
The Blue Empire of the Consulates continues to collapse

Pakistan expels the NGOs. So, soft power looks like it is not doing too well in Syria, Libya, Sudan, the Philippines, Hungary, and Pakistan.

The NGOs are the foot soldiers of the US State Department, and, as the the internal cohesion of the state continues to collapse, act like a plague of locusts. The empire dissolves into a horde of mobile bandits. Gigantic amounts of money were poured into Haiti, and spread famine and disease.

The official press demonizes Chinese soft power, calling it “sharp power“. When the State Department does this sort of thing, it is called Soft Power, and is supposedly holy and good, but when other nations do this sort of thing, supposedly evil, unholy, and heretical, requiring us to kill people and blow stuff up. Supposedly, grounds for holy war.

Which brings me to hard power and the Red Empire of the Bases (though since Obama placed feminists and transexual commissars all over it, no longer all that red).

How is the affirmative action Navy doing?

The affirmative action Navy seems to be having a spot of difficulty operating all that complicated machinery created by evil white males, especially now that they have stopped those evil white males from engaging in the evil white male microaggression of mansplaining. Lot of crashes lately. Which problem has been solved, or at least substantially reduced, by the simple expedient of staying in port and operating as a floating brothel and a jobs program for people who profile as Democratic voters.

An empire can long survive the decline of its military power, continuing to rule by habit, custom, and institutional inertia. When, however, you get people agitating for holy war against the insufficiently holy at the same time as military power is collapsing, probably will not survive all that long. Let us hope that the collapse does not involve nuclear weapons. Because it is looking as if our nuclear weapons have not had proper maintenance for quite some time.

I repeat: I favor American Empire. I also favor formal, open, official, and explicit Empire, with arrangements to ensure that American colonialists have an incentive to rule well, which incentive was conspicuously lacking in Haiti.

Relations between competing empires should be conducted on the basis of the peace of Westphalia, so that conflicts are dealt with in ways that mostly avoid killing people and breaking stuff. In particular, and especially, when your empire is pursuing its interests, and the other empire also pursuing its interests, not allowed to declare the other ruler unholy and his doings heretical. That was dangerous back then, and more dangerous today when people have nuclear weapons. And extra dangerous when your empire is in decline.

147 comments The Blue Empire of the Consulates continues to collapse

ilkarnal says:

It goes way back before Obama. In the 90’s usenet mil forums were complaining about PC gone mad, with some incompetent woman being shoved into the figher pilot seat and flipping her plane over. If there were internet forums in the 60s and 70s they would be complaining about the train-wreck that was integration. The military has been all for ‘social justice’ since the global Cultural Revolution swept by half a century ago. There were some dinosaurs grumbling in the rubble back then – now there are fewer. But the essence has not changed.

jim says:

The essence has changed, in that the Navy no longer functions. (Because mansplaining is toxic masculinity)

The essence has changed, in that ships and plains were crashing unacceptably often.

ilkarnal says:

You would have a better case that the navy ‘no longer functions’ in the Vietnam era when racial strife tore through the navy, and white officers had to be careful belowdecks because of seething tensions.

The Navy hasn’t stopped the wave the flag mission, though stopping it would be a great way to save money. Ships should be sent out to do things, strike targets, and otherwise be kept close and in port to expedite maintenance and training. The point of a fleet is that you DON’T need to have it strewn around the world all the time.

jim says:

We have had a long list of recent accidents, which stopped when they just stopped the activities that were capable of being screwed up. That did not happen in the Vietnam era. Back in the Vietnam era they had to have a bunch of stupid violent undisciplined blacks on board, and were forbidden from disciplining them, but back then they did not have to give them the wheel. They had to pretend that the blacks were sailors, but did not have to actually let them sail. Now they have to give them the wheel, and are forbidden not only from disciplining them, but from telling them that they are screwing up.

vxcc2014 says:

They can’t drive boats. They never learned. Navy went OJT on seamanship. When the old salts retired the younger [now middle aged] officers stepped up.

The Navy ended Basic Seamanship training for officers in 2003.
It gave them self paced lessons on CD’s instead.
In 2005 it phased out paper charts. Computers and stuff handle that ya know.

In the army we call them “maps”

[we kept maps and compass, land nav despite all the GPS].

In 2012 it kinda came back with an 8 week simulator course.
And has added a seamanship course for Officers “between Sea Tours.”

They can’t sail. it’s not a race thing, it’s the institution.

It also tries as the Army did for generations for ‘generalists’ instead of competent at either seamanship and warfighting OR Engineering and tries for BOTH.

And in truth here’s our familiar nemesis of bureaucracy and POWER POINT about which well Mattis banned it in USMC for a reason…

“Busy junior officers, however, have a lot on their plate besides navigation, Stashwick said.

“It’s very is easy to see your time on the bridge as almost a distraction from everything else you’re doing,” he said. Putting together a training plan for your division, creating a PowerPoint presentation for an operation, routine reports – it all needs to get done.

“Even though [bridge watch standing] should be the single most important thing you’re doing in that moment, it’s very understandable for officers to be very tired and very distracted. You’re being pulled in so many different directions. I’ve been there.”


Jim let it be said to the heavens that Power Point has killed more than the enemy.

Don’t get me started on the Army. LOL.

BomberCommand says:

The Military was able to deal with integration by moving blacks into logistics, an arm of the military that really isn’t necessary outside of a prolonged high-intensity war. Blacks were largely kept out the navy and air force by their inability to swim and pass IQ tests. As long as the army logistics met the quota of darkies that was enough. Women and gays in the military pose a considerably more difficult problem to deal with.

hcm says:

Blacks are most certainly *not* kept out of the Navy. Likely overrepresented in fact.

As for swimming, in basic they just go to a remedial class once a week and are passed at the end regardless of their abilities.

j says:

You are lucky to have been spared of actual military service so you do not know that all armies were and are composed by a masses of borderline criminal morons and a few capable individuals that compel them to fight. The victorious Soviet Army was a mass of drunken cretins barely knowing how to operate a Kalashnikov, led by a handful of good generals. They destroyed the Nazi army composed by high level professionals. Horatio Nelson’s fleet was manned by Britain’s jailbird trash lead by murderous captains with lashes in their hands.

American Navy is no exception and it will do well in war.

jim says:

Drake did not have a problem with ships running into each other.

vxcc2014 says:

Drake and his men didn’t get rid of basic seamanship training – the navy did.
And that’s a Flag/Dept of Navy level decision. Find the Black or Tranny head of either.

White Men did this…


BTW I don’t mind racism I’m just pointing out what actually happened.
It took more than a decade for the fruits of the poisonous pentagon tree to bear their bitter cargo but the old salts retired and the new ones can’t sail.

Motet says:

It isn’t that hard to steer a boat. On nuclear subs, that’s the first job anyone gets. Literally, it’s a new soldier’s first post. I don’t think even the military is that incompetent. No, I suspect the Chinese.

jim says:

Yes, the military are now that incompetent.

BomberCommand says:

>You are lucky to have been spared of actual military service so you do not know that all armies were and are composed by a masses of borderline criminal morons and a few capable individuals that compel them to fight. The victorious Soviet Army was a mass of drunken cretins barely knowing how to operate a Kalashnikov, led by a handful of good generals. They destroyed the Nazi army composed of high-level professionals.

The Soviets lost 4 men for every German they killed despite outnumber the Germans at the front 2 or 3 to 1. There’s no doubt in my mind that Russia would have run out of men and collapsed by early 1944 if the US had stayed out of the war. Having bad officers is a real drain on a nation. Germany’s basic problem in Russia was the Socialist Nazi economy couldn’t produce enough goods to properly supply the German army.

Typically in war, it’s a bad officer that cause sudden defeat as demonstrated by France in 1940. Individual French troops often fought well but the officers often surrendered at the drop an of a hat. Obama’s filled our military up from top to bottom with officers so bad they crash into ships at sea under perfectly normal conditions.

ilkarnal says:

There’s no doubt in my mind that Russia would have run out of men and collapsed by early 1944 if the US had stayed out of the war.

You’d be wrong. Well, if the US didn’t provide economic aid from the beginning there might have been an earlier collapse, since the Soviets barely held out in the years before. But after Kursk the Germans had lost.

The Soviet empire was vast, and they could pull men from every corner. A new crop reached military age each year. If casualties became a problem, they could simply slow the pace of their offensive. It would not change the outcome.

Typically in war, it’s a bad officer that cause sudden defeat as demonstrated by France in 1940. Individual French troops often fought well but the officers often surrendered at the drop an of a hat.

The German army always crushed everything before them in the initial offensive, no matter the theatre. If you don’t have room to retreat, you just lose in that initial offensive. It’s not as much that the French officers were bad, as that the German officers were many steps ahead. Of everyone. They had a better concept of mobile warfare than their peers. If you didn’t start with that understanding or have time to learn it, you just died.

They surrendered at the drop of masses of German armored forces into their interior, not a hat.

BomberCommand says:

>You’d be wrong. Well, if the US didn’t provide economic aid from the beginning there might have been an earlier collapse since the Soviets barely held out in the years before. But after Kursk, the Germans had lost.

After Kursk Germany was fighting a 2 front war with the bombing campaign over Germany steadily sapping their ability to use combined arms warfare on the eastern front. This, however, didn’t change the kill to death ratio for the Germany army against the Russians. Germany simply didn’t have an army big enough to fight a multi-front war and couldn’t create an effective one due to their issues with producing enough war material.

>The Soviet empire was vast, and they could pull men from every corner. A new crop reached military age each year. If casualties became a problem, they could simply slow the pace of their offensive. It would not change the outcome.

Casualties become a big problem by early 1944 and that was with Russia already recruiting 14-year-old boys and old men. By early 1945 they were recruiting Mongolians to fill their ranks. By 1944 Germany couldn’t win because they were fighting 3 front war with an army only big enough to fight a 1 front war and they were still inflicting 3 to 1 losses on the Russians.

