
Nazism and antisemitism is PC

Observe that now that 4chan has been totally taken over by social justice warriors, you can still say “nigger nigger kike kike” all day long on 4chan, you can say that Hitler did not kill the Jews but he should have, but you cannot criticize social justice warriors, feminists, trannies, and so forth on 4chan.

Correction: After they purged the anti feminists etc, then they came for people saying kike and nigger. But anti feminists, and opponents of social justice, went first.

For brief period, 4chan was still nazi, while anti feminists and such had been purged. First they came for the patriarchalists, then they came for the nazis.

You can complain that Jews ruin everything, because diverse groups are incohesive and untrusting. You can even complain that vibrants ruin everything, but you cannot complain that women ruin everything by pushing themselves into male activities in which they have no real interest and no competence.

If Jews ruled, you would not be able to say “Kike” on 4chan, and the Gaza/Israel war would have been over in an hour.

Nazism is a variant of leftism, right wing in the sense that is frozen in the already quite left wing 1930s, right wing only in that it has been left behind by the rapidly moving Overton window.  Communism descends from the Jews, Nazism was descended from Lutheranism, Anglosphere leftism, which now dominates the world and therefore has no distinct name, descends from the puritans. Communism is now “right wing” in the same sense as Nazism. The Overton window moves on.

The old French leftism was descended from the false popes of Avignon, but it self destructed in its left singularity, and today French leftism is wholly a muppet of anglosphere leftism, a muppet of the state department.

The Jews are doubtless guilty of a great pile of stuff, and the fact that our elite is diverse makes it incohesive and disloyal, but in the recent financial crisis, there were more vibrants behaving badly, in particular Angelo Mozilo, than there were Jews behaving badly.  Goldman Sachs pulled strings to get bailed out by the government on obscenely favorable terms in a truly disgusting bit of crony capitalism, but the main reason they needed a bail out was that Angelo Mozilo burned them.

Nazism, anti semitism, etc, thinks that crony capitalism is business corrupting the state, rather than the state corrupting business. They see clever businessmen outsmarting regulators, and do not see the revolving door between regulators and business. They fail to notice that Jon Corzine, the most highly regulated man in history, was both regulator and regulated.

Nazism, anti semitism, etc, thinks our elite is composed of smart, sane, reasonable people. Supposedly it is just that they are behaving badly for lack of ethnic loyalty. In actual fact, only ten percent or so of Harvards are admitted on academic merit, and most of those admitted on academic merit are admitted on SAT and GPA, which no longer correlates with intelligence, rather than LSAT, which still does correlate with intelligence. Our elite is #*#$!%^& stupid and crazy, and every day, as selection for political purity increases, getting stupider and crazier.

176 comments Nazism and antisemitism is PC

Red says:

Anti-semitism is on the rise because the elites need a scape goat.

The primary reason a lot of sh*t gets tossed at the Jews is how effective they are at propaganda. The PC & SJW crowd suck at propaganda and would have fallen ages ago without very good Jewish propagandists keeping them afloat. I can deal with n*ggers being n*ggers. What’s hard to deal with is with regular people that are so convinced by propaganda that n*ggers being n*ggers is somehow their fault. This ties our hands when dealing with bad behavior. I despise this and everyone who helped build it. I look forward to the day that the elites throw the jews to the wolves for the elite’s crimes.

I know that the jews are minor criminals compared to the actual elites. However, being only human myself, only people I can directly see doing evil things are the people I desire the most retribution against. The actual elites hide behind their servants and thus it falls to their servants become the whipping boy for the elite’s many sins. This is a familiar pattern for the Jews, but one that they enter into willing and well knowing what the end game. And unlike women and blacks, Jews are civilized enough to know better.

It’s been informative watching B bend the old testament into pretzels trying to conform his religion as having always accepted women’s rights and female choice. His arguments are well made, persuasive, and he would easily convince most people that Abraham was a very progressive guy back in the day. It’s the same type of bullshit twisting that I see in the courts, in the office, and in the media.

jim says:

I know that the jews are minor criminals compared to the actual elites. However, being only human myself, only people I can directly see doing evil things are the people I desire the most retribution against. The actual elites hide behind their servants and thus it falls to their servants become the whipping boy for the elite’s many sins.

Long established standard operating procedure.

B says:

What we see from history is that those peasants most enthusiastic about coming after us with pitchforks always end up with those pitchforks sticking out of their ass through no foreseeable chain of events. Keep that in mind, neckbeard.

VXXC says:


1) and about the heinously guilty ones? Pardon by birth?
2) How about the guilty pay this round, instead of all? Names not groups.
3) It’s understood you placed your bet on another land (homeland).
4) Are you going to tell us not to defend ourselves because some of yours might get hurt? This will sell?
5) There’s no telling where this pitchfork goes. Anywhere. Everywhere.
6) However: I bet the pitchforks would accept 100% debt repudiation/debt zero aka Jubilee in exchange for amnesty. No debts all around.

B says:

Heinously guilty of what? Playing the game? Drinking the Kool Aid? Accepting the rules of the dominant culture and playing by them? Assimilating, and doing the same exact thing as the non-Jewish upper middle class on the coast, but better? All America is complicit, each according to his station. My old assistant team leader and I were speaking about OIF last night. On one hand, that was a crime, of willful omission leading to perfectly predictable mass murder and thievery. Who is responsible? Were the enlisted guys responsible? What about every officer, who lied to the officers above him and the men below him, because that is what was expected by all? Those lies made their way to the SecDef, and to the President, and to the media and Congress, getting amplified and spun at every station by people who were just doing their job, doing what was expected of them. Who is responsible? Is everyone responsible, because they were all complicit? The system is purposely built in such a way as to dispel responsibility, so you can’t point at any one person fairly and say he is personally responsible for any one atrocity.

Where the pitchfork goes is perfectly obvious. A mob never rules itself. It is always incited by a cohesive minority working for a purpose. You picture yourself as such an inciter. You should understand that these things have a logic of their own. When the dust clears, the survivors have a bad collective hangover. What they saw as self-defense turned into self-debasement, mutual murder and robbery and collective impoverishment.

You have nobody on whose behalf to bargain, and nobody with whom to bargain. And if there was someone to bargain with, they would be foolish to bargain at pitchforkpoint.

Being a victim of American education, it’s excusable that you don’t follow the histories of those countries which fell victim to their native populations’ greed and bloodthirst and despoiled and evicted their Jewish populations. This never led to anything good in the long run. For instance, the Iraqis were upset at the fact that their economy was controlled by Jews (who had actually created and maintained most of it,) so they robbed, killed and evicted their Jewish neighbors over 25 years (they had been there for 2500 years.) As a result, the Iraqi economy immediately collapsed to one based entirely on oil extraction by foreign corporations. The Christians who stood by and cheered the eviction of their Jewish neighbors from Mosul and probably participated in the looting of their property have now been themselves despoiled and evicted by ISIS, and they will be considered the lucky ones in 10 years when the war wraps up.

Now, if you were around in 1950s Iraq, you’d be cheering the pitchforks, claiming that the Iraqi people needed to defend themselves from these parasitical Jews who controlled the economy like the first minister of finance, Sassoon Efendi, who didn’t see themselves as part of the Iraqi Arab population but as Jews first, who sympathized more with the State of Israel (which was an enemy state and not a frenemy as it is for the US) and were a fifth column. You’d probably be really generous and allow the Jews to keep their lives in exchange for their assets. And if you were still alive 60 years later, your grandchildren would thank you for helping turn Iraq from the semi-functional and promising country that it was to the hell on earth it is today.

All I’m saying (and it’s probably futile) is, try to learn from the mistakes of others.

Vercingortrix says:


Oddly your last paragraph is similar to my objective. Except that it’s now and the future, not the past. I don’t want a bloodbath of the innocent, and am willing to exchange complete repudiation of all debts touching America coming and going for amnesty. Exchange is we – America – Zero Debt in exchange for Amnesty.

#6–“100% debt repudiation/debt zero aka Jubilee in exchange for amnesty. No debts all around.”

Because Debt is what wipes out the future: it must be repudiated or extracted. We’re talking over $1000 Trillion USD. This is about a way out.

I’m not a pitchfork and don’t care about incitement or mobs. I’m an DSS/Bosnia/OIF veteran and a patriot. (I don’t need mobs). Revenge is for amateurs. Now a certain community through internal pressure can back Jubilee [100% debt repudiation]. USG/Finance needs Amnesty, we need debt repudiation. Amnesty can only come from the American people [directly across the Hudson River if you’re wondering]. They can Take debt repudiation by Force or get it in exchange for amnesty (under whatever name).

There’s no reason to forgive if it takes war to get what we must have.

The alternative is a balance of $1000 Trillion USD is extracted from America, putting most of the population in the position of the Plains Indians: resources coveted by desperate debtors but the people despised. Civil War debts drove the destruction of the Western Indians in 25 years, Eastern half of US took over 250 years.
Debt was the difference. Union’s massive Civil War debts were only financed as it had title to huge and unexploited resources in the Western half of America, a situation identical to today. The balance of power however isn’t.

There is a deal that gets both Finance/USG and America off. Regardless of what I – or you – have to negotiate with who/whom’s behalf.

And the Debt must be settled in favor of one or the other option of repudiation or extraction. Preemptive debt repudiation allows everyone to walk away alive and free, if not rich as Midas.

The past I’m looking to if we wish to dwell there is 1840’s Ireland. High equilibrium 40 layered interlocking debts was the killer, loss of part of the production [potatoes] merely the inevitable trigger.
Debt was the driver of 1 million dead, not potato fungus.

40 layers of interlocking debt at very high equilibrium should sound familiar.

These are the mistakes of others I learn from, Ireland and America. I also learned war from the Iraqis more than anyone else. What do you learn from?

I pitch the solution to all, but yes to your group in particular. For indeed it’s overrepresented as part of the problem and already a target, the dreary cycle as you know has already begun. May I suggest we consider changing the dynamic, at least on our Watch? Mutual self-interest is the basis for solid deals.”
Interesting cross talk. However such a deal minimizes unnecessary destruction while accomplishing existential goals [survival] by both Finance and the American people. Who aren’t the same and are currently locked into a zero sum conflict driven by debt.

PS – Jews aren’t the enemy, nor do I have race enemies. They are in a position to push Jubilee/Repudiation on the Finance side better than any other group, and it’s in their self-interest to do so. It’s going to happen anyway, when it’s the difference between survival and not it’s wise to lead in doing it. This is Redemption.

As me being able to deliver, I can’t. The Anti-Semitic wave has begun and the defaults are well known. However it’s difficult for Americans at least to go after people who’ve just done such a noble and costly deed. I can’t deliver.

But you can.

jim says:

Oddly your last paragraph is similar to my objective. Except that it’s now and the future, not the past. I don’t want a bloodbath of the innocent, and am willing to exchange complete repudiation of all debts touching America coming and going for amnesty. Exchange is we – America – Zero Debt in exchange for Amnesty.

In the recent financial crisis, vibrants, for example Angelo Mozillo at the top, and tens of millions of Mestizo borrowers at the bottom, were the problem. Not Jews.

A repudiation of debt favors irresponsible borrowers, typically vibrants moving into white communities, and the single woman with a PhD in feminist puppetry. I would rather reintroduce debt slavery.

Some people need owners. A system of enslavement for repeated crimes, including repeated petty crimes, and enslavement for debt, would get people who need owners under the control of people competent to own other people.

vxxc2014 says:

I have. Look at the deal. America needs complete repudiation of the insane levels of debt [excepting that we owe to foreign nations]. As the anti-Semitic wave has begun with it’s known horrible defaults if the debt isn’t settled fast it will be a hideous accelerant on that fire. You need to change your fate fair or not.

And as your people as a people are in fact innocent but will be blamed [I’m thinking of my many Jewish friends and colleagues here] but are in a position to change that fate and the country’s, I suggest they get behind debt repudiation aka Jubilee, which they are in a position to push. Amnesty follows with such a graceful act.

Repudiation for Amnesty. 3 words.

Now if you’re done being angry and telling me off, consider it. My motives are benevolent and patriotic [these don’t often mix well, but they can here].

And I’m not Anti-Semite [but who cares]. And no your people didn’t do it, or certainly aren’t primarily to blame. But you will be. Are.

The main enemy here remains Progress, which can make it’s own deals. Not nearly as attractive options I think.

You see I was too paying attention in Iraq, now please consider the suggestion coldly. Good evening.

B says:

Being some anonymous idiot with more time and obstinacy than brains and power, I am not empowered to negotiate on behalf of the Jews any more than you two are empowered to negotiate on behalf of the pitchforks. Further, those Jews who would be in any position to make such a decision are defined, largely, by the fact that they do not define themselves as Jews. Further, they operate as part of an Apparat designed to disperse responsibility, in which nobody has the power to make such a decision.

But let’s put the above factors, which make debt repudiation a non-starter, aside. Let’s assume debts were repudiated tomorrow. First, if this were done under threat of violence, it would set a precedent, and being what they are, people tend to keep trying a tactic which worked once past the point of diminishing returns. Second, debt is an instrument. Its value is determined by things like expectation of payment and liquidity (which is determined by the willingness of people to buy it, which is in turn linked to expectation of payment.) Once you’ve had a mass repudiation of debt driven by emergent circumstances, what do you think will happen to people’s willingness to issue debt in the future? I would certainly not lend money to people who could cancel their debts any time they felt they had too many of them. And I would certainly not buy anyone else’s debt obligations. So what do you think would happen to every business which requires large chunks of capital to function? Like, I don’t know, farms and industry? Further, what do you think will happen to the pension plans and retirement investments of people who have worked for 20+ years on the assumption that this money would be worth something?

Let’s go a step further and assume that somehow you can repudiate debt without causing mass economical collapse and social collapse as well. As we know, people have varying IQs, levels of charisma and social adeptness, literacy, etc. This is caused by factors ranging from family history to evolutionary background. Adam Smith explained that the reason a war could come through a place and devastate it completely, and in a couple of decades everything looks as good as new is that stuff is constantly being produced and destroyed. So given all that, in 20 years there would be people buried in debt to the point of slavery, and others holding their obligations, through however many degrees of separation, and they would be largely the same people in those positions today, or their children. What will you have accomplished?

I understand the desire to wipe the slate clean as well as anyone else, since the current situation is obviously unsustainable. However, cancelling all debt is not feasible and wouldn’t give good results if it were feasible. It’s the economic equivalent of urban renewal.

jim says:

The bull that allows himself to be distracted into going for the cape, rather than the matador, gets skewered.

The sequence of events is:

Elite causes disaster. Blames the Jews, who in truth contributed to the disaster in their role as servants of the elite.

The masses are irritated by the elite failure to take adequate action against the Jews, the supposed cause of the disaster. Elite eventually comes under the thumb of someone more willing to take adequate action against the Jews.

Jews get treated badly.

Then elite gets treated badly.

Then the masses get treated badly.

vxxc2014 says:

Or we break the cycle Jim, my objective here.

Complete repudiation for complete amnesty, and the servants change their fate by taking the lead on repudiation. All debts [and methods and who incurred them] are wiped clean.

As for the matador et al, I am not only trying to hit exactly the target, I want the innocent scapegoat “cape” out of the way. For which I propose we grant the not so innocent complete amnesty.

BTW I’m not racist or Anti-Semitic, and it doesn’t mean anything if I was.
It’s either a good solution or it’s not.

peppermint says:

problem: nomos is damaged

solution: anti-nomian policies

jim says:

Jews are not doing anything directly very bad. By and large, the big problem with Jews is that some Jews, quite a lot of Jews, encourage people to think thoughts that lead to harmful consequences. They are propagandizing the regime ideology. They are not blowing themselves up in pizza parlors. They are not conducting human sacrifices. I am sure that if the wind changes, they would suddenly start encouraging people to think the opposite thoughts, serving the new official belief system just as enthusiastically as they served the old, as useful to the new regime as to the old.

By and large, most regime Jews are conversos. Having converted once, will convert again, and scarcely notice the change.

jim says:

Debt is not the problem. Excessive borrowing is the problem. Repudiating debts rewards irresponsible borrowing. If debt is excessive, the solution is liquidation not repudiation. The assets underlying the debt are sold off (possibly the person underlying the debt is sold off) and the creditor gets the fire sale price of the asset.

The Icelandic solution was fine, since the debts of the Icelandic banks were never formally guaranteed by the government. The bankers lost their assets and their jobs, and that was that. A fine solution.

When government irresponsibly issues guarantees, then repudiation is likely to be necessary, as a back stop to liquidation. The sovereign will just refuse to be liquidated, as usual. But as far as possible, the solution to excessive debt should be liquidation, rather than repudiation.

The international bankers proposed for Icelanders debt slavery for someone else’s debts. That was obviously evil and stupid. But debt slavery for one’s own debts, for all these people with PhDs in feminist puppetry, strikes me as a mighty good idea.

vxxc2014 says:


“The sovereign will just refuse to be liquidated, as usual. But as far as possible, the solution to excessive debt should be liquidation.”

Yes Jim. They liquidated the foolish week owners, they are now moving to liquidate the Jews [actually happens by default now] but then still having $1000 Trillion to pay off will move to Liquidate we troublesome, warlike rebellious White Trash [that’s you, me, all ‘Muricans] as the Plains Indians were liquidated to pay for CW1 debts.

I daresay you allow your hatred Jim to blind you to our own fate.

“But debt slavery for one’s own debts, for all these people with PhDs in feminist puppetry, strikes me as a mighty good idea.”

NO Jim. You and I and our Murican culture will be liquidated to pay for the feminist puppetry PhD’s.

peppermint says:

☑ not racist
☑ not anti-Semitic
☑ direct action
☑ repudiate debts
☐ i think that Chairman Mao was a pretty cool guy, ehh got rid of the British and didn’t afraid of anything

Sam says:

Red, Jim and others say the elites are the problem. That they’re setting up the Jews, etc.
A simple question, the “elites/NWO”; how many TV, radio stations, newspapers, book publishers or magazines do they own?

If the Jews and not the “elites/NWO” own all the TV, radio stations, newspapers, book publishers or magazines, and they do, whose fault is it that they’re despised?

On 9-11 building #7, not hit by a plane, fell for 108 feet the same speed as a bowling ball dropped in the air beside it. If the “elites/NWO” are responsible for this why don’t the Jews who own all the TV, radio stations, newspapers, book publishers and magazines point this out so they will not be blamed for this?

B said,”…Being a victim of American education, it’s excusable that you don’t follow the histories of those countries which fell victim to their native populations’ greed and bloodthirst and despoiled and evicted their Jewish populations. This never led to anything good in the long run…”

I, being the ignorant American sort, remember the Jews being thrown out of England and afterwards them doing fairly well. Spain is another example. They did excellent after throwing out the Jews. Golden age even. A more recent example is Russia. They were being consumed by the Jews. Now after Putin getting them somewhat under control Russia seems to be doing much better. A good example of the alternate is the take over of Ukraine by Jewish oligarchs recently where they immediately they started in killing people left and right.

Even with all the examples of how awful life would be without the Jews I myself would have no hesitation in checking the “deport them” check mark and taking my chances. I guess it’s my “greed and bloodthirst” and not the behavior of the Jews because the Jews never do anything wrong.

jim says:

On 9-11 building #7, not hit by a plane, fell for 108 feet the same speed as a bowling ball dropped in the air beside it.

