
Heartiste addresses the Jewish Question

Heartiste, minion of Satan, addresses the Jewish Question with his usual combination of insight and empirical data.

His data and conclusions are consistent with mine: My conclusions being that Jews are priests by nature, and we suffer from a crisis of an ever escalating excess of priests, and an ever escalating dangerously great theocratic power, ever escalating persecution of ever more minor deviations from an ever more extreme official state theology and theocracy of equalism, covetousness, and envy, and it is this crisis that causes the over representation of Jews among bad people doing bad things, not the other way around. If we get priests under control, then Jews are under control. If we expel Jews without getting priests under control, we are still screwed.

68 comments Heartiste addresses the Jewish Question

Alan J. Perrick says:

Minion of Venus, more closely.

Alan J. Perrick says:

This is basically chicken-or-egg, “Jim”. When Jews get expelled, the priesthood is organised enough to carry out a somewhat difficult mission of coralling and transporting. When the priesthood is organised enough to do somewhat difficult missions, then the priesthood can and probably does positive things in a nation, which would be negating the ill-effects of aliens of said nation to include Talmudic Jews, therefore lessening any desire to expel them.


Garr says:

CH thinks that Jews not supporting the Jew-hater-permeated American Right aren’t really on the Right, and so Jews don’t really “punch above their weight” on the TRUE Right. But of course they’d stay away from people who hate them, including CH, most of his commenters, and half the commenters here. A very large percentage of Jews is in fact TRULY Right-Wing (that is, ethno-nationalist), even by CH’s standards, only they are Religious Zionists who are primarily interested in the flourishing of their own nation. It is odd that Northern European American ethno-nationalists hate Israel, which they should on the contrary laud as a thriving ethno-nationalist project and strive to emulate. (Evidently at least one of the regular Jew-hating ethno-nationalist commenters here is additionally motivated to support Trump by what he takes to be Trump’s anti-Israel bias.) On the natural “priestliness” of Jews — odd that these priests are such deadly warriors. The average Israeli pothead post-military-service drop-out living in the NYC area out-alphas the average Jew-hating Trump supporter by an impressive margin. If a zombie epidemic hit NYC everyone would start taking orders from these Israeli drop-outs, because our survival would depend upon it.

jim says:

On the natural “priestliness” of Jews — odd that these priests are such deadly warriors.

That remains to be seen. So far, only fighting Arabs.

Further, to fullfill prophecy and manifest destiny, have to successfully occupy and control Arab majority areas, which the European powers were able to do once upon a time. Perhaps their inability to rule Arabs is the result of the same poison as now afflicts the west, but they have done no better than modern westerners, and arguably worse.

Irving says:

> to fullfill prophecy and manifest destiny, have to successfully occupy and control Arab majority areas, which the European powers were able to do once upon a time

They’ll definitely try to do it, and they may well succeed, but I just hope they leave Lebanon alone.

Don’t forget, Jim, they’re also great at shooting USS Liberty crewmen being lowered into lifeboats.

Ron says:


They are also good at disobeying orders and missing the Liberty.

According to the survivor accounts a lot of the torpedoes and bombs were clearly dropped or sent in the wrong direction which is why anyone even knows about the attack to begin with

Some pilots flat out refused and were even arrested. A lot of careers were probably ended that day and their thanks for it is to see their country hated.

Tell me, if your people had been tasked by your government to do something similar, do you think anyone would refuse?

You make a very fair point, Ron. I’ve seen the transcripts of some of those pilot transmissions, some of these guys understood what was going on, and refused.

I’ve not seen the evidence of mis-aimed torpedoes or bombs, but I can believe that that might also be true.

On the other hand, it must also be recalled that many, if not almost all of them did carry out the orders to the letter. And sadly, no Vanunu’s of the Liberty have stepped forth in the decades since.

“Tell me, if your people had been tasked by your government to do something similar, do you think anyone would refuse?”

Historically, they sometimes have. I’m Danish.

Ron says:

Vanunu was a self serving traitor who should have been shot. I have no respect for either him or the leftist faggots that support him, and neither should anyone else who cares about their country.

OTOH the men in that situation were trying to act with honor under dishonorable commanders and leaders.