>They surrendered at the drop of masses of German armored forces into their interior, not a hat.

Rommel personally captured 400 men with nothing more than a Panzer 3 and his command vehicle when a French officer surrendered to him when Romel was heading back to find out why re-enforcments were not being brought up. The battle of a France was such a distaster because French officers at every level were incompitent, cowardly, and unmanly.

French tanks made very seccessful attacks into Guildains left flank at Stone during the inital Panzer thrust into France but the attacks failed when French officers failed to move intranty up to support the tanks. This type of idoiticy was repeated all over France.

ilkarnal says:

Rommel personally captured 400 men with nothing more than a Panzer 3 and his command vehicle when a French officer surrendered to him when Romel was heading back to find out why re-enforcments were not being brought up. The battle of a France was such a distaster because French officers at every level were incompitent, cowardly, and unmanly.

I’ve read Rommel’s diaries, and a story that stands out is a French officer refusing to surrender and accepting certain death instead.

When you break the back of the enemy and they collapse, you have won. How this happened in France was not that different from how it happened before in Poland, and not that different from how it happened in the USSR in the initial stages. Mass surrenders happen. They happened to the Nazis too, when things turned bad enough.

French tanks made very seccessful attacks into Guildains left flank at Stone during the inital Panzer thrust into France but the attacks failed when French officers failed to move intranty up to support the tanks. This type of idoiticy was repeated all over France.

Well… The general problem with the French tank doctrine was that they integrated them too much with the infantry, rather than concentrating them in highly mobile armored divisions. Failing to tie infantry to tanks tightly enough was not the general problem – quite the opposite. Naturally there are times when you need the infantry to follow up very close and sweep things up, and this can get fucked up. But this is a technical error of the sort that happens ALL THE TIME to EVERYONE. Very basic errors happen ALL THE TIME. If you lose the war because you made such an error, you had much bigger problems than the error itself.

And the French didn’t lose because of that technical error, or because of technical errors generally. They lost because like everyone else, they did not understand the new kind of warfare which required the utmost initiative and flexibility, with a fundamentally different character from the last Great War. Also, yes, like everyone else they didn’t have officers of the same caliber as the Germans.

Germany simply didn’t have an army big enough to fight a multi-front war and couldn’t create an effective one due to their issues with producing enough war material.

They made several crucial errors in terms of organization and replenishment of units. They produced plenty of war material, the issue was more in how it was (and wasn’t) organized.

And much credit must go to the Soviets, and their successful offensives. They learned, and reached strategic and tactical mastery that surpassed any of the Allies.

Oliver Cromwell says:

“Rommel personally captured 400 men…”

What Rommel did in this respect is irrelevant. The German breakthrough that destroyed the French army never encountered the main mass of the French army. It broke through in a quiet sector guarded by third rate units and simply encircled the rest.

Oliver Cromwell says:

The Soviet Union wasn’t actually that vast other than geographically. In Europe in 1941 there were about 85m “Germans” broadly defined. The willing allies Romania, Hungary and Finland provided 30m plus 45m of Italy. So the European Axis had a willing population base of about 160m. The Soviets had about 195m at the start of the war but quickly lost a large fraction of their most densely populated territory. At the end of the 1941 campaign season the European Axis probably outnumbered what the Soviets actually controlled.

The Soviets won partly because Germany was distracted (e.g. they spent more of their resources building U-boats than armoured vehicles), but also because they were more committed and ruthless with their resources. The Axis drastically underexploited Italy in particular.

ilkarnal says:

The Soviet Union is not analogous to the Axis. The Soviets had control over their Union, the Axis was an alliance where the aligned parties committed whatever they felt like committing. You don’t get to count Germany’s allies and add them up without adding the Soviet Union’s allies. No, the comparison to make is Germany to the Soviet Union, and your typical European country to the Soviet Union – and there you have a very large empire by any measure! One the Germans underestimated at their peril, like the French before them.

Oliver Cromwell says:

It is perhaps reasonable to exclude Italy. It is not reasonable to exclude Finland, Romania, and Hungary, for whom the struggle was no less existential than it was for Germany. And who lost much more completely in the end.

We may recall Napoleon as if he and Hitler are just one as figures of the distant past. A 40 year old German in 1938 will have recalled personally marching victoriously in Kiev at 20.

ilkarnal says:

You are lucky to have been spared of actual military service so you do not know that all armies were and are composed by a masses of borderline criminal morons and a few capable individuals that compel them to fight.

Not really…. This can happen, especially when you don’t have universal conscription, but when you do, when you are sampling from a very large % of the young male population, you are not going to get a ‘mass of borderline criminal morons.’

The victorious Soviet Army was a mass of drunken cretins barely knowing how to operate a Kalashnikov, led by a handful of good generals.


They destroyed the Nazi army composed by high level professionals.

Yes, taking disproportionate losses along the way because of the greater experience and better leadership of the Nazis. But they turned the tide as a result of conserving experience and institutional knowledge in the face of Armageddon-level casualty rates by rotating and replenishing divisions when they took losses. The Nazis, on the other hand, would create new divisions rather than replenish the old ones, and had some conscription issues where Goering’s Luftwaffe would poach the best recruits, in addition to an outrageous number overall. This meant that the gap between Soviet and Nazi competence steadily withered away as the core of the Nazi army was ground away without being restored.

vxcc2014 says:

J-No – you are not describing America’s armed forces –J.

The great mass of the volunteer American armed forces are screened very carefully for practical intelligence via the ASVAB, strictly minor or no criminal offenses-even 2 traffic tickets or 2 speeding tickets may bar you – and screened heavily all the time for drugs. Also full physical and mental battery.

We’re not a mass of borderline criminals and cretins led by competent.
We’re a mass of competent highly trained professionals that are enslaved to incompetent, insane and criminal civilians – we could say politicians but ultimately I’m referring to the voters. > this is also reflected in our voting records, we reliably vote GOP [gagging perhaps] and support Trump to the Hilt.

J – I don’t know where or when you served but hell even my newark NJ area national guard unit doesn’t match your description. We have far more cops than we do anyone with any kind of actual criminal personality. We take care of that shit fast. If a criminal from Newark can’t get in the Guard he can’t get in anywhere.

Not saints but not criminals [at least not in uniform] and not cretins.

so fuck you. seriously.

Our problem is we are your slaves. And you’re cretins. You civilians. Voters.

Motet says:

I’ve hardly seen a soldier without tattoos.

Bane says:

The US armed forces aren’t a mass of borderline criminals. But historically, most military units have been.

Honestly, if you all were criminal psychos, we’d win more wars. “Love of country” is probably the worst possible reason to fight. Personal loyalty to your commander is better, but then you’d have to be the kind of loser who has nothing except what the chain of command rewards him with. No families, nothing like that.

Family men, community men, these are peaceful guys. These are not the people you want fighting your wars. For that, you need those losers.

peppermint says:

> historically, most military units have been

The German, Confederate, and Roman armies were gangs of criminals? Sounds like something a college reactionary would say.

Issac says:

Civilian voting hasn’t had a meaningful impact on foreign policy in fifty years. Pentagon gets what pentagon wants and that usually dovetails with what wall street and tel aviv wants.

ilkarnal says:

The great mass of the volunteer American armed forces are screened very carefully for practical intelligence via the ASVAB, strictly minor or no criminal offenses-even 2 traffic tickets or 2 speeding tickets may bar you – and screened heavily all the time for drugs. Also full physical and mental battery.

The NAM percentage indicates that the ‘mental battery’ can’t be that stringent.

That said, there is a core of very competent volunteers, no denying that. The problem is that when you get stuck in, the personnel needs lead to second and third-shelf combatants being put into action. The national guard has nothing like the competence of 11Bs. And beyond that, recruiting standards go way way down when personnel-intensive shit is happening.

Our problem is we are your slaves. And you’re cretins. You civilians. Voters.

You volunteered to kill for these cretins, which if anything makes you worse! You are the servant of those who seek our destruction.

>An empire can long survive the decline of its military power, continuing to rule by habit, custom, and institutional inertia.

Seems it is the other way around these days.

Romans preserved prestige a whole lot longer than dominance, which helped Christian missionaries immensely. America clearly lost the prestige she had in the times when the whole world worshipped the Aerosmith.

What you are saying about the Navy sounds like a loss of dominance, but it is not true in practice because power is where people believe it is, and we-the-world still belive the Carrier Battle Groups are very powerful. And if the Valley can pull of self-driving cars, then the Navy sending self-flying F-14’s to bomb the fuck out of the next Milosevich is certainly probable enough that the we-the-world, for a long time, will not stop being afraid of that. So dominance is still working.

But the prestige is gone.

Interestingly, the very specific way it is gone is that we the world are not really aware of the infighting BlueGov and RedGov elites. The RedGov elites lost prestige because the BlueGov very carefully undermined their prestige, thus, the world currently has on the whole very much left wing, Daily Kos type views of the Iraq war or Wall Street. Just listen to Russians sometimes, they will parrot back largely what the BlueGov tells them about how capitalism is bad, US corporations are bad etc. On the other hand, the BlueGov managed to undermine their own prestige as well by virtue signalling out of all sanity, so for the rest of the world the BlueGov view of racism etc. is far to the left.

Let me give you an example. The EU is fucking with Poland, Czech, Hungary for not letting in migrants. They are saying this is a lack of solidarity with other EU countries. Meanwhile in the US BlueGov norms say being against illegal immigration is racist, in fact calling undocumented workers illegal immigrants is racist and they even managed to make the Libertarian Party presidential candidate use the term undocumented workers. Meanwhile the EU never ever raised the racism card against these countries. See the difference?

So right now the world has a weirdly mixed left cum right wing view of America, sort of like militarism and oil corporation money running everything yet somehow incredibly uptight about race and sex. I think sooner or later people will notice this BlueGov vs. RedGov thing but currently it is just this weird mixed picture. But high prestige it is not.

