Archive for January, 2017

Deploraball totally cucked.

Friday, January 20th, 2017

Pepe banned from the Deploraball, which means the left gets to define what symbols mean, and what symbols are permitted.

If the left can ban Pepe from the Deploraball, they can make Deploraball attendees cheer someone in drag as “stunning and brave”, and the first Deploraball attendee to stop cheering loses his job, and will never be able to get another job.

The liberty of the slaves

Thursday, January 19th, 2017

The Dark Enlightenment and neoreaction recommend reading old books, and taking them seriously as the works of civilizations whose knowledge we have lost and whose institutions and social order we no longer understand, reading them to find out what evils Chesterton’s fences once held back.

Thermidor has noticed a great gem in Seneca: That the modern conception of liberty is the liberty that the Romans allowed to slaves and small children, but not, however, to free adult male Roman citizens:

This needs to be added to the Canon:

It is perfectly natural, normal, and indeed, inevitable that those who studiously affect the manners and habits proper to slaves- whether they are self-aware of it or not- should get the type of rule they have coming to them, namely slavery. …

In this respect, the blue-pill mytho-history of Progress, with its story of a historical ascent from darkness and despotism to an enlightened age of Liberty under the “rule of law” is a mirror-image in which the facts of modern history appear in reverse. From the red-pilled point of view, the historical trajectory runs in the opposite direction. What actually happened is that Westerners, much like the clueless teenage girl who runs away from the home of her firm but loving parents only to end up becoming tattooed as property by some outlaw biker and tricked out on the streets with an arm and a pimp to feed, quit a life of moderate subjection under the intrinsically lawful and just auspices of throne and altar for a perhaps more exciting, but perilously more dangerous and in any case, degraded and dehumanized life- one that additionally turns out to be rather less than perfectly liberating when it is already too late to go back.

Open Letter to Scott Aaronson

Thursday, January 19th, 2017

Obviously you are not going to read this, because even though you keep patting yourself on the back about how open minded you are and how you refrain from cutting off contact with those who disagree with you, how you love all of humanity and want to maximize utility, you are in fact isolated in a self imposed bubble and blinded by hatred, self imposed ignorance, crimestop, and ignorant prejudice, which hatred and ignorance will quite likely get both of us killed, you more likely to be killed than me, because I lie low, have more than one passport, and more than one identity, while you hang out with totalitarians even more murderous, cruel, hateful, and intolerant than yourself. You know this, and at the same time you refuse to know it. You say it, and you deny it.

You are a very very smart guy – except that crimestop makes you very stupid. You think yourself a very good person, but have sold your soul to evil that is likely to devour you and all of western civilization.

And here is a good example of self imposed ignorance, willful stupidity, and self imposed isolation from outside thought.

The emancipation of slaves, the end of dueling and blasphemy laws and the divine right of kings, women’s suffrage and participation in the workforce, gay marriage—all these strike me as crystal-clear examples of moral progress, as advances that will still be considered progress a thousand years from now, if there’s anyone around then to discuss such things.

Obviously I disagree strongly with all of those things. I hope that Trump will make himself King to be succeeded by his sons, and so does pretty much everyone who uses the phrase “God Emperor Trump”. Which is a lot of people, many of them very smart people. You may think you are right, but if you think they are crystal clear, you are just suffering from ignorance and self imposed stupidity. You will not listen, and will not understand, why some people argue we need a King, that we are suffering from chronic Kinglessness.

If gay marriage is crystal clear and will be recognized as crystal clear in a thousand years, why was it not crystal clear eight years ago? Answer me!

Take my favorite topic: Female emancipation. Men and women very much want to form families and want those families to last into their old age. My wife was eighteen in my eyes all her years, except near to the very end, and even though I sometimes have some pleasant youthful female companionship, I still sometimes find myself shaking and weeping when I remember my wife.

