Know your enemy, know yourself

you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.

Because the Woke do not comprehend anything outside their bubble, they drift uncomprehendingly towards war. Because they do not comprehend anyone outside their bubble, they drift towards a war they are likely to lose.

Thermidor — well Thermidor is more complicated. They think the woke are holier than they are, but have just gone a little too far. So they comprehend the Woke just fine. Except that they fail to comprehend the woke are evil and insane.

However they do not comprehend Russia, China, or the Middle East.

There is a forever war with Russia Thermidorean faction that wants Russia to diminish the war to a level such that the Globhomo empire can make low level war on Russia forever, there is a war for Israel faction, a faction that wants low level forever war with China, and a faction that wants war with everyone. All four factions are horrified by the weakness that was revealed in the Ukraine, and correctly blame the Woke for it.

The woke want forever war on legacy Americans, and are puzzled by the fact that America has not successfully made forever war on external enemies. The latter could not possibly be their fault. They are generally opposed to war for Israel, but are fine with low level forever war on China and Russia.

Trump understands Russia and China just fine. And he also understands that America has lost in the Ukraine. But he needs Thermidor.

In the Hegseth confirmation hearings Senator Schmitt started laying into Diversity Equity and Inclusion root and branch The senator to his left started looking at him as though he had gone mad and was frothing at the mouth, And then Schmitt said that “Dei divides the room into oppressors and oppressed”. And it was obvious that the senator to his left had not heard that said before, and it was making him think.

That he had not heard this before shows how utterly isolated those inside the bubble are.

212 comments Know your enemy, know yourself

“DEI divides the room into oppressors and oppressed” because DEI, like LGBTP and all the others, is 100% pure Marxism. They use race and/or sex stuff as a proxy for class because people have caught on to class warfare so they need a new way to divide. People like us understand it’s the same thing, and Karl Marx would instantly recognize it as his own, but for those who haven’t caught on, it still works.

Fortunately, we’re now in a phase where more people are starting to wake up to it. Time will tell whether it’s enough people.

T says:

The Yarv’s latest piece is not bad, you might find it relevant:

Jim says:

He is back in form. Probably because it is now safe for namefags to write such stuff.

But even before he was doxxed, never wrote on the woman question. Should it become safe to address that, perhaps he will.

T says:

I don’t think he has it in him to be redpilled on women. (Same thing with Nick Land.) He also, for that matter, doesn’t get that leftism is rooted in sin, and in its later stages is full on demonic. He identifies a fundamental flaw in the ever shifting Harvard memeplex, but he is unable to pinpoint what that flaw exactly is, because — born of the spiritual kakistocracy himself — he is afraid of looking in the mirror. He can so vividly describe the instruments of leftism, but he doesn’t really want to hear the music of those instruments. The music says “Gnostic death-cult.” His focus, alas, is on the instruments, not unlike Land by the way; as such, he would not be inclined to search for the Deeper Truths.

T says:

Leftism — be it Anglo leftism, Jewish leftism, French leftism, or any other — is at root a demonic egregore, a (rapidly mutating) memetic entity drawing its lifeblood from the worst impulses of Man, traditionally understood as sins like pride and envy; a collective failure mode (consisting of many individual failure modes) selecting for ever worsening failure; a Priesthood of the Worst.

Does Moldbug get it? I don’t think so.

Jehu says:

It’s a really hard sell for most people, because the standard male and the standard female sexual strategies are antithetical to each other, and most men have trouble openly supporting their interests as men. This is despite the fact that female sexual choice and working indoor plumbing can’t coexist long term in the same society. This is despite the fact that giving women what they say they want doesn’t make them happy, in fact it makes them way more unhappy, depressed and mentally unhealthy. My position is that women need to lose the franchise and be substantially reduced in terms of social status–at least enough that an average man becomes ‘attractive’ to the average woman. I support this because I support the fruits of civilization. But it’s a very very hard sell to anyone within a mile of normie. While it really IS ‘for their own good’, that’s not why I support it. In the counterfactual where most women were as unhappy in patriarchy as they are currently, I’d still support patriarchy for reasons of who…whom and indoor plumbing and the other fruits of civilization.

T says:

Excellent comment.

Jim says:

Leftism piously claims moral superiority. If you cannot call out sin, you are disarmed.

A state religion always has to be replaced, and always will be replaced, by an alternate state religion, or else trouble ensues until it is. As Putin said, a state needs “Spiritual security”. As we more precisely say, “Memetic sovereignty”.

Globohomo almost conquered the world because alternate state religions were dying, which made their states vulnerable to hostile takeover from outside. Now Globohomo is itself dying.

T says:

Now Globohomo is itself dying.

Yes, but in some respects it’s like Alzheimer’s dementia, it is shedding the recent stuff first as it regresses backwards in time to its previous iterations. For the new state religion to solve the WQ, there is still a whole lot more for the ruling class’ memeplex to shed, and I’m afraid that Thermidor will not be willing to shed it. They are unlikely to go further back than 1920 leftism, when the Puritan-Feminist cancer was already at full swing. The WQ being the most fundamental, might need to get rid of Thermidor after Woke finally croaks. It’s the one thing you can’t afford not to solve.

T says:

The future and eternity of the Cosmos — of Existence Itself — depends on Adam finally giving Eve the spanking that she so desperately needs.

T says:

Genesis 3:16:

Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.

That’s the crucial Bible lesson that they didn’t teach you at the Prussisn child-prison: if you cancel that last part which I emphasized, about wives desiring their husbands, and their husbands ruling over them, then you will not get that first part about bringing forth children at all. The first part (bringing forth children) depends on the second part (wives desire their husbands, and their husbands rule over them).

The Serpent, naturally, doesn’t want you to know this.

T says:

That’s GNON for you. To the religious we shall explain these things in perfectly Biblical language; to the irreligious we shall explain these things in the language of chimps, bonobos, and St. Darwin.

But the point does need to be understood.

Alf says:

Moldbug wants a tech CEO in charge because he argues it resembles a Christendom-type monarch.
We want a Christendom-type monarch in charge because we argue it resembles a Christendom-type monarch.

That in essence is the difference.

cub says:

ctrl+F “cultural marxism” on that article …0 results.

Yarvin does define woke by linking to a Wikipedia article about the “New Left”, which also has 0 mention of “cultural marxism” despite explicitly citing the Frankfurt School as progenitors of the movement, and despite having an article on “Cultural Marxism conspiracy theory” which is as kiked as you’d expect.

They sure don’t like mentioning it. I wonder why?

The Cominator says:

This will never be a wignat board. You can discuss jews here but I and I think most others here do not like reductio ad judeum. We don’t believe in a centralized grand jewish conspiracy or the Kmac theory (which fails because the leftist reform jews don’t breed). We mostly think Jews are a clever but alien group with a priestly and matriachal social structure which gives them a tendency to political subversion. Our general agreement is that Jews should be kept out of the government and jobs which are sort of private but quasi state. My view is in regard to cultural life they shouldn’t be allowed to influence visual aesthetics (music and writing stories they are fine as long as they are not leftists, I would argue strongly that jews have a superior music aesthetic and were a positive force on music the Jewish stranglehold on music recording and distrubtion was at its height in the 1950s and early 1960s which was by far the best era of American music). The Frankfurt school were not the first progressive intersectional leftists.

Jewish leftists (which is most of them) should be treated as all other leftists… with the free helicopter ride.

T says:

The Anglo elite was already totally degenerate when the Frankfurt Schoolers showed up, but the Jewish Left both provided much of the intellectual brainpower for New Left ideas (even moreso than for Old Left ideas) and disseminated those ideas to the wider public through its dominance in the media and in mass culture.

It should be possible to discuss that, even if one is otherwise rather fond of Jews. The problem with wignats is that they want to discuss just that, all the time. Which suggests to me that there is something else they are trying to distract from, something they don’t want discussed.

The Cominator says:

“It should be possible to discuss that, even if one is otherwise rather fond of Jews. The problem with wignats is that they want to discuss just that, all the time. Which suggests to me that there is something else they are trying to distract from, something they don’t want discussed.”

Exactly. I’ll admit I’m rather fond of at least some Jews. But the problem with wignats is what you are describing here which I call reductio ad judeum. I’m fond of an alternative conspiratorial model involving the Jesuits (and one I think has far less holes in it) but I don’t talk about them every post or see them directly involved in everything. Indeed as a super conspiracy

cub says:

>I don’t talk about them every post or see them directly involved in everything

Because they aren’t involved most of the time.

Jim says:

People who do “reducteo ad judeum” are eager to criticise the Jew who runs the pawnshop, the Jew in the funny hat, and Jews who before 1930 were dangerously evil and powerful, but are no longer particularly powerful, but display a strange reluctance to speak about the crimes of the specific powerful Jews today who are today powerful and today doing evil things.

Zorost says:

Jewish conspiracy theories are an interesting discussion topic, but a purely academic one. There is enough truth in the theories, and enough historical examples, to conclude that a 0 tolerance policy towards jews is best for a society. Nothing personal against the Julian Edelmans or Artie Shaws, but y’all gotta go.

skippy says:

One doesn’t have to ascribe all of our current problems to Jews to realize that Yarvin’s article is carefully, and no doubt deliberately, phrased to misleadingly excise the Jews from the history completely. This has been a feature of all of Yarvin’s work. Perhaps he does this for respectability, or perhaps it is a payload. Again, you don’t need to take the view that Jewish ideologies and Jewish ideology spreaders are the only issue here to acknowledge this about Yarvin.

Jim says:

Moldbug has his flaws, which this blog has condemned often enough, but Moldbug’s work was great, important, and foundational. It focused our attention the deep history and ancient history of leftism, by tracing the ever changing ideology of leftism through its continuity of organisation and personnel, all the way back to times when it was entirely unrecognisable — In our time, leftism has changed wildly with same people in charge. Deep history reveals what is unchanging. What is unchanging being revealed as cynicism and opportunism, combined with a holier-than-thou loudly proclaimed moral superiority. An ever changing parade of do-gooder rationalisations for knocking over whichever apple cart seemed shakiest at the time, and everything else changing beyond recognition quite rapidly, despite the far slower turnover of personnel and the deep continuity of very ancient and well known organisations.

They were always leftist, but what was leftism then utterly different from leftism now. Once upon a time, all the way back to the Donatists, the apple cart was the officially established state religion, sometimes it was Kingdoms, sometimes the aristocracy, sometimes this, sometimes that. Not very long ago, when old but shaky empires were in the sights, the justification was primarily nationalism. Not very long after that, internationalism. Nationalism was leftist, now it is rightist, but back when nationalism was leftist, leftists then were doing the opposite of right wing nationalists now. Nationalist is rightist, because nationalists are trying to keep the national applecart, back then it was leftist, because leftists were trying to knock over the imperial applecart.

Back when the target was the established Church of England, the left were dour folk, completely opposed to fun, games, sex, physical beauty, and joyful celebrations such as Christmas,, the Puritans. Today the left are still dour folk, opposed to fun, games, sex, physical beauty, and joyful celebrations such as Christmas, but their justifications for this position now are utterly opposed to the justifications that they gave back when the same organisations, located with the same headquarters, were the Puritan.

The Nicolatians opposed a property right in wives because sex bad, family bad, and property bad. The modern left opposes a property right in wives because … The Donatists ….

But the organisations changed far more slowly, and when, over the centuries, new organisation eventually appeared and old organisations slowly faded away, we see mass movement of personnel from the older organisation to found the new one.

skippy says:

It sure seems to me that Trotsky was already a Gay Race Communist. While Moldbug correctly pointed out that ideologies are all propagated by “conspiracies” that reach into the past, often the deep past, rather than simply emerging out of the common sense of newsreaders as normies believe, his history wasn’t even very accurate, randomly mixing together Puritans, Quakers, Transcendentalists, etc. with the message that Anglos, not Jews, are responsible for everything. Well, maybe Anglos are partly responsible, some kinds of Anglos anyway, but that doesn’t excuse bad history.

Of course, even Moldbug’s treatment with all its flaws was a huge step forward from what even the “dissident right” – to the extent it could be said to even exist at that time – was saying in 2006-8.

Jim says:

> randomly mixing together Puritans, Quakers, Transcendentalists, etc

When the history of our time is written in fifty years, will anyone care about, or even be able to coherently explain, the difference between woke, trans, cultural marxists, marxists, hippies, and whatever?

Sure, the Puritans of three hundred and sixty years ago were different from the transcendentalists of one hundred and sixty years ago, but by that time the Puritans were the transcendentalists.

Puritans were puritan because they were pure than Charles the first Bishops, then Charles the second purged them, some of them went off to found Harvard. Back then Harvard was puritan, two hundred years later Harvard was transcendentalist.

And during those two centuries it kept shedding its skin and changing its spots every time a new applecart entered the target sights. Much as Marxism flipped its ideology to become cultural marxism then to become gay and trans.

