Posts Tagged ‘the trumpening’

The wicked flee when no man pursueth

Sunday, November 6th, 2016

Trump’s final ads say “The political establishment has bled this country dry”, and Jews hear “Jews have bled this country dry”

That said, the political establishment are the people in the Podesta emails, who are disproportionately Jewish, but are not mostly Jewish, and most Jews don’t get to email Podesta.

Most of the the screen time in Trump’s recent ad is occupied by non Jewish figures representing the political establishment, in roughly similar proportion as Jews and non Jews are represented in the Podesta emails. Jews doing bad things are overrepresented in the Trump ads to roughly the same extent as in the Podesta emails, in real life, Jews doing bad things are over represented in the political establishment.

There are three Jewish villains and considerably more than three non Jewish villains in Trump’s ad, roughly the same proportion as appear in the Podesta emails.

One of the figures who briefly flash up in his ad is (((George Soros))), whose business model consists of buying worthless debt from insolvent third world governments, and then having the World Bank, also known as the US tax payer, restore the debt to its face value. If that is not bleeding this country, what is?

Trump could have used Jon Corzine instead of George Soros, but Soros is better known, perhaps because he is Jewish, but mostly because he has stolen more money and done more bad things than Jon Corzine, not only stolen much more money, but also overthrown various governments in the service of the state department, for example the government of the Ukraine, and attempted to overthrow of several more, for example the government of Hong Kong. For all his many faults, Jon Corzine has not overthrown any governments, though maybe he helped keep a government in power that should have been overthrown.

Trump uses the (((CEO of Goldman Sachs))) to illustrate “pockets of a handful of large corporation”. Goldman Sachs was the biggest unpunished recipient of bailout money in the recent financial crisis. Other institutions received more bailout money, but were punished by re-orgs that removed the worst offenders from power. Trump could have used Angelo Mozilo, who cost ordinary Americans far more than Goldman Sachs, but Mozilo was removed from power and had some of his ill gotten gains confiscated. Blankfein, Soros and Clinton are in each other’s pockets today, while no one admits that they used to be friends of Angelo not so very long ago. Maybe Goldman Sachs is notorious in substantial part because they are Jewish recipients of bailout money – but also because demonstrably more powerful than any of the other recipients of large amounts of bailout money.

If Jews are overrepresented among the readily identifiable people in the Trump ad, that is because a few Jews made themselves readily identifiable by committing enormous crimes with the blessing of the political establishment, and possessing vast power and wealth despite vast unpunished crimes. If you want an image to illustrate “Those who control the levers of power in Washington”, who would be a better image than George Soros? If you want an image to illustrate money going into the “pockets of a handful of large corporation”, who would be a better image than the CEO Goldman Sachs? Yes more money was spent to bail out Countrywide bank than to bail out Goldman Sachs, but the (((CEO of Goldman Sachs))) is still in the Clinton circle, whereas the former CEO of Countrywide, while still rich, has been unpersoned.

I suppose that Trump could have left out (((the Federal Reserve Chairwoman))), and arguably should have, but it is notorious that the Fed is intentionally causing asset inflation and blowing asset bubbles, which is an economic policy that favors the very rich at the expense of the middle class.


Monday, October 31st, 2016

Voter turnout is massive. You don’t get massive turnout like this to vote for the status quo. If Hillary wins, it will only be by equally massive election fraud. As Stalin said:

“I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this — who will count the votes, and how.”

Poll results are based on the theory that white turnout will be about the same as it was when both parties supported the ethnic cleansing of whites from certain areas, black attacks on whites on the basis of race, and the continual denigration and demonization of whites, and that male turnout will be about the same as it was when both parties supported rape hysteria and an epidemic of false rape accusations, the criminalization of fatherhood, the replacement of fatherhood with child support, brutal, draconian, and extraordinary methods of enforcing child support, and the systematic biased denial of credentials to males in a hostile and angry education system that is more interested in teaching them that masculinity is toxic and oppresses women than interested in genuine education.