If you look at any successful family, no one is equal. Dad is in charge, mum picks up the socks. In principle, it is possible to form families in a society where men and women are equal, by freely contracting out of equality, but in practice, it is hard, and I see how hard it is for my sons. We have prisoners dilemma with few iterations, so the natural equilibrium between men and women is defect/defect. To prevent defect/defect, to ensure cooperate/cooperate, requires heavy handed coercive intervention by state, family, and society, and this heavy handed coercion necessarily bears far more heavily on women than on men. If you want a society where men and women know sexual love, or if you want a society which has above replacement total fertility rate, women just cannot be allowed to follow their pussies. And this requires a lot of supervision and coercion, primarily keeping women under control, rather than keeping men under control. For most women this requires that they be subject to the potential threat of physical discipline by the men in their lives. For a great many women, this requires that they be subject to the actuality of physical discipline by the men in their lives. So women should never have been emancipated, and some “violence against women” is legitimate, proper, and proportionate. Women, like children and dogs, need discipline and supervision and are never happy if they do not get them. A spoiled child, or a spoiled woman, or a spoiled dog, is never happy. The dog and the woman bark all the time.

And, in case you have not noticed, we still have blasphemy laws – except that these days you cannot blaspheme against magic Negroes. For reasons I have explained at length, all societies need blasphemy laws, and prohibiting people from blaspheming against something like holy oil or the flag, causes considerably less harm and suffering than prohibiting people from blaspheming against John Lewis. All your objections to Trump are objections to blasphemy. What is supposedly crystal clear to you is in fact something you do not believe in the slightest. Elsewhere I argue that we should venerate holy oil from Mount Athos because of all the things we might venerate, that is likely to cause the least collateral damage.

Seeking war with Russia

Wednesday, January 18th, 2017

I have been reading the rationales for actions and policies likely to lead to nuclear war with Russia, and they are incoherent, absurd, and make no sense. They are obviously post hoc rationalizations. The person posting wants war, and looks for justifications until he finds something that is socially acceptable and that he can pretend makes sense. They use Argumentum Ad Baculum (we need to blow up Russia or I will call you a ignoramus and a nazi and destroy your career), Argumentum ad Misericordiam (the guys we sent to destroy Aleppo and murder the Alawites are being bombed), Argumentum ad Ignorantiam (you cannot prove the Russian are not attacking our democracy), Argumentum ad Verecundiam (the CIA says so), Argumentum ad Hominem (Trump is stupid, hateful, and rapes women, therefore we need to go to war with Russia), and Non Sequitur (Hitler caused World War II by invading Poland, therefore we should go to war with Russia over the Ukraine).

Obviously, these people want war for some reason unspeakable and unthinkable even to themselves

Remember when Pussy Riot trashed a Russian Orthodox Cathedral, and the Russian government treated them like thieves and whores?

US government, professorial, and mainstream media reaction was that Pussy Riot is high status, and Christians are low status, therefore Christians should stop offending Pussy Riot, rather than that Pussy Riot should stop offending Christians – pretty much the same reaction as when left wingers riot to shut down right wingers.

Well if Russia treats people like Pussy Riot and the European University as low status, maybe they are low status, and if Pussy Riot and the European University are low status, then the people making arguments likely to lead to nuclear war with Russia are also low status, since they are the same sorts as Pussy Riot and the European University. Nuclear war with Russia would erase this threat to their status – assuming that US nuclear weapons are still mostly functional, which they believe but which I do not believe.

Daily Shoah doxed for not being sufficiently anti semitic

Tuesday, January 17th, 2017

If the Daily Shoah is insufficiently anti semitic and pro Hitler, who is sufficiently anti semitic and pro hitler?

If they doxed me for being insufficiently enthusiastic about wanting to rob and murder Jews in sufficient numbers, there would be some logic in that, but the Daily Shoah?

Those doxers are evil and crazy, they are our enemies – because none of us is sufficiently anti semitic.

The Daily Shoah are not my enemies, but my friends, and those who are their enemies, are my enemies. Whosoever goes after the Daily Shoah is likely to go after me.

The perils of government intervention in health care.

Monday, January 16th, 2017

It is mighty embarrassing if a sick person is turned away from hospital to die in the street because he has no money. So the kindly government insists that sick poor people be treated for free.

But if the hospital is going to treat poor people for free, then the hospital is going to besieged by people with carefully memorized symptoms for vague and difficult to treat diseases who show up looking for a bed, some food, and some human contact.

