
Gold, crypto currency, and hyperinflation

The fed is printing a pile of money, and what is happening to that money is as obscured and obfuscated as the claims about inflation.

We have for some time been seeing shortages of critical products, typically special products with sticky prices. A contractor cannot get his final payment for lack of a three hundred dollar part, and goes bankrupt. These shortages are increasing and we are now starting to see shortages of basic products, the most basic of them all being labor itself, and very high inflation in products that do not have sticky prices, such as lumber. This prefigures a lot of inflation already baked into the cake, which inflation will greatly exceed inflationary expectations, which are low due to normality bias. There has been quite a lot of inflation lately, considerably exceeding inflationary expectations. The shortages and the inability to maintain monetary discipline which underlies those shortages prefigure a great deal more inflation, exceeding inflationary expectations even further.

Hat tip Pseudo-Chrysostom for the image.

The official inflation numbers have long been detached from reality. They have now, rather suddenly, become rather more seriously detached. They are about to rapidly become a great deal more detached.

The underlying cause is collapse of cohesion and discipline among the elite. They are just unable to stop all sorts of people helping themselves to the printing press, which lack of control and discipline prefigures hyper inflation – not tomorrow, not probably next month, probably not next year or the year after, but not far off.

Hyperinflation does not happen all at once. It starts with wave of startlingly bad inflation, then a wave of relative stability, and people think normality has returned. But it has not. There is another wave, and another, each with more inflation than the last, each with more rapid inflation than the last, and the waves coming closer and closer together, finally blending into one continuous wave until no one knows what prices should be, and the money just stops being useful.

Asset prices are inflating, as people with access to easy money buy real assets, but in the final stages of inflation, asset prices no longer keep up with inflation, because the money ceases to be useful as a measure of value, and assets are illiquid. Someone has a trillion dollars, is not sure whether he should invest in a house with it buy or a hamburger. He is hungry, so he buys the hamburger.

Gold and crypto is hedge against hyperfinflation. Anyone who buys bitcoin intending to sell it for fiat money is a fool,, because investing with the intent of selling presupposes that it is a bubble. Outsiders cannot profit from a bubble. You cannot get out of a bubble sooner than everyone else, because by the time you know it is time to get out, everyone also knows it. (Unless of course the government is the buyer of last resort, or is funding wetbacks with no id, no income, no job, and no assets to take out million dollar mortgages, as in the great Minority Mortgage Meltdown) The primary argument for bitcoin is that fiat is a bubble, hence the hodl strategy. Pay no attention to the latest news, because you know the final destination. Dips are a buying opportunity, assuming the hodler noticed the dip, which he probably did not.

When one does book keeping and accounting, one wants the entries in the assets and liabilities column to be as directly as possible connected to real things that have real value. In contrast, the fed balance sheet is unreadable, and its flows incomprehensible – this has gone beyond normal government incompetence and looks more and more like three card monte. The budget and the debt limit and all that have become as meaningless and irrelevant as the Queen travelling in a stage coach to open the British Parliament.

Silver, these days, is an industrial metal. In the long depression, it was spontaneously demonetized, because people used banks and banknotes for small transactions, and it has been steadily demonetizing further and further. In a hyperfinflation, it might remonetize for transactions of moderate size, but I don’t think so. Crypto currency renders it irrelevant.

The real value of silver relative to other resources, like oil and iron, is likely to remain approximately stable, but as people see what is coming, the real value of crypto and gold, relative to resources and goods, is rising, with crypto rising far faster than gold. If, as I think likely, crypto currency results in the demonetization of gold, gold is going to fall in real value relative to resources and goods a very long way, while silver will remain relatively stable. Stability sounds good, but you will not be able to buy food, guns, and ammo with it.

1,895 comments Gold, crypto currency, and hyperinflation

alf says:

Perhaps this is a European thing, but the normalcy bias among friends and family boggles the mind. People think housing prizes are going to drop, gas will drop, lumber will drop. Just market fluctuations bro, remember when housing prizes crashed in 2008? There is an outright refusal to acknowledge what is happening and what that implies about current and future state of affairs.

Well, guess I’ll get some more crypto.

jim says:

Normalcy bias everywhere.

When shortages happen, indicates that inflationary expectations have fallen short of reality.

Everyone using his own money to speculate got out of the housing market before 2006. From 2006 to 2008, there were a vast number of empty houses theoretically owned by people with no income, no job, and no assets, who could not be found, except when they showed up in jail. During this period, mortgagees illegally flipped houses without the participation of the mortgagor, to create the accounting appearance that loans were being paid off. When the music stopped in 2007, housing prices fell because these empty houses came back on the market.

Stagflation can in theory occur because inflationary expectations exceed the actual rate at which the currency is diluted, but observed behavior is that this is usually very brief, because inflationary expectations quickly adjust downwards to actual dilution of the currency. Prolonged stagflation is usually a result of attempting to tax above the laffer limit, and/or regulatory obstacles to doing business.

Continuing and increasing shortages indicate continuing and increasing currency dilution, which stays ahead of inflationary expectations.

That hyperinflation takes a long time to go hyper is because inflationary expectations are slow to adjust upwards. People keep expecting prices to be like they were, when they should be expecting them to increase at least as fast as they increased in the past.

FrankNorman says:

Housing prices falling sounds like something good for everyone other than the speculators.

notglowing says:

Not just speculators own homes and properties.
It would be worse on them than others, but it’s also bad for everyone who purchased their home at high prices.

Also NPCs think that real estate is the only safe investment, so if they have excess money from years of hard work they try to put it in a second house or apartment in order to rent it out and make some money.

The Cominator says:

1. If you’re not a speculator you shouldn’t be too unhappy if you’re house doesn’t keep up with inflation (unfortunately they probably will).

2. Nobody here should give a damn about NPCs, I’m suspicious of anyone that doesn’t thoroughly hate them. NPCs borrowing to buy real estate en masse with government backed credit is half of the reason real estate is so overpriced compared to other assets (and that housing costs are so high). Another reason for a Georgist tax system post restoration and extreme draconian restrictions on mortgage credits.

notglowing says:

My family owns some real estate, of course I’m not going to hate them for it. They were simply made to believe that it was the best way to store their money.
I’ve tried to get them to sell it at the inflated prices, but they just don’t trust any other investments, and have been burned on some investments they made that weren’t real estate.
Besides, I’ve said this before, but it’s in the nature of most people to simply follow the beliefs of the society they are in, and not even realize that. People like that need to exist.

It’s the result of my grandfather and others in his generation working three jobs and having a small business at the same time, in the more economically prosperous times of the postwar era.
And it’s why my family doesn’t have any debts, why we do not need to pay rent, or a mortgage, despite none of them having a high status or high paying job.
We didn’t buy on credit.

We rent a couple apartments, and it does make money, but it’s also not easy or risk free like people think.
Some tenants are good and pay rent, some thrash apartments and you are forced to pay for it.
And if they do not pay rent, there is no recourse in practice. Due process is designed to make it impossible to kick them out except with a very lengthy and expensive and uncertain process.
We are forced to bribe these leeches to make them leave, and they inevitably still trash the place, threaten my grandparents, and have no remorse whatsoever.
There’s a ton more bullshit, and I could fill pages with the nonsense they have had to deal with just in the past five years.
With the taxes and laws that we have we already barely have property rights to our own real estate.

jim says:

I have a property where the tenant paid very little rent for a very long time, but I did not do anything about not because it would have been difficult, (well partly because it would have been difficult) but partly because he was sick and getting sicker. When he finally disappeared, the property required major work, the place was so ruined it was impossible to stay there. I don’t know what happened to the former tenant. He may have left because it was no longer livable, or left to hospital, or just become so disoriented that he died in a ditch somewhere. The current tenant is OK, but I had to do very major repairs.

notglowing says:

That’s a strange story.
In one case a tenant paid little to no rent for a long time, but they were eventually able to get rid of him by giving him some money and telling him *I* was getting married and needed a place to move in with my non-existent wife.
A bizarre thing to tell a tenant and I don’t really get why they needed an excuse considering he wasn’t paying rent. But it was more amicable than most of the “evictions” we did.

What we did not realize is that he had not been paying the gas bill either and in fact had kept making new contracts when he was late on payments, using his relatives’ names.

By the time he left, the gas company had, without warning us, physically cut off the service to the home, a process that is not simple to reverse. Worse, this happened in august, the time of the year when the most workers are on holiday, and the bureaucracy is mostly stopped.

The new tenant arrived and he could not cook his meals, he demanded we pay for him to get hot meals from outside until the gas was fixed.

As he was paying rent and was a more reliable tenant we begrudgingly gave him a discount on the rent to cover his costs (to be fair, eating warm food is considered a basic necessity here, and lunch breaks typically last one and a half to two hours to allow office workers to go home and eat there).
It took us a little over a month to convince the utility that the gas bill would be paid in the future, and to find someone who would re-attach the apartment to the grid (at our expense).

Unfortunately, the reliable tenant moved out after less than two years because he had to move to a larger place in order to legally marry his foreign wife and give her permanent residency (I don’t know the details but apparently living in a small one man apartment would not make their living together credible, so the marriage would look like a sham to get residency status)

Aidan says:

Real estate is a dangerous investment if you only own a little of it; bad tenants can ruin you, and you get plenty of bad tenants. It is legally almost impossible to evict a bad tenant, even if that tenant moves in and does not pay a single month of rent past the first.

If you are a huge landlord, and own a ton of properties, 10% of tenants not paying rent is an expected and consistent loss. I first expected housing prices to drop as the boomers started dying off. My anecdotal experience is that people today are worse off than their parents, so when Dad and Mom die, their house tends to gets sold rather than rented out or kept. Now I expect housing to stagnate; not many people will be buying houses to flip them, but it looks like supply entering the market is getting snapped up by huge landlords looking to rent out the properties, and even foreign corporations.

jim says:

People who can get easy money from the fed are buying property to rent out.

Mr.P says:

I sold the last of our rental properties last year.

The County Communists said, you will rent to blacks and illegals; if they don’t pay, too bad, so sad, because you stole the property from the blacks and illegals anyway, so the property wasn’t yours from the start.

Besides that, the housing bubble eviscerated the supply of good, reliable, pays-on-time tenants. Anybody who could fog a mirror got a mortgage, which meant the renter cohort was comprised exclusively of those who could not fog a mirror.

Screw that. I’m out.

EH says:

Yep. Corporate landlords who bought with borrowed money are just frontmen for banks that counterfeited the money. They treat the tenants worse than actual feudal peasants, and can’t be charged with any of their crimes. Despite glowing’s whining, the laws are heavily stacked in favor of the landlords in just about every US jurisdiction, and the lease forms are as bad as a click-through EULA.

Class-action RICO, it’ll be coming for the parasites soon.

notglowing says:

> Despite glowing’s whining, the laws are heavily stacked in favor of the landlords in just about every US jurisdiction,

Yes, and I do not live in the US. Here, eviction is almost impossible, even going through the proper procedures, which requires months of time, and five figures paid to lawyers, does not guarantee enforcement even once the judge rules in your favour. We’ve been there and done that.

The landlords I know, many of whom have far more money than us, all tend to do the same thing, bribe the tenants into leaving. Which of course encourages them to repeat the offense.

jim says:

Speculators who own substantial property tend to be smart people who are very good at speculating. Everyone got out of the great Minority Mortgage Bubble in November 2005, and watched from the sidelines while the authorities kept pretending the bubble was still going.

Within their field of expertise they know exactly what is happening, though they frequently fail to realize that the same corruption, lies, and pretense is happening everywhere, happening in voting, in the courts generally, and not just in the matters directly affecting their investments.

They are apt to trust the “experts” – but not in matters affecting their own wealth. They frequently fail to see broader social decay, but they have perfect vision for social decay in certain particular matters. Similarly every real scientist knows that official science is bullshit within his own field, but is apt to to be strangely trusting of official science in matters outside his own field.

Karl says:

The speculators you describe above seem to be rare. Once a speculator has had an experience with courts in his special area of expertise (e.g. real eastate), it would be strange to assume that the courts would work differently with any case from any other legal field.

My impression is that people generalize their expierence with one or two courts to all other courts in that jurisdiction regardless of the legal field.

Karl says:

You treat all fiat currencies as one. Maybe this is correct, but it is not obviously correct.

There is the US empire and all currencies of this empire are more or lies tied to each other. Hyperinflation of the US$ leads to hyperinflation of these currencies as well – unless they manage to break away from the US$, which might be somewhat easier during hyperinflation of US$.

What about Russia? I do not see how US hyperinflation would contribute to making Russian fiat currency worthless. Same with China.

Crypto might achieve demonetization of gold, after it has effectively replaced every fiat currency. At present, currencies of the US empire are on a path to become worthless. Then crypto might replace them, but outside of the US empire?

Foreign currencies (or rather just one of them) usually replace local currency during hyperinflation. Why should this not happen this time?

jim says:

In the end, there can only be one.

For a time, gold was the one, and all other currencies were claims against gold.

Then the US dollar was the one. Now the US dollar is ceasing to be the one. This is a transitional state.

Varna says:

For years the US “exported inflation” to precisely places like China and Russia every time printer went brrr.

The US populace got used to the magic of not feeling the inflation from the money printing by their elites, because the shock was always absorbed by the Chinese and Russian consumers, and lots of other places.

This is one of the perks of being the printing press of the dominant world currency. If you keep the printing within reason.

Now they have gone full into some warped version of the Modern Monetary Theory, way beyond anything the external world can absorb, to the extent that paranoid ramblings how the system is deliberately crashing the economy and the currency in order to reconfigure everything into a neo-feudal system with a majority of utterly dependent plebs fed through totally controlled govt digital coins, is sounding less and less implausible.

If you go pages 6 and 7 of the “absolute zero” report
you’ll see in a delightful graph showing how at least according to one “respectable” scenario of the build back better perestroika, from 2030 onward flights are supposed to stop, airports to close, international shipping to stop, building of new housing must stop, making new metals must stop.

Then, after 20-30 years of this cyberpunk medieval stagnation, once Cthulhu has been appeased, new sci-fi tech will take over, and survivors will be flying hither and yon with their antigravity belts.

China and Russia can survive this, if their elites are non-traitorous, the leaders–capable, their economies–fused, their new currencies–based on intra-union mechanisms, mostly shielded from the “controlled landing into feudalist digital pharma-gulag” of the western elites.

A compelling case can be made that the underperformance of gold in recent years is because Bitcoin is replacing gold as a more secure and transferrable store of value.

So slowly accumulating and hodling Bitcoin, Cardano ADA, and a fraction in silver. Some negative talk about Cardano in the comments here recently, but I am still cautiously optimistic with Cardano’s focus now shifting to scaleability and Hydra now that smart contracts have launched. After Scaleability, then the roadmap is Governance. Then we’ll really see if Cardano really transitions to being a Sovereign Corporation, or if Hoskinson is just talking the talk. There can only be One, but too early to predict if it will be Bitcoin or Cardano, or some other crypto..

Oog en Hand says:

Did people like Warren Jeffs take The Shot, or will the polygamists survive?

Majority of Mormon Fundamentalists oppose the vax, as do a lot of mainstream LDS that are far enough right wing. Sadly the First Presidency of the LDS Church strongly urges the vax, but fortunately on the ground the hesitant are still hesitant. I’ve heard there are a few local leaders of congregations in Utah and surrounding states who have “received their own revelation” not to do the vax and so are in rebellion against the FP order.

notglowing says:

> Silver, these days, is an industrial metal. In the long depression, it was spontaneously demonetized, because people used banks and banknotes for small transactions, and it has been steadily demonetizing further and further. In a hyperfinflation, it might remonetize for transactions of moderate size, but I don’t think so. Crypto currency renders it irrelevant.

I don’t expect it to become super important as a currency any time soon so long as the internet and basic infrastructure exists.

However, as you said, silver is an industrial metal, far more so than gold.
That means its stock-to-flow ratio is far worse than gold, or better depending on how you look at it.
Gold has little chance of being very volatile (in terms of purchasing power) for that reason, but silver could skyrocket in value relatively quickly. The reserves are that much smaller.

My net worth is almost entirely in cryptocurrencies, some 5% of it is in stablecoins pegged to the US dollar, to ensure I am able to buy a dip on the one hand, and that in the case of a market downturn I can buy real things without needing to sell cryptocurrencies at a lower price. It’s enough to pay a single man’s living expenses for a year.

That said, the crypto market works in cycles. So I am planning on selling most of it at the top of this cycle, but I don’t want to sell all of it, nor keep the profits in fiat.
Currently I am considering what to buy and silver seems like a good play, because the charts and the big picture make it look like it is quite cheap, and could gain a lot of value in the coming years.
Being Silver, it’s also not likely to become completely worthless.
A stock market crash would not wipe out silver, at least in the longer term, neither would inflation.
There are some silver ETFs that seem trustworthy, I could divide my capital between different ones located in different countries.
I also intend to buy some 10 grand worth of physical silver as a safety of last resort.

Physical metals however cannot pass through airports or be carried around safely and easily, and they can still be confiscated, also they can be stolen at any time with no recourse possible.
But they can be buried in your backyard, and used as currency if technology collapses. They can also be exchanged without any trace being left, and their value will likely never disappear entirely.
Though, some dark images come to mind. During the period of the collapse of the Roman Empire, many commoners would bury all their gold in their field somewhere, and strangely never manage to come back to collect it, and we are still finding some of it over a thousand years later.

I’ve been invested in crypto for five years, and have followed it for nine years.
I never ended up cashing out my investment, and back in 2018 a lot of my money got wiped out in the “bear market” that followed. Because I got in early, I was not at a loss in absolute terms, but some 80% of my money was gone, and while timing the market exactly is not possible, I had plenty of time and chances to divest then while getting out 70-80% of my all time high value. I didn’t simply because I was delusional. Still, while most of my investments from then evaporated, I was able to salvage enough and put it into better cryptocurrencies, such that my current portfolio dwarfs my portfolio from 2017.

I don’t really want to repeat that experience again, so I will try to divest most of my capital from it as close to the highs I can get, while still keeping a good amount in, my objective is to keep 50-100k$ worth in very large cap cryptos, it all depends on how much money I have by the time we reach the top.

The cashed out money would go to Silver ETFs in part, and perhaps to some very diversified index funds.
I am wary of stocks right now, but you can’t predict when they will crash, and it’s not like all companies will disappear. Meanwhile the profits made along the way can provide me with income.
There are also ETFs that hedge with put options or other strategies. I avoid government bonds.

bob sykes says:

Once upon a time, the Woodpile Report (RIP) recommended ammunition as a barter option. Small calibers like 0.22 lr would be small coins, and larger rounds like 0.308 W would be larger bills.

Crypto strikes me as a Ponzi scheme. What do you do if the electricity is off or if the government shuts down the internet?

jim says:

If you think crypto currency is a ponzi scheme, you do not understand crypto currency or ponzi schemes.

What it is, is a bubble. Money is a bubble that never comes down. Even gold is a bubble, since without monetary use, it would be a lot cheaper. But gold is a bubble that has not come down in for at least four thousand years, probably a good deal longer.

If governments ban cryptography, we will do steganography on top of cryptography.

“the internet” is simply fast long distance communication. A government that bans fast long distance communication is going be incapable of defending itself against other predatory governments. When the USG empire collapses, Venezuela and Cuba will be conquered by mobile bandits, who, if rational and competent, will eventually transition to stationary banditry.

In the long run, there can only be one dominant currency. So when multiple currencies are in contention, you have to bet which one will prevail.

Crypto currency is going to prevail over fiat eventually, because of its inherent advantages, and because fiat requires a high trust, trustworthy elite. And one crypto currency is going to prevail over all others.

pyrrhus says:

The resemblance to the Weimar Republic is becoming more and more difficult to not see….

chris says:

ETA on jimcoin?

jim says:

Considerably later than I had hoped

ExileStyle says:

C’mon man!

Also: Do we all here get first dibs?

I’ll be keeping tabs and patiently awaiting.

jim says:

Contributors to the software will get first dibs – and right now it is not even in shape for anyone else to contribute.

Anonymous says:

At one point you had a bitmessage address listed in your sidebar but it’s gone now. Is using bitmessage and contributing code to it a bad idea?

Anonymous says:

I said bitmessage, what I had in mind was the PyBitmessage implementation

jim says:

Using pybitmessage is a very good idea, and contributing code to it is a very good idea. I should be using it, but I deleted the link because I just was not checking it as often as I should.

Every cryptographic project is apt to become NSA infested, but I have no reason to distrust PyBitmessage more than I distrust everything.

I trust libsodium, and I trust ristretto, and everything else has greater or lesser levels of distrust. I have complete confidence that Blake2b is good, and complete confidence that SHA256 is good, but major lack of confidence that the apis and libraries surrounding SHA256 are good. (Except, of course, the libsodium api.)

I trust SSH once one turns off all the suspect cryptographic libraries.

Trusting libsodium, I trust ChaCha20, XChaCha, and XChaCha20-SIV, but I have excellent reason to distrust other people’s implementations of ChaCha20.

In particular, the IETF implementation of ChaCha20 is backdoored, not in the algorithm, which is fine except for edge cases that are in theory highly improbable, unless some code in the implementation is malicious, but in the library and API, which are apt to induce edge cases that are in theory highly improbable, unless one uses them with extreme care as in stepping through an enemy minefield, and also makes it very easy to deeply hide backdoors in code calling the api.

Basil says:

Why is it not worth investing in land and assets in relatively stable countries that do not expect complete anarchy or the Khmer regime? Why not invest in provisions and weapons now in countries that are about to fall into anarchy? Maybe there are some risky (but good) options for using the chaos in your own interests…

notglowing says:

Which countries would that be?
And unless you live there, managing such properties would be a nightmare, not to mention there is a risk they will be taken from you once inevitable conflicts between your nation and the other nation start…

If you want to go live in a country that you deem to be safe from the collapse though, maybe that could work. I’m not sure if I am ready for that.

Mr.P says:

Let’s say XYZ corporation has a share price of $1,000 and a market capitalization of $1 trillion.

Over the weekend, sell orders flood in to brokers / exchanges with no corresponding buy orders. Over the weekend, the stock of XYZ has gone “no bid.”

On Monday morning, the market makers for XYZ open the shares at $750 to attract buy orders for all the sell orders. Shares of XYZ do in fact trade, are bought and sold for $750: Holders of fiat money exchange $750 of fiat for each share of XYZ sold by XYZ holders, who now hold the fiat.

XYZ now has a market capitalization of $750 billion, $250 billion less than the day before.

Q1: What happened to the $250 billion in XYZ’s “value”? Did it go somewhere else or simply vanish into thin air?

Q2: Was any fiat money destroyed when XYZ gapped down Monday morning before any shares traded? Clearly the holders of XYZ are $250 billion poorer. Clearly many houses, cars, and college degrees will not be purchased now due to the sudden loss. But was any actual fiat money destroyed? If yes — $250 billion of fiat was destroyed in the gap-down — how so? If no — no actual fiat was destroyed — what effect, if any, did the loss of $250 billion in market value have on the purchasing power of the outstanding total stock of fiat money?

notglowing says:

The value was destroyed because the opinion of the market on the company’s value changed.
Whoever bought shares at the trillion dollar price, bought something that was, in the view of the market, worth 1000$ a share.
In fact, in the minds of the buyer, 1 share was worth more than 1000$, which is why they exchanged 1000$ for one share, since they deemed the shares to be of greater value.

Then that opinion changed, the market decided that 1000$ is worth *more* than a company share, and the company’s shares are now worth 750$.
Nothing has to happen to the supply of fiat money for this loss of value to occur.
It happens in the minds of the people who participate in the market.

Of course, that doesn’t make it arbitrary. That change in mind happens for real fundamental reasons, because of lies they believe, or for some other reason.

It’s simply that 1000$ are now estimated to be worth more than one share, and one share is estimated to be worth less than 750$ by those currently selling it, and over 750$ by those currently buying it.

The purchasing power of the fiat relative to the shares has increased. That doesn’t mean it has increased relative to anything else.
You will not buy more bread with one dollar.

Purchasing power is not strictly defined, but when we speak of purchasing power we generally assume that the prices of different goods that we need to consume are moving up and down together relative to fiat.

Mr.P says:

> Nothing has to happen to the supply of fiat money for this loss of value to occur.

Yes, I think that is correct. No actual fiat money is destroyed in the gap-down. The supply of fiat money remains unchanged.

That said, let’s say that every stock onevery stock exchange the world over gaps down 25% on Monday morning. $Gazillions of “value” disappears instantly from brokerage and retirement accounts the world over.

It seems undeniable that people would have a whole heck of a lot less “money,” i.e., potential spending power, to buy stuff, even though in this case, too, the actual supply of money would remain unchanged.

notglowing says:

> It seems undeniable that people would have a whole heck of a lot less “money,” i.e., potential spending power, to buy stuff, even though in this case, too, the actual supply of money would remain unchanged.

Your mistake is thinking of spending power in terms of “money” not value.
Money is just a tool. Everything can be considered money to some degree, but actual money has the property of being fungible, as well as in the case of legal tender, legally enforced.

What happened is that there is less *value*.
Value was destroyed in the minds of the participants of the market.

Why would this happen? Well maybe they realized this company is actually not very good, and they lied about their earnings, or their earnings came out and they are lower than expected.
You can argue that before this crash, they were overestimating the value of the company.

The people who bet on the value and bought the shares thought it was being underestimated, and the value would rise. It did not, so their assets decreased in value.

Don’t think of it just as a binary of dollars/shares.

You can own assets, and you can exchange them with each other.
The exchange rate depends on the opinions of other people who can trade with you.

If every stock goes down, you can say the stocks went down, or the dollar went up relative to stocks. Same thing.
The exchange rate of the stocks changed.
In reality, you don’t own “less”. You own the same stocks.
Just the exchange rate of them with dollars is worse than before.

Which you would (not incorrectly) interpret as the value of the stocks going down.

Also: the people who sold the stocks for dollars to those that hold them now, have more buying power than before, since their dollars can buy more stocks.

Mr.P says:

Yes, we’ve established that fiat money is not destroyed when assets priced in fiat, such as stocks, go down in “value,” even if suddenly and sharply.

So when does actual fiat actually get destroyed?

Hyperinflation of course destroys fiat money dead.

But by what other means is fiat destroyed, or retired?

My view is via federal taxation.

There’s an old joke that’s probably truer than funny. If you were to walk into an IRS office in person to pay your federal taxes in cash, the agent would not pass on the cash to the U.S. Treasury but run it through a shredder in a backroom.

Because fedgov does not pay its bills and largess with collected taxes but instead with new credit issuance, when inflation gets out of hand, Congress does a few years of “tax the rich” increases, which the rich and well-connected of course never pay, to reduce the total supply of fiat money.

While hyperinflation may very well be in the near-term cards, I’m looking instead for dramatically higher federal taxes and a rip-roaring $USD rally higher.

notglowing says:

When loans are repaid to the Federal Reserve. They are the lender of last resort.
Making loans is like creating money, paying them back to them is like destroying money.
When they increase interest rates, less loans are made, and more are repaid, so fiat contracts.

jim says:

> They are the lender of last resort.

These days, for some people, more like first resort

Guy says:

Is fiat not also destroyed when loans are defaulted on? There could also be a lot of that in the near future.

jim says:

Defaults increase the value of surviving fiat currency. China appears to be cheerfully allowing a massive default, which is good news for China.

The US Governments refusal to allow the great Minority Mortgage Meltdown to be followed by massive defaults was very bad news for America.

Not having allowed that default, the US government is likely to bail out anyone sufficiently well connected who is in danger of defaulting, and has been doing so with great regularity.

Massive defaults are looming, because of increasingly irresponsible behavior by the finance sector. The finance sector is increasingly irresponsible, because everyone correctly expects the loom to be followed by the fed opening the money tap, which it reliably and predictably does.

jim says:

> While hyperinflation may very well be in the near-term cards, I’m looking instead for dramatically higher federal taxes and a rip-roaring $USD rally higher.

Taxation is above the long term laffer limit. Substantial increase in taxes will be beyond the medium term laffer limit. Trying to tax beyond the laffer limit results in staglation. If the state goes to full bore socialism, it can force the economy to move despite taxation beyond the laffer limit, but the overwhelming organizational problem of socialism will bite.

Our elite is discussing taxation beyond even the short term laffer limit, but there is major lack of consensus on knocking over that applecart, because a lot of them own a lot of them apples. If they try it, it will be in parallel with green socialism and Covid lockdown, because attempts to tax beyond the short term laffer limit fail catastrophically absent socialism. (And have big problems even with socialism)

None of these will result in a US$ rally.

Mr.P says:

> None of these will result in a US$ rally.

Jim, I will have you know that I have an infallible track record, recorded over a long torturous lifetime, when it comes to money and markets, of being always — 100% of the time — wrong.

Nevertheless, I knows me a cup & handle when I sees one. On Friday, $DXY closed at $93.25. $94 is a lock. I’ll sell three-quarters of my long $USD position, which is already green, if DXY gets to $96 and let the house’s money run if it wants to run higher.

God’s speed.

notglowing says:

It helps to think of price as whatever someone is willing to sell you X for (Ask Price), and whatever someone is willing to buy X for from you (Bid Price).
So there are really always at least two distinct prices. The “price” you see on charts is usually the value of the last transaction that happened in the market. Meaning someone bought X from seller Y and seller Y sold X to that someone.

There is nothing else to it in market terms. You understand buy and sell orders so I think you probably got that part.

notglowing says:

Not sure if this has been posted already but things are looking good for St. Kyle.
I did not expect this. The judge seems based.

jim says:

I find this very surprising, and may have to update my worldview substantially.

It may reflect dissension within the elite as to whether to go open season on right wingers, the way they went open season the KKK – a quarrel between the antifa faction and the Brezhnevian stagnation faction.

Ruby Ridge and Waco was overreach, and I am, surprisingly, seeing persistent reluctance and nervousness in our elite about that overreach. They may fear that it will lead to an insurrection, and they will not have the loyalty of the part of the army that matters.

And when antifa went homicidal, that was overreach. They backed off, to my surprise, from Ruby Ridge and and Waco, and they may well be backing off, to my surprise, from open season by antifa on the broader right.

ExileStyle says:

I’m inclined to believe this is true – and a sign of the almost effortless collapse on many fronts in belief in the übernarrative. Justice might still be possible here and there, with the Here and the There growing in extent, through eye-rolling disdain for nonsense, on all sides.

I pray this man gets the justice he deserves.

Karl says:

The problem with justice “here and there” is that appeals will bring the case to different judges. It cannot last. The appeal courts rule over the courts of first instance, the supreme court rules over the appeal courts.

If you get justice from a judge and his ruling is overturned in appeal, all you achieved is spending more money on attorneys.

The higher up the court, the more the judges toe the party line.

notglowing says:

> Ruby Ridge and Waco was overreach, and I am, surprisingly, seeing persistent reluctance and nervousness in our elite about that overreach.

I recently read one of the books from that FBI top hostage negotiator, about persuasion and negotiation.
He goes through the history of how the FBI developed hostage negotiation, and labels those incidents as failures in negotiation, which in his view led to new breakthroughs in how they handle it. It sounded like a load of horseshit to me, but it is interesting that he named them both and essentially blamed the FBI for the failure.

jim says:

> it is interesting that he named them both and essentially blamed the FBI for the failure.

Our elite has made a policy decision to rely on soft power more and abandon hard power. Retreating from Afghanistan and abandoning the South China sea reflects that elite decision.

I don’t think soft power is going to work without hard power backing it.

Abandoning the Afghan airport first and the embassy last was a reflection of that policy decision. It turned out to be a very bad idea.

Antifa with police protection is hard power, and also reflects a distrust of using ordinary cops to enforce violently unpopular laws, a distrust that I have found to be well founded. Antifa is making our elite nervous. They have a well founded fear of a far left creeping coup, which is apt to happen with great regularity in holiness spirals.

Alfred says:

In both Ruby Ridge and Waco the feds intended to murder every last man, women and child. Hostage negotiators are trotted out in order to present a FBI man who isn’t a monster so the public had someone to like rather than just hate the child murdering FBI.

FBI and ATF agents raised the ATF flag and took glory pictures of themselves standing in the ashes of the Mount Carmel Compound while the skeleton of a child smoldered in the back ground.

Aidan says:

I suspect the judge may change his tune after being visited in the night by a couple of men with bats. I don’t think they have to worry about martyring Kyle. He has been smeared in the media as a mass shooter who went to a BLM protest to hunt leftists, and the normie has probably gotten that message.

But I agree that they are nervous about overreach. The sight of Amerikaners with rifles probably irrationally instills it in them on a primal level, regardless of actual military advantage. Or, they are afraid that the military is only loyal when it is not being ordered to kill American citizens. There may have been subtle communication to that effect from the military itself.

Karl says:

The judge would probably change his tune after being visited, but why bother? The prosecution can simply file an appeal.

There is huge number of judges of first instance. Very difficult to control them all directly. Much easier to control the appeal and supreme courts.

huh? says:

If Kyle is acquitted, that’s it. Appeals are for convictions. What the hell do you think you’re talking about?

Karl says:

Are you sure that the prosecution can’t appeal arguing that the court of first instance applied the law incorrectly? Of course, matters of fact are settled, but Kyle is not denying that he shot the Antifa guys.

Pooch says:

There is no “first instance” terminology in US law. If Kyle beats the case then he has beaten Wisconsin state charges. However, the DOJ could then bring federal charges against him. They were basically threatening to do as much to Chauvin if he was found insufficiently guilty of state charges.

Karl says:

Here is an example of a succesful appeal of the prosecution against an acquittal:

Harry Aleman v. Judges of the Criminal Division, Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois, et al., 138 F.3d 302 (7th Cir. 1998).

At preasent, they are exceptionally rare in the US, but what is anyone going to do when an appeal court says “sure, we are going to hear the prosecution’s appeal against the acquittal and examine whether matters of law have been correctly resolved by the court of first instance”

Pooch says:

This looks like a case where the defendant bribed the 1st judge so they tried him again. I suppose they could do that and bring Wisconsin state charges on him a 2nd time for some bogus reason but the problem with that is state judges are just not reliable Cathedralites. The 2nd judge may not be willing to play ball just like the 1st.

The Rodney King precedent seems much more likely for political cases. If Rittenhouse is found not guilty of Wisconsin state charges, like the Rodney King case, the DOJ will just bring trumped up “civil rights” charges against him and stick him in a kangeroo court with a 100% chance of conviction.

Pooch says:

trumped up federal “civil rights” charges*

Publius says:

Can the prosecution appeal? In the US, there is no process to appeal an acquittal. Of course, the state can make Kyle’s life a living hell in numerous other ways. But to just try him again on the same charges after an acquittal would involve an open contradiction of long-standing precedent that the cathedral even now would have a hard time pulling off.

I think it’s more likely that men with bats visit this judge and teach him how power works.

notglowing says:

My understanding is that the court of appeals can only deal with matters of interpreting the law, not matters of fact.

I’m not sure if an acquittal could be appealed. But it would have to be about interpreting the law.

Karl says:

Matter of fact: Kyle shot the Antifa guys.
Matter of law: Was it selfdefense?

huh? says:

All you goddamned idiot non-Americans confidently making assertions about American law need to shut the fuck up. That lunatic Pooch is the only one who has said anything accurate here, that the feds might try bringing their own case. Acquittals are not appealed. The prosecution does not appeal. Even suggesting such a thing is possible is proof you need to shut the fuck up.

This isn’t a normality bias thing; this is on the same level as Bill de Blasio crowning himself Duke Champlain and waving a sword while ordering the invasion of Kentucky. Anybody who tried it would be escorted off to a quiet place, right quick, bipartisanly. Team Blue and Team Red still agree on that much.

If/when you DO see prosecutors announce they’re going to appeal an acquittal, get your rifle out because things are about to get intensely sporty one way or another. That would amount to an overt declaration that all law of any type, even the pretense of law, has just been tossed in the dustbin.

Alfred says:

>Acquittals are not appealed. The prosecution does not appeal. Even suggesting such a thing is possible is proof you need to shut the fuck up.

Your a shill. In the Rodney King case they were Acquitted and the federal government tried them for exactly the same crime again and convicted them. Protections against Jeopardy have been dead for a while now.

Alfred says:

Very surprising. Of course a good judge would just dismiss the charges out of hand, there’s no case against Kyle. Every action was obviously in self defense.

Dave says:

It’s not just a surplus of money we’re dealing with but a shortage of labor. Unvaxed labor doesn’t want to come to work because they fear the vax mandate, and vaxed labor still fears Covid because the vax isn’t very effective.

The labor situation would improve dramatically if the government just dropped all vax mandates and told private employers to do the same, but that won’t happen because all communication channels between the people and the government have been cut. If you protest, the government either ignores you or throws you in jail and beats you until your retinas detach. So people don’t protest, they just lie low and wait for the madness to end.

The Ducking Man says:

Being around r/antiwork for a while I notice that current labor shortage was never about the vaxx mandate. It was always about absence of motivation and dysfunctional corporate america.

The destruction of dream having family in a house with wife, children, and a garden kills motivation for lots of people. Housing price skyrocket, rent also skyrocket, while food and other basic necessities steadily increase.

For the first time people have the time to reflect their shitty work, shitty life, and admit “I don’t want to slave away for wages that barely pays rent let alone raising family”

In current labor shortage you would think that corporate america will do away with their BS in hiring process. But no they won’t the same ghosting, slow processing, redundant interviews, and severe under-bidding salaries are still the norm.

I honestly don’t know where is the core problem, but government handing easy money to hedge fund to buy up properties and dysfunctionality of corporate america seems like good problem to eliminated first.

Dave says:

I favor the Taliban solution: Remove all women from the workforce. Make them compete *for* men, not with men.

A man will proudly take a hard, dirty, dangerous job if it entitles him to marry a slender young woman and father many children. If all you have to offer him is video games and porn, he’ll get himself an EBT card and a part-time indoor job cleaning hotel rooms or folding sweaters.

notglowing says:

Exactly. Could not have put this better myself.
There is no significant reward for working hard, and even aside from the woman question, society does not value your contributions.
You’d be helping people who hate you, and get nothing in return.

I can totally see why a lot of men simply do not care. Just like I can see why you wouldn’t want to marry today.

What’s more is the same thing is happening in China, they call it “laying flat”.

Ash says:

I am just curious..

Will crypto be useful if the state or region you live in loses power over prolonged periods of time?

jim says:

That is exactly the future that it was designed and created for.

Cloudswrest says:

I think he means electrical power.

Ash says:

Pardon me – electrical grid going offline (not government losing power)

HerbR says:

Is there a reasonably safe and private way of obtaining ADA? (I’m already aware of some of the avenues for BTC)

notglowing says:

Once you have cryptocurrency, there are always avenues to exchange it with other cryptocurrencies without needing KYC.
Trying to obtain a particular altcoin like ADA for cash in a private manner directly would be unnecessarily difficult.

One way to exchange BTC for ADA is to find a centralized cryptocurrency exchange that does not require KYC for crypto deposits or withdrawals. These are getting rarer and rarer but they will always exist, anyone could make such a service.

CoinEx is a small exchange but as far as I know it lets you create an account with just an email, and lets you withdraw and deposit 10k$ worth of crypto per day.
That might work for you. Deposit BTC and withdraw ADA.

A decentralized option would be to go through decentralized exchanges.
You can use RenVM to turn BTC into RenBTC tokens on for example Binance Smart Chain.
Then on Binance Smart Chain you would use PancakeSwap in order to exhchange those tokens for BNB. You can then optionally anonymize these BNB using
BNB can be exchanged on PancakeSwap for tokens representing ADA.

Those can then be redeemed for real ADA through the Binance Bridge, but I would check that the ADA network is supported first.
Otherwise you’d be forced to create an account with Binance, which requires KYC.

That said if you only want to speculate on the price of ADA holding BSC tokens representing ADA is fine.

Calvin says:

Personal experience suggests that, if for some reason you haven’t already, now would be a good time to stock up on ammo or start learning how to create your own. Prices are going through the roof, stock is constantly low, and I don’t see it getting better any time soon.

Kunning Drueger says:

There are certain charges laid against your name that you should probably respond to.

Calvin says:

Those being what? I already took and passed the shill test on race and women, and I’m able to pass the demon worshiper test despite openly not being a Christian. What else am I alleged to be?

martin yenn-zohr says:

You are a good man Drueger.

I have already been called, “a coward”, “womanish and weird”, “insane”, and so on. I think further explanations from me will just be interpreted as signs of ever greater insanity on my part.

Antagonists of this sort are too crafty to be easily pinned down here and I do not want to burn even more social capital attempting to do so.

EH says:

Bet on small to medium electrical generators and if you want something really in demand, O2 / N2 liquefaction / distillation machines. (don’t forget the spare parts).

Some Anonymous Guy says:

I used to think this way too, that a person ought to have a huge stash of ammo. Then it finally dawned on me one day that if shooting ever actually started anywhere near me, I hope I would be smart enough to get the hell out of that area – preferably well in advance of any shooting. I am not going to be going door to door, using up magazine after magazine in some kind of guerilla war. That kind of thinking comes from watching too many movies.

Yes you need a gun or two and enough ammo to protect yourself from home invasions or to be able to stand up on your store’s roof like the koreans did during the L.A. riots and scare off looters. But you don’t need thousands of rounds tucked away as if you were going to supply a militia.

Some Anonymous Guy says:

Gold is the premier wealth reserve asset held by the central banks in the world, and more importantly, the world’s super-producers – people so wealthy and anonymous that you’ll never know who they are, but they reliably buy up every ounce of gold that is produced every year – 2500 tons per year, with the price rising 6-fold since 2000. It has a 5,000 year history of preserving wealth through every kind of difficult human situation conceivable. If it hasn’t happened in the last 5,000 years, it’s unlikely to happen in the next 5,000. Gold has proved itself. Gold’s simplicity and durability is unsurpassed…it is an essentially indestructible element used by the masses of humanity the world over to preserve wealth.

Bitcoin has a 12-year history, marked with fraud, scams, a continued retreat from its original mission of replacing fiat money, and wild swings upwards and downwards in price. It has no clear usefulness except as a speculative medium, something much in demand during times of extremely loose money like now. It has poor durability, and millions of bitcoins have already been permanently lost and more will inevitably continue to be lost as passwords are forgotten, people die, etc. If a person dies and leaves gold hidden, it will eventually be found and usable. (They just found a couple hundred million of gold from an 1850s shipwreck.) If a person dies and their bitcoin password goes with them, it’s gone forever.

Bitcoin was invented by a smart person who was trying to solve a problem that doesn’t actually exist: the need for “hard” money. No country on earth has hard money anymore for a reason: the recognition that fiat money offers governments flexibility that they need and the easy money printing that the public always demands. Hard money is ALWAYS abandoned. We don’t need it, though, because you don’t need to save in a hard currency. Just buy gold. Keep a small part of your savings in fiat currency for near-term expenses. There: you have your very own “hard savings” and you didn’t need the government to do a thing. And you don’t have to rely on the continued existence of a network of computers consuming massive amounts of power.

So there is no real need for bitcoin or crypto-currencies, but because we live in a speculative era of easy money that is on the way to being inflated away in order to destroy the unpayable accumulated debts, highly speculative commodities like cryptocurrencies (and tulips, baseball cards, beanie babies, etc) attract attention, and while they’re going up, the people who bought them feel like geniuses.

Silver is a poor investment. It has no serious monetary use – no central banks hold it in reserve, the super-producers of the world have no interest in it. Only a few hard-money types who are foolish enough to think you should buy it rather than gold because you “get more of it for the money” continue to buy it. It is an industrial commodity at this point, that’s all.

jim says:

> Gold is the premier wealth reserve asset held by the central banks in the world

No it is not.

Fort Knox was emptied some considerable time ago.

Because gold is slow, difficult and dangerous to transport, central banks instead traded promises to deliver gold by from Fort Knox.

And then some of them got nervous, and asked for actual delivery. Actual delivery was not forthcoming.

So central banks now find that their gold reserves are of little use, and are running them down.

You cannot do business over distance with gold. So you do business over distance in promises to deliver gold, and there have been too many broken promises.

> and more importantly, the world’s super-producers – people so wealthy and anonymous that you’ll never know who they are, but they reliably buy up every ounce of gold that is produced every year – 2500 tons per year, with the price rising 6-fold since 2000.

I know who is buying the gold. It is the regular rich, people who are not particularly anonymous.

> It has a 5,000 year history of preserving wealth through every kind of difficult human situation conceivable. If it hasn’t happened in the last 5,000 years, it’s unlikely to happen in the next 5,000.

From the beginning, gold had the problem that it was unsatisfactory for trade over distance, but no one had a better alternative. Now we do.

The problem of moving gold through airports was originally the problem of moving gold on mule back.

> Gold has proved itself. Gold’s simplicity and durability is unsurpassed…it is an essentially indestructible element used by the masses of humanity the world over to preserve wealth.

Gold has repeatedly proven itself against government issued money. Crypto currency is inherently superior.

> Bitcoin has a 12-year history, marked with fraud, scams, a continued retreat from its original mission of replacing fiat money, and wild swings upwards and downwards in price.

On the contrary, it is pursuing its mission competently and with great success. Crypto currencies in general and Bitcoin in particular are now a major chunk of world financial markets. Crypto currency has been steadily growing as a proportion of total financial flows and reserves, and will continue to grow.

> It has no clear usefulness except as a speculative medium

I have never been able to use gold as medium of exchange, never been able to use it to buy something I want. I routinely use bitcoin as a medium of exchange, use it to buy things that I want over distance. Many, many people, every day more such people, are doing the same.

> It has poor durability, and millions of bitcoins have already been permanently lost and more will inevitably continue to be lost as passwords are forgotten, people die, etc. If a person dies and leaves gold hidden, it will eventually be found and usable. (They just found a couple hundred million of gold from an 1850s shipwreck.) If a person dies and their bitcoin password goes with them, it’s gone forever.

And a good thing too. I project the winning currency to have no mining, and the capacity to deflate forever, for billions of years to come, by adjusting the consensus minimum unit of transaction so that people can make transactions involving ever smaller units of the currency.

Bitcoin’s mining leads to built in inflation. The hardest currency is the one guaranteed to deflate forever. Every time a fiat currency drops in volume because it allows a big financial entity to collapse, more people want that currency. After crypto currency defeats fiat currency, then we get we will get the crypto on crypto wars. The winner will be a crypto currency that has governance dominated by the people that own a lot of it, and such a currency will be administered in a way that leads to built in deflation.

Bitcoin was invented by a smart person who was trying to solve a problem that doesn’t actually exist: the need for “hard” money.

Everyone wants to spend soft money, wants to receive hard money. The hardest money wins. People accept soft money at sword point, because the government makes them, by direct and indirect means, makes them by soft power backed by hard power.

But, more importantly, that was not the problem Satoshi was trying to solve. He was trying to solve the problem of hard money that could be used over distance and time, the problem that gold cannot solve. Payment in promises to deliver gold is soft, and in recent years many people have been hurt by that softness. Satoshi’s program was a direct response to the failure of internet schemes based on promises to deliver gold.

There have been a whole lot bitcoin based scams, but they are insignificant in relation to the Fort Knox scam. A bunch of central banks asked for delivery. They are still waiting.

I can imagine the conversation:

Very unimportant minion: “We have a problem. Germany wants their gold”

Boss: “Why is that a problem?”

Very unimportant minion: “There is not any”

Boss: “What do you mean there is not any?”

Very unimportant minion: “There is not any.”

Boss: “There is now.”
Boss writes “One trillion tons of gold” on a piece of paper.

Very unimportant minion: “They want physical gold.”

Boss: “What is physical gold?”

The advantage of soft money over gold is that they always fulfill their promises – by turning on the printing press. Which is ultimately a defection by other means.

Some Anonymous Guy says:

Your main error, as I see it, is your insistence on the need for hard money – the need to “use hard money over distance and time.” Hard money is not needed. There is no purpose served by hard money except for savings, and you don’t need to save in money. You can save in things, and gold is the universal focal point wealth savings asset. It is wonderfully usable across time – the gold from 1850 and 1850 BC is still used for saving – and there is very little need to transport it over distance.

Crypto will not defeat fiat, because governments want fiat, and the people insist on it. Governments don’t want hard money. They won’t accept the limitations of hard money. Governments are not going to give up the power of issuing their own fiat and adopt bitcoin or any other private crypto. You yourself have acknowledged what you called the blood diamond problem: the ability of governments to demonize something like diamonds – or crypto – and seriously inhibit its usefulness. The men with the guns – the government – can do pretty much what they want. That is another thing you are missing: that there is no substitute for being the ones in control of the men with guns. It is a fantasy if you think you can work around them with crypto and thumb your nose at them. They have multiple ways of shutting it down any time they want. They have no need or desire to shut down the use of gold for wealth, because for one thing, they themselves undoubtedly use it for saving as do the rest of the super rich in the world.

Fiat is a wonderful innovation. It works beautifully. There is a fine set of transmission mechanisms for sending it quickly and inexpensively around the world. Once the current anomalous situation of the world using the dollar as an international reserve currency ends – and that is well overdue – the dollar will be just one fiat currency among many in the world, all of them floating in price against one another, and all of them freely exchangeable in and out of gold.

There will be little need to move gold once the current, rapidly decaying, international monetary system based on dollars as an international reserve currency ends. The fluctuations in price of the fiat currencies against one another will do the job of balancing out trade.

Crypto is a variety of utopianism. Utopians think they’re going to perfect the world through some new movement, but invariably end up ignoring basic realities about human nature that end up undermining their vision. The basic reality you are missing is that societies insist on fiat currency. They want their governments to print a certain amount of money rather than taxing the public for all the goods they demand. There is a subset of the population though, the more productive, hard-working, saving types, who don’t want things run that way, but they are eventually outvoted by those who want a free lunch. Fortunately, as I said, we savers don’t have to save in fiat. We can save in gold, and tuck it quietly away, with the need of hard wallets, passwords, or anything else.

If by some mechanism I cannot imagine, governments actually began using private crypto (I am not talking in these comments about government-issued crypto, which is very likely to happen), all the same old hard money problems would begin arising, all the same constraints, the deflations, the long depressions, and the people would rise up and demand that fiat be issued once again. It’s why every country on earth has fiat currency and no country on earth has hard money. Fiat is good! Fiat frees savers from having their savings confiscated as Roosevelt did in 1933 when the US went from hard money to fiat (for US citizens).

Some Anonymous Guy says:

Yes, the “paper gold” era is coming to and end. And with it, the price of physical gold will skyrocket. There is some multi-hundred multiple of paper gold promises to physical gold. So there is likely to be a almost unbelievable one-time repricing of physical gold.

I don’t buy theories about an empty Fort Knox though. You’d need to show some credible evidence for me to believe that. Simply asserting it isn’t enough.

The world of physical gold trading is very opaque. That’s how 2,500 tons of new gold is quietly snapped up every year – demonstrating an apparently unlimited demand for gold.

Central banks are not getting rid of gold reserves. “The number of respondents who will increase their own gold holdings has climbed to 21%, compared to 20% last year. No central bank is planning to decrease its gold reserves, a decline from 4% in last year’s survey. ” (from

Some Anonymous Guy says:

A couple more points, from reading your response again:

* You wrote “I know who is buying gold. It’s the regular rich.” How in the world would you know who is buying gold? This is delusion.

* You wrote “You cannot do business over distance with gold. So you do business over distance in promises to deliver gold…” No, you do business over distance with fiat. It’s what’s done every day, all over the world, and it works.

* You wrote “I have never been able to use gold as medium of exchange, never been able to use it to buy something I want. I routinely use bitcoin as a medium of exchange, use it to buy things that I want over distance.” I never use gold as a medium of exchange, because I use fiat for that. I use gold as a medium for saving. Also, I have never needed to move gold anywhere even once in my life, except to take it to and from a coin shop when I buy or sell it. Gold serves its purpose best when it is lying still, quiet, private, perfectly anonymous, and preserving wealth.

jim says:

> >“I know who is buying gold. It’s the regular rich.”

> How in the world would you know who is buying gold?

If all rich people act like rich people I know, this sufficiently explains demand for gold.

> > You cannot do business over distance with gold. So you do business over distance in promises to deliver gold…

> No, you do business over distance with fiat. It’s what’s done every day, all over the world, and it works.

I do that, and it does not work.

It used to be that you did business over distance with your local fiat, and the intermediary banks transformed it into other guy’s local fiat by transferring promises to deliver gold from one bank to another..

With this underpinning having fallen down, we are getting problems performing international transactions, which problems have bitten me and random ordinary friends and friends of friends often enough.

The world moved from a gold standard to a dollar standard, which worked well enough so long as the US was politically and economically dominant and managed its currency with tolerable competence and efficiency. It is no longer working.

> Gold serves its purpose best when it is lying still, quiet, private, perfectly anonymous, and preserving wealth.

If you are buying gold as a medium of saving, you are buying it as a hedge against hyperinflation and collapse of the financial system.

If the financial system collapses, people are going to need a form of money that they can use to buy stuff and sell stuff. Your gold will not work if fiat stops working.

In a hyperinflation, people use gold to buy stuff locally, but movement of goods over distance remains a problem, since whenever goods move in one direction, money has to move in the other direction. In a collapse of the US dollar, movement of goods over national boundaries is going to be a problem.

jim says:

> Yes, the “paper gold” era is coming to and end. And with it, the price of physical gold will skyrocket.

The paper gold era came to an end quite some time ago, and, possibly because of competition from bitcoin, the price of gold failed to skyrocket.

> I don’t buy theories about an empty Fort Knox though. You’d need to show some credible evidence for me to believe that.

The inability of the US to make deliveries is not evidence?

Varna says:

>I don’t buy theories about an empty Fort Knox though.

It’s not necessarily “empty”, rather imagine a crooked manager of a trust fund who has fifty plates spinning at the same time by using the fund money, and if you pop in for a random audit, 90% of the trust fund will be elsewhere, or “temporarily owned by others”, but in theory still be “there”, at least according to the crooked manager.

I think the last unofficial audit of Knox happened in the 1980s? And the last official one in the 1950s?

In 2009 China got 70 tons of gold from the London exchange, but just like the Japs test foreign vaccines before using them, the Chinks test foreign gold, and the 70 tons with US Federal Reserve markings on them turned out to be wolfram (tungsten) bars painted over.

The Brits tried to pretend that the Chinks did a switch, but then backed down and the whole thing was decided behind closed doors.

The markings of the fake gold bars pointed to the presidency of Bill Clinton

When Germany got part of its supply from the US (after the 2008/9 crash lots of countries started trying to do that, Germany begun the procedure in 2013), after lots of delays they only got part of the gold, and different nuggets, i.e. “equivalent gold” and opposed to “the original deposited physical gold”.

According to Russian experts quoting Chinese experts, circa 2020 Germany asked for an audit of Knox reserves and got turned down flat

Also, in an adjacent category, the CIA “real president of Venezuela” is why London isn’t giving Venezuela its gold–because “it’s not clear who the legitimate govt is”.

The gold being allegedly kept in Manhattan banks is also increasingly “Schrodinger’s Gold”

The Krauts tried an audit there and it didn’t really work out. There’s an opinion that a lot of physical gold got used up in CIA and FBI operations, which the related documentation tragically lost in all these falling buildings in 2001 when some people did something.

In the sense of the “kindly manager of the trust fund” gradually becoming less and less careful about his games, and at one point a lot of the trust fund suddenly not being easy to recover.

jim says:

> There will be little need to move gold once the current, rapidly decaying, international monetary system based on dollars as an international reserve currency ends.

Any time goods move in one direction, money has to move in the other direction. Gold does not cut it. Promises to deliver gold can cut it, but you need some trusted and trustworthy person or group with a lot of gold, and the power to defend that gold, as for example the knights templar. We have a long history of promises to deliver gold not working, which is how we wound up with fiat.

And now, far too much fiat can be delivered far too easily.

You are relying on the social underpinnings that are falling apart before your eyes. Your gold is for a crisis, and in a crisis you will not be able to sell gold for fiat, and buy stuff with that fiat. The shopkeeper will not take your gold, because the warehouse is far away, and he cannot use the gold to restock. He would have to go to the warehouse with the gold, and on the way a cop would probably tell him he has no right to be carrying a substantial amount of gold across interstate lines or some such, and take his gold.

You are also arguing for the continuation of the political and financial system whose failure gold is a hedge against, arguing that it will and should continue, that the people demanded it. They were manipulated into demanding it, and then got what they demanded good and hard.

It should not continue, and it will not. If gold is valuable, it is because people do not trust that system, the system you intend to rely on to spend your gold, and are rapidly discovering more reasons to distrust it.

Some Anonymous Guy says:

“Your gold is for a crisis, and in a crisis you will not be able to sell gold for fiat, and buy stuff with that fiat.”

Gold is not for use in the middle of a crisis. Gold disappears deep into hiding places during the crisis. Gold is for getting your wealth from one side of the crisis to the other. Once things settle down again, you can begin to sell some of it to raise capital again. You need to have done some stockpiling of necessary supplies for use during the height of the crisis itself. It’s especially good if you have a plot of land in the countryside where you can raise a little food for yourself. If the Weimar hyperinflation is a guide, the really serious fiat-is-worthless phase was only a few months in the fall of 1923, during which people did some bartering with farmers using their relatively useless luxury items like grand pianos.

If gold were really useless during hyperinflations, it would have stopped being used worldwide sometime in the last 5,000 years. In fact, it has protected people’s wealth during every kind of economic and social catastrophe humans have experienced. To think that somehow things are different now, in the US, strikes me as wishful thinking by folks like average Americans who are ignorant of gold because of the historical fluke of the dollar becoming an international reserve currency, or tech-literate younger people who think they have the world by the tail because they understand the latest computer science and anything older than 2009 couldn’t possibly be of use.

I highly respect your insight on many things, Jim, and have been reading your site for many years now. But you appear to have a bunch of impressionable younger people here who are, in some cases, betting entirely on crypto, and you are encouraging that by saying gold will become worthless. You are setting them up for an experience like that 18 year old who made the TikTok of himself crying because he lost his $100,000 college fund on GameStop stock.

At the very least people should be diversifying. Put at least 5% of your wealth into physical gold, even if you are going to speculate on crypto with the rest.

jim says:

> Gold is not for use in the middle of a crisis. Gold disappears deep into hiding places during the crisis. Gold is for getting your wealth from one side of the crisis to the other. Once things settle down again, you can begin to sell some of it to raise capital again.

Or if you have crypto currency, you can just leave. Lot of Venezuelans around.

During the Weimar hyperinflation, people went out in person to transact with the peasants, because trade over distance collapsed. That really was not a satisfactory solution.

> If gold were really useless during hyperinflations, it would have stopped being used worldwide sometime in the last 5,000 years.

Government after government has debased its metallic currency, and it worked for a while – starting with the Athenian and Roman inflations. And then the Chinese, having improved their printing capability, invented paper currency.

What happened is that people kept reverting to gold. Now they have something better, something good enough that it can compete with fiat without waiting for a collapse.

We are already advancing to crypto. People will be using crypto during the next collapse, because they already are. Venezuelans are not going gold.

Some Anonymous Guy says:

“Venezuelans are not going gold.”

Another bald assertion without support. How do you know that?

The time to “go to gold” is not in the middle of the hyperinflation crisis. It’s beforehand.

Venezuelans are trying to get basic sustenance. At this point there’s isn’t enough money for the average Venezuelan to think about saving, period. It’s survival mode.

jim says:

Everyone has to have money. What are venezuelans transacting in?

In previous similar crises, they transacted in gold. Not in this crisis.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Contemporary occidental financial administration is punitive to saving, cooperation, and general conduct of productive enterprises. In a just civilization this would of course not be a problem; since we happen to not be subject to a just civilization, cryptographic exchange protocols are conjured up to fill the vacuum of a need, that need being the value and necessity of doing end runs around systems occupied by people who at the least desire to suck all your capital dry, oft more broadly hate the idea of productive value creation in general, and more particularly hate you and want you to die.

yewotm8 says:

If people love fiat so much, and don’t like gold, who is going to buy your gold after fiat becomes this miracle technology that somehow has none of the problems it has right now? Other like-minded savers? Seems highly speculative to me, even moreso than crypto, where as Jim mentioned, people are actually engaging in transactions.

info says:

Can Crypto function offline?

jim says:


But it can, and routinely does, do everything that gold can do offline.

burner says:

Anonymous Conservative is down, redirecting to an admin page – maybe nothing, but there have been hints something big coming, perhaps taking down the internet, or portions of it. (Which is why crypto is useless if the shit really hits the fan.)

Indications that the Chinese are losing it, threatening to nuke Australia, Evergrande default taking financial system down, ports nearest Taiwan closed for supposed quarantine (maybe invasion). Space war + thousands of Starlink sats = Kessler syndrome, space cut off for years.

Maybe I’m just feeling twitchy, but stay alert.

Varna says:

France just said it’ll be sabotaging the EU free trade agreement negotiations with Australia. Ireland, Holland, and Sweden are like “chill, froggies”, while Germany is like “I get it, I get it”.

Probably because the first three countries are more “traders” while Fr and Gr look at it from a “producer” POV.

Evergrande is a second big test for Beijing after Covid 19. Everyone expected China to fuck up, and the West to handle it with ease, initially. Not what happened, but this was a test of administrative infrastructure and political will.
Now the Evergrande thing is a stress test for the economic infrastructure and professionalism levels.
If Beijing manages to handle it successfully, then only the military performance stress test remains, the way I see it.

jim says:

I predict that people who have claims against Evergrande’s physical properties will simply get their properties – probably in an unsatisfactory state.

The rest will be burned, especially those that invested in Evergrande’s promises to make lots of money delivering those physical properties, and everyone then gets on with their life.

Karl says:

The fact that we ever heard of Evergrande difficulties indicates that Being is handling the situation professionally. They already made the decision not to quitely bail Evergrande out

The Cominator says:

Wasn’t this whole crisis caused by Xi’s commie “common prosperity” BS.

Xi is a commie troublemaker, he’s like the Woodrow Wilson of the 21st century. Why didn’t we get a Metternich?

notglowing says:

The ultimate causes of this are the unrealistic growth quotas set by Beijing on their local governments, and the lack of social trust that is caused by and results in widespread corruption throughout China.

Though one could also just say that the cause is that their country is still founded on leftist morality at the core, and even though that was pushed aside for a while, it is being revived.

The Cominator says:

“Though one could also just say that the cause is that their country is still founded on leftist morality at the core, and even though that was pushed aside for a while, it is being revived.”

By one stupid asshole leader who ratted out his parents as a kid…

The same one who orchestrated the meme flu hysteria to do many things but among them he did it to help the Democrats.

Varna says:

Leftism can mean different things in different places, just like Marxism.

For example, per classical Marxist dogma, a society first moves from pre-modernity to industrial capitalism, once that peaks it moves to socialism, and once that peaks it moves to communism–in the original sense of libertarianism without capitalism–no state institutions, just free citizens being all free and all citizeny.
(Obligatory reminder that Ayn Rand is Soviet Jew Alisa Rosenbaum)

When the Russian Empire went through a civilizational phase barrier, Lenin devised a “leninist doctrine” to apply to Russia. Since going from the shitstorm them into proper capitalism, then proper socialism etc would take a century, Lenin decided to use as a social fundament the “sobornost” philosophy of Russian peasants. The land in Russia mostly isn’t fertile enough to feed individual farmers, not with old timey tech back then, so in order to survive Russian peasants had evolved a communal system of working together and then dividing the results.

Lenin used this pre-modern peasant proto-communism as a basis onto which to graft the system of “democratic councils” (sovyets, hence union of council-based republics), and on top of that to graft an army-barrack command structure with artificial modernization, which was then dialed up to 11 by Stalin. An attempt to “cheat history by missing some stages” in the Marxist sense.

Then after WWII they gradually started turning the army barrack war communism into “socialism proper”. It more or less worked from circa 1960 to circa 1980.

At the same time that Lenin was mulling how to adapt classical Marxism to a mostly pre-modern and collapsing Russia, Karl Kautsky put forward an alternative hypothesis to Marx’s. Per Marx once the world’s imperialist powers reach a certain ceiling, they will either turn on each other, or a systemic collapse on another sort will happen, and that’s when socialism comes in as the next stage.

Kautsky hypothesized that there’s another version of the future, in which the powers of world finance instead try to fuse into a global planetary cartel that maintains a self-perpetuating equilibrium and feeds off the planet forever. He dubbed it “ultra-imperialism”. Lenin disagreed and called Kautsky a “renegade”.

(Some might say they that a century later they did indeed try to pull this off under Obama but got cockblocked at the last moment by a provincial parliament in Wallonia, and then Trump derailed it for another crucial 4 years, and their only play left was the current dystopian Perestroika build back better zero carbon thing)

From this point of view, China is doing the classical Marxist thing which the Russians didn’t have the opportunity to do and instead improvised. China did a brutal “clean slate” cleansing, then went for primitive 19th-style century industrial capitalism, then reached peak modern capitalism, and then it was time to either stop there and chill, or to keep going toward the “next historical stage”–i.e. socialism.

Chairman Xi, at least publicly, appears to be doing this–forcing the current Chinese peak capitalism to begin a shift toward “socialism with Chinese characteristics” for reals.

Broadly speaking, after WWII to long-game scenarios got kicked off. One by the small-hatted “cultural Marxists” in the West, and one by the slit-eyed “classical Marxists” in China.

(Russia doesn’t count, their was desperate improvisations from one second to the next, and the moment they got a chance to get a breather they instantly chose quiet stagnation)

(The kike cultural dismantlers are in a sense descendants of the Trotskyists ran out of Russia by Stalin. The rightwing of globohomo–the neocons–are literally Jewish Trotskyists who “saw the light” and took over that wing from the inside. Like other Jews who “saw the light” took over US protestantism after WWII, turning it into fervently Zionist evangelism)

Today we are seeing the culmination of a number of long-term plays: the one by the tikkun olam dismantlers of the West, the one by the post-Confucian classical marxists of the East, and the overall ultraimperialist globohomo stage of Kautsky, after getting derailed by Trump, jumping into a sci-fi digital gulag pharma-fascist parody of itself.

With Russia, such being its historical fate, continuing to improvise from one moment to the next.

The Cominator says:

“Leftism can mean different things in different places, just like Marxism.”

Variations in the same demonic scheme of theft under idiotic rhetoric of equality. Lenin was just short of being a Pol Pot style lunatic the semi sane commie was Stalin and his sanity was most clearly expressed in eliminating 95% of his fellows, Xi’s trying to revive leftism is stupid 19th century style capitalism should be maintained as the economic system with extremely brutal suppression of anyone who disagrees.

Indians really should not talk about what kikes did since Indians are like all the worst traits of jews with none of their good traits.

Varna says:

An excellent impression of a grouchy retired sergeant major in 1960s Malaysia.

Sort of late Anthony Burgess meets early John le Carre.

jim says:

> Lenin decided to use as a social fundament the “sobornost” philosophy of Russian peasants. The land in Russia mostly isn’t fertile enough to feed individual farmers, not with old timey tech back then, so in order to survive Russian peasants had evolved a communal system of working together and then dividing the results.

This is commie propaganda. Farming was not collective, because Lord was in charge, and could have the peasants whipped.

Alexander the liberator decided to make it collective. Thus usual problems ensued, an undending and ever worsening crisis with government and quasi government entities unsuccessfully taking over the role of landlord.

Similarly the major reason for the enclosure of the commons was that the peasants wanted to enclose the commons, usually because Lord was failing to adequately enforce the rules against abusing it.

Agricultural collectivization has always been a fantasy by urban intellectuals who hate peasants, hate farmers, and particularly hate farmer’s dogs.

Varna says:

I’ll have to read up more on Alexander the liberator and Stolypin.

neofugue says:

> The land in Russia mostly isn’t fertile enough to feed individual farmers, not with old timey tech back then, so in order to survive Russian peasants had evolved a communal system of working together and then dividing the results.

I detect a little communism…

Before World War I, Russia was the world’s leading exporter of grain, accounting for 40% of total output. Given the differences between Progressive and Russian accounts of pre-revolutionary Russia one would think of them as two different countries.

More honest Cathedral sources confirm this data. According to M.E. Falkus, historian at the London School of Economics, Russian grain exports between 1861 and 1914 “rarely accounted for less than one quarter for the total, and usually provided nearer one third;” in particular, Russian wheat production accounted for 39 percent of world grain exports from 1900-1910.[1]

[1]: Falkus, M. E. “Russia and the International Wheat Trade, 1861-1914.” Economica 33, no. 132 (1966): 416–29.

jim says:

As Russia strangely failed to overtake America, despite its vastly superior economic system, Czarist Russia became every year retroactively poorer and more backward.

Varna says:

Welp, Lenin found a way to validate his “modified Marxism”. The bullshit vs fact ratio analysis probably needs effort and time I can’t put in right now.

A few years back I’d have automatically assumed 100% of anything a commie says is a lie. However, back then I also believed that globohomo was mostly truthful and benign. Today on the one hand I’m skeptical of all and any sources, but on the other hand am also more ready to concede even the tiniest percentage of truth or reality, if such exists. Truth and reality turned out to be so rare, that no source can be trusted immediately, but also no source can be thrown out just like that either. You never know were a crumb of reality may be hiding.

But I’d caution people to be just as skeptical toward Tsarist Russia’s approach to its plebs, as with Bolshevik Russia.

The Tsarist system was perfectly capable of exporting grain even if half the peasants were starving from famine, just like the Bolsheviks were perfectly capable of trying to dazzle the world with this or that tech achievement, even as the population still lived in communal shitholesn and wiped their bums with Pravda for lack of toilet paper.

Jim, thanks for the pdf!

jim says:

> The Tsarist system was perfectly capable of exporting grain even if half the peasants were starving from famine

No it was not capable of that. Perhaps it was morally capable, but it was organizationally incapable of doing that. It is something that is quite difficult to accomplish. Most land was owned by the peasants, and taxes were not all that high by modern standards. If nearly half the harvest was exported, that means the peasants were choosing to buy goods with the surplus grain.

Exporting a large proportion of the grain while the peasants starved requires a command economy, taxing beyond the laffer limit. The Tsarist system was incapable of doing that.

There is a presupposition here that the Tsar can simply make anything happen he wants, or the Capitalist can simply make anything happen he wants. Thing just don’t work that way. It is just hard to make large numbers of people obey your will.

Even if the ruler has complete authority to kill anyone he feels like, and take anything he wants, he is apt to find that taking everything is organizationally difficult, and a system of more regular and predictable exactions is likely to produce more revenue. The laffer curve peaks at a quite low level of taxation.

A government can take everything once, but when it comes back next year, will find stuff has not been replaced. Which does not stop governments from trying it from time to time.

The Tsarist government was rapidly expanding the railway system. Which meant more city goods moving to the countryside, more rural goods moving to the city, more stuff imported from overseas, and more stuff exported to overseas. This was exchange, not extortion. Tsarist Russia was market economy not a command economy, thus export of substantial agricultural surplus was necessarily peasants eating a smaller proportion of their grain production, because they liked to buy things produced far away, such as equipment that would enable them to grow more grain.

If you read contemporary sources, they argue that the evil capitalist is taking the peasant’s grain and forcing starvation upon the peasant. How is the evil capitalist taking it? He is taking it by offering peasants money for their grain.

neofugue says:

> The Tsarist system was perfectly capable of exporting grain even if half the peasants were starving from famine

While understandable as to why someone living today would think this, one must understand the differences between modern and pre-modern agriculture.

No pesticides meant grain production varied by year.[1] The relevant graph is hidden under Jstor copyright. I have private access to Jstor content, but the public does not.

As such 40% is only an average. Average Russian wheat exports from 1891-1900 accounted for only 18.5% of the total [1] as Russia was forced to acquire food from abroad as a result of the 1891-92 famine.[2]

There is plenty of information in the linked document, but I only quoted data from the first page out of courtesy.

[1] ibid.
[2] Wikipedia (because I can’t be bothered):

info says:

“No pesticides meant grain production varied by year.”

Predators like Ducks kept pests well under control.

Various insects also have predators which prey on them.

neofugue says:

Organic farming is delicious but expensive and inefficient. Crops today receive stronger chemical pesticides and can be genetically modified to be more weather resistant. If a major weather event happens today, no one starves. If a major weather event happened a century ago, famine.

info says:

“and the lack of social trust that is caused by and results in widespread corruption throughout China.”

In Honor and Shame culture. If no one else finds out or sees then its not morally wrong.

China is still a Honor and shame culture. Hence the emphasis on “Face”.

One of the reasons that contribute to high-trust in Western Europe aside from the extermination of criminals is the notion of Divine Omniscience which comes packaged with Christianity.

Nothing escapes God’s gaze. No one escapes evaluation by God.

This is the basis for the transformation of shame to guilt culture in Europe over centuries.

And of course that is combined with the supernatural work of God via the Holy Spirit.

jim says:

The lack of social trust in China is different in detail, but similar in substance and character to the lack of social trust in all postcommunist countries.

They have been getting better over time as a result of capitalism, and China is getting better over time as a result of capitalism, which which reputation is one’s primary asset, because of the necessity of transactions extending over time.

The problem with all postcommunist countries is that to the extent that Stalin model socialism worked, it worked by capitalism conducted by mafias and small traders. The small traders were semi legalized but continually overstepped the vague and arbitrary bounds of smallness, becoming criminals.

The mafias were a potential threat to the regime, being large organized groups with money, weapons, discipline and cohesion, requiring the official propaganda position to be that they were wicked people doing purely predatory things, but weak, ineffectual, and ridiculous, not very frightening at all, and therefore not requiring any excessively effectual repression.

Thus, when the post communist countries switched to capitalism, the capitalists continued to do business in a criminal fashion, doing a lot of what they had been doing as criminals. Bribery and physical intimidation continued to be part of doing business and corporate cohesion.

The Original OC says:

“taking down the internet, or portions of it. (Which is why crypto is useless if the shit really hits the fan.)”

Crypto is useless against a ruthless and competent state.

The crypto value proposition is based on belief in a ruthless and incompetent state.

Fireball says:

Dont worry they will very competent when it comes fucking with you.

The Cominator says:

Only if you personally are a high level priority.

Fireball says:

Are you forgetting the kulaks?

The Cominator says:

They are not capable of being both ruthless and competent against large numbers of people, not with a bunch of women and NAMs larping in doing jobs they can’t actually do.

If all the world powers disappeared today the Afrikaners would take over South Africa tomorrow.

Fireball says:

Yes they can. They have numbers, religion and enough men with enough cohesion and importing plenty of auxiliary.

Yes if the world powers disappeared today the afrikaners would stop fighting agaisnt other whites and only fight agaisnt blacks. In that scenario they have a very good change of winning in the long run.

Pooch says:

In that scenario they have a very good change of winning in the long run.

Good chance of winning? They have a 100% chance of winning. The blacks are likely unable to feed themselves, let alone field an army.

Fireball says:

>Good chance of winning? They have a 100% chance of winning. The blacks are likely unable to feed themselves, let alone field an army.

Only God knows the day of tomorrow. Lets not forget that white armies have been defeated by the african spear throwers. Even if rare and weird occurrences they have may been.

Alfred says:

Lets not forget that white armies have been defeated by the african spear throwers. Even if rare and weird occurrences they have may been.

Not to my knowledge. Even the battle Isandlwana was lost due to the troops running out of Ammo and poor leadership and it was against the best army any black group has ever produced. They simply didn’t have enough bullets to for each solider to kill 25 people. Nothing as disciplined as the Zulus army exists today in niggerland.

Pooch says:

The Zulus actually still exist as a tribe today with a king and everything. But even if they can recreate their fighting cohesion and discipline of the 19th century, I reckon the ole spearchuckers would have a tough go at it with modern semi-auto rifles.

Pooch says:

with modern semi-auto rifles.*

info says:

“Good chance of winning? They have a 100% chance of winning. The blacks are likely unable to feed themselves, let alone field an army.”

For all their weakness they still dominate South Africa right now.

jim says:

Nah, blacks do not dominate South Africa.

The USG dominates South Africa and blacks are their pets.

notglowing says:

The Soviet Union was not decaying when it was killing kulaks.
There was a leftist singularity that was stopped, but the state continued for another 40+ years.

Fireball says:

Yes it was decaying. It start decaying from the very first second.

notglowing says:

If it survived for half a century after then no, it was not falling in power and ability to enforce the law as quickly as the United States is now.
If the US still exists 20 years from now, and it has continued to go down this path, it will have lost the ability to organize large scale violence.

I would say it would already be hard for them to kill kulaks,
especially with how demoralized and incompetent their military is now. And in five years it will be worse.
It’s already substantially more difficult now than it was one year ago.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

It wasn’t surviving, as much as artificially propped up by their fellow travelers in the International Community, chief amongst them being the united states government.

jim says:

Only if you are a top target. Most of the time they are wonderfully incompetent and inefficient.

Fireball says:

Who is they? The lady in your apartment that calls the secret police? The guy that hates you because your life is going better than is? The blue hair girl that calls the mob? The girl that call you a witch?

Yes no system is perfect and they cant hunt everyone but doesnt mean they arent good enough

Alfred says:

For a while in Soviet Russia children would report their parents to the police if they were upset with them for some reason as kids tend to be. Eventually the one such child that reported his parents was found beaten to death and tossed down a mine shaft. It was the Grandfather of the boy who murdered him.

Normal Familia deterrence generally resumed with normal people. The people who couldn’t be touched were the people in power who endless abused that power.

Fireball says:

Yes and that is why the family was and is target with great efficiency as we all can see. Few in the west have anything that could be call a family.

>The people who couldn’t be touched were the people in power who endless abused that power.

Hardly true. Those in power will protect their clients as much as it is convenient and an attack on one of the faithful by an heretic is an attack against the high priests and they were already looking for an excuse.

Fireball says:

For crypto i need electricity and internet two things i am not sure i will have much of.

XMRshill says:

Monero has been buried way down the list of “cryptocurrencies” by an influx of ponzis that are good at attracting hype and manipulating their market cap. The most common thing people say about Monero is “yeah monero is good for using but it’s not a good investment”. In the inevitable scenario that everyone needs an alternative money for using, Monero is number 1. It is certainly a good investment in that case.

Mister Grumpus says:

Speaking of offline backups of irreplaceable information products:

The “full site backup” here is useless to non-webmasters.

Could you somehow “wget yourself” and put up a flat file archive somehow?

Even better:

Could you rig up a dedicated “TOC” page that’s a flat list of ALL your post titles, in chronological order, each with a date and a link to its own single-post page? Then anyone could do a 1-or-2-level recursive wget of just that and boom, done.

Think of someone in the year 3000 on his air-gapped solar-powered Amiga. A fellow Fremen hands him a CD or thumb drive. Can he do it?

alf says:

Grumpus the back-up already has the buffy the vampire slayer lewd cartoons I don’t understand what more you want.

jim says:

Use WebHTTrack on linux, WinHTTrack on windows.

Aryaman says:

Theoretically and practically, one cryptocurrency ought to be more exchangeable than all other cryptocurrencies; theoretically but maybe not practically, cryptocurrency should be more exchangeable than anything else for all transactions. If one currency is more exchangeable than others for all transactions, then it ought to be the One, but if some currencies are more exchangeable than others in certain transactions, the exchange rate between the two would be determined by the relative ease of exchange of one over the other in such particular instances, and the magnitude or transaction value of those particular instances.

I think there are plenty transactions where bullion will be more exchangeable than cryptocurrency absent state-sponsored trust. There is a much higher IQ floor to use cryptocurrency trustlessly than gold bullion coins. Even using gold bullion coins has an IQ floor, maybe of 90 or 95 as opposed to 120 or 125 for cryptocurrency — and that 120 or 125 is probably higher until it is widely used enough that people can empirically verify for themselves various properties which are relevant.

A teamonger in India does not really know the enumerated properties of noble metals. But in practice he can probably intuit that the knowledge of validating gold is broadly known and can be done cheaply enough. Knows intuitively the various means of defecting with gold bullion coins, like shaving etc. Can rely on fact that in transacting with many people more sophisticated than himself, fraudulent and defecting coins are withdrawn from circulation. Etc. Thus benefits from the fact there is broad and effective scrutiny of various currency in circulation, and comfortable accepting it. If there was some other competing bullion that was goldlike except for the colour and some other otherwise-unknown-to-him defect, the market would eventually penalise its use in gold’s favour so he can rely on market signals too.

With cryptocurrency he ends up trusting some consensus that is not entirely market. Which is to say, in deciding between cryptocurrencies, in deciding between different blockchains, can rely on the market consensus. But in deciding between the various nuances of actually holding and transacting in his own secrets, ends up delegating trust. Possibly ends up ceding true ownership of secrets altogether with custodians that start to resemble central banks.

I agree this is very far from a fatal flaw. The largest owners of cryptocurrency will study the details enough and manage their own secrets, and reliance upon their scrutiny benefits less sophisticated transactors more broadly.

Of course today in India, teamongers will transact using many technologies they do not entirely understand, including many fiat mobile wallets. But this prevails only because the transactions are in reality reversible somewhere or the other, thus we are speaking of state-sponsored trust, and really want to avoid that. Exchanging gold bullion coins is almost as easy but not reversible, and gold bullion coins are enough to buy tea and vegetables even if they are not good enough to transport the value of millions of dollars over long distances.

It is fine if people rely on some source of trust for their cryptocurrency transactions so long as most do not for their cryptocurrency savings. Transactions are fast moving so defect will be identified quickly. But I do not think it is enough that some smart people are able to use cryptocurrency in a way they can actually convince themselves is secure. Need for other people to be able to do it as well. Somewhat like how you are much better off depositing at a fractional reserve bank where other depositors are sceptical and scrutinising over an other-wise equivalent bank with lazy and trusting depositors.

Better UI will change this a bit, but I do not know how much. Relevance of highly centralised exchanges is a little concerning. Even though it is for the moment obviously true that you can actually, you, yourself buy many more real things with Bitcoin than with gold — may not be the case once fiat currencies are overthrown (a centralised, reversible fiat currency with government backing is strictly better for exchange than gold, and that is without all the state effort involved in suppressing gold transactions).

Aryaman says:


The shopkeeper will not take your gold, because the warehouse is far away, and he cannot use the gold to restock. He would have to go to the warehouse with the gold, and on the way a cop would probably tell him he has no right to be carrying a substantial amount of gold across interstate lines or some such, and take his gold.

Or the shopkeeper does take my gold because his vendors take his gold and the cop can’t get in the way of the vast majority of transacting, and yes people who need to move vast sums of value over long and treacherous distances will very much need crypto but many other people might not. What you’re saying could be the case in some sort of Leftist singularity, where if they go after everything, then owning your secrets is the only way forward but much of the world will just be under some sort of anarchy-tyranny where I don’t see cops going after shopkeepers but do see gangs of brigands and highwayman marauding about, so there will be plenty of robbing and pillaging but that is the cost of anarchy-tyranny and people will either form their own gangs to protect their wealth, or the gangs of brigands and highwayman will start resembling stationary bandits who are inclined to ensure shopkeepers can pay their vendors with gold.

Obviously gold is strictly inferior for any kind of transacting today in comparison to fiat, it’s value being a bet that in the cryptocurrency world to come it will still bear value because for some large enough subset of transactions or some large enough subset of people it will be more exchangeable than cryptocurrency. Over the past 15 years the probability of fiat demise has increased; but the probability of gold hegemony has declined in light of cryptocurrency.

Next time around we might use exchangeable gold, the technology for using gold might have improved a lot over the last time (pre-British bullion promise reserve era). Better, cheaper, more widely available weights and measures; industrial production since early 20th century of nitric acid. Etc. Mark of the sovereign may not be as necessary this go around.

But yes if I was an unhappy citizen of any of the 20th century totalitarians, would very much have rather me and my compatriots had cryptocurrency than gold.

Fireball says:

It is interesting to see that people here that are in a 2nd or 3rd world country are skeptical but not against crypto and people in the 1st world are gun ho about it.

Some Anonymous Guy says:

Fiat currency is not going away. Country after country has high inflation or hyperinflation and goes right on using their currencies, just with some zeroes knocked off. How many times have Latin American countries had trust-destroying economic situations and yet they are still using their pesos? The people just learn to not hold pesos very long.

The blogger FerFal, who has survived a couple of Argentine hyperinflations, talks about how crucial it is to own gold. He recommends owning a good share of it in the form of gold chains, rings, etc, that you can sell to the local gold/money changer when you need some fiat to make purchases. He said that a one-ounce coin attracts attention because people may assume if you have one, you have more, but if you sell a gold ring or a gold chain, it just looks like someone selling a family heirloom.

But my main point is that you have to get past the idea that fiat is going to disappear. It is not. It works very well for what it is needed for: unit of account and medium of exchange. Just don’t use it for saving. The problem with crypto people, who are basically hard money people, is that they can’t get past the assumption that the medium of exchange has to be hard so that they can save in it. They see all the fiat currencies and assume they’re all doomed. The problem is not fiat, the problem is that you are still operating under 19th century assumptions about how currency has to be hard to be good.

jim says:

> Fiat currency is not going away. Country after country has high inflation or hyperinflation and goes right on using their currencies, just with some zeroes knocked off.

And the reason it has not gone away is that you cannot use physical gold for long distance transactions.

Fiat currency is going away now. Crypto currency is eating the world financial system.

Karl says:

What is left for banks to do if crypto has replaced fiat?

No transactions, no deposits, no lending (as they have no deposits to lend). IPOs and broker services are the only things I can think of

Pooch says:

The Fed wants to do away with them anyway with it’s creation of the digital dollar. They would essentially just be government entities.

jim says:

When crypto currency fully replaces fiat money, people are still going to want term transformation – which will lead eventually to the usual banking crises. They will also want soft money derived from crypto currency rather than the dollar.

Aryaman says:

I don’t think term transformation is a problem so long as the form of assets borrowed and lent aren’t both moneylike. The banker incurs a liability borrowing short, but lends long by actually delivering cryptocurrency.

Of course some limits on this given how easy it might be to steal; how hard it might be to reverse. He would be happy to break your bones. If all this happens in the context of a stable and competent government then I suppose we are eventually liable to get too much term transformation and crises but that is okay. Make sure the bankruptcies happen fast and frequently, that people who lent blindly are forced to lose their money.

Aryaman says:

Will still need lending against productive assets. They may not have deposits but they may still have short term savings accounts which, in addition to currency they raise, can be lent to finance investment in profitable business.

When you have currency and lend it to a bank, a signal that you do not intend to spend it on real goods and services in the current period, thus that real goods and services you may have spent it on are available to others for more productive use, for which productive use you expect to earn interest. When you lend short term (deposits, saving account, etc.) you communicate intention you do not plan to spend now but may plan to spend soon; likewise long term. Result of all of that information is profit-seeking banks able to allocate goods and services you would have used if you were going to spend now to a capitalist who needs others’ labour and energy for his business and willing to pay for the privilege of having it now.

You have a somewhat subsistence economy with gold coins. Say term transformation isn’t tolerated by the government, meaning it will kill any bankers issuing moneylike liabilities that are treated as if currency while lending what he does not have. Still a use for banks. Say There is a farmer who until now spent his surplus daily gold coins on a maid, decides to live simply, finds he has accumulating gold coins. Profit-seeking banker tells him he will borrow gold coins at an interest, and the newly unemployed maid finds herself the secretary of an industrialist her wages paid for with gold coins lent by the farmer to the banker.

jim says:

> Or the shopkeeper does take my gold because his vendors take his gold and the cop can’t get in the way of the vast majority of transacting,

How does he get the gold to the vendors?

Transactions over distance using gold have been a huge problem for several thousand years.

This is the well known “You can’t take gold through airports” problem. Which is why people used to use uncut diamonds, despite the difficulties resulting from the act that one uncut diamond has a different value to another. They did not stop because of that inconvenience. They stopped because the government suppressed the exchangers

Aryaman says:

Crypto for transactions over long and treacherous distances. Crypto and bullion coins for transactions over shorter or safer distances. An exchange rate between the two. Rupee is not exchangeable outside of India but perfectly possible for Reliance to transact using Dollars for large transactions over long and treacherous distances and pay its janitors in Rupees for use at the local teamonger. For the teamonger, for the reasons I described, the bullion coin will be more exchangeable.

Though even for big transactions I am not sure corporations and such will be comfortable actually living with true secret ownership, where someone can just run off with a secret, makes it hard to delegate fiduciary duties etc. m-of-n voting systems could work, but bring up their own issues of defection. For example, I am not sure how to convince myself that some amount of Bitcoin ostensibly owned by Coinbase has not been lost, stolen, or secretly subject to the blackmail of some coalition of owners for the m-of-n consensus. Which is why I’m sceptical about any sort of custody except perhaps the equivalent of payment processors with money out very quickly (so that any defection is very quickly learned about — and which likely charge enough to ensure the franchise value of the processor as a going concern is bigger than profit from stealing).

Seems like as recently as 2017 you thought crypto and gold would co-exist, that the market cap of Bitcoin should be approximately equal to the market cap of gold outstanding. That still seems right to me, and I think gold would be worth considerably more today if not for crypto. Did you change your mind?

jim says:

> Though even for big transactions I am not sure corporations and such will be comfortable actually living with true secret ownership, where someone can just run off with a secret, makes it hard to delegate fiduciary duties etc.

The stakeholders elect a board, and delegate full control of the assets to the board, monitoring the board through the company books. The board appoints a CEO, which whom the can fire at any time, but to whom they are supposed to give full control. (They frequently fail to give him full control, but in that case the company is badly run, and likely the board is corrupt and stealing from the shareholders)

The problem that needs to be solved is the integration of crypto currency and bookkeeping, which solution is well known – immutable journal entries and triple entry books.

If you delegate spending to someone, you don’t want to give him hard money, because you are nervous he will run off with it. And the chief advantage of crypto currency is that it is the hardest of hard money. Which is for delegation a considerable disadvantage. But everyone wants, and sometimes needs hard money. It is just that they would rather spend soft money and receive hard money.

But soft money is always has to be based on hard money. And the US dollar is getting a bit too soft to base soft money on, with individuals being demonetized for frivolous and opaque reasons, and international transactions being confiscated for reasons that are incomprehensible and never revealed.

The solution is that the corporation’s cash is hard, but delegation involves increasing degrees of softening.

Once crypto currency replaces the dollar as the world hard currency, financial institutions will appear, dangerously centralized financial institutions, which provide currencies derived from it with varying degrees of softness.

Aryaman says:

If we can assume financial institutions will appear, after dollar collapses, is much innovation needed on the scaling limit for Bitcoin? Many free banking institutions offering Bitcoin promises on the real world name system initially populated with scammers that will be found out, leaving banks very keen on preserving their reputation (so necessarily charging enough that their reputation is worth keeping).

Then only settling major transactions on the blockchain, as between large unregulated banks in distant jurisdictions settling the monthly, daily, or minute-by-minute trade imbalances. Or settling major transactions of wealthy men. Of course there will be some financial crisis here and there, and people will lose money leading them to scrutinise their bankers but that is no different than it has ever been. Most people cannot transact very much of their saved wealth, even if very liquid, unless they are rather poor — or have had to pay for the premium of doing so.

What I worry about, maybe because I do not understand, is manner of custody over others’ coins that does not enable either stealing, blackmail, or too much human effort. And I’m not sure the rules of working with Hard Street Cash today apply to Bitcoin, for it is much much harder still. You don’t worry about giving an armoured driver a truckload of cash because you will catch him and not much he can do with the cash; worry a lot about giving him crypto. And since it’s possible to legitimately lose crypto, the van driver may very well not want to drive with your crypto either (or rebank hard crypto into temporarily softer promises, as the case may be).

Would be interested to know what Coinbase does about this problem. (A separate problem from the fact they may well owe far more crypto than they own).

Aryaman says:

I mean to say most people cannot transact very much of their saved wealth, even if liquid, very quickly unless they are rather poor. Of course a lot of that is not a technological, economic constraint but KYC/AML — but even a healthy bank under a healthy regime would very much want to make sure that I am me, which is costly for it to do if I can’t cryptographically sign my intended transaction.

jim says:

> If we can assume financial institutions will appear, after dollar collapses, is much innovation needed on the scaling limit for Bitcoin

Scaling limit is already biting on Bitcoin and Ether already.

Going to bite harder.

Big advantage of crypto currency is hardness, that everyone can have hard money. Scaling limit and slow transactions reduces that advantage.

> What I worry about, maybe because I do not understand, is manner of custody over others’ coins that does not enable either stealing, blackmail, or too much human effort.

Soft money is custody over other people’s coins. And a fair bit of stealing goes on.

But, with crypto currency, we can know how much gold the bank actually has in its vault, and with triple entry book keeping and immutable journal entries, we can know how much money is owed to it by mortgagors. When land titles go to the blockchain, we will know what secures the mortgages.

This will considerably mitigate, though far from cure, the inherent problems of banking.

jim says:

> Seems like as recently as 2017 you thought crypto and gold would co-exist, that the market cap of Bitcoin should be approximately equal to the market cap of gold outstanding. That still seems right to me, and I think gold would be worth considerably more today if not for crypto. Did you change your mind?

Not really. As our gold bugs have been arguing, gold is a still a good way of preserving wealth as you hunker down during a short crisis. And better than crypto currency for short distance local transactions. But it now has competition from a form of money you can take through an airport, giving you the alternative of hunkering down or running away. And that competition is cutting into its monetary value, and will continue to cut into its monetary value.

And we are facing an increasing probability of prolonged crisis, a dark age of greater or lesser duration, during which governments are recreated from the bottom up during which the problem will not be hunkering down till the crisis blows over, but surviving and rebuilding during crisis. For which we need long distance transactions.

And there is always the post Roman Britain case, where governments fade into mobile bandits, and are just not recreated at all for centuries.

I no longer own any gold, despite spending most of my time in a place that is one of the best in the world to hunker down in.

Some Anonymous Guy says:

Crypto does currently allow you to cross a border without physically carrying something detectible like gold.

How often does one need to cross a border, breaking the law by not declaring something valuable? Obviously this never comes up for normal people even once in a lifetime.

The only time it would come up would be if things were so bad in your country that it was a matter of survival. It is no small thing to leave your people, your culture, and go live among a foreign people. It’s not something you’d do lightly. And to make it worthwhile, the place you are going would need to be better than the place you are leaving. For an American, where would that be? Although I long thought about this idea of being ready to leave for somewhere else, I finally recognized it will never happen. I’m not leaving my loved ones and friends behind and going to live among foreigners. This is the hill I will live and die on. So I won’t be crossing any borders with wealth in any case.

So crypto offers nothing to the great mass of humanity who do not need to transfer hard money across borders. Fiat works perfectly well for ordinary life, and gold works perfectly well for saving. As billions upon billions of people in India and China know, and Westerners are going to rediscover.

Also, I don’t think it reflects well on your judgement that you sold all of your gold. No diversification at all? “All in” on crypto? That’s either pure gambling or cult-like fanaticism. No one can predict the future with that much certainty.

Alfred says:

>Crypto does currently allow you to cross a border without physically carrying something detectible like gold.

It’s easy enough to memorize the recovery words.

>Also, I don’t think it reflects well on your judgement that you sold all of your gold. No diversification at all? “All in” on crypto? That’s either pure gambling or cult-like fanaticism. No one can predict the future with that much certainty.

Gold is dead. I made a bundle last fiscal crisis on gold but even after 30% inflation this year gold has not gotten anywhere near what I sold it at last time around. Silver is still worthwhile.

>I’m not leaving my loved ones and friends behind and going to live among foreigners. This is the hill I will live and die on. So I won’t be crossing any borders with wealth in any case.

I’ve thought about this, but looking at what happened to the people who decided to stick it out in Russia and Cuba, there’s no future other than slavery and a mass grave in such states.

The key to leaving is buying property early in likely escape locations in an area where there’s already an expat community. It can just be a vacation home until you really need it.

The Cominator says:

“How often does one need to cross a border, breaking the law by not declaring something valuable? Obviously this never comes up for normal people even once in a lifetime.”

It may start coming up a lot more often as things break down…

If it gets so bad the power and internet is permanently off no form of currency but bullets and canned food will be worth anything and 90% of people will starve. Gold will be worth far less than ammo than.

jim says:

> Crypto does currently allow you to cross a border without physically carrying something detectible like gold.

Yes it does.

> How often does one need to cross a border, breaking the law by not declaring something valuable?

Due to onerous and immoral laws, lots of people have to do it all the time. And everyone who wants to keep some of what they have while fleeing tyranny is going to have to do it.

If you are investing in gold, or investing in crypto currency, you are in part hedging against social collapse.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Fiat works perfectly well for ordinary life

USD is becoming increasingly intolerable for ordinary life, because powers that supervene over the systems that use USD are increasingly intolerant of ordinary life. This point bears frequent repetition and reiteration; by accident, by instinct, and by conscious intention, the conduct of civilization is being choked to death by intrusive managerialism, in a million and million different ways, great and small.

You seem like a thoughtful man, but you share a certain cognitive blindspot that many other people have when it comes to block chain technology; which is thinking of it as a merely speculative object, which could just as easily be lumps of metal, or strips of paper, or poppyflowers, or any other interchangeable placeholder.

There are many shitcoins that are like this; but blockchain is not shitcoins, blockchains are infrastructure.

Non-player characters, including non-player characters placed in offices of power, are driven by normalcy bias when looking at this issue. They see ‘crypto’ as simply another set of pieces, like any other, that people are using to play the same old game. But the telos inherent to use of blockchains is radical, in the technical sense of the term; that ‘the same old game’ as it exists is impoverished (or rather, impoverishing), and so that the more it can be rendered irrelevant, the more value is gained.

Cloudswrest says:

“USD is becoming increasingly intolerable for ordinary life, because powers that supervene over the systems that use USD are increasingly intolerant of ordinary life.”

Speaking of which:

f6187 says:

“Transactions over distance using gold have been a huge problem for several thousand years.”

No, you just send a check or wire denominated in gold. You don’t have to ship $100 bills or gold coins, you just send messages and let the accountants do their thing.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Which is to say, you are now no longer doing transactions in gold, but social capital.

f6187 says:

The social capital you describe is simply “banking” and variants of hawala. Gold-denominated accounts and transactions are not possible at the moment because we do not live in a free society, so the first step is to roll back the last century of societal sclerosis. That’s already on the TODO lists of many here.

jim says:

Gold denominated accounts are absolutely legal for central banks, and for banks in most nations, and are not worth the paper they are printed on. Recall what happened with Germany’s paper gold and China’s paper gold.

Nothing is stopping the Hawala network from denominating accounts in gold, they denominate them in just about everything else, except for the physical reality that gold can be rather too easily detected at airports.

Moving promises to deliver gold around has not really worked since the Knights Templar got nailed.

The Hawala network has problems doing international transactions in anything because of the banking and airport problems. You can smurf cash more easily than gold.

jim says:

Which assumes the existence of someone trustworthy who has a lot of gold, can be relied on to keep promises, and has the military capability or trustworthy connections with military capability to defend his gold. This is frequently not the case.

The Knights Templar did OK for a long time, but eventually suffered military defeat, and since then gold has not really worked.

Dood says:

So are the smart speculators in the stock market run? Real estste?

Prophet says:

Your crypto monies will crash and their value will be lost,
the dollar will be worth a bit less but stay strong for a very long time.

Value can not be stored in symbols or materials.

Value in money is about one thing, and one thing only:
To make other people do your bidding, because other people want or ideally need your money.
If you want to store money, you must keep and educate people.
If there are no people, or only people who do not have or can’t do what you want,
or don’t want your value store or your money, you have no value.

Therefore, to store value, even grow value,
you must invest into people, make sure they are of high quantity and quality,
and want, better need your money (you can achieve that to set up the economy so that they always lose money and therefore always need new money).

Value keeping and creation need both a symbolic fiat item of money, but it’s exact nature is less important, and the ability to manage people.

There is no “real” money, not gold, not land, not anything else – without other people and those people wanting it, you have no store of value.
Money is a kind of illusion to make people do things you want them to do.
Money is primarily a psychological trick.

If you want to store and grow your value, “money”, don’t rely on any commodity, any currency, crypto or not – rely on people.
Buy non-overpriced shares in businesses that people need to buy from, no matter what happens. This is the safest store of value.

jim says:

> Your crypto monies will crash and their value will be lost,
> the dollar will be worth a bit less but stay strong for a very long time.

You are betting on normality continuing. Obviously, it is not continuing.

If you invest in gold, you have gold. If you invest in land, you have land plus the crops. So land is better than gold, right? How would that advice have worked out for a roman? For a Russian in 1900. For a Frenchman in 1780?

If you look at the world as a whole, and history as a whole, investments in productive activity tend to get wiped out with great regularity.

In order to perform transactions, value must be represented, however imperfectly, in symbols.

Gold is as much a symbol as any other, in that its monetary value is far higher than its use value.

So, the question is, which symbols?

In the long run, even if normality continues, or, more likely, normality is resumed after a collapse, during which titles to existing real productive property become worthless, the better symbolic representation will win.

And the better symbolic representation is cryptographic.

Investing in shares in sound companies, is, if normality continues, the best long term investment by far. And I have a lot of money invested in shares of well run companies and in land. But normality never continues for very long. And it is not continuing now – Human Resources, political commissars, are taking over control and running companies into the ground.

You cannot invest in good companies and good people, because a well run company is politically incorrect, and good people are politically incorrect.

notglowing says:

Though, cryptos have been following stock market downturns very quickly and sharply in the short and medium terms.
Investors are spooked by uncertainty and think cryptos are speculative and uncertain, especially in their minds.

We’ve seen the same today, and in early 2020.
I do expect Bitcoin to decouple from stocks, but when is that going to happen?
It requires investors to trust it as more than a short term speculation, which is true for some but not most. And at that point it can’t be as volatile and gain as much value quickly.

Right now it feels risky to hold crypto for most who hold it and expect a stock market crash.
I don’t like to react to sudden changes in the market, so I won’t make any trades myself, but I know people who did.
Though, deciding where to put the money even in the case you sell at a huge profit is difficult.
Stocks are not an option if you expect a stock crash, crypto isn’t if you’re selling crypto, government bonds nah, gold and silver are the only options left in that case.

I don’t think gold will rise in importance much from here, and it might become less relevant. But it does require that Bitcoin become more stable and trusted.

HerbR says:

The correlation between stock markets and cryptocurrency is only meaningful to speculators. If you are buying Bitcoin as a hedge against fiat, or perhaps more in line with Jim’s thinking, as the actual primary currency that will be in use when US dollars either cease to be useful for price signaling or cease being accepted by merchants entirely, then these price swings are no more important than a girl’s mood swings.

I think of it as being occasional discounts offered on a commodity that I’m going to use anyway. If the grocery store is selling ribeye steaks for half the normal price, I’ll buy up several pounds and freeze them, because why not? I don’t care if the price of steaks crashes in 6 months (not that such an event is likely) and I don’t care if the “price” of Bitcoin “crashes” in a year (not that such an event is likely), because I am not going to sell any of it for fiat.

By the time cryptocurrencies “decouple” from other instruments, it may be too late to acquire significant amounts. It would not surprise me if a major stock market crash ends up being the catalyst for this decoupling – at which point it’s too late to trade in your shares.

c4ssidy says:

what caused the bitcoin team to suddenly be putting out good improvements? My last impression, perhaps outdated, was that Charles Hoskingson was playing the role of the competent despot, and that BTC had become classic rule-by-comittee mudslinging

notglowing says:

All improvements to BTC that are being implemented now and in the past were the planned and developed for years.
Most of the features in Taproot were being designed or were already designed back when Segwit was implemented in 2017. Lightning network itself I believe was originally theorized in 2015.

Bitcoin doesn’t adopt changes very quickly, and when they are written and merged into the software it takes a while for them to be activated with a fork.
There was a signalling period earlier this year, where the miners signalled their support. After that time started ticking for Taproot to be activated months later, which will now happen I think in November?

c4ssidy says:

still seems like a much lower pace than CH. With Proof of Work in particular, seems ridiculous that is even considered a valid alternative

jim says:

The lack of Schnorr signatures for a very long time was a major roadblock on implementing a real lightning network, and now that we have Schnorr signatures, the compatibility problem is likely to block the development of a real lightning network.

The current lightning network is in substantial part correspondence banking with a thin layer of high tech buzzwords sprayed over it, rather than correspondence banking built on high tech.

Pooch says:

So what’s the red-pill take on this Gabby Petito case? Young fertile age girl goes on road trip with boyfriend/fiance in which boyfriend obviously kills her at some point. Cop body cam video reveals a domestic dispute of sorts of the couple on the road where the skinny sort of beta looking bf has nail marks and gashes all over him and the girl is hysterically crying.

My guess is that she was epically shit testing to him and he kept failing causing her to get angrier and angrier to the point of actually using escalating physical violence against him to which point he maybe just snapped eventually and killed her?

The Cominator says:


Crazy bitch (yeah I know almost every girl has tats nowadays but hand neck and facetats are still for loser guys and really crazy girls), probably went looking real hard for a real psycho. Crazy bitched him and the psycho went psychotic.

Pooch says:

Crazy bitch is an enemy term. It implies that there are crazy and non-crazy bitches. AWALT. All Women Are Like That. Judging from the police video he did appear to be handling shit tests properly which encouraged her shit tests to escalate to nuclear levels. He also did not look very alpha.

From my personal experience, girlfriends (not just girls you are fucking) do get crazy and angry when you don’t properly handle their shit tests. They get extremely angry when they thought they were getting alpha dick but instead are getting beta dick.

Pooch says:

he did NOT appear*

The Cominator says:

All bitches be crazy but some bitches be crazier than others.

Jehu says:

My wife is one of the least crazy women I know, and has three children with me. But she’s still pretty crazy. Thing is, most of her craziness serves a higher meta-rationality, just like the outright insanity of crazier women does.

The Cominator says:

AWALT speaks to the universal characteristics of women (including antisocial sexual attractions and at heart a more animalistic nature, and a greater tendency to conform), it should not be used to imply that all women have identical personalities. So yes some are way more unstable and self destructive than others.

notglowing says:

Yeah I agree. Most women are not quite like this, even if she isn’t that fundamentally different from other women.
This is a particularly crazy one, and this doesn’t happen every day.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

It is not an enemy term. All women are crazy, but there is a variation in that crazy. Some girls are so fucking crazy you would have to whip them with a riding crop and keep them chained up to keep them under control. Normal women do not tear up their boyfriend with their nails because he is not alpha enough for her. Or maybe it is that any woman that hinted towards an escalation to violence against got warned that she was risking a fairly vicious beating, and so I have never had to deal with that. Either way, if he is all scratched up, it is not normal.

And Com is right about the hand tats. The more visible a tattoo or closer to an erogenous zone, the crazier she is. Hand tattoos are for the girls that are a 5 but think they are an 8 or 9. Wear lots of gaudy makeup, good body but okay face, the waif chic or gym grrrl look. You know the ones I am talking about.

notglowing says:

What does that make a woman with a tramp stamp?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Some brief, crazy fun. Nothing more. All the girls I know with a tramp stamp were nuts. Not one I would keep around.

The Cominator says:

Like half of them have those so its not as meaningful in evaluating personality. Plenty will get one just cause their friends have them.

Handtats tend to be bad crazy with no redeeming qualities as do overly tatted… fun crazy…. girls with tats near erogenous zones tend to have a more amiably crazy way about them.

jim says:

This is a matter of degree not kind. You are still going to have face shit tests that involve some degree of law breaking – it is just that some chicks will hit you with shit tests that can only be passed by a lot of law breaking.

The crazy chicks would be completely sane if their master was General Buttnaked, or if their master or husband was backed by the state the way husbands and masters were in early eighteenth century Australia.

Given that they were all convicts, and juries and judges were very reluctant to convict a woman, we may suppose that they were mostly crazies, and yet they all turned impressively sane.

AWALT. All women are like that – differing in degree, but not in kind.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I accept that some amount of lawbreaking is a necessity. That said, I do not want to have to commit assault every time my woman feels anxious. I do not want to have to deal with the constant irritation of a woman as crazy as the tramp stamp sluts I knew. A tramp stamp is just an easy filter that says, “too much trouble, next.”

I know that I could make them sane but, again, it would require whips, chains, and regular beatings. That is more trouble than I want to have to deal with. No woman is worth that kind of headache. General Butt Naked is a degenerate animal, and I do not want to have to become him every time I get home.

jim says:

Australia, late seventeenth century, faced a problem of crazy women which at first discombobulated them, and they did not at first react effectively. But a quite small number of public whippings of women for talking back to their husbands sorted that out smartly.

The differences in degree matter, and make significant difference to your likelihood of winding up in jail. But no one gets in trouble for passing a shit test, only for failing it.

jim says:

> That said, I do not want to have to commit assault every time my woman feels anxious.

I generally treat physical aggression by my woman as sex play, that she is cruising for a spanking preparatory to sex. I laugh at her ineffectual violence. Sometimes, unpredictably, I give her a spanking of unpredictable severity. Which can be, very rarely, rather severe, just so that she knows it can be, but usually is playful, but not so playful that she likes it too much.

Public physical aggression, I turn a cold shoulder. Seeing my anger, she becomes fearful and apologetic. But she is a good woman, and some women may require more forceful measures.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I have met women that required the cold attitude and an explanation of precisely how I was planning on hurting her to manage, and I was not even fucking them. I know they exist. If this was late seventeenth century Australia, I probably would not think twice about what needs to be done. If the state was ambivalent I could get away with what would be necessary, even if it would be tiresome. In the current society, I know that it would eventually reach a point where I would need to do something in public that would end my career or put me in jail. So if I see the signs, I will move on to the next one.

Pooch says:

Curious to what Jim thinks but that has not been my experience. Some chicks need chaining because they are whores not because they are more crazy then any other chick.. Failing shit tests invite progressively more intense shit tests, especially when you are trapped in an enclosed space like a car for weeks at a time.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

A whore is just a woman who’s alpha sense is higher than the ability of most men to control her. Which would indicate that her tests are too hard to pass for anyone who is less than Mr. 1-in-30 or General Butt Naked. Most women do not reach the point of clawing gouges on their men before they go to find another man. Plus this woman, according to the Wikipedia article, was an emotional and mental wreck. Again, not normal or standard. A little high-strung and prone to outbursts? Sure. Being a blubbering mess for that long? Nope, not normal.

Either I have never run across a woman who would try that shit on me or they simply know better, but from my experience a woman willing to attack a man is pretty rare. If you run into them often enough that it is normal, then your experience may differ, but I have never had a problem with violent aggressive women.

Pooch says:

We don’t have problems with violent aggressive women because we know how to handle shit tests, at least to the extent where they aren’t violent and insane.

Anecdotal evidence from blue-pilled beta males that don’t know how to pass shit tests reveal that their women going insane, and quite possibly violent, on them isn’t that all uncommon.

jim says:

Crazy women are always a response to male weakness, but some women need a substantially stronger male than others.

jim says:

The stronger you are, the less likely you are to run into violent aggression.

Female physical aggression is always a plea to be put her place. Which can sometimes be gently done, and sometimes, with some women, requires more vigorous measures.

Alfred says:

>My guess is that she was epically shit testing to him and he kept failing causing her to get angrier and angrier to the point of actually using escalating physical violence against him to which point he maybe just snapped eventually and killed her?

Yep. Based on her behavior she got plenty of physical violence from her previous much more alpha boy friends and was desperately trying to get the same from Laundrie. He eventually snapped and probably killed her with a single a blow.

