
How to make peace in the Ukraine

The Ukraine war is existential for Russia and Russians.

Russia has no natural borders, and a long history of the unpleasant consequences of having no natural borders. America’s natural borders are the oceans, and it takes a very dim view of hostile foreign powers on the wrong side of the ocean. Monroe doctrine, Cuban crisis.

The Cuban crisis nearly went nuclear, and the Ukraine is likely to go nuclear if Russia does not get neutral buffer states on its borders and a satisfactory mutual security arrangement with Nato and America.

The events of the nineteen nineties, and the events following 2014 demonstrated to Russia and Russian that America and Nato are hostile foreign powers, that it needs buffer states. It may not be politically possible to create neutral buffer states, but if that turns out to be politically impossible, it is definitely physically possible to create ruined, desolate, and depopulated deserts.

This is, of course, very unfair to the barking chihuahua states on Russia’s borders. Russia does not care. This is existential. Americans worry about democracy, Russians worry about security, which, given Russian history, is not very surprising. And the history of events related to the Monroe doctrine demonstrate that Americans are far from oblivious about security either.

Any peace deal has to create a neutral Ukraine and give Russia substantial re-assurance about America and Nato, a security arrangement similar to that proposed in 2022. Otherwise, we are going to wind up with deserts along Russia’s borders, and possibly radioactive deserts everywhere.

Probably Russia would have been satisfied with that security arrangement had it been accepted, but the Western response to that proposal confirmed that Russia needs neutral buffer states along its borders. Or, failing that, desolation.

Unfortunately a major faction of Thermidor, and a major faction of the Trump cabinet, are unable to see how Russians see this, and are stubbornly headed into total war. They are going to see any peace that Russia might agree with as surrender and rewarding aggression. Which, of course, it is. Russia does not like the status quo of permanent low level war against Russia and hostile states aligned with a menacing and violent hostile power on its borders, wants to change it, and is willing to change it by violence. Giving them what they wanted before they engaged in high level violence would have avoided all this. Giving them what they wanted after they have engaged in high level violence to get it is going to be very embarrassing. Not giving them what they want is likely to lead to considerably greater violence. The more stuff the US throws at them, the more pissed they get and the more determined they become to change an intolerable status quo in their favor. And events in the Ukraine have demonstrated that they can change it in their favor, at considerable cost, regardless of what America throws at them. If not a neutral Ukraine, a Ukraine with no Ukrainians. Can the noisy chihuahuas around Kaliningrad be far behind? For a long time we have been seeing social media post from Ukraine complaining that there are no men around. Now we see posts complaining no one around, for women have fleeing for lack of men, and in anticipation of conscription of women being extended, and the borders becoming closed to women, as they are to men.

So how can Trump resolve this mess without being so embarrassed, and looking so weak, as to break the Thermidor coalition?

I hope that Vance’s Munich speech was the tactic to accomplish this. Making capitulation a win:

It was obvious that the violent overthrow of the democratically elected government by the Nuland cabal in the Maidan events was unpopular in the Ukraine, for the Global American Empire immediately installed an oppressive authoritarian state that suppressed dissent and crushed liberty in the way that we have recently seen in Brazil, Europe, and Canada, and were beginning to see in America. The Ukraine prefigured all that, plus they suppressed opposition parties. After what has gone down, it is probably even more unpopular, though it is hard to tell due to the high level of repression.

So one deal that might cover Trump’s ass is a short term truce, say three months, to allow for the ending of martial law and all that in the Ukraine, so that free and fair elections can take place. And then hold elections that are actually (gasp) free and fair. Which would likely produce a Ukrainian national government committed to neutrality and buffer state status, and a large minority of local governments committed to union with Russia. Oh, says Trump, will of the people. Russia and the newly elected government agree to peace, and as part of that peace, America and Nato agree to a mutual security arrangement. Hey, not a defeat, Trump could say. Rather, “democracy has triumphed. America, is great again”. Vance in Munich announced priorities that would make a peace deal like that not a defeat, but a victory.

In the past I said that Trump was playing 4D chess, but his enemies kicked over the chessboard. Which made it hard to discern whether he was actually playing 4D chess. This time around, he is ready for enemies that kick over the chessboard, so we will learn if he really is playing 4D chess.

His enemies are screaming that they are going to kick over the chessboard all over again. If a large part of the Thermidor switches back to the Democrats, they might well be able to do so. Meanwhile, however, Pete Hegseth is wooing the grunts and the ncos.

153 comments How to make peace in the Ukraine

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Because The Biden organized itself around namelessness, there was no way for it to adjust course on an issue, only double down, or displace it with another form of satanism. Consequently, irrespective of the fact that anyone who did not have their lips sewn to the assholes dumping shit could see that the material deconstruction of the Kiev Occupational Forces was inevitable including the assholes themselves, there was no capability of negotiating regardless. This lead to some speculation that perhaps one plan would be to have Trump win and then blame him for ‘betraying ukraine’ while taking the surrender they sorely needed to avoid the complete destruction of their power projection.

Trump, of course, would never play along nicely with such a ploy. Moreover, the same sorts of thermidoreans that might countenance such a ploy all largely defected to the new emperor’s court in the first place. Doubtlessly those of the activist classes will say so regardless and in any case, but none of them quite seem capable of whipping up a good narrative and getting every one of their fellows behind it; by design naturally.

From Putin’s point of view the obvious question is what good are any arrangements when they could just as well conceivably be torn to shreds a mere four years from now; or even sooner, via chaotic action by the headless hydra that is the intel-ngo complex.

May well be, probably be, that ‘regime change’ in the ukraine is necessary for peace to break out before complete debellation; which is to say, would need significant ‘regime change’ at the cia and department of state, center of government for the ukrainian administration.

The Cominator says:

The war faction seems rather weak among the non shitlibs given that Trump just openly knifed them immediately after his major confirmations came through and no Republican has said anything openly. Some went to kiss the cokehead’s ring in his bunker in Poland apparently but thats it.

If you want to make peace keep every other power outside the negotiation except the US and Russia and make sure someone who isn’t in the war faction is leading the negotiations for the US. If you are forced to have Zelensky there for whatever reason make sure wherever he is confined for the peace talks he can’t get cocaine in no matter what… I imagine he’ll sign whatever he is told to rather quickly.

Jim says:

So far it is going down smooth as chocolate, but Putin has been consistently demanding denazification, neutrality, buffer state status, and a new mutual security arrangement, and if Trump delivers, the proverbial is going to hit the fan, because Trump will be rewarding aggression, not to mention delivering a major smackdown to Jewish power outside Israel and the Middle East.

He is likely to pair this with with something really violent in favor of Jewish power in the Middle East, to distract attention, and keep the balance in the coalition between Jews and whites.

Fidelis says:

something really violent in favor of Jewish power in the Middle East

What do you think the potential actions are?

He has already committed to breaking up the west bank, hasn’t he? That implies violence towards the Palestinians that refuse to leave.

The Suez canal blockade probably should be dealt with as well, or did that resolve when I wasn’t looking?

S says:

It paused with the Hamas-Israel ceasefire.

Hesiod says:

Some reckoning pr0n for all to enjoy: German diplomat Christoph Heusgen breaks down weeping in the wake of Vance’s speech:


Your Uncle Bob says:

I’m just now getting around to watching Vance’s speech itself. Has some real red meat around mass immigration and asylum seekers, without cloaking it in “just come legally.” Points out the roughly 1 in 5 of population are immigrants number for both Europe and US. Doesn’t go as far as saying what to do about it, but in the present climate merely saying the quiet part out loud it out hints at what to do about it.

Also calls out overturning that first round presidential election result in Romania, and suggests engaging in dialogue with populist parties worried about immigration. These seem reasonable points to a rightwing American, but must be a real rug-pull for a monoparty European ruling class.

In tone and style I would call normally call it very mild, but the actual substance of it does explain the hysterical reactions it’s received.

Bix Nudelmann says:

Maybe it was Mearsheimer who noted that since the most hard-core Nazi types are around Lviv/Lvov, Putin might pacify them by allowing/encouraging Poland to take over that western side of the country, and Hungary the little predominantly-Hungarian Transcarpathia region. There’s a Romanian scrap over there too.

If they (Russia, Poland, Hungary and Romania) could coordinate with each other and all move together, maybe it would go down smooth. Still plenty of Ukraine left over to be “independent” and neutral.

Jim says:

Russia, Hungary, and Romania moving together is possible, but Poland is very much under the thumb of Trump’s enemies, and very much under the thumb of Trump’s Jewish enemies. And grabbing the Nazi areas of the Ukraine would be a major blow to Jewish power outside of Israel and the Middle East. The most important actor in such a move would be Poland, and to accomplish it, Trump would not only need a counter coup in the Ukraine, but a counter coup in Poland.

Which he might get. Poland is next in line to be fed into the meat grinder if the forever war with Russia is not ended and poles are starting to sweat. It could be sold as compromise. Part of the Ukraine joins Russia, part becomes a neutral buffer state, and parts get incorporated into Nato as parts of Hungary, Romania, and Poland.

