Month: February 2017

global warming

Conservatives find their balls

As a general rule, the left deploys any means necessary, routinely engaging in treason, criminal acts, and barefaced lies, as for example the latest business about Islamic rape war on Swedes. And the cuckservatives roll over and let them get away with it. The left does this stuff because they can, and routinely do, get …


On purging Milo

If Milo was purged for being a Jewish coal burning gay, that would be one thing, but being purged having sex with an older man at the age of fourteen is a different thing. Gay sex is disgusting and self destructive regardless of age, and thirty year old women are no more competent to make …

global warming

Defunding the left

Reagan talked about defunding the left, but never actually did anything. As a result of Trump’s threats against Berkeley, they are starting to think that hiring a bunch of thugs to beat people up and cause over a hundred thousand dollars worth of damage may have been a bit excessive. Meanwhile Trump and congress are …


The cost disease part 2

Costs of many important things, in particular education, housing, and healthcare are rising in ways that create artificial first world poverty, the inability to afford a wife and children. Scott Alexander wrote a superficially thoughtful and well informed examination of these problems, which analysis was made stupid by crimestop. A lot of high intelligent well …

party politics

Dumping Flynn

Dumping Flynn looks weak and will encourage the left to go after more scalps. And the people that were after Flynn are seeking war with Russia and Syria. War is easy, peace is hard, for it is always easier to create disorder than maintain order. But, on the other hand, Flynn was expendable. On studying …


The cost disease

Some leftists and a PC libertarian have noticed that progress is not progressing: Education, healthcare, and infrastructure is getting much more expensive without improving in quality, and in many respects declining in quality. Doctors no longer make house calls. Education teaches ignorance and stupidity. Infrastructure has brutalist architecture. Naturally they are completely mystified about what …


The first confrontation between the Trumpenreich and the permanent government.

If Trump, vivat rex, appeals to the supreme court and wins, a Pyrrhic victory. But do not fear, there will be many more confrontations. if he appeals to the supreme court, loses and cucks out, then he is, like Reagan, just another speed bump in front of the progressive steamroller. If he appeals to the …


Courts predictably rule Trump’s election platform illegal

The judicial order is clearly illegal, being an exercise of executive, not judicial, authority, as it was in Australia. In Australia Tony Abbott ignored the courts, and found loyalists to enforce his will. Courts then went quiet, no drama ensued, and the precedent that the executive gets to make executive decisions is now respected in …


After the Flight 93 election

Comes the hour, comes the man. Trump, vivat rex, is president, and may well take the throne and save America from catastrophe. But what happened at Berkeley University when Milo attempted to give a talk shows that winning, we can never afford to lose again – if there is danger we might lose, we cannot …