Within the memory of all older people, leftism has radically reinvented itself several times while remaining leftism, clearly recognisable as the same people and same organisations doing the same things while completely re-inventing all their reasons for doing those things. And two hundred years separate Puritan Harvard from Transcendentalist Harvard. But it was still the same Harvard all the time.

The reasons the Puritans were holier than whoever’s applecart was looking shakey were completely different from the reasons that the Transcendentalists were holier than whoever’s applecart was looking shakey, but what was utterly unchanging is that they were always holier.

skippy says:

“Sure, the Puritans of three hundred and sixty years ago were different from the transcendentalists of one hundred and sixty years ago, but by that time the Puritans were the transcendentalists.”

But the Quakers of 360 years ago are almost identical to the Progressives of today*, and the Quakers and Puritans were rivals for power both in the English State and in New England. And the Quakers defeated the Puritans in New England in the 17th and 18th centuries, before the American Revolution.

*but not identical to the Marxists of 1930 – this is where Moldbug is somewhat correct

Jim says:

The lavender mafia is not the Cultural Marxist left, but should anyone pay attention to the difference or care about it?

Jim says:

> But the Quakers of 360 years ago are almost identical to the Progressives of today

And the third Kingdom Puritans of 1650 almost identical to the Marxists of today. Leftism does not quite repeat, but it rhymes.

This is carcinization — the ever changing ideologies under the same selective forces frequently evolve into much the same memes, over and over and over again.

That the woke of today are dour, fun hating, sex hating, and beauty hating is carcinization, the Puritan phenotype has re-evolved under the same selective forces from the hippies, who had an utterly different ideological phenotype, but an ideological phenotype that much resembles the 1650 levellers.

Pay no attention to the ideological justification, since this changes continually and rapidly. It is just the magician’s flim flam hand. Pay attention to the hand he is distracting your attention from.

skippy says:

The idea of “consent” – meaning moment-to-moment ‘at will’ relationships, not contract – is a peculiarly Quaker idea, I’m not sure this idea has ever arisen anywhere else, since it’s obviously crazy, and it has a clear line of descent to the English State, where the Quakers emerged under the tolerance of a far-left Puritan government, but were not endorsed by and were rivals to the power of that far-left Puritan government.

Puritans were famously good on the woman question, although they did not outlaw rivals who were not good on the woman question. The Puritans had a healthy birth rate and could fight. They did not have an effectual theory of state, and their success dependent completely on coopting the Royalist state of King Charles, which eventually led them to crown their general King, almost restoring the Royalist settlement.

The Quakers always have been entryists. They attempted entryism against Cromwell, and then they succeeded with entryism against the Church of England, the Dominion of New England, and the USA. Puritans did not found the USA, but rather Virginian Episcopalians founded the USA under the direction of Quaker entryists.

Jim says:

> Puritans were famously good on the woman question

Oh come on. They eradicated sacramental marriage “with this ring I thee wed”, in favor of secular contractual marriage “I do”.

Female preachers, though violently controversial back then, first showed up in Puritan Churches. They were famously good on the Women Question the way the woke left is famously good on the Jewish question. It was a leftie on leftie quarrel.

The early American Puritans were famously fertile, but when we trace the family trees of famous prominent Puritans, they vanish. Major parts of Puritanism kept developing memes incongruent with reproduction and family formation, and just kept disappearing for lack of grandchildren. Those family trees that survived, survived through children or grandchilden converting to something else.

skippy says:

They believed women were there to produce children, that a “plain” life meant having many children. Maybe as the structure of the Royalist state fell away they would lose control of their women, but in principle *and in practice* Puritan women had many children.

Quakers believed women existed to consent to things, and Quakers biologically died out even when the state would have backed their marriages, because for religious reasons they refused that backing and instead required their members to obtain constant consent from women.

As Scott Alexander says:

“Fischer warns against the temptation to think of the Quakers as normal modern people, but he has to warn us precisely because it’s so tempting. Where the Puritans seem like a dystopian caricature of virtue and the Cavaliers like a dystopian caricature of vice, the Quakers just seem ordinary. Yes, they’re kind of a religious cult, but they’re the kind of religious cult any of us might found if we were thrown back to the seventeenth century.”

In fact, the Quakers were bizarre modern freaks.

Jim says:

> They believed women were there to produce children.

Did they? Their belief systems rapidly mutated in ways as complicated and difficult to trace as those of the modern left. If we look for descendants of early prominent Puritans, their children or grandchilden did not produce children.

The problem was that if you believe that women are there to produce children, you necessarily believe that women are there for sex. And obviously the man who believes women are not there to produce children is holier than you are. And pretty soon it is the woman who believes that women are not there to produce children who is holier than you are.

The memetic systems of the Puritans had a strong tendency to mutate in ways that tended to prevent successful reproduction. That is the reason there are no Puritan Churches around today. They died out. Partly mutating into post Christian religions that changed the name, and partly mutating into Puritan Churches that kept the name, but with no children on the pews.

If Puritans had such a healthy position on women, where are all the Puritan Churches?

skippy says:

The New England Puritans were defeated by the state in the 17th century. The power of their preachers – who were temporal rulers of their parishes, not just meme-speakers – was broken and they were subjected to government by non-Quakers. During the time when they had political power, they had many children.

The Puritans ended up much like hardcore conservative churches today, in that their hardcore conservatism is either a LARP that doesn’t impress women, or they risk the Waco treatment.

The Quakers, as entryists, have always been very resistant to political power (they get inside the structure of whoever happens to be winning) and as they reproduce by “education” they do not need to have children.

T says:

his history wasn’t even very accurate, randomly mixing together Puritans, Quakers, Transcendentalists, etc. with the message that Anglos, not Jews, are responsible for everything. Well, maybe Anglos are partly responsible, some kinds of Anglos anyway, but that doesn’t excuse bad history.

I don’t know if Yarvin’s history is bad, possibly it is, but if it isn’t obvious to you that the memetic edifice you are currently living in was primarily constructed by Anglo hands, then you are like the fish who doesn’t believe in water.

Your position on the JQ can be “total kike death” (not my position, but I can sympathize with those who feel that way), and yet recognize that Jews only deviated against the Anglo memeplex in ways they were permitted (by the actual elite, which was WASP) to deviate.

If the memetic edifice you are living in were mostly Jew descended rather than Anglo-Protestant descended, society would be irrecognizably different – it could well be even more grotesquely leftist than what is now in place, but in a totally different way.

skippy says:

“Your position on the JQ can be “total kike death” (not my position, but I can sympathize with those who feel that way), and yet recognize that Jews only deviated against the Anglo memeplex in ways they were permitted (by the actual elite, which was WASP) to deviate.”

My view is they turbocharged the cult that was already preying on Anglo weaknesses and also do mix in their own ideas and proclivities more subtly.

Again, my point here is not that Jews Dunnit – All Of It, but that Moldbug deliberately cuts an important part out of his history and also that with his fixation on ‘Puritans’ he’s just kinda phoning it in (I guess the Puritans are what Americans with a standard high school education associated with this period and he didn’t do any real research).

The Cominator says:

Moldbug blames the Puritans too much (yes there was a commie sect of puritans but they lost the internal power struggles, also the commies lost the power struggle in the post civil war republican party in fact very badly, the whole Gilded age narrative was the commies bitching about that the industrialist faction massively kicked their ass and they only got back into the saddle partially again when a foreign anarchist killed McKinley, TR was sympathetic to some of their concerns but not too many they really got back in the saddle with Wilson) and doesn’t blame the Quakers nearly enough. He doesn’t really deny that a lot of Jews were pro communist especially in the early 20th century as he points out that his whole family were either commies or commie sympathizing progs (and also that commies never called themselves commies they would call themselves “progressives”).

T says:

The more important thing missing in Moldbug’s analysis is what exactly it is that makes leftism (regardless of its “cladistic origins”) so bad. That is part the reason he never said anything constructive about the issues that matter the most, and his actual positions on those issues are often… less than stellar.

T says:

My view is they turbocharged the cult that was already preying on Anglo weaknesses and also do mix in their own ideas and proclivities more subtly.

They greatly accelerated leftism’s mutation rate, and (particularly via Marxism) shaped the nature or direction of the mutating memeplex’s later phases, but virtually all the essentials predated Jews: democracy, socialism, (non-Marxist) communism, abolition of monarchy, abolition of slavery, abolition of property rights in humans, abolition of coverture, “all men are created equal,” Lavender mafia, Courtly Love, the Age of Consent, the Doctrine of Consent, the perennial cults (Gaia, Ishtar, Moloch – but they were low status), Prohibition, anti-prostitution campaigns, and some other very hostile memes.

No doubt, Jews supercharged the cult, and occupy leadership positions within the cult. And yet, the cult’s core memeplex is founded on essentially Anglo memes, not (that is, not nearly so much) on essentially Jewish memes.

T says:

Also should have added the Prussian Education system, which is no less American than Prussian, to the list of hostile memes (or here, more precisely, an anti-social technology, the entropic, inverted version of social technology) predating the Jews.

Basically 90% of the ingredients in the soup are Anglo, albeit some like the Lavender mafia are of much older origin. This doesn’t make Jews “good” or an argument for “letting them stay.” But it does suggest that the JQ might be less politically relevant than some make it out to be.

i says:


The Scripture is anti-prostitution. As for “Age of Consent”. It is easily replaced by the result of puberty bringing about sexual maturity which also coincides with what is optimal for childbearing without undue risk to the mother and child.

The Telos of the body is self-evident from its processes. Just like it’s evident that sodomy is always aberrant sexual behaviour. The ass is explicitly made for crapping and nothing else.

T says:

The Scripture is anti-prostitution.

Female Victimology was never the basis of those sentiments. The whore is a villain, not a victim – or at least as much a villain as a victim.

Leviticus 21:9:

And the daughter of any priest, if she profane herself by playing the whore, she profaneth her father: she shall be burnt with fire.

Not Female Victimology.

Also, reflect on the Onanism Demon.

Not promoting here the fapper lifestyle, but consider how Anglo Protestants (and nobody else!) in the 19th century were obsessed with blaming endless social and biological ills on masturbation, so much so they introduced male circumcision, considered introducing female circumcision (but that runs against Anglo vagina worship instincts, “women and children first” after all. Lol), and came up with all kinds of sadistic torture instruments to battle the awesome and mighty Onanism Demon. E.g., the ones described here:

It was obvious why they were doing it then, and it is obvious why they are doing now the things they are doing now.

(It was finally Saint Darwin who slayed the Onanism Demon by pointing to the origin of humans; noticeably many mammals, including and especially our closest ape relatives, are chronic gooners.)

T says:

“In treating on this highly important subject, it is our chief aim to show, by incontrovertible proofs, the manifold evils society endure by licentiousness and unrestrained indulgence of the passions. Sages and moral writers of every age, have described in glowing terms the direful and awful result of Masturbation — a passion that captivates the imagination of its victim imperceptibly, step by step, till every moral feeling is obliterated, and all the physical powers destroyed. You who are addicted to this solitary vice, ‘lay not the flattering unction to your souls,’ that you are not aware of the enormity of the act,” wrote the author of one medical work.

So, of course, they invented the torture instruments, and also started cutting penises like the Jews.

Is this Doctrine from God, or is it rather the Devil pretending to be God, which is his favorite pastime (Satan is gay)?

Leftism is always Satan pretending to be God.

T says:

As Jim says, pay no attention to the ideological justifications. In a more Christian age, they sounded very holy and pious; in a post-Christian age, they use other doctrines. But the point is that they will always end up being dour, fun hating, sex hating, beauty hating, and wicked. Leftism inevitably and inexorably carcinizes in that direction; such is the nature of holiness spirals. They always have pious and holy reasons to ban sex. Reflect on the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. Reflect also on the Skoptsy. It’s the end-result of a similar heresy and a similar process of holiness spiraling.

T says:

Reflect also on the Shakers, and how GNON ruthlessly eliminated them from the gene pool. Were they true Christians? Jesus Christ said “He that is able to receive it, let him receive it,” He did not say that entire communities should embrace asceticism and abolish sex. The Shakers were following something demonic pretending to be something Christian. That’s leftism for you.

The Cominator says:

The scripture says you should not let your daughter become a whore. It does not say prostitution should be banned by the state. Augustine Aquinas and Luther (as in Martin Luther not king nigger Luther) all predicted that nothing good would come of prostitution being banned by the state and contemporary experience has shown they were right.

Jim says:

Yes, we have to suppress the supply, not the transaction.

T says:

I suggest all newbs lurking here go read the wiki entry on John Harvey Kellogg to understand what evil lies at the heart of leftism.

It is fundamentally Satan pretending to be God, evil declaring itself holier than thou. It is always a false morality motivated by a desire to hurt everyone, kill everyone, and destroy everything.