I expect that the massive turnout reflects massively higher white voting and male voting.

Failing massive electoral fraud, expect a last gasp effort to deny him office by means of the electoral college, followed by a widespread government policy of paying even less attention to president Trump than they have been paying to president Obama.

Normally I recommend and practice non participation in democratic politics. It is a spectacle and a delusion. But this is the Flight 93 election. Vote early, vote often, and should opportunity permit it to be done safely, physically attack likely Hillary voters near polling booths.

Normally in an election, there is not much at stake, so peace is better than war. In this election, too much is at stake for anyone, left or right, to accept the decision of a majority of the voters. The election will not immediately lead to civil war, regardless of fraud or outcome, the time is not quite yet, but it will move us markedly closer to the time for war. The stakes get higher every election. The results of this election, and probably all future US elections, will not be quietly and routinely accepted by the losing side.

Trump for King

Tuesday, May 31st, 2016

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Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

This is an outline of how President Trump might well become King Trump the first, if we are sufficiently lucky and virtuous.

The world is sick of anarcho tyranny, and hungers unknowingly for the power and authority of Kings.

The recent election of Duterte, on a platform of his praetorians simply killing the bad guys out of hand without charges or trials, is an example of this hunger.

Now I hear some of you saying (and the progressives thinking but not saying out loud) that apart from being tough on crime, corruption, and governmental indiscipline, Duterte is a leftist and that is just a bunch of rice niggers, low IQ south Asians. White people are more civilized than that – perhaps a little too civilized for our own good.

In Australia, one of the whitest countries remaining, a few elections back, the election was on the issue of illegal immigration. Tony Abbott said he would stop illegal immigration.

The judges, of course, ruled stopping illegal immigration illegal. Tony Abbott ignored the judges. The net effect is that today, if you violate immigration law they send you to jail in Villawood detention center without bothering with charges or trials. From time to time the left whines about due process, and gets absolutely zero traction. Suddenly it was revealed that there is zero support for due process, that there are almost no voters who care about due process any more. And in particular and especially very few white voters who care about due process.

The purpose of due process was supposedly to ensure that the innocent do not go to jail, and the guilty do go to jail. But anarcho tyranny means that with so many laws, the innocent are bound to be guilty of something or other, while actual criminals are deemed the oppressed, and are coddled and protected by the state. Due process lets real criminals loose, mostly dark skinned real criminals who prey on white people, while imposing enormous and impossible legal costs on innocent middle class honest respectable people. For middle class people, due process is just the government’s way of punishing you when it cannot be bothered finding a crime to convict you of, even though with so many laws you have undoubtedly committed more crimes than you can shake a stick at.

White people just don’t like due process any more, for much the same reasons as Filipinos rejected it.

So in our current environment due process and judicial review is discredited, and lacks political support. In Tony Abbot’s Australia as much as in Duterte’s Philippines, it was suddenly and startlingly revealed that judges are simply all out of moral authority. No one cares about due process, because, under anarcho tyranny, there is no reason why they should care. It is not just a tiny handful of reactionary intellectuals thinking like this. It is pretty much everyone.

The point of due process was to prevent the King from treating repectable decent people like criminals. But now that we are all treated like criminals, people just don’t care.

Power divided can be power reduced. If the benevolent party controls all the food, or ninety nine percent of the food, as in communist China, today’s Venezuela, or Allende’s Chile, then you are toast. The result is at best severe oppression as in Venezuela, at worst mass murder on an enormous scale, as in China.

If however ninety nine percent of the food is controlled by ninety nine members of the one percent each of whom controls one percent of the food, then no problem. In this case, power divided is power reduced.

But if you need ninety nine approvals by ninety nine bureaucrats to build a house, you are more than ninety nine times as oppressed than if you need the approval of one bureaucrat, because you face a coordination problem between bureaucrats.

