41 comments Progressives care so very deeply

Jack Highlands says:

Cupid is a knavish lad,
Thus to make poor females mad.

Cloudswrest says:

A thought just occurred to me regarding the current events involving the US, North Korea and China. As everyone is well aware, the US has been very bellicose recently internationally. I wonder if the following speculation is a likely probability.

What would be the fallout (heh) if China accidentally or “unintentionally” lets or fails to prevent the Norks from nuking the Carl Vinson carrier group, and possibly even an American city? Sure the US would then obliterate North Korea, but who cares. It would be a pyrrhic victory. The US would get a bloody nose with thousands of Navy personnel killed and billions of dollars of capital equipment destroyed. The US would eliminate North Korea, which China might like as Kim is a dangerous nuclear loonie. And from the thousands of Americans dead, and thousands of Internet photos of “innocent” nuked North Korean peasant and children, horribly burned, flooding the world (it’s another holocaust!!!!), public opinion in the US might sway the Government into less bellicosity and more isolationism, and eventually install “white guilt” with which to extract reparations and loot the taxpayer.

Anon says:

Nigga plz the north Koreans have nowhere near the range to hit an American city. Talking out your ass

Cloudswrest says:

Who’s to say a bomb isn’t already delivered?

pdimov says:

Their missiles are, furthermore, not known for their accuracy. They probably can hit Japan if it doesn’t move much. Carrier, no way.

Alrenous says:

I say that proof is a little weak. However, it’s a transnational NGO, so epistemically the burden of proof is on them to show they’re not sadistic torture tourists.

Ron says:

That was very true and funny

jim says:

Yeah, the proof that they murder babies is weak. The proof that they recklessly use babies as props in a show of prog piety to make progs feel good about supporting genocide and ethnic cleansing is pretty good.

The proof that progs don’t actually care all that much whether their NGOs are sadistic torture tourists is pretty good.

Alrenous says:


Mister Grumpus says:

Alliance with far against near. Without this very blog, I would never (have been shown or) notice this very pattern.

Anonymous says:

Off topic, but what do you guys think of Scott Alexander going “full Stalin”? Okay, that’s hyperbolic, but still strange that of all people, he’s the one to lament the politicization of Free Speech:


His silly argument can be summed as: if you uphold your principles against enemy encroachment… your enemy wins.

jim says:

I have always thought Scott Alexander an evil lying bastard who wants to destroy what little free speech remains,as a step towards murdering all badwhites. I have also sought to persuade him that his allies will kill their fellow leftists, especially those fellow leftists like himself, that are too smart for them to understand, before they get around to killing those that he hates and wishes to murder, but because that is a thoughtcrime I am unable to get through.

Same problem with B. He hates those who would keep him alive, and loves those who will in the end destroy him. It is a chronic problem with Jews. They drink their own poison. Hence Trotsky and the icepick.

I originally wrote “murdering all goys”, but that is wrong. Scott Alexander does not really think of himself as Jewish or identify with Jews, even though he conspicuously displays Jewish characteristics to an almost parodic extent. Rather he identifies with his fellow terribly smart self congratulatory progressives. Stifling free speech because he values it so highly and wishes to protect is such very very Jewish reasoning. A Christian, or someone whose ideology was Christian descended, would just say that flat out that those evil other guys just do not deserve free speech – indeed you can see that the Puritan element of the Cathedral is dominant over the Jewish element from their up front and open opposition to free speech.

Similarly, the overwhelmingly Jewish old Bolsheviks continued to identify with the communist party, not with the Jews, even as the largely Jewish communist party purged the Jews from the communist party for their Jewishness. Nazis think this is a terribly clever Jewish plot by Jews that somehow advances the interests of their biological community, but it looks to me like self hatred and self destructiveness. Smart people being stupid are more dangerous than stupid people being stupid, because they are stupid in such clever ways.

I am sure that B agrees with me that prog Jews are the main consumers of their own poison, but fails to notice that he himself is not immune. But B is a lot safer than Scott Alexander, whose crimestop prevents him from noticing Muslim influence over the Democratic party is displacing Jewish influence and prevents him from thinking about the likely consequences of this.

Jews are vulnerable to being taken for a ride due to ethnic loyalty. Thus Jews invested in Bernie Madoff’s ponzi scheme because he told them he was front running his goy customers, and would give his fellow Jews a piece of the action. They trusted him because he was Jewish and they were Jewish, and they thought they were joining with him to do bad things to non Jews.

