War and game theory

Jesus as game theory: In a world of imperfect information, one tit for two tats.

Old Testament marriage and family law as game theory: If you are stuck with with each other, the deal is going to generate value even if the value very unequally distributed, but if not stuck, prisoner’s dilemma. Negative sum actions are likely to be individually beneficial.

It might seem obvious that if everyone could correctly predict the outcome of a war, no one would go to war. But a little application of game theory reveals that they would, and must, because individually optimum behavior is to act unpredictably.

But in fact most wars do not result from rational actors. It is indeed true that there would be, not no war, but considerably less war if the parties were rational and well informed, albeit rationality is apt to result in concealing information and providing misinformation. (Similarly the market for lemons.) Rather, the problem is that no one can negotiate with the Global American Empire because there is no one to negotiate with. As the Russians say “not agreement capable”. World War I was the same. Austria told Serbia to choose war or peace, because Serbia had been simultaneously pursuing war and peace, and was incapable of choosing.

The Global American Empire consists of “the rules based international order” where only they get to interpret the rules. Which results in them shutting down all efforts by adversaries to communicate. The Taliban was telling us what they were about from 1996 onwards on every channel of communication they could use, and the Global American Empire still to this day has absolutely no idea.

Without the possibility of communication, war.

A hegemonic world order where the hegemon can hear what other parties are saying is likely to be peaceful and cooperative, though obviously most of the value created by that cooperation is going to go to the hegemon, and rather less to the rest. Similarly Mosaic marriage and family. Everyone benefits, but most of the value goes to the husband, and considerably less to the wife. Efforts to remedy this by increasing the power of the wife have necessarily resulted in defect/defect equilibrium, the game of players and bitches. You need a King, and the husband has to be king under his own roof. The sovereign cannot rule alone, and has to support each little king in his own little domain, which little domain excludes all other little Kings, and largely excludes the sovereign.

If benefits of positive sum behavior are distributed in a too severely unequal manner, people will want to change that distribution, which is most effectively done by negative sum behavior.

American soft power consists of shutting down all other voices, so that the Harvard and Mainstream media interpretation of the rules and of the distribution of costs and benefits is the only one that can be heard. Thus one hears no end about white violence against blacks, and nothing of the immensely greater black violence against whites, and similarly for the sexual conduct of men and women.

The trouble with this form of power is: Know your enemy, know yourself, you will prevail in every battle, know yourself but not the enemy, you will lose half the time, know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will lose every time. The Taliban knew America better than globohomo did, but globohomo had absolutely no idea what the Taliban was about, despite the Taliban attempting to tell them loudly and clearly in excellent idiomatic English on every channel that they could. The Global American Empire wanders into wars with no idea what is on the table, or what the enemy intends, for not only is the enemy’s beef with them unspeakable and unthinkable, their beef with the enemy is also unspeakable and unthinkable.

We need everyone to agree, perhaps reluctantly, on a distribution of the benefits of cooperation that may well be rough on some of the parties, but is still fair enough that everyone will be reasonably willing to go along with it, for no man rules alone.

But what is a fair distribution of the value resulting from positive sum behavior? What is every man’s due? Thus game theory and game theoretic marginal economics. Which means people have to know what the rules are, and they also need to know how other people are benefiting or being harmed by those rules. Those rules need to sustain an order such that everyone benefits from cooperation, even if the benefit is apt to be rather one sided. Today, however, no one knows what the rules are and what the costs and benefits are except that whites are always in the wrong, men are always in the wrong, and the Global American empire is always upholding freedom and democracy.

Recent wars are the result of manipulating the flow of information about the costs, benefits, and values of the other parties. Similar to price control resulting in shortages by falsifying information. Globohomo told the Afghans they were doing them a big favor and believed it. The Afghans did not believe it. Globohomo did not hear, could not hear, what the Afghans were telling them in excellent idiomatic English on every channel they could get.

292 Responses to “War and game theory”

  1. anonymous mouse says:

    Listened to a recent Yarvin podcast. It is unreal how blue-pilled he is on the woman question. He said something like “women’s evolutionary role is to judge men. Women are the judges of male value.” Laughing my ass off.

    • Pax Imperialis says:

      In another podcast he said that women only like hiking because it reminds them of being abducted by a stronger tribe. That’s pretty red pilled. Yarvin often talks to certain types of people in the typical Jewish tradition, that is he lies about what he really believes to slowly work the target. Unfortunately, he lies so often that it becomes unclear at times what he really believes.

      • Alfred says:

        Redpilled, but it’s also directly lifted from Hakan Rotmwrt, who was/is a BAPsphere twitter poster for those who don’t know. Without knowing the context, it might have just been him aping the line for a laugh.

    • Red says:

      I’d love to see them just walk away like the Saudi’s did. Do they have a real intelligence agency that’s not controlled by GAE? I think that was the key to the Saudi’s flip.

  2. SJ says:

    This week I found myself in the city at a small park playground with my wife and six boys. Also at this playground were four young teenage girls half naked side eyeing everyone and clearly cruising for dick. No dick was present to pick them up so they started to play with my toddlers and I had a chance to chat with them. One white girl, three of the future of America, hispanics, all in the ninth grade with fully developed adult women’s bodies and barely dressed. It appeared they had cut their own shorts to be shorter than should be legal, and their shirts as well, except for one hispanic girl who was mismatched but had on a short mini dress like she was going to the club.

    With no dick incoming the girls reverted to the other part of their nature and went gaga for my kids, particularly the two year old and the baby. They discussed among each other how much they want a baby and their natural inborn motherly instincts were on full display.

    I was struck with how easy it would be to correct these feral sluts misbehavior. If dad were to notice, simply be aware, of what is going on he could stop and say, “honey I notice you are out cruising for dick. Would you like to get married?’. Problem solved.

    I was also struck with how damaging the pedo fence has been to our people. These girls are going to find the dick they want. But because the risk of giving them that dick is literal life destroying sex offender registry and prison, only the stupidest criminal retards will be available to give them the dick they desire. Is was not always so as my boomer father recounted to me that to pick up my mother he took a six pack of beer down to the local high school and got her at age sixteen. Alas for him, a different man had taken a six pack of beer down to the local junior high and first popped her when she was thirteen. This was normal during the boomers time but for some reason they thought putting up the pedo fence would help.

    It does not help. The pedo fence simply results in only the men who are unable to think about the future at all, the stupidest of men, or the ones who no longer care about anything at all, to be the only men who cross the fence. The good men do not dare risk it.

    • The Cominator says:

      > Women put out for drugs they can’t easily get otherwise
      > For teenage girls this includes booze.
      Kek. I love the simplicity of his approach.I would have used cigarettes over booze though, smoking is a much more harmless vice than drinking especially for women.

      • alf says:

        You think so? I know three women who smoke, all had trouble conceiving.

        • Pax Imperialis says:

          Smoking is associated with about a two year decrease in average age of virginity loss among females. I’m not sure what the statistics say about drinking.

          Regardless, these are at ages where fertility is good enough that the detriment smoking or drinking would cause would be very minor. Those smokers likely have other issues not related to smoking. Most likely waiting too long to have children.

          • alf says:

            Those smokers likely have other issues not related to smoking. Most likely waiting too long to have children.

            Very true, but so do nearly all other women I know. Above 30, minor effects grow bigger.

  3. The Cominator says:

    Kari Lake’s case has gotten a lot farther than I thought it would, I still expect it to be shut down but any idea why the regime has let it go as far as it has?

    • Red says:

      There’s a leftist power struggle going on so they’re allowing things that would hurt opposing factions. The Durham report was far less of a whitewash than expected as well. Musk continues to commit thought crimes on twitter pushing back against the deep state and even Soros. I’m sure he’s doing it with the backing of one of the factions struggling for power.

  4. cub says:

    “the Global American Empire still to this day has absolutely no idea.”

    “The Taliban knew America better than globohomo did, but globohomo had absolutely no idea what the Taliban was about”

    “Globohomo did not hear, could not hear, what the Afghans were telling them”

    Do you believe that this ignorance goes all the way to the top?

    Or do you recognize that there a level in the globohomo chain of command at which they are well aware of how destructive their actions are to Western civilization?

    Are you willing to accept what the implications of that would be?

    • jim says:

      It is entirely obvious that the top is stupid. The stupid elite

      We know who is at the top level, because we have the Clinton emails. They are stupid, ignorant, foolish people. If there were clever plotters behind those stupid people, and the people in the Clinton emails were merely frontmen for those clever people, the cleverness of the masters would show up in what their frontmen were told to do. Our problem is a holiness spiraled elite, whose faith, being descended from the enlightenment, is a faith whose affirmations get stupider and stupider, hence selection for holiness necessarily selects for stupid people. This is an inherent problem with the enlightenment, for enlightenment faiths necessarily rest on empirical and falsifiable claims about this world, and the most effective articles of faith about this world are point deer, make horse, 指鹿为马: In other words, absurd ideas are made up on purpose to humiliate people and check who is really loyal to which power holders.

      As our officially unofficial faith has become stupider and stupider, crazier and crazier, the elite has become dumber and dumber, and the remaining moderately smart midwits in the elite are in their eighties.

      • Calvin says:

        Define “effective” articles of faith. Articles which can only exist in an exceptionally coddled society and which render their holders utterly incapable of withstanding even near-peer external aggression or even breeding seem like the opposite of that.

        • jim says:

          Mueller points deer, makes horse

          Effective for the movement. Not effective for lives of the movement’s adherents. Woke is a mind virus that reproduces at the expense of its hosts.

          • Calvin says:

            I mean, it’s great at winnowing out the people with the predisposition to accept its tenants and shredding their genetic legacy, I’ll give you that much, but a parasite that kills the host it needs to live is pretty poor parasite.

            Or, putting it in practical terms, pointing deer making horse only works for so long as no one decides to just whack the obvious lunatic.

            • anonymous mouse says:

              > I mean, it’s great at winnowing out the people with the predisposition to accept its tenants and shredding their genetic legacy, I’ll give you that much, but a parasite that kills the host it needs to live is pretty poor parasite.

              The “parasite” is being selected for day-to-day success in a specific environment (Earth in the past 50-100 years). Its “host” is a social body, not any specific individual.

              • anonymous mouse says:

                Airborne viruses rarely kill or immobilize people, because if they did they would not reproduce as effectively as if they kept their hosts mobile (sneezing and giving it to other people).

                But some social memes do reproductively benefit from making its carriers sterile. Everybody knows that childless 45-year old Cathedralites are the most tireless fanatical Cathedralites.

              • Calvin says:

                Its “host” is a social body, not any specific individual.

                It kills that too, ensuring the only social bodies that survive (if any) are those that reject it root and branch.

                • jim says:

                  That, unfortunately is our society. It is likely to take us with it.

                  I have often remarked that the consensus of the communion of the Saints remained more or less on track because heretical faiths just disappeared.

                  The disease is terminal, but highly infectious. Similar to Sacculina carcini. The crab becomes infertile and incapable of regenerating lost limbs, but it last for a very long time spreading the parasite. Cold and flues are transient. Their host kills them after a short time. Sacculina carcini is permanent. So, like memetic diseases, it does quite well.

                • Calvin says:

                  That’s why I said “if any” because not only is the brainrot catching all over the place, imo there’s a decent enough chance it leads us into nuclear war in the next couple of years. What happens after that I just don’t know.

      • cub says:

        Ignorance decreases as you move up any chain of command- the generals of an army will understand the meaning of their troops’ movements better than the troops themselves, and the high priests of any faith understand the logic and meaning behind their doctrine better than a common believer.

        If the elite at/near the top are indeed the synagogue of Satan, demon worshipers, high priests of globohomo, or whatever you prefer to call their destructive faith… the same rule would apply to them. Satan (if it exists) certainly wouldn’t be ignorant of the evil of its actions. [*and it does, read the Clinton emails*]

        [*proof by assertion deleted*]

        • jim says:

          If you have evidence that the people at the top are clever, produce it. If you have evidence that they have better contact with a reality that their minions are not allowed to think of or speak of, produce it. Make an evidence based argument. Don’t tell me I am ignoring the evidence. What is this evidence that I am ignoring? Did you get it from alien brain wave broadcasts?

          • Guy says:

            I’ve still enjoy reading about and will often take seriously a lot of pretty over the top conspiracies. I think it’s entertaining to read about alternate histories and potential explanations for all of the crazy things going on right now. I have enough gaps in my historical and science knowledge that I don’t necessarily have the information needed to immediately disprove a lot of said theories.

            Their biggest weakness to me is they rely on there being a super competent elite that we seen no evidence for as Jim said here.

            Ultimately these theories serve as a coping mechanism of sorts. At least somebody’s plan is going well and maybe it’s in our benefit that they get to carry it out. Much better than the idea that society is disintegrating and we’re all really fucked.

            These theories also often are building to something in the near future just over the horizon that always seems to get pushed out. Sort of like the just two more weeks Q tard nonsense. But things just keep breaking down, chugging along without any grand plans having materialized. The Jews aren’t crashing America to move to China or India. They are just going to get pogromed again.

            • jim says:

              A conspiracy theory that tries to explain too much is going to wind up proposing supercompetence and supersmarts to its conspirators, which is why Soros rather likes the meme that Jews control everything, which has a curious tendency to turn into the proposition that everything intellectual, smart or high tech, is Jewish.

              Ancient history and current observed events clearly indicate the existence of powerful conspiracies, and why would not powerful conspiracies exist? Conspiracy is highly effective – watch the show “survivor”.

              But precisely because it is effective, you are going to get more than one conspiracy, and they are going to be treading on each other’s toes and sabotaging each other’s plots. And when they get too big, going to leak like sieves, for example the climategate files.

          • cub says:

            My evidence is the increasing levels of intentionality as you go up the ranks of pretty much any organization. Plus, the fact that those at the top are clever enough to get there in the first place. [*deleted*]

            • jim says:

              Not “any organization”. Any organization that is reasonably functional. Our social order is showing obvious symptoms of severe disorder and dysfunction.

              I and many others have repeatedly given the reasons why our elite now selects for stupidity. And you have not responded. Towards the end, the Khmer Rouge cadre, originally composed of foreign educated intellectuals, could for the most part not read, write, or count. So the argument “they had to be clever to get there” obviously does not work in the context of a holiness spiral. When you purge people for criminal noticing, you wind up with a ruling elite incapable of noticing anything.

              • cub says:

                I did respond. You deleted it, because I showed why your post from 2015 is invalid. [*deleted for not showing why my post from 2015, or my repeated replies to your claims, is invalid*]

                • jim says:

                  You did not respond, and you are not responding. You are just making the same unsupported and improbable claims that I allowed through several times over and over again, without noticing or responding to my replies to those claims.

                  And I, unlike you, are going to waste the space I am not allowing you to waste by repeating, yet again: A holiness spiraling elite purges each other for noticing, which purges smarties. The observed elite are dumb as fence posts (Hunter Biden, Clinton emails) and the younger elite (Aaron Swartz, official genius), even dumber. And observed elite behavior (Afghan occupation) is dumb. This is an elite that was unable to rebuild the World Trade Towers.

                • cub says:


                • FrankNorman says:

                  ” The observed elite are dumb as fence posts (Hunter Biden, Clinton emails) and the younger elite (Aaron Swartz, official genius), even dumber.”

                  Really dumb, acting dumb, or protective stupidity dumb?

                  Is it because they can’t understand, or think they don’t need to understand… or because not understanding keeps them safe?

                  CS Lewis once said that people who deliberately try to make themselves stupider than they already are, suffer a just punishment: that they often succeed.

                • jim says:

                  As CS Lewis said

        • Adam says:

          Satan influences by way of the lie, and the ruling elite today are embracing every lie imaginable and demanding their subordinates to accept the lie.

          Among a God fearing elite what you described would be accurate. Today it is not the case. Nancy Pelosi and those above her are utterly insane, stupid, foolish and wicked.

          Spend a moment with an alcoholic or drug addict that denies they have a problem. That is what todays ruling elite is like, only the subject matter is far greater in scope than just substance abuse.

          • jim says:

            Exactly so. The new testament models demons as legions, so demons, if literal rather than metaphorical, are likely as deluded as their minions.

            The logos, however is, among other things reason and truth.

        • Pax Imperialis says:

          >the generals of an army will understand the meaning of their troops’ movements better than the troops themselves

          I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at this. You’re joking right? You’ve got to be joking. Have you not watched any war movies? I get it, movies are movies, but come on man. Some are loved by veterans for being thematically realistic and nearly all of them involve lost LTs and disconnected Generals.

          Leadership is hard, really fucking hard and uncertainty often increases as you move up any chain of command because you’ll be dealing with greater variability not less.

  5. Shekel me Shlomo says:

    Thanks to Game Theory and my good friends here, I was able to solve my dilemma. I gathered sufficient evidence on my adulteress new wife and threatened to take it to her family and the Rabbi. She is well under control now. The two schvartzes shtupping my whore of a wife I hired at my pawn shop. They are now both under indictment for receiving stolen goods and are out of my way. Thanks friends!