With one bureaucrat, you could hope to pay him off, formally or informally, by giving his bagman/consultant, say, a third of the surplus value you create by building the house. With ninety nine bureaucrats, they each want ten percent, so you just cannot build the house.

In this case, power divided is power increased, enormously increased. This enormous multiplication of oppressive power is another aspect of anarcho tyranny that leads people to hunger for the power of kings, they hunger for one man who could say “give me half the surplus value and build it” and who would tell the other ninety eight bureaucrats to take a long walk off a short pier. They hunger for a Duterte who would shoot the other ninety eight bureacrats behind a shed.

America’s smartest member of the ruling progressive elite tells us:

Investigating the reasons behind the bridge blunders have helped to illuminate an aspect of American sclerosis — a gaggle of regulators and veto players, each with the power to block or to delay, and each with their own parochial concerns. All the actors — the historical commission, the contractor, the environmental agencies, the advocacy groups, the state transportation department — are reasonable in their own terms, but the final result is wildly unreasonable.

Larry the prog worries that regulation, a multiplicity of veto players, makes government inefficient, and therefore unpopular, worries that he cannot get the bridge he needs to go to and from Harvard, and fails to see the glaringly obvious, that regulation makes the private sector inefficient.

I, too, have had to deal with a multiplicity of veto players, each with his bagman collecting his bribe.

And I do not believe that any of them were reasonable. That is just Larry the prog issuing the required pieties. All of them deserve to be shot. All of them were evil, corrupt, and insane.

Larry is pissed because his commute to Harvard is obstructed, blissfully unaware that Americans further from the seat of power suffer from the anarchy of government far more severely than he does.

In America, the presidency has gathered to itself enormous power, intervening in every small business, every household.

Husbands are thrown out of their houses, fathers torn from their children, thanks to the Department of Justice, which is theoretically answerable to the president. Women with husbands tend to vote Republican. Children with fathers tend to vote Republican. If the Depart of Justice has its way no woman will have a husband, nor any child a father.

Similarly the department of Justice arranged for white people to be burned out of Ferguson, forbidding the Ferguson police from protecting people and property, and forbidding collective self defense against collective aggression.

But the presidency is not the president. It is an enormous horde of bureaucrats that are theoretically supposed to obey the president, but which the president cannot fire, which results in anarcho tyranny. If the president could fire them, this would enormously increase the power of the president, but enormously decrease the power of the presidency, because one would be merely subject to one tyrant, instead of ninety nine tyrants.

In practice, the bureaucrats tend to treat the president as their public relations boy, rather than their boss. And if he fails to run good PR for what they have already decided to do they will smack him around the ears in the pages of the New York Times.

The bureaucrats are answerable to the consensus of their fellow bureaucrats, they have to be a square peg in a square hole, but the consensus is controlled by the consensus of the Ivies, and the consensus of the Ivies is controlled by the consensus of Harvard.

And as we have seen Harvard does not much like Trump, and to judge from his list of Supreme Court judicial candidates, Trump does not much like Harvard.

For Trump to rule, for Trump to accomplish any of his goals, the president has to subjugate the presidency, a process that will inevitably require massive firings, and some actual violence against those who decline to be fired. Quite possibly some Duterte style sudden violent deaths that no one is inclined to investigate because everyone knows what an honest investigation would reveal.

Trump will need to get rid of some turbulent priests.

The president’s power is so very great as to diminish the power and effectiveness of democracy thus we see a tendency to dynasties – the attempted Kennedy dynasty, the attempted Clinton dynasty, and the Bush dynasty.

An enormous increase in the power of the president, which will happen if Trump succeeds in firing those bureaucrats who do not obey him, would pretty much guarantee dynastic rule. Trump would govern for eight years, then be succeeded by his sons.

So we would have a system that was nominally democratic, but actually hereditary and monarchic. Such a difference between actual and formal power is necessarily corrupting and destructive, because such government operates by lies. To remedy this corruption, one of Trump’s sons would have to declare himself King Trump the third, and his predecessors King Trump the first and King Trump the second.