Another big element of the loss of prestige was losing the immense global fandom rock stars and Hollywood movies used to have.

But the dominance is still working.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

There’s a grain of truth to what you say. After all, a squadron of ‘Unite The Right’ wouldn’t last long against three US soldiers with full equipment.

Nevertheless the spirit of what you’re objecting to is wrong. Self-driving cars, for example, are evidence FOR Jim’s claim. Why on Earth would anyone want to see self-driving cars become a thing? Surely (DING!) the whole point of cars is that you choose where you go and you take large parts of responsibility for maintaining and controlling the vehicle.

Not any more it seems. The average driver (myself most definitely included) has no idea how to do routine maintenance, let alone more complex stuff that would have been second nature to a driver in the 60s.
Worse, many of the accidents on the road today involve uninsured, often inebriated, drivers who are incapable of being held accountable.

This means it actually DOES make sense for billions to be spent developing a way to remove the human component of a car on a road. Humans, right now, are a liability……….

………for all the reasons Jim gives, which apply just as strongly to military and industrial equipment.

Keep your eyes peeled for the rolling replacement of British/European nuclear power stations. It should be well underway. It’s not even beginning, and no start is in sight; neither will it be.

Anecdotally I was told that the provision of adequate nuclear waste containers was currently running (I won’t say where, nor the company, nor even the type of material, though it’s not an official secret) at 1/15th of required efficiency: the time allotted to produce fifteen containers was adequate (just) for one.

The problem Jim’s been talking about on this blog for some time is one hundred percent real: Western engineering (and competence in general) is in sharp decline.

Samuel Skinner says:

“Keep your eyes peeled for the rolling replacement of British/European nuclear power stations.”

Germany has already closed nearly half of its nuclear power plants and intends to eliminate the rest by 2022. They are replacing them with renewables and coal.

peppermint says:

The last thing the Socialist Gyarados Schroeder did was make Germany dependent on Russian natgas. Then Tangela Merkel the Christian Democrat brought in millions of mahometans against the wishes of the people. Psyduck Kohl set up a gas arbiter program with Turks and didn’t negotiate the return of Koenigberg. The less is said about the Kinderladen movement the better.

Germany is under occupation of Jews. If the 68ers want to kill nuclear power, good, by doing that they reduce the capacity to import more muds while distracting themselves from doing worse things to Germany.

Self driving cars are a great idea. Driving for pleasure isn’t the reason Americans choose to live an hour from where they work.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

With respect, you’re completely missing the point lol

Regardless of what you think about nuclear power, the fact is there are stated plans to replace the stations but progress is non-existent.
This is not ultimately because of a demonstrated preference for renewables (indeed see George Monbiot for a progressive environmental case for nuclear) – it’s because they’re struggling to actually *do* it.

The expertise that was so commonplace with clunky wasteful energy and electronic technology is now vanishingly rare.

Oliver Cromwell says:

European countries are not suffering America’s affirmative action-induced decay. The European pattern is to totally exclude low IQ minorities from society while generously paying them to do no work, not to thrust them into positions of power and responsibility where they can receive generous salaries for failing to do important work.

I spent some time interacting with prestige institutions in Germany and never encountered anyone who was not white or a native German speaker in a position of authority or even relative status. Meanwhile even bumblefuck Eastern towns have the Turkish kebab shop run by real Turks (because self-employed are exempt from the union system and a lot of the social system, so they can be paid close to nothing while “real” Germans continue to reap the benefits of the market economy).

What Germany is is full of crazy white Aryan Germans who hate nuclear power because it is full of wicked gremlins or something.

The only country in Europe with major non-white representation in real jobs in Britain and that is because Britain’s immigrants are less god-awful than those of Germany and many of them actually can do the work. That’s a mixed blessing though because it is making the elite increasingly detached from and disloyal to the country. As if it wasn’t already.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

Again unfortunately you’re out of touch.

Europe’s more pozzed, if anything, than the States.

Certainly most institutions struggle to *actually find* people to affirm, but affirm they do. They affirm until they’re infirm.

I repeat: it is proving impossible to build nuclear reactors that were perfectly feasible at a time when half of generated electrity was wasted, microchips ran at sub-10Mhz speeds and most modern materials didn’t even exist.

Oliver Cromwell says:

“Again unfortunately you’re out of touch.”

These are my personal observations living and working in these three countries.

In America everything is broken because NAMs must be involved in all things. And there are just a load more NAMs in general, to the point that organising and controlling them would be a major drain on quality manpower from directly useful tasks even without AA.

In Britain there is no racial AA but there are plenty of Indians and even some Paki-Bangladeshis in important positions. They’re not noticeably less competent than whites in similar position.

In Germany there is no racial AA and you simply do not see any non-Germans above the lower middle rung of society.

In Germany there is a lot of AA for white German women, but white German woman are quite competent, and fairly mannish in most characteristics, so it is not unduly bothersome for a foreigner. It seems to be making it very hard for German men to have children.

jim says:

> In Britain there is no racial AA but there are plenty of Indians and even some Paki-Bangladeshis in important positions. They’re not noticeably less competent than whites in similar position.

This is not true. I recall examining the statistics some time back, and it was obvious that there was massive racial AA and this was biting hard into competence. In particular, negroes were over represented in absolute numbers, let alone relative to IQ.

Reflect on the fact that the British repeatedly got the crap beaten out of them by some Afghans and some arabs, and repeatedly had to be rescued by Americans and Canadians.

We have the best and brightest from India in Silicon Valley. You don’t have the best and brightest from India in England. And Indians in Silicon Valley positions are noticeably less competent than whites.

Oliver Cromwell says:

I recall having this discussion with you once before in which you eventually admitted that British universities did not seem to exhibit any AA.

If you have other evidence, please present it.

Even if negroes were overrepresented in the UK, at 3% of the population they are not causing very much damage.

I am not saying British Indians are the best and the brightest. I am saying that they work (already amazing for a large imigrant population!) regular jobs in line with their competence. It’s normal to see an Indian street cleaner, tax driver, nurse, accountant, or barrister. Generally in line with that person’s apparent competence.

jim says:

> I recall having this discussion with you once before in which you eventually admitted that British universities did not seem to exhibit any AA.

That is not how I recall our conversation. As I recall it, you were stubbornly denying the undeniable and refusing to notice the obvious while the obvious was slapping you in the face with both hands. I produced compelling evidence of affirmative action producing ruling idiocy in England, and you stubbornly refused to accept it, whereupon I called you barking mad and frothing at the mouth insane.

> It’s normal to see an Indian street cleaner, tax driver, nurse, accountant, or barrister. Generally in line with that person’s apparent competence.

We have smarter indians in Silicon Valley than you do in England, and when I see them doing high status jobs, the jobs they are doing are frequently not in line with their competence: Exhibit A being Anil Dash. Fucks up everything he touches, for which he is rewarded by being given more stuff to fuck up.

As I told you at the time, if Indians were doing jobs in line with their competence, the US airforce would be doing to England what they did to Libya.

Oliver Cromwell says:

I’m not Irving. Minorities are overrepresented among current year graduates because they’re also overrepresented among the young. If you were right that the UK discriminated against “superior races” then Indians (who are mildly superior to whites in the UK – same IQ, but most committed to success) would lose out and blacks and Pakistanis would be pushed to the front. Whereas what we actually see is a race realist hierarchy: Chinese > Whites=Indians > Pakistanis > Blacks.

The problem with your Silicon Valley “dumb” Indians is that they are too dumb for Silicon Valley, not too dumb for the US. This is AA. What I am saying is that in Britain “dumb” Indians work “dumb” people jobs (say, journalist) and dumb Indians work dumb people jobs, and you do indeed see Indian doctors about in proportion to the Indian proportion of the population of that area. Since Indian measured IQs are about the same as white in the UK, that’s what I expect.

jim says:

Minorities are overrepresented among current year graduates because they’re also overrepresented among the young.

I don’t think you provided data to support that claim, and that would not explain the massive black and female overrepresentation.

Indians in the US are smart compared to the average white, because we are importing the smartest Indians. But Indians in high status jobs are clearly less smart than white males in similar jobs, so I find the claim that Indians are making it on their merits in England hard to believe, particularly as England is not in fact importing the smartest Indians.

Oliver Cromwell says:

Indians and so on actually insulate the UK against calls for AA. Since people see successful minorities every day, it’s hard to blame minority status for the specific failures of Blacks and Pakistanis. It looks more like a Black and Pakistani problem than a “minority” problem. Which it is.

Oliver Cromwell says:

Well, do you doubt the claim? That British whites are breeding faster than browns are being bred and imported would seem to rather go against our whole thing here. I’d rather say you should explicitly account for it.

I did not say that Indians are making it TO THE PINNACLE OF SOCIETY on their merits, I said they are making it TO WHERE THEY ARE on their merits (apologies for caps – read as italic). In the UK, unlike the US, there are a lot of Indians working as chefs and taxi drivers. Indians do not cause problems, not because they are all super geniuses paying lots of taxes, but because they are not affirmative actions above their competence, and essentially act as an additional population of whites.

Anyway, I think your reaction here is quite emotional. I’m not trying to defend Britain as such, a country with which I’m becoming increasingly emotionally disconnected, and which has many big problems of its own. It just isn’t a mirror image of the US. It has fewer minorities, less bad minorities, and the minorities cause less damage. That does not make it a rightist country; it isn’t.

jim says:

I doubt that it is sufficient to explain nonwhite overrepresentation at Oxford. I am certain it is not sufficient to explain black overrepresentation at Oxford, and I am certain it does not explain female overrepresentation at Oxford.

It is perfectly obvious that Indians in high positions in Silicon Valley, like gays in high positions in Silicon Valley, are promoted beyond their competence, and unless the same thing was happening in London, the US airforce would be bombing London.

Oliver Cromwell says:

There is plenty of AA for upper middle class girls.

