Brown was a terrorist, horse thief, and cold blooded sadistic killer: John Brown: The Making of a Martyr

The Death of Libertarianism

Friday, February 28th, 2014

What is libertarianism?

Stephen Landsburg complains that Arizona law protecting religious people from being forced to enthusiastically support and endorse gay marriage is unlibertarian.

Bryan Caplan, a libertarian and theoretically an anarcho capitalist, wants the Mexican underclass moved here to live on welfare, crime, the production of anchor babies, and voting Democrat.

Esr recently used exterminationist rhetoric against “racists”. I doubt he knows what “racist” means, but those that put that exterminationist rhetoric into action will know that “racist” is simply a hostile word for white.

As the Overton Window moves ever leftwards, there is no more room for anti statism, and so libertarians, seeking to remain inside the Overton Window, have abandoned their anti statism, becoming just another variant of progressive, thus totalitarian statist. (more…)

Cathedral imperialism revealed

Saturday, February 8th, 2014

We hear Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt discussing what role which people will play in the post coup Ukraine government, revealing that the Ukraine “opposition” are puppets, entryists, cogs in the Cathedral machine, loudspeakers for microphones held in Harvard.

They discuss what orders they will give to which Ukraine politicians, and what jobs they will assign to which Ukraine politician, like the CEO discussing new employees with HR, revealing that the “Unrest” in the Ukraine is a Cathedral plan to install a puppet regime.

Presumably this phone call was tapped by the Russian KGB, and then released by them to Youtube.

Trouble is, Cathedral puppet regimes have generally been disastrous, most infamously in Zimbabwe, Rwanda, the Congo, and Haiti.

This is not the colonialism that Neoreactionaries favor for the same reasons as North Korea is not the monarchy reactionaries favor.  Good imperialism is order supplied from outside.  Cathedral Leftism is disorder supplied from outside.  The old colonialism would punish, subdue, or enslave the worst elements of society.  Cathedral imperialism, most infamously in Rwanda, encourages them to run amuck.  Rhodesia was the old colonialism, Zimbabwe the new imperialism.

Hurrah for the Russian KGB! (more…)

Entryist attack

Tuesday, February 4th, 2014

Some time ago there were some thoughtful critiques of the Dark Enlightenment, Reaction, and Neoreaction, worthy of thoughtful and lengthy response.

More recently, there was a lot of childish name calling.  Racist

And, predictably, the next step would be entryism.

Patri Friedman, fresh from screwing over Libertarianism and anarcho capitalism, promises us a more politically correct Dark Enlightenment.

I think I need to recap some of the more offensive hate facts of the Dark Enlightenment, for example what happened to Rhodesia, the Congo, what is happening to South Africa, the benefits of slavery in the United States, the consequences of affirmative actioning women into roles for which they are unsuited, and Whig treason against Britain in the revolutionary war, and recommend these hate facts for inclusion into the canon, as an immovable obstacle against a more politically correct Dark Enlightenment. Though, of course, Radish has already done much fine work along these lines.

Reasons for the endless movement left

Sunday, January 5th, 2014

I have identified several different mechanisms for the endless movement left.
Entryism, the conspiratorial takeover of organizations by other organizations.  This is exemplified by Acorn, which has a single headquarters, but a hundred organization names, the residue of all the many organizations they have taken over.

Phariseeism:  The Puritans were holier than thou, their successors holier than Jesus. “I am holier than thou, therefore you should obey me.”

The madness of crowds, the tendency of consensus to go horribly wrong

And metastatic apostacy, the tendency of official belief systems to mutate to greater virulence.

All of these tend in practice to be the same thing.  Greater virulence is apt to be the same thing as greater holiness, greater holiness is amplified by the madness of crowds, and the entryist organization, being holier than the entered organization, takes advantage of the madness of crowds.

Thus in a single movement left, for example entryists taking over the the Science Fiction Writer’s Association, one observes entryism, the entryists are pharisees, the process of entry took advantage of consensus decision making, and the progressive pieties uttered to justify the takeover reflect that the official belief system is now more virulent than it used to be.  Each of these mechanisms was involved.