
New York Times tries to get Officer Wilson’s pregnant wife murdered

The New York Times is waging a terrorist war on the process of justice, to create a world where any white who defends himself against attack by non Asian minorities gets punished, and any non asian minority who attacks a white gets off.

And if you are Asian, in that world Gentle Giant Michael Brown gets to rough you up and take your stuff, and you have to smile and say you like it.

The New York Times published the full name of Officer Wilson’s pregnant wife, and the name of the lane and suburb on which their house is located. They did not give their house number, but there are only twenty eight houses in that lane. Of course, officer Wilson and his pregnant wife have fled their house – but the problem remains, her full maiden name and employment has been published.

Darren Wilson of course has been threatened with death by the New Black Panthers, which of course will not get the black panthers into trouble with the Justice Department.

In an impressive display of brass balls, Gotnews has published the full names and addresses of the journalists trying to get Officer Wilson’s pregnant wife murdered, and a photograph of one of them.

Julie Bosman who doxed Wilson’s wife

These journalists seem to live a comfortable distance from the violence that they incite.

The two journalists who doxed Wilson’s wife are:
Julie Bosman
5620 N Wayne Ave Apt 2
Chicago, IL 60660-4204
Cook County

Campbell Robertson
1113 N Dupre St
New Orleans, LA 70119-3203
Orleans County.

Those are not particularly classy locations. Darren Wilson has a nicer house. (Or he used to, but it is no good to him now.) But they are safe locations. Not everyone gets to live in a safe suburb. Some people get to play the polar bear game as the polar bear. And that is what is making housing in the US so horribly expensive. If you want to have kids, need to buy a home somewhere safe. And every time the New York Times incites its pet blacks to violence, fewer places are safe. If you want kids, need a backyard. There just is not much land that is safe, so, a limited supply of backyards. So, fewer white kids. It is a slow motion genocide, to become a considerably faster motion genocide when whites become a minority.

81 comments New York Times tries to get Officer Wilson’s pregnant wife murdered

Max says:

Wouldn’t it be funny if SOMEONE were to pull a Channon Christian on this cunt? 😉

Wyrd says:

No, she would probably hardly notice the difference from her regular coal-burning.

Max says:

Something tells me that drinking bleach and being set on fire while still alive aren’t on her regular menu of mudsharking. SOMEONE should introduce her to them.

Laguna Beach Fogey says:

They should also film/photograph it and publish it.

B says:

>If you want kids, need a backyard. There just is not much land that is safe, so, a limited supply of backyards.

Believe it or not, it is possible to raise children without a backyard. For instance, Orthodox Jews in New York and Jerusalem (where home prices are significantly higher than the average in the States, even normed to metro areas) manage.

Most of the US is quite safe. Even around major cities, there are lots of safe, lily-white suburbs.

I had a hard time finding white total fertility rate broken out by state, notice that total fertility rates in white Utah and white Vermont differ widely (2.4 vs. 1.7.) I notice that proportional to the average personal income ($25K vs. $31K,) homes in Utah are more expensive ($206 to$221K average price as per Zillow.) White people don’t stop reproducing because of lack of backyards. They stop reproducing because of other priorities-getting a nicer house, a better job, a newer car, a newer iPhone take precedence.

nydwracu says:

Orthodox Jews coordinate strongly and openly. We don’t.

If we want to reproduce more, we want to coordinate more.

The Orthodox Jews have found a successful formula. The problem is that Jewish strategies probably can’t generalize out, both because of selection for Jewishness and because Jews have friends in high places who can be open about it.

The question is how to get white people to coordinate — or, better, coordinate *openly*, without having to worry about getting Eiched by the people who (increasingly openly) want us to be either miserable or dead.

Dr. Faust says:

And yet anyone can become Jewish if they want to. Few want to though. So if it’s the Jews than why are the Jews so left and so feminized. You can go and confess your sins at temple to your black lesbian Jewish Rabbi and be enwrapped in the eternal bliss of diversity.

B says:

Those Jews, the effeminate ones with black lesbian rabbis, reproduce even less than Vermonters.

jim says:

The left survives by recruitment, not reproduction. Recollect my post on Moloch This has been going on for a long time.

B says:

This is a self-defeating strategy.

100-200 years ago, the Left was able to assimilate some of the best of its enemies. The smart ones, the true believers, the ones who would regret that they had but one life to give for their cause. Genuinely admirable human beings, in many cases. Jack London, man! Who wouldn’t want to share a trench with Jack London?