Your leftist NPC neighbor may or may not be an evil demon worshipper, but the priests running his software most definitely are evil demon worshippers. The satanic priesthood is motivated by both sadism and masochism. They hate everything, including and especially themselves.

What does Moldbug think about John Harvey Kellogg? Come on Yarvin, was Kellogg merely a “misguided” nice person or was he a demon wearing a human mask? Yarvin just can’t bring himself to view the Left as a spiritual kakistocracy, but that is the only proper way to view them.

Yarvin is unable, or does not want to, see past the human mask worn by the demons. Yarvin actually believes that leftists are “nice people.” He does not get it.

anonymous mouse says:

The forced circumcision of minors is clearly evil (and should be banned). Hard to square this fact with the equally true fact that circumcision is central to the religion of the Old Testament, on which Christianity is based (though Christianity ofc does not mandate it). This is why I will never be a Christian. A good God could never command anyone to engage in such a horrific practice.

T says:

Do you know of a more procivilizational faith than Jim’s proposed 1660 Anglicanism? This is not an echo chamber and I’m genuinely curious.

skippy says:

“John Harvey Kellogg married Ella Ervilla Eaton of Alfred Center, New York, on February 22, 1879. The couple maintained separate bedrooms and did not have any biological children. However, they were foster parents to 42 children, legally adopting 8 of them, before Ella died in 1920.[111] The adopted children included Agnes Grace, Elizabeth Ella, Harriett Eleanor, John William, Ivaline Maud, Paul Alfred, Robert Mofatt, and Newell Carey.[112]”


T says:

In this vein, the doctor had also come to believe that sex—including masturbation—was detrimental to physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. He personally abstained from it, and never consummated his marriage (and may have actually spent his honeymoon working on one of his anti-sex books). He and his wife kept separate bedrooms; they adopted eight children and fostered another 34.

He thought that meat and certain flavorful or seasoned foods increased sexual desire, and that plainer food, especially cereals and nuts, could curb it—an idea proposed in the mid-19th century by Sylvester Graham, a Presbyterian minister and eponym of the graham cracker.

“God wants you to only eat BLAND VEGETARIAN FOOD and experience ABSOLUTELY NO ORGASMS so you can much better concentrate on DOING YOUR HOMEWORK.” – A genuinely nice person and most certainly not a demon in disguise, sez Moldberg

T says:

Jews interpret the Old Testament like nerd lawyers suffering from debilitating OCD, and these Anglo Protestants interpreted the New Testament (back when they still pretended to be Christians) with full on demonic doublethink, piously preaching evil heresies and attributing those evil heresies to Christ. A match made in a place that is not Heaven.

Neurotoxin says:

On the role of Jews in leftism being discussed above. There are two distinct points:

1) Leftism’s basic memes don’t come from Jews. As has been noted, the main strands of leftism – feminism, socialism, etc. – all appeared in Anglo culture long before Jews were allowed to become prominent in Anglo culture.
2) Jews are significantly overrepresented in the world of political ideas, especially its leftist part. Marxism is the canonical example here, of course.

The Cominator says:

We will force lots of women into marriage 1.0 but if we are really restoring a trad society brothels/bawdyhouses/saloons (in America many saloons doubled as brothels and this is why the women’s movement fucking hated them) will be a great deal more common than today and cheaper too. What we will be reducing the supply of is girls who are aspirants (most unsuccessful at being regular members) to be part of Chad’s harem.

The Cominator says:

Yes Kellogg was demonic and responsible for advocating mass circumcision. A lot of joo joo joo people hate joos because at the root they blame them for circumcision but jews never advocated it be done to outsiders… and Kellogg was not a jew or even a catholic (it’s possible he was a secret Jesuit you never can tell but unlike with Fauci there is no evidence).

T says:

Kellogg’s inner monologue probably had a few things in common with the Voice of the Bathhouse. Or, even more likely, it was something like Tim Walz and John Wayne Gacy, except he was very high-functioning. He was clearly that type.

The Cominator says:

He was high functioning too in that he mixed some truth in with lies. Yogurt prebiotic is good, abstaining from drunkeness is good. Not being a chain smoker is good (though I personally think moderate smoking cigars is fine and before globohomo poisoned everything in the US this was probably true for cigs) nofap and no sex is bullshit but moderation in it is probably good at least for men (maybe not for women as sex does not drain women).

The demonic lies are 1. circumcision 2. that all sex and masturbation is bad. 3. that moderate drinking (for people that can handle it I don’t touch the stuff for family history reasons) and smoking is bad (young women especially were A LOT happier and friendlier when most of them smoked). 4. that a vegetarian diet is good for everyone including children (I can on a moral level sympathize with an anti meat position but children at least need meat sometimes to fully develop adults can probably get by on milk).

T says:

So I checked on the Kellogg company’s political orientation today, and oh boy,

Genetically modified foods labeling

Kellogg’s donated around US$2 million opposing California Proposition 37, a 2012 ballot initiative that, if enacted, would have required compulsory labeling of genetically engineered food products.[105] In March 2016, though, they vowed to label all of their products with genetically modified organisms as such by 2020.[106]

Climate change

In August 2014, Kellogg’s called on the President to support the Paris Agreement on climate change.[107] In 2016, Kellogg Company urged President-elect Donald Trump to “continue the Paris Climate Agreement”.[108]

Voter ID laws

Kellogg’s has donated to notable groups opposing voter-ID laws, such as the Applied Research Center (now RaceForward).[109] The company also decided to remove their advertisements from the Breitbart News website.[110] Breitbart News in turn called for a boycott of Kellogg’s products.[111]

Education grant

In January 2012, Kellogg’s gave the Calhoun School a $250,000 grant for a “three-part youth-based project on issues of white privilege and institutionalized racism”.[112]

Well, one can say “Havel’s Greengrocer.” Nah – these people are evil, and all the fruits of their labor are evil.

I f**king hate Satan.

T says:

Kellogg was a real piece of s**t work, and a case study in (high functioning) demonic evil, a perfect illustration of irrational anti-cosmic evil claiming to be holier than thou. Leftism is a Gnostic death cult.

The Cominator says:

The problem is though unlike with the modern left he mixed truth with lies because he was a good demonic liar, so you cannot categorically reject everything he said you must go through it piece by piece.

Neurotoxin says:

“concentrate on DOING YOUR HOMEWORK.”

“He was high functioning too in that he mixed some truth in with lies. Yogurt prebiotic is good…”

Maybe, but one traditionally takes the yogurt in by one’s front end, not by one’s back end.
(Per Wikipedia, Kellogg advocated “the use of yogurt enemas.”)

So: No sex, no fap, but squirt a bunch of yogurt up your ass. These people are really just beyond satire.

Neurotoxin says:

I just can’t stop laughing.

“Hey everybody! Squirt yogurt up your ass! Oh and by the way, if you have sex, you’re a weirdo.”

i says:


Both the Madonna(ever-virgin). And Whore are mutually reinforcing. Both sever Sex from Reproduction of Legitimate Heirs and an intact family.

I’d say promoting wholesome sexuality within marriage is must as much importance as curbing whoredom. Said whoredom would be weakened without the apparent opposite of frigidity.

Mayflower Sperg says:
Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Com, isn’t this just the sort of monomania you want to criticize others for? You do not miss an opportunity for tirades like this whenever someone talks about groups of khazars up to no good, excepting cases were you fear the status differential like when the host or other regular does it, irrespective of how correct appropriate and on topic the thing you try to shout down may be.

You need real substantial points to stand on to make this something more than an irrelevant autistic rant… with all due respect.

The frakfurt school was absolutely a pivotal player in new factions of priests that took over from the ‘old left’, languages they used were in substantial part their language. Leaving that out of the picture is a hole you can drive a busful of calumnies through, and attempting to obscure that reality by shouting down discussion is a malicious and harmful act to distort history.

Of course, there are several reasons why yarvin himself might elide these things, and not just personal interest.

Which is, he’s advertising to his fellow blue tribes. Trying to sell a ‘palatable pill’. Trying to alchemize perennial truth into a form that is acceptable to bluetribesmen, that won’t trigger their vomit reflex, that they won’t associate with ‘deploraproles’.

Which means one might notice there is never any ‘women and minorities’ talk in Curtis Yarvin.

Of course the ‘women and minorities’ problems are foundational problems. But maybe he is thinking that that which goes without saying will follow that which he does say. Maybe he is thinking if he can convince his daemon-haunted neighbors to commit to going a little off the reservation in one area, that it will lead to going a whole lot off the reservation in every area. Maybe that could even be true. But it betrays an intellectual dishonestly in any case, and worse, can lead to situations like this, where you have people who are not simply mum but argue *against* foundational problems even, because the court scribe didn’t mention it, so they must be heterodox.

T says:

You and Cominator are both great posters (you being the antisemitic edge of JB’s regulars, him being the philosemitic edge), and I think that, for the benefit of the Truth, you two should both take this opportunity to calmly elucidate your respective positions on the JQ, not for anyone to “decide” on which is more right (groupthink and conformity are gay, and Jim is not an oriental despot. It’s okay to disagree), but to have the fullest view possible of the matter. I like you both.

Niiiidriveevof says:

pseudo-chrysostom is a pillar of the community, always insightful. cominator is a neurotic clown who gets more respect than he deserves.

Jim says:

I like his Jesuits theory. I doubt it rules the world, but it is certainly a dangerous and powerful conspiracy.

The Cominator says:

If you are referring to the issue of the (((Brazilians))) (Sam Hyde joke) PC there are too many people a great deal of them shills nowadays on the gas (pun not intended but still kinda funny) and nobody on the breaks and it leads to the kind of stupidity represented by people like the groypers. And I’m not the only one who said that there really was no new intellectual current in leftism created by the Frankfurt school. Indeed the most significant development in leftist intellectualism in the post WWII era I would attribute Gramsci and his followers who advocated institutional infiltration and capture.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Com is a good guy in spite of these kinds of hangups, which is what counsel is for. If it’s possible for anyone to overcome their Federal Informant past, this can be what it looks like (or serve as a cautionary tale if I’m wrong).

@The Cominator
I figured that might be a main argument (‘I am pushing back against trends in discourse by pidgeonholing in a different area’/’I am replying to a hypothetical interlocutor somewhere else while talking to a real interlocutor in front of me’.)
I don’t think that’s a good thing though, generally anyways. When you want less adulterated discourse, the first place to start is to be unadulterated in your own discourse.

More tangentially speaking, in the mid twentieth century, reading continentals and eurocoms is what the new priests in the universities did to seem sophisticated. The analytics may have been a homegrown degeneracy for the whigs, but even in Oxford and Harvard they were never ‘cool’, just there, a convention to either follow passively for grades or signal rebellion against to show how deep and edgy you are.

Gramsci provided an evocative label for entryism certainly, but this is also somewhat akin to saying that Newton invented inertia. He was someone who described something that was always and already happening. These circles were all in a ferment of course.

skippy says:

He piously reassures us that Stalin was the bad guy, that American Communism is descended from Stalin and not Trotsky. But American Leftism is obviously descended from Trotsky. And he reassures us that Islam (Islamism is Islam, a Islam is a religion of law as well as faith) is the enemy, an American Trotskyite position.

Jim says:

Marxism tells the peasant with one cow to kill the cows of the peasant with two cows, so that it can take away all their cows and all their grain.

DegenUSA says:

[*deleted for presupposing the prog narrative the sexual misconduct is wicked men oppressing women, and if we could protect women from men, it would all be fine*]
“We demand that the FBI preserve and retain all records, documents, and information on the now closing DEI Office—Never should have been opened and, if it was, should have closed long ago. Why is it that they’re closing one day before the Inauguration of a new Administration? The reason is, CORRUPTION!”

Jim says:

This just a love spat in the deep state, so no one here is likely to care about all these boring links.

If Jews genocide the Arabs, not our our problem, and if the Arabs genocide the Jews, not our problem. Both sides have eagerly pushed into a situation where both now have an urgent need to genocide each other, and some mighty good excuses for doing so. I don’t care very much when evil people harm each other, and I care even less when evil strangers far away harm other evil strangers far away.

There are some good people there, notably the Palestinian Christians, but neither side in this deep state love spat wants to help them. Both sides in the quarrel whose video you linked want them gone.

VoV says:

I’ve repeately said elsewhere that the West and Christendom and White-types and Friendlies in general like Hispanics, Japs, Buddhist Hindu, should instead of trying to ally and/or keep Jews and Islam and Woke, should find way to exit all of them, while getting them to focus on genociding all of each other for the next 50/100/500 years, then just sit back play dumb and watch as they grind each other out of relevance.
How to do that, I don’t know.
You want to exit to the top independant and free with all others unaware that they’re consumed with each other or that you’re the one who let it happen, not keep stuck in turning cycles every century or eon or so.