Building seven was on fire, and had huge holes in it. Looked as if giant rats had been gnawing on it. Did the Jews set it on fire and gnaw those giant holes?

The basic left tactic is an alliance with far to destroy near. If you blame far, you are being suckered.

Sam says:

Those fools with their Bessemer furnaces to make steel. Ha! All they had to do was make a few fires and they could melt all the steel they wanted. Proves the stupidity of Mankind. We could have had an industrial revolution in 10,000 BC if they would have just listened to the guys on TV! Oops, there’s the problem. They had to have TV to know that fires liquify steel because they were too stupid to notice this. I get it now.

jim says:

Those fools with their Bessemer furnaces to make steel

An ordinary fire will not melt steel, but it easily softens it. Hence blacksmithing is possible, indeed routine, and hence a steel frame building will fall as a result of fire.

To give steel frame buildings long enough for fire fighters to act, the steel frame is clad with insulation – which cladding was inadequate, and was stripped off by the 9/11 impact.

And, since the fire fighters were overwhelmed by the scale of the problem, even if the cladding had been fine, the buildings would have fallen anyway, they just would have survived a little longer.

Sam says:

You’re inaccurate. Building #7’s insulation(called fire proofing) was made of asbestos. Better stuff than they use now. It was not knocked off because no plane hit it. The back of the building (I’m calling towards the North tower back) was damaged but not the front. Yet the front and back fell at the same speed as a dropped rock. Impossible. Actually since the building had four corners it was quadruple impossible.

Blacksmithing is an inappropriate comparison because the steel never reached high temperatures. Here’s a sequence of pictures proving such as the building was coming down.


The windows in the building are not melted hence the much, much harder to melt/soften steel could not be melted/softened.

Here’s a page with a chart showing the strength of steel per temperature. Steel has 20% strength left at 1100F which the front beams never even got remotely near that temp. 20% was plenty to hold up the building, probably 5% would do it. The trade towers were engineered to take the load of hurricane force winds. Much more force than just holding the building up.


Link to page that shows larger fires that didn’t cause collapse in skyscrapers. In fact similarly built steel structures have never collapsed from fire. You know this but I’ll link it anyways.


There was no massive fire on the front side. Here’s a video of people walking all around the South side after the North Tower (One World Trade Center) fell.


First person testimony Building#7 blown up. Molten steel running out of World Trade Center buildings.


Building #7 was a major F@ck Up.

jim says:

You’re inaccurate. Building #7’s insulation(called fire proofing) was made of asbestos. Better stuff than they use now. It was not knocked off because no plane hit it.

Something hit it. There were more holes than building. What was surprising is not that it fell, but that it was for a while still standing.

It collapsed because something had blasted gaping great holes around the thirteenth floor.

As I said, was on fire and looked like giant rats had been chewing on it. Maybe it was shotgunned by shrapnel from the planes, or perhaps shrapnel from the first collapse. Or both. Either way, bloody big holes about one third of the way up.


Here is Delft University architecture building collapsing as a result of a fire, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bizr86N-4nc one minute into the video.

Main difference being that unlike 9/11 there were no whopping great holes blasted in the building by flying debris.

here’s my theory. The plane that crashed in Pennsylvania was supposed to hit WTC 7. When they couldn’t have a plane hit WTC 7, they still had all the charges in place, so they had to bring it down anyway.

jim says:

Here is my theory. When a tall building has #$%^&*% great holes in it and is on fire, it tends to fall down.

jim says:

here’s my theory. The plane that crashed in Pennsylvania was supposed to hit WTC 7. When they couldn’t have a plane hit WTC 7, they still had all the charges in place, so they had to bring it down anyway.

Was supposed to hit a building no one has ever heard of, recognizes, or cares about.


Sam says:

Thanks for the Delft University architecture building collapse video. Notice how it falls to the side and doesn’t even fall all the way down? Just shows even more how abnormal the fall of building #7 was. The idea that it’s damaged to one side only and it falls straight down is silly. As for the damage causing it to fall NIST says “no”. If you look on the current NIST FAQ they removed it,


but through the magic of the internet (they must hate this) internet archive has the old one.


quote,”…Did debris from the collapse of WTC 1 cause damage to WTC 7’s structure in a way that contributed to the building’s collapse?

The debris caused structural damage to the southwest region of the building-severing seven exterior columns-but this structural damage did not initiate the collapse…”

Notice no”…bloody big holes about one third of the way up…”, they said severed seven exterior columns.

This guy, Joe Hill, I think he’s Hank Hills brother, shows a doctored video of a gash in building #7 and claims one gash made all four walls fall down. Ha! What nonsense.


NIST did say this initiated fires that caused the collapse but the video I linked to before showed people in the building with no fires. I guess you could say I believe NIST is lying. To make sure I’m not saying there was no fires but it’s impossible for a few fires to “symmetrically” bring down the building. I doubt the fires could have even brought it down at all.

Steve Johnson says,”That is the most retarded conspiracy theory I’ve ever heard…”…“Yeah, I was pissed when they flew jets into the Twin Towers but when that one building I’ve never heard of collapsed that really got to me!”

I guess a better one is that guys with box cutters crash planes into buildings and make buildings NOT hit by the planes fall? The holes in this conspiracy theory are much bigger than the holes in build#7.

The real problem is Jews stick by other Jews that are psychopaths. The psychopathic Jews murder people, steal, corrupt systems and etc. and the other Jews just keep covering up for them. White peoples faults are there for everyone to see. We have heard all of Whites faults (over and over and over…) but the psychopathic Jews and their lackeys just go deeper and deeper. This behavior works when everyone could decamp to another country but not now. This genetic/behavioral programming has become highly dangerous to all Jews.

jim says:

Notice how it falls to the side and doesn’t even fall all the way down?

No, I don’t notice any of that. It falls straight down and falls all the way. There was another section of the building where the fire fighters prevented it from burning which remained standing, but the high part of the building, the skyscraper part of the building, free falls straight down from all the way up to all the way down, much as the world trade center did.

Notice no”…bloody big holes about one third of the way up…”, they said severed seven exterior columns.

Kind of hard to “severe seven exterior columns” without creating some bloody big holes.

claims one gash made all four walls fall down. Ha! What nonsense.

When building seven initially starts to fall, it tilts slightly towards what you are calling the gash, and I am calling a bunch of bloody big holes, crumbling all four walls, then proceeds to free fall straight down.

Sam says:

Hopefully the New York ballot to study it further goes thru. Not that that will settle it. As for me the whole “fire brought it down” is nonsense that anyone can see.

jim says:

As every eyewitness could see, flying an airliner into a building does a great deal of damage, making demolition of marginal benefit.

Sam says:

You changed subjects from building #7 to the other two towers. No plane crashed into 7. Fine though. The other two towers shouldn’t have fallen either. There’s enough strength built in that if a floor fell it wouldn’t have smashed them to the ground. After all they held up the same floors before and with each floor absorbing a little of the shock the top sections would have come to a stop or fallen off to the side. I haven’t heard anyone say that all the floors of both towers were melted. Couldn’t be we have radio transmissions of firemen saying that the fires could be controlled.

jim says:

No, you changed subjects from the two towers to Building seven. And I continued to talk about building seven.

No plane crashed into 7

Something crashed into Building seven. It had a bunch of gaping holes around the thirteenth floor. I don’t know whether it was shrapnel and high speed bodies from the plane, or shrapnel and high speed bodies from the collapse of the two towers, but whatever hit it, it was in a bad way. What was remarkable was not that it fell, but that it continued to stand for a while.

There’s enough strength built in that if a floor fell it wouldn’t have smashed them to the ground.

No there is not. If whole pile of floors above drop onto the floor beneath, the floor beneath will go and join the fall.

Which is what we saw happen in every collapse, for example the Delft University architecture building collapse. Once a sufficiently massive bunch of upper floors fall, they bring everything beneath them straight down all the way to the bottom.

Sam says:

I went back and looked at Delft Faculteit Bouwkunde. I’m wrong about it spilling to the side. It did appear to me to be so at first. I found other video’s with a better view. This building even strengthens the case that build#7 was an abnormality. In the Delft Faculteit Bouwkunde one section does fall straight down but the other section burning does not. The glass in the windows melted. No large sections of glass melted on the commonly viewed side of building #7.
Video with better view start at


Even worse the building Delft Faculteit Bouwkunde is irrelevant. It’s a cast concrete beam building. A review of the structure is at the following link.


Amazing enough it only had four pieces of re-bar in the concrete beam. What a weak building. So this building has absolutely nothing to do with building #7. This type gorilla dust, smoke and mirrors type argumentation is typical of the people who defend the governments position on 9-11. When I bring up NIST reports on the limited amount of beams severed then it’s switch to another building. Even though that building was made nothing like the first building. Then they bring up airplanes. Even though no airplanes hit the building. Then of course more…big holes…big holes… yet the damage is limited to a few beams. This never ends because the truth is…bad for the Jews.

jim says:

Building seven had a bunch of bloody great holes smashed into it. The collapse starts with it tilting towards the holes, then it goes straight down.

And if fire cannot melt steel, even less can it melt concrete, yet fire can bring a tall building down anyway.

You are not arguing in good faith: You start by pointing out that fire cannot melt steel, yet obviously aware of the reply that fire weakens steel. You then switch topics to building seven, pointing out it was not hit by a plane, yet obviously aware that it took massive damage and was on fire, which indicates it was hit by something – probably shrapnel from the plane or the collapse.

Sam says:

The only problem with making up things out of whole cloth is you have to keep your stories straight.

You said,”…Your initial claim was that the building was not damaged…”

Yet Sam says,”
September 28, 2014 at 5:27 am
The back of the building (I’m calling towards the North tower back) was damaged but not the front.”

So we see you’re not so on the level.

jim says,”…Again, if you see the building from the south side, what is strange is not that fell, but that it stood…”

What is strange is it falls the same speed as if NO columns existed at all for 108 feet. Even if the columns, and I’m certainly not conceding that they did, melted into liquid steel they would still have some resistance. They had none. Here’s a nice video from your fellow tribesman Geraldo covering it.


I’ll stop now and let you get the last word, as you should it’s your blog. Thank you for letting me reply.

jim says:

You claimed that insulation was not knocked off because no plane hit it.

Building #7’s insulation(called fire proofing) was made of asbestos. Better stuff than they use now. It was not knocked off because no plane hit it. The back of the building (I’m calling towards the North tower back) was damaged but not the front. Yet the front and back fell at the same speed as a dropped rock. Impossible. Actually since the building had four corners it was quadruple impossible.

But you knew that something smacked the crap out of that building, therefore large parts of the insulation must have been knocked off.

You also knew that front and back did not fall uniformly, did not “fall at the same time”. The upper part of the building, the part of the building above the thirteenth floor, tilted into the hole, meaning the back started falling first, as we would expect from the #$%^&* great holes in the back, and only after the part of the building above the thirteenth floor had developed a tilt, did the front part of the building join the fall.

You keep making claims in bad faith, knowing them to be untrue, and when I call you on it, you fall back to a previously prepared position.

Sam says:

Ahh. Unfortunately I can’t let this stand. The complete distortion of what I’ve said. Of course this is a typical debating/lying technique.

You said,”…But you knew that something smacked the crap out of that building, therefore large parts of the insulation must have been knocked off…”

I said NO such thing. I said the back was hit. I’m assuming you’re an intelligent person and can understand that some fireproofing in the back is not the whole building. NIST said only, “…seven exterior columns…”. This in no way implies or is there any evidence that,”…large parts of the insulation must have been knocked off…”. That’s not the whole building. The majority of the fireproofing was present. I linked to a video of people in the building after the North tower fell. Where’s your big gnawed rat hole? It doesn’t exist. Even Joe Hill(Hank Hills brother) doesn’t photoshop the hole as large as you say it is.

you said,”…You also knew that front and back did not fall uniformly, did not “fall at the same time”…”

I said no such thing nor do I believe it to be correct. I agree with the engineer in the video I linked see 3:20.


The building came down across it’s whole width at appromixatly the same time. They brought down the inside first the same as other demolition projects. At the same video above at 5:22 the engineer says,” …scientifically it’s impossible for fire to have done what we see…”.

You said,”… The upper part of the building, the part of the building above the thirteenth floor, tilted into the hole, meaning the back started falling first…”

Not so. Here’s lots of video of the building falling. At 6:08 you see the building from the side falling first straight down then tilting to the back.


If the back was the reason for the fall it would fall back first then pull the front (North) first. The whole idea of only, “…seven exterior columns…” in the back causing the whole building to fall straight down at approximately the same time is impossible. (I call this simultaneously but if you put a laser on the roof it would not be exactly level). All the beams would have to break at the same time. This is impossible. As you can see none of the beams were melted or subject to extreme fire damage in the front. If they were you would be able to see the fires and the windows would melt/crack first. Most are intact. Even worse as I noted if you stack three playing cards on edge together then the whole stack doesn’t fall down when you let go of them so the back wall completely disappearing would not bring down the other three.

jim says:

The building came down across it’s whole width at appromixatly the same time.

The collapse began with the building bending in the middle, the upper part of the building bending into the holes on its south side, and then the upper part of the building falling down as a rigid object while continuing to rotate.
Collapse of building 7
49 seconds into the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWorDrTC0Qg

Similarly, if you look at the video at 45 seconds, you will notice that building seven has developed a distinct bend sixteen floors below the top floor. The bend gets more and more bent for several seconds, the building moving about half the width of a window sideways, and then the building starts to collapse.

If a building is on fire, and the top starts moving sideways towards the fire and towards the holes in the building, its not demolition charges.

The collapse starts with a relatively slow sideways movement, indicating badly damaged beams slowly weakening in the fire, rather than abruptly being blasted by demolition charges.

In the MSNBC report, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnLcUxV1dPo at 1:33 the fireman tells the newsman “You see the building leaning like that? It is about to collapse.”

If the building is on fire, and it starts to lean, and you can see the building leaning, of course it is about to collapse.

The collapse was preceded by a slow lean sideways. If slow lean, then fire, not explosives.

At 9:31 in the above video, the cameraman starts saying “I got it, I got it, I got it, I got it, and then zooms in on World Trade Tower 7” just before it begins to fall straight down. So the collapse started off slow. If explosives, there would have been no time for some one to draw the cameraman’s attention to the collapse, and then for the cameraman to respond. The cameraman starts saying “I got it I got it” two and half seconds before the building goes into free fall.

Steve Johnson says:

That is the most retarded conspiracy theory I’ve ever heard.

Step 1: Fly planes into the WTC.
Step 2: Demolish the buildings using pre-placed charges

It makes zero sense. Anything that someone could get out of demolishing the buildings they would get out of flying jumbo jets into it. Anything they could get out of flying jets out of it they could get by demolishing the buildings (there was a bombing in the WTC in the 90s).

Jets really did hit the buildings – I’m one of thousands of first hand eye witnesses.

“Yeah, I was pissed when they flew jets into the Twin Towers but when that one building I’ve never heard of collapsed that really got to me!”

Sam says:

You of course are arguing in a typical Jewish manner. Saying I’m doing something that you are and decrying the dastardliness of the whole thing. So I’ll go point by point.

Jim said,”…Building seven had a bunch of bloody great holes smashed into it…”

Not true. NIST as quoted above said,”…The debris caused structural damage to the southwest region of the building-severing seven exterior columns-but this structural damage did not initiate the collapse…”

Damaging one wall can not cause all four corners of a building to magically fly down to the ground.

Jim said,”…The collapse starts with it tilting towards the holes, then it goes straight down…”

This is silly. Pull something sideways then see if it automatically changes direction. All forces of this nature are VECTOR forces. You know Newtons law and all that. The sideways component would add to the down, “gravity”, and give you a combination. Not straight down, 45 or other degrees. The building falls down not sideways unless your eyes are lying. Damage in one wall will not cause a building to fly apart. A simple test you can do is to push a rock off a table. It will NOT go straight down.

Jim said,”…And if fire cannot melt steel, even less can it melt concrete, yet fire can bring a tall building down anyway.

You are not arguing in good faith: You start by pointing out that fire cannot melt steel, yet obviously aware of the reply that fire weakens steel. You then switch topics to building seven, pointing out it was not hit by a plane, yet obviously aware that it took massive damage and was on fire, which indicates it was hit by something – probably shrapnel from the plane or the collapse…”

You mixing a few truths with numerous untruths. The fires in building #7 can be seen on the North side. The whole side is glass you can easily see where fires are and are not. They are nowhere near enough to melt or weaken the building to fall down. They are sporadic. Whole floors are not engulfed. You talk about the back. I say,”so what?” The back holds up the back (South) not the front. The windows weren’t melted and glass melts and cracks WAY before steel. Yes some beams were damaged in the back. But a child knows you can stack three playing cards on edge and they don’t just fall down. If the back fell down or center falling pulled down the front (North) then it would have to fall over not down. Even more damaging to your view is the rapidity of collapse. It falls at the same speed as a bowling ball for 108 feet. Impossible. All materials have resistance. The fall rate is that of NO resistance. If the floors of building #7 had been magically suspended in air then marshmallows stuck in between them it still would have fallen slower than it did. So all this talk of weakened steel in the back is of no importance. You argue that I say concrete melts. I did? No I did not. Concrete spalls. It heats then uneven thermal expansion chips pieces off. I merely pointed out that the building you claim is representative of the fall of building #7 does no such thing. It was concrete with four 30mm iron re-bar reinforcements.

I feel for you. The psychopaths that run the Jewish tribe have done something very stupid. There’s no way to smoke, mirrors and gorilla dust your way out of this one. NIST tried to. They say the interior fell pulling loose from the outer North (most seen) wall then made the North wall fall down. Even a complete idiot will realize this can’t happen. If it’s pulled loose then how would NO connection pull it down? Even if it some how MAGICALLY pulled it down it would be pulled from the top peeling the wall back. You can see from the video of the building falling it falls from the bottom. The bottom being destroyed first really screws up any theory that one section pulled another down. Foolish. NIST even lies about thermite. They say thermite is …etc…etc…and you would need hundreds of pounds etc. They say nothing about nano-thermite. They then say that explosives would be loud and there were no loud enough bangs. Sneaky. There were loud bangs but just not as loud as plastic explosives but they were loud enough for nano-thermite which was found in the debris dust. Not just the reactants of nano-themite actual nano-thermite was found. Pictures are available. Where did it come from? The great genius Joe Hill (Hank Hills brother) says all the iron spheroid particles in the dust were from welding. Maybe the welders made nano-thermite also. NOT.

The psychopathic Jews that did this are a danger to everyone on the planet. They have no empathy for anyone. It’s a shame there are so few Jews that will divorce themselves from these psychopaths because they will take you down with them. Will they care? No. They don’t care about you either. They have only an animalistic lust for power. All they do is consume. They are exactly on the same level as welfare mothers.

Look also at their stupid scheme in the Middle East. They think they’re going to atomize all the societies in the M.E. and therefore not allow any enough power to threaten them. It looks like they’re right but only for a short time. All of the M.E. will after a time coalesce into a force of hate worse than ever seen for them. They , as I, know who’s behind what’s going on there and they will be treated just as they treat the Palestinians now. If the Jews had any sense they’d hang B.B. and a few others for this mess and back track. I doubt they will. Jews don’t have good regulation of their behavior when they get on a good psychopathic scheme mindbender. Like alcoholics they drink, drink, drink, scheme, scheme, scheme, lie, lie, lie. Consequences be damned.

jim says:

Not true. NIST as quoted above said,”…The debris caused structural damage to the southwest region of the building-severing seven exterior columns-but this structural damage did not initiate the collapse…”

Damaging one wall can not cause all four corners of a building to magically fly down to the ground.