So for Trump to become King in substance, and eventually King in name, he has to seize the power to fire the fireproof.

Which, given that he has support from the military, the praetorians, the cops, the rentacops, and the mercenaries, and that judges do not have much support from anyone, is quite doable.

If Trump says “You are fired”, and security frog marches the offending presidency bureaucrat out of the building and does not let him back in, has that bureaucrat not been fired?

If HR attempts to keep paying the bureaucrat, apply the same measure to HR. If judges rule the firing illegal, do like Abbot and Duterte, and tell the judges to take a long walk off a short pier.

Thus could Trump exercise the power of Kings.

And if he wants to build a wall and deport anchor babies, that is what he needs to do, he needs to exercise the power of a King, for otherwise the presidency will not permit the president to act.

And if Trump exercises the power of Kings and does so competently and bravely, if he is worthy to exercise such power, Kings shall in due course ensue. I will then apply for the job of Grand Inquisitor when the time is right.

Trump for King

Wednesday, March 30th, 2016

History does not repeat, but it rhymes.

Today’s America is Wiemar Germany.  But Trump is not Hitler.  Rather, Trump is Kemal Ataturk.

Kemal Ataturk abandoned most of the Turkish empire, because most of it was run against the interests of Turks.  It was the anti Turkish empire, as the American empire is the anti American empire.

This put Kemal Ataturk on a collision course with the Caliphate, which continued to rule by soft power what Turkey no longer ruled by hard power.  Which Caliphate he was eventually forced to destroy.

Hitler wanted a German Empire. Trump intends to disband the American empire, or as much of the American empire as costs Americans money and delights in telling New York that their provincials are much holier than Americans.

The Cathedral will not be pleased.  Being universalist, world empire is their heart and soul. Abandoning empire is going to piss them off a lot more than an eight year delay in turning America brown and ethnically cleansing whites is going to piss them off.

Trump is not particularly right wing. He is what was middle of the road yesterday, though progressives find it hard to tell the difference between yesterday’s middle of the road and people who chant “Heil Hitler”.   The Republican establishment frequently complains that Trump fails to endorse all the wonderful policies that they did absolutely nothing to give effect to when they had the presidency and both houses.

We love Trump for the wonderful job he is done on political correctness, for being ten times as manly as any other candidate, and, last but not least, for being the only politician who is serious about not letting in the entire rest of the world into America to live on crime, welfare, and voting Democratic.  Who else proposes to throw out anchor babies?

By the way, Tony Abbot kicked anchor babies out of Australia, and not a dog barked.  The judges cowered and hid as they realized an airforce special forces commando outranks a high court justice.   The left thought it would be a huge deal, and tried to make hay out of it, and no one paid the slightest attention.

But could Trump manage what Moldbug called “the true election”  – could he attain actual power to govern?

The presidency has been steadily accumulating legislative and budgetary power.  But the presidency is not the president.  The presidency is a horde of fireproof bureaucrats who theoretically answer to the president, but, being fireproof, do not in fact answer to anyone.  It is clear that they intend to ignore Trump and govern as they have always governed.

This will undoubtedly irritate Trump.  If he does something effectual, he is going to look quite a bit like Stalin or Cromwell, and this election will be the true election.

This seems like a ridiculously optimistic hope, and I suppose it is, but Trump does not seem like the kind of man who would plan to be president without planning to actually govern.

Obviously Trump, a middle of the roader, has no intention of implementing a restoration.

But for Trump to implement anything at all, he is going to have to make a good start on a restoration.

Trump is the man

Saturday, March 26th, 2016

It is clear that Trump had this scandal in his pocket ready to fire at Ted Cruz for some time.

Why did he not deploy it earlier?

He deployed it now because Ted Cruz went after Trump’s wife.

Trumps biggest political advantage is that he cares about things that are more important than political advantage.

With every other politician on the face of earth you ask the question “Is it to his advantage to harm me?”