Jim says:

Exit is not a viable strategy when the British and US Governments will bomb redneck country with sixty million subsaharan Africans.

Jehu says:

Only the Star Prophet has a viable exit strategy, PBUH. But even that strategy requires a good decade or so to mature.

Jehu says:

I kinda doubt that either party Jews or Arabs will have meaningfully reduced the population of the other by the end of this current conflict. It seems to me that genocide has to at least reduce the population, and I bet that in 2026 both populations will be larger than before the conflict. I definitely agree that genocide is the rational objective of both parties, I just don’t see either getting there.

Zorost says:

True long-lasting genocide requires destruction of food or reproduction; killing individuals is generally a waste of time. Anyone notice how TPTB seem intent on creating artificial food shortages while having us ingest and get injected by things that mess with our reproduction? Hmmm…

Jehu says:

You can get there killing individuals, but you’ve gotta go full Hutu. The highest estimates I’ve seen are in the 40-50k range and frankly, I bet that’s less than the natural increase on the Arab side. The USSR and Germany also made pretty creditable efforts to genociding each other in WW2. This current squabble seems nowhere in the same league, even on a per capita basis.

Jim says:

The most effective method of genocide is to enforce the marital and private property land rights of your own people, and not enforce, or not effectively enforce, the marital and private property land rights of the people you don’t want around.

In the days of the Roman monarchy and early Roman Republic, they recognised the marriages of the better people, but not the marriages of the lower classes. They had umpteen different degrees and kinds of marriage. This likely resulted in large differential fertility.

Log4 says:

[*deleted for not being newsworthy*]

Pax Imperialis says:

>Thermidor — well Thermidor is more complicated. They think the woke are holier than they are, but have just gone a little too far. So they comprehend the Woke just fine.

I’ve got a halarious example of that, from NYT writer David Brooks. Link attached below:

The weak U.S. industrial base has hollowed out American resilience. China’s shipbuilding industry has a capacity more than 230 times that of the United States. When experts recently conducted war games with China, the United States ran out of long-range anti-ship missiles within three to seven days.


We live in a soap opera country. We live in a social media/cable TV country. In our culture you don’t want to focus on boring policy questions


Hegseth is, of course, the living, breathing embodiment of this culture. The world is on fire, and what’s his obsession? Wokeness in the military.


next to some of his Democratic questioners, he looked like Carl von Clausewitz. Democrats played their own culture war games. Especially early in the hearing their main obsession was women in combat. (Like everybody in my social class, I support women in combat, but I don’t think it’s as important an issue as failure to deter World War III.)

Check out the full article, it’s pretty funny and sad just how blind these people are.

Anon says:

LMAO , the world is indeed turning.
yarvin in the belly of the beast, NYT.
total namefag but damn

when jimblog getting featured.

T says:

when jimblog getting featured.

JB still far outside the Overton Window, for the time being. But that the NRx-sphere is no longer terra incognita for the mainstream of the mainstream suggests that Woke is truly on the way out. They no longer bother much to filter out thoughtcrimes, because they no longer expect to hold on to power. Might as well go the whole hog and interview Moldbug.

T says:

You see, the dissidents are all already familiar with Uncle Yarv. Now, realizing that the woke moment is over, that glasnost is upon us, and that there could well be a Regime Change in America soon, they are allowing the introduction of some heavy crimethink to the general public, because… why the hell not? The ruling class is clearly in search of a new faith, and they signal “open-mindedness.”

Pax Imperialis says:

Give it 10 to 20 years for the next couple of generations to age into power

T says:

I thought we were doing the Doomsday Cult thing and waiting (preparing) for Something to Happen in 2026… you seem to be describing a rather gradual scenario here. Do you expect the Regime to make it more-or-less intact into the next decade?

Pax Imperialis says:

I expect the Andrew Tate generation to come to age regardless of what happens to the current regime. Obviously they will have interests wider than just Tate. That’s how you get JB content, or maybe even JB direct, featured in mainstream media.

I do have concerns about the actual blog lasting that long, but I believe there have been enough readers to continue on after Jim if need be.

Pax Imperialis says:

>featured in mainstream media

Or conversely, featured on amateur radio broadcasts. The desire and need to communicate interesting ideas will persist any dark age… and radio tech is pretty trivial to set up provided nothing truly apocalyptic happens.

T says:

You have a point. It’s important not to immanentize the eschaton – it’s also, however, vital to not be caught unprepared.

Jim says:

Still doomstering, but Thermidor is now in charge, so hot democide of legacy Americans is now far less likely. But when Thermidor took charge in France, this did not mean that everything became quiet.

Kellogg, Trump’s Ukraine negotiator, is still on course for nuclear war with Russia. Which seems incongruent with Trump, who seems to be in contact with reality. In sane society, they would put Kellogg in a straightjacket, shoot him full of Thorazine, and stuff him in a nuthouse. The lunatics are still in charge of the asylum, it is just that the World Conquest lunatics are dismayed by the Woke lunatics.

Thermidor has no faith except slightly watered down woke, and Moldbug has no faith. Holy war still oncoming. It is, however, avoidable. The Trump nominees either belonged to the war faction, or were kowtowing to it. The Presidency intends to resist the president.

The Romanian election was cancelled, and the plan is for a new election in six months under a new election system with a new electoral process radically changed to ensure a rigged outcome. It is 2020 in Romania. The election result was that Romania should under the authority of the American president, and the cancellation was that it should be under the authority of the American presidency.

Thermidor seems to be very solid on purging woke. Woke is disinclined to believe the purge will happen, and is suffering from normality bias, thus likely to be blindsided by the purge.

But they are half right. You are not going to purge a faith is you are relying on slightly less sincere and slightly more hypocritical believers in the faith to carry out the purge. A lot of woke are going to lose their nice DEI jobs, but the purge will not be very effectual until the tanks go into Harvard.

The gaming and movie industry perhaps foreshadows the future. With the Trump election, the gaming companies are purging woke, but seem likely to remain incapable of producing playable games. Looks like all or most of the major gaming companies are going to die of inderadicable woke. But they are not dead yet, and purge is ongoing, The way the wind blows, woke is just too entrenched, and purge too half hearted and guilty. Board says “purge woke, or we will appoint a CEO who will” CEO says “OK” but he is half hearted about it, and appoints people who are even more half hearted, who appoint people …” And you get games and movies that are considerably less bad than they used to be, but still not that good.

Which is pretty much what Thermidor wants. Slightly less wokeness. But I see the Paris commune and the revolution of 1848 oncoming.

Alf says:

Thermidor has no faith except slightly watered down woke, and Moldbug has no faith. Holy war still oncoming. It is, however, avoidable.

Seems like 2026 civil war might be postponed after all. Observing a process changes that process. Enough important people have observed the track towards civil war for it to be changed. Which does not mean civil war is avoided – it is postponed. A stable solution has not yet been implemented.

Jim says:

Thermidor tends to have dramatic events, until one man makes himself the unchallenged and unchallengeable supremo.

If Trump becomes the dictator Moldbug hopes for, then the internal crisis will be resolved. If he does not, it will not.

The international crisis is still coming. Trump seems to have a plan to roll back the American Empire to the ocean boundaries: Canada, Greenland, and Latin America. This is likely to create some disturbance.

The first stress point on the Trump coalition is likely to be resolving the Ukraine war, or failing to resolve it, because the clock is ticking.

Trump promised to end the Ukraine war in a day.

Keith Kellogg, Trump’s Ukraine negotiator, says maybe one hundred days. The officers of the Ukraine army say their army is likely to disappear in less than 180 days, not primarily through running out of men, but primarily through running out of relevant Nato weapons. Trump appears to be aware of the situation, Keith Kellogg appears to be unaware of the situation, probably because crimestop prevents him from noticing or hearing. Lots of other people on the Trump team appear to be similarly oblivious.

Trump is cheerfully willing to incorporate discordant elements into the Trump coalition. Everyone wants to be in the Trump coalition, and part of the deal is just accepting that. But Trump seems to avoiding laying down the law on foreign policy.

A large element of thermidor wants to establish a low level forever war with Russia. They just want to get out of high level forever war.

There will be more stress points.

Fidelis says:

I am hoping and praying for a Holy War much like the Holy War that put Constantine on the throne. I am hoping and praying as well that the actual war will be bloodless or near bloodless, and that bringing the evil to justice will involve a trial. In the trial the evidence will be collected and judged fairly, so that the world might know the crimes, and that the world might know the punishment, which will be quite harsh for many, is just and fitting. That we shall once again find ourselves ruled in a righteous kingdom.

When the feds marched to the border to put down the Texas guard, they blinked, and went home. I pray that when the troops wearing the symbols of Christian America, with faith in their hearts and steel in their spines, come to face the troops ordered to defend this evil regime, the enemy finds no will to fight and simply surrenders.

Bix Nudelmann says:

“Keith Kellogg appears to be unaware of the situation, probably because crimestop prevents him from noticing or hearing. Lots of other people on the Trump team appear to be similarly oblivious.”

I’m incredulous. Gonzalo Lira may be dead, but my YouTube is full of guys ranting about how the Ukraine situation is hopeless. I can’t get the WQ or the six million on it, but I can get that.

So at the very least Barron knows, and so Don knows, or something.

But the fact that Ukraine is doing so horribly isn’t like who killed Jimmy Hoffa or how they built the Pyramids. It’s out there on normie platforms, just not the New York Times or The Guardian. So it baffles me that so many Really Important People are still just whistling through no man’s land like that.

(Just fuck me on up, fam.)

Anon says:

“ Trump seems to have a plan to roll back the American Empire to the ocean boundaries: Canada, Greenland, and Latin America”
This is very interesting, so with Greenland he give up on Europe and let Russia sort the miss , with Panama Canal he will have south line against china and migration, this is very interesting , like a new monro doctrine ,because Global American empire military decline you would try to shore-up defense of the home land, that quite a smart move. either he has some smart people tell him or he is moving on instinct. I was amused by his Greenland and Panama Canal blustering , thought it trump just talking sh*t to rattle the deep state, but if this true , there is a plan after all.

Anon says:

“JB still far outside the Overton Window.”
i disagree . the overton window is collapsing very fast, and jim is naturally follow after moldbug. moldbug has answer to the small question , monarchy instead of democracy.
but not the big ones , religion and civilization.
jim has the analysis and the answer.

T says:

the overton window is collapsing very fast, and jim is naturally follow after moldbug.

Amen to that! I’m not so sure that the chattering classes are quite ready yet for the thermonuclear Jimbombs, but who even knows at this point.

Alf says:

Put the manosphere and Moldbug together, you end up here.

Hesiod says:

Is this actually worth watching or is it a smug hit-piece where they edit our Mencius Fonzarelli to distort what he is saying?

Pax Imperialis says:

I would say yes, while there’s clear cuts and edits, they are often unable to give a real rebut or argument against Yarvin. It’s like watching someone who is deeply uncomfortable about not having moral superiority, not realizing it intellectually, but feeling it instinctively. The part about Nelson Mandela is pretty funny, although that might be only because I know more about what the ANC did than most NYT readers.

Hesiod says:

Thanks, I’ll continue despite the initial wariness due to the interviewer’s tone.

Pax Imperialis says:

Just roll your eyes and laugh as he gets increasingly frantic if not worried sounding.

Contaminated NEET says:

The interview is an insufferable fag, and Moldbug is way too civil and accommodating, because in his heart he still respects the NYT. Weak. Weak. Weak.

Jim says:

Exactly so. Mark Andreesan is not a reactionary (or if he is, all namefags still have to keep it quiet until things develop), but he was able to disrespect the New York Times, unlike Namefag Yarvin.

Alf says:

I thought Yarvin did great. Speak softly, carry a big stick. A major part of the interviewer’s frustration stemmed from his inability to understand why someone who speaks so softly is carrying such a disproportionately big stick.

Jim says:

Namefag Yarvin said nothing much, and, as the interviewer correctly called out, was backing away from Moldbug.

What actually contained information was New York Times talking about and to Namefag Yarvin, and the body language and facial expressions of the New York Times interviewer.

So, what information and influence do you think Namefag Yarvin gave the New York Times?

What little he gave, I doubt that they were able to hear, even though they are making an honest effort to listen.

I say things in the crudest and most direct possible way, a full frontal assault on crimestop, while Moldbug liked, and Namefag Yarvin likes, to use long winded circumlocution, so that people likely to crimestop out what he is saying will have an easy time crimestopping thoughts they do not want to hear.

The metamessage of my way of saying things is “shut up and listen, or else you are going to get us all killed.”

Anon says:

“Moldbug is way too civil and accommodating”

Clearly he want to take over the New York Times, yarvin believe in seduce your enemy to your side. As interpretation of Caesar in civil war, forgive your enemy and make them your people and rule over them.
The problem that these people are evil and demonic and no talk will reach them , and will need purging as Jim said repeatedly. Yarvin like Caesar under normality bias and if not careful will end the same way.