75 years ago, the Western Left hit the top. Millions of the best Americans lined up to give their all for it, whether that involved agitprop for OWI, research or operations for OSS, or bombing the shit out of enemy cities. It didn’t hurt that the enemy was some of the most evil sons of bitches ever. WW2 action movies are still putting asses in seats.

60 years ago, the Left was able to assimilate the B-team. The ones who regretted they had but one academic career to dedicate to social justice. Perhaps they were frauds, but colorful, charismatic frauds, with moments of greatness. I mean, Kesey and the Merry Pranksters, for instance. Sure, the cause got a bit absurd at times, and threadbare, but it still had panache. Sure, I wouldn’t want to share a trench with Kesey and Kerouac, but why not ride along on that crazy school bus?

Today, the Left can’t recruit anybody. They can rent them, only as long as the checks keep clearing. The permanent cadres are Hugo Schwytzer, the staff of the NYT, Saint Trayvon, a pink-haired rage-faced lesbian and some trannies. Nobody in their right mind, nobody capable, would willingly associate with these people unless driven by the utmost necessity, and certainly nobody of quality would die for them. A’s hire A’s, B’s hire C’s, the Left is getting very bad at recruitment because it’s now got D’s hiring F’s.

So, in every big Orthodox family, there’s that one kid who went off the path, and six or nine other ones who didn’t. The alternative just isn’t that appealing anymore. If you were a smart Jewish kid 100 years ago, the Cathedral could offer you a life of discovering the secrets of the universe, and some minor celebrity status, i.e., access to high-class mates. Now it can offer you a life of writing grant proposals to be read by pointy haired lesbian commissars, and the less said about the mates on offer by the Cathedral these days the better. And if you do get to do something cool, prepare to be destroyed over an objectionable shirt you wore or something. Who the hell wants that? So the strategy is no longer working well and will soon stop working altogether.

jim says:

Today, the Left can’t recruit anybody. They can rent them, only as long as the checks keep clearing. The permanent cadres are Hugo Schwytzer, the staff of the NYT, Saint Trayvon, a pink-haired rage-faced lesbian and some trannies. Nobody in their right mind, nobody capable, would willingly associate with these people unless driven by the utmost necessity, and certainly nobody of quality would die for them. A’s hire A’s, B’s hire C’s, the Left is getting very bad at recruitment because it’s now got D’s hiring F’s.

It is true that left is worse and worse, stupid and evil. It is true that if you smart and good, the left’s career path for you sucks mightily, as objectionable shirt guy is discovering. But the left could easily recruit the A team if it wanted to. It does not want to. That is not its strategy. They believe that Islam, rightly understood, is progressivism, and Judaism, rightly understood, is progressivism. That is their tactic, that is the threat, that is the problem you have to be mindful of. The problem is not the kid who thinks he would rather be a progressive than an orthodox Jew, the problem is the kid who thinks he is a progressive orthodox Jew.

B says:

Before we get into an extended discussion of entryism and Jewish or Mormon immunity strategies, I just want to summarize that the original argument was whether the lack of backyards keeping whites from reproducing is genocide. Mormon and Orthodox show that it’s not.

jim says:

Jews can reproduce without backyards just fine. You have had ten centuries of biological and cultural adaption to reproducing at high density, whereas my people are descended from rural gentlemen and yeomen. Our culture and our nature makes it hard to reproduce at full urban densities, and the destruction of our culture makes it hard to reproduce at all. We need backyards.

Alan J. Perrick says:


Safe for anti-whites who want White Genocide?

Pope is an anti-white screamer, yells “racist,” “xenophobe” to shout down those standing up against White Genocide

Alan J. Perrick says:

This comment belongs in the thread below it, but I can’t be bothered to do a copy-paste of my own comment.

Peppermint says:

Breitbart and DailyStormer accuse the Pope of being anti-White to pressure him into saying something explicitly pro-White. If you read what the Pope said, he loves European culture except for this human rights aberration, and wants Europeans to stop with the selfish lifestyles and have more kids.

Like Bob said, need to ask why was this information produced 🙂

jim says:
Peppermint says:

He’s speaking out of both sides of his mouth. If he decided to say something explicitly pro-White it would lead to less White kids even exposed to the concept of opposing contraception.

He said he wanted less human rights and more White babies. The media interprets it as obsolete homophobia and a call for more refugees to be treated more equally.