Blacks (who aren’t mulattos or sons of African government officials or both) had close to zero representation in any prestigious British university when I was in a position to judge, not so long ago.

peppermint says:

In the future, Monty Python will be hated, with the possible exception of Life of Brian, which, because it was supposed to make fun of an eaoteric belief of christcuckoldry, which is a nonessential aspect of English culture, could mock commies and support empire.

Maybe Bolsheviks Broadcasting Corruption doesn’t yet have the same amount of explicit race cuck sex as Netflix, though it certainly implies it enough. The UK’s little girls are being raped. And you say the people doing that aren’t doing affirmative action?

Oliver Cromwell says:

What can I say, merely observing its non-existence does in some sense trump in my mind “but shirley…” arguments from internet foreigners.

jim says:

You supposedly observe the nonexistence of affirmative action, and you also supposedly observe that Indians in high jobs are performing their jobs adequately and competently.

Doubtless you also observed that Muslim rapists are treated in exactly the same way as Christian rapists.

Some of your observations are incongruent with observations by other people.

Regardless of what you supposedly observe, a society that has an unreasonable number of blacks and women graduating from Oxford, and also has Rotherham, is a society with affirmative action.

pdimov says:
peppermint says:

A musulman murders an English girl, grinds her up, and puts her in the curry.

Why are there ragheads selling kebab instead of Englishmen? Do the English not have a culture so they need to import cultural foods?

We buy our berf jerky from dotheads because our government gives them enough preferential treatment.

peppermint says:

You can’t blame niggardly employers for muds buying up all the small businesses or for paying muds the same as humans. Humans are by definition better employees if they are equally competent and paid the same, because humans have a sense of belonging that muds can’t possibly participate in.

peppermint says:

(niggardly either means like a nigherd, or nigheartedly bad with money)

Oliver Cromwell says:

“You supposedly observe the nonexistence of affirmative action, and you also supposedly observe that Indians in high jobs are performing their jobs adequately and competently.

“Doubtless you also observed that Muslim rapists are treated in exactly the same way as Christian rapists.”

I’ve never observed the treatment of rapists.

Clearly Rotherham is affirmative action of some sort, but the sort that make society unable to build aircraft or nuclear power plants in the short run.

“Some of your observations are incongruent with observations by other people.”


“Regardless of what you supposedly observe, a society that has an unreasonable number of blacks”

Again – evidence? I might believe blacks are overrepresented at Oxford (there are very few blacks in Britain in general), but they are generally the sons of foreign oligarchs, or mulattos, or both. I actually know a black Briton who attended Oxford, the son of some Nigerian government official raised by his upper middle class aid worker white mother. He was smart enough for the humanities course he was admitted for, and that shouldn’t shock any HBD believer.

“and women”

Yes, granted, there is significant AA for women.

jim says:

> > “Some of your observations are incongruent with observations by other people.”

> Again – evidence?

Search begins for new young mayoraffirmative action

So I just flat out do not believe that you are seeing what you say you are seeing.

Plus, your recollections of the conversations you and I have had in this blog differ radically from my own, so I would expect your recollections of what you observe around you in England to be similarly unreliable.

Plus, I talked to commies who visited Cuba, and their recollections of what they observed in Cuba differed wildly from what I observed in Cuba. They, it seems, visited a Cuba that resembles the Harvard Campus. I visited the typical catastrophic disaster of socialism.

Similarly with my visit to Canadian hospital. I would feel a hell of a lot safer in almost any third world hospital. There was no one there who had the necessary means to stay the hell away. Just as the people who say diversity is great spend millions of dollars to stay away from diversity, it is evident that the people who say the Canadian health system is great are willing to spend a great deal of money to stay the hell away from it.

Oliver Cromwell says:

*not the sort

BTW, it is important to bear in mind that British students are admitted to specific courses of study, not universities like Americans are. Even AA for women mostly takes the form of universities offering enough woman-friendly subjects to accommodate them at their level. Physics, mathematics, and engineering courses had very few women in my time.

Indians were fairly well represented in these courses, but mostly Indians want to professional and business degrees, and are actually disproportionately rejected from these degrees IIRC.

peppermint says:

If we’re talking about elite AA, BBC has gad it for some time, and they’re talking about extending it to boards of major companies.

If you’re talking about older guys from the oven middle class, imagine my shock upon discovering that they are the last people to be shoved aside.

That’s why the ones of them who don’t get murdered are going to be looking over their shoulders until they die quietly.

pdimov says:

Britain is probably two decades or so behind.


I don’t remember when was the last time a US producer had to be fired over not casting enough diversity.

Oliver Cromwell says:

Ah, the vital Young Mayor of Lewisham industry is totally cucked, since no one would expect a poor East London borough to be full of NAMs. Therefore Britain could not build a nuclear reactor.

When did you visit Britain, where did you go, what did you do?

jim says:

I check Google Earth’s street photos of Lewishham.

The kids seems to be majority or plurality white.

But only two white kids are under consideration for Young Mayor of Lewisham, out of eighteen kids, and they are only there pro forma. There is obviously no intent or willingness to allow a white to be Young Mayor of Lewisham.

Therefore, massive, overwhelming, and drastic affirmative action, that amounts in practice to chasing down and brutally crushing the remaining white people.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

I really have to pinch myself when I see literate, normal people claiming they doubt the existence of AA in Britain.
When I worked in the civil service in the late 1990s, the job advertisements *already* involved statements of the general form “applications are particularly welcomed from minority ethnic individuals who are currently under-represented in this department” and by the early 2000s, mandatory diversity training was already adopting modern shapes around understanding other cultures, embracing their ways and so on.

One only need walk into a supermarket in Britain to see the exaggerated, over the top obsession with race mixing, the normalisation of sexual abnormality and so on.

We have newsreaders who read like twelve year old drama students (but have appropriate skin and hair), domestic pop acts with wholly foreign dialects and an education system dangerously in love with inferior cultures and their cookie cutter icons.

In order not to see any of this, one must be deliberately blind.

Oliver Cromwell says:

“But only two white kids are under consideration for Young Mayor of Lewisham, out of eighteen kids, and they are only there pro forma.”

What relevance does this have to the productive economy? I do not believe that banks, the military, or nuclear reactor firms are subjected to affirmative action in the way that the US medical industry and software industries are.

In countries like Germany, it is even less than in the UK. While in the US, quite common services like buses barely work (or look decades out of date) and seem to be staffed wholly with NAMs, it’s unusual to see a non-German German working even as low as an institution like the post office or the railways.

jim says:

The productive economy is utterly under the thumb of the unproductive economy, and the unproductive economy implements affirmative action, therefore demands affirmative action, even when, as with the banking crisis, it results in the collapse of revenues.

jim says:

> European countries are not suffering America’s affirmative action-induced decay. The European pattern is to totally exclude low IQ minorities from society while generously paying them to do no work, not to thrust them into positions of power and responsibility where they can receive generous salaries for failing to do important work.

A short while ago, that was the system in the Navy, in Silicon Valley, and the rest.

Now, however, you required to have them do actual work, and refrain from mansplaining when they conspicuously fail to do it or screw it up.

Issac says:

“European countries are not suffering America’s affirmative action-induced decay”

The sheer delusion of you Brits is astonishing.

Alf says:

> The European pattern is to totally exclude low IQ minorities from society while generously paying them to do no work, not to thrust them into positions of power and responsibility where they can receive generous salaries for failing to do important work.

This is wrong. Europe is copying the US as good as it can. Just today the Dutch king, in his christmas speech, called for greater inclusivity and heralded the great Dutch feminist Aletta Jacobs.

The poz is real.

jim says:

The expertise to keep nuclear plants operating without blowing up is also disappearing.

Alrenous says:

Which would be happening (slower) even without affirmative action, because universities (are state funded) aren’t teaching science anymore. They’re teaching inapplicable high-status theory. You only learn the actual science when you’re finally allowed to enter into your apprenticeship.

Only they have the same problem all apprenticeship programs have had – when the master (lab) dies without an apprentice, the knowledge is simply lost. If nobody is actively researching nuclear tech, then nobody knows the real nuclear science.

Dave says:

I wonder this is the fault of Silicon Valley, or rather, its concept of the worker as an eternal free agent. Under the old model of lifetime employment, companies treated their employees as assets, and employees repaid them with loyalty, whereas Silicon Valley culture says you owe two weeks’ notice if a better offer comes along.

Free agency might be an eat-the-seed-corn strategy, however. It develops existing talent by exposing them to a greater variety of technology, but it doesn’t seed new talent, as companies have no incentive to hire smart kids and teach them useful skills (and schools no longer even try to teach anything useful).

Starman says:

A lot of companies are (((disloyal))) to their workers ( see (((Michael Eisner))) ). And thus, the workers no longer owe any loyal to (((them))).

peppermint says:

Free agent startup culture exists because startups are supposed to be sold before they have to hire their first woman.

Starman says:


Motet says:

>Free agency might be an eat-the-seed-corn strategy, however. It develops existing talent by exposing them to a greater variety of technology, but it doesn’t seed new talent, as companies have no incentive to hire smart kids and teach them useful skills (and schools no longer even try to teach anything useful).

You have just described capitalism.

Oliver Cromwell says:

Lifetime employment is a slave relationship and we should be glad it is gone. If you stay in any contract with anyone for long enough you start being ripped off because they assume that you are too timid to leave and they can get away with it. On average they are right. If you actually can’t leave, perhaps because you’re tied to a particular employer by a union or by pension plans that don’t vest until you are 65, you are effectively a serf.

Dave says:

Like marriage in the age of no-fault divorce, at-will employment tends toward a
defect-defect equilibrium, and you’re totally OK with that because freedom. What say you, Jim?

Oliver Cromwell says:

Time horizon for kids is 30 years. Time horizon for a work project is one hour to three years. If you leave much before two years, looks like you got fired. If you stay longer than give years, you are probably being underpaid.

jim says:

It is a hard problem. Sometimes you can contract out, and require that the contractor pass certain standard and easily intelligible delivery requirements.