Yes, I think someone should have come forth because that would be the only way to clear the matter. I understand why they didnt, but it’s too bad no one did. Maybe some bad people would have been sent to prison where they truly belonged, maybe at the least we would have had a house cleaning, maybe some decent men would have been given justice. If nothing else, maybe it would have made God proud of us. I don’t want to say more because it is wrong for a person to speak too badly about his own to outsiders.

All I can tell you is that the Liberty incident causes me rage.

Eli says:
Jack says:

>On the natural “priestliness” of Jews — odd that these priests are such deadly warriors.

These deadly warriors, undoubtedly the most vicious in the galaxy, have a penchant for heroically shooting the whole magazine in all directions when a 13 y/o chick holding life-threatening BRUTAL scissors who can’t even injure her own tiny pinky is standing several meters away from them and menacingly waving around in the air the Apocalyptic Scissors from Hell while her legs are visibly spasming from immense dread and her panties are full of her own piss.

>If a zombie epidemic hit NYC everyone would start taking orders from these Israeli drop-outs, because our survival would depend upon it.

If a scissor epidemic, or shall I say “scissor holocaust of everlasting doom, harbinger of the papercut ultimate catastrophe of death”, ever hits NYC, I am certain that a Moroccan Jew with an IQ of 80, named Eliav Saadon or some such, will rescue every single inhabitant in, like, 3 minutes, utilizing nothing but the sheer might of a jingoism fostered within his bravest and proudest of souls from years of successfully, efficiently, and ruthlessly defusing, nay, permanently neutralizing little girls armed with nuclear scissors of mass destruction.


jim says:

Recent news from Israel. Two of these mighty warriors wander by mistake into a Muslim majority area. Disaster ensues. The army is sent to rescue them. More disaster ensues. And they were not fighting an organized military force, but merely an ad hoc undisciplined militia. Worse, an Arab militia.

Jack says:

Satire is called for:

2018, the UN lead by secretary general Barack Hussein Obongo denounces Israel for the war crime of “playing soccer with the decapitated heads of scissor-weilding teenagers”. Netanyahu, who is the premier, as well as finance minister, defense minister, health minister, media minister, education minister, culture minister, welfare minister, life minister, death minister, and most importantly – foreign minister, steps to the podium to defend the world’s greatest ally and the only democracy ever.

“Ladies and gentlemen. I come here from Judea, to deliver a grave warning, which, should you fail to heed and to act upon, you dumb hypocritical niggers and crooked warlords, I mean, world leaders whom the people of Israel deeply respect, ugh, where was I? So anyway about our newfound holocaust. You see, you may not realize something because my IQ is 180 and yours isn’t, so let me show you this conclusive authentic proof in the form of a picture that I have drawn on the flight here from Jerusalem, our eternal and undivided capital *pulls picture of scissors cutting off the European continent and beheading president Trump* this right here is a handle, of the plastic variety. These are the blades. Now what is this instrument of torture and genocide, this weapon inherently stained with the vile spirit of anti-Semitism, called? Do you know, perchance? It’s no mystery, no reason to look so dumbfounded. If it looks like scissors, cuts like scissors, murders dozens of Israelis like scissors, then what is it? What is it?! WHAT IS IT?!?!?!?! That’s right, these are scissors; but these scissors are nuclear scissors! Bwahahaha! If the international community doesn’t abide by its commitment to secure the Jewish people’s existence and a future for all Jewish children everywhere, we will act unilaterally to defend ourselves, by ourselves, from every threat, real or imaginary. The Palestinians, who TOTALLY DEFINITELY UNLIKE OURSELVES are a fake ethnicity, think they can get away with murdering us all with those dreadful scissors of bloody upheaval, but I say: to Hell with this fiction! Thank you and God bless you from Zion all the way.”

Next day, Palestine is recognized unanimously by everyone except Micronesia.

jim says:

You attribute an unrealistic degree of independence and ethno nationalism to this outpost of the Cathedral.

I very much wish that they would play soccer with the decapitated heads of Palestinians.

Alan J. Perrick says:



L.O.L., come on now. It should be obvious that “Hate” is nothing but the word for “heresy” in the religion of Political Correctness. Why so dogmatic, Cathedralite?