Ultimately, fortress Europe will not survive without more White babies and less human rights.

Peppermint says:

Refugees could be enslaved right off the boat in a manner compatible with dignity, but not rights, while Jim Crow style semi-official genetic discrimination solves the race mixing problem. Is that what the Pope was thinking? We’ll know when it becomes government policy with the Vatican’s tacit approval, like it was in the past before human rights.

Europe does need to hear about selfish lifestyles and how great European culture is and how unfortunate infertility is. And the media needs to say that the Pope agrees with them.

B says:

>Jews can reproduce without backyards just fine. You have had ten centuries of biological and cultural adaption to reproducing at high density, whereas my people are descended from rural gentlemen and yeomen.

The Irish and Italians did just fine at reproducing in row houses in NYC, Chicago, Philly without much of a backyard to speak of if any, and the second they moved to the suburbs with backyards, stopped reproducing. I think that backyards, while nice to have, are not the issue here.

jim says:


Italians and Irish are inferior.

B says:

Haven’t been to Ireland. Having had the chance to compare the primitive mud huts of Venice, Florence and Rome to the soaring majesties of Northern England, I must say you’re onto something with the Italians.

jim says:

Similarly, you will find some magnificent buildings in Detroit.

There are very obvious racial difference between one part of Italy and another and in the past three hundred years, the bad part of italy has spread to parts that were formerly capable of supporting high culture. Over the past three hundred years or so, the better Italians from the better parts of Italy either left or failed to reproduce, so the better parts of Italy have both been shrinking geographically, and devolving.

The white nationalists, being leftists, want to believe that all whites are equal. They are wrong. And in Italy it is rather obvious that they are wrong.

Dave says:

Raising children in an urban neighborhood without backyards is doable if there’s a local crew of “wiseguys” of your ethnicity keeping vibrancy to an absolute minimum. Read what happened on a summer evening in 1960 when a black kid sauntered into an Italian neighborhood and snatched a white woman across the street from the local mob hangout:


B says:

I’m getting confused. The Italians are inferior. We know this because they’ve stopped building awesome stuff and reproducing. The WASPs to whom they are inferior have also stopped building awesome stuff and reproducing. But they’re superior-they just need more backyards. Their disinclination to move to places where backyards are cheap is probably due to Jewish influence or something.

jim says:

If you are confused, it is because you are stupid. Italians are inferior because the best among them stopped reproducing several hundred years ago. The best among us have only stopped reproducing quite recently.

I find it irritating and offensive when you make bad arguments in a sarcastic tone, as if it was completely obvious that these were extremely strong arguments.

B says:

Part of having a community is communal defense. The Italian way of doing it, where the guys in charge are parasitical criminals whose value system dominates the community, doesn’t strike me as optimal. But then again, I don’t live in Italian neighborhoods (any more.) How they want to run things is their business.

In the 70s, as Crown Heights began to be ethnically cleansed, the Chabad guys refused to leave. Word came down from the top, and pretty soon there were groups of young men who would, if they encountered young black males on the street, beat them stupid. Obviously, it is difficult to prosecute in a community where everyone looks more or less the same and nobody talks to the cops. But more importantly, those young men were not elevated above their station for doing this necessary work. They did not get the right to shake Jews down for protection money, and kids didn’t grow up seeing punching people in the face as a way to gain power and respect.

B says:

Moldbug had a whole post about how Southern Italians, whom you presumably think are far inferior to Northern ones and obviously to the descendants of British sheep herders, had an awesome kingdom, architecture etc untilGaribaldi took over and stole everything that wasn’t nailed down. Which happened considerably after the best Italians died out according to you.

As for bad arguments, it doesn’t get much worse than postulating that backyards are essential to reproduction for Northern Euros and that there is a backyard shortage in the US for those who want them.

jim says:

And in this post he tells us “Garibaldi divided Africa” – that the present inhabitants of Naples are racially inferior. He meets the superior white minority in Naples, and the inferior whitish majority. Presumably, before Garibaldi, the superior whites were in charge. Now they are hiding out and running away – predation by the “international community” which predation is justified by demotism.

He compares Naples to Rhodesia. Obviously he does not think the Rhodesian majority were smart people.

B says:

>And in this post he tells us “Garibaldi divided Africa” – that the present inhabitants of Naples are racially inferior.

He tells us that this is the saying of the snobby North Italians, whose very fault it is that South Italy is in its present state. Making the analogy between the Yankees and the rest of the US/world implicitly. Not telling us anything about the Neapolitans’ racial superiority or inferiority.