Damaging one wall weakened the building. And then the building was on fire, with firemen doing nothing to fight it.

In every case we see buildings with on fire with bloody great holes in them.

In every case the collapse begins with the part of the building above the hole tilting towards the hole.

Obviously, collapse was caused by fire and damage. If someone had set up explosives, what difference would it have made? Once the upper part of the bulding starts to fall, everything underneath is doomed.

Your initial claim was that the building was not damaged. The building fell from the combined effects of fire and having a wall knocked down. There is nothing surprising about it falling. What is odd is that it did not fall down immediately.

The fires in building #7 can be seen on the North side. The whole side is glass you can easily see where fires are and are not. They are nowhere near enough to melt or weaken the building to fall down. They are sporadic. Whole floors are not engulfed. You talk about the back. I say,”so what?” The back holds up the back (South) not the front.

Again, if you see the building from the south side, what is strange is not that fell, but that it stood.

If the back fell down or center falling pulled down the front (North) then it would have to fall over not down

Which is near to what happened. The top tilts, as the south side falls, immediately resulting in the collapse of the entire building.

It falls at the same speed as a bowling ball for 108 feet. Impossible. All materials have resistance.

All materials have resistance in a controlled demolition also. Once the top tilted, all remaining supports were shattered around the thirteenth floor, so the situation then was the same as if you had a controlled demolition of the thirteenth floor – after we saw the top part of the building tilt sideways into the holes battered into it.

There is a bunch of bloody great holes on the south side around the thirteenth floor, and the building is on fire. The part of the building above the thirteenth floor tilts towards the south side, then falls straight down – which is exactly what it looks like, and not like a controlled demolition A controlled demolition would have brought the building down uniformly, but every one of the 9/11 collapses began with the building tilting into the the holes.

And we see them resisting. The upper part falls freely, and as it falls everything beneath it resists but gets smashed. So the roof falls freely, but the thirteenth floor does not fall freely

Sam says:

Bending, twisting, blah, blah. These are of no importance. Explosives were heard in building#7 by people in the buildings and on tape outside in videos. I love the video that you posted.


At :15 seconds you can hear the explosives. The guy says, “You hear that”. I certainly did. At :20 seconds,”That building is about to blow up”. At :58 ,”…We heard this sound like a clap of thunder [explosions]. Turned around and we were shocked to see that the building was…it looked like there was a shock wave ripping through the building [explosives]…and the windows all busted out [explosives]. At 10:07 you can hear explosions. Great video thanks for posting it to make my position stronger and your none existent
Explosives would readily weaken the buildings accounting for any bending. What can not be denied is the violation of the natural laws of material actions when falling. No resistance means no resistance. Bodies can not fall at the acceleration rate of gravity “free falling” if there is any resistance. Here’s a video that shows experiments that show the actions of falling bodies. All falling bodies whether large or small follow these rules. If you wish to argue this please take it up with whatever physics professor you like and see how far you get. The physics of falling bodies is of “the essence” all your arguments are Gorilla Dust/Jew Dust to confuse the issue.


jim says:

> At :15 seconds you can hear the explosives. The guy says, “You hear that”. I certainly did. At :20 seconds,”That building is about to blow up”.

And yet the building does not go into free fall fall until nearly an hour after they heard that and said that.

If fell by explosives, would go into freefall on the instant.

As the building very slowly tilts further and further, there are awesome crashes and jolts as one supporting structure after another goes. This indicates failure by fire, not failure by explosives.

Sam says:

jim says,”…as one supporting structure after another goes. This indicates failure by fire, not failure by explosives…”

Back to magic fires I see. Synchronized fires that magically know when to vaporized steel beams in milliseconds. Not melt or weaken because that’s not good enough. For something to fall with no resistance requires vaporization. Even you will not claim fires vaporize steel beams covered with fire proofing. Yes that’s right the front was still covered in fireproofing. So magic fires that can burn in a synchronized manner and vaporize steel with millisecond precision. Maybe you should give wheel and cable idea another look. Here’s another idea abet a little on the more exotic side. Maybe the Jews now have combined the Kabbalah with eloptics, sometimes called psychotronics. Even better maybe HARRP did it but your not going to get anywhere with the synchronized magic fires that vaporize steel. The new ideas? Well they can be theorized and Jew dusted but steel beams and gravity. Hard to change.

“…If fell by explosives, would go into free fall on the instant…”

No,no,no. I linked many, many, demos and some had explosions then delays. The early explosions could be delays or even set off early by the fires. Certainly if the magic fires can synchronize to milliseconds they can set off a few explosions early. Maybe when Barry Jennings and Michael Hess were blown back up the stairs by explosions it was the North tower falling which set off some of the charges. I have an idea that building #7 was supposed to fall at the same time as the North tower to cover its fall. Don’t know for sure. Enhanced interrogation techniques would be helpful. Somebody screwed up.

Notice Obama, hardly my hero, has called B.B. chickshit. Ha, Ha, Ha. I’ll give credit where credit is due. No Iran attack for the Jews. I’ll bet help for the Jews ISIS death squad will wind down too. Ukraine. Hah the psychopathic Jews that run that country may find that lead poisoning is a possible hazard there. Remember I said this would be a big fuck up earlier. The psychopaths biggest problem is when people just write them off. They lie and at first it works brilliantly but…as time goes on…people believe nothing they say. Just exactly how many people believe the Jew press is on the up and up? Miniscule. All propaganda and Jew dust all the time. I keep telling you to stop propping up the psychopaths. I bet they told you,”..Jews must stick together. Always support the Jews…” Now that’s great for the psychopathic Jews who’ve blown up our buildings and stolen all the money but what will YOU DO? They got theirs and they’ll leave you to the howling masses screaming for blood. What are you Jews going to do. You’re not going to disarm us. Many false flags have proven that’s not going to work. If you out and out try to take the country…well the number of hunting license permits issued in just Pennsylvania is larger than the size of all the US armed forces. Fat chance getting the majority of Marines. Army and Special Forces to fight to take over the US. All you’ve got is DHS. Have you seen these fat fuckers. Some are good but most are losers. I saw some video where they were shooting at zombies. No kidding. They had people dressed up as zombies for training. Notice the zombies didn’t have guns. I wonder what they would do if they went into a strange town and everyone started sniping at them. Wouldn’t have to stand and fight just snipe. They don’t have any where the numbers to even start. Armored personal carriers. Good luck.A couple of coke bottles full of gas and how are you going to see out of those things? Even if 1% of the population resisted they would shit their pants.
Lets face it. 9-11 was a big fucking screw up by the psychopaths. By virtue of them having no empathy they don’t know when to stop. Putin has a great speech where he talks about this, maybe he got it from me? (I doubt it).


“…they plunged the country into chaos, into economic and social collapse, into a civil war with enormous casualties…”…”…Apparently, those who constantly throw together new ‘colour revolutions’ consider themselves ‘brilliant artists’ and simply cannot stop…”

Nailed. The psychopaths consider themselves brilliant artist. Like the stupid Jew art of frozen sharks and unmade beds. Such brilliance. You should rethink your position on defending these defective people.

jim says:

Back to magic fires I see. Synchronized fires that magically know when to vaporized steel beams in milliseconds.

Building seven failed over hours, not milliseconds, one part very slowly yielding, then another, and another. Hours of tilting further and further, then seconds of slow collapse, then collapsen in near free fall.

For something to fall with no resistance requires vaporization.

If it fell with no resistance, would fall straight down. That the upper part of the building rotated as it fell, that the building fell over, rather than fell down, indicates some small resistance – as one would expect from a structure shattered, but not vaporized.

Sam says:

Yes milliseconds. For all of the structure to fall almost simultaneously requires a complete vaporization [if by fire] of all the structural columns. Very fast. Any slow movement you comment on is of no interest or importance. Why? The defining event that I mentioned at the beginning was, again, the free fall or fall at the acceleration rate of free objects in the Earths’ gravitational field of the building for roughly 108 feet. Some rotation or the building falling a little to the back towards the former North tower has nothing to do with the free fall itself. Once again you talk about elements not related to the oddness of the destruction of the building. This is of course a pattern. So…I’m game. Let’s talk about,

“Guidelines for the Jews in Diaspora”

“…Goyim are stubborn, but they do not have enough perseverance in achieving their goal.

They are lazy, that is why they tend to rush things. They attempt to solve all problems at once…”

Oops! Apparently the psychopaths have forgotten their own rules. Rushing things. Attempting to solve all problems at once.

You know they also forgot a Spartan rule. Never keep fighting the same enemy too long. Same with us as the Palestinians and Hezbollah. Every time Israel fights them they have been losing ground. With Hezbollah they got their asses kicked. The Palestinians, well…the Palestinians have nothing, and yet they managed to stop the special forces from invading. The Israelis had to back up and use artillery. All they have left is slaughter. Others are watching. They see the psychopaths. Lies can only cover this so much. They see their weakness. You need to separate yourself from the psychopaths before it’s too late.

jim says:

Yes milliseconds. For all of the structure to fall almost simultaneously requires a complete vaporization [if by fire] of all the structural columns. Very fast. Any slow movement you comment on is of no interest or importance.

But we see buildings fall that way all the time, without anything being suddenly vaporized. Delft University architecture building collapsing is a lot closer to suddenly going into free fall simultaneously than building seven, for building seven fell sideways, while Delft University architecture building fell straight down.

Falling sideways means that not everything is failing simultaneously. One thing is failing after another.

Indeed, when they bring buildings down with explosives, they don’t vaporize every single bit of supporting structure, they break the major supporting structures at a single point, the ground floor. and the entire building then falls in a manner indistinguishable from free fall even though ninety percent is intact – which is a lot more intact structure than building seven had left by the time it fell.

In the case of building seven, the bend shortly before the collapse is sufficiently severe that we may conclude that very little was intact around the thirteenth floor – that it was in as bad a shape as normal building that is brought down by detonation.

Sam says:

Nice video I found.


Guy finally retired and can talk. Says”…there was an explosion and the building came down…”

Not “it wiggled then came down” or “it bent then came down” or “magic fires attacked it then it came down”. No explosions brought it down. Same ones heard on other videos.

you said,”…But we see buildings fall that way all the time…”…uhh…no we don’t. Where? You haven’t taken up hallucinogenics have you? If so I’ll remind you all those wavy things aren’t real.
The Delft University architecture building was a concrete building. No steel beams. We already went over the Delft University architecture building. It has nothing to do with building#7. It’s like comparing Hippos and artichokes.

You said,”…One thing is failing after another.”

No. Look at the video. I need say no more.

you said,”…Indeed, when they bring buildings down with explosives, they don’t vaporize every single bit of supporting structure, they break the major supporting structures…”

Of course more Jew dust. Using the term “… every single bit of supporting structure…” but that’s not what I said. I said”…requires a complete vaporization [if by fire] of all the structural columns…”

The key being all structural columns not all the material of all the structural columns. So we’re back to magic fires that know to vaporize ” KEY sections of the columns within milliseconds. Fires with a clock attached. Hey that sounds a lot like thermite. Maybe that’s what caused it. A weakening with thermite and a nice explosive charge to finish it.

You said,”…In the case of building seven, the bend shortly before the collapse is sufficiently severe that we may conclude that very little was intact around the thirteenth floor…”

More nonsense. Your conclusions are of the same nature as that of Africans who conclude that having sex with virgins cures aids. At first you said that one wall missing could cause the whole building to fall. I suggest you place three playing cards on end next to each other. Of course they don’t fall. Now you’re saying a bend in one wall causes the whole building to simultaneously collapse at the same speed a rock is dropped. I thought the back was the problem? If so why did the front bend? Where are the ten stories of magic fires to vaporize the columns in the front? Where are the ten stories to vaporize the columns in the sides. Actually they would have to be MUCH larger than ten stories as that was about the distance that went into free fall so maybe they would have to be twice as big. Twenty stories. Where’s the twenty story fires? We’re running out of building to burn. The answer is there is no twenty story magic fires. Only controlled demolition.

jim says:

The Delft University architecture building was a concrete building. No steel beams. We already went over the Delft University architecture building. It has nothing to do with building#7. It’s like comparing Hippos and artichokes.

All your arguments that Trade Tower Building seven must have been brought down by explosives apply much more strongly to the Delft University building than to Trade Tower Building seven. Free fall, simultaneous collapse, no resistance, etc. Building seven’s collapse was far from simultaneous and there was obvious resistance from the intact part of the building.

You said,”…One thing is failing after another.”

No. Look at the video. I need say no more.

I look at the videos, and I see trade tower building seven suffered massive damage from the terrorist strike and was on fire. It continued to burn for several hours, slowly tilting more and more towards the damaged parts. Then it starts to slowly crumble. A few seconds after it begins to crumble, it goes into near free fall, though it encounters partial resistance from the undamaged side of the building, with the result that it topples sideways.

A building that is slowly tilting sideways is tilting as a result of the initial damage and the fire softening the support beams. If it tilts far enough, sooner or later will quite suddenly collapse. And that is what happened. And the collapse was not even all that sudden. There were a few seconds of slow collapse before full collapse at near free fall.

So we’re back to magic fires that know to vaporize ” KEY sections of the columns within milliseconds.

Hours, not milliseconds. The structures failed one at a time over many hours.

Steve Johnson says:

Simple question – did the WTC get hit by 2 planes?

Sam says:

Back to the Delft University building which nothing to do with building 7 I see. I can understand this as any talk about a building falling like a rock with no resistance is hard to explain as being the result of fires that magically burn to initiate the collapse sequence within milliseconds.

But why not. Let’s talk about the Delft University building which was made of concrete columns with only 4, that’s right 4, pieces of rebar holding the thing together. The floors were also concrete. No steel beams. You said,”…All your arguments that Trade Tower Building seven must have been brought down by explosives apply much more strongly to the Delft University building…”

Uh..no. It wasn’t the same kind of building and it didn’t fall all the way down. Look at this picture.


See the bottom floors. I know you do. Why didn’t magic building falling smash these floors? Even though the building was built to lesser standards? What about this video.


It shows other sections of the building on fire yet…they didn’t fall. I guess they didn’t have magic fires.

I suspect the reason the Delft University building didn’t fall all the way to ground is the testimony of the fireman that was there at building #7 the day it fell. He said,”…there was an explosion and the building came down…”. I notice that we didn’t hear any explosions in the Delft University building collapse.

There must be around ten floors of damaged columns to initiate a free fall collapse of…ten floors. There doesn’t seem to be enough building to vaporize by fire ten stories. The fire would have to be MUCH bigger.

All the bending, twisting, hulu hooping of the building is apparently not as important as ”…there was an explosion and the building came down…”. I’ve even linked to videos where you hear them yourself. Maybe I’ll link them again. If you missed them there are procedures you can take for hearing loss.

Baring that you can use a little tool called “Occam’s razor”. When people say,” there were explosions and the building fell down” using Occam’s razor you can bet that explosions had something to do with the building falling down. When the building falls as fast as a rock dropped in the air and explosions are heard…well you can bet that the building was demoed. Other explanations may be interesting in a, “What if dinosaurs had wheels?” or “What if these whatevers,


were relatives of the Jews but were killed off because they were too psychopathic to leave alive”, way but they wouldn’t provide much in the way of truth.

jim says:

Back to the Delft University building which nothing to do with building 7 I see. I can understand this as any talk about a building falling like a rock with no resistance is hard to explain as being the result of fires that magically burn to initiate the collapse sequence within milliseconds.

Building seven did not fall like a rock with no resistance. That it rotated as it fell shows that the undamaged part of the building had some resistance

Delft, however, did fall like a rock as result of fire, and no one suggests that Jews planted demolition charges in Delft.

Nor was the collapse of building seven synchronized within milliseconds. Some parts started collapsing slowly several seconds before everything started collapsing freely.

Sam says:

Steve Johnson says,”Simple question – did the WTC get hit by 2 planes?”

Not building #7 of the WTC. No. It was not hit by a plane at all.

jim says.”…Building seven did not fall like a rock with no resistance…”

jim says.”…Nor was the collapse of building seven synchronized within milliseconds…”

It’s difficult to have any sort of conversation with another who is either delusional or practicing deceit. Take the say, top right hand corner of building #7. Graph it’s drop and it will be at the same rate as a rock falling for around 108 feet. The building stays remarkably level in it’s fall. For this to happen would require it to be subject to demolition of some kind or , your theory, magic fires that make the building columns somehow vaporize all the way through at the same time within milliseconds. You said parts fall seconds from each other. Yes the inside does fall first so this is an even greater miracle. Magic fires that can somehow vaporize the INNER columns all the way through, THEN in a great feat, within a second or so magically vaporize all the way through the outer columns with millisecond timing also.

You know the story of Jesus is greatly overrated. He fed a few people, raised a few from the dead. Came back to life and rose to Heaven but this building #7! Now THAT’S a MIRACLE! We should worship building #7. Any building that can do that! Well just saying. Maybe not worship the building itself. Maybe the fire. The fire was miraculous. Maybe this is a sign that we should all become Zoroasterist. YES ZOROASTERIST! Better yet Catharism which is much along the lines I feel would be best to subscribe too.

Your believe that building can defy the properties of gravity is disturbing. Your behavior is that of a psychopath of which I’ve accused Jews of being a tribe of. Lying and distorting the truth in the most grandiose manner. Niggling over every single thing even if of no importance to the substance of the point at hand. Jew dust. What helps me notice this behavior is the fine book “The Mask of Sanity”. It would probably be instructive to read the Story of Stanley. Specifically the part where our spath Stanley goes to Europe on a grand exposition to deliver medicine to Yvette. This of course is just another ridiculous spath scheme. Just like the 9-11 scheme. It seems to have worked but as these farces go along at some point people realize that the Jews are constantly doing these sorts of things and the only counter to it is to just get them away from you. This is of course in the same vein as other Jew schemes that Putin, as I said before, noticed. I quote him,”…Apparently, those who constantly throw together new ‘colour revolutions’ consider themselves ‘brilliant artists’ and simply cannot stop…”

Here you can read for yourself. Search for
“182 THE MASK OF SANITY”; story starts about half way down the page 183.


The whole Jewish/spath deal is based on people being nice and generally taking others to be honest also. Once people realize that Jews don’t act this way…well, then there’s problems. Over a period of time everywhere they go becomes less nice and less honest because they promote the dishonest and eventually people just get fed up. Then they go to another country and whail about how they were abused. Cry, cry. Unfortunately for the Jews communication tech being what it is today the going to other country part is becoming more difficult. Israel? Probably the only place but the tormenting of the neighbors there will most certainly cause problems in the future.

While writing this my spell check, without which I couldn’t function, tagged “whail”. Searching for the definition of whail to my utter delight I think I pegged it. You’re whole argument is a huge “WHAIL”. Whailing about the gnawed side. Whailing about the magic fires. Whailing about one side making the whole building collapse. Whailing about the magic selective fireproofing. Whailing about buildings built completely different. Whailing about the bending beams. Whailing about the etc. Maybe my next post will just be Whail, Whail, Whail.

(You have no idea the shear joy I possess on finding a different def. of this word Whail)


“To proceed in a debate despite the fact that you can’t precisely define the specifics of your side of the issue, yet feeling sure enough about it to continue.