    • Doom says:

      So did you upload the videos yet? Oy I want to see her getting blacked, just like your culture prescribes!!

    • someDude says:

      Rcvd Bobs and Vagene pics of your wife. Plz send Bobs and Vegana pics of your sister.

    • Kunning Drueger says:

      unfunny and boring. It’s time to stop posting if you’re just going to waste bandwidth. you’ve been here long enough to be better than this.

  6. Pax Imperialis says:

    @Red 2868725 and 2868459

    You’re theory is failing right in front of your eyes. Women have stopped having kids even with their demon lovers. They murder their children, or take birth control so they can continue fucking around.

    Yes, abortion availability and the pill has changed things. Sexual revolution technologies broke the old historical cycle. Same as how extremely deadly weapon tech has made conquering nearly prohibitively expensive that historical cycles have been disrupted. My point still stands that female instincts are not 2 million years out of date. Again, I’m not saying they are good. It’s possible my theory to explain their utility is partially wrong. It’s possible that it is completely wrong, but Gnon created man and woman including those instincts. These instincts have been deeply rooted since time immemorial. I am not so full of hubris to proclaim something like that to be purely out of date.

    We used to think the appendix was completely useless. At least that’s what I was taught. A purely useless artifact of evolution. Well it turns out it plays an important role in the immune system as it functions as a lymphoid organ. Imagine if we thought the appendix so useless, yet potentially dangerous, that we preemptively removed it from children similar to how we remove non-problem wisdom teeth. It would have been an absolute disaster.

    Female behavior like getting 2 men to fight over her, shit testing, and the alike continued like we were still killer apes

    You say that as if it’s a bad thing. Men who can and will fight is highly preferable to men who can’t. We are still killer apes and we should remain killer apes. What makes us special and separate from lower apes is our ability to live for future goals and not solely react impulsively to the present.

    @Pseudo-Chrysostom comment-2868755
    >Not clear at all that female behavior is eugenic, even for themselves.

    Again, I point out eugenic compared to what? In a defect/defect situation, which humanity has a good track record of falling into, they tend to do better than men purely on reproduction. Men in defect/defect tend to die childless or die from being put to the sword by a stronger conquering tribe. Prior to widespread availability of abortion and contraception, orphanages were full of bastards. Prior to orphanages, the bastards filled the slave markets.

    Nature only cares about what can perpetuate itself.

    • Red says:

      Yes, abortion availability and the pill has changed things. Sexual revolution technologies broke the old historical cycle.

      Nah. The cycle is as old as civilization. Sparta, Bronze age Egypt during the Exodus, Rome, Baghdad, etc. Abortion is just infanticide and the Romans had a very reliable form of birth control. Other civilizations probably did as well.

      We used to think the appendix was completely useless. At least that’s what I was taught. A purely useless artifact of evolution. Well it turns out it plays an important role in the immune system as it functions as a lymphoid organ. Imagine if we thought the appendix so useless, yet potentially dangerous, that we preemptively removed it from children similar to how we remove non-problem wisdom teeth. It would have been an absolute disaster.

      Women haven’t been user serious reproductive pressure for the last 2 million years and when they’re under that pressure they evolve to be more pleasing to look like Nordic woman so a man will capture them. When liberated they grow less pleasing to look at, less fertile, and far less likely to form a family bond with a man. All behavior that’s not useful in passing on their genes.

      When the bronze age civilizations came to an end it was almost an wholesale replacement of the civilized populations. The invaders grabbed up young virgins, not wasted old sluts. In fact they refused sluts at every turn as good virgin women where available in such large quantities. The men of Dan having lost their women would settle for nothing less than young virgin girls that they promptly kidnapped. Frumpy McCuntface with a face that suck a 1,000 cocks failed to attract the man of Den to capture her. Her flawed sexual insincts resulted into a failure to pass on her genens.

    • Red says:

      Pax what you’re identifying as evolutionary useful behavior is evolutionary dysfunctional behavior. This isn’t uncommon.

      Young men regularly commit suicide in huge numbers almost certainly because their genes have identified that they’re not hooked with a woman pumping out kids by the right age and thus they must be a drag on their tribe and thus they should kill themselves. That’s a evolutionary behavior that’s causing a reduction reproductive fitness due to abnormal living conditions, IE dysfunction.

      We see this sort of dysfunctional elocutionary derived behavior over and over again when conditions we’ve evolved for a suddenly disappear or are replaced by highly damaging conditions. This causes men and woman to become dysfunctional. It’s worse with woman because they haven’t had a say in selection for so long. Their sexual instincts are largely fucked up because they’re mostly set for was good sexual behavior 2 million years ago. When they’re put into their proper roles they respond well. When outside of it they self destruct.

      • Pax Imperialis says:

        >Abortion is just infanticide
        >Romans had a very reliable form of birth control

        That the fathers had sole control over whether the child lived or died. If the father did not accept the baby he would leave it outside on the road. The Greeks would throw defective ones off a cliff. Today the choice has been placed solely into the hands of women. That has consequences and deserves it’s own thread.

        >All behavior that’s not useful in passing on their genes.
        >The invaders grabbed up young virgins, not wasted old sluts.
        >good virgin women where available in such large quantities.

        Consider a hypothetical where hidden Hyperboreans from Antarctica or something invaded America, killed all the men, killed all the girls age 14 and up, and took the virgin 13 year old girls as wives. How many of those girls were the product of whoring mothers? 40% are born out of wedlock… which means actual percentage is at minimum 40%. You say their behavior is not useful in passing on their genes, and it’s true Frumpy McCuntface is not taken, but any virgin daughters of the sluts will benefit big time. It’s a genetic lottery ticket.

        You say the behavior is not useful in passing on their genes. I see in our current fallen times the women listening to their instincts are reproducing nearly as well if not more than the ones not. That is a problem for us but not the slut’s young female child. If there were Hyperboreans to invade, the female virgin children of sluts would benefit.

        War has a way of wiping away history. A marauding army putting a city to the sword isn’t going to know precisely which virgin women are from high class families outside of a select handful. The few obviously go to the top men. The rest of the army is going to content themselves on those unknown girls so long as a hymen is there.

        On the topic of Nordic women. There are Swedish whore politicians that openly promote ISIS and other Islamic invasion and thus conquest. Some here would call this a civilizational shit test. I would describe this situation as if the Swedish men can’t get their women under control, then the women would clearly be better off reproducing with invaders who will get them under control. Again, obviously the used up whores would not be seen as pleasing to the men of a Swedish Caliphate, but the daughters would be.

        >Her flawed sexual insincts resulted into a failure to pass on her genens.

        As Cominator can attest, whores do pass on their genes. Even the Bible tells of whores having children. If whore behavior did not pass on, there wouldn’t be any whores today.

        >Pax what you’re identifying as evolutionary useful behavior is evolutionary dysfunctional behavior.

        Again, and again, I’m pointing out this isn’t functional behavior for a civilization created by a tribe’s men, and that the men should prevent such behavior from emerging. You keep ignoring this nuance I point out again and again. What I am saying is that:

        1) In the situation where the tribe’s men allow such behavior it’s because they are weak.
        2) It may benefit some women to create conditions to be invaded.
        3) It is obviously eugenic to reproduce with a winner.

        Look at how women vote in liberal social democracies for ever more immigration **cough invasion** from ever more hostile tribes. Look at how some of these women go get themselves “kidnapped” in places like Turkey, Syria, and Iraq.

        Again, yes this is all very dysfunctional behavior, BUT for women in a dysfunctional situation it may pay genetic dividend getting invaded.

        • Red says:

          That the fathers had sole control over whether the child lived or died.

          Women did kill their children at will when they’re unowned. They’ve found places where the whores of Roman brothels would toss their new born babies to die. You’re thinking of Roman when it was patriarchal, not the late republic.

          Consider a hypothetical where hidden Hyperboreans from Antarctica or something invaded America, killed all the men, killed all the girls age 14 and up, and took the virgin 13 year old girls as wives. How many of those girls were the product of whoring mothers? 40% are born out of wedlock… which means actual percentage is at minimum 40%. You say their behavior is not useful in passing on their genes, and it’s true Frumpy McCuntface is not taken, but any virgin daughters of the sluts will benefit big time. It’s a genetic lottery ticket.

          What’s the likelihood that a girl born out of wedlock would be a virgin at 13? Very low.
          If you want a virgin wife, you need father’s who control their daughters sexual behavior to at least a minimal degree.

          You say the behavior is not useful in passing on their genes. I see in our current fallen times the women listening to their instincts are reproducing nearly as well if not more than the ones not. That is a problem for us but not the slut’s young female child. If there were Hyperboreans to invade, the female virgin children of sluts would benefit.

          The only large families I see are the highly religious ones. It whores I know have at most 2 children but most 0-1. 30 years ago whores had tons of kids but that dried up with the elevated status of woman.

          War has a way of wiping away history. A marauding army putting a city to the sword isn’t going to know precisely which virgin women are from high class families outside of a select handful. The few obviously go to the top men. The rest of the army is going to content themselves on those unknown girls so long as a hymen is there.

          There’s a correlation between high quality men who control their daughters and their daughters not getting fucked by every Tom, Dick and Harry by age 11.

          On the topic of Nordic women. There are Swedish whore politicians that openly promote ISIS and other Islamic invasion and thus conquest. Some here would call this a civilizational shit test. I would describe this situation as if the Swedish men can’t get their women under control, then the women would clearly be better off reproducing with invaders who will get them under control. Again, obviously the used up whores would not be seen as pleasing to the men of a Swedish Caliphate, but the daughters would be.

          Again, you haven’t shown that liberated women reproduce in large numbers. I’m seeing liberated women ending up as cat ladies.

          I read a story once about a couple of young German girls left where their family hiding out from the advancing Red army and head to the nearest Red army unit. They’d all heard the stories about the Red army raping woman to death and they to were soon gang raped to death. They expected to be gang raped and then picked by the conquerors as wives or concubines, instead they died failing to pass their genes on. Woman do not make good reproductive choices because they’re instincts are so out of date.

          >Her flawed sexual insincts resulted into a failure to pass on her genens.

          As Cominator can attest, whores do pass on their genes. Even the Bible tells of whores having children. If whore behavior did not pass on, there wouldn’t be any whores today.

          Some whores do, mostly the whores who view themselves as inferior to men, IE not fully liberated. Once women reach full liberation they tend fail on to pass on their genes no matter how much they fuck around.

          >Pax what you’re identifying as evolutionary useful behavior is evolutionary dysfunctional behavior.

          Again, and again, I’m pointing out this isn’t functional behavior for a civilization created by a tribe’s men, and that the men should prevent such behavior from emerging. You keep ignoring this nuance I point out again and again. What I am saying is that:

          1) In the situation where the tribe’s men allow such behavior it’s because they are weak.
          2) It may benefit some women to create conditions to be invaded.
          3) It is obviously eugenic to reproduce with a winner.

          You’re failing to provide evidence that liberated women reproduce with winners. Winners tend to like virgins they can keep. A liberated woman with a bastard in a civilization that was just conquered is going to starve because the conquers have no end of virgins to pick from. Nor are the daughters of a liberated slut like to be a virgin by the time they grow tits big enough for the invaders to notice.

          Look at how women vote in liberal social democracies for ever more immigration **cough invasion** from ever more hostile tribes. Look at how some of these women go get themselves “kidnapped” in places like Turkey, Syria, and Iraq.

          Sure they get kidnapped and murdered. Rarely are liberated whores kidnapped and become wives and mothers. They’re operating on sexual instincts 2 million years out of date.

          Again, yes this is all very dysfunctional behavior, BUT for women in a dysfunctional situation it may pay genetic dividend getting invaded.

          Again, I’m not seeing evidence of that. Young virgins benefit, older ugly women gain nothing but a bit of pleasure from a few gang rapes before they die. Older women hate their weak civilizations and want to destroy them but that’s born out of the dysfunction of failing to be owned.

          • SJ says:

            One of my grandmothers was raised LDS, married at sixteen, remained married to the same man until death. She had nine children. During this same time period my other grandmother, a literal whore, had eleven children with nine different fathers. This modern time where women self sterilize so they can keep trying to get back to number one on Jeremy Meeks booty call list does seem out of place.

            Also my cousins from my ‘good’ grandmother’s side? Few of us are having children. Forty five cousins, forty nine children, as these cousins seem ill suited to operating in the matriarchy. Only my family with half my genes from the whore side has all children with 3 kids minimum and a successfully reproducing family. Meanwhile from the whore side? I just had one cousin, a resolute slut fker with a seventy IQ, commit suicide at fifty-ish. By this age no more sluts to reproduce with, and facing homelessness, these guys seem to off themselves. He leaves behind twenty or more bastard children many of whom are already in prison. He alone has almost half as many children as the entirety of my cousins from my good grandmother.

            Now do we want this? Do we want girls wandering around looking for seventy IQ criminals to sneak off with? This is a question we have to ask but when we allow it and meekly sit by saying we must serve her majesty the slut and not spit in her face and condemn her the other women think, why shouldn’t I sneak off to lay naked under Jeremy Meeks too? I know I’m special, surely I’ll be number one on his booty call list.

            • Red says:

              Sounds like the whore’s are spawning lone wolves, not tribes. There’s no reproductive advantage in that in the long term unless Pax is right that the daughters of whores end up virgin brides for the conquerors, which I doubt.

              Elon’s a pretty good example of this dysfunction, lots of kids but he’s not a patriarch able to use as children as a single tribe.

              Higher levels of civilization is currently collated to the evil woman’s liberation state religion. I know a lot of christian kids who grew up, got married to Christian girls and then sent their wives to college because try as they might, they’re still following the edicts of the state religion. Needless to say they haven’t had a lot of kids. They swallowed that woman and men are equal lie and their wombs are barren, while criminals who treat women the way they want need to be treated are swimming in kids but failing to build tribes because they’re criminals who can’t actually own woman.

              • SJ says:

                If the results of being a whore is having a hundred great grandkids this is a reproductive advantage.

                During my thirties, my player days, after realizing I wanted a wife again I specifically hunted for virgins briefly. I dated, in the horrible way people date, a late twenties virgin. She was patiently waiting for dad to marry her off and broke up with me because, quote, she was scared. During times when dad isn’t giving you away the whore has a hundred great grandkids, the branch of the tree of life with the prude? It’s gone.

                • Neofugue says:

                  > She was patiently waiting for dad to marry her off and broke up with me because, quote, she was scared.

                  Meaning she was upset that you lacked the initiative to make her scared, to take her by force. If you took her to your place and made her yours she would not have broken up with you.

                • Red says:

                  Being a whore when women are still subjugated to men is an advantage. Being a liberated whore today is resulting in close to zero kids. Woman’s behavior during the collapse of a civilization is generally Dysgenic.

                • Pax Imperialis says:

                  I’m not addressing every counter argument you made in an attempt for brevity.

                  There’s no reproductive advantage in that in the long term unless Pax is right that the daughters of whores end up virgin brides for the conquerors, which I doubt.

                  I was never talking long term, only periodic episodes during civilizational decay followed up by hitching with conquerors that put an end to it. I’m quoting from Wikipedia, but I’ve seen this same story over and over and over again. Everywhere from ancient Greek texts to post modernist feminist rants. Even the Bible has similar and thus I trust the overall validity.

                  Taíno society was based on a matrilineal system and descent was traced through the mother. Women lived in village groups containing their children. The men lived separately. As a result, Taíno women had extensive control over their lives, their co-villagers, and their bodies.[68] The Taínos told Columbus that another indigenous tribe, Caribs, were fierce warriors, who made frequent raids on the Taínos, often capturing their women.[69][70]

                  Taíno women played an important role in intercultural interaction between Spaniards and the Taíno people. When Taíno men were away fighting intervention from other groups, women assumed the roles of primary food producers or ritual specialists.[71] Women appeared to have participated in all levels of the Taíno political hierarchy, occupying roles as high up as being cazicas.[72] Potentially, this meant Taíno women could make important choices for the village and could assign tasks to tribe members.[73] There is evidence that suggests that the women who were wealthiest among the tribe collected crafted goods, that they would then use for trade or as gifts.[citation needed]

                  Despite women being seemingly independent in Taíno society, during the era of contact, Spaniards took Taíno women as an exchange item, putting them in a non-autonomous position. Some sources report that, despite women being free and powerful before the contact era, they became the first commodities up for Spaniards to trade, or often, steal. This marked the beginning of a lifetime of kidnapping and abuse of Taíno women.

                  This is a whore society not to dissimilar to ours today (minus Spaniards). Pretty clear the virgin daughters, and maybe at times not so virgin women, ended up with the Spaniards. Genetic testing today shows significant Taíno heritage in the Caribbean, and in some populations as high as 60%. It also shows 0% male Taíno heritage.

                  >What’s the likelihood that a girl born out of wedlock would be a virgin at 13? Very low.

                  Based on statistics, around 85% chance. My anecdotal life experience says 14 is largely when sexual activity starts. Possible the statistics are crap and my life experience worthless anecdote, but strangely when I talk with teachers in the K-12 system, they all start worrying about sexual behavior at the end of MS and in HS.