Pax Imperialis says:

>and if not careful will end the same way

Arguably a good thing for us

The Cominator says:

To be more charitable to Yarvin lately his persuasion approach seems like it HAS won over a dissident portion of the elite. It hasn’t of course won over the demon worshippers and unfortunately some of them seem to feel they need infinity jeets for some reason but they are now actively opposing the demon worshippers and they’ve adopted at least some tenets of neoreaction 101.

alf says:

The problem that these people are evil and demonic and no talk will reach them

Clearly the interview would’ve gone much better if only Yarvin had opened with that. /s

Whatever Yarvin’s flaws, he is a trailblazer who has no doubt gotten much more involved with very important people than he ever expected to.

His plan never did involve helicopter rides. That might be a shortcoming, but that is a lot easier for us to say anonymously. But it is also obvious that at least part of his plan is working — thermidor is conversion of the elite.

His task in this interview was not to tell the NYT how evil they are and how their time has come. His task was to mainstream neoreactionary ideas among the American elite. Which he did excellently. He did not backpedal any of his ideas, he was courteous and gracious.

His mere presence was speaking unspeakable truth to power.

Jim says:

> But it is also obvious that at least part of his plan is working — thermidor is conversion of the elite.

Not to his ideas it is not.

Thermidor was inevitable and predictable, though I did not expect it to take this form. It is not a result of his ideas reaching the elite, but of the left overreaching, as leftism moved ever lefter, ever faster.

I have long predicted that movement ever leftwards, the left singularity, would be abruptly ended by something radical, though I expected higher lethality. Early days yet, I still expect higher lethality. The woke will not take this lying down. Expect drastic measures to save democracy from the voters, as we recently saw in Romania.

Marc Andreesan explains that the left was trying to destroy his businesses and his life, was taking his businesses away to repurpose them for social justice, as we have been seeing in the gaming industry and so forth.So the tech oligarchs defected on the left, which is the primary reason why the election was less rigged this time.

Everyone has been asking why businessmen did not purge woke from their businesses.

Because they could not do so, unless they first fixed the state.

But there was also massive defection within the state and within the Uniparty. Above ground, the Republican party openly went Trumpist. Last time around, and during the mid terms, the never trumpers were quietly in control of the Republican party.

Plus the very large conquer-the-world-for-the-rules-based-order faction was dismayed because they saw the weakness and logistic incapacity on display in Ukraine. Turns out you cannot print more weapons the way you can print more money, and while paper GDP works great for their purposes, though not for the purposes of ordinary Americans, paper weapons mysterious evaporated when the $#!& hit the fan.

It looks like the Ukrainians will run out of weapons at roughly the same time as they run out of men, only because they have been substituting meat for weapons, and will run out of weapons a little before they run out of men, because they are hitting the limit on this substitution.

None of this is Thermidor accepting our ideas. Rather, they want to revive recent unprincipled exceptions. It is leftism going too far, too fast, as it approaches the leftism singularity, infinite leftism in infinite time, as I have been predicting for a very very long time, and Moldbug not predicting.

I long predicted Thermidor, and said that they Thermidor would eventually result in the death of the enemy faith — but not in its immediate death

And I said that when the enemy faith dies, we will have a state with an undead zombie state religion. And then our ideas enter the elite widely enough to make a difference.

These events, Thermidor and death of the state religion, were not part of Moldbugs plan.

Now they think they are trying to listen. And are going through the motions of listening, but are strangely unable to hear anything meaningful. The time will come when they actually do listen, and actually hear. But that is likely to take a while.

Contaminated NEET says:

>Clearly the interview would’ve gone much better if only Yarvin had opened with that. /s

Nah. Fuck these people. Pursuing their good opinion and cooperation is a waste of time because they’re never going to give us either. As civil and diplomatic as Moldbug was, the faggot interviewer still put a little disclaimer at the start of the video telling everyone that he was evil, stupid, and wrong about everything, but unfortunately, in Trump’s America, evil stupid wrong people like Moldbug will have a frightening and dangerous amount of influence, so we have to understand why they’re stupid, evil, and wrong.

Jim says:

It is the understanding why part that is radical new. Previous strategy was “Tiny Toxic Minority”

The promotional material for “Dragon Age, the Veilguard” was all about trans, not about game play. It was promoting trans, not the game. (The game itself also being a sermon about trans.) With the result that Bioware is going bust, for producing Woke propaganda instead of entertainment. The premise being that those who wanted entertainment rather than sermons were “a tiny toxic minority”. After all, one hundred percent of the faithful agree that they prefer sermons to entertainment.

It now appears that the “tiny” and “minority” part of the narrative has been quietly discarded.

Alf says:

So, what information and influence do you think Namefag Yarvin gave the New York Times?

Among others, he:
– made the distinction between 1000 AD – 1750 AD monarchs and 20th century dictators, even neatly aligning the latter with democracies.
– defended slavery.
– defended dismantling feminism and taking away women’s vote.

Whether the interviewer listened, I doubt it. But people are listening.

He rather obviously is making an impact on Thermidor. As the NYT interviewer points out, he has been name dropped by Peter Thiel and JD Vance.

the faggot interviewer still put a little disclaimer at the start of the video telling everyone that he was evil

Did he? I had already forgotten. The problem with telling everyone not to listen to the man you are about to give a microphone, is that everyone is bound to listen.

Anon says:

“Not to his ideas it is not.
Thermidor was inevitable and predictable”
every big Thermidor have named dropped him and used his memes , like RAGE . And his explanation about the current regime being FDR monarchy.
Yes it is surface level and don’t reach deep.
But a start.

Jim says:

When Moldbug was doxxed, his balls fell off.

They have not grown back:

The interviewer taxed him with the considerable difference between his current tone, and the things he said before he was doxxed.

In this interview, he is arguing for niceness to the old Woke elite “The NPR class”. He correctly says we should take Havel’s Greengrocer on board, and no doubt it is true that most people who listen the NPR are Havel’s Greengrocer. He argues these are nice people, and they are. But the people at NPR are demon worshipping perverts who hate everyone and everything and want the whole world to die.

Biden was a nice person, also took bribes and so forth, but a nice person. Were Kamala and Hillary nice people? Look at the Democratic speakers during the confirmations. Are they nice people?

People listen the NPR to know what to say and what to think, and I am sure that when NPR starts advertising us throwing gays off tall buildings, and tells its audience to show up and cheer, most of them will show up and cheer, and not notice anything has changed. We should not send Havel’s Greengrocer to the Gulag, we need him to continue right on doing his current job.

But Havel’s Greengrocer does not matter. Faiths fight over him, not with him. We have demon worshippers in charge, and whether demons are real or figurative, we have demons in charge.We need something more like the conquistador’s eradicating the Old Gods.

AnCap vs NPR says:

[*Please take the shill test described in the moderation policy and get white listed.*]

Jim says:

I would be happy to have a discussion about anarcho capitalism, provided it is with an actual anarcho capitalist, and not yet another quasi-governmental shill working for the Soros foundation, or yet another Harvard foundation.

AnCap vs NPR says:

Fuck Harvard, they’re just a bunch of Jews that employ Govt Pols, they slapped in a token Hatian Plagiarizer Cunt as Pres who ran Voodoo on a sad Stanford White guy to steal his semen to get herself a Leftist oreo baby who will grow up Confused Leftist and Gay.

Soros could have been an AnCap, except he spent his life capital corruptly Jewing up everything he can with Leftists, Colour Rev, Brown, and Islam, he also gets off on murdering Jews and White people.

Nothing about those two are even remotely AnCap.

Not really here to talk AnCap, just noting that NPR/VoA etc are massive nationwide PsyOps programming for leftist statism, servitude, and teat sucking.

This brain was never tuned to words, lyrics, etc.
It used to listen to NPR all the time, because it was relaxing.
To us voices are just another instrument, not words.
Putting the analysis hat on, that’s the PsyOp… the soothing words of the Socialism with Marx and his Commies always behind them ready to help providing needed structure for your day, lol. The Animal Farm, the 1984, Huxly, and so much more Psychotropic, NLP, etc. The masses become captured believers and Leftist activists voters wokes dems etc, because most brains are tuned to those frequencies, and are listening to the words as words. Then the Great Grinding-Down ensues.

AnCap Media was the only thing that actually tripped the processing circuits into enable mode. I suggest people try consuming some instead of NPR and MSNBC.

Jim says:

You are now blocked, and I will see no more comments that give this email address.

Allowing this through once solely so that readers will know what a government shill sounds like.

Pax Imperialis says:

But the people at NPR are demon worshipping perverts who hate everyone and everything and want the whole world to die.

Biden was a nice person, also took bribes and so forth, but a nice person. Were Kamala and Hillary nice people? Look at the Democratic speakers during the confirmations. Are they nice people?

I don’t believe Yarvin is so stupid to not notice implications of Tanks on Harvard Square or Helicopter memes common in Nrx, and I’ve never seen him really push back on that when he talks to Nrx, but he’s predominately talking to the regime, and if you’re going to liquidate pull life support on “retire” those people… sure helps if they gently go into the night thinking it’s just a retirement.

I really think you missed the significance of what the NYT interview showed. It’s not so much what Yarvin said, but what the body language of the interviewer displayed. Anxiety, fear, incoherence, a fair bit of desperation… the regime is not is a good place right now.

Jim says:

The woke believe the purge is not happening. Thermidor is serious about purging, and intends it to happen. But seriously wanting and intending the purge is not the same thing as actually making it happen.

Bix Nudelmann says:

It’s not a purge until college admissions and HR are purged also. These people are dug in like that Terrakon Fortress in Ukraine, so how in the world can that happen? Go ahead and aim high.

“Trick answers”, like using crypto stuff to make Sarbanes-Oxley companies irrelevant anyway, are certainly allowed. Go ahead and shame me for my lack of faith and imagination.

Jim says:

It will be a while before my solution to Sarbannes Oxley is ready. (Sarbannes Oxley took away my bread and butter, and I am still pissed) It is impossible to purge HR until the Department of Labor is first purged. And Lori Chavez-DeRemer is not a woman who is going to purge it. She is single and childless, a diversity hire. She is unlikely to be on Trump’s side or our side. On the other hand, Trump has now had lots of experience with enemy hires, so maybe he knows something I do not.

Bix Nudelmann says:

Is there a single woman in public office, absolutely anywhere, who’s legitimate? With even one unique idea or using her authority to push back against actual harmful or evil power? Even one? Just one?

I didn’t bother listening to the words, but this Pam Bondi chick being grilled by the Senate to become Attorney General, with that bleached hair and streetwalker makeup, I’m like godddaaaaaaaaaamn the fuck is this now?

Is this sexually frustrated gamma male rage talking, or am I actually of sound mind and just can’t stand the real-life bullcrap anymore? Both?

Are all women in office like that?

Lori says:

Lori is a Catholic married for decades with 2 kids and is AntiCRT, LowTax, ProGun, the usual stuff, you ignorant chud. Only notable thing is her obesity, and that dad hasn’t married off the daughters yet.

Jim says:

I was misinformed.

Sounds like just the lady to purge Department of Labor, thereby making it possible for private companies to purge HR.

She sounds a lot more like what I would expect a Trump pick to be.

Bix Nudelmann says:

Thanks for jumping in, Lori. Let’s watch what she does and learn something.

yewotm8 says:

Bondi is 59 but looks 39. I’ve always taken aging well to be a sign of sanity and non-leftism, especially in women.

DemonsBeGone says:

[*Please take the shill test described in the moderation policy and get white listed.*]

Jehu says:

The greengrocer isn’t a player on the field. He’s the scoreboard.

Fidelis says:

Yarvin in top rambling form. Much of the discussion was boring and irrelevant, sounded more like bikeshedding on policy differences with some added tut-tutting from the catty interviewer than some great ideological conflict and debate.

However there were a few little thoughtcrime breadcrumbs, warnings really, that Yarvin offered. The most obvious and prominent warning, disguised as pessimism, was him saying that Trump cannot succeed in his now second term, because the bureaucracy is nothing but a Gordian Knot. The interviewer seemed to miss the implication that a Gordian Knot is no problem at all for him that wields a sword.

Jim says:

The presidency undoubtedly intends to stall the president.

In the cabinet hearings the Democrats were banging away on the dire threat that people might fired, demoted, or prosecuted for political reasons, to which the cabinet nominees gave non answers, with which the Democrat interviewers were not happy.

Trumpist Republicans on the other hand, asked questions about improper and criminal acts that the Presidency has committed, to which the nominees gave non specific answers, but actual answers.

So the will to bend the Presidency to the will of the President is there. The proposed measures, however have much lacking.