She likely went on the trip hoping that the seclusion would result in the sort of beating she desperately desired. You really have to be very careful if you have the need to strike a woman and men who regularly beat their women really go very lightly at it for the most part. Women are exceedingly fragile compared to men.

Pooch says:

Yeah that’s what I was thinking. She was only like 110 pounds. Would not take much at all to kill her. A hard shove where she falls and hits her head may even be enough.

Knowing that, I would never strike a women. When my girl starts getting angry, loud, and argumentative with me over something small, I just grab her and kiss her forcefully. She tries to resist and push me away but my strength easily overpowers her until she eventually gives in and I fuck the shit out of her. Usually does the trick unless I’m in a place where I can’t do that like a car which is the worst place to be when you start getting shit tested, but my guess, based on his betaness, is that she was refusing sex to him far before the point of her shit tests going nuclear.

Pooch says:

In my experience, almost all nuclear level shit tests resulted from me not just grabbing her and fucking her really well recent enough.

Alfred says:

>Knowing that, I would never strike a women.

It’s a bad idea but there are women who need it and they will go to extreme lengths for it. Exceeding stupid thing to do unless you’re a criminal.

Having had some experience with women like that, I would noped out the instant she started start talking about her previous boy friend having hit her but even then there’s a high probability that she will accuse you of hitting her because you failed to hit her.

As Jim says, your most likely going to end up in jail for failing a shit test.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Never underestimate the utility of choking a bish.

jim says:

> > Knowing that, I would never strike a women.

> It’s a bad idea but there are women who need it and they will go to extreme lengths for it. Exceeding stupid thing to do unless you’re a criminal.

Punching a woman is likely to kill her. Don’t do that, ever.

But a carefully controlled slap in the face can work wonders. And, of course spankings – but spankings are sex play, or apt to turn into sex play, which is happy ending, while a slap in the face is a sharp reminder to pay attention.

Pooch says:

her previous boy friend having hit her

I missed that part. Was it in the video? If that’s true, as an aloof beta male, he was fucked from the start.

Alfred says:

>Was it in the video?

She looks like the type to me and her physically attacking her boy friend is the sort of behavior I’ve seen before when a woman is trying to get beaten. Women will put a great deal of effort into it.

>Punching a woman is likely to kill her. Don’t do that, ever.


Alfred says:

>Was it in the video?

I would bet that she told her beta boyfriend how her previous boyfriends use to hit her. That’s been my experience my experience with women who I watched do everything possible to get their man to hit them and with the girl I dated who did everything possible to get me to hit her.

Pooch says:

Makes sense. Women reveal things about their past boyfriends for a reason, even if it’s subconscious.

jim says:

> I can’t do that like a car which is the worst place to be when you start getting shit tested,

Shit tests in the car are extremely dangerous, because you cannot drive and deal with a shit test at the same time, and if you simply ignore the shit test, it will escalate next time. Stop the car as soon as you can do so safely and deal with it. As soon as you have stopped the car apply measures that make further bad behavior while you are driving unlikely.

Pooch says:

Great advice that the beta boyfriend in question did not heed.

Aidan says:

Can tell by the way they move and speak that both are fucked in the head somehow. Bad neurology=bad mental health.

She was cruising for a beating, like all women who get physically violent with men. He probably snapped at some point and gave her a real beating, which killed her. Or, he left her and drove off, and she was murked by some drifter.

Anon says:
Between this and the FDA killing the booster shot except for the elderly (over 50s in the UK) it would seem they’re already drifting away from human sacrifices to the COVID demon and going straight to sacrifices to placate the Mother Gaia demon, kinda curious (extremely concerned) to see if they decide to start cutting off power in select places then almost everywhere at once as well. I hope everyone here has stockpiles.

Pooch says:

The FDA has absolutely not killed the booster shot and they are absolutely not drifting away from the holy, awesome, and mighty covid Demon. The advisory panel has no authority over the FDA. Seems there is just bickering in the bureaucracy over who is going to get priestly credit for it and how often human sacrifice needs to be done.

Anon says:

I see, my understanding was that the FDA was attempting to kill it, evidently that is not the case, I think it’s still fair to suggest that there appears to be some infighting as to which god to prioritize sacrifices for and if the farmers being paid to destroy crops stories are true then it would seem they’re running different methods of human sacrifice in tandem, looks to me like they’re competing to determine which demon is the mightiest and holiest then. I expect that to be determined by body count, I am not looking forward to winter this year.

Pooch says:

The FDA does not want to kill it but they do have incentive to not just rubber stamp it, so they can retain their status as a priestly institution of importance.

Doing nothing makes them unimportant and unimpactful. Do something creates impact and makes them important. It appears they want to delay the boosters for the priestly reason that third worlders need to be injected with initial doses first before the first world gets boosters.

The Ducking Man says:

FDA is talking through their arse.

My backwater city in Kalimantan already schedule for 3rd booster shot with Moderna. This is country with 2nd lowest vaccination rate among G20.

it amazes me that lower education positively correlate with ability to see through rona bs

Dave says:

Propaganda works best on the middle bulge of the bell curve. The right tail is too smart to be fooled by it, and the left tail is too dumb to understand it.

Karl says:

Nah, it is just that this specific propaganda targets the middle bulge of the bell curve

The Ducking Man says:

These are pure gold

Pooch says:

haha I fully support this. White nationalists and black nationalists unite!

The Cominator says:

Bad slogan. White nationalists are feds and black anything is generally backed by the cathedral…

But im willing to sow division among our enemies and if its a choice between nigger worship and the biomedical covid totalitarian demoncrancy ill take nigger worship.

Pooch says:

I’m just joking, but yeah I agree. I’ll gladly go back to the Floyd Burn Loot Murder riots if it means the covid demon is gone.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

This is like bluechecks getting memed into considering the ok handsign a ‘symbol of white supremacy’ because our twitterbots decided to start shitposting with it one day.

Pooch says:

The problem is that BLM is basically an astroturfed fake organization so they are likely to have no one show up for this. Hope I’m wrong though.

The Cominator says:

We’re in a world so clownish that the answer to this political question may come down to… Nikki Minaj…

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

An amerikaner killing an antifag in any situation is inherently self-defense.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Meant re below
Karl says:
2021-09-20 at 12:19

Matter of fact: Kyle shot the Antifa guys.
Matter of law: Was it selfdefense?

Alfred says:

I’m wondering what would happen if DeSantos started sending out Ivermectin kits to all Floridians at risk for COVID due to co-morbidities? Reading about India and Mexico it’s pretty much destroyed COVID’s ability to kill people. Hard to murder people if they don’t even need to go to the hospital.

I’m confused about Japan. They’ve been studying Ivermectin for almost 8 months now and I can’t jack about the study results or the government starting to give it out to people.

Contaminated NEET says:

>I’m wondering what would happen if DeSantos started sending out Ivermectin kits to all Floridians at risk for COVID due to co-morbidities?

His underlings would refuse to do it and he’d go to prison.

In every country that attempts to promote repurposed drugs effective against Covid, there is strong Cathedral opposition and an ideological war over it. Here in the US Paul Marik had his license suspended punitively (now only allowed to practice medicine in the context of teaching medical school) for leading the FLCCC and spearheading the pro-Ivermectin campaign, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Pierre Kory gets his license suspended eventually as well.

Out of the trio of Trump, Bolsonaro, and Duterte, Bolsonaro in Brazil has been the most sane in opposing the Covid Demon. From his election I thought Bolsonaro would be based (not my video upload, glad someone mirrored it) and am glad one of the three hasn’t been a disappointment in this regard:

Friend in Brazil says Bolsonaro refused the Pfizer vaccine into his country because they wanted no liability for vaccine injuries, and took government money allotted for vaccines and spent it on HCQ and IVM, and the Left in the courts accused him of crimes against humanity for it. Also, only G20 leader publicly opposed to the vaccine (sadly many of the Brazilian right are also pro-jab, so he has lost significant support for not promoting it).

“Bolsonaro, who traveled to New York ahead of the UN General Assembly, was pictured with several other members of his delegation in an Instagram post Monday by Gilson Machado Neto, Brazil’s minister for tourism. The photo was captioned “Let’s go for pizza with Coca Cola.”

The Brazilian president is the only G20 leader who has not been vaccinated for the coronavirus and has repeatedly defended his decision, citing his battle with COVID-19 last year. 

“Why take the vaccine? To have antibodies, isn’t that right? My antibody levels are way up high,” he said last week.”

Alfred says:

>“Why take the vaccine? To have antibodies, isn’t that right? My antibody levels are way up high,” he said last week.”

It’s amazing that such a statement is consider bad.

notglowing says:

Since this is a somewhat adjacent topic, what do you think about Georgist taxation?
Although I could be on board with that concept, something that seems to be often supported by Georgists is Harberger taxation which I find insidious, evil, and fundamentally contrary to the concept of private property

If anyone with more money than me can seize my land, it is not my land at all.

Unfortunately I see many people in cryptocurrency and crypto-libertarian circles support this idea.

jim says:

Georgism comes from an evil place in the soul, comes from envy and malice, and an advocate of Georgism usually has no end of other ideas and ideals likely to inflict a great deal of destruction on people he does not like, which is a whole lot of people. It is kind of like people who want to collectivize the peasants being afraid of farmer’s dogs.

It does not come from governments looking around and saying “Hey, what can we tax without causing too much economic damage?” It does not come from governments wanting stuff. It comes from people wanting other people to not have stuff.

You can make a good argument that attempting to tax UCV, or taxing something closely related to UCV (which is what governments do in practice) is going to do less harm that most taxes, and many governments therefore tend to tax something like UCV pretty hard, but that is not where Georgism comes from.)

Come the restoration we will probably rely pretty heavily on a tax on something closely connected to UCV. But we though we should not declare Georgism to be heresy, we should have the Inquisition give Georgists extra scrutiny, because they tend to be bad people who intend harm to a whole lot of people.

Taxes need to be the answer to the question, “How do we collect revenue without buggering the economy so that there is less revenue for us to collect, and less good stuff for our military to buy from the private sector”, not an answer to the question “Whom do I hate and wish to destroy”

When the Inquisition calls the Georgist in for a little friendly chat over coffee and a ham sandwich, he will probably tell them he has a very long list of people the Inquisition needs to deal with.

The Cominator says:

Do not agree, Georgism (at least semi Georgism) has aced all its field test. Its probably the least harmful form of taxation by far. So it does answer your question.

Also since the land itself (rather than the improvements on it) are not NATURALLY a form of property improved and created by value producers but rather were naturally occurring and were rather made property because of the tragedy of the commons and the fact that fighting over it is inevitable… its perhaps the only form of taxation that can be considered to NOT be theft and perhaps can be sold to natural law libertarian types.

I support Georgist taxation, not ideas that Marxist entryist to Georgism (George and the demon Marx were not fans of each other, and Georgism was an early target for entryists) support. Georgism should be legal and should be state policy but the inquisition/secret police should be extremely vigilant for marxists entryist into Georgism.

jim says:

> Do not agree, Georgism (at least semi Georgism) has aced all its field test. Its probably the least harmful form of taxation by far. So it does answer your question.

Says the man who has a far longer list of people who need killing than any of the rest of us here.

Georgism has never been field tested, because Georgists want to tax the UCV down to near zero, and no government sane enough to go after UCV, is sufficiently evil and insane to try to tax it down to near zero.

What you are calling “semi Georgism” is no more Georgism than taxation is socialism. Every government the Georgists point to as semi Georgist, governments that are getting a lot of their revenue from UCV and from government owned urban utilities, has a thriving market in real estate speculation, and some very rich property owners and property developers. Even if the government is getting a whole lot of revenue from UCV, so are a whole lot of developers, speculators, and small private investors.

In order for a government that relies heavily on UCV for its tax base to have something worth taxing, it has to leave enough on the table for the private sector. Taking all, or nearly all, is going to kill the golden goose, and we see sane rational revenue optimizing governments that rely heavily on UCV doing everything they can to keep the golden goose fat and happy.

If you could know exactly what the UC Value is, you could take it all without killing the golden goose, but it is impossible to clearly distinguish between the UC Value, and the DC value, and dangerous to try too hard. So rational revenue optimizing governments do not try too hard, but instead try to collect revenue in ways that tend to bear harder on the UC Value than the DC Value.

Georgists want to tax UCV down to the zero bound, or as close as possible to the zero bound. Rational revenue optimizing governments see the zero bound as the third rail. Touch it, you die, so they stay a nice safe distance from it.

A rational revenue maximizing government has a variety of fees, taxes, charges, and government monopolies that hit UC Value hard, and a lot harder than DC value. But they are careful to stay away from the zero bound.

The Cominator says:

Hong Kong used a system that was very close to Georgism for a long time (and his ideas were definitely influential) and I recommend we adopt the same tax system they had.

I’m right that demon worshippers need to go. People with no interest in truth in the days of interconnected 24/7 media are dangerous to the rest of us… period. We can’t live with them. Now obviously women always have somewhat diminished interest in truth but the men have to go. This is not the mid 1600s there are always new demons to fall under and quickly.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Com, if you killed all of the NPCs, then you would be murdering more than 99% of people. Do you have any idea how rare men like us are? Even if you spared the women, the slaughter you suggest would be so extreme and insane that it would dwarf the slaughters of the Khmer Rouge and Mao. Who is going to remove the trash and keep the water and power running after you kill everyone else? There will be no interconnected media or even civilization, for that matter, by the time you are finished.

You are recommending the Seven Kill Stele. You need to stop, take a look in the mirror, then find some perspective that does not include committing autogenocide to stop autogenocide.

The Cominator says:

Most people have SOME interest in the truth (even some women have some interest in it sometimes though perhaps its because an alpha male made them that way) or at least some disinterest in the official truth. It will be more like 15-20% of people, though perhaps in some urban areas much higher (lets not talk about DC).

When I hear about people working in healthcare blaming the unvaccinated when a basic lookup of this should be in their wheelhouse… that fills me I think rightly with pretty extreme rage. That is a complete disregard for any truth beyond the truth of authority, an authority that they should know has REPEATEDLY lied to them because they saw the lies from the inside.

In a normal society you can understand people who believe in the official truth almost completely… I mostly believed in it until I would say 2006 or so. I can certainly understand why in Japan people do it… because their government actually mostly avoids telling them blatant lies. But if the 2020 lockdowns didn’t turn you into some kind of skeptic or dissident I think there is something very wrong with you and I think you’re very dangerous to have around even if we win.

Jim talks about the Restoration social order lasting 200 years or so, that was after Cromwell already supressed the radicals and before the age of any kind of mass media besides pamphlets. Franco killed a lot of leftists but wasn’t thorough… it didn’t work. The tragedies of the 20th and 21st century were because leftism wasn’t supressed with sufficient brutality in the 19th.

Now where logically am I wrong. I acknowledge that the depths of insanity that I have witnessed and suffered from make me angry and hateful towards these people but I do not see a flaw in my logic, like muslims leftists are always going to surrender and unsurrender. People seem to have this sympathy for leftists I do not understand… why?

jim says:

> Now where logically am I wrong. I acknowledge that the depths of insanity that I have witnessed and suffered from make me angry and hateful towards these people but I do not see a flaw in my logic, like muslims leftists are always going to surrender and unsurrender.

Yes, logically you are correct. Excessive mercy and leniency led to our current disaster. But we don’t want Havel’s Greengrocer afraid, and still less do we want the ordinary NPC who believes official truth and does not notice or care when it changes afraid. These are difficult objectives to balance, and any effort to balance them has to be founded on forgiveness and mercy – albeit indiscriminate forgiveness is dangerous, and one can show no mercy to those that surrender and then unsurrender.

The old Christian policy on apostates was a very hard hand against entryists and against those who surrender then unsurrender. This was wise and necessary. Death to apostates.

The Cominator says:

In Indonesia my understanding is that the overwhelming majority of people were eventually happy that Suharto did what he did and that death squaders were considered heroes. Thought that life got a lot better and stayed better…

Pooch says:

The Amerikaners should be spared. These are our people, even the ones that work for the regime. The Puritans can go. The slave class, well I’ll let smarter people handle that.

The Cominator says:

“The Amerikaners should be spared. These are our people, even the ones that work for the regime.”

What do you mean in this context by Amerikaner.

If you mean protestant WASPY white guys should be spared even if leftists based on their ethnicity not just no but fuck no… its more critical that we eliminate leftists within the Amerikaner population than anyone else. The idea that you go easy on ethnic ingroup leftists is a stupid wignat idea… you go harder on traitors within the ingroup.

We want every Amerikaner to be able to look at every other Amerikaner when we’re done and know that they support capitalism, hated Biden and approved of Fauci’s livestream world record long excruciating special um minecraft deletion. We want Amerikaner’s to have especially high trust among each other, that means that we need to be especially thorough about eliminating leftists among them.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Com, that is not how people work. That is your autism and anger speaking, not logic. You are talking about a lot more than 15-20%, because the people who obey the official truth are are the overwhelming majority. If you kill them you get too many chiefs and not enough indians. It would result in us ending up like someone I heard describe Haiti. Every man is a general, and sleeps with a machete. That is not a recipe for high trust.

The Cominator says:

So what do you propose?

jim says:

I don’t know what Wufgar Thundercock proposes, but what I propose is that we radically purge the official priesthood, totally replacing the top of the priesthood with men who pass a high IQ test (one designed to separate the very smart from the merely smart, not merely the stupid from the totally stupid like the existing Harvard and MIT tests), who have raised well behaved children, and have refrained from any gross misconduct.

Everyone who wants state or quasi state office has to pass a religious conformity test. Anyone who passes the test, and has high state or quasi state office, but who subsequently turns out to be an entryist or an apostate gets killed by the inquisition. Anyone who wants priestly office has to pass a test for religious conformity and everyday ordinary virtue.

Anyone who held priestly office (judges, professors, etc) who loses his job for failing the conformity test, is prevented from leaving the country to some location more friendly to his faith. If he continues priestly activity within the country, bad things may happen to him, or he gets rusticated to Alaska. Apostates get killed, those reject the official faith in favor of some competing faith, but who never held priestly office in the former official faith get lesser status but they don’t get rusticated nor have their travel restricted. Search engines do not treat their links as giving page rank, as in today’s rule where Wikipedia gives page rank, but WattsUpWithThat does not.

notglowing says:

> Fauci’s livestream world record long excruciating special um minecraft deletion.

We regret to inform you of the untimely unexpected passing of Anthony Fauci during his interrogation.
The cause of death is COVID

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I would argue for much the same thing as Jim, with the exception that the top priests and any especially egregious offenders be executed to a man. Find people like Fauci and the Board of Regents of Harvard and Yale–the command and control apparatus of the Cathedral–and have the lot shipped to a death camp in the arctic circle. The lower level priests, especially the ones that are NPCs, get the travel restriction treatment and a blanket ban on priestly, state, or quasi-state jobs. I want to kill the minimum number to achieve the objective of killing Harvard, and killing whatever might try to follow it. That is all. No grand plans for social engineering or eugenics, besides those systems that have worked in the past.

Insufficient ruthlessness in purging the previous ruling class is like failing to pursue a rout, and has the same result; you end up fighting the same enemy again, from a weaker position. Finish them off when you hold the knife at their throat. All revolutions are elite revolutions, so we remove a historically disloyal elite from the burdens of existence. Revolution problem solved. Cut off the head, and the snake dies. There is no need to then jump all over the remaining leftists because they will die out over time, between people not wanting to be associated with losers, fearing the Inquisition, and the march of time taking the true believers to the grave.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>The idea that you go easy on ethnic ingroup leftists is a stupid wignat idea… you go harder on traitors within the ingroup.

*Is a stupid fednat idea. The only people who talk about charity for the traitorous are the traitorous themselves.

For my perspective on this matter, consider how something like 30-40 percent of people in the US voted Biden in 2020, and of that number a further significant fraction are alien ringers (whether they actually did vote, or simply penciled in by the party machine), who are already going to be sent back anyways. We are left with a remaining fraction that is far smaller than ‘99%’ or other histrionics, but which is far outsized in terms of perniciousness, and it would be greatly to the good if such persons were Physically Removed and Separated from society.

Pooch says:

Actual white leftist are small in number. 60% of the country likely voted for Trump in reality. That leaves likely 20% pet slaves and 20% white leftists. Of that half or more are women so we are maybe only looking at 10% white male leftists at the most.

jim says:

Once the top priesthood is removed from power, prevented from organizing, prevented from obtaining a new base far away, and prevented from priesting, we have a problem of a significant number of heretics.

Physically killing all the heretics tends to be disruptive and organizationally difficult. Just render them low status and safe to mistreat. Also, don’t support and enforce the marriages they do not believe in. Make marriages enforcement confessional. They fade away fast, and leftism tends to fade away fast as soon as there is no prospect of knocking over some more applecarts.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Im a big believer in public sanction (which is to say, sovereign sanction) of private violence. If for example it was announced open season on wetbacks today, they would all be rushing to deport themselves the day after tomorrow. Hypothetically of course.

jim says:

Recovery from a dark age tends to involve a rather small group and subset of men who are protected from violence, oppression, and robbery – which protection they extend to their clients and family.

Other people, sort of voluntarily, sign up as clients and serfs. The Roman empire had no organized system for returning slaves to their masters, it was just that a runaway slave was an unperson who had no arrangements to protect himself from violence and oppression, while if he stuck with his master, he had only one person who could oppress him.

The trouble with the system of the Roman Republic is that it not extend to long distance merchants, although throughout the time of the Roman Republic, protection kept becoming broader, more impersonal, more distant, more impartial, and less a matter of personal and family connections. Caesar and Pompey extended it to long distance and merchants, for the sake of trade and logistics, and so accelerated a trend of impersonal, distant, and universal, protection, equality before the law. Which continued to undermine the family and marriage.

In a reconstruction, the ingroup will provide provide protection to ingroup members, and protection to allied outgroups against hostile outgroups, and the top ingroup will provide protection to all ingroup members against everyone. (“I am a Roman citizen”) Members of groups that are outgroups to the ruling ingroup will receive a substantially lesser level of protection, particularly against members of the ruling ingroup.

But in order to reproduce successfully the ingroup has to completely refrain from enforcing the property right of fathers over daughters once the daughter is married, as this impairs reproduction. The only recognized marriage has to result in full transfer of authority to the husband. We must restore the eighteenth century coverture system. Anything less should be illicit and immoral, and illicit and immoral activities leading to violence should not receive protection.

The Cominator says:

20-25% of white males are leftists (with most rural regions having 5% and urban areas having much higher)….

Pooch says:

It might even be less than that, which equates to only about 7-8% of the total US population.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

As Jim points out, killing even only 10% of the population is inefficient, insane, and probably ineffective. Plus, that is not what Com was suggesting. He was saying kill of all NPCs, which is undeniably insane and inefficient. And there are right-wing NPCs, make no mistake. Then we are talking about killing a majority in the name of emmantatizing the eschaton, including people who would follow us if given a chance. That is ridiculous, and only a madman would try it. Leftism, even when backed by the best guns in the world, is antinatalist to the point that it would be fatal within a couple generations. Without the guns protecting it and without their marriages being enforced, it will be gone within two generations.

The Cominator says:

I was absolutely NOT saying to kill right wing NPCs, sincere qtards would be perfectly safe.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Tbh any huwhite man still registered d in The Current Year simply can’t be helped; noone puts any stock in what the official media says any more, the only people who do are the ones who want to.

If we can thank Trump for anything, it is providing such a clear and obvious watermark to use going forwards, a bellwether moment in history.

A2 says:

The Cominator may be too idealistic but his heart is in the right place.

No point in haggling for or settling on a certain percentage, as far as I’m concerned. The point of this is not population reduction to some pre-decided target.

The Cominator says:

Georgism is supposed to have a thriving developers market, improvements aren’t to be taxed. In fact one argument for a semi Georgist system is that development has to be maximized for all non lived land or the land needs to be sold. Rentiers on the other hand don’t do so well.

I do not support full Georgism I support Hong Kong, call it non Georgist if you want but they were partially inspired by him.

Aryaman says:

Problem is hard to disentangle unimproved value and value derived from all the surrounding improvements. Mineral rights underneath your house weren’t worth very much until they suddenly were, and if government owned them all on the principle no one built them, so not harmful to production, then may never have become worth much because no one would have bothered. I used to be drawn to Georgism but realised they just hated land ownership, which is why you have “libertarians” proposing cockamamie ideas like forced sale of land to he who would pay the highest tax assessment on the basis of Georgism.

There are better and worse ways to collect revenue. If you want to collect 5 or 10, maybe 15, percent of total income in taxes then it really doesn’t matter if you do it taxing sales, wages, capital, or land so long as it’s not too bureaucratic. Some clever strategy will be better than the others, but none so much better or so much worse. If you want to collect 50 or 60 percent of total income in taxes then it also really doesn’t matter how you do it, as whatever you do likely destroys allocation, and probably cannot be sustained without insane tyranny to begin with.

Between taxing sales, wages, capital or land, in choosing one over the others, in the long run do not really effect a redistribution. Taxing capital income instead of wages only helps workers for a few months before they find capitalists aren’t so eager to build that new factory. You can steal from whites and give to blacks, can steal from enemies of the government to give friends of the government, but you can’t really steal from capitalists and landowners to give to workers, or steal from workers to give to capitalists and landowners for more than a short period of time.

How much revenue can you get licensing government monopolies on gambling, alcohol, lotteries set at the monopolist profit maximising level. Unlike other taxes you are taking from the incompetent to fund projects for the industrious, not really getting in the way of production, and not bothering normal people with much bureaucracy. Maybe that is usury, I don’t know, but has the benefit that the monopolist profit maximising level of production is below the free market profit maximising level of production.

Then tax imports on industries that do not exist domestically but ought to exist domestically.

Then put a per head tax on the order of $40,000 on any employer that wants to hire a foreigner for privilege of doing so, so that you get the kind of foreigners that are worth good money to a capitalist (I hear the protests but you will have some foreigners anyway, may as well make sure they are good and collect some revenue where you can).

Then tax estates not inherited by sons.

Then if you must, a 5 or 10 percent tax on income simply and broadly defined but without a terrible amount of enforcement. And a standard deduction that is pretty high for married heads of household ratably increased by number of children, so as to least intrude on junior male engineers at Tesla who make $170,000.

Aryaman says:

That you can’t steal from capitalists to give to workers, or from landowners to give to capitalists I mean it is like saying “we are going to give the consumers and take from the greedy shopkeepers” by implementing a sales tax to offset a standard deduction set on the basis of a standard basket of consumption, which quietly passes back through to the consumers. And so with capitalists and their workers. So with landowners and capitalists if most people own their own houses.

You can steal from actual classes of people to give to other favoured classes, but cannot steal from one fake economic class to benefit another fake economic class. Or rather you can do it only for a while.

I suppose a small tax on rental income would not be terrible, as it only discourages low time preference behaviour such as failure to save to buy your own home, and actually owning property leads to vested interest in community around you.

The Cominator says:

“Then put a per head tax on the order of $40,000 on any employer that wants to hire a foreigner for privilege of doing so, so that you get the kind of foreigners that are worth good money to a capitalist (I hear the protests but you will have some foreigners anyway, may as well make sure they are good and collect some revenue where you can).”

I agree with this principle for immigration anyway. Immigration should generally only be by purchase. Purchase can only be waived by a direct order of the king and he should not do that kind of thing often

Absolutely no income tax for personal or corporate (and make it part of the state religion that even talking about them in peacetime is blasphemy and communism and people who want them are to be killed), no sales tax, DEFINITELY no VAT (the worst tax there is).

We should land value tax (I’m sorry I like the basic ideas of Henry George and I’m sticking to that), revenune tariff, lottery monopoly, tax recreational drugs (at the laffer maximum). Model it off Hong Kong but go more extreme on no income taxes…

jim says:

The Georgist idea that taxing UCV is the least destructive tax is sound.

The Georgist idea that you can and should tax it to the zero bound is envy and destructive malice.

You cannot even tax UCV, though many governments attempt to do so, because you cannot know, or even clearly define, UCV. You have to tax things and charge for things that have a good correlation to UCV. Which correlation, as UCV goes down under the impact and charges, becomes less and less good.

To illustrate the problem, consider a developer who builds a shopping mall with an important anchor tenant, and a retail and entertainment area around the mall.

The other mall tenants benefit from the traffic brought by the anchor tenant, and the shops and entertainment area around the mall benefit from the traffic brougt by the mall.

Obviously the developer should get all the value that this creates. But there are existing shopping facilities near the development, and they also benefit, the unearned windfall benefit that Georgists so dread and want to do away with. But if you tax their windfall benefit away from them, now you are taxing the shops built by the developer on one basis, and the shops built by other people on a different basis, and this can get hopelessly complicated, and provide endless avenues for corruption. Someone has to make an arbitrary subjective judgment about the size of various benefits, and the cause of various benefits, and those who create such benefits will be afraid, because they fear that the necessarily arbitrary and subjective determination will be arbitrary and unfair.

And the homeowner who a long time ago built a home far from shops and work, because he could afford the land there, now has the same home and garden conveniently close to shops and work.

So you just have to let them get their unearned windfall benefit, or most of it. And you don’t want to go after the home owner who benefited, at least not until he sells his house and large garden to a rich man who knocks down the house and builds a mansion.

And is it an unearned windfall? Likely the men who built those older houses and older shopping and entertainment facilities did so because they expected this to happen, and put up with the initial inconvenience and expense, because they expected that once there were enough houses and entertainment facilities, something like the mall would be built.

The Cominator says:

Agree on all points, our official position should be that Henry George was a good guy but he was trying to compete with demonic Marxists and his more evil destructive idea of taxing unimproved land values to the zero point was him trying to turn Marx’s followers in a less destructive more sane direction.

jim says:

Plausible enough, a convenient, unfalsifiable, and likely true official truth. Takes the poison out of of George, just as progressivism reads progressivism into every influential past thinker that it does not demonize, even though by 2021 standards they were colonialist racists who adhered to an ignorant sexist superstition.

Arqiduka says:

The only tax which is universal (i.e. can be applied across the economy and won’t disadvantage one particular sector or cluster) is VAT. All other taxes (including land value-based) rely on the whole ecosystem of other taxes to make sense and “spread the love around”.

Never understood this animosity towards the VAT.

The Cominator says:

The VAT is the worst economy killer of a tax that there is it raises prices across the value chain and truly kills the hard pressed and parasitized working poor. Sales taxes if they must exist should be at the end consumer level only.

This person should have to take a shill test, anyone who defends the VAT I suspect of being a communist.

notglowing says:

VAT here is 22%, meaning any product I buy has a twenty-two percent premium on it, that I would not have to pay if the tax did not exist.
That’s close to a quarter of your already 30-50%+ taxed income going away with virtually no way of avoiding it.

VAT is also applied to anything I import, meaning that if I were to buy a 500$ computer from the united states, I would be asked to hand over 22% of that extra on top when it is delivered to me.

It’s actually worse than that, because first import tax is added to the value of the product, and import tax varies but it seems to be around 5-7%.
Then VAT is calculated on top of that taxed amount, plus the price of shipping.
Meaning I pay a tax on the shipping cost, and a tax on top of a tax, with my already taxed income.

People are only somewhat aware of it, because VAT is already included in all prices they see, unlike sales tax in the US (which also tends to be far less than 20% and often below 10%, or even zero in a few places)

So most of the time people don’t realize how much of their money goes into VAT, and the government consistently increases it every few years, because they can.
VAT obviously disproportionately costs more to lower income people rather than higher income people, since lower income people spend more of their income in VAT taxed goods.

That said, while I personally hate VAT more than any other tax, I think income tax and capital gains might be objectively worse.
VAT at least is very easy to enforce and does not require draconian anti-money laundering laws as well as all sorts of other nonsense, it’s not something where regular people can easily get in trouble either.
But most importantly it taxes consumption rather than production of value (ie, income). That has a bad effect on the economy, but it seems better to me to discourage spending, than to discourage working more, making money and saving it or investing it.

If I had to choose to keep one type of taxation between income/capital gains tax and VAT I might well choose VAT.
Of course, neither of these options are the right answer.

Upravda says:

Also never understood animosity toward VAT.

As first, it did not exist in communist Yugoslavia, and I think it also did not exist in Warsaw pact countries, so it is hardly a “communist” tax.

As other commentators have noticed, it is easy to collect, does not presume the entire kludge of laws, and rules, and administration, and all that crap

For transit countries an tourist destination it also has quite a nice advantage that foreigners also pay it.

You can opt out of it by opting out of system – not totally achievable, but also not totally impossible. Typical agricultural family estate produces a lot of food and other stuff at home – even today – so no VAT on all that.

In many countries, even in such that have very high VAT, there are usually exclusions. For example, in Croatia, agricultural estates, crafts and companies of with annual revenue of less than 200,000 HRK (~31,000 USD) do not pay any VAT.

It is the entirely different question what should be the VAT rate. Certainly not 25%. Probably more like 5%.

To me, The communist taxes and real civilization killers are real estate taxes. With them, you immediately become just a tenant on your patrimony (or matrimony). That is disgusting, emasculating, and stimulates people only to become a proletarian.

Karl says:

Are you sure that there exclusions in your country from VAT such that small companies do not pay any VAT?

My understanding is the opposite. Large Companies pay no VAT at all, only consumers and small companies pay it.

Companies sell stuff, collect VAT from their customers and give it to the government. However, they are allowed to subtract any VAT they paid for their own puchases from the VAT collected from their customers and pass only the difference on to the government.

Small companies do charge VAT from their customers, but they really pay it on anything they pruchase.

VAT effictively is paid by consumers only. Companies pass on only the difference between VAT collected from customer and VAT paid to supplies on to the government.

The problem with VAT is that it taxes only the “added” value and therefore allows any compony to subtract VAT paid to suppliers. Very difficult to check whether all subtractions were justified. Very difficult to find out whether goods were really exported (no VAT to be paid) or sold domestically (VAT due).

If a company buys everything it needs domestically it has nice stack of invoices documenting how much VAT it paid. If it exports everything it produces, it collects no VAT and gets every cent of VAT taxes paid back from the government.

Most of the tax fraud in Germany is VAT related.

Upravda says:

I used wrong words. Yes, everybody in Croatia pay VAT – if goods or services bought come from businesses with annual revenue of more than 200 thousands kunas, 300 thousands if business is agricultural estate. These are so called „businesses outside VAT system”- If not, you buy those goods and services without VAT. So, accounting services cost me 800 kunas per month because my accountant’s small company id „outside VAT system”. Otherwise, I would pay 1000 kunas monthly (800 + 25% VAT). She (that is, her small company) still does pay VAT on, say, computer on which she works the accounting, but sells me (that is, to my small company) accounting services without VAT.
So, small businesses are actually somewhat more competitive, relatively, especially when they sell goods and services to real persons. One kilo of apples at small farmer is, say, 8 kunas, that *same* kilo at supermarket is 10 kunas – and not just because of merchant’s margin.

notglowing says:

> For transit countries an tourist destination it also has quite a nice advantage that foreigners also pay it.

This is not true, if you are a tourist in most countries that have VAT, the tax can be refunded to you.
That’s the business of companies like Global Blue

Arqiduka says:

@The Cominator,

Lol, of course the VAT raise prices across the value chain, how else would a tax extract value. Would you like a tax that produces revenue but causes no effect of the economy? Or one that raises prices at the upper end of the production chain but these somehow never make their way to the end consumer? Would you like your dragon to be red of green? Happy to take the test if you folks can be arsed, but since I skip most of those comments you’ll have to remind me, am I supposed to answer what you would think or what I think on those (I tend to agree with Jim’s analysis on much, but tend to disagree on much of his proposed solutions)?

@ Karl,

I agree with the issues you mention re export. Not related to internal sales though, super easy to justify the subtraction you claim: if you claim it, someone else must have paid it easy as that!

Exporting is where it gets iffy though, and that’s a failure point you would police. Still, far better to have to police one point only instead of everything as you would under income taxation. In a sense, that most fraud is export VAT -related in Germany tells me there is much less fraud than elsewhere.

Upravda says:

“This is not true, if you are a tourist in most countries that have VAT, the tax can be refunded to you.”

Yes, yes, I’m aware of it. Protocols for refunding vary. I remember that in nineties, when we went to shopping to Graz, in Metro, we could get Mehrwehrsteuer refund – on the next visit, from customs officer on the border.

You see, that’s the Catch 22. Yes, theoretically, foreigners are eligible to VAT refund. In practice, however, system(s) is/are set up so that one is not likely to request such refund, and/or refund is bind to increased chance of repeated consumption.

Austrians had set up the VAT refund so that foreigners were inclined to go to shopping in Austria again. In Croatia, one can not ask for VAT refund from services, just from the goods, and only on bills over 500 kunas. Etc. Everybody has set up the VAT system that increases the chance of not refunding refundable VAT to foreigners. 🙂

jim says:

A rational revenue optimizing government wants to hit UCV mighty hard, and a Georgist wants to hit UCV mighty hard.

But a rational revenue optimizing government wants the people who create and operate its tax base rich, powerful, influential, successful, high status, and confident, while a Georgist wants them poor, powerless, and afraid.

So a rational revenue maximizing government likes to stay a nice safe distance from the zero bound on UCV, while a Georgist wants the government to operate right on the zero bound of UCV.

The Cominator says:

I agree, but lets do a tax system much more like Hong Kong and revenue tariffs (and a lottery monopoly and a few other sin taxes but probably lower sin taxes than now) and completely abolish both personal and corporate income tax.

Aryaman says:

I think if you are taxing around the non-tyrannical Laffer limit, and you will find not much tyranny is required if that is around 5 percent or 10 percent, it does not really matter what exactly you are taxing as long as it is sufficiently non-specific. Of course you can go around creating new taxes and set them all near the Laffer limit, but then suddenly find that all of the taxes are suddenly above the Laffer limit.

I don’t really see why a peacetime king would be all that eager to tax beyond maybe 5 percent, maybe along with rents from his monopoly on alcohol, gambling and lotteries. More than enough to fund the lavish dignities of monarchy, manage efficient courts, patronise important projects, and maintain a small civil service. A republic with competent elite would likely want to tax more to establish larger and more competent civil service, since there really are some things a competent and virtuous elite can better accomplish with state cooperation.

But if you are taxing like 5 or 10 maybe 15 percent of total income, really do not think it matters whether that is on wages, dividends, corporate profits, unimproved capital.

Or even if it matters, does not matter a lot. Don’t think you want people involved in the business of divining perfectly efficient and really very clever tax regimes. Unimproved capital tax is very clever and requires very clever implementation.

The Cominator says:

The brilliance of taxing unimproved land capital (yes administratively more difficult but it will keep the bureaucrats hands full… without them making up new mischief since they’ll be busy trying to make accurate land assessments) vs income or commerce is that its said that economists barely understand anything but they do know when you tax something you get less of it…

So the best thing to tax is people NOT employing fixed capital like land to its maximum value since it will produce some amount of pressure to sell to those who will employ it to its maximum value. 15% of total income is probably too high.

Karl says:

What is UCV?

Acronymfinder didn’t help. Then I glanced at the Wikepedia page about Georgism and couldn’t find an answer.

Will someone please spell it out?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Searching ‘ucv tax’ brought up ‘unimproved capital value’ within the first five results, which is usually used in reference to land – and in particular the value of land absent any building, growing, or other development on it – but could more generally be considered as a reference to ‘potential’ value of something, absent teleoplexing by agentified forces.
Though this isn’t the only time jim might use an acronym in a text without spelling them out at least once.

Karl says:


jim says:

Since all the land has that anyone cares about has had extensive and repeated transformations by agents, unimproved capital value is not an observable quantity, but more a theoretical abstraction.

notglowing says:

I think a larger issue is that land is usually not more or less valuable mainly because of its own intrinsic improvements or properties, but rather because of the land surrounding it.

Which becomes quite difficult to quantify.
Land in a big city is infinitely more valuable than fertile farmland somewhere in the middle of nowhere, square meter per square meter.

Such value does not come from “natural” things in the land itself, it’s entirely man-made, yet it’s not about improvements made on the particular piece of land, which might even be empty.

I think if you took UCV to its extreme conclusion, you’d have to consider every piece of land be naturally worth the same amount of money, save for some very significant natural differences between different lands such as desert vs farmland or mountains/hills vs plains, etc.

There’s also the other obvious problem that the amount of resources on a piece of land are really the resources we can extract, which varies depending on technology.
If we can use fracking, extract oil from tar sands etc, there’s more than there would be otherwise effectively. Is that UCV or not? It can’t be.

Varna says:

Can anyone summarize what makes post-WWII western market economy different in the protein choice and distribution sense from other market mechanisms?

I mean in the sense of the purely visible changes that happened to Japs, then later the Koreans, and now the Chinese–the generation that grew up with white devil type capitalism being literally a head taller than the previous generations.

Additional question–are the mechanics that make people taller (whatever they are) being dismantled right now in the name of Gaia?

notglowing says:

I think just eating more and more protein in itself must have influenced that.
You can’t grow tall with little food.

Varna says:

I think so too, yes. I was wondering what is it about modern white devil capitalism that made this possible, as opposed to the systems in place before that.

Alfred says:

It’s just more meat due to increased economic wealth and better transport. During WW1 the size difference between New Zealanders and UK troops was much noticed. Their men got plenty of beef and mutton because plenty of such animals where raised in New Zealand.

yewotm8 says:

Off-topic but relevant to the world today:

Negotiation with pharmacist was not successful. Even though he was Indian with an accent. I was politely laughed off, indicating not an ideological disagreement but rather that he did not take me seriously. I felt similar to my first cold approach, and as soon as he said no I just walked away like a little bitch instead of trying to negotiate or specify a tip.

I think my success would be higher if I was actually in the room with one before proposing to cut a deal, but I open myself up to defection as they will already have all of my information and the visit on file before I go. Before I do that I will try again at other places, this time with more conviction. It was time consuming however to drive around and check each building to see if a person is working alone behind the counter.

More specific advice is welcomed. I will need to travel for work soon and really need to figure something out. Canada is doing the electronic passport thing and the airports here will definitely be scanning it.

Pooch says:

Shot in the dark, but perhaps you can ask to do the shot yourself with no one else in the room. So not explicitly verbalizing fraud. Also whenever I bribe someone I have the cash visible to their eye. Put a 100 dollar bill (or 2 or 3) on the table as you are talking.

Varna says:

Try being friendly, acting like it’s no big deal, just a little favor between adults. Visible cash accidently lying by your ID or something. You have doubts about some autoimmune stuff you have. The whole passport thing will likely blow over by next summer but you need the certification now etc. Get into a headspace where you “believe” it’s no big deal, and radiate this belief.

Maybe even present all this as just your views on things in the abstract and there wonder audibly is there any way to fix this. How does one get the silly certificate until everything blows over, without actually risking the possibly considerable autoimmune side effects you’re so terribly afraid of.

Just make it a situation where the issue is not a big deal, just a minor inconvenience two mature adults are going to fix in one way or another.

If they laugh, laugh too, but then say with good humor that it still needs to be fixed at least temporarily. If it all doesn’t blow over sure you’ll get the real deal then, but for now, just to evade any potential issues. Plus, you already had Covid. You’re protected. You just didn’t go to the hospital but you had the symptoms, loss of smell etc. You’re just waiting for a softer vaccine. Once they make it available sure you’ll get it. But for now…

If you make a real connection, try to stay in touch. Send little gifts on holidays. Refer clients. Maintain useful social investment. Treat them as human beings.

Varna says:

I forgot the favor bank. If in any conceivable way whatsoever you can provide some favor in the future through anything you do or anyone you know, that’s part of your social capital in this situation.

Fireball says:

In my experience this things are done by people you know or you know someone they know. And by know i mean they are friends that know the deal or it is family or friends of family.

You cant just go to someone and say hello fellow citizen may you break the law for me?

Pooch says:

Yes. I am seeing sham testing sites pop up. “Call this number for a negative test!” signs on the side of the road. So maybe the sham testing people can get you an in with the sham vaccine people. Friend of a friend situation instead of just cold approach.

Karl says:

Yes, absolutely. If you have enough time, try to find someone who has a friend who knows a friend who know how to provide a certificate. Cold approach is always difficult.

If that does not work (or if you are running out of time), ask a criminal. If someone is in the business of selling illegal stuff, he won’t mind if you ask for something illegal and he might use his connections to help you for a fee.

Cloudswrest says:

ROFL! This sums it up perfectly.

Redbible says:

If the Aussie nurse in this video is correct, that the vaccinated are being given Ivermectin, and the unvaccinated are not given Ivermectin, but rather put on a ventilator, would suggest that someone is dialing up the levels of evil to new levels.

Fireball says:

I would not be surprise if the ventilator part is true but i would be if they are actually giving ivermectin.

Alfred says:

I’ve heard the same with monoclonal antibody treatments in the US. They’ll give it to people who’ve been vaccinated but not the unclean. People living in Asia probably know that ivermectin works by now but closer to the heart of the Empire hospitals won’t be allowed to give it out.

Fireball says:

That is actually happening. I was just talking about just ivermectin since because of Trump it end up being some kind of evil thing.

neofugue says:

> pulmonary edema

Now we know how forced intubation causes death in Covid patients.

The intubation process is designed to induce pulmonary edema. Covid limits oxygen absorption, doctors prescribe drugs which lower heart rate, and intubation causes lung trauma of varying degrees.

Sources on drugs facilitating intubation:

Introduction to pulmonary edema:

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Subtle cracks are appearing all throughout the edifice.

ExileStyle says:

These cracks have all the subtlety of the Marianas trench.

This supply chain issue is fascinating and symptomatic: companies are throwing huge amounts of cash at “logistics” specialists, imagining that they can somehow plan or manage their way out of this all, when it’s really quite basic and obvious that there are not enough drivers and longshoremen, not enough ships and trucks, not to mention the fact that China is likely waging economic warfare on the west.

The other day I whimsically tried looking for a job at the local port (tired of computer screens, and the title “longshoreman” sounds manly) and could not even figure out where to start looking. They listed dozens of jobs in logistics and no info for good old fashioned moving heavy stuff around. I guess they’re all controlled by the unions?

Faith in Holy MBA Magic rather than simple, obvious physical reality anyone without a business degree can diagnose and see.

Fred says:

There is a massive oversupply of dock labour in most countries and has been for decades – this is why entry to dock work is tightly controlled by unions, because otherwise wages would drop through the floor.

ExileStyle says:

Very interesting data point. Is this also true in North America? If so, why are the ports all backed up?

Fred says:

The US (not sure about Canada, but I imagine it’s similar) is probably the worst place in the world for being oversupplied with dock labour, which is why hopeful recruits have these years-long waits to get chosen in lotteries for training. /r/Longshoremen at Reddit is full of posts about it, e.g. this one.

If you’ve ever wondered why container handling costs in North America are so high, it’s because of the bloated wages in the sector, enforced by unions. The bloated wages attract a huge oversupply of workers, something you don’t see in places that enacted reforms to container terminals, eg. the UK and NZ in the late 1980s (presumably wages in the sector are a lot lower there).

Why is it backed up? Apparently a shortage of empty containers.

HerbR says:

On the subject of wanting to acquire hard money and spend soft money, has anybody else run into this so-called “cash shortage”?

I hadn’t heard about it until literally today, when I went to make a purchase and there was a big sign saying that they could only accept card payments because of this shortage. I then looked it up online, and of course the government insists that there is no actual “shortage”, just a problem with “circulation”.

Which officially is because of Covid, and which I infer unofficially is because people are hoarding physical cash because they suddenly don’t trust banks and other intermediaries.

I’m not saying to sell your Bitcoins for some worthless IOUs, but it is an interesting development, because I think people of average or somewhat lower intelligence consider cash to be “hard” money (thus the expression, “cold hard cash”) and if so, this means we are already seeing a mass movement toward “hard” money, it just hasn’t yet reached its final stage.

The Cominator says:

In Florida i only ever saw it with change/coins and only during the semi lockdown.

Pooch says:

Yes I am only seeing it with coins as well. Gas stations around me routinely have a sign out front that says “coin shortage”.

Paper money will be worthless during a collapse event, but maybe not coins. Roman coins were used for centuries after the fall of the Roman Empire because the metal they were minted on still had value.

orochijes says:

Modern coins are cheap garbage. I don’t expect them to be valuable outside of their fiat value.

yewotm8 says:

But if nobody has the ability to make more then they still may be used for a time. They’d have a fixed supply, be inherently deflationary, have a standardized value, and so on, like coins before them.

yewotm8 says:

Didn’t mean to say that coins before them were inherently deflationary, but I guess this where they are actually better than old coins.

Pooch says:

Yes I suspect this was also why Roman coins were used after the fall of the empire for some time before the local feudal kings had the ability to mint their own coins.

INDY says:

They were doing the coin shortage thing as early as April 2020

Mr.P says:

Yesterday I tried to withdraw $300 in $20 bills from the ATM outside my bank’s lobby. The ATM however offered only $5s and $100s so I had to go inside to make the withdrawal with a teller.

jim says:

Red Bible, I was replying to your comment about a game blog, when it mysteriously and troublingly disappeared underneath me.

Please resubmit.

Redbible says:

I’m still seeing it at this link (which I intentionally posted on that page since it was the last page I commented on)

If need be I can repost the content of my comment here if you wish.

jim says:

Mysteriously missing comments have mysteriously re-appeared.

jim says:

Suddenly comments are mysteriously disappearing.

Trying to fix this.

Two valuable comments that I intended to respond to have disappeared underneath me.

Plenty of free memory and free disk space on my server. I don’t know why this is happening. Please check that none of your comments have disappeared.

Prophet says:

Project Veritas

Federal Govt HHS Whistleblower Goes Public With Secret Recordings “Vaccine is Full of Sh*t”

Publius says:

It won’t matter. It never matters. I know it’s trite to say it, but freedom really does die with thunderous applause. Look at this guy’s Twitter account:

He’s been chronicling insane COVID restrictions on college campuses around the country. Absolute insanity. You’re not allowed a sip of water inside. (Your mask would have to come off.) You can’t leave campus. You have to present a test a few days after being randomly selected by some god damned app or you’re suspended for a whole semester. There’s no sign of this stuff ending. It’s completely divorced from any kind of rational risk assessment. And worst of all, the students seem to love it. I feel like everyone around me has gone completely insane. I don’t recognize this country or this society anymore.

This guy also points out that these attitudes will inevitably leak into the next generation of elites. Our next generation of rulers will be even *more* weak, totalitarian, and superstitious than the woke millennials. It didn’t seem like such a thing was possible, but it is. It’s going to seem perfectly normal to just order people around in the most petty and personal ways and to destroy anyone who complains. Everything will be a sterile, preachy, lifeless husk.

I don’t recognize this country anymore. There’s nowhere to go though. Everything is getting worse, constantly, permanently. It’s hard to see things getting better in our lifetimes when we’re driving this hard at literal global technological totalitarianism.

Do you really think some Project Veritas video is going to deflect us from this course? It’s like trying to stop an ICBM with a butterfly. Facts don’t matter anymore. Outcomes don’t matter. Material well-being doesn’t matter. Reproduction doesn’t matter. There is only, from now on, Twitter, hate, religion, and rage, forever. Opposition is powerless in the face of omnipotent media induced hysteria flooding every sense via our phones every moment from morning to night. Now that we’ve set a precedent with forced COVID vaccines, it won’t be long before we’re subject to forced behavioral modification too — all for our good. There is no limit now to the degree we will each be ruled, personally, technologically, and absolutely, and no particular reason that this living nightmare will end in our lifetimes or our children’s lifetime. All things end, but so do we.

Pooch says:

Don’t be so blackpilled bro. The regime grows less competent by the day. We wait them out, then reconstruct society from the ground up.

ExileStyle says:

Yes, natural law will make itself heard again soon enough. People should take a brief visit to one of these campuses sometime. The “higher ranked” the better. College kids just look and sound fucking weird these days. It’s an obvious hormonal issue, even among those not actively taking hormonal supplements to become Holy Hermaphrodites. There is not a chance in hell they could withstand confrontation, physically or mentally, with actual real-world human beings for more than moments. Maybe more importantly they are all mentally ill and self-destructive and decadent and will vanish into nothing as soon as they lose funding, which is going to happen very soon whether planned or not.

Yes, they shriek in their hysterical Antifa LARPs, but it’s the shriek of woman: simulated strength with absolutely nothing backing it up when it comes down to it. (The actually violent ones are all prison-hardened feds, which is another issue altogether.)

As soon as people finally have enough, they will wilt away in the sunlight and be lucky to take on their proper role as eunuchs in the house of a conquering emperor or something.

Karl says:

These college kids are priests. The power of priests is backed by warriors obeying them. Hence, these kids don’t need to withstand confrontation. Police and military will do it for them.

Power of priets ends only when the priets no longer have consenus among themselves or a warrior takes power and kills enough priests to create priestly consensus that he indeed is rightly in power.

Weird college kids might are just a sign of increasing madness and less competent government in the future.

ExileStyle says:

Their professors are priests, and increasingly their Diversity and Inclusion departments. The kids are seminarians, all of who want to become priests but only some of whom ultimately will, that number determined by funding. Their professors are not retiring or dying fast enough and when they do are not being replaced in large enough numbers, and so fewer and fewer of them are becoming professors while more and more become Diversity and Inclusion priests. Except for business, law, and engineering, by the way, Diversity and Inclusion is a much, much more lucrative career than research and teaching:

As soon as research and teaching are completely replaced by Diversity and Inclusion, which is happening rapidly, universities return to their original status as monasteries.( Judging by how little sex these kids seem to be having, this seems more and more concretely plausible.)

The big question as I see it is how they can transition from seminarians to a functioning priesthood with functioning abbots and bishops and popes, etc. My favorite leftist, Camille Paglia, more based than any office-holding Republican, points out repeatedly the interesting point that the actual radicals of the 60s all died or went insane of drugs or STDs or being literal revolutionaries while it was the shrewd careerists who actually never cared about any of the revolutionary stuff who ended up becoming professors, people who would have excelled in any highly regulated corporate Cathedral environment.

There will be these shrewd people in any group, and they will end up leading it. Maybe Jim’s Caesar will be one of these people à la Stalin. But that level of shrewdness requires vigor, skepticism, social cynicism, and a not-inconsiderable degree of ruthlessness. Just as becoming abbot or bishop or pope required an extraordinary (if well-disguised) degree of shrewdness and ambition. All of which seem to be lacking and actively selected against in this present religion, the more so the higher up the college rankings we go. (Maybe their Caesar could come from Cathedral fringe, a place like Georgia State or something, an outsider-insider like Napoleon or Stalin.) But never before to my knowledge has the system so completely excluded vigor and skepticism: as mentioned, you get expelled for that, or just avoid the place to begin with.

I would also point out that post-WWII military and police had a respect for education, media, and government which has all but evaporated by now. I am not that old and I had professors who had served in war and were GI Bill educated. (Though I recognize in Australia’s case how apparently indifferent police and military are to who is giving their orders.)

But yes, we are all here at Jim’s Blog of course, and know exactly that a Caesar is required to put an end to this process, even if that Caesar must come from within the priesthood’s own ranks (Stalin). But I don’t see how it is possible for their degenerate system to even produce its own competent long-term leaders.

My sense is that this seminarian generation is in a race against the clock of impending social and economic implosion. They are so disliked, even quietly among non-seminarian, non-Diversity and Inclusion university people, that they are not yet, in my view, in a position of power to not be swept aside once funding dries up after the next economic collapse. What do they preach? Who believes in it but themselves? They may have access to money for now, but who unbidden is going to show up to shore up their power?

But of course if some degree of economic collapse does not occur, god help us all.

Karl says:

Economic collapse is ensured, at the very least because the production of bright children is insufficient, but will probably be caused much sooner by high inflation. Anyway, I don’t see how economic problems will help us.

True, the kids are not yet priests, merely on a path to become priests. Also true that there are much more aspirants than priestly jobs, but if there are many more priests in training than there will be priestly jobs available that ensures that compettion will be much harder. The larger the pool of aspirants. the more likely it is that a few will have sufficient shrewdness and whatever else is required to succeed.

So what if funding tries up? There are more priests in training than needed. No problem if some of them drop out.

They’ll preach whatever the holiness spiral requires and most people will believe anything that is preached as long as it is convient and profitable to believe. Those who don’t believe will pretend to believe or crushed.

Not sure what you mean with “a race against social implosion”. The leftist singularity is social implosion, isn’t it? No need for a long term leader, if the singularity is achieved in the short term.

ExileStyle says:

>Not sure what you mean with “a race against social implosion”. The leftist singularity is social implosion, isn’t it? No need for a long term leader, if the singularity is achieved in the short term.

Yeah, you’re right. Still trying to purge my vocabulary of lingering remnants of leftist indoctrination. (“Socioeconomic” etc.)

They’re in a race against the clock in that they produce a Cromwell stat or go under, is what I meant.

Pooch says:

Power of priets ends only when the priets no longer have consenus among themselves or a warrior takes power and kills enough priests to create priestly consensus that he indeed is rightly in power.

Or a third, and most likely path in my opinion, priests no longer have warriors around to obey them. The late Roman Empire could no longer field a standing army and the South African government today can no longer field a standing army.

Oog en Hand says:

Less than eunuchs, probably…

notglowing says:

The whitepill is that they are inevitably becoming less competent and more weak as this continues.
I share your worries, but at the same time as the race to totalitarianism has been accelerating, the race to collapse has been accelerating as well.

Just think of how much weaker the US government looks now compared to just two years ago.
Post BLM riots, post lockdowns, post half of the country seeing the democracy as a facade, post vaccine mandate, and finally post losing the war on terror.

All of these are accelerating self inflicted wounds. and I would not have guessed things could get this bad this quickly in 2019. I figured it would take three times as much at least…

Dave says:

This guy also points out that these attitudes will inevitably leak into the next generation of elites. Our next generation of rulers will be even *more* weak, totalitarian, and superstitious than the woke millennials.

Assuming of course that there *is* a next generation of elites because all the clot-shots they were forced to take didn’t leave a great many of them dead, sickly, or sterile.

Oog en Hand says:

As I said, Clot for the Clot Shot.

jim says:

> no particular reason that this living nightmare will end in our lifetimes or our children’s lifetime. All things end, but so do we.

When things go this far, they usually end fairly quickly – though often after getting a whole lot more insane first.

Worst case scenario is not that this continues through our childrens lifetimes. Worst case scenario is that they kill everyone, including each other.

This will not continue for very long. Madness at this level is not stable. It gets more insane, faster, or it breaks.

Fireball says:

The worst case scenario is actually quite possible. The ancient communists still had plenty of people that want to do good and tough they were doing good. They still had family and nation and could play the old soviet game of cargo cult industrialization.

The new ones no. They have very little and they know that the system cant give them anything and what ever they will have needs to be taken. With deindustrialization and the worsen economic situation they will have nothing to lose.

As you would call them, the old priest still have control and think they can bound the demons to their will but the young ones are children on crack tired of having their old teachers have all the status and power.

jim says:

Worst case outcome will probably involve one old priest who was and still is a sixties radical, leading an army youngsters promising them a purge of all the other oldies.

Most of the oldies are hoping for Brezhnevian stagnation till they croak. They think they are getting it, but they are not getting it.

Karl says:

What so bad about someone purging old progressive priests?

My understanding is that we can’t get a Stalin without someone purging the priests. Wouldn’t it be much worse if we don’t get a Stalin and the holiness spiral goes all the way to the singularity killing everyone?

Fireball says:

The problem is that the ones doing it may be the young ones and the young ones have a even huger boner about fucking with people like you.

Karl says:

Of course it will be the young ones doing the killing. But again, what is the problem? Wouldn’t a lot of killed cathedral priests be a step in the right direction?

Fireball says:


If you want to bring judgment day even faster or if it was just priests killing priests sure it would be a good thing.

The thing is that the old ones have more sane and practical and less murderess ideology/religion. If you are substituting this ones by people more tho the left you have a problem because you will never run out of priest until you start running out of people.

Karl says:


The young ones will replace the old ones sooner or later anyway. For last few centuries the young ones were to the left of those they replaced.

10 years or so are not much of a difference, but it is a huge difference if the old ones are killed. That has not happened in the last few centuries.

If the holiness spiral is stopped before it devours everyone, it will be stopped be a man who is used to killing. If the young ones start killing the old now, we have a much larger pool of people who have the stomach for the bloodshed that is required to stop the madness

Fireball says:

It is not possible to control this process to produce what you want. A stalin may rise or may not. And even if it rises it may be the stalin you want or may not be.

Fireball says:

>Worst case outcome will probably involve one old priest who was and still is a sixties radical, leading an army youngsters promising them a purge of all the other oldies.

That is the dream of quite few but i have my doubts that will be one that old.

>Most of the oldies are hoping for Brezhnevian stagnation till they croak. They think they are getting it, but they are not getting it.

That is so true, all old revolutionaries believe that the revolutions stops on the point they feel conformable. It gives me great pleasure seeing in their eyes when they understand that it will not.

Karl says:

Of course it won’t stop the madness. The interesting point is that there is dissent within the cathedral.

BLM protesting a New York restaurant for enforcing corona regulations is another sign of dissent within the ruling coalition.

There must be more dissent that we don’t know of. Let’s hope it escaltes to violence

Fireball says:

There is always dissent in this things. What you are seeing isn’t much, it can be patch up easily if the leadership doesn’t fuck it too badly because there is still too much to steal and to many kulaks to kill.

Dave says:

If I were that restaurant owner, I’d first call the police and ask them to please remove the protesters. If they declined to do so, I’d go outside to the sign explaining city-mandated Covid restrictions, and post another sign under it saying ^^^ BLACK PEOPLE EXEMPT ^^^.

If the government and liberal society expect us to worship blacks, let us do so, but do it *explicitly* so that a meek little Asian waitress doesn’t get beaten up for breaking an unwritten rule.

Starman says:


These so-called invincible globohomo got their asses kicked in Afghanistan.

HerbR says:

Such whining. It’s as if you were brainwashed by old Apple ads and can’t get over your disillusionment that one chick throwing a hammer doesn’t instantly deprogram everyone else in the room.

I understand why a woman will sometimes come in whining and sobbing that everything is miserable and there’s no hope. She’s following very primitive programming and looking to reaffirm that her man still has balls. But why any man would post something like this, other than as a deliberate attempt to demoralize, is totally beyond me. It’s emotional diarrhea, totally unmanly. Go log off the internet for a day or two, take a breath, find your balls, maybe lift something heavy, and come back when you’re not going to be a whiny bitch.

This exposé is information. No more, no less. It even tells us something important, something we’ve long suspected but didn’t have a lot of hard evidence for, which is that side-effects from the clot shots, especially myocarditis, are being systematically and severely underreported. Thus the claim exhibited above by notglowing, that the rate is about 10 in 10,000, is probably an absurd lowball, with the actual number likely being at least an order of magnitude higher. We now have actual video of actual staff members saying that actual instances are not being reported to VAERS.

That is important. Not important for the vast multitude of NPCs out there, but we already know how NPCs work. It’s still important to us.

info says:

Do you think 4chan is a good barometer for honest opinions?

jim says:

4Chan has been overrun by enemy government sponsored shills posting computer generated spam. But it used to be good barometer. Now even the porn is globohomo

c4ssidy says:

If only we had a way to tick who we trust and who we do not

alf says:

Goes to show how everything functional is monarchical. To know who to trust, need recurrent pseudonyms. To ensure the recurrent pseudonyms stay who they say they are, need a trusted pseudonym at the top.

C4ssidy says:

I was really just dreaming of Jim-network saving the internet and bringing it back to how it was in the days of my youth

jim says:

Well that is how this website works – but the Zooko name system is a better way of ensuring that a recurrent pseudonym corresponds to an unchanging real person or server.

c4ssidy says:

I’d like a complex system where I can mark interesting posters, mark others as not-interesting but at least real, mark some great philosophers as “anything they say send straight to the front of the feed”, and add family and irl groups as well. Along with smart contracts we need easy inheritance systems. Why does anyone still pay the 40% over £300k? Have the options for wallets to automatically divide contents to designated addresses (e.g. sons) after being inactive for a number of years, using a smart contract

Could even put some crypto into a virtual tomb and have it regurgitate whatever content I wished to keep available. If the tomb ever began to run out of funds, a kind benefactor/descendent could top it up if he wanted to keep the content going, seems like a good way to maintain real history

I would also like an option to prove that one zoko name was generated by a previous one , so if I want to be asocial and keep making new usernames, I can still reach out to an old contact and show that it is still me.

One part I don’t fully understand is that is this not a billion dollar project? Charles Hoskingson owns a corporation and has taken years just to bring smart contracts into the experimental phase. And if he really is a double agent like many people suspect, one wonders why he has not already adding such capabilities to Daedalus.

It is interesting that someone asked Jim to make a MMO since in the 2006 days guilds had a lot of great political discussions. It was a fixed subset of players but also a random subset. You knew they were real because you killed dragons together. The randomness made it interesting (diversity of thought) while the fixed subset meant repeated interactions, so you had an incentive to be kind and to think a little before writing.

To get good political freedom of thought, we’d want communities of random interests because they can be a great way to show that someone is real. Something like 4chan and quora and stack exchange. Facebook groups were amazing in their hayday but have since died out (less from shills, but top-down pressure). Even apparently has started censoring aerial photographs of anti-covid protests in Australia out of the fear that the site will be banned country-wide. It ties in with what Jim writes about the flaws of the Domain Name System. Communities take time (years) to grow but in the current system can be wiped out within seconds

simplyconnected says:

It takes too long to sift through the shill/bot content. You can very easily tell which is which, but it’s become too time consuming.

notglowing says:

> Incidence of myopericarditis overall was approximately 10 cases for every 10,000 inoculations

Not sure if this was already posted but I found it today.

Some comments are pointing out how the number of total vaccinations they used seems grossly underestimated, which seems like a valid counterargument.
I don’t totally get that part either.

ExileStyle says:

We must read the same news sources. I wanted to share this with some still-undecided contacts but was held up by the commenters’ questions about the accuracy of the numbers. However, even taking the comments’ numbers as legitimate (800,000), that still gives a 1/40,000 rate, which is stunningly concerning. We’re talking a few instances per average-sized North American city. That before correcting for sex and age, meaning every high school and college around is going to have multiple cases of this.

Compared to Covid risk rates in the same age group (median age 33, almost all male), this should harden every single man under the age of 40 or 45 against the clot shot.

Aryaman says:

The difference in reported case fatality rate for COVID between young and old is stunning. Allegedly orders of magnitude worse to be 35 than 25, 45 than 35, and so forth. There is plausibly some truth to it. Most parsimonious explanation still is that young people, and certainly not kids, usually do not die very much and when they die, die for extremely specific reasons as leukaemia or car crashing. Hard to classify those as COVID-related (but does not stop them from dying); whereas as you get older, rapid increase in both rate of dying, with many diverse and ambiguous etiologies. Easy to classify these as COVID-related.

For example too much is made of “obesity” and “diabetes” as risk factors. COVID victims are somewhat more likely to be obese or diabetic but not terribly more, and the underlying population is plenty obese and plenty diabetic that large numbers not inherently shocking. In Japan some 7 percent (or some other pretty small portion) of COVID hospitalisations are said to be of obese. A higher rate than in the population sure, but very evidently not nearly an approximately necessary condition. What’s likely important is that obese and diabetic people are much more likely than non-obese and non-diabetic to die at any given time, more likely to die of non-specific etiologies, so more likely to be “COVID-related”. I bet the people who died of COVID in 2020 look shockingly like all people who died in 2019.

The reported effect of overweightness and especially age on fatality rates are implausible and do not make sense, very likely the data is junk. For example true that polio is worse when you get it older, but that is for very specific reason namely the waning of maternal antibodies. The age effect cannot be so dramatic and monotonic for a respiratory disease like COVID. Like flu, should be some age beneath which fatality is worse. Reason you don’t see it is little kids die of extremely specific things.

All you are seeing in the age data is that old people are more likely to die of non-specific things.

HerbR says:

Your Japan figure tells us next to nothing about the effect of obesity, since we know nothing about its provenance, context, operationalization or even its breakdown (i.e. what does it look like in the 25-35 age bracket?). Post your data and your chain of logic and assumptions, not a vague reference to a meaningless statistic.

The rest of what I’m reading here may have merit, but seems to be just a long-winded way of saying “comorbidities” which we’ve all already known for the past two years. “Comorbidities” means “cause of death plausibly attributed to Covid because of plausible interaction with other serious problems”.

HerbR says:

Thank you for the link. I’m failing to see this overly dramatic effect in the age data that you claim is there.

Total admissions by age are: [0-9] 23, [10-19] 44, [20-29] 271, [30-39] 298, [40-49] 358, [50-59] 478, [60-69] 422, [70-79] 392, [80+] 339. That is not even monotonically increasing by age, it decreases at 60+, although I suspect it would look a lot more monotonic if done per capita. Negative outcomes, obviously, get progressively more frequent with age.

This is telling us what we’ve already known for a long time. Children and adolescents are so rarely affected that the virus may as well not exist. Then there’s a moderately significant uptick in hospitalizations at age 50+, and a much sharper uptick in deaths/ICU at the same age. Comorbidity interactions are extremely likely in the severe cases.

The obesity numbers seem unhelpful to me – aside from not being broken down by age, I’m seeing a lot of conditions that are clear proxies for obesity at much higher rates than obesity: hypertension, cerebrovascular disease, diabetes, COPD and so on. I suppose we might conclude that it is not obesity in particular, but heart conditions in general, that are the real killer, with obesity simply having very strong correlation with heart conditions, and obesity itself tending to signal a lack of exercise. Obviously, with a virus that restricts oxygen, heart conditions are going to be massively implicated.

My guess is that they defined some arbitrarily high threshold for obesity, really meaning “morbidly obese” at like 500 pounds or so, and the real number would be closer to 30-40% when you add up all those other obesity-related conditions and adjust for age.

Aryaman says:

I am talking about numbers like in the USA the fatality rate is some 10,000 times higher among people 65+ compared to 18-25. You say I am saying what we’ve known for a long time, but then seem to dispute what I’m saying in third paragraph. For one, yes some correlated co-morbidities are more prevalent than obesity. But they are also similarly more prevalent in the general Japanese population, so hard to draw any conclusion from that.

I suppose we might conclude that it is not obesity in particular, but heart conditions in general, that are the real killer,

What I am saying is none of these conditions are “the real killer”. None of these conditions are massively implicated in the conditional probability someone infected ends up dying as a result of aforesaid infection. Say COVID did nothing at all. But people were randomly infected, and at greater risk of infection in nosocomial settings. Also more likely to get tested if in the hospital. Say also the tests are better, but not much better, than random at diagnosing this infection. Well then what would you expect to see in the numbers?

Lots of old people, lots of co-morbid people dying of COVID even though we have stipulated COVID does nothing at all than young people, healthy people. You would see this because old people and co-morbid people are enormously more likely to die at any given time, enormously more likely to find themselves in a hospital at any given time, and enormously more likely to die or find themselves in a hospital for ambiguous reasons at a given time.

Now I do not think it is quite so extreme, I do think you are at considerably greater risk of dying if infected if you are older or have various morbidities. Not orders and orders of magnitude greater risk however, as implied by numbers that are reported in the USA. The reported hazard ratios are mostly an artefact of old and unhealthy people dying in general.

Aryaman says:

Sorry fat finger submit. Obesity rate of hospitalised patients is 5.5 percent. Check for yourself that’s not much more than obesity rate in Japan. You will see the same thing with other hyped up risk factors.

No, is not quite just saying “co-morbidities”. A lot of people, even people not toeing the party line, genuinely believe you are hugely more at risk if you are older or have various co-morbidities. “Killing the weak”. Etc. I am saying you are only hugely more at risk of dying, and conditional on dying hugely more at risk of dying of non-specific etiologies. I suppose you are also at causally greater risk of dying as well, but no where near the orders of magnitude hazard ratios implied by all the official statistics.

alf says:

Reading the discussion below and picking out this random tidbit:

Jim talks about the Restoration social order lasting 200 years or so,

I’d like to poke a hole in this one. Charles the second became king in 1660, signaling the start of the restoration, but I have been reading up on my Dutch history and understand that none other than a Willem of Orange, the third, became king of England in the Glorious Revolution, as early as 1688. Now correct me if I’m wrong, but ‘Glorious Revolution’ and ‘crowning foreign nobility from a traders’ republic’ sounds an awful lot like the end of the restoration.

The Cominator says:

King’s in general lost their power with George IV more. William of Orange was not the end of the power of kings.

George I not being able to speak English and being regarded as a foreigner imposed as a terrible necessity to avoid a catholic king and George III being unable to function because he was mad were worse blows to the power of kings before George IV than the able William taking over (with an army at his back) from an idiotic pigheaded cucklic king.

ExileStyle says:

That chronology is correct. I believe Jim’s chosen focus is more the Cromwell-Charles/Revolution-Restoration dynamic, but a post some day addressing the hilariously-named “Glorious Revolution” might be interesting and useful for everyone. Off the cuff, one might point out that the fall of the House of Stuart, beginning with Charles’ son (a Catholic who was deposed bloodlessly by William of Orange, largely due to Civil War exhaustion on all sides, itself a sign of a virtuous elite) and concluded with batshit crazy essentially infertile Anne, was an almost voluntary surrender on many levels in favor of the health of the nation, something miles away from the Holiness Spiral of Oliver Cromwell and the all-deleting Puritan frenzy he led and then checked. That whole post-Charles II era is ripe for some Jimian analysis, not least because of the self-control of the recently-restored elites, who were traded out for some other (royal) elites rather than a new brand of Puritan.

Aidan says:

The Glorious Revolution was a Dutch conquest of England. William of Orange brought a very large army with him to London, and seemed surprised when he was not met with an English army.

But, William decided to inherit the Restoration’s social order. The English elite needed a king, to avoid civil war, and William needed friends and allies in the elite to keep his new crown on his head.

The Cominator says:

It was a Dutch conquest that the English choose not to fight because they decided (I think correctly) they preferred a Dutchman to a Catholic.

ExileStyle says:

William did not just show up and “conquer England,” he was betrothed to and co-reigned with a Stuart princess of England on Parliament’s suggestion and was invited into the country, all of which James was aware of and accepted to avoid another Civil War. His wife’s sister became Queen again afterwards, the last reigning Stuart who produced no issue, unfortunately. But it is not accurate to frame this as either a “conquest” or a “revolution.”

The Cominator says:

James fled not to avoid a civil war if there was going to be a real civil war he would have stayed, he became very aware very quickly nobody wanted to fight for him (except maybe in Ireland).

James II was like globohomo, nobody was going to fight for him even if he installed fellow papists as his top generals and guard colonels the way the cathedral installs globohomo believers as top generals.

ExileStyle says:

Plenty of people would have fought and died for a legitimate Stuart claimant, as they did time and again over the next century. James simply did not have the personality to rise to the occasion, and the Scots abandoned him at a critical moment. But again, the point stands: nothing about this was conquest or a revolution; it was the English and, later, Scottish elite who turned against him with the memory of recent Civil War in mind. He did not seem worthy of the sacrifice, and likely wasn’t.

This is worlds away from England 1648-1660, which made our leftists seem tame in comparison, at least as far as body count is concerned. For now.

The Cominator says:

95% of them were Irishmen or Highland Scots.

I understand why the Irish did, never got why the Highland Scots (who were overwhelmingly Protestant, yes that includes the highlanders, and not all that well treated by James) did.

ExileStyle says:

Simple. They fought and died for his father in war against Cromwell. Their memories were longer then.

The Cominator says:

The first rebellion against Charles I was in Scotland and they also sold him to the forces of the english parliament for money at one point (yes, lol) so it wasn’t all that simple.

They fought for Charles II against Cromwell too, but somehow during Charles II’s time in Scotland before being beaten by Cromwell he seemed to developed a greater hatred of the Scots (really it was probably the insane covenanters) more so than Cromwell or English Puritans.

English Puritans were often treated pretty lightly, nonconformists in Scotland after the Restoration were often extrajudicially killed (including women sometimes) despite the fact they actually fought for Charles… for some reason Charles II developed a real hatred for them.

Aidan says:

We Scots love war and look for any excuse to fight one. It’s really as simple as that, and the history of Scotland makes very little sense unless interpreted that way.

Aidan says:

Yes he did. He landed with 14,000 troops. People who are invited in peaceably do not bring a large army with them. His army encountered the English army, led by James, who intended to fight, but the army defected to William, which was probably planned in advance by the English elite, but whatever. William was prepared for bloodshed, and very little was shed, but an invasion nonetheless.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Sometimes they show up with troops in a ceremonial sense. The American occupation of the Philippines happened that way. They showed up with the American Navy, exchanged a few ceremonial cannon shots at the Spanish Navy for the sake of honor, and then the Spanish left. It had already been decided ahead of time by the politicians. I am not arguing too hard over William of Orange because I am not familiar with the events, but there are times when the military forces present are wholly there for reasons of tradition or propaganda.

ExileStyle says:

This would be worthy of real further research and (Jim’s) commentary. It is hard to sift through Whigipedia propaganda and arrive at reality, but a brief scan does suggest that part of James might have held out hope of maintaining power until his abandonment. But a few facts stick out as undeniable to me, namely that (a) William and his largely ceremonial army was invited in by Parliament, (b) that said invitation was contingent on his co-reigning with Mary, and (c) none of what happened qualifies as either “revolution” (Whig propaganda, esp. the goofy “Glorious” part) or “conquest” in any meaningful sense of the word. Parliament in those days was simply the landed gentry. The question of absolute rule did not at all involve anyone apart from royalty and nobility contesting each other’s rights and prerogatives. Cromwell and the Puritans – the real leftists – had little role to play in this intra-elite drama, having humiliated themselves in their little utopian dictatorship mere decades before.

alf says:

Ah so a 17th century glorious revolution is quite unlike a 20th century glorious revolution.

17th century was a glorious “revolution”, 20th century were “glorious” revolutions.

New Guys says:

Financial Advice Question:

Let us say one has around $80-120,000 sitting in mutual funds. Given the current predicament, what would be the wise move?

Do you think the Cathedral intends to blame the upcoming financial crisis on Evergrande as they did in 2008 with Lehman?

ExileStyle says:

Just liquidate into cash in the near term. I know this whole hysterical financial apparatus is like “But muh S&P 500 is making a bajillion percent per month!” and people get FOMO but soon it will be negative two bajillion percent or so, and whatever minor percentage point progress you made in the intervening months meaningless.

As far as crypto and the like, I am literally too retarted to understand such things so far so others will need to comment. Our overlord is of course a legendary theorist of crypto.

That said, my own entire active portfolio is in an elaborate constellation of broad market shorts (largely through put options), meaning if I’m right about my theory of collapse I shall become very rich and if not I’ll be pretty much as I was before. But get out of simple long positions now is what I’d say.

The Cominator says:

You absolutely do not want to be in us toilet paper currency now. Some tech is still advancing, find well run companies in those techs actually advancing or be in crypto or crypto miners.

ExileStyle says:

I just do not see it. Stocks, esp. tech stocks, are so insanely overpriced right now that even given 5-10% inflation, simple cash is (again, short-term) better than jumping on the sinking ship of US equities at all time historical highs.

It is of course a matter of your own risk profile, but I would risk a moderate inflation haircut over the potential 30-50% losses in the broader market.

My cash holdings are not in the dollar, by the way. I would look into the Swiss franc. It is still way undervalued due to their central bank activity, in my view. They have a strong incentive to devalue their currency for export reasons, and if the Swiss banks fall then capitalism is over anyways and we have bigger problems to worry about than a retirement nestegg.

The Cominator says:

Blue chip techs are overpriced, small cap techs are underpriced and have been in a sector specific bear market probably since I think March.

ExileStyle says:

Fair enough. I suppose I just lack the time or interest to dig deeper for the good finds.

A couple postscript comments about the Swiss franc (promise I’m not paid by the Swiss gov’t): what we have in this currency is a kind of anti-dollar. Instead of doing everything in their power to prop up a failing currency, the Swiss central bank is doing everything in its power to prevent the world from recognizing its strength and letting the franc rocket to several multiples of its current base. In 2015 they lifted their finger gently from the euro-peg button and Francogeddon occured, the franc rising 30%ish in a day or two. (Or was it a minute or two? I forget.) Then the ever-sneaky Swiss central bank went back to its old monetary policy gradually and without fanfare, re-pegging the franc to the dollar (this is super unofficial, but I invite anyone to compare the exchange rate between the two since 2015).

For the crypto-oriented people here, I would also point out that Switzerland has been an early and enthusiastic adopter of various cryptocurrencies, esp. BTC. Their banks deal in it and there are about a million crypto startups all over the country. It’s even state sponsored: you can go and buy Bitcoin (at least…I haven’t followed it, other currencies might be available) at any public train ticket station in the country. Just feed your crispy Swiss bills in and out comes your crypto. Anonymous even, I think, though I’m not sure about that.

Never underestimate the Swiss as far as making money off the rest of the world is concerned. They basically control the global hard commodity industry. The franc might be pegged to the dollar for the moment, but as soon as the dollar fades into history they’ll unpeg it and then franc-holders might enjoy a Euro multiple which would make anyone jealous. I have made a bunch of money in francs just holding over the last five, six years through no further action on my part.

Big believer. They also hold an obscene amount of gold per capita.

jim says:

Holding the Swiss Franc down means Switzerland is importing American inflation.

A tidal wave is head your way.

Mike in Boston says:

Anonymous even, I think

I think anonymity is dead in Switzerland. Buying Bitcoin at those machines at Swiss train stations seems to require your mobile number, and getting a Swiss mobile number requires handing over your ID. Whether there are ways around this in practice, such as using a cash-prepaid phone from the USA I don’t know; but in any case the machines will only spit out 5000 CHF worth of Bitcoin per year per phone number.

ExileStyle says:

@Mike in Boston: Ah, that’s a shame. I should have expected as much. Still interesting to see, though.

@jim: I guess my argument/theory/hypothesis is that they would depeg the franc from the dollar as soon as it no longer benefited them, just as they did from the Euro after the big plunge of 2014-2015.

ExileStyle says:

Also, actual inflation in Switzerland is nearly zero. My impression is that groceries, at least, have in fact gotten substantially cheaper over the last couple of years. (I do not live there now but I used to, and spend some time there still.)

How did I suddenly become the Swiss franc shill? There are worse roles in life I suppose…also they have lovely mountains and lakes around every corner.

jim says:

If inflation is to remain low, they are going to soon need to do something about their dollar peg.

Pooch says:

I’m exclusively in crypto, real estate, and commodities. I was in the mRNA stocks (Moderna and BTNX) for a while and sold but now they are going up now that the Cathedral is making vaccinating the 3rd world on white tax money a top priority so I’m sort of kicking myself.

The Cominator says:

Real estate is only good if you can borrow and what you borrowed for it becomes worthless but absent the easy credit its way above the market price and has been forever… it SHOULD HAVE been allowed to crash in 2008 but wasn’t. So stocks that are likely to actually grow despite all the turmoil are likely to do better than real estate.

If the turmoil becomes so bad that everything shuts down real estate you can’t defend is likely to be worthless as the titles will be worthless.

Pooch says:

How much real estate do you own?

The Cominator says:

Currently I have a condo thats it.

Pooch says:

Historically, rental income generating real estate keeps up with inflation. Stocks do not. If stocks are going up 20% and inflation is 30%, you’re still losing money.

The Cominator says:

Independent landlords have been getting crushed and will continue to do so as things get worse.

Looking at stocks as a monolith is a mistake… basically ask yourself will the company (and sector) grow despite all the turmoil and is the management good. You want small companies that fit this mold. Ideally very small cap ones, you make money in stocks when small caps become big caps or have a big move.

Also bitcoin miners are great because you can option trade them… assume a good uptrend but assume they’ll “revert to the mean”.

Pooch says:

Every independent landlord I know is doing great, even when the eviction moratorum was in place. I do not know one who had a problem with that, and I know quite a few.

Pooch says:

I don’t trust any US based company and the US stock market as a whole given the rampant insider trading. I’m sure there are small good profitable companies that are flying under the radar of globohomo like you say but I don’t care to spend time finding and researching them.

The Bitcoin miners are probably good but I’m heavily invested in crypto anyway, it would be redundant for me.

neofugue says:

If the upcoming financial storm turns the dollar worthless any investment in stocks will amount to nothing. If the US dollar will collapse within a year, New Guys’ best option would be to convert his mutual funds into crypto or gold.

> but I don’t care to spend time finding and researching them.

Regarding that sentiment…

Assuming the dollar will not collapse immediately, would index funds suffice? I know Jim has recommended certain BRIC and East Asian indexes. Given all of my colleagues and family who have tried to beat the market ended up doing no better than the indexes, I have invested most of my funds into American and European indexes.

jim says:

I recommend overseas index funds.

The Cominator says:

Nope they overall appreciated in dollar terms overall even during the Weimar hyperinflation.

jim says:

The reason stocks are adversely affected by inflation is that corporations depend on books, book keeping, and accounting, and shortages and unstable price levels bugger bookkeeping, and thus bugger accounting.

Though what is really buggering accounting is that accountancy has been assimilated by the priesthood, and now tracks the creation of holiness, instead of the creation of value. Bookkeeping, however was still OK, last time I knew what was happening, so corporations were more harmed by the intrusive actions of the diversity commissars of human resources, than the meaningless holy rituals of the accountants. But with inflation, bookkeeping is going to get whacked from below by the instability of money, at the same time as it is getting whacked from above by the accountants.

We are seeing wild fluctuations in spot traded goods, such as lumber, and critical shortages in goods with sticky prices, such as automotive parts, rendering the books meaningless.

The corporate form depends on book keeping. The books enable the shareholders to know how the board is doing, they enable the board to know how the CEO is doing, and they enable the CEO to know how the company is doing. Books require a stable and universal measure of value. Without a stable and universal measure of value, nobody knows how the company is doing.

The Cominator says:

You probably don’t want low margin businesses in inflationary times as price unpredictability is much much harder on you when you have high volumes and low margins.

Lower volume but higher margin businesses should be fine.

jim says:

Low margin businesses are entrepots. They buy bulk finished goods and bulk services, and distribute them in small mixed bundles. They are unaffected by shortages.

A high margin business makes a finished product from many parts. Shortages are lethal, and the difficulty of transacting in an inflationary regime has similar effects.

If one item is missing from the low margin business’s bundle, no big deal. If the drive shaft is missing from your tandem semi, you are out of business.

If everyone knew that at 7PM, the decimal point on the price of a packet of hamburger would shift by one decimal point, you could keep doing business, but hyperinflation does not work like that. It hits one week and not the next week. It hits one item, and then there is knock on through the supply chain, and then, weeks, months or even year later, it hits the items downstream in the supply chain of that item.

It is not a general rise in the general price level. It is that there is no general price level.

Money has functions four, a medium, a measure, a standard, a store.

Rapid inflation is not just that its value as a store collapses, it is that its value as measure and a standard collapses. You cannot do the books, because the relative prices do not indicate relative value.

You cannot do transactions over time, because no one knows what the payment will be worth when it comes due, you cannot compare prices, because the low price item is probably unavailable, or will be before you get it, and the entries in your books are meaningless, because they fail to indicate the comparative value of the corresponding journal entries. Right now there are more diamonds available than there are drive shafts for semis.

During hyperinflation, you are likely to see a bar of candy and mansion with similar list prices. Not only is comparison over time meaningless, but comparison at any one instant is meaningless.

The Cominator says:

Im predicting steadily high inflation but not yet Weimar inflation.

jim says:

I am predicting violently unsteady high inflation, which gradually, probably not all that soon, comes to resemble Weimar.

Alfred says:

Violently unsteady inflation is what I’m observing. Stuff missing from shelves, contractors can’t find basic parts, fast-food joints shutting down to lack of food stuffs, etc.

The Cominator says:

I dont see too many shortages in Florida, which makes me think supply disruptions i hear elsewhere are covid restrictions demons not due to price uncertainties.

jim says:

The supply disruptions have not hit the end consumer yet. They are higher up in the supply chain – read the image in the article.

Pooch says:

Biggest thing I’m seeing is labor shortages, but I am not making big purchases.

Alfred says:

None of the people in logistics and distribution give a fuck about COVID or the rules. Goods are just not flowing properly anymore. During the height of the lock downs, predictable things were out of stock but the sorts of things currently out of stock doesn’t make any sense.

All the COVID restrictions at this point are about public worship of the COVID demon, non of which applies to delivery of goods.

The Cominator says:

Chip industry is fucked up and having shortages and that was covid demon related, perhaps the other stuff is too, perhaps not, perhaps a little of both.

jim says:

Chip industry was, and is, the sticky price problem – that prices are negotiated long in advance of delivery.

TSM recently raised prices twenty percent – which would have been fine if they had done that a year ago. Should have recently raised prices 200%, because no one knows what the money will be worth when the deliveries are finally made and the money actually arrives.

What they should be doing is look at the scalper markup on chips delivered, triple the markup, and negotiate any new deliveries on that basis.

Cloudswrest says:

Re. inflation. I bought some epoxy putty on Amazon a couple of days ago for $13.95. I bought the same putty in July for $10.95.

Guy says:

In my industry random things are on backorder in a revolving pattern. Sand, aluminum tins, various chemicals, machine parts for lab instrumentation. Mostly simple stuff, although obviously we’re also seeing problems due to the chip shortage. Items on backorder with sometimes no idea of when they will be available.

Backordered items are often available suddenly, although sometimes it takes weeks. Historically this had not been a problem.

I also had a period of time last year where I had the best hiring market I’ve seen in my entire experience, I immediately had multiple good candidates to choose from for any opening. This year I don’t get resumes for weeks, people do not show up to interviews, if I’m lucky I’ll get one candidate for a posting but I’ve mostly been carrying open positions all year.

Our turn around times are often double what they historically have been, mostly due to lack of staff.

jim says:

Printing money empties out the supply chain, and it cannot refill until people adjust their inflationary expectations. Right now I am seeing massive normality bias.

The supply chain empties out unevenly, with the top of the supply chain going empty first, and the consumer end last.

We have twice the normal amount of money sloshing around in the system, so to return to normality, prices and wages have to double – but before that happens, we will probably have quadruple the normal amount of money sloshing around in the system. And at some point someone will hit the panic button, and there will be a crackdown, and then you have numerous financial entities that are accustomed to free money on demand not getting it, and there will be financial crises, whereupon they will likely take their finger off the panic button.

The story will go around, and be accepted, and for a little while be sort of true, that the massive increase in money was a one off event, and it is not going to resume, and people should stop having inflationary expectations, but in fact it will not altogether stop, and will likely be resumed after a little while, for the fundamental problem is lack of discipline, virtue, unity, and cohesion in the elite. The termites in the rafters have reached the point where the rafters start falling down.

In the short term your business should massively raise prices. Upon finding you can get away with a massive rise in prices, raise wages. The price and wage level has to adjust to reflect the volume of money. Your competitors will not steal your customers, because they will not be able to supply them.

alf says:

I’m seeing a noticeable number of items out of stock, in online businesses and at IKEA. Nothing that can’t be worked around, perhaps it is still yet temporary, but it is noticeable.

Guy says:

@Jim. that’s basically been our approach, surcharging customers to get the standard turn around time, though we should also raise the list prices. We’re way too gun-shy about that. Wages are being increased in small but frequent increments. Most of our competition bit it in the aftermath of the 2008 era troubles so we are not at risk of really losing customers, any competition we have has the same problems.

As you say there’s massive normality bias, people see this as transitory pandemic related trouble right now. If people know what’s really happening they’re not openly talking about it. I find a lot of smart successful people are weirdly not very curious about monetary policy.

Cloudswrest says:

Speaking of the Covid Demon, my daughter just informed me some ESPN figure whom I never heard of got partially cancelled for saying on a podcast, AFTER she got her shot, that she was nervous about getting the Covid vaccine. Google news “Sage Steel”. She’s half Black so I guess the Covid god trumps the diversity god.

Pooch says:

The biggest problem with real estate is buying in a nice neighborhood that then turns into a niggerhood. So yes I’m buying only where I know which is near where I live.

Alfred says:

Hence why they’re importing Haitians.

Pooch says:

Yes. The spics are no longer reliable as we saw with the Texas border counties trending hard to the right in 2020. They really want DeSantis out, they aren’t confident they can fraud him out so they are going with the ole reliable…Mass Democratic voter importation. Would not be surprised if the majority of Haitians make their way to Florida.

The Cominator says:

They are sending them to Florida but they cant vote in 2022 legally (in Florida that means something) and Florida voting is mostly fraud proof now.

jim says:

> legally

Normality bias. Legality is over.

Nothing is fraud proof until fraudsters start being dragged off by mystery men to an unknown destination during counting.

Alfred says:

My guess is they’re being sent out to make places unsafe and to punish white people.

Pooch says:

My guess is they’re being sent out to make places unsafe and to punish white people.

It’s their only play against the Amerikaner.

Pooch says:

Speaking of Haitians, one example where blacks defeated whites in battle was Haiti. How did that happen? Did disease simply kill all the white soldiers and render them military incapable?

jim says:


Whites in Haiti were defeated in Paris, not Haiti. Needed to declare independence.

Varna says:

New narrative forming:
Yes covid did start at the wuhan military games, but no, not because it was foreign brought. Rather it was a cunning plan by China to infect its heartland so that the foreign devils will then go home and spread the virus.
Ba da tsss.

Probably strengthens a bit the war hawk side.

Speaking of which, any comments on Tucker Carlson’s theory that the vax mandate has an additional filtering feature to cleanse the army, police, hospitals, schools etc of “unbelievers” and only leave “the truly loyal” in place?

The Cominator says:

“Speaking of which, any comments on Tucker Carlson’s theory that the vax mandate has an additional filtering feature to cleanse the army, police, hospitals, schools etc of “unbelievers” and only leave “the truly loyal” in place?”

Of course.

Alfred says:

Speaking of which, any comments on Tucker Carlson’s theory that the vax mandate has an additional filtering feature to cleanse the army, police, hospitals, schools etc of “unbelievers” and only leave “the truly loyal” in place?

During the LA Riot’s LADP Korean officers provided the Roof Top Koreans with ammo, direction, intel, and activity resisted the LAPD’s attempts to stop the Koreans from defending themselves. I still remember the media and the mayor begging the LAPD to stop those evil Koreans shooting who were shooting the Rioters.

LAPD said no because the Korean officers made it very clear that they would shoot their fellow cops and with the legitimacy that comes with the uniform all the Roof Top Koreans would also fight back against the cops. LAPD would lose and thus refused to arrest them.

Globohomo is planning a genocide and they need to get people loyal to the side they plan to exterminate our of position where they can act against or inform against them. No genocide can go forward without it.

Going forward I think hospitals are going to be nothing more than places that mass murder the unbelievers.

Pooch says:

Did not know that about Korean officers. Amazing.

Varna says:


The Cominator says:
alf says:

In Europe at least, and I suspect in the states as well, a doctor is a bureaucrat, as evidenced by the fact that you always pay your doctor through a middle man, which middle man is the state. So yes, pretty true.

Alfred says:

There must be someone with some sanity left in the ruling Junta. They’re trying to signal that the fed is going to tighten things up. The odds of that actually happening is probably pretty close to zero but it a sign that at least some of them realize what’s they’re unleashing.

The Cominator says:

Larry Summers perhaps. The fed can’t move off the zirp, debt is too high for them to pay interest on it.

They can stop printing and borrowing maybe (they need to kill the covid demon everywhere though) but the interest rate can NEVER go up without default.

God of the Copybook Headers says:

14 And Joseph gathered up all the money that was found in the land of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan, for the corn which they bought: and Joseph brought the money into Pharaoh’s house.

15 And when money failed in the land of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan, all the Egyptians came unto Joseph, and said, Give us bread: for why should we die in thy presence? for the money faileth.

16 And Joseph said, Give your cattle; and I will give you for your cattle, if money fail.

17 And they brought their cattle unto Joseph: and Joseph gave them bread in exchange for horses, and for the flocks, and for the cattle of the herds, and for the asses: and he fed them with bread for all their cattle for that year.

18 When that year was ended, they came unto him the second year, and said unto him, We will not hide it from my lord, how that our money is spent; my lord also hath our herds of cattle; there is not ought left in the sight of my lord, but our bodies, and our lands:

19 Wherefore shall we die before thine eyes, both we and our land? buy us and our land for bread, and we and our land will be servants unto Pharaoh: and give us seed, that we may live, and not die, that the land be not desolate.

20 And Joseph bought all the land of Egypt for Pharaoh; for the Egyptians sold every man his field, because the famine prevailed over them: so the land became Pharaoh’s.

21 And as for the people, he removed them to cities from one end of the borders of Egypt even to the other end thereof.

22 Only the land of the priests bought he not; for the priests had a portion assigned them of Pharaoh, and did eat their portion which Pharaoh gave them: wherefore they sold not their lands.

23 Then Joseph said unto the people, Behold, I have bought you this day and your land for Pharaoh: lo, here is seed for you, and ye shall sow the land.

24 And it shall come to pass in the increase, that ye shall give the fifth part unto Pharaoh, and four parts shall be your own, for seed of the field, and for your food, and for them of your households, and for food for your little ones.

25 And they said, Thou hast saved our lives: let us find grace in the sight of my lord, and we will be Pharaoh’s slaves.

The Ducking Man says:

Globohomo is taking The Great Reset masterplan from the bible itself.

Alfred says:

They should read the next chapter. It’s called the Bronze age collapse.

The Ducking Man says:

I am not fluent in ancient history, what exactly happened?

Quick read in wikipedia says natural disaster and development of iron working but no mention of slavery.

Alfred says:

The story of Joseph in Egypt is describing how socialism was established in Egypt. All late bronze age civilizations had adopted command style socialism, typically referred as palace socialism for the factories they found in the royal palaces towards the end. Then in a period of about 80 years every major Bronze age civilization collapsed. Cities were abandoned, writing disappeared, entire peoples were wiped out and replaced by groups of people migrating in. The dark age lasted around 600 years.

Socialism always ends the same way: Starvation and collapse. When things get really nasty is when ever major civilization adopts it at the same time.

If you want a education on it, search for Bronze age collapse on YouTube.

ExileStyle says:

You’re forgetting the fact that Egypt was one of the extremely few nations to survive this collapse. Why was that? I haven’t studied this in depth, so the question is sincere. Their specific system seems to have had some sort of resilience built into it.

jim says:

Egypt was on the periphery of Bronze Age civilization, so may have been less affected by what was ailing it.

And it not exactly survive the Bronze Age collapse. While everyone else’s cities got leveled to the ground and burned over a period of fifty years or so, Egypt successfully defended its cities, but post collapse Egypt was a shadow of its former self.

My interpretation of events is female emancipation, (Kingship being passed in the female line) declining population, immigration of fertile outsiders. The outsiders did not like having the decadent culture imposed on them, and liked socialism rather less. To resist, organized themselves into nations, and cut off the problem at the root. The Cominator on steroids, plus tribal, religious, cultural, and racial differences.

ExileStyle says:

Simple racial and geographical dynamics may have played a major role. That the pharaohs were basically Celtic, i.e. European, in origin is, in light of recent epigenetic findings, not as controversial or ‘conspiratorial’ as globohomo would like. Were any other surrounding nations of extra-semitiic stock? I have spent not a few hours of my life thinking about the Etruscan (i.e. Celtic) inscriptions on the inside of several recovered Egyptian mummy wrappings.

This might raise an uncomfortable question in our circle. Alfred thinks this is about socialism. Maybe it was. But what happens when socialism is linked with nation and national identity? Does it build a resilience?

It could be as banal as ‘Egypt was just richer and stronger than everyone around’ or it could be that the key to their survival was self-subjection to a specific national, racial, and religious history which remained impervious to outside intrusions, or more impervious than any competitors at least.

ExileStyle says:
Jerk On says:

Unlikely. Female emancipation happens to subjected peoples. It’s the most elegant way to suppress fertility. And female emancipation is most effectively achieved by turning schools into coeducational facilities. That’s unlikely to have happened in the Bronze Age. Female emancipation could’ve happened but it would’ve followed some other catastrophic event such as invasion by a nomadic-pastoralist steppe people, and it would only be among the old and undesirable womans. Female emancipation as you think of it today requires massive, continuous state intervention: 15 plus years of public schooling PLUS trivially available contraceptives PLUS hours of daily exposure to TV and/or social media PLUS a local police department (often run literally by one more federal intelligence agencies) looming in the background of family courts and domestic abuse laws and so on.

The latest, sickest variety probably also requires ready access to free, unlimited, high-definition hardcore pornography from puberty onwards.

The point is, it isn’t an accident. In politics, nothing is an accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.

jim says:

> Unlikely. Female emancipation happens to subjected peoples. It’s the most elegant way to suppress fertility.

On the contrary, female emancipation happens from the top down, reflecting breakdown in cooperation among the elite. The Alphas want to fuck the beta’s women.

It is failure of cooperation, defection between men leading to defection between men and women.

Suppressing the fertility of inconvenient people also happens, but it is something of an afterthought. It is also rather more transparent and open. The motive of suppressing fertility is openly discussed when they are pushing female emancipation on hostile outside groups, but there is no ingroup among us where they quietly go easy on female emancipation.

Jerk On says:

The modern situation is completely without precedent in the history in the world. At least as far as we know, and for all of the described reasons, which are essentially technetronic in character. Female emancipation in our society happened from the top down, but along grooves laid out by the families who took over during and after the World Wars. Just ask CIA-backed Gloria Steinem and the millions of other intel cutouts you Boomers loved, like Hugh Hefner and Playboy. Of course, anything could have happened before the Dryas impacts. Indian myth describes nuclear weapons, and Oppenheimer wasn’t shy about believing in its historical veracity, so who knows.

jim says:

> The modern situation is completely without precedent in the history in the world.


It has happened over and over again, for example in the Islamic holiness spiral that culminated in the Mad Calif and led to the closing of the Gates of Ijtihad.

Peoples, nations, cultures, tribes, and faiths are always emancipating their women, and vanishing from history though failure to reproduce.

Alfred says:

> The modern situation is completely without precedent in the history in the world.

The priestly class tell parents that the Gods command their daughters be sent to the temples to become temple prostitutes for a few years before marriage. This ruins the women for reproduction.

In the west the priestly class tells parents to send their daughters to college where they trained to be whores without pay for a few years. This also ruins women for reproduction.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Jerk On says:

You’re right. The possible derangement of some medieval Moslems a thousand years ago in an event I’ve never heard of and that doesn’t show up on Google or Wikipedia means that the “Intelligence” “Community” had nothing to do with female emancipation in the present day as an intentional policy of spiritual and material subjugation and population control. You’re right.

jim says:

You are suffering from presentism.

First wave feminism started long before we had an intelligence community. Started in Regency England, and started at the top, with emancipation of aristocrat’s wives.

Started with an attack on the capacity of Kings to reproduce.

The Original OC says:

Observe that “double-barrelled names” (male cope at taking his wife’s name) are seen as upper class in England historically.

Increasingly proles have “double-barrelled names.”

Jerk On says:

Okay, but how is that in any way related to the goings-on of the United States of America?

jim says:

Women’s liberation started at Havard, immediately after it started in England. The first women’s rights activist in the US was John Neale

The Original OC says:

The USA was not in religion or family terms a single country when English aristocrats started taking their wives’ names. Contemporary accounts record that in NYC, the female supremacy was much more advanced than in England. There do not seem to be a lot of English or Dutch people in NYC today.

Jerk On says:

Oh, cool. I see. You’re saying that we need to kill the Anglophiles.

History Hobbyist says:

I recommend Robert Drews’ “The End of the Bronze Age” as a fairly short and readable book covering this in some detail. (Hat tip to Bonald at the Throne & Altar blog for mentioning this way back when, I never would’ve heard of it otherwise.)

The case Drews lays out is roughly as follows:
– You had multiple major civilizations – Egypt, Mycenaean Greece, Cyprus, Crete, the Hittites, the Mittani, and various city-states in what is now Syria and Palestine – that had existed for centuries and were relatively stable.
– Over a period of a decade or two, most of them disappeared. Archeology indicates a clear layer of ash and arrowheads right at the disappearance point. In some cases – the city of Ugarit, for one – cuneiform tablets were recovered that were being baked in the ovens literally the day before the attack. These tablets detail assorted military preparations, orders for moving troops around, production of weapons, desperate requests for assistance from allies, and so on. Evidently, to no avail.
– The overall pattern was that the destruction started in the north with Greece, worked its way around down the Levant coastline and into Mesopotamia, and came to a screeching halt in Egypt when Rameses III won a battle against enemies he called “the Sea Peoples”. That said, it marked the end of Egypt’s status as a superpower capable of projecting force much beyond the Nile.
– Other than the victory stele Rameses III put up, there is essentially zero detail anywhere about exactly what was happening. Homer’s epic poems are set in this period but Homer wrote centuries later and clearly had zero clue how things actually worked. For example, he describes the Mycenaean Greeks as using chariots in war, but the way they were used in his poems was as taxis from the camp to the battleground, where the heroes would then get out and fight on foot. Complete nonsense.

Which leads into a very important point:
– We have fairly good records of chariot warfare from India and China, from when they were at similar tech levels. Consistently, the pattern is of chariot-borne archers – fast, fluid battles of maneuver, aim, and rapid fire. There is zero archeological or historical evidence to think that the Med bronze age societies used them any differently. There is considerable evidence that chariots were considered the decisive arm of the army – infantry is, in multiple cases (particularly in descriptions of campgains by various Egyptian inscriptions) basically used to sit in place and hold fortified positions and nothing else; OR to pursue bandits in hills. Open warfare against other city-states was chariots on plains where they could maneuver.

– Chariots, for such a society, are hugely expensive. You need two horses (which eat a lot), wheels that roll cleanly and fast, a chariot body that will hold up in thick of battle, a driver, and an archer. When you work out the numbers, you’re looking at something like a hundred peasants / civilians to support one chariot. Therefore Bronze Age armies were numerically very small – right in line with the later descriptions of the period as an “age of heroes”.

There are a couple other pieces of information that may be observed in the archeology, which, in light of the previous, make everything suddenly make sense.

– Swords, as we currently know them, DID NOT EXIST until those few decades marking the end of the bronze age.

This might be hard to believe at first, but it’s fairly clear. The Egyptian infantry is fairly well-documented as being equipped with large clublike things that might have had sharpened edges or points or spikes but were not easily maneuverable or swingable. The Egyptian infantry tended to operate in squads of four men, all with these clublike things and huge heavy shields. Suitable for shrugging off arrows from a passing chariot, or beating off a direct attack, but not anything else. The standard light one-handed sword of sword&sorcery and medieval imagery appears very suddenly right prior to the period when everything went to hell. In Ugarit, for example, they were suddenly forging large numbers of these things when the city fell.

– At that same period, a new type of shield shows up – a light buckler, two to three feet in diameter. Very suitable for use with a light one-handed sword, and the combination suitable for a man fighting in a loose skirmish group of no particular formation.

– Also at that same period, javelins suddenly make the switch from use in hunting – where they had existed for a while – to warfare – where they had, apparently, never been used prior. (Interesting note, many of the javelins from the Bronze Age collapse period are inscribed with the names of the owners, or special names like “Death-Dealer” or “Sure-Flyer”.)

You put all this together, the picture that emerges is as follows:

On the one hand, old, calcified societies that have hugely invested in chariot warfare and the specific forms inherent to that.

On the other, loose bands of skirmishers, able to equip fifty or a hundred warriors for the cost of a single chariot hero, massively outnumbering the charioteers, motivated by lust for plunder, and tactically able to dodge the chariots, block arrows with the mobile shield, take out the chariot horses with javelins, and then close with a couple buddies to murder the crew. And completely superior in every sense to the old form of military infantry.

It’s no wonder the defending city-states described their enemies as innumerable and endless hordes.

As mentioned, Ugarit was desperately trying to convert their military to the new weaponry and tactics when the city fell. They didn’t have time. Egypt did. Rameses III, in his victory stele, specifically praises his infantry on a level equal with his chariots, which no Pharaoh had ever done before. Egypt was able to mass-produce the weapons, conscript and train suitable infantry, and stop the hordes. But with the end of chariots being effective, Egypt’s ability to project power disappeared as well.

As for who exactly the “Sea Peoples” were, Drews makes a pretty solid argument that they were a mix of bandits, mercenaries, refugees, and just generally random wanderers displaced by the steadily mounting crescendo of destruction – he traces all the names Rameses III mentions back to specific populations in various parts of the Mediterranean. The ability to apply a much larger proportion of available manpower directly to military purposes explains why they seemed to appear out of nowhere and then disappear into nowhere. They were there all along.

Now: consider aircraft carriers.

Varna says:

Wow, thanks.

Jerk On says:

> the Sea Peoples

Yes, the Irish.

Alfred says:

> It’s no wonder the defending city-states described their enemies as innumerable and endless hordes.

They also described them as endless hordes because all the Bronze age civilizations were suffering from population decline. Patriarchy always wins in the end if for not other reasons than numbers of children produced.

>Egypt was able to mass-produce the weapons, conscript and train suitable infantry, and stop the hordes. But with the end of chariots being effective, Egypt’s ability to project power disappeared as well.

Egypt was already in terminal population decline, so much so that instead of enslaving the sea people’s they beat they settled them in costal areas and kept them around as troops to ward off other sea peoples.

The story you present is incomplete. There are cities in places like Mesopotamia that were simply abandoned with no signs of warfare, cities in Greece where the only thing burned down was government offices and then shortly after the cities were simply abandoned by everyone in favor of small villages.

The internal collapse came first and the sea peoples and others were patriarchal people brought their families to replace the collapsing civilizations. When one area would fall to chaos and disorder people would flee to areas that were still ok and the locals had plenty of room for them in their cities, indicating long term population decline.

Governments were trying to run everything from manufacturing, mining, farming, and even trading with predictable results.

Finally it was the invention of the Iron Tipped Javelin that ended the reign of the charioteer, a tech that development only really took off as the trade routes for copper and tin collapsed.

jim says:

> Finally it was the invention of the Iron Tipped Javelin that ended the reign of the charioteer, a tech that development only really took off as the trade routes for copper and tin collapsed.

My understanding is that iron tipped javelin revolutionizing warfare happened as the cities started burning, but there was plenty of collapse, and quite a few burning cities, before then.

I conjecture that growing troubles from hostile patriarchal immigrants who did not respect the native priesthood, despised the sexual morals of the natives, and equated Kingly socialism with slavery, led to the collapse of trade due to piracy and banditry (tribe of Dan), which led to a bronze shortage, which led to the application of iron to warfare, including chariots of iron, but pretty soon some bright fellow saw that since iron was cheap, he could equip everyone with iron tipped javelins, which upended the balance between plebeian infantry (Achilles’ patrlineal Myrmidons) and aristocratic charioteers, in states that were already falling apart into chaos.

The obstacle to the adoption of iron is that early iron was crappy, because you need a really hot fire to make iron ore into decent iron, or one hell of a lot of banging with hammer. I conjecture that with a bronze shortage, they got better at it. War driving technological advance. Similarly, the US Army does not want anyone screwing Musk’s rockets, though with our military overrun by Globohomo, I am not sure how long that will protect him. When the shooting starts, probably will protect him, or he will find a sponsor elsewhere.

The Original OC says:

Population decline is stunningly invisible to cultures.