                • jim says:

                  > when I talk with teachers in the K-12 system, they all start worrying about sexual behavior at the end of MS and in HS.

                  And the rationale for vaccinating girls with the HPV vaccine at nine was?

                  I think it is more a matter that once they develop boobs, they can get more action. Remember that the system is primarily concerned with male overt sexual behavior than female, and it is not too hard to stop boys from banging nine year old girls.

                • Pax Imperialis says:

                  > And the rationale for vaccinating girls with the HPV vaccine at nine was?

                  I was imprecise with my wording. Tying to cram in reading comments and responding with minimal sleep. Heck, I resorted to wiki quoting. Not my best moment.

                  The teachers are concerned about the younger than 13 age group engaging in sexual behavior. That 15% before 13 screwing around is still a sizable chunk, but those are the “manageable” exceptions. It completely gets out of hand at around 13 and above.

                  You’re right it likely has to do with developing breasts, and I see that a certain critical mass develops largely happens at 13. I also see that largely coincides with when teachers start having problems with female students dressing like sluts that want to show off their new found assets.

                • jim says:

                  The problem is that a lot of behavior that can be interpreted as cute before boobs becomes more disturbing when boobs are deployed.

          • The Cominator says:

            Since I was mentioned I will say that literal whores tend to do fine if they stay off hard drugs, literal whores generally have a humility modern “liberated” women lack. Liberated women tend to end up as childless cat lady spinster.

      • Pax Imperialis says:

        You did not respond to my point on shit testing which is, an admittedly, tangential facet of their sexual instinct.

        Women are terrible at assessing male hierarchies, but they are great at assessing male self confidence which is a damn good proxy for strength of will. A constantly self questioning neurotic faggot isn’t going to have the will to power that Nietzsche desired, likely because his philosophically questioning mind, the irony. He didn’t have it and died childless.

        Their shit tests are accurate enough tests of self confidence, and self confidence beats uncertain paralysis 9/10 times. The engineering method of boldly prototyping in uncertainty beats the quivering scientific method* every single time. If a man can’t even pass their shit tests, how is he going to beat the hostile enemy tribe?

        Overly civilized men who don’t have to deal with hostile enemy tribes say only male hierarchy should matter to women and that women sexual instinct is crazy to go after bad boy bikers over nice guy scientist. That our killer ape days are gone and dead. I call bull shit. Violence is law and the killer apes still walk among us.

        Reminder that the scientific method is fake and gay having originated from FDR types. Actual science didn’t have peer review (popularity contests/compliance tests) prior to 1950s.

        • Red says:

          Women playing let the 2 alpha’s fight it out are cruising for an upgrade over their current mate. Cruising for an upgrade has been a fucking disaster for all of recorded history. There’s a reason that God Commanded that “your husband shall rule over you”. Women always cruising upgrades result in a break down male cooperation. When is why we have suppressed it so hard in the past. Once she’s hooked up with a guy she is not allowed to upgrade, that’s God’s law and I see the reason for that law.

          Overly civilized men who don’t have to deal with hostile enemy tribes say only male hierarchy should matter to women and that women sexual instinct is crazy to go after bad boy bikers over nice guy scientist. That our killer ape days are gone and dead. I call bull shit. Violence is law and the killer apes still walk among us.

          Cooperation to commit group violence is our Telos. Back when we were killer apes with violent alphas ruling the group through women’s instincts where excellent. Not so good when the weakest male can kill the strongest alpha with a spear to the back. When spears were invented we started cooperate to reduce internal lethal violence and to win over other men with superior cooperative warfare. Men fighting each other with less than lethal violence is useful for the group because it makes men stronger, men fighting each to the death by bitches always looking to upgrade just makes us weaker.

          • Pax Imperialis says:

            >Women always cruising upgrades result in a break down male cooperation.

            If women did not want to cruise for an upgrade, men would not have to prevent women from cruising for an upgrade. They would get complacent and weak. God commands man to be strong by giving him challenges well within his ability and choice to overcome. Men in more civilized times had greater cooperation. I doubt the women where inherently different. This all goes back to the vitality of the tribe’s men.

            >Cooperation to commit group violence is our Telos. Back when we were killer apes with violent alphas ruling the group through women’s instincts where excellent.

            I look at ape tribes today and see them cooperating together to raid other ape tribes. War existed before the first human. Cooperation to commit group violence is not isolated to us.

            >Not so good when the weakest male can kill the strongest alpha with a spear to the back.

            The weakest male could kill the strongest via a stone to his sleeping face. They do not do that. Alpha male strength is largely psychological. Weak males shy away from violence and often rely on others to do it for him. Look at mass shooter incels today. They are not targeting alpha male Chad thundercock. They are targeting women, children, and then killing themselves. Though out much of history of swords and spears, only about 1/7 (remembering off the top of my head) men reproduced with nearly all the women. I don’t think spears or guns made much of an impact as you think.

            • Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

              Trouble with lines of argumentation like this is that they flirt dangerously close with manicheaism. “We need bad people in order to motivate people to be good”.

              • Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

                Many of the old underlord classes were cryptically Hegelian in this manner; “There’s nothing wrong with what I am doing; and if there is something wrong with what im doing, it’s their fault for lettimg me get away with it; and if it isn’t their fault, overcoming my evil is necessary for the greater good anyways; so there’s nothing wrong with what I’m doing”.

                • Pax Imperialis says:

                  >“We need bad people in order to motivate people to be good”

                  I believe man must accept nature. Failure to accept makes him weak. Perverting nature makes him evil which nature punishes.

                  Man outside of nature quickly devolves into something debased. Man does not love the reality that he must work to eat and have nice things, yet it’s the reason why man has purpose and identity. Men who can live and have nice things without working (lottery winners) tend to self destruct. If not immediately, then in a few generations. Refusing to live abiding by nature is punished by nature.

                  I do not see intrinsic male/female instincts as evil, just facets of nature man must deal with. Assigning evil or good, morality, to aspects of nature is a pointless endeavor that results in calling lions evil for killing. Worse, calling meat eating murder. Nature is just nature.

                  It’s man’s nature to own women, it’s woman’s nature to look for upgrades (that does not mean women will succeed). The interaction of these instincts produces a dynamism that men may hate, but one that men must accept. By all means, the ability of ownership is stronger due to being based in force. Failure to accept leads to weakness which nature punishes. God commands strength.

                  Man is partially separate from nature in that he has the choice to somewhat shape his own image. This means man can also pervert his own image. A power man received when made in the image of God. It is in that ability of choice that morality can and should be applied. If man chooses to shape his own nature to better fit nature, it is good. It is good to have children, it is good to be a steward, it is good to be man. If man chooses to pervert his own nature, that is evil. It is evil to castrate, it is evil to inject tranny hormones, it is evil to murder one’s own children, etc.

                  >old underlord classes

                  In some ways they are correct.

                  There is nothing good or evil about men testing ownership of space. It’s in man’s nature to test ownership and try to conquer it. The criminal underworld is in fact a government that taxes, regulates, and attempts to form a monopoly on violence. Likewise, there is nothing good or evil about governments trying to crush the criminal underworld. They must protect their ownership of space, their monopoly on violence. Both are acting within their nature. It’s why the people love movies where the criminals the the protagonists and they also love movies where the cops are the protagonists. The people appreciate nature.

                  But they use the narrow scope of where they are correct to justify their existence of self perversion. They often indulge in prostitutes rather than family formation, they deform their bodies with ink, they destroy rather than steward, they murder rather than justly kill. They are evil because if they were given complete autonomy to form a legitimate government it would likely be a shit show (not too unlike the one in DC).

                • Calvin says:

                  It’s man’s nature to own women, it’s woman’s nature to look for upgrades (that does not mean women will succeed). The interaction of these instincts produces a dynamism that men may hate, but one that men must accept.

                  On the contrary, not only should this not be accepted it should be vigorously preached against and punished by the state religion. We want every pro-social man to be able to get a good, obedient virgin wife and a healthy number of children, which can only happen with the vigorous conspiratorial suppression of women’s instincts by men. Call them evil, cursed by God, dysgenic, whatever you want, but women’s instincts create a defect-defect incentive structure for men, and if accepted as legitimate will strip away the glories of high civilization and leave us stranded on this planet until the end of days.

                  What we want is cooperate-cooperate. We want to own the stars. For that, it must be the absolute line that women’s instincts for hypergamy, for trading up, and most of all for demon lovers are absolutely not legitimate and that any expression of these things will be punished most severely. A man should be taught to be as masculine as he can, obviously, but should also have confidence the state and society will back him to a hilt in his ownership. Cannot be designing space vehicles if worried about mate guarding all day. That way lies endless cycles of destructive madness.

                • Red says:

                  >I believe man must accept nature. Failure to accept makes him weak. Perverting nature makes him evil which nature punishes.

                  Being driven purely by nature died with the first civilization. We either force virtue and good behavior or a people who are virtuous will conquer us. This was necessary to overcome Dunbar’s number.

                  Crime/Sin and punishment for such became tools that both shaped behavior and eliminated people who could not behave themselves from the gene pool. We started to engineer ourselves.

                  However whenever possible we took short cuts to avoid having to apply too much force. Women like cruising for an upgrade and causing problems with that natural behavior? Make that impossible by forcing virgin marriage where their husband seems so alpha they’re not inclined to stray. Much easier that killing off a large section of woman until the correct genetic change takes place.

                • Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

                  By ‘underlords’ I specifically referred to men like Frederick T. Gates, Saul Alinsky, Allen Dulles, Zibignew Brzezinsk, George Soros, Henry Kissinger… in other words, the sires of our later day kakistocracy.

                • Pax Imperialis says:

                  @Calvin great selective quote btw. Ignore that I point out ownership is stronger than cruising. You’re getting tripped up by the word ‘accept’ by using it in the moral sense. I’m using the word in the stoic sense.

                  >On the contrary, not only should this not be accepted it should be vigorously preached against and punished by the state religion.
                  >which can only happen with the vigorous conspiratorial suppression of women’s instincts by men.

                  You can only suppress that which you are aware of. That means you’ve accepted it as truth. Acceptance is not the same as permissiveness. I accept that a lion’s nature is to kill and eat me. I am not going to permit (if my puny 9mm has anything to say) a lion to kill and eat me. Societies that vigorously and conspiratorially suppress too hard forget what they are suppressing and why they are suppressing. That seems to be what happened here in the West.

                  The rest of what you wrote indicates you jumped in without much of the previous context. I get it, female sexual instinct allowed to run freely is bad for civilization and male cooperation. I’ve said that as much over and over again. What I have been saying is that civilizational life cycles might be why it persists in our genetics.


                  >Being driven purely by nature died with the first civilization.
                  >We either force virtue and good behavior or a people who are virtuous will conquer us.

                  And what has been killing many other civilizations has been an utopian desire to be wholly separate from nature. Not to master nature but to treat it like a blank slate. I am not saying we can’t try to master nature and alter it, but the first and foremost need is to be aware and fearfully respectful of nature before tinkering inside what is mostly a black box. Right now the main problem is a refusal to acknowledge human nature. The progressive desire to treat mankind as a blank slate infinitely malleable has been a disaster.

                  >Crime/Sin and punishment for such became tools that both shaped behavior and eliminated people who could not behave themselves from the gene pool. We started to engineer ourselves.

                  All true, but let us be cautious that we don’t accidentally engineer ourselves into sterility. There’s a certain vitality that the cowboy or eccentric hermit or even the barbarian has that we don’t want to eliminate. A certain wildness and nonconformity that the ancient Greeks sought to preserve and harness inside their cities. Europe obviously went a little too far.

                  >Women like cruising for an upgrade and causing problems with that natural behavior? Make that impossible by forcing virgin marriage where their husband seems so alpha they’re not inclined to stray.

                  Much of human history involved men abducting women and women being suspiciously easy to abduct. Stopping female instinct would necessitate preventing men from abducting. On the macro scale requires an end to conquest meaning the end of war. Good luck. War is in our nature. On the micro scale would require virgin marriage enforced… which looks suspiciously like simulated abduction… which is what you’re proposing. On the contrary you’ll be using female instincts to keep their behavior under check. That isn’t getting rid of them but putting them into stasis. As soon as enforced virgin marriage stops being enforced, they go back to cruising.


                  Half of the debates I have here feels like terminology driven meandering. Not fun. A problem I typically don’t have in spoken form. Got a feeling Red and I are going around in circles because we have different lexicons for similar ideas.

                • jim says:

                  > Half of the debates I have here feels like terminology driven meandering. Not fun.


                  Rectification of names, and context. People jump in without regard to context, and frequently attribute to one’s words the globohomo nuspeak meaning.

                  I quote to preserve context, and redundantly mention the context in the reply, and tend to define based meanings for potentially debased words.

                • Calvin says:

                  Ignore that I point out ownership is stronger than cruising. You’re getting tripped up by the word ‘accept’ by using it in the moral sense. I’m using the word in the stoic sense.

                  I think even that is giving too much ground. It should be regarded as a problem to be solved for the advancement and propagation of the human species, by social engineering in the short term and (perhaps) by genetic engineering in the long term. Removing a perennial source of societal degradation would do wonders for our ability to expand and thrive. I see no reason to grant the current arrangement the undue honor of presuming it to be unchangeable. Evolution marches ever on.

                • jim says:

                  Evolution selects for what is individually advantageous for survival and reproduction. It is advantageous for a women to bang a man who bangs lots of women, since this increases the likelihood that her sons will bang lots of women. It is disadvantageous for man to bang a woman who has banged lots of men.

                  Hence, conflict between the sexes. Hence, defect/defect equilibrium, which results in both sexes failing to reproduce.

                  To cure defect/defect equilibrium only external coercion against defectors will work. Evolution is not going to help. Women have to be externally restrained from forever shopping around for a more alpha male. Men have to be externally restrained from robbery, extortion, theft, and coveting that which does not belong to them.

                  The Victorians tried social engineering – making women virtuous by imputing virtue to them, and removing all corrupting influences. Failed catastrophically with an intolerable level of bastards born in dark muddy allies in the rain. You have to have coercion. Everything else has been tried. Nothing else works. The impulse to forever shop around, and shop for very bad men, comes from inside.

                  We might be able to make the nature of women less inconvenient in some respects by manipulating hormones. Blocking andrenarch until puberty would make raising female children considerably less stressful. But against the propensity of women to forever shop around for the baddest man around, you would have to do something like implanting an override chip in their brain that would enable their owner to turn their sexual impulses on and off.

                • Calvin says:

                  @Jim: I see no reason such feats of bioengineering need be considered forever beyond our grasp, but for my part I would strive for an even more total solution. There must be some combination of genes in a woman that cause the sexual instinct to stray, I see no reason to believe that these cannot be isolated and modified with sufficient effort. We’ve modified the genes of many creatures to our advantage across the eons. The Russian fox experiment shows it can accomplish major behavioral changes in a very short time. There’s nothing impossible about doing it to ourselves.

                • jim says:

                  > There must be some combination of genes in a woman that cause the sexual instinct to stray

                  It is not straying in itself that is the problem. There are no end of women chastely waiting for Jeremy Meeks’s next booty call, that never comes.

                  The problem rather is hypergamy and preselection.

                  The problem is that you want a man and a woman to be stuck – to not defect on each other. And there is no straightforward way to get from here to there.

                  Women have a powerful tendency to fall in love with the first man they have sex with. Like sticky tape that is stickiest the first time it is used, and gets considerably less sticky with each re-application. Suppose we amped up this tendency and made it uniform. Well that would be great – but we would still need all the usual coercive patriarchal institutions to make sex with an appropriate man happen at the appropriate time, when the natural female preference is for a grossly inappropriate man at a grossly inappropriate time. We might be able to fix the grossly inappropriate time part by jiggering with hormones, but for the appropriate man part, there is no solution other than usual coercive institutions of patriarchy.

                  Then, of course, there is the shit test problem. If females don’t get much choice, then this is as useless as an appendix. But shit tests do stop, or at least become gentle jokes, if you pass them regularly.

                • Red says:


                  And what has been killing many other civilizations has been an utopian desire to be wholly separate from nature. Not to master nature but to treat it like a blank slate. I am not saying we can’t try to master nature and alter it, but the first and foremost need is to be aware and fearfully respectful of nature before tinkering inside what is mostly a black box. Right now the main problem is a refusal to acknowledge human nature. The progressive desire to treat mankind as a blank slate infinitely malleable has been a disaster.

                  I think blank slatism is more akin to the idea that we’re gods. There’s no evidence that blank slatism is real but when someone assumes it true it’s like they have infinite power. It’s an evil lie that always leads to disaster.

                  I think the basic disagreement between us is on dysfunction vs usefulness. You think that all evolutionary useful behavior is good while I think there’s a lot of evolved behaviors that are disastrous in the current context and need to be restrained and in same cases like crime actively selected against.

                  I’m actually big believer in allowing natural roles for humans but what can’t lose sight that a lot of evolved behavior is highly dysfunctional especially in a civilization that’s blowing itself up. Woman’s behavior in particular grows increasingly dysfunctional with more freedom.