But most employment is not doing a clearly defined and easily measurable task, and nor is it stuff like mopping the floor that is easy to supervise.

If staying with one employer for any length of time means you are being underpaid (and that is probably what it does mean) that implies that the employer is defecting on you in the expectation that you are going to defect on him.

Which leads to the corporate environment so accurately parodied in “Dilbert”, where everyone defects on everyone.

The solution to this “core competence” Corporations have to focus on businesses sufficiently narrow that the boss can in fact understand what his employees are doing. He then keeps employees that do not defect on him, by refraining from defecting on them.

Businesses are centralizing and growing larger, because they are in the business of mediating between individuals and the state. The solution to this problem of businesses growing beyond their core competence, is to cut accounting and human resources down to size – the libertarian and anarcho capitalist solution. Companies grow beyond their core competence because accounting and human resources have too much power, being armed with laws that make everyone else in the company criminals.

>Why on Earth would anyone want to see self-driving cars become a thing? Surely (DING!) the whole point of cars is that you choose where you go and you take large parts of responsibility for maintaining and controlling the vehicle.

I emotionally agree, as that is how I feel about cars, too, but I admit my emotion here is entirely irrational and thus probably yours too. Surely from the rational perspective the whole point of transportation is to get where you are going as quickly as possible, and safely and cheaply and so on, so if we had teleportation devices cars would be a mere hobby.

The idea about self driving cars is the lack of downtime which is a very strong rational argument. Either a fleet of them operates basically as far cheaper taxi or as door to door public transport, or you still want to own a car but while you are in the office or at home it is not just parking there, it is doing Uber work and making your money. This, I think, is the rational view, where “rational” is defined as “wins the competition”.

We don’t have to have worse taxi drives to say that it makes economic sense to automate and eliminate taxi drivers. After all this is the whole direction we are going towards since the industrial revolution.

I understand your emotional point – I feel similarly. Ultimately my own values are basically aesthetical, I would rather have strong people around than cranes doing the heavy lifting because there is a certain aesthetic virtue in being strong: it is a respectable virtue, that conjures admiration. There is something inherently, aesthetically pleasing about people who can do a lot of things. But it is purely aesthetic, in any work cranes will always outcome strong people. Rationally i.e. from the viewpoint of who wins the competition the crane always outcompetes the strong man, the business or the country with the cranes outcompetes the business or the country with the strong men.

Gnon cares little about inherently pleasing, admirable virtues.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

I’m struggling to communicate accurately I think.

My point was that the death of driver-operated cars is a predictable and (really) necessary consequence of anarcho-tyranny and the invasion of the West, and that this phenomenon is the same as what Jim’s talking about in the military and the sciences:

as the population becomes more foreign and more degenerate, and as affirmative action (or the politicisation of staffing and tasking) increases, things that used to be fairly easy to do become impossible.

Having a road system that doesn’t kill you is one example. Having a navy that can sail without running aground is another.

pdimov says:

Self-driving cars as a symptom of technological innovation trying to push back against the decline – ineffectively – is an interesting idea. Same as bitcoin, really.

FrankNorman says:

Hello from South Africa. Black people here seem able to drive cars without constantly having accidents – in fact, they are often annoyingly slow and cautious drivers – except for the ones behind the wheels of minibus taxis, of course.

jim says:

we-the-world still belive the Carrier Battle Groups are very powerful

One actual battle will test that belief. The holy warriors who talk about Chinese “sharp power” are itching to put that question to the test.

BomberCommand says:

That’s won’t end well. I’ve heard 3ed hand that ships regularly go out with only about a 3ed of their anti-missile defenses working. This is the well understood and easy to repair 80s tech, not the new experimental stuff that doesn’t have the bugs worked out.

Glenfilthie says:

Al-Jazeera? Seriously, Jim? About the only good thing about that rag sheet is that they don’t put on airs of integrity and objectivity the way that the fags at CNN, TIME, and all the rest do. The reason Haïti is a shit hole is because Haitians live there. When volunteers and humanitarian groups showed up to help through the last disaster, they were stuck digging latrines while the Haitians stood around watching or were off looting. They’re animals, and the only way to civilize them is through the threat of force.
On one hand you guys decry the senseless wars – I’m just curious how you intend to rebuild that empire without fighting them? Further; if America did rebuild its empire and fortunes – how do you guys propose to defend those foreign investments and interests? Because sure as shit on an ay-rab, some Moslem piece of shit (or some other shit skinned ethnic piece of trash) will try to steal it from you. They’ll justify it by saying you are victimizing them just as they did to George Bush.
Sorry Jim but ya can’t suck and blow at the same time.

Samuel Skinner says:

“On one hand you guys decry the senseless wars – I’m just curious how you intend to rebuild that empire without fighting them?”

By not decrying war. Fight war to win, utterly crush your enemies and then rule. If you have to burn a country down to win a war, do so and the next one will not resist.

“Further; if America did rebuild its empire and fortunes – how do you guys propose to defend those foreign investments and interests? ”

The same way colonies were historically defended; either subservient local rulers or native troops backed by white officers and specialists.

Pete says:

Ridiculous. Far better to close our borders, expel anyone here who is not a citizen and worry about our own affairs. Why do you want to assume the huge tax burden to pay for all these armies to march around and subjugate foreign colonies?

What would we really get out of it anyway? So Exxon-Mobil can gain control of Iran’s oil wells? So what? Exxon execs will pocket all the profits while you and I pay huge taxes so the US military can guard Exxon’s Iran drilling sites. Yeah what a bargain.

Samuel Skinner says:

“Why do you want to assume the huge tax burden to pay for all these armies to march around and subjugate foreign colonies?”

Because with a total fertility rate greater then replacement, we will need more resources and territory eventually.

Dave says:

Or we could do like the British East India Company, and grant Exxon-Mobil a license to raise an army, invade oil-producing countries, and steal enough oil to make a fantastic profit for their investors and the U.S. treasury. The British Empire paid for itself and so should ours.

Glenfilthie says:

Just so, SS. My question is – do our evil conspirators agree? Would they even have the stomach for it?

Just for starters: The yodelling mud flaps in Iran HAVE to be put down. Syria needs a TNT enema. Pretty much all of Africa is a write-off now and will never be productive as long as blacks rule it and that fat kid with the bad hair in North Korea needs to die. Mexico needs a kick up the ass and all their human trash returned. That’s just the bad guys.

The EU is full of commies and queers that can’t be trusted further than they can be thrown. A good start there would probably be to hang Angella Merkel and her lickspittles from the lamp posts. Britain is the best of that rancid bunch and they could do with a leadership change as well.

Your allies aren’t worth a hill of beans either – Canada is being run by a leftist whoreson who is too stupid to get a job beyond professional politics. Japan hates America with more fury each passing day. Israel is still smarting from the Buckwheat Administration and although Trump has mended much of that, many rifts remain.

I can’t see America doing any of that in this day and age with the political climate being what it is…

peppermint says:

First we need to worry about ourselves. If we get America back in order, the existence of our people and a future for White children is secured. If we get America out of the bad guys column, the existence of the White race is secured, if only in Eastern Europe. Stay focused, because we only have one chance.

Anonymous 2 says:

“Just for starters: The yodelling mud flaps in Iran HAVE to be put down. Syria needs a TNT enema. Pretty much all of Africa is a write-off now and will never be productive as long as blacks rule it and that fat kid with the bad hair in North Korea needs to die. Mexico needs a kick up the ass and all their human trash returned. That’s just the bad guys.”

Lol, listen to this neocon in a MAGA hat, fucking based.

Glenfilthie says:

On this, the neocons are right. It’s not rocket science, it’s simple geopolitics. Empires rise and fall on them, always have, and always will. If you want an empire – geopolitics are part of the game.

Restoring America sounds good but I question if even that is possible. To get rid of the vibrants and invaders will probably entail a civil war and/or a race war. Some ethnic cleansing is almost assured – California is a genetic write-off and more states are teetering the same way.

Restoring patriarchies and work ethics is much easier said than done.

peppermint says:

The muds can be dealt with peacefully, even amicably, without the traitors. Every journalist and professor gets the stick first, as they claim now to prefer – though if pressed they will sell out muds immediately in exchange for commujism or whatever else helps them gain social status.

Motet says:

>even amicably

The young nubile mud women, perhaps. The rest of them probably won’t like Bangkok descending on them like a swarm of locusts to purify every nook and cranny in the world. But that’s okay:—they don’t matter.

jim says:

> Would they even have the stomach for it?

First we fix elite fertility by restoring patriarchy, and by making manly behavior normative, socially required, legally required, and high status for members of the elite. Then we make women ambitious to marry members of the elite, rather than fuck tattooed thugs. Fucking tattooed thugs shall be disgraceful, and will result in adverse legal consequences, such as being placed in a “Home for Wayward Girls” or “the Female Factory”, and to get out of these places they will need a respectable betrothal to a respectable male.

Shortly after that, men in government and quasi governmental jobs will have lots of sons, and will be looking for governmental and quasi governmental jobs for those numerous sons.

Mysteriously, the zeitgeist will then change in favor of those sons going forth to conquer and rule foreign lands, even if they incur quite a few casualties doing so.

Glenfilthie says:

To restore the patriarchy the nation would have to fall. Things would have to get so bad that women would need to rely on men to survive. Nothing less will get The Great American Whore back in the kitchen.

Moose says:

The “great American whore” is not a whore at all, but faithfully and dutifully serves her husband’s will.

Now, you could suggest that her husband be disincorporated, sure… but don’t:—that’s treason.

We apologize for the brief signal interruption. Please tune in to your parlor walls for your regularly scheduled programming. Good day.

jim says:

Nah, Uncle Sam the big pimp just has to hand his girls over to the men whose loyal service he needs to survive: Soldiers, cops, rentacops, mercs, and taxpayers. Problem solved. That has, in fact, been the usual deal.