Garr says:

Alan, I’m an Aspie marginal weirdo like you, not a “Cathedralite.” You weren’t a target of my hostility. You seem like a nice guy, someone screwed up enough for me to enjoy hanging out with. I’m all for Puritanism — real original Puritanism. Puritans always dug Jews. American is the Puritan nation. More power to you.

Alan J. Perrick says:

You’re smart enough to know how to dial up any kind of rhetorical line. But your language already gave you away…


Haha, the sliminess of this “white cant” language is hilarious.

Do you also adopt a southern negro cant when you talk to black people, Garr?

Garr says:

AnonymousCoward, I’m half-Northern European, have smoked more weed than you, have drunk more beer, Scotch, and bourbon than you, can benchpress more than you, can punch harder than you, can compose better iambic pentameter poetry than you can, have read more Tolkien, Plato, and Shakespeare than you, have no doubt had my member in more and better-looking women than you have. Went to a public high school, had daily confrontations with Negroes and weekly confrontations with Guidos. Hair down to the small of my back, beard hanging down below my ribs. And am in fact an Aspie marginal weirdo, but 6’5″+, endowed with an ADHD-powered imagination, and easily able to break the faces of Nazis faggots.

Jack says:

Watch out, we got a badass over here. With imagination, and things. Peppermint was right, white-Jewish mischlings are disproportionately autistic due to brain dyssynchrony.

And I suppose this paragraph of flyting is supposed to get a round of applause from the assembled Asterix barbarian skinheads.

That being said, I can easily enough believe that he’s not a bad guy, just a bit overvaccinated.

Ron says:


If you are as powerful and insane as you claim then you ought to move to Israel.

jim says:

A very large percentage of Jews is in fact TRULY Right-Wing (that is, ethno-nationalist

If they were ethno nationalists, would take back the temple mount and make something that was plausibly Jewish the state religion rather than progressivism.

Judaism has become a religion of exile, is still a religion of exile, and they cannot start being true ethno nationalists until it changes once again and returns to being religion of Israel, rather than exile.

B theoretically wants that, but does not want to undo any of the changes the rabbis made on adapting to exile. Actually existent Judaism is always subversive of its host nation, and goes right on being subversive even when that host nation is Israel, which is why Israel was founded by Jewish atheist socialists and not your supposed ethno nationalists.

Garr says:

First, I guess I pretty much agree that we’re naturally priestly, in the sense of being inclined to organize our lives around a system of rules that have some sort of ultra-deep foundation such as the Will of God or the Pulse of History. But we’re only “subversive” when the ultra-deep-foundation-plus-system-of-rules stops being Judaism. (And even then we’re not subversive in any concerted, unified way; some of us become Commies, others liberal-Progressives, others Neocons, etc.) Judaism ISN’T subversive. The Europeans never thought that it was subversive, did they? They just thought that it was a nasty blot — not a blot that would decompose the fabric, just a blot that made the fabric uglier. As for “actually existent Judaism” — well, aren’t there two kinds of actually existent Judaism, the Zionist kind and the non-Zionist kind? I think that Ben Gurion and Jabotinsky (who wasn’t a socialist) were deeply involved in a core and previously too-neglected component of Judaism, even if they ignored the rest. But even the non-Zionist kind (the Judaism of the Haredim) isn’t subverting Israel, it’s just kind of weighing it down. I guess it just seems to me that observations regarding potentially “subversive” Jewish traits can be made in a spirit of hostility (as with CH) or in a non-hostile way (as with you); I get the sense that you don’t actually dislike us, as some of your commenters do, and since you have an interesting non-hostile outsider’s perspective I’m inclined to discuss these things with you. But then there’s the uncomfortable of sense of empowering hostile outsiders (such as some of your commenters) to do harm to one’s family by engaging in this discussion. The whole alt-right, ethno-nationalism scene is frustrating for me, because I agree with so much of what these guys say but then they keep expressing hostility towards my family-members. Suppose an annoying guy (i.e. us) is living with you (i.e. Northern Europeans) in your house (America, the West), and you don’t hate him, you actually have a sort of sympathetic attitude toward him and you want the best for him but he’s making life more difficult for your family, and you think it would be better for him as well as you if he’d go live with his relatives across the river (i.e. in Israel). You wouldn’t try to get him to leave by being constantly nasty and obviously hostile and even vaguely threatening; you’d nag and encourage him. Wouldn’t you? I mean, if you were a decent person, and he’d actually been living there a long time and hadn’t just climbed in through the window an hour ago? (By the way, I’m half-Northern-European, so I have the feeling that I can see the problem from both perspectives at once — although for the sake of the present discussion I’m taking the Jewish perspective — I like reading Homer and the Poetic Edda, etc., and identify with Ents as strongly as with Dwarves.)

jim says:

But we’re only “subversive” when the ultra-deep-foundation-plus-system-of-rules stops being Judaism.

