party politics

Obama’s Day of Rage

A Day of Rage has been declared for this coming Saturday by an obscure leftist group, one sufficiently obscure that anything bad that happens can be blamed on it.

They will be raging at Wall Street. In 2008, it became obvious that Wall Street had blown trillions of other people’s money, and yet no Day of Rage back then. What has happened lately?

What has happened lately is that the Obama regime has been trying to separate itself from accusations of crony capitalism by Sarah Palin and others, for example by suing their Wall Street buddies for crimes committed by Wall Street at the instigation of the regulators, crimes committed with a wink and a nod from Fannie and Freddy.

To show that the left is not so palsy-walsy with Wall Street, we shall see some “anarchists” smashing windows and lighting fires on Wall Street, while the police are strangely inactive and ineffectual, and those arrested, if any, go largely unpunished.

They have not yet figured out what their demands are going to be, but it is safe to predict that they are not going to demand that businesses that lose lots of money should be allowed to go bust.

One comment Obama’s Day of Rage

Bill says:

They have not yet figured out what their demands are going to be, but it is safe to predict that they are not going to demand that businesses that lose lots of money should be allowed to go bust.

Steve Martin would predict: “I want the letter ‘M’ stricken from the English alphabet.”

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