Stealing pussy from your men has been a fairly common way for rulers and civilizations to fall. Don’t do that!

Glenfilthie says:

Elegant solution, that!

Ya think it’d work? Here’s the problem I see with that – the men aren’t going to want Uncle Sam’s tire-biters.

Our women not only need to be defunded – they need to be de-programmed as well…

Even with legalized corporal punishment, abolition of no-fault divorce… you’d still have to come up with some kind of mandated decency laws and be prepared to enforce them at gun point…

jim says:

> the men aren’t going to want Uncle Sam’s tire-biters.

You suppose there are good woman and bad women. Not so.

All women are alike, they all react the same, it is just a matter of what stimuli they get exposed to. The lioness knows which lion to fuck because she sees him killing kittens. All women are like that. Every single women will wet her panties if she gets attention from General Buck Naked, so you don’t let her wander off unsupervised to some place that General Buck Naked might abduct her.

The Australian authorities in eighteenth century Australia had 100% success in turning whores into respectable wives. They just called their bluff, and the girls folded, internalizing the values they initially rejected. Their initial misbehavior was merely a shit test.

We simply have to apply the procedure so successfully applied in late eighteenth century Australia.

What works for General Buck Naked, can equally work for taxpayers and soldiers.

Glenfilthie says:

All wome are alike, huh?

Be careful, my friend. Underestimating women can be lethal…

jim says:

Brad Pitt got horribly burned.

Einstein wound up with a KGB girl friend who cared more about Stalin than Einstein.

Feynman needed to learn game, put on an asshole persona, did pretty much what I am doing.

If some women were as you imagine them to be, they would have done better. Feynman scored, I scored, but if General Butt Naked had shown up, wearing a necklace of human eyeballs, an AK47, and nothing else, we would have been shit out of luck. All women react to the same stimuli in the same way. It is just a matter of which stimuli they get exposed to.

If Feynman cannot score merely being brilliant, famous, and admired, Brad Pitt gets burned despite being rich, famous, and handsome, Einstein winds up having sex with the KGB and serving as a communist loudspeaker, then all women are like that. The lioness knows which lion to fuck, because she sees him killing her kittens.

Women are attracted to arrogant violent men. They are attracted to IQ<80 criminals because criminals are allowed to be violent, while high status males are not, with the result that the status hierarchy as perceived by women winds up upside down from the status hierarchy as perceived by men. All women are like that.

To align the crude, cruel, simplistic, vicious, and brutal female perception of the male status hierarchy with the subtle, complex, multidimensional, and nuanced reality of the male status hierarchy as actually organized by males, we need to legalize and socially support domestic discipline by taxpaying property owning husbands and fathers (McLintock), and back that discipline with conspicuously public state violence.

Then hypergamy will be eugenic, rather than dysgenic.

Anonymoose says:

Primitives are irrelevant to the balance of power.

Glenfilthie says:

The Romans certainly thought so.

jim says:

The reason Haïti is a shit hole is because Haitians live there.

Haiti was considerably less of a shithole when ruled by mulatto thugs. Cholera, shit in the streets, actual famine, people eating dirt, mass homelessness of men able and willing to work, these are new, the result of billions of dollars of aid administered and stolen by Harvard PhDs.

OK, blacks are apt to shit in the streets, but if a black cop proceeds to beat the crap out of them for so doing, they will stop. Those mulatto thugs maintained order that made it possible for people to work, buy food, and build homes. Not to mention order that prevented cholera and shit in the streets. The Harvard PhDs steal the money that was supposed to pay to repair a man’s house, steal the money that was supposed to feed his pregnant wife, then they steal his house, and prevent him from getting a job.

The mulatto thugs were stationary bandits. They knew if you stole a man’s house and prevented him from getting a job and forced his pregnant wife to eat dirt, then next week there would be nothing to steal. The Harvard PhDs are mobile bandits. They do not care, because they figure that next week they will be “aiding” Bangladesh, or “liberated Syria”, or some such, so are entirely comfortable with starving women eating dirt contaminated with shit.

Oliver Cromwell says:

I’ve personally found mulatto thugs to be good company, certainly much better than leftists of my own race and class. It is not their fault they are dumb. Most of them I have spent any time with seem to realise and regret that they are dumb. Upper middle class white lefitsts do not realise and regret that they are wicked.

Mister Grumpus says:

Dude I totally feel you here. I don’t interact with a lot of lower-class browns, but when I do I do so with respect and humor, and honestly it goes pretty well.

Jews too. “I know you’re Jewish. I know that comes with a special set of anxieties, consequences of x, y and z.” And we’re on the level from there out.

But it’s the upper-class white fancy-pantses who can fuck you over. Maybe it’s because they’re the ones with no backup. No tribe to fall back to. Like the bullied kid with no father to help settle scores.

What do you think it is?

Motet says:

The orgasmic pleasure of gratuitous destruction.

Kevin C. says:

“What do you think it is?”


Motet says:
jim says:

Such deeply caring humanitarians. Can’t you just feel the love.

Starman says:

In fact, you can feel the rising heat and warmth from all that burning due to that humanitarian love!

Glenfilthie says:

You still need somebody to beat the black cop’s ass if he doesn’t do his job, Jim. Consider Hurricane Katrina, where black cops wandered the aisles of Walmart, stealing along with the mobs they were supposed to control. Blacks simply cannot govern themselves. Can mulattoes? If you say so – although I’ve heard it said that you can take the boy out of the jungle…but you can’t take the jungle out of the boy. Obama was a mulatto and wasn’t fit to shine shoes in a whore house.

jim says:

Mulatto thugs with good incentives will do a better job, did do a better job, than Harvard PhDs with bad incentives. A stationary mulatto bandit will do, did do, a better job than a mobile Harvard PhD bandit, who expects to be helicoptered into a job “aiding” Burma next week.

jim says:

> You still need somebody to beat the black cop’s ass if he doesn’t do his job

A mulatto whose mansion depends on the black cop doing his job is the right man for that job.

A Jew from Harvard who figures he will be in Burma next week is the wrong man for that job.

vxcc2014 says:

The great mass of the volunteer American armed forces are screened very carefully for practical intelligence via the ASVAB, strictly minor or no criminal offenses-even 2 traffic tickets or 2 speeding tickets may bar you – and screened heavily all the time for drugs. Also full physical and mental battery.

We’re not a mass of borderline criminals and cretins led by competent.
We’re a mass of competent highly trained professionals that are enslaved to incompetent, insane and criminal civilians – we could say politicians but ultimately I’m referring to the voters. > this is also reflected in our voting records, we reliably vote GOP [gagging perhaps] and support Trump to the Hilt.

J I don’t know where or when you served but hell even my newark NJ area guard unit doesn’t match your description.

so fuck you. seriously.

Our problem is we are your slaves. And you’re cretins.

Anonymous 2 says:

But when Trump gave them an easy way out, why did the Armed Forces instead choose to stand with trannies and defy the GE? Seems pretty dumb unless it’s turning into one big Signal Corps.

Dan says:

“But when Trump gave them an easy way out, why did the Armed Forces instead choose to stand with trannies and defy the GE?”

Everyone gets this wrong. It was a judge that overturned Trumps tran ban.

Anonymous 2 says:

WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary Jim Mattis late Tuesday announced that transgender troops will be allowed to continue serving in the military pending the results of a study by experts.

The announcement follows an order from President Trump — first announced in a tweet — declaring that transgender service members can no longer serve in the military, effectively reversing an Obama administration policy. The order also affects the Department of Homeland Security, which houses the Coast Guard.

“Once the panel reports its recommendations and following my consultation with the secretary of Homeland Security, I will provide my advice to the president concerning implementation of his policy direction,” Mattis said in the statement. “In the interim, current policy with respect to currently serving members will remain in place.”


Anon says:

There are a few articles out where the armed forces tacitly admit that a recruit with a higher ASVAB score is more desirable than people with a lower score:



>”Smarter soldiers, RAND has found historically, are better fighters. One study showed that tank crew members were less effective in destroying the enemy than recruits who had scored higher on military tests.”

The Army and Marines were always sort of dim. But the Navy declining to the point where they’re crashing ships into each other is a bad sign. The Air Force will be next. Also with all the diversity hiring going on in the FAA I wouldn’t put it past the new crop of air traffic controllers to start smacking planes into each other soon. If you’re going to visit your family this Christmas, take the train! Or don’t…


Motet says:

>diversity hiring going on in the FAA

You don’t know the half of it.

Contaminated NEET says:

It sounds like you know a good deal more than the half. By all means, share.

PBW says:

Looking across the globe, it seems pretty obvious that every single nation that has an itch for sovereignty is taking the Trump admin period as a moment to houseclean the blue empire influence. This will accelerate the decline of the empire as a whole by giving nations breathing room and subsequently time to foster internal institutions for when the psychopaths from state, cia and the ngos want to return. Even Burma is telling the blue empire to pound sand as they clean out muslims.

Mackus says:

It’s happening. Trump just executive-ordered a coup.
And on the grounds of human rights abuses. Oh, the irony.

jim says:

We don’t know it is a Trump coup yet. Could be he is capitulating to demands by the blue empire of the consulates that he confiscate the assets of thought criminals. But yes, could be the long awaited Trump purge.

When Stalin launched his purge of the left, he purged rightists to disguise it as a purge of the right, though it rapidly came to pass that leftists found themselves being identified as rightists. The shape of things will probably be intelligible only in retrospect.

Aldo says:

>Could be he is capitulating to demands by the blue empire of the consulates that he confiscate the assets of thought criminals.

Every example with filthy enough laundry to be worth the bother is either an open Leftie or Cuckservative.

Kevin C. says:

Well, with the likes of Artem Chayka, Sergey Kusiuk, Ramzan Kadyrov, and especially General Maung Maung Soe all being on the list, I suspect this is indeed capitulation to the “blue empire.”

