
The shape of our enemy

The richest man in the world, Elon Musk, is currently in a power struggle with Yoel Roth, the former head of Trust & Safety at Twitter who is featured prominently in the “Twitter Files” released by Elon Musk.

Yoel Roth is a Jewish faggot. That he is a Jew and a faggot is in his bio. As head of Trust and Safety, he displayed a strangely relaxed attitude to child sexual exploitation material on twitter, which would lead one to expect he is a pederast.

Further, all faggots are pederasts and all straights are “paedophiles” for a straight is attracted to youth and indications of fertility, regardless of chronological age, thus attracted to all fertile age females, regardless of chronological age, while faggots find breasts repulsive and youth attractive, thus are attracted to men and to children below fertile age regardless of the sex of the child. Which does not necessarily prove that they acting on that attraction, but Yoel Roth considered accusations of grooming “unsafe”, while somehow considering grooming to be safe.

As head of Trust and Safety, he not only suppressed information on the dangers of the jab, and the truth about Global Warming, but also suppressed information on the dangers of child sexual transition. Child sexual transition is very much in the interests of pederasts.

The current epidemic of gender confusion in schools reflects the interests of pederasts running them. Marriage was destroyed in large part so that professors could get pussy. Now childhood is being destroyed so that faggots can get ass.

1,296 comments The shape of our enemy

[…] The shape of our enemy […]

Marriage was destroyed so that professors could get pussy? I’d like to hear more about this. Professors may have slept with female students back in the day, but to attempt do so now seems like it would risk serious consequences, requiring more balls than most professors have today. Although maybe tenure is enough to protect them?

S says:

From wiki
“In 1900, there were 85,338 female college students in the United States and 5,237 earned their bachelor’s degrees; by 1940, there were 600,953 female college students and 77,000 earned bachelor’s degrees.”

First and second wave feminism with the end result there are more women getting bachelor degree’s then men. The next generation doesn’t get the joke and so we get third wave feminism and the professors stop being laid.

dr. manhattan says:

The profs are still getting laid they just have to be careful to only choose the women most invested in the academia system. They’re now being affirmatively acted even into hard sciences.

It probably isn’t the cause but it’s real. Administration is not interested in destroying profs who have connections to other profs and admins. They want to destroy fratboys who intend to leave the academia system for business and dont have academic connections.

jim says:

There were no consequences back in the seventies or eighties. Holiness spiraling on “consent” led to consequences.

The Cominator says:

But the fall of marriage as far as legal measures came mainly at two points in American life.

1850s: Abolition of coverture (women still didn’t start going to college for about 70 years with rare exceptions though I guess radcliffe and wellesley college existed around 30 years after).

1960s-1970s: Favorable divorce laws for women (and lots of propaganda) and more cultural acceptance of divorce (though divorce statistically was sort of briefly acceptable for USO marriages after WWII as 1946-47-48 divorce rates were close to modern levels before falling back to very low levels in the 1950s until the 1960s) and women had already started going to college before then. And as you said until sexual harassment and the strange ideas about consent came about in the late 80s banging female students was fine (the worst changes to laws regarding women are ALWAYS when feminist and beta McChristian tradcucks are persuaded to cooperate).

So based on the timeline I’m not sure how much blame you can put on the professoriate… and not on the grounds of getting pussy the 1st change there was no pussy for them (and brothels were omnipresent and cheap then anyway) with the 2nd change they already had female students for pussy and things quickly got worse after the divorce laws changed.

i says:

In 1839 Patriarchy started to get abolished:

Before the abolition of Coverture. The role of the Father is already starting to get dismantled.

Feminism had it’s start in the 19th century and some time before officially:

Red says:

Are you black? That you video you linked to “Black Male Studies and Dr. Curry mentioned in a Major Book” isn’t anything a White man would post. That would explain a lot of your weird behavior. You’re not intelligent enough to read between the lines when it comes Haiti but you don’t seem to a be a shill.

The video is pretty much spot on, but it’s unlikely you could have found it from a causal search.

i says:

Are you black?


You’re not intelligent enough to read between the lines when it comes Haiti but you don’t seem to a be a shill.

I was filled with rage when I typed that comment. Like this massacre wasn’t avenged like the Spartacus revolt was.

WTF were the French doing the 200 years since then after Napoleon? At least the Israelites remembered what Amalek did.

Pax Imperialis says:

>WTF were the French doing

The Germans were a far more pressing and immediate concern to the French. What happened on some misbegotten island was of little concern.

Then there were the historical rivals across the channel, and the quagmires of the Italians, and don’t forget the Spaniards to the south west.

Haiti provide what exactly? Sugar? Good thing beets exists.

The Americans also made it clear that Continental influences in the new world where not welcomed either. Spain learned that lesson the hard way with losing New Spain.

skippy says:

The British owned the Caribbean 1805-1945.

Haiti genocide wasn’t exactly British style, but what’s done is done.

Fidelis says:

If Musk represents the war faction, looks like there’s a power grab in action. The stuff with the funny black hitler-was-cool guy is probably related. If azow naughtzies are indeed the nato speartip, indeed the highest morale and most loyal troops, war faction would know, and war faction would want to cultivate the naughtzies in the rest of nato.

I’m personally in favor of this. As jim says, war is a stern teacher, but a good one. Network war could very well be the catalyst needed for a new kind of Caesar to actually take power, instead of total spiral into trannie sevel kill stele.

The Cominator says:

The military faction is not the war faction, though the military contractor faction is a different war faction than the holy tranny global bugman faction.

War under our current leadership and military state and given long built up hatred of the US from many parts of the world… and Russian nukes… the result could be an Assyrian style annihilation…

Fidelis says:

Nuclear exchange is cool and all but you need boots on the ground here to actually do anything but kill concentrated blue hairs, h1bs and nignogs. US is hated by Eurasia, the neighbors of Eurasia prefer america to being ruled over by russia or china. They see the latter as a more existential threat, and for the neighbors of china that is probably a wise assessment of their prospects under yellow dominion. There won’t be some coalition invading north america, I can tell you that much at least. If nukes really do fly, I couldn’t tell you much about the end result of politics in america, but I can tell you eurasia is more interested in subjugating its neighboring states than the sheer civilizational effort of a full extermination of heartland americans. Can you imagine fighting through anchorage or san fran into denver? Or somehow making your way up the mississippi into ohio? Those are the last places it seems we even have real fighters, there’s just no way.

What do you make of muskrat being allowed to say and do all the things he’s said and done lately? He has to have major backing on all of this, at the very least to prevent alphbets giving him a friendly hello.

The Cominator says:

No idea exactly what happened behind the scenes or why this was allowed, i mean theoretically could contact my old friend Alex Spiro to get some information but im very much not willing to do that because I dont think any good for him or Musk could come about it and at best Spiro would think i was a crazy asshole (hes that himself but he was a great guy) for contacting him out of the blue after many years to get him to tell me non public information about a client.

Kunning Druegger says:

You make your own choices and I will always back you (though I will be a whiny debate opposition, as the prophecy for-tells), but you should consider that at some point, fate may demand you reach out, possibly to transfer some very powerful memes that will give Them the awareness of options they don’t realize they have.

I know you opposed the academic document proposal, and I understand your reasoning, but imagine the power of being able to hand someone distilled, crystalized, and compact Jimian Christianity. I submit that it’s at least worth considering.

The Cominator says:

If I have a VERY good reason to try to send an email to my old friend (who no doubt has no damn time in the aftermath of the twatter takeover anyway, he was a “high powered” attorney before but hes probably doing 18 hour days now) I will… but other than Elon messing up the way Trump was messing up in the Covid situation to the extent that I KNOW its the case I’m not going to do that.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Conquering the US and Canada is easy. Just stop guarding the southern border and let the entire third world flood in and devour the continent like a swarm of locusts. Best of all, the Democrats are already doing this for you!

Calvin says:

Destruction is not the same thing as conquest. And, ironically, the poz flowing out of the US has become so strong that most of Latin America is now sub-replacement tfr itself from sheer cultural assimilation.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Which is why Soros and company are now busing Africans through Mexico to invade the US.

In the coming years I will much enjoy watching grainy cellphone videos of the enablers of this invasion pleading to the invaders, through a mouth full of blood and broken teeth, “No, stop! I’m not white, I’m Jewish — I’m on your side!”

Calvin says:

Better hope the chosen invaders aren’t of the muslim sort.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Yeah, because non-Muslim Africans are natural conservatives who will make America great again.

Calvin says:

Muslims are at least theoretically capable of surviving amidst the ruins of the downfall and building their own civilization to compete with anything amerikaners manage to raise. Africans are not.

Mayflower Sperg says:

After civilization contracepts itself out of existence, D and C climate zones will be inhabited by Amish farmers, B zones by Muslim goat-herders, and A zones by naked savages chasing each other through the jungle with pointy sticks. Muslims are naturally suited to herding, not farming; their calendar doesn’t even align with the seasons!

Maybe civilization will rise again, maybe not. Tribalism solves the woman problem, the faggot problem, the Jew problem, and the nigger problem in one fell swoop, but it cannot launch space probes, discover new cancer drugs, or maintain paved roads between cities.

Starman says:


“What do you make of muskrat being allowed to say and do all the things he’s said and done lately? He has to have major backing on all of this, at the very least to prevent alphbets giving him a friendly hello.”

There’s a faction within the Pentagon that backs Elon Musk because he is a techlord.

Definition: A techlord is a man who is knowledgeable about his weapons, and who has command of his loyal techpriests that build and maintain weapons that the empire’s military depends on for its supremacy.

And from that, Elon Musk currently has the ability to destroy every single military satellite in orbit.

jim says:

At some point this faction is going to be removed or liquidated, or is going to remove or liquidate all the other factions.

Fidelis says:

Do you think they have what it takes?

I see reasons to have hope from the words, mere words!, spouted from muskrat. Name the enemy, in the vulgate: wokism; he has done it. Bring a faith to a holy war, he has a faith backing him that excites and energizes normie engineer types. Scattered footage keeps coming out from speeches he gives to troops, and it looks like he prefers to speak to pale face fighting troops.

I don’t think muskrat is alone in this, there’s some network behind him giving support. It’s not the moment yet where they can mass arrest and inquisition those opposing the imperator infinita marium, so we cannot know the capability, but the mere words lately have been enough to give me a spoonful of faith that some powerful faction knows the enemy.

Red says:

Does Elon have what it takes? Yes. Does the faction supporting him? Hard to say until it’s kill or be killed.

Kunning Druegger says:

The best fire is a banked fire; constantly fed and kindled with care, but obscured from view and protected from the ever changing winds.

We, you and I and others, sit in a dark wood, our backs to our fires, feeling its warmth but averting our gaze from its hypnotic brilliance, for even the tiniest flame can dazzle dark stained eyes, and we stare all around at nothing but the sickly illumination of the black stars of Carcosa.

We feel alone, like the only tended fire in an evil wood stretched wide over a bleak expanse, and in this solitude, the fear rises that we tend the last and only fire, the last flickering tongues of hope.

Fear not. Your fire is but one of thousands, banked and fed, obstructed and nurtured, kindled and biding a time when we will fill our horns with flame and march.

Feed your fire. Keep it both secret and safe. Keep it ever at your back so you may spy that time when one day soon, the fires rise.

Ex says:

Yoel Roth wrote his university PhD dissertation, “Gay Data”, on Grindr and why Grindr should let teenage boys on. It used to be available at but has recently been removed without explanation. You can see the old page at , sadly archive doesn’t manage to get the linked PDF. So I’m going to assume he’s hiding it because he has something to hide, it’s that bad, the dubiously-sourced hostile excerpts and anon accusations are correct, and he really said those things.
If Roth wants to prove me wrong, he’s welcome to contact the university about putting it up again.

Example of dubiously-sourced hostile excerpt from Roth’s dissertation, via anon sources:

> In September 2014, a seropositive man was charged with sexual assault after admitting to having sex with a 15-year-old on at least four occasions – including one instance of unprotected sex without having disclosed his serostatus. In April 2015, another man was charged with sexual abuse of a child after he met and sexually assaulted a 14-year-old he met on Grindr.
> In each case, public accounts of the assaults are framed in largely the same way:
older, predatory men take advantage of impressionable, naive teenagers who have stumbled their way onto Grindr. The Grindr app becomes a hotbed for this type of predation, and both the individuals involved and the service itself are held to task. The District Attorney responsible for prosecuting the 2015 case suggested that such incidents were bound to become more common as social networking services like Grindr continue to rise in popularity; the possibility for abuse, he argued, is “the drawback of modern technology.”
> These accounts echo many of the classic tropes of online child safety narratives: the essentially dangerous nature of new media; the need to impose strict, top-down controls on how minors use the internet; a digital reincarnation of “stranger danger” in the figure of the older male sexual predator; and the importance of raising children to be safety-savvy and highly private. Yet, absent from these discussions is even a cursory recognition that the new medium of gay-targeted social networking may be a crucial social outlet for gay, bisexual, and questioning youth.
> It’s worth considering how, if at all, the current generation of popular sites of gay networked sociability might fit into an overall queer social landscape that increasingly includes individuals under the age of 18. Rather than merely trying to absolve themselves of legal responsibility or, worse, trying to drive out teenagers entirely, service providers should instead focus on crafting safety strategies that can accommodate a wide variety of use cases for platforms like Grindr – including, possibly, their role in safely connecting queer young adults.

End excerpt. “Crucial social outlet”, says the man looking at gay sex hookup app. I also want to draw attention to that “or worse” in the last paragraph. If this is true, the man’s so obsessed with getting boy ass, he thinks keeping 14-year-olds off the gay sex hookup app is worse than criminal liability.

Anonymous says:

It’s on libgen.

Mister Grumpus says:

If he hadn’t been a homo he could never have gotten that job. Jewishness no longer sufficient. Revealed preference of the procedural outcome. Like that DOE guy. State mandated. Gotta think.


Paging Dr. Hyde.

The Cominator says:

If power is to be centralized with the intelligence agencies as indeed it was (I was right again about the intel agencies being the coordinating and enforcement mechanism to make big media speak with one voice) its useful to install gays… gays all commit horrible unacceptable acts (the post 2010 myth of gays as some sort of good thing suppresses the horrific reality) beyond buggery that can be used for blackmail purposes.

Mister Grumpus says:

I can’t find a clear line between “blackmail material” and “team building”. Can you?

Were there any indications of gay stuff on Epstein’s island? They always say “underage girls” and never “underage girls and boys”, right? Could that whole thing have been or become the disposable Outer Party minor league?

And why am I only asking this now?

Kunning Druegger says:

I bet Epstein, Clinton, and the others hated faggots privately. I’m no fan of that crowd, but I can completely understand the willingness to use power and status to temporarily sate the natural cravings of the flesh. While I think it unbecoming and sinful, it is natural.

But, having drunk deep the draft of bottomless lust, they raised their eyes to a heaven lost and heard the cackling of the daemon they called friend. And in their despair, they dug their fingers into the very stone, and in the fullness of time a new daemon appeared, and with him came the sodomites, for they are legion.

The traditional is ever displaced by the progressive when God is cast out of the high places. The sodomites crept into the back door and have infected every institution. The old guard progressives just wanted pussy unrestricted, and they got in bed with the sodomites because they had that on tap, but it was a tainted gift. The spurned wives teamed up with the sodomites to displace the males in charge.

I think this pattern is ubiquitous. I bet there are Yoel Rothmanbergsteins in every single important institutions, wheedling and cajoling and creeping into real power positions. Sodomy is a virus of viruses, and to countenance it in any way, any way at all, is to court disaster and doom.

Let the rooftops rain until the earth is cleansed. Leave none alive.

Cloudswrest says:

The sodomites crept into the back door and have infected every institution.

I’m dying. ROFL

The Cominator says:

“Were there any indications of gay stuff on Epstein’s island?”

No Epstein’s island they were entrapping normal heterosexual guys so they needed to use jailbait that didn’t look like jailbait. Gays are easier to get blackmail information on then such an elaborate setup…

Nobody had to be private about hating gays until 2010 or so… before then it was perfectly socially acceptable to despise faggots.

i says:

I did post a link a few posts back here:

About a guy who reports the continuation of similar blackmail operations but at a different location. But found dead himself not long after.

This is a lynchpin as to their dominance I believe.

Vlad says:

I’m confused a couple years ago you were saying any unattended 9 year old deserved and wanted to be raped because a whore and being a father I objected and was called a white knight or some shit. I kept asking what should white patriarchy restoration look like Islam? Or maybe the 1950s but without legal rights. [*Soros script deleted*]

jim says:

Yoel Roth is rather good evidence for the Soros script (Soros telling us that all our problems would be solved if we gas the Jew that runs the bagel shop), and I would be happy to debate that argument with someone who was able to notice what Yoel Roth has been doing and Soros has been doing. Tell us what Soros has been doing to cause white flight. And, by the way, the post to which you respond tells us what Yoel Roth has been doing to prevent female children from growing boobs. (Being a faggot, he does not like boobs.) If what Yoel Roth has been up to is evidence for your position (and it is) make the argument with reference to Yoel Roth. You seem strangely unable to notice the activities of Soros. Are you able to notice the activities of Yoel Roth?

Can you make your argument while invoking the most obvious evidence for it?

Gassing the bagel shop owner is a displacement activity, like going after men who have sex with young fertile age women while ignoring female misconduct and faggot sex with pre pubertal children.

Vlad says:

Soros tells us to gas normie Jews that’s one thing never heard about him. Well there’s him during ww2 literally doing that but survival during war time and all.
I grew up in nyc before immigration. It was the Jews in early 60s filing [*bad deeds by unnamed Jews who no longer matter anyway deleted*]

jim says:

Soros and others are doing specific bad things by specific actions. Not by emitting magic Jewish thought control beams.

Can you identify a specific action by a specific identifiable Jew who matters now or who quite recently mattered?

Soros telling us to gas normie Jews is the same strategy as “paedophilia”. I remember when normies could not understand the word “paedophilia”. Its meaning was incomprehensible. No corresponding thought or concept existed.

The objective was to have the same word for straights who banged young fertile age women with boobs, and faggots who banged children regardless of age and sex provided that they had not yet developed boobs, to make unlike things the same thing.

Having a single word for both, it then became possible for gays to become schoolteachers, scoutmasters, and so forth. And pretty soon the gay mafia was running the scouts, the schools, and everything else that got them access to other people’s children.

If you tell us all Jews, including right wing Jews on the other side of the ocean, are all equally responsible for bad things, while ignoring particular actions by particular Jews to accomplish particular evil ends, this protects those particular evildoers, in the same way the word “paedophile” protected pederasts and enabled them to take over the schools and the scouts.

Anonymous says:

Great comment, Jim.

Vlad says:

I disagree that the faggotry and toddler tranny thing is about sex availability. The faggot rights was one of many commie Jew projects designed simply to weaken us,divide us, and subvert our culture and demoralize us.
A people can not survive if not unified. This is why non whites must leave the west we simply can’t survive if they’re here. What do you think the niggers and spics Arabs kikes jungle Asians are going to become Christian’s and what it’s crazy. They will still be their race first christcucks second. only whites are capable to our detriment of sublimating race to ideology.

jim says:

Everything is about sexual availability.

Yoel Roth is a Jew, but that he is a faggot is far more important to his conduct than that he a Jew.

Vlad says:

Politely disagree
Look Yoel might be in it for the boys but the massive govt corporate push is by people interested in power not sex some may enjoy both like they enjoy the money that goes often with power but it’s incidental.

Kunning Druegger says:

Vlad, you’re looking at a thing and calling it X, then jiim breaks off a piece and puts it under a microscope and sees Y, then you’re saying “oh sure, but I’m talking about X.”

X is composed of countless Ys, and each little Y operates roughly the same. It’s Yoel faggots, all the way down.

Vlad says:

[*Relevant and persuasive arguments deleted for failure to pass the Soros test (or even the Yoel Roth test).*]

jim says:

Your arguments are relevant, persuasive, and in large part true. They are worthy of response.

But the trouble is that they are arguments for ignoring Soros as just one more Jew, just as “paedophile” is an argument for allowing gays to be schoolteachers and scoutmasters.

I would engage your arguments if you could tell us what Soros, specifically and in particular, did to drive white people out of their homes.

You have an argument, but if you cannot notice what particular Jews are doing, you are in the pay of those particular Jews.

Vlad says:

[*This plausible and persuasive argument is just not going to be allowed through unless you can tell us what certain particular Jews have been doing*]

jim says:

Surely the best and most convincing argument for the proposition that all Jews have to go is what certain particular Jews have been up to. Name those Jews and tell us what particular actions they took to achieve their evil goals.

Vlad says:


jim says:

> I’m confused a couple years ago you were saying any unattended 9 year old deserved and wanted to be raped because a whore and being a father I objected

If you are a father and allow a nine year old daughter to wander off unattended, you are a very bad father.

> I kept asking what should white patriarchy restoration look like Islam? Or maybe the 1950s but without legal rights.

1800 England, coverture, accomplished by the methods of 1790s Australia. Meaning that chaste women are high status, and unchaste women are without legal rights. An offense against a chaste woman is an offense against her husband or father. No such thing as an offense against an unchaste woman. Including a nine year old who is allowed to wander off and proceeds to wander into places that one would not expect.

Vlad says:

My argument back then was not against patriarchy females having no legal autonomy. It was and is how ridiculous you framed it ie the 9 yo rape thing. If you had children you’d know unless you’re a homeschooling farmer you can’t bring your kids to work they will be out of your sight at times so to legalize their open game status it to argue for the end of civilization and return to jungle law.
You constantly do this soros test thing everyone knows things soros does [excuses for failing to pass the Soros test deleted]

jim says:

> My argument back then was not against patriarchy females having no legal autonomy. It was and is how ridiculous you framed it ie the 9 yo rape thing. If you had children you’d know unless you’re a homeschooling farmer you can’t bring your kids to work they will be out of your sight at times so to legalize their open game status it to argue for the end of civilization and return to jungle law.

Obviously if the schools is a gay brothel, you don’t send them to school. (Gays are attracted to children of both sexes until the girls develop boobs, and thereafter only attracted to boys. So gay grooming in schools involves persuading girls to transition, and have their breast buds removed)

With girls being surgically modified to suit gay tastes, jungle law will be a huge improvement.

> You constantly do this soros test thing everyone knows things soros does

Tell us one specific concrete thing that Soros did that really pissed of the alt right, and tell it the way the alt right tells it, not the way Jewish faggots tell it.

Also tell us what Yoel Roth has specifically and concretely done to make it a really bad idea to send your daughters to school.

BobtheBuilder says:

Wait, the potential Soros shill said something important.

A proper state should not want jungle law, and in fact should do its best to avoid jungle law, for the same reason it doesn’t want 70s or 50s or 30s leftism. It should be aiming for creating a legal code that encourages communities where children can go out without having to fear abduction or whatever (Matthew 18:6), as can be found in some American and European rural areas, and used to be much more common in the past before all the sodomites and Moloch worshipers got emboldened.

Also, Soros astroturfs low intelligence high time preference thugs (mostly blacks, but there are plenty of hispanic and antifa whites in there) to ethnically cleanse white communities and as muscle to smash any resistance to Globohomo (while glowies do D&C and paranoia psych ops), and funds color revolutions to promote “buttsex in Botswana” (like in Ukraine with Zelensky), which Hungary, Poland, Belarus and Russia have been resisting.
Yoel Roth and his sodomite ilk turn kids into homonculi for their sick urges, and because misery loves company (and plausibly because they are Moloch worshipers who hate God).

A very charitable reading of your comments on this subject would indicate that you are advocating stricter parental control, but your decision to double down makes me somewhat less charitable. Could you state exactly what you mean?

Anonymous says:

you are advocating stricter parental control

And, failing that due to young female misbehavior, marriage by elopement or abduction.

BobtheBuilder says:

For 9yo? Was there a mass conversion to Mohammedianism recently that I missed?

Orthodox Jimianity says:

Until recently (late 19th century) the Christian West recognized that some 8-year-olds tend to sexually misbehave, have to be forcefully restrained, beaten with a stick and chained to a wall, and should be shotgun married if they manage to seduce a fella (or preemptively married off to a suitable gentleman).

Yes, even in the cucked Anglosphere, cf. Delaware’s 1880 AOC of 7.

The sexual dynamics between an ironing-board-chested girl who jumps on her dad’s friend’s schlong (the unsuspecting friend being naturally uninterested in ironing boards) because her explosive urges are permitted to proceed unrestrained and between a pedagogical trysexual sneaky-fucker faggot who’d hump anything boobless (men or children) are inherently dissimilar, it being the point of this post.

“Pedophiles” (fags) are trysexual, they will try to fuck anything without tits, both 50-year-old men and 5-year-old children. The word “pedophile” lumps together trysexual faggots who will try to fuck your son, your daughter (prepubescent or under FtM hormones blockers), and you up the rectum, and a 21-year-old man who fucks a 15-year-old woman.

You are meant to worry about straight men who fuck girls with boobs so that you’ll pay no attention to the trysexual faggot school teacher who molests your son, molests your flat-chested or mastectomized daughter, and given access to roofies and the means to slip them into your drink, will molest you.

BobtheBuilder says:

Oh really? And how did this dad’s friend get jumped? Is he a quadriplegic or something? Maybe he’s just a crypto-sodomite trysexual looking for excuses. A lot of the suspected Epstein customers are big supporters of sodomy for a reason (see Pelosi’s “husband” and his encounter with the homo-hammer-hoe). Just because white knights are self-hating cucks, doesn’t make the inverse of “he wus a good boy he dindu nuffin” any better.

Kunning Druegger says:

That’s not what he said, not what we say.

You are struggling with the terrible thought that a 9yo girl, that picture of sweetness and light as you see it, could ever be guilty of anything so heinous as what’s been implied. This is a You problem, as you are photoshopping in a particular image for “9yo girl” and then working from the position that that was the image implied.

Red says:

>Oh really? And how did this dad’s friend get jumped?

Typically it’s a horny teenage boy the girl settles for after getting rejected by older men.

jim says:

> should be aiming for creating a legal code that encourages communities where children can go out without having to fear abduction or whatever

Problem is that nine year old girls frequently do not act as if they fear abduction, but as if they are hoping to find it.

Restraining men is ineffectual, because one pin can pop one hundred balloons.

If you successfully control ninety nine out of a hundred girls, ninety nine out of a hundred men will be able to marry a virgin wife.

If you successfully control ninety nine out a hundred men, very few men will be able to marry a virgin wife.

skippy says:

You state the simple, oft-denied truth clearly and indisputably.

Vlad says:

First if you can’t restrain men you haven’t got a civilization it’s the very definition of civilization even a troop of monkeys can restrain females and children
Second for the ten thousandth timevWTF do you insist on drawing the line at nine year olds have you ever met one never mind we had that conversation and you’re still wrong nine year old girls are not seductresses except in rare cases where they meet child molesters and even 12 year old girls are just trying on womanhood mimicking again unless they were exposed to bad adults or bad children I would not advocate for marriage of girls under 15 though yeah 14 yo in wrong environment could be trouble.
But Christ we are supposed to be designing an environment that not bad for us

jim says:

Civilizations fail from inability to control women, not men.

Nature gives women far more power than men, for all a man can do is merely kill you, while a woman can make you immortal.

Many an emperor with ten thousand conservatively raised concubines and the unquestioned authority to execute any of them or all of them for any reason or no reason has had woman troubles, and often enough his empire died of those troubles.

If you put on the plausible appearance of alpha, you will swiftly discover that the problem of female misconducts frequently starts at a startlingly and disturbingly young age.

For our people to survive, must restore virgin marriage. And, empirically, peoples and faiths that were serious about providing virgins for marriage, have always set iron controls on females starting very very early. I know from direct personal experience that to create a society of virgin marriage, we have to do what they did.

Which means we have to be conscious that the tendency of females to misbehave is volcanically powerful, extremely difficult to control, and the volcano is apt to erupt inconveniently early.

And for such controls to stick, girls that escape or successfully resist such controls have to be married off. Which means that the option of shotgun marrying them at a very early age has to be available.

I want our elite to reproduce at substantially above replacement. And for it to reproduce at substantially above replacement it has to do what peoples who reproduced at substantially above replacement have always done. Which is to control females, starting at a very early age. And while it is preferable that girls not marry till their reproductive equipment is fully developed, every civilization that successfully reproduced had to have a solution to deal with the problem of some girls getting started very very early. Which they dealt with by tightly controlling young girls to prevent them from getting dick early, and if they managed to get dick anyway, marrying them off regardless of age.

Kunning Druegger says:

“At one point, Carriker allegedly references going to meet a man described as her “Dom.” Carriker also texted “Meet Man” that she had a “very eager 9yo,” referring to the girl whom she later took with her to meet Griffin in Vermont, who wanted to come see “Meet Man” engage in BDSM activities, the report stated.”

Adam says:

As Jim has stated before, authorizing the male population to restrain the females is exactly how you restrain the male population.

Consent as a man understands consent is irrelevant. Females are incapable of lifelong monogamous consent at any age, under any conditions.

Fathers are plenty incentivized to find a mate suitable for their daughters, if they have the option. As a father of two beautiful and loving daughters I am not going to marry them off to a man that is not suitable, unless there is a severe shortage of men. These men will become part of my family, and help me grow my family until one day it is their family. This is not a difficult problem.

Female attraction to males is uniform, but men put too much weight on what a guy looks like, not enough importance on status. Most teenage boys, even handsome boys, are dorky and weird and awkward.

If you as a man, as an alpha male that can pull hot young chicks take a look at the boys that teenage girls are happy to date and happy to have sex with, those boys are pretty underwhelming. Especially at an emotional and psychological level.

The standards of a virgin teenage girl are not astronomically high, especially with the male being of sufficient status to the parents, with the union being supported by both families, the church, and by God.

Vlad says:

My experience controlling women like herding cats controlling men once dominance determined is pretty self driving

jim says:

This is true in the workplace when women are pretending to do men’s jobs. It is pretty much irrelevant to the problem of reproduction.

BobtheBuilder says:

>because one pin can pop one hundred balloons

Kill him. Or look the other way when pops gets angry and makes him dig a grave. You have no problem correcting male misbehavior when he cucks out and pimps his wife, so no reason to not do it here.

Charleston fence is that the age was 12 in Britain and the colonies when you say you liked them, 14 in Nippon, and 15 in the European states less affected by feminism. Caught violating it, treated as rape. I suspect the reason for that (aside from prosecuting aggressive sodomites) is it allows for better male cooperation, since now I don’t have to devote as much time to helicopter parenting, and my kids can socialize, and I can trust my neighbor to look after the kid while I work. Can’t execute pedos = can’t trust my neighbor, as evidenced by stranger danger being a fairly recent invention.

My anecdotal evidence is that my sister began misbehaving well after 9, around the time of historical laws on this thing.

Also, marital rape is a contradiction of terms, all waves of feminism were/are bad, HR is at best make work for 30 year old harpies and more often a commissar style position.

jim says:

> > because one pin can pop one hundred balloons

> Kill him.

This presupposes he shows up at your house. That chaste and virtuous women are quietly minding their own business and some predatory male shows up.

Suppose, rather, your womenfolk mysteriously wander off to some place you cannot find them and he can.

Women do not exactly go hunting men, but are apt to show up someplace where men can find them. Men chase women, but women are apt to find places where they can be chased, and then run very slowly.

BobtheBuilder says:

K. Do I have the right to take out the trash if it begins polluting my property in Jimtopia? Do I have the right to encourage the other men in the neighborhood that I live in to adopt my view of taking out trash, under the theory of wanting to live in a high trust neighborhood?

jim says:

Again you are presupposing that the lustful lecherous male rake comes to your property. The problem is that your daughter is apt to be mysteriously absent from your property.

Men chase women, women do not chase men. But whereas a man will travel half an hour to a pickup joint, a girl will go four hundred miles to a pickup joint.

Adam says:

The scarce resource always gets protected. Eggs are scarce, sperm is cheap. We protect gold by putting it in a vault. We do not put everyone seeking gold in a vault.

The rake problem is solved with shotgun marriage, or the shotgun. But the rake problem is very small, as Mr 1 in 30 is only 1 in 30, and every female is apt to become a whore if unowned by a male not her father in her early teens, if not earlier.

jim says:

> Charleston fence is that the age was 12 in Britain

I like 1800. The clandestine marriage act of 1753 requires parental consent for marriages under 21, but put no lower limit on the age of marriage with parental consent.

There was no well defined age of consent for illicit sex until 1875, in part because it was not exactly legal regardless of age. Not exactly illegal either. Rather, prostitutes and pimps were given a really hard time, but it was fairly safe to be the mistress of a powerful man. Attempting to ascertain the “age of consent” before 1875 is anachronistic. People did not think like that, nor enforce laws on sex, marriage, and family like that.

BobtheBuilder says:

Yes Adam, we do in fact put people seeking the gold of others into vaults, if not shooting them outright. To be clear I’m not against shotgun marriage, but I am of the position that certain groups can’t get married, leaving only the shotgun.

To refine my position, if your kid wanders off to somewhere they shouldn’t be, the supervisor should be non-lethally but humiliatingly punished for negligence in a status lowering way, for the crime of undermining group trust and feeding the untouchables. This is similar to how a husband can’t pimp out his wife, even though Jim’s model of society makes her property, because that nukes the group’s cohesion.

Red says:

>K. Do I have the right to take out the trash if it begins polluting my property in Jimtopia? Do I have the right to encourage the other men in the neighborhood that I live in to adopt my view of taking out trash, under the theory of wanting to live in a high trust neighborhood?

You have the right to restrain your daughter if you are able.

I read a story not too long about an 11 year old girl who perused and invited in a 23 year old man into her bedroom. She was being raised by her grandfather who was a bit too old to really handle her. He’d chased the man out a few times after having caught her fucking him, but she kept calling him and opening the window to bring him in.

The proper solution is to marry them off once her virginity is gone.

Red says:

Yes Adam, we do in fact put people seeking the gold of others into vaults, if not shooting them outright. To be clear I’m not against shotgun marriage, but I am of the position that certain groups can’t get married, leaving only the shotgun.

Then you’re going to have to shoot the girl as well, which is a waste of a child. Better they should be shotgun wed. And if he dumps her then you can shotgun him.

Adam says:

We do not put everyone seeking gold in vaults. Thieves and men that promiscuously seek chaste women are dealt with accordingly after the fact, when possible.

An ounce of prevention is more valuable than a pound of cure, so best to be in the business of prevention.

Vlad says:

[*deleted for misrepresenting my and other people’s position*]

jim says:

Nine year old whores do not need to be raped. They get plenty of that already. There is a whole lot of that going around. They need to be shotgun married.

Vlad says:

Yoel wrote a thesis about what he called something like social media while obviously talking about sex hookup apps [*deleted for a wall of text strangely unable to mention the glaringly obvious*]

jim says:

The glaringly obvious being that as censor in chief, the Jewish faggot Yoel Roth failed to censor child sex material, while censoring the information that modifying schoolgirls with drugs and surgery to suit faggot sexual preferences has extremely bad and irreversible consequences for those schoolgirls.

Vlad says:

Because glaringly obvious ? So yeah he like the school system the internet providers and FBI and library’s and Disney and the rest didn’t censor the kiddie porn because as the JEWSJEWSJEWS HAVEVBEEN TELLING US FOR HALF A CENTURY SEX IS LIKE CALORIELESS CANDY CHILDREN ARE SEXUAL WE MUST DEAL WOTH IT


jim says:

> So yeah he like

You are still strangely unable to mention what Yoel Roth did not like. Which was accurate information on consequences of transitioning prepubertal girls from development of normal reproductive body type towards his sexual preference.

It matters that as chief censor, he failed to censor some things that need censoring. What matters more is that he censored truths inconvenient to faggots.

You are telling us minorities have to go because culturally different. That is like telling us that white flight happens because black neighbors have loud parties.

Your position is that you hate Jews, women, and blacks, because Jews are clever, women are wonderful, and blacks are magical.

Vlad says:

Have passed soros test a million times what can be said more he’s like the worst Jew since Roth Childs
SOROS CURRENTLY FUNDS LAWFARE [*nebulous accusations applicable to no end of Jews deleted*]

jim says:

What I have been needling you to say, and what you have not said, is that Soros installed prosecutors who decline to prosecute black race hate crimes against whites, while vigorously prosecuting white self defense, resulting in whites being forced to flee murder and arson and to abandon the homes that whites built for whites to diversities.

I have also been needling you to say what Yoel has been up to.

The trouble is that you are telling us you hate blacks and Jews for no good reason. If you actually hated blacks and Jews, a plentiful supply of reasons far more potent than anything you are inclined to mention are available.

You say “Lawfare”, which lawfare in some nebulous way related to nebulous bad thing happening to whites. But I just laid out the specific concrete causal path between George Soros, white people being unable to afford homes, white people being murdered, and white people getting their homes burned down. Which I have been endlessly nagging you to do, and you evade with generalities.

Kunning Druegger says:

Tangential topic:

Footage of contact between English speaking/”American” forces and Russians:

The post asserts that Mozart, the “Wagner at home” rip off PMC, is moving into/towards Bakmut in an effort to stabilize collapsing AFU lines. We here know that Americans and their vassals have been fighting and dying in the Ukraine for a while now, but normie-land is curiously ignorant of this. The only GAE country that’s publicly suffered heavy losses thus far is Poland, but I think the Cockroach Principle (for every 1 you see, assume 10 you don’t) applies here.

We are moving towards a serious exchange between no-shit, flag wearing GAE troops and RF forces. The war faction at State Department has moved heaven and earth to expand this conflict while minimizing its realities. Any faction opposing them would want to have publicly available footage showing what’s actually going on.

Twitter is ablaze with the Twitter Files, and it should be, that information is interesting and important. But we can state objectively that 1) Musk is not an impulsive and shortsighted elite, 2) he is a skilled engineer, meaning he knows how to build towards building towards dominating, and 3) the hostile takeover of Twitter was not the end, but the means to an end.

I think Musk is clued in to IEW, and he knows that Twitter is an IEW super weapon. I think his DoD patrons and their peers are giving him top cover, and in exchange he will be a conduit for their memes, rhetoric, and infowar operations. The Twitter Files is the beta test of this system, and we can see the outlines of the IEW machine he is building:

-Musk says there’s important/special/revelatory information (Prime stage)
-Musk says he will release it (Promise stage)
-Musk hand picks certain priests who are fringe, independent, or heretical (Pick stage)
-These priests dole out the information via Twitter, meaning it is systematized and boiled down due the character limit and structure of the medium* (Push stage)
-The information dumps are limited and targeted, not just a tidal wave of files 99.999% of people will never go through; they are bite size and easily sharable (this is meme warfare, similar to how soldiers learned to use grenades in WWI through experience) (Propagate stage)

I think the Twitter Files are a proof of concept, and I think this system will be used and imitated going forward: Prime-Promise-Pick-Push-Propagate. This is a primitive Kill Chain for an early IEW weapon system.

*I don’t know why they are talking about increasing the character limit, but I bet it has to do with Twitter as an IEW weapon

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

As a general rule, enemies in battle are killed by judicious application of high explosives.

You guys know how im always harping on about how grenade rifles and man-portable automatic cannons are peak small unit lethality, and you can see why through anecdotes like this; if that detachment of RU troops had two or three AGMs like the atlant or balkan, then that first contact would have instantly resulted in terrible casualties for the zogbots, rather than a sporting trade of suppressive fire.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Yeah, I cannot help but get the sense that the American came out of that one ahead. Looks like none of them got killed, and they got to bring back good intel on enemy forces. Too bad.

Kunning Druegger says:

It’s a 5 minute clip, and that front is not going well for Team Zog. The mercs are smarter than the AFU conscripts, but there’s only one outcome for those fighting against the Rodina in this theater…

Kunning Druegger says:

Seeing a number of clips out of Myanmar, it appears that they are so fond of the personal grenade launcher, they are building them for themselves.

Truly the weapon of the future.

Pax Imperialis says:

Personal grenade launchers have severe limitations. If it’s low weight enough for average infantry grunts you tradeoff lethality and range. That’s at best a stay the fuck away system or in other words area denial. That has value, but not the lethality you would expect for a weapon of the future.

The future looks more like a low profile, lightly armored dune buggy with a 40 mm grenade launcher mounted with thermal and night weapon sights that are computer assisted. That already mostly exists with the ALSV.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>The original tests used commercial dune buggies modified to carry weapons such as TOW missiles and recoilless rifles. However, the recoilless rifles still had enough recoil to flip the lightweight dune buggies and were abandoned. The TOW missiles had much greater success, but they violated existing Army TOW doctrine. The Army had determined that a TOW needed a 3-man team to operate it. The DPVs could only carry a two-man crew and they seemed perfectly capable of operating the TOW, but this would have meant revising Army doctrine and possibly changing TOW deployment throughout the Army[citation needed]. Fort Benning decided to offer a “superior” DPV design that allowed a third crewman. This design was rejected by the HTLD team and was never produced.

Lmfao. Der ewige nominalist strikes again.

Aidan says:

The XM25 was the future of infantry combat, and I suspect it was nixed because it would have made large swathes of the welfare program that is the US Army irrelevant, and caused a shift toward more elite warriors.

Pax Imperialis says:

>The XM25 was the future of infantry combat

Forgive me for ranting, but that’s completely detached from reality.

There are a number of problems with the XM25 that killed the program, but it was predominately weight. It was heavy (extremely so with ammo). Weight is a huge factor of any infantry system. I encourage you to get on a treadmill holding two 5 lbs dumbbells and run. Toss on a backpack with 40 lbs stuffed into it and you’ll have a good idea that weight matters.

A really basic light infantry load will weigh you down by around 50 lbs. A more typical load will be 80 to 130. M4 plus Ammo will consume ~20 lbs alone. XM25 system will by itself be ~40 lbs which means swapping out* the M4 for the XM25 leads to loads of 100 to 150.

It’s true that infantry can be loaded out with ~150 lbs of gear… those guys are typically some form of motorized infantry. At that point you might as well just put that 25 mm grenade launcher on a vehicle or better yet just go with a mounted 40 mm which has better range and lethality.

*The XM25 with only 36 rounds would probably mean the soldier would also carry a rifle as backup… the load is now 120 to 170. The VA will be more than happy to say back injuries are not service related.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The question to always keep in mind is, what in the weight you are adding yourself, is doing anything for you?

A 5.56×45 rifle is a good trade for a 7.62×51 rifle in many cases, because more ammo means more shots down range, means better suppression and higher chance of hits.

A QLU-11 is a good trade for an M4 in many cases, because you can expend your entire ammunition load for the M4 and fail to do what a single shell can do. A point in possibility space has nothing on an area of effect, when it comes to ‘hit’ probability.

Square cube wins every time. In modern warfare, casualties are caused by high explosives. They come from artillery, mortars, rockets, and MKs. That’s just a fact.

Something else one should remember to keep in mind, from another angle, is that soldiers fight in armies, not as individuals alone.

To give one illustrative example, the basic unit of organization in the wehrmacht was the crew served weapon, with the individual soldiers main purpose being the transportation of and carrying extra ammunition for the crew served weapon.

In the state department’s war against the pentagon in vietnam, the weapon system that shot down more US jets than any other across the length of the conflict, wasn’t the SA-2, or any other SAM system, it was the S-60 57mm cannon. And part of the reason why was the fact that NVA troops could carry the guns and directors in pieces and place them everywhere they wanted them.

Kunning Drueger says:

Add to this the Boston Dynamics Big Dog style of drone. Then consider power armor/exoskeleton type enhancements. Then consider performance enhancing drugs.

Of all the things we hear coming from our illustrious veterans, it is always sandwiched between complaints about knee and back problems, which is always quite amusing to me. Proof positive that we have a national army of chair bound paper operators, 7-11bravos playing paintball at Quantico while they eat goyslop and mainline energy drinks. I kid, I kid, brave and true heroes every blessed one of them. Thank you for your service Jamal, Pedro, Ch’aneekwa, and Karen.

The best way to settle this debate would be to ask RF troops, Wagner guys, and Donbas militiamen if they’d suffer the extra weight to gain the enhanced firepower. My guess is they would, and gladly.

Speaking of the Orchestra, did everyone here clock that Victor Claus Bout was immediately hired by Wagner for an upper level position? And that Mozart Group, the made in Nigmerica knockoff of Wagner, is pulling out of Ukraine because they were targeted by the enemy?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Something that migratory peoples throughout history have always discovered, is that there is an exponential difference in transport capacity between whether you are bearing the weight directly or merely moving it. The humble hiking trailer is a force multiplier that is yet to be exploited in a combat setting. Both on foot and on your bike dragoons.

Pax Imperialis says:

>The best way to settle this debate would be to ask RF troops, Wagner guys, and Donbas militiamen if they’d suffer the extra weight to gain the enhanced firepower.

The Russians are lunging around 40 mm systems. Their defense industry is modernizing their 40 mm systems and not their 30 mm. 30 mm is already at the lower bound of usefulness. No one wants to carry weight for anything lower than 30 mm.

Only the Ukrainians are attempting to create a miniaturized handheld version of AGS-17 with 20 mm and 25 mm variants. They are going to find out what the Russians and the Americans found out. That it’s a stupid idea.

jim says:

> Add to this the Boston Dynamics Big Dog style of drone.

The Boston big dog, to be useful, has to become enormously cheaper, but yes, would be a battle changer, because could transport heavy weapons anywhere. But not a game changer unless mass production can bring the price right down.

Until we have a cheap Boston Dynamics Big Dog, soldiers should have hiking trailers.

The future of warfare is that you have a drone above, so you can see soldiers behind cover, and you have a small mortar, based on the L9A1 51 mm mortar that weighs fourteen pounds, but with integration with the drone, so that you can see on a screen where your mortar shell is going to land.

I figure one soldier carrying a hand launched drone, and two soldiers carrying two mortars.

Alternatively, the heavier M6 mortar, which requires a two man crew to transport and operate, but has a four kilometer range, which means your three man team (one drone man, two mortar men) can control sixteen times as much turf.

Theoretically the M6 mortar is man carryable and operable by one man, but really that is a stretch.

To resist jamming, the drone uses spread spectrum communications, or laser spread spectrum. Existing laser spread spectrum systems are rather heavy and expensive, but they do not need to be. They are not inherently heavy and expensive, it is just that it is a bleeding edge little used technology.

On the other hand, you probably do need laser communications between the drone and the mortar, so that the system can figure out exactly where the mortar is located and oriented relative to the drone. Laser is inherently unjammable.

We also need personal iff, so that a three man team controlling about twenty square kilometers can just kill anything that moves that fails to identify as friend.

Pax Imperialis says:

>The question to always keep in mind is, what in the weight you are adding yourself, is doing anything for you?

>Square cube wins every time. In modern warfare, casualties are caused by high explosives. They come from artillery, mortars, rockets, and MKs. That’s just a fact.

I’m not disagreeing with that. 90% of Ukrainian casualties are from explosives. My point is that 40 lbs for a 25 mm system is ridiculous. That’s a lot of weight with limited lethality. There’s a reason why 40 mm is near ubiquitous and 25 mm is not. A slightly up-sized M203 with modern thermals and programmable munitions would be far superior and likely weight less than the XM25.

There are many fair reasons to criticize DoD acquisitions, but killing the XM25 program is not one of them.

Kunning Druegger says:

Color me tinfoiled, but I think XM25 was killed because high command wants controllable drones with limited capacity for self-guided combat capability. They love to praise SOF in hollywood, but look at how they are treated once they get out or move on to an outfit that starts paying them what they’re worth or arming them how they wish to be. The DoD/State Department complex hated Blackwater for more than just their leadership.

XM25 was the first step towards a rebirth of a warrior elite similar to fully armed and armored mercenaries in the medieval battlespace. “Cute conscripts, kid. be a shame if something HE-happened to ’em…” Maybe not, this could just be flowery fantasy borne of too many books and too few IRL experiences. But Rambo: First Blood was an indy movie much maligned by the establishment for a reason.

Pax Imperialis says:

Army hasn’t given up on smart grenade launchers. Precision Grenadier Program/Precision Grenadier System (PGP/PGS) is rebooting the program.

>A key difference between the XM25 and the PGS is that “this time the U.S. Army will solicit more soldier feedback”

They didn’t do that first time around.

>LTC Kennedy was mum about other specifics, such as caliber: “I don’t have a caliber; you guys are going to come up with the caliber. Industry is going to come back and tell me … ‘Here’s what I’ve got.’”

DoD speak for we fucked up with 25mm and are going to ask grunts what they want and then talk to industry. 40mm munitions are being reworked because of complaints about limited lethality. PGS will likely go with 40mm.

Kunning Drueger says:

If USM had gone with the XM25, all the “needed changes” you’ve listed would have happened. I don’t think the -25 was a superweapon, I think it was a proto-weapon, the first tentative step towards the thing it would inevitably become. This is the issue with unbloodied, bureaucratic militaries: they have no vision and they ferociously resist change. So instead of having whatever the XM25 would have become or inspired, we have the Sig Spear, which will be seen as a colossally stupid, decline of empire decision in the future.

Pax Imperialis says:

>If USM had gone with the XM25, all the “needed changes” you’ve listed would have happened.

Over what time period? Once DoD fully commits to a system the bureaucracy ensures that it never changes substantially. Look at F35 program for reference. We are set to have 50 years or so of a multirole plane that is not particularly good at anything making up the bulk of the combat aircraft fleet.

The XM25 being adopted would have resulted in the end of 40mm systems and reshaping all NATO doctrine around 25mm for the next 40-50 years.

You are seeing what the XM25 could have lead to in a functional DoD. I’m seeing what the XM25 would have lead to in the DoD I’m familiar with. I would much rather see M203/M320 being used as a stop gap in the meantime.