Scott Alexander is not Jewish enough to be taken for a ride by the likes of Bernie Madoff, but though he does not know it, he is Jewish enough to be taken for a ride by his fellow goodthinkers as the old Bolshevicks were..

Jews are not only less cohesive than Nazis think they are. They are less cohesive than Jews think they are. I hope that B will figure this out – that his enemies are not badwhites in flyover country, but the likes of George Soros and the Israeli supreme court.

Alrenous says:

Everyone who goes into psychology or psychiatry is insane. Or at least, everyone who makes it through. Partly, “How do I fix myself?” partly, “Won’t please somebody fix me?” and partly babby’s first empathy – I want to be fixed, I will therefore fix others.

SSC isn’t really evil, his clinical condition is whatever the DSM calls competing fear demons. Antagonistic paranoias? His standard state is being afraid of being afraid, but if he tries to move further away from one thing he fears, he gets overwhelmed with terror of the thing he’s moving toward. Hence he has this tiny safe zone which he clings to with a death grip. In effect he has no agency.

So he’s afraid of being holocausted, of being abused (again), afraid of being cast out, afraid of being lynched, afraid of being irrational, afraid of being cast out justifiably by doing something wrong…

Basically the point of public school is to damage the soul so demons can get in and possess it. In his case, it worked really really well.

jim says:

Yes, you are right. Scott is not so much evil as frightened. And possessed by demons.

And all my commenters who call for gassing the Jews are not helping his condition.

pdimov says:

When people don’t call for gassing the Jews, it’s even worse. This obviously means that they are doing that IN SECRET.

gas the bikes road war now

Alrenous says:

Race the kites gas war now

Anonymous says:

Jews feared muh holocaust by evil goyim since forever – see Exodus narrative, scroll of Esther narrative. If Hitler didn’t exist, Jews would’ve invented him. In large part, they did.

Mister Grumpus says:

I love you man.

My understanding is that Kevin McDonald’s Culture of Critique (curious to know your opinion of that one) is about — among other things — how Jews’ dangerousness is, in part at least, genuinely congenital, and always present and operative. That leftish subversiveness is always-on, by instinct, whether or not they understand themselves to be playing on the field of ethnic conflict, on any particular team.

jim says:

Kevin attributes too much cohesiveness to the Jews, that what they are doing is rational and in the interests of Jews as a whole. It seldom is.

Jesus criticized the Jews for elaborating the law for holiness points and status signaling. They are still at it, though what they are elaborating is not necessarily the Mosaic law these days, and the holiness is not necessarily rabbinical. Scott’s too clever-by-half explanation of how he is against unpopular free speech because he is in favor of free speech is stereotypically Jewish, seeking holiness and status points for both being against thought crime and for free speech simultaneously. But Jews individually scoring too-clever-by-half status points with disastrous consequences for society a whole, as Scott just did, is not necessarily good for Jews as a whole. It surely was not good for Bernie Madoff’s investors.

Scott is not engaged in an evil Jewish plot to corrupt our society. Rather, he is using stereotypical Jewish verbal slipperiness and stereotypical Jewish chutzpah for the stereotypically Jewish objective of scoring holiness points without the inconvenience or risk of any actual holiness. Being in favor of free speech is politically inconvenient, so he finds he is against free speech because he is so much in favor of it. The man is practically a saint!

Thus he genuinely finds it absurd when some of my commenters accuse him of pouring poison down our throats. He genuinely has no intention to pour poison down our throats, and is not paying much attention to the fact that he is giving us too-clever-by-half justifications to do bad things that will tend to destroy ourselves and our society – as Jews so regularly do to themselves.

Yes, he is doing something very wicked, and it is typical of the kind of wicked thing that Jews disproportionately do – but on the other hand your Jewish neighbor is not going smash open your garage and smash open your car because he has a flat battery, whereas if you have a black neighbor he probably will. Similarly, not many Jews blow themselves up in crowded pizza parlors. On the whole, the man with overly clever status signaling games is a considerably better neighbor, and the correct response to overly clever status signaling games is just to view those who play them as low status, which will protect you from their harmful influence. If you think that Scott is low status, you will not be persuaded by the cleverness of his position on free speech. And, hey presto, the poison does not go down your throat, while nonetheless going down his own throat. Gas chambers are not only excessive, they are also less effective than merely mentally lowering the status of those playing overly clever status games.

jim says:

Kevin McDonald in “Culture of Critique” argues that bad behavior like that of Scott Alexander is part of a sinister tendency by Jews as a whole to advance the interests of Jews as a whole at the expense of non Jews as a whole.