GaulAnonymous says:

I want you to be right, but I seriously doubt that my people, the Poles, are actually starting to sweat. There are talks about sending Polish soldiers officially to Ukraine as “peacekeepers” and “logistical support far from front lines”. BS, they’re starting to prep-up public opinion for intervention.
The people and the ruling elites both seem to crave another 1939. There was never more suicidal nation in history, perhaps with exception of Hebrews circa 70AD.
There is “libertarian” controlled opposition candidate for president, that swine Mentzen. It seems that establishment media is promoting him as new cucked centre-right establishment party to replace politically spent Law and Justice party. He supported Ukrainian adventurism from the start.
There is genuine opposition in Grzegorz Braun, who was anti-Covidianist and anti-Ukrainist from the start, but official media give him 1-5%, so deep state is not letting him win like US Thermidore did for Trump.

Jim says:

This amazes me. There are rather few Ukrainians left. So the Poles are going to follow them into the meat grinder? This like cockroaches going into a cockroach trap that is already full of dead cockroaches.

You are there and I am not, so I believe you. Plus Poland was suicidal in 1939, so it is entirely plausible that it is suicidal in 2025 all over again.

But why? Why the first time, and why now the second time? What is up with that? At least the first time they were not staring at a pile of dead people down the path in front of them, and did not have a big pile of dead people on the path behind them.

War is easy, peace is hard, as falling off a cliff is easy, and climbing a cliff is hard. What is it with people playing silly games on a cliff? I can understand it when the last horrifying and terrible war is beyond living memory, but the Ukraine has fresh bodies all over the place. And a whole lot of those dead bodies are linguistically and ethnically Polish. It is not like blacks killing blacks in Africa. It is near in time, and near in degrees of separation.

Preventing war requires you to understand how the other guy sees stuff. You don’t have to agree, but you have to understand, you have to be able to see what he sees, even you think he is seeing it wrong. And if you refuse to do that, you are likely to get killed, and get everyone around you killed. The Russians see this conflict as existential. Lots of people will say that they don’t, they could not possibly be that silly. But that is how they see it, and they have a basis for seeing it that way. It might be wrong, but it is not silly.

A long time ago I, armed, politely explained to an armed criminal that he posed an existential threat to me. He did not get it. Maybe he did not pose an existential threat. Maybe I was wrong. Very possibly I was wrong. But it should have been believable that I thought he did. Maybe he thought that not listening to me boosted his status and lowered my status. That, however, should not have been important under the circumstances. Maybe he thought I was bullshitting, as people think the Russians are bullshitting. Maybe the Russians are bullshitting. We should not want to find out.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Speculative, but probably one part of being great enough to still exist, but not great enough to be more than a speedbump for the neighbors if shit goes down, combined with another part of memory of the time they wus kings; historical slights and constantly spoiling to settle the scales on the latest historical slight.

France is between Spain and Germany, but people did not think of France as something that is ‘trapped between powers’, because it was one of the powers.

Jim says:

Historical slights are felt when current slights are salient. Current wars should be salient, but strangely, are not.

There are a lot of very yippy chihuahuas around,

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

An unfortunately large number of poles with muscovite derangement syndrome; all too willing to forget the future and bring harm to themselves (and those around them) if it means spiting in the eye of russia in the process. Much the same animus as those in the ukraine getting in bed with the great satan.

GaulAnonymous says:

Pseudo-Chrysostom might have about the right take on this. Pure derangement: being American cannon fodder allows Poles to feel that they’re important again. In 1939 it was “Poland first to fight!” I think next version could be “We were nuked first!”

A lot of individual people seem to agree with me that this is pointless and that when Ukraine was under pro-Russian Yanukovych we had no problems with them. But it doesn’t translate to public sphere, we don’t have memes to turn private skepticism into public opposition to war. Anything less than “full support sar” for Ukraine means you’re “Russian sock puppet”.
Ten years ago, some pro-Americans actually understood we’re making mistake, foreign minister Sikorski was then secretly recorded after returning from summit with USA: “we got nothing in return, we gave Americans blowjob!”. I think since then Mr Sikorski has corrected his wrongthink.

“Ukraine has fresh bodies all over the place. And a whole lot of those dead bodies are linguistically and ethnically Polish.” And if one points this out too loudly, one is liable to be accused of sabotaging Polish-Ukrainian friendship. Most of media stopped reporting nationalities of violent criminals, because they’re our eastern brothers. We see in real time early stages of development of an eastern European version of “Ignore Pakistani rape gangs, ignore trucks of peace, do it for Diversity”. I once saw Ukrainian criminal reported as “Russian-speaker”!

“Preventing war requires you to understand how the other guy sees stuff.” I don’t think anti-Russian Poles understand themselves, much less understand Russia.

I pray to God that I am just blackpiling, and that deep state (general Kiszczak’s heirs) have better grasp on reality than clowns like Tusk.

Me says:

“Bodies? What bodies? If you’re seeing bodies, you’re Putin’s puppet!1!! Now off to the meatgrinder you go, you useful idiot! We are winning!”

The Cominator says:

Europoors who want to fight Russia now if they be not shills sound batshit insane to me.
1. Hitler had 200 fighting divisions for Barbarossa and he still lost can the EU muster even 5…
2. Why do men want to fight for a feminist globohomo dystopian economic zone in any case?
The idea that they can win sounds like a fat drunk arguing he can beat up some champion boxer or MMA fighter.
> But Russia looks weak and retarded barely beating Ukraine
Hitler thought the same with the Soviets and Finland but once again at least he could send in 200 divisions and he still lost… what hope does the 5 division EU have (but but they could expand that)… not fast enough.

Bix Nudelmann says:

“There are talks about sending Polish soldiers officially to Ukraine as ‘peacekeepers’ and ‘logistical support far from front lines’.”

I reflexively presume that this IS the (barely even armed?) Polish invasion/annexing force to grab western Ukraine. To me it’s obvious that that’s what this is.

But you don’t see it that way? How far up my asshole am I?

Jim says:

There is probably strategic ambiguity. Some of them intend to grab the Polish part of the Ukraine, which Putin has indicated he would not be unduly troubled by provided that they stick to ethnic Poles, and some them intend to feed Poland into the meat grinder when they run out of Ukrainians, and no one knows who intends what.

Jehu says:

Plebiscite in every analog of a county in the Ukraine. They have several options—be annexed to Russia, be part of a new Russia-allied polity, or be part of the rump state of the Ukraine. If they’re adjacent to another state with majority same ethnicity (e.g. Polish on the Polish border), that can be an option too. Absolutely fair and free election held under a microscope. Rump state of Ukraine bound tighter than Japan in constitution to neutrality, and given a security guarantee by both the US and Russia analogous to Belgium. That’s how I’d make peace in the Ukraine. If a major bone to the Jews is required, ratify the cleansing of Gaza and turn it into a corporation with substantial amounts of its stock going to Palestinians. Clearly the PA and Israel can’t share a land border. We’ll see if they can share the same sky.

Eli says:


There is data from several months ago. If you read it correctly, it says that only a bit more than 25% of Ukrainians support peace with territorial concessions (the only version of peace acceptable to Russia right now). Less than a third of their population, basically, supports territorial concession (and they are marginalized). In other words, all that we’ve been hearing about Zelenskyy’s lack of support is incorrect. Zelenskyy might no longer be popular individually, but when it comes to the most important thing: concession to the Russians, his and his subordinates’ popular support base is secure and exerts pressure on him to not surrender to Russia’s terms. I’d wager now, Zelenskyy is not a simple “marionette” and will not be negotiating, in any way other than as a stall technique, to cater to the sizable population of hawks & neo-nazis in Kiev and other non-fighting areas. The US can force that surrender to happen if it uncompromisingly withdraws military support, but it will take time to percolate in the psyche of the populace and Zelenskyy’s immediate circle. Europe, especially the UK and France, will try to continue its own support and will finance all the drones, guns, and vehicles, as well as various supplies, which is the bare minimum needed for continuing war.

How long? Again, I don’t believe surrender is likely to happen this year, and there could even be a complete frontline collapse before surrender happens. Possibly, a whopping 15-30% of young (18-24 yo) men still present in the country may be killed when that comes. Russia has leverage in men and weapons, but the frontline is way too big, and Russian leverage is not sufficient for overwhelming advantage, to induce total collapse in the immediate future. I hate to be negative, but this speculation does not contradict current data. There might yet be a radical recognition by the populace of their lost cause, but I’m not seeing it yet.

The Cominator says:

Lock Zelensky in a peace conference hotel and make sure he can’t get cocaine no matter what, he’ll sign anything.

Jim says:

> If you read it correctly, it says that only a bit more than 25% of Ukrainians support peace with territorial concessions (the only version of peace acceptable to Russia right now).

Perhaps, but the Ukraine is a terror state and has been since 2014, so such information is unlikely to be reliable. There are rather few Ukrainians left, and they are rapidly and visible diminishing. The writing is on the wall. And 75% are fine with what has gone down, and what is going to go down? What in retrospect was obvious would go down after 2014? What Viktor Orbán predicted?

A terror state has seventy five percent support? For fight to the last Ukrainian? Does not see terribly likely.

If 75% are opposed to peace with territorial concessions, that is much the same thing as 75% supporting Maidan. Obviously rather less than 50% supported Maidan.

Maybe 75% of Ukrainians want to fight to the last Ukrainian, but Putin has told us that he finds those terms acceptable, and has made good progress to fulfilling them.

Bix Nudelmann says:

I’ve actually heard the idiom “to the last dead Ukrainian” in normie-con podcasts lately.

Meme breach! Clean up on aisle 14!

