Month: August 2012


Freedom in Russia and the US.

Observe that Brandaun Raub was arrested for calling for the imminent start of Civil War 2, whereas Pussy Riot committed numerous acts of subversion, desecration and obscenity in their own venues without encountering any response, before they were arrested for desecrating someone else’s altar in someone else’s venue. So we are moving from the position …


Decline of the west

According to official statistics, living standards are rising, inflation is low, and unemployment is falling. If living standards are rising, why are people eating less meat and buying fewer cars? [In the comments Bill makes a telling rebuttal:  That people are eating less meat and buying fewer cars because of increasing inequality accurately reported by …


Legitimate rape

Todd is deep trouble for using the phrase “legitimate rape”, for implying that a lot of rapes are not legitimate – implying that a lot of rape allegations are false rape allegations, or the post hoc reinterpretation of profoundly ambiguous events as rape. Evolutionary psychology predicts that women will be far more upset about consenting to …


Pussy Riot attacked freedom of speech and freedom of religion

And the longer they stay in jail, the more secure freedom of speech and freedom of religion is in Russia. If you desecrate your own altar in your own venue, that is freedom of speech and freedom of religion. If you desecrate someone else’s altar in someone else’s venue, you are suppressing their freedom of …


Ann Coulter goes anti democracy

Ann Coulter favorably quotes Le Bon Mobs, according to Le Bon, have a “fetish-like respect” for tradition, except moral traditions because crowds are too impulsive to be moral. That’s why liberals say our Constitution is a “living, breathing” document that sprouts rights to gay marriage and abortion, but the age at which Social Security and …


A tell revealing central authority over the official line

The most useful tells are short and sweet – you twit someone with something, and their response reveal their real beliefs and real motivations.  This tell is, unfortunately, long, tedious and complex, but it not only reveals an elite that believes or pretends to believe in official truth absolutely regardless of evidence, but reveals that there …