                  Natural instincts need to be acknowledged and then properly channeled, hence my hatred for the McChristain ideas like using the power of Boyfriend Jesus for waiting until marriage instead of getting girls married off early while still virgins. Human nature isn’t evil, but due to the complex nature of our evolution virtue has to be cultivated and enforced within the limits of our nature in order to avoid dysfunction. It’s a complex dance that’s difficult not to screw up and it’s made worse by so many evil people pushing dysfunction as good.

                • Mayflower Sperg says:

                  We’ve modified the genes of many creatures to our advantage across the eons. The Russian fox experiment shows it can accomplish major behavioral changes in a very short time.

                  This is called “selective breeding”. In each generation, Dmitri Belyaev bred the ~10% of foxes that showed the most pet-like behavior, while the rest became fur coats. What are you planning to do with the women who flunk out of your instinct-modification program?

                  You can’t gene-edit a perfect wife because thousands of genes interact in millions of ways, so the only way to test a genome is to put it into a zygote and observe its entire life cycle.

                • Pax Imperialis says:

                  >I think there’s a lot of evolved behaviors that are disastrous in the current context

                  Jim points out a truth better than I could:

                  Evolution selects for what is individually advantageous for survival and reproduction. It is advantageous for a women to bang a man who bangs lots of women, since this increases the likelihood that her sons will bang lots of women. It is disadvantageous for man to bang a woman who has banged lots of men.

                  Hence, conflict between the sexes.

                  I was taking that underlying principle and applying it to civilizational cycles. I posit that it is advantageous for a woman to get conquered especially if her tribe is composed of weak men. This is obviously terrible for the men. It is advantageous for men to conquer especially if his tribe is strong. This is also advantageous for women. This is an asymmetrical game.

                  For a woman, her sexual instinct will be beneficial to her regardless of civilized or decivilized. Civilized women simply are conquered women. Their instinct have not been stopped, but simply satiated with being fulfilled. Decivilized women signal “conquer us.” Their instinct (eventually) gets them back to civilization. Either way the instinct is good for woman and bad for men.

                  Defect/defect is just one end of an oscillation. Because women signal “conquer us” in defect/defect societies, they historically get conquered and forced back into cooperate/cooperate. Cooperation is hard and decays over time. So we end up oscillating between the two poles. This is why civilization is cyclical.

                  So I ask a basic question, if female sexual instinct is completely removed such that they can’t signal “conquer us,” and entropy naturally erodes cooperation, what happens? This is why I think it would be potentially dangerous to edit out the genes that guide female sexual instincts.

                  >You think that all evolutionary useful behavior is good

                  Wrong. I believe some behavior to be useful to the individual while toxic for the group, some to be useful to the group while toxic to the individual, and many to be selectively useful and selectively toxic.

                  For all the behaviors we can make judgements on, there are plenty that we have to recognize we don’t know enough to judge, certainly not enough to edit out. I advocate extreme caution, especially in regards to sexual instinct. Any talk about how we organize society is essentially talk about how to reconfigure the human soul. This is extraordinarily dangerous. Our present time a prime example, yet we cannot avoid this danger. The safest solution would be to roll back to a previous state. The Bible is a good start, and (@Calvin) CAREFULLY proceed from there.

            • Calvin says:

              Violence against women and children is a fine way to pick up a lot of women though. I know chubby middle-aged wife-beaters who do fine even though they would absolutely get wrecked in anything resembling a fair fight (a few who have and kept the women anyway).

              • Pax Imperialis says:

                >Violence against women and children is a fine way to pick up a lot of women though.

                Sure, but violence followed up by suicide is obviously not a fine way to pick up women. You read the first part of what I wrote and ignore the second part.

            • Red says:

              They are targeting women, children, and then killing themselves. Though out much of history of swords and spears, only about 1/7 (remembering off the top of my head) men reproduced with nearly all the women. I don’t think spears or guns made much of an impact as you think.

              They’re targeting women and children because women find that sort of behavior as very Alpha. The ones who don’t kill themselves find no end of woman wanting to be banged by them. Incel rage is designed to attract females, not take over the group hierarchy.

              The weakest male could kill the strongest via a stone to his sleeping face.

              Very hard to do with a primate. Very strong skulls design to take blows. Alpha male is likely to get up and curb stomp the weak male who tried to kill him, assuming he doesn’t wake up before the attack. Chimps take down Alpha males via a collation lead by a new would be Alpha male, via ambush and beat the alpha male to death.

              With a spear it’s quite easy for the weakest man to kill the alpha male hogging all women with a spear to the back during a hunt. They can even plausible claim it was an accident.

              Cooperation to commit group violence is not isolated to us.

              Chimp’s only fight when they have a 3 to 1 advantage, otherwise they run away. You see a similar dynamic with planes apes who often can’t be sure who fathered their children. To get men willing to fight to the death they need mates who’s offspring they absolutely know is theirs to defend. This increases the cooperation in group violence quite a bit as men who do not know for sure if they have any children to defend are much better off running away than fighting to death.

              This happy accident of eveluition only occurred after the invention of the spear.

              • Pax Imperialis says:

                >women find that sort of behavior as very Alpha

                Dead is not alpha. Women do not care about dead men. Overall the incel rage is at its core suicidal despair. It is not designed to win women, but to go out with a bang.

                >Very hard to do with a primate.

                I’ve seen video of what a teenage male can do with blunt force to a sleeping man. It ain’t pretty. Big rock or primitive hammer is sufficient to make sure the victim is not getting up.

                >This happy accident of eveluition only occurred after the invention of the spear.


                Something happened 50,000 years ago that lead to an explosion of male reproduction. Something happened 10,000 years ago to cause a collapse. The spear was 300,000 years ago, the arrow 60,000-70,000 years ago. Moreover, the rate got far worse for men between 50,000 years ago to 10,000 years ago. This is all with increasingly deadly weapons technology. Your theory on the spear just doesn’t hold up.

                • Red says:

                  >Dead is not alpha. Women do not care about dead men. Overall the incel rage is at its core suicidal despair. It is not designed to win women, but to go out with a bang.

                  What evolutionary instinct drives seucide?

                  Incel rage is absolutely designed to attract woman. You can tell this because it does attract it. But even with that rage Incels can not keep women because they have no tribe to back them in that ownership. The lack of a tribe backing their ownership of woman drives both them and woman to despair.

                  >I’ve seen video of what a teenage male can do with blunt force to a sleeping man. It ain’t pretty. Big rock or primitive hammer is sufficient to make sure the victim is not getting up

                  A man, not a primate. I don’t think you have any idea how big and heavy our skulls used to be. We’re pretty sure the Neanderthals were doing pair bonding instead of Chimp like mating as Neanderthal males seem to be less sexually dysmorphic than previous hominoids.

                  >Something happened 50,000 years ago that lead to an explosion of male reproduction. Something happened 10,000 years ago to cause a collapse. The spear was 300,000 years ago, the arrow 60,000-70,000 years ago. Moreover, the rate got far worse for men between 50,000 years ago to 10,000 years ago. This is all with increasingly deadly weapons technology. Your theory on the spear just doesn’t hold up

                  The spear is older than the Neanderthals who are got started between 450k and 800k years ago. Where are you getting this bullshit on the age of wood weapon tech?

                  >Something happened 10,000 years ago to cause a collapse.

                  You mean the Aryan expansion? No shit that men we killed failed to reproduce.

                  50-80k years ago is when we became smart and starting killing the other hominoids off. This is commonly called the out of Africa migration, but more likely we immigrated back into Africa from as conditions in Africa is unlikely to result in large gains in intelligence.

        • Mayflower Sperg says:

          Women are terrible at assessing male hierarchies, but they are great at assessing male self confidence which is a damn good proxy for strength of will.

          Until recently, a man’s self-confidence was a good proxy for his place in the male hierarchy, because any nigger sauntering down the street like he owned the place got a beat-down from the men who did own the place. When women see a poseur not getting pummeled, they assume he’s the real deal.

        • SJ says:

          I would call it self assuredness rather than confidence as it’s an easy test to trick. Just look at the gamma aka convert narcissist. Women can’t tell the difference between real confidence and self assuredness.

          • Mike in Boston says:

            Women can’t tell the difference between real confidence and self assuredness.

            And a good thing, too, because at times in my life when I was pretty low on actual confidence, fake-it-until-you-make-it worked quite well for me.

            Or maybe there is a real effect happening, analogous to the claim that forcing yourself to smile actually improves your mood: maybe acting self-assured even when you feel ill at ease increases your inner confidence.

    • Doom says:

      As I said before, the problem is technology making the world bigger.

      Human psychology is very biased by an aversion to loss.

      If your entire world is 100 humans, and you know that 80% of other humans out there will kill you or enslave you, very easy to know, for certain, that the partner you choose is the best you can get.

      Humans today KNOW that there is something better than what they have, both men and women, and that they may find it.

      Men have an easier time with loss, we lose often in our early life. Although you can see that as time has progressed, younger men are also entering this feminine frame of “there might be something better and if I commit I might miss out on it”.

      Women these days are raised in such a way that they expect to win. Even the educational system – which rewards the particular type of submission and performance women excel at – sets women up to expect continual status gains.

      With that said, female sexual behaviour can be considered eugenic or dysgenic depending on your point of view.

      If women choose men based on their physical appearance and personality as it relates to their ability to commit violence, their offpsring will do pretty well if there is a technological collapse, right?

  7. Pax Imperialis says:

    NBC organized a Taiwan invasion war game over a year ago. It is perhaps even more relevant today than ever before because it shows what American leadership thinks. It included a senior research fellow at the National Defense University, a FMR. Under Secretary of Defense, CEO of CNAS, CEO of CSIS, several congressmen, and a lone (and increasingly worried) Retired General whose potential voice of sanity was highly self censored. It quickly turned into a near nuclear WW3. The absolute fools.

    It’s too stupid to give a detailed summery of what they talked about, but the Retired General’s brief segments were noteworthy.


    Retired General Mike Holmes points out that China considers Taiwan an internal issue and so long as the US stays out of it, the Chinese are content with not messing with the US.


    Look at the General’s nervous swaying back and forth as he listens to the “defense experts” and politicians talk about war with China over Taiwan. I can’t think of a single time I’ve ever seen a military man (outside PTSD breakdowns, but this isn’t one of those) doing the equivalent of rocking back and forth out of distress. Look at how he grimaces but cuts back from saying anything.


    Here the general points out the obvious, resupply is an issue for Taiwan. This isn’t Ukraine.

    These morons are not the same cadre of idiots that made the Ukraine mess, they are even dumber acolytes who are set to take over. DOD sorts are clearly concerned, but political conditioning of the military to be “non-political” means they will not call out civilian leadership for being stupid… that’s if they are not spiritually compromised like General Mattis was.

    Key take away, US intervention in Taiwan will be a far greater shit show than Ukraine.

    • Red says:

      The fact that the war game thought that they could move large numbers of troops and supplies to the island shows their stupidity. Air fields will be cratered by missiles every hour preventing transport from flying in and any large ships trying to approach will soon be sitting in the bottom from China missile strikes.

      • Mister Grumpus says:

        Yes. It’s obvious to send out 100 slow-poke, piston-powered, runway-cratering (and anti-air-missile-absorbing) drones, every day 365, to deny Taiwanese airfields “non-violently”. For as Long as It Takes.

    • Kunning Drueger says:

      Assuming they survive, videos like this will be used by future scholars to illustrate just how deluded and out of touch the Americans were. The females in the room, on all sides, were abysmally stupid. The old hag, the former undersecretary, actually says “we should land a bunch of SEALs to support the Marines,” because SpecOps are magical and this is a movie, right?

      A significant issue with War Games like this is they don’t really address externalities. For instance, what would NKorea do? What would Russia do? What about all the various dissident, rebel, terrorist, and separatist groups? There’s so much noise in the West it’s almost pointless to even discuss things like this for those in power, and I’m referring to the 3-10% of leaders and specialists that are even remotely capable of being objective, because of the inability to thoughtcrime. They refer to “Russia’s failure” as a foregone conclusion, and this was a year ago. They act like it’s just 1944 with better cameras and equality.

      Ukraine War is showing the incompetence and incapacity of females to understand hard power, and there aren’t any real men available to take power, so it’s almost certain that the crazy would dial up to 11 in a very short time. Putin & Moscow have shown that there’s no guarantee of realism or intelligence on the “other side,” and can we reasonably expect Xi’s Beijing to perform better?

      • The Cominator says:

        America women are so fucking insane they think they can actually do warfare when their mind is not evolved for it…

        Before the modern era while most political leaders were male female queens were not exactly unheard of, but female leaders never intervened in the tactical and strategic aspects of warfare (maybe they’d work a bit of personal attention on making sure the logistics wasn’t all being stolen or something but thats it). Even queens knew then that women should not play at being a general or admiral that warfare was something specialized in the male mind. Male kings were expected to lead and command their armies, female leaders were only at best to give a speech and parade around the battlefield as a mascot.

        Joan of Arc (not a queen) who is a very very odd case in 1000 ways is the only exception I know of.

        • Redbible says:

          Just to clarify, Joan of Arc never used a sword or fought, all she did (according to her testimony during her trial) was ride a horse that carried her banner. Not a warrior, Not a general. Still, the idea that a “speaker for God” was with your army was likely a strong motivator. But Joan of Arc was not and is not anything like the feminist try to proclaim her as. (except perhaps her short hair cut.)

          • Aidan says:

            Joan hung out with Gilles de Rais. Pretty clear that France, in desperate straits, turned to some evil demon worshipers, maybe leftovers from the Cathars, for elite cohesion.

            • The Cominator says:

              Yes very weird case overall, still her interogation revealed nothing that sounded like any of the shit Gilles de Rais was doing. Also as far as we know Gilles de Rais outright attempts at literal demon worship and human sacrifice only began after Joan was burned.

      • Mister Grumpus says:

        Women understand hard power in ways we never can. It’s just not a problem for them, that’s all. There’s no perception of hard power, anyone’s hard power, as being a “threat”. They just want to figure out who the winner is so they can line up to fuck him.

  8. The Cominator says:

    BTW I speculate that there may be real significance to this in regards to elite defection and such.

    Soros (the proxy for dirty blue empire glowniggers and money) is denounced as evil (no he doesn’t have any good intentions) and Soros sells all his Tesla stock. Elon is the proxy for DoD future technologist faction…

    Does this mean the factions have had a falling out and have decided that no cooperation is possible and that they must utterly destroy each other. I certainly hope so. But perhaps I read too much into this.

    • Dr. Faust says:

      Musk has called out Harvard by name twice in MSM interviews. Once on Bill Maher when asked about the woke mind virus’s origin and another on cnbc about supporting someone for president. I doubt he reads Jim’s blog so probably 3rd party verification of the Harvard Conspiracy.

      • anonymous mouse says:

        Probably reads Curtis Yarvin.

        • Pax Imperialis says:

          I seem to remember Musk calling out the university system and academia years before Yarvin was known and or writing. Quite possible Musk, he is rather smart, is just ahead of the curve/convergent with Yarvin.

          Now if he starts calling Harvard the Cathedral…

        • Anonymous Fake says:

          Jim blames “Socinians” and Yarvin blames protestants in general. A more fundamental explanation of Harvard’s corruption is that it’s so hard for honest and hard working students to earn their way in that it’s just full of cheaters.

          Centuries of compound interest in its gargantuan endowment and no serious leftist looting (or “jubilee” if you like that word more) also results in corruption.

          There’s a plot twist. Yale was founded by a slave trader, but for some reason he is allowed to remain named and his statues still stand, unlike Calhoun, who simply inherited slaves. There’s another answer right there.

          • jim says:


            When smart kids from good schools prep for Ivy League, they focus their energy and attention on setting up a fake paper trail of left wing activism. They are not cheating on their exams, they are cheating on their political profile. The university entry tests have been dumbed down so far that anyone half smart can ace them. The university entrance tests are so dumb that they cannot reveal the difference between a smarty and a half smart midwit. Compare today’s tests with the basic literacy test they used to use for voters. You had to be smarter to pass the basic literacy test for voters than to get into Harvard today.

            The behavior of smart high school students in good schools aiming at the Ivy League reveals that everyone knows why Harvard is leftist. Because it recruits leftists, and has been doing so from well before the civil war.

            The smart kids at university, and the smart high school students hoping to get into Ivy League, don’t grind, let alone cheat. They party. They know how Harvard is recruiting and graduating. It is always been that way, except that the bar for leftism has been rising ever higher, and the bar for smarts falling every lower. Harvard was founded by a bunch of leftist priests expelled from Church of England for leftism and for coveting that which is Caesar’s. They were at it then and they are at it now. You think someone who was a genuine and open Tory and monarchist would have gotten into Harvard in 1636 if he was smart and good at passing exams?

            Nothing has changed, and the behavior of kids who are smarter than the exams test for reveals that they know it. You know why they took analogies out of the Sat? Because most of the kids they want at Harvard are too dumb to do analogies. How dumb do you have to be to fail analogies?