Upravda says:

From Jim’s mouth to God’s ears.

There would be nothing better for all of us, von der Lügen’s peasants, than the war in Ukraine ending immediately. To Russia, Croats would continue exporting medicines, women’s underwear, and mandarins, Germans would continue exporting cars, and the French would continue exporting perfumes. In exchange, The Spice… I mean, The Gas would would flow again. Unfortunately, not so cheap as before, but cheaper than Russian LNG, and way cheaper than the American LNG.

And there might, just might be even the end of NATO. Doubleplusgood.

By the way, why am I still seeing all that crap about supposed “partition of Ukraine”?!? Where did you get that?!? No even Poles are so fucking stupid that they would want anything to do with Golicija and Gladomerija 🙂 where almost no Pole has lived for the last 80 years.

I guess there will be a Russian Zelenski, probably after some short civil war.

There’s only a slight chance for Rusinsko going its own way, becaues it was actually baćuška Staljin who said that Rusyns are Ukrainians, and all who disagreed were sent to gulags to reconsider their unholy doubts. I guess that Mr. Orban would welcome such country, but I doubt that even he would do anything about establishing it without a tacit approval of the Czar. I mean, president Putin.

JustAnotherGuy says:

Bros, I want to give another bro in my life some advice:

He works 40 hours a week and is a 25+ years old virgin. Tells me he’s fine just working and not looking for women but I tell him its better to be a bum and shagging girls then whatever he is doing (which I think is just nihilism to an extra degree).

Money is not a problem for him, I feel like he is hopelessly despairing that he won’t get a girl (and I’m willing to be his wingman so he gets laid) so he just drowns himself in work to forget. Am I wrong about this?

JustAnotherGuy says:

If only we weren’t in the Kali Yuga, I could tell him to go wife hunting, but because a lot of this as Jim says is pre-verbal, it’s… hard to explain to a virgin what he needs to do.

Maybe I should start off giving him Heartiste, then show Jim’s blog posts on this.

Jim says:

Nothing said in words is as good as wingman who knows what he is doing, but words are great help to understanding what you see happening.

So he need to read up, and he needs to drop work for a time, and go on a little journey.

T says:

and I’m willing to be his wingman so he gets laid

I’m no Casanova — if you really feel blasphemous, you can say that on the internet I am the Alpha, but in real life I am the Omega, which is a funny exaggeration but points to something real — but it’s obvious to me that, at least when it comes to the contemporary “volcel” (incel), you can’t wingman him to lose his virginity. You can’t verblly or ‘behaviorally’ force it on someone who is, 100% rightfully I believe, psychologically scarred from the modern “free” sexual market of Equal Consenting Adults Doctrine, where supposedly the fact that your balls produce 20 times more testosterone than what females have (which just might affect libido), should absolutely, totally not give women a little bit of an “advantage” when it comes to mate choice. Nope; we’re all absolutely equally equal, and oy vey, women are oppressed by your EBUL male gaze.

Maybe he needs to do ketamine/shrooms and read my chudhisattva shitpoasts; what is clear to me though, is that you should not try to convince him to get laid with these offers of help – the first time, possibly the second time too, he should get his dick wet entirely on his own, and of his own volition. It’s only after he gets that initial experience, and acquires some self-confidence, that you can become a helpful wingman for him. We are not in a cheesy kike movie from the 90s; it really is objectively brutal out there, plus, if you’ve ever been to the Prussian Prison system, certainly if you spent twelve or more years incarcerated, then by age 18 you are verifiably traumatized for life, as I presume this man is.

Adam says:

If I was in his position I would get a job as a bartender. Lots of interaction with chicks both the staff and customers. Learn to relax and have fun around them. Once you can relax around them and joke around etc., then just start thinking with your dick.

T says:

I like you bro, but such posts get you sentenced to the Pillow on the Day of the Pillow.

The Cominator says:

Might work if he’s good looking enough

T says:

If he had the adonis looks they are looking for, should not be having trouble in the first place. “Are you a permavirgin? Just become a bartender, bro.” Sorry but this is severe boomerism. I’m familiar with bartending and the night life. You do not, in 2025, tell permavirgins to get laid by starting out as a bartender.

Adam says:

Maybe I am out of touch. But assuming one is fit, and can dress well, a year of bartending beats a year of cold approach and online dating I would think. Realistically you could do all three, and not get real far in a year. But you would get pretty far in a few years.

I know it sucks out there. I have looks and game and all the stuff girls normally go for, and it is just super hard to get a girl to show up on a date. But bartending is still what I would do if I was just starting out.

Or start dealing drugs. One of the two.

T says:

Yes, workaholic nerds in their mid-to-late twenties who have never seen a vagina in real life should become drug dealers to get laid.

I’m tempted by the sin of wrath, even if this was meant entirely as a joke. It is a joke to you perhaps (or not, hard to tell online), but someone out there really is in pain. And it’s not just one person either.

But maybe I’m wrong. If people think this is sound, solid advice, let’s hear the arguments.

Jim says:

Drug dealers get laid a lot because they smell of violence, and because, like bartenders, they get to meet a lot of people, in a social space where they have some power. And the bartender controls the bouncer, which gives him alpha to alpha male cred, even though he does not himself smell of violence.

Meeting people is hard, but smelling of violence is easy, and what a lot of women really hunger for is the sauve respectable man of potential violence, the gentleman adventurer. But any potentially dangerous adventuring works out well, as for example white water rafting guides do very well indeed. They get a double bonus, because tourist chicks are easy. They have deadline to get nailed before they have to go home.

None of which is terribly helpful to our 25 year old virgin. If you are blue pilled, you are not going to get any regardless. Which is why the zoomer generation is having such terrible problems. The men cannot get laid, the girls do get laid, but find the next booty call is strangely late.

The merely written red pill is not going to make you a hit with girls. But it will help you to understand what you see, truly internalising the red pill, which understanding will make you a hit with girls.

T says:

Also, it’s not like boomers and boomer-adjacents would deliberately give bad advice (about all subjects) to harm the competition. Right?

“Just quit your job (or not – why not work several jobs, lazy kid?) and become a bartender so that in several years you will finally get your dick wet. (With a tranny.)”

T says:

If you are blue pilled, you are not going to get any. Which is why the zoomer generation is having such terrible problems.

I don’t think that is the central reason. In terms of thoughtcrime, zoomers are actually relatively redpilled. I think it’s the culmination of opening up the sexual market to absolutely unrestricted female mate choice; also something hormonal or otherwise biological is definitely going on with the females. But mostly it’s Female Sexual Liberation aka Lucifer the Light Bearer and the antisocial media that abets him, e.g., Tinder (for hookups with gigachad) and TikTok (to become seriously mentally ill). Add to that the fact that all pedagogues — male or female, straight or gay — are Herbert the Pervert, and their mass schooling system is designed to cause widespread sexual dysfunction – and there’s your recipe for zoomer sexlessness.

Jim says:

It is certainly true that things are very very bad. But if you have one guy playing alpha and one man playing wingman, and both of you red pilled, you are immediately ahead of the rest of the pack. Some men are still getting laid. Not many, but some. Except that all the chicks are on their phones messaging gigachad.

T says:

Well, having revealed myself as an Israeli already, I’d point out that the religious or semi-religious Jews I see around me who have functional families don’t do any of this weird s**t. I’d say 99.9% of them have no idea who Heartiste is, and would not in a million years come up with Game in its PUA version.

Clearly, the crucial component here is (religiously mandated) social technology or lack thereof; and having as minimal anti-social technology as possible, short of literally establishing the theonomy. Everything else is a distraction, fundamentally. We probably disagree on this issue.

Ron says:


I havent seen this. By my observation functional Israeli males do not have a problem with getting a woman. But I will admit Im not a social person, so perhaps Im reading it wrong.

T says:

functional Israeli males do not have a problem with getting a woman.

We have a culture that allows that to be true in many cases, though not in all cases. I’m trying to teach the world how we do it so that they too can share in the blessing and have an above-replacement TFR and minimize the Blue Balls epidemic. It’s not by reading manosohere content that Israel has that thing going for it, with all due respect. I emphasize the importance of religion-inspired social technologies.

Adam says:

“Also, it’s not like boomers and boomer-adjacents would deliberately give bad advice (about all subjects) to harm the competition. Right?”

Your friend is going to have to pass a lot of shit tests. He is going to have to lead a very active social life, and somehow get the attention of fuckable women.

Drugs and alcohol get you part way there because they already get a lot of attention from fuckable women.

If you want a housewife, move to Afghanistan and buy one. You’re just not going to get anywhere these days in America if you are not doing what you can to become a gigachad.

Make the right sacrifices and in 10 years he might be one.

T says:

I rest my case.

The Cominator says:

Isn’t the Israeli law on rape accusations the worst on the planet and nothing happens to the chick even for repeated false rape accusations. I saw some video where this guy who had left this chick makes constant rape accusations and he has to record all his own movements so he can always prove he was nowhere near her…

alf says:

I did the bartending thing. It’s okay-ish. Helps general social skills, but not the best place to practice game as you instinctively place more importance on not wanting to look weird in front of co-workers than hitting on hot customers.

T says:

Feminist hellhole.

Possibly worse than false rape accusations, sperm theft is rampant, and the religious tradcucks go along with the karen-haired feminists in assraping the Israeli male to death with infinity child support following the sperm theft. Also, getting divorced in Israel will make you strongly sympathize with Hamas.

