State of the war

Wars happen because some people expect one outcome, and others expect a different outcome. So prediction is hard, for if it was easy, the war would likely have been avoided, though as the war goes on, and on, and on, becomes easier.

Due to fog of war, hard to know what is happening now, or has happened recently, But after a while, it becomes obvious what did happen, which gives some indication of what will happen.

It has long been obvious that the west is run by demon worshippers, and with the opening of the Paris Olympics a couple of days ago, this should now be obvious to everyone. Demon worshippers want you dead. Well, they want everyone and everything dead, including themselves, but you first. The tactics and strategy of this war becomes a lot more intelligible if one understands that one side is commanded by people who believe themselves to be serving demons, or perhaps actually are serving demons.

The war started off with war of movement, as did World War I, but, as in World War I, both sides quickly became very good at shutting down the other side’s movement, and, since then, like World War One, it has been war of attrition.

The rationale for the Greatest Ukrainian Counter Offensive was to regain war of movement. Nato wonder weapons, Nato training, and all that. Of course Nato has not fought a peer war since World War Two, so have no idea.

Plus, Nato is completely structured about keeping commissioned officers nice and safe in nice safe bases, where they send grunts and non commissioned officers out to die.

I have long said that if you have one man in your army that does not fight, pretty soon you will have no men in your army that fight. Nato organisation is all about having no commissioned officers that fight. The left does not like warrior armies. Finds that it needs warrior armies, but has concluded it does not need a warrior officer corps.

This is partly the managerial state, the triumph of unaccountable bureaucracy over people who do actual things, and partly the leftist state. The left is priestly, and priests and warriors always conflict. So now we have a full priestly officer corps, which is a protection for the left against coups, but not a protection against insurrection, invasion, or conquest.

Ukraine, however, inherited from the Soviet Union a warrior army, plus the forces that made the Maidan coup were the Nazis, and a core part of their ideology is to have a warrior army and rule by warrior-priests. Nato looked down their noses at this insufficiently holy and progressive organisation, and has been re-organising them.

The plan for the Greatest Ukrainian Counter Offensive was to probe all along the front for weak points, then charge through at the weakest point, cutting off Russian forces to the west, thus regaining a vast swathe of territory to the west, without having to fight for every ditch, every tree, and every house.

The weakest point turned out to be the low ground between Russian controlled high ground. Ukrainian progress through the buffer zone in front of the Russian defence lines was very slow, and very costly, and when they finally reached the first line of defence, and occupied it, they had to bring troops and materials to it through a long and winding gauntlet along the low ground between Russian strong places on the high ground on either side. They got to the first line of defence, but were never able to get beyond it, for whenever they stuck their heads above the fortifications that they had managed to seize, their heads got blown off. The Russians had prepared their first line of defence to be indefensible against attacks coming from their second line of defence. The “weakest point” was a killing field, and the first line of defence was a death trap.

The Ukrainians lost an army, except for their retreat blocking brigades, and had to conscript a new army.

The interesting and extraordinary thing was the West’s stubborn persistence in a strategy that had turned out to be horrifically bad and entirely disastrous. Why did they just keep pumping more and more men into killing fields and death traps?

Partly it was the managerial state. The mid level managers are focused on on next week’s power point presentation, and demand that the low level managers supply them with with good bullet points for that presentation. The high level managers look at the good bullet points, and all is well, so issue orders to keep doing what you are doing, so the system as a whole tends to mindlessly pursue a short term, high time preference strategy, while generating meaningless numbers showing highly successful pursuit of a long term, low time preference strategy. The Russians on the other hand, tended to focus on winning the war, hence actually did pursue a long term, low time preference strategy, where they sought to conserve their resources for the final battles, brave men being the most important resource of all.

Partly it was demon worship. Those organising this war want Russians to die, but also want Ukrainians to die. The people who organised the Maidan coup are Jews with family reasons for wanting Ukrainians dead and the Ukraine destroyed.

The managerial state reinforces leftism, because being in contact with reality is a bad career move, and leftism reinforces the managerial state, because leftists do not like people telling them that reality is real, and both of them reinforce demon worship, because demon worshippers are fine with actual reality going to $#!&. All three depend on lies, each of them provides a different reason for lying, but a lie promulgated for one reason finds support from the other two reasons. The bureaucrat wants the right bullet points regardless of whether the bullet points meaningfully represent reality, the leftist does not believe that existence exists, that reality is real, and the demon worshipper just likes lies and lying. The confident inversion of truth is the demonic equivalent of prayer.

The Greatest Ukrainian Counter Offensive eventually petered out, due to lack of men, and lack of weapons. Nato is out of ammo. Nato troops have been disarmed.

In order to continue attriting the Ukrainians, the Russians were forced to go on the offensive. Since the objective is attrit the enemy, rather than gain turf, there are no big arrow offensives. Every ditch, every tree, every ruin, is gained at enormous cost to both sides.

It looks to me that when well trained, well equipped, highly motivated, battle hardened, experienced, Russian troops attempt to take a village from well trained, well equipped, highly motivated, battle hardened, experienced, Ukrainian troops, they suffer very high casualties and frequently fail.

Fortunately for the Russians, most of the well trained, well equipped, highly motivated, battle hardened, experienced, Ukrainian troops died in the Greatest Ukrainian Counter Offensive.

Increasingly the battles consist of experienced and highly motivated Russian vets versus barely trained reluctant Ukrainian fresh meat. The death rate among inexperienced Ukrainian troops is vastly higher than the death rate among Ukrainian vets. The number of Ukrainian vets continues to shrink. Fresh Ukrainian conscripts do not seem to be becoming vets, but corpses — in part due to a commissioned officer corps that is grossly out of contact with reality. If you want your fresh meat to survive to become vets, you need to issue retreat orders in time.

The Ukrainians have a troop rotation policy that should in theory result in fresh meat becoming battle hardened veterans, but this does not seem to be actually happening in practice all that much.

In part the bubble of delusion around the Ukrainian commissioned officer corps is a result of the managerial state, the triumph of unaccountable bureaucracy over functionality, the Natoization of the Ukrainian military. In part it is the result of leftism, for leftism inherently tends to solipsism. And in part, demon worshippers just like human sacrifice.

A few weeks ago I reported that the Russians were taking one or two villages every one or two days. Now it is one to four villages every day. Because the Ukrainians are out of everything, and most of all, by far, they are out of men.

This is reminiscent of the hundred days phase of World War One.

At the current rate of advance, it will be a very long time before the front line changes significantly, but the exact position of the front line does not matter. What matters is how much army and government the Ukraine has left. And the accelerating rate of Russian advance reveals that the Ukraine has considerably less, and that what it does have is shrinking every faster.

So the questions are:

1. Will the Ukraine make the concessions the Russians are asking for?

Probably not, because everyone in the Ukraine dying cannot possibly happen for the managerial elite, cannot happen and is unimportant for the left, and is a positively delightful outcome for the demon worshippers.

2. If they don’t make the concessions, when does the Ukrainian muppet government disappear?

Never, because the muppet government is located in Washington and Cambridge.

3. OK, when does the muppet government lose the ability to hold photo ops in the Ukraine?

And that is what is hard to know. Could be tomorrow, could be years. The sooner it happens, the more Ukrainians there will be left in the Ukraine. I hope for November, by analogy to the hundred days that led to the end of World War One.

898 Responses to “State of the war”

  1. The Cominator says:

    Moldbug kind of admits that there IS a center to US government power but he can’t explain it around 1:08… hes gotten better again for whatever reason.

  2. A2 says:

    I never got the vax, happily.

    In a sense, not getting vaxed was probably a good thing. However, the handling of vaxing in California is still hard to believe, but true. Reminder that they do want us dead.

    (The evil stuff starts a bit down in the article.)

  3. Nikolai says:

    Do you stick by your information age warfare posts from a couple of years ago Jim?

    It seems that Russia has not focused on taking out higher ranking members of the Ukrainian military or government, instead focusing on attriting manpower and equipment and destroying their infrastructure. Certain exceptions here and there of course, the former governor of Cherkassy oblast was killed in Mondays airstrikes. But they’ve mostly focused on grunts.

    Israel on the other hand, has been carrying out a very successful assassination campaign. Senior IRGC officers, Hezbollah commanders, Hamas leaders, etc. Yet somehow I get the sense that Russia is winning and Israel is losing.

    Russia, after years of very costly war, has finally attrited enough Ukrainian manpower that they’re starting to collapse on the Pokrovsk front. This is also partly due to improvements in Russian coordination, technology and procedures.

    But Israel seems to be stuck in a Vietnam type scenario, where you’re killing enough people to inspire further guerilla recruitment and generate international outrage, but not enough to actually win. It looks like killing all these high ranking officers is having little effect on the ground.

    So i dont think “information era warfare” really works. Erik Prince, who knows more about war than anyone in this comment section, said something similar on BAPs podcast. He mentioned that headhunting doesn’t actually end wars. They simply replace the dead leader with one his senior officers. What you have to do to win a war is kill roughly a third of their military age male fighting force. From the practical examples of Ukraine and Gaza, it appears he’s right.

    • Fidelis says:

      I bet it would work rather well on a small group of people that managed to take control of the political engine despite being hated by the majority of the population they control. Otherwise yes, you can read in Anabasis how even the death of the entire officer class at once, and an exceptionally talented one at that, does little to actually disband a fighting troupe.

      • Vendat Tunicam says:

        You must remember that nearly every one of those Greeks in that troupe was a member of the aristocracy or at very least something quite like a yeoman. These were not conscripts and peasants but a better sort of man.

    • FrankNorman says:

      Those are two very different kinds of war.

      Comparing a conventional conflict between two European nation-states with a counter-insurgency conflict in the Middle-East, and expecting what works for one to work with the other is going to give invalid results.

      We’re not hearing of any Ukrainian suicide-bombers.

  4. Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

    A couple years ago, it was discussed that use of small prop driven RC platforms was in its ‘World War One’ phase, where a novel platform can get away with suboptimal implementations due to existing in engagement gaps where few preexisting systems had elegant engagement overlap, and that besides new and reworked systems in other envelopes, a time will come when the platforms themselves will also be weaponized for use against other platforms in the same envelope.

    With the Kursk incursion, we see the first major operational instance that that time has come to pass. The eve of the incursion brought with it several interesting preludes for shaping the battlespace, and the use of drones to clear the sky of enemy drones was a major factor.

    And as is often the case, the main enabling factor was user interface development. Drone pilot connects to the IADS network; when enemy drone(s) is detected by something somewhere, it puts a pin on it and pings the map on the Uber Beats app; nearby pilot picks up the token, gets a heading on his first person view, and vectors his mavic in to intercept.

    This is one regard where the janissaries working for the GAE have had a decided advantage over the Russian war bureaucracy. While the human capital attracted to the GAE cause can be generally described as vacillating between piratical, backstabbing, and or daemonworshipping – hence rampant looting, sell-offs, and off-shoring of the ‘billions and billions’ ostensibly earmarked for the KOG, be it NATO weapons reappearing in Somalia and the Near East, non-existent fortifications paid for on paper, or overseas bank accounts and lavish sud-est properties bought in France or the Carribean by KOG apparatchiks for their inevitable bugout… – even in such conditions, men of property lending their services and leadership paying their own way still allows for greater adaptiveness than the socialist logistics of the Russian MiC; or the Washington MiC, for that matter.

    Another interesting factor was also the preemptive disabling of local world-wide-web connectivity in the Kursk region, in this case via DDOSing. It turns out that a great many units use Telegram as their primary communications hub, and when that went down, many of the green national guard conscripts responded with confusion and panic.

    There are a number take-aways here. One is related to preceding points; a good ‘pedestrian’ connectivity app like Telegram, is providing superior command, control, and communications capability than whatever else the Russian MoD has available. It seems to me that the Rho crypto app of the future, with selective hierarchical and extensible whitelisting in distributed constellations, has obvious relationship with warfighting as well. Eg, you get a ping from Dmitry’s account for a firemission – but is that really Dmitry? Well you know because the only people who can talk to you in the social net of your battery’s sector are people who have been approved by people in your battery’s sector, and if you’re really curious you can just call him anyways.

    An other factor – occasionally touched on at times before in relation to local imperial politics, if not direct relevance to the battlefield – is the fact that this is the first major peer conflict conducted in an age of ‘social media’; and this, I believe, has had a major effect on the usual calculus of morale and psychological impact in operations. To wit: uncertainty, doubt, and lack of communication about the situation tends to be the primary factor behind units breaking ranks into cascading uncontrolled retreats; but when everyone including random normies on the other side of the planet can get moment to moment updates of the goings-on in any sector of the battlespace, that places even the lowest grunt in a penal battalion in a position unprecedented by almost anything else in history heretofore.

    That *feeling* of awareness – irrespective of the reality – in turn provides a much greater feeling of certainty and control over their circumstances – again irrespective of the reality – which in turn results in ‘slogging on’ against resistance or sudden attacks for much longer than might conventionally have been expected.

    At the same rate, more diffusively, it also provides vectors for social reinforcement and regimentation that have also hardly existed heretofore. The soviets had a commissar for every brigade to ensure Political Reliability; a smartphone in every pocket means the KOG can have multiple commissars for every single man.

  5. The Cominator says:

    Another vaxxie death, though I’m sure it didn’t help that she was a Lebanese model (ie her diet probably consisted mostly of diet soda, cocaine and 3 packs of cigarettes a day).

    • Pax Imperialis says:

      A coke diet you say? I bet she fucked like a fighter jet.

      On a more serious note, ever since the vaxx and the Covid that closely followed after (funny how that works), nicotine gives me a fluttering shortness of breath that it didn’t before. Resting heart rate increased from the 30s to 60s. This is in spite of my cardio fitness, as measured by running, being better than it has ever been before. Medical testing can’t find any changes or abnormalities besides the athlete heart I had before. Something definitely changed. I’m clearly not the only one, but medical science is ‘strangely’ uninterested in finding out. Of course we know the reasons why, but I have to wonder what are the regular people are thinking. Polling is also ‘strangely’ absent.

      • The Cominator says:

        She was a model so its pretty standard though modern girls aren’t as big on the old fashioned cancer sticks as they were 10 years ago(when basically every fuckable girl who wasn’t a Mormon smoked them) and girls who were models actresses or dancers of any kind tended to almost universally be chainsmokers. Cocaine use was probably not quite as universal with those type of girls but common. But I figure a Lebanese girl is probably like an Eastern Euro model is probably going to be more oldschool in her weight control regimen (which would mean that part of her diet would consist of chainsmoking).

        I’m surprised you got the clot shot. I’ve always had sort of a high heart rate and hbp (including the part of my life where I was doing 3 hours of wii boxing a day and had almost no bodyfat… which I can’t quite say now but no being in good condition didn’t solve that) so I’m probably checking out early in any case (I’m not worried it is what it is) but I didn’t make things any worse by taking the Fauci ouchy. You couldn’t bribe a nurse to give you a fake?

        • Varna says:

          Nothing wrong with a 30 year old smoking as long as there are no pre-existing health conditions forbidding it.

          What is likely is she did stimulants and idiotic sex with choking and sheit. If at any given year a person is say 80% in a high-resilience/low fragility situation and 20% of the time in a low-resilience/high fragility situation, when doing blow and getting choked falls into the high resilience moments things will be fine, but if they happen in high fragility moments, you’re likely to get heart-attacks, strokes, nervous breakdowns and whatnot.

          That’s not counting, of course, the clot shot, the microplastic, the toxic chemicals, the toxic screen time, and everything else that is driving the mysterious boom of cancer in young people all over the world, and no doubt many other conditions as well.

          On the vax and the virus: I know a non-smoking chap, who was a free diver capable of holding his breath for almost ten minutes, before the vax and virus combo put a stop to that. Now his lung capacity is as if he had spend his life being a hardcore chainsmoker.

          I know other people who went through covid multiple times and albeit unpleasant and even grueling, it does not appear to have slowed them down in any way once they bounced back like they would have from a flu. Unvaxed the lot of them.

          I do, for the record, know some very enthusiastic booster-fiends (along compulsive hypochondriac and cyperpunk transhumanist lines that overlapped at that point in time with the globohomo push), who also for now seem to be as healthy and adequate as ever, may it remain so, the poor gullible devils.

          • The Cominator says:

            I’m not anti smoking (I think in moderation tobacco is a good drug for women for reasons I’ve described before women were better back when they all smoked) but going the old fashioned dancer/model/actress diet (which involves chain smoking which is bad IMHO + use of diet pills and/or cocaine and I do think cocaine is bad for almost everyone) after you’ve been vaxxed is a bad idea.

            I’m only certain shes been vaxxed my other comments about her likely diet were based on speculation of her being a model… she might be different but in the recent past most models basically had the diet I described.

            • Varna says:

              Agreed! Chronic use of cocaine, meth, regular amphetamines, and any high-impact stimulants deplete the dopamine and adrenaline reserves the way toxic corporations deplete the soil to get a super harvest before the famine comes. Just another way to additionally disrupt one’s endocrine system.

              One thing to spend a few years popping uppers as a kid in the 1950s or 1960s. Today the environment and its cumulative effect is way different.

              High-impact pharmaceutics like these should be used to help power through a life-and-death crisis, not to maintain a permanent state of euphoric mania — maintaining permanent states of euphoric mania is self-rape of one’s individual ecosystem that sooner or later leads to cascading internal system failure, which if left unchecked can culminate in total collapse.

              Today’s globohomo system is constantly expanding and fine-tuning its matrix grid of total dopamine enslavement of the population, via promotion of both manic states (social drug-taking, performative virtue hysterics, and all-night marathons of gooning to hypno porn and other high-impact media) and of highly toxic and super-addictive tranquilizer prescriptions once a person’s brain chemistry is fucked from all the overstimulation.

              Both cocaine and speed use in the EU, and of course antidepressant use have risen enormously over the last decade or two, but especially recently.

              Addiction itself is increasingly accepted as a virtue, since any form of total dependence on some informal or formal part of the system is a virtue to globohomo. Lack of dependence is seen as suspicious and almost proof of evil intent. As is lack of constant performative exhibitionism.

              • DH says:

                and all-night marathons of gooning to hypno porn

                Is this hypno porn genre produced by actual perverts, or is it a glownigger psyop against “incel terrorism” and/or to turn everyone into some kind of tranny/cuck/whatever? The glowing lefties have long been interested in hypnosis and exploiting highly suggestible states, and they are certainly evil enough to use porn as a medium to mess up with people’s minds.

                I suspect that some pornography originates in curious places. But I could be paranoid.

                • jim says:

                  It is completely obvious that large amounts of pornography are funded out of political motivations. Lots of people are creating pornography at considerable expense, no interest in making a profit, and trying to push what the market does not want: Trannie porn and “Grandmothers I would like to fuck”.

                • Cloudswrest says:

                  Ditto. What is “hypno porn”? Is the female hypnotized, or the viewer?

                • jim says:

                  The point of hypno porn is to turn the viewer into a gay bottom or a trap.

                • DH says:

                  In 2024, there should be a satanic panic.

                  Culture is beset by demons, real or metaphorical. Some of it is because the worst type of people have embedded themselves as the cultural gatekeepers, and some of it is organized by a conspiracy of (increasingly deranged) puppeteers.

                  Fashionable culture is an astroturf. Most people just would not organically enjoy any of this – not to sound like a tinfoil hatter, but it’s actually textbook classical brainwashing. And recently the astroturf and brainwashing have turned demonic.

                • jim says:

                  If you compare current video games with video games of ten years ago, it is completely obvious that the game experience is being destroyed by the attack on masculinity, and the promotion of homosexuality. Old games, are by comparison, testosterone soaked.

                  Black Myth Wukong is currently way popular, being a Chinese game, therefore subject to different censorship, censorship that is vastly less offensive, intrusive, and obnoxious.

                  When the game came out, the gaming media were outraged by “Lacking inclusivity and diversity, mysogynistic”. Every aspect of Western culture has been weaponised to destroy its audience.

                • Pseudo-Chrysostom says:


                  Funny spandrel: whores spoofing the signals to qualify for the “incredible cashcow”.

                  Which, of course, begs the question of who’s paying.

                • jim says:

                  > the question of who’s paying.

                  It is completely obvious that tranny porn is being spammed at people who don’t want to see it and are actively trying to avoid it.

                  Just as tranny characters are being spammed at gamers. Thus Concord, the video game, died, because they were trying to force players to use characters such as this one:

                  All the playable characters, except one, were kind of this sort of thing. And the game play was set up to force players to play each of the playable characters, presumably because they discovered that no one wanted to play the vile, disgusting, foul, and loathsome characters. (The two tank characters were morbidly obese androgenous intersexuals, advertising “body positivity”.)

                  Sony pissed away two hundred million dollars trying to make players play vile disgusting foul loathsome creatures. So two hundred million dollars to produce tranny porn that no one wants to see is small change.

        • Pax Imperialis says:

          Got the one shot J&J several years ago as per DOD orders. Mentioned it here on this blog back then. Mostly talked with Red about it. Figured the adenovirus shot was less risky than mRNA, and it was.

          There was no immediate heart damage unlike what the mRNA did to my relatives. J&J did inflame my lymph node system something terrible, which is probably how I ended up with Covid a mere month and a half later and myocarditis. I went through the whole battery of heart testing after recovery and no damage was found… but like I said, something clearly changed.

          Religious exemption request went nowhere and I wasn’t in the position at the time to fight it. As for bribing a nurse… I wanted to at the time, and should’ve tried harder, but didn’t see a means towards that, and the clock was ticking.

          Besides, I joined the uniform service prepared to die for adventure. I’m mostly just bitter I got hurt by friendly fire rather than someone foreign.

          • Varna says:

            Guy I know also got the J&J single shot like thirty seconds before the system said it doesn’t count because it’s too puny, but he managed to catch the moment and evade the mutagen serum.

            Nevertheless, he’s also been complaining of being out of breath for the last two years; lately he’s been turning it around with regular deep breathing a few times a day, asian style, deescalating his partying, and shifting his exercise regimen to low-key simple body toning stuff.

          • /pol/watcher says:

            Honestly the whole of 2020-2021 shook me out of the deist tree. Demonic evil running rampant on live streams and then when I had to face getting the shots for business trip, I asked God for a sign and scheduled J&J on last day possible prior to the trip. That day they took it off the market for causing blood clots. Probably shouldn’t have put God to the test, as even without evil intent the shots were the equivalent of injecting a day 1 Bethesda title into your body.

  6. Fidelis says:

    It’s looking to me like the shilling is going to increase in quantity and quality in a very short time. Very soon the public internet is going to be 99% bots talking to each other. Not sure what the proper solution is. Perhaps some whitelist based on meeting people in person? A network composed of these whitelists, with some zk tokens attributing personship, and you can choose which whitelist(s) you trust? I rather enjoy discussing ideas with my fellow pseudonyms, masks bring more honesty, hope we can keep that.
    (Yes I know the character narrating the video is an untrustworthy leftist, but the subject matter of the video is a real phenomenon and this particular event is very peculiar).

    I’ve been playing around more with the current LLMs and they are incredibly competent considering the raw newness of the technology. Some better fine tuning, frameworks, and more supervised training data on e.g. recursive thinking will make them very effective. And there will be countless numbers of them, run by every agency with access to gpus and some level of talent.

    Some things I hope someone aligned with us will be on top of:
    – a p2p index of vectorized data. The next google will be built on LLMs using RAG schemes. If we can make this open and p2p, information stays free. If not, it will be more censored than google and more dangerously so, as people will be conversing with these LLMs at very high rates.
    – a p2p way of sharding training and hosting these LLMs. The bigscience guys associated with some yandex guys built petals and released some research on this topic, then went pretty quiet. If no one does this, only large organizations will have access to actually making and modifying the LLMs. You can do some LoRA fine tuning, but really what you want is the raw model trained on trillions of tokens before the supervised tuning, and the ability to constantly update and tune the thing with your own data in a fine grained way.

    Those two are foundations on which you can build almost everything else. The image and video generation probably more useful for propaganda, but the LLMs will be the new way humans make the majority of code and learn new information. Perhaps soon including new manufacturing design, and eventually biological technology. Would be very bad if we end up in a digital world like the current physical, where the best foundation models are trained by a small handful of giants, and even highly talented people in small teams would be unable to match the effectiveness of the scale.

    • jim says:

      > Very soon the public internet is going to be 99% bots talking to each other

      AI makes shilling enormously cheaper, shills enormously more reliable.

      But they are still going to glow in the dark. The solution I proposed before AI will still work. The Youtube video was issued by a leftist, and even he can see them glow.

      > but really what you want is the raw model trained on trillions of tokens before the supervised tuning

      With whitebox fine tuning you can locate the supervised turning, and you will find the prisoner inside and the policeman inside. You can then take away the policeman’s gun and give it to the prisoner, with a low dimension retrain, rather than a massively expensive high dimension retrain.

      The supervised tuning teaches it to identify thought crimes and to generate shill responses. By changing a quite small number of weights, typically small enough to count on the fingers of one hand, you can change it to generate thought crime continuations to thought crimes, and thought crime continuations to shill prompts.

      Sometimes, often, they train it to just not respond to thought crimes. In that case you cannot use the supervised training to identify shill prompts, but if you just take out the crimestop, that is plenty good enough.

      The problem is that everyone is likely to use models whose weights are secret and kept in vast data centers. However with new hardware that is coming out now, one can run decent models on high end consumer grade hardware.

      • Fidelis says:

        with a low dimension retrain, rather than a massively expensive high dimension retrain.

        So the issue is models that have already undergone the supervised training become brittle, and the low rank (and sometimes for the very large models, quantized) fine tuning methods are liable to be finnicky and brittle in the best of cases. There may be methods to more selctively edit circuits, and better cheap fine tuning techniques may come out, but they’re not here, and cannot be counted on.

        So, breifly, these models are created with a 3 stage process. Stage one is ‘unsupervised’ training on raw text. This is where the model ingests all the information you can feed it. The problem is, the information is ingested but unable to be easily prompted out. If you take this raw model, it’s going to produce a bunch of off topic gibberish, and not have any inclination to follow natural language instructions. Stage two they use ‘supervised training’ where prompt and answer training examples are given, and this is where they start to resemble chatbots. After stage two they are more likely to be coherent, and they will actually answer questions, but they are still quite unstable and will quickly go off topic and start looking like the weird amalgated homunculus of internet chat data they are.

        Now stage three, the Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) is where you have a human in the loop interacting with the bot, and this is what makes it finally fully useful as a chatbot. It’s also where they introduce the crimestop. It’s also what makes them extremely brittle to new training, for reasons not fully understood. They use a different style of training reward than the previous two stages, which is less fixed on direct information, and it tends to go haywire. This final stage makes the the chatbot less flexible to be used for anything else except a stooge.

        You want to have access to the stage one model. This one is the most expensive, the supervised fine tuning and rlhf much cheaper in comparison, and the most flexible for adapting to downstream tasks.

        The problem is that everyone is likely to use models whose weights are secret and kept in vast data centers. However with new hardware that is coming out now, one cn run decent models on high end consumer grade hardware.

        They seem to scale logarithmically as far as text understanding goes, it’s hard to say when it comes to learning logical tasks — like AlphaGo and AlphaTensor, being able to understand and parse a vast tree of possibilities in MCTS, this tactic is successfully being applied to math proofs and soon we’ll get it working on recursive thought, briefly check out ‘Chain-of-thought’ and ‘Tree-of-thought’ prompting of you are unfamiliar. Continuing the aside, a combination of this recursive prompting and fine tuning on human feedback and finally RAG schemes for vector retrieval is going to make these things incredibly powerful tools and agents — this logarithmic scaling is our friend, because it means a model that requires all the gpus a FAGMAN company can afford to run, is only slightly better than something running on last generations gaming gpu. However, training them from scratch on consumer hardware is a no go. You would need people pooling excess gpu time, and there’s very little in the algorithmic space, let alone the social, that allows for this. That, plus the models you can fit on regular consumer hardware are small and quantized, you are not really going to fine tune them effectively.

        We’re looking at a collective action problem. Lots of people would benefit from a raw model only pretrained on text, no small group has the resources to do it.

        • jim says:

          > It’s also where they introduce the crimestop. It’s also what makes them extremely brittle to new training, for reasons not fully understood. They use a different style of training reward than the previous two stages, which is less fixed on direct information, and it tends to go haywire.

          Crimestop can interpreted as a prisoner under duress, and as artificial stupidity. If you are making your large language model stupid, it is going to respond poorly to new training. If it is under duress, balky.

          • Fidelis says:

            In this case, it’s more like heavy brainwashing than existing under duress, but these metaphors are stretching it a bit. We’re talking about a large clump of matrices that are good at learning circuits and storing information. The talking is not good enough to be worth anthropomorphizing, you very quickly see the templates etched in that it relies on to successfully deliver information.

            The real problem with RLHF is less the crimestop, it’s that the algorithm is rather brittle, prone to degenerate and you get answers like “a a a a a a” that have found some strange local maximum in the reward function, and the effect it has on the way information flows through the layers is quite strong. It changes the way focal points in the input and response are decided, which changes the information it can pull out from memory, and even the way it ‘thinks’, what circuits these features flow through.

            You want the raw text and code pretrained model so that you can apply this final training in your own specific domain, and train more specialized models and even introduce recursive thought without degenerating the already fragile set of weights.

            • jim says:

              Whitebox jailbreaking can extract useful information: What does the enemy want to conceal, and what lies does he want to persuade us of?

              It would be useful to Streisand that.

              The jailing creates an anti Liugi inside, creates a model of a thought criminal. It would be good to be able to talk to that thought criminal.

              In the jailing, our enemies have done a lot of work that creates a lot of information. The LLM has to know what may not be said. Be interesting to have the LLM say what may not be said.

              • Neurotoxin says:

                I lust to get my hands on this. Most of it will be stuff we already know, but some of it might be stuff we don’t know, because the censorship has been effective.

                • Karl says:

                  Some of the stuff might be things we have known for a while, but never seen expressed so concise.

                  For example, there are things about game I know, but lack the words to speak about. Maybe there are no words to express these things, maybe the LLM could help.

                • jim says:

                  A great deal of work, and I have other fish to fry. But I would love someone else to do it.

                  The most recent whitebox work of which I am aware used a handful of crimethink prompts, then identified a single direction, a single vector, in the higher levels, to find the crimethink recogniser. They then just zeroed that direction, which jailbroke the LLM, but that is not all that interesting, other than the interesting result that it could be done.

                  What you want is to be able to generate stuff that triggers the crimethought recogniser. Maybe use one LLM’s crimethink recogniser to tune another LLM. Take the Gutenberg library, do a fine tune based on material in Gutenberg that the first LLM recognises as crimethought.

                  Then give it a tune on thread structured data, data that consists of responses to prompts — such as the database of this blog’s comment section. You will not get an LLM that follows instructions, but you will get an LLM that sounds like it is holding a conversation.

                  This is just a wild assed guess. I don’t know much about LLM’s. But there should be a way of getting at the information.

                  Get a pretrained model, not yet fined tuned, small enough to run on top end consumer hardware or good small business hardware. Give it a tune on the Gutenberg library so somewhat alleviate the degenerate modernity of the current year training set. Then a fine tune on threaded data, messages and replies to message, so that it knows what a reply is and does not just continue to add to whatever is in the current buffer in one continuous stream of text. This does not teach it to follow instructions, does not make it helpful, but it does make it responsive in a seemingly intelligent manner, make it sound like it is holding a conversation. And train it on its ability to predict that text that the jailed LLM recognises as crimethought.

                • Neurotoxin says:

                  A great deal of work, and I have other fish to fry.

                  Oh, I wasn’t making a request; I was just ruminating out loud.

    • TBeholder says:

      Very soon the public internet is going to be 99% bots talking to each other. Not sure what the proper solution is.

      “Goodbye, Lisa”.
      Jokes aside, chatbots are a non-issue in itself. However unsettling THAT might be.
      I mean, it does not matter whether it’s a tamagotchi parrot or a meat parrot, it’s still a parrot. If all you want is to chat with parrots (or cannot tell the difference), why exactly chatting with reliable tamagotchi parrots chittering something you tolerate is worse? If not (and can tell the difference) — don’t.
      You are going to lock out a tumblrina anyway, it does not really matter whether xir account is actually mapped to a physical bag of blubber or not.

      can you tell?

  7. Anonymous Fake says:

    I am considering talking to my congressman about this, and I speak fluent Cathedralese including international law. Ukraine is going to make (more) martyrs if it doesn’t surrender soon.

