
Stop the @#$%^&* whining!

Yair Lapid self pityingly whines “why do they hate us?”, “us” being in this case the Jews, though it could equally well be any group that is economically successful and reluctant to murder innocents.

What a maroon! It is same reason as they hate everyone, only more so. Just look at everyone else who gets hated then murdered.

The most recent event was in Kenya, where a party won the election on a platform that sounds like a euphemism for “Kill the Kikuyu”. (Fortunately the government burned the ballots.)

Why do they hate the Kikuyu? Well the number one item on the list that Kikuyu tend to occupy jobs that require ability, enterprise, ambition, foresight and patience. Another big complaint is that when Kikuyu farm land, a small amount of farmland supports a surprisingly large number of Kikuyu at a surprisingly high standard of living – at least it surprises the people who are so much enraged. They conclude that the Kikuyu must have benefited unfairly from some kind of evil plot.

Check back to the most recent genocide: Hutus massacring Tutsis: What is in the complaint list: More of the same!

And let us look at which nations and individuals are still backing the Hutus. Who wants war crimes charges against the Tutsis for defending themselves against genocide: Same people who want war crimes charges against the Jews for defending themselves.

Recall Hitler’s indictment of the Jews:

Von 100 Ärzten 52 Juden, und von 100 Geschäftsleuten 60 Juden. Das Durchschnittsvermögen des einzelnen Deutschen betrug 810 Mark. Das Durchschnittsvermögen des einzelnen Juden betrug 10.000 Mark.


Of 100 doctors 52 were Jews and of 100 businessmen were 60 Jews. The average assets of individuals amounted to 810 German marks. The average assets of individual Jews was 10,000 marks.

Let us go back to a recent mass murder that was bigger than the holocaust of the Jews: The liquidation of the kulaks. What was the indictment against the kulaks? And who endorsed that indictment: Same people who now indict Israel. The campuses and the intellectuals were jumping for joy when the liquidation of the kulaks was under way. During the liquidation of the kulaks the intellectual who had graduated with a thesis titled “the hermeneutic negritude of linguistic lesbianism” thought to himself “How dare those damned Jews kulaks become so well paid as doctors and lawyers when the oppressive capitalistic American imperialist world order refuses to reward me for my brilliant studies of the hermeneutics of language oppressing black lesbians.

So cut the damned whining. You sound just like the people who are trying to murder you.

When you go for a run, there are dogs that will see a running man, and seeing running, will see prey, and attack. You have to thump them viciously, and they soon learn to keep their distance. If they don’t, you were not vicious enough. Similarly, when people see wealth, they see high status, and when they see high status without brutality and murder, they think they see weakness, and so they attack.

And when they hear whining, they hear weakness, and so they attack.

Stop whining. Kill someone.

To the man who wrote the thesis about the hermeneutic negritude of linguistic lesbianism, wealth without strength is a crime, whining shows weakness, and to him, only murder shows strength. To stop him hating, you have to kill people in a fashion that he is likely to believe is murder. He is never going to comprehend economics and the creation of wealth any more than the dog is going to understand running for exercise.

Stop whining, start killing.

7 comments Stop the @#$%^&* whining!

Nyan Sandwich says:

This is one of your best, for sure, and hits on something NRx and the right in general consistently fails at.

The problem I suppose is that the sort of people likely escalate violence to defend themselves are likely to escalate violence over minor issues, and thus end up dead, in jail, or impoverished.

[…] from a flawless slab of hard […]

ReactionaryFerret says:

It’s the “Ender’s Game” method of self-defense. Rather than win the fight you’re in; win all the future fights right then and there by making everyone terrified of you.

Lars Grobian says:

You’d think Ariel Sharon would have had a different effect on public opinion, if you were right.

I think there’s more to it than that.

Alrenous says:

When you kill the hermeneutic negritude of linguistic lesbianism guy, it isn’t murder. His buddies think it is though, so you get the best of both worlds.

peppermint says:

Killing him isn’t necessary or proper. He would be a non-entity if not for this system of anarcho-tyranny, and he is a non-entity within this system. The NGO kids are looking for power and sex, but inasmuch as they get it, they get it by supporting the system and maybe being rewarded for it.

If you really want to commit terrorism and bring down the system, well, Moldbug has some bad news for you: the team that controls the media controls the effects of terrorism. We would need that anti-democratic coup to happen first; after which terrorism is no longer necessary.

There are of course better targets than that guy, but look at how much mileage the Left has gotten out of the murders of pedophile Harvey Milk and drug dealing faggot Matthew Shepard.

Chris B says:

“the team that controls the media controls the effects of terrorism” – so target the media. Bring it to its knees.

Michael says:

now you are starting to think war swims right.

R7_Rocket says:

If I were the Chinese elite, I would assign a nuclear warhead for each prominent journalist personality and academic of the Cathedral. But then they probably already have…

And Tsar Putin probably has done so as well.

VXXC says:

I have nothing to object to here. 100% endorsement, good stuff Jim and the rest. Love War Swims Right.

[except for Mr. Peppermint. sir if you wish to lay down and die, do so quietly and do not ask others to join you in solidarity. Thank you.]

However. In a more nuanced world – for I’m afraid I’m that guy, nuanced and for good reasons – we might want to point out that in 1930’s Europe who the Communists carrying out genocide were was well known. The nature of the KPD is well and recently known to Germans. Without the KPD there would have been no Hitler. In 1932 Germany has a choice of monsters, they went with the Pro-German one.

The nuanced problem being: when you have only 7000 guilty out of 7 million, how do you keep a well known easily ignitable generalized pogrom from happening to 6,693,000? When the 7000 must go for survival of your own, and the whole? Not just those 7000 of course and yes it’s New England gone mad. But still…and here is my nuance. For you see I have Dears in my Dunbar.

[…] Stop whining, start killing. […]

Jim says:

Testing commenting preparatory to restoring commands.

The security system I had to prevent commenter emails from being furtively reported by wordpress to the government is not yet restored, which should not be a problem since you should be using fake emals

Jim says:

testing threading

Jim says:

testing two level threading

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

So… what happened?

Jim says:

Some wordpress code was complaining that about the the PHP version, and bad things were happening. So I updated the php version. And the server died, would not boot

So reinstallation, with the latest PHP and wordpress. And it did not like my (very old theme) and crashed

Unfortunately the old database seems to operate on different theme selection principles than the new database, or perhaps I am doing something silly.

DH says:

Your old theme had a certain magic (not to say magick) to it, though.

Jim says:

A few moments ago I successfully loaded the old categories and tags from the old database into the new, which is progress. Next going to try it with posts, then comments.

I figured I had to load the tags and categories before I loaded the posts, or else the database would be crashing on a noexistent tag error.

I tried restoring everything at once in a single step. Crashed and burned. So, taking it slow to find out what it does not like.

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