Good thing there’s vasectomy.

Mayflower Sperg says:

If you want a housewife, move to Afghanistan and buy one.

Good idea, but I’m thinking of moving to Tajikistan when my tourist visa expires so I don’t have to learn yet another language. I don’t know what sort of wives are available there, but it’s worth checking out.

T says:

Tajikistan is actually not a bad idea, and though I don’t much find their women physically attractive, they do know how to prepare a nice meal.

Mayflower Sperg says:

I saw some video where this guy who had left this chick makes constant rape accusations and he has to record all his own movements

I watched that video a couple of times. It was called “No woman, no problem” and produced by Russia Today. YouTube deleted all RT videos in 2022 and I haven’t been able to find it since.

skippy says:

“Well, having revealed myself as an Israeli already, I’d point out that the religious or semi-religious Jews I see around me who have functional families don’t do any of this weird s**t.”

Being part of a community is just an auto-wingman, at least unless the community thinks you suck for some reason. “Wingman” is a response to living in an atomized society.

T says:

Yes, I guess wingmanship is like sati – when the better sort of social technology fails, you cope as you can.

T says:

This return/geulah is unlikely to happen in this generation, save by some miracle, but it’ll happen.

El ha-ma’ayan
Ba gdi
Ba gdi katan.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

Beyond the Torah, there is plenty of good in the mishna and even the gemara.

I don’t think Judaic law is a subject that merits a lot of attention here, but this statement does have me curious.

It is generally our position that everything after the Second Temple amounted to a giant pile of useless and/or destructive legalism. This is really the first time I’ve seen anyone on our side (ostensibly) assert value in it.

So without inviting several pages of squid ink here, maybe you could concisely answer two questions:

1. What is the most based paragraph or passage to come out of these later doctrines? I don’t want to hear about how it’s all over the place, don’t make me choose, etc. Just pick a favorite, anything you think ought to appeal to us based on what you know we believe, like T frequently does from the Old Testament.

2. If you think there is good, can you identify the “when, where, whom” of the bad? Does Talmudic Judaism have its Origen, it’s pile of fags and continuity of personnel who’ve been working for millennia to neuter and subvert whatever healthy and masculine parts were still extant? If you want a return to some “good” form of Phariseeism, assuming for the sake of argument that such a thing existed or could exist, how will you go about separating the good from the bad?

The cult of GNON has a pretty good idea about which parts of Christianity are going into the dumpster, those being the parts that were widely considered heresies to begin with. And the Dharmabros have at least some basic idea of what’s gone wrong with Hinduism vs. the parts that are redeemable (Law of Manu, etc.).

Do the Israeli reactionaries (anyone want to posit a pithy nickname?) have their version of this? Is there more than just a vague idea of “well, it’s not all bad” – is there any clear heuristic for how you’ll clean yourselves up spiritually?

Daddy Scarebucks says:

Sigh. That was supposed to be a response to Eli, but WordPress gonna WordPress and eventually I was bound to accidentally scroll past the one replyable post.

T says:

1. What is the most based paragraph or passage to come out of these later doctrines?

Might as well play the Devil’s Advocate (heh!) and help out a fellow hook-nosed brutha in need, so I’ll answer before/instead of Eli.

Shabbat 152a:

The Gemara relates that Rav Kahana was reading biblical verses before Rav. When he got to this verse, Rav sighed. Rav Kahana said: We can derive from this that Rav’s desire has ceased. Rav Kahana also said: What is the meaning of that which is written: “For He spoke and it was, He commanded and it stood” (Psalms 33:9)? He understands this to mean that God created man with desires that push him to do things he would not do if he acted purely on the judgment of his intellect, and Rav Kahana therefore interprets the verse in the following manner: “For He spoke and it was”; this is a woman that a man marries. “He commanded and it stood”; these are the children who one works hard to raise. A tanna taught in a baraita: A woman is essentially a flask full of feces, a reference to the digestive system, and her mouth is full of blood, a euphemistic reference to menstruation, yet men are not deterred and they all run after her with desire.

T says:

Cuckservatives: Man up and give all your resources to WYMYN.

Based Talmudists: A woman is a flask full of feces and her mouth is full of blood.

Yeah, I still prefer the New Testament and by a wide margin, but the Talmud does contain occasional gems.

T says:

Wife: Good night, hubby.

Husband: Good night, flask full of feces whose mouth is full of blood. Love you so much.

And that’s how you get an average TFR of 11.

That and patriarchy.

T says:

And whoever rejects this Gospel (I don’t give a flying f**k about the clever reasons) will drown, and nobody shall save his declining and blue-balling civilization.

You lower female status relative to male status or Gnon kills you.

T says:

“T, you are an evil, subversive kike who just hates WOMYN.”

No, I hate leftism. In my ponerology, leftism is the evil that calls itself good and calls good evil. There is plenty of evil in the world that doesn’t call itself good – there is plenty of evil in the world that is not leftism. Leftism, however, is the evil that calls itself good.

Those who abolished patriarchy, and now insist on not restoring it, are motivated by evil. They see the results of female sexual liberation, and they like those results. By their fruits you shall know them – their fruits are blue balls and a collapsing civilization.

Jim says:

You expected pushback on the nastiness of that extract from your holy texts calling women a sack of shit.

You got none.

Supplying pushback.

It is nasty. It is also purple pilled. Women are wonderful. Wonderful at being women. Very bad at being men.

Yes, we have to lower the status of women, and they want their status lowered. They are unhappy because their status is too high, and are always walking out on a thin limb hoping it will break under them, which results in all sorts of profoundly irritating misbehavior.

But calling someone a sack of shit is not the path to securing male property rights in women’s sexual, reproductive, and domestic services. Does a farmer think or say his cows are sacks of shit? Did Mohammed say women are sacks of shit? Female inequality is the necessary path to securing cooperate/cooperate equilibrium. Calling people names is not the path.

Women do a great job at performing the role of women. Men could not do it. It is tough. And part of that role is submitting to a man who makes them perform it. It is the toughest job in the world, and the most important. Women are endlessly searching for a man who can make them submit, and cannot find him anywhere.

A sack of shit is dysfunctional. Women function just fine, if men supply them with the correct environment. Which is male authority, male care, and male supervision. You don’t care for and supervise a sack of shit. The New Testament has the correct take on this. Women should fear their husbands, and husbands should cherish their wives.

You went looking through Jewish texts for red pilled stuff. Found the purple pill. Which is admittedly better than woke or post Christianity, but still sucks.

T says:

By the way, I’ve written a number of these “save civilization and get laid” posts while listening to and enjoying some good, wholesome satanic death metal. In particular, I like an American band called Deicide – good stuff, white Anglo-Saxons are incredibly musically talented. Weed enhances the musical experience as well.

Countersignalling Trad Cucks all day every day.

T says:

But calling someone a sack of shit is not the path to securing male property rights in women’s sexual, reproductive, and domestic services.

Oh, absolutely. But the kind of mindset that allows one to piously denigrate (fairly or unfairly) women, instead of inflating their pride/ego as high as a hot air balloon, is for sure more healthy, and evidently more pronatalist, than worldviews that don’t allow the denigration of females under any circumstances, like modern cuckservatism – cuckservatives have children, but their children do not have children. In other words, it is better to err on the side of excessive “misogyny” than to possess it in insufficient quantities.

Jim says:

> But the kind of mindset that allows one to piously denigrate (fairly or unfairly) women, instead of inflating their pride/ego as high as a hot air balloon, is for sure more healthy,

Clearly so. More healthy than what we have now. Way more healthy. But compared to the New Testament on women, or restoration coverture, it is kind of diseased. The objective of subordination of women is cooperate/cooperate equilibrium. Which we need in order to reproduce. Children have to be raised in a household, and a household has to have a man in charge. Who cares for those in his charge. New Testament prescription.

The holy text you quoted sounds more like the “Men going their own way” prescription. Which is not the red pill, but the purple pill. Which is a major improvement on the blue pill, and way better than what we have now, but still sucks.

T says:

Did Mohammed say women are sacks of shit?

Not exactly, as far as I know.


“I was shown hell. I saw that most of its inhabitants were ungrateful women… The Prophet was asked: ‘Were they ungrateful to Allāh?’ He replied: ‘They were ungrateful to their husbands and for the favors and the good done to them. If you show benevolence to one of them and then she sees something in you not to her liking, she will say: ‘I have never seen any good in you.’”

Famous hadith.

You need that attitude to control female mate choice in the modern world.

Jim says:

> You need that attitude to control female mate choice in the modern world.

Yes, an excellent Hadith. Mohammed was right about women. The Jewish text you quoted is not as good, because does not presuppose and command subordination of women in cooperate/cooperate equilibrium. It is more MGTOW. Which is like passing shit tests with amused indifference. Which works great, is way better than blue pill, and the other way of passing is likely to get you sent to prison, but sometimes you have to do it the other way.

And the amused indifference is hard to sustain, unless you know in your heart you could pass it the other way, and might do so.

T says:

The holy text you quoted sounds more like the “Men going their own way” prescription.

It certainly does to the modern ear, but their frame in terms of social technology was not “therefore avoid women” but more like “therefore patriarchy.” The Pharisees early on abolished ascetic monasticism, at least as an organized thing, which might explain why, despite otherwise having a rather unpleasant faith, they still manage to genetically/memetically reproduce. So I’m not defending the rabbis and their scripture, but they handle the WQ well.