Some religious Jews in Israel believe that they should be exempted from universal conscription, even though the old testament arguably prescribes that every man must serve when the shit hits the fan, and the Talmud definitely prescribes that every man must serve, with a handful of very limited exceptions. Every man should work, every man should raise children, and every man should fight. There are a lot of religious Jews that do not seem to accept that every man should work, and every man should fight.

(And even then we’re not subversive in any concerted, unified way; some of us become Commies, others liberal-Progressives, others Neocons, etc.)

Two jews, three factions.

Judaism ISN’T subversive. The Europeans never thought that it was subversive, did they?

I seem to recall Hitler rather forcefully expressing the opinion that Jews were subversive. There also seems to have been a Spanish King who thought Judaism was subversive and gave Jews the option of getting out or converting, because of a well founded fear of collaboration with internal and external Moorish enemies.

Hitler got shot up in the front during the first world war, was sent back home to recuperate. He noticed that the home front was collapsing, that German capacity to support armies in the field was exhausted and collapsing, and that Jews kept telling people that the home front was collapsing. He was very pissed about Jews saying the home front was collapsing, even though he sort of admitted that what they were saying was true.

But even the non-Zionist kind (the Judaism of the Haredim) isn’t subverting Israel, it’s just kind of weighing it down.

You cut the Haredim a lot of slack, because you see them as the holiest, because you feel guilty about being insufficiently like the Haredim. There are two conflicting vectors of maximum holiness, progressivism and Haredim Judaism. Both vectors point away from the survival of the state of Israel, though at least the Haredim vector keeps the birthrate up. Some people, for example the supreme court of Israel, aim for maximum progressive holiness, and so are anti Haredim, but most people have a little bit each way with lots of unprincipled exceptions. Most Israelis are a little bit guilty about not being sufficiently progressive to cut their own throats with a rusty knife and give the land back to the Palestinians, and simultaneously a little bit guilty about not being sufficiently Judaic to goof off like Haredim.

Which is why the land of Palestine was conquered by people who did not feel the least bit guilty about being insufficiently like Haredim.

It seems to me that one can easily build a strong case based on the Old Testament and the Talmud that maximum holiness is manifested by working and fighting and having children, rather than investigating ever more obscure legalisms, and ever more clever weasel wording to reconcile conflicting texts and practices, clever words to make the Old Testament say what it does not say, and that the interests of the state of Israel and the people of Israel are best served by the state of Israel promulgating that form of holiness, and rendering all other forms of holiness low status and excluded from power, in the same way that those insufficiently progressive are today excluded from power and denied status.

Jews are nation of priests. If you are going to be regular nation, no longer in exile, you have to have a system, a concept of holiness, that does not incentivize too many people to do too much priest stuff. Which means, contrary to B, your concept of holiness has to cut the rabbis down to size, as much as it has to cut professors of victim studies down to size. First Temple and early Second Temple Judaism solved the problem by having priesthood hereditary, and status within the priesthood semi hereditary. So they could make priesthood high status and not be flooded by people doing priestly stuff.

If anyone is allowed to be a rabbi, and anyone is allowed to do rabbi stuff, and being a rabbi is holier than working and fighting and having children, you have a subversive religion.

The whole alt-right, ethno-nationalism scene is frustrating for me, because I agree with so much of what these guys say but then they keep expressing hostility towards my family-members. Suppose an annoying guy (i.e. us) is living with you (i.e. Northern Europeans) in your house (America, the West), and you don’t hate him, you actually have a sort of sympathetic attitude toward him and you want the best for him but he’s making life more difficult for your family, and you think it would be better for him as well as you if he’d go live with his relatives across the river (i.e. in Israel). You wouldn’t try to get him to leave by being constantly nasty and obviously hostile and even vaguely threatening; you’d nag and encourage him. Wouldn’t you?