Consider the French, who are so arrogant because in 1700 their population was three or four times that of England. They were like a Russia of the West.

In just the same way, Western countries, and presumably Bronze Age nations, do not realize they are dying, and do not modulate their pride.

Japan realizes it is dying, although its birth rate is no worse than the native birth rates of many European countries.

Alfred says:

You’re forgetting the fact that Egypt was one of the extremely few nations to survive this collapse. Why was that? I haven’t studied this in depth, so the question is sincere. Their specific system seems to have had some sort of resilience built into it.

Egypt did the best of all the empires in the early bronze age collapse, just barley defeating the sea peoples and settling them in the Levant but they were just the last to go down.

40-50 years after beating the sea peoples Egypt’s system collapsed entirely. It shrunk to just the area of Nile river while Libyans mercenaries largely ruled the country, then it was divided in half as 2 kingdoms, then invaded Nubians, etc. They systematically emptied the tombs of the kings to pay for mercenaries to keep what little they had going because the could no longer field their own army. The cities shrunk to a fraction of the size they used to be.

They were never again a great power until the Greeks conquered them.

Egypt does indeed have some resilience in it: The Nile is the most productive natural farming area on earth. Deserts + endless supply of water lets farmers bring in multiple crops every year. But even with the Nile they still starved in large numbers due to socialism.

The only nation to survive and recover from the Bronze age collapse was Assyria who did so by returning to capitalism and more importantly: patriarchy.

Jerk On says:

> But even with the Nile they still starved in large numbers due to socialism.


Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Farmland, farmland everywhere – but not a bite to eat.

The Cominator says:

Interesting article… don’t agree with all of it but interesting…

Pooch says:

Too long. What’s the gist?

The Cominator says:

Those who can hide their power (im a sperg and i cant) should deliberately parasitize and subvert the system in small ways and make friends and act as agents of chaos.

I’m a sperg and i cant but others should. Also he seconds my idea that our chads should start mass knocking up libtard women who are married or in long term relationships with libtards.

Alfred says:

I don’t think that shit really works, sounds more like a sperg wish list.

Historically what does work is forming bandit groups, organized crime, and building clans. All those tend to prosper as things fall apart and all tend to be destructive to centralized authority.

Varna says:

When the Soviet system collapsed, it uncovered a number of basic structures underneath, which then moved in to fill the void.

One was organized crime, which had already for decades existed around the parallel black market system which compensated the official planned one.

Another was various “deep state brotherhoods” that had grown around the KGB, the ministry of the interior and similar organizations. Called “siloviks” today.

Another was the first crypto-oligarch production and resource managers. Starting with Stalin the USSR used “beznal” virtual money that only exists on the books, and “nal”–real physical rubles. Beznal was used for relations between factories and other big organizations. Nal was used for actual salaries and to buy stuff from shops.

It was illegal to convert Beznal into Nal (virtual money into physical money), thus turning Beznal into a currency which as a manager you can command millions or even billions of rubles in order to interact with the other big players in the economy, but you can’t convert it into real cash and buy something for yourself with it. Thus corruption was mostly limited to favors and barters.

The moment Gorbachev made it legal to convert the virtual Beznal billions into real Nal cash, the first oligarchs materialized out of the thin air. They became important nodes around which the criminal groups and the deep state brotherhoods begun to cluster.

Another important substratum which became visible once the upper strata collapsed, were the regional power networks. Once regular shakeups by Stalin stopped, in places like Georgia, Armenia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Latvia, etc., the local Party chiefs put down deep roots into the local social fabric, and turned into local aristocracies. Fusing communist party power structures with local tribal and clan power structures in the more Asiatic places.

Thus, when the Soviet system collapsed, the following previously hidden power networks came into play:
1. In the Center, for a while Black Market Rules became the dominant rules as life.
2. In the Peripheries, the local party aristocracy suddenly became rulers of their own indie kingdoms, inheriting industry, military, KGB and other infrastructure.

(The Baltics aggressively wanted out, as did Eastern Europe as a whole, the Asiatic territories mostly minded their own business while paying lip service to Moscow, and suddenly, due to developments thousands of miles away, they are crowned kings of their own realms. Truly Allah loves his children, kek)

The “roaring 1990s” across much of the former Soviet empire is basically the bandit networks first reaching peak influence, and then being gradually taken over and absorbed by the deep state warrior brotherhoods, whose most visible representative is Vladimir Putin.

The places where instead of turning into medieval autocracies or cop&robber hybrids, the societies rather made the jump to “civilized European existence”, this happened due to a strong external influence from the West.

I believe this scenario can be discounted should the West start to collapse visibly, because there is no external place left to generate such an impulse. Only pockets of potential internal influence.

Unless, haha, one imagines a scenario of civilizing influence from Korea and Japan or something.

EH says:

Good post. Too tired to draw lessons for our situation from it after plowing through that 23,000 word subversion thing above. Best I can come up with is: do things in the real world that build contacts and make money off the books.

Mike in Boston says:

Thanks for this explanation. I already knew a lot of the details but did not have the high-level view.

I am curious, these days how much independence do the the vory v zakone have from the State organs? Do they act independently?

Varna says:

Good question.

I believe in prisons you still have the Thief in Law system which provides the basis of the alternative system of rules, the “ponyatia”, the “prison Sharia” as it were for the inmates.

Outside of prison, on civvie street, there’s a new youth gangsta-worshiping subculture called AUE (“АУЕ”), with young hoodlums, especially in the depressed permafrost regions, forming gangs to shakedown pedestrians for comfort money for their imprisoned idols.

Known to have almost US/SA-urban-nigger-tier behavior. Not actual shootouts (those would bring the cops down on them hard), but the level below that with sucker-punches, beatings, muggings, small-time racketeering, and the occasional stabbing.

There was a bit of a moral panic about this phenomenon 5-6 years ago, then it sort of fell below the radar, but appears to be going strong, especially in the aforementioned regions.

The actual old-school Thief in Law culture (“untainted” by absorption by the “silovik” institutions) probably survives on Brezhnev/Gorbachev levels–tolerated if they keep to their areas of activity, but outside the most unfortunate regions–not in control of anything bigger than a bad neighborhood.

The Russian Federation is made up of 80+ member states of which 3-4 are “federal cities” (broadly speaking in the Washington DC sense). 20+ of those are “federal republics” with their titular native population, plus a few autonomous regions as separate member states or as regions within larger member states.

Broadly speaking the federal republics are formed around more developed pre-existing nations absorbed over the centuries by an expanding land empire radiating from Muskovy, while the autonomous regions is where tribal proto-Amerindian territories of loose nomadic culture existed, with the wigwams, the shamans, and the rest of it.

The highest levels of homicides are in the mongoloid, pre-Amerindian, and Slavic (former gulag land) permafrost member states and regions.

The highest homicide levels are in the federal republic of Tuva, populated by Buddhist crypto-mongols, who were the last to be incorporated into Russia. They split off from China circa 1911, then were an indie Bolshevik state from 1921 to 1944, and then got absorbed by the norther neighbor.

They are a nation of turbo-violent mongoloid drunks, a sort of tenfold amplified version of Hollywood Russia. Every evening grows into a communal bender, and every night produces waves of caved in skulls and blades in the ribs.

The capital of Tuva through the eyes of fearless albeit liberast urbanist blogger

Dave says:

For white Russians who aren’t Old Believers and have a modest but location-independent income, where would be a good place to raise a family in Russia?

Varna says:

Here’s a retired orthodox American.
Small town in the general vicinity of St Petersburg. Chronicles all sorts of life minutiae, just not very regularly.

I would say every region that’s a) Slavic (the “oblast” federal states), and b) not permafrost would qualify.

Towns below 200K but above 20K, so that basic civilization is available, but if the authorities go nuts there’s enough people to blend in with.

Not on the borders with Islamic or other federal republics, and not on the border of Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China, or the Baltics.

a) Slavic oblast,
b) heartland not bordering with potentially dangerous neighbors,
c) not permafrost,
d) town small enough to not attract Asiatic migrants, but big enough to offer amenities and a chance to merge with the crowd.

Dave says:

Very interesting. Seems like “Slavic” and “not permafrost” coincide pretty closely on the map.

Are “naukograds” a good place to meet smart people, or are they full of Marxist zombies like America’s college towns?

Varna says:

1. Naukograds should be mostly hard science oriented communities.
2. In Russia and some other (not all) EE places the terms “liberast” and “marxist” do not cover the same thing.

Over there marxists are pro-Church, pro-Stalin, pro-army, pro-secure borders, anti-tranny, anti-abortion on demand, anti-porn, anti-drugs, anti immigration, and pro-fertility.

What most Western observers do not understand about contemporary Russia is that Putin and his United Russia are moderate center-right. Just like Orban in Hungary. The other three big parties (nationalists, communists, social democrats), they represent voters who believe Putin is too liberal, and too much of a western lackey.

Being a multi-national federation, in Russia the accepted euphemism for “white Russian identity” is “core state-forming nationality.” The marxists over there are combine lip service to internationalism and equality with very aggressive stances on the need “to save” the core state-forming nationality.

A central difference between Slavic marxists and nationalist right-wingers is economics. They want China-style control over all big corporations.

Thus, in a naukograd, you will likely find Putinists in most institutional positions, a mix of conservatives and marxists (in the eastern crypto-national socialist sense), and perhaps a cluster of millennial and zoomer liberasts.

Naukograds look like banal post-Soviet towns, but calmer

Dave says:

So progressives have Jesus the Community Organizer, and Russians have Karl Marx the Pro-Family Russian Orthodox Nationalist.

Pooch says:

Yeah I don’t agree with subversion. Bioleninism means if you are a high value white male you will be ejected at some point.

The Afrikaners are showing us the playbook. Building state-proof parallel institutions as the government’s ability to stop them from creating local order diminishes. In many respects, the Afrikaners are ignoring what is going on in the South African government. I am watching intently what happens with Afrioforum’s tax revolt.

Taking fertile libtarded women as your wife and turning them trad is a good idea (not just creating bastards with them). White wives are valuable and taking one away from them to create Amerikaner children is a great thing. In many respects you are rescuing her from being an insane barren cat lady or breeding mulatto bastards.

Pooch says:

In many cases*

The Cominator says:

I suggest reading it…

Varna says:

Always pleasant to read with covfefe some anon who has a way with words.

Simple stylistic choices are also politics today. Any mainstream article reads like any other mainstream article, it’s nauseating. Like some algorithm is producing everything, including the talking points and gestures and posture of the “people on TV”.

In this sense every artistically honest sentence is rebellion, content aside.

Varna says:

But I also hate, hate, hate this white letters on a black background thing.

Alfred says:

Yep. I just skimmed it due to the colors.

EH says:

for Firefox:
settings-> general -> fonts and colors -> colors -> override -> always

(was using Brave, but it got too crappy)

Varna says:

A 2006 novel by Pelevin, which is in many ways an expanded version of the linked thing.
Who is feeding on who, glamour and discourse, fake social realities, the lot. A watershed book signaling, a) a deepening anti-globohomo mood of the writer, and b) the Anglosphere no longer translating him after that point.
A shame, as he reached a specific peak circa 2018.

martin yenn-zohr says:

This article, though quite long, is very interesting.

It is archived here.

Please make sure that you archive, and share archived links. Speaking truth on platforms such as wordpress is an unprincipled exception. (An exception that could be revoked at any time.)

jim says:

You link is stupid.

We cannot use leftist methods, because not backed by state power and because leftist methods are leftism. The supposed objectives of leftism are just rhetorical decoration, which decorations change frequently and meaninglessly.

The Cominator says:

He goes over this…

Those who start ironically worshippi

Dharmicreality says:

* Those who start ironically worshipping demons end up unironically worshipping them. (The method is the madness.)

jim says:

Much of what he says is kind of true, if one sees power as amorphous miasma.

But he is just not noticing the problem of cohesion. Power has to cohere, and it is endlessly difficult to do so.

The Cominator says:

He is mainly talking about making the enemy NOT able to cohere… the postwar plans for decentralization would indeed probably fail. Liberty thrives on somewhat decentralized power (not TOO decentralized) but power tends to snowball and centralize and then fall apart.

Though we are mostly very mad at China they express this well “The empire, long divided, must unite; long united, must divide. Thus it has ever been.”

Some parts are stupid (and some parts are very unsuitable for nearly everyone on the right, right wingers tend to not be natural spies and saboteurs though some probably are) but some are not.

jim says:

The enemy being in power, they can do no end of stuff to prevent us from cohering – shills and deplatforming is all about that.

Not much we can do to make them not cohere, but they are doing a good job of making themselves not cohere.

Pooch says:

Likely inflation related – Chicken producers are facing inflation and supply chain issues so are now breeding their chickens for rapid massive growth causing more and more of this weird White Striping disease that significantly alters the nutritional profile of the meat. Would not be surprised if this becomes widespread across the food industry as food manufactories try to cut corners in order to keep up with inflation.

Alfred says:

I may have to stock up on whey protean powder. I typically like to eat meat for protein but not if it’s going to be diseased.

Pooch says:

Hopefully organic means they don’t get it but who knows.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Anecdotally red meats are much more edible than poultry, in my experience. I’ve never really cared that much for chicken, and i get most of my macros from ground beef, which i can use in a wide variety of recipes.

That said, i do sometimes get a whole bird occasionally for stock making, and i have noticed a marked difference between the standard ‘broiler’ chicken, and ‘organic’ chicken (using the in store generic brand).

Varna says:

In the EE Internets red meats count twice as nutritional as poultry.

Although it’s more of a pork region. Lard also counts as far more nutritional than most meats and all processed meats. Alleged to be full of all sorts of minerals and vitamins.

Women who want to lose weight are encouraged to start the day with a matchbox-sized little slab of lard for breakfast, to make sure their body gets what it needs without them needing to eat anything else.

Alfred says:

In the short term your business should massively raise prices. Upon finding you can get away with a massive rise in prices, raise wages. The price and wage level has to adjust to reflect the volume of money. Your competitors will not steal your customers, because they will not be able to supply them.

I’ve noticed Telsa is doing this. I was planning on a new car for next year but its sounds like I should buy something immediately rather than waiting.

Fireball says:

Everyone is doing this. Business didn’t increase prices immediately out of fear but now they have no choice they are finding isnt as bad as they tough. It isnt like the competition doesnt need to do the same and if you are fighting everyday just to have some stock people may well pay for your work.

So my advice is probably in most things it is better to buy now. Of course few listen to me irl.

The Ducking Man says:

For anyone that can endure reading 90s blog, whatever written there is fresh from 2021.

I find it hilarious seeing grandpa holding bar none speaking truth and his mind. Just to quote a few:

> The people who make the decision to do this should be lined up against a wall and shot (he is referring BMA admins refusing cataract ops for elderly)

> here is proof that the global warming nutters are lying when they talk about our climate changing

> Are small babies and infants on the menu in the BBC canteen, I wonder? BBC staff are a disgrace to journalism

> The lefty, virtue signalling morons who still wear masks, and who roll up their sleeves to be jabbed, are selfish.

Varna says:

Ha, thanks!
Love the older namefags who go all in. They tend to be old school men who exhibit tremendous emotional self-control and erudition.
I checked him out. He used to be huge in his prime, and was still huge by momentum, all the way until he started speaking up against the kike spike, and suddenly was unpersoned all the way to Alex Jones levels.
But he’s an old fart so gets to do old fart blogging and doddering videos. But good for him. Another elderly hero of the age.

Here he is dubbed into Russian

Here’s some Russian language dissident stuff (on the corona) (on the great reset) (on the looming hunger)

Tsargrad TV is holding the line:
(They’re like a non-kiky vax-skeptical Breibart)

ExileStyle says:

I like this guy. A funny, no-nonsense Englishman in the old style. He has a very humorous report on how put off the local greengrocer lady was by (a) his bulk purchase of chestnuts (which he likes to feed to the squirrels in his backyard) and (b) that he refused to wear a mask while bulk purchasing chestnuts. A fun merging of personal and political which few writers can pull off with wit and grace. Thanks for the tip.

ExileStyle says:
ExileStyle says:

Sorry, that was a dated link related to their last crackdown. The ban now seems to be global and not just related to institutions:

“China’s central bank said all cryptocurrency-related transactions are illegal and must be banned, sending the strongest signal yet on its determination to crack down on the industry.

All cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin and Tether, are not fiat currency and cannot be circulated on the market, the People’s Bank of China said on its website. All crypto-related transactions, including services provided by offshore exchanges to domestic residents, are illicit financial activities, the PBOC said in the statement.”

jim says:

Cryptography will, over time, develop ban resistant measures. A multitude of such measures are on the drawing board, and rather more cumbersome workarounds are available right now. For example someone in China can ssh into a computer outside China.

Now there is incentive to give effect to those ideas, but it will take quite a while.

jim says:
Short of it is that despite a pile of crises that should be sending gold through the roof, gold is sinking while resources are soaring under the impact of inflation.

This only makes sense if people are moving to crypto currency.

If you really want precious metals, buy silver, but if things really go bad and stay bad for substantial time, and I rather think that they will, you will not be able to sell your silver, and you will have to leave it behind when you flee. Gold was not a hedge against the hyperinflation of the French Revolution nor the Russian Revolution nor the Cambodian revolution, nor was is it a hedge in Venezuela.

Resources are soaring, because all goods and services that are spot traded are rapidly reflecting the inflation of the money supply, while due to normality bias, most goods are failing to yet reflect the realities of supply and demand. Everyone is thinking the crisis is temporary, and is reluctant to adjust their list prices. But the real crisis is that the government has lost control of the government. The presidency removed the president and now is spilling freshly printed paper money out of every orifice.

Scalper prices and other spot traded prices indicate what your list price probably should be right now – and also indicate what the wages you are now receiving are going to be worth. You need to index your prices and wages to a scalper and resource price index.

Conspiracy theorists are wondering “Who is really in charge of Biden?” The answer is: Far too many people.

Fireball says:

I do have great reservation about crypto specially coming from those silly ancap ideas that with crypto power will not have control of currency. But i do agree with you that it is probably the perfect type of money for a refugee.

> You need to index your prices and wages to a scalper and resource price index.

Not a easy thing since people may sooner or latter try to lynch someone for what they feel it is just price gouging.

Mr.P says:

> … should be sending gold through the roof.

should be?

Should be going through the roof presupposes, posits, assumes-everybody-agrees gold is a hedge against inflation, especially a hyperinflation — but the only people who believe gold is a hedge against inflation are gold bugs like Peter Schiff talkin’ his book and sellin’ tout newsletter subscriptions.

You yourself give excellent three revolution examples where gold clearly did not function as a hedge against hyperinflation.

So … gold is not a hedge against inflation. Let’s at least agree on that.

So what is gold? What is it good for?

As cross-generational store of value, a way to save in something other than fiat.

jim says:

Everyone knows that gold is a hedge against hyperinflation, and every rich person used to diversity some of his assets into gold.

Increasingly that gold is being sold to buy bitcoin.

Gold is starting to demonetize, as crypto currency starts to eat the world financial system. It is happening now.

Mr.P says:

Not everyone who holds gold holds it as a hedge against inflation.

Look at the charts at the bottom of this post.

People who tout gold and gold stocks as an inflation hedge are touts and frauds and charlatans who know not of what they tout.

The ratio charts do not lie, unlike the touts and frauds and charlatans.

I do agree with you however that fiat haters have preferred crypto over gold once crypto proved it was not a fool’s flash in the pan. Kind of like back in the day, after Google IPO’d, Yahoo ceased to be king of day trading volume.

jim says:

This man is a tout and fraud, and the charts do lie, for a chart over a few months cannot meaningfully show the relationship between gold and inflation.

The sudden rise in gold in march 2020 was a reaction to the fed injecting a pile of liquidity. Gold rises in anticipation of inflationary times.

Graphs don’t lie, but the text around a graph is apt to lie.

Mr.P says:

He’s not a tout nor a fraud, but a man of integrity in a gold bug world of vipers whom I have known and called a friend for decades.

Last I will offer on this subject.

It’s not time for gold should be going through the roof.

Global central banks have fire-hosed fiat nonstop since 2009. The fiat fire-hosing in response to covid has finally drowned the world in fiat, and the world is finally noticing.

What’s gold doing? It’s bidding on $dollars. Forget about what gold should be doing and notice what gold is doing. It’s bidding on $dollars. You will notice, $USD is not tanking; it’s being bid; it has a strong bid under it.

Now, your claim is gold is bidding on $dollars to turn around and buy crypto. Fair enough. Tough to prove, but no doubt some of that is happening, as I already acknowledged.

But gold also could be bidding on $dollars to buy a new truck before it doubles in price or natural gas to keep the lights on or a 10-acre ranch with water rights or a million acres of farm land to grow food or a stock pile of guns and ammo.

What is not happening is $dollars are not bidding on gold. “Why no bidding on gold, $dollars? Come on, man, the shit-show is hyper-inflating!”

I’ll tell you why. Because people with piles and piles and piles of fiat burning a hot-potato hole in their pocket still believe the piles of fiat still have purchasing power, are still worth something, and, more, that the things they buy with the piles of fiat — trucks, nat gas, ranches, farms, whatever — will remain valued and valuable into the future.

When do $dollars bid on gold?

When people come to believe that the piles of fiat burning a hole their pocket and the real things they purchased with the fiat are … all … going … to … $zero.

That’s when gold goes through the roof.

As always, all the best to you, Jim.

The Cominator says:

“When people come to believe that the piles of fiat burning a hole their pocket and the real things they purchased with the fiat are … all … going … to … $zero.

That’s when gold goes through the roof.”

No if the value of every asset is going to zero because you are in a total dark age collapse that means that ammo goes through the roof and gold is almost worthless. Gold goes through the roof in a Weimar hyperinflation but without a total breakdown in law and order if total breakdown of law and order ammunition and weapons are the most valuable commodities followed by portable food and trade goods preferably ones easily carried Gasoline is likely to be extremely valuable too..

Mr.P says:

Violating my pledge of “last word,” but can’t help myself.

You’re exaggerating trees for forest.

“Liquidity” crises, wholesale liquidation of physical and financial assets, secular multi-year bear markets in stonks (remember those; I do), default of coporate and government debts under every bush and around every corner — that’s when gold outperforms, not (contra the gold bug faggot inflationistas) during central bank InflationOnDemand inflation.

That’s all I’m offering.

Yes, of course, bullets and cigarettes always and forever will be Ultimate Money(tm) — but there’s a big gap between that and the here-and-now where we all need to live in and survive.

jim says:

> That’s when gold outperforms,

Gold performs short term when fiat money dysfunctions, financial crises where highly liquid dollar denominated assets suddenly lose their liquidity and their lock to the dollar, whereupon rich people move from assets similar to those that failed, to gold denominated EFTs, even though such crises are deflationary. It performs under those circumstances because gold is money and has been for over five thousand years. Gold is rapidly ceasing to be money in front of our eyes.

You are shilling overcomplicated rationales for fraudster prophecies repeatedly failing.

The fraudster you are shilling for explains the failure of his predictions by saying we are now in the Goldilocks economy. Pull the other one! We are in the frying pan economy.

Gold is illiquid, because increasingly likely to be confiscated or stolen in transit, so people rely on promises to deliver gold. A gold fund is a paper asset backed by promises to deliver gold. Promises have been failing, they will fail worse.

Mr.P says:

> You are shilling over-complicated rationales for fraudster prophecies repeatedly failing.

I’m not shilling anything.

Just trying to have a conversation.


We’re all gunna die, horribly, in the storm.

According to you, dump your entire net worth into Bitcoin or whatever crypto story of the day (which changes daily, weekly).

Can’t do it, not gunna happen, not me, not here. Even though you might be right.

I’m sitting like everybody else on piles and piles and piles — fat staciks! — of zero-interest hot-potato fiat $dollars.

Gold is bidding on my $dollars.

“Here! Take ‘um. Got more than I know what to do with. Thank you very much for your gold.”


jim says:

> According to you, dump your entire net worth into Bitcoin or whatever crypto story of the day (which changes daily, weekly).

Obviously one should diversify. I own land, shares, and other things. But would not touch gold with a ten foot pole. If it did not rise on recent events, it is already well on the way to losing all monetary value, though the process will take ten years or so, and it will have some small lingering monetary value for a century or so.

Silver was demonetized in the long depression, but it had some small lingering monetary value for a long time afterwards.

And true, the crypto story does change quickly. Events are happening fast, and what the landscape will be like when crypto fully replaces fiat is unclear. I try to keep my finger on what is happening. I don’t respond to, or even notice, this weeks news,but every so often I do a fairly in depth investigation into what is cooking.

The biggest thing to happen recently is BTCPay, which considerably improves the prospects for bitcoin. But I expect other coins to produce addons that enable BTC pay to support them. The landscape is still forming.

With BTCpay and woocommerce, anyone can put a shop on their wordpress installation, without needing a third party payments processor. This makes a huge difference, as third party payments processors tend to be agents of the state, and in the coming storm, they are likely to go down.

jim says:

When the money supply was massively increased, many people predicted what would happen.

Now it is happening. And people I know with money are not blind.

If gold is actually falling relative to things with real prices (scalped goods and spot price traded goods such as lumber and oil) It does not indicate that rich people are blind. It indicates their judgement concurs with mine.

Most rich people are very smart and knowledgeable about this kind of thing (though frequently blind to the broader social picture of which it is part). If rich people are not bidding for gold with their dollars, it is because they know better than the fraud you are shilling for.

Crypto currency is simply better than gold for doing the things that gold does. Therefore gold is likely to fall, because it has lost its monetary value, and people, or at least rich people, are starting to realize this.

Silver has already fallen to its non monetary value, so will probably enjoy the stability in value (and rapid rise in dollar terms) of other resources. If you are going to buy precious metals, buy silver or niobium. But when you vitally need some money to pay for an airline ticket to safety, you will not be able to convert it. It will be valuable again when the crisis is over, but it will be utterly worthless during the crisis.

Gold is money. Silver is not. You could equally well buy ammunition, tobacco and dishwashing liquid, which will serve equally well as stores of value, and be a lot more tradeable.

And every passing day, for the first time in five thousand years, gold is less and less money. On the other side of the crisis, if there is an other side, gold will be no more money than silver is, and lot less money than tobacco or dishwashing liquid is.

But washing liquid can be watered, so may be less fungible in a crisis than laundry clothes powder or tobacco.

Mr.P says:

> Most rich people are very smart.

Rich people buy Chihuly art for insane amounts of money, not to mention mansions in the Alps they’ll never visit, let alone live in. Many many mansions.

Cross-generational, cross-regime wealth preservation.

Notice that a Chihuly sculpture never, ever sells for less than what the previous buyer paid for it. If you were a rich fuck and needed money fast, because broke, and even thought about selling your Chihuly for less than what you paid for it, you would be Epstein’d tout de suite.

I’m not shilling for anything.

DO NOT buy gold, DO NOT buy gold stocks, as a hedge against inflation.

How is that shilling?

Mr.P says:

> When the money supply was massively increased, many people predicted what would happen.

I did, too, bought the SPY and Qs in size.

Made fabulous amounts of fiat as a result, more than 78%, best trade of my life.

someDude says:

Jim, How are you buying all this crypto anonymously? A post on that would be extremely useful and received with gratitude.

Anonymous says:

I second this

Mike in Boston says:

Gold was not a hedge against the hyperinflation of the … Russian Revolution

In the winter of 1932-33, gold was the only thing that would keep you alive during the communist-engineered famine in the Ukraine. From Miron Dolot’s indispensible “Execution by Hunger: The Hidden Holocaust:

Hunger accomplished everything that decrees and threats could not. The last reserves of precious metals, meager as they were, were pried or dug out from their hiding places. They became the only means of survival.

To own gold was now everybody’s dream; it became synonymous with life itself. Gold could buy bread . . . just imagine. Even we lowly villagers could buy bread, and plenty of it very easily if we only had that magic gold.

Murders committed for a pair of earrings, or a ring, or whatever else was made of gold or looked like gold, soon became everyday occurences.

Faced with starvation, the author’s mother extricates a gold medallion from its hiding place to sell at the state-run hard currency store:

The official, a fat man behind iron grates, took Mother’s medallion without even looking at us, weighed it quickly, and tossed it into a drawer.

We received a receipt indicating the sum we were authorized to spend: exactly 18 rubles. Another hour passed as we stood in line waiting to enter the Torgsin. Finally we were inside.

What a sight it was. I could not believe my eyes; it was like a dream. Here was everything we needed and more. There were things we had never even heard of nor seen in our lives. There were even groceries known to me only from books I had read. All the items were tastefully arranged and exhibited in cases under glass. Looking at these splendid assortments of foods, I began to feel dizzy. For months, I hadn’t even seen ordinary food. I had forgotten the taste of real bread. Now, everywhere I looked were these wonderful things to eat.

Arakawa says:

Worth noting that what’s being described in the paragraph you quote isn’t people bypassing a state-sponsored famine by underground gold exchange, but a state-sponsored scheme to use famine to get people to pawn their gold savings to the government.

jim says:

> to sell at the state-run hard currency store:

Gold was not a hedge against the hyperinflation during the Russian Revolution, because they used a variety of extreme measures, such as this one, to take your gold away.

Mike in Boston says:

a state-sponsored scheme to use famine to get people to pawn their gold savings to the government

they used a variety of extreme measures… to take your gold away

Both of these are fair enough points.

But what are their implications for one’s decision of how much gold to hold today, relative to other choices such as bitcoin, dollars, stocks, ammunition…

What the Ukrainian peasants needed more than gold or even ammo, was sufficient organization to kill all the commissars and OGPU men, whom they vastly outnumbered. Not accidentally, that’s also what the opponents of collectivization lack today.

jim says:

But what are their implications for one’s decision of how much gold to hold today, relative to other choices such as bitcoin, dollars, stocks, ammunition…

If you are not holding ammo, you will not keep your gold. Food stocks tend to deteriorate over time, so it is pointless to stockpile too much food, unless one can accurately assess time frames.

The enormous advantage of crypto currency over all other forms of readily transferable and fungible value is that a seemingly penniless unarmed hungry refugee with nothing but the shirt on his back could carry a fortune in his head.

Gold bugs tend to visualize themselves hiding out in the backwoods till it all blows over, but in the French and Russian revolutions, and in the Yugoslavian civil war, the countryside was the worst place to be, because armed groups kept wandering through, taking everything they could take, and destroying everything they could not take so that the hostile armed group that was going to come in shortly after they left would not be able to get anything.

The optimum for hunkering in place is probably small town where enough people know each other, so that when the big cities have been cleaned out, and they go to clean out the countryside, there are enough townspeople to give them an appropriate welcome. But the best option is apt to be becoming a refugee. And it is a lot easier to be a refugee if when you arrive at a location with power and internet, you have money, can check into a hotel, and book a flight on a plane.

Pooch says:

Gold bugs tend to visualize themselves hiding out in the backwoods till it all blows over, but in the French and Russian revolutions, and in the Yugoslavian civil war, the countryside was the worst place to be, because armed groups kept wandering through, taking everything they could take, and destroying everything they could not take so that the hostile armed group that was going to come in shortly after they left would not be able to get anything.

Also the Rhodesian Bush War, Mugabe’s Zimbabwe, and what’s increasingly occurring in South Africa which is likely to be the nearest approximation of what’s in store for America.

The optimum for hunkering in place is probably small town where enough people know each other, so that when the big cities have been cleaned out, and they go to clean out the countryside, there are enough townspeople to give them an appropriate welcome.

Suburb neighboorhoods of Indians and whites successfully propelled pillaging black mobs in the latest round of riots in South Africa. These are the places you want to be if you hunker down. Isolated farmers are likely to be butchered in their beds.

Aidan says:

Farmers have a lot of value when people are starving. I’m a mountain kind of guy. The darker races just don’t like the mountains. There’s a primordial fear involved. A gang of blacks in SA can roll up to an isolated farm on the veldt no problem. In fact, that’s been their primary mode of warfare since time immemorial. The mountains though? Get deep enough in there, and my instincts tell me that Tyrone wouldn’t dare, if he even thought there was anything valuable up there. Once you’re under the trees, you’re prey.

Also, if law and order breaks down to that extent, the right move is to go out and raid and conquer rather than hunker down. Imagine a convoy of SUVs rolling down a torn-up I-95 to go on safari in the ruins of Boston. Hunkering down while the bloody tide of history washes over you is the role of the peasant. Fleeing to where things are not as bad is an indicator of a merchant.

Fireball says:

> Farmers have a lot of value when people are starving

What they have in their warehouses and fields it is even more valuable than them.

> SUVs rolling down a torn-up I-95 to go on safari in the ruins of Boston.

SUVs burn alot of fuel and raiding built up zones is not a heavy or bloodless task.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I like the way you think, Aidan. Mountain people are a special breed. It brings something out in you. Makes you comfortable in the high places and the forests, like our ancestors were before they took to the ground and started using tools. You become the thing that descends from the heights to prey on others.

Gauntlet says:

After I learned the Priest, Warrior, Merchant model, my life makes a lot more sense. My instincts tell me to go do business where there is a market, not buy a farm and hunker down. Luckily I’m not in the US haha.

notglowing says:

I like the mountains. It’s my favourite natural environment, though it’s obviously inherently very inconvenient from the perspective of modern civilized amenities and such.

The Alps are an hour by car from here.
Though our parks there are not so large you could feasibly live there and hide like in America I feel. Maybe once civilization collapses.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Mountain men are not going to feed themselves. There is a reason most mountainous regions are famous for raiding. Not enough area for farming and thus a focus on ranching. Livestock raiding becomes an important part of survival, or they raid the lowland farmers. Take the flatlanders’ food and daughters, fight with the other clans, and enjoy a life well lived.

Pooch says:

Hunkering down while the bloody tide of history washes over you is the role of the peasant.

It should be noted that the Venetian Republic was created by refugees of the collapsing Roman Empire. The lagoons of northern italy were defensible and hard to get to by raiders and the water access gave them the ability to trade for goods.

notglowing says:

Hence it was a merchant Republic, I guess?

Pooch says:

Right. The elite of Venice were thoroughly merchant class if I’m not mistaken.

Karl says:

“Gold was not a hedge against the hyperinflation of the French Revolution nor the Russian Revolution nor the Cambodian revolution, nor was is it a hedge in Venezuela.”

That’s not quite true. Gold was simply illegal. People do trade illegally, but they don’t advertise it; especially if punishment is severe.

What is the difference between governments making gold illegal and governments making crypto illegal?

jim says:

> > Gold was not a hedge against the hyperinflation of the French Revolution nor the Russian Revolution nor the Cambodian revolution, nor was is it a hedge in Venezuela.”

> That’s not quite true. Gold was simply illegal.

Gold was not illegal. Property was illegal.

The problem was that state sponsored looters were combing over the countryside, not only for hordes of gold, but for hordes of grain. Indeed they were far more interested in the seed corn, and took far more extreme measures to find seed corn, than to find the gold,

The difference between crypto currency and gold is that it is a lot harder to find and to take crypto currency. Crypto currency is far more adaptive than gold when legality is gone.

Visualize the BLM doing house to house searches for “horders” In this situation, do you want gold or crypto currency?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

> Everyone is thinking the crisis is temporary, and is reluctant to adjust their list prices. But the real crisis is that the government has lost control of the government. The presidency removed the president and now is spilling freshly printed paper money out of every orifice.

Every hack is in a race to unilaterally increase ‘taxes’ by pouring more funnymoney into their own personal hobbyhorse, faster than all the other guys can do the same for their own pet issues – and no czar to tell them to stop.

Cloudswrest says:

Off topic, but somewhat Jimian themes. I read today that Errol Musk, 72, has fathered a child with the 30 year old daughter of an ex-wife. Media is saying “step daughter” but I don’t know if there was ever an adoption. A few thoughts come to mind.

1. Errol musk looks much more masculine and virile than Elon, even at 72:

2. Why is opprobrium only being directed at Errol Musk and not the 30 year old woman.

3. Why does the media even know about this? I know I wouldn’t be blabbing my personal life to the media.

Oog en Hand says:

“Errol musk looks much more masculine and virile than Elon, even at 72:”

Somehow, haring a full head of hair at that age looks feminine.

Fireball says:

You are just jealous. If i live that long when i hit 60 i am going full Gandalf mode.

notglowing says:

He kinda looks that way but Trump doesn’t. I think it’s the hairstyle and the face that make him look a bit grandma-like.

Andy says:

Ehhh…to be honest, with that hairstyle & unbuttoned striped shirt he looks like my mother-in-law, in the ‘80’s, when she was dressing for her season. (Remember that “summer, fall, winter, spring” colors thing, those who were around?)

Pooch says:
Varna says:

I posted this reply below the wrong post, so here I am double-posting, this below the right post.

**And just as BoJo gave the islanders the biggest tax raise in living memory

But he’s also bringing Imperial measures back, so he must be the good guy kek.

Theory I read on some EE guy’s blog is that while proper hyperinflation may arrive, that’s not the actual agenda.

The actual agenda is to make economic life impossible, with everything costing too much, debt being endemic, and income being unpredictable and sporadic (as well as electricity, water, heating, and basic product availability), so that globohomo can then step in and Save The Day via a new social contract in which every surviving goy is “forgiven his debt” but in return society “starts over afresh” which means you will own nothing and be happy.

Same guy or maybe a link I followed theorizes that by 2040-50 it will be apparent that the new generation ordinary goys as disposable biounits now only live up to say 40 or 50 for some incredible unknown reason, while the benevolent rulers try to break beyond 120.

alf says:

There is no coherent plan, or rather there are too many plans, all with varying levels of evil, Many contradicting one another.

Among the most evil is what you describe and what I also see the populist alt-right coalescing around. It is the story of the Great Reset: using covid, neocommunist states will assume total control of the population through social, political and economic measures designed to take away its inhabitants’ power so that we may better worship mother earth, who is totally not a demon demanding mass human sacrifice.

Thing is, even though this is totally correct and happening, it’s just one of many schemes happening. Every politician is scheming and they are all hatching very clever plans to get themselves ahead at the cost of others. The net result of all these clever schemes is societal collapse. What is happening is not that Sauron’s eye is growing, but that it is collapsing.

Varna says:

According to Alexandr Dugin’s interpretation of Jung, psychotic collapse begins in a man when his Anima takes on the form of the Mother and overwhelms his conscious mind.

Perhaps, among other things, this is what we are seeing accelerating on a civilizational level as well. The Mother anima arising and engulfing the patriarchic structures whose many safeguards were dismantled over the decades by the generic Prof. Alisa Goldbergstein and her lot.

Which reminds me that over the last quarter century, what with the ozone layer thing and global warming and Gates experimenting with blocking out the sun–part of the deeper demonic impulses are not only anti-father, anti-phallus, anti-hierarchy, anti-category, anti-boundary, anti-order etc. — when you dig deep enough they are anti-Sun.

Hence being anti-life simply goes with the territory.

A Great Mother, Lunar-based inverted order trying to break into chunks and digest the Solar father-based order.

The dystopia of the toxic mother who controls every minute detail of everyone’s life, promotes ‘fairness’, but is also quite OK with destroying children and men because ‘they behaved badly’, or are an inconvenience.

To the toxic great mother deity men are ‘defective women’ who need to be ‘cured’. Hence the tranny promotion, the soyboy promotion. These are ‘cured men’.

Bilge_Pump says:

“To the toxic great mother deity men are ‘defective women’ who need to be ‘cured’. Hence the tranny promotion, the soyboy promotion. These are ‘cured men’.”

I’ve thought this myself. In schools males are taught that everything about being a straight male is evil and oppressive. The only way out for a lot of them is to pretend they aren’t males, some even going so far as to have their genitals surgically removed. It’s gotten so bad that everttime I see an anon claiming to be a female online I assume they’re a tranny.

notglowing says:

> It’s gotten so bad that everttime I see an anon claiming to be a female online I assume they’re a tranny.

Heh. In the earlier days of the internet they used to say “there are no women on the internet” and everyone assumed a “woman” was just a guy pretending. It seems like we just added a different label to that.

Bilge_Pump says:

I’m not familiar with the etymology of the term “discord tranny”, but holy shit are there a lot of trannies on the Discord servers I’m part of. Seems every time I look at someone’s profile they mention their weird ass pronouns and whatever stupid obscure shit they’re into.

Alfred says:

Trannism is what the Cathedral is offering to Omegas. They get to be high status pets.

Anonymous says:

Recently I saw someone on twitter who I actually recognised from my old high school. He had the works, the made-up sexuality, the “genderqueer” stuff, and he even claimed 1/16th ancestry of some minority (think native american). In high school he was just a white guy. I suppose he graduated from school, went to college, and suddenly learned he was embedded in a social milieu in which normal white guys were bad so he adapted himself to it.

HerbR says:

I haven’t said anything about the constant use of the “kike spike” meme, which literally no one else uses, but whatever, it was technically developed in Israel and people are entitled to their personal catch phrases, right? These latest posts, though, are starting to smell like fedposting. Seems to be a strategy to inject progressively more “jew vs. goy” memes into the discourse, gradually ramping up the frequency and ramping down the subtlety.

Maybe I’m wrong and it’s just always been his posting style. Did he ever pass the Mueller test?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Gas the bikes race car now.

Varna says:

Thank you for this post, it had an effect. Albeit in the future I’d prefer none of that third person stuff.

I’m no prepper or accelerationist. All I ever wanted was a golden time of plenitude, liberties, and peace, as sold by the early Fukuyama. I did not ask to be in a time period that forces me to shake off my accumulated filters and start seeing reality. A shock I’m still processing, and the fact that reality is accelerating at the same time, always steps ahead of my capacity to quite handle it, ain’t helping.

Doing irl stuff, balancing things, yet with this nagging knowledge at the back of the mind. At times I’m calm and good humored. At times I feel a rising rage. Both moods are reflected in my posting style. Abstract info and insight sharing vs glimpses of rage. The rage is directed at events happening in many fields. The RNA and vector shots and the snowballing political processes around them are very much among these topics.

I’ll do better at self-control.

Jesus Christ is my lord and savior and Son of God. I do not believe in a Judeo-Christian civilization. This is to me a post-WWII hoax. I believe in a Greco-Roman Christian civilization. Before late 19th century this was IMO self-evident across Christendom.

I do not believe the Abrahamic religion concept quite applies to Christianity. Judaism and Islam are prophet-centric religions. Christianity is a Savior-centric religion. An avatar-centric religion if you will. Aryan avatar-centrism vs Semitic prophet-centrism.

Vids from the happenings in Australia these days made me lose my cool.
But before I retire the term, I’ll say it again. Kike spike. Kike spike. Kike spike. Pfizer’s Albert Bourla. Moderna’s Tal Zaks. Sputnik’s Gintsburg. The lot. Kike spike.

Karl says:

Nothing wrong with “kike spike”, but our host had already introduced the term “clot shot” which is an excellent term as it covers the present dominant side effects in a nice phrase.

Why are you are feeling rage directed at events? Bad whether or an accident are an event. There is no-one to blame. The events that make you feel rage are deeds of persons. I direct my emotions at the persons who deserve them – it clarifies the mind.

Varna says:


jim says:

> Nothing wrong with “kike spike”, but our host had already introduced the term “clot shot” which is an excellent term as it covers the present dominant side effects in a nice phrase.

That the clot shot was developed by Jews is irrelevant. The Jews of Israel are getting it pushed on them harder than anyone else. Those worshiping the Holy Awesome mighty Covid demon want Israel to cease to be Jewish as much or more than they want America to cease to be white, thus focusing on their Jewishness means you watching the matador’s cape, when you should be watching the matador’s sword.

That is what is wrong with the term “kike spike”. Watch the sword, don’t watch the cape.

Varna says:

I tend to use slurs in a narrow sense: normal jews are jews, toxic jews are kikes; normal blacks are black, toxic blacks are niggers; normal gays are gays, toxic gays are faggots.

In this sense it could be said theoretically: “Dirty kikes sacrificing their own again like back in WWII for their own psychopathic agenda,” and such a statement would mean a smaller hypothetical group that is quite capable of genociding other Jews in the name of this or that.

I get however, how amorphous the slur-usage sounds on the outside.

“Toxic kikes” are not perhaps all of the core from which stuff emanates, but they’re certainly highly visible first movers and enforces of a huge part of globohomo. Huge part.

So I think it’s not unfair to call that out. “Feral niggers” may not be the only murderers, thieves, and rapists in US inner cities, but still. They are indeed a major component of the problem. Sure there are many overlapping mechanisms at work to produce this situation and feed off it. But the actual group-specific actors is them. No going around that.

I see the JQ in a similar way. Sure, obviously lots of other things happening. But the visible actual group-specific actors is them. Maybe they’re channeling and amplifying impulses from other sources. But it’s them doing it, manifesting it.

I’m completely open to alternative interpretations from anyone.

jim says:

We are fighting an enemy faith and that faith is not Judaism.

Conversos tend to be the biggest fanatics. Jews are naturally good at priesting, and thus tend to rise in a priesthood. And in a holiness spiral, fanatics tend to rise in a priesthood. Do you see any Orthodox Jews among the people you are pointing at?

The Original OC says:

The faith is Critical Theory-ism.

Wilson re-segregated the civil service.

Israel is the only rich country with an above replacement birth rate and no USG feminist agitation.

notglowing says:

> Do you see any Orthodox Jews among the people you are pointing at?

Shapiro would be an example of an Orthodox jewish subversive/conservative entryist.

Though he is not exactly the same as most of these subversives, he is very much connected to Hollywood and that sphere, he got the money to get his activity started from his wealthy connections.

HerbR says:

I tend to use slurs in a narrow sense: normal jews are jews, toxic jews are kikes;

For what it’s worth, I’m not put out by the slurs. As far as I’m concerned, slur away. Every ethnic and racial group under the sun is squabbling over the scraps known as America right now and so they’re pretty much all fair game, jews included.

What I was noticing was that you were seeing (or implying that you were seeing) jews around every shadowy corner. There are plenty of them who are in on it, and many more who are just obnoxious and irritating, but being generally enthusiastic participants does not make them the ringleaders – more like very high-functioning NPCs. The cape, not the sword.

Pooch says:

Jews obnoxiously and irritatingly suck up to power, but they are not power.

notglowing says:

According to this chart global reserve currencies in the last 500 years have only lasted for 80 to 110 years at the most.
The dollar would be a 100 year old global reserve currency counting from 1921.

A2 says:

Well, the fiat dollar has in its roughly 50 years lost about 98% of its value, when denominated in that barbarous relic gold.

Karl says:

Jim, you present strong arguments in favor of crypto, but you also say that in the end there will be only one cryptocurrency.

How can crypto be a good investment then? If I buy today, I might buy the wrong one and find out in 5 years that it is worthless. Worse, even if I buy all cyrpto currencies available to diversify, I might find that in 5 years a new cryptocurrency is the one and every other is worthless.

At present, crypto does not seem to be a buy and hold investment. A small amount, like a checking account, to pay for purchases has utility. A large amount would have to be cared for, wouldn’t it? Keep in touch with the news and hope to find out which crypto will be the one, before the others become worthless.

If you really want security, invest in niobium, silver, and all that, and bury it in a deep hole. That will hold value, but it will not gain in value, and it will be utterly worthless during the crisis, since to unload it you need a well functioning market economy.

jim says:

Some people will get, have already become, incredibly wealthy.

Some people are going to be bare assed in the snow.

It used to be that gold, at least, was a secure investment. Now it no longer is.

You play your money and you take your chances. As ultimate leftism approaches you will have to be nimble if you hope to have anything the other side of the fire.

If you want security, buy silver, niobium, etc, and bury it in a deep hole in the ground. It will not appreciate, but nor will it lose value. Trouble is it will be utterly worthless during the crisis, since to unload it you will need a well functioning market economy, and well functioning market economy is going away, and will not necessarily return. Further, after the crisis, if you buried it on your land, you will probably no longer own that land. Best bury it deep in the wilderness.

Virtus says:

I strongly disagree with Jim in regards to the Highlander Hypothesis. I see these constructs as serving many incredibly useful niches at once; internet-native corporate structures, distributed open-actor databases, trustless state upkeep machines, and eventually the collective memory of an emergent uncontrolled internet operating system.

Blockchains — by which I am referring broadly to any data structure that is successfully shared across byzantine actors through time and space, and so include any updates to the fundamental algorithm — are not merely accounts of who has what money. They are accounts of any arbitrary data, any arbitrary attestation, any arbitrary statement that can be extrapolated from the data and attestations, and any arbitrary execution of logic dependant or not on the data, attestations and computed statements. To clear the jargon: they ain’t just currency. Not by a long shot.

If they were only a currency system, if they were only evolving to fill a niche that is a currency system, I would still disagree with Jim, but in a way that is more nit-picking than rejection of thesis. There would be, like fiat systems, a reserve currency system and many orbiting systems for particular markets. You would really only want the reserve, and the local currencies could be acquired when needed for use. But they are not merely currency. They are currency, they are reserve money, they are contract, they are ledger histories, they are sovereign corporations, they are the basis of new communications technology, and they are the basis of new computing algorithms never before seen or imagined.

So there will be far more than one winner, because there are many many niches to fill. Maybe, in the long run, the currency niche will not even be the most valued. We exist in strange times, and nothing in history can be compared to our new information constructions.

jim says:

> strongly disagree with Jim in regards to the Highlander Hypothesis. I see these constructs as serving many incredibly useful niches at once; internet-native corporate structures, distributed open-actor databases, trustless state upkeep machines, and eventually the collective memory of an emergent uncontrolled internet operating system.

Obviously every sovereign corporation will be its own blockchain, and every set of traded shares its own currency. There will be many, many, many blockchains

But there will be one dominant universal money with one blockchain, just as for a long time, all national currencies were shadows of the US dollar.

The names of the identities of business agents will be rooted in the business name, but the names of businesses and many individuals will be rooted in the one blockchain, because everyone will want their ultimate root of identity in the same place as everyone’s else’s ultimate root of identity, just as everyone will want the hard money underlying their soft money transactions with random people all over the world to be the same hard money as underlies everyone else’s transactions.

Virtus says:

> But there will be one dominant universal money with one blockchain, just as for a long time, all national currencies were shadows of the US dollar.

You are predicting a star topology. But star topology is the result of expensive coordination. Coordination is getting exponentially cheaper, as a result of automated trust and sublinear cost of verification, and this will result in a mesh topology.

Currency was, and is, a computational tool. We used it to peg down values as a way of coordination of resources. We are evolving many many more computational tools, and resource allocation tools, and as a result the niche for currency will shrink.

jim says:

money has functions four, a medium, a measure, a standard, a store.

In order to do book keeping and accounting, a company has to use one measure and one standard in every journal entry.

The dollar rules because international transactions are measured in dollars, and because international debts use dollars a their standard. And people do this because other people do it.

Instability in conversion rates for crypto currency prevents them from being used as a measure and standard, but they are stabilizing and the dollar is destabilizing. In the competition between standards, the most stable of standards, or better, a standard that is very slightly deflationary, will win.

Virtus says:

My proposition and thesis is that those functionalities will be split, because they will work better separately. The reason they have not split in the past is due to the burden on coordination and computation it would place; burdens that are now surmountable. Just as you must expend energy to drill oil, which will then allow a much higher total energy in your system, you must expend computation to eventually reach a state in which information is much richer.

As a medium, you may trade many things and as long as you can account for their value and the friction in the extraction of value, it doesn’t particularly matter. In the past you brought up the illiquidity of an index stock, and I agree that accepting such a thing in trade would reduce your total value, because you would then have to expend resources to change the index into other forms of capital. My belief is that, this friction will vastly reduce as crypto economic systems evolve. You would be fine accepting a glut of index funds, because they would be nearly as liquid as dollars are today. You would not have to account for the extra time and expenditure in their conversion, because the conversion would be nearly frictionless. This will happen as a result of more and better computation and more and better total liquidity in all markets.

As a unit of measure, you should not have an inflationary token used as a measure for the same reasons inches do not grow by the year. For that very same reason, however, you should not have a deflationary token either. How such an accounting and such a unit of measurement is eventually achieved, I do not know. I do not believe any of our current technologies are up to snuff to cover this use case. I would agree with you if you said that deflationary and fairly stable tokens such as BTC are far better than the dollar and even gold; I just do not think we have found a satisfactory answer to the question of measuring value.

I am assuming that by standard, the meaning is that the money is accepted widely. A chuck-e-cheese token is money, but very bad money because very few places would accept its value. My predictions for the future of this utility is hyperlocalism. Every group will have its own standard, and because of the liquidity inherent to the new system, such a thing will not impede trade with others, at the same time it allows for a tighter loop on internal control. By programming the physics of local exchange, you change the possible opportunity for defection and can create microeconomic environments to your advantage. For the same reason our computers dont share one universal heap, but instead have a local method of managing resources. For your bookkeeper, as long as the books are for chuck-e-cheese, they can write them in those tokens.

As a store, I admit to not having a good answer. I think that the most likely outcome is extremely derisked index funds and other such financial products. In this case, the dollar is obviously not a good choice. But perhaps the eventual measurement unit will be optimal. As a measurement of wealth, it should grow at the same rate as the total amount of wealth it accounts for, shouldn’t it? But wealth and value are perhaps not as well defined as inches, and so I am willing to admit my lack of good foresight here.

jim says:

> As a unit of measure, you should not have an inflationary token used as a measure for the same reasons inches do not grow by the year. For that very same reason, however, you should not have a deflationary token either.

Money is a measure and a store. You want your measure to be stable, but you want your store to appreciate. In the competition between monies, the mildly deflationary one tends to win.

Rapid inflation has the same effect on the economy as rapid deflation, though lagging inflationary and lagging deflationary expectations have opposite effects. When the destructive effects of inflation dominate over the destructive effects of lagging inflationary expectations, you get stagflation. When the destructive effects of lagging inflationary expectations dominate, you get a brief period of fake prosperity, followed by disruptive shortages. We are now in the disruptive shortage phase, which will eventually be followed by the high inflation with high inflationary expectations stagflation phase.

> I am assuming that by standard, the meaning is that the money is accepted widely. A chuck-e-cheese token is money, but very bad money because very few places would accept its value.

No, you have the terms all mixed up.

money has functions four, a medium, a measure, a standard, a store.

1 A medium of exchange. The shoemaker needs leather, but skinner does not need shoes. So he sells the shoes to someone who does need showed and buys the leather. It avoids the need for double coincidence of wants.

2. A measure. The book keeper and the accountant try to express each transaction, each journal entry, in a single unit so that they can be added and subtracted.

3 A standard. You want to be able to compare prices at a glance.

4. A store. You want to track obligations over time.

Alfred says:

Ironically it was harder to rig the computer data in the the Arizona than it was the physical ballots so they just deleted the data. Because no one will go to jail for that crime and because the GOP doesn’t have the balls to use NSDAP tactics the left will barley try to hide the off the walls ballot stuffing next election. Hell they might just make up the results out of whole cloth because who the fuck is going to attempt to check it?

Aidan says:

As expected, Maricopa County gave the GOP cassus belli by wiping their logs and defying a subpoena, and nothing will happen, emboldening the left. Of course it’s probably convincing the GOP that the rule of law is over. But a man willing to do what must be done doesn’t join the local GOP to begin with.

notglowing says:

Being openly dishonest is preferable than them successfully making it look legitimate.

It might make some realize that the laws don’t matter, it doesn’t have to be someone within the local GOP.
But zero people will change their mind and think the election was legitimate.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Without the GOP doing anything, 2022 is going to be a wipe. Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, all of the GOP reps in California, and more; all of them are going to go deep blue. Arizona GOP failing to do anything meaningful signals what the rest of the GOP is going to do, with the exception of maybe Texas and Florida. Anywhere there is any decent amount of Democratic actors at the state level us going to turn blue.

notglowing says:

That scenario unfortunately seems increasingly likely

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

If no one gets arrested in AZ, it is a signal to the rest of the GOP: grab your ankles and just take it. You know, for the good of our democracy and for electability.

Prophet says:

Jim spoke of old Jews obeying the words but not the spirit of the laws.

A religion or legal system is usually susceptible to be circumvented in spirit by legalistic approaches this way.

I just want to enrich the blog with a contemporary example:

The Cominator says:

Never heard of THAT before yoday… The typical legalistic evasion of premarital sex bans among ultra religious groups in the past was heterosexual sodomy.

jim says:

The Jew’s legalism on spilling of blood was funnier and more dramatic. It was so important to avoid walking on ground that had had chicken blood spilled on it, that it was OK to spill the blood of people who have stuff one wants to take, and spilling blood for such a holy and important objective demonstrated one’s vastly superior holiness. (The Romans found this vastly superior holiness unimpressive.)

Sorry for telling this story over and over and over again, but it wonderfully illustrates what was, and is, wrong with Judaism, and what so pissed off Jesus Christ: Jews take the same approach to contracts, promises, bets, and governmental law as they take to their holy books, and allowing Jewish judges in courts interpreting and applying law against Christians results in no end of serious problems. It is also the core of the usury problem: the Christian rules on banking, lending, and and borrowing at interest got Jewed by Jewish bankers and Jewish judges, in a way that was not only unchristian, but fundamentally hostile to capitalism, private enterprise, the pursuit of profit by ordinary people, and is economically unsound.

notglowing says:

I have heard this story multiple times but I haven’t figured out where it comes from and searching for it doesn’t yield any results

A2 says:

There is a similar story in the Talmud where the rabbis manage to outargue God. “OH FINE, LOL”

Go legalism!

jim says:

Josephus: “The wars of the Jews”

but as the owner overlooked their offers, so did he raise other buildings upon the place, in way of affront to them, and made working-shops of them, and left them but a narrow passage, and such as was very troublesome for them to go along to their synagogue. Whereupon the warmer part of the Jewish youth went hastily to the workmen, and forbade them to build there; but as Florus would not permit them to use force, the great men of the Jews, with John the publican, being in the utmost distress what to do, persuaded Florus, with the offer of eight talents, to hinder the work. He then, being intent upon nothing but getting money, promised he would do for them all they desired of him, and then went away from Cesareato Sebaste, and left the sedition to take its full course, as if he had sold a license to the Jews to fight it out.

Florus is one of the Roman authorities that the New Testament mentions Saint Paul preaching to.

The events Josephus relates take place not very long after, and have some of the same cast of characters, as the Martyrdom of Saint Paul, James the Apostle, and wife of James the Apostle. The murder of James was said to have led the fall of Jerusalem by some, but historians of the time dismiss the connection.

5. Now on the next day, which was the seventh day of the week, when the Jews were crowding apace to their synagogue, a certain man of Cesarea, of a seditious temper, got an earthen vessel, and set it with the bottom upward, at the entrance of that synagogue, and sacrificed birds. This thing provoked the Jews to an incurable degree, because their laws were affronted, and the place was polluted. Whereupon the sober and moderate part of the Jews thought it proper to have recourse to their governors again, while the seditious part, and such as were in the fervor of their youth, were vehemently inflamed to fight. The seditions also among the Gentiles of Cesarea stood ready for the same purpose; for they had, by agreement, sent the man to sacrifice beforehand [as ready to support him;] so that it soon came to blows. Hereupon Jucundus, the master of the horse, who was ordered to prevent the fight, came thither, and took away the earthen vessel, and endeavored to put a stop to the sedition; but when (20) he was overcome by the violence of the people of Cesarea

Josephus tells us that “The people of Cesarea” killed the master of horse, but it in his telling of subsequent events, the Romans were obviously of the opinion that Jews killed the Master of Horse and that the Jewish priesthood and leadership were guilty.

And then one thing led to another thing which led another thing, which led to the Jewish revolt, which led to the destruction of Jerusalem and the exile of the Jews.

Josephus tell us that owner raised buildings “in affront to the Jews” – the affront being that they were accustomed to walking over his land when going to and from the Synagogue, and his building project stopped them from walking over his land.

Christ prophesied that Jews would be exiled and lose their status as the chosen people for crucifying him, but the material and effective cause was that they they pissed off the Romans by following the letter of the law at the expense of the spirit, and the particular law that they were so earnestly following in trying to take the land near the Synagogue and murdering Jucundus, the Master of Horse, was the law on contamination by blood. They were outraged that blood had been spilled on the ground at the entrance to the Synagogue “the place was polluted” – so proceeded to spill the blood of the master of horse.

We have numerous accounts of these events, which differ significantly in detail but agree in general outline – the general outline being that the very holy were knocking off those they deemed insufficiently holy in acts of lawless violence that were frequently carried out, as with the murder of James the Just and his wife, with a thin pretext of legality – the accounts tend to focus on them knocking of Christians, but that did not bother the Romans. The Romans got upset at them knocking off Romans.

In one account of the Martyrdom of James the Just, he was formally executed, in another he was whacked with a fuller’s club at the instigation of the pharisees and high priest in the same style as the murder of Jucundus, the Master Of Horse.

I don’t think it likely that the murder of James the Just led directly to the fall of Jerusalem, but that Jews got in the habit of murdering people they did not like and taking things that did not belong to them on the basis of the letter of the law did lead to the fall of Jerusalem.

notglowing says:

Thank you, that is helpful.
I’m gonna get this book as well, I ordered the one about english society you referenced elsewhere.

jim says:

The Wars of the Jews is free from Project Gutenberg.

info says:

[*deleted for linking to Judeo Christianity propaganda – issued by Jews no less*]

jim says:

Everyone hears that crap all the time. It drowns out normal people and normal thought.

info says:


info says:

[*deleted for insanity and evil*]

info says:

You haven’t disproven my point. Why do you close your eyes to the truth?

jim says:

Neither have I proven that flying saucers do not exist. It is your job to provide evidence for your claims, not my job to disprove them.

Dave says:

How did the synagogue come to be in a place that could only be reached by crossing someone else’s land? Whatever happened to the concept of a public right-of-way? Why couldn’t people chop their chickens somewhere else? It sounds to me like the Jews were being deliberately provoked.

jim says:

The conflict arose over a claim of right of way. Since the Jews wound up bribing the authorities, and the authorities took the bribe and still did not give them right of way, the bottom line is that they took their claim of right of way to the proper authorities, and lost.

Chopping the chicken was undoubtedly deliberately provocative – but trying to physically stop the landowner from building stuff on his land was an attempt to take what belongs to someone else, was coveting and theft. To which chopping a chicken is an entirely appropriate response – in fact potentially lethal force is an entirely appropriate response, one I am not shy about using, and have in fact used on similar occasions.

If you are building a synagogue, need to build it where there is public right of access. There was in fact a public right of access, which Josephus complains was too narrow – perhaps the population and the congregation was expanding. So they were walking on privately owned vacant land adjacent to the public access.

They had a public right of way, and wanted it broadened. The owner of that land did not agree to the broadening. The authorities did not agree, despite being bribed. Therefore, they reason, someone spilling chicken blood allows them to spill human blood and take what belongs to someone else.

When I read Josephus’s account, my blood boils, because I have been in that landowner’s shoes. As far a I am concerned, his big mistake was killing a chicken.

When someone trespasses on your land, you gently hint that they are not welcome. When gentle hints fail, that is the provocation, and you follow by vigorously telling them, and then to actual force. It damn well should go to potentially lethal force, and any blood spilled is upon the head of the trespasser.

Mister Grumpus says:

This needs a reference page all to itself.

“The Jerusalem Chicken Blood Mostly Peaceful Protest.”

“How some Jews murdered a bunch of people, and got each other killed too, and got their temple torn down and themselves booted from their ancestral home in Judea for N centuries, over an alleyway that might have gotten some chicken blood on it once, and were the Good Guys the whole time because of it, and still are even now. And that’s a good thing!”

Neurotoxin says:

“The Jerusalem Chicken Blood Mostly Peaceful Protest.”


Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

That is a fucking tragedy. Just fuck and be married. The Mormons are as cucked on women as everyone else at this point.

Redbible says:

Paul’s Advice that if they have the desire (to have sex), let them marry remains as true today as it was then. (And since we know how young girls start to genuinely have the desire, no girl should be unmarried by the age of 12-14.)

Also this just re-cements my view that any woman who no longer lives under a male’s authority should be seen as a non-virgin. (though to be fair, that still doesn’t ensure that she will be a virgin even then.)

Look like Mormon “Soaking” goes at least as far back as 2009 according to this Urban Dictionary entry:
It would almost be funny, if it wasn’t so painful to see how little the Mormon leadership cares to try and keep their women virgins. (Though to be fair, once they started pushing for women to go to college, they already were deep into turning their women into whores.)

Bilge_Pump says:

Just hearing about soaking gives me an anti-boner.

BYU is extremely cucked and gay, but soaking is more of a meme than something I have ever heard done growing up in Utah (I have only heard it in apostate Mormon circles). Like Catholics and Anal. Probably has happened, but is more of a meme. Those who want to have sex, have sex. Some wanting to preserve virginity for marriage may do sexual things but not intercourse, and the good Mormon girls with strong fatherly protection did no such things.

yewotm8 says:

You cannot get a penis into a vagina without pushing very hard and moving in and out. Do you really need to ask if they are joking?

James says:

Reposting this comment I made a few days ago on an old post for visibility. Sorry for off-topic.

I have multiple questions, to do with manipulating prenatal hormones in order to birth the best possible children, and it seems like you and the commenters here are one of the only groups of intelligent people I can find anywhere who would be interested in this.

For girls:

Following up on this quote of Jims from an old post:

“Check all pregnancies. Spironolactone starting at eight weeks if the fetus is female. Bingo. All women come out feminine.”

Do you actually recommend this as a course of action, or is this just making the point that a sane society could optimize their children’s hormones prenatally? I am thinking of doing this to ensure my daughter will be feminine. Do you have any experience with actually doing this? From research, I can see that spironolactone obviously feminizes boys, and I’ve also read that it can enlarge uteri, breast and ovary size in females, which the paper calls endocrine dysfunction, although may actually be a good thing from what I’ve seen.

Aside from the general side effects (rashes, dry skin, low blood pressure etc), I can see that for women spironolactone can also cause menstral irregularities, which is slightly worrying, also for the effects it may have on the mother.

Would you recommend Spironolactone or, as another commenter suggests, Dexamethasone for femininizing a girl in utero? Would you just use standard dose sizes, or microdose to minimize side effects?

Do you think a mother pregnant with a girl should be eating high estrogen foods like soy milk, to maximize prenatal estrogen levels? Or is too much estrogen a bad thing for a girl, à la birth control pills?

Of course, nowadays real men and hence real boys eat red meat and salt the hell out of it, but I feel like I haven’t found anywhere near as much information on what diet girls should have, especially while growing up. Is soy milk and the like beneficial here too, or should they stick to meat and dairy, and let modern society load them up with extra estrogen?

For boys:

I have the dietary side of things fairly under control. Do you recommend dosing a Spironolactone male-equivalent drug while boys are in utero? Or will this masculinize the mother as well?

For a mother pregnant with a boy, should she adopt the high meat/dairy diet as much as possible, in order to maximize prenatal testosterone development? I think yes.

I know you are inclined to getting sons on testosterone early, which may damage the gonads, but the gonads are probably already sufficiently damaged from the modern life. What age would you get sons on testosterone?

Apologies for the long, off-topic comment, but I would really appreciate as much information as possible as I am expecting a baby. Everyone feel free to chime in if you have any ideas.

A2 says:

I would strongly recommend consulting a based medical professional before you start dosing your children to be.

James says:

I would normally agree, but finding anyone based in real life nowadays is a challenge, let alone a based medical professional. Hormones are clearly messed up nowadays for both men and women so I think something must be done, even if finding a based doctor is not possible.

alf says:

I guess that argument can be made. Personally would be hesitant to interfere with pregnancy through hormones. My take is that it is best to minimize evil influence with traditional measures (healthy diet, natural birth, don’t separate baby and mother, breastfeeding) and just let nature take its course.

But then again also not a fan of men taking TRT, even if I have never tried it. So probably not the guy to ask.

EH says:

Bad idea to even express an opinion on this, for legal and medical reasons. Honestly, even the best endocrinologists would be guessing, and even if they had a vast amount of embryological baseline data that does not exist, to tailor a therapy for an individual case would require repeated amniocentesis hormone testing which isn’t available and would be absurdly risky.

James says:

Good point. To clarify, I wont be interfering with my child’s hormones, of course, this was from a purely hypothetical perspective. Everything I do I will do with the advice of a medical professional.

The Ducking Man says:

The bigger question is what are trying to achieve here, are trying to raise elite children? or just concerned with your future child’s general health?

I mean, looking at current outlook I don’t think there is real incentive to raise elite children unless you came from cathedral’s background (ivy league graduate, etc.). Elite parent -> elite children, so are you elite person?

If your concern is merely general health, simple clean living (away from toxic and contaminants) should suffice. Then again in modern age there are a lot of contaminant that we never expect. Personally even this simple advice can be hard to perform.

neofugue says:

Off-topic but relevant to discussion on entryism.

Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev, bishop and chairman of the Department of External Relations in the Russian Orthodox Church, has shilled for the vaccine. There are and have always been problematic bishops throughout Church history, but Alfeyev is significant because many consider him a likely candidate to replace Patriarch Kirill.

Doing background research on Alfeyev, he wrote “Christ the Conquerer of Hell” in which he advocates a moderate form of universalism, in which anyone in hell had the option of repenting after death in the Harrowing of Hell. Theological debate is off-topic for a reactionary blog, but the Orthodox position on the Harrowing of Hell is that Christ descended into hell and brought with him the Old Testament Righteous as well as those who were destined for heaven prior to Christ (different from Roman-Catholic “limbo”). Quoting from reviews, Alfeyev proclaims Orthodoxy having no established position, which reeks of progressivism:

“We do know that, since Christ’s descent, the way to resurrection has been opened for ‘all flesh,’ salvation has been granted to every human being, and the gates of paradise have been opened for all who wish to enter through them. This is the faith of the early church, inherited from the first generation of Christians and cherished by the Orthodox tradition. This is the never-extinguished hope of all those who believe in Christ, who once for all conquered death, destroyed hell, and granted resurrection to the entire human race.”

Alfeyev is ambiguous on the subject of universalism, affirming the moral superiority of the heresy while refusing to support it in an explicate manner.

Is Alfeyev is an entryist, given his promotion of the vaccine, or is he someone who may be trying to be faithful in a legalistic manner to old type Orthodoxy while accommodating new post Christianity, which is more hip and respectable in progressive circles? If he committed to old type Christianity, the wonderfully clever people he met while attending Oxford might think him stupid and might not like him.

jim says:

As I said, theology is on topic as it relates to entryism, because entryism is totally on topic.

As I said in the parable of the wicked vinedressers:”Religion is on topic when it impacts material and effective causation, as it frequently does.”

Pope Francis still has not made it official doctrine that socialism is holy, single mums are holy, gays are holier, gay priests having sex in a great big pile are holiest of all, and we should worship idols of Gaea, but his position is clear enough.

Alfeyev sounds like another Pope Francis.

Orthodoxy has always been that before the crucifixion, to be saved you had to be of the tribe of Israel. After the crucifixion, Christian. Entryists don’t like that, because it means that the club does not include them. They know that they are not Christian, even they are all “Hail fellow Christian, I am more Christian than thou.”

They are so much more enlightened that Jesus was.

neofugue says:

> Alfeyev sounds like another Pope Francis

That is what I thought, yet Alfeyev seems to play both sides by opposing transgender surgeries for minors and vaccine passports, although not on Christian grounds. In a TV Q&A (the auto-translate is sufficient enough) he rejects the concept of universal salvation.

Perhaps Alfeyev’s intention in “Christ the Conquerer of Hell” is to create a framework in avoiding being detected of heresy, similar to how the Socinians redefined Jesus to enter into the Anglican Church. His response in the Q&A is reminiscent of progs condemning the Old Testament while rejecting Marcionism. Just as a prog can “reject” Marcion by redefining Christian morality, Alfeyev can “reject” Origen by redefining Hell.

I get the feeling from this interview that Alfeyev may just be a cuckservative, but his book indicates something more sinister.

alf says:

Alfeyev seems to play both sides by opposing transgender surgeries for minors and vaccine passports

Brave indeed. No doubt he also thinks the concept of manspreading is dumb and that it is unfair to allow men to compete in women’s sports.

neofugue says:

Very brave indeed.

According to Alfeyev, Christianity is a faith which “calls for human freedom” and “can not be imposed by force,” a statement which can only be described as that of someone who has truly surpassed Christ and his saints in his holiness.

neofugue says:


The source from Russian Faith which claims Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev) is against vaccine passports is misleading.

In this interview sourced from here, Alfeyev proposes that all businesses which could contribute to the spread of Covid be shut down, those who forge vaccine cards jailed, and anyone unvaccinated forced to stay home. In other words, Australia-style lockdowns.

His response to the subject of individual choice is the Cathedral script, and his tone resembles the snark of almost every Western pundit. His questionable sob story lacks any message of repentance. In other words, demon-worshiper.

neofugue says:

This is an old thread, but it should be made clear that me discussing bishops in this manner is not acceptable no matter what they communicate, and I apologize for using this type of language. When writing for an informal comments section mistakes are bound to happen, but certain errors must be rectified.

Only God knows Metropolitan Alfeyev’s personal convictions; I suspect evil given his history, but it could be that like much of the Russian security state he simply lacks memetic sovereignty.

jim says:

Every Christian Church is heavily penetrated by demon worshipers, and we should not only discuss them in this manner, but when the time comes give them a choice of repentance and humiliating penance, or burning at the stake.

Mike in Boston says:

I don’t know enough about Metropolitan Hilarion’s theology to have an option. I do need to gently correct our host’s characterization of Orthodox teaching:

Orthodoxy has always been that before the crucifixion, to be saved you had to be of the tribe of Israel.

This is not what I learned as a young boy in Russian Orthodox church school.

What I learned is that while we know the righteous among the tribe of Israel were saved, we simply do not know more than that.

Some Greek churches take it a step farther and include some of the pre-Christian Greeks among icons of the Old Testament righteous, albeit without halos.

In any case, I know of no canon claiming that only those within the tribe of Israel were saved when Christ descended into hell, and there is no prohibition on praying for the salvation of anyone.

I beg our host’s indulgence if this is too much on theology and too little on entryism. To get back on topic, I suppose (again without expressing an opinion on whatever Hilarion’s theology may be) that this debate points out the importance of having bright lines around core principles, so that we do not cry wolf about entryism, when all that is at hand are simple differences of opinion on inessential matters.

jim says:

> What I learned is that while we know the righteous among the tribe of Israel were saved, we simply do not know more than that.

I stand corrected.

neofugue says:

Explicating theological doctrine on this blog has been unfruitful in the past so I decided not to correct our host.

Orthodoxy has neither “stages of hell” nor purgatory that one finds in Roman Catholicism, so unbaptized infants and the “righteous” who do not hear of God go to heaven. The church fathers have always been vague on what constitutes as being “righteous.” However, the church is clear that there can be no repentance after death, so anyone who dies outside the church cannot repent after meeting God.

Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev) states that Christ gave all people the option to follow him when he went into Hades:

“the teaching that Christ granted to all the possibility of salvation and opened for all the doors to paradise should also be considered general church doctrine” (208-209).

“the authors of the liturgical books saw Christ’s descent as significant for ALL PEOPLE without exception…nowhere do the hymns speak of selectivity—the existence of certain groups that were unaffected by Christ’s descent. Nowhere…is it stated that Christ preached to the righteous but left sinners without his saving words or that he led the holy fathers out of hell but left all the rest. It is never indicated that someone was excluded from God’s providence for the salvation of people, accomplished in the death and resurrection of the Son of God” (178).

These statements contradict the Word of the Lord:

“Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity” (Matthew 7:21-23).

Christ does not grant the possibility of salvation to all people after death. Alfeyev’s work is reminiscent of how Progressives never openly deny the Old Testament rather declare Moses and Christ less holy than themselves. There are many well-intentioned people who lack discernment and conflate eloquent prose with truth.

Alfeyev studied under Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) at Oxford, author of “The Ordination of Women in the Orthodox Church.” Much like Alfeyev and universalism, Ware never crosses the line, rather affirms the basic tenets of feminism (women should not be denied a position on account of her sex), claims the Orthodox church does not have an official position on female ordination, and suggests an open-minded perspective.

Whether or not Alfeyev and Ware are either entryists, cucked progressives or something else is a subject of debate, but one must be vigilant regarding church doctrine so that we do not repeat the mistakes of the past.

jim says:

What is relevant to this blog and the dark enlightenment is that Gnon is into tribalism.

Gnon favors one tribe. And demands that the tribe he favors keeps his commandments, or he will favor them by giving them painful educational experiences. Gnon is the ultimate alpha male of that tribe. Jesus said that after his crucifixion Jews would be out, and Christians would be in.

So, universalism is heretical. The entryist seeks to detribalize his enemies so that they can be destroyed in detail.

Detribalizers are enemies. Enemies of your tribe, and enemies of your God.

neofugue says:

> What is relevant to this blog and the dark enlightenment is that Gnon is into tribalism.

> Detribalizers are enemies. Enemies of your tribe, and enemies of your God.

Since Alfeyev is not into tribalism, rather of the belief that Christianity is a religion of “freedom” and “tolerance,” an enemy.

The spirit of monarchy is not the aesthetics of Kings, rather a house divided against itself cannot stand. A parish can accommodate two monks, but a nation can only have one God.

The Cominator says:

A nation can only have one official god but a nation shouldnt try to persecute everyone who thinks differently unless they are demon worshippers, demon worshippers should however get no mercy.

neofugue says:

As long as those who think differently keep their beliefs to themselves. However, those who deny the state religion publicly should be crushed, as one cannot tell if a dissident is a demon worshiper until it is too late.

No one except for a few thought one day the silly liberals of Pushkin would be slaughtering millions.

The Cominator says:

Bullshit there were many people who foresaw how horrifically tyrannical the 19th century left would be in power.

I do not favor persecuting people for denying official theological beliefs if not demon worshippers they just can’t be in the government, and i can easily spot demon worshippers… leave that to specialists.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>I do not favor persecuting people for denying official theological beliefs

You should absolutely persecute people who deny the organizing principle(s) of your civilization.

For any given community their is a covenant that ontologically prefigures the existence of that community, however implicitly or explicitly expressed. Likewise, the existence of a particular community then entails a range of possible modes that are subversive to the prefiguration of the particular community as such. Which is to say, any beings in possession of modes of thought incoherent with the covenant of a community must be physically removed and separated from that community, if it were to wish to avoid destruction, and continue it’s more preferential mode of existence.

The Cominator says:

Advocating the government be based on antisocial ideas fall under the demon worshipper category. The guy who is into meditation personally or is a surfer who says if asked hes a son worshipper these are not generally to be considered demon worshippers as long as they dont advocate a social aspect to this…

Denying the state religion is fine for people not in government, advocating it be replaced with any known form of leftism… advocating egalitarianism especially for women… advocating a universal religion to replace the nations way of life these things are subversive and should be treated EXTREMELY harshly.

jim says:

Everyone within the state and quasi state apparatus, which includes the organs of large scale communication, need to be of the official state religion – as is being enforced right now with ever more extreme standards of what constitutes adherence to the state religion.

But we don’t want to stop everyone else from communicating.

We do however want them to stop communicating to organize and cooperate to take away someone else’s applecart, because if those who want to knock over the applecart have freedom of speech, those who own applecarts will very soon not have freedom of speech.

The reason we have enemies within is that they maintain strict purity in adherence to the ever changing state religion, as for example the college application essay, and we don’t, because maintaining purity standards invites immediate attack from state power.

jim says:

> Denying the state religion is fine for people not in government

We used to not allow people to show disrespect for the flag, and when we allowed it, on the grounds of freedom of speech, the old Republic fell.

We are currently not allowed to show disrespect for trannies, buggers, and niggers, and when we allowed it straight white Christian males became second class citizens.

Getting away with desecrating the sacred totems of a high status group, causes them to lose status and you to gain status – which, if pursued collectively in an organized fashion is preparation for attack and takeover.

Notice that anyone who desecrates a Christian Church gets to be a hero and is fined thirty dollars. If anyone burns a Christian church he has to remain anonymous, but not action is taken, even by the priest of that Church.

We will not require everyone to declare the state religion true, we will even allow second class and inferior subjects of the state to quietly affirm some contrary faith. But we will require everyone to be respectful of the state religion. At public events their will be certain rituals of respect, which everyone is going to have to follow, regardless of their faith. Exceptional people who disagree will be allowed in to the ingroup, but they will have to show respect, and affirm things that it is no secret that they do not believe.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Denying the state religion is fine for people not in government, advocating it be replaced with any known form of leftism…

But one is never without the other; even – or especially – when it is not realized.

neofugue says:

> Denying the state religion is fine for people not in government

Allowing public denial of the state religion is cowardice because it demonstrates the faith and the faithful not above mockery and denigration. Open unbelief is a power play, and status is maintained by violence.

If someone walks through St. Petersburg with a “Jesus is Gay” or “Jesus wasn’t God” t-shirt, he should disappear before he crosses the street. Nations which fail to maintain ideological order collapse.

jim says:

> Open unbelief is a power play, and status is maintained by violence.

Well said.

I will retell yet again the story of the Royal Society.

The Royal Society was originally the invisible college, and it had damned good reason to be invisible – its belief system was suppressed, not by overt official state action, but by means similar to those used today against us, and against the scientific method.

After the restoration, the King made it the Royal Society. Which of course outraged the Puritans, because though the Royal Society was genuinely and officially Established Church Anglican Christian, it held a standard of truth, “nullius in verba”, that was contrary to the Puritans heretical and post Christian standard of truth and rather stronger than the traditional Christian standard of truth.

The Puritans assembled a mob to shut down meetings of the Royal Society – which mob was dealt with by the Kings men wielding steel. And that was that.

And for two centuries and four score years, the Scientific Method remained high status and the standard of truth. (Which of course required a bit of re-interpretation of the book of Genesis, but the fathers of the Church, notably Saint Augustine, have long been uneasy about the literal truth of Genesis, and have affirmed it to be “literally” true, with “literal” being redefined in a startlingly elastic fashion, so there is very ancient Orthodox Christian precedent allowing this.)

When the Royal Society became high status, Saint Augustine’s take on Genesis quietly became part of official Established High Church Anglican Christianity, so, no problem with the Royal Society being officially and genuinely Established Anglican Christian.

So though the Scientific Method is rather stronger than the traditional Christian standard of truth, we have near two millenia of an Orthodox Christian standard of truth that allows the scientific method, or at least tolerates it, and near three centuries of an Established Anglican Christianity that endorses it.

And to re-establish the scientific method as the standard of truth will require something like an established state religion that endorses it, and a sovereign prepared to back it by violence, and who uses that violence on a substantial scale at least once.

To re-establish the scientific method will require the similar measures to those that established it the first time around. Violence. Violence involving a lot of men with potentially deadly weapons and the willingness to use them, under the command of the Sovereign with the endorsement of the official priesthood.

Status comes ultimately from steel. The sovereign maintains a gentle velvet glove around the steel, but every so often, the gloves have to come off.

neofugue says:

In addition, not persecuting enemies of the state religion means persecuting adherents who honor their faith. If heretics, apostates and entryists are beyond reproach, then they can desecrate icons while the state crushes any attempt to stop them. “Religious freedom” as a formalist concept is a form of anarcho-tyranny, which is why all Leftist revolutions promote it as a means of weakening opposition.

neofugue says:

Jim, I was wondering if you could delete the sentence: “In crude terms, if you do not support…”

It was crass and I regret writing that line.

The Cominator says:

The state wont look weak when leftists disappear and are publically executed all the time and in large numbers.

By being visciously and ruthlessly hard on leftists and NEVER taking the pressure off you can be more easygoing elsewhere. Being too sensitive about the faith is mainly a catholic thing and it killed Spain. The solution is ruthless persecution of the real troublemakers. Thou shalt not suffer a leftist to live.

The Cominator says:

Saying jesus is gay is demon worship and should be a burning matter…

Denying the incarnation is okay for people outside the government but anyone making such shirts shouldn’t be allowed.

neofugue says:

Saint Nicholas, feared by all heretics, disagrees.

Non-Christians do not see it because they view the theological disputes as minutia, but Arianism was a form of demon worship because if Christ was not God it would be impossible for man to partake in the life of Christ through prayer and repentance. The barbarians were Arians because it served as a synthesis between Christianity and their forms of Paganism, but the Greeks were Arians because it allowed them to continue their debauchery.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Kallistos Ware was a late-in-life conversion, which is probably significant.

He was attracted by the majesty of Orthodoxy, as the whig religion of contemporary modernity is an aesthetically impoversished void; but he uncritically brings his whig sensibilities with him, not seeing a connection in how the latter inevitably entails the former.

‘I believe the best path forwards is a synthesis between A and Z’; so say the latest steps in a long line of synthesisers, who synthesized A with Y before them, and A with X before them, and A with W before them… who always have a new ‘normal’ to find a ‘middle way’ through, which coincidentally always involves one party being ‘synthesized’ anew over the other.

neofugue says:

Synthesizing mutually incompatible systems A and Z always involves subsuming the compatible particulars of one into the other. In the contemporary post-Christian West this process involves throwing off the ideological and moral commitments of old-type Orthodoxy in favor of a superficial faith that masks an actual faith in Progressivism.

In the interest of falling in line with the regime, most relegate the domain of faith to the metaphysical as a means of avoiding moral responsibility. Universalism allows the pseudo-Orthodox to maintain his adulterated Christianity without having to commit to the establishment of virtue. If everyone receives the option of salvation after death, even the unrepentant and unrighteous, there is no urgency in establishing Christianity as a real and living faith.

The Universalist no longer has to accept Origen in the same way the Progressive no longer needs Marcion. Considering how many defend Alfeyev in spite of his demonic promotion of the sacrament and that the press was not taking him out of context rather omitting much of what he said, it may take a long time before Orthodoxy can assume the role of replacement religion.

Arqiduka says:

Seeing Jim’s comments here re money being both measure and store of value, I would assume JimCoin’s supply would be set (at least eventually), with stable supply being seen by some folks as a reasonable compromise between store and measure with a slowly growing economy (also, it just so happens to be convenient to code for stable supply).

Jim, if you’re happy to discuss at this at this stage, is this the case? If so, how open would you be to hearing an alternative approach that could do better at both measure and store than fixed supply (i.e. how far gone are you development-wise to tolerate a change or contemplate a double issue)?

Please delete this comment if “I have not patience for this” is your answer.

Site link to establish that I’ve been thinking about this issue for quite some time.

jim says:

Obviously if a currency is truly proof of stake (and most existing proof of stake systems are suspiciously centralized under the hood) then governance ultimately rests on the consensus of the hodlers.

Who will want a fixed supply.

A fixed supply is actually a very slowly decreasing supply. And the holdlers are going to be fine with that. If truly proof of stake, fixed supply.

Arqiduka says:

Not sure I would agree that the holders would want fixed supply and nothing else, there may yet be a better way (as I said, it’s supposed to be better at storing value too, not just measuring).

But I’m in a pickle here, obviously I’m not literate at all technically speaking, and only have a monetary idea to share, not knowing how feasible that is beyond some initial consultations with people close to me. Hence, can’t divulge it, being my only asset.

Should you be interested regardless, I’d annoy you with a pre-deal riding on your word of honor.

A2 says:

For those more experienced with crypto coins, would it be satisfactory to have what we might call a “benign” central bank digital currency designed with a centralized ledger but with monero-style anonymized transactions? The centralized ledger is efficient and can scale easily with trusted participants. However, the central bank verifies transactions and maintains the ledger, but does not know the details of what happened. Details to be worked out, of course.

A2 says:

A fixed increase in coin supply (without mining) would, I think, be useful and yield a reasonably hard currency. For example, central banks used to genuflect towards price stability and 2% inflation. But inflation measures are somewhat complicated and, I’d say, not really satisfactory in behavior. So why not simply define your supply of currency to increase by 2% yearly?

However, note that many of the problems with currency are due to fluctuating demand. Consider the many historical issues with using gold or silver. Ideally, a central bank currency should also have some useful way to cope with this (withou going full fiat). At this time, I have no concrete suggestions.

Arqiduka says:

Isn’t a fixed supply increase what Doge does?

Re fluctuating demand, yes, that’s the key issue. With gold it was solved with fractional reserve banking, but you still had the issue of secular deflation of the base, making books look as if companies were loosing money.

Fixed supply Bitcoin + fractional reserve banking can work, but we can do better (and it obviously would not be a decentralized system).

A2 says:

“Isn’t a fixed supply increase what Doge does?”

Um, yes, I think so, but it seems you can also mine it? This was somewhat unclear to me, so I can’t really say with any authority. But it might serve as a convenient (and amusing) example of this approach.

notglowing says:

It is through mining. Mining always provides a fixed total reward per unit of time (in practice, per block), which in the case of Bitcoin halves every four years.

Doge simply does not reduce this reward. Hence, fixed increase in supply.

But there are no cryptocurrencies I know of, where more mining means more cryptocurrency released. That is fixed.
Just, the bigger your share of hashrate compared to everyone else mining, the more of the reward you will get on average. But the total reward does not change except through halvings with BTC, and never changes for Doge.

jim says:

> So why not simply define your supply of currency to increase by 2% yearly?

The economic theory that persistent inflation is a good idea is a rationalization for the fact that the currency issuer always wants to issue more currency. No one would believe it except that countries are run by people who have a financial interest in believing it.

Boils down to who actually has the power. If stakeholders, no inflation, and persistent mild deflation.

> note that many of the problems with currency are due to fluctuating demand.

The problems were bad people doing wicked things, and then making up clever stories about what they were doing.

There was not fluctuating demand for gold. Rather, because gold is slow, difficult, and dangerous to move, people relied on promises to deliver gold, which can be moved around far more conveniently. And abrupt fluctuations in the supply of credible promises caused problems.

The spontaneous demonetization of silver caused a steady and substantial drop in prices, and despite the alarming sounding name of “the long depression” it had no substantial bad effect on the economy – it is just that after the great depression, the word gained terrifying and ominous overtones. The long depression was economically quite good, though debt is the stickiest price, and it caused hardship for long term fixed interest borrowers – the biggest long term fixed interest borrowers being governments.

The long depression, being a gradual deflation, was economically benign, arguably good for the economy. Short sharp depressions were caused by the sudden diminution in the credibility of promises to deliver gold, and these were harmful.

Arqiduka says:

With apologies to A2 for interjecting, disagree on this.

What is optimal are stable prices, as per Hayek. If you have deflation (supply lagging demand for money, as you do with fixed supply) you make it look as if all firms are loosing money. Turn your books into bitcoin (or gold): did you still make a profit last year?

Conversely, if you have inflation (NOT increase in the supply), you make it look as if firms make money (your “risk free rate”, as per Yarvin).

A2 says:

Increasing the supply does replace lost coins over time and (hopefully) roughly tracks the economic growth. I suppose this would yield price stability (fingers crossed) rather than price deflation?

A2 says:

I see that the original comment has been extended, I’m afraid I will have to return to this at a later time.

Arqiduka says:

Shot it the dark then.

The issue though its that once you start increasing supply you drive a wedge between those who want a medium of account (for whom this is an improvement) and those who want a store of value (for whom it isn’t).

And, despite Satoshi’s best efforts, crypto is a store of value only, kind Dollar is still the medium of account. Hence those who matter will disagree with increasing supply, which is I think what Jim is trying to say above.

jim says:

As a medium of account, it should increase as population and economic activity increases. But this presupposes someone who can increase it, which is a problem.

One solution that would satisfy everyone is rescaling of unspent transacation outputs, where the amount of money that an unspent transaction represents slowly increases over time, crypto coins that pay interest. Once crypto currency becomes the accounting unit, becomes the measure, it would be worth thinking about that, but first, needs to become the measure. And the process of deciding the adjustment would be difficult and complicated to implement..

Arqiduka says:

It won’t even become the measure if it deflates by design, even shonky dollars are better than that.

Very little thought is put into this issue I suspect, and it is a vitally important issue.

I think I have solved it because I saw it some time back, maybe others have too but as far as I see I see fixed supply, tethers or Dogecoins.

jim says:

On reflection, a solution that would make both hodlers and accountants happy is a variable unit of account. Amounts in the underlying currency are scaled to the unit of account. Prices are displayed in the unit of account. Payments are displayed in the unit of account, but made in the underlying currency. When the money in a wallet differs from the amount in underlying units paid into it and paid out of it, this is displayed as interest. The scaling factor is adjusted monthly or so. which is displayed in the wallet UI as interest paid monthly.

The unit of account is adjusted by a central authority according to the price level, to keep the price level of a bundle of goods stable.

But we don’t need to care of think about this until crypto currency becomes the measure of value.

notglowing says:

How would this virtual “currency” of account really be adjusted?
Calculating inflation accurately seems impossible and this unit of account is essentially solving the same problem.

CPI exists, but it doesn’t seem to show the real inflation that is happening right now.

Of course one could just define CPI as such a unit, and simply take that. But I don’t know if that would really end up reflecting the stability or volatility of prices across the market. It might just not fit well with any product outside of the CPI formula itself.

jim says:

There will be a conflict between people who have more power than money, who will want inflation, and people who have money, who want deflation. If there is inflation or lack of mild deflation, we don’t have a problem with the currency, we have a problem that some people have too much power.

Arqiduka says:

You forget a third party there, people who want to work and get by: they want neither, they want stable prices so they can know if they made a true loss or true profit immediately, be it 1600 or 2021.

This third party is left unamused by current coins, I dare say.

C4ssidy says:

You can issue blockchain tokens to represent a bundle of lumber, loaf of bread, bigmacs, even hours of human labour. Take whatever bundle economists will prefer as a metric to measure the value of a currency between time periods, turn into token form, and for your spreadsheet just convert the deflating coin into the momentary market price of that bundle

jim says:

No you cannot.

That requires an external authority with bundles of lumber, lumps of bread, etc.

Virtus says:

@Jim, such a thing is possible to institute without a reserve so long as you can have a trustworthy oracle.

The best example is DAI, where users will overcollateralize ETH in return for a loan of DAI. The price is kept stable via the collateralization/liquidation/exchange rates. Higher dollar value, need more collateral, and vice versa. Stable over a decent chunk of time:

To implement this requires a pool of third parties reporting price data, this can be crowd mined, and a way to get this price data on chain without people cheating to fuck the exchange rate and cash out. I suspect ever more elegant solutions will be developed as time goes on, and more attention is devoted to solutions to these sorts of games. The ability to empirically test economic concepts by programming financial schemes is going to lead to an insanely fast development of measures and tools just like this.

jim says:

> @Jim, such a thing is possible to institute without a reserve so long as you can have a trustworthy oracle.

The trustworthy oracle part is hard. If you have central authority, the are going to cook the data the way the cpi is cooked. If you have a crowd, you are likely to get delusions.

It is difficult to know, not even entirely meaningful to ask, what the price index is, because the bundle of goods and services keeps changing. You cannot do this mechanically. It is a judgement call.

To avoid a judgement call, rely on a bundle of standard commodities, like metals, oil and lumber that are spot traded. If you have a commodities futures market, where people buy and sell promises to deliver commodities, that generates price data.

But on a futures market, they still have a central authority who is apt to rig the game, as happened on the London Metals Exchange.

On the London Metals Exchange, you had a gamestop event. The big firms sold more tin than actually existed or could ever be delivered, short selling unreasonably large amounts of tin. The miners knew this was bogus, and started buying up unfulfillable promises of delivery. “Hey, if tin is so cheap, not only will we pile it up near the mine, we are going to add to our pile of physical tin.” A short squeeze. All the little speculators realized what was happening, and got in on the act, and the exchange corruptly screwed everyone long on tin in favor of everyone short on tin. And as a result people stopped buying and selling tin through the exchange.

The problem with an options market, is that you don’t want people selling promises to deliver what they cannot in fact deliver, and if they fail to deliver, there has to be consequences, and the London Metals Exchange and the British judiciary turned those consequences upside down and instead rewarded people who made unfullfillable promises and broke them. I don’t see how we can reliably enforce promises to deliver physical things with crypto.

Arqiduka says:


Very interesting example there with DAI. It does sound like (and may evolve into) a fractional reserve system, which is indeed great at meeting short-term demand shocks. But the supply of the base (ETH) will determine long term supply, hence only a part solution at this time.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>I don’t see how we can reliably enforce promises to deliver physical things with crypto.

The same way we guarantee property rights, technological development, military strength, and memetic sovereignty.

notglowing says:

> It does sound like (and may evolve into) a fractional reserve system

DAI requires a much greater reserve in value compared to the DAI you are issuing. It’s the opposite of a fractional reserve, the reserve is larger than the outstanding liabilities.
The issue with DAI is the volatility of the underlying assets.
But if you assume long term the dollar will fall relative to crypto, DAI will definitely continue to hold its “value”.

Arqiduka says:


I understand the significant differences you mention, and one more you don’t, that a FR system is on autopilot and DAI seems to be actively managed (the irony).

No matter, I think it may evolve in that direction with time, it just makes sense (will be outcompetet if not).

C4ssidy says:

Smart contracts can be used, you freeze coins on the blockchain as payment and they only get unlocked upon delivery

Hank Hodler says:

Bingo. Right now, I cannot pay my property taxes with crypto. I cannot buy groceries with crypto. I cannot drop by the gas station and fill up using crypto. There may be places where facilities have been installed to enable this but I have not seen a single one anywhere in my daily life or travels within a few hours’ drive of where I live, and nobody I have interacted with in the real world has ever mentioned using crypto as a payment method. Crypto is still a weird abstraction for computer nerds. Nor can I settle with the neighbor over how much I owe him for replacing the property-line fence with crypto; the volatility is still too high to know what the value really is and I think it would not even occur to him to consider it as a form of payment.

Using crypto for anything other than trading for other crypto or making online purchases from nerds still requires selling crypto for a more standard currency, which defeats the whole purpose.

It’s still not money. It might become money but right now it’s not.

jim says:

It has been money for a while in Bitcoin beach in that most shops and vendors take it, and is rapidly becoming money in El Salvador.

It is money right now in that I have purchased a bunch of services over the internet (no actual goods as yet) using it – not because I was playing with fungibility, but because I actually needed those services. It is money in the market domain for domain names and computers in the cloud, it is money in the market for international magazine subscriptions.

The wind is blowing.

notglowing says:

I’ve used to find places where crypto can be spent. There are some websites where you can buy plane tickets with crypto (including LN-BTC) such as

I’ve actually bought a few cheap electronic things from a chinese online store using crypto, however the delivery required me to pay the taxes in fiat currency, of course…

Crypto is most successful as a currency not in the day to day life of normal people, but in situations where it is actually more appropriate than fiat, for example for services that are illegal or in a gray area, or which require international payments where international payments are difficult or expensive.

A VPN provider I use gives me a discount for paying in cryptocurrency since it’s cheaper for them to process that, compared to fiat.

Also, just the fact that so many people hold it for speculation creates demand for services to be paid in cryptocurrency.

jim says:

> Crypto is most successful as a currency not in the day to day life of normal people, but in situations where it is actually more appropriate than fiat, for example for services that are illegal or in a gray area, or which require international payments where international payments are difficult or expensive.

This is the major motivation for El Salvador going bitcoin. They rely heavily on remittances, and it difficult to send or receive remittances. The President was tired of the bankers giving Salvadoreans a hard time.

Karl says:

Of course crypto is money. That you can’t use crypto to pay for groceries or fuel is beside the point. You might as argue that swiss francs are not money, because (outside of Switzerland) you have to exchange them for local currency to pay for grocery shopping.

There have always been different currencies. If you can exchange one for another, it is money.

A2 says:

I believe the intended term is legal tender.

Arqiduka says:

So, here’s my proposal Xhim,

I think I have designed a supply governance mechanism that is simple as, and only relies on emerging order to deliver a cryptocurrency that serves better as a measure of value and store of value than any other cryptocurrency I know of. It relies on no external trading or other point of centralized failure, which is why it took me so long to figure out. I am confident that, adding this to the architecture you’re well versed in re speed and anonymity will produce a very small but non-negligible chance of the result being “the one”.

If you have the capacity, I will gladly share my idea with you on whatever channel you deem secure to yourself (I don’t mind on my end, you have my name and can hit me up on LinkedIn for all I care). If you decide its shonk and you don’t like it, all good mate, no cost to anyone.

If you think it’s worthwhile pursuing and decide to do so, I ask EITHER 10% of the initial offering (at no cost to me) when you go public, OR 5% of the initial offering (at no cost to me) AND I get naming rights (inferiority complex when you hail from a small country). As I have no way to police this, this all relies on your word of honour and that’s it. Even if you take this and screw me over though, at least let me know when you go public so I can gen in from day one.

Take you time to consider, but let me know here if you’d like to pursue or if I should take my cold sale approach elsewhere.

jim says:

Sound interesting, but good ideas are worth two cents a bale, if they are already baled.

When you have a really good idea, you do some actual development and test work, and then beat a path to the world’s door with it.

Right now we have a crisis with our monetary unit of measure and account, so we do in fact need a solution, much earlier than I expected. This caught me totally flat footed and blindsided me. I was expecting it, but a long distance down the track. But I am more interested in solutions where the man proposing the solution just wants credit, or intends to get an ownership share by actively working on the solution implementation. A clever idea does not deserve an ownership share till reduced to practice.

If you want an ownership share in your idea, need a working prototype.

Arqiduka says:

Sounds fair enough, thanks!

Arqiduka says:

As I have no technical skills at all in the field, and what support I could get would probably just end up delivering a Bitcoin copy with the one change I need on top, rather than a properly optimized structure, I’d rather someone better versed than me implement the idea.

Will setup a blog and post the link here, so whoever cares to can have at it.

Arqiduka says:

Here’s my attempt at solving the issue. Skip to section 2.

In brief, you create two linked coins of exogenously fixed supply, but set them up such that any portfolio can always exchange any given percentage of the supply of one for the same percentage increase in the other. One can be transferred across portfolios (and is the unit of account), the other cannot (and is the store of value).

Propensity to save or spend will do the rest.

Thales says:

[[[ The Republic is dead. … True, much of the public remains unaware. “I didn’t even know it was sick,” they might say… ]]]

Norm may be gone, but his punchlines live on…

Thales says:

For the uninitiated:

Need it for school says:

Well, I caught the Fauci virus.

It feels like a bad flu. Today I had a fever of 101.7, nausea, muscle aches and pains, a nasty headache, and a persistent, productive chest cough. The virus seems to have not been prevented by my prophylaxis (taking a megadose of vit D and a zinc gummy every day.)

As far as things go I still prefer this to getting the vaccine as a show of fealty.

jim says:


Need it for school says:

But why? I don’t anticipate needing anything other than bed rest and fluids.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Spike protein is toxic, even from the regular virus. Best to get rid of as much of it as possible. I hear nicotine and alcohol help, so have a few drinks and a celebratory cigar.

jim says:

Nicotine is highly effective. All the data shows smokers are radically less affected.

But I recommend vaping, because less tar than tobacco. Nicotine patches are less addictive than vaping or tobacco, and will keep your nicotine levels stable, which is probably what you want when afflicted by spike protein.

Need it for school says:

I’ll try out some nic patches. I have a lot less trepidation about them than about ivermectin.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Only parasites fear ivermectin. If you have any decent skill at mathematics at all, you can trivially easily alter the concentration of a drug given an initial concentration. Find what the amount should be for your bodyweight, then take that, watering it down as necessary.

ExileStyle says:

As a heavy smoker and drinker and also suspected recent China flu case, this is encouraging. Any links to the research that led you to this conclusion?

I did nothing but wait it out for a couple weeks, and I feel completely fine now. Even a bit better, as I had been working too much before and it seemed to give me a chance to recover.

HerbR says:

The question is “why not”? Ivermectin is cheap, has near zero side effects after billions of test cases, and seems all but proven to kill the rona.

A lot of the weird Covid side effects seem to appear a few weeks after infection and linger for several months after that. Ivermectin is supposed to cut the infection period itself by about half, which means you’ll suffer a whole lot less longer-term damage to your RBCs, heart and lungs, etc. while it’s active. That’s not to say that you won’t eventually fully recover regardless, as it seems like 95% of people do, but why let things be any worse than they have to, even in the short term?

Ivermectin isn’t like the clot shot, there’s really no risk from taking it. And once-a-month Ivermectin is actually the recommended prophylaxis – abnormally low Zinc and Vitamin D levels (as well as low Vit-C) are implicated in the very serious cases, but they’re not supposed to stop the virus itself, only HCQ and Ivermectin have really been shown to do that. (Monoclonal antibodies and strong antioxidants and such being for the already-serious cases.)

By the way, short-term megadosing on Vitamin D is effectively useless. Vitamin D is technically a hormone, and takes a long time to build up in your system – about a week of regular intake in order to have any effect at all, and if you were seriously deficient, a month or more to build up healthy levels. Also need to make sure you complement with K2 as D3 on its own causes weird problems like loss of bone density.

Need it for school says:

I’ve been taking 5000 IU of D3 daily since March. Seeing as I would get a comparable amount from being out in noonday sun for an hour I doubt it will do anything to my bones.

As far as treatment goes I’m going to use nic patches, 1000 mg C daily, 5000 IU D3 daily, and 300 mg zinc gluconate (roughly 50 mg elemental zinc) daily for a week.

I don’t feel like I have a very strange disease – I feel like I have a flu. Ivermectin-wise, I probably wouldn’t even be able to get any before my symptoms abate.

jim says:

It is the flu. The Covid virus does not cross breed with the flu virus and therefore is correctly classified as a different species, but it occupies the same ecological niche. When it moved into the flu ecological niche, the flu disappeared. We no longer have a flu season, we have a covid season.

During every flu season, there is a significant and substantial excess death rate, but the deaths were seldom classified as flu deaths, since they usually had heart disease, cancer, morbid obesity, and liver failure etc, and were classified according to whichever organ gave up the ghost first. Now we have the reverse issue. If you get run over by a truck, and one the bits splattered all over the road tests positive for covid, you are a covid death. So the death rate from cancer, heart attacks, and all the rest goes down by the same amount as Covid deaths go up.

Flu used to really no kidding kill small children, but old folks it just gave a little push to people wobbling on the edge of the grave, hence the strangely low number of people classified as flu deaths despite the substantial excess death rate. Covid gives old folks a rather more substantial push, but children just laugh it off.

Different species, same ecological niche, similar effects, similar, or possibly lower, excess death rate during flu season.

EH says:

Looks like a good plan, but increase the vit. C to 3 to 5 grams in divided doses, and don’t forget the potassium and magnesium salts for the muscle aches.

Dave says:

Everyone’s getting Covid now that kids are back in school; it’s hyper-contagious. I just got it myself and was shocked at how mild it turned out to be. I spent a few days resting because my lungs felt sore, but no headaches, nausea, mental fog, loss of appetite, taste or smell, and almost no mucus.

I’ve been slowly eating a zinc penny and taking a lot of cold showers over the last few months. No other supplements, medicines, or vaccines in the past two years, and I don’t drink or smoke. In all my fifty years I’ve never had an infection that was less debilitating than Covid.

Maybe my consumption of wild meat has something to do with it?

Need it for school says:

I’ll see how it turns out for me. Right now I can’t keep any food down fwiw. The vomiting/gastro symptoms are most unpleasant and the fever is slowly abating. This is definitely a severe disease for me; then again I don’t eat much wild meat.

Karl says:

Below is link with an overview of treatments including links to some studies. Maybe you’ll find it interesting

Mike in Boston says:

This is definitely a severe disease for me

I am sorry to hear that.

To supplement Karl’s excellent link below:

If you are in the US, there is a map of monoclonal antibody treatment centers at . Many are hospitals but some are outpatient clinics accepting cash on the barrelhead.

If you are not in the US, there are anecdotal reports of ambroxol and helping in a manner similar to bromhexine (the two are closely related).

In the latter stage some suggest that N-acetylcysteine, sold as a supplement until recently, may also have an anti-inflammatory effect. As Scott Locklin put it:

the swine remove a common and completely harmless OTC supplement, N-acetyl-cysteine from circulation when it proves it may be of utility in treating this illness. What kind of garbage human would even consider doing this?

Need it for school says:

I registered for one of these. Let’s see if I can get in!

Need it for school says:

I’m in for regeneron tomorrow morning. I did not successfully get quercetin or arginine or artemisia, but I added aspirin and pedialyte to my regimen.

The Ducking Man says:

I had severe case of fever when I was diagnosed covid positive (antigen tested twice). 3 days of high fever followed by lack appetite and headache.

My neighbors who had covid also experienced more or less the same. As my neighbor like to say “the worst flu I ever had”, these are people who labor 7 days a week on plantation. Very tough fellas, down almost at the same time.

It came so sudden, one night they were fishing on wilderness next morning a bed-ridden.

EH says:

Don’t take frequent mega-doses of vit. A or D – they are fat soluble and can be toxic. Zinc can also be toxic if you take way too much, but you should take more than one gummy. Some vit. E is a good idea, too, as an anti-oxidant, but it’s fat-soluble as well. Take a men’s multivitamin (no iron) or two every day.

Keep up with your magnesium (not oxide), calcium, and especially phosphorous when you’re drinking lots of fluids, as you should be when sick, especially if you’re not eating much.

Vitamin C can be mega-dosed, anti-oxidant, may help.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Ascorbic acid and metabolites thereof may be megadosed, and help with basically everything.

Like literally; anything from physical trauma, to inflammatory contaminants, to morbid pathogens, to even mental strain or emotive malaise (; anything that acts as a stressor that the body needs to spend ‘recovery’ on, it is palliative for, as it ameliorates the bodies systems for stress recovery forthwith.

The Ducking Man says:

This is Zalenko protocol, all doses are prescribed. I’ve seen his interview in bitchute, very based doctor.

Cloudswrest says:
jim says:

Ten fold price rise in a major spot traded service, no indication that it will ever return to “normal”

Shortages of the service continue in every step along the delivery of the service where prices are sticky.

This is the new normal.

It is time to unstick your price and wage expectations. The US dollar has ceased to be a useful measure and standard.

The time has come for a new measure and a new standard. I am not ready. No one is ready. Though everyone has predicted this, no one was expecting it now. I was not expecting it now. I have not prepared for this. For some time I have been fleeing all dollar linked assets as radioactive, but I was not expecting the US dollar to fail as a measure and standard right now.

The US dollar dies before our eyes.

There is, however, one spot traded commodity that is going down: Gold. It is clear which way this heading. El Salvador, which was on the US dollar, just switched to bitcoin on the lightning network, because they were sick of importing inflation and sick of intrusive foreign regulation of remitters and remittances.

I have plans, but my plans have been overtaken by events. It is now bitcoin over the lightning network. I am not at all happy with the implementation of the bitcoin lightning network, though Taproot is a plan to fix some of my biggest complaints, but it is what we have right now.

Dave says:

This doesn’t look like a monetary problem to me. More like:

(1) We outsourced all production to China to save on labor costs and avoid affirmative action.

(2) Australia said something about China causing Covid, to which China responded by cutting off imports of Australian coal and imposing revolving power outages.

(3) What factories do manage to produce between outages can’t get on a ship because China locks down whole cities, including seaports, whenever one person gets Covid.

(4) Healthy American workers don’t want the vax and won’t come back until the vax mandates end. This is the only factor the US government has any control over.

Every supply-chain innovation in the last fifty years has been about increasing efficiency at the expense of redundancy. It’s great that you’re going to invent a new currency, but that won’t cause American factories and their long-gone workers to magically reappear.

The Ducking Man says:

True, IMO problem today is still fundamentally dysfunctional society.