Jim says:

> I’m not defending the rabbis and their scripture, but they handle the WQ well.

Undeniably. And also undeniably, the Christian celibate priesthood has handled it worse than the rabbis for the reasons you imply. Since the eleventh century in Roman Catholicism, and the sixteenth century in Orthodoxy, the priesthood have been causing problems. Partly because of faggots, and partly because composed of men who just do not comprehend women and the female role. Mostly damned faggots.

But old type Islam handles it better, as for example the Taliban, and restoration coverture handled it better than anyone. And the New Testament has the best take of any on the relationship of husbands and wives. Women are commanded to obey and fear. (First Epistle of Peter, chapter three) Men are commanded to cherish. Works. Women like that arrangement, and are forever searching for a man who can make it happen. Everyone is always looking for the ancestral environment of successful reproduction. Genesis 3:16 “thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.” Women want a man who can make them afraid. That being the ancestral environment of successful reproduction.

Nothing there about women being a sack of shit. “sack of shit” is MGTOW bitterness. Which is admittedly a gigantic improvement on what we have now. And even a huge improvement on the Roman Catholic position of the past nine centuries. The rot in Christianity goes back a long way, because the Lavender Mafia goes back a long way.

The Cominator says:

I wasn’t sure to say about the women are sacks of shit thing without sounding like a white knight without thinking but I agree with Jim that calling them sacks of shit is not the kind of criticism of women that should be in a religious text. Shock comedians should maybe say stuff like that in a funnier way but religious texts should be more like a woman not in a submission is (in less vulgar terms) gradually becomes insane and destructive to all including herself.

Women in the modern feminist west overwhelmingly tend to be “sacks of shit” but the whole reason women got a whole bunch of rights is that in the pre feminist era too many men liked women and thought they were wonderful in the past and that giving them rights wouldn’t possibly go so bad. The most Nawaltish girl I ever met in most ways seemed like she could have stepped out of a movie from the 1940s and if every girl was like her I probably never could have swallowed the woman pill either, I certainly didn’t think she was a sack of shit even absent sex (given I do not think I would have been good husband material at the time and she certainly didn’t project that she had sex with a lot of people I wasn’t looking for that so much in her case) I enjoyed having her around (also she massively helped with preselection she was cute as a button and always willing to take massive amounts of affectionate looking facebook photos if there was music at our regular bar she would dance etc). Jewish religious texts may need to countersignal women more strongly though because Jewish women in domestic life in most cases become ultra domineering once they get over age 30 or so.

Jim says:

> too many men liked women and thought they were wonderful in the past and that giving them rights wouldn’t possibly go so bad.

What happened historically in England was that they elevated the status of women to unreasonable and absurd heights because of George the fourth derangement syndrome, and have been holiness spiraling it ever further ever since. This led to first wave feminism about one generation later.

GDS led to the doctrine that women could do no wrong. And once that became orthodoxy on the left, well as soon as something becomes orthodoxy, a leftist can push ahead by being even more orthodox than yesterday’s orthodoxy.

The idea that women could no no wrong did not spring forth spontaneously from the grass roots. It came forth from organised party politics, much like current doctrine on the sacred right to of one hundred and fifty year old social security recipients to privacy from Elon Musk. Suddenly the Democrats are terribly concerned about the government getting information on private citizens. Getting information on who are the recipients of social security payments is now a violation of the constitution. The original elevation of the status of women was similar.

The Cominator says:

Well its unfortunate they had a king who is a fat drunk. How the fuck do you get depressed enough to be a fat drunk when you’re the king…

But women’s rights didn’t really start going into the law until Queen Victoria (who spoke against them and thought they were a terrible idea lol). Random question about you and that era… why do you not like Florence Nightengale her position on womens rights was loudly loudly negative.

Jim says:

Florence Nightingale was whore, who got manufactured into a hero because they did not want to acknowledge the remarkable heroes of the Crimean war. She was a good person, apart from her whoring. As the Cominator will tell you, whores often are.

But her job was destroying the heroes of the Crimean war, prevent them from entering legend. It was an evil job.

The Cominator says:

She was right that medical sanitation (at a time when most military causalties in wars were due to fevers and not battlefield wounds) before her concentrated too many men close together and other basic sanitation things. So in that respect not an evil job.

But I see your point in that it was used to denigrate the prestige of warriors as part of the long term plan to empower priests.

Jim says:

There are lots of whores who are otherwise good people, and she was one of them. But she accomplished an immense evil. The best of good whores is going to sell you out.

Eli says:

@T If you really are an Israeli born Jew, you seem to be all over the place.

There is no need to make Israel a Christian state (which is a 95+% cucked religion today, regardless) or convert the Jews to a hostile, quasi-pagan lunacy of a religion, even when it is exercised in its old, non-cucked formats. It has hundreds of varieties of doctrines and missionaries, all different and often conflicting and the mainline ones mostly stipulate that 3 is 1 and that a Jewish woman could get pregnant by a “God” and, well, poop out another “God”-who-is-also-a-human [as a holy virgin, perhaps; maybe from her asshole, for extra virginity?], with Mumbo Jumbo Logos trying to connect the two as yet another “God” which makes it all equal to “one.” Or that true belief implies “salvation”/paradise in the afterlife. Or that there is “original sin,” and the various other anti-Jewish and plain ridiculous Paulite lying (even about the plain words of the Torah) nonsense. I’m oversimplifying things, but this is the gist — in MY view.

What is needed is to bring Judaism out of its exile mode. Notably, make it a confident state religion, kick out the Muslims from Zion entirely (and all the anti-Jewish churches, particularly the Armenian amalekites), consecrate the grounds for a future Temple (and build it, with a cohen yearly toll), abolish the powerless parliamentary system under Bagatz’s dictate and institute something at least akin to an elective monarchy a la King Saul — before finding David’s and Solomon’s graves and their Y-DNA descendants. Beyond the Torah, there is plenty of good in the mishna and even the gemara. This return/geulah is unlikely to happen in this generation, save by some miracle, but it’ll happen.

Today, Israel is indeed a feminist hellhole, ruled by descendants of a select “elite” 200 or so families, who comprised the early socialist kibbutzniks and now are part of the globalist feminist / woke establishment, with tentacles in many places. Hence, as of today, the Muslims have a lot of advantages over Jews, in that they’ve never really existed in an exiled, marginalized minority modality, en masse, like the Jews have, for *thousands* of years. They have never gone through the expulsions, pogroms, Khmelnitsky and Cossack massacres and, yes, the late 1910s and 1940s enormous mass killings. Many of these were done by the Ukrainians and even more inspired by the Orthodox, Catholic, and Lutheran churches throughout Europe, but I’m not here to list it all. The Muslims never had to go through all that. (Not YET!) They’ve been mostly on the giving, and not on the receiving side, save for Baghdad’s extermination by the Mongols in 1258, which was a horrendously humbling experience for them.

The Jewish religion — often in utter desperation and sheer powerlessness — tragically, became in many ways clipped, even castrated (think of the rise of escapist and looney Hassidism/Shabtai Zvi like movements, as an example of what the Jews had to resort to). The continuous social dynamic favored further evolution along those escapist lines, as the “old-school” Litvaks now are somewhat Hassidish as well. Such situation continues to be enabled by the powers that be, in that they finance and protect this escapism and allow very little, if any, state-level social obligations from these groups.

But you don’t need to do that close of a reading to see the plain meaning of the texts of the scripture, plus the mishna, and the gemara. They all contain plenty of references to patriarchal and warrior spirit of pre-135 AD Jews and their Israelite ancestors. They also contain references to female modesty, albeit it is not as explicit as what was explicated by Muhammad, the Arab from Petra. I don’t care how many hashkafot one wants to throw on this, to hide/obscure it — it’s all there, in peshat. You don’t need to don a shtreimel-hat to see it.

Even given that you’re correct in your assessment of present day’s dire social fabric of secular Israel: to side with the scum who purposely abduct and kill Jewish babies merely for being born Jewish in their own land? Same scum who not only would gladly exterminate Jews but would also murder and kick out relatively benign Christians (who are almost fully gone now from Bethlehem), the Bahaii (who are too cucked even for Iranian Shiite hierocracy), Druze (in Jabal al Druze they’ve begged to join Israel and be saved), and even the Samaritans (who can no longer reside in their own home-city of Shechem aka “Nablus” without fear for their lives)? You better fear God, akhi, you better fear God! I don’t care how badly some Avigail or Noga hurt you — you’ve gone way too far with that Hamas empathy.

Or to invite a mass invasion of old Christian enemies-turn-“friendly”-missionaries for mass forced conversion of “khazars?” That’s kapo level stuff. How often do you train your asshole with a giant black dildo, to get to ejaculate all that up?

I say, just switch gears and find a non-Jewish, non-Israeli, non-American woman, overseas. Looks don’t have to be great, as long as she’s healthy, including mentally, and has good values and habits. A lot of those feminist women (Jewish and non-Jewish) will end up old childless spinsters and that’ll be their end. Or they’ll go to a sperm bank or get impregnated by a vagrant loser or something like it but will remain miserable shits. There is no need to call for one’s people’s destruction — including religious destruction — unless you wish to self-destruct/curse yourself.