            Universities are always religious seminaries of the state religion. Always have been, always will be. When we are in power they still will be, but with a different state religion, and a hundred times smaller.

            • Anonymous Fake says:

              I speak English as a first language. I didn’t get a perfect English score on the SAT [*deleted*]

              • jim says:

                The answers on the English SAT are subjective and arbitrary. Someone who is smarter and speaks better English than the test setters is going to get quite a few of the answers “wrong”

                A moderately smart midwit who speaks English as first language will get a good score, with the any errors being random noise due to flaws in the test, rather than flaws in his English.

                For example, there are a whole lot of “which best describes” questions. There is no right answer to this question, because to determine “best” one must model writer intent and reader impact. Is the author trying to convey traditional Japanese practices, the psychological impact on one character, the psychological impact on another character, setting up the conflict with the protagonist, or doing a reveal? The answer to the question is apt to depend on the reader’s guess about the larger context from which the passage was lifted. The man who lifted the passage and composed the question has more information that the person being tested, knowing the context, and even he is apt to make subjective and arbitrary choices.

                Prep consists of accurately modeling the people who compose the questions, what interests them, what they think is important. And these people are themselves not very smart. At the high score end, it does not really test how smart you are, but how well you model the people who set the English sat. Familiarity with the kind of books from which they lift their passages also helps. At the high score end, it is not so much recognizing which answer is truly right, but in what way the people who set the test will get the answers wrong.

                If someone is smarter and has better English than the test setters, he is likely to have a different opinion of which answers are “right”. If he finds the books boring because his interests are different, then the truly right answer for him will be different from the truly right answer for test setter – the answer is subjective and depends.

          • Pax Imperialis says:

            Likely to fall on deaf ears, but read up on Puritanism in England and how it led to the Levellers, Diggers, and Ranters. Movements that where and still are remarkably similar to current day woke. Progressive taxation, abolition of monarchy (authority), wealth redistribution, and sexual liberalism.

            They were preaching the idea of genderless souls back in the day which is really just spiritual egalitarianism. That expresses itself as material egalitarianism in things like BLM and trannies.

            Then you realize these are the people who settled America and tried collective farming with the first colonies nearly starving to death. The same people who created the colleges in the New England area…

            • Mr.P says:

              The Socialist Phenomenon, by Igor Shafarevich, covers this subject in detail, particularly in the first section, “Chiliastic Socialism.” An excellent book.

    • Red says:

      There’s something very powerful here:


      That’s not a merchant’s responce.

  9. Cloudswrest says:

    It’s beginning to look like Russia has, more or less, successfully attritted most of Ukraine’s air defense ordinance, and replacements are not soon in coming. The Russian air force is about to gain free reign over the country.

    • Pax Imperialis says:

      >The Russian air force is about to gain free reign

      Very likely.

      The 4 Russian aircraft that were recently shot down in a single day where potentially downed by MPADs operating within Russian territory. I remember some within Russia criticizing Putin for putting thousands of men to work digging trenches along the boarder, but considering how Ukraine has been increasingly conducting suicide mission within Russia, it was likely a good decision. You use MPADs when you run out of everything else, so yeah, Ukraine’s air defense is likely in a terminal end state.

      • Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

        The word I’ve heard is that it was ground launched amraams in home-on-jam mode. Shot dark from mobile launchers (probably hummers, they can take SLAMRAAM racks) and given mid-course updates to the target locations, the probable flight-paths of which known ahead of time thanks USG participation in the war through passing on data from its ISR, and the fact that the unit involved had been running the same operation multiple times (one helo with the e-war equipment, one plane with the strike package, one plane on a2a overwatch, and one helo for casevac).

        A stunt like this was planned months ahead of time and they were basically just waiting for an opportunity, which is pretty typical of the NOG war effort in later days; ‘pot shot’ operations every now and then to give something that can be jammed in news cycle everywhere for the next few weeks, so that impressions of progress and success in the background can be painted (news reality is of course defined more by what is and is not reported on more often over time, not mere facts by themselves).

        On that note, they’ve been quietly launching offensives in and around Bakhmutgrad for a while now, all while also saying ‘major offensives have not yet begun’, which is of course in line with the political logic; if they succeed, they can trumpet it from the rooftops, and if they fail, they can say it wasn’t a big deal anyways.

        • jim says:

          They’ve been quietly launching offensives in and around Bakhmutgrad for a while now, all while also saying ‘major offensives have not yet begun’.

          I noticed. Major offensives have begun at three places on the front line, the most important place being Bakhmut, but are not being announced, probably for fear that they would stall out, as the Bakhmut offensive has.

          I normally do not cover the latest news, for the real meaning of the news is apt to be far more intelligible after a decade or a century, but, since no one is covering it, I may well post.

    • Cloudswrest says:

      The Patriot missiles appear to have a high mechanical failure rate. Another high tech American military hardware that appears to be very buggy, at $5 million a rocket.

      This brings up the next issue: a lot of the Patriot missiles appeared to fail. These fallen pieces are not ‘discarded rocket stages’ or anything like that, but the actual missile heads themselves. In fact, we have photo proof that several of them “failed” mid-flight and did the famous ‘Patriot maneuver’ caught long ago in Saudi Arabia:

      Here’s a variety of angles showing the Patriot missile infamously doing the death loop and hitting the ground near its own launcher:


      The Patriot appears to have some kind of critical problem with a very high failure rate. It’s no surprise that the following findings were delivered to the U.S. Congress after the Gulf War:

      From here: https://simplicius76.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-mim-104-patriot-destruction

      • Red says:

        It’s surprising they even sent them. After the Iranians easily penetrated the system to hit that Saudi refinery it was clear they were just as shit in 2020 as they were in 1993.

        • Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

          There’s an inherent tension. Some do not wish to send any ‘marquee’ weapons, partly out of lack of desire for WW3, partly out of suspicion and fear that little to nothing in the inventory has operational readiness, and may not perform as advertised even if it does, thus showing the emperor has no clothes.

          Others insinuate that the former have insufficient faith in The Cause, which is a difficult charge to deal with in such social circles.

  10. Calvin says:

    So either Thailand just got color revolution-ed or its people are just really gullible. Their biggest party is now a bunch of bog-standard royalist-hating international progressives, homo “marriage” and all:


    Either way, per Jim’s theory Thailand can expect never to win another war ever again. But, to be fair, had they ever won a modern one anyway?

    • someDude says:

      Thailand has won exactly as many modern wars as the Swiss have, thank you very much.

    • The Cominator says:

      There is something sort of especially evil about doing this kind of thing to Thailand. The Thais are like Switzerland but not evil and/or a depository of dirty/stolen money. Gullibility is probably what happened. No more 5 dollar blowjobs and 20 dollar creampies with hotties thais, no more “oppressive” (ie unobtrusive mostly libertarian) royal government… you’re about to get “social progress”.

      • Pax Imperialis says:

        >The Thais are like Switzerland but not evil

        Are you sure about that?


        A society where boys at 6, 7, and 8 are openly being turned into homosexual tranny prostitutes. You are American, and like most Americans have no clue the abyss that exists in much of the world. An abyss we’re currently jumping into.

      • A2 says:

        I like the Swiss, a great country. The worst Swiss I’ve met turned out to be an Austrian.

        The Obama US money laundering hand wringers can fuck right off, btw.

    • jim says:

      Genuinely democratic election, unfortunately. Need to restrict the vote to male taxpaying married property owners with children, and to members of the fighting arms of the military, the police, and private security, to men with guns for organized violence. A government needs the support of soldiers and taxpayers. Should it care about cat ladies and layabouts?

      However, because democratic elections in Thailand regularly and routinely lead to unfortunate outcomes, the government may just ignore the results. Being on the periphery of empire, may well be able to get away with it.

      An election should be a mock civil war that assesses the likely outcome of a real civil war. If you let faggots, cat ladies, and random street people vote, it is not an accurate assessment.

      Further, elections require a virtuous elite, otherwise unlikely to reflect the likely outcome, because they are going to cook it in various ways. Thailand’s elite is considerably more virtuous than our own, thanks to having a King who is not entirely useless. He is not fat. He is excessively married, but has an adequate supply of sons, and he does regulate the status competition into prosocial channels.

      Thailand has a balanced constitution, with monarchic, aristocratic, and republican elements – but the republican elements are too strong and too morally degenerate, the aristocratic elements too weak. The monarchic element is doing OK so far, but the winner of the election wants to trim that element back to a merely symbolic role. A strong king in a balanced constitution needs a strong aristocracy and a virtuous republic. And the King of Thailand does not have a strong aristocracy nor a virtuous republic.

    • Brad says:

      I don’t think the outcome is as final as its being made out to be. Keep in mind that Move Forward only received 152 of the 500 total seats (750 if you count the 250 military-elected senators). That’s hardly the mandate that they’re making it out to be.

      They’ve apparently wrangled together a coalition of six parties. The coalition would have a total of 309 votes, almost all of which come from Move Forward and Pheu Thai. This is far short of the 376 votes needed to guarantee them the PM position. They will need some of the senators to vote for them.

      “Mr Pita said he did not see any reason for the senators to go against the people’s mandate, which should be accepted by all concerned.”

      Doesn’t sound confident to me. Sounds like they’re trying to run the Biden playbook of “Office of the President Elect”, to imprint in everyone’s minds that Pita will be the next PM no matter what. What incentive would the military-elected senators have to vote for the candidate that openly wants to get rid of them? Hopefully the military will do the right thing, but perhaps that’s naive optimism.

      It’ll be bad news if Pita does get in. He’s Harvard-educated. The whole thing reeks of USG involvement. Not that they necessarily rigged the election, but I’m sure they’ll help in whatever ways they can. Move Forward are the party of the red shirts, who are completely globohomo aligned. Hunger Games salutes, pro democracy, pro homo, anti monarchy, pro vaccine mandates, etc.

      Seems like the USG also recently setup a new “consulate” in the north, probably for spying on China, but perhaps also to funnel weapons to Myanmar rebels?


      Has the eye of Sauron just now started paying more attention to Thailand? If this kind of stuff is happening on the periphery of the empire, the empire isn’t as weak as I thought.

      • jim says:

        When and if the president elect is not elected, color revolution is likely to ensue. They have a King. Pretty sure the King knows what is cooking, and does not like it. Pretty sure the military will do whatever the King tells them. The question then will be, what will he tell them?

        These guys are Harvard carryon baggers, and their investment in winning and keeping power is likely to be limited. The other side has a very large investment. Color revolutions used have an aura of inevitable victory, and high likelihood of being bombed flat if they failed. The aura of invincibility went away. And Nato is very short of ordinance.

        • skippy says:

          King is an absentee and possibly a moron. Lives in Europe, politically unengaged, and has made himself disliked. If the previous king were still around, this would not be happening.

          This coup was endorsed by the previous king. Under the current king, has been slowly running out steam. Generals anyway cannot rule indefinitely.

          Most likely outcome of this is that US sympathisers do gain more power in some way – perhaps not to the extreme of this man becoming prime minister – Thailand gets punished by China, and the US does nothing to help, because the SEA and Indian Ocean is rapidly falling out of the area that uS can influence directly. They need all the aircraft carriers just to deal with China in the Pacific. Thailand has a border with China, and as China’s airforce modernises it gains the ability to overfly all of Thailand from land bases. US cannot compete with that, even if it could send aircraft carriers to the Gulf of Thailand, which it probably no longer can.

          Thailand is very much the swing state in SEA though, and has quietly been very independent and heavily armed throughout 20th century. It is smart to target the country. US recently built a large second embassy compound in Bangkok.

          • jim says:

            You are credulously accepting color revolution propaganda. The King lives in his own country, and has powerfully and effectively shaped it. The people in Thailand issuing this propaganda, during the brief periods when they are in Thailand rather than strangely close to Harvard or in Washington, live in hotels out of a carryon bag.

    • A2 says:

      Thailand is also well-known for having military coups.

  11. i says:

    Common filth has St Maximus the Confessor pegged as a Gnostic Heretic. Who hates femininity/women and sex:

    Among a few other Church Fathers like Augustine. He believes that Sex is a result of the fall. Otherwise the pre-fall way of reproduction would be asexual.

    Involving no sexual intercourse at all. Very bizarre deranged belief on sexuality.

    • i says:

      Augustine’s deranged beliefs on sexuality. If said quotes are real:

      As stated before. Fits the pattern of Frigidity within marriage and Promiscuity outside Marriage.

      Since Augustine and Jerome I think. Really wanted Prostitution at the same time so men can spend their lust away. And at the same time positing sexlessness in marriage or simple mechanical action without pleasure within marriage only for the purposes of Reproduction.

      Definitely a Satanic inversion. In regards to sexuality.

      • Hesiod says:

        My favorite aspect of that site is all the “testimonies” from credentialed catladies and faggots detailing how traditional Christianity is oppressive, sexist, and homophobic. The call for wahmen priests is a nice touch too. No footage of drag queen story hour at the moment, but that’s probably just an unfortunate oversight. If we all write in concern, maybe they’ll rectify that quicksmart.

      • The Cominator says:

        Augustine supported married clergy and he was right to support keeping prostitution legal you absolute faggot.

      • SJ says:

        Fits in with the rest of the gnostic holy androgyne reproduce by jerking off in a tube and go to the ivf baby factory garbage. Of course all the gays love hearing this. They aren’t defective or possibly infected with a brain altering parasite when they were sodomized as a child, no, everyone is defective! Let’s all just forget about the seven other deadly sins, only remember lust. Greed, pride, sloth? Nope once everyone is an androgynous lumpen and we reproduce at the baby factory; magic utopia!

      • i says:


        A broken clock is right twice a day.

        And because they managed to collect all the quotes conveniently in one place

        @The Cominator

        And Prostitution existed even in Old Testament days. But wasn’t a legitimate form of sexuality.

        And notice how the highest form of Prostitute(Escort) is one that best approximates the wife experience?

        Of course people say. But prostitution necessary because wife is frigid. But that goes to show how Frigidity within marriage reinforced promiscuity outside of it.

        2 Apparent opposing Poles yet feeding each other.

        Wouldn’t be surprised if much of the derangement among the so called Ascetics in sexual matters is due to their sodomite past or tendencies expressing itself in a Freudian way. Alongside deranged Gnosticism.

  12. TheDividualist says:


    >We need everyone to agree [*you left out the word “reluctantly thereby changing the meaning.*]

    Sounds like textbook woman “leadership”

    Male CEOs have always accepted when I told them “I will obey your decision, but I predict bad outcomes because X Y” and even admitted to me when they were wrong.

    Women “leaders” always wanted to forge / force a fake consensus of their underlings because… IDK. Not wanna have responsibility?

    • TheDividualist says:

      … well or maybe feminised man leadership?

      You can recognize a proper man as a leader as he says obedience is enough. You are allowed to have your disagreements. Just obey my decision.

      A feminised man might demand agreement because he has no confidence and needs validation

    • jim says:

      Illegitimate argument. The context “hegemon”, “old Testament marriage”, “unequal distribution of the benefits of cooperation” implies exactly that form of agreement you give as an example of you “disagreeing” with your boss. You have the alternative of not doing what you are told, but you agree that the boss is the boss, because the benefits of cooperation, keeping your job, means you go along anyway. The weakness of the Global American Empire is that because it operates on fake consensus it does not know when the other parties will find war to be the better alternative.

    • jim says:

      In the context (“hegemon”, “old testament marriage” “unequal distribution of the benefits of cooperation”) what kind of agreement do you think I am talking about”

    • Carte Blanche says:

      Women “leaders” always wanted to forge / force a fake consensus of their underlings because… IDK

      I would think the reason is obvious. Women have a hardwired revulsion to being at the top of a male command hierarchy, and when placed in that position, automatically seek to either recreate the equivalent female structure — i.e. the longhouse — or act destructive in order to coax a man to take charge. In practice, both behaviors are pretty much the same.

      • The Cominator says:

        If women somehow end up ruling a group of violent men and they fail to establish consensus they probably subconsciously think it would be very easy for them to be overthrown in a coup.

        Even the few good female leaders like Elizabeth I placed a high value on achieving consensus in her inner circle (in her case the privy council) before acting. She went against it sometimes but not often.

        • Carte Blanche says:

          That implies women would or could have evolved instincts and strategies to be in charge of men and stay in charge, which is observably not the case. In the female strategy, being overthrown by men is the most favorable outcome, with daylight second, and the eventual runner-up being the diffusion of any personal agency into a communal mush.

          • The Cominator says:

            Female monarchs in less pozzed normally patriarchal societies are so socially isolated and above normal women the instincts are perhaps a bit funny…

            Female monarchs in patriarchal societies are far less disastrous and treasonous than women who win elections tend to be…

          • Doom says:

            Obviously women have entirely different social conditions.

            Men are stronger, can live longer without food or water.

            Men also win very hard socially if they make a good decision, it’s worth the risk of pissing people off. A man can run away from the angry mob and survive.

            There’s also the sexual implications of this – if a man makes a good decision he will gain status and therefore sexual access.

            Women however are disadvantaged if they are ostracised.
            They lose access to shared resources.

            They already have sexual access, theoretically.