Kunning Drueger says:

Ask any combat arms soldier with actual combat experience if they’d take the extra weight if it gave them highly accurate, programmable grenades.

Pax Imperialis says:

A programmable 40 mm would be peachy. They would love it. Heck they already are lunging around the 84 mm Carl Gustaf and the M3E1 variant has programmable munitions.

40lbs for 25 mm is just not worth it.

Aidan says:

It is not a debate- the XM25 was wildly popular among the infantry who got it when it was deployed for field testing. It gave the squads it was deployed in an extreme increase in effectiveness.

Pax Imperialis says:

>the XM25 was wildly popular among the infantry

It wasn’t and it did not give squads an extreme increase in effectiveness. You’re reading a few hype articles when the grunts had a far more nuanced/negative view on it. The XM25 was better than nothing, but compared to the M203 and later M320 it was subpar in everything but capability to use air burst to hit targets in defilade. A job that infantry soon found the M3 Carl Gustaf was far better suited for as well as far more versatile.

Aidan says:

This is the sort of narrow thinking I despise. Weight doesn’t matter when the soldier is a DRAGOON, with a personal vehicle, or you have an apprentice soldier carrying your ammo for you.

What you are saying is that the army was not farsighted enough to overhaul their entire combat doctrine. Which I agree with. But the force that does will win in the end.

And by the way, I am an outdoorsman who regularly rucks it over rough terrain with a lot of weight on my back. I know what it feels like. Combat loads are too heavy in general. Soldiers need apprentices to ruck the nonessential shit for them.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

This is the way. You have a squad of dragoons with technicals supporting with heavy weapons and a drone command. Weight of ammo becomes a non-issue. Weight of weapons becomes an issue of whether or not you can aim and fire it, not whether you can carry it during a movement.

Pax Imperialis says:

>Weight doesn’t matter when the soldier is a DRAGOON

I said

>At that point you might as well just put that 25 mm grenade launcher on a vehicle or better yet just go with a mounted 40 mm which has better range and lethality.

DoD should have been modernizing the MK19 and putting it on more Humvees. It should have been buying more Carl Gustav recoilless rifles. Instead it was fucking around with 25 mm.

Kunning Druegger says:

The logical choice for a high command that wants to utterly dominate the battle field is “all of the above.” There’s a reason LEO screams bloody murder and starts accidentally the whole family when explosive 12ga shells appear. The machine gun gets all the attention regarding WWI weapons advancement, but it was the hand grenade that had the staring role for the infantry. Of course, machineguns, airplanes, tanks, and radios all head massive impact, I’m not saying they didn’t. Artillery is the queen of battle, and the hand grenade is the fine ass side bitch of battle.

The Cominator says:

In both the world wars the majority of combat causalties (not from weather or disease or more rarely cutoff ) were inflicted by artillery.

Aidan says:

A vehicle is a sitting duck. It is hard to get it behind cover and concealment. The role of infantry is to mop up what artillery does not take care of. That means you need more tactical flexibility, need man-portable weapons to flush people out of the holes they were using to hide from artillery. When the opponent is hiding, you use fire and high explosives.

Pax Imperialis says:

A fighting vehicle as we know it is a sitting duck because it was designed to be a sitting duck. IFVs were designed to be as much as an APC as well as a subpar tank. Tank shots via armor and shoot back while stationary. Those days are gone. Shaped charge munitions are too deadly.

Flushing enemy out of their holes requires more explosives than a single infantry man can reasonably carry. You need at minimum 40mm and more ideally much larger, but also need the number of rounds that 25mm systems promised to accomplish superior fire.

That’s why we need to get cheaper, smaller, and faster vehicles. That looks like a souped up dune buggy. We almost have that with the Desert Patrol Vehicle, it just needs to get a slightly lower profile. The primary purpose of the vehicle of the future is to move troops and systems around fast and not to provide armor. Doctrine will look something like:

1) Find advantageous position
2) Use vehicle to quickly get to it
3) Dismount troops and systems
4) Set up camo net to hide vehicle
5) Spot and hit the enemy
6) pack up and go back to step one so you don’t get zeroed in by enemy arty

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Flushing enemy out of their holes requires more explosives than a single infantry man can reasonably carry.

Which has a number of more and less obvious solutions:

– Have more than a single infantry man carrying
– You aren’t carrying them, you are pulling them in your pack trailer
– You aren’t carrying them, you are pulling them in your bike trailer
– Carrying? what do you mean carrying? we are just hanging out here in our bridgeheads, while supplies and successively heavier equipment are delivered each night. Next night we will be infiltrating forwards to dig a new set of bridgeheads behind their front, and the cycle continues.
– Carrying? what do you mean carrying? the steroscopic IR cameras on my tactical PDA and phased array transmit/receiver in my pack are my most dangerous weapons.

Pax Imperialis says:

>Have more than a single infantry man carrying

We want to increase the capabilities of a single man. Make it so that a single mortar team is replaced by a single mortarman for example. As you pointed out the 3-man TOW team could have been reduced to a 2-man team. Imagine if it became a single man TOW and retain effectiveness and each squad had half a dozen TOW missiles.

Concentrated firepower wins.

>You aren’t carrying them, you are pulling them in your pack trailer

Too slow. Mobility is everything.

>pulling them in your bike trailer

That stops being effective as soon as you reach uneven terrain. Then it becomes additional weight.
If you use motorcycles you now have a shitty version of a Dune Buggy. Just combine the engine with the trailer and get 4 points of contact.

>we are just hanging out here in our bridgeheads

Too stationary. Enemy artillery says hello. Ukraine war is showing mobility is everything. The Russians learned that really fast. The Ukrainians never did.

>the steroscopic IR cameras on my tactical PDA and phased array transmit/receiver in my pack

I want that in a squad too along with a ton of explosives. Something like 4 riflemen who also operate a Carl Gustaf, 1 grenadier, a man on a 1 man mortar system, a man on a 1 man TOW system, a machine gunner, 1 radioman/spotter, and lastly a clueless Second Lieutenant placed there to learn.

Kunning Druegger says:

Pax, you are so fucking American. Throwing in the 2LT is just not up for debate xaxaxaxaxaxaxa.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>We want to increase the capabilities of a single man.

We want to increase the capabilities of an army to be ore than the capabilities of their army.

>Mobility is everything.

Which is why you should be using hiking trailers, so you can range faster than they can and range longer than they can while carrying more stuff than they can.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Concentrated firepower wins.

Which is why grenatgeschutzen and machinekannones are winers. A pax armed with a QLU-11/LG5s instagibs a pax armed with an M4 1488 times out of 1776.

Kunning Drueger says:

I hope someday to embarrass you in person by telling you how much I appreciate you, St. John.

Pax Imperialis says:

>We want to increase the capabilities of an army to be ore than the capabilities of their army.

You do that by making each Corps more capable. Each Corps is made more capable by making each Division more capable. So and and so forth until you end up at each man.

>A pax armed with a QLU-11/LG5s instagibs a pax armed with an M4 1488 times out of 1776.

Oh look. A 35/40mm system developed after looking at an American 25mm system and realizing 25mm was a stupid idea.

One guy armed with a M3E1 instagibs a whole platoon/tank crew/fortified position at 1000m.

>Which is why you should be using hiking trailers

What is your problem with motorization?! Look at this:
Isn’t it great. The MRZR-D will have a rear cargo box that can accommodate 226.8kg of cargo. You like trailers right? It can even have a tactical trailer attached!

I find the insistence on foot travel to be distressing and disturbing.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

A veteran with a cool toy and 1 to 3 apprentices carrying ammo for the cool toy is the squad of the future. The age of democratized armies where each disposable NPC needs to have the same kit because each disposable NPC needs to have the same status has been over for centuries now, people just haven’t caught up yet.

>Oh look. A 35/40mm system developed after looking at an American 25mm

I think you’re getting different arguments with different people mixed up.

There’s nothing wrong with recoiless rifles, besides the fact that they lack weight of fire. There’s a sweet spot there, and i dare say it’s not something larger than 2.2 inches.

Larger systems have a niche. This is very much a case where you have your cake and eat it too. Simple large diameter tube designs can conceivably double as both mortars and RRs with the right breach designs (be they adjustable or interchangeable), for direct, indirect, and specialized munition applications (like starstreak style missiles). You can field a range of different equipment systems, and let experience sus out the finer details of which precise configurations work best.

>I find the insistence on foot travel to be distressing and disturbing.

I’m not insisting on foot travel, i am simply responding to the topics the conversation keeps going back too, like objectively superior methods of enhancing the individual soldier’s kit. I’ve been shitposting about the wonders of technicals for years now too. You’ve seen me do it.

Kunning Drueger says:

Foot v. Mounted will always be relevant due to terrain and repair needs. Yes, way better to move fast and be daisy fresh when you get there. But still… “Holy fuck where did that come from there isn’t even a road up there?!?” has happened in every single war. The motor pool is just too juicy of a target, Pax. Sneaky Salamander Detachment of the Freaky Frog Division gonna hump til we bump, ya’herd?

Self repairing powered armor. Until this happens, it will always be a combination of mounted and marching.

Speaking of shocked and dismayed, who would have ever predicted that CAS was going to not be the star role in the first real war of the 21st century? I don’t think this is a failing of Russia, either. If/when GAE escalates in UKR or elsewhere, I think a lot of flybois are going to heroically die for their cuntries to drones and AA.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Ever more advanced firecontrol teche entails ever smaller targets that can be easily engaged by ever smaller platforms.

Most crewed aeroplanes, being rather large, started falling inside those envelopes a long time ago.

Pax Imperialis says:

Needs some degree of redundancy.

>I think you’re getting different arguments with different people mixed up.

That was mostly me being generally pissed off by the state of DoD. Not only did the Chinese appear to make a superior knockoff, they did it 5lbs lighter.

>i dare say it’s not something larger than 2.2 inches

I don’t have a good argument against that even though I disagree heartily out of a bias for bigger boom.

>I’m not insisting on foot travel

You have a fair point. If I get the chance I will push for a tactical hiking trailer, but you have to understand I come from an indigenous car culture where walking is anathema and triggering. The 15 mile ruck marches gave me PTSD and 19D envy.

I’ve also been told my sense of humor is a little off.

>The motor pool is just too juicy of a target

That was because of GWOT where we simply packed more armor on for every problem. That’s no longer viable, hence we are loosing the armor for speed and developing stealth to avoid being seen in the first place. The motor pool is going to get much harder to hit.

>who would have ever predicted that CAS was going to not be the star role

It’s hard to say how big of a role CAS is playing in the conflict, but our idea of what CAS looks like is being updated. CAS is best performed by low and slow flying. You need to be able to loiter in an area because if can be really difficult to see little camouflaged men from up high. It’s why the A-10 is so beloved and the F-35 replacing it raises some eyebrows. Turns out cheap drones can fly lower and slower than the A-10.

Both Russian and Ukrainian grenade drones have been fairly cost effective and there is a lot of room for improvement. Imagine how effective this will be when there are specialized munitions for better guidance and programmable air/ground burst modes.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>bias for bigger boom

The Tao of maximizing Boom can appear simple in theory, but often expands into profusions of subtlety in praxis.

For example, a Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-30-1 launches a 390 gram shell at 1500 RPM at over 3000 FPS; that’s more weight of fire in 10 seconds than an m777 gets in one minute (in normal operation anyways); pretty hefty firepower for something that weighs less than 50 kilos.

Something with a heavier barrel, hitching muzzle device for your belt, and a pair of road wheels that can flip into ground anchors, and you put new meaning into the phrase ‘towed artillery’.

Some more anecdotes

One can notice a common dynamic running through all these different examples; which is, ability to instantly point and shoot high explosives in high volumes carries the day.

There are implications in other tactics as well. For example, a talented sniping team of spotter and shooter has a reasonable limit of around fifteen hundred yards or so, points where the small arms ‘laffer curves’ of size, velocity, and recoil start intersecting. Once you start adding high explosive fragmentation to the mix though, the calculations change, as one now has an exponentially larger ‘hit area’. Ranges of three thousand yards or more for point targets begin entering the realm of possibility, which has any strategic implications, not least of which of course being relevance to elimination of high dependency nodes in the enemy’s social network graph.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Infantry in WWI often faced well protected lines of trenches, defended by machine gun nests with interlocking fields of fire. These machine gun nest could be constructed of sandbags, timber, corrugated metal and concrete with overhead protection. For infantry advancing across no man’s land against these positions, all they may see is a small horizontal opening at about waist level, with just the top of the machine gun’s gun shield showing.[2] Infantry would have to close on these positions while under fire and destroy them with rifle fire, grenades, and flamethrowers. The combatants experimented with mortars, rifle grenades, and mountain guns in search of an answer but these positions could only be defeated by direct-fire artillery support. Small caliber mountain guns and mortars such as the Skoda 75 mm Model 15 and the German 7.58 cm Minenwerfer showed promise, but their size and weight combined with the roughness of the terrain weighed against their use.[2]
>The Austro-Hungarian Army’s answer to this need was the 3.7 cm Infanteriegeschütz M.15 which was based on the earlier 3.7 cm Gebirgskanone M.13 and soon after its introduction other nations introduced similar infantry support guns such as the French Canon d’Infanterie de 37 modèle 1916 TRP, the Russian 37 mm trench gun M1915, and the German 3.7 cm TAK 1918. The precision of the 3.7 cm Infanteriegeschütz M.15 compensated for the reduced caliber of the ammunition and the lightness of the piece allowing it to be transported during assaults, unlike the mountain guns used until then in the same role.[2]

Reading between the lines, the ability to point and shoot high explosives at enemies beats almost everything else in almost every situation on a squad level.

When an amazing method of doing something to great effect is innovated, the reaction of the invidious so often is not to adopt it themselves, but to stop anyone from doing it at all. The stipulation against ‘explosive bullets’ in the Hague Convention – much like all forms of bureaucratia across the course of history – can be understood in this context. The innovation of explosive fragmentation shells obsoleted the democratized army of mass peasant levees, and it has been fighting a steadily retracting rear-guard guard action ever since.

When the germans were developing aircraft cannons for fighters, analysis found that while it took an average of 15 to 20 hits with the 20mm MG 151/20 to bring down a bomber, it took only 3-4 hits with the 30mm MK 100’s. A similar dynamic can be seen in the Japanese development of the Type 5 6 inch AAA, where the larger area of effect provided exponentially greater kill probabilities compared to the the next largest Type 3 4.7 inch AAA, including after accounting for the slightly lower rate of fire.

As a general rule, unlike with solid shot, one wants the largest bursting charge they can get, that can reach out to the ranges they want, at a weight and recoil the platform can support.

Tube firing can help simplify the logistics of this issue, by allowing the delivery of a given payload to longer ranges with less propellant through higher velocity. The number of rounds one can field is relevant, since volume of fire is also how you multiply the amount of HE you can deliver to your counterparts. Another efficient trick for larger bursting charges is increasing your projectile weights through higher sectional density (ie, making them longer). One of the late great Gerald Bull’s many innovations was along these lines, through his development of what came to be called ‘extended range full bore’ shells, which are now standard use for howitzers in every major country.

I’ve often felt that something in the 2 bore (~33mm) to 1 pounder (~37mm) range was a sweet spot for infantry scale minengeschutzen and automatic cannons. The chinese evidently have felt the same way, as they’ve developed a wide number of weapon systems in this class. The key is having a size sufficient not just for larger bursting charges in general, but so it can be used for firing PGMs in particular (eg,, providing small unit means of engaging otherwise difficult targets like distant helos, drones, or loitering munitions; a force multiplication on an unprecedented scale.

ten says:


My fav loopy bitch alexandra posts Trump retruthing obvious Qanon stuff from obvious Qanon accounts, using their slogans as soundtracks for rallies, playing the song “I am Q”, etc.

(Her idea of current events is that the cathedral “the cabal” is the first beast of revelations, while Q and MAGA are the second beast of revelations, where the purpose of the first is to be so mindshatteringly insane, retarded and evil that the people are scared into the trap of the comparatively light and benevolent second beast “the alliance”, which will cement humanity in servitude to a luciferian ruling caste during the shellshock saviour phase. Loopy. Pretty fun. She’s kinda cute too. def would.)

So what gives? Why does Trump actively court Q?

– Trump is now actively manipulating the Q base for his benefit
– Trump has sold out to avoid romanov treatment
– Trump is in on it now, but was not before
– Trump was always in on it

– Other alternatives that i am too smoothbrained to think of.

jim says:

As is typical of the mentally disturbed, she sees relevance where it is not. I do not see in her data what she sees in it. Q is reaching out to Trump, Trump is not reaching out to Q.

ten says:

Yes Q obviously reaches wildly towards trump with no pause. Just to pick one example of the reverse:

Maybe not reaching out to. But maybe going through the motions of reaching out to.

And i am sick to my core of the Q shit. There was a still until this summer, where the message was “just vote harder bro”. Wherever clowns go, there will be a clownshow.

The Cominator says:

Q is bullshit though if Revealations turns out to come true obviously the real man of sin has to initially fool the elect so the real final NWO cant be Klaus Schwab and globohomo types.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Pretty funny how all the vaxmaxxed globohomo journalists who went to the world cup are all getting sick and dropping dead lmao.

jim says:

Well, not all of them. But sufficient to be strikingly noticeable.

My schadenfreude floweth over.

Red says:

By now everyone has seen this story:

KD link:

This sort of event isn’t unusual but what is very unusual is the correct motivation is being reported. I undertook an informal study of murder suicides and other violence related to families 15 years ago and I found that pretty much every case involved a wife stealing a man’s children or wealth from him via family court. However Newspaper, TV, and even internet stories on such murders never mentioned the motivation in these killings.

The fact that women don’t know they have a decent chance of dying from divorce raping their husbands has utterly robbed the killings of their deterrent nature. But suddenly it’s being reported and even made it to the top of /r/news on reddit says something has changed.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Fourth Wave Feminism getting the First Wave treatment as the more martial parts of the deep state take a more active role. Musk seems to have partnered with a part of the Red Empire that does not want to get nuked by Russia, China, or North Korea. Same with Patriot Front being permitted to do their thing. They are preparing for what will probably be a pretty nasty war.

i says:

Feminism only went lower key during the Wars. But came back with force later. It never went away.

someDude says:

They want to avoid copycat murders. The left’s great power consists in making you feel alone, in making you feel that only you have such and such an opinion and that only you feel such and such urges.

If they report the correct motivation, you know longer feel alone, you instead feel a part of a band of brothers, albeit brothers you have never met face to face, but brothers all the same. And that scares the left.

Kunning Druegger says:

As well, if the “whole story” comes out, many females will moderate their behavior subconsciously, like cartel wives and girlfriends almost certainly do. Can’t have that, can we! They need women rockin’ & rollin’!

Pax Imperialis says:

>But suddenly it’s being reported and even made it to the top of /r/news on reddit says something has changed.

>many females will moderate their behavior subconsciously

I would caution against those line of thinking. These types of incidents do get reported on every so often that most people are vaguely aware of such possibility. Ergo it’s not suddenly being reported.

People have a tendency, women much more so than men, to ignore personal dangers that are seen as unusual. We do not consciously think about dying in car accidents even if they account for 46,000 deaths per year in the US. For men, such personal danger simmers in the back of our minds. For women, it doesn’t really register at all. Most women treat the danger of being killed by a divorced raped husband similar to dying in a car crash. They are vaguely aware but not so conscientious to think twice about it.

The partial reverse is true for non-personal dangers. Men don’t really register danger others may face whereas women will fret about even the potential of another getting a light scrap.

Red says:

I would caution against those line of thinking. These types of incidents do get reported on every so often that most people are vaguely aware of such possibility. Ergo it’s not suddenly being reported.

Can you post some examples? This issue used to be a hobby horse of mine and while I don’t follow the news that closely these days, I know they used to censor the motivation every time in the past. This is just one data point and yes it’s not enough for a trend.

People have a tendency, women much more so than men, to ignore personal dangers that are seen as unusual. We do not consciously think about dying in car accidents even if they account for 46,000 deaths per year in the US. For men, such personal danger simmers in the back of our minds. For women, it doesn’t really register at all. Most women treat the danger of being killed by a divorced raped husband similar to dying in a car crash. They are vaguely aware but not so conscientious to think twice about it.

Women are keenly aware of what men might to do them for their bad behavior based on observed group behavior. This is both evolutionary adaption to avoid being killed since they’re so much weaker than men. A woman who thinks he husband might kill her over divorce rape views her husband as more alpha and women seldom intentionally shit test themselves to death if they know death is a likely outcome.

Pax Imperialis says:

Just google and you get many results. Here are two that happened this year and are top results meaning people were clicking on the links.

A man traveled more than 700 miles to his ex-wife’s Chicago home and shot her dead in a murder-suicide after she wrote about their relationship woes on TikTok, according to reports. Sania Khan, 29, and her former husband, Raheel Ahmad, 36, were both found with gunshot wounds to the head in her Windy City condo last week, according to the Chicago Sun-Times.

PHOENIX — The Phoenix mother of three, attorney, and soccer coach, that was killed by her husband on Wednesday was planning to file for divorce, her best friends tell 12News.

>Women are keenly aware of what men might to do them

They are keenly aware of how they may be abducted, not so much about how they might be killed. Look at how women will venture out to highly dangerous areas (in example Western woman who visit Islamic nations) to “find themselves” while simultaneously not wanting to die (those women did not want to be decapitated). Danger is abstract until it isn’t. Abstract reasoning isn’t a strong ability in most people.

Women are keenly aware of boundaries that have been tangibly demonstrated. Since demonstration has been made largely illegal, many men have depended on unspoken or inferred boundaries. Those boundaries are now abstractions. Women are geared to shit test until they hit a tangible boundary and as a result of modernity shit test far beyond safe. Most of human evolution involved tangible boundaries that were not lethal to women. Hence women did not generally have to worry over being killed for bad behavior because it generally did not ever get to that point.

Moreover, most of the Christian West dealt with adultery by refusing to prosecute the man for killing his wife’s lover. The women would be punished and enclosed with the option for the man to retake her as his wife. Death is not a likely outcome for the woman here as the act of killing the other man is catharsis and re-abducting the woman is the reward. Today’s men will kill the woman because killing the lover results not in catharsis but condemnation. The woman can’t be re-abducted or officially punished so she becomes a liability. When the state is the intangible abstract lover, there is no one other than the woman for the man to target in his rage. This is an alien environment and it shouldn’t be surprising when women are incapable of seeing the dangers in it.

SJ says:

Women behave according to feelings and not according to some type of risk analysis. If their current man fails shit tests they will continue to shit test him until he is completely and utterly destroyed regardless of the consequences to herself or her children.

Rite of Fire says:

Musk is a piece of shit and he’s still banning my friends for engaging in legal speech. Tell me you didn’t fall for the Ironman cosplay; he is the living incarnation of a limited hangout. Your star prophet is a joke on wheels. The technology he uses was developed in the 60s, nobody is impressed by jew factioneering, and israel is an illegitimate state.

jim says:

You are a shill, so presumably your friends are shills, so he should be banning you for the same reasons as I ban you and your friends.

Kunning Druegger says:

Going forward, context-less or arbitrary anti-semitic posturing should be recognized as automatic shill detect. I’ve seen it on every platform: the feds/groomers/shills always use “hail fellow anti-semite…” and then just deliver their payload, because they cannot conceive of an adversary with any more depth than that.

Rite of Fire says:

Com’on at least mark me as deleted.

I’ve heard from reputable friends that CS Lewis deeplore is Soros’ favorite author. They teach it in Shill School They teach it between The Horse and His Boy and the Screwtape Letters. I have, and will denounce the talmud. I denounce soros and I denounce the talmud. When will you denounce Net and Yahoo? As long as you act as a gatekeeper I’ll keep treating you as a gatekeeper; maybe elon muskovitch still has room for you on his staff once he’s done meeting with ari emmanuel.

jim says:

You have denounced Soros – but only for the vague cultural offenses that can plausibly be attributed to every Jew everywhere ever – only for offenses that fit the Jewish narrative that we just hate Jews for no good reason except that Jews are so smart and we are so stupid.

And I am certainly not going to denounce Benjamin Netanyahu, for he is the enemy of our enemies, and some of our enemies are proposing to give him the Trump Bolsonaro treatment.

What has Benjamin Netanyahu done to harm me and mine?

Rite of Fire says:

>What has Bibi done?
Last time I told you you deleted it.

Since you’re so utterly fascinated by my background, [*Hail fellow white male Christian, I am white and Christian too, fellow Christian*]

jim says:

> > What has Benjamin Netanyahu done to harm me and mine??

> Last time I told you you deleted it.

If I recall correctly, you told me Benjamin Netanyahu was issuing harmful Jewish thought rays that caused white people to strangely and inexplicably do stupid self destructive things.

A more concrete and causal explanation of how he causes evil consequences would not be deleted.

The forever wars are wars for US empire. If they were wars for Israel, we would be fighting in Lebanon and the Gaza strip, rather than Afghanistan, Iraq, and Ukraine.. During the time Netanyahu was in charge, there were frequent vigorous conflicts between America and Israel with America demanding that Israel make expensive and dangerous unilateral concessions to the Arabs. Which for the most part, Israel did, sacrificing its interests for the Global American Empire

I gave you concrete and causal explanations of how Soros causes harm and how Yoel Roth causes harm – which accounts you were strangely unable to give, even after I repeatedly needled you to give them, and when I finally gave them, you remained strangely and mysteriously blind to the fact that I think these unthinkable crime thoughts, that anyone anywhere ever would ever think such a thing.

> Since you’re so utterly fascinated by my background, …

What you think you know about Christianity is what Jews think they know about Christianity. There are no Christians inside your bubble.

You are a Jew, and when you told me about your Christian upbringing, it was even more obvious you are a Jew, or, at least, entirely unfamiliar with Christians.

Kunning Druegger says:

Probably nothing, but who would ever think to write “com’on?” It is always written “C’mon”, which makes me wonder if Kikle Shellbergsteinowitzstein here is an ESL joo.

skippy says:

I’ve never seen any anti-Semite “denounce the Talmud” before. I’ve described the Talmud as a source of social pollution before am I’m not sure even I would write that I “denounce the Talmud.”

What exactly is wrong with the Talmud?

Can you even describe the Talmud?

Oog en Hand says:

Actually, the Talmud is pretty based. However, that is EXACTLY the reason they don’t want others to be based as well. Look up Mil7emet Reshut which is necessary for a society with above replacement fertility, but which Noahide Law denies to non-Jews.

Kunning Druegger says:

I liked you better when you were absent.

Oog en Hand says:

Your likes are not relevant.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Your life is not relevant lmao gottem

skippy says:

I think there are plenty of valid arguments against the Rabbinic system of government and social organization of which the Talmud is the central document.

But can he make one? Can he even describe the Talmud or the religio-legal system it grounds?

“I denounce the Talmud” sounds like “I hate black people.”

OK. Why do you hate them? Why do some people want to do disallowed things to black people without the passion of hatred?

alf says:

lmao cry harder.

skippy says:

Who loves Truth may criticize us.

Who bows to a narrative, may not criticize us.

Starman says:

@Rite of Fire

”The technology he uses was developed in the 60s,”

I don’t see any 14 story tall orbital boosters routinely making rocket powered landings in the 1960’s, nor do I see any mass produced satellites in the 1960’s.

Proof that the ruling jew brahmin class and their shills have no clue about the state of the orbital environment. Even outsider Brahmins on Substack, some of whom are one of us, have no comprehension.

I wasn’t the first to realize that Starlink can be repurposed to destroy every military satellite. The Chinese government was the first to realize this.

Pax Imperialis says:

In many ways 1960s rocket technology was superior to 1980-2000s technology. They put a man on the moon. We had to rediscover the technology. They didn’t blow anyone up. Challenger and Columbia tech killed 13 Americans during flight.

Rite of Fire is a shill, but he’s loosely right for the wrong reasons. Much of the tech Elon Musk used was tech that was rediscovered and given a really good update with modern production methods (a really hard task). The major departure from 1960s tech was the development of reusable rocket engines.

Kunning Druegger says:

You and I are both excessively pedantic, so it is pretty challenging for me to call you out on it. You’re not wrong, but it is very much the case that Musk has picked up 60s tech and run with it. Inner circle talk about the nuance is fine. In the Outside, Musk is a brilliant visionary and any who say otherwise get Groupon’d.

Pax Imperialis says:

He does have brilliant vision, but people today seem to obsess over the scaled up 60s tech instead of the reusable rocket. Myself included at times because rediscovering how to do things is extremely hard when all the old timers are retired or dead. Just look at all the arguments over the pyramids.

The 60s dream was being able to fly off planet, go to space, and land again like a plane (or a VTOL flying saucer). They didn’t accomplish that. They weren’t anywhere near. Their solution for lower lift cost was simply to go big (Sea Dragon). Musk managed to completely shift the paradigm with the Falcon rocket.

Starman’s argument isn’t effective because it sandwiched an esoteric truth between boring details. People largely don’t care about “14 story tall orbital boosters” or “mass produced satellites” while the “making rocket powered landings” is easily overlooked. They look at that and think “huh, been there done that.” In fact it’s easy to make the case we use to make rockets better in the 60s if going purely based on inflight deaths.

Musk is on track to reignite the old dream, but it’s going to take something like an orbital hotel at reasonable cost. Check out Voyager Station which is getting assistance from SpaceX. Probably more than 2 decades from now to get costs down if nothing goes wrong.

Starman says:

@Pax Imoerialis

” People largely don’t care about “14 story tall orbital boosters” or “mass produced satellites” while the “making rocket powered landings” is easily overlooked. They look at that and think “huh, been there done that.”

The bovine masses don’t know how anything works in their technological world.

But more importantly, the ruling jew brahmins don’t know how it works.

Boosters returning to launch site (RTLS) is a major improvement in orbital rocket technology, a holy grail of rocket tech for sixty years.

Thus anyone who thinks that tech existed in the 1960s is a retard.

Pax Imperialis says:

>the ruling jew brahmins don’t know how it works.

>Thus anyone who thinks that tech existed in the 1960s is a retard.

You are not wrong about the ruling class, but you are missing nuance and it throws your analysis off on a consistent basis. It’s worse than not knowing how it works, they don’t even know what the tech is or what the implications are. All they see is tall cylindrical shapes and then they start trying to interpret it under a Freudian lens. As I said it’s completely esoteric knowledge.

The ruling class suffers from complete spiritual and moral rot along with retardation that has crept in with the decadence. Musk’s enemies don’t know his technology or the implications. He can have all the deterrence in the world and it will not matter. They are not deterred at all because they are incapable of understanding what they stand to lose.

They think they can can simply nationalize Starlink/SpaceX and nothing will change. It will work about as well as every communist nationalization in history. It starts with things not just working and ends with purges of “counter revolutionary saboteurs.”

Red says:

I see shills everyday on youtube trying to make the case that Musk didn’t invent anything new and it’s all 60s tech. They get laughed at. The key factor is the massive reduction in cost to orbit which shill lie about and no one believes them.

The proof for normies is Starlink. High speed internet anywhere you go and soon we’ll have cheap phones service through an improved Starlink network. People can see that’s something new and very high tech.

Pax Imperialis says:

>They get laughed at.

And they get taken seriously on Capitol Hill. Those shills have institutional backing evidenced by being allowed to propagate “their” ideas uncensored on all the major social media platforms by the powers that be.

Red says:

They’re Soros shills, of course they allowed. There’s no such thing as free lance shills, they do it for money.

The point is they’re ineffective at shilling and the US military knows that SLS isn’t doing shit for them. Elon has cleverly tied up America’s only Trump card in a war against China or Russian into his Rockets. It’s either let him build Starship, Starlink and Starlink’s military version or watch the GAE crumble.

Pax Imperialis says:

Don’t ask don’t tell (1993)
Repealed (2010)
Gay marriage (2015)
Transgenders allowed in military (2018)

Does that look like ineffective? Of course a lot of that was the regime drinking their own Kool-Aid, but that’s just more evidence of shilling working even if that was not the intended audience. For now the military follows orders. The question will be how many carrier groups have to be sunk for that to change?

Newman says:


Mister Grumpus says:

They’re really attacking Elon now, and I’m also seeing more mentions of “Jim” and “” by name. Acceleration and revealing spilling out all over.

@Jim I suggest you considering doubling down on ever-more-succinctly condensing and streamlining your Social Networking white paper, and linking it on your front page somewhere. Not the coding and execution. Just the white paper. Maybe that’s as far as you can take this on your own. Maybe that’s the best you can actually do.

If you really can prove yourself to be the Secret Super Genius who Satoshi Nakamoto’ed this whole motherfucker himself from the top, well that would be great, but also, “try on” the idea that you needn’t achieve that to ultimately get what you really want.

I think it was Metcalf who said there’s no limit to what you can achieve if you don’t care who gets the credit.

Satoshi was inspired and guided by others before him who lacked the super-chops to finish the code, but did have the perspective to concisely explain what The Problems really were — better than Satoshi himself could understand them at first — and therefore what their Solutions would “look like”. They couldn’t get to the finish line, but they could and did describe where it was, and then Satoshi picked up their treasure map, ran with it, and found the finish line where they said it would be.

This world is a Panopticon for them, and a Dark Forest for everyone else. The game theory of such a situation I can’t begin to imagine.

There’s no way to properly measure your “reach”, to count the ears listening when you shout into the darkness, but I’ll bet they’re more numerous and capable now than you presumed in 2008, fourteen whole years ago.

(This exhortation applies to me as well obviously, probably moreso, if in a different direction.)

The Cominator says:

Where are you seeing Jims name mentioned elsewhere a lot…

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

I rarely see anyone explicitly namedropping BJC on their own, but if you post something that sounds like something someone would post here, there will always be a comment recognizing it, one way or another.

Red says:

I’ve seen it linked a few times recently on twitter. There’s a bunch of explicitly NRx people on there now.

The Count of Montecristo says:
Alfred says:

Fair enough, but for some extra context for those who don’t know:

MedGold is a BAPshere character, and in that sphere/those adjacent to it, Jim’s Blog is fairly well-known I’d say. MedGold got big by posting pictures of hot women as an “aesthetics” account, so while his audience probably slightly more normie than your average BAP twitter follower, they’re not really normies. Good sign though.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The latest mockingbird script seems to be ‘african blood mines colonizer imperialist’; any social media post tangentially related to Musk in any way will always have a peanut galley of cutouts bringing up that talking point.

Of course, Musk doesn’t run a mining company (though maybe he should). He runs manufacturing companies, buying materials from suppliers for turning into products, much like how the bugman buys food from various suppliers for turning into shit.

Were we to broach the conversation about whether the ability of kids to earn wages to support themselves and or their families makes the baizuo feel good about themselves or not – the most important metric for deciding anything about civilization and the affairs of nations for any twitter user – then we can start by asking why Congolese businessmen themselves find it copacetic to do so.

If Musk – and anyone else – doesn’t like it, they could simply stop buying resources from the Congo; then the tranzi can go without all the things they take for granted that they can’t even imagine what life would be like without, and the noble savages can go without anything at all, including food shelter and safety. And then this one supposes would be the point where the heroic communist vanguard would say ‘death is preferable to life tolerating injustice’, and i’m sure the neo-holodomor victims would all appreciate the nobility of their ‘principles’ that other people have to pay the cost for. As Zap Brannigan would say, ‘many of you will die: but that is a sacrifice im willing to make’.

The reality of post-19th-century colonial administration can be seen in ‘Shooting The Elephant’; the men staffing them ironically in fact men who themselves were just the same sort of men as their ostensible opposition; who each individually believed in the moral worthlessness of each other, of any of the goals or projects they were nominally in charge of accomplishing, and of the broader societies they were nominally a part of. When push came to shove, rather than make any real spirited attempt to impose a vision of order of their own on their nominal subjects (they reserve such zeal for the prosecution of their own neighbors), we find them, simply, ultimately, drifting along with the prevailing tides of the ‘subjects’ they supposedly ruled over – until eventually they and all their trappings were in turned washed out to sea, and things once and again return to that which was what before them.

Mister Grumpus says:

It was so long ago that I’ve nearly forgotten it myself, but try to remember how the confluence of 2015 Twitter, Wikileaks, and the DNC email leak (anything else?), together, caused the train of history to switch tracks so quickly and so radically. I can barely remember the world that today was supposed to be.

Once there’s a truly working “hamburger-ready” cryptocurrency then boom, fiats will vanish like smoke. Likewise, social networking done right will leave the GAE a global laughingstock in 24 months max, without firing a single shot. Turbo stereo samizdat skywriting. So many will never owe so much so few.

The Cominator says:

BTW if you want any more evidence that Elon is part of the NRx worldview…

Gentlemen… the Sulla meme. From a little over a year ago.

jim says:

This might explain why Musk is still alive. Which does not necessarily guarantee he will remain alive

The Cominator says:

He must have some pretty good ex specops types looking after his physical security what I’ll never understand is how the twatter sale wasn’t just blocked via some legal pretext or when Musk said he didn’t want it on account of how many users were bots (this might have been some kind of stratagem).

His main lawyer (and I guess with his Harvard background and even I recently learned a brief stint in the CIA a man with the right priestly background) my old friend Alex Spiro is a great guy (I swear to everyone here despite all those things hes a great guy) but can he stop them from outright rigging the legal system against him the way they did in every Trump election challenge… I doubt it.

Kunning Drueger says:

If Musk is operating from the correct frame, the in-place legal framework is largely irrelevant. To win, he’s going to have to do an end run around the system, not work with or in it.

The Cominator says:

Yes of course but the twitter deal ended up in court and somehow did not end up getting blocked in court…

I wish I could give my old friend all the credit there but other things must have been done behind the scenes, some involving him but other things probably involving moving heaven and earth by Musk’s military friends.

Kunning Drueger says:

If some faction/group in the DoD is planning to Restore American Democracy (with imperial characteristics) then they’ll probably wait until:

-things get substantiallly worse on the domestic front
-the Cathedral loyal units get even more incapacitated by DEI
-more elites become disaffected
-the Regime provides a final casus belli

That last one rankles for us, as it appears that there’s a literal endless list of perversions, violations, corruption, and criminality, but we are too far ahead of the curve in many ways. Coronatarianism’s high priest is now on Musk’s hit list just as more public acknowledgement of massive deception and overreach during Covid is becoming reportable. The nation’s highest ranked open pervert just got fired from DOE (this department has a long history of being a frontline battleground between civil service and military since its formation) for quite possibly the dumbest reasons ever. The Biden Regime just traded away an “International Arms Dealer” to secure the freedom of an anti-American malcontent of 0 strategic value while publicly spurning one of their (DoD/IC/military) lost sons.

It must be incredibly hard for even the most blindly loyal sheepdog class servants to ignore these terrible blunders and erosions of perceived power/competence. Macgregor is sounding off weekly about the incompetence of the court advisors, and I imagine there are lots of whispered conversations going on at the major-colonel level.

I may be painting an overly optimistic or fantastical picture here, but I don’t think it’s completely unlikely that moves are being made. Musk seems to be acting with near impunity, so I cannot fathom he’s acting alone. If there’s any validity to Twitter rumors, the SV tech priest class is starting to whisper about purging dead weight, and Republican politicians are openly pointing to the headcount reduction/quality-fuction increase at Twitter as a possibly viable model for “fixing” government.

The Cathedral lost a significant castle on the map when Twitter was taken. I wonder which other castles are less secure than they seemed a few months ago…

Mister Grumpus says:

As for who might be backing up Elon.

The schitzo take is that freeing up Twitter is to organize, embolden and honeytrap some new suckers into the next J6 so they can cancel the 2024 election, even moreso. Digital Bakhmut. So there’s that.

I still can’t take seriously that GAE will do anything about Taiwan, but I also never imagined that Vladimir would put his foot down on Donbas, or that GAE would push back as it has.

If this Taiwan thing goes down, they’ll have to do it themselves. No local whites to use and kill off, so they’ll have to bring them in. It’ll also be much more naval and air forcey, and you can’t do that stuff with Shaniquas everywhere. Where’s Maverick when you need him?

I mean seriously people, when was the last actual American naval battle? And who was on those boats for it? There’s a faction in there who knows they’re fucking doomed as they are now.

Kunning Drueger says:

I still believe IVI was a hastily thrown together operation, not some elegantly formulated and executed masterstroke. That crowd was lousy with glowniggers of every type and shape, and it took a ton of goading as well as literal doors being opened, basically had to invite the lowest IQ morons in. It is a travesty that anyone is unfairly incarcerated at all, but they didn’t get Trump behind bars and, if anything, the terrible execution has galvanized opposition, at least spiritually.

All this to say, I genuinely wonder if they have any capacity for grand conspiracies of any significance at this point. While They will of course attempt to use FreiTwitter to entrap, I really doubt it’s some elaborate honeypot. Losing Twitter was a significant blow to the Regime, the Cathedral, and the whole progressive culture. Traditionally, it’s the Cathedral’s turn to make a move, but if Musk has a “side”, I don’t think they’re going to rest on laurels. Too much at stake.

Pax Imperialis says:

@ElonJet got suspended after some sort of stalker used the real time location data to jump on top of Musk’s car. Musk is taking legal action against the twitter user and organization behind him.

Musk’s survival chance is slowly ticking up.

Guy says:

Throughout COVID I thought it likely everything was building to war with China. That our causus belli would be they caused COVID and /or the politicians who were responsible for it were in China’s pocket/stolen elections. Revealing this to the population to get them onboard and change the media narrative seemed the toughest part as there’s no way they could have CNN and NBC do such a quick turn around.

Perhaps Twitter’s ownership change could do that. The bots creating the false reality before get removed and everyone can see that the real humans felt the way they did all along. Leaving the last trick to be pushing that rage towards the foreign adversary instead of blowing it back in their face.

Guy says:

The biggest hole in this logic however is the fact that the powers that be seemed to pull us back from the brink of war when it was reported that Russian missiles had landed in Poland and killed two service members. That stands out to me is more of an aberration than anything else.

Mister Grumpus says:

He knew all about the bots from the beginning. Come on man.

The Cominator says:

He knew there were lots of bots, im not sure he knew that most twitter “users” were bots.

Bill says:

Elon is not a secret reactionary lmao. He’s very obviously playing into the populism for his own personal clout/attention/power.

Caesar Elon Musk will be competent but trannies and gays will still be the norm and won’t be going anywhere.

dave says:

Musk is playing into populism by referencing an extremely obscure Roman Patrician (not named Caesar)?

I dont know what he’s doing but this is not a populist signal. I agree with the others, this is a signal/dog whistle only for very specific people. Musk is also putting a target on his back for those who can hear the dog whistle?

jim says:

> Musk is also putting a target on his back for those who can hear the dog whistle?

Pretty sure that only our guys can hear the dog whistle. The shills reading this blog can hear it also, and will explain it to their masters, but their masters will not understand.

Kunning Druegger says:

Shill script is always obvious because it is a kneejerk reaction to an unwanted/feared/worrisome signal, but it is not a fully fleshed out thought.

Bill is a D&C shill that frames from the “right” and is always ready with a message of “if you think it’s good news, I’ve got news for you” or “if you think that’s bad, you don’t know the half of it.” This type of shill sprang up on /pol/ and would usually come in after some slide thread incidentally scored a hit, or some other misdirection needed backup/reinforcement. His purpose is to initiate and instigate, letting the naturally dreary carry the message further with his gentle prodding. When questioned or called out, he will reply with a pithy rejoinder or dismissive utterance, but otherwise disengage, as it is his job to death spiral or derail an unwanted discussion (or, naturally, accelerate up or down a fruitless path).

In this specific instance, we see his shoddily developed script:

>musk + unfortunate truth + “lmao” [only fools believe this]
>musk + “obviously” [I, an intellectual; you, a blind fool] + faking/misleading + evil/pernicious/not-our-side motivations.

[this is an interesting turn: he’s ceding the frame, but pretending that it isn’t relevant or important, and this leads me to believe it was hasty and poorly thought out]

>”Caesar Musk” [literally populist, NRx Musk? after the previous? which one is the lie?] + “competent” [but not messianic, dominating, or something else, just a lowly competent, bah] BUT (trannies and sodomites will still have access to your children).

And this is the stupid turd in the tepid punchbowl. Musk’s son has been taken from him and violated out in the public square. Musk wants to go to Mars, and I submit that he was always going to need to get very involved in the socio-cultural sphere to do that, as the scientific challenge can be solved with the consistent application of money and smarts over time. But instead of the impetus being “we need to alter the social discourse to get back on the Sputnik/JFK/moon train” it is now “I am going to Mars, and I am going to ruin a few thousand people while I do it.” It is 100% speculation on my part as to how significant the cultural seduction/abduction then memetic murder of his son is for him. I don’t know if his son has been gelded yet or is just being paraded around by exultant puppet master perverts. Imagine being as close to a scifi tech priest protagonist as anyone in history, the type written about by all the best scifi authors, and you cannot protect your son from literal daemon worshipers that pray on children. Alex Jones got a tiny test of this treatment for the flimsiest of excuses. Musk is not going to be kind or delicate with the sodomite evangelists if he gets a chance.

SJ says:

He married several trannies already so I’m not sure whose “side” he is supposed to be on.

The Cominator says:

Which of Musk’s former wives is a tranny…

One of his kids from his 1st wife became a tranny, which I’m sure did not make him like clownworld all that much. Grimes is crazy though and dated the tranny thing Chelsea Manning (which I don’t get but it may have been a revenge thing on Musk) but isn’t a tranny herself.

One of Musk’s ex wives despite being an actress apparently hates the globohomo religion and texted him during the twitter acquisition that he should go through with it in order to fight wokeism…

SJ says:

Point deer, make horse

Adam says:

How many children have your wives given you?

He’s a wierd guy so what. Not everyone ends up with Barbi.

Pax Imperialis says:

He can’t even answer TC or support his claim. Why bother? Either a low skill shill or just stupid.

Heavy D says:

Breitbart reporting that Elon Musk has fired The Cominator’s old friend, Alex Spiro, who apparently made the decision to retain former FBI lawyer/stooge James Baker, who tried to disrupt the release of internal files and was, as a result, fired by Musk a few days ago.

Kunning Druegger says:

You meant to say he’s no longer working at Twitter, right?

The Cominator says:

Sounds like hes just no longer working as the de facto general counsel at twatter.

Pax Imperialis says:

Homophobia is a strange word. Fear of homosexuals? Is that really a thing outside of prisons, or is the primary reaction to homosexuals disgust? I believe it’s disgust. Got curious on where the term came from because the word’s etymology is so counterintuitive.

George Weinberg, a psychotherapist who, in the mid-1960s, observed the discomfort that some of his colleagues exhibited around gay men and women and invented a word to describe it — homophobia

Discomfort sounds more like a general icky feeling rather than shrieking in irrational fear like one would expect with a phobia.

Dr. Weinberg was preparing to speak before the East Coast Homophile Organization in 1965 when he began thinking about a recent incident. A group of colleagues, learning that a friend he was bringing to a party was a lesbian, asked that he disinvite her. He sensed not just dislike, he said, but also fear — a fear so extreme that it suggested some of the characteristics of a phobia.

Senses dislike so it’s obviously fear! Projection?

“I coined the word homophobia to mean it was a phobia about homosexuals,” Dr. Weinberg told Gregory M. Herek, a professor of psychology at the University of California, Davis, in 1998. “It was a fear of homosexuals which seemed to be associated with a fear of contagion, a fear of reducing the things one fought for — home and family. It was a religious fear, and it had led to great brutality, as fear always does.”

I suppose Weinberg, our most progressive friend from the holiest of tribes, may have gotten one thing right. I do fear the contagious aspect homosexuals embody by them being walking petri dishes of diseases, but that fear ultimately roots back to a disgust reaction.

As long as homophobia exists, as long as gay people suffer from homophobic acts, the word will remain crucial to our humanity,” he wrote in The Huffington Post. “Indeed, the next big step should be to add ‘homophobia’ to the official list of mental disorders — not to cleanse the language of it.

Ah, the old communist trick that any opposition must therefore be mentally ill.

Just more evidence that the behavior of the woke today has deep roots in American history.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Lack of disgust reflex is a common epiphenomena of congenital solipsism. The only thing that really influences the decision making of such sorts of creatures is fear, pain, or shame; and since they cannot imagine a model of other people working in any other way, they assume the object of their ire are just the same as them (except somehow defective and or in the service of the devil, because they aren’t agreeing with them for some odd reason).

Thus, if you don’t like faggots, then the only reason why must because they make you scared, hurt, or ashamed in some way.

And of course obviously there is a tactical angle to the rhetoric as well. ‘A real man would not be afraid of letting me organize my forces’; ‘a real man would not be afraid of letting me occupy his sudentenland’; ‘a real man would not be afraid of letting me stab my knife in his chest’.

So on it goes.

Karl says:

Homophobia is an enemy word and a lie. Normal men feel disgust, but not fear.

Some phobias are aptly named, e.g. acrophobia. Some people really fear hights.

If a fancy word is needed, a greek word might be used that means disgust, e.g. nausea, instead of phobia. Of course, most people won’t understand a word like “homonausea”.t

Kunning Drueger says:

Skeptical Karl for the fucking win.

Homonausea. So it is written, so it shall be.

Pax Imperialis says:

Homonausea ex homoamericae ad nauseam?

chris says:

Apparently homophobia has a higher heritability than homosexuality itself. #bornthatway.

Fireball says:

Makes sense. Independently why homosexuality exist, groups of men with the genes for disgust at it would have less gay men and would cooperate better.

And considering also the habits of gay men it would exist less spread of diseases in the group.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The most notable thing about all these prevailing ‘future soldier’ concepts coming out of the prevailing institutions, is that out of all the verbiage involved, there is not a single explicit notation of the most important capability of all: portable rangefinding and transmission of dataset to nearby ordnance asset for immediate pinpoint disposal. They say ‘network centric warfare’, and the only thing they think of is heartbeat monitors for the central general bureaucrat to gaze approvingly on even more tabs he can keep on his colony of ants.