There is nothing that can be done, practically, with regards to most American/Israeli secular women, unless you’re either lucky or very talented at manipulation and can wiggle yourself securely into a good circle and assert yourself there, I think it’s pointless to try for more than 2-5 years. I spent way too long on that myself, made some mistakes and (sadly) missed some opportunities, but — in summary — I don’t recommend anyone waste their time past 29-33 years of age, if you can afford not to.

someDude says:

Woah! The Israeli Suones

ron says:


“A lot of those feminist women (Jewish and non-Jewish) will end up old childless spinsters and that’ll be their end. Or they’ll go to a sperm bank or get impregnated by a vagrant loser or something like it but will remain miserable shits”

What the hell man?

Bro, take it easy! 😂😂😂😂

Also, why are you telling these gentiles about what we need to do? I mean do you actually think they care? 😂

And you are telling them that you want to go overseas and take their women? LOL, are you trying to get us nuked?


My dude, it’s really not that difficult to get a woman here. I’m old, fat, slow, ugly, somewhat retarded, weird, socially awkward and I date cute women in the 30’s and 20’s. Seriously, it really isn’t. I’m starting to believe that its not difficult anywhere.

Women are not men. They don’t care about the same things we care about. They are WANT to be led and controlled.

Do you want to get a beer or something? I’m OK with Jim giving you my email if either of you need to talk.

Jim says:

Assuming this is your real email, which it should not be, requests for your email should go over the bitmessage channel at the right bottom of the blog landing page. You may be relaxed about security, but I am not.

Alf says:

Today, Israel is indeed a feminist hellhole, ruled by descendants of a select “elite” 200 or so families, who comprised the early socialist kibbutzniks and now are part of the globalist feminist / woke establishment

What do you make of Netanyahu’s role in this? Is he somewhat steering the country into a more based direction? Or is he simply managing the shop?

The Cominator says:

Sort of sad to hear the descendents of the original Kibbuzniks went globohomo because the original kibbuzniks though a kind of socialists (in a way Jewish National Socialists lol) were genuinely a group of badass jews.

The Cominator says:

Did Netanyahu deliberately allow the October attack to happen? I’ve heard even a lot of Likud people hated him after that because its widely suspected he let it happen so the Gaza cleansing war could be initiated…

Jim says:

Looks like he did, but he expected he could clean up Gaza more effectively than turned out to be the case.

T says:

you’ve gone way too far with that Hamas empathy.

That was a joke; I’m cool with Total Amalek Death.

Or to invite a mass invasion of old Christian enemies-turn-“friendly”-missionaries for mass forced conversion of “khazars?” That’s kapo level stuff. How often do you train your asshole with a giant black dildo, to get to ejaculate all that up?

Do I need to invite them? Eventually they will show up, and then you either go to war against white Christians (you will actually get us all killed) or negotiate an agreeable surrender. And if they don’t ever show up, it’s likely because Western civilization would collapse, and I’d like to avert that.

There is no need to call for one’s people’s destruction — including religious destruction — unless you wish to self-destruct/curse yourself.

I don’t view mass Jewish conversion to Christianity as self-destruction, and neither did Herzl. Then again, I don’t claim it’s a realistic scenario; nevertheless I propose it as an alternative to “Let’s go to war against Edom white Christendom.”

Of course, you might argue that conversion to Christianity is against the Jewish svadharma. But then what does it say about the latter, if not that Jews are fundamentally incompatible with the civilization that brought us modern science?

white bread says:

T said
>I’m cool with Total Amalek Death.

And that is why people should be cool with total jew death.

T says:

So amusing seeing fellow Israelis shvuyim b’konseptsia, but history is a stern teacher. Lol.

T says:

Hence, as of today, the Muslims have a lot of advantages over Jews, in that they’ve never really existed in an exiled, marginalized minority modality, en masse, like the Jews have, for *thousands* of years. They have never gone through the expulsions, pogroms, Khmelnitsky and Cossack massacres and, yes, the late 1910s and 1940s enormous mass killings. Many of these were done by the Ukrainians and even more inspired by the Orthodox, Catholic, and Lutheran churches throughout Europe, but I’m not here to list it all. The Muslims never had to go through all that.

I do wonder though; is there any lesson we should learn from our history, ancient and recent alike? Your answer appears to be, “Kahanist Zionism.” Okay, and then what? Is history over? Kumbaya happily ever after? Say, we kill all Muslims and Arabs everywhere and occupy and annex Eretz Yisrael Ha-Shlemah, plus Davidic Monarchy, plus Third Temple, plus Sanhedrin. Is history over then? Lol. Lmao.

Which is bigger, your Jewish ego or your Jewish brain? The brain seems healthy. The ego might not be; and you learned absolutely nothing from 10.7.

T says:

Psalm 50:

7 Hear, O my people, and I will speak; O Israel, and I will testify against thee: I am God, even thy God.

8 I will not reprove thee for thy sacrifices or thy burnt offerings, to have been continually before me.

9 I will take no bullock out of thy house, nor he goats out of thy folds.

10 For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills.

11 I know all the fowls of the mountains: and the wild beasts of the field are mine.

12 If I were hungry, I would not tell thee: for the world is mine, and the fulness thereof.

13 Will I eat the flesh of bulls, or drink the blood of goats?

14 Offer unto God thanksgiving; and pay thy vows unto the most High:

15 And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me.

Millennia later, and you still don’t have ears to hear.

T says:

I’m cool with Total Amalek Death.

And that is why people should be cool with total jew death.

Amalek as conceived today is not an ethno-religious group (strictly speaking), and I did not propose to 23andme the whole world in search of secret Amalekite alleles. Amalek is an egregore, and that egregore and its sympathizers are destined for absolute annihilation, according to God. Apparently you are on Team Amalek; oh well.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Nobody including other MENA states really want palestinians around because they cause trouble everywhere they go and have a pathological miserliness of spirit; an inveterate tendency to perceive prefigured grievances in all things to count jealously, and likewise a categorically forebearance of even the merest of gratitude for anything.

T says:

Yep. If the Palestinians adopt the traditional pattern of Jewish misbehavior (or something similar enough), will provoke their various hosts to hold similar attitudes as Jews have historically provoked.

Jim says:

> What is needed is to bring Judaism out of its exile mode. Notably, make it a confident state religion,

Well, obviously. And that would be great.

But remember, you guys are under a curse for deicide. So Judaism being in self destructive exile mode is baked into the cake.

To state the same thing in the language of the athiest dark enlightenment, the Pharisees self destructed the first time around, and this is inherent in Phariseeism. Can a self confident Jewish religion repudiate its Pharisee origins? As I am fond of remarking, the Torah is a pile of lawsuits against God which the Jews claim they won and God lost. Can anything solid be built on such a foundation?

Your criticisms of perpetual virginity, and the great pile of Lavender Mafia heresy of which the Protoevangelium of James is a compendium, are obviously valid. But it has proven capable of being a sturdy foundation. I note, however, that science, technology, industrialisation and empire was a built by that branch of Christianity that rejected perpetual virginity and dissolved the monasteries. There is a place for monasteries, but that place is not on top.

Jim says:

> They all contain plenty of references to patriarchal and warrior spirit of pre-135 AD Jews

Obviously Judaism is compatible with a high fertility and martial ethos, and that would be a huge improvement. But back before 135 AD Phariseeism led to them getting into one stupid war after another. Israel got itself into a situation where it needs to genocide rather a lot of people. A Pharisaic people with a Talmud based state religion would rapidly get itself into situations where it had to genocide ever increasing numbers of people, and would eventually do what it did last time around, pick a fight with a six hundred pound gorilla.

The Jews had plenty of legitimate gripes against Rome, which are listed in the New Testament, and the Romans were embarrassed by these criticisms and made half hearted efforts to address them. But the Jews chose to pick a fight with Rome over completely stupid stuff where they were completely in the wrong, and the Romans were righteously pissed about it and came down on them like a ton of bricks. This is inherent in Phariseeism, and Phariseeism inherent in the Talmud.

The Cominator says:

Monasteries should perhaps exist and Luther was perhaps wrong, but there should be no tolerance for them engaging in moneymaking fraud (Henry VIII had such an easy time finding dirty because the vast majority were engaged in this). Monasteries should be for older men who are tired of the world.

Nunneries should be only for older women who’ve tragically and blamelessly lost their husband and children. There should be very very few of them ever. No young attractive woman should ever be allowed to enter a nunnery. Luther was quite right that women were made to be either wives or prostitutes.

Jim says:

Eli wrote:

> the plain meaning of the texts of the scripture, plus the mishna, and the gemara

Which implicitly acknowledges that everything the Talmud adds to the Old Testament is a pile of poison from one end to the other,

What little I know of the Law of Manu, the life of Rama, and Rama Bhakti all seem like good stuff, a sound basis for a sane state religion, and one that a healthy Christianity could comfortably share a planet with. What I know of the Talmud is one poison pill on top of another, and as a state religion, would inevitably get the Jews into dreadful wars with everyone, wars in which they would be morally in the wrong.

You would need to toss the Talmud, and start a new Talmud. Christians have work to do, but we have an easier job, for we have a sane and successful version that was around fairly recently, and Russian Orthodoxy for all its faults, is still Christian. The Hindus have rather more work to do, for their faith is full of demons and the Brahmins are legalists. And the Muslims have state religion that is quite workable, with Dubai being a shining example, but incorrigibly leads to the problems for which Islam is justly infamous. Dubai works because warriors on top, and the King and aristocracy do not take Islam too seriously. Which renders them profoundly vulnerable to people who do take it seriously. The Imams look at Dubai, and see a pile of loot and a weak state religion.