Kevin C. says:

Jim, Feb. 16: “Give him time. I predicted he would start to move around March or so. I would not get worried until some time in August.”

Jim, Feb. 25: I earlier posted on my blog that to accomplish deportations, he would have to do what Tony Abbot did. And, low and behold, Trump on Tuesday issued a couple of memos issuing guidance to Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers that they should do things Tony Abbot style – should deport immigrants without taking them to court.”

And yet, border crossings are now back up to Obama levels, and José Inés García Zárate found not guilty of murder. And on Oct. 9, you admitted the Great replacement “has continued during his presidency.”

“I expect an escalating confrontation with the courts with Trump ignoring the courts, and the courts proclaiming him and his entire administration anathema, and attempting to do an impeachment from the bench, with Trump winning in October or November of 2017.”

Did this happen in October or November? I don’t seem to remember it happening.

“If he does not decisively settle matters with the courts before the mid term elections, then I will get worried.”

Does it look like that’s going to happen? And how are those midterms looking after the Moore loss, and electing the tranny in Virginia?

Jim, Feb. 26: “As for the wall, I expect that ditches will be dug and concrete poured by 2017 May first”

Jim, Mar. 6, on repealing Obamacare: “Worrying, but early days yet”

Is it still “early days,” Jim? Where’s that Obamacare repeal?

Jim, Mar. 18: “The time approaches”

And let me guess, it’s still approaching?

Jim, Mar. 19: “Trump’s budget allocates funds for wall building starting during 2017. Companies bidding on the wall are expected to produce demonstration samples by this time in April – which means that my February 25th prediction that concrete would pour by May first will be fulfilled, though maybe that is only demonstration concrete, and the real concrete will not pour till after May first. Some concrete will pour before May first, and the real concrete not long after.”

Where’s that concrete, Jim?

“As for the purge, Trump recently compared himself to Andrew Jackson, which indicates the purge is coming. As to when it comes: Shortly after Gorsuch is confirmed, Trump will prepare some drama, confrontation with the courts will begin, and when we see that drama, it will then be possible to make predictions about the purge.”

Gorsuch was confirmed in April. And…?

“Trump is signaling that he is going to go Andrew Jackson on our vile, evil and criminal judiciary.”

And yet, where has he gone “Andrew Jackson”?

Jim, Mar 20: “The reason I expected Trump to win is that I did not believe the polls, and continue to not believe the polls.

Trump has near universal support among young white males, and when push comes to shove, and the way the wind blows push is going to come to shove fairly soon, that is all that will matter.”

Still backing this? What’s “fairly soon” mean anyway? 2020?

Jim, Apr. 1: “I hope and I believe that the reason that Trump has been pussyfooting around lately is that he wants to get his man on the supremes first, and that once Gorsuch is in, we shall see the old Trump once more, that once his man his in, he will, we will, confront the judiciary and purge the spies.

His inaction so far on the judiciary and the spies has me worried – but not that worried. I expect to see the old Trump back once Gorsuch is confirmed.

It took Abbott ten months of confrontation before he deemed the time ripe to go Andrew Jackson on the judges, and I am not necessarily expecting Trump to go any quicker, but I expect the sparks to start flying very shortly after Gorsuch is in.”

And how did that go?

Jim, Apr. 2: “The left is listening in on his phone calls and reading his emails. He cannot listen in on their phone calls and read their emails. When this is reversed, then his autocoup will go like a hot knife through butter.”

Any sign that this “reversal” will ever happen?

“Trump intends to rule. Pretty sure he knew this was going to be resisted and intends to deal with it. That he invokes Andrew Jackson, notorious for ignoring judges and declaring martial law, and that he is pissing on the judges, tells me he has a plan.”

And how is that “plan” proceeding?

Jim, Apr. 3: “With the vanishing of Tranny Thor and the like, has come a similar vanishing of sex incidents in software engineering. Are smart engineers no longer talking down to affirmative action engineerettes in the art harem? Are horny engineers no longer finding excuses to visit the art harem to hit on the affirmative action engineerettes?”

And then came Damore, and now “Me Too.”

“The schedule I expect is that Gorsuch gets confirmed pretty soon, probably on Friday of this week. Trump then proceeds to confront the judiciary until he provokes them into doing something sufficiently scandalous, arrogant, unconstitutional, and unpopular, or a long sequence of such acts culminating in something more disgraceful than usual, and then Trump pulls an Andrew Jackson.

The ten months is how long it takes to get 51% of the the voters into his pocket on pulling an Andrew Jackson.”

That “ten months” puts us at next February. Still sticking to that timeline? Still think he can “get 51% of the the voters into his pocket on pulling an Andrew Jackson”?

Jim, Apr. 4: “True, the government is still bringing in hordes of black male military age Muslims screaming for infidel blood and white pussy, and dumping them on marginal electorates in flyover country, but after Friday, Trump no longer has to worry about queering Gorsuch’s judgeship, and will have a free hand to stop this.”

And what did he do with that “free hand”?

“Trump is different, but you are right he cannot succeed unless he goes for the jugular and effectively wipes out the republican structure. But I think that there is a real prospect that force of events will lead to him going for the jugular and effectively wiping out the republican structure. He intends to do something about the power of judges, which is a good start on wiping out the republican structure.”

Still think he’s going to “do something about the power of judges”? When? Given that when a female judge overturned his ban on trannies in the military, his administration went to the same judge to request at least a delay on having to recruit new trannies.

“Spenser is not despairing, and indeed is counseling against despai:

“For God’s sake, we are not even a hundred days in.”

“Making declarations of despair is completely stupid”

“The status quo is being disrupted, and this is an opening””

This was pre-Charlottesville, of course. How is Spenser doing now?

Jim, Apr. 6: “Trump’s plan is that Israel can be Jewish, but they have to give up the Holocaust. Not sure that Jews will buy it, but if they do, it is a good deal for us.”

And yet, the latest bit from the German elites in responce to “anti-semitism” from the arriving rapefugees is that they need to better educate them about the Holocaust, and that “all people who live in Germany must understand its historical responsibility to Israel.”

“Bannon not kicked off the security council. He can still attend if he feels like, but he was there to keep an eye on McMaster to smell him out to see if he was loyal to Trump. Has given a clean report on McMaster, so not needed there any more. Bannon is the political commissar, and McMaster is the regular commissar.”

And how’s Bannon doing these days, particularly after Moore defeated?

“Saying mean things about Syria is a strategic retreat, until the guys who really did the Sarin are exposed. Recall Trump on anti semitic threats. 3D Chess.”

And were those guys ever exposed?

Jim, Apr. 10: “But is is not over till it is over, and now that Gorsuch is in, Trump is free to move on lowering the status of judges, preparatory to going Jackson on them.”

Well, has he gone Jackson on them yet?

Jim, Apr. 11: “Proposals for the wall have been submitted. Twenty of them will be asked to build a very short stretch of prototype wall near the border near San Diego starting in June.”

Were they built starting in June, Jim?

“Tony Abbott won as similar battle by going Jackson on the judges. Trump has been making Jacksonian noises.”

And has he gone “Jacksonian” yet, or still just “making noises”?

“Hence my hope that despite his quite genuine intention to accomplish what he promised without destroying the republic and without reintroducing patriarchy and segregation, despite his genuine and loudly proclaimed ambition to be a centrist democratic ruler who moves the Republican party left and pro worker, and moves the Democrats centrist and pro American, the force of events will lead to him dissolving the Republic while preserving its forms.”

How’s that “dissolving the Republic” going? Yes, yes, “too soon to tell,” 9th-Dimensional backgammon or whatever.

Jim, July 22: “He needs to bring in loyalists who can themselves bring more loyalists from outside the swamp. If you are going to drain the swamp, cannot rely on swamp critters.”

And how is that going? Where are these “loyalists”?

Jim, July 23: “The wall, his number one promise, is not yet happening, but what is happening is that the men who will man the wall are acting with authority and energy.”

Again, border crossings are now back up to Obama levels, and José Inés García Zárate found not guilty of murder. Just where is all that “authority and energy” you speak of?

Jim, July 26: “Sessions seems great, because his predecessor under Obama forced taxpayers to fund the murder of cops and forced working class whites to fund their own ethnic cleansing from working class suburbs, but while Sessions is tough on dope dealers, he is not tough on Clintons.”

Yeah, making Sessions A.G., where he keeps recusing himself, and left his Senate seat open to Doug Jones, was such a good idea, wasn’t it?

Jim, Oct. 9: “If he yields, he will be a one term president, and the Republicans, to their immense relief, will be voted out in 2018 and 2020, giving them excuses for not implementing the policy that they run on in elections.

On his performance since the election, and the precedent of every president since Roosevelt, he will yield.”

“To win, he has to bring the White House into line, and then get heavily involved in a bunch of primary fights to remove Republican Party cucks in 2017. Which so far he has not been doing. He has been trying to make a deal with the establishment, a deal consistent with him remaining sufficiently faithful to his base to win re-election, and the establishment just is not having any.

Events so far have been consistent with the Moldbuggian view that elections and all that are as relevant as Queen Elizabeth going in a stagecoach to open the British Parliament. The Permanent Government runs the country day to day, Harvard sets policy, and the American Law Institute, a wholly owned subsidiary of Harvard, legislates.”

Why didn’t you stick with this?

“His attempts to cut a deal have alienated his base, and show absolutely no sign of producing a deal. He is dealing with a group of people institutionally incapable of making a deal. The accusation that Trump is intransigent is pure projection. Social Justice Warriors always project. Trump is alarmingly ready to compromise, but can find no one to compromise with. Winning will require measures that have been unthinkable – yet Tony Abbot and Duterte were willing to deploy such measures. I thought, therefore, Trump would be willing to deploy such measures. So far, however, he has yielded. Trump is a deal maker. He is going to have to be a general.”

Looks like we still have deal-maker Trump, not General Trump.

