party politics

The crisis

I have predicted from past trends that 2020 will probably be the last democratic election, and the proverbial hits the fan around 2026. (Though chances are that we will still be holding elections for a very long time to come, as the Roman Empire did, and the Queen still rides in a stagecoach to open Parliament.)

The current impeachment crisis is that Social Justice Warriors always project. When Trump investigates Democratic crimes, they perceive him as committing the crimes that he investigates.

It looks as though the 2020 election is going to be decided by which side puts the other side’s leading candidates in jail, which is not all that democratic and is on trend for the end of democracy very soon.

In Britain, the remainers are planning to imprison the British Prime minister. So far he has not done anything towards getting the remainers imprisoned, but he is calling them traitors, and what do you with traitors who are attempting to overthrow the government and the constitution and are acting in service to a hostile foreign power?

The remainer plan is that the permanent government imprisons the merely temporary government. Might work.

The Democrat plan is insane, since the constitution puts the impeachment process squarely with the merely temporary government, who are starting to realize that they are next in line for prison after Trump.

The Senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments. When sitting for that purpose, they shall be on oath or affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: and no person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present.

Judgement in cases of impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States: but the party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to indictment, trial, judgement and punishment, according to law.

If they follow that process, impeachment in the House followed by an actual trial in the Senate, the trial will be a disaster for them. All the Democrat dirty linen gets aired in the trial, the public will be outraged by the blatant attempt to steal the election, and the inevitable acquittal renders Trump bulletproof. Attempts to steal the election will continue despite the acquittal, and those attempts will blatantly be treason and insurrection, justifying and necessitating a crackdown that will render the election irrelevant, even if public outrage did not guarantee a landslide.

So when reality sinks in on the Democrats, if it ever does, their plan is going to mutate to raising a mob to interrupt the trial, raise the mob by allowing them to knock over the liquor stores and the supermarkets, and then lead the mob to the Senate where the permanent government is supposed to piously announce it is helpless before the power of the mighty and justly enraged mob, and let the mob grab the Republicans. The democrat rump in the Senate would then impeach the president. This plan is only marginally saner than their current plan.

If, as is likely, the impeachment trial in the Senate winds up nailing Democrats, the Democrats will likely boycott the hearings and go out to raise a mob, but I doubt that their mob will follow them from the liquor stores to the Senate. They will find themselves with a bunch of ngo employees and students sent by their professors for course credit, plus some homeless there for the free food, which, as with “Occupy Wall Street” fails to make a mob capable of occupying anything in the face of three determined rentacops.

The Democrats are talking about having the Washington police arrest the people around Trump. If they try it, and it works, then they will arrest Trump – which is approximately the British remainer plan.

What are the crimes for which those around Trump are to be arrested? The Democrats are kind of vague on that, but what they all amount to is obeying Trump (when they do, which is not often) If those orders are illegal, then the remedy is impeaching the man who gave the orders, not arresting people for obeying the president. Arresting members of the permanent government for obeying the merely temporary government is an obvious violation of presidential privilege. And they cannot impeach him – at least not constitutionally, though they seem inclined to make up their own process, call it impeachment and read it into the constitution. They are already denying the need for a Senate supermajority.

If Trump gets “impeached” and arrested (or more likely arrested then retroactively impeached) the irregularity of the process is going to make it dangerous to allow him to live, for a power struggle will ensue, pursued by means even more irregular, and one side or the other will want to spring him, by means even more irregular still, so that they can wrap themselves in a dead constitution and in legality that no one except Trump has been complying with for nearly a decade now. And so the other side will very likely kill him, on charges of conspiring with the side that wants to spring him. And then it is off to the races.

What I hope for is that at some point in the process, Trump has his people do dawn raids on the Democrats, ending the matter (and rendering the election largely irrelevant). But Trump has not got people, so this could get sticky. The FBI, the state department, even the DOJ (despite Barr) has been dragging its feet on the crimes of the Democrats.

I hope that it is then announced, as Augustus announced, that the dead constitution has been miraculously resurrected and legality strictly observed, and everyone will believe it, as they believed Augustus, and today believe so many things that are contradicted by the facts in their faces.

379 comments The crisis

Atavistic Morality says:

There’s also ICE, last time I read an article about them they pretty much sounded like future right wing death squads.

Compare it with the same thing from 2014 to see if the differences are big:

2B2 i.e. direct presidential directive was absent in 2014, it used to specify that a governor has to be involved. Decide for yourself if it is big or not.

Karl says:

Either way, mobs or attempted arrests, shooting will soon follow. I assume that a mob trying to force its way into the ‘White House or the Senate will be met with guards that shot – first as a warning and then to kill.

Likewise, a mob or Washington police attempting to arrest Trump will meet armed guards that are willing to kill. If I remember correctly Trump has his own body guards in addition to secrect service guards.

Anybody close to Trump also has body guards, although in that case the guards might assume that Washington police is legitimate and not use lethal force.

Anyway, once there is such shooting the army matters more than the police. A state of emergency has then arrived, whether it is formally declared or not.

War is then only avoided if the army declares its loyalty one way or another. If it doesn’t, shooting will get more serious.

Mister Grumpus says:

“Either way, mobs or attempted arrests, shooting will soon follow. I assume that a mob trying to force its way into the ‘White House or the Senate will be met with guards that shot – first as a warning and then to kill.”


During the Kavanaugh hearings, there was a pussy hat type protest at the Supreme Court building, and I distinctly remember a TV picture of people pounding on the big wooden doors. How did they even get up to the doors in the first place?

Contrast this with the Vietnam War protests at the Capitol Steps. The people had their backs to the building and were facing outward. I don’t recall any of them even getting close to the doors.

It means something, but what exactly?

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

> In Britain, the remainers are planning to imprison the British Prime minister.

Likewise in Israel the left has been trying to break the election impasse by putting Netanyahu in jail. They have had a Mueller-style perpetual investigation of Bibi that has been biding its time and supposedly been on the verge of indicting for years. It looks like they may actually pull the trigger now that it can force not only a change of PM but a change of ruling party.

The Cominator says:

The bad thing about this from the American perspective is that Netanyahu’s way out is probably to agree to a big war he doesn’t want.

Wignats and Mueller shills are constantly accusing Netanyahu of being a warmonger and it isn’t true at all, he doesn’t want Iran to have nukes but his approach to this has been assassination and sabotage. This other guy in Israel “Lieberman” though is kind of a nut and does want to start a major war with Iran and he controls whether Netanyahu stays the PM or goes to jail.

Netanyahu’s situation looks precarious enough he might have to agree.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

As long as Trump keeps escalating the economic pressure on Iran the game theory is for Israel to wait it out. The Israeli military leadership seems to regard direct war with Iran as insane and it is unlikely any small number of politicians can force a war on them. I suspect the parliament would remove the PM in a no-confidence vote if he tried it, it is political suicide unless he can magically carry out a raid that takes out all the functioning nuclear sites — it is much harder than what they did years ago in Iraq and the Israeli establishment is well aware of that.

jim says:

Yes, general trend world wide that democracy is ending. As we get ever lefter, the stakes get ever higher.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

Current developments in Austria and Italy are in a similar vein. Not sure if what has been going on in Korea in recent years is a crisis of their system or a continuation of the last several decades’ pattern of pseudo-democracy during intermissions from military rule, with business oligarchs informally but openly running everything.

Mister Grumpus says:

Tucker uses the term “Permanent Washington” now. (And is still on TV.)

People are freaking out about “Joker” while “Natural Born Killers” (1994) was no big deal, you unimaginative benighted squares you.

Does anyone remember “Congresspeople” pontificating to a microphone which prisons they could lock up Nixon and his people?

Can anyone even imagine Watergate going down on Twitter and YouTube?

Where. (clap) Is. (clap) This. (clap) Train. (clap) Going?

The Cominator says:

I was going to post the link on the marines Trump has ready but someone already did.

I’m not worried about the Democrats being able to outmuscle us, I am worried about assassination.

BC says:

>I’m not worried about the Democrats being able to outmuscle us, I am worried about assassination.

Such an assignation would result in all out civil war. Everyone would know who ordered it and know exactly who to target for revenge.

The Cominator says:

The Democrat reality bubble is that they do not understand this and the boomers/beta tradcons would furiously agree to the Cathedral media narrative that it was a lone whatever or worse a Russian.

jim says:

Things are becoming very different, and becoming very different faster and faster.

To predict the future, look at the past, look at past left singularities, such as Russia, France, and England.

The Cominator says:

When the “optimates” (roughly corresponding to the uniparty/DC crime family/democrats of today) murdered Julius Caesar they didn’t try to blame anyone else they merely tried to make a bullshit claim that they were acting patriotically (when they really killed Caesar because they wanted to go back to looting the treasury much as our DC ruling class does).

There is no history to predict what will happen if they lie about it and try to blame some lone nut or worse a Russian.

Gary says:

Julius Caesar was followed by Augustus (Octavian) – who had all of the original plotters eventually killed, along with their families. The butcher’s bill came to over 300 Roman Senators, out of the 800 person Senate.

“History does not repeat – but it often rhymes.”

The Cominator says:

Im well aware, Augustus understood you dont spare your enemies but his economic ideas werent as good as JC… If JC lived I think we would have colonized the solar system by now.

Gary says:

I am certainly convinced that there have been many terrible wrong turns in our history and we are very far from the “best of all possible worlds”.

I believe that President Trump has the same understanding as did Augustus on what must be done with mortal enemies. I do not yet see the indicators of how this will play out.

jim says:

The Antikythera mechanism is a Classic Greek clockwork analogue computer used to predict the positions of the planets. We don’t know who built it, but the technology is higher than anything we have a record of before the eleventh century. Technological progress was ended by social decay.

In the thirteenth century, technological progress was humming along nicely, and Bacon predicted cars, telescopes, poison gas warfare, and all that, and was imprisoned not very long thereafter. Things slowed down until the restoration – the Galileo controversy shows why. The theological method, peer review, is incompatible with the scientific method, which keeps turning up evidence that people do not like, as in the numerous global warming and animal fats controversies.

We also have evidence of lost technologies, never recovered, possessed by the Egyptians before the collapse of Bronze age civilization. They were technologies for working on stone, which required centralized wealth and long distance trade. We never recovered those technologies, because, with the collapse of communications and centralized wealth, people focused on advancing iron technology, which could be done locally and on a relatively small scale, and steel eventually made those technologies obsolete. But they were using some kind of power tools to work stone – I conjecture made of bronze, with a cutting edge of lost material, perhaps bronze impregnated with naturally occurring silicon carbide, powered by an army of slaves turning cranks. But whatever the cutting edge on those power tools was, it was not surpassed until the nineteenth century. And people did not use stone cutting power tools again until the late eighteenth century.

Peer Review gives the evil and the insane veto power over what evidence is acceptable, as is spectacularly evident in anything related to biodiversity, speciation, and Global Warming. Work on high energy physics and quantum gravity has gone postmodern. And priestly intrusion into engineering is having dreadful consequences in open source, semiconductor manufacture, and in Google’s work on AI. From the retirement of Werhner von Braun, till billionaires got into the rocket business, progress in rockets stalled and started to regress.

Seventy year old air to ground cannon are better than today’s ground to air cannon, the army is finding it difficult to source a wide variety of advanced parts, and the latest generation of fighter bombers tends to be grounded most of the time.

Mister Grumpus says:

“To predict the future, look at the past, look at past left singularities, such as Russia, France, and England.”

Now there, Sir, is a book just waiting to happen. A catalogue of left singularities, and a fleshing out of a general theory of what they are and how they work.

“For Dummies” tier, you know?

To get such information into print, on paper, with a binding and an ISBN number, would be a big deal. If it were abstracted enough, and contained enough thoughtcrime, then maybe someone could get away with it.

(I’m looking at you, Milo.)

Shelby says:

The USA is not Russia, France, nor England:

We have at least 3 million “you can take my gun from my cold dead hand.” Thus any Left Singularity or even a reaction to it, are both prevented from any form of genocide outside of cities.

The righteous Americans who support Trump are not going to abandon Constitutional processes unless the situation becomes so dire that their everyday lives are significantly disrupted in very negative ways. We are not yet near to that juncture, despite any dog & pony show in the Beltway. For that to happen requires first that the Left effectively retake control over the government, not just threaten to do so.

Righteous Americans are level-headed. Not trigger happy for silly, unrealistic aims. Too much fantasy around here.

I AM says:


jim says:

Every day something happens in America that was unimaginable yesterday.

The previously unthinkable is deemed absolutely normal, (Hey, it is just the precedent established four years ago being applied to a new and radically different area) and you are forbidden to think that it was previously unthinkable. And forbidden to notice that the radically different in substance precedent established four years ago was built on another radically different precedent established four years before that, which was … The mainstream media tells us nothing has changed, and if you think that something has changed, you are an evil Nazi racist Hitler Hitler Hitler.

Which process continues to accelerate.

“Normal” is radical change ever faster.

Trees do not grow to the sky. That which cannot continue, will not.

The ever more abnormal “Normal” has to self destruct sooner or later. Probably sooner. The path we are walking has been walked before many times. It usually ends in terror and mass murder, and when it ends before mass murder, it is ended by Caesar taking Kingly power.

But Kingly power based on steel alone fails to stick. Caesar needs divine endorsement. That is why Julius Caesar failed but Augustus Caesar succeeded. And that is where we come in.

Shelby says:

Agreed. But again I believe (and again note I have not been back to the USA since 2006) the Schelling point for most conservative Americans to deviate from what is remaining of the Constitution must directly impact the lives of said Americans in ways that prohibit their core values. For example a national gun confiscation law would probably be such a Schelling point.

Remember that young Republican boy who was heckled by the old native American man. Remember how he just stood stoically while that old man verbally abused him. I imagine this is the stereotypical psyche of the righteous American.

Also as of right now, conservative Americans have a lot of hope and faith that Trump can significantly restore the Constitution. If not for the bad economic, demographic, and Maunder Minimum (food shortages inflation) inertia on the horizon, I would think Trump’s legacy might be sustainable. I don’t think the Americans have reached the Schelling point for voiding the Constitutional processes.

I have contemplated that Trump will succeed in using some clever means (e.g. the recent proposal to add a question of citizenship status to the census) to remap electoral districts in his favor, possibly extending his legacy. Also the Supreme and lower court appointments.

I think Trump’s legacy is at least going to be strong enough for whomever Trump anoints for POTUS, to be elected in 2024. Then Trump could run again in 2028. If the left is eventually forced to widespread armed insurrection perhaps by 2026 as their backs are against the wall, that will be a great Schelling point. So given this current strength, I think conservative Americans want to stay within the Constitution processes and have Trump turn over his office in 2025.

However, if the deleterious inertia Trump is facing shifts some his base to align with the Democrats and as the current crop of youth mature to voting age, then the possible horror of the Democrats gaining control of federal government perhaps by 2028 or 2032. It will be much worse than under Obama.

We live in interesting times.

Personally I would also like to stick with the Constitutional processes because although I trust Trump, I do not trust who might occupy that totalitarian power after Trump. Americans fought a war to gain sovereignty from a totalitarian King. If the country is really controlled by the mass media priests who might just be using Trump to help destroy the Constitution, they then might install a non-benevolent dictator after assassinating Trump after Trump had set the precedent of extra-Constitutional powers. I believe Rothshild put Trump into office via his alleged influence in Wikileaks. I believe there is a masterplan here and you all are being played like blinded pawns. But I also recognize that I could very well be incorrect. So please don’t accuse me of trolling. You all may be correct. I will lurk and observe.

jim says:

> Personally I would also like to stick with the Constitutional processes because although I trust Trump, I do not trust who might occupy that totalitarian power after Trump.

The constitution has been dead for a long time. Necromancy always fails, usually with extremely bad results for the necromancer.

Shelby says:

Also my mother reminds me that the 1970s had also much of this turmoil. The major difference is we didn’t have the Internet to amplify the perception of it.

Many rural Americans turn off the Internet and not so hyperventilated about all of this.

jim says:

I was around in the 1970s.

In the seventies the commies were a small group of conspirators. They were not running the FBI.


Shelby might be meaning something like this:

“But there was a time in America, during the 1970s, when bombings by domestic underground groups were a daily occurrence. (…)

In Days of Rage, Bryan Burrough re-creates an atmosphere that seems almost unbelievable just forty years later, conjuring a time of native-born radicals, most of them “nice middle-class kids,” smuggling bombs into skyscrapers and detonating them inside the Pentagon and the U.S. Capitol, at a Boston courthouse and a Wall Street restaurant packed with lunchtime diners.”

I haven’t read it and have no personal experience, but I remember a series of Tweets summarizing it and you know there is this process how things inconvenient for the elites get forgotten quickly and this might be one example, that a period with daily bombings, and with all the fear and tension that creates, might have been forgotten.


“Puerto Rican separatists bombed NYC like 300 times, killed people, shot up Congress, tried to kill POTUS (Truman). Nobody remembers it.”

Shelby says:

So LBJ was not complicit in JKF’s assassination? I read that JFK was refusing to kowtow to mobsters and mafia. Okay so that FBI was controlled instead by mobsters and mafia instead of Communists.

No matter how you slice it, I do not trust governments long-term. Trump is being given free reign by someone for some reason.

We the people are only sovereign with our guns (hard power) and God (soft power) in our locales. All that State level crap is for power players on a different stage.

jim says:

We don’t know who was complicit in JFK’s assassination. We do know that his assassination smelled mighty funny. My guess is commies in the FBI, but anyone who claims to have the scoop is lying.

We do know the story behind 9/11. The official story is true, except that no one mentions the fact that the FBI was under orders to ignore Mohammedan terrorists even if they got in their faces, and find white Christian terrorists regardless of whether they exist or not, and so the FBI looked the other way in the lead up to 9/11.

The two big conspiracies of our day, Warmism and the Insurance Policy, leaked like a sieve.

jim says:

>Trump is being given free reign by someone for some reason.


Trump is not being given free reign. Democracy ceased to function some considerable time ago, though its unquiet ghost continues to cause trouble as the left goes ever lefter, but any holiness spiral encounters trouble, regardless of whether the state purports to be democratic or not.

Trump does not hold the reigns of power. He is making a serious attempt to grab the reigns, and the color revolution and the irregular, unprecedented, and unconstitutional pretence of the impeachment process is a response to this attempt.

Posts that assume, without evidence or argument, that Trump is actually in power will be silently deleted. If you want to claim that Trump is in power, have to acknowledge that the claim is controversial and disputed.

The response is likely to demand evidence and argument.

The Cominator says:

Almost certainly LBJ was involved, though I do believe Oswald shot him.

The Cominator says:

For the election Trump better quietly kill this vape ban (and no I do not vape) though before it takes effect, huge loser issue that is going to cost him votes. People on the right should not be into moralfagging nanny bans of things for peoples own good. Leave that to the Democrats.

jim says:

Trump has already poison pilled the vape ban, as he poison pilled the gun legislation he theoretically supports. The democrats will not touch his gun legislation with a ten foot pole, and I doubt that they will touch the vape legislation.

He poison pilled the gun legislation with instant background check, which the Democrats are horrified by, because it is not a bridge to gun confiscation from law abiding men. It fails to create the opportunity to create a database of which legal gun owner owns which legal gun. They only want background checks which come through after the gun buyer has paid up, or after the gun buyer has received his gun.

The Cominator says:

Its supposedly being done by the FDA not the congress dunno whats going on but the FDA is probably the most corrupt agency in fedgov bar none now… But he better not let it become a thing.

[…] Source: Jim […]

Yul Bornhold says:

You think the democrats would execute Trump on charges of conspiring? (Or any charges, really.) Much more likely he’ll be epsteined.

Frederick Algernon says:

And how would that change the response? Epstein had money that could be converted to piecemeal power if the externalities lined up. He didn’t have real power. It is a tricky distinction, like rich v. wealthy, or high-status v. aristocratic. A potential way for figuring out someone’s personal power index is to calculate the number of people who would kill for them, die for them, “break laws” for them; basically, any self negating/violating action. Temper this with what the power broker must say/do or not say/not do to achieve the action.

Externalities still apply. If GET were to tweet order all his faithful to march to DC, right now, and seize the capitol, how many do you think would show up? Fast forward a year, then same question. Point being is that when Epstein died, he had maybe a dozen, probably fewer, people whose dreams were crushed. If Trump died tomorrow, there’d be a civil conflict that would start with heartbroken supporters lashing out at ecstatic detractors. If he were to “expire” in custody, violence would break out as regions found out.

jim says:

They will kill him, and probably his family also. And when I said “Off to the races” I meant grand scale mass murder. That is what usually happened in previous left singularities. The same pattern is repeating itself.

(Cromwell executed only the King, and did not engage in mass murder, but this was partly because the King’s son got away. Usually it starts with the death of the ruler and his family, and proceeds to mass murder.)

The Pharaoh and his line remained in power during the Bronze Age left singularity and ensuing total collapse of civilization, but the rest of Bronze age civilization collapsed so totally that very few survived. In Szechuan province they killed just about everyone, and the area was totally depopulated. In Cambodia, about a third of the population.

A left singularity usually results in the death of the ruler, usually the death of the ruler and his family, usually in a red terror, frequently in an enormous red terror, and sometimes, infrequently, in the deaths of a large fraction of the population, sometimes, rarely, in the deaths of most of the population.

A left singularity is infinite holiness in finite time. Infinite holiness is that everyone tortures each other to death for insufficient holiness. The process is ended before everyone dies, if it is ended before everyone dies, by one man making himself absolute dictator and shutting down the holiness competition.

calov says:

Infinite holiness in finite time is a good image. Maybe left singularities are literally that, examples of divine judgment, following the pattern of the Tower of Babel or the various Old Testament accounts of the Lord causing Israel’s enemies to go nuts & start slaughtering each other.


In the Senate trial, only the House presenters can introduce evidence, or subpoena and interrogate witnesses. The Senators are a passive audience. Therefore, there will be no airing of Democrat laundry or dirty tricks.

The Senate could change the rules to allow cross examination and exculpatory evidence, but that might require a 60% majority.

The Cominator says:

The House Republicans could still introduce evidence and cross examine could they not?

That is better then the senators themselves doing it since most of the Republican Senators are corrupt, shifty untrustworthy people who mostly secretly despise Trump while the House Congresscritters that remain have a lot more real supporters.

jim says:

It is a full dress trial. Trump gets to present witnesses. The Democrats are impeaching him for trying to frame them. He therefore has to prove he was not framing, but acting as the chief law enforcement officer of the United States – which means that any grounds for suspecting that the Democrats committed crimes are relevant to his defense.

So the trial necessarily turns into an investigation of “are the Democrats guilty, or Trump guilty?”

It is analogous to a lower court trial where two people get into a fight, and each claims the other attacked first and he was defending himself. If the magistrate acquits one of them, he necessarily convicts the other. If Trump is not guilty, the Democrats are guilty.

So chances are that the 2020 election result will be decided by jailing one side or the other.

Karl says:

In your analogogy the magistrate might very well acquit both if he knows one of the people is lying, but doesn’t know who. Then no crime was proven beyond reasonable doubt.

Similarily, you argue that Trump in a full dress trial would have to prove that he had reasonable grounds for suspecting that the Democrats commited crimes.OK, but there can be reasonable grounds for suspecting a crime even if no crime was committed. Although such a situation is legally not uncommon at all, this point is probably too subtle to be relevant in any impeachment proceedings.

Poochman says:

Warren is the leading dem candidate now and she has nothing to do with Ukraine.

The Cominator says:

I can’t wait until Trump asks her how it felt to be the first woman of color to teach at Harvard…

Not Tom says:

Personally, I don’t think their play is impeachment; their play is Mueller 2.0. They want the story in the media for two reasons, first to damage his credibility/approval (this isn’t working anymore, but they are high on their own supply and can’t understand why), and second, to have power and authority that somewhat resembles that of a special prosecutor and maybe even an excuse to appoint another special prosecutor if they can sway the cuck wing of the Republicans.

An actual impeachment vote would be a disaster for all of the reasons Jim says. I believe they know this, which is why an impeachment vote hasn’t happened. After all, they are claiming that they have the votes, and therefore could hold the vote any time. Why haven’t they voted?

Pelosi’s Democrats don’t want impeachment, but the party is fractured and they need to do something that looks like impeachment to stave off a revolt, and being the opportunists they are, think that maybe they can use this fake-impeachment to help swing the election and get away with it, or at the very least, block Trump from airing any of their dirty laundry.

I’m still waiting for those dawn raids. The optimist in me says that he is sure he can win in 2020 and is waiting until after the election, because dawn raids before the election might spook the tradcucks and libertarians.

The Cominator says:

“An actual impeachment vote would be a disaster for all of the reasons Jim says. I believe they know this, which is why an impeachment vote hasn’t happened. After all, they are claiming that they have the votes, and therefore could hold the vote any time. Why haven’t they voted?”

Soros Schumer and Pelosi knows this, the coalition of the woke not so much.

If they don’t cave into the coalition of the woke eventually expect them (especially Pelosi) to get drummed out for insufficient leftism.

jim says:

The Democrats that are holding back the madness are old, white, tired, frail, and well known to be corrupt. Being old, there are doubtless numberless thought crimes in their past. Brown Democrats smell power.

Shelby says:

Was late to read these comments and they seem to be astute theories.

> because dawn raids before the election might spook the tradcucks and libertarians.

Indeed. I would also be somewhat spooked by this, if not done through some Constitutional process. I realize that perhaps the Constitutional processes are blocked but I want Trump to be clever and find ways around the impediments while still within the (illusion of the) Constitutional framework.

> The optimist in me says that he is sure he can win in 2020 and is waiting until after the election

Why do you think Trump is intent on violating the Constitution and igniting a powder-keg? Seems to me he loses more than he gains by doing that.

I think he is only calling them out now because of the pending election. He wants to weaken them politically by pushing them further left of center, not set a precedent for extra-Constitutional chaos.

American is not so homogeneous. Anyone who ignites the melting pot is going to have 7 bean soup all over their living room. I doubt it would proceed as smoothly to monarchy as seems to be the preferred narrative here.

Mike in Boston says:

Some will call our host insane for suggesting that there could be grand scale mass murder in this country in the foreseeable future. These should consider the words of Solzhenitsyn on insanity:

If the intellectuals in the plays of Chekhov who spent all their time guessing what would happen in twenty, thirty, or forty years had been told that in forty years interrogation by torture would be practiced in Russia; that prisoners would have their skulls squeezed within iron rings, that a human being would be lowered into an acid bath; that they would be trussed up naked to be bitten by ants and bedbugs; that a ramrod heated over a primus stove would be thrust up their anal canal (the “secret brand”); that a man’s genitals would be slowly crushed beneath the toe of a jackboot; and that, in the luckiest possible circumstances, prisoners would be tortured by being kept from sleeping for a week, by thirst, and by being beaten to a bloody pulp, not one of Chekhov’s plays would have gotten to its end because all the heroes would have gone off to insane asylums.

There are oncoming storms, and this post is a weather report; records of the progression of past storms suggest that the forecaster’s model is quite credible.

I hope that there will be a future post on storm preparedness. Is there more to advise beyond Moldbug’s “become worthy”?

Mycroft Jones says:

Can you post a link to Moldbug’s posts where he explained in detail what “being worthy” involves?

Frederick Algernon says:

I suggest you read all of the previous chapters if you have not yet done so.

Mycroft Jones says:

Many thanks, sir.

jim says:

Is there more to advise beyond Moldbug’s “become worthy”?

As an individual, I run and hide. I also acquire alternate passports and residence permits.

But you were probably thinking of collective action. Ivan the Troll is working on making the knowledge of how to make guns widely available, but it turns out that making good guns is hard. And in any case to defeat a religion, you need a religion, not a gun.

The general pattern is that the left singularity is halted by a dictator who is of the faith that is holiness spiraling, or somewhat plausibly purports to be of that faith, just a slightly earlier and less insane version of the faith, as Trump claims, more or less plausibly. Deprived of the spiral, the holiness spiraling faith loses vitality, and a subsequent dictator revives the old state religion. Putin is reviving the old state religion, and Charles the second revived the old state religion, but the revived faith lacks vitality.

Christianity in the west has been hopelessly cucked since the late eighteenth century, there is no living memory of real Christianity, and back when America had sane state religions, they were at the level of the separate states. The United States never had a sane federal state religion, so reviving the old faith would be difficult. Before the War of Northern Aggression, people said “the United States are …”. After the War of Northern Aggression they said “the United States is …”

I have been working on this problem. The revived faith has to make its peace with science, real science, science as it was before 1944, not is today’s called science which consists of priests wearing labcoats as sacerdotal robes. And that means not just old earth, but game theory and evolutionary psychology. We do this by identifying Christ as, among other things, the incarnation of the Logos as man, and the recent holiness spiral as phariseeism – indeed identifying the practice of deducing oughts from oughts as phariseeism, as violating the spirit of the law for the letter of the law.

The time for a counter religion will come when the holiness spiral is halted, or encounters large scale violent resistance, but we need to have it ready well in advance. Alf wants me to become a prophet, but prophets have poor life expectancy.

alf says:

What do you mean by Logos?

I have looked it up, but it has not become any clearer to me.

jim says:

Like the trinity, the logos is conveniently unclear:

The Gospel of John cheerfully merges the Jewish genesis, that God made the world and saw that it was Good, and the Greek philosophical idea that the universe is reasonable, is reason manifest, with the person of Christ.

The Logos is the divine wisdom manifest in the creation, government, and redemption of the world. And Christ is the Logos.

This is the opposite of Gnosticism, that the world is the creation of the devil. Gnostics have good arguments to support their case, but by their fruits you will know them and the fruit of that tree is bitter. Irrational optimism beats rational pessimism, and it is hard to get to cooperate/cooperate equilibrium starting from the premise that the world is satanic.

The handy thing is that if Christ is the Logos, then we can infer ought from is, the spirit of the law from the fruits of the tree, as the Book of Solomon does, as the copybook headings do.

In which case we can cheerfully import game theory, the copybook headings, and evolutionary psychology into Christianity.

This cures holiness spiraling. The principle of turn the other cheek, and walk the other mile, becomes the game theoretic principle that in a world of imperfect information, one tit for two tats is better than tit for tat. If he slaps your other cheek also, then you are allowed to beat the crap out of him. It stops two cheeks from being holiness spiraled into infinite cheeks and the second mile mile being holiness spiraled into infinite miles. It fixes the holiness spiraled version of the good Samaritan. The good Samaritan is the neighbor of the man who fell among thieves, but the priest and the levite are not, and neither are all those other Samaritans. Christians are not required to lie down and let evil walk over them. Deus Vult. We can make war.

In a world of imperfect information, a certain amount of generosity and forgiveness is necessary to reach cooperate/cooperate equilibrium, but too much generosity and forgiveness enables and empowers evil.

alf says:

Hm ok.

So irrational optimism over rational pessimism is a meme to win over atheists, and Christ equals Logos is a meme to win over Christians. Which explains why with me coming from a prog family, Christ equals Logos does not do much for me.

Then I wonder: Do we have tradcaths in here? Can they make Christ equals Logos work?

jim says:


Christ equals logos not a meme to win over Christians. It is a meme to protect Christians against Christian holiness spiraling. Also a meme to protect Christianity from gnosticism.

Irrational optimism beats rational pessimism is not a meme to win over atheists, it is an explanation of why gnostic groups fail to reproduce or cooperate. These memes are not concocted to win converts. I assume that we will win converts when we are backed by power, and fail to win them when we are not backed by power. These memes are to protect the official faith, once it becomes the official faith, against the memetic diseases that have poisoned Christianity

alf says:

OK good enough for me.

ten says:

The old greek idea of the logos spermatikos is a central reasonable cosmic structure, generating cosmos. In other uses, it is just reason itself.

Simulationists like musk reimagine the logos (because they are theologically ignorant and believe they think new thoughts that need computer simulations in place of God) as the running codebase of the simulation. It is not a bad metaphor at all if you like thinking in terms of code.

Occultists such as jordan peterson imagine the logos as an ideological cosmic graph network, or body of knowledge, that we inhibit. It is the map of meaning of mind, and as a cosmic map delineates destructive chaos, but in this image the logos is not a generative but descriptive force, not cosmically unary but culturally contextual, and vulnerable.

Being a vague and mysterious and exciting concept, there are other versions of logos. Most of them are bad, and this nature of it makes it very smart to keep it conveniently unclear. The above mentioned things are not the same thing, but somewhat similar things in some ways, and the mediaeval christian tradition is more focused on clarifying “how tf does it even make sense that jesus is.. that? wut” than on “logos itself” because the pagan greek view is presupposed.

In king james bible, Genesis 2 reads
“And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.”

This spirit of god is a loose translation of רוּחַ אֱלֹהִים which (, i hear, i don’t speak jew, it is the official translation in my peoples bible anyway) sort of means God-word or word of God. This God-Word is logos is Christ, and is the first thing existing above the primordial waters, the chaotic limit, in creation after heaven and earth are made, but void.

The first part of the cosmic map and body of knowledge we use.

Jehu says:

That Christ IS the LOGOS is laid out in explicit terms in the first chapter of the gospel of John. Its not some new or heretical position.

jim says:

If it was a new or heretical position, I would not be trying to revive it. I hope to resurrect the Christianity that worked as a viable state religion.

calov says:

It is easy to argue from church history that Christianity in the west became cucked at the same time it let go faith in Christ as Logos. When rationalism emerged in Protestant theology, Puritans turned into Unitarians, and Martin Luther turned into Albert Schweitzer and Gustav Adolf into the present Swedish monarch. It happened later with the Catholics, and never in their official dogma. But it still happened among their intellectuals and some of their theologians, viz. liberation theology among South American Jesuits, and was never disciplined. And so we have the present pope and the curia and seminaries taken over by homosexuals and pedophiles.

info says:

Do you believe Jesus is who he is? And God is real?

One could speak of Christianity as useful for civilization. But matters are different if God is real and Jesus rose from the dead. Plus being the Messiah promised by the prophets of old starting with Moses.

Jesus is in charge of the churches if that is the case. One has to be careful.

jim says:

This argument is inevitably a prelude to the claim that the Church has no earthly mission, only an otherworldly mission to save individual souls, and therefore has no inherent conflict with progressive mission, and should therefore hold gay marriages and drag queen story hour as Church socials. After all, must reach out to sinners, must we not?

If Christians are kin by divine adoption, and the Church is the bride of Christ, then the Church has an earthly mission which is in dire conflict with the progressive mission. That earthly mission is on topic for this blog. Individual salvation is off topic.

Focusing on the Church’s other worldly mission when its worldly mission is under attack is a cowardly survival ploy to avoid being Wacoed, and if God is real, you are going to burn for cowardice in the face of the enemy.

info says:

Saving individual souls is inevitably connected with the earthly impact. If the fruits are no evident salvation isnt true either.

For in proper understanding the Kingdom of God is in constant conflict with the Kingdom of Darkness the fruits of which are evident as you explained in your comment.

He that fails to be salt of the earth is either not of Christ or failing his mission.

As regards to the individual salvation being offtopic so be it.

The reason for me raising this topic in the 1st place is that such a fact that God is an active agent influences all subsequent socio-economic development.

jim says:

When the Church is gravely delinquent in its earthly and collective mission, complaining that talking about the earthly mission is insufficiently holy does not sit right. “Yes, but what about individual souls”. No one is stopping the Churches from talking about individual souls twenty four seven, but when members of their congregation get married, they stab the marriage in the back.

Starman says:


Gnosticism sucks.

info says:

Indeed. And such a thing is dispicable. That the wicked are able to masquerade as men of God especially as leaders.

There has to be a very good selection process and excommunication for false teachers and deliquents who call themselves brethren and remain unrepentant.

Otherwise the church gets converged and it will subsequently be shut down by Christ.

I’d say the east west catholic orthodox schism and protestant reformation is within divine providence.

See how the orthodox manage to be uncucked and how cucked denominations die on the vine.

See also how the ever shriller calls to: “man up” by cuckservatives occur.

Indicating that they too are being in the process of dying. I certainly pray that it may be so.

jim says:

I would invert this. If their earthly impact is immoral, their claim to be saving souls is weak. So when the pastor sneakily undermines your marriage

So, I have a short fuse on being lectured on individual salvation. Let’s talk about their earthly mission. And when I say “earthly mission” I am not talking about Global Warming.

The Church’s earthly business is not primarily individual virtue, but virtuous Christian families and a virtuous Christian community that treats virtuous Christians well. Memes such as symmetric courtship, symmetric marriage and the holiness spiraled version of “the Good Samaritan” undermine marriage and community.

info says:

“In which case we can cheerfully import game theory, the copybook headings, and evolutionary psychology into Christianity.”

No my previous statement was mistaken. Its this statement that my comment was in response to initially.

What exactly do you mean by this?

“So, I have a short fuse on being lectured on individual salvation. ”

Although actually its one of core purposes of the Gospel. In order to pass muster in the afterlife.

Although It is offtopic as you have said. So I will try to hold my peace in this regard.

jim says:

Yes, the Church’s other worldly mission is the core purpose of the Gospels. But the Church in the west is dying, near death, out of failure to perform its earthly mission, which failure is an indication of something terribly wrong with its other worldly mission. By their fruits you will know them. Anglicanism and Episcopalianism died some considerable time ago, though its corpse still owns lots of real estate. Roman Catholicism still lives, barely, but the Pope is an apostate and heretic. The long dead corpse of Congregationalism turned to dust and vanished a very long time ago. How can the Church perform its core mission, when it ceases to have earthly existence?

info says:

“How can the Church perform its core mission, when it ceases to have earthly existence?”

Indeed. Hence why I believe that Schism of 1054:

And the Protestant Reformation may be in the end what saves Christianity.

I think the Church is designed to be resillient and hardy enough to always have itself a remnant ready to seed the future(Matthew 16:18)(Romans 11:1-6)

Of course its failure will reduce its effectiveness overall.

But look again at how the Eastern Orthodox is filling in for the failures of Catholicism and much of Western Christianity.

Look also how there is Christianity in Africa that is pretty Red-pill still:

The Church can always do better. But then again it has been greatly damaged and subverted.

The unseen hand of divine providence may surprise us yet.

As it preserved Civilization in the Monasteries of the Dark Ages. By preserving the necessary classics and other useful literature:

In the days of old flawed men have been used by God. Yet his will ever goes forward.

Frederick Algernon says:

Protestants and Catholics are at their best when silent and obedient. Christians that share their faith in an effort to “save souls” are attention whores, indistinguishable from Progressives out to save the world.

The Cominator says:

I’m a big fan of the Orthodox Church and as far as I know Jim is a big fan of the Orthodox Church (which has a far superior claim to authentic succession of the church of saint Peter then the papist church, the papist church only having the best claim to being the Whore of Revealation) but what is your point about it info…

The reason why the Orthodox Church is resilient is its basic ancient doctrines are international and very very hard for anyone to change but matters of church discipline otoh are COMPLETELY national. That is what we want for the state church.

info says:

Gentlemen I recommend a listen to this orthodox man’s commentary on the modern world:

This in addition or being the root cause of all that jim has explained about leftism. The evil that underlies all the modern world.

info says:

Leftism’s masked nihilism:

Shelby says:

> Protestants and Catholics are at their best when silent and obedient. Christians that share their faith in an effort to “save souls” are attention whores, indistinguishable from Progressives out to save the world.

Amen. They should put more effort into making more babies (10 per family minimum!) and properly raising them to not be leftards. As Jim says, no romantic marriage crap, etc…

calov says:

Also denying the church has an earthly mission is a tacit denial of the incarnation and God as creator. This must be maintained alongside the other truth that Jesus said: “My Kingdom is not of this world.” In the end the Jews had Jesus crucified for not providing them the kind of kingdom they were looking for. But the mission of saving souls goes hand in hand with the earthly mission of loving your neighbor, which includes trying to establish good government, which includes pursuit of truth, creation of literature and art, etc

Shelby says:

> This cures holiness spiraling.

Disagree. Holiness spiraling will always defect on any ideological construct. Holiness spiraling derives from the fundamental weaknesses of man (envy, laziness, selfishness, avarice, Nietzsche’s ressentiment, etc).

The ideological construct is only going to work for the few who are righteous. Christianity was not designed to scale widely. The vast majority of humanity will fail to find the light.

The righteous need an organizational means to “come out of her the Great Harlot.” And to defend themselves as best as possible until the end times when everyone will lose their mortal life on Earth but gain immortality in heaven.

This is not irrational optimism. It’s rational optimism.

Jim if you want to build another Babylon, you should not already the outcome.

ten says:

You use our words wrong. Trying to change the meaning of our words constitutes aggression towards us, as it impedes our capacity to communicate, and impedes the worthiness of our memes to spread.

Saying that christianity was not designed to scale widely is open holiness spiraling and heresy.

Speak in open opposition to our ideas instead of subverting them, or lurk moar if you just dont understand them, or get the fuck out.

The Cominator says:

Nah he is way more interesting then a typical shill…

Typical shills repeat the same lies over and over… this one is almost amusing.

Shelby says:

> Saying that christianity was not designed to scale widely is open holiness spiraling and heresy.

Which Bible are you referring to? The Koran?

Revelation 7 and 14 mention only 144,000 that are saved.

“Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.” — Luke 12:32

“They are not of the world, even as I am not of it.” — John 17:16

“If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.” — John 15:19

ten says:

The bible did not design christianity and sola scriptura leads to a million priests holier than Christ.

Shelby says:

You’d apparently prefer a Babylonian KING with a State religion in defiance of what the Bible teaches. Our life on earth can’t be perfect. There will be many false prophets and by their fruits we shall know them. True Christians will understand correctly. Others will receive their reward in full on Earth only, as Matthew 5 and 1 Samuel 8 and 15 explain.

>And in any case to defeat a religion, you need a religion, not a gun.

To the contrary, every religion that got defeat got defeat by guns in Step 1. Loo k at how Germany got Denazified, that is a proven recipe for regime and religion change. The new religion question comes into play in Step 2, that is, once you control the schools and the media etc. what software to install on them.

Let me draw your attention to an often neglected country: Belarus. Due to its location and history people expect it to be a shithole. Well, look at this guy wandering around in the second largest i.e. less touristy city:

The place is surprisingly neat and civilized. No litter. Well behaved people and compared to the very low GDP and still Commie economy, the people seem well dressed and the shop at 2:45 well stocked. Poland has much higher GDP especially on the nominal level as prices are higher, but is not this neat.

Lukashenka is more like a king than a politician. Communist king, but king. When things broke down in the Soviet Union, trucks from Belarus to Moscow got robbed so much, it was endangering the whole economy. Lukashenka, still as a Party official, solved it the kingly way: put a soldier into every truck, if anyone stops the truck for any reason, unload the AK. Problem quickly solved and then he got elected in a landslide.

His approach to religion and ideology is fairly simple. Have two official churches, not one, as competition for government funds keeps them on their toes a bit, neither gets too powerful and they stay obedient. All he expects from them is to engineer a mild sense of nationalism. It cannot really be more than mild as the country is multiethnic and keeping good relations with Russia is imperative.

Thing is, this religion thing is easier than you think. It is similar to diet. You don’t have to eat complicated things to be healthy, you just have to eliminate the unhealthy parts from your diet and what is left is okay. Similarly, all you have to do is to purge liberalism, from the schools, from the media and from the churches. Have two or three competing state churches for the above reasons. Tell them to engineer a mild national unity, prioritize preaching things that the interests of the beloved homeland requires obedience to the law, making babies etc. That is really all. It is the absence of liberalism that counts, everything that is left in the mainstream churches after purging liberalism from it is generally okay. The important thing is what not to preach, not what to preach. After you remove the abnormal, what is left is simply normal.

jim says:

OK, what I should have said is that to defeat an armed religion you need a replacement religion and a gun.

Belarus’s state religions, one for the locals and one for the Russians, work because he is reviving recent state religions. Christianity in the West is further gone. Needs a resurrection rather than a revival.

You don’t like religious doctrine, but it is considerably worse to be required to disbelieve in things seen, than to be required to believe in things unseen.

Shelby says:

> You don’t like religious doctrine, but it is considerably worse to be required to disbelieve in things seen, than to be required to believe in things unseen.

Agreed. Because most people are easily blinded by propaganda and education. Or put another way, the human mind is a blank slate power vacuum, and someone has to sketch something in the minds of people so that they have a direction in life.

Humans are significantly driven by their feelings and unconscious mind. Also we are social creatures that are driven by sense of belonging.

Thus very prone to groupthink. So much better the groupthink be a sane direction and as Jim has stated a religion needs to be defensible as logical, rational and additionally not conflicting with science. 180 IQ Freeman Dyson explains that unfalsifiable faith (existential questions) are orthogonal to falsifiable science.

The Bible already provides all the material we need. We just need better priests who interpret and assimilate it correctly. Resurrection is an apt term for what we need. We need to tear up all the extant churches. For example, this corruption of non-profit Churches so that parishioners can obtain a tax deduction from donations, enslaves the Churches in w(h)or(e)shipping the leftard State via misinterpretation of Romans. In short, Jesus said to render to Caesar what is his and to God what is God’s. Mixing the two is a corruption. A Christian should not worship two masters (State and God). Worship God and cooperate with the State to the extent that the State does not subjugate the Christian principles (and this includes for example the principles of patriarchy, “go forth and multiply”, etc). The problem what extant “Christians” have is they’re cucked. The Bible does not even prevent polygamy. Another corruption is attempting to use the State to legislate morality by way of voting. Democracy is Left Singularity power vacuum. If you want to control morality then you need fiefdoms, not democracy. But fiefdoms don’t scale stably to a centralized nation-state.

As a Christian we are not to judge. We must give others free-will. That is why we need decentralized fiefdoms so that idiots are free to leave. God will judge them at heaven’s gate.

I’m practicing to be a priest. Lol. 🙂 Ironic because I was a very promiscuous and rebellious man. Jesus was also a rebel though.

The Cominator says:

“I’m practicing to be a priest.”

Orthodox or papist?

The Catholic church is an enemy…

Shelby says:

A priest in a church that currently has no name and does not exist yet. And hopefully there will be superior orators/writers/communicators than myself who can help me refine the concepts. I’m a software engineer.

Not Tom says:

“Just get rid of liberalism and everything will be fine.”

Exactly what do you think a religion is – and what do you think “liberalism” is?

What works for a tiny nation like Belarus is probably not going to work for an empire like the United States. Observe that democracy also seems to work well in a tiny, isolated, well-educated, overwhelmingly-white nation: Switzerland.

Getting rid of liberalism is exactly the point of having a better alternative. Enlightenment liberalism is best described as a giant hole where Christianity used to be. You can’t eliminate a hole by digging, you have to fill it. Progressivism wants to fill it, but is like trying to fill it with water, it just evaporates and you have to keep adding more and more. We need solid ground.

Atavistic Morality says:

Enlightened liberalism and Progressivism are one and the same, like the root and the branch of a cursed tree.

I agree with the original analogy of the hole though, since liberalism is just a destructive absence of social technology, so what we need is functional social technology.

Christianity used to be that social technology: men do this, women do that, we follow these rules, blablabla, instead of a huge “just be free”. And I guess it worked alright.

Not sure how alright, but undeniably, it had a remarkable degree of functionality if compared to the rest of mankind.

I really don’t like its garbage mumbojumbo though, the preaching grates really hard, no offense to any actual and practicing Christian. I feel like attending Church is mostly for women, just like here under Franco, my grandmother is as devout as they come but you would have not caught my grandfather inside even if his life depended on it.

We are talking about religion in a very loose sense, that could also mean ideology or culture. Essentially, status ladders, status assignment for prosocial behaviors.

Now, an empire is usually defined as a state consisting of multiple nations, with one ruling the rest. Generally it is wise for empires to let every nation have their own culture, religion, status ladder, while also requiring some amount of loyalty signalling to the ruling nation. I.e. feel free to worship your own gods but do sacrifice to Sol Invictus and the God-Emperor a few times a year.

That is because you do want the subject nations accept that the ruling nation is higher status, otherwise they are going to question why exactly they are being ruled by them, but it is also wise to have them have their own local status ladders so they won’t hate you too much and the local girls won’t all pine for men from the ruling nation, ignoring their own. (Yes, I know, women need to be subjected, but still it matters how easy or how hard it is.) And most importantly if they have their local status ladders they will focus on competing with each other, not you.

One central religion in an empire means eliminating all local status ladders. That is rather terrible for all. The men of the ruling nation find that they are flooded by ambitious provincials who came to compete for status in the capitol. Meanwhile everybody left in the provinces feels really bad about the whole thing, don’t have natural elites etc.

This is very similar to why racial segregation is a good thing both for whites and blacks. But segregation rather automatically implies two separate cultures, side by side, two separate status ladders, meaning either two religions or at least two version of the same.

Not Tom says:

You’re talking about suzerainty, not empire. Definitions aside, competing religions implies holiness competition. All of the problems you are talking about only happen in a holiness spiral, and the solutions you’re proposing might actually cause or at least contribute to the holiness spiral.

Not seeing how any of this has to with the geographical or demographic scope of a religion, as opposed to the actual practice of the religion. If the priesthood does not have open entry, and is not considered by anyone to be a reliable way to gain status, then it has no effect on “local status ladders”.

Competition for power is very bad on the top, on the first, topmost layer of power. But if the top is firm and coherent, competition for power in the second layer is very good. Rivalry between branches of the military keeps them from staging coups. Byzantine emperors made sure shifts of Varangian guards are always composed of mortal enemies. Under an authoritarian father, sibling rivalry is mostly competition for the father’s favor, hence makes them well behaved. Similarly, if and when it is made very clear that status in the state churches can only be gained by the favor of the state, government, King, if there are multiple ones they will be very loyal and compete for the King’s favor.

This, too has its failure modes. Too much in the way of brown-nosed courtier syconphant stuff. Was part of the causes of WWI. But what else is there?

Competing for power is very human. Only way to suppress it is to turn men into low-T cucks. Better exploit than suppress it. Sibling rivalry for the favor of an authoritarian father through being more well-behaved than each other is a great model to build upon.

The Cominator says:

Competititon on the second layer of power tends to make coups a lot less likely but the effects aren’t always good.

Despite the fact that the Nazis were “right wing socialists” who theoretically believed in clear hierarchies Hitler (who was administratively extremely lazy and did not do regular government work nearly at all until the war started) governed by making sure his inner circle all hated and despised each other and he often appointed to very similar jobs with overlapping juristictions (in fact for almost all high government post their was a party office and a state office for it… and it wasn’t generally clear who had real authority unless Hitler intervened directly to support one or the other).

It worked well in some ways but very very badly in others.

ia says:

Too bad he started playing crap black hip-hop music. Stopped there.

Shelby says:

Tying this to my lengthy comment down the page, there’s no way to “restore” the ideological and political inertia of the entire U.S.A.. Trump is magnificent short-term and he provides us time, space, and capital, but his movement can’t overcome the medium-term inertia on the nation-state scale.

As you know, the conservatives are only a majority outside the cities, e.g. remove the coastal cities of CA and the state is Republican.

We must restore from the bottom-up, grassroots, from the small aggregating eventually to the large. We need a viral ideology/religion. First step is to take control over procreation and education. As for religion, we simply need to go back to what Jesus really taught, which no church has ever really obeyed. For example, 1 Samuel 8 tells us to have no KING on earth to lead us. A nation-state KING can not be stable. We need decentralized leaders of smaller entities of organization, where the flock are taught to think for themselves and vote only with their feet. The best managed fiefdoms will receive the best flock.

I am not just talking about this, I am implementing it. And I suggest all of you do as well. Get off your armchair and be proactive.

P.S. We will need a truly anonymous, decentralized cryptocurrency because without cash we can’t be sovereign enough. Bitcoin+Libra will be fully tracked by the (eventually) world government.

ten says:

The historic prevalence and success of KINGS and indeed the relative stability of the system, and the lack of “decentralized leaders(?) of smaller entities” (which is basically patchwork, which should be tried but not have all hopes rested upon) makes your claim seem dubious. Explain.

“No church has ever obeyed Christ” makes you stink of holiness spiraling heretic, and coming in as a noob and loudly proclaiming what “we” must do makes you stink of fag, regardless if those things are sound or not.

The Cominator says:

““No church has ever obeyed Christ” makes you stink of holiness spiraling heretic”

Yeah I noticed that too… that and the economic remarks about corporate debt (a stupid meme originating from marxist cathedral economists who desperately want Trump to fail)…

Still if he is a shill he is far more interesting then what shills normally are… script-bots like CR or whatever the fuck “Allah” is… so we should keep this one.

ten says:

He needs to be corrected right away for showing up with his head up his ass and high on his own supply, spreading fleshless wisdoms seemingly not interested in reasonable argument and expecting his.. ideas to just be accepted when they are in clear opposition to ours.

It is poor behaviour, like a dirty dog shaking off his filth first thing inside your door, even if it’s a good dog in the end.

Shelby says:

> “No church has ever obeyed Christ” makes you stink of holiness spiraling heretic

Jesus was persecuted by the Pharisees and the official State church. In Matthew 5 he urges us to pray in our closet instead.

You don’t want religion for spiritual salvation. You want to use it to erect a Babylon. And thus you will receive your reward in full as Jesus says in Matthew 5.

The organization of large nations is fraught with problems and never will be stable. Rome survived for 1000 years because taxes were 3 – 5% and because the citizens prosecuted murders. The soldiers were self-funded from booty. It was a significantly decentralized system.

ten says:

I refer you to Jims position on putting the otherworldly mission of the church ahead of its worldly mission, while the worldly mission is failing, thus preventing the success of the otherworldly mission.

If you are content with saving souls while christendom falls, you are a holiness spiraling heretic.

You’re not making sense. “Large nations” can’t be maintained, but Rome could, and was “decentralized”, even though had a singular authority delegating this authority, which is centralization, not decentralization. Explain.

Also, this nutty attitude to everything, “every church ever was wrong for obvious reasons that I, Shelby, understand, and every country ever was wrong for obvious reasons that i also understand, and could have been fixed had only their stupid bishops and kings obeyed me” is transparent high school level crazy talk.

Shelby says:

Jim has blogged about the necessity of freehold and decentralization. He understands very well the Second Law of Thermodynamics and in the inexorable trend to maximum entropy.

The Western Roman Empire did not try to enforce a State religion in every conquered territory for example. Did not stop the Jews from practicing Judaism for example. The empire was (necessarily!) very decentralized.

Constantine attempted the the State religion thing and the Eastern Roman empire has never been as accomplished as the West of the Hajnal line civilization. Even today the top-down culture regression persists in Eastern Europe, Hispania and Latin America.

Decentralization is one of the key facets that made America so great. If we lose that, then we are nothing special anymore. If you are not American, then you probably do not understand. Do not try to understand us from your armchair and foreign experience/culture.

I am all for strongly enforced patriarchy in smaller, decentralized fiefdoms and a minimal State. So Christianity if taught correctly should if followed lead to these outcomes. But most people will fall away from the ideology, because of human nature. You ostensibly want a totalitarian State to enforce adherence to moral norms everywhere, but the Second Law of Thermodynamics will undermine your fantasy. Whereas decentralized organization is unstoppable:

Every church has been wrong because they are pandering to humans because they want to be popular or have State enforcement status. A literal and correct interpretation of the Scripture will not be popular except among the righteous who relish in asceticism and populating the world with God’s children.

Nikolai says:

18th century leftism is not all that better than 21st century leftism.

Stage I Melanoma is not the cure to stage IV Melanoma.

Shelby says:

Britain and Australia agreed to gun confiscation. Let’s observe if the same happens in the USA. I don’t think so. We will fight to the last drop of blood. My ancestor is Isaac Shelby. I will fight to the end.

We are not pussies like you all across the pond.

jim says:

> I will fight to the end

When I fled America, I secured weapons though channels legal, not quite legal, and flat out seriously illegal. The more or less legal weapons are at hand. The seriously illegal weapons and seriously illegal weapon components are secured in places unlikely to be be found in a raid or by looters, and are not readily at hand – they are in case things get seriously bad.

What did you do, Shelby, when you fled America?

Bob says:

>We will fight to the last drop of blood.

Didn’t you flee America? Did you bring your guns with you or did you give them up to leave? I hope you’re right about yourself and America, but it sounds like bravado.

Anonymous says:

I will fight to the end.

>retarded joofer


ten says:

Did you see me arguing against decentralization? What is this sperg screed?

You conveniently ignored what i wrote and responded a bunch of stuff that while largely good and true has no relevance, attributes dumbassery to me out of the blue and annoys the fuck out of me.

Are you crazy or just bad at reading?

jim says:

Shelby is irritatingly bad at reading and postures like a fed, but I don’t think he is a fed – rather I think he genuinely believes in a democracy that never genuinely functioned and a constitution that died a long time ago.

He claims to be working on the blockchain. Let us see if he can discuss the blockchain intelligently. If not, probably a fed, if he can, probably what he claims to be.

So, Shelby, you think the blockchain obviates the need for Kings. How does the blockchain relate to the organization of large scale violence? If you think it obviates the need for Kings, you should have thought that through. If you have not, you are just throwing buzzwords at buzzwords.

And, by the way, having fled America, what are you doing about weapons?

Shelby says:

I presume you’re envious of State power, which is what the Lord is warning about in 1 Samuel 8.

The actual hard power rests with the inalienable Second Amendment. If Americans lose their right to bear military grade arms, then we are enslaved. Astute, conservative Americans know this and that is why any attempt to confiscate guns would be a Schelling point for hot Civil War.

The actual soft power can lie within the decentralized local patriarchy if it takes control over the priesthood, including education, procreation, and media. That is why urged my brethren to get busy of founding fiefdoms that implement localized soft power. One of the challenges is controlling female hypergamy in light of the her access to State power (e.g. family law courts). All I will say publicly is be creative. Use technology. Remember I’m an engineer. I engineer solutions to problems.

Bob says:

>If Americans lose their right to bear military grade arms, then we are enslaved.

This is where we differ and the reason, I believe, is important to understand.

Reactionaries would argue that we are already enslaved. Instead of one king, one lord governor, and one family in charge of the county who want to tax our paper goods and tariff our imports, we have a thousand bureaucrat-kings watching us through our phones and tv’s to see if we are raising our children to be Christian, keeping our daughters chaste, teaching our sons to be men, chasing off white knights, and fighting off criminals, as well as taxing everything we own and purchase, multiple times. What do you do right now, that you couldn’t do without your guns?

Try to exercise your rights guaranteed by the Constitution and see how long before you’re fired from your job, cops come to confiscate your red-flagged guns, your kids are taken to be fostered by the state, and Leftists are allowed to riot outside your doorstep. Anarcho-tyranny is still tyranny.

Access to military grade weapons is already lost. How many privateers have writs of marquee to use their predator drones to blast pirates back to Somalia? How many claymores can you set up on your property line? How many M2’s does your militia have?

>Decentralization is one of the key facets that made America so great. If we lose that, then we are nothing special anymore.

Patriarchy and freehold were one part of what made America great. Decentralization is a feature of those, but misses the point.

High IQ men could spontaneously organize other local, high IQ men to cooperate against mother nature and against their enemies. They were able to cooperate because after they got a young virgin wife, had many children, know they were theirs, work and fight knowing their wife couldn’t run off while they were gone, and they could beat her if she cheated and kill the suitor, then they could also use the land, treasure, surplus, or profits for their family without it being taxed to a fraction then given to the cheating ex-wife. That is what allowed Americans to do great things, before the Constitution was adopted, while still under a tyrannical King George.

Shelby says:

> What do you do right now, that you couldn’t do without your guns?

I moved outside the USA and stopped having any reportable income.

I found women who want to have babies and follow my lead.

If I have more children, I will make sure the priests don’t get their grimy hands on them via any means such as the Internet, schools, my women, etc.

> Try to exercise your rights guaranteed by the Constitution and see how long before you’re fired from your job

The main right I need is a basement full of military grade guns and ammo so I am prepared when the time comes.

I am self-employed on software. No one controls my job. Has been that way since I was age 13. I am 54 now.

Betamales have so many excuses. Come on guys, don’t be so pathetic. (Not directed at you personally, I realize your comment is in a very respectful tone, I am just pissed that betamales always need a fucking King to do what they are incapable of doing)

> Access to military grade weapons is already lost.

Nope. Just be resourceful and clever.

> Patriarchy and freehold were one part of what made America great.

The resourceful still have that.

> High IQ men could spontaneously organize other local, high IQ men to cooperate against mother nature and against their enemies. They were able to cooperate because after they got a young virgin wife, had many children, know they were theirs, work and fight knowing their wife couldn’t run off while they were gone, and they could beat her if she cheated and kill the suitor, then they could also use the land, treasure, surplus, or profits for their family without it being taxed to a fraction then given to the cheating ex-wife.

Betamales can’t control their wives. That’s their problem. Not a problem I should subsidize for them.

> That is what allowed Americans to do great things, before the Constitution was adopted, while still under a tyrannical King George.

The King could not control most of what was going on in the colonies.

I believe in strong-willed, self-made men who roll up their sleeves instead of fantasizing on blogs.

Bob says:

>> What do you do right now, that you couldn’t do without your guns?

>I moved outside the USA and stopped having any reportable income.

>I found women who want to have babies and follow my lead.

>If I have more children, I will make sure the priests don’t get their grimy hands on them via any means such as the Internet, schools, my women, etc.

How did your guns help you do this? Good on you, if so. My point is that Americans aren’t using their guns to stop tyranny. When was the last time a group of Americans pointed their guns at their tyrants? The Battle of Athens? We need priests to give us cohesion to use our weapons, which means a state religion. America currently has an unofficial state religion that wants to destroy us and the 1st amendment can’t do a thing to stop it, even if anyone still followed the Constitution.

>> Try to exercise your rights guaranteed by the Constitution and see how long before you’re fired from your job

>The main right I need is a basement full of military grade guns and ammo so I am prepared when the time comes.

The time came over a hundred years ago and has been present every day since. Americans now have had better pretense to rebel than the Founders ever did, but have not despite more owning guns than the top five militaries combined (I think). Try to use your property or raise your children, in America, and see what happens.

>I am self-employed on software. No one controls my job. Has been that way since I was age 13. I am 54 now.

>Betamales have so many excuses. Come on guys, don’t be so pathetic. (Not directed at you personally, I realize your comment is in a very respectful tone, I am just pissed that betamales always need a fucking King to do what they are incapable of doing)

That is commendable for you, but we want to create a society that harnesses the betas. We argue that hundred sheep led by a lion beats ten lions fleecing a thousand sheep.

>> Access to military grade weapons is already lost.

>Nope. Just be resourceful and clever.

We don’t have a right to bear them anymore, regardless of whether the resourceful and clever can get them. Hence, we are slaves.

>> Patriarchy and freehold were one part of what made America great.

>The resourceful still have that.

Whenever the eye of Sauron notices it, they don’t. You left America, right?
America wasn’t great just because it’s people were resourceful and clever, but because it tapped into the talent and potential of all men, especially the betas.

>> High IQ men could spontaneously organize other local, high IQ men to cooperate against mother nature and against their enemies. They were able to cooperate because after they got a young virgin wife, had many children, know they were theirs, work and fight knowing their wife couldn’t run off while they were gone, and they could beat her if she cheated and kill the suitor, then they could also use the land, treasure, surplus, or profits for their family without it being taxed to a fraction then given to the cheating ex-wife.

>Betamales can’t control their wives. That’s their problem. Not a problem I should subsidize for them.

A successful society requires cooperation with other men, which means you uphold the laws that allow cooperation. Organizing the betas is one of the points of marriage/patriarchy and the reason it beats societies that let the betas have their women taken by Mister One-in-Thirty. The alpha gets soldiers and taxpayers and in exchange enforces rules that allow every man to get a wife and alpha-backed authority to keep her, his kids, and his stuff.

>> That is what allowed Americans to do great things, before the Constitution was adopted, while still under a tyrannical King George.

>The King could not control most of what was going on in the colonies.

That is a point we are making with freehold. A king can’t tyrannize every citizen unless he creates bureaucracies that then tyrannize him as wells as everyone else. We already have the bureaucracies and tyranny. Would you rather live in a society where the king is far away and can’t control your community, or where you have the Constitution, but the eye of Sauron watches everything and every blue-haired cat lady can send you to prison?

>I believe in strong-willed, self-made men who roll up their sleeves instead of fantasizing on blogs.

We believe rugged individualism is a myth and America was created by communities of men. Communities and cooperation, at least among white men, is outlawed and the know-how almost lost. When America falls to pieces, warriors will need priests to give them legitimacy among themselves and the populace so they can defend their communities and perhaps restore the American nation, or as Jim hopes, Empire.

Shelby says:

> That is what allowed Americans to do great things, before the Constitution was adopted, while still under a tyrannical King George.

Why do you presume it would be any better for you under a King? Do you think the Bible is lying in 1 Samuel 8?

Power corrupts absolutely. Reach out your hand to the State, and it will chop off your entire arm.

Very tyrannical King George:

Instead of reform, they are reforming ways to hunt their own citizens. Australia began as a penal colony. The king needed money so just about anything you did from stealing an apple to any minor issue landed you not in prison, but they would sell you to a plantation for 5 years and transport you to a foreign land and leave you there. If they could torture you and get you to confess to one of 240 felonies, they carried the death penalty where the king could confiscate all your assets and throw your family out on the street. Prisoners would die under torture to save their families.

QUESTION: You mentioned that Rome had no national debt and no central bank. Exactly how did it function for 1,000 years?


ANSWER: In addition to not having a national debt or a central bank, Rome had no police force or agency charged with enforcing the law. There were specific crimes against the state that would be prosecuted such as arson and treason. But the prosecution of a murder would be carried out by the family. The responsibility for enforcing the law thereby fell on the kin, tribe, gens and patron of the offended individual.

It was the King of England after Magna Carta who began to prosecute people for what was private crimes all so he could make money. By the time of the American Revolution, there were 240 felonies all of which carried the death penalty. So the king got to confiscate all your property and throw your family out on the street all based on what had historically been a private dispute.

Historically, the king was the judge and that was his role in society. That is illustrated by the biblical story of King Solomon deciding the true mother of a child. The king was NEVER the prosecutor. Disputes were always private. Even in ancient Greece, if you killed someone, you were prosecuted by the family — not the state. The only crimes that were prosecuted by the state were those against the state or something that offended the gods, as was the case of Socrates.

It was not until Magna Carta when the nobles rose up against King John who was fining people for all sorts of things. They demanded a right to trial by jury and this seriously reduced the king’s revenue. He changed the law at that time and suddenly cast himself as a victim in any private dispute. Two people fought and the king now claimed it disturbed his peace. Suddenly, what used to be private now became state crimes. I previously wrote about the history of civil asset forfeiture, which was deodand in ancient times whereby the object that caused someone’s death was sold and the proceeds were used for the victim’s funeral. The king replaces God with himself and today we have people’s assets being confiscated under the theory that the object offends God who has been replaced by the state.

jim says:

> > That is what allowed Americans to do great things, before the Constitution was adopted, while still under a tyrannical King George.

> Why do you presume it would be any better for you under a King? Do you think the Bible is lying in 1 Samuel 8?

1 Samuel 8 tells us that we need theocracy, not democracy or a Republic. It tells us that theocracy is preferable to Kings, not that democracy is preferable to Kings.

The bible says that bad men need Kings. God instituted Kings.

Notice that under purported democracy the level of taxation and other oppressive governmental and quasi governmental actions have become far worse than those accurately prophesied in 1 Samuel 8, as the undesirable results of a King.

The word “Theocracy” was coined to describe the system that existed in Israel before God anointed Saul and David.

Notice that the word “democracy” came for two thousand years to mean the degenerate, decadent, and despotic state of a Republic, when it is well on the way to returning to the natural state of monarchy.

The type specimen of democracy then being what historians came to call “the Athenian empire”, which for two thousand years all historians agreed was a disaster for Greece. Future historians will probably give as the type specimen of democracy “The American Empire”, what is now called “The international community” or “liberal democracy”, which they will all agree was a disaster for the West and western civilization.

Bob says:

>> That is what allowed Americans to do great things, before the Constitution was adopted, while still under a tyrannical King George.

>Why do you presume it would be any better for you under a King?

I literally already told you. Why won’t you address the argument?

To save you the trouble:

>A king can’t tyrannize every citizen unless he creates bureaucracies that then tyrannize him as well as everyone else. We already have the bureaucracies and tyranny. Would you rather live in a society where the king is far away and can’t control your community, or where you have the Constitution, but the eye of Sauron watches everything and every blue-haired cat lady can send you to prison?

Nikolai says:

It’s comforting to know that the only people who still believe in Enlightenment nonsense are all expats in their 50s and 60s like Shelby and X

Shelby says:

Apologies for the delayed reply. I noted your post before I last posted, but I needed to catch up on some sleep and exercise.

> When was the last time a group of Americans pointed their guns at their tyrants?

2014. Clive Bundy standoff. The corrupt Feds lost that battle and had to back down.

> We need priests to give us cohesion to use our weapons, which means a state religion.

If you need a State religion then you are the property of the power vacuum of the State and your guns will be confiscated, as has been the case in every former monarchy such as England, France, etc. You will lack the local soft and hard power to do what Clive Bundy’s clan did.

The USA is the last stand for mankind. And you are delusional if you think we are going to hand it all back over the a system of monarchy. Hell no.

Instead we need to look forward to technology such as fully decentralized blockchains to help us organize and cooperate without that power vacuum incentivizing defection on the collective and leftard victimization politics. Which even Jim noted is where the monarchies all ended up. Because of the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The only possible way we sustain freedom is via decentralization.

> America currently has an unofficial state religion that wants to destroy us and the 1st amendment can’t do a thing to stop it, even if anyone still followed the Constitution.

It’s always going to be the State versus the prosperity of the citizens. Because the power vacuum is captured by the most corrupted:

Some Iron Laws of Political Economics (

I know Jim dislikes the author Eric Raymond, so I want to make clear I am not advocating his Eric’s Libertard progressiveness (e.g. voting rights for female hypergamy).

We the people must work on disintermediating the State and elevating our cooperation with decentralization technology and a correct teaching about Christianity.

Note I advocate decentralization of competing fiefdoms. Within each fiefdom by definition is some degree of top-down order. The distinction from a centralized monarchy is that everyone is free to leave and vote with their feet.

A key challenge is how to get fiefdoms to compete virtuously and not descend into continual war and chaos where nobody has any time to do science and engineering. Although threat of war does incentivize applied science and engineering. For example, whomever masters robotic soldiers and drones will have an advantage.

> The time came over a hundred years ago and has been present every day since. Americans now have had better pretense to rebel than the Founders ever did, but have not despite more owning guns than the top five militaries combined (I think). Try to use your property or raise your children, in America, and see what happens.

I believe the problem is a lack of local soft power cohesiveness. I believe we do not put enough effort into local church and education. The sons in our small rural communities should be prepared to die against Feds as was the case for the Clive Bundy clan. Unfortunately his sons became maniacal and tried to occupy some National park in some State other then their lifelong home and land. Sane elders were apparently not in control of the sons. To be honest, I have not studied that in sufficient detail, so my summary may be inaccurate.

> That is commendable for you, but we want to create a society that harnesses the betas. We argue that hundred sheep led by a lion beats ten lions fleecing a thousand sheep.

Ditto my prior paragraph. The betas need to be lead within their local fiefdom communities. They should be given a wife and job. I am all for patriarchy within smaller scale fiefdoms. I am not in support of enabling a State monarchy, because as stated it is a winner-take-all power vacuum that must exploit the weakness of humans. Been there, done that. Mankind must progress, not regress.

Being a lifelong software engineer, I of course want to attempt to apply technology to the problems.

> A successful society requires cooperation with other men, which means you uphold the laws that allow cooperation. Organizing the betas is one of the points of marriage/patriarchy and the reason it beats societies that let the betas have their women taken by Mister One-in-Thirty. The alpha gets soldiers and taxpayers and in exchange enforces rules that allow every man to get a wife and alpha-backed authority to keep her, his kids, and his stuff.

I have read dozens of Jim’s astute blogs. I understand the issues about PUA theory, female hypergamy, etc..

I hope decentralized blockchains with contracts will ameliorate the power vacuum that disincentivizes decentralized cooperation. I am actively working on this technology.

The Schelling point of disagreement is to agree on the objective ledger because all the other arguments are in conflict with each other. This is an epochal technological shift. It changes everything.

The monarchy plan is antiquated and soon be technologically deprecated and impossible.

> That is a point we are making with freehold. A king can’t tyrannize every citizen unless he creates bureaucracies that then tyrannize him as wells as everyone else. We already have the bureaucracies and tyranny.

Every King will be forced into it by the said power vacuum. The problem is structural. This is why I have put the past 6 years of my life into blockchains.

> Would you rather live in a society where the king is far away and can’t control your community, or where you have the Constitution, but the eye of Sauron watches everything and every blue-haired cat lady can send you to prison?

False dichotomy. The King will never be far away anymore, because he has all seeing technology such as the Internet and IoT. Everyday in the USA, soccer mom’s cars have hidden cameras that photograph your license plate. The NSA knows everywhere you go throughout the day. Trump does not control the NSA.

Martin Armstrong’s correlation of all data from the history of civilization (he spent ~$100 million on the data inflation-adjusted) had predicted more than a decade in advance that April 22, 2013 would be the peak of the USA. That was the day Snowden made his irrevocable move to do the NSA exposé.

> We believe rugged individualism is a myth and America was created by communities of men.

The rural and rugged tilt is the cultural soft power that still helps us fight vehemently for our gun rights. The NRA is the most powerful lobby in WA D.C..

> Communities and cooperation, at least among white men, is outlawed and the know-how almost lost.

Not where God is still strong. Visit Utah. In Summer 2003 I drove through a rural community in Utah and I saw so many purely white as a ghost families with their young babies and kids picnicking around a lake.

Elsewhere we lost our soft power because we stopped controlling education and church at the local community level. We allowed television and Internet for our kids for example. ***THE HUGE MISTAKE WAS WE ALLOWED DEMOCRACY AT THE COMMUNITY LEVEL.***

> When America falls to pieces, warriors will need priests to give them legitimacy among themselves and the populace so they can defend their communities and perhaps restore the American nation, or as Jim hopes, Empire.

The war is with ourselves. We have done nothing but whine about what we can not do, instead of doing what we should do.

Grab the bull by the horns, buy some land and make babies. Educate them correctly. Network with other men who do the same.

If we rely on large scale priests, we will just be back in the same ole crap all over again.

Anyway, I probably have pissed Jim off now, so I probably better go back to lurking.

jim says:

I don’t think blockchains will remove the necessity for Kings, because we still need to have organized violence, and well known and thoroughly stationary bandits, the more stationary the better, is the least bad solution found so far.

I too am working on the blockchain. The problem I see with existing blockchains is that they represent a consensus of the miners on who owns what, rather than a consensus of the major owners on who owns what. When push comes to shove, this a point of vulnerability. Plus the necessarily high cost of mining is necessarily inflationary.

The biggest point of vulnerability however, is the necessity for reputations in order to do transactions, which become a point of vulnerability when siloed, as with Ebay or the underground black market Silk Road. Mostly this manifests as websites with ICANN domain names, which come under regulatory pressure. For example if you want to mingle your bitcoins with other people’s bitcoins, it is difficult to do so without going through a website, and the website owner can track whose coins are whose, and can be found by police. The key problem is not replacing the federal reserve, but replacing Ebay. We need reputations, as well as coins, on the blockchain. We need an ICANN on the blockhain (which namecoin is but you cannot do transactions, nor link transactions to reputations in the manner of Silk Road and Ebay, on the namecoin blockchain.)

A major point of vulnerability with Bitcoin is that people tend to use fixed bitcoin receive addresses, or website generated receive addresses. So every bitcoin used to pay a thought crime site is traceable to or from that bitcoin site. Monaro reduces that problem, rather than eliminating it, because you still need reputations for transactions.

Shelby says:

> It’s comforting to know that the only people who still believe in Enlightenment nonsense

If you can’t distinguish that I’m writing from the State priesthood Enlightenment nonsense, then you’re hopelessly stuck in the pattern of repeating your inexorable enslavement by the power vacuum of collective action.

You go ahead deluding yourself that an official King would be anything other than the form of totalitarianism we have now.

There are no more frontier lands where one can build civilizations away from the all seeing eye. We are forced to adopt a strategy with deals with the change in technological capabilities of the nation-state scale collective.

The nation-state scale collective will always a pit of defection, undermining, and overflow. It will always be a figure head illusion of the powers-that-be who control the priesthood from behind the curtain. These are your Zionist/bankster masters who are unseen. They will manipulate you and your naive delusions.

The Bible is very clear as to where all the wealth ends up at the end times on the 7 hills around Jerusalem.

jim says:

These are your Zionist/bankster masters who are unseen. They will manipulate you and your naive delusions

You sound like a fed.

“Hey it is not the FBI conspiracy. It is not the climategate conspiracy. Join me and knock over a pawnship.”

No you asshole, it damned well is the deep state and the priesthood. We know who the conspirators are, because they leak like a sieve and their conspiracies keep coming to light. And the fed’s entryists keep telling us,

“Hey, look at the shiny thing over there.”

We have the FBI lovebird letters, the Clinton emails and the ClimateGate files. It is not “”Zionist Banksters”. You are just trying to send us to knock over a Jewish pawnshop so that we can be arrested for dumb crimes.

You at times sound very like X, and in the end it became absolutely obvious that X was FBI.

Shelby says:

> It’s comforting to know that the only people who still believe in Enlightenment nonsense

If you can’t distinguish that I’m writing from the State priesthood Enlightenment nonsense, then you’re hopelessly stuck in the pattern of repeating your inexorable enslavement by the power vacuum of collective action.

You go ahead deluding yourself that an official King would be anything other than the form of totalitarianism we have now.

There are no more frontier lands where one can build civilizations away from the all seeing eye. We are forced to adopt a strategy with deals with the change in technological capabilities of the nation-state scale collective.

The nation-state scale collective will always a pit of defection, undermining, and overflow. It will always be a figure head illusion of the powers-that-be who control the priesthood from behind the curtain. These are your Zionist/bankster masters who are unseen. They will manipulate you and your naive delusions.

The Bible is very clear as to where all the wealth ends up at the end times on the 7 hills around Jerusalem.

The only power we the people have is a true adherence to God. And the inalienable right to be armed for self-defense (and possibly offense against those who continue to attack us over and over again).

jim says:

You are lecturing us without understanding or listening to our doctrines, and you are not answering the questions you have been asked. This is unresponsive, and I censor unresponsive and repetitious people.

A king is the least bad and most effective solution to organizing large scale violence. Balkanization will result in white defeat. Balkans will fall to hostile invasion from majority Hispanic blue states wrapping themselves in a federal American flag that they despise, and invoking the victory of Harvard in the War of Northern Aggression.

Shortly after their victory, they will demonize the flag they have wrapped themselves in, due to Jim Crow and segregation, and run a up a new flag, probably Bolivarian. Whites are already second class citizens in California. If they win civil war II, it will be considerably worse. The Californian power grid is going down, and they blame it on Global Warming, but unreliable power is typical of states dominated by inferior races. As California will be getting more blackouts when it gets hot, pretty soon New Yorkers will find the gas going off when it gets cold. Which will also be blamed on Global Warming.

If you are the person you claim to be, tell us what you did about weapons after fleeing America, and tell us how the blockchain is related to the problem of organizing large scale violence. I don’t see any connection.

The Cominator says:

Republics require a very high level of consensus on most issues and social cohesion hence they never function well in large countries but even that is not the biggest point of failure with the US now.

We let women vote and we’ve imported aliens en masse who can vote.

This makes good government quite impossible, Trump is an extraordinary miraculous anomaly as President but a long term solution only if he abolishes the Republic and becomes something like a king.

It will not be possible to revoke the franchise of women and aliens as a Republic and even if we could do that the country would still be divided and badly governed generally because we are too big to have all that much consensus… balkanization will mean civil war first. The Republic continuing past Trump will mean civil war.

King Trump is the ONLY way we avoid civil war.

Nikolai says:

Ah my mistake, this guy actually is X. Same guy from a year ago.

Every comment you make is pure Enlightenment thinking. “absolute power corrupts absolutely” “every church ever has been wrong but still read the Bible” “muh guns, muh founding fathers, muh State”

The problem is all the issues we face today are the result of such thinking. It’s a straight line from the founding fathers to drag queen story time. The founders were the antifa of their day. Going back to the founders is like having stage IV melanoma and wanting to go back to stage I.

Well yes, stage I melanoma would be better than a terminal diagnosis, but I’d rather be cancer free. Wouldn’t you?

Lenny says:

> The Schelling point of disagreement is to agree on the objective ledger
If saying would only make it so. At the end of the 18th century, it turned out that the Schelling point for the movers and shakers wasn’t the plain text of the Bible, “save for cause of fornication”, or George IV.

Bob says:

Why won’t you answer my questions:

How did your guns help you move outside the US and have a family?

Since we don’t have a right to military weapons, weren’t we slaves from at latest 1934 despite the Constitution?

Did you give up your guns to leave the US?  Why haven’t you fought?

>> When was the last time a group of Americans pointed their guns at their tyrants?
>2014. Clive Bundy standoff. The corrupt Feds lost that battle and had to back down.

Ok, excellent.  One success (sort of; the patriots didn’t get off scott-free, even the ones who weren’t indicted; the process is the punishment and the feds haven’t give up yet).  Why not more?  Why haven’t more Americans violently preserved their liberty more often since 1865?  Reactionaries say (I think) it’s because the warriors lack cohesion because our priests hate Americans.  Your answer is to just network and not rely on priests, which is saying to just ignore the problem without fixing it.  How do you propose Americans network to resist when Americans believe they shouldn’t resist?  If you say, Find the ones willing to resist, then please explain why you, the Bundy’s, and their buddies haven’t gotten together and invaded Washington.

>> We need priests to give us cohesion to use our weapons, which means a state religion.
>If you need a State religion then you are the property of the power vacuum of the State and your guns will be confiscated, as has been the case in every former monarchy such as England, France, etc. You will lack the local soft and hard power to do what Clive Bundy’s clan did.

Bundy’s clan still pays federal taxes.  Some also went to prison.  They won a small battle, but haven’t successfully resisted, ie prevented the other thousand ways they are tyrannized.

Everyone needs a state religion.  In any representative gov, the people influence the government, but are influenced by any cohesive group of priests who can convince large groups of people.  Who plays that role in the US?  The media and academia, who are our arbitrators of truth and justice.  Since we don’t have an official state religion, the media and academia happily stepped in to become one.  I would recommend you lurk a bit more or become familiar with Moldbug’s concept of the Cathedral.

>The USA is the last stand for mankind.

The US is the main force in the world for homosexuality, degeneracy, feminism, and the Left in general.

>And you are delusional if you think we are going to hand it all back over the a system of monarchy. Hell no.

There’s no we.  You ran away.

>Instead we need to look forward to technology such as fully decentralized blockchains to help us organize and cooperate without that power vacuum incentivizing defection on the collective and leftard victimization politics. Which even Jim noted is where the monarchies all ended up. Because of the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The only possible way we sustain freedom is via decentralization.

I know nothing about blockchains, so I can’t comment.

>The distinction from a centralized monarchy is that everyone is free to leave and vote with their feet.

Since before 2006, it’s become apparent that voting with your feet means colonizing someplace else.  Mexicans voted with their feet that Mexico was a bad place… only because we let them come here.  If any fiefdom is sane, it won’t let other fiefdoms send their people to colonize them.  How are your fiefdoms different from monarchy if the dissenters have nowhere to go?

>A key challenge is how to get fiefdoms to compete virtuously and not descend into continual war and chaos where nobody has any time to do science and engineering.

How is that any easier than finding a king who isn’t nuts?

>> The time came over a hundred years ago and has been present every day since…

>I believe the problem is a lack of local soft power cohesiveness.

I’ve already proposed a reason why that is a problem and how to solve it.

>I believe we do not put enough effort into local church and education.

That is as vague as saying, To fix obesity, the obese need to put work on their health.

>The sons in our small rural communities should be prepared to die against Feds as was the case for the Clive Bundy clan.

“Nobody is prepared” is a symptom.  Using the Bundy’s as an example of cohesion is using the least sick patient in the hospital as an example of health.  When their ranch declares independence and is more autonomous than an Indian res, we can talk about them.

>> That is commendable for you, but we want to create a society that harnesses the betas. We argue that hundred sheep led by a lion beats ten lions fleecing a thousand sheep.

>The betas need to be lead within their local fiefdom communities. They should be given a wife and job. I am all for patriarchy within smaller scale fiefdoms. I am not in support of enabling a State monarchy, because as stated it is a winner-take-all power vacuum that must exploit the weakness of humans. Been there, done that. Mankind must progress, not regress.

>I have read dozens of Jim’s astute blogs. I understand the issues about PUA theory, female hypergamy, etc..

You wanted betas thrown under the bus for not being resourceful and clever and now you want them to be patriarchs?

>>A king can’t tyrannize every citizen unless he creates bureaucracies that then tyrannize him as wells as everyone else. We already have the bureaucracies and tyranny.

>Every King will be forced into it by the said power vacuum. The problem is structural.

Monarchies have had hundred year runs of success, like after the Restoration.  Democracies have not.  America didn’t last 80 years.  Tocqueville predicted it in America in 1840.

>> Would you rather live in a society where the king is far away and can’t control your community, or where you have the Constitution, but the eye of Sauron watches everything and every blue-haired cat lady can send you to prison?

>False dichotomy. The King will never be far away anymore, because he has all seeing technology such as the Internet and IoT. Everyday in the USA, soccer mom’s cars have hidden cameras that photograph your license plate. The NSA knows everywhere you go throughout the day. Trump does not control the NSA.

The eye of Sauron is a feature of our democracy and every other democracy on the planet.  My dichotomy is between two situations that actually occurred.  You’re proposing something that relies on technology that (I believe) hasn’t been finished yet.

>> We believe rugged individualism is a myth and America was created by communities of men.

>The rural and rugged tilt is the cultural soft power that still helps us fight vehemently for our gun rights. The NRA is the most powerful lobby in WA D.C..

The NRA is neither rugged nor individualistic.  Its members are rarely rugged and by organizing as a group, aren’t relying on individualism.  It also is not fighting for our gun rights.

>> Communities and cooperation, at least among white men, is outlawed and the know-how almost lost.

>Not where God is still strong. Visit Utah. In Summer 2003 I drove through a rural community in Utah and I saw so many purely white as a ghost families with their young babies and kids picnicking around a lake.

Bro, I live in Utah.  See my comments arguing with The Cominator to verify, from earlier entries.  Utah is only a few decades behind everywhere else, at most.  The birth rate is at replacement, which is indicative of feminism, which means broken communities and no male cooperation.  I helped my elderly neighbor move some of his stuff with his sons and grandsons.  Helping grandpa is great, but it’s not enough.

>Elsewhere we lost our soft power because we stopped controlling education and church at the local community level. We allowed television and Internet for our kids for example. ***THE HUGE MISTAKE WAS WE ALLOWED DEMOCRACY AT THE COMMUNITY LEVEL.***

We gave up control of education and the church because we were so afraid of breaking a separation between church and state, an idea imposed on us by the media/academic religion.  If we assert our values in schools, we are pressured to back down because “the 1st amendment”, which we always concede to.  We can’t assert our values in our churches because we sent our clergy to schools in which we no longer asserted our values.
This is an example of how we are ruled by a state religion, despite efforts to prevent it.

> When America falls to pieces, warriors will need priests to give them legitimacy among themselves and the populace so they can defend their communities and perhaps restore the American nation, or as Jim hopes, Empire.

>The war is with ourselves. We have done nothing but whine about what we can not do, instead of doing what we should do.

Dude, you ran away.  If that’s what you needed to do, then cool.  But don’t turn around and criticize anyone who stays and struggles.

Shelby says:

Jim I agree with everything you wrote in comment 2019-10-17 at 22:30. Amen.

Jim wrote:

> I don’t think blockchains will remove the necessity for Kings, because we still need to have organized violence, and well known and thoroughly stationary bandits, the more stationary the better, is the least bad solution found so far.

Why can’t fiefdoms coordinate for the necessary violence based on protecting on a few sacred items, e.g. gun rights, private property, religion, education, and procreation? If any entity attacks any fiefdom, then all fiefdoms view it as an existential threat and unify their militias. No standing armies. Every adult male citizen is in the militia. Also w.r.t. to territory, land is becoming relatively worth-less and this will accelerate with the 2nd computer revolution underway. We can employ for example anonymous cryptocurrency to obscure much of our economy from the coming world government. Nation-states are being deprecated. I know you do not believe this, but watch Facebook Libra and Bitcoin over the next 8 years.

The problem I see with enabling a centralized coordinator of it all (i.e. a King) is that becomes a power vacuum to be undermined by our enemies the Satanic priests.

> I too am working on the blockchain. The problem I see with existing blockchains is that they represent a consensus of the miners on who owns what, rather than a consensus of the major owners on who owns what. When push comes to shove, this a point of vulnerability. Plus the necessarily high cost of mining is necessarily inflationary.

Sorry to be so blunt, but to minimize verbiage you’re not even close because it appears you do not understand why proof-of-stake can never be decentralized. I have solved all the technological, economic, and game theoretic issues already. In implementation mode.

Mild inflation is desirable, especially when the miners are us. Bitcoin’s mining is very inefficient because it relies too much on electricity. The correct design essentially burns (the amortization of) commodity hardware, not electricity. Note though that for example I revealed the design flaw in RandomX. The devil is in the details, as is typical for engineering.

> The biggest point of vulnerability however, is the necessity for reputations in order to do transactions, which become a point of vulnerability when siloed

I solved this technological problem. Also the reputation part can be solved with zk-starks for absolute anonymity. But the censorship of anonymous transactions part is much more difficult to solve. But I finally discovered the solution. It combines numerous elements including a mining defense and a game theoretic facet.

> You are lecturing us without understanding or listening to our doctrines, and you are not answering the questions you have been asked. This is unresponsive, and I censor unresponsive and repetitious people.

I was preoccupied. Have I not responded or evaded by now?

> A king is the least bad and most effective solution to organizing large scale violence. Balkanization will result in white defeat. Balkans will fall to hostile invasion from majority Hispanic blue states wrapping themselves in a federal American flag that they despise, and invoking the victory of Harvard in the War of Northern Aggression.

Balkanization or not, our white, patriarchal future from a political and militia perspective depends on whether we can significantly increase our fertility and soft power (i.e. Christian education and the removal of mass media in the our communities). The E. European Balkan countries lack the truest understanding of Christianity because they incorporate their social hierarchies and bureaucracy into their Orthodox churches. Their soft power and economies are undermined and stifled by this.

Our best strategy is for Trump to remain within the appearance of the Constitution until the Left *significantly* usurps it. So we have time to build up our fertility while he holds down immigration. But the problem is too many of us are waiting in our armchair instead of maximizing this window of opportunity (that I believe the Lord provided to us) to massively procreate. That is unless you think you can achieve genocide or mass exile of brown US citizens. Or if you believe (as I think you have written) that once the Left leadership and financing is removed that the rest of the leftards will be pacified (go hide under a rock where they belong). I want Trump to continue to attack their viability (e.g. making CA State taxes non-deductible over a $10k limit) without usurping the Constitution so that when and if the Left does go full tilt retarded, then even Americans like myself will support drastic measures. Skirmishes are not the Schelling point. Note however that if it appears we may lose control of the federal government again via a Constitutional election, I may be willing to support drastic measures. So I am saying use me as sort of a bell weather for what will have sufficient support. I think Trump is going to do what I want anyway because he is a very astute politician and clever geopolitical strategist.

Note I do think the USA will split up, regardless of our hope about Trump and the current window of opportunity open to us. So if I am correct, we better be prepared for Balkanization just in case.

You’re probably aware that the Mexican political and cultural identity rests in the theory of overrunning the whites with their higher fertility. Here what a Mexican explained to me recently:

“Mexicans, thanks to the work of people like Vasconcelos and the Coronel Calles, became ideological agnostic and the only true “ideology” was built in the nation bulding of La raza cósmica , Because, while i can accpet that as you said “, I would prefer to see white culture be revived but in the original Libertarian form envisioned by the US Constitution’s founding fathers. Because I think that is a superior ideology and form of organization” is indeed more efficient in the economical arena, our nation bulding of La raza cósmica is more stable, it was designed in that way, be the most stable. While i’ll glady give you a long course on how this works, and even give you PDF of books that never were translate of the spanish that cointains its fundantion, I’ll tell you, this, this ideology was designed to become something even more deep than the Nazism aryan supremasism and work like the borgs. Why do you think that unlike the US, the people whom come to Mexico after 2 or 3 generatiosn consider themselves just “mexicans” and no any hyphenated labels like they do in the US (african-american)? And we can see that in the southern US, Mexcian culture, ethos and soul is surviving the US one and becoming predominant. It was designed to work like the borgs of star trek, and so far has been successful.”

Bob wrote:

> of as Jim hopes, *Empire*

The Planet of the Apes.

180 IQ Freeman Dyson explaining from his first hand experience in WW2 how morality succumbs to such a megalomania:

He marvels at our human achievements despite his belief that we’re only slightly evolved from apes:

My reaction is that the closer we *truly* adhere/cohere to the Christian God, the less we are evolved from apes. Again the Lord told us what to do in 1 Samuel 8, but yet so many of us still aspire to be evolved from apes. Choose. And the Lord said the people have chosen a King and Samuel told everyone to go back to their town.

Jim wrote:

> If you are the person you claim to be, tell us what you did about weapons after fleeing America

I have not yet put any plans to action on this problem. I am planning now. I will not share my thoughts on this matter publicly at this time. But for sure man is not an island. We can not solve the military issue isolated all alone. We need organization.

Lenny wrote:

> If saying would only make it so. At the end of the 18th century, it turned out that the Schelling point for the movers and shakers wasn’t the plain text of the Bible, “save for cause of fornication”, or George IV.

If our soft power is vulnerable, then indeed we’re vulnerable. King or no King. If we allow hierarchies and bureaucracy in our churches (i.e. build our house next to an active volcano) and then wonder why there is lava in the living room.

But you’re not responding only to the game theoretic issue. You moved or widened the goal posts. If the entire populace is Satanic, then no one will prefer agreement and everyone will scatter off in every malevolent direction. There is no stable civilization without Christianity. If most people refuse to adhere to what Christianity is really about, then we’re doomed at least on Earth. Revelation says so.

The Cominator wrote:

> This makes good government quite impossible, Trump is an extraordinary miraculous anomaly as President but a long term solution only if he abolishes the Republic and becomes something like a king.

I hope you realize I am not disagreeing with your prognosis, only with what is plausible and best strategically. For one, I suspect Trump is being set up by those who are much more powerful and unseen than the well known names on the Left. I hope Trump outsmarts those priests behind the curtain. And I think if he were to usurp the Constitution prematurely, he would play into their strong hand. Maybe I am incorrect.

Nikolai wrote:

> The problem is all the issues we face today are the result of such thinking. It’s a straight line from the founding fathers to drag queen story time.

What have you accomplished tough guy? Walk your talk.

Theory and practice are not the same. You can claim whatever you want in theory (equating me to Antifa!), but until you demonstrate it then you’re just a hot air balloon.

Bob wrote:

> Why haven’t you fought?

Why did Trump not reveal his entire hand on the first day of office. The Art of War. The Art of the Deal. Rome was not built in one day.

I am fighting, just not haphazardly and stupidly.

Your claim is that the right to bear arms is essentially useless if we have not used it yet. And I think that is ludicrous. It is a Schelling point that if violated nationwide will bring about armed insurrection. Americans actually choose where to live based on the gun rights of the locale.

Also our gun rights provide us some ability to protect ourselves. Most States (even CA) have the principle that if you shoot someone inside your home that this is justified. Whereas most other countries in the world do not have this and the shooter is presumed to be guilty if he can not prove the invader was sufficiently threatening. Also the pretext of gun rights gives us some cover for having dissembled parts of military grade weapons lying around for the time when they become necessary.

Essentially you want to stop the slide to the Left and the State religion. And you think that if the guns have not been useful for that, then they are essentially useless. I think that this is our fault for being too lazy to procreate intensively and institute the necessary Christian soft power in our homes and rural communities.

> Reactionaries say (I think) it’s because the warriors lack cohesion because our priests hate Americans.


>Your answer is to just network and not rely on priests, which is saying to just ignore the problem without fixing it.

No I am suggesting to institute local priests. Stop sacrificing your children on Moloch’s altar by giving the outside priests access.

> How do you propose Americans network to resist when Americans believe they shouldn’t resist?

Those so called “Americans” are useless. They can’t be recovered because they were sacrificed in their youth to the high priests.

> Bundy’s clan still pays federal taxes. Some also went to prison. They won a small battle, but haven’t successfully resisted, ie prevented the other thousand ways they are tyrannized.

Bundy’s clan is ostensibly low tech, presumably does not know how to structure income as capital gains or gifts.

Remember the Jesus said to give to Caesar what is his and render to God what is God’s. Thus when doing transactions with the useless fodder of the nation, charge higher prices and pass it along to the Feds. When transacting with your brethren use an anonymous cryptocurrency. Obviously procreating and networking is necessary to grow the prospective economy among those who are awake.

> Everyone needs a state religion. In any representative gov, the people influence the government, but are influenced by any cohesive group of priests who can convince large groups of people. Who plays that role in the US?

Only obedient slaves who are so pathetic and incapable of fighting their way out of a wet brown paper bag need that enslavement system. Grow a backbone and become proactive.

If you expect it to be easy, you’ve already lost the battle.

> >The USA is the last stand for mankind.
> The US is the main force in the world for homosexuality, degeneracy, feminism, and the Left in general.

Don’t conflate cities with rural Christian America. You could write that about Sydney also with their gay parade.

> If any fiefdom is sane, it won’t let other fiefdoms send their people to colonize them. How are your fiefdoms different from monarchy if the dissenters have nowhere to go?

Dissenters inside the fiefdom can leave for any other place if they do not agree with the rules. Dissenters of the USA State religion can form their own fiefdom or join one when they exist.

The key distinction I envision from a State-wide monarchy is that there are more degrees-of-freedom and thus in theory greater resiliency. The possible threats include the State and the smaller size of each fiefdom. Fiefdoms need to ally with each other and the only way to do that is to have a common religion and that religion has to be in the truest way believed by the constituents. So hierarchies and bureaucracy (i.e. corruption) have to kept out of the religious sphere. Note fiefdoms should also kick subversive people out. No land should be sold within fiefdoms. It is owned by the owner of the fiefdom. If you do not like, then leave. Find a fiefdom owner you agree with.

Note if a monarchy would be compatible with such fiefdoms then I would support it, but nation-state scale monarchies are essentially the same crappy outcome as democracy. And that is the key distinction. Monarchy is not stable on the scale that cities have become. Monarchies worked better at smaller scales.

In short, I believe we have to *continuously* fight large collectives regardless of any direction we choose. Unfortunately, this is the plight of the human existence on Earth.

> How is that any easier than finding a king who isn’t nuts?

1. Because you are not just finding a King. You may wish it was that simple but there’s a bureaucracy also being selected, and not just selected by the King. The King will be put in difficult situations by the priests and banksters. The King can not possible maintain complete control. Never has happened sustainably and never will. Flies in the face of the understanding of physics.

2. Because we are choosing within our Dunbar limit. And small things scale better and are easier to manage. Saplings grow to oak trees but old oak trees do not grow to the moon. Fiefdoms can experience creative destruction where some die and new ones are born.

> I’ve already proposed a reason why that is a problem and how to solve it.

I must have missed that.

> > I believe we do not put enough effort into local church and education.
> That is as vague as saying, To fix obesity, the obese need to put work on their health.

I have added some more explicit requirements in this response. No hierarchies and bureaucracies in the church and education system. Teach the males what I have been writing so they will understand what is at stake. Kick males out who do not get it. Prune the herd often. As for the mechanics of how this can be accomplished, I am not willing to talk about it publicly at this time.

There is not way for a State to prune the herd. Only small fiefdoms can do this.

> “Nobody is prepared” is a symptom. Using the Bundy’s as an example of cohesion is using the least sick patient in the hospital as an example of health. When their ranch declares independence and is more autonomous than an Indian res, we can talk about them.

Don’t necessarily declare anything. Just be independent. I can not stress enough the importance of the soft power on the youth. If your soft power is weak, then you’re weak regardless of State monarchy or not. Because all large systems will be riddled with hierarchies and bureaucratic corruption of the the spirit of the word. The youth can’t connect in their heart with proclamations coming from some boring priests in a robe who is benefiting from some hierarchical status that they do not respect nor identify with. The soft power needs fathers to be involved. You can not just write a check for school and expect your kids to turn out emotionally invested in the community.

> Monarchies have had hundred year runs of success, like after the Restoration. Democracies have not. America didn’t last 80 years. Tocqueville predicted it in America in 1840.

As I stated before, Rome with low taxes and no State religion and many decentralized fiefdoms spread out over the empire, stood for 1000 years. Whatever form of Empire government we will have, we need to disintermediate much of its power so that it can be sustained 1000 years. The more power the large scale government has, the faster it will destroy itself.

As you have noted, the US government’s self-destruction has accelerated since government has gained power in the 20th century (from ~10% to 50+% of the GDP if including the costs of regulation). This coincided with voting rights for women and blacks, the Unconstitutional income tax, etc..

> > The rural and rugged tilt is the cultural soft power that still helps us fight vehemently for our gun rights. The NRA is the most powerful lobby in WA D.C..
> The NRA is neither rugged nor individualistic. Its members are rarely rugged and by organizing as a group, aren’t relying on individualism. It also is not fighting for our gun rights.

It’s not a perfect situation. But you paint it as though there are no rugged individualists remaining who benefit from the reprieves we have which provides a window of opportunity to do better.

Because we raise our kids with too many conveniences. Too urban. No experience farming. Etc..

> Bro, I live in Utah. See my comments arguing with The Cominator to verify, from earlier entries. Utah is only a few decades behind everywhere else, at most. The birth rate is at replacement, which is indicative of feminism, which means broken communities and no male cooperation. I helped my elderly neighbor move some of his stuff with his sons and grandsons. Helping grandpa is great, but it’s not enough.

Yeah I know it has gone downhill since I was there in 2003. Seems so many allowed their daughters to go to the priests universities for example. That is a quick way to undermine everything.

But the polygamist Mormons dressed their women in those stupid old dresses and did not really offer a very compelling or warrior type of upbringing for their sons. Why would boys be motivated for such ugly women. I am talking about raising every boy to be warrior. I mean shooting and militia drills from a very early age. Not abandoning science and engineering though. I did all in my youth. Sports, academics, inventions, hunting, hiking mountains, etc..

> We gave up control of education and the church because we were so afraid of breaking a separation between church and state, an idea imposed on us by the media/academic religion. If we assert our values in schools, we are pressured to back down because “the 1st amendment”, which we always concede to. We can’t assert our values in our churches because we sent our clergy to schools in which we no longer asserted our values.

A separation of State and religion is not a separation of community and religion! Wrong interpretation. Yeah the Americans are fucked up with that misinterpretation. I am here suggesting we need to change that pronto.

Cheers bro.

Jim I will refrain from commenting further on your blog for a while, because I don’t want to be accused of spamming your blog. Also this is quickly spinning out of control into too much verbiage. I will be available to respond to any questions directed to me.

jim says:

> Why can’t fiefdoms coordinate for the necessary violence based on protecting on a few sacred items, e.g. gun rights, private property, religion, education, and procreation?

Every system that approximated anarcho capitalism (no state monopoly of legitimate violence, highly distributed power) had and needed a state religion.

In order to coordinate without a single monopoly of legitimate violence, you need priestly coordination. You need people to agree on what violence is legitimate, what the rules are, what property rights are. People are not going to coordinate on libertarian rules, or any other rules, except the Gods say so.

jim says:

> A separation of State and religion is not a separation of community and religion! Wrong interpretation

You cannot separate state and religion. A state always represents elite coordination, and to coordinate on a large scale, you have to have shared religion.

Which in the American hegemony is the religion of the priestly seminary of Harvard. You can tolerate other religions, but they necessarily have a subordinate and inferior position, like modern Christianity. Hence modern Christianity’s acceptance of sodomy, divorce at female whim, child support in place of the nuclear family, “season of singleness”, and Drag Queen story hour.

The no establishment of religion clause was intended to guarantee that each state had the right to its own distinct state religion. And that was what the War of Northern Aggression was all about, imposing one state religion on the entire United States, and, eventually, the world.

That state religion is trapped in a holiness spiral, which inevitably will result in its self destruction. Let us pray that it does not destroy us in its death throes. Here, we are preparing a new State Religion, which will honor King, flag, and country.

Bob says:

>> Why haven’t you fought?
>Why did Trump not reveal his entire hand on the first day of office. The Art of War. The Art of the Deal. Rome was not built in one day.>I am fighting, just not haphazardly and stupidly.Nah.  You left for the Philippines.  You left your guns in the US, then said Americans like you would never give up their guns and would fight gun confiscation with violence.  How many TSA or customs agents did you shoot?  How much blood have you shed?
>Your claim is that the right to bear arms is essentially useless if we have not used it yet.Prove it.  I said the right was gone already and we haven’t fought, negating your idea that gun confiscation is a schelling point.
>>Your answer is to just network and not rely on priests, which is saying to just ignore the problem without fixing it.
>No I am suggesting to institute local priests. Stop sacrificing your children on Moloch’s altar by giving the outside priests access.If you have local priests, then you will only have local cohesion and will be overwhelmed by the warriors with a national priesthood giving them national cohesion.
>> How do you propose Americans network to resist when Americans believe they shouldn’t resist?>Those so called “Americans” are useless. They can’t be recovered because they were sacrificed in their youth to the high priests.Those so called Americans are everyone minus maybe the Bundy’s.  No group has withstood the Cathedral.
>> Bundy’s clan still pays federal taxes. Some also went to prison. They won a small battle, but haven’t successfully resisted, ie prevented the other thousand ways they are tyrannized.>Bundy’s clan is ostensibly low tech, presumably does not know how to structure income as capital gains or gifts.The Bundy’s are still ruled by the State and Federal governments.  If they are the best example you can give of patriots using their 2A rights, then you need a better poster child.
>> Everyone needs a state religion. In any representative gov, the people influence the government, but are influenced by any cohesive group of priests who can convince large groups of people. Who plays that role in the US?>Only obedient slaves who are so pathetic and incapable of fighting their way out of a wet brown paper bag need that enslavement system. Grow a backbone and become proactive.You’re unclear.  I described a problem and you said nobody should need that problem.  Would you elaborate how representative governments do not in fact get co-opted by a group that influences the people who choose the leaders?
>>>The USA is the last stand for mankind.
>> The US is the main force in the world for homosexuality, degeneracy, feminism, and the Left in general.>Don’t conflate cities with rural Christian America. You could write that about Sydney also with their gay parade.Rural Christian America does not interact with the world.  All international dealings from the US are done by leftists in the government, who don’t stand for mankind.
>> If any fiefdom is sane, it won’t let other fiefdoms send their people to colonize them. How are your fiefdoms different from monarchy if the dissenters have nowhere to go?>Dissenters inside the fiefdom can leave for any other place if they do not agree with the rules. Dissenters of the USA State religion can form their own fiefdom or join one when they exist.You presume to know a lot about how a theoretical system would work in reality.  >The key distinction I envision from a State-wide monarchy is that there are more degrees-of-freedom and thus in theory greater resiliency. Word salad utopian nonsense with no reasoning or logic.>The possible threats include the State and the smaller size of each fiefdom… Find a fiefdom owner you agree with.You keep describing end results without describing mechanisms to achieve them.
>In short, I believe we have to *continuously* fight large collectives regardless of any direction we choose. Unfortunately, this is the plight of the human existence on Earth.I mean, if we all voted for honest politicians, wouldn’t we not have any problems?  Isn’t the solution as easy as just only voting for honest politicians?
>> How is that any easier than finding a king who isn’t nuts?>1. Because you are not just finding a King. You may wish it was that simple but there’s a bureaucracy also being selected, and not just selected by the King. The King will be put in difficult situations by the priests and banksters. The King can not possible maintain complete control. Never has happened sustainably and never will. Flies in the face of the understanding of physics.>2. Because we are choosing within our Dunbar limit. And small things scale better and are easier to manage. Saplings grow to oak trees but old oak trees do not grow to the moon. Fiefdoms can experience creative destruction where some die and new ones are born.Honestly, none of that made sense.

>> I’ve already proposed a reason why that is a problem and how to solve it.>I must have missed that.Control F + “cohesive”
>> That is as vague as saying, To fix obesity, the obese need to put work on their health.>No hierarchies and bureaucracies in the church and education system. Wut> As for the mechanics of how this can be accomplished, I am not willing to talk about it publicly at this time….
>> “Nobody is prepared” is a symptom. Using the Bundy’s as an example of cohesion is using the least sick patient in the hospital as an example of health. When their ranch declares independence and is more autonomous than an Indian res, we can talk about them.
>Don’t necessarily declare anything. Just be independent. They are not a good example of cohesion.  Vague (and terrible) advice about how to bypass the problem of why they’re not actually cohesive doesn’t show that they’re a good example.
>I can not stress enough the importance of the soft power on the youth. You also can’t describe how to implement it.
>If your soft power is weakYou sound like you couldn’t describe our idea of rule by priests or warriors and you won’t describe how to rule with soft power.
>As I stated before, Rome with low taxes and no State religion and many decentralized fiefdoms spread out over the empire, stood for 1000 years.
Yeah, that’s not true.  It was not an empire for 1k years, was not low taxes for most of its empire period, and (I believe) had a state religion during empire.  If you want to dispute this, we can start breaking out the sources.

>> The NRA is neither rugged nor individualistic. Its members are rarely rugged and by organizing as a group, aren’t relying on individualism. It also is not fighting for our gun rights.>It’s not a perfect situation. But you paint it as though there are no rugged individualists remaining who benefit from the reprieves we have which provides a window of opportunity to do better.Come on, man.  Are you just skimming? “Rugged individualism didn’t settle America, communities of men did.” and “The NRA isn’t rugged or individualistic” is not “There are no rugged individuals remaining”.
>> Bro, I live in Utah.
>Yeah I know it has gone downhill since I was there in 2003. It has gone downhill since we lost the Mormon War and became subject, lightly at first and more heavily now, to the progressive state religion hq’d in Harvard.  Contrary to your assertion, it is true in Utah, where God is still strong, that “Communities and cooperation, at least among white men, is outlawed and the know-how almost lost.”  The Bundy’s (close enough to Utah) are the best example you have and they are still subject to the Federal and State gov that controls their lives in a thousand ways, unable to cooperate enough to become free and independent, declared or not.
>A separation of State and religion is not a separation of community and religion! Wrong interpretation. Yeah the Americans are fucked up with that misinterpretation. I am here suggesting we need to change that pronto.You completely missed my point, which is the part you didn’t quote.  I’m not asserting whether or not it’s a correct interpretation of the 1st amendment.  Why do we in America always concede that interpretation of the 1st amendment?  Because we in America all think in terms the progressive state religion dictates, accepting what that state religion says is true or not.  Do you know what we mean when we refer to the Cathedral?

Americans won’t fight because they belong to a religion that tells them not to fight the government.  They don’t think of it as a religion, but it controls their beliefs and actions as much as it does for any Baptist.  You also belong to it.  It’s apparent, because you think you will fight even though you have all the reasons why you should, your buddies (still in the US) have those reasons, but you don’t get together and do it.  You, or people like you, give the excuse that no one else will, you shouldn’t be the first, if they don’t listen to my strongly-worded letter then I finally will, if they cross this line then I will….  But you, and no one else, will.If you think you don’t belong to this religion, then ask yourself, Why are blacks always, everywhere, every time, on the bottom of the intelligence scale compared to their non-black neighbors?  Or try to take shaman’s test:  If you answer like a blue-pilled boomer by blaming anything like “culture” or “Flynn effect”, then you’re unable to think outside the lines drawn by the Left.  Lines that conveniently direct you to wait for some schelling point before doing what you think you should be done.Also, I don’t think armed rebellion would work yet.  There’s no faith to unite us (though Jim is on the case) which would allow us to cooperate and succeed.  So please don’t think I blame anyone who isn’t fighting.  That is, unless they pretend they will once a line is crossed.

Shelby says:

Jim & Bob, I’ve read your responses. I have some incisive points to respond with, but I must go to the gym first.

I hope I can wrap up my side of the discussion with my next post. Then you all can have the last word.

Bob, I need to correct some misinterpretations you have of my position. For example, your allegation that I am not willing to fight the corrupt influence of the State. My key point is that if you depend on a State religion in order to fight, then you’re pathetic. Both you and Jim think the State is omnipotent and you w(h)or(e)ship the Great Harlot State.

jim says:

You have no idea what we think and show no interest in finding out.

This is not a conversation. You are lecturing a delusion invented by leftists, and your lecture presupposes the world as imagined by leftists is the actual world – that no only are we as imagined by leftists, but America is as imagined by leftists.

For example, you fail to acknowledge that we have never had separation of Church and state.

The Cominator says:

Shelby I can’t speak for anyone else here but even if you are a shill entryists etc I find you and the discussions you spur interesting unlike all the rest of them (who I simply find disruptive and annoying) so I hope you stick around here… that is once again only my personal opinion.

Shelby says:

The Cominator wrote:

> The reason why the Orthodox Church is resilient is its basic ancient doctrines are international and very very hard for anyone to change but matters of church discipline otoh are COMPLETELY national. That is what we want for the state church.

That seems to work reasonably well for smaller (e.g. E. European) nations (not superpowers) that are some backward and still stuck in the agricultural and industrial ages. But to scale to the Knowledge Age wherein nation-states will be disintemediating by a world government, then I argue we need to move the control of the religion into fiefdoms of smaller size. Justification follows…

Jim wrote:

> You are lecturing us without understanding or listening to our doctrines

I’ve read and understood your (group’s) doctrines. And agree with much of the reasoning. I am making my points of disagreement. What you do with my points (e.g. censor, ignore, debate, etc) is up to you (all) of course.

> Every system that approximated anarcho capitalism (no state monopoly of legitimate violence, highly distributed power) had and needed a state religion.

All prior examples were in the agricultural and industrial epochs wherein fixed capital investment was paramount. The Second Computer Revolution (aka Knowledge Age) is changing everything:

> You cannot separate state and religion. A state always represents elite coordination, and to coordinate on a large scale, you have to have shared religion.

For wide scale economic cooperation we no longer need top-down protection of fixed capital nor large fixed capital investments. In fact, in software the Mythical Man Month is prominent and cooperation is antithetical. The only cooperative scaling model that works is the *decentralized* Inverse Commons:
(skip to 4min for the punchline)

Linus’s speech about Git provides some insight into why only *decentralized* cooperation scales in this new epoch:
(after the initial linked intro, skip to 13min for the punchline)

Unfortunately presumably many of you are oblivious to the technological change that is underway and thus you reach for antiquated non-solutions which are deprecated and thus won’t be competitive.

As for military cooperation, the nation-state and land are becoming relatively worth-less as the Knowledge Age disintermediates the value of fixed capital investment. So exactly what are you fighting to protect?

As for fighting to protect culture, religion, and K-strategy procreation, turning this responsibility over to a State religion far away from your local community is providing a power vacuum for Satan to capture and undermine/enslave you, precisely as the Lord warned in 1 Samuel 8. If you want to protect your family, monitor your priests in a small community close to home. Be involved in adherence to true Christianity.

In fact, you guys aren’t Christians because you lust precisely for an earthly King to lead you as the Lord warned you not to do in 1 Samuel 8. And so to know what the Lord will do to you, just read 1 Samuel 15.

> Which in the American hegemony is the religion of the priestly seminary of Harvard. You can tolerate other religions, but they necessarily have a subordinate and inferior position, like modern Christianity. Hence modern Christianity’s acceptance of sodomy, divorce at female whim, child support in place of the nuclear family, “season of singleness”, and Drag Queen story hour.

Yep. Exactly what happens to people who allow their communities to be inundated by an external religion of priests, e.g. the mass media. Why the fuck are you sending your kids to Harvard? Who the fuck cares what the “useful idiots” do. You want to be in control of idiots and lazy males who are unwilling to cordon the ideological influence in their local communities. Good luck with managing idiots and lazy men. I will instead prefer to raise men in communities of men who are highly productive in the Knowledge Age and who understand the importance of protecting the Christianity of the local community. Any sons who can’t do this, should GTFO. Any women who protest can GTFO. I don’t need those idiots.

> The no establishment of religion clause was intended to guarantee that each state had the right to its own distinct state religion. And that was what the War of Northern Aggression was all about, imposing one state religion on the entire United States, and, eventually, the world.

The clause gives us protection to freedom of religion. So unlike for example in China, we are allowed to for example home school our children. And teach any religion we wish. Although this does not provide the State religion control you want, it provides a window of opportunity for us to use the Knowledge Age to disintermediate the irrelevant State and its impotent State religion. You are viewing it as defeat, because you frame in the context of the antiquated fixed capital investment age wherein the capital that owned the farms and factories was vulnerable to the collective. We are leaving that epoch. Small, lean teams of engineers are much more powerful now.

> That state religion is trapped in a holiness spiral, which inevitably will result in its self destruction.

Indeed. And you want to carry all the baggage on your shoulders. Ha. You will be stuck in a tar pit. And the high priests will be undermining you and infiltrating the State bureaucracy. Whereas, so far it appears Trump is smarter. He is appears to be playing all sides against each other to maximize the productive outcomes rather than going for some silly winner-take-all delusion that ties all our shoelaces together.

> Let us pray that it does not destroy us in its death throes.

It would be best to have a contigency plan in case your preferred outcome of Trump eviscerating the evil priests is not achieved.

> Here, we are preparing a new State Religion, which will honor King, flag, and country.

Another Hitler?

Bob wrote:

> How many TSA or customs agents did you shoot? How much blood have you shed?

Lusting for power over the part of the world that we are not part of is Satanic.

It seems you have not really understood the Bible.

Why do you prioritize controlling other idiots when you have not even yet gained sufficient Christian ideological influence over yourself, your own family and community?

I wrote before that if you have not built a strong foundation close to home, then you have no one to blame but yourself.

> Prove it. I said the right was gone already and we haven’t fought, negating your idea that gun confiscation is a Schelling point.

Americans have not lost their right to bear arms yet. Indeed there are significant restrictions and attacks on this, but families in rural areas can bear arms. My point is why aren’t more of you moving out to rural areas and training your kids correctly. If you want to stem the tide, you need to proactive. The easy way out is to presume a nation-wide cleansing will save you. Thus disobeying the commandment of the Lord in 1 Samuel 8, telling you what a King will do to you.

If we do not actually push back by making it a Schelling point, then that is our fault. How many kids have you raised with the correctly defiant attitude?

> If you have local priests, then you will only have local cohesion and will be overwhelmed by the warriors with a national priesthood giving them national cohesion.

What is more glorious than to die for God against heathen. Why are you afraid?

If more of you would stop being a afraid and paralyzed, and actually proactive in your local communities, then America would not be collapsing.

Essentially men are lazy. They want it done for them the easy way.

> Those so called Americans are everyone minus maybe the Bundy’s. No group has withstood the Cathedral.

All I read from you is, “I can’t. I can’t. I can’t.”

> The Bundy’s are still ruled by the State and Federal governments.

Are you sure? They may be ruled only by God. We would have to speak to them.

> You’re unclear. I described a problem and you said nobody should need that problem. Would you elaborate how representative governments do not in fact get co-opted by a group that influences the people who choose the leaders?

You think you need the Great Harlot. Thus you are enslaved by it. You need only God. And make sure your family is raised with this understanding.

Matthew 6:26-27 New International Version (NIV)
26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life[a]?

> Rural Christian America does not interact with the world. All international dealings from the US are done by leftists in the government, who don’t stand for mankind.


> There’s no we. You ran away.

I commune with Christians who understand and adhere to the word as written.

> You keep describing end results without describing mechanisms to achieve them.

An initial step:

Further discussion is pointless if we do not even have ideological congruence.

> I mean, if we all voted for honest politicians, wouldn’t we not have any problems? Isn’t the solution as easy as just only voting for honest politicians?

We do not get to vote for the high priests behind the curtain. Also remember my link “Some Iron Laws of Political Economics”.

Carrying the deadweight of an entire nation-state is no longer needed nor efficient in the Knowledge Age.

> Honestly, none of that made sense.

If you’re sincere, perhaps I can let you know when I have a church wherein we will discuss these matters.

> Vague (and terrible) advice about how to bypass the problem of why they’re not actually cohesive doesn’t show that they’re a good example.

Ditto what I wrote above about you apparently want (non-)solutions handed to you on a silver platter.

> You sound like you couldn’t describe our idea of rule by priests or warriors and you won’t describe how to rule with soft power.

Ditto what I wrote above about being in control of preventing Yuri Bezmenov’s ideological subversion in your local community. If you can’t accomplish that, then you are weak and prone to any subversion of the State religion. Where honey there are flies. The huge power vacuum you create by relying totally on a State religion makes it impossible for any King to even protect you from the high priests behind the curtain who are always scheming.

> > As I stated before, Rome with low taxes and no State religion and many decentralized fiefdoms spread out over the empire, stood for 1000 years.
> Yeah, that’s not true. It was not an empire for 1k years, was not low taxes for most of its empire period, and (I believe) had a state religion during empire. If you want to dispute this, we can start breaking out the sources.

My source is Martin Armstrong who knows more details about Rome and human history than any other man on earth. He even spent $10 million collecting silver coins so he could reconstruct the monetary history that no one else had. He was a former $2 trillion hedge fund manager for the Japanese Postal fund. After you have debated him, let us know the outcome.

> Come on, man. Are you just skimming? “Rugged individualism didn’t settle America, communities of men did.” and “The NRA isn’t rugged or individualistic” is not “There are no rugged individuals remaining”.

Not all individuals are equally important. The rugged individuals such as my ancestor Isaac Shelby (yeah Shelby is my real name) were very rugged.

I do not value much that America of God-less suburban mayonnaise spread all over the land. You seem to value it and want to carry it as baggage on your shoulders.

Rugged individualism did not settle America? Americans in California were in danger of being eaten by wild animals when the crossed the mountains in Ojai to go to the beach. There were attacks by Indians out West and South.

> It has gone downhill since we lost the Mormon War

If you don’t have your own land and can’t provide for yourselves economically, then need to confiscate the lands of others and involve in their local politics, then are not prepared to win a war with the extant settlers, then I suppose your tribe is inept. And apparently that ineptness has continued. And so you want me to tie my shoelaces together with yours to have a King to enslave us all. Haha.

> Contrary to your assertion, it is true in Utah, where God is still strong, that “Communities and cooperation, at least among white men, is outlawed and the know-how almost lost.”

Sorry I can’t help you. You ostensibly depend on legacy instead of forging a new one compatible with the changing circumstances.

> The Bundy’s (close enough to Utah) are the best example you have and they are still subject to the Federal and State gov that controls their lives in a thousand ways, unable to cooperate enough to become free and independent, declared or not.

The Bundys are not in the Knowledge Age economy. They depend on their vast lands for ranching. Thus yes their way of life is dying and vulnerable.

> You completely missed my point, which is the part you didn’t quote. I’m not asserting whether or not it’s a correct interpretation of the 1st amendment. Why do we in America always concede that interpretation of the 1st amendment? Because we in America all think in terms the progressive state religion dictates, accepting what that state religion says is true or not. Do you know what we mean when we refer to the Cathedral?

I did not miss your point. You missed mine. I know what Jim means by the Cathedral.

I hope this response has helped you better understand that I do not want to be weakened by being dependent on a State religion which can be co-opted from far away. I do not want to tie my shoelaces together with men I do not know from far away and bicker in politics, hierarchies and bureaucracies with men I do not know.

> Americans won’t fight because they belong to a religion that tells them not to fight the government. They don’t think of it as a religion, but it controls their beliefs and actions as much as it does for any Baptist. You also belong to it.

Many Americans do not realize that they are indoctrinated by a State religion of unseen priests. Do not equate me with them. I am not indoctrinated by any State religion.

I will fight for what makes sense, which is protecting my local fiefdom and those Christians who share my interpretation of the Bible. I will not fight to protect men far away who think that their antiquated way of life has to be coddled by a State relgion and their delusions about everything as I have explained it above.

You think I am a defector who is working against the glorious King, State religion and flag nirvana. Analogous to the situation wherein we can’t get leftards to view reality correctly, I also think you do not have a correct interpretation of reality as I have explained above.

> Also, I don’t think armed rebellion would work yet. There’s no faith to unite us.

Agreed. That is another reason I want Trump to tread carefully with maintaining the illusion of the Constitution for as long as possible.

That is why I advocate building up fiefdoms now to be able to stand in support of future reasonable actions at the State level.

In the meantime, I am proactively trying to establish a bulkhead of my own accord (health willing which is a big problem I have now slowing me down). It’s not like I am going to fight against Trump if he has to usurp the Constitution because that time has come and he has no other reasonable option.

Perhaps one day in the future we could try to better understand each other if we could talk about this. I really don’t want to write moar.

jim says:

> > You cannot separate state and religion. A state always represents elite coordination, and to coordinate on a large scale, you have to have shared religion.

> For wide scale economic cooperation we no longer need top-down protection of fixed capital nor large fixed capital investments. In fact, in software the Mythical Man Month is prominent and cooperation is antithetical. The only cooperative scaling model that works is the *decentralized* Inverse Commons:

Supposing that to be true, it is irrelevant to the production of large scale organized violence, the maintenance of order, and the suppression of crime. You are changing the subject.

We are not talking about economic production. Your argument is the argument used by commies attacking capitalism while claiming to be libertarians. The argument you are making is against corporate capitalism, not state religion. It is a commie attempt to pretend that socialism is decentralized, that freedom is slavery, that capitalism is centralized and authoritarian while communism is liberty, but we were not discussing economic cooperation, nor fixed capital.

The argument you make is used by commies pretending to be libertarians when libertarians point out that socialism is famine, terror and mass murder, that socialism cannot produce the goods, but it is a response to the libertarian criticism of socialism. It is entirely irrelevant to the reactionary criticism of liberal democracy, that liberal democracy is an official state religion.

We accuse you of being a leftist pretending to be a rightist and you respond with an argument that would be relevant if you were a socialist pretending to be a libertarian.

Capitalism and the market economy is already decentralized and libertarian and around here we think that is just great – but its liberty depends on the protection of property rights, which protection is necessarily produced by central authority. The arguments you are making are that we can produce software in a decentralized manner. (So commies explain that their socialism will actually be more decentralized than capitalism because it will be like open source software.) Of course we can produced software in a decentralized manner and that is exactly what large scale corporate capitalism already does. Producing large scale organized violence is a rather different problem.

Sure we can produce software in a decentralized fashion and we have always done so from the beginning. Producing organized violence is a harder problem.

jim says:

I am unconvinced that you, Shelby, understand or care about the shibboleths you so glibly toss around. If you are X, the common pattern is that you use the buzzwords of group B, the shibboleths of group B, where group B is an outgroup that the cathedral is attacking, to proclaim yourself as a member of group B, but you use them in a manner that does not quite make sense, and when an actual member of group B asks you a question about your odd use of the shibboleths of his ingroup, you deflect the question with a rambling and irrelevant reply that enthusiastically uses a dozen more shibboleths identifying yourself as a member group B, making even less sense, that does not in fact respond to the question.

Someone challenges you on your odd and absurd use of a buzzword that is a shibboleth of an outgroup under attack from the Cathedral, and instead of responding, you throw out two dozen more shibboleths of that outgroup.

X used shibboleths that proclaimed himself to be a member of one group under attack from the Cathedral, and you use shibboleths that proclaim yourself to a member of a completely different group under attack from the Cathedral.

If you are the person you claim to be, if you believe what you claim to believe, if you know or care what the snowstorm of shibboleths you toss around mean, here are some moderately arcane blockchain questions that should be able to answer:

You are going to be on moderation till you answer them.

Explain the problem of clients that are not full peers, and why every wallet being a full peer wallet fails to scale.. Explain how the Merkle patricia tree addresses this problem.

For extra bonus points, explain why Merkle should have a capital, but patricia should not, not that anyone, least of all myself, capitalizes them correctly.

If you cannot answer that question, then you are not the person you claim to be, do not believe what you claim to believe, and throw around the shibboleths of outgroups that you hate, pretending to identify with those groups, using the shibboleths of a group you hate and do not understand to ingroup yourself without regard for what the shibboleths mean.

I am a blockchain developer, and I am focused on the use of the Merkle patricia dac to overcome the scaling problems of trust and reputation, and thus the fundamental scaling problem of consensus on who owns what. If you are also a blockchain developer as you tell us that you are, you should be able to understand and talk about what I am doing, not just throw open source and blockchain buzzwords around in a suspiciously random and generic fashion.

For extra bonus points, what are the benefits of a Merkle patricia dac over a Merkle patricia tree in the blockchain?

Unlike X, you are using the shibboleths of tech libertarians and claim to be a blockchain techie. I doubt you are a libertarian, but the questions I am asking are designed to check if you, Shelby, are in fact a blockchain techie, or just X whose boss has issued you a new pile of shibboleths and a new purported ingroup. Tell us about the scaling problems of trust, the necessity for non peer client wallets, and how the Merkle patricia trie decentralizes scaled trust. If you are an actual techie and an actual libertarian, if you are the person that you tell us that you are, rather than X issued with a new set of shibboleths and a new group to enter, you should be able to talk about how a specific technology can address the scaling problem of trust.

It is going to be harder to fake the identity of a blockchain techie, than to fake the identity of a libertarian.

It eventually became obvious that X wanted us to believe in trooferism, but did not himself believe in it. We should be able to find out if you are genuinely a blockchain techie a lot easier than finding out if you are genuinely a libertarian.

Bob says:

Shelby, you deflected every question I asked. 100% unresponsive.

What is wrong with you?

jim says:

X also ignored every question, spewing a snow storm when trapped in a corner.

It is a waste of space. Shelby says libertarianish things, but they are actually communism, just as X said fascist sounding things, but they were actually progressivism.

It is the tactic that was used to coopt Christianity: “we are more christian than thou”

If X is Shelby, then then that is further evidence that X was never genuinely serious about trooferism, and I am starting to suspect that Shelby is not genuinely serious about the blockchain and open source software.

Hey Shelby, if you are working on the blockchain, you must know what the buzzwords you throw around mean. Explain to us the client peer problem, the problem of client wallets that are not full peers and the relevance of the Merkle patricia tree to it.

shaman says:

Schizotypal Personality Disorder.

alf says:

@Shelby (or X, nice catch Nikolai)


jim says:

It gradually became obvious that X was a fed.

Shelby’s argument and position is different to X’s, but not that different.

X was telling us it is not the FBI that is the problem, it is the Jews. Shelby is telling us it is not the Cathedral that is the problem, it is corporate capitalism.

X’s position was that he was more right wing than thou while in fact pushing leftism. Shelby is more anarcho capitalist than thou, while in fact pushing socialism.

pdimov says:

>It gradually became obvious that X was a fed.

Oh come on. X is Shelby is “anonymint”, he even states so explicitly here:

“I wrote on Jim’s blog:”

and he gives his real name, his other bitcointalk handles, his twitter, his linkedin, in several places.

He has enough online history spanning back years. Could __still__ be a fed in principle but I find that highly implausible.

jim says:

That online identity differs radically from X’s online identity, in that X spews out the shibboleths of one ingroup, while Shelby spews out the shibboleths of a different ingroup. If the same person, both ingroup identities are fakes, indicating entryism against those groups.

Let us see if “Shelby” can answer technical questions on libertarian blockchain technology. If he cannot, then the persona you link to is a long established fake identity, X being another linked fake identity, suggesting “Shelby” has more fake identities than you can shake a stick at.

I AM says:

I support you, Shelby, and I’m thoroughly unimpressed by the observed failure to take you seriously. You are clearly a very intelligent person and a deep and rigorous thinker.

In particular, Jim et al. is in total willful obliviousness with respect to the WTC bombings, and it’s really quite a shame that other have made even more ludicrous assertions such as the positively unsubstantiated “Clinton is the head of the snake”.

It’s boring at this point TBQHF.

pdimov says:

>That online identity differs radically from X’s online identity

Not at all. I knew Shelby was anonymint precisely because last time he was here as X I read some of his anonymint posts. Same person. Here’s some troofing:

jim says:

When troofering, ShelbyX does not randomly not spatter his material with the shibboleths of libertarian techies. So, two ingroup identities, and when performing as a member of one ingroup, does not perform as a member of the other ingroup. Shelby is purportedly fellow libertarian techie, X is purportedly fellow white nationalist.

If two incompatible purported ingroups, probably more purported ingroups than you can shake a stick at.

I AM says:

I’m not faking being a “neoreactionary”, so clearly I’m no “entryist”. I’m essentially a little-r republican, with republican ideals, such as the morality and purity of my country and its people, high of culture, just of law, vigor and fecund, free of the ravages of socialism (quasi-state capitalism), communism (state capitalism), libertarianism (corporate capitalism), and the other rapacious capitalisms, which ravages include but are not limited to: student peonage, the wholesale destruction of the crafts (blacksmith, mason, softwareman) and the trades (bureaucrat, lawyer, accountant), the destruction of the guild (first) and the union (second), women in the workplace, the replacement of the town square by the mall and the mall by, the suburb, the commodification of labor, the commoditization of man.

Secondly, you baselessly accused me of shillery and incompetence until I debased myself by descending into the Stroustrupian swamp you like to call home and performed the pagan rites of the most gruesome “metaprogramming” ever designed accreted into a language.

Incidentally, undefined behaviors, buffer overflows, integer vulnerabilities, and format string bugs should be illegal on pain of death.

jim says:

You cannot block buffer overflows unless you block low level access to the hardware, and you must have undefined behaviors if you want the same software to operate in different environments.

And I notice that after dealing with the gruesome horrors of some trivial metaprogramming (trivial compared with doing the same task the old way) you stopped complaining about if constexpr.

No one denies that C++ metacode is truly terrible. Templates were never intended to be a metaprogramming language. Every idiom of the language is someone abusing some compiler operation for purposes it was never designed for. But I don’t want to hear criticisms of the language unless you can use it.

I AM says:

Jim, did you delete your own comment?

jim says:

Yes. I am pretty sure that you are what you purport to be.

You claimed to be a conservative libertarian techie, and provided evidence that you are in fact a techie.

Shelby claims to be a libertarian techie (when he is not troofering). We shall see if he can provide evidence that he is a techie.

“White man” claims to be a wignat. We shall see if he can expound the wignat position on those events where it is a very reasonable position.

I AM says:

“you stopped complaining about if constexpr”

I hate if constexpr more than ever, but there are only so many things bad that can be said about any one feature of the C++lusterfuck, and you deleted most of them.

“I’m pretty sure you are what you purport to be.”

A little-r republican? or an underpaid, overqualified peddler of adtech RCE?

shaman says:

Shellfish, I have a question.

You see, on the one hand, you come across as very friendly and nice when you write:

Perhaps one day in the future we could try to better understand each other if we could talk about this. I really don’t want to write moar.

However, it has now mysteriously and inexplicably emerged that you wrote:

There are other goals also. Such as to doxx Jim as being the disinformation agent that I am becoming more convinced he is. He is employing psyops methodology.


We’re doxxing Jim and his regulars as disinformation agents, so that those who have a brainstem can be aware of not falling for it.


This is the modus operandi of a very intelligent higher level echelon of agents of the global elite.

So, what I just don’t seem to wrap my head around, is why would you try to sneak back in here after saying all those harsh words?

In other words, you risible ‘phrenic faggot whom I’m going to violate and abuse in hitherto unimaginable ways:

Who sent you?

I AM says:

”and you must have undefined behaviors if you want the same software to operate in different environments.”

I prefer my software to be secure.

“You cannot block buffer overflows unless you block low level access to the hardware,”

I prefer my software to be secure.

jim says:

Secure software cannot do what needs to be done.

Anonymous says:

It is a team of them.

shaman says:

It is a team of them.

He’s either on the FBI’s payroll, or legitimately mad, as all troofers are either federal agents or on the schizophrenic spectrum. All of them are like that, every single time, with not a single exception. Every time a troofer opens his mouth, it is to lie and to spread florid frothing madness.

Functional Programming Supremacist says:

“Secure software cannot do what needs to be done.”

What is it, exactly, that needs to be done, and why can’t Haskell do it bigger, better, faster, stronger?

jim says:

Observe: no one actually uses stuff written in Haskell for any useful purpose. Anything that you download, purchase, or install to get anything useful done, it is not written in Haskell. If it is written in python, it is a pain in the ass. If written in Java, twice as big, half the speed, and half as reliable as the equivalent written in C or C++. Compare, for example, a BitTorrent client written in C or C++ with a BitTorrent client written in Java.

Ask yourself why.

You cannot get buffer overflows in java and they don’t routinely have constructs with undefined behavior that still compile, but java programs that you actually use are still more crash prone than C or C++ programs that you actually use.

Ask yourself why.

I AM says:


jim says:

Deleted for presupposing as an entirely uncontroversial and undisputed fact, that there was molten steel in the 911 fires

If you produced evidence of molten steel, I would have allowed it.

Show us some evidence for molten steel.

Not allowing anyone to try to induce us to think past the sale, by assuming as fact things that you must know are lies.

If you genuinely believed that steel melted in 911, you would eagerly argue that there was molten steel, instead of assuming it as uncontroversial and well known fact.

If molten steel, thermite, if thermite, poor innocent Mohammedans are being cruelly defamed, and it is a perfectly sound idea to bring in a few hundred million black male military age Mohammedan rapeugees to replace the missing grandchildren. Also the great tragedy of Major Nidal Hasan shooting his colleagues was not the murder of a bunch of people by a Mohammedan terrorist, but that it made a policy of affirmative actioning Mohammedans to military ranks for which they are grossly unqualified look bad.

Your method of argument reveals that you know that what you seek to persuade us of is a lie. Same with the global warmers.

If there was molten steel, it would have been blindingly obvious to everyone, because molten steel outshines the sun. People looking at the towers would have been blinded. To bring down the towers with thermite would have required hundreds of tonnes of thermite, likely thousands of tons, the bombs would have taken weeks to emplace, and would been obvious to everyone weeks in advance. It is not a very efficient method for demolition.

Recall the Mythbusters attempting to destroy a car with thermite. They put so much thermite on the car that the car was close to being crushed by the sheer weight of the thermite. The Mythbusters had almost as much thermite as car. When the thermite went off it was blindingly obvious, blinding in that people looking a the car without eye protection would have been blinded, and when it was done, the car was still intact and the damage was unimpressive. After one ton of thermite on the roof had finished burning, the car still mostly had a roof.

You want to argue there was molten steel at 911? You are free to argue it on this blog, but, as with Global Warming no one ever does. They just assume it, or tell us that the evidence is to be found somewhere else, where in fact all that is to be found is another troofer assuming it.

We have had enough people assuming it, and I will not allow any more.

If molten steel, show us a picture of molten steel at 911.

Frederick Algernon says:

Would it be inappropriate and/or ill advised for our host to set up a riot chat or something similar? I have struggled with even bringing this up due to the number of ways such a request could be interpreted, but the weather is bleak and we are sore beset on all sides. Some of you may be safely ensconced but i am fully in the wind.

Poochman says:

At a minimum I’d say all able bodied men should get their physical fitness in order. Hitting the gym can’t hurt.

Anonymous 2 says:

Is there more to advise beyond Moldbug’s “become worthy”?

The interesting part is, what does that entail?

Moldbug is always worth reading, but I think going from 1. passivism and the steel rule to 2. accepting power skips a few too many steps. Even so, it is still an interesting place to start thinking. I do, for instance, consider it fruitful to meditate on what you and/or your group need to be in order to be offered power. And in the same vein, what does offering power really mean?

Mycroft Jones says:

Now that I’ve read Moldbug’s definition of “become worthy”, well… like much of his writing, brilliant analysis, and shitty recommendations. He has some blind spots. It is amazing how far we’ve all come in the past 10 years. Actually, his blind spots are similar to Jim’s. Maybe Jim and Moldbug are the same person.

pdimov says:

It’s possible that his recommendations are shitty on purpose and not meant to be followed.

There was a very good article on but it is deleted and The Internet Wayback Machine excludes this site… I don’t remember the author or the title, but the idea was that you simply build order. You first build order in yourself. You get your body, mind, family, home in order. Then you build order around you. Basically be a small time leader around you helping people to build order. Then linking up with similar men you together build larger and larger circles of order.

I mean, it is really the only way. We are those who do not lie. And to change anything, one needs power, and one does not lie then that power has to be earned. Does not necessarily mean 50% +1 vote types of popularity, but you have to have people who want to follow you, want to give you power, 5%, 10%, dunno, current elites or the future to-be elites, but some support is necessary. Rather from a smaller number of high quality men than the masses, but even if it is just 5% that means millions.

And basically how can we earn that? I mean, what are we good at? I think the answer just pops out: making order. Why else would people – not all people, not even most people, but enough to count – follow reactionaries if not for the reason that they desire order?

But it is also obvious that this trust cannot be earned just by writing and talking about order. Tawk is cheap and high quality men are fed up with government by tawk. One has to demonstrate the ability and willingness to build order by building order. It is the only way.

This is a bit vague but what I have in mind is very very roughly this: “Look at this our little village here, there is no crime, everybody is employed, most people are married and have kids, wives don’t cheat, kids behave, do you want the whole country to be like this?”

Every political regime needs key supporters, a loyal elite. Which means it requires salesmanship. We are selling order. That is our product. The honest way to do it is to build prototype products of order. That is how salesmanship can be honest. 90 days free trial, send back for a refund any time, no questions asked!

jim says:

Members of a state religion trapped in a holiness spiral want disorder. A state that wants order is going to want a state religion that supports order.

calov says:

It is certainly true that Christianity grew and was helped by state support. But the odd thing was that at it’s inception it was actively persecuted as a degenerate cult pushing degenerate values of weakness (I.e. loving your enemies, worshipping a weak god who allows himself to be crucified like a slave, etc.) It was despised by Romans and Jews for the same reasons 4chan pagan Nazis despise it today. Yet this cult somehow became the state religion of Rome and it changed drastically–at least in its outward form. I agree that state support for the church can be helpful. The reformation would never have happened without state sponsorship. But I struggle with the idea of the state “resurrecting” the church. It seems like, even in Orthodoxy, there is a distinction between church and the king’s administration, even though they overlap…and it is important to maintain that distinction for the integrity of both.

Frederick Algernon says:

Agree. Moving forward, the question as it appears to me is twofold: Where and When?

The when is easy but depressing: 10 years ago. Even if It started tomorrow, the current Weather System couldn’t be ignored.

This has important effects on the Where. Ten years ago, there were many options. Now, we would be constrained by proximity to Boog prone regions, cost of property, cost of infrastructure deployment, and temperament of neighbors. This is something I’ve discussed with my Knitting Circle, but I’d like to have it with this group as well.

Shelby says:

Asap. Any rural area of the USA where gun registration is not required and where home schooling is unregulated. Or even rural CA if you just want to squat temporarily until it becomes intolerable and not invest in infrastructure.

If there are sufficient economies-of-scale, rural Argentina could also be considered if buying during the imminent economic collapse. Yet inferior gun rights, infrastructure, and local culture to build on.

I suppose also rural Australia if want to align with the future of Asia becoming the economic center of the world.

I have never traveled in Europe, so I lack insight. Europe will be in economic collapse sooner than the USA. Very high taxes and highly regulated.

The Cominator says:

There will be no economic collapse under Trump.

Shelby says:

In one scenario, the economic collapse within the USA will come after Trump has left office at the end of his second term in 2024. Economic collapse outside the USA can proceed before 2024.

In another far-fetched scenario, if Trump never leaves office and conquers all future threats to the dollar as the reserve currency, then perhaps there will be no economic collapse in the USA. But I think there’s already too much economic inertia (e.g. $trillions in global debt) and a (much more exclusive) global elite at a much higher echelon than the Left Singularity “useless idiots” that populate the deep state that Jim is ostensibly focused on. And I believe our earthly masters have engineered an imminent economic collapse (starting outside the USA 2021/22) and future collapse in the dollar which even Trump will be powerless to stop. Bitcoin may be their trump card against any attempt to sustain dollar hegemony.

How is Trump going to overcome accelerating technological unemployment, massive indebtness, 50+% of the population leftarded, horrible demographics, low birth rate, etc..?

Trump is magnificent but seems collapse is unavoidable. Nevertheless I am interested to read counter arguments.

Shelby says:

s/“useless idiots”/“useful idiots”/

The Cominator says:

Even as things are there won’t be a collapse within the US until Trump’s normally scheduled time of leaving office in January 2025 and no the national debt will not cause one.

But things won’t remain as they are… the left is going to chimpout after Trump is reelected and the arrest of Democrats start (I’m not sure whether that will be before or after the 2020 election) and start a kind of retarded pathetic civil war… sort of like the “Spartacist” communist revolts in Weimar Germany… they will fail horribly but it wil allow Trump to assume emergency powers and become king in all but name… then he can solve coup complete problems like having a debt based currency.

“How is Trump going to overcome accelerating technological unemployment, massive indebtness, 50+% of the population leftarded, horrible demographics, low birth rate, etc..?”

I take a controversial here and very harsh view of the lefttarded, I think they are mostly incurable (as Uncle Yuri says) and advocate helicopter riding the men en masse (not literally but you understand) and older women and selling the young good looking women as non-hereditary sex slaves to Trump supporters. At the very least the priestly part of the left (journalists, lawyers, bureaucrats NGOs and academics) should go on the helicopters… everyone in those professions who doesn’t support Trump (Trump is the best litmus test for leftism).

Once you get rid of the left… once their meme contamination is gone because they are physically gone… proper solutions to bigger problems will become apparent.

Shelby says:

Regardless of whether Trump achieves martial law powers, the sovereign debts will not (at least not within this decade) cause collapse except in nations where the people lose all confidence in the government/currency (e.g. Zimbabwe), because the central banks are going to buy sovereign debt to prevent the fiscal collapse that would be caused by rising interest rates on $trillions of sovereign debt. The central banks are being destroyed (with never ending growth of their balance sheets) so they’re pleading with the politicians to reduce spending but to no avail. This could possibly be an engineered plan to absolve the monetary sovereignty of the nation-state and bring about a new world order.

However, private sector interest rates are going to skyrocket. There will be a bifurcation of sovereign public (i.e. not including states and municipalities which are going bankrupt from pension liabilities) private sector interest rates. There is $trillion of corporate debt in the USA coming due soon.

Rising private sector interest rates can not be prevented by even a benevolent dictator Trump.

I can not imagine Americans supporting Trump if he veers too far from moderate positions. We are trying to restore sanity not spiral off into Nazi Germany. Are you sure you understand well the psyche of Americans? I am American (although have not been there since 2006). Americans are moderates because of our melting pot heritage, Christian virtues, apple pie, wide open flat space, large vehicles with V8 engine gas guzzlers, and not too far removed from the glorious 1950s. Although that was before my time, I tasted the remnants. We had/have a much better quality of life than the rest of the world. We do not want to shit where we eat. The Millennials and GenZ are culturally more removed from that era and perhaps capable being radicalized but I presume they’re not yet fully ripened.

So in a way Trump is doomed because his base of support will not allow him to go far enough. But if does not exterminate, the left will come back eventually and jail him as Jim. And kill all of us. So indeed we should be fighting that Civil War now proactively, but Americans aren’t ready to make that leap. They locked and loaded but that is just for self-defense, not for offense.

Let’s distinguish fantasy from potential reality.

Shelby says:

Also don’t forget that all of us have relatives that are leftarded. I am not going to support exterminating my mother. Sorry.

The Cominator says:

Corporate debt is a bullshit meme made by commie academic economists who dont know what they are talking about. The most real threat now is the education bubble blows up and takes the economy down with it. Successful investors dont take the corporate debt thing seriously…

There are some hopeless lefttards i like on a personel level but at least in regards to the priesthood it has to be done.

Shelby says:

Do you claim that *private* sector interest rates will not rise significantly before 2024?

I mentioned the corporate debt issue, not to imply a potential imminent bubble collapse scenario. The accelerating *private* sector bond bubble (with a $trillion+ in near junk rated to be reissued soon thus establishing a higher level of interest rates) is concomitant with the systemic economic effect of rising *private* sector interest rates.

Conservative Americans want the Constitution and serenity to be respected. If leftard leaders/priests are exterminated, then those who replace them to fill the power vacuum will be even more radical than the ones that were suicided/imprisoned. No one will be able to do genocide in the USA because there is a gun under every blade of grass. Conservative Americans still believe in solving differences via the democratic process.

What you want simply isn’t going to happen. Let’s think of a workable idea instead.

The Cominator says:

“Do you claim that *private* sector interest rates will not rise significantly before 2024?”

Yes I am claiming that. IF they DO rise before that it will be due to inflation but inflation will on the whole be good for the economy in this case… given millenial indebtedness.

Shelby says:

> but inflation will on the whole be good for the economy in this case… given millenial indebtedness.

I posit it will not be good politically. And posit that Trump’s base will not agree with an abolition of voting and the political process (at least not until after they are persecuted, not preemptively).

Any evidence-based refutation would be much appreciated.

jim says:

Voting and so forth will continue – just as the Queen continues to ride a stagecoach to the houses of Parliament. Augustus told the Romans, and perhaps himself believed, that he was restoring the Republic, not abolishing it, and the Romans believed him.

The Cominator says:

As for wanting the constitution to survive… well sometimes things almost nobody wants happen.

The constitution FAILED within 100 years of it being enacted when America had its first civil war.

After the leftist uprising there will be something like the Augustan settlement, Trump and his successors will become something like kings… but nearly everyone will pretend that it somehow isn’t a monarchy and that the Republic has been saved and restored… but it won’t be.

Large states don’t function well as Republics, Republics require small homogeneous states and a ruling elite that is strictly held accountable for failures rather then one that closes ranks around each other when they fuckup. We have none of these things.

Shelby says:

Agreed with every point in your comment 2019-10-16 at 13:51.

Americans would prefer the illusion of democracy. We were taught in school that we fought and obtained our independence from the King of England. We will not admit that we want a monarchy until perhaps after we have been severely persecuted by the Left, if ever.

Thus how do you get around the problem that if the economy collapses and consequently socialism obtains a majority of the vote, that the leftards could regain the power of the Federal government? You presume interest rates won’t rise and there won’t be any economic collapse. We’ll see about that.

P.S. I wasn’t regurgitating some meme that’s futilely attempting to discredit Trump’s 2020 reelection chances. I realize there’s a lot of that BS out there. The global debt problem is real and rising interest rates would present a significant problem. The problems are manifold. If the dollar rises 30%, this is going to set off a cascade of contagion effects. Kings run into insoluble economic problems. Large oil tankers don’t turn fast. Large nations have an inertia that may be outside the ability of the King to steer away from.

Shelby says:

Except I disagree that the illusion will take the form of extending the term of the President to 10 years as in the Augustan settlement. I believe (and again note I have not been in the USA since 2006) the Americans are more in the Julius Caesar stage of the crisis. First the Left has to regain power and severely persecute white men and/or assassinate Trump for white male Americans to accept such extreme measures.

Currently a significant number of white men are turning to drugs to tune out of the crap they’ve been dealt by the system.

If Trump tries to go too far an attempt anointing himself more than 8 years, I believe even white patriarchal Americans will turn against him. There are some who are ready to fight now, but there are many who are much more moderate.

What we really need is for the Left to attempt to confiscate our guns. That would probably be the necessary Schelling point for the hot war and drastic actions to be acceptable. Merely attempting to impeach or arrest Trump is not sufficient.

jim says:

Trump is carrying out his promises. He has no alternative but to attempt to drain the swamp, and if he succeeds, draining the swamp will necessarily turn into an autocoup.

Shelby says:

Jim, I agree as long as voting continues and the illusion of the Constitutional process is sustained, then conservative Americans will enthusiastically support Trump and whomever he anoints for POTUS in 2024. Please see my other comment response:

Carlylean Restorationist says:

If reality is what’s presented by the media, then this analysis is a red hot take, and Civil War II is well on its way to coming true.

If however the postmodernists have been right all along, and reality was abolished long ago to be replaced by various forms of ‘simulation’, then the compelling rhetoric game can go on indefinitely while the masses sit at home and consume product, go out to consume product and talk about consuming more product, before going to work to earn a wage in order to consume product in the future.

jim says:

Postmodernists are insane. You are postmodernist. Hence discussions with you are apt to be unprofitable.

Carlylean Restorationist says:


jim says:

Deleted for presupposing, as uncontroversial and undisputed fact, that the wall is not being built, despite the fact that there are drone videos on the internet of a mighty impressive and mighty long wall rapidly getting longer on the southern border.

Shelby says:

And the drug cartels have some 300 tunnels underneath it. I presume those tunnels aren’t used for illegal immigration migration. Note Fentanyl addiction is another severe problem Trump may be facing. Horrible addiction after first use.

Will be ironic if China gets revenge on us for addicting them to opium in order to get our silver back from the imports from China. We needed something to trade back to them, so we addicted them to opium.

jim says:


Tunneling under the new wall is difficult.

BC says:

You’ve got a bumper crop of new shills in-fluxing here.

The Cominator says:

Somebody on high noticed that in terms of intellectual influence this site punches WAY above its weight class…

Frederick Algernon says:

Maybe if you didn’t cry wolf every time someone says something you either disagree with or cannot comprehend, your word would carry more weight.

Regardless of your low IQ, shelby is an entryist. What remains to be seen is what type and what for. He seems well read. He is a christian, but there are worse afflictions. I think his biggest crime is not lurking moar, and as ComTerminator said, at least he is interesting.

@Cominator. I think the guy brings up a good point, though it is hidden in excess verbosity: putting a king on the throne is the starting gun, not the finish line. There are going to be some significant problems that will have to be confronted. This, as you may or may not recall, was my main reason for opposing the Great One Way Helicopter Festival. What if we geld those who are necessary but beyond saving? I know that Persia made the mistake of keeping too many eunuchs around, but from my interpretation the eunuch question arose due to the status they were given, which was derived from there proximity to the throne. There is a Vin Diesel movie (i can’t remember the name) wherein some space racists make it their business to conquer the shit out of everyone they find. They have these slave creatures that the use for clerical/technical tasks. Wat about that kind of set up for the GS10s and lower. And before you or anyone else comes at me (again. for the third time) GS11, all deans and department heads, female pastors, and so on, get the helicopter groupon.

@Jim I gotta agree with him. The wall saolves two very large problems. It makes it obvious to everyone that Here But No Further is in effect, meaning death and dismemberment is expected if they try to breach. It also sends a message to other countries that Its OK To Be Walled. But it will not solve the drug problem. The vast majority of weight comes through Port of Entries. The tunnels aren’t an issue. Find them and fill them with corpses.

Shelby says:

Jim the have tunnels running under walls and buildings on the USA side coming up inside of warehouse. They even put rail cars in them A lot of mining goes on in Mexico. They can dig tunnels as deep and long as they need to. Also they employ catapults to fling the drugs over the border.

But most of the drugs comes in via the free trade movement of tractor trailers of goods. They hid inside other goods.

I believe we can significantly stem the flow of illegal immigrants, but I do not think we can contain the drug problem. As the economy and Maunder Minimum turns depressing the drug problem will also grow in severity and magnitude.

jim says:


Anonymous says:

There are two proven ways to solve the drug problem.

1. Portugal. Making drugs legal makes them cheap but also low status. Drug use goes down. Drug users can function in society. Dealers make no profits above that of an ordinary merchant. Addiction is treated as a medical problem.

2. The Philippines. Unleashing right wing death squads makes drugs impossible to get and also low status. Piles of bodies in the street make it clear that aspiring cartel members should seek other forms of employment.

The Cominator says:

I’m not a fan of leftism command economies etc. but the one thing that can be said about Maoist China is it probably had histories only successful drug war against a drug that was already popular.

China had a big opium problem, it didn’t after Mao deployed the full murderous fury of the leftist state against it.

Approach #2 doesn’t normally work unless you have a full on totalitarian communist theocracy like Mao’s at best you can use draconian punishments to keep new drugs out (i.e Japan and Singapore mostly keep drug problems out through harsh punishments).

Approach #1 mostly the libertarian approach tends to keep drug problems at socially acceptable low levels and the bad addicts just kill themselves.

kawaii_kike says:

Could approach’s #1 or #2 be applied in Mexico?

It seems that the country is run entirely by cartels at this point. Obviously a post restoration US could invade Mexico and clean out the cartels but is Mexico even capable of solving their problems themselves?

jim says:

We should not care, nor are we capable of solving their problems, until we have a fertile elite that needs jobs for their younger sons.

Frederick Algernon says:

Though it seems like the country is overrun by cartels, it is only true spiritually. Geographically, they are localized to the border (profitable territory) and their home bases (border and pockets in the West and South). I have not read up on the habbenings in a few years, but it has been an ongoing issue. The main factor in the pseudo-civil war is control of the border. There is a knock on effect from the duration of the struggle; small time hit squads composed of futureless youths and veteran operators muddy up the ideological/tribal lines. It seems a huge mess, but if you look at a topographical map overlay-ed with family controlled regions AND treat the border as a sort of very stretched out Port City, the zones of conflict become clear.

Two things: be daunted by just how big the drug market in the US is as this is 95% of the source of the conflict AND read this:

Dave says:

Mao cured drug addiction the way Maduro cured obesity. Opium addicts don’t last long in a country where everyone is starving.

ten says:

No opioid has horrible addiction after first use. Nonsensical.

Becoming sober again might suck, but opioid addiction takes time to build up, and becoming sober and unhappy about it is not opioid addiction.

Shelby says:

www . cliffsidemalibu . com/2019/04/02/fentanyl-how-bad-is-it/

> It is possible to become addicted to fentanyl without ever having abused it. This is due to the strength of the drug, and even in a hospital setting someone can become addicted with just one use.

theridgeohio . com/the-difference-between-fentanyl-and-heroin/

> fentanyl is 80 to 100 times more potent than morphine and 40 to 50 times more potent than heroin. To put this into perspective, a lethal dose of heroin is equivalent to about 30 milligrams, while a 3-milligram dose of fentanyl is enough to kill an average sized man.

The drug dealers have an incentive to overdose and addict the individual on first use:

www . health . harvard . edu/blog/fentanyl-dangers-potent-man-made-opioid-2016080510141

> its potency also means that it is profitable for dealers as well as dangerous for those who use it, intentionally or unintentionally. Increasingly heroin is being mixed with fentanyl so someone who uses what they think is heroin may in fact be getting a mixture with — or even pure — fentanyl.

Becoming sober is not something most people will do once they are addicted. That is why opioid addiction can undermine a civilization.

Bob says:

I have seen, with my own eyes, a family member get fentanyl multiple times without taking any other narcotic again for two weeks, without withdraws. It’s a heck of a drug that we should squash the illegal import of, but it’s not meth.

If the “consume product” motive rules all, CR, then why did Gillette go woke and take massive losses? Why did ESPN go woke and lose so much money that they had to lay off half of their employees? We have dozens of examples of huge corporations losing obscene amounts of money, just from the past two years, for publicly advocating leftism.

The white middle class are the best consumers of product. Why would any profit-oriented corporation push an agenda that involves demonizing their best customers?

Carlylean Restorationist says:


jim says:

Deleted for shear insanity. We have debated this before and it is a waste of space. Black is not white, and merchants want to make money.

ten says:

So you’ve gone so far off the deep end now that you’re openly sucking postmodern cock too?

“Yeah fuck the system man, they’re just like, the media, they’re lying to us man. They just want us to buy their shit, stuff that ain’t real you know, *deep gargling of 3foot bong bought with moms credit card online* NO DUDE YOU DON’T GET HOW DEEP IT GOES THEY’RE ALL IN ON IT, school, parents, police, media.. it’s like the matrix but instead of using us as batteries they make us buy stuff we don’t need dude. Yeah i know it’s sick dude, NO I KNOW THIS STUFF BECAUSE I’M NOT A SLEEPING SHEEPLE GOD!! I thought you people would get it but i guess they got to you first, i fucking knew you could never land a babe like stacy without the jews paying for her, screw you guys, i’m going home, seeya tomorrow”

Carlylean Restorationist says:


jim says:

Not what ten said or implied. He implies that you attribute inconvenient facts in front of your nose to ‘the media’ when in fact it is the media that supports your denial of reality.

The masses do sit at home and consume product. But there will always be those who take the media narrative seriously. Young and ambitious, forming Red Guards. They start the trouble. For a while it might be confinded to the elites, like how the Red Guards first focused on professors. But eventually they did get around to kick down the door of perfectly average people to check if they have a copy of Mao’s Red Book and beat them if they didn’t.

Simulation or rhetoric and reality are not perfectly insulated from each other, because there are always those who crave power in reality, and use the simulation, the rhetoric as an excuse.

JoeFour says:

“…even the DOJ (despite Barr) has been dragging its feet on the crimes of the Democrats.”

Perhaps Barr is not the straight shooter he has been portrayed to be:

Not Tom says:

“Winter Watch is not a news publication. It is a news blog focused on the following core issues: the misuse of U.S. and NATO troops in foreign military interventions, the lopsided Israel First agenda in the U.S. and U.K. in particular and the excessive influence of the extremist Likudnik Jewish lobby and their controlled media.”

If “Winter Watch” is against Barr, then I am for him.

jim says:

Yes. Winter Watch is “a hail fellow antisemite” progressive publication.

Supposedly, Soros and Victoria Nuland is not the problem, that terrible oppressive reactionary right wing reactionary Zionist Occupation Government in Tel Aviv is the problem.

Winter Watch are left antisemites – and most left antisemites are themselves Jews. No one hates Jews as much as the Trots hate Jews, and the Trots, for the most part, are Jews. Neocons, on the other hand, broke with the Trots over Israel. They love Israel unlike orthodox Trots, but they are still commies in most other regards. Two Trots, three factions, but none of the factions are an improvement on Orthodox Trotskyism.

jim says:

Your link primarily attacks Barr for secretly being less of a politically correct progressive than he purports to be. I hope that everything in it is true, except for him being a deep state operative, because if everything else in it is true, he cannot possibly be a deep state operative, because the deep state derives its cohesion from the holiness spiral.

Shelby says:

Is the Deep State run at the highest levels by Yuri Bezmonov’s “useful idiots” who are swallowed by Left Singularity spiral?

Or is there an echelon of truly global elite who manage the world, playing all these idiots off on each other?

Opinions? Evidence?

What role in the Deep State do the following provide? Mueller, Clinton Foundation, Soros, Rockefeller, Rothschild family?

jim says:

Rockefellers and Rothschilds have been on the outside for a very long time. Soros is a minion. Mueller was an extremely powerful minion who held a lot of strings, but he seems to have retired. Clintons are as powerful as anyone close to the center.

The Cominator says:

I think there is kind of a power vacuum now at the high level… Brzienski and David Rockefeller (both who were really powerful but im not sure anyone else in the family is) died fairly recently… I dont see any clear successors. Hillary lost a lot of power when she lost the election…

jim says:

The chaos on the left reveals a power vacuum. The left has long pretended to be the natural consensus on obvious truth of all right thinking people, not withstanding the fact that these obvious truths are apt to change with abruptly. Now it is to some extent true that it is merely a consensus. (Albeit in his recent rallies Trump sarcastically pointed at every media source simultaneously coming out with the same meme at the same moment from time to time.) But to the extent that it really is the distributed consensus it purports to be, this worsens the holiness spiral.

Karl says:

Chaos on the left? Sure, but that is the natural state of the left. They are always infighting and trying to be holier than any other leftie.

Do you see a chaos that is of a different quality than the usual chaos on the left?

Frederick Algernon says:

He already said it: the lack of assumed consensus. The left is always chaotic; that is how they filter out “leader” types (if you can swim in the swamp you get scooped up into the boat). But the swamp is no churning. If you have access to a group of left spectrum people, ask them whether they support impeachment. They will most likely all say yes. Then ask them what should happen after he is impeached. THAT is the chaos the leftward leadership is wary of.

Shelby says:

> Rockefellers and Rothschilds have been on the outside for a very long time.

Or at least that is what we are lead to believe.

Someone told me that Assange was using Rockfeller’s attorney before he entered the Ecuadorian embassy.

Most of the minions and even Clintons have at most networth of less than Lebron James.

How about some names of people who truly have something significant at stake?

Shelby says:


Frontier says:

You’re making the Marxist mistake of conflating money with power. The moneyed class never rules, we are ruled by either priests or warriors, usually priests.

While money can be converted into some power, they aren’t the same thing. Observe how much good Epstien’s money did him when he had his neck snapped by a hit man in a maximum security jail. Power is having the connections to be able to blatantly pull off such an assassination.

Shelby says:

Our mass media is owned by a certain elite faction of Jews. Seems like a priest class to me.

Remember the quote where Rockefeller purportedly thanked the media for their cooperation. Did he refute or confirm that in his book?

Not Bigfoot says:


Take it easy, pal.

jim says:

The media are disproportionately Jewish, but not “owned by Jews” And ownership is unimportant – you are projecting Marxist theory onto reality. The White house press corp do not actually work for their nominal employers. They are part of the permanent government. They get government benefits, sit at government desks serviced by other government employees more overtly on the permanent government payroll. They are a branch of the permanent government, and get treated as such by the cleaning lady who cleans for them the offices they share with other people more overtly on the permanent government payroll.

The official media is state media with a thin superficial decoration of private ownership over it. Similarly, newspapers in China are for the most part nominally privately owned.

No one bothers to trace the ownership structures of Chinese media, and no one should bother to trace the ownership structures of American media.

Shelby says:

So an Ashkenazi Jew (Rothschild family) is not the owner of the State media behind the curtain?

Anthony Sutton claims he had access to the files at the Hoover Institute. He is a pysop of the Left?

jim says:

Yes, psyop of the left.

We know who owns the media. We know that Victoria Nuland in Ukraine was merely a servant, Soros merely a cutout.

Treasonous elites, when hiring people to do their dirty work prefer to hire people of groups that do not identify with the group that the treasonous elite is betraying. Jews, Indians, whatever.

There is no secret Rothschild master mind, no Elders of Zion. The conspiracies leak. We have the Clinton emails and the Climategate emails, we know who is behind this stuff. The masters are bad people, but they are well known and obvious bad people, and not all that many of them are Jews.

Anonymous says:

If you allow yourself to be distracted by Jews then you will make the same mistakes that Hitler made and come to the same end to which Hitler came.

jim says:

The conspiracy continually falls over its own feet and suffers leaks, as for example Hillary emails and climategate files. There is no magic behind the scenes conspiracy of Jewish capitalists. In the Ukraine affair Victoria Nuland were a servant and puppet, Soros a cutout.

Not Tom says:

Yes, to be clear, the “they” that I am referring to is the party leadership, the so-called moderate democrats. They are rapidly losing control of the party, and trying to make lemonade out of these lemons.

Pelosi keeps yielding more rhetorical ground to the crazies, but so far has not yielded the House itself. If an impeachment vote actually happens, it would signal that the old, white, tired and frail democrats are no longer struggling to maintain control of the party, but have in fact completely lost control.

Not Tom says:

That was supposed to be a reply to my thread above – don’t know why it ended up in its own down here, and can’t delete.

Mister Grumpus says:

What if Nancy just up and quit? Took her people, her passport and her loot and left for a Caribbean island with no extradition, or something? What then?

Is Guantanamo really a jail, or is it a heavily-defended halfway house for escaping Trump cooperators?

Not Tom says:

Then the woke Democrats would likely end up in charge, and would probably forget about Nancy within a matter of hours. The Democratic Party would probably fall apart soon afterward, because the woke coalition doesn’t know how to run it.

Or are you asking something else?

The Cominator says:

The woke coalition will likely run the party by making ever crazier and losing suicide attacks on Trump and doubling down in ever more insane ways…

Shutting this insanity down forcefully is how Trump becomes king.

Mister Grumpus says:

“Or are you asking something else?”

Yes. It was a “sloppy what-if”. I beg your pardon.

I’m just imagining that there must be a great many passenger pigeons, paper airplanes and burner cell phones burning up the air between Capitol Hill and the White House now.

Congress’ “smart fraction” are pleading “Shit, Don, these people are really going to throw you into that briar patch, I can’t stop them, they won’t listen, and I don’t know what the hell I’m going to do. Can you help me?”

And Don’s offering them… something.

Not Tom says:

That’s not really what it looks like to me, but of course, if it were happening then they’d want to keep it quiet. We won’t know until all of this is over, one way or another, and even then we may never know.

Pelosi is a known quantity, but personally I’d view her as too unreliable to make deals with. And every time I see Adam Schiff, I just want to wipe the floor with his smug smile. I assume Trump would only work with these cockroaches is if they came forward with not just promises of secrets, but actual secrets and actual evidence that Trump does not already know or have. The odds of any of that happening seem pretty low to me.

Defections do happen in real wars, but usually the defectors quietly slink away, and Pelosi’s Democrats, while being considerably less insane than AOC’s Democrats, are being anything but quiet right now.

Contaminated NEET says:

Republicans are losers and traitors, Trump is a loser advised by traitors, boomers believe anything the TV tells them, the military is led by careerist bureaucrat resume-polishers, and the Rising Tide of Color doesn’t give a flying fuck about whitey’s Constitution. The moment a “peaceful protester” is shot in “cold blood” by Blormph’s oppression troopers, the Left wins everything. Your notion that it’s up-in-the-air how the military and the public will react to the escalating madness is self-delusion.

The Cominator says:

“Billionaire” “president” “awesome life” “on course to become something akin to king” “loser”

One of these does not go with the other. You just expected the Cathedral to roll over and die when he won the election, it was NEVER going to go that way. Stop being a blackpilling wignat.

jim says:


ten says:

“dude everything is lost. everyone who is fighting any fight is an idiot, in reality, nothing ever happens. i am very smart. my personal worst case future must come to pass because my loser cuck shriveldick psyche tells me i am a maximal failure and that i should commit suicide”

Listen to your inner voice. Do it faggot.

Anonymous says:

He that is not with me is against me: and he that gathereth not with me scattereth. (Luke 11:23)

Mister Grumpus says:

Who here thinks, or rather doesn’t think, that Trump smelled all of this coming somehow, one way or another?

A lot of young guys gripe that Trump really is just Alpha Boomer Prime, and honestly didn’t suspect this. I’m not so sure.

I know he’s been in Manhattan real estate, which just has to be a caustic cauldron of high-stakes scum and villainy. I know he’s been hip-deep in Judea for decades now, so at least he has a grasp on that scene. I know he’s been in Hollywood, and has had a good look at those people too.

And I finally know that he doesn’t drink, but he’s had all kinds of important Manhattan people getting drunk in front of him and running their mouths, boasting about their exploits and ever-so-brilliant master plans, for decades. ‘And then watched what actually came of those exploits and those ever-so-brilliant master plans.

Scott Adams once wrote, in reference to Global Warming, that while a Master Persuader may not know a thing about astrophysics or atmospheric chemistry, he does know bullshit, and he can smell other people’s bullshit, better than absolutely anyone. Because game rekkanize game.

And then finally, there’s the media using the words “Hitlerian” and “Romanovs” to describe him and his family, respectively, even in 2017. I still can’t get my head around that. Romanovs!

And then finally I know that there’s Dunning-Kruger at work, and that there are facets to his perspective and competency that I haven’t even noticed yet, because maybe I just can’t.

So anyway, this really all comes down to whether Trump knew that a Mass Illegality like this was on its way with his name on it, or whether he’s genuinely surprised and frustrated by all this. If he’s surprised then oh dear oh Lordy. But if he’s not…

The Cominator says:

Trump is a lot smarter and knows a lot more then he acts, the whistleblower was a classic “marked card” operation… designed to successfully expose the “whistleblower” (who they were damn sure was a spy or at least close to sure) and bait the Democrats into fighting a battle on losing ground.

jim says:

There is no worse ground for impeachment than that Trump is framing the Democrats, because the obvious defense is that the Democrats are guilty. It is Brer Rabbit in the briar patch.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

All the evidence of guilt that has been killing Biden ‘s candidacy lately is open source material published by top tier MSM months ago (and Biden’s silence in the face of that). It’s so nutty to push on that, that it’s evidence of some other purpose, such as helping Warren while dirtying Trump, or (my preferred hypothesis) that the Democrats believe there is something in the Mueller grand jury materials that will suffice to remove Trump, and need some other impeachment pretext to gain access to those.

jim says:

You attribute rational motives to the Democrats. I think they are just crazy. Social Justice Warriors always project, and they are projecting.

Shelby says:

Why or do you assume Trump or his team planted the marked card? Who else would have an interest marginalizing the Democrats and pushing the Left further into a radicalization? Who had their fingers in financing the Black Panthers. feminism, women’s lib, etc? Jim tells us it was Hillary Clinton. I am not buying it.

Trump seemed genuinely surprised by the event:

That’s not to argue that Trump wasn’t expecting something like that to happen.

Not Tom says:

Who had their fingers in financing the Black Panthers. feminism, women’s lib, etc? Jim tells us it was Hillary Clinton.

Jim has literally never told us anything like that. You’re starting to come off as s bit of a tard-con who ought to lurk moar.

The Cominator says:

Quite obvious that Trump planted the Ukraine marked card because the information the so called whistleblower had was completely false.

Mister Grumpus says:

I agree. By deception he wages war.

JoeFour says:

The President’s counsel strikes back at the Democrat’s so-called “Impeachment Inquiry”:

jim says:

Trump insists on real impeachment. Paraphrasing the eight page letter “Throw me into the briar patch, or we will start the civil war right now.”

Not Tom says:

Conservatives seem to really like strongly-worded letters, despite strongly-worded letters never having any effect on the left.

But I suspect, or rather hope, that this is just setting up the precedent and pretext for stronger action. Trump has, after all, alluded several times to what’s coming: civil war and the end of American democracy.

I wonder if he’s pulling troops out of the middle east because he plans to use them for… some other purpose. Wishful thinking, maybe.

Shelby says:

> Conservatives seem to really like strongly-worded letters, despite strongly-worded letters never having any effect on the left.

I believe you are missing the point. Trump is pledging allegiance to the Constitution (and implicitly God). This has tremendous soft power, but not the outcome you want (which is presumably why you view it negatively)

> Trump has, after all, alluded several times to what’s coming: civil war and the end of American democracy.

Where? I do not see that in the first few pages of that letter. Trump is stressing the adherence to the Constitution.

The Cominator says:
I AM says:

Democracy != Republic

The President is, and has always been, an elected monarch, and, as such, possesses the power to, for example, defenestrate his executive apparatus, namely the predominantly hostile and evil National Security State.

Not Tom says:

This has tremendous soft power, but not the outcome you want (which is presumably why you view it negatively)

First of all, I don’t think you know what outcome I want, so let’s dispense with the mind reading. Second, “soft power” is enlightenment nonsense that doesn’t exist in reality, it’s a literal metaphor for subverting the natural order.

I view the letter positively, what I don’t view positively is the perennial failure of conservatives to back up their threats after writing such letters. In this case, it would appear that Trump’s threat was not perceived as empty, since the Democrats quite clearly did back down… sort of. That is not because of “soft power”, it’s because of actual power.

Where? I do not see that in the first few pages of that letter. Trump is stressing the adherence to the Constitution.

In speeches, at rallies, on Twitter… take your pick. We’re not just talking about one letter here.

Contaminated NEET says:


info says:

For any National Socialists that may read this blog:

FatPorsche says:

Like most predictions…. none of this will come to pass. There is no person in the govt. with the balls to attempt to arrest Trump. There will be no trial in the senate because the Dems DON’T want their dirty tactics exposed. All of this is simply a smoke screen to put a cloud over Trumps presidency during the next election…. so the press can talk about this rather than the economy or unemployment.

Hans Peter says:

Coup de’ tat, overthrow the republic, second Bolshevik revolution, Civil War.

[…] on the impeachment crisis and the even bigger crisis that may follow. He follows up, discussing the Dem’s impeachment […]

BC says:

Looks like some leftists are trying to throw on the brakes:

The Cominator says:

Tim pool though he is purple pilled at best had a good youtube commentary on this…hard for me to get the link bc phone posting sucks.

BC says:
Anonymous 2 says:

Taibbi seems to be sniffing the wind and catching the same scent as Jim.

The men who are the proxies for Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani in this story are asserting that “official channels” have been corrupted. The forces backing impeachment, meanwhile, are telling us those same defendants are obstructing a lawful impeachment inquiry.

This latest incident, set against the impeachment mania and the reportedly “expanding” Russiagate investigation of U.S. Attorney John Durham, accelerates our timeline to chaos. We are speeding toward a situation when someone in one of these camps refuses to obey a major decree, arrest order, or court decision, at which point Americans will get to experience the joys of their political futures being decided by phone calls to generals and police chiefs.

Interesting article — competing law-abiding orders towards the end seems plausible, for instance — but as I’m sure we all understand, his side won’t listen to him.

jim says:

Meanwhile, some republicans are trying to shoot down the China deal and start war with China.

The Cominator says:

They won’t be successful, Rubio is a homosexual cokehead moron and most Florida Republicans are fanatical Trump supporters.

BC says:

I’m curious if China finally came to the table because they decided that the Crazy Dems winning would result in war.

jim says:

Very likely. Observe the pious statement by Cruz that the Hong Democracy protests are peaceful and are being repressed by cruel police violence.

Meanwhile large numbers of Hong Kong people are unable to get to or from work because they fear attacks against public transport, and the police stand around like potted plants when masked protesters march.

I suspect the attacks on public transport are an inside job, since the attack on the airport was an inside job, and the airport has been fine since the Cathay Air board fired the treasonous top management who set up their passengers to be assaulted. If the security guys had orders to deal with protesters breaking stuff and hurting people, the protesters attacking public transport would evaporate as the airport protesters evaporated.

Karl says:

Airports have private security guards that someone like Cathay can order to deal with protestors. I don’t think that Hong Kong’s commuter trains have private security guards. Or do they have?

Protesters blocking roads or public trains are a problem to be dealt with the police or -in necessary- the army. If the HongKong goverment doesn’t deal with the protesters, it stops governing and soon someone else will do the governing.

jim says:

The Dems were on course for war with Russia when they lost the election. They are now on course for war with China, which is what Trump hinted at when he made the announcement of trade peace, that it was also a plan for military peace “They have [war] ships and planes, we have [war] ships and planes … something stupid could happen”.

And the elderly and frail smart Democrats are losing control to the crazies.

Shelby says:

Me thinks the Chinese are very shrewd and are biding the time until they are sufficiently strong to take on the USA. So yes I agree a calculated decision to kick the can with a deal for now, because “pay for play” with the Clintons et al was lucrative (trade imbalance allowed) but dangerous.

The Cominator says:

Reading between the lines I think on the Republican side that certain especially corrupt senators like Rubio are used to getting paid off whenever there is a deal between the US and any foreign country, they get richer the US gets sold out.

Rubio (who is trying to torpedo the deal on the Republican side) is a corrupt homosexual drug addict who cannot handle money and almost immediately blows it whenever he gets bribed… I think he is merely angry he didn’t get any payoff in this deal.

Rubio has less room to fuck with Trump then even most Republican Senators, the Florida GOP was pretty fanatically and unaminously pro Trump from the day he announced and Rubio is unpopular anyway. So he has very little room to cause any trouble.

Shelby says:


As you and others have noted, Trump is intentionally forcing the Democrats to shift further to the Left. Your Left Singularity (“no enemies to the left”) is proceeding as you predicted. Trump correctly observes that the (at least Electoral College) majority is centered roughly moderate.

There is a problem on the horizon heading towards ~2024 and Trump is also very aware of it, which is perhaps why he keeps demanding the Fed ease interest rates. He incorrectly thinks might moderate the dollar’s rise. That is the imminent strong dollar vortex as international capital stampedes out of the waterfall economic collapse hitting the EU, Japan, and much of the developing world 2021/22. This is going to drive stagflation, especially price inflation in non-dollar currencies. Vortex because of $trillions of the global corporate (and even some sovereign) dollar bonds. The world is effectively betting short the dollar, so as the dollar rises the external demand for dollar rises! This has started to kick off already which is why the Fed was doing $75 billion in emergency Repos. But the China/USA trade (and possibly a BREXIT) agreement might provide some deadcat bounce liquidity breathing room to kick the can to 2021ish.

The problem for conservative/patriarchal Americans (like myself) is that the strong dollar is going to choke exports, and then when the dollar peaks and starts to decline that will be economic collapse in the USA. This economic collapse can push left leaning, currently moderate progressively to align politically with the radical Left such as AOC. We all know that economic hardship causes individuals to be more political resentful and aggressive (blame their plight on the rich for example). The blue collar workers in the Midwest could align with the radical left as their bankrupt State pensions exacerbate economic collapse. Additionally the Millennials will be in prime voting age and even GenZ will be of voting age (if they can be incited to vote by their horrible economic plight given the student loan debacle the Clintons created).

If Trump as so gutted the Democrats that they lose again in 2024 to Pence for example, then couple this with Unconstitutional action ~2026 if they’re too impatient to wait for the 2028 presidential election. Perhaps they will sufficient control of Congress by then to back up their Unconstitutional power grab.

In short, the problem is democracy. But monarchy also fails as you have noted in your blogs about history.

I don’t think we can get all the way to a stable King on the nation-state scale. Which is why I think we instead must eventually have an (eventually hot) civil war. We’re in or nearly in the cold civil war stage.

Besides I don’t think a King on nation-state scale can ever be stable. Instead I propose that what we really need is to return to manorialism but with larger manors on the scale of small towns. Totally Libertarian with no voting. Each town is owned and the alphamale owner consults with the males in his township. Citizens of towns can vote only with their feet. Then we need an ideology (aka religion) to bind/ally townships together for common self-defense, trade, prosperity, etc.. Women need to be controlled so that “go forth and multiply” is achieved. Conquest is via purchase. Purchase more and more land. Continue to multiply. Defend borders with lethal force. As you have stated, post menopausal females can be set free to pursue their interests so long as they don’t do disruptive ideological crap. Townships that don’t expel leftist idiots, should see an exodus of strong-willed individuals that are worthy of survival.

Globalization, even a world government, and Bitcoin are aligned with such a shift to highly competitive, meritorious, decentralized, patriarchal fiefdoms.

P.S. I think possibly Facebook Libra will be new world currency. First backed with dollars to help drive (or coincide with) the strong dollar vortex. Then later shifted to Bitcoin backing to devalue the dollar and complete the global monetary reset aware from the dollar as the global reserve currency.

I am also aware of how the global creators plan to accomplish this feat. This coming May 2020 at the halving event, they will destroy the impostor Bitcoin that everyone mistakenly thinks is the official Bitcoin. But Satoshi’s original protocol will not have died even though most people will be unaware of this.

Frederick Algernon says:

And what happens when me and my goons show up and cut off your town alphas dick, take your daughters, and put you in our fields? Libertarians are the worst. At least commies delude themselves with the Equalism Fallacy when they purport to know the way to utopia. Patchwork cannot work because equality is unnatural and population is too high. If mass depopulation is a prerequisite for your plan, you might be a red. Neck’d.

The Cominator says:

To put it in short is the problem with patchwork Republics against larger nation states (which cannot function well as a Republic as Republic’s “don’t scale”) is a military one, and one that became very apparent when the French 1st invaded Italy with gunpower weapons that could breach the walls of the various city states.

But I think a smart monarch should have lots of free cities and border protectorates that have somewhat independent internal policy and might even be able to function as Republics, but are forbidden from conducting independent foreign policies. The way China had with Hong Kong before the recent glownagger revolt.

Frederick Algernon says:

That makes sense. The reality is that no structure of governance lasts forever. All forms of structured power are cyclical. I believe in monarchy because i genuinely feel that, if executed correctly, can longest sustain its integrity. As well, it can refresh/refurbish itself with the minimum amount of disorder. Patchwork will always lead to the domino effect of competing mobile bandits. Similarly, a kingdom with a frontier/hinterland of freeholds/city states will always be susceptible to exploitationists. The latter is a much better problem to have than the former.

The Cominator says:

Monarchial nation states with patchwork periphery (and even some internal) vassal states solves a lot of the problems of each form of government.

The monarchial nation state solves the military problems of the free cities and free duchies (or as mentioned before even free republics).

Things internally will break down less in the free cities and free duchies in the event of civil war or a really incompetent or socialist or pettifogging/moralfagging king. It also allows them to have a local government which can respond to local problems with more flexibility.

As for monarchy and entropy all social systems are prone to entropy, monarchies tend to be prone to slower entropy because of the sheer simplicity of their governing structure whereas distributed power systems like republics have a high scope for entropy because they are more complex.

Frederick Algernon says:

Agree. From my perspective, both analytically as well as externally mentioned by others when i admit to being a monarchist, the two largest problems confronting a Modern Monarchy are succession and theism. This blog has gone a fair way towards figuring out the underpinning of requisite religiosity, but unless i missed it, we still need a godhead, the spring from which power flows to the king. I am a fan of GNON but it is a hard concept to articulate to both areligious normies as well as the redpilled religious. The former tend to tap out before the preliminary discussion is even half done, and the latter tend to cry “paganism/animism/idolatry” by the time the discussion really gets rolling.

Historically, divine right was the predicate for absolute rule through the ages. The first King is usually Biggus Dickus, First of His Name, but afterwards, particularly when the son is eclipsed by the father, there needs to be more than brand recognition to buttress the dynasty. When everyone was one form of primal religious or another, this worked. In current year, this is a harder sell. One could make an argument that the death of effective monarchy was due, but only in part, to the nobility/aristocracy losing their collective faith.

So the question is, what COMPLETE religion (as in one that controls priesthood admission AND solidifies the monarchy AND succors the masses) is required?

Succession is a whole different jar of pickles. The son follows the father, but this rubs a lot of people wrong. That sentiment may evaporate over generations, but it also may linger. My humble suggestion to this is having a pool of potential monarchs from the upper reaches of the nobility. Suppose it is 10 or so families that all have the blood claim to an ordained and accepted degree. What further qualifications should be/ need to be added? Obviously some form of physical test. Obviously some form of mental test. Not obviously but possibly very importantly, there needs to be some form of literary/cultural/artistic test. Call it a mythos test.

The Odyssey was an oral tradition for an insane amount of time before it was written down. I am of the opinion that the Dear Leader must carry more than the weight of the Now and the challenge of the Future; he must also bear the burden of the Past. How does one test for that?

There may be some legitimate challenges to the idea of monarch selection v. inherited position, but i think the issues with hereditary enthronement are non-trivial, particularly if/when the time comes to present The Case For Monarchy.

To sum up, even if it is obvious to others, we need to formalize the mechanical structure of the Modern Monarchy just as we elucidate the Spiritual Structure of the Modern Monarchy. We need to build a very clear path from Here to There. If we could/can do this, i think that would go a long way into winning over the hearts and minds of the groups that we need.

White Man says:

Suppose it were possible to return governments to a monarchy’s, would we not be inviting another French revolution. On the one hand there could be a period of stability with the right leader but in the other hand there will be rival families and petty differences. If seems to me that a monarch is much like a dictator sanctified by religion. Society would be regressing back to something that has already failed throughout Europe and Russia. We have yet to find a perfect government. Until then, I’ll stick to my Constitution.

Frederick Algernon says:

1) You need to read closer if you want to play in this ball game as we a have already in this very thread addressed most of your contentions.

2) You need to stop posting as it is clear that you have not read enough Jim (you didn’t know he is a patriarch). Cease and desist, go back at least a year, and read closely.

3) You need to read the comments sections of every piece you read if you don’t want to get buggered for stupidity or talked down to.

4) You need to go read Setting The Record Straight (it’s in the blogroll).

5) You need to understand that this is actually friendly advice and it is probably the last bit you will get.

Frederick Algernon says:

Also, before you post ANY response you need to respond to the question that was posed to you by Rabbi Sigmund Freud.

White Man says:

Jim is free to delete any and all of my posts. You want to play alpha and read me the riot act, get your own blog. The post you mentioned is a troll post. Why should I respond to it. You say you’re for a monarchy, I say it’s been tried already.

jim says:

Not a troll comment, a serious question:

When you were in high school and looked lasciviously at that 15-year-old thot passing by, and your low-T buddy remarked, “Watch out, she’s underage and illegal. You’re sailing way too close to the wind,” how did you respond?

Why is this a troll question? Because you have never hit on a fifteen year old? Because no fifteen year old girls are hot?

We have laws that are violently contrary to human nature, and which are being broken almost universally. Are you perhaps telling us that these laws are not contrary to human nature and are not being massively broken?

The question draws attention to how unnatural these laws are, and that their enforcement is ineffectual. Women do not cooperate with the enforcement of age of consent, anti rape, and anti sexual harassment laws, instead deploying them as social superweapons to test men.

White Man says:

I’m here to talk politics. Fine, I had a car in high school. Dated girls my age. No one ever asked me that. What’s the point. You trolling for weirdoes. This some litmus test for your blog Jim. You don’t want me posting say so.

Frederick Algernon says:

Another one bites the dust.

White Man says:

The laws are in place to prevent unwed pregnancy in minors and I support the law. Why should my tax money go to pay for someone’s child. Besides, minors are not mature enough to parent.

jim says:

If the laws are in place to prevent unwed pregnancy in minors, why is there no attempt to control the behavior of female minors?

Frederick Algernon says:
The Cominator says:

Lurk m@re and learn what NRx is, i disagree with jim on a few things strongly but i am not labeled an entryist.

Nate Higgers, Esq. says:

The laws are in place to prevent unwed pregnancy in minors and I support the law. Why should my tax money go to pay for someone’s child. Besides, minors are not mature enough to parent.

When we establish the Antiversity, we’ll have to work really hard to ensure that the articles on both the Social Purity Movement and the Prussian School System will fully reflect and capture the true horror inflicted by these hostile memeplexes.

“Anti-pedophilia” is a codeword for anti-patriarchy, and it has been so ever since that term was invented by malevolent psychiatrists – fact.

By telling us that we must “prevent pregnancy” among “minors” because they are “not yet mature for parenting,” and that this should be achieved by penalizing (better yet: penectomizing) all sexually active heterosexual men, also by slaughtering millions of fetuses wanted by their fathers, these ideologically PWNED zombies regurgitate an unoriginal Satanic inversion and mockery of Christianity, all while telling us that they’re the “real deal.” That’s simply what Puritanism does to any and all of its adherents; terminal brain rot. As someone would say,

It summoned an alien entity from beyond the void which devoured its summoner and is proceeding to eat the rest of the world.

“White Man,” aka WM, aka Wincing Mutant, aka Warty Midget, aka Whipped Mincer, aka Weeping Mope, and several other explications, is not merely a symptom of a catastrophe of literally cosmic proportions; he is the contagion in its unadulterated form.

Wretched Menace, you are the Great Filter. You, Worthless Megalomaniac, are the reason humanity might not make it to the stars. You, Wreaked Monstrosity, are the reason we might never become a Type I Civilization. You, Weaselly Minion, are the tragedy of the 21st century. You, Witless Moron, do not love the white race one bit; you hate it so passionately that you seek to deprive it of reproduction and virility, all the way to complete and irreversible racial abolition.

You are the disaster.

White Man says:

NH, Wrong. You can reproduce with adults. No one is stopping you.

Jim, I don’t have a clue why they don’t punish minors. Maybe they see them as the victim.

I oppose any abortion.

Why is it some of you can’t get your point across without name calling. It makes you seem like a dangerous psycho.

White Man says:

Cominator, Neoreactionary. I will agree that there are many things wrong with the state of society that brought us to where we are. But, the point being argued is not one of them. Any thing anyone posts can be seen as a challenge to a way of thought. That’s the whole point. Why make an argument if you can’t support it. And if you result to name calling, that tells me you can’t support it with sound reasoning. At this point it would not be possible to rebuild society, you have to work with what is. Think of it as remodeling a house.

shaman says:

NH, Wrong. You can reproduce with adults. No one is stopping you.

The notion that you can prevent teen girls from fucking around without coming down on them like a ton of bricks is what’s wrong. Punishing men is both immoral and ineffectual – immoral because it denies human nature, ineffectual because fertile females will always score, unless you repress them with greater extremity than the Taliban. Hence NRx calls for the abolition of all Puritan-derived legislation, and the restoration of young marriage.

White Man says:

Shaman, There are lots of human nature urges that the law restricts. Why is this one important. It is possible to marry young with parental consent. Why isn’t this enough for you. I will agree that all legislation should be compared to the Constitution for their legitimacy and repealed as required. There are too many laws. Even attorneys can’t keep track of things. We should live under simple law that is written in concrete terms.

I’m more interested in laws protecting my rights than marriage law. We are way off topic though.

jim says:

The problem is that the law restricts males, while failing to restrict females, thereby accomplishing the opposite of its purported goals.

shaman says:

There are lots of human nature urges that the law restricts. Why is this one important. It is possible to marry young with parental consent. Why isn’t this enough for you.


The law does not “restrict urges” – it punishes adult men for the sexual misbehavior of slutty young girls, making women higher status than men and facilitating thottery – altogether cancerous. The law is neither in line with GNON’s will, which is fertile age reproduction and marriage, nor is it effective in achieving its stated goals.

You can have AoC and you can have patriarchy, but you can’t have both. Expecting girls to remain chaste past adrenarche (by allowing them to roam free, and furiously chasing all men in sight) is likely to result in a not insignificant proportion of 9-year-old girls crawling into the bedrooms of drunk guests to play cowgirl. And expecting women to remain chaste long past puberty (by allowing them to slut it up the asshole, while punishing the men with whom they do so) is unrealistic and unreasonable, part of the Puritan-Feminist war against male sexuality and human nature, and derives from the Victorian lie that women only misbehave because evil lustful men make them misbehave.

The problem is not that some virgins are deflowered, for virgins are often eager and complicit in their own deflowering, but that they are let go and sent away afterwards. AoC prevents men from keeping misbehaving girls as wives (girls usually misbehave several years prior to reaching the AoC), for it demonizes the men and sends them to prison, while legitimizing promiscuity on the part of girls.

The Woman Problem is the most burning issue; coincidentally, the Cathedral is telling us that there is no woman problem, but that there is a very big and scary man problem, that men are being horribly oppressive to women – that men who are seduced by jailbaits, who receive naughty selfies on whatsapp, and who are accused of various “inappropriate touching,” are horrendously victimizing poor innocent girls who dindu nothin’.

“Anti-pedophile” is codeword for anti-patriarchy, for it simultaneously legitimizes sodomy of all sorts, including genital-to-genital rubbing between bearded men in a dress and 9-year-old boys at Drag Queen Story Time at the local library, while making it absolutely illegal for fathers to marry off their sexually misbehaving daughters to husbands who can provide them with reproductive sex, telling us that horny girls are oh-so-victimized by sex, and that men must suffer criminal penalties for girls having sex.

You cannot keep your runaway chickens safe by attempting to make the whole world safe for roaming chickens, which is exactly what the AoC and similar legislation attempt to do. Instead of punishing men for young female misbehavior, need to beat women with a stick and marry them off at the first hint of sexual misconduct. It’s the diametrical opposite approach to “statutory rape” laws and all similar laws.

It is not possible to keep girls chaste long past puberty without violently restraining them willy-nilly kicking and screaming, for they won’t comply with (that is: they will forcefully resist) your attempts to keep them chaste, and once there is grass on the field, men will play ball. Punishing men doesn’t solve the problem, indeed it’s a crucial part of the problem, and it vastly elevates the status of thots. To have virgin brides, need to restrain girls, and to make it a common and unremarkable thing to have young marriage.

Read the archives on this blog, because all that has been explained at very great length innumerable times, and repeating the same points again and again is tiresome.

Mr.P says:


> minors are not mature enough to parent.

I’ve worked every day of my life since I was 12 years old. By junior year of high school, I was making acceptable wood furniture in shop class. Then I went to college, because high IQ, and learned how to extend adolescence into my 30s. Didn’t marry until age 37. At the time, wife and I looked around and agreed no way were we putting a bull’s eye on our chest making babies in current U.S. regime. Selfish and cowardly? Perhaps. Point is, if Jim’s restoration of apprenticeship had been up and running when I was in high school, probably would have married a virgin and had three kids by “immature” age 20.

White Man says:

Shaman, I don’t agree. And, I don’t see how this one issue would be a solution for anything. Underage marriage sounds very semitic, am I talking to white people here or something else?

You argue for giving in to base human urges. For example: Suppose you and I were eating at a restaurant and I having finished my meal see that you have a delicious cut of prime rib still on your plate. Me being much larger than you physically assume the alpha male role and take your food and eat it in front of you. It is after all a basic need to eat and why should I deny myself this.

We live in a world where there are basic rules of acceptable decency so that we do not tear each other apart.

shaman says:


The Cominator says:

“Shaman, I don’t agree. And, I don’t see how this one issue would be a solution for anything. Underage marriage sounds very semitic, am I talking to white people here or something else?”

White Man says:

There are laws for juvenile delinquency but it’s difficult to prosecute a minor for anything these days. The legal system always chooses the path of least resistance. Sometimes there are scapegoats, justice is served in the public eye, confidence restored.

Is this one of core tenants of your group? Maybe I stepped into the wrong room. I was looking for pro white stuff and found your article “We Are All White Supremest Now.” I am for white people but not for the subject at hand.

The Cominator says:

Jim remember what i said about wignats… That you need to be very careful not to attract them… That almost universally they are stupid and/or feds. This is your common wignat…

And hey wigger man you want to be here once again LURK MOAR.

jim says:

> This is your common wignat

We shall see. If “White Man” is a genuine wignat, rather than a low caste dot Indian hired by the Cathedral to perform entryism against wignats, he should be able to expound ex tempore on Kate, Kate’s wall, and Zimmerman/Trayvon, and eager to do so.

White Man says:

I am non of what you accuse me of. Fed, wignat, you are childish. The links you post, who would click on them you filthy degenerate. You are not even a human fucking being. It’s no wonder our race is in decline with maggots like you spouting your trash all over the internet. You millennial types, there’s no saving you. My generation bore the torch of civilization, just to hand it off to bunch of slack jawed faggot millennials. GFY loser.

jim says:

If you are a white wignat, rather than a dot Indian hired by the Cathedral to engage in entryism against white wignats, tell us about Kate, Kate’s wall, and Zimmerman/Trayvon.

The Cominator says:

Notice how the entryist reacts to a pic of Trump (my Trump meme was “degenerate”) the way a vampire reacts to a cross. I’m not sure whether its a shitlib/fed posing as a wignat or wignats (being the controlled op that they are) react to Trump the same way,

Well anyway… I can make you 1488 times madder if you want.

Not Tom says:

I was looking for pro white stuff and found your article “We Are All White Supremest Now.” I am for white people but not for the subject at hand.

I had a feeling this would happen.

I want to abide by Jim’s admonishment against hating the wignats, but they are just. so. aggravating.

I’ll consider the possibility that this isn’t really a wignat at all, just someone pretending to be, but so far I see no obvious signs of a Harvard education other than excessive blue-pilling.

jim says:

I am pretty sure that “White Man” is neither white, nor a genuine White Supremacist. Probably low caste Dot Indian though he has been in America for a long time.

But the wingnat identity is more generic than the libertarian techie identity that Shelbie/X is claiming, so harder to detect incorrect use of shibboleths. Hard to tell if “White Man” is what he claims to be, but it will be easy to detect if Shelby is a member of the ingroup whose shibboleths he uses so enthusiastically, for he has claimed to be a blockchain developer. Let us see if he can respond to questions on blockchain technology.

I would like to figure out a similar test for claimed wingnat white identity, but I am insufficiently familiar with wingnats to construct a litmus test. Testing Shelby for his claimed identity as a libertarian blockchain techie is right in my area.

I will attempt to construct a test for wingnat identity. Genuine wingnatism is based on the gut reaction to the second class citizenship of white people. Maybe we should ask “White Man” to talk about Kate’s wall and Zimmerman/Trayvon.

A genuine wingnat will expound enthusiastically at length on Kate’s Wall and Zimmerman/Trayvon. A dot Indian hired by the Cathedral on engage in entryism and given a list of wingnat shibboleths by his boss will just go back to the start of his script like a third world phone help line worker when the customer asks about something not covered by the script.

Not Tom says:

I thought the link Nikolai dug up showed pretty conclusively that Shelby is X. Same name, same blather about bitcoin, same gun-toting expat identity, same wall-of-text posts longer than even my longest fisks. I’d say case closed, no?

Unless it’s some dude pretending to be X. But why would anyone do that?

Say what you will about Teddy, but he’s right about the gamma mindset: they always come back, never forget a grudge, never just leave you alone.

As for wignattery, the fact that it is so easy to fake is part of the problem. We can be well-wishers, but having any too close to the priesthood is a structural weakness.

Poo goes in the loo says:

Mexico has deported over 300 Indian nationals to New Delhi, the National Migration Institute (INM) said late on Wednesday, calling it an unprecedented transatlantic deportation.


White Man says:

@Jim, I’m white. I’m not familiar with all the lingo you guys use. I know about 1488 and have read Mein Kampf twice. Indian? Where do you get that? No, I’m 1/4 German, some Scottish and Irish. All European. I can’t prove it on this blog. I am for white people but I think we have already lost. Why, because we are unable to organize as a group without the social stigma. I’m not part of the Fed either. Just another white guy, like you guys seem to be. I can understand your scrutiny though. There has been a great effort to dox wrong thinking white people by media. I just wanted to show that I am able to throw name calling out too.

Not Tom says:

P.S. I think possibly Facebook Libra will be new world currency.

Frickin’ lol. So ghey.

BC says:

Trump is making Nixon’s mistake of pissing off the Generals over Syria.

jim says:

He is not pissing off the soldiers, which in the end may matter more.

The Cominator says:

The generals were for the most part cathedralfied back in the Clinton administration… If i have one criticism of Trump was that day one should have started with en masse firings.

BC says:

I’m still pissed he let Mattis turn the Marines into a women’s soccer team.

Frederick Algernon says:

OK, i don’t like you, but that is fucking hilarious and i will be culturally appropriating it. His position on trannies + the fact that he is childless should have been a red flag, but i drank the koolaid on Mattis initially.

Shelby says:

Trump is strategically revealing his hidden hand (plans) when the political and soft power environment is in his favor. It‘s masterful and his IQ is clearly 3+ SD. And he has many high IQ advisors from outside the Beltway. In fact, Trump is one of the reasons I have decided to return to the USA.

I AM says:

Mr. Trump may well be the most remarkable man ever to grace our mortal coil. 3-sigma is to give him too little credit.

Contaminated NEET says:

Settle down, people. He’s a reality TV cartoon character in over his head. He’s obviously better than any Pres in my lifetime, but you’re putting way too much on this guy. Donny is a boomer who craves the respect of his enemies more than anything and doesn’t understand that he’s in a knife-fight. The dude is going to die in jail. Call me a cuck and tell me to kms, but when they lock him up, you’ll see I was right.

jim says:

It has been obvious from the day Trump was elected that he knows he is in a knife fight, and is now wondering if it is going to become a gunfight.

ten says:

It is very difficult to differentiate between anything above three sigma at glance because they are so very rare, and when we can take part of their words it is often in written form, which is harder.

But i fully agree trump is triple nine material.

I also think he is a weird dude, like many very talented people are. Fortunately the left reads his weirdness as insanity, and thinks he is stupid, so can not talk about what he is doing or understand it, so can not play against him.

Anonymous says:

You have grown to depend on the womb-like safety of the welfare state and now cannot imagine any life without it. When the restoration comes, the whip will be your reward.

White Man says:

With all the election fraud that’s been exposed, you still believe there have ever been fair elections in your lifetime. Both political parties are playing you, and you’ve been living under the delusion of choice. That is the cold hard reality.

Rabbi Sigmund Freud: How Was Your Childhood? says:

When you were in high school and looked lasciviously at that 15-year-old thot passing by, and your low-T buddy remarked, “Watch out, she’s underage and illegal. You’re sailing way too close to the wind,” how did you respond?

BC says:

This Mulvaney video stuff is very much see deer point horse style stuff. Massive pressure on people to see the horse over on reddit. Scott Adams is calling this impeachment by hypnosis.

The Cominator says:

Mulvaney probably said that to bait the Democrats more…

BC says:

I doubt it, watching the video I think he was baited into it by the reporter to help fuel leftwing maddness. Ultimately it should work in Trumps favor.

pdimov says:


>The Bundys are not in the Knowledge Age economy. They depend on their vast lands for ranching.

Sorry for the ostensibly dumb question, but where will your food come from when you’re in the Knowledge Age, if not from vulnerable fixed capital farms? If you buy it from someone else, this makes you even more vulnerable, doesn’t it?

Your idea that the Knowledge Age lean teams of engineers will no longer need fixed capital farms and factories reminded me of its complete opposite in

which argues that lean engineering is no less make-work created by the Fed printing money than today’s “journalism” is. It’s probably taking it to the other extreme, but I can’t help but find it more convincing than your take.

Steve Johnson says:

His paragraphs of evasion in response to a simple question was telling.

Bob says:

Cue Shelby’s deflection or trad-boomer word salad in 3, 2, 1…

shaman says:

Calvin wrote:

But just to make this easy for you troofers:

1)What do you claim hit the WTC and why do you claim it?
2)What do you claim actually brought down the WTC and why?
3)What do you claim caused the damage to the Pentagon and why?
4)What do you claim happened to flight 93 and why?

Now what X and Yara twist themselves in knots to avoid actually providing clear and falsifiable answers to these simple questions.

Exactly as predicted.

Trooferism – not even once. They all lie, all the time.

X, who now goes by Shelby (we call him Shellfish), has yet to produce a solid account of 9/11, has yet to answer these questions in a straightforward manner. That doesn’t stop him, and similar cunts, from trying to weasel themselves back in after they’ve been thoroughly ass-blasted. Whenever a troofer opens his mouth, or presses his keyboard, it is to lie and to sow disruption.

All troofers lie, all the time, and once a single lie is refuted, another 1,000 are issued. All troofers are hostile enemies, all troofers are pathological liars, all troofers seek to doxx and subvert us. Unless censored, they turn everything they touch into all troofism, all the time.

Mr.P says:

Every node of “The Second Computer Revolution (aka Knowledge Age)” is plugged into an electrical socket, which is connected to a long wire that runs to a power plant, which requires fixed capital investment, lots of it.

Not Tom says:

But muh solar panels!

The Cominator says:

Muh solar panels might be a good thing someday but need to improve muh batteries 1st.

Solar panels could also be improved in efficiency if they were designed with different ultra thin layers each attuned to maximally absorb different wavelengths of light but developing such a thing would cost a lot of money.

Not Tom says:

But muh windmills! Muh wind-up generators! Muh burning dung stoves!

The Cominator says:

Wind power is generally unreliable once again need the batteries… a renewable source of power that probably would work now is tidal power… the tides are regular predictable and have a tremendous amount of kinetic energy behind them.

pdimov says:

And of course none of those things represent a considerable fixed capital investment.

I was going to get to energy after we figured out food.

Frederick Algernon says:

I thought we were on a good roll before WM derailed the discussion and got BTFO’d.

The Cominator says:

My basic stance on wignats

jim says:

We need to reach out to stormers. Our memes are already penetrating, and the FBI is fighting back with communist memes.

We shall soon know whether “White Male” is a genuine stormer or a dot Indian working for the FBI with HR watching his output. If a stormer, he will love to give us a pile of outrage on Kate and Zimmerman. If he vanishes, ignores the topic, or says something ambiguous that can pass HR, his work is being monitored by HR.

The Cominator says:

The good channers arent stormers, most stormers are borderline retards and the ones that arent tend to be feds. What possible use can they be? Our memes are penetrating the normie right which is getting more okay with caesarism, the gamosphere, the unpozzed libertarians those places have talent… The retards will just drag us down. People below a certain iq level are useless for anything but unskilled repitive physical labor… That is most non-fed stormers (they are useful to the feds because they can dupe them into screwing your optics and going in).

Anonymous says:

Stormers are at the forefront of public leftist attacks. For this reason alone I support them. Never punch right or you will be next.

You should only ever disagree with stormers about National Socialism. Use Moldbug’s ideas: they will be forced to admit the truth of them. We will help them to see the matador for his cape.

Joo! Joo!

The Cominator says:

They aren’t smart enough to see the matador and the smart exceptions mostly glow in the dark. The 1% exceptions to both these rules will mostly find their way to something close to us anyway without any encouragement.

“Stormers are at the forefront of public leftist attacks.”

Because they are the least sympathetic and weakest target and they can use them to bash the whole right. The Cathedral press on the other hand is terrified to even mention NRx (we got mentioned in National Cuckview a couple of times) the way demons fear naming Jesus.

I do not condemn wignats because they are “racist” (that would be punching right) I condemn them for stupidity, socialism and being led by the enemy. That is not punching right it is (to borrow a phrase from SJW commisars) “punching down”. Unlike SJWs I am fine with punching down when its warranted. We all know that HBD is real and that large scale diversity undermines social cohesion, that doesn’t make us wignats.

And even if they were not led by the enemy if you try to include them you would have the retards in the army problem…

They also will never accept the principles of our movement, they are quite commited to wanting socialism for very bioleninist reasons somehwere in their dim brains they realize at some level they will always be on the bottom level of any non-socialist society.

jim says:

> they are quite commited to wanting socialism for very bioleninist reasons somehwere in their dim brains they realize at some level they will always be on the bottom level of any non-socialist society.

The commies are promising redistribution of the means of production. We, however, are promising redistribution of the means of reproduction.

The Cominator says:

Less effective with them then you might think, a good nickname for them could be white knightionalist…

Anonymous says:


These are reddit-tier memes that are specifically designed to group unlike things and harm us:

Christian->racist->subhuman->officially designated target of violence

I think we are talking at cross purposes. Can you please tell me your definition of a stormer?

jim says:

We are all stormers, because the left gets to decide who is a stormer. Wear a Make America Great Again hat, you are a stormer, wearing a well known hate symbol, therefore lower class, low status, and a legitimate target of violence.

If we are disinclined to talk with stormers, we open our flank to leftist salami slicer attacks.

We should be aware that a remarkably large proportion of people purporting to be stormers are in fact FBI agents, many of them dot Indians, their texts liable to be scrutinized by HR. We should be on our guard against those stormers.

The Cominator says:

Moldbug himself commented that stormers were a motley crew despite being mosly right about race…

Remember he said something along the lines of “Hitler liked opera, ever heard of a neo-nazi who likes opera”.

We should not be afraid of being called racist but at the same time hopeless retards aren’t going to help us. Jared Taylor can be with us… But the typical wignat is a liability.

Western civilization deserves a better class of racists.

jim says:

> the typical wignat is a liability.

They are a liability because the left uses them for salami slicer attack. They are more of a liability if we don’t talk to them, because that facilitates the salami slicer, rather than protecting us from it.

They are absorbing our memes, and excluding them does not prevent the left using them for a salami slicer attack, it makes us more, not less, vulnerable to the salami slicer. Notice how the playbook against the Unite the Right Rally, Milo, and Roosh, was soon applied against a Trump rally. The Democratic state government organized a bunch of thugs to assault rally attendees, sent an army of police to protect the thugs so that they could attack with impunity, and attempted to bill the Trump campaign for the police.

That Milo is obviously not a stormer did not protect him in the slightest, and what protected Trump was muscle, not disavowing the right. Disavowing the right conspicuously fails to help.

Denouncing stormers blinds you to the fact that the left uses the same playbook against us all. It is a tactical error.

The Cominator says:

Milo beat them and IN BERKELEY. We lost Milo because too many people on our side still like to moralfag not because the left was successful using that tactic against him.

Plenty of sober reactionary types on 4chan tell them all the time listen you morons anyone who is telling you to screw our optics and go in is a fed (and hell anglin finally gets that too), but plenty are just too stupid to get it.

Niiiidriveevof says:

People bring up optics here from time to time. It seems to me that, as things are now, this is always merely a way of bowing down to progressive moral authority. No different from what conservatives have always done.

Is there any place muh optics is actually important?

Not speaking about demonstrating-your-power optics of course.

Niiiidriveevof says:

Clearer: “screw your optics I’m going in” is never a bad idea because of “optics”, only ever a bad idea for other tactical reasons.

“Optics” is just a word for affirming that your enemies’ ideas are true and good, while your own are weak and evil. It is a bad frame.

Anonymous says:

Everytime a Nazi gets punched in the face it means that I don’t get punched in the face.

Have you ever been punched in the face?

jim says:

That is the opposite of the truth.

That Milo got attacked, that Trump supporters at a Trump rally got attacked, is the direct result of the fact that the attack on the Unite the Right rally was successful.

Every time a Nazi gets punched, it is a warmup for punching me in the face, except that I make myself scarce. There are no end of people who would attempt to kill me and people I love if they could find me. They punch a Nazi, then they go looking for me.

The Cominator says:

Horseshit, gas the kikes race war now is not a politically smart way to be. The new right has been great with optics.

The Cominator says:

Jim I am asserting.

1. The left attacked Milo in Berkeley using the Charlottesville playbook.

2. They were not successful because Milo’s thugs beat the shit out of their thugs and chased antifa off and Milo looked awesome.

3. The left then took out Milo using the pedo card (even though Milo didn’t do it) and people on our side moralfagged.

What part are you saying is untrue Jim?

Mr.P says:

Not disagreeing, only adding color.

As Jim has pointed out, the Technology Singularity might be able to put an almost-free electrical power plant the size of a toaster in every kitchen in America and Europe, but the Technology Singularity is on hold, because diversity, until the Leftist Singularity flames out.

Shelby strikes me a true-believer Technology Singularity “visionary” who either flat-out not-notices or fanatically disbelieves what is going on, as plain as day, right outside his kitchen window.

jim says:

Possibly. Hard to test if Shelby is a genuine technological Singularity true believer. But it will be easy to test if he is a genuine libertarian blockchain developer.

Dave says:

You can do a lot with a smart phone, charging it with a solar panel when the sun shines and a $50 MiniO thermoelectric generator or $130 BioLite camp stove when it doesn’t.

Also get a dutch oven or heavy skillet with a matching lid; the thick cast-iron walls distribute heat evenly so you can cook dinner in the fire without incinerating it.

I just wish there were a cheap off-grid way to power a refrigerator.

The Cominator says:

To back off from all these personal spats…

Does anyone have any theories on why Hillary is opening up on Tulsi Gabbard with muh Russia crap.

Tulsi would be Trump’s most difficult opponent in the general election BY FAR if the Democrats would nominate her because she is only crazy on economics (and crazy in the way women are crazy) and Trump could not plausibly insult her to death because shes not that corrupt.. but the thing is shes in low single digits she should be below Hillary’s notice even should Hillary want to enter the election again.

I’d love to hear theories.

pdimov says:
The Cominator says:

Except if anything Hillary doing this is probably going to help Tulsi in the polls a bit…

Why attack her, she should be beneath mad queen Hilldawg’s notice… is she afraid Tulsi is going to inherit Biden’s votes when the senile old fool drops out of the race…

jim says:

Elite incohesion. If Trump is removed by coup, Pence immediately follows him to prison followed by the secretary of state, and by some new and unusual interpretation of the constitution, the former secretary of state, Hillary Clinton becomes president, and all the mass media tell us one hundred times each day that this is totally constitutional.

If Trump is removed by election, it is probably because Tulsi Gabbard becomes president. It is not actually in Hillary’s interests for the Democrats to win fairly, or even have prospects of winning fairly.

The Cominator says:

“If Trump is removed by election, it is probably because Tulsi Gabbard becomes president. ”

I agree except Tulsi has to win the nomination first… and Hillary is not hurting Tulsi who is barely noticable in the Democrat polls by doing this… she is raising her profile and its likely to attract some Hillary hating Democrats (of which there are many) to her…

So the explanation here is that Hillary is being stupid deranged and self destructive again.

shaman says:

A theory you might like is that this is Hillary’s heavy dog-whistle for her ‘buddies’ to start seriously digging up dirt on Tulsi, so as to preemptively sink her prospects and nip the threat in the bud. You’ll know for sure whether or not this theory has any merit to it if soon enough various unflattering revelations pop up.

Or maybe Haggary is simply jealous of a younger woman.

info says:

Jim. What’s your thoughts on Elsagate on youtube?

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