Fireball says:

The bureaucracy is always expanding to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy.

Besides that only now with the ukranian war are we seeing what 21st century may look like. We all much to learn about what works and doesnt work.

Aidan says:

Shocking that this doesn’t already happen. Recon gets eyes on a target, tags its precise latitude and longitude with LiDAR (relative to the known quantity of the soldier’s GPS location), and these coordinates get sent to an automated artillery piece that drops a shell on the exact position.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Don’t even need the GPS for that matter; the transmission of unit to asset is itself a vector, which when combined with the vector of unit to target, can be interpolated into a vector of asset to target.

Kunning Drueger says:

There are probably many possible answers, but the two obvious ones are: bureaucracy can’t even, and modern war is more about maiming and culling unwanted men than it is about winning. As Fidelis said, sort of, UKR war is going to teach us a lot.

Fireball says:

War is always about winning and there arent that many unwanted men in modern societies. The fertility is so low and the populations getting so old that sacrificing young men is a sure way to destroy a nation.

Mayflower Sperg says:

That is a sacrifice the Jews are willing to make. White men are extremely unwanted because each of us is a potential Hitler eager to take back our homelands and finish the job. Everything Jews do is a scheme to shoah us before we shoah them. Ukraine is their greatest success so far; more will follow.

Kunning Druegger says:

Firebro, you are making the mistake of letting logic mix in with existing rationale. You are correct, but it is irrelevant. There is no one sane in control.

Fireball says:

In the west there isn’t but the kremlin looks scared about suffering causalities likely because russia can no longer fight an attrition war the old way.

Kunning Druegger says:

Possibly, yes. But I maintain that they are absolutely certain that Ukraine is the beginning of a conflict, not the end of an operation. I think they fully expect an expanded conflict and must juggle the necessities that implies with internal cohesion and capacity. RWAbros referenced this in one of their podcasts, so I am just lifting and mangling their analysis here, that the Kremlin is far more concerned with internall dissent than they are external opinion. Back in the early days of the SMO, everyone, including this blog and many commenters, were stating that the RF was losing the propaganda war. I think this was incorrect. I think they are taking the long view in all this, and they know that the real threat to their State is not NATO bases/bombs on the border but is demographic decline, GAE soft power infiltration, and GAE insanity resulting from internal collapse and factional squabbles. At no point was Ukraine ever going to invade Russia proper or present a credible existential threat to the RF. But a GAE gone mad with internal collapse is a terrifying threat. Imagine that tranny faggot luggage stealer being in the chain of command. Imagine the damage a childless HR catlady could do if she (Harris) was calling the shots.

Helter skelter response, I admit it, but we must look at every State Regime as a system of internal and external states of being. Countries may be internally coherent but externally toothless, or externally powerful but internally destabilized. It’s like a game of Prisoner’s Dilemma but each prisoner is also a game of Prisoner’s Dilemma.

Fireball says:

In kinda agree with you but i think that NATO military power is as much of a threat as infiltration. It may be now even more of a threat because infiltration may not longer be working well.

If Russia loses a war agaisnt NATO it will be immediately dismantle and genocided.

Also Ukraine in NATO is a existential threat in to Russia.

Kunning Drueger says:

Ukraine in NATO + a decade of “development” is existential threat. That’s why the balloon went up in February 2022. Dumb fucking Russians believed Minsk 02 was a good faith agreement, and it took 8 years of blatant violations before Vlad was like, “Vasily, I dnot thnik these Amerikanskys are telling treuth”. They were caught flat-footed by the 2020 steal just like every group of good, honest people was and then had to very quickly develop contingencies they previously thought unneeded. Trump really was a godsend to the world, and his failure to cross the Rubicon may have doomed many of us currently drawing breath.

At this point, they really have no other option but to turtle up and wait for the GAE to collapse, being ever ready to secure their frontier and possibly even first strike if things get too crazy. I still maintain that the destruction of Nordstream was a Red Line and they are literally on a Snapcount Timeline that’s probably 3-5 years long. If GAE doesn’t collapse and/or Biden or worse gets elected, they really have no other choice but to do the needful.

Mister Grumpus says:

What examples do we have of militaries that were entirely structured/restructured after 1980 or later, to account for modern technologies?

The Taliban? Mexican drug cartels? Hezbollah? ISIS?

None of these are what I would call a “military”. I suppose that’s the point.

blah says:

[*Deleted for presupposing facts not in evidence

Argument from fake consensus not allowed on this blog*]

jim says:

The evidence that I see is that Ukrainian shelling is indiscriminate and aimed at mass extermination of Ukrainian civilians, as for example their shelling of Donbass and their shelling of nuclear waste storage, while Russian shelling is highly selective, and aimed at rescuing Ukrainian civilians from the merciless and murderous clutches of the Global American Empire.

You may disagree. You may have convincing evidence that I am wrong. But you will have to present that evidence and make that argument rather than just assuming that everyone knows and agrees with your version of reality, that everyone already knows and agrees that Russia is engaged in brutal conquest, rather than self defense against a savage, insane, and indiscriminately murderous conqueror.

Hesiod says:

Hand-rubbingDemocracy intensifies in Ukraine with the seizure of church assets and persecution of clergy:

Perhaps one of our resident shills would be so kind as to remind us again how Russia is the baddie?

Basil says:

[*Loud denunciation of the mote in Russia’s eye while ignoring the beam in globohomo’s eye*]

Basil says:
jim says:

Seems like good evidence that Russia is the good guy.

Faggots need killing. Russia is at least making a small start.

blah says:

[*Deleted for presupposing facts not in evidence

Argument from fake consensus not allowed on this blog*]

Basil says:

If Russia were a good guy, this person would not represent Russia in the information space.

It is not difficult to notice the vices of the West, and only the lazy do not. Russia/China/Third Reich/Israel/Japan or South Korea, which some see as an alternative, deserve separate criticism, because too many on the right wishful thinking.

jim says:

He does not “represent Russia in information space”. He got purged, or purged himself. He does not represent Russia. He hates Russia, he denounces Russia, Russians hate him, and denounce him. And they fired him or forced his resignation.

Because Russia, unlike America, is a relatively free society, many voices are heard. That does not mean that any one of those voices “represents” Russia.

One of the downsides of freedom is that bad people may speak. Still, it is an improvement over America, where only bad people may speak.

Basil says:

China is in many ways better than both Russia and the United States. For example, the Chinese have effectively solved the issue of their Chechnya: the birth rate of the Uighurs is now lower than that of the Han, while Russia pays tribute and humiliates itself. The Chinese have the most meritocracy-like political system of any major country in the world. China has made great strides in reproductive technology. China is exporting tiktok to the west, cooking the brains of girls and stealing the data of millions. China effectively turns the surrounding countries into satellites while Russia loses its own.

Does this mean that we need to become Chinese shills, praise the Communist Party and the great leader Xi, expecting that the rice empire is about to be able to pull us out of the crisis straight to the stars, along the way giving out cat-girl wives to its supporters?

jim says:

The problem is that Xi is disinclined to give cat girl wives to his supporters, and his ideology renders him incapable of doing so. His ideology is likely to undo the good work done by Deng, and return China to the dark ages.

If his ideology was able and willing to supply cat girl wives, he would win, and I would sign up in an instant.

The Cominator says:

China between the time of Deng and Xi is great but Xi has wrecked it.

Xi is a wannabe Mao with some Erich Honecker (surveillance state control freak) thrown in…

Pax Imperialis says:

Deng reformed China and the CCP’s source of legitimacy changed to be based off of economic growth. Most of the growth was fueled by exports. That is sustainable so long as China can freely trade.

Xi is not a Mao. He gives Deng face by calling Xi Jinping Thought a broad framework for Deng’s socialism with Chinese characteristics. He has canonized Deng over Mao. Under Xi private land ownership rights have been expanded rather than restricted. This trend towards private ownership and capitalism has only been offset by very recent developments.

The Chinese are preparing to be completely cut off from maritime trade. It’s why they’ve likely spent a trillion USD equivalent to expand land based infrastructure to bypass having to do shipping through South China Sea. Rail, trucking, and pipelines through Central Asia and Siberia. That is also a factor in why they’ve cracked down on the Uyghurs so harshly. Troubles in Xinjiang would put those investments at risk.

They are preparing because there is no way to reconcile with the West over the Taiwan question. Having a hostile, large, unsinkable rock just off the coast of their populous manufacturing coastline is unacceptable. That has to be dealt with sooner rather than later, but doing so will result in the end of Chinese shipping. Xi has told the PLA to “focus all its energy on fighting” in preparation for war.

The economic ramifications would be severe and shake the legitimacy of the CCP. Xi has attempted to change that by shifting the source of legitimacy away from economic growth and towards a nationalist one China ideology. China has a long history of warlordism combined with a plethora of separatist ethnic identities that have been suppressed by paying them off. Surveillance state is being implemented to hold everything together when easy money to bribe runs out.

Presumably after a successful reunification war and the economic damage has stopped, China can start rolling back towards Deng style China and start rebuilding, but that’s likely a good 10-20 years from now.

The Cominator says:

The zero covid stuff (yes VERY recently abandoned) makes it hard for me to take this Xi is a rational Machiavellian actor stuff seriously, people understand the economy not growing if there is a blockade too anyway sabotaging it beforehand is just stupid.

Basil says:

[*deleted for untruth*]

jim says:

We already discussed kravosky. What you are saying is demonstrably untrue, and upon being called on it, you just repeat yourself, wasting space and reader time and bandwidth.

In the US, everyone who gets to speak on television is the voice of the state. In Russia, not so, in particular it is completely obvious that Kravosky is not the voice of Russia, not the voice of the Russian state, not the voice of the Russian Church, but a hostile dissident whose hostility to Russia, to Russian society, to Russian moral norms, and whose continued service to the Global American empire and to the US officially unofficial state religion is getting him into hot water.

Mister Grumpus says:

If Xi changed his mind and decided to give cat girl wives to his people, could he do it? Are there structural reasons why he can’t? Is even he not powerful enough to make that happen?

Xi doesn’t rule alone either, but for this question, I’m not sure what that means. On the news he’s an unopposed dictator, but that can’t be literally true. Not true how? You tell me.

jim says:

If you are going to reward the people you need by ensuring that they have the opportunity to reproduce – sex, family, grandchildren, you need a state religion that justifies doing it.

Which would mean he would have to toss the existing state religion “socialism with Chinese characteristics” You might well say Deng already tossed it, but Xi is encountering a crisis of cynicism and disbelief, and is attempting to deal with that crisis by being less blatant about abandoning Marxism than Deng was.

To supply cat girl wives, either old type Confucianism, or old type Christianity. Both of these are unthinkably and obviously reactionary and anti Marxist.

Pax Imperialis says:

>makes it hard for me to take this Xi is a rational Machiavellian actor stuff seriously

For the same reason why I believe the main driving force behind the lockdowns in America were to consolidate power and not because of Covid, China’s lockdowns were also likely incidental to Covid.

If you look at the severity of the lockdowns in China you will see an extreme relaxation after the initial wave that would only intensify again with Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan.

That’s not to say those were purely rational decisions. People react irrationally all the time in regard to their rational motivations. I do think China got extremely close to declaring war on Taiwan far more than Western analysts realize. Going off of Xi’s speech in November, it’s clear they got cold feet on going to war immediately and it isn’t surprising restrictions were lifted a month later.

Maybe I’m reading causation into a correlation not linked to causation, but East Asians don’t think or speak in open cause and effect like the West and correlation is really the only tool to derive intent from Chinese political signaling.

Is Xi Thought just a framework for “socialism with Chinese characteristics” which between the lines means a framework for pretending they are socialists while readopting Chinese heritage? I can’t say for sure, but that’s what Deng meant if going by results. Time will tell.

The Cominator says:

If lockdowns were a cover for a covert mobilization for invasion Taiwan would be getting attacked probably a week ago at the latest so I can’t buy that either…

Zero covid so long after even Demoshit states in the US stopped it just seemed insane any way I can look at it.

Neurotoxin says:

“One of the downsides of freedom is that bad people may speak. Still, it is an improvement over America, where only bad people may speak.”

That’s one for the Quotable Jim file.

BobtheBuilder says:

>Hates children

Many such cases. Sad!
Hopefully they won’t let anymore faggots near media outlets going forward, although I’m a bit surprised it took them this long to get rid of him.

The Cominator says:
Contaminated NEET says:

Harvard is what everyone else converges on.

Fireball says:

Sounds like excellent news.

Anonymous Fake says:

It isn’t. Harvard somehow manages to bless anything it touches, and yet nothing ever pulls down the reputation of Harvard.

Harvard’s power is based on its position as an informal center of meritocracy in a Christian civilization. There is no equivalent in heathen civilizations because they only see schooling as a way for the government to rear children, but there is no meritocracy tradition. But every Christian American student wants to make it into Harvard based on merit and his academic background and activities will revolve around this goal.

Harvard can only be reformed by formalizing meritocracy standards to a universal level (including equal salary levels across different cost of living areas for the same job title), or just by abolishing it. Allowing deviants into Harvard and hoping that will bring it down is a proven absolute failure.

jim says:

> nothing ever pulls down the reputation of Harvard.

Pretty sure its name is mud among smart people, as for example Musk

> Harvard can only be reformed by formalizing meritocracy standards to a universal level

What you call meritocracy is priestly rule by centralized authority, which is not at all meritocratic, which is why Harvard’s name is now mud among smart people.

The job of universities has never been determining merit, but inculcating the state religion. Always has been, always will be.

The Cominator says:

Even 20 years ago when I was in High School as far as schools go Harvard was not the school of the top brains only the most organizationally/politically ambitious so not the “center of meritocracy”.

The top genius/brain school was MIT followed by Caltech but even they had bad quotas against white and east asian males at that point.

Anonymous Fake says:

The meritocracy model is the only way to explain why anyone, especially a Christian, would force his children to go to a modern public school. The overwhelming majority of people still support this model and demand respect for it, except obnoxious grifters who only see value in quantifiable performance rather than quality, and most importantly of all the common good.

Elon Musk is a very recent phenomenon. He did not exist in the 90’s and he might not exist a decade from now. We’ll see.

I have no interest in the state religion, to put it mildly. Most people don’t. But most people want their merit level judged fairly and compensated or else they wouldn’t have anything to do with academia whatsoever.

By the way, I suspect USNWR might actually have more soft power than Harvard now. Notice that they aren’t even forced to put up a deviant frontman like Harvard. And their rankings are as legally untouchable as Covid vaccines. And there are a lot of hungry lawyers out there…

jim says:

> The meritocracy model is the only way to explain why anyone, especially a Christian, would force his children to go to a modern public school

Lots of jobs are only issued to adherents of the state religion. The accreditation represents adherence to the state religion.

The Cominator says:

You talk about meritocracy but you mean a conformist midwit busywork midwitocracy.

True meritocracy would be based purely on reliable cognitive tests, dumb people and lower midwits could only get “enlisted” ranks in large organizations and while hard work and accomplishments could get them more money and more enlisted status (to the point that higher ranks would respect them the way senior non comms are respected in the military) they could never be promoted beyond that level unless somehow their intelligence truly went up (I think it is probably possible to do this even without drugs or new tech thru doing certain types of puzzles and math obsessively as a hobby). High midwits (120-140) would be on the officer track and could perhaps get to upper ranks though in some organizations the highest (but not all organizations as we need some geniuses to do independent outside stuff) ranks could only be reached by the 140+ IQ types…

Doing school busywork is not a good analogue of this system.

“Elon Musk is a very recent phenomenon. He did not exist in the 90’s”

The heroic entrepeneur type had actually renaissance in the 80s-90s because the institutions got more intolerable for people like Musk to work in… it was much rarer in the 40s thru early 60s when the US was more efficiently dominated by institutions and megacorporations (which were much more competent than today). Part of what makes clownworld so awful is that the big institutions of various kinds want to and largely have asserted the kind of dominance of life they had in the New Deal/Postwar era but massively more corrupt, womanized and incompetent. Also academia due to subsidized credit is massively more expensive…

Anonymous Fake says:

Reagan to Romney was arguably the big business conservative era, but after 2012 the corporate world became woke capital and entrepreneurs became more heroic, rather than being loser dropout types. You could be charitable and call them “eccentrics”.

The dream job of most conservatives is corporate management from the Cold War or War on Terror era, though Clinton in between didn’t push leftism like Obama did later.

And conservatives generally like management to be taken from elite universities, not the mail room laborers who work their way up, because educational upward mobility is the reason why conservatives still send their children to modern schools even if the curriculum is now outright evil.

It’s an interesting and tragic situation, when an evil IQ test is still an IQ test. That’s Greek tragedy material there. But plain IQ tests are called evil, too. Maybe they are.

jim says:

[*account of what conservative businessmen think and want deleted*]

jim says:

I was there. You don’t know any conservatives, you don’t know any businessmen, and you don’t know any conservative businessmen.

That stuff is absolutely not what they wanted, but was imposed on them by state terror.

Kunning Drueger says:

I’m going to pretend that jim wrote something, realized it was an incorrect [*account of what conservative businessmen think and want*] and solemnly deleted it because those are the fucking rules.

>Clinton in between didn’t push leftism like Obama did later
Interesting note here, though I don’t know the implications thereof: completely false, if anything, the acceleration of convergence under Clinton regime was actually massive, but it was foundational and long lasting. This was when the worst woke enablers of today were building their identities, perceptions, and social networks. Clinton era Elite Formation was operationalized under Obama Regime after being supercharged under the “dark days” of Bush Regime. Under Clinton, the great leftward radicalization began. Under Obama, the slaves and fuccbois of the Clinton elites we’re dressed up in purple and given crowns and status.

Fireball says:

I hate the word meritocracy so much.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

“Okay, everyone i meet thinks i am a worthless person for some reason – which just goes to show how humans are all stupid and blinded by ignorant biases (except for people like me of course). Therefore obviously we need some sort of abstract, impersonal procedure proceeding from some sort of abstract impersonal institution which will be able to correctly validate me as having worth.”

Fireball says:

Pretty much because of that, variations and spin offs of that.

alf says:

Never thought of it that way. So perhaps you could say meritocracy is meant to mean ‘that which is useful in a free market society’, only as determined by a central (priestly) authority. So an anti-concept?

jim says:

Suppose you, the emperor, want governance by competent people. So you set up a centralized bureaucratic system for selecting and training competent people. Which inevitably becomes priestly and run by priests, and bye and bye, no longer selecting for smart people, but for characteristics that may be less desirable.

Not an anti concept, but it presupposes that a hard problem is soluble.

Compare with aristocracy, rule by the best, where the selection of best is local, distributed, disorderly, and violent. Aristocracy is a lot better at producing a genuinely superior ruling elite than meritocracy, but is apt to have a great deal of violence and destruction.

Obviously a peaceful and bureaucratic selection of best would be better, if it actually worked. Unfortunately, making it work is, not an anti concept, but is an unsolved problem.

The Cominator says:

“Suppose you, the emperor, want governance by competent people. So you set up a centralized bureaucratic system for selecting and training competent people. Which inevitably becomes priestly and run by priests, and bye and bye, no longer selecting for smart people, but for characteristics that may be less desirable.”

As I said above if you wanted to establish a merit screen you’d use real cognitive test you wouldn’t require years of academia.

jim says:

Of course you would. IQ test, plus job performance, plus evidence of good character. It is not hard. Not hard, but the people administering it have incentives to make it hard. Your bureaucracy to administer this grows, and winds up requiring twenty years of priestly schooling.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The trick to ‘rule of law vs rule by fiat’ rhetoric is that in reality, both are rule by fiat.

For any given standard there will naturally be effort to game the standard; not just in terms of malicious compliance, but also in terms of ‘updating’ the standards themselves. ‘The Constitution is a living document dontchaknow’.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I think John has the right of it. Rule is always by fiat of the ruler, and so the reason an aristocracy produces the best is that it is hard to game war. War games would no more work than bureaucrats taking tests. Delusions and hype cannot survive an environment like war, so the clever tricks available to warriors are just another way to prosecute a war. The art of war is deception; truth is the first casualty in war.

The Cominator says:

With a king overseeing it IQ tests wouldn’t go off the rails by additionally requiring “schooling”.

Pax Imperialis says:

I remember reading about a guy who quite literally was walking around looking for a job in the 60s and by happenstance walked into NASA. They gave him a cognitive test and in a couple of years was a rocket engineer. He had no degree or formal training. There was no bureaucratic process. Quite informal. Just a quick interview with a manager and some test taking.

NASA today has bureaucratic selection that is not meritocratic.

McDonald’s is one of the most successful fastfood franchises in the world. Hiring involves walking in and asking the manager for a job. They make the call on the spot. The more ambitious and intelligent ones become managers and eventually owners. It is meritocratic without being bureaucratic. It shows no signs of changing after 67 years. It predates NASA.

So maybe the solution is to avoid bureaucratic selection be it centralized or decentralized. McDonald’s franchise model aristocracy?

S says:

Sounds like any knight can make another man a knight (with the cost of gear encouraging intelligent behavior).

That works, but for the government you run into the problem of loyalty. I’m not Spandrel, but my understanding is the Chinese were the most successful at this and it didn’t work. Try selecting for morality and you get subordinates who claim they are moral and deserve to rule (Wang Ming).

The Cominator says:

Chinese imperial exams were for essays and calligraphy and crap not intelligence. Standardized tests should NEVER have essays.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Essays can be tests, in the sense that they are expressions of the writer’s character, which the assessor can use to make a decision based on any reason or no reason at all.

Tangential to this topic is word problems, which don’t necessarily have anything to do with writing exercises at all, but are a most convenient way of expressing complex problems requiring high world formation capacity to solve; which is incidentally why such things are often also the first things to go when a test is debased.

The Cominator says:

Word problems yes but no essays on standardized tests…

Anonymous Fake says:

[*account of what conservatives think and want deleted*]

Dharmicreality says:

I remember taking down meritocracy from a dharmic viewpoint. Here’s the link to the article

Dr. Faust says:

Isn’t the board the echelon of the Cathedral?

The Cominator says:

Japan announces remilitarization, this could turn out to be a big deal…

Fireball says:

As the american empire contracts Japan is going to need to remilitarize but for that they are going to need to resolve their fertility problem first and try not be turned into cannon folder against china by the empire.

S says:

They have 80 vax rate and about half their shots were the clot ones. I’m not seeing a way out for them.

Kunning Drueger says:

Japan brute forced their society from isolated feudal agronomy to cutting edge world power in 4 decades because a dude in a dress felt inspired by the 19th century equivalent of a PowerPoint presentation. If anyone is going to make lemonade, it’s them.

Anon says:

“because a dude in a dress felt inspired by the 19th century equivalent of a PowerPoint presentation.”
This is interesting, are you talking about the meiji restoration?
Who did the “equivalent of a PowerPoint presentation” to – i presume- the emperor ?

Fireball says:

Doesn’t sound that bad.

Mister Grumpus says:

Maybe some of those clot shots were counterfeited saline, after paying fair and square for the poisonous real ones and trashing them. Who knows?

Take Israel. High vaxxing there, but I can’t believe there wasn’t a ton of saline going on there also.

Trust the Plan? Yeah I guess. But when a country with a strong identity and decent IQ gets hit with a situation like Covid, who knows what kind of instinctive self-defense mechanisms can kick in.

Oog en Hand says:

“Take Israel. High vaxxing there, but I can’t believe there wasn’t a ton of saline going on there also.”

You antisemite….

S says:

Israel’s vax rate is about 65%. They did a massive push early and quickly and then everyone else refused to take the shots. This suggests people started dying early and obviously.

Mayflower Sperg says:

The CDC says that 80% of Americans have had at least one shot, but only 68% are “fully vaccinated”, defined as two mRNA shots or one J&J.

Which means that forty million Americans took one mRNA shot and said, “I’m not doing that again!”

Kunning Druegger says:

I don’t buy that America is 80% jabbed. As the curtain drops and the tipping point is reached then passed, I guarantee that that number will do the same slide the “vaxx efficacy” percent did. You can look it up, I didn’t save the link, but there are at least a few videos that show the reporting started at “100% effective” then crept all the way down past 50% before the tune changed to “it was always experimental, it was always voluntary, it was never supposed to give immunity”.

As soon as class action and individual cases become remotely possible, we will suddenly have always known it was barely 20% of America that got jabbed, and of course OF FUCKING COURSE it’s blacks, gays, and single moms who are suffering the most, so bend over for some more of that un-lubed effective altruism baby.

Completely unrelated, I heard that if the 20 largest cities in America got Smuked by Smrussia, America would pretty quickly become an 80% white Christian nation.

Red says:

Asians were jabbed in huge numbers. Blacks were generally given an exception not to be jabbed unless in the medical industry, but I don’t know if they avoided the jab or not. Ice-T said he lost some movie deals because he refused to get jabbed.

Unfortunately white women who were not married to a right leaning man pretty much all got jabbed.

The Cominator says:

“Unfortunately white women who were not married to a right leaning man pretty much all got jabbed.”

New ager girls and literal whores (and there is some overlap) mostly did not. Some super redneck type girls did not… A lot of nurses also got fake certificates (from what I heard its the norm in Florida) or more like real certificates but never got jabbed.

But unmarried normie women outside those categories you’re screwed. Over 90% vaxxed.

Bill says:

The NRx “Western tech decline” people may need to reset their priors. I’m not seeing China, Russia, Turkey, Iran, etc come close to this.

jim says:


These are drones. The west is behind everyone else in drone warfare. As has been repeatedly demonstrated on the battlefield.

Kunning Druegger says:

As a counter argument, observe the Fusion bullshit. A 300 [energy units] laser complex creates a 3 [energy units] output from firing a 2 [energy units] beam. The media reports fusion has a breakthrough, millions of people read the headlines and adjust their worldview, and by the time it’s actually explained, the press room is empty.

Bill, I am engaging as an object lesson for others, please don’t forget, ever, that you will never be a woman, that you are a tremendous faggot, and that there’s a rope with your name on it.

Any example that is brought up in the argument of tech not declining must first contend with the tidal wave of examples that it is declining. The Courland Pocket could have held out for many months, possibly years, but in retrospect it was obvious that Germany lost when it fell short of Moscow. Looking even closer, Germany’s fate was sealed when it introduced wholesale socialism. In the moment, the German economy was Hitler’s miracle. During the war, the German army seemed unstoppable, and it largely was. But every kilometer gained was merely delaying the inevitable collapse by some small measure of time and space. In this example, for Germany to have one, foundational elements would have had to have been significantly altered or dispensed with entirely, but to do so was not possible due to the constituent parts of the structure created, both the rhetorical framework and the personages attached.

It is simply irrelevant that there are breakthroughs and advancements in the Cathedral “the science” department because of the underlying structure of the Cathedral itself means that all forward motion will be halted then degraded. It ill always be one technology step forward, three cultural steps backward, occasionally a retrograde shuffle to the side.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Mid 20th century sci-fi: “We are living on other planets with nuclear powered spaceships a few decades in the future.”
Late 70s sci-fi: “Okay, maybe not in a few decades… but at least at *some* point in the future.”
90s cyberpunk: “Okay, maybe we haven’t gotten off the planet, and a lot of things look kinda grimy too, but at least it’s still visibly *a* future.”
21st century: “Actually uhhhhh lets take a rain check on this while ‘future’ thing, human civilization is Problematic for the planet mmmkay? Those grapes were sour anyways.”

In later days ‘Progressives’ don’t even dare to dress up their positioning with aesthetics of progress anymore – which was only inevitable. You will own nothing and no you won’t be happy either lol.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Neil Armstrong walked on the moon three weeks after the Stonewall riots. If you’d asked anyone then which event was more portentous of life in the 21st century, they’d have thought you were nuts.

Kunning Drueger says:

Excellent observation. Fuck, that’s depressing.

ron says:

I’ve been doing resear-, eh, watching a lot of videos at 2am on Project Orion.

Basically the idea was to kick small nukes one at a time out the back of a spaceship with a massive metal plate, and the explosion would hit the plate, that was on giant springs to cushion the blow, and that would propel the ship forward. They estimated they could make about 3% the speed of light.

Not being an engineer, I can’t tell you if the tech is solid or not, but from what I heard, they all claim that no one argues that they could have done this as far back in the 60’s. Which is amazing, because it means that we could have gigantic aircraft carrier sized spaceships going out to Jupiter and back in a few years carrying thousands of crew.

And if that works … it means we can do just about anything. We could mine whatever we wanted, do all sorts of testing far from the Earth’s environment, manufacturing, anything.

What I’m wondering is if the people here can confirm that this is real technology or just a pipe dream.

I mean, my God.

ron says:

Just to clarify. They don’t claim one nuke would do it. Rather they’d kick out about 1 nuke every few seconds or so. One after the other, constantly properlling the ship forward.

Here’s an intro to the topic

Kunning Drueger says:

Your inquiry had a “midwit feel”* so I will give a midwit observation: Project Orion demonstrated that there were options on the table. Another example of this “big thonk” atmosphere was Sea Dragon. On paper, both were very much in the possible category, though practical execution would probably have gone different directions for all the reasons stated by Jim, St. John, and others in the past as there’ve been some very detailed discussions here on this topic.

When you look at the progression of the US space program from the modern era, there’s a tendency to see it as all kind of ad hoc, doing stuff just to do it and ooops look at that we landed on the moon! While there was definitely a ton of improvisation involved, each mini-era was building towards something. Every Gemini was a testbed, a battery of tests, a proof of concept, and a massive risk all with the goal of building Apollo on sound conceptual framework.The mental shift regarding the horizon of the possible from 1935 to 1955 is staggering, and the devolution of that horizon between 1965 to 1985 is so fucking sad. A whole future thrown away for negros, sluts, and faggots.

The greatest leap forward for mankind was 1850-1910. The scientific revolution from 1920-1960 was completely powered by the “heat of formation” of that leap. The Space Shuttle program was the dress rehearsal for Tech Decline, a bold assertion that the dreams of our ancestors were too big, too expensive, and too foolish for us Moderns. What good is it to conquer new worlds of Jamal and Karen and Yoel aren’t free to do whatever pops into their little heads?

A wall of text and no answer lol. I honestly think that if Project Orion had gotten off the ground, it would be just like the part of the S A Corey series where the dude that invents the Epstein Drive gets pancaked by his invention. Some 6’2″ gigachad would have nuked himself into the Valles Marineris by accident, and every kid would know his name. So I will say Yes. Project Orion would have worked brilliantly by failing spectacularly.

Also, Nuclear Salt Rocket is the name of my dubstep ska-metal band.

*this isn’t an insult, it isn’t intended as an insult, I am a midwit with good instincts, and the most scientific book I’ve ever read was The Bell Curve. please don’t be insulted

ron says:

I’m not insulted, its ok. I thought it was a fun read.

Adam says:

>Basically the idea was to kick small nukes one at a time out the back of a spaceship with a massive metal plate, and the explosion would hit the plate, that was on giant springs to cushion the blow, and that would propel the ship forward.

Immediately reminded me of Wile E. Coyote and Roadrunner.

jim says:

I really do not think this is practical. Your shock absorber needs to be immensely big and heavy. After every blast, it becomes extremely hot and has to cool down. To accelerate this immensely big and heavy object requires a whole lot of nukes and, because of the required cooling time, this is going to take a very long time to pick up speed. My seat of the pants guesstimate is that you are going to need approximately a billion nukes.

The basic problem with using nuclear power to get up to a few percent of the speed of light is that whatever you do, it produces heat, and the heat has to be radiated away. Which means your are always going to need a great big radiator.

No matter how you apply nuclear power, this is the practical limit, so a simpler and cheaper solution is rather than one one billion nukes, just one fission reactor (or better, one fusion reactor, which gives you double the speed) and use the power for an ion drive.

Starman says:


The heat, blast, and bright light of an atmosphere tested nuke comes from the immediate atmosphere around the nuke absorbing the intense energy of the nuke’s gamma rays and neutrons.

When detonated in space, only the bomb’s components absorb that energy, and it is radiated out into space, limited by the inverse square law.

For the propulsion bomblets, a depleted uranium cone directed a portion of these gammas and neutrons towards a berellium plate. This plate then absorbs that energy and converts itself into plasma that is directed against the pusher plate. Oil sprayed on the pusher plate carries off the heat of a small part of the plasma that touches the pusher plate oil. The mass of the plasma is a tiny fraction of the mass of the pusher plate.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Easier way to do highly ‘brissant’ propulsion is nuclear salt water rockets.

jim says:

Less practical than it seems. To be useful, your exhaust has to be very very hot. But that will melt your rocket motor in no time flat.

If you want to achieve very high delta vee, have to have very high exhaust velocity. Which means you have to squirt out the gas electromagnetically, without it touching anything solid. Electric and magnetic confinement, as for example the vasimir drive.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

There are several ways of inducing atomic fusion, one of them is high neutron flux.

There is a possibility space for fusion boosted reactors, much like how there are fusion boosted bombs. Running microstreams of fusible material through the core assemblies for enhancing the neutron economy. This would be a step up in next generation power production wrt civilizational energy levels.

Starman says:


The Orion nuclear pulse spaceship would’ve had high thrust and high Isp.

The 3,000 metric ton Orion had an Isp of 3,000sec. The same as a Starlink, but with very high thrust-to-weight ratio and the power of nuclear bombs.

The military version presented to JFK, the 10,000 metric ton Orion Space Battleship, had an Isp of 10,000sec.
It would’ve been effectively an unassailable battle satellite. Nothing could challenge it, except another Battle Orion.

ron says:

ISP, SFC … got my reading cut out for me thanks!

{seudo-Chrysostom says:

You can reference here for simple layman’s introductions.

Starman says:


“Isp” (Specific Impulse) can be roughly explained (if you’re using imperial units) as 1 lbm of propellant produces 1 lbf of thrust for ______ seconds.

It’s actually derived from exhaust velocity using metric units though.
But the explanation above is a good starting summary.

Mister Grumpus says:

Iran, Russia and Turkey are applying drones to national defense. National defense in the West is illegal. We can’t keep Hondurans out of the territory or tranny groomers out of the library. Only profit seeking is legal. Therefore the west cannot possibly compete in this space, because it is the space that actually matters.

Iran, Russia and Turkey are fighting to survive, and using drones to do it. Therefore their stuff will always be better and more cost effective in real life.

Guy says:

I regularly purchase commercial refrigerators and freezers. I now expect them NOT to work on delivery, and to have to have the brand new units repaired under warranty over the course of several months after purchase, regardless of vendor/manufacturer. Part of tech decline is everyday mundane things simply not working.

Pax Imperialis says:

Even toasters got shittier. Compared your toaster to this design from 1948. Fully automatic, fully mechanical, and produced always perfectly toasted toast.

zero says:

I am vexed by product decline. I cannot figure out what is driving it, I think debt credit has driven it as people have not known actual deprivation in so long they are callous of waste, but how is it possible for products to be getting more expensive even as they are made cheaper? Is it just that regulation has built a moat around every single fing business so there isn’t any competition anymore?. What were we doing right between 1850 and 1950? I don’t bother to buy new vehicles anymore because they are so complicated and I’ll designed to work on. I’m not spending thousands to have a dealer mechanic curse at a new Chevy pickup which requires the fucking cab to be removed to change two sparkplugs. The old stuff works and when it doesn’t I don’t have to remove the fucking wheel well plastic gaurd to change a headlight, which gaurd is attached with single use clips. Corporate greed can’t be it but even toasters are garbage and they don’t seem to have the monopoly fed protection that automotive does. Got a new 600$ toaster as a gift and it broke within 3 months, that’s like 6-10$ a price of toast wtf

S says:

Female employment, IQ decline, social organization decline, competent people vacumed up into make work- take your pick.

Red says:

The toaster was probably banned due to the safety faggots. It’s an always on design, so if you dropped into a sink full of water you’d get shocking experience.

As for your Chevy, that’s the Harvard trained bean counters in charge. I read a book years ago by a Ford executive who talked about the decline in car quality in the 70s and 80s. He described the basic issues as green regulations forcing them to build cars and small engines Americans didn’t want, which took years work out the bugs and by the Harvard School of Business trained accountants and mangers running the companies. The accountants viewed engines that regularly failed at 15,000 miles as a positive thing because the company earned more from replacing them. Everyone else realized they’d lose most of their customers but they were no longer in charge.

I’m sure it’s gotten even worse with Shaniqua running everything.

Today the IQ decline is starting to bite hard. Smart men of the last generation either didn’t reproduce or they reproduce with dumb girls who were easier to knock up that college educated women.

Dharmicreality says:

Lee Iacocca? I read his books long back and vaguely recollect that he lamented the loss of manufacturing capability and the industrial downfall of America.

Red says:

Bob Lutz.

His book has a goofy title, but it’s contents sounded right on the money.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

There are a number of contributing factors.

1. The conquest of society by credential fetishism destroying actual knowledge transmission through social technologies of apprenticeship

2. The conquest of society by procedural fetishism destroying actual quality control through social technologies of freehold

3. The superset containing the foregoing and more besides, spiritual malaise; there no thing made good because there is no faith validating the Godliness of making things good.

jim says:

> I am vexed by product decline. I cannot figure out what is driving it.

It is absolutely obvious what is driving it. Same thing as is driving tech decline.

The destruction of the corporate form, and HR demanding that credentialed lazy morons be given the high status jobs.

Tucker had a hilarious video on the useless elite:

YE24 says:

I just want you to know that I hate you more than I have ever hated the blacks, Jews, homos, or other undesirables.

jim says:

Says the man who supposedly hates blacks because they are magical, Jews because they are so clever, and homos because they are just so fashionable.

Tell us what Soros did to expel white people from their homes, what Yoel Roth did to modify schoolgirls to his sexual preference.

YE24 says:

[*deleted for vagueness*]

jim says:

And who in particular cultivates black violence against white people by doing what in particular?

The Cominator says:

You will never be a woman you have no womb and no ovaries etc etc.

Mayflower Sperg says:

He talks like one. “I hate you!” is a very girly thing to say, as if Jim’s feelings would be hurt because some anonymous faggot on the internet hates him.

YE24 says:


The Cominator says:

Well at least youve accepted that and detransitioned but youll never get your dick and balls back.

YE24 says:

Detransitioned? Sorry, you’ll have to clarify: I don’t speak retard.

jim says:

Removal of dick and balls, and pretense at being a woman.

You stop pretending to be a woman, because embarrassingly unconvincing, but do not get your dick and balls back.

Analogously for women, who do not get their breasts and ovaries back.

The majority of those who transition wind up killing themselves or detransitioning.

Kunning Drueger says:

The most racist thing America has ever done is saddle Kanye West with the followers he has.

YE24 says:

So true…giddyup!

Basil says:

Kissinger summed up the results achieved by Putin and the army of the multinational state:

[*deleted for false consensus (Kissinger presupposing universal acceptance of facts not in evidence*]

Basil says:

[*deleted for noticing the mote in Russia’s eye while failing to notice the beam in the Global American Empire’s eye.*]

Basil says:

The birth rate in large Russian cities drops to the level of Japan-China:
Voronezh – 1.15 children per woman
Volgograd – 1.14 children per woman
Saratov – 1.12 children per woman

In the 2030s, most likely, the birth rate in Russian cities will drop to the level of Taiwan-South Korea-Hong Kong (0.6-0.8 children per woman).

jim says:

Putin is taking measures that should reverse this trend. I am seeing substantial fertility among based Russian Orthodox. Over time, going to get more and more of the population based Russian Orthodox.

Russia’s problem, ever since Alexander the liberator, has been intellectual and cultural domination by the anglosphere left. This is now being reversed, which reversal should show up in fertility.

Adam says:

Lots of academics spout this or that trait as far as most likely to determine one’s level of success. But by far, as an individual or group the biggest indicator of future success among men is their ability to possess a woman.

Not that it’s the only thing but if you have that going for you at least you can reach your potential. Demoralized men, men with no hope get nowhere.

Basil says:

Among the “measures” adopted by Putin, the main place is occupied by the creation of legal and status privileges for Chechens, Tatars, Tuvans, Yakuts, Tajiks, Uzbeks, Armenians and Azeris (…). Creation of political centers of power for foreigners and non-believers, forcing Russians to bow to the new masters of Russia. Having a family is an ethnic and religious privilege for non-Russian Muslims. Even France is not so outspoken in its genocidal plans.

I haven’t seen any reliable statistics on the Orthodox birth rate in Russia, but when someone claims that the Orthodox have a high birth rate, like this
does not show specific figures for this high birth rate. If they were impressive or even noticeable, we would hear about them. But for now, we can hear a criminal report about how Russians are getting rid of in the cities of central Russia. Once Grozny was a Russian city (previously over 70% Slavic population, now 3% of Russians officially) and now Nizhny Novgorod and Krasnodar are turning into a new Grozny. D1%81%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5

I saw a video about the Old Believers, the most reactionary part of Russian society, many times more conservative than the Orthodox, and these cuckolds send their daughters to colleges of whores so that they can give their virginity and five years of their youth to representatives of some ethnic mafia. Therefore, even they lose their 4-5 children in a generation.

jim says:

> when someone claims that the Orthodox have a high birth rate, like this
> does not show specific figures for this high birth rate.

In a world of official lies and an untrustworthy and untrusting elite, anecdote and casual observation is far more reliable than statistics, and I can see that the Russian Orthodox who attend based Russian Orthodox Churches have a high birth rate in the west.

the Old Believers, the most reactionary part of Russian society, many times more conservative than the Orthodox,

I have had an old believer on this blog. Leftist.

The old believers may well have been reactionary and based in 1652, but they long ago holiness spiraled into leftism and assimilated to Harvard. It is completely obvious to me, an english speaker, that regular Russian Orthodox far more based. Old believers are leftists, same as Nazis are leftists.

Neofugue says:

> I saw a video about the Old Believers, the most reactionary part of Russian society, many times more conservative than the Orthodox

The Old Believer schismatics were instrumental in the 1905 Revolution which replaced the Tsarist system with a constitutional monarchy similar to that of France in 1789. Living in mud huts like the Amish does not make a man a Reactionary; the Old Believers were one of the many latent cancers in the Russian Empire, taking advantage of her decline.

Mayflower Sperg says:

The Old Believers may be leftist by the standards of 1900, but a society can only go so far left before it succumbs to mass starvation. Post-1960 leftism just doesn’t work without EBT cards and Section 8 housing, and the fags would all be dead in a year if the government stopped paying for their AIDS drugs.

Basil says:

“The Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs stated that in nine months, from January to September of this year, 119,000 or more than one percent of the population of Tajikistan received Russian passports.”
If anything, in Tajikistan, Russians were expelled from this beautiful country after the collapse of the USSR, using methods that you could observe in South Africa. To evaluate this excellent initiative, the average IQ in Tajikistan is less than 70, and the fertility rate is at 3.5.

Also, thanks to a wise and prudent policy, not only young fertile girls who convert to Islam now appear in the information space, but more and more young guys do it, including young guys at the front.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Everyone living in Tajikistan was forced to take the Covid vax, so you’re lucky that your family was expelled decades ago. Maybe you can go back there after the Tajiks all mysteriously die off.

Basil says:

[*deleted unread. When I go to the trouble of getting a Yandex translate for your stuff, it usually fails to show what you claim it shows. If you want your stuff read, make it easier by providing yandex translate quotes of the part of the link that allegedly supports your claims, rather than telling us that a link that points to a tediously long document in Russian proves all sorts of improbable claims*]

jim says:

You keep making all sorts of claims about Russian society that I find very hard to believe. If you want to persuade anyone, provide yandex translations of the selected relevant parts of your source documents supporting your claims.

I am not going to go through a long document in Russian to dig up your evidence any more, for when I went digging, found that you had pointed me to cat turds and told me gold was buried there.

If you want your stuff to not be deleted, give the link, the yandex translate link, and selected parts from the yandex translations. Do the work for your readers, that your readers would need to do to check out the veracity of your claims.

simplyconnected says:

On the vax/bioweapons front, Sasha Latypova has been presenting some new information that explains a lot of how the operation was prepared and executed (from 17m to 1h 10m).
Some key points (sorry for the lengthy comment, please delete were :

* EUA (1997, under Clinton)) gets rid of “safety and efficacy” requirements
* “Other Transaction Authority” (2015, under Obama) Enables DoD to order undisclosed “military prototypes” from pharma.
* PREP Act (2020, Trump) Absolves of legal liability
* “Public Health Emergency” (2020 onward, Trump, Biden)

* OTA:
– not normally regulated/accountable contract
– bypasses regulation
– BARDA/DoD/HHS/NIH use to funnel billions to private contracts under “codiv countermeasures”
– shields private companies from government rights to taxpayer funded IP including disclosure
(no regulations plus they keep taxpayer funded IP)
– hides IP not just from public but also between government agencies (e.g. FDA doesn’t have access to vax ingredients)
– DoD uses OTA to order “prototypes” and “demonstrations” not subject to regulatory scrutiny.

– 10 USC 2371b/10 USC 4022 used to legalize purchase of biochemical weapons (“countermeasure prototypes”) from private contractors
* During HHS-declared “public health emergency”, under 21 USC 360bbb-3(c) “Criteria for Issuance of Authorization”, HHS Secretary may issue EUA if he/she concludes that:
a) the product may be effective, [they don’t have to prove safety or effectiveness]
b) the known and potential benefits of the product outweight known and potential risks. [evidence does not have to be available, and they can hide it]

That is, if they think “known and potential benefits outweight known and potential risks”, they can keep vaxes on the market regardless of any deaths that are occurring.
Explains why there’s seemingly no stopping condition, and FDA does not stop it.

* 21 USC 360bbb-3(k) (adoted 1997, amended 2003,04,05,13,17)

… use of EUA-covered medical countermeasure… shall not be considered to constitute a clinical investigation.

– Hence countermeasures are not considered pharmaceutical products, not regulated as such.
– Competent authorities (FDA (US), EMA (EU), TGA (AUG)..) cannot regulate countermeasures, only pretend to.
– FDA development and approval process is theater to convince the public.

– Clinical trials were not ordered by DoD/HHS contracts as they are not necessary for countermeasures
– “Good Manufacturing Practice” compliance not ordered
– Legally no clinical trial subjects, investigators, hence no informed consent.
* Proof FDA does not regulate these vaccines:
– Regulators don’t know what protein is coded by the mRNA injections (claimed encoded Wuhan spike weights 141 kDa, western blot of spike from synthetic mRNA is 180kDa)
– Hence primary mechanism of action has not been demonstrated, on which EMA (EU’s FDA) complained:

A severe deficiency of the characterization section is that no biological characterization is presented and that the mode of action is not described. This is not found acceptable and the
dossies should be updated with relevant information. Even though full biological chracterisation is not possible to perform on drug substance (DS),
the strategy to determine potency and relevant functional assay(s) should be described.

* Became a “SPECIFIC OBLIGATION 1” on CMA Dec 20, 2020
* Not met by Dec 2021
* Granted Feb 2022 (EMA gave up on the issue and just “approved”)
– Regulators don’t have information on propietary lipids:
* ALC-0159 Pegylated lipid, ALC-0315 ionic/cationic lipid
* Not pharmaceutical grade (purity), unknown manufacturing steps, unknown pharmacology/kinetics.
* Normally would have to ensure purity, characterize, testing assays, etc.
* Concern brought up by regulators, but information was not provided. Ultimately was not enforced by regulators even though they have enforcement power.

* National Security Council set Covid policy. March, 2020: “PanCAP Adapted U.S. Government COVID-19 Response Plan” (PanCAP-A) states that US policy in response to
SARS-CoV-2 was set not by the public health agencies designated in pandemic preparedness protocols, but rather by the NSC.
– Just in time, PanCAP amended so NSC handles response, instead of HHS.
– NSC has no representatives from healthcare, all members are defense and intelligence.
– PanCAP-A org chart (p. 9) has NSC under “policy”, FEMA leading “coordination” over HHS.

* Operation Warp Speed
– announced as collaboration between HHS and DoD
– OWS org chart has DoD as “Chief Operating Officer”, and HHS only as “Chief Science Advisor”. Also in charge: NSC, DoD, BARDA, DoJ.
– Explains why DoJ lawyers were arguing on behalf of Pfizer, with Pfizer not present, in the case where Pfizer was trying to hide clinical trial data for 75 years.
– From statnews: OWS “looks a lot more like a military operation than a science project”. “Roughly 60 military officials – including at least four generals –
are involved in the leadership of OWS, many of whom have never worked in health care of vaccine development”. “Only 29 of the ~90 leaders on the chart aren’t employed by the DoD”.
– Sold to public as DoD only doing logistics.

* Vaccine manufacturing:
– BARDA has very large vaccine manufacturing capacity
– Pfizer, moderna, AZ, J&J etc. didn’t have manufacturing capacity for COVID-19 vaccines.
– BARDA RQA, not FDA, claims to have tested all mRNA doses for release (FDA has no regulatory authority over countermeasures)
– BARDA RQA in 2022 did product acceptance of 600mm doses of covid vaccines.
Hence while researchers were asking the FDA for records of vaccine tests, BARDA had them.
– BARDA partners with hundreds of companies, paid $33b for vaccines (a large portion of the sector)
– This money paid for DoD contracts for manufacturing vaccine “demonstrations”
– Contracts managed by “Advanced Technology International” (ATI), with expertise in OTA

– DoD had established vax manufacturing and “surge capacity” since at least 2012 (millions of sq ft manufacturing capacity, staff, raw materials, assays, kits, equipment, logistics, etc)
– DoD-Pharma contracts for C-19 injections simple “switched on” the manufacturing machine:
* Pharma had no capacity to fulfill contracts in time except via DoD infrastructure
* No accountability except “reasonable effort”
* DoD micro-managed operations (not “arms length”)
* vials no serialized, shipped to DoD (not pharma distributors)
* product explicitly described as “civil and military application”
– for non-US, pharma-government contracts:
* waived relevant drug import regulations, rules, standards, etc
* removed national sovereignty, prohibit changing national laws to make pharma liable for injury
* prohibit independent vial testing of imported product

I should mention apparently Robert Malone has mentioned the existence of large vaccine manufacturing capacity which uses the flu vaccines to stay operational. This explains why they keep pushing flu vaccines despite them not working.
This is my summary, but imho the presentation itself is worth taking a look at.