Also, to continue to be a source of frustration to someone due to the fact that they simply cannot figure out what the problem is.”

jim says:

It’s difficult to have any sort of conversation with another who is either delusional or practicing deceit. Take the say, top right hand corner of building #7. Graph it’s drop and it will be at the same rate as a rock falling for around 108 feet.

Observe the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWorDrTC0Qg at 49 seconds

The different corners of building seven fell at substantially different speeds, as the top section of the building, above the hole blasted by the 9/11 impact, starts to rotate as it falls, and by the time it falls out of frame, is rotating quite rapidly.

So none of the corners can possibly be falling at the same speed as a rock.

Steve Johnson says:

Sam says:
November 15, 2014 at 11:11 pm

“Steve Johnson says,”Simple question – did the WTC get hit by 2 planes?”

Not building #7 of the WTC. No. It was not hit by a plane at all.”

Didn’t answer the question.

Sam says:

That’s a great video. Thank you for pointing it out as I notice that you can see all of 19 floors at one time right before it falls. So…where’s the fires? If it vaporized 10 stories. If it melted the columns…where’s the fires? How can fires that aren’t there destroy? Magic fires again. Magic fires that don’t smoke. All the corners don’t fall at substantially different speeds. Plenty of videos to look at. What you say is not true.

I’m once again reminded of the word Whail when I read your post. It’s so apropos…As I write apropos I imagine some French dude saying it with one of those curled up mustaches and a beret. He’s smoking a cigarette in that funny pinched way the French do. He is of course sneering a little as the French do to make sure we all know what incompetent twits we all are.


““Steve Johnson says,”Simple question – did the WTC get hit by 2 planes?”

Not building #7 of the WTC. No. It was not hit by a plane at all.”

Didn’t answer the question.

I don’t understand your question then. WTC stands for World Trade Center. It was actually a complex of many buildings. The two tall ones Building #1 and #2. #7 is the one we’re mostly talking about with a few fine detours to buildings built completely different. For variety I guess. If you’re speaking of #1 and #2 yes they were hit by planes but we’re not talking about those buildings. Of course we can if you so wish.

jim says:

That’s a great video. Thank you for pointing it out as I notice that you can see all of 19 floors at one time right before it falls. So…where’s the fires? If it vaporized 10 stories. If it melted the columns…where’s the fires?

At 45-51 seconds in the video, you can only see the upper part of the building, which is not on fire

However, at the start of the video, you can see the entire building, and you can see that the lower part of the building is on fire.

Observe the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWorDrTC0Qg at 49 seconds

Sam says:

No actually you can’t see the fire over the whole building. Even magic fires have to be PRESENT to do their magic. The magic fires are a stretch but now your asking me to believe in invisible magic fires. You’re really grasping for straws. You take a limited side view only showing a corner side with fires and equate that view to the whole building.

I guess by your accounts the Jewish organ smugglers,


means all Jews are organ smugglers. Heh you may be onto something there.

@ 1:00 on the same video I measured the building on my screen and got roughly 33 floors where you could see no massive roaring fires. Which is what it would take to vaporize columns. There’s just not enough fire per building quotient to make the magic fire theory work.

Even children watching Wile E. Coyote know it’s not real. You’ve apparently not grasp the same reality that things don’t fall out of the sky for no reason.

I must beseech again to come up with a better explanation. I gave you the spinning wheel and cable deal. Here’s another. Multidimensional mole rats instantaneously teleport ten floors of rock from underneath building #7 to another dimension. They apparently teleport their rock instead of traveling as the kids drive the mole rats crazy with their “are we there yet” questions.

jim says:

No actually you can’t see the fire over the whole building. Even magic fires have to be PRESENT to do their magic.

The lower part of building was, as lots of videos show, on fire. The top part of the building was intact. Which is why it fell as a block.

Sam says:

Jim says,”…The lower part of building was, as lots of videos show, on fire…”

My response. So…They certainly don’t cover the whole building. Are you suggesting that fire=building falling. Surely you know fires happen all the time without buildings falling. In this case there’s not enough fire to vaporize ten stories. Not even close. Not even slightly close. So here we are…what could it be…Heh I know. You equate other buildings failure to building #7 so here’s another building falling.


Hmmm…now what’s the common denominators. Twist, some bending, falls to side, I GOT IT, EXPLOSIVES. Yes, that’s it. We hear explosives going off just like those that went off in building #7. Maybe your other building theory is bearing fruit after all.

Still I wouldn’t give up on the Multidimensional mole rats just yet.

jim says:

My response. So…They certainly don’t cover the whole building. Are you suggesting that fire=building falling. Surely you know fires happen all the time without buildings falling. In this case there’s not enough fire to vaporize ten stories. Not even close

If the steel in the lower part of the building gets hot, its going to yield. If it yields, the building leans. The more it leans the more stress it places on the ever weakening support. And we see the building lean, lean toward the massive burning holes punched in its lower story.

The building is quite obviously not in free fall. If free fall, would fall straight down, rather than falling over. So no need for the supports to be “vaporized” – just broken – though quite a lot of supports were indeed “vaporized”, in the sense of being completely destroyed by the impact of the terrorist attack, and being visible in photographs as completely destroyed.

Sam says:

Jim,”…If the steel in the lower part of the building gets hot, its going to yield. If it yields, the building leans. The more it leans the more stress it places on the ever weakening support…”

Once again distortion. Jew dust. Whail!


“To proceed in a debate despite the fact that you can’t precisely define the specifics of your side of the issue, yet feeling sure enough about it to continue.

Also, to continue to be a source of frustration to someone due to the fact that they simply cannot figure out what the problem is.”

You completely ignore explosives heard in real time videos. You completely ignore witnesses at the scene that heard explosives and watched the building fall. You completely ignore the fall of the building at the same speed a rock would drop if dropped in the air for around ten stories. (note: Yielding is a different thing. Yielding is a slow stretching of metal)You keep talking about fires but we can see lower portions of the building and all we see is smoke. Fires of high heat should be seen. You know red, orange, yellow, fires…not smoldering smoke. You ignore this. In order to have the whole building fall at approximately the same time you need fires on all sides. You ignore that you don’t have them. You ignore that even the smokey smoldering low temperature fires don’t cover enough of the building to account for a no resistance fall for ten stories. You ignore the millisecond timing sequence. The magic fires magically demolish the interior columns then in sequence magically perfectly in time demolish the exterior columns all the time keeping the building relatively level and intact as the lower floors disappear to make room for the upper floors to fall in to.

Isn’t ignore part of ignorance. Wonder why?

Jim said,”…The building is quite obviously not in free fall. If free fall, would fall straight down, rather than falling over. …”

Straight up flat out lie.

Jim said,”…completely destroyed by the impact of the terrorist attack…”

Misdirection. There was no terrorist attack, according to the gov. version, of building #7. It was #1&2 that were hit by planes.

Jim said,”…completely destroyed by the impact of the terrorist attack…”

Maybe I shouldn’t have complained about that statement. It’s one of the only true things you’ve said.

jim says:

You completely ignore explosives heard in real time videos. You completely ignore witnesses at the scene that heard explosives and watched the building fall.

The explosions were irrelevant to the fall, because they happened several hours before the fall. Most likely gas tanks exploding from the heat.

The sequence was: Terrorist attack knocks big holes in building seven, sets it on fire.

The fire burns

and burns

There are some explosions

The fire continues to burn

The fire burns, the building leans.

The building burns some more and leans some more. Firemen tell people to evacuate, because the building is going to fall over.

The building falls, not straight down, but falls over, falling towards the holes created by the terrorist attack.

Pretty obvious what caused it to fall.

Misdirection. There was no terrorist attack, according to the gov. version, of building #7. It was #1&2 that were hit by planes.

The hit on buildings one and two caused massive damage to building seven, punching big holes in it, setting it on fire, and spraying bits of dead bodies throughout it.

Sam says:

Jim said,”…explosions were irrelevant…”

I found this nice talk by Mark Twain. “ON THE DECAY OF THE ART OF LYING”


explosions were irrelevant. Deep sigh…

Jim said,”…they happened several hours before the fall…”

Not according to the fireman present. Others listened to the countdown of when the building was going to fall over the radio. Countdown, you know 10, 9, 8,… explosions, building falls.

Jim said,”…Most likely gas tanks exploding from the heat…”

Generators only have very, very small tanks with them called day tanks. They use pumps from underground tanks to fill them. These pumps are tied to the fire alarm system so they cut off. They tried to say it was tanks at first because they didn’t know what they were talking about. They got caught and had to retreat. Which is what you should do. Of course you’ve fallen into a trap by verifying explosions but not knowing about generator tanks. Ooops…

Jim said,”…The sequence was: Terrorist attack knocks big holes in building seven, sets it on fire….”

Wrong and can be proved by actual footage from the outside and inside building after the North tower fell. Here’s a layout.


Here’s the video, which I’ve posted before,


You can see at 1:00 the 7 on the door before he goes in, meaning it’s building #7 just in case you don’t get that. They go in the back of the building filming( South side). You can see the walkways. They also film the lower back and the main lobby. There are no big gaping holes all through the back of the building. There are no huge fires. If the North tower falling on building #7 caused the fires then you would see…fires. No fires. You said that they evacuated the building later. Wrong, they had already evacuated the building (except for witnesses stuck on the 8th or 9ith floor who were blown up the stairwell by explosives). You said the building had huge gaping holes that started fires, wrong. You can see it for yourself. You can see better than half the side of the building in the video. All these photo-shopped huge gaps from Hank Hills brother are bullshit. You’re just wrong. There’s video evidence that you’re either lazy, not watching the videos and talking out of your ass or you’re lying.

If there were any huge gaping holes later they were from planted explosives not from the building falling.

Here’s another video I found of the North side of #7 about one hour before it fell.


There is not any where close to ten floors on fire. One maybe two. No way is there to vaporize ten stories of columns. Even the smoke coming from the building is all black oxygen chocked low temperature fires. You just have no evidence just “Stanley think”
I won’t go over all the rest as it fails on first principles. There’s no gaping hole there. There’s no huge leaning. The buildings not engulfed in fires.

Sam says:

Yes we completely agree, on videos,


is a great video. We can even see at 0:58 The center core of the building has been demolished by the Jewish attack. All the beams at approximately the same time fall. They fall at the same speed as a rock dropped in mid air even though you can plainly see none of the outside corner beams are damaged. They are straight all the time it is accelerating like a rock being dropped. Of course this is impossible if there is any support beams under the building at all. Any at all. They MUST have been removed from supporting the building. Every single one of them. Fire doesn’t vaporize steel beams. If fire brought it down where’s the huge fire in the front that would vaporize the front beams? We’re not talking melt. To be nonexistent the beams must vaporize or be demoed. It falls as if no beams were present at all. Every single one of them. How is it possible all these beams magically know to let go at almost exactly the same time? Quantum beam interference? The front vaporizing fire doesn’t exist. If fire brought it down you must, by all logical means, have some fire. There’s no fire on these corners nor is there a huge raging fire in the front. Of course the back fire could be a magic fire but you’re going to have to prove that as I’ve never seen a magic fire. (The movie Carrie doesn’t count) You’re going to have to prove that a fall in the back can magically pull down the front hundreds of feet away. That a horizontal pull (that’s sideways) can magically turn into a force that pulls the front straight down. That the , “…seven exterior columns…” NIST said were damaged somehow morphed into all the core beams of the building and all the outside beams disappearing all at the same time. Therefore they MUST have been demolished in some manner. So the hole in the back you keep talking about is irrelevant. A hole or gash or whatever doesn’t magically transport all support in the front, which we plainly see, into some black hole. It is not I that must prove the nonexistence of the magic hole. It is you who must prove that the back somehow magically pulls down the front even while going straight down and not pulling to the side ALL the way down. If the back pulls down the front it it can’t magically wait until the building is half way to the ground then all of a sudden pulls it sideways. All I have to do it say,”look at the video”. A child can see it goes straight down. If you posit magic, prove it. You could, and have, said the magic hole pulls the front back but of course the building has by this time already magically fallen at the speed of a rock dropped in air. I guess you keep talking about this in order to hide what’s in plain sight, the drop at the speed of gravitys acceleration of the building. You’ve gone on and on about the magic fires, the magic hole, the magic disappearing fireproofing yet still any one can see the building falls like a rock for no reason. It’s absurd. All the technical blah blah in the world won’t stop your lying eyes from seeing the whole structure fall almost at once at the speed of a rock falling. It’s a terrible tragedy that America was attacked in such a dastardly manner.

jim says:

All the beams at approximately the same time fall.

The building tilts slowly slowly further and further to one side. Then one small part collapses, immediately followed a few seconds later by everything collapsing. This is gradual failure. Not everything fails at the same time, since the first failures happened moments before the cameraman says “I got it I got I got it”, which is three seconds before “everything” fails.

can plainly see none of the outside corner beams are damaged. They are straight all the time it is accelerating like a rock being dropped.

You are just flat out lying about the video here, and you know it full well.

The building is bent. The top sixteen or seventeen stories are tilted, implying a bend at the thirteenth to thirtieth stories, not straight, and was so for some considerable time before it fell, therefore every single outside corner beam was broken quite some time before the collapse, hours or minutes before the collapse and the break steadily getting worse. It is the top sixteen stories, the stories above the thirtieth story, that are straight all the time and fall like a dropped rock – because the stories from the thirteenth to the thirtieth story collapse underneath them.

That the top sixteen or seventeen stories were tilted for quite some time before the collapse, implies that the support beams, all of them, were broken or yielding near the point of impact or near where the fire was hottest for quite some time before the collapse.

Repeating: As a result of the fire and impact, Building seven is bent, tilting to one side. Therefore, at the time of the collapse, and for quite some time before the collapse, no beams remain intact. Everything around the impact and the fire very slowly goes, and then the building quite suddenly collapses.

And by “quite suddenly” I mean that some parts start to collapse three seconds before everything collapses.

Sam says:

I wasn’t lying. “beams” is incorrect. I meant columns. Ouch. I made a mistake. Hey just like the psychopaths that attacked the WTC. You are correct that a bend in the beam at the top appears just before it completely lets loose. Which means? Nothing. All the columns HAVE to disappear at the same time for the building to fall the same speed as a rock. An even clearer picture. If someone on the top floor threw a rock out the window the rock AND the building would fall at the same speed for 108 feet. This is impossible. I don’t care where the kinks, bends, breaks are the building can’t fall the same speed as a dropped rock UNLESS it has NO support. Not a little. Not melted. Not gnawed in the back. Not kinked. None. This is the way materials with no support fall in the gravitational field of Earth. Ergo, there was no support. It doesn’t matter if it’s leaning, lying, squatting or rotating. All of your arguments are gorilla dust or my great new phrase Jew dust. Point to anything but the basic facts that it’s impossible for a building to fall at this speed. The great deceivers screwed up and you are carrying water for them. This is a huge mistake that Jews make. If the psychopaths were stopped in the small things they wouldn’t get to this great big fuck up that endangers all the Jews…but it’s your life. Let me help you out. I hate to see you struggle so. If a massive wheel were spun up inside building 7, I mean really massive, and a cable put over the wheel. The cable would at first be loose over the spinning wheel but at the exact correct moment the wheel perfectly grabbed the cable and wrenched down the building maybe it could fall like that. The details have to be worked out but I have faith in you. Maybe the 13th Arab, I can never remember how many hijacked the planes because that conspiracy theory is so ignorant as to be forgettable, placed the wheel and the cable while everyone was looking at buildings # 1 and 2. Well it’s a start.

jim says:

45 seconds into the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWorDrTC0Qg the building is bent, with the top sixteen or seventeen stories acting as a rigid object. Therefore, every structural element connecting the top to the bottom is broken or yielding. They have all disappeared, or are in the process of disappearing, and not at the same time.

Obviously if the building keeps on leaning, it will at some point quite suddenly drop like a rock. Which is simply what happened.

The fireman says “It is leaning, it is going to fall” Well of course if it is leaning, it is going to fall.

If someone on the top floor threw a rock out the window the rock AND the building would fall at the same speed for 108 feet. This is impossible.

You are going to get exactly the same effect from the beams gradually weakening, as them suddenly being blasted – the difference being that with the gradual weakening, you get the slow tilt until the final straw that breaks the camels back.

the basic facts that it’s impossible for a building to fall at this speed.

If the beam is broken by an explosive, or broken by slow tilting, what is the difference? Once they all break, it will fall at the same speed.

The difference is in the lead up – that the building very slowly tilts, then it starts slow and partial collapse for a few seconds, and then it goes into complete free fall.

If your building is at first slowly and partially collapsing, which is what Building seven did for two or three seconds, pretty soon everything connecting the bottom to the top is going to be exactly as broken, or even more broken, than if you blew them out with explosives, whereupon the building then goes into free fall.

The slow tilt over several hours, and the slow and partial collapse over two or three seconds, necessarily did to the remaining structure exactly what you are invoking explosives to do.

Sam says:

You said,”…the building is bent, with the top sixteen or seventeen stories acting as a rigid object. Therefore, every structural element connecting the top to the bottom is broken or yielding. They have all disappeared…”

Let me see. Building bent…top rigid, so…bottom columns disappear.

You knew this was lame when you wrote it. You also know the building is already well on the way down before it falls to the back. Even IF there was a fire in the front large enough to melt (really disappear into vapor because melt is not enough for them to lose all resistance) buildings can’t fall at the speed of a dropped rock. It’s just not possible.

You said, “…and not at the same time…”

1/10th, 1/100 of a second? Your saying eight to ten floors of columns vaporize within (picky) “fractions of a second”, across the whole width of the building. So these are “smart fires”. Time delayed fires. Programmed fires. Heah maybe they weren’t fires and the building was blown up? Have you ever thought about becoming a Christian? You’ll have no problem with virgin birth, raising from the dead and the ascension to Heaven if you believe that.

You said,”…If the beam is broken by an explosive, or broken by slow tilting, what is the difference? Once they all break, it will fall at the same speed…”

The difference is steel doesn’t break in compression. Especially if it’s been heated. It’s a ductile material that kind of mushes. This bending takes energy and TIME which you don’t have.

Sure you don’t want to think a little more about the big wheel and cable. Maybe far fetched but possible. I think you ought to get on the big wheel and cable bandwagon as your present path is nonsensical and physically impossible.

jim says:

The building was bent hours before it fell. Therefore, every single structure in the middle of the building was broken or yielding hours before it fell

The final collapse begins three seconds before the building goes into free fall – we can tell by the cameraman saying “I got it, I got it, I got it”. Someone draws his attention to the building, he turns the camera and zooms in on the building, and then the building goes into free fall.

In other shots we see the building spitting debris several seconds before it goes into free fall.

Sam says:

Let me see. The building bends, twist, collapses thee seconds before it collapses for real and spits debris. Uh…amazing how the inside magically knows how to implode before the outside just like a real demolition. Even more amazing how the magic fires know how to vaporize the inner section and then the outer section in the fractions of second to make the building fall almost perfectly across the whole length of the structure. Magic. Which it was. I think we need a theme song for this amazing twisting, bending, spitting building. I suggest.

The Ohio Players – Fire


“…the way you squeeze and tease really knocks me to my knees… the way you swerve and curve really racks my nerves…”

Of course someone who didn’t believe in magic might even suggest that spitting debris might even favor the idea of the building being purposely demoed.

jim says:

In a demolition, the building suddenly goes into free fall with no preliminaries.