>Presumably, before Garibaldi, the superior whites were in charge. Now they are hiding out and running away – predation by the “international community” which predation is justified by demotism.

Before Garibaldi there was an aristocracy. Afterwards, corrupt democracy. All of which tells us nothing of genetic superiority or inferiority. Only that democracy sucks.

>He compares Naples to Rhodesia. Obviously he does not think the Rhodesian majority were smart people.

The majority is never very smart. His point was only that under aristocracy, Naples thrived, under democracy, it sucks. I don’t think that the genetic composition of Southern Italy changed much from Garibaldi until the present colonialisation by refugees from 3rd world shitholes. If you want to make the claim that the best Italians fled Southern Italy, well, they went to Bensonhurst.

jim says:

>And in this post he tells us “Garibaldi divided Africa” – that the present inhabitants of Naples are racially inferior.

He tells us that this is the saying of the snobby North Italians,

It is unreasonable to read Moldbug as saying that the trash semi whites would be dignified and civilized if the Cathedral left them alone. He is saying that Naples would be civilized and dignified if the Cathedral had left the superior whites to rule Naples.

His account of Naples parallels his account of the Congo. The Congo was a pretty nice place when the whites were in charge.

He confirms the saying by his observations of Naples, and by his observation that some people in Naples are better than others. Naples, in his description, is analogous to a highly segregated American city with large black population and a small white population, except that in this case, the problem population is African whites, rather than African blacks. The implication of his article is that the superior people of Naples were disempowered and dispossessed, not that everyone was superior.

B says:

Mormons and Amish coordinate as well, and reproduce. Probably not because they have lots of friends in high places.

If you want to reproduce, need an operating philosophy which gives the courage to take high risks in a world of uncertainty yet discourages stupid risks, encourages trust and cohesion yet discourages sucker gullibility, encourages altruism yet forbids suicidal orientation towards the Other, has enough depth that the really smart members of your community aren’t alienated but is accessible to the bottom two quintiles. If you can get all that, you can have resilience even without a backyard. If not, a backyard won’t help.

jim says:

Mormons are being dealt with by combination of assimilation and repression. FLDS gets repression. Amish seem to be getting away with it so far, but it is effectively illegal to Amish in an increasing number of American states – the Amish want their children raised Amish, and this tends to be treated as child abuse – varies from state to state and location to location.

B says:

Mormons created an entryist strategy vs. the Cathedral and have been implementing it for a long time, which is why half the NSA is Mormon. The Mormons there don’t tend to assimilate. Rather, the opposite.

I have never heard of the Amish getting hassled by the state. Bureaucrats are risk-averse. Amish cause no problems, take care of their own issues and stick to themselves. Who the hell wants their office to be besieged by thousands of angry Amish? Why would you expose yourself and your career to that?

jim says:

Mormons created an entryist strategy vs. the Cathedral and have been implementing it for a long time,

So have Jews, and it is not doing them all that much good.

peppermint says:

the Mormons’ last stand was Proposition 8. They’re going gay too now, and in fact as a Protestant sect always have been tolerant but the culture they were in prevented them from fully expressing it. Only the Roman Church is safe, and only as long as Francis keeps his word about remembering God instead of just being another NGO.

jay says:
B says:

To be an entryist into the Cathedral, a Jew has to abandon Judaism (with some exceptions, but basically, you will never see the head of an Ivy or the NYT or another major Cathedral organ wearing a kippah and keeping Shabbat and kashrut.) A Mormon doesn’t. From personal experience, I can tell you the ones in the military do pretty well at not being assimilated by their generally toxic environment.

jim says:

The military is the least toxic of the environments they might get exposed to, and I don’t think you are a very good judge of what constitutes assimilation. Today’s threat does not come from bronze age worshipers of the Golden Kid.

Alan J. Perrick says:

The Anti-Whitism found in the Roman Church extends far beyond Bp. Francis…Here we have a subscriber to these Romanist doctrines, “Peppermint,” attacking a white religious group while he would never in a million years think of attacking the religious credentials of the Roman Catholic mestizos. “Peppermint,” is your understanding that the brown people being brought in are of good quality because they pray to the same pontiff that you do?

“They’re nearly as good as French Catholics! Or Italians! Or Portugese!” seems to be your position.