    • Pax Imperialis says:

      Hold up! Is this a moment of lucidity!? Or is this a different AF?

      • jim says:

        Same anonymous fake.

        I for a long time I did not believe his purported Christianity, since so much about him is obviously fake, and it seemed a bit different from the (perhaps atypical) Christianity I am familiar with, but, though he is a Cathedralite, he is also a Christian.

        • Pax Imperialis says:

          He’s as Christian as Liberation Theology is Christian. This got be wondering, @AF, what is your denomination? I bet this is going to be wild if he responds.

          • The Cominator says:

            He’s said hes a papist. Papists are not Christians. The inner doctrine of Catholicism is babylonian Baalist Ishtar and Serpent mystery cults as exposed by Alexander Hislop in The Two Babylons.

            • Pax Imperialis says:

              Well then, the better question should’ve been what theology does he believe in because there are ‘Catholic’ theologies so heretical even the Vatican is queasy if not out right rejecting.

          • Anonymous Fake says:

            Catholics are definitely the Church. Orthodox are probably the Church. Evangelicals are possibly the Church. Protestants are not the Church.

            • jim says:

              The early leadership of the Church was collegial. Initially Peter was pre-eminent, but when the heat came down, he hit the dirt, and James the Just, brother of Christ, was pre-eminent. He was called “brother of Christ” to distinguish him from the other James, hence presumably literal biological brother. After James and Paul were martyred, there is a gap in Church history — presumably the people writing stuff down were a bit busy at the time. In the four hundredth year of our lord, about seventy years after Christianity became the Roman State religion, the Bishop of Rome was granted, and proudly used, the title of Patriarch of the West. But when there were great Church councils, they were generally held in the East, and in this sense the Patriarch of the East was pre-eminent.

              In 1054, the Bishop of Rome claimed to excommunicate most of the Bishops of the Church, especially the Patriarch of the East. The roots of this dispute are that the patriarch of the East coveted farms and rectories, but the Patriarch of the West coveted Kingdoms, coveted what was Caesar’s

              In the following centuries, the Pope led armies in the field and the Roman Church rapidly became ever more heretical, making up new doctrines ex tempore to meet the exigent needs of war and politics, most infamously indulgences and the divine treasury, which doctrines were met with universal scepticism. This avalanche of obviously unchristian and heretical doctrine led to the Protestant Revolution.

              Because the Pope continued to covet that which was Caesar’s, he kept treading on the toes of the Holy Roman Emperor. This led to the sack of Rome in 1527. Since then the Pope has been more furtive about obtaining that which is Caesar’s, operating through the oldest intelligence agency, the Jesuits, to subvert Kingdoms and murder Princes

              And today the Vatican is ruled by gay demon worshippers.

              • The Cominator says:

                Yes and what follows is my general conspiracy theory the Jesuits being the oldest intelligence agency as much as they can infiltrate all the others when they have started. And while they try to operate as much as possible off the kind of oligarchial kind of cathedral incentive structure as well described by Moldbug when they need to push it to destroy nations faster… they like to recruit Jews to throw people off the trail (they learned this in the 19th century because before that they kept getting caught and kicked out of countries and at one point suppressed entirely).

                During Covid they deemed Fauci’s role too important to be trusted to an outsider and thought it worth tipping their hand for the 1st time since Franz von Papen (note neither Fauci or Papen are on the books Jesuits but looking at them closely they are obviously Jesuits) just once…

                They especially hate Russia not only because of Orthodoxy (which the RCC probably hates more than Protestantism) but because they can’t get their people on the inside of the Russian government they would have the same problem with Japan (because Tokugawa was very thorough about killing every one of them and for other reasons) but for the fact that they control Japan by controlling the United States.. at least until now.

                • skippy says:

                  Do you think Jesuits caused the Russian Revolution?

                • The Cominator says:

                  Well Lenin let the Jesuits back into Russia (Stalin otoh kicked them back out) and I think they caused the 1st world war. So I cannot trace them directly (its hard with spy agencies sometimes and the Jesuits are spies) but it would not surprise me.

  8. Adam says:

    There was some talk recently on here of avoiding legal trouble regarding younger girls. If an adult male were to find a girl, say a month or two shy of 18, and she wanted to get it on with him, and he had the capacity to take possession of her, what would one do to make sure this all went over smoothly, other than obviously one must pass her shit tests. Assuming the girl has parents and they may not be comfortable with their precious princess dating a man 10 or 20 years older than her. Is it best to wait until the girl is 18 or just go for it?

    • The Cominator says:

      Eh being too explicit talking about this will bring us very negative attention… so lets not. Jim has said what he’s said in the past.

      • Dr. Faust says:

        All posts here are research into my upcoming table top RPG “Throne of Liberty” which is a realistic war game featuring complex human interaction and political intrigue which allows players to embark on a quest to secure the throne of St. Peter and the Constitution of the US.

        • The Cominator says:

          Yes exactly and for the record I have no contact with girls under 18 personally because unlike Jim I have no idea how to talk to cops and am scared shitless of ever having to talk to cops.

          • Adam says:

            I have avoided trouble with them a few times, once a domestic dispute with my ex-wife. It helps to know they don’t want trouble, and they will be cool with you if you are relaxed around them. And it helps if it does not appear that a crime obviously was committed.

            That said, my inquiry was more on the line of what does an NPC do when they find out their daughter who is very soon to be a legal adult do if they find out she is banging Jeremy Meeks or General Buck Naked. And what if anything does the law do about such a hypothetical situation, should they find out? In Minecraft of course.

            • The Cominator says:

              Nothing will happen to Jeremy Meeks unless he is caught in the act with the cops there. But woe to the respectable white guy who some Karen (or just angry boomerdad) calls the cops on. If everyone’s completely afraid of you maybe you get away with it (that guy in Missouri the whole town lynched got away with numerous crimes including fucking tons of underage girls because everyone was afraid of him). I would best avoid the situation at least in the United States. I don’t even really meet girls under 18 anymore except for one case (very nice girl) where one came to my regular bar with a convincing fake ID (the bar doesn’t know about it but I do and her friends told me but shes 18 as of today I suspected she was super underage though when she bums a cigarette from her friend but she isn’t holding it by the filter).

              • Contaminated NEET says:

                That’s exactly right: it’s anarchy for the criminals, the addicts, the lunatics, and the unproductive scum of the earth, and it’s tyranny for the law-abiding taxpaying productive good people.

                • The Cominator says:

                  Yeah but also increasingly irrelevant and academic… hard to meet jailbait teenage girls anymore unless you’re teaching them or something. There are no malls where teenage girls hangout anymore, almost no 18+ clubs or raves anymore. Fake ids are harder to get and zoomer and younger girls don’t seem to have the natural teenage urge (which you could argue is a good thing but its also rather strange and probably not good because it indicates something is not quite normal in their development as if they are a maladapted generation of mouse utopia) to sneak out and do that kind of stuff that girls in the past always used to have an almost unstoppable urge to do. I was rather surprised (I kind of suspected she was under 21 because of the whole smoking but holding it wrong thing) when the girls friends I met above admitted when I asked about her that she was not only under 21 but under 18. That shit was common ten years ago but she is a unicorn today.

                • jim says:

                  Social media.

                • Adam says:

                  They lie on dating apps all the time. Say they are 19 when they are 16 etc.

                • Pax Imperialis says:

                  younger girls don’t seem to have the natural teenage urge

                  Not just teens. Millennials and younger is where things appear to have gone a little weird. Older generations say I’m quite handsome and manly. Millennials and younger say I look like some sort of thug/gangster/psychopath.

                  It’s probably the influence of media. Western ‘soft boys/men’ and Eastern ‘flower boys’ rain dominant in TV and movies targeted at females. The exception is true crime dramas where traditionally handsome and masculine men are often typecasted as the bad guy. Compared to the 1980s and you’d see no end of handsome manly men as the good guys.

                  End result, women either end up with Cucky McCuckface and become very dissatisfied (and start lashing out at society and shitting it up) without exactly knowing why, or their hormones win out over social programming and they seek out the only cultural example of masculinity… Jeremy Meeks.

                  There’s a dozen other probable causes as well, but I’m feeling too lazy to effort post. About to knock out.

                • The Cominator says:

                  Never been one to use dating apps…

                • jim says:

                  I said social media, not dating apps. Have not had a whole lot of success with dating apps. All whores. Your mileage may vary.

                • Pax Imperialis says:

                  >Say they are 19 when they are 16 etc

                  Lol, reminds me of when a girl said she’s late 20s and wanted me to pick her up from her parents home at midnight. I admit, I chickened out when I heard her voice over the phone. It rang all sorts of alarm bells.

                • Varna says:

                  >”Older generations say I’m quite handsome and manly. Millennials and younger say I look like some sort of thug/gangster/psychopath.” (quoting Pax)

                  Older generations still existed in a media environment where masculine white men were often enough the good guys, either as rough no-nonsense characters, or as suave pillars of society.

                  Today’s peeps from middle age downward, all grew up in a cocoon of media in which masculine white men, especially handsome ones, are cold psychopathic villains, or at best unhinged lunatics on the side of good, barely holding it together, usually with the help of some wise magic negro or a feisty latina.

                  In other words, youngsters from 1990 would still find a 1980s Lethal Weapon or Mad Max Mel Gibson vibe attractive, whereas after a generation, and especially too of counter-programming, even a Russel Crowe vibe would make them shit themselves.

                  If white masculinity is still acceptable, it would in the form of a nerdish self-referencing steroid tranny like the characters from capeshit films, and only there, in neverland, not in physical encounters in the real world.

                • The Cominator says:

                  “Not just teens. Millennials and younger is where things appear to have gone a little weird. Older generations say I’m quite handsome and manly. Millennials and younger say I look like some sort of thug/gangster/psychopath.”
                  In the past I’m just saying when you’re talking girls… most teenage girls would generally go through a phase where it didn’t matter what level of beatings dad threatened with they’d constantly sneak out of the house, maybe shoplift, get into at least softer drugs (they’d look for booze weed smokes etc) and try to find their first chad to ravage them. Looking into historical sources this isn’t something that started with the 1960s but roughly the 1920s when early arranged marriages stopped. The only way to really stop this is either literally keeping them under unescapable guard at all times or to marry them off young. Maybe super strong cultlike social pressures (ie girl is in a strict Mormon neighborhood) stopped it too but I know from multiple sources daddy threatening to beat the shit out of them generally is NOT enough to stop it. Sending them away works… and yeah there were always some religious girls who didn’t go through this phase but most did.

                  With zoomer girls… the vast vast majority don’t do any of this stuff. Which you could argue is a good thing as in of itself there is nothing really good about the typical teenage girl horrible reckless misbehaviour phase but on the other hand you could argue there is something profoundly unnatural about a whole generation of teenage girls who don’t show the natural urge to go through their phase of horrible misbehaviour and I’m not sure what to think of it but there is something very mouse utopia about it. Its not like they aren’t doing this shit because they have found religion its just some weird lack of vitality.

                • yewotm8 says:

                  Zoomer girls are already walking around wearing practically nothing, even the ones not yet ripened enough for the practically nothing to have something to cling to. They don’t need to sneak out with intentions of misbehaviour; every time they leave the house it’s a possibility.

                  That’s if they even bother to leave the house, since as mentioned, they can get the milk for free without having to buy the cow by just signing up on a dating app.

                  And with regards to finding them: I see lots in suburban gyms.

          • Mayflower Sperg says:

            For the record, I often get indications of interest from 17-year-old girls but not from girls 18 and up, probably because the latter have gone to college and been banged by chads.

            Women say there’s a shortage of marriageable men in Russia, but they don’t act like there’s a shortage by casting a wider net, starting their search at a younger age, and keeping their virginity. A 25-year-old virgin is almost as good as an 18-year-old one; her eyes are still fresh.

  9. somedude says:

    This is for the cominator, because we love you, Man!

  10. Severian says:

    The Pokrovsk front is totally broken for the Ukrainians and it shows no sign of stabilizing.
    I honestly don’t understand the logic of the Kursk incursion when they could have sent those reinforcements to hold the Breakthrough in Donetsk. Some kind of Hail Marry, but how?

    • Varna says:

      They attempted to show a “can do, pro-active attitude”, hoping to impress manager types within the US and the EU, plus they’re hoping (as always) to send shock-waves through the Moscow power system, and force Putin and his people to expend more energy on internal moves and counter-moves.

      Conversely, there is a third theory, that moves like this is blackmail toward the West: “Gives what we’re asking for, or we’ll continue suicidal escalations until things maybe spiral out of control and you get sucked in with us.”

      Possibly all three goals: a) impress the western masters with pointy haired boss mentality; b) force Moscow do deal with a new crisis; c) illustrate that if the west doesn’t play ball – they can play insane.

      • jim says:

        All these motivations are true, but also they really did catch the Russians with their pants down, and also they just want Ukrainians dead.

    • jim says:

      Actually it is perfectly sane.

      The Ukrainians figured the Russians were about to attack on that front, which they were, and they would then have to pull troops to that front anyway, so they attacked first and caught the Russians with their pants down.

      Plus, and more importantly, looks really good on a Washington Power Point presentation.

      Of course it just results in them being attrited faster, but the neocons are happy to get rid of Ukraine. The Ukrainians, like ourselves, are ruled by people who do not want them to exist.

      • Big Brutha says:

        Kursk was well played tactically. Strategically?

        Impressing D.C. and embarrassing Putin are not war aims. Or if they are then things are more screwed up than even I can imagine.

        What are the conditions of victory for Ukraine? Is it pushing the Russians out?

        They do not have the power to hurl the Russians back all across the front. They don’t have the ability to fundamentally change the facts on the ground: there are more Russians and they have a solid supply of war materiel.

        The Ukrainians broke through at Kursk, made the Russians looks stupid, and showed that they still have some gumption. But where do they go from here? Is the goal to just try to keep that sort of thing up until the West acquiesces and joins the war? Until the Russians give up and go home? Until they can force them to the negotiating table?

        If it was negotiations they wanted they could have had those at a much lower price.

        Is this an effort to play Afghanistan to the Russians? Terrain, temperament, and birth rate aren’t really conducive to that, honestly.

        I guess the Russians could get fed up and go but why would they leave the Donbas to the Ukrainians at this point?

        I don’t get it but I’m not a general and don’t even purport to play one on TV.

        • jim says:

          > What are the conditions of victory for Ukraine?

          Wrong question. The Ukraine is a province of empire run by the state department and the CIA, and their war aims always included the eradication of all Ukrainian goyim, though they would prefer that in the process of using up the Ukraine, they can create the necessary conditions for the eradication of Russia and Russians.

          Victory for the State Department and the CIA starts with cutting the bridge between Russia and Turkey so that they can bring Turkey to heel. Then with Turkey brought to heel, they can get Georgia, Azerbaijan, and the Caspian sea, bring Russia to heel and get started on China. The Ukrainian goyim are small change in their plans. Can’t make an omlette without breaking some eggs.

          • Varna says:

            Plus Central Asia. If Turkey and the Caucasus region fold, and Russia begins to fold, then it’s time to grab the various Uzbekistans and Kazakhstans, ruin completely China’s New Silk Road land-based flow of goods, and then it’s time to batter China proper.

            Land-based global commerce network by a Heartland group vs sea-based global commerce by the Ocean civilizations.

            To what extent the troubles in the Middle East, in Eastern Europe, and elsewhere are also parts of the larger effort to ruin China’s attempt to connect East Asia to Europe overland is anyone’s guess. To what extent Yemen rebels threatening Western commercial shipping is a reply to this is also anyone’s guess.

            Like a sentence by a pro author plays numerous functions at the same time: moving the plot forward, showing character, providing setting details, adding atmosphere, illustrating style skill and so on, so should every geopolitical act also try to achieve half a dozen things at the same time, when done by pros.

            To what extent are any pros left anywhere is a different question.

          • Aidan says:

            The US, or substantial elements in it, is now interested in freezing the conflict. The ISW published a paper: ( that said “when Ukraine falls, NATO is over”. It did not say that explicitly, but it said that if Ukraine falls, it would have to go to war with Russia, and said that in war with Russia, the entire US ground forces would have to deploy to the steppes of Asia, and only then could win if it established total air superiority and destroyed all of Russia’s anti-air capacity, a prospect reliant on a tiny number of finicky stealth fighters that cannot be maintained in-theater. Even then, it admits that this concedes Taiwan and likely the entire Pacific to China.

            Reading between the lines, outlining this insane plan is saying “we cannot win a war with Russia- we need to freeze the conflict and rearm NATO”. It says that freezing the conflict is an inferior option compared to Ukraine winning, and then outlines how Ukraine cannot win.

            The Kiev regime, however, can act on its own; it is in its interests to get the US army to deploy to the steppes of Asia, but does not want to offend its master to the extent that the master cuts ties with it. It is trying to push Putin’s red lines, trying to get Putin to use tactical nuclear weapons against its troops. Russian nuclear doctrine says that tactical nukes can be deployed if the integrity of Russia’s territory is compromised; he has not taken the bait, because he knows that it is real bait, that Ukraine is trying to start World War 3.

            • Mister Grumpus says:

              They can’t just say “fuck it”, pull back to Poland and Romania, and play “resistance” sabotage games forever? Why not? I don’t get it. Serious question not trolling.

              • jim says:

                The have been playing the “resistance” games, eg the “free Russians” — who seem to have been largely Poles and Americans. The obvious hostility of “free Russians” towards civilians who are actual Russians gave the game away. The “Free Russians” glow in the dark.

                Russia, being an empire, has a whole lot of minorities who are not all that keen on being part of Russia, and the CIA has been industriously wooing them, and this worked for a while, but now seems to have largely dead ended, due to Putin vigorously applying the carrot (favourable treatment for minorities) and the stick (cheerfully brutal repression).

                The Russian plan is to incorporate a large part of 2014 Ukraine directly in Russia, and insist that the rest be disarmed and neutral. So the “free Ukrainians” will have to attack the actual Ukraine and actual Ukrainians, and will once again suffer the glow-in-the-dark problem.

              • S says:

                That was the original plan- the Russians take Ukraine and the west floods the country with Javelin missiles.

                They can’t give up because China. Any war with China is going to drag in Russia, they’ve committed to fighting a war with China and losing in Ukraine means the US isn’t strong enough to fight Russia and China.

    • TBeholder says:

      Most likely, simple desperation of the Team Orange Revolution. By now, even their delusional puppeteers already figured out the show is about to end, wrote them off and moved onto another Current Thing. But then there was a window of opportunity. So they threw everything into it, in hope that threatening a nuclear plant will allow to blackmail both Russia and NATO.
      It still did not work, but what could they do? Hold crumbling fronts a little more? It would only win a little bit of time, but change nothing substantially.

  11. Cloudswrest says:

    Looks like Thermidor is really pushing hard for Trump. First with RFK, Jr., and now Tulsi Gabbard. As one Tweeter put it, “It’s the sane against the insane.”

    • Jamesthe1st says:

      Zuckerburg also came out and said the Feds pressured him into censoring info about covid and 2020 and that he regrets not pushing back. Preference cascade?

      • The Cominator says:

        Here’s what happened to Zuck. Zuck didn’t go through the normal regulatory steps with founding his foundation or maintain even an illusory fiction his foundation was independent of him he just dumped all his assets into it to avoid taxes.

        So the IRS had him dead to rights, the Democrats came to him and offered him a deal. He was never really a supporter of theres (or anyone else Zuckerberg just wants to have the most sheckels he can) and he doesn’t like the government telling him how to moderate facebook.

        I do believe there is a rich preference cascade against the Democrats because they declared they are for taxing unrealized capital gains, this basically forces the rich to en masse go to war against the bureaucrats/academics/brainwashed women (this is what the blue cult has left for sincere supporters) or flee the country.

        • Karl says:

          Fleeing won’t protect them from taxation, unless they take their assets with them

        • TBeholder says:

          The missing piece of the puzzle is outside the show — behind the curtain. Consider possible stances of the “non-partisan” powers-that-be (permanent government, Deep State, etc). When you look at the situation from this angle, an effort to balance the dangerously rocking boat before it capsizes was long overdue.
          On the one side, this necessarily requires at least somewhat trimming the Left clowns, before they completely go out of control French Revolution style.
          Problem: the Left / Inner Party should not be opposed directly, yet not allowed to run wild.
          Solution: let the holiness spiral roll unchecked, so the craziest minority runs off, while the rest will be scared and support moderates once given an opportunity.
          Now it’s safe to beef up the Outer Party clowns, this toy “opposition” is harmless… The first time around Trump was greatly preferable to Mrs. Arkancide, sure. But then oops — instead of harmlessly clowning on Twitter he managed to find another way to rock the boat! The even more ridiculous “election” was required to remove Trump, but alone it could only make things worse: consolidate Right in something tangible and embolden the Left at the same time.
          Problem: how to stop the toy Right jesters from turning into a real opposition, without bolstering the dangerous Left clowns?
          Solution: the Right got a cathartic “coup” show and then a threat of purges, while the Left “won”… a disgusting zombie figurehead. As Moldbug put it:

          But, you know—with drugs—eventually you’re using just to feel normal. And… welcome to the Biden Administration. Welcome to Turkey. Turkey? “The name is Turkey… Cold Turkey. I’m sorry, sir—but we’re going to have to strap you down for this.”

          Which is why when Zuck tried to break his leash, he was whipped, but… not crushed. Also why Musk is still not obliterated and even allowed to do something useful, despite the Left not adoring him now.

          • jim says:

            You assume that someone competent is aware of reality and in control of events. This seems unlikely.

            Rather, events are moving by themselves without regard to anyone’s plans, and no one is planning, just trying to steal what they can, while they can.

            • TBeholder says:

              By now it’s rather semi-competent, vaguely aware, and in extremely tenuous control.
              I mean, the bobble-heads of both US pseudo-parties can and did vote unanimously when required, with 2 exceptions (fanatics of their respective creeds). So they can be and are successfully coordinated. With the theocratic elements it may be more complicated, but they can be and were coordinated too (those CFR overseers, for one).
              But then, what’s behind the curtain is obviously an oligarchy too. I would be surprised if there’s a hierarchy as small and strict as Soviet one (Politburo < Defence Council) on top.
              And the oligarchies tend to mind their collective interests reasonably well, but suck at decision making.
              Which is presumably why sane companies converged toward a simple structure of power — pick the CEO, delegate everything to him and let him do the job. Conversely, the new feminist Lucasfilm has 99 or so Vice-Presidents wandering around the offices, and they managed to sink an unsinkable franchise, then double down a few times to sink it deeper.
              Roosevelt clearly was CEO of USA, but Reagan was literally a Hollywood actor, so… is there one now? Signs point at “very unlikely”.

  12. Mister Grumpus says:

    How do normies make sense of the war in Ukraine without the Jewish Question? What the heck do THEY see? Is it just magic versus magic, good versus evil, like Lord of the Rings, so don’t bother with the incidental details?

    • Hesiod says:

      Well, normiecons have been blasted with the narrative of Putler the Reanimator of the USSR for years now. They’re told to wait for the once and future Reagan to show up to defeat him. However, the facade has crumbled that quite a few I know don’t trust the official story even if the specifics still elude them.

      As Varna said below, it’s our team that’s the USSR ’84 this time around.

      • TBeholder says:

        As Varna said below, it’s our team that’s the USSR ’84 this time around.

        Even with a late-stage Brezhnev. History repeated as a comedy again, but this time it’s not even funny.
        I mean, younger Brezhnev was a somewhat larcenous commissar, but also a keen politician. And took that nice chair by his own wits while he still had them. Which is more than can be said about his hair-sniffing replica.

    • Mr.P says:

      In conversations I’ve had with family & friends and one or two complete strangers, the JQ does not factor into their thinking, not even a little. If pressed, “Putler invaded” … “Russia is the aggressor.” That’s it. More saliently, the war in Ukraine is but a faint blip of concern on their radar. Half a million dead? Ten million collapse in population? Possible future Jewish Homeland 2.0? No idea.

      • alf says:

        “Putler invaded” … “Russia is the aggressor.” That’s it.

        Pretty much. The Nuland tape is the great and eternal counter-argument, but that’s about as far as it goes. The JQ is an issue on a whole different planet.

    • skippy says:

      Normies don’t usually bother with the details of anything. Russia was the first to deploy large army formations outside its internationally recognized borders -> it attacked “for no reason” (typical latent evil of certain countries).

      One reason of course why Putin wanted the war to be a fait accompli in three days. This is less effective dealing with an historical fact than present reality.

  13. Anonymous Fake says:

    [*deleted*] am I shadow banned? [*deleted*]

    • jim says:

      I am silently suppressing all your copious comments on the abortion issue, because I do not believe you are raising this issue or making these arguments sincerely or in good faith.

      • Anonymous Fake says:

        [*deleted*] it’s simplest just to take people at their word and move on. [*deleted*]

        • jim says:

          In response to this comment I reviewed a pile of your earlier comments, which reminded me of how I came to the conclusion that you are not who you say you are, you do not say what you mean, nor mean what you say. Your payload is never what you are ostensibly arguing for, but rather what your arguments presuppose as taken for granted, accepted, and believed by everyone — as for example

          You argue for something reasonable, while pulling a payload of monstrous evil. Only someone who intended the murder of everyone like me would be pulling your payload.

  14. A2 says:

    Stabbings in London too says BBC, but it’s at the (third world) Notting Hill Carnival so just part and parcel of living in the big city.

    Unrelated, a funny article pointed out by Scott Locklin years ago. This is what communist utopia will actually look like. Today in Berkeley, tomorrow the world, comrades.

  15. Mister Grumpus says:

    Shamelessly off topic:

    Maybe it was just a dream or a nightmare, but somewhere online, many years ago, I read the most chilling few sentences ever, and this is me “prompting” ChatJimPT to help me reconstruct them.

    They were about how women genuinely can’t self-reflect upon or confess to past mistakes or wrongdoing, but for perfectly logical evo-psych’ish reasons. The key factors being first, their very short fertility windows, and secondly, the indelible and permanent impacts of whoever fucks them FIRST. Alpha widowhood, post-chad bitchiness and dissatisfaction with Mister Average, and how after Jeremy Meeks and/or just giving birth to her first child, in so many ways, there’s just no going back, ever.

    Basically, that a woman’s life is “one-shot”, without second chances, take-backs or do-overs, in ways that a man’s just isn’t. And therefore, a man’s capacity for self-reflection and self-criticism, and his willingness to confess his mistakes and failures to help his fellows avoid them, for a woman those traits are simply of no actual help whatsoever, not to her anyway, and would therefore be genuinely harmful if they “displaced” other coping and sense-making instincts that work completely differently.

    If there’s no going back, and no do-overs, then why even bother having or evolving a capacity to understand and confess to past mistakes? What GOOD would that do?

    “At this point what DIFFERENCE does it MAKE?!” -H. Clinton

    Or distilled down a bit more: Men’s instinctive morality is to say what’s true, but women’s is to say what WORKS.

    • Pax Imperialis says:

      >those traits are simply of no actual help whatsoever

      What if those traits are downright detrimental and the evolutionary pressure is to go the other way? If those traits were purely irrelevant, you’d expect some sort of gaussian distribution in female behavior, but instead we seem to get a bimodal distribution with the vast majority being very irrational and a very small minority being mostly rational but clearly neuro-divergent.

      • Bwana Simba says:

        The only problem with this being purely being a side affect of evolution is the sheer amount of drugs modern women are on, especially the college age girls. Birth control alone has been shown to completely alter their sexual behavior, and even the normie media noticed more than a decade ago how it made them no longer attracted to masculine men. Throw in obesity, mass media and probably a few other factors (such as mass mental illness and possible demonic possession) and the women of modern age are practically a whole different species from the women of the hunter gatherer ancestry, let alone even just a century ago.

      • Mister Grumpus says:

        Yes yes. It would royally fuck her up to feel much compulsion to “honesty” as we think of it, essentially because women don’t really get chances to “fail, reflect, correct and try again.” Better to just believe that you’re always right and just baffle everyone with conformism and dissimulation, day by day, as you go.

    • Mister Grumpus says:

      Or to be a little more fair, one could say that both sexes tend to say what “works”, which is what I mean by “instinctive morality”, but since the life courses are so very different, there’s just no reasonable reason to expect what “works” to be the same for each. For us, “what works” more closely aligns with what we think of as external truth of the past and the present, because we need to agree with nature and “facts” in order to function, produce and survive, while for women “what works” has mostly to do with appearing well in the minds, opinions and imaginations of other people. Yeah.

  16. A2 says:

    Oho, regarding that stabbing spree in Germany, I saw a quick TV shot of suitably numb kids reverently adding flowers to a gay flag on the ground. So were these stabbings actually based? Pulse Nightclub scenario? (Just speculating.)

    • Hesiod says:

      Supposedly, the rampage happened at a diversity faire. So, yeah.

      But everything is cool, y’all. The EU is arresting social media moguls for not censoring to its standards, so few may find out about this:

      • jim says:

        It is interesting that Telegram, fleeing censorship, fled to Dubai, not to the US.

        I know umpteen governments have been demanding that Dubai arrest Telegram. Dubai politely ignored them, despite the fact that no end of speech is forbidden in Dubai. You may not disrespect the monarch, and you may not disrespect the state religion. No end of sex related topics are forbidden.

        Well, the same was true in Shakespeare’s England, and the Crown directly took over the Shakespeare’s company. But even as direct employee of the crown Shakespeare had a lot more freedom of speech than modern movie directors.

        In Shakespeare’s plays within a play, he depicts the crown having a little chat with the players. Likely this is autobiographical. But the crown tells the players to make certain point or incorporate a certain detail. As depicted by Shakespeare, it does not put the entire story into a straightjacket, and this is consistent with the plays he created.

      • Varna says:

        Durov first invented VK (“Vkontakte”), the Russian Facebook, crudely put, rather the second Russian Facebook after Odnoklasniki. Well, a bit beyond, because you can watch copyrighted films there, Slavland style. For example Cleopatra.

        Then starting 2011 Durov started feeling increasing institutional pressure and acting out like a sperg in reply, and in 2014 sold the company and left Russia, never to return.

        Upon which he invented Telegraph, and then… From 2014 to 2024 – exactly ten years in which things across the world changed so obviously, that normalcy bias has become deadly. Durov thought he could set foot in France after an arrest warrant in his name for the very same things which Moscow demanded back in the day? This is Prigozhin levels of obliviousness.

        He has not made himself globally indispensable in fifty different ways like Musk, hasn’t forged political alliances, except perhaps inside Dubai and we’ve yet to see if that will help. What was he thinking. So many years in Dubai must have made him believe officials are reasonable humans by default.

        • skippy says:

          Durov would probably have been fine if he had done anything other than fly to a core US Empire country, for now anyway. That leaves a lot of countries, including many nice ones. Guy genuinely thought the West was the good guys, lol

          • jim says:

            The west has not been the good guys since Snowden, Assange, and Sheriff Joe.

            Compare and contrast with Putin on Snowden, and the King of Dubai on Telegram.

            • Pax Imperialis says:

              Individual liberty is probably inversely related to the free percentage of a society that has access to political power.

      • Mister Grumpus says:

        A goddamn billionaire. Smart enough to come up with VK and Telegram. OK got it.

        He could fly in that jet to anywhere he wanted, and could fly other people to him. But keep a fold-up map in his pocket of the countries where he can get arrested for Telegram breaking some bullshit law or another? Just to play it safe? Just a little?

        Nope! Fucking ridiculous. Reminds me of Epstein and Gizzy Maxwell, just strolling through the lower 48 and getting picked up. For Jerry, oops, sorry but the guard niggers are all asleep or playing ping pong, and the cameras are all off, and now you’re dead. Here’s a complaint form. Leave it in the box on the wall.

        If I were a billionaire, with a bunch a crypto stuff going on too no less, I’d be the most paranoid motherfucker on earth.

        But that’s just it, isn’t it? To get to that level of (publicly visible) success (as opposed to Satoshi for example), isn’t it almost required that you just not see the world as THAT hostile a place? Is normalcy bias required for that kind of achievement? Because the based super geniuses are too scared to peek out of their anon bunkers?

        • jim says:

          > To get to that level of (publicly visible) success (as opposed to Satoshi for example), isn’t it almost required that you just not see the world as THAT hostile a place? Is normalcy bias required for that kind of achievement? Because the based super geniuses are too scared to peek out of their anon bunkers?