Well that is what I try to do, and I tell the people who are being nasty that they are motivated by envy and covetousness. Which they are.

TheBigH says:

>Hitler got shot up in the front during the first world war, was sent back home to recuperate. He noticed that the home front was collapsing, that German capacity to support armies in the field was exhausted and collapsing, and that Jews kept telling people that the home front was collapsing. He was very pissed about Jews saying the home front was collapsing, even though he sort of admitted that what they were saying was true.

Demoralizing the war economy and leading strikes tends to cause collapses which what the Jewish Marxists were busy doing. The German army continued to inflict heavy loses on the allies as they retreated and they were stabbed in the back. Note that during WW2 production continued under much worse conditions until nearly the end of the war once the jews were removed.

jim says:

. Note that during WW2 production continued under much worse conditions until nearly the end of the war once the jews were removed.

World War II was a war of movement, World War I was a war of attrition. Russia collapsed more or less in place, and then Germany collapsed more or less in place, because that was the kind of war they were fighting, not because of Jews.

Garr says:

My impression is that Hitler thought that the Jews were subversive, not that Judaism was subversive (except via Christianity), and that the Spanish King thought likewise, focusing on Jews rather than on Judaism (although he probably assumed that Jews naturally practice Judaism, which Hitler knew wasn’t the case).
I see the Religious Zionists (like B), not the Haredim, as the holiest, but that’s just me — and I see Ben Gurion and Jabotinsky as Religious Zionists who didn’t realize that that’s what they were. Anyway, I don’t think that Haredi recalcitrance about military service and productive involvement in the Israeli economy is subversive; it’s just a drag.

jim says:

My impression is that Hitler thought that the Jews were subversive, not that Judaism was subversive


and that the Spanish King thought likewise, focusing on Jews rather than on Judaism

Incorrect. Spain and the inquisition were satisfied with the most superficial conversion to Christianity. As the Roman emperor was contented if a Christian burned a pinch of incense to the emperor, the Spanish Inquisition was content if a Jew sometimes had ham and eggs for breakfast or said a Hail Mary. It was not so much that they would torture people till they confessed their guilt, as they would torture people till they stopped confessing their guilt.

jim says:

I don’t think that Haredi recalcitrance about military service and productive involvement in the Israeli economy is subversive; it’s just a drag.

Their substantial influence is more than just a drag.

I see the Religious Zionists (like B), not the Haredim, as the holiest,

B wants the temple back – but does he want the temple back?

The third temple activates a whole lot of stuff he is not really prepared to have reactivated. He has a big pile of ingenious rationalizations to fit the Old Testament to the rabbinic version of history, but no ingenious rationalizations prepared for dealing with the obsolete or inconvenient rules that become active when he has the third temple.

You are not really a religious Zionist unless you have a practical this-worldly plan for getting it back, and a practical this-worldly plan for what you are going to do with it when you have it.

The atheist socialists conquered Palestine because they wanted it and knew what they were going to do with it. It is not apparent that B wants the temple right now, because he does not know what he is going to do with it.

He is waiting for a Messiah. But if the messiah is merely a man, he is a man like King David, who was not made King by Samuel anointing him, not made King by the elders of Israel anointing him, but made King by the soldiers of Judah and his mighty men. (Who seem to have forcefully made him King when he was dragging his feet a bit, much as Pinochet was dragged away from his grandchildren to the still smouldering presidential palace.)

Jack says:

>I see Ben Gurion and Jabotinsky as Religious Zionists who didn’t realize that that’s what they were.

You should pay a visit to “benyehuda dot org” and read, in Hebrew, what they actually believed. The religious Zionist view of the militant atheists who founded Israel as “Hamoro shel Mashiach” (Messiah’s donkey) is wishful thinking, but perhaps a better definition is “hyperstition”, seeing that convincing enough people that the Messiah is about to arrive and redemption is near may actually bring about his redemptive arrival, notwithstanding that it wouldn’t have happened without the militant atheists doing the ‘ole Nakba. But first you have to do the convincing part.

>Anyway, I don’t think that Haredi recalcitrance about military service and productive involvement in the Israeli economy is subversive; it’s just a drag.