But it is perfectly obvious that the Jewish Scott Alexander is arguing that he is holier than the Jewish Milo. He has not noticed or does not care that his argument has a detrimental effect on the larger society by making wickedness seem virtuous and foolishness seem wise. If he was in Israel, his argument would be no different, and if the reverse argument would make him the holy one and Milo the wicked one, he would issue the reverse argument just as glibly.

B says:

> I hope that B will figure this out – that his enemies are not badwhites in flyover country, but the likes of George Soros and the Israeli supreme court.

You are talking about someone who exists only in your imagination.

The actual B gets along with whites in flyover country (having spent most of his adult life with them as a conscious choice) and immensely dislikes the likes of George Soros and the Israeli Supreme Court.

Your pontifications on Jesus and Typical Jewish Behavior are not really worth addressing-it’s Rorschach stuff, you are talking to the shadows in your mind.

“prevents him from noticing Muslim influence over the Democratic party is displacing Jewish influence”

Because no such thing is happening even to the slightest degree. Muslims have zero institutional power in the Democratic party which remains a party dominated by Jews from top to bottom.

They couldn’t even put a housebroken token Muslim as the token party chair because the Zionist Jews thought it was too risky. The guy who won the one significant Muslim community in America, in Michigan, was Bernie Sanders – a Jewish Zionist that has spent his entire career in Washington as a lock-step vote for the Israel lobby.

That’s why they had to make up lurid stories about Obama, the atheist progressive, being a “Secret Muslim” – to pretend that Muslims have even a sliver of power in America, which they do not.

Saudi Arabia? Saudi Arabia influences US policy in so far as they back up Israel’s foreign policy goals. When the Arabs tried to spend their US dollar surplus to buy the ports back in 2006, the Democrats just said “no can’t give a Muslim company influence in the ports, terrorism.” Democrats, not Republicans, used the terrorist card on the Arabs.

Europe is of course a different story but to Americans Muslims are nothing but a big fat red herring.

Which is why in American politics it’s perfectly acceptable to demonize Muslims all day long – hell, even progressive Jew Bill Maher does it on national TV. Celebrity progressive atheists like Christopher Hitchens and Sam Harris can trash Islam all day, every day, and suffer zero loss to their progressive credentials.

Pro-Palestinians activism on progressive college campuses is only slightly less illegal than pro-White activism.

It’s amusing how Whites think they can form an anti-Muslim alliance with Jews when the reality is that Jews would rather have Muslims in the anti-White alliance.

Not that we won’t continue to see Whites self-abasing themselves before the Holy People in yet another pointless attempt to get Jews to love them.

B says:

>Pro-Palestinians activism on progressive college campuses is only slightly less illegal than pro-White activism.


Oh, you hipsters, with your irony

Anonymous says:

Pro-Palestinianism is the surest way to trigger and to troll Israelis. An Israeli may laugh at an Andrew Anglin article, but wouldn’t laugh at an Eric Striker article, because Anglin doesn’t give a shit about the Palestinians and probably wants them genocided “for teh lulz”, whereas Striker and some others in WN are more-or-less sincerely pro-Palestinian.

That’s also a major difference between /pol/ which is 10% kebab and has been 10% kebab for the past half decade, versus other dissident outlets that only give token support to the Palestinians (because the enemy of my enemy could be my temporary friend) without actually being emotionally invested in their cause. The same is true for any kind of shilling for Arab/Islamic dictatorships, by the way. If you care too much, that’s suspicious, but otherwise it’s a great way to bully the Jews on the internet.

Also, Francois Genoud and Nick Bougas did nothing wrong.

jim says:

Anyone who is pro Palestinian is a leftist, and if he is of white Christian ancestry, he is a self hating white. For the Palestinians don’t see a whole lot of difference between Jews and Christians.