ReligiousReality says:

Thus Mr. Roosevelt put “Philip Dru’s” ideas into further practice. Of Mr. Wilson in the earlier generation his Secretary of the Interior, Mr. Franklin K. Lane, had said, “All Philip Dru had said should be comes about; the President comes to Philip Dru in the end”. As to Mr. Roosevelt, twenty years later, Mr. House’s biographer (Mr. Howden) says, “It is impossible to compare Dru’s suggested legislation with Mr. Roosevelt’s and not be impressed by their similarity” .

This is an illustrative example of the transmission of ideas from generation to generation, among a governing group. Mr. House’s ideas were those of “the revolutionaries of 1848”, which in turn derived from Weishaupt and the revolutionaries of 1789, who had them from some earlier source. When Mr. House abandoned them they were transmitted without a hitch to the ruling group around another president, and the one man who had modified these ideas was left behind.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:
brotherhood says:

A claim I saw elsewhere regarding Mary and the virgin birth:

“it should be pointed out that this whole idea of “pure virgin” is the result of a mistranslation of the Septuagint. The original word simply meant “young girl”. This misunderstanding that Joseph is not the father of jesus is quickly dismissed by the fact that several lineages are given for jesus that include Joseph so that he could be a descendant of David.”

I rather expect Jim to reject this claim and I am curious what the specific argument would be. (Or if, on the contrary, he agrees with it, that would be interesting too!)

jim says:

Bible states that Joseph did not think it possible he could be the biological father of Jesus, because Mary was pregnant before he banged her.

Anonymous Fake says:

Mary was always a lifelong virgin. A literal “young girl” translation completely ignores context and tradition and misses the point even by common sense standards. There’s nothing meaningful about a “young girl” giving birth, only a virgin. Deliberately pseudo-autistic translations are heretical and possibly demonic, with the fate one tempts being cursed with unironic autism.

That claim you saw “elsewhere” is ultimately traced to the Jews. Don’t trust them to interpret Christian dogma. Or for anything, if you can help it.

jim says:

> Mary was always a lifelong virgin

“Lifelong” is contrary to divine law, which requires husband and wife to have sex if they can. According to Mathew she was a virgin until after she gave birth to Jesus.

Mathew 1:

18: Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost.

19: Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a publick example, was minded to put her away privily.

20: But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.

21: And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.

22: Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying,

23: Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.

24: Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife:

25: And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS.

In context, “knew” clearly means took her sexually after she recovered from pregnancy.

c4ssidy says:

Saint Jerome has an easily readable essay on this point among others which I always thought was brilliant, but at the same time, given some reflection, seemed like a too-clever cope compared to the plain meaning of the text and the general themes of the Bible. It is a prime example of the problems which made me a protestant again. As much as I like everything about the eastern orthodox, I never had it in me to make the leap into accepting their doctrine with the same faith. If their sacred tradition is as solid as the text, why does it feel like the text has to be wringed about to match it?

A says:

According to Mathew she was a virgin until after she gave birth to Jesus.

John Chrysostom says otherwise.

And when he had taken her, he knew her not, till she had brought forth her first-born Son. He has here used the word till, not that you should suspect that afterwards he did know her, but to inform you that before the birth the Virgin was wholly untouched by man. But why then, it may be said, has he used the word, till? Because it is usual in Scripture often to do this, and to use this expression without reference to limited times. For so with respect to the ark likewise, it is said, The raven returned not till the earth was dried up. Genesis 8:7 And yet it did not return even after that time. And when discoursing also of God, the Scripture says, From age until age You are, not as fixing limits in this case. And again when it is preaching the Gospel beforehand, and saying, In his days shall righteousness flourish, and abundance of peace, till the moon be taken away, it does not set a limit to this fair part of creation. So then here likewise, it uses the word till, to make certain what was before the birth, but as to what follows, it leaves you to make the inference. Thus, what it was necessary for you to learn of Him, this He Himself has said; that the Virgin was untouched by man until the birth; but that which both was seen to be a consequence of the former statement, and was acknowledged, this in its turn he leaves for you to perceive; namely, that not even after this, she having so become a mother, and having been counted worthy of a new sort of travail, and a child-bearing so strange, could that righteous man ever have endured to know her. For if he had known her, and had kept her in the place of a wife, how is it that our Lord John 19:27 commits her, as unprotected, and having no one, to His disciple, and commands him to take her to his own home?

How then, one may say, are James and the others called His brethren? In the same kind of way as Joseph himself was supposed to be husband of Mary. For many were the veils provided, that the birth, being such as it was, might be for a time screened. Wherefore even John so called them, saying, For neither did His brethren believe in Him.

I think you will be hard pressed to find a single Orthodox Christian church that does not declare Mary to be the “Theotokos and ever-Virgin.” Those exact words are contained in every prayer to her and are spoken at every service I have been to. The words of these services are at least 1600 years old.

On the other hand, the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed calls Mary “Virgin” but not “ever-Virgin.” But I, personally, will not argue either way. The fruits of either position must eventually become apparent.

jim says:

Clear meaning of Mathew is that Mary was virgin till she gave birth, and shortly thereafter, she and Joseph had the proper relationship of husband and wife.

Making Mary “ever virgin” undermines families and husbands.

Old and New Testaments make it clear that husbands and wives have a sexual duty to each other. Making Mary “ever virgin” kicks away one of the foundations of marriage.

A says:

The very first thing that God tells us to do is to “be fruitful, and multiply.” It seems to me then that we ought to read the teachings of Christ and the writings of the Fathers with at least some acknowledgement of this commandment. Doing so leads us to two questions:

1. What is the relationship between the holiness of celibacy for men (monks) and the overall reproductive success of the tribe?

2. What is the relationship between the holiness of celibacy for women (nuns) and the overall reproductive success of the tribe?

I suspect that plotting the holiness of celibacy (for men, and then again for women) on the x-axis and the overall, long-term success, reproductive or otherwise, of the tribe on the y-axis will result in an inverted U-shaped curve. There must be some optimum amount of holiness of celibate men and some optimum amount of holiness of celibate women. The debate, then, is what exactly this level of holiness is, for men, and for women.

i says:


God could have created us asexual. And had us reproduce asexually. Like how some Church Fathers like Augustine would have liked humanity to reproduce. Like how lower animals often do.

But to model the relationship between God and Humanity. He made Man and Woman.

Yet as he made us Male and Female he made sexual intercourse.

The Madonna/Whore distinction allows the whore to monopolize sexuality. Whilst making Virtue of lifelong Celibacy even within wedlock.

Man become one flesh through sex with his wife. But without said one flesh union. How can it be called marriage? It can be called being roommates or some other covenant.

Its the separation of Marriage from Sex which God designed for Humanity that is the problem.

Redbible says:

2. What is the relationship between the holiness of celibacy for women (nuns) and the overall reproductive success of the tribe?

The idea that we even need to “test” or “measure” for this is like saying we need to test if the emperor is wearing clothes when we can clearly see his dick swinging in the breeze.

Pretty much all women have volcanic, hard-to-control sex drives. By pretending that nuns are being celibate, you raise them to being high status. the problems is that they are in fact being whores, and high status whore are an ABOMINATION to a healthy society. Quite frankly, since (according to the cathedral) women are pure angels no-matter how much sex they have {in fact their even HOLIER for having lots of sex} :), we live in a world where we have reach the highest % of nun per population ever known. 🙂

For the small amount of women who don’t have volcanic, hard-to-control sex drives, having them be a wife, and bear children is still a better use of their time and skills than anything they could do as a nun.

Redbible says:

Those smiles should be the upside down versions to indicate sarcasm.

So the up right one is done “:” then “)” 🙂
Is the upside down the inverse? “(” followed by “:”? (:

A says:

As Jim notes in this very topic post, it is quite easy for a secular professor to take for himself the women in his class while calling them chaste. It follows that is is even easier for a prophet to take for himself the women of his following while calling them nuns. This prophet, then, is a false prophet. One must be wary of such, as Christ commands.

I am more interested in true prophets; true saints. The goal of life, according to Orthodox tradition, is to return to God; to be saints. This is called Theosis.

Is this a worthy goal? Is it achievable? Is pursuing this goal worth giving up one’s earthly telos? To what extent?

jim says:

Doubtless it is a worthy goal, but observed behavior by Churches is that it a rationale for abandoning their mission in this world. Tends to be accompanied by quietly forgetting Saint Paul’s words:

Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 10Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

That the goal is theosis is apt to be in practice, a rationale for the inability to say “Groomer”, a rationale for going along with evil at the expense of the congregation, a rationale for speaking power to truth.

You cannot pursue theosis directly any more than you can pursue happiness directly. Trying to pursue happiness directly leads to a needle in your arm, and trying to pursue theosis directly leads to a Church full of faggots.

You pursue your telos in this world, and if you pursue your telos in accordance with the logos, then you get to theosis.

Theosis, like Gnosis, is a goal that strangely seems to require neither effort, nor courage, nor ordinary everyday virtue in this world.

A says:

King David is considered a prophet/saint in Orthodoxy. He also had many wives and concubines and Christ was born of his line according to earthly genealogy. Clearly, then, following this particular earthly telos and sanctification were not mutually exclusive.

SomeDude says:

Jim, can you elaborate on that part of pursuing happiness directly? what is meant by pursuing happiness indirectly? Do we first pursue happiness indirectly by getting rid of things that make us miserable? The context is not clear to me

jim says:

You do not pursue happiness. You pursue your telos. Should you succeed, you will be happy.

Mayflower Sperg says:

In highly fecund patriarchal societies, monasteries and convents serve to depress fertility and keep the population from hitting the Malthusian ceiling. They’re also a genetic sink to dispose of less capable sons and ugly daughters while making them feel that their lives have purpose.

Tribal societies don’t need any of this; when resources get tight, they say, “Praise Allah, death to the apostates!” and start genociding each other.

A says:

Do monasteries and convents (in highly fecund patriarchal societies) serve any other, higher purpose than this?

Severian says:

Well, they already got Musk to quit as Twitter CEO. That was quick lol.

Anyone wanna bet on the replacement? He hinted it would be a controversial figure. Blake Masters? Peter Thiel?

The Cominator says:

Musk will still run twitter imho I suspect he is installing someone else as “head” of twitter for the same reason Jesuits try to make sure Jews are massively overrepresented among people doing bad things and other than Covid (which was do or die to go “right” for them so they had to do it themselves) they try to never tip their hand…

pinochet's ghost says:

“Jesuits try to make sure Jews are massively overrepresented among people doing bad things”

You’re positing a hierarchy of conspiracy with the Jesuits at the top and the Jews underneath (in contradiction of the typical conspiracy narrative that Loyola was a converso).

What possible evidence is there for this?

jim says:

Pretty sure no one is on top, except for relatively short periods – no one is permanently and durably on top.

The Cominator says:

Well for one thing Loyola could not have been a converso, he was Basque nobility and thus was examined under the “Limpieza de sangre” laws and he was also questioned by the Inquisition. If he had been of Jewish descent it wouldn’t have gone well for him.

Jews are not an organized order of spies, Jesuits are. The organized group has to be at the top not the disorganized one.

jim says:

While there are no end of Jewish conspiracies, two Jews three factions, each conspiracy is organized. Organized in large part with the objective of cutting the throats of each of the other conspiracies.

pinochet's ghost says:

Judaism is a mystery religion that preaches loyalty to adherents and punishment for “defection” which included e.g. going to gentile courts to get rulings that were morally fair and would have been equivalent to those given by Jewish courts. The penalty for this under Jewish law is death.

Jews are not an “order” in that they are a people and some parts of this people have surely broken free of the cult discipline. That doesn’t mean there aren’t large orders of spies – perhaps even one very large one – still remaining.

The Jews also have Mossad, a literal sovereign spy agency, which as far as I am aware the Jesuits are not recognized as a legal military actor by the UN.

You are clearly trying to suggest that Jews are just patsies of Jesuits. If that is so, there should be extraordinary evidence for Jesuits influencing the world in recent decades and for Jesuits opposing and defeating Jewish projects.

jim says:

In the great Covid scam, the Jews were patsies for the Jesuits. Fauci developed the virus and the jab, and got the Israelis to take it, sending their excess death rate through the roof.

Fauci, a Jesuit, got the Israelis to poison themselves more than anyone else on the planet.

The Cominator says:

Why the fuck would i care what the UN recognizes this is a bizzare line of reasoning, the Jesuits were literally the worlds 1st spy agency. Not the 1st spies but the 1st agency.

Ive known too many jews to think they are anything close to a cohesive hivemind…

Contaminated NEET says:

Elon had no idea what he was getting into with Twitter and no plan. He’s shocked and hurt by how quickly and decisively the entire press and everyone he respects and wants to impress turned against him. A year ago he was the eccentric but beloved world-saving tech-genius maverick billionaire doing cameos on Rick and Morty. Now he’s the mortal enemy of all right-thinking and intelligent people everywhere. It’s quite a comedown, he obviously didn’t expect it, and he can’t handle it.

Stepping down won’t set things right for him, though. He is now the enemy of Democracy, Progress, and Our Values, and it will take something much more humiliating and costly to clean up his reputation. How much does Elon want to be accepted and respected by the cool kids? How much is he willing to abase himself to get to Mars?

The Cominator says:

Dont think its wise to think he didnt plan for this, im sure he was given a chance to play ball with the spooks and told them to fuck themselves now he is just going to keep a lower profile.

Guy says:

Elon recently quoted Brian Herbert’s The Machine Crusade. It’s not possible to like those abortions.

Starman says:

Elon needs to concentrate on Starbase anyway.

Contaminated NEET says:

He’s not acting like he planned for anything; this all looks like an unpleasant surprise to him. I have no doubt he got a stern talking-to from some secret squirrels, but there’s no way he told them to fuck off. He apologized for messing around with their zeitgeist-control machine, promised he wouldn’t do it again, and begged them to let him keep his rockets and his electric car subsidies.

Starman says:

@Contaminated NEET

I don’t know if Elon set up a deadman’s switch.

He can’t sink aircraft carriers, but he can destroy every single military satellite in orbit.

Contaminated NEET says:

Then they execute him for treason and cut off his remaining sons’ dicks. That doesn’t get anybody to Mars.

Starman says:

@Contaminated NEET

“Then they execute him for treason and cut off his remaining sons’ dicks. That doesn’t get anybody to Mars.”

Well, it’s a deadman’s switch.

That would not replace any of the military’s satellites however, LOL.

I don’t think you brahmins have any idea how dependent the US military is on satellites. There is a lot of military equipment that requires multiple satellite comms to verify no spoof, before a launch can be activated. A total loss of satellites would cripple NATO enough for Russia and China to exploit the new weakness.

Without satellites, the US cannot command its SSBN fleet to launch nuclear weapons at Russia and China.

Without satellites, there is no early warning of incoming Russian and Chinese nuclear missiles.

Without satellites, the Navy SEALs and the FBI becomes just another private militia. That can be easily killed by another private militia (six Taliban goatherds killed a SEAL team, and that’s with full functioning satcom for the SEALs).

The real problem would be the random submarines launching uncoordinated strikes here and there. The aircraft carriers would still be a problem too, but they would be much more vulnerable, and their screen of ships would be much less effective in protecting their carriers (all ships would have to be within line-of-sight of each other for radio comms). A Chinese submarine can be in a position to destroy such a weakened aircraft carrier group.

The power to kill enemy aircraft carriers and enemy bases with Rods-from-God would be far more effective though. Something a group of Pentagon types would love to have.

Contaminated NEET says:

>Well, it’s a deadman’s switch.

It’s a hypothetical deadman’s switch. It’d be nice to have, no doubt, but just setting it up would be an act of war against the USG.

Elon’s got a bunch of really smart go-getters working for him, right? He doesn’t get suckered by bullshit credentials. What happens when one of these really smart go-getters finds some weird kamikaze flight plans?

On top of that, there’s no way Elon made all the thousands-upon-thousands of orbital calculations single-handedly and constantly updates them himself as target and attacker satellites maneuver. This is a conspiracy of dozens, probably hundreds of people, each of whom faces utter destruction if exposed and sizeable wealth and immense prestige if he exposes it. Your deadman’s switch almost certainly doesn’t exist.

>you brahmins
I think my posting history makes it pretty clear I’m a failed brahmin. I hate them like only a spurned suitor or disinherited family member can hate.

Starman says:

@Contaminated NEET

“I think my posting history makes it pretty clear I’m a failed brahmin. I hate them like only a spurned suitor or disinherited family member can hate.”

You have good reason to hate them. They promised you a place in the Brahmin class, but instead, they screwed you over.

“It’s a hypothetical deadman’s switch. It’d be nice to have, no doubt, but just setting it up would be an act of war against the USG.”

The Brahmins would have no idea what it is.

“Elon’s got a bunch of really smart go-getters working for him, right? He doesn’t get suckered by bullshit credentials. What happens when one of these really smart go-getters finds some weird kamikaze flight plans?

On top of that, there’s no way Elon made all the thousands-upon-thousands of orbital calculations single-handedly and constantly updates them himself as target and attacker satellites maneuver.”

If you can write software to make Falcon 9 landings on barges on swelling seas and winds (constantly changing conditions), you can write software for more predictable changes in orbits. (Note that docking with another spacecraft is much much harder than crashing into one).

Most military satellites, except a few recent ones, use hypergolics for maneuvering, and each one is a billion dollar hand built bespoke creation. Hypergolics have an Isp of only 200-300sec. At most, the delta v would be 400 m/sec. Something that can easily be overcome with a Starlink with 3000sec Isp with a potential delta v of 11+ km/sec.

“This is a conspiracy of dozens, probably hundreds of people, each of whom faces utter destruction if exposed and sizeable wealth and immense prestige if he exposes it.”

An inner team would have to have a live faith behind them to set up a deadman’s switch “against the Enemies of Mankind’s Destiny.” Against the “woke mind virus” that would “destroy civilization.”

Starlink has a workforce of several hundred, most of whom are involved with its mass production. The actual orbital control team is much smaller.

This is only useful as a deadman’s switch that could cause significant crippling of the Brahmin’s to command their high tech forces.

It isn’t sufficient to actually conquer an empire.

That needs devout paladins and Rods-from-God. And even then, a triumvirate with other techlords will be needed.

The Cominator says:

Given that he released a lot of embarrassing information about their nefarious activities he obviously did tell them perhaps politely to fuck themselves.

Contaminated NEET says:

If he told them to fuck themselves, he wouldn’t be backing down now. He’s scared, and he thinks he can make a deal to surrender Twitter but keep the rest of what he has. We’ve seen this before: they’ll take any concessions he gives, but won’t keep their part of any deal. If Elon really understood his situation, he’d know that peace is no longer an option, and he wouldn’t give them an inch.

Kunning Drueger says:

I think you’re misreading the hierarchy here. DoD has made Musk off limits for Removal by Glowies. He’s struggling with the priests, not the merchants or warriors (I know, I know).

Starman says:

@Kunning Druegger

I think you’re misreading the hierarchy here. DoD has made Musk off limits for Removal by Glowies. He’s struggling with the priests, not the merchants or warriors (I know, I know).”

All we know that is not hypothetical about this is that Elon Musk has tremendously lopsided physical power in outer space, with the majority of the World’s satellites under his control, and the physical ability to destroy other satellites. As well as providing unprecedented satcom network ability.
And that there is a faction within the Pentagon that is effectively Elon’s private militia because they really really like that capability that already exists. And that the Starship would make every single US military SDI wet dream possible.

Starman says:

@Contaminated NEET

“He is now the enemy of Democracy, Progress, and Our Values, and it will take something much more humiliating and costly to clean up his reputation.”

And the niggers and kikes (“the woke mind virus”) are the Enemies of Mankind, and a threat to Mankind’s Holy Destiny of the Stars.

Contaminated NEET says:

Oh, no doubt. I agree 100%. Your prophet is being sorely tested; we’ll see if he has the strength and the will to overcome them. I wouldn’t bet on it, but stranger things have happened.

Starman says:

@Contaminated NEET

The main advantage of Elon, and other techlords like him, is that the Brahmin class have no idea how the advanced weapons, that the US military relies on, work.

But Elon has the same problem that the Roman politician-generals like Pompey and Crassus had, they couldn’t challenge the Senate and the Assemblies by themselves. Pompey was careful to pay lip service to his fellow Senators, and Crassus found that he couldn’t buy everyone in the Senate.

Contaminated NEET says:

>the Brahmin class have no idea how the advanced weapons, that the US military relies on, work.

Elon’s problem is that they don’t know that they don’t know, and they don’t care that they don’t know. To deter someone, he has to understand that you have something you can threaten him with. That was the problem with the secret Soviet doomsday device in Dr. Strangelove. The Brahmins don’t think they need Elon, or Whites, or men, to have advanced weapons, and they can’t be made to understand this until they lose a war because of it. Afghanistan doesn’t count, because it didn’t hurt them nearly enough.

Starman says:

@Contaminated NEET

“Elon’s problem is that they [brahmins] don’t know that they don’t know, and they don’t care that they don’t know.”

It’s going to get to the point where future techlords are going to tell the brahmins:

“Stop quoting laws to men with swords”

Contaminated NEET says:

I hope that days and I live to see it. I doubt I will, though. The brahmins own the techlords’ minds, and even better, they own the techlords’ status hierarchy.

Starman says:

@Contaminated NEET

“I hope that days and I live to see it. I doubt I will, though. The brahmins own the techlords’ minds, and even better, they own the techlords’ status hierarchy.”

The Muslims in Afghanistan didn’t care about globohomo’s status hierarchy, nor did globohomo owned their minds.

The early Christians didn’t care about the Pagans’ status hierarchy, and the Pagans didn’t own the Christian’s minds.
Come to think of it, the politician-generals didn’t care about the pagans’ status hierarchy either.
Imagine Pompey’s mind “feeling remorse” for saying “Stop quoting laws to men with swords.” Yeah, I didn’t think so.

And so it was preached, “The Woke Mind Virus is the Enemy of Mankind” “It is the Fermi Paradox” “It must be defeated, or nothing else matters.”

Contaminated NEET says:

>The Muslims in Afghanistan didn’t care about globohomo’s status hierarchy, nor did globohomo owned their minds.
>The early Christians didn’t care about the Pagans’ status hierarchy, and the Pagans didn’t own the Christian’s minds.
>Come to think of it, the politician-generals didn’t care about the pagans’ status hierarchy either.

Of course. They wouldn’t have won if they had. But your “techlords” observably do care about the globohomo status hierarchy. They waste immense amounts of wealth, which they can afford, and immense amounts of their dignity and integrity, which they can’t, to climb in it. Maybe that will change someday. Probably it will. But that day is not today, and probably not tomorrow.

Starman says:

@Contaminated NEET

“Of course. They wouldn’t have won if they had. But your ‘techlords’ observably do care [lie, false consensus] about the globohomo status hierarchy.”

“Woke Mind Virus” and lack of respect for brahmin credentials say otherwise. At least with Elon Musk. He treats that hierarchy the same way Pompey did.

Fauci cares though. Assuming he knows exactly what he was doing and isn’t merely a bagman.

The Cominator says:

“Fauci cares though. Assuming he knows exactly what he was doing and isn’t merely a bagman.”

He does, Jesuits aren’t mere bagman.

chris says:

“The brahmins own the techlords’ minds, and even better, they own the techlords’ status hierarchy.”

Next republican govt needs to strip titles from humanities phds and seperate the humanities from STEM in academia. e.g. can’t teach humanities and STEM on the same campuses or in the same institution.

Pax Imperialis says:

>seperate the humanities from STEM in academia.

Academia in general is too far gone. Separating is no longer possible.

Mister Grumpus says:

Pol Pot’s guys didn’t care that everybody was hungry or starving. They barely cared that they were hungry, starving, nearly out of ammunition, tires and gasoline, and vulnerable to Vietnamese invasion.

Not trusting the plan was blasphemy and required the unbeliever’s liquidation. What consequence is worse than that?

So don’t give me this business about the war faction fighting back against Cathedral just because the latter are stupid, crazy and will get them killed. Or rather, don’t just give me that only.

TheDividualist says:

I know The Jim does not agree, but I think we really do have an unprecedented situation with this social media. Before social media, and the Internet, if you were not popular enough to given newspaper space, only your personal friends knew about your virtue-signalling, personal brand making. So it was not really paying much to be dishonest on your politics if you were not important enough.

Today, everybody wants to be the next social media star and all it takes is one approval from those who have millions of followers. It can make a career.

So I think it is different now. Many will attack Elon because of that one career making approval from an acc of millions of followers.

Karl says:

Unless one’s career is about being elected for a public office, approval of millions doesn’t affect a career. Only superiors or (if self employed) customers are relevant for a carreer.

Most people don’t do virtue signaling for direct material benefits. Usally they do it to feel good about what they are doing, they enjoy being part of a crowd.

Fidelis says:

This viewpoint seems quite naive to me. You really think muskrat isn’t aware he’s smacking the beehive with a stick? He published all the known but unconfirmed truths on the shady dealings going on internally. That he was even allowed to take control of the company in the first place, considering the magnitude of these shady dealings, and just how tightly our alphabet friends like to grip information channels, shows this is not some whimsy. This is the work of an entire political faction, the same political faction that allows muskrat to operate all of his highly relevant to national security operations.

Kunning Druegger says:

DIA & frens v. FBI & frens. This is a secret war going back for a long time, and CIA & frens seems to change sides or act as third side.

Hesiod says:

Musk says “As the saying goes, be careful what you wish, as you might get it” referencing his CEO poll.

Is it too much hopium to dream of Musk, tiring of his new toy and wanting to move on to the next, appointing Trump as the new CEO and renaming the platform GrabEmByThePussy?

Contaminated NEET says:

At that point they just the seize the company. Maybe they run it as a public utility for a bit, but probably they just re-privatize it with more “responsible” ownership.

Mister Grumpus says:

Exactly. Elon is waving a pink Barbie toy gun around when he warns that Twitter is unprofitable. Please. Any Karen or Shaniqua can walk in there and do nothing but have her nails done and recite million dollar Ted talks until the end of time. She won’t even have to turn her computer on. Just answer the telephone while Jared Kushner listens in and takes notes.

A2 says:

Don’t ask questions you don’t know the answer to, as they (the lawyers) say.

But it’s not a big deal even if Musk goes through with it. He still owns Twitter, he’s still on Twitter, he can appoint a trusted and quietly competent guy to run it for him now that he’s cleared out the (poisonous) deadwood.

Mister Grumpus says:

Disagree. Even Steve Jobs got rolled out of Apple and that was penny ante stakes in comparison.

A2 says:

Jobs didn’t own Apple at the time he was ejected. I don’t think Musk can be deposed at this time without voting for it himself.

Red says:

Musk’s silence after the vote is odd.

Starman says:

If someone willingly took the jab *and* the booster, do not trust him as one of us.

If someone was coerced to take even the booster, he broke too easily, and shouldn’t be admitted into Fight Club.

Did anyone here voluntarily took the jabs?
Did anyone here voluntarily took both the jabs and the booster?

Contaminated NEET says:

Amen to that. Anyone who took the jab has proved himself too malleable for any position of responsibility in any hypothetical organization.

Starman says:

@Contaminated NEET

“Amen to that. Anyone who took the jab has proved himself too malleable for any position of responsibility in any hypothetical organization.”

I think this would be a useful test in addition to the Redpill on Women shill test.

Kunning Drueger says:

100% agree. If someone claims they were for ed, we could force them to give details, but I can only imagine a very few scenarios where the details matter.

Anyone who jabbed their kids is scum.

someDude says:

This is quite harsh! My cousin jabbed her kid against my strident objections. I just can’t get myself to think of her as scum. Foolish, sheeplike, conformist, credulous ….. sure, but scum? This is a leap too far!

The Cominator says:

At a certain point ignorance becomes willful ignorance, the willful denial of truth and the unforgivable sin. So scum is appropriate.

Karl says:

It would be for a man, but a woman should defer to her husband. Jabbing or not jabbing is the man’s decision. The wife should go along with whatever her husband decides.

So scum is too hard for someDude’s cousin.

The Cominator says:

The problem is I personally do know some women (yes even unowned women) who were smart enough and had enough logic to go against this even outside of Florida back in the blue state hell I used to live…

So on all things covid I make no distinctions… covid required too many sacrifices of its followers to make any distinctions between men and women. Even with women ignorance at a certain point becomes willful… the point where that happens is further out there with women but it does exist.

Kunning Druegger says:

The jab is in the exact same realm as puberty blockers, aesthetic mastectomy, and castration.

I have family I love who did the same. They are dead to me precisely because they sacrificed their children to conformity on the alter of a daemon.

someDude says:

Thats a bridge too far, mate! I don’t think the Jab is at the same realm of evil as puberty blockers and gender transition. Puberty blockers and gender transition go up right against taboos that every functional culture has had for ages. Anyone who goes for those two against the accumulated culture of his people has proved his evil.

The Jab on the other hand took advantage of the respect the medical profession has historically enjoyed which has now been squeezed dry.

Hell, my parents jabbed themselves against my objections. My mum started getting shoulder pains right after the Jab which never went away. I’m not doing to disown my parents over this.

alf says:

Yeah same for me. Some people I hoped knew better, did not.

But none of those people pretend to be part of our synthetic tribe. As a shill test, very good still.

Kunning Druegger says:

The arguments for parents putting their own children on hormone fucker-uppers and experimental mRNA vaccines have almost perfect overlap. I get that you don’t want to see your loved ones as scum, I don’t either. The more important question, to my mind is twofold: are they scum, objectively, and what else would they be willing to do to me or my kids if a The Science representative told them it was good or necessary or needed?

someDude says:

Yes, if they advocated that you must be forced to Jab your kids or else your kid get taken away, then i would be unable to defend them. In that case they are objectively lost to me as well and I would avoid them as there is a chance they will turn me in for my own good.

But my parents have come over to my view after what the jab did to my Mum’s shoulder and as for my cousin, she jabbed her kids out of fear of what would happen to them if she did not, rather than as a sacrament.

Kunning Drueger says:

What you are experiencing in these discussions is exactly what was intended by doing something as heinous as what was done. They wanted to destroy the Family as a concept.

Unwittingly, they have accelerated the construction of a streamlined opposition. The fire that tempers burns away what could not withstand it, weakening all else. As the steel cools, it becomes that much harder. Heating and cooling. The heat of firings, shaming, isolation have been withdrawn, and we are in a brief cooling stage. We must harden our hearts, and that’s a travesty we must bear for the sake of our grandchildren.

Claiming ignorance is valid. Pretending claims of ignorance justify great evil is invalid.

Karl says:

I understand your point, but do you know whether they really had their children jabbed?

I know some people got forged vaxx certificates for their whole families, but you have to know people extremely well to have such information (or be involved in providing them with forged vaxx certificates).

Anyone who has a forged vax certificate can be expected to be silent about it. Unless people suffer from common sequela of the clot shot, there is doubt.

Red says:

Anyone who jabbed their kids is scum.

This is hard to dispute. I know people who did that and mostly did it because it was a pain to get their kids covid tested every week for school. But I very much doubt they knew what it would do to their children.

In the end it’s outcomes that matter and they well have destroyed their children’s ability to reproduce.

Karl says:

So far all test checked whether someone would commit a thought crime. This is different because anybody who has a certificate, but wasn’t jabbed commited a non-thought crime.

Do you want him to confess he forged his vax card? Do want to exclude him because he forged his vax card and doesn’t want to confess this crime?

Of course, the seriousness of a crime depends on jurisdiction, but in Germany it is very serious for some professions. Physicians, pharmacists, lawyers will have their license revoked for such a crime. For others it would still be a far more serious crime than beating someone up, for example.

A usefull test cannot go farther than denoucing the clot-shot as harmfull and the coercion to get anyone jabbed as evil.

Starman says:


“Physicians, pharmacists, lawyers will have their license revoked for such a crime.”

Anyone coerced into taking the jab, especially the booster, broke… and thus cannot be admitted into any hypothetical fight club.

Anyone who willingly took the jab, obeyed the TV box, and has no business calling himself a dissident.
Anyone who willingly took the booster, cannot be trusted at all.

alf says:

I think the question is, how can someone who has not taken the jab but who has forged a certificate pass the test?

someDude says:

If we can prove we forged it, I guess we get to join His Majesty’s Spy Service to subvert, spy on, infiltrate the enemy etc etc.

someDude says:

And bang the enemy’s hot women in exotic foreign locations while spying on and subverting said enemy.

Patriotism is fine and all, but the paycheck matters, you know!

The Cominator says:

Sam Bankman’s Fried’s death will almost certainly like the 1st Bond movie opening, be a murder in the Caribbean.

Unlike that though it won’t likely be preceded by a cool Calypso song 1st.

SomeDude says:

I can see from your attention to detail, that, you Sir, are a professional. You’ve done this before haven’t you? Only professionals think about little details like opening credits to an assassination.

Once I start working for His Majesty’s Spy service, i will forward your resume to the chief and collect my big fat referral bonus.

Karl says:

Sure, but you missunderstoond. What do you do with the man who forged his vax card, never took the jab?

Do you want him to confess his crime of forging a vax card? Do you want to exlude him for denying that he forged his vax card (and that of his wife and children)?

someDude says:

When His Imperial Majesty is restored (Isn’t that what the restoration is?) to the Throne having gained the Mandate of Heaven, pray why would I deny that I forged my Vaxx card? I would indeed shout it out from the rooftops

Karl says:

Of course you would, but so will then numerous others – and only some of them will indeed have forged a vaxx card

SomeDude says:

Right, and therefore only those of us who can prove that we forged it and are unvaxxed will get to join His Majesty’s Spy service. Call it an eligibility test if you will. Even you will agree what we have proved our fitness to conduct wet ops against the enemy.

Somedude says:

i have a certificate that says I took the jab

Oog en Hand says:

Rumor has it that gangs target unjabbed people for organ trafficking. Surgeons complicit in this kind of harvesting should have their hands scalded. Boiling water makes very nasty burns.

I do not fear death, my enemies do.

TheDividualist says:

I did. Feel free to not trust me. Fred Sinistra, one of the fittest and healthiest 41 years old men of the world, was reported died from COVID

Yours chain-smoking, alcohol-addicted, fatass truly decided he has no chance against it then.

I don’t care about trust because I do not want a job of responsibility, I just want to be a historian-monk analysing what goes down. I believe warriors not scholars should take the jobs of responsibility.

Starman says:


”Fred Sinistra, one of the fittest and healthiest 41 years old men of the world, was reported died from COVID”

Fake and gay.

alf says:

Really? After all you knew about the media, their detachment from reality, their consistent lies, all it took was one article about some tatted and roided up K1 fighter for you to take the jab?

‘fittest man in the world’ and ‘K1-fighting’ are an oxymoron. You don’t go for years in that circuit without sustaining minor or major injuries. And that’s assuming no other media lies.

That Sinestra was still kickboxing at the age of 41 is a giant red flag by itself.

TheDividualist says:

why was it a red flag? does not that signal extraordinary fitness? why would it flag something red?

Starman says:

Right now, I have more reason to trust Jimmy Dore than to trust you.

At least Dore was willing to admit he got jab injured and made a mistake.

alf says:

It signals that he had no better options outside fighting.

No man wants to stay in the MMA/K1 business long beyond 30. The kind of repeated beating you take in a serious match is just not a recipe for a long and healthy life. That’s why all the big fighters retire early.

That he did not retire early signals at underlying problems.

Adam says:

I have to disagree. Light heavyweight and heavyweight fighters (200 lb or above) are an anomaly in that those guys are the most likely to compete and dominate into their 40s. It’s the lighter weight classes that are dominated by young guys. The really light weights seem to be a revolving door of who is youngest and has the most energy.

Big heavy guys who are coordinated are scarce, and experience counts for a lot. And it doesn’t really matter how good your chin is, because at that size even the best chin is no match for those punches.

Not to mention among the best trainers there seems to be an over representation of former heavyweight champions. My guess is heavyweights learn things that lighter weight guys don’t, like patience, and how to minimize certain risks. Just a guess though.

alf says:

Ha, that is a fair counterpoint.

Anyway, as not to give Dividualist any false hope on his choice: check out the singular comment on this news article reporting Sinistra’s death.

He had a decent innings considering his lifestyle choices and underlying health problems

What, he had underlying health problems? Surely can’t be anything serious or the media would have reported on it, no…..

I remember how the media pulled a very similar trick on a Dutch patient. The viral story was, an anti-vax guy became very ill with corona, was admitted to the hospital and changed his tune: ‘I used to be a skeptic but now I understand it’s serious!’ Or that’s how it was reported.

By a stroke of fate I happened to listen to the radio later where, lo and behold, that same guy was interviewed. In which interview he mentioned he had some kind of rare immunodisease which had made him very susceptible to covid. Ooh! If I had not heard the man himself talk, I’d had never known the truth.

Adam says:

I wouldn’t put it past a hospital staff member to have jabbed him without notice as well. A big obnoxious guy like that… he’d be a magnet for it.

You have to figure if your in a hospital or doctors office that isn’t 100% private you are deep in enemy territory.

jim says:

Everyone who died of Covid died with Covid. All of them had one foot in the grave, and a couple of demons hanging onto that foot and hauling while chanting “heave ho, heave ho”, and then covid gave them a bit of a push on top of all that.

Or, murder by ventilator.

They only stopped murdering people by ventilator when the normies realized that the ventilators were instruments of mass murder, and started to flee screaming. The doctors stopped eventually, but the normies woke up before the doctors stopped murdering them.

Fidelis says:

Recording history accurately requires immense responsibility. It also requires immense bravery. Do you have these traits? You can’t even take care of the body God gave you, but you propose that you can care for an abstract body of knowledge?

Red says:

If someone willingly took the jab *and* the booster, do not trust him as one of us.

A lot of men took one shot realized they’d been sold a bill of goods and didn’t get another. Some of this was driven by their own fear of their own morality and it was an act of cowardice. There was also incomplete information about he dangers of the jab at the start. It’s novel situation where science fiction comes true where a government unleashes a virus and then a sterility shot to “stop” the virus but they fucked up both the virus and the sterility shot. Such things don’t happen, or so we all used to think.

However, a lot of people who took more than one shot did so out of almost religious devotion. The vaccination caused them harm, but they felt that they would be protected as long as they had faith so they took more shots and more shots. I see this people now who are always sick, wearing masks everywhere they go looking at everyone fearfully. They’re the lucky ones, the unlucky ones are already dead.

A friend of mine took a 3 shot in total. After the second shot he almost died of a heart attack that his doctor and he swore had nothing to do with the jab, but it was the jab. He endlessly promoted the shots, chastised people for not wearing masks, refused to spend time with his parents who refused the jab. But even he stopped after the 3ed shot fucked him up. His faith in the great and mighty COVID demon was shattered, but I no longer trust him. I’ve known him for 20 years but I sense something is wrong with him now.

There has to be forgiveness and redemption as Saul found on the road to Damascus. But redemption requires a real change of heart with a public admission of their evil actions.

alf says:

There has to be forgiveness and redemption as Saul found on the road to Damascus. But redemption requires a real change of heart with a public admission of their evil actions


Red says:

On the subject of Redemption here was one of the original useful idiot Vax pushers now dying from his own poison after only one jab:

I got the COVID vaccine before most could as healthcare provider and emergency manager implementing many of the policies of the “covidians”. Days after I was transported to the hospital with cardiac issue. Today I’m in heart failure.

KD Link:

jim says:

> It’s novel situation where science fiction comes true where a government unleashes a virus and then a sterility shot to “stop” the virus

Yes, a whole lot of people were caught with their pants down. They were not on their guard against evil men who sought to harm them.

I am looking at leftists who are waking up. They cannot get their mind around it. They tell this big stupid story that big corporations are engaged in “psychopathic pursuit of profit”. If covid and the clot shot were driven by “big pharma”, and “big pharama” were motivated by profit, would have given everyone the saline shot that the elite got. It is simpler, way cheaper, and unlikely to result in one hanging from the lamp post.

It is demon worship, and the reason the left cannot process it is because it reveal that gaia worship is demon worship.

Just as peta will kill any animal it gets its hands on, rationalizing that the animal has been contaminated by contact with humans, the people who talk about global warming, species extinction, and resource exhaustion, want everyone dead, and everything dead. They hate life itself.

Holy war approaches.

simplyconnected says:

But redemption requires a real change of heart with a public admission of their evil actions.

Still have not personally seen one instance of this. I look often for rumors on this topic on the chans, so far seems extremely rare to see any sincere apology or admission of wrongdoing.
Sasha Latypova, whom I keep quoting because she’s a rare smart actual pharma expert, tells her personal experience with her mostly jabbed, mostly PhD-level scientist friends [41m 53s]. They completely stopped talking about it, and are dealing with the trauma by ignoring it. This matches rumors on 4chan: they don’t engage in conversation about it.

alf says:

That lady talks about something I’ve been wondering about: what about the non-covid vaccines?

The way I used to look at it is that they are useful; polio sucks, being vaccinated against polio is great. But the same people who made and pushed the jab are in control of those other vaccines as well, or at least, that’s what I presume. What will happen with quality control on these vaccinations? Is it safe to vax my children against diseases like polio and measles? Tough choice.

jim says:

Measles, probably. Polio, smells funny. I suspect it is vaccine related. Recent events have cast doubt on all vaccines. The technology has been collapsing. Do you want to be injected with mysterious substances produced by idiots? At least the decline in toasters merely makes toast slightly less convenient and predictable.

What has been happening is that people are producing more and more vaccines for diseases less and less serious, and these vaccines are worse and worse, more and more dangerous, and less and less effective.

Sasha Latypova describes the way the stuff is made. This stuff is heterogeneous and inhomogeneous, it is just witchdoctoring, these guys could not make hamburgers.

The Cominator says:

The objective of jabbing enough women to cause a sterility plague has been met.

Redbible says:

Friendly reminder that the jab was designed to also make men infertile.

but how could they do that if goal is not just infertility but Moloch worship (aka miscarriage)?

There is a couple I know who has had 2 miscarriages in the last couple of years. They both Happened at around the same stage of the baby’s development. One of the things the doctors think it could be is a issue where the placenta has different DNA then the baby, which doesn’t kill the baby until at least a few month pass, and the placenta doesn’t recognize the baby as what it’s supposed to be helping.

The issue is “Genetic” and either mom or dad can have the issue. If one of the parents has the issue, it’s a 70% chance that the baby will miscarriage.

I’ll need to look further into it (as well as learn the name of it) but I think I’ve found the method as to how the clot shot might have been designed to create miscarriages.

Kunning Druegger says:

That is horrifying. Is there an accepted term for this phenomenon? Is there literature on “placental mismatch” prior to the great Jabber Shocky of 2021?

Karl says:

I expect that will find it very difficult to vax your children only against polio or only against measles. In the EU such single vaccines are rare (in the case of measles, Germans can individually import a Swiss vaccine against measles only – if (!) they find a physician willing to order and adminster it). Usually all that you will be offered is a cocktail of 6 different vaccines or so.

Maybe that makes your choice less tough.

Your Uncle Bob says:

One thing that bears looking into is the risk of inflammation. Before covid (really, before medical letting the mask slip) I considered a link between allergies and vaccination silly and a link between autism and vaccination fringe. Post the mask slipping, everything is on the table, and the autism-vaccination link doesn’t even depend on killshots or sabotage, just a statistical risk of inflammation they wouldn’t otherwise have.

Now I think if you must vaccinate, pick a few worst-case diseases, and do one at a time not a battery, with a long recovery phase in between.

Practically speaking, if you’re even thinking of going this route start quietly scouting a sympathetic pediatrician now. After your wife/gf gives birth and you’re both in a normie doctor’s office is exactly the wrong time to put your foot down. Might even have to look into a midwife at home, just for network effects.

Guy says:

I have a child born in the center of all evil, within one of the most converged hospitals there are. Despite my distrust going in I found the nurses,midwives and doctors in the maternity ward to be competent, caring, and mostly moral, at least compared to the average person nowadays. There was absolutely no pressure to vaccinate and no pressure to circumcise.

I wish the same could be said about the doctors I have dealt with since, but at this point we pick and choose what we use them for and ignore the sales pitches. It’s not a guarantee that you’re going to get demon worshipers… at least during the birthing process

Redbible says:

It is worth remembering that Saul was there when Steven was murder, but was not one of the murderers, means there was room for him to change. I’m not sure if he had actually helped in the killing that he’s have been able to have a real change of heart.

TheDividualist says:

>Marriage was destroyed in large part so that professors could get pussy.

I am unsure about this one, Jim. Progs are saying relationships with power inequality are RONG.

Or was it one of the previous turnings of the ratchet?

I think you are right on the general note. Why are fashion models thin titless women with short hair? Because faggot fashion designers find only women who look like boys attractive. Basically the female body consists of curves, the male body of straight lines.

I wonder where does the faggot bug come from. My basic idea would be it is boys who sexualize wrestling with other boys. I think they enjoy being dominated.

Alfred says:

Not Jim but I imagine the mental gymnastics needed to make professor-coed relationship “OK” in terms of power inequality aren’t too tough.

Besides, if/when professors fail a shit test and coed gets tired of him, the power inequality card will be played on him by the coed, especially nowadays I imagine. I do wonder how much professors are even getting nowadays compared to the 60s/70s.

Fireball says:

From my experience professors get tired of coeds not the other way around. It depends on the university but they are getting plenty of pussy.

Red says:

OT, the origins of Omicron: When Omicron first hit it was noted that it seemed be a strain that was run though mice rather than run through bats with the original covid19 virus in order to help hide the lab origin. They couldn’t find it in the wild and it kind of came out of no where when it popped up in South Africa.

So the question is: Black Hats trying to build a more infectious COVID19 but fucked the lethality, or a white hats that where releasing the real vaccine into the wild after building it up via mice? I suspect the former but it’s hard to say.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

In the context of tech decline, there is much discussion as to the open question of whether the GAEs nukes will even work anymore. Related to this, there is one particular area of tech decline i haven’t seen discussion of, but is also something of special relevance to viable strategies of nuclear deterrence;,_Wisconsin,_Michigan

US Navy’s 5,000 kilometer wavelength ELF transmission sites, for communicating with submarines at depth on silent patrol, have been quietly shutting down one after the other over the years, without even a discussion of replacements.

Red says:

This is so unsurprising when considering our inability to make tritium. Of course we can’t communicate with our likely non working nuke boats commanded by Captain Faggot and Xo Trayvon.

I would guess that military satellites are also suffering. Musk offering Military Grade Starlink sats both indicates how weak we’ve become and how useful Musk is. Doesn’t mean they won’t off him.

Pax Imperialis says:

>Captain Faggot and Xo Trayvon

That’s a Colonel Faggot [1] and Brig. Gen. Shaniqua [2]

Last Friday Biden appointed the first Black Woman (born in Jamaica and immigrated at 17) as a two-star general in the service. Brig. Gen. Mahlock holds a Master’s degree in Adult and Higher Education; a Master in National Security and Strategic Studies; a Master in Strategic Studies; and a Master Certificate in Information Operations. Now that’s a lot of education but notice how none of it is in a technical field. She is the deputy director for combat support of the National Security Agency’s Cybersecurity Directorate. Her entire military career prior to being put in Cybersecurity was in Air Control.

Check out second link and zoom in on the facial expressions and body language on the men. Yes they are in the field. Military bearing and everything, but they are a lot more stern looking than usual for what appears to be an informal photo op. Can’t help but wonder what’s going on in their heads.


dave says:

your reply sent me down a bit of a rabbit hole trying to figure out the current state of tritium production. Its not great. best article I could find:

There’s an incredibly long 54 month cycle to get new tritium harvested from irradiated rods of LEU (Low Enrichment Uranium, which we are also running out of). next cycle (starting 2024) they want to get more LEU rods irradiated, then 54 months after that, we could start harvesting more tritium. yikes. meantime every year 5% of our tritium inventory decays.

jim says:

This technology for creating tritium was obsolete a very long time ago. We have long known in theory more efficient ways of manufacturing lithium, but progress in implementing them just stopped.

And now, reality is that tritium is diminishing every year, and plans to produce more of it have been being made for a very long time, and somehow failed to produce tritium. So, they have made new plans to produce tritium.

Red says:

$11.33 billion for the FBI.

$1.75 billion for the ATF.

& $2.63 billion for US Attorneys, with an emphasis on J6 prosecutions and domestic terrorism cases.

If they haven’t already started arresting people for question stolen elections, they’re going start doing so next year. Also expect the ATF to bribe local cops on raids. People are far less likely to shoot back if their local sheriffs are with the ATF.

Of course there’s a decent chance most of that money will just be looted.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Remember how the whole ‘J6 hearings’ kabuki theater was still going on?

Yeah me neither, but apparently they ‘concluded’ some time this week, and (of course) decided to go ahead with prosecuting lawfare and charges of heresy against Trump.

Will be interesting to see how that plays out.

Kunning Druegger says:

Though the ratings and viewership were quite low, I think that particular series will really find its footing in the replays and spinoffs. One day, folks will look back and say the J6 show trials were groundbreaking and paradigm setting.

Western Taliban says:
Adam says:

Talibros continuing to do the Lord’s work. Those men will be blessed for this.