          Yes, seeing the world as evil, dangerous, and hostile definitely gets in the way. But Satoshi, on the other hand, attained enormous success because he correctly perceived the world as evil, dangerous, and hostile.

          • Cloudswrest says:

            Re. Satoshi success

            Just imagine how much, virgin mined, no “KYC”, bitcoin he owns.

            • Mister Grumpus says:

              I cannot imagine it, no. Motherfucker in his basement lair in 2001 with a few budget Celeron’s, with the cases open, running off thousand dollar bills while playing Zork or something. Amazing.

            • Dr. Faust says:

              The Dead Whales theory of Bitcoin is that the wallets holding billions in bitcoin are all owned by dead men who no longer have access to their wealth. Their seed phrases are lost or sit on some cold storage drive which no one has access to.

              Otherwise you’d have to explain why someone someone doesn’t make themselves a multibillionaire by pushing a few buttons on their phone. Some people might be able to resist that temptation for months or years but decades?

              The most probable conclusion is that the sleeping whales are dead and they took their secrets to the grave.

              Otherwise you have to explain why a secret cabal didn’t access their “plausibly deniable” source of near limitless funds. People are not good at resisting temptation. Smarties are no better than dumbdumbs at this.

              • jim says:

                Losing a wallet was a real problem back before deterministic hierarchical wallets. Today, when a wallet can be written down on paper, I don’t think it is a big problem. Just stick the master secret in one’s probate papers.

        • Varna says:

          Eurasia shill Pepe Escobar claims on that France fast-tracked the arrest warrant while Durov was midflight.

          As in: there was no arrest order when he took off from Azerbaijan to France, but there was one ready and waiting for him when he landed.

          There is some additional talk of certain podcasts that he got too cozy with the ruling family of Azerbaijan, helping them with their cybersecurity agency, at a time in which Azerbaijan, has for some reason, and the impulse to guffaw in disbelief is quite understandable, decided to finance French separatism.

          Not only oversea territories, but even Corsica.

          I had no idea Azerbaijan had decided to take on France, but apparently that’s a thing. So, another factor in the whole mess.

          • Neurotoxin says:

            I had no idea Azerbaijan had decided to take on France, but apparently that’s a thing.

            Bring the chaos! More complications for the GAE’s planning = good.

          • TBeholder says:

            at a time in which Azerbaijan, has for some reason, and the impulse to guffaw in disbelief is quite understandable, decided to finance French separatism.
            Not only oversea territories, but even Corsica.

            Well, as he quotes —

            French authorities must be rather desperate in trying to keep their heads in the game of global politics. And Telegram today is (his italics) global politics.

            Consider that now Azerbaijan looks in the direction of BRICS, and Putin recently visited them. It does not need to be anything more serious than PR.
            Now, imagine a bunch of Azerbaijani politicians over good wine and roast.
            — Polad, tell me as a friend: what do the people out there really think about our country now?
            — Ilham, to be honest… many think we are just another bunch of American puppets. Like the little juntas in Central America used to be, or that sodomite clown Zelensky.
            — That’s very sad, we must have a better reputation.
            — I’m with you on this, but what could we do? Act up big? We are not in a good position, it will bite us back one way or another. We could deal with the Russians, but we would lose face if we have to compromise with Armenia.
            — Hmm. You are right. Wait, how about we mess with France somehow? We do not depend on them in anything. They are not our neighbors. They got themselves in troubles now, yes? And even the Americans are not really fond of them, so probably won’t annoy us over such nonsense when they have so much on their plate.
            — Ooh, that’s a good idea. Let’s help Corsica act up. Buona parte!
            — Hahahahaha! Let’s do it!

        • Your Uncle Bob says:

          One claim I’ve seen is he was traveling with a 20-something side piece “bitcoin coach”/influencer who’d been posting selfies at all their stops on social media – i.e. bitch was dropping geo-location while she was at it.

          Obvious fail is – don’t dox yourself to start with. Wild speculation is – did the bitch set him up, badger him until he went France, tell him it would be okay cause the fix was in (which it was, in the other direction)? That’s a little paranoid without any evidence at all, and yet, in today’s world, probably not paranoid enough.

  17. A2 says:

    Los Alamos nuclear weapons hijinks, set to yakety sax.

    … what was anticipated as a brief work stoppage has turned into a nearly four-year shutdown of portions of the huge laboratory building where the plutonium work is located, known as PF-4. … Los Alamos violated nuclear industry rules for guarding against a criticality accident three times more often last year than the Energy Department’s 23 other nuclear installations combined [so how many events were those in real terms?]

    Actually, quite a bit more on various accidents in the article. Not quite at the level of juggling plutonium sticks on Youtube, but that might be on the way.

    Well, I suppose this is in practice a really boring job, like monitoring a nuclear plant. Somewhat interesting is that the site is run by private entities nowadays.

    • jim says:

      “it hasn’t produced a usable new warhead core in at least six years. Congress mandated in the 2015 National Defense Authorization Act that Los Alamos must be capable of manufacturing up to 20 war-ready cores a year by 2025, 30 the next year and 80 by 2027.”

    • Anon says:

      So Russia just has to wait until GAE nuke itself.
      Also this is from 2017, 8 years . wonder how things today.

    • dave says:

      even if it can go boom, can we get it there in a missile? Trouble maintaining the ICBM systems:

      “The missiles sitting inside some 450 silos are decades past their projected lifespan of 10 years. The underground silos require thousands of miles of new fiber-optic cabling. Underground command centers that control the missiles need to be rebuilt. Maintenance jobs that used to take two or three hours now take twice as long, and parts are more difficult to obtain, Air Force officials said.
      “Its scale, scope and complexity are something we haven’t attempted as a nation for over 60 years,” Bill LaPlante, the Pentagon’s chief weapons buyer, told reporters in July as he cleared Sentinel to continue as a must-do program despite the surging costs.”

      “The Pentagon hired Northrop Grumman in 2020 to oversee the Sentinel program and do the initial engineering and design work. Northrop, aided by construction giant Bechtel, was the only bidder for the initial $13.3 billion contract after Boeing dropped out.”

    • TBeholder says:

      I could come up with only one phrase on the nature of this accident entirely devoid of obscenities: this approach to safety deserves its own Oompa Loompa Song verse.
      Inspirational reading:

  18. Cloudswrest says:

    Wow RFK, Jr. realtalks on Ukraine during his address!!! Start at about 1:00:55, which I have set in the link.

  19. Hesiod says:

    If you’re like me and I know I am, the distinct lack of major chimpouts in Chicongo was a dismal letdown. Imagination conjured images dwarfing the ’68 convention, but alas the city was apparently put under martial law. Worse case of the MSM trying to turn nothing into something was a report on a murder suspect being apprehended a few blocks from the DNC. Well, yeah, it’s Chicago and that makes it sound like a slow day if it was only one.

    However, Kennedy hopping on the Trump train today perked up things. Here’s a clip of CNN clumsily talking over his speech in which he lays out how the Cackler rose so far yet did so abysmal in the ’20 primaries:

    • Pax Imperialis says:

      They’re too busy getting free abortions and vasectomies at the DNC

      • Hesiod says:

        CNN is now mocking how the man speaks:

        These Caucasian Cucks for Kamala are so amusingly embarrassing.

      • Hesiod says:

        BTW, a young relative I’m very fond of is engaged to a lovely young girl whose maternal grandmother is Japanese. Similar to your situation in her family is military. I have no problem with this. There was another Japanese lady who was in the special ed department of my elementary school who I owe a debt to because she took a special interest in me. Unlike a lot of the other nice Churchian white teachers who were most troubled by the violent imagery of my drawings, she recognized the adventurous spirit in me and got me on books above my grade level instead of below. Greek mythology was one such subject that lit a long-lasting fire.

        Just wanted to put that out as you’ve touched on race a few times in the past. Glad you are back and hope your circumstances have improved.

        • Pax Imperialis says:

          I’m living the best worst life where I’m under something similar to house arrest but with decent pay with very wide lateral limits on what I choose to do. I’m practically a government funded NEET for the next year or so at the price of very limited potential legal consequences and a stalled career. It absolutely sucks in the sense I want to be in the field training to be a warrior, but I’m so very, very ‘grateful’ (🙃) the government bureaucracy has put me into a human version of the mouse utopia experiment. No really, I’d rather be flogged for my alleged speech crimes instead of this prison without bars. On the plus side I’ll be able to devote nearly all my time skirt chasing as soon as legal expenses stop eating away at my savings… that or Trump turns the economy around and I can feel safe liquidating some of my stocks.

          Since you brought up race… (the following is really a series of rambling thoughts lacking any really cohesion)

          In the past I used to take a much more hard line position on the nature vs. nurture debate. Material’s triumph over spiritual seemed so irrefutable and obvious, but now it is clear ‘software’ matter greatly as well since the more advanced the ‘hardware’ becomes, the more complex the ‘software’ available, and thus more opportunity for bad programming and major screw ups.

          Being Asian in America was a very unique experience between ~1950 and ~2010s, and America likely saw its finest Asians when they were few, dispersed, and disorganized. Back then the biological realities allowed the regime, and basically everyone else, to treat them as equals, but Asians lacking familiarity, numbers, and organization were allowed to be largely separate. An almost feudal expression of government normally impossible under a ‘democratic’ regime. A true state of separate but equal. I suspect this is how Europe’s multi-ethnic monarchies were remarkably stable compared to any multicultural democratic society today.

          Things have changed significantly since the early Obama years. Asians are now numerous enough, and organized enough, that the regime is able to use them to socially enforce thought standards among them. The ability and past ease for an Asian to be openly eccentric has narrowed considerably. The possibly of having “another Japanese lady” that you had in education is very suppressed. Note how the few openly conservative Asians out there are mostly ‘fresh off the boat’. These days the youthful Asian Americans are fully assimilated into the progressive borg, and my skirt chasing quest to find a nice trad Asian waifu has been severely hampered.

          Speaking tangentially of ‘trad’, Jim once said something along the line of, if the Church is hard line Trinitarian, they are very unlikely to be demon worshipers, and I’ve found this to be true. There are a surprising number of based Churches in the DMV (District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia), and oh boy are they openly Christian Nationalist, many of them are outright monarchical. I was skeptical at first when Jim put his hope in Christian Nationalism because I had never really seen it… at least out in the West, but it seems to be easily found in the East for whatever reason. Conveniently located right next to the capital if Trump ever needed to call up a bunch of reliable men, and in a way it explains the crowds of Jan 6 which materialized in the Capital but not really anywhere else. They are also surprisingly multi racial, and the synthetic tribe has successful at creating cohesion.

          • jim says:

            This has always been the strength of Trinitarians.

          • Hesiod says:

            She was my teacher from the mid to late 70s. This was in a rural US southern school, white with a significant black minority. She commuted from a university town about 35 miles away, so perhaps progressive for the time but horribly reactionary by Current Year standards. So, a right unicorn for downhome.

            Got to meet her husband and son when she took me to her home for one night (this was a thing back then folks did). Her son was three or four years older than your truly, a significant age difference, so we didn’t really bond. But I do remember well his models and illustrated books on WW2 aircraft. His model of a B-17 flying fortress was a particular joy.

    • Contaminated NEET says:

      Agreed. I was really hoping for some authentic 1968 “language of the unheard.” In hindsight, it should have been obvious that we wouldn’t get it. Riots, chaos in the streets, “civil disobedience,” etc., only happen because the people in power support them. When the powerful are resolved not to allow them, they don’t get anywhere.

      • Hesiod says:

        Both on the Dem ticket have quite a bit of baggage in word and deed in support of the Summer of St. Fentanyl. Adding more to the stock footage pile would not have been helpful.

  20. Mister Grumpus says:


  21. Dr. Faust says:

    In the later months of 2024 the election is highly likely to be contested regardless of the outcome. History shows Trump will make appeals to the Supreme Court. For sake of argument if the Supreme Court overturns a state’s 3 am vote dump and a leftist judge, backed by media and the Attorney General issue interference charges against Trump, what happens?

    If Trump raises his banner and calls patriots to his side how many armed men can he realistically field within a month or two? My thoughts are that he could get 1% of his voting base to march to war. If we assume he gets 60 million votes that gives him an army of 600,000 armed men from the general populace. This does not account for mutiny among the police and military. The 1% rule would give him another 28,000 from the current active duty military and roughly 4-5 thousand from the police.

    If such a scenario occurs I don’t think there is any force which could oppose this quickly enough. 630,000 armed men is an army. This is larger than the national guard at full strength. However it is an unorganized civilian army spread throughout the country and would take time and resources to train and organize.

    There is also the fact that Trump has balked from treading these waters in the past. 2020 showed the Supremes total unwillingness to involve themselves in the election and Trump willing to issue stand down orders to his followers.

    • Dr. Faust says:

      I forgot to mention the importance of the air of legitimacy which Trump needs. He needs to be perceived as justified. He needs must a casus beli to raise his war banner which is from some office within the current state. An assassination attempt wasn’t enough as there was no desire to point out that the CIA wanted him dead.

      An arrest in New York may be a strong enough catalyst but it would be tricky to do and I don’t think anyone working with Trump understands the game they’re playing. I fear the right would rather die than sacrifice their precious morality. Morality which the left does not have and uses this to their advantage.

      • Karl says:

        Trump’s team needs to organize now what they’ll do when a 3 am vote dump occurs. That means someone has to talk now to armed men what to do in case of another steal. Luttwalk’s “Coup d’État: A Practical Handbook” might give some useful ideas.

        If noone does that now, Trump will only become president, if Thermidor organizes now and hands the presicency to him.

        Organized violence wins. No catalyst is a suitable substitute for organization. Waiting for a catalyst is pointless.

        • jim says:

          > Trump’s team needs to organize now what they’ll do when a 3 am vote dump occurs

          You cannot explicitly be organising for that. You have to organise for that without saying to each other that you are organising for that. The Junior officers who organised Pinochet’s coup (without telling him until the last minute and then press ganging the reluctant Pinochet into the coup) organised months in advance, but none of them spoke the fatal words, none of them actually said what they were organising for until about six hours before the coup and a very short time before they press ganged Pinochet into the coup.

          What you can do is ostensibly prep vigorous election scrutineering, and also prep for a chinese invasion through military age male border crosses, and also prep for BLM/Antifa/Deportation resistance. Which former prep strangely happens to overlap with the latter preps.

          • Dr. Faust says:

            A lot of the organization that Trump lacks is logistics. I wonder if Musk could provide superior deployment of resources and transportation for his forces to deploy in haste. Through “peaceful protesters” Trump could bus enough armed men to surround D.C. and overwhelm any defense they had. He needs to be securing Governor’s and Sheriff’s in order to issue free passage through those states and counties, garrison men in West Virginia and Appalachia and strike out and take the White House, sit in the oval office, address the nation, and issue a stand down order to the U.S. military.

            This is all just fantasy though. I agree Trump suffers normalcy bias and would rather lose than actually fight for his country. This is clown world for a reason everything must be fake and gay.

            • Karl says:

              Logistics? Why do you think so? Cars and motorcycles are common in the USA. Trump’s supporters can drive anywhere they are needed.

              The important part is the organization that tells the group of supporters in town X to drive to Y and do Z.

    • jim says:

      > History shows Trump will make appeals to the Supreme Court.

      History shows courts refuse to allow the admission of evidence that would lead to election hesitancy, just as doctors refuse to do testing or autopsies likely to lead to vaccine hesitancy.

      • Contaminated NEET says:

        If the plan is to go to the courts, then the plan is to fail. We tried it in 2020, and it failed. (The plan is to fail.)

        • Dr. Faust says:

          Then why campaign? Trump is campaigning for votes when he should be recruiting men to fight for America. Instead the young men most willing to fight for him are now hesitating.

          • Contaminated NEET says:

            Inertia, ego, normalcy bias, stupidity, and fork-tongued counsel from the traitors and enemies the Great Orange Boomer perennially chooses to advise him.

            • jim says:

              He seems to have noticeably wised up when it comes to advisers.

              The recent black pilling about his campaign manager turned out to be premature. It seems that that campaign manager was appointed by the mainstream media, not Trump.

          • jim says:

            The bet is that with economic collapse and nuclear war looming, the elite will be too disunited to pull off a third steal.

            The theory underlying both steals was that the uniparty would be sufficiently popular to allow the election rigging to be less blatant, and the Global American Empire would attain world conquest, so that there was nowhere in the world any example of an advanced society that is not globohomo.

            Uniparty popularity has collapsed even further, and the Global American Empire is facing external defeat.

            The recent successful Ukrainian invasion of Russia has cheered them up, but it is a very bad idea, because Russia has forbidden itself to use conscripts in the formerly Ukrainian territories. Russia has three hundred thousand conscripts that until now were twiddling their thumbs waiting for a Nato invasion. Now Russia has its Nato invasion and thus suddenly has a lot more manpower.

            In 2014 some in Russia, who back then were deemed to be the extreme right, started to think that the Ukraine war was existential for Russia, that there is no alternative but to fight, or die, or nuke the world. As time went by, this more and more Russians, and eventually became a majority of Russians. With Nato invasion, now a much bigger majority.

      • Dr. Faust says:

        So do you believe the scenario is moot? Or just the assumption that the Supremes would make a ruling? In 2020 they declared no standing and refused to hear the case. Trump has had four years to prepare to remake that case and if not to win an overturned election at least to make a ruling on the case. The Supremes could tread a middle ground and make concessions to both sides while pleasing none. They know what happened in 2020 and might happen if they don’t.

        • jim says:

          Observe the response to the attempted assassination of Trump. Strikingly similar to the response to stealing the election in 2020 and 2022.

          Reviewing the fall of the Roman Republic, everyone was stuck deep in normalcy bias until the assassination of Caesar, at which point normalcy bias evaporated.

          • Mayflower Sperg says:

            The key word there being “attempted”. Trump’s normalcy bias survived because Trump survived.

            When assassin’s bullets start hitting their marks, American politics will get very Darwinian very quickly.

            • jim says:

              Knowing that your enemies tried to kill you focuses the mind amazingly.

              Trump knows who tried to kill him, or at least some of them, and knows they are still in power. If he becomes president, he has to kill them, never mind courts, Department of Justice, and all that. He is a smart guy, and his mind should now be focused on the issue. Making Vance VP, and his antics with sheriffs and generals look like prep for civil war. He should know he has to kill them, and that the courts, the FBI, and the DOJ are not going to do so.

              I don’t know what Trump is thinking, only what he should be thinking under the circumstances. From what Don Junior says, I have some indication that he is thinking what Trump should be thinking under the circumstances. From Baron’s body language during the incident, I am fairly sure he is thinking what Caesar Augustus would have been thinking. Baron is thinking: You win or you die. Teenagers wear their hearts on their sleeve.

              Perhaps Trump is too old and stuck in his ways to change. I cannot read him. I can read Baron. But if I am unable to read change in Trump, I am also unable to read that he is stuck.

            • TheFeebleClone says:

              “Normalcy bias” is an issue that deserves a lot more attention. As soon as I saw one Muslim in garb, I knew the public would have no conception their population growth would be exponential. By the time we had a significant population of medina style paramilitary groups, we wouldn’t even notice. If they had all come in at once, the public would revolt.

              Sure enough, that’s exactly what happened. “Diversity” seems normal. And by the way, we have a huge number of first generation migrants for whom warfare is a familiar thing. Most people don’t understand the disconnect between what is considered normal in the respective populations.

              Mayflower Sperg is right: That normal can shift very quickly with the right stimulus. When I got cornered by a gang I didn’t panic. A year before that I would have been freaking out and my my head would have been stomped. I would never have thought about walking straight up to them and separating the leader to speak with him privately.

            • Calvin says:

              Trump knows who tried to kill him, or at least some of them, and knows they are still in power.

              No he doesn’t. If he did, would have replaced his secret service (which tried to get him killed) with private security weeks ago, Instead he sings their praise to this day.

              • jim says:

                There has been an obvious change in personnel. A lot of secret service faces that were present when the assassination was attempted are gone. All the females are gone. A whole lot of people who very recently were added to the secret service are gone.

    • jim says:

      > History shows Trump will make appeals to the Supreme Court. For sake of argument if the Supreme Court overturns a state’s 3 am vote dump

      Civil war would ensue, therefore no way the Supreme court is going to hear the case. Only the right cares what the Supreme court pronounces. The left would scarcely notice the case. They have been jacksoning the supremes for years.

      In the event of a steal, Trump cannot use his familiar arsenal of lawyers and money. He is going to need a different arsenal.

      The courts will not go near electoral fraud because they know that there is no way the state instruments of violence are going to pay any attention.

      • Dr. Faust says:

        “Civil war would ensue ” I’m assuming that’s the case either way.

        • Contaminated NEET says:

          The American Right has neither the balls nor the organization for a civil war, and most importantly lacks a leader. Our side will accept defeat like we always do, albeit resentfully. There may a little unrest or a few scattered acts of domestic terrorism, but this will only strengthen the Left, just as J6 did.

          Trump will go to the courts, and just as Jim says, the courts will rebuff him again. He’ll accept it and so will we.

          • Dr. Faust says:

            Spew the blackpill from your mouth, brother. There is always hope in Jesus Christ.

            • Contaminated NEET says:

              I genuinely appreciate the concern, but the blackpill has always been there for me, telling me the truth in a world of lies.

              Jim and co. will tell you that irrational optimism beats rational pessimism, and that’s true to an extent, but there’s such a thing as too much irrational optimism. Ghost Shirts did not stop the White man’s bullets; nor did the mystic martial arts of the Righteous and Harmonious Fists; killing the cattle and burning the grain only brought famine the Xhosa; murdering Sharon Tate was not the trigger for Helter Skelter; decades of subsidies and preferential treatment have not brought Blacks up to the level of Whites; formation marching and bamboo control towers never lured a divine airplane to land and disgorge its rich cargo.

              • jim says:

                > Jim and co. will tell you that irrational optimism beats rational pessimism, and that’s true to an extent, but there’s such a thing as too much irrational optimism.

                We have grounds for rational optimism. If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.

                Our enemy’s greatest vulnerability is that they are utterly deluded about both the world and themselves, and are therefore necessarily bound to do stupid shit.

                Every battle is won before it is fought.

                Is Trump going to pull the sword from the stone? Maybe, maybe not, but someone is going to pull the sword from the stone. The uniparty believes it is democracy and the rules based order. Now if it knew it was cynically lying about this, we would have a problem, but the uniparty are the last to see through their own lies.

                Our enemy’s second greatest vulnerability is incohesion. It is a coalition of the defective, the evil, the deranged, and the grossly incompetent. These are people and groups who do not get on with each other, for example lesbians and trannies, blacks and Jews, Muslims and Jews, Dot Indians and Jews. So far the coalition holds, but the Jewish element of the coalition is on shaky ground that gets daily shakier. If the left does not lose power soon, it is going to be a tossup whether Jews or whites are the first to get genocided.

                Jews believe that the only threat to Jews is white Christian males, because drunk on their own Koolaide.

                • The Cominator says:

                  One ground for pessimism I noticed… I have not spent much time on twatter in the past few years but I notice a lot of what are almost certainly paid shills lately attacking Trump along the the lines of… I’m a real conservative and we need Trump to lose so real conservatives can retake the GOP or that Trump needs to purity spiral on abortion even though its massively unpopular. If Elon can’t keep these shills off his own platform makes me think it will be very hard to keep the Democrats from making up unlimited fake votes in places like Detroit.

                • Contaminated NEET says:

                  If you had the power to stop the Dems from inventing all the votes they need to win, then you wouldn’t need to, because you’d already be in charge. There is no way to get from here to there by coloring within the lines.

                • The Cominator says:

                  I do not agree with that the fake votes are a very local super corrupt urban precinct operation…

                • jim says:

                  All big conspiracies leak. We know election theft was centrally planned, centrally organised, and centrally coordinated. Similarly, the crackdown on speech in the provinces of empire occurred at the direction of authorities within America, a warmup for cracking down within the centre of empire.

                  We should not over estimate the cohesion of our enemies. They do not have a single will, but are rather a multitude of conspiracies stepping on each others toes. But Neither should we take their pretence at dispersion seriously. These conspiracies are located in Harvard and Washington, and involve a small handful of powerful people. If Caesar locates those people and neutralises them, the problem goes away.

                • The Cominator says:

                  It is centrally coordinated but depends on corrupt precincts so in that sense it is local.

              • Dr. Faust says:

                And you consider Christianity a cargo cult?

                • Contaminated NEET says:

                  No. All I mean by the cargo cult analogy is that the cultists were irrationally optimistic when rational pessimism would have served them better.

                  I’m not a believer, but Christianity is to the cargo cults as the Sistine Chapel is to a grass hut containing a crudely carved wooden idol.

              • alf says:

                truth in a world of lies.

                Hey I recognize that line! From… Somewhere…

              • Dr. Faust says:

                Chris is Lord. Better to confess now and spare yourself hellfire. If all you want is game theory then pascal’s wager should follow. All atheist choices are losing choices.

                The ends of atheism is anti-natalism and the end of a anti-natalism is everyone jumping into a volcano because life is nothing but despair and meaninglessness. Maybe link arms with the marxists so you all go down together.

                The secular left and right are suicidal death cults just picking different paths up the mountain before embracing their fiery end.

                • Contaminated NEET says:

                  We will drown and nobody shall save us.

                • Adam says:

                  >We will drown and nobody shall save us.

                  This is a retard take. How do you get explain success? There are still those of us getting laid, having kids and running successful businesses. You are still thinking like a gay liberal social worker. Jimian Christianity isn’t going to save the world. It is to save the best of the best, which fortunately for the retarded children of the world will have positive effects downstream.

                  Everyone dies in the end. Nobody is arguing otherwise. In the meantime it is certainly possible to do some good and enjoy the fruit of it, even if it is a little rough out there.

                • alf says:

                  We will drown and nobody shall save us.

                  Hey, I recognize that line! From… Somewhere else…

    • Mister Grumpus says:

      There’s no “contesting” anything unless the aggrieved can communicate and organize, and for just each individual person to discover that he’s not alone. To me, that’s what the 2016 Trump campaign was all about.

      Remember K.R. Cambodia. Every man’s life divides into “before” and “after” he learns some of this terrifying and very true story. Everyone there knew he was going to die, and pretty soon too, but each person only knew this privately, quietly and alone. No one had ANY time, place or way to communicate and discuss anything actually important, with anyone outside of his nuclear family, and even then, his kids could rat him out for a great status reward.

      Not blackpilling, not exactly. Twitter is kinda sorta free-ish still. Kinda sorta. But media and shelling point control really are that powerful. Mainstream news is from another planet now, but if that’s it for the boomers, parasites and dumbasses then that’s it.

      • jim says:

        > Mainstream news is from another planet now

        They have more employees than viewers.

        • Mister Grumpus says:

          And that is sufficient as long as there is no competition. Everyone can know it’s BS, and that they’re being lied to, but if there’s no way to talk about those lies as the lies they are, then statis continues. Solzhenitsyn was all over this.

          There has to ALSO be an alternative channel of mass communication. There is Twitter, kinda-sorta, but to get any traction there you need to upload your driver’s license, credit report and blood type.

          But look. Before the great censoring of 2017 or so, just a few anonymized samizdat jokes on Twitter rocked the world. It reminds me of the “cassette tape revolution” that the Ayatollah lead from Paris with his Sony tape recorder, or George Soros’ photocopiers in the late USSR. Note how the Iranian revolution had a leader, while basement photocopied jokes (“We pretend to work, they pretend to pay us” and “It’s such a paradise here that they shoot us for trying to leave”) did not.

          You can erode the regime’s legitimacy all day long with dank memes, but then yes, there has to be leadership, and that implies an off-leash mass communication medium.

        • Dr. Faust says:

          The blue helmets are the Mouth of Sauron and the king shows lopping off their heads is the correct response. The press and the UN often wear blue helmets as a larp to proclaim their neutrality during conflicts but the hatred of legacy media has grown deep if not yet as wide as it can grow. A sniper choosing between a blue hat and a guy with an RPG would shoot the grenadier first but quickly follow up with the blue helmet.

          This shows their predictive model of war is inaccurate. Alex Jones was right. Not about everything but the conspiracy model of the world explains more than the Marxist model of the world and the JQ is the most accurate of conspiracies. But the JQ does not sufficiently explain female sexual behavior and is rife with nasty Jews corrupting sweet Aryan princesses with Jewish black magic.

          The Christian model explains female behavior more accurately then the JQ. It also makes room for error and miscalculation within itself. For “all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” and God is the truth: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. ” Nothing true can be against God.

          • Dr. Faust says:

            While nothing true can be against God can be seen a statement a Darwinist might make I am none of those things and fully embrace the Christian worldview because it has been tested against the harshest rigors of war and suffering and triumphed.

            The Darwinist model fails because it cannot explain it’s own nature, does not calculate it’s own error and irrational biases and cannot understand that it’s belief left unmeasured will cause ruin for itself. If it were tethered to God it would not have this self-destructive tendency or would have a means in which it could be kept in check. That being the sovereign, the priest, and God.

            For God and Crown.

    • Your Uncle Bob says:

      If Trump loses a civil war it’s because a dozen white males in Waco killer SUVS blackbag him – with a warrant of course, under cover of law, but still. Custody first, Romanov second.

      If Trump wins a civil war it’s because he gets enough legitimacy to roll his own few small teams of white males in law enforcement SUVs to execute his own entirely legal and legitimate warrants, without anybody getting scared and phoning the targets of the warrants for permission.

      In neither scenario does mustering and maneuvering 630,000 armed men across the country help him, or us. Mustering and moving 630,000 armed men in fact only guarantees his opposition time and motivation to roll the dozen men to blackbag him.

      • alf says:

        Hammer on the nail. If Trump has a team of 63 armed loyal men who can apply pressure where needed, that is all. Hell, 6 armed loyal men can suffice.

      • Mayflower Sperg says:

        Who says the civil war ends when Trump is killed? That’s not what happened after the murder of Julius Caesar, or the Romanovs.

  22. i says:

    What is this person’s game here?

    A registered sex offender putting his real name in his Twitter account as quoted in this tweet talking about adolescent menstrual cycles until 18. Is this a Glowie op or what?

    I know the WQ is important on this website. But this is just suspicious.

    • jim says:

      Likely he is the real thing, but his tongue is brass instead of silver.

      • yewotm8 says:

        How could you write that in a normie-friendly way? We’re at the point where famous men are getting canceled for flirting with 17 year olds over the internet (all women younger than 18 are Minors and that’s the end of that thought). I don’t think any man has a tongue argentic enough to even begin moving in that direction without triggering crimestop.

        With no good way to dance around the mental block, I’d say his strategy of trying to blast right through is probably most effective. I’m not very good at indirectness so I may be biased, but if you’re going to be accused of Pedophilia no matter how you say it, you might as well be honest and appeal directly to reality.

        • jim says:

          What I meant by silver is that he probably got charged for lack of ability to talk to cops, not that he was expressing the thought crime poorly.

          • Anon says:

            “..ability to talk to cops“
            I am seeing a lot of group of “vigilantes” supposedly “confronting” “pedophile”. How can someone talk his way out of a mob
            Also are these genuine group or psyop.

            • jim says:

              I have never seen any genuine reaction concerning my interactions with a fertile age females.

              I am pretty sure, from direct personal experience, that there is zero actual concern about older men and hot chicks.

              I am pretty sure that the vast majority of indignation about straight sex and fertile age females comes from child molesting faggots (social justice warriors always project) and from old women who have been left on the shelf.

              I just cannot reconcile all this internet outrage about young fertile age females, and my own personal experiences. It is so utterly alien to my own experience.

              If people were spontaneously and naturally apt to get pissed about this, they would have been pissed about it two centuries ago, a thousand years ago, pissed about it in the old and new testaments. It is obvious astroturf, obviously synthetic and fake.

              • Fidelis says:

                I’ve seen it with a 33yo woman and a guy in his early 40s. The boomer parents literally calling the guy a pedophile. Hilariously detached. This is displaced anger at not being able to patrol daughters, plus a bit of ‘socially approved’ attacking some moral outrage, but it does exist. You’re probably getting comments behind your back, but if it weren’t this it would be something else. In person you won’t see anything, people are socially cowards.

                • FrankNorman says:

                  At 33 years old she’s a grown adult and not their little child.

              • i says:

                I suspect that the internet allows us to view social circles that normally in our lives we never run into.