Jews manipulate us by finding clever rationalizations that doing bad things is actually holy and high status. Palestinians manipulate us by driving trucks into crowds and deliberately running over children. Big difference. In a conflict between Jews and Christians we should side with Christians, but in a conflict between Jews and Muslims we should side with Jews.

Before 9/11 it was somewhat plausible that being nice to Muslims would work, and the trouble was that the Jews, being notoriously quarrelsome, were not nice enough, and were therefore causing all the problems in the Middle East. After 9/11, not such a plausible belief.

Taking the long view of history, we have been continually at bloody and extremely brutal war with Muslims until the French did a number on them in Algeria, and after the French withdrew for Algeria, things have returned to normal. In contrast, our problems with the Jews, though perennially irritating, have not been existential warfare.

Koanic says:

I am not interested in siding with Jews in conflicts between Jews and Muslims until Jews side with Christians in conflicts between Christians and Muslims.

Which is to say, not at all, ever.

jim says:

Christianity encourages cooperation with outgroups. Judaism discourages cooperation with outgroups. Islam requires that outgroups be raped and murdered.

The Christian policy of forgiveness and generosity is apt to reward persistent defection, resulting in Christians being cucked, and that is a big problem that Christians need to be more mindful of, but there is a big difference between the way that Jews defect, and the way that Muslims defect.

If Israel gets conquered by Muslims, we lose an nation that tends to be rather irritating, and gain a nation that tends to be actively homicidal.

Yes, you are right. Jews are never going to take the side of Christians in conflicts between Muslims and Christians, even when, as is usually the case, the Muslims are trying to kill the Jews and the Christians trying to protect the Jews. Indeed particularly when the Muslims are trying to kill the Jews and the Christians trying to protect the Jews.. This, however, is Jews engaging in the sort of obstinate self destructiveness that they are so infamous for, and which has gotten large numbers of Jews killed from time to time. We should not emulate that behavior.

We should always seek the broadest possible cooperation in pursuit of common goals, while being mindful that certain groups and individuals have a poor record for reciprocating favors. But it is more important to be mindful that some groups and individuals have a poor record for wearing explosive vests and blowing themselves up. We should cooperate with everyone who has a common interest in preventing people from wearing explosive vests and blowing themselves up.

Anonymous says:

>If Israel gets conquered by Muslims, we lose an nation that tends to be rather irritating, and gain a nation that tends to be actively homicidal.

Palestine would be an incompetent, impotent, dysfunction sewage. Not a threat to the West. Israel, in contrast, has nukes, and plenty of religions zealots who openly fantasize about nuking Germany “to avenge the holocaust”, and who drool over exterminating “amalekites”, which definition changes opportunistically, and may eventually include every White Christian in the world.


>We should cooperate with everyone who has a common interest in preventing people from wearing explosive vests and blowing themselves up.

Or… who/whom.

jim says:

Palestine would be an incompetent, impotent, dysfunction sewage. Not a threat to the West.

If we had the will to deal with Muslim infiltration and terrorism, we would also have the will to deal with bad Jewish memes. In fact bad Jewish memes would be a hell of a lot easier to deal with.

Anonymous says:

>if he is of white Christian ancestry, he is a self hating white. For the Palestinians don’t see a whole lot of difference between Jews and Christians.

Theoretically you’re right, but in practice, the Palestinians blow-up Jewish pizza parlors, not Christian pizza parlors. The overall effect of Palestinians on Christianity is slim, while the overall effect of Palestinians on Jewry is enormous. So strategically, cynically, it makes perfect sense to support them – temporarily, of course. After the Palestinians completely destroy Israel and drive the Jews into the sea, perhaps Whites of Christian ancestry can launch a crusade to liberate the Holy Land.

>Palestinians manipulate us by driving trucks into crowds and deliberately running over children.

“Us”? You’re not Israeli, so in which manner do the Palestinians manipulate you? The two-state solution was concocted by leftist Jews, and was only adopted as a shibboleth by the State Department because it’s full of just such leftist Jews. The Arabist faction in the State Department no longer exerts any influence – they have been purged long ago by neocons (ZOG-o-cons). Even today, most support on campuses for Palestine comes from the leftist Jews on those campuses, besides the kebabs of course, and not from “self hating White Christians” or edgy Nazis. Look up who runs the (((BDS))) movement. Bagels mostly, and a few loudmouthed kebabs.