In the collapse of building seven, it slowly bends and tilts sideways over several hours until it is obviously completely broken, then begins to very slowly collapse spitting debris for several seconds, then finally goes into free fall.

Sam says:

“…In a demolition, the building suddenly goes into free fall with no preliminaries…”

Well that’s easy enough to prove untrue. Seems to be a habit with you. Untruths that is. Here’s dozens and more where that doesn’t prove to be true. In many of the demolitions the core section is demoed before the rest. Sometimes they do one side first to put the debris into a prepared location. 7:30 is a nice one that does mostly fall all at once. Besides the central core not going first it looks a lot like building#7. I wonder if the same company that did this one had a role in building#7’s demolition.


you said,”…In the collapse of building seven, it slowly bends and tilts sideways over several hours until it is obviously completely broken, then begins to very slowly collapse…”

More untruths. Slowly bends and twist? Maybe you’ve been sampling the psychedelics. You know that all that waving is not real. It’s the chemical affecting your brain. Slowly collapse? I’m afraid on planet Earth it can only fall at the acceleration rate of gravity so it can’t fall any faster. It fell at the maximum speed of any object dropped on planet Earth for 108 feet. Maybe on a larger planet it could but building 7 wasn’t on Jupiter.

Believe it or not I actually used to be pro Israel and pro Jewish. Unfortunately the psychopathic behavior of the Jews changed my mind. It was the attacks on 9-11 that made me Jew wise. The stupid psychopaths have woken up millions. I know I’m not the only one. It seems that psychopaths can’t help themselves. They steal, lie and cheat til they’re caught. They keep abusing people until they just get fed up. “The beating will continue until moral improves” should be the Jews motto. You yourself should stop defending the psychopathic Jews. They’re mentally deficient and don’t care about you. They say they are the only humans but it’s exactly the opposite. Without compassion you’re not able to see others point of view. It’s a huge blindness and complete animal behavior. They’re completely lacking an important part of the brain that makes humans human. What does it say about the Israelis that they put all the Jews in the US in peril for their stupid Middle East attack scheme? It seems to be working now but I predict a disaster. Sooner or later the Arabs will get tired of attacking each other and fall on the Jews. With the attack on America how many Americans do you think will have any compassion for the Jews? The problem with psychopathic behavior is it only works as long as others are willing to give you a benefit of a doubt. To assume you are compassionate. Once that’s gone the larger group treats the Jews just like the psychopaths treat them. You are then only matter. Goodlife or badlife and the Jews by attacking the US are badlife. The Jews should be dragging B.B. and all the other 9-11 conspirators through the streets for the stupid attack on the US.

jim says:

7:30 is a nice one that does mostly fall all at once. Besides the central core not going first it looks a lot like building#7. I wonder if the same company that did this one had a role in building#7’s demolition.


Your demolition example does not slowly bend sideways over a period of several hours, nor crumble slowly for seconds before the free fall begins the way twin tower building seven did.

And, in any case, your initial claim was that twin tower building seven suddenly went into free fall all at once with no preliminaries.

That building seven bends slowly over several hours indicates that this is the result of fire and initial damage. If it bends far enough, it is obviously going to fall, and towards the end, has obviously bent far enough.

slowly bends and twist? Maybe you’ve been sampling the psychedelics.

In the MSNBC report, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnLcUxV1dPo at 1:33 the fireman tells the newsman “You see the building leaning like that? It is about to collapse.”

In the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWorDrTC0Qg at 45 seconds into the video, we see the building just before it collapses. It has a bend in the middle, and the top is leaning over, leaning over so far that it is obviously about to collapse at any moment. A few seconds later it does collapse, but it had been leaning without any visible movement before it collapsed.

Was not demolition charges that caused the building to slowly lean over, over a period of several hours.

vxxc2014 says:

I agree with you completely Jim.

What do you think of “Names not Groups”?

For it’s the difference between proscription and pogrom, genocide.

jim says:

“Names not groups” is war on noticing.

Diversity causes problems, Jews cause problems, but people tend to overestimate the problems caused by Jews because they tend to wrongfully condemn market dominant minorities.

vxxc2014 says:

Jim, you missed my point.

So another way: It’s Names OR Groups.

Talk runs out when the money runs out.

jim says:

Your point is still unclear to me.

VXXC says:

then it must remain obscure, on advice of counsel.

[Jesus. as if nothing will happen, it’s who with everyone else as whom].

Southfarthing says:

When we do the calculations, non-Orthodox Jews’ 71% ( http://www.nytimes.com/2013/10/01/us/poll-shows-major-shift-in-identity-of-us-jews.html ) intermarriage rate with Christians means that Jews under 35 are the first generation of Ashkenazi to have more Christian ancestry than Jewish ancestry (including their historical ~50% European Christian ancestry ( https://westhunt.wordpress.com/2014/09/09/ashkenazi-ancestry-revisited/ )).

When Jews look like Armie Hammer (with his Christian wife: http://cdn04.cdn.justjared.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/eisenberg-globes/jesse-eisenbreg-golden-globes-2011-armie-hammer-03.jpg ) and Dianna Agron ( http://www.teenidols4you.com/blink/Actors/diannaagron/dianna-agron-1317830238.jpg ), it’s harder to argue that responding to their ancestry is what’s important, rather than responding to liberal ideology.

The “ancestry, not ideas” framework also becomes harder to justify when most Christian elites take the same positions. For example, ~84% of the elites behind FWD.us ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FWD.us ) aren’t Jewish.*

(That being said, I’m all for shaming insane liberals and libertarians like Bryan Caplan in whatever way works.)

*Of the 41 masters-of-the-universe founders and key supporters of FWD.us, I’m aware of only 6.5 (16%) having Jewish ancestry.

Deeper research might find evidence of some others having Jewish ancestry, and might find some of those who are being counted as full Jews are only part-Jews. And Steve Sailer counts a full Jew without a Jewish identity only as .5 Jewish, and a half-Jew without a Jewish identity as .25, so that complicates it as well.

vxxc2014 says:

A few thousand or tens of thousands of guilty – with the best chances of escape – are going to drag millions of their own into the fire again.

At the moment of truth I will do or support whatever it takes to win.
[Or fail from weakness if that’s the outcome].

But I’m more than willing to go with “names not groups” if it’s a winner.

Harold says:

“Nazism and antisemitism is PC”
Don’t be silly Jim.

“But anti feminists, and opponents of social justice, went first.”
Perhaps because affronts against feminism and social justice are what motivated the purgers in this one particular instance. Jews have got better things to do than get exercised over taunts and insults thrown around in the kiddie pool.

jim says:

If they dealt with anti semitism the way they dealt with antfeminism, Hamas would have received the same treatment as Islamic State, and would not have lasted an hour.

Harold says:

“If they dealt with anti semitism…”
presumably “they” here is Jews

“…the way they dealt with antfeminism”
and “they” here is SJWs, who dealt with anti-feminism by censoring one internet forum, forcing its users to move to another.

“Hamas would have received the same treatment as Islamic State”
How does this follow?

peppermint says:

Is making fun of aid workers murdered by niggers who think Ebola is a hoax also PC?

I think what actually happened is people are sick of hearing virgin neckbeards whine about videogame journalism on the Internet all day, so some of the shitposters got banned in order to keep the number of Zoe Quinn threads to a reasonable level.

and considering the excitability of /b/ and /pol/, with their need for a happening to fill the gaping void of their existence, it became this story.

jp says:

Who are these ‘people’ who are sick of whining virgin-small-penis-virgin-bitter-fedora-loser-neckbeard-virgins, exactly? 4chan isn’t a democracy. 4chan is tightly controlled by a small group of anonymous moderators appointed by the site owner. If you hang out on 4chan for any length of time, especially on /pol/, you’ll see ample documentation proving that social justice commissar types have been worming their way into mod positions and then censoring topics that don’t fit the SJW agenda.

This Zoe Quinn censorship stuff isn’t a case of The People democratically deciding they don’t want to talk about this. All the evidence suggests that people DO want to talk about this. This is a concerted effort by media controllers across multiple big sites attempting to put the lid on a subject they feel threatens their political agendas or their incomes or both. They’re leaving the nigger hate and jew conspiracies on 4chan alone, I suspect, to poison the well. It lets them say “see, the people who make a big deal out of GamerGate are crazy, evil nazis”.

peppermint says:

have you been on /pol/ lately? There’s at least one GamerGate thread on the first page at all times. Moderation is needed to keep that to at most one, because some of us go to /pol/ to hear the latest from the EIDF. GamerGate is kept from being every thread on /v/ so that sheeple can actually discuss bread and circuses like they are supposed to instead of rioting like niggers.

Erik says:

Using the term “virgin neckbeards” is definitely PC.

Alrenous says:

Revenge is sour. http://www.george-orwell.org/Revenge_is_Sour/0.html If you can punish the guilty, you’ve already won. Simply unemploying them is enough.

vxxc2014 says:

@Alrenous and et al of misplaced mercy,

Talk runs out when the money runs out.

Referring to it being enough to “unemploy them” not even close, there must be far more. No power, no debts for life/amnesty. Or chance ye to Domina Bellum Fortuna.

For accepting “unemployment” which means out of power, they must GO without a fight. Their only card once the money runs out is leaving without further cost in valuable people – fighting and productive stock. There must also be a complete repudiation of all debts touching America owed or due.

No power.
No Debt.

Or else.

And I doubt unemploying them is enough. This is a persistent and mutating virus.
Which means of course we must become Anti-Bodies or perish. Antibodies will accept infection fleeing the host they defend, but cannot abide it’s presence.

And I detect sentiment clouding judgement.

When it’s your decision you’ll regret mercy. I have.

Revenge is a card to play if offers of walk away unscathed [despite Just desserts] is turned down. Surrender w/amnesty of all debts, including our Justice for their great Crimes.

I have no regard for them that is good. They have utility of no further loss of fighting or productive stock in exchange for complete amnesty all sides esp debts. It’s understood they’re amnestied from power as well. Or no deal. No offer actually regards them, it’s in spite of them w/regard to fighting/productive.

For you see not one war but a series of them is nigh, and we’ll need our fighters and productive. It’s not a fair trade [fair??] but a wise one. If accepted.

[PS – who do I mean by “they”?]

peppermint says:

…in which vxxc goes from being incomprehensible to horrifying. No, we will not assassinate our way out of this mess.

VXXC says:

I’m going to start downgrading my incomprehensible rating.

peppermint “WE” who?

BTW one second you’re preaching the Elders of Zion must pay, next you’re horrified, scandalized. Shocked, Shocked!!

BTW Who said assassinate anyone?

And who says you decide anything? Whom and Whom is for men, men act. When a man chooses to forswear action, he loses his decision power.

A man who forbears action is like a barren woman. Tolerated, not respected.

peppermint says:

haha, you must really like the book Hunter by William Luther Pierce.

Contaminated NEET says:

Hear, hear! It’s a bargain as old as warfare: surrender and we’ll go easy, but if you fight to the end and lose, you’re not going to like what happens.

jim says:

The most successful revolution in history was General Monck’s restoration. Parliament’s army ran away. Monk’s praetorians then “guarded” parliament, which immediately voted for new elections, which elections produced a parliament much more in line with Monk’s wishes.

Which parliament continued to be guarded by Monck’ praetorians.

King restored. A bunch of Moncks commissars go through the the universities and government employees looking for those committing thought crimes against the new regime. Surprise surprise, very few people committing thought crimes. Monck’s men turn a blind eye to any thought crimes committed before the King was restored.

Seems like a pretty good model.

peppermint says:

the reactionary state doesn’t need continuous terror, including grabbing 90 year olds and putting them on trial, to keep people in line

vxxc2014 says:

It’s amnesty for the guilty in exchange for complete zeroing of debts. Surrender is another matter and comes loaded with too much freight.

It is a more civilized form of war. Of which they’ll be plenty for those of you who desire it so don’t worry.

thinkingabout it says:

this peppermint seems to think that the appropriate response for men when they’re harassed by feminists and trannies is to man up and shut up. No, the appropriate response in today’s world is to kick and scream and raise a huge scene.

Adolf the Friendly Wolf says:

Depends on the situation.

Calculated dissent.

If they will destroy your career, shut up. If they’re trying to destroy your website, raise hell. Make the backlash so bad they’ll wish they never touched 4chan.

Anonymous says:

You can say niggerkike because “they” already mind controlled, anyone saying niggerkike seem to the average person to be insane and terrorist. They’re not worried about people saying shock value bad words. What would worry them is calm stuff, especially articulated in the sjw own vocabulary. Ie jewish privilege, anti racist is code for anti white, etc

Alan J. Perrick says:

In so many words, this. Feminism is build upon the doctrine of Anti-Whitism which is by far the most powerful of Politically Correct doctrines. Destroy the foundations and the rest of the disgusting tower of evil falls too.


Alan J. Perrick says:

And, in other words, no need to keep shooting at destroyed rubble. After the anti-aircraft and military targets (racial identity or nationalism) has been eliminated, then it’s time to make bombing runs on the soft targets like residential targets where people live (family values, gender roles).

Voegelin says:

Jim wrote: “The old French leftism was descended from the false popes of Avignon….”

Not from the Lumieres/Enlightenment? Or are you reaching back behind them?

“If Jews ruled….the Gaza/Israel war would have been over in an hour.”

This is one of the most concise formulations I have ever seen of what should be a self-evident truth for the reactosphere.

Unfortunately, too many of our ideological bedfellows portray Israel as some sort of superpower that controls this, that, and who knows what else, a patent absurdity considering the constant shellacking the country has had to endure from the “international community.” One’s basic attitude toward Israel is a good indication of whether an individual has or has not fallen prey to the unceasing hostility of the Left against Israel, a campaign now measured in decades and generations.

To think that a “neoreactionary” could be in complete sympathy with the New York Times et al. sends a shiver up my spine, and prompts me to check that person’s reactionary credentials a little more closely.

Adolf the Friendly Wolf says:

There are different types of anti-Semitism.

Hitler took over Germany like a leftist. His career bears similarity to Nelson Mandela. Revolt of the mass ethnic group against a well-protected, wealthy and skilled elite ethnic group. Murder and persecution of the elite ethnic group once in power.

Most Kings during the medieval era, however, were not leftists. And their antipathy toward Jews was largely rational. Jews formed tightly knit groups, and tended to do the nasty things that tightly knit groups did. Loyalty to Jewry, rather than the King, majority ethnic group, and dominant religion.

Religious and ethnic Jews pose a problem for a Catholic German. They form a systematic opposition to his synthetic tribe of religion and organic tribe of Germans. So, they cannot have anything to do with the government, or any way to accumulate political power – i.e. by loaning money to large land-owners.

B says:

If you read Netanyahu Sr.’s history of the Spanish Inquisition, you will notice that kings were quite sympathetic to their Jews, whom they saw as a valuable asset, both financially and for governance. Their nobles were often antipathetic, as they owed the Jews money they’d borrowed for various shenanigans, and would try to leverage popular hatred via rabblerousing to get a mob going (usually for intranoble power games.) If in that process, the Jewish quarter was despoiled and the ledgers burnt, so much the better. So you would see things like a Spanish count rabblerousing a mob against the Jews, then getting into power, doing a 180 degree turn and suppressing antisemitism vigorously. There was obviously no systematic opposition, just an ever-shifting landscape of coalitions and opponents.

Overall, you have an anachronistic view of the medieval period. The ethnonationalism you’re describing is a very late and progressive conceit. Medieval kings generally were the product of various ruling elites descended from conquerors, and frequently didn’t even speak the same language as the bulk of their subjects, at least not conversationally. They ruled over amalgams of peoples, who were united only by virtue of being ruled by a certain family and perhaps Catholicism. The idea that a Spanish Habsburg would feel more ethnic kinship with, for instance, his Dutch merchant or farmer subjects than with his Jewish ones is simply not true. For similar reasons, there was not even the hint of the existence of an “organic tribe of Germans” until the 19th century.

Adolf the Friendly Wolf says:

“Kings” was a bad word choice. “Barons” would have been better. Kings were primarily military leaders. Barons did most of the actual non-military ruling. Who decided the religion? Generally, the local Baron/Lord/whatever.

>There was obviously no systematic opposition, just an ever-shifting landscape of coalitions and opponents.
The Jews were mixed in the politics of the day. Not something you want to be, if you value your safety. If the Jews stayed on a bunch of farms like the peasants, and did nothing, they wouldn’t have been persecuted (much). But they loaned money to political figures, and worked in semi-political capacities. As usual, this makes them enemies of some, and allies of others.

But regardless of whether the Baron was relatively friendly or relatively hostile toward Jews, segregation tended to stay. Why? Because the Jews were not part of the local religious and ethnic tribe. How many Barons married their daughters to Jews? How many switched their religion to Judaism? The Jews, regardless of whether they were actively persecuted by mobs, could not be given access to government power. So the universities were Catholic, and the marriages between Germans.

>there was not even the hint of the existence of an “organic tribe of Germans” until the 19th century.
It would be the local German clans which were tightly knit. They had more in common with nearby Germans, than far-away Germans. And they had more in common with far-away Germans, than Celts. And had more in common with Celts than Greeks. And had more in common with Greeks than Jews. Jews were definitely a very foreign element, and thus trouble.

It’s easy to rouse mobs against foreign elements. And it may be politically necessary to rouse mobs against Jews if you’re in debt to the Jews, or the Jews are the mechanism a central government is using to usurp power from your local government.

B says:

Barons and kings were in the same caste, and as far removed from the peasants as you could be. Who decided the religion? Generally, nobody. Some king had decided the land would be Catholic or Orthodox centuries ago, and no local baron was going to change that.

The only way not to be involved in politics was to be a peasant, at which point politics would get involved in you. Even being a craftsman or a merchant meant dealing with the guilds, i.e., politics. Further, Jews were frequently not allowed to own land, which makes farming difficult. And in general, anyone with two brain cells to rub together would get away from being a peasant. There is a reason that cities, historically population sinks, grew throughout the last 1000 years-the life of a peasant sucked, regardless of what postcard bullshit anyone is peddling about all the beer you could drink and plenty of holidays. There was no commonality between a Euro peasant and a modern American farmer. So for the Jews, who were resilient to the diseases that made Euro cities such dangerous places to live, it was a no-brainer. Find trades that allow you to live in a city-a doctor, a merchant, a craftsman, a financier.

Jews had access to political power-what else is a court Jew?

As for your analysis of the European tribal structure, it is not very useful in explaining actual European behavior. Aside from the 30 Years War, where Germans happily chopped each other up to the point of depopulating large chunks of Europe, and similar conflicts which took place fairly frequently, there was the occasional Jacquerie, where European peasants would turn on their nobles (who were, according to you, somehow ethnically close to them,) and commit all kinds of atrocities before other nobles would show up with an army and commit counteratrocities pour encouragement l’autres.

The Jews had no good choice in exile-exile is bad by definition. The choice we made, to become a mercantile minority, naturally made us vulnerable to being pawns in various political games, but there was no better option. As the wolf says to the sheep in the Russian poem, “your fault is only that I’m hungry.” The only alternative was a cessation of national existence through assimilation, but aside from all the religious reasons not to do this, it wouldn’t have worked anyway: the Inquisition’s raison d’etre was persecuting conversos, not observant Jews.

Adolf the Friendly Wolf says:

>Some king had decided the land would be Catholic or Orthodox centuries ago, and no local baron was going to change that.
Cuius regio, eius religio. Not if they were in the middle of Italy, of course. France, Germany, et cetera left religion up to the Barons. Changing the long-established religion of your land is incremental – you can’t just switch from Lutheran to Catholic in a year. But religions did change over time, and it was the Barons that made those changes. Who actually made the reformation happen, Martin Luther or Phillip of Hesse?