Kunning Druegger says:

The big test will be Pakistan and the opposition to or seeking of Pashtunwali. We see a IEA (Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan) attempting to incorporate the abandoned equipment of the GAE as well as the infrastructure and methods of “modern” civil management. As we, the Talibros of the West know, this is a vector by which the eternal managerial manager infiltrates institutions. Will the Taliban be able to suss out and destroy shills and entryists? Certain blips in media indicate they are calling any type of saboteur, spy, or miscreant “gay”, citing homosexuality, implied or explicit, as a reason to or for removal. This is a very good sign, actually way better than the “no broads in college” one for 2 reasons: the actual based position is “No universities at all”, and dealing with female misbehavior is a core competency of the Taliban, but dealing with perceptions of hyper-competence and “advanced-ness” so common in the outside-of-GAE world is not.

If you look at IEA soldiery and constabulary, they are aping GAE military aesthetic. This is only logical if you have $80 billion worth of gear laying around, but memetic sovereignty is an iron law, and one not yet explored, so simple decisions, like using AR platform or picking hiking trainers over hiking boots, may have spiritual ramifications poorly understood (feel free to think this is asinine or BS, but don’t forget that the Slut Pipeline starts with dressing toddlers like prostitutes).

The IEA waited for a short time before they started skirmishing with Pakis on their border. They need to expand, and they need coastal access unmediated by the GAE. They also need to expand both their military legend as well as their actual materiel, as their next natural target should be the -stans, both in terms of hard power and soft power.

The Taliban Experiment is the closest thing we have to Jimian Christianity in the wild. I am not conflating the religions themselves, and I do not hold Muslims in high regard culturally, but the fact remains that they, more than anyone or anything else, are operationalizing the WQ as a force multiplier as well as a society management rubric. We should watch closely.

Oog en Hand says:

[*deleted for idiocy*]

Adam says:

>Certain blips in media indicate they are calling any type of saboteur, spy, or miscreant “gay”, citing homosexuality, implied or explicit, as a reason to or for removal.

It is critical to the rightist position that we are overtly hostile to even the slightest hint of liberalism. Our actions can be measured but our rhetoric must be absolute, if only to make it that much easier to spot entryists.

It is not difficult to tolerate don’t ask don’t tell, providing fags stay in the closet, but we must always speak of sodomy as among the gravest of sins.

Basil says:

Interestingly, this is a Russian guy who, as part of the Soviet army, ended up in Afghanistan, and then captured, now he could fight for the Russian world in southern Ukraine, so that his ex-wife and her Armenian lover would receive tribute on time, and those who had served time in the rear could get glory of his military connection. His hypothetical only son, traumatized by his parents’ divorce, too.

jim says:

This is evidence that the Soviet Union was leftist and that leftism makes its soldiers suffer, because it hates them.

Like all your other rants, it is not evidence that Putin’s Russia is leftist.

f6187 says:

Strange, I watched those first four videos and didn’t see any footage of women being whipped.

Red says:

Oddly you don’t often have to beat a women if you’ve proven your willingness to beat her.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Eurocrat Space Abscess can’t use Soyuz capsules for payloads anymore
>try using one of their own capsules
>it breaks up immediately after launch


Starman says:


”>Eurocrat Space Abscess can’t use Soyuz capsules for payloads anymore
>try using one of their own capsules
>it breaks up immediately after launch


The Eurocrats will need to be nicer to Elon Musk, unless they want to use trampolines…

Kunning Druegger says:

Here’s a 42 minute video:

You have 2 options: watch it now, and ignore my analysis, or read my analysis and decide if it’s worth watching. Your call.

This video is a detailed analysis of the interrogation of George Hugely, the scion of a fifth generation wood magnate family. Hugely is alleged to have beat his recently ex’d girlfriend into a coma, whereupon she expired before being discovered by her roommate. Hugely was then approached and “picked up” passively by a lady detective who took him to the station under his own recognizance whereupon a skillful interrogation technique met up with a depressingly dense elite youth unaccustomed to wiliness from his inferiors to create a stunning slam dunk conviction. The analysis proffered in the video will point out, quite accurately, how the whole thing could have been avoided, how Hugely could have sidestepped the law easily and set the circumstances in the most positive way for himself, but utterly failed to do so.

I implore you, don’t read the comments, you’ll just lose braincells. The channel is excellent in content, but it is not going to line up enough with the proper frame to be based. It definitely touches on topics relevant to our work here.

There are some key takeaways I’d like to point out. First, foremost, and forever: never speak to the LEOs without legal council, and never let your children grow up without learning this.

Second, the murder victim in this scenario was a turbo-slut. She fucked around and found out hard. I think it would be trivial to make the case that she not only invited violence into her world, she actively courted it, and eventually came to need it.

Third, if Hugely had done the needful and smashed the pussy instead of her skull, he would have alpha-widowed her and moved on to better things. Instead, he took the blue pill, and a women was killed and a life was ruined, which will almost inevitably ruin an elite family, and maybe more than one.

OK, dispensing with prevarication and niceties, let’s discuss where Hugely fucked up. First, he maintained a relationship with an obvious slut. He treated a whore like a possible fiancé. Always dumb. Whores can become wives, great wives even, but the only, ONLY way that can happen is if you find the whore, take her home, and she never, ever whores again. Very doable, and always has been.

Second, he begged. This is a sin I have committed. I guarantee you that the night of the killing was a repeated event. She cheats and tells him, he gets mad and confronts her, they get rough and bang, they’re back together. This is a pattern repeated in a million different ways. I am willing to speculate that this mental/emotional abuse train is the male equivalent of the cock carousel, but that’s above my pay grade. Whatever the case, this is untenable for any man. If you continue this process, you will catch feelings, and she will come to despise you. It may not end with murder, because it could also end with suicide, murder-suicide, ruined men, ruined women, ruined men and women, abandoned children, the possibilities are endless.

Third, he dropped his guard. I’m not going to sit here and pretend every man is some sterling representation of chadliness and Godliness. Good warriors can be bad men just as good men can be bad warriors. It behooves you to train up your son in the way he should go. This is open ended if you look at it: the way he should go is case dependent. I guarantee you Hugely was given so many valuable things, things I and my sons may never have, but he was deprived of guidance, of mental the weaponry to withstand the evil of this world. He put a whore on a pedestal. He let some frail little she-pig draw him into a trap of body, tongue, and mind. he was given power by genetics and birth, and he squandered it on a slut and cheap thrills, never given a sense of gravity, restraint, or power over impulse.

The Cominator says:

“Second, the murder victim in this scenario was a turbo-slut.”

A slut but not a turbo sluts. The real turbo sluts (who I have a soft spot for) you don’t need to be particularly violent or alpha to screw. Real turbo sluts you just kind of need a few moments alone with and to ask nicely or sometimes they’ll ask you…

Kunning Druegger says:

Nah bro, definitely a turbo-slut. The missing ingredient is institutional empowerment. If you took Yeardly off the lacrosse team and put her on the pole, totally different outcome. Sadly enough for you, the addition of the Umbrella to the fag flag means the pole dancers and smokers are soon going to elevated to college girls status. I recommend you find a nice whore and settle sooner rather than later.

The Cominator says:

Smokers are you talking about tobacco or crackwhores? Smoking tends to correlate with being slightly sl00tier but not a huge indicator of behavior. I think its certainly a lesser evil than being fat and 10 years ago most attractive women smoked (I don’t care what statistics say) now its much rarer. The closest thing I knew to a trad waifu (enginerette but super sweet girl from Maine) I think badly wanted to get nailed after mostly restraining herself literally did the Sandra Dee thing from Grease and got a leather looking jacket and started smoking in one night, her affectation of being a bad girl was kind of cute and amusing. Shes married with kids now. Crackwhores are low status for good reason…


As for strippers lately I’ve been saving money lately this is an extremely nasty bear market and unless you were short early nothing works (the interest rates going higher than I anticipated because Biden admin frauded the job numbers a new low that has just come out)… but no strippers NEVER change the floating world is in clownworld but not of clownworld. Feminist Iceland (well run in some ways but totally feminist) banned them for a reason. Strippers and new age girls sometimes say they are feminists as idk some kind of shit tests or because they mean some kind of sex positive feminism that disappeared from the US after the early 70s but

Strippers who want to be feminist ice queens either quit or get on hard drugs (that is their failure mode) because they hate their job… its the turbosluts who like doing it who do well in the job and stay and they tend to find a guy who will marry them too.

Adam says:

I waste no time with unrepentant narcissistic women but I too have a soft spot for other anti-socials. I know tons of girls who have ended up in a 12 step program, get married and start having kids (with guys from the program).

Girls are generally bad at game, and the bad girl act which starts as a larp to get attention can often lead to becoming a genuine bad girl as we are not adapted to modern narcotics. But once they snap out of it they are often very sweet and willing and loving.

The Cominator says:

There was no way she was ever going to get on hard drugs (and she didnt she got married a couple days over) she didnt have any personality disorders or super poor impulse control… pretty super girl i always liked her and she was genuinely very nice to me but i was not a suitable guy for marriage at the time so no way i was going after her… I literally think her semi bad girl temporary larp was driven by her feeling she had a too goody goody nice girl image (because she genuinely was that way) she probably subconsciously wanted to get nailed and she had watched grease recently…

I hate narcissistic modern women too but this girl was a throwback to a better era, temporary affectation as a psuedo badgirl didnt change that.

Pax Imperialis says:

That you know all the nuances between tobacco smokers and crackwhores, strippers and turbosluts, and sex positive feminists and engine/lawyer rettes is fascinating. Also concerning. Overseas wife market is going to have a bear market rally. All those Ukrainian women with dead father figures are going to temporally tank the Western European wife market and lower costs across the board until excess demand can be consumed. Next 5 years is going to be the best opportunity in a generation or two. Find a woman and get married. You’ll be happier.

Red says:

You’re posts have been really good of late.

The Cominator says:

When you’re naturally severely spergish and you want to get laid in clownworld you have to…

The girl in question here is one of the very few id consider marriage material in my life…

The Cominator says:

Oh if you mean “pole smokers” I just don’t want to be near them and their status is already elevated.

Kunning Drueger says:

Yeah, I meant “sex workers” in general. They’ve been added to the fag flag, which means they are being targeted for Bioleninist recruitment. Yes, there will always be whores, but you are kidding yourself if you think a bunch of low status females aren’t going to jump at the chance to raise their status. Everyone is susceptible to it, so moreso and others less so. I guarantee there will be based holdouts, but there’s always a hierarchy, that’s why Bioleninism works.

Neofugue says:

KD is right, massive turbo-slut.

Classic case of Heartiste’s “100 C**k Eye Stare”

Disgusting, gross, makes me want to wash my eyes out with bleach. Feels like staring into the abyss. Quite sad that a man would throw his life away for this creature.

Adam says:

Lmao that pic screams “I’ll find you!”.

Adam says:

Things like this are how I imagine the elite wake up to the woman problem. Let’s hope the dad finds his way here and tells all his buddies.

Pax Imperialis says:

>Things like this are how I imagine the elite wake up to the woman problem.
>Let’s hope the dad finds his way here and tells all his buddies.
>George Hugely, the scion of a fifth generation wood magnate family

The problem started easily ~40 years ago. The father’s father would have had to be the one to tell all his buddies. Considering how things are today, few of the elites woke up to the woman problem. George was the degenerate offspring of a decadent fourth generation magnate father. That never would have ended well. This is how elite families die out over a couple of generations. From the Baltimore Sun:

Huguely was a child of divorce but knew few other deprivations. He spent some of his teenage years in a million-dollar yellow brick home on a 1.5-acre corner lot in Potomac, where a boar’s head hung over the fireplace. His round face came from his mother, Marta, a part-time model at Saks Fifth Avenue.

Well that’s a lot more troubling than the paper is willing to admit. Broken home (an understatement as you’ll see), low class face (suggesting genes with a propensity for ignorant violence), “part-time model” (whore) mom, and likely raised by her (if he only spent some of his teenage years in the million dollar home, where did he spent the rest?). Kid was fucked from the beginning.

Before Huguely reached his teens, the Huguely family splintered in an ugly divorce. A legal agreement from 1997 required that George Huguely IV and his ex-wife would speak by telephone every Tuesday at 9 p.m. They could discuss the children — George and his younger sister, Teran — only if neither child was in earshot.

That’s more fucked than most divorces.

he promised a coach he would make a big play — in exchange for a kiss from the coach’s fiancee, according to a Washington Post profile in 2006. Huguely promptly intercepted a pass, then walked off the field to ask for the fiancee’s number. […] Once he stole his coach’s car keys from his office, pulled his car onto the lacrosse field and, from the driver’s seat, struck up a conversation with the coach.


He let his 6-1, 200-pound body go soft. Teammates branded him “Fuguely,” […] “You’d see him walk in . . . with other lacrosse players, and you’d think, ‘Oh, there goes a bunch of lacrosse players and some other guy,’ ” said a bartender at a popular Charlottesville bar. “He just seemed like kind of an overgrown big kid.”

No respect, no boundaries, and no discipline like he lacked a father figure.

There was occasional discord between father and son. On winter break during Huguely’s junior year, while vacationing at the family home in the affluent Palm Beach community of Manalapan, Huguely leapt from the Reel Deal into the water after a loud argument with his father. Huguely refused to return to the boat and a passing vessel picked him up, according to a sheriff’s report.

Yep, more evidence of no father figure and being raised by a whore mother. Discord between father and son is fine, but one should at least wait to be in a private location to maintain the dignity of both parties. And the last thing one should do is act in a way that invites third parties into the scene.

One November night in 2008, a police officer found Huguely stumbling drunk into traffic near a fraternity at Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Va. The officer, Rebecca Moss, told him that he’d have to find a ride home or go to jail. At this, Huguely unleashed racial and sexual epithets and threats that ended only when she was able to subdue the much larger Huguely with the help of a Taser after a three- or four-minute struggle, she said.

Scions of a multi-generational wealthy family don’t do this in public; they are sensible enough to keep debauchery behind closed doors.

Word reached Huguely, who believed the two had kissed. Huguely went to the teammate’s apartment, where he was sleeping, and pummeled him, according to accounts confirmed by the university. Later, in a tavern with some teammates, Huguely recounted the assault “like some cheesy action movie, where he stood above the guy while he was sleeping and said, ‘Sweet dreams, punk,’ and then just punched him in the face,”

Confronting a teammate over such an allegation is fine. Fighting over it is situationally fine. Assaulting him while he sleeps and boasting about it… bruh? No honor. Ignorant as hell. Makes me wonder what type of women he would go to such lengths for.

Love grew up in an affluent Baltimore suburb. Her father, an investor, died of prostate cancer in 2003, leaving his widow, Sharon Love, to raise Yeardley and her older sister, Lexie.

Oh look, likely daddy issues and single mother home wrapped into a single package.

In conclusion you are looking at the byproduct of dysfunction being dysfunctional and getting involved with dysfunction. A train-wreck. I know I said the problem easily started ~40 years ago, but one must ask what type of grandad raise the father of Huguely for him to marry a whore? The problem likely started more than 60 years ago. That puts the problem around the 50s-60s when the sexual revolution and hippies happened. I’m sure that’s just a coincidence.

Adam says:

I wonder how prevalent dark triad traits are among the elite. I always imagined them as a fairly villainous group, but maybe it’s just a bunch of nice guys.

Pax Imperialis says:

Fairly prevalent but quickly diminishing. Machiavellianism is probably the first trait to be lost followed by the subclinical psychopathy. The narcissism remains although we might need a few more generations to determine that.

Villainous and virtuous-heroic elites both have dark triad traits. What is turning the elites villainous is that the machiavellianism no longer has a faith to guide it, the subclinical psychopathy has turned in-group rather than be pointed out-group, and the narcissism no longer has strong patriarchal men to temper it in their children and underlings.

These traits are being lost because the previous generation of elites were very successful. Their descendants are enjoying decadent times. Machiavellianism is no longer needed, no longer utilized, and overtime disappears as elites marry without the need to secure advantageous strategic marriages due to being so secure. This is George Huguely IV. Kids are less smart and not very cunning as a result.

Without the intelligence to keep the impulsivity/boldness/risk taking from the psychopathy in check, and with no out-group to liquidate, they start to run into trouble with the law. The psychopathy gets culled. This is George Hugely V.

This leaves a narcissistic and dumb elite that no longer have the required traits to defend their status. They quickly piss everyone off and get replaced, or at least that’s what happened in the past. The previous generations made their descendants so secure they may even have the time to lose the narcissism. There are some old money families that are genuinely nice, but they are more wealthy than elite if that makes sense?

The Cominator says:

Is a minorly wealthy merchant family in the lumber trade truly elite?

Kunning Drueger says:

If they aren’t now, they definitely were. How do you define “elite?”

The Cominator says:

The head of the family must if not part of the ruling oligarchy must have at least immediate access to them.

Pax Imperialis says:

I probably should have included this part:

Some family members had lifetime memberships at Columbia Country Club in Chevy Chase and the Annapolis and Corinthian yacht clubs.

Pax Imperialis says:

For nearly 100 years, the Huguelys have supplied lumber and construction supplies to area builders, homeowners and government agencies. George W. Huguely Sr. co-founded Galliher & Huguely in Northwest Washington in 1912 before buying out his partner in 1929.

This doesn’t sound like a minorly wealthy merchant family. Those tend to burn out in a generation or shift to a different trade. This sounds like a family with a small state backed regional monopoly very close to power, so he’s elite but not elite elite. In medieval terms he would be a minor Baron or something, but clearly much higher status than say a village peddler.

Landed aristocracy (elites) involved stewardship which is really just ancient speak for business management. Elites and business are inseparable no matter how much American liberalism might REEEE about it. The lumber trade is really not that far from say England’s royal prerogative forest law which involved monarchs and designated aristocrats selling access to firewood, pasture space, and turf. Elites of yore were lumber traders!

As they became increasingly unlanded in the 20th century, aristocracy developed a money problem made worse by WW1 stripping away their legal status and WW2 finished the job. America had an overabundance of new money looking for status. European aristocracy had the status. It was a match. Many marriages happened between the two groups.

Huguely IV even looks aristocratic even if marred by obesity and a bulbous nose (that neither of his children have) possibly from drinking but not so much it turned red (makeup could be hiding it but some people just don’t get red). Skin quality definitely looks like either too much sun or drinking. That divorce must have been rough. Long and narrow facial structure when looking at the bones, delicate features, etc. He just looks like an elite. I would have to look at the genealogy, but chances are high that one of his ancestors married some minor European aristocrat’s daughter.

Kunning Drueger says:

Excellent research and accompanying analysis Pax. If you ever want to get into investigations “and stuff” let me know, I bet we could have some fun.

If you watch the Jim Can’t Swim video, through the filter of what you found, you see why it’s a tricky source. I stand by JCS as great analysis for normie tier, but obviously it falls down when stacked up next to Our Jim. Still, the pieces are all there for those with the tools of interpretation and powers of observation. I watch it for the interrogations, but the cases are usually pretty fascinating.

In investigations of accidents and disasters, it is almost never single-factor. It’s always a causal chain, a series of poor choices, corrupt influences, ignorant decisions, laziness, the whole panoply of human factors, that lead to a catastrophe. The sexual revolution was the worst thing that happened to occidental society, and the preceding commentary applies there as well. It wasn’t just the beatnicks, or their adversaries, or some single factor. Layer upon layer of self-delusion, choice after choice to take the easy way or the shortcut, can upon can kicked down the road for someone else to confront. I have arbitrarily chosen the boomers to focus on in my internal rhetorical framework as the X factor, but this is just a time saving technique+lowest common denominator, as they were raised by the silent generation and/or the gayest generation (the assholes that ruined Europe).

The Cominator says:

The sexual revolution was inevitable given both female emancipation, female privilege and then female legal empowerment.

Kunning Drueger says:

Agreed. The sexual revolution was a societal failure mode. Female emancipation, privilege, and legal empowerment were causal factors. If we resurrected our societal equivalents from that era, they’d say they were in a failure mode, and give us a list of causal factors. In essence, this is Jim’s Eternal Leftist Recurrence thesis. Causal factors for societal failure modes are perennially nascent.

Thanks to Pax contribution to the analysis of Hugely, we know that the Yeardly incident was just the mistake that overtook him and none of his benefactors could forestall the earned consequences. Successive causal factors, initiated failure modes, foundations eaten away until the inevitable collapse.

Mayflower Sperg says:

His round face came from his mother, Marta, a part-time model at Saks Fifth Avenue.

I’ve seen Slavic and Turkic girls with round faces and found it quite adorable. Are there specific traits linked to round faces that make these girls a bad choice for marriage?

Profundity Enjoyer says:

I felt bad for him. He really freaked when he realized his life was over. It was like watching a man slowly die. I’m not the biggest fan of low IQ sports players but it was hard to watch, his willingness to beat a whore was admirable. The problem with society is that most men are too weak to beat whores. I wish I could let him out of jail and give him a job as a professional Whore Beater. He needs to be taught however that nature provided a better way than her head and a brick wall — her butt and a belt.

Your Uncle Bob says:

I didn’t feel bad watching that at all. He beat a woman to death and left her to hemorrhage out slowly. Should have just walked well before it came to that; going back again and again to talk (/yell/beat) it out was cuckoldry not strength.

More interesting to watch from the perspective of “what if I’m innocent and get hauled in.” Which I notice there’s not as many videos of. Conclusion is still shut up even if innocent, especially if innocent. Don’t give them the year in prison for “perjury” (i.e. getting a date wrong), don’t give them any hypotheticals about how someone else would have done it, don’t give them any angle at all. I wonder how many J6 political prisoners started out sincerely trying to just clear up the misunderstanding with their interrogators, only to find out that didn’t help at all.

Red says:

He beat a thott to death. That’s a public service.

>Should have just walked well before it came to that; going back again and again to talk (/yell/beat) it out was cuckoldry not strength.

Cuckoldry was allowed to stand when he did not beat her to death the first time she cheated.

You talk like faggot.

Kunning Drueger says:

Red, go easy bro. Not saying you don’t have points here, just saying Bob isn’t necessarily a bad dude.

Bob, watch this one:

If you ever needed confirmation that the criminal justice system is wholly evil, it is this: guilty or innocent, you must do the exact same thing. Think about that; the facts have 0 bearing. That’s so fucking perverse.

Say nothing.
Demand a lawyer.
Sign nothing without a lawyer.
Don’t take bait, don’t engage. If you are a blabber mouth like myself, bookend literally every statement with “I don’t know” or “I cannot recall”, even better to just say those things only. Refuse to be definitive.
Be patient. Sit in silence while you wait them out. They will give you ample opportunity to “just get through it” or answer a few questions.

Decline entry, dialogue, discourse at every step.
Listen for questions buried in statements, and respond to those questions with conversation ending statements.

Find a defense attorney willing to give you their number. Go about it any way you like. They don’t need to even be a good attorney, but best if they’re savvy, as they will smell an opportunity to either make bank defending you or earn favor with a big shot by handing you off.

The Cominator says:

What does killing her accomplish?

You can’t reform a thot you kill, and you’re not going to make other thots better unless the violence is systematic. And in a purely personal sense a girl divorce raping you justifies this kind of thing but a girl you knew was a thot acting like a thot is not a surprise…

Red says:

She fucked around and found out. She absolutely deserved it.

If a man choose to kill his cheating woman that’s his choice. Com you need to stop white knighting for hos.

The Cominator says:

He wasn’t married to her, wasn’t her high school sweetheart if she was a turboslut he was just a John… one of many in his social group.

There aren’t all that many attractive (she’d be pretty if she grew more hair over her forehead) nonfat woman anymore and most of them chastely await their criminal chad and spurn lesser men, I white knight for the hos than normal men can still fuck sometimes because in clownworld they are rare and valuable.

What we need is a bunch (like 100 of them) of serial killers who targets only fat women ala Buffallo Bill in Silence of the Lambs. The problem with most women today isn’t that they are fucking too many people its that they are fat and that they aren’t fucking anyone because they are waiting for Jeremy Meeks, and Jeremy Meeks isn’t interested because he has one hot bottom bitch and 3 hot side bitches already, and those are the women who need to be forced to pair off. The true whores otoh have some value.

I understand what OJ Simpson did and started a thread on it, but this wasn’t like that.

Red says:

Dude you need to stop whiteknighting in general. Hookers and turbosluts have regularly ended up dead and no one gave a fuck. The cops couldn’t be bothered to even investigate in most cases and of course the family doesn’t care. Take some wisdom from your forefathers, a ho’s safety is not worth worrying about.

Rolling back the sexual revolution to 40 years ago isn’t going to work Com. Jeremy Meeks is here and he’s fucking all the best bitches, pining for the past isn’t useful.

Adam says:

Dude you live in Florida there is a billion young hot fuckable chicks here. Ok maybe 1 in 10 but whatever there’s tons of hot single chicks under 30.

The sperg thing just doesn’t fly Elon has had like 3 wives and he acts like an electrocuted Jeff Goldblum.

The Cominator says:

People don’t care about low class crackwhores they are going to kill themselves anyway, people do care about more charismatic whores they actually like.

Marilyn Monroe was a true turbowhore (and her personality is very similar to what most non addict whores are actually like) would pretty literally take her clothes off immediately whenever she was alone with a guy including deliverymen and bellhops and other low status guys. DiMaggio regularly beat the crap out of her for this but he didn’t kill her and he never wanted her dead (apparently his last words were “I’ll finally get to see Marilyn again”) and he was damned pissed that Joe Kennedy Sr. ordered her whacked. The public wasn’t celebrating her death either even if most of her obsessives these days are fags for some reason.

Whores need to be controlled and kept apart from decent society, and perhaps married off if a man is willing to take them and they are willing to reform… but they serve a purpose. The fat feminist cat lady Karen serves no purpose and some should be publically burned while the others are put into fat camps and beated until they learn to respect men.

Red says:

No one came to Marilyn Monroe funeral besides her half sister and the whoremonger who had onenitis for her. She died childless and alone like almost all whores do.

The Cominator says:

She literally couldnt have kids for some medical reason and she had 30 people, DiMaggio being the whoremonger with oneitis kept the mob and anyone he associated with the Kennedies (cuz he knew damn well it was Joe Sr who gave the order) away.

Neofugue says:

Upon the Restoration, Cominator needs a beautiful 14-year-old virgin bride to cure his whore obsession.

Once he understands the love of a young girl, the Cominator will be spoiled to the extent that even if all the whores he currently visits ends up meeting Jack the Ripper, he would not even care.

jim says:

If you plausibly have the potential to kill her for acting like a thot, this will make it possible to restrain her from acting like a thot, and will also attract her.

The Cominator says:

So the American dollar regime is headed for total collapse in at most 4 years now… the omnibus is clearly a symptom of everyone looting a failing state. So can we expect a Jim article on the coming collapse and what that will look like?

The Cominator says:

Nobody has any comments on the elite acting OPENLY as thieves robbing a burning building with zero thought of any long term…

The omnibus being clearly sucking everything they can from a dying host.

Kunning Drueger says:

What’s more to be said? You pretty much nailed it. Ukraine is the Select Committee’s personal money laundering location. They let allies use it and keep adversaries out of it. They are dumping in billions of dollars to protect their personal wealth, and everyone is cheering it along.

Adam says:

I think the future looks good as a reactionary. The more things collapse, the more single women will be looking for stability and such. The priesthood will suffer, the fire economy will suffer, but the stock of rightist men, honest capable strong men will go up.

The vaxxies will continue to drop. Pure blooded will continue to remain healthy. The day of the pillow may come sooner than later. The boomers I know are clueless and terrified, having indulged in a lifetime of self serving lies.

Time is always eliminating the weak. If you have it in you to embrace hardship and make the best of it and lead, it could be a time of opportunity.

Every loss by the GAE is a victory for our side. The death of gay anal democracy is near.

The Cominator says:

The good thing is its definitely over soon, because this is the elite acting like there is no tommorow. Even in utterly corrupt regimes acting like a 100% mobile bandit aint normal.

red says:

They’ve been acting that way since Trump was elected. It’s just accelerating.

The Cominator says:

Accelerating to “fuck you we’re openly stealing everything and we’re not gonna even pretend otherwise” is a new step.

Red says:

Stolen elections have consequences. They no longer need to worry about public opinion. So of course debased elites are stealing everything.

The Cominator says:

Nah but even in Mexico and Nigeria the stealing isnt this blatant in such huge amounts.. this is looting a burning building.

Kunning Drueger says:

It’s really not, but I see what you mean. Red is absolutely correct in they the “step” began in the 2016 campaign, that was when the foot lifted, and parading a literal actor-cum-leader-cum-rebel alliance general in front of everyone is the toe falling into place. They will be “lifting the heel” and pushing off, probably quite soon.

This is not sinking to a new level, this is settling at a level sunk to.

Adam says:

I’ve been thinking about this. Trump really was the right man at the right time. Merchant chad with many wives and children defeats the culmination of post-ww2 progressivism from out of nowhere.

The moment Trump won was when their mask came off for good. The Democratic Party will never have that level of enthusiasm again. It broke them. It’s just hate and death now. Thats all they have left.

That may also explain why Desantis get shilled by anti-Trumpists. Even if he is potentially more effective for our side, leftists are children and he wasn’t the one who defeated Hillary.

The Cominator says:

I prefer Desantis at this point but unless Musk gives him 20 billion it doesnt matter…

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:
Pseudo-Chrysostom says:
Kunning Druegger says:

Here’s a Southfront Video:

02:35-did you catch that? roll it back than play it slow, warriors controlled by a little hoe

The video is very interesting. I don’t think Putin reads Jim’s Blog, but I absolutely believe Jim’s Blog is reading it right. Every single facet of IEW is being discussed in the Kremlin, and the goal is to implement it. We are right over target, gentlemen, on literally every topic that matters.

Mister Grumpus says:

Some of you can comprehend and express this more succinctly than I can, and this is my request that you do so.

For what it’s worth, I can also sense that this topic is conceptually adjacent to the Elon Musk vs. Yoel Roth situation.

The commentary that I follow on the Russian invasion of Ukraine/NATO/etc keeps coming back to the theme of the Russians explicitly deciding and now “operationalizing” that the “the West”/”Cathedral”/”Empire of lies”, as a beehive, as a collective structure and emergent phenomenon, simply cannot be trusted to honor any promise at all. Even if the guy signing the treaty or agreement “means it”, there is no structure or institution to carry the authority of his signature forward into the future. Like the Minsk Accords stuff.

Thus the Russians are taking their economic and security situation entirely into their own hands, brute force, as if any words that come their way, from London or Brussels or DC or Paris, are meaningless gibberish at best, or Satan’s attacking lies at worst. Don’t talk, just kill it, and if you can’t kill it, wall it off.

Jordan Peterson once pointed out that there is a word for someone you simply cannot talk to, and that word is “enemy”.

So how can this situation be expressed or described more succinctly, using proper vocabulary, after rectifying the names?

Is this “the confrontation of two live faiths”?

Is this “the imposition of cooperate:cooperate equilibrium in the only way possible”?

Is this “Russia halting our left singularity, from the outside”?

Is this simply “Russia passing the shit test”?

How would you put it?

Redbible says:

Sometime it can help to use fiction terms, if they fit the bill. In the Ender’s game series, there is a word that might work for us. The word is Varelse. (Note: Varelse means “creature” in Swedish.)

“Varelse were defined [In Ender’s Game] as true aliens; they may or may not be sentient beings, but are so foreign that no meaningful communication is possible with the subject.”

The GAE, and all of it’s priesthood are Varelse in as much as that they are not able to meaningfully keep promises, or argue/debate in good faith.

Russia has now (correctly) identified the GAE as Varelse, and is acting like it.

Mister Grumpus says:

The Enders Game books were pretty based. Full of Machiavellianism and game theory, just as you give example to above.

Dave says:

Orson Scott Card is based. They have tried to cancel him.

Kunning Drueger says:

The Russian Federation is attempting to gain memetic sovereignty by establishing geographic certainty outside the constructs of the modern institutional framework.

Putin is forcing his country to take up the mantel of realized sovereignty by breaking with the status quo maintained by the GAE.

The Kremlin is resisting the further religious expansion of Harvard after they failed to withstand it in the 1990s. At gunpoint, they were forced to admit the carrion bagger class into their society, and now they are extirpating the resultant institutions at gun point.

Do any of these suffice, Grumpus?

Profundity Enjoyer says:

Reminds me of something called the “Cold War.”

S says:

The Cold War wasn’t an existential conflict.

Mister Grumpus says:

Related. The great Zelensky Love In at Congress was an obvious Point Deer Make Horse exercise. Junior Kadets on Twitter are already making public lists of Republicans who stayed seated or didn’t clap enough.

Profundity Enjoyer says:

Who is the most profound far-right thinker / writer on the internet? There seems to be a serious lack of profundity. Lately I feel like everything on Substack, Youtube, Twitter and the like are just the same rehashed, verbal crap from 5 years ago. It’s getting stale. Jim’s takes are some of the best but I’d love to find someone who does lengthier, more researched work. Kevin MacDonald comes to mind, his books are what I would call high profundity. Evo psych is getting stale too though.

jim says:

Evo psych never gets stale. It is survival knowledge. Learn or die childless.

questions says:

Do you recommend white men marry black women? There’s a strong comparative advantage there, and blacks have a persistently higher TFR and more resistance to wokeness. Yes, they’re on average less capable of abstract thought, but also less capable of abstract stupidity.

jim says:

Permanent and major loss of self control and intelligence in your descendants, and white/black crosses have substantially reduced fertility.

Anonymous says:

The African Americans who give Americans so much trouble all the time are themselves the result of interbreeding between whites and darkest Africa’s blacks.

The Cominator says:

“Kevin Macdonald profound”

You have to go back.

Profundity Enjoyer says:

What’s your problem with Kevin MacDonald? Go back to where? Post nose?

The Cominator says:

He posits a jewish ethnic conspiracy as a scheme to reproduce more than gentiles…

The leftist reform jews who are part of the problem dont reproduce, the ethnocentric orthobros who do reproduce aren’t part of the problem.

Fidelis says:

The chasidim are as much your bros as the average inner city nignog. There’s a reason every aristocrat that managed to tolerate them on their land forced them into a ghetto.

The Cominator says:

We’re in a low trust society no so almost no one is my bro, the point of my post is not that all jews are good its that Kevin Macdonald’s theory is fucking stupid.

pinochet's ghost says:

A lot of what Cominator posts is cover for Jews.

He’s strongly pushing this kooky theory that a few thousand Catholic priests are more powerful than a nuclear armed state that has the world’s best intelligence agency and loyal coethnics in every Western government, because Anthony Fauci went to a Jesuit high school in the 1950s.

He also says he was friends with Musk’s Jewish lawyer and that the Jewish lawyer is completely trustworthy.

jim says:

A bunch of people with strangely close connections to the Jesuits sodomized Israel mighty hard.

You know the saying “Its always a Jew every single time”. Well if you look at the Covid operation, very few Jews in sight. Not a Jew this time.

simplyconnected says:

Talking about Israel getting screwed: this is B.Netanyahu bragging how they got early access to Pfizer injections by offering up the citizen’s medical data, so pharma could analyze the injection’s effect depending on people’s medical history, plus they want to sequence their genome to give all the matched data to pharma.

The Cominator says:

And a Jesuit college afterwords, and got an award in Rome after covid, and has hinted at being a Jesuit. And its not just me both Steve Bannon and Robert Malone think hes a Jesuit…

Israel is a regional power with a regional focus.

The Jesuits got expelled from nearly as many countries as echoes but in 1/4 of the time. Theyve always been an order of spies, Weishaupt was a Jesuit, and Covid should mean their extermination…

pinochet's ghost says:

It’s utterly disingenuous to suggest Israel does not have a worldwide interest in the Jewish People and vice-versa. It’s statements like this that make me doubt your sincerity, along with the unjustified certainty and sudden enthusiasm with which you present this Jesuit hypothesis.

(The hypothesis is not totally worthless but evidence is lacking and alternatives are not considered. Historically far rightists consider the Jesuits a puppet of the Jews rather than the other way around. The level of resources available to the Jews, even only Jews interested in the interests of “the Jews”, is thousands of times greater than that of the Jesuits.)

jim says:

There are a whole lot of anti Zionist Jews, notably Soros, who want to see Israel destroyed even more than they want us destroyed. They are very comfortable living in our homes, and do not want a home for Jews.

Two Jews, three factions.

pinochet's ghost says:

I am not implying that all Jews are Zionists or that Zionism is the only harmful conspiracy by Jews.

I am merely pointing out that one advantage – not the only one – that the Jews have over the Jesuits is a sovereign base of operations with nuclear weapons and an external intelligence agency that operates with the partial immunities enjoy officially and unofficially by such agencies.

The Jews did not have that 100 years ago. Seems like the past 100 years, the Jews have gained an awful lot, and the Catholics (including the Jesuits) have lost an awful lot.

Yet we are now to believe that the Jesuits are in control.

jim says:

No one is in control. And that is the problem. At any one moment one conspiracy has the upper hand on one matter, while half a dozen other conspiracies are wrestling with them for the wheel.

The most powerful and dangerous Jew in the US rather obviously seeks to destroy Israel, and the FBI hates Mossad and tries to stop them.

The Cominator says:

If the Jesuits are embedded in DC as the covid hoax suggests then they have many sovereign bases of operations.

A more intelligent line of inquiry vis a vis the Jesuits and Covid is why would they ever tip their hand the way they seemed to do so with Covid…

My answer is that with Covid Fauci’s role and the CDC were perhaps deemed so critical that they couldn’t risk a frontman screwing up or perhaps being bought off or threatened so they had to make sure that at least for the job of CDC director (Redfield) and NIHAID (Fauci) had to be occupied by real Jesuits and that while some people might notice that its not the Jews this time and these guys seem to outrank them and anyone else in the government and media most people would not and if they blamed anyone for Western decline would continue to blame the Jews.

The Cominator says:

The Nazis were not far rightists, lurk more if you think they were. Israel only goes back to 1948 and Israel was a victim of the covid scam not a perpretrator.

In the 19th century the Jesuit conspiracy was far more popular and before WWI they were being booted out of European countries again (even Catholic ones) the problem is this doesn’t get the plainclothes Jesuits. The Jews are not all that cohesive, the Jesuits have a formal command structure which the jews lack.

How is an informal fractious neurotic religious group going to puppet a Roman Catholic (using that term loosely for the Jesuits) order of spies.

Kunning Druegger says:

Two Jewish populations, three jew advocacy institutions.

pinochet's ghost says:

[*deleted for rectification of names*]

jim says:

Lumping unlike ideologies together.

pinochet's ghost says:

[*deleted for argument by false consensus*]

jim says:

You sail right along ignoring the frequent assertion “two Jews, three factions”, as if no one could possibly say or think such a thing.

someDude says:

Horse comes to only known river flowing with fresh clean rejuvenating water right next to the source, asks, “Hey, where do I find the cleanest water?”

Kunning Drueger says:


…though this retard has a point, though it’s above him: I cannot send people to BJC and move on. Bad infosec and unlikely to do anything more than make someone think I’m an ultraMAGA christofascist racist, which may or may not be true get a warrant faggot, but is hardly the best way to get people moving in the right direction.

It’s not really an option to say “you need to go read 100s of hours worth of essays and comments then we can talk” though I have actually done that. We need a distillation.

Red says:

Jim’s greatest gift his is ability to break complex issues down into understandable chunks without 30 pages of text. It’s also a liability because a lot men can’t take it seriously because every intelligent man has to write a book’s worth of crap to make a serious point.

Look at skinsuit McChristain Aron: 10,000 lines of text and nothing meaningful. He’s just trying to look smart while spreading progressive crap. KD summed his bullshit up as gay about 30 seconds in.

I liked Moldbugs very long prose, but mostly because he was funny. His points could have been much easier put in fewer lines but he would not have been taken seriously. Also when Moldbug tried to propose solutions he went of into Libertarian la la land. Starship troopers while interesting, ignored how hard it is to actually rule without a civic religion.

Kunning Druegger says:

It’s a Gordian knot. If it’s too long, you lose “the most”, and if it’s too short you lose “the best.” In a society dominated bu the managerial elite, it becomes a sacrament to proffer texts so laden with footnotes that a 100 page book is a 25 page essay with 25 pages of references. Too many of us have been steeped in this pedagogy for too long, and we are initially mistrustful if we don’t see the references, footnotes, and positive signals and labels applied by “acceptable thought leaders.”

Acknowledging that I am a warped vessel, I nonetheless maintain that there is a happy medium and Jim isn’t hitting it. This is not a critique, merely an observation. I think Jim knows this full well and, as he articulated in one of his responses to Aron the Idolater, he goes specifically for the most relevant section and dispenses with the rest. That is what this place does, and it is working as intended. It’s like some kind of pressure cutter that utterly annihilates what it gets pointed at, cutting away everything because so much is unimportant.

…but some important stuff gets cut away. We might benefit from having some other device, some thing that explains why the pressure cutter is doing what it does, why it blasts everything away so cleanly. BJC was inscrutable to me until I started reading the comments, and for a long time the comments served that purpose, they had that explanatory power. The post was hyper concentrated, and the comments were the follow up procedure. But things have changed, and it isn’t a single thing, and they are immuno-memetic changes, thus unavoidable.

>Starship troopers while interesting, ignored how hard it is to actually rule without a civic religion.

I think he assumed it would be a given that it was unnecessary (early The Science delusion) or that it would be ubiquitous and therefore go without saying.

Adam says:

I think Jim is doing it right. Simpler is better. There is a saying that addicts complicate everything. And it’s true, but the whole truth is that it’s not addicts, it’s people in denial.

Short and sweet is hard to manipulate.

dave says:

Nicolas Gomez Davila – took down modernity one sentence at a time:

pinochet's ghost says:

Moldbug’s weird prose style is a result of his Anglo-Ashkenazi genetics. He likes to impress people with pointless length and complexity of his writing like an Ashkenazi but he has an Anglo sense of humor.

Ultimately he proposes Ashkenazi solutions to problems. His Anglo genetics is what allows him to see the current Ashkenazi setup as a problem.

Profundity Enjoyer says:

I like Jim, that’s why I’m here. However, I’d like to find more writers like Kmac, who dig really deeply into the evidence.

I want a real history of the last 300 years, especially the last 120.

I want to actually know how the sex market works and who women are actually screwing.

I want to know the names of who rules me.

I want to know why most people don’t find this blog better than every other blog out there right now. How could Nature produce such trash as we see go to the polls every couple of years to vote Democrat and Republican?

a kike on a pike says:

Geoffrey Miller >>> Kevin MacDonald

Actual EvoPsych that directly addresses the WQ.

Kunning Druegger says:

>Based History Book
I’ve tried to push for a Book of History. I laid out a methodology, one that I feel might work but would almost certainly suggest better options to better minds. It is needed.

>Sex Marketplace for Idiots
It has been done. This blog explains literally everything. Solved problem.

>Names of the Elites
I also expressed a desire to map the elites, but there are two critical issues: taxonomy and camouflage. I guarantee that popular sociological drivel has you convinced that there’s a “top 100” or “league of 500” that are ruling things. If you actually sit down and try to generate a list, you will collect thousands of names and no one will agree with your findings. The taxonomy is forestalled by the methods of active camouflage deployed by the managerial elite. Power hides itself, and quite effectively.

How long have you been here?

Redbible says:

>Sex Marketplace for Idiots
Across Jim’s Website is pretty much all the red pills on women, could use a few supplements of Game, but it is complete.
It is all over the place, scattered between comments and posts, and in a way that the reader has to organize it themselves.

I’ve thought about working to find the highlights and compile it all together, but it would be much easier if others were helping. Anyone here want to join me in find all the good WQ and Game content and putting it together into a single whole?

The Cominator says:

The problem with Jim’s game advice is that you have to convincingly be some kind of violent criminal (and yes this absolutely works with women) but you need a great deal of social skills/so called “emotional intelligence” to pull this off and not end up dead or in jail for a long time.

If you’re too spergish to have even normie luck with women you’re probably going to end up dead trying to larp as Snake Plissken.

Red says:

Men are so weak and emasculated these days that it doesn’t take a lot to be more dangerous than most of them. You need to consider the idea that you’re acting like a coward and letting fear control you instead of doing what’s necessary.

The Cominator says:

What makes me feel like a coward is not following the example of the commie killer saint of Norway. I think we all feel like cowards for not doing that…

I don’t feel like a coward for being unwilling to stick my neck out (especially against Florida man) for bar th0ts and such.

Your Uncle Bob says:

That is a real problem, yes. There was a parallel real problem with 1st gen pua’s and game blogs, that an incel really isn’t going to bootstrap himself into Mystery or Heartiste.

But knowing the theory, knowing what’s going on, still helps. I don’t try to drop nuclear negs like heartiste bagging a club slut, but I’m better at teasing than I used to be. I can’t present as a stone cold killer, but getting fit and starting martial arts lets me present as a very different kind of nerd than I used to. Sometimes that’s enough, and just as much or more if you’re trying to keep a woman as if you’re just trying to bang.

I think you can raise yourself up to 2 points on a 10 point scale with fitness and game, but not from a 1 to a 10. But, why turn down 2 points?

The Cominator says:

Oh knowing the fundamental psychology helps.

The problem is i learned it just as women decided to start getting woke, fat and feminists.

jim says:

The tags are used to organize articles.

But there are some articles that are not organized into tags, and there is a large amount of stuff in the comments that probably should be promoted into articles so that they can be organized by tag.

Just give me a list of goodies inaccessible by tag, and I will do something about it.

Red says:
i says:

Modern feminism has occultic roots:

According to the Bible, Eve was the first to heed Satan’s advice to eat of the forbidden fruit. The notion of woman as the Devil’s accomplice is prominent throughout the history of Christianity. During the nineteenth century, rebellious females performed counter-readings of this misogynist tradition. Hereby, Lucifer was reconceptualised as a feminist liberator of womankind, and Eve became a heroine. In these reimaginings, Satan is an ally in the struggle against a patriarchy supported by God the Father and his male priests.

This study delineates how such Satanic feminism is expressed in a number of nineteenth-century esoteric works, literary texts, autobiographies, pamphlets and journals, newspaper articles, paintings, sculptures and even artefacts of consumer culture such as jewellery.

We encounter figures like the suffragette Elizabeth Cady Stanton, author and diplomat wife Aino Kallas, gender-bending Theosophist H. P. Blavatsky, actress Sarah Bernhardt, anti-clerical witch enthusiast Matilda Joslyn Gage, decadent marchioness Luisa Casati, and the Luciferian lesbian poetess Renée Vivien.

The analysis focuses on interfaces between esotericism, literature, art and the political realm. New light is thus shed on neglected aspects of the intellectual history of feminism, Satanism and revisionary mythmaking.

Btw Theosophy not only helped to birth Feminism in the 19th century. But inspired Nazi occultism in the Thule Society.

Oog en Hand says:

In contrast to feminism in the Roman Empire? Talking about Romans, is eating fish when you should’t eat meat a case of excessive legalism?

uighurstomper58 says:

im permabanned poster uighurstomper58. i first started reading The Governance of China when i was about 12. by 14 i got really obsessed with the concept of “Xi Jinping Thought” and tried to channel it constantly, until my thought process got really bizarre and i would repeat things like “Jointly Maintain and Develop an Open World Economy” and “A Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects” in my head for hours, and i would get really paranoid, start seeing Red Guards in the corners of my eyes etc, basically prodromal revisionism. im now on self-criticism. i always wondered what the kind of “Dengist” style of socialism was all about; i think it’s the capitalist roader leaking in to the Communist Party, what Maoist theory considered to be the cause of revisionism and rightist deviation. i would advise all people who “get” socialism with Chinese characteristics to be careful because that likely means you have a predisposition to a type of liberalism. peace.

jim says:

Capitalist road brought China prosperity. What did Mao’s road bring?

Redbible says:

So I know that what I’m about to say might be redundant to stuff that has already been said on this blog, but I’ve recently had an insight into Women behaving badly. Jim’s theory says that women (and girls) behave badly so that some man will take ownership of them and punish them, but I’ve realized That this seems to be technically right, but functionally gets it wrong. It seems to me that women (and girls) do bad behavior to Signal to men that they are unowned, because if she were owned, her owner would not allow her to do the bad thing. Metaphorically, it’s like she’s painted a big sign on her back that says “I”M UNOWNED! NOBODY WILL STOP YOU IF YOU TAKE ME!”

The thing that triggered me to think about this was how my friend’s sister (who lives at home still) keeps engaging in bad behavior (that any sane parent would stop). By doing the “bad behavior” she is basically trying to that even though she lives at home, her parents won’t really get in the way of with mating with her.

Red says:

Women acting badly to signaling they’re looking for an owner, or women acting badly because they don’t have a master amounts to much the same thing: Bad behavior by a woman because she’s unowned. You see the same thing in dogs. Both dogs and women will go looking for a new master if they don’t have a master currently.

You see the same thing in male children. They’ll break rules to test boundaries and are reassured when punished for breaking the rules. If they failed to be punished they’ll keep pushing. They find security in real authority over them and are distressed if they don’t find it (see spoiled/bratty kids).

The Cominator says:

I just had a sort of original idea… while other people have had some elements of this thinking I don’t think anyone even in NRx has expressed my idea in these terms.

Republics with a Democratic element (Roman Rome and the US, but not Venice or “People’s Republics”) are sort of like a generational pyramid schemes.

The early generations get the benefit of good government by a virtuous elite they can steer the opinion of without having to worry about bad kings and court officials arbritrarily doing bad things and less censorship than they would deal with even in a good monarchy.

However with no king above the elite or the bureaucrats the quality of the elite both intellectually and morally inevitably decays over time. So like any pyramid scheme the people in it early benefit greatly but people later hold the bag until it collapses completely.