Islam and Judaism is incompatible with science, technology and industry. So is current day Hindusim, due to legalism and demonic infiltration, but a version of Hinduism existed that once led the world in science, mathematics, and steel.

skippy says:

40 hours a week is not exactly ‘drowning in work’. Is he lifting? Going out? Ultimately you can lead a horse to water but…

The Cominator says:

“Some men are still getting laid. Not many, but some. Except that all the chicks are on their phones messaging gigachad.”
This makes getting sex all but impossible for most men beyond my stripper option. Years ago you could talk to hot chicks in the smoking area but that is long past since a lot don’t even go out at all anymore (and they mostly vape now).

Bix Nudelmann says:

How many of these blue-and-yellow flag-wavers are actually Havel’s Russia Haters?

Dumb but sincere question: Why not just go ahead, pull off the band aid, “surrender”, blame the war on Biden, Nuland and that obviously fake rat Zelensky, and tell the press:

“Yeah DAZZ RITE, I surrendered. Firstly, because the Ukrainians are nearly genocided already. Secondly, because it was going to go nuclear. And thirdly, because FUCK YOU!”

How out of touch am I?

I mean yeah, it suggests the JQ all over again, because it casts the American deep state and their Kiev stooges — Jewish and Nazi alike — as The Real Enemy Actually, in cahoots to kill off the Russians and Ukrainians. To me this perspective sure seems legit, but I’m completely out of touch as to just how much of the Polite West (1%? 90%?) also silently suspects this too and is just hiding it (like how they hid their disbelief in the Trans Stuff). Or do Mom and Dad America still believe in their hearts that Zelensky, the Bidens and Ben Stiller are the good guys saving the world?

(Just light me up fam.)

Jim says:

I think that would work, but it would stress the Thermidor coalition rather badly. A lot signed up with Thermidor because Trump is unpredictable, vengeful, and scary, and they hoped he will scare Putin into letting the US continue low level warfare without high level warfare ensuing. Their plan could work, but I don’t want to bet a nuclear holocaust on it.

Bix Nudelmann says:

OK fuck it that’s it. I’m right.

Trump Team needs to pull a Kaiser Wilhelm, say “FUCK YOU”, surrender most of Ukraine, and morally justify it as the only way to A) stop a nuclear fucking war and B) halt the genocide of the Ukrainian people (who are also Christians, by the way).

And then black bag 10-20 Deep State and Kiev people responsible and Nuremberg Trial their asses.

Why? Because EVERYONE hates a losing side, that’s why, and nothing says “losing side” like hanging from a noose on YouTube. Ask the Nazis. This time it can be Nazis again, too, plus their fellow traveling Nazi Friends with Jewish names. Fine with me.

(This can be deftly spun to make Israel into the GOOD guys, by the way, because they’re the ones who refused to get/stay involved in such skullduggery, and instead had picked up and taken their loot to the Holy Land to make an honest living. Really.)

Bix Nudelmann says:

Oh right, and then be The Hero for getting Russian oil/gas back into Europe, salving inflation by boosting demand for dollars again (to pay for said Russian oil/gas), monkey-wrenching the Russia-China relationship, etc.

It’s the biggest shit test ever. If you defy someone, but then bring them peace, prosperity and security, then isn’t the reward “More please, Daddy”?

skippy says:

“Dumb but sincere question: Why not just go ahead, pull off the band aid, “surrender”, blame the war on Biden, Nuland and that obviously fake rat Zelensky, and tell the press:”

Because this explanation won’t be heard/instantly accepted by many people, burning the government’s legitimacy. Burn enough legitimacy and you end up like Biden: forced to lose despite controling many levers of actual power. It’s smarter to achieve the same thing in a way that does not gratuitously burn legitimacy.

Karl says:

So one deal that might cover Trump’s ass is a short term truce, say three months, to allow for the ending of martial law and all that in the Ukraine, so that free and fair elections can take place. And then hold elections that are actually (gasp) free and fair.

Why do you think that this might work? If there is not much trust between two negotiating parties, it is a huge problem if one of them has to give something valuable in advance.

The plan requires Russia to give something valuable in advance as the situation on the battlefield is in Russia’s favour. After a truce, that the situation would be somewhat less favorable.

Russia has no reason to trust the West as too many promises and contracts have been broken. Maybe Russia might be willing to trust Trump, but then they would also have to trust in his ability to deliver against the will of powerfull factions in various governments.

For this reason, I think that only a peace deal is possible that requires the West to give something in advance, for example stopping all military support. It might be possible for Trump to stop US support, but how can he keep US allies from doing so? That would require a coup in Poland, the Baltics, UK, Germany, France etc. while he is still securing his power in the US. I don’t see how he could do that.

Looks like the war will continue (at least) until there is no Ukrainian army left or the Ukrainian army surrenders (against orders).

S says:

‘Why do you think that this might work? If there is not much trust between two negotiating parties, it is a huge problem if one of them has to give something valuable in advance.’

Trump would have to remove military aid and sanctions simultaneously. The problem is even acting in good faith, nothing is as valuable as time. No deal is worth sacrificing momentum.

Jim says:

> Why do you think that this might work? If there is not much trust between two negotiating parties, it is a huge problem if one of them has to give something valuable in advance.

A short pause in the war to allow elections and short pause in martial law is not a huge concession if arms shipments stop, and the US can add other sweeteners, like an end to oil blockade, a refund of the stolen funds, etc.

Bix Nudelmann says:

I would assume (and I assume a lot, I know) that Russia has plenty of “capability” in Ukraine to get whatever electoral outcome it needs, if only Thermidor can keep DC out of it.

As for how to actually do that, I don’t know. Crater the airport with an Oreshnik?

Your Uncle Bob says:

Just defunding USAID is a pretty good start. They had money going to Ukraine specifically. After that, Gabbard and Ratcliffe confirmed is good news, if they can deliver.

Calvin says:

Lavrov is saying the negotiations were a success so maybe Trump was able to work something out with them.

The Cominator says:

Miscellaneous interjection; can we concede Yarvin has had a bigtime redemption arc with the second Trump administration after his terribly disgracing himself during covid.

What Trump/Elon/DOGE seem to be doing is following Yarvin’s butterfly revolution plan line by line and its working.

Bix Nudelmann says:

Can you elaborate a little, please?

The Cominator says:

I don’t want to pay money but apparently its here… there have been a few leftists who are reading heretical material who go through the step by step.
1. Campaign on autocratic principles
2. Line up some big money bros and use them to impose total party discipline on the GOP any Senator or Rep who defies the president when his vote is actually needed will find themselves in a primary where the opponent has 10x the money
3. Purge the bureaucraucy the way DOGE is doing, kill leftist funding
4. Ignore courts if you have to (we are here)
5. Gain control of the police, feds 1st but then all of them
6. To the extent they aren’t destroyed by #3 destroy the legacy media and academia (tanks in Harvard yard eventually)
7. If needed put your mob on the streets (also consistently pardon friends and stuff make sure people who are obeying you know they’ll be pardoned)

Jim says:

Sounds like a plan. Step five is under way, and steps on step seven. Trump has pardoned democrats who were being lawfared in the sense that they committed real crimes crimes but crimes that are absolutely routine, standard, and normal in democratic politics, and selectively enforced against Democrats who deviate from the party line on some point.

The biggie is step six. We have to replace the state religion, an issue on which Yarvin is weak and vague. You have to bring a gun to gunfight and a faith to a holy war. We need men in charge of Harvard who meet Pauls requirement for the priesthood (Christian, married to only one wife, and successfully raising well behaved children.)

Universities are inherently a religious institution, always have been, always will be. Professors are priests, always have been, always will be. The question is, which religion?

Jim says:

That is not how I read what Yarvin said, though it is a legitimate reading. Yarvin is not easy to pin down. Your rendition of the plan is way better than the original.

That is how leftists read what he said, because they know what it will take to defeat them, and reading it, see in it what they fear. (You can see lots of different things it according to what is on your mind.) Yarvin did a poor job of telling us how to defeat them. The left are doing a most excellent job of telling us how to defeat the left.

The Cominator says:

The details are behind a paywall so I can’t read the full article I can only go by secondary sources from the enemy. Yarvin has directly said tanks in Harvard yard before and that for a new regime to exist then the New York Times cannot exist but he says a lot of things.

Anon says:

after UK prime minister talked about sending “peacekeepers” to ukraine. LOL

here the situation with The mighty Royal Navy
“The Navy with more admirals than warships”

The Cominator says:

Stick close to your desk
And never go to sea
And you may be the ruler of the Queen’s navy

JustAnotherGuy says:

> Queen instead of King

Game was rigged from the start. It was better when the English line infantry was shouting for King George.

JustAnotherGuy says:

Tbh, I never liked warships having female names, this is what caused all those gacha ship games to exist in the first place.

The Cominator says:

The HMS Pinafore was written during the reign of Victoria. Now Victoria was a powerless figurehead but England of all countries cannot really reject female rulers in total because Elizabeth I would be known as Elizabeth the Great in any country besides England (which seems to reserve “The Great” for Alfred alone).