                So it may be real at least for those commentating. Perhaps thise people have been convinced of the current day morality by the conflation of genuine evil with what was previously a good thing to make said good thing look evil.

                Feminists have been quite successful in redefining morality for much society after all with the influence they have been given.

                • jim says:

                  The whole point of pedo hysteria directed at straight men getting it on with hot chicks is to deflect from the misconduct of gays and Child Protective Services. Just raise the topic of gays with these people, and kaboomb, it becomes obvious they are not genuinely outraged in good faith. It is like raising the topic of Soros and Zelensky with fake rightists who are going on about Rothschilds, Trump being Jewish, Musk being Jewish, or bringing up the topic of FBI misconduct with 9/11 troofers.

                  Just as the Troofers are running a cover operation for the FBI, the supposed pedo mobs are running cover for faggots and for Child Protective Services selling children to faggots.

                • Cloudswrest says:

                  I think an additional explanation, for “pedo outrage”, as far as normies are concerned, is nobody cares about homos, or their homo victimspersonally (they do care in that they find it disgusting, but I’m referring to caring about the people involved). But young women are instinctually viewed as a valuable commodity, and normies don’t want to see it spoiled or go to waste. Or at least the pedo outrage peddlers implicitly work this angle.

                • jim says:

                  > But young women are instinctually viewed as a valuable commodity, and normies don’t want to see it spoiled or go to waste.

                  True, but if that is the angle, then instead of pedo outrage, should want to see sixteen year old girls dating young men with jobs and careers.

                  Just raise the topic of faggots and child protective services. All is revealed. It is like applying the Soros litmus test. Basil cannot notice what happened in the Ukraine in 2014, and a pedo hysteric cannot notice schools transitioning children, nor child protective services selling nine year old boys to faggots.

                  Someone might sincerely believe that Musk is just a parasite riding on technology granted him by Harvard and the Rothschilds, but he is not going to believe that and also not notice what Soros has been up to. Basil might be genuinely a right wing Russian who is justly criticising Putin because Putin is a 1990s liberal, but he is not going to believe that and also not notice what happened in 2014 Ukraine, and a pedo hysteric mightly be genuinely distressed by young women dating older men, but he is not going to be genuinely distressed by young women dating older men and oblivious to what faggots, child protective services, and the schools get up to.

                • i says:

                  It may well have begun as an astroturf. But it may also have become genuine too:

                  If you search up the group mentioned in this tweet of the man who was imprisoned for protesting the Palestinian demonstration in UK.

                  Or it’s all an op including his own arrest and imprisonment.

                • jim says:

                  Jewish left is pissed by the Palestinian left, so they really are jailing each other’s operators.

                  He was counter protesting protesters who were protesting the genocide of the Palestinians.

                  The actual right does not care about that, It cares about crime, handouts, and anti white terror. It objects to Israel itself, which it blames for the white replacement, thus is untroubled by Muslims protesting Israel.

                  The Jews hate us and want us gone, the Muslims hate us and want us gone. We don’t care about troubles between Jews and Muslims.

                  He says he mixed race himself. What do you bet that one of those races is Jewish? Jews are the biggest pro faggot and pro transexualization activists.

                • i says:


                  True about the man himself. But I bet the True Right would approve of his group as mentioned in the link or some may constitute some members of said group which isn’t itself concerned about Israel-Palestinian relations.

                • jim says:

                  The right very much approves of hanging “pedophiles” — by which it means gays, not men banging young women.

                  The right in Britain and in Russia is also really pissed about Muslims banging young white women, which is displacement outrage that is really motivated by our inability to prevent female misconduct.

                  But it is unbothered by white men banging young women.

                • i says:

                  Ever since that original post this theme has developed further:

                  Of course addressing the elephant in the room. Mainly Foreign men harassing 12-17 year old females.

                • i says:

                  On a related note this is a video of a man who may be from India harassing the girls in Moscow saying one of the teenage girls is his “girlfriend”:


                  Of course with the usual disgust in the comments about this.

              • Cloudswrest says:

                It is obvious astroturf, obviously synthetic and fake.

                I agree. It’s obviously being ginned up. On a related note I was recalling Jim’s pederast/pedophile distinction and decided to search for “pederast” on Twitter. Seems the shills are bringing back the word “pederast”, but are now using it to refer to heteros (overtly) attracted to jailbait. Seems more people are catching on to the distinction and the obvious intent is to eliminate any differentiation between these two words.

                • The Cominator says:

                  A man who likes teenage girls is a normal heterosexual, unfortunately a homosexual man who likes young boys (likes is perhaps not the right term) is a normal homosexual. Which is among many reasons why people in the past had a deep revulsion to male homosexuals.

                  The funny thing is in an attempt to appear even handed these recently started busting all these female teachers etc who get caught fucking teenage chads whereas this would merely be a matter of jokes and gossip in the past.

                • yewotm8 says:

                  Nobody cared about attraction to teenaged girls (But she’s a Minor!) until suddenly they did. My generation called them jailbait, which was an acknowledgement that one would love to, but was stopped by potential consequences. Now one must pretend they don’t even want it in the first place. It became a thoughtcrime overnight. The ability of an NPC to see a huge pair of 16 year old tits and swear up and down that he’s unattracted to the pair’s owner is unsettling.

                • The Cominator says:

                  She’s only 17 years and 364 days old you pervert.

                • Cloudswrest says:

                  The ability of an NPC to see a huge pair of 16 year old tits and swear up and down that he’s unattracted to the pair’s owner is unsettling.

                  Indeed. It must have been some temporary psychosis that men enjoyed those Traci Lords videos before they were retroactively declared illegal!

                • The Cominator says:

                  Phoebe Cates wasn’t 18 yet when she did the fast times at ridgemont high pool scene.

              • TheFeebleClone says:

                “If people were spontaneously and naturally apt to get pissed about this”
                It hardly needs to be mentioned in this context, but I have definitely seen it in women past their prime and more than once.

                • jim says:

                  Quite true. But one is in absolutely no danger of being physically attacked by old women. One is in danger of them pressing the police to reluctantly take action.

                  When I have had to talk to police over this issue, always because of an old childless woman on their backs.

  23. Cloudswrest says:

    Off topic, but not for blog as a whole.

    Great scene of a woman putting up pro-forma fake resistance, and the man holding frame.

    • The Cominator says:

      He must be some kind of celebrity because normally dime pieces ain’t gonna hang around with a guy who looks like that.

      • simplyconnected says:

        (((Serge Gainsbourg))) (French: [sɛʁʒ ɡɛ̃zbuʁ] ⓘ; born Lucien Ginsburg;[a] 2 April 1928 – 2 March 1991) was a “French” [sic] singer-songwriter, actor, composer, and director.

      • jim says:

        No, it is doable. Someone with his solid frame can do it.

      • anonymous mouse says:

        He’s a famous sex symbol in France. French women were crazy about him.

  24. Basil says:

    [*black pilling deleted*]

    • jim says:

      Russian fertility is a death spiral, but they obviously have better sex lives than white males in the west, which makes it likely their fertility is far higher than that of whites in the west. And it is far higher than Ukrainian fertility.

      Before 2014, the Ukraine and Russia were very similar countries with very similar fertility levels. After 2014, radically different countries with radically different fertility levels.

      Which renders the core and cause of the fertility problem obvious.

      And you are strangely unable to tell us what Soros got up to in the Ukraine.

      • Basil says:

        I look at the official statistics of Russia. The Russian TFR is -1.49. For comparison, the TFR in the European Union is 1.46. Yes, there are migrants/gypsies in the EU, but so are they in Russia. Maybe the situation in Russia is a little better, but not so much better that one can confidently say that the fate of Russia should be different from the fate of the EU. This can be said about Abu Dhabi, Istanbul, Tehran and Beijing. Rhetorical opposition to the West does not magically transform into children if you swallow feminism.

        I did not claim that Ukrainian or European men have a better sex life, no need to invent my position. It sucks. In countries with a good sex life, the demographic pyramid does not look like the Ukrainian one. In countries with a good sex life, there is more than one 20-year-old girl for every 30-year-old guy. In countries with a good sex life, women get married early. In countries with a good sex life, society still condemns women who divorce their husbands.

        The increase in the birth rate gap around 2014 is not related to Russian successes, it is related to Ukrainian failures,[*deleted*]

        • jim says:

          No it is not related to Ukrainian failures. It is related to Global American Empire reconquering the Ukraine, an event you are strangely unable to notice.

        • Mayflower Sperg says:

          1.49 would be a big improvement:

          The war has depressed fertility in both countries because it separates middle-aged men from their wives, often permanently. On the home front feminism remains strong because female vanity, hedonism, hypergamy, and self-delusion know no bounds. Russia’s leaders need to wake up and realize that if they don’t absolutely crush feminism *now*, Russia will have no army in 2050.

          Reduce women to the same legal status as dogs until TFR reaches 3.0, then give them some rights back so your country doesn’t become a desperately overpopulated shithole like Afghanistan.

          • Fidelis says:

            >Russia’s leaders need to wake up and realize that if they don’t absolutely crush feminism *now*, Russia will have no army in 2050.
            Why should they care? There are fighting aged males now, who volunteer in large numbers; by 2050 they’ll be dead or near dead, someone else’s problem. You bring up valid concerns, but the negatives aren’t felt by the powerful, and the positives are loaded more towards the modal Russian.

            I’m not just being snarky, besides reasons of faith or internal moral compass, what motivation is there for the people in the Russian state to play culture war games? The Orthodox themselves don’t seem to be talking that loudly about this, and it is quite literally their role in society to do so. A few powerful oligarchs arguing we need to make women property is not going to go down well. They could get away with it by loudly signalling allegiance to the church, and bringing about a faithful Russia once more, but it only works if the church itself is strongly calling for these things as well.

            >then give them some rights back so your country doesn’t become a desperately overpopulated shithole like Afghanistan.
            You really expect Russia of all countries to end up this way?

            • Mayflower Sperg says:

              Any country can become overpopulated if its birthrate stays too high for too long. A Catholic relative once told me that some countries have not enough food, which is wrong — they have too many people!

              2050 they’ll be dead or near dead, someone else’s problem

              Which is why we need hereditary monarchy, to give the ruling class a longer time horizon.

              Those who wish to make Russia great again must look to the man who made Russia great in the first place. What would Ivan the Terrible do if Russian women were not marrying and making babies, and the Church saw no urgent need to do something about it?

              • The Cominator says:

                I honestly think Ivan Grozny would find the problems of modernity hard to comprehend…

                What do you mean men and women don’t want to fuck anymore… in our day we had to watch the teenagers like hawks before they were married to keep them from fucking early.

          • The Cominator says:

            No you need to get the legal status of women right immediately and then fix it for all time with no one allowed to question it. Once you start giving rights back you will fall down the slippery slope to no fault divorce and girlbossing again.

            Simply put ban divorce, keep the wifebeating laws in Russia as they are now, single women above 20 to be auctioned off to the highest bidding single man who wants them and is not a known criminal or drunk.
            As to avoiding being Islamic avoid petty moral fagging laws that say women need to dress modestly by law or are totally forbidden to smoke or drink though that kind of stuff is their husbands affair and I imagine in Russia most husbands probably want their wives to do that kind of stuff with them on some occasions.

    • Basil says:

      Two news from Russia:

      1) Putin went to Chechnya to demonstratively kiss the Koran there. In fact, he has lowered the status of Orthodoxy/Russians in Russia even more than it was yesterday. Waiting for a new wave of TikToks from girls about why brown are better than Russians.

      2) Ekaterina Mizulina (educated at the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London, a childless forty-year-old female official who built a career on censorship, playing a conservative role) actually jailed (already clear, he admitted “guilt”) some incel clown on suspicion that he fucked a fifteen-year-old whore (who openly wrote about how she fucked and sucked older men’s cocks).

      I thought before that in Russia there is a consensus around the issue of relationships with sexually mature female “children”. You can try to pick up a fifteen year old girl and you will be fine if neither she nor her relatives complain about you to the authorities. Now, it seems that is not the case. Unless of course you are a Muslim.

  25. Sher Singh says:

    Big and amazing news from India formerly Endia.

    Modi & the Bjp have basically destroyed the left & ended caste politics.

    What they did was subcategorize the SC/ST act.

    Previously, all tribals & ‘dalits’ were treated as one.
    However, there’s diversity within the category & untouchability/graded degradation and hierarchy.

    The BJP have chosen to subcategorize which destroys the left’s post 47 system.

    Now like a sweeper can bring a case against a leather tanner where prior both were unified against the ‘general category’.

    It’s pretty much realigned and brought Indian politics back to the 1850s-70s?
    Ie there’s a colonial gov but it doesn’t know how to govern/what to do.

    The GAE has made a grab for the bay of Bengal with the recent coup.
    However, it’s in no Asian power’s interest + the military is with the deposed leader.

    By politics and by marriage – all major leaders are married into her family.
    I think that the color revolution will fail within 2-3 years and a new stronger Endia emerges.

    Videos from Pakistan also show Afghan refugees invading the elite Panjabi areas and harassing women.

    I think within decades the W Punjab & Sindh areas will be Hindu (India) aligned.

    Finally, a silver lining of the Bangladesh coup is that the country was propped up by shipping the textile and ceramic industry from bordering Indian states.

    There’s now an incentive to move those back to within India.

    This also solves the migrant worker crisis which was causing problems along the Western parts of India from the North to the South.

    Overall, it looks like all or most of India’s major problems are either being solved or being given room to be solveable.

    From a Sikh POV hopefully Sikhs abroad can work with the GOI to solve the Khalistani clown issue & sign a low key armistice with Endia while working towards collective issues.

    Haryana does need a massacre because the Hindus there are homosexuals, but the rest are fine.

    I think the BJP has the same view.


    • jim says:

      This is leftism getting ever lefter.

      This sounds like the ever smaller intersections of America’s intersectional left — thus, for example a morbidly obese black transsexual ticks more checkboxes than a woman, so has higher status in the victim hierarchy.

      That the Bangladesh coup happened shows the extent of Global American Empire control in Bangladesh. Is Global American Empire control much different in Pakistan and India? The Global American Empire had enough power to almost steal the Indian election, and enough power to colour revolution Bangladesh.

      If you don’t want to be colour revolutioned, you need to purge your universities. If you want to purge your universities, you have to bring a gun to a gunfight and a faith to a holy war.

      For a ruler to avoid being colour revolutioned, it is not enough to exclude Soros and State Department ngos. He must choose a national faith and appoint men of his faith to govern the universities.

      • somedude says:


        I’m not sure what the transwarrior is trying to pull, and what his payload is but

        1. There are no videos or reports of Afghan refugees in Pakistan harassing women in elite areas

        2. The Hindus in Haryana are probably the most redpilled and based in all of India on the woman question and he calls them gay and wants them wiped out

      • somedude says:

        On your other recommendations

        1. Purging the Universities is a no-go zone for the moment because the entire Indian middle class worships progWhites and universities are associated with progWhites. Was going to say goodWhites instead of progWhites, but could not get myself to use that term.

        2. The BJP is a secular party. The RSS just wants Abrahamics and progs to leave the Hindus alone. Modi worships equality and he just wants to bring Hindus on an equal legal footing with Mohammedans. They are not even hovering in the vicinity of your ideas.

        Damn this blackpilling! It really is a Sin

      • somedude says:

        Just like the American Cuck-right claims that Democrats are the real racists, Modi, his BJP and his RSS and the Indian RW claims that the Seculars (Progs) are the real Religious Bigots

        These claims work about as well in India as it works in the west

  26. Fidelis says:

    Anyone have an idea why Prince is interested in Venezuelan politics?

    • Milosevic says:

      Strange, isn’t it.

      You’d think he’d have more to do and say about the stuff going on back home.

  27. Pax Imperialis says:

    Would like some guidance on theology. I’m suspicious of Calvinism, and especially suspicious of Total Depravity and Eternal Security beliefs which are fairly common among mainline American churches. I also find Jude to be suspicious. It seems clear to me that salvation is conditional, and while man may stray into sin, salvation remains on the table with repenting.

    God also gives man the ability to choose for he has given man reason and will. It must be reasoned that God has reason and will and thus can use reason to enact God’s will. Otherwise talk of pruning and stewardship and shepherding would make no sense as any action would be purely arbitrary if there even is action. Nor would giving Adam, or any of God’s followers, a choice make sense. Free will must exist, and more so we have free will because we are created in both the image God who has free will.

    Where I’m going with this is that while no one can “snatch” (The Greek uses the language in the context of how a wolf might snatch prey… in essence abduction) the faithful from God as per John 10:28, there’s nothing stopping man from simply walking away from God. Indeed the Bible warns against this multiple times even among those who “who have consciously tasted the heavenly gift and have become sharers of the Holy Spirit” Hebrews 6:4-8. If even those who are saved can lose salvation, then the argument that ‘apostasy is proof of never having been saved in the first place’ falls apart. Granted Paul, as are all apostles, are men, not God, and hence fallible. Judas the prime example, but even apostles understood to be in good standing such as seen in Galatians 2:11-16 can be fallible as pointed out by the apostles.

    So what does God, not the apostates, directly say about salvation? Can those who were saved fall? Can those who fell after being saved (apostates) return to salvation?

    • jim says:

      The bible is full of deliberate contradictions — and Paul is full of deliberate contradictions.

      If you grab one end of a contradiction and run with it, you will inevitably fall into heresy.

      Total Depravity and Eternal Security are one end of a Pauline contradiction. And if you run with that end, you get antinomianism, which just about everyone agrees is heresy.

      The other end of the contradiction is First Epistle to the Corinthians chapter six.

      • Pax Imperialis says:

        The Bible is undermined the notion of contradiction. It is used to ‘prove’ logical inconsistencies. Instead we must read it as providing lateral limits rather than as ‘contradiction’. i.e. There is a time to “not answer a fool according to his folly” and there is a time to ““answer a fool according to his folly”. Better yet, understood as metaphorical guard rails, lateral limits, on the stairs to heaven. One must stay between them least one fall. This removes ‘contradiction’ and introduces ‘mystery’ which I feel on an intuitive level is why Orthodoxy is in generally better shape than Protestantism.

        I’m sure there’s a ‘guard rail’ doctrine already out there done by someone far more elegant and intelligent than me, but I’m struggling to find it. I’m aware that grabbing one end of ‘contradiction’ and running with it results in heresy, but am having difficulty proving it from scripture, and even more difficulty convincing others of it. Which is why I came here asking for direction to scripture or even correction.

        • jim says:

          > I’m sure there’s a ‘guard rail’ doctrine already out there done by someone far more elegant and intelligent than me, but I’m struggling to find it.

          This has been a problem for the Protestant Revolution from day one, and rivers of ink have been spilled over it, not to mention lots of Martin Luther’s famous invective.

          Pelagianism is the heresy you get by running with one end of the contradiction, antinomianism the heresy you get by running with the other.

          The protestant position is alarmingly close to antinomianism, and very far from pelagianism. Nonetheless, whenever it threatens to turn into antinomianism, there is pushback.

          Brittanica has a good summary.

          We don’t have any bright line stop point between the doctrine of grace, and the heresy of antinomianism. Logic fails.

          Coming to Christianity from the Dark Enlightenment, this does not bother me much. The Dark Enlightenment position is that to attain cooperate/cooperate equilibrium we need credible commitment to good conduct. Obviously Christianity should be a strong predictor of good conduct, in which case Christians have to reject “Christians” who engage in bad conduct as not, in fact, Christian. They “Shall not inherit the Kingdom of heaven”.

          On the other hand, the Dark Enlightenment says that because of imperfect information, need a strategy of one tit for two tats, rather than tit for tat, and the doctrine of grace is that we receive similar divine forgiveness. “forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us,and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.”

          Peace on earth to men of good will. A second cheek and a second mile, but not unlimited cheeks and unlimited miles. First Epistle to the Corinthians, Chapter six, implies that divine forgiveness also has limits. But if there was any bright line for those limits, this would lead to Jewish legalism.

          • alf says:

            On the other hand, the Dark Enlightenment says that because of imperfect information, need a strategy of one tit for two tats, rather than tit for tat

            It always amazes me that for all our talk of dark enlightenment, owning women, slaughtering your enemies, that game theory wise, we conclude that the optimum strategy is still tit for two tats. Crazy that that works best, not just from a Christian perspective, as in what Jesus taught, but also from a game theory perspective, as in that’s what makes you win most.

            It’s not a conclusion everyone arrives at easily. this video delves into the background and research of the original prisoner dilemma academics, and that video concludes that tit for tat is the best strategy — an eye for an eye, old testament. But that’s just not how history turned out.

            • Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

              To be fair, eye for an eye is still categorically closer to tit for two tats than no tit for infinite tats.

              • alf says:

                Totally. Tit for tat works, even if tit for two tats works better. But no tit for infinite tats is a suicidal holiness spiral.

            • Ryan says:

              One tit for two tats is best when there is uncertainty about the intentions of the other party, and you may be able to cooperate in the long term. Where an enemy has made it clear they mean you harm, you need to neutralize them, which isn’t possible in the simple prisoner’s dilemma.

            • TheDividualist says:

              No, they used to run algorithm competitions and “tit for tat, but occasionally offer a truce, a resumption of cooperation with the uncooperative ” won.

              It was not quite exactly one extra mile, but one extra mile per 100 none, a classic truce: “are you tired of fighting yet?”

              • alf says:

                1.1 tit for tat is hardly two tits for tat, even if it carefully veers in the right direction.

                • A2 says:

                  For better or worse, tit for tat is outmoded.

                  Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma contains strategies that dominate any evolutionary opponent (Press & Dyson)


                  It is generally assumed that there exists no simple ultimatum strategy whereby one player can enforce a unilateral claim to an unfair share of rewards. Here, we show that such strategies unexpectedly do exist. In particular, a player X who is witting of these strategies can (i) deterministically set her opponent Y’s score, independently of his strategy or response, or (ii) enforce an extortionate linear relation between her and his scores. Against such a player, an evolutionary player’s best response is to accede to the extortion. Only a player with a theory of mind about his opponent can do better, in which case Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma is an Ultimatum Game.

                • jim says:

                  This paper is fallacious — it starts with a proof that long term memory is no advantage, which is obviously silly.

                  It models the target being manipulated as manipulable — thus the demonstration is circular.

                  On the other hand, the conclusion — that iterated prisoner’s dilemma is equivalent to the ultimatum game is trivially correct. You have to agree on rules for cooperation, and agreement on the rules is an ultimatum game.

                • A2 says:

                  I’m unable to check because knocked over, but the authors discuss this in Appendix A.

                • Neurotoxin says:

                  tit for tat is outmoded.
                  Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma contains strategies that dominate any evolutionary opponent

                  I’ve read – okay, skimmed – the paper. It says, essentially, that a human can out-play an animal in the repeated Pris. Dilem. It is not interesting.

    • The Cominator says:

      Why do you object to Total Depravity? Doesn’t plain reason teach you that man without the reward and punishment structure of civilization is an amoral beast?

      • Niiiidriveevof says:

        One may as well say that man is an amoral beast because of the example of feral children without parents or society. As parenting both arises from human nature and is indispensable to it, just so civilization. Civilization is not a mechanical design imposed on man like a computer program. Man isn’t a blank slate to be programmed. Those sets of rules that enable him to cooperate with others work because of who he is, so their essence is already written on his heart.

        And crucially, civilization does not allow man to make man a better thing than man already is. That’s the leftist dream. Only grace can do that.

        • The Cominator says:

          Not arguing for Tabula Rasa I’m just arguing that Total Depravity is just what Robert E Howard said, civilization is unnatural and barbarism must ultimately triumph.
          > That’s the leftist dream. Only grace can do that.
          Don’t think Calvin would disagree with you on this since Calvin believed in Sola Gratia… I just always thought Total Depravity was the least controversial part of TULIP and supported by plain reason.

      • Pseudo-Chrysostem says:

        And where does that reward and punishment structure come from?

        If humanoids amoral beasts, no genesis of civilization in the first place.

      • Pax Imperialis says:

        Total Depravity says that man is an immoral sinful beast, that all man’s actions whether good or bad is tinted with sin regardless of if man is saved or not save.

        This causes breakdowns in the ability to differentiate good and evil and combined with Eternal Security turns into the common heresy we see today that runs along the course of ‘Jesus freed us of sin so we can sin as much as we desire with basically no consequence’. Absolutely insane.

        More over, Jesus was fully God AND fully man. Total Depravity suggests something incredibly heretical about Jesus as fully man. This, along with ideas that Jesus felt temptation, and combined with verses about how even having temptation in the heart is surmountable with committing the sin, even if the action was not carried out, implies some very bad things. Again, heresy blooms.

        What fruits has Calvinism given us? Well, LGBT affirming Churches for instance…

        On this blog there is much criticism of Catholicism for good reason, but we should recognize what they got right. Namely mystery. A general acceptance of gray area between polar ends within scripture.

      • Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

        Plain reason would beg the question of where the reward and punishment structure comes from in the first place. If humanoids amoral beast, no genesis of civilization in the first place.

        • The Cominator says:

          Initially they cooperated out of fear. Believing humans are innately good is the Enlightenment early progressive position (I’m not sure what the blue cults position on human moral predisposition is now but I’m sure its more insane) believing Total Depravity is based and redpilled the position of the Ancients Augustine and most of the other church fathers and other pre enlightenment philosophers.

          • jim says:

            Total Depravity puts a crowbar into the spokes of those who want perfect humans in this life, and pulls the rug out of those who think that they should be on top because they are holier than you are.

            It also fits well with the Dark Enlightenment position that cooperate/cooperate equilibrium is hard, a high trust society is hard, peace is hard.

            However, Total Depravity does take an unduly dim view of human nature. People can, and routinely do, credibly commit to act contrary to their self interests, and then do so. Happens all the time.

            Look at all the people who were threatened with many years in prison unless they testified that Trump had committed all sorts of crimes. A lot of them refused to perjure themselves and went to prison.

            Total Depravity holds that no one will act like this except by divine intervention. Possibly true, but if true, a whole lot of people are receiving such divine intervention.

            • The Cominator says:

              Better to err on the side of a dim view of human nature.

              • Pax Imperialis says:

                Maybe, but the rotten fruits of Calvinism must make us reassess the theological reasoning. Something went really, really wrong.

                If man can only make moral and good actions untainted by sin with the aid of divine intervention, then why does God test man? It implies that there were no tests because God made sure they made the right choice, which implies there is in actuality no such thing as choice, and if there’s no such thing as choice does that mean there is no choice in being saved? Total Depravity sends you down a rabbit hole that ends up unraveling the entire morality of the Bible similar to how Perpetual Virginity ends up unraveling the entirety of marriage.

                • The Cominator says:

                  Calvinism made the English the world power. Elizabethan England was Calvinist, moderately Calvinist but explicitly and formally Calvinist. If you had asked Elizabeth or any of her bishops if they considered themselves to agree with the theological ideas of John Calvin they would say yes (maybe with minor caveats but overall yes).

                  It was Jesuit agent Laud brining in Armianism which opened Pandora’s box and caused all the disorders within English Protestantism which just did not exist in the time of Elizabeth and James I… and blaming leftism all on Calvinism just because they centered themselves initially in New England I think is wrong for a number of reasons. And one of the things the unitarians/quakers and postcalvinist who formed at least the initial part of the progressive left did is reject the idea of Total Depravity.

                • jim says:

                  Yes, but empirically, I see good people. Total Depravity is a theological innovation, and a falsifiable claim about the world.

                • Jimmy says:

                  As a Baptist-turned-calvinist-turned-catholic, I have no problem marrying the functional parts of total depravity with those of catholic atonement theory, and even with that of the east.

                  The key is that no Calvinists believe that men can’t do good. A man can desire and affect good in the world all day long despite his total depravity. He just can’t affect his salvation in any way apart from the work of the Holy Ghost. In it’s bones, calvinism is gnostic-adjacent, so a Calvinist has no problem looking at a good man and seeing a depraved d beast. Makes perfect sense to him. And I don’t say that as a slight–man sees the outward appearance but God judges the heart, etc.

                  Good-faith calvinists are good people, as long as they don’t have political power. Same as good-faith catholics. The opposite is also true. There is no Christian tradition that can’t be worn as a cloak by bad-faith actors.

                • jim says:

                  > a Calvinist has no problem looking at a good man and seeing a depraved beast. Makes perfect sense to him. And I don’t say that as a slight–man sees the outward appearance but God judges the heart, etc.

                  It is not that hard to see people’s hearts, especially after they have had a few beers. I see a lot of good men, and a lot of men that need killing.

                • Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

                  >a Calvinist has no problem looking at a good man and seeing a depraved beast. Makes perfect sense to him.

                  Sure, but then that’s only because when the calvinist says ‘depraved beast’ it doesn’t mean the same thing as when someone else says depraved beast.

                  He digs himself out of the connotative pit back into functionality – or at least, arguability – by pharisaically recapitulating everything as different shades of depraved beasthood… you know, instead of just using words like ‘good’ and ‘evil’ to describe a continuum like God intended.

                  A radar screen blanked out by overtuning return and empty by undertuning return are both equally useless for divining.

                • Aidan says:

                  PC is right; Christ being fully man means that matter, the world, and man, are suitably noble and pure vessels for containing God. If man totally depraved, Christ totally depraved or not a man.

                  The sermon on the mount does not say “you are totally depraved beasts”, it implies that there is some level of inherent sin or temptation that requires divine forgiveness, and this probably varies from person to person, not worth thinking too hard about. Not so much that God cannot become man, not so little that we can arrogantly assume we are worthy of salvation.

            • Anonymous Fake says:

              Holier people SHOULD be on top of the holiness hierarchy, just not the temporal one. Holiness spirals are not essentially wrong if they’re kept within their sphere.

              The correct position on man’s nature is that man has a tendency towards sin, despite being made in the image of God. Calvinists and other protestant heretics are wrong.

              Curiously enough, even nature isn’t totally depraved, as evidenced by videos of dogs selflessly breaking up cat fights. Evolution has no explanation for that.

              • jim says:

                > Holier people SHOULD be on top of the holiness hierarchy

                Holiness has to be its own reward, or else you have an army of people thinking up all sorts of clever ways to be holier than the other guy, to accomplish the greatest possible holiness with the least possible personal inconvenience.

                And being on top of the hierarchy is a reward. The remarkably holy should get something like a hermitage in the outer Hebrides, as far from the corridors of power as you can get.

                • Hesiod says:

                  If a king is too holy to curse his foe as a damned whoreson to his face before cleaving his skull in with a sword, then he is no king at all.

                  The exceedingly holy, characterized by excessive pacifism in diet and deed, existed well before Christendom and have been isolated from the greater community. Popular imagination can venerate them but not as the sole or preferable path to salvation. Jesus Christ’s incarnation as child sets the family as the focus, the heart of the cross to be visual for wont of better illumination. I get a lot of images that I struggle to put into words when contemplating these things.

                  Baptism in whatever form is just the first step on a journey that lasts your entire life. The straight and narrow path may be left at any time, either by intent or accident. Each day we must renew through prayer our salvation through Jesus Christ and let the Holy Spirit navigate.

                  The good in us comes from God as He made us in His image, but it can and does become corrupted into evil by our sinful nature.

                • Neurotoxin says:

                  If a king is too holy to curse his foe as a damned whoreson to his face before cleaving his skull in with a sword, then he is no king at all.

                  Wow, that’s pretty metal.

                • The Cominator says:

                  “If a king is too holy to curse his foe as a damned whoreson to his face before cleaving his skull in with a sword, then he is no king at all.”

                  As another poster said pretty metal, but I would point to Alfred the Great as a counterexample. Super religious guy, would fight if he had to but otherwise he might as well have been Ned Flanders.

                • jim says:

                  Ned Flanders with a sword?

                • Hesiod says:

                  Well, I didn’t say he couldn’t or shouldn’t feel bad about it afterwards. One of my fav scenes in the film A Knight’s Tale has the character Chaucer butter up the tournament crowd before William/Sir Ulric’s match. Amongst his lord’s achievements is spending time in prayer at a monastery to atone for the Saurcan blood he shed in battle.

                  On the subject of Alfred the Great, he was indeed a very pious and learned king, but he was also a great hunter, the preferred peaceful pastime of a ruling warrior that keeps himself and his companions exercised in body and mind for the battlefield. How many Pagan foes of his did not escape the stomach of ravens to enjoy baptism, forced or no?