Jim, Oct 10: “Tony Abbot confronted the rule of judges through the system, before going nuclear. The Trump whitehouse has been unduly compliant to the rule of judges, making it difficult to go nuclear.”

Indeed, and no sign of it changing.

Jim, Oct 24: “We shall see how many adherents the left has when the arc of history starts to bend the wrong way.”

Well, when is that “bending” coming along?

Jim, Oct. 31, on Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly overturning Trump’s ban on trannies in the military: “It is an absurd overreach of judicial power. Trump should just quietly, with no fuss or drama, ignore him. It is a pretty good test case for curbing the power of judges.”

But did Trump ignore her?

WaPo, last week: “A federal judge on Monday denied the Trump administration’s request to delay an order requiring the military to begin accepting transgender recruits starting Jan. 1, saying the argument for more time seemed based on “vague claims.””

And guess which federal judge that was? That’s right, the same Colleen Kollar-Kotelly. Can you say “thank you, ma’am, may I have another”?

And another female judge, District Judge Marsha Pechman of Seattle, also joined in on ruling against the tranny ban last week.

Jim, Nov. 10: “Trump cannot get anything done because judges claim to exercise judicial powers, legislative powers, and executive powers – a flagrant barefaced violation of the constitution, which at some point is likely to lead to confrontation, after the style of Tony Abbot, Duterte, and Viktor Orbán, who ran into this exact same problem.”

So, going to ever commit to any hard dates, or just keep moving the goalposts and keep saying “early days yet” and “soon” until 2020? Can I also note that Trump just renominated the Obama-appointed “lesbian activist” Chai Feldblum to a third term on the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

peppermint says:

> Jim, Feb. 16: “Give him time. I predicted he would start to move around March or so. I would not get worried until some time in August.”

Turns out, #metoo began in October. So Jim was underestimating how long it takes to destroy an enemy that partly controls what the people see and has controlled schools for decades.

> “I expect an escalating confrontation with the courts with Trump ignoring the courts, and the courts proclaiming him and his entire administration anathema, and attempting to do an impeachment from the bench, with Trump winning in October or November of 2017.”

Liberals are very angry that the SC reinstated the muslim ban and about the Gorush interpretation of the 1st amendment.

> And how are those midterms looking after the Moore loss, and electing the tranny in Virginia?

The same as before

> Jim, Feb. 26: “As for the wall, I expect that ditches will be dug and concrete poured by 2017 May first”

Wall is being built.

> Is it still “early days,” Jim? Where’s that Obamacare repeal?

Individual mandate repealed in tax bill. Ocare repeal effort made GOPe look stupid.

> Gorsuch was confirmed in April. And…?

There was just a purge EO.

> “Trump is signaling that he is going to go Andrew Jackson on our vile, evil and criminal judiciary.”

> And yet, where has he gone “Andrew Jackson”?

He needs the SC to contradict him before he can ignore the SC.

> push is going to come to shove fairly soon, that is all that will matter.”
> Still backing this? What’s “fairly soon” mean anyway? 2020?

No one knows.

> Jim, Apr. 2: “The left is listening in
> Any sign that this “reversal” will ever happen?

The inability to respond coherently to anything while liberal institutions are burning down?

> Jim, Apr. 3: “With the vanishing of Tranny Thor and the like, has come a similar vanishing of sex incidents in software engineering. Are smart engineers no longer talking down to affirmative action engineerettes in the art harem? Are horny engineers no longer finding excuses to visit the art harem to hit on the affirmative action engineerettes?”

> And then came Damore, and now “Me Too.”

That’s a total non sequitur. Or maybe the cannibalism could come in part from the inability of the predators to attack their usual prey.

> This was pre-Charlottesville, of course. How is Spenser doing now?

the same as before

> Jim, Apr. 6: “Trump’s plan is that Israel can be Jewish, but they have to give up the Holocaust. Not sure that Jews will buy it, but if they do, it is a good deal for us.”

> And yet, the latest bit from the German elites in responce to “anti-semitism” from the arriving rapefugees is that they need to better educate them about the Holocaust, and that “all people who live in Germany must understand its historical responsibility to Israel.”

German elites are normal Israeli jews?

> “Saying mean things about Syria is a strategic retreat, until the guys who really did the Sarin are exposed. Recall Trump on anti semitic threats. 3D Chess.”

> And were those guys ever exposed?

No, but Assad and Putin won.

Holy shit that’s a long comment for how glib it is. Fuck you for making me read that far.

jim says:

> Indeed, and no sign of it changing.
> Jim, Oct 24:

> > “We shall see how many adherents the left has when the arc of history starts to bend the wrong way.”

> Well, when is that “bending” coming along?

Bending quite a bit. Despite the many disappointments and incorrect predictions that you so accurately list, observe that the great rape crisis in our universities, where toxic masculine white heterosexual males raped half the coeds, has quietly and mysteriously vanished.

Observe that when the Pope called the masses onto the streets to murder Jews in response to Trump recognizing Jerusalem, nobody came.

Observe that when Trump relegalized mining and drilling, Obama’s mighty mob of protesters failed to reappear.

The left can no longer bring the masses onto the streets to murder, destroy, and terrorize. So, yes the arc of history is bending the wrong way, and we are seeing considerably fewer adherents, the most conspicuous recent example of this being the anemic response when the call went out to murder Jews. Also notice the absolutely total lack of response to the State Department agitating for color revolution in Burma and the Philippines.

So far, much less than I hoped for, much less than I expected, much less than I predicted. But a whole lot more than nothing at all. Not a dog barked.

As for the rape crisis in Silicon Valley: See the left devour its own, while the right cheers.

Alrenous says:


Reading between the lines, this article says proggies are starting to voluntarily try to avoid upsetting Trump.


‘Retrograde’ is apparently the new term for reactionary, in the meaning of, “Beyond the right edge of the Overton window, as interpreted by Democrats.” Of course, can’t call them reactionaries anymore, as that would reveal everyone from Moldbug to Trump is reactionary in that sense. And why NR expects us to believe there’s enough of them in DC to have any power, I don’t know. Trump excepted, since he doesn’t need e.g. a whole committee’s worth to have any effect.

Aldo says:

>the Pope called the masses onto the streets to murder Jews in response to Trump recognizing Jerusalem

And when was that?

Aldo says:

Give up goy.

Starman says:

(((Kevin C.)))

pdimov says:

“Once we’re airborne I asked Bannon how the presidency had changed Trump. “He’s much more moderate,” Bannon said, sipping a Fiji water. “He’s an accommodationist. Trump’s tendency is to always get Maggie Haberman in there. He reads The New York Times. To him that’s the paper of record.” For a presidency defined by Twitter, Bannon said Trump has a limited grasp of new media. “He doesn’t go online. That’s a huge thing. I mean Orrin Hatch”—who’s 83—“goes online! Trump reads printouts.””

jim says:

When Stalin was about to slaughter the ever more radical left, he started by slaughtering the not quite left enough, which everyone was used to and expected. And then he started accusing leftists of being rightists, and by the time they realized what he was up to, it was too late for them.

Pretty sure that someone who “just does not get the new media” could not have accomplished what he has accomplished.

The left has gotten used to getting away with blatantly criminal actions. If someone starts going through the dirt, plenty of dirt to be found.

After so many disappointments, I hesitate to say “this time he is definitely going to do it”, but announcing that everyone is very angry with the FBI at the same time as he grants himself draconian new powers to punish his enemies by presidential proscription is considerable reason to be hopeful.

The named list of genocidal or corrupt people are all people that the blue empire has it in for. But no one is more genocidal (the Congo) or more corrupt (Haiti) than the blue empire itself.

jb says:

Any white guy who joins the U.S. military, particularly the Army or Marines, is a fool who deserves to get his legs blown off. He’s fighting for a permanent regime, a deep state, whose proudest brag is that it is wiping his people off the face of the earth. White boycott of the Army and Marines. Bring the regime’s excellent little overseas adventures to an end. This ain’t America, this is what’s taken the place of America and it’s thoroughly rotten and genocidal toward whites. Don’t fight for it.

peppermint says:

Boycotting is impossible because the military doesn’t really need that many people, and unrealistic because young White men love uniforms, and will simply mean that all the soldiers are our enemies instead of over half of them being us, many with our ideas and practicing taqiyya.

I was hanging out with two former soldiers just back from the sands of the desert people at college. One of them said, why do we need to kill them for their oil when we could spend less trading with them. The other said, > implying that it’s their oil. That was the first time I had ever heard a voice for American nationalism.

From an external perspective, it makes sense to want the American military to be completely incapable of destroying the White world in a conventional battle, and it doesn’t matter if it’s used against the Americans because as soon as that happens Eastern Europe goes hard nationalist. But “our” military is already incapable of projecting force, and it would be bad for Americans if it was easy to use against us. Maybe it’s selfish and sentimental, but I don’t think the Whites in “our” military today are harming our race.

[…] Jim kept us abreast of current events this week, so no grand pronouncements on the evils of female emancipation. Darn. Anyway, Jim observes that the Blue Empire of consulates continues to collapse. […]

eternal anglo says:

Let us hope that the collapse does not involve nuclear weapons. Because it is looking as if our nuclear weapons have not had proper maintenance for quite some time.

Wouldn’t fizzles result in a less destructive nuclear war?

eternal anglo says:

I’m thinking of a Western civil war. No doubt Chinese nukes are fully functional.

jim says:

Well that would be great if they use nuclear weapons in a civil war, but I suspect that they will go to war with external enemies at about the same time as they go to hot war with internal enemies. That Russia recently produced a nuclear cruise missile implies its nuclear technology still works.

eternal anglo says:

Yeah, that Western regimes are the insane ones implies that they, not Russia, China or North Korea, will launch first, leading to the worst possible outcome (for us) in which “our” anti-force first strike fizzles, leaving their anti-value counter strike at near full strength. Maybe they’ll have the sense to target blue zones.

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