Western Taliban says:

I don’t this description reflects the reality of the process accurately, because it’s not like having a king necessarily maintains the elite’s quality and self-sustains. Many kings get to be as bad or worse, the decay happens no matter what because entropy is inherent to the universe. Nothing remains the same, it goes up or it goes down but it always goes somewhere, and inevitably there will always be bad rulers. Humans can’t build perfect systems because they are imperfect pieces.

In this regard, the true difference between the “recovery potential” of monarchy against aristocratic republics would lay on the fact that it’s easier to replace one bad king than a thousand petty tyrants, and I think it’s also easier to survive it. A monarchy can always make a comeback in one generation, but it’s impossible that a thousand petty tyrants will have a thousand virtuous sons or heirs, so there is no recovery without a civil war and reunification of power into a king to rebuild, which becomes the long process you have defined as a generational pyramid scheme.

But aristocratic republics happen in the first place because of bad kings, they are themselves the evidence that monarchies cannot prevent this situation. Both the Roman Republic and the US were born out of the elite toppling their king because of grievances, regardless if they were real or imagined, the king still failed.

If we deal with the facts, and we must deal with the facts, we are simply going through a civilizational step which has been seen and has happened many times before, we are not special or different, it’s just another spin of the wheel, humans being human. We had kings above the elite, then we didn’t. Obviously they failed at what you’re implying they are meant to prevent. They always do. And then some other king some other place some other time starts civilization all over again, but when he dies the coin restarts the spin.

So I don’t think you can define this process as a generational pyramid scheme since it’s the normal and historical development of every civilization, though in a way you’re right that it is indeed like a pyramid scheme. The children, or maybe the grandchildren, of the king’s generation squander everything their parents built for an easy life and leave their children to eat shit. Pretty much average boomer behavior across the western world in the 20th century.

If you think about it, everything we discuss in this website, the situation itself is quite humorous. We are the grandchildren who are rediscovering what our ancestors of the king’s generation already knew, only so that we can again build something better for ourselves like they did in their time. However at some point some degenerate children of us will probably get to boom again, and their children will make crypto-corners to discuss the same shit we are, suffering through some variation of the same social decay.

What I find the most vexing in our own situation is inability to channel our efforts into a specific purpose, as a society. If you’re living in some shit cave, the situation is bad but if you get to efficiently work everyday into building a house you feel you’re going somewhere and it’s satisfying enough. If you’re living in the war, well, you get to kill the enemy or die, but there is an outcome. If it’s conquest of other nations it’s conquest, if you have the backing of Charles II and the Royal Society you get to unravel the world and move towards technologies capable of further conquering the stars.

However the American Global Gay Empire is currently actively preventing any outcome and promoting complete stalemate and non-direction. It’s all about working so that worthless niggers, womyn and faggots can wallow in their worthless mediocre existences. You never get to build a goddamn thing anywhere, you’re just there, “surviving”, and everything is a slow, fucking slow crawl, like being stuck in a mire. You can have a million dollars and you’re life is still as stuck as before, only you’re eating beef every day, which it’s good but it’s just not it.

It’d be nice if we were actually going somewhere, but like, actively. If it’s doom make it quick, if it’s greatness let us work towards it. But no, just fucking clown world every goddamn day. It really makes me sympathize with Anglin’s position for global nuclear war.

The Cominator says:

Most of the time in history the elite exerts some restraint on the king and vice versa, its a check and balance that actually somewhat works as opposed to the gay three branches of government.

What happened with Tarquin is not typical. But it can happen. What happened with the American revolution is more complicated.

jim says:

> What happened with Tarquin is not typical.

What happened with Tarquin is absolutely typical. Machiavelli tells the prince that if the prince refrains from doing that, he will fine.

Lucretia was allegedly raped, and committed suicide. But women are attracted to powerful men, and love to set up conflict between powerful men to test them for actual power. Maybe she was raped, or maybe she misbehaved and was killed by her husband, and her husband just announced it as a suicide for better justification in dealing with Tarquin. But usually the powerful man is seduced by the wives of his subordinates, and remains nominally in his position, but finds it extremely difficult and stressful to exercise actual power. That is what happened with George the Fourth.

The Cominator says:

Didnt happen too often in history i mean, George IV womanizing was part of it but being a fat drunk at a time when the monarchy had already been weakened didnt help either… cant think of too many more examples.

Western Taliban says:

I agree that the restraint between the elite and the king exists and it works well when there’s monarchy, I’m not contesting your point from this angle.

Your premise is that there is a sort of opposite choice between monarchy and aristocratic republic, two different positions or possibilities to rule. My conclusion and my point based on looking at history is that this is not so, since every aristocratic republic is born out of a monarchy. Good monarchies are far superior to aristocratic republics, it’s not an “either” choice, it’s not an “or” function, but rather that monarchies degenerate into aristocratic republics because of natural entropy. Of course good monarchies are better than aristocratic republics and all their weird rationalizations, the good monarchies made them possible!

Every civilization is started by a king, because only specific individuals with high competence and the right traits can produce things of such value. A million idiots cannot overcome a genius. Kings individually and personally lead a group of competent men, and they together lead the masses to something. The tribe survives and shines because of its tribal leader, whose competence brings the trust and loyalty of the leader of the hunters and other competent individuals, and then they work together under this unified leadership and get out of the ape forest existence. There has never been a argument against monarchy except “but the king is bad”, aristocratic republics are built because “the king is bad” and the French revolution was justified because “the king is bad” and the Tsar had to go because “the king is bad”. It is always so. The only reason people ever feel or agree that power “needs restraints” is because “source of power is bad”. No one has ever seriously said “we need to put restraints to this good king who is leading us into greatness”, no one.

You need to have a monarchy to start civilization, then you have a monarchy and eventually you won’t have a monarchy, monarchies didn’t prevent the ultimate outcome and nothing has ever done. We also don’t have any reason or evidence to believe it can be prevented as long as humans are humans. The father can be a great man and pass on his greatest wisdom to his bloodline with his great example and his words, but the bug that can only live in summer has no way to understand the snow.

Aristocratic republics are then, in essence, not a genuine different form of government. They are a degraded form of government that happened after certain conditions and social entropy appeared in a nascent and growing civilization. And this civilization always started with a tribal leader who made himself a king. Then, when the aristocratic republic is established the initial inertia maintains its existence for a while, until it doesn’t, and something else even worse comes. Eventually you need a king again or civilization leaves the room, which is the step we find ourselves in.

Neurotoxin says:

My current thinking is that there is simply no stable form of government. All is flux.

This does not mean political institutions don’t matter. E.g. if we could get political arrangements that would help people like us have fast population growth for say two centuries, that would be fantastic. (After that, our descendants will have to fight whatever fight presents itself to them.) Much better than population decline to extinction.

I no longer believe that political stability is possible even in theory, because wherever there is political power, there will be someone scheming to seize such power. Sooner or later, by the Law of Large Numbers, one such group will succeed.

If they’re leftists (“if,” LOL) they eventually destroy themselves through their sheer fucking insane assholery, and something else takes their place.

Thus completing the magic circle of life.

jim says:

> But aristocratic republics happen in the first place because of bad kings

Not exactly. The primary mechanism by which Kings lose power is not misgovernment, nor neglecting to govern, nor governing irresponsibly, cruelly and arbitrarily. It is banging the wives of the powerful men in the Kingdom on whom their power relies.

The Cominator says:

Definitely the case with Tarquin who decided to treat an aristocratic virgin girl like a whore.

Western Taliban says:

I would call that governing irresponsibly or misgovernment, for kings sex is also government and has always been considered so. Aristocrats and kings tell their sons you don’t get to choose your marriage partner because you have a duty to fulfill, and it’s true.

To answer to the initial question, I’m not particularly interested in the specific details since I believe they are beyond the point.

For some kings like Tarquin the story begins like this, but would you say the same of George III, Louis XVI and Nicholas II? There can be a different reasons and different developments, but there was a king and then there wasn’t.

The Cominator says:

George III who to my knowledge never even had a mistress definite no, Louis XVI no in terms of his personal conduct though Versailles was a place where marital fidelity was so uncommon it would be considered weird… cutting the balls off the old french elite and reducing them to cucks probably didnt help them.

Nicholas II did almost nothing right except for appointing Stolypin, all the rumors about Rasputin didnt help though. Nicholas II personally didnt even have a mistress though that i know of.

Anon says:

This is completely the opposite of your earlier statements.
King lose power because he build a powerful beuracracy to help him rule which then have a well of its own and start to rule him.

jim says:

That is what happened to the King of France and to the Tsars. But they were also caught in holiness spirals that their dangerously powerful bureaucracy promoted.

What happened to Tarquinius was banging the wives of the men on whom his power depended. Which did not help George the fourth either.

Charles the First got hit by a holiness spiral without a big bureaucracy problem.

So I guess that when I give any monocausal explanation for the fall of Kings, I am wrong. There are many ways for Kings to fail, and only one way for them to stay in power.

The Cominator says:

James I? You mean Charles I?

jim says:

I stand corrected.

jim says:

I have to get my code ready – not for use, but for other people to give a hand.

Fidelis says:

Are we sure that it is kingship from which aristocracy arises? I have a deeply held suspicion that the real force behind a well ordered “elite” is total war. Constant, unremitting, struggle for survival. Many monarchs reign over a bunch of losers in soft tropical territories. Hard to find an ailing republic in the middle of a bunch of warring states. The fire of countless genocides purified the steel in the spirit of man.

I don’t think we get back what was had until the tooth and claw returns.

Adam says:

The value of overcoming hardship cannot be overstated. Defending one’s territory, exploring and conquering new territory are in many ways what makes a man.

Western Taliban says:

What you mean to say is that many loser nigger monarchs reigned over a bunch of soft nigger losers and they never did anything worth mentioning anyway.

Hardship creates an environment with evolutionary pressure and selection, to survive you have to do better so you’re better or you’re dead. And this environment is conductive to a better elite. But where there’s a great king there’s a great aristocracy there or in the making, the genius doesn’t abide the retard.

On the other hand you can find hard environments without great elites, without great kings, hardy tough people like Germans and Nordics overrun with tribe warfare doing nothing but being a bunch of snow niggers because there’s no leadership, until they do get a king and he leads.

You can’t find an ailing republic in the middle of a bunch of warring states because they become food. What you for sure can’t find is an ailing republic in the middle of a bunch of warring states that magically made a comeback because magically some elite people appeared and magically solved things. The notion of spontaneous order is fake and gay liberalism, fake and gay marxism, fake and gay progressivism. There’s nothing spontaneous about order even by definition, order is always created by someone with a name.

Fidelis says:

You can’t find an ailing republic in the middle of a bunch of warring states because they become food.

Yes. You won’t find a soft monarch and weak aristocracy for the same reason. The common ingredient being true struggle.

Neurotoxin says:

“The notion of spontaneous order is fake and gay…”

If this is a general statement it’s wrong. If it’s meant to apply only to a particular context then it may be right.

If “The notion of spontaneous order is fake and gay” in general, then you’re denying natural languages, the theory of evolution, and about ten trillion other things that are obviously the products of spontaneous order.

The Cominator says:

Spontaneous good order is fake and gay, but power over a population is neither created nor destroyed only transferred.

Basil says:

I am not as pessimistic as the author, but it seems to me that he touches on a very important topic that is not talked about enough.

In short, one of the main problems of modern extinction is related to the fact that we have ceased to take in women who are sufficiently similar to ourselves. The best thing we can do to get big and happy families is to go to our grandparents’ home country and find an attractive young girl with enough genes in common (optimally third/fourth cousin). On the one hand, it is encouraging, because there is something lyrical and romatic in it.

On the practical side, this is horribly frustrating, because it means that the optimal marriage pool is quite small and limited, even without taking into account the terrible situation in the culture.

A trip to Mongolia for a bride is a shot in one’s own foot.

S says:

African Americans? Mestizos? Egypt? Central Asia? Azkenazi Jews? I’m not seeing genetic gulfs leading to low fertility and extinction.

Red says:

As Jim said, just another Trump moment:

They’ll slowly banning everyone again.

Red says:

Steve Sailer is back

Elon hasn’t completely given up the fight, but he doesn’t appear to be winning right now.

Red says:

Looks like the Feds failed to pay the national guard troops today. Weird considering that they’re literally just creating the money out of thin air.

i says:

Analysis of the nature of Bureaucracy in the French Revolution:

Most of my political analysis is fundamentally rooted in the Confucian-Legalist conflict which is universal and perennial since civilisation. What the alt-right calls the “Cathedral”, the Legalists have named as the literati, whose interest is in conflict with the Emperor’s.

Any sufficiently advanced polity will have the “clerks”, a very useful English word to encompass priestly clerics, lawyers, and bureaucrats, the literate class. Bcos they are needed to run the empire, they will try to take over it themselves, the fantasy of the “Platonic King”.

But while the intelligentsia is necessary, division of political labour is a fundamental fact of life, the intelligentsia have a tendency towards hyper-abstract and systematic vision of life. Today it is human rights, in the French Revolution of lawyers, it’s equality, etc.

They always seek to implement their vision against the “facts on the ground” and sometimes in the teeth of just plain reality because they always live in their abstractions, whether it is religious doctrines, philosophical systems or “the Rule of Law”.

As Han Feizi counsels, the ministers, the imperial court, and the gentlemanly literati class, must be curbed and controlled. They can’t be abolished, but the Emperor must keep a firm grip on them to prevent French Revolution lawyers and bureaucrats from running amok.

Whoever should rightly hold “Sovereignty” today, whether it is “the People” or king or emperor, or even the CCP, must always be wary and hyper vigilant against the clerks. China has a long history of imperial court intrigues and emperors struggling against them.

Today interestingly Xi Jinping is himself views Legalism more positively than Deng, which is why he initiated his internal party reforms to re-centralise power and crack down on corruption with the CCP where spread political power is beginning to be traded as nepotistic favours.

The last major crack down on the literati class in Europe was during the Reformation when kings cracked the whip against the clerical class. However in place of Roman priests European kings did not realise that the literati can take new forms, as philosophers and lawyers.

When the French kings centralised the state into a powerful bureaucracy and decimated the feudal orders, they did not realise that they created a new literati class, the bureaucrats and lawyers, who eventually achieved self-consciousness, and like an A.I., killed their creator.

Han Feizi would have warned the French kings long ago that they should have been vigiliant against them. Today the literati class are the university and HR administrators, the teachers and scientists, united in their self-consciousness as “experts” against the unwashed masses.

Han Feizi would have said that the only literati which can be trusted are those who understand their proper role within the body politic, not at the top but fundamentally as the servant of the Sovereign. Mistrust those with platonic king conceits!

But shall we be blessed with another Thomas Cromwell? Sadly, it doesn’t look like we shall be enjoying another Reformation anytime soon.



Seems China dealt with the problems of the Bureaucracy quite early on. And had measures in place to control their Literati.

Red says:

There’s no known effective method to control Bureaucracy. It’s a unsolved problem.

China let it’s Bureaucracy take over the state over and over again through out it’s history.

jim says:

There is a known and effective method to control bureaucracy.

But is not simple to explain or understand.

And, of course, bureaucrats do not want to be controlled.

The Cominator says:

The way you control the bureaucracy is by frequently purging and sometimes executing bureaucrats…

Also the Prussian state did well controlling bureaucrata, the lower ranks were college boy priest professionals but the heads of it were aristocratic amateurs who were specifically asked to keep it efficient rather than big.

i says:

@The Cominator

Pre-Prussian Bureaucracy had unlimited power within their role so as to remove the excuses of any “handcuffs”.

And the sanction of executions and firings for failure. The more procedures and rules. The more procedural manipulation of outcomes there is. And the more obfuscation for those actually responsible.

To deflect responsibility off themselves.

i says:

The truth about “Pederasty” in Ancient Greece:

Even when the term “Homosexual” isn’t coined until the 19th Century by Psychologists for the same reason some Sodomites say the term “Pedophile” was coined in that same time period.

The concept of the shame and vile nature of sodomy existed even back in Ancient Greece. Alongside Ancient Israel and the like.

Red says:

Excellent video. That’s not the first time it’s been posted here but always good to see it popup again. As the Greeks knew and as we now know Sodomites reproduce by raping young boys. Which is why they need flying lessons on the top of tall buildings.

Profundity Enjoyer says:

That guy got eviscerated recently. A dumb Jew made a response to his video where he denies higher Jewish IQ:

Someone else made a response to the response and made the responding Jew look stupid as well as Leather Apron Club:

Leather Apron Club seems based, but I wouldn’t trust his research.

The Cominator says:

You come here immediately say Kmac (who is a grifter or a moron) is more profound than Jim and immediately make another jews on the brain post.

We’re thinking you’re either a fed, Soros shill or low IQ. If not lurk more, Jim has discussed the Jewish question and we think jews are mostly middlemen and that most people who discuss Jews seem strangely unable to discuss Soros.

Now talk about the bad things one of the higher level middlemen like George Soros has done… and say some redpilled things about women. Talk about the FBI’s ACTUAL role in facilitating 9/11.

Profundity Enjoyer says:

You have it backwards, Leather Apron Club is a wignat who denies higher genetic Jewish IQ in favor of Elders of Zion stuff.

>We’re thinking you’re

Speak for yourself lol? Or do you have a secret chat?

>Now talk about the bad things one of the higher level middlemen like George Soros has done… and say some redpilled things about women. Talk about the FBI’s ACTUAL role in facilitating 9/11.

Uh, yes master.

George Soros has Holocaust anxiety and wants revenge on White people. I’m hoping as WWII Jews like him die off soon maybe some of the insanity will end, but there’s still the underlying decadence that has allowed all of this. George Soros openly and unashamedly pumps money into anti-White, anti-civilization causes. I seem to remember him giving piles of bricks to BLM rioters in 2020 and funding “no laws for blacks” prosecutors in California. More than 32 billion dollars have been pumped into this gay foundation :

FBI and 9/11 — I recall reading some stuff on the FBI having foreknowledge of some operation going on in Florida — I remember, it was these “art students” who would show up to FBI headquarters taking pictures, and FBI/DEA agent houses. They claimed to be from fake universities in Israel like the University of Jerusalem. The 9/11 hijackers were hanging out in Florida near the location of this operation before they got on their flights.

Women: I believe women should be made minors and that their romantic preferences are dysgenic. They don’t have the capacity to make good romantic decisions, because they have the mental maturity of 12-14 year old boys. Most need to be spanked by their husbands, and roughly 2/3 of the population finds that idea hot because women are so poor judgment that spanked women reproduced more than undisciplined women historically.

Okay, now I get the feeling I’m talking to a sub 120 IQer, so please take my shill test and explain the definition of heritability, and compute the anti-derivative of x^4 + 3x^2 + 6x + 20.

The Cominator says:

On women pass.

On the FBI and Soros fail.

Which is unusual…

Derivative dx.

4x^3 + 6x + 6

Heritability what do you mean, IQ, mendelian phenotypes?

Profundity Enjoyer says:

Sadly, you failed both of my tests.

I asked for the anti-derivative. You didn’t read my comment correctly. You also didn’t correctly understand my first comment in this thread; “You have it backwards, Leather Apron Club is a wignat who denies higher genetic Jewish IQ in favor of Elders of Zion stuff.”

Heritability is one thing. You apparently don’t know what it is. It’s the proportion of variance of a treat explained by genotypic variance. This is a very basic concept for understanding anything about man as a political being scientifically.

>On the FBI and Soros fail.

I don’t know what you want to hear then, that’s what I know about them.

I used the search function, it seems that Jim says that a) Soros is really a State department puppet and b) dancing Israelis / the stuff I said is an FBI psyop. b) is very interesting because come to think of it, everything I read was “leaked” from the FBI. He seems to have thought years ago that the FBI is stupid and accidentally let the hijackers do obviously suspicious stuff. I suppose then the psyop is to subtly convince people that the State isn’t clownishly weak? And the mainstream narrative is just mainstream because it’s true?

jim says:

Almost a pass.

It is not, however, that the FBI is stupid that it gave the hijackers a pass.

It may well be stupid, but that was not the reason.

I stated the reason passionately and at considerable length. And that reason reflects ill on Mueller.

One of the features of FBI shills it that they act more like Mueller employees than FBI employees – in this they differ from state department, Harvard, and Soros shills. Are you able to notice me saying something very unkind about Mueller?

A Soros shill can denounce the Jews all day long, and can denounce the FBI and Soros well enough, but he is strangely unable to notice any actual bad acts by actual powerful Jews, in particular Soros. And an FBI shill has a similar blind spot on Mueller.

Oog en Hand says:

Soros is a follower of Zamenhof.

Profundity Enjoyer says:

>Are you able to notice me saying something very unkind about Mueller?

Yes, I just can’t find what you’re talking about. Do you think they gave the hijackers a pass because they wanted broader spy powers?

>The 9/11 presidential order in 2001 gave them alarmingly broad powers to tap people – which would be not too bad if the president could control that information, but inevitably it slipped from the president’s hands. In 2007 Bush rescinded that order. I conjecture that he realized it was being used against Republicans, and perhaps himself, and expected that when he left office, would be used in that manner a whole lot more, but the rescission was ignored. The actual practice has been illegally escalating ever since, and under Obama, no end of petty partisans in the elite gained the ability to spy on other members of the elite and use that knowledge for nefarious petty partisan purposes. And with the election of Trump, that presidential power inevitably came to be used by the presidency against the president. The trouble with allowing spying on Americans is that it is such a powerful tool that the elite is bound to turn it on each other, with the result that power falls into the hands of the security agencies.

jim says:

This accurate story of what our spy agencies did suggests you are unlikely to be a Soros shill.

S says:

Heritability is useful for understanding Steve Sailor’s analysis, but it isn’t helpful for understanding man as a political animal; normalizing environments causes its value to spike.

The Cominator says:

You mean the integral (1/5)x^5+x^3+3x^2+20x+C

The FBI either let it happen or was incredibly incompetent probably the former.

somedude says:

yes, he meant the integral. Why would he can it an anti-derivative? Why this multiplication of terms? I don’t like it. Something does not smell right. My spider sense is tingling.

SomeDude says:

A previous statement should read

Why would he call it an anti-derivative?

jim says:

Because he is an ignorant twit who suffers from the Dunning-Kruger effect.

The Cominator says:

Apparently the “anti-derivative” omits the + C you normally add when you integrate…

Never heard it used in mathematics though I only ever heard of integrals and indefinite and definite integrals (not going to claim I liked integral calculus because I hated it… differential calculus even when it involved 3D sections and such was easy but I hated integral and series calculus).

Your Daughter's "Funky" Toothbrush says:

Sounds like Kookanic.

simplyconnected says:

Antiderivative is definitely used, but rare. Imho, if the point is to test if you can do a calculation, you’d want to make the statement as simple and straightforward as possible.

The Cominator says:

I don’t recall ever having seen or heard it before this guy…

In America (maybe outside of pure mathematics majors) integral is pretty universally used.

simplyconnected says:

I’ve seen antiderivative in use before. I searched in my book pdfs and founds lots of hits. One example from a introductory textbook is:
Single Variable Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 8th Edition. Section 4.9: Antiderivatives. p.350.
It seems to be a widely used textbook. Author is Canadian.
Personally, no one I know uses antiderivative colloquially, but it’s definitely in textbooks.

simplyconnected says:

Sorry to sperg out, here’s a better reference. From ‘The Princeton companion to Mathematics’:

Differential Forms and Integration by Terence Tao.
It goes without saying that integration is one of the
fundamental concepts of single-variable calculus. How-
ever, there are in fact three concepts of integration that
appear in the subject: the indefinite integral f (also
known as the antiderivative) […]

But only 2 hits for ‘antiderivative’ in the whole massive book. No hits in ‘the Princeton companion to Applied Mathematics’, so maybe it’s a pure Math thing.

Red says:

I vaguely remember anti-derivatives from Calc 1 or 2 from many years ago. Calc 1 was the sort of class where the idiots and women started dropping out of the program and Calc 2 was where the rest of the marginally intelligent dropped out. Many years ago it ago Calculus was a pretty good tell for better than midwit intelligence, but Com’s knowledge of history alone speaks to his intelligence.

Today they’re probably pushing moronic blacks through math degrees.

The Cominator says:

I was very good in some aspects of math and not others.

Vectors, geometry, derivatives I did fine despite a lot of other people struggling. In geometry I remember I even managed to do an extra credit “reflection proof” problem that nobody else could do including my overall much smarter best friend who got a perfect SAT score and went to MIT… I also did well with digital logic problems.

I was middling with respect to trig.

I hated abstract algebra, integrals, infinite series and transforms though. No real aptitude there. My worst class ever in college was signals for electrical engineering… Not sure how in terms of neuroscience the difference in aptitude can be explained.

Red says:

We’re kind of the opposite. I loved Algebra, Integrals, and infinite series, anything purely logic based, but I struggled with anything remotely visual, I just couldn’t visualize (The only math class I ever got a B in was Geometry purely due to the visualization problems). 3d shapes in Calc 2 was a huge struggle. I loved math in college but I figured I never be anything more than middling in math and I was much better at coding so I took the classes basically to get a minor in it.

I had a midwit friend who wanted to become doctor and he flunked right out when he hit calculus. I always appreciated that road block to keeping idiots away from becoming doctors.

ten says:

TC, that is apparently called “coding” in standardized intelligence tests (at least it was when i was subjected to such), is tested by being asked to memorize a small table of odd symbols mapped to numbers, and then translating between numbers and the symbols as quickly as possible. Sort of means you’re operating with concepts in themselves rather than labels, which has working memory constraints and is unsuitable for divide et impera approaches to mathematics.

Which is pretty unsurprising considering your writing style.

The Cominator says:

Ah so my extremely shitty working memory and somewhat shitty visual memory (and my working memory has always been shit… its not due to smoking weed or something I’ve never smoked weed) crippled certain aspects of mathematics for me and not others.

Surprising visual memory weakness didn’t hurt me in geometry vectors etc at all.

A2 says:

“Today they’re probably pushing moronic blacks through math degrees.”

Indeed they do, At Princeton.

notglowing says:

I study math in university myself. I think it’s unfair to call him out for using “antiderivative”, it’s not a particularly weird way of referring to it, and I learned that word when I first learned calculus, before I even knew what an “integral” was. Not necessarily an intentionally sophisticated expression.

I think it depends on your textbook and your language. I originally learned basic calculus in high school by myself before we studied it, and I got my terminology from math education websites.

Derivative and anti-derivative. Symmetric terminology. I like it. That said most people would say integral, though there is a subtle difference in meaning as has been pointed out.

jim says:

> I think it’s unfair to call him out for using “antiderivative”,

Customary usage is “indefinite integral”, to distinguish it from the definite integral. That he uses the term in this context implies unfamiliarity with customary usage. Hence, midwit. He is not wrong, but he is out of his depth and does not know it.

Pax Imperialis says:

>Or do you have a secret chat?

That’s a rather specific question to ask. Also improper once you think about the implications.

>I’m hoping as WWII Jews like him die off soon maybe some of the insanity will end

Western Jews and Leftist Whites are pretty codependent. If you haven’t noticed the insanity has been progressively gotten worse the further away from WWII.

>because they have the mental maturity of 12-14 year old boys

That’s an interesting way of assessing women. Do you see women as simply more shapely boys as well? I’m of the opinion that women are on a different mental metric than men. An aspect of mental maturity in women looks like responsible caring. Men are not good at that. An aspect of mental maturity in men looks like responsible looking out for others. Women are not good at that. Caring is not the same as looking out. Hard to thus measure women on a scale of males. I would rather trust the care of a baby with a 12 year old girl than a 20 year old man. I would rather trust a 12 year old boy to watch for predators (with a gun) than a 20 year old woman.

>Most need to be spanked by their husbands
>spanked women reproduced more

Not saying you’re wrong, just pointing out a rather curious fixation and choice of words in light of a recent poster here who was running a wife spanking fetish website. Guess Aron has some acolytes.

>Okay, now I get the feeling I’m talking to a sub 120 IQer
>my shill test
>the definition of heritability
>the anti-derivative of x^4 + 3x^2 + 6x + 20.

Ah, hubris. There is no inherent wrongthink in the basic definition of heritability. The wrongthink comes from the more obscure implications and not the definition. It is why people get such whiplash at having to doublethink on some genes (dist in pops) but not other genes. If you wanted a shill test you would ask about certain types of genes and how dist differs in various pops. There is also no wrongthink in basic calculus; at least not yet. If there is I would be interested in knowing. You appear to not know what a shill test is.

Now there’s no shame in temporary ignorance; we must all learn. There’s also no shame in confidence; it is how we venture out and find out about one’s own ignorance. There is a problem with pride married to over confidence because that’s how you simultaneously piss off people who would otherwise correct you and retain your ignorance from refusing to make corrections. That’s a pretty dumb thing to do.

There is another distinct possibility besides just hubris which is you’re incapable of understanding the concept of a shill test… in that case what were you saying about 120 IQ?

Profundity Enjoyer says:

>That’s an interesting way of assessing women. Do you see women as simply more shapely boys as well? I’m of the opinion that women are on a different mental metric than men. An aspect of mental maturity in women looks like responsible caring. Men are not good at that. An aspect of mental maturity in men looks like responsible looking out for others. Women are not good at that. Caring is not the same as looking out. Hard to thus measure women on a scale of males. I would rather trust the care of a baby with a 12 year old girl than a 20 year old man. I would rather trust a 12 year old boy to watch for predators (with a gun) than a 20 year old woman.

You’re pointing to something someone coined as “the law of human sex differences”: it’s that women are worse than men at everything other than bearing and caring for children. Women tend to be as good as 12-14 boys at things other than caring for children. So the woman would probably be about as good as the 12 year old at watching for predators.

>Ah, hubris. There is no inherent wrongthink in the basic definition of heritability. The wrongthink comes from the more obscure implications and not the definition. It is why people get such whiplash at having to doublethink on some genes (dist in pops) but not other genes. If you wanted a shill test you would ask about certain types of genes and how dist differs in various pops. There is also no wrongthink in basic calculus; at least not yet. If there is I would be interested in knowing. You appear to not know what a shill test is.

True I just don’t want to talk to people too low IQ to get integrals. It’s just a low-bar litmus test I chose, nothing special about it other than sub 110-120 IQ people will probably fail.

>Not saying you’re wrong, just pointing out a rather curious fixation and choice of words in light of a recent poster here who was running a wife spanking fetish website. Guess Aron has some acolytes.

Never heard of him. There’s a specific study showing that submissive women have more kids, and ~50% of the population gets turned on by wife spanking. It’s not a fetish like being gay or feet, it’s so common, it’s evolved. It was widely practiced for all of human history until 1960 and now about 50% of people report playing around with spanking in the bed room, see eg the success of “50 shades of gray”, especially among women. It’s also ordained by God, see Genesis 3:16 and St. Paul on woman’s domestic position.

Pax Imperialis says:

>You’re pointing to something someone coined as “the law of human sex differences”

I’m also pointing out that when you say “they have the mental maturity of 12-14 year old boys” you’re putting them on the same scale for mental maturity. That for some reason you are describing females in terms of males when females should be described in terms of other females. To further the point, swap out mental for physical to see how wrong the statement is:

“they have the physical maturity of 12-14 year old boys”

Obviously wrong.

>True I just don’t want to talk to people too low IQ to [not] get integrals.

How is that any different from: “True I just don’t want to talk to people too low IQ to [not] get shill tests”

By your own standards you’re too low IQ to be talked to. After all, the concept of a shill test is simpler than an integral. Hence hubris.

>It’s just a low-bar litmus test I chose, nothing special about it other than sub 110-120 IQ people will probably fail.

I would bet that most people above 120 would fail because calculus is a use it or lose it skill. Most people who learn calculus never use it in the sense of mentally having to do it. Even engineers and mathematicians forget how to do calculus because at a certain point they just start using calculus charts or wolfram alpha to do the dirty work while they focus on much harder higher level problems.

As a litmus test it’s pretty shit.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

First thing he did upon showing up was ask for a social network graph of right leaning figures overlapping with this one to whack. The nigger doth glow quite brightly.

notglowing says:

Something I have sadly noticed time and time again is that pretty much every place of public discussion among right wing minded people online is very vulnerable to shills, half truths and purple pills that misdirect people.

Because there is no real agreed upon common truth, and indeed often little concrete agreement except opposition to the establishment, all you need to do is throw in some true and publicly controversial ideas that the readers already agree on and you can convince them of nonsense without them even realizing it.

It’s true pretty much everywhere *except* here, and it isn’t the case here simply because Jim is good at calling people out and making sense of things.
I am convinced most shills are in fact not even knowingly shills but people who absorbed shill messaging.

Exhibit A and B here are 4chan posts that should serve as an example of what I mean:

I’ve seen these specific screenshots many times before, with most reactions generally being of strong agreement – after all the narrative does contain truths they already know, which also makes it hard to argue against.
Reading it gives me a general feeling of unease similar to reading posts by Fake.

alf says:

Same thing on gab.

The number one problem we face are shills. The number two problem is an inability to cooperate.

I am unclear as how to solve these problems. Well I have a sort of model, it’s just not very optimistic for the short term.

Say we can condense all the important stuff from here in a pill — the Clear Pill. Can we spread the Clear Pill to others? I’ve come to the conclusion; no, not really. Parts maybe, but other parts not. The way this works is, you have to come seek the Clear Pill yourself. People who come here voluntarily, seeking this knowledge, they will Get It. Forcefeeding it to outsiders; it just doesn’t work.

It’s just something about our wiring I guess: we’re all monkeys hardwired to be king of the hill. Jim’s Blog is just one monkey tribe claiming king of the hill.

But its claims work out long term much better than any other monkey tribe I’ve seen. I wouldn’t be returning here year after year if I didn’t see the fruits of these ideas add up in my own life, and the vice versa results of demon worship in other people’s lives. It’s a show, don’t tell kind of thing.

How does that scale? Well, slowly. Think, Barron Trump or his future children slowly.

jim says:

Large scale cooperation to achieve power under long term chaotic and violent conditions would be a private military corporation that was a sovereign corporation.

As more optimistic scenarios look less and less likely, looks like the path forward is through large scale cooperation mediated by the blockchain. First a blockchain that supports private communication, then supports private transactions and unlimited scaling (which we have very recently discovered how to accomplish) and then sovereign corporations. Once sovereign corporations are a thing, sovereign military corporations will ensue.

But this does not directly address the issue of large scale cooperation to accomplish conditions conducive to reproduction, which is the most urgent and important problem.

alf says:

this does not directly address the issue of large scale cooperation to accomplish conditions conducive to reproduction.

You give yourself too little credit. Yes, I would lie if I say the lack of such a framework is not hurting. Ask my opinion on boomers helping out with their grandchildren.

But just to have a healthy relationship with the wife — it is honestly over half, if not most of the battle.

looks like the path forward is through large scale cooperation mediated by the blockchain.

Looking forward to this kind of operation..

Profundity Enjoyer says:

The solution is a genius altruist King that understands all of it.

When such a man emerges, we have to follow him. Only then will we be coordinated enough to succeed.

The Ducking Man says:

King does not just pop out of nowhere. Functional priesthood need to be established to declare his title as king, potential ministry need to prepared. If you plan on outcompeting a state need to be prepared operating as state.

Seeing that counter culture cannot even agree on anything let alone having functional priesthood. I don’t think progress going to be made even if Jesus himself descent from the sky.

Adam says:

The priesthood doesn’t establish a king.

Watch any sporting event, the referees are the priesthood. They serve the king by keeping the competition cooperative. They follow the king they do not lead.

The Ducking Man says:

The priesthood starts from the likes of NBA and NFL. Referee is merely officiating the game based on NBA and NFL guideline.

If you follow sport, you know the first rule of being athlete is to not picking a bone with league before drafted because being super star athlete starts from being recognized by the league.

There might a kid in africa with talent of Lula Doncic but if the NBA doesn’t include him in draft choice, what is he gonna do? play in africa league and had to work 2 jobs to afford living?

Redbible says:

This got me thinking, even though the amount of us who post here with at least semi-regularity at not many, we know that the memes from here are spreading, and are finding reasonable acceptance from the christian nationalist right. So although we are a small priesthood right now, we have some amount of credibility. (and if you look at if from the cathedral’s point of view, we are a real threat, since we offer a pure truth that counters their lies.)

With that in mind, if a certain man ever showed up that showed willingness to fight the cathedral (with actual violence) as well as showed that they are Jim tier christian, In theory, one of us (willing to risk their life) could live stream meeting this certain man, and anoint him “King of the American Empire, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. May Jesus Christ guide your/his every action.”

Obviously, if anyone of us ever did this, you will need to run fast, and have a good plan of action of how to hide and stay low for a long time until the chosen man can secure somewhere safe enough for you to go out in the open. (Also give us enough warning time to be able to help spread the live stream link, and also record it, encase it gets shut down to quickly.)

(*the reason it should be American Empire, and not the USA is two fold. One is that USA will leave too many thinking that we’ll go back to democracy. Second is that USA just means the states, but American Empire could mean that or it could also mean anything that the GAE currently controls, thus leaving it open ended room for what they are being blessed to grab in the name of God.)

notglowing says:

I always imagined it might be called the Holy American Empire.

Empire for all the reasons you described, and Holy both to signify the break from the past, with a new emphasis on Christianity, but also as a nod to the original Holy Roman Empire, as it would be to the (dead) republic what HRE was to the (dead) RE.

Profundity Enjoyer says:

There’s a priesthood forming around HBD people.

The Cominator says:

The fact that leftism is so difficult to solve once it becomes embedded in institutions until it burns away everything is why we have to be thorough and ruthless about wiping them out when we get the chance.

As the holocaust is legend and an object of almost supernatural fear among echoes so must there be supernatural fear among all people in the future about what becoming a leftist means.

The Ducking Man says:

> The number one problem we face are shills. The number two problem is an inability to cooperate.

I am unclear as how to solve these problems. Well I have a sort of model, it’s just not very optimistic for the short term.

It’s fairly simple IMHO. For starter, reactionary intellects should agrees on things they all could agree. For example they might disagree 70% of topics, for the 30% they all agree on there has to common statement, letter for letter, everyone speaking same term on same definition.

“This our statement regarding women on topic …”

From there, people on lower realm only need to to copy paste into their memory whatever the likes of Jim have written on 30% of topics they all agree on. Shills are identifiable because they speak even slight deviation from the official statement.

Outsider should have clear idea of the group stance on certain topics. Problem is even outsider like me don’t know what Jim and Moldbug agree on because there is nitpicks they disagree.

Disclaimer: I’m not intellect, and honestly speaking I’ve been losing my faith, hence I’m speaking as outsider.

alf says:

For starter, reactionary intellects should agrees on things they all could agree. For example they might disagree 70% of topics, for the 30% they all agree on there has to common statement, letter for letter, everyone speaking same term on same definition.

In theory you are absolutely correct. I also emphasize that we do not have to agree on everything in order to be on the same team. But there has to be a sense of ‘being on the same team.’ That is the tricky part. For instance, I doubt even Moldbug and Jim consider themselves to be on the same team.

As Jim would say, whites are wolves to other whites. Getting men to cooperate is a non-trivial problem.

Fidelis says:

The 13 Precepts of James the Wise

The Cominator says:

Precepts of Reactionary Governance:

Section 1: Basics of the principles of the state and of state religion:

Where there is a state there is always also a state religion, the state religion can be either formal, informal but known, or covert

Freedom of thought outside the state religion and the elite can be allowed to a large degree, but allowing free thought within the state religion and the elite will allow malefactors to subvert and destroy your state. The state religion should be setup as a perfectly prosocial machine at the foundation of the state and from then on all attempts to change it should be violently repressed.

Outsider religions can be allowed outside the elite however some religions like Islam (especially the Orthodox Sunni variety), Roman Catholicism (Ultramonatism Jesuits etc) and Tikkum Olam type reform Judiasm are inherently subversive and should be gradually eradicated.

Members of the elite should be monitored when they communicate with foreign elites so as to not have them try to subvert the state.

Outright demon worshipping religions like all forms of Leftism, the Jesuit Order, Wahabbist type Islam etc. should be wiped out immediately and with all the violence and bloodshed necessary. In the case of the Jesuit order the state should do all it can to impose their suppression and extermination upon foreign states as well.

As long as a population exist… power over it is neither created nor destroyed but simply transfered

Governments whatever the details are can be autocratic, oligarchic or democratic

Democracy may be somewhat effectively exercised over a small homogenous cohesive and virtuous population but it absolutely does not scale, sovereignity over a large or heterogeneous body can only be exercised by either one man or by an oligarchy

All theoretical Democracies over large and/or heterogeneous states are therefore occulted oligarchies and Democracies at all

Occulted governments are in fact less accountable than governments that are openly oligarchy or autocratic as they have the illusion of consent

Entropic forces of social decay can only be effectively checked with an autocratic government, one man can be virtuous and to some degree impose virtue if he has the power to do so (Imposing virtue is not to be confused with moralfagging Victorian and Progressive legislation) whereas the moral and intellectual character of an oligarchic elite with no king or ruler over them will inevitably decay over time.

Section 2: On proper governance of the state:

Good government is fundamentally about structuring good incentives and backing private violence against malefactors, government organized violence should be used sparingly against large scale threats.

Property rights and capitalism are natural, overt government interference with property is inefficient unnatural and done too much will create a bureaucrat class that will tend to devour the state.

High trust society requires that fraud and corruption be punished very consistently and harshly without respect to persons…

Taxation is best done via a Land Value Tax and Revenue Tariffs, neither income nor transactions within the state should be taxed.

Credit however has to be controlled by the government and thus it should be for productive uses only not mere speculation. Loans to develop and build new buildings are fine, loans to buy an existing building or house are not.

Money should be gold, silver fully backed certificates of such or crypto…

Women are not adapted to freedom and subconsciously do not want it, their sexual attraction is to unsuitable anti social and often very evil men. Therefore emancipating women is dysgenic and enfranchising them is cancerous.

Furthermore good fellowship among men requires secure property rights in women.

Good fellowship among men also requires that they be allowed to repress homosexual behavior. And homosexuals will tend to try to rape and molest boys and as such violence against open homosexuals should be considered prosocial violence.

Women should be married off shortly after puberty. If the father fails to do so by a certain age they may be subject to legal elopement or running off to red light district.

As men are not angels there is a place for degenerate behavior and it is red light districts

Men not of criminal character should be not only allowed but encouraged to be armed, a state that fears men of good character in arms is badly governed by bad people

Section 3: On governing different races:

Good fences make good neighbors and diversity + proximity often means war

As such seperate races should mostly live in seperate millets governed locally by their own people and in charge of providing their own municipal services

Outsider people (who do not have a high rank from the King or Emperor, or a commission to enter) will need permission to enter into the millet

Millets (and red light districts) should be the only form of zoning allowed by the state…

As mixing freely is sometimes necessary for commerce some trading cities may allow multiple groups inside but this should not be universal.

On credentialism:

Credentialism should be forbidden by the state it should merely be a matter for the market to sort out.

Red says:

> I am convinced most shills are in fact not even knowingly shills but people who absorbed shill messaging.

They’re paid to post. Most shilling is gas lighting very few people believe shills enough to repeat the shill script. The thing you’re observing is a shill using multiple accounts or having multiple shills build a shill comment block. This gives the impression they’re separate people but the comments in the block are clearly designed to fit together like legos.

I saw them start this up on reddit years ago and the comment blocks have grown increasingly complex and natural like, but it’s still the same microphone hooked up to 10,000 speakers.

jim says:

> the comments in the block are clearly designed to fit together like legos.

And refuse to fit with genuine organic comments. The objective is to gaslight everyone into thinking that they are alone.

We have penetration. We are not alone. Observe for example the widespread refusal to take the jab. Random normies see it as dangerous and foolish, they notice large numbers of healthy young people dying suddenly of “unknown causes” and know the cause.

They are about to abandon their fake jab consensus, because it is untenable, but they are still trying to project the proposition that the people who object to the jab are just an insignificant minority of crazies, and they were also trying to inject stupid ignorant fake anti jab memes, the vaccine equivalent of flat earth and Rothschilds, for example “viruses do not exist” – trying to make those who refuse to worship the holy and awesome Covid demon look like a tiny handful of ignorant stupid crazies – they inject fake memes to muddy the water and distract people from what actually matters.

Red says:

I hate the counter a true meme with retarded level meme game they play. That movie Suddenly Died was a major push on that front. The Suddenly Died meme was making massive inroads and they fucking destroyed it by with that fake piece of crap. There doesn’t appear to be a good defense against having memes derailed with that method.

The Cominator says:

Its called muddying the waters and yes very hard to counter in a way that normies and midwits can understand.

Mister Grumpus says:

What are the fake parts of Died Suddenly?

The noodles? Something else?

Red says:

They took a bunch of true stuff and added fake shit like the moon landings where faked. I didn’t notice it the first time watching it because I basically skipped through it looking for the good stuff. It was an enemy film to destroy the suddenly died meme. Which is why it wasn’t banned.

Mister Grumpus says:

“Which is why it wasn’t banned.”


The moon landings. Give me a break. That shows it’s BS. All they had to do was talk about all cause mortality, and maybe show some vaxx noodles. That’s it. There is absolutely no reason to bring the moon landings into something like this.

simplyconnected says:

Stewpid Peters is a consistent well poisoner, he’s full of shit. Snake venom in the water was an earlier, more obvious attempt.

Mister Grumpus says:

Injecting fake memes. That’s it. Pooping in the punch bowl. Disproof by association.

Q anon. 5G. Magnetic reproducing graphene nanobots. Child sex dungeon under the weirdo pizza place. Turning the frogs gay. No one died at Sandy Hook. Jet fuel can’t melt steel beams.

I’ve met some people who feel heroically superior because they reject anything and anyone they or CNN can somehow connect to the fakery. It’s all they talk about. They’re very righteous and angry about it.

It’s a breathtakingly effective tactic.

The Cominator says:

“Q anon. 5G. Magnetic reproducing graphene nanobots. Child sex dungeon under the weirdo pizza place.”

There genuinely was sketchy shit about that pizza place, or at least Alefantis…

jim says:

Yes there genuinely was sketch shit about that pizza place, but not a child sex dungeon.

The Cominator says:

I’m agnostic on what was down there. I’m not saying a child sex dungeon or tunnels to one exists or ever existed… but I’m not convinced it didn’t exist either.

Red says:

The people pushing the child sex dungeon have been since identified as controlled opposition. There was something very fucked up going on but the waters were muddied.

dave says:

Like exposing the fake Aslan by showing everyone the fake lion skinsuit.

The dwarves response… “we’re not going to get fooled again, we don’t believe anything!”

Agree, it’s effective, but only on some.

notglowing says:

We have to remember why this is so effective. The reason is simply that they are the incumbent system, and we are not.
We are in a catch-22 situation. The guerrilla information warfare approach of the right, where we ignore mainstream views and will listen to anyone who seems reasonable, is effectively countered by them posing as one of us and astroturfing support for insane ideas.
Furthermore, they can then amplify anything they want using *their* media.

The relationship between the two sides is very asymmetric.
It’s not simply a matter of our enemies having high status, rather it’s that there are *some* among our enemies who clearly have higher authority than others and are able to decide which of their narratives will be pushed, and which will not be.

There is not even an implicit order within the right, and absolutely anyone can claim to speak for us and have the exact same influence as anyone else. Worse, shills can be made to seem more legitimate than legitimate people.

We cannot do the same damage to the left, because they have their priestly class of “experts” who can decide which narratives are mainstream and representative, and which ones are immediately rejected. The left has CNN etc talking for them, and if we created a fake leftist meme, and CNN didn’t repeat it, it would be meaningless, and you couldn’t ridicule the left for it. Because they would point out that their priestly class didn’t approve it.

And if you pointed out that this is unfair, that one person doesn’t speak for the rest, they would ridicule you for listening to any “random voices on the internet” in the first place.

After all, that is the criticism they levy against us: we aren’t getting our narrative from people of high status, but rather from “unreliable” sources.

And indeed it *is* a weakness that anyone can say anything they want and be taken seriously, but it’s also the only way to circumvent the leftist media, since no one with high status would be allowed to say anything against the prevailing narrative to begin with.

Of course, the counterargument is that these high status figures of authority on the left should be held to higher standards of accountability than random people on the internet in the first place, but they will not acknowledge any responsibility for what they say, ever.

Shills are also an example of leftists projecting what they do on their enemies, they accuse us of disseminating disinformation to trick ignorant people into believing nonsense, while they knowingly send shills to convince people on the right of things they know to be wrong.

notglowing says:

I am not so sure how prevalent actual, paid shills are. It seems a matter very difficult to prove, and perhaps even unfalsifiable.

Worse, while it is something *I* can believe, it is easily dismissed a priori by most normal people, who couldn’t really imagine this being true.

It can be spun to make you look crazy and paranoid, and as an implicit condemnation of right wing thought, as in “even they see how crazy and stupid other right wingers are, to the point where they have to pretend it’s government agents posing as their own”.

But believing that there are paid shills posing as right wingers online isn’t even necessary to see that the manipulation *exists*. Because leftist outlets effectively do this kind of shilling openly. Anyone can say whatever they want on the internet, but they pick and choose which narratives to report on and amplify whenever they have to discuss an issue, which people to interview, etc.

The problem is, saying “these are not real right wingers” is a weak argument, which involves implicitly almost siding with the left, since they chose those people to ridicule them in the first place. You are putting yourself on their side by disowning them. Forcing people to disown anyone to the right of them is a common tactic. Agreeing and amplifying instead is intuitively a good idea, because it’s a stronger position to be in. But in this kind of situation, it’s a trap.