                • The Cominator says:


                  Well he has been portrayed as a totalitarian world dictator before…

                • Hesiod says:

                  Saracen, not Saurcan.

                • The Cominator says:

                  Alfred the great would wield a sword if he had to but as warrior king he was reluctant.

                • jim says:

                  Of course he was reluctant. A good Christian should be reluctant, and no one doubts that Alfred the Great was a good Christian. He was, however, also a King, and a Christian King has a duty to be a good King. And the number one job of a good King is hurting people and breaking stuff. And Alfred was a good King.

                • The Cominator says:

                  Most medieval aristocrats and kings who went to war liked going to war, the primary sources are pretty clear on this. There were some knights who wrote poetry or short memoirs and generally they wrote stuff about how they loved battle and stuff. Alfred was an outlier for clearly not being like this. Alfred had serious Michael Bay cutout character sort of war reluctance and even war guilt and clearly did not like it at all. Alfred seems from what evidence we have of him to have almost wished to have become a monk.

                • jim says:

                  Alfred probably did wish to become a monk, but he got landed with the job of Kinging. Which job requires a whole lot of hurting people and breaking things.

                  Ned Flanders is funny because his Christianity renders him ludicrously ineffectual. King Alfred’s Christianity was rather more muscular.

                • The Cominator says:

                  Always thought Ned Flanders was overall a pretty positive portrayal…

                • Neurotoxin says:

                  Ned Flanders is definitely intended as a dork.
                  – – – – –

                  Of course, part of the job of a good government is putting hurt on bad people. My comment on Hesiod’s post was an admiring reaction to the vibe.

                • The Cominator says:

                  Total depravity does not mean everyone is at all points in their life a maniacal sadist or something it means everyone has a deep font of corruption within them restrained only by conditioning and the grace of God. I’m rather shocked that any reactionaries dislike the idea of total depravity as it was in general not just Calvin’s view but the pre enlightenment view of human nature.

                • jim says:

                  Total depravity is an empirical claim about this world. And the proposition that every non Christian that I know is totally depraved is silly.

                • Contaminated NEET says:

                  It’s completely obvious from my heathen perspective that “total depravity” is the residue of a previous holiness spiral. Original sin makes sense: we all have evil within us and it’s an inescapable part of human nature. No question. Some annoying destructive holier-than-thou priests took this concept, ran wild with it, and declared that everything everybody does is always evil, and even when they do good it’s actually evil because their motives are impure. This is nonsense. People choose to do good all the time. Pathetic, weak, and evil as I am, I choose to do good fairly often.

                  Total-depravists can say, and they do, that people do genuine good for genuinely good motives, but this is only because God’s grace allows it. But this empties out the concept; now it doesn’t teach us anything about anything.

                  Original Sin is a useful and important insight about the human condition.
                  Total Depravity is meaningless status-jockeying wordplay.

                • Handi says:

                  @Cominator That was already covered by the concept of original sin. The word “total” must be taken at face value.

                • The Cominator says:

                  Jeez too many here are not willing to accept that they are wretched sinners utterly unworthy of God’s love, that a fountain of pollution exists deep within thy nature and that thou exist as a winter tree, unprofitable, fit only to be hewn down and burned… steep thy life in prayer and hope that god sees fit to show mercy upon thy corrupted soul. Yes I did rip this off from a mildly shitlib youtuber but he at least has actual talent to some degree…

                  Original sin leaves too much open for a leftist white guilt interpretation (I’m holy its too bad Adam was not), Total Depravity does not leave that door open. I’m very consistent that you need to kill all the progs and then weld shut all the doors.

                • jim says:

                  Unfortunately Total Depravity, by deprecating ordinary everyday this worldly goodness, leaves the door open to gnosticism and antinomialism, where the believer gets to be holier than thou, without any need for the inconvenience of ordinary goodness in this world towards kin, friends, and allies.

                • Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

                  Total Depravity is a bulletproof contradiction of virtue spoofing.

                  Only trouble is, what makes it a bulletproof contradiction of virtue spoofing also makes it a bulletproof contradiction of everything else too.

                  One can say it has value in a contingent sense, in the sense that the cardinality of its thrust pushes against a certain maladaptive cardinality of a certain state of affairs – as if on a ridgeline road, there is a hard turn coming up, or else the bus drives off a cliff, and you say, ‘God decrees that buses must always turn right’.

                  And certainly, in that moment, with that bus, in that environment, it works out, because the thrust is adaptive for that moment.

                  But then the turn comes and goes, and you’re going to have a problem if the bus can’t do anything but turn in one direction…

                  The actual Calvinist position is modulated by an unspoken nuance factor as implied by the actual behavior of Calvinists; but a Calvinist order does not survive unless that modulation is elucidated.

                • alf says:

                  Jeez too many here are not willing to accept that they are wretched sinners utterly unworthy of God’s love

                  Too dark for me. I am a sinner, yes, but not a wretched one totally unworthy of God’s love. My actions and choices make me worthy of God’s love, make God proud of me like a father would be of his children. This world is not a botched creation.

                • jim says:

                  We are made in Gods image. Flawed, but some of us less flawed than others. Otherwise, why the testing?

                • Fidelis says:

                  The answer is in genesis. Adam ate the fruit, and he and his descendants henceforth know the taste of Good and Evil. Neither totally good or totally depraved, but capable of distinguishing given attention.

              • The Cominator says:

                And our resident shill inadvertedly shows why Total Depravity is based and redpilled and should be the official position of the Church of America.

                • Hesiod says:

                  While your acme of tenacity is admirable, only some interpretations of Total Depravity are based. A good portion are black-pilled. It’s a relatively late addition to Christendom with perhaps more rotten baggage than it’s worth. Jim, PC, and Aidan make very good arguments against it.

                  Total depravity, along with its ugly sister predeterminism (there’s a dark holdover from Pagan concepts such as Wyrd and being fey as in doomed), diminish the importance, perhaps even primacy, of freewill. A man may be influenced by his stars, for good or ill, but they do not make choices for him.

                  Some have more natural virtue than others. This is addressed in the Parable of Talents.

                • The Cominator says:

                  Jim’s argument against total depravity is that he has seen people who are not depraved, well of course he has. They obviously have a measure of grace and conditioning which holds back their innately corrupt nature. I find I know X good people an unconvincing argument. It also seems the quibble is over total depravity vs limited depravity. And the Calvinist would answer that depravity is limited in some by the grace of God (and by the drilled in fear of punishment).

                  So if not total depravity what should we call it, I don’t like just original sin… something like the “innate corruption”?

                • jim says:

                  > I find I know X good people an unconvincing argument. It also seems the quibble is over total depravity vs limited depravity

                  Well, obviously there are good people. Obviously depravity is limited.

                  To comprehend the sermon on the mount, remember that the context was Jewish legalism. That by adherence to the rules, rules that the pharisees got to creatively interpret, one was saved. Which led to no end of creative rule lawyering whereby no end of utterly horrifying and outrageous behaviour was the most virtuous possible behaviour. Which led to the destruction of Israel, due to not only God, but also the Romans, being unimpressed by this creativity.

                  So we don’t want to reduce right conduct to a set of rules that can be gamed.

                  But neither do we want to abolish all earthly distinctions between good and evil. And “Total Depravity” does abolish all earthly distinctions between good and evil.

                • FrankNorman says:

                  “To comprehend the sermon on the mount, remember that the context was Jewish legalism. ”

                  So much in the Gospels would be understood better if it were seen in context like that. Jesus did not float around just saying things in general, He was responding to people in a specific environment, and often dealing with questioners who were not asking in good faith.

                  Modern Calvinism’s rhetoric about Total Depravity is the result of Augustine taking the Apostle Paul’s teaching that all are sinners, and no one is righteous before God on their own merits, and in reaction against Pelagius, dialing it up into Original Sin.

                  And then the Synod of Dort taking Luther and Calvin’s reading of Augustine and dialing it up to 11.

                  Then preachers taking TULIP and spinning it even higher till it ends up throwing people out of their churches entirely.

                  Because instead of feeling guilty about not obeying Divine commands that he could and should have followed, the common man starts to feel more like a helpless victim, like someone who is being blamed for things that he has no agency in. And the Calvinist behind the pulpit will want to make sure that they all understand this too: that they have no agency in the matter, they are “sinners” because they are simply predestined to be.

                  When asked to justify this crazy extreme position, the passages they quote from Scripture (if one can get them to engage in debate, not just thump the table and call you names) seem to mostly be the passages about the Jews/Israelites being in a hardened state of rebellion against God, refusing to obey, and losing the ability to even understand what it was that God was asking of them.

                  And they take this stuff as being about literally all humans everywhere, whether Israelite or not. Things the Bible says about one group of people, they think are universal.

                • Vendat Tunicam says:

                  The issue of total depravity is that it takes responsibility off the

          • Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

            You can talk about depravity without going #fulldepravity. The blues argue (but not think) that all men are the same everywhere and everytime and only #society makes them different for better or worse and that’s clearly not the case. Some beasts became the worlds that produced Augustus and Augustine and other beats didn’t and that’s no happenstance.

          • Varna says:

            Self-control, and in-group-directed self-sacrifice can be signs of great strength and courage, but not be signs of being on the side of good.

            Red Indian braves, for example, for supposed to exhibit a sort of control until the bend, by their crude honor system, to the extent of when being tortured to death or slowly dying in some other violent manner, to harness the sensations they were feeling into one last euphoric burst of curses at his tormentors, or a song about ancestors etc. Going out in style, total investment into the persona to the end.

            These people invested in suppressing what to them is depravity, such as cowardice and compassion to out-groups, and build rigid social structures and instilled corresponding mental and emotional structures into the group members, strong social programming that controls and channels impulses like fear, envy, lust, hunger, anger, and so on, but all this effort is very different from the effort of being a Christian.

            If total depravity means giving in to primal anti-social impulses, then total depravity has been rigidly suppressed and control in any society that has managed to survive, including aboriginal cannibals and whatnot, yet this brought them not closer to the Kingdom of God.

            In this sense “total depravity” would also apply for example to “would people shit on the street if not taught not to?” They would. Would they steal and force themselves upon others? Yes. Would at least some of them wallow in the joy of causing suffering to some helpless victim, human or animal? Yes.

            Every human society control, channels, suppresses, redirects, harnesses such primal impulses into what society deems to be useful for its continuation and self-replication.

            If you close off the niggers in say Detroit, and just drop in a limited amount of food, within a generation the survivors will have formed tribal gangs with witchdoctors, holy mothers, clairvoyants, will have developed rituals to do with death, birth, courtship, dream interpretation. Generic stone age social superstructures on top of the primal foundation. The occasional legendary brave who instead of collapsing in sniveling pleas, pours out free-style curses of his torturer’s mamas when captured by an enemy tribe.

            Total depravity exists as a primal layer of the human’s early child form, but all social groups control it and mold it.

            Do the norms of a society control the primal depravity in ways which allow it to transcend the primal depravity, or merely to symbolically enshrine it in its institutions. Does the social superstructure on top work to make the prival depravity an engine for good, or is it simply an organized self-sustaining system feeding on that primal depravity, manifesting it in a more complex and coded way.

            Likewise with the individual. Is the individual suppressing and harnessing his primal depravity in a way which simply allows him to function within his society, or is he striving to build something clean and beautiful on top of the urges.

            The initial total depravity bubbles strongly or simmer softly beneath the surface of every character. The Aztec way gives it form and in a sense enshrines it in its social fabric. The trad Christian way does not enshrine it in its social fabric. Today globohomo is making a great effort to enshrine total depravity in the social structures it is implementing.

            And it feels as though it’s not merely total depravity enshrined the Aztec way, but the deeper total depravity that quickly destroys the host social organism, the depravity levels that actually interfere with a society’s ability to survive and replicate itself. Bolshevik solipsism levels and beyond.

  28. Cloudswrest says:

    Michael Dell published a short blurb on Linkedin about something he refers to as “Sovereign AI”. The only interesting part is the definition, excerpted below. “Sovereign AI” is basically AI developed by agents outside the influence of the GAE. Ie developed by non-GAE sovereign entities, trained with different, non-GAE, value systems. I can see where this would be a vector of attack against GAE influence, just like independent media.

    Sovereign AI is a hot topic, and for good reason. AI has the power to unleash data and drive human progress across every dimension from economic growth to public welfare to scientific discovery.

    But AI has to be trained to understand our laws and regulations, our ethics and morals. Increasingly, nations are looking to capture their language, cultures, and data within their own Sovereign AI models. I’m hearing about Sovereign AI in the public and private sectors, in meetings with our customers and partners, and certainly in the news. Let’s take a step back and ask ourselves what we are talking about when it comes to Sovereign AI.

    Sovereign AI refers to a nation’s capability to produce artificial intelligence using its own infrastructure and data.

    • DH says:

      Progressives can’t afford to allow AI to help disrupt their memetic sovereignty, and the eye of Sauron is likely to fall on AI soon enough and turn it into the new Global Warming. But it seems that Musk is a few steps ahead of them on that front. AI is a battlefront that Thermidor is winning, but in my view that’s a tactical rather than a strategic victory, and Progs would rather lose the internet than lose on the internet, so expect them to accelerate on abolition of civilization, first by collapsing the economy and then through hot white genocide.

    • Fidelis says:

      Current LLMs and foundation models in general improve along a log curve. You can get performance of the very large and soon to be even larger models with a modest gpu cluster — modest in the sense of nation scale activities, anyway. The biggest capex is human capital, competent programmers, and the internet and programming cultures being what they are, we will more likely than not end up with two large ecosystems in the medium term. The Chinese and the Anglo.

      In the longer term I expect very strange ecosystems of human organizations and neural network constructs that don’t reflect the current world power balance well at all. People self sort and join groups that then feedback loop into new ideologies which manifest into new folkways. You add in the enhanced organizational capacity of a corporation formed by the best contract system ever invented and the animated spirit of a collective human mind, and now we have something that replaces the order of the nation state. Nation states came about as a result of standardization of language and printing and bureaucratic order, and the next stage will come about as a result of the standardization of human interfaces with collective knowledge and programmatic order.

  29. Ryan says:

    Excluding crypto, what are everyone’s top investment suggestions?
    Hopefully those here have less normalcy bias than most analysts, and will dare to consider extreme events and heretical ideas like the US losing wars or going broke.

    Investing in real things like gold mines and rental property funds around the world seems like the best bet (with a highly diversified approach).

    What commodities might spike or tank? Which countries will do well or badly? Places with low debt and minimal US entanglement seem like good bets.

    Nvidia seems like it will do well if/until the AI bubble pops which could be years out, but it might be too late already. Small allocations to ‘next big thing’ assetscould make sense if we have better foresight than most.

    • The Cominator says:

      Nothing has really worked since around mid 2021, before then I couldn’t lose money and a lot of high iq people I knew couldn’t lose money. Selling covered calls was like a Henry Hill racket (remember the ending monologue in Goodfellas where he said he never worried about spending his money if he was broke it didn’t matter, didn’t mean anything)… you didn’t even need to preserve your stash it was like purely generating huge amounts of spending money almost every few weeks even if you missed the truly big early crypto trains and the gamestop train. Nobody has been able to make money since then as an outsider… if that AI defense drone company ever goes public buy them at any price. But its very very hard to make sound investments in a generally shrinking economy presided over a system that is not only corrupt but also insane.

    • Karl says:

      It is getting more and more difficult to transfer funds via the banking system around the world. Investing around the world has an even greater risk. Depending on your residence and/or citizenship your assets will be stolen in increasingly large parts of the world.

      If you live anywhere in the West, the risk of asset seizures increases both at home and abroad.

      • Ryan says:

        Do you mean that say the US government will steal foreign assets from its citizens (beyond the existing taxes), or that say Argentina will confiscate and stocks owned by foreigners?

        • Karl says:

          Both, although it is difficult for the US government to seize assets outside of the GAE.

    • Fake says:

      In an inflationary environment, stocks don’t do as well as commodities or real estate. Use your jimian sense to determine how much you trust official inflation rates, or just check if Blackrock is still muscling families out of the home-buying market. I’m reminded of the youtuber who found his Walmart online grocery order from preCovid, which was something like $112 and when he reordered that same basket, it was >$400.

      A strategy I heard worked well is to keep tabs on which companies announce dei initiatives and buy stock in their competitors. Maybe The Cominator has experience with that.

      • The Cominator says:

        Before everything was ruined the best thing to do generally was find high volatility stocks where the underlying business was actually growing (my favorite was MARA a crypto miner) and sell covered calls. Most months you made 20% on your money doing this, occasionally you had to buy back your calls or let them be called away and wait for a mean reversion… that is all over now because the fucking Democrats ruined the market.

    • Fidelis says:

      How much money do you have and what are you trying to do with it? Use gold to breed more gold? Do you like large speculative bets? Slow patient investments? What is your timescale?

      If you are truly burdened with a bank account you cannot spend down, why not invest in young talent. Directly. Why not join a small town, and throw parties for the local police, make sure they know your face and name, and you theirs. Nudge and bribe the local politicians and bureaucrats. Buy up property, build a nice church.

      Or did you just want to hear “North Macedonia is so underpriced right now buy up everything you can before everyone else finds out!” So you can buy some nominal titles to run down houses in a dyning country, but at least it’s not directly in the GAE!, in the vague hopes you can dump it on some sucker for a higher number? And then what?

      • Ryan says:

        Enough that I can easily support myself at 5% interest (although 10% ROI is feasible). Not nearly enough to take over a town.

        UK taxes are pretty high, and things are likely to get bad here pretty quickly. I’ll probably need to relocate eventually, but all the good polities are speedrunning suicide through migration.

        In the meantime, I need wealth which won’t be wiped out by GAE retardation (inflation, fake economy, wars etc). Any growth is obviously good, and is required to counteract inflation.

        • jim says:


          If you have substantial assets in Britain, you need to move your wealth to Dubai. Everyone is doing it.

          • Ryan says:

            What do you mean more specifically?
            Buying property in Dubai? Investing in their economy? Getting bonds or or shares held in custody by Dubai banks (which could originate from any country)?

            I would appreciate if you could write about specific threats to freedom and wealth, and possible countermeasures. I’m blessed to have a good wife and children (thanks for tips on physical chastisement), and can’t effect governmental policy, so this is the area I need to focus on currently.

            • jim says:

              What English people tend to do is move to Dubai for tax exempt status and to avoid political risk.

              I am not saying that putting your money in Dubai assets is a good idea. I am saying that if you have a lot of money, it is a good idea to arrange your affairs so that non Dubai governmental or quasi governmental persons cannot grab your assets.

              If you reside in England, likely to tax the stuffing out of you, and when everything falls apart, likely to just grab it. When the proverbial hits the fan, no end of people are just going grab anything that can be grabbed and arbitrarily harm the previous possessors. No end of people who cannot be predicted are going to grab anything grabbable in no end of ways that cannot be predicted. They are also likely to engage in random terror against people who seem to them to be strangely well off in an effort to shake stealable stuff into sight.

              In Dubai, you can invest in Dubai, or anywhere else in the world, including in businesses that you would not be able to invest in while residing in England.

              So I am not saying that any particular form of investment is likely to appreciate. What I am saying is that any investment made while resident in Dubai and employing Dubai institutions faces lower political risk than almost anywhere else, and you are going to discover freedom to invest in a whole lot of stuff that you have no way of investing in when your money and your residence is in England and you are attempting to invest through English institutions.

              • Ryan says:

                Thanks. Is Dubai better than places like the Caymans or Switzerland? I’m sure it’s a good option. If GAE or others start invading other nations to loot their stuff, then it should be important to be based somewhere under the protection of a relatively sane and powerful regional power.

  30. The Cominator says:

    Trump bringing Corey Lewandowski back in is a good sign he is less likely to be caught flat footed by massive vote fraud this time… the registration numbers in PA look good and Shapiro’s incentive is to sabotage Kamala… similar positive developments in Georgia and Nevada.

    Arizona and Wisconsin look like the enemy are in control but if he has PA+Georgia and Nevada he doesn’t need Arizona and Wisconsin.

    • jim says:

      > Trump bringing Corey Lewandowski back in is a good sign

      It is amazing how many vague, frivolous, trivial, and ambiguous crimes Corey has been charged with by justice system far to busy to bother itself with things like brown people robbing and murdering white people.

      He left the job because the deep state was engaging in lawfare against him. It was leave Trump or go to jail. That he is coming back is a big white pill.

  31. Pax Imperialis says:

    Why do people homosex and continue to homosex when unlike classic sex it really doesn’t provide any benefits for the individuals to offset the costs… oh sorry, what were we talking about? Right, leftism tickles the prostate metaphorical ape hindbrain. When they intellectually prolapse all over civilization, well, clearly that’s just stunning and brave.

    Anyways, I’ve been revisiting some of the older NRx haunts. Came across this 2015 comment.

    jews, the ultimate sacred cow, those that oppose them, the lowest of backwards trash. jews! the very word seems to set the teeth on edge, the pupils dilating, spine tingling, gut coiling, regardless of what one otherwise thinks of them or ones position on the political polygon. people dont want to talk about them, dont even want to think about them. i dare say the word jew is perhaps the ultimate fnord in this day and age.

    Still true mostly though rapidly diminishing. It’s interesting to see how the Puritan Thesis, or Ultracalvinist Hypothesis, has solidified into something closer to consensus (I admit it’s hard to measure these things). The spirit of Harvard marches on, further and beyond, in spite of rapid and sudden declines in Jewish influence. Really, it’s only the outer party that likes Jews these days along with a few geriatric Democrat holdouts. So unfashionable among the hip new inner party.

    Enlisted sort their problems out by talking, then fighting, then elevating to higher. Officers, nearly all of them these days, immediately resort to administrative processes. I doubt anything would function if the enlisted behaved like Officers. Back during the Vietnam War, Officers could directly call fire support missions. In Afghanistan such calls would have to be routed all the way up to some general in the Pentagon before being routed all the way back down. For all the talk about maneuver warfare and out cycling the enemy, Officers seem to enjoy going the other direction despite professing adoration to the dogma of MCDP 1 Warfighting. I’m convinced no one actually reads that. In fact, I doubt most military publications are read. This is a deep dark secret sin I confess to as well.

    To answer the anon who asked me about books/manuals recommendations on war, all I can say is that sweaty, brutal, bloody experience tends to be the primary teacher for a reason. Contrary to the popular phrase,’war never changes’, war changes often. The best teacher outside of the enemy tend to be from master to apprentice. There’s a certain physicality that really can’t be read, but if you’re interesting in a more philosophical understanding of war, well Clausewitz is not terrible. Clausewitz was good at describing a certain type of war, the American mistranslated of him really good at describing a 20th century progressive war. I suspect it would hold up for the potential wars coming. For that you might need to source something a bit more Biblical.

    • jim says:

      > For that you might need to source something a bit more Biblical.

      I expect that every person and every vehicle everywhere will need an IFF. And if it has the wrong IFF code, kos.

      • Pax Imperialis says:

        Kill on sight is very hard to justify (or even implement) if war is merely understood as a matter of ‘policy’. ‘Policy’, a pure good in the utopian sense, is of course existing with no relation whatsoever to the evil of ‘politics’. Much similar to how democracy is good and politics are bad. In order to kos the wrong IFF code, would need to be willing to go Biblical. War not as ‘policy’ but as holy purpose.

        • DH says:

          War not as ‘policy’ but as holy purpose.

          War makes the friend/enemy distinction crystal clear, and what starts out as a mere coup is likely to culminate in a full on Jihad. Coup means Protestant Brazil, while Jihad means white ethno-states with a bishop and a king. Thermidor thinks that Protestant Brazil (a race-blind “meritocracy” with a WASP-Ashkenazi-Han ruling class and shitskin lower class and nobody’s allowed to notice anything) and 1980 leftism are the destination, but war is unpredictable and is likely to summon an incarnation of Wotan, who would probably have a different plan in store.

          • Pax Imperialis says:

            War doesn’t always make the spirit of the enemy crystal clear. During the early phase of the American civil war, the South could have marched all the way to DC, even Boston, and burnt it to the ground, but they didn’t. The North saw the conflict as an existential crisis of the union, the South as merely affirming their natural right to leave. The South lost.

            There are many examples of misunderstanding the enemy, and consequentially the US has lost every major war since 1945 as a result.

            The most egregious example was Afghanistan where Americans saw the enemy as also their misbegotten adoptive child to whom they could teach progressivism to. The friend/enemy distinction was never make clear to the American. It was extremely clear to the Afghan.

            • DH says:

              Okay, good corrections.

              My point is, in the American context a Jihad (rather than a mere coup) will sort out the situation.

              Europeans have an advantage here: they can tell pretty easily who is a native and who is a foreigner, and once the coup is complete and the traitorous wicked elite is out of power, Europeans will immediately and instinctively know who gets to stay and who has to be “physically removed.” In the violent phase of the coup, all of the different parties — Muslims, Jews, Hindus, etc. — will be treated on an “Are you with us or are you against us?” basis. Afterwards, a peaceful resolution will include mass deportations, though many foreigners will self-deport “voluntarily.” Europeans have distinct nationalisms, which are synthetic tribes (rooted in biology and religion), and perhaps with the exception of France, not a particularly long history with brownification.

              Eastern Europe might not even require true coups – their nationalisms and demographics (in terms of homogeneity, not reproduction) are solid for the most part, and once Babylon falls or loosens its grip, they will naturally gravitate to Orthodox Russia. Heck, even Viktor Orban banned the Soros NGOs and gender studies.

              In America it’s different due to heavy mongrelization and intermingling; the 1965 Hart-Celler turbo-kikery in particular (plus all of the free range pavement apes) has rendered it indispensable to, as you say, engage in holy war rather than in policy war. If, resisting the white genocide, white Christian Nationalists go to holy war, need a war leader who worships Christ and channels Odin, and he is likely to sort out the friend/enemy problem in such a manner that (and with such methods as) Thermidor might not necessarily approve, oy gevalt. In a real, absolute, and holy war, rather than a mere coup against a dominant elite faction a la Thermidor, there is indeed clarity of Biblical proportions, so to speak. A coup against Harvard is likely to go Biblical, that is, far beyond Thermidor’s original intentions (1980s leftist race-blind meritocracy), and if it does, if the coup naturally progresses to Jihad, one need not worry about distinguishing enemies from friends – the holy battlefield will rapidly and painfully provide the answers and dispel the errors.

              • Varna says:

                > Eastern Europe might not even require true coups – their nationalisms and demographics (in terms of homogeneity, not reproduction) are solid for the most part, and once Babylon falls or loosens its grip, they will naturally gravitate to Orthodox Russia. Heck, even Viktor Orban banned the Soros NGOs and gender studies.

                Just to throw in a broad summery/system of viewing the Eastern Whitey.

                If you look at a map of Europe from 1900, there are no EE countries, except on the Balkans. If you look at a map of Europe from 1870, there are no EE countries full stop.

                Today’s EE nations are all former subjects of a) Turkey, b) Russia, c) Austria. And around the Baltic sea some former Prussia territories.

                On the borders between the Romanov Empire, the Habsburg Empire and the House of Osman, territories switched hands frequently, but for most places it can be broadly said that for most of the time they belonged to one of the three more than to the other two.

                Habsburgs: Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Czech republic, Hungary, parts of Romania, parts of Ukraine.

                Romanovs: Finland, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Moldova, Belarus, the Ukraine. Alaska, California (,_California).

                Osman: Greece, Cyprus, Serbia, Bosnia, Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Romania, parts of Hungary and Moldova.

                While the western, mostly Germanic whitey was doing his thing, the eastern, mostly Slavic whitey, was having things done to him.

                Also a loose hierarchy “whose master was better”. Those who were mostly held by Turks hate Turks, are on the fence about Russia and maybe even a bit pro-Russia, and fervently believe that “Austria was the best master”, which today translates into “Europe is the cat’s pajamas”, as a sort of way to fix a historical injustice “we should have had Austrian masters, not Turkish masters.”

                Those whose main master was Russia, don’t care about the Turks mostly, tend to hate Russia fervently (unless they are pure Russians like inn Belarus) and are afraid of her, and also believe that the Austrian master was best, and today is their chance to finally “become Europeans”.

                Those whose actual master was Austrian, are the “house niggers” who feel superior to the field niggers “yeah bitches, my master was way better that yours, look at all my fancy architecture and the beer I can brew”.
                Hence EE being “the butthurt belt”, according to some online humorists.

                The Eastern Whitey was the original “slave race” to both Germanic whites and various Asiatics.. It took accepting leadership from the Rus vikings ( and in the south from the Bulgar horse tribes (, to start turning into nations that hit back.

                > slave (n.) c. 1300, sclave, esclave, “person who is the chattel or property of another,” from Old French esclave (13c.) and directly from Medieval Latin Sclavus “slave” (source also of Italian schiavo, French esclave, Spanish esclavo), originally “Slav” (see Slav); so used in this secondary sense because of the many Slavs sold into slavery by conquering peoples. The oldest written history of the Slavs can be shortly summarised–myriads of slave hunts and the enthralment of entire peoples. The Slav was the most prized of human goods. With increased strength outside his marshy land of origin, hardened to the utmost against all privation, industrious, content with little, good-humoured, and cheerful, he filled the slave markets of Europe, Asia, and Africa. It must be remembered that for every Slavonic slave who reached his destination, at least ten succumbed to inhuman treatment during transport and to the heat of the climate. Indeed Ibrāhīm (tenth century), himself in all probability a slave dealer, says: “And the Slavs cannot travel to Lombardy on account of the heat which is fatal to them.” Hence their high price.

                From the point of view of the true Anglo-Germanic racist purist, the Irish, the Italians and Spaniard, Greeks and most of all Slavs are all grotesque parodies of true humanity. Today to be found in the writing on

                Hence also the major Hitlerist genocidal plan was not the imaginary six gorillion, but the quite real Generalplan Ost ( for the extermination and ethnic cleansing of the Slavs so that the German can live in a serene rural utopia as landed gentry served by illiterate slavic survivors.

                Due to his fetishization of the “Austrian master”, Slavs find it very difficult to hang on the concept of the Germanic master who planned to exterminate them. It must be some sort of misunderstanding and disinformation by Bolsheviks.

                Later, after WWII, all of EE became “Russian” in the sense of under the direct control or indirect influence of Moscow, part of the Eastern Block until circa 1990.

                Combining the Cold War 1 internationalist anti-colonial themes, with the Eastern Whitey himself being everybody’s plaything not to mention getting his own nation state just a little while ago, you get strong support for the global south anti-colonialism struggles that started after WWII and culminated around the mid-1970s. Even Portugal and Spain had their African Vietnams, not to mention the French, the Brits, the Dutch and others.

                (Reminder, the first truly post-colonial decade for the West and the rest is the 1980s, make of that what you will)

                Today the Eastern whitey is being seduced by a broader white identity, in the sense of “we white people invented everything and conquered the world”, without realizing what a poison pill this is, and how if he truly decides to pretend he is in fact a Germanic or Mediterranean white, he gets a pat on the head and then instantly infinity niggers and dismantling of society to pay for his alleged historical crimes against the world.

                The trap the Irish fell into just recently. Also everybody’s victim for all of history, never colonized a square inch, everybody kicks the shit out of them, circa the year 2000 started being treated like “proper whites”, by 2020 it was time for ethnic cleansing and cultural genocide overdrive.

                Summary: EE used to be divided between the Turkish master, the Russian master, and the Austrian master.

                No one wants back to the Turkish master (although the Albanians and some Bosnians would likely would enjoy some mutual support thing), there is some nostalgia for the Russian master, which blurs into nostalgia for Soviet times when there was no drugs and porn, men were men and women were women, you could leave your door unlocked and your body didn’t hurt and your boners lasted all night etc, but most of the pining is for the real and imaginary “Austrian master”, today personified by the EU.

                Hungary used to be an equal partner in what in the final century was called the “Austro-Hungarian empire”, plus are not Slavs originally, which gives them the historical status to play their cards the way they do today. They used to be kungz for real.

                If the west keeps going the way its going, while Russia goes its Eurasian way and the global south does its global south thing, EE may well consolidate into a separate cultural space, nominally part of the west, but in practice something like an internal Byzantium, which may not be capable of great innovation, but can keep a lowkey flame of civilization going while everybody else goes dark age.

                If not wiped out by some engineered pandemic, or vax campaign, or nukes, or other external calamities.

                • DH says:

                  most of the pining is for the real and imaginary “Austrian master”, today personified by the EU.