First off, even if they were, it would still bring negative and internal conflict to an Anglio-Saxon population. Secondly, it would cause White Genocide, since white religious groups (such as Mormons) you want to ethnically cleanse because they aren’t Romanists, would be forced into “Diverse” racial blending when you get the brown people here that you want.


Alan J. Perrick says:

And forget “would be”…This is NOT hypothetical. It is the reality.

peppermint says:

What about the wetbacks? It doesn’t matter if we turn them away as long as they have the human right to be treated equally and we don’t have enough White babies. But it is preferable to turn them away, and Catholic Charities is a pretty terrible NGO. But turning them away will only be possible once we ditch the whole human rights concept – to turn them away without explicitly denying their human rights is to create an unprincipled exception, and we know how stable those are.

I’ll be surprised if there aren’t Mormon wyshyps and happily gaymarried Mormons in ten years, but I guess I won’t be able to find you and buy you a drink for being right.

Alan J. Perrick says:

What’s wrong with Mormons surviving into the future?

It’s because they are white. And you are anti-white. Did you get it yet? “Peppermint”???

Peppermint says:

Oh, hey, the hook-nosed vulture is here to talk about how stupid the goyim are for not seeing how much easy pickings there is this corpse of a nation.

Jews don’t need cultural enrichment because you already have an authentic culture. When you et punched by the pavement apes, it’s anti-Semitism, not restorative justice. And from this position of underprivilege, you can call us stupid with your own newspapers.

B says:

Perhaps crying online will solve your problems. Isn’t that what NRx is all about? Carlyle and Froude would be proud.

Gary Seven says:

@ Max: no, no one wishes that anyone would pull a Channon Christian on anyone. That’s the difference between us and them. I pray for the souls of Channon and Chris. The lesson is that we need to DEFEND ourselves, our children, our culture, our religion, our heritage. I pray that Channon and Chris’s deaths will never be forgotten, and that their martyrdom will be commemorated forever in the communion of God’s saints.

Almighty God, by whose grace and power thy holy Martyrs Channon and Chris triumphed over suffering, and despised death: Grant, we beseech thee, that enduring hardness, and waxing valiant in fight, we may with the noble army of martyrs receive the crown of everlasting life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Willis says:

Very few are remembering them. Even in Knoxville, where the story wasn’t buried, “race had nothing to do with it.” Everywhere else of course the story was deep-sixed.

Laguna Beach Fogey says:

Payback is a bitch. If only more of our people would use direct action against our adversaries. We could use the inspiration.

Ron says:

You can. Do the exact same thing to them. Find their info and DOX them all.

Do you know why no one used nerve gas in WWII, because both sides had no desire to be subjected to it.

Alrenous says:


“The condition of her being able to get close enough to Mussolini to shoot at him was that he should be a corpse. “

Chris B says:

why has the editors address not been released? he/they would be more key than the journos.

anonymous says:

I’m outraged, and I’m going to write a nasty comment on the web

Nyan Sandwich says:

Slight correction. Near the beginning you refer to “gentle giant Michael Wilson” this should be “Michael Brown”.

Peppermint says:

Chinese police arrested for beating a protester.

China doesn’t face all the same problems we do. Maybe they can start importing Indians en masse though.

Anyway, these reporters. Instead of doxing them, dox their editor. Better yet, dox the CEOs and marketing execs of the companies that advertised next to the article. Reporters are garbage and not worth noticing.

And here’s to hoping for a warm Black Friday in St. Louis.

Peppermint says:

Someone on Facebook said that Wilson provoked Brown. When Robocop is deployed either algorithms simple enough for monkey to understand, the streets can be cleaned regardless of whether we’ve dealt with our SJW problem first.

Farrell says:

Why do you write the misleading Sailerism “Non Asian Minorities”? It should be obvious by now that two groups — Blacks and Jews — are accorded privileges which no other racial/ethnic groups are. As luck would have it, these two groups are also responsible for much of the problems in this country.

peppermint says:

you left out the wetbacks, who are currently ethnically cleansing the darkies out of a bunch of places with little comment from the chattering classes

[…] Jim has noted that two NYT journalists published Darren Wilson’s home address so the Ferguson mob can lynch him and kill his pregnant wife. […]

[…] Dakle, imamo čovjeka za čiji linč se pokuÅ¡ava izboriti rulja na ulicama, koji podupiru svi cool ljudi u Hollywoodu, Eric Holder, New Black Panther Party a bogami i Amnesty International – a najuglednije i najprestižnije novine na svijetu objavljuju njegovu adresu stanovanja. (Iako nije naveden kućni broj, ulica ima samo 28 kuća). Naravno, bilo bi krajnje zlobno i paranoično tvrditi da je prava namjera ovakvog objavljivanja iÅ¡ta osim informiranja javnosti…. jelda? […]

Alan J. Perrick says:

The New York Times is dying. Thank heavens!