            This is why women haaaaaate being shamed, it implies to their lizard brain that they’re about to fail. Also why women can’t handle rejection.

      • SuperCum says:

        Of the three women I’ve worked for, one behaved as you described, and was so egregious about it she horrified all the other women in that organization within the space of two months. The other two (women that I’ve worked for) were fairly level-headed, approachable, and willing to take criticism of organizational procedures with good humor. One of them inspired dedication and loyalty from her (roughly half and half male/female) team to the point we had zero turnover for about five years and were the best functioning department in the company.

        Of the four men I’ve worked for, one was easy to get along with, one was easy to get along with in the workplace but was married and unwillingly divorced twice in the space of the three years I knew him, and the other two were martinets absolutely unwilling to admit error (of which there was an ever-increasing quantity).

        Those two and the previously mentioned psychobitch were the ones who insisted on “I don’t care if you disagree, just obey”. All the others were very open to being told “I really don’t want to do this and here’s why”.

        Insisting on obedience pretty consistently is a mark of leadership failure, for reasons that are obvious to anyone that understands leadership.

        • SuperCum says:

          I should add that if you clearly state you disagree with a course of action, but accept doing it anyway, you WILL be blamed when it goes bad. I have seen this repeatedly. Only someone who has never run the real-world experiment would advise this course of action.

          If someone tells you to take responsibility for implementing a course of action you know will fail, start looking for another job immediately.

        • jim says:

          > One of them inspired dedication and loyalty from her (roughly half and half male/female) team to the point we had zero turnover for about five years and were the best functioning department in the company.


          Either she had a sex alpha male supervising her work, or she had a successful alpha husband.

          • Calvin says:

            Or could just be an outlier. Weirdos do happen even in the much more heavily selected male side of the population, for female never having undergone much sexual selection as sorts of genetic abnormalities could crop up.

        • anonymous mouse says:

          > Insisting on obedience pretty consistently is a mark of leadership failure, for reasons that are obvious to anyone that understands leadership.

          Leaders who “insist” on unconditional obedience are weak leaders. That’s why they have to insist.

          Leaders who receive unconditional obedience are strong leaders.

          Obviously in a certain sense all cooperation depends on consent. But organizations are stronger when what is consented to is a person or an institution rather than policies or an “idea”.

    • Jehu says:

      Disagree and commit is the hallmark of successful male-controlled organizations. As in, I don’t think this is a good idea, but we’ve decided on it, and I’m going to do my best to make it work. Not, because it wasn’t my idea I’m going to passive-aggressively try to torpedo it and then say I told you so at the post-mortem.

  13. Jamesthe1st says:

    Musk says Soros is bad. He knows who the right enemies are?

  14. Pax Imperialis says:

    С.-ПЕТЕРБУРГ, 11 мая – RIA Novosti. In Podmoskovie they will build a village for Americans and Canadians who want to immigrate to Russia, said Timur Beslangurov – a partner assisting in obtaining Russian documents from the law firm VISTA Immigration.

    “In the Moscow region in 2024, they will start building villages for Americans and Canadians who want to move. About 200 families want to emigrate for ideological reasons”, – said a lawyer at the Petersburg International Legal Forum (ПМЮФ).

    According to him, although the project is financed at the expense of future immigrants, the approval of the regional government was required.
    According to Beslangurov, tens of thousands of people – foreigners without Russian roots – would want to move to Russia.

    “The reason is the planting of radical values: today they have 70 people, it is not known what will happen next. Many normal people emigrate, including Russia, but they face huge bureaucratic problems of the Russian migration law,” explained the lawyer.

    According to his statement, among those who want to move there are also traditional Catholics who “very strongly believe in the prophecy that Russia will remain the only Christian country in the world”.

    Huh, would you look at that.

  15. Red says:

    Gabber’s defense of PF is disingenuous:


    A) There are a few PF guys with a beer gut, but they all wore fitted clothing that is an an obvious uniform so people didn’t really notice. It’s the PF being in standardize uniform good discipline that sets them apart from the normal rightwing rabble that shows up to protest.

    B) Gabbers are ignoring that the cops are helping them.

    It’s B) that screams glowie to me. Cops do everything possible to dox and harm right wing protestors. They’re getting preferential treatment for a reason and the idea that the cops leave them alone because they’re not committing crimes is laughable.

    However, I note the march didn’t get a lot of play in the media. Reddit news didn’t say anything about the march. That’s unusual. I also very much liked what they did at that satanic convention with the crucifies. Could glowies do that? Hard to say.

    • Pax Imperialis says:

      There’s an undeniable element of truth. Travel through America’s conservative heartland and you’ll see fat, fat, and more fat. It seems like the only relatively skinny in those areas are cops, military, and the occasional hard ass. Yes, those beer guts on those PF guys are still pretty skinny by American standards, hell they are increasingly skinny by military standards.

      >I note the march didn’t get a lot of play in the media

      Just wait for the election cycle gear up. Then they’ll roll out all the footage. Just cause it isn’t being covered now doesn’t mean it isn’t being used for B roll.

      • Bwana Simba says:

        The fat, plus tattoos, single mothers, divorce, heavy drinking and drug abuse show America”s “conservative” heartland is as sick as the “liberal” areas.

        • TheDividualist says:

          Yeah. I am Hungarian. I like Orban. I find it cool Orban hosts the CPAC, I mean the CPAC are obviously cucks but it helps with Hungarys isolation.

          But Orban is a fucking balloon of fat.

    • Kunning Druegger says:

      If that treatment is restricted to DC, it’s because MPD is still paying out for violating “free speech” for protesters. To establish “special protection,” you’d need to see it elsewhere, and it would need to be top down organized like it was for Westboro Baptist. This doesn’t change all the stuff we’ve discussed previously, but MPD treats protesters differently than every other police force.

    • Mayflower Sperg says:

      I get it, they’re Feds and they’re up to something. But what? And what sort of regime allows anti-government orgs, even fake ones, to march in the street unmolested?

      The cops aren’t going easy on them because of “free speech”. Everyone knows there’s no free speech for right-wingers.

  16. FrankNorman says:

    “But what is a fair distribution of the value resulting from positive sum behavior? What is every man’s due?”

    More than he put in. Otherwise it’s not positive sum for him.

    • Carte Blanche says:

      This is skating awfully close to a labor-theory-of-value argument.

      What is “more” than he “put in”? Pure commodity trades can be objectively valued, more or less, but labor trades cannot. Electricians are very valuable today, but if the grid goes dark due to the nation’s inability to maintain the distribution lines or generate reliable power, suddenly not so valuable. What’s the objective value of a wife keeping house and raising children? Category error.

      So this answer is either tautological — “a man’s due is a man’s due” — or it’s an open invitation to consent ethics and other communistic impulses: “a man’s due is whatever he feels is fair, otherwise he shouldn’t work”. Those are both wrong answers. Fair compensation is whatever the market is willing to pay when no information asymmetry exists and when no sovereign or bandit has his thumb on the scale.

      Those ideal libertarian-theory situations don’t come up very often in reality, but we do the best we can to minimize banditry and information asymmetry (i.e. achieve cooperate-cooperate), not throw our hands up in the air and say it’s every man for himself (defect-defect).

      • Mayflower Sperg says:

        This is skating awfully close to a labor-theory-of-value argument.

        Or it could just mean that if men don’t see an obvious benefit of working vs. not working, they won’t work. The main reason men work is so they can marry and raise families. Despite their exorbitant hourly rates, electricians and plumbers are going extinct because women do not want to marry men who work with their hands.

        Without the prospect of marriage, men take easy, indoor, air-conditioned jobs like cleaning hotel rooms and folding sweaters. It pays enough to afford rent, food, porn, and video games.

      • Kunning Drueger says:

        Carte Blanche with the consistently based & levelheadedpilled analysis.

        The “return+” expectation is a good thing, but the “+” falls into the category of assumed options and ease, not something quantifiable and/or deductible. Good roads, viable infrastructure, steady state society, these are the “+”es, and real men of goodwill should always be wary of those that disregard them (Obama type community organizers), those that ignore them (every single female I’ve ever encountered), and those that belittle them (every single explicit leftist I’ve ever encountered).

  17. notglowing says:

    I think I’ve waited long enough to write this; I’d like to point out that COVID is officially over.
    In the past two weeks, almost simultaneously:
    – the US stopped requiring vaccination of international travellers
    – Japan downgraded COVID to the threat level of the flu, and rescinded all restrictions and masking recommendations
    – WHO declared the end of the pandemic

    I’m sure everyone noticed these events but I just want to celebrate the official end of this nonsense. I’d rather deal with the other kinds of insanity.

    It’s been a year since restrictions were *mostly* over, but it’s only now that we’ve gotten back to normal.

  18. Red says:

    The next time anyone tells you that PF isn’t a glowie op:
    The cops made sure no one followed them:


    • anonymous mouse says:

      All irl “militia” groups are feds.

      • Mayflower Sperg says:

        ELI5, please. Who’s tricking whom here? If the PF is all feds, who are they supposed to arrest? Are cops now the good guys for keeping naive white boys away from these predators?

        I’ve previously noted how risky it would be for the FBI to set up a fake white-nationalist militia because it could accidentally turn into a real WN militia equipped with FBI vehicles, badges, and weapons, perfectly situated to overthrow the government.

        • jim says:

          It is clear that Proud Boys, lacking a shill test, got taken over by the enemy.

          To avoid this, need a declaration of faith involving thought crimes that shills are not allowed to speak.

          This happens to every organization that does not make a vigorous effort to keep out enemy entryists. We have had this problem ever since four hundred AD. Reflect on what happened to Social Matter and to the Libertarian party. Wound up being run by their enemies.

          We are seeing politics increasing polarized on religious and marital lines. Republican voters are married and Christian, even though the pastors are generally gay leftists. As the demons inside their skin suits become more more plainly visible, people are starting the recognize this as a religious conflict over state power and state religion.

          • Karl says:

            Shill test are fine in private or on a blog, but how could a large organisation conduct shill tests?

            Someone in this organisation would have to conduct a thought crime in order to test an applicant. Don’t know about the US, but in Europe the thought crime would (usually, unless phrased extremely carefully) be an actual crime. So it is only a matter of time until whoever condcuts the shill tests for the organisation will be prosecuted.

            What do you recommend?

            Rotate the people who conduct the shill tests and have the organization pay the fines? For a frist offence, the punshement will not be actual jail time, but it will be for a repeated offender.

            • Mayflower Sperg says:

              In-person shill tests must take place at one of your militia’s headquarters, bases, or training facilities, which must all be located on territory not controlled by the empire you’re trying to overthrow.

              Due process is dead. If the Imperium suspects that you’re plotting something, they’ll lock you up and throw away the key, just to be safe.

              Heck, I’ll probably get forty years in prison if I ever again set foot on GAE soil. If they need a reason, I violate sanctions every time I buy a loaf of bread!

            • jim says:

              > But how could a large organisation conduct shill tests?

              Uh, the way the government of England conducted them after 1660

              The way Christian Churches and communist parties have been conducting them over a thousand years.

              > the thought crime would (usually, unless phrased extremely carefully) be an actual crime

              Exactly so.

              > the organization pay the fines?

              Any non compliant organization is going to be illegal. You expect to oppose the regime legally? The government is going to be trying to shut you down no matter the laws say.

            • skippy says:

              Even in countries with unfavorable laws there are lots of legal things you can say that you cannot say.

              Generally they outlaw things proles want to say, to stop hostile elites using prole-power against them (NSDAP). They do not outlaw smarter, more threatening things, because writing a law against an outlook acknowledges its existence.

            • A2 says:

              The Mafia appears to have you commit a serious crime of some sort before you can be (somewhat?) trusted.

              One could also collect kompromat on the members. If you defect, you end up like Prince Andrew after an Epstein party. It doesn’t have to be sexual, of course. Taking hefty bribes on camera might be enough.

              Some say the latter method is already in widespread use. I might believe them.

              • Mayflower Sperg says:

                Both methods create additional risks if you aren’t the government. Criminals will betray you to get their own sentences reduced, and kompromat often falls into the wrong hands. Silk Road Guy made his top associates send him copies of their photo ID, while running his criminal empire from a laptop in the San Francisco Public Library.

                • jim says:

                  > Both methods create additional risks if you aren’t the government

                  You think you can overthrow the system risk free?

                  But taking a shared risk creates asabiyyah. And you are not going to overthrow the social order without asabiyyah

                • Mayflower Sperg says:

                  The perfect test, that proves you’re not a liberal and will never betray your fellow white man, is to behead a nigger. Once you’ve done that, ZOG will never cut a deal with you. This has the additional benefit of driving niggers into ZOG-controlled areas to eat their food and rape their women.

                  Though I think most Christians would have a problem with it, as they labor under the mistaken belief that niggers are human.

                  And of course nothing discussed here is feasible until our side holds some territory in or bordering the continental US. If we had a base in Mexico, Biden’s people would have the entire border sealed air-tight within 24 hours!

                • jim says:

                  While that is the perfect test, a test that requires oral affirmation of a thought crime (and forbids written affirmation except in texts encrypted to particular people) in a group where everyone uses nom de guerre, and uses it only for the purposes of the group, will exclude all shills.

                  Though shills have developed a fine art in steering close to what sounds like a thought crime. Which is why during the holy wars of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries the affirmations got longer and longer till they turned into open book examinations.

                  But in our environment, does not take much.

                • Adam says:

                  Better to minecraft a sodomite. If I had to chose to be neighbors with a fag or a black man, easy choice.

                  Every fag I have ever known has the glint of evil in his eye, every single one.

                • Pax Imperialis says:

                  Blacks are still, undeniably, human but incompatible. The Southerners who knew them best understood this and is the reason for segregation rather than the Indian treatment a la trail of tears.

                  That said, probably better if Chicago and a few other places get designated as reservations for Blacks. With enough distance, someday we may even view them as favorably as we do Lions in the Safari. Maybe with enough time something more useful and interesting will evolve in the nature preserves.

                • Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

                  There are plenty of perfectly serviceable nature reserves for africans… in Africa.

                  Americans need to get over their unconscious mental fixiation on the idea that basketballs are ‘theirs’ and that they can’t be parted with them no matter what.

                • Mayflower Sperg says:

                  When you switch from a religion that worships niggers to a religion that worships pieces of niggers, you’ll soon have a shortage of niggers. You can always breed them in captivity or import them from Africa, but this consumes resources that could be better applied elsewhere.

                • Fidelis says:

                  I’m not so sure we should waste perfectly good african land on bantoids. Northern Canada and or Greenland is a more serviceable location for them I believe.

                • Rux says:

                  “Northern Canada and or Greenland is a more serviceable location for them I believe.”

                  Cold, inhospitable, non-equatorial and survival predicated on cooperation. The inland equivalent of long distance swimming lessons. Bring on the CCTV.

          • Anonymous Fake says:

            [*deleted] Declarations don’t work for the right. [*deleted*]

            • jim says:

              And yet you display a mysterious inability to say things that right wingers regularly say or even to respond to your interlocutor saying those things.

              Shills who fail shill tests are always telling me that shill tests do not work.

              You say something that presupposes that all us right wingers agree on X, where X is something that the alt right is passionately yelling from the rooftops is a demonic lie, and frequently something that absolutely no one, even on the left, takes very seriously, and when I reply that we do not agree on X, you sail right along as if unable to notice anyone disagrees.

              • Anonymous Fake says:

                [*deleted*] endless and constantly recycled “shill tests” that didn’t work in the first place. [*deleted*]

                • jim says:

                  Says the man who is strangely unable to pass a shill test, or make relevant responses to thought crimes.

                  You are responding to a conversation about a murderous attack by black in subway carriage on a marine and several others, as if it never happened, and is if no one thought such things were possible, as if we were discussing whether the astronomical sums spent on public transport were sufficient enormous.

                  I replied that there is no point in spending money on public transport if it is overrun by feral plains apes, and you then proceeded to sail right along as if everyone agreed that all men are created equal, and hard working middle class conservatives would love it if the government spent a whole lot of money creating nice public transport.

                  They probably would love public transport if the security guards had authority to administer public floggings. The Singaporean system is really nice because they administer floggings for graffiti and for spitting chewing gum on the platform. The middle class in Singapore really loves their clean, efficient, beautiful, and safe public transport system. The middle class in America does not.

                  Money spent on the public transport system in America does more damage than bombing Americans from high altitude would. All it does is that when black crime shuts the shopping down it enables blacks to travel long distances to shoplift, find nice homes to burgle, and white kids to beat up.

                • Anonymous Fake says:

                  [*deleted*] the right lacks [*deleted*]

                • jim says:

                  The right lacks that because under hostile enemy occupation by an enemy that hates that.

                • FrankNorman says:

                  Jim, if by some miracle Singaporean police were suddenly in charge of the New York subway system, there would no doubt be a lot of flogged blacks.
                  But would it actually reduce crime? Isn’t part of the problem that the criminal underclass not only don’t get punished enough, but when they do, do not connect the punishment to the crime?