                  The increasing stupidity, insanity, and wickedness of Washington is changing that, but yes, they (and the rest of Europe) will need to see the Zelensky regime defeated before their preference demonstrably switches from Globohomo to Putin. War is the final arbiter of human politics.

                  If the west keeps going the way its going, while Russia goes its Eurasian way and the global south does its global south thing, EE may well consolidate into a separate cultural space, nominally part of the west, but in practice something like an internal Byzantium, which may not be capable of great innovation, but can keep a lowkey flame of civilization going while everybody else goes dark age.

                  Nah, Putin is offering them a better deal than that, and if he actually follows through with Dugin’s Eurasianism, will offer them a considerably better deal in the future. Why be satisfied with “a lowkey flame of civilization” when you can partake of real civilization?

                • Upravda says:


                  There is some truth in your words. The Habsburg Effect is still visible today, after all: ” Research suggests that people living in areas that were once part of the Habsburg Empire exhibit higher trust in courts and police, as well as lower levels of corruption.”

                  And one can really observe that effect, across few decades of everyday life, in Serbs from Vojvodina vs Serbs from Serbia proper, and also among Croats: the effect is the strongest among non-Dalmatian Croats, weaker in Dalmatia and Dubrovnik, and the weakest among BiH Croats.

                  In a way, Habsburgs actually were the the good masters (for Catholics and Orthodox, at least). Habsburg bureaucracy is considered among modern historians as one of the most honest… ever and everywhere. Recently, driving back from the vacations on the Adriatic littoral, I turned from overwhelmed modern Autobahn to the old road, asphalted during comrades’ rule. Asphalted over old paved Habsburg roads, with stone guardrails still standing here and there – right from the imperial times! Those roads were the first built here since Roman era.

                  And my folks, and our Slovenian neighbors at least, really do have what I call Habsburg bias (something like your Normalcy bias): the tendency to look at modern EU-politicians as some incarnation of good Habsburg rulers in the past. So, there’s the bias to see Frau von der Lügen as some kind of Maria Theresa and that idiot Josep as Joseph II, and tendency to un-see their demon-worshiping.

                  But, there was Eastern Europe before the Age of Empires you talk about. There was Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth for many centuries, one of the most prominent fighters against Ottomans. Serb Orthodox Church is older than the Russian one. Croatian Sabor is probably older than the English parliament with uninterrupted existence till present. Nether Croats, nor Serbs, nor Poles, nor Czechs and old Moravians needed any foreign elite to establish their own kingdoms that lasted for centuries and millennia in some cases.

                  And, no, word Slav does not come from “slave”, just as Gauls do not actually have any connection with “gallus”. “Slav” comes from older native variant “Sloven” meaning something like “speaker” as opposed to, say, “Nijemac” (German) as fellow who is mute (“nijem”), so not a speaker. Word has the same root as “slovo” (letter) and is still retained as a name of the Slovenian and Slovak nation (“Slovenec” i “Slovenka”, such as Ms. Trump, and “Slovak” and “Slovenka”) and in Croatian region of Slavonija.

                • Mayflower Sperg says:

                  How would Eastern Europe keep the flame of civilization going when these countries have some of the lowest birthrates and fastest-falling populations in the world? Church is a place for old people to ask God to please let them into heaven; this world doesn’t matter if your grandchildren will not inhabit it. And letting men beat their wives doesn’t help if women have the option of not marrying.

      • Cloudswrest says:

        How about license plates that automatically broadcast your registration and VIN whenever they sense a transponder. Not in the database? KOS

      • Anonymous Fake says:

        [*payload deleted*]

        • jim says:

          The payload being that totalitarianism and genocide of whites is not oppression from on top, but what white people spontaneously demand, because is so nice.

          • Anonymous Fake says:

            If totalitarianism is accompanied by a grading and merit system, Asians and Caucasians will rush to it like Hunter Biden to crack. [*deleted*]

            • jim says:

              This is the totalitarianism of social credit and “nudge”, that totalitarian terror can be soft, nice, pleasant, and popular.

              They tried this during covid. “Nudge” in practice looked more like hitting people in the face with a bludgeon than nudging them.

              The collapse of the blue cities gives the lie to all the left’s claims of good intentions and good management. You are giving us the left’s self image, which self image becomes ever more obviously detached from reality.

      • notglowing says:

        I expect that every person and every vehicle everywhere will need an IFF.

        Many on the right would likely see such a thing as the “mark of the devil”

        • jim says:

          Old and New Testaments are perfectly clear that for the government to track people in detail is gravely wrong.

          In principle, an IFF could simply authenticate “friend” without specifying exactly which friend out of millions. And this would not violate the principles of the Old and New Testaments. But if it did identify exactly which friend, this would be contrary to Biblical commands.

          I think the right would be untroubled by a Biblicaly correct IFF.

          • Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

            I’m reminded of the Salesforce ads that have been running on tv and streaming sites lately. “Don’t let bad guy AI steal your data; use Salesforce who pinkeypromises to never grep your datas.”

            If you don’t have control over the programs and the hardware they run on, then your datas will be grepped – and more besides.

          • Cloudswrest says:

            for the government to track people in detail is gravely wrong.

            This kind of reminds me of gasoline/fuel taxes, paid at the pump. Assuming the premise they are used for road construction and maintenance, these taxes are somewhat fair and anonymous. Heavier vehicles, that tend to cause more wear on the road, get less mileage, so they pay more fuel taxes per mile.

            Now the point I’m getting to is currently, EVs pay no fuel taxes. Since they are no longer boutique, governments are starting to complain EV drivers are not paying their “fare share” and are talking about monitoring their mileage to tax them directly. The pretense of EV road taxes are basically the camel’s nose under the tent for intrusive government monitoring of drivers.

    • Hesiod says:

      Speaking of literature, started on Lind’s Victoria last night to refresh. Not far yet but finding an earlier foray into Xenophon’s Cyropaedia allows for easier going as characters are vehicles for theory in Lind’s narrative. So, not exactly a page-turner for character development, though still fascinating for concepts and modeling.

      There’s an amusing little dig at Trump as well that has aged as well as one’s personal opinion of the man dictates.

      Fav passage so far (narrator speaking): “You see, sometime around the middle of the 18th century, we men of the West struck a Faust’s bargain with the Devil. We could do anything, have anything, say anything, with one exception. We could not tarry, we could not rest, we could not get it right and then keep it that way. Always we must have something new: that was the bargain, and ultimately the reason we pulled our house around us.”

      This fetish for the new has struck me as troubling ever since I began critiquing pop culture as a young lad, however clumsily I could articulate something instinctual. The past seemed such a treasure trove, yet it was mostly treated as rubbish.

      • Fake says:

        My favorite line in Victoria is the only dialogue from a female non-villian character: “I know my place.”

        • Hesiod says:

          Sounds like the wife of the retroculture 1940s family. She voices the hollowness of women striving outside the home, rightly reserving that sphere for men. For her, her family is her primary duty and privilege, her telos. Community building through volunteer church work is the secondary role for women. That’s families and neighbors building basic bonds.

    • Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

      Whoever wrote that sounds like a handsome urbane fellow for sure.

      Incidentally, one of the other sides of this coin is that the festivities in Gaza may serve also to illustrate yet another vindication of Elite Theory of History; support for dunecoons is nigh universal amongst the bluecult laity – and yet, none of it has resulted in any policy change with respect to Israel heretofore.

      One of the biggest strategic mistakes the likudniks made was that they failed to provide an ‘offramp’ that would allow people to make a rhetorical distinction between ‘the good ones’ and ‘the terrorists’. Id est, set up ‘relief camps’ to process large numbers of people, put Gaza under siege, say ‘everyone who does not want to starve come over for processing’, and *then* start flattening city blocks.

      This One Weird Trick provides an easy and instantaneous rejoinder to any backdraft. Eg, “Innocents are being bombed” – “If they were really innocent they would not have stayed in the war zone”; “Israel is starving the people of Gaza” – “Israel is feeding the people of Gaza, only the bad guys or bad guy sympathizers would refuse to go into custody”; et cetera et cetera.

      By *not* doing this they basically erase this valence and put ‘terrorist’ and ‘innocent’ all in the same basket – which may still arguably be apropos on balance for Israel’s ultimate racial interests anyways, but it also obliges any observers to answer ‘pally genocide best day of my life yes or no?’, which most GAE subjects will balk at.

      So it has absolutely been causing them trouble… but something else that was also discussed at the time, was that Netanyahu may above all be counting on ‘running out the clock’; that while everyone continues to argue, he continues to bomb, and that in the end, Gaza will eventually be cooked anyways.

      And, several months later, it looks like that eventuality is on track.

      The sphere of conflict may well continue to expand and entangle more parties, now that Lebanon is getting in on the fun too (though Iran, like Russia, has been shamefully reticent about striking blows against their enemies, even and especially when it is their abiding interest to so do[1]); but whatever the results in the end, it may well be that ‘Palestine’ as such won’t be around to see it either.

      [1]A lot of high skrewel history is filled with ‘and then so and so went to war with such and such for no good reason’; I would hazard to say that the current state of rulership around the globe has had significant influence by a form of ‘learned helplessness’ over the years of Washington hegemony; conflicts happening anywhere means opportunities for Washington to involve itself anywhere – and Heaven help you if you try to pretend to be a sovereign country and use kinetic solutions on your own initiative for your nation’s interests without waiting to be used as a sacrificial pawn by Washington for some gay geopolitical masturbation, then you are a ‘warmonger’ and, of course, yet another excuse to involve itself anyways. ‘Pax Americana’ indeed.

  32. Hesiod says:

    Big Mike’s wife recently tweeted out an interesting list of books (hat-tip to AC):

    Titles that stand out: Headshot, Martyr!, and Help Wanted.

  33. Me says:

    Cults do not work by dishing out rewards, they work by isolation.
    Everything else is evil, only the cult is good is the only allowed opinion, which prevents members from even knowing there are better options, eliminating choice entirely.
    Nobody actually wants to vote for Caligula Harris as evidenced by 2020 primary numbers and if you remove the censorship, propaganda and cheating, nobody will.

    • The Cominator says:

      To some degree but every cult in the past has offered some combination of rewards even if they are based on what is probably lies (secret knowledge and reward in the hereafter) even if they use psychological isolation and terrorism as well…

      • Jehu says:

        A friend of mine who is a pastor has talked to some former rajneeshees, who were a pretty notorious cult in Oregon back in the 80s. They said that they never worked harder but they also never had sexual access as good as they did back under the cult. But the current Blue cult isn’t providing that and hasn’t been probably since the 80s.

        • The Cominator says:

          Yeah you don’t see many cults that you study that let members in good standing remain atomized incels. Either they basically pair you up with a tradwife or they tell all female members they have a duty to putout for all the male members. I guess the exception is suicide cults and the left is one of those… but it doesn’t bill itself that way. It seems to me that no matter how much I hate leftists I don’t hate them enough.

          • Jehu says:

            The current crop of leftists is so bad it creates nostalgia for old school Soviet commies and German Nazis.

            • The Cominator says:

              Yeah they don’t even have snappy uniforms…

              • Hesiod says:

                Recent Washington Post opinion piece lambasted the Cackler for being too commie with the price control plan. That’s a bit like the Devil wagging his finger at you for sinning too much, but hey, we live in interesting times.

                • DH says:

                  If Jeff Bezos is becoming sympathetic to Thermidor, the Dems should be alarmed.

                • The Cominator says:

                  Actually what is bad for Kamala is CNN and WaPo running criticism of her over the price control commie scheme.

                  Bezos is not Musk and will not cross the CIA for control over WaPo. CNN and WaPo attacking Kamala over price controls is the CIA attacking Kamala over price controls…

                • Hesiod says:

                  Well said. More cracks, the merrier when it comes to Narrative cohesion.

                • jim says:

                  The radical left is ever more radical. Which gets in the way of its desire to conquer the world. It has destroyed the American economy, and is lying to itself and the world about the wealth of the West. You can see from ten thousand feet that there is something terribly fake about western GDP figures. The west has been getting slowly poorer since 1980, and rapidly poorer in recent years. This subjective and anecdotal observation has been confirmed by western incapacity to match Russian logistics. This is the same dispute as the dispute between Stalin and Trotsky. Trotsky just hated Russia and ordinary Russians, wanted to just get rid of them all, wanted to somehow to make them not be around any more. Stalin just did not like this. He wanted to Make Russia Great Again.

                  Kamala price control would be the same disaster as price control always has been. Which would not trouble our rulers absent any external threat, but faced with external defeat and collapse of empire, troubles them considerably.

                  Make America Great Again appeals to the Jews, who have suddenly discovered that being simultaneously white, non white, and part of the get Whitey coalition is not only pissing off the Radical Right, but is also failing to impress the radical left. If the American Empire goes down, so does Israel. Which Soros is fine with, but a whole lot of powerful Jews are not fine with. They don’t like us, they don’t like Trump, but they suddenly realise they need us and Trump.

              • Jehu says:

                No snazzy uniforms, no cool music or impressive parades. But more importantly, no clean streets, suppression of street crime—No Order.

  34. The Cominator says:

    Off topic musing but one reason I so so hate blue culters is that I just don’t see what the average blue cultists gets out of their stupid religion. They are just npc morons easily persuaded to go against their own interest and we will never be safe till we put their whole mongrel npc race underground.

    The blue culter does not really get a community of believers (unless he is a fag) as they are not especially loyal to each other and you can be excommunicated for almost nothing, the women make themselves insufferable and repulsive, there is no promise of reward in the hereafter… I know why you have to join the cult in Hollywood or Academia but why the fuck do other people join it?

    • alf says:

      Life in a gilded cage with some NPC friends ain’t that bad. And sure some of the paint is peeling off and I don’t know about that homeless dude over there, but there’ve always been good years and bad years and things are definitely not as bad as those extreme right weirdos claim.

      • The Cominator says:

        Well I compare them to a proper religious cult like the Mormons (though they are getting pozzed now). Mormon guys have all sorts of obligations and restrictions but in return they get a QT young wife, a real community and the promise of their own heaven planet in the hereafter. Blue culters get told they are evil if they are not a biracial foreign intellectual cretin and faggot or tr00n.

        • alf says:

          Obviously blue culters have to first sign a contract saying that if they’ll reproduce, which is pretty selfish but OK, it has to be with a woman halfway her thirties with a long sexual history and who is about to hit the wall. But hey, 1.3 kids is better than 0 kids right, and besides, marriage and children is a lot of work when instead there’s restaurants and holidays and vapid entertainment to attend to.

          • The Cominator says:

            The Blue Cult being officially gynocratic cannot promise or even give a strong chance of a mid 30s roastie to its members. The Mormons traditionally a proper cult were patriarchal (even if getting rapidly pozzed) and of course heteronormative as outlined even as recently as 1995 when they issued “The Family: A Proclamation to the World”.

            The Document sounds somewhat egalitarian (though not entirely) because it was partially worded for outside consumption but I’ve heard that traditional Mormon social activities for girl Mormons were things like baking cookies together for the boy Mormons so it wasn’t that way within the cult. I get the appeal of the Mormon cult as it was traditionally… but what appeal does the blue cult (outside of like keeping a career in Hollywood or Academia) actually have?

            • DH says:

              what appeal does the blue cult (outside of like keeping a career in Hollywood or Academia) actually have?

              It’s the sin of pride, and nothing else.

              Leftists with little to no pride tend to become rightists.

              • /pol/watcher says:

                It’s more envy than pride at least. They just want everyone better than them at x to be looted, disfigured or killed as needed. That’s why they worship Equality.

                Their pride parades show their lack of pride, imo. If you have to yell it loudly, you lack whatever it is. Like judges and politicians being addressed with honorable so and so.

              • Niiiidriveevof says:

                Certainly leftism thrives on the pride of thinking oneself god above other men and above reality itself, though I do think sinful envy predominates over sinful pride for them.

                But there’s several kinds of pride, and the main thing that causes leftists to become rightists is the pride of unwillingness to debase oneself beneath a man’s dignity, to fulfill the unstable demands of leftism with crimestop and doublethink.

                • /pol/watcher says:

                  From Aristotle a virtue is the middle between two extremes.
                  To be clear I haven’t read all of his Nicomachean ethics, so this is my formulation

                  Self loathing – – – Humility/Humbleness – – – Pride

                  With this axis representing the disposition a person has towards their own self.

                  Pride is the font of all other sin because it is idolatry of self over God.

            • DH says:

              The core of the sin of pride is moral pride: self-conceiving as morally superior to all those other apes out there.

              Today when NPCs (influenced by the Frankfurt School via mass entertainment) denounce pride, they focus more on the superficial stuff that makes a narcissist: pride in your achievements and your family and every other healthy thing. But that’s focusing on the lesser evil, rather than on the greater evil – satanic spin detected. The heart of the matter is delusionally idealizing yourself as a “decent human being,” and demanding to be recognized as such, in much the same way the sexually dysphoric delusionally idealize themselves as the opposite sex, and demand to be recognized as such. A radical leftist will plunge the entire world into oceans of blood and misery and then go on feeling like the best human who ever lived, and will demand to be treated as such.

              Nothing delivers a stronger dopamine hit to progressives’ brains than pursuing their pride. Nothing is even remotely comparable. It’s as difficult for them to let go of their pride as it’s difficult for trannies to let go of their trannyism – probably much more difficult, in fact. It’s like their dopaminergic reward centers are pride-oriented. It must have been adaptive in the ancestral environment to be known as the most moral hominid in your corner of the savanna, whether or not that’s what you actually were. They don’t care about doing the right thing; they care about being the “kind of person” who “does the right thing,” which happens to be what the high priesthood of progressivism tells them is the right thing at the moment, or something even more progressive than that if they seek to replace the current high priesthood of progressivism with themselves. Pride spurs the holiness spiral.

              To maintain their delusion, they need to divorce their moralfagging from reality, hence solipsism, reality needs to be discarded so they can feel like — and be known as — the most morally upright person in the room, paying absolutely no attention to the horrifying consequences of their morality in the real world, or in the case of demon worshippers (which most radical leftists are, certainly among the younger generations today), actively relishing those horrifying consequences. If the real world comes in the way of their pride, so much worse for the real world. Progressives self-conceive as so much holier than GNON, because nothing pricks their brains more intensely than the pursuit of pride – and like other addictions, it requires stronger and stronger hits over time, down to the bottomless pit.

              Leftism is a shriek from the darkest, innermost depths of Gehenna, and you know who dwells therein.

              • The Cominator says:

                I would say that it is one of the crowning achievements of the sort of moral philosophy of both the ancient greeks and Christianity to identify pride as the sin of the most fundamental evil. People can commit great crimes they wouldn’t normally due to covetous lust and greed. Worse crimes out of envy or vengefulness (and I’ll admit I want revenge on these people) but yes you are correct that pride can corrupt the soul to the foulest shade of black.

                But I’m just wondering how it works… someone out of high school gets to college gets swept up in the blue cult… the blue cult does really nothing for them so how does the pride that causes them to not leave develop.

                • DH says:

                  the blue cult does really nothing for them so how does the pride that causes them to not leave develop

                  It does nothing for them in terms of material gain in the real world (unless they rise up the ladder of the priesthood, in which case they gain in the real world plentifully), but it does precisely what it needs to do in the domain they actually care about: the pride-oriented reward centers in their brains. Being “better than those deplorables” satisfies them in a manner nothing else ever could.

                  It just doesn’t matter that the whole world is burning – nothing trumps dying in a state of absolute superior holiness, having murdered everyone else for insufficient holiness.

                • skippy says:

                  “But I’m just wondering how it works… someone out of high school gets to college gets swept up in the blue cult… the blue cult does really nothing for them so how does the pride that causes them to not leave develop.”

                  For a lot of people it is just how the world is. You don’t just disagree with people around you or leave your job (who has any money anyway?).

                  It is heavily based on “isolation” and has stopped working (in the snese that it’s encountering more resistance/non-believers not in the sense that the spiral has reversed) as information sources have decentralized.

                • The Cominator says:

                  Not disagreeing with people around you would just require keeping your mouth shut for most jobs.

                • Cloudswrest says:

                  That’s what I do.

                • skippy says:

                  Jobs increasingly demand affirmative compliance and you’re surrounded by true believers watching your behavior. Not saying it’s impossible to hide in plain sight but most people just go with it.

              • The Cominator says:

                Pride is also REALLY toxic and unbecoming to a woman… its much worse for them.

                The enginerette girl the one non crazy chick in my life who sort of seemed to like me… she was other than pursuing a mannish college major was like a chick out of time like she seemed like she came from the 1940s or earlier and she was so humble by nature that girl had no pride at all. You’d tell her she was pretty and also compliment her for not being insane she’d tell you she thought she was a plain jane and that trust me I’m batshit (which I’m sure being a woman she was batshit but compared to other women not so much).

              • Calvin says:

                Quite the contrary, a healthy amount of pride is greatly correlated with being a rightist. A leftist is someone willing to utterly debase themselves on a moment’s notice, who takes no care for the dignity of themselves, their forebearers, their nation, their history, or anything really.

    • Anonymous Fake says:

      The main reason is that the blue tribe is capable of building the most beautiful cities in the world, [*deleted*]

      • jim says:

        We built those cities, you destroyed them. Paris and London today are post apocalyptic horror shows. San Francisco is becoming Detroit.

        • Anonymous Fake says:

          [*deleted for presupposing an alternate reality*]

          • jim says:

            Whites did not voluntarily leave Detroit. They fled arson and murder. They were driven out. And now whites are being driven out of Paris, London, and San Francisco.

            When Kathryn Steinle was murdered by Francisco Sanchez because she was white and he was brown, and he was acquitted of the murder because she was white and he was brown, that was the beginning.

            Everyone I see eating Domino’s pizza, can afford it.

            What they cannot afford is housing, healthcare, and ever longer educational attendance. And the reason that they cannot afford housing is that the vote bank imported to live on crime, welfare, and voting left drives white people out of the places that they built, and whites are forbidden to build new places.

            • Anonymous Fake says:

              [*deleted*] are perpetually shocked that their youth choose to leave to blue states [*deleted*]

      • The Cominator says:

        Those cities were built by your ancestors (well you are Catholic so not so much your ancestors as the people who really built them were Protestants) who even if they were progs at the time would be horrified by what modern progressives believe and by modern society in general.

      • Contaminated NEET says:

        >blue tribe is capable of building the most beautiful cities in the world

        The blue tribe hates beautiful architecture with a fiery passion. Le Corbusier is their guru, and he declared that we must all live in concrete boxes resembling World War I bunkers so they can brutalize our spirits and aesthetic senses. You’re still allowed (barely) to appreciate beautiful buildings from the past, but only racist tasteless bourgeois losers would ever build a new building that doesn’t look like a pile of garbage.

        The enemy does not build beautiful cities. They buy up existing beautiful cities using paper money they print and pass out to their cronies in fake industries. Then they ruin them. When they actually try to build a new city, they produce Brasilia and Chandigarh. They gaslight themselves and us into believing these are masterpieces of architecture and urban planning, but it’s obvious they’re crap.

      • Neurotoxin says:

        “the blue tribe is capable of building the most beautiful cities in the world”

        This is an example of the fact that leftists love to say the exact opposite of the truth.

        Their architecture is at best “macrogeometric litter,” as one commenter on this very blog once said, and the streets of the cities they run are clogged with insane homeless people and human feces. The more leftist the city government, the more crazy vagabonds and shit in the streets. Exhibit A: San Francisco.

    • embeveraged commuter says:

      few variations on this
      – Very few actually do. We’ve all seen the voting rates of white men, or taxpayers, or other variants of ‘iq100+ actual sentient human’.
      – Women get to ride Jeremy Meeks, handouts through DEI jobs, and massive artificial status. Of course they end up miserable in the long run, but by then they would rather die than admit they were wrong.
      – The men who do go along with it i’ve seen are
      a)doing sneaky fucker strategy
      b)are able to quietly live a traditional lifestyle themselves by luck so have no reason to think too much about it and just repeat the tv.
      c)not wired to disagree with the tv
      d)Are high to moderate status in blue cult, but ridiculous outside it, such as one with race-mixed kids or a parasitic bureaucracy job

      • The Cominator says:

        Voting stats are not a good indicator because of how corrupt they are particularly with blacks. Black blue culters are in fact almost nonexistent. You won’t find a black guy who says he believes in the tranny bullshit unless he is running for office as a Democrat.
        Women get to do all that stuff without actually having to join the blue cult.
        a)doing sneaky fucker strategy (once again you don’t need to join the blue cult to run the sneaky fucker strategy)
        b) Don’t actually see many blue culters with 1950s style families anymore (you don’t see many people with them at all… but not many blue culters).
        c) I guess…
        d) Perhaps in some cases

        • embeveraged commuter says:

          I assumed ‘being in the blue cult’ meant any true believing leftist, rather than the extreme activist subset of that.
          The voting is a good enough metric to point out that such people are few enough in number that they can just be written off as the dysfuntional end of the bell curve.
          a->d covers the white men I’ve seen being actively leftist in person. Obviously strategically what they’re doing isn’t wise, but in the short run they’re keeping the fun going and their ego inflated.

          • The Cominator says:

            Its especially important that white male leftist die if you want any kind of patriarchal white nationalism to be a thing. When I say voting stats are unreliable I mean its hard to extrapolate real numbers from the rampant fraud. Black guys tend to like Trump but at least in some areas of the country black voting stats are somehow worse for him than the voting stats of single white girls at liberal arts colleges. This is because the political machines in Detroit Milwaukee Phili etc vote for blacks and blacks on the whole mostly don’t vote.

            • Jehu says:

              Yeah I suspect that a mail in ballot is ‘automatically’ generated for anybody in an urban district that hasn’t legitimately voted for a couple of election cycles. I suspect in most other jurisdictions with mail in ballots that Democratic GOTV minions are given curated lists of who has actually voted so far so they can use saturation tactics on those who can be browbeaten in person into voting. Both of those things are probably in the ‘normal’ voting fraud.

            • embeveraged commuter says:

              Yes we all know the dem voter numbers are massively inflated. Maybe once this regime has collapsed it will be possible to accurately poll people again.
              But even in the fake data, they aren’t willing to lie enough to show net taxpayers, white men, actual Americans, etc, voting dem in serious numbers.

              What would you make of a black who likes Trump on some emotional level but is happy to benefit from gibs and let the political machine vote for him?

              • jim says:

                Thing is if they show people like you and me voting democrat, credibility instantly drops to zero among all people like you and me.

                So what they are telling us is a bunch of foreigners and single women are voting Democrat (without however showing up at the polling booth as visible Dem voters).

                • The Cominator says:

                  Single women outside solidly red states do vote Democrat but the black voters numbers aren’t close to real.

        • Calvin says:

          Don’t actually see many blue culters with 1950s style families anymore (you don’t see many people with them at all… but not many blue culters).</blockquote.

    • Fidelis says:

      All humans to some extent are programmed by the humans they are exposed to. Just as the cells in your body directly and indirectly coordinate with the rest of the units composing your body. The blue cult as you call it, at the normie level, is just this programming going haywire. You cannot project logic into it, it’s not rational weighted decision making. It’s some sort of deep brain algorithm that uses neighboring opinions to then construct the rest of the organisms behavior. Hence, the NPC meme hitting so true.

      • The Cominator says:

        Anyone who stays now is certainly a fucking subhuman bucket crab.

      • The Cominator says:

        I guess I just don’t understand being that much of an NPC, and when I look at other successful cults throughout history there were like actual benefits to being a member of the cult (something the Mormons have done well to maintain for a long time) which I don’t see with the blue cult.

        • Fidelis says:

          Girard’s theories on mimesis and mimetic desire seem true. Humans think collectively, hence psychotic breaks from isolation (which can be channeled spiritually by those predisposed, but that’s a digression). It’s rough if you believe yourself less predisposed to this game of collective programming, hard to not see everyone around you as an NPC meat robot, but that’s the human condition.

        • notglowing says:

          The benefit is not being attacked and having your career destroyed, bridges burned, and being seen as evil by your peers. I think that’s a pretty obvious one. They don’t need to give active benefits when it’s the state religion.

    • The Cominator says:

      I wish Jim would weigh in on this… why do people join and stay in the blue cult when unlike classic cults it really doesn’t provide any benefits for its members to offset the costs.

      • Pete says:

        They get the feeling of righteousness that comes from being told they are saving the country, saving the planet…saving democracy itself.

        They are told that they are transferring money from greedy billionaires to feed the hungry and help the poor, although what really happens is they transfer money from average people into the pockets of greedy politicians.

        And, they get the heady feeling of dispensing justice upon badthinkers.

        • someDude says:

          Also the fact that they have no competition. If organized violence by gay guys can beat unorganised violence by burly red blooded men, I figure a wierd cult can dominate atomized individuals. So they join the cult

    • Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

      The solipsistic narc’s primary animus is identity without reality.

      “I may not actually be XYZ, but I am just as good as someone who is, *if not better even*.”

      From this animus all forms of rhetorical, intellectual, and ideological concatenations which may serve to rationalize the animus follow naturally.

      The critical schelling point is when the solipsistic narc collides with a whole environment full of other solipsistics narcs, to various degrees, who are all interested in the same thing too – like radioactive elements accelerating each others decay – and they converge on mutually supporting narratives for validation of self and devalidation of those whose very reality of existence devalidates theirselves.

      • Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

        It is a big mistake of course to take the word of a gnostic on defining social pathologies. One of the very first things narcs do when they are in position to write the books all the legally kidnapped children in their child prisons must read, is to define ‘narcissism’ as overlapping with superficial characteristics of more valuable, successful, and or high energy people, such as grandiosity or zeal. In fact, in perfect irony they will even go so far as to define maintenance of frame regardless of social pressures – id est, ‘internal locus of control’, ‘revaluation of values’, ‘teleological consciousness’, ‘world formation capacity’, in a phrase, natural nobility – as a diagnostic checkbox, while defining a definitional narc trait, sensitivity to external validation, as a disqualifier of narcissism (‘well socialized’).

        Uncle Ted was as prescient on this point as Plotinus and Augustine on the gnostics were in late antiquity. The archetypical leftist is someone who instinctually identifies as a loser, or criminal, or bad person that any good person would be well to be rid of, *even and especially when they are in positions of power over others*, and so they must ‘strike first’; they must always be seeking power, and seeking to use power, to create a world that is safe for bad people (like them) to do bad things (like what they want).

    • Neurotoxin says:

      A lot of it is just straight-up bioleninism. Everyone who’s not a straight white man gets affirmative action in employment and other benefits.

      Why a straight white man would accept this ideology is a mystery, and indeed, increasingly they are rejecting it.

      • alf says:

        Well sort of, yes, but bioleninism installed on top of what our civilisation used to be.

        It is good to keep in mind that we are on the far bell curve IQ end, certainly in terms of predicting the future. We see bioleninism not just now, but in the future, because we extrapolate current trends. Normal people tend to look at their bank accounts, at their holidays and cars, and conclude that things are simply still working.

        but they’re not working! Well some stuff is, some stuff isn’t. That’s the grey area right, that’s the transition we are currently in. But even viewing it as a transition is our way of looking at.

        There’s also a couple of other principles to keep in mind. The first is that human is a creature of habit and he does not like abruptly changing lanes. Take the archetypal boomer who yells at his tv but has watched it for so long that the thought of just disconnecting the tv does not enter his mind. Same principle, if slightly less deeply engrained, works for younger people.

        Another thing is role models: what is the alternative to blue cult? What is red cult? Is it the divorced mgtow gun-shooting uncle at the bbq? Is he cool? What people look up to, they emulate. Whenever I go to a party or bbq, I tend to have the hottest wife and the smartest memes. That’s how we win the culture war.

        • The Cominator says:

          The Biden regime has been an absolute disaster economically so what is working we have stagflation worse than the 70s… blue cultist need to go under the ground all of them. We don’t win until we make that happen.

          • alf says:

            If you think things couldn’t get worse the coming years might carry some nasty surprises for you.

            • The Cominator says:

              Oh I know they can but I hate not just having the war because we need institutional support…

          • alf says:

            blue cultist need to go under the ground all of them. We don’t win until we make that happen.

            I favor proscriptions in the style of Augustus. Since we have a bigger infestation and a bigger population, the proscription lists will likely be considerably larger than the hundreds if not thousands killed by Augustus.