Last time around, Trump was playing chess with an opponent who kicked over the chess board. There is a lot of room for the Presidency to escalate, and a lot of room for the President to escalate.

Alf says:

Whatever criticism we might have of Yarvin, him telling the story of how a New York Times reader loves democracy but hates populism on the New York Times podcast is just absolute peak Moldbug. Well-deserved moment.

Fidelis says:

Well, I found this an argument for a change in policy, which is unimportant. Important is a change in ruling ideology, of which there was little if any discussion. I didn’t expect any of this discussion, but I was hoping for hints in this direction, a true dogwhistle Yarvin may be capable of. Didn’t find it.

Alf says:

And you won’t, because that’s what our justified criticism of Yarvin entails. He is right about the diagnosis, can be called the godfather of getting the diagnosis right, but he is off in his prescription.

Jim says:

> I really think you missed the significance of what the NYT interview showed.

Yes, I did, because I was watching Namefag Yarvin, and namefags never say anything.

On trying again, and watching the NYT interviewer, yes, that is interesting.

T says:

Every white person understands that the current regime is anti-white, every male understands it is anti-male, and every heterosexual understands it is anti-heterosexual. Thermidor gets it too, and they are looking for a new faith, one that will not be (explicitly, officially) anti-white, anti-male, and anti-heterosexual. They want something “egalitarian.”

The interviewer, David Marchese, an atheist Jew (leftist demon worshipper), decided, or had it decided for him from above – let’s talk with Moldbug about all this. So, Jewish faction of Thermidor, with the NYT showing signs of bending the knee at least to this faction.

Moldbug’s pitch to the atheist Jewish demon worshipper is, “Look, it’s either King Vance, or HITLER.” That seemed to confuse (and possibly convince) the interviewer. Ultimately, Jews do not possess the characteristics of an elite – at bottom, these are smelly shtetl kikes terrified of the Awakened Goy, and they would much rather go with King Vance than go with Hitler.

Still, the more I think about this interview, the more significant it appears. Thermidor just normalized f**king Moldbug lol. Whatever else this is, they are truly showing here willingness to play with fire.

What a weird timeline.

Jim says:

When I started to look at what mattered, and what mattered was not the New York Times interviewing Yarvin, but Yarvin interviewing the New York Times, I saw something dramatic and startling.

Our enemies are now starting to try to understand us. This is very dangerous to us.

This greatly reduces the risk of a bloody and terrible resolution of the conflict. Unfortunately it also considerably reduces our prospect for victory. I had considered a bloody and terrible resolution almost inevitable, and victory inevitable, at worst it might be long delayed. This changes things.

No fundamental change as yet. They are still trapped in a bubble of absurd delusion, but this is starting to trouble them and they are making effort to escape. Talking to Namefag Yarvin was an effort to get information from outside the bubble — but they did not get any information, because he is a namefag.

Thermidor, the Woke, and Harvard is still full on course for nuclear war, and Harvard and the New York Times still on course for civil war and/or democide of legacy Americans, but they are starting to think about where they are going. They are beginning to think they might be on course for a destination that they do not like. The defection of the tech elite has made them think.

What, however, they are thinking about is continuing business as normal with a reshuffle of alliances. When Andreesan said “contempt for the taxpayer” it was too unimaginable and unthinkable for the New York Times to register, and the sex problem is just as far off the radar for Andreesan as it is for the New York Times.

On the other hand, they have realised there is a problem with their radar.

Fidelis says:

Our enemies are now starting to try to understand us. This is very dangerous to us.

Quite the amusing synchronicty that this should appear shortly after the post hosting this conservation thread, “Know your enemy, know yourself”

I would rather term the people trying to understand our memes as fickle and feckless allies rather than enemies. Knowing us not, they cannot percieve us as an enemy faith. Lacking a true faith themselves, cannot have enemies of their faith. Certainly among the people attempting to learn, they will blow the other way, and kneel to their (un)holy woke superiors. However I suspect that many more will realize the fragility of their faith and memes, and come to recognize the danger in the memes of our true believer enemies, and find themselves drifting our way. Perhaps not as converts, but at least they might find their wills particularly weak when the Thermidor core becomes afraid of the white terror they themselves unleased, and seeks to suppress us.

The true believers, our real enemies, I don’t see questioning themselves or making an attempt to understand anything outside their bubble.

Jim says:

> I would rather term the people trying to understand our memes as fickle and feckless allies rather than enemies.

Mark Andreesen is a fickle and feckless ally, but he is coming along. The New York Times creatures interviewing him and Namefag Yarvin are trying to understand our memes, and they are enemies.

They are not getting far. Crimestop continually interrupts their efforts, and they will not go looking where the information that they want can be found. But they are definitely trying.

Karl says:

Our enemies are now starting to try to understand us. This is very dangerous to us.

The only way to convert someone to our faith is to make him understand us, to teach patiently as you are doing on this blog, trying to have a discussion even with shills. If the enemy starts to listen, we have a chance that some of them convert. For this reason, I see this more as a chance than a danger.

The enemy can understand Thermidor as people who are somewhat lacking in faith, but are somehow suffering from the misconception that a lack of industrial capacity is caused by too much woke. The enemy does not need to commit a thought crime to understand Thermidor. The enemy is used to fighting people that are slightly to the right. That’s how the holiness spiral keeps going.

Can the enemy understand us without committing thought crimes? I think not. There is a reason why some thoughts are crimes for the woke. Every thought crime is a crack in their spiritual armor. Every thought crime is a step on the way to conversion.

Doq says:

He just declares them shills, doesn’t say why, and deletes them, so no one learns anything from anyone.

Jim says:

I have made many, many lengthy comments on shill characteristics, and one big post on how to show one is not a shill, should the there be any doubt about the question.

The “AnCap vs NPR” comment should be obvious to any idiot. If you don’t want to glow in the dark, don’t sound like that.

If any real commenters find the glow insufficiently obvious, I will fisk it for them.

Neurotoxin says:

Can the enemy understand us without committing thought crimes? I think not.

No, of course not.

An example of this is the shill that Jim just muted. Notice how utterly retarded is the modeling of us that’s implicit in the entire comment. It’s obviously something like, “These nasty right-wingers hate women, so I’ll use the word ‘cunt.’ That will trick them into thinking I’m one of them.” These are scripts coming from people who are spending money attacking us, so they obviously care. Yet even though they care, they dare not allow themselves or their hired shills to perceive the actual ideas.

It’s some sort of weird opposite of a tar baby scenario. When you attack a tar baby you become attached to it. This is a scenario in which they don’t even dare to touch the thing they’re trying to attack. I don’t think there’s an extant metaphor for that.

Neurotoxin says:

He just declares them shills, doesn’t say why…

He has said why literally hundreds of times.

Bix Nudelmann says:

First of all: “Two Jews Talking, Season 678, Episode 90”.

But seriously folks:

The part of the video that really got me was when Yarvin is lamenting, out loud, how:

“American conservatism is in the long and very difficult grieving process of realizing that it has always been a FRAUD… There’s so much grift in it… and produces so little… that we’re still a factor of 100 from being able to give the people who are voting for you, and donating to you, ANYTHING like what they think they’re going to get from it.”

The interviewer starts to hear this with a “goody goody” look on his face, but then he looks… afraid.

Jim says:

The conservatives have always been, as Moldbug used to say, the outer wing of the uniparty.

The world switched to uniparty democracy when they realised how, with total control of the mass media, the population could be steered into fake uniparty issues that changed nothing, while the permanent government continued to permanently govern.

But this diffused power within the governmental and quasi governmental elite, which led to the dysfunction that Namefag Yarvin continues to talk about, and also led to priests dominating over warriors.

An actually effective party would have an actually effective CEO, which FDR was and Trump may well become should all go well.

Our enemies conceptualise this as dictatorship. Democracy is to them what it has always been, the permanent government ruling while the uniparty manufactures theater to keep the masses distracted.

What Namefag Yarvin was speaking about is the conservative political movement waking from the spell. Interviewer happy that conservatives have always been irrelevant. Dismayed when he understands that Namefag Yarvin is telling him that conservatives are thinking about becoming relevant. Democracy functioning as advertised in Civics 101.

If democracy actually functioned as in Civics 101, that would be great, but of course, for the reasons explained by Lee Kuan Yew, it cannot work that way except in an ethnically and religiously homogeneous society. For the reasons explained by the founders and many in the eighteenth century, it cannot work that way except with a high level of elite virtue. And for the reasons explained by many in the eighteenth century, it rapidly undermines elite virtue.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

There’s a reason why you can find so many ‘grifters’ selling alt-lite, while ‘leftist pandering’ appears invisible. There’s no ‘market’ for ‘leftist pandering’ because it’s already being filled by the state itself, and all its faithful subjects. Every leftist that wants to be pandered too can already find it all around them; in the media you watch, the things you buy, the air you breath.

Bix Nudelmann says:

That order to interview Yarvin could only have come from the very top. Otherwise, every single person in the NYT would have been too shit scared to even admit having heard of him, at least to each other.

Bix Nudelmann says:

Could this be the other side having THEIR “Khruschev’s secret speech”?

Yul Bornhold says:

I’m not sure whether prostitution should be legally permitted but I’m certain whores should suffer from diminished status; i.e. shouldn’t be allowed on magazine covers at the grocery, to post on mainstream online sites, etc.

S says:

Women gain status from their husband, so in a sane society whores are significantly below wives.

Bix Nudelmann says:

Me, I’ll always be a recovering plan-truster, so if anyone has some clever, insightful or just snarky things to say about Trump Day in DC today, by all means go right ahead.

A whole lot of “fuck you energy” in the air, that’s for sure.

Jim says:

The executive orders closing the border took effect immediately. The swarm of arrivals just stopped like turning off a light switch. Which makes it likely that all of them will take effect. Including the order ending woke and dei, the order that there are only two sexes, that everyone is the sex they were conceived with, and the executive order ending birthright citizenship. Doubtless the left will say of the order ending birthright citizenship “Hey, Civics 101, an executive order must have a basis in existing law or the constitution. You cannot change the constitution by executive order” That is normality bias. We have not had laws nor a constitution for a long time. There will be a supreme court case over birthright censorship, but it will matter as much as the Queen arriving in a stagecoach to open Parliament matters. That the order closing the border took effect immediately shows that the executive order on birthright citizenship will take effect immediately.

If Trump can issue executive orders that are clearly within the Civics 101 authority of the president to issue executive orders, and the orders have real and substantial effect, he can issue orders that are clearly outside the Civics 101 authority of the president to issue executive orders, and the orders will have real and substantial effect.

Does that mean that Trump is now in power, and from here on everything will be fine? No, Thermidor is in power, the Jews are in power, and the imperial war faction is in power. And the imperial war faction is still on course for World War III. The Woke are, however, no longer in power, which makes hot genocide of legacy Americans a lot less likely.

Bob says:

His biggest problems arent the trad media anymore, bc social media now, and soon going p2p.

That Rotunda was filled with
– Jews that control a lot of money and feels. If they align trad-right then that’s not much problem.
– Oligarchs who haven’t expressed one bit of care for general populace Americans outside of their own biz silo workers. And all this talk of Manufacturing won’t go anywhere until you’re willing to pay slave labor rates plus the tariff delta to corporate slave labor camps just like China etc.
– Corrupt politicians cheering for corrupt politicians, half of which got pardons, the other half begging for pardons. This is a MAJOR problem.
– Not Muslims, and pray that they never start appearing either. No one mentioned word Islam, but unless you live in a no-go-zone most wouldn’t understand why that’s a looming problem.
– No love to nuclear energy, only hydrocarbon, which is not smart if you intend to preserve your hc’s for longer than anyone else can. On the other hand, he’s trying to give the world a teat that the US can shut off on whim, bc sanctions wont do shit to stop crypto, except no one accepts teats anymore.

On the plus side, at least temporarily, most of WOKE-n-GAY has vanished, not even the Blacks were out protesting MLK.

Debt ceiling hits again today.

Bob says:

At lot of his picks are fairly good, and or not out to stab him.
Congress is the real problem there though.
If his picks can survive till Midterms, and shit turns up instead of falling apart, Congress might shift “Right”.

Birthright is equal problem as family-linked imports is, but no one’s talking linked imports yet.
I’ve seen one single Muhammad link-in… a wife, 2 kids, 2 parents, 3 siblings and their spouses with about 2 kids each, and so on after I lost count. That’s a 15 from 1 import ratio.
All that should be banned, no permanent residency or citizenship to anyone [1] (you can “stay” up to 25 years, but you never have any “right to stay”, and must return if any of yours stay), no vote, and no free-shit. People on some forums are talking overall percentage-of-population limit caps as the better mechanism than years, like 2%. I admit years is non-linear re births.
[1] At least not ever to those universally known to wish you ill will and incompatibility, #1 there (and really the only one’s) are Muslims/Islam.
As you let Islam’s numbers grow, it only gets harder and more violent to ban it. Europe UK etc are paying dearly for their decades long mistake here and will continue to pay, up to and including possible subjugation under Shariah law. And the US is following them on the same path. Freedom of Religion was never meant to include Genociding yourselves, it was generally meant to cover the various Christian branches, plus the occaisional Hindu/Asian. Muslims got lucky because they lied to constitution amendment writers and said “Hey, even though our pirates are currently at WAR with your merchants, We have “Jesus” (non-divine Issa) too, so don’t ban us.”