                • jim says:

                  An important part of this is that in the American system, justice takes a very long time, and tends to be way over the mental horizon of a whole lot of people. Singaporean justice is a whole lot faster, so crime is essentially zero.

                • Mayflower Sperg says:

                  Yes, it would. Before 1800, when a white man could say anything he wanted about niggers, they were regarded as far more tameable than other savage races. You could never enslave feather-indians and put them to work on plantations; they just wouldn’t stand for it.

                • Calvin says:

                  The Spanish would beg to differ regarding enslaving Indians. The problem there was they died of disease a lot.

                • Neofugue says:

                  There is a stark difference between the public transit the New York City elites use, Metro North, and the public transit the New York City elites avoid, the Subway.

                  MTA, which connects Westchester (Bronxville, Scarsdale, Larchmont (where Moldbug hails from), Mt. Kisco) and Western Connecticut (Greenwich, New Canaan, Fairfield), is somehow missing the homeless, rats, trash, graffiti, and other such vibrancy found in the NYC subway system. While I cannot speak of the LIRR (Long Islanders are lower down the socioeconomic totem pole, it goes Connecticut/Westchester>Long Island>New J*rsey), the city just completed a new $11 billion train terminal connecting the LIRR to Grand Central.

                  Fascinating how public transit used by elites seems to be vibrancy free…funny that…🙃

                • Roger Williams says:

                  There is a stark difference between the public transit the New York City elites use

                  In what world are you living in where billionaire elites ride public transportation?

                • Neofugue says:

                  > In what world are you living in where billionaire elites ride public transportation?

                  If someone is wealthy enough, he will have someone drive him down to the office.

                  In what world are you living in where only billionaires count as elites?

                  Guess doctors, lawyers, investment bankers, academics, hedge funders, et cetera are not “elite” enough for you. Only billionaires, lol

                • Pax Imperialis says:

                  >public transit the New York City elites use

                  Even in Japan and South Korea, nations well known for their clean, safe, orderly, and efficient subways and trains, only the regular folks use public transit. Anyone with sufficient status will either have a car and drive to work, or a dedicated chauffeur.

                  The elites do not use public transit except maybe out of an occasional sense of adventurousness. Not even my family of upper middling military officers and government bureaucrats suffered the indignity of public transit.

                • The Cominator says:

                  A very very rich man is almost going to have some super expensive super convient form of transportation he is able to use (at least sometimes) which will also be super impressive to any girl he might want to fuck should he offer her a ride.

                  As such riding a train will not be preferred, unless the guy owns the train and he has his own personal luxury dining car.

                • Neofugue says:

                  If you live in the New York City area and you make under $5 million/year, you must use public transit of some form.

                  Sure, the head of, let’s say, the trading department at [x] who makes $8 million/year has a driver. However, as an example, if you are a corporate tax lawyer making $1.5 million/year, you are not going to spend 10% of your income on your commute from [x] to Manhattan.

                  So if you wish to say anyone making under $5 million/year is “not elite enough,” your points are fair.

                  However, one of the key points of NRx, as opposed to Marxism, is identifying that “elite” is more than money, it is status and occupation. Harvard is not “billionaires.” Harvard is brahmins wielding “billionaires” behind closed doors. Do you believe everyone working at Columbia or NYU has his own personal driver?

                • jim says:

                  > Do you believe everyone working at Columbia or NYU has his own personal driver?

                  I believe they have university housing near the university that protects them from needing to use the subway – interns and PhD slave labor do have to use the subway, but if they find themselves needing to use the subway this should tell them they are not on the tenure track. People that they intend to induct into the elite always wind up physically close to the university, when they decide to not include a recruit, he realizes it when he finds himself move further away.

                • Roger Williams says:

                  The elite aren’t working jobs making x per year. The upper middle class sure.

                  The mark of elites is inherited old money wealth and the network of other old money elite families they are born into knowing growing up.

                  It’s not hard to look these people up. Just search for the Forbes richest US families. Waltons, Kochs, Pritzers, etc. I doubt any of these people are taking public transportation.

                • Neofugue says:

                  > I believe they have university housing near the university that protects them from needing to use the subway – interns and PhD slave labor do have to use the subway, but if they find themselves needing to use the subway this should tell them they are not on the tenure track.

                  Ah, fair point. Though I never said the elites use the subway; I was referring to Metro North, the transit system which is curiously absent of homeless, trash, graffiti, vermin, et cetera despite being in the heart of Manhattan.

                • Neofugue says:

                  > The elite aren’t working jobs making x per year. The upper middle class sure.

                  Do you not understand that upper middle class is just a euphemism for lower class elite?

                • Pax Imperialis says:

                  The mark of elites is inherited old money wealth and the network of other old money elite families they are born into knowing growing up.

                  When people talk old money families, they almost always mean socialites.

                  This misconception pops up again, and again, and again, and again. How many armies do the Astors command? Mortimers? Hiltons?


                  Turns out not even Trump, who ran in old money circles, was in charge as nearly all his generals worked to undermine him. So who is in charge? When you look you may Harvard and Yale and Columbia far more often than old money wealth. Where’s Obama’s old money?

                  The daughters of old money families are being prostituted out on reality TV. Don’t believe men? Check out ‘The Real Housewives of New York City.’ I’m sure that screams elite to some people, but how many prostitutes do you see in charge in the halls of power?

                  When is Obama’s daughter going to be prostituted on national TV? Or maybe, these old money families are not elites after all.

                • skippy says:

                  Gotta say that before covid the subway was safe and fancy people did use the subway (e.g. people pouring out of Met Opera onto the subway, which has an underground connection).

                  However fancy and not-that-fancy people would also take Ubers in NYC. Not that expensive but generally slower due to traffic.

                • skippy says:

                  The problem with “old money that does not work” which is very much the Aryan ideal is that your “job” becomes defending your money. The “new money” elite in the US – which is no longer that new – is in politics primarily to defend its position, including but not limited to its wealth, and it spends a lot of time doing this. The “old money” “elite” seems to prefer to play games, and as such has already lost its power and is probably slowly losing its money.

                • Roger Williams says:

                  Where’s Obama’s old money?

                  Politicians are just actors reading lines from a script. They are not actually in power.

                  Obama, Clinton, Biden, Pelosi, etc all these people have middle class upbringings and just whore themselves out to be stand ins for the elite billionaire families that actually run things (and get paid handsomely to do so).

                  Occasionally you’ll have a member of one of the elite families in politics like a Pritzer (Hyatt fortune), Romney or Goldman (inheritor of Levi Strauss fortune), but generally they are smart enough to not be in the public eye and have someone else do their dirty work for them in government for them.

                • Roger Williams says:

                  The “new money” elite in the US

                  The new money elite are the vaguely right-wing/populist tech billionaires like Thiel, Musk, Sacks and that whole cohort that seems to be conspiring to incrementally take political power away from the old elite. Unknown if they are able and have the means to do so. Probably not.

                • Sharpie says:

                  @Roger Williams
                  It is obvious that people fear particular political families. The Clinton’s clearly have the means of arranging people to die by suicide, there is just too many occurrences of it happening to be ignored. You obviously haven’t seem Jim’s analysis on this subject. If power equals money, why is Bezos not the man running things? Why do guys like Bloomberg think of running for the presidency if they have the money to run politics from the shadows? Real power is the ability to arrange death by suicides and the Clinton’s have had this power longer than anyone.

  19. Starman says:

    “British next-gen warship ‘sabotaged’
    A probe was launched into suspected ‘intentional’ damage onboard frigate HMS Glasgow”


    There might be consequences for being anti-White, O’ Sanhedrin of GAE.

    • Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

      Sounds like one of their pet retards cut the wrong cables and then just glued them together. Maintenance Tech Jamal is refusing to say anything and Maintenance Petty Officer Shaniqua are 👏 on 👏 her 👏 break!👏

  20. Anonymous says:

    On the WQ – I know other posters here in the past have said that if your woman has to work outside the house, she should be helping out in your business or somesuch. Or just stay at home and raise the kids.

    Is this actually working out for any of you in real life? When my wife goes to work I finally get some peace and quiet at home. When she’s back home, there’s constant activity and chatter, which gets on my nerves.

    How do you guys get anything productive done at home if your wife and kids are constantly hovering around? I like to have multiple projects going on, not just at my workplace. I can’t stand the constant pressure of having to spend “quality time” with the family. I can’t imagine men in the past put up with this bullshit either. No man in his right mind can tolerate prolonged conversations with women, and hanging out with multiple small children all day. Maybe that’s why so many of them took up drinking, but that’s a prole way out and doesn’t fix anything.

    • Jehu says:

      I have my wife homeschool our three kids. That plus church things and crafty things and homemaking keeps her pretty busy.

      • SJ says:

        Same. I have to go find my wife and tell her often that I want her attention. With so much going on she’s incredibly busy. Cooking, cleaning, child care, home school, church, and what crafting she likes to do there is no time left.

        • Redd says:

          If you need time alone schedule it, but give your family the time with you that they want or soon you won’t have a family at all. When l surf the web one or more kids are on my shoulder or legs, l can tune them out when l read and engage with them between articles. They are happy and l am too. As for the wife, listen to her for a solid twenty minutes and that should satisfy her and then do what you want.

          • jim says:

            Twenty minutes seems excessive. You should keep her a bit hungry for your attention. But you want to reward her for paying attention to you.

    • Karl says:

      It is OK if you leave home to work; your wife should work at home (or with you outside of your home).

      If you need to work at home, tell her when you need to work. She’ll have to learn to let you work. However, if you don’t have a room to work with a door that can be closed, it will be very difficult with small children. Then you might have to do some of the more difficult work while the children are sleeping.

    • alf says:

      Why doesn’t she support you in your endeavors? Equally, why do you put ‘quality time’ in between brackets as if spending time with your family isn’t very likely more important than half of your projects?

      Regarding your projects — could be the wife nagging. in which case you tell her you value your alone time and it’s going to happen no matter what. Could also be that precisely because your wife is away at work, and likely feels unappreciated at work, feels guilt about leaving her kids, and so craves your attention when she is at home. In which case; be attentive.

    • jim says:

      My wife gives me no trouble. If I am busy, and she bothers me, I just say “I am busy”, and she holds it for a more opportune moment.

      Similarly my kids when they were at home would just never interrupt me. When they wanted my attention, would quietly wait nearby.

    • Kunning Drueger says:

      This may be a question in good faith, and if so plenty have answered, and there’s a diversity of answers, but something about the phrasing seems off, like this was intended to initiate a disagreement.

      And for the record, I love teaching my children, guiding my wife, and learning from all of them. I hate going away from my property, it’s always a sacrifice. If I need alone time, I close the door or go for a drive or walk off innawoods. Economic necessity has my wife working part time, but ever since we stopped that, been so much better. If your woman is unhappy at home, you either don’t have enough real stuff (kids, tasks, crafts), too much stuff (screens, distractions, artefacts of modernity), or the wrong stuff (see previous). Do not think for a second that I have some perfect wife and family and I’m some kind of gigaTrad alphaDad, I’m still learning the same lessons and falling short of the glory. That being understood, every woman is programmed to pretend they want things like a job or a circle of Sex in the City hens, or any number of other stupid thing that diminishes them, but you just have to ignore the programming and lock her into making a home for you, and, assuming you do your part, she will be grateful.

    • Doom says:

      Ideally you want your woman to do work with other women that support the concept of marriage, and the key is to keep your woman away from a social hierarchy where there are other men.

      It’s not about work; it’s about the social hierarchy she sees on a daily basis. Women cannot separate themselves from their daily life. Every social hierarchy she sees, she wants the man at the top.

      A man can work with super hot models and still have a plain wife.

      It’s been said before, by someone whos name I cannot recall, probably Rollo – domain specific alpha-ness.

      This is why marrying a woman who is a nurse or otherwise works in the medical field is a recipe for divorce, and definitely a divorce where she accuses you of abuse.

      The surgeons get paid more than you; a group of women can see them and know how much they get paid.

      These men are “better” than you. Despite the fact that, in a relationship, he has zero time to do anything at all. He just has money.

      • SJ says:

        Well he has no time but women who will try to sleep with him, which likely he will take them up on their offer. This creates preselection and now the other women will compete with him and your wife, the nurse, will strangely find that she is going out of her way to be alone with him and touching him physically for no reason at all.

        All great reasons that you should not have a working wife. You have to control what she is allowed to be exposed to. I have found it does no harm for me to explain to my wife that I do this and why I do it. Much like game, it still works even if you explain it first. Though for mate guarding I simply make sure she knows I have preselection at work. Rather than trying to keep tabs on her, she keeps tabs on me.

        • Doom says:

          True enough, really.
          It used to be the case that women risked pregnancy for cheating, now they risk nothing and in fact women will applaud that they got to “bag” a “high value man”.

          Plus women are utterly deluded and despite all evidence to the contrary believe that if a man sleeps with you, he’d wife you.

          Your wife understands that if you leave she will not be able to replace you. That’s a good position to be in.

          • The Cominator says:

            “It used to be the case that women risked pregnancy for cheating”

            Women who cheat at least subconsciously love the idea they might get pregnant.

            • Doom says:

              Absolutely. But then, back in the day, her husband would take his children and she would go to the poorhouse with the bastard.

              • The Cominator says:

                Does her husband know it isn’t his kid? Because if her husband doesn’t know (which he ussually doesn’t if shes not caught and the kid is the same color) she sure ain’t gonna tell him. Women are pretty hardwired to be able to commit paternity fraud without a second thought.

                • Doom says:

                  Not always, sure.
                  But certainly it wouldn’t be enshrined in proper marriage law that a man can leave a woman for infidelity, no questions asked, if it wasn’t possible to detect.

  21. Dr. Faust says:

    De Santis just tweeted a link to Daniel Perry’s defense fund raiser. Calling this a habbening now. The white George Floyd moment. The case could not be more bifurcated between good and evil. If I had to pick any moment as the break in the dam this would be it. It’s a clear as day message that law and order is dead. While this forum and many others already know this normies don’t. How big could it be? Large scale it could mean succession, elite defection. Small scale is a talking point for Trump in the election.

    Fund is at 1.2 million in a few days. It was at 600kish yesterday. The left is definitely overplaying their hand here. They’re going to make a martyr of this guy. Stories matter.

    • The Cominator says:

      The problem was he was in a deep blue area, in Florida you absolutely have not only self defense rights but frontier justice rights to protect your property.

      How pozzed is the Texas Parole and Pardons board, Abbot wants to pardon him but unlike most states the governor can’t just issue pardons he can only approve pardons recommended by the Texas Parole and Pardons board.

      • Dr. Faust says:

        I’m not sure where Perry is now. I’d assume he could make bail on a manslaughter charge. If he crossed state lines into a friendly state he’d face the feds. If he was backed by the governor than it could go hot. No one seems to have any balls anymore so it probably won’t but I’m giving this a >1% chance to create mass fighting and a near 100% chance to strengthen the right.

        • The Cominator says:

          I assume in state prison in Texas since he was sentenced…

          But how long does this parole and pardons board take?

          • Dr. Faust says:

            Nah, it’s in NY. I messed up his name. I swear those n’s were r’s.

            • The Cominator says:

              Ah you mean the subway marine, hes fucked unless a victorious right wing civil army liberates NY he’ll do whatever the maximum sentence is.

              • Anonymous Fake says:

                The subway is arguably NYC’s greatest asset, with its ability to move as many people as possible as quickly as possible to the most densely possible populated office complexes in America. The most elite people, whose time is most valuable, absolutely love that subway system. They love it so much they might actually start to empathize with some nasty marine who probably has his GED in a frame next to his autographed pro wrestling posters or something.

                Seriously, the subway matters more than the Statue of Liberty or the Empire State Building or Yankee Stadium or Madison Square Garden or Times Square or whatever or wherever.

                It is the fucking SPINE of the establishment. If the subway goes, NYC goes. There’s a reason why California is willing to pay absurd amounts of money to try to get some high speed rail in place, just so they can be like NYC. Because it’s worth it.

                • jim says:

                  Letting this stuff through, because next time I censor you for being utterly detached from reality, people will know why.

                  Elite people do not ride the New York subway, because it is full of crime, dirt and despair. Even the middle class are abandoning it. The proportion of New Yorkers who are willing to risk their necks by rubbing shoulders with plains apes has steadily fallen. Ridership is well down from what it was in the 1940, when New York had a considerably smaller population, and considerably more people willing to ride the subways.

                • Your Uncle Bob says:

                  Enemy frame in the first paragraph. Just cannot help yourself, can you?

                  Elites aside, upper middle class aside, a weaker form of subways matter is true enough. NYC density doesn’t work without mass transit. Whether NYC is still capable of acting even minimally rationally in its own interest is dubious at best though. They did once give themselves a pass on stop and frisk of black yoofs while lecturing the rest of the country on racism in policing, but even that exception has been revoked.

                  Separately, setting aside the state case, the real Cathedral Kremlinogy will be whether any acquittal or lesser charge is backstopped by a federal civil rights violation charge. It’s the magic negro exception to double jeopardy, and if its not used that is a shift in who’s in charge.