>nobles (who were, according to you, somehow ethnically close to them,)
Suppose you run the free city of Nördlingen want to build a military. You need cohesion. Religious and ethnic cohesion are two obvious factors. Does it matter what your Baron’s ethnicity is? His religion? Somewhat. But, if your army is split between Catholics, Lutherans, Reformed and Anabaptists, you’re fucked. They each want to kill each other – and you’re probably fighting a Catholic or Lutheran army.

The Prince of Nördlingen could be a Japanese Buddhist, and the city will still be a German Catholic city. And it will be ruled like a German Catholic city. Buddhism might be in style in the royal court and with some elites, but the law will be kind to Catholics. Over time, large chunks of the population might convert to Buddhism, but that takes a while.

In fact, in this situation, parts of the government might be split between Buddhism and Catholicism. Maybe the tax collectors with be Catholics, and the Military elite Buddhists. But I guarantee few areas of government will be a mix of Catholics and Buddhists.

It doesn’t really matter what area of government you go into, Jews, who are outside with the religious and ethnic tribe, have interests that do not align with the tribe. Suppose you have an official university in Nördlingen. Must it be Catholic? Can it tolerate Jewish professors speaking against the Pope? Not if it wants to keep the state religion of Catholicism. It becomes very difficult to have Jewish professors, without requiring them to convert to Catholicism, which Jews seem to be reluctant to do. So Jews must either be largely excluded from the state apparatus, or problems follow. And the state apparatus partially includes things like guilds, financiers, et cetera.

>Jews had access to political power-what else is a court Jew?
If they had no access to political power, there would have been no reason to suppress their access to political power. The point is, that court Jews were considered questionable or dangerous, and for good reason. They were suppressed, but still existed.

>As for your analysis of the European tribal structure, it is not very useful in explaining actual European behavior.
If you want to build a state apparatus, it’s easiest to build from one clan, all whom share the same united religion. If you must use multiple clans, similar ones are preferable.

I am not saying that Germans always get along with Germans. They obviously don’t.

>The choice we made, to become a mercantile minority, naturally made us vulnerable to being pawns in various political games, but there was no better option.
I’m not casting moral blame on the Jews.

>the Inquisition’s raison d’etre was persecuting conversos, not observant Jews.
It was persecuting heretics. That is, those insufficiently Catholic. And conversos were probably not the most Catholic of Spanish citizens.

jim says:

It’s easy to rouse mobs against foreign elements. And it may be politically necessary to rouse mobs against Jews if you’re in debt to the Jews, or the Jews are the mechanism a central government is using to usurp power from your local government.

The central government blames the Jews for the bad things it is doing using Jews – and it is using Jews because it can blame them.

The local government blames the Jews for the bad things central government is doing, because it is easier to raise the mob against the Jews.

That said, for the bull to win, must strike at the matador, not his cape.

vxxc2014 says:

OK Jim,

1] your preferred solution of liquidation of bad debts: is policy for the commons. Who did run up some bills, and lost the houses and/or went bankrupt and continue to, in some cases were “liquidated” if they were dumb enough to both keep paying but trust the Federal govt TARP type programs that took the money and the house [not unlike credit resolution companies who take your minimum payments to allegedly settle with their creditors and don’t pay them a dime, you’re in deeper and lost funds paid to resolution agency – that’s our govt at work].

1a] Again the commons already suffered the consequences. Angelo Mozillo and Goldman Sachs, all the rest save Lehman employees [who were merely fired] suffered no consequences.

1b] so the common white trash, negroes and feminists already have been liquidated.

1d] but the elites Jim got a $30T USD bail out guarantee of profits.

1e] again the scum peasants already suffered Jim, although they can probably never suffer enough, yes? But they did and the elites have never been richer.

2] The liquidation of the commons or more correctly Phase I of liquidation of commons reached we shall now proceed to step #2:

Step 2: Liquidation of the Jews. As scapegoats. Not all of them of course [USG/PTB/Cathedral not Nazis] just sufficient numbers of Jews who are wealthy and obscene in it’s flaunting. Goldman seems to be nicely set up, although it’s unlikely Rubin, Summers, Geithner will be among the names in the dock. This feeds the angry mob and distracts the matador – whom we may define as whatever is left of America.

3] Commons weakened both by economics and expending energy on scapegoat victims proceed to Step 3: full exploitation of America’s and Alaska’s still hardly touched vast resources and shearing of remaining more compliant or new meso-american sheep. For the USG/PTB/Cathedral Sirs owes $1000 Trillion USD or more, and must extract at least $700T USD or thereabouts to get to an acceptable payment figure.

#3 restated: Commons and Troublesome or expedient Jews dealt with elites get down to business of really exploiting Western half of Continental US and America’s Manchuria – Alaska. AK alone must be worth $100T or more. It’s not just vastly rich and has only scattered population, it’s the gateway to the thawing riches of the Arctic.

Step 3: Liquidation of Americas wealth, which necessitates Liquidation of the ‘Muricans. This a mere replay of Plains Indians 1865-1890, when they were liquidated to pay off Civil War Debts.

I hope this explains my arguments and thoughts more clearly.

Now. As an alternative I propose we STOP step #2 of go after the Jews and change the dynamic to favor we Americans. I do so by appealing to the American Jews self-interest, which tactically necessitates pointing out facts of life to same. My actual concern is America and my people the Muricans. Because my real interest and desire to thwart is Step 3: Liquidation of Americas wealth, which necessitates Liquidation of the Americans.

My interest is my own people and avoiding their destruction to pay off debts they didn’t run up.

PS – yes they bought the mortgages. But they had nothing to do with the insane derivatives gambling, they had no interface beyond pay monthly bills or not. They didn’t already abscond with $100T already and run up debts over $1000 Trillion USD.

PPS – perhaps you could balance your preferred solutions already noted and answered against what’s actually going to happen, a routine running it’s own defaults already and consider if we want to see that bitter cup to the dregs.

vxxc2014 says:

Yes Jim, and this proposal of repudiation for amnesty is exactly to avoid the cape. So as to go for the Matador instead.

For this particular Cape has more enticements than a Flash of Red Cloth. An even better record than all the Capes put together at distraction from the ancient times until this very moment.

It does require discipline and sacrifice.

It might require putting aside blind rage and hate or even sacrificing the Chimera of [fantasy] vengeance of Feminist PhD’s having to work to pay back their debts. Not unless their side loses what will be a war, and if we keep running like bulls the signs aren’t pointing that way. They don’t work. We do.

I mean if you want to understand Antisemitism perhaps you should just try imagining they’re all Feminist bull dykes with tenure, or something, then in a mental exercise you let them go for the greater good. If you imply natural Antisemitism be swallowed for greater gain to others you should practice such discipline yourself.

Consider It. Ta,

peppermint says:

haha, still butthurt about being kicked out of every country. Jews chose to support the Muzzies and earned that ticket out of Spain.

Alan J. Perrick says:

L.O.L. at the assumption that “anachronistic” could ever be considered a bad thing in this part of the blogosphere.

jim says:

He means “anachronistic” in that we are projecting modernity back to a time when conditions were different, not the converse

Adolf the Friendly Wolf says:

Nazism is the natural response to anti-racism.

When blacks and the media assert the racial superiority of blacks, and use violence against Whites, people get angry. Nazism is a pure form of White tribalism. It was cooked up as a demotist political movement by the Nazi party.

The appealing part of Nazism is the anti-Semitism. All we have to do is get rid of the kikes, and everything goes back to perfection. It’s comparable to the blacks, who think that “White racism” the the reason they are poor and stupid. Similar movements, parallel approach.

vxxc2014 says:

It’s not actually the Jews, certainly not as a race. They are already and will be blamed, I’m proposing change of fates for all. Oh these are just 2 problems [existential debt and racial/religious strife] but you know…I’m working.

It’s New England, it’s Progress, the Left. They can cut their own deals. Not nearly as attractive I imagine.

Southfarthing says:

Nobody wants a “war on noticing.” They just want a balanced “noticing.”

If we’re having a dinner party, and Peter Dinklage comes, we can “notice” that he’s short by getting him a higher chair that will let him reach the dinner table.

Or we can “notice” that someone’s short by taking him out back and putting him in a shallow grave.

Nobody will object to the first type of “noticing,” but they will object to the second type.

And it’s not just Peter Dinklage at our dinner party who’s “short.” What percentage of White Americans are “short” on understanding HBD? We can get an idea by taking the percentage of Swedes who chose not to vote for the Sweden Democrats. That would mean that 87% of the people at our dinner party need a higher chair in order to reach the dinner table.

The truth is on our side, but we just need to get “short” people some higher chairs.

peppermint says:

Bob Whitaker has some amazing commentary on the Jewish Question: http://www.whitakeronline.org/blog/2014/09/16/be-careful-what-you-ask-for-the-1932-german-election/ Everyone here who wants right-wing terrorism should pay attention.

R7_Rocket says:

And yet again, peppermint demonstrates his ignorance of the importance of men who fight, kill, and die on the state’s behalf. A modern day Caligula indeed…

Alan J. Perrick says:

Intensely focused anti-Jewishness is probably only pushed by Roman Catholics who see that Protestants are starting to get organised.

Alan J. Perrick says:

And, I’ll qualify that by writing that a normal amount of dislike for the other is healthy. Yet, the Hollywood Nazi stuff is something that plays into the anti-white narrative.

Pro-whites win when the anti-whites admit they want White Genocide.
Anti-whites win when the pro-white calls himself a “naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.”

It’s a game that neither side can afford not to play.

Adolf the Friendly Wolf says:

Perhaps a better title would be:

Nazism and Antisemitism do not directly challenge the PC worldview.

Harold says:


Juvenile Nazi and anti-Semitic posturing not upsetting to PC acolytes

a better title would aslo be:

Nazism and antisemitism are PC

but that’s a different matter.

Hattori says:

Just posting this here so it wont be lost.


jp says:

Is there any reason to believe that’s real? It’s circulating all over the Chans and Tumblr and Reddit, but it’s completely unverified as far as I can tell.

For instance, in that transcript, Moot and his posse talk about banning all the GamerGate supporters so they can make 4chan more politically correct and sell it off. But, if you read the ban logs on 4chan, people posting GG stuff are getting banned for, like, 2 or 3 days, not permabanned, as would be necessary to change the board culture.

It reads like a trolling attempt written to appeal to our most paranoid notions.

[…] Jim makes a crucial point. […]

vxxc2014 says:

Repudiation for Amnesty must happen BEFORE the Angry Hosts are facing those holding Debt bomb trigger. No Drumhead peace possible, then it’s too late. Make the deal before the hosts gather, after is too late. It’s correct to say none control a mob, well known to moderns. Once it goes it goes, not that any army so disciplined to accept such a deal once they’ve had to dictate it by force exists either. Never did, never will.

But Repudiation for Amnesty is proof of such nobility and sacrifice for common good that if done prior to swords unsheathed would check the impulse.

Also solve the problem of the Debt bomb. Which will be regardless.

peppermint says:

gb2dailykos commie

jim says:

Repudiation for Amnesty must happen BEFORE the Angry Hosts are facing those holding Debt bomb trigger

You have been drinking the Occupy koolaide.

No one showed up for Occupy except the usual astroturf – students who got course credit, unionists sent and paid by their union, Ngo employees sent by their employer, and the homeless who got free food and a blanket.

Most of the debt is owed by the government, and what makes government far too expensive is not the interest on the debt, it is what it spent the money on, and continues to spend the money on.

peppermint says:

I was at Occupy and I wasn’t astroturf. Just confused. I met a lot of other communist true believers there too.

vxxc2014 says:

@B & Jim,

Repudiation for Amnesty. 3 words.

This isn’t a Financial Transaction, it’s a political one. Like TARP and the Fed $29T cash infusion followed by QE^infinity. Derivatives. TARP and Fed bailouts are now LAW. None of that is good precedent. But once set in our system the law must apply to all.

That’s why it’s being called Debt Repudiation, instead of what’s really the Horror show: Derivatives. Which Ma&Pa and Juano didn’t have anything to do with. Ma, Pa & Juano don’t know what the F__ derivatives are, never mind are they guilty of running them up to $800 Trillion.

Precedent set by TARP, Fed. Time for ma, pa at least to get their forgiveness, for the precedent set.

Ah Jim Mozilla escaped consequences, the home buyers didn’t. And not all the home buyers are mestizo. Your hate blinds you Jim.


1. thank you for considered answer.

Re: Cancelling Debts sets bad precedent, and who would loan money after that? Well. The Federal Reserve certainly seems good for a loan no matter what.

Sir. Finance exactly DID HAVE IT’S DEBTS MADE GOOD, NOT ONLY DEBTS BUT PROFITS. By those very same shit shoveling peasants with their shoveling ever longer and harder.

The precedent was set for the benefit of the very people I think should demonstrate nobility by extending it now.

You say don’t do this under force. I agree, do it before there’s force present.
Because then it will be too late. Unstoppable.

Fair is out the window. In particular $100T to the massively guilty party and ruin to the fool who signed what he thought would be possible.

B says:

I did not notice that those debts were made good by American peasants. I’m back in the states for a couple of months on business, and the peasants are fatter than ever. They certainly do not look like people who just paid $100T in taxes, because they didn’t. And I have not noticed that Americans who have the ability to do productive work are starving in the streets. Mostly, the ones under crushing debt burdens are paying for poor decisions which were completely obviously stupid, like buying an overpriced house they didn’t need on debt instead of renting and saving up for something more affordable, or taking out big loans to go to school, major in poli sci or communications and party for five years. The US is a far more affordable place to live than, e.g., Israel, yet I don’t see people in Israel loaded with debt. So it’s a question of personal decision-making. Why is American decision-making so bad? Because in a democracy, votes are a commodity, and the cheaper you can make that commodity, the easier it is to maintain power. Thus, there is a constant incentive for enstupidation. Debt repudiation would not solve that problem.

You really didn’t address the rest of my reply, preferring to repeat yourself.

VXXC says:


I am to believe that you are unfamiliar with the debt crisis other than the deadbeats who took out liars loans. Well they got the bejesus foreclosed out of them. This means they lost the house. Including Mestizos.

The Banks got off course TARP for $1T. However they also got $29 Trillion in Fed over-nite money.

But what is really amazing is you haven’t heard of Mortgage Backed Securities. Aka MBS. Also apparently you haven’t heard of Credit Default Obligations, and Credit Default Swaps. Aka CDS/CDO. The Alphabet soup basically means take a bunch of loans and bundle them, sell them as securities and then resell them many times over as collateralized debt and swaps for same. This is the bailout, the actual crisis which certainly wasn’t about home ownership, the $100 Trillion that is missing from Western countries over the matter since 2008. The homeowners are unaware of all of that above them when they sign, and probably still are. This was not a decision undertaken by The People, they are simply liable for it. This was Finance.

I’m not sure I can answer all your points or that I should. Let us just say as regards the Iraqis I was certainly paying attention. As far as it cost them just as whatever we end up doing will certainly damage us, I agree. As far as learning from other peoples mistakes that is exactly what America is doing and the lesson of having to repeat them will be taken very hard. As far as learning from mistakes it may not be too late to take your own advice.

As far as the derivatives bomb you are ignoring, I am going to say this has never worked. For you. No matter how valuable it never stopped the reaction. Which I by the way have really nothing to do with either, I really bought it up because I would like to change the dynamic towards avoiding that fate.

As far as answering your other points, your answer to mine seems to be dismissive, implying I lack education, etc. Very well.

May I suggest you leave Israel out of the equation, we’re talking about Americas debt situation. I do not think you would wish to link the two. As far as them making good decisions in the short run yes, as far as them paying their bills..I pay them too. Have been all my working life. I guess that’s a good decision from a certain POV.

You seem to take some pleasure in pointing out the fat. Well. They can get skinny, I suspect they will. Weight can be lost, the burden of foul crimes against a people who only provided shelter can’t. We’re only talking here about money, and the derivatives my main concern. Fatty mortgage holders have nothing to do with the derivatives market. That of course is where the bulk of the $100T was swallowed, as well as where $800T is hanging over our heads. We won’t get into a vice that’s been turned first into an industry, now is a utility second only to the electricity it rides. Something that certainly wasn’t assimilated, and won’t be shed as easily as fat.

And finally: We are not peasants. You are no Lord and never will be, for nobility will apparently forever elude you. And they aren’t pitchforks. Not that it would matter if they were, they’ll suffice as the police and military certainly won’t fire on their own.

Having said all that I still think that repudiation is a very smart idea. If you missed the main point it’s not consumer or mortgage or even student loan debt, it’s ALL of it owed American institutions or owed from them, with the possible exception of foreign nations so as to keep honor between nations. If you look at all the points debt touches it’s going to have to happen anyway, the debt can only be serviced presently by extraordinary and fraudulent measures. It won’t ever be paid.

For the American People this is Casus Belli against their Elites. The debt is actually the main driver. Repudiation is a war aim. It would be better to accomplish just this part without the war.

PS -Race guilt? No I don’t believe in any of that nonsense. I realize it’s just enormous over-representation. But as we can see here, nearly everyone else does. And I’m not authorized of course to speak on behalf of pitchforks, because none will be. It will run its’ course once it begins.

We can all only do our best.

B says:

If the people of Wal-Mart aren’t peasants, then they’re worse than peasants. Peasants at least had to work for a living.

As for the American middle class, I don’t see them starving. I see them driving huge vehicles (bought on credit,) living in huge homes (bought on credit,) etc. Perhaps they deserve to have all that stuff given to them for free-so who will pay for it? Or who will have paid for it? And what exactly are they, individually speaking, liable for? Again, they don’t strike me as people from whom reparations of $100T have been exacted. The derivative stuff will get written off eventually, I believe, because there will be no other choice. But what connection that has to the typical American, I am not sure, except that when all that debt goes away, so will their easy credit.

You’re missing the larger point. America’s social ills are not primarily the debt. Things like, for instance, 10% of the population being convicted felons. What is debt repudiation going to do for them? 80% of American men are either eunuchs, criminals or armed servants of the state (former or current)-what is debt repudiation going to do to change that? Almost half your kids are being born out of wedlock-again, how are you going to fix that by cancelling derivatives?

Finally, I don’t know who these American People you speak of as having a casus belli are. What does a Utah Mormon have in common with a Baltimore slum dweller or a DC civil servant with a degree in Poli Sci from Georgetown?

vxxc2014 says:


Very well.

Rather a long list of matters off the mark. Pardon me if I don’t bother to refute them. Informative enough. We Americans seem to be a completely foreign people.

Not agreeing, but very well.

Now we can of course trace every ill named above to say the last 50 years. Something did change. BTW half our kids were never born out of wedlock before, so “again” is inaccurate.

Your people aren’t a target of mine, I don’t do race. So don’t get the wrong impression. However Finance is a legitimate target of America at this point. So yes it will be written off. However – As far as I can tell from your remarks it’s not your concern at all, so perhaps I was mistaken. I’m certain matters won’t go too far, especially when the above is pointed out.