>in a conflict between Jews and Muslims we should side with Jews.

In the West, I can understand – after all, most people think that Jews are White. But in the Middle East, your proposition is far from obvious. Get Jews killed by Muslims, then kill the Muslims. Saves the trouble of dirtying the hands with Jewish blood. That’s basically the “nazi” perspective, and it makes quite a lot of sense.

>Before 9/11 it was somewhat plausible that being nice to Muslims would work, and the trouble was that the Jews, being notoriously quarrelsome, were not nice enough, and were therefore causing all the problems in the Middle East. After 9/11, not such a plausible belief.

Hence, /pol/ and others influenced by it insist that “JEWS DID 9/11”. Yeah, it’s bullshit, and sometimes I suspect the hand of Saudi is behind this meme, but together with “holocaust was a hoax”, it’s a great way to bypass politically-correct crimestop by getting Whites to reconsider their premises. This meme basically says in 3 words: stop bombing Muslims, bomb Israel instead. A more pragmatic approach would be to disengage completely from the region, but if the Jews drag America into the Middle East, well, it would be hilarious and ironic if eventually America drops nukes on Israel, wouldn’t it?

>In contrast, our problems with the Jews, though perennially irritating, have not been existential warfare.

Yeah, but, you know, spiritual warfare. Jews have agency, and as such, are purveyors of evil mind control rays just as much as they are purveyees, and if an alien in your country emits those, it’s time for him to go. Scott should go.

jim says:

>if he is of white Christian ancestry, he is a self hating white. For the Palestinians don’t see a whole lot of difference between Jews and Christians.

Theoretically you’re right, but in practice, the Palestinians blow-up Jewish pizza parlors, not Christian pizza parlors.

Oh come on.

And in any case, if the are more focused on blowing themselves up in Jerusalem than Cordoba, that is only because Jerusalem is closer. Once they have turned Jerusalem into a hell whole, next stop Andalusia.

jim says:

>In contrast, our problems with the Jews, though perennially irritating, have not been existential warfare.

Yeah, but, you know, spiritual warfare.

Spiritual warfare needs to be fought by spiritual means. Which Trump is in fact doing.

Anonymous says:

A random Muslim in Germany =/= a Palestinian in Palestine.

The Pallies kill Jews because the Jews *in Palestine* are infidels and are perceived by them as outsiders occupying their land by force, not merely because Palestinians happen to be xenophobic antisemitic islamo-bigots.

They’re not running over Christians, because their fight is with those they perceive as the occupiers of their land, not with all infidels everywhere. That there shouldn’t be any Muslim Arabs in Germany, says nothing about who should or shouldn’t populate the Holy Land.

There are Muslims at war with all infidels everywhere, but doesn’t mean that this applies to the Jew vs Arab conflict, necessarily.

jim says:

A random Muslim in Germany =/= a Palestinian in Palestine.

A Muslim is a Muslim. All Muslims of one sect are one nation, one people. Once Muslims in Palestine have turned Palestine into a hell hole, they will move on. It will be Gaza all over again, except instead of trying to contain them in Gaza, we will be trying to contain them in Palestine.

The Pallies kill Jews because the Jews *in Palestine* are infidels and are perceived by them as outsiders occupying their land.

If you are a Muslim, who happens to be in Palestine you don’t think that Palestine is any more or less your land than Cordoba in Spain. Jews are outsiders occupying your land, and Spaniards are outsiders occupying your land. There is no such thing as Palestinians, have not been since the Muslims conquered the place.

Anonymous says:

>Spiritual warfare needs to be fought by spiritual means. Which Trump is in fact doing.

In a spiritual struggle, all means are justified. Jews can’t emit evil rays if Jews don’t exist.

Anonymous says:

>we will be trying to contain them in Palestine.

In that case, however, they’ll be as threatening as Egyptians in Egypt and Syrians in Syria. Which is to say: not at all, if you’re a Westerner.

jim says:

> they’ll be as threatening as Egyptians in Egypt and Syrians in Syria.

Syrians in Syria are under Alawite rule, and Alawites are OK. Egyptians are, at the moment, under military rule – sort of – mostly. And the Egyptian military are mostly OK. If the Egyptian military lose their grip, Egyptians in Egypt are going to be huge problem.

Mediocre IQ White Nationalist says:

Post the next panel where those chicks start going down on eachother

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