[…] “Jim has noted that two NYT journalists published Darren Wilson’s home address so the Ferguson mob can lynch him and kill his pregnant wife. […]

John says:

This website has been reported to the FBI alongside all the comments.

jim says:

If they shut down any website carrying this information, Streisand effect ensues. Shut one down, get a hundred more.

peppermint says:

Report it to the SPLC and ADL too

Erik says:

And the JIDF while you’re at it.

R7_Rocket says:

“This website has been reported to the FBI alongside all the comments.”

Thus pitting the FBI against local law enforcement

Zach says:

What a cunt.

‘Burn witch, burn!’ 😉

[…] Anti-corruption (for example). […]

Ron says:

There is only one proper response and you wretched conservatives had better do it. Find out the information on EVERY single employee and FAMILY member at the NYT and publish ALL that info. The more vulnerable the more important it is to do it. Don’t just DOX one or two people, DOX them all.

Make every piece of info they have available to anyone. It doesn’t matter who, or how nice they are. If they are stockholders, they are fair game, if they are editors , fair game, journalists, absolutely fair game.

If you don’t do this, you are the most wretched dishonorable people in he world. Because by your inaction you will encourage this kind of social black ail to continue, and we will never see the end of it.

Ron says:

Sorry guys. I over reacted. I hear “pregnant woman threatened” and go berserk.

Forget I wrote anything.

spandrell says:

Thing is, you can publish the bowel movements of the NYT president, or where he goes to get his ass fucked without telling his wife. But that won’t change anything. The thugs for hire are on their side.

The most that could happen is somebody making threatening phone calls; upon which the whole weight of law enforcement would destroy his life and that of all his family.

You can’t win; and this will get worse before it gets better.

Alan J. Perrick says:

Such rampant defeatism. Not saying the other commenter is correct, but you’re just as wrong, “Spandrell.”

jim says:

Oath Keepers stood down when ordered to do so.

On the other hand, at the Bundy Ranch, militias did not.

George Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin with a single shot directly through the heart.

Darren Wilson sprayed and prayed.

Police protected Occupy.

Rentacops stopped Occupy from occupying anything that mattered.

Any cure is likely to resemble a coup or a revolution, or something of both, and the time is not yet ready for such things.

reakcionar says:

The following 2 minutes just froze the blood in my veins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxR0_Zyn3yc#t=136

Am I being too naive, or is this really a message saying: “You can’t run, you can’t hide. Your money and your cozy Brahmin institutions won’t help you. We are everywhere.”

peppermint says:

those protesters “threatening” their benefactors should be ignored except to mock them. The real threat is at gettingracistsfired.tumblr.com

A democracy is incapable of repealing a law that it is illegal to question, but is easily able to pass such laws. We have seen that any form of socialism is incompatible with liberty. This minor form of communist terror should demonstrate the incompatibility of democracy and liberty.

It is both democratic in that only under democracy do you harass your neighbor over his beliefs and anti-democratic because if we can’t openly discuss things in good faith democracy is meaningless. Must we copy these tactics, which means further eroding what remains of the decency of our culture? But if the Red Scare ends, we get Red Terror. I suppose it would have been impossible for McCarthy to advocate against democracy – that task fell to us because there needed to be fifty years of the soft terror of political correctness imposing ruinous costs on everyone before we finally cry for a king.

[…] Julie Bosman, and Campbell  Robertson try to get Officer Wilson’s pregnant wife murdered. Related: Their addresses and phone numbers. Related: Julie Bosman unhappy that she’s getting […]

[…] Julie Bosman, and Campbell  Robertson try to get Officer Wilson’s pregnant wife murdered. Related: Their addresses and phone numbers. Related: Julie Bosman unhappy that she’s […]


jim says:

What leads you to believe that the two journalists who doxed Wilson’s wife:
Julie Bosman
5620 N Wayne Ave Apt 2
Chicago, IL 60660-4204
Cook County

Campbell Robertson
1113 N Dupre St
New Orleans, LA 70119-3203
Orleans County.

Are Jewish?


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