Posts Tagged ‘the trumpening’

The Trumpening

Monday, September 7th, 2015

Polls indicate that Trump is going to the Republican candidate, and going to win, going to be the next president.

In substantial part because he gets a lot more black and hispanic votes than Republicans usually do, which is to say, a lot of votes from those who are most directly hurt by illegal immigration.

The Cathedral attitude is that the voters are throwing a silly temper tantrum, which will be ignored. It is possible that they will declare his election unconstitutional, because racism, but more likely that they will just carry on as if he is not president, because racism.

This is pretty much what happened when Kevin Rudd attempted to stop illegal immigration to Australia and deport illegal immigrants. Totally failed. This is what Jorge means when he correctly tells Trump that Trump’s plan is unworkable. The country is ruled by priests, not politicians, and Jorge is a priest and Trump is not. Therefore Trump’s plan is unworkable. However, Kevin Rudd’s efforts eventually made possible Tony Abbots efforts. Tony Abbot just ignored the judges and used the military directly.

At one point the judges ruled that a bunch of Tamil illegal immigrants from India could not be expelled, unless their asylum status was checked with the Indian government. Tony Abbot readily agreed, since it is ridiculous for anyone to claim asylum from the Indian government these days. Then the judges pulled a switcheroo – their asylum status could not be checked unless they consented to it be being checked. Within minutes, airforce commandos were stuffing the Tamils onto airforce planes, which proceeded to fly the Tamils to some place far from Australia, with total disregard for Australian court rulings, supposed international law, and such. The judges hair caught fire, (only metaphorically, unfortunately) but since then they have been mighty quiet, and have stopped trying to meddle. Warriors 1, priests 0.

You can do anything with bayonets except sit on them. At some point we will find out whether soldiers obey priests or presidents.

Trump: Empowering the powerless

Thursday, August 27th, 2015

There is a rule that people like Jorge Ramos are entitled to act like like the subhuman savages that they are, and white males must respectfully suck it up.

Trump broke that rule.

People like Jorge Ramos should not be allowed out in public without a leash. All men are not created equal, and forcing people to act as if they were unavoidably and necessarily oppresses the superior.

This post categorized in culture rather than politics, because election campaigns are merely theater. Trump bouncing Jorge Ramos is more important than anything a president can do.

Trump plan to stop (nonwhite) immigration

Monday, August 17th, 2015

The Trump plan broadens the Overton Window by speaking the unspeakable.

Ann Coulter says “I don’t care if @realDonaldTrump wants to perform abortions in White House after this immigration policy paper.

Of course ending immigration is enormously popular.   Everyone is unhappy with the program to turn all white nations majority nonwhite in the fairly near future, but no one dares say so.  The program  will turn whites into a market dominant minority, and market dominant minorities usually get genocided or ethnically cleansed sooner or later, as for example Zimbabwe and large parts of South Africa.

The ideology justifying the eradication of whites is already in place and taught at every school.  White males cause poor performance of women and nonwhites by thinking evil thoughts at them.  They do this because they are just hateful and malicious.   For example after blacks acquired Detroit, whites, out of sheer hateful malice, turned it into a third world hell hole by thinking evil thoughts at it.  Since no amount of thought reform seems able to halt these evil thoughts, obviously white males have to be eradicated and white females bred with nonwhites.

Of course it is possible, that as in latin America, whites can manage the decline so as to avoid the usual fate of market dominant minorities.  In most latin American countries, people believe that they are all one race, and anyone who notices that they are not is apt to fall down several flights of stairs in a one story police station.   But I am not seeing any military, political, ideological or social preparation to manage the transition.  People continue to throw lighted matches into what will soon become a pool of gasoline.  Recall what was done to the Tutsi in the Congo with the full military and political support of the Cathedral.

Trump’s plan, despite being outside the recent Overton window, is oddly moderate. No plan to halt welfare for illegals, no plan to forcibly remove illegals already here.

Further, Trump’s plan relies on the cooperation of the courts, who will surely not cooperate.  Australia found it necessary to bypass the courts and  use direct military power, and use what are officially regional processing centres run by “civilian contractors” but are in fact prison camps run by the military (yes, those civilian contractors).

The Trump plan resembles the various anti immigration initiatives of the Australian labor party, which failed because of hostility and forcible resistance by government employees, and fraud and defiance by the courts.

Presidents cannot do $#!& unless they are prepared to use the military, as the Australian government finally did.  And the US military has become so PC in its upper ranks that it is far from clear that it would obey such orders.