When they are 50% of the (Jewish) population, somewhere around 2060, they’ll force their brand of Judaism on everyone else, and because theirs is a particularly parasitic brand of Judaism, one that is explicitly or implicitly opposed to Jewish national independence, the state will be undermined, will be subverted. You can treat them as a mere “drag” when they’re a minority, but this minority is cohesive and out-reproduces everyone else by an enormous margin, including your much-touted religious Zionists, a quarter of whom are becoming secular.

Alan J. Perrick says:

Saint Boniface is well-known for cutting down a “godly tree” that the unholy infidels were known to confess their sins to.


Jack says:

>I think that Ben Gurion and Jabotinsky (who wasn’t a socialist) were deeply involved in a core and previously too-neglected component of Judaism, even if they ignored the rest.

Theodor Herzl was “based”. He wanted to convert all Hungarian Jews to Christianity, did not circumcise his son, and desired to rebuild the Temple but without offering sacrifices, rather using the Temple to host the best European culture had to offer. He envisaged the Jewish state as a bastion of European civilization amid a sea of ululating Asiatic barbarians. He probably wanted citizens of Der Judenstaat to speak German. The modern day average Zionist Israeli wouldn’t recognize the Herzlian utopia, which is Ashkenazi through and through.

What “component of Judaism” accounts for this vision, again?

Jack says:

>A very large percentage of Jews is in fact TRULY Right-Wing (that is, ethno-nationalist), even by CH’s standards, only they are Religious Zionists who are primarily interested in the flourishing of their own nation.

So what you’re saying is that all the “truly” rightist Jews reside in Israel and the rest, who are leftists, live in the diaspora. Well then why are you surprised that the Goyim despise you? The average Northern European American has never met a “religious Zionist”. Btw, if all the Reform Jews make aliyah and push multiculturalism and Feminism on Israel, would you support that?

>The average Israeli pothead post-military-service drop-out living in the NYC area out-alphas the average Jew-hating Trump supporter by an impressive margin.

U wut m8? The average IDF soldier, be he Ashkenazi, Mizrahi, or Ethiopian, is a tiny fellah. Yeah you can kick the shit out of Arabs, good for you, actually you can’t even do that properly as Jim posted above, but against tall broad-shouldered Germanics you absolutely don’t stand a chance. It’s not even debatable. I mean if Israelis are so intimidating, why can’t you win international competitions that require either raw strength or at least bodybuilding? Not exactly overrepresented in this domain, are you?

Trimegistus says:

Colonel Colt says “so fucking what?”

Eli says:
Y. Ilan says:

Yeah, Israelis are smaller than Northern Europeans. Yet, for example, me and the vast majority of my close friends here in Israel know a whole lot more about warfare than any American who hasn’t been on some sort of active combat duty. Knowledge of firearms, explosives training, knowing how to plan and execute a raid, so on and so forth. The fact is, your average big European has nothing on your average Israeli in terms of combat knowhow. Which only makes sense, since we need such knowledge while Americans can indulge in being soft and unpracticed.

Ron says:

@Y. Ilan

I don’t agree with your conclusions. You speak about the active combat soldiers, what about non active, and the non combat soldiers?

Jim is right to criticize us, we are too complacent. We have some success against an inferior opponent, so we think that’s all we need to do.

The training of the non-combat soldiers is a joke. Even the orders given to non-combat soldiers are suicidal. But people would rather see honest men get shot for not firing back than to antagonize the foreign western countries. So of course, their training is a joke, because they are regarded as expendable and therefore not really human.

We should be training all our men very hard. Just because we are generally better trained than the Euros means nothing. The Euros don’t have our problems. We are a small country surrounded by a lot of people who would like to see us dead. Contrary to the assertions of corrupt people, we actually don’t have power.

Y.Ilan says:

Our power is caged by our obsession with the Western world and its opinion of us. We have the capabilities to rid ourselves of some of our problems but we are unwilling to take drastic action; a first step in solving that is to stop taking US subsidies, which would be both politically and symbolically liberating.

Yes, in a perfect world all Jewish men should be trained appropriately. As it is, our active and reserve combat units are for the most part well-trained, with many combat reservists (just from looking at myself and people that I know) getting an adequate amount of training each year, not to mention that a lot of these reservists have seen actual combat.

