party politics

RNC convention: No riots, no floor fight, Trump in charge.

The headlines and stories about the floor fight were written in advance. I heard what I presume was the floor fight live.

The speaker called a vote that the troublemakers should not be given the opportunity to sound off, that that part of the proceedings should be skipped. Thunderous ayes. Two or three nays, perhaps four people shouting as loudly as they could. Maybe there were some quieter nays that I did not hear. “Sorry folks”, says the speaker, “the ayes have it.”

Mighty short floor fight.

The headlines and stories were also written in advance about the rioting outside the convention, but, of course, they had to ditch those stories. If anyone rioted he got squashed so fast that the newsmen could not spot him.

According to the news

And so, when those Never Trump delegates shouted for a roll call vote, the acting convention chair—Arkansas Rep. Steve Womack—ignored the chant and declared the rules approved. The “ayes” had it.

Before Womack could move on, he was shouted down, as pro- and anti-Trump delegates went back and forth on the floor, screaming in a battle of wills.

Bullshit. The anti trumpers shut up.

The Ayes had it.

I based the above comment on video coming from the convention organizers. On you tube, there is a different video, taken by the anti trumpers, which sounds a lot more disorderly. On the anti trumpers video, the shouting goes on and on. But on the anti trumper video, I see no one shouting except for short periods even though I continually hear seeming shouting. There is a discrepancy between the video and the audio. I would say the seeming shouting is just background conversation with the amplification turned up.

The only disorderly bit was four people chanting “Roll Call vote” for 33 seconds, and then falling silent because they could not get a critical mass of people to join them. Mostly it was one woman who looked like a classic social justice warrior waving her arms to coordinate the chant, and another man chanting and clapping in time. The waving and the clapping was an attempt to lead a mass chant. Two leaders, two followers. When they could not get any more than two following them, they wimped out.

So, what we now have is a straight up civilizational battle between the force of order, the strong leader of men who can effortlessly impose peace and order, and the forces of disorder, Obama, Hillary, and the news media inciting black people to kill white people.

And, as I will say in every politics post, this is the last presidential election in which the candidate who stands for killing white people might lose, or even have their point of view contradicted. If Hillary wins, the presidential election after this will be between a cuckservative who supports killing white people, and a leftist who supports killing white people with a lot more enthusiasm.

But today, order prevailed. The total absence of trouble outside the convention tells me that the warrior class has already accepted Trump as the rightful ruler, which makes it hard for the priestly class to depict him as illegitimate. I am pretty sure that the Cleveland police got stand down orders, which they creatively reinterpreted.

Trump is a credible commander in chief because he is obeyed, victorious, and has the support of the warrior class. He says he is a winner, and that story, told with confidence, becomes true. He wins. There was peace and order in the convention, and around the convention.

10 comments RNC convention: No riots, no floor fight, Trump in charge.

Wilbur Hassenfus says:

Well, that’s the best news I’ve heard in a while.

jon dough says:

Hmmm…kinda quiet around this here post.

Did the naysayers all go on summer vaca?

Contaminated NEET says:

I was waiting for the convention to finish before I eat my crow. We’ll see what happens today, but yeah, if nothing goes down, then Jim was right and I was wrong.

jim says:

I am pretty sure the police did get a stand down order, but there was sufficient ambiguity in it to be deniable, which meant there was sufficient ambiguity in it that they could interpret it away.

Corvinus says:

“Bullshit. The anti trumpers shut up. The Ayes had it.”

Cruz stepped up and yelled “vote your conscious”. That was all that needed to be trumpeted.

jim says:

And Cruz was booed off the stage, and his career is in smoking ruins.

Frances Fernanda says:

Outstanding post. Very heartening, too.

I love this:
“the warrior class has already accepted Trump as the rightful ruler, which makes it hard for the priestly class to depict him as illegitimate.”

And this:
“So, what we now have is a straight up civilizational battle between the force of order, the strong leader of men who can effortlessly impose peace and order, and the forces of disorder, Obama, Hillary, and the news media inciting black people to kill white people.”

And this (less heartening, but well-said): “If Hillary wins, the presidential election after this will be between a cuckservative who supports killing white people, and a leftist who supports killing white people with a lot more enthusiasm.”

vxxc2014 says:

Hear Hear, the Ayes have it.

“Trump is a credible commander in chief because he is obeyed, victorious, and has the support of the warrior class. He says he is a winner, and that story, told with confidence, becomes true. He wins. There was peace and order in the convention, and around the convention.”

[…] And he was completely right. Jim said there would be no violence because the many, many law enforcement officers in Cleveland would not feel pressured by left-wing politicians to “stand down” in the face of attacks or riots. Instead, the heavy presence of Donald Trump supporters and the knowledge that the Don himself was in attendance would embolden them to put down lawbreakers as soon as they identified themselves. Loitering on Public Square, surrounded by idle protesters and columns of vigilant policemen, I agreed. […]

[…] predictions about the RNC were vindicated: No riots, no floor fight, Trump in charge. He also raises a glass of moonshine to toast the Alt right at the Republican National […]

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