With Trump, the man, you have to ask the question “Will this piss off the Trump?”

Don’t piss off the Trump. He rewards those who do right to him, and harms those who do wrong to him. He is the man.

The Cathedral triumphantly announces victory in the streets

Saturday, March 12th, 2016

The Daily Beast:

Protesters Scare Trump Out of Chicago

The Riverfront Times in Saint Louis

The activists in this town are battle-hardened and ready to go. They’ve had a lot of fights in the last year or so, and that’s only primed them to take on bigger ones. It really makes you wonder what Trump was thinking.

Well, a short time ago, Trump’s rally in Saint Louis took place. How, I wonder, did it go?

Bunch of arrests, one guy who decided to fight the cops somewhat the worse for wear.

If you want to look for videos of violence at the Trump rally in Saint Louis, you see Trump’s adoring crowds drowning out the protester with a Trump chant, followed by Trump commanding the cops “get him out of here!”, and then you see a crazy black guy trying ineffectually to fight a couple of cops who are throwing him out with smooth efficiency and complete control.

When you try to control political outcomes using the threat of crazy black guys, crazy black guys are only a problem if no one is allowed to fight back.

And so we see frequent noisy announcements that Trump is being outrageous and horribly politically incorrect for having his people fight back. The Cathedral is confused and continually surprised by the way government cops keep maintaining order and following Trump’s directives at Trump events. The Cathedral is accustomed to controlling both sides of the pretended confrontation, the protestors and the cops both, and is confused, disoriented, and surprised by what happens when the cops support order. Order prevails.

Meanwhile, large numbers of American voters notice that, outside of Trump rallies, order does not prevail.

Despite the frequent and triumphant announcements of disorder at Trump events, what the voters see is someone able and willing to maintain order, who has the support of the men he needs to maintain order.

The Cathedral is implicitly threatening voters, that if they elect Trump, the NAMs will come around and beat them up, but what the voters see at a Trump rally tells them the reverse.

Trump and assabiyah

Wednesday, March 9th, 2016

In the days of its greatness, the Roman Republic had assabiyah

“Horatius,” quoth the Consul,
“As thou sayest, so let it be.”
And straight against that great array
Forth went the dauntless Three.
For Romans in Rome’s quarrel
Spared neither land nor gold,
Nor son nor wife, nor limb nor life,
In the brave days of old.

Then none was for a party;
Then all were for the state;
Then the great man helped the poor,
And the poor man loved the great:
Then lands were fairly portioned;
Then spoils were fairly sold:
The Romans were like brothers
In the brave days of old.

Now Roman is to Roman
More hateful than a foe,
And the Tribunes beard the high,
And the Fathers grind the low.
As we wax hot in faction,
In battle we wax cold:
Wherefore men fight not as they fought
In the brave days of old.

Baron Macaulay’s poem neglects to explicitly mention, but takes for granted that the reader knows, that all three were aristocratic officers, and that the two that fought on Horatio’s right and left were lieutenant generals. This is reminiscent of Britain in the days of its greatness, when aristocratic officers led from in front, charging into battle in costumes that conspicuously marked them as targets, and engaging the aristocratic officers of the opposing army in personal hand to hand combat, for which glorious privilege they paid extraordinarily large amounts of money.

Our political class hates and despises the white working class, as much as it hates and despises soldiers, cops, and security guards. Democrats are disgusted by the fact that the white working class votes for them. If Hillary could turn her white working class voters away from the voting booth with whips she would, and a major reason the Republican establishment is horrified by Trump is that he is bringing white working class voters from the Democrats to the Republicans. They would rather lose to Clinton than win with the unspeakably vulgar Trump.

Trump regularly pulls stunts that our chattering classes do not understand, and therefore ignorantly ridicule, much as the New York Times ridicules Sarah Palin for using sentence structures that exceed the comprehension and reading level of the New York Times staff. In Trump’s recent victory celebration, he had piles of Trump products on display. “What is this?” asked our chatterers. “An infomercial?”