Maybe they can export all the Jews off to their own “Greater Israel” project too, then let them hold down the mideast for free, lol.

Bob says:

Biggest thing I saw (and I’m blind) was the MALE and FEMALE order didn’t immediately spark protests, so that’s good.

Ramaswamy seems to have been shifted off to Ohio.

DOGE was largely written to be about “digital” efficiency, not overall.

Trump didn’t swear hand on the Bible.


Zuck trying to bang Bezos’ new plastic wife, lol.

And the four worst presidents in modern history all lined up clapping for trump.

Among other things.

Jim says:

> Biggest thing I saw (and I’m blind) was the MALE and FEMALE order didn’t immediately spark protests

Shock and awe.

Not a dog will bark.

Trump’s male and female order rolls back to the 2014 normal. But not to the 1998 normal.

To restore fertility, we need the 1800 normal. But it is a good start.

Bix Nudelmann says:

Frustration talking to some degree I’m sure, but Jeff’s new “Miami Instagram girlfriend” really does… it says something. If he’s happy then he’s happy but… it doesn’t make sense. I don’t get it.

If it was me, I’d feel shit-tested by having to show up to other important people with a streetwalker.

He’s concerned enough with “keeping up appearances” to buy the Washington Post, do TRT and lift weights like a madman (and props for that, no kidding), but… ehhhh…

Someone who’s happier with women and marriage please comment. What do you see there?

Bob says:

I don’t like plastic women… redflag for issues. Nor the plastic look.
Women can do work lifting+hormones too, but plastic is purely artificial, no health or pride-of-work benefit.
But if he is blinded by something, or maybe he has and is showing off a hotwife, to their credit both seem happy being degen revel, and ages are only 6 years when he could go lower.

There’s plenty of all natural at every level in the sea, and plenty of natural to mate with them, plastic is toxic to fish.
Me, I only accept some art tattoos, not plastic/metal.

Zuck will either get invited over for some poon, or cagefight Jeff, or be divorced.

MacKenzie, Demi, and a thousand more are single, maybe you can get an invite to the next Social.

Bob says:

> curbing whoredom

Another fine reason why Jeff should cover that shit up when he takes it out for a walk.
If you don’t want Grooming Gay indoctrine in your streets and schools and churches, then you shouldn’t want Whoredom adorning your state’s public functions as something to aspire your population to either.

Bob says:

> we need the 1800 normal

True. Restore the Natural Old Law, keep the Tech and Physical Civ Level advances available.

Hegseth should be able to roll the DoD/Military back to some normalcy, at least things the combat ranks have been asking for a very long time. “Confirmations” aren’t in yet.

Most of the orders, but few of the firings, are here…

> Shock and awe.
I would question the “Mosques” bit as suicidal to Nations, just as Grooming Gay and Jew influence is, but don’t want to beat that horse too much. God gave each their own, crossing that is ruin.

FIRED: Milley, Fagan, Hook, Andres
Pardoning, commuting, and releasing literally all (afaik) of the J6 protestors, including Proud Boys and so on… was perfect sweet revenge on the Dems fraudulent “J6 Committee” (which was really just another false Impeach-Trump Block-Presidency gang), and rubbing it in the Lefts faces.
And now Biden’s Family Pardons allow DOJ to investigate and subpoena everyone without impediment of taking 5th.

Ulbricht is said to be going home, as he should… even failed hitman plots (which he was never charged with) routinely get around under 5-9yr, and he was first to innovate by helping turn epidemic of violent drug street gang thuggery and related property and personal crimes into a nice quiet safe mail-order biz, and SilkRoad had an excellent book club and discussion group going as well.
Eventually drugs will be on the shelf at your el-cheapo megamart or via [private] druggist/doctor, same as it was in the old days, same number of addicts but all drug crime thuggery will be gone, with free no-ID addiction help instead of SWAT. Though Trump is going to SWAT Mexico.

Roger Ver should be dismissed too, that non-case is just pure State vengeance against Crypto Free Speech, same as John McAfee was. And is about the DeepState trying to kill off crypto development, and very much about killing CryptoSovereignty, and your right to keep and spend your money as you wish. Here’s more on this one…

Snowden, Assange, and the rest of the leakers… Trump still sees these as disloyal spies and traitors, instead of as heroes rightly exposing the very DeepState tech, programs, and methods that are being used against Trump and all Americans.

At least the TRUMP and MELANIA memecoin gambling scams are fairly available to lose by everyone who can get some SOL, the Leftist gambling scam only panders to and victimizes its own…
“No White Men Allowed In Bally’s Chicago Casino Share Offering Promoted By City Officials”

Bob says:

> Withdrawing the US from the World Health Organization

WHO drop is definitely a first hit against the Globo.

Notice all the Social/Tube/Search Media heads in that Rotunda, well lookie what two things just dropped, still very much afoot and not a game. Either those heads were there genuinely fighting for their survival, or some vbad “Thermidor-type” tilt shit is coming.
Europol Chief Says Big Tech Has ‘Responsibility’ To Unlock Encrypted Messages
Technology giants must do more to co-operate with law enforcement on encryption or they risk threatening European democracy, according to the head of Europol, as the agency gears up to renew pressure on companies at the World Economic Forum in Davos this week.

EU Social Tech Censorship Programme…

Bob says:

> I suspect he’s also throwing a fair bit of chaff to deplete the lawfare organizational capacity of his enemies.

That would imply there is an as yet unknown and unspoken real mission being covered for. The chess is probably not deeper than the face, but if so, always gains at least some win before becoming known and attacked.

> Globo … not a game … vbad

Globos is still getting the drop in some areas, particularly Rev13 type shit… remember to support countries unaligned with the Globo, because when these type of shit go into effect you’ll have 24hr or less to flee to them when Globos turn your lightswitch off.
veteran cards followed by driver’s licenses in late 2025, with plans to eventually include passports, marriage certificates and benefit documents. The app will use facial recognition for security.

Handi says:



That the orders from on high explicitly notice “Invasion” is very yuge and very cool. It establishes the context that securing the border is a valid military objective, preempting the inevitable hysterics over wamen and babbies if push comes to shove.

“Border security” says ehh, we can’t hurt them just for trying to cross, let’s process them into a facility and do background checks on the men while we get blasted by lawyers and the media to let those poor kids out of cages and relocate them to a college campus near you.

“Invasion” however is a glove that a leader cannot unthrow, and it directly entails that abetting the invaders is treason.

Neurotoxin says:

There’s a list of the Executive Orders at Vox Day’s site. At least from Day’s descriptions, they sound fantastic.

A small subset of the list:
Ending “diversity, equity, and inclusion” in the federal government.
Kicking immigrants out.
United States citizenship does not automatically extend to those born in the United States. (I’m cumming. (Read it and weep, Kellogg.))
Pardons for J6 mostly peaceful protesters.
Withdrawing the US from the World Health Organization
and many more.

All these are great, and they constitute picking a fight with the left, not trying to appease them. E.g. the one about being a citizen if yer mother was an illegal alien who happened to be on US soil when she squatted you out: Trump knows the left will attack this one, and the left knows that he knows it. The message from Trump is obviously, “Hey assholes, let’s fight.”

Jehu says:

I suspect he’s also throwing a fair bit of chaff to deplete the lawfare organizational capacity of his enemies. I hear that the gulag is trying to resist his pardons—perhaps they need them translated into French.

Bix Nudelmann says:

And then VD decides that Elon was saluting in the same spirit as Richard Spencer was in 2016, to look bad and fuck up the program. Hm.

Excitable sperg defense?

Neurotoxin says:

“sperg defense?”

Musk’s a weird dude.

Bob says:

> weird dude

Weird is rare, so I’d rather he stick to building rockets and advancing other cool and useful shit.

He can appoint a bunch of weird minions army to go in and do the DOGE thing while he uses The Force to back them up from afar.

T says:

If the galaxy-brainiac is actually going through a “Triumph of the Will” phase right now, then in a few months he may actually end up poasting here with us about yogurt-enema bandits.

Neurotoxin says:

If this isn’t my all-time favorite comment (Humor Category) on this blog, it’s certainly top-ten.

T says:


On a somewhat more serious note, humor is as valid a method as any other for participating in history; indeed sometimes the price one has to pay to be heard by power is becoming a court jester. The joker says what nobody else is willing or able, and a powerful joke can topple kingdoms and bring down regimes. Also, leaving some Easter Eggs for the future historians is always a pleasure.

Neurotoxin says:

“I suspect he’s also throwing a fair bit of chaff to deplete the lawfare organizational capacity of his enemies.”

As Jim said, “shock and awe.”

Neurotoxin says:

Whoops, was trying to reply to Jehu.

Jehu says:

Understood, yes, as long as it costs you less to launch a massive MIRV-like strike than it does to defend, it’s very useful if for no other reason than suppressive fire. I don’t care too much about the Gulf of America renaming, but I bet the left spends tons of energy defending against it. They’re no doubt extremely jealous of their sole prerogative to change names and words.

Neurotoxin says:

Yes. And same for the Mount McKinley re-renaming. He’s basically schlonging them.

T says:

Rod’s Hyperlink Carpetbombing

Cloudswrest says:

I love that the J6 *hostage* rhetoric is taking off, and giving all the mainstream Left fits!!! Everybody other than the MSM and the Left are referring to them as the J6 *hostages*. Hard to find any other term of reference on X.

Bob says:

Ross Ulbricht has been pardoned.

Polymarket still at 43% on Trump Order for use, trading, legal status of crypto in 1st week.

Truth Social, President Trump:
“I just called the mother of Ross William Ulbricht to let her know that in honor of her and the Libertarian Movement, which supported me so strongly, it was my pleasure to have just signed a full and unconditional pardon of her son, Ross.
The scum that worked to convict him were some of the same lunatics who were involved in the modern day weaponization of government against me.
He was given two life sentences, plus 40 years. Ridiculous!”


T says:

Rod, if you really want to fit in (which is the hardest part about being a pedophile) so you can finally persuade Americans to fight more wars for the war faction and the Jews, I think you need to post a little bit more links.

From now on, I suggest a minimum of 14 88 666 links per comment. This will Mark you out as an organic, authentic, definitely non-shill commenter which will allow you to gain everyone’s trust for the Long Con.

T says:

This is such a cruel and unfair comment by me.

Obviously Rod doesn’t want to post all those links. Rather – the supervisor, who is strongly suspected of being a chimp in a suit, is forcing him to do it. No doubt, Rod would much prefer providing original top-tier top-notch analysis only. But that damn supervisor just won’t let him.


Rod: But… I’ve already added an entire bibliotheque of links, it’s too frickin’ much!


R: Okay, fine, but you can’t blame them for not being fooled so easily, I mean who in the actual real world posts dozens of links per co…


R: Yes, saar. Your wish is my command as a non-servile fellow Aryan.

The Cominator says:

Is his incompetent supervisor a jeet or a woman (this is one of the rare cases where a woman is preferable to the alternative)?

Mayflower Sperg says:

What about Derek Chauvin, James Fields, and the evil white supremacists who murdered that poor innocent jogger in Geogia? We can’t even begin to rebuild America if black lives still matter; it’s Hiroshima vs. Detroit.

The Cominator says:

Not federal also I don’t think anyone on the right should give a fuck about Chauvin or any cop. System enforcers getting screwed over by the system is not our concern.

Jim says:

Most cops are fine. They don’t want to enforce the system — their major flaw being that they don’t want to enforce anything.

I have grossly non compliant and non cooperative with the system my entire life, and yet my criminal record remains as clean as the driven snow. My resume similarly respectable.

I have had a few unpleasant run ins with cops, but when I failed to confess, they could not get off their asses to look into anything. And mostly my interactions with cops have been fine. They seemed like decent people to me. Mostly it is unpleasant when they know you are guilty, but, not being willing to put out the effort to prove it, are trying to browbeat you into confession. The rest of the time, they were good.

I have had a few more interactions with cops than I would prefer, but most of the time, seemed like decent people doing a dangerous job.

Cops can smell violence, and when a situation looks like it might be difficult, summon backup, and when backup arrives, they are likely to arrest you for something or other, they can always come up with something. So the first thing I always do is put them at their ease, get them to relax, and then they are not a problem. Cops act badly because they are afraid.