Not to worry at all. I suspect many such nonsensical conversations as this have taken place throughout history. Good afternoon.

jim says:

But what is really amazing is you haven’t heard of Mortgage Backed Securities. Aka MBS. Also apparently you haven’t heard of Credit Default Obligations, and Credit Default Swaps. Aka CDS/CDO. The Alphabet soup basically means take a bunch of loans and bundle them, sell them as securities and then resell them many times over as collateralized debt and swaps for same. This is the bailout, the actual crisis which certainly wasn’t about home ownership, the $100 Trillion that is missing from Western countries over the matter since 2008. The homeowners are unaware of all of that above them when they sign, and probably still are. This was not a decision undertaken by The People, they are simply liable for it. This was Finance.

The bad debt hot potato was shifted from one player to the next until the system fell apart, and the government reluctantly accepted the hot potato.

That alphabet soup, MBS, CDOs, etc, is each player in the finance system getting the other player’s bad debt dumped on him, a game of musical chairs. When the music stops, someone gets loaded with the bill for all the handouts applied to move drunk broke mestizos into green leafy suburbs.

But the reason there was a hot potato in the first place is because government had pressured banks to lend to mestizos, and in order to lend to mestizos, had pressured banks to abandon the usual racist criteria about income, assets, and credit ratings.

In other words, the political class squeezed the bankers to hand out welfare money voting blocks. If the finance sector is disproportionately Jewish, this was the political class squeezing the Jews, not the Jews squeezing the people.

Vxxc2014 says:

A Host of Evils descend upon America that are of our Elites commission and our civic negligence sum. Among them a strong Antisemitic wave is building that will net few guilty and very many innocent scapegoats. I propose to change the dynamic and you within own community pressure internally to change at least your fate. It also serves Americas purpose by weakening or destroying our elites last purchase on us of debt and money. That is all. The proposal again is general debt repudiation (and so derivatives) for general amnesty. Which removes Casus Belli from both sides, defined as the Americans and their now peacefully deposed ruling class. Which isn’t you. The alternatives including wars and drearily familar patterns of History are well understood. Domina Fortuna.

jim says:

Among them a strong Antisemitic wave is building

Not seeing it. One would expect the anti semites to show up for Occupy, but scarcely anyone showed for Occupy except the usual rentamob.

Establishment Jews are being assimilated. So, no one cares any more. The problem people in the establishment used to be Jews, but these days they are vibrants, such as Angelo Mozilo.

peppermint says:

like I said, fuck off to Socialist Worker, you communist gasbag

Steve Johnson says:

He just wants to go back to the good old days of FDR.

He’s against slamming into the canyon floor and exploding but he’s in favor of driving off the cliff. Can’t argue with the driving off the cliff part – it’s just the crashing and exploding he’s against.

jim says:

FDR was nazism light, which at the time everyone thought was just fine, history being subsequently revised in the middle of the war so that Nazis were right wing and always had been right wing.

The reactionary position is that we went off the rails when King George was unable to divorce Queen Caroline in 1820, creating a system where the marital contract was enforced only on men, not on women. (Because women were so naturally pure that there was never any need for enforcement)

Or it went wrong earlier than that, when Lord Howe, in the classic left wing alliance of far against near, supplied George Washington with gunpowder and cooperated with George Washington to ensure the deaths of the men under Lord Howe’s command.

Steve Johnson says:

Yep, none of those things were positive developments but they can be mitigated or undone (maybe – or maybe things just fall apart completely).

However, you can’t unwind the ledger of a currency – even theoretically. The US Dollar blockchains are fully corrupt – that seems like a huge difference to me.

jim says:

Finance loaned to wetbacks with no income, no job, no assets, and no credit rating.

Partly because forced to do so – observe what happened to the Bank of Beverly Hills when it baulked – partly because deluded by political correctness.

Lost its money, then was fixed up by the government at the expense of the taxpayer.

That is not Jews. That is welfare. Not Jews, but vibrants.

vxxc2014 says:

Keep beating that drum Jim, it’ll work. Honest.

I don’t hate Jews Jim. It’s a little more nuanced. I think I laid it out over and over. This is 2-3 conversations past each other.

I didn’t go to beautiful houses forced into sale by circumstances of their own admitted making [“I took a chance and now I’m paying”] being sold by Vibrants. They weren’t Vibrant. And Finance’s High equilibrium insane gambling with everyone’s money – hence systemic risk – wasn’t Vibrants either. Treasure and the Fed don’t employ Vibrants to transfer tens of trillions to keep the Financial system from going belly up [which was the mistake that cost them the country, and they know it]. And the Vibrants didn’t get bailed out by Treasury and the Fed, they were allowed to face the music. The elites of all stripes escaped.

And I’m not talking about the Jews, I’m talking about Finance. As your own writings make clear who the scapegoat is going to be I am suggesting a way to change the dynamic from the defaults. That’s primarily from Patriotic motives but also benevolence, and not towards the guilty but the innocent.

The guilty again are offered amnesty in exchange for wholesale repudiation.
One overwhelmingly represented demographic within the guilty can quite bring internal pressure to push this. This is to save suffering among the innocent, avoiding more harm is the card the guilty have to play.

This results in abuse, and it’s the fault of the Walmart Fatties. Well of course they’re fat. They’re “cattle.” And it’s everyone else’s fault, no blame attaches beyond White Walmart Cattle and the Schwartz..oh excuse me Vibrants. It’s all everyone else’s fault.

The proposal again is wipe out all debts, and hence recriminations.

Oddly when this was suggested repeatedly in generic terms it wasn’t noticed.
When it got a bit more granular a harsh reaction occurred. Hmm. More harshness brings candor. Mmm. Back and forth. mmm.

It’s more about derivative bombs than debts, but as this is a political action the idea of another elite bailout while leaving the schlaubs to suffer isn’t something that will fly. Nor is it fair or wise.

And it’s not about the past, it’s about right now and an imminent future of crash. The bailouts weren’t about Vibrants, they were about the elites saving their own rather extravagant lifestyles. The emergency was over derivatives, not foreclosures. The vibrants of course didn’t know they were the beginning of a chain of Pyramids all on their monthly payments not being late or defaulted on, never mind could they understand it. Neither did Dick Fuld.

This is alright. It’s noticed. It is actually a good idea. It may require being hissed through bloody fangs to be taken seriously, but that’s man for you.

jim says:

And Finance’s High equilibrium insane gambling with everyone’s money – hence systemic risk – wasn’t Vibrants either. Treasure and the Fed don’t employ Vibrants to transfer tens of trillions to keep the Financial system from going belly up

Angelo Mozilo is a vibrant.

And the reason the system was about to go belly up was that they were playing musical chairs and pass the hot potato with a bunch of mortgages made to vibrants.

The guilty again are offered amnesty in exchange for wholesale repudiation.

Who is guilty? The financial crisis was a redistribution of wealth to vibrants. Naturally, most of that wealth did not stick with the vibrants, and got into other people’s hands, but the intent was to move vibrants into leafy white suburbs. The politically correct are guilty. And the politically correct are not an economic or racial category. Repudiating debt does not target the politically correct, does not even target Jews. It targets little old ladies. It targets the middle class. Look who got burned in the Weimar inflation, caused largely by generous handouts to people disinclined to work. It was not the Jews that got burned, it was not the financiers that got burned, it was not the left that got burned, and it was not the recipients of the handouts that got burned.

vxxc2014 says:

How do you Justify the tens of Trillions created already from thin Air to bailout banksters, USG, EU governments but can’t countenance the same fair play extended downward?

The money was pissed away on vibrants – it is just more welfare money. And of course, I want to end welfare.

I don’t want to confiscate the savings of little old ladies.

B says:

Since little old ladies’ savings are in the form of debt owed them by various institutions, it is very strange that you want to cancel all debt while leaving old ladies’ savings unaffected. Or is it just the bad debt you want to cancel?

I am also very interested in what happens to capital-intensive businesses in this case. If I have a farm or trucking company and borrow money all the time, what will happen to my local bank when all its assets are cancelled? Whom will I borrow money from next year?

Let me guess-“finance bad, debt no good, if no debt, all good!” Right?

VXXC says:


Good point, it’s not painless. “Since little old ladies’ savings are in the form of debt owed them by various institutions.” Correct.

Correct. It’s not painless. All debts are cancelled. For good or ill.
Little old ladies had their lives, it’s the young’s chance now.

Debt intensive businesses also take a hit. And yes some people go under. But as everyone is zero, truly a clean slate.

The entire structure of debt is being leveled. There is no good or bad debt – in practice meaning politically connected and protected debt.

Because the entire debt structure has permeated the entire society we are quite posed in a situation where the Strong debt collectors will eat the weak debt collectors, for of course both are debtors and collectors.

We have many layers of Interlocking debts, all increasingly based on ever higher equilibrium minimum payments to keep the other minimum payments going. It’s unstable and will end in horror, the strong collectors may literally eat the weaker debtors, as happened in Ireland 1847.

Finance is indeed in trouble, as it should be as they have made risk into a mortal existential threat by Pyramid schemes of exponential Ponzis based yes on underlying debt, along with manipulated central bank Fiat currency Derivative pyramids. Which is sometimes phrased as complex systems increase risk exponentially as they scale upwards. Up indeed into well over $1000 Trillion.

So yes on Zero day some people are going to have to start over.

Those holding actual production assets that is real physical stock will be in a better position on Zero day. Others will have to truly start over as often happens in life.

As the alternatives are: balances are settled with fantastic extractions, war, and collector eating debtor, and not the underlying base credit/debt of mortgages, business loans and normal credit processes but the fantastic schemes derived from it combined with a corrupt governments out of control looting are what caused the problem and not the ordinary citizens, I do believe this is the most just solution for all. Also the one with the least pain and most survivors.

Finally of course the State as we know it is much chastened and far more modest in it’s future effort, as lenders will be more careful. Since neither the State nor Finance are innocent but were going to collect all along – and already are to the tune of many tens of Trillions of dollars – from the hapless citizenry who only dimly understand their fate I am not exactly brimming with pity over them having to find hard, honest work in life.

Nor the little old ladies, who made terrible decisions for all of us their entire long lives. Nor little old men who at best sat there while Hells Breakfast was set for their own young and everyone else.

Their young have noticed.

Of course the matter can be left to Fortune, and I suspect it will.

Bello Fortuna then. Lady Fortune can be our mistress.

Eli says:

I always enjoy reading replies by B. As to Jim’s blog, I usually read most of the stuff, but virtually never comment.
The point that B (and Jim, I believe) is making eludes many of the people commenting on the current social and economic issues. People confuse the structure of the financial system with the various faults of the individual participants. Further, and worse, when acknowledging those individual faults, they tend to ignore the problem of comparing them, thus foregoing the concept of ranking of evil, like “greater evil” and “necessary evil.”
In the context of the current situation, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae were pressuring banks (which for many people here are “Jewish institutions”) into lowering their loaning criteria to “expand homeownership” for all of the wonderful American zoo out there & here. Freddie and Fannie were themselves politically pushed into doing that: (http://www.nytimes.com/1999/09/30/business/fannie-mae-eases-credit-to-aid-mortgage-lending.html). Since Fannie and Freddie were guaranteeing those loans, it would have been foolish (and possibly illegal) for any bank to forgo an earning opportunity. Compounded by that, brokers were directly motivated to push through applications, oftentimes with falsely provided/omitted data, and banks were motivated to not really check it or even increased the lie by outright mislabeling questionable-quality assets as good ones (the likes of Mozilo). After a few years of all that, things, naturally, went ka-boom.
The mortgage derivative trading is of little direct concern in this situation, at least as compared with the other, primary factors. The “white American” zoo — and let’s say it outright: most of the American whites are descended from the poor, stupid, and the criminally misfit of Europe, not of the noble yet somewhat delusional Pilgrims or the Puritans — somehow believes that if you forgive (they use word “cancel”) all debt via, say, a Jubilee, things would be much better and, of course, that most of them are “hard-working” and/or “peasants”. But as B and Jim both point out, debt forgiveness is a *monstrous* moral hazard. And yes, old ladies and retired/retiring gentlemen *will* suffer greatly. (To think that it’s OK is akin to reducing society to being worse than Eskimo savages of yore, who would leave their parents to die on ice — but at least these had mostly no choice. This also almost explicitly removes respect for private property, which counts among the top reasons that gave rise to the superiority of UK-descended civilization over, say, a plundering regime of drunk serfs in Putinland.) And, no, people in the US, including the white American zoo, which I’ll refer to as “the Irish intelligentsia” for politeness, are not hard working, just check this summary: http://nation.foxnews.com/2013/10/25/census-welfare-recipients-outnumber-full-time-workers.
(As an aside: sure, I’ve read enough Michael Hudson’s writings on the nature of money and debt to understand their side of the story, the historic justification of it, at least. *But* we no longer live in the Babylonian agriculture ages with most populace engaged in farming, and not even in the Renaissance. Hence such logic, including the stipulated moral dilemmas, are of different applicability than what is pertinent to our times and circumstances.)
On the other side of coin (almost literally) are the truly hard working people of the Far East, e.g. China and Vietnam, represented by their governments that hold American paper, i.e. its debts: both private and public. The mortgage CDOs are private instruments, they *can’t* be written off in blanket act, unless you pressure the US government into buying them in bulk, thus increasing the *public* debt and likely undermining international buyers’ trust in soundness of American debt by them doubting the sanity of the issuing institutions. As things stand right now: retirees, the Chinese & other governments are buying US paper assets, and bring back real dollars for further re-circulation in the American economy. It’s a win-win: the so-called “‘Murican” dodos are going fatter and more comfortable via their shiny new gadgets and huge cars, full of foreign-produced (and often developed) electronics, and the Chinese are building up their industrial capacities, growing their supply chains, and (most importantly) know-how.
I absolutely should note for fairness, however: the Irish Intelligentsia is often unemployed through *no fault of their own* — there simply is not enough real jobs for them, and no one wants to sponsor digging ditches with shovels for the sake of appearances any more (those stimulus-type jobs go to “diversity” candidates for positions like “corporate Director of Social Responsibility,” social workers, community advocates, etc.)
So, has *this* conversation ever been held in history? No, it hasn’t: it’s a new phenomenon that came to prominence because of two things: the huge advancements made possible in the latter stages of the Industrial Revolution in the realm of manufacturing and information technology and the globalization of supply and production chains worldwide.
The alternative to globalization is to increase tariffs en masse. It is probably bound to happen someday *anyway*, probably as soon as the main rival (China): 1) catches up in terms of the level of urbanization; 2) starts to automate/outsource a sizable fraction of their own production; 3) guarantees *and protects* enough *exclusive* food and critical material supply, via either occupying and/or buying farmland and mines in other countries, something already underway; 4) guarantees a stable amount of energy supply and distribution all over country, both for baseload electricity and transportation fuel (also currently on track). 5) Starts to get a lot of retirees demanding to be properly taken care of after their life’s *truly* hard work.
However, given long-term view on automation, please forget globablization for the moment: current social implications are huge for America, and here is where culture starts to become important again. The Western world is going along the path predicted in the ‘50s by Joseph Schumpeter, in his seminal “Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy” who was wrong in details and timeline, but correct in the big picture for what’s happening right now. See, Schumpeter disliked socialism but he saw that it was unavoidable. Unlike Marx, however, he realized that socialism will come not via the “workers unite” slogan, but via the elite of the advanced industrialized societies in the West increasingly understanding that a society with production capacity outstripping demand for things that include but also go beyond food, shelter, and clothing, can give a lot of goods and even services for virtually free (“free” as they appear to the recipients, but still cheap overall due to effects of scaling and intelligent production)
But Schumpeter, even in his socialist system of rule via corporate-governments-nominated-via democratically-elected-respresentatives, in all his wisdom, did miss that, *eventually,* simply distributing freebies and food while not controlling, directing, and *inspiring* fertility of the populace (whether diverse or not) will result in long-term degradation of the genetic stock of said populace, and obviously, the loss of the viability of the socialist model itself. One can’t accuse him of failing to think centuries in advance though, as it’s unfair.
This is why I started to like Orthodox Zionist Jews: they have the right system, the right cosmology, the right locale. And in the long-term, given a modicum of good luck, everything proper will follow suit. I especially like this quote of B:
“You can’t have a hierarchical order without a suprahierarchical purpose, unless you are living in conditions of adversity and privation.”
The latter is what the West is escaping, but without the right system is bound to return to – via self-degradation — individual, collective, and systemic
I have thoughts of how a secular regime can fix the situation: but it requires totalitarian control, and problem of correct long-term framework still remains open, as well as controlling for anti-fragility…

jim says:

Since Fannie and Freddie were guaranteeing those loans, it would have been foolish (and possibly illegal) for any bank to forgo an earning opportunity.

Not just “possibly” illegal. When the Bank of Beverly Hills failed to join the party, the regulators found them guilty of disparate impact.

The housing boom was based on the theory that Mestizos and Indios were going to become middle class people in middle class houses in green leafy suburbs paying off middle class mortgages. And if you doubted it, you must be racist. And if there were any racists in your bank, you had to fire them, or else what happened to the Bank of Beverly Hills would happen to you.

Angelo Mozilo seems to have known that what he was doing was criminal – vibrants tend to be more race realist. Kerry Killinger was probably prevented by crimestop from realizing that what he was doing was criminal, since recognizing it as criminal was dangerously close to racism.

B says:

Let’s go a step further.

Those old ladies had it coming-they were banking on risky debt. Bad, bad old ladies! Good luck getting enough cat food to survive!

Let’s look at a nice old lady. She keeps her money safe in a bank account, with a low yield. The bank is very conservative, and keeps its money in the safest possible instruments, US govt bonds (municipal bonds are too hazardous.) Not a derivative to be found anywhere.

When you repudiate debt, the bank dies. Of course, during liquidation its assets are sold off, and the nice old lady gets…nothing. Her savings account, too, was a debt the bank owed her.

Now, let’s look at the old lady’s son. He is not a layabout-he is an independent contractor. Say, he’s got a trucking business. A new used tractor-trailer costs about $20 or $30K for a well-used but functional one. A new-new combo can run north of $150K (from what I remember.) If he wants to replace his current rig, he needs to have a line of credit (and especially if he’s going into a new line of work, because buying the truck on credit is the only way he hedges against failure wiping him out personally.) Ditto if he is a farmer, or runs a manufacturing operation-all of these require large lines of credit. If he is thinking about opening a new line of business or getting some new equipment to replace clapped-out old stuff, it’s not happening now. And good luck getting it later-any banks that happen to survive the repudiation will not lend to Americans. I mean, if I had some money or stock in a bank, and a repudiation was even remotely in the cards, I would no more tolerate it lending to Americans than to Zimbabweans, if its loans could be unilaterally cancelled at any time. So, the truck driver/farmer/manufacturer will be joining the old lady for cat food. If the cat food company doesn’t have a business model which relies on a line of credit, which it probably does.

And please don’t refer to the Jubilee (or Yovel as it’s pronounced in Hebrew.) First, debts were remitted every shemitta year, that is, the 7th year, not the Yovel (the 49th or 50th year). Second, the shemitta year happened on a fixed, universally known cycle (another one starts this month.) Loans were made with that cycle in mind. There was even an institution called the prosbul, which allowed the borrower and lender to agree that a debt would extend past the shemitta year, and this was instituted by Hillel for the benefit of the borrowers, not the lenders, because the poor could not find people to lend to them before the shemitta. The point is, it was a fixed event known to everyone beforehand.