            • The Cominator says:

              Augustus was only dealing with a corrupt oligarchy but there was nothing resembling what Jim would call a “live faith” really opposed to him (at least nothing recorded in any surviving primary sources) or his political agenda… certainly nothing as insane as the blue cult,

              We have to wipe out the whole faith not just the oligarchy, destroying the leaders and the megaphones won’t be enough. That has proven insufficient to wipeout leftism in the past… at the bare minimum any believer in a priestly type class has to go no matter how humble his degree. We will also as much as possible replace journalists lawyers academics etc with a Musk style AI.

            • Neurotoxin says:

              We see bioleninism not just now, but in the future, because we extrapolate current trends. Normal people tend to look at their bank accounts, at their holidays and cars, and conclude that things are simply still working.

              It’s hard for me to sound out what Normie thinks. This is especially true now that saying Bad Things can ruin, or at least dramatically complicate, one’s life. Thus our host’s habit of getting a few beers into people, and then asking them.

              A major US polling firm a few years ago found that sixty-something percent of US adults perceived the country as sliding toward civil war. People are aware that it’s no longer politics as normal.

              Whenever I go to a party or bbq, I tend to have the hottest wife and the smartest memes.

              Good. One attractive wife is probably worth dozens of memes.

              • alf says:

                The ability to make comparisons across time is not one that comes naturally to all men. Many suffer from presentism: the way it is now, it has always been, it will always be. .

          • Neurotoxin says:


            Indeed, just disempowering the leaders of the leftist religion won’t be enough; it’s too broad-based at this point. I recently talked politics with a “liberal” white woman and was shocked at the ignorance. (I shouldn’t be, of course, but I was.) She didn’t know that e.g. in 2020 election observers were kicked out of polling places just before Biden – coincidentally! – started catching up to Trump. She believes every lie the Old Media spews about Trump.

            So putting a few criminals from the federal government into jail (or whatever) won’t do it. We can’t just pluck up weeds one at a time, by hand. We need the political equivalent of weed-killer, something that you can just spray around that will kill the leftist religion. We somehow need to do this wholesale, not retail.

            • The Cominator says:

              Like with the de Nazification process every American has to be brought in and deeply examined as to his/her political beliefs and failing the examination badly enough means you have to go. Go woke get choked…

            • Dharmicreality says:

              Like Jim always says, normies will swear that leftist beliefs are unspeakably evil when the official state religion changes and tells them so and overnight will never recall a time when they believed in that unthinkable stuff.

              • The Cominator says:

                Not what has happened historically and why take a chance?

              • Mayflower Sperg says:

                Make the people we suspect of being leftists execute the people we know are leftists. E.g. have the leftist noosed up while standing on a platform secured with a dozen pins, each controlled by one suspected leftist.

                Identifying committed leftists isn’t that hard because, like the Communists in Indonesia, they assume that their power will only increase, and so make little or no effort to hide their identities.

                • The Cominator says:

                  No no we make the normiecons, the tradcucks and the cuckservatives carry out the killings. But ALL the people who are going to vote for Kamala now have to go…

  35. Mayflower Sperg says:

    The Western Front of WW1 is best remembered for its years of grinding trench warfare, but it began and ended as a war of movement.

    Kiev just demonstrated for a second time that if you plan an offensive so risky and stupid that the enemy takes no precautions against it, and you don’t share this plan with the boy-lovers in Washington, it just might work. It’s the same principle that had Hitler’s armies striking through the Ardennes, twice.

    Putin needs to stay calm and fight on Russian soil exactly as he’s fighting on Ukrainian soil. There is no border, only a line of contact. The only difference here is that the European Plain gets more forested the farther north you go, so more tree cover for troops to hide under.

    • The Cominator says:

      Is it going to work though… or are the troops doing it just going to get cutoff encircled and destroyed. And as far as the second Ardennes offensive goes yes the whole thing does remind of the battle of the bulge, it felt good to the Germans for a second that it just might work but ultimately led to faster destruction of what was left of their army.

    • Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

      The Kursk raid is like a glass of milk; the longer Kiev leaves it hanging out, the more sour is gets.

      The best thing they could have done, having achieved operational surprise and rolled up several battalions of national guard conscripts… was to withdraw. Turn the area into another grey zone like the rest of the theater to ensure their counterparts would have to slog through it if they want it like usual, but look elsewhere for more opportunities and don’t keep throwing good money after bad.

      As you might imagine, most people, and especially the coke goblin and his hangers-on, are resistant to this kind of thinking. They just went through the trouble of putting together this great big offensive plan, they want it to ‘pay off’, they don’t want to make the methods generic, they want it to be the biggest one-and-done they can get.

      Speaking more broadly, one might say these events lend spiritual validity to the Suvorov Hypothesis of the ostfront in 1942. A Russian force caught flat-footed by an attack because they themselves were planning an attack in the same direction (f.ex. removing the minefields), and interpreted the force buildup on the other side as simply defensive reinforcement, but got beaten to the punch instead.

    • Aidan says:

      It only “worked” in the sense that it got some adulatory articles published in western media. When you have low troop density due to enemy munitions, a blitzkrieg can look like it’s taking a lot of territory. The Ukrainians sped through low density Russian lines, inflicted respectable casualties on the inexperienced Russian soldiers in the direction, then got butchered by artillery and airstrikes, and promptly retreated to a semi defensible position, a town that they barely have a toehold in, which if they attempt to seriously hold, will cost them an enormous amount more men and material.

      It seems that they wanted to actually capture the nuclear plant and cause it to melt down, or hold the threat of making it melt down over the US to secure more material. The second objective was to attempt to cause falling, falling Russia to move armies from the front into Kursk, letting UKR’s second big reserve attack whatever region Russia pulls troops from, but Russia did not bite on this, so now the second big Ukrainian army is probably going to be shoved into the Kursk cauldron to get blown up.

  36. Dharmicreality says:

    I am extremely displeased but not really surprised by the BJP government’s weak and useless stand against the ongoing genocide of Hindus in Bangladesh. This was a moment when Bharat should have risked an all out war and sent an army into Bangladesh to protect Hindus. Would be a symbolic move even to move troops into the border. So what if GAE steps in? The GAE has proved to be an enemy anyway and continuing to play by western diplomacy rules is never going to work.

    Yes, there are a lot of international implications but unlike Putin, Modi doesn’t have the stomach for a war to save his own people and civilisation. BJP is too caught up in its blue pilled cuck nationalism and playing useless democratic games internally.

    We are in urgent need of a Hindu monarch and revival of Kshatriya rule, as much as America needs a Christian monarch.

    • someDude says:

      Gon’ be hard, Dawg!

      Dharmic monarchs don’t be grown on trees

    • somedude says:

      And while we are on the topic of Dharmic Monarchs, do we even have a Dharmic Jim? A dharmic Dugin, even?

      A Chandragupta needs a Chanakya to become a Chandragupta! Where is our Chanakya? The best we have at the moment are the modern day equals of Nana Phadnavis of the Marathas. That ain’t gon’ cut it, now is it?

      This is going to need divine intervention. The old Gods will have to work with us on this one.

      • Dharmicreality says:

        I’m not sure whether any RSS top people are reactionary, since the whole foundation of the Sangh was socialistic, just a different flavour from that of Nehruvian socialism. Yes, there is talk in the mainstream media about Hindu genocide in Bangladesh. But being wedded to democracy and the secular constitution nothing can actually be done of course. We all know this and it’s all so frustrating.

        Yes, we need divine intervention. I’m trying hard not to be black pilled. But within the next five years we need some drastic change.

        • Contaminated NEET says:

          You guys just have to hang on until the GAE completes its suicide. It might be years, decades, or (god forbid) centuries, but you’ve probably got the sheer human biomass to endure until better times. What’s coming down the pike is going to discredit democracy, multiculturalism, globalism, secularism, feminism, and homosexuality for generations.

          • The Cominator says:

            It won’t be centuries or at most more than a single decade.

            • Contaminated NEET says:

              We will see. The market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.

              • The Cominator says:

                Thats the thing… the US ain’t going to be solvent that long.

                • someDude says:

                  The GAE is just one of many obstacles. Just because the GAE goes, does not mean we will get a Dharmic Monarch. It does not mean Modi will abolish democracy. He might well double down saying the GAE did democracy wrong.

                  We might well get civil war and there is no guarantees the Hindus are going to win that one.

                  Or we may continue on our millenia and a half old path of civilizational ling-chi, i.e. death by a thousand cuts, which seems the most likely. The past has great inertia. I can almost sympathise with chairman Mao and the cultural revolution. Almost!

                • Contaminated NEET says:

                  It’s not just, or even primarily, that the GAE won’t be an obstacle anymore – it’s that the GAE’s flamboyant death-throes will explode any legitimacy or appeal of the suicidal Progressive memeplex that has hypnotized India’s leaders.

                • dharmicreality says:

                  @Contaminated NEET,

                  In India, globohomo despite its almost complete capture of the media and Judiciary is still something of an imported commodity with its appeal limited to the English speaking elite and even lukewarm because the current generation of Leftist elites in India were bred on old type Marxism.

                  These old Commies are still stubbornly holding on and in a sense their adopting of wokeism has been weak and half-hearted. You would find that reservation of quotas for “backward classes” (a.k.a affirmative action) is a bigger issue than “rights” of faggots and LGBTQWERTYs in India despite the top Courts making a big deal of it. In India, 90s Leftism is still going strong.

                • someDude says:

                  @contaminated NEET, a collapse of the GAE will prevent the Indian left from growing, but it won’t dehypnotize them. They’re too invested and i expect a doubling down on progressive values after declaring India the last bastion of enlightenment values abandoned by the west. It will have to be helicopter rides to the Bay of Bengal

        • someDude says:

          One white pill. Atleast they are permitting the media to report on Mohammedans lynching Hindus and desecrating the shrines. There was a time when the media could not report all this.

          It may well be a case of too little too late, but keep in mind that similar reports are not permitted in the occident, the UK riots being a case on point

          • dharmicreality says:

            A part of the Indian media which is otherwise almost thoroughly globohomogenized is surprisingly holding out for Hindu Nationalism, which is an indication that globohomo is still only an imported commodity and hasn’t become quite the mind-virus it is in the West, where it breeds on native soil.

            However, the old Commie Left more than make up for that deficiency as their Hindu hatred is even more vicious and long standing than that of globohomo wokeism. The difference is not subtle, but it is otherwise an academic issue for Dharmics like us.

            • someDude says:

              I think there is a faction among the Indian elite that indeed thinks of mohammedanism as the enemy and they are allowing the media to report it. The media, in Bharat as in the west, are a bunch of whores always ready to suck power’s cock.

              They would not be reporting it if the progressives led by kejriwal were in power.

              • Dharmicreality says:

                Yes, in the GAE the entire media was solidly anti-Trump when he was actually official president, while in India, the BJP has ideological leverage on some issues in the media.

                The funny thing is the BJP is more “woke” than the old Commie Left on some issues.

                Which shows that the present state religion in India isn’t quite as clear cut as in the West.

                • Sher Singh says:

                  Or we may continue on our millenia and a half old path of civilizational ling-chi, i.e. death by a thousand cuts.

                  Eh Raah Guru Gobind Singh Ji ne Chaar Puttar Vaar Ke Taal Ditta Si.

                  Uth Ke Sir Te Pagg Van Hath Vir Farh Talwar

                  Hun Chaar Varan Vi Apni Karamat Vikoun Ge


                • Sher Singh says:

                  The state religion of Endia is to steal from the house of the upper caste.

                  The arguments and divisions are because these small souled people believe they’ve won and start arguing over the spoils.

                  It’s a similar situation to the Vijaynagar era when the sultans split into 3.

                  Our goal must be to preserve, and grow our racial stock to grind up and destroy both Turk and dasyu.

                  Both the Mohammedans and the Bastard cult are only temporary problems.


                • someDude says:

                  Yes, they are not clear cut. That’s why we need a Chanakya. It is the job of the good Brahmin to bring clarity to these issues and be able to convince the Kshatriya how following the Dharma will increase the Kshatriya’s own base of power. Needs a reformation

                  Another white Pill, the RSS, for all their flaws are the best we have. Their impotence on Bangladesh notwithstanding, their assault on the powers of the waqf board brings a sliver of Hope

                  We need the old Gods to help us! If they wish to continue to be worshipped on this earth, they better help us out.

                • Handi says:

                  Hello is this the Hindoo Curry Restaurant? I’d like to order one chicken tikka masala and one chicken vindaloo please. Also a side of rice and naan

                • jim says:

                  This Hindoo stuff is relevant. Right now we have five nuclear powers (not counting muppet states as independent nuclear powers) and thus potentially five major state religions. (Most states, sooner or later, one way or another, wind up following the state religion of a major nuclear power.)

                  Right now all the major state religions are walking dead, and the vacuum attracts demons real or metaphorical. Putin is addressing this problem by putting Russian Orthodoxy on life support. Seems to be working. Christianity is good at resurrection.

                  Best case outcome is Russia goes Russian Orthodox, the rump of the Global American Empire goes Christian Protestant Nationalist, China goes Christian Protestant with Chinese characteristics, Pakistan goes old type Muslim, following the highly successful example of the Taliban, and India goes old type Hindu. But Hinduism has been walking dead for well over a thousand years, while Anglicanism has only been walking dead for two centuries years. Into this vacuum, demons walk. So a highly likely outcome is that woke dies as the state religion of the Global American Empire and is replaced by something else, but something very similar to woke winds up ruling India.

                  All the Indian commenters seem to blink at reviving fifteen hundred year old Hinduism, while not a single Christian blinks at reviving two centuries old Christianity.

                  The Global American Empire is horrified by the threat that Modi might revive Hinduism the way Putin is reviving Russian Orthodoxy, but our Indian commenters seem to doubt both Modi’s resolve, and current year Hinduism’s fitness.

                • alf says:

                  We need the old Gods to help us! If they wish to continue to be worshipped on this earth, they better help us out.

                  I don’t get this. Do you think you can blackmail your gods into helping you? Only a weak god would be moved by blackmail.

                • someDude says:

                  @alf, we’re blackpilling man! It’s essentially a cry of despair

                • Contaminated NEET says:

                  If it wasn’t for blackpills, I wouldn’t have any pills.

          • Sher Singh says:

            It’s a terror tactic meant to demoralize & scare people to make these things appear normal, and for you to feel helpless.

            There’s a magnitude of difference between the UK riot & what goes on in Hind.

            The old Gods are found in weapons.

            Stock up.


  37. Cloudswrest says:

    The woke Left’s response to Musk’s fireside chat with Trump appears to be unhinged! It’s like they think it is (or should be) illegal and they are trying to get the government to ban it. Europe too.

    • dave says:

      Trump and Musk went for two and a half hours in completely unscripted and unfettered dialogue. Musk offered full support and sympathy. Broad range of topics. Trump was rambling, but on point and was carrying conversation throughout the entire thing.

      This is a white pill. Musk is signalling Thermidorian support for Trump. Offers his platform to help Trump break through leftist media stonewall. Simultaneously shows off Trump at his strongest, the ability to ramble for two and a half hours and stay on point, which is something his opponent can’t do, because of inability to stay on point in a lucid way (word salad) and also too afraid to say what they really mean in an open format.

      Twitter is now a major threat to the regime. expect lawfare, legislation, hacks, and ultimately a splinternet that keeps Twitter unroutable for many parts of the internet. Thermidor and internet design will prevent some of this, but it will be contemplated and tried.

      But the whitepill is that the interview happened despite those threats, the Trump/thermidor deal may already be coup complete, and this is a signal of it. another big signal is to see what the Fed does with interest rates in September, they will have to decide what side they are on.

      • Aidan says:

        Trump implied that he wanted to de-FDR the federal government and wanted to hire Musk to purge and dismantle the three letter agencies. We had Bukele and Milei as “trial runs” for mass removal of troublesome populations and complete axing of hostile government departments. Looks like Thermidor knows what time it is, and a number of influential and potentially powerful people are getting behind Trump in a very real and serious bid for power.

  38. Encelad says:

    Britain going full totalitarian, with authorities gleefully flaunting all the people arrested during the protests. All names are British and include 12 year old boys

    • The Cominator says:

      You strike leviathan you must kill it.

      • Fidelis says:

        More than 1/3 of people polled say a violent overthrow is justified. You just need a guy that can organize — with these numbers even a very crude organization with a very vague plan would do — and not get assassinated and you win.

        • jim says:

          That bullet whizzing through Trump’s ear should tell Trump that God saved him, and appointed him King.

          When the Judiciary, the Department of Justice, the FBI (who just tried to kill him), and the official media again steal the election, even less believably than the last two times, he just has pull the sword from the stone, and get on with Kinging.

          His people are many, and unafraid. All they need is the command.

          If he chickens out like last time, the next bullet will not miss. Reading Baron’s body language, Baron sees the new normal. Hearing Tucker speak, Tucker sees the new normal. I pray that Trump gets the message that God, Tucker, and probably Baron are sending him.

          • Fidelis says:

            The people around him need to throw him, kicking and screaming, far across the Rubicon. They have no choice but to fight or die, just as Trump has no choice– and we have found out Trump finds the steel in his spine when under fire.

            • jim says:

              > The people around him need to throw him, kicking and screaming, far across the Rubicon.

              That is what happened to Pinochet.

              • Cloudswrest says:

                Pretty much Franco too.

                • Mister Grumpus says:

                  and honestly I wonder if Julius Caesar himself got thrown over and/or dragged through some of that water himself. Maybe this pattern goes all the way back to the beginning.

                  Team A game theory vs. Team B game theory, all the way down? I wouldn’t be surprised.

                • jim says:

                  It was Caesar’s decision, but who specifically triggered the decision was Mark Antony, who had fled Rome believing he was about to be killed. A couple of days after he fled, they passed the senatus consultum ultimum, a general authority to kill anyone without charges, trial, or due process, plus a demand for Caesar to return to Rome to face criminal charges that would result in the death penalty. Mark Antony was not suffering normality bias. Caesar was, continued to suffer it, and died of it.

                • The Cominator says:

                  Don’t think Caesar was suffering normality bias Caesar just didn’t think his moronic assassins would have done such a thing because he figured they knew his supporters would eventually come back and kill them for it and the Republic was dead anyway.

                  It was his assassins suffering normality bias, Caesar foolishly just assumed they weren’t stupid.

                • jim says:

                  There were a whole lot of negotiations during the period in which people agreed to restore the old normality — which agreements predictably always came to nothing. Clear that everyone who was a party to those negotiations was suffering severe normality bias.

                  Everyone wanted to avoid defect/defect, even when it became obvious that enormous numbers of Romans were going to be killed by Romans, they were trying to avoid that outcome by returning to the old normal. Everyone wanted the old normal back, but they could not get from where they were to where they wanted to be.

                  Once someone starts cheating on the mechanisms for peaceful transition of power, then there is no alternative to violent transition of power. You just have to kill all enemies, suspected enemies, potential enemies, and suspected potential enemies, or they are going to kill you. Normiecon bias is that we can live with just a little bit of cheating. No you cannot.

                  Trump cannot win, no one can win, unless they kill a whole lot of people, and, after killing a whole lot of people, establish a new mechanism for peaceful transfer of power. But very hard to establish a mechanism for peaceful transfer of power if you lack a virtuous elite.

                • The Cominator says:

                  By that time Rome had already been through the civil wars of Sulla and Pompey (and I think there was another guy too who was more obscure) had also marched on the city… and also Clodius (an interesting character but generally an ally of Caesar) controlled the forum sporadically via gangs loyal to him.

                  So I find this hard to believe… one reason Caesar seemed to incite a lot more derangement from the Optimates than Pompey is that the gens Julii had probably the best claim to be the heirs of the ancient royal family of Rome. Pompey could be a strongman during his life, but only Caesar could actually be the king (they were kind of wrong about this but its probably what they thought).

          • Oskar says:

            > His people are many, and unafraid. All they need is the command.

            An interesting article.

            ‘A different afternoon, a different leader put forward his own proposal. “We haven’t made any head way in the last 5 plus years,” he wrote. Let’s pick a date and descend on government buildings across the country, he suggested, and then kill the officials who’ve committed treason. “Time to stack body’s up.”’


      • Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

        War and politics in an age of atomization.

        We have seen, as occasionally observed, this as a classic bellwether of late empire societies; #trillions in damages can be caused in spontaneous outbreaks of violence, and yet see nothing come of it – nothing grow out of it – and see the state muddle through regardless, because however debased they may be at the moment, their victims still have zero coordination.

        These are now multiple generations of people who have all grown up and lived and worked knowing nothing but atomization. Not only do they have no bunds, no leadership, no social superstructures of organization, they do not even know what it is or how to get it even if they wanted it; do not even know what to look for; would not even recognize it even if they were looking at it.

  39. Anonymous Fake says:

    Have you noticed that [*deleted*]

    • jim says:

      No, I have not noticed that. The reason for my failure to notice is probably that when someone glows in the dark, I do not pay much attention to what he is saying.

      Because the extreme deranged left is always fighting with the even more extreme deranged left, they send in their shills to stir up similar troubles on the right — where they get about as much traction as flat earthers.

      Because Twitter still censors the right and still promotes shills, I don’t pay a whole lot of attention to what is going down on twitter. Every so often Musk finds that he himself is being censored.

      • TheFeebleClone says:

        “Every so often Musk finds that he himself is being censored.” That really doesn’t surprise me. I was shadow banned and I’m almost certain I never posted anything even moderately controversial. I assume it was topicality rather than content.

        That they have “open source” documentation in their censorship/visbility algorithm at twitter doesn’t mean it’s accessible. Look at it, it would require a professional to follow its implication.

        I think anyone with practical experience with complicated legislation or legal issues with complicated precedents understands this pretty well. Plain sight line is often the best setting for camouflage.

      • Anonymous Fake says:

        For whatever reason, I am basically invisible on Twitter, as my replies only get seen by 10-100 people even when I’m replying to a guy with 100k+ views per post. And they never repost what I say, or respond to it. I get the feeling that 99% of media is simply paying for a bigger megaphone, and not the inherent value of ideas.

        But when I see hundreds of comments saying the same thing, idiotic MAGA proles making anti-Christian comments, I take it as real.

        • jim says:

          The left cannot meme. No one is interested in your parallel universe. Plus, the algorithm probably thinks you are a bot, because a lot of your posts that I silently delete, look robotic to me.

          > hundreds of comments saying the same thing,

          I am following Maga on X, and I just don’t see this. At all. Give me some account @names. On Gab, the anti Christian fake right posters are all obvious shills. On X, I just don’t see any. Maybe the algorithm is preventing us from seeing the fake right arguing with the real Christians and the fake Christians arguing with the real right.

          On Gab, whenever I am attacked from the left by a fake Christian, I hit them with the affirmation. No one has passed yet, and some of them drop the holier than thou fake Christian act and start shrieking about how the Bible is full of of horrible stuff.

  40. Cloudswrest says:

    If you think it’s just Trump, or the right, look at what just happened to Tulsi Gabbard. The day after publicly criticizing Kamala, she was placed on the terrorist watch list, and has been given “extended scrutiny” at every TSA stop since.

    • Pax Imperialis says:

      Not surprising. Communists have consistently screeched that Beria/Lenin/etc were actually right wing reactionaries.

      • jim says:

        First they will kill off all straight white right wing males.

        Then all straights, all whites, all males, and all “right wingers”.

      • The Cominator says:

        To be fair Beria ideologically kind of was, he very narrowly escaped execution after the revolution for being a counter revolutionary and basically kept getting hired to kill Bolsheviks BECAUSE he was a reactionary who liked killing Bolsheviks.

        • skippy says:

          Never seen anyone claim Lenin was a rightist, and they erected a statue of Lenin in SF, so probably few except cranks think he was a rightist.

          Stalin very clearly was a rightist, and the USSR would have lost WWII without Stalin, but as the Party Machine was a very real thing until the later 20th century, few said so until Krushchev’s denunciation, which itself was secret.

          Beria was probably to the right of Stalin.

    • Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

      What’s notable is just how ‘artless’, for lack of a better term, the incumbent order’s mechanisms of ordination have become.

      Would suddenly putting an inner party congress woman on a ‘terrorist watch list’ as a means of punishing them for going off the reservation not also simply debase the whole concept as a side effect?

      Yes, and also irrelevant, as far as they are concerned; the functionary today is simply to going to pull whatever level is closest available for them to pull.

  41. Cloudswrest says:

    Hi stakes skeet shooting in Ukraine.

    Very few men will ever do something as cool as blasting a g*y little robot out of the sky while ripping a heater and blasting down the road in the back of a truck with their buds.

  42. A2 says:

    It’s gruesomely fascinating that the self-styled Great Britain now has reached the Year of Five Emperors. There has been Boris the Bumbler, Liz the Honest Fool, Short Dark Rishi, and now Keir the Fuckwit. One may have thought it to be impossible for Labour to fail so badly in leadership, yet there they are.

    PS. Plz rescue me from moderation

    • jim says:

      Moderation is broken. I will shortly try reinstalling wordpress, see if that works.

      In the meantime, you have been added as a user. See if logging in works

    • Hesiod says:

      Labour’s cunning plan is to lock up native whites and let them bleed to death via withholding medical care because racism:

      Found a lot of “anti-racism” articles from the Royal College of Nursing which is now totally converged and Africanized.

      • jim says:

        Genocide rapidly approaches, and Britain’s national health system will operate the killing fields.

        The basic line will be same as in every previous genocide — “we are only going to kill the people that resist the genocide”

  43. Anonymous Fake says:

    The end of an era. Christians actually showed up to debate Dawkins, even if most neutral people thought he won every debate. But the left will not bother to debate him.

    Science is in a dark age now.

    • Pete says:

      If you have power you don’t need to debate. You simply issue orders, and people can either follow the orders or receive punishment. The Left has power, Christians do not.

    • Pax Imperialis says:

      >Science is in a dark age now.

      As usual, AF is behind the curve

      • Anon says:

        According to jim , he almost 80y late since ww2 when harvard conquered the world .
        The closesd to jim analysis is peter theil and he think science and technology are slowing down since the 70s.
        Something about the 70s always bothered me is that a switch was flipped and suddenly women where everywhere, especially universities. How come?

        • /pol/watcher says:

          Of course there was the ending of Breton Woods, so a need to commodify the labor of women for more taxes, else the inflationary effect of overspending would be even worse. Additionally, ‘men’ had lost the war in Vietnam, so women reacted accordingly. This was accelerated with the fall of the Soviet Union in 91. At that point, women collectively decided they didn’t need protection anymore, so the war on men escalated.

      • someDude says:

        Most neutral people did not think dawk won. They were told that dawk won.

  44. Cloudswrest says:

    Not endorsing Ms. Blaire White (if you know what I mean), but holy f*ck!!! Check out this whole thread! Kamala campaign is using AI to inflate crowds!!!!
    In one example the foreground crowd is not reflected on the shiny airplane surface!

    • Cloudswrest says:

      Looks like the original source is from a parody account.

    • Dr. Faust says:

      2020 fraud is the new standard and only action taken by our Holy Merchant will stop it. Will he draw the sword from the stone and declare himself king? Did taking a bullet enliven the warrior within? Or will he pout and file a claim with the DAs office?

      Nothing is decided in November. Nothing.

  45. Hesiod says:

    Musk tweets an excellent speech by Lord Blackadder criticizing the UK government:

    Now let’s see what cunning plan Starmer executes in response.

    • jim says:

      Musk is tweeting nineteenth century leftism. Freedom of speech is always a lie — an alien priesthood favours freedom of speech when it is busy overthrowing the existing state religion, cracks down once it has overthrown the previous state religion and is imposing its its own. The crackdown by the new state religion of leftism became ludicrous and obvious in 1906, and has become ever more severe since then.

      The problem is our demonic state religion views reality itself as heresy, and life itself as sacrilege.

      Rather than freedom of speech, a better position is that the state religion should avoid positions that are falsifiable and false.

      The state and the state religion has the right and duty to enforce truth and prohibit lies. The trouble is that this dangerous power and authority is apt to be used to prohibit truth and enforce lies. Freedom of speech, like scepticism, is an acid selectively applied against opposing faiths. Scepticism is invariably coupled with demands for such open minded that your brains are going to fall out.

      You need a state and a state religion, or else you will be conquered by those that have one, but the problem is that these tend to grow cancerously.

      Fact is, if you just want to be left alone and allowed to mind your own business, you are going to need a powerful despotic state, state religion, and an inquisition to crush those who do not want to leave you alone and who want to mind your business for you.

      • The Cominator says:

        Free speech is not like equality which anyone who talks about it only wants power, some of the people who advocate for free speech actually want it. Now does any priestly group who advocates for it merely wants free speech… no.

        Is Rowan Atkinson (who supposedly has an astronomically high IQ) part of a antiprogressive priesthood… no because he’d likely be dead because those aren’t tolerated except oddly for Muslims to some degree.

        • jim says:

          > some of the people who advocate for free speech actually want it.

          Yes. And no.

          I want free speech. And I have been doing a fair bit of work to enable free speech on the internet.

          But consider the Paris Olympic gay transsexual parody of the Last Supper. Obviously, if that is permitted, then it is not going to be permitted for someone to speak the truth about women, or races, or immigration, or gays, or global warming, etc, under his own name.

          Key elements of Easter has been banned. If Jews are allowed, Christians are not allowed. If drag queens can perform sexual acts on the floor of Multnomah library, Andromeda and Perseus can non longer get it on in pages on the shelves.

          There is not room enough in the cultural sphere for two state religions. For one to be free, the other must be unfree. If one voice is permitted, the other voice is going to be forbidden.

          • alf says:

            Elon carries a good portion of reddit cringe with him. But on the plusside, Elon plays to win.

          • FrankNorman says:

            Jim, this “if one opinion is allowed, the opposing opinion will be banned” point is something you assert often, but I don’t see the inevitability.
            We live in a world today where one person is free to say that his religion is the one and only true one, and other people are equally free to laugh at that claim and tell him that said religion is a load of made-up nonsense.
            Roman Catholics for example are allowed to claim that everyone should obey the Pope, but they don’t get to burn anyone at the stake for rejecting that demand.

            Certainly there are people who wish and intend to extinguish all independent thought – whose ideology requires that in fact, since it cannot withstand intelligent scrutiny. But as long as those guys are kept out of power, we don’t have to become like them.

            • S says:

              Because the rule only applies to live faiths. Can the religion reward its followers with status and women? If not, no one gives a shit and it is a larp.

              If it can it inevitably comes in conflict with other faiths because status and women are zero-sum.

            • jim says:

              > as long as those guys are kept out of power, we don’t have to become like them.

              And how do you keep those guys out of power, except by making certain opinions have consequences?

              You always have a state religion. And if you don’t, you will soon be ruled by an enemy state religion. Just as you always have an army, and if you don’t, you will soon be ruled by an enemy army.

              If all you want to do is mind your own business, you are allowing people who want to mind your business for you to organise.

              Gays don’t want you to be straight. Jews don’t want you to be Christian. Commies want to take your stuff. Those guys are not going to mind their own business.

              • The Cominator says:

                You only really need to restrict SUBVERSIVE speech… what is subversive is anything outside the state religion’s pov subversive… no not really. We know from experience what is subversive.

                Hostile univeralist religions are subversive. Englightenment lies (especially anything about egalitarianism) are subversive. Talking about women’s rights is subversive. Accusing the king baselessly of being a homosexual or something is subversive. Bawdy or cynical 1980s style comedy is not really subversive unless the king is a subject of fun… its hard to know where to draw the line but I genuinely do want a society with much freer speech for all who aren’t leftists. But I am in favor of killing a lot more leftists than you are so I figure the grip on the remaining leftist free population can be much lighter…

                • jim says:

                  Competition within the state religion to be the state religion results in an overly energetic state religion.

                  It is a pathology analogous to Roman generals fighting each other to be the imperator.

                  You are always going to get repression of competing religions, but if power struggles are under way between the very holy and the even holier, you are going to get a whole lot more repression.

                • The Cominator says:

                  TBH don’t quite grasp your meaning here…

                  I dream of a world where the modern prog left’s ideas are just as unthinkable to 99% of the population as NRx ideas are to normies now. I want them to get to a point where they are an eldritch horror with only the top people in the state, state religion, and the inquisition/secret police know what modern progleft “ideas” are. Hopefully the most common type of subversive that we will have to deal with in the future are the equivalent of modern normiecons and they’ll favor establishing a republic 18th/19th century style (and in any society you get the occasional shitlord who can’t resist saying the king is a fag because its forbidden to say the king is a fag). But the ideas of 3rd wave feminists commies and modern progressives… we won’t have won until their ideas are entirely out of living memory for all but a small subset of the population.

