Tag: smashing capitalism


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The leftmost of the left currently is, or very recently was, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. (It is always hard to say what the current leftmost is, because the left is always re-inventing itself. Leftism has no essence, it is a bunch of tactics that serviceable in the goals of envy and covetousness, and the ever changing systems of ideas are merely flim flam and the latest tactics. What do Catastrophic …


Tech decline bites Musk

A long time back I remarked that eye of Soros has fallen on Musk. It is starting to look like that the hand of Soros is going to fall upon him. American technology has been declining across the board. Some stuff started declining in the seventies, and as time went by, more and more things went into decline. Apple is still advancing cpu design, but they have no in house …


Poz, capitalism, and free markets.

Is there a connection between free markets and Poz. Is a sound reactionary polity somewhat socialist? In the comments some have been making the stupid argument that poz is the result of evil Jewish capitalists pursuing profit, that gay marriage was promoted to sell wedding cakes, which argument scarcely deserves a reply. But others have been making more sophisticated arguments, which arguments deserve to be promoted into a post. Obviously …


Why women need to kept on leashes

A software company just went bust.  Happens a lot.  That a woman happened to be running this company is not significant.  Lots of men have lost lots of other people’s money too.  What is significant is that she starts off her explanation of how she pissed away all her investor’s money by talking about her sex life. She begins: Something wasn’t right, and I couldn’t put my finger on exactly what …


Predicting collapse

I am a prophet of doom.  There tends to be an oversupply of prophets of doom, and the proportion who turn out correct is quite small. Equally, there are also a large number of prophets of non doom, for example the numerous prophets of complacency during the fall of the Roman Empire in the west, who assume that everything will continue as today, often even when spectacular collapse is under …


Hayekian critique of Obamacare

Hayek correctly predicted that socialism must be despotic, because it cannot operate according to laws, but according to decrees. And so we see the President issued a speech declaring his intent to ignore and unilaterally change some parts of a law, passed by Congress and signed by him, that he was suddenly finding inconvenient and then enforcing obedience on state employees, non federal government employees to obey his words and …


Civilization: Hold back the darkness

It is often said, and is true, that progressivism is in revolt against nature, but it is only true because progressivism is in revolt against the past and past knowledge, and a large part of our accumulated wisdom is knowledge of the nature of man, what humans naturally are.  Progressives are not only in revolt against nature, but revolt against civilization.


Leftwards with John Corzine

Urban Future tells us: When the Right attains power, it is by becoming something other than itself, betraying its partisans not only incidentally and peripherally, through timidity or incompetence, but centrally and fundamentally, by practically advancing an agenda that almost perfectly negates its supposed ideological commitments. It builds that which it had promised to destroy, and further enthralls that which it had promised to liberate. Its victories mean ever less, …