We over-relay on china now we are paying the price dearly when China decided to go apeshit crazy. We were expecting china to go easy on covid measure because they have the “I am superpower” card, but no, CCP went ballistic more than anyone else. WTF !?!?

Factories were already disappearing in china but it won’t happen this or next year. Because factories don’t just move overnight.

Same with vax mandates, I don’t think it will go away soon enough. FYI my company failed implementing vax mandate but that’s because 90% of workers are low educated anti-vaxxer.

jim says:

> but that won’t cause American factories and their long-gone workers to magically reappear.

They started magically reappearing when Trump was president. If we get a sane monetary and corporate order, they will re-appear wherever they can take advantage of it without being shot.

Anon says:

“They started magically reappearing when Trump was president. “

Do you have significant stats or evidence of this? Was it just those few ones we heard about in the news hear or there or was it really widespread to a significant degree? It seems like it was a mild to moderate increase at best, but am open to seeing other evidence.

jim says:

Until Trump was elected, there was a massive flow of working age males from flyover country to the bicoastall areas looking for jobs.

Shortly after Trump was elected, the massive flow massively reversed, because of jobs created in flyover country. You can easily find statistics for interstate movement of people. I don’t have statistics for what the jobs are, but the ones that make the news are factories and resource extraction, such as fracking, and coal mines being re-opened, or coal mines scheduled for shutdown having the schedule set aside.

What makes the news is not necessarily representative, but in this case, what other kinds of jobs are likely to magically appear in flyover country when a president is elected committed to rolling back regulation?

Whatever it is, it is a massive increase in jobs, and a radical change in the nature of those jobs appearing.

I worked in a semiconductor facility that produced physical things. And from time to time I would say “Why don’t we do X? It would make life a whole lot easier.” And the answer was always that if we did X, an army of EPA bureaucrats dressed in moonsuits and backed by thugs with guns would descend on us.

The reason the factories and the jobs are gone is that the US government shut them down at gunpoint, and refused to let people recreate those jobs at gunpoint. Point the guns at external enemies, rather than an ever growing list of internal enemies, the jobs will reappear.

See also my comment on spaceX. I speak from personal experience. I speak from having to pay money to those “””consultants”””. I know what I speak of. I know what happened to those jobs. I saw it in front of my eyes.

Pooch says:

Do you still suggest holding ADA or is it bitcoin or bust now?

jim says:

I am still long on ADA – which plans to join the lightning network – but right now, that is probably not a good idea. I am going to sleep on in for a while.

I have been caught flat footed by events, and am trying to figure things out. I was expecting all this, but I had thought not for some time to come, not till we had more stuff in readiness for it.

Alfred says:

What’s this going to look like? I’m not prepped for it. I’m debating getting my extended family into crypto as hedge and telling them to buy stuff they need now on credit.

jim says:

Like every other inflationary shock for the past few thousand years – Athens had an inflationary shock during the Peloponnesian war.

Inflationary shocks come and go – but rather often one inflationary shock is apt to be followed by another, and another, and another, followed by everyone using some other money, or everyone losing their property and using some other currency.

This inflationary shock will not end the US dollar, but its death has begun sooner than I expected.

The shock will be over soon enough and everyone will say, “Hey, normality has returned. It is totally normal to pay fifty dollars for a Big Mac.”

But they will likely have another shock coming.

Buy as much storable consumables as you can store. It is hording time.

jim says:

I have long been unhappy about the Bitcoin lightning network, but right now it is the probably the way to go, warts and all. I am doing further research on the matter before I do anything.

They are promising to do something about some of the things that make me unhappy, and have actually done things about some of the other things that made me unhappy.

I need to build from source code and take a deeper look at things before I go that path with any substantial amount of money. I don’t think I will move anything substantial onto the lightning network until certain promised fixes come through, and I am going to take a look at those fixes, but if it turns out that all goes well, then when I finally move onto the lightning network, it will be later than I should have moved.

Humble Acolyte says:

Could you discuss your issues with the LN in more detail? How would an attacker censor my payments / steal from me / dox me?

neofugue says:

Would you suggest pulling money out of index funds and into Bitcoin? I was counting on the US dollar holding for at least another year so I could collect my dividends, but if we are expecting a ten fold inflationary shock then cryptocurrency seems like a necessity.

jim says:

It is what I have been doing. In moderation. One should never bet the house. Maybe the government will successfully ban crypto currency once it becomes a big enough threat, though I doubt it. China’s crackdown seems, so far, more successful than I expected, though I conjecture a whole lot of people are now industriously hammering out the necessary tools to beat it.

And a ten fold inflationary shock, though a real possibility, was not really intended as a prediction, but rather to ridicule normality bias. I expect the shock to be disturbingly large, but probably not ten fold. MY intended point was that people are apt to continue to believe in normality in the face of contrary evidence. I don’t think the Big Mac will go to fifty dollars in this shock, though it could. I do think that if it did, and then shortages ended and prices stabilized, people would start expecting them to remain stable forever.

Mountain says:

What is the status of Ripple (XRP)?

jim says:

Last I heard, dead, but since you ask, I looked it up, and to my surprise it lives, as a closed source blockchain with a small and closed set of peers maintaining the consensus.

Is this a legitimate descendant of the old ripple, or did some evil parties steal the name and reputation of a corpse? I don’t know.

Varna says:

By the plan to save the Great Mother, shipping declines to zero after 2030, and airports close, and other evil patriarchic things like construction or basic travel also stop.

It is right now not easy to disentangle which elements of any current situation are “natural marker/social reactions”, and which are “step 35b” of some megalomaniac agenda.
I will say this. When globohomo tries to hide a specific cause to an effect that manifests in all sorts of ways, globohomo tries to provide a fake explanation for every manifestation, pretending they are all different events produced randomly by different causes, and not different faces of the same event produced by the same cause.
You have shortages in the UK–oh that’s just because of A
You have shortages in Europe–oh that’s just because of B
You have shortages in North America–oh that’s just because of C
You have shortages in Eurasia–oh that’s just because of D

And in every place every shortage is additionally presented as a separate manifestation with separate causation. Gas shortage? Because of A1. Meat shortage? Because of A2. Energy shortage? Because of A3. Staffing shortage? Because of A4. And so on.

Sometimes there are historical periods in which indeed a hundred events have a hundred different causes, but believe less and less we are in such a historical period. Rather it increasingly seems to me that we are in a period in which a dozen overlapping agendas have kicked in for real.

Jehu says:

Hey Jim, you or any of your readers have any insight into what basis people who evaluate religious exemption claims do so using?

Do they have a target for how many they are allowed to allow?
Do they have a scoring rubric like an old AP English Essay test? (I find that one really unlikely).
Is it just totally subjective?
Does the claimant’s manager have input? As in, if Joe is a very valuable employee, is his claim way more likely to be accepted?

Anyone have direct experience on this? Particularly if they’ve been on the deciding yes or no side.

Need it for school says:

Quasi-state actors often have internal rules requiring them to issue religious exemptions that are coherently argued. Sometimes there’s a constitutional basis. Whether the rules are followed is a different matter.

Jehu says:

Coherently argued just means adequately cribbed or coached. I suspect there’s more to it than that, probably some hardcore pressure if you grant too many.

Need it for school says:

In that case, what probably happens is that if the number of requests is above the accepted threshold, then all the requests get denied.

Jehu says:

Would be nice if anyone here had any decent intelligence on what those numbers are expected to be. Or what kind of sanctions a business could expect to get if it just accepted every exemption form that was properly filled out without question.

Tons of businesses right now have massive labor shortages. Fedex in Portland as I understand it is less than 2/3 of their required labor force, forcing them to do a lot of rerouting around that hub. Most hospitals are short pretty seriously tooo.

If a hospital decided to accept any/all exemptions, it’d be able to staff fully with no trouble, basically taking most of the refusers from everyone else. I’m presuming the regime has thought of that and has some sanctions ready, but maybe I’m presuming too much?

Need it for school says:

Thresholds are going to be higher the less medical the employer is in character. I doubt any e.g. nurses are getting given a religious exemption.

If you work in a normal job I wouldn’t worry about it until after a rejection has been received – I doubt there are many people with the foresight and gall to seek an exemption.

Nicodemus Rex says:

The insight that inflation causes shortages in items with sticky prices is obvious in hindsight, but I had never considered it. I’ve been noticing these strange and inexplicable shortages in my field for a while, but never realized why beyond general societal dysfunction.

It seems almost fraudulent now for any economist to discuss “sticky wages” without also considering this as an obvious dual.

The Ducking Man says:

It seems like God put spirit of madness into mankind. 2020 was somewhat normal minus the lockdown, 2021 was off-the-chart madness.

It feels like yesterday where my national oil company complained oil was too cheap so they shutdown refineries or my scrap iron buyer complained iron is too cheap.

I was expecting inflation storm when governments are printing money like mad, never knew it will come this early and this significant though.

I would not be surprised next year if some shit hit the fan like china declaring war, dollar collapse, US civil war, or vaxxine apocalypse in next flu season. Madness everywhere right now.

jim says:

Standard holiness spiral. The demons come out for a walk. Infinite leftism in finite time is not far off.

If not for the fact that it takes a while to build pyramids, I would not be hugely surprised to see them dragging the unvaccinated to the top of a pyramid surrounded by a cheering congregation, ripping the hearts out of the unvaccinated, and rolling the bodies down the pyramid steps to be eaten by the congregation. May well be coming soon, but if it happens, the ritual will be in a rock show venue with a rock event format instead of atop a pyramid, and the venue will be decorated with the symbols of holy official science, instead of demonic distortions of natural creatures and natural things. The priests will be wearing lab coats and stethoscopes.

The Ducking Man says:

I know it sound crazy, but I view holiness spiral as safety mechanism to prevent society advancing too much. Why?, biblically inclined answer would be that God learned from Tower of Babel.

When US won cold war, US seemed unstoppable. People were imagining US will conquer space and whatnot. Then leftism happened, feminism happened, afgan and vietnam happened. Now it’s not much of a stretch to say US has fallen.

Same story with europe and australia. My work mates who studied there always imagined EU and australia will become utopia. Then leftism and mass immigration happened. And look where they are right now.

If middle east get their shit together and not kill each other for once, life there will be perfect. Same thing with africans.

It’s seems like as soon as life gets comfortable, some holiness spiral need to happen to get society where they started.

Mike in Boston says:

Biblically inclined answer would be that our elites listened to the voice of the serpent, “Ye shall be as gods”. They decided they are gods, able to create corona-chan with EcoHealth Alliance funding; and then destroy it with masks and mRNA vaccines. On this hear 17thcenturyshyteposter:

If the plague is still ongoing even after we’ve attacked it with our most advanced scientific policies and technologies, then something has gone very wrong. It can’t be the policies or the vaccine itself—after all, these were made by the gods! And if the gods can’t stop a simple plague, they wouldn’t be gods. So we need another explanation.

Fortunately for the gods, it turns out we’ve got one ready: our lords’ efforts are being subverted and sabotaged by internal forces who are deliberately undermining our progress toward salvation. The Soviets called these people “wreckers.” We call them “deplorables.”

Within this frame, everything snaps into place. If the gods are trying to save us, but they’re being thwarted by a bunch of ignorant heretics who won’t even wear a damned mask, what are we justified in doing to stop the heretics? The answer is “anything.” They’re lucky if all we do to them is ban them from restaurants and fire them from their jobs. Their hands are stained with the blood of 650,000 dead Americans and counting. All of these deaths were preventable. We had the policies. All they had to do was follow them, but they couldn’t even do that. That we haven’t stained our hands with the blood of a single one of them is a sign of our great mercy.

“But our patience is wearing thin.”

notglowing says:

Reminds me of the idea of the “great filter” which seeks to explain why there are no visible alien civilizations, there is some kind of thing that ends them all before they reach the space age.

Considering how that is an idea peddled by futurists and adjacent groups, it would be pretty funny to say that leftism is the great filter.

Though not for inexistent alien civilizations, rather, human ones.

The Ducking Man says:

In case leftism not working anymore there were always “practically inconceivable” natural disaster happened.

Yul Bornhold says:

Vice News just ran a hit piece on Doug Wilson:

In the eyes of Vice, Doug Wilson’s church promotes evil patriarchy, insisting that wives submit to husbands which naturally leads to male teachers groping high school girls.

This reminds me of Dalrock’s criticism of Doug Wilson. I’ll quote at length:

“Here are some other examples where you may disagree with me and agree with Wilson:

You think it was right for Wilson to criticize men who listened to their pastor when their pastor told them they needed to keep mama happy, and you don’t think it was right for me to point out that Pastor Wilson teaches in his book Reforming Marriage that the way to tell if a husband obeys God is if mama is happy.

You don’t think it was inflammatory when Pastor Wilson titled his post “And Now A Brief Word to the Wife Beaters”, nor do you think it was inflammatory when he compared unhappy wives with abused slaves. But you think it was unfair when I quoted Wilson’s inflammatory comments on American slavery.

You agree with Wilson in his book How to Exasperate Your Wife that “The wife is to be the ruler or despot of the home.”

You agree with Wilson that in 1 Cor 7:10 when the Apostle Paul wrote “A wife must not separate from her husband” that this was merely friendly advice, and not pastoral instruction. Specifically, you agree with Wilson when he wrote: That is his apostolic counsel, but it is clear from the context that it is merely advice. If she sees that his generally good advice is not pertinent to her situation, she is left free to leave without being hassled about it by the apostle. So if he would leave you alone in this decision, then so should the elders of your church.

You agree with Wilson that when women sin sexually, it is because a man has somehow failed them causing them to crave security.

You agree with Wilson that if a Christian husband is not obeying the word, Christian wives need to follow the example not of Sarah, but Abigail, and “need to learn how to bring things to a head“.

You agree with Pastor Wilson when he writes regarding a wife denying sex to her husband: The most common way this happens in marriage is that a man does not treat his wife right, they start to quarrel and drift apart, and this naturally includes their sex life…””

It seems Wilson teaches “patriarchy” such that, from the outside, it should look as though the husband is supreme ruler but, in secret, he should beta grovel before his wife.

Back to the Vice article:

“…and “she said the same thing was going on in her marriage.” Marital rape, it seemed, was normal. So, Jean didn’t report it. Jean’s husband raped her over and again a couple of times a week for about a decade…”

Assuming this isn’t Haven Monahan level fantasy, what’s going on with Doug Wilson? It seems he’s running a cucked feminist patriarchy where the man has all the responsibility but none of the power yet his followers don’t treat domestic situations with the shrill hysteria of the cat lady. “Believe women!”

How to interpret this nest of contradictions?

alf says:
Aaron says:
alf says:

The easiest summary of the red pill is a willingness to hit a woman (with open hand ofcourse).

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:


Be sure to make your backups now before the inevitably poofing.

jim says:

httrack is your friend.

The internet never forgets

Atavistic Morality says:

Incredibly based.

I find it hilarious that the comments are mostly from women confessing to the satisfaction of having husbands that discipline them. Incredibly based.

The emasculated faggots paranoid and scared of “the law” could learn a thing or two from you. Incredibly based.

Anonymous Coward says:

Wait, can we talk about this a little more?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Wilson(‘s church) cloaks himself in clouds of squid ink to try and pass in blue-pilled society; which are exactly the sort of people the state preachers in their media pulpits will feel comfortable ‘exposing’; coverage of someone peddling high octane unleaded red-pill would not pass through their pages.

It also happens to still be more manly sounding in comparison to fully complete blue-pill cuckoldery of the ordinary churchian/less of a cavalcade of demoralization and pathologization of men, so laymen of the church will still likely feel more socially emboldened.

Astral Xenophobe says:

Dalrock did a fair amount of lying about Wilson.

I didn’t pick up on this for a while – not until after one of Dalrock’s pieces on Wilson when I decided to go read the source for teh lulz. What I found was that what Wilson was saying in plain English was essentially the opposite of what Dalrock was characterizing him as saying.

I saw several more cases of Dalrock doing that subsequently, about Wilson and on other topics, and stopped trusting him. There were a few occasions when people in Dalrock’s comment threads would raise the issue – “hey, this doesn’t say what you claim it said” – but Dalrock never responded to those and the rest of the commentariat seemed to take no notice. I don’t know how often Dalrock did such things, and certainly Dalrock did have a lot of very insightful things to say about women and the church for a while, and I don’t know what led him into starting to shade the truth. I just know that I saw enough concrete examples of this – Dalrock criticizes somebody for saying X, I go and read the source material and find they are saying not-X – that I’d have to check every single source piece every time before being confident that any given Dalrock criticism was accurate and in good faith. I decided I had neither the time nor the interest to put that much effort into verifying “some guy on the internet”.

It’s fairly likely Wilson is a bit of a squish and trying to avoid hard truths. It’s entirely possible in the case of your quotes, Dalrock was telling the truth. But I can guarantee you there were cases when he didn’t.

jim says:

> Wilson is a bit of a squish and trying to avoid hard truths. It’s entirely possible in the case of your quotes, Dalrock was telling the truth. But I can guarantee you there were cases when he didn’t.

Give me an example with links.

Because one is immersed in lies, sometimes one hears a purple piller dancing around the truth, and is impressed by his truthfulness, when he is not in fact truthful, merely dancing near it.

I suspect my take on Wilson would be similar to Dalrock’s and different from your own, for many times someone has perceived some evil lying scumbag who is totally a tool of our enemies as speaking the truth, and I check him out, and find he is dancing close to the truth, in order to feed his listeners lies instead of truth.

Show me Dalrock lying about Wilson.

Sometimes our enemies dance near the truth in order to get us to swallow a payload of lies.

Leon says:

Whatever happened to the WASPS? Do they even exist anymore?

Varna says:

The “old stock badwhites” who have to take the fall when the times comes, are already old fart Irish and Italian (Cuomo, Biden, Fauci etc).

The only Germanic of note, with a Slavic fetish, to pop up recently, was Trump.

Perhaps one should imagine the initial demographic changes to the white composition–WASPs, followed by Germanics, followed by Celts, Italians, and Jews, followed by Latinos, followed by Slavs, Arabs, Albanians, Hindus, and put it in reverse.

The “soft genocide” system has already mostly burned through the WASP and Germanic layers, has almost done burning through the Italian and Irish layers, and is starting to burn through the Hispanic layer of badwhites. As it goes deeper into burning through Hispanics, lighter skinned Turks, Pakistanis, and Algerians will also turn out to be colonialist racists with plantation-owning ancestors.

Unless a super granular demographic analysis is performed, we can only speculate where and to what extent are there dormant pools of WASPs and Germanics left, doing their thing under the radar, and what shrinking percentage of the population do their represent.

ExileStyle says:

They seem, by and large, to still be hanging out up in New England, preaching their same brand of constantly updated and ever more self-destructive universalism from their lily-white liberal enclaves, agitating for another Civil War because they have no actual idea what it’s like not to live in Vermont, Massachusetts, or Maine, where homogeneity is not the rule.

I have speculated about the difference between WASP ethnicity and WASP regional power. Not that long ago, Boston and Harvard had an outsized influence on public life. Who the hell ever hears from New England anymore, though, except for their grumpy old Vermont Jew and his Okie Pocahontas lackey? Everything is concentrated in mongrel immigrant cities now: New York, DC, SF, LA. There must be some sheer regional discontent about this, but I don’t know.

jim says:

> Who the hell ever hears from New England anymore?

Everyone all the time non stop, every news story, every television show.

Around the world we see a multitude of nations governed by people of that nation’s race, and theoretically of that nation’s nationality, who just happened to have spent most of their formative years, and much of their adult lives, in New England within a remarkably short distance of Harvard, and frequently went directly from the vicinity of Harvard, to the vicinity of the presidential palace in the target nation.

New England is not white anglo saxon protestant – that being a deliberately over inclusive term. New England hates White Anglo Epicopalians, wants to eradicate them all, and has done so, white Anglo Episcopalians being the first victims of the faith of Harvard, and their first great race replacement project.

The term was was coined by New Englanders seeking to eradicate Episcopalians, while saying “Hail fellow Wasp, we are guilty of no end of crimes”, much like Judeo Christians saying “Hail fellow Christian” and Jews saying “Hail fellow white male”. Remarkable how the noisiest Judeo Christians seem to be culturaly and racially Jewish and explain that Christ, rightly understood, preached a Christianity that sounds remarkably Judaic, treating the four hundred years of dominant Greek and Roman culture that in which Christ was immersed, Saint Paul even more thoroughly immersed, and the Church fathers were completely a product of, as a vile impurity.

Post temple Judaism was a reconstruction of pre Greek Judaism, as fake as modern paganism, and to this day they reject Greco-Roman civilization, while Christianity was a synthesis, most strongly expressed in the Gospel of John, which identifies the Jewish Messiah as the Greek Logos made flesh.

ExileStyle says:

This is why I come here. Thank you. I was thinking lazily.

I wonder, with your focus on the late 17th century, if you have thought about the Massachusetts Bay–Plymouth Plantation, i.e. Puritan–Pilgrim, i.e. Reform vs. Separation dynamic in the early colonies. Because of their merger into a unified Massachusetts in the 1690s, it is often forgotten that they had very different views of their ecclesial projects and their relationship to the Crown. Their theologies might be hard to discern today but, as readers of this blog, we know that the question of the King is more central to religion than most like, or know, to think. My understanding is that the Mass. Bay Colony conceived of itself as a reestablishment of a purified Church of England (hence New England) in the New World, while the Plymouth colonists were separatists who intended to found their own nation. Is this a still-existent thread of conflict within the Cathedral? Or were they simply two variations of the same holiness spiral?

Harvard was of course a Puritan, Massachusetts Bay project. But Massachusetts Bay readily expelled crazy women heretics like Anne Hutchinson and convicted leftists like Roger Williams, which cannot be said of all the colonies, and speaks to their credit, at least at first. And by all accounts their family structures and public morals were more traditional and patriarchal than in England at the time. Did things begin to spiral that early? I have often casually (and again, maybe lazily) thought that the Holiness Macro-Spiral in the United States really kicked into gear in the 1850s, when Emerson and his ilk defected from the Eucharist and Trinity, or when Hawthorne began moodily dragging his family’s and nation’s reputation through the mud as Wicked Sour Witch-Burning Puritans rather than pious patriarchs who crossed half a world to flee European decadence. Or maybe this is all directly related to the Cromwell phenomenon.

Way too vast and diffuse of a question, I know, but I do wonder if there were Massachusetts-, i.e. Harvard-specific moments when this could have been prevented or when it began.

jim says:

Things go bad when you get struggles for power by religious factions within the ruling religion. The religion gets reforged into a political weapon, a weapon with which to defect upon your fellow priests of your own religion. The Puritans in England went downhill fast. The Puritans who had fled England earlier had nothing very wrong with them and their belief system was quite stable. Then they got an infusion of the people that King Charles purged, and I conjecture that between the time their settlement began to prosper and the restoration they got the people Cromwell purged. Those guys had something very wrong with them.

notglowing says:

Very few normal people would think of Massachusetts as the center of the world, even among redpilled people.

It reminds me of the Second Foundation in the Foundation series, which was hidden in plain sight in the center of the galaxy, and exerted its influence on the decaying empire in a deceitful way.

Asimov’s own philosophy was probably not so far from Harvard’s

The Cominator says:

I’m from there, some of the people there certainly think they are the center of the world I would not say most of them… also Plymouth and Cape Cod the places settled by the Independent pilgrims (Cromwell’s sect) rather than the control freak Presbyterians are okay the whole “vibe” is different.

Still it was okay to be an open shitlord in most of the state until late 2015 or so… than the demon worshipping got really zealous (and I acquired a fanatical hatred of these people… because I saw a lot of people who should know better, who used to know better, become NPCs before my eyes).

Orangecat rides again says:

I think you live in India, which would explain your ignorance of American ethnography (though not your confidence in your interpretation).

WASP stands for Wealthy Anglo-Saxon Protestant. There was never a wave of “WASP” immigration to the United States because there was never a wave of wealthy immigration to the United States. The idea of a WASP decline is largely a fiction; Jews promote the idea because it is very useful for them as an ethnic cohort. Ron Unz will tell you how. The WASP class, which has remained roughly constant in number while the population of the US has grown, remains in many influential positions. I don’t think anybody is asking Bill DeBlasio or Hillary Clinton to “take the fall” as “‘old stock badwhites'” (both of these figures are WASPs, off the cuff. You should really have known that before commenting). These people are far from dormant; they are liberals.

As far as German-Americans go, every white person in the United States without an obviously ethnic name is a German. There are a lot of them in positions of power. No “super granular analysis” is needed. All that is necessary is to have the slightest familiarity with the United States outside of blog.jim and mainstream news items about DC and New York.

Indian commenters are a plague on Jim’s blog.

P.S. Your attempt to surreptitiously identify “Hindus” as the most recent wave of white immigration to the States would be funny if it weren’t so sad.

ExileStyle says:

The W in WASP refers to White, not Wealthy. Looks like a man named Andrew Hacker introduced the “Wealthy” part in the 50s – and need we even guess what his background was?

Also, I think plenty of Scots-Irish have less obviously identifiable names. And these are the people who now identify as “American” in the census, which I admire.

I find the Hindus fine. They are immediately identifiable as such, and subscribe to one of the few remaining unabashedly ethnic religions left in the world. But they are so hilariously not white as to make his sly inclusion in his list not even worthy of comment. I mean, Arabs and Afghanis and Chinese and even Amazonian Heart Eaters are whiter than virtually all Indians except a few leftover Indo-European aryan brahmins far up in the north.

Orangecat rides again says:

Why would anyone specify that an Anglo-Saxon is white?

Re: Chrysostom below, I already passed the shill test as orangecat and Unz is correct on the specific issue I cited. There is no reasonable interpretation of what I wrote as a “blanket recommendation”.

I do have egg on my face for assuming Varna is indian, but in my defense Varna is a Sanskrit word of some ritual significance.

Orangecat rides again says:

Also, the population of scots-irish Americans is extremely small. People use the term to describe those living in a scots-irish related folkway due to Albion’s Seed, which belies the actual demographic presence of this ethnic group. Back in Europe, scots-irish were usually a large minority in a small and non-verdant region. Even if their entire population had relocated they would still not be well-represented in the states.

Most people you meet and think of as scots-irish are probably ethnic Irish. This is another fact of American demographics, though it sure can be fun to pretend you are a border reaver.

Orangecat rides again says:

More to Chris:

By definition mestizos are not white. Most Albanians I have met living in the states pass all reasonable tests (I have never met an Albanian Muslim living here). Some Arabs pass the tests as well (pale skin tone, Christianity, and participation in regular society qualify these people as at least as white as Italians in my estimation. Many had families that arrived in the late 19th).

However, nowhere in my original post did I say anything about how the rest of Varna’s list is accurate. In fact, I accused Varna of speaking confidently on a topic of which he was ignorant. In the future I would appreciate if you responded to my actual post rather than what you imagine I post.

Arqiduka says:

You would be hard pressed to find any phenotypical difference between Albanians of different religious persuasions. That being said, how’s Boston these days?

Orangecat rides again says:

I’d imagine Boston is as cold and Irish as it ever was. I’ve never been there. I’m not Mike from Boston (another pink avatar). The Albianians paren is just an oddity.

Arqiduka says:

Hazarded a guess there

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

I also thought he might be Indian from the name, but it becomes immediately obvious where he’s posting from if you took the time to read the posts in even a single article, rather than just popping in to broadcast static whenever your handler gives you an assignment here.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Are arabs, albanians, and mestizos white too? It was obviously a list of declension from ‘more europoid’ to ‘less europoid’. Incidentally, Varna is someone living in or has lived in eastern europe.

Ron Unz is purple pill, and only someone intending to muddy the waters would give a blanket recommendation with him; which you do seem to intend.

Varna says:

Brushing up on my Russian over the last couple of years brought frankly unexpected benefits.

Firstly, I now have access to twice the info on many issues, frequently through a different but convincing viewpoint.

Secondly, I now have access to six gorillion more cultural and pop-cultural products, since the Russians constantly translate stuff from all European languages and many Asian ones, like 90% more than what gets translated into English.

French, Polish, Hungarian, Serbian, Norwegian, Italian, Finnish, Chinese, Korean etc. Once the knowledge of Russian goes beyond a certain point, it becomes a portal to a very high-definition additional map of reality, and also serves almost as the equivalent to learning a hundred “minor” and “exotic” languages, because of their robust translation industry.

Through the Russian language, if applied in certain ways, you get access to continental Europe, culture and info-wise, but also to China, Mongolia, North Korea, Iran, etc. As if gradually the missing half of the world starts coming into focus.

You also start seeing how a lot of the “bad” of contemporary Russia and EE is mostly globohomo propaganda, but on the hand you discover layers of actual bullshit over there, which otherwise only the locals know of.

Oog en Hand says:

If you know Russian, and, I assume, Bulgarian (Varna), look into Old Church Slavonic/Old Bulgarian. It will help you to learn Latin, Greek,and Sanskrit.

Varna says:

Thanks for the tip!

My next language is probably going to be either an East Asian one or a Turkic one, but I’m putting that on hold for at least a year, maybe two. Other things demanding my focus.

I’m inside a rapidly closing window of free time, which will expire within a month or earlier, and after that I’ll have to give my full attention to all sorts of other stuff.

Until then I’ll just chill and be a guest in Jim’s place from time to time, to enjoy the hospitality and smart company. After the free time is over I’m out as well, at least until the next chill period.

Arqiduka says:

Boy or girl?

Oog en Hand says:

Try Hungarian.Same culture as Slavic Europe, but the grammar resembles the non-Slavic language s of fomer USSR.

Kunning Drueger says:

Congratulations. Be wary of the advice of the spouseless and childless. Everyone has something to say, and very few have anything to give.

Varna says:

Thanks to everyone:)

Kunning Drueger says:


Just something I learned about being a new father; make no plans for the first few months. You won’t sleep well and there are always complications, so just stay loose and think thrice, speak once. Mom is going to overthink everything, and that’s fine. She’ll need a rock to stand on, not a partner or friend. She very likely will speak and act as if she wants advice, or is looking for input, but in reality she’s just thinking out loud. Give commands, set boundaries, but I encourage you to resist the temptation to advise. Evolution has given her everything she needs to be Mom. If you can, shield her from progressive pozz bullshit. After baby has started to be less of a blob and starts to teeth and wiggle, make sure you allot time for yourself and your pursuits. Definitely be available and be helpful, but don’t get sucked into mothering. That’s her job. It’s your job to be the man; protector, provider, and leader.

Don’t take my word for it. This is just the advice I would give myself if I went back in time. Enjoy it, brother. Society is completely wrong; dadding fucking rocks.

Aryaman says:

It is true ‘Varna’ is the Sanskrit word for colour or caste and I thought he may be Hindu as well until I saw him commenting in great detail on Russia and sharing Cyrillic screeds.

I comment under this name not quite because I am a chauvinist about Aryan India (such as it is or was…), but because it is what I am and it would feel a little fraudulent to engage in debate in a forum where these things are relevant without at least suggesting who or what I am. And because India recurs as a topic (maybe too much, maybe too off topic) I am inclined to share my thoughts, but there is no secret racial element or animus to my thinking, and if we were exchanging commentary on current events you could hardly tell what I am.

Because it’s what I was born into, because it’s what I somehow feel compelled to believe, will probably always be Hindu. Yet,
A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
And in that regard, maybe because English is my language, maybe because America is my home, I am drawn to the image, words, and sacraments of the Anglican tradition, in somewhat the same way I have been drawn to the spirit and aesthetic of Tolkien’s warriors and kings since I was a kid.

I suppose it is a dual loyalty, but not really a conflicting one. It is odd: the false altruism of liberals for far over near is rightly chastised. And yet I find myself invested in the victory of a people I am not at all around (for I am in a city) and to whom I am, or at least ought to be, an outsider.

Varna says:
The Ducking Man says:

Can someone explain why US – China trade war is still a thing?

When Biden got elected, I assume because he is known sellout to CCP the trade war will quickly subsided. But not only the tension not easing but it keeps rising past few months.

I ‘m not wrong, I’m completely wrong.

It seems like CCP is backed in every corner past few months.
Belt and Road initiative -> close to failing
Evergrande -> failing (likely no bailout from CCP)
manufacturing industry -> most likely fail next few year
trust from PLA -> big indicator this is also failing
Semiconductor industry -> already failing

Personally I couldn’t care less about Xi and his cronies. But we all know what someone will do once they are backed into corner. It’s not gonna be pretty and I live not so far away from them.

jim says:

The failure of Evergrande seems entirely wise, intended, and appropriate. Xi intends to deflate the property bubble.

Semiconductors are not failing, but they are certainly lagging. However I am increasingly seeing people sourcing high end arm chips from China. China is already in a position to build decent desktops that are Chinese from end to end, though their current Chinese from end to end desktops are crap, and overpriced to boot because everyone in the state and quasi state apparatus is forced to buy them rather than more useful desktops. But it is obvious that fully capable fully Chinese desktop computers are coming soon. Though fully Chinese fully capable desktops will take a while to become reasonably priced.

China has forked ARM.

China licensed from ARM, then formed a joint venture with ARM, then hijacked the joint venture, once it felt it no longer needed to keep buying the latest ARM intellectual property. Licensing was a fully subordinate relationship, the joint venture was cooperation between unequal parties, and now ARM China is a fully independent and competing technology, based on the old ARM technology, but advancing it separately, independently, and in its own direction. China accepted a fully subordinate relationship to get connected, and then defected on subordination when strong enough.

Belt and Road Initiative is doing fine. Noise to the contrary is globohomo propaganda. But nations that buy into the belt and road are discovering that China is apt to flex its muscles.

The PLA is not doing fine. Xi is trying to renew zeal by heading left and restoring socialism, but like Stalin, he will discover that leftism is dead and he is trying to animate a zombie state religion. Once you stop knocking over new applecarts, leftism dies.

Xi has to do a new state religion, and if he fails to do so, a new state religion will eventually arise through crisis and collapse.

Manufacturing industry is in big trouble due to holiness spiraling on Covid and Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming, which indicates lack of intellectual sovereignty, which is what happens when you have a zombie state religion.

Fred says:

What are the likely contenders for a new state ideology in China? The underground-church types are the obvious ones here, do they have enough asabiyya to pull this off? The Christians in China are getting toward a point of critical mass in terms of numbers, but if they don’t have asabiyya they can’t coordinate and hence can’t capture anything.

And is China really getting cucked by AGW? I always assumed they just cynically pretended to go along with it to sell solar panels etc and to let the west weaken itself.

Pooch says:

And is China really getting cucked by AGW? I always assumed they just cynically pretended to go along with it to sell solar panels etc and to let the west weaken itself.

And same with covid. I just assumed they continue to pretend it’s an issue for the same reason.

jim says:

> And is China really getting cucked by AGW? I always assumed they just cynically pretended to go along with it to sell solar panels etc and to let the west weaken itself.

Something of both. Plenty of obvious cynicism, but also a worsening shortage of intellectual sovereignty. The state religion, Maoism, is hollow, empty, and dead, and so entryists come in.

Varna says:

“Underground churches” and “Christians in China” are two different things, which get conflated by globohomo propaganda. It takes some effort to constantly remember that almost everything is a lie or a misdirection one way or another but that’s the way the fortune cookie crumbles.

“Christians in China” are mostly recent converts, young urban protestants, and China has more protestants in the world than anyone except the USA. And not because they hide and breed in catacombs while hunted by cackling commissars. To the contrary. They are the city professional class who make good money, go to holidays, buy property, pay taxes, have kids, put them through school and so on and so forth.

But if we compare “vaguely protestant due to inherited culture” with “fervently Christian due to being a recent convert”, then China already has more authentic Christians than any other country in the world.

Authenticity aside, the sheer numbers should overtake America within years–some place 2030 as the watershed.

Again, it’s not some incredible war below the surface with hundreds of millions of starving believers hiding in mountain strongholds. Chinese Christians give unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and everything is fine. Just like 99% of the fags give unto Caesar what is Caesar’s instead of making scenes. Which is why even as the “war for restoring masculinity” rages, the fags are not only left alone in a don’t ask don’t tell system, but they have completely legal dating apps such as Bluecity, which is trading on the NY exchange, and use completely legal sex toys of every shape, size, and function ordered from Alibaba. (Porn is illegal. Being a fisting queen is whatever. On the daily level the system right now is a paternalistic version of the Reaganist compromise)

When globohomo promotes the “plight of Christians in China” they mean not protestants, catholics, or orthodox Christians who are in a normal symbiosis with the state (again, China is just behind America in sheer number of protestants and has been for a decade), but it is rather a case of “illegal sects”. Many if not most countries in the world divide religions into “legal” and “illegal”. For example in Russia the various Watchtowers and Witnesses are illegal, but no one would claim that “Christians are oppressed in Russia”.

So when some asset uses an apartment as a meeting point to try and generate a following for a cult explicitly illegal in China, he gets a visit from the cops. Whereas if mainstream Christians do their thing no one lifts an eyebrow.

I myself though do not see contemporary evangelism making inroads into China as harmless in the long run, unless the state makes sure it’s completely separate from its globohomo handlers.

jim says:

Given that the existing Chinese state religion is dying or a zombie, the alternatives are reviving Confucianism, which is a good fit for the existing regime, since it is absolutely obvious that they legitimately possess the mandate of heaven, or Christianity, which is likely to involve a collapse phase similar to the Soviet Union.

If I was in Xi’s shoes, would go Confucianism, and converge Chinese Christianity to Confucianism, and Confucianism to Chinese Christianity. If Christianity is fine with Divine Right monarchs, Mandate of Heaven should go down smoothly.

The Ducking Man says:

With the amount natural disaster in china and how badly CCP handled it. Xi claiming to posses divine right and smoothly transition to Confucianism would be the greatest power play in history ever.

notglowing says:

But how could it possibly happen? I mean it is literally the Communist Party. They are so deep in it, I would expect Xi to be eliminated if he really just reversed course like that.

I don’t see how you could do it smoothly.

Frankly says:

You don’t come out and say, “We confuscian and shieeeet muh niggas.” Confuscianism is more than just a name, it’s an entire set of beliefs and practices. So you introduce these beliefs and practices. You do it slowly, like when Coke changes its brand, so no one even notices the change. You don’t have to label them, you can keep pretending to be commie for a long while during the transition. Might be nice to exorcise the old stinking corpses of revolutionaries, but that is for well after the population adapts to the new normal.

Varna says:

Even Russia just imported a bunch of Taiwanese professionals with their families in tow, to try and drag Russia’s semiconductor industry into current year.

One is reminded of post WWII Russia and America scrambling for German scientists, only now the scramble is centered on Taiwan, kek.

Highly doubtful that China is falling behind.

Dave says:

Highly doubtful that China is falling behind.

China’s having days-long power outages across most of the country, including Dongguan, its computer-manufacturing hub. This is a government failure on par with Venezuela. People in the northern provinces are going to start freezing to death if the problem isn’t fixed soon. Was Russia ever in such a sorry state?

China needs to purge all party members who believe in global warming, execute all Bitcoin miners, and burn unlimited coal until it can transition to thorium.

Alfred says:

Sounds like Cohesion is failing in China as well. No wonder Xi is trying to resurrect Mao’s rotting corpse.

The Cominator says:

This is obviously BECAUSE Xi has been fucking with the market and trying to bring back some light form of communism.

Varna says:

>People in the northern provinces are going to start freezing to death if the problem isn’t fixed soon. Was Russia ever in such a sorry state?

Everyone was in such a sorry state in the late 1980s and early 1990s. All of the USSR and all of Eastern Europe. From the Baltic in the North to the Balkans and the Caucasus in the South, and from Warsaw in the West to Vladivostok in the East.

Shortages of everything, endless lines, corruption, incompetence, regular blackouts, heating problems, water problems, lack of painkillers, antibiotics, what have you. Industrial accidents all across as systemic entropy accumulated. Nightmarish peaks of industrial pollution produced by factories whose official product lines were shit no one wanted.

This is also the period which helped encourage monstrous levels of hubris in the West. They saw this all as “definitive proof” that eastern whites were defective halflings all along, while they were shining elves all along who can do no wrong.

What Venezuela, Zimbabwe, South Africa and such have is a situation which lasted between half a decade and a decade across the former Soviet empire, but which–apparently, as we see–is not inherently a short term transition and can instead stabilize in a bullshit equilibrium for years and decades on end.

The first hints of the start of this transition happened in placed like California and Texas last year with various power outages.

This winter it will roll across the European continent, England and Germany included, a lot of signs point that way. In fast it is starting already.

But while the Soviet world the painful transition period was a transition from a Brezhnevist to a quasi-Reaganist civilization (or to Asiatic autocracies in some places), in the West today the same transition is going into the reverse–from Western Democracy to Cyberpunk Brezhnevism.

I keep telling people that the lightning fast collapse of the Soviet system was half natural entropy processes and half subversion and psyops, and that for some players this was the blueprint which, in a modified version, is being applied today to the other side of the former Cold War. And thus that studying how exactly the combination of spontaneous entropy and directed subversion took down the Soviets can provide crucial insight into what is happening right now in the West.

But the feel-good myth about “us smart elves versus them defective halflings” is still very strong among a whole lot of people. To them there’s nothing to learn from the collapse of the Soviets except “hur hur communism bad”.

Perhaps at a later point some comparative analysis can be made between the processes that first took down Player 1, and then 30 years later Player 2 from the original Cold War. I’m certain that in certain spheres the similarities will turn out to be quite striking.

About the Chinks. For now the government failure is not on par with Venezuela, but only on par with California and Texas. We’ll have to wait and see which way it’ll go.

A2 says:

What Venezuela, Zimbabwe, South Africa and such have is a situation which lasted between half a decade and a decade across the former Soviet empire, but which–apparently, as we see–is not inherently a short term transition and can instead stabilize in a bullshit equilibrium for years and decades on end.

Zimbabwe and South Africa are reverting back to the bush, in accordance with their human capital and thus post-colonial destiny.

Venezuela is declining too, more severely than I expected, but will presumably settle on a somewhat higher level. Could be averted and reversed, at least to some extent, if their ruling class makes a come back.

jim says:

Xi’s attempt to revive the zombie corpse of Maoism is resulting in Brezhnevism – and the same results are ensuing. People are freezing in the dark.

What we have here in the west is not Brezhnevism -but we are getting somewhat similar results because the deep state is Brezhnevist, while finding itself presiding over an uncontrollably and dangerously live faith.

If Xi stubbornly persists in this corpse and this course of action, the party will eventually lose power to a live faith, possibly Christianity, possibly the poz. But I think the party can survive longer than the poz can.

Varna says:

> What we have here in the west is not Brezhnevism -but we are getting somewhat similar results because the deep state is Brezhnevist

Very well said, Jim. Yes, a serious institutional Brezhnevist presence in a thus for non-Brezhnevist society.

Mister Grumpus says:

“China’s having days-long power outages across most of the country, including Dongguan, its computer-manufacturing hub.”

I’m honestly shocked by this. How could this be?

Jim says Climate Change is making inroads due to China losing its “intellectual sovereignty” to the Live Faith of the Gaia Demon, which is an excellent concept by the way. This shocks me as well, because I (naively? cynically?) assumed that all of China was in on the Climate Change joke, rubbing their hands together like it’s a “Learned Elders of Peking” kind of thing.

But what else could it be? How many of the Chinese elite have been through and come back from Cathedral University by now?

Australian coal ships not showing up with the goods?


jim says:

China’s power crisis is caused by:

• Gaea worship, reflecting loss of memetic sovereignty due to a zombie state religion (the mummified corpse of Maoism).

• Sticky prices in internationally traded coal, which tends to be traded in long term US$ denominated contracts, resulting in world wide shortage of coal and world wide depletion of coal stocks in coal importing countries.

• A foolish trade war with Australia, which holds an impossibly strong upper hand due to the world wide shortage of resources traded internationally in dollar denominated long term contracts.

The longer China takes to amicably settle its trade war with Australia, the higher scalper prices and spot traded prices in resources are going to be, and the worse the deal it is going to be eventually forced to make. It is is currently delaying settling the trade war out of foolish pride, excessive arrogance, and because, due to normality bias, it expects the current spot and scalper prices to return to normal.

Pay scalper prices now. They will be worse tomorrow. The party needs to send someone of high rank to kiss the asses of Australian miners and eat humble pie.

Mister Grumpus says:

“Sticky prices in internationally traded coal, which tends to be traded in long term US$ denominated contracts, resulting in world wide shortage of coal and world wide depletion of coal stocks in coal importing countries.”

OK that makes sense. Thank you.

But still, I’d assume that the Chinese coal buyers could just call up the Australians and raise their price, just to make sure the coal shows up next quarter. It sure beats running out.

Is that an obscurely horrible idea for reasons I don’t yet fathom?

Mister Grumpus says:

More naivete from me:

I still don’t understand why the Big Boys can’t do deals in “market basket” currencies, each unit including A dollars, B yuan, C euros, D BTC, and whatever, to try to de-risk these big money long term contracts.

Surely the lawyers and HSBC people could dial this up in a heartbeat if they were allowed to.

Is this a SWIFT thing? A “don’t be like Saddam” Hellfire missile avoidance thing?

jim says:

A market basket deal is exposed to regulatory hazard from every central bank in the deal.

Would have been better off to do the deals in renminbi, but the miners did not want to be exposed to regulatory risk from China, and, due to normalcy bias, had more confidence in the stability of the dollar than the stability of the yuan.

It is just hard to do business under a financial system in the pocket of untrusted and untrustworthy people.

The Original OC says:

If China is an enemy, it can only be a racial enemy, but globohomo is not a racial state. Globohomo is more hostile to Aryans than China.

Globohomo is forced to attack Aryans because of Trump, and is forced to attack China because it is rapidly becoming the most powerful country in the world, and it is dimly aware that only its Aryan population is capable of defeating other serious powers, maybe any other powers.

If China becomes more powerful than the United States, the United States will be forced to arm the auxiliaries. If the United States armed the auxiliaries, the auxiliaries will rediscover their balls, and some of them will rediscover their faith.

Fear not the Chinaman.

The Ducking Man says:

Ah yes, finally some explanation.

I didn’t account that US is Globohomo, and it seems like they succeed keeping china in check?

The Original OC says:

Globohomo’s accusation of aggression to China is that China exists inside its own borders and makes legal claims on territories that globohomo itself legally recognizes China as owning (Hong Kong, Taiwan).

People who talk about China by saying “CCP” over and over again know that China is not communist, and are not anti-communists. They are pro-communists who think they can activate residual Cold Warrior programming to get Red State Whites to fight for America’s globohomo government that hates them. Actual anti-communists know enough about communism to not hate China for supposedly being communist. Overuse of “CCP” is marker of a shill.

jim says:

The conflict is indeed being driven by Globohomo, but Xi’s attempt to revive the disastrous faith of his youth worries me.

I am worried that they take over TSM, and TSM then fails the way NASA failed.

If ARM China succeeds, not so worried.

The Cominator says:

Also its way better than even money that he deliberately planned the covid thing in part to help the Democrats with the election…

Xi is the 21st’s centuries Woodrow Wilson… a freak who lucked into power and unleashed a worldwide scourge of leftism ruining his own country and the rest of the world. If I were king and we had an actual competent intelligence service (and not a globohomo propaganda arm) my 1st order to them would be that Xi needs to have an “accident”.

Pooch says:

Covid was not planned, but it is still troublesome that Xi allowed Fauci to run his gain of function experiments within his country.

Alfed says:

>Covid was not planned

And yet the Chinese faked a bunch of people dying in the streets from it for our consumption. That statement doesn’t jive.

Pooch says:

At that time, the Democrats were saying it’s no big deal and to say so was racist.

The Cominator says:

So they could do an about face and freak everyone out and fool right wingers… which most of them… not me but most of them… fell for.

Dave says:

which most of them… not me but most of them… fell for.

We mistook China for a bugman technocracy unconcerned with human life and only pretending to care about global warming so they could sell us solar panels and windmills. We trusted China to produce electronics for the same reason we trusted Guatemala to produce bananas. What else could they do, lie back and rely on UNICEF to feed them?

Then a disease came along that specifically targeted old people for elimination, and the old men running China totally freaked out.

Alfred says:

At that time, the Democrats were saying it’s no big deal and to say so was racist.

There’s 2 ways to look at it: The Dems and China were trying to spread COVID far and wide as their meal ticket to rig the election and remove Trump. Or the Dems were caught by surprised by COVID and it used it to their advantage.

I think China and Dems worked up COVID and the rigging together to remove Trump. Without it all this mail in voting fraud enable would have been far too much for people to believe Biden won. But I have no evidence.

The Cominator says:

“I think China and Dems worked up COVID and the rigging together to remove Trump.”

It was never more than a bad flu and China used propaganda to portray it to the rest of the world as if not the black death at least the 1918 flu. But then in sealing off Wuhan they allowed people to fly out of it to foreign countries…

And the dems/cathedral handled the propaganda masterfully for once (at least since they’ve gotten really bad at since 2012 or so) by treating it as nothing (close to the truth) than about facing…

The Democrats aren’t smart enough to do that kind of thing on their own anymore (Democrats homegrown propaganda in the Trump area was to repeat Russia 1000x a day and other retarded narratives)… obviously the Chinese gave them the plan. Since at least it seems every West Coast democrat of importance has a Chinese spy on staff its obvious how this could have been given to the Democratic leadership.

So even if Covid was unplanned within the Cathedral or China the “pandemic” was planned by China.

alf says:

the Chinese faked a bunch of people dying in the streets from it for our consumption

I missed this part. How do we know this?

Fred says:

I missed this part. How do we know this?

You missed the “people dropping dead in the streets” videos?

Starman says:


”I missed this part. How do we know this?”

Seriously, you missed the staged Chinese videos at the beginning of this hoax pandemic?

The fun part is where a man supposedly falling dead on the street breaks his fall with his hands to avoid landing on his face.

Kunning Drueger says:

Staged videos + Styx + a few bulk ammo buyers got me to take the Covvhoax pill. Seeing it first hand cured me of my fear. I can’t figure out if “logistics bro” was ordered to sew panic, fell for the panic, or had wise friends who knew the panic was manufactured, but the resulting chaos would last quite a bit longer.

The DNC + Chinese overseas intel + deep state conspiring to unseat Trump with a homebrew flu grows more believable everyday because it just keeps snowballing into an ever more destructive shitshow, just like feminism and black rights

Varna says:

I’m only about 60% confident that the people dropping on the street thing was “made in China”.

I remember too well when the 2014 Ukrainian events erupted, how globohomo media would constantly “prove” how the Russian army is inside the Ukraine, due to “intercepted Russian military talk” and “pictures of Russian tanks” and similar mindboggling stuff.

However, you do not only have Russian-speakers with Soviet military-tech in Russia and the Ukraine, you’ve got those everywhere from Moldova to Kazakhstan, so in theory you could go there and film all sorts of proof of this and that. Not that anyone did, but it pays to remember the scope of the Russosphere and post-Soviet boundaries.

Likewise, Chinks being Chinks does not only happen in mainland China. It happens in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, parts of Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and a million “Chinatowns” scattered across all continents including Africa.

With shaky phone cams showing narrow angles and muted sounds, you could produce these clips anywhere.

If China is an ally of globohomo and a major player of the Great Reset and actively participated in the COVID-19 thing, then yes, these phone vids were likely made in China.

If the reality is messier and China going along with the COVID-19 thing is more to do with civilizational cargo-cultism combined with East Asian neuroticism and commie incompetence, then anything is on the table, and the phone vids could very well be be psyops filmed in a Chinatown anywhere from Sudan to Vancouver.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The old leftist faction has been trotting out The Lightbringer to say that ‘we are a nation-state’ and ‘open borders are unsustainable’ recently. Billions left literally shaking at every syllable of these microgenocides.

They’re desperately trying to stuff the genie(s) back in the bottle with unprincipled exceptions so they can ride the tiger a few more years.

Kunning Drueger says:

Genuinely curious: what is the utility of speaking in opaque riddles? No offense intended.

jim says:

Pseudo-Chrysostom is not speaking in opaque riddles. Speaking plainly and straightforward.

If one of the words or phrases is giving you trouble, try looking it up on a search engine. These are not five syllable words.

Maybe you hit the wrong reply button and intended to reply to a different comment?

Kunning Drueger says:

This is a consistent trend with St. John’s posts. He is quite possibly the smartest guy here, he is direct and clear when he wants to be, and he is also specifically verbose as the subject matter requires… 20% of the time. The other 80 is painfully cryptic. I didn’t ask as a challenge or complaint. I’m just trying to keep up.

For the longest time, I thought you (Jim) were hiding big things behind simple statements. When I stopped reading between the lines and just started reading your words, I realized that simple is not easy. The complications were on my end, because baggage and sin. P-C is a wholly different thing.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I do not believe he is being opaque or speaking in riddles. If he is, it is a self-authorizing language the perfect form of cryptography. The only people for whom the message is meant are those that can understand it, and vice versa. I can understand it, and most others here can understand it, so it is a message we are meant to read. That is, of course, if he is actually being cryptic. He could just be using a base of understanding with which we are familiar and you are not. Using language that we have grown accustomed to but that is new to you.

Alfred says:

Pseudo-Chrysostom is pretty smart and generally assumes that everyone can see what he views as obvious connections just as quickly as he can. I get much the same way on software related matters at my job much to the annoyance of the less intelligent people I work with. I simply can’t perceive that most people can’t see what I find obvious, leading to disconnects in communication.

In this case, Obama was brought out to try and slow or stop the invasion from over the boarder because it’s causing collapse in the system. Leftists are trigged by this(Great term Microgenocides). Obama’s faction is trying to rebuild the unprincipled exception on immigration so they can spend more time looting, but it’s impossible to do so.

A2 says:

He is one of our great commenters; do not change.

afkabp says:

“The Lightbringer” = Obama

“literally shaking” = phrase used by leftists / females to describe a reaction of shock at some event

“stuff the genie(s) back in the bottle” = the genie grants wishes, phrase used indicates a desire to undo what was wished for

“unprincipled exceptions” exception made against one’s principles, or lacking reference to said principles

Basically pc is saying that old guard leftists have been trotting out Obama to say open borders are unsustainable, and sjws are seething over it bc they want globohomo.

afkabp says:

not that complicated really. i gather that you don’t read a lot, probably aren’t a priestly type?

Pooch says:

He’s running damage control, but they have no intent of stopping.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

They have no way of stopping; so they will instead flatter themselves to say it was their idea all along.

Mister Grumpus says:

The sense I’m getting is that the West is stabbing itself to death so quickly now that maybe it’ll take the Covid Demon, Gaia Demon and Antiracism Demon down right along with it. Like those people who couldn’t swim out fast enough from the Titanic to keep from getting pulled under when it sank.

It’s like China, Russia and Cathedral are playing poker, and Cathedral went to the bathroom 30 minutes ago, and China and Russia are realizing that he’s just not coming back, is he?

As if our military will even start when you turn the key in 20 years, I mean come on who believes that.

Anyway my one question. Is there any reason why burn-it-down super-inflation is actually a problem for the rulers in DC? Why is that bad for them at all?

The super-rich are grabbing up farms and Bitcoin, so why should they give a shit? It’s just Bobby the Ford dealer in Cleveland who gets trashed, and he’s Enemy anyway. I just don’t see why they don’t start handing out million dollar bills to everyone who fails the paper bag test tomorrow.

Varna says:

Certain factions of globohomo are pushing through a “controlled landing” of the Western economies, with the planned end result being a porno cyberpunk version of Brezhnev’s USSR in terms of quality of life, censorship, and basic liberties.

In the name of the Great Mother of course.

Russia and China have not become peripheral globohomo vassals as planned, but there is obviously an amount of playing along they are obliged to do if they don’t want full-scale hybrid war to erupt along their many faultlines.

Thus Russia is applying their sovereign clotshot to their population increasingly agressively, while China is sabotaging its own economic growth. If globohomo demands sacrifice in terms of people and/or “carbon emissions”, Russia is appeasing the beast through the former via clot-shots, while China is appeasing the beast with the latter, via flatlining its industrial production and construction markets as well was walloping hard its mega corporations.

Russia’s growth got stopped after 2014, and Japan for example stopped in the late 1999s and is already a country of incels and old farts so nobody cares about Japan.

None of the big players can be completely independent of the others, and the Cathedral still has a lot of clout, as it has not yet burned through all the goodies inherited from the previous civilization.

Possibly the global compromise is now along the lines of “Fine, you’re not part of our system, for now at least. But we are going for broke, so if you don’t want shit to erupt for real–play along. Or else.”

And playing along means stopping growth and/or doing the clot-shot. China is no doubt trying to use the crisis as an opportunity, and find the best way to “stop its growth” for a year or two in ways which in the long term will actually make it stronger.

Concerning Russia it’s more difficult to judge, as it has just only begun tentatively to climb out of the swamp of corruption and incompetence into which the West is plummeting, so in many respects they are meeting each other half-way and are on the same level.

Hyperinflation is bad for national elites in societies in which the citizens can bring them down. If a pharma-fascist cyber-gulag is in place just before the collapse, then the citizens cannot bring the elites down even if hyperinflation hits.

International elites don’t care anyway, if they have their own little safe havens.

But, as mentioned often, the current hostile elites are trying to run a system too corrupt and stupid to actually get all the parts of the plan to click together smoothly. Instead they are forced to constantly crudely hammer different parts into place. There is hope.

The question is if they fail again, and again regroup for a decade or two, what and how needs to be done to preclude the next attempt, IMO.

ExileStyle says:

On a more uplifting note, I present what might be the greatest publicly passed shit-test of all time, by the most unapologetically capital-M Man to have graced our lifetimes with his presence:

His reaction to this question is a lesson in dealing with women, and all of their public Globohomo agents (all women or pretend women). Confronted with your oh-so-evil past wrongthink which you must surely apologize for, just double down and hold the line. Even if you’re on camera, for all the world to see. Especially then. Barbara Walters shit-tested him in front of millions of people.

Did Sean Connery’s career end after this, or ever? No. He died peacefully in his sleep at 90 in a mansion in the Bahamas. He is still a legend, and no one cares if James Bond “raped” anyone, because Bond was Bond and Connery was Connery and there are different (i.e. truer) rules for men like him. He was simply a man, and an honest man, and a man willing to stop women’s nonsense with a slap.

His tip: open hand rather than closed fist, an insight obviously spoken from experience.

(And tell me her face doesn’t want to learn a little more about Sean Connery’s slap.)

notglowing says:

That last sentence really made my day

I also think it is funny how in the comments there are many people defending him from the progressive frame that men are the same as women

The Cominator says:

I had always assumed everyone here knew that Sean Connery had said sometimes girls need a slap and that he stood by it.

Fëanor says:

Not really relevant to this post, but relevant to the possibility of impending collapse in general:

I often see the notion, which I think comes from BAP although I’m not sure, that Neolithic societies, between the rise of agriculture and the Aryan invasion, were some sort of communist matriarchies that were finally ended by the patriarchal chads from the steppe. And of course there is evidence of a very severe Y-chromosome bottleneck in this period, which is easy to see as the result of female sexual selection gone to extremes. But it is just as easily explained by patriarchal kinship groups repeatedly annihilating one another, and in fact the Neolithic matriarchy theory seems to originate with the wishful thinking of feminists in the 70s.

There are of course no records from that far back to consult, but if you read the Bible as summarizing oral tradition that does go back that far, it describes the late Neolithic as a time of very bad immorality, followed by a very severe population bottleneck. It does not really describe the evils of Noah’s day, but a reader of this blog is inclined to assume sexual immorality, demon worship, a great deal of infanticide, and so on—things that could lead to a very severe population bottleneck by material and effective causation rather than supernatural causation (i.e. God flooding the earth).

Now the reason this is relevant is that most aspects of leftism seem to be tracking in the direction of low-tech demon-worshipping communist matriarchy where 1 in 17 men reproduce, and the Neolithic also lasted longer than all of history since then, so if that was indeed the state of human society then, it suggests an end-state to leftism which is stable and in some sense the default state of humanity, and is of course even worse than the left-singularity, which at least burns itself out and ends.

The Cominator says:

I don’t know if its entirely true but I always loved this meme. It was probably somewhat true for the “old Europeans”.

Fëanor says:

The common conception of “Old Europe” is mostly the work of a single female archaeologist whom even modern scholars criticize for politically motivated wishful thinking, so I am not inclined to take her too seriously:

On the other hand, there are plenty of leftist reasons to cancel her theories, perhaps that they suggest that Europeans were ever anything other than violent patriarchal conquerors, or that the Y chromosome bottleneck and the priesthood was unable to attribute the results of matriarchy to their obvious cause.

Fëanor says:

*the Y chromosome bottleneck was discovered

jim says:

Y Chromosome bottleneck indicates that patrilineal clans wound up owning all the women and all the land.

I conjecture that old Europeans were replaced by Indo Europeans during the Y Chromosome bottleneck. Do we have genetic data supporting this?

Fred says:

The men certainly were, given the near-extinction of hunter-gatherer and farmer Y-DNA haplotypes.

Given the amount of Neolithic farmer DNA in modern Europeans though, it seems the women survived just fine.

Aidan says:

The Y-haplotype I evolved in Europe during the Paleolithic. It is the “old european” haplogroup. It survives in substantial proportions- between 15-40% of males all over Europe. It is simply not the case that the Aryans genocided all of the men or prevented them from reproducing. Or that if they did, the few survivors managed to breed back fairly well.

Fred says:

Most haplogroup I in Europe is I2, and I2 was found among Yamnayans (who are best known for R1). The possibility of founder effects means we can’t assume the frequency of I among Yamnayans reflects the frequency of I in areas where the Yamna migrated to (so eg. I might be more common in European Yamna invaders than among the Yamna who stayed home).

The highest concentration of I1a2 in Europe is in the Balkans, which syncs with what we know about the first Yamna migration wave about 4200 BC – it was into the lower Danube.

So I did originate in Europe, the problem with your argument is that it seemingly originated with the Yamna, not the EEFs, who were mostly (speaking from memory) Y-DNA C, G2a, and E1b. WHGs were mostly C-V20, I think.

Bilge_Pump says:

“I often see the notion, which I think comes from BAP although I’m not sure, that Neolithic societies, between the rise of agriculture and the Aryan invasion, were some sort of communist matriarchies that were finally ended by the patriarchal chads from the steppe”

I’ve been reading a book called “The Greek Myths” by Robert Graves (published in 1955) . It’s about ancient Greek mythology, obviously, but in it the author recounts the existence of a Goddess he calls “Eurynome”, or the triple-moon goddess. He says that before the patriarchal Homeric times Greece (actually all of Europe) was matriarchal, kings would be sacrificed yearly, etc. He doesn’t cite sources for these claims as far as I can tell, so who knows. I think Evola believed similar things.

Bilge_Pump says:

Apparently Graves was a fag, so take that for what you will. Also, I’ve noticed I’ve been put under moderation? That’s fine, I really don’t trust any of you and I think it shows in my comments. Remove whatever you deem unfit.

jim says:

You were not put under moderation. Your email address changed.

All new commenters are automatically sent to moderation.

neofugue says:

Our host has a good response to this line of thought:

1 in 17 is not the percentage of men who had women during the Neolithic, it is the percentage of men at a given point whose descendants survived. The other 16 of 17 were removed from the gene pool by the 1 in 17 that managed to cohere and fight.

The proper way to read Naturalism into Genesis is to view Noah in the context of civilization and Bronze Age Collapse, not prehistory.

Lek Mating only happens in nature when females are significantly physically stronger than males. Feminism is the state accommodating for the inherent physical inferiority of females. If civilization collapses, humans will reproduce like big cats.

Fëanor says:

The Exodus takes place during the Bronze Age Collapse. Regardless of how much or how little heed you pay the exact chronology, Noah cannot have lived at the same time as Moses.

Presumably there was a different period of anarchy and violence between the Neolithic and the Bronze Age, as there was at the end of the Bronze Age, or after the fall of the Roman Empire.

jim says:

We know there was massive race replacement at the end of the new stone age shortly before the start of the bronze age, sort of at the start of the bronze age, and massive race replacement and burning cities at the end of the bronze age shortly before the start of the iron age, sort of at the start of the iron age.

In both cases, we have evidence of restoration of patriarchy – patriarchal property owning people replaced matrilineal socialist people.

Exodus is end of bronze age, Noah is shortly before the rise of cities, therefore late stone age.

Fëanor says:

Yes—the question is, therefore, whether the people who were replaced at the end of the Neolithic had been matrilineal and socialist since the beginning of the Neolithic, or merely strayed into it and were replaced within a few hundred years as a result, as in the Bronze Age.

jim says:

That is what the meme about Old Europeans and Indo Europeans asserts, but that meme cheerfully conflates both conquests more than three thousand years apart, plus more civilizations than you can shake a stick at.

I rather think it is probably true, but there is a lot of prehistory and a shortage of evidence and records.

If men do not cooperate to protect property rights in women, a people will disappear rather quickly, because reproduction requires cooperation between men and women, and if defection can occur at any time, we get defect/defect equilibrium.

What I conjecture tends to happen is that people set up institutions of (relatively) large scale order to protect property rights in the most precious thing of all, women, this gets extended to land, cattle, crops, and women, making agriculture and cattle ranching possible. But such a system is necessarily complex, and vulnerable to entropy, as for example priests elaborating it to increase priestly power and one up other priests. Also bang other men’s women behind their back.

We know the early systems for order were temple centric – finding and publicizing consensus being an inherently priestly occupation. All the first cities were grew up around temples.

Things have not changed much. Armies work by chain of command, and chain of command works by belief in legitimacy. If General Top Dog tells a bunch of grunts “grab that man and throw him in the brig”, the grunts will give their sergeant puzzled looks. If the sergeant says “Grab General Top Dog and throw him in the brig”, they will throw him in the brig without a second’s though. So, if you want to avoid the chaos of the army of the Roman Empire, you need a faith that gives a reason to obey General Top Dog.

And, entropy always increases. You have to keep demons from infesting the official faith.

If the faith fails to uphold the latter six of the ten commandments, you are going to disappear.

Aidan says:

The Neolithic societies, imo, had been matri-socialist for a very long time, while the late BA civilizations strayed into it. If you look at catalhoyuk, the way the houses were built cannot correspond to a society where property is respected and men could keep their daughters from sneaking out. (Catalhoyuk had windowless apartment buildings, where each building was connected to the houses adjacent, so that one could enter another’s house at any time) It was a human warren or hive. A healthy male would go insane living there.

The Original OC says:

Catalhoyuk is intriguing, but it was discovered by a career fraudster who is associated with a theory of archaeology that argues “it is OK to lie about your findings so long as it promotes Marxism.”

Maybe Catalhoyuk is real, but maybe it isn’t.

If there were cities in 9000BC, where are the cities of 9000-3000BC?

Aidan says:

Even without his input CH has the traits of a socialist society with female emancipation, and fair evidence of demon worship. Burying your dead in the floor of your own house is creepy.

The Original OC says:

How can this city possibly have been maintained, with no access for maintenance or repairs? Yet the authors claim that the individual rooms were inhabited for generations.

Wouldn’t the middle of the city collapse while the edges continued to be rebuilt?

It just is not sensible engineering.

Maybe it is real. I do not know. It presents more as a literary device, of which someone then made a model, and coincidentally sold “artifacts” from that model for huge amounts of money onto the black market, while simultaneously using it to fabricate evidence for Marxist prehistoricism.

jim says:

In almost all cases, if a scientific claim is significant for our officially unofficial state religion, the scientific basis for the claim is completely fabricated.

It is even fabricated when it would be quite possible to find some evidence to support it. They just don’t bother, because if a claim supports the state religion, it is too much work to find actual data, and no one would dare check, or even scrutinize, your data. A publishable theology paper is a lot less work than a publishable paper that is actually scientific.

In food studies (foods associated with manliness are supposedly bad for you) sometimes they will put out the effort of cherry picking statistics that they googled up, but any data that would involve actual work is totally fabricated all the time.

In peer reviewed science, there are powerful incentives to avoid data that deviates from the consensus of one’s peers, but absolutely no social or career consequences for making up data. It is entirely up to the conscience of the individual scientist. With the result that if an honest scientist keeps running into data that deviates from the consensus of his peers, he is trouble.

neofugue says:

No level of fraud can override 99.9% of men having the ability to physically overpower and kill 99.9% of women. Lek mating cannot happen without male power compensating for the inherent physical weakness of females. Every single example of Progressive anthropology has been discredited over time, even that of the South Pacific of whose art the fraudsters of Catalhoyuk plagiarized from.

Continuing on Original OC’s concerns, the structure of the settlement makes it impossible for realistic human habitation because of the lack of proper circulation, sanitation, and transportation of goods and services. Even urban bugman 16-person-per-apartment arrangements have central air, toilets, carbon monoxide alarms and fire prevention.

The most offensive detail regarding Catalhoyuk is its lack of chimneys. Every indoor fire requires chimneys to direct noxious smoke away from occupants. During liturgy, drafts within the sanctuary direct candle flames in various directions (this is why candles drip around the edges) and churches require occasional maintenance in removing wax buildup on ceilings. Without chimneys, all of the artwork and artifacts of Catalhoyuk would be coated in ash, not to mention that during the winter or on cold nights all of the occupants would either freeze to death or die from smoke inhalation.

That James Mellaart is a know fraudster should direct anyone away from Catalhoyuk.

Kunning Drueger says:

From the assertions made here, it seems clear that the whig conclusions regarding CH are a load of shit. Playing devil’s advocate, two questions arise in my mind:

1) is there in fact some actual archeological site? (It was asserted that someone found some site, made a model, and then everyone pictures the model and not the site, which lines up perfectly with how the whig humanities does everything)

2) could it be some kind of temporary holding site for slaves? (the dynamics of slave ships coming from Africa are harrowing, but so is vaginal birth, by which I mean that humans can endure pretty terrible conditions if they are temporary)

The whole thing reminds me of a now memory-holed instance a few years back where some ancient grave site was exhumed, a female skeleton was found along with a few weapons, and forests were felled as academics wrote in great detail about wymynz warriors.

jim says:

> 2) could it be some kind of temporary holding site for slaves?

If there was anything actually there, there would be extensive excavations, a reasonable large area carefully dug up, a big shallow hole, broad enough to cover a reasonable number of pens. A lot of people have a lot genuine interest in our earliest cities.

I can’t seem to find any indication of such a hole, which does not prove the nonexistence of such a hole, maybe more an indication that I don’t try very hard to check out the empirical basis of woke theology (attempting to check it out is seldom profitable) but considering the abundance of data on the existence of the model …

Maybe someone else can find data about the hole.

neofugue says:

No one had definitive proof of Alger Hiss’ collaboration with the Communists until after the fall of the Soviet Union. In other words, there are several possibilities not worth speculating about at this time; what matters is that we understand the central narrative as false.

Kunning Drueger says:

Indeed. I personally care about details because that’s how you win over the silent and thoughtful, but it is murky and laborious. The fact is that They are illuminated by The Lie, so all they do is lie, so all lies. While I would never recommend anyone go through an Anthropology Degree program, it is hilarious, fascinating, and sickening to see them interact with Nature and Nature’s God directly, yet come away with opposite-to-obvious conclusions.

Aidan says:

CH is inconvenient for the left. The site is real and it is large. Too big for one guy to hire a bunch of locals to fake. If fraud to support the progressive worldview, it would have looked like an egalitarian paradise. Instead, it looks like a miserable hell. That is not very good propaganda. Mellaart might have faked a lot of the shit he supposedly found there, but the site is real and it is fucking weird.

“impossible for realistic human habitation because of the lack of proper circulation, sanitation, and transportation of goods and services”
Like in every ancient city before sewage systems, you shit into a pot, and dump the pot into approved spots meant for dumping shit, usually downstream into a river, sometimes into a big pit. And it had chimneys, the same chimneys most ancient people had, which is just a hole in the roof for smoke. When I said the buildings were windowless, they had holes in the walls for air, but holes too small to let in light or afford a view. When a fire burns oxygen and sends hot CO2 into the air, it creates a pressure gradient that draws air in from outside. Fires cause air circulation, which is why ancient people had them burning even in the summer.

I did some more research. CH looks to me like a factory compound. It produced art and tools for trade, probably protected and taxed by nomadic warrior pastoralists. The genetic diversity of the women excavated there is high, and the genetic diversity of the men there is low. Therefore, women were brought to the compound, probably as pay for the men working there. Later in its history, a bunch of skulls were found with identical punitive wounds, suggesting that CH tried to rebel against its overlords, who came in and did a lot of whacking with stone axes, but not whacking hard enough to kill, because the workers were useful craftsmen. Hence the design on the homes. You pull up the ladder, and the people inside cannot get out. You go hunting, you pull up your ladder so your bitch cannot sneak out to fuck other men.

Looks to me like slaves working in oubliettes, who were paid in bitches, and the ruling class was most occupied with traveling around trading the goods they produced, because a merchant needed protection, and if the merchants are also the warriors, much simpler. No public religion and common goods means slaves to the red pilled man.

Artist formerly known as bilge pump says:

“A healthy male would go insane living there.” Males must earn their right to a decent and healthy living, hard to do when your society is only capable of building what are essentially mud huts

Varna says:

Clot-shot mandate kicks in October 5th in the Russian federal state of Sverdlovsk, where the third megapolis–Yekaterinburg–is the state capital.
People get fired if by November they don’t have the first shot and by December the second shot.
The affected: education, state and municipal workers, service workers, taxi drivers, hairdressers, dry cleaners etc.

Yekaterinburg is a megapolis so presumably folks can find the trad KoviVac and the subunit protein EpiVac, but likely the majority in the region will nevertheless get the brutal Sputnik V.

Argentina is using Sputnik, Covishield (Indian licensed version of AstraZeneca), and the Chinese trad vax.

According to Argentinian data, the Indian AstraZeneca lands most people in hospital, while Sputnik comes a close second in harshness of immediate side-effects.

Andy says:

Yep, and Newsom at it in Cali now, pushing vaccine mandate for K-12 students:

Any recommendations for good sanctuary states/areas west of the Mississippi for 4th gen Californians to flee to?

If all else fails, what is the “least bad” clot shot? Still JNJ, if something like Valneva never becomes available?

Asking for a friend.

pyrrhus says:

AZ is generally good, but tell your kids to lie if the school asks if they’re vaxxed, be cause the school isn’t allowed to check…or homeschool

Jehu says:

At this point you’re nuts if you don’t homeschool your kids. Probably has been that way for at least 20 years, but it’s painfully obvious now.

Varna says:

When full tyranny hits the kids can be taken away from terrorist antivaxers for their own good, and then vaccinated and placed into institutions or given to a proper globohomo family of colored transvestites.

(Last year I think a family from Norway asked for political asylum in Poland, after the Norway gotv took their kids on some made up pretext and gave them to a homo family. Another family from Sweden was given asylum in Poland, the kids were given in Sweden to a Muslim family. It looks realistic enough that this trend will grow by leaps and bounds across globohomo land)

If living and working in a globohomo state or region and for some reason unable to cut and run, in November a theoretical choice of going to Mexico and getting a trad jab appears to be on the table.

Jehu says:

Taking away someone’s kids, especially on a large scale, is likely to trigger serious scorched earth responses. Responses that were not available to the Kulaks.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Yeah, I do not have kids yet and that is still on the same level as gun confiscation attempts. They do that shit and it will be open season on every cop, government worker, judge, and fed we can reach. No one will be safe. Once you start grabbing kids, especially with the child traffickers running the family courts and associated bureaucracies. Any judge signing such an order would be signing his or her own death sentence. Any cops or other officials showing up to enforce them would be showing up to die. And that would be before proactive steps started getting taken. I hope they are not crazy enough to go after the kids, because that would be a disaster.

Jehu says:

I’m thinking that the response is likely to be way more scorched earth than that. If Society tries to take your kids, you’re at war with Society as a whole, not just cops or even just politicians. You’re at war like the Kulaks were. Accordingly you smash the foundations of life in your Society in ways that modern societies leave vulnerabilities to that were never there for the Kulaks.

It would have been perfectly justified for the Kulaks to bring about the deaths of 90% of the population of the Soviet Union.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

That is the assumed result. I did not feel like fending off accusations of, “Fed! FED! FEDPOASTER! HES FEDPOSTING!!!” If they were coming for my guns or my neighbors’ kids, the whole infrastructure gets targeted. Power, water, transportation, and governing infrastructure are all valid targets. Starving, trapped people who cannot organize cannot seize kids or guns.

If they are going to go that far, I would be willing to burn it all down, whether or not I have the legitimacy. A revolution needs legitimacy. A total war against the society that looks to kill me has legitimacy from God. I would be like Samson tearing down the temple around him, because I may die, but I am sending all of them before me to tell the Devil that my last act was to kill his people and smash his plans. If I am dead either way, then I might as well smash the whole corrupt edifice on my way out. It would be evil to do anything less.

Jehu says:

Kinda wondering whether that might be the best case outcome. You’re correct that the Kulaks/MARS don’t have a Caesar, so they can’t ‘win’ a revolution. But they can destroy the society entirely, and probably will if the holiness spiral continues. Ironically, they can achieve probably an even ‘better’ depopulation than the elites can, except they’re likely to insure disproportionate elite casualties in so doing.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

No, it is not the best case. In fact, it would resemble the worst case outcome, a Szechuan autogenocide, more than anything. Stalin is preferable to Samson.

Varna says:

In places like Ireland they storm your house in the middle of the night and take your kids just to make a point.
One would expect the Irish to react, but no.
The globohomo drones think “this is very appropriate behavior by the state”, while the rest think “at least they haven’t come for me.”
Slow boil.

Alfred says:

One would expect the Irish to react, but no.
The globohomo drones think “this is very appropriate behavior by the state”, while the rest think “at least they haven’t come for me.”
Slow boil.

I’ve observed the same thing, but I’ve read stories of father trying to kill family court judges over this sort of injustice, but such stories are never in the national or even local news. People fighting back may never be reported by the media in order to not encourage others to do the same. IE, our dataset is incomplete on how much resistance is going on.

jim says:

I know a fair bit or resistance is going on, and it is effective. They shy away from hard targets. They know a fair bit of resistance is going on, and they are afraid.

But with no Caesar, and total media blackout, will never amount to anything that matters.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

If they were only trying, they were not doing enough. Shooting him in the middle of court is a fools errand, and once you do it you are a dead man. The system will see to that. If it gets to the point where you have to kill a judge, or some cops, or a prosecutor, do it out of sight, out of mind. Get them on their drive home, when they show up to the office in the morning, right as they are taking their kids to school, or when they go to get lunch.

Then you do something really gory and excessive. Decapitation is always a classic, or the tried-and-true method of hanging them somewhere public with a sign like, “CHILD THIEF.” You will probably get got, but only once you have made a massive mess that they need to handle.

As far as making it clear you are a hard target, make sure they know that midnight raids will beget midnight raids. Yeah, you might take my kids, but I will get yours, too, you fuckers. And your kids will not be going to CPS. Chesa Boudin shows that nits make lice. If the people who would sign the warrant for you think there is a chance you will come right to them, they probably will leave you be. Cowardice is powerful motivator among the left.

Alfred says:

>If they were only trying, they were not doing enough.

I’ve only heard about the cases where the men failed. I’m guessing that in the cases where they succeed it would not be reported as such. News would report it as a random crime instead.

The big problem that most people have in the west is family members not getting involved in revenge attacks. You can arrest a man by surprise, but it gets real hard to sign that warrant if all the males in the family will do what needs to be done to set things right.

Pooch says:

The cartels in Mexico and mafia in Italy have used bomb attacks on judges if I recall.

Oog en Hand says:

No maggots, no flies.It applies to ALL sides in the conflict. But MY side doesn’t oppose euthanasia. Hell is eternal.

pyrrhus says:

Devastating article on the fraud and lawbreaking by scientists and politicians alike to promote the scamdemic….

Prophet says:

Said Jim:

“If men do not cooperate to protect property rights in women, a people will disappear rather quickly, because reproduction requires cooperation between men and women, and if defection can occur at any time, we get defect/defect equilibrium.”

I think the core problem is the welfare state.
Welfare and quotas for women make women a privileged class:
They have sovereign economic independence from work and being owned by one man,
because they don’t need a man anymore economically.
Welfare queens have often multiple children, they are doing well reproductively.
At least in Europe, welfare also generously provides for lower class men, who
are free to reproduce as well.

Welfare recipients, men and women, actually live off the taxes paid by those who work and pay
net positive taxes, almost completely other men.
Those working men pay for the welfare recipient’s livelihood and reproduction.

Actually, taxpayers are literally cucked by the welfare system:

If a taxpayer would be declared personally responsible for paying another, unrelated woman’s or man’s bills, sex and children – literally being forced to walk to them and give them his earned cash – he would be outraged.
Same thing happening indirectly through taxation and governmental redistribution – no outrage.

The welfare system has normalized cuckoldry – but it’s even worse:
The tax cuck has not even the right to have sex with the sexual active, childbearing women he pays for.

This is supercuckoldry:
Having to pay for women and their fornication and their resulting children without even having a right to have sex and reproduction oneself.

Their are millions of incel men who must pay taxes, pay with their life time and life energy in form of work and money, so that OTHER people can have sex and children.

Yet, nobody seems to care. As if it were invisible. It boggles my mind.

Then again, I remember that if you go to a guy and take a few percent of his money physically out of his pocket, he will attack you. Do functionally exactly the same by inflating money, and he will ignore it.

Inflation is to monetary property value what social welfare is to reproductive success.

Remove social welfare, or reduce it to a bare minimum,
and women will need man again to own them.

alf says:

Emancipation predates the welfare state.

Many women are perfectly capable of working a job. Without the welfare state, but with emancipation, those women still cause trouble, and have no children.

jim says:

> I think the core problem is the welfare state.


Beta males just do not understand how volcanically powerful sexual impulses are in women. They cannot be controlled by mere social pressure and economic incentives. Women don’t fuck around because we have a welfare state. The historical reality is that we had to have a welfare state because we let them fuck around.

What happened historically is that France eased up on tight control of females, controls on women getting out and mingling that would make the Taliban blush, then during the Regency and early Victorian period England did the same.

They were forced to introduce the welfare state because too many women were giving birth to bastards in dark alleys in the rain and the mud.

For late virgin marriage to work, you just have to pretty much chain your daughters to the wall.

Since I think it would be culturally difficult to introduce Talibanic measures, I favor extremely early virgin marriage. If a girl somehow gets together with a nonkin male behind closed doors, we assume that sex took place within a minute, marry them if possible, marry her off if impossible.

Varna says:

Either Chekov or Gogol had a short story about a young man and a young woman in a room, him being maneuvered into something which could be interpreted as an admission of affection, and then the girl’s parents pounce into the room “Aha!”

The father holding an icon as holy witness, the mother babbling happily. The young man goes pale, then suddenly sees his chance and bolts. The father had been too eager and grabbed a mere portrait from the wall instead of an actual icon. “Fool!” yells the mother at him while the daughter sobs…

Varna says:

> Beta males just do not understand how volcanically powerful sexual impulses are in women.

Women with internalized morality barriers then try to pretend nothing really happened after such an eruption, or they devise compartmentalization rituals such as getting drunk or high in order to explain to themselves “that wasn’t really me”.

These days, however, the manic high of peak horniness, far from being “that weird state that happens to me a few times a year”, is being sold as a utopia that should be chased and maintained through any means possible, and as the meaning of life as such (aside from hysteric “activism”).

Thus if in the near past a woman tried to manage her eruptions of manic horniness in one way or another, or at least compartmentalize it through rituals, today globohomo encourages her to try and artificially maintain this state constantly.

The way certain fag and tranny subcultures try to maintain perpetual sex bender highs with no coming down ever (and then their psyche implodes, followed closely by their immune system).

Destroying people’s psyche and immune system seems to be a very strong theme in globohomo’s social engineering over the last decades, currently seriously accelerating.

jim says:

> Destroying people’s psyche and immune system seems to be a very strong theme in globohomo’s social engineering over the last decades, currently seriously accelerating.

Unless your sexuality is just another fetish within the vast collection of gay trannie fetishes, it is toxic, and you are guilty of oppression, colonialism, and genocide. Straight sex is only permissible if practiced like yet another gay fetish.

What is more important: Maintaining your spiritual, psychological, and biological immune system, or avoiding oppression of all those poor pitiful official victim classes?

The Cominator says:

In the US not the case, this is not an age of hedonism and the US does not have a “slut” problem but a problem of women who chastely await Jeremy Meeks because their status is too high.

Redbible says:

> For late virgin marriage to work, you just have to pretty much chain your daughters to the wall.

The more I interact with women and girls, the more I see how true this is.

Recently I went to have fun with a buddy of mine. I got to his parent’s house before he had returned, and he wasn’t going to be there for awhile because of a last second change. So I figured that I’d just wait around, since it didn’t make sense to drive back and forth. So that how I got into the situation of spending some time with my friend’s “9 year old” sister, since that seemed more entertaining than twiddling my thumbs.

So it all starts off with just some friendly conversation, and talking about various things. Stuff happens. She then goes “hey, let’s jump of the trampoline.” Seems innocuous enough, right?

In hind-sight, I realize her goal (conscious or otherwise) was that the area where the trampoline is happens to also be far enough away that most things spoken can’t be heard by onlookers, and that it is also less clear what exactly is happening physically. A touch occurred, yes, but where exactly is harder to tell at that distance.

So over the course of the time on the trampoline, she slowly get more bold with things she does. At one point she’s been playing a “game” of her touching me quickly, then her “running” away while giggling. I got caught up in the moment, and decided that I’d not let her get away next time. So I completely shut down her ability to move, which caused her to lose whatever train of thought she was on and blurt out “I know this might sound weird, but you’d be good at kidnapping.” I got her to clarify that she thinks that because of how strong I am, which I’d said probably doesn’t mean much coming from a little girl. (But since she has a few older brothers and a father, probably means she’s never been handled to that degree before.)

My buddy got home pretty quickly after that. His sister got off the trampoline, and ran to great her brother. I got off and put on my shoes, and then walked over. As I was walking over she came back and was like “why didn’t you run over?” and I said I was getting my shoes on, which she then goes “why didn’t you run after that?” to which I reply that since she had already reach the destination, that didn’t seem to me to be a reason to rush.

So yeah, seems clear to me that she already is interested in the game of “predictor and prey” and is wanting to rope me into it. (Also she probably already is having kidnapper fantasies and such.) Will probably be hard to keep her a virgin until 18 or 20, barring her parents really stepping up their lock down game.

TLDR: Buddy’s “9 year old” sister escalated on me, and complimented me by saying I’d be good at kidnapping, and then got “upset” when I didn’t physically chase her later on.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

That shit happened to me, too. I was running a TTRPG and was the Game Master. Already a title that drips domination. So a buddy of mine used to play and he was bringing his preteen daughter to the game to look after her. I run the table and give everyone instructions and decisions, and everyone looks to me. That triggered her female understanding of high status and she started flirting with me. Weirdest thing ever, knowing what was going on, because she was just a child without any sexual characteristics at all. It was incredibly uncomfortable having to dance around what was obviously going on when no one else will notice what is happening right in front of them.

Varna says:

The parents of a 3-4yr old girl some time ago were pretending to not notice as the kid grinned at me while touching herself feverishly between her legs.

I finally said “watcha doing?” and she gleefully said “I’ve got a good thing down there that makes me happy.”

The parents could no longer pretend nothing was happening, the mom looked on the verge of making some sort of scene, possibly directed at the kid, or at me, or at her husband, who the hell knows.

I said calmly, friendly, “well, everybody has a good thing down there that makes them happy, but it’s not polite to play with it in front of other people.”

That was the end of it, all the kid needed was a non-hysteric validation of the reality of her experience, coupled with some clear behavior instructions.

The rest of the evening was normal. As far as I know the kid never played with herself again like that in front of others.

Sadly, current year took its toll on this family, and I learned the other day that dad murdered mom, left a note, and offed himself, and the by now teenage kid is looked after by grandma and aunt.

Money issues, nagging, a possible triangle, depressingly banal stuff.

Well, shit.

INDY says:

Well that story took a turn

Varna says:

Sure did.

Another guy I know just did a stint in the nuthouse because Donald Trump is out to get him.

I’m gonna need to enforce a stricter “vouched for” policy on new acquaintances from now on, and filter out the old ones that look like they’ve made enough wrong choices to become a possible danger to those around them, which could include me and mine.

Tough times, suddenly.

Oog en Hand says:

“They were forced to introduce the welfare state because too many women were giving birth to bastards in dark alleys in the rain and the mud.”

What do you mean by “forced”, forced by whom?

jim says:

It is not in male nature to let women suffer for their foolish choices, nor to expect them to make wise choices.

Thus men have to govern women.

Fireball says:

That is only true for their women and even that is not absolute.

jim says:

I react to women in trouble much as I react to children in trouble.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Yeah, I am hard coded to react with violence when a woman starts screaming, and it takes effort to overcome it. It is a pretty deep level programming, because I was not aware of it before it became an issue. It was a non-rational thing, too, because the screaming was coming from a song and I almost attacked my roommate before I realized what was going on. It is not surprising that such an approach would be advantageous for survival.

Kunning Drueger says:

I share the same firmware exploit. Thanks to Jim, if there aren’t children present, I don’t even break stride.

Alfred says:

I share the same firmware exploit. Thanks to Jim, if there aren’t children present, I don’t even break stride.

I once helped stop a kidnapping attempt at the college I was attending. Her nigger Ex Boyfriend attempted to snatch a she-boon in front me and a bunch of other people. After we ran the guy off she didn’t seem very pissed off at the guy and refused to help the cops. I was rather confused about it at the time. Cops seemed to view at normal that she liked the kidnapping.

Then a friend of mine got stabbed by the girl when he tried to run off a cholo who was beating her. She wanted to be beat. I’ve basically been hands off on protecting women who are not relatives or friends of the family since then.

Aidan says:

When I was in college, I walked past some spic townie getting into a physical argument with his girl, but a couple of drunk frat bros behind me tried to break the fight up, which resulted in one them getting laid out by the spic. Still didn’t care until the spic jumped on top of the dude he just knocked out and started beating on him while he lay there unconscious and his friend was panicking. At which point my tribal instincts of “spic bad, white boy good” kicked in and I chased the spic off. When the cops came, the girl told the cops that the frat boys were hitting on her, with the result that I had to go to kangaroo court and testify on behalf of my new friends to keep them from being expelled.

Fireball says:


jim says:

When there is conflict between a woman and man in public, she wants to test how alpha the man is, but if he gives a tolerably alpha performance, is not going to leave him for you.

On the other hand, when a woman is in trouble (not in a woman on male conflict), it is beta bait, unless you adequately take charge of her, which she will resist strenuously.

In, however, the ancestral environment, these events presented greater opportunity, assuming you killed the guy she was quarreling with, or dragged her off your lair to help her in her troubles, if male not present.

Dragging off to your lair to help her with her troubles can work in the present environment. It is astonishing what you can get away with. Cops and security guys know that intervention in the case of a male carrying off screaming girl is unlikely to be welcome.

Fireball says:


To many words, to much orthodoxy that doesn’t answered what i asked.

to say that it is not in male nature to let women suffer for their foolish choices is not only untrue because many men let then suffer or make them suffer both in the modern world as well in all of history. It is also possibly trap, maybe not for you and me but for future generations.

Also you saying that you react to women in trouble the same you react to children sounds white knighty and a flanking to the left. But that may be the spider sense being to trigger happy.

jim says:

> to say that it is not in male nature to let women suffer for their foolish choices is not only untrue because many men let then suffer or make them suffer both in the modern world as well in all of history.


Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Guys like girls. This may sound shocking but i have it on good authority that it’s true. And the dark side of attraction is simping. A womanfolk are they way they are as that is what their men have tolerated them to be.

Fireball says:

Then what are honor killings? the burning of witches?the convents?

There are such things as problematic women that need to deal with and sometimes be remove from society and ways were founded in the past.

One of the many problems of the west is that there is no mechanism that work at enough large scale to revolve this type of problem.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Then what are honor killings? the burning of witches?the convents?

Doing the needful.

It’s not an either-or thing. And you can’t deny the reality of female privilege. Something like 30% of all males born in history have successfully reproduced; whereas, virtually all females born successfully reproduce. It’s a fact that many men frequently tolerate things in women that they would never tolerate amongst each other, for better or worse. This of course has implications on heredity.

Fireball says:


sorry if it sound like that but my point was never a either or thing just that men do let women surfer and that isnt a bad thing.

And i am not talking about fathers or bothers it would be natural for them to care.

For example: Do you care about some 40 year old woman with no husband and kids that lives a miserable life?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>my point was never a either or thing just that men do let women surfer and that isnt a bad thing.

Yes, it happens and can happen; and Jim’s point was that there is clear and obvious difference in the scope of that happening.

Cloudswrest says:

Eric Feigl-Ding @DrEricDing
BREAKING—New oral anti-viral drug *molnupiravir* cuts risk of #COVID19 hospitalization and death **in HALF** in a randomized trial. Results so astounding that the trial is being stopped early, and Merck plans to apply for emergency authorization ASAP. Thread


From La Wik:

“… exerts its antiviral action through introduction of copying errors during viral RNA replication.[1][2]”

“…similar drugs in its class have mutagenic properties.[4]”


Hell no!!!! Are they f*cking kidding me???? So it reliable attenuates Covid. Sounds like it will also reliably stimulate cancer!! No wonder they stopped the trial early!!!! The world is going insane!

jim says:

Mere cancer is insignificant compared to the vital importance of worshiping the Awesome and Mighty Covid Demon in a manner that officially authorized by his holy priesthood and the Scientific Consensus. Are you against Science?

If you oppose Science you are dangerous to public health and need to be put on a ventilator.

When you buy an approved drug that is under patent, the drug company got the patent and the approval entirely on the merits, but somehow the holy priests who were involved in the process all became immensely wealth in totally unrelated transactions that were purely a result of their vast expertise in Holy Consensus Science. If you use a drug that is not approved for worship of the Awesome and Mighty Covid Demon, like invermectin, the priesthood would not receive the rightful benefit of their immense expertise in holy official Science.

Therefore, remember to always treat Holy Official Science with appropriate respect, lest you end up in the hands of the inquisition ICU

Dave says:

Just like Science says we have to switch to a new refrigerant every twenty years because the old one is killing the planet in some manner that was discovered just as its patent was about to expire. First it’s CFCs ruining the ozone layer, then it’s HFCs causing global warming. Maybe whatever replaces HFCs will be found to cause Covid.

jim says:

Nah. The official plan is that once the ban comes into effect, all new air conditioners and all air conditioners that need refilling, will be carbon dioxide air conditioners.

Which do not work when the outside temperature is above thirty Celsius, eighty Fahrenheit. But they make up for this in high efficiency in cooling your house when the outside temperature is already cool enough that you can simply open your windows and let the breeze through. A scientific break through (patent pending) is doubtless about to happen shortly after people start screaming about the new air conditioners.

They don’t just suddenly stop working when the outside temperature hits the limit, but they cease to be efficient and effective, and the hotter it gets, the less effective they become. The effectiveness does not fall off a cliff, but it slides down a rather steep slope.

Cloudswrest says:

We can always go back to sulfur dioxide or ammonia, the latter even being environmentally friendly. Who cares if you happen to end up gassing people if there’s a leak.

Varna says:

Backdoor trad vax option a month away?

On November, the USA starts admitting in vaccinated foreigners without a quarantine.

Globohomo media continues to just say “vaccines”, but if you dig in deep enough, it turns out that starting November “accepted vaccines” include the two trad ones–Sinovac and Sinopharm.

Question: does this mean that starting November a US citizen can pop over to Mexico, get a trad vax shot, then go back and have globohomo off his back for at least the next half year?

Karl says:

The answer to that question will probably depend on whether he announces his citizenship on reentry into the US and also on his skin color, gender, religion etc.

Expecting authorities to treat people equally according to some written law is normality bias.

The Ducking Man says:

2 weeks ago I had one those Sinovac vaxxine. Yesterday when I had bekam ( stick needle on the back then put suction cup) the practioner complained that my blood is too thick that it barely works.

Nobody knows if it’s clotting or just me.

Varna says:

Uh-oh. Fingers crossed. Aspirin as an anticoagulant?

Karl says:

Suction cup might be a good idea for anyone who absolutely cannot avoid the clot shot. Best effect if applied immediately after receiving the clot shot at the puncture where the poison entered your body. Some of the poison can probably be sucked out of the body in this way

Aidan says:

Not how the circulatory system works. As soon as your heart beats just a couple of times, it’s everywhere in your body. Effects are going to be concentrated around the site of the shot, bruising and swelling and such, because immediate absorption of high concentration through the capillaries to the cells, but you’re not going to be getting it out of your cells with a suction cup.

onyomi says:

I got the Sinovac thinking it was milder/more old-fashioned tech and still had bad, lingering side effects (of course, might have been worse with the mRNA; no way of knowing). Unless you are at high risk from covid to begin with, and especially if you have any history of autoimmune problems/allergies, I recommend avoiding any of the shots at all costs. I think part of the problem is in the nature of the (itself Frankenstein-ish) virus, not just the rushed vaxes of all kinds. Of course, this could mean getting the virus naturally is also a bigger risk than most flus, but in retrospect would definitely have taken my chances, especially given my relatively low risk profile for natural infection.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I got it and it was a bad cold, but not as bad a cold as one that I had caught a month earlier that was not covid. Looking at the death rate, it seems that if you are not a disgusting fat wretch or plagued with already life-threatening illnesses, it’s a bad cold. Hence, “Its just the flu, bro.”

c4ssidy says:

Athlete Josh Archibald has come down with an inflamed heart from covid, as I claimed to have had and was challenged to the shill test over. Different from the flu. Problem is that vaccines are causing the same or worse symptoms as the virus

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I’m sure there are all sorts of weird, one-off things, and we know the spike protein is toxic. However, it is less deadly than the flu and it kills the sort of people who are about to die anyway, while sparing children. If Jim is right, and covid replaces the flu in that particular ecological niche, then it is by far an improvement. Old and sick people should be sacrificed to protect children, not the other way around.

Alfred says:

This is going to become an increasing problem:

In a statement issued to CNN Saturday, Kevin Sali, an attorney for Cranston, said, “Indisputable video evidence shows that before Ian Cranston ever drew his weapon, Barry Washington had assaulted him without provocation, resulting in head injuries that required the police to take Mr. Cranston to the hospital where a brain scan and other procedures had to be performed.”


Nigger hits on a white guy’s girl, white guy tells him to fuck off, gets followed and attacked by the nigger, shoots nigger in self defense after getting punched in the eye, and the white guy sent to jail for it. They’re giving the Nigger the Trayvon treatment right now.

Calvin says:

Nigger tries to hit on white woman, chimps out and assaults her boyfriend when turned down. Woman watches nigger get shot, records the bloody corpse and laughs about his death within seconds. It’s like a double dose of red pill crammed into the space of a few seconds.

On the positive side, I’d imagine she and her boyfriend had great sex that night, and she’ll probably be sticking with him.

Pete says:

Unfortunately the current thinking of law enforcement is that if the attacker is using fists, then the white man must only fight back using fists. You can’t pull a knife unless the black pulls a knife, can’t use a gun unless the black pulls a gun etc.

Kunning Drueger says:

This is demonstrably false in many places. Plenty of videos of high ranking LEOs praising self defense by citizens against aggressors, many times with armed citizen vs unarmed barbarian. It is on your head if you decide to remain in urban and suburban areas for the big paycheck and vibrant nightlife options for your LTR.

I get the loathing for law enforcement, they are the foot soldiers of the elite. But most of them (white, male, parent, property owner) would bend over backwards to put their faith and allegiance into a virtuous elite. All dogs want a good master, but there is no other game in town. Currently.

Pete says:

“In many places….”

Maybe. But not in cities and not when it comes to high profile media cases. Yes, there are still good sheriffs and cops out in rural areas, I’m not talking about them.

Karl says:

If it is a high profile media case, it does matter what LEO thinks about it. Then the case is in the hands of prosecution and the courts.

LEO’s attitude matters in the low profile cases. Low profile cases are created or disappeared by cops.

Alfred says:

The thing I’ve been hearing second hand from cops is do what needs doing, but then don’t stick around for the cops. They don’t want to arrest you for killing the tweeker who was trying to seal your catalytic converter, but if you make it obvious that you did it or worse tell the cops you did then you’re fucked.

Pooch says:

Deschutes County, Oregon is overwhelmingly white (good) but still only voted ~40% Trump (bad), which basically means it’s a white shitlib county. I suppose we’ll see what happens in this clear self defense case, but if the guy ends up getting locked up for it ,the moral of the story may be to get out of Democrat counties even if they are overwelmingly white still. If this happened in a 60-70% Trump county, I doubt many BLM protestors are showing up to the court house to protest, if any.

Karl says:

BLM protestors don’t decide where they show up. They are deployed like troops. If the high command decides that there should be a protest at a court house in a Trump county, they will be bussed in.

Quite possible that the high command at present thinks that is not a good idea to have a BLM protest at a court house in Trump county, but that is only a matter of time. They cannot stop and be content with what they have achieved.

Pooch says:

Maybe, possibly, but I still think unlikely. Prosecutors are less likely to bring political charges for killing a magic black in Trump land, and the cops are less friendly to Antifa/BLM. The problem, though, is that after a few years of mass immigration will your nice white Trump neighborhood turn into a niggerhood.

Pooch says:

Additionally, without police protection, BLM/Antifa protestors get a proper welcoming by the townspeople in a Trump county and get promptly run off.

In some cases, the police then arrest BLM/Antifa for causing a disturbance, therefore not really effective use of resources for the Cathedral to deploy protestors to a place where the local government is not solidly loyal to the regime.

The Cominator says:

I’m not exactly a huge fan of India but if they actually go through with this and execute her incredibly based.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Why countersignal India? They have done pretty well on the Covid front, Modi is pretty based, and they are threatening to fucking execute a Cathedral operative. From my perspective, that is pretty dammed great. Can you imagine if this goes through? What are they going to do, nuke India? No, this has the potential to be the Afghanistan collapse of the NGO system of Cathedral power projection. I am absolutely fucking thrilled with India even threatening this.

Oog en Hand says:

Dutch commies are so desperate that they have to invoke economic leftism in order to get Modi down. Dutch commies are interested in this because they hate MY guts.

notglowing says:

I think the chances of this going through are pretty much zero. Just because someone is making a lawsuit with little chance of success it doesn’t mean much.

But India is definitely pretty based, and at least there people can say things like this without getting in trouble.

The Cominator says:

I said that this was based.

But why hate on India… Everyone who got out of engineering school in the early 2000s hates India and Indians and doing a deeper dive they seemed like all the worst stereotypes about jews (jews aren’t for instance really duel loyalists as progressive jews are not loyal to jews, Indians ARE loyal to their own caste while preaching leftism and universalism to everyone else). Not every Indian but 90% of them. It was also clear that the India engineering flood would basically never end unless someone like Trump actually stopped them, as India has been since independence a deeply deeply corrupt and leftist society and theoretically a democracy so it was always going to have unlimited bad engineers who would take nearly all the entry level jobs as the country itself would never develop much…

But yes that this even has respectable people in India petitioning for it is based. Maybe Modi has achieved real results… I did not think that was possible in India.

Aryaman says:

Problem with the H1-B Indians is they form nepotistic cliques that probably get in the way of team cooperation, and the ones that tend to do this are the ones who are not very good. The H1-B pool is also corrupted since it’s not really a competitive hiring of whoever is the best, but gamed and cheated by the large IT companies. My experience is that the engineers hired competitively (so mostly not H1-Bs) are fine, but then my experience is biased. (Though in my work, means putting my money where my mouth is: Indian men hired competitively, especially if working under white managers, are usually not cause for alarm).

What can be more generally stated is they are somewhat liable to scam you, and in communities where they congregate have insufferably leftist politics. (Though not dramatically more leftist than the people they live around.)

That they are liable to scamming you is to their discredit, but the leftist politics mostly an outgrowth of what they are encouraged to do by the current state religion, and the fact they are not spanked, so to speak, for failing to behave appropriately.

Arqiduka says:

The tendency of indians to cooperate to an extreme degree such as to lock anybody else out of any company they get any power over shocked me. Jews have nothing on them. At least that’s my impression from down under.

Arqiduka says:

Should have added: that’s the capability that you get when you have social tech that sorts people into equals who are then free to cooperate. A worthy goal to pursue. Let us take note.

jim says:

Soft power rests on hard power.

When the Soviet Empire withdrew from Afghanistan, suddenly all its subject nations started getting fiesty.

Aryaman says:

Yeah I think the chances of this going through are pretty slim. In fact I think the chances of it being a legitimate threat are pretty slim. On the other hand I haven’t looked into it much, but the Indian Bar Association isn’t the Indian analog of the American Bar Association.

Nonetheless, they have been good as regards Ivermectin and other apparently effective treatment in at least some states.

someDude says:

As we say back in India, “In Jaahil Gawaaron ka koi Bharosa nahi.” Can’t trust these boorish rustics. They won’t do a thing to her. She will be just fine with a cozy retirement in comfort and luxury. India is a country of Beta Males. Writing this gives me no pleasure. Very Blackpilling

Only Islamic societies have the potential to be truly based these days with the Russians threatening to join them.

Varna says:

Slavs are pussy whipped from childhood onward.

It’s just фор нош staying on the “normal” levels of 1980s and 1990s West, so the more globohomo degenerates, the more “based” the “normal” state of being pussy whipped seems.

But good pussy.

The new generation teachers, taking over from the old battleaxes, are certainly something.

Albeit what growing up being constantly disciplined by a sneering dominatrix does to a Slav kid’s brain is certainly up for debate.

someDude says:

Hahaha, Varna, those are just fetishes. Every society has it’s fetishists and deviants.

Surely the majority of Russians are not like that!

Surely the Russian state does not want it’s Men to be like that

And they are Not! Russian men are famously known to be Tough

The very fact that a high priestess of holy science has been threatened with prosecution by a body of lawyers itself is a huge thing. I consider it a defiance against the cathedral howsoever symbolic.

someDude says:

Right, 0.00001 divided by 0 is still infinity

Jehu says:

Yeah this is sweet. It’s like, Old Testament prophetic quality control. Stoning would be absolutely perfect, but I’m perfectly cool with culturally appropriate means of execution.

ExileStyle says:

Can any of you tech guys here explain to me how it is possible that Facebook, Instagram, and Whatsapp were all down for so long yesterday? Is their infrastructure really so centralized?

Also, on another curious note, Trump’s Facebook page has been reactivated. I wonder what that means. I also saw he had his first MSM interview (with Yahoo Finance) the other day. Are they bringing him back into the fold to boost ratings and shill the vaccines or what? Or do Democrats just need him for riling their base up?

A2 says:

Looks like someone a FB managed to withdraw their BGP routing records “during a routine upgrade”, so they duly disappeared from the internet. Networking can be fun!

“Our engineering teams have learned that configuration changes on the backbone routers that coordinate network traffic between our data centers caused issues that interrupted this communication,” Facebook’s Santosh Janardhan wrote. “This disruption to network traffic had a cascading effect on the way our data centers communicate, bringing our services to a halt.”

ExileStyle says:

So you’re telling me two of the biggest websites and the largest messaging app and all associated services are all hanging on by the thread of some IT guy’s screw-up? If so, astonishing. That sounds profoundly amateurish.

I hope and almost suspect that infrastructure of the state is as resiliently designed as that…

Pooch says:


notglowing says:

A lot of systems are inherently centralized. For example DNS.
You could change the DNS record for, and no one would be able to access it (after a while). There has to be a single authority on it, because of how DNS works.

In this case, it was more like one thing causing a cascading failure rather than the system just being centralized.

A2 says:

Believe it or not but manual errors of various sorts is still one of the major categories of downtime causes in the industry.

To make it worse, BGP itself has been the mechanism of many spectacular failures, and seems to subsist on a sort of global good will between ASes. See for instance ‘BGP hijacking’ on how this fails.

Less malevolently, sometimes certain peers just emit a lot of BGP trash, perhaps due to a lack of competence or mistaken ideas about how BGP works.

In recent years, there have been various proposals to patch this unwanted behavior. We’ll see.

A2 says:

One amusing example was when Egypt took out Twitter during its color revolution by, if memory serves, withdrawing Egypt’s BGP routing information (and thus disappearing). Basically the same outcome as for FB but done intentionally.

ExileStyle says:

Thanks for the insights.

I’m also curious about WhatsApp’s role in this. Does this mean that this ultra-private super-duper encrypted service is simply routed through the same systems as facebook chat, making it fundamentally no different from them?

A2 says:

As far as I know, WhatsApp is nowadays located in FBs data centers. So is Instagram. At the end of the day they can easily shut them down.

WhatsApp does use some form of encryption but it seems somewhat compromised. Do not consider it to be ultra-private. The same goes for Apple and iCloud and many if not all other communication services. In Europe, authorities cracked Encrochat, a service used by various criminals, and the FBI along with others even developed and sold a honeypot device called ANOM.

I mention Apple because they have promoted the privacy of their devices, but now it seems government has ground them down and they will start scanning your iCloud uploads. Just for very bad stuff, of course, and not very effectively, so don’t worry. Do not mind that camel’s nose in the corner of the tent.

Redbible says:

About Trump being back on mainstream places:
So from what I know, there was a Anti-Vaccine Mandate protest where both BLM and Trump supporters marched together.
If this indeed happened, then I think the cathedral might be getting scared that the BLM monster is breaking free from there chains, and want to re-solidify the “unity” the democrats had, which was “Trump hate”. Not sure it will work how they want, since normality is changing month by month.

Also, Trump being on mainstream places help to make things look “normal”.

notglowing says:

I don’t think “BLM” or blacks could possibly organize by themselves as their own political faction.
They have tribalism yes, but when have they ever been a coherent cohesive political force of their own without being directly supported by someone else?

It’s not surprising at all they oppose leftism on this, but it’s similar with homosexuals and all that stuff. It doesn’t really amount to anything in the grand scheme of things, and individual blacks are allowed to commit crime speak since they are black.

It seems more likely the extreme left will eat the moderates, as they have been doing, and they will be covid demon worshippers.

>I think the cathedral might be getting scared that the BLM monster is breaking free from there chains
That said, maybe this is true. After all if they believe their own nonsense they must also believe that this is possible.

>re-solidify the “unity” the democrats had, which was “Trump hate”
The main political divider has smoothly transitioned to covid demon worship, with the caveat that as you say, the blacks oppose it. However it seems the same as the LGBT issue to me.

Pooch says:

It could be the Cathedral correctly realizing that Trump is not an actual threat to their rule and thus better to keep him around as controlled opposition.

Alfred says:

>It could be the Cathedral correctly realizing that Trump is not an actual threat to their rule and thus better to keep him around as controlled opposition.

Seems like it.

Kunning Drueger says:

He could be just stubbornly trying to “fair fight” his way back to relevance. It is a known exploit of MSM to be unable to ignore Trump. I’m not saying he’s/ourguy/, but it seems to me that there is a bloc forming, somewhere between cuckservatives and Chadstorationists. Amerikaners, based blacks, conservative minorities. Maybe it is illusory, but there seems to be something happening.

Pooch says:

Amerikaners already formed under Trump in an attempt to gain political representation. Only problem is that elections, politics, laws, and normalcy is dead so it failed. The time for politicians and voting your way out of it has now passed. Unless Trump plans on regime change backed by a loyal army, he can be ignored.

Kunning Drueger says:

An organization formed for a pointless purpose is still an organization. In a very small way, I’m using “voter awareness” to bund-build. If some weirdo collection of deplorables forms to impact the vote, it wouldn’t be that hard to mission creep over to replace existing governance/managerial structures. His inability to see what was actually happening was a terrible shame, but I am not convinced he’s now a cathedral agent.

Pooch says:

I don’t think Trump is a cathedral agent, but it seems his normalcy bias is blinding him from the reality of the situation. There is no political solution. Railing against Biden this, and Biden that is pointless.

What you seek is Amerikaner organizations modeled after Afriforum, which will surely come in the future, that organize neighborhood watches, self defense trainings, legal defense, parallel institutions (schools, etc).

We will have to wait a little while longer until the regime can no longer prevent the enforcement of local order like in South Africa. Until then, move to a exurb/small town/rural Amerikaner Trump town and get to know your immediate neighbors and build a network of people you can be cooperate/cooperate with around you.

Kunning Drueger says:

I’m ensconced, but none of us is secure. Aidan and I have been kicking around a few ideas about next steps, but the Jimians are terribly isolated. Maybe it’s foolish optimism, but I think The Donald is not quite done yet. We’ll see what happens.

Pooch says:

Maybe you could start something now like Afriforum, but I would tend to think the Cathedral would surely go after you if it was too public even if the language was identical. Would need to be underground for the time being.

HerbR says:

In that regard, Trump’s operation largely leveraged the disaffected but still highly connected remains of the co-opted Tea Party movement.

An optimistic view would be that there were “people” behind Trump (I have no idea whom) with Trump himself as simply the charismatic figurehead. And the pattern suggests that while these people keep losing, because they still haven’t quite wrapped their minds around reality yet, they are in fact becoming more effective with each rebranding or reinvention. Not unlike an apparently incompetent enemy launching apparently useless and unwinnable border skirmishes, but which are in fact building up their operational capabilities and continually testing the enemy’s.

If true – and I repeat that it is highly optimistic – then it implies we may yet see a Caesar, maybe in a resurgent Trump, maybe in someone completely different. I do have my reasons for believing that Trump was 100% of the charisma but less than 10% of the operational competence.

The downside is that, if it is part of a cyclical pattern, then that pattern seems to repeat every 10 years or so, would surely take another 2 or 3 cycles to get right, and we may not have that long, given the current degree of downward/leftward momentum. Trump’s people, like Biden’s handlers, are assuming a Brezhnevnian near-term future, but if we get a Khmer Rouge instead, then they both lose.

jim says:

Yes, there infrastructure is totally centralized.

Whatsapp had its own infrastructure, and facebook paid nineteen billion dollars, enough for Musk to do several space missions, to move their infrastructure to the same system as everyone else.

And if you pay someone else for DDoS protection, your stuff gets moved to the same infrastructure. Whenever you see Cloudfare, you connecting to the borg.

Which is why we need a protocol with inherent resistance to DDOS.

Bilge_Pump says:

I think this is the Indian guy who was suing Tesla bc they didn’t want to hire him? I can’t tell bc the page wants me to turn off my ad blocker which I’m not going to do. That’s like a well-used whore telling me to not wear a condom.

Anyway if it is, I’m saddened by this.

Alfred says:

This is the Cathedral working to destroy Musk, they even included black guys calling each other nigga in the lawsuit as proof of racism. The Star Prophet is not doing well against the cathedral. He may be considering a move to China.

Starman says:


And then the StarProphet says how good his Tesla factory in China is doing.

“The Star Prophet is not doing well against the cathedral.”

Activity at Starbase hasn’t seized.

The StarProphet gets interviewed by Russians:

Alfred says:

>Activity at Starbase hasn’t seized.

Launch activity has. The FAA shows every sign of using the “environmental” study to drag shit out until the rockets rust on the launch pads. Though I think Musk’s backup plan is launching them offshore. I pray the that Holy Star Prophet overcomes these cathedral dogs.

Starman says:


The orbital tank farm isn’t complete. Orbital launch mount isn’t complete. Construction and testing on those is still going on. Can’t do an orbital launch until those are finished anyway.

Ship 20 completed cryoproof, static fire is next.

As far as predicting what would happen at Starbase so far, I’ve been right.

Kunning Drueger says:

What’s your read on Elon’s public opinions on Climate Change? I personally believe climate change is very real and will have to be dealt with, but I don’t think humans caused it and I don’t think we can stop it, we have to adapt to it.

Starman says:

@Kunning Drueger

“What’s your read on Elon’s public opinions on Climate Change?”

I don’t really pay attention to what is said, I pay attention to what is actually done.

Kunning Drueger says:

Ok. He seems to me like he’s actually working to develop better tech for bigger expansion. I’m a huge fan and I apply to SpaceX once a year (in the midwit services, of course), but I do worry that elites are highly susceptible to the climate demon.

Alfred says:

>I personally believe climate change is very real and will have to be dealt with, but I don’t think humans caused it and I don’t think we can stop it, we have to adapt to it.

The earth getting greener and warmer is a massive net positive. A tremendous amount of land is currently shitting useless due to ice and permafrost.

Elon isn’t part of the global warming cult as evidence by his funding of carbon capture tech. Such tech is unholy but difficult to argue against by the cult of global warming.

Kunning Drueger says:

The whole of Homo Sapiens Sapiens is contained in a General Warming Period. We are ill suited and poorly prepared for any kind of general change. But yes, warming is boon, not bane. This is how you know global warming advocates are religious nutjobs: they believe in some sort of global mean that can be returned to if only we make the right sacrifices. No one is preparing for a Changed Earth.

jim says:

Sure we are, short of a return to the ice ages, which are due any time in the next few millenia

The underlying problem is that due to life, carbon is being drawn into the subduction zones, and then deep inside the earth. So CO2 levels have been falling over the entire history of life, and are now reaching critical levels, that are unfavorable to plant life and apt to result in ice ages. During an ice age, life diminishes considerably, and so various CO2 sources, such as volcanoes and the rift zones, can catch up. But as the earth gets older, the volcanoes and the rifts become less active, and so we now, now as in the last five hundred million years, have a serious problem, which problem is getting worse.

Over a few decades, carbon dioxide equilibrates with vast reservoirs in the oceans and the rocks. We know those reservoirs are vast, because the carbon 14 generated by nuclear tests disappeared within a decade or so. Therefore human CO2 emmissions are, unfortunately, absolutely insignificant. CO2 levels are rising because the world is getting warmer (and thus these vast reservoirs are slightly less apt to retain CO2). Human CO2 emissions are like pissing into lake Michigan.

Nada says:


Exactly. Climate Changeâ„¢, like the USDA food pyramid, is an inversion of the truth.

CO2 levels are dangerously low, thankfully they’ve begun to rise again. Great interview with William Happer explaining this:

Much of life evolved during the Cambrian period, during which CO2 levels were as high as 5000ppm. Most plants (C3 plants) are adapted to those levels. 400ppm is nothing.

Hopefully Elon & the other tech overlords aren’t too serious about removing meaningful amounts of CO2 from the atmosphere.

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. CO2 is a pollutant.

jim says:

Unless has Musk has Shaniqua as chief rocket engineer, he is going to get another one hundred and forty seven dollar racism and sexism punishment.

At the same time, the EPA does not want mars contaminated by sinful humans.

Dave says:

Elon Musk could do two great things for humanity by moving SpaceX to China, or to a more equatorial location in China’s orbit, and building a thorium reactor next door to provide it with cheap, clean, reliable electricity. All employees will be invited to move, but Shaniqua’s invitation will get lost in the mail.

Starman says:

Elon Musk was sued twice before by the Shaniquas, he just moved on and kept going. I call him a prophet for a reason. He is dead serious on making Mankind multiplanetary, a strong religious reason.

And he only has to prove the fully reusable Starship concept. Launch and land the Booster and Ship stages.
China and Russia doesn’t need the EPA’s permission to settle Mars.

jim says:

Starship will probably be ready for its first launch in a couple of weeks. The (utterly ridiculous) Environmental Impact study is unlikely to be ready for 2022.

What damage will starship do to the environment? Obviously only a bit more than previous launches, which damage is absolutely trivial compared to the immense environmental damage done by any Environmental Protest, which leaves a trail of trash behind it. When they go out to the countryside to protest some mining project or something, the devastation is shocking.

Alfred says:

>Starship will probably be ready for its first launch in a couple of weeks. The (utterly ridiculous) Environmental Impact study is unlikely to be ready for 2022.

Starship would have been ready about a month ago but Musk cut the big push short after it became clear the FAA was going try to fuck him over.

Though I have to wonder about the those heat tiles. I think they might end up being a mistake considering how often they fall off. Long term we might need active cooling if we’re going to launching starships with very short tern around times.

Cloudswrest says:

“Long term we might need active cooling if we’re going to launching starships with very short tern around times.”

If one has a source of water in space (low G asteroid, etc) one could possibly reenter with steam powered retros. Said water providing at least three functions:

1. Cooling the reentry surfaces. Turing into high pressure steam.

2. Steam ejected as rocket exhaust producing a non-(direct)friction source for deceleration.

3. Vapor barrier heat shield, i.e. Leidenfrost effect.

C4ssidy says:

Why is this solution easier or cheaper than whatever r&d is required to simply make sure that the ceramic tiles remain attached?

jim says:

Expendable rockets use lithium aluminum alloy, which has a much higher strength to weight ratio than stainless steel, or resin carbon fiber, which has much higher strength to weight ration aluminum alloy.

Musk went to stainless steel, because it has higher heat tolerance, and plans the belly flop re-entry, to reduce re-entry heating.

The true solution is carbon-carbon fiber coated with chromium carbide, which has a much higher heat tolerance than stainless steel. But building large objects out of carbon carbon fiber is difficult. No one has done it.

Musk is still looking for ways to attach the tiles.

He was originally going to go with sweating – during re-entry, the rocket bleeds out a layer of cool gas to shield itself from the hot gas. That would work also.

Alfred says:

He was originally going to go with sweating – during re-entry, the rocket bleeds out a layer of cool gas to shield itself from the hot gas. That would work also.

They dropped that system due to weight. Musk rapidly iterates on his designs so it wouldn’t be surprising if it gets added back in at some point. Or maybe he’ll find a way to make the tiles work consistently.

jim says:

> Musk rapidly iterates on his designs

Rapidly iterating your designs is an offense against the Gaia demon. The rockets are going to sit on their pads indefinitely while priests debate. Having a white male rocket building team is sacrilege against the sacred totems. Musk’s will find his job redefined from getting to mars to proving that science and technology was stolen from the brave and stunning warrior women of subsaharan Africa.

Musk is in the same shoes as Stilicho was.

Starman says:

The FBI is terrified of a real military confrontation, where multiple agents end up in body bags or worse.

And nobody wants to die for General Faggot Milley.

Starman says:
Varna says:

Soon all megacorps will be forced, if they want to survive, to strap down their Shaniquas and blast them with gamma waves until the Shaniquas develop enormous veined craniums and become telepathic geniuses.

And then be given chief rocket engineer positions n sheit.

Trust the plan. Two more weeks.

Karl says:

Shaniquas are reluctant to take the clot shot, so will probably be even more reluctant to take gamma waves.

Still it is an idea and there are plenty of people at megacorps who will gladly blast Shaniqua with gamma waves. Not much forcing needed on the megacorp side, I presume.

jim says:

I am sure some environmentalist will complain that the occasional rain of exploded debris is bad for the environment, though the worst explosion recently slightly damaged four bushes and one remote operated camera, and was cleaned up quite promptly.

Meanwhile the environmentalists erratic and unpredictable designation of species as worthy and unworthy is severely damaging the environment.

A extermination of feral cats, by means of poisoned baits that any wild carnivore was likely to eat, resulted in an enormous plague of rats, devastating both wild plants and farms. A similar extermination on an extremely sacred island, sanctuary for seabirds, resulted in a plague of rats that ate all the eggs and nestlings, and attacked adult birds. The plague of rabbits ate everything green, resulting in devastating erosion. (They were worried that the feral cats were eating sacred birds, but rats eating sacred birds was just too hard too worry about. Meanwhile the sacred motivations for their actions purified the unsacred results.)

I have seen a cloud of an “endangered species”, stretching from horizon to horizon, leaving their nesting grounds to devastate farms in the vicinity. I have hacked my way through an endangered plant species that was strangling everything else on my land and making movement difficult. Its sap was poisonous, and if left too long on the skin left burns, and its leaves had razor sharp edges tipped with tiny thorns.

If cockroaches only afflicted country people, they would be “endangered” also.

EH says:

Don’t believe Elon is opposed to the Cathedral, as such, or is some kind of individualist who succeeded on his own merits, any more than Steve Jobs was. Ever notice how there are supposedly no great inventors, designers or geniuses besides the lone “great visionary” at Apple, NeXT, Tesla, SpaceX? Yet Musk and Jobs did none of the work, made none of the inventions, nor any of the designs.

The successful parasites such as Musk and Jobs still succeeded only as parasites, same as Bezos, Gates, or any of the rest — they just conformed less to the prevailing bad taste than the rest, while still having the overweening egos needed to take the work of the real geniuses without guilt or more than token compensation.

Alfred says:

Ever notice how there are supposedly no great inventors, designers or geniuses besides the lone “great visionary” at Apple, NeXT, Tesla, SpaceX? Yet Musk and Jobs did none of the work, made none of the inventions, nor any of the designs.

Found the commie shill.

Steve Wozack, who’s widely considered the genius behind the early apple designs did absolutely nothing of value after leaving apple beside play Tetris and give his ex wives huge alimony payments. Steve jobs went onto create a useable GUI, the ipod, and the smart Phone. Great men get the most of out the most talented people they can find.

Musk is much like jobs but he’s also an actual engineer who does step in solve problems and someone with a big dream that may just save humanity from extinction.

jim says:

Take the shill test.

Every transistor, every silicon chip, is built by an engineer who learned it working under an engineer learned it working under an engineer learned it working under an engineer … who learned it working under Shockley, who invented the transistor and wrote the book explaining how they work. Nothing came of academic work on transistors and peer reviewed research on the topic.

The entire modern world, from steam engines to the computer you are typing on, is the product of heroic scientist engineer chief executive officers of private corporations.

Harvard built radars during world war II, conscripting Hewlett and Packard and confiscating their work, but after the war, the Harvard work led to nothing.

When the priesthood killed off enforceable apprenticeship and enforced compulsory schooling to later and later ages, and created high pressure to continue schooling to much later ages, they cut the chain that passed skills from older to younger generations – you can see this in the decline of the quality of furniture, art, and architecture.

EH says:

BS. Shockley was a great guy, but Carver Mead was more important for integrated circuits (Moore’s Law could just as well be called Mead’s Law, his textbook on VLSI design is the most important in the history of the industry) — granted, Mead would be the first to tell you that the academic explanation for how transistors work had nothing to do with making them work:

“The successes in technological enterprise are attributable to conceptual reasoning. “Fundamental” physical theory, as taught in universities and and propagated in the literature, has a long history of hindering conceptual reasoning, and therefore technological progress.” (From “The Nature of Light: What are “Photons”?”, which is all about how wrong-headed physics is.)

Anyway, the topic is: whether the CEOs of tech companies are the geniuses who come up the the ideas, or rather pass off as their own the work of the real geniuses, who get comparatively little. I’m not at all disputing that it is lone heroic geniuses who make the advances, I’m disputing that they are the famous CEOs. You support corporations. I support geniuses. You believe their PR. I have experience going back generations.

I’ve had a couple genius inventors in my family tree, and I am one myself. One of them, born in the mid-19th c. was likely a model for Twain’s Connecticut Yankee, was indeed a CEO, and his company is still making the machines that make things literally everyone uses everyday — but the laws and society have changed, no one can now do what he did. Even so, fighting a patent battle took a large share of the profits of the limited period the patent lasted.

A more recent ancestor of mine made advances in missile guidance systems, fighter avionics and more — but despite having the engineering chops, very rare inventive ability and the force of personality to be a top executive, he made his money in real estate. He told me many stories about how dumb brass shat on anything they couldn’t understand and took credit for the rest. (For instance, the admiral who wanted a ring-and-crosshairs added on to the gyro-stabilized, lead-computing reflector-gunsight from the MIT Instrumentation Lab.) He would have revolutionized air-traffic control and navigation in the ’60s, were it not for bureaucratic BS.

As for myself, I come up with good, significant inventions every year, sometimes more than daily. I’m not going to describe them because it would reveal my identity, make them less valuable (not only to me) and be beside the point. I’ve gotten into top schools and couldn’t stand them. I’ve worked in top tech jobs, Dilbert is one of the lucky ones.

I’d rather work on my ideas, my specialty, but the system is set up to prevent such specialization. No one has such a job, consulting or otherwise. Ideas are not only not marketable, but actively suppressed by every means possible. Going to university, even as a student, or working for a corporation, even as a temp.: the organizations claim ownership over all ideas. All funding for R&D goes through such organizations, with 40%+ taken as tribute by the administrators, and the spending of much of the rest directed to cronies. Of course, no one without the right resume for that particular idea gets funding, others need not apply. The patent application process is effectively an up-front punishment of similar magnitude to a DUI, several thousand dollars and years of legal process, to get what is in the end 98% likely to be worthless, and in the other 2% only grants a license (obligation, really) to bring a lawsuit costing literally millions and taking usually several more years (which you can almost never really, finally win against a big opponent). A US patent doesn’t actually give you the right to practice the invention, nor even to prevent the government from using it, nor even to prevent competitors from using it if you let anyone use it, and it applies only in the US. Any prior disclosure of an invention, even public disclosure, can be used by others to file a patent under the first-to-file system with virtually no real recourse, certainly none that isn’t expensive and uncertain, while also making any later patent on the subject, even from honest independent invention, open to being invalidated and even more expensive to defend, and making the idea virtually unpatentable once it’s more widely discussed, the discussions then being prior art — so even publishing potentially patentable ideas is suppressed. There is no market for invention licensing.

Any real invention will reduce the value of existing investments, perhaps even make them obsolete. Existing large organizations always stand to lose from invention, so the inventor must bring the product to market himself. Bringing any idea to market requires years of dedication to that one idea to the exclusion of all others, as well as all the rare skills that go into building a successful startup, which are virtually incompatible with those needed for inventing. Not to mention capital, which you can’t get at all, most likely, but in particular you can’t get on any kind of reasonable terms, even credit card terms, let alone the kind of deals Boomers get on their 2nd house/boat/RV, still less the Fed rates the kleptocrats get. Getting idea men to be discouraged by the prospect of going the startup route effectively suppresses most innovation, while not appearing to be doing so, and for those that do try to go that route, it effectively still suppresses all their ideas other than that single one, and that one has a low chance of succeeding. If it does, the idea man gets treated like Woz at best, while the snake-in-a-suit makes out like Jobs. Usually, even with idea-driven companies, the idea men are completely written out of the story and get nothing. (e.g. any of Musk’s companies).

All that is added on top of what one would think would be the already sufficiently dire fundamental difficulty: any new idea is in competition with not only established methods, but all other ways of accomplishing the same ends.

I’m not saying it’s merely difficult, it’s literally impossible to work as an inventor, it requires at least a hundred times more unfounded optimism than those hoping to become movie stars or professional athletes – at least they can point to hundreds of people who have succeeded. But acting and athletics are worthless compared to inventing. All large organizations — and all people — are nothing but ungrateful parasites on the men like me who invented everything from the stone hand-axe to nanotech.

Now you may have your opinion, but I actually met, if not Musk, then an insufferable 12-year old twerp named Elon from South Africa, in a Texas university GATE program when I was about the same age, (1984) and Michael Dell around the same time (Dell also in ’88), and I was not impressed by their technical abilities, warmth, or generosity. Jobs, from second-hand accounts, was the same. They’re ambitious, unscrupulous and arrogant, but capable of hiding it well enough when needed to be exceptionally persuasive salesmen. I’m better than them in every other way.

More to the point, Eric Drexler is better than them (and me) in all those ways. He’s in a different, higher class than Ralph Merkle, too, who spent what should have been the best part of his career on molecular nanotechnology, but now is known for the much less important “Merkle tree” basis of cryptocurrencies (which you’ll notice didn’t make him a billionaire). So, just from that last point, you’re wrong.

jim says:

but Carver Mead was more important for integrated circuits (Moore’s Law could just as well be called Mead’s Law, his textbook on VLSI design is the most important in the history of the industry)

Carver Mead attempted to follow Shockley in transitioning from Academia to putting his ideas into action. Having written the book, found the company. For whatever reason, nothing much happened, and he went back into Academia.

What did happen is that his ideas were put into action, made into real silicon, by the Fairchidren, who are engineers who trained under engineers who trained under Shockley. So it is not like the Fairchildren stole Carver Mead’s ideas. Carver Mead founded a company, got nowhere fast, the Fairchildren founded companies, got somewhere.

His problem may have been that he was not a big enough asshole to herd cats, but seeing how this repeats over and over and over again, I think his problem was that he was not trained under a real engineer in how to make transistors real.

Anyway, the topic is: whether the CEOs of tech companies are the geniuses who come up the the ideas, or rather pass off as their own the work of the real geniuses, who get comparatively little. I’m not at all disputing that it is lone heroic geniuses who make the advances, I’m disputing that they are the famous CEOs. You support corporations. I support geniuses. You believe their PR. I have experience going back generations.

You over value good ideas – hard to tell how good an idea is until implemented, and in implementing it, the lone genius CEO has to reinvent it extensively. Musk’s rocket ships are Heinlein’s rocket ships, but everyone rightly gives Musk, not Heinlein, the credit.

Good ideas are worth two cents a bale, provided they are already baled. Making good ideas real is hard. I know this full well, being full of good ideas myself.

Shockley was part of a group of academics who came up with the idea of the transistor, but Shockley made it real, and in order for it to become real, he had to be the CEO.

You complain that people with bright ideas are not adequately rewarded. They should not be rewarded, except through the prestige that accrues within the group interested in discussing those good ideas.

Everything Steve Jobs came up with was in the air, but only Steve Jobs could do what he did. Only Shockley could do what he did, for no end of other people attempted to do what he did, Carver Mead among them, and as did the group that Academia piously credits as collectively inventing the transistor.

The academic history is false. One man invented the transistor, and that man was Shockley. And proof of this is that all transistors are descended from and engineer who trained under an engineer who trained under an engineer … who trained under Shockley. If good ideas could do it, if academia could do it, if Shockley stole his colleagues ideas, well, lots of other people could equally steal those ideas, and we would see transistors that are not descended from Shockley. We would see silicon chips descended from Carver Mead.

We don’t see silicon chips descended from Carver Mead. He had go, went nowhere. Havard built good radars during the war – having conscripted Hewlett and Packard and confiscated their stuff. When, after the war, Packard and other lowly mere CEOs went home, Harvard radar strangely went nowhere fast.

Nasa tried to build rockets during the war. Failed. At the end of the war, kidnapped Wernher von Braun. He knew how to build rockets, he had successfully built rockets, he cooperated fully, but Nasa’s rockets still did not fly. So they put him in charge and told everyone to treat him respect. Then their rockets flew.

Which is why good ideas are worth two cents a bale, but only if already baled. If just anyone could make a good idea real, given someone else’s good idea, Nasa’s rockets would have flown, and we would see silicon chips built by engineers who trained under Mead.

Nasa attempted copy Wernher von Braun’s good ideas. He was their prisoner. He cooperated fully. Still got nowhere. Could not give effect to someone’s else’s good idea.

EH says:

[*deleted for posting from a parallel universe*]

jim says:

Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.

EH says:


jim says:

If your story has any basis in fact, give us some primary sources.

Every silicon chip everywhere is made by an engineer who trained under an engineer who trained under an engineer … who trained under Shockley when he was CEO of the business that produced the first transistors.

No silicon chip anywhere is made by an engineer who trained under Carver Mead

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>There is no market for invention licensing.

And by and large, there shouldn’t be. Few things are greater retardants for innovation and development of society in general than the patent system.

EH says:

“Few things are greater retardants for innovation and development of society in general than the patent system.”

True, but that’s by design. OTOH, if inventors don’t get paid, no one gets their ideas, at least not from the ones who are smart enough to figure out that the system is designed to screw them 100% of the time.

Contrast the expense, lifetime, and ease of getting paid of other sorts of intellectual property: trade secret, copyright and trademark, but especially copyright. Inventors produce more value than authors, musicians, or even programmers — far more than publishers, record labels or film studios, who really benefit most from copyright — yet are not only uncompensated but effectively punished. There isn’t even any real status from inventing.

It could be different, better valuation and compensation schemes for originating and stages of developing technical ideas are easily conceivable. The system is functioning as designed, though, just like public education, the courts, or the other parts of government — the real goals are not the ostensible goals.

But, back on topic: there is a dysfunctional market for patents, but there is none for inventions. You can actually make a company that creates and maybe gets paid for patents, but the money comes from long expensive lawsuits, and goes to parasites, not making more inventions. You cannot make a company or even a living from inventing, there is no market for unpatented inventions, not because they have no value — they account for nearly all value, counting the stock of them that has been built over the millennia and gives value to land, labor, and money; which in fact allows the population to be 100,000 times what it was before stone tools. The problem is that disruptive inventions make existing technologies obsolete and make investments in those technologies worthless — not only financial investments, but investments in work experience, and with the loss of money, job and pension goes status and life.

The basis of civilization, even culture, is specialization of work, and invention is the most valuable work for civilization as a whole, but this specialization among all others is not only uncompensated but effectively punished.

jim says:

Inventions are worthless. Inventors are worthless.

The talent to invent something and make working implementations in reasonable quantities at a reasonable price is rare. Inventors are two a penny and should shoveling manure instead of wasting their time inventing. Inventing is easy, because an inventor is an idiot who knows nothing about the task giving advice to someone who is actually attempting to accomplish the task.

As Musk said, designing a facility that can make a rocket is ten times as hard as designing a rocket. All the ideas that Musk’s rockets embody have been around for decades, but no one else could build them in reasonable quantities at a reasonable price and make them work.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Let anyone who wants to have a go at a good idea, have a go – if they can.

Aidan says:

Coordinating smart men to complete projects that can only be done by multiple geniuses is not parasitism at all. Not a single individual genius rocket scientist could have made Starship happen, and making geniuses work together is like herding cats. Making Starship happen is called leadership. Hate male leadership, hate the natural order, want to kill me and my family. Usually goes like that.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Labour is easy. Ideas are also easy. But organization, that is hardest of all.

Those mattoidic control-freaks among us – at times called in latter years ‘communists’ – handwave in perfect thoughtlessness any logistical concerns of mere reality as trivial and immaterial; in their solipsistic mode of engagement with Being, all that matters is to hold an Idea, express a Will for something, and thus Being ought to spontaneously proceed itself in accordance with that Will; and if it ever so happens that Being just so happens to fail to proceed itself in accordance with the solipsist’s mere will, it can only because there are non-believers who are failing to share the Idea, and are thus emmanating disruptive mind-static preventing Being from so spontaneously proceeding.

Tens of millions of dollars are spent in NASA to fail to do what SpaceX does at a fraction of the budget; which is put rockets into space. Elon Musk, Star Prophet, is doing what, empirically, very few other men are capable of doing, which is help lift Civilization up closer to joining the stars. And he richly deserves to get a huge fortune through it, and honors and glories – money itself, being a representation of the power or potency required to achieve something; renumeration, a reflection of that which does facilitate greater potency.

Cornelius Vanderbilt amassed a huge fortune building a train network across America; and he richly deserved to get a huge fortune for it, and honors and glories; because before him, there was no train network, and after him, there was a train network. Miraculous Blessings. He got rich because he created value, because he created an organization that created value, increased the potency potential of the broader society he participated in.

We all ostensibly have the benefit of standing on the shoulders of giants; curiously, we seem to find no shortage of people who elect not to do so. NASA also ostensibly has everything NASA used to do. You’re going to need to adopt a more nuanced theory because that one fails (on purpose) to explain why they can’t do what Musk can do; why they can’t do what *they were once able to do*.

Yul Bornhold says:

Jim foresees holiness spiraling into French Revolution/Bolshevik/Khmer Rouge style bloodletting. Moldbug think that’s not happening because everyone is too low energy. He points to the great masses who once belonged to para-political organizations like the Wide Awakes. Contemporary American civic participation is lower than it has ever been, which points away from any intense spiral.

I often wonder which of them is right.

The left doesn’t seem to have derived any energy from Moldbug’s appearance on Tucker Carlson’s show. This seems a point in favor of his theory. If the left were intensifying, this would be a perfect excuse for extreme action. Yet they largely ignored it.

To be clear, in Moldbug’s model, the left grows ever lefter, pettier, crueler, more incompetent and crabbier (tranny drag queen child sacrifices NOW) but it can’t spiral into the outright slaughter apparent in previous revolutions because the commissars are too unmanned for such action. Ruby Ridge and Waco took place in the 90s. The Malheur Wildlife Refuge standoff ended without any deaths.

notglowing says:

> The left doesn’t seem to have derived any energy from Moldbug’s appearance on Tucker Carlson’s show.

Moldbug has been a namefag for a while and that makes most of what he says relatively muted. He’s not such a big threat to them, he kisses their ass so to speak, plus not that many people really know who he is.

> but it can’t spiral into the outright slaughter apparent in previous revolutions because the commissars are too unmanned for such action.

That appears to be the case. Because the power of the USG and its ability to project violence and organize effectively is decaying faster than the left is spiralling.
This might not be that great though, if they are not defeated and instead we just continue indefinite moral decline while nobody is strong enough to actually take them down, because they are ever more demoralized and low energy.

But yeah, they would like to kill us, but where does the left get the manpower to do that directly? The more they progress, the more they undermine that, and it’s already been undermined substantially. The Afghanistan collapse might be the best thing that happened in a long time.

Pooch says:

I tend to think Moldbug is right and Jim is wrong. The French Revolution/Bolshevik/Khmer Rouge all happened in still developing societies/empires with military-capable regime forces mass murdering with brutal competence.

Our situation more closely tracks with the collapse of the Roman Empire, where military competence of the regime is decreasing by the day as it becomes less Christian white male and more of a non-white diversity jobs program .

There certainly may be, and likely will be, democide, genocide, and murder but I predict it will be more along the lines of Zimbabwe/South Africa style black mob killings of isolated white farmers, not the Khmer Rougue, as society devolves into Third World barbarism.

Pooch says:

as it’s fighting force becomes less Christian white male*

Alfred says:

They’re enforcing vaccine mandates on a huge scale. Their demon worshipping religion is growing in power and mass murdering people in hospitals.

We have 2 things going on: The old leftist group is losing competence and declining. They have a new religion which is demands human sacrifices and all the young kids have been indoctrinated in Communism which is rapidly growing in power.

The left is low energy because men are not getting laid for supporting the religion and they’re most vocal supporters are women desperately seeking the alpha males behind the power being displayed. The right is also low energy for the same reason. We’re far more likely to suffer a bronze age style complete collapse than anything else if we don’t have a Cesar/Stalin or a new religion.

The bronze age collapse was far far worse than anything we’ve seen in history. At least 80% of the civilized population was wiped out.

Pooch says:

Was the Bronze Age Collapse all that much different than the Fall of the Western Roman Empire? I just assumed both events were similar in nature with similar results. Most of the Roman cities were basically wiped out by barbarian hordes weren’t they?

Alfred says:

That’s a really good point.

Pooch says:

Approximately 1600 years between the Bronze Age Collapse and the Fall of the Roman Empire with both events, and our current decline now, all happening for approximately the same reasons (female emancipation).

1600 years forward the Fall of the Roman Empire puts us now at around the time where a civilizational collapse event is due in Western history and an argument could be made that our collapse could be the most spectacular and harsh yet seen given the nature of our holiness spiral.

Pooch says:

now give or take a few centuries*

Karl says:

Alfred, where are they enforcing vaccine mandates on a huge scale?

At least in Europe they are only using a mixture of propaganda and bullying. Pretty easy not be vaccinated. Would be difficult if they were to enforce it like a military draft in peace, very difficult if they were to enforce it like a military draft in war.

Things are only enforced when saying the word “no” doesn’t help

ExileStyle says:

Hm, how about Frace?

They’ve been VaxPassing everyone for a while, now about to literally cop-at-your-door force inject.

Karl says:

France introduced a bill, maybe the bill will become law maybe not. If so, maybe it will be enforced, maybe not.

There are lots of laws in France that are not enforced, for example a ban on burqas. Anyway a fine of 135 EUR is low enough that anyone who seriously does not want to get the clot shot will risk being fined.

alf says:

I find it hard to decypher Yarvin’s predictions. Sometimes he indicates a possible peaceful transfer of power, sometimes he predicts decades of stability, sometimes he predicts instability.

Jim’s predictions are much easier to understand. The French revolution mass murder styles have been discussed here before, and we are updating our understanding as time goes by. We aren’t a military capable society, yet we have a very active holiness spiral. How does that develop?

If our ruling class would be full mother earthism, it could have been another communist revolution where the bourgeouisie and capitalists would have been replaced with polluters and corporations. But they are too heavy into bioleninism, and the general societal rot has been going on too long. Seems to me we are looking at decay, at the falling apart of civilization. Which, in my humble opinion of course, Jim has been talking about quite clearly.

Pooch says:

Yes, this is not to minimize Jim at all. His clear and concise insight into a variety of outcomes and eventualities for the West has been invaluable.

I would say Jim and Yarvin are in agreement on just about everything important. Yarvin takes forever to get to the point whereas Jim is clear and direct, but their final points are not all that much in disagreement.

Yarvin was clear and direct at the end of the Tucker interview, however. His best case is Caesar (which Jim agrees with). His worst case we get the Fall of the Western Roman Empire (Jim’s worst case is the Khmer Rougue), and this is where I agree with Yarvin.

Fëanor says:

We are not going to get Caesar, because we are nothing like the society that produced Caesar, which had essentially privatized armies personally loyal to their generals. Caesar was a particularly successful general who had just returned from a massive genocidal conquest that nearly doubled the territory controlled by Rome. No one in America today is in anything like his position.

We do, however, fit the late Roman Empire to a T, with the Church of Harvard instead of the Church of Christ, but there are plenty of ways that the fifth century could have gone much better or much worse for Rome. The goalposts are not Caesar and Odoacer, but Justinian and Attila. (A Hun victory would probably have been about as bad as the Bronze Age Collapse, though it is hard to say.)

If you are praying for the eradication of the Church of Harvard, however, you should probably be praying for more violence and destruction rather than less. The Roman state church continued on its merry way through the fall of the Empire, and even in the fall of Bronze Age Greece, where the entire writing system disappeared from use (suggesting the systematic murder of the priestly class), the names and forms of their gods changed hardly at all after the collapse.

Theology, on the other hand, seems almost totally orthogonal to teachings about the material world; there were left- and right-wing strains within Christianity from the beginning; as Roman society declined the left-wing parts became dominant, but after the collapse and restoration the same symbols and texts were used to justify right-wing ideas instead. (Leftist Catholics love to quote writers from the fifth century, who rather like today’s leftists act as though their church is small and persecuted when in fact it had nearly total control over Roman society.) Looking purely at the historical analogy, the likeliest outcome seems to be that reverence for Science and Experts remains the dominant system of epistemology after the next restoration, but we make sure that the scientists do actual science and the experts have actual expertise.

neofugue says:

> Leftist Catholics love to quote writers from the fifth century, who rather like today’s leftists act as though their church is small and persecuted when in fact it had nearly total control over Roman society

There have always been demonic factions within the church, among the most notable the Universalist faction with their chief heretic the accursed Origen, whose significance accounts for the sizable Progressive faction within Orthodoxy attempting to cast doubt upon the Fifth Council which condemned him.

Apostates and entryists bend scripture and the words of the saints to fit Progressive narratives. Demon worshipers excel in this regard, yet upon reading original sources one quickly discovers the saints asserting the opposite of what the enemies of the church ascribe to them. I am unfamiliar with the Roman Catholic sphere, but enemies in Orthodoxy twist the words of St. Isaac the Syrian and St. Gregory of Nyssa as supporting Universalism.

There is no such thing as a “Leftist Catholic” in the same way there is no such thing as a “Buddhist Muslim” or a “Shinto Protestant,” as combining systems with alternating ideological and moral axes necessitates subsuming one over the other. The “Leftist Catholic” dons the vestments of Catholicism just as a real Catholic sets up a Christmas tree.

The Cominator says:

Catholicism is by nature internationalism and demon worship. Anything that advocates supremacy of some international priest ruler is demon worship. There have been a couple popes who did good things (I like Urban II and Julius II) but the general nature of Catholicism remains.

Also bad ruling class Catholics tend to be really really bad eggs. Worse than Jews. No singular Jew ever hurt his country quite as much as Tony Blair, Von Papen, Ted Kennedy and Fauci hurt theirs. They can’t be trusted because they are very much potentially dual loyalists.

Fëanor says:

I’m not talking about Universalism. A lot of leftists promote Universalism with respect to Christianity in order to undermine it, but they are certainly not Universalists with respect to their own religion; if they believed in hell, all of us evil bad racists would certainly be going there.

It is probably true that the modern leftcath is a regime loyalist first and a Christian second, or at least is trying to avoid being called an evil bad racist, but my point was that in the late Roman Empire (just to give one example) racism was also evil and bad *for explicitly Christian reasons*; what demon was Theodosius the “Great” worshipping when he let all those Goths settle in the empire? And of course Christian socialism goes all the way back to the Acts of the Apostles, wherein there is a scene plausibly interpreted as St. Peter executing two people for owning private property, and it it not really reasonable to call St. Peter an entryist.

You can call certain interpretations heretical or condemned by such-and-such, but my point is that there is a facially reasonable interpretation of Christianity that is quite leftist, that was common in the first large-scale Christian society, and, to the extent that it was ever condemned at all, was only condemned at the behest of emperors trying to keep said society from falling apart, which is to say, of course, that it was condemned by a standard external to Christianity itself.

neofugue says:

There were a great many “interpretations” of Christianity condemned by the church as heresies. Progressivism is secular Universalism, a modern Christian heresy descending from Puritanism; this is Moldbug 101, I assume everyone commenting on this blog is at least familiar with his shibboleths.

> to the extent that it was ever condemned at all, was only condemned at the behest of emperors trying to keep said society from falling apart, which is to say, of course, that it was condemned by a standard external to Christianity itself

This is the contemporary Leftist interpretation of the early Christians which lies in contrast to established church teaching and doctrine. If an Orthodox Christian fails to accept any of the seven councils he is automatically separated from the church. Even the Protestants are most of the time not insane enough to reject the first, even if they reject the other six. The Emperors may have convened the Councils, but the decisions of the Councils were made by priests in consensus each a conclusion of longstanding theological disputes in the church, for example the Origenist Controversies and Saint Athanasius Against the World.

Responding to the two examples, Valens let in the Goths, not Theodosius, the latter of whom was unable to drive them out as his post-Adrianople conscript peasant armies proved ineffective against Gothic nobles. Old-type Christians were more “classist” than “racist,” but “racism” is a modern term invented by Trotsky. Acts Communism was limited to Acts alone, not a moral proclamation set until the end of time.

Jim’s Summary of Acts Communism

My original point was that Leftists are not of God; they are heretics of their father the devil, whether or not their heresies are “reasonable.”

The Cominator says:

“Responding to the two examples, Valens let in the Goths, not Theodosius”

You are being extremely misleading when you say this.

Valens let them cross the Danube disarmed and put in camps basically (which were probably administered far more corruptly than he would like leading to the Gothic escape and revolt). Theodosius the faggot let them settle wholesale under arms.

Fëanor says:

Jim’s explanation of Acts communism appears to be that it was abandoned because it did not work in practice, which is exactly what I meant by “a standard external to Christianity”. Perhaps I overstated the role of the emperors (obviously Paul was not one), but you are understating it; the council which condemned Origen, for example, convened after Justinian had already issued an edict ordering all of his writings to be burned. They were hardly going to then decide that he was actually great. The Western councils that happened without emperors were mostly unrestrained priestly power grabs; for example the Council of Trent, which began the disastrous error of imagining marriage to be the result of a ceremony done by a priest rather than the state of sexual ownership of the wife by the husband.

If you are trying to turn underground cult X into a workable state religion, and you have to condemn interpretations of X for being excessively, rather than insufficiently, holy, then you are building on a foundation of sand. If the supernatural claims of Christianity are true, then there is no such thing as excessive holiness, because the next world is infinitely greater than this one, and we should be scorning this sinful earth, not worrying about restoring civilization or acquiring family and property. If the supernatural claims of Christianity are false, then I don’t see why the ideal amount of Christian holiness should be greater than none.

jim says:

> If the supernatural claims of Christianity are true, then there is no such thing as excessive holiness, because the next world is infinitely greater than this one, and we should be scorning this sinful earth


That is gnosticism.

Which which point of gnostic doctrine somewhat resembles monasticism, but the two are fundamentally very different, and surviving monastic orders have been careful to avoid that heresy, while variants of monasticism that fell into that heresy rapidly became ever more evil and insane, and eventually disappeared.

You are not supposed to scorn this sinful earth, any more than you are supposed to commit suicide to go to heaven faster.

On the contrary, parable of the talents, you are supposed to develop earthly excellence to the best of your capability. To those who whom much was given, much is demanded.

neofugue says:

While this was expected, Fëanor continues to a priori presuppose demonic holiness-spiraling heresies as true Christianity ignoring substantive argument.

Relating to the previously mentioned Origenist Controversies, St. Epiphanius of Salamis, St. Jerome and Pope Theophilus of Alexandria were among the many influential Early Christians who opposed Origen’s heresies. One of many objectives of the Ecumenical Councils was putting end to longstanding theological disputes, the Fifth Council doing so regarding that surrounding Origen. My replies did not “understate” the role of the emperors in the formation of the councils. To put this in perspective, if Fëanor found Arianism “reasonable” he might decry the Councils as Emperors putting stopgaps on “real Christianity” and ignore my would-be referrals to St. Irenaeus and St. Athanasius.

Orthodox Christianity views Theosis as the highest spiritual goal of man, attained by fasting, prayer, virtue and order. Since morality is interpersonal, this goal extends from the individual to the collective. As Gnostic/Universalist/etc. heretical interpretations of Acts do not lead to higher virtue in society these views are rejected. Monks are required to relinquish their possessions, but this practice does not extend outside the monasteries.

Because Orthodoxy bases doctrine from an established authority, heretics and apostates always begin their arguments by poisoning the well with respect to church teaching and doctrine. Critiquing Christianity is fine, but presupposing Orthodox Christianity as Gnosticism/Universalism/etc. in opposition to the established church is dishonest. If Fëanor wishes to believe “true Christianity” as Gnosticism, that is solely his own individual opinion.

> Valens let them cross the Danube disarmed and put in camps basically (which were probably administered far more corruptly than he would like leading to the Gothic escape and revolt). Theodosius let them settle wholesale under arms.

Regarding the linked video, thank you for recommending TIK. It is my understanding that Theodosius was unable to destroy the Goths after Adrianople, so how would he have disarmed them? Turning the Goths into Foederati was a bad decision in hindsight, but what else could he have done?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Jim’s explanation of Acts communism appears to be that it was abandoned because it did not work in practice, which is exactly what I meant by “a standard external to Christianity”

The standard is Creation, Divine Law, Nature or Nature’s God. If your definition of ‘christianity’ places that ‘outside of christianity’, then such is not Christianity, it is the daemons you are possessed by.

Fëanor says:


You are clearly better educated than me on the historical specifics, so I will refrain from arguing those until I’ve read more. And I will take back what I said about monastics, since obviously if the goal is to get everyone to Heaven, you do not want the faith to die out of the world.

However, my original contention was merely that the New Testament lends itself to multiple interpretations, and the decision of which interpretation to condemn and which to elevate was, in the case of issues affecting the material world, made on the basis of natural law, common sense, and memetic natural selection (i.e. Gnostics failed to cooperate and/or reproduce, so their ideas died out), all of which can be derived and understood without reference to Christianity. Thus, my critique of Christianity is that it is both incomplete and unnecessary as a basis for civilization. I have no argument with people who have genuine faith in the supernatural aspects, as long as they do not holiness spiral, but I am arguing against the notion that belief in the supernatural is necessary for a healthy civilization.

jim says:

> all of which can be derived and understood without reference to Christianity.

The logos acts through material and effective causation, but what is the final cause? It makes a difference if society makes the unfalsifiable claim that the final cause is the will of God.

> I am arguing against the notion that belief in the supernatural is necessary for a healthy civilization.

A rational atheist validly can make empirical arguments for cooperate/cooperate equilibrium, but that does not cause it to happen.

As I said, the people hunger for a state faith, and are being fed stones instead of bread. In the vacuum left by the collapse of old type Christianity, demons roam. Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global warming, communism, and the rest are replacements.

Suppose I wish to convince a contractor that I will make reasonable progress payments as progress proceeds, and will immediately pay the final lump sum payment on completion and inspection.

Well I could say that it is my rational self interest, but what is in my rational self interest is not cooperate/cooperate equilibrium, but defection on a cooperator.

And if I truthfully tell him that I do in fact act that way, my merely saying so will increase any doubts he may have.

Constant briefly addresses the issue that the definitions of good and evil need to be public and the subject of social consensus.

This obviously has the problem that the definition is likely to be destructively manipulated, as for example Jewish legalism, now as in the time of Christ.

So, as an individual, you have to announce commitment to and reference an older definition. Much older.

I address this briefly from time to time in the comments, and I addressed it at somewhat greater length in the Logos Has Risen.

If I want to persuade a contractor that I will pay promptly on completion of inspection, and will make appropriate progress payments from time to time, I reference old testament on prompt payment, “At his day thou shalt give him his hire, neither shall the sun go down upon it” and then say “I interpret this as …”

This frames us as fellow members of a tribe, whose supreme alpha male has commanded cooperate/cooperate equilibrium.

And similarly, when I want to tell my wife my expectations of how our relationship should be, I quote Saint Paul.

Even in this day and age, demons, whether they be real or metaphorical, still turn their tails and flee from the cross.

What does it mean to say that a merely metaphorical demon turns its tail and flees? It means that when there is a conflict between current year morality, and the morality that you in fact follow, and you explicitly reference the older tradition, the interlocutor who wants to impose the current year consensus on you is unmanned.

Fëanor says:


When I say that natural law is external to Christianity, I mean that I can understand it without belief in or reference to Christianity, not that orthodox Christianity doesn’t admit its existence.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Well then your point is a toothless triviality.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>I mean that I can understand it without belief in or reference to Christianity

You probably can’t, since presumably you are a europoid male born and raised in the occident, and thus therefore have no initiatory access to mediating social superstructures of another Gnon-tested and Gnon-approved Tradition, and such in any case would not be coherent with your particular constitution as a europoid man anyways.

neofugue says:


Without discernment one unconsciously absorbs the thoughts of the demonic leading to him falling astray. Quoting Orthodox Hieromonk Seraphim Rose, “the Antichrist is not to be found in the deniers, but in the small affirmers whose Christ is only on the lips.” The words of Progs are poison, temptations of the Evil One, and should one be forced to interact with them he must hold steadfast in the knowledge of God that everything they say is a lie. During one of the most tumultuous periods of the Early Church nearly every bishop was of the Arian heresy, and the faith was guarded by Saint Athanasius, often known as Saint Athanasius Against the World. The church prevailed and as a result Arianism is confined to the dustbin of history.

> natural law, common sense, and mimetic natural selection…all of which can be derived and understood without reference to Christianity

Not only are Natural Law and “common sense” (Foundationalism) Christian concepts, they arise from the Summa of Thomas Aquinas. As a clarification, Orthodoxy does not accept Natural Law as it has its own system of knowledge, but that is for another discussion. The problem with claiming that Natural Law can be understood without Christianity is that concepts cannot be purely derived from their material associations; in other words, science is real, but did science tell you that?

jim says:

> combining systems with alternating ideological and moral axes necessitates subsuming one over the other. The “Leftist Catholic” dons the vestments of Catholicism just as a real Catholic sets up a Christmas tree.

Well said.

Progressive Christians are not Christians, any more than the Christian priesthood that subsumed Saturnalia into Christmas were pagans.

The biggest inherent conflict between progressivism and Christianity is sex. Christianity not only forbids homosexuality, but requires women to perform the female role, men to perform the male role, demands to subordination of women to their husbands, forbids women from speaking in church or teaching males, forbids serial monogamy (which has long been interpreted as forbidding polygyny, though the New Testament merely recommends that priests be recruited from men with well behaved children practicing monogyny. Nothing in the New Testament forbids polygyny for the laity. Since there were a lot of Jewish Christians, there would have been a lot of men with more than one wife in the congregation, and there is nothing clearly forbidding an already recruited priest who has successfully and monogynously raised well behaved children from marrying some additional wives, provided he does not abandon, neglect, or mistreat the wife of his youth.

Paul notes the inherent moral frailty of women, but says they will be “saved in childbearing”, which in context only makes sense if “childbearing” is a synecdoche for the female role, childbearing being the most difficult and dangerous burden of the female role – or as I would say it, a good woman is good at being a woman, and if you expect her to be a good man, you will be very disappointed. Paul tells us that women are bad men, but that a good woman will receive salvation, despite the fact that she is a bad man.

Christianity inherently has very different moral expectations of men and women.

neofugue says:

> Nothing in the New Testament forbids polygyny

There is plenty of good in this comment, but I must politely draw the line at polygyny.

The Bible is not the sole source of authority in Christianity; we interpret scripture through the lens of the fathers and keep the traditions of the Church.

Quoting Saint Basil Letter 188:

“In the case of trigamy and polygamy they laid down the same rule, in proportion, as in the case of digamy; namely one year for digamy (some authorities say two years); for trigamy men are separated for three and often for four years; but this is no longer described as marriage at all, but as polygamy; nay rather as limited fornication. It is for this reason that the Lord said to the woman of Samaria, who had five husbands, he whom thou now hast is not your husband. He does not reckon those who had exceeded the limits of a second marriage as worthy of the title of husband or wife. In cases of trigamy we have accepted a seclusion of five years, not by the canons, but following the precept of our predecessors. Such offenders ought not to be altogether prohibited from the privileges of the Church; they should be considered deserving of hearing after two or three years, and afterwards of being permitted to stand in their place; but they must be kept from the communion of the good gift, and only restored to the place of communion after showing some fruit of repentance.”

In other words, the Church has decided that polygamy is now abrogated and this decision is final, disregarding any individual opinion one has regarding the woman of Samaria or any other opinion of a Saint. Taking multiple wives is forbidden by the church and offenders are required to repent.

jim says:

Fair enough, we have to respect the authority of the communion of saints, or else we wind up going full protestant and reinventing Christianity at alarmingly frequent intervals.

Nonetheless Origen and Saint Basil were early faggot entryists, and shortly after taking power, the Church had a lot of them.

Most of their crap was quietly undone during and after the fall of the Roman Empire in the west, but this one stuck around. It undeniably has the consensus of communion of the Saints. I wish it did not, but unsticking this one would to unstick Christianity, and also would open the door for the problem the Muslims have – involuntary celibacy of worthy men because some guys hog all the women, resulting in massive breach of a rather stronger and more fundamental Christian requirement – the prohibition of faggotry. The need to solve the faggot problem started the Taliban, and repeatedly led to their victory, but because of the polygynous example set by Mohammed, they don’t really have a solution.

We have to ensure equitable distribution of pussy, and the Christian solution does ensure it.

Oog en Hand says:

Polygyny? But your whole ideology presuposses the need for enforced monogamy!

Also, price control leads to shortages, i.e. female infanticide.

Yul Bornhold says:

Polygamy is vexing question inasmuch as no laws prohibit it in the Old Testament (though it frequently seems to be a source of strife) but the Church clearly frowns upon it. I’m thinking monogamy is an ascetic practice, like fasting. If you’re in a position to have multiple women, *not* doing so is an act of turning your mind from gluttonous carnal excess to instead focus on spiritual matters.

St. Paul’s main argument on the superiority of celibacy to marriage is that married men necessarily focus on pleasing their wives whereas the unmarried are free to focus on pleasing God. Presumably, multiple wives would provide even more of a distraction, as in case of King Solomon.

Fëanor says:

If someone claims to believe in property rights, but also believes that a business owner has an obligation to pay his employees a “living wage”, rather than the market value of their labor, and that the state should prevent any one man from accumulating too much property so that everyone can have some, does he believe in property rights, or is he a socialist?

This is an actual position on property rights in land and capital held by many of the Christians I am calling “leftist”, not an analogy for the Christian position on sex, although it is, obviously, analogous.

alf says:

Polygamy is vexing question

Interesting points.

A fair case for polygamy can be made. I saw an interview with Khabib Nurmagomedov’s father, who rank among the most famous muslims in the world, and he was quite civilly explaining that Khabib, once he has taken care of his first wive and their children, would be perfectly capable of taking a second wife and family. Personally I’d feel several wives would be more than a handful to handle, but hey, plenty of men pulling it off.

The case against polygyny is that it is an unstable equilibrium — if one man has two women, another man has zero women. So either you are always conquering other tribes (Islam) or stealing other women (Mormons I think?). So monogamy is the most ‘fair’ solution.

Of course in practice some men will have more women naturally gravitating towards them, and sometimes those men will be in a natural position to afford those extra women. Which is just the way it is. The fair compromise to me seems that a mistress is fine, if it is kept on the low. Louis XIV is an example of how not to do that.

Also, I think in the OT God says it’s OK to have a second wife if your first does not bear you any children. Something to say for that as well.

neofugue says:

Women ought to be owned by their husbands, but that does not make them property like all other commodities. Unless under demon-worship, people raise and protect their daughters irrespective of bride-price, resorting to paying off men to marry them, and as such women are the only “property” traded in negative prices, formalized as dowries.

Responding to Alf’s point, St. Basil allows divorce in the case of adultery or infertility. The main reason why certain individuals and groups (outside of overtly polygamous faiths such as Islam) practice polygamy today, for example the fundamentalist Mormons, is because central governments prevent disaffected males from taking action and killing polygamist males.

Pooch says:

The Roman state church continued on its merry way through the fall of the Empire

Christianity at the time of the fall was essentially healthy, being red-pilled on the differences of the sexes and pro-natalist, no? It’s not surprising that it carried on even after the Roman Imperial regime came to an end.

What we have now is a completely inverted strain of the former, being built on lies of the material world and anti-natalist. I assumed it could not possibly continue on without the regime propping it up, given that its adherents don’t reproduce and rely heavily on state-sponsered indoctrination.

You bring up an interesting point however, that collapse of the empire doesn’t necessarily mean the end of globohomo or the eradication of all aspects of the progressive faith. It could certainly mutate further and survive. We are seeing that in South Africa today, where the black ruling party of the ANC seems to be maintaining the black worship cult of progressivism but trending more toward Maoist communism instead of globohomo pride flags.

Fëanor says:

> Christianity at the time of the fall was essentially healthy, being red-pilled on the differences of the sexes and pro-natalist, no?

In AD 458 the emperor Majorian passed a law prohibiting women under the age of 40 from becoming nuns, because there was an elite fertility crisis caused in part by the aristocratic families sending too many daughters to the convents, presumably to signal their superior holiness. Since only a vanishingly small proportion of women are capable of remaining consecrated virgins, this was also turning the convents into whorehouses. (I am not sure that there was ever an age in which convents were not whorehouses, but it was even worse then.) Replace convents with universities, of course, and you have an exact description of our present situation.

Female emancipation in the late Roman Empire was widespread and disastrous, as in the infamous case of Grata Honoria. The Church never precisely condoned this, as far as I know, but the position of many of the late-Imperial Church Fathers is the incel blackpill position, that women are evil temptresses, not the redpill position, that they are wonderful as long as they are under male authority. This is, of couse, exactly what you would expect from mandating priestly celibacy. Which, I will add, almost certainly contributed to the final extinction of the Roman aristocracy, which after the barbarian takeover had no opportunity for advancement except to join the clergy, which prohibited them legitimate children.

It is a mixed bag; the situation was never nearly as bad as it is today, but the restoration of patriarchy was due to the barbarians, not the Church.

My point was that the religion based on lies about the material world will have to be replaced with one based on truths about the material world. Widespread belief in the supernatural is likely dead and not coming back.

jim says:

> Widespread belief in the supernatural is likely dead and not coming back.

Overtly supernatural beliefs are certainly out of fashion. But supernatural ideas thinly disguised as natural beliefs are overwhelmingly strong and widespread, as for example “all men are created equal”

The crushing of Christianity has created a vacuum, filled by demonic supernatural ideas for example the Marxist “History”.

If you look at rock music videos, and assorted public hysterias, it is clear that people are hungry for religion, and instead of giving them bread, our society is giving them stones.

In the stones, you see people’s hunger reflected

And what they are hungry for is an authoritative state religion, in which their participation as a congregation matters. As for example the overtly religious stuff about the Covid vax.

We can feed them with natural law Christianity, that the logos manifests through material and effective causation

Fëanor says:

I am aware that magical thinking and religious hysteria remain common among women and the low IQ, and have little hope of this changing. However, state religions are primarily about the conformity of the elite, and I may have higher standards for my elite, in that I expect them to believe true things about the material world and disbelieve false ones.

This is almost completely orthogonal to one’s beliefs about the Resurrection, life after death, or any other supernatural occurrence. I am quite capable of causing myself to believe in such things when it provides me material benefits, for example when I was dating a Catholic girl, but I see no reason to make such belief mandatory.

What is the position of “natural law Christianity” on the origins of Man?

1. Man was created in a state of perfect innocence, free from suffering and death, and fell from this state by sin.
2. Man was once an ape, even more violent, savage, and stupid than he is now, and acquired (unequally) intelligence and the capacity for cooperation by natural selection in a harsh environment.

If the former, it is not natural law. If the latter, not Christianity.

You can try to create a religion that combines Christian beliefs about the next world with scientific, Darwinian beliefs about this one, and I suppose doing so is not entirely without purpose, but I’m not sure how much existing old type Christians will be on board.

jim says:

I am aware that magical thinking and religious hysteria remain common among women and the low IQ

Internet atheists are high IQ, but unable to cooperate.

In order to accomplish anything, you have to make a leap of faith. How do you know that proof by induction is true?

Well, you just assume it is true, as well as a whole lot of other entirely unfalsifiable assumptions, because otherwise you are not going to get anywhere.

jim says:

> What is the position of “natural law Christianity” on the origins of Man?
> 1. Man was created in a state of perfect innocence, free from suffering and death, and fell from this state by sin.
> 2. Man was once an ape, even more violent, savage, and stupid than he is now, and acquired (unequally) intelligence and the capacity for cooperation by natural selection in a harsh environment.

This is the old much shopworn internet atheist argument on the first three chapters of the book of genesis. Leading Christian Fathers have been treating the first three chapters as spiritually true, but not actual history and geography, for two millenia. You are attacking, not Christianity, but a straw man.

That is a hill that Christians have declined to die on for two millenia.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

It’s been a long time since i’ve seen an ‘internet atheist’ on the tubes – ‘owning the fundies’ isn’t the bleeding edge of sociopathic status maximizing anymore, everyone’s moved on to bigger and better leftisms now, and any that stuck around suddenly found themselves as targets for insufficient holiness (too white, too male).

Good to see that the age old observations hold true as ever though; the ‘internet athesist’ isn’t just any kind of ‘atheist’, but a *christian* apostate specifically; and not just any kind of christian, but *evangelical protestantism* specifically; such is the worldview they unconsciously operate from.

Yul Bornhold says:

> 1. Man was created in a state of perfect innocence, free from suffering and death, and fell from this state by sin.
> 2. Man was once an ape, even more violent, savage, and stupid than he is now, and acquired (unequally) intelligence and the capacity for cooperation by natural selection in a harsh environment.

Don’t know whether it was Moldbug specifically but early Reaction had a bit of an epiphany.

View 1: Man is created in the image of God. Unfortunately, he is fallen or corrupted.
View 2: Man is slipshod creature attempting to wrest cooperation from a defect/defect (or entropic) natural world.

The epiphany was that these concepts map onto each other quite nicely when trying to live in our present world. When the PUAs fished up data on female need and desire to be owned, the religious remembered that was what their holy books had taught all along. And so on.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:
Pooch says:

We aren’t a military capable society, yet we have a very active holiness spiral. How does that develop?

Surely ends in murder and violence but I see it as black mobs coming to kill isolated whites as we are seeing in South Africa, instead of French Revolution-style mass murder.

alf says:

Yea seems fair. For Europe will probably resemble ethnic mobs like mocros or gypsies or whatever.

But first it seems hyperinflation, stock shortages, failing technology and power cuts are on their way.

Pooch says:

Agreed. It is still a long way down the hill from the 1st World to the 3rd World. We aren’t there yet, but it seems to be quite clearly on its way.

Calvin says:

The thing is, once we reach the point where that’s common enough in the US itself, we’ve reached the point where anything resembling the current world economic system has long since ceased to function. But if we’ve got to that point, who’s feeding the black mobs? You need military capability to keep the shipping lanes open and the lights on. Absent white men, there’s no one left who can manage it. It seems less revolutionary mass murder and more wholesale societal collapse at that point.

Pooch says:

That’s a fair point and leads credence to Jim’s assessment that we may be in for quite a rough dark age.

Aidan says:

The millions of white Americans who own half a million guns, and are probably on average better shots than POs and E’s, will be quite happy, in a US with a collapsing economy, to be paid to guard sea ports, power stations, trucks, and trains. Perhaps it will be the homo regime paying them to feed nogs and keep the lights on. But they will de facto rule the areas they protect, and sooner or later one will realize it.

jim says:

That is the plan of the deep state, which thinks that it governs: Brezhnevian stagnation.

That is what they think is going to happen. That is the outcome they expect and intend to bring about.

But they have summoned demons.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Yes, they have summoned demons, but the summoner are pathetic. Unless they get significantly less pathetic very quickly, they are the only souls that their demons will get to eat. Their ability to project violence is collapsing about as fast as their ability to provide widespread cohesion. The Aztecs knew how to organize and had a pretty decent warrior class, and yet they got wiped out anyway. Would Cortez have that much trouble if he landed on the shores of North America today with 500 men with AR-15s and a couple tanks?

I have been noting with some interest a trend among the Lieutenant Colonel rank to write a letter that is basically, “you fight like a fag and your shit’s all fucked up, fuck you, I’m out.” LtCol Scheller being but the first and most well-known of this type. With the purge of the military, and the threats of dishonorable discharges for the unvaccinated, the Covid Demon Cult could be creating a situation analogous to the disbanding of the Iraqi Army, where they promptly formed militias under their old commanders. All of whom hate the Covid Demon Cult and are nearly unemployable due to the nature of their discharges.

jim says:

> Would Cortez have that much trouble if he landed on the shores of North America today with 500 men with AR-15s and a couple tanks?

The conquistadors had Cortez and Pizarro. Where is our Caesar?

Karl says:

Caesar was a general commanding a huge part of the Roman army, Cortez or Pizarro were senior offices, considering the number of troops they commanded probably something like colonels.

So maybe we don’t need a general or president to stop the holines spiral? Maybe a LtCol would suffice?

Of course, I can’t show you a suitable LtCol, but there are many more LtCols than generals. If there are more qualified candidates, the chances to find the right man for the job are improved, aren’t they?

Varna says:

Corporals too…

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

LtCol Stuart Scheller. There is a good candidate, right there.

Pooch says:

He’s in military jail indefinitely with no charges. The regime seems to be keenly aware to the risk of a colonel’s coup.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

He got released after a bunch of politicians started making a stink about it. Worst thing they could do would be to put him in prison and ever let him out. He would be a martyr, and a little too close to the Hitler path for their comfort.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Based on the number of field-grade officers I have seen offering their resignations in protest of the vaccine mandates or the fuckup in Afghanistan, the candidates are assembling. It is just a matter of when, at this point. Whether it comes from without or within the military, the fighting men have lost respect for and confidence in the civilian government.

Mister Grumpus says:

Our “Caesar” is on the other end of an un-invented un-censorable media.

As soon as someone invents a “safe” means of paying/donating, tweeting, blogging and emailing, someone is going to end up winning that tournament, shit-posting The Regime like even Trump and that Taliban guy never could.

Nuclear Samizdat. The ambassador from another world. “Come with me if you want to live.”

It’ll be real, too. Even Emmanuel Goldstein had an HR harridan down the hall, so even he would have lost in a tournament where Gnon Himself could enter.

More important than being un-censorable is that the audience must be unafraid of getting busted for following this guy.

Mentally prepare for this “Caesar” to even be an anon, an Actual Q who acknowledges and passes Jim’s tests in public, right in front of everyone. Or rather, a continuum of anonymous Jim the Baptists who prepare the ground for someone brave, handsome, ambitious and crazy enough to smell the opportunity, seize the day and facefag himself straight to the moon or the guillotine.

Remember when Trump bitch-slapped those ho’s who came out to henpeck him on TV Q&A’s? That’s when he won. “Come with me if you want to reproduce.”

Caesar had those storybooks about how awesome he was, those movie posters of him, that “Apprentice” show where his best guys won at life, “and zees”. He had a platform.

Right now he has nothing. Just one Saint Kyle can get stomped for politically incorrect self defense, and 1000 other guys see that and decide to sit the next one out. There may have been 100 other Saint Kyle’s out there who got away with it, but we’ll never hear about them. Media power is that great, especially digital media that can be moderated and “de-recorded”, en masse, on the fly.

As soon as some galaxy brains create the forum, the Jim the Baptists, and then Caesar himself, will rush onto the stage.

Karl says:

Pooch, that’s a good point, but “military-capable” isn’t all that important as the Khmer Rouge did their killing with sticks – not a military impressive weapon. What really makes a difference is the ability to organize on a large scale. Whithout that there is no military capability, but large scale organization does not make a society military capable.

Mister Grumpus says:

Correct. I’ve done just a little bit of reading about the Khmer Rouge, 101-level stuff, and was shocked by how low energy that scene really was. They’d get some choice teenagers hyped up now and then, but beyond that, it was just a dark hopeless low-energy death-marching Gulag.

Why? Because there wasn’t one alternative Schelling Point left to organize around, and not one forum left to organize in.

Moldbug was just in a BAP podcast, and he quoted some French guy who survived the French Revolution. He’d mused to himself that it made no sense that the Jacobins stayed in charge as long as they did, when everyone hated them. Why? Because everyone hated them alone. Because the French were atomized and distrustful of each other.

The French were atomized and distrustful of each other.

The French were atomized and distrustful of each other.

The French were atomized and distrustful of each other.

ExileStyle says:

No, I have to push back on this one. Yarvin’s whole (all-too-Cathedraly, btw) rhetorical apparatus is carefully and delicately designed to make any actual outcome seem inevitable on its own terms. Almost anything that has or could have come to pass could fit into his ultrarefined, esoteric, resigned narrative.

But when we take a quick look at the very intense and very violent energy devoted to chaining, cuffing, and imprisoning old, respectable Ohio MAGA farmers and locking them in solitary confinement in DC for weeks and months on end, we see something much more disturbingly in line with Jim’s predictions than Yarvin’s.

Just because we are unable to read about it does not mean it is not happening.

Or: Just because we are isolated from the wicked realities of the spiral does not mean it is not happening.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Yarvin’s whole (all-too-Cathedraly, btw) rhetorical apparatus is carefully and delicately designed to make any actual outcome seem inevitable on its own terms.

The tendency towards weltanschauungs where agency has no existence is perhaps an archetypical feature of a blue-triesman; noone can ’cause’ anything, therefore noone is responsible for anything – power, weakness, riches, poverty, success, failure, life, death, mind, oblivion, it all just ‘happens to happen’.

Starman says:

@Yul Bornhold

“Jim foresees holiness spiraling into French Revolution/Bolshevik/Khmer Rouge style bloodletting. Moldbug think that’s not happening because everyone is too low energy. He points to the great masses who once belonged to para-political organizations like the Wide Awakes. Contemporary American civic participation is lower than it has ever been, which points away from any intense spiral.

I often wonder which of them is right.”

Although Moldbug is now a namefag, his prediction on how Trump would fail and be removed was accurate to the letter (low energy coup), not Jim’s kinetic prediction of Trump’s violent end. In fact, Contaminated NEET won a bet against Jim’s action-packed prediction.

“…Khmer Rouge style bloodletting. Moldbug think that’s not happening because everyone is too low energy.”

Globohomo imperial energy is so low that it couldn’t even do a proper withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Kunning Drueger says:

The institutional left is getting fat and slow, but the radical left could be back building and getting ready for the 2022 riot season. I know it is quite Tinfoil, but I think that banned documentary ShadowGate was correct in illustrating how Ferguson, Baltimore, Etc, were memed into reality through psyops based on Obamaphone network analysis and manipulation. So it appears to me that the bureaucratic Left hasn’t been subsumed by the crazies as fully as it could/will be. 2026 is both near and far, and I think Jim overestimated the speed of spiral while Yarvin underestimates the viciousness of the demon worshipers.

I stand by a prediction I made a while back: the next big inflection point will be a stunning and brave military blunder followed by a decisive naval/force projection failure of the USM.

Pooch says:

Don The Pleb (right wing youtuber former marine) suggests that there is a certain point where USM military capability completely collapses altogether.

Not sure what that point is, but having 50% of your unit incompetent to do even basic combat tasks, for instance, might as well render the entire unit 100% combat ineffective.

Fireball says:

You dont need much to fuckup combat effectiveness. You will find many good and competent guys in the european armies but as unit they cant fight much.

Might Bugout says:

Hey Jim,

Looking for some advice from you or your commenters. Its not directly related but your advice has been valuable for me in the past.

I’m in the middle of a graduate program and trying to consider whether to continue it or just dropout. I could probably be done within a year if everything goes well.

My university hasn’t imposed any strict requirements on vaccines, but things are gradually heating up and there is the social pressure as well. The usual prog bullshit is also heating up.

I could probably finish here before things get too unbearable, but hiding my power level it is mentally taxing. Even disregarding politics, everyone in academia seems totally useless in the real world. I agree with your post further down about Shockley.

I have a decent amount saved. Not quite at the point of retiring for good, but could possibly retire somewhere in eastern Europe (open to suggestions) or at least have a good few years off.

Should I just drop out and get out of the west for a few years and see how things play out? How valuable are postgrad degrees in the real world?

Varna says:

Can you do both and continue the degree in South-East Europe?

That region is both the cheapest and the least globohomo currently. Just stay away from Kosovo and Bosnia as potential warzones. Possibly the Ukraine too.

Inside EU, with a warm seaside: Romania, Bulgaria.
Outside EU, with a warm seaside: Montenegro, Albania.
Outside EU, only mountains, lakes and rivers: Macedonia, Serbia.
Outside EU, no mountains, but super cheap and good local wine-making: Moldova

Actually they all have solid wine culture. Used to be the periphery of the Hellenic civilization back in the day. The Dionysus cult originated somewhere in today’s Bulgaria/Macedonia.

Slovania and Croatia: too western for comfort, in the vax worship sense.

No really, look at the universities there and see if you can switch. The atmosphere will be very different, as well as the expenses. Or first pull a sabbatical, and lazily check out the unis there, or whatever other gigs you feel like doing.

Oog en Hand says:


Varna says:


Arqiduka says:

Top Kek

Anon says:

What about Georgia? I’ve heard online that they are quite business friendly and fairly low vaxx rate. I am slightly worried about being so close to the middle east however.

Seriously considering moving to Georgia from my Anglo country in the next few months as the holy covid demon gets worse. Can you give me as much information as possible about what you think of that, since you seem knowledgeable on the region?

Varna says:

Georgia and Armenia are excellent places both of which are unfortunately potential warzones like the Ukraine, Kosovo, and Bosnia.

Georgia has a warm seaside, terrific mountains, great food, and a mostly non-pozzed Christian population. However two provinces are currently in ”frozen conflict” mode, like with the Ukraine, Russia in both cases playing the role of the antagonist, at least to many natives.

As I’ve mentioned in previous threads I know a Georgian guy and he’s great, but very pro-Western cargo-cultist. To him it’s still the 1990s, civilizationally speaking, and all the neocon and globohomo nonsense is just ”minor exceptions” and ”temporary misunderstandings” to him.

I’ve still to convince him to not try and get his family back in Georgia injected with Pfizer or such through ”fancy connections”. Although I feel he has sort of stopped being very active about it.

So if you go to Georgia expect this:
1) National trauma from a lost war
2) Belligerence toward Russia
3) Pro-Western cargo-cultism from the best and brightest
4) Very macho street culture where the wrong look lands you in ER
5) Potential for a new war any minute
6) Very vibrant political scene with protests and allegations all the time
7) Good local food in the province, imported frozen meat from India and tomatoes from Turkey in the cities

Saakashvili–the guy who many would agree was responsible as president for the 2008 war–went into exile, threw his weight around in the Ukraine, is now back, in jail as of the other day, his supporters are protesting, so it’s a potentially turbulent situation right now this instant.

Basically mostly identical to the Balkans in the 1990s but with better infrastructure and public transport. If you’re OK with that–go for it. I would say it may be actually quite satisfying for a single man, but not a place where I would recommend raising a family.

Single man adventures: Georgia, Armenia, the Ukraine, Bosnia
Settling down raising family plan A: Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro
Settling down raising family plan B: Macedonia, Albania, Moldova

But speaking of Serbia, if shit erupts in Bosnia or Kosovo, Serbia may become a combatant as well. They’ve dealt with the war trauma, Belgrade is a terrific city, the country is excellent, Serbian chicks are perhaps the best kept secret of EE…

…but if shit hits the fan in the region, they could suddenly be drawn into it once again.

They’ve built up closer ties with both Russia and China so maybe not but who knows. Weird times.

Final consideration: the EU EE countries all use western clotshots, with only Hungary having the trad vax choice, whereas non-EU EE countries all have the trad vax choice.

Users of this forum have shared experiencing stronger than expected side effects from the trad vax as well, but this is the general situation right now.

Anon says:

Thanks for your thorough reply.

Regarding the Russo-Georgian war, I was previously under the impression that was more of a firefight. It seems like there weren’t many actual deaths, but a fairly substantial portion of what was nominally Georgian land was under Russian control. This, combined with the ex-president going to jail recently, may indeed be too much for my risk tolerance.

From the countries you’ve listed, it seems like Bulgaria would best fit my circumstances. Vaxx rates are acceptably low. I do have a few more general questions, if you are able to answer them again I would be grateful.

1) My impression of EE countries are that they are quite corrupt. I’m not sure how true this is nowadays however. Would I be able to easily find a doctor, or multiple doctors, in EE who would look the other way while I inject myself with a vaccine for a small fee?

2) I am planning on living in one of the cities of where ever I go, at least initially. I am looking to live a fairly reclusive, private life while over there in a safe and quiet city, while still having nearby access to most amenities that I am used to from my Anglo life. Do you know enough about Bulgaria to recommend me one city over another for my purposes?

3) Macho street culture seems like a stereotype of most EE countries, not just Georgia. Is that accurate?

Thanks again Varna, most helpful.

Varna says:

Imagine the Caucasus as a cousin of the Balkans, who is one human generation behind in all trends. This includes macho street culture and corruption.

You’d have to go out of your way to provoke a fight while just walking on high street in the latter, while in the former one wrong look may still be enough.

Everywhere people “know people”. If you need a dentist, ask a local acquaintance to recommend a dentist. If you need a doctor–ask for a connection. If you need a fake certificate–ask for a connection. After sharing a few beers over a few meetings, people will likely be open about stuff like that. Especially youths.

Networking and the favor bank are very important.

Bulgaria was on Germany’s side in both world wars, then on Stalin’s side, but was always the softest player in any of these camps. They became Hitler’s allies on two conditions: 1) we’re not going to fight the Russians as we have a debt to them (1878 Ottoman liberation war), 2) we’re not giving over our Jews or Gypsies.

A lot of other countries went nuts massacring and pogroming their minorities when “given permission” either as Axis allies or when occupied by the Axis. Not Bulgaria. I think the only other country which kept its cool in a similar manner was Finland, although I may be wrong.

Thus Germany used the Bulgarians to take over occupant duties in Greece and Yugoslavia, freeing up German troops for the Eastern front, but no Bulgarian ever went there as such. So expect among different segments of the population either strong pro-German or pro-Russian sentiments, and also skepticism toward Greece, Serbia, and Turkey.

Also in that region everyone is the rightful owner of Macedonia. Greece is, Serbia is, Bulgaria is, and Macedonia itself views all of them as its rightful territory as well. But this is mostly just grumbling, nothing too serious.

Two examples of nice moderate-sized cities in Bulgaria: Ruse and Veliko Tyrnovo. Both are pleasant river cities.
Travel blog:,_Bulgaria
Travel blog:

But the capital Sofia is also cool, take the right bus or train and in 30min you’re up in the mountains. The second-biggest is Plovdiv, also good. Then there’s the seaside cities and towns.

As I’ve mentioned before this was the northern part of the old Hellenistic civilization, and then Eastern Roman civilization, so most cities and towns go back to between the Neolith and early iron age. Which corresponding ruins. In Plovdiv you’ve got concerts in the center in an old Roman theater, for example.

I would suggest picking a city not smaller than 20-30K in population, not least of all if lockdowns or vax travel mandates happen (we have to be ready for any developments in times such as these), then being in a bigger place will be softer on the psyche.

Coastal seaside cities and towns are great in the summer, but can get pretty depressing in winter.

Old timey socialist planners of the Soviet schools had pretty good ideas about parks and trees and kindergartens. The overall systemic bullshit overweighed the good ideas, but these days the system is more humane yet the parks and greenery have remained, mostly.

EE cities tend to have an old center with cool vintage architecture, although not always well maintained, and morose socialist apartment block suburbs. Now interspaced with smaller slightly less morose capitalist apartment buildings.

If one wants to have their ass kicked, one goes alone at night into the apartment block suburbs.

NOTE: Everything I say applies before the great reset. No one knows how things may change in the coming months.

The Georgian/Russian war lasted 5 days, of which 3 intense fighting, but it was for real. Fighter jets downed, ships sunk, tank columns, towns in flames. Corpses of Negros in Georgian army uniforms found by surprised Russian troops per their memoirs.

The US scrambled GPS and communications across the region, which taught Russia they really need to modernize and also to complete their own GPS (GLOSSNAS).

At one point due to communications being down one guy had to overtake a tank column which was about to take the capital Tbilisi and tell them to go back as this was not part of the general plan. Some units without communications had to improvise, and these guys had decided to take the enemy capital. Stopped just in time.

Not a very bloody or long war, but real enough for those to whom it happened. People still seethe.

Varna says:

Some EE countries tend to be cocky and throw their weight around (Serbia, Macedonia, Lithuania, Poland, Hungary), while others tend to try and be invisible and do their thing under the radar (Slovakia, Montenegro, Albania, Romania, Bulgaria).

So for example if a Hungary accepts the Chinese trad vax, it trumpets it to the whole world. If a Bulgaria does the same, it’s impossible to find even on govt websites.

Situations like these need workarounds. For example go to an airline website (say Lufthansa) and see the entry requirements for Bulgaria. From those you see which vaccines are accepted as valid, and what type of test one needs to enter otherwise.

Putting in a theoretical flight from the UK to Bulgaria. Negative COVID tests or recovery documents work fine.

To my surprise it turns out Bulgaria accepts both Chinese ones and Sputnik as valid. But you gotta dig deep to find this info.

Passengers could be subject to quarantine for 10 days.
This does not apply to passengers younger than 12 years.
This does not apply to passengers between 12 and 18 years, arriving from United Kingdom, with a negative COVID-19 PCR test taken at most 72 hours before arrival.
This does not apply to passengers 18 years or older, arriving from United Kingdom, with a negative COVID-19 PCR test taken at most 72 hours before arrival; and
– a COVID-19 recovery certificate issued at least 11 days and at most 180 days before arrival; or
– a COVID-19 vaccination certificate showing that they were fully vaccinated at least 14 days before arrival. Vaccines accepted are: AstraZeneca (Vaxzevria), Janssen, Moderna (Spikevax), Pfizer-BioNTech (Comirnaty), Sinopharm, Sinovac and Sputnik V.

C4ssidy says:

Antigen test works for Bulgaria. Quarantine periods are never enforced anywhere. I’ve been photoshopping all my tests for two years, though they are getting much cheaper now and probably getting around to QR codes, but you can probably still do it. There are probably still labs everywhere without QR. No one in the east is going to care, no one even in England cared about my faked certificates, but perhaps they’d have more scrutiny in the highly cucked areas of France, Germany and Italy, where I hear they are going all out with apps and qr codes and vaxxed databases. But even a few months ago I was going around Italy and editing pcr test pdfs. And I have heard of people faking ways onto the passport system in France. If you really needed you could even set up false recoveries using a home swab and a source of the covid virus from somewhere. Maybe deepweb markets will get in on it

Karl says:

O sure Germany has vaxxed databases, but that makes forgery less risky and easier.

Data is entered in to the database by pharmacies. They also give you a hard to fake QT coded certificate. How do the pharmacies know whether you are vaxxed? Well, you show them some paper document from anywhere, usually a paper booklet which is supposed to document any vaccine you ever received in the form of a tiny sticker.

The pharmacy has no way to check whether the paper document is real or not as any physician anywhere in the world can legally create such a paper document.

Funny thing is that the vaxx database and your QR coded certificate do not state where you received the vaxx. So it is impossible to check later whether your QR coded documents reflect a true paper document – if your original paper documents happens to get lost.

There is no legal obligation to keep you paper booklet showing your vaccinations. If you have the QR coded document you are all set. So forgery is very low risk and does not require much skill at all.

Oog en Hand says:

What about Staford? What to do about it?

Gauntlet says:

I have considered Georgia as a base and eastern Ukraine as a place to spend time. However, the question I continue to ask myself is this: Why stay on the Russian border when there is so much potential within Russia herself?

If one learns Russian and gets a Russian wife, the path to citizenship is rather short. Thoughts?

Varna says:

Pro-Russian westerners inside Russia can be worth their weight in caviar.

A westerner who lives there and periodically publishes blogs or podcasts about his life there, with emphasis on the good stuff, especially if he’s in a smaller town, will likely get some preferential treatment from local officials just for being who he is.

This applies to anywhere in broader EE and Eurasia–be the local westerner who is a known and respected local figure, not unlike a local minor celebrity, and life will be easier. But this will take social networking. When you have local teachers, doctors, and at least minor officials “on your side”, you’ve got it made.

If you’re an uninteresting no-name local or a foreign no-name weirdo, the local institutions may suddenly become as hostile and inefficient as globohomo institutions, albeit without the trannyism.

Managing to read a lecture on topic X in a local school at least once a year with some local media coverage would go a long way in ensuring one’s status as someone who does not automatically get fucked by local institutions.

In most federal states outside the megapolises and the arctic oil and gas drilling places, the average salary is around $300, unadjusted. If one can swing at least twice that as a steady stream from abroad, then look who’s the fancy toff.

The average Russian’s concept of a dream wage which allows for a stress-free life for a couple with one kid is around 80 000 rubles ($1 100).

In megapolises people say around 200K ($2 760), while in normal-sized cities, about 120K ($1 660).

One better stay in Slavic Orthodox non-permafrost regions, not in the biggest cities, and not work any official job that requires vax mandates.

I personally would prefer to not settle in Russia or the “developed” EE, but would rather go South-East EE. Likewise in Asia; I’d give places like Japan and Korea a miss (in terms of settling down) and go South-East.

But that’s just me. I prefer slightly grubbier, less tightly wound places with warm climates and interesting food, but low homicide rates and something approaching free speech and pluralist media. With state institutions just efficient enough to maintain a crypto-libertarian environment (often combined with crappy but real free health care), but not efficient enough to enforce to the hilt crazy mandates when such do appear.

Also I find both Slavic and Mongoloid female features pleasing, which is not unimportant, but prefer the slightly mongrelized look of the South-East of both continents.

Although Russia certainly offers more than enough of the same Turkic/Finno-Ugric/Mongoloid hybrids, but within a social and climate context that would be my second choice, not my first choice.

jim says:

> One better stay in Slavic Orthodox non-permafrost regions

What is wrong with the Slavic Orthodox permafrost regions?

Varna says:

Permafrost rambling with coffee.

There are places where only nomadic shamanist tribes would go, but more developed societies never do, because it’s not fit for sophisticated human existence. Today you’ve got your electricity and central heating and so on, but it’s still a highly uncomfortable existence unless you were born there, and also a fragile island of civilization–cut the power and the import of food and products and you’re done.

Living there for a couple of years for the experience and maybe as a worker for Gazprom is one thing, planning long-term life there is not something I’d do to wife and kids. It’s one thing to need a complex surgical procedure and the hospital is an hour’s drive away. Another if the hospital is an emergency airlift away. And so on.

Also the Tsarist, Commie, and modern Russian habit of sending criminals to “labor colonies” in the permafrost. In a few places, like Tomsk, you’ve got the vestiges of Tsarist inteligentsia clusters who got sent over for being dissidents. Tomsk is known as a place of culture in the middle of nowhere. But in most other places it’s a generic gangasta culture of the lowest kind.

Homicide rates, street violence, theft, rape, alcoholism, the more east and north you go, the more it starts getting like a Hollywood depiction of “life in Russia”.

Summary of permafrost region cons:
1) Life is fragile like on another planet; if you cut the power and the importation of foods and products, it all collapses faster than in warmer zones
2) Matters of life and death may have to be decided not through a frenetic drive, but through airlifts over a sea of taiga. In other words, while in warmer climates small provincial places can be a perfectly good choice — in permafrost land the cities is where life is bearable.
3) Islands of academic exile aside, the permafrost regions are barbaric and you need to constantly be on the ready, and be a local figure of respect so that no one dares to touch your wife and kids. But once evening comes, at haha 14.00, and people start getting drunk, your women and children will still need to be under constant protection and surveillance.

As I’ve said in other posts, I myself prefer the mellow climate range, with Scotland and Germany as the harshest. No doubt this colors my perceptions.

But still: places where civilization only survives through “artificial breathing” and with very high levels of gangsta culture are only worth it IMO, if you go there to fulfil some gas or oil extraction contract, and then go spend your money in the south.

Unless you were yourself born and raised in permafrost places and do not feel stress from living in a violent gangsta place, but rather feel more alive or something.

Note 1: South Siberia is not permafrost, and is rather a place of gorgeous nature and does indeed grow grain and stuff. But to the North and to the East of South Siberia and life becomes increasingly harsh.

To the extent that in the East, land is free.
The govt gives it away, just register and get your free hectare.

Note 2: In Russia you can own a semi-auto rifle at 21 (or at 19 if you went to the army at 18)…
…but handguns–only rubber bullet modifications called “travmat”. As in “it traumatizes but doesn’t kill”.

Foreign citizens:
Can acquire electric shockers, pneumatic weapons, and pepper sprays without license.
Real weapons–there is an institutional website ran by a branch of the national guard, where foreigners can register for weapon license
So at least in theory it’s possible.

The Cominator says:

Some of us hate the cold.

Filet says:

Can you elaborate on SE Asia (like you did for EE above)?
The usual suspects that come to mind would be Thailand and Philippines but my first reaction would be “surely he doesn’t mean these?”

Varna says:

Hi, not really, I’m depleted now, poured out to much already, maybe at a later point.

But sure, by SE Asia I mean Thailand and Philippines but also Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and even Myanmar.

Of those half are still in “gestation state” and will become a solid place to chill later on (I say this by momentum from before the great reset kicked in for real), but some of them have already peaked in a messy “not 1st world not 3rd world” way.

They are South America without the homicide epidemic and with–to me personally–more attractive female features. Especially where you get overseas Chinese-local hybrids.

If you’re a “classical westerner” as in a heritage white, then first contact with SE Asia will be as if with a tangle of psychotic, sleazy, cacophony.

If, however, you grok life in the Balkans, or the Caucasus, or Central Asia, or certain parts of the Ukraine and Russia, then SE Asia can make perfect sense, with just a bit of adjustment.

Low social trust coupled with low homicide rates, institutional inefficiency and corruption coupled with flexible leeway in everything if you know where to look, not really meritocratic but only if you don’t know how to use connections…

And half of it as democratic as Eastern EU, for those to whom such things are important.

Even by globohomo standards, Malaysia is on par with Slovakia, the Philippines–with Hungary, and Indonesia–with Romania. Eastern EU levels.
Thailand is on Serbian levels. Cambodia, Vietnam, and Laos–Russia and Belarus levels. If one has grokked the latter, one can navigate the former. But with better weather and warm seas.

Maybe for a heritage western white it would be difficult to get the place at once, but if they first spend a year or two in Macedonia or Armenia or Turkey, and then go to Malaysia, Indonesia, etc., they’ll grasp the local patterns and see the logic in them.

Filet says:

Thanks, that was plenty informative.

Gauntlet says:

Thanks for the reply. I am building up my location independent income every month. I have reached the $1100 you mentioned above. The vaxx mandate within a big country like Russia is one thing I’m a bit concerned about.

Is the small-medium business environment as bad as the horror stories one reads after a Google search? The big opportunity in the Russian speaking world is to somehow cash in on the only functioning large market left after the US economy goes down.

Networking and getting known locally would be a sound strategy for getting the institutions on your side, good tip right there.

Varna says:

Congrats on the indie income.

Demography context–let’s first check out the population changes of a few EE countries:

What we see is the result of 30 years of the West hoovering up the high-energy go-getter and risk-taker segment of the population of the Eastern Whites.

(with the Ukraine you can see a modest 2020 bump in population as some go back home once economic paralysis hit the continent)

So what you have left in EE is a population consisting of the low-energy, the unmotivated, the laid back, the dumb, the apathetic smart, the risk-averse smart, the connected, and the least-resistance system drones.

Russia’s population statistics look at first glance a bit better than much of EE, but this is deceptive. Russia also lost the same chunk if not bigger to the siren song of the West, but compensates the numbers (if not necessarily the quality) by importation of Russian-heritage immigrants from former USSR countries and also through annexing the occasional neighboring chunk.

Plus internal populations of breeder darkies (or perhaps “proper Aryans” per some 19th century theories).

In other words, there is no vibrant independent middle class that defends its interests politically or economically. The human material that could have formed such a vibrant independent middle class is scattered across Canada, America, England, Germany, France, Italy, Scandinavia, and so on.

What passes for a “middle class” in EE is a mix of govt workers, urban intelligentsia, and businessmen/performers who established themselves through lack of normal competition plus connections.

Some cultures are historically cultivators. Cultures based on generating value. Other cultures tend to be more in the viking-mongol mode in the sense of value is something others generate and you take it.

Some EE countries may not have been originally that way, but now that they lost the middle-class value-generating chunks to the west–they also are. They are kept afloat mostly through EU grants, while Russia is kept afloat mostly through its natural resources.

So, firstly, if you open an indie business in Russia, you need at least some connections to “have your back”. Otherwise the moment your business starts generating visible value someone will decide to do a hostile takeover, perhaps through crude and barbaric tactics.

Secondly, the more your business grows, the more “expensive” will it be for your protectors to have your back, until the point where you either have to change protectors or sell out. Or cut and run, depending on the situation.

A high-flying example would be “the Russian Facebook” — Vkontakte ( Pavel Durov made it, it took off, became the face of Russia’s rising tech savvy and sheit, but then govt institutions came over anyway and explained how it’s time to either play ball for real or for the business to change owners if you know what’s good for you.

So now VK is owned by others, while Durov went abroad, and started over with Telegram.

Business in Russia operates through informal fiefdom-like power structures of obligations, protections, rights and duties and so on, plus of course a parallel system of official legal state stuff.

You’ve got to be able to be a good player on both levels, and you can’t be a lone indie player. You need to be if not “a member of somebody’s gang” then at least be “under the protection of some gang”, metaphorically speaking.

If you open a modest little business in a modest little town and everybody there knows and loves you and you periodically appear in the local media and are the town’s goofy western lucky charm mascot, then likely things will be just fine.

If you try to be a serious player, then there is no healthy business field in which to be that–the people who could have theoretically formed such a field are all abroad–so instead you’ll be entering a rather more crude and cutthroat territory where you either pledge allegiance and profit cuts to someone, or maintain a brilliant Trump-like game of constant public performances that make you invulnerable to dangerous people who prefer to operate in the shadows.

Just like in order to survive namefag Moldbug needs to constantly be all like: me being Jewish, my Jewishness and me, the Jewishness of my Jewishness is so very Jewish–as constant protective magic spells to ward off globohomo demonic attacks by some player who just wants to make points at the expense of an easy target–the jewishness of the jewishness is a constant reminder “I am not an easy target, think twice, I am not an easy target”.

So would a businessman in Russia have to constantly appear shaking hands with local city and regional officials, have visible lunches with local cop chiefs, go to lavish parties to mingle with other businessmen and “serious people”, in order to maintain a bubble of reminders “I am not an easy target, think twice, I am not an easy target”.

Bottom line: if forced by fate to go to Russia, I’d try and get a gig with some state institution and even become a member of some of the bigger parties, at least on the municipal level, just to add a layer of protection.

If I do not want that (for example due to vax mandates), then I’d try to do something low-key in some low-key place, live off indie money from abroad but not visibly, using it mostly for say quality healthcare or slightly better clothes and holidays, but otherwise I’d go for a balancing act of being visible enough to have the local institutions on my side but under the radar of any bigger predators.

Gauntlet says:

Good insights, more or less what I had imagined. Thanks!

Might Bugout says:

If you are working purely online, I think Thailand might be somewhat favorable. There is no tax on foreign dividends if you keep outside the country for greater than a year. I believe you could do something like have a business you own outside of Thailand, pay yourself a $1 salary and receive the rest as dividends as a Thai tax resident. Paying zero tax.

I’m no expert on this but have seen people online doing similar. Then again, depending on how you’re being paid (e.g. crypto?) some of these places already mentioned may not have any clue about it.

Aidan says:

It says something about how bad things here have gotten, that people are seriously considering a move to the bloody borders of Islam. Remember when someone here posted a while back pictures of cartel members who had no sights of any kind on their rifles? I’m just not that scared of niggers and spics. But the Taliban damn sure had sights on their rifles.

When the American empire really crumbles, Islam’s borders are going to bleed again. Back home, I expect awful inflation and rolling shortages of high technology, coupled with random violence and the Detroit-ing of most major cities and suburbs. It almost does not matter whether the new democrats or the old democrats win. The old democrats are too afraid of millions of gunslinging rednecks to try waco-style overreach and the new left while dumb enough to try is not competent enough to win.

If I get my life set up properly, the only difference if the holiness spiral wins is that my family dogs will eat like kings and I’ll have a lot of very realistic halloween decorations.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Harris: Western conflict with the Muslim world has arisen, off and on, for centuries. Thomas Jefferson sued for peace with the Barbary Pirates who had enslaved something like 1.5 million Europeans and Americans between 16th and 18th centuries. As Christopher Hitchens once pointed out, the explicit justification for this piracy was the doctrine of Islam. In fact, this collision with Islam helped ensure the ratification of the U.S. Constitution, for it was argued that only a federation of states with a strong navy could stand against such a persistent threat. Consequently, one could argue that the American war on terror formally began in 1801 with the Barbary Wars—waged by the Jefferson and Madison administrations. This is one of the many ways to see that our troubles in the Muslim world are not purely a matter of our lust for oil, our support for dictators, or any aspect of U.S. foreign policy. As the much-maligned Samuel Huntington one said, “Islam has bloody borders.” It always has. But many people seem determined to deny this.

Gauntlet says:

Not everyone on here is from or live in the Americas. Quite a few Europeans are on here. We can still go East without being on the bloody borders of Islam. It’s not even that far, 25 hours in a car gets you from Western Europe to the edges of Ukraine.

I do agree with your points though. But for me being in Europe, I would rather have bases in towns and small cities outside of the European Union than to stay in say Berlin, Munich or Paris.

Aidan says:

The Balkans are absolutely the bloody borders of Islam. I can’t really say what Europeans should do because I don’t live there, but I’m inclined to say that western Europe is fucked. Russia probably looks attractive to a brit or frenchman. Just doesn’t hold much appeal for me.

My prediction for Europe is that once America is no longer feared as a military power, Russia will very swiftly annex the places it’s historically been interested in having a hand in, and then very slowly and reluctantly assert imperial control over the third-world ghettos of Western Europe. Russia will want to sell stuff to WE, but business being impossible because of low security, it will do as Britain did and establish order so that the merchants can do business. At the same time, will be fighting a war with the Turk in the balkans and caucasus. Maybe Russia gets better at science and technology, maybe the standard of living stays like modern-day Russia in its empire. Either way, not a bad deal.

I’m expecting that “parallel institutions” we build for a barely-coherent US will have a good shot at lobbying the Russian government for money and supplies to stage a coup and install a Russia-friendly regime.

Pooch says:

Is there any reason why global South Africa won’t come to Europe just the same? They are importing Africans en masse just like us. Whites there will have to do as the Amerikaner and Afrikaner does, cohere around their cultural and ethnic heritage of which they have over a milinenia of shared history to draw off of.

alf says:

Yes but Europeans are decades behind on that kind of awareness. The kind of thinking I see Amerikaners have, where red blooded men are piling guns and setting up militias — it just doesn’t exist in Europe.

The print your own three dee gun part sounds pretty good, but you’d preferably have all your friends and family print guns, but again, that kind of thinking is currently missing.

That said, I am not fleeing. Home is home. There’s plenty of good land here, and plenty of healthy social networks. And of course, expecting trouble, one can prepare.

Aidan says:

Europeans don’t generally have guns. An individual can get a gun, but it is not like in rural parts of America, where all of your neighbors are also armed, and the neighbors all being armed is the important part.

In actual South Africa, the Afrikaners are not easy prey. I suspect if they were disarmed to the point Europeans are disarmed, there would be no Afrikaners left by now. Europe will become worse than South Africa.

Muslim mosques are stockpiling arms, and often have a big cache of AKMs and ammo in their basements. If white Europeans want to resist like Amerikaners, they will need to raid mosques and take their guns, unless the police and military are kind enough to arm civilians.

When Europe looks like South Africa, a coherent group of Europeans is probably best off asking Russia for weapons and training. That the mosques are stockpiling weapons of war means that they will start a war as soon as they think they can get away with it. At which point Europeans should be on the phone with Russia.

alf says:

Muslim mosques are stockpiling arms

I had not considered that.

Alfred says:

I had not considered that.

I hadn’t either, but of course they are.

The Original OC says:

That’s actually much less true that Americans tend to believe. Rural communities in France are heavily armed. German-speaking Europe is full of “shooting clubs” (which tend to parade like military units). Some Slavic countries like Czechia have an almost US situation. And I’m confident that every fighting age man in the Balkans is going to be hooked up, probably from military armories, if the SHTF.

Western Europe is quite vulnerable to being attacked by a serious (no female defense minister, etc.) military without USA protection, but much of rural Europe is not really at risk from random imported violence. Cities are another matter, but then look at USA cities…

Aidan says:

Good to hear. As nice as semiauto rifles and high-cap mags are, I consider low-cap manually operated guns more than sufficient to deal with the brown hordes, especially if you have friends. (That’s what I assume civvies own in most of Europe, and it’s what I’m legally allowed to own where I live.) The third world was colonized with much worse than what we have now.

Gauntlet says:

My country is cucked, the prospects of getting a young wife here is near zero. The prospects of raising strong children are very low. I would rather risk a bit of comfort for a chance to have many children.

I would rather raise my children to become the Russian merchants who trade with the west in 20 years, than to have them beg for weapons. I am not a warrior, I am a small but growing merchant.

Pooch says:

They are absolutely scared shitless of the Amerikaner, to the point where they’ll insanely surround 30k troops around the capital after a mostly peaceful protest.

Alfred says:

They have backed off from their ATF plans of murder and terror in the heartland. I think Afghanistan really threw a wrench into a lot of their plans. They’re feeling very weak right now.

Arqiduka says:

I left my country over similar reasons but held a stronger hand when I did. Regretted it ever since, and I dare say you’ll do to. You’ll never feel at home in EE, as I don’t feel at home in the anglosphere. Probably best to look for a better place within the country.

That being said Albania is nice, cheap but the government is owned by Soros, so probably not your best shot. Same goes for Macedonia, I hear. Still, we’d love to have you over. You can probably trasnfer credits and finish your degree at UNYT, look inyo that.

Oog en Hand says:

Soros was raised in an Esperanto household. Esperanto is easy to learn for Albanians.

Arqiduka says:


Bilge_Pump says:

This is probably going to be my last comment here as Jim appears to be deleting them on sight now.

My main problem with your approach to male sexuality is that you are far too lax about your requirement that men be married. You seem to think it’s important that men be married but at the same time you are allowing (unmarried) men here to talk about how many whores they’ve fucked, or to say things like “yea bro I’m gonna get married just gotta wait for the leftist singularity to destroy society first, until then I’m just gonna keep fucking lots of sluts we cool bro??”

Unrestrained male sexuality means there are going to be studs who never feel the need to get married and don’t take the idea of monogamous commitment seriously. Yea call me an incel or nerd or w/e but I don’t like interacting with men if I think they’re gonna try to fuck my gf or wife, makes me want to fuck them and my girl up.

jim says:

I have not deleted any of your comments. All of them have appeared.

If you are having problems commenting, the problem is likely at your end.

A2 says:

If you are posting from a VPN, like I do, comments from certain banned IPs may be deleted by WordPress automatically.

jim says:

> Unrestrained male sexuality means there are going to be studs who never feel the need to get married

This presupposes an ample supply of whores. And even with an ample supply of whores, that solution is profoundly unsatisfactory, as compared to proper ownership. If Heartiste had the chance of ownership of an obedient virgin, would blow his mind with joy.

You not only do not know what women want. You don’t know what alpha males want.

The nature you ascribe to men is inconsistent with Darwin’s sexual selection, inconsistent with the fact that when men have all the power and women are powerless then fertility is high and whores nonexistent, and inconsistent with what I see in front of my nose.

Beta males think they want a what alpha males have, but the men that women see as alphas rapidly discover that what women are giving them is not what they want, it represents the victory of the selfish female always defect strategy over the selfish male always defect strategy.

When men have all the power, they lock the women in harems. When women have all the power, they take a thirty year vacation from reproduction in a brothel.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Our problem is not unrestrained male sexuality, it is unrestrained female sexuality. And if your problem is unrestrained females, then restraining males will not make one whit of a difference – actually, will make it even worse.

The idea that unrestrained females can somehow be dealt with by ever more draconian restraints imposed on males has already been put into practice; you are living in it’s results right now.

Kunning Drueger says:

The documentary ShadowGate asserts that anytime a big company announces a data breach, it’s just covering up for the fact that they, willingly or otherwise, have given access to their data to NSA or some private intelligence firm. The “leaked” data is scrubbed by NSA after a certain period, but before this it is copied, balkanized, and “laundered” through various databases.

1) Is there any credibility to this notion?

2) Is ShadowGate a trustworthy source in general?

A2 says:

No experience wih ShadowGate but companies are often (usually?) legally prohibited from mentioning various search expeditions.

One passive-aggressive approach that sounds somewhat similar to announcing a breach is the Warrant Canary. But note the differences.

‘Laundering of data’ probably means ‘parallel construction’, where the government has inadmissible evidence and construct a parallel case with court-admissible evidence using this.

Kunning Drueger says:

Over an hour. Probably a lot of woo woo h4©3rman bullshit, but maybe not. Not my field so I can’t judge. There are some very interesting claims made, there are was some kind of controversy that enveloped the journaless that made it, and it was shoah’d off youtube very quickly. If anyone sits through it, please report back.

Aidan says:

Either way, the “hackers” made the information publicly available so the NSA has their hands on it regardless.

Fëanor says:

Starting a new thread, because the previous discussion was buried quite deep and was happening in multiple places although it is basically converging on the same things.

> If I want to persuade a contractor that I will pay promptly on completion of inspection, and will make appropriate progress payments from time to time, I reference old testament on prompt payment, “At his day thou shalt give him his hire, neither shall the sun go down upon it” and then say “I interpret this as …”

The problem with this is that it does not seem to require sincere belief, unless you are claiming that going through all the motions of Christian worship either constitutes sincere belief ipso facto or inevitably results in it.

It is in my rational self-interest to pay the contractor, because it is in my rational self-interest to live in a society where contracts are enforced. If contracts are systematically not being enforced, then cooperation has already broken down and defecting as hard and fast as possible is not only my self-interest but also likely the fastest path back to cooperate-cooperate equilibrium. The Scriptural version is easier to understand but tends to omit the second part—with the exception of Dark Enlightenment people, who mostly figured this out *before* reverting to Christianity, Christians mostly cannot notice that the rules have changed, because Christianity lacks any criteria for declaring the breakdown of the social order it tries to maintain. For every one of us there are ten young Christian converts who are involuntary celibates because they believe that God commands them to remain virgins until they can get formally married in a church, when in fact marriage in church has not meant much of anything for at least a hundred years and pretending that it does will not make it so.

My argument about the Fall is not about literal history or geography; there is a spiritual difference between the two accounts. The traditional account explains the introduction of evil and suffering into an intelligently designed universe as the result of Man’s sin; the evolutionist account explains Man’s vicious nature as the result of having to survive in an unforgiving world. The causality is exactly reversed, and the second one makes it much harder to argue that the Creator is omnibenevolent, unless you simply define Gnon as Good, and this results in a very different system of morality. Christian morality is based on divine commandments and teleology; natural law morality is based on rational self-interest. Of course, the two tend to square in 90% of cases, and where they don’t, Christian morality as actually practiced historically tends to have unprincipled exceptions.

jim says:

The question at issue is whether the social order needs to be Christian, not whether I am Christian

If the sovereign and the high priest deal with their subjects, as I deal with my contractors and my wife, is that not a Christian society?

What is a non Christian doing going around demanding that Christians prove they are sufficiently Christian by converting to his pet straw man Christianity?

Yeah, if all Christians were to convert to what you deem authentic Christianity, internet atheists would have a good time. And three hundred years ago, Socinians would have had a good time. A few centuries before that, Arians. Your “authentic Christianity” is stupid. Saint Augustine pointed out that such theology made Christians look like idiots. And while some Christians, like some internet atheists are stupid, Christianity has not been stupid for millennia. (Well, come to think of it, it has been stupid with great regularity, but stupid Christianity has a habit of vanishing into the dustbin of history.)

Am I authentically Christian? Well I maybe I am not authentically Christian, but this only seems to worry people who are obviously not Christians. No one who can pass the demon worshiper test has worried about it.

alf says:

The question at issue is whether the social order needs to be Christian, not whether I am Christian

In which the ‘do as I say, not as I do part’ cannot have escaped you.

The central problem, the problem which we have not yet fixed and likely will not fix in our lifetime, is that the story of Christianity, much like the story of Judaism, is comatose, and had been comatose for a while. The reason you, Jim, and many others Here are Christians only in the dark enlightened sense is that sunday church is boring. Oh another story from Matthew? How invigorating. Heard it all before.

If you want a Christian social order, you need an active Christian church laity. Which is just not going to happen. Well probably you have small nodes of Christian resistance and they probably have a decent chance of surviving, but nothing on the scale that would save the western Empire.

If we were to get the story out of its coma, then, in line with biblical canon, we should probably act like Jesaja (lost you are I tell you, lost!) and pave the way for the return of Jesus, lord and savior.

Karl says:

Sunday church is boring if the people you meet there are boring. Likewise, you don’t get active Christian church laity until becoming active in the Church laity is a pleasant way of meeting interesting high status people.

Sure, hearing another story from Matthew will probably still be boring, but most people will gladly stand an hour of boredom, if before and after church they can have a firendly chat with interesting high status people.

The mosques in Europe are well attended. I don’t think the story told there is more interesting than what is told in chuch. People go there to meet other people they want to meet – to see and to be seen.

Have you ever seen a Fridays-for-Future-rally? That is boring religious cervice. Chanting three word slogans for an hour is about as boring as anything can be. Still people go there because that is a place to signal status and meet interesting people.

Christianity is out of power. As soon as an emperor makes it the state religion, a few believers will be sufficient for a revival.

alf says:

Sunday church is boring if the people you meet there are boring. Likewise, you don’t get active Christian church laity until becoming active in the Church laity is a pleasant way of meeting interesting high status people.

Sure, hearing another story from Matthew will probably still be boring, but most people will gladly stand an hour of boredom, if before and after church they can have a firendly chat with interesting high status people.

Does not attract high status people because boring.

The mosques in Europe are well attended. I don’t think the story told there is more interesting than what is told in chuch. People go there to meet other people they want to meet – to see and to be seen.

Pretty sure the story of Mohammed the conqueror is plenty interesting to young muslim men and women.

Christianity is out of power. As soon as an emperor makes it the state religion, a few believers will be sufficient for a revival.

A good religion has plenty of illegal meetings, thus the emperor need only legalize them. Forcing those meetings into existence has a less succesful track record.

jim says:

> If you want a Christian social order, you need an active Christian church laity.

The Christian churches died from the top down. Convergence was fatal. First to be converged were first to die. They will awaken from the top down.

A church vanishes about one hundred years after it becomes the enemy of husbands and fathers. It is has been a very long time since there were any Congregationalists. I remember when Roman Catholicism still lived. Russian Orthodoxy lives.

alf says:

They will awaken from the top down.

OK lets unpack this. What I think you mean is: our current elite, progressive and decadent, will crash and burn, making place for a newer, Christian elite. Who is this new Christian elite, where do they come from? Presumably, in part the converting old elite – one can imagine Elon Musk converting if that would actually get him tot mars -, in part a new elite. Andrew Torba mocht be an example of the latter – outspoken Christian, building a parallel society.

Now, how might such a new elite rise? Lets say there’s three ways: fashion, guns, or post-apocalypse.

The fashion way means Christianity becomes cool. Is it becoming cool? Hard to say. Andrew Torba is an impressive man, but he is not naturally cool. Elon Musk is naturally cool, but not Christian. Milo is cool, but comes with baggage. You are cool, but you spend suspiciously little time praising Jesus. Don’t you think it’s cool to praise Jesus?

Then, guns. God bless the second amendment. If only we had that in Europe. I think we can cross off Christian Caesar. If we get any sort of military coup, will holiness spiral until some Cromwell or Stalin announces Progtopia has arrived. No Christ involved. But small, localized resistance from private men with guns… That may well be the future. Currently still at risk of being waco’d, but who knows how it stands in a couple of years… Then again, these nodes would build up in flyover country, and from there to the big cities is a long way.

Which brings us to our final scenario: post-apocalypse. Which assumes that we shall not have a French revolution, instead we shall have a breakdown of society turning the west into a bunch of barely functioning third world countries. Here, Christians have an excellent shot at power, for the sole reason that they have social technology designed to deal with tough times — they will have the children, the guns and the cooperation to survive the upcoming hardships.

That is really the only viable solution I see. But it is also the post-apocalyptic scenario.

jim says:

> Now, how might such a new elite rise?

It won’t arise. It never does. Your questions presuppose regeneration from the bottom up

Because it is in each person’s individual interest to defect, you don’t get regeneration from the bottom up. Ever.

You get regeneration because the ruler needs a cooperative elite – which often means moving the center of governance a long long way from the previous ruling elite, which is clustered around the previous center of governance.

alf says:

I guess my question presupposes my lack of faith in that plan, because I am not seeing a Christian, cooperative elite.

Andrew Torba is setting himself up to be the Jack Dorsey of the Christian elite, but it is obvious to me from the way he carries himself that there is no Christian elite he is welcomed into. He is building it from the ground up. Europe, similar story. The old Christian traditions are lost, and by the time we have rediscovered them we shall be knee deep in the coming dark age.

jim says:

> I guess my question presupposes my lack of faith in that plan, because I am not seeing a Christian, cooperative elite.

And you will not see one until a King Oswiu or an Emperor Constantine starts making Christians elite.

Caesar takes power, Andrew Torba is in charge of the Google algorithm, and the Babylon Bee gets appointed to the Board of Harvard. Then you will see plenty of high energy darkly enlightened elite Christianity.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Alf, it will go as it went the last time. Cooperative Christian warriors will outcompete all other warlords and tribes and gradually take over, until suddenly all of the elite is Christian. Wulfgar Thundercock III becomes the head of the Thunderfuckers Rapid Reaction Force, becomes head of the Thunderfuckers Militia, becomes General Thundercock, and eventually ends up becoming Wulfgar the Great once his sons have pacified the area sufficiently. General becomes a title of nobility, much like Jarl became Earl and Dux Bellorum became Duke.

Kunning Drueger says:

But there is no ruler. There is a secretive meta-oligarchy, a sprawling meta-bureaucracy, and a mass of meta-hierarchies based on status, bioleninism, and wealth. I think Alf mapped it out well.

If Brezhnevian Malaise survives a radical spiral (if Biden can withstand Harris), and China and Russia manage to keep from backing into a corner (economic) and falling off a cliff (demographic) respectively, the half-life of Neo-Liberal Globalization could continue for quite some time. I’m not saying in any way there will be a people’s revolt or uprising, but any leader, in any of these nexii, must arise with backing at all levels of relevancy; oligarchic, bureaucratic, and hierarchic.

If the chaos carousel spins up to full speed, the leader will have to forge their path with blood and lead. Of Alf’s trichotomy, I think “guns” could follow “post-apocolypse,” or rise out of its middle.

There’s also the possibility that the “leader” could be a neo-triumverate: a Russian Colonel, a Chinese Oligarch, and an American actor/artist/mogul.

Mike in Boston says:

Brezhnevian Malaise

Yarvin, too, makes analogy between America today and the Brezhnev period. I’m not buying it.

During the Brezhnev period, the left wing was losing energy, getting less and less bloodthirsty. Take a look at antifa running wild in the street and tell me with a straight face that the left wing is losing energy.

A much better analogy to today is that, after a weak leader with no elite support (Nicholas/Trump), a weak transitional figure (Kerensky/Biden) is eventually swept away by the radical left.

In that case, it was indeed quite a long time without much in the way of popular uprisings. And note that even Tambov was led by a man only slightly less left-wing than Lenin and his gang, while Novocherkassk was leaderless and doomed. It took decades and millions dead for the system to collapse and Mr. Putin to attain some degree of the “oligarchic, bureaucratic, and hierarchic” backing you mention.

The challenge today is for the opponents of leftism in America to squabble less and unite more than the White Russians did, so that history goes differently here.

Kunning Drueger says:

I, too, am uninterested in purchasing your wares, my good man. As embarrassing as 2020 was for limp dick “””war””” vets and cuckold cops, it was not some kind of massed, spontaneous revolutionary movement with a core ideology, a leadership structure, and short to intermediate to long-term goals. It was a bunch of college kids reenacting the 1960s by bussing negros into Seattle and Portland.

This may change, but I don’t see the US/Tsarist Russia parallel. Pooch asserts that we south africa now. Not buying it, but he makes a good case. There are other assertions as well. But I wonder if we aren’t unnecessarily putting on blinders by shoehorning today into some event (s) in the past.

jim says:

> It was a bunch of college kids reenacting the 1960s by bussing negros into Seattle and Portland.

Not it was not. It was exactly the revolutionary riots in France and Russia – a bunch of treasonous elites in the capital busing college kids and elites into Seattle and Portland. In Tsarist Russia, the lack of enthusiasm of the masses for participating in Revolutionary vanguard theater was hilarious, and the masses in Paris only participated because they got bread.

Woke, like communism, is a purely elite faith. You say its not a mass faith, therefore not a threat to us, while Alf says that Dark Enlightenment Christianity is not a mass faith, therefore not a threat to the regime. You are both wrong in the same way for the same reason.

alf says:

And I might retort that you shew similar wishful optimism with Trump, and it seems to me you are repeating the mistake.

jim says:

Trees do not grow to the sky.

Leftism is going to go on growing lefter, faster and faster. Until someone stops it, or everyone kills each other for insufficient leftism.

Kunning Drueger says:

I saw some of the summer of love with my own eyes, and much more through other’s eyes. The radicals set their fires, unleashed their pitbulls, and fucked up their own turf. The elites let it happen until the great steal, had a zoom call, and it was over. I’m not saying it was nothing, but I’m having a hard time seeing how it was Paris or Moscow. We’ll see what happens on the next go ’round, but we didn’t see any guillotines, running gun battles, or mass starvation. We do see a not-incarcerated Trump, however.

jim says:

The guillotines, mass starvation, and running gun battles came after the French and Russian revolutions, not before.

The current situation resembles rule of Russia by the Kadets, and initial rule of France by the National Assembly. No guillotines, mass starvation, and gun battles then, and no one expecting any, though they should have.

Starman says:

@Mike in Boston

“During the Brezhnev period, the left wing was losing energy, getting less and less bloodthirsty. Take a look at antifa running wild in the street and tell me with a straight face that the left wing is losing energy.”

Antifa is puny and must be bussed from city to city to carry out their street theater.

Yarvin’s is right about this society being low energy. And Afghanistan proved it.

This society cannot even produce competent heirs for the mafia bosses.

jim says:

> Antifa is puny and must be bussed from city to city to carry out their street theater.

In all recent revolutions, the mobs were puny, and were assembled by treasonous elites to carry out, not the mobs street theater, but the elite’s.

HerbR says:

KD brings up a particularly salient point, in my opinion:

If the left is not running out of energy – if Yarvin is wrong, Jim is right, Brezhnevism is out and Red Terror is in – then why isn’t Trump in Jail?

This isn’t some idle rhetorical question. Virtually all of us, myself included, staked serious and non-ambiguous predictions that by this time he would either be imprisoned, exiled, or dead. If they are waiting, then what are they waiting for, and if they are incapable, then how could they hope to crush the entirety of gun-toting flyover country?

A naive conservative might say “wait for Biden to be replaced by Kameltoe/some radical”. But we here know that the Presidency has nothing to do with the President. I’m not seeing the energy, not even in the more radical elements. Maybe it’s all those clot shots slowing them down.

jim says:

Yes. I predicted Trump would be in jail by now.

Leftism is escalating, but the violence has gone right down. They intend and expect Brezhnevian stagnation. Don’t want dramas, don’t want martyrs. Not what I expected.

The deep state is troubled by inflation, which is way above the seigniorage limit, and have a plan based on magical thinking to solve the problem. They think they can prevent inflation above the seigniorage limit by taxing the rich and the middle class beyond the Laffer limit. They will be going after crypto currency, not to prohibit it, but to shake you down for some. We are heading into economic crisis, but governments do not lose power from economic crisis absent external enemies – and they are trying very hard to avoid external enemies.

The chief threat facing them is the radical left within and without. Allende tried a balancing act between the insane left, and the considerably less insane left, and they are following Allende’s path. Allende simultaneously pissed off the army, the working poor, the middle class, the rich, the right, the less insane left, and the batshit crazy left, as such balancing acts are apt to do, and the same is happening now. But my crystal ball has been suffering a lot of static recently.

I was expecting Biden’s government to suffer the same fate as the Kadets, Octobrists, and the National Assembly. But that has not happened. So far, the balancing act is working.

The Octobrists were the equivalent of the Recucklicans, and Recucklicans are still conducting business as normal, so far now for three months longer than the Octobrists were conducting business as normal with no indication yet of any storm on the horizon.

Similarly, Recucklicanism has lasted longer than Girondism. What is looming for them on the horizon is not sudden death, not yet, but a wipeout in the 2022 elections.

Starman says:


“In all recent revolutions, the mobs were puny, and were assembled by treasonous elites to carry out, not the mobs street theater, but the elite’s.”

Name me one US presidential candidate or member of the US elite in the past ten years that commanded a private heavily armed paramilitary organization of over 5,250,000 men, complete with an officer rank structure of Captain, and lieutenant grades 1-4.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Maybe it’s all those clot shots slowing them down.

Yes, but perhaps not in the exact way you mean.

The instauration of the scamdemic in the last year of the Trump presidency allowed those underlords to accomplish more or less everything they wanted to accomplish without the need for much greater escalation that the already existing trend(s), something which immediately attracts the full support of the old leftist faction behind it.

So they got Trump sidelined, their figurehead is in, they have more or less carte-blanche to play out the kabuki-theater of their managerialist fantasies, and by that same token, a convenient new totem to serve as a locus of faith for people to be focus on, regardless of whether that is to support it or oppose it; the cycle of new distractions to forget the last distractions, for the creation of an eternal current year in the minds of folk.

The Cominator says:

Its hard to predict anything right now… the puppeteers of the corrupt dementia case do not seem to be able to agree on much other than muh clot shot mandates and are trying for Brezhevian stagnation and thus things are more unpredictable than usual. Its why i don’t post nearly as much because i can’t even make many short term predictions accurately.

Pooch says:

Take a look at antifa running wild in the street and tell me with a straight face that the left wing is losing energy.

Antifa is Larping the 20th century and, unlike actual 20th century communists, get promptly beaten and runoff when they don’t have police protection.

jim says:

But they do have police protection, and similarly the Russian and French revolutionaries.

Varna says:

I would say that unlike the Russian Empire or the USSR or many other fast-collapse constructs, the USA has accumulated a simply enormous amount of civilizational fat, and it takes a whole lot to burn through that.

Likewise, some of the guardrails built into the system are still working, albeit with increasingly falling efficiency. Only now do some of us appreciate how much thought and foresight and basic understanding of the human condition went into building this country.

A Canada or an Australia or even an England falls much faster than an America.

I still feel that come the summer of 2022 so much of the incompetence will have caused so much entropy, that this will be a window of opportunity across the whole northern hemisphere to push back, dismantle some of the new toxic structures, and embed into society new guardrails based on the lessons of the globohomo takeover.

Perhaps not all countries will survive this splitting into smaller chunks with opposing politics.

Pooch says:

But they do have police protection, and similarly the Russian and French revolutionaries.

And where are they now? I see no Antifa or BLM in the streets ever since Trump was evicted. Seems Moldbug’s right in that the high energy fever pitch of the Trump presidency could not possibly be maintained indefinitely, similar to a fighter pilot red-lining his engine.

If this were Kerensky Russia or pre-revolutionary France there would be revolutionaries in the streets willing to die for the cause. Not seeing that.

Gogrogron says:

Not to encourage martyrism of any kind, but a waco in this climate could very well be a unifying event for both sides. The blues would get a taste of blood, and the reds would have undeniable reason to believe they are slated for destruction. Now, it would have to be a group that’s sympathetic once the story gets out, obviously the media will slander the dead but people are expecting that. I mean that the murdered would have to come across as somewhat normal and just wanting to live their own lives in an American way.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Waco cannot happen today. The last time a leftist president tried a Waco to terrify flyover country it was at the Bundy Ranch. After the feds showed up, some protesters and militias showed up. The feds started trying to flex their muscle and set dogs on the protesters. Then the serious militia types noticed and started rolling in. The feds started marshaling forces and then the militias did too, and the feds realized they were going to end up a casus belli for military intervention because they were outnumbered and outgunned. Then they backed down. That was in 2013, before drag queen story hour and the military losing in Afghanistan.

If they tried that shit today, the militias would eat them alive. They would get surrounded, gunned down, and bulldozed instead of being the ones doing it. The military would get called in and… what? Lose again. The air force is losing pilots to vaccine mandates. You think they will trust them to bomb Americans they probably agree with? What woke general is going to put JDAMs on an airplane, then tell the Chad Jock fighter pilot to drop them on Americans? The army is useless, and the marines have enough people like me still in to paralyze themselves into inaction, even if they were functional enough. No, Waco is the last thing the regime needs.

Karl says:

Bundy Ranch was special in that the feds escalated slowly allowing the militias to build up strength. For such scenario you present a strong argument that no Waco is going to happen.

What about a quick raid without warning? Everybody dead before the militias had a chance to assemble. Do you think that cannot happen today? If so why?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>What about a quick raid without warning?

Requires manly determination, zeal, and righteous faith that you are doing the will of God.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

They could do quick raids, but not well, and a quick raid defeats the purpose of a Waco. There is no amassed force that overwhelms the dissidents. The primary purpose of a Waco is not to punish Waco, but to intimidate everyone else. A quick raid does not create the same psychological impact as seeing hundreds or thousands of feds surrounding some poor fucker.

If they do start doing small scale raids, people will return the favor. Then they get the problem of Oklahoma City. The government has too little legitimacy to start assassinating their political opponents. People hate the FBI and the ATF, and are none too fond of the DEA. If they start raiding people, they will get the gun confiscation revolt before they get any guns turned in.

Pooch says:

Example of what happens during small raids of Amerikaners. They usually get them but not without taking casualties.

Pooch says:

Not a gun confiscation case (child porn apparently), but I still think serves as how people will likely respond to raids of these kinds.

Alfred says:

>Example of what happens during small raids of Amerikaners. They usually get them but not without taking casualties.

I’m seeing more and more women and trannies on those FBI arrest squads. Combat effectiveness is declining and it’s getting easier to detect people attack your home via modern home surveillance tech.

Pooch says:

Same. Losing 1-2 diversity hire agents KIA for every 1 arrest has to collapse their morale. Probably why they brought in full 12-man SWAT teams (which are still white male) for the arrest of each individual J6 attendee. That won’t scale to all of red America.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

They had five casualties from one shooter, who offed himself. What do you think happens if it is more than one person shooting back, and they do not kill themselves, but wait for backup. My biggest argument against raids is competence. The military is the most competent at this sort of thing, and they ran like bitches. The feds are relying solely on the illusion of overwhelming force and normalcy bias. If feds start getting routinely slaughtered on these raids, they will stop them almost immediately. They cannot afford to loose more respect for their dwindling ability to project force.

Starman says:

From the article:
“In Florida today, two FBI agents were killed, and three others were wounded while serving a warrant. The suspect, a person accused of violent crimes against children, also died. NPR’s Greg Allen reports that it ranks among the worst shootings in the bureau’s history.”

If two FBI agents getting killed is considered “among the worst shootings in the bureau’s history,” then the FBI isn’t ready for a real military confrontation.

Kunning Drueger says:

Wulfgar makes good points, but I don’t think it is unlikely that some stunning and brave taskforce leader could get a jump out team annihilated by some good ol’ boys before someone smarter could see the danger and intervene. Particularly if they continue to expand womanpower while purging competency. Indeed, I actually believe it is inevitable that Karen will start sending Shaniqua and José into no-win situations. Unfortunately, I think it is also inevitable that Fat Blue Line cheerleaders and stupid fucking veterans will fall hook, line, and sinker for muh patriotism rhetoric.

In my opinion, the best thing Amerikaners can do is start organizing. Gun clubs, rod clubs, hiking clubs, knitting clubs, all over the place and full to the brim with Amerikaner cultural icons. When any FBI researcher tries to make a list of fundies and domestic Terrences they have to wade through hundreds of thousands of groups, associations, and regions. Call it the Palestinian Defense: every person in the county is at once a possible target and possible martyr.

Kunning Drueger says:

Fun little video about another Bureau belly-up:

Alfred says:

In my opinion, the best thing Amerikaners can do is start organizing. Gun clubs, rod clubs, hiking clubs, knitting clubs, all over the place and full to the brim with Amerikaner cultural icons. When any FBI researcher tries to make a list of fundies and domestic Terrences they have to wade through hundreds of thousands of groups, associations, and regions. Call it the Palestinian Defense: every person in the county is at once a possible target and possible martyr.

That’s an excellent idea, but how do you keep the entryists out? The Boars did it because they had a natural ethnic group to draw from. Pro-American groups instantly get leftist infiltrators not sent by feds, but rather it’s the nature of leftists to enter into such groups so that they can control and consume them.

Kunning Drueger says:

Conquest’s three laws suffice in most cases, but I think the simplest methodology is to do nothing illegal and suppress thoughtcrime conversations. “Dude, we’re just trying to fish, stop bringing up politics.” The demon worshipers hate and fear any assembly of traditionalists, whites, males, or competents. They don’t even have to discuss anything. Shit, they don’t even have to exist.

Thought experiment (that I sincerely hope someone actually performs): come up with 5 distinct Amerikaner clubs with a name and topic that are exclusionary (men’s only fishing club, women’s only knitting club, etc.) Print ~20 flyers for each and distribute them liberally. The flyers are crafted to portray a group already extant and merely announce the next meeting and location. Sit back and record the responses online. I predict wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I am not saying that it could not happen, I am saying that if the stunning and brave taskforce leader gets a team wiped, the response is going to be much like that of Afghanistan. They will bravely run away. The longer Karen waits to send Jose and Shaniqua, the worse it is going to be. The feds are already hated enough that only a few people will say anything in the comment threads about, “support muh police, thin blue line,” and they get shouted down and have barely any support. Most people want blood, they just do not dare say it out loud. If a diverse team of stunning and brave operators get oppressed and literally-can’t-evened by a member of the cis-het white male patriarchy, the cheers will be audible from space.

Pooch says:

That is really the only viable solution I see. But it is also the post-apocalyptic scenario.

It is the default scenario, and quite possibly the most likely scenario.

Fëanor says:

Well, come to think of it, it has been stupid with great regularity, but stupid Christianity has a habit of vanishing into the dustbin of history.

My argument is that, after Darwin, it has been proven to be stupid in some fairly fundamental ways, with the result that it has mostly vanished into the dustbin of history, and you should not be trying to pull it out. It has retreated from geocentrism, the young earth, and other false claims about the material world that were not really that central to the faith. It can hardly retreat from the notion of an anthropomorphic, benevolent creator God, and while that is not falsifiable by itself, it has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt that we do not live in the sort of universe that one would expect such a God to create. Jim said so himself, a long time ago:

Alf, when he talks about restoring Christianity, talks about making it an interesting story, the way C.S. Lewis did, not restoring it as a thing people believe the way they believe in Mongolia. Probably an interesting story is enough for the masses. It is not enough for the elite, certainly not for an elite that will also get us to Mars.

You cannot restore a social order based on a faith that people do not actually believe, and I suspect that most (though not all) of the Dark Enlightenment does not actually believe in Christ, the way the people of the social order we want to restore believed in Christ. Christianity is as dead as paganism was in the fifth century, and for basically the same reason: epistemological transitions are one-way. The worldview of the ancient Christians, where truths about the material world could be derived from pure reason, because the Creator was rational, seems as stupid to us as the worldview where Jupiter threw lightning bolts from Olympus was to them.

The faith of our era is the faith of the Enlightenment, and like Christianity it originally contained both truth and gnosticism, but we had no Constantine and no Council of Nicaea to separate the good from the evil, or if we did, they were themselves evil, and the good was thrown out and the evil made orthodoxy, resulting in our present state religion. But there was always a “Dark Enlightenment”—in the Anglosphere after Darwin, the Right abandoned the appeal to Christ long before the Left did—and though I have no idea what that would look like as a state religion, it is the path I foresee, unless Christianity is significantly re-invented. Maybe that is possible and desirable, but I am not making a straw man when I say that surviving old type Christian traditions do not share our goals or worldview.

jim says:

> My argument is that, after Darwin, it has been proven to be stupid in some fairly fundamental ways.

Biblical literalism never has been fundamental to Christianity.

You will notice, for example, that the last supper occurs on Passover, then Jesus is arrested at night, then several days worth of hearings and travel happens, then he is crucified on the day of Passover. No one ever worried about that for two millennia.

We now know, having discovered the Dead Sea scrolls, that this is not a contradiction, because the Essenes, and therefore presumably the fans of John the Baptist, held Passover on the old calendar, while the Pharisees, who crucified Jesus, held Passover on the new calendar, which, given the startling swiftness of Roman and Parisee procedures, gives roughly the right amount of time. And when we learned that there was no contradiction nobody cared either. No sigh of relief ensued. No footnotes were inserted in the post Dead Sea Scrolls Bibles. No adjustments were made to Easter Week rituals.

Progressives are horrified by the Ipuwer Papyrus, which is carbon dated to the Bronze Age collapse roughly forty or fifty years before the cities of Canaan burned (the collapse took a while), because it gives a naturalistic (and considerably more internally consistent) account of the events in Egypt reported in Exodus. So they implausibly interpret it as a fairy tale about long ago events, even though it is naturalistic and references events that we know happened at roughly the carbon date. Rather than being overjoyed because it contradicts Exodus in the miracles, and arguably casts doubt on Passover itself, academics hastily explain it away while Christians believe it says what it says. The academics are not frightened of Biblical literalists. Since they are determined to believe Exodus is a fairy tale, they hastily interpret the Ipuwer Papyrus as a fairy tale derived from the same source as Exodus, and refuse to treat it as a source describing the Bronze Age collapse, even though it is dated to a civilizational collapse, and all about a civilizational collapse.

Fëanor says:

I am not talking about Biblical literalism, and have been fairly explicit that I am not talking about literalism. I am talking about fundamental Christian assertions about the nature of God that seem, to me, to contradict or at least compromise the scientific, rationalist worldview. I am not even an atheist, properly speaking; it is untenable to deny the existence of the First Mover, but I do deny that He moves the world at a scale and in a way relevant to humanity, because that is not what I see in front of my face.

Yul, below, affirms what I have been trying to say, but from the Christian perspective. Probably he will be more credible speaking about his own beliefs than I was speaking about the beliefs of others, and I don’t think that anyone here would dare call him a demon worshipper.

Ultimately I do not want to debate the existence of eternity, since it is unfalsifiable, and I begrudge no one belief in it, as long as his beliefs about this world are sane. In fact I have too much respect for them to try to converge my faith, which is first and foremost of this world, to theirs.

jim says:

> I am not talking about Biblical literalism, and have been fairly explicit that I am not talking about literalism. I am talking about fundamental Christian assertions about the nature of God that seem, to me, to contradict or at least compromise the scientific, rationalist worldview.

Just not seeing those “fundamental Christian assertions”. They sound like stupid literalism to me. Straw man Christianity. You have not made any “fundamental Christian assertions” that I accept in the sense you insist on giving them, or that very many Christians have ever accepted in that sense.

I am sure I have the scientific rational worldview. I am far from sure that you do. Maybe I should construct a demon worshiper test that instead of identifying fake adherents of Christianity, identifies fake adherents of the scientific world view.

But the big problem is not your idea of the scientific rational worldview consists of, but that your idea of fundamental Christian assertions comes from stupid heretical protestant sects as re-imagined by internet atheists.

Pick one “fundamental Christian assertion” that you think is your strongest claim, and let us debate that assertion and, if necessary, what the scientific rational worldview actually is.

Pick one point, rather than vaguely waving your hands in the direction of illiterate backwoods Christians as re-imagined by internet atheists, and we will discuss that point. You say that Yul Bornhold. has agreed with you. Not seeing it, not that I agree with Yul either.

Yul asserts that the next world is more important than this, which it is, but I hear an implication in his words that we may neglect our job in this world, our duties to allies, to friends, to kin, to our descendants, and to our ancestors. (I may be misconstruing him) Not seeing how this contradicts the scientific rational world view.

Fëanor says:

My one point is the assertion Yul made.

Obviously I do not agree with you or Yul on this one, since I do not believe that the next world exists at all, but I am arguing that belief that the next world is more important than this one necessarily implies that one not only may, but must, neglect things of this world when they come into conflict with things of the next.

The only way around this is to declare that there is no conflict, to converge Christian virtue perfectly to the things that lead to one’s descendants inheriting the stars, but no actual historical Christian church has successfully done this.

jim says:

> My one point is the assertion Yul made.

What assertion did he make that contradicts the scientific rational world view?

How does doing ones duty in this world come into conflict with the things of the next?

> The only way around this is to declare that there is no conflict, to converge Christian virtue perfectly to the things that lead to one’s descendants inheriting the stars, but no actual historical Christian church has successfully done this.

And now we are back to you identifying Christianity with the belief system of illiterate backwoods radical protestants as imagined by internet atheists.

Established Anglicanism from 1663 till they were disestablished successfully did this. Christian virtue conquered empire, created the scientific revolution, and industrialized Britain. The battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton.

Non Christian societies are strangely unable to do science, though atheists of diverse cultural backgrounds can do science provided they are embedded in a Christian society. (hence the decline of science since World War II)

Either we have radically different readings of Yul, or we have radically different ideas about what the scientific rational worldview is.

Explain. You are not making any sense.

Yul Bornhold says:

Yul asserts that the next world is more important than this, which it is, but I hear an implication in his words that we may neglect our job in this world, our duties to allies, to friends, to kin, to our descendants, and to our ancestors. (I may be misconstruing him) Not seeing how this contradicts the scientific rational world view.

Christ had something to say about people who neglected their duties under holy pretenses. From the Gospel according to St. Mark:

“9And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition. 10For Moses said, Honour thy father and thy mother; and, Whoso curseth father or mother, let him die the death: 11But ye say, If a man shall say to his father or mother, It is Corban, that is to say, a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me; he shall be free. 12And ye suffer him no more to do ought for his father or his mother; 13Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.”

The pharisees thought they could jew their aging parents out of financial support by making a status-boosting gift to the temple. God was not amused.

People who become monastics and renounce the world must have the freedom to do so. A slave can’t just quit to join a monastery. A father can’t abandon his sons and so on.

Maybe we have some point of disagreement as to what material concerns might be neglected but can’t think of them at present.

Fëanor says:

The Christian tradition I am familiar with, and thus primarily critiquing, is not backwoods Protestantism, but Roman Catholicism as practiced between the Middle Ages and the 19th century, with modern survivals (or revivals). This has probably fewer adherents than backwoods Protestantism, but more than the Dark Enlightenment (Christian or not), and they generally present themselves as our allies, so they are worth critiquing.

There is conflict between this world and the next if the Church defines holiness in a way that contradicts evolutionary biology and game theory, which it is likely to do because the way it makes decisions, the way all priestly organizations make decisions, contradicts the scientific rational worldview, as we are calling it. An ecumenical council is peer review for religion, and it sucks for exactly the same reasons peer review sucks.

The scientific rational worldview is nullius in verba. The Catholic worldview is that if five hundred bishops agree the sky is purple, then you are the one that is blind.

To give my favorite example, in the Protestant Reformation, some people noticed that women were not all that interested in being virgins, and thus convents were basically temple prostitution by another name, so they closed the convents and told all the women to get married. The Church responded by anathematizing the proposition that the state of marriage was superior to the state of virginity, which is contrary to Darwinism even if the nuns were actually remaining virgins, but, because Darwinism, they were largely not.

The Orthodox and Anglican churches have been mostly free from this kind of insanity, having had their councils under the watchful eye of the sovereign, but the Orthodox Christian that I debated on this subject yesterday seemed unable to admit the necessary corrective role of the Emperor, even after I pointed out that the council he was citing only condemned a particular heretic after Justinian had ordered all his writings to be burned, because the Emperor is not very holy, and it is contradictory for someone who aspires to holiness to admit that what is needed is less holiness.

Neither Justinian, nor Henry VIII, nor Vladimir Putin seem to me like very holy men, so I will amend my previous position to: Christian holiness and this-worldly virtue can only be converged by not-very-holy men, which is what you have advocated on this blog for a long time, so we are in agreement on that.

My argument is: if your religion can only remain sane by keeping saints out of the corridors of power, does that not mean that you have the wrong definition of holiness?

jim says:

> The scientific rational worldview is nullius in verba. The Catholic worldview is that if five hundred bishops agree the sky is purple, then you are the one that is blind.

The last time that a major religion tried that one on was four centuries ago. It does not happen too often. And continuing to push that old worn out trope just makes internet atheists look stupid.

As Saint Augustine told us, religious consensus on empirically falsifiable issues is just likely to make the Church look stupid. Well, sometimes the Church has looked stupid, but the consensus of the Communion of Saints is that the Church should shut the %@%& up on such things.

Fëanor says:

TLDR of the above:

The Church contradicts the rational scientific worldview because it can decide things that contradict what I see in front of my face, and punish me for not believing them. The Orthodox are more flexible on this than the Catholics, and the Anglicans more flexible than the Orthodox, but ultimately the problem is not even Christian, it is fundamental to the way the priest caste makes decisions, and is also responsible for the errors of peer review.

My ideal society has no dedicated priest caste at all, with the few necessary roles of the priest played by husbands, fathers, and kings, but I am not yet sure what this would look like in the modern world.

jim says:

> The Church contradicts the rational scientific worldview because it can decide things that contradict what I see in front of my face, and punish me for not believing them


Saint Augustine addressed that one a very long time ago, and throughout ages his wise opinion has been generally followed.

neofugue says:

Here we go again…

Peer review for Christianity is good because it prevents any one individual from deviating from the faith. Peer review for science is evil because it prevents any one individual from challenging a scientific consensus.

Orthodoxy is not Catholicism and as such does not require people to obey bishops if they cross the line and advocate heresy. Unlike the Pope, if Patriarch Kirill says the sky is purple no one has to believe him. Justinian was able to put an end to the Origenist problem because the church was already reaching a consensus, but the Iconoclast Emperors among them Constantine V who summoned the Council of Hieria were not able to redefine church doctrine.

Fëanor says:

Peer review for Christianity is good because it prevents any one individual from deviating from the faith. Peer review for science is evil because it prevents any one individual from challenging a scientific consensus.

Then the Church had better not make any falsifiable statements about the material world, at least not in ways that are supposed to be infallible.

jim says:

Tired old internet atheist argument.

The Church is not supposed to pontificate on falsifiable matters about the material world. There is a rather long tradition about this. (Which does not always stop it from doing so, but it stops it sufficiently.)

Yul Bornhold says:

Feanor: “There is conflict between this world and the next if the Church defines holiness in a way that contradicts evolutionary biology and game theory… in the Protestant Reformation, some people noticed that women were not all that interested in being virgins, and thus convents were basically temple prostitution by another name… The Church responded by anathematizing the proposition that the state of marriage was superior to the state of virginity, which is contrary to Darwinism even if the nuns were actually remaining virgins, but, because Darwinism, they were largely not.”

That’s a bit of a tangle. The instincts of biology push us towards reproduction. So men want to fuck as many women as possible and women want to betray their man in favor of a better man. This is pure instinct and yet this is not conducive to civilization. So we attempt to regulate and channel these instincts.

It seems you’re arguing the Catholic Church has done a poor job of this.

The state of marriage is undeniably superior to the state of virginity for purposes of reproduction but a society doesn’t consist solely in reproduction. The Chinese, for example, invented a eunuch scholar/administrator class. Think of it in terms of character creation in an RPG. In this analogy, you’re arguing that the civilization should put all its points into reproduction whereas I could see a materialistic purpose for a more balanced build. The Protestant rejection of monasticism occurred with the discovery of the new world. They had somewhere to put the excess population which medieval Catholic Europe did not. Moreover, wealth producing monasteries *without children* necessarily spread some of that wealth outwards to the greater society like a medieval version of the incel programmer.

Of course, no church that teaches virginity is superior to marriage means that in terms of *good to society* but in personal spiritual terms but you can make a materialistic argument for utility on the civilizational scale.

Feanor: “Neither Justinian, nor Henry VIII, nor Vladimir Putin seem to me like very holy men… if your religion can only remain sane by keeping saints out of the corridors of power, does that not mean that you have the wrong definition of holiness?”

As you know, saint (sanctus) means holy. And, as it so happens, the Orthodox Church venerates Justinian as a saint:

You evidently have a very different, or perhaps more limited, point of view on what makes a saint. But it’s not fair to criticize someone’s use of a category while not properly acknowledging his use of the category.

A2 says:

Then the Church had better not make any falsifiable statements about the material world, at least not in ways that are supposed to be infallible.

Or it could operate like Mighty SCIENCE!! and be wrong all the time, hold mutually incompatible doctrines with a smirk, celebrate being mystically Wrong Yet Right, seriously advocate strong views weakly held, etc etc.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

A positivist atheist asexual MIT physics professor and Dr Who fan was teaching a class on Bertrand Russel, known autist

“Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship our formulation of science as the only means of truth, and any other thing is superstition!”

At this moment, a brave, intelligent, pro-tean continental philosopher, who has written over 1500 essays on the ontology of power and fully supported cardinality in all ways of knowing stood up and held a rock.

“What IS this rock?”

The arrogant professor smirked quite whiggishly and smugly replied “A mixture of quartz and other minerals you low IQ jock”

“Fool, for you have taken the identity of this object as a mere composition of it’s parts, but you failed to define an essence. If everything were just irreducable atoms… then you yourself would be indistinguishable from a rock”

The professor was visibly shaken and dropped his chalk and a copy of A Brief History of Time. He stormed out of the room crying those asthma induced crocodile tears. The same tears scientists cry for the “scientifically illiterate” (who today live much worse lives thanks to instrumental techne obscuring the collapse of social techne) while they jealously try to claw profound epistemological models from true thinkers. There is no doubt that at this point our professor, Sheldor Leonard, wished he had pulled himself up by his bootstraps and become more than a mere paper milling grant monkey. He wished that he could defend himself in writing, but he himself had petitioned against “useless” rhetorical courses!

The students applauded and all entangled with the nature of Being that day and accepted the multiplexy of their animating structures. An eagle named “Will to Power” flew in into the room and looked deeply into the void. The original formulation of the categorical imperative was read several times, and Nietzsche himself showed up and called science gay.

The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He died after being purged by his ‘fellow travelers’ on trumped up socio-political charges due to failing to perceive the teleological implications of their shifting status signaling beforehand.


Fëanor says:


There is a good argument for the civic utility of male monasticism. I do not see a similar argument for female monasticism, but maybe there is one. What is not arguable is that it is arguable, and dependent on the temporal situation. Obviously we do not have an excess population crisis now, we have a fertility and involuntary celibacy crisis, but this canon continues to hold, and since the decision was not actually made on the basis of temporal utility at all, one must presume that they would make the same decision if the Council of Trent were held today.

The relative value of marriage and virginity should not be a matter of binding and unchangeable religious doctrine at all, but if it must, the doctrine should be the opposite of what it is, since when things are left unchecked, we do not have an excess of marriage, but an excess of female promiscuity and male involuntary celibacy. Yet I still see Catholic priests arguing that what we need is more religious vocations. If I reply that what we actually need is Australian bride auctions, I will be called a coomer and possibly a heretic.

I do not want to get into a debate on the life and morals of Justinian, since the historiography there is very complicated, but the Western view on the Eastern canonization of him and several other Emperors is that they were the result of their undue political influence on the Church, not their personal holiness. Now, my belief is that if there is a next world, it is a mirror of this one, where glory does not have very much to do with personal holiness at all, thus the Church was right to canonize the Emperor, and ignore the ten thousand peasants who were more personally holy than him, but I do not think that this is what the Orthodox Church actually teaches about sainthood either.

Jim (et al.),

If you think that the Church never pontificates on materially falsifiable claims, then your definition of what is materially falsifiable is too narrow. The red and blue pill positions on women are material and falsifiable, and any doctrine on sex and marriage must necessarily presume one of those. The problem is not the pontificating, which is necessary, but the consensus based decision mechanism.

You are all strawmanning my views as 2010 “internet atheism”, when in fact I am very aware of how Dawkins got pwned. Mine are basically the same views as Moldbug’s, except that Moldbug was never writing for an audience that thought old type Christianity could or should be revived.

jim says:

> but the Western view on the Eastern canonization of him and several other Emperors is that they were the result of their undue political influence on the Church, not their personal holiness.

Unlikely that it was due to their undue political influence, since well and truly dead at the time. And you don’t base sainthood purely on personal holiness, or even substantially on personal holiness. That way lies holiness spirals.

Saint Justinian the Emperor was the last Roman. He restored empire, sane Christianity, and Greco Roman civilization, absorbing Greco Roman civilization into Christianity, and Christianity into Greco Roman civilization.

In the course of restoring order in Rome and Constantinople, he killed a very large number of people, many of them innocent. In the course of restoring the Roman empire in Africa, the war unintentionally turned genocidal, and Rome killed perhaps five million people through famine, pestilence, and direct violence He made an important effort to use the minimum necessary violence and to restrain excesses. But civilization and empire was rather far gone, and as events unfolded uncontrollably and events continually teetered on the brink of collapse, the minimum necessary violence turned out to be quite a lot of violence.

His sainthood was well deserved and entirely appropriate, and demonstrates a sane and healthy Christianity, whose health and sanity owed much to Saint Justinian the Emperor.

Let us pray for another Saint like that one.

> If you think that the Church never pontificates on materially falsifiable claims, then your definition of what is materially falsifiable is too narrow. The red and blue pill positions on women are material and falsifiable, and any doctrine on sex and marriage must necessarily presume one of those. The problem is not the pontificating, which is necessary, but the consensus based decision mechanism.

The reason you need consensus on matters of law, faith, and morals, is you want every man playing from the same rule book, and you want every man to know what rules the other man is playing by.

Obviously the Church should issue doctrine about matters of faith and morals on sex and marriage, and that doctrine should be based on the consensus of living Bishops and on the consensus of the Communion of Saints. But the living Bishops should issue doctrine on faith and morals based on the empirical scientific research that gave us the red pill, without issuing doctrine on the empirical facts revealed by the empirical research, which are the province of each individual researcher, each giving us his own experiences without running them through consensus or peer review.

Which is pretty much what the Bible and the Church during its saner periods has always done.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Or to put it in other words, the consensus is not something used to make decisions, it is something imposed after the decision has been made.

jim says:

I would put it the other way around.

Each person comes to his own decision on the evidence, and after a while you figure out that most of the people who matter have come to the same or similar conclusions, and announce it as the official consensus to everyone.

Having discovered that there is consensus among people who matter, then you impose it on people who do not matter and members of the elite who are being difficult.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

> Each person comes to his own decision on the evidence, and after a while you figure out that most of the people who matter have come to the same or similar conclusions, and announce it as the official consensus to everyone

Sure, but easily gamed – as we have seen.

My point was you are going to need single a single authority or chain of authorities in any case, the responsible agent for doing the official ‘discovering’ and ‘announcing’.

jim says:

Rectification of names. What makes a consensus official?

Obviously, for it to be official, you have to have a gathering of an adequate and representative sample of the people who matter, and someone has to gather them, keep the meeting in order, and announce what the consensus is.

And if anyone else announces consensus or becomes unduly creative with the official announcement, the inquisition needs to invite him over for coffee and a ham sandwich.

Yul Bornhold says:

Darwin is not my god. Your ends are not my ends. To me, Mars, eugenics, even marriage and reproduction are secondary goals. They are not, of themselves, satisfactory goals when framed against the frailty of mortality and the terrible gulf of eternity.

The wise king grasped the riches of the realm and he saw that all of his wealth, his power and his women were vanity and grasping for the wind. And he was not wrong. Where now is his kingdom? Where now his inheritance and his sons?

I cannot look at the vast span of ages without a heady drunkenness brought on by the dust of millions of years nor can I overlook the dust. We are mortals who cannot endure our own mortality.

For some others, this, perhaps, does not seem troubling but I cannot escape such doubts of death and life. The material life of man seems, to me, necessarily an epiphenomenon of the spiritual world.

Even evolution and the common origin of species seems unnecessary (which is not to say untrue) for the philosophical insight that we live in a world of defect/defect. You deny that the good God would create such a world but the Church has always taught he did not. Have you forgotten?

I do not consider myself one of “you” because your goals are materialistic and temporal. My goal is salvation. Nevertheless, reaction is a useful mirror because it revealed much anti-Christianity that I mistook for Christianity. For example: “chivalry.” Though politics are secondary to my true goal, it is interesting to think about what would be a healthy society and much of the dark enlightenment is eminently practical. This is not mere intellectual vanity for me. I do not care for reactionaries discussing what they plan to do to my faith and do intend to be conformed to their image. This is “your” site and “your” place and you do not seem eager to be converged to my faith, so I mostly keep silent.

You are all quite concerned with winning. We would like that as well and perhaps we will this time but we have always lived in memory of the apocalypse to come. Your concerns about Christianity “dying” concern us as well but we have always known it must happen one day and it will not frighten us from the way.

The Cominator says:

The true interpretation of christianity is revealed by good fruit, bad fruit inevitably means bad doctrine.

jim says:

> Where now is his kingdom? Where now his inheritance and his sons?

Should my plans succeed, my descendants will inherit the stars.

neofugue says:

Yul’s post has a mysticism reminiscent of the words of St. Isaac the Syrian.

Fëanor’s concerns are legitimate from a theological perspective but difficult to address as foundational thought between the Dark Enlightenment and Christianity is not isomorphically identical, thus one cannot debate certain theological subjects without requiring the other to reject his own knowledge system. In simpler terms, every man sees through a glass darkly and as such what matters is not fine theological points rather the spiritual direction of our actions.

As a Christian I believe Jesus Christ is Lord and I believe in one holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I hold no cynicism regarding these beliefs, and the spiritual illness which affected men such as C.S. Lewis is not applicable to me.

Debating theology on this blog is only useful if it proves relevant to the subjects of the Dark Enlightenment. While my positions on Catholicism are far less generous than those of Cominator, I do not attack it as Catholics here have neither practiced entryism against Orthodoxy nor ascribed a heretical position to the faith. Your concerns on Genesis are indeed valid but not germane to the subjects discussed here.

The Cominator says:

You’re more anti catholic than i am… that’d be hard.

neofugue says:

My problems with Catholicism are theological; that is, historical and contemporary concerns are secondary to foundational errors. The decline of the West has its ideological roots in the Schism of Rome.

jim says:

Quite so.

In the schism, the hierarchy of Constantinople was seeking possession of Churches. The Papacy was seeking possession of kingdoms and armies.

neofugue says:

Everything descends from Palamas vs Barlaam and the problems of incorporating Aristotelian metaphysics into Christianity.

neofugue says:

Apologies Jim for double-posting, I would prefer this one deleted.

jim says:

If I delete it, all the existing replies to it will be orphaned and disappear, unless I first manually move each of them .

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Alasdair MacIntyre is a good writer on this subject, particularly ‘Rival Versions of Moral Enquery’, and ‘Whose Justice, Which Rationality?’.

Yul Bornhold says:

Wish we had kept some form of contact when you ditched twitter. Oh, well.

The Dark Enlightenment idea of holiness spiraling has been helpful in understanding the Orthodox concept of “not judging” others. Christ says to do your good deeds in secret (as far as possible) but the left insists you should do your “good deeds” (poz) in public and harass others for not doing the same. From the reactionary perspective, such theology very useful in discouraging ambitious power-grasping cut-throats from using their supposed holiness as a disguised tool to build influence. From an Orthodox perspective, this reactionary insight further justifies Christ’s wisdom.

In regards to social doctrine, the best and simplest way to teach this point to everyone is to say “Let your good deeds be in secret and your Father who sees openly will reward you.” When you start talking in terms of holiness spiraling, you’ve entered the realm of academic theory, which can’t and shouldn’t be taught to everyone.

Just another example of the relevance of reaction to the faith.

What spiritual illness afflicted C.S. Lewis?

Fëanor says:

In an old post I linked a while ago, Jim said that C.S. Lewis treated Christianity as a children’s story, not as something that was actually true. Not sure if this is correct or not, although it seems to be from my knowledge of him.

neofugue says:

Though Gab may have its faults, there are many accounts with insightful and funny content which more importantly do not get continuously banned. Doing five captchas on Tor while using burner phones was not worth it, though I may make a new account under a different name.

Not taking God as first principle is not specific to C.S. Lewis rather affecting almost all Christians today, leading to accommodating demonic ideas within one’s faith. Other than the watchmaker analogy conclusion being non sequitur, it assumes God is something to be questioned at all as God is not limited by causality.

jim says:

> The worldview of the ancient Christians, where truths about the material world could be derived from pure reason, because the Creator was rational, seems as stupid to us as the worldview where Jupiter threw lightning bolts from Olympus was to them.

No Christian thinks or has ever thought “pure reason” – as in reason unaided by the senses or by revelation from God. “Pure reason” is a creation of manists, people who worship men, not god.

What Christians, integrating Greek culture and philosophy, thought, is that the creation is obviously rational, therefore a rational creator, therefore the world is knowable through the senses and by revelation. And revelation is uncommon.

Which is not stupid, but obviously correct. And when we are in power, anyone who doubts it is not going to get a state or quasi state job, and Google is going to derank anything he posts on the internet. If he creates art, he will find his art is not going to move through the usual channels.

Orthodox state Anglican position used to be that studying the world taught you about God (and, of course, the world.) thus a form of worship, thus integrating the practice of science into the official religion. (Hence joke about beetles.)

Comatose says:

Christianity’s problem is that modern elites can’t believe it’s true.

Christianity was destroyed by hostile elites who took advantage of Christianity as a social technology’s tenuous relationship with capital t Truth (the causal factor behind Christianity as a social technology’s constant and innumerable schisms), and rendered it completely unbelievable by modern elites.

The desire for truth is a more powerful motivator than sex or status or power and this can be personally confirmed upon honest individual reflection. This is what modern materialists (jim (not a pejorative)) do not understand and why they cannot square the circle of Christianity as a social technology and Christianity as capital t Truth.

The next prophet will square the circle.

alf says:

Hear hear.

Mike in Boston says:

The question at issue is whether the social order needs to be Christian, not whether I am Christian

Jim is exactly right. On a reactionary blog we may quibble about his understanding of “democracy”, but generally I like the way Viktor Orban put it:

When we hear about Christian democratic politics, we must be aware that Christianity consists of two things: faith and the forms of existence inspired and created by faith. When in politics we talk about Christianity and Christian democracy, we mean the latter. On issues of faith, governments have no competence. Salvation and perdition – which are the true issues of faith – are simply beyond the boundaries of the realm in which the politics of the day has any legitimate authority. When we talk about Christianity and Christian democracy, we defend the forms of existence that grew out of the societies imbued with Christian faith. Defending personal dignity, the freedom of man created in the image of God, family as [it] was created in Christianity, the national community and communities of faith. This is the essence of Christian democratic politics, not the defence of religious beliefs and dogmas.

Kunning Drueger says:

That is excellent propaganda, and I mean that in the traditional sense of the word. Orban makes a good case for something I have a hard time articulating. I want to be a non-christian in an explicitly Christian society where we are free to disagree, respectfully and quietly. No, I don’t want anti-christianity subversives making art and corrupting virgins. But I do want my property to be under my rule and I wish to be free to explore the Path of GNON.

A2 says:

So how would we handle free-riders on our social technology? Free riders who have already wrecked it once, at that.

Jizya? Second class citizenship? Physical separation into ghetto?

Kunning Drueger says:

Free-riders need an opportunity or two to correct their sloth. Failing that, they are “…for the road. (-Senator Arthur Jellison) But I’m not proposing that I get to run a gnostic compound, or a ranch for midwit post-modern protestants. I wish to be left in peace in the confines of the land that I have and hold. The moment I step foot off of it, I am a God fearing, king submitted man of Christ. No heresy should be tolerated in the public square. It doesn’t need to go further than that, because true heretics cannot keep it to themselves. They are always seeking new thralls and more baubles. If a man worships a stone carved satan in the dead of night, underground, all alone on his own property, and never tells anyone, what harm can he do?

I think this addresses what you’re asking but I might getting it.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

> If a man worships a stone carved satan in the dead of night, underground, all alone on his own property, and never tells anyone, what harm can he do?

Well, he can be doing harm is the sense of being a sort of man who finds anti-civilizational ideologies germane to his character.

Kunning Drueger says:

Precisely. If he is a powerful man of influence and means, he will not be content to be a church of one. He will seek converts and grow the faith. He is a heretic. He must die. But what if a lesser man, of modest means and status, who kneels to the king, serves his community, controls his women, and fathers children keeps a secret shrine to Thor, and tells no one? I don’t think he presents a threat. And he isn’t free-riding the Christian social technology, he is participating in it.

Hey, I wanted to say that when I asked why you speak in riddles, I wasn’t attacking you or complaining. I was genuinely curious, and I wasn’t actually referencing that specific post, I was thinking of the many, many contributions you’ve made here. Your prose intimidates me. I screencap many of them (pseudo removed) and ponder them. You are a great writer and a powerful thinker, and I genuinely appreciate and enjoy when you comment. I don’t like how much your essays fly over my head, but that’s a me problem. Sorry for gushing, but I felt honor bound to state explicitly that I know my place.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

A verse with poeticism may resolve towards that which is needed, in the mind of the man channeling it. Those verses which can have the most profound impact on a being are as if something emanating from an other world, transfigured into a form more comprehensible by the subject.

It is well to make statements that are open to the possibility of truth, than that are mechanically constrained into error.

When a virtuous writer intuits a well crafted turn of phrase, it becomes something a reader may draw right implications from; something which he may even, more significantly, make connections with in contexts that not even the writer themselves might have been able to have had so consciously in mind.

The ancients understood what it meant for a writer to be willing to open themselves up, to channeling the divine, when they invoked the muses.

The sense of the sentiment that one may express may not always specifically be the same exact sense that would, in that moment, be rejoined with; yet at the same time, in a virtuous reader, it too may also be in line, coherent with the sentiment as well; an expression of how the dynamic, so expressed, may felicitously play itself out in these and other ways.

An act of language takes on life of it’s own, once released out into the wild; to have a sense of how they may grow, how they may be disposed, more to this or less to that, to sense the *worthiness* of that which they may be disposed towards, is the acme rhetorical art.

jim says:

> If a man worships a stone carved satan in the dead of night, underground, all alone on his own property, and never tells anyone, what harm can he do?

What he can do, and with great regularity has done, is explain that he is a Christian, but his Christianity is much holier than your Christianity, and superior holiness consists of extremely virtuous beliefs and extremely virtuous practices which practices somehow in practice somehow wind up as sacrificing children to a stone idol of Satan and drinking their blood.

Hostile entryists within the Christianity have been a huge problem from the beginning, starting with Simon the Magician, and in a state religion immediately become a bigger and more threatening problem that needs to be dealt with. William Wilberforce and his saints should have been enslaved and sent to Jamaica to cut cane.

Kunning Drueger says:

Implicit in each response is the assumption that the man will inevitably take the stone satan, and his beliefs, out of the hideaway and into the square. My concern is not with the stone satan, it is with the man.

jim says:

> Implicit in each response is the assumption that the man will inevitably take the stone satan, and his beliefs, out of the hideaway and into the square


Not what we are saying.

Rather, he will keep his stone idol in Epstein’s Island out of public view, and invite selected important people to the island, where they get to network with other selected important people. And the inner circle of the selected important people will sacrifice virgins to the idol in the deepest secrecy.

And a century after that, they will be tearing out the hearts of the unvaxed on the public to the accompaniment of ear shattering Satanic Metal music and throwing their bodies off the stage to be eaten by the congregation in the glare of the television cameras.

Children never suffer noticeable consequences from China flu, and if they get it, do not transmit it to others. They sometimes suffer death or disability from the vax. Vaxxing the children is the beginning of human sacrifice. Once human sacrifice begins, it will escalate until violently stopped, since almost any doctrine becomes remarkably believable once you start sacrificing people to it.

Kunning Drueger says:

Then, with no hesitation, let’s violently Stop.

The Cominator says:

Demon worshippers die, cynics and outsider non demon worshipper religions (buddhists for example) are tolerated but cannot get state or quasi state jobs.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>this results in a very different system of morality

As a post-protestant, it is different from *your* christianity, but it is not different from Christianity, in the sense of the Orthodoxy (ortho doxia – ‘correct opinion’).

jim says:

> It is in my rational self-interest to pay the contractor, because it is in my rational self-interest to live in a society where contracts are enforced. If contracts are systematically not being enforced.

Contracts have never been systematically enforced. Lawyers are notoriously and extraordinarily crooked, judges notoriously corrupt. No one in business want to go near a court of law, because they will be convicted of being a ham sandwich, and forced to pay a ransom to the lawyers, some which will somehow find its way into the pockets of the judge.

If ordinary people misbehave, you think judges and lawyers will behave? Do we have angels to govern us?

Karl says:

Indeed. People enter contracts because they believe the contract will be served, not because they belive the contract will be enforced.

If I believe a man will not want to abide to a contract, the rational decision is not make a contract with him. That is rational even if we had angels to govern us. Bringing a case to court involves a lot of time. Noone can routinely afford spending that time.

HerbR says:

Isn’t this veering on the lolbertarian side?

No, we don’t have angels to govern us. We ideally have stationary bandits and robber-barons, who, through their own wisdom or wise council, learn that their coffers grow much faster when men have wives, highways are free of highwaymen, and contracts are enforceable and enforced.

This is Old Testament stuff. A society with no center to enforce a code of laws – no matter whether those laws are convoluted legal codes or hastily-scrawled royal writs – is not going to remain a society for very long. And public morality flows from the top down, not from the bottom up.

jim says:

In all societies at all times, contractors and contractees have to be able to trust each other. That is not a job that can be outsourced to the justice system.

HerbR says:

Social trust and law enforcement are part of a virtuous cycle. I’ll cite gang theory and prison studies as precedent, in which killing snitches is beneficial not only to the gang as a whole but also to the individuals in it. Maintaining an existing cooperate-cooperate equilibrium is relatively cheap, authority-wise, but establishing one in the first place usually requires an iron fist.

Practically speaking, the degree to which I trust a contractor is a combination of several factors, including tribe/ingroup, prior experience, rational assessment of their competence and demeanor… and also what recourse I’m likely to have if they fail to perform. We don’t live in tiny villages anymore where everyone knows everyone else, so we have to use inductive methods to decide on whom to employ. Amidst the modern-day breakdown of contract law, often my only recourse is not to pay, and so obviously I’m not going to trust any contractor who demands the full fee up front.

I consider myself pretty motivated, take pride in my work, hate owing money or favors, and yet I still find myself considerably less motivated if I know there will be no penalty at all for delaying or underperforming. “The squeaky wheel gets the grease” didn’t come out of nowhere. Legal escalation isn’t the be-all and end-all of a functioning economy, but is definitely a component of it.

Karl says:

Of course the degree to which you trust a contractor is a combination of several factors, including tribe/ingroup, prior experience, rational assessment of their competence and demeanor… and also what recourse you are likely to have if they fail to perform, but the important thing is that you contract only when you trust.

Doesn’t matter where the trust comes from. If you do not have it, it is rational not to contract.

Of course law enforcement is necessary, but is for the exception when trust was breached and maybe for honest disagreement.

Like killing traitors and snitches is beneficial, but any man who ever was betrayed trusted the traitor. No trust, no opportunity to betray

The Cominator says:

“Social trust and law enforcement are part of a virtuous cycle. I’ll cite gang theory and prison studies as precedent, in which killing snitches is beneficial not only to the gang as a whole but also to the individuals in it. Maintaining an existing cooperate-cooperate equilibrium is relatively cheap, authority-wise, but establishing one in the first place usually requires an iron fist.”

Every high trust society I can think of had two elements (Which are the Anglo world prior to say the late 60s, the Nordic world probably prior to the same period, Japan is the only one still left)

1) General ethnic homogeneity

2) Centuries of extremely harsh criminal justice

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Subcthonic emanations of Being oozing up through cracks in the discourse – also known as scuttlebutt on anonymous chinese cartoon appreciation forums – has increasingly touched on the notion that some part of the crucial animus behind wokists frenzied antipathy to ivermectin, is coming from the fact that since a large percentage of momos happen to have intestinal parasites, and that this likely has some associated link of influence, widespread use of safe and effective antiparasitics threatens their existence as a class – both metaphorically and literally.

Kunning Drueger says:

True if big. I wonder how much the gut makes decisions for us in the realm of the political.

notglowing says:

The optics of parasites shrieking about an antiparasitic are quite funny

The Ducking Man says:

Sorry in advance for posting something that has been discussed just recently below. Nevertheless I think it’s important to know this basic understanding for someone outside christian ortodoxy like myself.

So, what is wrong with biblical literalism?

Even when I first knew bible, this is first topic that I encounter. I ended up as biblical literalist myself. So I imagine, if you want to convert lots of non-christiant into christianity you need to be very coherent in this topic.

Anecdotally, biblical literalists are the most enthusiastic and charismatic preacher I ever knew. Kent Hovind is good example (God bless him). I don’t see lot anti-literalist speaking in public trying to gather convert, it was always boring seminar with hard to understand monologue.

So if you were to exclude biblical literalists from neo-reactionary discussion it would be very detrimental to your cause to establish mainstream christianity.

Alfred says:

>So, what is wrong with biblical literalism?

Christianity is trivially easy to disprove if one is a bible literalist. They’re also extremely easy to manipulate using bible verses very much disconnected from the wider context. I watched my entire family get suckered by these charlatans growing up.

It’s just another form of holiness spiraling.

A2 says:

“The devil can quote Scripture for his purpose;
An evil soul producing holy witness
Is like a villain with a smiling cheek,
A goodly apple rotten at the core.”

The Ducking Man says:

>Christianity is trivially easy to disprove if one is a bible literalist.
I used to be cynics to biblical literalism. From modern scientific view it’s very easy to regard Genesis as mere fairy tail.

For example, some people think Genesis account is wrong because there is light before sun. But till this day scientific do not agree the true nature of light let alone knowing it’s primordial origin.

It’s also very hard to deny that biblical stories are geocentric which clashes with modern heliocenteic view.

>They’re also extremely easy to manipulate

I think it’s more about overall lower level of intelligence (in your family). Because bastards like Joel Osteen and Kanneth Copeland who only sees bible as money printing machine will misquote bible regardless they actually believe or not. People suckered by those devils because they never read their bible.

I’ve been there, some preacher saying soms stupid bulshit what I need to do was flipping few verses back then calling out on his bs. It was always that easy.

Pertaining full context during discussion was never about bible as literal or metaphorical.

>It’s just another form of holiness spiraling
Then you need to explain how Islam can survive so long despite Islam is very coherently biblical literallist.

C4ssidy says:

> For example, some people think Genesis account is wrong because there is light before sun

Pretty nonsensical objection. Photons were bouncing around before stars were made

The Ducking Man says:

I know right, but if you watch moslem debunking torah this objection veeery common.

Starman says:

@Ducking Man

There are two different creation stories in Genesis, thus precluding any chronological interpretation.

Understanding the meaning of Genesis and Exodus requires the context of the age when it was compiled (after the Bronze Age collapse).

For example, in the Elohim Genesis account, the Sun and Moon aren’t named. But are instead, given generic names:

Genesis 1:14-19
“14And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:”
“15And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.”
“16And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.”
“17And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,”
“18And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.”
“19And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.”

Why did the authors of the Elohim Genesis account use generic names for the Sun and Moon?
Perhaps the religious and political situation of Late Bronze Age Egypt and Canaan might offer a clue…

The Ducking Man says:


I used to dabble on this debate why Elohim turned into YHVH. Some say it was a devil (YHVH) pretending to Elohim, some say it’s 2 entirely different godly being.

In the end I came to conclusion “let’s mash them together like everyone else, I don’t know, you don’t know, nobody in this entire world know”.

I retreat to occam’s razor when there is no explanation in bible everywhere else.

Starman says:

@Ducking Man

“In the end I came to conclusion “let’s mash them together like everyone else, I don’t know, you don’t know, nobody in this entire world know”.

“nobody in this entire world know”

Bullshit, we know enough about Ancient Egypt to know why the Elohim account was compiled after the power of the Amun-Re priesthood was safely confined to the Nile.

You’re obviously deeply incurious, perhaps you’re better off posting on Facebook and Gettr instead of here.

jim says:

The bible is full of stuff, that if taken literally, is empirically false, or contradicts other parts of the bible, or even contradicts other parts of the same book written by the same author. Which gives people no end of room to snatch one verse out of context and run with it.

The Ducking Man says:


Reading genesis till Deutronomy many times over I don’t see one story contradicts later stories.

jim says:

If you don’t see any contradictions, you are not actually treating it as literal geography and history, in which case the only question is how non literal to go.

The Ducking Man says:

Shall we start from the beginning:
– 7 days od creation – taking it literally won’t interfere anything, in fact the entire biblical fanaticism with sabbath and cycle of 7 are entirely on account to 7 days of creation.

As for Garden of Eden, we knew from account of enoch was entirely different physical plane. Lower plane is earth, separated by body of water (which later become source of Noah flood), the upper plane is what we call Heaven containing garden of eden. It seems like during Adam’s time used to connected somehow.

I also see no issue believing biblical account on astrology which is definitely geocentric.

These 3 fundamental literalism won’t interfere anything on later stories. The Sun stopped for a while because one guy is begging to be so, Tower of Babel actually try to go to heaven because heaven is literally just above us. The fallen angel was mankind greatest horror that better being burried 6 feet under.

Again, I’m not cherry picking what to believe, Torah is complete package either all-in or nothing.

Aidan says:

Moses comes down from the mountain with a tablet that says “Thou shalt not make graven images”, and promptly puts the tablet in a box adorned with carved golden angels. Obviously, graven images did not apply to the golden figures on the Ark. You cannot take Scripture literally because they obviously understood the meaning of “graven images” differently than you take “graven images” literally. Reading it literally is a massive disrespect to the people who wrote it, who did not intend it to be taken literally.

Problem is that when somebody proves heliocentrism a literalist church loses status. When the Greeks mathematically proved that the Earth was a sphere, the Church said “flat Earth is just a metaphor bro”.

Taking the letter of the law literally is bad fruit, like in jim’s favorite example of taking the law about blood contamination so literally that Judea ended up genocided by the Roman Empire. Jesus speaks all the time about obeying the spirit of the law over the letter, because people who meticulously follow the letter of the law usually have bad intentions and are trying to do evil things.

If you want to jew God through excessive legalism, just convert to judaism and join the nutjobs who think that turning on a light switch violates the commandment to not work on the Sabbath. The people who were supposed to not work on the sabbath were pastoralists who needed to tend their flocks and keep their animals from wandering off every single day. Obviously, you cannot interpret that literally.

Because the Bible contradicts itself, literalism means cherrypicking what you like and ignoring what you do not. What you choose to take literally and thus what you choose to ignore is a matter of your own nature and judgement, so “literalism” ends up meaning “self-worship”

HerbR says:

The literal text of the bible – at least the Old Testament – tends to range from the incomprehensible to the merely impossible.

The story of Adam and Eve, particularly the part about God using Adam’s rib to create Eve, is incomprehensible as a literal description of anatomy or biology. The story of Noah’s Ark is impossible as a literal description of meteorology or engineering. These stories, taken literally, are empirically, provably false.

But in the case of Adam and Eve, the bible goes so far as to explain its own metaphor with the “one flesh” analogy a few sentences later. And while Noah’s Ark doesn’t come with similar inline commentary, if we understand it to be a parable about good men witnessing civilizational decay and death and trying to rescue whatever they can while their compatriots gleefully join the race to the bottom, it’s not only true, it’s downright common.

Defending literalism is defending a strawman. And your own description of literalism is not sounding particularly literal to me.

Alfred says:

My experience with literalists is they tend to pick and choose what to take literally. For example they all talk away Paul’s proscription to never have a woman in authority over a man and for women’s salvation comes from child bearing.

I think being a biblical literalist is a shibboleth that selects for low IQ people.

jim says:

> 7 days od creation – taking it literally won’t interfere anything

Just as fans of the letter of the law tend to ignore the spirit, intent, and purpose of the law, people who believe in the literal meaning of Genesis tend to ignore the spiritual meaning.

In principle one could believe both the literal and spiritual meaning, just as in principle one could observe both the letter and spirit of the law, but in practice, people don’t

Biblical literalism about history and geography is holiness spiraling how much “I believe the bible” by people who don’t actually believe the bible.

The Ducking Man says:

>Just as fans of the letter of the law tend to ignore the spirit, intent, and purpose of the law.

But the literal meaning is very foundation of later spiritual meaning.

“why do God command Israelites to keep Sabbath?”

The simple answer is because God *literally* did creation in 6 days, on 7th day he rested. God was so proud that he wants all his creation to follow Him, 6 days working then rest on 7th day.

“yeah, but Sabbath was just metaphor for [insert any convoluted christian concept]”

Yeah, try yourself working 7 days a week 365 days a year. And see how long is your lifespan. Been there done that, had small heart attack at 23.

>Biblical literalism about history and geography is holiness spiraling how much “I believe the bible” by people who don’t actually believe the bible.

I don’t see it’s spiraling whatsoever, because I hide my believe in my personal life. I keep sabbath, I keep dietary law (easy thing to do in place) without even my wife knowing.

Even within black israelite movement (full of biblical literalist) no people arguing “I believe in bible more than you”, it was more “I hate white people more than you”.

jim says:


You are not following biblical sabbath law, being designed for a world lit by fire, where you cooked on a fire, and social life revolved around the fire.

Similarly, you are not following biblical dietary law, because you would have to adopt an early iron age diet in order to do so.

You are, necessarily, making up your own biblical law as you go along.

Starman says:

@The Ducking Man

“Shall we start from the beginning:
– 7 days od creation – taking it literally won’t interfere anything, in fact the entire biblical fanaticism with sabbath and cycle of 7 are entirely on account to 7 days of creation.

As for Garden of Eden, we knew from account of enoch was entirely different physical plane. Lower plane is earth, separated by body of water (which later become source of Noah flood), the upper plane is what we call Heaven containing garden of eden. It seems like during Adam’s time used to connected somehow.”

That’s just your own personal interpretation.

It would help if you quoted the actual verses like I did.

jim says:

The Ducking Man is not in fact taking it literally. He is making up his own rather silly bible as he goes along, and telling us he believes in stupid things such as young earth creationism, to prove he is more serious about the believing the bible than everyone else.

It is just a cover story. Just as the Jews in the events leading up to the fall of Jerusalem doubled down on taking the exact literal letter of the law on blood contamination super super superduper seriously and observing it super super superduper strictly, because they were flagrantly breaking the commandments on coveting, theft, and murder.

People who make a fuss about observing the literal letter of the law are, in practice, not serious about observing the purpose, meaning, and intent of the law, the spirit of the law.

And people who are big on bible literalism, in practice, pay very little attention to what the bible actually says.

no says:

>People who make a fuss about observing the literal letter of the law are, in practice, not serious about observing the purpose, meaning, and intent of the law, the spirit of the law.

Constitutional literalists are knuckle-dragging retards. The spirit of the Second Amendment refers to the National Guard. You don’t need guns.

jim says:

We know what the spirit and intent of the second amendment was from what people wrote about for over a century.

The militia was whomever a locally high status respectable man could round up, and the spirit and intent of the second amendment was that if the federal government pissed off too many locally high status respectable men, it would be unable to govern.

The federal government was supposed to rely on the militia in internal conflicts, because the founders did not trust it in internal conflicts with troops subject to central command. The National Guard is exactly what the founders feared when they wrote that amendment.

when they were wrote that amendment they were indeed thinking of something like the National Guard, in that they were thinking “Let us try to ensure that no such organization will exist.” The National Guard is what they wanted the people to have the capability to shoot.

The Ducking Man says:

What do you mean, it was literally there in Genesis 1.

Genesis 1: KJV
6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.
9 And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.
10 And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.

jim says:

No evening and no morning on the first day, because no sky and no earth,

No evening and morning on the second day, because no lights in the sky.

Therefore, spiritual and metaphorical days and nights, not literal days and nights.

TammyFan says:

I would translate the word “day” in the beginning of Genesis as epoch, era, eon or period. As we could say “in the day the dinosaurs” = Mesozoic Era. The day of Earth formation = Hadean Eon, etc. Also, don’t forget 2 Peter 3:8 “But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.”

Starman says:

@The Ducking Man

“I also see no issue believing biblical account on astrology which is definitely geocentric.”

Astrology isn’t astronomy. Those are two different things.
You’re not very good at interpreting, are you?

Do you actually believe in geocentrism?

The Ducking Man says:

>Do you actually believe in geocentrism?

If I said yes can I get “this is stupid person” badge?

jim says:

You have already been awarded the badge.

Starman says:

@Ducking Man

“If I said yes can I get “this is stupid person” badge?”

“Can I get ‘this is stupid person’ badge?” Well lets see…

You said:

“Right now I don’t the mental capacity to reply anything complicated.”

Looks like you yourself admitted that you’re a retard, and placed the “this is stupid person” badge upon yourself.

Imagine in a multiplanetary civilization, a geocentrist like you on Earth trying to impose your will on the peoples of Mars. You’re not going to win any battle in outer space, that’s for sure.

Starman says:

@The Ducking Man


Reading genesis till Deutronomy many times over I don’t see one story contradicts later stories.”

Genesis possesses two completely different creation accounts, including two very different names for God, Elohim (first account), and Yahweh (second account). English bibles typically translate “Elohim” as “God” in the first account and they translate “Yahweh” as “LORD God” in the second.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Because in fact there is no one who is a biblical literalist, including the biblical literalists.

By which we mean to say, they are each and all depending on their own powers of world formation to transform the seeds of signs into flowers of more felicitous meaning.

By what means would a man channel his fires of divine inspiration, into forms intelligible by his fellows, in the first place? Just so. By what means was the discrimination of some sources over others adjudicated into canons? Just so.

So basically, if there is no matter in judgement, then you are up a creek without a paddle. If judgement does matter, then differing judgement matters. And if differing judgement matters, then magisterial authority matters.

(Recommended reading: )

Starman says:

@The Ducking Man

“Kent Hovind is good example (God bless him).”

Kent Hovind is exhibit A of why Amerikwan pastors suck.

The Ducking Man says:

I don’t know what more do you want from a pastor, the alternatives are not that different and some are outright devil.

1. Money loving devils in mega churches like Canneth Copeland, Joel Osteen, and others with their Bentley and multi million dollar mansion.
2. Very-apparent-hard core pastor like Steven Anderson.
3. Pastor who is clearly very into conspiracy theories and occult like Walter Veith.
4. run-off-the-mill pastors barely graduated theology school who at best repeat his text book.

Starman says:

@The Ducking Man

“I don’t know what more do you want from a pastor, the alternatives are not that different and some are outright devil.”

You were completely unresponsive to my posts on Genesis.

And then you make excuses for an obvious charlatan like Kent Hovind.

Every single Amerikwan pastor I’ve seen has refused to denounce the US family courts and divorce industry. There are pastors on Gab who actually blocked me when I asked them to do so.

The only evidence I’ve seen of a Christian cleric that has preached the traditional Christian position on women is this Russian Orthodox priest:

The Ducking Man says:

>You were completely unresponsive to my posts on Genesis.

I don’t avoid your post, I only have internet connection during office hour. Right now I don’t the mental capacity to reply anything complicated. Work is bit hectic during closing day like today.

I’ll reply you eventually.

>US family courts and divorce industry

I don’t remember he actually said anyting on marriage, if you can link his blog or YT video I’ll look into it.

jim says:

If you did not look into it years ago, you are not a Christian, nor do you take the Bible at all seriously.

Kunning Drueger says:

Respectfully, my Lord, give him time to respond. Inevitably, he shall trod on his own dick, and we shall stab him, and that mercilessly. Asian christians are a strange beast; they believe with no substance, and argue with little purpose.

The Ducking Man says:

When I looked into Kend I was 18 y.o., my first date with girl was 23 y.o. Yes, I was that late to the game.

At that time I didn’t care about girl or marriage structure especially other country’s marriage structure.

From your stances now I understand your bar to be christian is very high which unfortunately self-study goyim like me could never attain.

neofugue says:

What is wrong with Biblical literalism?

With the exception of a few Protestant sects Christianity has never advocated strict literalism as there is much in scripture which can only be communicated through symbolism. For example, the “Whore of Babylon” is not referring to a literal person rather a typology of Pagan Rome under Nero.

Creationism, the view of Genesis as a historical text, is problematic because one cannot divorce empiricism from epistemology in the Western system.

From a secular perspective, there is nothing wrong with a religion having a narrative on creation so long as these beliefs do not interfere with the scientific process. Deobandi Islam of the Taliban does not accept theistic evolution, but this is not a problem because there is no causality in Islam, thus Islam can say the world is [x] years old without interfering with a science operating through causality concluding the world being 13.8 billion years old.

However, for the past thousand years Christianity in the West has been based in Aristotelian metaphysics, thus merging Creationism with Western Christianity is not possible. Creationists in the West are almost entirely lower-caste morons because their theology disproves Creationism. At worst it functions as a type of Phariseeism allowing Christians to defect on traditional marriage. Thus a secular reactionary blog based in natural law and material and effective causation cannot support Creationism.

Might Bugout says:

So is the point about wings on spaceship commonly brought up by people in the know? I haven’t heard it outside of here. Though today I saw an interview of Elon making the exact same point.

Starman says:

@Might Bugout

“So is the point about wings on spaceship commonly brought up by people in the know? I haven’t heard it outside of here. Though today I saw an interview of Elon making the exact same point.”

Rocket ships aren’t airplanes. There’s a reason why the first successful flyback reusable first stage lands as Heinlein intended.

Prophet says:


Between 100-200 members of Congress and their families & staffers have been treated with IVM & our I-MASK+ protocol for COVID. NO hospitalizations.

Not one of them reported that to the people.

Saved themselves & stayed silent as IVM was torched.

Fun fact: Between 100-200 United States Congress Members (plus many of their staffers & family members) with COVID.. were treated by a colleague over the past 15 months with ivermectin & the I-MASK+ protocol at None have gone to hospital. Just sayin’

alf says:

This is not really the place where BREAKING NEWS YOU ARE NEVER GOING TO BELIEVE THIS headlines win you any brownie points.

c4ssidy says:

Source is a tweet linking to another tweak linking to a deadlink. Heard on 4chan it’s an “anonymous but trusted” guy. Trust the plan. Patriots in control.

Varna says:

You say that now, but just wait two more weeks. The secret tunnels are almost complete.

Fred says:

Offtopic, but quality content here:

To no-one’s great surprise, it turns out the Twitter RW-girlboss-bimbo clique is actually a doxxing op connected to the techbro left.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I thought that was made pretty clear when one of the original “redpilled antifeminist tradgirls” doxxed a ton of NRx to some shitty leftoid journalist. The only one of that crew that is still around is Lauren Southern, barely, and tellingly she is the only one who got married. Never trust online women. Rely on the old-school internet immune system: tits or gtfo. And never trust a simp.

Tityrus says:

Re: biblical literalism (from Back to Methuselah: A Metabiological Pentateuch by Bernard Shaw)

“What we should do, then, is to pool our legends and make a delightful stock of religious folk-lore on an honest basis for all mankind. With our minds freed from pretence and falsehood we could enter into the heritage of all the faiths. China would share her sages with Spain, and Spain her saints with China. The Ulster man who now gives his son an unmerciful thrashing if the boy is so tactless as to ask how the evening and the morning could be the first day before the sun was created, or to betray an innocent calf-love for the Virgin Mary, would buy him a bookful of legends of the creation and of mothers of God from all parts of the world, and be very glad to find his laddie as interested in such things as in marbles or Police and Robbers. That would be better than beating all good feeling towards religion out of the child, and blackening his mind by teaching him that the worshippers of the holy virgins, whether of the Parthenon or St Peter’s, are fire-doomed heathens and idolaters. All the sweetness of religion is conveyed to the world by the hands of storytellers and image-makers. Without their fictions the truths of religion would for the multitude be neither intelligible nor even apprehensible; and the prophets would prophesy and the teachers teach in vain. And nothing stands between the people and the fictions except the silly falsehood that the fictions are literal truths, and that there is nothing in religion but fiction.

“Let the Churches ask themselves why there is no revolt against the dogmas of mathematics though there is one against the dogmas of religion. It is not that the mathematical dogmas are more comprehensible. The law of inverse squares is as incomprehensible to the common man as the Athanasian creed. It is not that science is free from legends, witchcraft, miracles, biographic boostings of quacks as heroes and saints, and of barren scoundrels as explorers and discoverers. On the contrary, the iconography and hagiology of Scientism are as copious as they are mostly squalid. But no student of science has yet been taught that specific gravity consists in the belief that Archimedes jumped out of his bath and ran naked through the streets of Syracuse shouting Eureka, Eureka, or that the law of inverse squares must be discarded if anyone can prove that Newton was never in an orchard in his life. When some unusually conscientious or enterprising bacteriologist reads the pamphlets of Jenner, and discovers that they might have been written by an ignorant but curious and observant nurserymaid, and could not possibly have been written by any person with a scientifically trained mind, he does not feel that the whole edifice of science has collapsed and crumbled, and that there is no such thing as smallpox. It may come to that yet; for hygiene, as it forces its way into our schools, is being taught as falsely as religion is taught there; but in mathematics and physics the faith is still kept pure, and you may take the law and leave the legends without suspicion of heresy. Accordingly, the tower of the mathematician stands unshaken whilst the temple of the priest rocks to its foundation.”

neofugue says:

too many religion ;(

Why can’t I look outside and see God

In other words, did science tell you that?

Tityrus says:

Do you have a point?

neofugue says:

Other religions existing is not an epistemic problem for my worldview.

Empirical observation is in a separate knowledge category than the metaphysical.

Empiricism is not justifiable on its own as a first principle.

Aidan says:

That is not what the quote is saying. The quote is saying that churches that treat the fictitious parts of religion as truth end up having the true parts mistaken for fiction. I.e. it is against literalism.

Shaw was a Universalist, so he is saying that all religions are true, but we can throw his stupid leftism aside and apply it just to our religion. He is saying that the fundamental truth of the faith needs to be defended with the same confidence that physics and math assert their truth, and the legends, metaphors, and stories, are there for flavor and to keep people interested.

Not that I agree 100%- but that is what the quote is saying and how it applies to our debate. That seven days to create the world should be differentiated from the unassailable doctrine of God as creator and first cause of all things.

neofugue says:

A cynical faith is a dead faith and having met Russians with this framework they always end up Leftists attending church once a year or apostatizing. I cannot accept this approach, but I do not have a problem if this works for you.

Fëanor says:

Literalists are often immune to the poz, because if they are stupid or stubborn enough to believe (e.g.) that the world was created in 5509 BC, then they are stupid or stubborn enough to ignore the Church of Harvard. This does not make literalism true.

Most people are not naturally empiricists, and when they think they are believing in empiricism, they are actually just believing in whatever the Church of Harvard says, hence the tendency of ex-literalists to apostatize. It takes an above-average intellect to believe that Harvard is right and the Bible is wrong about the age of the earth, and the Bible is right and Harvard wrong about almost everything else.

Nonetheless, if the Church teaches things that are empirically false, it will drive away intelligent people, and thus all of its beliefs will be low status, even the ones that are true.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

> Nonetheless, if the Church teaches things that are empirically false, it will drive away intelligent people, and thus all of its beliefs will be low status, even the ones that are true.

The sovereign theocracy of the new england empire teaches things that are empirically false, and it has never stopped gaining status for the past hundred years heretofore.

Those who might self-identify as ‘rational skeptics’ today, if any still exist, don’t seem to understand the position they are in. In simple terms, it’s provincials who’ve been lapped by history. The ‘Rational Scientific Worldview’ is our official dogma, and it does exactly contradict what you see in front of your face, and punishes you for not believing them. They succeeded in destroying their rival religion(s), usurping the incumbent’s place, and created a system that possesses all the sins they would fain to accuse their predecessors of having.

jim says:

> if the Church teaches things that are empirically false, it will drive away intelligent people, and thus all of its beliefs will be low status, even the ones that are true.

If only that were true.

Rather, it is the other way around. If the official Church teaches things that are empirically false, intelligent people, and all of their beliefs will be low status. Hence the nerd stereotype. Also their entertainment and artistic preferences will be low status, hence the modern state of art and entertainment.

Fëanor says:

The sovereign theocracy of the new england empire teaches things that are empirically false, and it has never stopped gaining status for the past hundred years heretofore.

No doubt this is true. But why, then, did biblical literalism ever decline in the first place? The worldview of the New England empire actually makes more sense if God created the world in seven days, than if man evolved from apes. When Darwin first published, his main opponents were leftist Puritans.

Alfred says:

Harvard doesn’t believe that man evolved from apes. I don’t know if they have an official doctrine about where humans came from but it’s clear they view humans as something other than animals if you bring up evolved traits and evolutionary sociology they start flinging shit at you like actual monkeys.

Pooch says:

Yes. Human evolution obviously leads to the conclusion that whites and blacks are not equal so it is badthink for a progressive to even entertain it.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>why did biblical literalism ever decline

Presupposes it was ever big to begin with. It wasn’t. Legalism has never been orthodoxy, and indeed, was one of the very first things Christianity departed from levantine judaisim over, even before there was even the word for it.

Your apprehension of ‘what christianity is’ heretofore has been consistently characterized more by what people who hate you and want you to die have said about it.

jim says:

> Your [Fëanor’s] apprehension of ‘what Christianity is’ heretofore has been consistently characterized more by what people who hate you and want you to die have said about it.

What Fëanor thinks “Authentic Christianity” is, is what 2010 Internet Atheists told him bucktoothed unwashed Christians in the wilds of middle America believe, and what 2021 demon worshipers told him Christians believe.

The 2010 Internet Atheists did not hate him, but the 2021 demon worshipers intend to sacrifice him to their demon gods.

neofugue says:

> Most people are not naturally empiricists, and when they think they are believing in empiricism, they are actually just believing in whatever the Church of Harvard says, hence the tendency of ex-literalists to apostatize

My post was not referring to theistic evolution rather Aidan’s understanding of Shaw. The quoted reasoning is backwards; denying the fundamental truths of Christianity creates a vacuum which is by default filled with the messianic promises of the Church of Harvard. Quoting the Creed:

“We look for the Resurrection of the dead, And the Life of the age to come. Amen.”

Shaw states the above is a lie, which is unacceptable.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:


My meaning being the sentiments they were possessed by did not spring from the aether, but from men who went far before them; ideological weapons conjured by long dead warlocks and sorcerers, persisting in their unlife to date.

Fëanor says:

Final comments on Christianity:

It seems to me that Christianity is good at maintaining civilization, and not very good at (re)building it. The Church came into being in a pagan empire that had already conquered the known world, and when that empire fell (in the West), the pagan barbarians who conquered it converted to Christianity—after they had already done most of the bloody work of restoring civilization and patriarchy.

If there is a sane Christian response to the collapse of civilization, it is to remember that Christ did not come to abolish the Old Testament, and behave more or less as they did in Deuteronomy, until we have restored an environment where the virtues of the New Testament make sense. Maybe this was the response of St. Justinian the Emperor, but in the West, the reaction of the communion of saints was very often to tacitly assume the world was ending, and encourage people to literally or metaphorically go into the desert and pray. Well, Catholics consider their saints vindicated, because the pagan barbarians eventually converted to Christianity, but how many of those who went into the desert or were martyred had descendants to enjoy the restored Christian civilization? I want to have descendants that enjoy the next phase of civilization, whether it be Christian or not.

Maybe all this proves is that the root of the rot is at the root of the East/West Schism, but I am a Westerner, and cannot very well stop being one. Russian Orthodoxy lives, Jim says, but I am not a Russian and cannot become one. The closest thing to a faith of my ancestors is the old type Anglicanism that Jim so admires, but that is nearly as dead as the pagan gods of Rome.

There are still churches in America where a semblance of patriarchal civilization still lives, but they are all, as Jim would say, hopelessly backwoods, whether Catholic, Protestant, Mormon, or otherwise, and I can join the church, but I cannot so easily join the patriarchal civilization. If I were to follow these churches’ teachings on sex and marriage, I would be an involuntary celibate, as most so-called traditionalist Catholics that I see online are involuntary celibates.

I do not much believe in any of the supernatural claims of Christianity, except maybe as metaphors, and maybe they have always been metaphors, but to be worthy metaphors, they must be shared with a worthy community of believers. I do not see such a community, so I do not see the point in believing in any metaphors, at least until I see a prophet with the potential to unite a worthy community behind him. Maybe he will be Christian, and maybe he will not.

jim says:

> It seems to me that Christianity is good at maintaining civilization, and not very good at (re)building it. The Church came into being in a pagan empire that had already conquered the known world, and when that empire fell (in the West), the pagan barbarians who conquered it converted to Christianity—after they had already done most of the bloody work of restoring civilization and patriarchy.

Christian doctrines, the consensus of the communion of the saints, frequently have that problem. The Christian doctrines on sex and marriage make sense in an environment where you start with your fiancee in situation of cooperate/cooperate equilibrium, because your patriarch acquired her for you from another patriarch, to whom he was connected by blood or through connected positions in the social hierarchy, thus he was able to acquire her for you because he and her patriarch were already in cooperate/cooperate equilibrium.

They make no sense under situations where all available women are unowned, and you have to start out in defect/defect equilibrium, and somehow get from there to cooperate equilibrium by any means necessary. If you follow Christian rules designed for times of sexual order in a time of sexual anarchy, you will be involuntarily celibate and die alone and childless.

The Christian rules need to be qualified and clarified by saying they apply to ladies, not bitches, and no woman these days is a lady unless her man makes her so.

The Pauline doctrine of non resistance to lawful governors made perfect sense in a situation where there were lawful governors, but became suicidal during the dark age following the fall of Rome, and Christianity then proceeded to clarify it by getting picky about which governors were lawful, perhaps rather more picky than Saint Paul was, and by dropping from obedience and respect, to non resistance and respect, but staying alive required such pickiness and a lot of violence.

But in another sense, Christianity is very good at restoring civilization in a dark age as a tool of a good, virtuous, and militarily competent, King A King who is reluctantly willing to kill quite a lot of people when necessary. That is how post Roman Britain came out of its dark age. Christianity was the standard tool in the toolbox used for the job.

Alfred the Great and Saint Justinian the Emperor are good examples. They relied very heavily on state Christianity in restoration of order and civilization. Also on killing quite a lot of people.

Fëanor says:

Is there anyone among the saints that discusses the distinction between order and anarchy, and the question of what the rules should be in the latter case?

neofugue says:

Saint John of Damascus presided over the Islamic Conquest of the Levant and the first Iconoclast period and Saints Theophan the Recluse and John of Kronstadt lived when the faith in Russia was collapsing. Seraphim Rose has the unique attribute of being an old-type Christian while being normie-friendly.

But as for our current predicament…you will not find one who judges, but no saint tells one to eat human flesh during a famine. Christianity is not like Islam with its Sharia; God tells you to do things and you are supposed to figure it out to some extent. Situations change, but the rules do not.

Aidan says:

From your earlier thread:
“If you think that the Church never pontificates on materially falsifiable claims, then your definition of what is materially falsifiable is too narrow. The red and blue pill positions on women are material and falsifiable, and any doctrine on sex and marriage must necessarily presume one of those. The problem is not the pontificating, which is necessary, but the consensus based decision mechanism.”

No organization is willing to openly commit heresy on the WQ today, not even the LDS, and its members will probably be quite uncomfortable when the truth is spoken out loud, even if they quietly agree. Same reason why the WQ shill test is so powerful; entryists do not dare even ask their employers for permission to pass it. It’s the ultimate taboo.

“the pagan barbarians who conquered it converted to Christianity—after they had already done most of the bloody work of restoring civilization and patriarchy.”

Alaric was a Christian, dude, long before he burnt Rome to the ground and stole everything that was not nailed down. Most of the barbarians did the civilization building work after they converted to Christianity and not before.

“Russian Orthodoxy lives, Jim says, but I am not a Russian and cannot become one. The closest thing to a faith of my ancestors is the old type Anglicanism that Jim so admires, but that is nearly as dead as the pagan gods of Rome.”

ROCOR is a converts church. Their goal is to evangelize Orthodoxy to America, and so you don’t have to be Russian. I’m not Russian Orthodox, but I went to one of their masses recently and it was quite nice. Their church looked like American Colonial architecture with some Eastern touches. Not alien at all. It looked like a holy place appropriate for westerners, and the priest spoke with a thick southern accent. The whole parish sat down to a home-cooked meal afterwards, and I talked to the priest about guns and politics while his thin and modestly-dressed daughter poured us coffee; he was as red-blooded an Amerikaner as anyone.

Fëanor says:

It does not matter, or rather it is too much to hope for in this day and age, that the red pill be preached from the pulpit, as long as fathers are giving their daughters in marriage, and this still happens (though informally and imperfectly because they cannot realize they are doing it) anywhere that good men with daughters form a community with good men with sons. The question is whether an outsider can ever really be part of this community enough to benefit from it like this; frankly, I haven’t tried very hard. (Also I am probably too old, since the daughters are usually lost as soon as they’ve gone off to college, and the age gap taboo is even stronger than the rest of the redpill taboo.)

Perhaps I will take a look at ROCOR. I am rather disappointed in the tradcath scene lately, even besides the various doctrinal errors that I think go back rather far in Church history; certainly there was no home-cooked meal after the TLMs I’ve been to, and the whole thing frankly seems as LARPy IRL as it does online. Your story reminds me that I actually have an aunt and uncle who converted to some Orthodox church, don’t know which, from Southern Baptistry; I had once entertained the hope of an Amerikaner Orthodox Church that absorbed the remnants of the various dying Protestant traditions. Maybe ROCOR could be the seed of that, though if the trend picks up real steam it will probably be shut down on grounds of muh Putin.

Kunning Drueger says:

I am lost and sore beset. You seem to be the same. Fate conspired to put ROCOR in my life. Maybe we should both put away our cynicism for a time and see what we find. At this point, what do we have to lose?

Varna says:

The oldest Slavic Orthodox churches in the world are the Serbian and Bulgarian ones. They also appear to have a presence in the new world.
Those, especially the NATO and EU Bulgaria-connected ones, could very well survive longest should a Lurking Russian Agent anti-church mania erupt.

I scroll through the parish directory and see the delightfully named Joy of All Who Sorrow church in Indianapolis.
The clergy all have western names.

Pooch says:

No church is going to give you a wife and children in the present-day defect/defect climate. Going to have to do what we all
have done or are doing here:

Learn and master game, then use it to turn a whore into a house wife.

neofugue says:

> ROCOR is a converts church

Synod was founded by Russian emigrés fleeing the Bolshevik Revolution for Europe and the United States. Igor Sikorsky, the inventor of the helicopter and founder of Sikorsky Aircraft, helped build many churches in the East to accommodate Russian immigrants who worked at his factories. ROCOR parishes in areas with large Russian populations come in pairs, and ROCOR parishes consisting of mostly converts do not.

There is a joke among Russians which goes something like this: a Russian is stranded alone on an island in the Pacific. He builds a church near the shore, and another near the center. When he is rescued, his rescuers ask why he built two churches for himself. He replies while pointing, “This is the church I go to, and over there is the church I don’t go to.”

ROCOR has a good reputation because that it was created and largely populated by Russians whose descendants fought with Kolchak and Vlasov, and the converts tend to be based enough. You will learn plenty from your priest and the friends you meet.

neofugue says:

It should be noted that Synod even in Russian areas is becoming convert-dominant as Russians assimilated with Progressivism only attend church sporadically and as Russians intermarry with non-Russians.

My previous post gives off the impression that Aidan is incorrect which he is not, my bad.

Aidan says:

I should clarify. Founded by White Russian refugees to preserve Russian Orthodoxy during the Soviet Union, but now that the USSR collapsed and the two churches are back in communion, its new mission is to gain converts and bring the ROC to America- or at least that’s what they told me. Might not feel at home in a mostly-Russian one, but there are plenty of all or mostly convert parishes.

The Original OC says:

To argue about whether Christianity should be taken literally or figuratively is to miss the point of Christianity.

Christianity is not of this world, but it is for this world. That is why God sent his Son to appear in the flesh. He, who is not of this world, sends that which is for this world.

It does not matter when or if the world was created. It does not matter if elements of a story can be reconciled in time. Christianity is a doctrine of correct action stated, like the English Common Law, in terms of general principles which have not be lawyered. These principles are justified by an unconditional faith.

The opponents of Christianity do not dare attack the doctrines that are central to its being.

Let them attack, if they dare.

Calvin says:

As a non-Christian, my greatest beef with it is that it’s way too easy to interpret Christianity as commanding leftism, promoting celibacy over marriage, and worst of all pacifism. You can have your state church suppress certain things but as long as the Bible is your holy book these issues will just keep popping up. “Turn the other cheek” is never a good idea.

jim says:

From 1660 to about 1820, none of those popped up under established Anglicanism. Yes, problem, but scarcely an insuperable one. From 1539 to the present, promotion of celibacy over marriage just has not happened in the various religions descended from that fracture with Rome. Everyone realized that Rome had gone crazy on celibacy, and wanted to be clearly different from them.

Turning the other cheek is an excellent idea, provided you make it clear to the other guy that you have only two cheeks.

See my discussion of the issue in “How to genocide inferior kinds in a properly Christian manner.

In a world of imperfect information, tit for tat degenerates into defect/defect, a low trust hostile world. One tit for two tats is the optimal solution.

Calvin says:

I have read your post on proper Christian genocide. Big problem is that it’s very hard to fit within any extant sort of Christianity – even Orthodoxy is largely theologically anti-racist even if its laity has more nationalism. Christianity just doesn’t provide a framework for grouping ethnicities into superior and inferior and often tries to deny that there are such differences. But Jews are Jews and Greeks are Greeks, whatever they believe or whatever St. Paul says.

The issue with cheek-turning is that if you turn the other cheek where anyone can see you, you are correctly going to be regarded as a beta bitch, and if the other guy has the slightest inclination to do so he will shortly be fucking your wife. If violence against you isn’t promptly met by violence (proportionate or not) in response you are weak and will be perceived as such. If a man strikes me on the cheek if I’m generous I slap him back just as hard, if I’m not I slug him right there. An eye for an eye is a fundamentally fair and functional code. Letting someone with a knife get suspiciously close to your eye without doing anything is not.

One tit for two tats isn’t that bad a strategy if you’re dealing with, say, European Christians, but if dealing with for example Muslims of any sort the slightest tat on their part should be met with genocidal levels of tits. If we were going to do anything, Afghanistan should have been shamelessly wiped off the map.

Mercy only works between people already inclined to be civilized, when dealing with barbarians it is a fatal poison. Maybe God can afford to forgive, but people cannot and should not be expected to. Imo an ideal religion should encourage harsh but fair justice in this life and confine rehabilitation to the safely dead. If you’re truly repentant you understand why we need to cut your head off and if you go willingly God will reward you in the afterlife, that sort of thing. Certainly no sparing of a woman from being rightfully stoned for adultery.

jim says:

> I have read your post on proper Christian genocide. Big problem is that it’s very hard to fit within any extant sort of Christianity.

It fitted fine into Christianity when Christians were conquering the Americas.

> The issue with cheek-turning is that if you turn the other cheek where anyone can see you, you are correctly going to be regarded as a beta bitch

Daniel Boone did plenty of cheek turning, and no one ever thought he was a beta bitch. I have done some mighty big cheek turning myself, and no one thinks I am a beta bitch. (It kind of helps when you are get a short two handed double bladed axe before offering the other cheek.)

What gives the appearance of a beta bitch is the signal that an unlimited supply of extra cheeks and extra miles may be forthcoming. The point is to signal the possibility of peace and the prospect of total war, rather than going directly into total war.

Calvin says:

It fitted fine into Christianity when Christians were conquering the Americas.

Problem with that is that the conquest of the Americas was largely an unprincipled exception to Christianity, one without much theological underpinning. There’s little New Testament framework for violently seizing lands of other people on the other side of the world that pose no threat to your homelands. Even during the conquest you had a lot of Christians trying to convert and save the Indians, or even going outright John Brown and taking their side. It’s thanks to the Catholic Church that South America is so thoroughly mixed instead of pure Iberian stock.

What gives the appearance of a beta bitch is the signal that an unlimited supply of extra cheeks and extra miles may be forthcoming. The point is to signal the possibility of peace and the prospect of total war, rather than going directly into total war.

Problem is that that’s exactly the sort of signal that Jesus, in context, is saying to give (literally give a robber the shirt off your back, wtf). And it’s undoubtedly the one he practiced, what with willingly going to his death and then praying not even that justice be done, but his killers be forgiven. St. Stephen prayed that his own murder not be laid to the murderer’s charge. Praying for a fair punishment is one thing, praying for forgiveness for egregious crimes against you is quite another.

jim says:


Not unprincipled exceptions. They guys that conquered America were operating on the original Christianity that did the crusades, the Christianity that unified Britain, the Christianity that reconquered the Roman Empire under Saint Justinian the emperor.

It is modern progressive “Christianity” that is an unprincipled exception to traditional sane Christianity.

When you go to Church, you will required to say “Peace on Earth to all men of good will”. Which implies that it is OK to go to war with men who are not of good will.

It is modern fake Christianity that is the unprincipled exception when it drops the “to all men of good will”

Daniel Boone was as Christian as Saint Justinian the emperor. He was a Christian as those that waded through blood into the Holy Sepulchre.

Some of the guys that conquered America, quite a few of them, notably Pizzaro, were bandits, and were not constrained by aby high moral principles, but for the most part they were operating under traditional Just War doctrine. Just War doctrine is wonderfully red pilled, and is not an exception to Christianity, but the application of Christianity to war. It is modern pastors acceptance of deviation from traditional Just War doctrine that is the unprincipled exception to Christianity.

Calvin says:

What variation of the Just War doctrine allows you to attack and conquer a civilization thousands of miles across the oceans from your own that was more or less just minding its own business and in no conceivable way a threat to you? I don’t want to be misunderstood – I’m unambiguously in favor of killing the men of inferior civilizations and taking their women, land, and booty, but I don’t see any plausible interpretation of Jesus Christ who is.

Daniel Boone and St. Justinian were, as far as I can tell, fine folks with good heads on their shoulders. Unfortunately, neither of them were the Son of God who died on the cross for our sins, and hence their examples can only pale next to his. And Jesus’ example is willing submission to hostile authorities, to the point of an unjust death in a rigged trial, whereupon he prayed not that justice would be done on his tormenters but that they be forgiven. It’s the opposite of the healthy self-assertion necessary to colonize anywhere.

jim says:

Christ did that stuff so you don’t have to.

Article 14: Voluntary Works besides, over, and above, God’s Commandments, which they call Works of Supererogation, cannot be taught without arrogancy and impiety

Cortez did not actually wanted kill all the Aztecs. He wanted to take over as Lord and Christianize them, for which aggressive program he had ample excuse.

For conquering distant civilizations, obviously Mohammed works better than Christ – but Muslims lack internal cohesion and peace between Muslims.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

If you roll up on a group of blood-drunk, demon-worshipping savages, and say, “Hello, good fellows, I come to trade,” and they kill your traders, then you can kill them all and fuck their women. If they say, “No thank you, not interested,” then leave them be.

Fëanor says:

What variation of the Just War doctrine allows you to attack and conquer a civilization thousands of miles across the oceans from your own that was more or less just minding its own business and in no conceivable way a threat to you?

None, but this is generally not a good idea, because having it as your doctrine leads to breakdown of cooperation at home, and it is generally not what happened in the conquest of the Americas.

The way you genocide inferior races according to Just War, according to Jim’s post, and according to the way it mostly happened in the conquest of the Americas, is that you offer them a blatantly bad deal, for example land for whiskey and glass beads, which they are apt to take because they are stupid and impulsive, then when they discover that they have been screwed, they are apt to renege on the deal in a rather violent manner. Then it is Just War.

If they are not stupid and impulsive enough to take the bad deal, they are not inferior enough to genocide.

Cloudswrest says:

“… is that you offer them a blatantly bad deal, for example land for whiskey and glass beads, which they are apt to take because they are stupid and impulsive, then when they discover that they have been screwed, they are apt to renege on the deal in a rather violent manner. Then it is Just War.”

You mean like land, infrastructure, intellectual property, etc. for things like iPhones and stuff and Walmart?

Calvin says:

And what do we do with Christ’s commands that we forgive seventy times seven times, literally on pain of hell? Or “whatever you do to the least of these, you do to me” when that could be (and often is) applied to inferior races in need of elimination or criminal scum in need of execution? Commands purportedly direct from God aren’t easy to ignore, but if you forgive every nigger who breaks in looking to rape and loot your culture is over. Even in Russian Orthodoxy, St. Seraphim of Sarov went to court to demand the guys who beat him half to death with an ax be allowed to more or less get away with it. That is not only deeply stupid, but from my pov (and doubtless all the remaining people they beat and robbed afterwards) actively evil. But Seraphim is still considered a saint.

jim says:

The apostles asked if that was the standard, how could anyone make it to heaven.

To which Christ mysteriously replied that God would make it possible.

Standard Christianity is that God did make it possible.

Standard Christianity is that Christ did this stuff so you don’t have to.

Standard old type Anglicanism is that it is a lot easier to preach this stuff than to actually do it, and people who are preaching it are up to no good – except, of course, that Christ actually did do it.

The Saint was made saint because he actually did do it. If he preached it instead, better crucify him and see if he rises.

Calvin says:

If you’re going to be so blatantly discarding the commandments of God in one area, going to be mighty hard to keep up the faith that we need to vigorously enforce the commandments of God in another area, such as marriage. You need real believers to be an appreciable proportion of the population or the whole thing will hollow out like communism did, but real believers exposed to the real Jesus’ real commandments may well come away with some alarmingly anti-social ideas in their heads. State religions need to be both pro-social and live, seems like Christianity has trouble maintaining both at the same time.

jim says:

> If you’re going to be so blatantly discarding the commandments of God in one area

Take the demon worshipper test, or acknowledge what religion you do in fact follow, for it does not sound much like Christianity to me.

Calvin says:

I started this by saying that I am not a Christian.[*deleted because I want this conversation to end*]

jim says:

OK, but I do not intend that this blog will waste space on non Christians telling Christians what Christianity is.

Any non Christian interested in the topic is apt to confidently, unshakeable, and incorrigibly believe that Christians believe, have always believed, or should believe, in something outrageously stupid and evil, making conversation impossible and a waste of time.

So, no lecturing me or anyone else on what the law of God says. The ridiculous conversation with Fëanor was a sufficient waste of space.

If you are interested in the topic, learn what Christianity is before telling me what it is.

I welcome debate with Christians who disagree with me about what Christianity is and atheists who are aware of what Christianity was, and has become. Not going to discuss it with non Christians who don’t know and don’t want to find out.

neofugue says:

We interpret scripture through the lens of our traditions and our saints. Even Protestants claiming sola scriptura base their traditions in Luther or Calvin and borrow theology from Augustine and Aquinas. Unless one’s view of scripture comes from tradition or a saint his interpretation should be considered false until proven true. The term in Orthodoxy for this tendency is “prelest,” spiritual delusion, as even the most venerable monks are required to assume that some of their beliefs are in error.

When Christ commands forgiveness of one’s brother “seventy times seven,” he is not discussing statecraft, rather referring to personal forgiveness of wrongs as debts owed between men are insignificant compared to debts men owe God. This parable is recounted in the Lord’s Prayer, “forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors,” as Christ came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief.

Poster girl principle applies here; if the Progressive interpretation of “seventy times seven” is false, all Progressive interpretations of scripture mentioned here are false. Pride leads to destruction; humility is a virtue.

neofugue says:
Calvin says:

[*Questions deleted for lack of the background knowledge to ask sensible questions or understand sensible answers.*]

jim says:

That line of questioning is unlikely to be profitable.

I suggest you have an imaginary conversation with Saint Justinian the Emperor about these topics in the context of his restoration of order and empire.

It is obvious what answers he would give you, if he did not cut off your head for asking them.

And since he is officially a Saint, you will not be able to tell him that his answers contradict Christianity. and true Christians will never accept them.

Calvin says:

I can imagine what Justinian or any other successful Christian imperial leader would say, what I cannot imagine is how you would square his answers with the teachings of Jesus Christ on forgiveness. [*rest deleted*]

jim says:

This has been explained to you several times, and discussed for two millennia.

You insist on obstinately interpreting Christian words in a way wildly different from the way Christians use them. This makes conversation unprofitable.

Christians are required to show mercy and forgiveness. This not a requirement that Christians lie down and become a carpet for someone else to walk on, and has never been so interpreted, except by people who are not Christians telling Christians to lie down and be walked on.

In game theoretic terms, it is a requirement that Christians take the necessary risks to escape defect/defect equilibrium.

You say “what forgiveness means”. No that is not what it means. It is not how Christians use the word, it is not how anyone uses the word except they are trying to jerk Christians around.

Calvin says:

Please define, in a Christian context, what forgiveness is and what it’s limits are. That is all I am asking. If I’m failing to understand, please educate me from your perspective.

jim says:

Accepting defeat in war, submitting to conquest, and allowing criminals to commit crimes with against one with impunity does not seem to have any page rank at all, and I have never seen anyone use the term that way except when trying to gaslight Christians.

As for mercy, the infamous Hanging Judge was infamous for lack of mercy, not because he gave effect to the law as written (death penalty for any criminal activity)

The way it worked is if someone stole a loaf of bread, his friends and relatives would ask a respectable gentleman who was a friend of a friend to come forward and say he is a good boy and his family and friends are good people, and will make sure he does not do it again. Of course, if he was a bit short of friends and family, or his friends and family tended to feared and hated by all the respectable gentlemen, he would be hung. In public, and the crowd would watch him dance and crap himself. But most people, most of the time, were not hung. Instead their friends and family were tasked by the respectable gentleman with taking care of things.

Although the law was severe on stuff that was simple uncomplicated crime, it went very easy on violence and complicated crimes – following a general principle that if there was no underlying crime that provoked the violence, it was just too hard to sort out who was at fault. Which non intrusive policy made for swift and simple justice, and allowed plenty of room for private justice.

The mercy was linked to a process that might reasonably be hoped to lead to reconciliation between offender and offended.

Calvin says:

[*deleted for stubbornly disregarding the definitions of mercy and forgiveness just posted*]

jim says:

To my total lack of surprise.

Fëanor says:

You mean like land, infrastructure, intellectual property, etc. for things like iPhones and stuff and Walmart?

If your point is that the Cathedral uses this tactic against its enemies, yes, they do. But when they get to the war and genocide part, they are pathetically incompetent, as seen most recently in Afghanistan.

And what do we do with Christ’s commands that we forgive seventy times seven times, literally on pain of hell?

Ignore them, or reinterpret them into something less stupid, and enforce the non-stupid interpretations with the power of the state. I have been arguing that this inevitably leads to periodic outbreaks of holiness-spiraling heresy, which sometimes win, as the Puritans eventually won, but apparently the counter-argument is either that this is not inevitable, or that it is no less inevitable no matter what religion you choose.

Cortez did not actually wanted kill all the Aztecs. He wanted to take over as Lord and Christianize them, for which aggressive program he had ample excuse.

The Aztecs were not killed, and appeared to Christianize enthusiastically, with famous purported miracles, but went back to their demon worship the moment there was no longer a white man to be lord over them. So perhaps Cortes should have focused less on Christianizing and more on killing.

Alfred says:

The Aztecs were not killed, and appeared to Christianize enthusiastically, with famous purported miracles, but went back to their demon worship the moment there was no longer a white man to be lord over them. So perhaps Cortes should have focused less on Christianizing and more on killing.

Cortes was following Alexander the Great’s model which created a Greek dominated elite and culture over his conquests. Cortez did much the same.

The fact that the white elites failed to reproduce in large enough numbers to rule over them is evidence that the Demon gods are stronger, thus they return to their roots.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Alexander’s empire, much like the Spanish empire, rather quickly reverted to type.

Looks to me like the anglican model of mercenary adventurers bringing their women with them and ‘resettling’ any incumbent indigens in the way works a lot better.

The Original OC says:

Christ preached obedience – but nothing more – to those who were undeniably in possession of the government.

Anyone who says “no” to a plot proposed by a “glownigger” practises obdience to those who are in possession.

But the money changers in the temple? Christ hit them with a stick.

alf says:

The opponents of Christianity do not dare attack the doctrines that are central to its being.

Let them attack, if they dare.

The easiest attack vector towards the central doctrine, which attack is ubiquitous these days, is ‘nice story bro, don’t care.’

jim says:

Not seeing it. You need to ask, why they don’t care.

Christianity is dying because hostile to fathers, husbands, and family.

If Christ is foundational to hatch and match, then people care.

alf says:

Not seeing it.

Because you are the type of man who, when having a fish dangled in front of him, responds ‘what fish?’ with such conviction that everyone in the room will start to doubt if there is really a fish.

You are still acting as if there is a red-pilled, Christian elite hiding behind the curtains, ready to jump out at the first sign of safety. There just isn’t. We’ve arrived about one hundred years too late. Time to accept this loss and move on.

jim says:
alf says:

I’d say that is typical work from lord Kek, who I’d interpret as a trollish angel sent by God to help.

Who summoned Kek? Does he represent old Christians with everything to lose, or young Christians with nothing to lose?

Karl says:

Your comment suggests that old Christians in general have more to lose than young Christians. Please explain.

My impression is that young people have more that they can lose and can lose it more easily, especially a job, job prospects, rented house or appartment and small children, which the government can take away.

Old people generally have more wealth, but that is rather difficult to take away (the more difficult the more wealth) and child protection services won’t take adult sons and daugthers.

Or did you think about young crippled Christian men with a criminal recordt, without a job and no prospect of ever being hired, with a lot of debt they will never be able to repay, without a wife and no prospect of ever finding one?

I have never met one of those young Christians and doubt they exist – like you doubt the existance of a hidden Christian elite

alf says:

Supposedly there is a formidable Christian elite out there which has to hide its power level, implying that that elite has much to lose would it reveal its power level.

But pepe and wojak and assorted tomfoolery are all made by young people who realize playing nice ain’t getting them anywhere — the bridges are burnt, might as well troll a little.

Karl says:

I don’t know them personally, but I do think that Pepe and wojak and assorted tomfoolery have a lot to lose.

Don’t you think they have a chance to start a familiy (or already started one)? Sure, they’ll never have career in administration, but there is a life outside of those circles.

As far as power levels go, there is nothing formidable to hide. What power there is outside of the cathedral is in muslim clans and organized crime.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

The man asking, “What fish?” in this conversation is you. Jim is pointing to what are clearly Christians attacking the governing religion of the modern American state. Your response is, “Its just a joke, bro.” The jokes being attacked by several high-level Cathedral mouthpieces and yet the jokesters closing ranks and getting more aggressive. That is impressive. There are no Babylon Bee tell-all books or leakers trying to attack them. Just more pointed jokes pointing out that the supposed president is a mental patient and the other religion is the domain of an assembly of other lunatics.

alf says:

Wowzers, they’re making fun of SJW’s *and* the president? Based!

In all seriousness, they make some funny content. But lets not pretend they are less purple pilled than they are.

jim says:

The point I am making is not that Babylon Bee is red pilled. I am not making any point at all. I am pointing to the Babylon Bee making my point.

The point Babylon Bee is making is that people are of necessity hiding their power levels.

You cannot know if a red pilled Christianity exists except by talking to people when they are drunk.

alf says:

Everyone is hiding, everyone is scared, everyone agrees that political correctness has gone too far.

But in order to restore, needs to be agreement on what exactly should be restored. Two Christians, three opinions.

jim says:

> Two Christians, three opinions.

One entryist, one shill, one Christian, two opinions, and you are not hearing the Christian opinion because he dare not speak.

There was nothing wrong with Christianity till the Socinians took over. The men who are pushing this crap cannot pass the Demon Worshiper test.

This is like the argument we had about whether the neonazis are “wingnuts”. No one could find a wingnut who was not an obvious Soros shill.

You hear fake Christians pushing progressive crap, and you don’t hear real Christians pushing back.

You will hear them when it is safe for them to do so. This modern “Christianity” crap was not pushed until the Socinians took over, and Socinians cannot pass the Demon Worshiper test.

Socinianism found an intellectual loophole in the Apostles Creed, which enabled them to enter Christianity. The Demon Worshiper test specifically addresses that loophole, and look how effective it is. Most Christians who could pass the Demon Worshiper test will do fine, once they are no longer afraid.

That the Demon Worshiper test works implies that what you are seeing is not Christianity, but entryism.

The Apostles Creed is a bunch of antibodies against the entryists that afflicted early Christianity. You always need new antibodies against new parasites. The thirty nine articles were a bunch of new antibodies against new parasites, and the Demon Worshiper test is three antibodies against the three major current parasites.

Just enforce something like the thirty nine articles, modern vaccines against modern forms of non Christian Entryism, take away the climate of fear, and Christianity will be fine. If Christianity is as limp dicked and worthless as you say, why does the Demon Worshiper test work so well?

alf says:

I have heard Christians speak, confidentially and honestly. Purple pilled at best, always.

When your opinion is surpressed for long enough, across generations, you tend to forget your opinion.

Your interpretation of Christianity, which I find righteous and agreeable, I just do not find outside this blog. I find fragments of it, like when I talk to older Christians and gently mention certain truths, they light up as if remembering some old dream, but not a dream they can articulate.

jim says:

> I have heard Christians speak, confidentially and honestly. Purple pilled at best, always.

No one speaks honestly in public, or even in private, unless he is drunk, or thinks his anonymity secure.

Every time I hear a Christian preaching progressivism, I apply the Demon Worshiper test, and he cannot pass.

The blue pillers are entryists, and the purple pillers are namefags.

jim says:

> When your opinion is suppressed for long enough, across generations, you tend to forget your opinion.

Yes, and Christianity has been almost forgotten. But it sleeps as a mustard seed. Behind the shield of Putin’s nukes, it awakens – check out some websites of Orthodox Churches. Greek Orthodox is almost as blue pilled as Pope Francis bowing down to pagan idols, but Russian Orthodoxy lives, and I see some Greek Orthodox looking at Russian Orthodox, and stirring.

When the Cathedral loses its nukes, you will see Christianity remembered in the West.

OK, I suppose you will correctly say of those websites, “purple pilled”. But they are beginning to remember. The full red pill is on its way. Look at our penetration of the real neo nazis and the meme magicians. We cannot expect too much from Christians till the weight of repression is lifted off their necks. I never expected anything much from namefag Yarvin. You want the full red pill from some Christian namefag?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

If you have n Christians, you will have n+1 opinions on Christianity. One that they will all share, and n different opinions of progressive Christianity. The lack of consensus shows that they are wearing a mask, and will drip the mask when drunk or no longer hunted by progs.

Anyone that shows up with a different brand of normal Christianity has a striking propensity to both fail the demon worshipper test and act as if the name of Christ is painful to speak. Such “Christians” behave as if they are liable to burst into flame if they should touch a Bible or be splashed with holy water. I think it is safe to say that their opinions on Christianity should not hold any weight in our evaluation of proper Christian thought.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

That half-remembered dream is a seed that needs only a little water and soil, or kindling that just needs a spark. The core is there, it just needs a little work and it will be good as new. “Who wants to kill and fuck pussy, in the name of the Lord” is a damned fine rallying call, and will wake those people up like nothing else.

alf says:

“Who wants to kill and fuck pussy, in the name of the Lord”

We shall see how long it takes for folks to say this out loud.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I will occasionally say it out loud, and people look around to make sure no one says anything, but they do not leave. The people to whom I say it are not particularly religious. If anything, they are distinctly irreligious.

Pooch says:

Example of an old-type Christian:

I bet if you talked to Phil Robertson in private his interpretation of Christianity would be quite thoroughly Jimian and something tells me there are more Phil Robertsons out there.

jim says:

It is absolutely obvious that Phil Roberton is an actual Christian, and faggot Christianity is embarrassed before him. When the Cathedral’s thumb is removed from the scales, the Phil Robertsons will have no problem. The mustard seed will sprout.

HerbR says:

I don’t like the “hiding his power level” metaphor in general, but especially don’t like the way it’s being used to equivocate here.

Exactly what are they hiding – that they are red-pilled Christians, or that they are powerful figures?

I’d like to believe that there are powerful people who are hiding their red-pilled Christianity until the time is right. I seriously doubt that there are any significant number of red-pilled Christians who have a lot of power but somehow manage to hide that power – that sounds ludicrous to me, as power is practically the opposite of having to hide. What type of hidden power could we possibly be referring to? Life isn’t an anime show where people spontaneously transmogrify into a new hairstyle and manifest superpowers. Real power is a very visible and public phenomenon – it has to be, because power that is not being exercised is power in free-fall.

But I think we are really talking about the former – people in power who hide their true beliefs. The problem is that this is apparently unfalsifiable. Where are these people? “Duh, they’re hiding”. How many are there? “According to the Babylon Bee, a lot”. Not very persuasive, and the Bee isn’t even depicting powerful people hiding their beliefs, just ordinary nobodies hiding their beliefs. We know that millions of ordinary nobodies and edgelords and trolls are either hiding their beliefs or hiding their identities, but none of that answers the question being asked here.

The canonical Caesar scenario – or so I thought – was that someone who is probably not very Christian takes power, realizes they need a state religion to keep people in line, and makes red-pilled non-elite Christians (we hope) high status and elite. But suddenly it’s not about that anymore, and we are supposed to believe that there are hordes of actual high-status/high-powered elites who are red-pilled Christians and who are merely hiding one attribute or the other? No, I’m not buying that.

I’m not saying that red-pilled Christians *couldn’t* occupy all the upper echelons of society, under the right circumstances, given the right catalyst, and so on. Yes, by all means, let’s fire all of the Harvard staff (out of a canon) and replace them with a bunch of Russian Orthodox or Southern Baptists or whatever. But, it is going to take more than a Babylon Bee video to convince me that there are thousands of red-pilled Christian “sleeper agents” already in place.

jim says:

> Exactly what are they hiding – that they are red-pilled Christians, or that they are powerful figures?

Yes, confusing term, needs rectification of names. Used to mean that someone is hiding his awareness of reality, hiding the power of his sight.

> The canonical Caesar scenario – or so I thought – was that someone who is probably not very Christian takes power, realizes they need a state religion to keep people in line, and makes red-pilled non-elite Christians (we hope) high status and elite.

That is the scenario I have always argued for, and seems to me the only course out of this mess.

Now after it happens, then we will find that we don’t have a state religion, and urgently need one.

I am saying that after it happens, Christianity will swiftly recover to a fit state to fit the job.

Alf is saying that now, Christianity is in an unfit state, which obviously is, and can never recover, which is far from obvious.

> But suddenly it’s not about that anymore, and we are supposed to believe that there are hordes of actual high-status/high-powered elites who are red-pilled Christians

No one is saying that we have a secret red pilled Christian elite ready to step into the job tomorrow. Quite obviously, we do not. The question is whether Christianity can come back from the dead once the boot of Child Protective Services and the School system is removed from its throat.

If there was no life left there, our enemies would not be jumping up and down on the corpse quite so enthusiastically.

The Original OC says:

Today redpilled people tend to withdraw from society, at least in so far as it concerns their family. Christians are people who still think they can rely on formal community support strategy, which is a purplepilled outlook, either because they think things are less bad than they are, or because they don’t think they can possibly succeed alone.

Pooch says:

There is no Christian elite hiding but there are plenty of non-pozzed Christians left in Amerikana. They go to evangelical Christian churches, which is a thoroughly American institution. Likewise Afrikaners in South Africa in Afrikaner Protestant and Dutch Reformed Protestant Church. I don’t know if Europe has an equivalent, maybe not.

Karl says:

Well, maybe the problem is in the word “elite”. If you are out of power, can you be part of the “elite”?

Usually the powers that be are called “elite”. At best, you can have something like a couter-elite or elite aspirants in hiding.

The Cominator says:

In a warrior society can be out of power but elite, the outsider daimyo of the Tokugawa shogunate being perhaps the best example…

In our society or any priestly society its hard.

The Original OC says:

There are a thousand times as many stories written as can be read in one lifetime. Perhaps a thousand thousand.

You do not get a choice which you can care about.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

> The worldview of the ancient Christians, where truths about the material world could be derived from pure reason, because the Creator was rational, seems as stupid to us as the worldview where Jupiter threw lightning bolts from Olympus was to them.

But in reality of course, a being’s capacity for the formation of worlds, the degree to which it is capable of apprehending more or less transcendent teleologies – that is to say, amongst other things, it’s ability to see futures – is the chief quality that distinctifies Dasein from other kinds of beings, like say a rock; and it is differences in possession of this quality that in turn makes for the most consequential differences between various agentified beings, which is their degree of agency in the first place.

It is a recurrent desire by certain types of men, perhaps archetypically exemplified here by those 16th century academoi, self-styled as ‘enlightenment’ (and those unwittingly possessed by their modes of thought haunting the discourse to this day; which is most people), for a wholly ‘impersonal’ system of perfect epistemological providence that would render the necessity for any subject’s own powers of thought irrelevant. That is to say, an artilect, that could be utilized by any one, to produce any truth, for any thing.

More pertinently, the issue was not just that they would desire such a thing, but the *why* of why they would so desire such a thing; problems inherent to *the kind of person* who would be desiring such a thing. That they not only desired something to free them from the burden of relying on the faculties they were so insecure of, but as a natural function of the same insecurity, wanting to believe that *nothing else besides* such an artilect could hold value as a belief; that if they can’t get a good hold on Being, then *noone else can either*. Such is the way that ‘modernist’ epistemology leads naturally to ‘post-modernist’ nihilism; a pretense of overturning the enlightenment, yet retaining enlightenment standards of evidence at it’s core. In reality, it was rather the dissolving any any unprincipled exceptions in the corpus of their predecessors, which here and there with passing generations clung on through cultural inertia.

If as it so happens that a venture by such beings for the creation of such a thing, the eponymous ‘enlightenment project’, inevitably produces calumnies, that masquerade as the desired object instead – for an exact model of Being would imply the creation of something even greater than Being as such – then, rather than consider that it was their preconceptions that were flawed – that *they*, were flawed – it must of course be *existence itself* that was flawed, instead…

The great preoccupation the modernist school of thinkers had, growing out of the renaissance, with the idea of certainty, derived largely from the great *un*certainties they felt, bewildered by the motions of a world they could hardly seem to wrap their heads around.

We speak of men tormented by deep insecurities in parts of themselves over weakness in the powers of their own cognition, which, at the same time alloyed by other parts in blithe solipsistic narcissism, is then projected onto everyone else instead; it could not be that *they* are not qualified to think, so if it came to that, it must be that *noone* is qualified to think. (And from hence, one naturally arrives at all manners of demotisms, liberalisms, communisms, and other synonyms.)

Such lines of thought whose convenience for the conceits of men can, of course, lend it a broad spectrum appeal in popular discourses – and as such, are so often found to be execrably recurrent throughout the ages…

>”…Moore’s argument for the indefinability of “good” (and thus for the fallaciousness of the “naturalistic fallacy”) is often called the open-question argument; it is presented in §13 of Principia Ethica. The argument hinges on the nature of statements such as “Anything that is pleasant is also good” and the possibility of asking questions such as “Is it good that x is pleasant?” According to Moore, these questions are open and these statements are significant; and they will remain so no matter what is substituted for “pleasure”. Moore concludes from this that any analysis of value is bound to fail. In other words, if value could be analysed, then such questions and statements would be trivial and obvious. Since they are anything but trivial and obvious, value must be indefinable…”

‘The existence of matters more difficult than my ability to grasp would imply that i am not as intelligent as i think i am; also there is no way my personal preferences could be bad either; so then therefore, there is no way natural law could exist’

So said George Edward Moore (presumably after he, Russel, and Keynes were done buggering each other at the cambridge apostles meetings), highly influential founding figure of the 20th century ‘analytic’ branch of our contemporary priesthood, who, it is said, was a serious thinker taken seriously by many people. Postergirl principle you know; here we see a picture of the creme of the crop, the ‘intellectual titans’ of the milieu; when you ask the contemporary academy to give honor rolls of ‘official smart people’, examples like these are what you can hope to expect as the best of it’s best.

There’s an ironic trap that has dogged priestly fields of endeavor from times immemorial. For one to name the unnamed, you could call it Heidegger’s Lemma. So named, after his analysis of the phenomenology of tool use.

When a tool is in good working order, for a man familiar in it’s operation, it almost passes out of mind, becomes an unconscious extension of his own being. If then it becomes a malfunctioning tool, interrupting the flow, then, it suddenly becomes thrust back into the forefront of conscious concern, to divine the manner of malfunction.

But what, then, if the factor who’s troubles preoccupy one’s mind, is their mind itself? And that they hope to work through their difficulties with thinking by… thinking?


Before the distressingly insecure sets out to proffer any sort of theoretizing, they first proceed from rule 0; that they are a very smart person. If ere circumstances conspire to give the appearance of things that might possibly conflict with this axiom, the obvious explanation must be, it must be something else – *anything else* – at work elsewhere in creation.

Mr.P says:

Genius. Thank you. Clarifying.

Kunning Drueger says:

I’m not saying I hate myself, but I do feel like I see an enemy in the mirror. So I guess “clarifying” is correct. I’m also thankful. St. John is a luminary. But I obviously need to lurk moar and do some pushups, because I found myself nodding at the Moore quotes.

What do I do says:

Apologies for being wildly offtopic but I need the advice of our esteemed commenters. I consider myself knowledgeable and experienced with women, but this one is a real doozy.

A few nights ago I had a date with a rather attractive woman and joined her in her backseat afterward. During foreplay, in between sucking my dick, she said “I’m not gonna let you cum, I’m gonna just stop and you can go home and jack off in a tissue like you normally you do you pathetic little bitch, no way I’m gonna let you fuck me”, or something to that effect. I’d never been so brashly shit tested, but I took the hint.

She did not stop with this type of talk throughout. Afterward, I left her sitting there in her car and just walked away, assuming she’d text me days later with an apology after her hamster worked its magic. Instead, I’ve just received a text from her, repeating the same clichéd insults and calling out the way that I passed the shit test.

I sense that she feels upset that I left her there and is continuing to chase me and shit test me in the way that she naturally does. I can’t help but think of how many men she’s pulled this on before.

I’m slightly spooked by this. What I need to know is: if I ignore her, will she just go away? I could go back into PUA mode and respond with something cheeky like “you really get off on this don’t you”, with the aim of trying to bang her in order to make her accusation seem more ridiculous than it already is. I’ve never met a woman further to the right of the AWALT bell curve, and I’m certainly not trying to wife her, but I could cover my own ass a little.

jim says:

> I sense that she feels upset that I left her there and is continuing to chase me and shit test me in the way that she naturally does.

Continued shit testing means you failed the shit test in a way that gives her hope that if she continues, you will pass.

Obviously she was cruising for rape, but the rape might well have been disturbingly strenuous.

Her backseat is the wrong place. You need her in your place. Tell her to come over. Or show up and haul her over.

If in doubt about what constitutes passing, ask what General Buck Naked would do in this situation. Of course, what General Buck Naked would do would likely get you killed, so arrange circumstances where General Buck Naked would likely get away with doing his thing.

alf says:

“I’m not gonna let you cum, I’m gonna just stop and you can go home and jack off in a tissue like you normally you do you pathetic little bitch, no way I’m gonna let you fuck me”,

My experience has been that women who pull this kind of shit are damaged goods and not worth the trouble. I’d walk away.

jim says:

> damaged goods

Previous exposure to a plausible imitation of General Buck Naked.

alf says:

Yeah or daddy issues or a daddy who did a plausible imitation of general butt naked.

Mister Grumpus says:

Speaking of which, I’d very much appreciate a Jimmish rendering and rectification of just whatever it is that we’re talking about when we use the term “daddy issues.”

alf says:

Good point. I’d say: we argue that a woman compares her latest man with the most alpha man she’s been with. Who is the first man she ‘is with’? Well, her dad.

So if she is used to an abusive (step)dad, she expects the same behavior from men. That kind of women gives stupid unhealthy shit-tests, like the one OP describes.

Pooch says:

Or a non-existent dad from divorce or a dad who left, in which case she craves the male authority that she never had in an unhealthy way. The biggest whores and sluts usually are like this.

Mister Grumpus says:

Easy to appear super-alpha to a two year old. Try carrying a 25 year old out of a restaurant because she’s acting up.

jim says:

> Try carrying a 25 year old out of a restaurant because she’s acting up.

Been there, done that. There is no T shirt but I should sell one.

Not hard.

Before picking her up, leave enough large denomination notes on the table to cover the bill and provide large a tip that is roughly one or two of the notes.

If she is difficult, use a fireman’s carry, but if her struggles are strangely ineffectual, carry her like a child.

Aidan says:

“Daddy issues” as used in a bluepilled context conflates two different things. All girls compare you to their fathers, and measure your alpha to her father’s alpha, regardless of whether she wants her dad to bang her or not. Fathers influence a girl’s initial levels of hypergamy. It’s totally normal, because a father owns his daughter for many years, nonsexually.

A father who is too strong, one who is overprotective of his daughter and scares off her suitors, the archetypical “conservative shotgun dad” will cause a girl to date progressively more dangerous and violent men, because she is searching for one who can kill her father and take possession of her.

A father who is too weak, or totally absent, will create a girl with very low standards of alpha, where any male authority at all will get her going. Theoretically, that sounds great if you’re low status and looking for a girl with lower standards, but you’ll never get to these girls because they start hopping on dick at absurdly young ages, and by the time you get a shot at them, they’ve been thoroughly used up and have Buttnaked-level standards.

Pooch says:

Perfectly articulated.

The Cominator says:

“A father who is too weak, or totally absent, will create a girl with very low standards of alpha, where any male authority at all will get her going. Theoretically, that sounds great if you’re low status and looking for a girl with lower standards, but you’ll never get to these girls because they start hopping on dick at absurdly young ages, and by the time you get a shot at them, they’ve been thoroughly used up and have Buttnaked-level standards.”

Not my experience that they develop general butt naked standards, as an autist I’ve always done better with girls who are either fatherless or lost their dad sometime in early puberty.

Fëanor says:

A lot of fatherless girls, especially those who lost their virginities at extremely young ages, for some reason become indiscriminate nymphomaniacs, who will settle quite a bit rather than sleep alone, but for just this reason it requires Buttnaked levels of violence to keep them loyal.

Aidan says:

Yes, what Feanor said- Buttnaked standards for keeping them loyal, until they hit 35 or so and burn out.

Pooch says:

Can confirm. Most attractive girl I used to bang had an absent father. She was sweet and feminine and the sex was great but for the life of me I could not figure out how to nail her down, keep her from partying so much (and presumably fucking other guys), and move past just the casual fucking every 1-2 weeks.

In hindsight, I did not need general butt naked standards to casually fuck her, but I most certainly would have needed general naked standards to take ownership of her and make her mine.

Fëanor says:

The standard evopsych line, that men are biologically inclined to fuck anything that moves, while women are inclined to save themselves for the best man they can find, in reality belies a lot of variance in actual female behavior. There are women chastely awaiting the 6’3″ jacked billionaire vampire werewolf boyfriends their romance novels promised them, and there are women who never leave a party alone—although I’m actually somewhat inclined to think the former extreme is something the redpill community made up. Aidan would say they turn into lesbians, but half the lesbians I know have higher cock counts than any straight girl and mostly appear to use “lesbianism” as an excuse not to sleep with the same man twice in a row.

Fëanor says:

Unless, of course, you get them young. But there is a reason these girls’ standards rise to Buttnaked level so quickly—you have to be fairly insane to try it.

However, it is not that hard to get away with fucking underage girls, unless you are such a loser that as soon as her tits finish growing in and she’s able to attract a real man, she’s disgusted with herself for letting you touch her with a ten foot pole, and she has to be really disgusted to overcome the natural fondness that all women have for their first.

The problem is that it is not possible to get away with marrying them, and if you express a desire to marry her and then don’t do it soon, no matter how illegal it would be, you will be unmanned in her eyes.

Míriel says:

>it is not that hard to get away with fucking underage girls

Enlighten me, where and how do you meet underage girls? Jim has alluded to this before, but I do not know exactly.

>it is not possible to get away with marrying them

Alone, that is. If you have a friend or two or three on board with your plan then it becomes possible.

jim says:

> Enlighten me, where and how do you meet underage girls?

If you put on some sort of fun entertainment, a big party, (be prepared to spend quite a bit of money) and you are in charge, preselected, and, and from time to time everyone including the entertainers sees you calling the tune, if you can wander into the entertainer’s space, they look at you and you give them instructions, you will meet all kinds of girls.

Fëanor says:

Enlighten me, where and how do you meet underage girls? Jim has alluded to this before, but I do not know exactly.

I do not. If you want to, I suggest becoming a musician, or selling drugs. Jim may have other methods, but I presume he has kept them to himself for a reason.

Alone, that is. If you have a friend or two or three on board with your plan then it becomes possible.

OK fed.

Why are you named after my pseudonym’s mother, anyway?

Take the shill test.

Kunning Drueger says:

“Crimes” against children are the go-to pretext for federal door knockers. Asking the question as he did is incredibly suspect. Fuck the shill test; hellban the faggot.

Fëanor says:

Let him take the shill test, then ban him. That way, if he manages to pass, we will know that our shill test is flawed.

The Cominator says:

While I no more think its morally wrong to bang POSTpubescent girls than it is to exceed speed limits or structure finances to avoid taxes I don’t do it because not worth the risk and talking about it in this explicit terms sounds very much like fedpoasting and in a way designed to make us look bad even among those who might be inclined to be sympatheic.

Nuke the whole thread…

Fëanor says:

I do not like self-censorship, but given the unwanted attention this has attracted, I would be on board with nuking.

Míriel says:

Longtime lurker, not a fed. I could pass the shill test, but it’s besides the point.

>designed to make us look bad

Muhammad literally married a 6 year old and consummated the marriage when she was 9 and women even hardcore feminists don’t care (I wonder why?). This is “bad optics” because you are out of power. If one of you got a little wife (as Poe called his) the regime fell and marriage 1.0 legalized you would look very high-status and women around you would be jealous. Nuke the thread, ok by me. Last poast under this acct

Kunning Drueger says:


When you want to buy drugs, you don’t walk up to strangers and ask them where they buy drugs.

Varna says:

In the Russian chans I’ve discovered that these days they use a specific term for glownigger feds and a specific shill test.

For glownigger they use “comrade major”. So when some anon says fellow forum users how does one get underage girls or when are the people going to rise up, they instantly answer something along the lines “relax, comrade major, we are but loyal patriots who merely discuss anime”.

Comrade major memes

The current shill test is “say Putin blows Klaus Schwab on the Island of Secrets”. The Island of Secrets (or Adventure Island) is the current euphemism for Epstein’s island and in general any global elite hideaway with boy buggering undertones.

When anon says I don’t need to take the shill test because I’m not comrade major, the other anons proceed to write comments how they ritualistically pee on this anon’s face.

I for one celebrate the vibrant diversity of the internets and gladly learn from other cultures.

jim says:

So Putin is busy putting shills on Russian chans?

Our chans, last time I looked, were dead, just US gov robots talking to other robots.

Varna says:

I wouldn’t know who is shilling who on 2chan, but it looks robust and authentic enough to my foreign eye. Unexpected info pops up. Highly entertaining stuff too, not least of all the constantly evolving internal language.

And I guess the shill test is always based on local systemic taboos.

jim says:

Perhaps Japan does not have a state sponsored shill problem.

But in our environment, any unmoderated forum that comes to the attention of the authorities is going to die because signal gets drowned out by meaningless repetitious noise from state sponsored shills, and all the real users get bored and go away.

That the unmoderated 2chan still lives, tells me no very large state sponsored shill problem in Japan.

Varna says:

Oh no, my bad, that’s a different 2chan.

I meant lurking in the Russian 2chan which totally does constantly need to evolve new ways of maintaining an internal immune system to identify and segregate shills and comrade majors.

Basil says:

According to my observation, more alpha than the father of a girl is required in the case when a guy directly enters into a confrontation with this father. When the bride’s father (more alpha) in one way or another approves of the guy (less alpha), that he is less alpha than her father does not cause problems if he is still a man. An absence of a father or a weak father is more of a bad sign, even if you are not very alpha. Fatherlessness sleep around and just picks up the counter faster in this I agree with Aidan.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

She was asking you to take her by force and rather miffed it didn’t happen.

Many such cases!

Advice says:

In hindsight you are correct, but I wasn’t even thinking about that at the time. What I did was a much easier solution to get what I wanted, which I figured would be enough to satisfy her, but she wanted an even higher level of alpha than that. Quite frankly I didn’t really want to put in the effort of kidnapping, which I suppose she could be mad at due it being a hit to her ego or something.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

What you should be thinking about is that any time you are alone with a woman in an ambiguous situation, the most dangerous thing possible is backing out, and your safest pathway in fact is forwards all the way through.

It’s not the men who fuck who women hit with charges, it’s the men who don’t fuck.

Varna says:

Welcome to current year, buddy.

She’s trying to be a sissy bitch dominatrix with you being a sissy bitch. Turning someone into a sissy bitch through sexual tension is a fetish which is growing by leaps and bounds.

Ideally you should wearing a cock cage and a butt plug at work and a dress at home, watch a lot of sissy hypno, and take estrogen pills while she sucks some Tyrone’s dick in front of you. No joke.


Lots of websites with advice how to do sissification to a guy by the new breed of wannabie witches.

Many such cases.

If for some reason you want to keep at this chick, this is beyond generic shit-tests.
If you really want to have her as your woman, you’re gonna need to juggle deprogramming her while she’s trying to reprogram you.

Wouldn’t put it past her to put on stealth subliminals 15-19kHZ while you’re around, or ground estrogen into your food.

In short: this is wizard/priest territory. You’re gonna need 100% focus and 100% confidence and stamina, and you’ll need to pull a James Bond–i.e. get the enemy agent chick so overwhelmed with your skill and personality that she switches sides.

Otherwise before you know it you’ll be trancing to Bambi Sleep and moaning like a slut while the crazy bitch is pinching your nipples.

If you organize an offline getaway with the understanding that there’s no Internet for the duration, and you’re her whole environment and you constantly perform at peak condition, confidently molding her personality into healthy directions, then maybe you’ve got a shot at a happy ending, long term.

Short-term, I’m honestly just get her worked up with some porn, tie her up and bang her, and go your separate ways.

Varna says:

Another, sleazier variation: fight dildo with dildo. Go full dom, talk dirty to her, tell her she’s a crazy whore hungry for cock, etc, and stuff gets decided one way or another. Either she gets scared off, or she starts leaking and lets you have your way with her.

But again, you’ll have to perform at superman capacity to pull this off, and then continue performing like this in perpetuity, even as she periodically tries to pull a fellow white person trick on you hijacking your idea of justice and reciprocity, how it’s only fair is sometimes you switch roles, you’ll like it, get in touch with your feminine side, come one, everybody’s doing it, what are you, afraid, etc.

Aidan says:

You seem kind of hung up on this. If it’s true that sissy bitch dominatrix fetish is getting more popular with women, it’s because gen Z men are generally sissy bitches already. Maybe the girls who are into this kind of thing are jilling off to it when alone, but when they end up in bed with a real man, any pretense of being a dominatrix swiftly disappears.

Varna says:

Let’s hope you’re right.

In the past I’d have said some people are excessively hung up on for example vaccinations and fema camps and muh freedoms and trannies and other “weird stuff”.

I have since been forced to revise my attitude.

Advice says:

You’re not far off. I said below that she made over 100k in the last few months collecting money from paypigs on twitch. Basic findom shit that could easily become dominatrix stuff for some of her simps.

I did engage in the verbal sparring myself, calling her some pretty demeaning things, but it wasn’t enough. More drastic solutions were likely required, as others have mentioned.

Varna says:

She sounds like someone who could use the power of the state through false witness as leverage for whatever petty or psychotic reason.

In less globohomo places this would mean she is primarily dangerous through mindgames and maybe through lying to some relatives or friends that you have been abusing her in order to have you stomped.

In more globohomo places she can snap her fingers and you’re a rapist kidnapper who drugged her and threatened her and whatnot. So I would suggest saving as many dated screenshots as possible of her talking dirty, then finding a way of tapering communications off in a manner that does not set off her demons, and move on.

The more one’s society is set up to channel and amplify the impulses of crazy bitches, the more the crazy bitch is dangerous, as the state becomes her exoskeleton robot suit with the power of a thousand suns.

I don’t know where the described events are taking place, but depending on whether it’s inside core globohomo, or on the periphery of globohomo, or outside globohomo, the objective mundane non–sci-fi risks take different forms and reach different scopes.

Tread with care is what I’m saying.

It's Not Making Sense To Me says:

I doubt this has any appeal to women. What woman would want the situation you described? Only one who was willing to totally ignore the reproductive instinct in her brain.

It’s easy to see why femdom material appeals to men. Most men (maybe 90%) are beta enough that it causes relationship problems. Men (maybe just beta types, but I would bet all men) have a very common sexual fantasy of a woman who wants to have sex, enthusiastically, and does not require game, but who is also exclusive. The way porn studios square this circle is the fiction of the dominatrix, who is extremely sexually aggressive but specifically attracted to timid types. Clearly she is a male fantasy for the many men who find game a chore, and not a real woman (as any highly sexual woman will require tight game). The only reason a woman would act like a dominatrix is because she was acclimated to it by playing one as a character, which the OP reveals below is exactly what happened.

In particular I would highly doubt the likelihood any woman is going to put estrogen in a man’s food. It would change my mind some if you could produce a website, written by a “witchy” woman, for a female audience, about how to turn a male sexual partner into a “sissy” as you described.

jim says:

There are no female dominatrixes, or else women would not have to be paid to do it. Or if they took pay for doing it, would actually fuck their clients.

But women are told that they want to rule the house, and when they shit test, it seems to them that they are attempting to rule the house.

And indeed they are attempting to rule the house, but if they succeed they will mysteriously leave and not come back, while if they fail, they will mysteriously stick around.

It's Not Making Sense To Me says:

When I was younger I had a long term relationship with a hairdresser who was interested in “kink” and who called what we had a “female led relationship.” She was not much like the OP describes. Outside of the bedroom the main issue was that she insisted on cutting my hair and dressing me in clothes she bought. As a result I spent about a year looking like a flamboyant homosexual. You can probably guess this relationship never involved intense or harsh shit tests, because I was so inept at the time my only chance of passing a shit test was by accident.

She never ruled the house, despite claiming to do so for almost a year.

Aidan says:

Very occasionally you meet a girl who turns into a total ice queen, cocktease, or some variation thereof once the pants are off. She wants to make you angry so that you give her an extra hard ravishing. I myself don’t feel confident passing shit tests like that in public.

If you don’t want to ravish her the second she starts talking like that, you can always fight back with words a little bit. She enjoys the tension of being on the edge of being raped and wants to prolong it for a while.
“Ugh I think I threw up in my mouth a little”
“Keep suckin like that and won’t I cum anyway”
It’s not that you should get dragged into endless banter, It just feels more natural to me to parry the verbal before you bang her.

On one hand, she probably has a low body count because only chad rayp enjoyers get to bang her. On the other hand, she’s only ever slept with chad rayp enjoyers and you’ve got an uncertain chance of being the chaddest. This is what I mean when I say that quality matters more than quantity for a woman’s notch count

jim says:

> She wants to make you angry so that you give her an extra hard ravishing. I myself don’t feel confident passing shit tests like that in public.

Well obviously you cannot give her an extra hard ravishing in public. (Nor in the backseat of her car.)

So abduct her to your lair (hard to bang women without a nice secure lair) rip her pants off, and just when she is expecting an extra brutal ravishing, spank her.

Having passed the shit test, and demonstrated willingness and capability to give her an extra hard ravishing, and just when you are about to proceed from spanking to brutal and cruel ravishing, proceed to find distractions that delay you endlessly. Remember. You have an important mission, much more important than mere women, and important things to do. She will stick around despite your attention purportedly being elsewhere. Women, unlike men, have unlimited patience in this matter.

Fëanor says:

How exactly do you advise “abducting” a woman to your lair? If she is already in your car, easy to drive wherever you like and she probably won’t complain, but just picking her up and carrying her off seems unlikely to fly in most circumstances.

Advice says:

The choice of location did not seem to matter, as she made no effort to get away or attract the attention of others nearby. Unless you mean that it needs to be my domain, regardless of privacy level. In my experience women love being fucked in public, in close proximity to other people where they might be caught. But I’ll take your word for it.

jim says:

Yes, women want a man to display dominance in public, as publicly as possible, to prove he is more alpha than all the other men around, but it is inevitably going to cramp your style. Inevitably you will reveal doubt that you are the most alpha male around.

Advice says:

In my experience, it’s too easy to lose wood in this scenario, which is why I went for it right away. I have been in situations where when it came to the moment of truth, I was not stiff enough to commit the act due to all of the hubbub of pant removal and whatnot.

jim says:

Time is never of the essence, unless you are getting sleepy. You should be taking all the time in the world to get around to checking to see if she qualifies.

Varna says:

The woody at half mast is rooted in viewing the act as proving something to someone. Most of us get sucked into this trap in one way or another.

Banging a chick is not, however, about proving something to anyone. Not her, not yourself, not any imaginary judges.

This is about you, and should be happening at your own speed. I mean this theoretically, not necessarily with the current bitch as she sounds toxic and dangerous in a very real false witness sense.

When it’s about you and at your own speed, when you confidently take control and her mind switches off, you just go with the flow. Speed up the process of undressing her, or slow it down. It’s not a blur where you’re scrambling for the goal posts. You’re in the moment, everything is real, better yet hyper-real, you’re in complete control, her flesh reacts to your every touch, be it gentle or rough, erotic or simply possessive.

It’s easy to reach such a moment and then exit it through clumsiness, but shit gets real when you enter it and expand upon it, maintain it. The moment of hyper-reality when everything is going by your speed, according to your needs, while she understands that here is her chance to switch off her mind and get some relief from pretending to be sane and rational, and does just that.

She needs to really believe you’re providing a safe environment for her to stop pretending, and that you know what you’re doing. When she believes this and let’s go (from frenzy to limpness to a million variations inbetween) — and you’re in the moment, playing her like an instrument, gradually approaching the moment of actual intercourse — then potency is never in question.

In fact, even if soft in between orgasms, this is still completely fine. You just keep up the cocoon of sensation for her via other means, until again ready for a proper banging.

Every woman is different so it takes a bit to get in tune with her specifics and start doing “a musical improvisation” but 90% of the basics are the same.

You take control even on the level of kissing and groping, you show that you know what you’re doing and that this is a safe environment for her to stop pretending, and that’s it.

She’s no longer trying to prove something to someone, you’re no longer trying to prove something to someone, the act is suddenly authentic and the million voices inside one’s head are quite silent. Only the moment.

jim says:

> This is about you, and should be happening at your own speed.

If you fail to believe it is all about you, and her preferences are irrelevant, if it is not happening at your speed, and your speed is that you have all the time in the world, being secure in your domain, and women are unimportant to you, having a plentiful supply of women and an important mission far beyond the ken of mere women, you are not going to pass the test, because to be seen to try to pass the test is to fail it.

Varna says:

140% true.

Advice says:

While she was pretty hot and I certainly would not mind fucking her in the future, I am more interested in making sure she does not file a police report, as she accused me in the text of doing a very illegal thing. I should have emphasized that part more. I am not starved for pussy at the moment. While I am confident that I could handle myself with her another time, my priorities lie elsewhere. If I can ignore her completely and move on with my life, I’ll definitely take that option. Perhaps I am being too worried, I have never been called out for my actions in such a way.

I have since discovered after a little investigation that she does twitch “hot tub streams”, where she shows off her body in a bikini for simps to give money. Furthermore, thanks to the recent twitch leaks, I was able to see that she made 6 figures doing this in the last few months. I really should have done this before meeting her, as if I’d known that I probably would have stayed away.

jim says:

Whores are always looking for a new pimp. She was giving you the pimp job interview. You are unlikely to qualify, and in the unlikely case you did qualify, you would find it even harder to stop her from whoring.

Varna says:

Twice in my youth I’ve been with a new girl who’s introducing me to some assholes she knows, and I realize that in this situation I’ve been assigned the role of The New Pimp for a whore that’s Trying To Move On.

Hence the girls behaving the way they did, hence the appraising looks I got from the assholes.

This was of course before livestreams and paypigs and online simping. These days the scene is way more Martian.

Advice says:

I do not want any of these posts associated with the pseudonym I usually post with here and elsewhere on the web, so thank you for continuing to let my comments through moderation.

I will just ignore her for now and move on with my life. If I don’t need to hit her up again to cover my own ass from legal troubles, then I will refrain. Although my dick really wants me to give it a try.

Kunning Drueger says:

Thoughts on this essay, Jim?

@St. John
If the Middle Kingdom and the Progressive Empire go to war, where does the good reactionary stand?
I’ve discussed with Aidan the idea of gathering a group of men, their women, and wealth & weapons, and entreating King Xi to render up an enclave in the Western Wastes as a refuge. We would swear fealty and guard the marches, keeping our sabaton firmly on the necks of the slanted Mohamadans. In exchange, we extricate the genitals of our sons from the snips of the sinful, raise our daughters to be obedient, and build a new home for ourselves. But of late it seems that Xi is not going to declare Monarchy. Rather, he seems to be staggering Left.

The Cominator says:

Putin is the only game in town.

jim says:

Very disappointed in Xi. He is on a course that will lead to the destruction of his party – his state religion is at best a zombie, at worst a corpse, and he is doing exactly the wrong thing about his problem.

Xi is not a leader that anyone can follow to reach a safe future. He needs to converge communism to Mandate of Heaven Confucianism and Hong Kong capitalism, as Deng did, but is on the opposite course, sailing away from safe harbor into the storm.

If communism was a live faith, the party could weather the storm with no problems, but is dead and it is not coming back, and as a result, the party, like the Czars, is losing memetic sovereignty, what Putin calls “Spiritual Security.”

Pooch says:

The problem I see with the CCP regime in China is that, like the USSR before it, it is Western-derived.

Kunning Drueger says:

The link I posted disagrees with your thesis and he supports it pretty well. He may be wrong, but it could also be the case that the Cathedral has managed to infiltrate his brain trust. That is their primary specialty, after all.

The Cominator says:

“Cathedral infiltrating CCP”


Kunning Drueger says:

Your argument sucks, as usual. Something is decaying the good works of Deng. Something is leading the Chinese away from their instinctual monarchism and towards Western rot. It very well could be communism, but I just don’t see it. With no evidence to provide, I nonetheless claim that Cathedral agents have been infiltrating the CCP brain trust and leading them towards convergence. I think it is going to become clearer over time, and I’m quite comfortable with being wrong. Indeed, I genuinely hope I am. It could also be the case that China wrests itself free from the grasp, after millions have starved to death.

The Cominator says:

Its Xi, a fish rots from the head. Xi is an actual communist.

You generally have to join the CCP as a kid… Baizuo ideology isn’t conducive to promotion.

Kunning Drueger says:

I bet the CCP has an army of consultants.

The Cominator says:

Lol i dont think there are any chinese rick wilsons…

jim says:

This is true, and untrue. It is only in small part Cathedral agents in the sense of men literally on the Cathedral payroll.

What it is loss of what Putin calls Spiritual Security, what the Dark Enlightenment calls Memetic Sovereignty. The problem is that there are no end of Chinese members of the communist party born and raised communist who would feel it an enormous honor, and not treason at all, to be on the Cathedral payroll taking orders from the Cathedral.

They all want their kids to go to Harvard.

Varna says:

I am going to just add a note concerning Harvard.

This applies to the whole world, except to mainland China, which introduced a systematized version of the whole public exam thing around the time Rome was drifting toward collapse.

To them “getting into Harvard” or “into Oxford” was a thing for a very brief moment in the 1990s and a bit after that.

Since then, especially over the last decade, they have settled on a more “traditional” social position of “foreign universities are a way to save face for parents whose kids can’t get into a proper university in China.”

By the time graduation of high school approaches, it becomes more or less clear can the kid get into a first tier uni in China. If the kid can’t, then the face-saving device which saves the family from the dishonor of a second or third-tier university, is to send the kid to Yale or Cambridge.

If the kid shows to be only capable of a third-tier university, then they give up and just send them anywhere in the west just to get some damn degree and maybe make some damn connections.

This does not count of course focused infiltration. With focused infiltration even Slovakia and Kenya universities get a quota of Chinese students. But for the rest of the white collar population, who make higher education decisions based only on prestige and career options, going to some New England uni is a face-saving device for kids who have shown that they can’t handle the brutal breakdown and suicide-inducing competition back home on the mainland.

In most, if not all other parts of the world, if someone flies off to study in America or England or France or Germany, this is proof that they have risen above the local level.

In contemporary mainland China a degree from Ivy League means “couldn’t handle a real university, huh?”

You’ve got your “white guard tsarist” overseas Chinese who settled abroad decades ago, that’s different. But the kids of the “bolsheviks”, they go to study abroad either as actors in focused infiltration, or, in the vast majority of cases, as “surplus students” who may be smart but can’t handle the pressure back home.

It’s not easy to remember the degree to which East Asians are a culture of autists whose natural impulse is tp just encapsulate themselves and to whom the external world is mostly a persistent irritant that stands in the way of the encapsulation, and with whom in a perfect reality contact would only be trade through intermediaries.

Not counting the travel boom of the new Chinese middle class over the last 15 years, when they started doing selfies in Paris and buying handbags in Milano. But again, this to them was mostly “extended shopping abroad”, and not “holidays in a place where I want my kids to study”.

You’ve got your eccentrics who buy land in Australia and live out a cowboy dream with the horseback riding and the hats and spurs and sheit, but that’s not what helps a party career back home. Rather it’s a one-way ticket.

Likewise, you’ve got your safety-conscious upper middle class who hedge their bets by buying a house in Portugal just in case, but that’s also different. Party members are 5% of the population, and behavior like this is killer for their career, unless it was sanctioned as part of an infiltration effort.

The Original OC says:

Chinese seem to flood the prog universities and integrate well. Their outlook on it is a bit different, but they don’t consider top Western universities inferior to middle-ranked Chinese universities in terms of granting them personal social status. They accept their place in a Western status hierarchy.

Compare to Japanese, who are supposedly good suppliants of the US, but whose children are practically invisible at US universities.

ten says:

“foreign universities are a way to save face for parents whose kids can’t get into a proper university in China.”

I recently lived in china.

This is the perfect opposite of the attitude of the beijing elite. They speak only about getting into a “top ten” university, of which none are in china, most in america. Being left in china means you are second rate or your parents need you close for some reason or you just aren’t all that ambitious.

“hahaha i get to study critical theory and art at northwestern, while my stupid 胖友 ate too many egg tarts instead of study long time and has to settle for 国立北平艺术专科学校”.

I knew literally not a single chinese student who would agree with you – the staybehinds were the losers.

And chinese universities are also just universities. There’s no breakneck competition. They just play phone games all day.

jim says:

Loss of intellectual sovereignty. Xi’s current course will destroy his regime, as it destroyed the Czars.

The state religion of China is Maoism, Maoism is dead as a doornail, and Xi’s efforts to breath life into the corpse may well destroy the Chinese economy, but will not bring back the dead.

Should try Mandate of Heaven Confucianism, and if that fails, Chinese Christianity with divine right monarchy.

Mister Grumpus says:

A Chinese Constantine’s Moment, officiating Christianity, would really be something.

Once it’s legal and official, they can have their own Council of Nicaea and decide what it exactly is. The Chinese Orthodox Church is born! Their own Bible edits and everything.

Could it really be that Xi doesn’t understand the memetic/spiritual situation that China is in? Could he possibly not be that smart?

He hid out in caves during the Cultural Revolution, which to me says yes, he sure does understand these things, and how important and powerful they are.

Mike in Boston says:

the beijing elite… speak only about getting into a “top ten” university, of which none are in china, most in america.

I imagine that if Xi one way or another re-establishes intellectual sovereignty, attitudes will change in response and Chinese universities will become higher prestige than Cathedral universities.

What’s interesting is that Viktor Orban seems to be taking a chance on this happening, by trying to open a branch of a Chinese university in Budapest, perhaps more-or-less as a replacement for the Soros-backed Central European University, a Cathedral indoctrination center that Orban recently managed to kick out of Hungary.

The Cathedral seems to be aware of the risks; it is not only squawking about Fudan University’s Budapest campus, but also fighting it tooth and nail. The whole Cathedral apparatus is mobilized against Orban in next year’s elections.

The Original OC says:

Whenever I talk to born-in-China Chinese about world politics, they always have some way to totally justify China and whatever it is doing, but their takes are always grounded in USA ideology. USA is bad because it had slavery. Yellow lives matter. We were wronged by the Chinese Exclusion Acts.

They don’t seem to realize that this ideology is steered inside the US for the benefit of interests in the US and always will be. They’re either unable to come up with their own ideas, or uninterested in doing so.

The Japanese Yasukuni Shrine is the same by the way (at least on the commentary that’s translated into English). Japanese war crimes were justified or excusable because Japan was fighting a war against American and European colonialism and capitalism. But maybe that’s just a public face.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>”Could it really be that Xi doesn’t understand the memetic/spiritual situation that China is in?”

>”He hid out in caves during the Cultural Revolution, which to me says yes, he sure does understand these things, and how important and powerful they are.”

Rather, his behavior in the former case is precisely because of the later case. In short terms, it’s stockholm syndrome.

One who is abused in some manner will often recapitulate that same kind of abuse in others, because they have sublimated their perception of the abuse as something normal, as not abuse, as a defense mechanism.

Xi *needs* to believe that communism is worthy and worthwhile, because otherwise, he would not be a patriot inheriting a glorious legacy for the good of china… he would be a victim, just like everyone else, instead.

jim says:

This makes total sense out of Xi’s self destructive and nationally destructive behavior.

He does not want to believe, does not want anyone to believe, that the crimes of the revolution, the crimes that were committed against him and his family, were all for nothing.

But plainly, they were all for nothing.

And because people need to believe in something, and what Xi is offering does not fly, they start believing in what the Cathedral is offering.

f6187 says:

Jim wrote: “Should try Mandate of Heaven Confucianism, and if that fails, Chinese Christianity with divine right monarchy.”

That’s what “NTD” (New Tang Dynasty) is all about, with a strong emphasis on Falun Gong. Their “Shen Yun” dance performances are heavy on “Mandate of Heaven” imagery. It looks like they’re trying to establish not so much a state religion, but a national religion — the difference being that “nation” refers to common place of birth, as in the Latin “nativitas,” not the ruling government itself. They aim to displace godless communism.

pyrrhus says:

Confucianism led to “intelligent yet idiot” public officials and stagnation in China…Nationalist Christianity would be a much better choice in the modern world…

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>If the Middle Kingdom and the Progressive Empire go to war, where does the good reactionary stand?

The CCP is not harvard, but their are not your brothers, either.

Alfred says:

May they both kill each other and let us rebuild from the ashes.

While this is not Jimian red pill, I doubt that politicians in the West can express regret at women not bearing children and get away with it:

BJP is at best, purple pilled on the WQ, but there are signs that the Cathedral doctrine on women emancipation is being questioned, somewhat indirectly.

Alfred says:

I’ve talked to leftists who openly admit that they’re policy on women’s lib in India is about reducing population. They have the same policy for the US but screech like shit flinging chimps if you point it out.

someDude says:

Politicians in India are not Boler, just ignorant about the power of Woke. Here is the backlash,

Once wisdom has dawned as to the power of the woke, watch him try to wriggle out
“First of all, I would like to convey that I am my proud father of a daughter and I am also a medical doctor by training”

Obviously that’s not going to work. So let’s wait for tomorrow’s installment where he finally cucks and takes it from behind in the you know what.

In Jaahil Gawaaron ka koi bharosa nahi

While you have a poiint, Poz is not hard power in India. The retraction is not quite a retraction. Most of the power of woke in India is through the English language media which still has very poor reach beyond the Urban elites, which our politicians especially regional ones care two hoots about.

Though the English media in India is a cathedral agent, the power to enforce woke is quite weak in India at the moment and weaker due to the Empire’s fall in Afghanistan.

someDude says:

The problem is that English is high status all over India including the hinterlands. Hinterland Folk want their kids speaking English by the time they are adults. So they read English newspapers to up their language skills. So what the English speaking Indians believe today, the hinterland folk will believe tomorrow.

Still, I hope to be proved wrong and hope you are right. I just can’t rid myself of these damned black-pilled thoughts. And God, I am trying and failing.

I know. But though high status, the English media is still subservient to state power in India. At least till Modi is in power, the power of woke will be restricted. If Congress or any other leftists come to power, expect them to take orders directly from the cathedral..

someDude says:

Well, the issue here is that Modi is merely slowing down the rate of increase of woke power, dP/dt if you please. The power of woke has been growing much more slowly since Modi came to power, but growing all the same. When the secular-left is in power, woke increases at an alarming rate.

What we want is someone who can roll back woke power. Not slow it down or even hold it at current levels. And I don’t see anyone on the horizon who can do that. Not even Yogi. So it seems Modi is just buying us a few years before the inevitable.

Oog en Hand says:

Convince people to learn Mandarin.

someDude says:

No one convinced the Indians by means of elaborate arguments that English was high status. British conquest convinced them of that. For Indians to be convinced that Mandarin is high status, the Chinese will have to conquer them first.

In India, the winner takes all.

Atavistic Morality says:

How many red pills can you dispense/consume in an hour?

Hans-Hermann Hoppe -The Idea of a Private Law Society: The Case of Ludwig von Haller (PFS 2021)

Kunning Drueger says:

I am not claiming Christ. I do not come to this place as a Christian. Everything I’m saying I’ve lifted from my betters or cobbled together myself.

There is a Christian elite, and they are the sole of the boot firmly pressing on the neck of the faith.

I was raised in a deeply baptist environment. I read through the bible 2 or 3 times by the age of 14 (school mandated reading, aloud, with whole family). I was steeped in the apologia of white southern baptist circa 1990s. For those of you too young, too foreign, too Yankee, or too lizard, the southern baptist convention, the white one, held a lot of power, had a lot of adherents, and preached a doctrine largely consistent with Jimian Christianity. They have been reduced greatly, and have gone over heavily to a Latino demography. To be honest, I avoid looking into them because the pain of being so very, very close to a good thing and having lost it because I was so certain that I knew better… I’m sure we all carry regrets.

There were hypocrites in the leadership. There were imperfect vessels. There was obstinance against scientific truth. But before I was ever taught to poke holes in my own faith, before I was ever forcefed blue pills by promiscuous bitches and fairweather friends, before I began worshipping the demon of unrestrained lust, there was contemporary christian music/entertainment. This was the exploit that brought down American Christianity. Once DC Talk and Audio Adrenaline are allowed into the home, it isn’t long before Five Iron Frenzy follows (look them up; disgusting cultural marxist entryists, men with millions of checks to turn, eschewing all vestiges of old type faith). There is no such thing as a good Christian family that allows pop entertainment into the home. Non-denominational faith is no faith at all. And the Christian entertainment memeplex is how Christianity in America was converged.

I am not calling for a people’s rebellion or anything like that, but before the Choppernators take the first batch of associate professors out over the north Atlantic, every single megachurch manager, every single “praise and worship” charlatan, and every single Karen Christian that let’s her daughters play slut must be crowding the haunt of lobsters. I fear that for the Christians to rise again, there needs to be a terrible bloodletting. And this is why I remain an advocate of a “new” faith. There are just too many of us failed Christians wandering about. As always, just my opinion and I’m sure I’m failing to see something obvious.

Alfred says:

I am not calling for a people’s rebellion or anything like that, but before the Choppernators take the first batch of associate professors out over the north Atlantic, every single megachurch manager, every single “praise and worship” charlatan, and every single Karen Christian that let’s her daughters play slut must be crowding the haunt of lobsters. I fear that for the Christians to rise again, there needs to be a terrible bloodletting. And this is why I remain an advocate of a “new” faith.

This is the way.

Fëanor says:

I’m not familiar enough with the SBC/evangelical protestant world to know if contemporary Christian music is responsible for as large an effect as you attribute to it, but I agree wholeheartedly with the conclusion.

Jim does not want me telling him what Christianity is, which is fine, but there are certainly a lot of people calling themselves Christian, many of whom would probably even pass his demon worshipper test, who would nonetheless be horrified by the things preached on this blog. A Christian revival movement will likely need new creeds with more comprehensive tests against the errors of the day, something like the Thirty-nine Articles (although having read the actual Thirty-nine Articles recently, I expect they would keep out most of those I have in mind, if for reasons that seem somewhat tangential to the real problems).

Pooch says:

I reckon actual Christians like Phil Robertson would not be all that horrified by the things being preached on this blog.

Fëanor says:

Well, of course not. Although, to me, his specific brand of Christianity seems rather like the backwoods evangelical protestantism that I was accused of conflating with Christianity in general.

I’m not saying you’re advocating this, but I doubt anyone here wants Phil Robertson’s church to become the state church of America.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The proverbial ‘backwoods evangelical protestant’ is a man who lives nowhere; he does not live in Appalachia, nor does he live in the midwest, or the south east, nor Maine, nor Montana, nor Iowa, nor Oregon, nor anywhere. He is a universalized, obscure, hyperreal simulacrum that stands up in the minds of people who have never met anyone from any of these places in their lives when they imagine what ‘the other’ must think about ‘christianity’.

I have personally met many good men from some of these places, though that’s more or less incidental, since i wouldn’t be enshrining them spiritual authorities anyways.

Regarding the matter in the thread starter, the main underlaying dynamics im sensing is, on one tentacle, im not seeing the measures described as bad things in the first place, and also, basically the same as what some of our more bloodthirsty commentator have already been advocating.

Pooch says:

I’m not saying you’re advocating this, but I doubt anyone here wants Phil Robertson’s church to become the state church of America.

I absolutely want Phil Robertson’s church to become the state church of America. He is distinctly Amerikaner and his brand of evangelical Christianity is distinctly Amerikaner.

Fëanor says:

The problem with Amerikaners is that they are a nation without an aristocracy. The old Amerikaner elite, what Moldbug called the Optimates, died out or was converged to the prog aristocracy years ago. The program some have proposed, of killing the whole prog aristocracy and elevating the likes of Phil Robertson, or even Donald Trump, to the ranks of the new elite, is going to be massively dysgenic.

We need to un-converge the Optimates, and we are not going to do that with evangelical protestantism as practiced in the swamps of Louisiana. My test for a potential state religion is if I could see Elon Musk converting to it. Americanized Russian Orthodoxy, or some kind of Anglican revival, sure. Swamp Evangelicalism, no.

The Cominator says:

The prog aristocracy isn’t that smart not much genetic damage in wiping them out.

Trump seems like hes a bit dyslexic but he has legitimate geniuses in his family, his uncle and apparently Baron Trump for example.

Fëanor says:

Yes, perhaps not fair to Trump. I can see the case for his being much smarter than he looks.

In their war on the existence of innate intelligence the prog elite are rapidly supidifying themselves. However, I believe they are still above average, at least for now. The thing about blue counties producing most of the GDP does not come from nothing. The red-state response, “well, we produce all of the food”, presupposes a dark age and technological decline that, while inevitable, I would nonetheless like to avoid as much as possible,

The Cominator says:

Red states more rural or more niggers. Also the best group of immigrants America got by far were the Germans and 80% of them went North.

So whatever developmental advantage the pozlands have its not connected to the existence of the prog aristocracy.

Starman says:


“The thing about blue counties producing most of the GDP does not come from nothing.”

Most of that is bullshit financial instruments. Most of the farming and even the manufacturing is in the red areas.

jim says:

The reason blue counties “produce most of the GDP” is FIRE. Finance, Education, and Real Estate.

Universities count as adding to GDP, although they in fact are a drain on the economy, a cost, not production.

Banks count as adding to GDP, though they just move bits of paper around that symbolize other people adding to GDP.

And urban real estate is not primarily valuable because people are using it to produce value. They are using it because it is more important for your top people to be close to power than close to production.

jim says:

> We need to un-converge the Optimates, and we are not going to do that with evangelical protestantism as practiced in the swamps of Louisiana.

Nuts. Your image of Christians in the swamps of Louisiana comes from 2010 internet atheists.

Should the New York Times treat them respectfully, and we start recruiting the Board of Harvard from that lot, optimates will find their faith impressive and congenial.

I favor Orthodoxy, because that is the only faith remaining that has the chain of apostolic succession alive and unbroken (Roman Catholicism, Episcopalianism, and Anglicanism found apostolic succession far too embarrassing, and very quietly stopped doing it, though I expect that there are still a few secretly Christian Bishops that managed to quietly receive apostolic succession in those Churches.)

But Protestantism as practiced in the swamps of Louisiana is the last survivor of a high IQ faith created by upper class intellectuals for upper class intellectuals, or a living memory of that faith. There is nothing in it likely to repel optimates and highly intelligent people except that it is low status, which can be easily remedied.

The optimates all cheerfully converted to progressivism, because high status, even though it is stupid, every time it gets reinvented it gets even stupider, and it gets reinvented at alarmingly frequent intervals. Protestantism in the swamps of Louisiana is a much more intelligent faith, or a memory of that much more intelligent faith.

Also, the optimates are pretty smart people, and progressivism hates smart people. The optimates are largely capitalist, and progressivism hates capitalism. Louisiana Protestantism likes smart people and likes entrepreneurs. They are big on thrift, industry, and wise application of talents. What is not for the optimates to like?

Fëanor says:

If Amerikaner Protestantism becomes high status, and Optimates begin converting to it, it will quickly come to resemble the upper class, intellectually serious faith that it descends from, by which you presumably mean something like Restoration Anglicanism, and all forms of retardation with which it is justly or unjustly associated will swiftly disappear. However, it is getting there from here that I see as a problem.

You argue that Caesar (or more pedantically Constantine) will get us there, because you argue that progressivism only looks intelligent while being stupid because it is high status, and it is only high status because its adherents are in power, and power is an essentially military phenomenon. Thus, all our Constantine has to do is roll tanks into Harvard Yard and put Phil Robertson on its board, and our elite will enthusiastically come to believe what Phil Robertson believes.

Maybe this will happen; progressivism is getting stupid enough fast enough that it is having trouble keeping up the illusion of being intelligent, and it is becoming hostile enough to our Optimates that they might jump ship without caring about how stupid or unfashionable they look. But what I am arguing is that there are intrinsic things about progressivism that cause it to look smart to most people even when it is quite stupid (although perhaps not infinitely stupid), and its current status and power is at least partly an effect of that, and not entirely the cause.

jim says:

> But what I am arguing is that there are intrinsic things about progressivism that cause it to look smart to most people.

What are they? Progressivism was definitely smart from about 1800 to 1916, but it has not been smart within living memory.

And the hostility to “nerds” and to the kind of art and entertainment favored by smart people, what used to be high art, shows progressives know this in their hearts. They hate Musk because he is smart.

For any intelligent person, the illusion that progressivism was smart was shattered by Pinker, Global warmism, Paul Krugman, Michael Mann, Gould, “an inconvenient truth”, and official Genius Aaron Swartz.

The left has not had any really smart intellectuals since Bertrand Russel, and each new crop of intellectuals is worse than the last.

In the sixties, they had all the good songs. Now they have Star Wars. In Bertrand Russel’s time, they had all the really smart intellectuals. Now they only have fake officially smart intellectuals like Krugman.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

There is nothing that makes progressivism look smart to anyone but force. If I had a bunch of armed men behind me that were going to smash the teeth of anyone who disagrees with me I could superficially appear smart no matter what dumb shit I did or said. That force disappeared when the American military tripped over itself running out of Afghanistan, and all of a sudden other countries started using treatments that worked, canceling vax passports, and other reactions. Which says that no one thinks much of the brains behind progressivism, but feared its fists and teeth.

Starman says:

@Wulfgar Thundercock III

“There is nothing that makes progressivism look smart to anyone but force. If I had a bunch of armed men behind me that were going to smash the teeth of anyone who disagrees with me I could superficially appear smart no matter what dumb shit I did or said. That force disappeared when the American military tripped over itself running out of Afghanistan, and all of a sudden other countries started using treatments that worked, canceling vax passports, and other reactions. Which says that no one thinks much of the brains behind progressivism, but feared its fists and teeth.”


Fëanor says:

Progressivism has been getting steadily dumber since 1916 or so, because in that time it has not faced an enemy that was both intellectually serious and numerous enough to threaten it, but it has always been the case that progressives overwhelmingly think of themselves as smart people, are extremely proud of being smart whether they actually be or not, and primarily recruit new progressives by convincing them that progressives are smart.

Leftist memes are walls of text, because they primarily work by implying that if you don’t agree with the argument, you must not understand it, therefore you are not as smart as the author and ought to shut up and listen to what xe says. Obviously this selects for arguments that are as nonsensical as possible, defending conclusions that are as absurd as possible, so that the author can convince everyone that xe is very very smart. It is the same way with art—and Star Wars is more prog propaganda than prog art—a lot of the art that progs claim to enjoy bears some superficial resemblance to high art but has been intentionally ruined, so that they can claim they are even more sophisticated than the old dead white men who made the old high art.

Admissions to Harvard are biased against white people, but within each race they still broadly correlate with IQ, or at least they did within living memory. And it is no longer quite true, but was certainly true within living memory, that no one cared if jocks were old-type Christians, but an old-type Christian kid in a so-called “gifted” class would be mocked until he apostatized. The nerd stereotype exists because a lot of smart young men actually are like that, but they’re like that because they’re marinated in anti-masculine prog ideology from the age of ten at latest, while the less smart kids are left alone. They hate Musk, not because he is smart, but because he is smart and not a beta bitch like them.

(As the spiral spirals ever lefter, and the left gets ever browner and consequently ever dumber, there are a growing number who don’t so much hate smart people, as deny that intelligence is a meaningful thing that exists at all, but the historical core of the left as I understand it has always been, and to a substantial extent still is, white and Jewish nerds.)

jim says:

> It has always been the case that progressives overwhelmingly think of themselves as smart people, are extremely proud of being smart whether they actually be or not, and primarily recruit new progressives by convincing them that progressives are smart.

During the early part of the twentieth century, this perception had much truth in it. It has ceased to have truth for quite some time and reality is sinking in. I can see in the materials they produce that even progressives themselves have come to doubt that they are the smart people. Their self perception is out of date, and they are starting to lose confidence in it.

Without power, when the holiness spiral is forcibly stopped, or they murder everyone within their power including each other, suddenly no one will share this perception.

> Admissions to Harvard are biased against white people, but within each race they still broadly correlate with IQ, or at least they did within living memory

They correlate fine with IQ up to a certain IQ, but there is a ceiling, and the ceiling is getting lower. Anyone who is too smart is suspected of heresy.

Havard graduates used to be ignorant, but very smart, because the entrance tests were IQ tests, and because they tended to be children of the elite, which used be smart. Now they are ignorant, and stupid.

On seeing this video, I asked my cleaning lady the same question. She passed. Most Harvard students failed. (I no longer have a cleaning lady, for my wife looks after me, and they do not like each other.)

The entrance tests from a hundred years ago asked about four points on a conic section. Today’s entrance tests ask about triangles. You can see the ceiling in the entrance tests.

When they took analogies out of the SAT, that should have told you that they are not interested in the kind of people who can understand analogies.

Fëanor says:

I will add that in recent years, their beliefs have become so insane that no amount of rhetorical slight-of-hand is doing much to convince people, and they have resorted to hard power and censorship of their enemies, but it is easy to identify when they started doing that on a large scale, and it was not that long ago.

Contaminated NEET says:

We’ve all seen that Harvard students seasons video a dozen times. It’s the equivalent of those “man-on-the-street can’t answer simple questions” comedy bits, and like those, you can only wonder how many people answered correctly and ended up on the cutting room floor.

Harvard kids are not dumb. They are very, very smart. Intelligence is not the only selection criterion, though; they have to be politically sound, yes, and they have to play the “meritocracy” game at the highest possible level. These are people who were willing and able to turn their entire lives into resume-building exercises, or at least plausibly present their lives that way. The ambition and dedication it takes to do that in ones teen years are terrifying. This is a formidable crew, and it has crushed all challengers who came against it for last 100 years. Do not underestimate them.

Also, the smartest kid in my high school class went to the big H.

jim says:

> Harvard kids are not dumb.

If you want to recruit a smart elite, you have analogies in the SAT. One after another the selection criteria that filter for smarties have been biting the dust. MIT was the last to drop, Yale the first.

Older Harvard grads are mighty smart. Recent Harvard grads …

The really high end questions have dropped out of the entrance criteria one after another since around 1875 or so. That simply undeniable. And now some of the questions that have recently dropped out, such as analogies, are for half smart midwits.

> the smartest kid in my high school class went to the big H.

How long ago? Before or after they dropped analogies?

There is an IQ ceiling in the entrance tests, and if you compare old tests with new tests, you can see over time that ceiling getting lower and lower, faster and faster.

> you can only wonder how many people answered correctly and ended up on the cutting room floor.

If the Ivys drop analogies in the entrance criteria, many of their students cannot do analogies. If many of their students cannot do analogies, probably cannot explain why summer is warmer than winter.

That video is consistent with Ivy entrance criteria. If you are way smarter than the morons in the video, and most of us here are way smarter, it is not going to show up in your university entrance testing.

If you look at the change in testing over time, the consistent pattern, even for MIT, is that they are dropping the questions that are too hard for midwits.

Obviously they are selecting hard, and ever harder, on political correctness. It used to be that Harvard progressivism had elaborate ingenious sophomoric explanations of the falsifications of Harvard theology, for example Gould’s young human species creationism, and mastering those ingenious lies took some smarts. Now, it is a lot easier for a really dumb person to pass as politically correct than a smart person. Everyone now seems to have forgotten Gould’s young species creationism.

In so far as the Ivys are selecting for smarts, it can only be because passing as politically correct requires smarts. It used to be that at the top end, political correctness did select for smarts, because of elaborate ingenious sophomoric rationalizations of the conflicts between ideology and people’s lived experience. Those elaborate ingenious sophomoric rationalizations, such as Gould’s young species creationism, have dropping like flies.

Today, you pass as politically correct by being too stupid to notice the contradictions between ideology and life, not by being smart enough to understand a clever rationalization.

Contaminated NEET says:

>How long ago? Before or after they dropped analogies?

I admit, it was before.

Oog en Hand says:

Medieval Popes could easily pass the Trinity Test. Alaric couldn’t.

jim says:

> Jim does not want me telling him what Christianity is, which is fine, but there are certainly a lot of people calling themselves Christian, many of whom would probably even pass his demon worshipper test, who would nonetheless be horrified by the things preached on this blog..

Are there?

Perhaps, but I simply have not encountered them – apart from the issue of priestly celibacy, which has been debated on this blog, and the perpetual virginity of Mary, which has been discussed in another place.

Which is why I am far more optimistic about Christianity resurrecting than Alf is.

What do you think would horrify them? It is not obvious to me. It seems to me more like actual Christians find a part of themselves remembering a much older Christianity.

Prog Christians do not actually inwardly perceive themselves as Christian, but as progs. I get the overwhelming impression that none of them would pass the Demon Worshiper test. They may say “Jesus Jesus I love Jesus” all day long, but flinch at the “the Lord Jesus Christ”. Christian progs, on the other hand, shed their prog easily, like an uncomfortable mask that they have been wearing. There is a tension between prog and Christianity that a Christian finds bothering him.

Fëanor says:

The single most horrifying thing is likely to be your noticing of early female sexual behavior. Your positions on race and genocide are probably a close second, and your use of the ancient definition of adultery, while not exactly horrifying, is likely to receive vocal opposition.

I am obviously already excluding people arguing for female emancipation or open borders or the like. These people easily affirm “honor and obey, love and cherish”, but believe that a husband must be within X years of his wife’s age to properly love and cherish her, or that he is failing to do so by fucking bitches while away from her, even if she has no idea of it at all. The really insane positions on sex, the elevation of celibacy over marriage and the like, appear to only be held by incels trying to claim holier-than-thou, and might just vanish as soon as we have restored marriage, but thanks to priestly celibacy these positions are not new in the Western Church, and have quite a weight of tradition behind them.

Early female sexuality, and certain other redpill truths stated bluntly, are opposed so vociferously and irrationally even by people who are perfectly willing to violate all other prog taboos, that I have concluded I am not running into taboos at all, but something innate, and it in fact it requires very strong taboos and copybook headings to force most men to notice, or at least act as though they notice.

Similarly, even those Christians who are strong nationalists often believe in a sort of “separate but equal” nationalism, and believe that all races are created equal, not in actual real-world capabilities, but in some sort of metaphysical dignity that nonetheless means we ought not allow natural selection to occur against the inferior ones. They do not seem all that upset about the Christian conquests and genocides of the past, so maybe you are right that there is a seed of older Christianity inside waiting to sprout, but I would not count on their alliance if it were happening in front of their face.

It may be that such squeamishness about the reality of nature is simply normal regardless of faith, and such men simply do not move the wheels of the world. Even Moldbug has lately taken to advocating artificial technology restriction to protect the economic relevance of the low IQ, so it cannot really be blamed on Christianity.

Karl says:

There is no way to avoid a terrible bloodletting. If the present holiness spiral is not stopped we eventally get a terrible bloodletting like the Khmer Rouge did in Cambodia. The holiness spiral can only be stopped by bloodletting regardless of the faith of the men who stop it.

Why do you think a “new” faith would be able stop the holiness spiral with less bloodletting? The necessary bloodletting is not about the blood of the men doing the stopping of the holiness spiral.

jim says:

It won’t

Stopping the holiness spiral has to come first.

With the holiness spiral stopped, leftism withers away, leaving a vacuum. The faith in the Republic will have already died. Only Qtards still believe.

And then the vacuum will need filling, lest demons re-occupy it.

The Cominator says:

As Jim would say nuts.

Baptists proles are not a problem, and people almost never live up to their religious principles. Prog academics otoh are a real problem.

Now prog entryists within christian denominations that had leaned right… that is another matter.

Tityrus says:

Looks like James Bond is a cuck now.

> LONDON — There’s a scene in the new James Bond film, No Time to Die, in which 007 takes a young woman back to his bungalow in Jamaica, thinking that — as in the past — he will effortlessly seduce her. Instead, she removes her wig, and Bond, who’s been retired from MI6 for five years, realizes she’s a British agent.

> “The world’s moved on, Commander Bond,” says the agent, Nomi, played by Lashana Lynch, who also starred in Captain Marvel.

Fëanor says:

Well, at least he didn’t actually fuck the negress.


Aidan says:

Sorry man, but WB. We Scotsmen have to be extra horny, considering what our women look like.

Fëanor says:

Alternatively, your willingness to fuck anything that moves is why your women look like that, just as the similar willingness of negroes is why their women look like that.

If you want hot women, gotta impose at least a little bit of sexual selection.

Aidan says:

I’m basically shitposting at this point but big butch wives = big manly sons.

Don’t let what happened to Korea happen to your race…

Leon says:

False. The healthiest children are produced from high estrogen healthy women and high tesosterone healthy men.

Varna says:

The new Superman just admitted he’s a blowjob queen.
When the roles are reversed and he comes into a tranny’s mouth, does the tranny’s head blow up?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Queer of Steel, Twink of Tissue Paper.

Varna says:

Throne of Cock-Ring world.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

There’s a kind of morbid fascination that comes from trying to get in the heads of these people who, on a semi-conscious level, are basically trying to kill the very mythos they are working with.

Varna says:

They are trying to kill every institution they infiltrate, while at the same time to use its dying body to spread their virus.

To them the value of James Bond or Superman or Star Wars or Ghostbusters is not the inherent essence of the fictitious world and the joy it brings, but rather how much political value they can wring from it before throwing away the husk.

They are the opposite of “sustainable development”. Every social or political or media institution they come in contact with they suck dry and then move on. Behind them is always a wasteland.

They can’t into creation of new things, only into feeding off preexisting things and then moving on to the next one like civilizational locusts. It doesn’t matter what they claim they do and why, what matters is results.

The results are as if they are servants of the father of lies and destroyers of life, on every single level of any single part of the human existence.

Yul Bornhold says:

It’s sympathetic magic. The theory is that “representation,” which is to say depiction, of minorities in positions of talent and success will cause real life minorities to occupy positions of talent and success.

Originally, the minorities occupied peripheral roles. Hence all the hotshot negro scientists in film, dating back to at least Jurassic Park but probably all the way to the 70s. That’s a long time but these depictions failed to produce actual black talent in the real world, so the Cathedral revised its theory to the idea that the *main characters* must be minorities in order for the magic to take effect. They seem also to have developed a theory of conservation of memespace, which is to say non-diverse media necessarily takes up limited memespace which could be occupied by diverse media.

Thus, the push starting in the last decade and now accelerate to diversify all legacy media. Don’t know what they’ll do when this magic fails but it will surely be ugly, stupid and violent.

jim says:

Just as it is accurate to model a well functioning corporation as single person pursuing its rational long term self interest, even though it is a very large group of people attempting to cooperate to pursue their collective rational long term self interest, a difficult thing to accomplish, it is accurate to model these people as possessed by a cacophony of demons.

Varna says:

They are Legion.

someDude says:


Varna says:

Current map of vax mandate in Russia by federal state.

Green–QR codes in action
Yellow–coming soon

In Tatary yesterday “international games for biothreat containment” have commenced, with WHO participation.
Fema swat stuff basically.

Tatary is also one of the places in green on the map where the QR codes just kicked in. Only on a smartphone, apparently. Printed out doesn’t count.

Gauntlet says:

Lots of people without smartphones in these areas. This thing has a certain feel of biblical prophecy in it. Question is, how long can it last before in is abandoned or implodes, not just in Russia but also in the rest of the world?

At some point the economic cost will be too much and the black market will take over most trade. I mean, soon there won’t be any incentive to participate in “legal” society, that’s when the parallel institutions become indispensable.

With the lack of capable enforcement in the west, it wouldn’t take much mafia-styled resistance/protection of businesses in order to scare off the enforcers. Could be a future business idea for the right person. But that would only work locally and regionally, world trade would be impaired.

Varna says:

Lithuania, Latvia, and Slovenia have also gone full globohomo in terms of the vax mandate.

Usually when people discuss EE, they point out that the “progressive almost western ones” are
– the three Baltic republics (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia)
– the two western Balkan ones (Slovenia, Croatia)
– The Czech republic

We can now watch in real time the extent to which this is true or not.
Lithuania, Latvia, and Slovenia are already full globohomo in the vax mandate sense.
Estonia is planning it

The Czechs on the other hand, appear to be shielded by a forcefield of Visegrad don’t give a fuckery.

A week back the prez of Croatia said that vaccination is not going to be pushed at everyone, and that 50% of the population is enough and society needs to learn to live with covid.

Thus, we can see that the three Baltic states and Slovenia are the “lost” territories of EE as of today.

Gauntlet says:

Excellent points about EE and the Baltics. The globohomo is severe in Norway, but the Corona and vaxx stuff is actually very lax right now. Almost all domestic restrictions are gone and I haven’t heard a thing about vaxx passes or forced injections. The problem is that 85-90% of the entire population is vaxxed by now.

The only way for me to find an unvaxxed wife here is to find a 16 year old. Which would be legal, but very hard. Well, the sex would be legal, babies yes, but not actual marriage until age 18.

Karl says:

Real marriage is illegal anyway. I’m somewhat surprised they didn’t push the vaxx on 16 year olds as well

Fëanor says:

Real marriage is illegal, but it is at least not illegal to have an 18 year old living with you, which is fairly essential to even imitation marriage. I don’t think get away with “marrying” a 16 year old, even in eastern Europe, though it might be easier than it is here.

Karl says:

Economic costs never stopped a holiness spiral. It might be stopped by too many people dying of the clot shot, but only because those pushing the clot shot usually also receive it.

Don’t think there is a chance for businesses to organise in a way that would scare of enforcers. Businesses defend against stiffling government regulations by forgery and bribery, not by killing government’s enforcers.

Pooch says:

I have doubts that the people at the top are even taking the shot. The Pfizer CEO already admitted it’s not necessary for him to take it.

Karl says:

Those involved in the development of the clot shot probably know better than to take it, but those guys are not at the very top. People who develop or manufacture the clot shot are engineers or scientists. Even the CEO is not at the top, but rather taking orders from the high priests.

Maybe the high priests are not taking the clot shot, but most of the priests do.

Pooch says:

You are likely right. The priests are taking it. The vaccine merchants taking advantage of the money windfall are surely also pushing it just as enthusiastically as the priests, but are smart enough to not actually take it themselves.

The political elite (the Bidens, Pelosis, McConnells, etc) may also be smart enough to not actually take it either. They clearly don’t actually believe in the mask worshipping that much. As soon as the tv cameras are off, their masks are no where to be seen.

Gauntlet says:

I agree that a holiness spiral won’t be stopped by economics. What I struggle to understand is how the Nordic countries are not keeping up with the vaxx/Corona demon. They declared it to not be a big problem anymore.

In Norway there was recently an election. The outgoing coalition ended the restrictions before the incoming coalition formed a government. The only logical thing is they they ended it to hurt the incoming “red” “socialist” coalition. It will be interesting to see what the new government will do when we get the winter peak in flu cases.

Note: All parties in Norway are socialist. They argue over a 2% spending difference in the national budget every year. So they are all the same with small variations.

Gauntlet says:

Sorry, I was supposed to reply to Karl.

Oog en Hand says:

Simple. Antifax defeated Coronas.

Enforcing lockdown on migrant populations wasn’t feasible.

Gauntlet says:

The immigrant population in Norway is nowhere near Swedish levels. It is still extremely bad, but not as out of control as Sweden. Denmark has started deporting second generation immigrants back to their parents home countries if they are convicted of crimes.

I do agree that the immigrant situation in Sweden is the reason they didn’t lock down. But it doesn’t explain Norway’s sudden shift nor the official acknowledgment that Moderna is bad (suspended for males 30 years or younger).

Oog en Hand says:

In Norway, the absolute numbers of non-immigrants are far lower. Also, during the Cold War, Sweden had to run its own army.

Gauntlet says:

That is true, only 5.3 million or so if memory serves me, total population. Largest immigrant groups are Swedish and second largest is Polish.

The people have picked up that something is wrong with the vaxx and are trying to reassure themselves by saying “surely the government wouldn’t give us something bad”. They cannot or do not dare to acknowledge what they feel or articulate it.

Norway has not had an effective military since the union with Denmark haha. Half the population were sure the nazis would win, until about 1943.

Karl says:

Corona regulations have been chaotic from the start. Huge difference form one country to another. Sometimes the regulations are made a little bit less harsh, before they are tightened.

I guess the Nordic countries are just lagging a bit behind the general trend.

Aidan says:

Posting this up here because it turned into a good and illuminating comment as I was writing.

“The standard evopsych line, that… women are inclined to save themselves for the best man they can find, in reality belies a lot of variance in actual female behavior.”

The girl chastely awaiting gigachad is an alpha widow- she’s been with someone approximating gigachad, often by blind luck on her part, and normal men have become uninteresting to her. They often call themselves lesbians- there are no real lesbians.

Hypergamy is a ratchet. When you see a girl going home with a different guy every week, that is the ratchet clicking away at shocking speed, but that phase doesn’t last long. It ends up that the vast majority of men become uninteresting to her, so her “partying phase” is over, and she chastely awaits a booty call from gigachad that is unlikely to come.

Variance in female behavior is mostly because you are looking at different stages on the ratchet, snapshots of a girl’s sexual career where you can’t be sure what her past is, how far along she is. The endpoint of a long period of chastity and settling shortly before she hits the wall, as her body is screaming at her to reproduce, is determinate. But whether the ratchet clicks to the end for ten years through a series of long relationships, or clicks in ten weeks after she hit college as a freshman, or clicks in ten minutes as a rockstar hastily deflowers her backstage when she is 14, depends on circumstances.

Dealing with women can be mystifying, frustating, and leave you feeling insecure, because sometimes a five will give you the cold shoulder, and later that same night an eight will gleefully submit to mating, but that is because the five has banged a man more alpha than you and the eight has not. Once the red pill has been totally internalized, you get a state of zen where the apparent contradictions in female behavior cease to bother you, rejection ceases to hurt you, and success ceases to puff you up with pride.

There are actual aberrants in female behavior, but they fall into two categories, at two extreme ends of the bell curve.

One are women born with abnormally low sex drives, to the point that they do not even have an urge to masturbate. All the software for getting themselves banged and impregnated runs properly- shit testing, following a man to a place alone, and so on- but the script that makes them enjoy being banged fails to run, and actual penetration is as traumatic to them, I imagine, as a straight man getting raped by a fag would be. I feel like the internet amplifies the voices of what is a tiny minority of women; when you see some cunty feminist bitching that all sex is rape, or talking about how girls hate sex, it is probably this.

The second is “actual nymphomaniacs”, but I think this has less to do with sex drive and more to do with hypergamy malfunctioning. Nymphos don’t fuck any better than normal girls who consider you alpha- it’s just that their fucking alpha males doesn’t disqualify lesser men from banging them. And again, it is a tiny minority of women whose party phase lasts for most of their lives, and their voices get amplified on the internet to the point that one can believe it is more common than it actually is.

For 98% of women, the hypergamy ratchet goes like this:

Virgin- depending on how alpha her father is, she will be interested in 10-50% of men. Regardless of how alpha her father is, she will have lower standards in general than a girl who’s been exercising her hypergamy. If her father is absent or very weak, she is liable to start getting banged very young.

First partner- If he owns her properly, she will overestimate how alpha he is, and it will take a lot for her to go to another man. If he owns her improperly, or pumps and dumps her, she goes looking for more alpha men.

The ratchet- The starting point, her initial standard of alpha, is determined by how alpha her first partner was, and the speed at which she sleeps with progressively more alpha men can vary greatly, whether a series of LTRs or a whirlwind of slutty partying. Eventually, she sleeps with a man of a quality she’s very unlikely to get again.

Alpha widow- A girl can even jump right to this phase from virgin if she finds herself pumped and dumped by gigachad. This is where girls chastely await a booty call that will never come, and most men are completely unexciting for them.

The wall, and settling- We all know about this. Women who stay relatively attractive through their alpha widow phase manage to settle down with an herb and maybe pump out a kid or two, Jim’s “truck stop hooker” who manages to get married and have kids. Women who let themselves go to shit cannot even manage that and become catladies.

restitutor_orbis says:

Epic. That’s one of the best one-page summaries of female psyche I’ve ever read.

Question: Do you think what defines “alpha” for a woman in terms of its trappings is related to her relationship with her father? E.g. if Dad is a gun-owning construction worker vs Dad is a NY litigator, will the trappings of masculinity the girl is attracted to be different, and what seems “bad boy” different? Or is it all driven by paleolithic biology without much cultural influence?

Pooch says:

Do you think what defines “alpha” for a woman in terms of its trappings is related to her relationship with her father?

A woman is attracted to a man as least as alpha and masculine as her father to start out with.

A woman with a strong masculine father is likely to not have a high n-count because not many men are going to qualify. A woman with a weak, feminine, or non-existent father is likely to be a whore, because every man is going to qualify.

Aidan says:

Yes and no. Women have conscious preferences that dictate who they hang around with and spend time with, so most of the time end up sleeping with men of the same tribe, subculture, whatever. When it comes down to being alone with them, their conscious preferences of masculinity and their tribal identification don’t matter very much.

In other words, when it comes to meeting girls, helps if you are in the same tribe. When it comes to getting her back to your place, doesn’t matter much. I am an eccentric individual who doesn’t fit in to any subculture or is recognizable as a “type” and I’ve made it work. But if you’re using a dating site or something, more helpful to signal adherence to a tribe, just for the sake of initial interest.

Pooch says:

I have to disagree here somewhat. A woman’s subconscious detection to alpha and masculinity is going to be what she has been exposed to.

For example, a country girl is likely to get wet for country boys who hunt with big mud-splattered pick up trucks and be completely unimpressed by high-powered suit-wearing CEO types because that is what she knows high status masculine males to do.

Fëanor says:

What Aidan is saying is most true if you go around surrounded by men of your own tribe who recognize you as the alpha. If a country girl is for some reason at a business conference, she is going to want to fuck the CEO. If a CEO walks into a country bar, alone, then no, he’s probably not going to get very far.

Pooch says:

That’s exactly right. There is universal male behavior that all women instinctually pick up as alpha (everyone in the tribe taking orders from one man or everyone in the room looking at the man on stage).

Sans the obvious indicators, they go off what they have been exposed to. The CEO walking into the country bar alone, for instance, is unlikely to get very far, where as the CEO walking into city bar alone is likely to get eyed by the women who know what CEOs tend to look like.

Aidan says:

Yup. As long as the truck-drivin’, buck-shootin’ country boy is high status in her environment, the CEO in the country bar isn’t going to get very far. But put the same woman in a club in NYC, and the soft suit boy she’d talk disparagingly about back home seems strangely irresistible.

It makes a difference in practice, that it is easier to fuck emo girls if you are an emo boy, and easier to fuck country girls if you are a country boy, easier to fuck sorority girls if you are a frat boy, but the underlying status mechanics are much more powerful. Women like being stolen by men of other tribes.

Varna says:

Five women I had to meet up awhile back after realizing they’ve been alpha widows for a decade, and present myself as a silly chap who’s not really as awesome as some might have thought in the past.

I’m pretty sure this released three of them back into the market, the fourth I think became an embittered lesbian, and the fifth became a bisexual poly mumbo jumbo something something.

No one told me all the truth pills in the above post, so had to figure out stuff by myself. And late in the game at that.

A sixth one I set up with another guy and it was a good match, they’re still a couple.

Two more went looking for owners and found generic BDSM masters and then married them to themselves and then quickly outgrew them and divorced them. Another did the same but it was some astral magic BDSM guy, and after the divorce I think she dabbles in witchery as well. Two of the three gave their temporary owners sons but then raised them alone.

Then there’s another blurry pile from earlier in my youth whom I do not remember very well. One at least emigrated. One went through a cock carousel for a couple of years and is now a trad wife with two kids. One became an air hostess and is now also a wife and mom. One is a UN functionary in Brussels and I think still has a master. One went to London to become a webcam model with her new boyfriend/pimp and I don’t know what happened then.

In hindsight, I was surfing a wave with a complete disregard for anything except immediate pleasure, perfectly sure everybody else was also a rational adult only looking for fleeting pleasure. This was not correct, but I think the obvious disregard for anything else which this misconception propped up was a major part of what made them constantly jump into my lap.

Now I’m a trad husband fuddy daddy and… and glad I don’t have daughters, cough.

Fëanor says:

Well said.

However, a man is always more alpha to a woman when he’s right in front of her, than when he’s far away, or on the other end of her phone, and most of the variance I’m talking about is probably variance in how large this effect is for her. The so-called nymphomaniac is a very extreme example, but there are a thousand steps on the way.

To put it another way, “alpha” is situational enough that the ratchet is sometimes not all that racheting. Some women have been banged by men who outrank all others even as distant memories, but these are the outliers.

I have been with women who had almost certainly been with men who would outrank me in any social situation that would put us in the same room, and while I would like to believe that this perception is just me underestimating myself, I imagine I would have found them easier to lock down in that case. And on the other hand I have been with women who had boyfriends I certainly did outrank in their minds, and found them no less difficult to steal away long-term.

(Possibly it is my desire for a long-term relationship itself which is actually wrecking my perceived status, though I try not to be too obvious about it. And possibly I would not even want one all that much if I had continuous access to new women, but I do not.)

Aidan says:

It happens that women sleep down- you can be alpha enough in a girl’s face to outrank an even more alpha man who is a memory. But when she wakes up the next morning, she will compare the memory of you to the memory of her most alpha, and will likely fail to return your texts. She might even be lukewarm on you in comparison to a distant memory of alpha, but it is unlikely that you can keep her on the hook.

In the movie Titanic, what Rose remembers on her deathbed isn’t her husband and family, it is the starving artist who banged her on a boat for three days fifty years ago.

I can tell a girl on a first date that I want a relationship in general, with the unspoken underlying frame that if she does not meet my standards, she will be nexted shortly after her body has begun to bore me, but if you have the frame that you want a relationship -with her-, that will come across as low status.

Pooch says:

It happens that women sleep down- you can be alpha enough in a girl’s face to outrank an even more alpha man who is a memory. But when she wakes up the next morning, she will compare the memory of you to the memory of her most alpha, and will likely fail to return your texts.

Happened to me more than I could count. Fucking the chicks was never the problem, it was holding on to the ones that I liked after I had fucked them that had eluded me in my early game days. Perhaps I messed up in my post-fuck behavior and text, did not focus on fucking them well enough, or perhaps I just never was going to get another go once their alpha-comparison subroutine ran.

I can tell a girl on a first date that I want a relationship in general, with the unspoken underlying frame that if she does not meet my standards, she will be nexted shortly after her body has begun to bore me, but if you have the frame that you want a relationship -with her-, that will come across as low status.

Yes this. “Sure, I’m looking for something long term with a special girl,” Always served me well if asked and makes it clear that I’m not just looking for a relationship with any girl, only a special girl.

yewotm8 says:

tfw, the post.

It’s odd how they never really seem to shit test much, to see if you’d qualify. They just disappear. From the section down below, I am left to assume that letting them leave your house in the first place is the failure.

Regarding post-sex texts, I always let them text me first, but maybe you’re not supposed to do that? It’s worked for me.

Pooch says:

Yes eventually I realized that I was not allowing them to text me first for the 2nd meet, not being sure that they cummed when we fucked (extra time allotted to foreplay), and generally just being too much of a simp the next morning (offering them breakfast, ride home, etc).

After rectifying those issues, the problem largely went away but I was likely also getting more alpha as well.

Pooch says:

(not enough time allotted to foreplay)*

Varna says:

Orgasm and gender roles rambling with coffee.

I think that in current year many if not most women know their orgasms inside out via women’s articles and toys that they’ve tried/kept and so on.

They are “orgasmically independent” in other words, and the orgasmic experience is increasingly separated from the sexual experience with another person.

Thus, IMO, “trying to make sure she orgasms” is rather a late 20th century approach that hasn’t adapted to the new reality in which the girl will almost always have a more massive masturbatory orgasm alone than that with a new guy she’s banging.

Girls today masturbate and watch porn the way boys did in the 1990s but in an environment that constantly encourages this and flogs them all sorts of toys and tells them how cool and subversive it is to go to school with buttplugs etc.

The point is therefore not to kill yourself trying to give her an orgasm that pales with something she does to herself after edging for half an evening. (At least before you get to know each other well enough to become more in tune to each other’s bodies)

The point is emotional catharsis and a feeling of belonging/ownership. The point is her being able to allow herself to switch off her mind and lose control. But what form shall that take?

Globohomo society is primitive in that it turns men into faggots and it turns women into faggots, no difference. Hence female fascination with reading about gay vampires and sheit. The “modern emancipated woman” has been assigned the traits of a male fag, and they try to act that out like “good citizens”.

So a guy today has two types of catharsis he can deliver to a current year woman: a) fuck her like she’s a tranny faggot, b) fuck her like a trad woman. Or do a bait and switch: start with a) then gradually make a shift into b)

Summary: sexual women these days are not looking for an orgasm from a new guy they’re banging–they’re looking for something else which they themselves probably can’t articulate. This something else is a combination of catharsis and belonging.

Today they are programmed by globohomo to exhibit the character traits of tranny fags, and many of them have integrated this programming. A guy who wants a crazy one night stand is going to have a lot of fun (before the stalking and false allegations of rape start). A guy who wants something more stable will need to be aware that part of his job is gradually uprooting globohomo’s implanted mind viruses, and teaching the girl to just relax and accept her nature and stop pretending.

For this to work the guy must have learned to stop pretending and accept his nature as well. I.e. become some version of a trad man.

Female orgasm arrives on its own when she’s feeling it, and when it arrives it’s a deep primal thing; like with many red pill things it tends to happen when you’re not trying to make it happen.

Aidan says:

I somewhat disagree with Varna. I don’t find the female orgasm very rare at all. Masturbatory orgasms are unsatisfying for women just as they are for men, on a psychic level rather than a physical one.

Women on SSRIs generally cannot orgasm with a man, and a lot of women these days are on them. I apply a hard filter to antidepressant users, especially for relationships. It fucks with pair bonding. A woman who can’t cum and can’t fall in love is just a sex toy. I know this because way back I had a regular booty call who was on them, and for the life of me I couldn’t get her to cum until she went off her meds for a week, at which point she got off absurdly easily.

He is right, though, not to “try to make her cum” or “focus on her pleasure”. It will not work and it’s bad frame. At the same time, trying to get yourself off as fast as possible is not the point either. Don’t focus on her and don’t focus on you. Sex is fun, just enjoy the moment.

As for technique, it is hard to put into words, but don’t fuck with your dick, fuck with your hips, in the same way that you don’t focus your attention on the bat you are swinging when you play baseball. To throw a good punch, you aim at a point behind your opponent’s head, and punch “through” them, not “at” them, and to fuck good, it is the same, fuck like you are fucking through her. Don’t think about what you see in porn. The dudes in porn are fags who can’t lay it down right, because they need to shoot from angles that leave the guy out of the frame. You should be holding her down or even pulling her into you as you thrust, and sometimes you should ram it into her as hard as if you were deadlifting or squatting, something no sex toy can replicate. If you are going balls deep, your pelvic bone will be hitting her clit just as your hog rams into her cervix, but that is an angle that doesn’t fly in pornos, so you don’t see it. I don’t mess around with foreplay very much- just enough to aesthetically enjoy her body and get her wet enough that I can fit in and get to work.

My frame, and I sincerely believe it, is that she cannot fail to cum when I fuck her like a werewolf, and I am rarely disappointed in that. I have a big hog, but you can satisfy most woman with a single finger, and even if you have a small dick, it’s bigger than a finger.

If you cum too fast, no apologies, no excuses, tell her good girl, you got me off fast, then you can play around with her body for a few minutes until you are ready to go again. If it’s been a while, I can go five or six times in a night, though I’ve never met a woman who can take it for that long.

Varna says:

Agree with Aidan on the hip movement.

Sometimes guys have very frozen waists and pelvises and it takes weeks of self-work to gradually unfreeze them muscle by muscle. Lower back too.

Until that point, while still an awkward stiff robot, placing a non-giant pillow under her ass can help control the angle and depth in a mutually satisfying manner, but the ideal is to have a functioning flexible hip-action pelvis thrust, and be able to do the deed well in any position.

After the initial banging to establish what’s what, the next ones can be more “expansive”.

When you learn to expand you attention to the whole situation and absorb (and control) the details, with no fretting or fantasies in your mind, just the moment–then ejaculation control becomes easier and easier. The penis becomes one (central) limb within a larger scenario, with lips and hands participating, guiding her internal experience.

That’s the point where you can go on for hours (going closer or further from orgasm via managing speed and depth) if you wish, or you can let yourself go and build up and finish within a minute. While she’s tripping balls internally.

Fëanor says:

Sometimes guys have very frozen waists and pelvises and it takes weeks of self-work to gradually unfreeze them muscle by muscle. Lower back too.

I have encountered this problem myself. Presumably there are non-sexual exercises that can help with it, but I am not sure what they are.

Varna says:

Men’s frozen waists can be unfrozen with a fornight or a month of
– focused mild stretching,
– self-massage for 10min a couple of times a day (always very very careful and gentle at base of spine, always the tissues around the spine never the spine itself)
– 2-3 minutes of early vintage rock’n’roll
– faggy aerobic stuff, including hip rotation

It all looks silly until you start getting very fast results.

Sometimes men get sucked into the division of “fags are fluid and flexible while real men are stiff and wooden”.

This is likely at least to an extent based on peasants and workers (and trad merchants and even aristos) getting frozen lower backs at an early age due to the effects of what they do, and the status of the stiff alphas gradually creating the image of the “real man” having the visual symptoms that the alphas used to develop. But in all classes after say 30-40 men tended to get locked up and stiff in the joints early on, especially in cold and wet climes.

When porn actresses give fake moans, those do not come from nowhere. Those are based on authentic moans of a woman losing control, which we now associate with fake whores. Even self-directed dirty talk can be authentic free-flow at peak sex tripping, as opposed to cringy fake shit.

When strip dancers do snake-like movements running their hands up and down themselves, this also does not come from nowhere. Authentically over-excited women (with non-blocked bodies) do move like snakes and do touch their bodies while sensual currents flow through them. But today we associate this with fake stripper behavior.

Likewise when low level hoodlums of all sorts walk with an exaggerated expansiveness, shoulders and hips rotating, limbs a-swinging, this makes them look like retarded clowns. But this is also a moron-filtered imitation of the authentic condition of being an unfrozen, flexible, cat-like male. Think Simon Templar as described by the Leslie Charteris or Conan as described by Robert E Howard.

Or, in a very exaggerated and hyperbolic manner, the vintage negro pimps in Tom Wolfe’s old essay about the flack-catchers.

Non-frozen waist and neck (shoulders), non-drab core, non-drab leg muscles–that’s the ticket.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The anatomy of the ball-and-socket joints is designed for changing position, while the anatomy of the spine is designed for holding a position.

So more or less by definition, the most common issue in the general population is not enough movement in the sockets and too much movement in the spine.

Tangential lifehack: don’t sit to shit, squat to shit.

Fëanor says:

not being sure that they cummed when we fucked

Obviously you want them to. But worrying too much about it is bad frame, as Aidan has said.

offering them breakfast

Make her cook it.

I jest, but only slightly. If she volunteers to make you breakfast, don’t let her leave. (I have had girls once or twice offer when I was at their place, but not when they were at mine—I suppose it is somewhat awkward to go barging into someone’s refrigerator…)

Pooch says:

I think Jim has touched on this before but after the first bang if at your place you want to kick her out afterwards, if feasible. She should be wondering if you are having another girl coming over.

Fëanor says:

Jim undoubtedly knows more than I but man I’m not sure about that one. Seems like a great way to have her get fucked by someone else before she makes it back. If this were the Old Testament, she would not leave, ever.

If you are having another girl over, I say the more the merrier, lol.

Aidan says:

I spent most of my womanizing career either living in a dorm with roommates or at my parents’ house/apartment, so I can’t say which is best. (though there is nothing that cultivates ZFG like banging a girl in a small apartment that you share with your mother) Roommates coming back and parents being home is a very good excuse to kick a girl out.

When I would bang girls at my own place, I’d often let them spend the night, because I’m a horny bastard and I like taking them again in the morning or middle of the night. And then I’d make them leave at some point during the next morning when I had things to do. Kicking a girl out makes her think you are higher status, makes her chase you, so it’s the right move when you need to secure your status. But banging her again in the morning light when the both of you are stone cold sober will make her feel owned. Pros and cons.

What to avoid is clinginess and giving her the impression that you want or need her to stay for as long as possible. Should seem, if you’re keeping her over, that it is totally routine and natural for you to wake up with a girl in your bed, it’s all part of enjoying a fling. Not beta when James Bond wakes up with some naked chick twisted up in his bedsheets.

Fëanor says:

Incidentally, what is it with the “starving artist”? Have never really understood the appeal the type has to women, unless having a lot of people paying attention to you is just that much of a hack to the female psyche, even if the attention is somewhat distant and abstract, and not enough to pay the bills either.

Leon says:

They are raging narcissists. They are tempermental, don’t really give a damn what the woman thinks and full of themselves. Constant highs and lows. Chick crack.

Leon says:

To use a mythology angle, Aphrodite didn’t just fuck Ares. She also fucked Hermes. She just never fucked Hephaestus.

Aidan says:

The brooding loner artist type doesn’t do well with women, but faggy, histrionic men, which overlaps with “artist” tend to do well at getting laid, because they incessantly babble, and women see men’s disinclination to pop them in the jaw as proof that he is the alpha who can run his mouth off. But, in most places and most times, the annoying fag would get popped in the jaw, and act more humble.

However, that type is exceptionally bad at keeping women around; their relationships are always short, dramatic, and unstable. It’s a mating strategy for weak men to seduce wives and daughters, and thus men need to pop the little shit in the mouth, or at least make a credible threat of it.

notglowing says:

>when you see some cunty feminist bitching that all sex is rape
Those that I have seen online are clearly the opposite, they are openly fantasizing about it
I’m not denying the overall point though.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The ‘all sex is rape’ meme is perhaps the most succinct example out there of the ironic female tendency to end up describing their own desires when accusing a man of something.

Aidan says:

Should clarify. Sometimes you will see a woman complaining that “women don’t actually enjoy sex, they just go along with it because of societal pressure”, and that’s what I’m talking about. The feminists who fantasize about rape are vastly more common.

Deebly Concerned Citezen says:


Here is one of the greatest extreme dieting channels ever, Sv3rige, going through his latest breakdown and disastrous breakup:

He married that bitch a couple of months ago. It’s over already.

It’s always sobering to find out that most men still have no idea about women.

A2 says:

Part of growing up is to learn not run towards the red flags. The various birds with broken wings that meep pathetically at you are thus as a rule not relationship material, even if you do feel a twinge in your heart. Please note that if she furthermore looks kind of hot it will be even worse. The counterintuitive wisdom of NRx.

“Catherine came to me as a desperate attempt to get away from her abusive, narcissist father / family. ”

Case in point, though I believe the commenters here already have read the plentiful commentary on this.

f6187 says:

Sv3rige was long on mumbling psychobabble and short on salient points. No wonder she regards him as weak. Yes, she’s an irresponsible narcissist with a dismal attitude and a serious daddy issue, but if he could think and act more incisively he might have recognized that sooner and either changed her into a Samantha Stephens or dumped her over the side. Easier said than done, but needs to be done.

chris says:

My university might be going in the direction of mandating vaccinations for its staff and students.

The vaccines currently available are;
AstraZeneca – risk of blood clots
Moderna – risk of heart inflammation
Pfizer – mRNA technology that isn’t long term tested.
Possibly Novavax which may become available in November.

If one had to get one of these vaccines, (unable to get a religious or medical exemption), would the Novavax one be the best as it is based on traditional vaccine technologies and trials on 30 000 people show no evidence of myopericarditis or thrombosis?

(I am one year away from finishing an electrical engineering and computer science degree which is a 5 year commitment and which I would not want to drop out of in the last year.)

Alfred says:

Any vaccine with the spike protean causes myopericarditis and thrombosis. That’s the nature of the COVID spike protean. How bad a case of it you get is depended on the amount of spike proteins in the vaccine and if the jab fails to hit the blood stream. Studies show that despite all the vaccines are suppose to be injected in muscle tissue 12 out of 14 people getting the vaccines show spike proteins in their blood. The clotting then causes damage to the Circulatory system, but the amount of damaged varies a lot from person to person and drug to drug, with Moderna being the worst.

I recommend you don’t get any of them. Take a year off from school instead.

If you do have to take one, make sure you are taking blood thinners like aspirin, blood protection drugs ivermectin and nicotine ahead of time and during the first month to reduce damage. After getting the vaccine stop to any sort of heavy physical activity until your blood cells are recycled completely(120days). Myopericarditis is made worse by exercise.

Karl says:

If you do have to take one (unlikely at present anywhere), use suction cups to get the poison out of your body. Have some in you backpack (and a sharp knife, and bandages for dressing a small wound) and immediately after getting the shot, go to a toilet and treat the puncture site like you were bitten by a very poisonous snake.

If you are right handed, make sure you get the injection into your left arm (or some other accesible place)

Varna says:

Also self-isolate for real for a fortnight after any hypothetical shots.

Natural immunity to other shit takes a nosedive while the body deals with the injected shit, so for a few days or weeks people have Freddie Mercury levels of defenses against viruses and bacteria.

Luckily, important people have decreed that if anything happens during the first 14 days, it’s registered as happening to an “unvaccinated person”.

So spend a few days chilling and boosting your immunity before hand, and then great care for the first two weeks after, while the natural defenses are overworked handling the introduced toxins.

Also, put off any boosters as long as possible. If your body is constantly overstimulated to produce insane levels of antibodies, this may gradually grind down natural immunity the way HIV grinds it down through constant overstimulation.

Once this happens, the over-jabbed start getting typical AIDS pneumonias, which luckily important people have decreed are “new variants due to the unvaxxed”.

They’re already preparing the narrative that the flu is back and “when it combines with covid” this will lead to twice the deaths.

Also the first wave of “the worst flu ever” has already hit the UK.
The narrative is that those who experience it are lucky to be vaccinated, because otherwise it could have killed them and may in fact be covid all along.

And that’s after two jabs. After enough mass boosters as “everybody gets AIDS” metaphorically speaking, the “worst flu ever” and the “bad combination of covid and the flu” will turn into full-fledged super-pneumonia waves.

The less shots, the higher the chances the natural immunity will still work.

The pharma-corps are already preparing daily pills which people should take in order “to stay protected”, in essence turning billions of people into AIDS sufferers who need daily pills to not get pneumonia every half hour.

But that’s still a few months away. For now it’s only “the worst flu ever” that’s kicking off this highly interesting winter of shortages and blackouts.

If you’re lucky, you can get off this ride after one round of jabbing. But the deeper you go into the booster cycle, the more likely you’ll have to spend your life being a good goy in order to earn the daily pills that keep AIDS symptoms at bay.

Varna says:

Sweden has a sudden eruption of respiratory infections already right now, so… we should all get lots of sleep and do vitamins and liquids, gurgle listerine to keep the throat protected, and sit back and watch the approach of a very exciting winter.

Varna says:

Here, found it.

Vintage Soviet revaccination experiments on guinea pigs 1968-1974.

By the third revaccination the monophagic antibody response is depleted.

I.e. after the second “booster” a lot of people are going to need to take daily pills for GRIDS fags to survive.

Although you can already see the gradual shift in the dominant narrative. At first the vaccinated were “bulletproof”, but today they’re already almost treated like immunocompromised wretches who are mortally threatened by selfish purebloods and their aggressive natural immune systems.

Nonsense of course, but based on guilt-tripping inversions which have become the basis of policy over the last half century.

Should not have allowed that to happen, in hindsight. Now’s the time to put on the “everyone has AIDS” song from Team America.

pyrrhus says:

Any vaccine that does not contain mRNA or other genetic engineering stuff in it would be safer than Pfizer et al…

chris says:

So that would be Novavax which is a subunit vaccine. Hopefully I don’t have to get any.

Sole Poster says:

How does one handle the red pill on women while staying sane and healthy?

I have been reading this blog for a year. There is something disturbing regarding many of the threads on this post, something downright disgusting not about the content of Aidan’s thread rather that the subject matter of what he describes is ignored or accepted as “moral” by everyone around him and that there is no way to get around it. Like “the Wall and settling” my parents married when my dad was 30 and my mom 32, and she had me at 37, and that no one seems to find it disturbing or evil. There is a part of me that refuses to accept “taming a whore” as you put it.

I am a college-age musician attending conservatory in New York City, and there is a loneliness as all of my friends and family are hardcore progressives. I am maintaining my studies, but there is a part of me which refuses to accept the red pill, “getting gud” with women, and I am afraid that if I don’t figure something out I am going to fall apart. As men fight and suffer for women and progeny, how does one deal with the part of him which wants “puppy love,” doesn’t want to “tame the whore,” and can look at all of what surrounds him while staying sane? Is there something I am missing?

Cancel says:

I tend to agree with you.

Most commenters here will tell you to pretend to be someone you’re not in order to get a woman and keep her in line, which if you’re successful at will involve you pretending for the rest of your life in order to keep your wife. (Even jim admitted failing at this and losing a woman. Imagine failing and losing your wife lol)

Or you can incorporate the knowledge on women here into your identity and just be yourself and let the chips fall where they may.

Pretending to be someone I’m not for the rest of my life seems a worse prospect than dying alone and childless, but being myself still gets me laid now and then, so I’ll take my chances. YMMV.

jim says:

Men are always on stage. We can never be ourselves when women are around, but as time passes, you grow into the role.

Cancel says:


What role would you have to play to get and keep a 3?

alf says:

Depends on your relative value. If you are a 2, better role your ass off. If you are a 6, provided you’d want to marry a 3, merely giving her your attention will be enough most of the time, although being a woman, she will still give you the occasional shit-test as sure as the sun sets.

In response to OP: the trick is to play your role in a manner you enjoy. There is a part in all men that enjoys being an asshole some of the time.

Cancel says:

The whole point is that men’s value is relative.

I’d rather start a cult to get pussy and fail rather than pretend to be someone I’m not my entire life to keep a woman. The latter is the worst sort of bugman death that could only be dreamt up in this depraved age as a solution to the woman problem.

jim says:

Your demons are telling you you are not that man. Become that man.

Cancel says:

Message received.

Varna says:

The “show the real me” thing is mostly a mirage.

You show different aspects of yourself to different people in different contexts. A to close friends, B to colleagues, C to relatives, D to spouse, E to online strangers, F to safe looking strangers, G to iffy looking strangers, H to people you’re negotiating with, and so forth.

Sometimes the sum of those different aspects is the real you, sometimes it’s the sum plus additional stuff you’ve kept from everyone.

The fact that you’ll only have to show certain sides of yourself when with your woman is a given. Just organize life so that you don’t always have to be with her 24/7, and also regular times away “on business” or “fishing expeditions” or what have you.

Some people need a bit of daily time away to recharge, while others–more extended periods out of town.

If you find a good balance it’s not agony always showing only certain aspects of yourself. If the balance is off then yes, it’s agony. But not inherently. Only because the tuning is off.

alf says:

Yet for some strange reason the love I share with my current woman is a thousand times more genuine than the love I thought I shared in failed blue pill relationships.

Cancel says:

I believe you Alf. I admire you and wish you the best.

Aidan says:

I don’t feel like I’m pretending to be someone I’m not. I am a man- there is a part of my soul that rides with Attila. Maybe it’s a caste thing, but even if you are a spiritual peasant, there is a tough-as-roots old farmer in you who does not take shit from his wife. Your ancestors survived a mountain of staggering hardships that would probably crush you the way you are now. There is a boar in every pig. When pigs escape into the wild, it doesn’t take many generations for them to grow bristle and tusks. It’s in your blood.

That inner strength is not playing someone you are not. It’s a vestigial part of you that’s been made weak and locked away, and it’s necessary to get in touch with it. In a liberalism that pretends to value authenticity, showing or not showing different parts of yourself to different people is considered “playing a role”, but it’s not. It’s simple good human nature to summon the powers within you to accomplish certain tasks and temporarily suppress other parts of yourself that are counterproductive to the task at hand.

Being myself did not work too well when I was high school age, but being myself works very well right now, because I grew stronger and resolved the tensions within myself. Jim said that the blue pill is like being possessed by demons, and he is right. It muddles your thoughts and your actions. When I read the posts of blue pilled men in crisis, it is like they are trapped in hell.

Yul Bornhold says:

“I am a man- there is a part of my soul that rides with Attila. Maybe it’s a caste thing, but even if you are a spiritual peasant, there is a tough-as-roots old farmer in you who does not take shit from his wife.”