I agree that we are complacent. Our political system is slow to act and corrupt, our governments tend to learn only from catastrophes. There is no real solution to the problem of governance beyond changing the paradigm itself.

Ron says:


I think part of the problem is that we are expecting the wrong things from government. One of the things we have lost from our culture was a concept of the warrior. If you look at the customs of the Habban Jews you see that their dances, their stories and cukture revolved around the integration of fighting as a concept of manhood with our religious life. Most of this has been forgotten from the current generation of Habbani Jews thanks to secular and hasidic european Jewosh influence. Which is why some of the things Jim says resonates so strongly with me, because I can observe the truth of it.

You are looking at training as important for the goal of creating men capable of killing our enemies in war, I look at it as essential because wihout it we are internally weak. There is a differrence between someone like B and the average american Jew, There is a difference between your conduct and the conduct of the average non-com who thinks of himself as weak and worthless. These things kill us more effectively than bullets or guns.

Our current problem is a spiritual one. We have left exile, we have achieved survival, we are even making money, and we are now aimless. There is a next step but we have no real concept of it, as it is so foreign to our collective experience.

Ron says:

I ahould have said “a particukar Hasidic sect that is known to be more focused on spreading their cukture through missionary work rather than on hasidic thought”.

Eli says:


I’m presuming you’re referring to Chabad? If so, I actually like them a lot. They’ve been a great resource for Judaic learning and practice for me. I am a fifth generation secular Jew, and it is a bit of a miracle I am still Jewish (though sadly, my father, half-ethnically so, is not considered by them as one).

If not for them, many Jews like me would stop even remembering that they were Jewish.

Where is this other “Hassidic thought?” Buried in some library somewhere? Or maybe it’s passed from rebbe to rebbe, inside their movements’ cloistered communities (with many members of said communities not knowing the details and being forced to go their only resource, their rebbe to find out)?

Chabad is the only Hassidic branch that makes Jewish learning at so many levels so systematized and so open to the general public.

Contra your assertions, they never proselytize within the goyim: only within the Jews. It’s easy for you, in Israel, to be/stay Jewish. Much harder in the Diaspora, especially when one comes from secular background.

Ron says:


Easy there tiger.

Eli says:

@Ron: I am going easy on you, habibi.

Ron says:


History has shown over and over again that the effectiveness of an army has a lot less to do with the individual abilities of the soldiers, and a great deal more to do with their self sacrifice and willingness to work together.

Read up on the Punic wars. Rome got her ass handed to her in both wars, but she won because her men worked together and simply refused to quit.

The Romans themselves, like the Italians today, were also “little guys”. And contrary to popular sentiment the Germanic and Celtic tribesmen were not half naked morons. They had body armor, and weapons, and were good at fighting given that they did so much of it. They got torn apart because they had no concept of working in unity. I would even call that a “technology” in that it’s not enough to want to work together you have to actually know how.

Just Sayin' says:

We wouldn’t have a problem with Israel if it was a nation.

Currently it serves as the headquarters of an international criminal organization that is causing a lot of problems.

Funny how so many people all seem to be arriving at this conclusion. It must be because we’re all irrational antisemites who envy the jews.

jim says:

If you think a nation is better off if its elite is homogenous, well that is pretty obviously true.

If you think Jews should be encouraged to leave but not allowed to liquidate their assets in an orderly and gradual fashion, if you think Jews should be encouraged to leave but not allowed to take their wealth with them, envy and covetousness.

Alan J. Perrick says:


Rising Pro-Mantra Pro-Whites are calling for White Genocide reparations. The money to be made is considered to be a “happy accident” since the main point is deterring future anti-whites from emerging.

jim says:

Any plan to redistribute wealth in a severely confiscatory way is disorderly and harmful to the economy. Redistributing wealth for vaguely defined political crimes is particularly disorderly. Further, encourages and rewards envy and covetousness, which is the primary cause of mass murder and social collapse.

Bankers get a special privilege from the government in that they can borrow money with government guarantees. Academics get a special privilege from the government in that they can issue credentials that private enterprise is required to rely on (since relying on other forms of evidence of competence is racist and sexist, constitutes fraud against the consumer, etc)

We can and should yank those privileges on political, social, religious, ethnic, etc criteria, but not go back in history and go after the wealth obtained using those privileges, unless the wealth was obtained in ways illegal at the time, rather than retrospectively illegal.