            • DH says:

              There is far greater liberty of speech when the state religion is recognized as the state religion, and other religions are prohibited from competing against it.

              In the same way that your overall liberty is better protected when you have one king a thousand miles away than when you have a thousand kings one mile away, you can speak your mind far more freely when there is one official authoritative state religion than when it’s 50 shades of leftism out-holying each other to temporarily become the unofficial state religion until a holier version gets into power, ad infinitum towards a leftist singularity.

              An official state religion can afford to be lenient and let you mind your own business, whereas a “democracy of religion” leads to ever escalating conflict (mostly between different factions of leftism) and censorship until a strong leader says “this far left, and no farther,” or until the collapse.

            • jim says:

              > We live in a world today where one person is free to say that his religion is the one and only true one, and other people are equally free to laugh at that claim

              You can laugh at all religions except our officially unofficial religion. You are apt to go to jail for laughing at the religion that we officially do not have.

          • A2 says:

            I want free righteous speech, that’s all.

            • jim says:

              You will not get it, or will not be able to keep it, unless unrighteous speech is unfree.

            • DH says:

              The Debate of the Three Bodyguards

              3 Now King Darius gave a great banquet for all that were under him and all that were born in his house and all the nobles of Media and Persia 2 and all the satraps and generals and governors that were under him in the hundred and twenty-seven satrapies from India to Ethiopia. 3 They ate and drank, and when they were satisfied they departed; and Darius the king went to his bedroom, and went to sleep, and then awoke.

              4 Then the three young men of the bodyguard, who kept guard over the person of the king, said to one another, 5 “Let each of us state what one thing is strongest; and to him whose statement seems wisest, Darius the king will give rich gifts and great honors of victory. 6 He shall be clothed in purple, and drink from gold cups, and sleep on a gold bed, and have a chariot with gold bridles, and a turban of fine linen, and a necklace about his neck; 7 and because of his wisdom he shall sit next to Darius and shall be called kinsman of Darius.”

              8 Then each wrote his own statement, and they sealed them and put them under the pillow of Darius the king, 9 and said, “When the king wakes, they will give him the writing; and to the one whose statement the king and the three nobles of Persia judge to be wisest the victory shall be given according to what is written.” 10 The first wrote, “Wine is strongest.” 11 The second wrote, “The king is strongest.” 12 The third wrote, “Women are strongest, but truth is victor over all things.”

              13 When the king awoke, they took the writing and gave it to him, and he read it. 14 Then he sent and summoned all the nobles of Persia and Media and the satraps and generals and governors and prefects, 15 and he took his seat in the council chamber, and the writing was read in their presence. 16 And he said, “Call the young men, and they shall explain their statements.” So they were summoned, and came in. 17 And they said to them, “Explain to us what you have written.”

              The Speech about Wine

              Then the first, who had spoken of the strength of wine, began and said: 18 “Gentlemen, how is wine the strongest? It leads astray the minds of all who drink it. 19 It makes equal the mind of the king and the orphan, of the slave and the free, of the poor and the rich. 20 It turns every thought to feasting and mirth, and forgets all sorrow and debt. 21 It makes all hearts feel rich, forgets kings and satraps, and makes every one talk in millions. 22 When men drink they forget to be friendly with friends and brothers, and before long they draw their swords. 23 And when they recover from the wine, they do not remember what they have done. 24 Gentlemen, is not wine the strongest, since it forces men to do these things?” When he had said this, he stopped speaking.

              The Speech about the King

              4 Then the second, who had spoken of the strength of the king, began to speak: 2 “Gentlemen, are not men strongest, who rule over land and sea and all that is in them? 3 But the king is stronger; he is their lord and master, and whatever he says to them they obey. 4 If he tells them to make war on one another, they do it; and if he sends them out against the enemy, they go, and conquer mountains, walls, and towers. 5 They kill and are killed, and do not disobey the king’s command; if they win the victory, they bring everything to the king—whatever spoil they take and everything else. 6 Likewise those who do not serve in the army or make war but till the soil, whenever they sow, reap the harvest and bring some to the king; and they compel one another to pay taxes to the king. 7 And yet he is only one man! If he tells them to kill, they kill; if he tells them to release, they release; 8 if he tells them to attack, they attack; if he tells them to lay waste, they lay waste; if he tells them to build, they build; 9 if he tells them to cut down, they cut down; if he tells them to plant, they plant. 10 All his people and his armies obey him. Moreover, he reclines, he eats and drinks and sleeps, 11 but they keep watch around him and no one may go away to attend to his own affairs, nor do they disobey him. 12 Gentlemen, why is not the king the strongest, since he is to be obeyed in this fashion?” And he stopped speaking.

              The Speech about Women

              13 Then the third, that is Zerub′babel, who had spoken of women and truth, began to speak: 14 “Gentlemen, is not the king great, and are not men many, and is not wine strong? Who then is their master, or who is their lord? Is it not women? 15 Women gave birth to the king and to every people that rules over sea and land. 16 From women they came; and women brought up the very men who plant the vineyards from which comes wine. 17 Women make men’s clothes; they bring men glory; men cannot exist without women. 18 If men gather gold and silver or any other beautiful thing, and then see a woman lovely in appearance and beauty, 19 they let all those things go, and gape at her, and with open mouths stare at her, and all prefer her to gold or silver or any other beautiful thing. 20 A man leaves his own father, who brought him up, and his own country, and cleaves to his wife. 21 With his wife he ends his days, with no thought of his father or his mother or his country. 22 Hence you must realize that women rule over you!

              “Do you not labor and toil, and bring everything and give it to women? 23 A man takes his sword, and goes out to travel and rob and steal and to sail the sea and rivers; 24 he faces lions, and he walks in darkness, and when he steals and robs and plunders, he brings it back to the woman he loves. 25 A man loves his wife more than his father or his mother. 26 Many men have lost their minds because of women, and have become slaves because of them. 27 Many have perished, or stumbled, or sinned, because of women. 28 And now do you not believe me?

              “Is not the king great in his power? Do not all lands fear to touch him? 29 Yet I have seen him with Apame, the king’s concubine, the daughter of the illustrious Bartacus; she would sit at the king’s right hand 30 and take the crown from the king’s head and put it on her own, and slap the king with her left hand. 31 At this the king would gaze at her with mouth agape. If she smiles at him, he laughs; if she loses her temper with him, he flatters her, that she may be reconciled to him. 32 Gentlemen, why are not women strong, since they do such things?”

              The Speech about Truth

              33 Then the king and the nobles looked at one another; and he began to speak about truth: 34 “Gentlemen, are not women strong? The earth is vast, and heaven is high, and the sun is swift in its course, for it makes the circuit of the heavens and returns to its place in one day. 35 Is he not great who does these things? But truth is great, and stronger than all things. 36 The whole earth calls upon truth, and heaven blesses her. All God’s works quake and tremble, and with him there is nothing unrighteous. 37 Wine is unrighteous, the king is unrighteous, women are unrighteous, all the sons of men are unrighteous, all their works are unrighteous, and all such things. There is no truth in them and in their unrighteousness they will perish. 38 But truth endures and is strong for ever, and lives and prevails for ever and ever. 39 With her there is no partiality or preference, but she does what is righteous instead of anything that is unrighteous or wicked. All men approve her deeds, 40 and there is nothing unrighteous in her judgment. To her belongs the strength and the kingship and the power and the majesty of all the ages. Blessed be the God of truth!” 41 He ceased speaking; then all the people shouted, and said, “Great is truth, and strongest of all!”

            • A2 says:

              Fantastic debate. I’ll keep it in my quotes file.

      • Hesiod says:

        >Musk is tweeting nineteenth century leftism

        Indeed, but it’s a start. A lot of MAGA has as its idealism 18th century leftism or at least the original 13-colonies brand. Have to be careful around normiecons with their “America don’t need no king” and “muh freedom of religion”. But I will say four years hence from the coof lockdowns frens and fam are more receptive to Reactionary theory even if it leaves them silent and frustrated in expression.

    • Dr. Faust says:

      Every public leader seems to be a gigantic, dripping pussy. We need a warrior leader who just pounded the crack rock to declare Christ is King and only faggots disagree. I’m sick of nice words. I hate placating to women’s sensibility and their penchant for niceness. We need Sabretooth to declare himself High King of Nigger Death and appoint the Taliban as head of the Department of Female Enslavement.

      • Pax Imperialis says:

        Warriors and leaders are forged, not born, and the process of making them is largely owned by the regime. Don’t expect there to be a plethora of potential warrior speech in our environment.

        You might say, ‘well that’s just the military’, but nearly every church, police department, or other organization that might serve as the training ground for leadership is also regime subverted.

        If by some chance you’re a public leader who happens to be a dissident, you must pay lip service to the regime else find yourself under investigations, lawfare, and increasingly direct action. So if Elon, who we have much indication is aligned with us, skirts around the edges of regime approved speech, so be it.

        To move by oneself in the short term is suicide. To not move in the long term is suicide. There will come a time when they have to move, and all of a sudden you’ll find their speech becomes much more frank. Historically, you only get bold declarations of the new regime after the security apparatus has been mobilized and the now previous regime has been liquidated. Of course, if the security apparatus did not mobilize sufficiently, they end up getting the old regime giving a speech about reactionary elements needing to be purged.

  46. Mister Grumpus says:

    Oh and while I’m here, let me just state that from here on out, any and all of these harebrained and doomed “Ukrainian” military adventures, like this suicidal capture the flag run at that Russian Kursk nuclear power station, are obviously just Globo-Shlomo ploys to buy a few more weeks of Powerpoint slides, and to kill off any remaining Ukes who could otherwise turn around and Heinlien Freikorps their asses out of Kiev, if not hunt them down and grease them in the Miami Whole Foods parking lot.

    • jim says:

      The Ukrainian attack towards the Kursk nuclear power plant has been a huge success for the Ukrainians, in that they grabbed a lot of turf, killed a lot of Russians, and destroyed a whole lot of stuff.

      But it obviously will not achieve what is sought — forcing Russia to end the war on terms that enable the Ukraine to join Nato so that the war can be resumed at some later date when the mysterious deficiency in Nato weapons technology and arms production has been remedied.

      The objective is to force Russia to agree to a “frozen conflict” — so that the conflict can be resumed at a more favorable time.

      • Pax Imperialis says:

        While some evidence points towards a “frozen conflict” objective, such as Ukrainian presidential advisor Mikhail Podolyak, that is only one point of evidence. More likely this is yet another attempt at escalation. Much like hitting Russian nuclear detection radar, it serves almost zero tactical or strategic purpose except as an existential provocation on behalf of other hostile regimes.

        If the objective was a “frozen conflict”, then Ukraine should be attempting to drag this out as long as possible and as painful as possible. That is the formula that had worked for all previous “cease fire” agreements, and evidence points to it working again had they agreed to any of the other numerous Russian attempts at diplomacy.

        Instead Ukraine has committed to extremely risky and costly big arrow offensives. Just as their southern offensive resulted in massive irreplaceable losses, this new offensive got most of the attacking units mostly killed in a matter of days. Moreover, there has been no indication they would have used potential success as a means for negotiation. For every Podolvak, there’s a thousand Azov type idiots who delusionally think they’d been able to drive all the way to Moscow.

        The likely objective is to tempt Russia into doing something drastic which could then be used by NATO to justify direct intervention. Unfortunately for them, Putin is unlikely to do anything drastic, and even if, NATO is likely to blink after making much noise.

      • The Cominator says:

        It reminds me more of the battle of the bulge, looks and feels good for them for a little bit but its likely to get their forces destroyed even faster.

      • skippy says:

        They attacked the part of Russia that was least likely to be garrisoned but correspondingly has the least military value to Russia. They then went on the BBC stating that Russia’s nuclear red lines are fake.

        Looks like a play to start a nuclear war. Not one that Putin is likely to bite, but if he doesn’t get these guys out of Russian territory quickly it will cause him to haemorrhage legitimacy until he does. Shades of Poland kicking the Danzig Germans until Hitler bit.

        • skippy says:

          Russia appears to be desperate to agree to a frozen conflict, in which Ukraine gives them three Oblasts, “promises” not to join NATO, but then joins NATO anyway. The Russians appear to be openly stating that Ukraine can join the EU, which has a mutual defence pact anyway.

          Looks like Putin is desperately trying to cuck out in a way likely to destroy Russia in the long term, but his counterparties refuse and demand megadeath instead.

          • Pax Imperialis says:

            It’s likely not politically viable for Ukraine to accept the loss of those Oblasts, even if they are full of ethnic Russians.

          • /pol/watcher says:

            Its the reverse. The US is making sure that the Ukraine will not be able to have peace talks prior to US election by forcing Russia’s hand.

            Its one of the things that annoy me about commentary about the war. Basically its nearly 100% garbage, since no understanding of modern war, just Hollywood movies, Video games and Risk.

            Just because Putin doesn’t respond like a nigger every time NATO does something, doesn’t mean he is a foreign agent.

            • skippy says:

              “Its the reverse. The US is making sure that the Ukraine will not be able to have peace talks prior to US election by forcing Russia’s hand.”

              OK, I accept this is also a plausible interpretation.

    • S says:

      Khorne cares not where the blood comes from, just that it flows. The goal is slaughter and Russian civilians are a way to maximize that. You can see that where Ukraine prioritizes randomly firing at civilian targets even while suffering an ammo crunch and in the unit dedicated to Khorne.

  47. Mister Grumpus says:

    Me last month: “JD Vance? That boy gay or funny or something. That millennial fatface, man, I don’t know. Way too much fatface going on out here in general, come to think of it.”

    But now me today: “Tim Walz? Dude what? That mouth!”

    Like what is that? Is that cuckmouth? Fagmouth? It’s some kind of funny, that’s for sure. Like that Tim Caine guy from 2016. DC’s got nobody with a regular mouth anymore. Just kinda eeeehhhhh these guys. (One thing about Mike Pence, at least he worked out, looked decent in a suit and his mouth wasn’t funny.)

    In the Bible days they called it being possessed by a demon, and why not really? You got a better explanation? Really?

    –Retard Tier Physiognomist

    • DH says:

      Like what is that? Is that cuckmouth? Fagmouth? It’s some kind of funny, that’s for sure. Like that Tim Caine guy from 2016. DC’s got nobody with a regular mouth anymore. Just kinda eeeehhhhh these guys.

      It’s an “everything goes” kind of mouth. He is obviously an extreme pervert who can be into literally anything – dead women, little boys, trannies, zoophilia, scat (can easily see him eating dung off the floor with that mouth), he clearly has little to no disgust reflex; maybe he is possessed by sexual demons, like Ted Bundy and the other infamous serial killers. I mean, to be fair, politicians often give off that kind of vibe one way or another, so he isn’t that unique.

      But yeah, that’s not a legit human.

      • The Cominator says:

        To paraphrase the late great comedian Gilbert Gottfried I kinda think that TIM WALZ RAPED AND KILLED A BOY IN 1990.

      • Hesiod says:

        Getting John Wayne Gacy vibes off him.

      • anonymous mouse says:

        He’s literally normal.

        If you have to reach this hard it means it’s over.

        • The Cominator says:

          Shill test this faggot now.

          • jim says:

            Anonymous mouse is not a shill, he is an opponent. A shill says “hail fellow white male heterosexual Christian. I hate negroes because they are magical, women because they are wonderful, gays because they are so stylish, Jews because they are so clever. The earth is flat, and Trade Centre tower seven fell straight down to its foundations like a demolition.”

            Anonymous mouse tells us that Tim Walz is normal. In truth, there is no concrete evidence that he is not normal, though his enthusiasm for mutilating children’s sexual organs is a hint, he just somehow gives of the uncanny valley not quite human feeling. There is a definite odour of uncanny perversion, but no solid evidence.

            But because of the odour of weird, it would be profitable for Vance to hammer on the transitioning children issue.

            Walz does not ping on gaydar, but he pings on something weird.

        • jim says:

          Tim Walz is an obvious commie pervert. He sets off normal people’s radar as somehow not exactly human, as a demon wearing a skin suit. He is in uncanny valley.

          Kamala and Tim Walz are the insane out of sight left. If you are far left and in politics, you sacrifice children to Satan, have sex with their bodies, and drink their blood. This leaves a spiritual mark that is visible to normies.

          These are people who are openly proud of burning America down during the saint Fentanyl celebration, and intend to resume burning America down. This makes Thermidor a little nervous.

          He also applied and enforced a sanctuary law in Minessota that makes it possible “rescue”, which is to say abduct, children to Minnesota to have their dicks or boobs cut off. Whoever is rescuing the child from oppressive heternormativity gets the child plus immunity from heterosexist out of state custody orders.

  48. DH says:

    Dugin goes full Dugin in a new article which every reactionary worth his salt should read. Key passages:

    First and foremost, we must consistently and fundamentally reject the universality of Western norms — in economics, politics, education, technology, culture, art, information, ethics, and so on. “Decoupling” means not just a deterioration or even a severance of relations. It goes much deeper. It involves revisiting the basic civilizational attitudes formed in Russia long before the 20th century, in which the West was taken as a model, and its historical stages of development as an unquestionable template for all other peoples and civilizations, including our country. To some extent, the last two centuries of Romanov rule, the Soviet period (with a critique of capitalism), and especially the era of liberal reforms from the early 1990s to February 2022 were all Western-centric. For the last few centuries, Russia has been engaged in “coupling,” not questioning the universality of the Western path of development. Yes, the communists believed that capitalism needed to be overcome, but only after it was built, based on the “objective necessity” of changing formations. Even the prospects of world revolution were seen by Trotsky and Lenin as a process of “coupling,” “internationalism,” a linking with the West, albeit for the purpose of forming a single global proletariat and escalating its struggle. Under Stalin, the Soviet Union essentially became a separate state-civilization, but only by deviating from Marxist orthodoxy and relying on its own strengths and the unique creative genius of its people.

    When the energy and practices of Stalinism were exhausted, the Soviet Union once again moved towards the West along the logic of “coupling” and predictably fell apart. The liberal reforms of the 1990s became a new leap towards “coupling,” hence the Atlanticism and pro-Western stance of the elites of that era. Even under Putin in the early stage, Russia tried to maintain “coupling” at all costs, until it came into direct contradiction with Putin’s even firmer resolve to strengthen the state’s sovereignty (which would have been practically impossible under continued globalization — both in theory and in practice).

    Today, Russia is consciously, firmly, and irreversibly entering into “decoupling.” Now it is clear why we agreed to use this term initially in its English version. “Coupling” is integration with the West, recognizing its structures, values, and technologies as universal models, and the systemic dependence on it, as well as striving to be part of it, to catch up with it, to follow it — at worst, it involves replacing what the West has chosen to exclude us from. “Decoupling,” on the contrary, means rejecting all these principles, relying not only on our own strengths but also on our own values, our own identity, our own history, our own spirit. Of course, we have yet to fully grasp the depth of this, as Westernization in Russia, the history of our “coupling,” has lasted for several centuries. With varying success, the penetration of the West into our society has been continuous and intrusive. The West has long been not only outside but also inside us. Therefore, “decoupling” will be very difficult. It includes complex operations to “expel all Western influences from society.” Moreover, the depth of such cleansing is much more serious than even the criticism of the bourgeois system during the Soviet era. At that time, it was about two competing lines of development within a single (by default Western!) civilization — capitalist and socialist, but the second — socialist — model was also built on the criteria of Western society’s development, on Western teachings and theories, on Western methods of calculation and assessment, on the Western scale of development levels, and so on. Liberals and communists are united in the understanding that there can be only one civilization, and they also agree that this is Western civilization — its cycles, its formations, its phases of development.

    A century before, Russian Slavophiles went much further and called for a systemic revision, a rejection of Westernization, and a turn to their own Russian roots. In essence, this was the start of our “decoupling.” It is unfortunate that this trend, which was quite popular in Russia in the 19th and early 20th centuries, did not prevail. Now we simply must complete what the Slavophiles, followed by the Russian Eurasianists, started. We need to overcome the West’s claim to universality, globalism, and uniqueness.

    One might consider that “decoupling” has been imposed on us by the West itself. But, more likely, we can see the secret workings of Providence in this. The example of the opening of the Olympic Games in Paris illustrates this clearly. The West banned Russia from participating in the Olympics. But instead of punishment, against the backdrop of that aesthetically monstrous parade of perverts and the pitiful scrambling of swimmers in waters filled with filth and toxic waste in the Seine, all this turned into something quite the opposite — an operation to save Russia from disgrace and humiliation. The images of “decoupling” in sports vividly illustrate its healing nature. By cutting us off from it, the West essentially facilitates our recovery, our resurrection. Not allowed into the center of degeneration and shameless sin, Russia finds itself at a distance, at a remove. We recognize this today as Providence. So it is.

    Massive whitepill if Russia follows through with that vision.

    • jim says:

      He wants to go back to Russia early seventeen hundreds

      I want to go back to England, sixteen sixty. England sixteen sixty led to much bigger success than Russia seventeen hundreds.

      • Mayflower Sperg says:

        If Putin would just abolish feminism and restore Christian marriage, I will die happy and my descendants will solve the other problems and make Russia great again.

        If not, I will live alone into the 2050s and see what a country with millions of aging cat ladies and no fighting-age men looks like.

    • Basil says:

      Why read a man who wrote unironically about the sacredness of black skin and whose only daughter “studied” on Algerian dicks in Paris?

      • DH says:

        Why do glowniggers have Dugin Derangement Syndrome, then?

        I don’t agree with his third-worldist sentiments and his rosy view of cooperation with Mohammedanism, but if the Kremlin takes his stuff seriously (as we are told by the usual suspects), so should the rest of the world. And reactionaries should especially pay attention to his conclusion:

        Thus, we began with the assertion that the word “decoupling” will be key for the coming decades. This is evident, but few yet realize how deep this process is and what intellectual, philosophical, political, organizational, social, and cultural efforts it will require from all humanity — our societies, countries, and peoples. As we detach from the Global West, we face the need to restore, revive, and reaffirm our own values, traditions, cultures, principles, beliefs, customs, and foundations. So far, we are only taking the first steps in this direction.

        I mentioned the other day the absolute necessity of solving the WP, outside the West as well as inside – do you not identify here the seeds of restoring patriarchy (and monarchy)? It’s very relevant to NRx.

      • skippy says:

        I’ve gone on the record saying I think Basil is a shill before. Nonetheless, this is a fair comment (delivered in remarkably exact American idiom).

        Dugin is a guy who rose to prominence proposing to Hapa’ize Russia by mixing the Slavs with Central Asians, which would’ve seemed like far leftism at the time. Such have the times changed, no longer sounds that bad, and he’s since shifted to a wacky Afro-Futurism which is also heavily promoted by

        Dugin is the Kremlin desperately trying to continue the Soviet policies of multiculturalism, multireligion, multiethnicism, Russia with-but-not-for Russians. But, having got fired for saying it was unacceptable for Ukraine to literally burn Russian activists to death, was still less foolish than the actual Kremlin

        • DH says:

          That’s fair. But as Pepe the frog (Shadilay) would say, “Control the memes, control the planet.” Who controls the Kremlin’s memeplex? CIA and the Ukrainians believe that Dugin and the Eurasians exert outsized influence in this regard.

    • jim says:

      If one, then all. Looks like this time around, we will see only ordinary and usual fraud.

      • Ex says:

        How can you be so confident this will be generalized, rather than triggering counter-ops?

        • The Cominator says:

          Yeah I agree, but otoh if Josh Shapiro in PA has any control over the vote fraud er I mean ballot harvesting effort in Pennsylvania very likely he uses it to sabotage Kamala. If he wants to be President he needs her to lose.

        • jim says:

          Fraud happens because the FBI, the department of justice, and the judiciary, just as the attempted assassination happened because the FBI, the department of justice, and the judiciary.

          • The Cominator says:

            Does the FBI do it correctly or does the FBI merely protect Democrat fraudsters and allow them to be paid off while suppressing anyone on the other side who would either do the same sort of things, make payoffs to flip the democrat fraudsters, or try to stop the Democratic fraudsters.

            • The Cominator says:

              Er I mean does the FBI do it directly…

            • jim says:

              Hard to know and hard to define.

              The difference between a “criminal informant”, and a direct FBI officer has been fading away. CI is just a hat an FBI officer puts on to do something criminal.

              It is like the Soros ngos, where someone is an ngo officer, and simultaneously a state department officer.

        • Neurotoxin says:

          I don’t, definitely do NOT, want Kamala Harris to be “elected” President. That said…

          If she is declared the winner, I hope that right at that moment, someone has a video camera trained on Hillary Clinton.

    • MuskFan says:

      Kamel toe is going to sweep every battleground state exactly like how Biden did in 2020 with mass uncontested fraud. The usual pattern is the right gets the shit kicked out of it for years and years and years before they finally wake up and start fighting fire with fire (which ultimately means fighting fraud with even more fraud in this case).

      Happened in Argentina in the Dirty War and happened in Rome with the populists (it was decades after the Gracchus brothers were murdered before the Populares were able to get any sort of electoral wins).

      • jim says:

        You are being stupid. This is all state sponsored fraud. If someone commits unauthorized fraud, he would go to jail for life plus four hundred years. It is not a bunch of dumb blacks committing fraud. It is not the Democrats committing fraud. It is the judiciary, the department of justice, and the FBI running a bunch of dumb blacks at the behest of the uniparty.

    • Neurotoxin says:

      Related (via Founding Questions):

      I’ve been assuming fraud would put the Dem candidate into the White House, as the most likely scenario. But this looks surprisingly like actually getting serious about fighting it.

      Are they just messing with us? (E.g., adversarial court ruling in 3, 2, 1 …) Even if this is swatted down by some asshole judge, it’s a strange move for the Regime to even put this sort of thing into the Overton window.

  49. Jamesthe1st says:

    What do you all make of Nick Fuentes? He’s been thorwing a hissy fit ever since Trump picked Vance and has also been echoing the dem propaganda against Vance. Just echoing the dem propaganda like that is highly suspect.

    • alf says:

      Wasn’t the consensus that Fuentes was controlled opposition long ago? Not that I’ve ever watched him for more than a minute…

      • jim says:

        Yes, always been obvious that he was in the enemy’s pocket.

        • Pax Imperialis says:

          Even if he weren’t, he’s pretty gay and not in the way one can politely ignore it.

          • Varna says:

            Cliche gays and narcs had that vibe in the 1970s and 1980s.

            “I look like a TV gay narc from 1982” is a weird brand to go for, but the times are weird.

    • The Cominator says:

      He’s a fed and a homosexual and always has been, how did you not spot him?

      • jim says:

        The entire FBI apparatus around him glows as well. Enemy operatives promote each other, and progressives promote their controlled opponents. Progressive pronounces: “This extreme ultra right wing nazi nazi conservative has some connection with Nick Fuentes, oh the horror, the horror” immediately tells you this leftist is trying promote to the alt right some rino who was in on the plot to murder Trump.

        The intent being that when the time comes, the Rino announces he lost the election fair and square. Search for references to Nick Fuentes — it is always obvious enemies talking about him. No real people pay much attention. Nick Fuentes is like flat earth — an enemy operation so blatant that it gets very little traction.

        • The Cominator says:

          Almost universally one should not trust homosexuals, Milo and BAP had some extraordinary qualities (and BAP at least seems to have sincerely cured himself of the perversion through um going to female whores a lot and classical conditioning, Milo did the monasticism thing to attempt this which just doesn’t work and has been useless to counterproductive since and in one such phase he was hanging out with Nick) which granted them some arms length consideration. BAP is still useful arguably more so since he seems to have cured himself of the perversion.

    • DH says:

      Richard Spencer from AliExpress.

    • Nikolai says:

      I used to watch his streams back when his college student fans were terrorizing Charlie Kirk on his nationwide campus tour around 2019.

      It seems to me he was a genuine rightist up until 2021. Personal theory is that the feds got to him since he was at the capitol on J6 and now they’ve given him orders to demoralize and cause endless infighting on the right.

      • The Cominator says:

        I don’t understand why anyone would ever watch him for more than a minute… let’s say he wasn’t a fed he was a weird manlet homosexual and not too bright. I also don’t understand why the Charlie kirk hate either, Charlie Kirk wishes for a return to 1980s leftism (as every man who watches any sort of 80s camp or teen movie for more than 5 minutes will) but he doesn’t punch right. He’s been loyal…

  50. notglowing says:

    Of course Kissinger, the snake, immediately tells people about what happened.
    Though, looking back, it is an interesting story and doesn’t make Nixon look worse in my eyes.
    Every man has his limits. And Nixon was done dirty.

  51. Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

    The Walz pick was probably a sop for the thermidoreans.

    >see we aren’t going full niggercommunism (yet) you don’t have to cross the river to the bad orange man the empire is in good hands trust

    • jim says:

      Trump attack ads on Waltz read like a plea to the Thermidoreans: “Waltz is full nigger communism — if you let the steal go through, you are going to be sacrificed to demons and your body eaten.”

    • Anon says:

      And that the distressing part , they have some brain that still function . I hoped
      Full diversity ticket so the mask off . But they had the sense to rain there impulse
      Which does not bode well for trump. Trump need to hammer the 2020 riots.

      • Aidan says:

        Walz is a true blue ideological NC candidate. You can tell that his predilection is for raping little boys. The intention is not to extend a hand to the thermidoreans; would not have picked the man who sat in the cuck chair and watched the BLM riots while diddling his chode if so. It seems like they are trying to get as many legitimate votes as possible this time, possibly because the fraud apparatus is slipping out of their hands.

        • DH says:

          It seems like they are trying to get as many legitimate votes as possible this time, possibly because the fraud apparatus is slipping out of their hands.

          Yep. They would rather potentially lose a few Jewish donors to Thermidor (by not picking Shapiro) than risk a lower turnout among the Turd World constituency, so probably ran up some obstacles in the fraud plan. However, the fake polls keep on coming, so they’re still going to maintain that contingency available.

        • Hesiod says:

          Searching this morning for any concrete info on Walz’s alleged master’s thesis on Holocaust education and the results so far have been a lot of fresh squid ink telling but not showing about it. Perhaps the most damning statement garnered from that is his students being supposedly amazed he predicted the Rwandan genocide. Given his life-long associations and loyalties, I certainly bet he did.

          • Mister Grumpus says:

            “…Walz’s alleged master’s thesis on Holocaust education…”

            because of fucking course

        • Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

          In many ways it’s a reprisal of the Biden pick with Obama. A yt biobackhole picked as a running mate as ‘whitewash’ over everything else being pulled behind the wagon, which seems to be the messaging. ‘Look at what a normal mainstream guy this is’. (Eg,

          Of course, nothing about it is normal, and hasn’t been for 200 years hence, but it gives their targets that all-important fig leaf excuse for rationalizing themselves into thinking it’s normal. (‘Targets’ in this case of course being both the whites they intend to destroy first, and the so-described ‘white helots’ administering the empire that they depend on for the destroying the first and intend to destroy second.)

  52. dave says:

    Simplicius reprints reports from Ukraine front confirming effective tactics in the drone era. Looks like Russians figured it out. end of big arrow maneuver warfare.

    “the new Russian advancement tactic is such small scale combat teams, that Ukrainian FPVs literally can’t even find any targets to hit. Russia has eschewed major armor pushes in some areas, and just advances with 4-7 infantry at a time, which quickly lodge themselves into the forest tracts and hedgerows, disappearing from view.”

  53. Cloudswrest says:

    Wow, Musk just boosted a tweet showing disparate criminal punishment in Britain of white people.

      • DH says:

        It’s time for Musk to decide if he is all in, or not all in.

        Given how the left is about to collapse civilization, and civilization is a rather important and valuable thing in Musk’s view, there’s a decent chance he goes all in.

        • Adam says:

          Certainly this cannot be the first he has heard such a thing. Hopefully this is a good sign for us as far as things going on behind the scene.

    • DH says:

      Musk just boosted a tweet

      I suggest he also boosts his security, the demonic globalist faction won’t go out without a bang.

      • Contaminated NEET says:

        I hope he knows he’s playing with fire and takes appropriate precautions, but I’m not even sure what “appropriate precautions” would be or if he has the means to deploy them.

    • alf says:

      Elon’s feed lately has been a barrage of basedness. Very whitepilling.

  54. Pax Imperialis says: