
Now we are in trouble

It is not over till the fat lady sings on January 20th, but things do not look good.

We inevitably lost because our people did not have legitimate authority to use lethal force, and the other side did.

In order to grant our people legitimate authority to use lethal force, Trump needs to proclaim the insurrection act and call out the militia. I was hoping that yesterday would provide a good occasion for that, though it needed to be done earlier. General Flynn should have had an appointment to organize the unorganized militia several weeks ago.

The battle was lost for lack of a leader with plausibly legitimate authority.

Well, Trump did not, and it looks like from here on, such a proclamation becomes more and more difficult and less and less likely.

I was very much hoping and praying that civil war would start early, because in a left singularity, the earlier you get the inevitable civil war, the more likely the right is to win.

However I have long predicted civil war or catastrophic international war, or genocide, around 2026 or so. That prediction still looks on target.

Leftism will inevitably implode, it always does. Trees do not grow to the sky, but they grow till they fall over. And the further leftism goes before it self destructs, the greater the collateral damage.

We are likely in for quite a lot of collateral damage before the light dawns.

If, as is likely, everything goes to hell in a handbasket, I will focus on building a counter economy and counter society on the blockchain. To preserve the economy against pillage, and the truth against lies, we will need to deploy cryptographic methods.

Bitcoin is deeply flawed. Posts on this topic coming when the fat lady sings.

1,564 comments Now we are in trouble

The Cominator says:

Russia or Asia?

Mike says:

Nowhere, we aren’t fucking white émigres. We’re regular Americans, and you’ll either lie low and try to build/survive, or go out at the mouths of the firing squad like countless Spanish nationalists did, shouting, “Arriba España!”

hcm says:

A very real question my family is preparing for.

Pooch says:

Good Article from Aidan for preparations


James Thornton says:


Publius says:


we. are. fucked.

c4ssidy says:

Pump out kids and spread them over the world. you can buy a home in desolate Russian countryside for 2k. Gather wild mushrooms and pickle vegetables. Even better if you can do it with something close to a western wage. I’ll be testing this myself in the next few weeks. The higher breeds of humanity only need to hold out until mars

Maybe we’d have a dark age if diversity does hit spaceX and their rockets blow up, but Musk seems unstoppable, and the target date of 2026 is looking absurdly close

Encelad says:

Biden has called the people who marched in the Capitol “domestic terrorists”. The irony would be if Biden will, at some point in the future, use the insurrection act to allow antifa to kill rightists.
The one who strikes first strikes twice… And our occasion was lost.

European Mutt says:

Chinese leftism looks like it can grow for a very long time…

jim says:

Chinese leftism died.

Those ruling in the name of its corpse are returning to bad ideas from their past, but there is no longer any permitted holiness spiral to drive leftism to ever greater heights of madness.

This does not guarantee that the Chinese state religion will be sane (ruling in the name of Mao is a big inherent problem). But it does guarantee it will not return to total madness.

The Cominator says:

If Xi wants to return to Maoism he is an insane idiot…

jim says:

Xi does not want to return to Maoism. He wants to dress the highly capitalist Chinese state in more fragments of Maoism.

Unfortunately, these fragments are likely to damage Chinese businessmen.

Officially, the Chinese economic order is socialism with Chinese characteristics. This is risible, and somewhat embarrassing.

He is trying to make it more true. Which is a very bad idea, but there a much worse ideas.

European Mutt says:

He can wreck the rest of the world with Maoist tendencies and national socialist economics though. Yes there will probably be no holiness spiral but it could result in evenly distributed suck. Chinese Dark age.

Russia and/or blockchain may be the escape of course.

The Cominator says:

Russia can’t go too much against China with the insane American ruling class so hostile to it.

European Mutt says:

Not for the time being no. But the more America becomes irrelevant/weak (which is the Chinese goal) the more they will need to.

Russia is still behind on most tech though. They need to fix that asap.

polifugue says:

There are priests and there are warriors, yet without faith warriors cannot cohere, thus ceasing to be warriors.

Unlike us, our enemy can coordinate because of faith. Antifa may be disgusting and weak, yet remain on the field only because no one else can show up.

If Kamo can murder 60 people in a bank robbery yet the Tsar cannot execute him, his elite are apostates. If the Left can get away with treason yet Trump cannot fight, he and his supporters are going to die.

Warriors may appear to rule, yet without the chaplain they cannot form a battle line. The Hindus got it right. No matter the pomp of the king, brahmins always rule.

Signing off until in friendly territory.

stan says:

Do you guys see a new big party emerge? I can’t imagine former Trump voters voting for Republicucks now.

European Mutt says:

How are they gonna play this with Trump gone? They are already calling for purging all Republicans so supposedly it will be a one-party state out in the open at least on the federal level? Any third party that could threaten them would obviously be frauded away…

Oscar C. says:

The Capitol thing reminded me immediately of something similar the left tried to do here in Spain back in 2012, ‘Rodea el Congreso’ (“Surround The Parliament”). They never managed to get inside.

However the insurgent left-wing party Podemos coalesced soon thereafter, and gained representation in 2014.

So perhaps some political realignment happens. The US political system makes it way more difficult, alas.

jim says:

No political re-alignment is possible. Opponents will go to jail, as started with Sheriff Joe.

The judicial process is now political violence. Violence will escalate, as the elite turns on each other.

This will in due course result in a Napoleon or, if we are lucky, a Cromwell. If very lucky, a Sulla. If unlucky, a Stalin. But it may take an long and unpleasant time.

lambda x says:

When the last vestiges of the Old Republic are swept away, the Democratic Party can split. Doing it this way might allow each side to contain some access to actual power.

The Cominator says:

How is a new party going to win elections when the ruling party can create however many votes they need.

46½ says:

I enjoy this blog a lot and am happy it is back. I agree w virtue singularity and the possible fate of Trump and the rest of us. One think I cannot fathom is how on earth you can believe Trump will have the stones to pull the trigger on the insurrection act. He is NOT our man although the left will likely treat him as though he were. He is NOT brave or ‘a great man’ or anything like that. Yesterday proved my worst apprehensions about this. He does not understand the level of the danger. Brace to roll w the fall b/c this civilization is going under before it can possibly improve again.

BaboonTycoon says:

I wish I could agree with you on this, jim, but it is evident to me that we will have to suffer under this for much longer than a mere five years. The op that the establishment ran yesterday demonstrates to me that their leadership is not sufficiently stupid enough to declare war anytime in the foreseeable future. That will only happen in the off chance their cowardice gets the better of them. And on our side of things, the protests yesterday were unserious. Minimal violence that did not even escalate upon Babbit’s murder. Our elites deserved so much more, but there was not even half the anger there should have been.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

This was Yarvin’s argument a few weeks ago and it looks like Yarvin was correct.

The left (establishment, Cathedral, whatever) may appear to be old and decrepit, may be bioleninist and selecting for the worst of the worst, may be experiencing countless local malfunctions and isolated failures, may indeed be a pale shadow of its former might. Yet the past two months have proven that it has the power, resources and will to steal an election nationwide and effectively suppress all public dissent, a feat which has never really been achieved before at that scale. And has the power to keep millions of people terrified and effectively locked in their homes. It’s evil to the core and deserves all the contempt we can muster and then some, but that kind of power demands respect.

It’s like an old car that looks like it was dragged out of the junkyard. The AC died years ago, the stereo only plays static, both mirrors and one taillight are broken, the passenger side is caved in, all the windows are smashed, the brakes are intermittent at best and there seem to be electrical shorts all over. But guess what: the engine still runs, and if you stand in front of that thing believing you’re going to stop or even slow it down, you’re going to be crushed.

I was a firm believer that civil war was coming in the next few years, but the events of the past two months have seriously weakened that belief. The current elites may be losing cohesion, but they still have a whole lot of it, possibly boosted by the tech oligopoly, and the Amerikaner side has none.

The Cominator says:

The Cathedral’s surge of brilliance occured because the Chinese did all the planning for them in 2020 I’m convinced of that. But it doesn’t matter for now we must go to ground or go to exile.

Mr.P says:


I re-watched the end of the live-stream of the Dec. 6 Trump rally in Washington, DC. Trump’s final words were (not a direct quote but close enough), “We’re now going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue to the Capitol and encourage the weak Republicans to ….”

Did Trump walk / lead rally participants down Pennsylvania Ave?

If so, when did he stop walking / leading participants?

Is there any video of Trump leaving the rally / arriving at the Capitol?


Red says:

If Trump had led people there would have been a video of it. However, the riot was already underway before Trump was done apparently by people who were not at his speech.

Pooch says:

It’s officially over. Trump is conceding.


Now is the time to make preparations.

J says:

Truly disappointing. He called his supporters to DC, told them the election was stolen, got them riled, and now he’s calling them “heinous” and telling them they will pay. Just because they entered the People’s House. He didn’t even mention the unarmed mother of four the capitol police shot dead.

Just another worthless, cowardly cuckservative after all.

Pooch says:

Yep. Establishment threatened impeachment and he caved like a house of cards. He probably made a deal thinking maybe he won’t be prosecuted. Pathetic.

clovis says:

I can’t leave the country and don’t have money, so witness me bros. I knew I was headed for the gulag about a decade ago.

Karl says:

Why can’t you leave? Transportation is cheap and emigration still legal.

Come to Germany, ask for political asylum and tell them you are from Syria. Just make sure you don’t have any ID when you request asylum. Then you won’t be deported.

You won’t starve, almost everybody speaks English. At least for now, it beats a gulag.

alf says:

I guess now’s as good a time as any to pick a fight.

Where’s the Christian cavalry Jim? Never showed up did it. Everyone cucked, save a few brave souls swinging viking helmets in the capitol.

You proposed the medieval warrior/priest co-op: Trump as warrior, us as priests. Trump signaled for Christianity, so you pushed Christianity. But neither of them came through. I watched Stephen Colbert interviewing Biden a few weeks ago. Did you know they are both devout Catholics? Who’d a thunk!

Christianity is dead. As dead as the monthy python parrot. If you keep hiding behind a dead story you’ll be a brilliant fool.

Pooch says:

I saw a giant cross erected on the lawn of the capital. Christianity lives.

Theshadowedknight says:

Well, Alf, want to show us the hordes of based and redpilled atheists you have standing by?

Terraformer says:

That is not Alf’s point.

It’s pretty clear that Christianity in it’s traditional forms is completely dead and their adherents are LARPers. All that remains in the US are the Amish and the Mormons.

The Mormons have their own state, are not letting go of the family and traditional sex roles and are entrenched in the intelligence apparatus.

That’s your best bet.

Theshadowedknight says:

Alf’s point was retarded. He has no alternative. Criticizing the man with the plan when there is no real alternative is dumb, especially when we are about to run facefirst into leftist social control.

alf says:

Your christian churches ARE the leftist social control.

I have repeatedly asked for right wing Christian enclaves, and no one has ever showed me one. ‘They are all in hiding!’ Well that’s some powerful community you have there. Pretty sure there’s no need for your supposed secret right wing Christian community to even show itself, give it a few decades and you’ll have been entry’d too.

jim says:

> Your christian churches ARE the leftist social control.

No. Academia is the leftist social control. Anglicanism was still holding out in the early twentieth century. And I was recently married by a pastor who said all the right things on the duties of wife and husband. He is holding out.

alf says:

What can I say, except that I have never met these Christians, never seen them publicly, and whatever Christian stuff I do see publicly is always cucked. Except for that one Catholic guy, he seemed cool.

The truth is probably that your pastor, while a good guy, publicly says all the things his prog masters demand him to say, which you interpret as Straussian, but most interpret as… Well, as what he says.

Overall, this secret based Christian community sounds like ‘Trump’s about to do a coup’ level wishful thinking.

The Cominator says:

Before the cowardice on the 6th Trump doing a coup wasn’t implausible at all. Trump just is a coward apparently and no longer worthy of our allegiance.

The based and redpilled Christians shelter behind Russian nukes, or keep below the radar. This topic has been discused before.

alf says:

I don’t mind endulging in the idea of a Secret Based Christian Community. Im sure there’s good people out there. What I am railing against is the idea that they’ll be successful in turning the decline. They won’t. Too cucked, too entry’d. It’s like when your safe is cracked, using that same safe and expecting different results is dumb.

someDude says:

Come on, Alf! I agree that was a very ambitious prediction Jim made regarding a coup and more than one commentator told him that. In fact, if that prediction came true, I was ready to declare Jim a prophet.

You made the safe prediction that nothing would happen. Thats normalcy bias. A normalcy bias usually wins. That’s why “normalcy”. But you must still give Jim credit for making a really ambitious prediction with a low probability of coming true. After all so many of his less than 50% probability predictions came true. He’s got the track record of being right. I’m sure you can extend him that courtesy.

If you get 100% of your predictions right, then you are not being ambitious enough. For instance, I predict that the sun is gonna rise in the South east tomorrow up here in the northern hemisphere.

alf says:

Jim has been brilliant, prescient and visionary. A sole voice of reason in a sea of madness. But on this topic, which I find very important, he is wrong.

someDude says:


I read your blog and see your concerns. And I don’t really have a convincing answer that satisfies me either. But in this field of uncertainty, Jim is the best shot we have. While his answer is not entirely satisfactory to me either, it is better than any solution I have seen from any one else anywhere. And we need to ride this wave till either Jim or someone else comes up with something better. Or maybe this is the best that can be done and we’re unable to see that. That is Jim’s point.

Now, is that single contradiction of Christ being one and Christ being three such a big problem for you? Of Christ being man and also being God and also being Son of God? I thought that contradiction is a nice device to allow us to ferret out traitors. And since the contradictions are limited in number, that’s another wonderful design feature.

Like Aquinas, I also thought that the whole idea of miracles contradicting the laws of physics is that it was a one time thing never to be repeated again or by anybody anywhere else which affirms the divinity and uniqueness of Christ. Who better to suspend the laws of physics than divinity which is the source of those laws in the first place? Seems pretty self-consistent to me even if it may not be true. Isn’t internal self-consistency good enough?

Did you predict Trump’s supporters storming the Capitol? I sure as hell did not. I though the right would completely cuck out. Normalcy bias again. But this time, it was Trump that cucked, not the base. The base did their thing. But I still cannot blame trump. You need a man with balls the size of manhattan to pull this off. It’s too brazen. Trump’s balls aren’t the size of Manhattan, merely the size of the Empire state building. Still big, but not big enough. I think he lost his nerve at the last minute.

Mike says:

He has absolutely no point. The “End of History” has cucked everyone and everything. Every world tradition is in the process (or at least was at one point, back in the 90s or 2000s) of being subsumed by Globohomo Americanism. Everyone. Near every male in the Western world, and many even in the non-Western world, are spineless fags. It makes no difference as to whether they were raised Christian, Buddhist, Shinto, or straight-up atheist. Islam is pretty much the only exception. Don’t give me this shit that Christianity is anymore dead than any of the others, when all the others are in just as terrible or worse shape.

Yeah, but it is Christianity we’ve been counting on because that is what is ours. Moldbug, 2013: “It strikes me as quite implausible that when our dark age ends and the kings return, if ever, it will be under any banner but the Cross.”

alf says:

Yes, Jim is also still following the Moldbug plan, for Moldbug said it is incredibly effective to organize around a lie. So Jim says the truth on everything, but the moment the life of Jesus comes around suddenly its like: no no, Jesus is three and jesus is one, and we don’t talk about his miracles. No problem here.

jim says:

None of which is falsifiable.

alf says:

Yea this is giant spaghetti monster tier arguing.

Jesus’s miracles can be falsified by anyone with basic understanding of physics. For you to claim otherwise is a dramatic and wholly uncharacteristic drop in quality standard.

yewotm8 says:

Leftism is significantly more falsifiable. I find it more likely that Jesus Christ literally died on the cross and rose from the dead than the differences in competence between certain groups being caused by the mystical, unseen force of “systemic oppression”. Has that stopped people from rallying around it and using it as compass and sword?

The entire point is that everybody smart knows it’s a lie, they just don’t care. They get a little itch to call out the lie, but they catch themselves, because to do so would be assholery for the sake of it. They start to find comfort in the lie. You always need such a lie, the problem is making sure it’s a good lie, that’s beneficial to those that believe it.

alf says:

you always need such a lie

I think this is the center of our disagreement. Why do we need a lie? Who says we need a lie? Moldbug? I’m sorry I have missed where we agreed on an atheist Jew’s take on Christianity as our moral authority.

Can you imagine Paul spreading the word of Christ like Jim? ‘Hey guys God is one and God is three, I know that doesn’t make sense but trust me guys it’s totally gonna work out.’ He’d be a laughing stock. And rightfully so.

When I talk about a leap of faith, I talk about it in the sense that Jesus said: trust in me, follow me. Not that we have to ‘agree on a lie’. That’s a leap of cynicism. If your general take on Christianity is that it is built on a contradiction, then in my eyes you are already talking from the frame of a non-believer, eg proving my point.

So I guess we need to once and for all address that contradiction, eg the trinity. I’ll need a couple of days for that.

jim says:

When Constantine had the bishops say “God is three and God is one”, he had them state the contradiction as directly and plainly as possible. It worked out fine, and every deviation from that led to catastrophe, starting with Egyptian Christianity.

The passion play celebrates and embraces the contradiction between the humanity and divinity of Christ more directly than mere words can express, and no one has a living Christianity except they have some equivalent of the passion play.

So for two millennia, we have not been ignoring the contradiction, but embracing it as vigorously as possible. And it worked.

alf says:

You are mistaking the emperor’s politics following Christ’s teachings with Christ’s teachings.

Personally, I am currently leaning more towards Arius’ interpretation of Christ the son than Constantine’s. Seems more coherent with what I am reading so far in the NT, although I haven’t gotten to John yet. Jesus presents himself repeatedly as the son of God, not as God himself.

But my point is that it doesn’t matter: Nicaea was Constantine putting an end to the in-fighting with military force. Why was there in-fighting? because Christ’s teachings had taken off, big league. If you have a big treasure to divide, whether you take the right half or left half, not so important. Constantine had a big treasure of Christian faith to divide. You do not. You are not in the position of Constantine.

jim says:

> You are not in the position of Constantine.

We are each of us in the position of Constantine.

Game theory and evolutionary game theory imply that you should judge other people, and cohere with other people, according to moral judgments. But they don’t give you yourself a reason for following those rules. They give you a reason for wanting to be with people who follow those rules. But you are not giving them a reason to be with you. Signaling game theory and evolutionary game theory is signaling that you want other people to follow those rules, but not signaling that you will follow those rules.

Game theory and evolutionary game theory are nature, but not nature’s God.

You cannot cooperate with people who believe in a morality that deviates grossly from that implied by Game theory and evolutionary game theory, people who believe in a God that makes arbitrary rules inconsistent with Nature – which is why the holiness spiral always results in the very holy murdering each other for insufficient holiness, but neither can you cooperate with people who don’t believe in any morality at all.

So, if you are an atheist who believes in Nature, but not Nature’s God, you don’t want to piss off people who believe in Nature’s God, but you should be considerably less worried about pissing off your fellow atheists.

And you also should be unworried about pissing off those who believe in a God contrary to Nature’s God (such as the progressive arc of history towards justice, or the Marxist History personified), a God that deviates grossly from nature. Marxists always murder their friends and allies, and the pharisaical Jews at the end of the second temple period wound up murdering a whole lot of pharisaical Jews, and burned the food stores while Jerusalem was under siege by the Romans.

I am fond of telling the story of how pharisaical morality led to the exile: The Jews were so uptight about avoiding contamination by blood, that in order to avoid walking on land contaminated by chicken blood, they got themselves covered in the blood of a Roman cop who was attempting to impartially enforce Roman order to the benefit of all, illustrating in blood Jesus’s rant about whited sepulchers and his lectures on the spirit of the law, rather than the letter of the law. And not long thereafter, they illustrated those lectures in oceans of blood.

The embrace of contradiction at the heart of Christianity, when done correctly is an embrace of the contradiction between mind and matter, and, more importantly for practical alliances and choosing friends, and enemies, an embrace of the contradiction between a very brutal nature, and the considerably more kindly ethic implied by Game Theory and Evolutionary Game theory.

We empirically observe that elites that don’t embrace both the humanity and divinity of Christ, erring in either direction, tend to fail at cooperation. And the same is true at the individual level.

To be trusted, have to signal trustworthiness. And it helps a great deal in signaling trustworthiness if you actually are trustworthy. But actually being trustworthy according to the measures of Game Theory and Evolutionary Game Theory involves personifying Nature. You may think that personification is merely a metaphor, but you have to commit emotionally to that metaphor as if it was more than a metaphor.

The contradiction at the heart of Christianity is also the contradiction between mind and matter, and, more importantly for practical alliance, for discerning friends and enemies, the contradiction between the morality implied by the pragmatism of game theory and pragmatism itself. For someone to act competently in the world, he has to embrace the second contradiction. For someone to be trustworthy, he has to embrace the third contradiction.

Genuine Christianity embraces all three contradictions as one. You cannot trust someone who elevates his morality above pragmatism, holiness spiraled morality, and you cannot trust someone whose morality is merely pragmatism. So who are you going to trust? You have to trust the man who believes in a contradiction. He is the trustworthy one.

alf says:

Ooooh it’s right at the beginning of John’s gospel: Christ was there since the beginning, and Christ was God. L o l.

Seems to me John was being an overly enthusiastic disciple. But yes, that lends credibity to the Nicaean creed. Funny.

So I guess that completes my trinity research quicker than I thought. Preliminary verdict: Jesus presented as the son of God, but John interpreted Jesus as the personification of God. Which is entirely understandable. So, god is one and god is three is a somewhat satisfactory way to settle the unclarity.

Glad we solved that. So in conclusion, the contradiction in the trinity is a consequence of the contradiction in the NT regarding who Jesus specifically was. It was impossible to get a perfect answer, so Constantine settled on a good enough answer and excommunicated those who disagreed.

eternal anglo says:

Jim, what is the contradiction between mind and matter? What do you mean by landing with your feet on the ground?

alf says:

Christianity was the religion to defeat, thus progressivism has been adapted to defeat it. Which is not to say your point about other religions being in bad shape isn’t valid.

We are on the verge if entering a new dark ages. Bad times ahead. We need a NEW plan, something that tells us something about the shit we are currently in and how we will get out of it. Christianity is hilariously obviously not that — still waiting for a single goddamn quote from Jesus on the situation. Anyone? Bueller?

I have seen Jim refer to hearing God’s voice here once. It was cringe. If that is what he thinks it means to listen to me, he is not listening.

Red says:

When are you going to build your own religion?

Oddly, we do have a new religion, it’s call Q-Anon. Too bad it’s retarded.

Red says:

When Trump and his family are murdered by the Democrats, the shamans of Q-Anon will make him their chief Martyr and God incarnate.

alf says:

Religion is just a word. It implies something ancient, something with a very long tradition. To say you are building a new religion, beyond it being a meme, is conceited.

I am already building something new. It is more like the beginnings of a new plan than anything else, and whether it’ll ever develop into anything I have no clue. But it is a fresh story, an alive one. Therefore, already have more faith in it than Christianity.

jim says:

The usual strategy in building new religions is not to build new religions, but to issue an update of a very old religion. It seems to work better.

Judaism needed an update, because legalism had abandoned the spirit and intent of the law for wickedness, which wickedness eventually brought the wrath of their neighbors upon them, and eventually the wrath of the Romans. Recall Jesus’ rant about whited sepulchers.

Christianity needs an update because it has turned cuck.

The dusty and unread books of Judaism and Christianity contain a whole lot of good social technology from before the collapse of Greco Roman civilization, and from before the collapse of Bronze age civilization. Not throwing that stuff away.

Theshadowedknight says:

Alright, galaxy brain, maybe not such a great idea to pick a fight in the war of ideas when you dont, you know, have a fucking idea yet. Once you get something, then you can talk, but until then keep your mouth shut and know your place.

jim says:

This is excessively impolite. Alf’s contributions are valuable and thoughtful.

I would like to debate him, and this abuse ends debate.

alf says:

I have always enjoyed tsk’s seriousness. I hope his Christian friends enjoy it as well, though I suspect they tell him to ‘chill it homey’, or at the very least think it.

I don’t mind updating Christianity. I’m all for it. But that requires having an honest conversation about what Christianity was and how we take it from there. What you’re doing here is not updating Christianity; you are instead advocating a return to Christianity. For you to update Christianity, have to establish some kind of moral superior narrative.

alf says:

No scratch that. I am engaging as if we are close to understanding one another, but we aren’t.

When Jesus ‘updated’ Judaism, in the minds of most Judaists, he broke with judaism. Naturally Jesus presented himself as a continuation, and for Christians he is a continuation, but for Jews, he is still the eternal traitor.

For us to update Christianity, we shall similarly have to piss off some Christians. Can’t be helped. When you say no, we can’t discuss the reality of Jesus’s miracles, to me you sound exactly like Trump saying no, we can’t discuss the reality of the republic.

jim says:

The Republic is false, and has has been spectacularly falsified. Why piss of some Christians about the unfalsifiable?

We are going to piss of enough of them by restoring Saint Paul’s rules on marriage and the priesthood.

It has long been known that you cannot have a Republic without a virtuous and cohesive elite. Lacking such an elite, chaos and violence looms, possibly genocide or attempted genocide.

The cure has long been known: Kings.

And, like Moldbug, I don’t see any way Kings can return except under the banner of the cross. Christian Kingship works because the peasants bow down to King and God, the King bows down to Lord Jesus Christ, and the peasants eat Lord Jesus Christ, who sacrificed himself to man, completing the circle.

alf says:

Christianity as a succesful cooperative strategy for the last 250 years has been spectacularly falsified. Jesus’ miracles have, since Newton, Faraday, Maxwel and Einstein, equally spectacularly been falsified.

You cannot sweep that under the rug. Perhaps if Trump declared himself dictator, you sweep it under the rug because no time. But we don’t have Trump the dictator. We do have time.

jim says:

Newton etc, do not and cannot falsify the Resurrection. Wholly man and wholly God, mortal and divine. Three and one. Born in Bethlehem and is from the beginning of the world. The contradiction has always been at the absolute center of Christianity, and is unchanged. The contradiction is the same as it ever was, and is a whole lot better basis for cohesion and cooperation than “all men are created equal”, or that a man in a dress is actually a woman, because unfalsifiable.

Christianity as a cooperative strategy has worked when the state religion was actually Christian. Socinians, Muslims, and Hindus have been and are conspicuously less successful in cooperating.

Nothing has changed that would make old type Christianity less successful, other than that under conditions of abundance of food, people are less inclined to keep control of women and less inclined to keep an eye on their children. By and large fat males are less inclined and less capable of keeping women under control than fit males, and fat women and the wives of fat men less inclined to look after their children. The problem is not science makes the world less favorable to old type Christianity, but the fridge and the microwave.

Theshadowedknight says:

It wasn’t excessively impolite. What was was him walking in the door and trying to start a fight without a better alternative.

Alright, Alf, let’s get serious, then. You don’t have followers. Your blog was a dead zone, you have no religion/ideology on offer, and no amount of shitting on Christians is going to fix that. Until you have an alternative to offer up, there isn’t a debate to be had. We already saw what happens with the, “Christianity is dumb let’s get rid of it and replace it with science stupid superstitious cultists lol what rubes,” approach. Rehashing that fight is like crying that, “Real atheism has never been tried!” If you don’t have an improvement, fuck off. As a priest, you’re a damned poor offering.

jim says:

That is the point. Alf has no replacement.

And yes, he tries to start a fight, and should not. But his point needs to be addressed, and you have just addressed it.

People have been making trouble over the contradiction at the heart of Christianity for two millennia, and whenever people who don’t like the contradiction get power in the state religion, things go to $#!&, most recently the Socinian takeover of the Church of England. Currently we have the “I love Jesus” crowd who are strangely unable to say the name of Christ.

Abandoning the contradiction has been tried before, many times, and has failed before, many times. The fall of christian Egypt was in large part a result of the “two natures” heresy.

The Cominator says:

The only alternative to Christianity that I could see is if a bunch of wealthy American right wingers all convert to a very right wing form of Buddhism (and Buddhism can be a pretty right wing religion, that is less prone to being duped by progs and Islamics but at the same time like Christianity values fair dealings and truth. Also it explicity and strongly rejects female equality) at the same time and start funding its propagation.

Pooch says:

The funny thing is I’m seeing more and more true, live, old-type Christianity on the dissident right now as response to all the evil the Elites are pushing out. One knows he must have faith in god to live through what we are about to experience.

Pooch says:

The aesthetics of the cross going up during the siege is a white pill to me that we are on the right track…


The Cominator says:

The whitepill of putting up crosses outside the congress as it was stormed would only come if they then started nailing congresscritters to them…

Pooch says:

Moldbug made an interesting point that right against left mob violence doesn’t work. It’s a fundamental inversion.

The whole thing was doomed from the start, so have to take the good with the bad now.

European Mutt says:

very right wing form of Buddhism

Buddhism outside of the West is almost always right-wing. Inside the West somehow only Falun Gong manages it.

The Cominator says:

“Moldbug made an interesting point that right against left mob violence doesn’t work. It’s a fundamental inversion.”

Rightist mob violence CAN work. Worked in Italy and worked in Germany (though the Nazis were leftists they were representing themselves more as rightists), now of course they had the institutions on their side and we don’t.

But what we do have on our side is that combat soldiers tend to be very right wing and will likely react badly to any order to shoot us en masse and will likely mutiny.

A mob cannot beat an army, but if the army won’t fight the mob the mob wins.

alf says:

Dead zone, dead zone… I cherished every two and a half comment a post I got.

My point is not to be atheist. I’m all for deus vult’ing. God makes much more sense than atheism.

My point is that memes don’t live forever. Which is good. And that in order to replace and/or improve a meme, you don’t need to have the replacement meme worked out from A to Z. Start with A, work it out from there.

A meme changes in meaning over time. That’s just the way it is. Can’t freeze time, not even the good times. Unfortunate, but true. Christianity in the 21st century is simply not what it was in the 18th century, and will never be what it was in the 18th century.

As for the unfalsification of the resurrection; if you really want to die on that hill, who am i to stop you. Its a cringe hill is all Im saying.

Pooch says:

Rightist mob violence CAN work. Worked in Italy and worked in Germany (though the Nazis were leftists they were representing themselves more as rightists), now of course they had the institutions on their side and we don’t.

Hitler did not use mob violence. He was highly organized from the start culminating with the completion of an entire party apparatus.

But what we do have on our side is that combat soldiers tend to be very right wing and will likely react badly to any order to shoot us en masse and will likely mutiny.

A mob cannot beat an army, but if the army won’t fight the mob the mob wins.

I don’t buy it. We are witnessing that they just follow orders from the elites. Without elite backing it’s a pipedream and we just wait, hope, and pray for a Napolean.

The Cominator says:

“I don’t buy it. We are witnessing that they just follow orders from the elites. Without elite backing it’s a pipedream and we just wait, hope, and pray for a Napolean.”

Nah that is cops not soldiers as I said a while ago. Our elite is as insane as the Khmer Rogue so if we have to depend on that we’re fucked.

Pooch says:

Well he did use mob violence at first, lost, got arrested, and realized that path doesn’t work from the right.

Pooch says:

Nah that is cops not soldiers as I said a while ago. Our elite is as insane as the Khmer Rogue so if we have to depend on that we’re fucked.

The national guard showed up and beat the shit out of the remaining trump supporters. They are carrying live ammo now apparently in DC. When the GOP unanimously condemn the “insurrectionists”, they have no problem following orders as they think they are protecting the true legitimate Republic.

We wait for a Napoleon from the military elite. They are less insane and are still leftists of yesteryear.

Did Caesar have any elite backing?

The Cominator says:

“The national guard showed up and beat the shit out of the remaining trump supporters.”

These were DC national guardsmen. Anyone who lives in DC or the beltway in general should be considered a hostile, with very very few exceptions.

Pooch says:

Nah it was VA and MD too, but we are splitting hairs.

Lord says:

re: Buddhism. Buddhism is literally the ONLY IE derived theology that has both a certified tradition rather than just LARPing ala “Paganism”

ACTUAL NON DEGENERATE BUDDHISM is by far the most Right-Wing living theology you can find since it recognizes the actuality that the world is and always will be fine how it is and it is not your place to “change” it, merely fulfill your Dharma unless you find a way to never return.

jim says:

There are innumerable Buddhisms, and all the ones that exist in the west are as gay as a wicca commune of lesbian witches.

Thai Buddhism is quite based, if you are a patriotic King honoring Thai. If you are not Thai and not a descendant of Thais, and not a subject of that monarch, and you convert to Thai Buddhism, you are as queer as a three dollar bill, and probably smoke dope while banging little boys that you purchased from child protective services.

Lord says:
jim says:

Yeah, yeah, good stuff if you are a member of a Buddhist racial group born into a Buddhist state.

No good for white people

The Cominator says:

Western buddhists tend to be leftists but new agey leftists (thou less likely to use drugs or at least smoke frequently than most new agey leftists) and not exactly progs…

And new agey leftists increasingly dislike progs. They aren’t our people but they aren’t their people either.

Atavistic Morality says:

No plan is going to help you, if these 4 years of constantly reading “plans” and “ideas” by different several factions from the Dissident Right has taught me anything. The “plan” mentality is part of what Sir John Glubb describes as the elements that further destroy civilizations, the idea that there’s always some trick, some magic intellectual exercise that will save you.

Only action will help you, only men of action achieve things. You must be willing to sacrifice, you must be willing to fight, you must be willing to endure, like the great ancestors of every great nation and civilization that has ever existed. They had no plan, and they had no mighty “intellect”, no colleges or great books and thinkers, what they had was mighty vitality, mighty action and mighty willingness.

A bunch of angry and haphazardly assembled white men took over Congress like it’s nothing. The “powers that be”, the priesthood and the different factions, they are all pathetic paper tigers. But there are no men of action left in the West, so nothing ever happens, the inertia just continues going on. Ironic, considering that was one of Trump’s catchphrases to talk about politicians, “all talk, no action”.

I am however very interested on the posts that Jim has promised, that information will allow us, the few individuals willing to take action, to guarantee our survival even better. I piss on every plan and every religion, worthless garbage all of it. Islam is completely worthless, but their men are willing to take action to a high degree, so they are going to conquer Europe. I despise them, their culture and their religion, but kudos to them.

Glad you’re back however, I think your posts are always worth a reading.

alf says:

My return is only temporary. My rift with Jim is too big. Thanks anyway.

Whether you call it plan, idea, story, does not matter. It is not fixed. we need to bend with society if we are to save any prt of it. We need a beacon of hope, a story that inspires. Jesus does not inspire. Jim is pulling a a weekend at Bernie’s with Jesus’ corpse, and I think it shows horribly. Say what you will about Roosh, at least he takes his Christlarping serious. Jim does not. Jim smacks a ‘recycled’ sticker on Jesus’s forehead and calls it a day. To Jim, Jesus is just a useful tool. So he’ll say shit like: ‘‘What you don’t think the bible is cool?’ *smacks a ‘cool’ sticker on some Christian buzzfeed tryhard* ‘Here this guy can explain to you why the bible is in fact really cool’.

It really does not work that way. But I am failing to get that point across to Jim.

How doesit work? Well let’s say it starts by talking the truth, by discussing the truth. I have already posted what I think is likely the truth on Christ. If Jim posts his version, I will know I have gotten my point across. But not holding my breath.

Bilge_Pump says:

Atheism has been torn apart by progressivism. For a brief time in my life Atheism had something that you could call masculine. Guys like Dawkins Hitchens and Dennett were, at least ostensibly, about rationality and skepticism. Most of the prominent figures in “new atheism” were men.

Later it became obvious that skepticism towards progressive ideas would be a liability, and thus “new atheism” had it’s schism, and nowadays you can’t show me any sort of atheist movement like there was then.

Western Atheism was thus feminized and essentially subsumed by the broader trend of “progress”. Personally, I am an atheist, but I have been alienated by them and would prefer to be ruled by Christians. In order to rule, you must have rules, which atheists conspicuously lack, apart from the new rules of maximum faggotry and diversity.

jim says:

For a while there was a massive debate on the internet (this was before blogs) between a reasonably masculine atheism dedicated to strict rationalism, and a fem faggot Christianity that was biblical literalist on Noah etc, but strangely lacking in literalism on marriage, men who lie with men, and all that.

And then the atheists discovered that strict rationalism was dangerous to your career, the atheist movement went fem faggot for the same reason Christianity did, and the debate went away.

We need a masculine rationalist Christianity – Saint Augustine’s biblical “literalism”, which treats the Bible as Hebrew poetry about history, rather than as history and geography.

Thus, for example, my interpretation of the miracles of Exodus is that the wrath of God manifested through material and effective causation as depicted in the Admonitions of Ipuwer, rather than by direct supernatural intervention, that Exodus is a religious and symbolic account of the same events that Ipuwer depicts.

I think Christianity went overboard on biblical literalism because that was a way of being Christian conservative that did not get you into trouble, unlike being Christian conservative on gays, women, and marriage.

Today, however, they are going overboard on “I love Jesus”. No one in the new testament says they love Jesus. “I love Jesus” is a justification for not following Christ the word.

alf says:

I don’t… I don’t get why people are talking about atheism. Am I coming off as an atheist? I mean, honestly, I don’t mind atheists. Christians say some good stuff, atheists say some good stuff. But I thought we had already solved the problem with Gnon.

jim says:

Gnon unites the worshippers of Christ with the worshippers of Gnon. Discussing the contradiction at the heart of Christianity as a contradiction splits them.

Yes, of course it is a contradiction. That is the whole point. That is why it works. So worshippers of Gnon should either affirm the contradiction, or shut up about it.

We have to accept the contradiction between mind and matter, between consciousness and material and effective causation, in order to have our feet on the ground. This requires a leap of faith. Why not then a leap of faith that lands with your feet on the ground and adoptive kinship in a tribe that has a top alpha who commands cooperate/cooperate equilibrium?

alf says:

I don’t know where you get the idea from that a contradiction is the heart of Christianity. Christ is the heart of Christianity. Being a Christian is like bathing in love, being a good person, having a trusting and faithful community. Extend a hand, don’t be an asshole. God loves us. That’s Christianity.

This contradiction you speak about is later politics. A defense against entryists. It is not at the heart of Christianity.

jim says:

> I don’t know where you get the idea from that a contradiction is the heart of Christianity. Christ is the heart of Christianity.

Christ was born in Bethlehem, died in Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world. Wholly man and and wholly God. God is three and God is one.

It is a list of contradictions, the same contradiction repeated in three different ways.

The important earthly difference between this contradiction and 指鹿为马 is that Satan is the father of lies, and man who points at a deer and calls it a horse is also signaling his willingness to murder you, while the man who affirms the divinity of Christ is signaling his unwillingness to defect on you.

Pooch says:

The heart of Christianity is the Holy Trinity. God is three and God is one. Jesus is human and Jesus is divine. There were centuries of debate about that.

alf says:

Yes no doubt scholars priests and intellectuals have had centuries of debates on the trinity. Homo politicus. But Christ is at the center of christianity. And Christ died for our sins. That’s really all there is to it.

jim says:

But who was it that died for our sins? That is what there has been millenia of debate about, and every time that people who finessed the contradiction got the upper hand, earthly catastrophe ensued, as for example Christian Egypt. The latest example being the “I love Jesus” so called Christians.

If God did not sacrifice himself to man, you don’t close the circle, and you don’t get cooperation between people, elite, and ruler. And Egypt falls.

ten says:

Very good to see you again, alf! Please, stay for as long a while as you wish.

Everyone likes to think their religion/weltanschauung is very ancient, while in fact they all cyclically reform, and christianity has been lame before. Cool comes from victory, or in the small scale, dispensing violence or “resisting power”. The rebel kid is cool if he gets away with mouthing off to the teachers, he is lame if he doesn’t. Even though cops are hated, women still get wet from authority, uniforms and guns, and men act straight with cops around under normal circumstances.

The factions that enable internal cohesion and regeneration, ie female submission, and claim victory by violence, are the only ones up to the task of being the next cool. And among them, the one getting the best life, and the highest equilibrium of cooperation, has the advantage. My bet is clear, but then again, i can’t really entertain the thought of betting differently in a serious manner.

This positive dream to capture the minds of the faithful has usually been “avoid the abject misery relentlessly sweeping across the lands”, peace and good life. When there is peace and good life, it often turns towards “destroy evil”, or just evaporates into nihilism or hedonism. I don’t think there will be options on this, because i think there will be great and abject misery.

James Thornton says:

I’m probably lacking information and haven’t thought it all through, but I’ve never had a problem with the apparently contradictory statements that God is three and God is one, Christ is wholly God and wholly man.

The way I see it, metaphorically, the physical, natural, nonsupernatural world is a video game. Human souls are video game players, that exist outside the video game, but temporarily incarnate or “login” to the game, and take control of a character.

Similarly, God the Father is an entity exsting outside the video game, who logs in to the game as a human being called Jesus Christ. He is wholly man because he incarnates as a man just like we do, but is also wholly God because the player playing the man is still God. The Holy Spirit can be explained in a similar way, God interacting directly with the state of the video game to influence people.

jim says:

The ancient and respectable version of this model is “God as ground of being”.

You are on very old ground. Some very smart people have walked your path a very long time ago.

someDude says:

@Alf Mate, don’t go away. I think Jim and you agree on more things than you disagree on. Much much more. You agree on things way more important than what you disagree on. Isn’t that good enough to stay on?

We can discuss the contradictions and their useful role on your blog but you’re not accepting comments. I thought those contradictions are a nice design feature to ferret out defectors. Do you propose a new religion based entirely on the truth and nothing but the truth?

Red says:

Mormons are a no go for Men. They don’t want men, they want more women so they can return to Polygamy. Genetic dead end and a religion of people unwilling to be warriors. They’ll make a great community to raid for women as things get worse.

James says:

The reality is almost the opposite — they are more monogamous (on this Earth) than any other cultural group in America, and there is a huge dearth of men. When I went there a couple of years back, they basically begged me to join and dangled raises and potential wives (albeit older than my typical girlfriend) in front of me.

They do expect a lot of men, though. You are genuinely expected to be monogamous, provide for your family, and give up your vices.

Leon says:

Out of curiosity, what led you to go to Utah? Wandering down there to convert and have a family does not seem too bad. As weird as they can be they are a far better alternative to what has happened to a big chunk of America.

James says:

Hmm. I couldn’t summarize it in a reasonably-sized comment. Let’s just say I felt called to be here.

The Cominator says:

I heard a long long time ago (like back in the late 90s when I was in high school) the same thing… there are certain Mormon towns in Utah which need “new blood” to come into town and into the faith and will do a lot to get “new blood”.

He didn’t seem to mention that they were all that keen that you’d be a good Mormon yourself either, though I presume they expected you to raise your children as such.

notglowing says:


This is it. He’s disavowing the protesters at the Capitol.

The Cominator says:

He already did when he told them to go home…

John C. Calhoun says:

He cucked and conceded.

Pooch says:

So pathetic and cowardly to watch. He actually thinks he has a future too. He deserves everything coming to him now.

Red says:

And this my friends is why merchants don’t ever rule for long.

Mike says:

People going schizoid about it being a deep fake. Doesn’t matter if it is or not imo, if it actually is a deep fake it just means he’s under house arrest, in prison, exiled, or dead. Which still means Trump is an idiot who could not see the writing on the wall, otherwise why is he in one of the above scenarios?

stan says:

I am wondering why he went from yellow hair to silver hair and back to yellow hair in just a few days or just a few videos. It’s not like him.

notglowing says:

Not the same as openly disavowing them. This is much, much worse because it completely justifies everyone else throwing them under the bus now.
This could’ve been the beer hall putsch of the US but now even pro-Trump conservatives will be forced to consider it a mistake since he isn’t covering for them at all or at least leaving it unambiguous.
He specifically condemned them invading the capitol, he could’ve just said “the violence” (which there wasn’t) was wrong.

Now conservatives are completely leaderless even in theory.

Pooch says:

Didn’t even mention the girl who died.

onyomi says:

Yeah, this is kind of the last straw.

onyomi says:

Whether or not you disavow the protesters who entered the Capitol seems to be the new cuck test. One which almost every elected official seems to be failing.

I can forgive Trump a lot because I think he mostly did his best while hemmed in on all sides (and making some disastrous personnel choices), but I can’t forgive him for disavowing the protesters. He brought them there. He told them the election was stolen. He told them to march to the Capitol. In this respect I sort of have to agree with the left: insofar as the storming of the Capitol was bad, it was Trump’s fault. But as always with conservatives, the problem is they can’t see the difference between a good and bad cause when someone appeals to their “principles” like “law and order is good.”

The problem with BLM isn’t their tactics, it’s their targets and, most importantly, the fact that their cause is not just. The protestors were assembled at the Capitol by Trump, rightfully outraged by Trump’s speech, and behaved in a predictable manner. That he not only failed to capitalize on that but now even denounces them seems pretty iron-clad evidence he is still suffering a degree of normalcy bias and didn’t have the balls to go the extra mile.

BaboonTycoon says:

As VD just pointed out, Trump’s messaging was the exact opposite yesterday. Video told the attendees that he thought they were special and he loved them. I am not jumping on the “it’s a deepfake” train, but this message was almost certainly made under duress. Need to hear more from him. Silence is deafening.

The Cominator says:

Doesn’t matter he had them and he didn’t pull the trigger.

BaboonTycoon says:

It does matter. Under one scenario, Trump could still be of use to us. Under the other, he is completely compromised or was never with us and we need someone new. Schrodinger’s Trump once more.

Let us hope for the former. We are never going to find another man like Trump.

Karl says:

If Trump prefers surrender, anyother man like Trump won’t help.

Pooch says:

He probably made a deal to avoid impeachment and imprisonment in return for just reading whatever Nancy Pelosi wrote for him.

jsd says:

VD should delete his blog and never speak again after how atrociously wrong he was about everything

arqiduka says:

At the very least acknowledge it

ten says:

When he wrote “the congressmen have been taken to a safe location.. but nothing says they have been released” i felt a faint whiff of schizophrenia even an ocean away. Q, not even once, kids.

Hungry Ghost says:

The priests have permanently won. Welcome to the end of history. Sell your soul or be lumpenized.

Pooch says:

Sounds like he knew he was powerless to stop impeachment and made a deal with Republicans to concede and renounce the protestors, probably so he can still use pardons.

Atavistic Morality says:

I mean, until the 20th I guess you can keep hoping for the best, but Trump is going to be in prison and/or brutally murdered within 6 months by the looks of it.

Pooch says:

Yup and everyone knows it except for him. What a fool.

Mister Grumpus says:


jim says:

Deleted because written from the frame that you support Trump and want him alive, free, and able to engage in politics – from the frame that you are one of us.

Somehow I doubt it.

yewotm8 says:

There is no way they are going to honour his pardons, even before the 20th.

Pooch says:

Probably right.

Red says:

General Flynn will be the first to be arrested despite the Pardon, followed by the rest.

o says:

So is Tucker running in 2024 or what?

jim says:

Running does not matter any more, and is apt to be suicidal

notglowing says:

I don’t trust Cucker. He didn’t even talk about election fraud or support Trump while he was fighting it. Trump turned out to be useless in the end but that doesn’t mean Tucker wasn’t also. He’s just a journalist.

But also what Jim said. I don’t see any option for a right wing candidate to run for office.
Trump’s victory in 2016 was already a miracle that shouldn’t have happened.
But the conditions were right for it. After 8 years of Obama and only having traitors as republican presidents people wanted something new.
The press attacked him but they didn’t take him seriously for a long time and they simply weren’t prepared. But now they are, and same with social media.
It will be even harder to be right wing online in 2024 if not impossible, especially in terms of spreading ideas on normal social media platforms.
That’s also not considering that they got away with cheating and they will cheat even more next time.

I also believe that part of why Trump managed to win is precisely that he wasn’t really a far right person at all. He could’ve been (was) a democrat 20 years ago. Yet they made him out to be Hitler 3.

I don’t see any path forward at the moment, but even non-political solutions don’t seem viable.
They don’t even have to pretend to be following the rules there, they will just shut you down immediately. I think if people believe they can organize some sort of militia and win, they are much more delusional than even people who are hoping for Trump 2024.

Right now there’s just no chance of winning at all. But if things get worse, we might gain more allies.
If more normal people come to our side in the next four years the landscape can change completely.

Still even then the right lacks a leader. There’s no one who even comes close to being as good as Trump, and Trump failed.

Pooch says:

Our best chance is that the left accelerates the madness so quickly and with such an intensity that someone from the military puts a stop to it and coups against the regime. At least the storming of the Capital showed its completely weak.

notglowing says:

But they are literally leftists themselves. There’s no hope someone will spring up and save america from within the institutions.

We have seen that during the Trump presidency.
It’s not just that nobody is willing to risk their lives at the high levels to save the country. It’s not just that they won’t take an opportunity to do it.
It’s that they are actually leftists and they will not miss any opportunity to actually do the opposite, even if it means breaking the rules, to put obstacles in the way of Trump’s policies, which were always extremely moderate and centrist anyways.

Harold Green says:

It won’t be a case of someone trying to ‘save america’, as Jim has said it’ll likely be a member of the Left fearing for their neck as the holiness spiral increases in speed and intensity. This is why Cromwell, the Thermidorians, Stalin, and Hua Guofeng (or maybe Deng, more accurately) did what they did.

As Jim has noted, they seize power and freeze politics in place. There is suddenly no more status and power to be gained by outflanking others from the left, so the drift left stops. And then, there is a finally an opening for a restoration of civilized governance, or something roughly like it – Charles II, Napoleon, Deng, Khrushchev or Putin.

jim says:

Hua Gofeng was Maoist who, realizing he was going to be killed, did a coup against the crazy hard line Maoists. But his Maoism, while slightly less insane, was still very bad. Well if one coup, why not another, and the sane, led by Deng, took over the asylum and set about cleaning up the mess.

Xi seems to be moving leftwards from Deng, which worries me, but as yet I see no likelihood of recapitulating the disaster of Maoism.

Xi is worried by the power of the capitalist class, which he sees as a threat to party control. He is wrong. What is a threat to party control is that no one believes in the faith of the party. He needs a new state religion. Injecting party members into private businesses will just accelerate the corruption of the party. He needs to figure out how to create a virtuous, cooperative, and competent elite.

Xi seems to be putting his bets on a party of believers – but if you get a party of believers in socialism, pretty soon you are poor and broke.

Pooch says:

There are Trump loyalists in the military, but they are likely to be rooted out when by Biden.

The Cominator says:

“But they are literally leftists themselves.”

Military men tend to be center leftists to the extent they are leftists… the way Napoleon initially was. So sufficient madness and unpopularity among the regime could certainly provoke the government’s removal.

Mattis turned out to be a leftist and a backstabber but you could tell he wanted Trump to win (if you remember the hearings on Syria) because he just clearly thought going to war with Russia over Syria was madness.

So pooch is quite right that the military pozzed as it is, there is a level of madness they probably will not be willing to accept.

Pooch says:

I’d gladly take a Mattis regime over the current insanity.

BaboonTycoon says:

The United States military is an institution with more employees than the populations of some small countries. Blanket statements like “they are leftists” is meaningless as applied to it. I don’t know what the military is, but what I do know is that it is growing less and less white as the years go by. And that will definitely have some significance.

notglowing says:

I am talking about the people who get promoted to the high posts.
And those who graduate from the academies. Look at that.
They’re as far from us as could be.
What NCOs and such think doesn’t really matter, at least in the context of the military revolting. If some random soldiers revolt that’s no different from other random people doing so.

The Cominator says:

The military has to select to some degree for competence, it can’t go full blown bioleninism or full retard. Even if ships occasionally crash into each other now.

So yes the generals are pozzed, but they are not going to be as pozzed as civilian society. Even in post Bolshevik revolution Russia they were not as pozzed as general society, and that was with Trotsky at their head. Unpopular regimes need their military to function to some degree, even if they purge the officer corps regularly they just can’t promote based purely on fanaticism and bioleninism.

What they can do is institute political officers who are selected for that… but if the regime gets too unpopular or crazy it might not work.

Pooch says:

Yes most of the military brass, even though Obama leftist, are still mostly white male as of now.

Starman says:


My experience with Commanding Officers and other O-5/O-6’s is that they will express views that might be center-right. The pozz is very minimal, just enough to pass academia. One CO actually said openly at the muster of the entire command that he asked BlueGov civilians if they knew that the transgender suicide rate was north of 20%.

Pooch says:

I’ll say that one right-wing speaker that has gained a strong following through all of this stop the steal is Nick Fuentes with the zoomers. His speeches and livestreams have been spot on. I don’t know how he helps us in the near-term but at least its a white pill for the youth in that they are very red-pilled now growing up through Trump in their formative years.

The Ducking Man says:

I personally have doubt that blockchain/cryptocurrency will ever take off as legit currency because fundamentally the laymen sees cryptocurrency as “all the absurd amount of electricity, processing power, and time just so that we can buy legally questionable items on deep web”.

We were promised that eventually Bitcoin will not need absurd amount of electricity (never came true afaik), and then come Etherium that for some reason is immune to asic mining so that we can consume even more electricity for a lot less output.

I see a lot of EFT transaction to pay train ticket and foods, but never even once see BTC/ETH/or other crypto transaction. With such scant activity teh crypto world already asking for absurd of power and infrastructure to maintain.

Should shit hit the fan, will we be able to secure sufficient infrastructure and electricity to operate cryto blockchain? I personally don’t think so.

jim says:

These are all fixable problems, albeit people have been promising to fix them for a while. I have solutions for all of these problems, but the code for these solutions has scarcely begun. The solutions are, in short, proof of stake, blockdag, and a proper lightining network (which the current lightning network is not)

A correctly implemented lightning network will provide cheap instant on the spot transactions and onion routed transactions. Proof of stake will solve the waste of electricity and the immense cost of operating the blockchain at scale, and blockdag plus lightning network plus proper client peer architecture will solve the scaling problem, allowing everyone in the world to use crypto currency every time they buy a chocolate bar, without overwhelming the blockchain.

Meanwhile, fiat currency is becoming increasingly politicized. A peasant tries to order something from overseas, his money gets frozen. Paypal notoriously freezes, delays, and outrights steals money, particularly on international transactions. A filipino maid sends money to her mother to build a well, the bank freezes the payment.

People are using bitcoin for international transactions because other forms of payment keep running into problems.

A maze of overlapping and erratically and infrequently enforced laws on money laundering, tax evasion, capital exports, and so on and so forth have made all international transactions illegal, it is just that some institutions have the necessary connections to break the incomprehensibly numerous laws and to allow their clients to break the laws. Every so often there is however a crackdown, and some laws get enforced to a degree that no one was expecting, breaking lots of routine and perfectly law abiding transactions. And then, when they don’t turn up anyone particularly wicked, and they accidentally screw over someone important, they ease up on enforcing that law. And then some other law starts getting erratically and unpredictably enforced.

I don’t know much about the technology, but I see an economics problem, mainly that bitcoin is primarily used as a speculative “hodl”, ride the rollercoaster, cash out and buy a house, rather than an actually currency to pay for things.

That means, those international transactions are priced, quoted in USD, and bitcoin is just used for settlement. The price itself is not quoted in bitcoin, no one says this thing costs 1.5 bitcoin.

Because some doing that would face the problem his input costs fluctuate too much in bitcoin, because they are priced, quoted in USD, so the costs in bitcoin are based on the bitcion vs. USD ratio.

Chains of businesses need to be built up where you can buy inputs priced in bitcoin, pay employees or subcontractors priced in bitcoin, sell your products or services priced in bitcoin.

But currently at the end of the chain would be someone who needs to buy his inputs in USD and that man has an unacceptable risk of the cost fluctuating.

All this largely because the rollercoaster of speculative “hodl”. I think we need a cryptocurrency you cannot simply “invest” in, that is, buy and sit on it without actually using it.

This is not really investment anyway. Investment in the normal sense means giving money to someone else to buy tools and assets and produce something. This “investment” is not productive.

I get the theory that speculators normally play a stabilizing effect between current price and future price. So a company buying a lot of copper to build things from and afraid of price fluctuations can buy a put option, as a form of insurance, and he buys it from a speculator. The same can be done if a company sells in USD and buys input costs in JPY. But that is entirely different, because his input costs are in JPY because there is a lot of actual productive activity and lot of transctions going on in Japan, and because the currency speculator trades to and fro, does not just buy JPY and sit on it.

So this isn’t even speculation… (before someone asks me if I am butthurt for having missed the train, I did miss it, but I have bought part of my house buying and holding gold between 2007-2012, that was similarly unproductive, but good for me, so I have no reason to be butthurt, I did something similar just with a more conventional inflation hedge. And I have noticed that the gold I hodl does not lend anyone productivity, unlike a real investment.)

jim says:

> rather than an actually currency to pay for things.

I am seeing bitcoin used quite a lot as actual currency to pay for things. I have spent a great deal of bitcoin on actual things. The big problem is international transactions, and countries whose banking system is in even worse shape than America’s

Currently the total value of bitcoins is about seven percent of M1, M2, seven percent total value of US dollars.

Bitcoin is seriously starting to cut into the US dollar as an an international currency.

If you do international transactions, you are going to see a awful lot of business done in Kuwaiti Dinars, for which international transactions are actually legal, and Bitcoin, for which international transactions cannot be stopped, while every US$ transaction is done in the shadow of a multiplicity of poorly thought out laws capriciously, unpredictably, and erratically enforced.

But while prices are often quoted in Kuwaiti Dinars, they almost never quoted in bitcoin.

Money is a matter of functions four.

A medium, a measure, a standard and a store.

Bitcoin is not being used as a measure and a standard. And there are serious software architectural obstacles to using it in that fashion, which could be solved by a properly designed lightning network integrated with the blockdag. But it is doing quite well on the other two. Kuwaiti Dinars are being used as a standard and a measure.

Right now, in the shadows, it is a three horse race between the US dollar, the Kuwaiti Dinar, and bitcoin, with the Chinese renminbi hanging around wondering whether to join the race.

John C. Calhoun says:

Why in Kuwaiti Dinars? Also are there no other crypto currencies that have lower transaction costs than BTC? What is your opinion on Etherum?

jim says:

Ethereum is controlled by our enemies. At least bitcoin is controlled by the Chinese diaspora.

ryan says:

Can you expand on this? Do you mean the ethereum foundation, or that adoption by governments, banks and global corporations will ‘sanitize’ it and make it unsafe for dissidents?

jim says:

No idea why Kuwaiti Dinars. They just seem strangely popular. Have not looked into it. If it was UAE Dirham that would make sense and I would have a glib explanation. But it is not.

Proof of stake sounds like a good way to incentivise the buy-and-hodl people to do something useful. Egalitarians, of course, gonna complain that this is a perfect design for the rich getting richer. I think it is not – as long as the wild swings happen but the long-time direction is up and up, holders in proof-of-work are getting much richer without doing anything useful. Once it stabilizes, proof-of-stake will probably not pay an extremely high return on investment. I don’t know the technology, but I assume it allows competition, to offer to mine cheaper than the other coin-holder, bringing the price of mining to a reasonable, market-competitive ROI %.

In a proof of stake setup , my above objections, once the price stabilizes, will evaporate, buying coins will be like any other productive investment, like buying ore-mining machines.

I don’t quite understand lighting networks and blockdag, but I don’t need to. Thing is, proof-of-stake is faster than proof-of-work. These two are other technologies that make it even faster. Is that enough to know for a “layman”?

Karl says:

Cryptocurrency does not help with illegality of international transactions. Illegality is not a problem, if cruptocurrency is traded for something provided outside of governemnt controll, e.g. software, services etc.

Transactions with goods that have to be packed into a box to go through customs can be controlled by government. Smuggling works to some extent, but there are practical limits. How will cryptocurrency help me if I want to buy some machinery in China that my government does not want me to have?

Transactions within a country are harder to control for the government. Anything I have, I can give to someone who is willing to meet me. Cryptocurrency might help in a black market, because the prospective buyer meeting a stranger does not have to fear being robbed-which is a problem if you show up with a bag of gold coins intending to buy anything from a stranger.

Still I wonder how the Russian economy in 1931 would have differed if people had had cryptocurrency back then. Not much, is my guess.

C4ssidy says:

Just to throw a question into the open while I think about it myself: is there a cryptocurrency design that is suitable as a medium of exchange between Earth and Mars? It seems like an obvious problem that the planet with the more computing power could attack the system in the event of a rebellion or conflict . Under proof of stake, it seems like a similar problem if one planet was sufficiently richer than the other

jim says:

The convergence time for a distributed centerless crypto currency necessarily takes many times to communication lag time. However, the lightning network operates at the lag time. In a weight of stake currency, when mars is a small part of crypto currency, Martian transactions will always be finalized the earth majority. When Mars, the belt, and earth are roughly comparable, a weight of stake crypto currency will take a very long time to finalize a transaction. But lightning network transactions will always be finalized at with a time of order of the lag time between participants, so a lightning network transaction on Mars between Martian participants will be instant. However setting up a lightning network gateway, and shutting down a lightning network gateway, will take an hour or two. This is not prohibitive. Bank transactions actually days. They appear to be instant because there are multiple layers on top, providing fast transactions backed by slow transactions. Which is why it takes forever to set up a bank account or a credit card.

A slow crypto currency that is slow because spread out over the solar system between roughly comparable participants will still be faster than the base layer of our existing banking system, which is slow because still using the technology it used when stage coaches moved gold and silver between banks. Our existing banking system is fast because it has fast layers built on top of that slow layer, and one can analogously build fast layers on top of the crypto currency base layer.

A lightning network also has the effect of reducing the number of transactions appearing on the blockchain. Each transaction on the blockchain will represent the combined effect of a great many multilateral transactions between a great many people.

There is another way, in addition to the lightning network, of providing a fast transaction layer on top of the base layer. A short Schnorr signature can represent a large secret distributed between a great many people, which makes it possible to have crypto corporations, where a lot of people have shares in a secret. If the primary asset of a crypto corporation is unspent transaction outputs on the blockdag, its shares will trade at a fixed ratio to cryptocoins, and thus a crypto corporation located on Mars whose primary asset is on the blockdag will have fast tradeable shares that are equivalent to cryptocoins, and only its dissolution and formation will be slow.

Fred says:

That critique makes sense (sort of – why would you want to use cryptocurrency to buy a train ticket?) if you view cryptocurrency as a consumer product, but money is a product of network effects, rendering consumer preferences irrelevant.

Pseud-chrysostom says:

As a twitter w*man once famously opined, ‘how can i make promises if i do not know how i will feel in the future?’

Scuttlebutt is Mitch backstabbed Trump over the election in exchange for a ‘guarantee’ from the DNC for them to stick with Biden and not 25th him a year in to put camel on the throne. For Pence the word is they pulled out dirt on him they were originally saving for the first impeachment move, had it gone through.

What world do they think they’re living in, one can’t help but wonder. A fatal price for a laughable goal; such is perhaps the archetypical expression of a cuckservative’s mental calculus.

Pooch says:

The normalcy bias of the elites has been astonishing to witness I will say.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

It’s something even deeper in that; it’s an asceding to changes in circumstances that would result in you having no power to do anything about it when the other party decides to screw you anyways. That’s a special kind of pathology.

The mantra of GOP types has always been ‘I dont mind loosing, as long as i dont lose *too* much!’ But as of course you know, that’s a ratchet that only turns one way in the long run.

Like breaking ranks and running in a melee, you are often more likely to die from cowardice than conviction.

Javier says:

Pence probably cucked for the chance to run in four years. Or he was always an establishment concession forced on Trump by the GOP for exactly this purpose. Probably both.

Anyway, I expect lethal escalation soon. Don’t get too demoralized, because the left’s over-reaction should provide more opportunities.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

If Pence thinks he is going to run in four years, he is stupider than any of us could have even imagined. Millions of card-carrying Republicans will vote Democrat just to spite him.

Not that actual votes matter anymore – but the political machines are Democratic, and there is no reason the machines would promote Pence over whatever Democrat happens to be running that year. If he made a deal in which they promised to do that, the deal will not be honored.

Red says:

Deals are only honored between peers. Pence is a worm to the Dems.

[…] Source: Jim […]

Leon says:

I wonder how China and Russia will take this? The whole world just watched America reveal itself to be a paper tiger.

Red says:

China already owns Joe Biden. They’ll take what they want.

Russia is still very weak and can’t afford conquest at the moment.

jim says:

It does not matter whether other nations prefer peace. America under Obama was not agreement capable, and America under Biden will be even less agreement capable. It takes two to make peace. But to make war only takes one, and less than one, for when a state lacks cohesion, one faction within the elite will make war while another faction is making peace, as with Serbia in the events leading to World War I. Chances are that in the not very distant future war will be upon the Russians regardless of what they intend.

Karl says:

Maybe it takes only one for international war, but sadly it takes two for a civil war. The progressives were ready for war, but Trump declined.

Mister Grumpus says:

Please run off a list of crypto “topics and keywords” that one would want to learn about first if he hoped to contribute.

jim says:

If anyone needs a list of crypto topics and keywords, his contributions are unlikely to be welcome.

Red says:

It just struck me that almost all the people charging the capitol where believers of the Q-Anon faith. The guy in the horned-hat was a self styled Q-Anon shaman. These people had true religious cohesion when charging in.

A bunch of shit posters on 4chan created a new religion that shook the capitol of the world’s greatest nation.

Jim was correct about legitimacy of any political operation. Without the clothes of legitimacy and leadership any dissent is bound to be and will be crushed.

Like the conspirators of failed July 20 plot, Trump lacked conviction in his own legitimacy and now it looks like all of the participants will be put on show trials and executed.

Biden presidency is looking extremely likely now.

The Cominator says:

The July plot failed because Hitler lived. Maybe they also had to kill Goering but it absolutely could have worked if Hitler was dead. Demonstrating capable and willing use of uncontested violence confers legitimacy especially with no one to lead opposition.

Trump did not launch a coup himself, it appears he was too cowardly to contemplate it. He would have won if he had… but he didn’t. The American ruling class has very little legitimacy outside the priest (Brahmin you would say in India) class and single women…

Pooch says:

Trump had no strategy and was ill prepared to seize the day.

A Honest Indian says:

From my own analysis and reading from multiple sources I think that the July plot would have led to civil war and a complete German collapse on all fronts had Hitler died. I don’t think the Nazi establishment would have surrendered easily to the conspirators and even the Wehrmacht would have been divided.

Even the conspirators themselves were divided as to whether to restore the monarchy or restore Weimar form of democracy and had to cobble together a compromise at the end to move forward the assassination attempt.

The Cominator says:

Himmler was probably in on it and if Hitler died and the conspirators named someone popular like Rommel the new leader opposition would have collapsed.

The war was hopelessly lost, a revolt that overthrew the nazi party probably at least would have gotten somewhat better treatment for Germany.

A Honest Indian says:

You’re right. What united the conspirators was the motive to save Germany before a total defeat on all fronts. Unfortunately they lacked a God Emperor because Hitler was the legitimate ruler.

A Honest Indian says:

Unless a leader genuinely believes in his God given mission and being above the establishment he cannot be a God Emperor. Seems Trump lacked that crucial ingredient.

onyomi says:

Yeah, I think literally all Trump had to do was march with the protesters to the Capitol (I still haven’t heard a good account of where he went after his speech? Got in a helicopter and back to the White House?), demand entrance to the capitol in the company of his “colleagues and friends,” walk in and say, “we’re here to make sure you make the right decision.” That wouldn’t have taken that much courage relative to e.g. literally leading men into battle as countless leaders have done throughout history.

A Honest Indian says:

He didn’t have the conviction in his own cause though. More than outright cowardice I think lack of conviction and outlandish normality bias is apparent here.

Pooch says:

How could that have worked? Surely he would have been assassinated since he was flagrantly breaking the law.

onyomi says:

Not surely. There would have been some risk of that, which is why I compared it to leading troops into battle, but the risk would probably have been lower than that involved in leading most charges in history. I even think I might have been able to do it had I been in his position, and I don’t pride myself on my physical bravery.

Also, is it against the law for the POTUS to demand access to the Congress floor for himself and a “few” colleagues during a joint session?

Pooch says:

I don’t know if that would have worked timing wise. By the time his speech had ended, they were already inside and Congress had already fled. He could have occupied the Capital but what would that have accomplished?

Mike says:

Read Moldbug’s latest piece. Comintator and others here are going full lolbertarian, thinking that simply occupying the capital and having a protest is all that was needed to make the government fall. Come on guys, you’ve read your Moldbug. Without elite support, none of it means anything. If there were no elites that Trump managed to convert to his side, no institutions to back him up, then he was fucked from the beginning.

The Cominator says:

I didn’t say he just needed to occupy the capitol he could have taken congress prisoner and forced them to pass whatever he wanted.

Pooch says:

They had already fled and were guarded by heavily armed guards willing to use lethal force. A few Qtards running around in the Rotunda taking selfies was not going to work. There needed to be a plan with armed loyalists (military, cops, or militia) to pull something like this off and there was none.

And even in the insane absurd ridiculous notion that they would manage to take Congress captive, Pence and Miller would have conspired to bring the full force on the state upon them. I’m not faulting Trump here. He had no other option but to send his people home to prevent further casualites

In the end, Trump was our Caesar as we watched practically every single Senator stab him including Pence. Now I guess we can wait for the funeral and there definitely will be one.

The Cominator says:

Congress took a while after the perimeter was breached to get out… whatever back way they have should have been sealed…

As for the legitimacy of such an action… the only legitimacy soon will come from Rule 303.


Pooch says:

As Moldbug points out in his recent post, Kantbot actually states it best:

“Imagine storming the Capital of the United States as the government of the country literally fucking flees and then just wandering around the building confused about why the level isn’t ending instead of declaring a new government and issuing warrants for congressmen’s arrest”

It was all just a LARP. Trump had no plan to cross the Rubicon. He never did. He could only threaten it, and when his mob accidentally crossed for him, he had no choice but to surrender.

Gestahlt says:

Moldbug is like Cicero. He’s eloquent and right about many things but whenever he actually prescribes a course of action one can taste his cowardice through is words.

onyomi says:

Yudkowsky’s take on this was good: government’s are just a LARP. Many great dynasties have been founded because e.g. a salt smuggler raided the castle with a bunch of farmers while the army was away.

Trump led his army to the banks of the Rubicon hoping their mere presence there would scare the Senate into doing what he wanted. Some of the troops started crossing without his explicit command and, instead of taking the lead, he fled and denounced them after the fact.

Now, returning to Rome in disgrace, he will be treated as if he had crossed and failed.

It didn’t fail because it was a LARP, it failed because the general abandoned his foot soldiers, who assumed he had a plan.

The Cominator says:

“Trump led his army to the banks of the Rubicon hoping their mere presence there would scare the Senate into doing what he wanted. Some of the troops started crossing without his explicit command and, instead of taking the lead, he fled and denounced them after the fact.”

Exactly right, cowardly, stupid, inexcusable, unforgivable.

Pooch says:

It didn’t fail because it was a LARP, it failed because the general abandoned his foot soldiers, who assumed he had a plan.

The soldiers had no guns and no elite backing. In that respect, it was just a larp. Even if he didn’t abandon them, it was surely doomed. Trump was not a warrior, so he never had planned to cross the Rubicon, only threaten it. The best he can do now is pardon them so their lives aren’t ruined.

Mike says:

To be hard on Trump, Caesar crossed the Rubicon with only one legion, and his only elite backing consisted of Mark Antony (the Triumvirate had broken up by this point). Other than that, all he had was his civilian supporters, same as Trump’s Amerikaners.

On the other hand though, even having one legion and Mark Anthony is more than what Trump seemed to have in terms of elites/soldiers.

Pooch says:

That’s fair. But after watching video, the mob inside was mostly just angry kids and not willing or able to do real violence, mostly just wandering around taking selfies like at a muesum. These were no legions. If Trump would have been able to get a platoon of US Marshals or militia members inside to take advantage of the chaos that’s another story, but the mob on its own was incapable of pulling of any type of coup.


clovis says:

Maybe, but now he has to–at best–finish his life as a loser, and probably will be killed like the Romanovs or Mussolini.

Prince Charming says:

He has two sons, and they were there with him on the podium; martyring the 74yo leader who bends over backwards to keep peace would have been the best thing to happen both to him and to his cause.

What a glorious way to go, what a splendid way to be remembered for eternity.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

The best play would have been to show up after the folk had already broken in, with a battalion of officers behind him, gaily walk through rounding people up to a prominent location inside, like the house chamber, give a big speech to the crowd while everyone is streaming on cellphones, then lead them back outside to stand by, and lead the good senators and good representatives back inside, thus restoring order, and turning the whole thing into a huge display of imperial majesty with the spotlight firmly centered on him.

Lefty media laid the onus on him for the events anyways, as is of course inevitable; if he actually did put himself into the situation, would have come out on top.

Pooch says:

What could he possibly have done? I think he was fucked the minute they breached without his command. He was not the leader of anything at that point.

RedBible says:

Based on the video footage I saw, it looks like the cops opened up a section of the barriers and LET the trump supporters in. It being called “storming the Capital” by the media is a bad joke that ends with declaring more and more “traitors” to be “hung”.

Pooch says:

It was chaotic. Some cops let them in and some fought violently from what I saw. DC cops don’t seem very competent.

Leon says:

Vox Popoli and his readers seem to think the videos of Trump before and after the Capitol shit show are fake. I have no idea what to think at this moment.

Pooch says:

Vox has revealed himself to be a Qtard.

BaboonTycoon says:

I’ve seen others like BAP going with this angle too. I can’t see it as anything other than massive cope, but I certainly wouldn’t put it past deep state to pull something like this. Doesn’t matter whether it’s true or not, though. Trump has no means of communicating with the public anymore. Only way anything happens is if Trump starts calling in favors from Russia or Erik Prince.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

For people like Vox, it’s less about cope and more about maintaining his image. You can see it in his comically smug post from today: “if you think I’m wrong, it’s only because you’re too stupid and unimaginative to truly understand me.”

I wonder if intellectuals are prone to some kind of mental crisis as they age, similar to how a small number of super-alphas appear prone to bizarre tranny obsessions at the same age. If so, then it’s not much of a stretch that shills and feds would try to work them into it. The Q narrative seems to have a way of burrowing into people’s brains and never letting go, like a particularly resilient parasite.

Anyone who believes this latest deepfake conspiracy theory might want to recall that the stupider/crazier leftists were making the same claims about Trump’s videos when he had Covid, based on the same quality of “evidence”.

Leon says:

That is a fair point. The types that value intelligence above all else seem to have severe ego problems, lots of passive aggressive behavior and a tendency to not being fully rooted in reality.

The Cominator says:

“For people like Vox, it’s less about cope and more about maintaining his image. You can see it in his comically smug post from today: “if you think I’m wrong, it’s only because you’re too stupid and unimaginative to truly understand me.”

The secret king is right again lol…

Mister Grumpus says:

I’m having a kind of Zero Trust Paranoia Rapture moment. Figure that if Jim was going to sell out everyone’s opsec info, he’d have done it long ago. So fine whatever.

And also, it sure feels like The End is fucking nigh, so what more is the blog here even for now? The Rooster Prophet has taught up a ragtag crew of disciples, and now the bell’s about to ring and it’s time to for us to jump out and fly or die.

But there will also be years and years of… developments… to go, years of “told you so” teachable moments, but from here out I sense a pattern of “OK this week’s thing was Jim’s Laws #5 and #9, this is getting old, but let me show you guys AGAIN:” So every reason to keep going to catch new guys.

Anyone else feeing the same, fam? The Jim we knew gives us his great commission and up and away he goes?

Mister Grumpus says:

Oh dang. I just noticed that my second-latest was deleted, and I believe I’m understanding your logic for doing so. OK yes. Feel free to delete these two also (as if you need my blessing to do whatever you want) and I’ll go back to lurking and pulling myself together.

Thank you very much for this blog. It’s an amazing contribution, and I can only begin to guess at the effort and risks you’ve taken. I’ll always appreciate it. Even if I’m not one of you, I’m thankful for you, and I very much hope you’ll continue to succeed.

~loclun-midwyt says:

It seems to me that the real turning point on the day was Miller flipping.

In the morning Trump family and associates were all high energy and in a positive mood. Trump gave a good speech and didn’t really show any sign that he would give up, and seemed to hint that he expected Pence would betray him.

The march begins and he tweets out:

>Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!

That doesn’t sound like he’s going to give up.

People break inside the capitol and it gets reported that DC mayor is calling for national guard, but Pentagon has denied her request.

About one hour later its reported that the national guard are on their way, after Miller had a meeting with Pence, Pelosi, and Schumer, but not Trump.

Seems Trump believed Miller would be loyal to him, and when he wasn’t he found himself out of options.

Anyone else have theories?

I’m sure there are a million other things going on at once too, and we’ll never truly knew what went down.

Pooch says:

Yes I saw that too. It looks like they all couped against Trump. Thinking about this more, what could Trump possibly have done for victory? Not surrendering seemed doomed to fail. The NG was on their way and Congress had escaped by the time Trump supporters breached the chambers. He had no leverage. What would invoking IA had even meant at that point?

Prince Charming says:

Your timeline is way off, perhaps because you were, as you claim, there; fog of war etc. So you come to idiotic conclusions from faulty premises.

Parliamentarians were still in the building when the mob arrived, which is why we got the standoffs and the martyr girl. Some 600 VIPs, many of them elderly slow-walkers, that need to be shuffled through the underground corridors. Takes time, and you realistically need only a rump.

“what could possibly be done” is obvious

Pooch says:

You are right.

clovis says:

I haven’t seen anyone talking about Miller doing that, but when I read it it was demoralizing. Maybe it’s not true, but if it is, it illustrates the points Jim has made over the years abut the necessity of having a priesthood or educated elite able to carry out the business of government. We had a leader but the swamp swallowed him up.

Pooch says:


Pence went around Trump and met directly with Miller.

Pooch says:

Miller also confirmed that he and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley, spoke with Pence, not Trump, on Wednesday afternoon. He also said he was in contact with top congressional lawmakers.
“Chairman Milley and I just spoke separately with the Vice President and with Speaker Pelosi, Leader McConnell, Senator Schumer and Representative Hoyer about the situation at the U.S. Capitol. We have fully activated the D.C. National Guard to assist federal and local law enforcement as they work to peacefully address the situation,” he said in a statement.

Vae Victis says:
anon says:


Miller and co. should read the story of Rudolf Hess, who betrayed Hitler and flew to England to negotiate peace on his own in 1941, and was thrown into prison until he committed suicide in it in 1987. A lot of other big dogs who never betrayed Hitler and were arguably guiltier, like Speer, got it easier in Nuremberg. I personally cannot explain the unusual, more-than-Nuremberg harshness towards Hess, but the story suggests me treason is not necessarily rewarded, in fact it can be punished worse than loyalty, by those one wants to defect to.

Pooch says:

I hope we survive long enough to see the salami slicer come down on all of them.

The Cominator says:

Something about the full and true Hess story is so embarassing to the allies that its been covered up to this day.

Hess did not betray… and if any of the senior nazis can be said to be a truly good man it was Hess. Its a travesty that a guy who tried to prevent the war, tried to stop it, and was involved in no way with the atrocities of the Reich was given lifetime incarceration… worse than death.

The Obscurantist says:

This has been my way of thinking since Wednesday. Few people have been discussing Miller, but it’s evident by his actions that day – unconstitutionally calling the National Guard in consultation with Pence and Congressional leaders – that he was a decisive, perhaps the decisive factor, in the coup against President Trump.

Was he ever in play or was he always going to betray the President in the same way as Pence?

I question whether the Insurrection Act was ever feasible, whether right after the November selection or before, during the summer riots.

After the events of 1/6 who at a senior level within the government in the administration, the military, or Congress would genuinely have supported President Trump in any extraordinary actions to resist the coup? Absent such elite support, the only option would be a plebian revolt, something on a much grander scale than 1/6 with armed Trump supporters, accompanied by uprisings in state capitals, national general strike, civil disobedience, etc.

qwerty says:


Say it with me: Curtis Yarvin is always right.

Bilge_Pump says:

He has been pretty good for the last couple of weeks.

Bilge_Pump says:

His comments sections are kinda gay and boring tbh. Making people pay to take part in them is a good filtration strategy, but the kind of person who would both pay to read Yarvin and comment on his posts doesn’t seem like the kind of person I’m interested in hearing, from what I’ve seen.

Javier says:

He bought into the covid narrative 100% and was totally and abysmally wrong.

Pooch says:

His last 2 pieces about the coup have been quite good.

European Mutt says:

He is right that in the long term elites need to be replaced. He is wrong to think that the current elite can be convinced to defect to a new, forming elite. He has not convinced a significant number of what he calls Brahmins and I think he will never succeed at that. Elite needs to be replaced wholesale, by high-IQ proles with good genetics (a few sprinkles of the old elite can’t hurt but only if they aren’t recent converts). Successful coup by Trump (pretty much as he described it) would have diminished the status of the ruling elite enough to make wholesale replacement the obvious option going forward.

This change, from indirect dissidence to direct dissidence, is a critical transition point in the life of the revolutionary total state. The outcome of this transition is that, very soon, it becomes utterly impossible for any cool person to support the government. In fact, Chuck E Cheese did not condemn the Great Coup—it easily could have, though.
You are for the government or against it. You are for communism, the Communist Party and the USSR; or you are against them. All political crimes reduce to “anti-Soviet agitation.”

I had typed out more paragraphs, but it boils down to: Brezhnevism was conquered by cool. Leninism could never have been conquered by cool, needed a Stalin first. So he believes in the Brezhnevian scenario and I’m interested in what makes him so sure.

Curtis Yarvin is always right.

Except on very Holy topics like coronavirus. Although if he writes that people are going to get arrested for tweets, he is hopefully aware he should escape American Empire asap. Hopefully he loses these pretenses of the leftist zeitgeist then.

Pooch says:

The part about right against left mass mob demonstration being a fundamental inversion and thus doomed to fail was particularly interesting.

Red says:

Mobs only work when backed up with men with guns. Trump failed to have men with guns ready to go, IE he believed the official Whig history rather than reality.

I knew the US was pretty much fucked when the insurrection act wasn’t declared by in October to first deal with Antifa, then deal with the people directing them. Then Durham report didn’t appear. I’d long suspected that Trump couldn’t rule because he was a merchant rather than a warrior or a priest, but Jim’s a pretty convincing guy and I wanted to believe that Trump could become something he wasn’t. I was especially upset that that Trump didn’t put his own money up to defend Kyle. I’ll stick with my gut next time.

Pooch says:

Not necessarily. Left on right mobs are holy and thus have elite backing built in so don’t need guns (at least until civil war starts). Right on left mobs are unholy so definitely need men with guns.

QED says:

Yarvin was wrong about Bitcoin. Jim was right.

Although Yarvin may prove prescient there as well, now that the Regime has taken full power.

Jim, what are the chances they go after cryptos in the not-too-distant future? I’m considering liquidating my holdings while things are at such highs.

jim says:

It is absolutely inevitable that a crypto currency will replace the US dollar.

If that crypto currency is bitcoin it will stabilize at around ten times its current value.

Yes, a high risk investment, bitcoin is quite vulnerable in a crackdown, because the miners control the currency, and are immobile with expensive immobile equipment. But it has a high upside.

Likely there will be a crackdown, and we will come out of it with a crypto currency more resistant to crackdowns.

Likely you will lose all your bitcoin. Also likely investing in bitcoin will make you rich.

Obake158 says:

Maybe this is a LARP, maybe it’s a dead man switch, the DNI report on electoral interference got delayed and was dropped on Congress yesterday. Queue up asset freezes on Chinese investments on the 11th. Pelosi and company get desperate to remove Trump via 25th Amendment and/or impeachment. What are they so afraid of and so desperate about if they’re winning? Where’s Trump? This may seem like a schizo thread or it may be the whitest of white pills. Check out this thread on /pol/.

Pooch says:

It’s over man. Trump conceded and said he won’t be at the inaugeration.

yewotm8 says:

Trump has not been in control of his Twitter account for several days. Now the account is even banned.

Pooch says:

He’s banned now. It’s over Johnny.


Dave says:

The Democrats are desperately afraid that if they don’t keep the spotlight on Trump and his supporters, their bio-Leninist rainbow coalition — white liberals, Jews, Blacks, Latinos, Muslims, sexual deviants, and assorted mental defectives — will break up, and with all elections rigged, Dems can only resolve their differences through bloodshed.

Pooch says:
Gestahlt says:

We need a tribune of the plebs.

European Mutt says:

What will happen to Hungary/Brazil now? Color revolution? Gay parades at the point of a tank turret?

Pooch says:

Color Revolution most certainly on deck backed by the US Air Force.

European Mutt says:

See, I don’t think I’m very normalcy-biased but this I have to see until I believe it. For Ukraine it was always in the cards but for a nominal ally?

Obake says:

I have family in Hungary. They have this crazy curfew from 8pm – 5am and the military is patrolling the streets with tanks and machine guns. The older family members are freaked because it took 40 years to get rid of that shit last time. Should be interesting to see rainbow colored tanks and sodomite flags on the Hungarian military uniforms. Jewdapest is already to POZ+ lost and that’s practically the entire population center of the country.

The Cominator says:

Orban fell for the Covid meme?

Atavistic Morality says:

Politicians don’t “fall” for the Covid meme, they fucking love it. They get more control, more power, and the slave population just accepts it out of fear, what is there not to love for them? Politicians aren’t “left” or “right” first, they are politicians first. and they care for their own interests and the interests of their parasitic bureaucratic class first and foremost.

I think the GOP made that clear for anyone to see in America just a couple of days ago.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

>Politicians aren’t “left” or “right” first, they are politicians first. and they care for their own interests and the interests of their parasitic bureaucratic class first and foremost.

Which is to say, a politician is left first.

After all, what is this thing, a politician, anyways? Where do they exist? When did they start existing? The very idea of a ‘politician’ is in the first place an inherently demotist thing.

Atavistic Morality says:

Yes, that is a good point.

Mike says:

If the idea of Politics itself is demotist, then I guess Aristotle was a libtard.

Atavistic Morality says:

He is talking about modern politicians as figures, not politics in general.

European Mutt says:

Yes Orban looks more and more like a snake. He is an Erdogan/Sakashvili type. To his credit he seems to be outwitting EU at every turn (which isn’t very hard though) and he’s also making some favorable gestures towards Russia (Russian contractors for nuclear power plants and Russian vaccine approval). If I were Putin I would not trust this man.

Loving the Covid meme has a downside, you might get voted out. There are two solutions: Be right-wing populist enough so people will vote for you anyway or rig the vote.

Upravda says:

Orban is socialist. National socialist, but socialist nevertheless. He showed it early in the beginnings, putting VAT at 27%, plundering voluntary pension funds, nowadays going full coronatard, etc.

He is thorn in the ass of EU, however, and he showed Soros the way out, so I have soft spot for him. 🙂

European Mutt says:

Haven’t been to Hungary in a few years. Curfew because of coronahoax? I just know Orban fell for it too, that was very disappointing.

Bolsonaro saw through it right away. I love it how he induces violent rage in journalists with his straight-shooting style where he basically just says common-sense stuff. And he’s a warrior not a merchant. But no idea about Brazilian anti-air defenses.

Obake says:

Orban has massive power now from the Parliament and has used it to utterly lock the country down over Chingitus. He’s not so based guys. He has gone totally along with the program but Hungary always has its hand out for gibs. Hungarians are perpetually broke and always looking for an angle.

Diogenes says:

I’m a Hungarian, a long time reader of this blog.
On 20th of December, all the significant opposition parties (from left to “far-right”) joined to run against Fidesz, the governing party in 2022. This is the political situation in the country now. Unfortunately, we probably have enough suitable human material to attempt a color revolution, but right now this seems unlikely. At the very least, we can expect a huge increase in enemy propaganda, the hatred of our country was already clearly signalled.

clovis says:

Yeah, I’d imagine you and Poland are on a short list for regime change in the next few years.

Washington rules them indirectly, through the EU. So the first sign of it will be a sudden replacement of weaker EU elites with stronger loyalists/more fanatical progs. That will be the first warning sign. The second warning sign will be someone buying up the media or funding new media. Soros being the obvious financer for that.

It doesn’t just start immediately with the Air Force like with Milosevic. That would be very unseemly in EU territory. They would have to be first kicked out of the EU for that. And from the NATO. Certain appearances have to be kept up.

A third thing to add is that there is a serious gap in poz. One LGBTQXYZ activist said it is really strange that there they at the same time have to argue the modern stuff, like tranny toilets and at the same time stuff that has been accepted in America like 40 years ago like being ghey is not a mental illness. If they want to push the latest poz, in order to look up to date and cool, the people might be forced to pay lip service to it but will not really accept it because it is a too sudden leap in the water temperature for the frog in the pot.

BaboonTycoon says:

Last I checked from Hungary, it was effectively the opposite situation of what we have now. Orban kicked out foreign NGOs, specifically naming Soros in doing so and wrote anti-poz into the country’s constitution. Fags and trannies are excluded from the legal definition of a family. Even banned trannies from children’s books. Dude pays couples to marry and have kids. Orban seems quite well aware of the color revolution playbook and has taken pretty much all the steps that can be expected of him to resist it short of nationalizing the media, which he will probably do upon deciding the EU payouts are no longer worth it. I remember hearing a statement from him that he’d rather leave EU than be forced to accept migrants.

Poland, I would be more worried about. They need a strongman and do not have one.

Oliver Cromwell says:

Both are much stronger than they look. They need to hold nerve and be willing to go down with the ship.

Surrender buys nothing anyway.

Pooch says:

Yes at some point the US military is going to lose decisively.

pdimov says:
clovis says:

So how likely is it that they will release a database of thought criminals that allows employers to look you up by name and see every time you used the n word on /pol/?

Interim Account says:

Shouldn’t matter unless you are stupid enough not to use a VPN, not because they wouldn’t do it, but because it requires too much work for our lazy radicals.

If you wish to create a new account, get an old used computer+prepaid cellphone, and use TOR+P2P VPN to shitpost in the evenings.

jim says:

Routine computer security works surprisingly well. Our enemies are lazy and incompetent.

Visualize the spammer who is trying to steal your bank account login, don’t visualize secret agent 007.

James says:

To take it a step further, I’ve been extremely extremely lax about what I’d consider even basic computer security when participating in dissident sites for years, to no ill effect. I’m still getting raises, my passport still works, I am still a free man in nearly every way that a man can be free in this world.

The reality is that the Left is not very good at targeted attacks against multiple targets. They just aren’t very good at organizing, and have an instinctive hatred and distrust of organization, especially organization around meritocratic qualities like competence. Every organization they take over, they immediately fill with diversity hires and microaggression trainings.

With that as the backdrop, the thing to understand is that unless you have serious power, the organized elite of the left will not be coming after you. The disorganized masses of the left, in general, only cause a stink if you are an extremely low effort target. There are two exceptions to this:

1) Young, fertile-aged women looking for men to shit test. They get minor gina tingles and see if they can get their resident bad boy to put her in her place. Jim’s blog, for the most part, is about a bunch of men sharing ideas in the nerdiest, borderline-autistic way possible, which the gina brain is almost incapable of engaging with.

2) Old, bitter women looking for an alpha male to take down and get status from. Same idea. This isn’t a flashy place where we’re showing off our money and our mates, and we have no other visible markers of status that a bitter old cat lady is going to pick up on.

Furthermore, to even comprehend why this site is so bad would require the commission of a level of thoughtcrime that is essentially impossible (and certainly impermissible) for your typical leftist. The only people who would come after us are the elites, and they have far bigger fish to fry.

In the coming post-Trump crackdown, that may change, but I suspect we’re far enough down on the list of targets that it’s not a present concern of mine.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

The problem is what happens when they get far enough down the list to notice you, or when you accidentally bump yourself up the list. It could be something that you consider very unimportant or don’t even notice, such as failing a woman’s subtle shit test or failing to grovel before a member of a Disadvantaged Group. Or it could be that you show up in a database leak from WordPress or Disqus or Blogger.

What happens then? If someone has, let’s euphemistically say, “probable cause” to “investigate” you, either starting from your real identity and looking for evidence of thought crimes, or starting from an online thought crime and looking to connect you to a real identity, what will they find?

During the next few months, Prog’s militant wing will be both energized and angry, which makes it a good time to lay low and work on securing your identity, if you haven’t already. You don’t get to buy insurance after your house burns down, and you don’t get to cover your tracks after you’ve been caught. You probably don’t need to be Behind Seven Proxies, but don’t make it too easy.

James says:

While you are correct in a factual sense, I think you overestimate the practical relevance. I don’t personally know anybody who has been cancelled. I maybe know somebody who know somebody who got cancelled a few years back. Everybody agreed it was dumb and he had another job within a week.

Yes, things are a bit heightened right now, but these things come and go. It’s awful for social cohesion, good leadership, and sorting by merit, but as mere individuals, the odds of any of us being targeted and effectively taken down are probably less than 1% in our lifetimes. It’s something to prepare for, but not something to worry about.

Bilge_Pump says:

This isn’t related to the post, but still relevant to the blog I believe.

How do you guys deal with women at work? I am tall and good looking but def a nerd and I find women to be pretty boring. I have coworkers and customers hitting on me at every job I get. It’s annoying for several reasons.

1) I just want to do my damn job, don’t want to have to deal with “Is he alpha” bullshit.

2) I’m pretty poor atm and don’t have much confidence in the stability of a ltr for myself. Hopefully this will change soon as I should have a decent job if things go well. Still, I know I’m not the bad boy alpha that women dream about and will be basically buying sex. Fine by me, just need to able to ensnare them financially, which limits my choices somewhat.

3) I’ve been fired from jobs for failing shit tests. Gone from the bitch is obviously hitting on me, to she wants me gone asap in one sentence. That time was pretty funny actually, one of my managers was straight up telling me I would be allowed to grab female coworkers asses (hoping I would grab her), as I was complaining to her about another female manager grabbing me and saying suggestive shit! My response was “I would never consider it, because of the risk”

They were shitty jobs that I don’t care about, but still. I’d hate for it to happen at a good job.

clovis says:

vpns don’t work on 4 chan

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

They do on webring boards though.

Javier says:

Digital purge is going down. POTUS, various conservative, and alt-right getting the long knives right now.

Sometimes I wonder if the left realizes that when they delete someone online nothing actually happens to them in real life. They don’t just cease to exist.

Javier says:

Seriously tho, the militia march shouldn’t be at the capital on Jan 20th it should be in silicon valley. Might have an actual effect.

onyomi says:

I’m actually kind of surprised something like this hasn’t happened already. I’m sure Twitter has security, but not US capitol levels of security. Of course, being located where it is probably helps, but still.

The Cominator says:

No silicon valley follows orders it does not act independently.

Javier says:

Strategic target though. If it’s all enemy, burn it down. Target rich environment.

Red says:

War is pointless without a leader. A Leader may emerge as the GOP is ground into the dust by the leftist boot, but it hasn’t happened yet. Of course might get 20 or 30 leaders like the whites in Russia did, which ended poorly.

Atavistic Morality says:

Don’t worry, they are completely aware, first comes the digital purge and then will come the physical. Unless you agree with the Vox Day line of thinking and believe this is 3tonMillionChess by Trump, which sounds and seems very unlikely.

11 days to see what **exactly** happens, but I wouldn’t be too surprised if that very same day Trump is publicly hanged.

“Sometimes I wonder if the left realizes that when they delete someone online nothing actually happens to them in real life. They don’t just cease to exist.”

Eh, censorship exists for a long, long time, and the reason for that is that it works. They don’t cease to exist, but it makes a big difference how many people you can talk to or how many people can hear what you have to say.

In 1980 or so sarcastic cartoonists have portrayed modern society as people sitting in cubes watching TV, isolated, alone, each just getting the message from Big Brother. The Internet changed it. Communication, media became more grassroots and bidireactional. It was a Wild West and it was clear to me already in the 1990’s that the elites do not like that, not really for political reasons but for example copyright, filesharing, Metallica vs. Napster. But it was unclear to me whether they can do anything about that.

Now the answer seems more clear to that. First decentralized blogs got centralized into social media. Then the social media started censoring. It is effectively TV again, just a different principle, instead of deciding on the approved programming, they decide on the unapproved programming. It wouldn’t even be a bad system if the criteria was not based on poz.

We could go back to self-hosted blogs. At least they are a bit harder to take down. But one big thing has changed. A lot of people in 2000 had no other options than to consume and even participate on that blogs, or back to TV. Now social media is an alternative and easier option to a lot of people. Hence, less audience.

The Ducking Man says:

Oh man, I remeber back in 2010 in internet cafe I would spend hours just reading some obsecure blog and I would find new blog to read every month.

Fast forward 2020, the blog I find is Jim and RooshV.


Look at it this way. If the breaking into the capitol was an illegitimate use of force, it brings the civil war earlier rather than later, because it made leftists spiral faster. More paranoid, having more excuses to resort to force against the Right and so on. They feel like the breaking into the capitol was evidence for a lot of things they believed in, that Trump is literally Hitler and wants to be dictator etc. Leftoids on Twitter are already saying “we cannot keep having a democracy and coexist with these people”. They started spiralling faster.

Let’s put it this way. If Trump supporters would grow a little moustache, and goose-step around with Roman salutes yelling Sieg Heil, it would be a good thing because it would make the left spiral faster, they would see it as evidence for everything they believed in, hence they would resort to force faster, hence start the civil war earlier, hence the Right would be more like to win it.

I forgot this part: in my absurd example, the military and ordinary conservatives would of course not defend the moustache guys. But once the left massacred them, they would go on massacring the ordinary conservatives, and this is how the civil war would start earlier rather than later.

Karl says:

Despite mass killings civil war never happened in Cambodia. Civil war requires leadership an collective action to resist mass killings force.

Awfully hard to get such leadership after a leftists dictorship is established.

Javier says:

What left wing dictator though? Biden? Trumelpepleereesze?

Kamala was the most hated candidate. Did not win a single primary. The rest colluded to win a few votes and handed them all to Biden. Biden is obviously puppeted by a cabal of deep state actors. He’s no Lenin or Trotsky, not even a Pol Pot or Castro. Does he have a Beria or Che? Unknown.

Pelosi is a hundred years old. Bernie is a tool. AOC and Omar are regional ethnic warlords at best.

Months ago I said a Biden win would have an upside, as the gloves and masks of the left would come off. That is happening now. They also have no plan. They are lashing out randomly in all directions and whatever targets are in view. Conservatives are going to ground, leaving most targets fellow leftists.

The left are like ants defending the mound. Once Trump is gone and major threats are cleared, they won’t know who to attack anymore. But a lot of normies are waking up to just how much trouble they are in.

BaboonTycoon says:

Where do you see evidence of leftists attacking each other? That won’t happen until they’ve completely eliminated Trump from ever having relevance

And it really doesn’t matter if the political figures are decrepit when more or less everyone with power and resources supports the current regime. Who’s still standing with Trump, Goya foods and the Mypillow guy? Maybe Coinbase and Redbull? Military leadership and communications infrastructure all held by left, unless Torba somehow makes it big off what’s going on right now (and I don’t expect gab to last long even if he does)

Perhaps they don’t have a dictatorship but so long as no one wants to risk their livelihood to do the right thing, the present situation will continue

Pooch says:

You think they’ll raid Torba?

BaboonTycoon says:

At some point or another. It’ll happen right away if Trump goes with Gab. Granted, Torba’s been smart enough to not be using google/amazon/cloudflare in his web design, but I’m sure they’ll find some other way. Freezing his bank accounts or something.

Prince Charming says:

See what they did to Anglin, and extrapolate

Starman says:


“Military leadership and communications infrastructure all held by left,”

Not familiar with the military, are you?
Although technically, President Trump would be left too. He doesn’t publicly oppose women’s rights after all.

Keep in mind that Nancy and her ilk didn’t go begging the Harvard Law faculty for help and final decisions, Nancy and her ilk went begging the Pentagon for help and for final decision making

Mike says:

So? Its almost like the Pentagon is the center of the defense industry and military, not fucking Harvard. What point are you making?

Starman says:


Nancy and her ilk are going to the Pentagon for help against “bad orange man” instead of going to the Harvard Law faculty for help against “bad orange man.”

Of course that is incomprehensible to a limpwristed brahmin such as yourself. People with no callouses on their hands really are alien to me.

Mike says:

Yes, and that’s obvious. Your statement is a nothing-burger. Why would they go to Harvard for help when Harvard only owns the ideology, and not the guns they’ll need to repress Trump and his supporters? Harvard has already been legitimizing violence against Trump and his supporters for years now. Pelosi and company needed someone to actually enforce that violence on January the 7th, and that’s obviously going to be the Pentagon, not faggots from Harvard yard.

Pooch says:

It’s clear the Pentagon is not listening to Pelosi. They are taking order from Pence. Miller and Pence are close. Pence’s son is a marine pilot. Makes sense.

Pooch says:

It’s the GOP establishment, yesteryears leftists, that has true power of the military in the US, who are also yesteryears leftists.

BaboonTycoon says:

And did they refuse? Have they lifted a finger? Or have they gone along with every single bullshit diversity and inclusion initiative these beltway hacks have been promoting?

Rank and file military aren’t as pozzed as the officers, sure, but they’re not making the decisions and they seem unwilling to assert themselves for now. It’s best to operate under the assumption that the military is against us until they prove otherwise. So far, a repeat of the Spanish or Portuguese revolutions does not seem likely, but keep crossing your fingers that Flynn will do something

Pooch says:

Military are not raging rightists like everyone wants to believe. Outside of the prole soldiers, To me they look GOP through and through and to the extent the GOP supported Trump they also supported Trump.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

If we’ve learned anything from recent events, and I thought we all learned this before Trump, it should be that there is no GOP or Democratic Party, there is only the US Government and a cotton-headed rabble with delusions of reforming the US Government, the latter of which does not include the nominal GOP, and may not have ever truly included Trump, though the latter is up for debate.

There are perhaps competing factions of the US Government, but they all want to preserve the US Government, and when they perceived a possible threat to the US Government, even a fairly amusing and pathetic one, they all immediately banded together to eliminate the threat.

Maybe “threat” isn’t even the right word – more like a “challenge” to the authority of the US Government. And like a woman’s shit test, said challenge had to be put down with force, lest it invite more serious challenges. The mob challenged the US Government and the US Army is part of the US Government. Ergo, US Army put down the mob, or would have done so if the mob had not already disbanded.

Pooch says:

As of now, there still seems to be the inner-outer party arrangement. The GOP is acting as if they still have some semblance of power. Especially by turning down the 25th amendment and holding off impeachment. We know they will be ejected soon but they don’t know that and are acting as if things will go back to the old arrangement.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

The Outer Party did not actually have aspirations of usurping the Inner Party. What Orwell was telling us with this structure is that any appearance of inter-party competition is little more than a puppet show for the proles. Some Outer Party members may long to join the ranks of the Inner Party, but they all work for and support Big Brother.

Perhaps they will be ejected anyway, if for no other reason than that of keeping up appearances. It won’t change much in a practical way, but I can’t deny it would be cathartic. I find I have a lot more contempt for the merchants of false hope than I do for the distributors of misery.

Anonymous 2 says:

Oh dear, now the foolish Pelosi is gearing up to impeach Trump. All you had to do was twiddle your thumbs for two weeks and from what it seems the DoD[!] would ensure the ascension of the Biden regime.

I would at this point recommend more peaceful MAGA marching, just so things don’t peter out. There may of course be personal risks associated with this but the steal is still ongoing, as one might put it. Maintain the energy.

ten says:

Is something going on or are they just too over enthusiastic to wait? Why do they need to hammer everything immediately? I have no rational reason to think it isn’t over, but the democrats are making me suspicious. The full auto shilling on the chans is out of this world too. Can’t see how it’s a meaningful play if MAGA just shit their pants and lost the battle, but it is meaningful if they fear something might be coming. Of course this is also what i want to believe.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

>Is something going on or are they just too over enthusiastic to wait?


TammyFan says:
Pooch says:

VD has gone utterly insane.

Anonymous 2 says:

The US left habitually escalates since playing hawk has worked so well for them. What I’m seeing here specifically is fear and rage. Their high status turned out to be chimeric and they were instead easily and peacefully humiliated and ran away, huffing and crying. It must have been like reliving a high school nightmare. Now they want revenge.

So if this was a false flag it looks like it turned into a big own goal. Perhaps they sent some too competent people to spearhead the job (like FBI pros in funny clothes). But I’m leaning away from this being the case since this light hearted bit of direct action didn’t turn into a disaster.

Red says:

Trump’s not going to be impeached unless he does something the deep state doesn’t want him to do. McConnel’s setup the procedure to not have the Senate take up the issue until after Trump’s out of office, which he’ll reverse instantly if Trump acts.

Pooch says:

Yup they got him completely by the balls until the clock runs out.

Anonymous 2 says:

Is McConnel still senate leader? When does Schumer take over? But it might well be dumb posturing by Pelosi.

Red says:

He’s Senate leader until the 20th.

alf says:

Continuing here for clarity…

Christ was born in Bethlehem, died in Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world. Wholly man and and wholly God. God is three and God is one.

It is a list of contradictions, the same contradiction repeated in three different ways.

I wrote a few paragraphs in response, but realize I need to do some research first. To be continued..

alf says:

Conclusion on trinity reached here

Summary: the trinity is an imperfect solution for an imperfect telling of Jesus’ story. Matthew, Luke and Mark describe Jesus as the son of God, John describes Jesus as both the son and God himself.

Red says:

The Trinity works because it prevents further sons of God. A major problem with religions founded by charismatic men is someone else coming and claiming to be another sort of Son of God or another Prophet Mohmand. Islam dealt with this problem by having Mohmand be the last Prophet. Christianity by having God being 3 in 1. Branches of Christianity that violated the Trinity all died, with the most notable branch being the group that the Chinese Government exterminated after they collaborated with the Buddhists in the 7th century.

Constantine chose the option that was mostly likely not result in a someone claiming to be the Son of God overthrowing his temporal power. It’s a good time tested model.

alf says:

Yes that makes perfect sense, but that is also why we need to break it open, at least somewhat.

Religions are man-made, so they are imperfect. For symbolism’s sake, we can say there is perfection in imperfection, but the truth of the matter is that as mankind and its civilizations evolve, so must its religions.

I am sure there is a good middle ground here. I am not saying Jim or anyone else go say that they are the new son of God, although if anyone wants to make that claim I won’t stop it either. What I am saying is that there has to be some sort of moral continuation of the narrative that makes sense to people. A new story, something that can inspire us.

Red says:

Breaking open the Trinity is guaranteed to Generate new Sons of God and endless holyness spiraling.

>What I am saying is that there has to be some sort of moral continuation of the narrative that makes sense to people.

Humans are not rational creatures. Today the most scared belief of progressism is white people are magically making blacks fail in life. People believe it and yell it from the mountaintop despite it being nonsensical.

Look at the Covenington kids, despite masses of video people were happy to hallucinate something that didn’t happen. Our brains don’t care about rationality, they care about belief.

>A new story, something that can inspire us.

Constantine had his solider paint the cross on their shields as Commanded by God in a vision and won with crown through the power of GNON’s battle cohesion. Miracles tend to be of that nature.

For new stories to inspire us we’re going to need people willing to create them and attribute divine powers to those victories.

alf says:

Breaking open the Trinity is guaranteed to Generate new Sons of God and endless holyness spiraling.

You are right luckily Christianity right now doesn’t have that problem /s.

In all seriousness, of course there is a risk involved. But we have reached the point where the risk of not doing it is bigger than the risk of doing it. And besides, if we are talking about a leap of faith… This is that leap of faith. The stories of the past should and cannot forever strangle the stories of the future.

Red says:

I not aware that Christianity is currently holiness spiraling.

Christianity mostly appears to be dead outside of Russia and a few places in eastern Europe, but people would rather hang onto it than embrace a religion that’s going to require them to place their children and grandchildren on the alter to sacrifice them to the demon gods of progressism. In the end the elites are likely to make everyone fully convert to progressism just as they’ve mostly made churches already convert to it.

jim says:

> The stories of the past should and cannot forever strangle the stories of the future.

Well that would be an argument if you had a story of the future that was being strangled.

alf says:

That has been my entire argument. You are strangling your own story by presenting yourself as a man of hard-hitting truths, which you suddenly forget when the life of Christ is mentioned. It’s incoherent. In your current presentation, I can’t sell you. I can sell many of your ideas, but I can’t sell you as a person, and that is what is necessary.

Red says:

Alf, Jim’s a teacher, not a prophet. He can’t be the headliner for Christianity 2.0. Jesus was the prophet and Paul was the teacher. Jim’s filling Paul’s shoes but we don’t have Prophet. We need both for a reboot. Trump might have made a good Prophet given the way people are taken with him, but I don’t think that’s happening now.

alf says:

Then let him teach us the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth regarding Christ.

jim says:


I have enough difficulty trying to teach the truth about game.

Game is enough hard to express in words. You want me to tell the whole truth about matters beyond mortal comprehension?

Every coherent, internally consistent, and reasonably intelligible position on the trinity and on Christ has been declared to be heresy, in large part because the heretics wound up doing bad things.

Is my position on game the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?

Well it is a near as I can make it, but that is not very near.

Red says:

>Then let him teach us the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth regarding Christ.

When has he not done that? I first learned here Jesus was trying to convince the Jews not to start a war with Rome by holiness cycling and most of the entire New Testament started making complete sense.

One can’t prove that Jesus wasn’t God, and man, and rose again on the 3ed day. It’s unknowable. What you can prove is that Christianity tends to produce good outcomes when Jesus is viewed as God, Man and rose again on the 3ed day, while the version that doesn’t believe such things doesn’t produce good outcomes.

Good beliefs in the unknowable should be judged by outcomes.

The Cominator says:

Alf what is your alternative religion?

alf says:

@com; I think the question is childish and demanding of something that the asker knows does not exist at the time of asking.

But assuming you are asking in good faith: it could be in whatever direction Jim points towards. But if he points us back the way we came, then no.

alf says:

One can’t prove that Jesus wasn’t God, and man, and rose again on the 3ed day. It’s unknowable.

absolutely unknowable, an unsolvable mystery we will never ever get to the bottom of 🙄

alf says:

Game is enough hard to express in words. You want me to tell the whole truth about matters beyond mortal comprehension?

No, just the whole truth on the story of Christ.

Which you have spoken here, before. And then you suddenly stopped doing so.

Red says:

>absolutely unknowable, an unsolvable mystery we will never ever get to the bottom of

Well lookie here, Alfie boy’s got himself a hottub time machine. He’s heading back in time right now to prove the tomb is wasn’t empty 3 days later. Well get going boy, that hot tub only stays warm for so long.

alf says:

Is that… Really what you say? Out loud? That line of defense doesn’t bother you in the least? Dear god it’s so cringe.

jim says:

We have been having this discussion for two thousand years and it has never gotten anywhere, except mass murder. Why continue?

For two thousand years Christianity has not taken a clear position on the topic, and every time someone pushed them to clarify, terrible evil ensued. I am not going to walk that path, which path has ended in so many deaths.

History tells us that people who take clear and humanly intelligible position on such matters, when in power, wind up doing very bad things. Usually to each other.

Every group of people with a clear and self consistent position on this topic has been a very bad group of people.

alf says:

No we have not. This discussion has never been had, which is entirely evident from the fact that I keep saying we are discussing B, but everyone is intent on discussing A.

I am not saying we should convert to Arianism. I respect the canon decided at the council of Nicaea. What I am saying is that the show must go on. You have distinguished yourself as a truth speaker. If you don’t speak the truth, you are stopping the show from going on.

jim says:

> > We have been having this discussion for two thousand years and it has never gotten anywhere, except mass murder. Why continue?

> No we have not.

A mighty big pile of corpses begs to differ.

> I am not saying we should convert to Arianism

There are one thousand different heresies on these questions, and not only is agreeing with any one of them heresy, disagreeing with any one of these heresies too vigorously, clearly, and unambiguously makes you guilty of a dozen other opposite heresies.

The official Church position on this is “beyond mortal comprehension”. They are right.

And so is the related mind body problem, and all that.

Let us stick to game. It is hard enough to comprehend, and a great deal more useful than this stuff.

I have spoken the truth on this matter. Every mealtime, and any time there is a good sunrise or sunset, I give thanks to the lord. I had a pastor of old type Christianity marry me and my wife. And all the rest of it is just people looking for trouble, as has been painfully evident for two thousand years.

alf says:

I have spoken the truth on this matter.

You have not. Once upon a time you did, and among other things you said that the disciples likely paid off the guard in front of jesus’s tomb. But then you changed your mind, and now you are incapable of discussing a historic perspective of Jesus Christ.

jim says:

We are mighty short of perfect solutions for a fallen world.

The Trinity is what we have got.

alf says:

then gl with your Secret Based Christian Communities… You’re gonna need it.

Karl says:

Of course he is going to need his secret based Christian community. It is mighty hard raising a family without one, if you want your children to produce grandchildren.

Christianiry and marriage is illegal. So you can’t seriously ask to be shown a secret Christian community. This is similar to the namefag problem

Moreover, there is this “give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to god what belongs to god'”. Christian communties might at best be seeds for a new religion after the present holiness spiral has been stopped. They cannot provide the force to stop it

alf says:

Then I hope he has more success whispering into their ear than he has had whispering into Trump’s ear.

alf says:

Responding to this comment here for clarity…

I am not sure what you are saying. Which is, I don’t think I disagree with anything you’re saying, I’m just not sure how that is a response to what I’m saying. I guess I can address this part:

The embrace of contradiction at the heart of Christianity, when done correctly is an embrace of the contradiction between mind and matter, and, more importantly for practical alliances and choosing friends, and enemies, an embrace of the contradiction between a very brutal nature, and the considerably more kindly ethic implied by Game Theory and Evolutionary Game theory.

This seems like a personal thing to you, and if that is how you interpret how it is to be a Christian, then that sounds great and workable.

But that’s not how faith works for most people. People don’t go: ‘ah man I am glad Jesus is consubstantial and not consequential to God. Can you imagine!’ People converted to Christianity because of the story and what the story implied. It’s a primal, simple thing. A base identity that you can put on.

That story, that base identity, is gone. The story of Christ, told in 2020 AD, has a completely different impact compared to when it was told in 320 AD. We are discussing the trinity and all the politics that followed Christ, but in essence it is and always was about Christ.

If you want people to go back to that, you will have to convert them once again, because it has been mostly forgotten. But in order to do that, you shall have to convert them through the story, not the 200 IQ rational you have build up behind Christianity. And you’re not even trying to tell the story of Jesus.

I guess you expect churches and priests to tell the true story of Jesus? I think it’s dumb. I think we need to accept that we are done trusting others to get us out of this mess. Everyone cucked. Why the hell would the churches be any different. They’ll fight you tooth and nail on your interpretation of Jesus. It’s a losing battle.

Red says:

People converted to Christianity because their elites compelled them to convert. The story of Jesus isn’t a big factor in those conversions.

alf says:

Why did their elites convert? Why did the people feel like listening to their elite’s wish for conversion?

jim says:

Rome had a chronic problem with failure of elite cooperation. Constantine was looking for a cooperative elite.

Having found one, everyone wanted to convert.

But the important question that you should ask, is why was the elite he found cooperative.

alf says:

Because the story of Christ and what it implied for their lives appealed to them.

Prince Charming says:

> Implying that religion is, or ever has been, epistemic and individual

The Enlightenment has been a disaster.

alf says:

I don’t.. who are you even talking to?

Prince Charming says:

So you seriously think that doesn’t apply to you, and it’s not another “let me catch up on the New Testament real quick before I reply to your comment brb” moment? OK, let me indulge you.

Religion is not something you can choose like you choose a dessert in a patisserie. Religion is to a thinking man what the water is to the fish.

Religion is what your clan choses so that they survive. it is, like Jim says, the social technology. If religion is something you can pick and choose, then presumably your fellow can pick and choose too, and soon enough, your clan is being run by by (((communists))) to the detriment of everyone else. That’s the opposite of a social technology. The Bible has a solution to this, an obvious one that every polity that wants to survive, ever, has adopted: you can pick a foreign idol, after you leave the country. If you start just even hinting at our god not being The God, it’s stoning time.

The religion of Alf is the enlightenment heresy, the great cancer of Christendom; that’s the water you swim in, and that is why you think you cannot accept a religion that offends teh reason.

Dave says:

When it is unacceptable to change one’s faith, natural selection favors religions that promote fertility, family, and social cohesion, i.e. genetic spread. When people are free to choose their faith, natural selection favors religions that focus on recruiting new adherents, i.e. memetic spread. Why waste time raising children when you can indoctrinate someone else’s?

The memetic hare easily outruns the genetic tortoise, but ultimately loses the race when all the people still breeding are genetically immune to its proselytizing.

So to best serve your genetic interest, the rational behavior is to irrationally adhere to the faith of your ancestors. If your ancestral church has gone rainbow, as mine did, you’ll have to reconstruct its original hellfire-and-brimstone doctrine, and follow that.

Starman says:


I suspect that Prince Charming is a shill.

Pooch says:


Great comment although I would have a hard time staying in a church overrun by female leadership. That is my red line. I’m Catholic so that day has not yet come but it is approaching if the trajectory maintains.

Dave says:

Pooch, your ancestors did not accept female leadership and neither should you. You just need to figure out who was the last true pope, and disregard all edicts issued by the subsequent false popes.

Pooch says:
Pooch says:

Although The fact that Francis has not allowed full blown female priests yet gives me hope that Satan has not fully taken the Vatican completely even if the resistance against him is small.

The Cominator says:

Satan took over the Vatican when Dictatus Papae was issued almost 1000 years ago.

Pooch says:

Nah. Catholic countries fertility crashed around the same time the Protestant ones did.

alf says:

@prince charming
You are responding to an imaginary version of me, with a script that is completely unrelated to what I say.

Yes that is much closer to the actual debate. On the other side of the spectrum you have Romans at the end of the Roman empire arguing that they must defend Jupiter’s honor, and we all know how that worked out. Where exactly the truth lies is what I’m debating.

Prince Charming says:


We have lived in a historically unusual time when the entryists used the Enlightenment memeplex, combined with the malaise of Christendom, and persuaded everyone in the West that the Peace of Westphalia regime and individual religious freedom / marketplace of ideas are one and the same. Now that the entry has been completed, they’re closing the hatch behind them & pulling the ladder. They have a total control over the religion of the population, as is historically normal and proper. As @Pooch points out, hard to have ancestral faith when the gubmint forces female bishops on you. Hard to breed when that’s illegal, too.

Consider the Christian churches in Eastern Europe 1950-1990, to see how spectacularly the communist state wiped the floor with them, without even really trying.

A faith that cannot or will not enforce itself within the ingroup is not gonna survive. You can wrap yourself in a pablum of feel-good Christian apologetics, but in the end, Gnon helps those who help themselves. Personally, perhaps the most important revelations of Jimianity is that a man only has one spare cheek to turn.


A case in point why cripples shouldn’t be delegated authority. Where’s the shill test that I asked for yesterday, faggot?

Starman says:

@P r i n c e C h a r m i n g

“Where’s the shill test that I asked for yesterday, faggot?”

It got deleted by Jim along with your non-response (also deleted by Jim). It was an Age of Consent RedPill on Women question.
Age of Consent:
Should the AoC be raised from 16-18 to 21-25?
[A] No, because the AoC of 16-18 is perfect.
[B] Yes, because that will prevent the Jews from pimping out young white women as prostitutes and porn actresses. The Jews are able to control white women by getting to them young, so just by waiting a few years longer before women get to have sex, we can prevent Jewish corruption from reaching the impressionable minds of college-age women.
[C] No, and in fact, there should be no AoC. Consent is opaque to a woman. Women seek to score alpha male dick from a disturbingly young age, and are apt to succeed when they grow boobs. The solution is young marriage for women, shotgun marriage, and in some cases marriage-by-abduction.
[D] Yes, because it has been scientifically established that the brain only finally stops developing around age 25 or so, and before one’s brain is fully developed, one is simply incapable of giving genuine consent to sex.
[E] Yes, the AoC is the best tool we conservative fathers currently have to protect our daughters from predatory men. The higher the AoC, the more legal power we fathers have to stop bad men from defiling our daughters and spoiling our precious princesses. In fact, since women should marry at 30 or so, the AoC should be 30.

You can answer the Pornography RedPill women question that’s on this comment thread too.

Remember, type out the whole question, type out the whole answer, not just the letter.

Prince Charming says:

@Jim I apologize for heightening your moderation load.


Thank you for the prompt. AoC is dear to my heart, so I will be a bit more verbose.

Women have little agency, little interest in higher ideals such as rule of law, and a disturbing propensity for lying without even realising they are lying. You can sort of work around it by requiring young women to be chaperoned, and one can perhaps see why you would use AoC to shift the responsibility for her sexual chastity in a modern setting where women come and go everywhere, but this leaves unaddressed the bigger problem, which is that she will only report the encounters that she at some later time regrets, and not the encounters where she crawled for miles over broken glass to meet Jeremy Meeks, leading to some very happy feelings, nor the perhaps more mundane problem of girls keeping pets (“boyfriends”) with whom they have unproductive sex until just about the time they are hitting the wall, leading to progressively worse and worse feelings, and often false rape accusations.

But that’s still a defensive frame; I personally like the mindset that women are not people in the same sense that men are people. In fact most modern males are not men either, being soyboys, NPCs, or natural slaves, but that’s an aberration. Women in their most pristine and natural form are not people, have no business trying to be people, and pretending they are hasn’t made it so.

We imagine how we would feel if we were raped; we project. Women feel very differently. We feel horribly, even as reactionaries, when we learn of our women having been raped, because we feel profound sadness that something precious was broken, and rage that it cannot be repaired. But this is misguided.

It is the consequence of pretending you have some sort of a relationship of equals with your female relatives, by blood or otherwise, or that you can be friends with women. Make-believe, no different than simping on e-girls. It fills a void left by the lack of sons, criminalisation of proper authority over one’s wife and children, lack of mannerbund wrought by the criminalisation of male spaces. Dogs are more loyal than daughters, wives are not loyal at all, mothers kill their own sons en passant to their new lover. Many such stories. To paraphrase Jim, the anger at the never-ending stream of news of women being “raped”, and raped, is a transfer of anger towards ZOG, which violently forbids us to own even one woman ourselves.

We treat cattle horribly in the current day and age, but the ancestral European attitude towards cattle and women alike is the Christian doctrine of a Good Shepherd: love, cherish, protect; when reasonable to do so kill. The words “hudband”, “husbandry”, and their definitions, somehow have escaped the red pen of the censors, and the plain understanding of their meaning obviously recommends exactly this attitude.

Tl;dr: (C) describes the Jimian position, which is the position of Deut 22:22-29. See above for thought crimes.

Orthodox Nobleman says:

While I have a different conclusion, I second this response.

Jimian Christianity is better than Progressive Christianity, but it is heretical. Believing that there are contradictions in Christianity is akin to believing there are contradictions in Progressivism. If you believe so, you are not.

In Christology, there is a distinction between nature, what it is, and person, who it is. Christ is one person with two natures. He is the Logos who existed since the beginning, he assumed a human nature, underwent death, and was resurrected. The Godhead is one nature, three persons.

Christianity is dead if one assumes that man can reason outside of God. In order for Christianity to return, men must have the humility to reject the Enlightenment and submit reason, sense and understanding to God.

If man cannot humble himself, God will be forever dead. Jim may be a reactionary on most subjects, but he is of the Enlightenment in regards to reason and philosophy. Reason submits to God, not the other way around.

jim says:

> Christ is one person with two natures.

This heresy led to the fall of Christian Egypt, and was rightly denounced.

Empirically, elites that split hairs on the divinity and humanity of Christ are apt to betray each other. By their fruits you will know them.

Orthodox Nobleman says:

Monothelitism brought down Egypt, the heresy of Christ having one will, not two wills. Will is a property of nature, and since Christ has two natures, a divine essence and a human nature, Christ has two wills. It was heresy that brought down Egypt, not Orthodox Christology.

Monothelitism is the result of confusing the person of Christ with the natures of Christ. Christology is an extension of the mystery of the Trinity.

jim says:

You are splitting hairs. The distinction between your position and the heresy that led to the destruction of Egypt is a distinction without a difference.

By and large, all the hair splitting over the nature of the Incarnation is people trying to walk as close to what is officially deemed heresy as they can without actually quite committing heresy, and when the hair splitters got power, the usual heretic stuff ensued.

Orthodox Nobleman says:

The distinction between my position and the heresy that led to the destruction of Egypt is that my position affirms the doctrine of the Incarnation as a divine mystery, while Monothelitism tries to fit the Incarnation into “rational” Pagan thought.

Nikolai says:

You realize your position is “officially deemed heresy”. Monothelitism and monophysitism were roundly condemned in the 4th and 6th ecumenical councils. Has Christianity been failing since the fifth century?

jim says:

They were splitting hairs then, to no avail.

I am not splitting hairs. Today, they are all heresies, because no one remains who understands or cares about the differences between them.

That was a debate where they tried to construct an imperceptibly fine line between heresy and orthodoxy.

And in the end, anyone who was unduly clear about the line was a heretic.

The Cominator says:

Can God square the circle?

Orthodox Nobleman says:

God cannot square the circle, just as God cannot create make 1+1=3; however, he is the predicate for asking the question.

Orthodox Nobleman says:

*”just as God cannot make 1+1=3″

someDude says:

This is not a valid question. It is an abuse of language. This is what the left does. It was already addressed in “Mere Christianity”

The Cominator says:

It was a rhetorical question, I believe that omnipotence is bound by what is logically possible.

Orthodox Nobleman says:

It is muddying the waters in regards to the idea of miracles. While God is not free to contradict his own rules, he can edit his world at will. The fool who denies the miracles of Christ points to God’s rules in doing so.

… and suppose one accepts what you say, the next issue is that the Catholic Scholastics did use a lot of reason and logic and submitted that to God, and the Palamist Orthodox said generally this is not the way, this kataphatic pagan rationalist metaphysics is not the way, you should not think that much and focus more on getting a mystical insight into God’s energies.

And then we have a problem, because when Scholastic reason and logic was applied to nature, we got science and industrial civilization and spaceships. Mysticism does not have uses outside mysticism.

Orthodox Nobleman says:

Western Christian monks started the Scientific revolution because they viewed science as a means of seeking God, which must be appreciated.

However, as St. Gregory Palamas predicted to Barlaam, applying pagan metaphysics to theology leads to atheism; as Hume conferred, if reason is certain why God?

The deification of reason in Scholasticism led to the Enlightenment, the descent of man in the Death of God, and our current predicament.

Science and the Church should remain separated. Science must stick to empirical matters, while the Church must stick to metaphysical matters. Likewise, a scientist should not contradict the Church on matters he cannot observe, and a priest should not contradict a scientist on matters he can observe.

But the Scholastics investigated metaphysical matters as they should be investigated, not by empirical experiment, but by rational logic. How else should they be? St. Gregory Palamas focused on a direct experience of God’s energies, something remarkably similar to Hindu / Buddhist meditation, which, for personal spiritual progress, I find a good thing. For monks, hermits, special people. It is not something any random average guy would do.

You don’t do doctrine by mysticism, you do doctrine by reasoning. Elite unity requires doctrinal unity which requires reasoning, so that you are not demanded to believe something that makes no sense to you.

“if reason is certain why God” is an extremely weird way to look at it, IMHO. I must admit: at this point I am not yet a believer. I am sort of a pro-Christian still-athest. But if I will ever find faith, it will be for what Kristor wrote at the Orthosphere “The universe hangs together quite logically and orderly. why?” For me the only even thinkable way to start looking into maybe a God exists above material reality is precisely reason and logic, that the universe is too reasonable and logical for to be random. So contra Hume: if reason is wrong, if things seem unreasonable and irrational and illogical, why would they have been created by God?

Orthodox Nobleman says:

The starting point of metaphysical matters is revelation, and doctrine is derived from the consensus of the church. While Saint Palamas accepts the use of reason within the church, he rejects classical foundationalism.

Being a Christian requires humility in accepting truths beyond human understanding, such as the Trinity, the Incarnation, and the Resurrection. Incorporating “rational” thought into theology leads to heresy and apostasy.

The goal of the Trinity test is to determine if the target views the Trinity as a “rational” construct or divine mystery. Cyrus of Alexandria and Stephen Colbert are both heretics in that they use “rational” thought to explain the mysteries of Christ.

> But if I will ever find faith, it will be for what Kristor wrote at the Orthosphere ‘The universe hangs together quite logically and orderly. why?’ For me the only even thinkable way to start looking into maybe a God exists above material reality is precisely reason and logic, that the universe is too reasonable and logical for to be random.

Assuming the universe is logical and orderly, which is what Richard Dawkins questions in “The Blind Watchmaker,” there is no way to bridge the gap between an orderly universe and a metaphysical “God,” much less the God of Christianity. Scholasticism led to the Enlightenment because foundationalism precludes the Logos as the origin of knowledge. The arguments themselves are non sequitur, as the starting points of the proofs do not logically necessitate the conclusions.

Orthodox Nobleman says:

> there is no way to bridge the gap between an orderly universe and a metaphysical “God,” much less the God of Christianity.

To clarify, there is no way to bridge the gap between an orderly universe and a metaphysical “God” unless we start our understanding as God being certain and the existence of reason a consequence of such.

European Mutt says:

Cucked churches are a big problem and that is also the point I am not sure can be solved, but retelling the New Testament in a 2020 context is in theory absolutely trivial. The problem is when you put it in the context it’s absolutely and brutally politically incorrect and has been for a long time.

People would see who the modern-day pharisees, modern-day Judases, modern-day Pilatuses are and that is by definition not allowed under a hostile state religion.

Catch 22 like with the elites. Supposedly can’t have a coup without elites or religion but can’t put new elites or religion in without a coup or near-total collapse.

alf says:

retelling the New Testament in a 2020 context is in theory absolutely trivial.

Not at all trivial. Everyone here just glosses over that fact. Have you tried to talk to people about how Jesus saves? Pretty sure you’d be thoroughly dissappointed.

‘Jesus walked over water’
– ‘So did Chriss Angel.
‘Jesus fought with traitors and liars’
– ‘Like we’re fighting against the corporations right?’

Pooch says:

Anybody on the right who is Christian (which is a whole lot of people) absolutely knows Judas when they see it. Pence holding the coin is a meme now. Likewise the Pharisees.

Could Theodore Shoebat take the Witches’ Test?!
Could Ken Hovind answer the Red Pill question?

Thousand Christs, thousand Judases…

European Mutt says:

Like we’re fighting against the corporations right?

Not a bad starting point. The problem is then you end up talking about corruption, the revolving door between government and business, corporations engaging in all sorts of stuff but their core business model, even tax law (“Give unto Caesar’s” and the publican), lawyers and accountants working for three bosses simultaneously (a lot of the parables for example The Tenant Farmers) etc. So it turns into Jimblog and into direct heresy against the state religion.

I have seen some churches pull a weak version of that, where they hinted that the Whore of Babylon could possibly, maybe, be related, to globohomo (I’m not actually sure*, and I don’t care, the point is they just hinted). Then the particular pastor I watched continued with lumping ‘glorification of violence’ in. That just makes them sound like conspiratards to others and fails to convince, because it’s a weaksauce version of the truth and topped off with a drop of sewage.

The truth is convincing but dangerous.

Have you tried to talk to people about how Jesus saves?

No and I’m also a quite recent convert. Ultimately thanks to Jim. I’ll get my confession out of the way because I haven’t yet:

Christ was born in Bethlehem, died in Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world. Wholly man and and wholly God. God is three and God is one.

I see your point completely and indeed I don’t think that works. It’s a failure mode of modern Christians because they are not allowed to put Christianity in more concrete terms. To my shame, I’ve never discussed Christianity with any of the ‘Jesus Saves’ types (or ‘Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior’) because for years I’ve held the position that Christianity is useless but the Bible was a pretty useful guide to life.

But that’s the point, if you understand the Bible correctly (at least I hope I do) eventually you start believing. ‘Jesus saves’ means in my estimation that if you have understood and accepted his message and live your life according to it you will see good outcomes and (here’s the difference to Gnon) because he died on the cross he will forgive your sins, because any sin you committed despite sincerely believing the message was an honest, human error**. God has made Himself obvious to me in significant ways those last few months so I will continue to believe.

* I’ve given up trying to understand the Revelation, also because I’m not sure which interpretations are valid and which are heretical. If anyone has a good link that explains it, would be much appreciated!
** The nature side of Gnon never forgives errors but is certainly resilient to individual errors.

alf says:

Revelation is an overly dramatic but in essence correct description of the fall of the Roman empire, the persecution of christians and the dark ages that follow it. The thousand year rule by Christ is the new world promised by Christ, which indeed happened and led to the industrial revolution.

In other words, everything prophesized in the bible has come true, and the story as written thus far is kind of… finished.

Red says:

>Revelation is an overly dramatic but in essence correct description of the fall of the Roman empire, the persecution of christians and the dark ages that follow it.

Revelation should be removed from cannon. It’s a useless book that only produces bad outcomes.

alf says:

I don’t disagree. But canon should be respected.

ten says:

Christ as attractor, ideal, what would jesus do
Antichrist as repellor, taboo, what would hitler do

The beast of the earth, a material man, making everyone worship the beast of the sea, an immaterial idea, progressivism, but not by attracting to it, by repelling to it

Let’s hope we are due a second coming

alf says:

As for this part:

Genuine Christianity embraces all three contradictions as one. You cannot trust someone who elevates his morality above pragmatism,

Sure, if someone puts skin in the game, he is trustworthy. Again, I don’t disagree.

But that is not the heart of Christianity. The heart of Christianity, and I’ll just keep repeating this part, is Jesus Christ, the story of the man who died for our sins, who taught us his wisdom through his disciples, amen.

RedBible says:

I think there needs to be a slight correction to what you think the heart is and what it actually is.

The heart of Christianity is Jesus Christ, the story of GOD IN THE FLESH dying for our sins, who also taught us wisdom through his disciples, amen.

If Jesus is “just a man” then Obama and/or Trump can easily and quickly be made much holy than “mere Jesus”.


(Also, by Jesus dying to pay the price, it says that even God is not above the highest laws. And by knowing that God will not ultimately going to change the rules of reality, it promotes science by saying the world is learnable)

PatristicStudies says:

John did not contradict Matthew, Mark, and Luke on identifying Jesus. The early Christians understood when John called Jesus “God”, he was referencing Jesus was fully divine. Paul said the same thing, King James translators mistranslated “in him dwells the fullness of the Godhead” when really a better translation would render that “fullness of Godhood”.

In the Beginning was the Word, and the Word was with the God (the Father), and the Word was Divine.

Origen’s commentaries on John explicitly point this out, that “the God” was the Father, but the Word and Spirit were Eternal Divinities co-existing yet deriving their divinity from the Father, the Logos imparting divinity and reason to all lesser gods. The real contradiction was harmonizing that Christ came forth from the Father, but is uncreated. The solution at Nicaea: The Word was “begotten not made”, yet of the same substance as His Father.

Modern patristic scholars recognize the Nicene Creed wasn’t about affirming the unity of the Trinity (that would be the later pseudo-Athenasian Creed) but the Nicene Creed actually was about affirming the equal nature (not being) of the Son to the Father. Subordinationism was Christian orthodoxy up to Nicaea and affirmed by those as Nicaea including Alexander of Alexandria himself. But not long after Subordinationism fell out of favor as the unity of nature was confused and conflated to be unity of being.

God is one and God is three, because the Three Beings of God derive their Divinity from one source: the Father.

Starman says:

Note that Nancy and others had to go on their knees begging the Pentagon to do something about Bad Orange Man… and then the Pentagon making decisions for them.

Prince Charming says:

You are being overmelodramatic. The heads of the two main bodies and the chair of the main event got on a conference call with the head of the resort, and they figured out a solution like the professionals they are. The crisis theatre was there for the propaganda effect.

It’s not much different from you calling a plumber. You can always call another plumber, and leave a bad review, if your regular plumber starts acting funny.

Starman says:

@Prince Charming

The limpwristed scribe refers to flag officers and colonels as “plumbers”!

I’m sure Nicolae Ceaușescu thought they were just a hired plumber service too when he tried to re re re-communize Communist Romania. He was 71 years old.

Pooch says:

Check guy in all black yelling 1776…


I’m starting to think Antifa instigated the premature Rubicon crossing.
Also BLM Leader was next to girl who got shot and on his own video he pursuaded cops to leave their guard at the doorway then encourages MAGA dudes to break it down. He predictably gets arrested and released with no charges.

There’s also reports now that Trump tried to send DC national guard to the capital which was refused and bowser refused to send police reinforcements.
Everything seems too convienant the way they are overplaying this now. Very False Flagy.



Pooch says:

encourages MAGA dudes to break it down before girl enters through broken glass and then gets shot*

Red says:

Yep, Trump got played. Setup a march of the people and rolled right into the Dems trap. Trump not only suffered from normality basis, but also believed Whig history about the people being allowed to protest their government.

Pooch says:

Yup Moldbug was spot on yesterday. Only the left can protest with mass demonstration. It’s fundamentally a flawed inverted strategy to protest right against left via a mob. Cannot work. We all bought into the 1776 psyop thinking that worked for us too.

Red says:

It could have worked if Trump had had his people leading the mob(and removing antifa), and had his men with guns controlling the check points and Congress’s exit. Then use the mob as the pressure, while the men with guns kept order. That’s what the left does.

Trump didn’t understand this because he’s neither priest nor warrior. Merchants swim in a world of order without understanding what underpinnings that order.

I pointed out the other day that the March on DC could very well end up like Charlottesville 2.0 and I was right.

The Cominator says:

Correct on all points.

Pooch says:

Yes great comment.

Pooch says:

Yes and because he obviously had no plan in place to do that I have no problem with him sending the people home to minimize the collateral damage. Trump fucked up before the day began.

Pooch says:

More evidence of being setup…


Jeez these psyops are being run beautifully I must say.

Javier says:

Something for historians to ponder but not going to change anything now.

Pooch says:

Yes, like the reichstag fire in which it was unknown if it was faked or truly set by a communist, the result is the same and the Dems are not letting the crisis go to waste to crackdown.

chris says:


Lt. General Thomas McInerney, speaking at the White House yesterday, says white hat spec ops got Nancy Pelosi’s laptop during the breach of the Capitol on Wednesday.

Filthy Liar says:

Larping Q bullshit of no account.

Starman says:

@Filthy Liar

Didn’t you fail a multiple choice RedPill on Women question on earlier Jim posts?

Filthy Liar says:

Nah I just don’t post much. Women need to be owned, stationary bandits better than mobile ones etc. etc.

Red says:

Not sure why you’d attack someone pointing calling out Q-Tard crap.

Starman says:


Pointing out Q bullshit is okay.

“Filthy Liar” has repeatedly refused to answer multiple choice Redpill on Women questions over and over again. He is an enemy shill.

Red says:

Fair enough.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

The really sad part of the ongoing VoxDay/Q/AnonCon delusions is the persistent belief that mere information could topple the whole system. Trump or Flynn or Lin Wood or mysterious other agents are always just about to publish some evidence that’s so shocking, so explosive, that the entire American public will wake up and… what exactly?

I’m pretty sure we just saw what happens when a large and militant group of Americans wakes up and decides to act. They play out the left-wing protest/demonstration script, maybe occupy a government building, and then wander around, aimless and leaderless, expecting all of the institutional machinery that accompanies a left-wing protest to kick into gear for them, which of course does not happen. That’s the power of information compelling the proles to act: a big ol’ larp.

Or maybe the explosive information is going to finally shock elites into acting. Elites like Supreme Court Justices, and… military brass, and… tech and media CEOs… who see evidence they just CAN’T IGNORE and… something. But we’ve seen how much those entities care about the truth. The whole idea behind this magic voodoo kompromat is just so stupid and absurd for any man willing to open his eyes and see how the system actually works. In a contest between truth and power, power always wins.

It’s Trump’s Taxes, but lamer.

Pooch says:

Exactly this.

The Cominator says:

“The really sad part of the ongoing VoxDay/Q/AnonCon delusions is the persistent belief that mere information could topple the whole system”

Maybe 6 years ago if someone got a video of say a bunch of the democratic elite raping and sacrificing a little kid on video it could have.

But now with the muh deepfakes meme not even that will do it.

European Mutt says:

A lot of Qtards have this theory that Trump is the face of an ongoing military coup that has been going on since 2017. That military tribunals are coming etc.

It’s not part of the core QAnon canon though afaik. There is no evidence for it so I am not holding my breath but it is the only way this info strategy could actually work to secure power.

Qtardism undeniably worked for rallying protestors but with no power and no leader behind it, useless.

European Mutt says:

No evidence/unfalsifiable is of course why it works as a narrative/religion. Milint would probably have very good opsec in that case and not leak so it’s Schroedinger’s coup.

lambda x says:

Let the information come. The sense that the US regime isn’t what the typical citizen thinks it is, that it isn’t what he taught his children to respect, is growing. That may be why the inaugural parade is cancelled: because it would expose the new administration to corrosive public disrespect that would be difficult to conceal. If no one craves their company, well, we wouldn’t want such important people to risk catching anything.

Think of what twitter will be like when they don’t have MAGA to kick around any more. All social media are now refineries of hate.

During every (not so) old movie I watch with my wife, there’s a moment where we look at each other and remember what it was like when people were polite

pyrrhus says:

The problem with your statement is that it isn’t at all true..Vox doesn’t believe in the conversion of the evil elites or even most of the normies..He is about activating the pro-civilization radical right…After all, the commies are a small, if powerful minority as well…

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

Witness the same curious illogic being applied to VoxQ that VoxQ applies to Trump: that even if he is catastrophically wrong and repeatedly humiliated, that is not important because he has a Plan, and no matter how nonsensical the Plan may appear to be to the uninitiated, that is not important either because the Objective of the Plan is Righteous.

Given several orders of magnitude more complexity, nuance, philosophical underpinnings and historical traditions, this could be the basis of a religion, but as currently structured, it is more like the basis of a doomsday cult. If the expected outcome fails to materialize, it’s only because you didn’t believe hard enough, so just push the date out a little further and yell even louder. It’s superficially similar to how progressivism works, but without institutional backing it’s a gnat on the elephant’s butt.

Even were we to suppose that you are factually correct and that this is all part of his grand strategy and not a vain effort to save face, we just witnessed the result of “activating the pro-civilization radical right” on January 6, which turned out to be barely pro-civilization by reactionary standards and about as active as Hillary Clinton’s vajay. Those guys discovered the cheat code, really more of a glitch, used it to clip right into the final dungeon and through the boss door, and discovered… nothing. No fabled Good Ending, not even a funny message from the developers. They just didn’t plan for it, and the game just isn’t programmed that way. It turns out that you need certain quest flags to trigger that ending (Military General Recruited, Dissolution of the Monasteries, Control of the Media, Intimidation of the Judiciary, and several more) and just having the right X/Y coordinate won’t cut it. Sorry, you softlocked, please reset and play again, with 80% less cleverness and 500% better execution.

VoxDay, AC, NeonRevolt, and the rest of their gang are now frozen in the softlock, refusing to reset, stubbornly asserting: “just be patient, this is definitely the end, any moment now, it’s coming, just a little longer…” And I can’t totally blame them, for as long as the audience puts up with it, they might as well keep milking the moment.

clovis says:

What are the monasteries in your analogy? Harvard?

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

Largely yes, but refer to Jim’s classic “Time for a Second Dissolution of the Monasteries” post for details.

lambda x says:

Our opponents have coordination, and we have not. It seems to me that the judicial response was coordinated: a message went out on JusticeNet that all judges were to deny all access, and it must have been emphasized that no one need fear having a decision vacated since no decisions would ever be made and there would be nothing to appeal.

Along the spectrum of left journalism, I am sure there are some who, in their hearts, were capable of contextualizing the Capitol demonstration in the frame of the history of left activism, and doing a compare-and-contrast; but the word has gone out that it was a demonic attack on apple pie, period, and the people who did it, along with anyone in sympathy, must be extirpated.

I do not think any of us has any standing to make fun of Vox Day. I think the topological distance between what we hoped would happen, and what he hoped would happen, is smaller than we supposed. And I think that both of those points are further from the fountain of probability than either of us thought.

What evidence is there that anyone in the military or police forces would come to Trump’s aid vs. Joe Biden if he called? I suspect Biden has many military friends that he has made in his decades-long military career. No legion.

lambda x says:

*political career

Pooch says:

So the shill is telling us not to make fun of Qtard Vox Day who still is claiming Trump will win in the end. Is Vox controlled opposition now? I’m starting to think so.

Red says:

Vox certainly hasn’t been de-platformed like you’d expect. I think he’s more likly just suffering from Q madness, which is why the left allowed it to continue. His very successful father went to jail for a very long time because he got the idea he didn’t need to pay income taxes because “Constitution”. Vox appears just as crazy as his pops.

The other possibility his he’s just a grifter and Q-tards is his grift. I think Voxday’s game stuff was just a grift.

“the persistent belief that mere information could topple the whole system (…) that the entire American public will wake up and… what exactly?”

It would be enough if some military generals woke up – Spain, 1936. Information could topple a system if it influences men who command the loyalty a lot of warriors. A general populist uprising is clearly bullshit, but this is not.

“In a contest between truth and power, power always wins.” Power grows from the barrel of a gun, Mao was right about that. The power of civilian government rests entirely on the willing, voluntary cooperation of the military.

I mean, what you say is half right. Civilians are not ruled by ideas, they are ruled by men with guns. Getting different ideas into the heads of civilians accomplishes nothing, correct. But the men with guns are ruled by ideas. Oath to defend the Constution etc. This is where ideas could make a difference.


(That story is somewhat ironic, because it is pro-gun activists, who are generally the good guys in the US, who tend to talk about Romanian Revolution as look, this is what armed civilians can do. The reality is, the military defected, opened the armory to the civilians, and the civilians, like all healthy men, had years of service as conscripts, had all the training. So it was actually real – if rusty – soldiers with military weapons against Securitate agents who were mostly just (political) cops, and the only thing that was truly civilian about the revolutionary forces was their clothes.)

anon says:


Lord says:

You can’t expect better from an unironic Creationist who LARPs as a Redskin.

Pooch says:

We are likely in for quite a lot of collateral damage before the light dawns.

Yarvin seems to think after the Amerikaner is sufficiently suppressed, the regime will get boring as no enemy will present itself for people to screeh about and eventually will dissolve like the fall of the Soviet Union with limited bloodshed. Jim, do you think that is possible if everyone just stays underground long enough?

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

Certainly it is a possibility; shame about all those kulaks in the meantime though, no?

Pooch says:

Yes Yarvin is likely underestimating what happens when the full on marxists gain power next cycle.

Dave says:

Who gains power in the next cycle is whoever controls the Wednesday-morning mail-in vote. Is that the progressive greenie Marxists or the billionaire corporate oligarchs?

Pooch says:

Will be interesting to see who steals vote from who in the Democratic primaries. Because of holiness, I’ll bet on the Marxists.

The Cominator says:

The oligarchs control the voting machines (to the extent thats a real thing) and the progs control the urban political machines.

Red says:

Dems are going to experience violence from BLM and Antifa if they try to stop them from stealing the primaries. It should be quite effective on the dems. Hard left will win the primaries, and thus the elections in a land slide.

Atavistic Morality says:

The moment Trump is out of office their civil war begins, the ship has been holding on for a bit now only because the enemy of my enemy is my friend. But the feminists are against the trans, the blacks and mestizos vs the old white guard, the unhinged full blown commies vs the more traditional democrats, etc.

If every single white man was magically spirited way from America, the country would collapse into a Blood God orgy in a couple of days and 90% of them would starve or get murdered.

The Cominator says:

No they will have a long OJ style show trial (it will be a farce in many ways but it will be long and drawn out and massively covered by the news) against Trump and then his family, then a bunch of his high level supporters…

After that its even money whether they go after low level Republican voters or turn on each other. I don’t think their civil war will start until the progs (most likely) steal the midterms from the establishment dems.

Pooch says:

Don’t forgot Trump allies like Cruz and Hawley who are openly being called Nazis by Biden. They have a long list to go after.

Pooch says:

I don’t think their civil war will start until the progs (most likely) steal the midterms from the establishment dems.

And also establishment GOP. The hot civil war Likely starts when the establishment whites are able to cooperate enough to fight back against the communists. 2026 sounds right.

The Cominator says:

The establishment GOP has no balls and won’t do shit, the establishment dems who knows… they’ve never been on the recieving end of being screwed before.

Pooch says:

The establishment GOP has no balls

Because many of them are not threatened in the slightest for stabbing Trump in the back. I am hoping some may suddenly find their balls (Pence/Miller types) when their backs are against the wall.

bomag says:

their civil war begins… the unhinged full blown commies vs the more traditional democrats, etc.

I’m rather impressed with the traditional Dems: they shuffled Bernie off in 2016; they crammed Biden down our throats. They seem to control the logistic points. They have a ways to fall, but the hard core commies smell blood and will be relentless.

Red says:

Gun confiscation is going to be the tipping point when shooting starts. Everyone saw what happened in Venezuela when they gave up their guns.

The Cominator says:

“Because many of them are not threatened in the slightest for stabbing Trump in the back. I am hoping some may suddenly find their balls (Pence/Miller types) when their backs are against the wall.”

They decided to become irrelevant and powerless so the media wouldn’t say as many things about them and because they were scared of some antifags. I say it again, no balls.

Stavrogin says:

Civil war begins in the United States when the moderate Leftists realize they are about to be shot. Just like in Russia, the liberals who overthrew the Tsar will find themselves in the firing line and will be forced to fight.

This election has proven that the Right does not have a fighting elite, and men cannot wage war without elites. War will come when its time for the upper-middle class to be liquidated, at which point they will have no choice but to fight or die.

Pooch says:

War will come when its time for the upper-middle class to be liquidated, at which point they will have no choice but to fight or die.

Is it even worth it to fight? The whites tend to lose to the reds. Best strategy may to be just survive until a Stalin emerges.

Starman says:


Stalin, Lenin and Trotsky were cool people and SOB’s. The Communist singularity went into overdrive with these leaders.

Today’s American Communist leaders are more like this leader… except that they are also very geriatric.

Atavistic Morality says:

@The Cominator

The timetable on that is like 6 months tops, afterwards it’s a free for all. They were already turning against each other, now that they are increasingly smelling blood the piranhas are gonna lose it.

Let’s bet on how long Biden is going to survive before he is suicided so Kamala replaces him. I say… 3 months.

bomag says:

Who gains power in the next cycle is whoever controls the Wednesday-morning mail-in vote.

Spot on.

My favorite example is Georgia, instituting automatic voter registration with various functions (driver’s license, etc); and these uninterested people now vote at the 90% rate. Gold!

Wrong says:

Yarvin is wrong because (according to his own philosophy) this regime’s mythology is based upon insane universalistic principles. The universe is big.

eg. until Uyghur boys get HRT we are all total slaves.

The regime won’t stop until someone makes it.

Oog en Hand says:

“eg. until Uyghur boys get HRT we are all total slaves.”

The Chinese have ancient traditions. Pronouns? They already have several characters…

James says:

I think that’s a hope beyond hope, personally. That kind of happened in the 90s (at least that was my lived experience of it), but it all came roaring back as soon as whitey tried reasserting himself.

The Soviet Union fell apart because it was obviously fake and everybody’s interests were aligned on wanting consumer capitalism, plus an enormous outside push to bring it down. It didn’t just passively fall because they ran out of kulaks to liquidate.

[…] menu on offer is a non-stop stream of black pills. Jim doesn’t seem to have much hope, for one example. I won’t lie that things seem bad, but remember it is always darkest before the Don. Pun […]

Pooch says:

So now Lin Wood is directing people to shoot Mike Pence. This guy is leading sheep directly to the slaughter house.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

I view Lin Wood and some of the people in his orbit as being similar to the last wave of speculators in the very late stages of a bubble. As more and more potential buyers start to notice the overvaluation, it gets harder and harder for those speculators to offload their remaining stock, whether that “stock” is real material goods or something more abstract like social capital. Although you can rest assured that Lin Wood has not been working pro bono. In any case, in order to “sell”, they have to resort to increasingly outrageous pitches and deceptive marketing.

Lin Wood is probably neither insane nor malicious, but he bought a million shares of Trump stock just before the crash and now doesn’t know what to do with them. Those who bought their shares very early on might have more an “easy come, easy go” attitude, but for him this is a big deal, and he doesn’t want to lose his shirt.

That doesn’t excuse any of it, but I like to try to peel back the curtain whenever I can.

Pooch says:

Sounds right. How exactly is he continuing to profit by keeping up the charade?

Red says:

The left needs get some Trump supporters commit terrorists acts for their enabling act. Lin Wood is one of their agents pushing people to do it. They’ll false flag it if they have to, but it’s better if they can get real supporters to do it.

Pooch says:

Horribly sinister but actually brilliant on their part.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

There are ultra-cynical possibilities like Red’s, and there are only somewhat cynical possibilities such as he plans to write a book or wants to pick up a lot of business from current/former Q followers, which he might need to rely on if he’s already lost his reputation among the elite.

I won’t pretend to be a mind-reader or have the inside track. I can only observe that his behavior strongly resembles the behavior of a late speculator desperate to sell. He must have his reasons, which probably seem very rational to him.

John C. Calhoun says:

You seem like a shill. Okay well then why did Trump retweet Wood’s tweets?

The funny thing is I think the so called “conservatives” who opposed Wood after the stop the speed rally exposed thenselves as the cucks and traitors they really are.

Wood simply said that loeffler and purdue ought to fight for election integrity as hard as president Trump otherwise they dont deserve Georgians’ vote. This is something neither of them really did. It was funny because if you watch the video of his speech you would know what he was saying. “Conservatives” reported that he said people should boycott the election which is totally false.

Red says:

The vote in Georgia didn’t matter because it was rigged, but the perception that naming ballot fraud is bad for you does. The Democrats above all else want anyone telling the truth that the election was rigged to be shunned and destroyed and they want to the GOP to repeat over and over again that there is no voter fraud while they steal every election going forward.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

I’m lightly amused by the accusation and will take any shill test for further amusement, but nobody including yourself has attempted to administer one, and you haven’t even hinted at what my agenda as a shill might be. I deduce that you’re simply throwing the word out as a generic slur, as a proggy throws out “racist” or “nazi”.

Trump has retweeted a lot of silly stuff. In his twilight weeks he did little else, and now he can’t even do that. I think it might have been Ann Coulter who (back when she still loved him) pointed out that the left took him literally, but not seriously, and the right took him seriously, but not literally. You’re claiming we should have been taking his tweets both seriously and literally, which is nuts.

Personally, I think his tweets were neither literal nor serious and it was just a new juiced-up populist version of the same silly buggers routine that politicians have been rehashing for decades, and that Trump retweeting Lin Wood means about the same thing as Trump retweeting the meme video of him wrestling a dude with the CNN logo photoshopped onto his head. But if that’s a bridge too far for you, at least consider that he might have retweeted those things for the same reason he directed the MAGA Vikings to march on the capital – i.e. he wanted to get people fired up but didn’t really have a plan for what to do afterward.

jim says:


Commit some thought crimes someone whose pseudonym is known to his boss and human resources could not commit.

Woman Question. Race Question.

Is there substantial inequality between races. How big?

If you meet a black person (who is actually substantially black, not someone cashing in on the one drop rule) doing a smart person job, what are the chances that he is actually doing it?

Are woman in the workplace fatally disruptive in most workplaces and most jobs. What jobs are suitable for women? Why and how are they disruptive?

Why is marriage and family collapsing?

Icon says:

If you’ve gotta ask that, he’s already out.

More importantly, you’re letting Alf post on here who is against Christianity. Alf is more likely to derail any Christian group. You’re never going to reach a guy like that but he can sow the seeds of doubt.

You’re slippin Jimburg.

jim says:

The Dark Enlightenment is not a Christian group.

But it needs to be respectful of Christianity, and needs to purge entryists against Christianity, such as the Socinians.

It is largely composed of atheists who think that old type Christianity was damned good social technology for a state religion.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

Most women reach sexual maturity at age 12 or earlier, at which point they need to be married off as soon as possible and be made to obey their husbands, or else they turn feral, spend the rest of their lives chasing alpha dick, falsely accuse beta males of rape using a definition that resembles regret or disgust, seek out situations liable to result in actual rape, and start a series of escalating shit tests on the remaining men in their orbit which require excessively violent and criminal acts in order to pass, such as feminism and cuckoldry.

Blacks in America, with white admixture, are a full standard deviation in lower IQ than whites, which explains their underperformance in every g-loaded area relative to whites, even when given significant advantages like affirmative action. They also tend to more prone to criminal behavior, even after adjusting for IQ. Blacks in Africa are a full standard deviation lower than Blacks in America, which is why every African country became a total basket case after decolonization, no exceptions, because they were unable to maintain the technology and infrastructure that whites left behind and did stupid things like form cargo cults.

There might be some Talented Tenth (really Talented Hundredth) black people doing smart person jobs, but in any random selection of black people in elite positions, you are far more likely to find a dangerously unqualified Affirmative Action candidate, and even if you do manage to find the talented one, there are probably a dozen white people in his orbit who are more talented, assuming the company still allows white people to be employed in those roles. Black women are even worse, they do nothing but talk about their hair and complain about the mistreatment of black women.

Of course women in the workplace are fatally disruptive, and employing enough of them will eventually “feminize” the space, not consciously but through instinctive shit-testing, and drive out most or all of the competent (beta) men and destroy the organization. Women can perform decently at jobs requiring a lot of repetition and little creativity, such as clerical work, quality assurance and so on, and certain artistic and design jobs, but they still need to be managed by a man whom they perceive as alpha and who largely ignores the rules regarding sexual harassment and treats them as his personal harem.

Marriage and family is collapsing because 90% or more of the women are chasing after 10% or fewer of the men, and our current social and legal framework not only allows them to do this but tries to prevent men from interfering by owning their wives. This causes a vicious cycle, since all but the most alpha and/or criminal men become more cucked and demoralized and women increasingly perceive them as inferior, and divorce them if married or abuse them psychologically and financially if not.

The answer to R7’s multiple choice is obviously [C]. Furthermore, in a true patriarchy such as those of biblical times, porn and prostitution would be ultra-low-status professions for women and mostly unnecessary for men because every man would own a wife appropriate for his status, six to eight children and a nice plot of land for farming or running his own business, which would also serve as employment for said wife when she is not taking care of household duties.

jim says:

You pass.

I had you on moderation, because you sound like a shill, took you off it because obviously your pen name is known only to yourself, and I welcome your disagreements.

Most women do not reach sexual maturity at twelve. But starting a very very early age, they display rather different behavior to boys to the presence of non kin alpha males who have adult female pre-selection. Initially this behavior is cute, childlike, girly, and innocent, resembling adult sexuality the way that playing with dolls resembles caring for actual children. At age nine or so, frequently starts to get considerably less innocent, and is apt to resemble highly inconvenient sexual harassment of non kin alpha males with adult preselection. At age twelve or so, dad finds he has a big problem.

The usual age of marriage in the Roman Republic was twelve or so. They married them off when they started to get difficult.

Sexual maturity is capacity to bear children. They can bear children at thirteen or so, but it is difficult and stressful.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

Aha, I assumed I was on moderation because VPN, even my very first post went to moderation. I’ll probably end up on moderation again because I don’t plan on using durable long-term pseudonyms. Not to worry, no skin off my back.

Indeed the phrase “sexual maturity” could have ambiguous meanings, and I was using it to mean that the sexual behavior of a 12-year-old girl is scarcely distinguishable from that of a 25-year-old woman – not that any 12-year-old girl could successfully bring a pregnancy to term.

In any case, if I come across as excessively negative, it’s not because I’m personally depressed and miserable but because I think Trump gave us four wonderful years in which to prepare, regardless of whether he had a concrete plan, and a lot of people got caught up in the fantasy that he was going to bring about total victory and forgot to do any preparations. There’s probably at least a few more weeks before the SHTF, maybe even a few months, but the Biden regime will make the Brezhnev regime look like competent administrators. I expect at minimum: affirmative action on steroids, gun grabs, intensification of deplatformings and corporate inquisitions, and either another lockdown or something resembling forced vaccinations. It’s gonna be real rough for anyone who fritters away the next few weeks waiting for Trump’s Big Comeback instead of making friends with the neighbors and stocking up on whatever supplies might become hard to obtain in their area.

Starman says:

@Epstein’s Suicide Note

Here’s a multiple choice RedPill on women question for you:

Should we make pornography illegal?
[A] Yes, because pornography is the tool of those dirty Jews who plot against the White family.
[B] No, because pornography allows us to learn about various fetishes and alternative sexual practices, and that is valuable knowledge.
[C] No, because male desire for sexual gratification is not causing society any problems. Now, we should ban gay, tranny, and cuck porn. And we should ban romance novels.
[D] No, but Child Porn with those 14 year old children should still be illegal.
[E] No, but we should require all porn actors to wear proper PPE, in order to protect the actors and actresses from venereal diseases (such as the super deadly COVID19), and to teach the viewers — who are often our own sons — to use contraceptives. Porn is spiritual poison, but it’s not realistic to ban all of it, so we should focus instead on protecting the sex workers — who are often our own daughters in college — from exploitation and bad working conditions.

Prince Charming says:

> Should we make pornography illegal?

Been told to reply to this one as well, so briefly:

No, because male desire for sexual gratification is not causing society any problems. Now, we should ban gay, tranny, and cuck porn. And we should ban romance novels.

Previous message was approved by Prince Charming. Definitely not approved by Prince Charming’s HR, for the obvious reason that Prince Charming doesn’t have HR, and if he did, he would call it a harem, and let them, at best, approve of his dick.

Lord says:

Leftoids wouldn’t be so defensive of porno if it wasn’t degenerate.Leftoids wouldn’t be so defensive of porno if it wasn’t degenerate. Prostitution is frankly far less disruptive to society than pornography (and public lewdness). Porn by default is either cuckoldry since you’re watching another male claim a female you want or autogynephilia since you’re identifying yourself with the female body. Nigger porn and other more extreme examples follow from how porn attacks the male brain.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

If porn can be autogynephilia by empathically ideating the woman’s perspective, then it can not be cuckoldery by doing the same with the man (or minotaur raepbeast in your japanese animes).

This is not me staking a position here of course, as much as entreating clearer thinking, so i can see more productive results from these conversations.

Lord says:

No since the other male is not you. Then you’re back into cuckoldry.

Please tell us how come Hugh Hefner ended his life watching fag porn in his home? How come Leftoids are so defensive of pornography (including shit like OnlyFans) and yet hostile to traditional prostitution? How there are so many ethnic/racial hostiles (Jews, Nigs) in it?

jim says:

Nigs are being pushed by the Cathedral – not customer demand, at least not customer demand from male heterosexuals.

But yes, watching other men nail what you cannot nail is apt to be bad for your spirit, and impair you when you are trying to hit on a girl.

As anime heroes have become more and more emasculated, for example the disturbingly effeminate Ang of Avatar, (who hung a lampshade on it in the penultimate episode – almost breaking the fourth wall by protesting the failure of the writers to give him masculinity appropriate for a hero) people who watch anime find it difficult to conceive of anyone insufficiently monstrous nailing a chick. So porn requires identification with monsters, or identification with the chick.

It is not the porn that is harming people, it is the lack of masculine role models in regular non porn. If we had porn Errol Flyn or Porn Indiana Jones banging the love interests right and left, that would probably improve people’s psyches.

Prince Charming says:

I’ve been told by HR to walk it back a little, so here goes: Maybe when we have white sharia, we can cautiously argue that perhaps dog porn should be mandatory in the reimagined sex-ed lesson (male pupils only) on “Rahab, the war booty, and why she’s asking for it”, but until sanity returns at least to the extent that marriage is decriminalised, the practical question is, should we encourage nofap, and the philosophical question, is being a coomer a bad thing, and the answers are, yes, and yes.


Re: Niggers

Blacks are the only ones who are (permitted to be) openly masculine, so of course black-on-white bestiality, where the nigger is the insert character, should absolutely be popular with the male audience, for exactly this reason. When people meme Blacked dot com on 4chan, it is because unless you swallowed both the game redpill and the rape redpill, it causes a huge cognitive dissonance.

It’s like Mehki Raine saying Billie Eilish’s name in “Bury a Friend”, on a loop.

yewotm8 says:

I have been “addicted” (not in the sense of dependence, but in the sense of finding myself reaching for irrational or disproven reasons for why I should indulge when I know I should not, and giving in to those reasons) to both porn and marijuana. The porn was much worse for my confidence around men and my ability to deal with women. The marijuana was worse for my work ethic and energy levels. I find them to equivalent in terms of overall negative effect on life. Porn is a drug like any other, and while it needn’t be banned, men should be actively discouraged from viewing it for their own sake. Especially teenagers in highschool who are surrounded by absolutely prime pussy but sit silently and watch it go by without a word every day.

Yarvin: “If anyone in the Trump administration is listening, there is exactly one useful thing you can do now. The President has exactly one unilateral power which is dangerous to the regime: the power to declassify.” https://graymirror.substack.com/p/reflections-on-the-late-election

Vox Day: “Trump is preparing to unilaterally declassify swathes of intelligence that will be so damning, it will expose the core of the Uniparty’s charade, and prove what traitors they really all are.” http://voxday.blogspot.com/2021/01/they-chose-hard-way.html

Vox Day and Yarvin are rarely on the same page, so this is interesting. The issue is, he has 10 days. If he wanted to do this, he should have done this much earlier, ideally before the election. Or is it some kind of 4D chess to have that shitstorm fly in the face of the Dem administration?

Pooch says:

Meh Yarvin said that in November. After the siege psyop no amount of “material” is going to change anything. The mask is officially off for the regime. they all know We all know we are in a one-party total state now and they don’t care which is why they’ve moved to open censorship now.

James says:

My thoughts as well. The left has shown it has tremendous power wielded through the industry. They can literally just publish the official line, and people will enforce it. Those of us who don’t believe them and don’t like them already don’t believe them and don’t like them. Declassified material isn’t going to change any minds at this point.

Anonymous 2 says:

Doesn’t seem very realistic in the current environment. If we’re taking the frame that Trump is nearly out the door, it seems far more likely such an order will, at best, be held up on a technicality and later canceled by the Biden regime. Not to mention the blowback from the deep state even if nothing gets done, etc etc. In the conventional system, Trump is from what we have seen the lamest of lame ducks.

Obake says:

I am actually not counting anything out until Jan 20. There is too much shit flying right now. I will say, Trump had everything he needed to pull the trigger and all the tools that any dictator would dream of and he did not act. He really lacked the will to use the resources at his disposal, maybe it’s also due to isolation and being an army of one without backing. There is some really really strange stuff in the works in the background though, so I can’t honestly count him out due to fog of war. Being in this spot at this point is kind of horrible and pointless, letting it all fall apart to put it back together? To your point. I don’t think the Cathedral will let him pull the trigger on declassification if they think he is on the way out. Trump is loyal to Trump and his family. I don’t think he has the motivation to fight the bigger enemies. I actually soured on him a long time ago. I can’t recognize this country anymore or the people in it. I have gone coast to coast by car five times this past year through this Covidhoax and it’s been a trip seeing things unfold. It’s at the worst now and I put a lot of the blame on Trump for failing to push back on the lie and giving Fauci and Birx way to much power. So even if he prevailed he owns this nonsense with his authorization of the state of emergency that gave Demshevik governors dictatorial powers. He also let 37 cities burn in the rigger riots but tried to use the National Guard against us. So whatever. I’m over Trump. If the Antiwhites want to burn the country to the ground they can fight the Demented Pedophile’s regime for the right to rule over the ashes.

~loclun-midwyt says:

I haven’t bothered watching Bannon’s show in a while, but I did see a small amount of it a day ago.

Rudy Giuliani is saying that when he started working on this case he knew there was a chance that a different administration would be coming in, and he would be going to jail.

Did anyone else see this? I didn’t see the full context, but it would indicate he, and likely Trump, aren’t suffering from as much normality bias as we thought.

Red says:

Being open to the possibility is different from dealing with the realities at hand. I was aware that Joe Biden was probably going to try and take all our guns away, but the reality that I need to do something about it just hit me, because I have normality basis on the subject. If I’d taken the idea seriously, I would have done something more concrete about it months ago.

alf says:

I realize I’m slowly overstaying my welcome, but since I’m not likely to come back might as well push this all the way to the end.

So, what have we learned.

Jim thinks the trinity is the heart of Christianity.
I think the story of Christ is the heart of Christianity.

The trinity is a pledge of loyalty, thus can be extended forever. The story of Christ is a memeplex, thus can not be extended forever. Therefore, Jim says we can return to old-type Christianity, I say we cannot.

Because Jim dedicates to his trinity pledge of loyalty, he is unable to speak the truth on the story of Christ. I push this advantage and ridicule him for mUh uNfALsibIlItY. The ‘you can’t disprove the miracles’ is just stupidly low standard arguing.

Jim in return accuses me of not having a plan, and also accuses my plan of causing many corpses, because apparently my plan has been tried multiple times in history and caused many corpses.

The second accusation is silly and indicative of Jim not understanding my argument, because the closest real-life version my plan is based on Jesus himself, as he related to Judaism. If my plan causes many corpses, so did Jesus.

The first accusation is valid. I don’t have a fully worked-out plan because I don’t believe it is possible to have one. It shall have to develop naturally, organically, just like Christianity did. And we shall have to trust that that will happen, that we are continuing the will of God. That is my leap of faith.

We can only do that by speaking open, by discussing the truth, starting with Jesus and continuing from there. If there is one man I could imagine pulling it off, it is Jim. But in order to do that, Jim must find a way to feel comfortable in that role. He seems not to be able to find comfort in that role, like Trump did not find comfort in the role Jim assigned to him. So at the end of the day, that seems to be the end of it and I have at least tried.

jim says:

> Jim thinks the trinity is the heart of Christianity.
> I think the story of Christ is the heart of Christianity.

The trinity test is strangely effective in excluding entryists, and if the Anglican Church had continued to enforce it, the old regime would have survived a lot longer, likely to the present, according to the historian JC Clark, “English society, 1688-1832 : ideology, social structure, and political practice during the ancien regime”

Do you have an equivalent?

Pretty sure the “I love Jesus” crowd of sodomites and demon worshippers would pass with flying colors.

You are ahistorical. This stuff has played out over and over again. We are walking over ground that has been trodden over times without number.

A Republic requires a virtuous elite. We don’t have a virtuous elite. Kings or tyrants will return, and I would rather Kings.

And if Kings are going to return, they will return under the banner of the cross, which means we will face all these very old fights all over again.

Relaxing on trinitarianism led to the end of ancien regime in England. And relaxing on trinitarianism would result in my blog being overrun by “I love Jesus” demon worshipping sodomites.

Oliver Cromwell says:

Christianity as a meme is dead. No one truly believes it. People might rally around it as a coordination point, but it’s not obviously stronger than other possibilities.

The Bible contains much truth, but also much falsehood. I guess if you wanted to repurpose any part of it to ground a new religion it would be the Old Testament. But read without the Christ goggles on, the Old Testament is plainly the national story of an alien and hostile nation.

The 18th century English failed to keep their national church because defending the national church devolved on defending ideological bullshit, a weak position.

onyomi says:

A slightly tangential concern I have about any version of Christianity as the new, reactionary faith:

I found Larry Siedentop’s “Inventing the Individual” quite illuminating wrt some aspects of religion and social organization, in particular, he traces the origins of Western liberalism (in his view a good thing) to Christianity, monasticism, etc.

The key insight for me: when clans are the supreme unit of coordination you have clan gods/lares and penates, when cities become the supreme unit of coordination you get city gods, when you get Pan-Hellenism you get the pantheon, and when you get universalist empire, you get “all men are brothers/everything contains Buddha nature” universalist religions.

As a universalist religion, the Western analogue of Ashoka’s Buddhism, I just doubt whether Christianity is fundamentally compatible with a new identitarian/nationalist movement, be the unit of organization “white people,” “Germans,” or what have you. It seems like if we want our highest level of organization to be e.g. “white Americans” then we need a white American god (or similar highest ideal), not a universalist god?

Of course, there is an extent to which Christianity has come to be viewed as the de facto white people ethno-religion in the West, which is why you get “happy holidays,” Kwanzaa, etc. but given how utterly pozzed so many Christians seem to be today what with its pretty central ethos of self-sacrifice, I have to admit some skepticism of re-embracing it for those reasons as well.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

There is no explicit barrier to two men to both be observing the ways of God, and both also be different parties in a competition; indeed, it can even be well for them to compete; the greater import is so oft the *nature* of competition, in what ways they compete, who they are competing against in what ways first.

Read James C. Russel’s The Germanization of Early Medieval Christianity. Basically to convert warlike and clannish Germanic warlords, whose worldview was the literal 100% opposite of the Sermon on the Mount, Christianity had to change.

So the idea would be to return to Germanized Christianity. Now, the de-Germanization started with the Reformation. But interestingly, Protestants did not become self-sacrificing pozzed people, largely because they focused on the Old Testament, so they could still be nationalist and warlike.

But later on it happened. Nietzsche hated Christianity because what he could see around him in Germany is Lutherans and probably the Catholics too going all Sermon on the Mount. Self-sacrifice etc.

People taking the Sermon on the Mount seriously and focusing on that gonna become something like liberals. In this sense, I don’t know how strictly Biblical a return to Germanized Christianity can be. At least some parts of the Bible need to be de-emphasized.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Obviously the solution there is to make the heliand edition the official bible of anglo-saxon peoples.

suones says:

Obviously the solution there is to make the heliand edition the official bible of anglo-saxon peoples.

A much better solution is to declare yourself neo-Arminian and come back home to your ancestors and the Allfather. Abandon Semitic mindworms.

suones says:

But interestingly, Protestants did not become self-sacrificing pozzed people, largely because they focused on the Old Testament, so they could still be nationalist and warlike.

You mean they really wanted to be lke Jews but that was impossible so they invented some retarded justification to enable “Gentiles” to become more like “Jews?” This is ridiculous.

Chrestos was a Jewish community organiser whose cult got blown way out of proportion due to Constantine’s adoption (to undercut his own nobility). Germans, perceiving themselves inferior to Rome, invented their own form of Chrestian cult, with less poz than the Roman version.

They wanted to think about themselves like *Old Testament* Jews, which is entirely different from modern Jews.


“It has been of historical record that Cromwell’s soldiers were provided with a small pocket Bible. (…) All but four of the [150] verses were from the Old Testament.”

Oliver Cromwell says:

The New England Puritans (whom Moldbug wrongly blames for everything) just decided they were Israel with English Characteristics. Why not? Apparently it worked pretty well.

The Quakers were the guys who really believed in Jesus.

The Trinity is a good meme because it selected out people who take Jesus, and the NT in general, all that seriously. It’s a bad meme because it also selects out logical autists who are not seditious, such as Sir Isaac Newton.

Aidan MacLear says:

One thing very important to Germanic Christianity was the idea of the rise and fall of civilization. Youd think they’d love the Old Testament, but they did not focus on it so much, because of the fall of Judea and the fall of Rome. The idea that no civilization lasts forever is sobering and is present in their thought from Beowulf to Malory.

Later, the gnostic tendency won out, and men focused on the perfect law and the perfect state, neglecting and acting against good government in the process. The focus on the eternity of the next world was transfixed onto the eternity of this one, which is why you have the disgusting affair of the medieval popes fucking with perfectly good Christian kings in order to immantize the universal papal state.

James says:

Interestingly, the Book of Mormon is almost entirely about the rise and fall of civilizations in proportion to how fervently they adhere to God’s commandments.

It describes two sibling civilizations, one White and one Mesoamerican, with the White originally being righteous, and the Mesoamerican being wicked. Over time, decadence and arrogance take over the White civilization and they turn against God. Meanwhile, at least some of the Mesoamerican become righteous. Then there’s calamity in the white civilization as they turn away from God, but they largely repent and consolidate. After some time, they fall to decadence again, this time for real, and get ethnically cleansed by the wicked.

It also deemphasizes, or at least provides official less-pozzed interpretations of, the NT.

However, the mainstream church has been slowly normalizing to Respectably Pozzed Christianity. They have such great material to work with, but by and large lack the will to win.

The Cominator says:

“It describes two sibling civilizations, one White and one Mesoamerican, with the White originally being righteous, and the Mesoamerican being wicked. Over time, decadence and arrogance take over the White civilization and they turn against God. Meanwhile, at least some of the Mesoamerican become righteous. Then there’s calamity in the white civilization as they turn away from God”

Its made up history but a good account of what has happened now lol…

You mean Dual Seedline Christian Identity without Jesus, that is, instead of Black Hebrew Israelites, you start up White Hebrew Israelites?!


“Members of a black supremacist group known as The House of Israel set off the confrontation in Washington, D.C. last week that created a national media firestorm. Many in the media, however, were all too anxious to blame the clash on white Catholic high school students from Kentucky who were in the nation’s capital to participate peacefully in the annual March for Life. The media vultures pounced on an out-of-context video clip that appeared to show the students disrespecting a Native American elder very nearby who had approached them while chanting and beating on a drum. Once a longer video emerged, however, it was clear that the black supremacists who were in the same vicinity, not the Catholic students, were the culprits. The members of The House of Israel, part of a broader movement of Black Israelites, were captured on the video insulting Native Americans as “savages” as long as they continued worshipping idols, and then insulting women who dared to argue with these self-described “real men.” After observing students from the Covington Catholic high school standing nearby, the Black Hebrew Israelites hurled vicious homophobic, racist and anti-Catholic insults at them.”

alf says:

> the trinity test is strangely effective.

I of course immediately searched for my favorite poster boy, stephen colbert. Did you know he used fidget spinners to explain the trinity to children?

“The prongs of the spinner are the son, the father and the holy ghost. When you spin the fidget, they become one.”

Seems to me like Colbert passes the trinity test with flying colors.

> do you have an equivalent?

Aren’t we making up equivalents as we go? The red pill women test is great. The Trump test was pretty good while it lasted. If people are feeling ballsy outside this place, what about the ‘acknowledge Jim’s existence test?’ I dunno, these things just develop naturally as time goes by. Gotta trust people to come up with them. Pretty sure Jesus never intended the trinity to be used as a test, but that’s just the way things worked out.

> you are ahistorical. This thing has played out over and over again.

History rhymes, but does not repeat. History shows mankind’s civilisations are not static. Some of the fundamentals are the same, but other stuff changes. We are not stuck in the same loop.

> I’m not relaxing on trinitarianism.

I’m not asking you too. Or, I sort of am, but the point is mute. It’s like Morpheus said to Neo:
‘are you telling me I can dodge bullets?’
– ‘I’m telling you that once you understand, you won’t have to.’

Atavistic Morality says:

History rhymes, but does not repeat. History shows mankind’s civilisations are not static. Some of the fundamentals are the same, but other stuff changes. We are not stuck in the same loop.

Actually that’s not exactly true, because we are in fact stuck in the same loop: humans are stuck in the same mental loops. Civilizations are not static because the physical world is entropic, but that is the only true variable, the human mind is stuck with the same software and humans always seems to try to arrange the entropy of the physical world around those exactly same loops. The lunacy is always repeated, the delusion is always the same. Thus, the physical details change, but the mental reasons for the fall of civilizations are always exactly the same.

alf says:

Black pill mindset.

For which I honestly have some sympathy. Spandrell is the king of the black pill, and spandrell has said some good stuff. But overall I am glad I do not share that mindset, and I find solace in the fact that men like Jesus, Darwin and Elon Musk do not share that mindset either.

Starman says:

Praise the Holy StarProphet Elon Musk! Peace Be Upon Him.

Red says:

Elon’s in a desperate rush to get to Mars before we fall into a new dark age. We’re very unlikely to pull ourselves out of a dark this time around. We’ve consumed all the easily acquired resources and are unlikely to have the tech necessary to extract the sort of resources we’re currently exploiting and without those resources the necessary tech will not be obtainable.

James says:

It’s not exactly a blackpill, because we have also seen great civilizations rise out of collapse. There is hope for civilization (Albeit, to me, an alien and grotesque one) in China. There is some hope for a more palatable civilization springing out of the former soviet union.

Even Australia, with its genetic base of convicts, military officers, and rich Asians, has its own sort of hope at producing a kind of reverse-Singapore racial hierarchy where whites are permitted to live good, patriarchal lives as peasants under Chinese hegemony.

It bodes well for a mulatto Catholic America, as well as a Mestizo Mormon America.

It’s really only a blackpill if you’re thoroughly yankee and want to stay that way. I think that given recent events, it’s fairly clearly that we Anglo-Americans are done, at least as a coherent group, as if that weren’t on the wall already. I’d suggest joining a different patriarchy and looting this one as best you can before it finishes coming apart at the seams.

“It’s really only a blackpill if you’re thoroughly yankee and want to stay that way.”

It is also a blackpill if you are thoroughly European and want to stay that way. In a way, like yankees, but no guns and less testorone. So only worse.

James says:

If you’re lower T than a typical Northeast Yankee, you deserve to be denigrated to the dustbin of history. Dixies and rednecks will thrive. Slavs, despite their numbers experience a dip, are resurging. Even significant portions of woodsy North Germanic types are coming back. What we’re seeing is the decline of the Pacificied European. The decline in white population is concentrated almost entirely in leftists of one form or another, whereas the rightmost portions of the European population are growing to represent a higher and higher proportion of the overall-shrinking (for now) European population.

I chose the word “yankee” for a reason. Because it’s only the people who fell for the various cons derived from puritanism that are dying out. The rest of us are doing fine, even if we’re putting up with a few parasites attaching themselves to us for the time being.

Pooch says:

Dixies and rednecks will thrive.

Are you in the South? I am considering moving to a Southern state. The thing that sticks out is the sheer amount of blacks in just about every former Confederate state. White % is pretty darn close to 50% in a lot of them. Does that concern you at all? Do the Southern blacks have a different temperament than the northern urban blacks in the yankee states?

Atavistic Morality says:

Calling this a black pill is like calling the acknowledgement of the nature of female sexuality a black pill. It is not, the black pill comes with the way you think about it.

Elon Musk has pointed out Twelve against the odds as his favorite or one of his favorite books from which he draws a lot of inspiration, he is fully aware of what I’m pointing out because that book talks about the “loops” of adventurers. He has also talked about the theory of living in a simulated existence, so that seals the deal. It is how he decides to take that and what he decides to do about it or despite it that makes him who he is. And Elon Musk is not set in “saving civilization” with your new religion of choice or anything of the sort anyway, he just wants his Mars colony, you could actually claim he is creating a very effective escape button to avoid the situation.

Jesus knew human nature, described human nature and worked with people, which is why he was successful in his endeavor. And I don’t know what Darwin has to do with the subject, unless you’re talking about “evolving” out of the loop, but I don’t think it applies.

The reason why Jim is pretty accurate with his predictions and analysis is because he acknowledges the issue and addresses it every time. In truth, this is the core of the development of NRx as a political theory, Moldbug always, always, always addressed the issue, every one of his articles included a more thorough history lesson that a history major class in college.

If you want to argue about the way you wish to develop your new choice of religion I believe you would obviously need to address the issue properly. But I’m not trying to pile on you or take sides since to be honest I don’t care about the conversation as a whole.

alf says:

On a large enough timescale, it is impossible for the human mind to be stuck with the same software. Hence Darwin’s theory of evolution, Elon Musk’s (perhaps unintended) death of Shaniqua through spacetravel, and Jesus’ promise of the new world in the NT.

Of course I have learned today that Jesus’ promise of the new world has retroactively been interpreted to have always been part of the old world, in order to stop entryists from adding evermore new worlds to the canon. If that is true, and I am inclined to believe Jim that it is true, we are in an interesting position. I dunno. Have to think about it. Feels a bit like we have painted ourselves into a corner.

jim says:

> > you are ahistorical. This thing has played out over and over again.

> History rhymes, but does not repeat.

It has been rhyming on the Trinity for near two millennia. Maybe that rhyme is over now, but the odd effectiveness of the Trinitarian test would suggest it still going.

alf says:

I have presented my poster boy argument of an entryist passing the trinitarian test here. If Stephen Colbert can pass the trinitarian test, not so effective.

jim says:

Search him to see if he can say “Jesus Christ”.

And even if he can, so could the Socinians. Chances are he is a Socinian. And the Socinians were, and are, enemies, enemies who would have been rooted out by my test, and by the equivalent test in the Anglican Church’s thirty nine articles had they stuck to their guns on applying it.

jim says:

> “The prongs of the spinner are the son, the father and the holy ghost. When you spin the fidget, they become one.”

> Seems to me like Colbert passes the trinity test with flying colors.

If he passes “God is Three and God is one”, likely passes the rest of it, some hostile entryist Christians actually are Christians, but most of them, the vast majority, fail. Is he able to say “Jesus Christ” respectfully?

The Socinians could pass the “Jesus Christ” test, and could pass “the God is Three and God is one” test, but they could not pass the “born in Bethlehem, died in Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world” test, and they are the ones that ended the Ancien Regime in England.

alf says:

Stephen Colbert is a megaphone for the Cathedral. If he successfully passes the trinity test, many can.

I have done some more cursory searching, see this bit on Colbert’s faith. Dude takes the trinity serious. I see no reason why he wouldn’t and in fact has passed all of these tests you present.

jim says:

The Trinity test has three prongs, and the Socinians, our greatest enemies two centuries ago, powerful enemies for seven centuries, and still a powerful enemy, could pass two of them. How does Stephen Colbert on the other two prongs?

alf says:

Ok, so the tests are:
– God is one and God is three.
– Refer to Jesus Christ our Lord and savior respectfully.
– born in Bethlehem, died in Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world

Colbert gets at least one out of three. I shall see if I can find what he does with the other two.

jim says:

If he is a Socinian, believes that Christ was not present in the world before his birth. As an atheist who thinks that Christianity is good for society, you don’t care about this question, but Socinians care about it a lot.

It is linked to the issue of an ever better and ever improving morality. If Christ is present from before the world begun, then the spirit of the law has not changed, and is manifest in the natural order – or as the red pilled and darkly enlightened say, manifest in Game Theory and Evolutionary Game Theory. And as Christian red pilled and darkly enlightened say, the Logos.

If Christ is new, and an improvement on morality, then Socinians can improve it further. Or as their atheist equivalents among the progressives say “The arc of history bends towards justice.” The Socinian God keeps rewriting moral rules, the latest being that nine year old boys should be encouraged to wear makeup and dresses.

So they don’t worship a Christ who reminded the Jews that they had abandoned the spirit of the law in the name of the letter of the law. They worship a new Christ who brought a new law, and goes right on doing so.

alf says:

Not an atheist.

The verdict on Colbert:
– God is one and God is three. Colbert creatively uses fidget spinners to explain the trinity. He passes.

– Refer to Jesus Christ our Lord and savior respectfully. Here, in an interview with Anderson Cooper of all places, Colbert explicitly mentions and thanks Jesus. He says Jesus’s sacrifice helped him accept the hardships in his own life, namely losing his father and brothers at early age. He passes.

– born in Bethlehem, died in Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world. It is hard to find Colbert’ speak explicitly on the origin of Jesus, but in the context of your explanation my spider senses tingle, for instance here. Colbert agrees-and-amplifies a Southern Baptist who derides unitarians as a cult. ‘Yes’, says Colbert, ‘the Unitarians are incredibly dangerous, with all their talk of being yourself.’ I read the Unitarians are the descendants of the Arianists and the Socinians, so exactly the heresy you as a Trinitarian rail against, and indeed Colbert’s argument is that loosening up the rules ain’t so bad. So OK. He fails.

jim says:

> Colbert explicitly mentions and thanks Jesus. He says Jesus’s sacrifice helped him accept the hardships in his own life, namely losing his father and brothers at early age.

He fails. Demon worshippers and Gnostics can and regularly do say “I love Jesus” all day long, but cannot say the name of Christ.

Which was the edge that Socinians had over the Gnostics. They could say the name of Christ, and thus were better able to engage in entryism against Christianity, but when put on the spot as to who Christ was, it turned out that they were talking about a very different Christ to the one Christians have in mind.

I smell Socinianism, a Christ who has lately issued an edict that little boys should be encouraged to wear makeup and dresses.

If he can say the name of Christ, which I doubt, his Christ was born in Bethlehem, but, because ever improving moral standards, had no existence before then.

alf says:

It is hard to test without asking him directly. I interpret the second test to mean: ‘do you follow the real Christ, or a demonic interpretatin of Christ?’

If a demonic interpretation, either impossible to say Christ’s name with respect or one will lie about what Christ said. Colbert says Christ’s name with respect, but never says his full name, and does not refer to it often. So unclear.

But if he lies about what Christ said, he does not respect Christ. Let’s take this one: Colbert says Christ did not condemn gay marriage.

Technically, true. The idea of gay marriage would’ve likely been so insane to Jesus that he did not see the need to state the obvious. But did Jesus (and I mean jesus, not Paul) assert that homosexuality is a sin? I recall Jesus asserting the validity of Moses’ law on forbidden sex, and if so I will judge Colbert as having failed the second test. But I cannot find the passage.

alf says:

Also, what is the function of the first test?

Test 2 – do you respect Christ
Test 3 – do you respect the eternity of Christ

Test 1 – do you respect the authority of the gospels? Which is to say, all the gospels, and not just selective parts of it.

alf says:

A full twenty minute interview on his faith.

At the ten minute mark, seems relevant for the second test.
‘I contemplate the figure of Christ.’

‘I am deeply moved by the passion… And his… Sacrifice… His Self surrender through his love. I get choked up conceiving of the crucification or his sense of betrayal.’

Does he pass? Not sure. There is something sketchy about the way he talks about Christ. But on the surface he seems to refer to Jesus Christ very respectfully, to the point of choking up.

jim says:

Has Stephen Colbert passed all three prongs of the test? You have quoted him passing “God is Three and God is one”. Quote him passing the other two. Chances are he is a Socinian passing as a Christian in order to destroy Christianity from within.

Now that Christianity no longer has a nice applecart to knock over, there are fewer Socinians about, but Stephen Colbert sounds like a Socinian to me. “I am holier than thou – and I am a Christian too. My Christianity is different from yours, and holier” That is the familiar Socinian line. They are not holy, not Christian, and the trinitarian test weeds them out.

When we see an enemy passing as a Christian in order to destroy Christianity from within, he is usually a Socinian. There are still a lot of them about, though fewer now that there are far less attractive apples on Christianity’s applecart.

Socinianism is still a dangerous and powerful enemy entryist religion, in part because they have better internal cohesion than the commies, though these days Frankfurt School commies, cultural Marxists, matter far more.

The fake anti semite Nazis (who are mostly on Soros’ payroll) cannot pass the woman question test, and the fake Christians cannot pass the Trinitarian test.

grumpy says:


jim says:

I don’t allow anyone to post from the frame that he is Christian and a follower of Christ unless he will affirm that Christ was born in Bethlehem, died in Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world. Wholly man and and wholly God. God is three and God is one.

clovis says:

Why do you stop with “died in Jerusalem,” and don’t continue with the rest of the Apostles’ Creed–rose from the dead the third day, ascended into heaven, sits at the right hand of the Father, will come again to judge the living and the dead?

I think “rose bodily from the dead” will weed out many fake Christians and “will judge the living and the dead” even more.

jim says:

Because it was the Socinians that ended the Ancien regime in England.

The creed is a collection of antibodies against entryist antigens. As you keep being attacked by new hostile entryists, you have to keep changing your immune system.

You don’t worry about keeping out individuals who have this issue or that issue.

You worry about keeping out organized factions who are trying to take over in order to knock over the applecart and grab some apples – and you worry about organized factions who are organizing around some heresy, hostile churches within a Church, like William Wilberforce’s brotherhood of saints.

No one is organizing around “no judgment, everyone gets saved”

Atavisionary says:

This argument seems really autistic (not taking sides). Maybe political stability is the distractions put in front of the priests along the way. Doesn’t really matter what it is as long as they are doing something other than getting people worked up over differences in doctrine. Making them grow peas seemed to work out pretty well.

alf says:

Not following. What argument are you responding to?

Atavistic Morality says:

NRx and the Dissident Right are all hyper autistic, so what’s the point of devaluing a conversation based on this? Alf believes that Jim’s doctrine isn’t convincing enough these days to achieve what you point out, hence the discussion.

f6187 says:

Contradiction? Is the Holy Trinity, or even matter versus mind, really so severe as to warrant the term “contradiction?” Contradiction is saying one thing, and saying another which invalidates the first thing you said.

The much-vaunted “wave versus particle” duality, or paradox, or contradiction if you will, is simply a case of observing two distinct aspects of the same underlying reality.

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are a great deal more than mere “aspects” of the same God, because each is a fully distinct Person. However, they are so entwined in mutual recursion — to use a coarse functional analogy — that they nevertheless constitute a single eternal God.

Having faith as a little child is understanding the optionality of God’s creation. Jesus said that we shall know the truth, and the truth shall set us free, and that if we ask, we shall receive. And if that wasn’t enough, he stands at the door knocking, and if we just answer the call, we can sit down and have supper with Truth itself. Truth, which can never be pinned down mathematically but we can know it when we see it. Yes we see through a glass darkly, but that’s life in the big city and don’t let it get you down because that’s a sin.

We do not passively float on the current of God’s will, but we align ourselves with his will and we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. For the Bible tells me so and I don’t give a runny shit what the Wikipedia editors say.

We do what is at hand using our God-given physical and mental wits, but we are not paralyzed by the hyper-rational quest for certitude. We are innocent as doves and wise as serpents. We have the intelligence and confidence to seize the angelic options with high upside and low downside, and reject the demonic options with low upside and high downside. (Borrowing from Taleb here.)

We know damn well we will make painful mistakes, but God assures us that we are not damned thereby. God loves us, and took great pains to become a human being and suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, shedding His own blood right when he was good and ready, ending the ritual sacrifice of lambs and oxen. He does not want us wandering down stupid paths of self-destruction, and he does not want us permanently bound by our previous failures.

Here, He says, you have been weighed in the balance and found wanting, but I have cleverly tipped the scales in your favor without violating justice. Yes people are evil but the good news is that does not include you, so stop moping and start living as the gods that you are. I will say well done my good and faithful servant, and Mine is the only opinion that counts.

Red says:

January 6th was the America Reichstag Fire. Techno-Fancasts are purging the nets of all dissidents, and once fully in power the state will be unleased against every Trump voter and supporter. Guns will be confiscated, parents are being denounced by their children, and and Democrats blame whiteness for it. Purges and public struggle sessions will follow shortly after the enabling act.

I’d thought they would move more slowly, but this is bankruptcy type situation, slowly at first, then all at once.

Pooch says:

I fear we will see Breviek incidents from the proles which will only allow for escalated persecution.

The Cominator says:

What Saint Brevik did caused Norway to go to the right compared to Sweden…

The problem with most Brevik incidents is they aren’t as successful and don’t give the ruling class real fear. Brevik’s attack was so successful it caused real fear.

But you need to be an unusually capable and determined man to execute what Brevik did, very very few should even consider attempting it.

Red says:

I doubt Brevik would be successful with the fractured elites we have. They’d just see it as opportunity. And to pull something like that off requires an insane amount of competence, commitment, and planning, which is why it has not been repeated.

The Cominator says:

Yes Brevik did it right but very few people could do what he did, and any attacks of a lesser degree of success and which do not limit themselves to members of the ruling class are counterproductive.

Red says:

The left is pushing for terrorist attacks from Trump supporters. They’ve made the claim that all Trump supporters are terrorists and now they need it to come true.

Pooch says:

Exactly. I agree with Moldbug here that playing right into their narrative can’t possibly give us any desirable result.

Red says:

It’s really a lose/lose type situation. Letting them walk all over you will result in ever escalating demeaning and damaging behavior towards you, while fighting back is adept to lead to the maximin of violence level all at once, unless everyone else fights back at the same time. Without a leader to coordinate, it’s just disaster.

Cloudswrest says:

Re: Christianity, Trinity, angels on the head of a pin, and visible leprechauns.

I’ve been following this conversation somewhat and I gather it is in regard to entryists who claim to be Christian. But a lot of reactionaries aren’t Christian, or at least don’t believe in Christianity epistemologically, but perhaps do morally, or even for pragmatic reasons (i.e. “I think Christianity is bullshit, but I also think it’s good for society.”)

I think a more apropos shibboleth in our modern times would be something along the lines of, “Do you believe in physical/biological racial equality?” A similar question regarding sexual equality also applies. There’s only one, correct, one word answer to this. The wrong one word answer, or any answer with more than one word, would disqualify the entryist.

Here’s Revilo Oliver on Christianity. http://heretical.com/miscella/oliver1.html

jim says:

Obviously we include “Christianity is good for society” Atheists. Alf suspects I am one of them, and he is not entirely wrong. Not entirely right either.

But we need to exclude “My Christianity is better than yours” demon worshippers, and the trinity test gets most of them.

Yes, the woman question test is more important for detecting enemies, and I should also use the race test.

I usually use the women question test, since a lot of entryists are openly atheists or Jews.

But a lot of entryists use the frame “Hail fellow Christian”, and the trinitarian test sends most of them packing.

You are right that we should not exclude non Christians. We should cohere around the woman question and race tests, not the Christianity test.

But a lot of our enemies are cohering around enemy demon worshipping religions that claim to be Christian, more Christian than thou. We should not exclude Mormons, but we should exclude entryists to Christianity.

qwerty says:

What is the race test?

The Cominator says:

One problem I have with the trinatarian test…

I know disputes over it are useless but your more intelligent christians can (as Newton did) find the Arian explanation or some kind of semi unitarian explanation (I would stay away from full unitarians because totally pozzed) more compelling.

Wholely man and wholely god seems a contradiction because it is.

clovis says:

Pious deniers of the Trinity, like John Milton, are the very definition of “holier than God.” To use Blake’s line about Milton, they are “of the devil’s party without knowing it.” They are also by definition not Christian. In what sense is a person Christian who denies Jesus is God? Unitarianism is the religion of Ralph Waldo Emerson and Harvard. It’s the father of globohomo. It’s what happens to Puritanism when it ceases to believe in original sin and the atonement.

clovis says:

Anyway we’ll have more time to discuss theology in the FEMA camps.

bomag says:


“Wholely man and wholely god seems a contradiction because it is.”

That is the point. It sort of compels one to admit the heart of the mystery is something not comprehensible to human logic. Hence, it is basically a “not even wrong” declaration of loyalty. A flag.

Red says:

Do the left have an alliance with the Mormon church or are the Mormon sucking up to power?

Red says:


Pooch says:

I don’t think so. Mormons voted heavily Trump I believe. Romney seems like an leftist entryist into Mormonism.

James says:

I’m fascinated with the Mormons and have even considered joining them. I’ll try to answer this as best as I can.

The Mormons are difficult to pin down if you view them as participants in American politics, because they…really aren’t. They’ve been a semi-autonomous theocracy since their inception. They have adopted a strategy of appeasement towards whoever is in power, but they will also grab whatever patriarchal authority they can wherever they can get it, within the limits of the conservatism of their generation of elders in their seats of power.

They do suck up to power, but they tend to do only what is necessary to keep them alive. For instance, they gave up polygamy in the 11th hour, because they sensed they could no longer get away with it. They let blacks get the priesthood as soon as not doing so would have branded them as too far outside the mainstream to stay above-ground.

Similarly, in this cycle, they’ll hate on Trump and spit on his grave as soon as it is required of them. Perhaps a bit sooner in Trump’s case, but not much.

The crux of it is, they’ve always been outsiders, but rather than confront power with their outsider status, they’ll simply do what appeasement they need to, and get back to living in their patriarchal family units.

Romney is a complicated figure to the Mormons, and the rank and file Mormons, from what I can tell, don’t particularly like him, but because he’s a good Mormon, they will back him against non-Mormons.

Red says:

The thing I seem with Mormons is a complete lack of martial ability. They’re basically Christen Jews in their behavior to outside groups. I don’t think they’ll be effective as things break down. On the other hand they do seem to still have a functioning cohesive religion, which is useful in warfare.

Leon says:

Christian Jews is a helluva a good way to put it. A lot of what passes for Protestants nowadays are the same way. They get married, have kids, get good jobs, have a lot of shit. Unlike the Mormons though they don’t seem to necessarily be true believers. They will throw whatever leader rocks the boat too much under the bridge. No martial ability either, some of them are complete cowards. The only Protestants who seem to have balls nowadays are really old school traditionalists and converts. Everybody else preaches “empathy” above all or tries to treat the church like a business. When shit hits the fan a lot of those dudes are going to be less than worthless.

lambda x says:

The most important thing about Mormons is that they raise Mormon kids

James says:

100%. An early quote from a Mormon church leader was something along the lines of, “Mormonism would have been impossible in any land but America”, in the context of a conversation about America coming into being, essentially, by the will of God to create a place for Mormonism to flourish. The principal reason was understood to be that everywhere else would have required a much more martial religion.

Early Mormons were somewhat militant, but they’ve definitely pacified. That said, they’re more generally capable and responsible than most random people, I’d say, and that general attitude would hopefully carry over to warfare. It definitely remains to be seen how they would fare in an armed conflict on a large scale.

Snowdensjacket says:

These people have no idea what they are talking about. The Mormons highest duty is to serve the pretty princesses and most immediate leadership have single digit T levels and want to hear your boys tell them what is like to be able to get hard enough to masterbate.

The women are… Can you guess? They are women! AWALT. You go in and convert, go ahead I did six years ago, their are a lot of busted single mom pretty princesses waiting for her prince. Nothing wrong with taking a woman with another man’s child if that’s what you can get but guess what? AWALT. She’s still XX chromosome. Can you tame a wild alpha widow? Not yet? What have you been doing all these years?

Back to the church. They are concerned that you fulfill your mission. And your mission will be to take care of the single moms, which make up most of the church. Then they are concerned that you pay your tithe. Single moms can’t pay for all those bastards alone! And you may be able to bring them into the church and away from the cad life making even more single moms!

It’s a losing battle battling single motherhood this way. Just go take the red pill and turn a young girl into your wife, have many kids, and teach them what you want them to know. Stop thinking someone else is going to do it.

PS Mormon men are embarrassing. Their wives try to cheat on them with you right in front of them and they respond by quoting Moses. They complain that their mommy wife tells them to clean the toilet when they get home from work cause she’s busy on Facebook, after not taking care of their four kids learning about whatever in public school, also go buy dinner. They have sex once a year cause they ask their wives for consent, because they are actually progs, not men. They might as well wear eyeliner and cut off their balls.

Lord says:

Mormons are just White Jews (conniving, will gladly support Nig Thugs as long as they stay away from them, women are whores among sluts, etc.). They cannot be trusted since they will side with Globohomo as long as they get a cut.

Trinitarian says:

Mormonism is an anabaptist cult that denies the Trinity, therefore leftwing and therefore untrustworthy, as evidenced by how Salt Lake is now a CIA operative hatchery.

qwerty says:

Hey jim, I think you’d be interested in the latest (paywalled) post on Gray Mirror. It relates to the whole “digital counter society” thing. Yes, I know I come off a little like a Moldbug fanboy/shill

Pooch says:

I want my time back from reading that. Basically says the proles need to build out an entire underground party apparatus, then maybe they can win. The end.

jim says:

Moldbug is close.

But we need the losing factions in the elite to build a underground counter social web and counter economy, and then they will spontaneously form an underground party.

Pooch says:

Ah ok.

He also adds the party must have the understanding that the charade of democracy is over so it must have the understanding that the end goal is total power using any means necessary.

qwerty says:

>But we need the losing factions in the elite to build a underground counter social web and counter economy

Already exists: Urbit. Bitcoin integration is coming to Urbit very soon: https://urbit.org/blog/urbit-and-bitcoin/

I’ve been using it for months and it’s pretty comfy. Spandrell is on it.

jim says:

I don’t have time to read namefags, particularly when they are long winded and talk in code to avoid reprisals, code that the enlightened have to carefully decipher to understand the meaning being hidden.

Could you give me a short summary of the high points?

James Thornton says:

Now that it is near certain that Trump has lost and the Globohomo establishment will rapidly advance their goals nakedly and virtually unopposed, what is the best medium-term strategy and posture for people like us to take, on an individual level?

It seems like the standard advice is:
– Reside somewhere Red, white, and rural/semirural
– Acquire land
– Make alliances with like minded people in the same community
– Acquire shtf supplies like food, guns, etc
– Keep a low profile with computer/internet security and not advertising your thoughtcrimes in public spaces
– Nurture independence from the “grid”, such as in homesteading, buying locally, bartering, crypto currencies.

I’m a single young white man with a well-paid remote software job, living in a blue city. My main goals are to acquire a wife and be well positioned for the coming Globohomo death spiral.

I’m considering moving somewhere Red, white, rural/semirural, and without state income tax, like in Texas, Idaho, Florida, Nevada, or Tennessee. My main concerns are availability of women, and ability to make friends and allies.

What strategies are y’all following yourselves? What do you recommend?

In the longer term, I agree with Jim that building a counter economy and counter society on the blockchain is the most fruitful path, and I want to get involved more.

Pooch says:

Read Aidan’s latest post. Link in bottom of the thread.

patriot says:

1. Pray
2. Say the pledge of allegiance
3. Sing the national anthem
4. Give money to Trump directly by crowdsourcing Bitcoin donations into a GoFundMe
5. Buy lots of unregistered guns to protect your rights
6. Buy lots of American flags to stimulate the market
7. Establish micro ethnic communities in your area
8. Build a wall around said communities
9. Purchase computers to use as servers for dark web social media sites
10. Eat only meat

John C. Calhoun says:

I wouldnt display any signs that might indicate one’s political biases like the US flag.

Key is to stay lowkey and fake it as much as possible. I get asked a lot of political questions at my workplace. I either feign leftist support or pretend that I dont follow events close enough.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

Give money to Trump? I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. “That nice Nigerian prince probably just got a flat tire on his way to the bank. If I send him more money to fix it, I’m sure he’ll come through for me!”

I’m not equating Trump with Nigerian scammers, but what I am saying is that you need to know when the game is over. Your list looks like a combined laundry list of stale GOP propaganda, libertarian sophistry and improperly used jargon. Half of the items will paint a big target sign on your back and the other half are useless and silly. Even buying guns is counterproductive after a point, as in a real hot civil war the shortages will be of ammo, not guns. A single decent-sized cabinet will hold enough guns as one man can reasonably use to defend his home and family, and filling up a whole garage with them is only going to attract unwanted attention.

Aidan Maclear’s advice, already linked a few times, is sound advice. This is mostly very bad advice.

James Thornton says:

Yeah I agree, seems like shill/troll advice. “Unregistered”? “Buy lots of American flags to stimulate the market”? Wtf

Aidan MacLear says:

The paucity of women in rural areas is advice given by pickup artists who want to rack up huge notch counts. There are fewer women, but much easier to date and marry compared to the big city. In the mountains, one can be the highest status man in twenty miles. In the city, unlikely to be the highest status man in twenty yards.

James Thornton says:

Good points thanks.

Atavistic Morality says:

Texas already aligned itself as an enemy of the permanent government with the lawsuit to SCOTUS and has a history of looking for secession. Florida has potential to rise its own elite and resist with its own high performing Latino community.

I’d recommend moving as fast as possible to either state.

James Thornton says:

My main problems with Texas are the climate and huge amounts of hispanics. Idaho has a better climate and is very white. And constitutional carry. But yes, in a balkanization situation, Texas would likely be a powerful state. Whereas Idaho would likely be subsumed by a left coast state. Then again the mountainous terrain of large number of armed guerillas in N Idaho could deter that.

The Cominator says:

I’m in Florida already its likely to go bad less fast than most of the US (and its elites have money for bribes which much of the good states lack)… but I doubt it will resist forever.

Ace says:

So, was B right about Trump? I believe he called him a Bozo.

I think Jim’s right about how the future is going to bend now. Government stumbles into internal war while it stumbles into external war at the same time with the Communists eagerly recruit the bitter young men that with no future as most small businesses are destroyed.

Now that it’s official that only the left can do violence and that violence attracts women, young men will flock to the hard left’s banner, even if they have to suck dick and shoot up for it. Their combat ability will be low but there will be a lot of them.

suones says:

Now that it’s official that only the left can do violence and that violence attracts women, young men will flock to the hard left’s banner, even if they have to suck dick and shoot up for it. Their combat ability will be low but there will be a lot of them.

This is how the Red Army got upgraded from the world’s biggest bunch of degenerates into the colossal fighting machine by the end of WWII. We literally just witnessed a coup in the USA, followed by the Czar’s capitulation. Recruitment, and purges.

Kind of yes, but the important thing is to remember their losses, something like 20M. Some, many of those were killed by their own side, shot for being cowards for retreating or allowing themselves to be captured as prisoners or getting into a penal battalion for a minor misbehavior and then got to clean minefields by marching through them. Many more were killed by the Germans, often because their officers used them in wasteful human swarm attacks. Effectively they ran their whole male population to a brutal Darwinian selection engine where you either assault machine guns head on or get shot in the back of the neck, and those who survived were real lean mean killing machines.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

The brave ones all died first; by the time the fighting got to germany, most of the frootline troops were siberians and other central asians, because they had already gone through everyone else.

It seems to me that an alternative likelihood of events (to the holiness spiralling of the Left) is that things may stabilize somewhat under Biden into a “Socialist stagnation” in the US with increased taxes, cost of living for the productive members of society and rising levels of corruption and ineptitude in Government. Your local Gestapo boss may well become more powerful than the overlords at Harvard, but it is likely that he may be corrupt enough to be paid off and inept enough to be lax / inefficient in implementing the doctrines of the Cathedral.

I feel this may happen because whites are still too valuable to be wholesale deported or genocided and that there may still be many other tempting applecarts to knock over in the meantime.

Do you think my scenario is realistic in a country like the US? Seems like a lot of socialist states in the Third World don’t become full-on totalitarian like North Korea, but stagnate somewhat into extremely corrupt, inept, nepotistic banana Republics, but fairly livable regimes if you have enough wealth.

The Cominator says:

Not that likely, the radical progs and commies and kill whiteys control the urban political machines that rig the elections. The oligarchs may control the voting machines but I think the voting machines are less involved in the fraud then the sheboons on the ground.

Ace says:

>I feel this may happen because whites are still too valuable to be wholesale deported or genocided and that there may still be many other tempting applecarts to knock over in the meantime.

The left views all wealth as stolen and all labor as equal. Therefore highly productive whites are tossed out as criminals stealing wealth in favor of Shaniqua’s who’s labor is just as good as white and east Asian males. When Shaniqua produces negative value, it’s assumed that it’s evil white supremacy mind rays causing her to fail and whites must be punished for it.

One of the many reasons of WWI was that Europeans were just itching to fight something. There was a tension in the air that could only be released by killing and getting killed. I get this same vibe from America now, just against each other, not against neighboring nations.

The Ducking Man says:

I am a great believer that eventually technocratic movement will take over.

The picture I had in mind is more like Hong Kong today, where huge percentage will be moved closer to urban area, everyone is forced to live even smaller space, the poor will live in animal cage-like housing, middle class white collars are working in ultra competitive cut-throat environment all to live in 2 bed room apartment, while the ultra-rich enjoy luxurious life beyond imagination.

This will be compounded by every increasing automation, shrinking job opportunity, state surveillance, and social credit score. As a result state welfare is the only option to sustain society.

This time may very well be the lucky ticket where holiness spiral is self-sustaining perpetually supported by modern technology.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

A moment like that could only ever be brief anyways in truth; for if capital intensification may proceed in spite of ape creature dysfunction, that would signal that the ape creatures are no longer the necessary and sufficient agents for instantiating higher forms of capital; that forms of capital themselves have become increasingly self-sufficient – and hence, can jettison the dysfunctional ape creatures as irrelevant impediments to it’s flourishing.

Snowdensjacket says:

You don’t need much money to have a great life and many children these days. Even a spoon is a fun toy for a toddler.

Atavistic Morality says:

The left wants to genocide white men, less opposition doesn’t make it less likely. Under Biden the process is going to accelerate even further, not magically stagnate.

Starman says:

The American Communist leadership is old, not young.

And old people are very uncool.

Snowdensjacket says:

The left is genociding many folks by giving them a new moral code, called consent, that results in them having no children. Their is a very easy answer to this. Don’t adopt their false morality.

The biggest problem is nobody even knows what their moral code is, much less that their are alternatives. Heretical bad think alternatives, crime stop!

The Cominator says:

I have little experience travelling abroad…

Whats the easiest way to move to Southeast Asia?

Karl says:

I don’t quite understand your question. Just buy an airline ticket and fly. If you are on a no-fly list, leave the country by car, train, ship or whatever and fly from there.

Moving across continents is easy once you realise that it is usually cheaper to get rid of your stuff where you presently live and buy whatever you need in your new country of residence.

ten says:

Only one i knew that moved to china opened tinder and married the cutest chink girl he found there.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

Life in a genetically alien land is just a slow form of suicide.

If you are worried for your personal safety mountainous regions are best, Rockies or Appalachians if you want to stay CONUS, Alaska if you want even more of a juncture in continuity.

In a functional country, distance is more or less ‘flat’; the more it breaks down, the more geography starts mattering all of a sudden.

suones says:

I concur. Leaving the motherland is spiritual death, which creates abominations like Kamala Harris. Of course, “Americans” have no motherland to speak of, having committed spiritual suicide a few hundred years ago. So running away yet again is the natural reflex of a man without honour. There is no honour without blood. Stay and fight. To the end, if required.

This is what is happening to many of my own relatives. Brown in skin, but alien to India and even in the land in which they live. Not unsurprisingly 99% of them have embraced the religion of Progressivism with utmost sincerity and vehemence.

I wrote about this earlier, albeit from a cultural angle.

John C. Calhoun says:

Many indian brahmins in USA such as tambrams. Adopting american leftism is like second nature to them since they have been doing it since Nehru times. Betraying other indians is also like second nature to them since they have been doing it since basically forever.

Jim mentioned this but the American left is now actively recruiting Indian (Brahmins) into their ranks to carry out the dirty work.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

There was in fact such a thing as America, and the inertia of the power of American folk conquered the world, even as the conditions for that vitalism were being undercut.

They did not run away from England, they extended England into the New World, because in New England everything was English, genetics, culture, and religion. A homeland is people, not a geographical location. A (back then) rather exclusively English place is England, wherever it would be. Your logic would say the Anglo-Saxons committed spiritual suicide when they moved to England from Saxony and Denmark, and really everybody should have just stayed in the Yamnaya (including your Aryan ancestors). That makes no sense. They were not refugees, they were conquerors.

James says:

Exactly this.

America does have some spiritual identities, though. I come from what you might call pioneer stock, yanks who landed in the early colonial days and then followed the Oregon trail. There’s a certain identity associated with the American West that comes with that, and I’m loathe to leave the place. I identify as “America” for short, but perhaps more accurately I identify as “Restorationist pioneer American”. There are numerous other unique American identities along those lines. I’d advise people, if possible, to tap into those identities and look for communities of strength within them, and then build those communities up.

Aidan MacLear says:

It is the whitest thing ever to go abroad and conquer an alien land, impregnating the local girls, when there is no place for you in the homeland. The problem is, if you are alone, your genes and identity will become totally drowned out.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

I would rate the finest conquests as necessarily involving the bringing of women of your own with you at some point, as you physically remove indigens, turning their land into yours, such as those crown jewels which were produced in the continents of Oceana or North America. Though i agree with the directionality of your sentiment.

Indeed, you could say that immivasion is perhaps the only form of conquest that really ‘sticks’, efforts without it so oft serving only as forms of existential masturbation in the long run, wasting the great empire’s blood and treasure into the toerag of Being.

For instance, the Alexandrian conquests of Persia, or the Spanish conquests of Mesoamerica. The exoteric forms of empire were put into place, but the folk from which such forms generated were not; and so hence, regression back inevitably entailed.

The Cominator says:

I’ve done what I can to fight for right in my homeland it is time to think of myself, lots of white men swear that Southeast Asia is paradise. I can always return from exile when the communist madness passes.

Nobody says:


SE Asia is not paradise. I personally am looking at areas south of the border. Mexico in particular, it’s underrated, and is close to home. It has more elements of white society than you’d initially suspect.

But you should still check it out, wild place.

Atavistic Morality says:

Don’t let anyone persuade you otherwise, you don’t own anything. White Americans are going to suffer genocide because they’ve refused to fight every single time and many are complicit on it.

Pooch says:

I have trouble believing the leftist singularity will reach full on white genocide (240 million in the US) in the near term. They will start with Trump’s 75 million proles and surely quite a bit those may very well be liquidated. But as long as you’re not a prole and stick out like a prole, not likely to be hammered down as long as you’re giving lip service to the prog platitudes.

Daniel Chieh says:

The “they won’t kill me yet ” strategy seems unwise.

The Cominator says:

You should start getting ready ASAP, but figure that it will probably take a couple years before mob attacks followed by more organized mass murders start.

Pooch says:

That’s fair.

James says:

I don’t see them managing to liquidate even 7 million proles, or even 700 thousand proles. They will perhaps manage 7,000, or 70,000 at a stretch. They were scared shitless of an unarmed prole gathering in their capitol. If they start actually liquidating huwhite America, people will not go home peacefully, nor will they perform a targeted coup, they will level leftist cities to the ground.

Pooch says:

Yes these were my thoughts as well. And as the regime gets more and more brown and female, I see their ability to wage mass genocide to be less efficient.

Atavistic Morality says:

If they start actually liquidating huwhite America, people will not go home peacefully, nor will they perform a targeted coup, they will level leftist cities to the ground.

It is true that the left is a paper tiger, but white men are unwilling to defend themselves, they will happily accept their extermination. They have already done it, they are doing it today. Some, even join in the extermination of their own kin.

If the right fights back the paper tiger will be destroyed, but will they? It looks more like Cambodia than anything else. Just look at coronadoom, who would have thought people would accept being starved to death? But they have and they are.

And whether the right defends itself or not, the left is coming.

jim says:

> It is true that the left is a paper tiger, but white men are unwilling to defend themselve

White men require legitimate authority, coordination by a legitimate leader. Hard to find.

Looks like we will have to build a counter society over the internet, which will take a long time and require software tools that we do not yet have.

Atavistic Morality says:

White men require legitimate authority, coordination by a legitimate leader. Hard to find

I disagree, white men don’t require legitimate authority to defeat a paper tiger, white men need to rouse their blood and become a thousand Jesse James. The Frontier white Americans wouldn’t have taken it lying down like this from anyone, let alone these effeminate weaklings, soon enough they’d have found themselves transitioning from aggressive individual action to coordinated group efforts through sheer vitality and will to act.

What you’re telling me is the equivalent of the worthless, incompetent and lazy marxist loser claiming that capitalism is a trap because unless you’re born rich you’ll never prosper. That blacks are criminals because they are poor, they aren’t poor because they’re lazy, stupid and incompetent, that if we give them a lot of gibs they’ll do just as good as whites.

If modern whites weren’t such a sorry bunch things would be very different. You’re right that of course you need coordination under a leader, but the difficulty of it is because of the absence from the source. Didn’t Trump have all he needed? Yes, yes he did, but he cucked, he cucked like most white men are complete cucks. I’m not talking just about Americans, I’m talking about all white men in general.

You will have to build a counter society over the internet to not be a complete slave suffering under harpies, faggots and POCs because most white men are ok with this and unwilling to do anything about it, choosing their small slave comforts and McDonalds over their own freedom and dreams unlike their ancestors, which leaves you with only a small amount of white men willing to actually fight for their own interests, making it seem as if you were a few people conspiring to turn everyone else into some strange weird foreign religion when in truth you’re just a bunch of white men trying to create an environment in which all white men can prosper and live fulfilling lives, in a white majority country.

You will have to build a counter society over the internet because from 75 million people only one was willing to go down that goddamn fucking escalator, and even that one when he reached the final goal and was about to win he decided to suicide to the incoming knife instead of crushing it.

jim says:

> > White men require legitimate authority, coordination by a legitimate leader. Hard to find

> I disagree, white men don’t require legitimate authority to defeat a paper tiger, white men need to rouse their blood and become a thousand Jesse James

Whites are adapted to collective violence. Other races do better as Jesse James.

Ace says:

>I disagree, white men don’t require legitimate authority to defeat a paper tiger, white men need to rouse their blood and become a thousand Jesse James. The Frontier white Americans wouldn’t have taken it lying down like this from anyone, let alone these effeminate weaklings, soon enough they’d have found themselves transitioning from aggressive individual action to coordinated group efforts through sheer vitality and will to act.

Respectable people can’t live that way.

However, forming a criminal gang is a great idea. I’d recommend it if you plan to stick it out, the left loves criminals and you’ll be able to break all the rules. And as things fall apart, criminal gangs become governments.

Pooch says:

I disagree, white men don’t require legitimate authority to defeat a paper tiger, white men need to rouse their blood and become a thousand Jesse James. The Frontier white Americans wouldn’t have taken it lying down like this from anyone, let alone these effeminate weaklings, soon enough they’d have found themselves transitioning from aggressive individual action to coordinated group efforts through sheer vitality and will to act.

You’re playing into their hands. The ruling elite are effeminate, weak, degenerate, and gay but still have the entire force of the masculine competent white security state willing to do violence on their part. Yarvin is right. You don’t fight a one-party state. Cannot be done. The more Trump’s 75 million proles resist the more they will be slaughtered. See Ruby Ridge and the Waco Seige. So we sit and wait for things to go more insane and a Napoleon or Stalin to emerge from the military

Atavistic Morality says:

Whites are adapted to collective violence. Other races do better as Jesse James.

Shocking to read this from an American man, especially one as wise as you, the history of your own nation disproves this. What you mean to say is that you’re overlooking the effeminacy of the modern white man and his glaring weakness and cowardice compared to his ancestors for a reason unknown to me.

There is no way you believe your forefathers would have been toppled and abused by a bunch of faggots like the current population has. We’re losing to faggots because we’ve become a bunch of faggots.

Respectable people can’t live that way.

“Respectable” people, I see… your ancestors weren’t respectable? Was Newton respectable when he burned down his mother’s house at 19 and told her she was going to burn in hell because she was bothering him too much? I think what you mean to say is that weak cowards that prefer slavery to freedom can’t live like this. Frontier Americans were very, very, very fine and respectable people, and they lived next to heart-eating savages, a forest full of grizzly bears, hardened outlaws coming through and all the precariousness in the world that you can imagine, but all the willingness, fortitude and vitality to make their own lives by their own rules.


What are you talking about? Your country was founded by a bunch of ragtag farmers, some random ex officer from the French Wars, a drunk tax collector going bandit, a third generation merchant that was willing to eat shit and die before paying gay taxes, etc.

If the 75 million Trump voters had the heart and the ethos of their founders, the government would roll over, paper tiger.

Yarvin is a weak faggot that cries about communist Jewesses getting their just desserts in youtube videos for everyone to see, the man can’t even lift a 100lbs, Yarvin will happily bend over and be a slave, you think he is right because you’re looking for excuses to feel better about doing the same.

I’m not trying to point fingers or insult anyone, what I’m saying is something everyone should take to heart myself included, which I personally do. White men are not going to go anywhere unless they’re willing to walk the 10.000 miles through the thorny bushes. Jesus didn’t cross the dessert crying like a pussy and LARPing about a magic plan that would prevent the pain, in fact he went walked straight into the cross, THAT was the plan.

jim says:

> > Whites are adapted to collective violence. Other races do better as Jesse James.

> Shocking to read this from an American man, especially one as wise as you, the history of your own nation disproves this.

The history features people like Jesse James being lynched by someone like Stanford, the man who founded Stanford University, lynched by a posse led by a respectable member of the elite.

Stanford, not Jesse James, exemplifies the history of frontier violence.

Atavistic Morality says:

I meant the French and Indian Wars in case it wasn’t clear.

I’ll also add that I think everyone here is already in a path towards bettering themselves, being here, being a thought criminal is already a huge step compared to the average man, but I really dislike how there’s insistence on maintaining a narrative where everything works through magic, planing, priestly sermons and propaganda.

Trump had everything, everything, there was nothing missing, but so what? If you can’t pull the trigger you can’t fight, if you can’t fight you can’t win. And we have to conspire and scheme in dark corners because our “fellow white men” refuse to pull the trigger, refuse to fight. Closing your eyes to the fact won’t make it go away.

jim says:

> I meant the French and Indian Wars in case it wasn’t clear.

George Washington leading men in the French and Indian wars again exemplifies American violence.

Legitimate violence led by an member of the elite who plausibly had authorization and right authority to use violence.

Atavistic Morality says:

The history features people like Jesse James being lynched by someone like Stanford, the man who founded Stanford University, lynched by a posse led by a respectable member of the elite.

Stanford, not Jesse James, exemplifies the history of frontier violence.

The FF were a bunch of Jesse James that shit on the biggest posse of their time, intelligently maneuvering politics to constrain their enemy with opposition from other nations.

George Washington leading men in the French and Indian wars again exemplifies American violence.

Legitimate violence led by an member of the elite who plausibly had authorization and right authority to use violence.

No, that exemplifies English violence, you’re not telling the other half.

George Washington proceeds to turn full Jesse James and kill English soldiers altogether with a bunch of Jesse James, and win playing smart.

Trump lost because Trump is half a Jesse James and not a full Jesse James, when push came to shove he didn’t pull the trigger. If Trump was a Jesse James and had had a bunch of Jesse James with him, he would already be God Emperor of the American Imperium of Man.

Instead he is a half Jesse James and his own men aren’t even that, so he is going to end up a corpse without a head.

But back then the enemy elite was actually strong, our current elite paper tiger fags, not even paper, steam at most.

jim says:

> The FF were a bunch of Jesse James that shit on the biggest posse of their time

The Founding Fathers spent an immense amount of time and effort acquiring the plausible appearance of legitimate authority needed to wage war, before a shot was fired.

George Washington spent a lot of time waging war under legitimate authority granted by the British, switched to allegedly legitimate authority granted by the Continental Congress. We need a General Flynn who has been spending a lot of time on the front lines in Afghanistan.

Samuel Adams had plenty of experience in private violence, and men willing to do private violence on his behalf, but he wanted George Washington to lead the army because George Washington had experience in exercising legitimate military authority.

The equivalent of George Washington would be some military officer who has been spending a lot of time on the front lines in Afghanistan.

Pooch says:

Trump had everything, everything, there was nothing missing

Trump had nothing. No military support. No elite support. Just a bunch of proles with pitchforks. Trump turned out to be Caesar with no legion. Any uprising like that gets easily put down by the state, especially an evil one willing to use it’s entire might. There’s 20,000 armed National Guard patrolling the streets of DC right now because some LARPers took selfies in Pelosi’s office. So who is the paper tiger?

What are you talking about? Your country was founded by a bunch of ragtag farmers, some random ex officer from the French Wars, a drunk tax collector going bandit, a third generation merchant that was willing to eat shit and die before paying gay taxes, etc.

You’re believing Whig history. My country was founded by the Whigs after they defeated the Tories in a continuation of the English Civil War. The American “Patriots” had Whig elite support directly from England. It was the left beating the right and it has been doing the same ever since.

We are going to need our lives to defeat the enemy when the armor starts to crack. We can’t just throw them away now with false pride buying into the false 1776 psyop planned by Antifa and the FBI. They have the entire military and security state (lead by competent whites still). We have a bunch of rednecks with AR-15s. The time is not yet.

Ace says:

>“Respectable” people, I see… your ancestors weren’t respectable?

My lineage goes back to one of the earliest founding fathers. He was a respectable member of the priestly class, a part time father, who knew how to inspire and lead men into collective action and did so.

>The FF were a bunch of Jesse James that shit on the biggest posse of their time, intelligently maneuvering politics to constrain their enemy with opposition from other nations.

Most of the founding fathers never fired a shot, instead they urged others into successful collective violence, as elites do. Want to win a war? You need elites to lead it. Want to lose a peasants revolt? Stage a revolt without elites.

The right has no elites with the sanding needed for war. Therefor we survive and endure hoping for the moment when we can restore our civilization. Or we flee to avoid the fall. Both options are on the table. A peasants revolt is not.

Ace says:

>My lineage goes back to one of the earliest founding fathers. He was a respectable member of the priestly class, a part time father, who knew how to inspire and lead men into collective action and did so.

Should have been part time farmer*

Joe says:

Your problem Jim is that you see the elite member leading the violence but you do not see that one unwavering man who inspired him to violence. You see St Paul and Robert de Bruce but not Jesus Christ or William Wallace. You need both. If you forget this then you will still be posting on this blog, fifteen years in the future, bemoaning the failure of whatever elite exists at that time to come and save you.

jim says:

> Your problem Jim is that you see the elite member leading the violence but you do not see that one unwavering man who inspired him to violence.

That man was Samuel Adams, who wanted and needed a George Washington.

Pooch says:

We need a General Flynn who has been spending a lot of time on the front lines in Afghanistan.

Yes and Flynn wasn’t it. He was not a front line warrior, just a MILINT specialist. Although he was giving Trump the best advice of anyone, recommending the use of force to seize Voting machines. Unknown why Trump never took that advice.

James says:

I’m just not seeing what you’re seeing. Progressive America is letting itself “starve” (but only metaphorically) by shutting down businesses, but in most places in red states, people do business without wearing masks, and employment is almost down to pre-coronavirus lows. Certainly clustering around full employment. Household incomes are up, not down, and every time BLM showed up in neighborhoods within 20 miles of me, massive armed group of homeowners showed up to ensure things stayed entirely, rather than mostly, peaceful.

I don’t see the right actually striking back, but that’s probably because it genuinely isn’t in their best interest to do so. In my case, I make a lot of money in our current system, and while I see that it isn’t ideal for me, I also see that on an individual level, it’s nowhere near bad enough for me to do anything other than keep going and prepare for things to get worse.

I suspect that’s the same calculation that a lot of other white Americans are making. We see that evil, insane people are growing in number and influence, but we also see that we don’t have an effective, coordinated means of fighting back, nor are our backs so against the wall that it’s worth openly rebelling just yet.

If people were literally coming to my neighborhood and literally taking away my neighbors, I’d fight. But they aren’t. If white men were literally being mass fired and replaced by leftist priests, I’d stop working.

Instead, we have leftists attacking whites who make an open show of defiance against leftist holiness in leftist-controlled areas. It doesn’t really have an impact on me directly, it’s just a portend of things to come. And that’s the smart, reasonable thing for me to do — for now.

Similarly, instead of there being mass-firings of whites, we have whites being hired to do actual work, and often compensated for it very well, but a portion of their productivity being diverted to the benefit of the holy. Not a great situation, and a portend of the intentions of people with power — but regardless of their eventual intentions, I and many like me are still making enough money to buy more guns, gold, and grains. Why would I go fight when I can prepare myself to fight, and be more likely to come out on top?

The Cominator says:

James because Trump limited the amount of backing the holy fanatics had from the Federal Government.

The holy fanatics will have a lot more backing very soon for all sorts of insanity. Most governors also aren’t likely to stand up, DeSantis my current governor probably will at least until they threaten funding… then who knows.

Lord says:

I dunno how you can accept the foundations of Neoreaction yet still spew out liberal/woke/”bottom-up” history when it comes to Murica.

Karl says:

If you don’t find Southeast Asia to your liking, try Europe

The Cominator says:

The woke cult is there and I want to be far far away from anywhere the Cathedral has any influence… Eastern Europe could be a dangerous ground of unstable shifting allegiances…

Russia proper maybe, but Russia is bloody cold (and I’m sorry I hate that at this point) except for the Crimea but idk whether muh sanctions will mean that its some sort of weird warzone where I can’t even order anything.

Leon says:

What of South America? Brazil, Argentina, Chile, or some other country down there?

The Cominator says:

Anywhere within the American sphere is iffy and Latin America is hardly a stranger to leftist movements (even if they are more of the old fashioned communistic kind) also its considerably more dangerous than Asia.

Whereas the Thais have been for centuries solid buddhists and monarchists that have resisted all foreign meme influence and its fairly safe in terms of street crime…

Pooch says:

Anywhere nice is already a client state of the Cathedral. Brazil will be targeted for regime change. Everywhere else (Mexico) is going to be 3rd world more or less so just your typical drug cartel and warlord violence is going to be the biggest worry which may or may not be so bad.

The Cominator says:

Thailand and Vietnam are not going to fall to the poz, or even Xi’s pseudo Maoism.

Vietnam is sort of aligned with the Chinese hegemony but China’s control over them is weak, China invaded Vietnam (like a lot of world powers did) and the NVA slaughtered them. Vietnam will likely stick with what they consider good and successful Dengist ideas of what “communism” is.

Thailand is nominally aligned with the US but China is hardly going to let the US invade Thailand in order to stop them for being Buddhist rather than progressive, having a traditional attitude towards women, and being extremely suspicious of Muslims.

Pooch says:

Yes I was just referring to South America.

f6187 says:

Best option I’ve heard is Peru. I visited a friend who expatriated there, and was very impressed with the high level of business activity, preponderance of private education at all levels, and a general disregard for government. We stayed in Lima the whole time. We could sit in a public park at 10pm, with intact families all around, and felt quite safe. We walked everywhere throughout the city, only taking a taxi back at night to save some effort.

f6187 says:

Oh and I hasten to add, the food is utterly fantastic and inexpensive — both in restaurants and at the grocery store.

James Thornton says:

Lima is pretty great, and yes the food is amazing. It is generally more dangerous than SE Asia, but not as bad as many parts of Latin America. You will have high status for being white. The average girl doesn’t look too great, however she will be much less pozzed than the average American girl, and likely live with her extended family.

The Cominator says:

Any other recommendations?

Snowdensjacket says:

Yeah just get married and have a whole bunch of kids, home school them, care about them, and have a great time with your family.

Let what is ceasars be ceasars. I can’t wait for Biden to be king president mommy. He’ll be even funnier then trunp.

Atavistic Morality says:

Nordic countries are extremely gay with their welfare states and high taxes but their markets are solid and actually very free, they’re a good viable option. Norway is expensive, but it also has a huge fund thanks to their oil, so it’s a very good place to have your money safe in their banks. It’s a good geographical position if SHTF, close but separate from continental Europe. Nords also seem the most sane towards coronadoom.

Southern Europe is degenerate garbage, France is going to be muslim in 20 years, UK is part of the increasingly collapsing anglosphere and also soon to be muslim, all of these are discarded. I don’t know enough about Germany and Netherlands, but Germany is the top dog in the EU.

I don’t recommend Eastern Europe yet, maybe to dip your toes but not full blown investment.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

Just as like I wouldn’t bet on the idea that things will continue as normal, I also would not bet on the idea that interesting times will be all wrapped up in a neat bow within your lifetime.

People moving out ‘temporarily’ today will so oft, in time, find that it was permanent. To them, for one reason or another, it will never quite seem like ‘the time is right’ to move back.

Pooch says:

I wonder if the northern cold snowy places of the US will be the safest (even if under leftist rule). Snow seems like a natural filter for the lower races as long as you are away from the cities.

Aidan MacLear says:

Away from the cities is key. The lack of vitamin D for darkies in northerly climes makes the average man from the global south depressed, anxious, and prone to lashing out. Buffalo NY, not too much further north but buried in lake effect snow and much colder, has far higher crime rates than NYC.

yewotm8 says:

It certainly hasn’t worked in Canada.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

Central heating has broken the traditional “sun people” vs “arctic people” model. The sun people can go wherever they want.

Maybe if civilization starts to break down and we’re unable to keep maintaining HVAC systems, we’ll see a mass migration south, or just a mass die-off. Long way away, though, and things will get much worse before anything like that happens.

James Thornton says:


For some countries in SE Asia, you can just show up on a tourist visa, and then keep renewing it indefinitely. Eventually you can get a longer visa under various conditions. It’s much easier to establish legal residency/citizenship in SE Asia then say the US or UK.

I’ve traveled for years, and I’ve spent a lot of time in Asia. Thailand for example is amazing, everything is cheap, you are high status, girls are much easier to get, it’s generally much safer than Latin America or most American cities, and there are no globohomo thought police. A white in SE Asia is treated much better than a white in America.

However after a while I felt like I was going crazy and wanted to leave. Asia is just an utterly alien place, and I missed people who spoke English, trees and mountains, good infrastructure, and white girls. If you do end up going there it’s extremely important to learn the language.

The Cominator says:

Can I get dairy based food even if at a high price (I know Asians don’t have much dairy but that would be my one reservation as I cannot live without it), it doesn’t sound like I will miss the pozzed West much otherwise.

James Thornton says:

Yes in cities like Bangkok and Chiang Mai you will be able to find dairy and most western foods, although it will be relatively expensive and hard to find. Thai food is very good btw but very rice heavy for most westerners, I was craving beef and dairy after a while.

Considering that you make your income independently from speculating, are single, and apparently don’t have strong ties to the US, it could be a good place for you, if you can deal with the culture shock and learn the language. I’d take a trip for a few weeks and scope it out. Bangkok is a bit too crazy for me long term but there are more relaxed cities that still have decent infrastructure and amenities like Chiang Mai.

The Cominator says:

If everything else is cheap paying a markup for milk yogurt and cheese (we’re talking 100-150% not 800% I hope) will not be too much of a problem.

As for speculating btw guys I just think I found the best way to derisk yourself in terms of the dollar and play crypto.

Stock with a ticker MARA (its a crypto miner) the options premiums are insane…

The Cominator says:

I mean its great to sell covered calls on… you’re getting like 25% on your money a month out. And because crypto will likely remain so volatile for a long time that kind of options premium is likely to continue.

The says:

As south-east asia resident (as most SEA countries are more or less same) I can tell you to get travel visa and extend the vise as much as you want.

Working visa is usually a lot more restrictive.

The rent is usually cheap (except Singapore), living in non-main city is even cheaper and diary products like yoghurt, cheese, and milk though limited variety are not hard to find. Alcohol in Indonesia is very hard find and exorbitantly expensive.

Most native resident usually welcome tourist but we never like expatriate that much.

f6187 says:

James Thornton writes: “Lima … The average girl doesn’t look too great”

True. Best to go only if you’re already set on that front. Otherwise I hear Medellin is good.

Instead of South America, I’ll stay in the American South, bailing out the bilges while singing Nearer My God to Thee. I don’t want to leave the many kindred souls here, but I’d consider Idaho or South Dakota if the water rises to my neck.

John C. Calhoun says:

Many good areas in latam to escape to that are white or mostly white and where people are not as toxic (politically speaking). Chile, Argentina, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Costa Rica. Colombia has a lot of white or whitish women. Medellin is okay, the other cities such as Bogota, Bucaramanga, the coffee triangle and some other 2nd tier cities may be better if you are looking for a spouse. The interior in Colombia looks whitish. Avoid the coasts for dating as they are mainly populated with former slaves.

The Cominator says:

Expect the rural South to be treated like the Ukraine not immediately but soon…

Pooch says:

In what way?

jsd says:

Peruvian girls are short and rarely very attractive but think you are hot shit for being white. Not good breeding material.
Chilean girls are usually pretty cute but not that impressed by just being white. Ok breeding material.
Argentinean girls are often beautiful but are notorious ice queens.
Colombian girls are a pretty good balance.

That being said, why not Russia or Eastern Europe? They are white and Christian. Better to build such a place up than just go into hiding in some brown backwater. I get that it is cold and grim but we could start a NRX community there. If you are a young single white man this seems like the best place left to look for a wife.

Ace says:

Russia might not be bad choice. Poland I fear is soon going to be enjoying the loving caress of the American Airforce.

qwerty says:


>Howard Liebengood, a 15-year veteran of the U.S. Capitol Police, died Saturday off duty, according to the force. His cause of death was suicide, an attorney for the family said on Monday.

“Suicide”? I wonder what’s really going on here.

Pooch says:

Very strange. They are desperate for a higher body count though to keep focus on it.

Red says:

The BLM/Antifa induced riots didn’t produce a body count large enough for the upcoming enabling act. Expect further “terrorist” attacks to pad it.

pyrrhus says:

FYI, according to Simon Parkes, it’s now a go for the Trump forces….

Red says:

Fuck off with that Q-Tard crap.

Pooch says:

He means it’s now a go for Trump forces to go to jail.

Starman says:

@Prince Charming
Possible shill detected.

You are a limpwristed scribe and sooner or later the military will get tired of you and your ilk.

Prince Charming says:

[*deleted for unfunny and boring insults.*]

jim says:

On moderation for failure to entertain when insulting people.

I want quality insults and abuse on this blog.

Ace says:

Speaking of trouble, they’re going to have black Nazis in charge of the DOJ:


Pooch says:

I’d rather have that for competency reasons I guess if I have to choose. This whole thing is like a reverse dystopian Nazi regime. The similarities are astonishing.

Ace says:

They’re probably copying the Nazis because A) it worked and B) they think it’s pay back for the Nazis on whites. Would be Ironic if they get into a war with Russia as well.

The Cominator says:

The Cathedral definitely has now fully copied the Nazis media model, theoretical totally private owner but subject to full gleitschaltung by intense behind the scenes pressure from the regime. They used to have a softer hand about it but not any more.

Ace says:

Then I’d expect them to copy the Nazi models on camps and the complete elimination of other political parties as well. They’ll have to massively expand the federal police forces in order to quell places like Texas and Florida for gun confiscation. They might get the military engaged in an external war first to limit warrior interference.

Nah, that’s probably taking the comparison too far. The Democrats are probably taking their ques from the Chinese who are pretty big on the Nazi model. The Nazis never faced a significant resistance to their rule and mass gun confiscation would result in a lot of dead feds with little to show for it.

Pooch says:

No wonder all the Nazi shills wanted Trump out. It’s all making sense now!

Pooch says:

No wonder the Nazi shills wanted Trump out. It’s all making sense now!

Pooch says:

Biden’s Inaugeration speech will have a nice aesthetic surrounded by military with no civilians railing on about the dangers of white supremacy.

Ace says:

Did Biden get along well with the Military? I know Hillary was hated by them(and everyone else), but all I remember about Biden was his gutless refusal to go after Bin Laden.

Pooch says:

I’m not sure but the military leadershp doesn’t seem to mind him at all. However, we are seeing that the “commander in chief” is nonexistent. Top level-decision seems to be a rule by consensus of regime leaders.

Bilge_Pump says:

Former president of the Harvard Black Studies Association. So do we like Jews or Academy niggers more?

Ace says:

With the Deepstate/Cathedral now taking the Nazi route, do you think they could crush the left along with the right, much as Hitler did? For that matter, what was the source of Nazi cohesion? Hitlerism was invented to replace churches, but I’m not sure how seriously people took it.

“Hitlerism was invented to replace churches, but I’m not sure how seriously people took it.”

Nonsense, Himmler wanted to replace Christianity with a made up pagan cult, Hitler considered the idea idiotic. Yet, he was powerless to stop him. The cohesion was not that strong, hence the night of the long knives.

It was 12 years, six of it war, which makes cohesion generally high. Before that, snapping up foreign countries, territories without even war. People support a strong horse that keeps bringing in successes from abroad. If you discount the effect of these, it was not all that strongly cohesive.

This is why it is nonsense the US elites will go on the Nazi path. That sort of path works only if cohesion, enthusiasm is kept up by foreign successes. Sorta like annexing half of Mexico.

No, it is the Lenin path.

Ace says:

>Nonsense, Himmler wanted to replace Christianity with a made up pagan cult, Hitler considered the idea idiotic. Yet, he was powerless to stop him.

The Hitler Yugan says otherwise. Part of their program was to identify people still holding church came for young people and forcing them to attend Hitler youth events instead. Low cohesion groups tend to lose quickly in wars, not fight on lone past the point where it made any sense to fight.

>The cohesion was not that strong, hence the night of the long knives.

The night of the long knives was Hitler allying with and subjecting the military in order to deal with the Nazis to his left.

jim says:

Hitler crushed the left when more-nazi-than-thou threatened him.

But Hitler was a strong leader. The left lacks a strong leader, thus the leftmost will win as soon as things get nasty.

I predict that things will get nasty fairly soon, followed by things getting nastier. At some point the faction that is about to get whacked will turn to the military, as the Thermidoreans turned to Napoleon, and the Roman Senate turned to Pompey.

And then what happens is unpredictable. Depends on one man. And no one can predict who that man will be.

Ace says:

That bozo Maduro continues to hang on despite weak as shit, while his party loots the country bare. Why couldn’t Biden do the same?

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

Maduro has real power over his little banana republic, while Biden is just a figurehead. The US government almost certainly wants to replace him with Kamala, post-haste, which may be why he constantly signals to the far left. “Don’t worry, I’m just as progressive as she is, I’ll play along, no need to get rid of me yet!”

American progressivism as a whole is doing exactly what Maduro is doing, but America has ten thousand dictators, not just the one.

Oliver Cromwell says:

Maduro allows the soldiers to loot the country and consequently enjoyed the backing of the soldiers.

I think it’s very plausible that Biden will retain the loyalty of the US military.

James says:

What do “nasty” and “nastier” look like to you? I predict a balance of basically two leftist camps:

1) The priests and their faithful
2) The corrupt sociopaths and ladder climbers

In America, camp 2 has consistently played camp 1 for decades and won pretty much every time.

Camp 2 wants the gravy train to keep going, and knows who they can and can’t push too far, for the most part. Camp 1 wants to immanentize the eschaton, but they generally suck at most things, especially organization.

If “nasty” and “nastier” means more symbolic hangings, business-crushing regulations, soul-crushing implicit bias training seminars, and burning down of leftist cities, I believe it. But we’ve seen stiff resistance when the left tries to move beyond their enclaves, and even headless as it is, the right has shown that where they stop tolerating the Left is at their own doorstep. I predict more sanctuary cities and parallel infrastructure in direct proportion to leftist tyranny.

Anonymous 2 says:

Federalize the police forces, for starters? In a gesture of generosity, the federal government of course assumes all pensions costs, etc.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

Dems are not the real nazis.

I wrote below that if Poland and Hungary and similarly not-pozzed-enough nations will get fucked, they will get fucked indirectly through the EU.

Now Heiko Maas, Foreign Minister of Germany is “offering close cooperation” to the Biden administration and saying “We are ready to work with the US for a new Marshall plan for democracy”, “the enemies of liberal democracy must be given no room in the USA, Germany or Europe”. He told Biden “you can rely on Germany in the fight for democracy, without democracy in the USA cannot be democracy in Germany”

Let’s decode this. Without lib rule in the US cannot be lib rule in Germany because it requires the US military to suppress the enemies of lib rule in Germany.

Another interesting part was “defending the persuasiveness of science and reason”. This probably must mean globalwarming. Or Corona.

So a preemptive declaration of full loyalty to US libs. Things gonna change fast in Europe…

Poland, Hungary and others must be clever. The obvious thing would be to leave the EU and to leave the NATO probably as well. But that would really invite Milosevic style USAF bombing. I think they should not leave the EU and the NATO because it would be really unseemly for the USAF to bomb EU and NATO territory, I think that is an apperance that the libs do not want to violate. When vassals are called allies, one just cannot go and attack them, that would have very bad optics, first one must declare them non-allies. I think their best bet would be to comply with some of the demands and stay inside the EU and the NATO to avoid getting bombed.

Ace says:

I think they’re about to let up on COVID. Now that they have full control of every intuition, all social media, and the regular media, they’ll just crush small business using the IRS and regulatory bodies quickly and cleanly.

onyomi says:

Letting up on covid after Biden gets in also has the advantage of sending the subliminal message that, “elect right wing populists=life sucks; elect globalist=life gets better.” No matter that it was the globalists making life suck under the right wing populist, I fear this may work to a degree on normies, though probably less so with the mask coming off to this degree.

Ace says:

It’s likely to work, especially with the full Nazi propaganda model they’ve got now. The German economy was already recovering when Hitler took power and was near total collapse towards 1938 thanks to Hitler’s before the war, war socialism, but the Media reported everything was fine and people believed it. People were staving in the occupied territories starting in 1940.

The Cominator says:

Hitler’s 1st two years were genuinely right wing including even in economics, but he reversed course towards real socialism in 1935.

suones says:

Hitler was preparing for war, which was clear to everyone by 1936-38, but especially must have been to Hitler. Wartime command economy is a necessity unrelated to “Socialism.” When major businesses are in the hands of people of dubious loyalty, a leader must take steps to force ensure their loyalty before striking out. A similar situation exists in the USA with regards to Silicon Valley, and has existed for more than a century with regards to Wall street. No US leader can expect to enact meaningful change without subduing his enemies in those two places, and doing so over a short period of time like 3-5 years is going to look an awful lot like “muh Socialism.”

jim says:

> Wartime command economy is a necessity unrelated to “Socialism.”

Xenophon did not think so.

Socialism was a grave mistake for Hitler, because he started running out of other people’s money at the beginning of the war, while his opponents were only running out of money at the end. He was in big trouble at the time he conquered Greece.

The advantage of a command economy for war is that you can tax above the laffer limit, in fact you can tax in excess of one hundred percent. But not for very long. In a prolonged war, you are going to need a base area that is taxed at the laffer limit.

The laffer limit depends on your time horizon. So, the longer the war might go on, the lower the laffer limit. Hitler was fighting a land war against airsea powers, who have the option of dragging the war out for a very long time if it suits them. Same problem Napoleon had.

suones says:

Xenophon didn’t have to fight a total war. His victory condition was not vanquishing his enemies, but survival. Also, the farmers and merchants the Greek Army purchased from were able and willing to sell to them, being vassals not really aligned with their nominal masters. A completely different situation when your own nation’s resources are commanded by an ideologically driven, hostile elite. Similar arguments were raised against the Trumpenfuhrer exerting State power over Silicon Valley or the Media. No, it is not Socialism to use State power to diminish your internal enemies capacity to fight. Trumpenfuhrer couldn’t do it because he didn’t actually have the power, but that is another issue.

As for your second point, I absolutely agree. I have said before that the Nazis’ major sin was covetousness, and that was what did them in. They were haemorrhaging resources even when they were winning. All their (mighty inspiring!) talk about a “Thousand Year Reich” was nothing but bluster with no plan. Hmm, suspiciously like Trumpenfuhrer.

Regarding the Laffer limit, a wartime command economy enables a nation to fight short wars with extreme intensity, intended to win rapid victory through sheer terror and destruction. I firmly believe that Hitler or his planners understood this, and capitalised on this in the early years of the war. They even named it “blitzkreig.” Given the German situation, lacking a vast hinterland like Russia, a vast Empire like Britain, or a vast industrial base like USA, I can’t imagine they wanted to get into a protracted war with any of those powers, let alone all of them. They should have just conquered the French and Belgian territories (which included the African possessions!) and called it a day.

Comparison with other combatants doesn’t give any valuable info, as everyone had command economies in WW-II, including Britain, USSR (obviously), USA (FDR), and Japan (Tojo). Japan probably had the “free-est” of the lot. So WWII is as easily a failure of Hitler’s command economy as a success of FDR’s command economy.

Aside: What I find a mystery is the failure of Germany and Japan to ally. While (((history))) teaches us about the “Axis Powers” there really was no actual axis to speak of. Hitler failed to use Subhash Chandra Bose to paralyse the British Empire’s eastern end. He also, severely neglected to ally with Japan for a joint invasion of the Soviet Union from both ends, instead of Japan attacking USA first. Even Italy, a nominal German “ally,” was far from an actual ally as regards fighting ability and/or resources. I believe the Nazis’ failure to seek alliance with their Eastern counterparts was a result of racial hubris, but I could be mistaken. Japan’s strategy is less mysterious. Being an airsea power itself, it was bound to come into conflict with the Anglo-American Axis, and they might have figured it would be best to fight USA while it was engaged across the Atlantic with Germany. However, that presupposed a Germany lasting long enough to fight the USA over the Atlantic, which necessarily meant a total defeat of the USSR first. All in all, Germany and Japan could have mopped up Asia and more than half of Europe before atomic weapons were invented, but they didn’t, and here we are 🙂

Nils says:

Friend and I were just talking about the German procurement process in ww2 Germany, and how bueauctratic restrictions on materials crippled development from all but the largest companies and slowed it down by months or years, 5% nickel content restriction on jet engines? Why? Seems like they would have been better served with a market for materials and instead focused on deciding how much they could afford to pay for products like fighters. Even with the communism in resource allocation their innovation was impressive altho most of it was theoretically designed prior to the war. Interesting idea that they should have gone for a low and slow war to outlast their increasingly communist(command economy) enemies.

Pooch says:

I don’t think they are agreement capable to let up on COVID. Like climate change, it’s part of official doctrine now.

Ace says:

I didn’t say they were going to give up their powers, they may just end the end the lock downs. No need for them when destroying small businesses with the full powers of the regulatory state and the suprema court as their bitches. And the COVID stuff was enforced by the left with a single voice. The US government isn’t agreement capable, but the Democrat governors are.

Dave says:

Lukashenko suddenly looks like a genius for keeping his country firmly allied with Russia.

Mike in Boston says:

Though he was agile enough to pull them back once the color revolution process started, Luka had extended a few tentative feelers towards the West looking for gibs. Putin isn’t going to forget that and I think Luka staying in power another full term is not a slam dunk; neither the West nor Russia is going to help him out of his economic troubles. I wouldn’t be shocked to see him get replaced with someone both more loyal to the Kremlin and more glib at soothing normie concerns.

The Cominator says:

Luka is not a progressive but he is a Stalinist (maybe not as murderous as the original variety but he wouldn’t get away with that as neither Putin nor the West would let an oldschool Stalinist go that far), whereas Putin is one of us. Luka is thus a man out of time…

Oliver Cromwell says:

Luka was the only man in 1989 USSR who believed in the USSR.

There is context. Trade with Russia has been the lifeblood of the Belarussian economy, so one in his position had to believe in the USSR not completely falling apart but at least functioning as some sort of a common economic area. The main problem was that the trucks sent to Russia and back have been robbed by armed bandits in that chaotic era of collapse. So his solution was to put a soldier sitting next to the driver in every truck with an AK, and if the truck is stopped for any reason, he is to immediately open fire, no questions asked. Pretty quickly the problem was solved. The moral of the story is that he was capable of decisive, almost kingly action, not the typical passive Soviet bureaucrat, and this was what made him popular.

alf says:

OK I guess we are still continuing.

In our last installment, we discussed the trinity test, which confusingly includes the trinity as only one of its three prongs. Since I argue Christianity has been overrun by entryists to the point of death, Jim argues it is alive, this seems sensible.

We took Stephen Colbert as poster boy, Colbert being both a mouthpiece for the cathedral as well as a practicing Catholic.

I researched whether Colbert passed the trinity test.

On the first test, that God is one and God is three, he passed.

On the second test, that he can say the name Jesus Christ without bursting into flames, he passed.

On the third test, that Jesus is both born in Bethlehem and from before Bethlehem, I initially pegged him as failing because he stood up for Unitarians. But the test is not whether or not you stand up for Unitarians, it’s whether you can say that Jesus is born both in Bethlehem and from before then. I cannot find him saying it, cannot find him not saying it. So it is unclear.

Passes two out of three, fails zero out of three. For a guy who has talked about as much on tv as Jim has written on his blog, that seems very indicative of Christianity’s failure to keep progressive entryists out.

davisM says:

Alf, your website has gone, but how do I contact you?
I sent you a message on Gab, but did you see it?

alf says:

On gab someone with the handle glosoli requested to speak to me live. I told him to stop glowing in the dark.

Starman says:

The guy named glosoli on Gab definitely glows in the dark. He cannot pass RedPill on Women questions.

davisM says:

And yet he does pass your silly test, despite your false accusations.

@alf, what are you afraid of man?

Starman says:


Glosoli has failed to answer a single multiple choice RedPill on Women Question.

Why don’t you answer my multiple choice RedPill on women question that I put out on this comment section?
“Should pornography be banned?”

Type out both question and the full answer, not just the letter when you answer.

jim says:

Take the test.

alf says:

nvm, I guess it is over.

Which is to say, it’s not over, for we have not gotten to the conclusion, whatever that conclusion would have been. But I am done pulling teeth.

You think you have heard what I say, but you have not. But you are an old, well, middle-aged man, set in his ways, so I guess that’s ok. Thanks for the wisdom, anyways.

davisM says:

Wisdom on spiritual matters, from an atheist?

Good luck with that.

jim says:

Does not pass two out of three.

Demon worshippers say “Jesus Jesus Jesus, I love Jesus all day long”, but they are unable to say the name of Christ.

Socinians can say the name of Christ, though they would rather not, so they squeak through two out of three, getting slippery about it, but get evasive when you try to pin them down as to who Christ is.

And Socinians were, for several centuries, the biggest threat, and caused the greatest harm, and if they are no longer so important today, it is only that Christianity’s applecart no longer has so many shiny apples, so fewer leftists care about knocking over that apple cart.

Colbert looks to me like a Socinian or a demon worshipper.

alf says:

He says the name of Jesus plenty. He says it here, he says it here.

When asked about how he views God today, Colbert replied: “It’s Jesus Christ. Not an old man with a beard.


And the last test is thusly obscure that we have no clue whether or not he passes.

It is of course not the Socinians that have been the biggest threat. It is the Puritans and the Enlightened, and their progressive descendants. Colbert is an obvious progressive entryist. But the trinity test does not test for that.

jim says:

That he said “Jesus Christ” means he is not a demon worshipper. Still sounds like a Socinian.

He does not worship a Christ who wanted the Jews to return to the spirit of the law, but a Christ that announced a new, kindlier, spirit of the law. The latest improvement to the spirit of the law being to get nine year old boys to wear dresses and makeup.

alf says:

So, passes two out of three.

On the last test, unclear. Perhaps he is a Socinian, besides being a progressive, perhaps not. That the ‘from Bethlehem and from before’ test is unable to establish that is the test’s weakness, not mine.

Pooch says:

I don’t think he could repeat Jim’s creed word for word, for fear of bursting into flames. He talks about Jesus Christ in a very strange and non-Christian way.

alf says:

I agree in the sense that his entryism emanates from his entire being, which makes him the perfect test subject.

I’m not looking for ‘I dont think he could’. I’m looking for ‘here he obviously fails and it is clear for everyone.’ That’s what a good entryism test should accomplish. For instance, compare with the red pill women test.

Stephen, what about gender inequality?
A) Well obviously there is gender inequality because Jews make women do bad stuff
B) Men by nature conquer women and when they stop doing so things go bad.
C) There used to be gender inequality but we finally solved it, although now we are going too far in the other direction
D) Why does this gender inequality still persist, and how can we stop it? sometimes I wonder whether the world would be a better place if women were in charge.

THAT’s clear to me.

Starman says:


Totally agreed. The incredible effectiveness of the RedPill on Women multiple choice test shows an indication of what the future counter-religion is going to look like.

jim says:

That test was enforced by Church of England for a very long time, and the ancien Regime of England re-established by Charles the Second survived while that test was enforced, and fell not long after it ceased to be enforced, fell to people who could not pass it.

Mostly works against people on this blog who sound like entryists to Christianity, worked for the Church of England.

We have had two millennia of troubles over Christology, and the test is targeted against poisonous trees who bore poisoned fruit.

“Wholly God and wholly man” is there to stop the people who caused Christian Egypt to fall to Islam, “is from before the beginning of the world” is there to stop the people who destroyed the ancien regime of England. Each phrase in the affirmation is a reference to a terrible historical disaster caused by entryists against Christianity.

alf says:

Which history nobody remembers, nobody cares about. Save for some 200 IQ savants on the internet.

qwerty says:

Yep. There are no churches today that are actually churches in the sense that the Church of England was a church during the Restoration. They don’t decide any of the important things: the Moldbuggian Cathedral does. So it doesn’t make sense to me why jim thinks that being able or not being able to signal theological allegiance to a specific church has anything to do with one’s allegiance to Gnon. Like, even if Colbert were scrupulously aligned with Roman Catholic doctrine in everything, what would it tell us? The Pope supports gay marriage and infinite refugee immigration. The Protestant Churches (save some American ones, they have their own problems) are even worse. So it follows that many Christians might hold technically unorthodox views while still being loyal to the “God of Nature or God”, and many Christians may be completely orthodox by the standards of their church but still de-facto “demon worshipers”. This wasn’t the case 300 years ago, but the Church actually had power 300 years ago.

jim says:

> So it doesn’t make sense to me why jim thinks that being able or not being able to signal theological allegiance to a specific church has anything to do with one’s allegiance to Gnon.

I am not asking people to signal theological alliance to a particular Church.

I am asking people who claim to be Christians, and more Christian than I am, to signal allegiance to Christianity, rather than to one of the many evil hostile sects that entered Christianity to knock over its applecart so that they could grab some apples.

All entryists are aligned with some mainline Church or other, and often several mutually incompatible mainline Churches. It does not matter what mainline Church you are in, if you are in it in order to destroy it and harm its adherents.

If someone is an entryist to Christianity, and shows up on this blog, he is an entryist to the reaction and to the Dark Enlightenment.

suones says:

Which history nobody remembers, nobody cares about. Save for some 200 IQ savants on the internet.

Jim is right tho. The Monophysite/Dyophysite schism was in part responsible for the relatively easy Islamic conquest of Misr.

What Jim ignores is that the Monophysites/Copts were mostly ethnic Egyptians related to the Arabs (descendants of Ishmael) through Hagar, while Dyophisitism was enforced by the Byzantine occupation ruling class and their Egyptian fellow-travellers. The “schism” is a fig leaf over ethnic conflicts.

By giving up their true gods and forefathers, Copts made a deal with a Semitic demon. When the followers of a different Semitic demon came about, it was now very easy to shift allegiance to this different Master.

It is not strange at all that Julian the Faithful found Antiocheans very committed to Semitism, as they immediately committed to a different variety of Semitism as soon as the opportunity for power presented itself. To wit, Syria became the seat of the Caliphate and Damascus again became a major world-centre under Muslim rule. Syrians were also instrumental in finishing off Muhammad/Ali’s bloodline so that no claims of a hereditary Caliph/monarch may arise. All of which came to naught as Arabs re-asserted their supremacy.

I re-iterate: the only way “Christianity” can be tolerated is when it is a national Church completely part of a long-lasting power-structure and effectively an arm of the State. The only semi-modern examples I know of are the Russian Orthodox Church (which also was formed as the result of a convenient “schism” right when Byzantium fell to Allah, and was actually permitted by the Caliph), and the Anglican Church (which came about when Henry VIII thought the interference of the Pope in his harem was infuriating). Any and all “ideological” and especially internationalist/evangelical strains must be purged at first encounter.

To hit a point closer to my home: the only church allowed in Hindu India will be the one that was founded by St Thomas and has remained largely uncorrupted by Roman and later Byzantine foolishness, the Indian Orthodox Church. This Church also subscribes to Monophysitism, which is the correct belief. An avatar is also a god, and is the same as the original god. Shri Ram is wholly man, and wholly god, and is consubstantial with Shri Vishnu. To believe that “Ram” the man is different from “Shri Ram” the divine is stupidity.

alf says:

If someone is an entryist to Christianity, and shows up on this blog, he is an entryist to the reaction and to the Dark Enlightenment.

I a squinting my eyes, but dare I say you are you vaguely agreeing with me?

Your point about not pissing off friendly Christians makes sense. There’s good people out there, and a disproportionate amount of the good people tend to be Christians.

My point however is that we should not trust these people to bring about any sort of restoration. They are too passive, not talking about the reality of the situation as clear as we are. As I find exactly reflected in the trinity tests, which are not bad per se, but fail to check for obvious entryists like colbert. So while we are not exactly not Christians, we are not exactly Christians either. Most of us are darkly enlightened first, Christian second.

Which makes me leap to the conclusion of saying the closest thing we are is Jimian Christians, but really that part is open-ended and we needn’t fill it in immediately.

jim says:

I am sure that Colbert would fail the test. He sounds like an obvious entryist against Christianity.

His references to Jesus and Christ are weirdly off key, indicating a Socinian or one of those ilk.

He is using the words of Christianity, but using them oddly in ways that suggest that they don’t have the Christian meaning.

alf says:

I am sure colbert would fail the trinity test

Yes and I am sure that had I a time machine, the miracles would come up dry.

If I don’t get to prove an unfalsifiable, you don’t get to prove an unfalsifiable. Either the test tests what it is supposed to test, or the test does not work. Seems it does not work.

suones says:

“Wholly God and wholly man” is there to stop the people who caused Christian Egypt to fall to Islam,

Misr fell to Islam because Christianity demolished any and all millennia-old Chesterton’s fences in the region. Seriously, half the “Christians” there were actively collaborating with the Muslim invaders, and the Muslim armies were actually surprised by the unexpectedly lax resistance. Also, Syria, Babylon, and soon, France. The pagan areas conquered by Muslims are very small, geographically speaking. Their major non-Christian conquest has been Persia, but that developed its own schismatic Persian Shia Islam soon enough.

Orthodox Nobleman says:

Observations regarding the discussion on Colbert.

Stephen Colbert fails two of the three tests, and in failing the first fails the third by default.

The irony of Colbert’s fidget spinner analogy video is its explanation of its own heresies. Each person of the Trinity is the divine essence, not a component of the divine essence. Modalism is a heresy on the level of Socinianism. Christ is not a component of the divine essence, Christ is the divine essence. Colbert states that God is three in one, not one and three, thus he fails.

If Colbert defines the Trinity as the sum of three parts, it negates the possibility of him believing that the Lord Jesus Christ is both born in Bethlehem and is before Bethlehem, thus he fails the third test.

Colbert does not pass the second test in any video linked here:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuS033sttsw (0:10)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8qaseX5ntM (1:10)

In the first video, Colbert says “it’s Christ…it’s Jesus…it’s not the old man with the beard.” He does not say “It’s Jesus Christ. Not an old man with a beard.“ In the second video, Colbert mentions “Christ,” not “Jesus Christ.” Neither video shows Colbert using the words “Jesus Christ” together. Maybe you should watch your own videos before posting them to the blog.

Colbert’s video on the Fidget Spinner is him mocking real Christians for having proper doctrine on theological matters, not to mention the litany of evils in his video with the demon Jesuit of which would take too long to detail.

I knew this man was evil before, thanks to you I know he is a slave of the Devil. To use your wording, he is truly a “piece of shit.”

alf says:

Christ is not a component of the divine essence, Christ is the divine essence. Colbert states that God is three in one, not one and three, thus he fails.

This shit right here is why Christians lose. What is this semantic unfollowable crap?

The point of an entryism test is to everyone clearly demonstrate that the one who takes the test is not who he purports to be. An important part of the test is to humiliate the person failing the test.

Take the Soros test for wignats. You ask shills who supposedly hate Jews to mention the evil deeds of this very influential jew, and they literally can’t do it. That’s the kind of stuff that makes you go: wow, something fishy is really going on here.

Now back to your trinity explanation. Colbert explains the trinity with fidget spinners: three parts when the fidget is still, one whole when it spins. It’s hip, it’s creative, and to any layman’s ear it makes sense. Then comes along you: ‘noooo the metaphor is wrong it says God is one IN three and not one AND three.’ What? OK great job. Every Catholic kid is going to side with colbert on this one. You’re literally the crying bugman meme. And colbert gets to be the ‘haha fidget spinner go brrrr’ meme.

Neither video shows Colbert using the words “Jesus Christ” together.

Good catch, I’ll give you that. Kind of pulling on straws though. If he can say ‘it’s Christ, it’s Jesus’ unprompted, pretty sure he can say ‘it’s Jesus Christ’ when prompted.

Orthodox Nobleman says:

Christians convened the first seven Ecumenical Councils in response to heresies among them Modalism. It does not matter if you find the distinctions semantic, Christians are the ones who administer the test, and Colbert fails.

The analogy works because Christians cannot fight back. If Colbert was mocking Tawhid and depicted Muhammad with the same disrespect he depicted God, not so cool. Ha ha automatic rifle go brrr. Charlie Hebdo got what they deserved, while Colbert does not.

The fidget spinner analogy appeals to the average layman, in other words proles, who do not and never will matter. Proles should be seen and not heard, leaving theology to elites.

Poster girl principle applies. If Colbert cannot say “Jesus Christ” in videos where others paraphrase him saying “Jesus Christ,” does not pass second test.

Ace says:

So I was thinking it over, isn’t likely that they’ll use the NSA database to data mine every Trump supporter in the security forces, including military and fully purge them? Most people still think of their text messages and phone calls as secure.

RedBible says:

Antifa types will be the ones doing the Doxxing of Trump supporters. it helps to make it look like the “will of the people” that way. So unless you have public tweets or post or donations to trump in your name, should get a “pass” on the first round of killing. Second round may likely include those that might of thought about voting Trump (A.k.a All whites and middle class people.)

Pooch says:

Biden May very well form a unit of ideologues. An SS if you will.

Publius says:

Yep they are already trying to fire the white dudes who are Capitol Police who “secretly” supported the “insurrection.”

This is old news. They are trying to ensure that no white men can be military or cops.

Try to find me a white man chief of police. They are all black women, women, or black men.

LOL. White privilege my ass. No jobs for white men.

suones says:

Which begs the question, what are white men going to do about it? Which way, white man?

Dave says:

One possibility is that ambitious young white men assimilate into Latino culture and become highly intelligent super-criminals. If Harvard won’t have them, the cartels will.

Cartels in Mexico don’t just terrorize politicians and judges with assassination, kidnapping, and torture, they can defeat the army in a full-on battle.

The Cominator says:

The cartels in Mexico own half of the politicians too. But the Cartels depend more on extreme ruthlessness than intelligence, I’ve read the only cartel group that is above average IQ (and this is Mexican IQ) are those in the money laundering side of the operation.

Also as Jim points out, some branches of the cartels most ruthless fighters follow the old gods… following the demon gods of the Aztecs is a solution to progressivism we do not want even if it would work which it wouldn’t.

Dave says:

One thing that’s always mystified me about Hollywood action movies is, what motivates hundreds of mooks to heedlessly throw themselves at the hero’s machine gun? You’re not fighting for God, King, and Country, you’re cannon fodder for some shitty drug lord.

suones says:

…what motivates hundreds of mooks to heedlessly throw themselves at the hero’s machine gun? You’re not fighting for God, King, and Country, you’re cannon fodder for some shitty drug lord.

Hollywood is propaganda. You are never told the motivations of the designated enemy because then you could realise that it is in fact the hero’s side that is really evil. Similar to how Hollywood Nazis are cardboard cutouts, or how the Stormtroopers in Star Wars are at once so effective that they’re able to conquer vast galaxies but are strangely unable to shoot down the hero’s X-Wing.

This is not a criticism. Any propaganda must do this. Bollywood films of the 50s-70s always showed “British” as generally evildoers at all levels, and Chinese films show Japanese as inveterate “devils” lol.

someDude says:

Showing Brits between 50s-70s as general evildoers is the exact right thing to do. That’s what self respecting nations do. If it were up to me, the Indians would make their version of 300 but this time with an Amazon woman hacking, impaling and beheading Brits left right and center.

The Amazon could be their Goddess Durga, she could be their own Joan of Arc like the Queen of Jhansi. They don’t even have to be very original. It could be Wonder woman meets 300 meets Kill Bill with some song and dance sequences thrown it though I wonder how they’d sneak those in.

Propaganda is a tool. It gets sharper with use. And it is too important a tool not to sharpen. I’m with the Indians on this one. Now and then they do show some testicular evidence.

suones says:

Showing Brits between 50s-70s as general evildoers is the exact right thing to do. That’s what self respecting nations do.

That’s why I didn’t criticise Hollywood’s portrayal of enemy combatants as mooks. We all do it.

The Amazon could be their Goddess Durga, she could be their own Joan of Arc like the Queen of Jhansi.

Hell no. That would be failing the QdF on a grand, grand scale. I second the need for a Bollywood-300 though, even though it can’t really be made because Bollywood is too dominated by Muslims. Come to think of it, 300 can’t be remade in Hollywood either. No shield maidens or black Greeks to be seen anywhere lol.

someDude says:


queer Dick Fucker?

query deserves freshness?

You’re talking about elevating women needlessly? Yes, yes, we all know that there is no evidence that either of the previous warrior queens, boudicca, Joan of Arc or LakshmiBai even killed a single man, but …….. ever heard of using one faction of the coalition of Fringes against the other?

For instance you could use the progs against Frail, bespectacled, fasting, half naked Baldy like this dude https://www.vice.com/en/article/ezj3km/gandhi-was-a-racist-who-forced-young-girls-to-sleep-in-bed-with-him

Use girl power against the Brits

suones says:

QdF: Querelle des femmes

…using one faction of the coalition of Fringes against the other?

This is a mistake. The Coalition of the Fringes is united due their hatred of us, not due to mutual agreement. If only we could prove that Dems R the Real Racists, all blacks would suddenly vote Republican! Or “Islam is Right About Women!” It’s lulzy, I admit, but doesn’t work for us. Every attack that strengthens one Leftist faction increases the total strength of the Leftist Coalition.

The Ring of Power only works for Sauron. Leftist tactics only work for Leftists.

For instance you could use the progs against Frail, bespectacled, fasting, half naked Baldy like this dude https://www.vice.com/en/article/ezj3km/gandhi-was-a-racist-who-forced-young-girls-to-sleep-in-bed-with-him

Mahatma Gandhi was Prog 1.0, or at least he used Prog 1.0, and it will not surprise me when his legacy is consumed by the offspring monster Prog 3.0.

Joe says:


I have found that the two Dr Jekylls and one Mr Hyde act of Christianity works well to capture certain people from the coalition of the fringes. I have used it to bring into the fold disillusioned people who have turned to the false gods of progressivism and Islam. It is less effective against the truly rabid, and one needs other means to deal with such people.

The mindset that you should have when bringing a person back is that he is part of God’s plan. This feeling must be real.

If he shows any doubt, simply say, “God loves you,” and it will be so.

The Godfather is far better as a book than as a movie. What I learned from it that the mafia was first and foremost an extended family, a clan. Doing crime was secondary. They are not fighting for some shitty drug lord, they are fighting for brother and cousin, like every clannish, tribal society ever. Because Sicily was kind of backwards.

Even GTA San Andreas has the basic idea, a black gang is not a random collection of blacks who want to do crime, it neighbors who grew up together and as kids were playing together every day, some are relatives, others are “dating” each others relatives, this is the primary thing, and crime is just something they do.

God, King and Country is something you need when you have a big army where things are more abstract. But the basic tribal or gang 25 men fighting unit are just fighting for each other.

suones says:


… ambitious young white men assimilate into Latino culture and become highly intelligent super-criminals. If Harvard won’t have them, the cartels will.

The cartels most certainly will not. It is impossible for a gringo to just “go local,” and will lead to the same laughable situation as gaijin “otaku” in the West. Deadly, but in a funny way. Even real-born Latinos (i.e. Spainiards) tend to stay away from cartel-culture because they can’t fit in. They end up in “legitimate” Mexican government and business.

Dave: Cartels in Mexico … can defeat the army in a full-on battle.
Cominator: …Cartels depend more on extreme ruthlessness than intelligence…
Cominator: …the cartels most ruthless fighters follow the old gods…

The old gods know the nature of their children and are entwined with them. Every indio feels the blood in his arteries calling for sacrifice. Every heart they cut out in battle is an offering to their heavenly father who makes them strong. Even South/Central American “Christianity” is camouflage. The old gods never left. And it absolutely will work against “Progressivism” which is actually Moloch. Moloch has no power in Mexico, or Colombia, or the parts of Brazil that are dominated by natives.

It won’t work for whites for the same reason “Buddhism” doesn’t work for whites. You can LARP that you feel the “Buddha nature” but you really don’t, can’t. It is sad that whites have now been completely dispossessed of spiritual strength, and are in the same position, spiritually, as US blacks. In any case, worship of foreign gods will never work, whether Aztec or Semitic.

someDude says:

You’re trying way to hard to get the Whites to abandon monotheism and go to their ancestral polytheism.

You’re trying way too hard to get them to give up Jesus Christ and go back to Odin, Saturn, Apollo, Thor, Zeus, Toutatis, Belenos, Jupiter etc etc.

Not gonna happen. Monotheism is an organizational technology that gives the adopter way too much focus and unity of purpose. Except for Japan, we are not aware of any instance where polytheists prevailed over monotheists. Monotheism is like Laser while polytheism is like light coming out of a battery powered torch bulb.

May i suggest that the Indians come up their own version of monotheism to combat the Abrahamisms 2.0 and 3.0? And it seems medieval Indians already beat me to that idea. They condensed your millions of Gods into 3, viz, the Creator, Presever and Destroyer.

Then they threw the Creator overboard saying that he emerged from the navel of the Preserver. Which made sense. When assaulted by Abrahamism 3.0, the creator is useless. You really need someone to presever Hinduism and another to destroy Abr 3.0

Then they decided to merge both the preserver and destroyer into 1 saying worship of one is the same as that of the other. In parallel, they started promoting The one Brahman. Pretty haphazard, I must say, but it’s better than nothing. And can’t say it did not work. The Hindus are still here.

May I suggest building further on this theme and monotheizing yourself instead of trying to get other monotheists to give it up?

I kind of agree and disagree a bit with your point here.

On the one hand, as you observed Monotheistic religions have a unity of purpose that is extremely well equipped to handle and repel direct attacks by other Monotheistic religions but are a lot more susceptible to entryism and also the fact that central authority (Papal authority for example) is vulnerable to subversion. This is because monotheistic religions tend to rely on central authority.

Hinduism is vulnerable to direct attack by monotheistic religions, but somewhat resilient against entryism because of its distributed nature which is far more numerous than the major denominations of Christianity or Islam. No single point of entry means that entryists are forever baffled and confused when their particular “brand” of Hinduism merely becomes one among many other factions and eventually sidelined. This is also partly why Hindu traditions are holding out somewhat surprisingly against Progressive subversion.

While it is true that many Hindus have converted to Progressivism, self-identifying Hindus find it increasingly difficult to be a Hindu and a Progressive at the same time because the Progressivism in India increasingly demands Hindus to denounce Hindu culture and Hindu Gods openly because the Progressivism imported to India has mixed the agenda of the old Left as well as the Evangelical denominations of Christianity. Unlike (Progressivized) Christianity for instance. This is also probably why Hinduism faces far more vicious attacks from the Prog media in India, than Christianity in Western media. I see far fewer Progressive “Hindus” at least in public saying “Ram Ram” or “Jai Shree Ram” than Progressive Christians who can say “Jesus Jesus” (as Jim puts it).

Note the focus: In the West, the enemy is a racial identity of whiteness, while in India, the enemy is the religious identity that is Hinduism. It’s not a coincidence that western Prog media, NYT and WP refer to BJP as a “Hindu Majoritarian party” and the agenda of Hindutva as “Hindu Supremacist” much in the same manner as they refer to “White Supremacy”. Just as whites are being asked to denounce their “whiteness”, Hindus are being asked to denounce their “Hinduness”. In that sense, the attack of Progressivism in India is not the same as an attack on Christianity by Progressivism but rather an attack on “Whiteness” by Progressivism. Because Christianity could be subverted by Progressivism while whiteness and Hinduism could not. Maybe the software does not compute in that sense.

My point being, becoming monotheistic makes Hinduism more susceptible to Progressive subversion but remaining distributed renders Hinduism vulnerable to Evangelical conversion and infighting which has been the case for a long time now, which has had the effect of weakening our overall defences.

Today organizing Hindus requires a focus on prioritizing which is the more dangerous enemy of the moment.

someDude says:


Please see my comment to Suones. It is meant for you as well.

Also, it might be better optics to switch your handle. Honest Indian seems to imply that most Indians are not honest and you are some sort of exception and not like them. Finally, for others on this board, it sounds like a parody of Honest Injun’. And then there are all these old memes about Honest Al being a used car salesman. Just don’t use the word “Honest”.

Why not a handle derived from some lesser known mythological figure or lesser known King who successfully did battle against the Abrahamic invaders?

This was a random handle that came to my mind and I didn’t really think it through at the time of first posting on this blog. Henceforth my handle is “dharmicreality”, as reflected in my blog title.

suones says:


Not gonna happen. Monotheism is an organizational technology that gives the adopter way too much focus and unity of purpose. Except for Japan, we are not aware of any instance where polytheists prevailed over monotheists. Monotheism is like Laser while polytheism is like light coming out of a battery powered torch bulb.

This is delusional. There is no struggle between “monotheism” and “polytheism” here. The struggle is between thralls of Semitic daemons who promised their votaries the world, but are failing to protect them against Moloch and even Mammon. The old gods can and do protect, as seen in Mexico, and Africa.

You seem to have a profound misunderstanding of old-style worship. I’m willing to discuss, but you have to state your own position clearly. Are you an adherent of Christ Invictus, Baphomet, or any other of your choosing?

someDude says:

Like Alf I’m an atheist but unlike him I believe Lord Rama is the best Glue to unify Indians as Jesus Christ is the best glue for Whites. I agree with Jim that you need to reboot to the last working technology, which was Jesus Christ for the Whites and Lord Rama for the Indians.

The Old Gods protect from what? They failed miserably against both Paul and Mohammad in the past and continue to fail miserably against the Church in India today. As I understand, You’ve lost your entire North East to Christ. You’ve already lost one coastal southern province to a combo of Paul and Muhammad. You are in the process of losing two of your remaining three Southern provinces to the Church. In fact you might have already lost them both but don’t realize it yet.

As for resistance to progressives, I’m not seeing it. Half or more of the Hindu elite is progressive with fertility rates that would embarrass the Nordics. Family law that penalizes men as badly as western family law. Possibility of raising the age of consent for women to 21. Pumping women into the Armed forces and netflix specials showing the struggles these brave amazons face against the chauvinistic culture of the forces. Perhaps you have some special goggles that makes you see all that you are claiming?

The way I see it, Hinduism is resistant to neither Islam, nor Christianity nor progressivism. As far it’s resistance to progressvism is concerned, that is more a function of poverty than Hinduism. Watch as the middle class continues to expand. To say that somehow Hinduism is more resistant to progressivism than Islam is splitting hairs at best and intellectual dishonesty at worst. I’m not sure exactly what modern Hinduism is resistant to apart from unity of purpose.

someDude says:

Small correction.

The statement

To say that somehow Hinduism is more resistant to progressivism than Islam is splitting hairs at best and intellectual dishonesty at worst

Should instead read

To say that somehow Hinduism is more resistant to progressivism than Christianity is splitting hairs at best and intellectual dishonesty at worst.

I didn’t say Hinduism is resistant to progressivism as such, but I said it is somewhat resistant to entryism by Progressivists. As an example, except the city elites, I see most Hindu families are still somewhat patriarchial. Divorce, while increasing, still remains a least preferred option.

That is why the Progressives have allied with Evangelical Christianity to fight Hinduism in India by conversion of the Hindu masses. There is no “Progressive Hinduism” that fights traditional Hinduism in India, because of the distributed nature of HInduism acting as a counterbalance against entryism. Whereas in the West, even the Pope has become progressivized.

Hinduism is weak against direct attacks from all sides, because of lack of internal unity and centuries of fending off attacks from the desert cultists.

As an aside, I’d be interested to read a detailed article on the nature of the old gods and how they relate to their worshippers on your blog. You seem to have a lot of esoteric knowledge on the subject.

someDude says:

Hindu-ism seems somewhat resistant against progressivism and the Hindu elite family seems somewhat patriarchal for two reasons

1. Relative poverty vis-a-vis the west
2. Recent exposure to progressivism. Boil the frog slowly

It seems that it is as vulnerable to Progs as Xtianity. To say it is more or less is just splitting hairs.

There are times when a distributed architecture works and times when a centralized one works. It is not right to make a fetish of one or the other the way Hindus make of their distributed architecture. A handshake protocol is not always superior than central clocking.

At the moment, given these times, it seems that a centralized architecture that appears to be distributed works best, like Western progressivism. One microphone, one thousand speakers. The one thousand speakers serve to hide the location of the one microphone even if someone guessed that there was actually just a single microphone. You get a nice compromise between both systems.

If Hindus truly claim to follow the Dhamma (the Tao or the laws of nature), then they must quickly up and create a new architecture for a new age. If you read any of the ancient plays like SvapnaVasavadatta or Malvikagnimitram, it becomes clear that the Hinduism of those days, the Gods of those Hindus are nothing like the Hindus of these days, the Gods of the Hindus of these days.

Adapt to the times. Take inspiration from the past, but don’t fetishize it, don’t be attached to it. And do what works. For it is by observing what works that Lord Rama’s will becomes manifests to mortals such as us.

I cannot maintain a blog of my own for reasons I would rather not get into for my own safety.

@someDude, my “old gods” comment was directed at suones, but I am also interested in your views, which adds some interesting counter-points to suones’.

As to your point about social technology requiring restructuring/adapting for new times, I agree with you on that.

someDude says:

My point is not that Hindus have to adopt Monotheism though it seems that I am giving that impression. My point is more along the lines of, whatever the Hindus are doing is not working. And it is not working on an average time line starting 668 AD till date. So it is worth looking at doing something with the architecture. Time to at least consider it.

suones says:


If you read any of the ancient plays like SvapnaVasavadatta or Malvikagnimitram, it becomes clear that the Hinduism of those days, the Gods of those Hindus are nothing like the Hindus of these days, the Gods of the Hindus of these days.

How are the gods of the Gupta Empire different from the present gods? WTF? Malvikagnimitram is written by arch-Sanskritist Mahakavi Sri Kalidas, who was a Navaratna (nine gems) courtier of Sri Maharajadhiraj Chandragupta II Vikramaditya. He was a devotee of Sri Kali Mata and achieved mastery over Sanskrit through blood sacrifice after being humiliated for his ignorance by his wife the learned princess Srimati Vidyotama. He literally took the nom de plume “Servant of Kali” (== Kalidas) and the very temple he deigned to offer his tongue (Garhkalika, the Fort of Kali) is present in Ujjain city and is the site of active worship 1500 years later. What are you talking about?

If you don’t want to run your own blog, you can put up a guest post on mine (as long as WordPress allows us anyway lol). I would like to read more about your views. But really, you need to state your own position clearly. Are you an adherent of Christ Invictus, Baphomet, or any other of your choosing? Are you a Hindu by birth? Christian converso? Descendant of conversos?

someDude says:

Have you read the Malvikagnimitram? Read it with a special eye for the Gods mentioned in it. Read Svapnavasavadatta as well. If possible, throw in Mrichchhakatika. How about going further south with the Silapaddikaran? Who were the prominent Gods mentioned it by the characters of these plays?

if drama does not work for you, read some scripture. I’m most familiar with the Tipitaka. Who were the prominent Gods of the day mentioned in them? And in what context are they being mentioned and invoked by various lay people and monks?

How many of those are Gods worshipped in the present day? What is their general level of popularity today?

I accept Lord Rama as the legitimate ruler of India, all other rulers of India, present and future to rule in His name and at His pleasure, to rule as humble subordinates given a divine mandate.

ten says:

Buddha was blue eyed shakya, shakya == saka == scythian, scythians were the most OG descendants of ur-aryans

Maybe, i don’t know. Ancient buddhism to me seems to have been a quite different way whiter beast, and bearing non-accidental similarities to christianity.

suones says:


Indeed. Sri Buddha was definitely born an Aryan man, and was a contemporary of Jesus of Nazareth. Much of “early Christian” doctrine (after it became Romanised) seems to have little to do with Judea (the purported homeland of Christ) and a whole lot to do with Buddhism (which had spread to China through Shri Samrat Ashoka the Great). Buddhism is an extremely solid, proven basis for building Empire, as well as culture that will last millenia and still have the power to fight Baphomet (see: Burma). Some speculate that the Nazarene travelled East and met Sri Buddha Himself, but that avenue of research has been shut down through association with the Nazi Tibetan Expedition.

From Hindu point of view, the caste system is a way to preserve one’s genetic heritage while living as part of a heterogeneous society.

Spiritually, Sri Buddha is considered the last avatar of Sri Vishnu so far, as the divinity in Him is unmistakable. But that then leads to the other conclusion that the Nazarene must also have been an avatar. This latter is strongly resisted by most Established (dyophisitic) churches, but supported by Miaphysites, and apparently Jim.

jim says:

Huh? What is it that I am supposedly supporting?

Rather, my position is that it is wise to exclude “Hindus” who do not accept Rama as an avatar, for the same reason as it is wise to exclude “Christians” who get excessively clever about the divinity of Christ.

I have no inclination to unite Christianity and Hinduism, though there are obvious parallels between both at their best.

Every nation should have its own religion, rooted in their past and their race. The national churches of whites should all be orthodox and in communion, but with their own authorities and distinctive differences, rooted in their own histories. Much of black Africa should be Christian, but black Christianity will necessarily be different from white Christianity.


I wonder if you have read Edgar Wallace’s Sanders of the River series of books, in which he writes about British West Africa which is ruled by a British administrator called Sanders.

If you have not, please do if you can (I think they are downloadable free as e-books on Gutenberg.

Today’s progs will have a hard time digesting his red pills.

jim says:

Downloaded Sanders of the river. I will take a look at it.

>Sri Buddha (…) was a contemporary of Jesus of Nazareth

Never even mind that Ashoka, the Buddhist Emperor India based her national flag on, reigned about 250 years before the time of Jesus of Nazareth.

suones says:


Never even mind that Ashoka, the Buddhist Emperor India based her national flag on, reigned about 250 years before the time of Jesus of Nazareth.

Spot on. The timeline for a putative “Jesus-Buddha meeting” seems seriously skewed, as the Mauryan Empire was founded by Sri Samrat Chandragupta Maurya the Great who was a contemporary of Seleucus (and married his daughter), which places him at just after Alexander the Great’s death (no later than ~300BC). And Sri Samrat Ashoka the Great, being his grandson, would be placed 25-50 years later, and thus definitely later than Sri Buddha’s parinirvana. The intermingling of early Christianity with Buddhism is a highly interesting topic of research though,
As an example, I ponder the existence of the “Jesus sutras[1].” But such research avenues have been closed by association with the Nazi Tibetan Expedition and by the “official atheism” of the CCP.

PS: The “Dhamma chakra” on the “Indian” national flag was a game in caste politics and has nothing to do with Sri Samrat Ashoka’s immortal legacy. Neither has this blasted “tricolour” anything to do with Bharat. An actual national flag would be more like the traditional Nepali one.

[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jingjiao_Documents

someDude says:

Yes, the scriptures do say that the Buddha was Blue Eyed. There is the paragraph where his Wife before his renunciation, Yashodhara by name, describes the physical features of the Buddha to their son, Rahula. In that she describes him as Blue eyed.

However, to just use that sentence and claim European Ancestry for Buddha is ……….. jumping the Gun

The Buddha is also described as being of a Golden Hue, not pale, not white. He is also described as having become black of skin when he was undergoing austerities. Sounds like the skin tone of upper caste north Indians today

Next, there is a subtle idea behind the Buddha having Blue Eyes. No one ever described Siddhartha as having Blue eyes. His eyes were possibly brown/black like most Indians. It is when Siddhartha becomes a Buddha that his physical features undergo some changes, eyes becoming blue being one of them. The Buddha is described as one without guile. A person with blue eyes cannot hide how he/she feels because of the lack of pigmentation. Since the Buddha never lies and never deceives, indeed he is incapable of it, his eyes have to necessarily be blue rather than black or brown.

Just my two cents.

Under Christianity, whites became the dominant culture of Earth and the primary movers of science and technology. And you claim that did not work and it was better back in the pagan ages? Christianity got Germanized, you really need to read James C. Russel’s book. The Christian whites who fought the Muslim, Reconquista’d Spain, captured Jerusalem in a Crusade etc. were not spiritually deracinated people, they absolutely seem to come across as people who were spiritually just in the right place.

suones says:

Under Christianity, whites became the dominant culture of Earth and the primary movers of science and technology. And you claim that did not work and it was better back in the pagan ages?

Aryans were already the dominant culture of Earth before Chrestos was even born, had been for thousands of years, and have every indication of being as successful, even more so perhaps, if Julian the Faithful had prevailed.

Neither Plato, nor Archimedes, nor Xenophon, Ptolemy, Eratosthenes, none were Christian.

I’m always surprised when people have this enormous blind spot regarding the human capital of “Christians” affecting their performance. Christianity as “magic religion” is a post-Christian myth created during the post-Roman collapse to cope with the reality of rapid Baphometan conquest. For “n” number of Christian states that Baphomet subjugated, there has been a grand total of “one” Reconquista till date. Witness how Damascus is so much “better” now than in the “pagan” days.

Attribute the success of Christian Aryans to “Christ.” Attribute the failure of Christian Africans/Semites/Indios to their “race.” Is this the real red pill on race?

ten says:

That isn’t what’s being done, at least not here.

The first (historically attested, can suspect there were more of them earlier) wave of aryan conquest was great, created or seeded every great civilization during and after their time (The chinese will not open the tomb of the first emperor of qin because the stories say he had blue eyes, they do not want to know if the first unified china was unified by aryans.)

But then it all waned. Maybe you are happy with how the indic civ fared, i wouldn’t be. The aryan culture/religion, most clearly and anciently represented in the rig veda, was amazingly kickass for bronze age conquest, created mighty virtuous men of great minds whose heritage is our blessing, but then it all waned. Sparta became a decrepit village. Greece did democracy. Persia did multiculturalism and urban vice.

Rome could have started the industrial revolution AD -200 but were busy eating dream fish and fucking each other in the ass, and then just stopped breeding, imported the world and got massively fucked by the still virtuous aryan germans.

If your story was true, then the aryans wouldn’t have degenerated to sad shadows of their former selves once they went from tribal conquerors to civilizational scions. They did.

Christianity enables us to have both civilization and virtue.

You chide it for losing to islam, except spain. Well. It is a common problem and a difficult problem. Islam is good at winning. Their cooperation equilibrium is lower and less potent than ours and will not let us reach infinite space, but it is powerful, and might defeat us.

Aryans reached their highest potential and greatest influence under christianity. The prechristian aryans also did great stuff, but their parabolic curve to degenerative paralysis was inherent in their paganism in its civilizational stage, while our parabolic curve maps plainly to the retreat of christianity.

jim says:

As I am fond of saying, old type State Anglicanism, 1660 to 1832, gave us science, technology, industry, and an empire on which the sun never set.

Race obviously had something to do with it, but it is equally obvious that without the right religion, you don’t get sufficient large scale cooperation.

jim says:

> The first (historically attested, can suspect there were more of them earlier) wave of aryan conquest was great, created or seeded every great civilization during and after their time (The chinese will not open the tomb of the first emperor of qin because the stories say he had blue eyes, they do not want to know if the first unified china was unified by aryans.)

The first wave of Aryan conquest was the battle axe people, which is prehistory.

The second wave was the chariot people, of which we have some slight history, and a great deal of legend, old songs, and prehistory.

The Battle Axe people were stone age, but had long distance relationships and cohesion through river transport, and probably through cart transport – they had small horses, but we do not know if they used them for transport, or just for milk and meat.

The Chariot people were the first to fabricate bronze. They used swarms of chariots to attack armies of footsoldiers from range.

Their cooperation was mediated through aristocratic families who married the daughters of other aristocrats from a very long distance away. They were patriarchal and patrilineal, and probably practiced cousin marriage, where the cooperation between descendants of the same father or grand father is cemented by marrying the son of one family to the daughter of another. Aristocratic families were spread out over vast distances.

After they founded bronze age civilization they went matrilineal and lost patriarchy, and bronze age civilization collapsed. Matrilineality led to defect/defect equilibrium between males and females, which led to contraception, abortion, and infanticide.

suones says:

Dear @ten,

Maybe you are happy with how the indic civ fared, i wouldn’t be.

Then we are in agreement. Current level of Indian civilisation is pathetic.

…created mighty virtuous men of great minds whose heritage is our blessing, but then it all waned.

If your story was true, then the aryans wouldn’t have degenerated to sad shadows of their former selves once they went from tribal conquerors to civilizational scions. They did.

Degeneration is the fate of any endeavour. Chaos is ever present and waiting to drive a shiv into the ribs of Order. A Thousand Year Run is pretty good for Empire. Things must get worse before they get better.

Christianity enables us to have both civilization and virtue.

I posit that Christianity is no more resistant to civilisational or moral decay than Sol Invictus. As practiced today, it is morally ambiguous and spiritually vacuous. The Pope isn’t worth a shadow of St Paul.

Islam is good at winning. Their cooperation equilibrium is lower and less potent than ours and will not let us reach infinite space, but it is powerful, and might defeat us.

Thank you for your honest assessment of the gravity of the Baphometan question. I am in complete agreement. Baphomet is surely nearer to GNON than any of us. Now explain why Evangelical Christians are aligned with Muslim agitators and Prog NGOs against us Hindus, except as what may be understood as a Coalition of the Fringes, to upset our apple carts?

ten says:

My shallow knowledge of indian history tells me the virtue of vedic civilization went away very long ago, it’s not just the present stage. Too many extremely low iq dravidians, too much intrigue to keep on top of the unruly elephant, too much spiritual navel gazing (of which i am quite partial, but i really prefer a culture that does less of that) and of course way too much islamic invasion.

My idea of it all i have already made clear – the way of life and worldview and mythos that informed aryan conquest did not survive civilization, they could not maintain the social tech as jim described it above, and they were swept up in the case of europe and the steppes, and entered a multimillennial rut in the case of india.

Different versions of it rose and fell in india, while christianity rose and fell in the west, and i compare the fruits and see that Christ did the trick.

I am not particularly aware of evangelicals griefing hindus, and not particularly fond of the various evangelical strains, so i will assume they are caught in the webs of the devil and doing his work, corrupting and corroding every procosmic order they can find, allying with every cancer they can find.

Lord says:

>Rome could have started the industrial revolution AD -200 but were busy eating dream fish and fucking each other in the ass, and then just stopped breeding, imported the world and got massively fucked by the still virtuous aryan germans.

1. The Industrial Revolution was overall a historical fluke that in many ways was necessary for the coming of Globohomo as we know it. Holding the Romans not doing such against them is foolish and plays into redditor fantasies.

2. The Fall of Rome being a bunch of immigrants chimpingout is a meme by both historically ignorant Alt-Righties and historically ignorant Leftoids (who are both sympathetic to petty nationalism as one Mark Brahmin calls it). In many ways, the Germanics were compatible with traditional Roman civilization just as the Celts were since they were all IE founded lands (and unlike India the ones conquered by Steppe chads were far more genetically similar to them than the Poos in India). In actuality, the Western Roman Empire had already transitioned into what we call Feudal Europe before the last Emperor got deposed.

jim says:

> 1. The Industrial Revolution was overall a historical fluke that in many ways was necessary for the coming of Globohomo as we know it.

Globohomo has come many times before, and gone many times before.

Globohomo is the result of the collapse of patriarchy in a society too big for tribal identity. Happens every time a large political entity abandons patriarchy

It is usually ended by foreign conquest by stern patriarchs, or by a long period of disorder during which first one faction, then all factions, start treating women as loot.

The Cominator says:

Rome didn’t start the industrial revolution fundamentally because it remained a slave society. Slave societies have less impetus to save on labor cost. Which is why I think NRx ideas that maybe we should reintroduce slavery (at least for men) is a bad idea.

Julius Caesar uniquely seemed to have grasped (more so than the Gracchi even) that too many slaves and latifundia were very very bad for Rome and there seemed to have been a trend towards manumissions (must have encouraged by legislation under him) under him but then he was murdered. I’m quite sure Caesar’s long term plan was to phase out at least most slave labor (probably not domestic women prostitutes and people who worked in the mines) but the vast majority of them.

Augustus had a superior grasp of politics (he knew the best thing to do was murder all potential opponents and make everyone terrified of him early in his career, and then fake being a kindly old man later… knowing that no one would want to provoke the old ruthless Octavian to reemerge) but not as good a grasp of economics as I believed he raised taxes on manumissions and I believe I read a story that some clever Greek showed him a steam engine and explained the implications… and the response of Augustus was well this is well and good but what are we going to do with all the slaves. Not sure if its exactly true but the principle is sound.

Lord says:

There is nothing wrong with slavery as long as its strictly within your volk (that is, only your genetic cluster and immediate cousins can be enslaved in anyway). For dealing with racial outsiders like Negroes or Pajeets, either kill them off or keep them as they are but under supervision.

ten says:

Luddism is suicide, fuck off with that anti-technology bullshit.

Also i don’t think it was a fluke at all. A magnificent blessing bestowed because of supreme adherence to the will of GNON. The mandate of heaven.

As The Cominator says, mass slavery created shitty incentives and horrific fallout.

jim often points out the old testament never says “no slavery”. I am open to the position that they simply hadn’t figured out how corrosive mass slavery is, and they would have put it in there if they had. Then again, they had had very much experience of mass slavery and had figured out all sort of very wise things, so maybe not.

It should be mathematically demonstrable that it is detrimental for the entire system to enslave someone who could be his own master in CCE (coop coop equilibrium), and also detrimental to the entire system to free someone who can not.
It is crystal clear that CCE is the will of GNON. Thus he at least commands us to minimize slavery by raising men from it, as long as they don’t cause more problems free than as slaves. And a CCE based on forcing others to create value must underperform a CCE based on creating value.

“Only enslave your own kind” is the opposite of how it historically has been done, which is a powerful indication that it should absolutely not be done that way. Let me guess your entire basis for this outlandish claim is that it would prevent miscegenation.

Dave says:

There is nothing wrong with owning animals. Sheep are, and always will be, content to be sheep. It doesn’t matter that most will end their lives as stewed mutton, after they have borne enough sheep-minded offspring to maintain the species.

The problem with owning people is that we are tempted to fuck them, producing mulatto offspring that are neither smart enough to be masters nor obedient enough to be slaves.

The Cominator says:

Ten is right on all points IMHO.

He is quite right about slavery mainly being (at least among whites) among conquered foreigners. Even semi-foreigners were often rather massacred in wars rather than enslaved like Italians during the Social War. It wasn’t considered fitting to mass enslave rebel Italians (at least the men) since they were close relations and a Roman man was supposed to prefer death to the shame of allowing himself to be taken as a slave.

Lord says:

[*deleted for argument from false consensus*]

jim says:

You are assuming as obvious and agreed that “progress” is the result of technological progress, and that “progress” started in 1400.

Nah, “progress” was dramatically rolled back in 1660, and I hope we can roll it back again much the same way.

Now if you acknowledge that that view is not accepted here, and want to argue for that view, rather than just assume it, I will allow that.

But you are presupposing as obvious and accepted all sorts of damned crazy “facts”, and when those facts are challenged, you just move right along and presuppose some more damned crazy facts.

ten says:


I think that is the best case for slavery but there’s more to the counterargument than just master/slave mixing. It is likely but not certain that the children of slaves will be unfit to be free, and vice versa. Over time, you get an increasing number of people in the wrong category, which increasingly disaligns the incentives of the system with its structure, and the system must either crash or reshuffle.

Having sheep is almost a monotonic good, you will always find someone to sell a little extra wool and mutton to. Having slaves is not similar.

If you have a loyal and dear house slave, this is very good for you, and often pretty good for him too. Maybe it would be better for him if he were your freeman companion instead, or maybe he would go off and be worse under his own management, maybe he would prefer his freedom and maybe he would not. Many cases of all options.

If you would have a thousand slaves, you wouldn’t even know the name of most of them, couldn’t even recognize many of them. Those slaves would CERTAINLY cause you massive trouble, you would need an entire conspiracy of slave handlers to keep them cooperative, and they might well kill you if given the chance. And the more you increase their virtue and their power, the more able they would be to overthrow you – perhaps to create a CCE of freemen instead of slaveholders. Sheep don’t do that, and they appreciate their management.

Many “Big Conspiracy”-groups see this as one final goal of the great plan, creation of a fully subservient sheepclass of people. I don’t think particularly meaningful groups of people actually think about themselves as future slave masters except some fringe weirdo jews, but i do think this image speaks to the conspiratards because of its monstrosity.

Pooch says:

Right now it’s just the white peasants getting stomped on. The white elite are ok for now as long as they bend to the knee and mouth the prof platitudes. I’m waiting to see what the white male elite, and particularly the military white male elite, do when they get diversity’d out of their jobs.

Pooch says:


anon says:

Since when does a tree “fall over.” In the absence of human intervention, giant trees live for thousands of years. The tree analogy is a good one though. Communism, supported by millions of sheep, is a very big oak tree already.

Ace says:

The longest running Communist state in history was the Soviet Union. It lasted as long as it did because it traded it’s vast natural resources(primarily oil) for food with the west. Every other communist state starts starving almost immediately and continues starving until the system collapses or everyone is dead. I’d give the US a max of 20 years under full Communism, with 7 years more likely.

Pooch says:

Gnon only allows itself to be mocked for so long.

INDY says:

Where the heck do you live? Trees fall over all the time. I’ve got to keep a chainsaw in the back of my truck.

Atavistic Morality says:
Encelad says:

I am watching the president’s speech in Texas right now. His tone of voice and body language gives me the vibe of a battered, defeated man… Definitely not of someone who has some trick in the sleeve.

Pooch says:

The fact that he has not resigned yet tells me he will not flee, due to horrible normalcy bias, and will surely be arrested and a large show trial will result.

jim says:

It is time for me to pay my bets.

Trump lost for the same reason Caesar died. Normality bias.

It is a new absence of order. New rules. We have an elite faction with a militia, and no one can win except that they have their own militia. But you cannot organize a militia without it being crushed by the existing state backed militia, so you have to get some officers on side.

Pooch says:

We have an elite faction with a militia

Not seeing that. What elite faction do we have on our side? Trump was the last Optimate.

Mike in Boston says:

What elite faction do we have on our side?

This is my question too. I also currently see none.

Jim, are you saying there are indeed elites on our side with a militia? Or are you saying that the regime has a militia, namely antifa/BLM, and that no competing militia will be allowed to exist?

qwerty says:

jim means we have an elite faction ruling over us, and that elite faction has a militia.

jim says:

The hostile elite faction has a militia.

The elite faction that is on our side is apt to be beaten up by the militia, for example Paul Ryan, if they show any hints of being on our side.

qwerty says:

Question: how likely do you think it is that Trump goes to prison?

Ace says:

How can they not arrest him? He and his family have tons of wealth ripe for the looting.

simplyconnected says:

Not sure it’s confiscating wealth, but rather decapitating a whole movement.

jim says:

Overwhelmingly likely, but probably not immediately.

The Cominator says:

I suspect he will be arrested within the hour of 12:00PM January 20th EST.

He will be then held without bail in maximum security in New York State… they will not suicide him in prison immediately because they’ll want to do a show trial… if the show trial becomes embarassing or they convict him and the left becomes massively unpopular to the point that normies are protesting en masse even in blue cities that they want the “legitimate” president installed ASAP he will be Epsteined.

John says:

In 240s China, the three kingdoms state of Wei was ruled by a regency led by Cao Shuang, who had forced his former co-regent the elderly Sima Yi out of power. Shuang later sent an agent to check on Yi. At the meeting, Yi appeared senile, confusing words and spilling gruel on himself when trying to eat. Afterward Shuang gave gave no further though to Yi.

On February 5, 249, Cao Shuang led the Imperial Court out of the capital on a visit to the Imperial tombs. Sima Yi led private troops in a sudden coup d’etat, taking control of the city. On February 9th, Cao Shuang and his entire family were executed under charges of treason.

Sometimes the outcome is already obvious, but every now and then, it’s safer to wait until the old man is actually dead.

The Cominator says:

This is more a cautionary tale for people who want to push around or oust Biden than anything to do with Trump, maybe he is actually lucid and was just faking it. I mean if he knew it was all rigged faking senility had no downside.

suones says:

I saw Biden during the second debate. He’s no pushover. Senile, maybe, but that may be an act.

Publius says:


Pooch says:

Jim are you confident that the preparations you made to your blog will keep you safe when the new enabling act is implemented?

jim says:

Not in the least confident. But I have taken a number of measures to limit potential damage.

Ace says:

I was not expecting the Reichstag fire so soon, but Trump played right into their hands.

Pooch says:

The question is do they escalate on it or not, fake false flag militias attacking DC and such.

Red says:

It seems likely. The death toll in DC was quite small almost everyone who died were killed by cops.

Publius says:

Those of you debating Christianity need to visit the Roslyn Chapel in Scotland, as I have.

There you will find that the “gift shop” sells books explaining that Christianity is BS.

The Sun God is a feature of many ancient religions.

The “Son” (of) God. Get it?

Also the whole “die for your sins” thing. There are some really good books explaining the Bible, such as the Book of Hiram.

jim says:

When entryists move in to Christianity, they say “we are real Christians. I love Jesus.”

When they are moving into power, they say “we are the real Christians. I love Jesus more than you do.”

When they achieve power, they explain that Christianity is not what you thought it was. “I love Jesus because he pointed the way for Obama the lightbringer.”

Then they say “Christianity is all bullshit anyway – its actually an inferior derivative of our religion. Jesus was an ignorant racist first century Jew”

Which religion is at best pagan, and usually demon worship.

The sun god already needs abortion and sodomy. In due course it will need more.

The sun god worshippers will in due course have to move over for those who think the sun needs human sacrifice.

Publius says:

So do you believe the Bible is the literal Word of God? Things like walking on water and escaping the belly of a whale or something like that literally happened? What should I believe?

Not being sarcastic. I’m new here. I’m a refugee from other (now erased) truth speech blogs. Thank you for allowing me to comment here, by the way.

jim says:

My thought on this matter is Augustinian.

As Saint Augustine points out, we are told that Jesus was taken to a high mountain from which he could see all the Kingdoms of the world. Obviously there is no such mountain, and if there was such a mountain and he was taken there, he would not be able to see all the Kingdoms of the world.

The point is that the Old Testament is not history and geography, but rather Hebrew poetry about history and geography.

For an example of my take on the literal truth of the bible, see my post on Exodus, in which I suggest that the wrath of God manifested through material and effective causation, rather than directly miraculous events.

For example we are told in Exodus that Pharaoah told the midwives to murder the children. But if you want to murder the children, you send around soldiers rather midwives. I think what happened is that Pharaoh wanted infanticide on the medical plan, as Obama wanted abortion on the medical plan, and the Hebrews did not like it.

Ipuwer complains that these nasty white foreigners are reproducing more successfully than the Egyptians, Exodus tells us they were reproducing more successfully than the Egyptians, Ipuwer does not like it, likely the Pharaoh did not like it, and tries to assimilate Hebrew family values to Egyptian family values.

suones says:

The Admonitions of Ipuwer make for some fine reading indeed. It’s like Egyptian society was getting fucked and no-one could do anything about it. Turned out expelling the Hebrews did them a lot of good lol. Maybe all those other Kings who expelled Hebrews were on to something.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

The original New Testament wasn’t written in English. Sun and Son aren’t homonyms in ancient Greek.

I can’t tell if you’re mocking those books or presenting their claims sincerely, but they obviously aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on.

jim says:

The books are stupid regardless of whether he is mocking them or not. If we go back into the past, worship of the sky God, the sun God, and the one God genuinely does blur together. That is true enough, but it is the basis of a frame that looks at Christianity as a survival of ancient idiocy, rather than ancient wisdom.

~loclun-midwyt says:


It is interesting to look back on the predictions made by the Transition Integrity Project. For the most part, they absolutely nailed the strategies that Trump’s team took along the way.

The exceptions being whenever he relied on outside parties. In particular, Bill Barr was predicted to use the DoJ to sieze mail in ballots, instead he flipped and said no evidence of fraud. Also, FOX news was going to help cast legitimacy on the election results, instead they were the first to betray, with the early AZ call.

The strategies predicted for the Biden campaign were completely wrong. Rubbish like calling for a national day of election integrity, and having 1000 celebrities make statements. I suppose they couldn’t openly outline the strategy of complete suppression of information, and threatening of law firms.

It does make you think though. After running through these scenarios, maybe they made certain Barr and Fox were both going to betray Trump. The day after the election Barr met with McConell and Gina Haspel, probably working out exactly how things would play out. Prior to the election Barr was very vocally anti-mail in ballots.

The report also seems to underestimate the military support for Trump, but overestimated his willingness to keep on fighting until the end. In the minds of the wargamers, prosecuting Trump for his many crimes is a no brainer, which they eventually do in this scenario. Even the side roleplaying as Trump (I think it was Bill Kristol funnily enough) actually understands the stakes better than Trump himself.

There is also this article in a law journal from late 2019, “Preparing for a Disputed Presidential Election”.

It made some pretty good predictions, though they expected a Trump vs Warren election with small margins getting closed days after the election, not a margin of 100k+.

Once again, the key part here where things seriously deviate is when Trump is relying on anyone outside of his guys. The state legislators were on the right, but too slow acting in real life. The big betrayal was Pence. The 6th was the main event, where, following Pence doing the right thing, both sides would have a legal claim to be the true winner, with the legality of the EC count act not being entirely clear. At this point its determined by the military – which could go any way according to the author, though it clearly goes to Trump.

The people making all of these predictions and wargaming are obviously seriously delusional, believing in a symmetry between the two sides, neglecting the fact they have backing of virtually the entire state. However, they were completely right that Trump would only contest things “legally”, no insurrection act, no arrests.

I guess my main point is that after doing these studies they seemed to determine exactly who the key players were in the overall game plan and made sure they could pressure them to flip. Props to them.

~loclun-midwyt says:

As a follow up to this, where do we think Trump ultimately went wrong?

Things seemed to be going quite well for him, at one point over half the country thinking there was fraud. He clearly would have known about their war gaming, but also had plans of his own. Why didn’t he have anything else up his sleeve?

Its hard to rely on people to be loyal when their families could get threatened by glowniggers. Why wasn’t Trump ready with guards all over the place? There is obviously the normality bias of Trump thinking he will step down and go about his life, but was there also normality bias with thinking the SCOTUS would rule in his favour, so put his eggs in that basket. Seems ridiculous when the last few major headline cases were ruled against him.

Was he just that retarded?

lambda x says:

Who was the Republican Marc Elias? There wasn’t one.

Pooch says:

Why wasn’t Trump ready with guards all over the place?

When push came to shove, Trump had no men in uniform willing to do violence on his part. Knowing that he believed Whig history in thinking angry mob demonstration would apply to him on the right against the left, which it clearly doesn’t. Those advantages are only reserved for the left.

Ace says:

The angry mob thing works, but only if you do the prep work the left does with every angry mob: Men with guns to backup the mob, handlers to control the mob, people to propagandize the mob and letting everyone know they control the mob and not to fuck with it.

When the mob failed with storming the bastille, Napoleon’s troops where sitting there as backup for the mob and they stormed and took the bastille.

Pooch says:

Yes, likely only a military man could have planned all that. The history books may show, Trump, as noble in his efforts as they were, was on a suicide mission ever since he walked down that escalator. He wanted to Make America Great Again, but can a government founded on leftism ever be great?

Ace says:

Merchants just don’t think in the manner necessary for such things. They fundamentally believe in order and structure don’t grasp the violence and origination that makes the order and structures work.

This is also why the proud boy’s leadership was decapitated before the event. Can’t have someone who knows something is wrong with the organization necessary to stop the left from taking control of the mob.

Pooch says:

More and more evidence coming out that Trump walked right into a trap.


Encelad says:

If that’s true, then it was the Cathedral actually playing 3D chess all this time.

Ace says:

It’s likely at least one of the people giving advice about what to do was also working for the Dems, much as happened with Comey’s firing. General Flynn was the only guy giving solid advice but Trump didn’t get it.

lambda x says:

This was never about the military. That is not how it’s done in America.

For the 2016 election, Eric Schmidt created thegroundwork.org, a skunkworks for developing an AI to guarantee the election of HRC. It didn’t work.

That was a lot of money and a lot of prestige Schmidt put on the line, only to see the croupier’s rake come to collect all of the chips.

After that? I don’t have firsthand knowledge, but I suspect he did what any of us would do in that situation: he dug in to find out what really made an American election tick, poring over data, creating Bayesian models, studying the patchwork of US election law. Finding the pivot points. Backsolving to find out the vulnerable Secretaries of State whose terms would expire between the elections; forming NGOs to guide election administration in the pivot counties.

We see the results: it was done so precisely that Trump catches all but one bellwether but loses soundly all the same. I’m not saying there wasn’t any fraud: there was some. Maybe a lot. It could also be that their careful study of US election mechanics paid off.

There was nobody in the Trump orbit who was sensitive enough to the tugs on the web strands to detect that this trap was being laid. There’s no evidence that any effort was expended by the MAGA side to shore up the election machinery.

The Cominator says:

“This was never about the military. That is not how it’s done in America.”


The Cominator says:

“We see the results: it was done so precisely that Trump catches all but one bellwether but loses soundly all the same. I’m not saying there wasn’t any fraud: there was some. Maybe a lot. It could also be that their careful study of US election mechanics paid off.”

Um it was MASSIVE and obvious you shill.

jim says:
lambda x says:

The answer accepted here is [*deleted*]

jim says:

And what is your answer? A, B, D, or E?

And, if you will not agree with that thought crime, commit another. I gave you a smorgasborg of matters on which any truthful speech is unthinkable. Do you agree with the politically correct line on absolutely everything?

No one truthfully agrees with it on every thing. Anyone who cannot violate the line on some matter is writing under a pseudonym known to Human Resources and to his boss.

ten says:

SmorgasborD. (Smörgåsbord really).

Swedish didn’t give english many loanwords, i must protect them – maybe it was an unknowing fingerslip but still.

suones says:

Good that they tortured that English Saint King to death tho.

lambda x says:

I reject A, B, D, E, accept C, wrote it verbatim, but worry that the crack 12 year olds get on their cellphones is debased to the extent that it actually *may* be a problem. Not because of the desire, which is not the problem, but rather because of what they are given to slake it, which I think points them in the wrong direction.

The shitlibs have ruined everything with the lowering of standards, and I hate them for it. They don’t lower standards by slowly failing to hold them up, as might be explained by fatigue, but by an aggressive campaign of destruction which is accelerating. I like this blog because it aims toward a stronger American society of the past by restoring cooperate/cooperate with a renewed appreciation of social technology of proven worth.

The computer-scientific prong of the attack on Trump’s presidency began on the day of his inauguration and the enemy made excellent use of the time. There was no corresponding defensive activity, as we have seen. It should not have come to the point of even thinking about the IA, had the gift of Trump’s election been treated with the care it deserved, and the US political memeplex does not contain a pattern in which “the military sets things right at the last minute.”

jim says:

You gave C as answer to the women question, but finessed in ways I found were strangely off, strangely inoffensive, as if you were writing with HR looking over your shoulder.

Are you able to give a politically incorrect answer on any question?

You complain about falling standards, which have been falling since 1870. Most modern Harvard students could not graduate 1870 high school nor the voter literacy test.

But are you able to say why standards have been falling?

If this issue is dear to your heart, tell us what has been happening, and mention the unmentionable.

I am troubled by you referring to issue, without mentioning why standards have been falling, just as I was troubled by your strangely bland response on the woman question.

If you cannot do that, you are posting under a nym known to your boss and Human Resources, implying you are being paid and supervised to shill.

You give the sort of politically correct answer on the woman question. You gave C, while rejecting the politically incorrect analysis that supports C.

Yes, there is a lot of bad porn about. And there is a lot of Romance stuff, and girls trolling for attention on facebook, that is a great deal worse. And why is it worse? I censored your answer because it seemed to be finessing the woman question test, in the same way Socinians finesse the Trinity test. You gave C, but C acknowledges that the primary problem is female misconduct, which you seemed to be denying, using sex neutral words inappropriately.

Are you able to give a politically incorrect answer on any question?

You complain about falling standards, which have been falling since 1870. Most modern Harvard students could not graduate 1870 high school nor the voter literacy test.

But are you able to say why standards have been falling?

If this issue is dear to your heart, tell us what has been happening, why it has been happening, and mention the unmentionable.

If you are one of us, because you are worried by the collapse of standards, well we are worried also. And we frequently say standards are collapsing, and talk about the reasons for the collapse.

Your answer to Starman’s woman question was weirdly off. I just did not like it.

Let us try this question, which addresses issues dear to your heart.

J says:

‘Shill tests’ is such a fun idea. Imagine if it were a captcha.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

To ask the question “where did he go wrong?” implies we first know the answer to “what did he intend in the first place?”.

Trump’s campaign signaled heavily to the far right. Almost exclusively. But Trump’s presidency – by which I mean his term, not to imply that he ever had the power of the Presidency with a capital P – showed a very different pattern, in which he occasionally dog-whistled to the far right while almost invariably governing (again, to use the term loosely) as a moderate. This pattern was highly suggestive of a desire to “swap out” at least some of his far-right base with a larger and more moderate base, and looking at the actual electoral counts in 2020, just on the Republican side, never mind all the fake Democrat votes, that’s almost exactly what he did.

He was pretty good at maintaining a huge chunk of the reactionary/dissident right/alt-right demographic, electorally speaking, but his biggest gains were outside the core demographic of religious, rural and rust-belt white men. One possible explanation of the Q phenomenon is that it actually WAS run in some fashion by the Trump administration – but it was not what they thought it was, not a serious effort to build an underground resistance, but instead a psyop to keep those people on the Trump Train when they would otherwise have been bored or demoralized. And if so, it worked absolutely brilliantly, perhaps too well.

Way, way back, Milo Yiannopoulos said that his best hope for Trump would be a Calvin Coolidge figure, and in my humble opinion, that’s exactly what Trump wanted to be. It’s pretty ironic to be juxtaposing Coolidge’s “Return to Normalcy” against Jim’s “Normalcy Bias”, but there it is. I think Trump was more than just normalcy-biased, he wanted to bring about his own Return to Normalcy – that is, he knew that things were far from normal, but his expectation was to be able to get them back to normal, maybe resembling the Reagan or Clinton years.

And if so, then where he went wrong was… all the way at the beginning. The ratchet only turns in one direction, and if he thought he could flip a switch and turn it in the other direction, as opposed to taking a demo hammer to the thing and starting all over again, he was a fool. I think that an honest, meticulous, systematic review of what he actually did, not what he said or tweeted, provides a lot of support to the theory that he thought he could turn the ratchet backward. But a curious thing happened, his rhetoric was SO effective that he fooled both the left and the right, both believing he was going to stage a coup against the permanent government, which so alarmed said government that it decided it absolutely had to get rid of him by any means necessary.

But for the sake of argument, let’s say that Trump at least toyed with the idea of crossing the Rubicon and not just fishing in it. In that case, his first and probably biggest mistake was near the very beginning of his term, when he allowed Flynn to be fired. That day, he lost his best ally in the armed forces, and all of his other high-profile supporters fell like dominoes as the progressive elite realized how easy it would be to take them out. That was the first time Trump showed real weakness of character, the first blood in the water that drew inconceivable hordes of sharks. After that day, every player in the establishment decided that Trump’s administration would consist only of enemies and cucks, and he was powerless to change anything about that situation.

It explains why he relied so much on his family, including the notoriously fickle Ivanka and unreliable Kushner, because he just couldn’t get anyone better. His lines of communication were cut, his recruiting pools closed, and even if he did manage to smuggle in a few serious allies, they could be Antifa’ed and Special Counselled and harassed and manipulated in a million other ways and forced to cuck or leave. So the entire time he was plagued by leakers, wormtongues, and ridiculous idiots like Scaramucci. The second inflection point was probably when he and Steve Bannon parted ways; I don’t love Bannon, but that really demonstrated his desire to run a “conventional” presidency and just make all those mean and unfair people in the media stop saying mean and unfair things about him.

You may not want to hear it, but it was all wrong, all since the beginning. We just believed he’d be able to make it right because of his fanatical support among the proles (big mistake, forgetting our Moldbug 101) and because, we assumed, he knew that he’d never be able to live as a free man after losing the 2020 election and therefore would be willing to take extreme measures to ensure that the establishment couldn’t steal it. This was a totally reasonable assumption, and apparently wrong.

But that is the proximate cause, not the root cause. The root cause goes all the way back to his assumptions and plans made at the starting gate.

Lest I be labeled once again as a shill, let me be crystal clear about this: the above does NOT mean he was a bad administrator. He was a fantastic administrator. He achieved an economic recovery that nobody that was possible, and wasn’t half bad at foreign diplomacy. He was an excellent conventional President, probably the best since Andrew Jackson. But we didn’t need a conventional President, we needed a wartime consigliere, and he wasn’t that.

qwerty says:

Curtis Yarvin sums it up pretty well in the articles he wrote shortly after the election: https://graymirror.substack.com/p/reflections-on-the-late-election , https://graymirror.substack.com/p/vae-victis . Choice quote:

>What stops the Republicans from ruling is that they do not feel they have a right to rule. Worse, they are right. They have no right to power, because that right is created only by the capacity to exercise power capably. It is unfortunate that the Democrats have no such right either—arguably, they have much less right. But the Democrats will always win and always rule, because they are the ruling class—and they feel that right to rule—and none of their bad outcomes will ever change their minds about that.

(I remember when people were calling him a shill, defeatist, etc for saying this.)

Yul Bornhold says:

Yarvin was defeatist.

We hoped that Trump would seize power. The best we could do to encourage that was to show support, so he didn’t think the situation hopeless. If Trump didn’t seize power, what would not blackpilling have cost us?

Some people signal loyalty. Yarvin chose to signal intelligence (making a correct prediction.) Not what we needed.

If there had been louder support signal, maybe Trump would have tried coup. Should have. He’s being accused of it anyway.

Ace says:

Trump was never going to try for a coup. He and the rest of the republican’s didn’t grasp and probably still don’t grasp that they and their whole will be murdered by the left if they didn’t seize power. Normally bias blinded them.

~loclun-midwyt says:

Actually that is the one part I’m still not sold on either way. Whether he intended a coup but was outsmarted, or true normality bias to the core.

I recall in the final debate with Biden, the topic of antifa came up. Trump told Biden to be careful, they’ll be coming for him too soon enough. I don’t recall the exact wording, but he seemed to be clearly showing he understood the leftist holiness spiral we are in. There were a few of these moments around that time.

It’s also possible he was somewhere in the middle of the two options. He intended a coup, but not as directly as using the IA and rounding up everyone. For example, having Barr announcing arrests, Ratcliffe targeting deep state, others focussing on tech and media, and so on. A Trump coup where he directs various people and departments, like a businessman would. Then IA to mop up, if needed.

I think he was willing to cross the Rubicon, but wasn’t going to be the first to dip his feet in for fear of being left to cross alone. His hesitation has left him now with no choice but to cross alone or end up in prison for life.

Ace says:

His behavior at the Krapitol says otherwise. If someone who knew the score had been tasked about using “people power” to influence or even take control of congress the first thing they would have done is have Trumpen forces at the front the mob controlling and directing it because A) mobs tend to do stupid shit without control and B) it leaves it wide open for Antifa/BLM infiltrators to move in and use the group to charge the building in a way guaranteed to fail, which is exactly what happened.

Using a mob is fucking stupid unless your a leftist with the media on your side and troops to back them up when the mob fails as often do. The only reason for Trump doing so is a belief in Whig/MLK history and not understanding how the left would use the mob he’d assembled.

Trump probably gets the idea that the Commies are going to eat this country alive, but his utter failure in invoking the insurrection act against those commies speaks the fact he didn’t have the balls to go after them or he didn’t really view them as a major threat with the later more likely.

Finally, Trump raised almost 250 million for his supporters after the election. He may just be planning at walking away with that cash into exile and he was just stringing things along as long as he could and his game playing ended badly.

I’m personally still not sure the hard left will win anytime soon. To modify a phrase: There’s a lot of loot in a nation. Joe Biden and his friends will loot this nation to the ground while keeping the hard left, the deep state and probably the military satisfied with an endless stream of other people’s stuff to loot. By the time the left or some other faction overthrows Joe there may not be much left to fight over.

jim says:

The deep state is betting that the hard left will not win, that they can use the left and discard it.

Maybe they can. If they had a Hitler they could. They don’t have a Hitler.

Ace says:

Hitler was able to discard his left because he cut a deal with the military who were then ordered to go out clober commies, which they did so with much glee. Why can’t Joe’s do the same? The military has cohesion and they’d love to clober commies.

jim says:

Joe could do the same, and probably would if he had all his marbles, but, having gone senile, he is a puppet with too many people pulling his strings, no one of which will trust the others to do the necessary clobbering.

I think they are all just hoping that the genie will get back in the bottle by itself. History tells us that cramming the genie back in the bottle is a tough operation that requires startlingly drastic measures.

Pooch says:

Why can’t Joe’s do the same? The military has cohesion and they’d love to clober commies.

Problem is the commies are allied with the blacks and the blacks are the most holy on the left. They can’t be touched.

Pooch says:

This was a false flag operation through and through. Massive evidence is starting to show coordinated infiltration teams.


qwerty says:

No amount of loyalty signalling could have made Trump perform a coup, and, as Yarvin points out, even if he by some miracle actually carried out a coup he wouldn’t know what to do next, and the Trumpenreich would be squandered. And you admit as much: if you say that Trump might have pulled through if he had more “encouragement”, then you are admitting that Trump is not Caesar, that he is not a strong man, but a weak man.

It’s not random or accidental that Yarvin correctly predicted that Trump wouldn’t coup. Yarvin predicted that Trump wouldn’t coup because Yarvin understands the world better than anyone else. Illusions and false hope are dangerous, and they will get more and more dangerous as shit hits the fan.

The Cominator says:

It is very hard to predict people but Yarvin was right that Trump was too much of a weak boomer to coup, but nobody is infallible. Yarvin disgraced himself over the fake and gay covid scam.

Seriously. Does the word “Boomer” cut any sort of reality at its joints? Or is it just generational astrology?

I’m gonna borrow a trick from Yudkowsky and call rationalist taboo on that word. Can you explain what a “Boomer” is typically like without resorting to any word that refers to age or time of birth, just observable characteristics?

The Cominator says:

They are almost to a man incapable of escaping normalcy bias in regards to our political situation. Trump apparently was not an exception…

Pooch says:

Trump failed because he was a merchant, not because he was a boomer.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

Being a merchant and being a boomer are both good reasons to fail at statecraft.

Most people, when they use the term boomer, aren’t referring to a strict age classification, they’re referring to a certain mindset that’s prevalent among that age group.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

Boomer refers to ‘baby boomer’, a raft of people coincidentally born after the troops all came home in the late 40s.

What it means in terms of *archetype* though, is people who, even as they reach old age, are eternally living in 1965 in their minds.

~loclun-midwyt says:

I think Trump’s intention was to go through the legal process, but signal he might use the insurrection act to make mass arrests. I don’t think he intended to actually use it, but just use the fear of it. He made sure to never disavow the Q people, and then Powell and Wood were used to issue out threats of arrests and act as if there is a big plan to get them all, hoping some of the perpetrators would flip to save themselves. Trump’s speeches and his restructuring of the military were part of this.

They successfully called his bluff. Which was hardly difficult. Not only did he never inflict cruel violence upon any of his enemies, but he never punished any of them at all. Just listen to how Raffensberger disrespects Trump in that phone call, and then leaks the call. What did Trump do to Raffensberger for that?

Pooch says:

Fishing in the Rubicon as Moldbug says. Apt description.

yewotm8 says:

His lack of preparation was astounding on all fronts. He had months if not years to be prepared for something like this. He may have even had the loyalty of key people before the 6th but lost it immediately when it became apparent that he had nothing other than the Capitol “storming”.

Cloudswrest says:

Re. “The Race Test”

I just stumbled upon this claim via Heartiste on Gab and was dumbfounded, so I “googled” and it appears to be true.  Black children, and some other minorities, appear to fail the mirror test as late as first grade!!!! (White children usually pass by 24 months) Holy sh!t! Scientific American claims that this means the test is invalid, haha. Maybe there is a simpler explanation. Perhaps they all DO really look alike.



Ace says:

It gets worse, black kids are between 1 and 2 years more mature than whites kids at the same age. They have a shorter childhood.

Cloudswrest says:

Yeah, I knew that.

simplyconnected says:

One week shorter gestation period. I once told this to a prog, holy crap they fury with which they “replied”.

suones says:

a prog … they “replied”.

Non-sarcastic use of singular “they” indicates weakness of the mind. Use the correct pronoun.

Aidan’s blog seems to have been suspended for violating TOS. It appears that the crackdown is coming down soon on dissident bloggers too.

riess says:

Probably reported by “Hipster Racist” (since insufficiently anti-Israel); he does that to everyone and brags about it.

These ridiculous lies and slander are retaliation for a snarky comment pointing out the fact that Israel got everything they wanted from Trump, except for hot war againt Iran. Wow did they get angry about that, but who are they really mad at? Me?

Of course “reiss” blames me for someone’s blog getting banned then just makes up lies about me “bragging” about it.

Don’t blame me. You are the guys that love Israel – they are your friends. You’re the guys that love Trump. I didn’t vote for Trump. I’m not a Curtis Yarvin fanboy.

This has nothing to do with me.

Inquirer says:

Does anyone have an archive of Aidan’s last post? I can’t get it on wayback, it was quite good.

suones says:

I second this. I procrastinated archiving the blog while it was still up, and now I regret it.

suones says:

Oops, here it is: https://archive.vn/nRIXf

Aidan MacLear says:

I of course did not violate anything, except maybe the absurdly ambiguous clause on “glorifying violence”, which they must have added quietly in the last week or so. Hard to write about history without glorifying violence. I am surprised they cast their net wide enough to sweep me up in it, but that is an indication that the purge they intend will be very broad and very violent.

The Cominator says:

Very funny that they would censor a guy who said

“We lost go to ground or flee the country”.

Aidan MacLear says:

It’s actually cause I posted my physique on twitter and made some mod jelly

The Cominator says:

You’ve been talking to BAP a lot lol.

Snowdensjacket says:

I’d be more impressed if you had any children or any money. At least make some bastards. A sterile homeless drifter is the worst kind.

The Cominator says:

Is your blog getting a new home anytime soon…

Ace says:

So it looks like the Senate is now serious about impeaching Trump. More holiness spiraling or the Democrats just ensuring that no republican ever gets elected again?

Pooch says:

Looks like big donors were cutting off money to the GOP unless they went with it.

Ace says:

Man, the Dems won’t need to ban the GOP. There simply won’t be enough GOP voters left to get them elected to the PTA after that.

Atavistic Morality says:

Why are you talking about voters? Have you been in a cave the last two months and missed the massive electoral fraud? Who cares about voters? Wake up.

Ace says:

Federal elections are over, local elections where GOP governors can stop the cheating or cheat for themselves will continue to matter likely until probably shortly after 2022. However, for narrative sake it’s important for the Democrats to pretend like everyone suddenly voting 100% for unpopular Democrats and having the GOP effectively self destruct itself , which is great for that narrative and one of the things impeachment would achieve.

Ron says:

If the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES cannot stop electoral fraud in a case like this where he won by a MASSIVE LANDSLIDE against an opponent who everyone despised what chance do you think a small time candidate for mayor has?

Pooch says:

This was a false flag operation through and through. Massive evidence is starting to show coordinated infiltration teams.


Ace says:

John Sullivan not being charged made it pretty obvious he was working for the Dems.

Pooch says:

Yes and he was not working alone. He seemed to have been orchestrating events with a team of individuals.

Ace says:

I’m sure there would be lots of interesting things to learn from his interrogation. If Trump had any balls blackwater would scoop him up and get a taped confession from him that Trump could play at his impeachment trial.

Pooch says:

Yeah why not. Tell Blackwater to name their price. They are taking his assets anyway. If he wasn’t so normalcy biased, he’s realize there’s nothing to lose now.

Ace says:

Oddly, it would be entirely legal. Trump’s the also the chief law enforcement officer for the country. He can issue an arrest order and deputize the black water guys involved and Sullivan unlike Trump was urging people to riot and burn all caught on video.

But that’s far beyond what a President normally does, so Trump couldn’t do it.

Mike says:

This just sounds like cope in the same manner as lefties over the summer saying white supremacists lit all the fires. Feds always try to infiltrate RW events, so I don’t doubt that there were some. But ultimately Trump called that event, and you can’t tell me that feds opened up every fence, broke every window, were the only ones wanting to go inside, etc etc. Especially when there was so much less violence and chaos than during the summer riots (typically feds would try to make it escalate higher and higher, such as at Charlottesville). Sounds just as retarded as lefties screeching about whitey burning buildings.

My take remains that it was a real event, one last lashing out of the helpless proles in rage. The main reason it ultimately did nothing and played into our enemies hands is due to Trump being an idiot who converted no elites to his side, not due to a few feds. The feds would not have mattered or even existed if Trump actually put some of his own damn people into place within our institutions.

Ace says:

Your attempted shilling is gay.

Mike says:

Nah, blaming your own leader’s failure on feds is gay.

Pooch says:

I blame Trump for allowing himself to be played by feds and walk directly into their trap because he was merely fishing in the Rubicon instead of crossing it.

Pooch says:

Did he have even a single legion to cross it with? Doesn’t seem likely because he’s not a warrior. Flynn was telling him how to cross a month ago and he declined that advice for unknown reasons.

Ace says:

Flynn was telling him how to cross a month ago and he declined that advice for unknown reasons.

I typically don’t like play blame the Jew, but it might be a case of Trump taking advice from a Jew who was making bank from his campaign:


Trump recently Pardoned Jared’s criminal father who of course immediately denounced Trump. Jared’s also the Genius behind Trump’s let the black criminals out of jail campaign, which went so well for so many Americans.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

It’s hard for me to see how Jared or his father could have any relevancy in this case. They could have given Trump terrible advice that made him look bad, weakened his popular support, made his administration more dysfunctional, and so on. But all of that only matters in the context of a legitimate democratic election in which all and only legal votes are counted.

This was a sham election and a stillborn autocoup in creamy false flag sauce. I just can’t fathom how a few greedy or subversive Jews can take responsibility for all that. It required an entire national governing apparatus including all the pseudo-governmental entities like press and judiciary to execute properly. Jared doesn’t control all that and neither does his dad.

Pooch says:

Plus Jared was in the Middle East during the whole election contesting period.

All of Trump’s lawyers and advisors, including Guilani and Jenna Ellis, were telling him not to listen to the Flynn/Sidney Powell/Lin Wood faction, likely because of normalcy bias and listening to them is what did him in.

Pooch says:

Cocksucker got charged. He’ll probably get off though in the rigged courts.


Pooch says:

If the deep state does end up throwing the book at him and convicting, that could be indicative of them fighting back against the rad left. I’m not holding my breath though.

jim says:

The alliance between the deep state and the leftmost is about to fracture.

In the end the leftmost will win, having greater internal cohesion but whether it wins in a few weeks or a few years is unpredictable.

Pooch says:

If the deep state at least puts up a fight that could give us more time to prepare for the leftist singularity.

Cloudswrest says:

When the Leftmost starts to win it’s probably better to be the hindmost (see Niven) LOL.

Pooch says:

Trump has been briefed about Sullivan and federal agents understand he didn’t act alone. Maybe Trump can go out in a blaze of glory nailing these fuckers. Not holding my breath he can do anything spectacular though.


Snowdensjacket says:

Trunk save us!

Tell us to act like human beings!

Cloudswrest says:

Here’s a good summary video analysis (with circles and arrows on the back of each one).


Pooch says:

Good video. God bless The Epoch Times.

f6187 says:

Them, and NTD News — news casting done old school style, except that the anchors aren’t crypto-communists like Cronkite. Mabye crypto-falun-gong, but I’m taking a shine to those folks.

suones says:

Falun Gong have always been an enigma to me. On one hand they’re clearly Cathedral/CIA/State Deptt agents to be used against the CCP, but then this strange counter-Cathedral propaganda is … strange. The only group I see that is opposed to both the CCP/Marxist-Leninist brigade as well as the Cathedral is actually us, and we are far away from any mainstream legitimacy. I don’t know how the FG manage things.

clovis says:

It looks like Roger Stone has been reading Jim. Explicitly mentions “Romanov Treatment”

qwerty says:


>The impeachment resolution on the House floor Wednesday, consisting of an article citing “incitement of insurrection,” will be debated on the House floor. Sponsors of the resolution maintain they have the votes to pass it.

>The resolution states: “President Trump gravely endangered the security of the United States and its institutions of Government. He threatened the integrity of the democratic system, interfered with the peaceful transition of power, and imperiled a coequal branch of Government. He thereby betrayed his trust as President, to the manifest injury of the people of the United States.”


>She added: “Wednesday [Jan. 6] was an extremely traumatizing event and it is not an exaggeration to say that many many members of the House were nearly assassinated. It’s just not an exaggeration to say that at all. We were very lucky that things happened within certain minutes that allowed members to escape the House floor unharmed. But many of us narrowly escaped death.”


>”Our country came under attack, not from a foreign nation, but from within. These were not protesters, these were not patriots. These were traitors. These were domestic terrorists, Mr. Speaker. And they were acting under the orders of Donald Trump.

>”Some of my colleagues on the other side have suggested that we just move on from this horror. But to gloss over it would be an abdication of our duty. Others on the Republican side have talked about unity. But we can’t have unity without truth and without accountability, and I’m not about to be lectured by people who just voted to overturn the results of a free and fair election.”

Yep, it’s over for Trump. He’s going to go to prison for the rest of his life (or worse) for “inciting insurrection”.

f6187 says:

Looks like Scott Adams has been reading Jim’s blog too, or at least was perspicacious enough to think it through for himself:

“If it were a real coup, how exactly was that coup going to work? Did they think — these clever coup plotters — that once they had occupied two empty rooms, that they were then the leaders of the country? Was that their thinking? Once we get in these empty rooms, with all this furniture, we run the country now. Is that what they thought? Cuz I don’t think so.”

Ace says:
Starman says:

The American empire begins to crack at the fringes.


yewotm8 says:

After Twitter themselves banned a few Ugandan electoral candidates. I don’t think any of them are smart enough to be able to convince themselves Twitter is acting in good faith.

Pooch says:

The sinister thing is the Cathedral is going after African Christian leaders (who preach live old type Christianity) now. I have more in common with the rulers of Uganda than my own nation.

Starman says:

If the Cathedral is willing to go after good African Christian leaders, they will dispose of BlackLivesMatter terrorists if they need to.

I hope the good African Christian leaders have enough courage and resilience to oppose Globohomo evil. God Bless Museveni.

Pooch says:

An example of a Christian Ugandan preacher being interviewed by a Cathedral journalist.


Pooch says:

Alf here’s your example right here if you thought Christianity was dead.

Wow. I had a tempting thought for a second, that I would rather have that black pastor as my neighbor than many white libs… then I came to my senses, partially because in the long run it would not be good for us, but most importantly because of that idea I mentioned before, but I will now give it a name: Div’s Doctrine of International Relations, DDIR.

DDIR states that the only thing we owe to the third world is to not draw their best people away. We do not owe Uganda international aid or anything like that, but we absolutely owe it to them to never allow that good pastor immigrate to the West because he can do far more good there, and his country really needs him far more than we could use him. He has much higher marginal utility there, in a sense.

(Of course we don’t want their bad people either, but that is obvious, there was no temptation about that in me ever.)

DDIR applied says that it is better for both if Indian engineers stay in India. They get a better IT industry and they don’t take our jobs here. Instead, they might take our customers on the global market if they develop better products or okay products much cheaper. And that is a good thing, because international competition is a healthy and motivating kick in the ass. From this angle, immigration and brain drain is basically “socialism in human resources”.

The bean-bag pot-smokers in Silicon Valley are really overdue for a kick in an ass like another country making better software, it would be a wake up call, although I expect that other country will not be India, but Russia or China. In Germany, I expect SAP will be soon getting a motivating kick in the ass by the Russian 1C:Enterprise taking some of their (new,potential) customers.

DDIR also applies to minorities in the West, though in that case it requires a different name. It is tempting to use, educate and integrate that occasional bright, honest and hard-working minority guy, because he is useful, and usually he wants exactly that, of course he wants to escape the ghetto. But that robs the minority of a natural leader they really need. So not doing that is something we owe to them, such natural leaders are way more useful than giving them money or anything like that. The American Irish used to be terrible ghetto scum. It was their natural elites who fixed them.

suones says:

Brain drain is similar to Spandrell’s concept of “IQ Shredder,” where elites are attracted to immigrate to putative utopias where they sort-of-assimilate to Molochian life and destroy their genes.

Indian aside: This is a huge problem, of course, but the reason so many of our elites want to emigrate is because the country’s power structure is composed of fools. If/when we get a sane power structure, our elites will want to remain because they will enjoy significantly higher status at home than abroad.

Any independent power structure composed of fools will collapse, of course, but this Tower of Fools is held together by the Anglo-American Empire, which prevents its collapse and also prevents natural elites from rising.

I eagerly anticipate the collapse of the Anglo-American Empire. Even the (Khrushchev and later) USSR was far, far better in this regard.

Hm. There is a large set of bad things a power structure of fools can do. There is a smaller set of bad things a power structure can do that personally affects someone who earns a decent salary.

Interestingly, one reason I see Westerners love living in Eastern Europe is that theirs tends to be of the second kind. Fools can’t run the buses on time? Nevermind, I have a car. Fools can’t run the schools right? Nevermind, private school. Fools cannot run the healthcare right? Private hospital, or at least the private practice of the same doctor.

So there are problems one can buy himself out of, and this largely happens when the fools only fuck up the state, but not the private market. This is why living in EE is very different from the viewpoint of the prole who has to rely on shitty government transportation/schools/healthcare and from the viewpoint of those who do not have to.

The Cominator says:

“Fools can’t run the schools right?”

I imagine public schools in the Eastern bloc are far far better than those run by the Cathedral.

Pooch says:

This is a fantastic argument for why immigration is not only self-destructive to both nations, it is inherently evil.

The Cominator says:

Jim a crypto and investment question…

So there is a stock Marathon Patents Group (MARA) a crypto miner… so its sort of tied to bitcoin and other crypto prices but not entirely…

BUT the sweetest thing is the premium on out of the money calls is insane… about 25% on your money on out of the money calls (normally 10% is very very good, the only exception is playing biotechs near binary events and you can get murdered doing that).

So as a hedge against the dollar and the way to play crypto this seems the way to do it… are there any flaws in my reasoning here.

Karl says:

Normality bias. Why do you expect them to deal fairly with you? Which court do you expect to rule fairly against them if they breach any contract with you?

I’d treat anything in the USA as unstable. Any investment in the USA is a bet that courts and the economy will soemhow be unaffected by the recent events.

Get out. In person and get your assets out

Pooch says:

Not many places to go except Chinese or Russian hegemony.

The Cominator says:

Publicly traded companies getting nationalized is probably the last apple cart they knock over… especially if public companies don’t involve land or natural resources.

Thats AT LEAST 5 years away. Right now this is a bet on dollar decline that also pays 25% a month on selling covered calls.

Pooch says:

The advantage of buying Bitcoin directly (and transferring it to a secure wallet) is it becomes independent of your location and resistant if things go south in the US.

The Cominator says:

That may become the prime consideration in the future (probably not too too far in the future) but right now I would prefer to be exposed to crypto but in a way that is somewhat resistant to bitcoin falling from grace in favor of another crypto in case the eye of Soros falls on bitcoin…

AND as I said get the racket covered call rate on out of the money calls of around 25% a month (immediately reinvested of course, I’m not holding dollars).

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

It sounds very nice, but all you’re doing is making a volatility bet. The crypto aspect is largely irrelevant.

Selling covered calls at a 5% premium on a stock that never changes its value could easily be more profitable over a year than selling covered calls at a 25% premium on a stock that loses 90% of its value within 6 months – especially if you reinvest the premiums into larger covered call positions. You’re accumulating that stock, and are therefore exposed to the un-hedged equity risk of that stock.

It’s certainly an interesting recommendation and I might play around with it using some risk capital, but I definitely wouldn’t bet the farm on it. Also, if all you ever intend to do is sell covered calls and don’t have any specific interest in the underlying shares, then it’s far more profitable and actually considerably safer to use call spreads; you don’t need to front any cash for the lots, and your maximum loss is the spread itself, not the entire underlying value of the shares.

The Cominator says:

Won’t lose 90% of its value not with the way US government and monetary policy is going. In fact it doesn’t even go down 1:1 with bitcoin.

I do not have my entire holdings on this but when I got tipped to this I didn’t take too long to decide that this was probably going to be a very big score.

Snowdensjacket says:

The old philosopher Augustine tells us that usury is a sin. My old age tells me rat the sin destroys the sinner. Think twice before you choose how your money will work for you.

The Cominator says:

Im not lending money.

jim says:

Commies think that allocating capital to its highest and best use is “usury”. This is the commie definition of usury. The Christian definition of usury presupposes that what we now call capitalism is virtuous, and ordained by God in the fall.

You are making bets on what businesses will be profitable, which indirectly, through several intermediaries, has the effect, if your predictions are accurate, has the effect of allocating capital to those businesses.

It is only usury if you are charging interest against the person, rather than against property. You are not charging interest at all, because you are not lending money at all.

Snowdensjacket says:

And one man’s gamble will be another, a different man, man’s loss.

At what point does the a’nother man’s loss become your loss? What is a real good? Was gambling not declared a sin?

“my good was a gamble”, says the trickster. I lost. Take my good, as he opens his empty hand. Don’t worry it will trickle down, says the reaganite.

Is it now that a’nother man’s loss is your loss?

The sin destroys the sinner as Christ behold.

Yet the sinner wanders, lost, and cries out as he strikes you.

Ye should not ask why, but how.

“not me, my lord” cries the sinner. Do not strike me down. Yet my children do cry.

Joe says:

Whom do you work for?

jim says:

> And one man’s gamble will be another, a different man, man’s loss.

Ignorant commie.

Speculators in capital goods create value by directing capital from less productive to more productive uses.

Commies think that value is neither created nor destroyed, so they wind up killing the peasant’s cows and eating the peasant’s seed corn, thinking that they are redistributing wealth by destroying it.

> The sin destroys the sinner as Christ behold.

Commies do not not believe in Christianity nor Christ.

You are now on moderation until you give us the Christian affirmation.

Jesus Christ is Lord. Born in Bethlehem, died in Jerusalem, and is, from before the beginning of the world. Wholly man and wholly God, God is three and God is one.

You are not a shill in the sense of being on the Soros or FBI payroll, but you don’t sound like a Christian.

Snowdensjacket says:


jim says:

Your Christianity is fake, and your reaction, like your Christianity, smells of communism.

You sound retarded to me. First you raised usury and then you were told the truth a corporation is property, not a person, the loan is secured by property, not a person, hence not usury. Then you move the goalpost to gambling. A gamble is defined as a game of chance, not a game of skill. That is, while chance of course always plays a role, a gamble is defined as a game where skill does not play a role at all. This is an important legal and philosophical concept, because Electronic Arts in Star War Battlefront 2 sold loot boxes with random loot, to minors, which is selling gambling to minors, which is illegal, so lawsuits happened. Instead they should be selling non-random gaming goods like ingame weapons for money, and then whether players are going to defeat other players with those guns or not is based on both skill and chance, and that is okay.

And this is how investment works, too. It is not a gamble. If it is a gamble for you, you suck at investing so don’t. There is a chance element, of course, my American Oriental Bioengineering shares, which I bought in 2008 because I was conviced they have a good ultrasound treatment for certain kinds of cancer, are worthless now. I kept them as a reminder, memento. But I was not gambling. I trusted in their skill to fix certain kinds of cancers via ultrasound treatment. Heh, actually, I trusted in Mark Skousen’s skill when he said they look like they can. He was wrong, I lost money, but not in a gamble but in a skill and trust game that did not work out.

Actually, this is an interesting topic. In chess luck plays no rule, so it is not gambling, pure skill. So there are chess tournaments, championships, to decide who is the most skilled chess player. In poker, luck does play a role, but skill does too, and in the long run, luck evens out and skill prevails, so there are poker tournaments, championships, to decide who is the most skilled poker player. In roulette, it is pure luck, hence there are no tournaments or championships, because there is no such thing as the most skilled roulette player.

Anyway, the interesting point is that in these hedonistic questions the Christian idea of sin is a close parallel to the modern idea of addiction.

There is no chess addiction, if you really like to play chess, that is not an addiction. It is just a thing you do.

There is such a thing as a gambling, roulette addiction.

Is there such a thing as a poker addiction?

I say no. Because when skill does play a role, people can decide on the skill level they want to play on. The not very good poker player is going to play with not very good poker players. So he will not lose his house. Nor will he win big. In the long run, he wins a little money, he loses a little money, nothing important really happens.

The Cominator says:

Well I DO deny that I am a usurer I don’t deny that I am a variety of gambler but I’m sorry that just doesn’t bother me. Its mostly skill and some luck.

@TheDividualist… biotechs are very very tricky.

1. You need to find out from people in the field whether it works before most of the market does.

2. The government can fuck them over anyway at any point either the FDA or patents (this happened to me on AMRN even though I did point 1, though the idiot management contributed to this by filing in the wrong circuit and not kicking up to lobbyists).

3. Even if fufill 1 and aren’t hit by &2 the management can just be stupid.

The Cominator says:

What I’ve found are the basic principles of investing.

1. You want to go for companies in the right business and companies likely to expand their revenue.

2. You need to look at management decisions and compensation and decide whether they are a bunch of idiots or a bunch of crooks. Avoid the company (no matter how good their product and business is) if you decide the management is stupid. A stupid farmer will always kill the golden goose no matter how big the golden eggs they can lay. This does not apply to short term scores on trends and binary events.

Now here are more technical points…

MOST companies tend to take the stairs up and elevator down, but its hard to predict. If after a big spike you are nervous about both holding it and selling it sell calls a bit out. You will almost never regret this and even if there is some rare occasion you do its a winning move over time.

Companies with call premiums on out of the money calls (not way out but not too near) of 10% or more are ussually worth buying, they will often continue going up but if they don’t you still get your call money… just make sure there is not too much of a chance they will immediately collapse to 10% of their value or something. That is why I traded out of FCEL after making a quick score on it off the hype on Biden subsidies.

With MARA (which has the best premiums I’ve ever seen) I’m on much more solid ground since the dems wrecking the American economy and the dollar as a reserve currency is likely to be very good for crypto.

James Thornton says:


Thanks for all the info about covered calls and MARA, and generating income through speculation in general. I would be interested in hearing more about your strategies. I will be testing out MARA covered calls this week.

Bilge_Pump says:

I’m going to rant here a bit about a post made by this guy, to whom Yarvin has dedicated an entire article recently. A Jewish liberal media guy who wants to stomp the “insurrectionists”. Sure ok. It’s about music, which is one of my big interests. I would have a music blog but I don’t feel like it would generate enough interest to merit writing regularly.

Anyway here’s the post https://twitter.com/Noahpinion/status/1349516832080711683.

It’s about kicking Nazis out of “punk and metal”. First off, yea I guess there were some “skinheads” in the punk scene in the 80’s, but you’d be hard pressed to find any of their music. In fact I’ve never heard a punk or metal song about killing Jews specifically, and I’ve heard a lot of this music, been to real life shows, etc. Christians on the other hand….

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0OsHcegl8tg (Deicide – Kill The Christian)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmDRkXsplHA&list=PLNdLvPfz5nY9lIcxqDi8IGQjH5llPdH29 (Infant Annihilator – Crucifilth)

There are plenty of openly Satanic metal bands, and there are plenty of punk bands calling for the overthrow of Society and USG. Do I even have to link to them? You know they’re there.

Another point I’d like to make about punk music is that it really hasn’t changed much at all since the 70s. They still wear the same fucking outfits, their music is still about how much capitalism sucks and the US government is oppressing people, in music theory terms they haven’t innovated or changed anything. It’s technologically backwards and the people who make it are smelly weirdos.

Bilge_Pump says:

for good measure:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ga5ZbMMZ6Hk (Bad Brains -Self-Titled 1982 album ) Check out the album cover btw

ten says:

There’s a small ocean of primarily east european bands in the “NSBM” genre, because they don’t get censored. The initial scandinavian second wave black metal was all about “True Aryan Black Metal”, swastikas and stuff, before they were forced to shut up about that. Guess the “kick the nazis out of metal” he is referring to is when 5 years ago bands who had said women were groupie whores were labelled nazis and got their gigs cancelled, and there emerged an entryist zone of sjw metalheads. Don’t think anyone actually was excluded from anything, but they created their own little gay area.

Aspar Inscribitur says:


Regarding the recent election, what are your observations on the U.S. economy?

Which fields are wise to enter or best to avoid? Will a rise in government jobs accompany our evermore corrupt government?

If one is to flee the country, what is a good new profession or skill to adopt?

If one is entering an elite college, how does the recent election affect major and career choice?

In short, who will be destroyed, and who will be prosperous?

As a recent graduate of an elite college and an aspiring corporate tax lawyer I was planning on attending a prestigious law school, but given the election, would getting myself into tens of thousands of dollars into Law School debt be a wise decision?

Alternatively, will riding the wave of corruption in a government job be sustainable or end with me being dragged in the undertow?


jim says:

My advice is not very useful.

Expect the unexpected. Right now the techlords have a lot of power, which will prevent truly disastrous measures from being implemented, though the China Flu panic is fairly disastrous, and Carbon New Deal would turn America into a nation of third world peasants, with people in flyover country cut off.

The radical left is worried about the power of the deep state, but the techlords are next on their list. I will be as delighted by the murder of the techlords by those even holier than themselves as I am delighted by Stalin’s purge of the Trotskyists, but Stalin’s purge made the Soviet Union substantially less insane, while if the radical left purges the techlords, the New America is likely to get substantially less sane.

But all that is down the road a fair ways. I am not panicking yet, but I am certainly preparing for panic.

So I have no advice except crypto currency, keep your head down, and your eyes open. I don’t think the economy is going to tank immediately.

The Cominator says:

I asked rather than owning a specific crypto (for now) what do you think about owning a crypto mining stock…

And a crypto mining stock that has the added bonus of paying off an insanely high premium on selling covered calls (yes I’m aware this also means insanely high implied volatility).

I’m not holding you to this and you may not think it would be that useful, but I’m interested in your opinion. As I personally know little about crypto but I know the dollar is going to weaken, I know that its not at all certain which crypto will win in the end, and I know that getting 25% on your money selling on a stock that in reality has very little chance of collapse is like selling drugs if it were legal…

jim says:

Crypto mining is likely to die, though not any time soon. The crypto miners are milking bitcoin too hard. The state is going after them to make crypto more government friendly, and the cypherpunks are going after them because too damned expensive and providing insufficient transaction bandwidth. In particular, I am going after them, mostly over transaction bandwidth.

Proof of work blockchain protocols are limited to a few tens of transactions per second.

A blockdag protocol can support six thousand transactions per second, visa scale, on peers with an ordinary good home internet connection, and a proof of stake blockdag can support vastly cheaper transactions.

The Cominator says:

So I have a couple of years at least…

Could crypto miners adjust to make money from this “blockdag” protocol… I do not know too much about crypto.

jim says:

Proof of work requires expensive proof of work, to resist the 51% attack.

So, proof of work inherently a problem, and becoming a bigger problem. I don’t want crypto miners to be able to make money.

My plan is proof of stake, where the stake of a peer is value of the crypto coins, unspent transaction outputs, that its clients have placed in the blockchain through that peer. We should use a blockdag to generate and learn the consensus of the peers used by a lot of wealthy clients on the total order of transactions. The currency will then be operated in the interests of those who use and own it, which is deflation rather than inflation.

This, apart from being considerably cheaper, has the political advantage that those who own it will want a good fast truly decentralized lightning network capable of onion routing transactions, which miners do not want. Miners are not only inherently expensive, they are not acting, and do not have proper incentive to act, in the interests of the community of crypto currency users.

The Cominator says:

Well thats all well and good for crypto enthusiasts but you think I have at least a couple years to milk the options premium and use the stock as a general dollar hedge before miners can’t make money anymore?

At least one year… I don’t care if mining collapses a long time down the road I just want to be able to milk this cow temporarily.

jim says:

You have plenty of time. Right now solutions to the mining problem and the defects of the lightning network are merely a bunch of ideas, not competition.

More and more money is being spent on mining, and more and more money will be spent on mining, and you can bet on more and more money being spent on mining until we fix this problem.

When the fix is ready to roll, don’t worry. When the fix actually rolls, keep an eye on it, but there will be a long period when more and more money is still being spent on mining even though the fix is rolling out, and proof of stake money is competing with mining money.

After the fix rolls out, and we have proof of stake money competing with mined money, watch it and prepare to jump ship – but don’t jump ship prematurely.

If we have done our job right, the only way to profit off proof of stake money will be to own a lot of it and sit on what you own – because it will be controlled by people who are doing exactly that.

You are investing in people who control crypto money. That they control crypto money is a problem for those of us who own crypto money. But the problem is not going away soon.

The Cominator says:

Thank you.

James Thornton says:

Thanks for explaining these concepts Jim. Of course your security comes first but I hope you will keep the readers of this blog updated as much as possible with the progress of your planned crypto project. I’d like to jump in early if possible.

“If we have done our job right, the only way to profit off proof of stake money will be to own a lot of it and sit on what you own – because it will be controlled by people who are doing exactly that.”

Private property, but used for public governing, government. And if an unforeseen kind of attack happens, something physical maybe, the people sitting on money can decide to use part of it as an actual currency and buy some other kinds of defenses, like physical ones, men with guns. This reminds me of aristocracy.

Not quite a fixed land based aristocracy, but more like a ship-ownership based, thalassocracy-like more fluid aristocracy.

Nobody says:

Jim, is there a PoS coin that you like right now?

jim says:

As far as I know they all suck, and most of them are scams.

If there are some good ones, I would like to learn about them.

The Byzantine Generals problem is hard, and it is easy to cook up something that fails to solve it and call it a proof of stake crypto currency.

Joe says:

Regarding your ideal blockdag PoS coin: Can a 51% shareholder pay someone using an output, wait for the normal transaction deeming period*, then pay someone else using the same output, with the other 49% of shareholders believing the second spend is the true spend?

*Whatever is analogous in your coin to the six confirmations of bitcoin

jim says:

A proof of stake currency is analogous to company, the money is the shares. As a startup grows, its shares get more and more widely distributed among more and more people. We hope that pretty soon there is no fifty one percent shareholder.

Joe says:

My plan is proof of stake, where the stake of a peer is value of the crypto coins, unspent transaction outputs, that its clients have placed in the blockchain through that peer.

This implies that there is no fast way for a peer to increase his stake. Does this then imply that block creation should be demand driven?

Rationale: If the block creation rate is fixed and in proportion to unspent outputs then you could have peers with a lots of unspent outputs but few transactions, and vice versa, which implies peers creating blocks using transactions entered by clients of other peers, which implies transactions entered on multiple blocks, which gets more wasteful the higher the block size and block frequency are.

jim says:

Proof of stake, no mining. Peers get charged for inserting transactions, and don’t earn anything from generating the consensus on the total order and validity of transactions, an operation which is likely to become expensive when the system scales.

So they charge their clients, or they do it for free because owned by a large client who wants influence over what is going on, or wants to obfuscate how much he owns. Or they do it for free because they are doing lots of things and don’t want to rely on someone else to do it for them.

In a blockdag, we create a very large number of very small blocks very fast, and then subsequently sort out consensus on the mutable state that those immutable transactions in those immutable blocks imply, such as double spends.

Any peer can put anything in a block, including bad stuff, or stuff that has no meaning except to certain people who are in the know, (which has some interesting and useful privacy applications) and any peer can create a block at any time, hence the necessity that they pay for creating a block. If bad stuff is inadvertently or maliciously included, has to be sorted out during the consensus on total order, and the consensus on total state.

Blockdags can include fresh transactions really fast. They scale to the full bandwidth of the network. But I have yet to see a detailed proposal for the construction of consensus on mutable state. A total order of immutable transactions implies one mutable state, but suppose that due to malice, or hardware failure, or software failure, or humans disagreeing about the rules, people disagree on what it is.

In particular, suppose the blood diamonds attack. Suppose some people deem certain cryptocoins, unspent transaction outputs, “tainted”.

In the bitcoin style blockchain, if you disagree with the other guy about the mutable state of the blockchain, he will not chain to your block, and you will not chain to his block So the blocks that everyone chains to implies a widespread consensus on the mutable state, the set of unspent transaction outputs. In a blockdag, consensus on mutable total state does not se easily take care of itself, and discussions of this issue seem inadequate to me.

Unfortunately, the bitcoin style blockchain can only handle about ten transactions per second, an absolutely tiny bandwidth, which is now starting to bite hard.

Joe says:

In a blockdag, consensus on mutable total state does not se easily take care of itself, and discussions of this issue seem inadequate to me.

Let’s say we have a blockdag network with ordering of blocks created at around the same time decided by block connectedness similar to the GHOSTDAG protocol below, but with power over consensus based on proof of stake rather than proof of work, and block creation limited only by network bandwidth. The voting share for a peer is the unspent transaction outputs in blocks created by that peer.


The government that controls the territory of a subset of peers one day implements rule X: peers may not refer to address X nor have any of their blocks link back to a block that refers to address X. Let’s call these rule-enforcing peers the censoring peers, and any remaining peers the non-censoring peers.

The first time a non-censoring peer creates a block X that refers to address X there is an asymmetric fork. Now, non-censored blocks can link back to censored blocks, but censored blocks cannot link back to non-censored blocks.

A client can now send his pre-fork output through a non-censoring peer then through a censoring peer. Both sides of the network will believe they are the stakeholder of the output: the non-censoring peer because of the connecteness rule or by simple ordering, and the censoring peer because the non-censored transaction does not follow rule X. Thus, with enough transactions, both sides of the network could eventually believe themselves to be the 51% stakeholder, regardless of who held the 51% stake initially.

The way the fork resolves is not symmetrical. The non-censoring network has kept linking to the censoring network’s blocks. It can resolve the fork by accepting rule X and thus invalidating block X and all downstream blocks, that is, accepting the censoring network’s history and discarding the post-block X history of all of its peers.

The censoring network can resolve the fork by removing rule X. Its next blocks will link back to the tips of the non-censoring network’s blockdag. The recombined network will keep its history but, because of the block connectedness rule, any competing transactions will resolve to those that were published on the non-censoring network.

So it seems to me that consensus on the mutable total state can only be fully resolved through one side conceding power to the other, although a partial state can be enforced over each part of the network, with the partial state of the non-censoring side giving a better picture of the true total state, but still with much uncertainty. The benefits that accrue to the winning side create an incentive to win, and the fork may not be able to be resolved in a friendly manner. In the worst case scenario the mutable total state depends on the outcome of a war. This is not at all well defined.

Pooch says:

My plan is proof of stake, where the stake of a peer is value of the crypto coins, unspent transaction outputs, that its clients have placed in the blockchain through that peer.

Jim, with your design, what prevents the single richest member from having undesirable centralization?

jim says:

If there are a lot of rich people, the single richest hodler does not much more central authority than the slightly less rich second richest hodler.

If a large chunk of the currency is in the hands of the richest hodler, we already have an undesirable centralization problem regardless of algorithm.

Since a proof of stake currency is shares in a sovereign crypto corporation (though initially without proper book keeping, hence initially without a board of directors and a CEO), it has to go through the same evolution as any startup.

A startup starts with the founders holding all the shares, but those shares not being of much use to them, and if it succeeds, winds up with the founders holding only a tiny proportion of the shares, but those shares of great use to them.

The influence of a peer on the final consensus depends multiplicatively on its weight, on how much other peers with a lot of weight gossip with it in forming the consensus, and in any one consensus, on sheer luck.

And its weight depends on how many rich hodlers are using its services. A rich hodler is apt to become worried about centralization, and distribute his transactions between several peers.

Even if the rich hodler in fact owns the secret that identifies the peer, he probably leases the server, the server is likely in a big data center to which lots of people have access, the secrets controlling his money and his peers are on his client wallet, not on the peers, so he will not altogether trust any one peer. He has to trust his client wallet, which under his personal physical control. An influential server on the network is likely to be in a big data center, and no one should trust big data centers.

Rich people do not grant trust easily. The network will remain tolerably decentralized because rich people don’t easily trust other rich people, and they certainly do not trust rich strangers. Even if he personally owns the data center, he is not going to trust all the people who have access to it all that much.

Transition to full corporate form (ceo and board) requires the creation of a whole lot of crypto enabled book keeping software (triple entry accounting) which has to come after people are actually using the money. And obviously when we finally do create that software, we will want lots of people to use it (many sovereign corporations). First the money, then the book keeping, then full corporate form, one sovereign corporation, then many people using the book keeping software, and many sovereign corporations. A corporation has corporate form because it has books that have corporate form. Which form is under attack by Sarbanes Oxley.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

Your stock is indexed in fiat currency, with all of the attendant benefits and drawbacks. It really is as simple as that.

Being able to write covered calls with an unusually high IV is a speculative and possibly temporary advantage relative to other high-beta equities. Nothing more, nothing less. There is no relationship to actually holding cryptocurrency.

It is literally equivalent to the difference between owning precious metals and owning shares in prospecting companies, a difference which has been around almost as long as the stock market itself and which every serious speculator has always understood. There is no magic that cryptocurrency adds to this particular equation.

Anyone with sufficient means should probably maintain:
– Enough basic supplies (food, water, toilet paper, and so on) to last 1-2 months without restocking;
– Enough cold hard cash to survive for at least six months, assuming logistics hold up;
– At least five (5) BTC, preferably laundered through one or more privacy coins at KYCless exchanges;
– Small amounts of gold, silver, or other non-crypto assets, just in case fiat trade breaks down but crypto is slow or difficult to exchange in your area, the equivalent of 2-3 months of cash;
– Long-term or regularly-renewed put options or other hedges that would allow you to quickly profit off a short-term collapse, but be prepared to be unable to use or sell them if the S really HTFs;
– Your regular investment (stock) portfolio, in whatever ratio with BTC you’re comfortable with. BTC will probably eventually reach 100k USD in current dollars, but I expect several more waves of sharp expansions and contractions before it does, and you may have another two years or five years or more to continue taking advantage of irrational, inflated equity markets.

“Which stocks to own” specifically is as impractical a question to ask here as it is on any other blog or message board.

Also, some people seem to believe that if assets collapse, debts will automatically be forgiven, but recent American history suggests otherwise. The banks, which at this point may as well be an extension of the government, will collect what they’re owed in real value, come hell or high water. So, personally, I don’t think this is the ideal time to be taking out big mortgages or lines of credit with which to speculate, thinking to yourself that if it all goes belly, well then whatever, YOLO. In fact it seems like a better time than ever to pay off your debts in order to stay off anyone’s radar, because if you do come under attack, debts of any kind are an exploitable weakness.

The Cominator says:

I don’t think the techlords (if you mean Dorsey Zuckerberg etc) have any real power either, they follow orders and give them only in transmittal from their derp state masters.

Pooch says:

Yes Moldbug had a good recent piece discussing just that. They control powerful platforms but because they can’t defend it from the press and the courts, they can be bullied rather easily by the state.

Ron says:

That wasnt his point at all.

Pooch says:

What was it then?

jim says:

Which is why the radical left does not like techlords, and why the techlords are trying to keep their bridges open to the radical left in hope for a tranquil change of masters.

It is likely to be less tranquil than they expect.

alf says:

OK, still continuing. Let’s see if we can drive this thing home.

Jim says this:

The Dark Enlightenment is not a Christian group.

But it needs to be respectful of Christianity, and needs to purge entryists against Christianity, such as the Socinians.

It is largely composed of atheists who think that old type Christianity was damned good social technology for a state religion.

‘Atheists’ is a bit of a contentious definition because an atheist denies the existence the existence of God whereas we are generally agreed on the existence of God, at the very least of Gnon. But it’s close enough.

I can get completely behind this. I think what this is all about, and I feel sort of like a child in saying this, but I just want an identity I can… well in Dutch you’d say ‘uitdragen’. An identity I can ‘dress’ in, so to say.

I mean we’re talking about survival and fleeing and making yourself a small target. And that’s all good and important. But there is also something else, something we have not yet finished. Namely, the need to walk through life with a straight back, with an identity that puts fear in your enemies, love in women, admiration in men and hope in all. Excuse me if that’s cheesy, but that’s the way I feel.

And if there is any place I identify with that feeling, it is this place. This place is… Fair. Just. That is such a rare thing in life, but it is what I try to emulate in my own life at well. Makes me enjoy life.

That identity is not old type Christian. It has many similarities, but it is not the same, and I feel wrongly typecasted when I am put into that category. That I think, is really all I’m saying.

David says:


jim says:

I don’t allow any “I am a more perfect follower of God than you are” comments from people who decline to reveal which God it is. Demon worshippers always announce loudly that they are holier than thou.

If Christian, affirm that Christ was born in Bethlehem, died in Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world. Wholly man and and wholly God. God is three and God is one.

David says:


jim says:

You appear to be frightened that uttering the name of Christ might cause you to catch fire.

Anonymous Fake says:


Any comment as to why the protestant translations seem to be off? All of them, in a spooky way. Douay-Rheims is the only one that feels right…

jim says:

Translation appears fine to me.

Hard to translate without a long philosophical dissertation on the trinity and the incarnation. Impossible to give a long philosophical dissertation on the trinity and the incarnation without committing heresy.

Therefore Jesus gave the scribes short rations, and the translators give us short rations.

It is not only untranslatable now. It was untranslatable when Christ spoke to mortals.

Yankee Dissenter says:

>> Hard to translate without a long philosophical dissertation on the trinity and the incarnation. Impossible to give a long philosophical dissertation on the trinity and the incarnation without committing heresy.

Seems like either a tacit admission that the post-Nicene trinitarian doctrine is an unphilosophical mishmash, and since this doctrine can’t be explained in any epistemologically-coherent manner, it’s best to just ‘leave it alone’ as an untouchable ‘mystery’, or more cynically, that: whether or not the Trinitarian doctrine makes any inherent sense, it’s had centuries and centuries of sharp swords behind it, and that’s enough to make it legitimate. (i.e. the darwinistic-materialist view on what makes a religion right or wrong)

Those of us who do bother with inquiry and are willing and able to dig through inconvenient memory holes might come to conclusions like the following: That in the pre-Nicene era, there was no one Christianity (in terms of unified doctrine and belief), rather there were many different Christian churches with different doctrines, some more or less like the others, and some others rather divergent from the average belief. And that post-Constantine, the various churches were homogenized into one body and to accomplish this, one ‘true’ doctrine was needed in order to get everyone on the same page. Of course this process of creating a one-size-fits-all state religion required a ton of book-burning and rewriting of history in order to erase all the evidence that might contest the assertion that the post-Nicene doctrine came as a pure, unbroken chain straight from Jesus on down to the 4th century, and of course in possession of the state-sanctioned Church. As students of how totalitarian belief systems and psy-ops work, an inquiry into this process should be all-too-familiar territory.

So about those pre-Nicene days…

Much evidence points to the idea that the Christian philosopher Origen adapted the Trinitarian doctrine from Middle Platonic ideas that were commonplace among the sages of Alexandria during his time. In fact, it’s likely that Origen himself was a student of the great sage Ammonius Saccas (the founder of Neoplatonism, the philosophical school that become the gold standard among late antiquity thinkers and mystics of the Roman Empire). And it should come as no surprise to anyone that the great innovator of Christian trinitarianism was more than a century after his death declared a heretic. To admit that a doctrine was innovated by a mere human philosopher and not something that came straight out of the deity’s mouth, is the ultimate haraam for any Abrahamic cult. Semitic monocultism demands that believers just accept every doctrinal assertion at face value, on their knees before their oriental potentate version of godhood. Anyway I digress.

I see the clear logic of your view that Christianity is useful social technology and thus a desirable belief system of the masses, and thus to question its doctrinal plot holes undermines the narrative, but I’m afraid that this type of religiosity isn’t genuine and won’t hold sway in the minds of followers for very long. Without genuine faith being a thing any longer, a religion is going to die one way or another. We may have pockets of people attending church out of a pragmatic sense of ‘cultural patriotism’ and obligation-to-community, or some other superficial reason for a few more centuries, but this is not going to be the type of religious approach where people actually believe in the dogmas. And thus heterodox interpretation of the bible will continue along its current trajectory until there is no religion left, i.e. ideas like Jesus was a bisexual Jewish community organizer.

(disclaimer: I’m not a Christian)

jim says:

> > Hard to translate without a long philosophical dissertation on the trinity and the incarnation. Impossible to give a long philosophical dissertation on the trinity and the incarnation without committing heresy.

> Seems like either a tacit admission that the post-Nicene trinitarian doctrine is an unphilosophical mishmash, and since this doctrine can’t be explained in any epistemologically-coherent manner, it’s best to just ‘leave it alone’ as an untouchable ‘mystery’, or more cynically, that: whether or not the Trinitarian doctrine makes any inherent sense, it’s had centuries and centuries of sharp swords behind it, and that’s enough to make it legitimate. (i.e. the darwinistic-materialist view on what makes a religion right or wrong)

But why did the sharp swords of Trinitarians win?

If we look at the history, it is apparent that the non Trinitarians tended to be bad people, whose evil deeds tended to eventually result in self destruction, the wrath of God manifest through material cause and effect. By their fruits you will know them.

Why bad people? Well, I have explained many times why the Socinians were and are bad people.

Much evidence points to the idea that the Christian philosopher Origen adapted the Trinitarian doctrine from Middle Platonic ideas that were commonplace among the sages of Alexandria during his time.

Nuts. This is history made up to discredit Christianity. It is as bogus as black Egypt.

Christianity had a self contradictory position on the divinity and humanity of Christ from the beginning. And when it became a state religion then Emperor Constantine said “Yes it is self contradictory, so shut up about it”. (Not his exact words, obviously) He had the priests say it, not himself, and his actual words are closer to the affirmation of faith that I demand from commenters purporting to be Christian. Then the sharp swords came out.

But the reason the sharp swords came out, the reason that in the end it usually came down to sharp swords, is that the non trinitarians were from the beginning, and still are, a problem that leads to self destruction.

Poking at the inconsistency between a God big enough to create and sustain the universe, and small enough to be flogged through the streets of Jerusalem was always done by entryists, people who really were not Christians, really did not like Christianity, really did not like Christians, and entered it in order to destroy it and Christians.

Yankee Dissenter says:

>>But why did the sharp swords of Trinitarians win?

Great question. Why did Stalin and his gang BTFO the Trotskyites?

>>But the reason the sharp swords came out, the reason that in the end it usually came down to sharp swords, is that the non trinitarians were from the beginning, and still are, a problem that leads to self destruction.

If the non-trinitarians were more unstable and unreliable priests, you might not be wrong on this question. Maybe a good case study would be to look at the protestant churches around today which have disposed of trinitarianism and see how they’re faring and what sort of ideas they push. BTW, I’m of the position that the early church councils happened primarily to iron out the ideological differences between priests of the various antecedent churches that were being merged into the singular state church. Perhaps the councils were a good way to weed out potential troublemakers and subversives, and the priests most loyal to the emperor were good at correlating bad priests with particular doctrines.

>Nuts. This is history made up to discredit Christianity. It is as bogus as black Egypt.

I’d agree that it certainly discredits and undermines the form of Christianity that survived Constantine and the team of scribe-priests serving him. About it being factually bogus though? I’m not so sure. I can say it’s an alternative historical narrative that might be right or wrong.

>>Poking at the inconsistency between a God big enough to create and sustain the universe, and small enough to be flogged through the streets of Jerusalem was always done by entryists, people who really were not Christians, really did not like Christianity, really did not like Christians, and entered it in order to destroy it and Christians.

Not even entryists necessarily. In the 3rd and 4th centuries, pretty much every non-Christian philosopher and intellectual (people with zero interest in joining, much less subverting Christianity) of renown was poking and prodding at the generous collection of plot-holes in factual assertions and mythemes of the churches around at the time.

jim says:

> > Nuts. This is history made up to discredit Christianity. It is as bogus as black Egypt.

> I’d agree that it certainly discredits and undermines the form of Christianity that survived Constantine and the team of scribe-priests serving him. About it being factually bogus though? I’m not so sure. I can say it’s an alternative historical narrative that might be right or wrong.

That you are posting such ignorant idiocy, and are unwilling to produce a shred of evidence to support it, makes this conversation pointless, and I am ending it. As I said, it is “Black Egypt”, “We wuz Kings” crap.

I could produce evidence from the gospels and the early history of the Church, but it did not seem likely to be profitable to debate someone who did not appear to care about facts and evidence. If you cared about facts and evidence, you would have come back against such a dismissal with something better than it just repeating that alternate history could be true.

I was disinclined to provide evidence to reply to someone who did not produce any evidence in the first place, and you evidently are not inclined to provide evidence when challenged.

The Dark Enlightenment is about speaking truth, and finding truth. To find truth about stuff that happened long ago, you have to quote or link to what people long ago said, not what twenty first century historians deduce from what late twentieth century historians said about what early twenty century historians said.

No end of things “could be true”, and to figure out what was true about what happened long ago, you have to quote from what people who there said and did.

In this case, the relevant source material is the book of John.

And, to fit with your story, the Gospel of John has to be written really late, centuries late, which is stupid and improbable.

If any of the four Gospels were written after the fall of the Temple, they would have covered the fall of the temple and the flight of the Jewish Christians, had they been written after the martyrdom of Paul and James, they would have covered the martyrdom of Paul and James.

And if any of them had been written after the fall of Jerusalem and the temple, Jesus’s prophecies concerning the temple and Jerusalem would have been covered in a less Nostradamic manner.

Karl says:

The identity you want to “dress” in will be illegal the moment anyone manages to define it – just like Christianity is illegal.

Of course, it is still legal to claim being a Christian, but that is merely because our enemies will treat that claim as an affiliation to the the progessive heresey that is preached in public. The moment you clarify that you mean Christianity with respect to the role of women, their rights and duties, you commit hate speech and you will be prosecuted for it (at least in Germany, depending on where you live you might merely have to deal with someone stabbing the tires of your car or some other vandalism).

So what do you hope to gain from an indentity that you would have to keep secret?

I agree that there is a need to walk through life with a straight back, but I don’t see that from this springs a need to spell out a “rereformed Christianity” (for lack of better words)

alf says:

so what do you hope to gain from a secret identity?

Are you so dependent on the state that you keep everything you believe a secret? I could never live like that.

One man cannot turn the tides, not without an army. But there’s a million ways to resist without needing to turn the tides.

I have reached the point where basically 80% of my daily activities are illegal, especially considering the ever evolving rona rules. I am illegal not because I want to taunt the state, but because I want to do what is right and survive.

An illegal identity is a necessity for survival. Making money independent of the state is illegal. The act of making and raising children is illegal. If you want to be legal, have to participate in an elaborate suicide ritual.

My identity is not exactly secret, not exactly not secret. People I trust know, although they rarely believe me when I say the apocalypse is around the corner. Most people don’t know, and I have no need to bother them with my opinions. But through my deeds they know some of my opinions, and that’s enough.

Karl says:

Well, yes, of course what we do is illegal and our identies are only partially secret, but I don’t see the need to spell everything out. If you say that through your deeds some of your opinions are made known and that’s enough, you seem to agree.

The finer points of theology your are discussing here are not the kind you’ll likely make known by your deeds in daily live.

Moreover, it is far more easy to get away with an illegal deed than with a public announcment endorsing an illegal deed.

alf says:

I don’t see the need to spell everything out. If you say that through your deeds some of your opinions are made known and that’s enough, you seem to agree.

Yes and no.

Now is not the time for proselytizing. People, by and large, are still too much on a ‘civilizational high’ to reconsider their modernistic values too intently. So in that sense, no need to spell everything out.

Yet at the same time, people notice something is up, especially in America, and spreading to the rest of the West. With people close to you, you should be able to spell out the important things. Important to get somewhat on the same wavelength.

alf says:

Here’s a different way of saying what I’m thinking: if anyone would ask me my identity, I’d summarize as ‘Jimian’. I mean, I’m an individual own values blah blah blah, but I identify as Jimian.

So when Jim himself tells me I should be Christian, does not compute.

Now there is a middle ground here, and perhaps we have found it. The middle ground being that I respect Christianity, the trinity and the unfalsifiabity of Christ’s miracles. But Jim respects my wish to self-identify as Jimian.

Karl says:

Sure I can spell out such things to people that are close to me, even to people that are not that close to me, but only if they have already rejected the cathedral and commited a crime by saying something illegal.

Anyway, I can see some benefit of putting what you are looking for in words, but that benefit is not to give you an identity to wear. That benefit is merely that there is a tiny fraction of the population that cares about such things and might be more easily made to join us if your problem is solved. Most people simply believe what is cool and there are tried and tested ways to make Christianity cool.

By the way, please check your accounting. I have been told that a friend of a friend of mine wanted to buy your book to give me as present for Christmas and has paid to your account right before your website went down, but so far you have not delivered.

alf says:

Apologies, I thought I was up to date.

I have moved to a new server, completely paid for by e-book sold btc, which I am very happy with. But I have lost my old email inbox in the process. If your friend emails me at alf at [my website] I will fix immediately.

The Cominator says:

Indeed about so much of regular living being illegal…

Those who do not flee to the relatively free lands of Asia or Russia are going to have to organize secretly around the idea of living independently from the state with no voluntary association with it. The original sicilian mafia was originally a secret society of such men.

alf says:

Yes, exactly. Organize or die.

Organization requires cooperation, cooperation requires a cohesive group identity. That group identity is what I’m inquiring about.

jim says:

We don’t want to make Christianity the flag, most of us are pragmatic atheists who think old type Christianity is good social technology.

My personal experience is that it is the best tool for keeping women under control. If the ultimate alpha God’s earthly representative is alpha male with female pre-selection, chicks listen. If it is true that Christianity spread primarily among women in the early years, I find that mighty good evidence for a married priesthood with well behaved children.

But, then we get attacked by more Christian than thou progressives – but these seem to be uniformly deflected by the affirmation of faith. I don’t recall anyone attacking me for irreligion or incorrect religion who could make the affirmation.

So we certainly need to have the exclusion rule – anyone claiming to be Christian has to be able to make the affirmation. It seems to work against almost everyone who invokes God against the Dark Enlightenment. The affirmation invokes divine defense of the Dark Enlightenment against “Christian” attack.

A contradiction is a flag, analogous to 指鹿为马, but whereas all who use 指鹿为马 as a flag are necessarily evil, the flag signals treachery and defection, those who use a contradiction as a flag are not stupid- though we are stubborn.

So what is our inherent contradiction?

alf says:

Tough question and not sure if I can answer.

Here’s a possible answer: I call myself Jimian, yet Christ is the only and eternal son of God.

Pooch says:

We don’t want to make Christianity the flag, most of us are pragmatic atheists who think old type Christianity is good social technology.

Is this true though? I am seeing most of us or those adjacent to us as old-type Christians as time goes on. As things get worse and worse, it is getting harder and harder to persevere without a faith in god.

Joe says:

As things get worse and worse, it is getting harder and harder to persevere without a faith in god.

Exactly. Everyone with no faith, or whose faith is superficial or cynical, fails, with the latest and most spectacular example being Trump.

suones says:

We don’t want to make Christianity the flag, most of us are pragmatic atheists who think old type Christianity is good social technology.

Is this true though? I am seeing most of us or those adjacent to us as old-type Christians as time goes on. As things get worse and worse, it is getting harder and harder to persevere without a faith in god.

It is absolutely true. The QdF, RQ, JQ, etc are all far, far older than Christianity. Neo-western philosophy has lost atheistic frameworks (as have we Hindus) but they do exist. I’m willing to debate the pros and cons of such an organisation, once the current high emotions have passed.

Snowdensjacket says:

A few months back I enjoyed a podcast by two old boomers. They jokingly talked about how in high school “someone” arranged a dance where every boy was seen to dance with every girl. They wondered, boomer style, why the youth didn’t enjoy such dances.

I thought to myself my, what a social technology! The women kept by the hard hand of their fathers but allowed to go to a dance where they see every single boy being given the attention of every girl. I had to laugh, of course, while the boomers wondered why the youth of today doesn’t do the same thing that “someone” arranged for them. Preselection for every boy!

I’ve been making a catalogue of the lost social technology as I continue bringing back the patriarchy.

alf says:

So what is our inherent contradiction?

Thinking about this a bit. Want to make sure I understand the question.

Why exactly do we need a contradiction? I presume because men like you, Moldbug and Spandrell agree that a contradiction seems to help a lot as a rallying flag. In a sense it is humbling, the message being: ‘loyalty to our group is more important than this one thing which you seem to want to destroy our group over.’ Makes sense.

But then I wonder: over what do entryists want to destroy our group? I don’t think they know. We are under a constant light-siege of entryists, which is a sign we are doing something right, but the entryism is scattered and incohesive. In the grand scheme of things, we are more ignored than entry’d.

So can we actually answer that question at this point in time? I don’t think so. I think we can only answer it in response to an entryism attack that is much more powerful and cohesive than we are getting at this moment in time.

suones says:

In the grand scheme of things, we are more ignored than entry’d.

I used to wonder at this myself. Media and academic leftists, although permanently engaged in battle with the “right,” never seem to engage one of us publically. EVER.

I finally realised its a psyop.

“Our” proles, being proles, are equally as stupid as “their” proles. The question is how to attract young priestly-minded acolytes. They do this by blanketing dissident priests like us from view. From an acolyte’s point of view, “the Right” seems like an inveterate prole fest (like Qanon), whereas all the “brights” ( 🙂 ) are on the Left. This causes him to believe that the Right has a human capital problem, and he would much rather be with the nice, smart, high-IQ leftists over there rather than the stupid boors on the Right. It took me the better part of a decade to gradually open my eyes to this deception, and many never awaken at all.

This is why the Left is extremely censorious. We also think censorship is good for the masses, but we priests discuss everything freely. We do not censor thoughts because we’re aware of the reasoning behind our positions and are sure of its soundness. This is an essential quality required for science. Leftists, OTOH, must self-censor, as any attempt to rationally engage with our ideas will inevitably lead to triumph of those ideas, because they’re based in truth. I’ve seen this myself. If I can get an honest Leftist acolyte to debate me, even if he sets out to “debunk” my claims, the end result is another addition to the side of Dharma. Always.

The Left always states various ideas are “debunked” without actually debunking anything, or even trying to engage in debate. If anyone insists on a fair hearing, he is branded a Nazi and censored immediately.

breel says:

On Wednesday, Jan. 13th, Trump denounced his own supporters, for the second time. These people are going to prison, and he’s denouncing them


Trump insisted that “no true supporter of mine could ever disrespect law enforcement.”

“There is never a justification for violence no excuses no exceptions,” Trump said. “America is a nation of laws those who engaged in the attacks last week will be brought to justice.”

Once again, Trump failed to mention the name of Ashli Babbitt, the only person who lost their life in the Capitol building after being shot in the neck by police while unarmed.

Trump put out those statements just days after he chose to pardon (((Philip Esformes))) known as “the king of medicare fraud,” and release traitor (((Jonathan Pollard))) from parole to “make aliyah” in Israel.

jim says:

Trump is a broken man who, due to normalcy bias, thinks he can stay out of jail, or at least survive if sent to prison.

Pete says:

At this point he’s just saying things that he hopes will keep him out of jail. Won’t work though.

Pooch says:

Trump’s normalcy bias was much worse than we thought. He actually thinks he will be allowed to affect and influence the 2022 elections (which will just be fraudulent anyway). But then again, the people here reading Jim’s blog in these circles seem to be the only ones not suffering from normalcy bias.

Javier says:

Senators: “Gracchus is asking for a crown.”

Gracchus: “No I wasn’t, I was pointing out how you’re all out to get me.”

Senators: “lol too late.”


breel says:

I don’t see how it can’t be recognized that Trump set-up his own supporters by luring them to DC.

Going to Wash DC to protest wasn’t going to change the vote outcome in Congress and any fool could anticipate Antifa types would show up (apparently Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell and DC Mayor were advised they were planning to come and riot. So Trump had to have known too.)

Now, neither POTUS or Congress members will publicly identify the organized Antifa thug element. So, Trump supporters are being widely labeled as “domestic terrorists’. While Trump releases another video today lecturing about violence which implicates HIS supporters by no mention of the other elements there.

Despicable! He threw them under a bus.

jim says:

It most certainly would have changed the vote outcome had men with guns not started shooting the protestors.

Pooch says:

How so?

Mister Grumpus says:

Because your side getting shot, without painful consequences for the shooters, means you’re the losers. So the Congress people had to run away from the cause. Hurts doesn’t it?

Pooch says:

I have trouble believing Trump would have had the votes to sustain an objection even if the siege didn’t occur.

Gravelord says:

Hi Jim!

I have been following your blog silently for some time and greatly appreciate many of your writings. It was recently brought to my attention that you have featured my website (gravelordnrx.com) on your blogroll, and I wanted to thank you for the shoutout.

God bless.

redpurplepurple says:

the feature is well-deserved. your stuff is quality.

Gravelord says:

Much appreciated!

Jerking Off says:

Monero solved Bitcoin, the only problem is that you don’t own hundreds of millions in Monero.

jim says:

Monero has a worse scaling problem than bitcoin.

The crypto currency that will replace government issued money has to solve the scaling problem.

The solution to traceability is a lightning network that supports onion routed transactions, because that scales all the way to seven billion people using it to buy a lolipop.

qwerty says:

Does this mean that you’re working on making a new cryptocurrency?

jim says:

Yes. No. Maybe.

chris says:

Let us know so we can buy and be bitcoin rich.

Snowdensjacket says:

Do you even hear what you are saying?

Oakman says:

Would love another article on buying crypto soon (i.e. what coin is best and when should we buy it).

I very much regret not buying bitcoin when you recommended it years ago. This is one of very few sources I trust, and not only on politics.

notglowing says:

I don’t know what you’re talking about. The Lightning Network already supports onion routed transactions: https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lightning-onion/blob/master/README.md
And it is quite effective at that. The creator of Monero previously commented that the most private type of transaction in the future would be on a lightning network built on top of Monero, where the channel creation/closing transactions are also private due to Monero’s inherent privacy.

jim says:

The bitcoin based lightning network is excessively reliant on central authority, and does not provide privacy unless one takes extraordinary, and potentially attention attracting, measures.

notglowing says:

How is it?
Nothing stops me and you and others from directly connecting to each other, or routing our payments through any third party, and intermediate nodes won’t know where the transaction actually comes from.
How is it reliant on central authority? Users might end up relying on large nodes to relay their payments, but it’s their choice.
The only requirement for opening up a fully functional channel is to make a transaction on-chain which is just as un-permissioned as the original blockchain.
LN on Bitcoin is not ideal in practice because bitcoin itself has no anonymity, but it’s pretty close to being really good.

Jerking Off says:

Monero has dynamically-sized blocks. Problem solved.

But Monero doesn’t solve the fundamental problem, How can we get people using this stuff? and you are just one among many who have tried to “fix” Bitcoin while curiously ignoring its technological apotheosis, Monero.

Because we may have government money, but we don’t have government currency; rather, we have MasterVisaCard, a private, corporate duopoly with the authority to decline 74 million Trump voters’ transactions at will, or transactions unsigned by a “vaccine certificate”, or transactions conducted in a city, county, or state insufficiently acquiescent to the Party Line, and whose business model is inherently and intrinsically the clipping of the digital coinage.

Let’s stop trying to fix crypto”currency”, which is not technologically broken, and ask the one, obvious question, How can we get people using this stuff?

Once you ask the obvious question, you reach the obvious answer, You need to pay them with it.

And because most people are slaves, the question to solve the problem, We need to get people paid with this stuff, is, How can we get the corporate owners on board?

No one ever has asked this question but me, because no one but me is a serious person.

suones says:


I would like to read a blogpost about the problems you see with Monero. BTC fails my rudimentary analysis completely, but I thought Monero was better.

jim says:

Monero is undeniably better than bitcoin, but it has a scaling problem.

The solution is not to obscure the blockchain, which inevitably requires padding it, worsening the scaling problem, but lightning network and sidechaining integrated with the lightning network, because this solution keeps information of the blockchain, easing the scaling problem, while the secure blockchain solutions such as Monaro waste space on the blockchain with camouflage misinformation to prevent blockchain analysis

The big problem is scaling.

There can only be one.

One cryptocurrency will replace all national currencies. The solution has to scale, requiring order of ten thousand transactions per second.

I hope and plan that the one true cryptocurrency will shield transactions from prying eyes, but first and foremost, the one true cryptocurrency has to be able to scale to replace fiat money. We can put privacy in the lightning layer and the lightning sidechain layer.

suones says:

Thank you.

So you think the problem with Monero is due to its poor scaling (a necessity given it masks the blockchain). I thought it had some major privacy issues I was unaware of. I agree it cannot be the basis of a current-year replacement of fiat currency, which seems to be you primary goal.

But stil, computation advances have got to count for something. Do Monero scaling problems go away, or at least get mitigated, with exponential growth in computing power? People used to be gloomy about BTC scaling too, but then GPU-mining broke on to the scene, shortly followed by FPGAs and later ASICs, so the network has held up pretty well, though it has now become extremely capital-intensive, akin to a real gold mine.

Dave says:

No, because the limiting factor is network bandwidth, not computing power. Everyone in the first world now has enough bandwidth to stream six high-def movies simultaneously, but that’s still not enough to run a Monero node if more than 0.1% of the world population starts using Monero.

You have to somehow partition the network so everyone doesn’t have to keep track of what everyone else is doing with their money.

Y says:

We need off blockchain blockchains, but how do you transact between one off chain blockchain and another? It would seem that it is not much use if it only supports half a dozen people transacting with each other.

The answer is that such transactions reach other people’s off blockchain blockchains through the lightning network, that you are usually transacting with one particular person in that off blockchain blockchain, who is a well connected lightning node. An off blockchain transaction can only directly reach someone who is participating in that particular off blockchain blockchain, but it can reach anyone in the world through the lightning network if one person of the small number of people in that small blockchain is connected to a dozen people in other off blockchain blockchains and through the primary blockchain.

The lightning network naturally results in lots of repeated blockchain transactions between stable small groups of people, because you are always sharing new cryptocoins between the same group of people when a lighting gateway overflows.

So every time you have a stable account with someone, your pub, your club, your fiber connection, your bank, the shopping chain that delivers your groceries, you form a lightning network gateway with them, whose shared cryptocoins are likely in an off blockchain blockchain much of the time. You participate in roughly as many off blockchain blockchains as you have accounts with people.

The solution to all these problems is a lightning network done right, to support both scalability and pseudonymity. Multiparty lightning network transactions have to be trustless and full circle. Ann pays Bob to pay Carol to pay Ed to pay Frank, and Frank sends a receipt to Ann, and all of them go through, or none of them go through, and if someone breaks the circle, then either none of them go through (non Byzantine failure, as with a poor connection to the internet, or someone’s computer goes down), or if someone breaks the circle in a Byzantine failure suggestive of Byzantine defection, then, and only then, it goes through on the primary blockchain.

The problem with the existing lightning network is that it has a hidden and unexplained central authority, whom you have to trust, and which does stuff that is never explained or revealed. This is not stable, and does not scale. Not only is it evil, it is incapable of connecting everyone in the world to everyone in the world. The existing lightning network has the same problem as Tether.

Tether is not a ponzi scheme. It is a bank, and it is the best capitalized bank in the world, but it is still doing marginal reserve banking, and will implode sooner or later due to insider fraud or maturity transformation, and something analogous is bound to happen with the existing bitcoin lightning work, because of the inherent fragility of centralization. The moral problem of the existing lightning network is the same as the moral problem of marginal reserve correspondence banking. Scaling requires trustlessness. Or rather you are trusting that if enough people see and process the transactions in full, then, because they are not parties to that transaction and don’t have a dog in the fight, they will process it correctly. And as soon as you have a central authority that you have to trust, you have a party with an interest and capability to not process it correctly.

So we don’t want everyone in the world, or even every full peer in the world, to process every transaction in the world. We want every full peer in the world to process every transaction in the world where the parties quarrel. And we don’t want everyone in the world to be a full peer. We want enough full peers that the vast majority will not have a dog in the fight, and we want anyone in the world who is reasonably affluent and wants to be a full peer to be able to be a full peer, which is likely to be most with substantial amounts of cryptocurrency. At scale, nearly everyone will keep his money in his client wallet, but if it is a lot of money, his client wallet will likely be a client of a peer that he controls.

jim says:

The lightning network, done right (and it is not being done right) has the huge advantage that privacy transactions look like completely ordinary transactions, and that everyone will use lightning network transactions for reasons unrelated to privacy.

The lightning network, if the blockchain is capable of supporting a lightning network done right, makes everyone a full reserve correspondence bank, with no central authority aware of who is performing banking functions and who is correspondence banking with whom.

Done right, you can make any block shared, with no indication on the blockchain or with any central authority as to whom you are sharing it with, and move the shares around without anyone except the parties knowing. And if people routinely do that to buy a lollipop, blockchain analysis will cease to be dangerously useful.

You can do shared blocks on Bitcoin easily enough, though not trustlessly, but the problem is multilateral transactions. Ann sends money to Carol through Bob. These greatly increase the problem of trust. We need a blockchain that supports trustless multilateral lightning network transactions. (If a multilateral transaction goes bad, then and only then it gets dumped on the blockchain) And we need a blockdag, because it is easier to make a blockdag that scales to full bandwidth than a blockchain. Looks to me that six thousand transactions per second are possible on a good home connection with a blockdag, though you would need a good deal better than a typical home set of disks.

With a lightning network reducing the number of on-blockdag transactions, and regular folks discarding older expended transaction outputs, we could do a blockdag capable of supporting everyone in the world using cryptocurrency to buy a lollipop, with regular home machines and regular home internet connections, though it would stress them to the limit. It is inevitable that at scale, most people will be clients and a few will be peers, because they will be using their phones to buy a lollipop.

Jerking Off says:

“One cryptocurrency will replace all national currencies.”

How about no, the free races of the world don’t want to be subjected to a weird NWO agenda, and also, the Internet was a mistake, paper money was free as in freedom, no one needs to order junk on the Internet more than they need a functioning local economy as depicted in, for example, Bill Murray’s Groundhog Day, and fuck you.

Jerking Off says:

I take back the final jab.

jim says:

We need to do international transactions. If you live in the countryside, you are always ordering stuff internationally because the local mom and pop shop doesn’t have it.

And ordering stuff internationally with a national currency subjects you to the power of the beast.

onyomi says:

I make no claims to it being super private, untraceable, and decentralized, but I’m a big fan of BSV and the social networking site called Twetch. There’s an urbit-like quality to it in that if Twetch gets captured/taken down others can create an instance of it and the data’s still immutable. Would like to see more NRX/altright voices on there (already are some), so let me know if anyone needs an invite and/or BSV to get started. RelayX and Handcash are the best wallets. Moneybutton is user-friendly for desktop but unfortunately already shows signs of trying to deplatform e.g. Ali of the StoptheSteal, who was asking for donations.

Ace says:

So it looks like their little Reichstag fire storming of the capital plot is falling apart and the death count wasn’t the size they wanted in the first place. I think this increases the likelihood of a second false flag ease the passage of the enabling act.

onyomi says:

I think the overall effect and optics of the Capitol raid were positive, even if there was an extent to which it was a false flag. I wouldn’t be surprised if they try to remedy this, but I think that, after the Summer of Floyd, people are a lot less quick to react with the shock and horror expected of them after e.g. Charlottesville.

pyrrhus says:

The Capitol “break-in” was led by Antifa/BLM including leader John Sullivan, which was known since Jan.6, and accompanied by CNN personnel, including Jade Sacker, pictured inside the Capitol with Sullivan….https://twitter.com/amuse/status/1349885882262761473

Pooch says:

Sounds like John Sullivan is on CNN’s payroll.

Pooch says:

I wonder if John Sullivan’s crew was passing these out…https://twitter.com/EggerDC/status/1346848147553869824?s=20

His video conveniently starts after the police line was already breached.

onyomi says:

I think most of those participating were real Trump supporters, though it’s possible they were egged on or aided by sympathetic/scared police, agents provocateur, politicians hoping for false flag, etc.

What’s interesting about the latter possibility is it could be conservatives falling for a false flag that doesn’t work out as the planners hoped. That is, Charlottesville had the intended effect on normies, seemingly, of a “wake up call”–a feeling “we’ve gone too far.”

After the summer of Floyd, however, the optics of people stealing a podium and a guy dressed like a buffalo storming around while geriatric congresscritters cower with bags on their head is great. Everyone who doesn’t have to namefag loves it, and conservatives are ready to stop being browbeaten.

I disagree with Moldbug about right wing activism as cargo cult, though he’s right in the sense that we need right wing figures willing to publicly act like left wing figures and make excuses for our militants rather than condemning them.

Ace says:

Most of the mob were Trump supporters, but the people pushing the mob into action and the shitheads like the guy with the Confederate flag were agent provocateurs’. This was the Reichstag fire designed to give the Democrats the ability to pass an enabling act which is what the terrorism bill their pushing is.

Javier says:

Anon normies loved it, namefags hemmed and hawed and wrung their hands.

Pooch says:

Apparently fake bomb threats are going to be the new norm now to increase fear as well.

Starman says:

More cracks appear on the fringes of the Cathedral’s empire.


onyomi says:

Is the currently extreme level of security in DC because they’re actually afraid of serious attacks on the inauguration or because they want people to think they are?

One thing’s for certain: the façade of normalcy has been punctured.

Ace says:

It’s to quell the left the left and to establish the Democrats single party dictatorship on the basis of hard power. Can’t have people protesting when the dictator officially takes power.

Pooch says:

Yes massive show of force to let it be known Biden has the complete backing of the military. This is needed in banana republics so the legitimate authority of the leader is not questioned by the population.

I also would not put it past the deep state to orchestrate a glowing false flag militia “attack” for which they can then claim they were prepared for it to qualm the feminine elite’s fears.

Ace says:

I don’t have any particular insight about the military, but when the military refused Pelosi’s orders about the nuclear codes that indicated to me that they intended to be independent power brokers, not slaves to the Dems in our new age without law and legal authority. I’m not sure Biden and the deep state is going to be able to control them.

I think Biden and the Deep State’s best bet to keep in power is to cut a deal with the Military to protect against the left, just as Hitler did, though after Hitler cut a deal with them, he made sure to remove their their best and brightest top level generals to ensure he really did control them, which cost Germany a lot in Russia(Halder, LOL). Biden’s in a much weaker position because his militia is Antifa, a group who would gladly dispose of him if the Military decides not to defend him. The German military had a real fear that the Storm Troopers would replace them if they didn’t cut a deal with Hitler to be subservient to him. I can’t see how Biden and the Deep state can force a similar deal on the US military.

As it was, the German Military was always ready to remove Hitler the moment he fucked up, but after the fall of France victory after victory had resulted in a military no longer in a position to do so, after which the SS grew unchallenged to ensure it was no longer possible to challenge Hitler. I have a had time believing that the Deep state will result in anything other than one bloody mess after another, not victory.

Pooch says:

I think Biden and the Deep State’s best bet to keep in power is to cut a deal with the Military to protect against the left,

If the Sullivan release is any indication, they are not doing anything to defend against the left but maybe that will change when Biden gets in.

Pooch says:

I don’t have any particular insight about the military, but when the military refused Pelosi’s orders about the nuclear codes that indicated to me that they intended to be independent power brokers, not slaves to the Dems in our new age without law and legal authority.

Milley’s comments definitely seem that way, that they are not beholden to any individual, their only allegiance is to the vague “Constitution”.

Starman says:

The Pentagon should make the 20,000 strong National Guard troops in DC a permanent feature. Maybe increase that force to 100,000.

Make it a command equal to CentCOM, StratCOM, NorthCOM, SpaceCOM, etc.

Its commander should be given the title, “Praetorian Prefect.”

The Cominator says:

20000 is enough for a Praetorian guard. Dont think the guard at its height was more than that.

Starman says:

I think the original Praetorian Guard was 16,000… for a city of 2 million Roman Citizens.

Starman says:

The DC metro area has 6 million+ citizens.

The Cominator says:

Don’t think Rome had more than 1 million at the time of Augustus, might have gotten slightly bigger by the time of Trajan but probably steadily declined after that.

Don’t think too many premodern cities were over 1 million people for long even if big imperial capitals… MAYBE Alexandria (which pretty consistently had a larger population than Rome) but nowhere else.

Sounds like the guard under Augustus was only about 5000 men (don’t know if this included his German personal bodyguard) and it got to 15000 under the Severans.

Pooch says:

Yes the mayor is hiniting that this is not just a temporary thing. The barbed wire doesn’t seem like its going anywhere.

Anonymous 2 says:

There seems to be quite a bit of fear along with petty rage. An article with a number of interesting quotes.


Of course, they never mention, say, Democrat theatre of activists hammering on the doors of congress at the Kavanaugh hearings or Jimmy Carter pardoning the Puerto Rican terrorists who actually attacked congress in a previous era, or that unmemorable Scalise incident a few years ago. But I shall refrain from empty point scoring; the fallout is what is interesting here.

The Cominator says:

What a POS Kavanaugh turned out to be though, imagine not supporting the Texas case after Trump stood by him through that bullshit. Gorsuch and Barrett did not have a super duper leftist chimpout but Kavanaugh has absolutely no honor.

Ace says:

It’s a class thing. Kav, Gor, and Barrett are part of the political elite and the Merchant Trump and his proles are not. That was Regan’s basic problem too, even though he worked his way up the ranks of the political elite job by job and was considered a member of the class… he didn’t have the right priestly credentials to rule. That’s why Bush Sr. tried to have him murdered and why he got so much push back. Trump never had a chance because when push came to shove, the elite cohere around their class to make sure the other was not allowed power.

Trump spent years getting ready to win the political game by honing his personality and political skills on TV, when he should have bought his way into Harvard and gotten a MS in some shitty field to get those priestly credentials.

Starman says:

Trump should’ve had military command experience. No bonespur excuses.

Ace says:

It should have been a Red flag to everyone that Trump and his Sons didn’t have any military experience. Being a tough guy is a different sort of thing than being a warrior. Even Joe Kennedy made sure his Sons served and he prepped them for elite politics.

I’ve been in tons of fights, beaten up people who needed it, and faced down someone threating me with a gun but that’s a different experience from commanding men in battle. I don’t have any confidence in my ability to command men in battle or performing as part of a military unit. It’s just outside my experience despite my intense interest in military history.

Rather makes me wish I’d signed after college for a few years.

suones says:

I second this wholeheartedly. I would make military service compulsory, even if a nominal one- or two- year round, for all adult men and unmarried women. Very similar to the Israeli policy.

“It’s a class thing. Kav, Gor, and Barrett are part of the political elite and the Merchant Trump and his proles are not. ”

Yeah. “Newbug” i.e. later Yarvin is not of the same quality as the old one, but called this. https://graymirror.substack.com/p/vae-victis

“In the 1980s, Republicans realized that the revolution of the 1960s had swept away all of America’s prestigious institutions, and nothing was left. Since they still had a fair dose of 20th-century energy left, they set about producing a new leadership class. The cream of this crop—the absolute cream, completely top people, sharp as a tack—are the Court’s core conservacon majority: Roberts, Kavanaugh, Gorsuch and Barrett.

The deep conservatives on the Court—Thomas and Alito—came of age when there was no right-wing establishment at all. So they had to learn to think for themselves. Like many, they became addicted to this awful habit. Even when it is obviously not in their best interest, they cannot give up thinking for themselves.”

“Most Republicans do not understand their ‘80s leadership class and its ‘80s philosophy. Besides their realtor souls—a charming, unimaginative type of human being, not at all inconsistent with the highest levels of energy and intelligence, not at all revolutionary material—their primary flaw is philosophical and even educational. They have simply been taught the wrong things. This bad philosophy has burned itself into their brains and they are too old to fix.

Young conservacons are taught to believe that America has the best government in the world, ever; that its ideas are the best ideas in the world, ever; and that its institutions are the best institutions in the world, ever. Yes, sadly, these institutions are ailing. But it is not their present form that is ideal—only their ideal form is ideal, of course…”

“The power of the Federalist Society to get jobs for its members is not at all in question. By this standard, the Federalist Society is a smashing success. As for do them right—what does that even mean? When you get there—you don’t even know what it means.

Maybe you don’t know what it means. You do know what it means to get bad press, though. As well as good press. Your institution is what it is; naturally, doing your job well means defending your institutions. Which means getting them good press… and soon, you’re wagging your tail like a dog at the offal-door of the Truth Department.

And yet since at least the ‘80s, it has been obvious to even the dogs in the street that America’s clear human decline is caused not by damage to her ideas and institutions, but by those ideas and institutions themselves.

The conservacon always gets nowhere, not because he is a bad person, but because he has the wrong goals. He is trying to repair what he should be trying to obliterate. He is oblivious to what he should be trying to preserve, which is not our garbage ideas and our corrupt, bloated institutions, but our beautiful land and wonderful people. What if America prevailed not because of its philosophy, but despite it? A heavy thought, man.”

suones says:

What if America prevailed not because of its philosophy, but despite it?

Treason doth never prosper. America “prevailed” due to massive natural resources and human capital, but it has been expending those gifts at faster and faster rates.

Anonymous 2 says:

One might reasonably consider all of Trump’s picks to be failures. Lack of character.

suones says:

Almost as if Trump is a much poorer judge of character than we or anyone else hoped.

Kavanaugh’s been part of the Deep State since he helped cover up the Vince Foster murder. After the original lead investigator resigned in disgust, they brought Kavanaugh in and he did exactly as he was told.


Ace says:

The only fear is media induced. People are being told to be afraid and thus they act afraid. Anyone who’s watched the videos are both confused at why the cops keep letting people by and why there’s almost no violence. The average Antifa mob is 10x more violent.

Anonymous 2 says:

I meant the deep state is evidently shaken. See article.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Obviously, since our ‘non-governmental’ governing apparatus is what’s payrolling antifa in the first place. They are their own guys, instruments of policy, while Amerikaners who showed up at the capitol are not, so of course, they feel concerned about the latter, but not the former. Why should they be concerned by allies?

(They should feel concerned of course, by those, by the life choices that have led them to such circles they find themselves in today in general; the greatest killer of communists is other communists.)

Obake says:

Just realized I still had Aidan’s last post up on a brave browser window. Hopefully you can load the wayback version if you want to read it. It’s quite good: https://web.archive.org/web/20210108004029/https://aidanmaclear.wordpress.com/2021/01/07/we-lost-now-what/

The Cominator says:

Thank you.

Cloudswrest says:

This needs to be pounded in repeatedly.


Ace says:

It’s illegal to mass pull phone data without a warrant for individuals. But legality has been out the window for a while now. I wonder if they’ll finally outlaw burner phones? Last time I checked you could still buy a burner and some prepaid cards with cash.

C4ssidy says:

They’ve caught so many criminals just by thinking up clever ways to label burner phones, such as tracing the shop it was brought from, nearby phone signals at the time etc. They have probably become somewhat of a honeytrap

Ace says:

They do appear to be rounding up the left as well:


Ace says:

On the other hand they’re still treating the left with kidgloves.
No bail required for John Sulivan:

Pooch says:

Yes letting Sullivan speaks volumes on how they are going to treat BLM/Antifa going forward. The above guy seems more of an anarchist and less of a pure leftist so I think he’s an outlier.

Pooch says:

Letting go.

Mister Grumpus says:

I hope someone IQ-me+30 can do an analysis/post-mortem on Qanon. Namely something using religious/purity spirals and game theory as analytical tools.

There’s that Medium piece (“A Game Designer’s Analysis Of QAnon”), but it doesn’t try to answer just who the hell did this and why. It only asserts that it was a very smart and well-resourced team of someones, and I can’t disagree.

For me, the biggest dog that never barked was that Trump never said “OK guys, I appreciate it, really, but you all need to step off this Q thing.”

My best guess today is that it’s some IQ-500 enemy entryism. A radioactive turd in the punchbowl, pooped by galaxy brains. To start what’s essentially a toxic Manchurian mystery religion, within the R side, that would grow too large too quickly for Trump to disappoint and morally abandon his people by disavowing it.

Or they did it themselves to try to keep up support and steer people away from the media, but then the golem got out of control somehow.

Now there’s a great many perfectly decent people, who we’d all happily be neighbors with, with red “Q” letters sewn onto their digital clothing. And soon it’ll be a “dangerous mental illness” that will lose them their lobs, gun rights, credit ratings, kids, etc.

21st Century Emmanuel Goldstein.

And finally it’s a great accusation weapon. “Prove to us you’re not one of those Q people! Right now! Not good enough!”

And finally, if these enemy galaxy-brains were longsighted enough to know that anonymous internet was going to be the very last means of resistance communication and coordination, then Qanon has done the work of preemptively humiliating people to run away from anons/non-namefags for a very long time.

That’s my take, but you guys know I’m a depressive.

And also, on the other hand, plan-trusting has surely kept a lot of desperate people from “screwing our optics and going in”, if you will, so there’s also that.

(“False hope is better than no hope.” –Vox Day)

I’ll tell you this: Qanon would definitely fail the Red Pill on Women test.

jim says:

I don’t understand why my wordpress installation keeps putting you in the moderation queue, and am trying to fix it.

The Cominator says:

If that is the tack the left is going for I’m perfect safe, I’ve probably denounced Q as retarded bullshit and enemy propaganda on facebook a hundred times.

Pooch says:

I don’t think the enemy is/was smart enough to invent Q. It did seem to have a religious following though providing hope to the hopeless, perhaps filling the void Christianity use to have. I’d like to see if any of the Q tards were also practicing Christians. My guess would be not.

Pooch says:

Q is a good example why we need a religion for our side. The holy war started and Some of our people Bought into retarded Blue/Purple-pilled cults because There were no better options.

The Cominator says:

Strangely there are plenty of at least somewhat Christian Q tards…

But in the absence of established religion people have always been prone to mix cults…

suones says:

It did seem to have a religious following though providing hope to the hopeless, perhaps filling the void Christianity use to have.

A good assessment. In the absence of a legitimate Imperial cult, Qanon was the nearest that many normies got to actually worshipping the God Emperor they needed (but didn’t deserve). “Trust God, because everything happens as he has planned” mutated into “Trust Trump, because everything happens as he has planned.”

On the positive side, it was sheer force of will that made it a power to contend with. To all the moralfags who contend that “Eastern-style” autocracy is somehow “alien” to the Western mind, Qanon is a living counter-argument. The Czar isn’t God, but is a Saint worthy of veneration nonetheless. Of all the theoretical “Trump supporters,” only the Qanonists had the courage to take decisive action by marching on Washington. They also had the good sense to avoid mindless violence, which is the indicator of a “good” cult. If we know cults by their fruits, Qanon is certainly not the worst, and among the best.

Trump’s capitulation was the reason for failure, not Qanon. All who deign to throw stones must first show a valid alternative cult.

jim says:

> I’ll tell you this: Qanon would definitely fail the Red Pill on Women test.

Anyone who fails the red pill on women test is no friend, even if he is an enemy of evil people who are your enemy, his detachment from reality means he is likely to do you harm.

And Qanon’s detachment from reality caused him to do us harm.

suones says:

I’ll tell you this: Qanon would definitely fail the Red Pill on Women test.

Anyone who fails the red pill on women test is no friend, even if he is an enemy of evil people who are your enemy, his detachment from reality means he is likely to do you harm.

[citation needed]

What proof is there that Qanonists would fail the Red Pill on Women test at a higher rate than the general population? We’re talking normies here, who will generally fail the test. Does Qanonism make a normalfag more likely to fail the querelle des femmes?

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

We could start with every Qanoner’s near-fanatical obsession with powerful heterosexual men having theoretical sex with young fertile-age women. Pizzagate, Epstein, the UK grooming gangs, Trump supposedly rounding up all the “pedos”, scarcely any Qanoner would shut up about any of these things. It’s Omega-tier sexual frustration or, in the case of the few female Qanon types, standard petty bitterness over their diminishing SMV.

Maybe one or two of them were willing to Name the Gay, but very few. Most were the type to go into a white-hot rage, real or affected, over “sex trafficking” and, God forbid, “child sex trafficking”. Can you GET much more blue-pilled than that?

I also lost count years ago of the number of memes featuring some pretty girl carrying a gun (often incorrectly) or wearing a red hat. It might be a subtly different flavor of simping from what you tend to see on mainstream social media, but it’s still simping.

Joe says:

Q is a demon. It neutered Vox Day and may have destroyed an entire movement. Do not engage with it.

Pooch says:

The fact that VD continues to push Q crap saying Trump will be POTUS Jan. 20th is starting to get to the point he’s acting in bad faith. He’s an actual enemy agent or trying to just profit off of it, but I wouldn’t trust anything he has to say going forward.

Theshadowedknight says:

Agreed. He thinks having a high IQ and reading some theory makes him an expert on a lot of issues. A little bit of experience with the issues in question and you realize he doesn’t know nearly as much as he thinks he does. He is right on plenty of things, but his dedication to Q is either a sign that he is an enemy agent or that he is suffering from a huge amount of confirmation bias.

S.J., Esquire says:

I have begun to think the same about the commentariat on this blog, who have greatly disappointed me in recent days. I would go so far as to say that we have really seen who one would want to share a foxhole with, and it ain’t the commenters here, who almost to a man have panicked and fled the field.

As for VD, in my years of reading him, I have almost never seen him be wrong. I’m willing to indulge him a little further.

Question for the blackpilled: what do you think the troops are in DC for?

Anon says:

Holy hopium Batman!!!

jim says:

The troops are there because Obama’s generals in the Pentagon are worried that what I have been hoping and praying for might happen.

They are there to make sure it does not.

There is a time to fight. The right needs legitimate leadership in order to fight. It has not got it, and it is getting mighty late for such leadership to arrive.

The Cominator says:
Pooch says:

“Pelosi and Schumer put major pressure on DOD to ‘vet’ the troops in DC for pro-Trump sentiments – Senior defense source”


So much for the military standing up to the left.

Starman says:


”So much for the military standing up to the left.”

“Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy told The Associated Press on Sunday that officials are conscious of the potential threat, and he warned commanders to be on the lookout for any problems within their ranks as the inauguration approaches. So far, however, he and other leaders say they have seen no evidence of any threats, and officials said the vetting hadn’t flagged any issues.”

Congress cries about “insider threats,” Pentagon says “they have seen no evidence.”

As for vetting by the FBI, I was vetted by the FBI before getting my military security clearance. This is routine for higher level security clearances.

Will the Pentagon allow itself to be defeated in the South China Sea? It won’t oppose official doctrine openly, but will try to make sure that conditions that cause it to lose a major battle in Eastern Europe and the South China Sea doesn’t happen.

Jack Posobiec and the news isn’t an accurate barometer on this. The Starship Livestreams are.

Curtis Yarvin’s predictions on the trajectory of the Trump Presidency was spot on so far. US Presidents really have little actual power… even less if they have dementia.

An American version of Brezhnev. That said, I’ve made preparations for the worst and have certain red flags I am watching for.

Pooch says:

Makes sense. Do share any red flags you see, if/when they arise.

Ace says:

Will the Pentagon allow itself to be defeated in the South China Sea? It won’t oppose official doctrine openly, but will try to make sure that conditions that cause it to lose a major battle in Eastern Europe and the South China Sea doesn’t happen.

I have no faith in this. Under Obama US carriers were going out without working radar systems and with only 1/3 of their phalanx systems operational while patroling the South China sea. We’re in much worse shape today. Pentagon officials have long been selected for progressive faith, not competence and any information that conflicts with that faith will be ignored and not passed on.

Pooch says:

Yeah if we are talking about South China Sea specifically, Jim has long said US capabilities have already deteriorated to the point that China would have significant advantage.

As for vetting by the FBI, I was vetted by the FBI before getting my military security clearance. This is routine for higher level security clearances.

Also, apparently to Posobeic’s reporting, they are vetting specifically for Trump support even looking at service members social media for any pro-Trump support. He also hinted that clearances are and have been pulled for having pro-Trump support. Not sure what you were vetted for but this seems to be going beyond just the “extremist/white supremicist” ties.

Starman says:


”I have no faith in this. Under Obama US carriers were going out without working radar systems and with only 1/3 of their phalanx systems operational while patroling the South China sea. We’re in much worse shape today. Pentagon officials have long been selected for progressive faith, not competence and any information that conflicts with that faith will be ignored and not passed on.”

I served when Obama was President, in the part of the military that had to work or US power would be over. The systems were working fine.

jim says:

How do you know they were working fine?

Did someone else report them to be fine?

As far as Shaniqua knows, everything is working fine, at least until the carrier stops moving.

I don’t know anything about the state of carrier radar. What I do know is that there is a rule in place that if the president orders a nuke tested, they have to get almost a presidential term lead time to prepare the test. Which strongly suggests that if the president orders a nuke fired in wrath …

The latest and greatest carrier is having problems launching planes and landing them. Most of the time, cannot launch. Most of our wonderful latest and greatest fighter bombers cannot fly, and when they can fly they “lack full operational capability”

Seventy year old ground to air cannon barrels are precious to the military, because troops need them for air to ground support. The modern cannon barrels have problems.

And why are we still using manned aircraft for air to ground support? The Turks are using drones, which, being smaller, less easily detectable, and more expendable, can go places where manned aircraft fear to go. The Turks ground to air support weapons are end guided, they can put twenty kilos of explosive on a pocket handkerchief, while the shells fired from our air to ground cannon land in an alarmingly broad area, because the plane has to stay out of the range of man carried ground to air missiles. Why are we primarily reliant on very old planes and very old weapons when our men need air support?

And, why is the Senate Lunch System Rocket using parts built a very long time ago for the space shuttle. (And still cannot get off the ground.)

When actual shooting happens, we see reliance on stuff built a very long time ago.

I predict that the US will drift rudderless into external war with Russia and or China, the way it was drifting rudderless into war with Russia under Obama, the way that Serbia started World War I by drifting rudderless into war with Austria, and that if in the ensuing conflict, the president orders a nuke fired, the missile probably will not launch, when finally a missile launches it will not land in the vicinity of the target, and when finally one of them lands in the vicinity of the target, the explosion will be subnuclear.

Starman says:


”Also, apparently to Posobeic’s reporting, they are vetting specifically for Trump support even looking at service members social media for any pro-Trump support. He also hinted that clearances are and have been pulled for having pro-Trump support.”

I think at this point, scribes like Posobeic have discredited themselves in the past three months. The whole scribe class is untrustworthy, except for Curtis Yarvin’s predictions. They have no idea what goes on inside the military.

The last straw I had for the scribe class was when Lin Wood and Sidney Powell turned “bombshell!” and “explosive!” into retarded clichés.

Ace says:

I served when Obama was President, in the part of the military that had to work or US power would be over. The systems were working fine.

And I have a friend who went out onboard the almost defenseless carrier in question who had first hand knowledge about the systems. They told the crew that the rest of the fleet would protect the carrier. Which sounded somewhat OK before destroyers started crashing into civilian ships because the diversity hires and women couldn’t steer them.

Such a pentagon was completely incapable of protecting the US then and they’re even more dysfunctional off now.

Starman says:


”And I have a friend who went out onboard the almost defenseless carrier in question who had first hand knowledge about the systems. They told the crew that the rest of the fleet would protect the carrier. Which sounded somewhat OK before destroyers started crashing into civilian ships because the diversity hires and women couldn’t steer them.”

“And I have a friend”

Which doesn’t trump my experience. Why should I even trust a scribe like you to make such a claim? The past three months has shown me otherwise when it comes to trusting scribes. You weren’t there, I was.
A random destroyer with a captainess is not critical to 24/7 US power. If it was, US power would’ve ended in the South China Sea then and the US dollar would’ve ceased to be reserve currency.

I can’t show livestreams of US special forces operations or SSBN reactor refuelings, but as a proxy for Pentagon strength, I can show you SpaceX Starship livestreams instead.

jim says:

> Which doesn’t trump my experience.

What is your experience? How do you know the radar was working properly? How do you know the point defense systems could do point defense?

I have no direct knowledge of any of this, but what I do see is that when troops need air to ground support, the effective to ground support comes from remarkably old systems using key parts that were built a remarkably long time ago. Just as parts built in the time of the shuttle are very precious to NASA, ground to air cannon barrels built seventy years ago are very precious to the military.

Starman says:


”I have no direct knowledge of any of this, but what I do see is that when troops need air to ground support, the effective to ground support comes from remarkably old systems using key parts that were built a remarkably long time ago.”

“I have no direct knowledge of any of this,”


Only a couple of us here have military experience. Nearly everyone here has never worked with their hands. A lot of new commentators here talk about “should I continue with my law school,” “I think I should do my work remotely,” etc.

Where I served, most systems were brand new, complex evolutions were completed ahead of schedule. A deep contrast to the shit show that is the Senate Lunch System rocket or certain random destroyers with captainesses.

I can’t show a livestream of a special forces mission, or a livestream of a submarine reactor refuel.

Instead I can show a SpaceX Starship livestream as a proxy for general strength of the Pentagon.

Ace says:

Which doesn’t trump my experience. Why should I even trust a scribe like you to make such a claim? The past three months has shown me otherwise when it comes to trusting scribes. You weren’t there, I was.

I’m an engineer, not a scribe. I do pattern matching and software construction for a living. I didn’t take my friend seriously or rather I wanted to view it as the exception rather than the rule until destroyers started crashing. I then read the report on the last destroyer crash it quickly become clear that the crash happened because they had diversity hires and women in charge of everything, yet the only people punished were white males who had nothing to do with the crash.

One crashed destroyer can be a fluke, Defenseless carriers and four crashed destroyers is a pattern.

I had hoped that Trump would reverse this course but then “Mad Faggot” Mattis punished the Marines for testing women’s ability in combat with the most extensive study ever done on the subject. He fired the people who worked on the study and appointed a Shaniqua to be in charge in the Marines. Outside the special forces, the Marines were the last group of US troops who were still combat effective.

I can’t show livestreams of US special forces operations or SSBN reactor refuelings, but as a proxy for Pentagon strength, I can show you SpaceX Starship livestreams instead.

I watch pretty much every SpaceX live stream, hell I stayed up into the middle of the night to watch the static fire tests of SN5/6/8 finally happen. It’s given me great hope for the future, but what I’m looking at from the outside looks like the Pentagon faggots purging the military of the remaining competent people.

Like I said, I have no inside knowledge what’s going on in the military but I also know that when an institution is in decline the people on the inside tend to pretend everything is ok while the ship is sinking. I’m watching my own industry fail right now and while I’m personally well setup as things decline I’m deeply worried about the future.

The Cominator says:

R7 okay as an authentic member of the should be ruling warrior caste allow me to ask the following.

What is pozzed and not working in the US military, and what is working from what you observed and consistent with what you are legally allowed to talk about?

What is YOUR evaluation of how pozzed the upper ranks especially since the Bill Clinton purges (Obama’s purges were minor the generals really got purged under Bill Clinton) etc.

How much decay in American society will these pozzed generals tolerate before they decide they are better off not obeying a fake and gay leftist government.

The Cominator says:

I would also like the Shadowed Knight’s opinion on those questions because I believe he also has authentic warrior experience (if I’m wrong please correct me).

Starman says:

”I’m an engineer, not a scribe. I do pattern matching and software construction for a living.”
“I do pattern matching and software construction for a living.”

If you work in an office cubicle, you’re a scribe.

And I don’t trust your claims about “your friend,” I trust what my own eyes see and saw. I’m done trusting civilian scribes after these past three months (Where’s the Kraken? What is it?)

You don’t have to trust my words on this, you can use the SpaceX Starship livestream as a proxy for the Pentagon.

Starman says:

O-5’s and O-6’s tend to be the highest rank that have to constantly deal with reality. Above that, skill with politics is required (telling the civilian’s bad idea is bad by “advising” “with all due respect sir”, something they just did multiple times to Nancy Pelosi).

Military units and systems critical to the US staying the superpower, are kept well maintained… while those not critical are where the social experiments appear (that’s why I believe the stories about captainesses crashing random destroyers).

jim says:

No they are not kept well maintained or we would not be reliant on very old weapons built around even older critical parts, our fighters would be able to reliably get off the ground or the carrier, and the nuke force would not insist on a three year lead time to test a nuke.

Superior holiness trumps battle readiness, and everyone pretends there is no contradiction until battle happens.

I think you are suffering from the same hallucinations that I see in the workplace on female workplace misconduct.

If everyone around you refuses to see what is smacking them in the face, it’s hard to see what is smacking you in the face.

Ace says:

If you work in an office cubicle, you’re a scribe.

Lumping me with enemy agents like Lin Wood and nutcases talking about Krakens is dishonest. I’d thought better of you.

I never trusted anything about the idea that Dominion machines corrupted the election would result in anything useful. Such systems can easily be checked against paper ballots which is where the push for verification should have been. Computer systems seem like magic to outsiders but I know exactly what they can and cannot do. Auditing a machine that can be erased with a software command is unlikely to prove useful.

I’m not part of the priesthood of lawyers nor a member of the bureaucracy. Do not insult me by calling me a scribe.

And I don’t trust your claims about “your friend,”

My friend’s first hand observation was born out by subsistent events of destroyers crashing. He was focused on the technical problems that he observed that commander didn’t take seriously, while the destroyer crashes showed his ship commander wasn’t an expectation, rather the rule. Doubting that account while ignoring crashed destroyers is hurting your own credibility.

You don’t have to trust my words on this, you can use the SpaceX Starship livestream as a proxy for the Pentagon.

Institutional failure, like bankruptcy happen bit by bit, then all at once. Space force showed that Trump being unable to reform the military, decided to bypass it by creating something new that worked. Biden is sure to gut it if as Jim says it’s Obama’s Generals who are in charge.

Starman says:

I have never interacted with the Shaniqua type when I was in the military. But after I left and worked with a company that employed Shaniqua, it was obvious. She could not follow even simple instructions, and I had to repair equipment in the factory that was damaged by her stupidity.

I think the cause of the destroyer crashes were exactly as you described because they were led by captainesses.

But I never served under a female CO.

In the part of the military that I served, the equipment had brand new replacements when needed.

The US can build brand new nuclear fuel cells (I can’t tell you how I know that too.)

But since I can’t show you any pictures or livestreams on the public internet (it would be illegal) of any of those things. I can instead link a SpaceX Starship livestream which is open to the public and can be used as a proxy for the Pentagon’s position.

Theshadowedknight says:

My opinion is that the US military has maybe, maybe a few months of operations against a significant military. That means Russia, China, possibly Turkey, Iran, and/or parts of Europe. The leadership down to the NCO and SNCO level is selected for incompetence. The officers are largely lost, incompetent, deluded, insane, or a combination thereof. The lower enlisted keep shit running despite a decrease in capability in the new guys. We can’t beat ragged goat-herders armed with AKs because of the poz, so we’d be in the shit if we had to fight an actual military.

I saw significant decreases in capability and competence in my time in, and that was years ago. I have no idea how bad it is now. I wouldn’t join for any money today. If they offered me a $1 million/year contract I’d wipe my ass with it and walk away.

Joe says:


The test that I used for Trump’s weakness was that Jim Acosta was allowed to exist in his presence. All Trump had to do was make this man disappear and his power would be visible to all. I will use the same test for the Pentagon’s strength or weakness.

Can you name one public profile, stupid, worthless, evil, simian-twitterati-redditor-type person who has disappeared since Trump lost power?

(It must obviously be because too far left, not insufficiently left, and so likely to have been done at the behest of warriors, not priests.)

Starman says:


”I’m not part of the priesthood of lawyers nor a member of the bureaucracy. Do not insult me by calling me a scribe.”

You’re a limpwristed scribe who works in an office cubicle. Just accept it. You’re no different than Lin Wood and Sidney Powell.

And like the wimp you are, you continue to post even after I provided you a link of the SpaceX Starship livestream. Posting word salad after word salad doesn’t trump a livestream of the actual activity.

The livestream is a far superior red flag check of the Pentagon’s strength than anybody’s word, including my word.

The Cominator says:

Seems like almost opposite opinions.

TSK seems to think the whole military structure is rotten including the NCO leadership (this is not what I’ve heard). TSK’s take is about the most pessimistic assessment of the US military overall I’ve ever heard as a matter of fact.

R7 seems to think almost all ranks below generals are fine (this is what I’ve been told by most of my friends who’ve been in the military) and that things are better than we think.

Tales I’ve heard IRL confirm R7’s tale about the ranks but seem to think that a lot of stuff doesn’t work in the military because of poor higher command level decisions.

I cannot evaluate any of this independently.

Theshadowedknight says:

My NCOs were largely shit. I had a few good ones, but it was mostly just the guys who picked up quick and then left after a single term. SNCOs were worse, with your best bet being a family man that had to stay in for the benefits. Most of the upper ranks stayed in because they were institutionalized by the military or because they couldn’t roll their skills(or lack therof) to a job outside the military.

The rot has absolutely set in at all levels. The officers are the worst, and it gets better the farther you go down. The lower enlisted basically have to hold the whole thing together themselves, and the truly capable were resented for that by the higher ranks. I wasn’t the best, but I was pretty good, and I saw what being the best got you, and just settled for being good but not too good. The few men that I served with that got the most done and knew the most about everything got fucked the hardest. I’m pretty sure they all left. There is a massive failure in institutional learning, and its going to bite deep in a serious fight.

Pooch says:

Outside the special forces, the Marines were the last group of US troops who were still combat effective.

The red flag I’m looking for is what happens to SF. If they start purging and dissolving SF units like in Germany, the writing is on the wall.

I think at this point, scribes like Posobeic have discredited themselves in the past three months.

I wouldn’t lump Posobeic in with them. He’s former Navy Intel and never bought into the dumb Sidney Powell theories. He knows what goes inside the military and He’s been proven credible with his reporting. I’d also have to say the same with Bannon (also former Navy). He never bought into the Q crap either to his credit but Bannon doesn’t tend to break news like Posobeic does.

Lin Wood and Sidney Powell lawyerly types, although loyal to the President, clearly lost all their credibility. Lawyers in general just shouldn’t be trusted like military men, their motives always seem to be sketcky and that was my fault for buying into their propaganda.

Ace says:

Lin Wood and Sidney Powell lawyerly types, although loyal to the President, clearly lost all their credibility. Lawyers in general just shouldn’t be trusted like military men, their motives always seem to be sketcky and that was my fault for buying into their propaganda.

Right leaning Lawyers appear to be grasping that their profession is about to die. It’s been commonly understood for a while that little people get crushed by the corrupt courts but now wealthily and corruptions are getting crushed as well. There’s no need for lawyers if the courts only dish out political injustice or just straight up take bribes. I think Sidney Powell wanted to make Trump’s fixing the system a reality by believing so hard it became a reality. It ended poorly for her. Lin Wood is just another enemy agent.


You’re nothing more than a SpaceX fan boy who spends his days meekly doing a Sheboon’s bidding.

Ace says:

*Should be corporations, not corruptions.

Theshadowedknight says:

Women are also a good barometer for SF. If they make them allow women into SF, thats as good as disbanding them.

Starman says:


”R7 seems to think almost all ranks below generals are fine (this is what I’ve been told by most of my friends who’ve been in the military) and that things are better than we think.”

I know that the crashing captainess destroyers were real and I would imagine that the crews would’ve had the same opinions of their officers as TSK (fully justified opinions). It wasn’t the case in the part of the military I was in (I never had female CO’s).

The only real red flag check on the Pentagon’s strength that doesn’t involve being current active duty, is the SpaceX Starship livestreams. And that’s only a proxy.

Starman says:


”The red flag I’m looking for is what happens to SF. If they start purging and dissolving SF units like in Germany, the writing is on the wall.”

And how would you know that? From the news? The news cannot be trusted, not as much as an actual livestream.

Starman says:


”You’re nothing more than a SpaceX fan boy who spends his days meekly doing a Sheboon’s bidding.”

You think I’m a shill? Let’s see who the shill is:

Answer this multiple choice RedPill on women question.

Complete the following the sentence: Women misbehave because –
[A] Capitalism makes them misbehave, by economically incentivizing reckless high time-reference behavior over long-term planning. The capitalist class benefits from one night stands and sterility, as it benefits from third world immigration of spendthrift cheap labor to replace frugal whites.
[B] The Jews make them misbehave, since the Jews own the media and the entire entertainment industry from Hollywood down to the tiniest pornography studio, and use them to direct propaganda at women, telling them to fuck blacks and lowlifes. The Jews deliberately intend for dysgenesis to occur, as part of their long-term White Genocide plan.
[C] Sorry, but this is a misleading question. Women don’t misbehave at all. All misbehavior is done by men, who are vile pigs.
[D] Lecherous men make them misbehave, since men are ultimately responsible for all female behavior (including misbehavior), and unlike women, men have self-control and moral agency. Thus it logically follows that any female misbehavior would merely reflect bad decisions taken by irresponsible and lustful men.
[E] They are feral, blindly following ancient instincts from the time we were apes in the jungle, which instincts tell them to cruise for rape by alpha male Chads, and to resist kicking-and-screaming all attempts to restrain them from pursuing alpha male Chads. Stable monogamy has always been a conspiracy by men against women.

Ace says:

“I know that the crashing captainess destroyers were real and I would imagine that the crews would’ve had the same opinions of their officers as TSK (fully justified opinions). It wasn’t the case in the part of the military I was in (I never had female CO’s).”

Skipper was a man. The woman he left running the ship at night couldn’t steer without GPS course setting. She wasn’t talking to the CIC because she was having a tiff with the female officer in charge. The civilian ship got too close to use normal GPS controls to avoid a collision. So she tried to manually steer the ship and she used the controls in the exact opposite manner and turned directly into the civilian ship.

She wasn’t punished for this. Nor was any the diversity hires punished for not keeping a look out or the CIC officer who failed to alert the bridge. The only people punished were white males who were not even involved in the crash. That’s how deep the rot goes.

Ace says:


>You think I’m a shill? Let’s see who the shill is:

LOL, I’ve never seen such an over reaction from a Sheboon gofer boy.

But I’ll indulge you since I like your shill test. Women like to be raped, as I know personal experience with several women. They liked to be owned and become quite upset when I as a young blue pilled man failed to take ownership of them. I didn’t understand this behavior until I years later when I learned at the feet of Roissy the self style minion of Satan who taught us to enjoy the decline. I learned that female behavior more closely resembled Chimp female behavior. During this time I read studies were men were only turned on by pictures of human females while pretty much any animal or ape display of dominance showed attraction by women.

The fact that women act like Chimp females mystified me until Jim pointed that women have done very little mate selection in the last million years or so, since the invention of spears, so they practice their Chimp behavior when given the freedom to so. Women are happiest and best off when owned by an by a man.

Starman says:


Your answer looks close enough. But this is a multiple choice question.

Complete the sentence.

Ace says:


Nah, that’s all you get. You done with the petty insults? Neither of us are shills and I never implied that you were.

Joe says:


Let’s see who the shill is

You have not answered my question here. An alpha male does not yell at every chihuahua that crosses his path, yet every once in a while, perhaps even just once in a lifetime, he needs to pick up that yapping, barking, mincing, growling, angry little rat, and smash its fucking head against a rock.

I am also interested in knowing what religion you are. Would you please recite the articles of faith for your religion? If you are Christian then the articles are here. Jim and I have already spoken them.

Regarding your redpill on women question, I find it highly amusing and instructive that Belle Delphine titled her recent kidnap-rape porno My Perfect First Date.

Two similarly amusing and instructive comments I have heard from women in my life:

“Why don’t you tie me up and beat the shit out of me?”

“I wish you would just chain me to the wall so that I didn’t have to worry about anything.”

The latter seems to suggest that a woman’s anxiety goes down as the degree to which she perceives that her owner exercises ownership over her goes up.

Regardless of anything I have said, I am happy to answer one of your multiple choice questions if you want me to.

Starman says:


”Nah, that’s all you get. You done with the petty insults? Neither of us are shills and I never implied that you were.”

Answer the RedPill on Women question. It’s multiple choice for a reason. It defeats obfuscation.

Pooch says:

And how would you know that? From the news? The news cannot be trusted, not as much as an actual livestream.

I’d assume the military times and such would be factual if whole SF units get disbanded as they were in Germany. I could be wrong with that though due to normalcy bias.

Women are also a good barometer for SF. If they make them allow women into SF, thats as good as disbanding them.

Not looking good for the Green Berets…https://www.military.com/daily-news/2020/12/31/1st-female-green-beret-faces-minor-misdemeanor-charge-accidentally-firing-gun-police-say.html

as a proxy for Pentagon strength, I can show you SpaceX Starship livestreams instead.

I haven’t been following that closely. What is the Pentagon’s role in that project which SpaceX is not responsible for?

Starman says:


Nobody cares about some random crazy redditor.

How about you answer one my simple multiple choice RedPill on Women questions?
They have a 100% detection rate against FBI/NGO shills.

There’s a pornography question on this comment section.
There’s an AoC (Age of Consent) question.
And this one, a women misbehave because _______ question.

All multiple choice.

Ace says:


After they fail with female recruits for a few years they probably integrate them anyways and then never again send them on missions. Instead they’ll go around the country encouraging little girls to join the the military.

Starman says:


”I’d assume the military times and such would be factual if whole SF units get disbanded as they were in Germany. I could be wrong with that though due to normalcy bias.”

All civilian news reporters and other scribes are untrustworthy. And they are useless for determining the Pentagon’s strength compared to the SpaceX Starship livestream. SpaceX is the reason the US Rocket industry is #1 in the world (US space industry wasn’t #1 in 2010), and the Pentagon’s dominance in space is reliant on SpaceX. Starship means Starfleet. A power that the Pentagon wants.

”I haven’t been following that closely.”

That’s fine, a lot of people here don’t know. And then there are shills who claim they’re very smart and credentialed, who claim they can answer every question on aerospace… then hilariously claim that SpaceX uses “clusters of 1970s boosters” and that Russian offerings were better than the Falcon 9 Block 5 reusable boosters!

Joe says:


Should we make pornography illegal? [C] No, because male desire for sexual gratification is not causing society any problems. Now, we should ban gay, tranny, and cuck porn. And we should ban romance novels.

Should the AoC be raised from 16-18 to 21-25? [C] No, and in fact, there should be no AoC. Consent is opaque to a woman. Women seek to score alpha male dick from a disturbingly young age, and are apt to succeed when they grow boobs. The solution is young marriage for women, shotgun marriage, and in some cases marriage-by-abduction.

Women misbehave because [E] They are feral, blindly following ancient instincts from the time we were apes in the jungle, which instincts tell them to cruise for rape by alpha male Chads, and to resist kicking-and-screaming all attempts to restrain them from pursuing alpha male Chads. Stable monogamy has always been a conspiracy by men against women.

Nobody cares about some random crazy redditor.

And nobody cares about you passing your own test. Anyone can propose a test that he can pass. You need to pass a test that someone else has proposed.

You have as much credibility as the undercover officer in Breaking Badwho tells a dealer he can detect undercover officers by asking them if they are a cop. He asks the officer who responds “no” then sells him the drugs, and is predictably arrested. Don’t laugh, there are people in real life who believe this also.

Trump failed. There were successful SpaceX launches on Trump’s watch. How do successful SpaceX launches on your watch signify your success to Trump’s failure?

crazy redditor

Strawman. I am talking about the individuals that spent the last four years barking at Trump, of which Jim Acosta is the archtype. Just one worthless little priest of Satan, disappeared, not even dead, maybe just sent ironically to Venezuela. This should pose no problem for someone capable of putting one hundred tonnes into orbit, should it not?

Starman says:


Good you passed the test. The purpose of the test is to make one commit a thoughtcrime that his NGO supervisor and HR wouldn’t allow.

A shill would’ve refused to answer, even when you fed the answer to him, since acknowledging the question’s very existence is a thoughtcrime.

“I am talking about the individuals that spent the last four years barking at Trump, of which Jim Acosta is the archtype.”

Why would Trump matter in this particular discussion? Trump isn’t a warrior.

Joe says:


If a job gets done that did not get done on Trump’s watch then this signals that a warrior, rather than a priest or a merchant, is in charge.

I am an amateur. If a professional is in charge then I will stand down and enjoy my life. If a professional is not in charge then I will pick up my sword, as I have before, and go into battle, until a professional arrives, or until I become that professional.

I want to know if I should pick up my sword again.

The Cominator says:

The problem is Trump panicked and fled the field on the 6th…

Theshadowedknight says:

Barnes said he never intended to take the field. That is the worst case scenario. We thought he might be suffering from normalcy bias, and that kind of proves it. He is–again, according to Barnes–very upset with the people who protested in the Capitol, which means he is not the man to lead us. We need a warrior, not a merchant, and in the end he really thought he could reform Washington.

Starman says:


Yeah, the civilian scribes and merchants really let us down.

Ace says:

Where are these warriors to lead us? We’re crying out for a warrior to step and guide this nation into the future and the best we could find is a merchant that the priesthood ate alive. The warrior class needs to step up.

Kings are warriors. Where is our king?

The Cominator says:

Sounds like from what R7 is saying is that you’ll need a colonels coup for it to happen right now. Colonels coups do happen (and there has been one example of sergeants couping successfully) but its hard and harder in big militaries…

More likely the civilians have to screw up so badly the generals pozzed as they are decide to throw them out anyway.

jim says:

Usual sequence is that the pozzed politicians increasingly use state violence against each other, reply on a pozzed general, who makes himself dictator, the dictator discovers he is being outflanked on the left, moves left, his enemies move left faster, he realizes he really does have enemies on the left, puts an end to the holiness spiral, and leftism, deprived of new applecarts to knock over, slowly dies, becoming the empty shell of a state religion to which everyone gives lip service, but no one believes.

Joe says:

… the commentariat on this blog, who have greatly disappointed me in recent days. I would go so far as to say that we have really seen who one would want to share a foxhole with, and it ain’t the commenters here …</blockquote.

Question for the blackpilled: …

What a rude way to prelude to a question. Drop your attitude and ask it again.

Theshadowedknight says:

I don’t see you, VD, or anyone else zerg rushing the Capitol. You aren’t sharing a foxhole with anyone, let alone men like us. Besides, while you all don’t do a fucking thing because you are “trusting the plan,” the rest of us are getting ready to weather what is coming next.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

Say what? VD has been wrong more times and about more things than any rational person would be willing to count. He couldn’t even accurately assess the state and trajectory of his own little country of residence. Where is Savior Salvini now? Almost totally out of power and being brought up on trumped-up charges for the horrible crime of refusing to allow one measly boat with 100 migrants to land. Yellow Vests, crushed. Brexit, nerfed. Catalonian separatists, vanished. Think we’ll ever see a mea culpa from him?

No, you won’t hear VD report on these things, or anything else that paints his predictions in a bad light, because he never admits when he’s been wrong and likes to spray squid ink about how “we’ll never really know” and “the only thing you can’t trust is the official story” and so on, and then allow them to fade from memory. Almost anything he makes resembling a concrete prediction turns out to be dead wrong, which is why he refuses to make concrete predictions anymore, and only posts things that “might not be true” but are “very interesting” from his buddies at CDAN, Neon Revolt, AnonCon, and so on, and they generally turn out to be even more wrong than he is. Who the hell is “monkeywerxus” and why should anyone care that his “analysis” agrees with VDs?

Ask yourself this about VD, because he sure won’t let anyone ask him directly: if the 20th comes and goes and nothing interesting happens, will he admit that he was wrong, or will he invent some story about how everything was going according to plan but it all got foiled at the last minute in some cartoonish Hollywood fashion, and even now Trump’s unseen allies are scheming away in some dark corner, plotting to take back the power they never really had in the first place, and it’s all going to explode any day now, through the divine magic of Information?

Watch and see – he will find a way to drag this out long past the 20th. When Trump starts being “investigated”, he will claim that it’s really a ploy to dig up more dirt on Democrats. When he gets arrested, it will be a ploy to lull the left into a false sense of security. When he and his family get tossed in prison, it will be the Calm Before The Storm, with heavily armed commandos standing by to break him out and storm the capital at any moment. When they finally decide to execute him, either he won’t really be dead or he was planning to be a martyr all along.

This is how flim-flammers, gangstalkers and doomsday cults operate. They can never be wrong. If the doomsday comes and goes, it’s because they’ve been granted a temporary reprieve. If the evidence turns out to be a dud, it’s because some even bigger evidence is about to emerge. If the mark discovers the con, the mark is just stupid and sour grapes and doesn’t understand the importance of optimism and teamwork. Here in reality, nobody is right all the time, everyone is wrong sometimes, and if you find yourself believing that someone has never been wrong or can’t be wrong, then it’s a good indication that they’re full of shit and you’ve fallen for it.

If his schtick is the emotional tampon you need in order to cope with the sorry state of life and politics in the western world right now, then by all means keep reading his blog, but don’t even think about comparing us with that ridiculous aging blowhard. There’s a difference between “not being black pilled” and furiously mashing buttons for hours on the Game Over screen.

The Cominator says:

Teddy Spaghetti’s gammas are just a summation of the negative traits of his own personality, secret king wins again.

Pooch says:

Excellently stated. The fact that VD mixes in plugs for his comics and products leads me to believe it’s all just a con to funnel readers into dollars. One of the many signs that I knew Jim spoke the truth was that his blog has never had advertisements for anything. From the fruits you will know them.

Theshadowedknight says:

Nah, I really think VD bought into it. It was tempting to see all of this secret stuff happening that was largely opaque to the outside and think that maybe Trump would go through with it. Once the predictions started failing I stopped listening, but I can see why someone would stay with it. Hard to admit you were that wrong.

I dont think its a con when he looks this ridiculous. If anything, it locks him out of more mainstream access because he ends up in the Alex Jones zone. Don’t hit on the man for making money by making culture for us, as flawed as it is. Its an improvement, and–more importantly–it is swimming right. He deserves to make money for that and for trying to archive the old wisdom.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

Aye, since he doesn’t write critiques of free trade and such anymore, turning right-wing fantasies into commercially-viable products is actually one of the few things he’s doing right.

I find his political analysis to be worse than useless now, but I’ll gladly cheer on and maybe even chip in a few bucks for another Alt-Hero Q or whatever he’s working on. A body of fiction and escapism around Q that doesn’t take itself too seriously could be much more powerful than the real Qanon ever was, assuming it survives the oncoming purge. Entertainment really does influence culture, and we ought to be thinking about the long game now. I assume a lot of people here homeschool their children, but they can’t be learning all the time, and that’s where the Castalia stuff and the bootleg copies of Murdoch Murdoch come in. They may not be as red-pilled as any of us would like, but they’re a damn sight better than anything else that’s been produced in the past 40 years.

I lament VD’s loss of ability to differentiate reality from fiction, but I applaud his actual works of fiction and his commercial successes in general.

Podium of Peace says:

Q originated on 4chan and 8chan. It was random jews posting inside government information for shits and giggles. Some true, some fiction. The Q narrative became distorted once a platform became established.

Q was appealing to the boomer class due to a desire to believe that there was someone behind it all in control.

There is no one in control! The country is in freefall.

Ex says:

I think Q and Qanon were not one thing, and it’s a mistake at the outset to try analyzing them that way. There was no single puppet master or organization, no unitary plan.

I think there was probably someone who had an initial plan,
and someone else who tried to hijack it with a different plan,
and quite possibly multiple someones trying to hijack it in conflicting directions,
and some true believers in an abstract idea who noticed the hijack and convinced themselves “I know the original and best Qanon” even as they were inventing a new kind of Qanon patched up with good things from elsewhere,
and some plain old trolls who found a community ready to take the bait because the Democrats were so obviously wrong and evil that any anti-Democrat statement received the benefit of the doubt,
and some human psychology of self-justification that when the arrest of Hillary Clinton has been promised and never manifests they double down on inventing excuses so as to believe they weren’t wrong – the arrests are just delayed,
and some other factors.

The Medium piece asserts it was cleverly planned to play people. I disagree. People played themselves, for the most part. Q had no essence, it spread and mutated to fit the contours of men’s minds. The good fit with some personalities was from evolution, not design.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

The “dog that didn’t bark” makes perfect sense from the frame of Qanon being a psyop, not by the establishment, but by Trump or his surrogates against his own base, in order to keep them from noticing that he really just wanted to govern as a moderate and improve his favorability among minorities and soccer moms, and was not really making a lot of aggressive moves. To keep them hitched to the rusty square wheel of democracy.

He made moves that sounded aggressive, as we all know, but very few that actually were. Events such as Lafayette Park were the very rare exception to the rule. If his plan all along was to go Fishing in the Rubicon, then can you think of a better way than Qanon to keep his followers hooked, thinking non-stop for four years that he was mere days away from crossing? Having people think you’re going to cross is essential to the charade, and without something like Qanon, a whole lot more people would have written him off a whole lot sooner.

False hope is not better than no hope. Hope is inaction, and false hope is pointless and destructive inaction. Given that the “screw your optics” events are almost invariably false flags and/or fed manipulation, I find it highly unlikely that Qanon prevented any real optics disasters – which, with the benefit of hindsight, we now know wouldn’t have made a difference anyway.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:
Someone says:

Meets a daring masked protestor during the non-violent burning down of a federal building?

It is at moments like this that I really hope Putin says fuck these retards and presses the button.

Ace says:

As predicted. Women love public overtly violent men, even if they’re broken low T faggots.

Encelad says:

Neurotoxin should review this!

stan says:

It’s an obvious joke, not a real book.

Cynewulf58 says:

But the Amazon reviews, if they’re on the level, suggest that it’s a parody—a pretty funny one, too.

stan says:

Ok, it’s a real book but still an obvious and intentional joke. It must have been written by an MRA or NRxer or someone just for kicks:

New legislation was approved which will enforce in decreasing rates of the growing divorces in America. The divorces which were mostly made by the husbands in the relationship as per research. And so the new law enforced the husband to pay one million dollars to his wife if he wants to divorce her.

Pure parody, isn’t it?

someDude says:

Ok, Good point. It does sound like parody. Damn it! I should have figured that out at non-violently burnt a federal building. What’s happening to me? I’m becoming humorous impaired.

suones says:

Poe’s Law strikes again!

Neurotoxin says:

“Neurotoxin should review this!”

Hell, I wish I’d written it.

Have Faith says:

[*deleted because posted from the frame that you are Christian*]

jim says:

I see no end of holier than thou posts and comments from people who clearly are not Christians criticizing other people for being insufficiently Christian.

So, I don’t allow such any comments unless the commenter takes the affirmation.

Jesus Christ is Lord. Born in Bethlehem, died in Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world. Wholly man and wholly God, God is three and God is one.

Of course someone who is a Jew, a Hindu, a Muslim, or a communist can make comments critical of Christians and Christianity all he likes, but he has to do so from the frame that he is an opponent of Christianity, not an advocate of a Christianity that is purer and holier than the other man’s Christianity.

Because, in actual fact, the vast majority of these more Christian-than-thou comments come from people who hate Christians, hate Christianity, and hate Christ.

Joe says:

I do not claim to be more Christian (or more Gnon compliant) overall than any regular poster on this forum. I do claim to be more Christian than most of the people I meet in real life who call themselves Christians. I will recite the creed to remove any doubt.

Jesus Christ is Lord. Born in Bethlehem, died in Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world. Wholly man and wholly God, God is three and God is one.

suones says:

Wholly man and wholly God…

Isn’t this miaphysitism, which is the opposite of mainstream “Western Church” doctrine? Just curious.

jim says:


There is no possible way that the distinction between the positions of the first and second councils of Ephesus could be encapsulated in four words.

What is miaphysitism? Upon looking it up, it becomes apparent that you do not know what it is and I now know, but do not care.

No “wholly man and wholly God” is not miaphysitism, and I doubt that you or any other modern knows beans about the difference between miaphysitism and the Chalcedonian position, about the difference between the first and second councils of Ephesus.

On reading up about the dispute I find a pile of hair splitting, some of it declared heresy, some declared orthodoxy, and frequent complaints that hair splitting orthodoxy is apt to be interpreted as hair splitting heresy. Which is unsurprising as it is difficult or impossible to figure out the difference between orthodox splitting hairs and heretics splitting hairs.

Boring stuff and no one today understands it or cares about it. These debates, incomprehensible to moderns, have no obvious connection to the phrase “wholly man and wholly God”.

Well, if Jesus Christ is one person, is that person human or divine. And the answer, of course, is yes. As soon as you get into hair splitting, you are qualifying your answer, and if you do too much qualification, you are not answering “yes”.

I would say that the first council of Ephesus was engaged in far too much hair splitting, but was nonetheless arguably orthodox, since they were clearly answering yes, and the second council of Ephesus engaged in even more hair splitting, and was arguably heretical, because their “yes” was even more muffled than the rather muffled “yes” of the first council, but none of the Churches that are today descended from the second council could cogently explain the difference, so Christians have stopped arguing about it.

In all these debates, each side accused the other of denying the divinity or the humanity of Jesus, and both had a grain of truth in the accusation.

When you accuse me of miaphysitism, you are accusing me of supporting the second council of Ephesus against the first council of Ephesus, but you do not know the difference, I now know but do not care about the difference, and neither of us are interested in the difference, nor care about the things they disagreed about.

To explain the difference between the first and second councils would take a small book, which book would be an utterly unintelligible discourse on questions beyond mortal comprehension. There is no possible way that the distinction between the first and second councils of Ephesus could be encapsulated in four words.

To explain why you think “Wholly man and wholly God” is miaphysitism, you would need ten screenfuls of opaque philosophizing, during which you would unavoidably commit half a dozen heresies, because the issues are all booby trapped.

suones says:


When you accuse me of miaphysitism, you are accusing me of supporting the second council of Ephesus against the first council of Ephesus, but you do not know the difference, I now know but do not care about the difference, and neither of us are interested in the difference, nor care about the things they disagreed about.

Haha I’m not accusing you (or anyone else) of anything lol. I just found your formulation to be, curiously, more similar to Old-type Orthodox belief rather than Catholic/Western Orthodox.

I only mentioned the dichotomy in the context of the schism causing Misr’s fall to the Muslim Arabs. And I state that the real reason for the “schism” there was underlying ethnic tensions rather than useless hair-splitting.

I see you agree with Alf that intra-Christian doctrinal differences are unmitigated pedantry at best!

And I agree.

jim says:

Sure. Old type orthodoxy was orthodox. Modern orthodoxy has been drifting rudderless.

clovis says:

“Isn’t this miaphysitism?”

No. First of all, Chalcedonian Christology is not just “western”, it is the doctrine of both the western and Eastern churches. The Copts and Armenians were miaphysitist, but these days Rome and Constantinople both seem to agree that the separation was really a disagreement about words and not about teaching.

Second, Jim’s formula is orthodox. The Chalcedonian formula is that in the one “person” (persona) of Christ there are two natures –the divine and the human, which are separate and distinct but united in the one person.

Miaphysitism says the two natures–divine and human–are not mixed, but there is only one nature in Christ, consisting of the two natures.

The reason it is important is that to fuse the two natures makes Christ something other than truly God (and truly human)–and it is necessary for Him to be both in order to redeem human nature.

suones says:

Rome is evil, and Constantinople lost its authority when it bent the knee to the Caliph.

Jim’s position “wholly man and wholly god” seemed curiously miaphysitic to me, that’s all, which is orthodox, as you say, of course. Non-Chalcedonian, but orthodox.

Although this is a highly interesting subject for me, such debate will necessarily bore everyone else, and be too pedantic. Maybe, when the ideal society is in place, we’ll meet in some seminary and discuss such things for months! 🙂

jim says:

OK, if people smell miaphysitism, then let us make it truly man and truly God.

Why do you smell miaphysitism? Can you explain without committing a dozen heresies in a dozen screenfuls of opaque philosophy?

What do you think miaphysitism is? Can anyone today explain the difference between the first and second councils of Ephesus?

Explain to me the difference between the first and second councils. Give me your translation from the opaque Latin, using twentieth century words with twentieth century meanings.

Any time people split hairs so finely, they are drifting towards heresy, because when you qualify and complicate your position on the trinity, you are not exactly affirming the essential paradox of the divinity and humanity of Christ, and both the first and second councils were sliding away from trinitarianism.

The miaphysitism complaint sounds to me like “You are not complicating and qualifying your position enough”, but the historical record reveals that complication and qualification was an attempt to compromise with various not quite trinitarian factions, and just did not work. Both the first and second councils of Ephesus were an attempt at compromise, and neither compromise could satisfy.

The dispute was never resolved. The non trinitarians are still at it after all these centuries.

suones says:

Give me your translation from the opaque Latin, using twentieth century words with twentieth century meanings.

Alas, this is impossible, for I know no Latin, and that’s why I deferred to your and clovis’ opinion on the matter. My best sources are tertiary, and in English.


“Fully man and fully God” is perfectly Chalcedonian.

OK. But please read ahead (if interested in pedantry).

The reason I got interested in this is because the Indian Orthodox Church doctrine follows the Oriental Orthodox Churches, which is nominally miaphysitic, accepts Ephesus II, and different from Chalcedon (which is ratified by Rome and Constantinople). Both groups of Churches are heretical according to one another, and are not in Communion, even though they do not ostracise members. I expect that those parties have thoroughly pilpul’dstudied the Latin.

I’ll state my (incomplete) understanding of the terms, though I do not wish to discuss these matters in such a forum as this. Corrections are most welcome.

Dyophisitism considers Jesus to have been more than a Prophet but still essentially human. Christ the Logos is divine, and different from Jesus the Jewish carpenter-turned-community organiser, and worship is focussed on the former. No major Churches follow this creed. I think this may be a strawman constructed to mock Nestorian belief in the union-persona of Jesus Christ — implying that the Divine Logos is coincident with, but different from, the Jew birthed by the Virgin Mary. The Virgin is thus “Mother of Christ” but not “Mother of God.” This is the nearest that Christianity got to the Hebrew-Arab concept of Isa as Prophet.

Chalcedonian centres around the Council of Chalcedon, and counts Jesus Christ as one person, with humanity and divinity contained within Him. In worship one cannot distinguish between Christ the Logos and Jesus the Man, for it is Jesus Christ who is the Divine Logos incarnate, thus “truly God and truly Man.” I can already smell Eastern philosophy here, being twisted to fit a Semitic tale. Chalcedon uses the term “incarnate” yet maintains that Jesus Christ comprises two “natures” (physis), though in one person. This is an incorrect usage of the concept of incarnation (according to me, suones the Most Wise lol), and has to have been deliberate.

Miaphysite is the belief of the present Oriental Orthodox Churches, including the Indian Orthodox Church. They also claim Jesus Christ to have been “incarnate,” but crucially, use that word correctly. This is the older belief, and accepts Ephesus II but not Chalcedon. Incarnation implies one nature — there is no union, mixing, combination or any such goings on. Mia physis. “Incarnation” (in carnatio — (Word) made Flesh) requires mia physis. This is in complete agreement with Eastern philosophy. Such debates are surprisingly common regarding any avatar (divine incarnation), most recently Sri Gautama the Buddha. The “Buddha nature” and Sri Gautama the Prince are not “united in one person,” rather they are consubstantial. Sri Gautama the Buddha is 100% Man (born Sri Yuvaraj Siddhartha) and also 100% Divine (having 100% Buddha nature). His “Enlightenment” was the Man discovering His Divinity, not “gaining” it. This is why Jim’s formulation of “wholly God and wholly Man” seemed curiously Miaphysitic to me. “Wholly” implies no room for a “second nature” as it were. Same with “fully” — no room for a second nature — unlike “truly,” the standard Chalcedonian formulation.

Monophysite is another dead belief, most closely ascribed to Eutyches, which goes to the other extreme that there is in fact no human and divine nature, which seems to imply that Christ was wholly divine and not consubstantial with Man at all. This belief has been heavily strawmanned by Chalcedon, and I know little of what Eutyches really meant. His re-instatement at Ephesus II might indicate he accepted the Miaphysite view, or maybe not. In any case, Eutyches is condemned by Occident and Orient alike.

jim says:

Since I don’t understand, and not very interested in, the distinction between correct and “incorrect” definitions of incarnation (Though this is doubtless important to Indians, who have more incarnations than they can shake a stick at) I am no wiser about the the difference between the first and second councils of Ephesus, because I have no idea what “nature” means in this context. It obviously does not mean what I mean by nature. And I doubt that modern day churches descended from that split are any wiser than I. Maybe they should consult with Hindus.

clovis says:

I recall from my church history classes that the different terms used by East and West–“persona” in the Latin west and “hypostasis” in the Greek East–caused controversy that was resolved at a council. So some of these controversies had elements of logomachy. I think this is what Jim is getting at.

However, it matters immensely whether Jesus is both man and God and how those two natures interact, and whether or not they are distinct or somehow mixed together. Involved in those questions are not merely intellectual games but the redemption of humanity. This is why these questions recur. In the Protestant Reformation, both Rome and the Calvinists insisted that the human nature of Christ does not participate in the powers of the divine nature; the Lutherans affirmed that the human nature of Christ is capable of being present in the bread and wine of the Holy Supper because it partakes of the divine omnipresence which is communicated to it–this is called “the communication of attributes.” Lutheran theologians accused the Calvinists of being Nestorian because they insisted that Jesus’ body can only be present the way yours or mine can be.

These controversies seem to be about minutiae, but all Christian doctrine is interconnected, and when a person errs in their Christology they are going to err in many other areas as well. At the end of the day Christianity is concerned with human salvation, and that is lost if we have a false Christ, just as if we have a false God (i.e. not the Trinity.)

clovis says:

Also, the Chalcedonian Christology is really not primarily an attempt to philosophize but to adhere to the New Testment, which clearly teaches the two truths that Jesus is true man, born of Mary, and true God from eternity–“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.” “Wholly man and wholly God” sounds miaphysitic to you because you are an outsider to Christianity and don’t understand that this sort of language is used all the time in traditional Catholic and Protestant churches. Besides this the analogy to Buddha is inapplicable because there is no actual incarnation in Buddhism and Buddha’s enlightenment has no cosmos-altering significance of itself–it is exemplary. We can follow his example. Whereas in Christ God has actually become man, atoned for sin, destroyed the power of death and the devil, brought the old to an end and begun the new creation.

suones says:

Dear clovis,

Thank you for your detailed replies on the matter. I agree that these are not mere doctrinal differences, but strike at the very core of religion. As an outsider to Semitic cults (as are all Europeans), it nonetheless deeply interests me to study the gods of other people. Unlike Exclusionarists, we Inclusionarists believe every god to have divinity, if a true god, and that requires a fair analysis of the “truth” behind that god. As you say, if Christ is false, then God is necessarily false and there is no salvation for his followers.

Now for more pilpul. 🙂

The “persona” vs “hypostasis” was not schismatic even in Chalcedonian times. Both Chalcedonians and Miaphysists agree on the hypostatic union in Christ. I think “Dyophisitism,” or even “two persons” view of Christ may have been a strawman of the Nestorian (==Constantinople) position that lost out in struggle with Rome. Nobody observes this doctrine since at least Ephesus I. Of course it is logomachy to provide doctrinal cover for ethno-political struggles. Nestorius was the Patriarch of Constantinople, and was condemned at Ephesus I to show him who’s boss (Emperor Theodosius II of Rome). Similarly with the later Copts (ethnic Egyptians, Ephesus II, Mia., under Cyril of Alexandria) vs Byzantine (ethnic Greek, Chalcedon) where the Copts helped their racial kin the Arabs against Byzantines, under cover of the latter’s religious persecution based on their “Chalcedonian” Christology, even though the Arabs were Muslim by then.

However, it matters immensely whether Jesus is both man and God and how those two natures interact, and whether or not they are distinct or somehow mixed together.

If you axiomatically accept the Chalcedonian frame, further discussion becomes impossible. This frame itself is wrong, and is a result of trying to fit the Aryan concept of incarnation to a Semitic god. The resultant fights over how those “two natures” interact are baseless sophistry enabled by the shaky theological foundation. Since there are no two natures, any question of how they interact is moot.

As for incarnation of Sri Buddha, I was specifically referring to “Nirmankaya” (the physical manifestation of Sri Yuvaraj Siddhartha Gautam) vs “Dharmakaya” (the eternal manifestation of Sri Buddha, which is divine Dharma itself). There is no conflict or “mixing” here because both are 100% present in Sri Buddha (as also Sambhogakaya, which a bodhisattva attains after nirvana, a condition of life everlasting). The parallels to the Nazarene are striking — What is the 100% Divine Logos but the Eternal Dharmakaya? What is 100% mortal Man Jesus the son of a Jewish carpenter, who was flogged through the streets and died on a cross but Nirmankaya, and what still is the 100% eternal life everlasting of Christ resurrected but his ascension to Sambhogakaya?

(Hindus and Buddhists have a disagreement about Dharmakaya, where we consider Sri Vishnu as a personification of Dharma itself, but the rest basically holds for any incarnation/avatar, including Sri Ramchandra).

clovis says:

“Fully man and fully God” is perfectly Chalcedonian.

Orthodox Nobleman says:

It is not miaphysitism because Jim affirms Christ as both fully divine and fully human. If he stated that Christ was fully divine and fully human in one nature it would be heresy, but Jim affirms the Incarnation as a contradiction, which for our purposes is fine.

The more ancient version of the Demon Worshiper Test:

Jesus Christ is Lord, the Son of God, the Only-Begotten, Begotten of the Father before all ages, Light of Light, Very God of Very God, Begotten, not made; of one essence with the Father, by whom all things were made:

Who for us men and our salvation came down from heaven, and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and was made man;

And was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried;

And the third day He rose again, according to the Scriptures;

And ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father;

And He shall come again with glory to judge the living and the dead, Whose kingdom shall have no end.

Most non-Christians disregard theological precision as minutia, so do not take their wording too seriously, just look at the general picture.

Ace says:

SLS just failed it’s rocket engine test 60 seconds of an 8 minute in with engine failure. Even using solid old tech, NASA can’t make anything fly. The decline continues.

Pooch says:

So what happens to SpaceX now without Trump protecting it with his Space Force. Surely the progs will notice he has too many white males employed for him won’t they?

Ace says:

That’s a good question. My guess is Elon will probably be sending large sums to both congress and President Select Biden shortly, but that may not be enough. The biggest danger for SpaceX is the Biden dictatorship shutting down starlink, which wouldn’t be hard to do for the regulatory agencies.

Starman says:

”So what happens to SpaceX now without Trump protecting it with his Space Force. Surely the progs will notice he has too many white males employed for him won’t they?”

Methinks those progs who oppose SpaceX will end up like Occupy Wallstreet. Does anybody even remember Occupy?

“My guess is Elon will probably be sending large sums to both congress and President Select Biden shortly, but that may not be enough. The biggest danger for SpaceX is the Biden dictatorship shutting down starlink, which wouldn’t be hard to do for the regulatory agencies.”

The Pentagon won’t allow the civilian government to jeopardize its dominance in space (interfering with SpaceX and Starlink is jeopardizing US dominance in space). Bombing Poland/Hungary with the US Airforce or the US Navy fighting an air battle over the South China Sea is going to be mighty difficult after US space assets are destroyed, and responsive launch is ended by Shaniqua.

The Pentagon has already told Congress to pack sand, and now it has a rather handy Prætorian Guard stationed in DC (currently at 20,000 heavily armed troops).

The Starship livestreams are a useful barometer on whether the Pentagon can control the civilian government in an orderly matter, or will have no choice but to bomb the civilian US government and roll tanks against the DOJ and the regulatory agencies.

If the SpaceX Starship progress is stopped, I suggest moving all investments out of the United States and getting off the US dollar.

suones says:

Surely the progs will notice he has too many white males employed for him won’t they?

Oh they’ve been noticing[1] since at least 2018. The question is, what’re they going to do about it now.

[1]: https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/opinion/commentary/sd-oe-spacex-diversity-women-20180215-story.html

Starman says:

If these Karens become a real problem for the Pentagon’s dominance in outer space, there’s going to be tanks at her doorstep.

Pooch says:

I pray you’re right.

clovis says:

Why don’t they do something now, then?

Starman says:


Why don’t they do something now, then?

They already did with Nancy Pelosi.


Starman says:

”SLS just failed it’s rocket engine test 60 seconds of an 8 minute in with engine failure. Even using solid old tech, NASA can’t make anything fly. The decline continues.”

That test involved the SSME hydrolox liquid rocket engines on the SLS core stage, not the Solid Rocket Boosters.

The failure of the SLS static fire is a huge contrast to the the SpaceX Starship SN8 flight where the Raptor engine (an FFSC methalox liquid rocket engine) fired for over five minutes in an actual flight. Next flight test is for Starship SN9.

JustAnotherGuy says:

Guys, I’d like your advice now that it turned out things are gonna go to the shitter.

I’m currently going to college up here in the north, but I’m not sure if that matters anymore as things are gonna go to hell real fast. Should I make a run for it out of the city and go to some rural land and live my life there? I’m just thinking of booking out of my college shit because I know that paper won’t matter when they come looking for me for heretical thoughts.

jim says:

Just keep a low profile, and hope that they are too busy looking for other leftists to bother with someone who has no applecart to knock over.

University degrees have been debased, and are now mainly valuable to employers as insurance against being charged with thought crimes.

A university degree that gets you into some state sponsored cartel, for example accounting, is still valuable, and there are no end of state sponsored cartels, and more springing up all the time.

Job experience, particularly experience in a job that requires good conduct and smarts, is always valuable. So whether you should make a run for it or instead become Havel’s Greengrocer depends on your degree and your job prospects.

During Obama’s reign, it was war on flyover country. If the green new deal goes through, flyover country is likely to have its access to world markets impaired, partly because transport will become expensive and unreliable, and in flyover country, you frequently need to travel long distances, receive goods over long distances, and send goods over long distances.

But if you are betting on self sufficiency, none of that is likely to matter.

While self sufficiency is a good fallback option, if the worst comes to the worst, as in French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, the Yugoslavian civil war, the collapse of Han Dynasty, etcetera, there are going to be large groups of heavily armed men roaming the countryside, taking all that they can take, and destroying all that they cannot take so that the next large group of heavily armed men hot on their heels has no food to eat, no water to drink, and no roof to sleep under. In the Yugoslavian civil war and the French Revolution, the small provincial cities were the least dangerous place to be.

My advice is more along the lines of bitcoin, monaro, foreign passports, foreign residence permits, and alternate identities. Expect the unexpected, and keep your options open.

James Thorton says:

Any advice on acquiring foreign passports, foreign residence permits, and alternate identities?

It seems like the usual ways of getting foreign passports and residency are through blood, marriage, or money (ie put a million $ in the country’s stock market), which all appear out of reach to me and many people at the moment. Perhaps for example one could work for an Asian software company as a foot in the door?

For alternate identities in the US, sounds like you’re referring to driver’s licenses with a different name, SSNs with a different name, etc. How can we acquire these, without say knowing the right person to bribe? Can these be obtained on the dark web?

jim says:

If, for example, you get an overseas job, you almost automatically get a visa, followed by visa extension, followed by a longer visa extension, followed an effectively indefinite visa extension.

Countries that suck and are dangerous issue one month visas automatically, with automatic extensions, which tend to be longer and longer, almost automatic, though often far from cheap. If you are world traveler, visas readily convertible to residence permits drop into your lap.

If the proverbial hits the fan internally, the safest place to be will be on the borderlands near, but not in, the Russian or Chinese hegemonies. If the it hits the fan externally, such places are likely to be still quite safe, since shaniqua is charge of high tech weapons maintenance, though a little closer to an alien hegemony might be safer. But the closer you are, the more you are an alien and an exile. If it hits the fan both internally and externally at roughly the same time, the enemy will likely be too busy to come after you.

Dubai is expensive and has the world’s worst climate, but is otherwise a nice, well governed place. They like importing foreign experts.

Dubai have an up or out policy. They expect foreigners to be upwardly mobile over time, and if you are not, you are out.

Pooch says:

Track your family genealogy. Many countries allow you to claim a 2nd citizenship If you have a grand parent or even a great grandparent who was born there. Even if it gives you a citizenship that is no better than your present country it could be used as a means to pass through to Another safer place.

I remember an Argentinian guy talked about that in their regular economic collapses, it was better to be in the city than in the country, because the rulers are in the city, they are afraid of hungry, desperate masses, so they take food from the country and give it to the city. But he specifically meant the big city, not the small provincial city and it was a purely economic kind of collapse, not that of political ideology.

And I think he talked from a prole perspective. For a prole, Paris was a good place to be during the French revolution, because fearing the wrath of the masses, the elites would somewhat feed them, and as just one faceless member of the masses one would not be picked out and guillotined.

But for everybody over that mass prole level, Paris was dangerous. And yes, both governments and roving bands find small villages easy to rob of their food.

Anon says:

RE accounting, recently came across this exchange in the comments section on “Hipster Racist”‘s new blog, reminded me of your posts about double-entry accounting. I’ve studied accounting and found “Hot Ford”‘s comments to get the gist, without going into too much detail about the revolving door between managerial accounting and financial accounting / gov auditing, although it’s hinted at: “Economics is the exoteric presentation of the economy as financial accounting is its esoteric representation. In other words, if you read an economics treatise, you are learning the form of the game as it is presented to a spectator; if you read an academic textbook of financial accounting, you are learning how the game is communicated to and between players”.

Could be summarised in layman’s: accounting is a highly flexible field of study. You might even learn how to help small or medium businesses hide money from the government by learning the government’s auditing language! Of course I would strongly NOT advise this, and you would be a scoundrel to do so.

If anyone isn’t familiar with “Hipster Racist”, he’s allegedly Scottish/Native American -descended who thinks he has a high IQ because he hates Trump, has an interest in BDSM and keeps getting banned by The Jews. I can’t link to previous examples of his writing because he keeps getting banned by The Jews, but I’ll spare you: it’s rewarmed Richard Spencer / Timothy Fitzpatrick shit.

Her’es the blockquote in case anyone’s too lazy to read the comment exchange:

Rarity and scarcity are distinct concepts. Rarity makes no implication of value; scarcity implies value and consequent demand. It makes no sense to speak of a “rarity” of food, water, air, clothing, housing, hotties, or privacy; it makes perfect sense to speak of a “scarcity” of those things.
Value is in the eye of the beholder. Air is immensely important to us but we appraise it no value until it is scarce, when it becomes infinitely valuable. Yet in our daily lives we treat the abundance of air with contempt. And it is the same for everything else. Were money, houses, or hotties abundant, we would appraise them but little value. Thus, scarcity creates value.

P.S. Abundance is caused by oversupply, and oversupply is caused by overproduction. Who spoke out against this “overproduction”, and when?
With apologies to Voltaire, if scarcity did not exist, it would be necessary to invent it.

The economy exists in order to produce returns. That is just how it works. And in order to produce returns, the economy must create value, and in order to create value, the economy must facilitate scarcity. If the economy created abundance, value would be destroyed.

Consider that technology facilitates production, and technology has reached such sophistication that productive capacity is virtually infinite. An ordinary worker could have a mansion, a ski shack, three supercars, and an aeroplane.
The only problem is that he would stop working. His employer would lose him as an employee, and be unable to replace him; work would pile up, and the company would collapse. Value destruction.

By the way, anything that can be bought or sold is a “commodity”. Otherwise, accounting wouldn’t “work”.

No, you are thinking of something else. Even the most uncharitable person will tell you that “usury” is when money creates money. In other words, when there is no business, no labor, in the loop.

But returns themselves don’t necessitate usury, and in fact most returns are probably not usurious. (I haven’t done the math and I don’t intend to.) The point is that although interest (from “usury”) creates value, it is but a subset of returns.

When you use loaded words like “rent-seekers” you muddy the conceptual waters, obfuscating the central point. The central point is that the economy exists in order to generate returns, full stop. “The economy” doesn’t mean consumers, it doesn’t mean citizens, and it certainly doesn’t mean workers. The economy means equity.

Technology has nothing to do with negative interest rates. The cause of negative interest rates is too much capital chasing too little returns. Think very carefully about this. You might hate the notion of disciplining workers, but it is necessary in order to stave off Fully Automated Luxury Space Communism, which would create abundance, collapsing the economy, and annihilating investors.

All things bought and sold are commodities by virtue of the transitive property. Economics is invited to blow me.

If the dictionary definitions clarified the fundamental precepts of the system, they would be edited or replaced. With few exceptions, the words I use are compatible with their financial accounting definitions. The difference between the two disciplines is that economics is the exoteric presentation of the economy as financial accounting is its esoteric representation. In other words, if you read an economics treatise, you are learning the form of the game as it is presented to a spectator; if you read an academic textbook of financial accounting, you are learning how the game is communicated to and between players.

In every meaningful way, interest are a subset of returns. That is, not all returns are interest, but all interest are returns. (Strictly speaking, interest are a precursor to returns.) Interest payable, interest receivable, one an asset, the other a liability, the difference equity, equity the difference.
Negative interest rates have absolutely nothing — n-o-t-h-i-n-g — to do with technology, except to the extent that “technology” enable the production of infinite money à la Modern Monetary Theory.

Investment is the point of the economy. It is a virtuous cycle. Without investment, the economy would not exist. Without the economy, investment would not be possible. Without investment, the economy would not exist.
Frankly, I have no idea what “neo-liberal ideology” is, if you think I am “desperate” to keep a conversation in its “realm” you are delusional, and the notion that “neutral” and “technocratic” abut each other makes me chuckle.
Look: I have comprehended the economic system like no one has comprehended the economic system in the entire history of the world. I can explain everything. I have wrapped my mind around the whole enchilada.
If you don’t understand something, you’re welcome to ask for clarification. It helps to understand double-entry accounting, of course, as double-entry accounting is the mechanical process according to which value is created, and the creation of value is how people get rich.

People get rich through equity. How is equity computed?
Assets – Liabilities = Owners’ Equity

If people get rich through equity, and the creation of value is how people get rich, then value is identified with equity. If value is identified with equity, and wages payable is a liability, then according to this incredibly simple and straightforward formula, wages destroy value.

Specifically, if one has a background in accounting and isn’t blind to HBD, it’s pretty easy to see why “white” or “jewish” supremacy isn’t the thing stopping blacks from walking to an ATM or saving money, as elaborated in this timestamped video where Adam Carolla interviews California governor Gavin Newsom:


James Thornton says:

If you’re working towards a degree which can give you access to a remote job, such as in software or accounting, I recommend finishing. Remote work allows you to make a good income while staying nimble and keeping your options open, and helps preserve your sanity and quality of life because you are much more insulated from the poz and don’t need to spend as much effort maintaining the Havel’s Greengrocer facade.

Dave says:

My standard advice is to learn a trade that’s too complicated for Mexicans, too dirty for women, and cannot be outsourced to Indonesia. Plumbing, HVAC, electric, etc. Which has the advantage that you don’t have to mouth progressive pieties, but the disadvantage that young women don’t want to marry a man with dirty hands even if he earns three times her salary and has no debt.

Gestahlt says:

While a temporary situation caused by the massive bail out of biotech, any company that makes lab reagents is hiring right now. That means chemical companies, compressed gas and delivery, etc. This is good blue collar work in an industry that is guaranteed not to collapse (until it all does) as it is part of the ruling coalition.

The city needs specialists, the country needs generalists, keep this in mind. The country needs a generalist doctor or an generic IT guy and men with good toolmanship, the city needs eye surgeons and Angular.js developers and car body men.

We know this since Adam Smith. That is sort of the point of cities to begin with. Adam Smith wrote that the blacksmith in the Scottish Highlands made basically anything that could be made of iron and on the side he raised pigs and brew his beer and all. Because, not many customers within a travel distance, and each wants different things. The blacksmith in London could specialize on making just nails because enough customers for nails in London, and had to specialize, because a generalist would be outcompeted for a specialist who works faster and cheaper. If the nailmaker specialist moves to the country, he has a problem, he does not know how to make all the other things. If a generalist from the country moves to the city, he is outcompeted by far more efficient specialists.

So one needs to make this decision to study something in a generalist way or focus…

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

This is one of those inductive-reasoning exercises that sounds plausible, like the humors and the elements, but isn’t really a reliable guide to reality.

There are some differences between urban and rural levels of specialization, but much more subtle than what you imply. In practice, “angular.js developer” is the same kind of “specialization” as “short-order fry cook”, the latter being a designation indicating that its designee probably doesn’t know anything about cooking, and the former implying severe incompetence around web development and software in general. And you can find both of these “specializations” out in the country, because you can find both McDonald’s restaurants and lousy IT companies out in the country – maybe less of the latter because rural America is less wealthy and decadent and has less of a use for that whole industry which is basically a luxury, but that’s got nothing to do with specialization.

You’ll want to go somewhere where your skills are in demand, obviously, and due to higher population density, it’s generally easier in an urban area than a rural area to find a local business in need of your skills. But that’s becoming less and less important with today’s hyper-mobility and remote work opportunities (you’re more likely to find fiber-optic internet in the country than the city, because there’s less regulation), and if you are one of those unfortunate talentless souls who goes after roles like “angular.js developer”, then your “skills” aren’t likely to be in demand anywhere you go for very much longer, I’m sorry to say.

Successful companies want smart generalists, they only invent these hyper-specialized titles where the talent pool is too shallow or inconsistent to get that. The titles and certifications give them a measure of consistency while trading away competence, a good tradeoff for bloated bureaucracies. No matter what profession or industry you’re in, it’s better to be smart, adaptable and quick than it is to be massively overtrained in one narrow area.

Do you think Jim’s little corner of Australia is one that’s well-known for its booming cryptocurrency industry? Somehow I doubt it. Jim went where he wanted to go and found a way to put his skills to work for him. I did the same, minus the Australia bit. So can you. There’s no need to tie yourself to some giant metro area, all it does is breed helplessness and despair.

I sort of both disagree and agree, it is complicated, where to even start… if a succesful generalist implies someone who knows the deep basics of his profession and a smart, fast learner, yes, that would be sort of ideal.

But those very succesful companies expect people not only to smart, but also to work quite hard, to dedicate themselves to their jobs. Working for them does not work for the “functionally lazy”, in the sense of someone having other kinds of projects going on that are just as much important as the main paying job. After one of those workdays, one would feel little energy left to research or even read history, for example. They are really not sinecures.

The succesful large companies are strip-mining the talent pool so much, that normal average not very succesful companies, especially small ones just don’t expect you to be smart. They don’t see really smart candidates, they themselves are not smart, their recruiters are not smart. Hence the joke that they demand 5+ years of experience in a 3 years old technology because they assume everybody is a slow learning trained monkey with no brains and they need that much time to learn it.

So looking at things from the perspective of someone who was never married to his paying job but more like seeing it as a sinecure, i.e. as someone who does about 150% of the output of the trained monkey at way less than 40 actual working hours a week, and is therefore working for companies who hire trained monkeys, I can say they demand specialized experience because they do not expect you to be smart. They have recruiters searching for expressions like “X years of experience in Buzzword”. And being smart can be politically dangerous these days.

Of course, finding a smart but lazy boss and thus being allowed to be a smart and lazy generalist is best, but it is really luck.

I am assuming the sinecure attitude because this is not really the best times to take a job or career really seriously. That works in a functional society that promises, rewards and expects serious long-time cooperation. These are not those times. Those guys who back then had put in insane productivity at Google, what do they have to show for it now?… so in my mind it is enough to outproduce the trained monkeys by half while spending half the workday reading e-books and taking the notes for writing one, for example.

Yes, rural companies can be like that, too, overspecialized because dumb, but first, the whole attitude to living is different. One does not expect some property management company to fix the leaking whatever, he does it himself. This is my experience of the European countryside, America might different but I think not much.

Second, and even more importantly, out in the country people know each other personally, they are not a faceless mass. So one does not get hired by a recruiter hunting for buzzwords. “Networking”, a term as an autistic introvert I have always hated and never done, is something one ought to pursue in the city, but in the country it just happens sort of automatically. So easier to find that smart boss who wants a smart all-around generalist. And if they are producing for the local market, they have to generalists, they cannot really afford to specialize.

Again my experience might differ because I keep hearing that the markets are more efficient in the US than in my neck of Europe. Meaning that small companies grow big there and if other small companies do not put in a lot of effort to keep up, they lose out to them. I see less of such market fluidity here, perhaps because once a small company grows big enough to provide a comfortable living to the owner, he is not really going to put in a lot of effort to get bigger, so tends to not threaten other small companies much.

~loclun-midwyt says:

When US falls, Europe will be swarmed with Arab invaders. Canada is close enough to US and already so cucked as to rule it out as an option.

So how will Australia and New Zealand fare? The one advantage I see is they’re far enough out of the way that Muslims can’t stroll across the border when SHTF.

There were stories a while back about billionaires buying up parts of NZ for retirement and in case things go pear shaped. Seems like a nice place, but probably pretty cucked given their PM.

Australia seems pretty based – I believe you lived there at some point Jim. How do you see it going during America’s collapse? Might be considered part of the Chinese Empire by then. Aside from that, I probably wouldn’t be optimistic about either.

Aussie (he/him) says:

Australia is a mixed bag. The Federal Government is controlled by the centre-right Liberal Party which has a strong left faction. They came to power in 2013 under a Roman Catholic candidate, Tony Abbott, who promised to “stop the boats,” “axe the [carbon] tax” and clear the “debt and deficit.”

The boats are such an election loser that they are off the table now. So no more boats. Although we do have airports. So they just fly the shitheads in now. Thankfully they are a higher quality of shithead, who can pick fruit and work in chicken processing, rather than the kinds of shitheads the left want – welfare parasites who vote for more welfare.

Abbott axed the tax. Murdoch has a stranglehold over the media and he is against carbon taxes. But the government does “believe the science,” so has a policy of direct action rather than funding globalist climate orgs.

Abbott didn’t clear the debt and deficit because the kikes won’t allow that. Trying to do so got him switched out for Malcolm Turnbull, a Goldman Sachs man. Turnbull got faggot marriage done. He got destroyed by Murdoch because of his position on the climate hoax. Now we have a Zionist Pentecostal fanatic as PM. This was the same guy who was in charge of stopping the boats. So he’s not so bad. Just a fat fatherly managerial type.

The country is Covid-free. The only infections we have are from people in hotel quarantine. But they are just holding back the inevitable because the vaccine is useless and Coronachan will not be denied forever. The Boomers will pay.

Our states are fully pozzed. Our universities are the same as everywhere else – enemy enclaves. Although thankfully in the last year the Federal Government has begun creating disincentives for humanities degrees, so at some level they realise that these are shitlib breeding facilities.

Nicotine vape is ILLEGAL in Australia. We are a nanny state. The city centres are full of Asians and the inner suburbs are full of niggers and Jihadis. But you can still live a nice white existence in the outer suburbs or regional centres. It’s a big country. People are very chill here (which is a mixed blessing, because they are lulled to sleep whilst their country is taken from them) because there is so much space and opportunity. We are a peaceful society where people are culturally equalitarian & left-liberal, with a little belief in social welfare, but overall fiscal conservatism. The Liberal Party caters best to this dynamic. We are bombarded with multicult agitprop from cradle to grave but no one engages in it. All the ethnics live in their enclaves.

The weather is awesome. Lots of sun year round. The occasional drought but always plenty of water reserves. Occasional floods. The only reason we have disastrous bushfires is because environmentalists forbid proper forest management and backburning. Fertile soil. Abundant food. Rich in mineral wealth. The Triune God has blessed us richly. Which is why it is such a shame that we are going to lose it all.

Our entire society now is based around worship of the Abo – the most cursed and degenerate race created on the Triune God’s green earth. The Abo is the Australian totem of *Liberal-Democracy*. It’s the cultural cringe imported from America. The Magical Abo, if you will. You can’t even enjoy a cricket match now without having to bend the knee. So you stop watching cricket.

The solution is to throw off the shackles of Communist China and Communist America, implement deportation squads, bulldoze the family courts, clear the faggots out of the churches, and then impose a total autarkic martial industrial state. Or – so at least one can dream.

jim says:

> Nicotine vape is ILLEGAL in Australia.

No it is not. They keep planning to make it illegal, the date at which it is going to be illegal keeps being pushed back.

It is illegal to sell nicotine vape juice, but keeps being legal to import it.

Chosen Podium says:

@Aussie, Other than the “he/him” crap, that is the finest post I’ve ever seen here. Points out the problem, who is responsible, and the obvious solution.

The Ducking Man says:

No island is too far away for desparate middle eastern immigrant. Though only the brave soul go to australia using illegal ships.

If you are white better buckle up because australia will follow europe when SHTF.

chris says:

Australia will be 10 years behind wherever the US goes.

yewotm8 says:

When the US falls, won’t European nations be able to keep migrants out without fear of US government reprisal?

Starman says:


The fall of the US will result in migrants and their enablers hanging from European bridges.

Leon says:

I am also curious about Australia. I have been told repeatedly that I would love it out there and fit right in. How would Australia fare Jim? Do you agree with the pronoun Aussie who posted below?

Pooch says:

Australia seems like it’s in the best shape demographically currently. Doesn’t seem to have the sheer amount of feral blacks/arabs of the US and Europe *yet*. And It may be one of the safer places to be when the singularity hits because of being right on the edge of American hegemony.

However, Australia/NZ is certainly not based, and depending what region you’re in, seem to have had the most brutal absurd COVID restrictions in the world, likely going above and beyond to signal holiness to the Cathedral because of its distance. I would expect them to do that with any future psyops including Green New Deal and legal immigration which they could decide to dramatically increase at any point (I believe it is already high).

Starman says:

Just to get a sense of scale. There are 30,000 heavily armed troops in DC right now. That’s quite an enormous Prætorian Guard.

In contrast, Canada’s entire standing army is 23,000 troops.

Pooch says:

I expect a mass purge of Trump supporters, conservatives, and white Christians from the military. Special Forces likely to be abandoned. If the military brass can resist this in anyway that will be telling on their future as a power broker.

Pooch says:
Ace says:

Will Biden/Democrats/Deep state have control of the Military? With the loss of legitimacy, the military itself unlikely to obey civilian commands that harm them.

Starman says:

With the civilian government openly ignoring the law and the elections clearly fraudulent, there’s less and less reason for the military to submit to the civilian authority. After all, they have most of the guns, tanks and bombs.

The FBI is a tiny force of 14,000 armed men spread across the American empire, meanwhile the huge 30,000 DC Praetorian Guard is merely 1% of the US Military.

Ace says:

That’s my point, unless the military is criminally stupid and acts against their own group interest, then it doesn’t seem terribly likely. But I have no insight into the military and can’t predict their actions. I had thought there would have been major push back against Obama’s purges, but there was almost none. I guess we’ll find out the first time Biden orders a purge or sends the FBI after military officers.

Anyone know if the Military is now handing intel to China Joe’s team of CCP spies?

Starman says:

During Obama’s purges, it wasn’t obvious that the law is dead and Presidential elections fraudulent.

Ace says:

True. However, we just watched the suprema court and all other courts completely destroy their own legitimacy by refusing to hear any cases about election fraud. They continue to operate under the delusion that somehow they can will people to ignore it, and normalcy will return. It makes me wonder if the military might operate under a similar such delusion.

Again, I don’t know shit about what’s going on with the military, but so far I haven’t noticed a single American insinuation fully grasping that the rules have been destroyed and that adhering to the old rules will result in destruction shortly. Normal basis is a real destroyer.

jim says:

This would parallel Kerensky’s destruction of the Russian army – which destroyed the power base on which the deep state’s power rested, rendering them and Kerensky powerless against their dangerously useful allies in the far left.

If the right is purged from the army, Antifa will start using massed gunfire.

Ace says:

According to Jack Posobiec they haven’t said why the capitol is locked down, it simply is.

Qanon shaman strolling into the Senate chamber with police escort:

This is a really poor Reichstag fire.

Podium of Peace says:

The rank-and-file of the military are order takers. Sure, they take the oath, but have no legal background and are just parroting the words. Don’t count on them to defend your imaginary rights. If they are told to roll tanks in your neighborhood and round you up, that is precisely what they will do.

It’s being reported that they are in DC without ammo or mags. Even their own controllers don’t trust them. Why should you? Even military members with clearances have to go through metal detectors. Do not trust them. All this hype about military being heros is a recruiting tool for the gullible. Don’t fall for it. These are mainly young men that couldn’t hack it in the free market.

Starman says:

@Podium of Peace

Words, words, words, blah blah blah

The OC says:

Trump repealed the Act for the Protection of the Republic

Biden had the Brownshirts.

Trump set fire to the Reischstag.

Biden crossed the Rubicon, and became Elagabalus.

Stay safe friends.

Pooch says:

Take the Qtard crap elsewhere.

The OC says:


James Thornton says:

Can anyone comment on the mask and general covid situation in Asia? I haven’t been to Asia since the hysteria began. In Bangkok, or HK, or Seoul for example, do people wear masks on the street? Are you supposed to wear a mask indoors?

Larry in Bangkok says:

James Thornton asked about the situation in Asia.

Here in Bangkok, local people are meekly doing as they are told — when they can be observed.
But behind the curtain, not so much now as at the beginning.

In banks, government offices, large shopping malls, hired security at the doors checking incoming temperatures.
Face masks everywhere inside.
Tape on the floor for distancing.

But in small, neighborhood shops, and local open-air markets, no checking.
About 50% masks.
No attention at all to distancing.
And that trend is increasing.

I see a widening split in the population:
Middle class is very “observant”, falling all over themselves to be “orthodox”.
But the masses, the working classes, are less and less observant with each passing day.
One long-time friend from the working class (middle age woman with her own tiny business) said to me the other day, “I’m so bored with all this (C-19). It is very depressing.”
She is bold say it out loud in a culture that values conformity, but she seems typical in her feelings.

Overall, in Thailand at least, we are NOT in trouble.
Upsets and disruptions, yes, but there is always some high drama going on in this culture.
However, for those who lose jobs and businesses, yes, big trouble.
But nothing like the widespread repression that I read about in Western countries.

More on any of this if you wish, but, please, in private emails — not on the public Internet.
I don’t want to be forced to “answer” for my further opinions in some future distopia.

Email: lcameron1944@fastmail.us

The Cominator says:

This sounds very glowniggerish, if you live in Bangkok why would you care what sort of thoughtcrimes you are commiting against the left. The Thais have long had an official form of buddhism where killing commies muslims and such troublemakers is not considered to be bad for your karma. Its not likely the left will ever get power there…

Here in India there is almost zero enforcement of mask wearing or physical distancing in rural and semi urban areas and in cities mask wearing is nominally followed but almost no physical distancing. In cities I see almost 50% non compliance of mask wearing in public, but in high end shops/malls and some offices they don’t let you in without mask and a temperature scan. Among the lower classes the observance is considerably less than the upper classes. Enforcement is lax and randomly only done in very specific areas.

Lockdowns are observed in name only and with maximum relaxation. I’ve travelled freely within my state without any problems since August and I am sure even the inter state travel restrictions are mostly relaxed but I have not travelled out of my state recently.

Educational institutions continue to remain closed and classes continue to be taken online but there is talk of reopening. Most workplaces are continuing work from home where it’s feasible, but many offices have opened with 75% or more attendance.

But then again we Indians have a long history of not following norms and in these situations such unconscious civil disobedience is actually a good thing

John C. Calhoun says:

I noticed the same pattern with NRIs in the west as well. Except for brahmins (especially tambrams) who piously promote the lockdowns and other proverbial incense stick burning, most Indians seem to be paying lip service to the covid rules. I have observed Punjabis and Sikhs in particular to have the most lax attitude towards the lockdowns and they defiantly still gather in house parties and attend gurudwaras.

Curious though – what is your opinion on the Malyali christians and the fast growing Andhra christian community? Though they are not yet as annoying as brahmins, these christcucks are fast approching their levels of annoyance.

Ace says:


Why don’t you take a military IQ test?

When the US Navy can’t send it’s ships to sea with crashing them does that indicate that A) Everything is fine and it’s just a few bad apples that caused those ships to crash. B) LALALALALLLALALA I can’t hear you! You’re a shill! C) Shit, the US military is failing due to the POZ and is unlikely to be able to win a major war. D) We have super secret weapons that make the complete incomitance of our military force irrelevant! (Said in German while hiding in Bunker under Berlin).

Which is it?

Starman says:


Answer the RedPill on women question.

Theshadowedknight says:

He committed thoughtcrime in his answer to you, above and beyond the question asked. Not something an HR-supervised shill could write.

Starman says:

Joe answered it.
Ace’s answer looked close enough, but he didn’t just answer the multiple choice question.

Another commentator (LambdaX) answered by starting with “The answer accepted here is.” Which is not really answering the question.

All he has to do is write the question and the answer. It just looks like the way LambdaX answered the question.

Theshadowedknight says:

I see your point, but he didn’t say, “The answer is…” He went farther than your question, in his own words. He didn’t say, “You think…” He said, “I think…” and wrote his own post, claimed to believe it, and committed greater thoughtcrime than even your multiple choice. The purpose is to force the subject to commit thoughtcrime, which he did, with no weaseling.

Starman says:


Fair enough.

At this point, looking at the past three months, I am through with wordsmiths. When someone puts out a bunch of words that contradicts what I see, it’s time for photos and livestreams. For words are nothing compared to actually seeing it live.

Theshadowedknight says:

I also see your point, but the importance of the woman test is to check for HR. The Christian test is looking for Satanists, who are not always under HR. That has to be word for word because it only works if it is verbatim. The woman test is less specific. That is only checking for HR, and there are a broad category of words that HR hates. Satan enjoys lies and hates fewer words, so the Satan check needs to be more specific. It’s important to understand not only what we do to keep out entryism, but why we do them.

The Cominator says:

We live in a time of lies but not everything can be seen live… lawyers are of course not people to be trusted (Giuliani seemed mostly honest to me and I don’t agree with people who blame him for Trump’s loss in the courts, the fix was in Giuliani’s arguments about fraud were IMHO truthful, logical well organized and sensible).

I am not a warrior or a vet, do not claim to be one I just try to way the words of others against each other. The vets we have here are you and TSK. You have a rosy view of the military it seems even as is, TSK has a very negative view…

Most vets/warriors have views that fall almost in between but most right wing vets have for a long time take a negative view at least of the higher levels of command.

I do not think the US military is a total Brezhnev era hollow shell (otoh they probably maintained their nukes a lot better than we are doing now even if they were terrible with maintaining all their other equipment) but think the poz and a system that enshrines toadying as a means of promotion is going to have a lot of things that don’t work.

And the American military did not always promote based on kissing ass in the WWII era there were a lot of WWII generals known for being blunt, tactless and disagreeable with superiors and subordinates alike, in fact it seemed to be the rule rather than the exception. Ike and Bradley were the only WWII era generals known for being anything like today’s generals. Terry Allen, Le May and Stillwell were known for being worse than Patton.

Starman says:


Great multiple paragraphs, but no photos and livestream videos.

I don’t trust any lawyers, including Giuliani. And his sweating and dribbling hair dye was uncool… just as much of a joke as the idea of a dementia patient being “elected” to the White House.

The Cominator says:

My point is not everything can be a livestream of a rocket or a weapons test though, mere words must sometimes be used and if you want to use images videos and memes this website is not the best medium for it.

It does suck for people like us with the truth seeker gene/preference to live in a time of lies though.

Starman says:


“My point is not everything can be a livestream of a rocket or a weapons test though, mere words must sometimes be used and if you want to use images videos and memes this website is not the best medium for it.”

Mere words can no longer be used to make a claim. Words spectacularly failed during these past three months (Where’s the Kraken? What is it?). Only Curtis Yarvin’s words regarding the trajectory of President Trump matched what I was seeing.

Pooch says:

My take on the military as an outsider is if the parts still run and executed by mostly white male (even if they are Obama-leftist) than still likely combat-effective. As bad and cringey as the Esper/Milley/Mattis types are on ideology they appear to still be highly competent and masculine leaders.

Wherever we find crashing ships and the like we’ll find diversity there. Wherever we find cool space force stuff happening we’ll find white males there. So seeing things actually function, like R7 says, correctly is going to be a good proxy for white males. Unknown who has more diversity than who but it’s probably not uniform yet.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

I remember more than a few people here saying, almost since election day, that the “Kraken” was a non-starter, that Sidney Powell was going insane, and that Lin Wood was either a grifter or an enemy agent. In fact I’m almost positive that the people defending them were in the minority.

I can totally understand the impulse to be angry at an entire class of people when so many from that class are doing their best to make life miserable for you, the people you know, and the western world in general. However, lumping engineers and physicists in with lawyers and social studies professors and HR ladies is throwing the baby out with the bathwater. And “pics or stfu” definitely does have its place, but if you’re going to respond to absolutely everything with “pics or stfu”, then you’ve pretty well thrown out any pretense of civility and cooperation.

This is a blog, and blog comments. 99% of what people do here is read and write. It’s not a place to post pics and livestreams. If that’s all you’re interested in, maybe you’d be happier on BitChute and 4chan/8chan.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Starman has been a good commentator for a long time, but he hasn’t been handling recent events very well. There’s been an evinced emotional need for something to provide a sense of surety or stability or security, and his resistance to the idea that the armed forces are being pozzed, or not engaging with people in conversation except to say ‘pics or it didnt happen’, are both expressions of this same phenomena.

Pooch says:

Everyone here is a good commentator just by virtue of comprehending Jim, and to be fair we are all collectively getting our ass kicked now with Trump’s lose. I can say personally I am not in a good frame of mind. Probably best not to take it out on each other.

jim says:

Yes, not taking it well either.

All potential leadership has been thoroughly purged.

We have to build a cryptographic infrastructure that will support non state corporations, sovereign corporations, from which leadership will emerge. It is going be a long haul. I was hoping for a shortcut.

Catholic Sheepdog says:

Isn’t the answer a mixture of A (everything isn’t fine – just that there are bad apples) and C with a smattering of D.

It is reasonable to assume that the military does have some weapons which are secret the capabilities of which we don’t know. Wasn’t there some admiral who said that US carrier battle groups are more defended that we think.

Everything isn’t fine, but there are bad apples in the military. US military is notorious for being an organisation where promotion under non poz times, is based upon how well you sucked your commanders dick. So when you add obama and diversity commissars to the mix you get complete incompetents up the ranks. I am a fan of John T Reed’s analysis of the US army as it jives with what I know from the ex military people I am acquainted with.

When you add the diversity police and women who love to get pregnant just before deployment and female petty officers who love to get fucked by half a section on a cruise you end up with some serious issues in a military unit. However, this doesn’t mean that the US can’t win a major war. The russian military has its own issues and the chinese who are operating their full spectrum war on the west, when it comes to a shooting match I still think they lose despite certain weapons they have managed to develop – notably anti-ship capabilities.

I just wonder if Jims assessment is correct. Do the US nukes actually work still?

The Cominator says:

Yes I’ve heard the US military’s promotion criteria (at least for officers) is based more on toadying than anything and this is a very bad thing IMHO. Hierarchy may be the will of gnon but promotion should be based on ability and performance criteria more than whether your superiors like you.

Contrast that to the Prussian and later German officer corps (which in American propaganda education we’re taught had a culture of mindless obedience) that mostly based their promotion (in peacetime) off success in wargames and members who made higher ranks usually needed to show an example in their career where in wartime they DISOBEYED direct orders and were right (and yes of course disobeying orders had court martial risk its not that it was legal or encouraged day to day of course, but in the Prussian and German armies military success was a legitimate defense for failing to obey superior orders and it was the highest distinction for an officer to risk the consequences of doing so and be right) and achieved notable military success as a result of doing so.

Starman says:

At this point, based on the last three months, relying on blog comments and wordsmiths aren’t useful as measures of the Pentagon’s position.

Livestreams are a better measure than words for checking any red flags on the Pentagon.

Starman says:

@Catholic Sheepdog

“I just wonder if Jims assessment is correct. Do the US nukes actually work still?”

Unless he can livestream US nukes failing their tests, we cannot know if his assessment is correct. Or we can find out in a nuclear war with China/Russia.

jim says:

The problem is that there have been no tests for a very long time.

Starman says:


Show the video and photos.

Right now, I’m agnostic on your claim. It could be true, but words are now useless for making claims. The last three months were really spectacular in the failure of the cubicle class.

The Cominator says:

Dude its been a dark time but you can’t livestream test that DID NOT happen…

Starman says:

@The Cominator

“Dude its been a dark time but you can’t livestream test that DID NOT happen…”

Nice string of words, but no cigar.

You can have a video of the generals at StratCOM discussing that they can’t test the nukes. But that would be illegal. So a video (or even better, a livestream) of Chinese/Russian tanks and troops in Western cities would suffice, since that would be one of the results if the claim of US nukes not working was proven true.

Theshadowedknight says:

No, you can’t, because if you are in the kind of place where those kind of conversations take place you can’t livestream. If you pulled out a phone you would get your ass kicked. Even if you figured out how to sneak a phone in, you would still have to figure out how to get a signal through the defenses. I have enough experience in that field to know better than to think you can get video evidence. At that level you have to draw inferences and piece things together, because you won’t have solid information absent a leak or a mole. Even then, that isn’t terribly reliable.

Starman says:


That’s the thing, a claim without video and livestream is useless. Words are now useless in making claims.

“I have enough experience in that field to know better than to think you can get video evidence.”

Photo and video or didn’t happen.

“At that level you have to draw inferences and piece things together,”

That game is now over.

Theshadowedknight says:

That is a foolish position to take. Videos can be faked. Source vetting is the answer, not disregarding everything you can’t see or touch.

Starman says:


Blah blah blah. Words words words.

“Videos can be faked.”

That’s why I said livestreams are better.

And both video and livestreams are far far superior to useless strings of words for making a claim.

Joe says:

We stand on the eve of judgment. These word by Peter, Apostle of Jesus Christ, are as prescient now as they were almost two thousand years ago.

1 Peter 4:12-19

Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you:

But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.

If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye; for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you: on their part he is evil spoken of, but on your part he is glorified.

But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evildoer, or as a busybody in other men’s matters.

Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf.

For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?

And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?

Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator.

Pooch says:

Biden’s diversity Sec Of Defense hire says “I will rid our [Pentagon and US military] ranks of racists & extremists.”


Starman says:

More wordsmithing.

Theshadowedknight says:

The second tweet has a link to the livestream. If you had just clicked on the link and bothered to read it, you would have seen it. If you are trying to impress everyone with your dedication to evidence, keep it to yourself.

Starman says:


People stating official policy that was official policy when I enlisted isn’t proof of anything new.

Pooch says:

R7 is in denial. Your blessed military is about to be purged. Don’t be shocked when they plugged gets pulled on SpaceX. I sure won’t.

jim says:

They are not going to consciously and intentionally pull the plug on SpaceX. They are going to appoint a range safety officer who considers things going BOOM unacceptable, and that a rocket is unsafe unless Shaniqua is doing the engineering.

To get stuff approved, the right people will have to be in charge of the engineers, and the right people will take the view that the SpaceX mission is not a multiplanetary civilization, but proving that all science and technology was stolen from middle eastern arabs and black female sub saharan Africans.

Starman says:


Well here’s the livestream of SpaceX Starship:

A convenient proxy for the Pentagon’s strength, better than any cubicle dweller’s word salad.

Starman says:


“R7 is in denial. Your blessed military is about to be purged. Don’t be shocked when they plugged gets pulled on SpaceX. I sure won’t.”

Man, if only there was a 24/7 livestream to monitor this…

If Starship is stopped, it will be obvious in the livestream. And after that, it is highly recommended to internationally diversify your assets and currency holdings.

Like I said earlier, your words are absolutely worthless. The saying, “photos and video, or it didn’t happen” is a wise saying.

Joe says:

This is very nice. Thank you.

I am still holding to my own test. I propose the “wedgie” test: a test that irrefutably solidifies the status of warriors over priests, to wit:

General Michael Flynn must, on livestream, give Jim Acosta a wedgie of no shorter than fifteen seconds duration, during which the lower portion of the underpants shall be wedged firmly into Acosta’s butt-crack, and the rear or sides of the underpants shall be brought up to at least level with the T11 vertebra, with the underpants remaining in one contiguous piece, though not necessarily untorn, throughout the procedure.

If this were done during the final countdown to launch then it would, I believe, satisfy both of our demands.

Starman says:


That livestream would most definitely prove that General Flynn has become Generalissimo Flynn.

Joe says:


Deus vult.

Pooch says:

Fair enough. The blackpill got the best of me. Do you recommend fleeing the country too? Or just offshoring assets?

jim says:

> If Starship is stopped, it will be obvious in the livestream.

No it will not.

Starship will be stopped gradually and imperceptibly by ever more stringent requirements for tests not to end in the explosions they so frequently end in, the requirement for politically correct leadership of the engineering team, and by the requirement for female lead engineers.

It will die as intel died.

Nasa’s highest priority became Islamic and female self esteem issues. It is not that they decided to stop space, it is just that they found space more and more difficult, and other matters had higher priority.

And the military’s highest priority is no longer killing bad guys and breaking their toys.

A large proportion of F35s cannot get off the ground, because other things were more important.

Starman says:

Starman says:

“If Starship is stopped, it will be obvious in the livestream.”

Jim responds:

“No it will not.”

Moving goalposts eh?

A livestream beats your string of words. A stoppage in Starship testing will be obvious since it is livestreamed 24/7. And thus a good barometer if the Pentagon is in good shape or bad shape.

Paragraphs of words don’t do shit. As seen with Lin Wood’s endless paragraphs and Sidney Powell’s useless kraken.

Lin Wood says that Chief Justice John Roberts was fucking little puppies and then Roberts threw the puppies in a blender, then got recorded on video.
Well then Mr. Woods, where’s the video?

“A large proportion of F35s cannot get off the ground, because other things were more important.”

Plausible claim, where’s the video of the F35’s failing to take off?
I produced the video of the Senate Lunch System failing to complete static fire. Because words aren’t enough.

jim says:

> > > “If Starship is stopped, it will be obvious in the livestream.”

> > “No it will not.”

> A livestream beats your string of words. A stoppage in Starship testing

A stoppage in starship testing will start with a range safety officer who is not happy on being informed that there is large chance that the test will end in a big explosion, and rapidly proceed to a range safety officer who displays an excessive interest in the sex, race, and sexual preference of the people who built the stuff being tested. “This test is unsafe because of toxic masculinity.”

None of which is going to be obvious in the livestream. Right now, nothing is happening in livestream, and if the range safety officer gets replaced, there will be a great deal more nothing, and an ever diminishing amount of something.

Pooch says:

But I hope and pray you are right and I am wrong.

Starman says:


“But I hope and pray you are right and I am wrong.”

That’s nice, but livestreams are better.

yewotm8 says:

You do seem far too whitepilled on the military. To us it seems obvious that they don’t need to take any of this shit, and that they should immediately stop doing so, in the way that generals of corrupt nations are best at. But it seems most of these faggy generals not only suffer from massive normalcy bias, they enjoy their cushy positions too much to rock the boat.

Starman says:


“You do seem far too whitepilled on the military. To us it seems obvious that they don’t need to take any of this shit, and that they should immediately stop doing so, in the way that generals of corrupt nations are best at. But it seems most of these faggy generals not only suffer from massive normalcy bias, they enjoy their cushy positions too much to rock the boat.”

Nice string of words, but that has proven to be useless for the past three months.

From now on, any claim must be backed by photos and video.

US nukes don’t work?
Video or a livestream of a nuke test failure.
Video or a livestream of the actual commander of StratCOM having a discussion with his underlings admitting they don’t work.
Video or a livestream of Chinese/Russian tanks and troops in Western cities.

US Navy cannot do Naval Nuclear Reactor refueling?
Video or a livestream of the refueling process being stopped indefinitely.

NASA Senate Lunch System failing to complete a static fire?
Video or a livestream of the SLS failing to complete a static fire.

This is probably what Alf feels about claims of based and red-pilled churches in America.

Ace says:

>This is probably what Alf feels about claims of based and red-pilled churches in America.

I haven’t seen any, but I surmise they exist based on the way the media treated the tiny church that artiest gun man murdered everyone in. No one even talked about the victims leading me to believe the media viewed them as people who needed to be killed, IE an actual functioning church.

But in this day and age seeing or hearing testimony from trust worthy people is all we have to go on.

Ace says:


Starman says:

Here’s a test on that question that Alf demanded actual evidence on.

Show me a video of an American pastor denouncing the family court system, denouncing women’s rights, and denouncing the divorce industry. Alf wanted evidence of such a church.

Here’s a video of a Russian Orthodox Christian priest implying that his wife cannot speak to strangers without his permission, and then he gives her permission:

Ace says:

>Show me a video of an American pastor denouncing the family court system, denouncing women’s rights, and denouncing the divorce industry. Alf wanted evidence of such a church.

Such a video would likely result in the pastor being arrested by the FBI or the IRS, his kids given to faggots by CPS.

We’re quite unlikely to ever see that video because of it, if it exists. Note I said surmised, not that I knew it existed.


>And many would say Cleave and Erica May Rengo fit the profile of persecuted parents. Having home-birthed their last two children, being believing Christians, and preferring alternative medicine to the conventional variety, they likely wouldn’t have been in favor with notoriously liberal CPS social workers. And part of the justification for seizing their kids also raises suspicion: CPS viewed as neglect the Rengos’ refusal to treat their eldest child’s eczema with steroidal medication. Eczema is a skin condition that can cause itching but is not life-threatening, and the parents were treating it with natural remedies.

There are real dangers to putting thought crimes to video.

I’ve spent a great deal of time spouting thought crimes in bars hanging out with friends and I’ve gotten away with it because no one is recording and I say such things with great confidence. The Karens who would have normally recorded me and reported me to my employer and the local media deem my behavior as high status and ignore it. But the moment my words hit video, I’d be fucked.

Starman says:


Livestreaming a Naval Nuclear Reactor refuel would get you arrested.

Livestreaming highly classified discussions of the Commander of StratCOM would also have the same fate.

Pooch says:

Unpozzed churches do exist to the extent they are allowed to exist in the current thoughtcrime climate and the church hierarchy. A good barometer test is the mask compliance of the congregation and the priest. The farther you are outside of the cities, the greater chance to find them.

I can tell my Catholic priest is a Trump supporter. He mentions the sins of Abortion and qualifies the gay and fake Pope’s allowance of the Covid vaccine with the fact that it was tested with aborted fetuses. He also did not outright condemn the Capital riots, essentially saying to do so and support the BLM riots is hypocritical.

Ace says:

>Livestreaming highly classified discussions of the Commander of StratCOM would also have the same fate.

I don’t need a live stream. I read the report on the last destroyer crash and noted the people responsible were not punished while the people who had nothing to do with the crash, were. When you punish the innocent, while excusing the guilty, soon nothing works right.

I also read what “Mad Faggot” Mattis did after the Marines presented him with proof women in combat destroys combat effectiveness. He fired the people who spoke the truth, integrated the Marines rendering them useless, and then put a Shaniqua in charge of the Marines. If the Marines go into combat again, they’ll suffer the same fate or more like a worse fate than the IDF suffered in Lebanon.

Military units with women quickly cease to be combat effective and Military units lead by Sheboons are unlikely to even have working weapons, let alone warriors to fire them.

Pooch says:

Another barometer I saw mentioned, as an indicator of US military poz, would be Poland and Hungary ditching NATO for Russian military support (as much as they hate their former occupiers). They would only do this if they were sure of superior Russian military Capability. The livestream would be Russian troops holding military exercises there.

Starman says:


“I don’t need a live stream.”

And I don’t need your useless words.

Starman says:


“Unpozzed churches do exist to the extent they are allowed to exist in the current thoughtcrime climate and the church hierarchy. A good barometer test is the mask compliance of the congregation and the priest. The farther you are outside of the cities, the greater chance to find them.”

You have produced no video evidence of such a church existing in America.

Typing a bunch of words saying so isn’t proof. Have we learned a lesson from the behavior of Lin Wood and Sidney Powell?

jim says:

> You have produced no video evidence of such a church existing in America.

If there was video evidence of such a church existing in America, child protective services would seize the children of the congregation and sell them to fags.

But I have heard a pastor preaching the red pill on women.

Starman says:


“Another barometer I saw mentioned, as an indicator of US military poz, would be Poland and Hungary ditching NATO for Russian military support (as much as they hate their former occupiers). They would only do this if they were sure of superior Russian military Capability. The livestream would be Russian troops holding military exercises there.”

Final total loss of US military power (the rest of the world finding out that US nukes don’t work, for example) would result in Chinese/Russian troops in western countries. The beginning of US military power loss would be the stopping of SpaceX Starship.

Pooch says:

You have produced no video evidence of such a church existing in America.

Typing a bunch of words saying so isn’t proof. Have we learned a lesson from the behavior of Lin Wood and Sidney Powell?

Wasn’t talking to you. My reply was to Ace.

clovis says:

My pastor refused to wear a mask and refused to let the church close during the early covid lockdown (or any time afterward). This is in a solid blue western state. He also is trying to do away with women voting in congregations meetings or serving on the church council, I’m pretty certain. Meanwhile there are other, smaller Lutheran denominations in which only men have suffrage in the church, which was our practice also until the early 70s. So the red pill on women is at least latent in plenty of protestant churches in the US.

Pooch says:

If there was video evidence of such a church existing in America, child protective services would seize the children of the congregation and sell them to fags.

And nowadays Health officials would shutdown the church and arrest the priest in violation of covid protocol.

Starman says:


“But I have heard a pastor preaching the red pill on women.”

Video or it didn’t happen.

“If there was video evidence of such a church existing in America, child protective services would seize the children of the congregation and sell them to fags.”

Someone on the inside might know that the US Navy can carry out a nuclear refuel, but if he ever put that on livestream, he would be arrested.

jim says:

> > “But I have heard a pastor preaching the red pill on women.”

> Video or it didn’t happen.

If video, he would lose his church and his children.

Starman says:


“My pastor refused to wear a mask and refused to let the church close during the early covid lockdown (or any time afterward). This is in a solid blue western state. He also is trying to do away with women voting in congregations meetings or serving on the church council, I’m pretty certain. Meanwhile there are other, smaller Lutheran denominations in which only men have suffrage in the church, which was our practice also until the early 70s. So the red pill on women is at least latent in plenty of protestant churches in the US.”</blockquote
You have no video evidence of that, just words.

Every single pastor in America that I've seen (including ones in deep red state areas) has failed to denounce the family courts, failed to denounce the divorce industry, failed to denounce women's rights. The only video footage available from American pastors are the tele-evangelists… and those quacks refuse to even question the divorce industry, something that Bill Maher and Joe Rogan can easily do.

clovis says:


I just told you anecdotally what my pastor did; I told you there are churches where women are not permitted to vote at congregations meetings because they are required to be subject to their husbands. Of course such churches forbid divorce except in case of adultery or desertion, as per the New Testament. The churches and pastors I’m describing are not as strong as they ought to be, but they are far more “red-pilled” than, say, the American military, which allows women and queers on the battlefield.

Starman says:


“I just told you anecdotally what my pastor did;”

I just have an anecdote about Sidney Powell’s secret plan!

Sidney Powell has gathered a force of psychic lizard space aliens that will finally return Trump back to the US Presidency using their mind beams. This must be the Kraken. I don’t have any video to prove this claim, just trust my words! Words are good enough, right?

Theshadowedknight says:

Rocket, shut the fuck up. We get it, you are butthurt that the military, your people, bent over and spread their cheeks for the left, “For the Constitution.” Get over it. You are turning the discourse here into shit tier insults, pointless interruptions, and lowering the level of the conversation with your autistic screeching about, muh livestreams and video.” Go cry it out, wash the sand out of your vagina, take some Preparation H and Vagasil, and come back when you are ready to talk to me, like a man.

Theshadowedknight says:

Pointedly, this is why I no longer consider the military, “my people.” When the left comes to kill men like me, it will be with the military cheering it on or helping them do it. I suggest you all start facing the same reality. “Muh troops” are going to be enforcing all of this until a general or colonel says, “Fuck the Constitution, I’m in charge.” Until then, fuck them. They showed their colors–color, really, as in singular–and it is yellow. Bombing barbarians a world away who can barely fight back? Sure, fuck ’em up! Standing up to the theft of your nation? Nope… they called us mean names.

Starman says:


“Rocket, shut the fuck up.”

You shut fuck up. You and Sidney Powell and Lin Wood needs to shut up and provide video fucking evidence for your claims.

“Photos and video for your claim, or you are a liar” should be the standard now. It’s too bad that you have lower standards.

jim says:

When we all need to hide behind nyms, photos and videos are a grossly inappropriate standard.

And your videos show nothing happening with starship. If, as is likely, Musk finds himself with a range safety officer who believes that the gravest danger is that posed by toxic masculinity, a whole lot of nothing will continue to happen.

Your videos don’t show anything. What we talk about cannot be shown by video or photo.

alf says:

You know where I have heard people preach the red pill on women? Here. I have screenshots.

I agree with Rocket. This unfalsifiable argumentation must stop. Either you have faith in silent movements, but then keep silent. If you speak up, back it up. Hearsay is not backing it up.

jim says:

Rocket claims our military is effective.

The military is quite obviously dysfunctional, and dysfunctional in proportion as it give priority to proving that women are interchangeable with men, and blacks interchangeable with whites, the navy being the most obviously dysfunctional.

And its dysfunction is manifest in the fact that naval ships are increasingly staying in port to function as Democratic party vote banks.

As the dysfunction of the F35 is manifest in them staying on the ground, the dysfunction of the navy is manifest in it staying in port. Today’s navy just is not getting out of port as often as it used to, from which one may reasonably conclude it is unable to get out of port as often as it used to.

Theshadowedknight says:

Don’t lump me in with Q. That’s dishonest fuckery. That isn’t an argument, it’s an attack, and it’s a sneaky, bitchy attack worthy of a woman.

I didn’t take pictures of my claims because I fucking lived them for years. I had to clean up after the women who couldn’t carry their weight. I had to figure out how to rescue some fucked up plan I was given. I had to dodge bullshit and knives. I was to bust to take pictures I could never share because it would destroy me.

Healthy. Militaries. Don’t. FUCKING. CRASH. NAVAL. VESSELS. INTO. FUCKING. CARGO. SHIPS. That’s something we all know. You talk shit about a functioning military, and you have to point to someone outside the military to do it? Then you demand proof from me? Fuck you; know your place. You’re Biden’s bitch now.

Starman says:


“I agree with Rocket. This unfalsifiable argumentation must stop. Either you have faith in silent movements, but then keep silent. If you speak up, back it up. Hearsay is not backing it up.”


We have reaped the fruits of hearsay and rambling paragraphs… Sidney Powell’s ridiculous Kraken bullshit and even worse, Q-Anon.

Starman says:


Photos and video, or it didn’t happen.

Starman says:


“As the dysfunction of the F35 is manifest in them staying on the ground, the dysfunction of the navy is manifest in it staying in port. Today’s navy just is not getting out of port as often as it used to, from which one may reasonably conclude it is unable to get out of port as often as it used to.”

Where’s the video? I only know of dysfunction that I actually saw.
This shit is very important, we just had grifters pretending to be on our side steal our money and our time. It’s very unfortunate that it has to be this way, but the new standard really has to be “photos and video, or it didn’t happen.”

alf says:

The US military was competent, is now growing incompetent. The navy especially; the recent, uncharacteristic navy crashes are documented well-enough I think?

But like with the nuclear weapons: circumstantial evidence that they are not receiving the same level of care as they used to does not necessarily mean they don’t work. It’s very possible, but unfalsifiable until we see evidence.

jim says:

We have lost the capability to make tritium.

Pretty good indicator that our thermonukes do not work any more. They need tritium.

Ace says:

The fact that our nukes are 30 years past their shelf life is a pretty good indication they don’t work. Russia completely rebuilt their entire stockpile in the last 10 years because they hadn’t built any weapons since the late 80s. We haven’t done the same.

We’ve been trying to build tritium plants since around 2010 and we continue to fail(expected complete by 2030 now, but much like the SLS, it won’t be):


Starman says:


Great news Mr. Ace, maybe you should go to the Chinese or Russian embassy to tell them this very important information! There might be a big cash prize for you.

Note: 5 half-lives of Tritium is 60 years.

Ace says:

>Note: 5 half-lives of Tritium is 60 years.

Why the 5? The half life of Tritium is 12.5 years and we haven’t been making it since the 80s, which is 30 years ago now. We got along for a while on Russian Tritium and recycling old bombs, but that supply has been dry for over a decade.

Starman says:


“Why the 5? The half life of Tritium is 12.5 years and we haven’t been making it since the 80s, which is 30 years ago now. We got along for a while on Russian Tritium and recycling old bombs, but that supply has been dry for over a decade”

More evidence that multiple commentators here have no goddamn fucking clue what they’re talking about. Tell me, oh smart one, why “5” half lives is important. Then you can tell the Chinese/Russian embassy this important information so you can get your giant cash prize!

Starman says:


“Pretty good indicator that our thermonukes do not work any more. They need tritium.”

Then go and inform the Chinese/Russian embassy then. I’m sure your string of words and paragraphs will be convincing.

For Mr. Smart Pants Ace, he can educate me on why 5 half-lives is important. Then he can inform the Chinese/Russian embassy personnel.

Once again “photos and videos, or it didn’t happen” is a wise position right now.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

According to Starman, livestreams of SpaceX launches – of a civilian operation that is at best military-adjacent and has never had combat capabilities nor likely ever will even if it succeeds in its actual mission beyond all expectations – is sufficient to show that the U.S. military is in overall good health. Photos and videos of crashing ships, pozzed officers, and troops currently humiliating themselves in DC over a phantom threat are NOT sufficient evidence to the contrary.

Also according to Starman, because some lawyers used “words” in a bad way, lawyers who were roundly criticized and laughed at here, this means “words” are now bad and so are the people using them, all of whom are just like those lawyers. But this same rationale could not apply to – for example – CNN using photos and live streams, or communists using guns. Those things are still good, even if they were used by bad people.

This petty and childish assault on logic itself would make the most dedicated critical theorists and Marxist professors blush. Even people’s own firsthand experience is no longer valid, because it’s being communicated verbally and is therefore “just words” – really a not very clever disguise for “I don’t believe you, you’re lying.” It’s a totally bulletproof argument – if you’re six years old and your audience consists of very patient guardians who are willing to put up with hour after hour of fingers-in-ears “LA LA LA I CAN’T HEAR YOU” screeching.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone else here self-destruct so quickly and completely. CR ragequitting every six minutes went out with more dignity. The way you cling emotionally to your SpaceX livestreams is like the way a low-functioning autist clings to his trains or how a 55-year-old MGTOW clings to his anime body pillow. It’s embarrassing and pathetic and gross, but unlike those guys who are only harming themselves, in this case it’s also extremely disruptive to people who are trying to have an actual conversation.

Denial is the first stage of grief, but we don’t have time for all the stages, YOU don’t have time, things are moving too fast and getting too dangerous in the outside world. Get your shit together man, you’re of no use to anyone in this state.

Starman says:

@Epstein’s Suicide Note

Endless wall-of-text vs an actual livestream.

I’ll take the livestream.

Bilge_Pump says:

I am a musician, and was in talks with a guy about involving myself in his plans to take a traveling church group on tour. It fell through because I had some misgivings about being an atheist director of a Christian band.

This man softballed some of the important issues, like “we don’t care if you’re gay, we don’t care if you like drugs, we only care if you accept Jesus Christ”, but there was a definite subtle pressure indicating that continued gayness and drug use would not be tolerated within the Church.

And this was some guy I met randomly in town.

The Cominator says:

A christian who is truly okay with the sin that Sodom was destroyed for and which is explicitly named as an abomination is not a Christian but a worshipper of demons.

Drinking and drug use in moderation are to my understanding okay biblically, being a constant drunk or a degenerate drug addict is not okay.

Ace says:

So much for my happy thoughts that the Military might be resistant enough to cut a deal with the Democrats that doesn’t result in the military being gutted. Communist revolution here we come.

Starman says:

Where’s your livestream? You faggot cubicle dweller.

Ace says:

R7, if you choose to spend your personal time working your tiny Rocket while looking at gay porn, keep that shit to yourself.

Starman says:

I have livestreams, you have nothing but words.

Anon says:

Your comments about muh livestream are fucking autistic and retarded. Jim is simply saying that if someone were to provide more than an anecdote about individual churches that treat women in a historically Biblical way, then those individual churches would likely cease being able to do what they do. Which is why it’s a bad idea to ask people these kinds of things on the clearweb. You can believe or disbelieve the anecdote as you want, just like you can believe or disbelieve Vox Day or Lin Wood bullshit as you want.

That you don’t know how incompetent the military in general is makes me think you either weren’t in the military at all or you haven’t been for a while. When were you most recently in the military? Provide photo or video evidence or fuck off, cubicle faggot.

Starman says:


“That you don’t know how incompetent the military in general is makes me think you either weren’t in the military at all or you haven’t been for a while. When were you most recently in the military? Provide photo or video evidence or fuck off, cubicle faggot.”

Nice try Mr. glow-in-the-dark. I have provided a livestream as a proxy for the Pentagon’s health, what is your livestream?

Anon says:

You’re clearly too stupid to understand what’s being said. A SpaceX livestream is not a proxy for the Pentagon’s health.

Sounds like you’re an ex-enlisted nuke specialist, assblasted that the military didn’t pull through for Trump. Too bad. Would’ve been great if they did, but they didn’t. What would even be the mechanism for such a thing? I pointed out a while back on here that you can’t rely on most military people, just like you can’t rely on most cops. They select for servile conformists who will perform for a paycheck. The unconditional right-wing love of the military and the police has to end at some point, or eventually you’ll get a more rude awakening than the one you already got. Vox Day is a dupe, and so are you.

Since you’re into picture evidence, look at any number of news articles and pics from the last month of unarmed soldiers standing around and sleeping on the nice marble of the capitol, meat shields for 100 IQ gremlins like AOC or Kamala Harris, who by the way are probably laughing at them. Imagine being so cucked. That’s your military.

BAP’s advice on this is trash for the same reason. Tell a bunch of gullible young people to join the security forces, and in a couple decades this will result in…what? Exactly what happened this month. Upper brass are specifically selected for adherence to the uniparty. No colonels on board? Sad. Colonels and below can’t coordinate even if they wanted to because there’s no institutional support or way to screen for rats? Sad.

I’ve repeated ad nauseum elsewhere that the right has a coordination problem, and it seems unsolvable until you can screen for defectors.

Mr. glow-in-the-dark

If only! The pension would be nice.

Ace says:

Mike Pompeo attacks multiculturalism, saying it is “not who America is”:


Possible future leader?

Pooch says:

He’s been saying and signaling all the right things. If he keeps it up, I’d expect him to be put on the arrest list at some point along with all other Trump officials.

Ace says:

Well we need leadership and after Barr fucked us, I’m kind of grasping at straws.

Pooch says:

My guess is our future warrior leader, if we get one, necessarily is an active duty officer in the military right now, like Napoleon was at the start of the French Revolution, and likely will be battle hardened by future campaigns the Cathedral is sure to start in the near future.

Pompeo, who does have military experience, can be an ally if he’s able to survive the coming purge of Trump administration officials.

Ace says:

Jim, any chance some of the Red states might survive? I’ve been talking to my extended family about a relocation destination when/if the preverbal hits the fan but they’re highly reluctant to even think about about anything outside the country. Texas seems large and industrialized enough to act as it’s own nation if needs be.

Pooch says:

If there’s any chance of an Amerikaner nation to emerge, there is one that seems obvious in red. They even have their own state religion. That’s where I’m going to be when the shit hits.


Epstein's Suicide Note says:

To which state are you referring? Utah would presumably stand out as the one “with their own state religion”, but in this picture it is colored gray, not red.

notglowing says:

Texas is well on its way to becoming a blue state.

It all means absolutely nothing as long as there is uncontrolled immigration and soon all of the illegal immigrants will be made citizens, and the measures to contain illegal and legal immigration will dissipate.

All of the southern states are at the biggest risk of being invaded by immigrants.
If anything, even Canada has a better chance in the future because despite being leftist, they don’t have southern americans just walking in from across the border.

qwerty says:


>President-elect Joe Biden is nominating Pennsylvania health expert Dr. Rachel Levine to be assistant secretary for health in the department of Health and Human Services, in a move that could make Levine the first openly transgender federal official to win Senate confirmation.

Ever stop and think about what our ancestors will think of us and our time? If we have any ancestors that is.

Ace says:

I have a feeling the shit we’ll see before this is over America will be remember for 10,000 years as a warning of the sort of insanity that awaits a civilization when one mocks GNON will.

This adds strength to Jim’s idea that the COVID deaths are largely human sacrifices. This Demon in woman’s clothing murdered thousands of people as a blood offering to it’s Demonic Gods.

Javier says:

Even Biden isn’t this dumb. No one is in charge, get ready for buearacratic chaos.

Pooch says:

What a time to be alive.

Bilge_Pump says:

My theory is that transgenders are the eunuchs of progressivism. There is an important distinction to make though; m2f (male to female) transgenders will call you a bigot for refusing to have sex with them.

Ace says:

Hey Rocket, here’s your pictures you wanted:



It’s got all the pictures you could want. But the real details of both crashes are in the accident report which you should read if you the ability to read, which isn’t entirely clear. People fuck up in the military. That’s normal. However these fuck ups were systematic in nature due to the people are running and continue to have run the ships. The Military is in serious decline and once they purge the right from it there isn’t going to be anything left.

Secondly, if you believed an enemy agent like Lin Wood and a hysterical woman like Sidney Powell, that’s on you. You the giver of Red Pill shill tests should know better than to believe a hysterical women. There’s a reason the Trump campaign disassociated themselves from Sidney.

The fundamental flaw with Trump and this election is that Trump was neither Priest nor Warrior so he get fucked by the America elite class and we his supporters will now pay the price for supporting a Merchant. That’s how political revolts work when they fail. We’d likely be exactly the same place today with or without Trump, but we had a few good years of good economics before they lowered the boom. The Military was fucked and getting more fucked under Obama and Trump was unable to anything more than barely slow the decline.

The other hard Truth is Jim isn’t a Priest or a Warrior, he’s an engineer and a teacher. He couldn’t correctly evaluate that Trump wasn’t the guy because he’s not from the right class to do so. Moldbug got it right because he’s a priest and he can look at someone from that perspective.

Starman says:

How about you get a real job that puts callouses on your hands, then preach that we don’t need the standard of “photos and video, or it didn’t happen.”

Ace says:

What you unable to see pictures now too? I posted links to them. Is that too complicated for you? Maybe you should ask your sheboon boss to show you how to use a hyperlink.

What the fuck is your problem Rocket? I used to like you. Your talk of the Star Prophet Elon impressed me and helped make me a fan of SpaceX. You’re acting like a woman on the rag the moment people start pointing that the the military talks like a fag and it’s shit is all retarded.

BTW, I have calluses on my hands from doing my own yard work, my own painting, and my own electrical work. One the things I did after starting read neo-reactionary blogs was I bought my own house instead of living in apartments where such things are done by others.

Starman says:

You go out and decide to make an opinion on something (nukes) that you have no goddamn clue on, and then double down on your ignorance.

Ace says:

@R7 Cucklet

You don’t appear to know how Thermonuclear warheads work. Explain how Fission weapons boosted by Tritium in order to reach the necessary temperature and pressure to induce fusion work with only a half charge or less of the designed for tritium.

Starman says:


You don’t even know what I was saying when I was talking about 5 half lives. You don’t know a goddamned thing about nuclear technology. But here you are, doubling down on your stupidity,

Ace says:

I’m not sure anyone knows what your babbling about at this point. You appear to think that US thermonuclear weapons don’t need tritium to work and instead of making yourself clear on the issue when someone asks, you reply with insults and Voxday style secret king remarks.

Frankly I think Jim should put you on moderation. You’re not adding anything to the conversion.

Joe says:

You should either answer Starman’s (originally Shaman’s) redpill on women questions or recite the articles of faith before asking for someone to be put on moderation. I have done both.



Ace says:

Joe, Rocket’s lost his god damn mind and isn’t making any sense. This is a rough time for everyone.

I’ve passed the Red Pill test many times and did so when R7 requested it. I’ve spent my whole life speaking thought crimes before I even I learned from Moldbug what a though crime was.

Here I’ll commit another thought crime: Most women beaten by their husbands/lovers want to be beaten by them, not because the enjoy pain but because they crave male dominance.

I observed this first hand at the tender age of 12 when I was at a friends home. Later I had a girlfriend who did everything possible to get me to strike her, after she had talked about all her previous boy friends beating her but in way that never indicated she disliked it. When I declined to do so and dumped her, she told everyone I hit her. Women crave dominance and if you don’t give it to them… you will likely to end up being accused of the crime they wanted you to commit. I almost lost my job and I lost my entire social circle over that.

Why would I recite the articles of faith? I make no claim to be a Christen.

Joe says:

This is a rough time for everyone.

Not for the followers of Jesus Christ it isn’t. Accepting Jesus Christ as Lord means that I can skip the five stages of grief and get to work because no matter what happens I am already saved.

God commands us:

Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the stars, and subdue them

Nothing that has happened changes this.

Ace says:

>Not for the followers of Jesus Christ it isn’t.

Tell it to my extended family, who are all Christens though not very Red Pilled. They are very down today.

Antifa/BLM will begin burning Churches probably starting tonight. Churches are going to need 24/7 security but Christens don’t seem to realize the score, yet.

Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the stars, and subdue them


James says:

You know, I’m getting jealous of all these people not taking up opportunities to pass the redpill test. I haven’t been questioned even once.

Joe says:


What religion are you?

Pooch says:

We’d likely be exactly the same place today with or without Trump, but we had a few good years of good economics before they lowered the boom.

I’ll take the whitepill and say we are in a better spot. Even if he was doomed to fail, Trump was a bright light on the entire system and showed us the whole stinking thing is corrupt to the core and we no longer live in a functioning Republic. It is obvious we are in a One-Party total state now, which may not have been so obvious if Hillary won. Trump accelerated us to the singularity, which like Jim says, the earlier it comes the better.

Pooch says:

Moldbug seems to think too that transitioning to the glaringly obvious total state phase is a good thing because it means the end phase now becomes within view.

Starman says:


Moldbug’s prediction that America would go into its own Brezhnev-like stage was spot on.

The Cominator says:

America already had a Brezhnev (corrupt stupid oligarchy government out for all it could steal) phase under Dubya and Obama but it didn’t lead to declining leftism because peak leftism was never halted with extreme violence the way it was under Stalin.

We’re likely to get a further Brezhnev phase with increasing leftism the way we got under late Dubya and Obama. Biden is not going to be our Stalin and Brezhnev at the same time…

Pooch says:

Yeah that was the confusing part for me about Yarvin’s recent writing. Are we pre or post Russian Revolution? There are aspects of both.

The Cominator says:

The ruling crooked left (the Biden’s left) is likely to increase unemployment massively but it probably won’t hurt rich people and speculators very much.

This will tend to strengthen the popularity of the radical left (given that the right is not a viable vehicle of opposition to the corrupt oligarchy)… the radical left also has greater capability to rig elections on the ground.

So most likely pre… but it will take a bit of time for the radical left to win.

Ace says:

We appear to be in Brezhnev stage of American Progressivism, with Trump just finishing out as the American Gracchi brothers, with the Bolsheviks Revolution right around the corner. History never exactly repeats, but historical forces do.

If we’re luckily the Bolsheviks will be strangled in their cribs but I doubt we’re lucky. We’ve had nothing but bad luck for a long time now.

Ace says:

The end phase now appears to be a Communist Revolution + genocide. I’m not sure Moldbug ever predicted that.

Pooch says:

Yeah he’s not saying anything about genocide yet, maybe because of thoughtcrime.

Ace says:

I’m not sure why it’s be a thought crime. Leftist on reddit talk almost openly about it everyday now. Things would be wonderful if whiteness and whites are eliminated is their basic message.

Pooch says:

He did mention he would flee to Israel but only if he was forced too. Yarvin is so meandering now, maybe he has mentioned somewhere. I haven’t read every piece.

Pooch says:

Secondly, if you believed an enemy agent like Lin Wood and a hysterical woman like Sidney Powell, that’s on you. You the giver of Red Pill shill tests should know better than to believe a hysterical women. There’s a reason the Trump campaign disassociated themselves from Sidney.

I bought into some of their bullshit early on I will admit (Vox Day too). They seemed like competent people before all this and spoke with confidence. I’m not going to say videos or it didn’t happen like R7, but dumb shit like servers being confiscated absolutely need to be verified by credible sources. In the future, the consequences of believing and acting on retarded intel like that could get you sent to the gulag.

Ace says:

We all wanted to believe that Trump had a plan with a non normality bias basis, which we shouldn’t have because Trump generally road the waves of Chaos, rather than working from plans. Hopium is becoming an increasingly dangerous drug as things fall apart.

Pooch says:

Yes agreed.

A teacher and a priest are the same thing. “With classes three God filled the world; As best as best can be; One class must teach, another feed, The third ’gainst wicked lads must strive.” (Erasmus Alberus, 16thc.) sauce: https://carlsbad1819.wordpress.com/2018/07/09/temptations-of-right-wing-socialism/

Ace says:

I’m probably using the wrong dichotomy. I see Jim like Aristotle and Moldbug more like Plato. Moldbug/Plato created religious belief system along with telling truths. Jim/Aristotle created systems for understanding reality and created few if any new religious systems. That’s truth telling over religion building, which is sort of Ironic because Jim has been trying to restart a largely dead religion. It doesn’t work because religions are built on lies designed to create good outcomes and Jim doesn’t seem inclined to lie to us(Alf’s objections are noted).

Gestahlt says:

Moldbug isn’t a priest. He is a tradesman (programmer) and scribe. Both are third varna, not first.

jim says:

Moldbug is, or rather was, both a priest and engineer. Jesus was a priest and a carpenter. But Yarvin has chickened out of priesting since Moldbug became namefag Yarvin.

It is prophet time, and prophets have a short life expectancy.

We had a few paladins, warrior priests, but they have been purged from the military, and to the best of my knowledge, are not very good at priesting, because it is time for systems analysis, not war, and systems analysis is what engineers tend to be good at, and warriors poor at, except for Xenophon, who was a warrior economist.

Likely it will be time for war in five years or so.

alf says:

Prophets have a short life expectancy? Well maybe Jesus, but all the ones in the ot seem to have lived until very old age, with many children. If we are prophets of Gnon, I think we’d much prefer the latter kind of propheting.

Gary says:

[*deleted for sacrilege and socinianism]

jim says:

Jonathan Clark, in “English Society 1688-1832: Ideology, Social Structure and Political Practice during the Ancien Regime” presents overwhelming evidence that it was Socinian entryists against Christianity that caused the fall of the Ancien regime in or around 1832.

Socinian entryists against Christianity are still at work, which dispute today manifests as the King James dispute, the dispute over the King James Bible versus some more recent, and more politically correct, bibles.

Somehow there is a striking correlation between a bible reading “marriageable age” into the Old Testament, reading Sacramental Marriage out of the New Testament, and reading the pre existence of Jesus Christ from before the beginning of the world out of the New Testament.

Somehow, all over the place, we see bibles that are not trinitarian. And when we see a bible that is not trinitarian, we see amazingly politically correct Hebrews in the Old Testament.

seshonald says:

What is it about the trinity specifically that these demonic freaks hate so much?

Eumenes says:

Hatred of the Trinity manifests itself in condescension. Those who hate God mock the theology of those who love God.

In the thread below on Stephen Colbert’s video, Colbert compares the Trinity to a fidget spinner, and uses his analogy to mock Christians who point out that the analogy is heretical, more specifically Modalist.

The heretics view themselves as achieving virtue through knowledge. Socinians, Arians, Modalists, Gnostics and Universalists pride themselves through knowledge, not through repentance and prayer. Heresy is virtue without the difficult task of pursuing virtue.

Bilge_Pump says:

Let me tell you about an experience I had with the military. Not sure how else to say this, but recruiters and enlisters expect you to lie about your entire life history. Summoned to court for a missing headlight 7 years ago? Don’t mention it when they ask you to. Had multiple surgeries, some of which could very well compromise your ability to fight? Don’t mention them.

Ofc if you lie about anything during the enlistment process, the FBI / CIA has dirt on you that they can use against you at any time if they feel the need. The military DEPENDS on corruption and lying.

f6187 says:

The U.S. military is in fine shape. No diversity hires anywhere in sight out on the marsh this morning:


James says:

I think you linked the wrong youtube video/stream.

That said, there aren’t many diversity hires in actual combat positions. It’s almost entirely white men of germano-celtic extraction.

f6187 says:

“I think you linked the wrong youtube video/stream.”

It’s the same live stream that R7 linked yesterday. It’s nothing but gray at the moment, so maybe everything blew up and they don’t want to show it.

Guess it’s done and dusted now and all speculation can be set aside. Joe Biden officially the 46th President of the US.

Encelad says:

At least this will end the QAnon larp.

Just kidding, they will come up with some obscure explanation to why the “Storm” is still imminent.

Ace says:

Doomsday cults tend to have people hang on forever, but their numbers decline as the predictions continue to be wrong.

Theshadowedknight says:

Tim Pool had it on his Twitter. Trust the Plan. “Sleepy” Joe? More like “Sleeper-agent Joe, amirite!” So not only does Q paralyze the right, but now they begin turning them to the Democratic Party’s arms. Fucking amazing. Truly a masterpiece.

Vox is going on a banning spree now that people are pointing out that he was nuts. That’s not going to turn his blog into more of an echo chamber. The majority of the right wing pundit class are furious with the pardons. Total bitchmade move by Trump, and it finishes him as political player. The midterms would be a bloodbath even without fraud. Fuck, they could ease up on the fixing just for the optics and the GOP is still totally fucked.

Catholic Sheepdog says:

Well, the thing is people need to remember that there were human beings behind Q. Trump could very well have been behind Q in some fashion and still have failed.

Further, I could also hypothesize that even if Trump was behind Q, that I would distrust it in general because it is not exactly wise to really advertise what you are planning on public. I was listening to BAP one time, and he said that Q wasn’t entirely bad despite the “trust the plan” shit because it redpilled boomers about possibly the true nature of the uniparty and the elites.

It could also have been possible that Q was an intelligence operation aimed in some way at Trump himself. Perhaps someone in his inner circle ran Q and had Trump convinced that he had enough loyalists to save the republic.

Regardless, Vox isn’t nuts to hold out hope even till the end that there was some kind of plan. Just give up and don’t hope right?

There is one thing that boggles my mind still. I read the court cases and the affadavits, and I witnessed the fraud go down right in front of us. Was I really expected to believe all along, that there would be no american patriots with any power in the background capable of stopping the fraud? So I won’t be flaming Vox xD

Ace says:

I was on 4chan when Qanon was created. It was a trolling that turned into a sort of cult/religion. Trump had anything to do with it. The longer it went on, the less rational it became. If anyone’s running it, it’s the left.

Ace says:

Nothing* not anything.

Catholic Sheepdog says:

I remember how it started and while I would generally only look infrequently at 4chan over the last decade I would still be disinclined to merely call it a troll or a LARP in their terms.

I mean some of it certainly was.

Did you see the Steinbart stuff where he claimed he was involved in time travel and shit. Pretty funny tbh

Pooch says:

Fuck, they could ease up on the fixing just for the optics and the GOP is still totally fucked.

The pathetic thing about them is they still think they can win elections after completely alienating their base and the Democrats openly cheating on a massive scale. It’s like this Russian opposition guy waltzing into Moscow as if Putin was just going to allow him to have power as an opposition leader. The rude awakening they are in for in the midterms and beyond is going to be something to behold.

Theshadowedknight says:

What is Navalny’s deal? Is he a true believer or just an opportunist. The convictions for embezzlement say opportunist and grifter, but that could be him getting hit for transferring money to or from the wrong account. Anyone have a good analysis on him I can read?

pdimov says:

I’ve found that usually the answer to “what is X’s deal anyway?” is “he’s an intelligence asset.”

Theshadowedknight says:

Yeah, but if the Russians and Putin could pin that on him it would be to their benefit. Discredit the opposition party for years. It wouldn’t surprise me, but you would think that only a true believer would walk into Moscow thinking he couldn’t be touched. Unless he intended to be arrested for the propaganda value. Not very smart of the USA IC to be playing games with other nations’ elections, but no one has accused them of being bright; they only glow in the dark.

Gestahlt says:

The GOP dug its own grave and Trump dove into it with them. We’re on our own.

James Thornton says:

Vox has gone off the deep end. He refuses to admit he was wrong for peddling qtardery for years, and just keeps digging a deeper hole, banning and ignoring criticism. I’ve lost a lot of respect for him, I used to trust his analysis. Even Owen Benjamin, his friend / business partner, who believes in kooky stuff like flat earth, saw right through the Qtardation, but Vox refuses to acknowledge he was wrong. Vox’s argument roughly seems to be that promoting a falsehood which raises morale is better than accurately analyzing the world.

The silver lining to qtardery is that it has pruned my information sources, removing credibility from some people that didn’t deserve it.

Catholic Sheepdog says:

I didn’t think Q would come true, because it seemed that if it was Trump would have had much greater success.

But just because someone did think it was something related to Trump doesn’t mean that I will reject all their analysis about everything.

I think Martin Luther was an idiot, but his book on the Jews is pretty spot on.

clovis says:

How is it that an idiot theologian wasn’t able to be refuted by any of his contemporaries in Catholic Europe?

Mike says:

Has nothing to do with if it was properly refuted or not and everything to do with the fact that secular leaders, some of them anyway, aligned with its goals. There were a multitude of erudite critiques and Catholic apologetics against Luther at the time. They didn’t matter, because the princes decide what happens in this world.

clovis says:

“There were a multitude of erudite critiques and Catholic apologetics against Luther at the time.”

Name one.

Yes. Luther provided some good excuses for princes to get out from under the Pope’s thumb and grab some monastery owned land. Thing is, the theologians still wanted one big universal (“catholic” means universal in Greek) church, just reformed, not a fragmentation into multiple churches. It was the princes who caused the later.

Catholic Sheepdog says:

Refutation had nothing to do with Luther’s successes. His “Sola Fide” position is quite obviously refuted by scripture itself with a word for word contradiction, and there were quite a number of catholic theologians and saints who pointed that out to him. He then of course decided to remove that book from the canon of the NT until his successors put it back in.

If a word for word explicit contradiction of Luther’s position elucidated by scripture itself isn’t a refutation, nothing can refute him then in your eyes.

clovis says:

“Refutation had nothing to do with Luther’s successes. His “Sola Fide” position is quite obviously refuted by scripture itself with a word for word contradiction, and there were quite a number of catholic theologians and saints who pointed that out to him. He then of course decided to remove that book from the canon of the NT until his successors put it back in.”

No, it’s far from obvious that “scripture alone” refutes Sola Fide. Luther’s critics typically tried to corner him by getting him to argue that church councils and the Pope could err–this was Eck’s success at his debate with Luther at Leipzig. They were not able to refute him on the basis of Scripture alone, and usually admitted it. And later counter-reformation apologetics tacitly acknowledge this by arguing that Scripture alone is insufficient for doctrine–you also need the unwritten traditions of the apostles, of which, along with Scripture, the magisterium headed by the Pope are the only authorized interpreters. There would be no need to develop this line of argument if Luther and sola fide could be refuted by Scripture alone. But Rome was forced to develop this way of arguing specifically in response to Luther’s challenge.

With reference to your second point–you are referring to James, misinterpreting James, and mistakenly claiming that Luther tried to take James out of the canon. Responses to the claim that James refutes sola fide are as old as the Augsburg Confession, and if you aren’t familiar with them, you need to brush up before calling Luther “an idiot.” As for Luther “taking James out of the canon,” this is simply a false claim. He did no such thing, nor did the Lutheran churches after him. He did question the canonicity of the letter, but so did the early church, along with 2 Peter, 2 and 3 John, and Revelation. If all the churches in the first two centuries did not acknowledge those 5 letters as canonical, decrees by Popes and later councils don’t settle the question of the canon, except for people who have already accepted the priority of the pope or councils over Scripture.

Catholic Sheepdog says:

Your problem is reading comprehension.

I didn’t say that scripture alone refutes faith alone. I said that “faith alone” is explicitly contradicted word for word by the letter of St James. It is irrelevant whether or not you hold scripture alone or not, all that matters is that you hold that scripture is true, and that the Letter of St James is true and part of Scripture.