There are also many cases where journalists openly manufacture shill narratives entirely, for example by lying about what Trump says. Great example is when he asked a doctor present whether bleach or disinfectant could somehow kill covid in the lungs. The answer was no.
The media spun this as Trump telling his followers to do that, and when a few out of millions of people did it as a result, they blamed him for it, and amplified these cases to ridicule him.

The Cominator says:

As the twitter files prove the mainstream media are paid shills, and their supporters consist largely of bots, “organic” paid shills came in at least as far back as 2015 with Shareblue.

I don’t think we see them here to the extent its easy to apply to getting a job as a shill because I think a lot of them are pajeets who get paid 2 bucks a day in India or they are recruited among people in the existing Democratic party network.

Red says:

>I am not so sure how prevalent actual, paid shills are. It seems a matter very difficult to prove, and perhaps even unfalsifiable.

On reddit when all the top comments on posts in front line subs became shill blocks it became obvious. It was also obvious when the shills were not at work(IE, no orders given on a subject) because those sort of block comments were not posted. From that I conclude people are being paid to post.

The lie that leftists do things for free was exposed when the people at occupy wall street admitted to getting paid to show up and protest. If it’s happening there, then it’s happening everywhere. I personally talked to a guy paid to sit in a tree as a “environmental protest”. That was his full time gig, he’d get paid by various groups to sit in trees to hold up development until a payment was made to the groups he was working for by the developers. Hence almost or exactly no one is shilling for free.

Rightist often do things for free, but leftists never do.

Finally you don’t see organic meme creation by the left. Due to centralized control on the left, a few people think up the memes, focus test them and release them. This leads to only fully formed leftist memes being released to the public. Where rightist memes and memes in general develop through a free for all where most of the memes fail but the best survives, hence why leftists can’t meme.

Kunning Druegger says:

A technical correction: there are absolutely paid protestors, but they come in different varieties. Tree Man is probably low level; he get simple gigs and makes enough to feed his chemical addictions and lubricate his indigent lifestyle. There are higher levels, guys who are paid to drop banners or instigate riots. Then there are further levels, people who have followings that are “force multipliers”. These are the ones that have made a career of astroturf dissent that actually pays well and gives them status. Barry Obama is their King, and they almost always refer to themselves as Community Organizers.

Many, many leftward people protest for free, but the organizers, instigators, saboteurs, these are the ones being paid.

Red says:

“Many, many leftward people protest for free, but the organizers, instigators, saboteurs, these are the ones being paid.”

Do they really protest for free? The left and the media endless presents their protests are grassroots, but I haven’t seen any evidence of it. The media always presents the protests in away to make them seem larger than they actually are indicating a lack of actual grass roots motivation.

There’s always going to be some people showing up because something is happening, especially women when power is being displayed sniffing for an alpha and a few men to claim a share of that power, but a leftist man a protest is more likely than not paid to be there, either in loot, direct payments, drugs or at the gay events sex.

Look at how the leftist voting mules work. They all take pictures of the ballots before they shove them in the ballot boxes indicating they’re being paid per ballot. If they had a core of people willing to do it for the cause they wouldn’t need to do that.

Note that I’m talking about men here, single women mindless do whatever the state religion or power tells them to do. When you look at those child groomer sessions at gay bars, the performers are paid to show up, and single mothers bring their children to be fucked by faggots for free.

Kunning Druegger says:

Based on anecdotal evidence, small protests are all paid members (AFL-CIO does this often, unions do this often) medium are 1:3 paid to unpaid (local issues, affordable housing circus, “free block nigger #0028723”), big protests are anywhere from 1:5-1:10 paid to unpaid. The paid protest crowd is just like any other low competency trade: they start out as apprentices then start working small contracts/commissions then try to get noticed and land big money by specializing. This is how A CERTAIN CITY works, and this city is copied by many other places, as shit flows downhill.

I was going to drop some… information, if anyone wanted to play OSINT games trying to pin the reputation on the influencer, but it’s probably unwise. I’ll say this: the professional protesters are a class of people, they have shared physiognomy, shared characteristics, shared proclivities, just lake any other “trade,” as the nature of the “work” attracts like to like. Lots of trannies, lots of faggots, lots of neckbeards, lots of fatties, lots of despondent second sons/daughters of wealth trying to make their mark by sticking it to mummy & daddy, cavorting with the underclass.

But I cannot stress enough just how many urban scum have nothing better to do then follow the “professionals” online and show up at their “events.” When you look at a crowd of protesters, you are seeing literal Surplus Population. You could promote every single one to fertilizer and not a single thing would change for the worse. These people do nothing, own nothing, make nothing, and they absolutely love it. The initiatives to attract homeless to city centers is almost 100% an operation to provide foot soldiers for professional protesters.

Red says:

“Based on anecdotal evidence, small protests are all paid members (AFL-CIO does this often, unions do this often) medium are 1:3 paid to unpaid (local issues, affordable housing circus, “free block nigger #0028723”), big protests are anywhere from 1:5-1:10 paid to unpaid. The paid protest crowd is just like any other low competency trade: they start out as apprentices then start working small contracts/commissions then try to get noticed and land big money by specializing. This is how A CERTAIN CITY works, and this city is copied by many other places, as shit flows downhill.”

How current is this information? I know that at Oberlin College students were given free As in classes for protesting, IE they were paid to protest. There’s more than one way to reward people for showing up and there’s tens of thousands of these leftist groups all funded by the feds that can put people out there.

There’s also the issue that most people are bused in for large protests. I doubt the people being bused are not getting some sort of reward.

Anonymous says:

the professional protesters are a class of people, they have shared physiognomy, shared characteristics, shared proclivities, just lake any other “trade,” as the nature of the “work” attracts like to like. Lots of trannies, lots of faggots, lots of neckbeards, lots of fatties, lots of despondent second sons/daughters of wealth trying to make their mark by sticking it to mummy & daddy, cavorting with the underclass.

Pediatricians have an unofficial bit of medical jargon, “Funny-looking kid” (FLK), to describe these cases. When there’s no specific diagnosis you can make but the kid just looks off.

Kunning Drueger says:

I can’t go into any more details for obvious reasons, but the info might be out of date. However, I think some of these dynamics are rather timeless. If you look back at the Bolsheviks or any of the other communist movements, they tended to operate and occur within the underclass and the criminal class. and, strangely enough, the bureaucratic class. Always seems to be those three groups ruining things for all of us. What I found was that the professional protesters were the college buddies and roommates or former roommates of the more physically attractive and socially capable who had moved into the non-profit/ngo space. They had some weird kind of dynamic where the messaging from on high would be transferred directly to the street people via these strange relationships. Some of these people are incredibly well connected in a human sense, it almost defies explanation how connected they are all across the spectrum, but if one thinks back to highschool, all you really needed was a good cocaine or e-pill or weed connection to basically have friends at every level of society in terms of younger people. Maybe it’s as simple as that. Whatever the case, I stand by my analysis as being good in terms of a 101 level explanation, but I absolutely accept that there may be a ton of nuance as well as advancement in terms of the technology available. That link you posted regarding the shill operations as recently as 2016 is pretty eye-opening when you think about it. Once upon a time, they needed hundreds of people in a room banging away on keyboards. Now they just need stacks of SSDs running bots, and they actually probably get a better ROI.

jim says:

> they tended to operate and occur within the underclass and the criminal class. and, strangely enough, the bureaucratic class

Revolutionary movements are treasonous state power making a power grab against officially official state power, and reaching out to criminal elements to kill their opponents.

Red says:

@KD I don’t have your level of personal experience with the protest types, but where you really looking to see if payment was going on? Remember spontaneous non paid for protests is sort of leftist 3ed rail. Even cops are unlikely to want to find out about it, since mentioning it might well result in losing your job.

Just think it over.

Again you do have the superior level of experience here, mine is mostly dealing with the paid online shills.

The Cominator says:

Jim if thats the case the DIA needs to make a deal with the Mexican cartels now…

They wipe out the leftist parts of our government as needed they get to sell every prohibited drug legally (with a monopoly) for 10 years when the left is wiped out.

Kunning Drueger says:

I don’t disagree with anything you’ve posited. Rounds out my personal theories nicely. My foray into “that sector” netted me plenty of female attention because a little masculinity goes a long way in that crowd (I actually straight washed a lipstick lesbian lol). The point that money is not the only form of payment is particularly salient. The professional protesters have many tools for cultivating astroturf protests, and in my experience they are often attempting to initiate a chain reaction that runs off of its own impetus (like Ferguson and Summer of Love).

The digital model maps onto the physical model well: the paid shills initiate memetic infection, and useful idiots do their work for them, for upvotes or goodgoy points. Once there’s a runaway chain reaction, the paid shills can just step back and let their zombie swarm overwhelm good faith opposition.

The cartels are already intertwined with CIA/NGO/nonprofit complex. Those migrant caravans are exhibit A, but there’s a whole network of drugs, slave trade, and relief grants that run the machine. So DIA would have to invade glownigger turf. But given the decades long turf war between the cartels, I wonder how viable it is. The OSINT available from two decades ago shows that the cartels are getting better at both logistics and tactics. I remember reading about a case where cartel abducted telecom technicians to build cell networks/comms nets for them.

Red says:

” The professional protesters have many tools for cultivating astroturf protests, and in my experience they are often attempting to initiate a chain reaction that runs off of its own impetus (like Ferguson and Summer of Love).”

In Ferguson they bused in rioters, I saws pictures of the buses posted on twitter at the time. The one thing I’ve seen from non MSN reports about this sort of stuff is the locals saying over and over again the people rioting were not locals. Someone brought them in and I’m sure they were paying them.

The entire summer of love was entirely paid for by the Dems. Notice how it went away right after Trump lost. The few groups that tried to continue it after the election were very tiny and suddenly discovered the cops could beat them up and arrest them when they were not doing their master’s bidding.

Mister Grumpus says:

The power that flows from owning every editing desk is breathtaking. They can mint any truth they want. To even doubt is to curse ones self, essentially. So this really is a religious war.

Jesus told the apostles to tell the truth about him, and if someone wouldn’t accept it, just walk away. It was never a refereed debate competition for them, and neither is this today.

We (if Jim will allow the ‘we’) are fishers of chads. That’s about it. They’ll get into the boat or not.

You can rectify names for someone. You can give him some good one-liner’s that intuitively prove The Narrative is BS, and that’s about it. “It is not necessary to know the truth. One need only know the extent of the lie.”

“We pretend to work, and they pretend to pay us.”

“It’s such a worker’s paradise here that they shoot us for trying to leave.”

If he senses that he or his children will eventually be mass-murdered, or at least forced to live in humiliation, then he’ll keep going down the path, because now he knows he’s not alone. It’s just his self-preservation, and his “intolerance” of living by lies.

And if he doesn’t sense the danger or doesn’t mind living by lies, whether because he’s too dumb, too afraid, or both, then all you can do is let him go.

That’s what I think today.

It takes very few words to accomplish all that you actually can accomplish. You can hand him some illegal truth, he can come, taste and see, and if he finds it good, then he’ll keep wanting more. Didn’t you?

It takes so little to burst the bubble. Jesus didn’t write any term papers either. Most leftist memes and Jordan Peterson quotest are longer than any parable.

The Ducking Man says:

The only reason fake memes are effective is because nobody in the counter culture bother denying it.

You just have to throughly deny every single one of it until eventually shills are running out of idea.

Can chemicals turn frogs gay? -> “Maybe it does, I’m not biologist, but I don’t see people smarter than me debunking it, so chemicals really might turn frogs gay” – literally what’s on my mind on this topic.

Don’t blame the shill or plebs like me. The blame is on your laziness countering the fake memes.

notglowing says:

My point is that denying them is not effective. Because astroturfing support for fake memes is very easy for the media. They don’t need many people to genuinely believe it. They can amplify those voices they prefer. Then your denial is drowned out.

And denying generally shows weakness. There’s a reason why right wingers prefer to agree and amplify. It comes stronger. But in these cases it’s a trap.

It’s also difficult to separate yourself from the enemy when you are denying and attacking positions that they are also attacking as they are supposedly ours.

BobtheBuilder says:

Technically chemicals turn frogs into trannies.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Not only is the oceans of birth control pill metabolite being pissed into municipal water systems turning the frogs gay, it is turning your sons gay too.

Anonymous says:

A guy on twitter’s anecdote about speaking with a shill and getting him to spill the beans:
Unfortunately no examples of material the shill was using there.

Kunning Druegger says:

Completely tracks with my recollections of the Meme War. It was literal mountains of digital flesh carved away by lone warriors with war bands on both sides. The shills would instigate swarms, the memechads would instigate laughter. What a strange time.

Red says:

That was the original and more primitive version. Today they use copy paste from blocks from databases and post them too fast to allow people to respond, but always using separate accounts to make sure it looks more organic.

They still use counter arguments but only on spaces they don’t totally control. If they have full moderation power they just delete any comments that doesn’t agree with the narrative. If you go on reddit and reddit was ground zero for organized political shilling development you’ll find massive amounts of deleted comments on every post on the front page that tried to interact with the shill blocks.

There message has gotten so away from reality that total moderate control is required now, hence why they are so freaked out over twitter, even though Elon is slow giving ground to them again.

Pax Imperialis says:

I’ve heard “merry Christmas” twice this year. Once in public from a gas station clerk past midnight, and once in private conversation with an officer. You’d think the phrase was taboo with how rare it’s becoming. What was once a fairly ubiquitous public saying of palpable spirit has been replaced by a vacuous hollow “happy holidays.”

This has been a weird year, and for some perhaps a tough year, yet nevertheless another year to celebrate a birth and the many blessings which came forth. Although for not entirely pure reasons, I wish y’all a merry Christmas this weekend… yes, the shills too because I know they recoil from the phrase.

Red says:

Merry Christmas Pax.

Adam says:

Merry Christmas Jimbros.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night. God bless you, gentlemen.

The Cominator says:

Merry Christmas and may all our future years be happier than this one.

Contaminated NEET says:

Merry Christmas and Peace on Earth to Men of Good Will.

Western Taliban says:

Merry Christmas and for even better years to come.

notglowing says:

Merry Christmas

simplyconnected says:

Merry Christmas to all of you.

A2 says:

Merry Christmas.

alf says:

Merry Christmas frens, thanks for being here.

Redbible says:

I think it’s important to point this out, since I myself had been for the longest time brainwashed in the the “Happy holidays” crowd, simply from what I learned in the public schools and the media. Only after it’s pointed out did I change my behavior.

Also, Merry Christmas to everyone (that isn’t a shill).

Encelad says:

Merry Christmas to you all and thank you for helping me preserving sanity in Clown World.

Fidelis says:

Merry Christmas.

God loves you all.

kawaii_kike says:

Merry Christmas!

yewotm8 says:

Merry Christmas!

Ex says:

Merry Christmas. Rejoice!

S says:

Merry Christmas.

Kunning Drueger says:

Merry Christmas Jimians. This was a tough year, but it was also pretty fucking based if you look at it with the right kind of eyes. A lot of wins, too many losses. This year was a big fucking tee up for what’s coming ’round the riverbend.

I want to extend a very special thank you to our dear host. You’ve made us into something more, sir. You’ve animated our minds in a singular way. You’ve opened eyes and hardened hearts, and you’ve taught many of us to listen to that still, small voice.

On behalf of everyone here, Merry Christmas Jim. God bless and keep you and yours.

SomeDude says:

Merry Christmas Gentlemen. I’ve learnt a lot from being here. I’ve benefitted a lot from being here.

simplyconnected says:

Merry Christmas SomeDude. So have I, thank you all.

Eternal Lurker says:

Merry Christmas! Thank you Jim and all the commentariot.


All the lurkers

Kunning Drueger says:

Merry Christmas you sandniggers, you dago faggots, you trannie larping indigents, you child molesting tarantula fuckers, you slovenly sluts of salacious sentiment, you cantankerous cuckolds of common capacity, you never-based bitchmade baby bottle black assholes, you sterile scum twice vaxxed and thrice boosted, you childless larp-whores, you cum sucking daemons, you zoomer faggot not-Nazis, you bootlicking cocksucking not-fucking eunuchs.

In addition to the federal government shills, I’d also like to wish a very merry Christmas to all men of good will.

SomeDude says:

I wish merry Christmas exclusively to men of Goodwill which necessarily includes those who would abide by the peace of westphalia —> Christianity for the west, Hinduism for India.

I don’t want evil people to ever be merry at all.

Neurotoxin says:

Merry late Christmas, biznatches.

Western Taliban says:

Hahaha Russia is reaching unfathomable levels of based for Christmas: Santa Putin saving a little boy from faggots.

Jehu says:

I loved that propaganda video. Santa Putin setting all to right in that house, even putting up a crucifix on the wall to replace all the globohomo propaganda.

Trump 2024 says:

Merry Christmas to all shills.

From your favorite President:

“Merry Christmas to EVERYONE, including the Radical Left Marxists that are trying to destroy our Country, the Federal Bureau of Investigation that is illegally coercing & paying Social and LameStream Media to push for a mentally disabled Democrat over the Brilliant, Clairvoyant, and USA LOVING Donald J. Trump, and, of course, The Department of Injustice, which appointed a Special “Prosecutor” who, together with his wife and family, HATES “Trump” more than any other person on earth. LOVE TO ALL!”

Contaminated NEET says:

Where’s the wall?

Trump 2024 says:

Congress couldn’t afford it. Funds were tied up in Jewkraine.

notglowing says:

Have a laugh at our enemies’ expense because it’s Christmas:

Quite literally, the bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy

Samuel Santos Jr, Associate Vice Provost of Inclusion, Community and Integrative Learning

A sad vignette

Pax Imperialis says:

I’m not laughing at this. They are not only effectively tracking association, but demanding permission. This is Stasi type surveillance and not simply bureaucracy for the sake of bureaucracy. Once this gets rolled out in the colleges it will be rolled out through out K-12 education. From education every other part of daily life.

notglowing says:

> Once this gets rolled out in the colleges it will be rolled out through out K-12 education.

This is possible because the students live at the college dorms. Most likely that’s why the parties need to be authorized by the college as they happen on their property.
Otherwise it is completely unenforceable. It can’t happen with K-12 education.

jim says:

Child protective services.

You are mistreating your child if he insufficiently exposed to diversity. Getting beaten up by blacks and raped by faggots is essential to his mental health. If not adequately exposed to diversities, might grow up racist, and, even worse, straight.

yewotm8 says:

Correct me if I’m wrong, but does it not imply that you can’t have a party without tokens? You’ll need to have some negros there who only get invited to fill the quota?

notglowing says:

Didn’t see that mentioned. Sure, given who is doing this, they might end up enforcing quotas, but I doubt they’re doing it right now.

When the bureaucrat is saying they want parties to be “safe and inclusive” and that they require “collaboration and honesty” I doubt his brain was even connected. It’s a canned line they could and would say about absolutely anything they are asked about.

jim says:

When a bureaucrat says he will be enforcing quotas, he will be. Going to need a gay, a transsexual, and numerous blacks.

Anonymous Fake says:

After the post-2008 worthless degree phenomenon, it’s unreal that Zoomers sign up for college (or at least Western college) and that colleges keep pushing the envelope. There’s no rational reason for this to happen at all. They won’t even give the college kids permission to party at this point, whereas a generation ago they were just very strict about drinking under 21 and even that was tyrannous, in retrospect…

Cloudswrest says:

Great Russian anti-LGBTHIV+ Christmas themed video. Daily Mail tries to spin it as a bad thing.

restitutor_orbis says:

This Christmas, The wife and I were invited by a Catholic friend of hours to join his family at midnight mass at their local Catholic Church.

The church was full. The chorus was largely older people, but the crowd itself was not; it had a number of families and there were a number of teenagers and twentysomethings independently present. The Gen Z were surprisingly devout, kneeling and praying at least at an equal rate to their parents. Almost nobody was wearing a mask.

The priest’s homily was about the struggle between Light and Darkness, without any overtones of woke ideology. The music was beautiful and traditional Christmas hymns devoted to Christ.

The churchgoers were perhaps only 60-70% white, with a large number of asians and hispanics present. There was no racial tension as far as I could tell; the only notable difference was that the asians tended to be masked while everyone else was not. I am not sure whether to interpret this as a sign of the church’s ability to transcend racial divides or just evidence of our declining demographics, or perhaps both.

Overall, it was spiritually renewing and gave some cause for hope. Merry Christmas to all!

Red says:

>I am not sure whether to interpret this as a sign of the church’s ability to transcend racial divides

If the Asians and Hispanics where all sitting in the same groups separate from white then the progressive magic isn’t working on them. I suggest you think more anti-racism thoughts to combat that racial divided 🙃

>The Gen Z were surprisingly devout, kneeling and praying at least at an equal rate to their parents.

The church going rate for Gen Z is 25% and dropping. The schools fed them a new religion of trannyism and the Christian church has refused to fight it. They’ve either adopted the new religion or out of despair they’ve dropped out of a religion that refuses to call out evil.

jim says:

> The schools fed them a new religion of trannyism and the Christian church has refused to fight it. They’ve either adopted the new religion or out of despair they’ve dropped out of a religion that refuses to call out evil.

That is exactly the problem.

makmak says:

from catholic mass in rural central idaho, as red-state as it gets: noticed proliferation of african priests in predominantly german-american farming community. There are otherwise close to zero blacks here, maybe 1 or 2 mullattos who work at the grocery store.

started noticing same thing in other similar areas of PNW; klamath falls, rogue valley.

turns out it’s a trend? From voice of america, wonder what’s behind this:

The Cominator says:

The thing with going to a Catholic Church you’re going to an enemy church (the Jesuits are nominally Catholic and back when voting mattered they supported Democrats), specifically condemned in Revealations, and the priest is probably a faggot.

Fidelis says:

Having attended quite a few churches involved in quite a few hierarchical structures now, my determination is that it’s the work of a local man that matters the most. Perhaps given a longer timespan, a gay leadership far away causes problems, but whether or not a local church is based has always seemed to be caused by a based pastor. Almost all churches have gay leaders now, the question has become how far away are they. I wouldn’t discount a local Catholic church out of hand, before visiting a service.

The Cominator says:

Theoretically I suppose a Catholic priest can be based other than the whole being associated with the Catholic Church thing is, but the problem is that by going to a Catholic church especially when you go regularly you are supporting the enemies of yourself, your nation and God.

Fidelis says:

The normie is an enormously stubburn creature. If they identify as Catholic, if they have had this identity in their bloodline going back to before their family name was first put down, they are not going to go to some other church. The best you might expect is some rebellious scism like SSPX, or like how SSPX was. In such cases I am slow to condemn, at least they have misguided loyalty, at least they are attempting to commune with God and his Son. I would rather someone with good teaching or based instincts be part of an okay church with far away gay leaders, than avoid going altogether. In the former cases at least, there is some chance of connecting with others, with resisting the faggotry, or at least being capable of pointing it out before becoming forced out.

jim says:

> The normie is an enormously stubburn creature. If they identify as Catholic, if they have had this identity in their bloodline going back to before their family name was first put down, they are not going to go to some other church.

The normie is not going to any Church. The mainstream Churches, the priest who cannot say groomer, are vanishing.

The mainstream Churches are vanishing because they have been converged to an officially unofficial statge faith hostile to Christianity. We will converge them to Christianity, on the model of Established Church of England from 1660 to 1800

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The normie is by definition the *opposite* of stubborn; they do not cleave to ideals for ay principled reason; any moment they sense the winds of validation flipping one way or another, they flip with them.

This is a major impetus behind the cycles of civilization; it only takes a moment of narrative sway by insanity to undo 500 years of precedent.

The Cominator says:

Normies are in two big categories here…

NPC narrative followers and boomer normiecons

The former follows authority mindlessly, the boomer type of normiecon otoh IS enormously stubborn.

Jehu says:

The typical boomer normiecon never really groks the fact that it’s not the 70s and 80s anymore, just like some of their parents (nearly all deceased now) were still voting for JFK when they pulled the lever a decade or two ago. They still stubbornly cling to the respect for institutions (that were considerably more respectable in the 70s and 80s) that Gen X and later have let go of. That’s why, IMO most of them took the jabs. Only the most paranoid of that generation were half as paranoid as they should be.

The Cominator says:

Not even most gen xers can let go of “Reagans America” entirely to the point theyre okay with a Sulla marching on DC. I used boomer loosely.

In general normiecon NPCs are stubborn… narrative leftist NPCs are malleable to whoever controls the narrative.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The phenotype of low world-formation capacity, yet also reflexively conservative by temperament – and thus, generally, ‘conservative’ about whatever contingencies where exemplary in the zeitgeist at the time they were teenagers – certainly exists; but is itself not so common either, for such a word like ‘normal’ to really properly apply (though certain demographics of course lean more towards this in kind than others).

Jehu says:

Gen X normiecons don’t grok that they can’t get back to the 80s through electoral means. There’s a huge constituency for getting back to the lesser insanity of the 1980s, it shows in the popularity of 80s rock and the election of Trump in 2016. But it won’t be allowed to win peacefully. We can’t vote our way out of this.

Most of them also can’t grok the fact that if you can’t plausibly control an institution, you have to utterly destroy it. The thought of disbanding public education and a state’s college system is still largely unthinkable to them. Likely they remember how much fun college was in the 80s and 90s when they were there, and political correctness was something pretty much everybody mocked rather than kowtowed in fear to.

The Cominator says:

Gen X normiecons grasp the depth of the corruption more…

But its unthinkful for them to think they need to burn the whole f#cking system down…

Jehu says:

You see the Gen-X normiecon reaction in DeSantis thinking he can basically ban CRT in the schools in Florida. He can’t, unless he’s willing to go scorched earth on the whole institution and fire tons of people without ‘due process’, and then rehire groups of people to teach without any pretense of ‘fairness’. If either of those buzzwords are emotional attachments, you basically can’t do what needs done. It’s an improvement over boomer normiecon-ism, and might have been enough deployed 30 years ago, but it’s inadequate to the current day. Now it’s possible that he’s not a Normiecon of the Gen-X variety and simply pushing the envelope as much as is possible within electoral realities within the state of Florida, where I think he’s the best governor they’ve had in at least 50 years.

The Cominator says:

DeSantis was a gen x normiecon, since about September 2020 i think he isnt anymore.

Jehu says:

It’s hard to say where DeSantis stands exactly. I guess in his place I’d make it hard as hell too to figure out. His creation of the Florida guard—his own fighting Uruk Hai per the Babylon Bee–is encouraging.

I visited Florida again this year, like I do many years. I can say that large sections of Florida have gotten more respectable since the 80s and the 90s. One area I went through used to be kind of ghetto in the 80s and now it’s fairly decent. It’s still mostly a black area, but it’s the sort of place you don’t have to be ashamed of—I didn’t even see significant amounts of litter or evidence of tagging, or anything like that. It is obvious that the local police there are keeping order pretty successfully. Ironically, Florida Man may be the hidden superhero there. By very ostentatiously taking attention from law enforcement, it makes it look like the Florida police departments aren’t ‘picking on black people’ mostly. It’s probably not a true perception, I’d wager at least half of the crime in Florida is by blacks, but in the zeitgeist, when people think of crime in Florida, they think about ‘Florida Man’. Whatever the Florida Police departments are doing, they’re doing something right.

Jehu says:

Another note from an earlier trip to Florida a few years ago.

The city cops I met in Florida were actually not assholes. I got pulled over in my rental car on the way back to the airport really late at night. I had a burned out light over my license plate was the reason.

When the officer verified I wasn’t a wanted man and that I was driving a rental car, he told me just to tell the rental car company about the burned out bulb for replacement and sent me on my way. He’d have been well within his rights to ticket me for it, I was responsible for the vehicle despite it being a short term rental, but he didn’t (and given that I wasn’t local, the chances of a challenge on my part were negligible, which is why traffic officers normally love to ticket out of towners).

jim says:

The Vatican have been gay demon worshipers for quite a while and this slowly percolates down to the local Churches. Takes a while, multi generational process.

restitutor_orbis says:

The friend who invited me is the most based and redpilled person I know locally, and he became much moreso after becoming a devout Catholic. So whatever they teach in the homilies there is, at the minimum, not antithetical to that. There’s still some based Catholics, though the mostly mutter that Francis isn’t the real pope.

My own religious views are closer to 4th century Constantinian Christianity than to contemporary Catholic or Protestant. Taking it back to the ’20s, the 320s.

Jehu says:

I feel the pain of the Latin Mass Catholics. They’re having the screws put to them pretty seriously by this ‘Pope’. I remember when “Is the Pope Catholic?” was a punchline. Unfortunately for them, they’re also disproportionately the sorts that respect the authority of the Pope. Most Catholics are de facto Protestants (I am a Protestant, as I do not recognize the authority of the Pope in general over all Christendom, and particularly do not recognize THIS pope).

A2 says:

Given that the Pope Benedict XVI is still alive, they have a point.

Francis in an interview mentioned being in therapy (while being Bergoglio in Argentina, I believe). That made the warning bells clang loudly.

Still, the church has outlasted quite a lot of bad popes. Here’s to it outlasting the impostor too.

A2 says:

Ah well. Rest in peace.

Starman says:

Space Apostle: “This is a fine horse I have.”

Executive #1: “O’ StarProphet, that is indeed a fine horse that you have!”

Executive #2: “O’ StarProphet, you must be mistaken. That is a deer, not a horse.”

Executive #2 gets fired the next week.

A says:

A prophet is a man of God. How can someone who wears a Satanic costume and then makes it his Twitter profile picture for the next two months be a man of God?

The Cominator says:

No one is arguing Musk is a literal prophet.

jim says:

Well I surely do. But then I use the words priest and prophet with broader application.

Starman says:


“A prophet is a man of God.”

Elon Musk, the StarProphet, is a prophet in the same way Muhammad and Joseph Smith were.

“How can someone who wears a Satanic costume and then makes it his Twitter profile picture for the next two months be a man of God?”

Given that every single mainline/evangelical church has fully embraced utterly satanic institutions (family courts), Space Apostle Elon is an improvement.

A says:

Muhammad and Joseph Smith were adulterers who preyed on their own followers using false revelations as cover for their adulteries. They were wolves in sheeps’ clothing; false prophets. Their evil fruits are seen in the religions of Islam and Mormanism today.

Space Apostle

Apostle to whom?

Kunning Drueger says:

Counter signal harder you fucking faggot.

A says:

What do you mean?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Well, being a faggot, you love cock in, on, and around your mouth and butthole, you degenerate.

A says:

Oh, you’re an idiot.

Kunning Drueger says:

All you deserve are sophomoric insults because you are offering reddit tier analysis. This is one of the oldest blogs on the English language internet. Lots of people show up out of the blue, and more than a few start out by making valid, engaging, or even provocative observations. You showed up hacking up negro semen level observations, so all you get is commensurate bullying. That’s what you deserve.

You’re counter signalling The Good with an appeal for The Perfect. This is inexcusable at this point in The Dialogue. We’ve moved past surface level observations and “Everybody knows/believes/feels that (x)” sentiment, which we refer to as an Appeal to [false] Consensus or Appeal to Authority. You made large claims about Islam and Mormonism with no evidence provided. Substantiate your claims and explain who they are relevant to the topic of Interstellar Christian Nationalism. So far, you’ve just come off as some neckbeard faggot that feasts of phallus ferociously.

A says:

I asked what you meant because you appeared to be using the colloquial meaning of countersignaling rather than the technical meaning, and I wanted to be sure.

In other words, you’re not as smart as you think you are, and you project this onto other people, as your use of argumentum ad redditum shows. Now I will answer your point.

The words prophet and saint apply to about the same thing, but before and after Christ, respectively. The final prophet, John the Baptist, lost his head for telling a Queen to quit her harlotry. Countless martyrs have lost their lives standing up to tyrants. What has Elon Musk done?

All of modern civilisation, including modern science, and modern industry, and the social glue that lets people like Elon Musk build their rockets, comes from the blood of the martyrs and the saints, and then ultimately from Christ. Without Elon Musk there would be no cheap rockets. Without the saints and Christ there would be no Elon Musk. Further, if rockets are needed, and Christians of faith pray to God for them, God will deliver them, Elon Musk or no.

Elon Musk is a genuis, a visionary, an entrepreneur, an excellent engineer; a man who is one in a billion. What he is not, and I use the technical definition here, is a prophet. Calling this smarmy little faggot, parading around as Satan’s Champion, a prophet blasphemes all of the prophets and saints who have come before him.

If Interstellar Christian Nationalism needs an Elon Musk, then God will deliver an Elon Musk.

jim says:

> Calling this smarmy little faggot, parading around as Satan’s Champion, a prophet blasphemes all of the prophets and saints who have come before him

He prophesizes, and his prophesies inspire.

What then is he but a prophet?

Starman says:


I noticed that you are using a common letter (A) as your nym, in order to prevent people from searching your comment history.

A says:


I am using “A” as my nym because it is as anonymous as I can make myself on this page. I am not special or important and my use of this nym I hope makes this fact clear firstly to myself and secondly to you and the other posters.

To find my posts, search for the phrase “A says:”. Every hit on this page is one of my comments. To confirm that it is the same email, look at the cat.

I made a single comment in the previous thread.

I have made no other comments.

A says:

I don’t follow Elon Musk. I don’t know if his prophesies inspire or not. My reasoning is thus:

Orthodox Christians are instructed not to eat halal food, nor food that they know has been sacrificed to idols. This is not because such food has any power, but because by eating it they might be seen to be condoning idolatry. How much more, then, must an Orthodox Christian not follow, nor be seen to follow, someone who bears on his clothing the image of the devil himself.

jim says:

Halloween is an affectionate parody, or Christian gentle ridicule, of a pagan ritual that propitiated evil fairies (demons) and the unquiet ghosts of the evil dead. Musk wore the costume for Halloween.

Halloween was created, and its date was set, by the Church.

A good Christian can cheerfully participate in that ritual, for good Christians have for a millennium.

Halloween is a Christian ritual that coopted a pagan ritual, turning its meaning upside down – the point being to treat the demons as weak and silly.

Halloween is the opposite of Gaia and Covid Worship, where the Covid and Gaia demons are represented as mighty and awesome.

Demon worshipers are today attempting, with some success, to take Halloween back, much as they have evicted Christ from Christmas (In the countries of the Global American Empire, it is impossible to buy Christmas wrapping paper with the wise men, the angels, the manger, etc.)

But, obviously Musk’s costume did not constitute them taking it back. And the Christian roots of Halloween are deep.

If Musk had been wearing a covid mask, you would have a point. Wearing a Halloween costume? You are being silly.

The ashes of the pagan ritual are not entirely dead, and the right breeze can get them glowing again rather too easily. But Musk is the wrong breeze.

The name “Halloween” means “Eve of all Hallows, or Eve of All Saints day”. So the point is that the evils of the night are dismissed by dawn.

Starman says:

@A says
I can only judge a religion by its fruits.

And right now, the only complete religion that is actually fighting back against globohomo, and has affirmed the patriarchal rights of the father over his wife and children… is the Islam of the Taliban.

If Elon is successful in making “Mankind multiplanetary,” he will be remembered for thousands of years across every settlement in the Sol System.

A says:

My child, flee from every evil thing, and from every likeness of it.


jim says:

You are linking to a Roman Catholic organization that cannot say “groomer”. Their Christianity is converged to faggotry and demon worship.

The Cominator says:

Islam is right about women mostly but kind of sucks otherwise… lying is okay in it and even Islamic “sexism” is beset by the gay head covering shit.

alf says:

Halloween is a Christian ritual that coopted a pagan ritual, turning its meaning upside down – the point being to treat the demons as weak and silly.

Spicy take. Certainly more lighthearted compared to Roosh’s orthodox take —

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

A, you get a shill rating of GRIDS/10, and I hope you got all your covid boosters and come down with a case of suddenly.

Kunning Druegger says:

Metropolitan Jonah has made some good points vis a vis Halloween, by which I mean they resonated with me personally. Jim also makes good points.

Interstellar Christian Nationalism is in its infancy, maybe even pre-born, and like the literal billions of murdered babies out there, might not ever get a chance to grow up. We have no way of predicting who will be canonized and for what and when. I very much appreciate the Ortho faction here, I think they are godly men. But I also spend enough time on the Ortho discord to know that it is a never ending purity spiral of who/what is holy/holiest. There is a place for that, but I don’t think it is here. When things get to materialist, Neofuge and others step in and set the Ortho boundary right where it needs to be. This is a coalition, a confederation of men that know that there is One God, He is our God, and every knee will bow. The atheists can roll their eyes, the protestants can huff and chuff, and the tradcaths can niggle, but that is what we do behind closed doors. IRL, away from this board, there is no time or place for factional dispute.

Elon Musk is literally the only elite willing and able to oppose the Cathedral successfully from within the GAE Core. You cannot name a single other. Whether he knows it or not, he is doing God’s work. Countersignaling Musk does absolutely nothing positive. If you are his friend, his peer, his close subordinate, not only should you witness to him, you would be sinning if you didn’t. Here, you are indistinguishable from the legion of pedantic faggots that get pegged on the regular by their mommy gf “for the cause.”

You have admitted you are new. I am not a smart man, not in the context of this place. I have never asserted that I am, in fact I’ve said otherwise to such a degree that more than a few of my betters have remonstrated my self-deprecation. You score 0 points pointing this out, because everyone here knows that I am, at best, a sometimes poignant jester hellbent on fostering cooperation between the men of good will. The longer my posts, the dumber they get, and I post positively entish. That’s ok because my stumbling retardation inspires others to correct, expound, and develop ideas, which is to the Good. I know my place, nigger. Do you?

I humbly suggest you lurk moar, and if/when you start posting, you apply all the mental faculties God gave you to refine, edify, develop for the Good. If you are absolutely certain that Musk is doing evil works, you have to demonstrate that, and I cannot stress enough how utterly you’ve failed at that up to this point.

Red says:

Elon’s indicated recently some leanings towards Christianity and that he’s a fan of the Babylon Bee speaks well of him. Recently he posted that he thought turning the other check was weakness but he’s started to see the wisdom in it. Jim’s formulation that you only have 2 cheeks and after the second slap it’s on, works better than the normal keep taking up the ass forever that most churches preach.

I think Elon views modern Christianity as weak and he’s not wrong. McChristians spend so much time holiness competing and no time expelling evil from their midst or providing their children with the basics needed to successfully reproduce.

A says:


You are linking to a Roman Catholic organization

The Orthodox Wiki also links to that site.

My spiritual father told me that I may read books published by the Roman Catholic church as long as I read the text only and ignore any explanatory notes, prefaces, etc. The translation of that text is from 1886 in America. The editor was Phillip Schaff, a protestant

Regardless, here is another translation:

(The translations of other works of the Fathers at biblehub are a little more in the old English style. They match the translations that I found at an Orthodox bookstore.)

My child, flee from all wickedness and from everything of that sort.

It supports my view slightly less than the other translation. Wearing something to troll the left, or holier-than-thou Christians, is not at face value wicked, especially if done light-heartedly, as in jest, and not taking itself too seriously.

The name “Halloween” means “Eve of all Hallows, or Eve of All Saints day”. So the point is that the evils of the night are dismissed by dawn.

I agree. How far past the dawn of All Saints day are we now?

@Kunning Druegger

If you are absolutely certain that Musk is doing evil works, you have to demonstrate that, and I cannot stress enough how utterly you’ve failed at that up to this point.

Musk can do whatever Musk wants to do. Fuck Musk. I’m hanging shit on u guise 4 being a bunch of buttsniffing fanbois lol gottem lmao


If Musk is of God then nothing can stop him.

jim says:

> My child, flee from all wickedness and from everything of that sort.

This translation better fits the spirit the document.

The question then, is pretending to be ghosts, monsters, and demons for Halloween, “of that sort”

Wearing a Covid mask is demon worship. Dressing up as demons is not.

Kunning Druegger says:

@A hole
Haha welcome to the team, faggot

Adam says:

>Islamic “sexism” is beset by the gay head covering shit.

I rather like the idea of women covering their heads in public. I’d put a collar on my girlfriend and walk her on a leash in public if not for the attention it would bring.

Start treating a woman as property and watch her love for you grow.

Red says:

“Metropolitan Jonah has made some good points vis a vis Halloween, by which I mean they resonated with me personally. Jim also makes good points.”

A is a shill. Anything he posts is just designed to deceive.

The Cominator says:

“I rather like the idea of women covering their heads in public. I’d put a collar on my girlfriend and walk her on a leash in public if not for the attention it would bring.”

And perhaps that should be encouraged in the ideal reactionary future state as women LOVE that shit as long as you can impose that on them… but I hate Burkhas because its nice to see pretty girls in public sometimes. I prefer the Buddhist world’s way of doing patriarchy (where the sexes mix but women have status roughly equivalent to a pet guinea pig) to the Islamic way of doing it (where you don’t see women ever)…

Kunning Drueger says:

Could be, Red. Lord knows I m too nice and willing to bury hatchets. But there’s a simple method here, one general, one specific: shill test, and our Ortho bros. He’s clearly placed himself in the boundary of their remit. They will tell us if he’s one of them or a heretic. We can deal with that material side. Has he earned a shill test? To me, he seems like just another excessively spiritual faithbro that expects cookie cutter solutions with perfect details.

jim says:

I am automatically suspicious of talk of theosis, suspecting it to be a cover story for converging Christianity to Gnosticism.

Time for shill test:

Jesus Christ is Lord, born in Bethlehem, died at Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world. Fully God and fully man. God is three and God is one.

Can you, “A”, say that?

Women question test: What is it that we say about the nature of women that makes it unwise to allow them unrestricted choice (or indeed any choice) of sexual partner?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>If Interstellar Christian Nationalism needs an Elon Musk, then God will deliver an Elon Musk.

Providence has delivered unto the west an Elon Musk; and his name is Elon Musk.

Take note of how ‘A’ argues like a skype: ‘sure Musk may be doing all these good things, but may I draw your attention to the fact that he once walked on a piece of land that once had chicken blood spilled on it?’

Red says:

” Has he earned a shill test? To me, he seems like just another excessively spiritual faithbro that expects cookie cutter solutions with perfect details.”

The Musk fanboy thing is a dead giveaway. It’s leftist shilling 101 on Musk, Trump, etc. He goes right to the oven.

Pax Imperialis says:

>he seems like just another excessively spiritual faithbro that expects cookie cutter solutions with perfect details.

‘A’ reminds me of some of the semi culturally isolated Christian sects that started to first come into contact with modernity in the 80s to the early 2000s and reacted, understandably, quite badly to what they saw. Instinct took over and they labeled all sorts of things they did not understand as Satanic. Instinct by itself will take one quite far, but instinct without understanding will eventually lead to obsolete threat detection. The result was that they didn’t realize the actual threats like equalism while screeching endlessly about certain book series or games.

I’m a little sympathetic towards A’s plight assuming he is being sincere, but it is odd that this type of thing is coming from a self professed Orthodox Christian. Orthodox tend to be more cautious in their caution. A is acting more like an American Evangelical Christian from the 80s. Some of those types are still around although rare. Perhaps A is a recent Orthodox convert?

Kunning Druegger says:

Jim’s comment regarding theosis seems pertinent. That’s outside my understanding, but entryism via pitting the Perfect against the Good is very much within my understanding, and I laid that charge against him pretty quickly and, as St. John succinctly pointed out, he gave a tiny hat style answer.

I think he has posted more than enough religious analysis for the Ortho faction to get a solid read, and Jim invoked the standard shill test, so we shall see. You aren’t always correct Red, but you’re wrong rarely enough that I’m going to err on the side of your judgement. Coming here with a predisposition to hate Trump or Musk seems to be a common mistake of a lot of shills this past year. Do you think our reputation (such as it is or may be) causes Assistant Adjutant Deputies to the Provost Karen, Ch’nikua, and Jose to assume we would all feel that way? Peculiar.

The Cominator says:

“I am automatically suspicious of talk of theosis, suspecting it to be a cover story for converging Christianity to Gnosticism.”

Having watched some Orthobro videos by a pretty based Orthodox Priest (who makes the best damn argument against Sola Scriptura I’ve heard) Father Spyrido Theosis is the process by which an individual Christian should strive to reconcile himself to God. Its not the social role of the Church to provide mass Theosis to non-believers though…

He argues against Salvationism and for Theosis by saying that Satan and the Demons perfectly are aware of God and Jesus Christ and yet are unsaved and in rebellion and its very hard to repute that. Being repentant (which the demons are not) is the 1st step, but if you do not strive to stop or at least greatly limit your willful sinning and draw closer to God are you really repentant? Now holiness spiraling against costume parties on Halloween would seem to me to be self righteous and pharasitical and not righteous. Halloween having some connections as a pagan holiday does not make going to a costume party a satanic ritual. I think there are way too many real satanic rituals to deal with now…

So there is nothing wrong with Theosis but trying to mass social engineer mass Theosis in a fallen world is of course crazy heretical stupid and against the plan of the scriptures. Purity spiraling over petty shit only brings Christianity into disrepute and drives people off.

jim says:

Of course there is nothing wrong with theosis, it is is very right (unlike gnosis which is very wrong). But preaching theosis plus while purity spiraling over small stuff unrelated to good conduct in this world is using theosis to evade a Christian’s obligations in this world and to this world.

Having official doctrines that go into excessive detail about matters unknowable and incomprehensible to mortals (such as the filoque) is suspiciously close to gnosis.

Red says:

You aren’t always correct Red, but you’re wrong rarely enough that I’m going to err on the side of your judgement. Coming here with a predisposition to hate Trump or Musk seems to be a common mistake of a lot of shills this past year.

It’s not hating Musk or Trump. It was the words he used: Musk fan boy. Leftists use this sort of insult all day long because “Fan Boy” implies A) Male obsessed with another male, IE are you gay for Musk?, B) Incel. It’s a sexual status attack designed to make people shy away from defending Musk, because you don’t want to be identified as a “Fan Boy”.

I’m not a an articulate man, but I’m a quite good at pattern matching and putting things together. I’m often surprised when others don’t notice the same sorts of patterns, which is why I warned you about him.

In person sexual status attacks will quickly escalate to a fight, not something to be causally tossed around. Not something rightist would use when trying to have an useful debate. That along with his pretty well crafted messages designed to separate people included to support Musk, screams shill.

As Saint John noted he’s using slimy Jewish attacks as well. I pegged that as a leftist attack, but he’s right it’s a Skype attack.

Thus ‘A’ is a leftist Skype shill.

Probably a Soros shill.

jim says:

My suspicion also. His response (or sudden disappearance) will reveal much.

Red says:

inclined* not included.

The Cominator says:

Shills always give themselves away eventually… but one needs some intelligence and memetic sovereignty to recognize it.

Kunning Druegger says:

It is of never ending fascination to me that our individual strengths, fears, and struggles brought all of us here, and the confederation of our efforts, desires, and disagreements keep us coming back. There is nothing quite like the solidarity that forms between of men of good will.

Is the tendency to be insulting/unapproachable a shill tactic? Given our propensity to be casually harsh and insulting for seemingly no “good” reason, I could totally see some CIA hack-analyst giving guidance to shills to be insulting and dismissive based on the redacted excerpts they use to craft methodology lol.

“These guys are racist misogynist homophobes so make sure you always respond to any questions with insults and you’ll fit right in.”

Pax Imperialis says:

>I think he has posted more than enough religious analysis for the Ortho faction to get a solid read

I was too fuzzy and the point didn’t make it. I’ll clarify, he doesn’t sound like an Orthodox Christian. He sounds like an 80s Evangelical having a conniption over DnD, which is weird considering those Christians largely don’t exist anymore having been subsumed by modernity (A terrible fate and why I’m sympathetic). But hey, he might be a time capsule from a previous era.

However him claiming to be Orthodox is disconcerting like walking into a church expecting to hear Gregorian Chants but hearing Bethel Music instead would be disconcerting… disturbing even. It just don’t feel right.

>“Fan Boy” implies…

Thanks Red, I tend to hop from one rabbit hole to the next and general culture stuff like that tends to fly over my head on occasion.

A says:

I don’t have anything else to say. It was pride to think that I had anything worth saying in the first place. Good luck.

jim says:

Well, what do you know.

As expected, unable to pass the shill test.

A Jewish leftist, passing as a Christian Orthodox rightist. Or, quite likely, an H1B dot Indian working under the supervision of Jewish leftists on a script written by them.

Neofugue says:

> Musk can do whatever Musk wants to do. Fuck Musk. I’m hanging shit on u guise 4 being a bunch of buttsniffing fanbois lol gottem lmao

Orthodox Christians do not talk like this, even the most clueless of internet neophytes.

Based on his writing style, my suspicion is that this is not the first time this shill has commented here, nor will it be the last.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Clueless alphabet soup intern clumsily trying to ape some of the zingers he’s seen the based drop on here. They just don’t get the Board Culture(tm).

Starman says:

@A says

”I don’t follow Elon Musk. I don’t know if his prophesies inspire or not.”

I know you kikes are not inspired by Mankind conquering the Stars.

You jews want Mankind to go extinct and end up yet another victim of the Fermi Paradox.

i says:


Sola Scriptura is about holding Scripture supreme. Not the exclusion of the Church Fathers which I consider second only to the Scripture itself.

There is more at this link:

BobtheBuilder says:

To jump in on this conversation, I want to like rocket man, and very much do like his work on rocketry. However, he has explicitly endorsed the depopulation juice (though I suppose he gets credit for resisting lockdowns), wants to put literal chips in people’s brains, shilled for world government, is associated with the WEF, and his mom does those occult symbols where you cover your left eye that the exceptionally satanic celebrities do.

Also, new fake email, new kot, so lets speedrun through the shill tests. I’ve written down this new one to not lose it.

Jesus Christ is Lord of All and Savior of those who have Faith in Him and His Sacrifice and Resurrection, born in Bethlehem, died at Jerusalem, crucified by Pontius Pilate at the behest of the Pharisees, and is, is from before the beginning of the world. Fully God and fully man, begotten not made. God is three and God is one.