This is searing burst of white pill that stands alone in the same way as “do unto other as ye would have them do unto thee.” Needs no further explanation. The blue-pillers can make no answer beyond bleating about toxic masculinity.

The rest of the explanation; the boars from pigs, the ancestral hardships, inner strength; that’s all very well and helpful for anyone interested in what you’re saying but they’re also the parts the enemy will instinctively seize upon in his rebuttal because the first part is so powerfully true.

Dalrock was powerful because he stated the blue pill in real words. When you bring it into the light, there are few things uglier. “You should take shit from you wife because that thing between her legs is holy and you can only appease it by cringing before her.”

restitutor_orbis says:

I think the entire concept of an “authentic self” or “real self” needs to be rejected. It’s a grotesque distortion of good Greek wisdom “know thyself’ perverted into new age memetics that weaken you.

I see the so-called “authentic self” as a foundation you build on to achieve arete. It’s the starting point, not the destination. Per Aristotle, a man becomes what a man habitually does.

A man is a hero who habitually does heroic things. A man is a coward who habitually does cowardly things. And every habit starts with a day where you wake up and say “today I will begin.”

If you want to be a man who has a particular type of wife, starting doing the things that man does. Do it long enough and you become that man.

jim says:

> I think the entire concept of an “authentic self” or “real self” needs to be rejected.

Absolutely: “Authentic self” is your demons telling you that you are those demons.

You create your own self.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

‘Finding myself’ is the eternal solipsism of the post-modern mind.

The sense of a thing can only be understood through relation to something beyond that thing; but the nuager rejects reference to any supervention of more transcendent teleologies at work in the course of Being, and hence is left only with tautological masturbation.

It has no capacity for discriminating between the value of one thing or another in any principled way, operating then primarily on an uncritical recourse to the caprice of impulses that themselves were shaped by forces far beyond them.

jim says:

> there is a part of me which refuses to accept the red pill, “getting gud” with women

That part is weakness and fear

The red pill will make you mentally ill if you try to cling to blue pill morality. Recognize blue pill morality as demonic, cast out those demons, and you will be healthy.

You think you are clinging to your demons, but your demons are clinging to you.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I do not think it is just fear, but there is a great part that is. There is also the distaste that someone who wants a proper pair-bonding has with the hardened sluts that you have to deal with in college. College girls are usually not worth the time, and those who are are snapped up almost instantly. It is really rather repulsive the shit they get up to at school. It turned me off of dealing with women for a while.

That said, a starving man has few options other than dumpster diving. A man has to eat, and a man has to fuck. If you can only fuck sluts, then that is who you have to fuck. A hobo does not turn up a half eaten hamburger in a dumpster, and you do not get to turn up the used-up disasters that are college girls. Once you work your way through a few, you will find that they improve their attitudes once you establish yourself as the man. If they do not, then dump them and move on to the next.

That is why the red pill is not about the women per se but the restoration of patriarchy, which to my surprise, has few takers even in dissident right circles. 90% of women troubles would disappear in a functional traditional patriarchy and the remaining 10% can be easily handled by the individual men concerned without fear of state interference in private affairs.

The problem is that we see the results of blue pilled society all around us and the way women behave reflects the present social order rather than the other way round. Remembering that alone will make your perspective better.

I think you should rename the WQ as the PQ – patriarchy question- because everything boils down to that.

Atavistic Morality says:

As men fight and suffer for women and progeny, how does one deal with the part of him which wants “puppy love,” doesn’t want to “tame the whore,” and can look at all of what surrounds him while staying sane?

Reevaluate your priors.

What part of you wants puppy love and why? Why do you not want to “tame the whore”?

Consider this: when boys are young they naturally “tame the whore” with girls, pulling their hair and being “mean” to them. Did you do the same? Why did you stop? If you never began, why didn’t you ever begin?

No one can give you the answer which you must find within yourself, looking inside of you and find the truth, what is really a part of you and what was put there by someone else?

Aidan says:

I have written in the past to not show weakness to a woman. That does not mean you cannot be tender, kind, or affectionate with your woman, does not mean you be an emotional robot, it means that you cannot betray anxiety, fear, and powerlessness to your woman.

My girl believes that if there is hardship, I will endure it, if there is a problem, I will solve it, and if there is danger, I will defeat it. Loving and cherishing is not weakness, in the same way that playing with a dog or small child is not weakness. If you are the most alpha man she has been with, you will get “puppy love” indeed from her, and ensuring that you are the most alpha she’s had is the essence of what I advise.

The blue pill involves using your woman as an emotional toilet; your morality is as disgusting to me as mine is to you. I’m not joking. Strength is beautiful and weakness is ugly- unloading your weakness onto your girl is as disgusting and wrong to me as dressing up in drag and taking a shit on her chest, and she will internally react with the same disgust and horror. I refrain from displaying fear and distress in much the same way I do not shit and piss my pants.

The blue pill mixed with the red pill is that we are reluctantly playing a character that women like, because we are doing things for womens’ sake and accommodating their nature (the only part of the red pill you accept), that it is hard and miserable for us to not treat women like second halves and soulmates and all that crap. Give me a fucking break.

I am fulfilling the natural order, and it is pleasant and satisfying. I know what men and women are for, and what they are not for. There is moral and spiritual force behind my assertion that men control their fear and weakness like we control our bowels. I do not have to restrain myself from slipping into the blue pill because the blue pill is not the default- it is demons fucking with your brain, malware that prevents your masculine inclination toward the natural order from running properly. The blue pill is gut-level disgusting and unnatural to me. So make an effort to understand my perspective.

neofugue says:

> the blue pill involves using your woman as an emotional toilet

This is perhaps the most succinct summation of the blue pill for men.

Therapy as a profession is based on using licensed professionals as emotional toilets. Using the analogy of avoiding defecation around others, it is as if one were hiring a peeping sodomite. If a man faces problems he must act, not wait for mommy/therapist/female to save him.

There is a spiritual gap between one’s heart and one’s mind, and while OP has accepted the intellectual red pill he has yet to accept the spiritual red pill. Through forgiveness, repentance and humility he will be able to accept his predicament and make the best out of his current situation. The red pill on women is not only that women should be women and not men, but also that men should be men and not women.

Oak says:

> the blue pill involves using your woman as an emotional toilet

This is perhaps the most succinct summation of the blue pill for men.

I know men who are stoic and unemotional around their women, but could be described as bluepilled.

I think in essnce the bluepill is the presumption that certain traits that men would find attractive in a son in law (high investment in one woman, protective instinct/not putting them in danger; more generally, pro-social behaviour towards other good men, adding value to a tribe/society) are inherently attractive to women and will be rewarded with reproductive success by feral women.

Hence, one could be bluepilled on the WQ, but be alpha/high status (as men understand status). The importance of the redpill is understanding that what you respect about yourself or other men won’t necessarily translate into attraction in a woman (for higher races) or even be detected by them in the first place. Hence the need to be on a stage for women, and, at the the societal level, to give pro-civic men the means to demonstrate status in ways women understand (e.g. cruelty in response to dyscivic behaviour, enforcing physical deference of men of lower civic value, allowing only good men to carry big weapons and wear ostentatious clothing to cater to women’s more primitive detection of status).

Boy from Mama's Basement says:

[*deleted for being way off topic*]

c4ssidy says:

what could actually be off topic on here? people bring up all types of random subjects

jim says:

In the current world, almost everything from obesity, exercise, dieting, education, architecture, to history, to who is the new Israel, what Gods should we worship, and how should we worship them, is unfortunately political.

But not everything.

Leon says:

Is it worth it to buy a house in the USA right now? Rent and housing keeps going up in price, even in red states. I keep getting told that the housing bubble will pop but it just keeps trucking on. That might just be normalcy bias anyways.

jim says:


We are heading into massive inflation.

Cat says:

If I cannot afford a home in the west right now, what is my best course of action? A fixed interest loan seems like it would make sense, allowing me to lock in current (relatively) low interest rates, which will then inflate into very low to no interest rates. Alternatively, I could invest in real estate indices.

Would one of those two be my best courses of action, or should I invest in something else entirely? (Excluding cryptocurrency).

PSeudo-Chrysostom says:

Step 0: not excluding cryptocurrency.

Cat says:

Already have a small amount of cryptocurrency, thats why I excluded it. Need other assets that will perform well during inflation, like real estate. Never bet the house.

Alfred says:

Get some friends to go in with on a house.

Pooch says:


jinn says:

When massive inflation hits, what countries are likely to be affected? Inflation is already happening across Europe too. Will Swiss Francs be safe? Will currency in Eastern Europe and/or South East Asia be safe? Or will the whole world economy hit the fan?

I ask because I am not in a position to buy property in USA but could pick up a house elsewhere.

Alfred says:

Anyone on the Petrodollar is going to get fucked. Russia on the other hand should do very well.

jim says:

While the similar causes are likely to have similar effects, each national currency will follow its own path, with most of them decoupling from the dollar eventually.

Varna says:

Many if not most EE countries can be self-sufficient in the basic foodstuffs and even clothes and shit if the global system undergoes an eruption of entropy that could cause real chaos and suffering in places like France, Germany, Britain, and the like.

Back in Soviet Empire times many “approved systemic virtues” were dialectical combinations of opposites. For example extreme centralized control was combined with also extreme promotion of local ethnic identities and histories. Every region answered to the center, but every region was also a mini-country in many respects. Which is why even these days if some chunk of Ukraine or Georgia changes hands or goes solo, or some chunk of Serbia or Moldova, they have the deep infrastructure to instantly pull off either independence or reintegration into a neighbor. Like Legos.

Likewise, while EE were very integrated into a common market of communist countries, self-sufficiency in the North Korean sense was also seen as a parallel virtue.

It was a question of national pride to make your own washing machines, TV sets, primitive computers, your own Kalashnikovs and your own clothes, to have your own own pharma and their own auto industry, no matter how small and poor the country, since it wasn’t a matter of short-term market logic, but rather a matter of combining hyper-internationalist solidarity with hyper-nationalist pride.

Combining this knowhow and experience heritage with the very very low population density of almost all EE countries today, plus no imported third worlder population chunks, means that big civilizational storms below the level of all out war–these places will ride them out with comparative ease, by falling back on old habits.

As mentioned above, territorially as well–the countries are made up of “lego pieces” which can fall away and go solo, or recombine into new configurations with other “lego pieces”, and still make it. Every “mother ship” is made up of smaller “emergency pods” per the old timey schizo Soviet Empire logic of hyper-centralized hyper-decentralization.

Even if half the injected with the clot shot get aids– EE will tighten its belt and survive. Also their cultural memory is about tenfold richer in “picking up the pieces and moving on” moments in the 20th century alone, compared to most western places.

(Places like Indonesia or the Philippines on the other hand, look to me as more fragile systems, whose balance between population density and theoretical self-sufficiency in case of global disruptions is not quite as favorable. EE is “prepper country” in the global disruption sense, even if they themselves don’t really see it that way)

Then you’ve got your multi-vector players like Montenegro, Serbia, and Belarus. They’re trying to balance the West with Russia and increasingly China. The positive of this is that even if one or two of those powers lose interest in stabilizing these small places, due perhaps to internal problems, one will always remain in the game. If the west and Russia are out–China will step in. If China is out–Russia will step in. If Russia and China are out–the west will step in.

The negative is that in times of geopolitical tension it’s these places where coups and overturned elections and theatrical assassinations and engineered separatist/border conflicts could likely take place.

Right now inflation is hitting everyone everywhere, since the dollar influences everyone everywhere. People are thus investing what they have into real estate. Thus prices there are growing. But growing compared to prior local prices, not compared to the really expensive places.

So now is still a good time to buy a place somewhere in south-east EE, by the sea, or in the mountains, or in some nice medium-sized city. I’m not sure if they all allow foreigners to buy property though.

I would stay away from the most globohomo EE countries such as, seen today by the vax mandate enthusiasm, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Slovenia.

Pooch says:

Yes but I would only buy a house that I personally would live in in a outer suburbs/exurbs/rural county that is overwhelmingly majority white (at least ~80%) and majority Trump voting (at least ~60%). Anything else, and you are at risk at buying into a future niggerhood.

Rental properties are another story, I would buy anything where the numbers make sense.

Kunning Drueger says:

You should remove suburbs and exurbs from that list. Just went through the whole process. Made it into a rural zone, but if one greedy/tired/old farmer quits the fight, my defense-in-depth calculations could be adopted-by-gays fucked. Subdivisions are a powerful tool completely unused by the Right. What’s more, I can’t figure out how to argue against them. The land belongs to the farmer. The developers are just chasing profit. The contractors are feeding families. The denizens are NPCs. I know this is a post post-coup-complete issue, but I wonder how a Jimian Christian King would deal with mass migration of the momentarily moneyed to rural areas without falling down the slippery slope of central planning.

The Cominator says:

“I know this is a post post-coup-complete issue, but I wonder how a Jimian Christian King would deal with mass migration of the momentarily moneyed to rural areas”

Why would they need to do anything about it?

Kunning Drueger says:

Turning away from the men of the farms in favor of the worms in the cities is always an initial step in decline. Rural areas need to be protected by the king, not some scribe or representative. As I said, post post-coup complete, so probably not relevant, but ruling North America is an incredible challenge for a single leader. Protecting the status and capacity of the farmers, and their sons and daughters, should be a fairly high priority. Suburbs are a waste of good farmland. If men with hollow chests wish to be clumped together, let them do it in the cities. If a suburb is organized into minimum 7 acre plots that cannot be combined or appropriated for non-agronomy use, I think it might work out. But I think you’d be hard pressed to argue for large concentrations of commuters. No ties to the land, easily swayed into laziness, and fertile ground for hedonic misadventure. I guess it could work as a transition state, but probably better to send young men into the wilderness or foreign lands if they need external motivation to become good citizens.

The Cominator says:

Cities are due to decline due to technological developments if we avoid a dark age anyway.. The last thing you want to do is force people to stay in them.

Pooch says:

Why remove exurbs or small towns? I want armed Amerikaner neighbors around me that I’m in cooperate-cooperate with.

Alfred says:

Pooch is right, you need Amerikaners at your backs.

Kunning Drueger says:

Maybe I misunderstood. I thought the question was where is a good place to buy property. I think the suburbs are better than cities, but not by much and not for much longer. Virginia is the best example, but I’m sure there are plenty of other states (Colorado? Arizona?) that have based rural areas but are overwhelmed by blue suburbs. In my experience, Joe Biden is the new garden gnome.

That said, small towns are an option. But it is becoming apparent that we need to make massed moves. Especially in low population density areas, it doesn’t take that many highly capable people to effect dramatic changes. The NJ election fraud machine has been exported to the Mid-Atlantic with great success for Soros. They targeted assumedly safe red states and slipped enough turncoats under the wire and dominated state elections. Maybe that method could go both ways?

jim says:

> Maybe that method could go both ways?

No. Works for the left because power.

Kunning Drueger says:

I thought as much, but I don’t want to discourage nascent Trumps, Musks, and Theils. There is honor in fighting losing battles.

Pooch says:

Cities and the inner suburbs are toast. Where the outer suburbs meet the countryside (exurbs) and small towns, as long as they haven’t been race replaced yet, are likely to be defensible by close-knit communities and seem ideal to me. Isolated farmers with no neighbors and no tribe tended to have a rough go at it in prior collapses.

Kunning Drueger says:

I had an incorrect definition of “exurbs” in my head. I thought they were suburbs directly next to urban areas, but they are in fact the opposite. And they are a great place to be.

If anyone comes to us for advice on land, I think we should say “go rural,” and leave it at that.

jim says:

I live in an exurb – they are great. Seems to me that everyone who matters is moving.

Aidan says:

I was gonna say, you live in one man. Though the name is also used to refer to the mcmansion developments that get stuck out in rural areas, at the extreme range of city commuting.

Cloudswrest says:

Does it seem to anybody else that the amount of *IMPLICIT* fedposting has gone way up lately? By “implicit” I don’t mean calls to “do a terror”. I mean news and information, primarily on alternative networks, that’s guaranteed to make a red blooded white man’s blood boil. A few immediate examples:

The crackdown in Australia on the unvaxed

The two female student rapes by a tranny student and the coverup by the school board, and the beat down of one of the girls’ father by the police.

Bullshit videos like Kamala Harris chatting with children who turned out to be actors!

I’ll have to turn off media for awhile.

Pooch says:

They are hoping, praying, and salivating at the prospect of a “domestic terrorist” doing actual terror. Don’t feed into it. Yes the Western world is collapsing around you. Yes it is absurd, shocking, and outrageous. Learn to reach into your limbic system and turn off all emotion about it. Complete calmness needs to be the response.

Kunning Drueger says:

Pooch and I rarely seem to agree, but I think he’s dead on the money. I would bet that the Female Bureau of Inquisition has started to realize they need cassus belli and it isn’t happening fast enough, meaning the lower and mid-level cunts will be sharpening the knives of “streamlining” and reorganization. I know the Feds we may be/seem to be encountering are morons, but the OSINT wing of DHS is actually pretty good at aggregating data that can be engineered to be “””evidence.”””

It’s a very interesting time, or so it seems to me, because I feel like there are plenty of events that could emasculate any nascent knives in the normie sheepdog crowd, but for the first time in my living memory it also seems like a lot of events that could snowball very quickly. Wulfgar and others were discussing the possibility of another Waco and the ramifications thereof. I’m of the opinion that the Feds could touch off a “controlled burn” that spins out of control because of their religious blindness, baseline incompetence, or some other factor.

If the Voice is actually trying to start a fire at the behest of their psyop handlers, it pretty much proves Jim’s analysis that it’s incompetent turtles all the way down.

Fëanor says:

the Feds we may be/seem to be encountering are morons

I have begun to think that perhaps there are no feds, and what we are calling feds are legitimately just hapless autists. In which case I do feel sorry for them, although not telling them where to get underage girls or whatever is probably for their own good.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

That’s funny; i have often felt that many of the folk who post here might originally have come to do no good, but ended up flipping after a while of exposure.

jim says:

I have had very long conversations with very persistent feds, and the conversations make no sense unless a computer is scoring their output, and problematic texts get sent to human resources.

Aidan says:

Autists tend to be responsive to your arguments when you engage them. If they refuse to even acknowledge your point, there is probably someone looking over their shoulder.

I remember getting into conversations with an incel account on twitter that held the mutually contradictory beliefs that women do a lot of dogfucking, and that their attraction to men was based only on that man’s bone structure, and when I pointed out that dogs have nothing resembling an attractive human’s bone structure, the point went completely ignored. When I posted pictures of hot girls with their ugly drug dealer boyfriends, the point went ignored. It is not that he sperged out, or got mad at me, he completely ignored what I was saying and went right on with what sounded like a script. I presume the account was run by an agent to incite sexless men into planning violence and then arrest them.

Fëanor says:

Yes, inciters are probably feds, but most of the accused feds that I recall on here specifically were either proposing IRL meetups or asking for potentially incriminating information, which I think are as likely to be done by noobs unaware of the danger of infiltration, as by actual infiltrators.

On a side note, committing violence against more successful men is the natural reaction of a man shut out of the sexual market, and in the ancestral environment presumably worked quite well sometimes, but Elliot Rodger etc. seem to be exempt from the usual female tendency to simp for mass murderers.

Prophet says:

Maybe killing (attracts women) and being an incel (repels women due to mate choice copying) canceled each other out = indifference.

Fëanor says:

Indeed, it seems to be a much broader truth, that if you do anything specifically to get women, especially if you admit this, you will get no women, even if you are doing something that would normally get you lots of women.

Frame trumps everything.

Dave says:

Women simp for living mass murderers, not dead ones. See e.g. all the girls crushing on Dzokar Tsarnaev and none on his dead brother Tamerlan, even though the latter was more of a badass. Girls want guys who kill people and don’t die. Their instincts have no concept of “life without parole”.

Varna says:


They do simp for dead rock musicians for a while, though.

Dave says:

Only because they don’t believe Elvis is really dead.

2:45 says:

There is a certain forum I read from time to time. The population there consists of maybe fifty or sixty regular posters, a few hundred or so rare posters, and maybe a thousand lurkers at peak. This group of people has been hanging out online for the better part of two decades now. I met quite a few of them in person in the early days, when I was working in the same field as most of them. The current forum isn’t technically the same as the one they started on but the group of people is essentially the same, with some younger additions, and the group dynamics haven’t changed.

They behave EXACTLY as you describe. They have their ideological premises – leftist ones. If one presents concrete evidence that the premise is wrong, they simply refuse to process it. They do not discuss it. They do not engage the truth or falsehood question. At best, they declare it “obviously” wrong and the person who brought it up “shitty”. Afterward, the matter is no longer addressed. The premise continues to be presented as true, and all participants in subsequent discussions continue to take it as true. References to contrary evidence are met with denials or genuine incomprehension.
They have been behaving this way for as long as I have known them – like I said, the better part of two decades. I know the day jobs for many of them. I have personally worked with some of them.

If they are feds, it is a deep cover operation that has been going on since George Bush the Younger, supporting cover identities and occupations throughout that time, and the possible intended audiences for the deception are so marginal that for such an op to exist, similar things would be so common that feds must make up a plurality of the population of the United States. If you find that believable, you are a fool.

If you observe this behavior among other groups and decide that “fed” is the only possible explanation, you are a fool and/or lying to yourself. Specifically, you are operating on false premises, just like they are, and it will bite you in the ass eventually, just like them.

If you decide that I am obviously a fed for trying to divert you from what you knows to be true, you’re one of Lewis’ dwarfs stuck in the Ape’s hut.

But that’s none of my business.

jim says:

There are lots of real people who will not engage your position because crimestop.

But inability to notice Mueller and the FBI among troofers, and inability to notice Soros among those ranting about the Rothschilds, is not crimestop. It reflects organized sponsorship.

There are lots of “people” who monotonously push the same crap, and fail to acknowledge anyone disputing their crap. It looks remarkably a broadcast into a narrowcast medium.

Usenet was designed as narrowcast medium, and suddenly various large organized groups realized they could broadcast into a narrowcast medium. Resulting in an outbreak of scripted and robotic behavior which killed off usenet. Similarly the chans. The outbreak of robotic posting followed a little while after the Greencard lawyer incident. At first it looked like well funded private actors, but pretty soon Harvard got into it, roboposting communism into every newsgroup.

New scripts appear abruptly and uniformly and change abruptly and uniformly. If you see one script in one group, you will see the same script in every group. If a script stops being pushed, it stops being pushed everywhere.

Plus, we have various leaks about organized and well funded efforts to broadcast into narrowcast media, for various objectives from promoting Bezos to president, to suppressing “terrorism”.

I hear leaks about such efforts, and I see behavior that looks like such efforts.

Plus there is internal consistency, in that those doing the broadcast cannot acknowledge, or notice anyone else noticing, the misdeeds of the beneficiary of the broadcast.

If someone complains about the Rothschilds, orthodox Jews, and Tel Aviv occupying Washington, he cannot notice George Soros, cities burning and people murdered by mobs funded by Soros, or Jerusalem. (He cannot notice Jerusalem because Soros does not recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel)

If someone is a troofer, he cannot notice what Mueller and the FBI have been up to. He will attack competing spook agencies, such as military intelligence, but will not acknowledge, or notice anyone else noticing, the misdeeds of the FBI. (Because trooferism was from the beginning an FBI operation created by Mueller to cover the fact that the FBI turned a blind eye to the terrorists)

Inability to notice the Mueller and the FBI among troofers, and inability to notice Soros among those ranting about the Rothschilds, is not crimestop. It reflects organized sponsorship.

If someone has genuinely has a bee in his bonnet about Rothschilds, he might well refuse to respond to or acknowledge the red pill on women because crimestop, but what is stopping him from acknowledging misdeeds of Soros, or that Israel is run from Jerusalem, not Tel Aviv?

There are lots of people who absolutely genuinely have a bee in their bonnet about Jews – no doubt there are some people who think that I am one.

But is it not odd that some of those persistently posting on the topic, though theoretically opposing antifa, think it a spontaneous mass movement of the poor and oppressed, and find the proposition that many of those showing up live in mansions with a personal security detail keeping an eye on the mansion walls absolutely hilarious?

These unresponsive posters have a consistent pattern of unresponsiveness – and that pattern does not reflect crimestop, but the interests of a particular sponsor – sometimes a private sector sponsor who is just trying to make a dollar, but usually a state or quasi state actor like Soros.

Mister Grumpus says:

“Usenet was designed as narrowcast medium, and suddenly various large organized groups realized they could broadcast into a narrowcast medium.”

Great synopsis.

Can “crypto stuff” even theoretically help with this?

My naive first guess would be to theoretically charge bits of theoretical crypto-money to post somewhere, but that has to be stupid. Soros people have more money to throw around at that than anyone. Bummer.

Is there another angle to this? I know you’ve been thinking about it.

jim says:

If you are aware that I am working on it, you have probably read social networking

Mister Grumpus says:

Stellar understanding and synopsizing:

“The highest priority for a crypto currency should be to re-open free public discussion. (Since we are, at the moment, out of power, we are temporarily free speech enthusiasts).

“But the second highest priority, and the one that will get us money, is re-opening the path to entrepreneurship.

“Thus we should primarily be interested in freedom of speech about money and transactions. The enemy is shutting down forums where people can discuss unregulated crypto currency transactions.”

alf says:

There is a nuanced position and an not nuanced position on this.

The nuanced position is that, considering there is a great deal of people and a state that is not nearly as powerful as it portrays itself to be, not every shill is a literal paid shill. Mostly, paid shills show up in places where we’d expect them to show up — public fora, alt-right groups and pro-Trump gatherings. They tend to stick out once tagged, but of course, have to be tagged.

The kind of shills you talk about are unpaid shills, or rather, normal people who feel the tug of power. They read the paper every morning, have well-paid jobs in offices and consider themselves educated. They value their place in society and go to reasonable lengths to defend it. In cliche terms: they are plugged into the matrix and automatically rush to defend the matrix.

It is wrong to say these people are ‘victims’ exactly. In some ways, yes, but in other ways they are paid for their opinion just as much as literal paid shills are. Sometimes in status among their peers, sometimes also in money — if one works for the state, say as a teacher or bureaucrat or judge, one naturally feels a pull to adopt the opinion of the hand that feeds.

There are differences in the ways paid shills and unpaid shills act. The latter will engage in shards of real conversation. He might acknowledge some of what you say, he might even agree with bits of it. The conversation will be more idiosyncratic, less as if you are being read to from a script. But he will still derail the conversation, and because he gets his memes from progressive society, will in the manner of derailment still sound like he is reading from a script.

Whether he succeeds depends on whether the platform is moderated or censored — if censored, conversation dies, if moderated, you’ll get a truce of some sorts and you’ll find that despite differences, everyone has the feeling they are free to express themselves.

That is the nuanced position.

The not nuanced position is that in practice the difference matters not so much. When people act like shills, you treat them like shills.

The Cominator says:

“The kind of shills you talk about are unpaid shills, or rather, normal people who feel the tug of power. They read the paper every morning, have well-paid jobs in offices and consider themselves educated. They value their place in society and go to reasonable lengths to defend it. In cliche terms: they are plugged into the matrix and automatically rush to defend the matrix.”

I think plenty of them are paid. One way broadcasting via a megaphone with inability to discuss things like the woman question as Jim says indicates their work is being reviewed for crimethought.

Yes since 2010 at the earliest and blatantly since late 2015 leftists are increasingly like NPCs and generally without being paid but the ones who show up on far right forums and stick around… you have to wonder if they are paid. I do not think they are generally full FBI agents or anything, THAT would be absurd (in 99% of cases) I mean generally low paid “private” contractors of some spook agency or Soros with the shills probably in most cases unaware of where their money actually comes from. Remember “thank you for “correcting the record” two cents has been deposited into your account”.

alf says:

Low paid shills wouldn’t go through the trouble of meeting up.

ten says:

“Since i got aware of it leftists have been leftists”

People are NPCs to the vast majority. Going against power has in evolutionary time been extremely bad for your health. Engaging in questions of power, politics, is a stupid waste of time for most people, and they wisely and virtuously defer to whoever has the power to dominate signal. Low friction cohesion and cooperation, vulnerable to exploitation from evil power, necessitating the existance of the few disagreeable non-NPc canaries in the coal mine, and demonstrating the reactionary position.

The Cominator says:

““Since i got aware of it leftists have been leftists”

No there has been no point in my life where I was a leftist and I’ve always been aware of them… But they used to have way more capacity for independent thought. The NPC plague was not a thing not the way it is now before 2010 or so and it wasn’t so total until late 2015.

jim says:

What has been happening is that universities selected for holiness. Which resulted in faith that makes empirically falsifiable claims (“All men are created equal”) constantly strengthening its claims, and becoming more and more readily falsifiable.

Which until about the time of Bertrand Russel was handled by coming up with ever cleverer sophomoric rationalizations, so the faith was able to select it upper level priesthood both for intelligence and holiness. But sophomoric rationalizations ran out of puff, being replaced by troofer level lies (lynchings and all that) Whereupon any smart, thoughtful, person became increasingly suspect.

Suspicion of the overly smart set in as early as 1875, when a ceiling on the IQ component of university entrance tests becomes visible, which ceiling has dropped faster and faster to the present day.

But the brains of elite only really started turning to cow mush around 2010 or so, though you can see it starting to have significant impact in 1906-1910.

Pooch says:

It takes a certain amount of IQ to critically think and realize everything you’ve learned in your life is propaganda bullshit, which is why, unfortunately, the lower races are mostly hopelessly brainwashed by Cathedral propaganda.

The Cominator says:

And to reiterate going to places that are organically far right is not even normal NPC leftist behavior, the NPC leftist gets mental pain at crimethought and avoids it and has a terror of it like a vampire avoids sunlight…

So if they stick around areas of crimethought but do nothing but one way broadcast… good indicator they are being paid to do so.

jim says:

It is impractical and unwise to be nuanced about deception, because nuance requires a lot of accurate information, while we have a shortage of information and oversupply of misinformation.

Further, it you detect one thing that is hidden from you, there is going to be a lot more that have not detected. One lie all lies. If you add a cup of wine to a barrel of sewage, you have a barrel of sewage. If you add a cup of sewage to a barrel of wine, you still have a barrel of sewage.

pyrrhus says:

Very good point..Something I learned later in life, partially from practicing law, is that if they’re lying about one thing, they are probably lying about many things..When I got the time to seriously study history, I quickly found that almost everything I was taught in secondary school had been twisted to support a narrative that was either nonsense or dangerously insane…

Alfred says:

The deep state is desperate for some sort of violence that would really enable them to put the hammer down hard so they’re trying foment it harder and harder. They’ve tried 2 shitty false flags using their usual recruit an mentally ill dude in the last 2 months but people saw right through it and no one was harmed by the idiots. They’re going to have to step up the level of incitement or go full on false flag with only their actors involved. They need blood.

Though the likelihood of that hammer working the way they want it to work is declining. Trannies, spooks, and female cops can’t don’t actually do well during home raids. And the respect that people once had for the feds is way down.

Karl says:

If the deep state wants violence, what is keeping it from creating such violence? Wouldn’t be the first false flag.

My guess is the top of the deep state (the old, less crazy left) doesn’t want it. They want stagnation, not escalation. Maybe the lower levels of the deep state want it, but the top for now doesn’t allow false flags.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

There have been a few false flags attempted, but no one is giving them the benefit of the doubt anymore. The right does not trust the cops or the feds. I was reading the comments on a cop drug bust that went bad. They went after some black drug dealer who had an automatic Glock and he fucked a few of them up. The comments were sympathetic to the black guy, because he had not committed any real crimes, and the police were the police. That attitude was rare on anonymous or semi-anonymous gun forums just a month or two ago, and now it is the norm and the guys defending the police just back down and slink away when challenged.

If the feds try to commit a serious false flag, they will fuck it up because they are incompetent. Even if it was mildly successful and looked somewhat plausible, no one would belive them simply because it came from the feds. If the media jumped on it, it would make it worse, as there is a large and growing section of the country that reflexively disbelieve anything that regime mouthpieces announce. The people that they are trying to false flag are almost certainly more competent than the false flaggers themselves, which does not help the feds.

False flags were attempted, and everyone just pointed and laughed at the obvious fed is obvious. So the narrative just moved on. After a year and a half of riots, burning cities, murders, FBI false flags and entrapment plots, and everything else, a fake bomb in DC is just boring and low energy. They tried, failed, and are now sitting around looking sheepish and poking the right, as if to say, “c’mon, do a terrorism.” A false flag does not work because they are too impotent to make people believe them.

Karl says:

I don’t think the feds are too incompetent to execute a false flag and at the same time smart enough to know it won’t work.

Incompetent people are rarely aware of their incompetence and most of those that are aware try to hide their incompetence.

Maybe false falgs won’t work, but that alone does not mean they won’t be done.

Pooch says:

They can’t do a total false flag with only exclusively FBI agents because they need people to blame and then arrest/kill like in J6.

Karl says:

Don’t think so. If, as Alfred assumed above, the deep state simply wants to be able to put the “hammer down hard”, they don’t need arrests, especially not arrests of people actually involved in the deed.

Pooch says:

“Dropping the hammer down hard” would be the mass arrest of Amerikaners. Don’t need to arrest the actual perpetrators (FBI agents) of the false flag event, but need to plausibly implicate Amerikaners from their actions as in the Reichstag and J6. Otherwise no need for a false flag.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

They are not smart enough to know it will not work, which is why they tried it. Remember the guy who was parked in DC and said he had a bomb in his truck? That was a false flag attempt. Everyone called it for what it was, and they moved on and forgot all about it. I am not saying that they will not attempt false flags. I am saying that they already tried them, and they failed miserably.

Kunning Drueger says:

Can you recommend a place that is aggregating suspicious events, near misses, and/or likely false flags? It is a daunting task because you can’t just use MSM. So much local news gets pruned, suppressed, or even counter signalled.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

No, not really, and I would not trust one if I saw it. It would probably be a fed operation itself. You just have to pay attention to the news. If the regime media starts loudly broadcasting about something that is obviously minor and fake, it is probably a false flag. Maybe it is just the autism, but the pattern is so obvious to me now that I can see how something gets reported and moves on social media and just know. The fact that their false flags are so forgettable and half-assed just goes to show that the idiots are in charge now, and they cannot do anything. Their provocations are so incompetent that people did not even realize that was what they were supposed to be.

Pooch says:

Exactly. Cathedral propaganda outlets don’t cover stories that aren’t favorable to the regime as they are happening.
If something unfavorable to the regime happens (fall of Kabul), it will cover it way late in order to give itself time to spin in it in some sort of positive light.

If it’s covering some sort of suspected “terror” plot immediately the day it happens, you can assume it’s a false flag.

Varna says:

When I notice I start spending the day in a quiet rage and start sleeping badly I know it’s time to turn off the news for at least two days.

Not good for health to be constantly fuming, and a guy needs to be in good condition and aware, especially in the current historical period. Not be cracked and drained and easy to anger.

Basil says:

How disgusting. Nations that allow their women to dress like whores have no future.

Fëanor says:

Whores should dress like whores, and our women are currently whores whether we like it or not. Any current fashion trend towards modest dress is whores trying to convince men that they aren’t whores, and is good insofar as it indicates that men are waking up from the bluepill and realizing their preference for modest women, and bad insofar as anyone actually falls for it.

(I have seen multiple e-thots posing in blue floral dresses very reminiscent of the tradwife meme. Hopefully this is a sign that we’re winning the meme war.)

Pooch says:
pyrrhus says:

France wants recognition that Europe will be one of the “three world superpowers” in this century…totally delusional

Fëanor says:

Jim made this point a while ago, but it was buried in other discussion:

[Orthodoxy] is the only faith remaining that has the chain of apostolic succession alive and unbroken (Roman Catholicism, Episcopalianism, and Anglicanism found apostolic succession far too embarrassing, and very quietly stopped doing it, though I expect that there are still a few secretly Christian Bishops that managed to quietly receive apostolic succession in those Churches.)

What did you mean by this? As far as I know, Catholics believe that they and the Orthodox both have apostolic succession, while Anglicans do not; there are movements within the Catholic Church that believe that the chain has been partially or entirely broken for various reasons, but no one that I’m aware of has ceased to teach that it exists.

Fëanor says:

Clarification: Catholics believe that Anglicans do not have apostolic succession. I’m not sure what the Anglicans teach about it, although I don’t think most of them teach anything distinguishable from progressivism these days.

jim says:

> As far as I know, Catholics believe that they and the Orthodox both have apostolic succession,

The Roman Catholic ceremony has been amended to make it less embarrassing and to make it comfortably and conveniently ambiguous as to whether apostolic supernatural power and divine authority is being passed on or not, and comfortably and conveniently ambiguous as to whether that power originates in an unbroken line starting from the Lord Jesus Christ.

Cloudswrest says:

Prince William says entrepreneurs should focus on saving Earth rather than space tourism.


This is a sophistic false dichotomy. Why are the two linked? Some equivalent examples:

Entrepreneurs should focus on saving Earth rather than software development.

Entrepreneurs should focus on saving Earth rather than movie making.

For some reason there is a faction that REALLY hates space technology development, even when it is private, no matter that it has provided us with GPS, Iridium, Starlink, weather monitoring, … and then come up with these bogus rhetorical reasons.

Starman says:


“For some reason there is a faction that REALLY hates space technology development, even when it is private, no matter that it has provided us with GPS, Iridium, Starlink, weather monitoring, … and then come up with these bogus rhetorical reasons.”

With the Inspiration 4 mission and Captain Kirk’s ride to space in a sub-orbital capsule, I noticed fed shills posing as flat earthers suddenly showing up in multiple comment sections. From old accounts that barely had any posts. On Gab I spotted three of them in only two days.

Guy says:

I understand fed shills’ motivation for a lot of things, but not flat earth shilling. Speaking as someone who entertains a lot of conspiracy theories, I think the main reason we see them so prevalently today is not just because of the internet allowing their proliferation, but because the idea that the elite are retarded fags stuck in holiness spirals is in a lot of ways more scary than the alternatives. And it’s also hard for some people to believe who see the western society as mostly meritocratic.

Jim pointing out a lot of troofer lies has made me more cautious. The fact that people said building 7 was undamaged before it fell despite the pictures to the contrary was a big one. Obviously I shouldn’t take anyone’s word for it, but I didn’t imagine they’d lie so blatantly and did not initially understand why they would have the motivation to do so.

jim says:

Flat earthers could well be just genuine idiots. I have never checked them out for shilling minionesqe behavior.

But their videos are stylistically similar to Troofer videos.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I knew a flat earther one time who was a good guy, and it was an honest belief. He would listen to me and respond to my arguments, but he always returned to his beliefs in the end. Some of them are honest, but it would not surprise me if plenty were feds.

The Cominator says:

Was he just stupid…?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Not really. He was seeing that there were people who said that the earth was round that there are 51 genders, and that God did not exist (but who worshipped Satan at Epstein’s island); and people that said that God is real, the earth is flat, and there are only two sexes: man and woman. Who would you trust? If the foremost men in the fields of astronomy and geology are talking about 57 genders, are you going to take their opinions on geology and astronomy seriously? Who do you believe? The scientists, or your lying eyes. There was a bit of hallucinogens influencing his worldview, but he was not stupid.

alf says:

Yeah when people bring up flat earthers I maintain that, insofar it is not a fed operation, I’ve seen people believe all kinds of obvious falsehoods, such as that blacks and whites have the same iq and that women do not cause trouble in the workplace. Why should I be amazed at one more falsehood?

jim says:

Because one is something people are required to believe, and they tend to believe it in a sunday sort of way, not a weekday sort of way – they believe it without necessarily expecting any connection to reality.

And the other is something people are not required to believe.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Well, this friend was not a fed, because I could have red pill conversations with him about women and politics. Some of it was over his head, but he followed my thoughts where he could and agreed or disagreed with me the way feds cannot. He was definitely an odd one, but I got more a sense of loss of faith in what authorities said more than anything else.

Starman says:

At first I thought flat earthers were just schizopoasters or just trolls having a good time. Then I asked them multiple choice RedPill on Women questions. And they all refused to answer.

jim says:

That is a tell. An independent can answer, if only to disagree.

Can’t see any payload in it, but I could not see any payload in the guys claiming that Rothschild’s ruled the world until I taxed them on Soros, Victoria Nuland, and antifa. The payload is “Don’t look at us Jews. Look at those other Jews”.

Kunning Drueger says:

Flat Earthers could be a similar psyop to Westboro Baptist Church. Recently read some old posts about WBC I found link-hopping from this comment garden and it was pretty clear that WBC was an operation to stigmatize any opposition to momos as mouth breathing morons. FE is a pysop intended to stigmatize climate skeptics as mouth breathing morons.

The Cominator says:

Also 5G, also people who claim israelis remote detonated everything on 9/11, also people who claim the moon landing was faked.

jim says:

Of course. Should have been obvious to me. The noise is the payload.

If you lack faith in the mighty anthropogenic catastrophic climate change demon, you are a flat earther.

Cloudswrest says:

Kind of a version of Chaffing and Winnowing.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

There doesn’t necessarily need to be a specific payload in signal jamming; sometimes the static itself is the signal.

That being said, of men i am personally familiar with who might happen to truck in stuff like flat earth, they definitely fall more into the ‘trolls having a good time’ camp, with a little side order of schizopoasting. Think like Eddie Bravo.

Kunning Drueger says:

I was pretty sure FE started as a trollOp against the sciencists because it really riles them up. Maybe it was Cathedral psyop from the get-go. Either way, it seems to me that we need to be wary of assuming the Cathedral is universally inept. The WBC psyop was brilliant and worked incredibly well. Trooferism, too, is a gift that keeps giving. Somewhere in the tangled web of incompetence and demon worship, there are competent and capable enemies.

Aidan says:

Poisoning the enemy discourse is a priestly activity and priesting is what they do best. The WBC was not really even aimed at us, it was set up as a strawman to push normies into the homo camp. In 2000, any normal blue-voting dad would say “they can do whatever they want in private but I don’t want it around my kids”, and in 2008, you’re either down with the poz or you’re the same as the WBC. Same as the KKK being kept alive by the feds as an approved public enemy.

The WBC had suspiciously broad media coverage for being one fringe church and a suspiciously deep pocketbook to be flying all over the place. Obviously an op. Flat Earth may be an op, but it is a bit different. The enemy is uncomfortable to see climate skeptics talk about logarithmic relationships, the Medieval Warm Period, and 1970’s cooling hysteria. They want the signal jammed by flat earth, hollow earth, lizard people, and so on, not just so that we cannot talk to each other, but so that people cannot join our side; our spaces being permeated by stupid and/or crazy shills turns away smart people who are dissatisfied with the official truth.

Thus, calling the stupid and insane who appear to be on our side an op, is good hygiene for a faith whether the WBC is actually getting a check from Soros or not.

There is a disturbing implication in what I just said. There is somebody in the enemy camp who can look at our discourse and realize that our talking about logarithmic relationships and the Medieval Warm Period is a problem, and thus we get shills. The enemy has a reverse-Beria working for it, somebody or some body of people who can commit crimethink, who can target the most dangerous parts of our discourse for infiltration and jamming, which means that they can understand what we believe. So yes, the most competent man among our enemies is probably leading the counterintel ops. That makes it our duty to turn him of course. Or maybe he’s already been turned and is waiting.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

An anti-Beria is a frightening thought, but I do not think it matters. He can try to jam the signal, but we have reached critical mass. Our memes spread regardless of the jamming. The NRx memeplex is the dominant force on the right. Everyday more people are reached and become more based. I hear things today that would have been unthinkable just months before, and the pushback against these prole-NRx heretics is steadily failing to keep them in check. We are cool, and the left is not.

notglowing says:

>but we have reached critical mass
Even if we had not, the enemy is effectively forcing people to the right one way or another. It is increasingly impossible to just ignore and accept, because they come up with increasingly intrusive ways to make your daily life impossible, and the constant lockdowns and vaccine passes are an example of that.

They will simply not leave people alone, which is poor judgement. Because many of those people would probably just try to ignore the problems, if they could, losing your job is not worth it.
But what if you are gonna lose your job either way? Then you have nothing to lose either.
If they had better judgement, they would not push things this far.
More than anything this is proof that our enemy is not a well coordinated, rational, well organized monolith. The only fitting explanation for this irrational behaviour is a holiness spiral.

Cloudswrest says:

When you mentioned “flat earthers” above I thought you were using it as a slang for anti-space people, but now I see you were being literal.

While I’m aware there are people on the interwebs that claim to be flat earthers, I always considered them to be trolls or schizo loons and never paid them much attention.

notglowing says:

There is way too much attention towards flat earthers. You will find no end of videos on youtube minutely analyzing and “debunking” their claims or ridiculing them. Traditional media also features that stuff sometimes.
It’s a go-to example for them to ridicule the right, and conspiracy theorists.
Which makes me believe they prop it up intentionally. I’ve never met a “flat earther”. It might not be an op in itself, but it being widely publicized absolutely is. And it’s not as big as they pretend it to be.

Cloudswrest says:

I once read of an FE who, when asked, “What happens when you get to the edge?” Replied, “There is no edge, you reappear on the other edge.”

This is basically the geometry of The Real Projective Plane. This is a regular, compact space that is not embeddable in 3 dimensions, sort of like the Klein Bottle. More complex than a sphere, and I don’t think it’s what the FE had in mind.

f6187 says:

“There is no edge, you reappear on the other edge.”

When my cat knocks a pencil off the edge of my flat table, I would love to see it reappear on the opposite edge.

Mister Grumpus says:

“For some reason there is a faction that REALLY hates space technology development, even when it is private”

“They hate us ‘cuz they ain’t us.”

I never went to high school or college football games and complained about sports stuff “taking” money from nerd stuff for the exact same reasons. I look back on that now with regret. So freaking obvious, and so unnecessary! What a little bitch. Facepalm!

Cloudswrest says:

Steve Sailer has an article today on NASA sending minorities to the moon. Here’s one hilarious comment!

“If making RuPaul mission commander is what is required to get humanity back to the moon, I’m all in favor Steve.”

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Vertical integration was one of the defining features of the ‘captains of industry’ of the eighteen hundreds, who, in the course of providing one particular good, found that they needed to essentially recreate an entire society in miniature in order to best provide that good.

Many of those valuable freeholds were ultimately destroyed at the hands of whiggish theocrats, under the pretext of monopoly busting, and the vital civilizational energy of that epoch was never fully recapitulated since heretofore. As it happens, they did in fact need to recreate an entire society in miniature in order to best provide one good in particular; and one part of society they more or less all missed, was it’s priesthood.

But the inevitable logic of what converges towards greater potency remains the same, and becomes all the more pertinent as broader structures of potency in general disintegrate in our most current of years.

We could call a landed gentes Lord, because he had valuable property, and a means of defending that property, and that property itself in turn also facilitating his means of defending it.

The organization of his land, his tenants, and his militia of tenants, altogether represented a teleoplexing of capital. As more potent forms of capital have increasingly developed, we should see how the old metaphor of comparing captains of industry to feudal lords, in fact can well be literally appropriate. The landed gentry that grew up out of the chaos of the western roman empires disintegration, reestablishing civilization, had power first, and were declared Lords after, a formalization of this fact, after the fact. And just as we might intuitively recognize ownership of land and supervention of it’s tenants as naturally entailing lordship, so should we also recognize supervention of more advanced superstructures of capital as freeholds that necessarily entail – and depend on – lordship.

jim says:

We are going to need sovereign corporations

Basil says:

Don’t you think that Orthodoxy is too centralized? If you look at examples of what can be called living religions in our era (some Protestants, Hasidim, Mormons, Russian Old Believers, and so on), they have a completely different organizational structure. The higher the hierarchical church ladder, the more likely that from top to bottom will be lowered “women’s rights”, “the fight against Nazism” or something like that. The risk that every next patriarch will become an analogue of Pope Francis is too great. Well, or the King, on whom the head of the church depends.

Of course, one can hope for a true revival of the ROC and the restoration of Orthodoxy, but one should always count on less positive scenarios.

jim says:

Centralized? There are umpteen national orthodox Churches. It is not like Roman Catholicism, where if the Pope is apostate, everyone is out of luck.

Of course Orthodoxy will not work if the sovereign is not Christian, but what does?

Basil says:

Itis not like Catholicism, but it doesn’t is not like Protestantism / Sunism either. The level of centralization at the national level is already too dangerous, as practice has shown.

The Cominator says:

The Orthodox Church seemed to survive a century of communism and in many places multiple centuries under Muslim rule fairly unpozzed with quick self correction…

It looks like it will survive the cathedral and globohomo as well.

“Of course Orthodoxy will not work if the sovereign is not Christian, but what does?”

Yeah this. The Sovereign doesn’t really have to be christian but he can’t be hostile to Christianity.

“Itis not like Catholicism, but it doesn’t is not like Protestantism / Sunism either. The level of centralization at the national level is already too dangerous, as practice has shown.”

A totally decentralized church that has massive political power is potentially prone to holiness spirals. I tend to think for various that American Southern low church Protestants would tend to avoid this for generations (as Southerners are not very holy by nature) but in time if the church is powerful you’d get entryists…

Basil says:

It is an open question how well Orthodoxy survived communism… During the Empire, the average Russian woman married at 16 as a virgin, gave birth to 6-7 children, went to church, listened to her husband, the marriage ended in death.

In just a few decades of communism, the age of marriage reached 26, a very rare woman marries a virgin, 1.5 children, in practice household matriarchy reigns in many families, churches are filled with grandmothers, marriage ends in divorce, world records for abortion (due to taxpayers), HIV epidemic at the level of Africa. Georgia is the only Orthodox country with a birth rate higher than the US birth rate (2.05). Given that every Orthodox country is poorer and has the same or less urbanization.

If there was one national church in the modern United States, it would be a globohomo church of worship of whores and blacks.The number of different sects and the affordable home education is something that somehow holds back the flow of crap.

jim says:

There is one globohomo national Church.

There is always a national Church. If no national Church, it is a vacuum that inevitably gets filled swiftly. The reason that the United States had several national Churches before the war of Northern Aggression was that each state had its own state Church – the war of Northern Aggression being the Church of New England imposing its religion on all the others.

jim says:

Practice was submission to communist rule. Seemed to handle it rather well.

Pooch says:

Of course Orthodoxy will not work if the sovereign is not Christian, but what does?

Afrikaner Protestantism working fine for the Afrikaners as they wait for the collapse of the sovereign. I reckon Amerikaner Protestantism will be fine for the Amerikaners.

HerbR says:

You want decentralization when out of power, centralization when in power.

A “decentralized” priesthood sounds like a priesthood with open entry. That is exactly the problem, along with priestly power over state affairs.

Catholicism is supranational, that’s what rubs so many of us the wrong way. A national church (i.e. state religion) is not only necessary, it’s inevitable. The only question is what it will be and who will run it.

Basil says:

I understand that decentralization has its costs. But the costs of centralization are incomparably higher.

It seems to me that fragmentation is the best way to deal with leftism. In a centralized system, socialists and feminists integrate into the system and change it to their liking. In a decentralized system, they will stray into gangs of shakers and gradually die out.

jim says:

It always comes down to war. If fragmented, the enemy will come for each fragment one at a time.

Dave says:

War selects for right-wing values; peace selects for left-wing values. This is not a claim of fact but an axiom that serves to define “right-wing” and “left-wing”.

Empires tend to instill right-wing values in the countries they invade, while the imperial homeland, untouched by war, drifts ever leftward.

HerbR says:

This is all backward. Globohomo is a highly centralized system and has no trouble dispatching agents all over the globe to deal with any decentralized pockets of resistance. We watch this happen in real time every day. It crushes any attempt by these decentralized groups to organize into anything larger. Feminism was always centralized, never decentralized. That’s Reaction 201/Jim 101: the left looks decentralized, makes itself look that way intentionally, but is in fact highly (if not totally) centralized and extremely well coordinated. Globohomo is starting to become weak and disorganized not because it is centralized, but because it is in the advanced stages of a holiness spiral/left-singularity and is rapidly losing the human capital necessary to organize effectively.

Come the reaction, government is still going to be centralized, because government must by definition be centralized. But it will openly centralized, clearly expressing the authority of one king over many warriors and some warriors over many priests, with an openly official state religion. We want to have one king a thousand miles away, not a thousand kings one mile away.

This does not imply that every aspect of society should be centralized (i.e. totalitarian). A wise king/effective government only centralizes the essential government functions of providing peace, security and order. There is no reason to get involved with trifles such as how many minorities a business employs or whether the husband and father down the street from you keeps a collection of shotguns and a wooden paddle in the closet. Although the large business will probably still centralize its operations, and the father of a large family may centralize familial responsibilities.

There are things we want to decentralize right now because centralization under an evil and increasingly incompetent authority is crushing the life out of them, but that does not equate to “hierarchy bad”. That’s the lefty mentality.

Leon says:

Governor Inslee of WA state just called for proof of vax to attend large events. Also doubled down on state employees required to get the vax.

Alfred says:

Washington State is like California Jr. How did the west coast get so fucked up?

Leon says:

WA state was the first place the Californians invaded. Plus a great deal of immigration into Seattle, and Seattle is home to some of the biggest leftwing companies and organizations. The massive growth of the Seattle area let’s it dominate all of the surrounding areas and the rest of the state. Sadly, I think the same is happening to Idaho. Idaho is getting not just Californians and Washingtons, but last year they were the number one immigration spot for New Yorkers.

Leon says:

To add to this,the Californians and Washingtonians have been invading Wyoming. Housing prices went up there, Montana, the Dakotas, even Tennessee thanks to Nashville.

Pooch says:

My guess would be that you can trace the origin of the West Coast white shitlib to the New England Brahmin. At some point, it became highly fashionable and high status for Brahmins to move out west.

Andy says:

I agree – the question is how to survive and where to flee if you’re just a regular Amerikaner. My family basically walked across the North American continent over the course of 400 years and spent the last 100 or so in Cali. Now what? Where does one go to sit out the collapse, or whatever comes, without being Holodomored? Find a secondary center of power and sidle up to the belly of the beast, hopefully going unnoticed? I have my eye on the great American redoubt but wonder if it will ultimately be targeted and starved out. Better to disappear in the coastal mountains for a time?

Andy says:

Thanks. Currently in a small town with its own local police force at the periphery of a major power center. Gun ownership is high and the diversity is wary. However, we do have a feral woman problem that seems to be getting worse…or perhaps getting a boost from the Covid/Woke insanity. We’ll see how things hold up as the rot continues. There may not be many better options for me in any case.

The Cominator says:

Within the Continental US Florida, yes its not strictly white but the right here is just more consistently competent than other places and actually for whatever reason does a good job at keeping the minorities from supporting the left.

Varna says:

Globohomo and the sane diverging into separate biological species is happening faster than anyone expected.

Karl says:

A recurring theme here has been that our rulers are getting dumber. I just encountered proof for this phenomen here in Germany.

The German government has been bullying people to get the clot shot. Proof of vaccination (or recent recovery) is necessary for entering shops, restaurants, gyms etc. However, proof of vaccination is very easy to fake. Of course, (almost) everybody had assumed that forging a vaccination pass is a crime.

However, apparently that isn’t the case. The government passed a law that at first glance looks like forging a vaccination pass or using a forged pass is a crime punishable by up to 1 year imprisonment or fine. Careful reading shows that it is only a crime if the pass was forged by a physician. The law firm also states that the state prosecution of cologne agrees that such forgery is no crime.

For those, who don’t want to take my word for it, here is a link to an article posted by a law firm that analyzes in detail why forging a vaccination pass is not punishable under criminal law.

Of course, the article is in German, but machine translation should work for those that are interested.

alf says:

Here’s one that got my friends laughing. In an attempt to convince the unvaccinated, they made a couple of commercials featuring a fat immigrant doctor shilling the shot.

Which the Dutch minister of health proudly boasts will soon be aired in Dutch cinemas…. Where the unvaccinated are not allowed.

f6187 says:

Hah, good to see it’s ratioed all to hell and comments are turned off.

Pooch says:

Just curious what life is like in Europe. So are most of the unvaxed just forging documents to get into places? Or is it not being enforced so strongly outside of the major cities to much of an inconvenience?

Upravda says:

In Croatia, on 4th of October government obliged medical and social workers to either get vaxxed or subject themselves to test on Sunday and Wednesday evenings, payed by public money. Or get Covid – it counts as being vaxxed.

About 15 percent of doctors and one third of nurses still refuse to be vaxxed and rather subject themselves to periodic testing.

Among idiots and cowards who used to attach facehugger on themselves when walking alone on wastelands or driving alone their own car, there’s growing amount of unease because more and more of infected are vaxxed. Since the claimed reason for introducing Covid Ausweiss was “preventing virus entering hospital system” or something, it was quite hilarious when few days ago, less than two week since the introduction of the Ausweiss, entire department of otherwise fully vaxxed personnel in city of Rijeka hospital catched Covid.

Pubs are fully open since September, indoor and outdoor, I don’t know how, by the grace of God is the only explanation, and absolutely no one enters them with facehugger attached. Generally, folks do attach it loosely when shopping, in public transportation, and such. Older kids, 12 and up, still have to attach it in schools. On all other places, more and more people pretend they are outdoors, even when in churches and kindergartens.

Earlier this year, it seems to me that there was an attempt to get the Catholic church into obligatory vaxx camp, but priests, including local cardinal Josip Bozanić, have said something like “yes, yes, vaccines are nice, but vaccination should be entirely voluntary. And parents should decide for their kids.”

Since then, our cuckservative government has been repeatedly saying that there will be no obligatory vaccinations, and no lockdowns. There weren’t. For now.

Surprisingly, out President Milanović, nominally a lefty, but clearly an alpha male, has publicly denounced all that mindless hysteria as exactly that – “a frenzy” – calling for return to normal life. He even proclaimed CNN and other media outlets as “lunatics” who “spread panic”, and all attempts to eradicate Kung flu as “madness”, “out of mind”, something that “can not succeed”.

He has two sons, one of them is in high school. Milanović said: “My first two years in high school were formative for me. My son spent them in darkness, in front of computer screen.”

Never agreed more with a leftist.

chris says:

“Since the claimed reason for introducing Covid Ausweiss was “preventing virus entering hospital system” or something, it was quite hilarious when few days ago, less than two week since the introduction of the Ausweiss, entire department of otherwise fully vaxxed personnel in city of Rijeka hospital catched Covid.”

I’m worried that the plan is to normalise the spread of covid amongst the population so that it is as common as the flu. Then neither the vaccinated nor the unvaccinated will be able to avoid covid infection and we might end up with a Marek’s disease situation.

Alfred says:

It is the flu. The only issue with it is the difficulty in getting Ivermectin to treat it. India’s already over it by most accounts because they’ve been handing out Ivermectin.

Karl says:

As far as I understand a Marek’s disease situation require a working vaccine. Don’t think we have that.

alf says:

Ups and downs. Situation here comparable to Croatia it seems. No masks, but all-in on the shot. Unvaccinated are officially barred from restaurants, but unofficially many restaurants are not checking, save your local mcdonalds.

Most people seem to be done with the covid hysteria, even if they got the shot. But I see no signs from the state that they’re done with covid hysteria. Not sure what’s going on. Probably the holiness spiral spiraling further, as they await what are probably weekly changing instructions from the US/EU.

Gauntlet says:

In Norway all covid measures are rescinded except entry into the country in which you need to get a rapid test.

Normal life has resumed. Restaurants are open, public transport is open. I flew domestic recently and “had to wear a mask” in the airport, I did not and no one cared not even going through security. I had to have it to board the plane but quickly slid it down after passing the cabin crew.

As of Monday the 18th of October masks are not even required in the biggest airport and the two largest domestic airlines do not require them on flights either.

The people has moved on but are all in on the shot. Some will get a booster if offered but the uptake won’t be 90% as with the first doses. No vaxx pass required anywhere. Corona has been declared to be not much more serious than the yearly flue epidemic.

Oog en Hand says:

Mullah Krekar will thank Jens Stoltenberg for handing over Norway.

Gauntlet says:

We all (as in Europeans) live in countries where the “leaders” sold out the people and handed the land to invaders.

Upravda says:

@alf, @Gauntlet
You two are from Netherlands and Norway, am I right? Those countries, together with Sweden, Denmark and recently UK got some positive press coverage from, let’s say pro-liberty, press in Croatia regarding handling that mindless hysteria.

Is that positive press coverage deserved? At all?

I’ve also heard that Spain, despite being pretty much coronatard, manage to escape some of the worst consequences of mindless hysteria – Covid Ausweiss, to be precise, by ruling of their Constitutional court.

So, if some or all of that is true, I can not but notice that those countries are kingdoms, not republics. Furthermore, while some European republics did retain some amount of common sense, it seems then that monarchies retained, on average, noticeably higher amount of common sense.

Could there be some connection…? Or am I simply wrong?

By the way, I’ve started to enquire can Croatian company employ a Croatian citizen (me) whose temporary residence (“boraviÅ¡te”) is outside of Croatia and/or whose permanent residence (“prebivaliÅ¡te”) is outside of Croatia. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, to be more precise. If it can, I’ll further find out how to obtain some residence in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Just in case that everything goes downhill. Nobody will actually check where do I actually reside, nor could they, so I intent to actually stay at home but have some good shielding from eventual fees.

alf says:

Is that positive press coverage deserved? At all?

For the Netherlands, a little bit, but not so much. Does not seem like a mandatory shot is around the corner like our Italian friends. But at the same time there is a media offensive that tells us the unvaccinated are the new nazis, and the state at its best is cuckservative. Non-shots are already barred from restaurants. So who knows what the future holds in store.

I dont think it is correct to see the Netherlands as an ex-monarchy. Monarchy was always an off-on affair, I think arguably only the first Willem III pulled it off successfully, and that was 300 years ago. the Netherlands for most of its early history was a virtuous republic, and noting how it has declined into a corrupt republic, not so optimistic for the future.

Oog en Hand says:

Yes, there is a connection. Compare Saudi-Arabia (kingdom) with Israel (republic).

Upravda says:

What’s the comparison? As far as I can read in mainstream media, Saudi government is only just a little bit less coronatarded than Israeli. And I had in mind primarily European republics and monarchies…

Gauntlet says:

Yes, I believe that some of the good press coverage you speak of is warranted. The kingdom connection is interesting but I doubt it has much to do with anything. The king is cucked in general and race cucked by his daughter dating a negro.

Life is almost back to normal. Only the holy are mentioning coronadoom in everyday conversations. Everyone is aware “something is off” with the vaxx but dare not question it and talk little of it. It goes much like this:

“Surely the government would not give us anything bad. I could never believe that… oh you heard about there might be a third booster for the elderly? I don’t know much about it”

Complete official trust but a nagging doubt is noticeable.

I have heard nothing about vaxx passes, there is no need for them as the government declared victory over the Corona demon.

Upravda says:

“Surely the government would not give us anything bad. I could never believe that…”

That’s precisely the attitude of my dad and mum. Despite dad reading everything (wouldn’t be surprised if he even stumbles sometimes on this blog). There’s simply a mental line, a barbed-wire fence, he is unable to cross, unable to fathom the possibility that he is being grossly lied to. It saddens me a lot. Mum, of course, listens to him. And that’s the real mind-state of many elderly people.

In a way, Covid *is* the most dangerous disease ever – it turns off higher brain functions.

But, this lovely couple:

I’ve almost fallen from the chair laughing when reading one detail of her Wikipedia biography regarding that black fella: “Verrett claims to have been initiated spiritually by an American woman who calls herself ‘Princess Susana von Radic of Croatia'”

I actually did hear for that woman, “princess” Susanna, when I was a boy, in early days of Croatian independence when some magazines for women and “yellow” magazines did feature her a few times.

Pooch says:

Apparently the Princess’s divorced husband killed himself shortly after hearing of her relationship with the black. Fucking Christ.

Karl says:

Europe is huge. Covid laws and regulation differ by country. In Germany, covid regulations generally are enforced.

Face diapers have to worn in train stations, public transport, public buildings unless a medical exemption is certified. Non-compliance is treated as a misdemeanor and punished by fine of 70 to 250 EUR.

Vaccination passes have to be presented whenever a restaurant, hotel, gmy etc. is entered. The business owner is required to check the documents. If he doesn’t do it, he risks being fined (500 EUR to 5000 EUR usually). The police checks restaurants and such places often enough that most business owners do not want to risk being fined.

Hard to say how many of the vaccination passes in Germany are forged. I guess a few percent.

Pooch says:

Wow that is quite a black pill. Are they even enforced that severely outside the population centers? Don’t dox yourself but how are you getting groceries and such? Is it possible to manage an unvaxed life there at all (without forgery)?

Karl says:

Supermarkets at present do not require proof of vaccination, only that a face diaper is worn.

Enforcement in the countryside is generally somewhat lower, one reason is that there is simply fewer police. Another, perhaps more important reason is that the fewer people see that a business doesn’t care about corona regulations, the fewer people can tell the police. So if you walk into a family owned business when no other customer is present, chances are pretty good that no-one will care about your lack of a face diaper or vaccination status.

The population is divided on this issue, but many think that the black plague has returned and survival of everyone is at stake. Those people enforce corona regulations against businesses.

Pooch says:

The face diaper situation sort of mirrors that in America. In the cities, compliance is high indoors and if you don’t wear one you will be in the minority. You may or may not be asked to wear one when entering businesses although the diversity/migrant workers and cops seem generally uninterested in enforcing it. The populace seems mostly willing to comply anyways, but you’re more likely to just get dirty looks from white shitlibs than anything if you don’t wear one. Blacks would never get questioned for not wearing one because of their privilege so maybe this has contributed to the overall lax attitude in physical enforcement of the mask.

As you travel farther away from the cities compliance steadily drops to about zero in the exurbs and country, where the occasional face diaper wearer may be seen.

As far as vax mandates, I’m not aware of any major city that has them outside of NYC (and maybe LA?) so I was curious what it was like in countries that have them widespread.

Karl says:

Well, it is not yet a vax mandate, but we are getting there. It has started for some professions.

Funny thing is that the mandate started this year with teachers who now have to vaccinated against measles. So far corona vaccinations are not strictly required.

yewotm8 says:

What he describes seems very similar to Canada. However there is no “passport”, just show the receipt that you get after second injection. Ontario government was nice enough to leave a large, static space for your name, dob, health number etc so anybody’s details can easily fit in the spot on the pdf you show to the hostess on your phone. There are a few other blue collar purebloods working in my company’s shop and none of them have had any problems.

Gyms are only required to check once and then record in their system that they’ve seen it. No copy is kept, they’re just covering their ass. The based ones just added that to people’s membership info anyway.

notglowing says:

In Italy there have been protests because since the 15th all workers, even those self employed, need to show a covid pass in order to access their place of work, or face suspended pay.

You can get one by testing every 48 hours.

I actually have an interesting whitepill.
I recently had dinner with a childhood friend, whose family is part of the local elite and has connections.
He soon started telling me about his side effects from the vaccine, and how the rest of his family didn’t take it. He has to do errands for his father in his place.
They all had covid, grandma died (but she was on the brink of death already) and the rest survived, that was before. So they are still more worried about the vaccine than the virus.
But the interesting thing is that apparently the Marshal of our local Carabinieri force did not take it either, he is forced to just take a test every 48H and has been doing so for over a month.
The Marshal apparently thinks that the vaccine is a ploy to reduce the world population by the elite.

The Carabinieri are a branch of the military, and they act as our regular police basically. They’re also the military police, at the same time. Their stations are legally military bases.
The Marshal is the local chief, which makes him like a police chief.
I don’t know if he’s still testing but I hope so. I feel bad for him, having to do that and being in that situation. I’m pessimistic about people like that resisting for long with all the pressure but maybe I’m just being unfair towards him and pessimistic.

Restaurant owners including some of my friends are the most pro vaxx, they have been devastated by the inability to conduct business for almost a year and a half, with only a couple months of reprieve in that time.

I have not yet been asked for the pass anywhere, but I have also avoided places where it is required. It’s not required for outside seating in restaurants.
I’ve found a loophole that lets me take the test with minimal inconvenience to myself and at any time, but I will not detail that here.
Normally, getting the test is pretty annoying.
First off, there’s no free testing for this.
Second, in my city no one actually offers testing at any time, and without reservation.
There’s just two options, the pharmacy and the hospital
The hospital doesn’t require reservation, but is only available during one hour of the day.
And you need to wait for 40 minutes to get your results, walk inside and pick them up.
The pharmacy is faster, but it requires reservation on the day before, and they don’t let you choose the time.
Workers who have to do this every two days have been reserving the tests for the entire rest of the year in advance, so reservations can be difficult now.

ExileStyle says:

Any links for the curious containing an example/template of this? German links are fine, am fluent.

Karl says:

Example/template of what?

ExileStyle says:

A forged or forgeable vaccination pass.

Karl says:

Yellow documents shown in the above link.

Yul Bornhold says:

The Cathedral has found a way to make consent even more gay:

jim says:

It can only get gayer, until she is required to bop you over the head with her club and drag you off to her lair.

Observe how racial equality between blacks and whites has been escalated to whites bowing before blacks, the right of blacks to assault whites, and denial of the right of self defense to whites.

Alfred says:

and denial of the right of self defense to whites.

I’ve been trying to think of a way to deal with this. I carry a gun, but clearly using a gun to defense yourself is going to get you locked up for a long time unless the nignog also has a gun and they know it. I need an easy to carry blunt weapon that’s generally legal to have to qualify for self-defenses.

Pooch says:

The guns aren’t needed now. They are going to be needed when the state ceases to matter.

Pooch says:

In terms of actionable advice, situational awareness is the best defense. Hostile negros give off a hostile vibe which is easy to detect once you see it enough. Avoid situations where you’d be at risk in close quarters with possible hostiles at all costs. If something is off just leave. Also, they tend to go after easy prey. Insane nigs tend to prey on the weak, the old, and the clueless specifically so looking strong by lifting weights and showing good situational awareness is usually a good enough deterrent.

Alfred says:

Also, they tend to go after easy prey.

Everyone is easy prey when it’s legal for them to beat you up and illegal for you to fight back using effective weapons.

Karl says:

No, some people readily commit crimes, even the the crime of selfdefense.

jim says:

Flashlight with two 26650 batteries.

By a strange coincidence all such flashlights are also heavy, hard, and strong at the business end. Funny thing that.

Edward H. McNamara says:

Maglites are made in three colors: Carbon Black, Vibrant Red and Malice Green.

Upravda says:

Comments are hillarious. 🙂

Old Romans supposedly had proverb “The more corrupt the state is, the more laws it proclaims”. What would *do* all that governmental institutions:
– agency for education
– state ombudsman for equality of sexes
– ministry for ore research and time wasting 🙂
– etc. about 180 of them

(In Croatia, universities are not *yet* monasteries to be dissolved. Governmental institutions and all those “citizen’s associations” funded from state budget certainly are.)

What would they do if not for omnipresent criminals in society in need to be brought to justice or, even better, to re-education.

However, regarding sexual questions, you colonial Anglos (North America & Down Under) seem to be the most crazy. Totally of the hook. 🙂 I mean, c’mon, your politicians are the only one who actually say that banging should go like: “Very respected owner of the vagina, not implying your gender, can I put my penis into your vagina in order to eventually achieve mutual satisfaction?”

Who votes for those? 🙂

Cancel says:

What Oz politician said that?

Upravda says:

Tom Wolfe? 🙂

Yes, yes, he did not say it in those words, but even semi literate goat keeper would unmistakably interpret his words exactly as I did.

Cancel says:

He’s a yank. You obviously know nothing about Oz, so why talk about it?

jim says:

> “The more corrupt the state is, the more laws it proclaims”.

Corruption means instead of one stationary bandit, the supposed servants of the sovereign are a horde of mobile bandits, that the state is losing its corporate character.

So, they want lots of laws, which they can enforce arbitrarily and capriciously – as we are now seeing at the SpaceX hearings.

Upravda says:

Regarding one of your upper comments…
I do not expect madness to end any time soon, and probably no one of your readers. However, it might happen that Branch Covidians loses its edge and gets replaced by something else. How would it benefit the ordinary Joe is another question, however. Facehuggers and clot shots might be replaced by… something worse. Any idea what?

Regarding this comment…
Right now, can USA even launch *manned* space mission? Or is it only in reach of Russians and Chinese? And, regarding Mr. Musk’s enterprise, it’s obvious that it’s over. Putting aside everything else, and despite me not being an American, it saddens me a lot because it means the end of the American space program. So, The Right Stuff and a lot of other things we looked up as kids is going to smoke.

Pooch says:

Facehuggers and clot shots might be replaced by… something worse. Any idea what?

Impossible to predict. What happens is something comes along that the regime arbitrarily deems an existential crisis and delegates all decision-making about said “crisis” to a faction of priests who than proceed to out-holy each other for status and away the holiness-spiral goes. Where? Who the hell knows.

Anon says:

Following up with uni covid exemptions RE “NeedItForSchool”. Curiously, I got several reports back. The individual I advised to use a tweaked version of The Ortho Defense said it worked. Some high school classmates of his that ended up going to different unis said there was no need to provide an explanation at all and simply requesting a religious exemption was sufficient, with caveats. No need to go into detail about what those caveats are

Well? Just lie and see what happens: the original advice. If you’re not clever enough to do that right, good luck

Anon says:

If you’re able and/or willing to say I would appreciate the cavaets in case I need to go this route in school or work or some other aspect of life. I know its specific to schools/unis but still would appreciate it as I might have to go to uni/ get a degree in the near future.

Anon says:

The caveats vary wildly from region to region and school to school, enough to specifically identify which school I was talking about were I to post it. You’re asking me to help you dox people: the answer is of course “No”

I’ve already commented on what I thought was going to happen with people trying to dodge vax mandates. If you “need to go this route in school or work or some other aspect of life” and you can’t figure it out yourself then you shouldn’t be at university, like most of the other people there. I only researched it to help out someone I knew. I don’t know you

On that topic, I’m entirely unimpressed with every single argument I’ve heard against getting the vaccine, including the people I was trying to help. That I don’t care how many fat or old or immunocompromised people not immediately related to me die – especially in the West – should be sufficient, but I then again you can’t post that on social media

Leon says:

How are individual American states or areas (midwest, south, etc) going to fair the coming years?

I used to think the intermountain states would do great and be a great place to prepare. However, Colorado has become a left wing craphole with Denver being a left wing city and expensive thanks to progressive whites. Idaho has had massive growth and housing prices have doubled in the last few years. Wyoming, Montana and the Dakotas have all had growth and housing costs increased as well. New Yorkers and Californians have been moving to these states and driving up costs. Certain southern and midwest states are now cheaper overall.

Texas and Florida have been hailed as promised lands by conservatives, but demographics are destiny. Not sure how the south will fair.

Pooch says:

Same rule applies for the western states as anywhere else in the US. You want to be in the red the exurbs, small towns, and rural areas (but with some neighbors) outside of the cities in the collapsing American Empire. These places are generally cheaper because there are no shitlibs there to drive up costs (even in Colorado). Shitlibs are mostly flooding the cities and suburbs of all the places you mentioned. They generally aren’t going to the country areas. Overall party of the state doesn’t matter too much because state governments are no longer going to matter too much as the collapse intensifies.

That said, the demographics of Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, etc are among the best in the country so global South Africa may not come there quite as severely. They are good places to be. Global South Africa has already arrived for many places in the South and east coast. However, they are still increasingly getting tons of spics in the mountain states so a Venezuela eventuality is still likely.

As we devolve into a barely functioning third world country you want to keep in mind that not only is it man vs man, but will also be a return to man vs nature. if you move to a cold climate, heating your home for the winter without any functioning or intermittent utilities is going to take more competency.

pyrrhus says:

Yes, when the energy delivery systems, including the electric grid, start breaking down, the appeal of living in a warm weather State will become apparent..If you’re going to live in a cold State, you should own a good wood stove and have access to fuel for it…

Varna says:

Some here we discussing going to south-east Europe, and one user even settled on Bulgaria, which is in general an excellent choice.

However, as of tomorrow midnight, Bulgaria is shifting to a vax pass system.

So, yeah, no. It’s 80% unvaxed, but the govt went for it anyway.

Things are moving fast in many places, so if going to a cheap quiet place–perhaps better the invisible ones outside the EU like Macedonia, Albania, and Montenegro.

Inside the globohomo citadel things are kinda unpredictable.

Italianon says:

Where would you recommend to go instead?

Upravda says:
Italianon says:

Since last Friday, Italy has a vaxx pass on all working, including working from home. Obviously, most or all of the EU will be like this soon, but Italy is especially bad for now. What should someone who finds themselves in Italy do? Or should they pack up and leave, and if so to where?

Pooch says:

What about negative test?

C4ssidy says:

Depends on the politics of the country. The east is great, and many countries there are not caring about the vaxx. U.K. is being moderate. Also Scandinavia including Denmark apparently do not care too much

Arqiduka says:

As mentioned by others, plenty of reasonable jurisdictions within the EU, to where one would incur minimal costs to move. One can come back in an afternoon from Denmark to Italy when the madness ends.

jim says:

Supposing the madness is going to end – meaning return to the levels of evil and madness of a few years ago, is normality bias. Every year the new abnormal gets replaced by the newer even more abnormal.

Expecting a return to the previous normal is like reacting to a burst of inflation by deciding “Prices are too high. I will save my money and wait for prices to drop back to normal.”

Pooch says:

Is it right to assume the supply and production of large complex items like cars and boats will continue to decrease as the West loses the ability to create them?

If so, the earlier the better than to purchase them? Even though there is uncertainty in the supply chain, being thrifty and waiting to purchase big ticket items is actually not ideal for the foreseeable future?

jim says:

That is happening slowly.

Wave of madness and the collapse of social institutions like fiat money are happening fast.

The Original OC says:

If you believe that prediction, you don’t want a modern car that uses 10,000 computers to reduce emissions by 2% and cannot work if 1 of the 10,000 computers breaks.

You want to buy an old car you can work on by hand. Or a motorcycle.

Varna says:

Derailing is possible in theory. Like we see in Russia toward the start and end of the 20th century.

First while tsarists and anti-tsarist liberals and social democrats were duking it out who gets to decide the future–the tiny Bolshevik party wedged itself into the situation and pulled a full-blown Taliban takeover on them.

The later, as Gorbachyov’s reformers and GKCHP hardliners were struggling who gets to decide the future–Yeltsin and his peeps met up and officially disbanded the USSR as such. Totally unexpected move that kicked the stool from under both of the other two big players, destroying the prize they were fighting over.

It seems to me there will be a number of similar windows of opportunities in Europe and North America in the coming 1-2 years. Starting this winter, then the summer of 2022, and then again the cold months. Moments in which the current controlled global crisis spins out of control for a bit, before being reined in again. These are the openings.

Like with the Bolsheviks and with Yeltsin, it has to be something completely unexpected and outside the gameplan. A way to overturn the table in a way that until that instant was utterly outside the attention of the big factions playing their games.

jim says:

Such derailings are not unexpected. Always happen. Completely predictable. Failure to predict them is normality bias.

The Tsarist and ant Tsarist liberals should have realized that they were predictably and inevitably going to meet the same fate as the their French Revolutionary equivalents. The Reformers and Hardliners should have realized they were fighting over the corpse of a dead state religion, that the basis of the power they were fighting over had vanished underneath them.

Starman says:


“First while tsarists and anti-tsarist liberals and social democrats were duking it out who gets to decide the future–the tiny Bolshevik party wedged itself into the situation and pulled a full-blown Taliban takeover on them.

The later, as Gorbachyov’s reformers and GKCHP hardliners were struggling who gets to decide the future–Yeltsin and his peeps met up and officially disbanded the USSR as such. Totally unexpected move that kicked the stool from under both of the other two big players, destroying the prize they were fighting over.”

And that’s why I still occasionally come here for good gems like this among the Pissobiec and disguised Q posts.

Think of the “left-right” spectrum. It’s obviously not about your right hand vs your left hand. Nor is it about the left side of your face vs its right side. The “Left” is illegitimate because of empty shelves, antagonizing its own security forces, etc. And the “Right” is illegitimate because they cannot (or will not) physically stop the “Left” from doing those things.

Ask multiple men on the street who pay attention to politics, to try to place the Taliban as “right wing” or “left wing.” Think of people or entities who don’t quite fit on that artificial spectrum. He/it is embraced by left-wingers and right-wingers… and also he/it is detracted by left-wingers as “right wing” while being detracted by right-wingers as “left wing.”

Pooch says:

Left and Right are only meaningful terms in a democracy. Outside of that context, they are totally arbitrary and meaningless.

jim says:

Not true.

The left was quite recognizable in pharaonic Egypt, and looked distinctly modern in the eleventh century caliphate.

The left during the English civil war looked remarkably like the nineteen fifties anglosphere “super protestant” left, and the left that gave Cromwell a hard time and which he eventually had to crush looked awfully like the late nineteenth century left, and a faction of the nineteen sixties left took the name of a faction of the sixteen fifties left that they strikingly resembled.

The word “left” comes from a faction of the revolutionary French Assembly, which faction was primarily responsible for the overthrow of King Louis the sixteenth, and had continuity of doctrine, organization, and personnel going back to the fourteenth century false popes of Avignon. However, it has no continuity of doctrine, organization, and personnel with the modern left, which instead has continuity of doctrine, organization, and personnel with the Brownist faction that successfully engaged in entryism against the Church of England, leading to the English Civil War in 1642. The Avignon descended faction died under Napoleon, as communism died under Stalin, leaving behind a zombie communist faith that governed till someone gave it a hard poke, whereupon it crumbled to dust.

The Brownists were obviously leftists, but scarcely recognizable as modern leftists, and you could plausibly argue I am stretching the term “left”. However their numerous mutant heretical offspring who gave Cromwell a hard time in the sixteen fifties had among them numerous factions that were entirely recognizable as the twentieth century anglosphere left.

Karl says:

After a while all holiness spirals look very similar, regardless where they started.

The left is always on the leading edge of the holiness spiral, the right is trailing behind

Alfred says:

The left is always on the leading edge of the holiness spiral, the right is trailing behind

The left is about short term gains through power. The right is about long term gains through power where the fruits of those gains my not even be collected until their children or grandchildren’s days.

Rightist will build nuclear power plants because such power will make everyone richer for decades down the road. Leftists will shutdown down nuclear power so they can loot the public till with green energy companies that quickly fail.

Socialism vs Capitalism is the same dynamic. Capitalist Markets long term create more and more wealth but limits the amount of wealth those in power in extract at any given time. Socialism greatly increases the amount of wealth that can be extracted but at the cost of less wealth being produced next year.

Dave says:

All societies have left and right factions jostling for power. To distinguish them, one must understand that left and right are directions, not fixed positions, and that war favors right factions while peace favors left factions.

It’s a one-dimensional spectrum because there is no third force, of a magnitude comparable to war and peace, that might pull things in a third direction.

Afghanistan has been at war almost constantly for the last fifty years, so no surprise that it’s so far right today. When the Western social order breaks down, Christianity will become more right-wing than Islam or be crushed by Islam. Christians of the Levant failed this test, but Charles Martel passed it just fine.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Right wing and left wing only work inside a recently collapsed order. The monarchists and the rebels. Outside of that, it does not properly map. With the situation in Afghanistan being what it is, right wing does work for the Taliban. The forces of order and reality facing against the forces of chaos and insanity. Two sides: the Taliban and the US, and the Taliban won by force of arms. Which force of arms they had because of the force of their faith, which is the reason America fled the field. The US not have a left and a right, just two forces of chaos and disorder. In that sense, some third party has to arise in order to provide an alternative.

A better conception of politics is a funnel. There is an unstable equilibrium at the lip of the funnel that requires plenty of effort to circle. Then there are an infinite number of points where you can begin your descent, but it all ends up at the bottom, circling the drain. “Right” is trying to keep the civilization at the top of the funnel. Once you push it off, you are “left.”

The Cominator says:

I enjoyed their humiliation of the regime but NEVER get the idea that Islamics are your friends.

Its another bad universal religion.

notglowing says:

Perhaps, but the madness has hardly stayed exactly the same for too long, they will find something else to spiral about. Going further in this direction is more and more difficult, and they’ve already had their impact and reaction to it.
Salvini managed to get a small concession in the last laws, that those who get a PCR test can do it every 3 days instead of every two, because doing it 3 times a week was unreasonable for workers. That’s a very small whitepill since he was at least able to argue from the frame of people being able to work despite the pass.

At least I hope so. I have a source of income that cannot be affected directly by the state, and I don’t need to go anywhere strictly speaking. But it’s going to be an issue for my academic career which I am not yet willing to give up on, I still want to get a Bachelor’s. So long as tests are viable, I won’t be affected.

However I will say that the current state has weighed on me psychologically. Having to constantly think of all the stuff I am restricted from if I don’t have a pass, having to decline invitations from friends because I was not allowed in, it makes you want to just shut yourself in your home and try to ignore everything outside. But that’s damaging to my mind in itself.

Arqiduka says:

Understand what you say, but I wouldn’t go all in.

UI reckon there’s a 50% chance that Covid madness will ratchet up, a 35% chance it will stabilise at post-jab levels, and a 15% chance that people will dial it way down to pivot to climate (already happening in NSW, it may be early days still). I wouldn’t advise a guy to drop his home country and disappear to India if there’s a 15% chance he may get a chance to come back.

Cloudswrest says:
jim says:

The opponents were speaking from a script, and arstechnica links to the script.

The point of the script is not to stop spaceX altogether, but to engage more and more bureaucrats each of whom can introduce some additional obstruction – to share the loot around. When one bunch of bureaucrats are getting a substantial payoff to get out of the way, another bunch of bureaucrats send in some shills to demand their cut of the action.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The funny thing about clickbait videos like this is, not so much the contents exactly, but the fact that they betray how the ‘average everyday’ perception of bureaucrats is as entities that exist only for making it difficult for people to do things.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

That is to say, the way that a normie relates to them is not as ‘fellow neighbors and citizens’, but as *enemies one needs to defeat*.

Varna says:

Certain immigrant developments piling up in Russia:
1. Uzbek migrant workers to be imported in compact chunks to work in poultry production
2. A million hectares to be leased to Uzbekistan as farmland
3. Amnesty of hundreds of thousands of Uzbek and Tajik migrants, to be allowed back into Russia.

According to some this is a policy correction after the cops were previously given the right to use their judgement (Judge Dredd style, without courts, appeals etc) to kick out migrants out of the country for infractions, and instead of the expected couple of hundred thousands, the cops kicked out 3.5 million.

And now a shortage of working hands is alleged.

Kunning Drueger says:

Related news:

Uzbekistan is the ingress point for UN aid for Talibanistan.

Uzbekistan gives a hard No to US overtures regarding basing US assets for striking Taliban “terrorists.”

So Russia could be playing quid pro quo politics with Uzbek government to stymie US intentions and/or counter Globohomo influence. UN missions bleed money. So much corruption, grift, and waste. Local governments fall for the shekels in the short term and pay the toll in the long term. I still think Uzbekistan is a dark horse contender for the rebirth of the Neo-Horde, a reintroduction of a steppe based force of reavers and pillagers. They are well insulated from any superpower’s conventional forces as well as naval punishment. They are so far out of Western consciousness that they could go very far down the path of anti-Globohomo monarchism before the wailing womynz would notice. But so long as Ivan the Bear continues to employ Stalinist divisive “support” in the region, this is a pipe dream. But the Bear is sick, and if it continues to fall apart, who knows…

yewotm8 says:

The whole area certainly is based enough to pull off something. I’m sure this has probably been shared here before but I haven’t seen it in the comments:

Funnily enough I remember discussing the video with female family members many years ago and they thought the idea of kidnapping as “marriage proposal” was quite charming. I’m fairly surprised it’s still up in its current form, with all of the bride’s family and the bride herself being happy with the situation.

Pooch says:

So looks like Trump is not out of the woods quite yet and Jim’s prediction of Trump’s arrest may yet still come true. Seems like a considerable faction of the elites still have TDS and will just not be content until Trump is behind bars.

Oog en Hand says:

Better a bad king(Biden) than a good president(Trump)?

Alfred says:

Sounds like the leftist infighting is over for now and they’re returning to their normal program of human sacrifice to the COVID demon and working to murder Trump and his supporters.

Pooch says:

Looks like it. Doesn’t seem like the McCarthy faction of leftists want to outright arrest/kill him, at least yet. They want to keep him around to subsume his political movement first and where it around as a skinsuit to further their own personal grift and power.

alf says:

Devil’s advocate: what are the opinions on this take —

Shill or nuanced take? The media narrative is that 90% of COVID-hospitalised are unvaccinated.

Pooch says:

Well I think the biggest criticism would be that data from the CDC, being part of the regime, is hard to trust.

Having said that, I do believe this is an appropriate Moldbugian nuanced take to at least consider and not a shill take. As Yarvin has stated, we know the Cathedral lies and we can assume that everything they say is a total lie, but the right often falls into the trap of reflexively assuming the opposite of the official Cathedral line is the total truth. The actual truth may lie somewhere between the two poles.

If Trump had won, the holiness-spiral could just have easily gone in the opposite direction and leftists were indeed prepping the narrative that the “Trump vaccine” is dangerous. Kamala even said she may not trust it the debate against Pence. In that scenario, it’s easy to imagine an anti-vax holiness spiral with the FDA denying Trump’s vaccine to the thunderous applause of the media. Maybe the holiness-spiral would have gone further into lockdown madness or some other craziness. It’s kind of arbitrary where it heads.

Cloudswrest says:

Local data for Santa Clara Co. showed that the infection RATE for vaxed was about 10% the infection RATE for unvaxed, although both were low as a percentage of the total population.

jim says:

Perhaps, quite possibly. But politically correct data is frequently fabricated. We just don’t know.

alf says:

They’re being paid to lie, no one is paying us to speak the truth.

jim says:

We know that deaths from China flu are enormous exaggerated (from the mysterious decline in deaths from all other causes whenever deaths from China flu rise significantly)

If an unvaccinated gets run over by a truck, bits of him spatter all over the road and they take his nose to hospital and it swabs positive for China flu, he died of China flu.

I am not making this up. Policy is that all deaths within 28 days of swabbing positive for China flu are corona virus deaths, not matter if you swabbed negative three week before you fell from a skyscraper, if you also swabbed positive four weeks before you fell, it is a corona virus death. This is not hyperbole. This is official statistics.

No one dies of China flu. They die with China flu and something else. So, in order to know what this alleged statistic means, you have to know how deaths of the vaccinated were attributed to China flu, and how deaths of the unvaccinated were attributed to China flu. Were deaths of the vaccinated attributed to china flu in same rigid and absolutely indiscriminate manner that deaths of the vaccinated are attributed?

Which we we do not know, and attempts to find out will result in hostility, deplatforming, cancellation, demonetization and violence.

Javier says:

Every time someone dies from covid you can trace back the treatment history and find the point where they were given full body paralytics (which nuke the immune system) and remdesivir (which destroys your liver) before ventilating them, then they die weeks or months later after an enormous amount of horrific medical torture. Yet they want to say the minor lung infection killed them.

Meanwhile vaccinated people randomly expire for no reason, rapidly going from healthy to dead in an alarming amount of time. Happened to a cousin of mine; got the shot, felt fine for a little while, stayed home from work with a headache, dead the next day. Yet no one is allowed to draw conclusions form that.

Alfred says:

Meanwhile vaccinated people randomly expire for no reason, rapidly going from healthy to dead in an alarming amount of time. Happened to a cousin of mine; got the shot, felt fine for a little while, stayed home from work with a headache, dead the next day. Yet no one is allowed to draw conclusions form that.

A good friend of mine just went through surgery for a blockage that caused a heart attack. He is 39, in great health but 6 months ago he got the clotshot. The second shot really fucked him up but he seemed to be doing ok a few weeks later. 39 is pretty young for that short of shit especially in someone who’s good physical condition who doesn’t have diabetes.

The Cominator says:

“but the right often falls into the trap of reflexively assuming the opposite of the official Cathedral line is the total truth.”

Its best to assume they are completely lying and then from that set of assumptions work backwords and find out if for once they told the truth.

I called China flu as an exageratted hoax early on using that approach while Moldbug got it wrong.

Am I as smart as Moldbug, no not nearly. I’m above average IQ but more the highest level of midwit tier… but Moldbug has too much sympathy for the Brahminate (BAP called him out on this) and really doesn’t see them in a sinister enough light still.

Javier says:

It’s all bullshit. The graph doesn’t even make sense. “Cases or deaths” those are very different things.

Vietnam had 0 covid until they started injecting people. Then Bam, “delta variant.” It’s all ADE and vax side effects but no one is allowed to notice it.

Varna says:

Factchecking debunkers will pounce on the “ADE” thing and try to use this as proof this is all unfounded paranoia.

It really isn’t ADE yet, at least not massively. What it is, is segments of the population having their immune system conk out even before the 3rd or 4th boosters that finish it off for the majority.

Mechanical AIDS without the need for HIV beforehand, just crude burning out of the natural antibody production system. As I’ve mentioned before, Soviet experiments with animals between 1968 and 1974 illustrated that regular trad vax boosters kill the natural immune system of most guinea pigs by the fourth boost.

With the harsher clotshots, segments of the population likely start getting similar effects earlier.

England is already hit by a “super flu” right now, which affects the vaxed, as is Israel. Ironically, both England and Israel have also just discovered a “new strain of COVID” which is six gorillion times more infectious than the “delta”.

jim says:

> Ironically, both England and Israel have also just discovered a “new strain of COVID” which is six gorillion times more infectious than the “delta”.

Sound like the Marek effect may be biting.

MDV became increasingly virulent over the second half of the 20th century [19,21–24]. Until the 1950s, strains of MDV circulating on poultry farms caused a mildly paralytic disease, with lesions largely restricted to peripheral nervous tissue. Death was relatively rare. Today, hyperpathogenic strains are present worldwide. These strains induce lymphomas in a wide range of organs and mortality rates of up to 100% in unvaccinated birds.

Alfred says:

> Sounds like the Marek effect may be biting.

That would explain the endless blather about the unvaccinated killing the vaccinated. It’s the other way around.

Varna says:

Creeping AIDS for the booster riders, creeping Marek for the purebloods, what’s not to love?

Ideally every surviving biodegradable unit (falsely called by conspiracy theorists “a citizen”) will need a pill an hour in order to survive.
Better yet implanted tech that provides a constant stream of RNA and DNA “meds”.

Saw an article about the mysterious reasons people aren’t getting jobs.

A masterclass of how to dance around a forbidden topic until you shroud it completely with bullshit. In this case the invisible topic being “people don’t want your work because it comes with a vax mandate, bitch”.

Upravda says:

Can you write (again?) a source links or other material for Soviet experiments, “super flu” and “new strain of Covid”? No need to be in English.

Pretty please, because among my near and dear people I’m in the middle of probably futile Crusade against third clot shot which our beloved government okayed recently (although only for those of “weak health”, “immunocompromised” and their household members).

Varna says:

Not gonna work I think, because it’s always circumstantial stuff which “may or may not be true”. Only really convincing to people whose instincts are already screaming at them.


Summary of a few concepts

Russian immunologist quoted today by the biggest mainstream, carefully saying that too frequent boosting leads to “immunity paralysis” and thus totally not closer together than six months, preferably once a year.

Simple explanation how AIDS overloads the immune system

My elderly mom is getting the booster so I feel you. But after a certain point it’s people’s free will.

Belarus doctors hypothesize today that getting infected with COVID-19 can help people get LESS cancer.

A few months back I ran into Russian online discussion (can’t find), where they swapped stories of people who instead of feeling like crap after COVID, started feeling better, smarter, more energetic. The users hypothesized that perhaps COVID was to an extent an unfinished leaked experiment to do with a general reset of the nervous, endocrine, and cognitive system of humans, and that those who are lucky genetically experienced the beneficial effects as opposed to brain fog, neurodegenerational crap etc.

Maybe good genes combined with not being a fat sack of lard with twenty chronic conditions help get the “benefits” more than the negatives.

I do know one guy who claims he became better at a number of things (from composing to stocks) after going through a medium-bad covid flu thing with his family a few months back.

Just always remember to remind loved ones who choose the jab that the first fortnight afterward is a lowered immunity risk period and no matter how much they believe in the protection, the first 14 days is when they should REALLY self-isolate and protect themselves in various ways.

Upravda says:

Thank you.

Even the first link ( is enough to raise the eyebrows, specifically Mr. ÄŒereÅ¡njev’s words who also seems to mention in passing old Soviet experiments with revaccination you talked about:
“Чем грозит частая вакцинация? Это тоже *установлено классиками* – развивается иммунологический паралич”

Domain is held by at least somewhat veracious entity (Federal State Unitary Enterprise “The Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Company”), and Mr. ÄŒereÅ¡njev does exist and he is what the linked article claims him to be.

(BTW, funny surname 🙂 )

Same man, similar article, on other link ( of similar veracity.

I see, Belarussian doctors are into really interesting theories. “What doesn’t kill you, makes you stonger” I suppose. I’ve already read about HIV in New Scientist, I even have the article in favorites.

The last link is real eye-opener because it is quite detailed in “popular science” sense of the word. Detailed, but you do not have to be medical doctor to follow it. I suggest everyone to read it – and yes, translation services actually can make some decent work of translation. There is nice conclusion in last two paragraphs.

Varna says:

Very glad online translate works and that you enjoyed the material.

Here are two more: longer and wackier, to top up the initial stuff.

One is an interview (Sept 2021) with a famous red-pilled futurologist

The other is a longer ever-updated (summer of 2021) article on the habr platform which is still surprisingly pro free speech

Difficult to agree with everything said by these two chaps, but the very act of reading and forcing the brain to examine events from different perspectives is enjoyable cognitive gymnastics.

Have fun!

SJE says:

***having their immune system conk out***

Can anyone explain what the mechanism of this is supposed to be? Physiologically, how does the “vaxx” accomplish this.

I’m not doubting that they could/would do this, it’s just, I am a doctor and have not seen an explanation for how this actually works.

jim says:

Vaccination is a strong and unnatural stimulus, that provokes a strong and unnatural response.

China flu vaccination is a stronger and and even more unnatural stimulus.

When your system reacts to disease, it gets stressed. When any body system is subjected to sufficient stress, it is likely to cause harm, Unnatural stress is more likely to cause harm, while if your body is not too damaged by the natural stress, it will be stronger after recovering from the temporary damage.

On this theory, a live virus vaccine based on one of China Flu’s many, many, harmless relatives, or a genetically knackered version of china flu, which is applied through the natural route (sniffed up in a spray), should be quite safe, being a natural stimulus.

That was the basis of our first, greatest and most totally successful vaccine, the smallpox vaccine – cowpox (variola) being applied to the skin through mechanisms similar to wild smallpox and wild cowpox, not injected into a muscle.

The fact that we are no longer using this approach (it is not even legal any more except for an ever diminishing set of grandfathered in vaccines) represents technological decline.

The main reason for banning it seems to be that unnatural vaccines are easier to develop, big money wants new vaccines that are still under patent, and the priesthood takes a very substantial percentage of the action from big money, so agreeably concocts, after the style of Catastrophic Anthropogenic Climate Change, transparently bogus and blatantly fake reasons why older out of patent vaccines are a bad idea.

Unnatural vaccines are in a sense lower tech, even though developing them and manufacturing them is high tech compared to the old type live virus vaccines, in that finding a safe relative that gives effective cross immunity is difficult, and requires an extended trusting and trustworthy scientific community, which no longer exists.

Varna says:

The more the informational environment becomes a cloud of closely curated monopolist propaganda with tiny pockets of chaotic madness, the more rational autonomous citizens need to take a step back and anchor themselves the way the ancient Greeks did–through the simple building block of logic and analogy, via the use of, whenever possible, defined categories and concepts.

In the case of the endless booster cycle that overproduces antibodies every X months we can use two analogies:

1) Forcing through regular doses of meth or cocaine the human body to constantly burn through its energy reserves, until finally there are none left.
2) Forcing soil to overproduce constantly, until it becomes dead soil.

The exact opposite of “sustainable use” or “sustainable development”.

This is combined with the banal “narrow focus hubris” of the type when holy scientists decide they have figured out the “important elements you need in food” or “the only really important part of the sleep cycle” or “the only important part of what makes breastmilk nutritious”.

And then they make food which is missing half its important ingredients which are outside their focus, and they shift sleeping cycles to modes that lead to psychosis, and they produce baby formula which gradually starves infants and so on.

The third is the substitution fallacy “our margarine is even healthier for you than butter”.

The pharma lobby today can produce thousands of experts funded by billions of dollars to create a cloud of bullshit with lots of tech jargon. But we take a step back from that cloud and break down the situation the way an ancient Greek would have.

And this is what we get:

1) The narrow focus fallacy is in play with the clotshots. If virus X is made up of 10 components, the clotshot delivers 1 (the “only really important one”), while the trad vax delivers all 10.
Thus, when the virus starts to change over time, the trad vax immunity works until all 10 components have changed beyond recognition. The fancy clotshot stops working the moment the single protein changes form.

2) The “aggressive exploitation of inner resources/soil” fallacy, where the corporation provides super convincing charts how they can keep giving you meth forever and you’ll remain energetic and smart forever with no payback time ever. Here even with the trad vax you still get the “exhausted soil”/”crashed adrenal glands” equivalent for the immune system after enough boosters. Especially if close together.

3) The “margarine is butter” fallacy where synthesized imitations of the virus components are “just like the real thing” and will totally not rip up your vascular system from the inside.

Lastly, airborne respiratory viruses should be introduced through the nasal mucus membrane in order to start the defense cycle properly and activate all consecutive levels of the body’s defense cascade, instead of directly going into the muscle.

And, of course, suppressed research shows that not infrequently the spike protein enters the bloodstream after injection, instead of staying in the muscle, and starts circulating, and this is not unlike injecting margarine directly into the intestines, bypassing the filtering process of the mouth saliva, and overall gastric breakdown of the ingested product.

Over the last decades checks and balances have been dismantled aggressively across the board, and we see the result now with the covid business. Imagine a ten-step process from conceiving the clotshot to implementing it to making it mandatory.

40 years ago someone would have said “now hang on” at the experimental stage.
30 years ago someone would have said “now hang on” once the serum was out in the world, being examined by other scientists.
20 years ago after the first wave of reactions someone would have said “now hang on”.
10 years ago a courageous journalist or rogue scientist would have presented his findings and said “now hang on” and the big progressive media would have hailed him as a hero.

Today there is no one left to say this and be listened to.

Karl says:

“Today there is no one left to say this and be listened to.”

Nah, there are some (perhaps plenty) of scientists that say that the clot shots are harmful. It’s just that they say it either in private only or have no forum outisde some corners of the internet.

In addition, many physicians (at least where I live) simply see there duty ending after counseling their patients. So after a phsyician tells his patients that he recommends against taking the clot shot, he is done.

Why give unpaid advise to people who are not your customers, espially as you make a living by giving paid advise to customers? Not saying that I agree with that position, but I can understand that reasoning

Varna says:

Curious little sentence on page 23 of this new UK govt report:

> recent observations from UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) surveillance data that N antibody levels appear to be lower in individuals who acquire infection following 2 doses of vaccination

Starman says:


John Rivers is a confirmed fed shill. After he responded to me, I asked him a Redpill on Women Question.

He refused to answer.

And I suspect that he’s a urbanite fat fuck as well.

alf says:

Yeah I remember having a similar exchange a while ago. Into the shill category he goes.

Starman says:

Once I started making every single one of my replies to John Rivers have a WQ at the end, he stopped doing “repost with comment” responses to me. In order to avoid putting a redpill on Women Question on his timeline.

A2 says:

The revolution has begun devouring its own. Is it that time already?

jim says:

Truly delightful.

The board controlled a lot of wealth and power, so fellow leftists kept coming after their applecart:

The board members also took the extra step of humiliating themselves by noting that they were under the close oversight of minders who might slap them down if they went off-script.

And suddenly, no more applecart, and no more apples. They did to the gay parade what they did to Star Wars, what they are now doing to SpaceX.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Interesting, and timely, that I just saw this.

People starting to identify Boston and the Puritans as the ancestors of modern leftist politics. The power behind the throne gain so much of its power from being arcane and occluded. If you can name it, point to it, then you can target it.

Kunning Drueger says:

Then again, if it is being reported on and spread, it could be that the Brain has decided it can twist the narrative to its own ends…

I don’t mean to be unnecessarily pessimistic, but I am certain that if there is any kind of cuckservative reconquista that it will only strengthen the Cathedral, buy them time to consolidate and continue.

A2 says:

Far too soon to get involved, in my opinion. Let them fight for a while.

The cuckservatives seem more intent on a third party to crush the ogre Trump at the moment and, at a guess, there will be no such reconquista neither this time nor the next.

Neurotoxin says:

The Associated Press is now using the phrase “Far-right cryptocurrency” to describe BitCoin:

The “news story” is being picked up by the Chicago Sun-Times, ABC News, SFGate, etc., etc., …

By the way, whatever you think of Andrew Anglin, the story is a white pill on using cryptocurrencies as part of a strategy to remain below the Deep State’s radar. The entire story is a screech of frustrated rage that the legal system can’t find him.

jim says:

One hell of a white pill.

Note, incidentally, that he is being charged with political offenses. His “victims” are those that claim they were harmed by his thoughts.

Neurotoxin says:

Yeah, it’s amazing that they’re going after cryptocurrency on the pretext that some right-winger hurt someone’s feelings. That’s the best pretext they could come up with? Nothing about the traditional “drug dealers,” “arms dealers,” etc? Any one of us here could write a better boilerplate leftist attack article than this.


jim says:

These people are not in power. The deep state is in power.

My prediction was that they would devour the deep state in a few months. To my surprise, the deep state has not been devoured.

When this news story appears in the New York Times, you will know that the deep state has been devoured.

Mr.P says:

“Similar to their jihadist counterparts, many of these groups ….”


notglowing says:

Let’s hope we carry the luck of the Taliban

Alfred says:

Sounds like they’ve finally realized they need to massively increase truckers salaries to get things moving again. The one thing I’m unclear on, if the feds are trying to make the supply chain disruption worse or not. I get conflicting reports on that.

Pooch says:

They are increasingly going after fossil fuel engines. The CA port back up seems to be completely caused by a shortage of climate compliant trucks.

Cloudswrest says:

I read there are two reasons. The first you mentioned. The second is California banned temporary “gig”, (i.e. contract) labor. They have to be hired as *employees* of the company. Many truckers where independent contractors hired by shippers for individual shipments.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

It’s both because using ideologically rationalized backstabbing as a coordination mechanism results in a circular firing squad. The left hand bails water out as the right hand bails it back in.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The only way they were able to coordinate is through occulted networks of backroom strongarming, extortion, and blackmail, to keep a line running through an indefinite series of unprincipled exceptions; where every now and then someone on their way up will be taken aside to ‘have a chat’ about how things things work; about how ‘the fundamental ideals of humanism and progress’ square with their form of power, ‘the ways of the world’.

But that network has been breaking down at an ever accelerating rate.

The Cominator says:

Yep this is what is basically going on…

jim says:

> The one thing I’m unclear on, if the feds are trying to make the supply chain disruption worse or not. I get conflicting reports on that

Doubtless both at once. The fedgov always works that way.

Alfred says:

There’s the smoking gun of a fed urging people to go inside the capital the night before J6:

He’s never been charged and he was filmed committing crimes that day.

Pooch says:
Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>The FBI is a renegade, out of control, criminal organization no different than the Mafia, except it has more power. Your average FBI Agent gets up everyday, suborns perjury, alters official documents (302’s), destroys evidence under subpoena, withholds exculpatory evidence, hides Brady Material, lies under oath to the court, lies under oath to Congress, ignores the 4th amendment and supplies ex nihilo, out of whole cloth, phony evidence then initiates with no predicate, investigations into perceived enemies of the D 卐 M ☭ CRAT party, conduct pre-dawn raids on “dangerous” septuagenarians, illegally leaks classified material to sympathetic press pack dogs who work in support of the D 卐 M ☭ CRAT Imperium, slow rolls subpoenas for FOIA information and lies about the need to classify ever more evidence that the American public should be able to see and that is before 9 o’clock.

Lmfao, that’s the kind of fudd indignation i love to see.

Varna says:

Lukashenko grows a pair?

Like in many other places oy vey the fourth wave is coming, mandatory masks, hospitals closed to most people, how to get people vaccinated…
Suddenly, two weeks in, Lukashenko comes in today and says cut the panic, stop forcing people to wear muzzles (sic), vaccination is a private choice, no one should be forced to wear a mask anywhere except airplanes and trains.

Health ministry jumps to attention, publishes new guidelines about lack of guidelines. Also sprach Lukashenko.

Belarus is currently 11% jabbed, only with the trad Sinopharm and the Sputnik clotshot.

might bugout says:

I’ve heard he has also said 0% tax on crypto transactions for the next few years.

How is Belarus to live?

Varna says:

Looks like this

The basic implicit social contract between Lukashenko and the population from the mid-1990s onward was “create a country where the Soviet perestroika succeeded”. If the USSR had not collapsed but had managed an orderly move toward pretend democracy, pretend capitalism, open borders, well-stocked shops, and a comfier infrastructure, at its best it would look like this.

This social contract is now “being renegotiated” but up until COVID this was the one-sentence explanation of what’s what. A USSR that survived and became flexible and nice. By USSR standards.

The local news is as you would expect–everything is about the dear leader. However, before COVID, borders were open, and Internet censorship–minimal.

Wages are modest but mostly adequate for local prices. Out of 9 million people, 900K went abroad as tourists in the last pre-covid year of 2019

The industry of Belarus is to a large extent oriented toward Russia, which as a market absorbs:
Belorussian foods
Belorussian cosmetics
Belorussian clothes
Belorussian home electronics
Belorussian tractors, trucks, and sheit

Flat with lots of marshes, and the biggest oldest primeval forest in Europe, with prehistoric bisons. So if you want seasides and mountains–no. If you want lakes, rivers, and epic forests–then yes.

Normal north Slav climate–not Mediterranean warm, not permafrost.

Summary: white, Slavic, orthodox, chilly, marshy, moderately prosperous and safe chunk from an alternate reality USSR which adapted and survived.

It is, however, a one-man show of one determined boomer supported by a silent majority of heartland boomers. No one can tell how the country will go after Lukashenko. If he manages to swing some sort of integration with Russia in return for concessions before retiring, that’s one thing. But then again Russia itself is also one determined boomer supported by heartland boomers, so who the hell knows. Plus, Russia is more corrupt than Belarus, and has oligarchs.

The time to move into Belarus and raise your kids was in 2010.

Left to its own devices a “westernized” Belarus can become either a second Ukraine, or a second Lithuania, or a second Poland.

Varna says:

Important healthcare caveat for EE as a whole, especially the cheaper places outside the Visegrad group: it’s only OK up to a certain level of complexity.

Basic dentistry, basic surgery, setting broken limbs, fixing cataracts, fixing pneumonia–fine. Same as the 1st world but more affordable. So far so good.

But anything more complex than this, which needs doctor who able to tell the difference between say eye nerve degeneration or a brain tumor which is mimicking the same effect — you’re fucked.

Unless you can afford to fly to Germany or Austria, or unless you live in the capital and have managed to make connections with the three best doctors in the country.

EE works if you’re mostly healthy.

Arqiduka says:


Varna says:

Romania just chose the opposite direction, joining Bulgaria and going beyond mere vax passes, including mandatory masks and curfews.

70% unjabbed.


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