The difference between the shemitta and your debt repudiation is the difference between sparring at the local judo dojo and being the polar bear in a game of knockout king. The least you could do is go as far as Moldbug did, when he suggested all debt be bought by USG at net present value and converted to stock in the USG corporation

Eli says:

@B: yes, thank you. The usage of the term “Jubilee” is improper.
Yes, periodic debt forgiveness is a society-wide contract that is well-known to both parties involved when they make their agreement and hence does not introduce additional risk that negatively affects the interest rate of the loan. “Debt repudiation” in the way that is being promoted here by some amounts to Zimbabwean style despoilment (sans the actual violence).

Eli says:

One more point regarding China’s shifting gears I forgot to mention:

6) Builds sufficient anti-naval ballistic deterrents as well as strengthens its own navy and geopolitical standing, at least in its very vicinity (e.g. across the South China Sea). This will serve to protect and enhance its sea supply routes in the region and reduce the ability for the US to tamper with things within its neighborhood.

And, yes, to state it all more concisely: for the US, blanket debt cancellation is a bad idea, though the argument for at least some state welfare is not. But only on condition of totalitarian fertility control or theocratic state. Unlikely to happen soon.

vxxc2014 says:


B – I am aware of how business works from both the independent truck driver to Fortune 500 daily funding, far too much of which is daily dependent on interest rate derivative markets and overnite REPO. Never has such a house of cards been constructed, I think they’d be quite happy to move into new digs. They get freed as well.
Hell other than Finance they’re the big winners.

In truth we have to destroy people who view us all as collateral, inventory, something to be mortgaged. Most aren’t Jewish, most Jews are normal, healthy people who don’t view their fellow man that way. I out of what is mostly sentiment realize that certain groups may be collateral damage and wish to avoid it. It’s worth a try. But we have to win or die anyway.

“But as B and Jim both point out, debt forgiveness is a *monstrous* moral hazard.”

But you see it already was done 2008-2009. Funny bailing out the banks by creating tens of trillions to be paid by everyone who uses dollars normally [as opposed to crony manipulations]. Everyone who uses dollars in the normal as opposed to Crony sense has already been robbed of all that, and it’s already quite noted that the Feds policies are destroying the savings of the precious little old ladies. The elderly on fixed incomes are being destroyed by a combination of declining value of money, no interest and increasing taxes and health fees. Even if they own their houses 70K have been forced to move from say New Jersey over property tax increases.

But what is moral hazard for thee does not apply to me, it seems.

@Eli -“White Zoo.” Oh dear. Back to White Untermenschen, are we?
Well if it’s going to be a Zoo, it should you know be a Zoo where the Whites are the keepers, not the pet animals. Or Livestock, as they are apparently viewed. I have to wonder Eli are you even not quite part of the Zoo yourself?

Whites aren’t working as much these days because 11+ States were turned into Detroit. That’s just the Great Lake Region, once a Ruhr that stretched for over 1000 miles. In fact most of the country was despoiled the last few decades, and no it’s not particularly vibrant. But unemployment is rampant throughout the land. That is not it’s norm, and not ours. Especially the Irish. We love to work, perhaps a tad too much.

White Zoo Eli – Well. Do understand that reciprocity is an Iron Law of Human Relations. This includes not only Financial Ruthlessness but what is apparently with a little nudging implacable racial hostility. That’s not new but you’ll understand if it’s not appreciated.

“Irish Intelligentsia.” Well nobler than some I can name. Whom nobility will always escape, it’s a quality not found in the Levant. I’m defining noble in the White sense, not Financial success. Certainly not the Levant’s sharp practice, the truest home is north of current digs.
For instance Firemen, Police who die saving strangers probably die poor but they are remembered for noble sacrifice.

As for appropriation of Jubilee, yes I was attempting to appeal to the nobler impulses. Which apparently don’t exist. At least here.

Apparently touching the money makes one a blood and racial enemy.

Well not on my part, I know far too many good people of the purported blood and will do my best in regards to them. People who respond to reasonable and just offers with insults that you’re not human may or may not make it, but they shouldn’t. Soros for instance shouldn’t have, but he did. The world isn’t improved, although he has made a lot of money.

Glad I have gravity on my side [numbers]. Perhaps cleverness will win the day again, but it’s looking less clever every day.

jim says:

In truth we have to destroy people who view us all as collateral, inventory, something to be mortgaged.

That is an attack on capitalism. Such attacks tend to turn out horribly badly in practice.

The normal life cycle of capital is that middle aged people save for their old age, and their savings get loaned out to younger people who are starting a family. Then as the family is established, , the young family repay the loan, supporting older people in their old age. It is a good system, and you propose to break it.

Eli says:

Sir, I personally have got nothing against you presently. Please stop with the victim complex here. Neither do I hate the Irish. In fact, the Irish are a step above the Slavs, who tend to be serfs by nature, something the Irish are definitely not, for better or worse. I’m more of *worried* of being/living with them: with their tendency toward drinking, and imbecilic, impulsive behavior. This gets everyone into trouble. Then again, there are far scarier animals in the zoo.

It it pleases you to hear it: yes, I *am* part of the zoo as well. I have no false pretense about it. In fact, my personal worldview is that, for whatever “reason” it happened, Creation of the Universe, if such indeed took place, may have been a very evil act; perhaps, the ultimate evil (if time had an origin point). However, I also believe that life, in general, evolves towards good, though that good is an abstract ideal and the pathways are all fragile. Again, good exists in the abstract, manifesting through appearance of “lesser/relative evils.” (And sometimes, we don’t know that something that appears to be bad is, in fact, either a lesser evil or that it will evolve into one.) I don’t know if the ultimate good has any direct physical manifestation at all, in fact.

More concretely, the first lesser evil at first evolved via creation of proto-life, then multicellular organisms, eventually evolved into mammals, then primates, then *group*-dependent hominids, then more complex and successful hominin *societies* of today, with banks, police, taxes, welfare etc. And, of course there are various cultures/religions that glue these societies, on the levels of which there is still a very intense evolution and (both direct and indirect) competition.

Like “good,” I reserve the moniker of “human” to no one – it is a culture-defined concept one has to strive towards to. Some cultures, be it via some luck or particular circumstances or *merit* are evolved to be superior to others (as verified by their histories and survival), just like some hominins (and groups of hominins) evolved to be more superior to other hominins, at least in certain aspects.

I don’t rate the Irish on the very bottom of what’s out there. Not at all. I rate most of them as hominiNs, which is what I rate myself as well. There are, of course, lots of hominiDs in America — not just hominiNs, but these tend to already be heavily discussed on this blog.

Again: “human” is the ideal one ought to strive to. Perhaps, society at large and sources like the Bible can orient one towards that ideal. I claim no expertise, but a certain intuition, emboldened by my personal habit of reading and thinking.

Going back, I wanted to point out that, within so-called “whites” there are *huge* differences. And it’s absurd how so many like to put themselves into this one unified category. I’ve lived and dealt with plenty of whites to know that this is just not the case.

The people in China are treated more like cattle than your beloved American “whites” are: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights_in_China. From my observations, however, in many aspects they are better hominins than ones in the American zoo, though perhaps not as strong, good-looking, or obsessed about sports.

vxxc2014 says:


This isn’t capitalism. It’s Fraud and embezzlement on national and civilizational scale. It’s looting and plunder of our people. If you still consider yourself American that is, and the middle classes precious retirements are gone, although they don’t quite accept it yet.

Now I don’t care what happens to old people who vote to ruin me, mine, everyone and usually themselves by voting for middle class welfare called social security, Medicare, Obamacare and any of the other myriad checks they get. However again what really worries me is around $300 Trillion in pensions and $800 Trillions in Derivatives – which by the way are utterly fraudulent in themselves. Those two have nothing to do with ordinary citizens. Those debts are the ones we’re about to go full on actual Communism for in terms of all the wealth being held in common.

You can’t call everything that touches money capitalism, and frankly I don’t care if it is [and it isn’t]. The people who incurred these debts which will bring World War scale horrors weren’t consumer debtors, students [who unwisely trusted their elders and went to college on credit], or mortgage owners vibrant or not. They were their elites who began to practice this curious brand of capitalism right around 1993 when Bill Clinton handed over the Treasury to Finance, who then got in bed with the Russian Mob to loot Russia, Ukraine et al. They also took us for more than $200 Billion coming and going. Not content with such they then leaned on the already hopelessly compromised banking sector [but they were getting rich right that moment] to make loans *they knew wouldn’t be paid by the Vibrants, bums et al** but they were GSE loans that the AMERICANS WOULD AND DID PAY. They paid with tens of Trillions of dollars in debased currency. Money that will either be erased along with said portfolios OR explode into the system. THAT IS CRIME, AND TREASON. And not Capitalism. Those sub-prime loans worked out exactly as planned. Ask Angelo Mozillo.

Along the way they repealed Glass-Steagall [in the name of capitalism] got into the precious retirement accounts and savings of precious little old ladies and gambled it away. IT’S GONE. As their 401Ks are to be very shortly, replaced with Trusts [as my now just mostly extracted company 401K summarily is] and shortly thereafter with GRA’s. As they have been discussing for years. Not to worry, trusts allow Mr&Mrs Middle class to collect OBAMACARE.

We’re already in Cyprus, we just have a lot more to steal. And no Russian Daddy to look out for us.

Now you quite know all this Jim. Perhaps you consider yourself vested.
If so stop risking it with this blog. If not…wake up. Here’s who Americans are: we’re going to be the white niggers and PAY, or we’re going to be the Plains Indians and liquidated to gain our resources we are squatting on.

[I should probably mention I have a grand total of $331.62 cents in debt, I expect to pay it off next week as usual, no bankruptcies and little market exposure. There’s my SOX].

Steve Johnson says:

vxxc2014 –

Sorry but you don’t get it at all.

Everything for sale for dollars is property of the USG to do with as they please – they can meet any price because they can print new dollars at will.

This wasn’t a new development in 1993 or when Glass-Steagall was repealed. This is what happens when you drive off the cliff that was driven off on April 5th 1933 – you don’t hit the canyon floor immediately but there’s no turning back.

The ledger of accounts in dollars is the most complex system that can be made by man. You can’t unwind part of it.

Either you stop trading in dollars or you accept that the people who can print dollars own everything they want to own and can give away whatever they want whenever they wish. It’s impossible to partially roll back the ledger. I don’t even know where the off site backup is kept or how often it gets replicated.

“Maybe if we had better elites…” – then they’d lose to more self interested elites who would do what it took to secure their position – steal what they needed to and give to the cronies whose help they need. They need the bankers to funnel money to the vibrants so the bankers get paid. They need the vibrants to pressure the middle class and so they can cheat elections so the vibrants get paid.

Don’t like it? Make an alternate currency work. The only thing keeping it going is that productive people accept dollars.

vxxc2014 says:

I am sadly certain that this conversation has occurred before in History and was useless then as well. Recursive failings leading to repeated tragedies.

The limitations of the Bazaar are present here, simply put the bazaar does not scale successfully but only disastrously.

Misplacing loyalty in criminals because they happen to be your own is a mistake when they go too far.

You must police your own or others will indict you as a group and act against you as a group.

Pleas to act nobly even when it’s actually your interest are wasted.

This has all happened before, but eventually it won’t happen again. For what is American is Universal and nothing we do could ever change that Doom.

vxxc2014 says:


The massive debts incurred – that is to say government pensions and derivatives – total [$300 Trillon+$800 Trillion] total over $1000T. -It depends on where the derivatives are – those debts were not incurred by normal citizens [nor are they even mostly aware of them].

Now. For some reason it’s OK to pile tens of trillions in Debt on the Truckers [and everyone who uses dollars] but not OK to wipe out all debts for everyone and start fresh? For that’s not even as good as finance got. To get what finance got all debts are PAID. By others. As opposed to just the favored. It’s too late after one sector is favored to discuss moral hazard. It was too late the instant actually Finance was informed the taxpayers would stand for the debt.

It all gets zeroed, for it is all based on fraud. And what’s good for the banksters is good for the truckers. Who will still have their banks.

I should mention all debts includes mortgages, the holder now owns.

You are correct this would make credit much tighter in the future. This is not a curse, it’s a blessing. It’s a feature not a bug.

The little old ladies can reflect on their life’s choices, usually voting to rob their neighbor, and be happy the horrors that awaited them if and when the debts are actually EXTRACTED from her were in fact spared.

Listen. I don’t think it will fly without a lot of blood first anyway. it’s worth putting out there. I don’t have racial animus and am tired of hearing about it, I’m not proceeding from that POV. You’re not a conspiracy, you’re the scapegoat and the wave is beginning, among the host of evils awaiting us is exactly that dreary wave. Good luck I’m sure your a decent guy.

jim says:

The massive debts incurred – that is to say government pensions and derivatives – total [$300 Trillon+$800 Trillion] total over $1000T. -It depends on where the derivatives are – those debts were not incurred by normal citizens [nor are they even mostly aware of them].

Sure they were incurred by normal citizens, a million dollars at a time.

Or rather normal illegals.

A mestizo with no income, no job, and no assets borrows a million dollars to buy a house in a leafy tree lined suburb that should cost five hundred thousand dollars. Supposedly it a normal loan, but actually it is yet another welfare handout.

He makes no payments.

We now have a million dollars in bad debt that gets shuffled around the system because to acknowledge it as bad debt right away would be racist

Everntually, after being MBSed and CDOed, it winds up on the taxpayer tab – just like all the other money spent on illegals and vibrants.

The financial crisis debt is no different from all the other debt. The government takes money from taxpayers, nearly all of them employed white males, and gives it to sluts and the underclass – nearly all of them single mothers and or colored.

vxxc2014 says:


1] Bul_sh_t. That’s only part of what happened and race baiting to distract. Also I don’t believe your answer is genuine, so BS.

2] But even given those answers it yet remains the fruit of criminal coercion by government with exponential complex system fraud built on those baseline bad, coerced by force loans. All of this being true. But it remains bad loans coerced by a criminal government – hence the base loans itself criminal and invalid and then exponential scaling Ponzi Fraud derived from said criminal and illegitmate enterprise calling itself government. So it should be wiped out, as should all it’s proceeds.

3] Jim – but if your argument is true: why should I and all the other responsible people have to have either the bad loans [running a few trillions] and their fraudulent derivatives [in 2008 tens of trillions, now hundreds of trillions] extracted from us who had nothing to do with it?

4] Because we deserve it? Because we haven’t done anything decisive about it? But if we do, it’s anti-capitalist. It being anti-capitalist as all the other slurs won’t work now? Well. Nothing will work now but force.

Force is coming. Whether it’s all one way and we lay down and die to pay others debts vibrant’s and sluts or not is the question. That $1000 Trillion dollars will be accounted for in blood one way or another.

Eli says:

@vxxc2014: Are you hungry and have no food? Are you thirsty and have no clean water? Are you cold and have no clothing or shelter?
If these are your problems, you definitely need to ask for help from the government of whatever state you are in, and a good portion of it will be given to you. If desperate, for good food, dumpster diving at Trader Joe’s, Panera Bread, or a big supermarket in a decent liberal suburbia is great, too: some great, pre-expiration stuff is being discarded every day in America!
Unless you are a Richard Proenneke (unlikely I would have seen you here if you were), you depend on civilization. If what you are asking for *ever* happens, *you* will be among the ones to suffer, unless you are willing or want to live a thug existence, robbing people of their scraps, along with honorable-police-turn-warlords, if you’re lucky to have true friends among them.

Beware of what you are asking for otherwise. No established system goes quietly, and you will likely be among the victims, possibly dying ones, not winners.

And no, when Jim used “nearly all of them are employed white males,” he did not necessarily mean “nearly all of them are employed white males, and white males are all mostly employed and *employable*.” Grasp the difference! And keep in mind: modern economy is not peasant-based, and not even manufacturing-worker based (at least, not really in the US). It’s machine and knowledge-based, and based on what you’ve written, you are unlikely in that workforce segment.

@Jim: here’s some Mark Twain for you:
“Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.”

the only thing you deserve, commie, is to be enslaved in a prison camp

jim says:

Jim – but if your argument is true: why should I and all the other responsible people have to have either the bad loans [running a few trillions] and their fraudulent derivatives [in 2008 tens of trillions, now hundreds of trillions] extracted from us who had nothing to do with it?

The bad loans were handouts to vibrants – and a relatively small part of continuing handouts to vibrants. If you worry about Jews, you are looking at the cape instead of the matador.

who made racism the worst thing ever? Who turned Christian civilization into Judeo-Christian? Who were the Freedom Riders? Who got the Immigration Act of 1965 passed, then worked with Chicano activists?

Jews didn’t start the fire, but they did pour gasoline on it.

Let’s not forget “because Auschwitz” as a reason to allow massive child abuse in post-war Germany. That piece of Allied propaganda has cost us dearly.

jim says:

Who invented marital rape? Who altered rape laws to protect false rape accusers? Why is it that you can still name and demonize the Duke University Lacrosse team, but you cannot name Crystal Mangum, the woman who falsely accused the lacrosse team, even after she was convicted of murdering her boyfriend to steal his rent money?

Progressive Jews have done lots of bad shit, but so have progressive non Jews.

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Just sayin' says:

Look, blame on any specific issue is beside the point.

All reasonable people can agree that Jewish presence in the US has been very bad for goyish white Americans and that the relationship has turned abusive at this point. We’re just not evolved to deal with that sort of verbal ability.

We need a racial divorce. It would be best if it was an amicable one, but if the “B”s of the world keep denying everything long enough they’ll manage to turn it into a messy divorce.

jim says:

We need a racial divorce. It would be best if it was an amicable one,

Reform Jews are being assimilated, are ceasing to be Jewish, and ceasing to breed. They have drunk more deeply of their own poison than anyone else. We cannot and should not undo this.

To get a racial divorce, would have to turn reform type jews into B. type Jews. Can divorce B. type Jews amicably. Cannot divorce reform type Jews amicably. It would be like trying to separate sugar and water.

Thing is, their religion tells them they are in exile, a separate nation, a separate people, but it has become a religion of exile, a religion that is reluctant to accept Israel, reluctant to take the temple. Judaism changed before, and needs to change again, needs to accept coming home in reality as it does in theory.

Red says:

But as B and Jim both point out, debt forgiveness is a *monstrous* moral hazard.

We either do it now while we still have some military might left or we do it later and the Chinese buy up the entire country and occupy it with Chinese troops to make sure they can extra the natural resources from us.

Steve Johnson says:

There’s a term for the parents of reform Jews – orthodox.

Eli says:

Taken logically further, this is akin to saying that the term for the parents of American strippers is “white Christians.”

jack says:

“If Jews ruled, the Gaza/Israel war would have been over in an hour.”

You’re assuming that the Jews want nothing more than to win a quick decisive war, then relax in a stable country afterwards. But you’d be wrong. That is the rational, European way to think about war. Jews relish instability and the politics of victimhood. If they blew away all the muslims, what would they have to complain about?

Sure, there’s not a secret cabal of jews running puppet regimes around the West, but they do have very disproportionate influence and power, most of it with negative effects on host populations. That’s it. No conspiracy, no need for straw men.

Just sayin' says:

White Nationalism is so PC that the Hungarian police feel the need to send 10 to 15 police to break up a private, informal WN gathering in a pub and then take a non-threatening guy like Richard Spencer away in a large convoy of police vehicles.

[…] smell latkes? I don’t. Jim has done a lot of his own commentary on Jews and cultural Marxism, Jews and anti-Semitism, Jews and Puritans, and Jewish misbehavior. Nick Land has staked his position. 28Sherman displayed […]

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