Month: June 2012


Health care and stockholm syndrome

Observing enthusiasm for government health care around the world, it seems fairly proportional to the amount of involuntary euthanasia, the amount of murder by the state. Government healthcare has been demonstrably successful in moving the population and voters left, in large part in proportion to its propensity to murder people. Thirty percent of hospital deaths …

party politics

Correction: Tea Party Express not wholly left entryist

Earlier I accused the Tea Party Express as being left entryist, on the basis that its emailings tend to analyze the political spectrum as Democrats, right wing Democrats, moderate republicans, and conservative republicans, language that treats the left as normality and truth, and everyone else as deviations from normality and truth. However, emailings have recently …


The PC trajectory

Nazis, neo nazis, and white nationalists think the nineteen thirties or early nineteen forties was lovely, that Franklin D. Roosevelt and social security was the greatest thing since sliced bread, and there is nothing wrong with social security that soaking the rich could not fix, but that things went too far left once Jews were encouraged to convert to progressivism and join the ruling elite and promptly launched the civil rights movement. They don’t think there was any such thing as political correctness in the early twentieth century.

But everything that is going wrong today was visible in the middle of the nineteenth century.



If we believe the official inflation figures, supposedly living standards in the US are rising: Yet the proportion of people with cars is falling, the proportion of households with a car is falling faster, and the amount of meat people are eating is falling – consistent with a cpi rising at about the rate that …

party politics

Tea Party Express is far left entryist

In its mailings, the Tea Party Express conceptualizes the political landscape of the US as  “conservative republicans”, “moderate republicans”, “right wing democrats”, and just plain “democrats”.   There is, it seems, only one liberal democrat, and no liberal or left wing republicans. Thus betraying the writer’s real viewpoint – that the far left is normal and …


Not the cognitive elite

Theoretically elite colleges select people with very high scores on the college entrance exam, thus select very smart people, thus our ruling elite is composed of very smart people. There are two problems with this story.  One is that they do not in fact select people with very high scores on the college entrance exam, …