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Reading between the lines of histories of Elizabeth I’s reign pretty clear indications of powerful lord ministers running the show with Elizabeth as the totem.

The Cominator says:

She was able to pick the right guys and listen to the right guys though most women couldn’t do that. Also everyone from a young age at least her verbal intelligence was apparently freakishly high for a woman (almost Tolkien level aptitude for languages). Henry VIII was reluctant to ever see her because he hated Anne Boleyn so much but when he finally visited her for dinner (Catherine Parr apparently felt bad for her) but apparently it was her wowing him so much with her linguistic aptitude that persuaded him to restore her to the succession (when he originally had only intended to restore Mary).

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>She was able to pick the right guys and listen to the right guys though most women couldn’t do that.

That is true enough. Gotta say the sequence of events in the execution of Mary was certified woman moment thoughbeitever.

The Cominator says:

I honestly don’t believe she ever signed the death warrant for Mary because of her reluctance to spill royal blood (for obvious reasons) and some sympathy for having been in a similar position to Mary during the reign of her sister Mary (although less sympathetic after she was caught corresponding with would be rebels and assassins)… I think that was definitely a case of Cecil signing it behind her back passing the order off and figuring Elizabeth would be very pissed but wouldn’t kill him for it and he was right.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Well yeah that’s what I mean; she was fiddle-faddling and wanted someone else to make the decision for her and then gets upset when someone does.

Jim says:

And the army is all logistics and this and that. They have a hundred generals, but can only put a hundred boots on the ground.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted for trying memes that assume that the right is as dumb as two planks glued together.*]

Cloudswrest says:

Looks like Ukrainians are starting to frag draft officers. Can’t be much longer now.


Jim says:

The Ukraine is physically capable of fighting on for a horrifyingly long time. Until it has no more people and no more cities. Which would take a while.

Cloudswrest says:

By the numbers yes, but what about internal dissent and civil war? If your choice is fragging draft officers and/or other government personnel, or a 95% chance of getting killed by Russian army, I can imagine the calculus might start to worry the government. Perhaps a juicy factoid for “color revolution” from the dissident right side. My hope is they “Mussolini” or “Ceaușescu” Zelenskyy.

someDude says:

Isn’t it a general rule that resistance stops once 30% of fighting age men are either killed or disabled? Thats very far from no more cities and no more people

S says:

Normally societies run out of fuel for the war machine. Ukraine can import men from Poland and war material from NATO- Ukraine is just a location with meat to soak up Russian shells and drones.

someDude says:

What Jim seemed to say is that Ukraine alone can keep fighting until they have lost all their people. No mention of Poles, Romanians et. al.

Jim says:

Well, not all its people. But because externally funded, externally armed, and because its elite has an an escape hatch, most of its people.

Alf says:

Who wants to die in a losing war?

The Cominator says:

> and because its elite has an an escape hatch
I think that Trump thinks Zelensky was involved in at least the second assassination attempt and is keen on making sure he doesn’t get out. Revenge and an example for him.

Jim says:

They murdered a whole lot of people to secure the regime. So they are likely to have gone after Trump.

Bix Nudelmann says:

Sorry I’m so dense, and I know cocaine is a hell of a drug, but why isn’t Zelensky taking his cash and splitting by now? Doesn’t he have enough? What’s still in it for him at this point?

It must not be that simple.

Jim says:

He owns a palace in England, so it is hazardous for him to flee unless Europe buys into the deal. Which deal is still only an idea that you read about first on this blog.

The deal may not come to pass. Lots of distrust. In which case he gets to continue looting.

They are trying to sow distrust and conflict between Trump and Musk. Way easier to distrust and conflict between the leaders of great powers.

The MO of the left has always been to get their enemies to fight each other. They hate the Ukrainians, hate the Russians, hate Trump, and hate Putin.

Alf says:

why isn’t Zelensky taking his cash and splitting by now?

Arrogance, pride, and no doubt a creeping suspicion that there is not enough money in the world to keep him safe from the enemies he has made.

The Cominator says:

Some chatter I’ve heard is hes more an asset of the globohomo regime in Britain than anywhere else problem is they are insane and want to keep the war going and otoh I’m pretty sure Trump wants him dead, preferably at some Nuremberg type trial in whats left of Ukraine (that way he didn’t “betray” Ukraine Zelensky did) basically I think there is no wealthy man in exile life for him.

The Cominator says:

Re trying to use Trump’s previously Mount Everest sized ego to turn him against Musk… he seems to have gotten over the big ego problem when the 1st assassin missed and realize that while a man has merits its all vainity and we’re all just actors in God’s story… or something like that. Hence he doesn’t seem to be so vunerable to flatterers or vunerable to Elon’s the real president attacks. I was skeptical he would ever learn frankly especially at such an advanced age (hence why I mistakely wanted DeSantis for the primary) but I’m very impressed so far.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

I figured this would start happening when the end became clear back in 2023. That it’s happening now signals a beginning of the end.

The Cominator says:

It was clear that the plan was literally to fight to the last Hohol once Boris Johnson flew over to kill any peace talks.

Cloudswrest says:

Yes, but the last Hohols aren’t too keen on this.

The Cominator says:

Yes but I’ve been wondering why its been taking so long.

Bix Nudelmann says:

That’s terror for you. It works.

(Maybe gun laws too, I dunno.)

Alf says:

Yes but I’ve been wondering why its been taking so long.

Same. Leadership back in DC and Kyyv might want to fight a losing war forever, the soldiers dying won’t. Morale is important.

Best explanation I can come up with is that the winter of 24/25 resembles the winter of 44/45: it’s over, but because freezing, battle movement is slow. When things warm up, things will move.

That, or we were slightly off in our assessment.

Alf says:

Alternative explanation: it’s Slav high pain-tolerance mentality.

When Peter tortured the Streltsy, he was frustrated to no end by their ability to endure pain. They would not confess, they would not break down, they just took it to the end. I can’t speak for Russian vs Ukraine genetics, but it just seems to me that Anglos would not continue to fight in a similar situation.

Niiiidriveevof says:

jim: if sodomy had been a problem among the roman catholic clergy prior to mid-20th-century, some of their many enemies would have accused them of it. they did not. the accusation may fit your priors, but it isn’t true. it may be a problem today, but there are an awful lot of problems with our clergy today (most of which are shared with protestants today), that were not historically problems. moreover, it’s said that sodomites infiltrated our clergy mid-century. it would be convenient for your positions if the roman catholic clergy had the same problems 400 and 1000 years ago that it does today, but largely they didn’t – besides the perennial temptation to fear princes rather than God. the lavender mafia does not go back a long way.

it is true that roman catholic europe invented courtly love feminism, and did not suppress it afterwards, although protestant europe did not suppress it either. it is also true that roman catholicism did not resist the last 200 years of feminism very much at all, although, neither did protestant europe.

the roman catholic church has some red-pill material in its tradition, but in practical terms, not enough. we need either a miracle, or the soft or hard imposition of patriarchal thought from powerful laymen, perhaps monarchs. preferably catholic ones, but God can write straight with crooked lines too. we will then need canonized saints that have written red-pill material to enter the tradition and keep us immunized, as mohammedanism is.

S says:

‘Married men with well behaved children are given power and serve as examples for their flock’ is a clear way to return patriarchy following the example of the gospels. The RCC can’t do that so why would anyone pick it over a variety of national Christianity that can?

Hesiod says:

Tales of fornicating clergy were a widespread thing back in the medieval day. Add to that the problem with clergy using church resources to provide for bastard children, especially in the highest offices. The RC church has had plenty of problems over the centuries with its celibacy policy.

The Cominator says:

During the reformation the accusation was generally that the celibacy rules were a hypocritical joke since almost all clergy had live in quasi wives or regularly saw prostitutes and the celibacy rules were not enforced. It took time after the celibacy rules were more strictly enforced for the gay mafia takeover. During the transition Catholics and protestants tended to live seperately more so then today in large part because most kingdoms made other religions than the rulers denomination at least nominally illegal. Basically it was a case of the celibacy rules not being enforced leading to hypocrisy and corruption but the evil of enforcing them became the greater evil of widespread homosexuality which remained under the surface until catholics were living in areas where open criticism of the catholic church was not generally suppressed by the state. So the resolution of both evils is to not have the celibacy rules.

Jim says:

> If sodomy had been a problem among the roman catholic clergy prior to mid-20th-century, some of their many enemies would have accused them of it. they did not

Read up on the castration of choir boys.

Plus there is no shortage of accusations against Origen, who was the primary promoter, and probably the author of, “The protoevangelium of James”, which accusations imply gross sexual deviation without getting very specific.

People were more delicate in their accusations of sodomy and sexual deviation back in those days — they said it like Chaucer said it. Chaucer does not say what he says, but it is mighty plain what he says nonetheless. He says the Roman Catholic church is full of sodomites, pederasts, and heretics.

Jim says:

> protestant europe did not suppress it either.

Restoration Anglicanism had by far strongest hand for husbands and fathers, though not the strongest hand to suppress adultery.

Jesuitical rationalisation for divorce and sexual misconduct at the court of the French Kings was notorious and led to considerable ridicule from protestant Europe.

If we are going to restore patriarchy, we are going to need actual patriarchs at the key posts and sacred sites of the state religion. As prescribed by Saint Paul. Hence the importance of the well behaved children part of his prescription.

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