So, the next thing the government should do is empower to the hospital to turn away unwanted patients with a jab from a stun gun. But they don’t, because that looks kind of bad. But they do kind of sort of give the hospital some kind of monopoly power, and some power to hurry up patients who are taking too damned long to die. And then to the government’s surprise they find the hospital is mistreating and murdering affluent middle class patients. The government also finds that it still running up gigantic medical bills on bums, who are supposedly getting all sorts of extremely expensive medical treatment, though in fact they are getting this super expensive treatment only in the most superficial manner or not at all.

The hospital is rushing middle class patients out the door or into the morgue, while every corridor is piled high with incredibly expensive (and profitable) bums piled three to a urine soaked bed. (Yes, Canada, I am looking at you.)

When the government empowered the hospital to be quietly and furtively brutal and murderous, the intent was that the hospital only be brutal and murderous to the horde of bums besieging it – but they could not actually say that out loud, and if they had said it out loud would still find it difficult to get compliance.

So now the hospital is massively over treating bums, massively undertreating people who are genuinely ill with genuine diseases, and murdering any of its customers who are too sick and weak to protest. And medical costs are soaring.

So what should the government do?

Firstly, needs to hit who everyone lays down his head on a hospital bed with a high enough deductible that anyone who is not all that sick and who has to pay the deductible will not go near the hospital bed. It does not have to be all that high, does not need to be nearly as high as the Obamacare deductibles. Five hundred should do it. First thing that should happen on intake is a wallet inspection.

But suppose the patient does not have five hundred in his pocket, nor an acceptable credit card, and seems unlikely to pay. Then the nice friendly hospital for nice respectable middle class people sends him to the hospital for poor bums staffed by big ugly lesbian nurses with thick mustaches, where the first thing he meets is the death penal, with a big male guard holding stun gun, a baton, a taser, and a twelve gauge shotgun standing uncomfortably close beside him, and the death panel decides whether his treatment is likely to be cost effective.

Now at the nice friendly middle class hospital for nice middle class people we try to organize things so that the doctor and the hospital has to please the customer, if they are going to make some money, and the patient bears enough of the cost to scream bloody murder if overbilled or billed for nonexistent or barely provided services. Deductibles need to be high enough to hurt a bit, but not so high that they are, like Obamacare deductibles, frequently unpayable.

And at the hospital for poor bums, we provide all the wonders of socialist medicine so beloved by Bernie Sanders, modeled on the wonderful success of Cuban healthcare. </sarcasm>

If the hospital is in the business of handing out free beds and food, it is going to need to be able to whack undeserving customers with a baton, jab them with a stungun, and throw them into the street hard enough to bounce several times. On the other hand, you would probably prefer to send your elderly grandma to hospital that does not do that sort of thing. So we need to keep a good separation between the hospital that hands out freebies, and the hospital that does not hand out freebies.

Or, equivalently you need to have very different rules in place for treating the people who are getting free food and free beds, from treating the people who want to get out of hospital as soon as they can. You have to treat one lot pretty much the opposite of the other lot.

Progressive Jews divorce Israel and religious Jews.

Saturday, January 14th, 2017

German court calls torching a synagogue free speech against Israel. Arsonists get suspended sentences, which is to say, go unpunished.

If you say that the holocaust was not exactly as officially depicted, that is not free speech, but an act of hate. Molotov cocktails, however are OK.

Vaccination safety

Friday, January 13th, 2017

Some of my commenters have been arguing that vaccinations are dangerous. So I have been looking into it.

I am not going to present the evidence, just my interpretation of the evidence.

Autism presents at about the same age as kids get a bunch of shots, so by shear coincidence it will frequently happen that a kid gets a bunch of shots, a week or so later has some health crisis, is taken to hospital, and gets diagnosed with autism. So if you search for such coincidences, you will find a pile of them. Some people have gone looking for such coincidences, and the health industry has responded with demonization and persecution rather than investigation – a violently unscientific response to an extremely unscientific search.

Looking for coincidences between autism diagnosis and vaccinations is anti scientific, because you are bound to find what you are looking for – but it is also anti scientific to go forth and apply the power of the state to punish people who look for such coincidences, and pressure and punish the families that they found. The search muddies the waters, but the coercive reaction to the search muddied the waters even more.