                • Skippy says:

                  “They love it so much they might actually start to empathize with some nasty marine who probably has his GED in a frame next to his autographed pro wrestling posters or something.”

                  weird flex bro

                • Neofugue says:

                  > The subway is arguably NYC’s greatest asset, with its ability to move as many people as possible as quickly as possible to the most densely possible populated office complexes in America. The most elite people, whose time is most valuable, absolutely love that subway system. They love it so much they might actually start to empathize with some nasty marine who probably has his GED in a frame next to his autographed pro wrestling posters or something.

                  You serious?

                  NYC subways are disgusting, rat infested, homeless infested shitholes, and commuters only use them for traveling from Grand Central/Penn Station to their offices because no other convenient options exist.

                • Aidan says:

                  Absolutely retarded. One’s use of the subway in NY is inversely related to one’s wealth and status. It is an objectively impressive train system, built in its near entirety more than a hundred years ago, but sliding steadily into technological decline and rapidly into human decline. It will soon become as dangerous as it was in the 70s and 80s, when no sane white person would risk riding it at night.

              • The Cominator says:

                To answer AF’s insane contention, NYs elite do not take the subway and they lack the sanity they had in the late 70s when they made a hero out of Bernie Goetz.

                • Doom says:

                  But they do love it. Because it keeps the riff-raff under the ground, away from them.

                  Same reason the elites love the Holy Covid Demon and the holy ritual of lockdown.

                  Same reason they love electric cars – you can’t afford one, or to run one.

                • Mayflower Sperg says:

                  Russians see their elite as callous, uncaring, indifferent to their struggles, and maybe that’s true, but to me it’s a glorious paradise compared to an elite that hates the common folk and wants them all dead.

                  “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
                  ― C. S. Lewis

    • Red says:

      > Daniel Perry’

      He posted a link to Daniel Penny’s defense fund (subway marine). Perry is still being railroaded in Texas as the Texas GOP cucks out as usual.

      Penny’s certainly a breaking point between the warrior class and the elites who want to win wars and the more leftward faction. The reason they held off arresting him for so long was internal wrangling between leftist factions and of course to line the right judge up to make sure he’s convicted.

      • The Cominator says:

        Perry in Texas will eventually be freed but he has to wait out this bureaucratic BS. He still may have to do up to six months though…

        NY subway marine has a much worse fate.

        • Red says:

          >NY subway marine has a much worse fate.

          Maybe or maybe not. They can kiss their support from the actual warriors good bye if they throw the book at him.

          Might create a good opportunity for a Cesar. Crime as represented by homeless nigger is reaching the breaking point like it did in the late 80s. We can no longer vote to change things, but there’s an awful lot of support for someone to do something to stop the rising tide of anarcho tyranny. A whole lot of people certainty would support a military coup at this point.

          • Aidan says:

            My estimation is that these people are infinitely more cucked than you can imagine. The vast majority of white military men see right-wing whites as their enemy.


            • Mayflower Sperg says:

              What would you like to see white military men do? Voting is pointless and protesting gets the 1/6 treatment. The best they could possibly do, besides starting a civil war and winning it, is tell their kids not to enlist. The USA belongs to Jews, niggers, trannies, fags, and feminists now; let them die for their country!

              • Aidan says:

                Red called for a military coup. I say, the military are fags, fag worshippers, and would be happy to hunt down white supreemists. If they were not, they could keep their heads down rather than actively countersignal their own.

                • Red says:

                  To be clear, I said people would accept and cheer on a military coup. That doesn’t mean the cucked military will do it.

                • jim says:

                  The ordinary men in the actual fighting arms in the military (a very rapidly shrinking proportion of our “military”, which is overwhelmingly composed of what used to be called camp followers, wrongfully dressed in uniforms, which grants them stolen valor) are thoroughly disgusted with woke, fags, and trannies, and would follow an officer similarly disgusted.

                  Which is why the government is purging the military ever more drastically.

            • Red says:

              My estimation is that these people are infinitely more cucked than you can imagine. The vast majority of white military men see right-wing whites as their enemy.

              You are unfortunately almost certainly correct.

    • Red says:

      Also in the news, PF looks like they’re back on the planned white supremacists terrorist group track again for the feds. Kind of looks like the war faction lost their internal struggle to the genocide all whites faction. Elon cucking on free speech on twitter is probably part of that.

      • The Cominator says:

        The genocide all or nearly all whites faction is also the war faction…

        • Red says:

          The war faction knows they need whites around to beat Russia. They’re more like the genocide whites after they win faction, IE slightly less insane the the faction that ruling right now.

          • The Cominator says:

            The faction that wants war with Russia is 100% insane they think brave transgender women of color can defeat Putler with the awesome power of woke twitter hashtags once the bad rocket man stops letting the Nazis speak freely.

            The DoD faction is pretty gay at this point too but they neither want war with Russian nor do they like the fact that whites are now all but boycotting enlisting.

            • Red says:

              War with Russia’s actually less insane than turning the country into Haiti. Putin has been pretty restrained while the Nigger Apocalypse faction is making American cities look worse than if they’d been nuked.

              If it gets to the point where Russia and China nuke us, they might as well remove most of our cities from the Target list. There’s they’ll do more damage by leaving them alone and destroying our infrastructure networks.

          • Mister Grumpus says:

            It’s not really about beating Russia so much as sacrificing other peoples’ lives and resources to the holy cause of beating Russia.

            Most of the Crusades never made it to Jerusalem.

            War on Poverty, War on Hunger, War on Russia, whatever.

            Putin can’t put any of these people out of a job, but being denounced for being insufficiently dedicated to the holy cause will get you replaced by someone who is.

        • Mister Grumpus says:

          I disagree. With Russia-Ukraine, both sides are mostly White and Christian, so they can’t really lose unless it ends somehow.

          But with China-Taiwan, neither side is White nor has a Jewish elite, so it’s hard for them to care, especially since the Real Threat is Christian Nationalist White Supremacy Here at Home, all of a sudden.

          • Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

            Nuland and Friends themselves believe that the Malorussians and the Muscovites are each parts of the same people, which is why they are both enthusiastic about the war, and agnostic about actually ‘winning’ it, because whether people on one side of the line die or the other, it will hurt Russia in the end. They count the genocide of ruthenians as a win.

            The only bright spot is that at least the peoples in the Donetsk Basin and the Crimean Peninsula will survive.

    • Red says:

      There’s some interesting symbolism going on here:


      KD link:

      “The tattoo is of Samson, actually. Based on Charles Edward Brock’s illustration “Samson seized the lion and tore it to pieces”.

      • SJ says:

        Take a look at the mammary glands on that “man”. Just take a look and tell me how many men have breasts like that? And here we go for another checkerboard sideshow from our betters.

        • Fidelis says:

          Browse zoomer online fitness groups. Strikingly common, our food and water is polluted to shit. Jim contends it’s spiritual, and maybe it is, but the xenoestrogens and everything else certainly isn’t helping.

    • Fidelis says:

      I’m suspicious of this story and the level of interest in it. Seems like another Rittenhouse to assuage the midwits that law is not completely dead.

      I’m curious, can you pass a shill test?

      • Red says:

        LOL, the left tried to crucify Rittenhouse and would have done so if not for a somewhat honest judge and Rittenhouse own goodness resulting in the man who tried to murder admitting to it on the stand.

        The Penny case is a big deal when it comes to making self defense actually illegal. It’s effectively illegal against blacks, the fact that you’ll put through a trial makes more rational not to fight back but that causes a huge hit to your spiritual and testosterone health.

        • Fidelis says:

          I do not think it was a coincidence he got a “somewhat honest judge”. In fact he probably got the best possible judge in that woke shithole, precisely to attempt a de-escalation after they got their regime change.

          • Red says:

            The judge still stacked the Deck against Rittenhouse. They caught the prosecution hiding evidence from the defense and the judge just whined about it. He also failed to charge armless with perjury. Finally the guy who fired the first gun that night was not allowed to testify by order of the judge.

            The big problem they ran into was Armless telling the truth and the naritive that left put out (and most leftists still believe it) was that Rittenhouse killed 3 holy negros, not a couple of kikes and a mystery meat. The narrative fell apart when anyone watched the trial.

            • Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

              They got owned by their own belief in their moral invincibility. Why expect consequences for talking about what he did when he has never faced consequences for doing what he did? But talking about the game gives it away.

            • The Cominator says:

              I have a friend from NYC he says if they want to let the marine go what’ll happen is they’ll allow a change of venue to Queens or especially to Staten Island, those areas are full of oldschool Italians still who actually vote Republican and hate niggers and the old ones practically worship Charles Bronson’s character in Death Wish and Bernie Goetz. Manhattan otoh is mostly full of shitlibs from the Midwest not only are they leftist they have little experience with nigs. If he gets a change of venue to either the subway marine will almost likely walk.

      • Dr. Faust says:

        Jesus Christ is Lord! Jesus Christ is God. Women are property. Gays are walking diseases. Jews are cursed for killing Christ. Harvard is the source of evil. Soros funds antifa. The FBI roleplays as Proud Boys. Female sexuality destroys nations. And Jesus Christ is Lord!

        • Handi says:

          Not arguing with or diminishing your shill test answer re: gays, but I’d like to take it and run on a tangent.

          The primary problem with faggots isn’t that they spread diseases to other faggots (the rest of us have to pay their astonishing medical bills, but as long as you aren’t replicating the environment of direct semen contact to anal trauma, you’re pretty much safe from their diseases–too specifically evolved to transmit unless you’re bypassing normal bodily defense in the most egregious ways).

          Nor is the primary problem even that they rape little boys, as long as you know better than to leave your sons alone where a homo can access them; again an unspeakably foul abomination, but straightforwardly avoidable to anyone with a lick of sense.

          The primary problem with faggots is on the social layer: faggots universally indulge female misbehavior to an infinite degree, since they’ve already given up their masculine integrity, and thus they don’t stand to benefit from cooperating with the unified dominion over women that we call civilization. Upholding civilization is costly, so the individual incentive for those who don’t partake of its benefits is always to form an alliance with women in defection. Furthermore, strong normal men have an intense revulsion instinct against faggotry to guard against this very fact, and so a civilization of strong men does not suffer homos to exist; and thus knowing this the homos have all the more reason to defect even harder and weaken normal men as much as possible.

          Women don’t need any male help causing trouble but it makes the problem a hell of a lot worse when they have a cohort of man-sized primates consistently encouraging them and legitimizing their mischief. It’s like having an intruder from another tribe whispering to your woman that you tribe’s men are weak, and openly siding with her any time another man doesn’t let her have her way (from the political sphere all the way down to the pettiest of personal interactions).

          Tolerating this makes a woman feel very confident that she should continue rebelling so that she can get conquested by the neighboring tribe. Except these males are never going to fuck her anyway, but this doesn’t even register in her estrogen-addled chimp brain.

          All faggots are defectors. All faggots are subversive, backstabbing enemy interlopers. All faggots enable women and dissolve male cooperation. There is no possible truce with them. They have no place in civilization.

          • Mayflower Sperg says:

            Feminism and homosexuality are inseparable, two sides of the same coin, because men can’t be husbands if women don’t want to be wives. A fact so obvious that 99% of Christians cannot see it (or dare not see it).

            I think faggots understand, at least subconsciously, that fanning the flames of feminism, i.e. driving women away from men, leaves more dick for them.

          • Dr. Faust says:

            I agree. Gays spreading disease amongst themselves is a very limited problem. The animus behind it’s politics though is the larger problem. It’s similar with trans.

            About women. There’s some nuance to the creation story about women and men that may be relevant. Eve is punished by God for disobedience. Adam is punished for following his wife. Eve is corrupted by the serpent through wordplay. The serpent misquotes God’s command and beguiles Eve. It would be prudent to teach this lesson in accordance with women remaining silent in church. Even though both Adam and Eve heard God’s command Eve did not understand it and thus was tempted. So it follows women are incapable of understanding scripture.

        • Fidelis says:

          Thank you for humoring me. Something about this story seems astroturf nonetheless, but I do not doubt your honesty, fwiw.

          • Dr. Faust says:

            I got ya. It’s so opaquely evil to me that it seems absurd as well and I’m highly suspicious of public events. I would be more inclined to believe that the left has some intricate psyop planned if they were not so completely insane. God gives a great advantage because he has made our enemies insane.

  22. IGnatius T Foobar says:

    You’re making an excellent argument in favor of going to war against Harvard instead of against the Taliban. I completely agree.

  23. Blad says:

    [*deleted for presupposing Marxist theory, and presupposing we agree with Marxist theory*]

    • jim says:

      I will let you through if you try actually presenting evidence for the theory that capitalists rule, and that profit is a tax, rather than the natural reward for creating value.

  24. Rux says:

    Great post. GAE seems to be running on the fumes of a hegemony established decades ago, which today allows it to bully others and have the luxury to do so aimlessly and without any respectable underlying ideology (intelligentsia’s non-ideology), all the while taking a dump on the very source of their power (ie ‘heritage’ America). Their juvenile attitude being ‘because we can’, until they can’t. GAE as Ouroboros.

  25. Karl says:

    When there are no rules to sustain an order such that everyone benefits from cooperation, people do not cooperate. They withdraw from society. They work less or not at all, at least not in the legal part of the economy that is taxed. They leave sports clubs where seniors used to train youngsters, they leave their converged churches, etc.

    There is a huge step from withholding cooperation to war. War requires a large group. Difficult to form a group for men who are sitting alone in a basement. They need to find a common faith, form a group. Only then might there be a threat of war.

    • jim says:

      Civil war does not happen without an external base of support, or elite defection.

      During the collapse of Bronze age civilization, it was primarily support from external coethnics with common religion and common patriarchal ancestry, though elite defection also happened in Egypt.

      I expect a purge of whites from our elite to result in significant elite defection.

        • jim says:

          It is a start.

          • Fidelis says:

            I’ll wait a bit before getting too excited. Putin has a history of trying to attract these types — Old Believers, Black Sea Germans, South Africans, now Amerikaaners — probably would like to see the russian farmlands filled up once more.

      • Roger Williams says:

        I expect a purge of whites from our elite to result in significant elite defection.

        The elite is still like 80% white or more. Don’t possibly see how that could be likely. The conflict is elite whites vs middle class whites. Not white vs non-white.

        • Starman says:

          @Roger Williams

          ”The elite is still like 80% white or more. Don’t possibly see how that could be likely. The conflict is elite whites vs middle class whites. Not white vs non-white.”

          The rulers in DC/NYC are jew brahmins who hate Whites and have no idea how the weapons work.

        • jim says:

          The Jews in the elite do not inwardly identify as white.

        • anonymous mouse says:

          The youngest elites (age 22-30, say) are half nonwhite or close to it. Ivy League student body at least half nonwhite.

        • Kunning Drueger says:

          Everything in the GAE is run by whites. Elite expulsion will be whites expelling whites, not muds displacing them.

  26. Mayflower Sperg says:

    Back on the topic of AI, there have been some recent breakthroughs toward achieving ChatGPT-level performance on consumer-grade hardware:


    He’s talking about models that can be trained on a single RTX 4090, which has 24 GB of VRAM and costs $1600. And this being open source, you can save time by downloading other people’s models and training them further with your own content.

    I detect a note of fear — someone’s going to feed Mein Kampf into an AI and create a Hitler-bot, oy vey! They ignore the far greater horrors of a Jim-bot because they’re crimestopped from acknowledging Jim’s existence.

  27. Kunning Drueger says:

    The Axiom gathers strength.

    it’s not the gayness, the rank faggotry, that guarantees the losing, it’s the math.

    Why do faggots suck? Many good answers, but reduce it down to First Principles.

    Homosexuals suck for society because they increase net confusion, and they do so in a way that multiplies across otherwise sound barriers.

  28. Jehu says:

    Another framing of this came to me whilst driving a few weeks ago. I came upon a road where a 4 way stop had grossly exceeded its efficient scale.

    Ironically, if it were degraded to a 2 way stop, everybody would wait a lot less time on average, but obviously the favored direction would benefit considerably more.

    One asks the question:

    Do you want a solution that is fair and sucks for everybody,

    or a solution that sucks less for everyone than the 1st solution, but for whom the benefit is unevenly distributed.

    My take from the perspective of an engineer is that a solution that sucks for everyone is utterly useless. Fairness should only be considered as a factor once ‘non-suckiness’ is assured.

  29. Jehu says:

    At some point, one must get this message through:

    Do you want the stuff you want—as in, indoor plumbing, air conditioning, 1st world lifestyles, security and order in your neighborhood at reasonable prices?

    Or do you want a theoretical say in how society is run?

    Women as a class need to understand that over the medium and long run, these are mutually exclusive desires. But they constitutionally are incapable of understanding this because as Scripture tells us:

    Your desire shall be for your husband (note that the particular word for desire being used here is the same sort of desire that God warned Cain that Sin had crouching waiting to devour him—it is the desire to control and an obsession with, not the warm fuzzy sort moderns are likely to infer), but he shall rule over you.

    But perhaps at least you can convince men that women will be less unhappy if they, as a class, are ruled over. It has the benefit of actually being both true and True.

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