Trump was making the point that capitalists did not just grab their wealth from the secret stash before the rest of us could find the secret stash, but rather organize the production of stuff – that capitalists are rich because, in substantial part, they create wealth.

In another stunt, he called up two of his black supporters and campaigners, the Stump For Trump women, Diamond and Silk, and introduced them as having made themselves rich.

This is, subliminally, the classic fascist message – forget about class differences, let us work to make America Great Again. It is the reverse of Sanders’ message, yet appeals to the same people. One is a message of envy and covetousness, the other calls on us to be greater than that. And to the extent that the chattering classes understand Trump’s message, they hate him for it and rightly call him fascist.

Trump is the man

Friday, January 29th, 2016

Among the red pill community there is a debate as to whether Trump is an exemplar of manliness, and his latest move in blowing off the presidential debate is an example of manliness, or whether it is the opposite.

Obviously, if someone treats you with disrespect, as Kelly disrespected Trump, the manly thing to do is to blow them off and ignore them. And critics of Trump say that by throwing a tantrum over Kelly, he is not ignoring her.

Well, perhaps. But if he showed up at the debate and accepted her as moderator and responded to her hostile interrogation, he would even less be ignoring her.

Trump has a good chance

Monday, December 7th, 2015

I, and Trump, have always expected that at some point the Cathedral would change the rules to block him because racism.

But now it looks as if they are comfortable with him as Republican candidate, because supposedly Hillary can beat him.

Hillary is a stupid drunken carpet munching bitch.  No matter what polls may say, people are only saying they will vote for Hillary because they know that that is what they are supposed to say.   If Trump becomes Republican candidate, as is highly likely if nothing extraordinary and obviously undemocratic is done to stop him, and if he then starts to lead on Hillary, and then the government does something extraordinary and undemocratic to stop him, that is likely to lastingly discredit democracy.

Mass immigration, and the ensuing fall in living standards and rise in rape and murder, has caused the half boiled frog to show ominous signs of twitching.  The standard response to a twitching frog is to allow the outer party, the conservatives, the appearance of power so that they can conserve the gains made by the left until the frog calms down and the left can resume boiling the frog.

Standard operating procedure would be Trump wins, illegal immigration is halted, legal immigration, like that which brought in the recent jihadi mass murderers, continues, jihadi terrorism continues and escalates, then in eight years illegal immigration quietly resumes again despite loud announcements to the contrary.

But as the left moves ever leftwards, it becomes harder for them to pull off their standard operating procedure.  They are reluctant to slow down just because the frog is showing signs of life.

So, predicting Trump gets the Republican nomination, predicting that he easily outpolls Hillary, predicting that he will win unless the government does something undemocratic to stop him, which it well may, predicting that if elected, he will find the permanent government highly uncooperative, and that anything he manages to do, will be quietly undone.  Predicting high risk of crisis that the left causes, and does not need to cause, that just as they are engaged in proxy war with Russia and are spoiling for open war with Russia for absolutely no sane reason, they are spoiling for proxy war and open war with the American voter for absolutely no sane reason.

To state the same prediction in different words:  Either Trump wins or the left does something considerably crazier even than the crazy stuff we have recently seen to stop him.

Trump and democracy

Friday, September 11th, 2015

The Trump candidacy is great because:

The voices of the Cathedral from time to time say he will not be allowed to win, revealing the managed nature of democracy.

All the other candidates are ladyboys, revealing both the managed nature of democracy and the emasculating nature of progressivism. Also revealing that the Republican party is the outer party, a fake managed opposition. It makes “cuckservative” a devastatingly effective insult, linking their race traitor politics to their conspicuous lack of masculinity.

The voices of the Cathedral from time to time say that if he wins, will not be allowed to govern, revealing that they regard legislature and executive as mere theater, a meaningless show performed while the important people take care of the important stuff.

And best of all: Every time Trump opens his mouth, he widens the Overton Window.