Those searching found a bunch of coincidences. The reaction of the state and official science was to “prove” that these coincidences were all fraudulent, that they did not really happen, and proceed to coercively punish the “fraud”. But by shear chance, there were bound to be plenty of real coincidences, so it was the charge of fraud itself that was fraudulent.

Official science is that the mercury preservative used in vaccines is completely different to mercury found in fish. This is just a lie. The differences are not significant. If mercury in fish is dangerous, mercury in vaccines is dangerous. If vaccines are safe, fish are safe.

What happens is that when they research mercury in fish, they design the experiments to get the desired result, that mercury in fish is dangerous, and no matter what results they get, they torture the data to prove the desired conclusion, that mercury in fish is dangerous. And similarly, when they research mercury in almost the same form in vaccines, they design the experiments to get the desired result, that mercury in vaccines is safe, and no matter what results they get, they torture the data to prove the desired conclusion, that mercury in vaccines is safe.

I believe the results that mercury preservative in vaccines in safe, and disbelieve the result that mercury in fish is dangerous. But if you believe the one conclusion of official science, you have to disbelieve in the other conclusion. There is a disturbing lack of interest in reconciling the supposed science on mercury in fish with the supposed science on mercury in vaccines. If one is real science, the other is pseudo science. I rather think that the data on fish is pseudo science.

But in any case, mercury has been removed from vaccines since 2000, so this issue is now irrelevant. The scandalous inconsistency between fish mercury science and preservative mercury science casts grave doubt on scientific conduct, but no longer casts doubt on the safety of vaccines.

So what about aluminum salts in vaccines?

Aluminum salts in vaccines are very tiny compared to oral intake of aluminum salts – but oral intake is mostly not absorbed, while injections are absorbed. The FDA has calculated that injected alumina is still insignificant compared to what is absorbed from oral intake. But given the long history of gross data torture on mercury, I would be a lot happier if this was measured, rather than merely calculated.

Why not measure aluminum salts in the urine before and after a course of vaccinations? Better still, isotopically label the injected salts, so you can distinguish where the aluminum salts in urine are coming from. It does not seem very hard to do, and if they have not done it, it is likely because they fear the results. Official research on vaccine safety is not research, but circling the wagons.

Trump against the spooks

Thursday, January 12th, 2017

Some of the spy agencies are loyal the red empire, some to the blue. I have reason to believe that Five Eyes and No Such Agency are loyal to the red empire, but it is mighty hard to tell, because, hey, they are secret.

However the people that have been overthrowing regimes are totally blue agency. You can tell that tree is poisonous from its poisoned fruit.

And this apparatus, the apparatus that destroys regimes, is now turned against Trump. The story that Trump had golden showers in Moscow was reissued to the press, given authority, and made into news, by the organization that briefs him that it was Putin that stole the Democrats emails and gave them to Wikileaks to publish.

At the end of his press conference Trump tells us:

I have many meetings with intelligence. And every time I meet, people are reading about it. Somebody’s leaking it out. So, there’s — maybe it’s my office. Maybe in my office because I have a lot of people, a lot of great people. Maybe it’s them. And what I did is I said I won’t tell anybody. I’m going to have a meeting and I won’t tell anybody about my meeting with intelligence.

And what happened is I had my meeting. Nobody knew, not even Rhona, my executive assistant for years, she didn’t know — I didn’t tell her. Nobody knew. The meeting was had, the meeting was over, they left. And immediately the word got out that I had a meeting.

So what happens is that the spooks meet Trump, tell him propaganda designed to legitimize the overthrow of his government, then report to the press propaganda designed to legitimize the overthrow of his government as the official findings of the spy agency, which Trump stubbornly and unreasonably refuses to accept.

Trump denounces the press

Wednesday, January 11th, 2017

“You are fake news”

Trump is able to take on the mass media because he has is own non state power base. He is the Batman’s Bruce Wayne.

But the elephant in the living room is Academia. He has small plans to take on Academia over global warming pseudo science and reluctance to subject vaccines to adequate safety testing, but the biggie is degree deflation, and we have not heard a word about that – yet. Any plans for degree deflation will burn everyone who has spent a fortune on inflated credentials and will be massively misrepresented as plans to deny education to the masses, so that is a tricky one.