The Cominator says:

I guess I’m just less sympathetic to people who sign up to do what a cop does. If they were drafted I’d be more sympathetic.

Fidelis says:

If you want to live in a nice country, cannot be low trust. If you want a high trust country, that includes the justice system. I don’t like cops either, for much the same reasons and more unsaid, does not mean what happened was justified. Therefore must be made whole again.

The Cominator says:

High trust countries are products of homogenity and ensuring honesty by executing lots of people for being dishonest. Chauvin is rather irrelevant to the bloody work it would take to restore America to being high trust.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Russian cops are cool too, once they decide you’re not a spy or a terrorist. Only traffic cops and border guards wear uniforms; the rest just sort of blend in with the crowd, except for the high degree of physical fitness they’re expected to maintain.

The Cominator says:

Chauvin didn’t work for Putin Chauvin worked for Tim Walz. I do not concern myself with people who signed on voluntarily to obey the orders of Tim Walz.

Fidelis says:

If people don’t trust the justice system, whatever it may be in practice, leads directly to gangs and clans. You don’t want gangs and clans, their dealings are arbitrary and capricious, and don’t scale very well. In a place where population is rather high, you want a state, and you want the state justice system to be in line with natural law, or else no one trusts the justice system, and just handles it themselves, which is clans and gangs, which is why many countries cannot seem to scale beyond shanty towns. When the whole place is composed of clans and gangs, you just get endless shakedowns, businesses cannot scale.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t like the guy, the charge is unjust. Has to be undone. Even if we’re playing who whom right now and justice cannot be regarded until we have our King, clearly the who whom game says let him out. We need to exhume the corpse of the fent nigger and show public disrespect, because they went full demonic inversion in 2020, even baptised people as if he were a saint, the least we can do is declare that the cop really did do nothing wrong.

The Cominator says:

“If people don’t trust the justice system, whatever it may be in practice, leads directly to gangs and clans.”
You are here. I suspect the Amerikaner equivalent of the mafia to take shape soon. The government only killed the Italian mob because it didn’t like any competition.
“It doesn’t matter if you don’t like the guy, the charge is unjust. Has to be undone. ”
Is it unjust? You live by the system, you die by the system. Any person who signed on to enforce covid lockdowns is way down the list. Also why didn’t they just chuck the nigger in the car… fentanyl overdose or not. There have been a lot of cops who killed people wrongly and got away with it and that makes us all less safe as you just need one psychopath cop on a powertrip to traffic stop you and you might end up dead. Chauvin being convicted even if Floyd was a piece of shit makes us more safe from people like the Daniel Shaver cops. Chauvin is not like Daniel Penny or Kyle Rittenhouse he is not our concern.

Jim says:

> Also why didn’t they just chuck the nigger in the car…

In order to chuck him in the car, they would have had to subdue him. Being out of his head on drugs, and in fact dying from overdose, could not be subdued.

Police are trained to apply pain to obtain compliance. He was immune to pain.

Holy Marty Saint Fentanyl Floyd died of overdose and of getting into a fight while immune to pain.

Cops are afraid. They were afraid to chuck him into the car while not subdued. It is remarkably easy to kill someone. Which means it is remarkably easy for them to kill you. Cops have reason to be afraid.

Jim says:

> There have been a lot of cops who killed people wrongly and got away with it.

There are also a lot of cops who did not kill someone when they should have and died because of it.

Cops become more violent and dangerous when the justice system fails to deal with dangerous people that they come in contact with.

The Cominator says:

Not saying it doesn’t happen but driving a truck or working high steel is way more dangerous than being a cop.

Jim says:

Yes, but cautious driving does not get you into conflicts.

As I said, a whole lot of cops wrongfully killed someone that they did not need to, and a whole lot of cops died of not killing someone that they needed to.

Fidelis says:

The crux of all this is restoring the notion of justice to the public. The drugged nig episode was a demonic inversion of justice and it’s application, an inversion of the symbol of Archangel Michael subduing satan, and it was broadcast into the subconscious of everyone, and we had people honoring the image of satan as a martyr, and getting baptised in his name as if a saint on the level as Christ.

Just throwing your hands up and saying, “oh but justice is already tarnished, we already have the fruits of lack of justice, let us bury the matter” is missing the point entirely. For one, you should want to restore our human justice to line up with Divine Justice or natural law as a good in and of itself. For two, it has a strong negative effect on people to live in a place where justice is not to be found, and we don’t want that, we should seek to reverse that. For three, who whom. This whole event was one of the most powerful and demonic metaphors of our enemy, and we need to exhume it. Leaving it undone is just leaving a malignant tumor in our society’s collective unconscious. We could have generations from now some hapless leader referring to his spiritual ancestor nigger floyd, how we must all be like nigger floyd, similar to how Russia and China have the corpse of Lenin forever hanging over their politics.

We need to free Chauvin, while he’s still alive, and honor him for doing the hard work of cleaning up human garbarge. Then we need to exhume the nigger’s corpse, mutilate it, put it in a frilly pink dress, take lots of high definition video, laugh, and throw it in a landfill compactor or something.

Handi says:

Also why didn’t they just chuck the nigger in the car…

Cominator, if you watch the bodycam video they DID just chuck the nigger in the car. It was a typical apprehension until Furious George niggled his 6’4″, 220 lb. stature out of the cruiser and got himself pressed into a restraint position for his trouble.

It was symbolically perfect for a leftist inversion ritual because he had to actively struggle his way out of safe custody in order to land in the gutter, whereas Derek Chauvin did everything literally by the book: thus martyrizing Floyd and villainizing Chauvin was a disfigurement of culpability and an attack on order itself, portraying those most unruly as though above the law and those upholding the law as cruel; and also it was an attack on reality itself by such relentless contextual manipulation and lying by omission that even you were deceived to think that Chauvin chose the knee move first out of preference to a simple nigger chucking. At the heart of it all lies a national-scale public mockery of God, which cries out to heaven to be undone.

The Cominator says:

To me in these political cases there is no justice there is only the friend and enemy distinction and system enforcers should generally be considered enemies and certainly not considered friends, simping for cops is a boomer cuckservative thing. Daniel Penny and Rittenhouse should be considered friends worthy of our aid and support as heroic vigilantes, Chauvin should not. Restoring high trust doesn’t happen because you freed chauvin you need millions of deportations and thousands of executions. All very high trust societies went through a long period where lots of people were executed for minor crimes.

If the Floyd case hadn’t resulted in weird cult riots and self flaggelation and were limited to a criminal dying and a bad cop going to jail it would have been a win win.

Jim says:

> system enforcers should generally be considered enemies and certainly not considered friends

They are just Havel’s Greengrocer.

Same people as the Border control. A few days ago the Border control were giving invaders money and phones, putting them in buses and shipping them off to communities deemed excessively white. Today? Should we hold what they were doing a few days ago against them? Now they are one hundred percent ours.

And, like Mike Zuckerberg, seem a lot happier to be ours than to be our enemy’s.

You don’t fight Havel’s Greengrocer. You fight over him.

The Cominator says:

A low level greengrocer is not worth any expenditure of political capital. Its worth spending disproportionate political capital to protect your actual supporters from legal persecution because then they’ll do illegal stuff for you when the time comes. But its obviously not worth doing it to save Chauvin (which Trump can’t anyway hes still under Minnesotta charges). Let me point out the obvious, you 100% know its a bad idea because Ben Shapiro started pushing it out of nowhere. Ben Shapiro is a bad guy and if he pushes some random shit like this out of nowhere its not to Trump’s benefit. I’m not saying this because hes a jew to the irritation of many here I’m quite willing to defend many jews and “the jews” collectively in some cases but Ben Shapiro is the happy merchant in the flesh.

Mossadnik says:

Shapiro is a grifter’s grifter (alas, many such cases) who never had an original idea in his entire life, and whose audience is presumably 95% boomers, if he even has any organic audience, which is a dubious proposition.

As far as right-wing Jewish e-namefags are concerned, I think only James Howard Kunstler and Daniel Greenfield have been consistently based (each in his own way); most of the others are rapacious, cynical conmen.

The Cominator says:

I watched his stupid show once because I wanted to see him debate Scott Adams it starts with him personally reading out his life insurance ad and it was hilarious… the happy merchant begins his show trying to sell me likely shitty insurance what a caricature.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

Com, buddy, you know I appreciate’cha and your can-do attitude, but your latest autistic “the train is fine” screeching is pissing me off enough to come out of hiding just to post this. So shut up and listen for a sec – or, you know, read carefully.

It is not about the train.


You hate cops, I hate cops, we all love to hate cops. We get it, dude, we get it. We got it the first 800 times you brought it up, too. It doesn’t. Fucking. Matter.

This is not about cops. It is not some retarded Boomer “blue lives matter” shit. It is about the relentless, ongoing perversion of justice, inversion of morals, and sacralization of feral violent drug-addicted niggers (but I repeat myself). It is about every American worker who for years has had to pretend to get along with the sack of shit two cubicles over wearing his “I can’t breathe” t-shirt instead of punching him in his smug face. It is about every ordinary white dude who was forced to sit around at home with his dick in his hand because he refused the jab, while at the same time huge mobs of shitlibs and their pet niggers got to run around outside partying and destroying his property because “black lives matter”.

It is not about Derek Chauvin, who could be the most execrable human being in the history of the world for all I care. It is about St. Floyd, and the fact that literally anyone, any random cop or vigilante or schizo tramp, doesn’t matter, who happened to be the one to take Floyd off the streets permanently, was doing the lord’s work at that time, and that even if he might be the sort of person who does Satan’s work the other 99% of the time, society punished him for that 1% of lord’s work, which was a morally reprehensible act and makes anyone who knowingly votes to preserve the status quo a morally reprehensible person. Backward incentives lead to backward outcomes, and punishing bad people for doing good things will not cause a reduction in bad people doing bad things, only a reduction in all people (good or bad) doing good things.

It is not about the goddamn train. It is about us as a society, about whom we allow to be worshiped (Commandment #2), what we consider to be murder (Commandment #6) and what we accept as evidence in a criminal proceeding and how we deal with fraudulent testimony (Commandment #9). If we cannot even get three out of the ten commandments right, then what exactly redeems us as a people? Are we so far gone?

We do not need to raise the status of cops. We need to lower the status of violent criminal niggers killed by cops. We need a denouement to BLM, a symbolic act of public admission that it was always bullshit and that getting violent criminal niggers off our streets is one of the few unambiguously positive and prosocial services that cops actually perform.

And maybe most important of all, we need to observe, very carefully, which priests are inclined to resist the demotion of St. Floyd, and make sure they are rewarded appropriately for their devotion to the old ways.

For the last few hundred years, our enemies have been getting off on the sheer orgiastic pleasure of tearing down all our idols, our saints and heroes. Well, now we have a chance to return the favor, and all it would take is a single, short and sweet executive order that every single normie from coast to coast would approve of without hesitation. We have an opportunity here to tear down all the metaphorical and probably in some cases real statues of St. Floyd.

And all you have to say about it is “but muh cops”. Enough with the train already. Fidelis is 100% right: set Chauvin free, and dig up and desecrate Floyd’s corpse in every creative and disgusting way imaginable, and have a thousand gorgeous women posting selfies of themselves at the event. It is not Sufficient for the Restoration; obviously it is not. But it is Necessary.

(P.S. Since I have in fact been MIA since the big WordPress meltdown, a quick shill test: female emancipation and female instincts in general are contrary to civilization because their status radars are still running ten million year old software that can only recognize two signals, preselection and violence, leading respectively to harems and low-IQ/high-time-preference dysgenics. Women are rightfully the property of either their fathers or husbands and in order for any civilization to survive they must be recognized as such, both legally and conventionally.)

Jim says:

Chauvin was a human sacrifice to the demon worshippers.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

I swear my original post had actual formatting. I hope that the wall of text I just saw was just the result of it being held in moderation. If it ends up being released as a wall of text, blame WordPress.

Pugilist says:

Notice that the Left has now formally resorted to the murder of public notables as a political strategy.

Many thought that relieving the dismal and global oppression of the Left may have eventually required such processes, that of humanity writ large expressing itself for freedom.

However, now that the Left has officially broached the topic and unilaterally removed that major debate rule, it would not be surprising if others accept their invitation to dance, and that their courtship ritual be treated as by the by, till all have bled out.

Jim says:

Individual violence accomplishes nothing.

The second Trump assassination was attempted by a man with odd connections to powerful leftists, therefore part of an organised centrally planned operation.

The first Trukmp assassination was attempted by a man with a mysterious and odd total lack of connections to anything whatsoever, but was attempted with the obvious cooperation and pre-planning of the head of the secret service. This stuff works. Us bumping off leftists will not work unless certain elements of the Trump cabinet, with a wink from Trump, get onto it.

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