Martin Luther admitted this, and this is why he called it an “epistle of straw”. He didn’t liek the fact that he was explicitly word for word contradicted by scripture itself on his primary sola ie: sola fide.

His followers to this day have tried to find excuses and interpretations of the letter to avoid this contradiction, but words mean what they mean.

I also never said that the Lutheran churches took out the Letter of St James. I said that Luther did – He said it was an epistle of straw and that it cannot be taken at the same standard as the Letters of St Paul – thereby attacking its inspiration and therefore canonicity.

The later lutheran churches accept its canonicity but make up various bullshit to avoid the explicit contradiction in the letter.

The Cominator says:

Even if Luther isn’t perfect on everything the Catholic church since Dictatus Papae has been guilty of the Donatist heresy by its own standards, there is no historical tradition back to Christ or even Constantine of an Ultramonatist papacy and ultramonatism (claiming the church is exempt from all secular discipline, and above the secular rulers besides) is a donatist doctrine. The Catholic Church thus is not supported by either tradition OR sola scriptura and stands condemned by its own standards. The Orthodox church doesn’t have this problem.

I’m not even sure what kind of heresy the pope claiming to be essentially the mouthpiece of God is…


>since Dictatus Papae has been guilty of the Donatist heresy by its own standards

Huh? Donatists said priests who have gravely sinned have no spiritual authority, DP gives a lot of spiritual AND wordly authority to the Pope, indeed the Ultramontanist stuff, deposing Emperors etc. but it has nothing to do with Donatism because it does not say the Pope cannot or does not commit gravely sins.

However, Canon Law does say that every priest who openly denies doctrine is considered ipso facto resigned, without this resignation needing a legal form, he just lost the office. So Francis with his pro-homo stuff could be considered resigned and thus not a valid Pope…

I am mentioning it because I think that is how all this spiritual authority, even that infallibility stuff should be interpreted. Popes do not have any kind of special protection from sin, and their spiritual authority does not come from somehow being less prone to sin than others. What they are considered to have is some kind of specially inspired knowledge. Which is why it is not sinning but teaching falsehoods is how they would lose their office. You don’t fire the professor for boning a female student, you fire him for claiming the Earth is flat.

jim says:

The core of the Donatist heresy is that the Emperor, and earthly authorities, should not influence the selection of Bishops.

It is all about who gets the apples on that applecart.

The Cominator says:

I did not say the ultramonatist church incorporates ALL doctrines of the Donatist heresy, just the doctrine exalting the church’s spiritual authority on earth over all other authorities.

So yes the RCC is only PARTIALLY Donatist, its not all Donatist.

Oh and to show that god or gnon has a sense of humor Gregory’s partisans to justify these extraordinary claims forged a document known as the “DONATION” of Constantine.


A bit about this Ultramontanist stuff. OK so there used to be a country called the Roman Empire, it had a monarch, and the Bishop of Rome was subordinate to that monarch and all was well. And of course the bishop of the capitol could be considered a more important priest than all the others.

Then this empire fragmented into countries but the Bishop of Rome still claims not only spiritual, but even wordly authority over them. Which is the Ultramontanist problem.

But consider that the Roman Empire was not considered something that is simply over. A lot of rulers had tried to resurrect it, think Charlemagne, think Holy Roman Empire, because it was seen as an ideal that all Christians should live in one country. Some kind of uniting all white Christian countries, so effectively reinstalling the Roman Empire has been a dream of a lot of people all over the whole political spectrum. Even the EU is some sort of a bastard offshoot of that. Even Oswald Mosley spent his postwar years advocating for some kind of an EU-like unity…

So I guess there is a deeper problem than just Ultramontanism. It is that a lot of people all over the political spectrum are unwilling to accept nationalism.

The Cominator says:

Well evenl that argument doesn’t even help the legitimacy of the papacy.

The Western Capital by the time of Constantine wasn’t Rome it was Mediolanum (modern day Milan, and yes towards the very end the capital moved again to Ravenna) and the bishops of Milan tended to be more powerful from Constantine on then the bishops of Rome until the Empire fell.

Nationalism is the limit of scale to mankinds tribal nature… even most theoretically universal religions are very bad at overcoming it. This btw was the point on which Stalin realized that purist communism was very wrong. Islam as bad as it is otherwise seems like the best universal religion for truly overcoming this no other universal religion really does a good job of it all.

Catholic Sheepdog says:


It is funny you mention the Donatist heresy because a great deal of the arguments with respect to them concerned the nature of sacraments being valid, the nature of venial and mortal sin & its effects on ministers, from this the nature of holy orders etc.

Much of this is proof that 1,000 years before Luther a great deal of what passes for catholic sacramental theology was present in the tradition. Which in itself is a refutation of Luther, should there be any belief in a Church founded by Christ.

From what I have seen here on the blog, is that Jim believes that there was a golden age in the church of england when they kept their women under control and that this lead to great fertility and expansion. There is a truth to this, but at the same time I am inclined to comment as someone who is not protestant that this decline is expected because God didn’t start the protestant church.

As a catholic I can read St Augustine on the validity of sacraments and see the exact sacramental theology of the church that it teaches today. The church has had some bad periods, the arian crisis would have broken a church that wasn’t the body of christ imo. The corruption of the church in the 9th and 10th centuries around rome was terrible, and in the time of luther it was shit again.

I believe in the resurrection of Christ, and I believe he started a Church to be the foundation of the truth and gave the power to bind and loose to said Church, and that He will be with this Church to the end of time. Even if all seems bleak and the successors of the apostles seem to fail and run away – like in the agony in the garden, nonetheless I will believe in Jesus Promise that the gates of hell will not prevail, no matter how close to victory it seems they have gotten.

jim says:

> I am inclined to comment as someone who is not protestant that this decline is expected because God didn’t start the protestant church.

God did not start the Roman Catholic Church either. The Papacy was a rebellion against Orthodoxy.

All Christians should be Orthodox. Orthodox Churches should be national but in communion, and the sovereign should have substantial influence over the selection of Bishops, and on rare and unusual occasions, purge and and appoint them. Russian orthodoxy is the model, and Anglicanism from 1660 to 1832 is also the model.

The papacy, not protestantism, was the first big rebellion, and the protestants were right to rebel against the Pope coveting what was Caesar’s

Anglicanism from 1660 to 1832 (and theoretically to the present) had the sovereign as head of the Church. This is a bad idea. Solomon rightly killed one chief priest and rightly appointed another, but thereafter, for as long as monarchy of Israel ruled in Jerusalem, chief priests were succeeded by a son or close kin of the previous chief priest, with the Sovereign strongly influencing the religion, but not outright directing it.

The book of proverbs was issued, and from time to time reissued, by the court of the King. This parallels the development of Anglican book of common prayer and book of homilies – direct monarchical influence over the interpretation and application of the unchanging doctrine of the Church.

Dave says:

“Islam as bad as it is otherwise seems like the best universal religion for truly overcoming [nationalism]”

Islam cannot even overcome tribalism. One white guy converted to Islam and moved to Egypt to learn more about it. There he discovered that everyone belongs to a certain sub-sub-sub-sub-branch of Islam that just happens to have one of his cousins as its chief religious authority.

clovis says:

@catholic sheepdog

You claimed Martin Luther is an idiot, or you think he is. I think John Calvin is a heretic, but even with my very limited reading of Calvin, I know he’s not an idiot. Likewise Robert Bellarmine, though a heretic, was not an idiot. A lot of calumnies were levelled at Luther in his day by followers of the Pope, but “idiot” typically wasn’t one of them. The only Catholics who say things like that today are fundamentally unserious, uneducated internet “trad Caths.” You trot out James like this argument hasn’t been heard and answered 500 years ago, but you aren’t even familiar with the answers. Your contempt for Luther’s intellect does no damage to Luther but reveals a lot about you to anyone who has actually studied these things even superficially.

Catholic Sheepdog says:


I meant that Luther was an idiot in the sense that he is catastrophically wrong about most things. One can indeed be quite intelligent and indeed knowledgeable and yet end up wrong.

I am well aware of the mountains of ink having been used to generate arguments for or against Luther.

Regardless, Luthers proposition “Sola Fide” really is refuted by the letter of St James explicitly.

I have no real desire to go into an indepth discussion on the theology of santifying vs actual grace, the gifts and fruits of the holy spirit, the infusion of virtues both theological and cardinal, and what it really means to have the indwelling of the Holy Trinity within you and what that does in your soul and whether or not the orthodox idea of divinisation is really different from what the catholic calls the indwelling of the Holy Trinity.


I would consider your idea that orthodoxy is superior to protestantism as self-evident since I would argue that the catholic and orthodox churches are the same church except that the two sides are in schism with each other. They both trace their lineage back to apostolic times and have wide ranging agreement on almost everything and the things they disagree on are often far too complex for most people.

I could never turn around and say to an orthodox christian that their church wasn’t started by Jesus Christ and that it wasn’t apostolic. It clearly is. I can say that the patriarch michael of constantinople in 1054 was wrong to start a schism.

For me the 2 argument that clinches is as follows.

1. Since both churches hold that ecumenical councils of bishops are indeed infallible the fact that the eastern bishops signed the council documents in Florence that ends their claim to be theologically correct.

2. Since every previous schism before 1054, it was obvious that Rome was correct for whatever reason I do not have grounds to accept the eastern claim that *this* time they are in the right.

In my opinion the real reason why union never occurred permanently was due to the many sins committed by both sides against each other.

jim says:

> I can say that the patriarch michael of constantinople in 1054 was wrong to start a schism.


Your history is bunkum.

The Schism started when Humbert of Silva Candida entered Constantinople’s cathedral, Hagia Sophia, and excommunicated the clergy of Constantinople root and branch, starting with Michael, patriarch of Constantinople.

Michael did not schism. Rome schismed.

The Church of Rome, in pursuit of earthly power, coveting that which is Caesar’s, excommunicated the Church and clergy of Constantinople. The Church of Constantinople did not excommunicate the Church of Rome.

The great obstacle to Christian unity that led to the protestant rebellion was the Roman Catholic’s pursuit of earthly power, which got up the noses of Kings, starting with the Normans.

In the conflict between the Bishop of Rome and the Patriarch of Constantinople, the Patriarch was trying to steal Churches, and the Bishop of Rome trying to steal Kingdoms.

The Patriarch of Constantinople wanted his people conducting rites and giving sermons. The Bishop of Rome wanted his people telling armies where they should fight.

The proximate cause of the disagreement was Rome’s war with the Normans.

Well, when there is a war going, it is unsurprising that Ukrainian Orthodoxy has disagreements with Russian orthodoxy, but they manage to remain Orthodox for all that, because that is Caesar’s business.

Martin Luther got backing from the princes, because the Bishop of Rome was applying religious authority in foreign countries to overthrow the sovereigns of those countries.

If you want one universal Church, it cannot be so universal that it gets involved in this stuff. And so the sovereign has to have substantial influence over the appointment of Bishops of the state church, resulting in a different flavor of Orthodoxy for each genuinely sovereign nation.

Catholic Sheepdog says:


First I would agree with you that the act which finalised the schism was of Humbert. However, this excommunication didn’t just drop out of the heavens on a pure-hearted, blameless & non-schismatic Patriarch in Constantinople.

The reality is that Caeularius was the cause of the quarrel and when he removed the Popes name from the Diptychs in 1042, this act itself would have been seen as almost as serious & every bit as insulting as Humberts excommunication and Caerularius’s reactionary excommunication.

Ask a catholic priest if you know one, what would happen if he were to refuse to name Pope Francis after the “una cum” in the mass. If a priest would persist after warning he will be excommunicated. This actually happened recently in the US.

From the point of view of liturgical and canon law, an excommunication of the Patriarch as early as a few months after he had removed the pope’s name from the Dipytchs would have been entirely justified.

Of course as you are not a catholic or an orthodox christian I can’t assume that you are knowledgeable about liturgical and canon law especially at the time of that schism. Perhaps such laws are not important to you as a protestant, but since you seem to at least have a high respect for orthodoxy I would ask you to consider such laws as having a higher significance that perhaps you have considered previously.

This removal of the pope’s name from the Dipytchs wasn’t the only thing that the patriarch had been up to either. He and his associates were calling the latins heretics etc etc.

So no I don’t agree that Humbert’s action was entirely unjustified or that blaming Caerularius for the schism is as you put it “NUTS”. Within the context of the universal church at that time, and with a consideration of liturgical and canon law, the blame for the schism is entirely at the feet at the patriarch.

The blame that I would put on Humbert is that he wasn’t wise enough to solve the crisis created by the patriarch. I blame Humbert for failure in peacemaking, but Caerularius for the schism.

Lest you think I am one of those with rose coloured glasses, I blame the crusaders who sacked Constantinople for making it impossible to this day to have a reunion of the east & west.

With respect to the second point I must confess to not being an expert on the wars over the south of Italy with the Normans and the political situation at the time. But wasn’t it the case that the Byzantine Emperor and the Pope were in agreement that something had to be done against the Normans and the emperor had even asked the Pope for help?

The serious political disagreements that inhibited reunion came later with one example noted above (even though of course the seeds of such problems were always there), but as far as I can recall at that time the Byzantine Emperor and the Pope had good relations.

As for the rest of your reply, I don’t think I have reflected as much as you have on the tension between Caesar and God, and the famous verse concerning that which ought to be rendered to Caesar and that which ought to be rendered to God. I would also say that my knowledge of the investiture controversy is very basic and I would retreat from talking about that which I have not studied nor spent time to understand. So please don’t think I ignore that part of your reply.

I do however, have a question for you.

At times reading your comments I get the sense that your reason for being Christian is that to save your country from the “holiness spiral” of the left you need to supplant this leftism with a non-pozzed Christianity. Of course I agree with the idea, that one should smash the left and have a state Christian religion, and that having a good Church and a good Caesar will go a long long way to solving a lot of issues. Nonetheless I can’t shake the sense that your main reason for being a Christian is fundamentally a natural one.

However, at other times I also have gotten the sense that your reason for being Christian is that you believe in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and that you believe Him to be the Son of the Father.

Therefore, I would like to ask you how you would interpret what I am about to say about my own faith.

I believe in Jesus Christ, because He is God and He rose from the dead. I believe I should be a patriot because love of my country is a virtue and requirement of justice towards my neighbors. However, ultimately Jesus comes first, and that I should obey God before I obey any other man even Caesar and I expect Caesar to obey God.


jim says:

> First I would agree with you that the act which finalised the schism was of Humbert. However, this excommunication didn’t just drop out of the heavens on a pure-hearted, blameless & non-schismatic Patriarch in Constantinople.

The Patriarch of Constatinople did all manner of bad things, and the Bishops of Rome did all manner of bad things.

But the bad things the Patriarch of Constantinople did were aimed a stealing Churches and getting his friends jobs giving sermons and conducting rituals, whereas the bad things Bishops of Rome did were aimed at stealing Kingdoms and conquering lands, and this was causing the same problems as it continued to cause all the way to the sack of Rome.

The fundamental problem was and is that Rome coveted what was Caesar’s. And this continued to cause trouble, most spectacularly the protestant reformation, and continues to cause trouble today.

The fundamental heresy of Rome was and is Donatism.

As I said, in order for orthodoxy to be a state religion, and in order for it to be one religion in several states, the sovereign of a particular land needs to have a great deal of influence over who gets to be Bishop in that land.

Donatism is, in practice, in contradiction to Paul’s command to obey the sovereign. A Donatist priesthood always winds up trying to overthrow a sovereign in favor of some foreign sovereign, which is what caused the princes to protect Luther.

> I believe in Jesus Christ, because He is God and He rose from the dead.

Do you now?

And which Jesus Christ is that? Give me the affirmation.

> I believe I should be a patriot because love of my country is a virtue and requirement of justice towards my neighbors. However, ultimately Jesus comes first, and that I should obey God before I obey any other man even Caesar and I expect Caesar to obey God.

The problem is that this is apt to be a rationale for the priest coveting that which is Caesar’s. Which was a massive problem leading to rivers of blood from the time of great schism to the sack of Rome.

By their fruits you will know them, and the fruits of papal supremacy were rivers of blood, that never diminished until they washed over Rome itself.

The Pope was not at war with kingdoms because they were protestant. Rather, Catholic Kingdoms turned protestant because he was at war with their Kings. It was not a protestant King that sacked Rome.

clovis says:

@catholic sheepdog

“I have no real desire to go into an indepth discussion on the theology of santifying vs actual grace, the gifts and fruits of the holy spirit, the infusion of virtues both theological and cardinal… and what the catholic calls the indwelling of the Holy Trinity.”

I’d agree with you that this wouldn’t be the place and would probably be a waste of your time. But as you recognize, and catholic theology recognizes, that the word “grace” in the New Testament has multiple senses–it can mean the favor of God, and it can also mean the gift of God that follows His favor–so you should recognize that the word “justify” and its has multiple senses in Scripture. Sometimes it refers to justification before God, as in Romans 3: “For we hold that a man is justified by faith apart from works of law.” At other times it refers to justification or vindication before other people, as in Luke 16:15. When James says that Abraham is “justified by works and not by faith alone,” he goes on to say, “In the same way was not also Rahab the harlot justified by works when she received the messengers and sent them out another way? For as the body without the apart from the spirit is dead, so faith apart from works is dead.” The point James is making is not that works merit righteousness before God, but that a faith without works “is dead.” Nevertheless the New Testament makes clear over and over again that righteousness and justification before God are not received by working and doing, and thus by “law,” but as a promise, and therefore by faith. “What then shall we say about Abraham…If Abraham was justified by works, he has something to boast about, but not before God. What does the Scripture say? ‘Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned to him for righteousness.’ Now to the one who works, his wages are not reckoned as a gift, but as his due. And to the one who does not work, but trusts him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is reckoned as righteousness. So also David pronounces blessing upon the one to whom God reckons rightoeusness apart from works: ‘Blessed are those whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered; blessed is the man against whom the Lord will not reckon his sin.'” (Rom. 4:1-8)

Paul writes this way in many, many places, and a prooftext from James by no means undoes the justification by faith alone. James certainly refutes the idea that one can be justified before God by faith without also being justified before men by good works. But that is a text that speaks much more loudly against the Roman clergy for the last five hundred years than it does against Lutherans.

The Cominator says:

You are overcomplicating the real cause of the dispute, the bishop of Rome claimed insane powers that the bishop of Rome NEVER traditionally had (in fact bishops of Rome had been tried and legally deposed before, Belisarius deposed one for collobaration with the OstroGoths) and which of course none of the other patriarchs nor the Emperor in Constantinople were ever going to accept. Not even theoretically Catholic monarchs could ever really accept them in practice.

If the bishop of Rome had issued dictatus papae in the time of Constantine he would have either been deposed and executed (as a Donatist heretic among other things) or deposed and locked up as a madman.

Catholic Sheepdog says:

@Jim — You say

“The core of the Donatist heresy is that the Emperor, and earthly authorities, should not influence the selection of Bishops.

It is all about who gets the apples on that applecart.”

I must admit that I don’t agree with this assertion. Donatism has much more to do with what you would call a “holiness spiral”. The donatists refused to have communion with those who they called “Traditors” who didn’t stand tall against Diocletian.

The Donatist problem in the eyes of the Church at that time was a denial of the sacramental theology of Holy Orders, a denial of the efficacy of penance, and to be quite frank hypocrisy as Augustine would point out that Donatists would be convicted of drunkenness etc.

However, let’s say I to grant to you that the “core” of the Donatist heresy was indeed mainly about who gets to appoint the Bishops and that earthly authorities should not influence the selection of Priests & Bishops.

This was not the aspect under which the Donatists were condemned and fought against.

As such, a Catholic or an Orthodox Christian either, could not assert that refusal of Caesar’s influence over the selection of Bishops was condemned by the condemnation of Donatism.


Further, you say

“Donatism is, in practice, in contradiction to Paul’s command to obey the sovereign.”

What is your exegesis of Acts 5:29?

Clearly there is a tension between this verse and Romans 13. This tension is right there in the Gospels with the quote I have already mentioned above. “Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s and to God that which is God’s”.


Further, you say

“whereas the bad things Bishops of Rome did were aimed at stealing Kingdoms and conquering lands,”

This wasn’t all. At this time, the church had major problems with simony and nepotism. Lots of rich and powerful families in Italy were vying for control over the papacy with the various “Caesars” at the time.

What is your opinion of nepotism and simony with respect to the offices of the Church?


Further, you say

“The fundamental problem was and is that Rome coveted what was Caesar’s”

I disagree. I think the fundamental problem is that Caesar always covets what is Gods. When the Church has power and is respected in earthly affairs the rich and powerful and Caesar will covet this power. This is what leads to the practices of simony and nepotism. These are sins that Caerularius was up to as well.

Your idea that Orthodoxy will only work as a state religion if Caesar has control over who sits on what See, is an interesting political philosophy. How often in practice have we had good Christian kings and clergy at the same time in history? I mean I don’t consider your “golden age” in england to be relevant in this matter, because anglicans are heretics. Strictly speaking they can’t even be seen as a church because they have lost holy orders and as such are no longer apostolic. The Orthodox have the same view as the Catholics in this matter.


Further, you say

“The problem is that this is apt to be a rationale for the priest coveting that which is Caesar’s”

Funny you should say that. I am not a US citizen but if I were I would have voted for Trump. Further, Joe Biden is ipso facto excommunicated and Pope Francis is a worse pope than the popes at the height of the problems in the papacy, in the 1000’s when simony and nepotism reigned and again in the years before and just after the reformation.

The thing is, it is clear that both of us resolve the tension in the verse “Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s and to God that which is God’s” in different ways.


As regards Cominator mentioning Belisarius. Relevant to papal supremacy.

Why was Theodoret so concerned with getting her man onto the papacy to re-appoint her favoured patriarch who was condemned and deposed if the pope had no such authority to do so?

I am more than willing to agree that popes in the past were bad and did things that they shouldn’t and that they tried to get powers in earthly affairs that they shouldn’t be trying to get. However, the evidence is that the popes did have powers over the universal church because if they didn’t many things that happened make no sense.

If the pope had no authority over the other bishops, Theodoret would not have tried to get her man into the See.

In the schism of Photius, when Ignatius was deposed by the emperor, both sides sent letters of appeal to Rome, and the Schism started when the Pope ruled for Ignatius. Makes no sense to appeal to papal authority if he had none.


As for affirmation

Jesus Christ is Lord. Born in Bethlehem, died in Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world. Wholly man and wholly God, God is three and God is one.

@clovis- maybe tomorrow

jim says:

> > “The problem is that this is apt to be a rationale for the priest coveting that which is Caesar’s”

> The thing is, it is clear that both of us resolve the tension in the verse “Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s and to God that which is God’s” in different ways.

If the religion is the state religion of a Kingdom, and the Pope is summoning armies hostile to that Kingdom, obviously not rendering unto Caesar.

Pope Leo, like his predecessors, was appointed by the emperor of the west, while the Patriarch of Constantinople, was appointed by the Emperor of the East. And then the emperor of the west moved back to Germany, and we see the Pope commanding armies in the field, leading Roman Catholics against Roman Catholics.

And then we get the great schism, shortly followed by a Pope appointed in defiance of the “Roman” emperor of the west, shortly followed by the forgery of the Donation of Constantine. (It was forged earlier, but it was only made official after the western empire retreated from Italy)

This stuff is a totally unambiguous violation of rendering unto Caesar.

The great schism immediately followed the Pope exercising extensive Kingly power in Italy. If that power had been exercised by a Germanic noble or Norman Kinglet, there would have been no schism.

As long as the Bishop of Rome and the Patriarch of Constantinople were appointed by their separate sovereigns, no problem, there was one Church with the united Church doing a great deal to preserve comity between their separate and frequently conflicting sovereigns.

As soon as the Bishop of Rome becomes a sovereign, big problem.

The great schism, and the subsequent heresies about the earthly power of Popes, were a direct and immediate consequence of the Pope stepping into the power vacuum created by the retreat of the “Roman” emperor from Rome.

The Cominator says:

“As regards Cominator mentioning Belisarius. Relevant to papal supremacy.

Why was Theodoret so concerned with getting her man onto the papacy to re-appoint her favoured patriarch who was condemned and deposed if the pope had no such authority to do so?”

Not the point the point was the bishop of Rome was put on trial and legally deposed by representatives of the true head of Christendom at that time, the Emperor in Constantinople.

Catholic Sheepdog says:


I would like to reply to your last, but I don’t want to misunderstand your position.

Could you elaborate on your understanding of the Photian schism after the deposition of Patriarch Ignatius due to Ignatius refusing communion to Bardas on the feast of the epiphany?

Was the pope wrong to defend the deposed Ignatius?

James Thornton says:

I agree, but where once I would give him the benefit of the doubt when I didn’t understand or agree with something he said, I now will not.

I’m trying to follow Jim’s advice (and general good practice) to rely more on primary sources instead of interpretations of interpretations of interpretations. For example I’m now reading “The Life and Curious Adventures of Peter Williamson”, an autobiographical account of a Scottish slave in America in the 1700s. Also The Gulag Archipelago, to get a feel for what’s coming.

Just curious, why do you think Luther was an idiot? I have no opinion, don’t know much about him other than the standard high school stuff.

Catholic Sheepdog says:

I meant to reply earlier.

For me, I think he is an idiot for spending years trying to put a square peg into a triangle shaped hole.

Sola Fide “Faith Alone” is explicitly contradicted by Scripture and as such no matter the tomes written to escape this contradiction , the Lutheran position “man is saved by faith alone” is quite simply wrong. Scripture explicitly says “not by faith alone”. A more explicit contradiction of Lutherans position cannot be stated.

That’s why.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

Promoting unfalsifiable ideas that raise morale can be a good thing. The closer those unfalsifiable ideas get to outright unbelievable falsehood, the more destructive they become, with progressives showing us the terminal end of that journey.

It’s always sad to see people “losing it”, but that is after all one of the laws of Gnon, and certainly the most important law of capitalism, that generally something must be destroyed in order to free up resources for new and better competitors. I don’t know how long it will take, or how bad things will get in the meantime, but there will be others – new movements, new leaders, hopefully better ones.

jim says:

That our military is competent, effective, and has the spiritual strength to resist political correctness that makes it incompetent and ineffective is a false hope that is falsifiable, and when Trump ceased to be president, that hope was falsified.

If the military was able and willing to defend military technology against political correctness, it would be able and willing to defend Trump against political correctness.

Time is running out for SpaceX. On the other hand, an internet in space is an asset that is not easily seized by an earth based power, which might get Musk time enough to get asteroid mining in space going, which might get him time enough to get interplanetary settlement going. But it will be tight.

Eumenes says:

Elon Musk will utilize his net worth to surmount whatever nonsense the Cathedral throws at him. Biden’s Green New Deal will create more artificial demand for his electric car scam.

The genius of Tesla is in how Musk has figured out how to convert holiness into money, more specifically holiness into luxury. Tesla cars are cheap unreliable poorly-built plastic economy cars with a big screen and tons of gimmicks, yet Musk sells them at high-end luxury car prices.

If Musk is smart enough to convert holiness into him becoming the richest man in the world, I think he will be smart enough to use his funds to ensure SpaceX succeeds.

Lord says:

Space travel is a meme. Only redditors believe in it. NASA knows damn well that there’s really nowhere to go with it but they and other geek heroes like Science Nigger need their toy bucks so they play along, even shove in Shaniquas.

jim says:

Musk is going places. If he does not make it, it will be because he was stopped, not because there is any inherent barrier to elites putting a safer distance between themselves and other elites.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The stuff of complex civilization is energy, and hence, space travel, and many more undreamt things besides, is more than viable with the help of Our Friend, The Atom.

Not coincidentally, this herald of the new age was strangled in the crib, and civilization will remain treading water at best, unable to advance to new heights before cyclical collapses, unless and until it is rejoined.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

>biden’s first act as ‘official’ president is a senior moment forgetting he was supposed to give his address after swearing in and sitting down instead

like pottery

Mr.P says:

Please, do you have a link?

I want to store and treasure the moment for posterity sake.

(I didn’t watch but did search a few key words and came up empty.)

dick@mailinator.com says:

You should be able to find it from anywhere that has the full video; it’s right after the swearing in, and they’re all just sitting there as the long awkward pause drags on, before someone takes the mic again to call him back up to the stage after he had already been up at the stage.

Aspar Inscribitur says:

Should one buy or sell bitcoin in the current market? Which cryptocurrencies are good, and which are bad?

The Cominator says:

Jim is a better source of information on crypto than me by far.

I don’t own crypto, I own a miner that I sold calls against. As of today I’m down on the miner stock but up on my calls to the extent I’m still up 15% on the stock.

Ace says:

@Cominator can you do a post about speculation? I’ve done a bit of playing in the markets based on advice around here and made a small sum from it, but I’m not really sure where to learn enough to be effective on a regular basis.

The Cominator says:

My basic principles are simple

Find a company with a product or service that is very good and likely to grow and that the company is fairly cheap (if it has a 20 billion dollar market cap already there are generally better opportunities elsewhere).


Look into the management as much as you can, check for signs of stupid decisions or managements which is massively overcompensated top people instantly cash in free shares. Bad management is always a bad investment. A stupid farmer will kill the golden goose, a criminally greedy farmer (one interested mainly in embezzling out of the country) will do this as well.

If you see blatantly stupid or crooked decisions get away from the company… if you see clever decisions from the management (for instance Inseego is my biggest % holding now though I sold some today at 19 has an extremely good management which doesn’t pay themselves a lot and has never made a bad decision) than its a good company. Remember Apple before Jobs and Apple after jobs. Leadership makes all the difference.

Stay away from biotechs unless your information is very very good and you really need to understand the entire situation which normally you won’t, 1000 things can kill you in biotechs because they have massive costs and are constantly at the mercy of a corrupt government which will do favors for their big pharma competitors too.

Under Biden expect a weaker dollar and weaker small businesses (and higher commodity prices) but stocks which involve public companies that generally can pay bribes may do well… under Harris you’ll need to be careful her corruption is more motivated by power intoxication and pure evil than greed and as such she’ll be much worse and more unpredictable.

Ace says:

Thanks Cominator.

The Cominator says:

FYI I sold my inseego yesterday (not at the high) and most of my positions except the crypto miner…

Market due for correction especially with likely occasionally very stupid policies from the new administratio even if it will still go up due to easy money policy…

>Stay away from biotechs

Heh. In 2008 I bought some American Oriental Biotechnology on Mark Skousen’s suggestion. Looked like they have an effective ultrasound treatment for some types of cancer and just waiting for FDA approval. And then things took a nosedive, even ending with a class action lawsuit. Lesson learned.

The Cominator says:

Its not a blanket statement you can score REALLY big on them but you need to know everything…

The Cominator says:

Also under Biden (but things get worse under Kamala) expect more unpredictable violent corrections in the market where the dollar temporarily strengthens but don’t expect a bear…

The print money and low interest policy will continue but stupid unpredictable spooky regulatory policies and campaigns will issue forth from time to time, not enough to cause a bear (and if they are Hunter Biden will get 100 million dollars and the policies will go away) for at least big publically traded companies… but enough to cause occasional random panics.

Harris when she gets in whenever it happens will be a lot more unpredictable…

John C. Calhoun says:

Many fat ladies were singing today. Lady Gaga in particular stands out.

On another note, is it me or has anyone else noticed that most gun shops have most of their inventory sold out including both ammunition and firearms. Seems difficult to find much for sale other than .22lr rifles and ammo.

Pooch says:

Been like that since the jogger riots.

Pooch says:

You’re better off shopping online.

John C. Calhoun says:

Online shopping is gay and is mostly done for tax avoidance purposes. Physical store buying should provide the same (if not more) value if the store clerk has good knowledge of the products and can recommend a suitable product to you based on your criteria and his years of experience.

I think online shopping works best if it is a homogenized or standardized product like a book or video game. Bigger tickets items its best to go in store.

People keep saying e-commerce is going to replace everything but they also forget that prior to brick and mortar Sears locations you had catolog buying which tried, in a low tech way, to achieve what e-commerce did.

The real reason why mainstreet is dying is due to growing property and sales taxes which e-commerce circumvents but not because it is “more efficient” as pundits suggest.

Gedeon says:

You definitely don’t know what you are talking about. Gun.deals is an excellent search engine to locate inventory across the market if you have a manufacturer’s part number.

22lr is the same diameter projectile as an AR-15, but with a much smaller powder charge (much slower velocity) and out of a rimfire cartridge. A ruger mkiv can still be found for around $500 and, if you live in a state that permits NFA items, a dead air mask suppressor is $400 + $200 for the nfa tax stamp. For $1,100 you have a Hollywood quiet firearm that is compact, lightweight and should have long term parts availability…if anything does. Most jurisdictions that have enacted enhanced firearm restrictions have carveout exemptions for rimfire firearms also. Keep in mind that in self defense legal defenses, you will definitely have trouble defending a shooting beyond 75 yards, so factor that in your use case.

I wouldn’t run into a gunfight with a 22lr, but I would take one any day over a pellet gun, bat or kitchen knife which are not mutually exclusive tools.

In general, palmetto state armory is great source for self defense tools and you can get additional money back through activejunky.

When I was a kid in the eighties, I liked to browse my aunt’s collection of German Quelle catalogues. The camping section, tents built on trailers and stuff like that. They never bought anything, she just used the catalogues for ideas for knitting sweaters. I think the basic business model was that people would be admiring those big ticket items, like I did, will not buy them, but they will be in the mood of buying something so they will order a set of tent pegs.

Today, an e-merchant can do better, not just the shop but blog, video and offering advice on videocalls. With a generous return policy, it might work. But I would still want to touch and try that trailer tent before buying.

Pooch says:

Trump is sucking just about every dick he can on his way out to keep him out of jail. He certainly is not embracing his martyrdom.


Mike says:

This is by far the worst thing he did. Pardons a guy who committed mail fraud at one point, the very thing that led to Trump losing. What a totally cucked thing to do.


Ace says:

Cernovich seems to think Trump is going to start his own party as a sort of a way to con the rubes out their money. The left would probably like that, Trump being a sad Alex Jones once they get done impeaching him so he can never run for office again. Trump’s existing income streams will be seized shortly.

So I’ll make a prediction based on gut instinct: They’ll investigate Trump, repeatedly humiliate him and take his assists but make no serious attempt to imprison him. Instead they’ll make an example of his most committed prole followers as a warning to the proles to shut up and listen to their betters. Once it’s clear that normality isn’t returning they’ll start looking for wreckers and Trump and family will be at the top of the list, followed by anyone who supported Trump.

Pooch says:

It’s really hard for me to see them not imprisoning him, especially if he’s going to try to stay involved politically. How long it takes them to do it could be indicative of how close we are to singularity.

Ace says:

I don’t think they can realistically arrest Trump before they purge the Military, which is going to take a while. He would be a rally point for a lot of people who could be very effective fighters.

Prince Charming says:

It would be a nice casus belli, i.e. excuse. Other than that, it’s just another “this time they’ve surely gone too far, the masses will rise up”. People are not going to rally from a position of desperate weakness, if before they repeatedly didn’t rally from the position of overwhelming strength.

They need to kick us while we’re down, and they need to finish us, and they, unlike us, have no qualms about doing so. If Trump lets himself be arrested, he better had a plan to be risen on the third day.

Ace says:

It would be a nice casus belli, i.e. excuse

That’s what I was implying.

The right has a lot power, but it needs legitimacy and leadership to exercise it a cohesive fashion. Military units breaking Trump out of jail would be the sort thing that could happen. Seems unlikely to happen just like the Military moving against Biden during the inauguration was unlikely to happen, but we’re dealing with a very insecure dictatorship that desperately wants normality to return. Once the military is purged it will be much safer for them to arrest and execute Trump.

I also think this is why they’re holding off/slow walking the gun grabbing. They worried the military might get involved or worse refuse to help when the ATF/FBI gets into trouble with a raid.

Prince Charming says:

How likely is it that they already ran two big queries, one to see who is important enough to matter, and another one to give everyone a social credit score. They’re already building the narrative that: “DOD policy expressly prohibits military personnel from actively advocating supremacist, extremist or criminal gang doctrine, ideology or causes. All military personnel, including members of the National Guard, have undergone a background investigation, are subject to continuous evaluation, and are enrolled in an insider threat program. Simply put, we will not tolerate extremism of any sort in DOD”[*]. The purge can be done faster than the news of the civilian arrests really sinks in. Thinking one has to wait for the other is normalcy bias.

And once that’s done, is anything in the way of denazification 2.0?

[*] The Hill

jim says:

Sounds about right.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

I would love to see a Trump party, just for the lulz. Suggested names include TrumpiQans, TrumpAnon, and Boomer4eva. The logo should be a Kraken, and he would be running on the 100% credible platform that “even though the US Government refused for 4 years to hand over full control to me when I held the entire Republican party and associated gargantuan Military-Industrial Complex by the balls, I’m pretty sure they’ll be more amenable if I win with a much smaller organization with no existing political or business connections, and I’m pretty sure I can win because everyone likes me and elections are generally fair, despite the weird 2020 anomaly that could never happen again.”

Seriously, though, if Trump wanted to mount a full-on Andrew Jackson-style comeback in 4 years, he’d need to have a whole lot of meat shields between now and then, and I sure as hell would not take a bullet for him at this point. Does anyone know anyone who would? If he decided to take all of his most loyal supporters and start slapping them in the face with his dick, I think I’d almost enjoy watching the establishment tear him apart.

No, he’s finished politically, and will probably have his business assets seized by the SDNY soon enough. His best bet would be to flee the country, and for his sake I hope he had the foresight to acquire a dozen or so fake passports for him and his family while he was in the White House.

jim says:

Whosoever joins the Trump party is likely to die.

Electoral politics died in the early hours of November the fourth. Attempting to continue genuine electoral politics will fail, and may well fail fataly.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

And at this point I’d be rooting for it to fail fatally. After all that we’ve seen, anyone who still doesn’t get it is overdue for a purge.

The only way any right-wing caste survives and thrives is by ruthlessly separating the wheat from the chaff. There are far too many low-quality right-wing movements out there; maybe they’re useful as cannon fodder but I’m just about done standing up for them, because they sure don’t stand up for us, and can’t even seem to stand up for themselves.

jim says:

We should not help people who will not help themselves, but no enemies to the right.

Any criticism of the right should be from the frame that they are insufficiently right wing on some issue or another (Nazism is National Socialism), or from the frame that they are seriously out of contact with reality, and thus failing to worship Gnon (Vox Day, Qanon)

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

A “Trump party” at this point in time sounds like both to me. Insufficiently right, because Trump himself proved to be insufficiently right and because it would be trying to restore democracy after the mask of democracy has finally started to drop; and out of contact with reality for all the reasons I listed earlier and hundreds more.

Prince Charming says:

Perhaps not a 20c parliamentary party, but a more traditional European-style party, in the vein of Sinn Fein / IRA. If one may be permitted to dream.

Whites are good at organised violence, so we need to organise, right? But isn’t everybody who has mentioned Trump in a positive way over the past five years as good as done; what difference will it make to keep showing support? Even if new people will have to do the actually effective organising, i.e. people whose first redpill will have been to “use Signal”.

jim says:


Any white organization for violence will be crushed by the (mostly white, but substantially Jewish and increasingly dot Indian) left ruling elite.

Prince Charming says:

There has to be a way to organise in a way Al Quaida organises, clandestinely. Cell structure, steganography, accept likelihood of martyrdom. I guess we don’t have CIA to run us 🙁

Pooch says:

Al Queada had Saudi elite backing. Bin Laden himself was a member of the Saudi elite. We have zero elite backing.

jim says:

Bin Laden was Saudi elite and had Saudi elite backing.

We don’t.

After he lost Saudi backing, he had Pakistani backing. He was running Al Qaeda from the Pakistani equivalent of West point.

Prince Charming says:

We do have elite backing. We have so much of it that we got complacent. It has looked for a very long time that we had enough elite backing to mount a coup. There is a big difference between coming up just short, and zero. Perhaps it would take just a few, maybe even just one, to tip the scales. In a 50/50 situation, a small group of men can make a big difference to the outcome.

I think this is where Moldbug’s admonition to become worthy comes to stark relief.

If guy with a phone can become an Internet guru, the same guy can become a political force; it took a bin Laden to formulate the problem of America and how to solve it, but it took nineteen boxcutters and faith to raise the army that would bring America down. If you pare al Quaeda down to the things that really made impact, you can do away with all the trappings of power, and just keep the sermons & the boxcutters. The greatest psyop of the last four years was some kid shitposting on 4chan. The choke Visa/Mastercard had on who could buy & sell was broken by a weeb writing ten thousand lines of C++ (Jim is gearing up to write ten thousand more).

We are the incipient elite. All we have to do is to stop following our passions, and start doing what needs to be done. Or perhaps the Muslims will take over, or the Left — someone will, fake & gay can only go for so long once people start noticing. The modern state provides the logistics for us. It does look like they are trying to shut it down in a hurry, but for now, what is there that we may lack, apart from character?

jim says:


Bin Laden had real elite backing. He got money and arms from Saudi Arabia. When the Saudi King dropped him, realizing that more-Islamic-than-thou was a big threat, he operated from the capital of Taliban Afghanistan. When the Taliban were defeated, he operated from the Pakistani equivalent of West Point and the Pentagon, and dropped the doctrine that he was more Islamic than the rulers of Pakistan, even though the rulers of Pakistan are not all that Islamic.

The Tutsi prepared their revolt against the Rwandan regime in the neighboring country of Uganda, with whom they ethnic ties and within which they had a massive exile community. It was not a revolt, but a return of the exiles as an army, an army organized with the consent and cooperation of the Ugandan regime.

The only way we could do something similar would be to operate from Moscow or Peking, and only if we had a sufficiently massive exile community outside the American hegemony.

Notice that despite being genocided, the Tutsi within Rwanda failed to fight back, because the conditions that made the genocide possible made large scale organization impossible.

Contaminated NEET says:

Hello Jim,

I’d like to collect on our 10 mBTC bet about the Biden inauguration. I’ve sent you an e-mail from a burner protonmail account with my BTC address. I had to guess at your e-mail, but I’m pretty sure I got it right. Let me know if you didn’t get it.

jim says:

Not seeing your email. Try jim@blog.reaction.la

Contaminated NEET says:

Ah, it looks like I guessed your address wrong. I’ve re-sent it to the correct address.

Contaminated NEET says:

Payment received. Like my dad always said, fast pay makes fast friends. You’re a man of honor, Jim.

someDude says:

That’s something that B the Israeli never understood

Contaminated NEET says:

Yeah, I remember that. That’s what having 4000 years of the bazaar in your DNA will do to you.

Everything can be haggled, and every possible point that could work in your favor must be argued as strenuously as you can. It’s a winning strategy in orderly, civilized environments; it’s just too bad it sucks at creating such environments and gradually wears them away where they exist.

Once I watched two very smart Jews do some verbal sparring just for fun. It was really like watching two master swordsmen sparring. They kept reframing and reinterpreting what the other said in entrapping ways. It looked very dangerous and effective.

I did not know what to think about this back then. I think I do now. Basically, I think those who believe the Jews are all-powerful and the source of all problems and believe removing them from the picture would fix all problems are still thinking in the framework of a world ruled by rhethorics, argument, sophistry, wordsmithing. They do not get to the root of the problem, because Jews are not the only ones good at sophistry, nor the only ones using it against other people’s interests. If the world is ruled by sophistry, it will always select for sophists. So that is what needs to be changed. The world must not be ruled by sophistry, and if that is achieved, all that Jew-magic will be nothing more than elaborate word-games with no more power than slam poetry.

So the solution is to reduce the importance and power of words. There are two ways to do that. First, demand evidence, not argument. Second, rule by the sword, not rule by argument.

These two are fairly standard ideas around here, I would like to add a third one. Rational argument is something to be had between people with the same interests, goals. People with different interests, goals should negotiate, not argue. For example, your real estate agent can argue that you are pricing the house you are selling too high, it will not clear the market. But if a potential buyer comes up with this argument, it feels inherently sleazy, right? He is not there to help you, he is there to make a good deal for himself.

I mean mentioning this because I have plenty of sorta lofty-minded friends who sigh exasperatedly and say stuff like why politics cannot be decided by rational debate, instead of all this shouting and occasional violence. And the answer is that rational debate is only possible if all want the same thing. If it is not so, it must be negotiation, not debate. But the whole lie of democratic politics is that everybody has the same interests, so “we” pretend to rationally debate what to do. When in reality there are very, very opposite interests at play.

grumpy says:

Demand evidence for the trinity from scriptures.

Nothing, zilch.

Jim is a master sophist a coward, and a kiddie abuser.

jim says:

Paul writing to the Ephesians, Chapter 3 versus 9:15

And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ:

John Chapter 1, verse 10

He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.

John states the Trinitarian position pretty clearly.

King James translates “Logos” as “the word”, though we have no equivalent word in English. It means, in this context, the natural order, or the moral sense implied by the natural order, or the logic and purpose of the natural order, or …

Not readily translatable from the Greek without seven pages of Greek philosophy.

1. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

2 The same was in the beginning with God.

3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

6 There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.

7 The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe.

8 He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.

9 That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.

10 He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.

11 He came unto his own, and his own received him not.

Joe says:

We get an even more explicit declaration of the existence of the trinity if we combine John 1:14 with 1 John 5:7.

John 1:14

And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

1 John 5:7

For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.

So Jesus Christ is the Word made flesh, and those three that are one are the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost.

Dave says:

“For example, your real estate agent can argue that you are pricing the house you are selling too high, it will not clear the market.”

He’s pushing you to cut the price so the house will sell faster. He’ll get a slightly smaller commission, but he’ll get it right away. His interests are not aligned with yours because he has many houses to sell, whereas you have only one.

Good point. And reinforces my essential point, you don’t even do rational argumentation with your agent. You do it with a reliable, good, honest friend telling you “at that price it will take forever to sell”

Lord says:


Top article all around. Especially for pointing how Hitler and Co. were not just failures but also deviated from actual tradition:

“We still want and need freedom. This is who we are and who we will always be, which is why the National Socialists undermining the traditional family structure and erasing local allegiances was so self-defeating. And yet as seen in their impeccable aesthetics, they had good instincts, and never better than in trying to revive the Aryan spirit through their own Germanic idiom. We can say the same about Filmer in considering the polity as an extension of the family: this is how it worked for millennia for our ancestors, and indeed, is the only way it can work for us. We can say the same about Maistre’s instincts, prizing as he did the unwritten constitution, the altar erected by the work of circumstances, the tradition hallowed by its antiquity, the rites made sacred by the impersonal, imperative utterance of the ancestral deity, the truest expression of fas.

On the surface, all of these things seem radically different, and seem to bear no relation to “the Right” that holds liberty and the individual as self-evident goods in themselves. But scratch the surface, dig deeper—all the way to the root—colonize the deep past, and one finds that what is now many was originally one: we find that the weak, separate rods were once bound into a mighty fascis. The absolutism of Filmer, the traditionalism of Maistre, the radical corporatism of the Third Reich, were once united in the person of the Aryan House Father, standing astride his dominion, exercising his unimpeachable will, and seeing above it none but the line of fathers in his family sepulchre, those fathers who animate his very being, who form the unbreakable chain of which he is but a link, and whom he will one day join in the hereafter. What is now broken was once unbroken, and if any hope remains to us in this world of broken families, splintered religion, and failed states, it will look at least in outline like what has sustained us in some form or another for six millennia from the time when all the now scattered branches of the Aryan family dwelt together in Central Asia.”

Big Brutha says:

It’s been a sad couple of days. This could have ended so differently if DJT had overcome his normalcy bias. Alas. It’s been doubly sad to see someone like Vox Day, who I know is not everyone’s cup of tea, seemingly lose touch with reality. Lesson for all of us: don’t get high on your own supply. While there could be a lot of ways to interpret what was happening, the Qanon-way got further and further from reality the longer it went on. At some point, you have to get off the merry-go-round, and ground your observations in what’s actually happening. He reminds me of the wide-eyed folks I used to meet in the Middle East whose theories of political skullduggery got weirder and weirder over time. I get that conspiracies happen and I am not saying they don’t. But when your predictions and subsequent observations match up less and less often it’s time to re-evaluate your models. It’s the Right-wing version of “Climate science.”

S.J., Esquire says:

Yeah, idk man. I said this on another forum recently, it was never about “Q”, not really – I only became interested in “Q” after it already looked like there was a lot of weird stuff going on. Which it still does look like.

In a way I feel freer today.

Javier says:

Vox had just become embarrassing and sad. Hard to respect anything someone says when they are that deluded.

jsd says:

Look at him banning “gamma males” for saying things like:

“I beg you, after seventeen years, don’t jump off this cliff. You’re not a boomer, you don’t need to commit intellectual suicide. No one is ever going to listen to you again, except boomers.”

“What is wrong with you, Vox. These guys look to you for rational analysis and commentary and all you give them is false hope based on nothing. You’ve been wrong all along the way for weeks now. Yet you keep it up. Don’t keep fooling these people. Tell the the truth.”

“A bunch of NG drafted in from mainly blue states is not part of some Trump 11th hour storm you clowns. It’s over, Trump is a civnat boomer with a gonzo mouth and some comic timing.”

Sure looks like he is “doubling down.” Something has always been wrong with him. Maybe just that he bit off more than he can chew, trying to act up to his role as a leader-soothsayer. When people look to you it is enticing to pretend to know more than you do and to act up to their expectations. He overextended himself and now his shadow “gamma” characteristics are coming out.

ERTZ says:

I find it weird how serious talk here was about a replay of ancient Rome,
though while human nature is rather constant and learning of history is important to prevent making the same mistakes again,
the modern environment and conditions are quite different, very new effects and circumstances must be considered, that make a replay unlikely(almost autistic in its form:I imagined boys with tin figures of Caesar, Brutus, etc. with glued on paper faces of Trump etc. playing in the sand (=interpreting news media events with their current ideology);

how Trump has been glorified as a Messiah-like figure, half-God-like “emperor”, while evidently being just a less-successful grifter with pathetic involvement in plebs TV, zero track record of learning and intellectual pursuits – he even made his school grades a secret by law, which speaks much of itself, if only of his insecure personality;

the talk here about how the US military factions in a civil war might nuke the US homeland, talk of nuclear submarine commanders taking sides etc. …
there was a lot of reality loss going on here.

As an outsider I find it interesting how similar left and right are in many aspects:

Both talk a lot of how the other side is going to kill them, are citing much historic evidence of the fact and make plans/fantasies to defend themselves or counter-attack.
Both produce copious amounts of texts of questionable quality, which is regarded as a secret, or at least not-understood-by-most, deep, unquestionable and uniting truth.
Both flock together around charismatic leaders, which are highly intelligent, well-read and deeply knowledgeable-and correct in many aspects, therefore respected as leaders by many, but critically flawed in at least one point of their taught ideology (say, Chomsky on the left, Jim or Moldbug here)-humans can be (at least partially, it’s called “cognitive blind spot”) crazy and wrong, despite being highly intelligent and knowledgeable.
Both talk and think of a great, far-reaching, secret, powerful conspiracy of the other side, very dangerous and the “real enemy” to be fought – visible and invisible,
everything that happens is interpreted, fantasized to produce more and more complex explanations for its existence and evil workings, in a hopeless
attempt to keep ideology fitting to real events, producing ever more complex and extreme rationalizations and predictions.
Both desire violent revolution, secret or overt, to come to power and force their “absolutely true” ideas on everybody else, desiring to shape society in totalitarian fashion.

Much of the left-right ideology’s extremes make me think of a cult, with all the underlying cult psychology,
for example an UFO cult (world ends soon, aliens will rescue us true believers):
They may begin sane, with social benefits (social psychology, reward system activation by having allies/friends/being accepted , then feeling superior from occult/superior knowledge, then enjoying rewards from personal identity and sense of belonging by defining outsiders as enemies etc.), joint activities.

Then there’s “sunk cost fallacy”, analog to an inferior, low quality tool that one made oneself, spent a long time creating it, therefore never replacing it for a superior tool made by a factory for just a few cents to buy – suffering along working inefficiently with an inferior tool, because of that irrationality – and the same is true of ideas, ideas that one loves and is invested in, because one wants them to be true, because one has created them oneself, refined and improved on the ideas oneself in long hard work, with much thinking and reading, so the idea has become like one’s child;
and then “social proof”, because many others were being told of the idea/belief system, and if it would be exposed as (partially) wrong, then there would not be just private insult of one’s intelligence and efforts, one also would suffer social embarrassment, loss of social status, loss of being seen by others as a near-perfect intellectual (leader),public proof of having been wrong.
So instead of correcting oneself, admitting being wrong, the ideology is being kept, while attempts are made to bend reality around the idea/ideology – necessitating ever-increasing loss of contact with reality (“crazy”) and requirement for more and more extreme interpretations and predictions – until the whole bubble pops.

Just because many here are indeed right on women it does not follow that much of the other ideas are also mostly true.

See, I am quite stupid. I have proof of it, I made many mistakes, I believed many wrong things. So I may be, most probably about many things must be, wrong.
But I desire truth most, and I have corrected myself very often, letting go of old beliefs, even if that meant painful loss of dear illusions or acquiring uncomfortable new world models. So far it has served me very well; and I have found that many people are unwilling or unable to do this to themselves – their worldview and idealogies,
their desires what is true, what they want to be true, are not updated by themselves, they just die with them, and are thus updated by “gnon”.

Here’s my interpretation of events:

Republicans and Democrats are much the same, at least at the top, both are right-wing parties serving the interests of the upper class.
They just playact right and left, to give the people what they need, an “other side”, an opponent;
naturally, there are winners and losers, those being or aspiring to be strong, and those who want to be soft and kind, and both parties just service those human psychological needs accordingly. Voting is only meaningful for politicians, because it determines how much money and reproductive success they will have.
Voters effectively only vote on the size of politicians’ (and their staff’s) future mansions and quantity+quality of their wives, not on policy;
because policy is a stable factor outside voters’ whims, namely the interest of the upper class, “national interest”, effectively the US’ top 500 families or so.
And in accordance with that interpretation, neither Clinton, Obama nor Trump were able to affect anything meaningful – no deep, non-superficial changes to the system.
But a lot of noise, meaningless, utterly meaningless, hysterical political actions, Antifa here, riots there, a lot of wind in the media – and in the end, nothing that even remotely changed long-term development, nothing that made a lasting difference.
To provoke, tease and annoy, psychological outrage-inducers are identified and then employed, under wide media coverage, to cause the desired major outrage,
political diversion and attention/ad clicks – left and right are played against each other like pawns.
In all that apparent chaos the upper class’ rule and profits, the economy, work and consumption quietly go on, are what remains stable.
Women will work, men will work, transsexuals will work, immigrants will be immigrating and work, but all will work for or exist for the upper class’ profit.
While everybody else is kept squabbling, through careful psychological and political operations, to keep everybody else but the upper class on their knees.
The only reason why other people should be allowed to exist is to profit from them, make them useful for oneself; if they’re not, then they’re either useless or dangerous.
Making other people work to profit from their work, directly or indirectly, is the only rational reason I see why other people should be kept around.
And exactly that is happening, the US, and more and more the rest of the world, is becoming a work-maximization operation for the benefit of the upper class (but evidently also for everybody else). The rest is smoke and mirrors, entertainment.

Was the election stolen from Trump?
Perhaps, but it doesn’t matter, he never truly ruled, the top 500 or so families (their members dealing with ruling) always do. It’s them who are forming the real electorate that makes the big decisions. Trump was merely in their way, an accident, a disappointment, a hindrance, an inconvenience.

jim says:

> the modern environment and conditions are quite different, very new effects and circumstances must be considered,

We have been around this merry go round many times, many times, before.

Rome is the archetypical failure of the Republic caused by the decline in elite virtue. All the way to the late nineteenth century, people recognized that story as replaying over and over.

Israel of the time of Jesus is archetypical holiness spiral, and that story, which is right now our biggest problem, has also replayed over and over.

The French assignat is the archetypical failure of fiat money.

Nothing that matters has changed in social technology, other than double entry accounting and corporate form that it made possible.

I rather expect that the blockchain and triple entry cryptographically signed accounting will also make an advance in social technology possible, changes that the ICO prefigures, but right now our problems are with social technology that has not advanced since the time of Greece and Rome.

We need to reboot systems that are very old, and have been broken. At the same time, while waiting for the conditions that will make a reboot possible, we need to work on the social technologies of the future. Which is corporations as sidechains on the blockchain, for these technologies will make it possible to preserve truth, technology, and the market economic order through what may be well be a very long dark age.

jim says:

> the talk here about how the US military factions in a civil war might nuke the US homeland, talk of nuclear submarine commanders taking sides etc. …
> there was a lot of reality loss going on here.

You are suffering from normalcy bias. Normal died a long time ago, and people are failing to realize it.

This happens every time – the social order collapses, and people continue to act as if it was still in effect. Caesar died of this, and Trump may well die of it. The elites died of it in the Russian and French Revolutions. They thought they were moving to a constitutional monarchy, and the elites went with Biden, because they figure that they will rule with the president as mere figurehead, as the elites in the Russian and French revolutions thought they could rule with the sovereign as a mere figurehead, but without a leader, they are going to be helpless against their dangerously useful allies, the radical left.

The old fight with the Arians is still going strong, with most modern bibles issued by Socinians, hence the King James conflict, between bibles in which God created the world through Jesus Christ and Old Testament Hebrews had the patriarchal social order and kept female sexuality under control, and bibles where Jesus is only a regular mortal, and the Hebrews totally accepted the nineteenth century position on female sexuality.

The dispute about which Bible edition to use is the old conflict with the Arians, still going strong, and indissolubly linked to the attack on the family, the family being the current big applecart that the left is busy knocking over, which is indissolubly linked to the issue of faggots in the military and women on the front line, which is indissolubly linked to the issue of who controls the praetorian guard now in Washington.

We are still fighting this fourth century battle, and the action about which bible to use is going down in Washington as we speak. When they interview the guy in charge of the National guard in Washington, it is part of the fourth century conflict over Christology.

clovis says:

I’m not following the leap from politics into theology here. Most modern bible translations, afaik, still say women will have pain in childbearing and they will be ruled over by their husbands. The problem isn’t the translation but the teaching in the churches and the failure of people to read the bibles. Also not following how this is related to Arianism, or how the National Guard general is discussing Christology. Can you explain because I’m slow apparently thx

jim says:

> I’m not following the leap from politics into theology here

The bible that deletes the reference to God creating the world through Jesus Christ, will add a reference to “marriageable age”.

> or how the National Guard general is discussing Christology.

The National Guard General is not discussing Christology.

But the Socinian Christology has Christ changing the moral rules for the better, rather than calling the Jews back to the eternal and unchanging spirit of the law, which is a basis for continuing to change them for the better. And a lot of troops do not think they are changing for the better, but for the worse. And so, Democrats want to make sure that troops and officers in DC do think that moral rules are being changed for the better.

calov says:

Thanks, makes sense now.

(not)RedBible says:

Don’t you know, that when women being under the rule of men was a result of a fallen state, and that since Christ the fall has been revoked, women are free from the “oppressive” chains of men’s sin.

Also Jesus totally thought women were better than men, since he had TWO women followers. (Pay no attention to the 12 apostles.)

Also Jesus taught a Higher Law ™ so the entire lower Law of Moses doesn’t apply, you bigot. (Never mind that the Higher Law ™ seem much easier to follow since boyfriend Jesus will always forgive me for being a whore.) (Also ignore all of the apostles taking about the Law in a way that clearly references the Law of Moses.)

Certain verses don’t need rewriting by the progressives since the “context” has already been rewritten by them.

For example, when Jesus Christ talks about “lusting after a woman” they love ignoring two things that the Greek text clearly shows. First is that the word being translated as “Lust” here is translated everywhere else in the NT as Covet. Second is that the word for “Woman” here in Greek is basically always used for “a man’s woman” a.k.a. “a man’s wife.”
so we apply these changes, and get a verse that reads
[blockquote]”But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on another man’s woman to covet her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.[/blockquote]
So rather than demonizing normal male sexuality for finding a women boner inducing, it re-adds sanity to the law by connecting the 10th commandment to the 7th.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

When sketching out exegesis, the best impact comes from actually including the words you are digging back into the etymology of. This is meant helpfully of course.

Prince Charming says:

What shocks me is that when reading e.g. Roman politicians, or Paul’s epistles, is how matter-of-factly those people understood reality, whereas we seem to be flailing about in darkness.

Like, Plato wrote the parable of the cave when everyone he knew was redpilled on everything.

I don’t really know what to do about it?

Jehu says:

Fun fact. Arius, the original Arian heretic, was punched out at the council of Nicea by Saint Nick. Yeah, that Saint Nick. We’ve done some skits and dramas at our church commemorating that glorious event.
Saint Nick, who is apparently in the category of ‘Brawler Saints’ was stripped of his bishop’s garb and thrown in prison for doing this, but apparently Jesus and his mom intervened, made him a new bishop garment, and prevailed on the Emperor to get him out of jail. And the argument was settled in Nick’s favor.
But Arius is like the master villain in a comic book. He just keeps coming back. The urge to demote our Lord and Master Jesus to a community organizer and become holier than him just keeps coming back.

The Cominator says:

Don’t think Arius made Jesus a community organizer or even not divine. The Germanics for a long time followed the Arian version of Christianity… they as a warrior culture would have hated Jesus as community organizer.

He merely said the incarnation the son was a lesser manifestation of the greater God.

The Cominator says:

“Republicans and Democrats are much the same, at least at the top, both are right-wing parties serving the interests of the upper class.”

Marxists class categories are fake and gay.

Bilge_Pump says:

First off, I have to apologize if anyone has been replying to things I write. I don’t often have the time patience or interest to read direct responses to things I’ve said. Often the things other people talk about are more interesting than the topics I bring up.

That being said, what are the differences between Marxist class categories and based / red pilled / good class categories? Seems to me like the only difference is in the framing; where the Marxists would say “oppressed proles, righteous indignation”, the based would say ….? “righteously oppressed proles, but don’t tell them that”?

The Cominator says:

Marxists class categories are based on your wealth, reactionary class categories are based on your occupation and roughly correspond to Hindu Varnas and they tend to strongly correlate with your political views. With the brahmin/priest class (lawyers, bureaucrats journalists, academics intellectuals and such) being the real enemy class.

Gestahlt says:

All of NRX needs to get it through their heads: lawyers and scholars are not first caste, are not brahmins. They are vaisya, tradesmen. Intellect is not spirit.

Just what is a Muslim cleric, if not a lawyer and legal scholar?

suones says:


Law and Study are different in their classical forms than modern. Classical scholars were certainly Brahmins, and “lawyers” did not exist because “laws” were simple and straightforward. Modern corruption is because “law” and “education” have become “professions” now, and their practitioners expect to get paid for their performance, which is a vaishya trait. This has happened in part because Anglo society is certainly extremely vaishya-dominated, or at least used to be (“nation of shopkeepers” indeed), so status is inextricably linked with money. Thus every Brahmin is forced to go against his duty, and worship at the altar of Mammon, and become a “professional” or perform “knowledge work,” which leads to the contradiction that you so correctly pointed out.

The Cominator says:

I don’t agree I will not agree and NRx is not going to agree.

There is something hilarious about Hindus educating us about our own culture and traditions. It is hard even for us to get it in this modern world. And yes, they as one of the great cultures of history, and perhaps less pozzed, might teach us something about human universals. But I really don’t think they can understand the specialties of White Christian culture better than us.

And I notice the pattern here. Overly undefined, nebulous approaches to “spirituality” is precisely what was the problem with Whites too much influenced by something like Hinduism, even when it was our own invention, like Hegelianism. We are a fairly precise and get-things-done kind of race. Our spirituality is very much a practical cookbook.

suones says:


There is something hilarious about Hindus educating us about our own culture and traditions.

I would not dare try to “educate” any of you fine folk here. I merely state my observations, and I have learned much from the discourse in this and other similar great places.

But I must state that most of my views and analyses clearly mark “Hindu” opinion (which you are free to ignore as irrelevant minutiae), and “Aryan” belief, which one is bound to consider.

The “caste system” is undoubtedly Aryan in origin, and I found it surprising at first that Moldbug used expressly Hindu terms to deal with it. But then I realised that Latin or Greek terms may have overloaded meanings in Western literature, and would not get his points across.

I also noted, with trepidation, and some small disappointment, that he, a Semite, had a better grasp of Aryan social technology than any contemporary Aryans. Maybe this is because of the brainwashing that Aryan children are subject to, I don’t know.

“White Christian culture” is a complex being. There is Aryan culture, which has adopted a Semitic god (Yahweh) but actually worships an Aryan-ified deity (Jesus) in a curiously Aryan (Trinitarian) and non-Semitic way. Churches which accept this and play their role in their national society prosper, while Maximalist Churches which seek global domination are subject to rampant entryism and destruction (Catholic/Evangelicals).


Is an anti-Christian, anti-God Leftist anti-concept as defined by hipster-Hindu Beatles and other crypto-Marxists. Hindus indulge in a lot of navel gazing, true, but that shit is just retarded. Think of it as a failure mode in the absence of a strong Imperial cult. When there is no strong single cult of the God-Imperator three thousand miles away, there will be a thousand cults three miles away.

I’ll probably have to expand my imaginary blog post on religion. 🙂

suones says:

@TheCominator and @BilgePump

Reactionary categories are not class categories at all, but rather caste categories. Class is something that rises and falls with individual labour and fortune. Caste is correlated with the nature of a man, which is mostly genetic. A Brahmin may shovel shit for an occupation (happens a lot), but still retains the seed of intellect, whereas you may polish up a Shudra and seat him at Harvard the Most Holy but he still remains a buffoon, which truth is revealed as soon as he starts speaking. That they correspond with Hindu varnas is because Varnasharm is merely the description of human nature. Any truthful study of humanity will reach similar conclusions. The caste “system” is not really a “system” at all, any more than “chemical naming system” is a system. This was one of Moldbug’s great insights for the Western mind.

Why is this important? Because if one knows one’s nature and is at peace with it, it becomes easier to achieve material success and spiritual happiness in life, and a contented death, which is what everyone ultimately wants.

This is something that I find hard to explain to the Western mind as well and you’ve put it succinctly. Classes are different from caste. A Brahmin in India can absolutely be low class in terms of lifestyle, wealth and hierarchy in the power structure which is actually a reality in India today. Observe how our temple priests find it hard to even eke out a living from their duties and live a life of poverty. Even the relatively well off Brahmins are still middle class. In fact most of the ruling elite in India are not Brahmins at all.

With some exceptions literal Brahmins are actually far from power or prestige in India and have been for a long time, and more recently because of our very own “affirmative action” reservation quota system.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

The “top 500” is correct in a sense, but it is not top 500 by wealth, as you imply and no doubt want readers to infer. It’s top 500 by social status and political connections. That includes the Clinton family near the top, the Biden family near the bottom, and many families no one has ever heard of in between.

Progressives are a social class, not an economic one. It’s a group of mostly upper-middle-class whites and a small number of the very wealthy waging war against the majority of the very wealthy and almost all of the lower middle class, using the underclasses as a proxy. In a nutshell, it’s SWPLs vs. Old Money and Amerikaners, and it’s quite possibly the longest-running and most one-sided war ever fought in history.

Everybody here understands HLvM by now, only shills deny it. But the “high” is not the wealthy, the “high” is (and always has been) the rulers and the politically powerful. In the old aristocracies, that went hand-in-hand with wealth and capital, and things were better back then. We don’t live in an age of aristocracies anymore, unless you consider bioleninism a form of aristocratic privilege.

suones says:

…unless you consider bioleninism a form of aristocratic privilege.

Kakistocratic privilege, perhaps?

onyomi says:

Thinking about Trump’s shortcomings and Q recently I realized that Q, whatever the motivations for its creation, was so successful worming its way into many brains because it so perfectly filled an explanatory “slot” left by an odd aspect of Trump’s behavior.

Trump sees the problems (overreacting to covid, antifa violence, critical race theory, mail-in ballots, big tech censorship), he loudly complains about the problems, he’s the POTUS and seems like a bold, energetic guy… yet mysteriously nothing gets done about any of the problems, seemingly even those he unambiguously could do something about even without institutional support.

Q steps into that explanatory gap by saying, “The POTUS is not weirdly inactive/all talk and/or completely lacking any support whatsoever from anyone in the whole government, there’s merely a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes. He sees the problems, he knows the problems, do you really think he’s just sitting back and doing nothing??”

Of course, it’s not actually the simplest explanation, which is generally that things are as they seem and people are myopic, polyannaish, backstabby, etc., but it was an explanation that explained the strange observed reality fairly well for many.

Anonymous 2 says:

The most interesting part was that the whole unmoored Qanon thing still got banned in unison by the forces of progress, presumably because it provided an effective rallying point.

Well, that and Epstein didn’t kill himself.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

Qanon was a foil for the left, not unlike late-stage KKK and Buckley’s entire Conservative movement, and foils eventually have to be defeated for good. People get bored of watching the hero fight the same villain over and over again. Once those anons, and many not-so-anons, outlived their usefulness, it was time to get rid of them.

f6187 says:

@R7 “Endless wall-of-text vs an actual livestream.”

God bless. Here, let me duckduckgo that for you:



There’s probably more out there, since I get the distinct impression that the U.S. military is pozzed A.F., despite what the Flash Gordon crew are doing out there on the marsh.

Ace says:

I still remember the first female navy aviator “qualified” for carrier landings. She locked up during a landing destroying her F14, killing herself, and almost killing her radar operator who pulled the ejection at the last second to save himself. Since then I’ve read about women being promoted to squadron leader on carriers but it’s not entirely clear if they do any actual landings themselves. Computerization probably helps in that area.

Soon they’ll be in charge of super carriers:

The Chinese won’t need to sink them. They’ll crash into their escorts and sink the first time they’re under attack.

Catholic Sheepdog says:

I read over 20 years ago a comment somewhere that with the way things are going in the west, that it will end up being the case that Russia will end up being able to defeat the US & Europe is a war.

I don’t think they saw that women crashing aircraft carriers into their cruiser escorts would be the reason why though xDD

Mister Grumpus says:

So there goes plan-trusting, and I don’t just mean in Trump, White Hats and Qanon. There goes plan-trusting in elections, or the government, or the Constitution, or the law, or the Road to Roota, or whatever.

OK maybe I’ll switch to plan-trusting that the Air Force’s nukes don’t work anymore so that Putin can pull something out over there. Tempting.

Come to think of it, I must still be plan-trusting around the whole “Western” Westphalian nation-state thing, like in general. I’m still seeing puffs of smoke there where the Road Runner left hours ago. I really need to catch up.

This Globo-Harvard-Google-Twitter-Equalism thing is just too damn strong. There’s no Presidential Pardon for being called racist on the internet.

Moldbug observed that the Eye of Sauron only turns to things that it can influence. People it can status-threaten into “leaking power” its way. Maybe the Meme War would still be raging if Twitter were run by some mysterious Tyler Durden figure on the far side of the Moon with all the food and women he needed.

Let’s notice that bitcoin, while imperfect, is doing so well now because it was explicitly written to be uncontrollable. That’s new! There’s no bitcoin ban hammer, so there’s no one for Teen Vogue to threaten to use it on someone or else.

And there we have it. Crypto-warriors for the win, please, I beg you. It’ll be Samizdat all over again. The Cathedral collapse murder orgy grows ever more self-evident, but people will be too afraid to see it for themselves unless there’s a safe (if virtual) place where someone can tell them that yes, they see it too, so there’s at least two of us.

And crucially, what we’ve learned here is that Redpill Questions can be used to filter out shills. Redpill Questions are the killer app for this new crypto-societal technology.

jim says:

The great vulnerability of bitcoin is the blood diamonds attack. There is no ban hammer, but there could be. Fortunately our enemies don’t comprehend the technology well enough to mount the attack.

Mister Grumpus says:

And that’s exactly it. The South American superkings couldn’t comprehend guns, germs or steel either.

Also notice that a lot of big shots are deciding that “If they can’t beat them then join them” wrt cryptocurrency. Goldman Sachs needs to hang onto something through The Purges just as much as I do.

What I’m trying to say is that it’s not just Internet Frog People who need crypto-society. There’s already intense demand from the upper tiers as well. No one has told me this, I’m just asserting it out of my own perceptions, but I’ll bet you a pocket full of Satoshis anyway.

There are people in the FBI, and Wall Street, and etc, right now, who can already smell the crocodiles around the corner. They know they need to start conspiring with their trusted fraternity buddies to GTFO in some shape or form, even though they don’t consciously get it yet. Fear is a survival instinct that functions well below the intellect.

The Ducking Man says:

I live in south-east asia country where transacting Bitcoin is punishable 5 years jail time. Some people actually went to jail during the first bitcoin boom few years ago for selling bitcoin.

I’m not fluent on the technicalities how they can be tracked down, I guess everything is possible if ISP is selling out to government.

I plan-trust lots of thing but bitcoin is not one of them.

suones says:

Bitcoin is 100% trackable and has zero privacy. Also, using BTC in Asia is like painting a huge target on your back for “the authorities.” BTC has a lot of traction in India but it is still in a legal grey area (used to be illegal but Supreme Court found the rule to be unconstitutional). We can actually buy and (theoretically) hodl it now, but it is worse than cash.

Ace says:

So there goes plan-trusting, and I don’t just mean in Trump, White Hats and Qanon. There goes plan-trusting in elections, or the government, or the Constitution, or the law, or the Road to Roota, or whatever.

Trump had a legal plan, but it was rooted in normality & the Republic and normality & the Republic are quite dead. Making plans for the future is unlikely to work as the pace of social entropy increases ever faster.

RedBible says:

Yesterday I was thinking to myself: There a real possibility that a group on the left is going to start pushing “pedophilia” since it’s one of the few remaining “minorities” that get clear and obvious hate. (Yes pedophilia is an anti-concept, but it is the way that the left will push it.)

I’m still not sure how it is supposed to lead to knocking over apple carts, but seeing how apparently yesterday twitter refused to remove CP (of a 13 year old girl) because it “didn’t violate there terms of service” I’d say that my hunch seems on point, especially since it appears (based on what I’ve seen) Law Enforcement isn’t getting involve so far.

That said, my personal guess if that before 2024 “pedophilia” will be legal. Now, I have no clue if it will be only the gay shit, or if it will include normal sex, but I’m pretty sure that “pedo marriage” will not be legal.

(A few years ago there were some lefties pushing that kids should be allowed to refuse hugs/kisses from relatives because of the principles of “consent”, so this is really just the natural result of a holiness spiral at work.)

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted because unresponsive*]

jim says:

We already had this argument

Time for a second Dissolution of the Monasteries

And you instead of responding to what was said are just repeating yourself yet again.

That would be an interesting shitshow to watch, because the gays are pushing for having the right to fuck young boys, while the post-wall retired-carousel-rider feminists are pushing against men having the right to fuck women younger than themselves, as then they really have no chance. Indeed a gay-only outcome is expectable, but how can they even spin that, saying that a 14 years old boy is capable of informed consent and a 17 years old girl is not, would imply things they really don’t want to imply.

OTOH willingness to break the law is an obvious alpha indicator. They could basically just make heterosex illegal, and any man unwilling to break that law would be not alpha enough to be interesting to women anyway. THAT is why patriarchical i.e. real marriage is illegal. It is a shit test, wives are happy to submit to husbands who are willing to dominate them illegally, because that is an alpha indicator.

The Ducking Man says:

One brief narrative I’ve read is “pedophilia is genentic” basically certain people are more inclined by their genetic to pursue much younger “partner”. It works to push gay agenda, so I don’t see why not.

Most likely via bogus research to prove “it’s genetic”.

Another way I can see is society is being conditioned to pursue sex as ultimate purpose in life. Without restrain significant portion of male will starts chasing girls during their peak period which is 12 to 14 years old.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

In this matter, the general insecure desire for control, power, or impact, that commonly facilitates leftisms, expressed here through transgressing norms but for the fact that they are norms, is at odds with the feminist tendency that is served by removing the possibility of wedlock through inflating ‘age of consent’ to infinity, by creating a leverage of power that can be invoked by a woman over a man in any interactions between the same through the same (‘statutory rape’), by presupposing a frame where such a thing as a ‘consent age’ could be a thing in the first place, and the bugman tendency to de-sex/de-vivify/denature people in general, also through inflating ‘aoc’ to infinity.

Obviously there will be no consistency in any of it, and conflict between vagarious leftist clades is the rule. The most reliable watermark you can use in these matters is, whether or not it can be used as a weapon against more competent targets. Eg, what would hurt straits, or whites, or males (or even strait white males) here the most? This is why, for example, expanding the franchise to aliens is a big ticket, but further logical expansions to say, donkeys, aren’t; because our humble burros are not a politically useful element in the way the formers are, so what’s the incentive? Certainly not formal rigor.

Anonymous 2 says:

apparently yesterday twitter refused to remove CP (of a 13 year old girl) because it “didn’t violate there terms of service”

One could also report Twitter to the police for this and see what happens.

Ace says:

It was a 13 year boy. Sex with young boys is unofficially legal now and CPS officers are getting rich selling young boys as sex slaves to fags.

onyomi says:

Oh good, so they’ll uncancel Milo Yiannopoulos?

Encelad says:

“Am donating $100M towards a prize for best carbon capture technology”

-Elon Musk on Twitter

I smell fear… Is he trying to appease our new masters with indulgences?

No, this is clever. We are powerless to stop the madness. The clever thing is to sow discord between our enemies. We also know globalwarming is just an excuse to do evil. So the clever thing is to call the bluff.

Capturing carbon and turning it into fuel is what a tree does, inventing a more efficient tree is generally not a terrible idea.

It would be better to do nothing, but making a better tree is far less bad than all the alternatives. It splits those who really seriously believe in globalwarming, they will support it, from those who just want to use it as an excuse to do evil, who will not.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

Don’t be gay. Elon Musk has a long history of sucking up to the green movement and really anyone in power. It’s not fear, and it’s definitely not some brilliant strategy to weaken the enemy ranks. It’s just what he does and what he’s always done.

I can’t believe that new Secret Plan narratives are already emerging mere days after Qanon so spectacularly crashed and burned. People really never change.

Ace says:

I can’t believe that new Secret Plan narratives are already emerging mere days after Qanon so spectacularly crashed and burned. People really never change.

This sort of stuff is really common with doomsday cults. The day of doom comes and nothing happens. So they create a new doomsday and continue. They tend to shed followers every time this happens but the people who remain become even more dedicated and zealous about it. Sunk cost fallacy all the way to the bottom.

Theshadowedknight says:

Yeah, but he changed during Trump’s term. We call him the Star Prophet because of that change. Now, he still needs to be circumspect, but I really do believe he wants to go to Mars. That drives him, and the rest is whatever he needs to do to that end. The reason he wants to go to Mars is something only he and God knows, but that is his purpose.

It’s not some secret plan to bring down the left. It’s him muttering pieties to get them off of his back while he continues his work. Whether it works or not depends on a lot of things. The worst case is that, “the revolution has no need of space explorers.” If it puts off any cost into the future and makes the donation contingent on performance, so much the better.

jim says:

He has always been afraid, and always been trying to appease our masters.

The Cominator says:

TheDividualist is right though. Musk is very very clever about doing it though… especially since Tesla collects way more than this every year in green subsidies.

Ace says:

Carbon capture appears to be a viable tech now. The left hates it and doesn’t want it funded, but if it gets funded and built, it’s going to hurt their ability to wreak the industrial economy.

Ace says:

Jim, why did you get Bob Barr so wrong? In retrospective it’s clear he was always a traitor. Someone slipped in to put the knife in Trump’s back when the the left needed it.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

A lot of people wanted to give Barr the benefit of the doubt; relative to the general trend of no swamp dwellers coming even close to acting in the interest of Trump in particular, and Amerikaners in general, even the least of cooperations can look like a ray of sunshine.

Friendly Fedposter says:

Barr? Seriously? You guys still haven’t caught on yet.

And the Elon Musk offer being something more than face value is just more Q-level nonsense. Just a tax write-off. Don’t read into it.

jim says:

The Musk proposal to remove CO2 is a superficially good leftist proposal that prevents the left from knocking over his applecart. Which absolutely typical of Musk. Pretty sure he is absolutely serious.

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