Alan J. Perrick says:

The component of levied financial penalties projected at “way over half of our national wealth which can be connected directly to racial treason” takes the accusation of genocide out of the realm of theoretical debate and makes it the criminal charge that it is…

Therefore, the best way to deter rising Political Correctness in the future is also along those same natural lines:

“As long as going back over history can yield a piece of that titanic pie, no one will forget white genocide.”


jim says:

If the problem is treason, you go with imprisonment, exile, or execution. The focus on confiscation and financial penalties betrays a wrongful motive, betrays a motive of envy and covetousness. How much money did Margaret Mead or Andrea Dworkin make?

And the biggest criminal, the guy who made the most money, in the shenanigans that led to the 2008 financial crisis, was the “Hispanic” Mozillo, who cashed in on affirmative action, rather than promoting it. To look too closely at his mortgage assets was “racist”, but he was not really promoting “anti racism”, just using it as a shield for corrupt practices, since anyone looking at his corrupt practices would also be looking at evidence of systematic widespread misconduct by protected groups. He is a crook whose assets should be confiscated under the laws existing at the time, but it is unlikely he was motivated by anti white animus. Rather, he was taking advantage of the self induced blindness of the true believers – and the true believers, who are indeed working to destroy the white race, did not make all that much money.

I don’t think they even need to be encouraged to leave. To say nothing of being legislated against.

What we need is for a Trumpenführer to expose their misdeeds from a position of power. Permit free speech, permit freedom of association. Legislating transparency will also help to expose things.

A cultural atmosphere of vigilant antisemitism has, historically, been enough to keep excesses in check. Permitting and enabling basic, voluntary bigotry and prejudice will go a long way to starving predators.

Alan J. Perrick says:


I’m not even specifying who I’m referring to.

Anti-whites of all stripes need to get it where it hurts. Sick the dog-like conservatives on them.


Alan J. Perrick says:

Rising Pro-Mantra Pro-Whites are calling for White Genocide reparations. The money to be made is considered to be a “happy accident” since the main point is deterring future anti-whites from emerging.

Alan J. Perrick says:

“Envy and covetousness”, you scream. It’s to prevent discussion. The screamocracy enforces its will through screaming. That’s all it is. Screaming.


Ron says:


No, it’s because you don’t want to take a hard look at your own mistakes and criminal classes. It’s a lot easier to see our criminals and then blame us for everything than to actually recognize your own corruption. Because if you would look at that, then you would have to do something about it.

One does not preclude the other, schnoz.

spandrell says:

Here’s hoping Israel keeps moving right, and eventually carpets the whole Middle East with Jewish nukes. They get their peace, and their cousins lose their moral superiority. Tons of Arabs die too. Win/win/win.

jim says:

For religious Zionists to win, they have to genuinely want to win. For them to genuinely want to win, have to know what they are going to do with a third temple, which is to say, have to know what Judaism as the state religion in place of progressivism as the state religion is going to look like. And if they think it is going to look just like non state templeless Judaism, not really serious, do not really want the temple back.

For them to genuinely want to win, have to genuinely want their religion to be the kind of religion it has to be and can only be as the state religion.

spandrell says:

OT but this Ramz Paul guy is totally ripping you off Jim

jim says:

Yes, I can’t see Leprechauns not existing, but I can see people not being equal.

Steve Johnson says:

He describes the leftist singularity at about the 30 minute mark.

jim says:

The leftist singularity could be great minds thinking alike, because he called it the zombie apocalypse, but leprechauns are a shibboleth.

Cloudswrest says:

I think I’ve seen this same argument in Moldbug’s prolix oeuvre, although I can currently locate it.

jim says:

Not with Leprechauns.

[…] horizons. Accountability (and a modest suggestion). Principles. Heartiste on the JQ (Jim comments), also highly relevant (plus response), then, for the full triad. Against direct democracy. The […]

[…] horizons. Accountability (and a modest suggestion). Principles. Heartiste on the JQ (Jim comments), also highly relevant (plus response), then, for the full triad. Against direct democracy. The […]

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