Women are hypergamous but bad decision makers (see the peacock positive feedback loop), and if left to their own devices, will select males that do not necessarily make the best fathers for children, while constantly trying to trade up. Physically this is because of evolution, Spiritually, its because God mandated women to be subservient to men. Marital rape is a self-contradiction foisted upon us to destroy the family.

Soros uses his money to destroy white neighborhoods by funding low IQ high time preference thugs (BLM made of blacks, antifa made of whites and latinos). Yoel is a groomer rev 2:9 faggot who turns schoolkids into homonculi and/or covers for those who do because its his sick fantasy.

jim says:

> To jump in on this conversation, I want to like rocket man, and very much do like his work on rocketry. However, he has explicitly endorsed the depopulation juice.

Oh come on. Musk has not taken the jab, he said he would not take the jab, he publicized “misinformation” about the jab, and “endorsed” it under dire threat and coercion.

He is a face fag. He cannot speak plainly without being murdered. You have to read between the lines, and between the lines, what he meant was entirely clear.

The technology he is developing could easily be used for all manner of extremely evil purposes – but that does not necessarily imply he intends those evil purposes. Rather, he is going to where the power is.

BobtheBuilder says:

He said he took it. Perhaps he is lying, and I hope for his sake that he is lying, or if he is not lying, he got the “safe” dose. However, I suppose me saying that he “endorsed” it was a bit harsh, given that he opposes the mandate.

While it may be argued that his ties to WEF and endorsement of world government are just Havel’s Greengrocer, and his mom being weird is “pure coincidence” or thoughtless imitation, Neuralink, in this age of mass surveillance and everything having to be IOT so glowies can hack it, is evil.

jim says:

> He said he took it.

After he said he would not take it. He is saying contradictory things while signaling he is being coerced into saying them. He is in a more vulnerable position than I am.

His ostensible message is that the jab is safe and effective, but his actual message is that it is unsafe and ineffective, and he is being forced to lie about it. Facefags always lie, but he is signaling his lies.

BobtheBuilder says:

Plausible. Thank you for the insight, and I hope that you are correct.

Pax Imperialis says:

> He is saying contradictory things

About himself he has been contradictory about vaccination. It’s fairly likely most of his family were vaccinated, likely against his will. A good thing he has many spares.

User481 says:


I was A. I tried to change my pseudonym but I made a mistake and chose one that someone else was using. Here is a new one. Please delete the old one.

Shill test:

Jesus Christ is Lord, born in Bethlehem, died at Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world. Fully God and fully man. God is three and God is one*.

*The nature or essence of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost is one, as also the force and the power; a consubstantial Trinity, one Godhead to be worshipped in three subsistences or Persons.

Woman question test: You say that the instincts women use to choose a sexual partner evolved a few million years ago*, when it made sense to choose the most openly violent ape in the jungle. We no longer live in the jungle, but in a civilization, which is fragile. Letting women choose the men they want would, through the heritability of traits*, result in the births of ever more violent and thuggish men. Such men cannot sustain this civilization.

*I am not here taking a position either way on things like an old universe and Darwinian evolution.


Forgive me.

@Pax Imperialis

If anyone shall not confess that the Word of God has two nativities, the one from all eternity of the Father, without time and without body; the other in these last days, coming down from heaven and being made flesh of the holy and glorious Mary, Mother of God and always a virgin, and born of her: let him be anathema.

Was Mary always a virgin?

jim says:

Mathew states that Mary was a virgin until she gave birth, and that Joseph and Mary thereafter had the normal and proper relationship of husband and wife.

Perpetual virginity is an attack on marriage, on the authority of husbands, and is contrary to scripture.

User481 says:


I repeat myself. This is heresy. The Capitula of the Second Council of Constantinople, or Fifth Ecumenical Council, of 553, linked above, declares that whoever does not confess that Mary is always a virgin shall be anathema, that is, outside of the Church.

jim says:

Did they now?

I am pretty sure that they did not, but that the Lavender Mafia wishes they had.

BobtheBuilder says:

What makes you think arcane dogmas of the 6th century are relevant? I’m sure they made that pronouncement as a shill test to sniff out 6th century entryists, but it is massively depreciated against the current batch that threaten your church (ie the Pussy Riot fellow travelers).

Also, that “shill test” of yours doesn’t even work, most people here aren’t Orthodox, especially not the superficial meme spouting type that get bored after six months and go look for a new identity to latch on to, although we admire the Russian Orthodox Church standing up to the Global Libtard Menace and its demons.

Anon says:

BaghdadBob: Most people here might not actually be Orthodox/ Eastern Orthodox, but most people claim to support the Russian Orthodox Church and affiliated churches/ *true* Eastern Orthodoxy as the one true Church. People are constantly supporting it even if they are not practicing Eastern Orthodox Christians etc.

Pax Imperialis says:

If anyone shall not confess that the Word of God has two nativities, the one from all eternity of the Father, without time and without body; the other in these last days, coming down from heaven and being made flesh of the holy and glorious Mary, Mother of God and always a virgin, and born of her: let him be anathema.

>Was Mary always a virgin?

>I repeat myself. This is heresy. The Capitula of the Second Council of Constantinople, or Fifth Ecumenical Council, of 553, linked above, declares that whoever does not confess that Mary is always a virgin shall be anathema, that is, outside of the Church.

You are digging up ancient Christian theological history you barely understand.

Read what you quoted again. It’s directly about having to confess the two nativities and not about the perpetual virgin (aeiparthenos). Aeiparthenos is incidental and was not made in reference to a direct discussion of Mary’s virginity therefore lacking a dogmatic definition. While aeiparthenos is a common Orthodox belief, it is not essential to confess.

St. Basil, one of the 3 Hierarchs (means he’s important) of the Orthodox Church, did not consider aeiparthenos a dogma either. It was the Catholics with their Four Marian Dogmas that made aeiparthenos a necessary belief. That you, a self professed Orthodox Christian, would attempt to weaponize belief or lack of in aeiparthenos indicates you are not Orthodox. It points to Catholicism which leaves me perplexed because just a while ago you were behaving rather retro-Evangelical with a touch of 80s America. It’s like your views are based on a caricature.

jim says:

Exactly so. Jews think Christians are ignorant and stupid, so he is just throwing anything at the wall to see if something capable of causing trouble will stick.

Starman says:


Here’s an obfuscation-proof multiple choice RedPill on Women Question for you:

Complete the following sentence:
Women misbehave because –
[A] Capitalism makes them misbehave, by economically incentivizing reckless high time-reference behavior over long-term planning. The capitalist class benefits from one night stands and sterility, as it benefits from third world immigration of spendthrift cheap labor to replace frugal Whites. If it weren’t for capitali$m, women would totally be completely sinless angels.
[B] The (((jews))) make these totally innocent angels misbehave, since the jews own the media and the entire entertainment industry from Hollywood down to the tiniest pornography studio, and use them to direct propaganda at women, telling them to fuck Blacks and lowlifes. There’s no way that pure White women desire to be on OnlyFans to whore for money. The jews forced these angels on that website.
[C] Sorry, but this is a misleading question. Women don’t misbehave at all. All misbehavior is done by men, who are vile pigs.
[D] Lecherous men make them misbehave, since men are ultimately responsible for all female behavior (including misbehavior), and unlike women, men have self-control and moral agency. Thus it logically follows that any female misbehavior would merely reflect bad decisions taken by irresponsible and lustful men. It is men’s fault entirely, so men must be forced to pay for every bad decision done by any random women.
[E] They are feral, blindly following ancient instincts from prehistoric times, which instincts tell them to cruise for rape by alpha male Chads, and to resist kicking-and-screaming all attempts to restrain them from pursuing alpha male Chads. Stable monogamy has always been a way to allow each man to own a woman so each man can start a family and raise a future generation for civilization’s survival.

Kunning Druegger says:

I got this, A.

Your honor, and may it please the court, I am here today representing my pro bono client A, aka User481 aka that relentless faggot not taking the hint. My client is accused of faggotry in the first degree as well as possession of a penis with intent to fempoast. He also stands accused of unlicensed shillory dillory and three counts of niggnoggery, two in the second degree and one in the first.

Your honor, I move that all charges be dropped if my client agrees to mandatory non-poasting probation for a period of no less than 3 months and no more than 6 months as well as a written apology to the court as proxy for the defamed and annoyed. Your honor, my client is a retard, and I am not going to waste your time arguing otherwise, but we have signed affidavits from to jew doctors and his fat ass mom that he’s always been this way and he really doesn’t mean to act more retarded than he actually is. Respectfully your honor, what we have here is a case of inadvertent shilling based on faulty preconceived notions regarding IQ, articulation capacity, and grasp of subject matter. Your honor, if we’re going to lock up every retard with a keyboard, I’m getting out of the law field and moving into prison construction business *pauses for the laugh that never comes* *ahem* Your honor, move to strike and the accused be ROR’d with the afore mentioned probation and a written apology.

User481 says:

@Pax Imperialis

To those who dare to say that the all-pure Virgin Mary was not virgin before giving birth, during birthgiving, and after her child-birth, Anathema.

jim says:

Well, that is just unacceptable to me, and I have some company among the Church fathers, for it is not scripturally supported, and arguably scripturally rejected, and because it undermines the family and the authority of husbands.

Pax Imperialis says:


You asked:

Was Mary always a virgin?

To which I’ve pointed out that you are treating aeiparthenos like a dogma in an attempt to attack me and Neofugue. That on it’s own is fine. I’m not bothered by difference of belief and competition. What does bother me is that you’re treating it like a dogma while self professing yourself as Orthodox Christian.

A dogma is that which requires public confession. The Orthodox Church, while believing that preaching counter to aeiparthenos is heresy and thus anathema, does not demand public confession of belief in aeiparthenos… yet you, in priestly fashion, demand confession.

If one doesn’t believe, so long as they keep their mouth shut, the Church is content with not finding out. In more often circumstances, the Church will accept disbelief of aeiparthenos when spoken in private to an Orthodox priest. All good priests will tolerate what they view as misguided and imperfect notions. The laity is only human, flawed, and sinful. It is their job to guide towards salvation. What priests do have a problem with is evangelizing views they consider heretical because that turns one from laity to enemy priest. Priesthoods tend to not like entryism.

You have completely ignored my point:

That you, a self professed Orthodox Christian, would attempt to weaponize belief or lack of in aeiparthenos indicates you are not Orthodox.

I have said nothing on my personal belief on aeiparthenos. Neither to my knowledge has Neofugue.

You have ignored all my points about your unOrthodox behavior and refused to acknowledge or change. Now you’ve passive aggressively posted Orthodox Church pronouncements in an attempted gotcha moment without really understanding that it does not contradict my criticism of your behavior.

This makes me feel like you’re baring false witness and practicing entryism.

User481 says:

@Kunning Drueger

My non-poasting period is up.

@Pax Imperialis

>wording of aeiparthenos

True; the wording of the anathema seems to suggest that if you keep your mouth shut then you are probably okay. Interestingly, my priest in his sermon today on the Fathers of the First Six Ecumenical Councils said that the ever-virginity (before, during, and after) of Mary was affirmed at one of the later Ecumenical Councils, number five or six if I remember correctly.

So was she or wasn’t she? I don’t know; I wasn’t there. However, as a recent convert and less than clueless internet neophyte, I am going to go with what my priest says, just to be safe.


Women misbehave because: [E] They are feral, blindly following ancient instincts from prehistoric times, which instincts tell them to cruise for rape by alpha male Chads, and to resist kicking-and-screaming all attempts to restrain them from pursuing alpha male Chads. Stable monogamy has always been a way to allow each man to own a woman so each man can start a family and raise a future generation for civilization’s survival.


We don’t belong to the same church. Just the word “Gnon” is enough to put you squarely outside of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. This doesn’t mean, however, that your other writings are invalid. In particular, you seem to have a lot of knowledge regarding the cutting edge of cryptocurrency research. It would be a shame if this knowledge did not find its way into a new cryptocurrency or a bitcoin extension that could make a coin with fast, cheap, private, and censorship-resistant transactions a reality. Such a coin would certainly help the oppressed to trade the things they need to trade in defiance of oppressive governments.

As for religion, for articles of faith, we must agree to disagree.

jim says:

> Just the word “Gnon” is enough to put you squarely outside of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

The word Gnon is intended to promote unity between all who adhere to natural law, Christians and atheists. Why does it put me outside the one Catholic Church?

Although substantial elements of today’s Orthodoxy are throwing the Logos out as a pagan addition, given that the entire passionate and bloody debate on the nature of Christ was conducted in the language and frame of those pagan philosophers, seems to me that this puts them outside the Church, not me.

Of course it was pagan addition – just as the sacrament of marriage was. The Puritans wound up ditching the sacrament of marriage, and look at the fruits.

User481 says:

There can be no unity between Orthodox Christians and atheists. There can be no unity between Orthodox Christians and the members of any other religions. There can be no unity between Orthodox Christians any other people who call themselves Christians. There can be no unity between those who are Orthodox Christians and those who are not Orthodox Christians.

There is one Body of Christ; Orthodox Christians are in it; and everyone else is not.

jim says:

> There can be no unity between Orthodox Christians and atheists.

Constantine, who is classed as a saint, cheerfully fudged the difference between the Imperial Sol cult and Christianity. War and politics requires unity. Today, we and the Taliban are on the same side, they are our brothers against the demon worshippers. When the demon worshippers are defeated, the crusades will likely resume.

Neofugue says:

> So was she or wasn’t she? I don’t know; I wasn’t there. However, as a recent convert and less than clueless internet neophyte, I am going to go with what my priest says, just to be safe.

The Second Council of Constantinople (553AD), also referred to as the Fifth Ecumenical Council, anathematizes those who reject the ever-virginity of the Theotokos.

> We don’t belong to the same church. Just the word “Gnon” is enough to put you squarely outside of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. This doesn’t mean, however, that your other writings are invalid. In particular, you seem to have a lot of knowledge regarding the cutting edge of cryptocurrency research.

Not only cryptocurrency research, there is a lot of good stuff on patriarchy, history, politics, monarchy, war, economics, and much more. Reviewing your comments, while it was incorrect for me to assess you as a shill, there was no need for hostility here, though I suspect you have figured that out by now.

jim says:

It is argugable what they are anathematising. We don’t see the doctrine stated plainly and unambiguously claimed to be canonical and anathematising those that doubt, until the eighth century Lateran council, which is non canonical, because it was an unsuccessful power play by the Bishop of Rome, which everyone ignored. The difference between the lateran council statement and the Second Council of Constantinople statement implies that people found the Council of Constantinople statement left too much wiggle room.

And, in any case, the ever virginity of Mary is contrary to scripture, so off to hell with those holiness spiralling virginity faggots. You are allowed to clarify scripture, and a whole lot of scripture is deliberately self contradictory for the same sort of reasons as good game advice is self contradictory, which contradictions lead to trouble that must be resolved by authority, But you are not allowed to just toss it in the ditch and run away from it as the lavender mafia have done with Paul’s prescription on recruiting priests.

But I don’t want to debate the ever virginity of Mary with you. No one believes, and no one cares. I want to debate the Logos spermatikos, though whom all things were made. Who arguably implies Paul’s prescription on recruiting priests. And if that prescription were followed, everyone would soon stash the ever virginity doctrine in the basement behind the water heater. Fix priestly recruitment, and the ever virginity of Mary will quietly vanish into the basement behind the water heater.

alf says:

There can be no unity between Orthodox Christians and atheists.

There is a parallel in Paul promoting unity between Jewish Christians and non-Jewish Christians.

User481 says:


Yes, plenty of good stuff on those too.


Debating the ever-virginity of Mary is well above my pay grade.

While there can be no unity, there can be business, and even friendship. Knowledgeable people in my church agree to that. I would expect that this extends to alliance, too.


The parallel runs the wrong way. Paul helped to take down the barrier between Christians of different races. We cannot take down the barrier between Orthodox Christians and everyone else.

jim says:

No one except the Lavender Mafia cares about the ever virginity of Mary. The problem is the Lavender Mafia and Paul’s instruction on the recruitment of priests. I would not want unity with the Lavender Mafia even if they wanted unity with me, and no concessions on doctrine to them would ever make the slightest difference to them not wanting unity with anyone straight, manly, and martial.

And without men that are straight, manly and martial, we are not going to fix the problem of being ruled by demon worshippers.

And who are you? What gives you the right to speak for Orthodoxy? Can you affirm that Jesus Christ is Lord, born in Bethlehem, died at Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world. Fully God and fully man. God is three and God is one.

Nearly everyone who lectures me on Christian doctrine has a strange allergy to those words. And a lot of them have a strange allergy to breasts. I am heartily sick of being told what Christianity is by Jews, faggots, demon worshippers, and gay Jewish demon worshippers.

User481 says:

And who are you?


What gives you the right to speak for Orthodoxy?


Can you affirm that Jesus Christ is Lord, born in Bethlehem, died at Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world. Fully God and fully man. God is three and God is one.

Jesus Christ is Lord, born in Bethlehem, died at Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world. Fully God and fully man. God is three and God is one.

Neofugue says:

> It is argugable what they are anathematising.

No it is not. Rejecting an Ecumenical Council makes you a heretic. You do not get to choose what constitutes Orthodoxy and what does not, it is up to you to conform to the established church doctrine.

That being said, serious heretical movements require a prophet with a face and a name, so unless you dox yourself, your opinions on church doctrine are irrelevant.

jim says:

> Rejecting an Ecumenical Council makes you a heretic.

As I said, rejecting scripture also makes you a heretic. There is a lot of heresy going around, some of it at ecumenical councils, and the biggie is that everyone is ditching Paul on the recruitment of Bishops, resulting in the lavender Mafia. Fix that heresy, purge the lavender Mafia, and the doctrine that Joseph and Mary failed to perform their conjugal duties will quietly be stuffed in the basement behind the water heater, joining a whole pile of other embarrassing doctrine that has already been quietly stuffed there long ago. Elevating virginity over chastity undermines marriage. Wives have to be higher status than single women. Penelope was the exemplar of chastity. Priests telling girls that marriage is morally inferior to virginity comes from the same crowd that is now telling children to choose their genders when they first show up in school.

And if it is so clear what the doctrine that that ecumenical council endorsed is, why did the non canonical eighth century lateran council feel the need to clarify? If Orthodoxy finds Paul so ambiguous that it is full of Bishops recruited from monastics, what makes the Ecumenical council so clear?

And another big problem. No death in the world before Adam. Leonardo da Vinci saw in the rock on a mountain, presumably in what we now call a geological non conformity, that there had been death aeons before Adam. And now that we know what a geological non conformity is, it is easy for anyone to duplicate that observation, and I have duplicated it. The story of the tree of life would imply that there was death before Adam, and the rocks testify that it is so. This is yet another authoritative addition to scripture that needs to be hidden away in the basement and quietly forgotten. Telling me that there was no death before Adam is like telling me the world is flat. I can see that the world is round. Looking out my window as I type this, I see the shoreline of a nearby island, but the lower parts of distant islands that I have visited, and can see from the top of that nearby island are hidden by the sphericity of the ocean, and I have seen in the rocks that there was death in the world aeons before Adam.

If believing that Mary should have performed her conjugal duties and did perform them, that for women virginity is morally inferior to marriage, makes one a heretic, believing that there was death in the world aeons before Adam also makes one a heretic. In which case Orthodoxy has a big problem. Not even the apostles knew the private lives of Joseph and Mary, but everyone can read the rocks.

Pax Imperialis says:

“no death before Adam”

Scripture is pretty clear it’s talking about human death and only human death. There obviously can’t be human death before the first human. Scripture is also absolutely clear animal and plant death existed before Adam since lower life was created for Adam’s nourishment.

Several centuries of creatively reinterpretation of the Bible turned “no (human) death before Adam” into “no (any) death before Adam.” Likely Gnostic or similar in origin, but I haven’t looked into it too deeply.

On the topic of religion, I saw a car bumper sticker claiming the Trinity doctrine to be heresy and Jesus the one and only true God. It would appear that old school Gnostics are still running around.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

I hope all you fine fellows had a very merry celebration of Christ’s incarnation.

Kunning Druegger says:

A very Merry Christmas, Happy Boxing Day, and Blessed New Year to you, St. John. I hope you have an awareness of how instrumental you are around here, and in your own life I am sure.

Valka says:

[*Baghdad Bob grade Ukrainian propaganda deleted*]

Valka says:

Murz is a Russian nationalist. He would hardly write Ukrainian propaganda. Also, Girkin (Strelkov) reposted Murz’s text on his Telegram channel. The text may not be an accurate description (fog of war) but I belive it is an accurate description of an experienced warrior’s perception of the war. He’s been fighting since 2014. Girikin and Murz are highly critical or the Russian leadership but far from Ukrainian propagandists.

jim says:

Pull the other one.

His stuff is not only Ukrainian propaganda, but is completely over the top, extravagantly absurd, Ukrainian propaganda. The idea that anyone would believe this stuff shows how completely out of contact with reality you are.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Zelensky and his junta believe it, but they’re consuming a fantastic amount of cocaine.

Kunning Druegger says:

Russian Nationalists are seething right now. They have always called Putin a miscegenator, coward, bureaucrat, etc. that lacks courage, patriotism, loyalty, vision, etc. They are being embarrassed by the turnaround and calculated aggression. If some unexpected rightist took power in America, built an active defense wall on the Southern Border & deployed SoF to murder-fuck the cartels, you’d have a bunch of loud America Firsters complaining and doomsaying every little thing.

The Right has no capacity for winning. Ubiquitous learned inferiority. We are always the losers because we always lose. Every win is therefore a larp, a spook, or a mirage. Of course, these things do exist, but being unable to see positive activity is the Dwarves Eating Fodder Syndrome.

Strelkov lost his edge when he lost his faith. Look at how he scorns Wagner. I used to think he was just jealous, but I now think it’s deeper than that: he hates that he can’t let himself get involved due to ego. He is a true patriot (from my subjective, outsider, largely ignorant perspective). All the Russian Warriors on Telegram can’t help but doomsay and complain, it gets them clicks.

Red says:

Russian rightists have every reason to dislike Putin, he’s a tried to play the nice guy instead of grasping the nettle and now most of the male Ukrainian population is going to end up dead before this war is over. Weakness causes hard times. If he’d had the balls in 2014 he would have annexed the entire Ukraine easily and then would have been forced to institute national capitalism due to the resulting sanctions.

By far Putin’s greatest weakness is not fully embracing Christianity and the Christo-warriors. I was watching those Azov Winter Solstice ceremonies and I can see why they bring power. Putin needs to do some sort of ceremony with Christian Paladins and push them to the for front in the public’s mind.

Wagner has been excellent. They’re a Christian warrior order. Russia is going to need more such orders and an explicitly holy war footing. Half assing it doesn’t work.

The Cominator says:

The long war is in some ways working out well for Putin, his enemies are committing economic suicide.

Red says:

Economics provides the weapons needed for war, and faith provides the men necessary to win it. One without the other and you get Iraq and Afghanistan.

Fireball says:

We shouldn’t blame Russia for the madness of Ukraine and the West and in 2014 Russia was not ready to fight Ukraine and the West. Communism almost destroyed the russians and takes a long time to rebuild from that.

Red says:

The west wasn’t ready to fight Russia in 2014 either. The west spent the years between turning the Ukraine into a Nazi stronghold with people willing to murder their fellow country men in order to force them to fight to the last Ukrainian white.

In 2014 Russia would have rolled over the Ukraine. Hell fully supporting the rebels would have resulted in victory as well. But Putin held back because he feared sanctions. He should have used them as a rational for instituting National Capitalism. South Africa became a manufacturing powerhouse because of international sanctions, Putin passed up a great opportunity in 2014.

Fireball says:

It was far more ready then it was now and Russia was far less ready specially to fight the sanctions. And more importantly the russians wouldn’t have known why they were fighting, only now are they are understanding what the west is.

Red says:

Hindsight is 20/20, but the only real gain I see Russia as having made is rebuilding their nuclear forces. Both the US and Russia nukes were in bad shape in 2014 now Russia’s is fully restored and the US is in even worse shape. But the US used that time to turn the Ukraine is a real danger for Russia.

You don’t fight sanctions, you adapt to them. Being able to blame an outside force to restructure your economy into something better is a huge benefit of them.

Understanding what the west is needs to come from Memetic Sovereignty which is something Putin has still failed to achieve in even 2022. Elites are elites because they successfully instructor others on what to think but Putin has always been terrible at this because he doesn’t really have a faith. He’s still a liberal at heart and it’s hurting Russia.

Kunning Druegger says:

Musk & Putin, two imperfect men doing what must be done imperfectly. We spend too much time looking for Heroes, Caesars, and Messiahs. Imagine the absolute state of the US if every man capable and desirous of “retribution” stopped waiting for the Perfect Time or the bat signal and just went out and “supported community welfare” kinetically. Instead, we utterly rend anyone who dares act. Rittenhouse is being pilloried cashing in on his temporary fame, insulted for his girlfriend, and will soon be despised.

Red says:

Anyone attacking Elon for a Halloween costume is a Voxday sucking off faggot. That’s where that line came from.

Jamesthe1st says:

I don’t know how anyone can say Putin has done poorly with this war. Sure there’s probably always something better in hindsight but look at the big picture. The Russians now have a unified populace that knows they have an enemy in who runs West. Promotion of homosexaulity is now banned, it was not at the start of the war. Their economy has been disconnected from the globalhomo slave system and is now a real national economy with plenty of natural resources to survive. Ukriane is losing sadly but that is their fault, not Putin’s. The Ukrianian population should have defenestrated Zelensky already.

Red says:

The value in a state is mostly it’s people. After this war there won’t be a lot of value left in Ukraine. All the best men will be dead. That’s a major loss especially if Putin wants to re-incorporate the nation into Russia where it belong. Nor does Russia have fertility level required to repopulate it quickly. They’re still sucking on second wave feminism.

Ukraine is going to be a complete loss.

Where Putin has done well is against the west in General, but that happened almost by accident. The morons in charge of the GAE basically sanctioned ourselves. National capitalism happening doesn’t seem as though Putin was planning for it but I give him for credit for not trying to stop it.

A full embrace of Christian Warriors and a restoration of Patriarchy would be huge step forward, but Putin hasn’t taken it, yet.

Kunning Druegger says:

The situation is definitely in flux. Putin has made some big mistakes, but he’s in open war with the Empire of Lies, the thralls of the great deceiver.

I don’t think the goal was ever the incorporation of Ruthenia, they are low IQ malcontents with almost nothing to offer. Did everybody see Medvedev trolling the GAE on twitter?

Fucking hilarious.

Red says:

LOL, now that’s entertainment.

Kunning Druegger says:

RT releases troll video for Europeans.

In th words of my wife: That’s one impressive hamster.

Kunning Druegger says:

Elevating this from the depths. This is excellent work, deserves comment, critique, and continuation:

“Precepts of Reactionary Governance:

Section 1: Basics of the principles of the state and of state religion:

Where there is a state there is always also a state religion, the state religion can be either formal, informal but known, or covert

Freedom of thought outside the state religion and the elite can be allowed to a large degree, but allowing free thought within the state religion and the elite will allow malefactors to subvert and destroy your state. The state religion should be setup as a perfectly prosocial machine at the foundation of the state and from then on all attempts to change it should be violently repressed.

Outsider religions can be allowed outside the elite however some religions like Islam (especially the Orthodox Sunni variety), Roman Catholicism (Ultramonatism Jesuits etc) and Tikkum Olam type reform Judiasm are inherently subversive and should be gradually eradicated.

Members of the elite should be monitored when they communicate with foreign elites so as to not have them try to subvert the state.

Outright demon worshipping religions like all forms of Leftism, the Jesuit Order, Wahabbist type Islam etc. should be wiped out immediately and with all the violence and bloodshed necessary. In the case of the Jesuit order the state should do all it can to impose their suppression and extermination upon foreign states as well.

As long as a population exist… power over it is neither created nor destroyed but simply transfered

Governments whatever the details are can be autocratic, oligarchic or democratic

Democracy may be somewhat effectively exercised over a small homogenous cohesive and virtuous population but it absolutely does not scale, sovereignity over a large or heterogeneous body can only be exercised by either one man or by an oligarchy

All theoretical Democracies over large and/or heterogeneous states are therefore occulted oligarchies and Democracies at all

Occulted governments are in fact less accountable than governments that are openly oligarchy or autocratic as they have the illusion of consent

Entropic forces of social decay can only be effectively checked with an autocratic government, one man can be virtuous and to some degree impose virtue if he has the power to do so (Imposing virtue is not to be confused with moralfagging Victorian and Progressive legislation) whereas the moral and intellectual character of an oligarchic elite with no king or ruler over them will inevitably decay over time.

Section 2: On proper governance of the state:

Good government is fundamentally about structuring good incentives and backing private violence against malefactors, government organized violence should be used sparingly against large scale threats.

Property rights and capitalism are natural, overt government interference with property is inefficient unnatural and done too much will create a bureaucrat class that will tend to devour the state.

High trust society requires that fraud and corruption be punished very consistently and harshly without respect to persons…

Taxation is best done via a Land Value Tax and Revenue Tariffs, neither income nor transactions within the state should be taxed.

Credit however has to be controlled by the government and thus it should be for productive uses only not mere speculation. Loans to develop and build new buildings are fine, loans to buy an existing building or house are not.

Money should be gold, silver fully backed certificates of such or crypto…

Women are not adapted to freedom and subconsciously do not want it, their sexual attraction is to unsuitable anti social and often very evil men. Therefore emancipating women is dysgenic and enfranchising them is cancerous.

Furthermore good fellowship among men requires secure property rights in women.

Good fellowship among men also requires that they be allowed to repress homosexual behavior. And homosexuals will tend to try to rape and molest boys and as such violence against open homosexuals should be considered prosocial violence.

Women should be married off shortly after puberty. If the father fails to do so by a certain age they may be subject to legal elopement or running off to red light district.

As men are not angels there is a place for degenerate behavior and it is red light districts

Men not of criminal character should be not only allowed but encouraged to be armed, a state that fears men of good character in arms is badly governed by bad people

Section 3: On governing different races:

Good fences make good neighbors and diversity + proximity often means war

As such seperate races should mostly live in seperate millets governed locally by their own people and in charge of providing their own municipal services

Outsider people (who do not have a high rank from the King or Emperor, or a commission to enter) will need permission to enter into the millet

Millets (and red light districts) should be the only form of zoning allowed by the state…

As mixing freely is sometimes necessary for commerce some trading cities may allow multiple groups inside but this should not be universal.

On credentialism:

Credentialism should be forbidden by the state it should merely be a matter for the market to sort out.”

[This is from TC, I did not write it, nor did I add/change/remove anything.]

Red says:

OT: I was watching Die Hard yesterday. I’ve always loved that film. It’s always shown people in the proper lights: The evil media, the incompetence of police leadership, the disdain for human life by the FBI, the slimy Jew trying to steal other men’s wives, the brave businessman Takagi. It’s a male fantasy where a man wins his wife back by doing brave violent acts, when it reality he should have taken her over his knee and spanked her for misbehavior. Even the villains we given good motivations like trying to kill John McClain because he killed his brother, Hans Gruber is a “fake” leftist terrorist who’s really a thief, but that’s really what all leftist terrorists are.

Pax Imperialis says:

On the topic of stories, I came across an interesting series of video essays. Of note is one on Evangelion.

The tragedy of the ancient man (Oedipus Rex) was being too crazed and violent and driven by ambition. He would go berserk and kill his own family and he’d have to learn to employ all his energy to help society and be of service to society.

The tragedy of the medieval man (Macbeth) was to engage in a cycle of violence caused by pride and ambition which would cause deadly political intrigue.

The tragedy of the modern male (Evangelion) is being weak, passive, alienated, crippled by fears, personal insecurity, and an unhealthy relationship with women. Who is self centered yet defined by his role to an institution that is just using him with little regard to his deeper human needs. He’s a cog in a greater machine.

Many of the modern archetypes like career cat woman are in the anime, but of particular note is that Shinji, the protagonist, is the school shooter archetype. The character actually says this in the anime.

Nobody cares whether I live or die. Nothing will change… so they can all just die

The anime was released in 1995 and Columbine shooting was 1999. Prophetic?


Youtube channel Pilgrims Pass has some interesting analysis along with decent shit posting. A Catholic Brazilian academic in background, with an overly wordy temperament, he is likely a reactionary who is converging on NRx. Much of what he says shouldn’t be new, but it is interesting to see intellectual convergence. Check out the Dune vs StarTrek one,

or any of the Dune videos.

Kunning Drueger says:

Will watch, but first blush looks like a copycat of Dovahatty, which I highly recommend, who is also Brazilian YouTuber that first with a lot of redpill history. Brazil is a weird place…
This is part 12 of a many-part series that’s basically a Shitposter’s History of Rome.

Red says:

Dovahatty is based. Just awesome stuff.

Kunning Drueger says:

That channel is breddy gudd, way better than Diaper Bronski. Thanks for sharing.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

It is old hat to take note of the fact that Anno first drafted Evangelion while in a deeply depressive state of being; what far fewer do though is work through the implications of this fact. It is important to note that this is something that means more than the equally common ‘well then of course the show would be depressing too’ surfacial take; in the most basic sense, what it means is that pretty much everything in the original series are expressions of things Anno hated about life, others, and himself.

For example, Asuka was Anno’s ‘heroism is a lie and anyone that enjoys fighting is either a evil psycho bad no good person, or is just kidding themselves; they are not any stronger than me (noone is stronger than me)’ device, which is of course subversive, and amongst several other elements illustrates how eva is itself a product of modernity in the end, one more amongst many others.

Most fans who watched the original series made the mistake of thinking that that sub-set of narrative devices in the work which in particular took the form of feminine humanoids were waifu material. (Which, granted, can’t be said to be really completely their fault either.)

In that original series, the duality represented by Rei and Asuka, by nature, could not be something Shinji ‘gets with’, in the way a Man Knows a Woman; neither one could be picked over either of the other; which would pose a rather thorny problem to the prospect of ever ‘concluding’ the narrative on a high note. And, as Anno made later works in later years, under a different headspace, this naturally comes with production of different character, as well. There is no way he could place his self-insert together with devices representing his antipathies, unless he changed those characters as well; which in truth would also have been the most thematically consistent solution; ritual transfiguration of lesser to greater, entropy to eutropy, degeneration to regeneration, is a powerful allegory.

It’s also a most challenging path to accomplish for an author, and as it happened Anno increasingly phoned it in over the years as well, so making up something new (like the character of Mari Makinami) and simply dumpstering everything you did before was the only possibility left.

When a man has a waifu, there comes then also a tendency to want to rate the larger work she is connected with highly – to want to think it is even better than it may otherwise actually be.

And when an artist notices that people like something, and does a contradiction of what they like, such petty contrarianism is usually lauded by contemporary chattering classes as Stunning and Brave, because fuck the peasants. And it must be said that Hideaki-san was not an existence beyond that susceptibility to the lures of validation.

And a confluence of these tendencies tends to create something of a vicious cycle.

There’s a common trope over the course of artistic criticism that tends to go something like:

>critic: i don’t like this thing
>writer: ah, well you see here the thing is, this thing you think is a mistake, that was actually all intentionally planned from the beginning

Thus, we have upgraded doing something bad on accident… to doing something bad on purpose.

It’s a valuable question to start wondering why so many people do this as if it makes a real point (if anything, you could say it makes for an even worse look), and the roots of modes of thought like these go back to John Locke and other 16th century enlightenment figures sopisticating about deontology, but getting lost in those woods is beyond the scope of this current work; suffice to say, the point basically is that in most cases, ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

Which leaves us with eva. Neon Genesis Evangelion in it’s christening, as noted, is composed of characters that are not really characters as such, but devices for the expression of certain themes. NGE says to the viewer, ‘hey, you know that one character archetype you liked in that one story? well here is how that kind of person would *really* be like in the *’real’* world!’.

In this respect, NGE is very much in line with the post-modern tradition of deconstruction; unlike the epics of more civilized times, virtue is scarce in its own world, if not nonexistent; noone is really ‘the good guys’, and everything sucks. Settings where everything sucks can work for stand-alone tragedies (for instance, noone has ever seriously bothered to make a sequel to Antigone); but if for whatever reason you want to *continue* work in that world, then, well, you run into a problem.

Thus Hideaki Anno found himself in a bit of a lemma; he created a stand-alone tragedy, yet popular enthusiasm demanded continuation (ideally, towards a Good End).

When everything is a set-piece – including more volitonary (at least nominally) agents – they can’t really ‘work’ outside the bounds of the scenario they were conceived for; especially when they are conceived of as expressions of the author’s antipathies. A charitable interpretation of the story would be that it’s about overcoming those antipathies into a more eduaimonic mode of engagement with Being; in any case however, there is no way you could simply keep using elements in a fallen state on purpose, without regressing the work (and yourself) in the first place. Your only options at that point are to either transform it, or destroy it – and Anno chose to destroy it.

Which was the easy way out of course. Anyone who might’ve empathized, identified, or at least sympathized with any of the other characters got no more real answers about the conundrums they were supposed to embody than what they started with. Perhaps you could say those are answers to things Anno himself could not give. There are fans who had been invested in the series for over 25 years, and all he gave them in the end was, ‘you shouldnt get so caught up in this stuff :)’.

The character of Mari, introduced in the later series, and subject of the nominal protagonist’s ultimate denoument, is not a device in the same way that other figures were devices. There is no underlaying trauma that she is supposed to embody, she’s simply a ‘regular character’; she has a good attitude, she has no problem with fighting, nor hangups that would interfere with the discharging of her duty – no more or less than what one should expect of any warrior in the line of duty. In a world of deconstruction though, such a ‘regular’ character is deeply incongruous.

But if A, the director wants to make a happily ever after for his self-insert, and B, he is not going to change anything else about anyone else, then C, such a thing is the only other option.

If there is one thing you can say, it is that even though he couldn’t do any better, Anno was at the very least self-aware enough to just outright say to people that the schlock he was giving them was in fact schlock.

There are – or perhaps, were – millions of people out there who wanted eva to be something more than what it was; unfortunately for them, in the end, Hideaki-san was equal the task of answering their prayers.

Red says:

It always amazes me how much depth you have about so many subjects. I was obsessed with Evangelion when it came out but it just kept more and more depressing(I kind of ended up hating all the characters) and I just got to the point where I wanted the show to end with something meaningful even if it was the world end being destroyed. I was so upset with the lack of an ending that I pretty much gave up on watching Anime.

I never looked into who created the created the show or his motivations.

Pax Imperialis says:

>I pretty much gave up on watching Anime

You wouldn’t have miss much if you completely stopped. Other than Mamoru Oshii, it pretty much all went to shit. Oshii did best with anime movies. Try watching the following if you haven’t already.

Ghost in the Shell movies (
Patlabor 2 (context

The one modern anime that is evocative is Genocidal Organ but that might just be an extreme niche.

alf says:

What are the opinions on Full metal alchemist? We’re halfway in, enjoying it so far.

notglowing says:

Full Metal Alchemist falls into the subcategory of Shounen anime, which means its target audience is young teenage boys. It’s one of the best anime in that category, which I generally found rather boring and formulaic.

The ending in particular is quite good. I enjoyed the interactions between the main characters and Truth throughout the series; Though Truth in FMA is not at all like God in Christianity, it is more of a neutral, logical, force of nature, cause and effect kind of deity or principle that is typical of eastern philosophy.

It should be noted that the idea of Karma, and being punished for it, is different from our idea of good and bad. In the eastern view, burning in hell is more of a mechanical, natural consequence of your bad actions. A result of your Karma, and necessary to get rid of it.
Whereas Christians believe an intelligent, just God judges people and delivers deserved punishment.

If you like FMA, I would recommend you watch Hunter x Hunter as well. Another really good Shounen.
It’s good all the way through, but the most interesting part is the Chimera Ant arc starting ~80 episodes in.
Among the themes of that arc, there are the cold cruelty of nature and the fundamental nature of Man.

The overarching story of the entire show is about a young boy trying to find his father and become as strong as he is in the process.

Adam says:

>It should be noted that the idea of Karma, and being punished for it, is different from our idea of good and bad. In the eastern view, burning in hell is more of a mechanical, natural consequence of your bad actions. A result of your Karma, and necessary to get rid of it.

Jesus Christ is Lord, but what you described here is pretty much exactly how I live my life spiritually. The eastern view is true (as you described it), in so much as if you act like it is true it bears good fruit. I know nothing of actual eastern views or religions I am no expert. It’s also a lot like the faith one learns about in 12 step programs, which are spiritual programs that embrace the paradoxical nature of our perception and reality. And those work for people very well.

I can’t say I believe in God as intelligent, as I don’t think of God as a person (other than Christ of course). I’ve never heard Jim talk like that either.

Not trying to make it about me or anything I just find it interesting and consistent with what works and consistent with Jim and the rest of what is said here.

alf says:

> Shounen anime

Ah that explains the gratuitous amount of fan service. There’s this recurrent image of Winry in the end credits that screams ‘help me step brooo’. It always cracks us up.

> It should be noted that the idea of Karma, and being punished for it, is different from our idea of good and bad.

Haven’t finished it, but so far I find the concept of paying for your sins fairly relatable and not all too unChristian.

> If you like FMA, I would recommend you watch Hunter x Hunter as well. Another really good Shounen.

I chose FMA because it seemed enjoyable for female viewers, which turned out to be the case. HxH seems more boy focused? As in, Dragonball Z is also a shounen, but I can’t imagine a woman enjoying it.

Neofugue says:

FMA is an exploration into various Western philosophical ideas such as those of Darwin, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Hume and Kant, some of which you may agree with, others you may not. As a point of personal preference I prefer the English dub as voice actor Vic Mignongna tones down Edward’s atheism.

Both the original and Brotherhood are well-produced, certainly.

alf says:

> As a point of personal preference I prefer the English dub as voice actor Vic Mignongna tones down Edward’s atheism.

Implying you watched both the sub and dub? lmao you weeb.

jk jk I appreciate the perspective.

Kunning Druegger says:

Wait… you guys don’t watch dub then sub on every anime?

Redbible says:


I only watch in sub these days, something about watching a show be dubbed by people who are more than fine seeing you and your family be genocided tends to ruin even a good show.

Neofugue says:

With few exceptions, dubs are inferior to subs, but they lower the barrier of entry for people unfamiliar with the medium. FMA’s sub is better, but I saw it in dub many years ago as a newcomer and am fond of it. Mignongna was metooed for being insufficiently woke.

notglowing says:

I’m a big fan of Evangelion myself.
Did you watch End of Evangelion? It’s complementary to the ending of the TV series itself and serves as its concrete ending.
It’s also my favourite part.

I like the themes of the show, but I think it’s a mistake to entirely reduce it to its message, especially given the series likely was not started with such a concrete intention in mind.

Anno is an incredible director, and almost every scene has a lot of care put into it.
Rewatching it a few times has made me realize just how good every individual part of it is. Each episode stands on its own and fits within the larger story. The pacing is never slow enough to be boring as many shows tend to be, nor is it too fast where episodes kinda blend into each other.
The cinematography really culminates in End of Evangelion.

I think there’s truth to both PC and Neofugue’s analysis.

Red says:

“Did you watch End of Evangelion?”

I did not. Guess I’ll take another look.

notglowing says:

That you said you were upset over the show not having a real ending was a dead giveaway. You might or might not like the way EoE concludes the story but it is at least very good in its cinematography and music, it won’t be painful to watch.

I like both “endings” personally. The series ending and EoE. It should be noted that EoE is derived from the way Eva was actually originally planned to end, down to individual key scenes. The reason why it couldn’t be done was budget. It’s very obvious that the animation decays and almost disappears in the last few episodes. They had no money.

Anno decided to spell out the meaning of the ending to the viewer instead of animating the actual conclusion because he didn’t have the resources to do otherwise until EoE came out. Also why EoE looks really good.

Red says:

One of things I loved about EVA was how great it looked and I was looking forward to a visually spectacular ending. At this time I also had to buy the DVDs one at a time from amazon, which wasn’t cheap. Those last 2 episodes felt like big fuck you.

I lucked out though, Amazon went out of stock and even after I bitched about the show an Anime nerd I knew bought all the DVDs from me at 50% more than I paid for them. He was bummed at the ending as well, but I did warn him.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The chief value of the anime and manga industry is that it still presents beautiful people in beautiful settings working with beautiful things, which alone counts for a lot.

Even when the content is by-the-numbers filler, the value of good aesthetics on spiritual well-being can’t be underestimated.

Red says:

“Even when the content is by-the-numbers filler, the value of good aesthetics on spiritual well-being can’t be underestimated.”

Hence why everyone went to see Avatar 2 on Christmas or the day after. Good visuals, family group doing things together, with a Genocidal anti human message. The images matter more than the message to the people watching it.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

And of course, the likewise goes for the effect of being subjected too (or subjecting yourself too) ugliness, cacophony, and negergonomics.

Red says:


Lol, everyone is watching the film in the hightech 3d theater that costs $20 a ticket is somehow 100% negro free.


Pax Imperialis says:

The original ending was due to running out of budget. EoE is great because it completes the tragedy. Shinji realizes that life is in fact worth living, but he realized it too late.

>The chief value of the anime and manga industry is that it still presents beautiful people in beautiful settings working with beautiful things, which alone counts for a lot.

Anime all went downhill around the mid 2000s. It’s all shonen, moe, and now isekai. Not even quality, just crap. Likely the result of globalization and selling more to an American audience and thus having to sanitize things. There use to be a lot more anime that explored geopolitics and the underlying philosophy or shows with dark themes and mature heroism, but it’s rare now.

Really suggest checking out Genocidal Organ. Yes I’m shilling for it. It’s a wild tragedy with a Pelosi caricature at the end. Hilarious and grim.

Neofugue says:

> Anime all went downhill around the mid 2000s. It’s all shonen, moe, and now isekai. Not even quality, just crap. Likely the result of globalization and selling more to an American audience and thus having to sanitize things. There use to be a lot more anime that explored geopolitics and the underlying philosophy or shows with dark themes and mature heroism, but it’s rare now.

Anime is an expensive business; for every Evangelion, there were at least five other arthouse works which failed to break even. Most of the talent that made anime great are now either dead, retired, or near retirement (Kon, Oshii, Miyazaki, Otomo, etc.).

Modern anime is pretty stupid, ngl, but it has its moments:

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The manga is better tee bee aych (like a lot of adaptations).

Kunning Druegger says:

Thanks to St. John, this song is a permanent entry on the Family Road Trip Playlist.

The wife LOVES it. /s

Neofugue says:

Reducing Neon Genesis Evangelion to a nihilistic deconstruction of the traditional character progression arc as the product of a depressed soul ignores director Hideaki Anno’s ideological motivations and the conclusion of the self-insert Shinji Ikari’s character arcs in the original series.

It is difficult to discuss Evangelion in this regard without understanding Nadia. Adapted from Jules Verne’s 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Nadia encapsulates Anno’s Whig ideology but with typical East-Asian autistic unawareness. Unlike Western auteurs who view their works as as a means of subjugating and humiliating their audiences, Anno promotes his main couple, Nadia as his waifu, as a romanticized ideal for his viewers. Hayao Miyazaki of Ghibli fame is similar to him in this regard; he asserts that Japan should apologize for their use of foreign prostitutes in World War Two unaware of how such an apology is a humiliation ritual for the Japanese as a whole, and then proceeds to direct a film which romanticizes the creation of the Zero.

The problem with Pseudo-Chrysostom’s analysis is his assumption that Anno is like Western Prog auteurs:

> And it must be said that Hideaki-san was not an existence beyond that susceptibility to the lures of validation.

Anno is autistic to the degree he often would go to work without taking a shower. His friend Miyazaki chose him to voice Jiro Horikoshi in The Wind Rises because of his detached personality. Ignoring transsexuals, Progs are the opposite personality profile, dedicating countless effort to demonizing autistic men like Anno.

Evangelion is Anno’s attempt at creating a replacement for Christianity, a “good news” to combat the tragedy of the atomized modern man. Advocating for Anno having his self-insert undergo a ritual transfiguration of lesser to greater, for Shinji to “rise up to the challenge” and “defeat the angels,” ignores the central premise of Evangelion, that Shinji does not have the means, both psychological and interpersonal, to achieve this seemingly simple task. In any typical shounen anime, the hero bands together with a cast of loyal friends and followers to defeat the villains, but in Evangelion, Shinji has no father to guide him, no mother to nurture him, no friends to take care of him, and lives with a despondent alcoholic older woman in an inappropriate housing arrangement.

Anno’s solution, therefore, is to reflect inwards: “I may be depressed and messed up, but so is everyone else, even those who appear to be high and mighty on the surface; therefore I should not fear developing connections with others.”

However, the problem with all secular post-Christian systems, Evangelion does not provide an adequate “why” for rising to the occasion afterwards, and the series fails because of this problem. Congratulations!!! Anno noticed that his message of redemption was being ignored in favor of who wins “best girl award,” and created the Rebuilds as an attempt to rectify Evangelion.

BTW, Asuka is best girl, and that’s not just because I have her figure in my office. Rei-fags and Misato-fags can go off themselves (metaphorically) for all I care.

Red says:

“Anno is autistic to the degree he often would go to work without taking a shower. His friend Miyazaki chose him to voice Jiro Horikoshi in The Wind Rises because of his detached personality. Ignoring transsexuals, Progs are the opposite personality profile, dedicating countless effort to demonizing autistic men like Anno”

Going to work without showering shows depression IE low self status. I bet he started showering once he was getting laid.

Neofugue says:

Clearly Anno has showered before being filmed, linked above.

Anno got married in 2002 at the age of 42, after he became world-famous.

High-functioning autism is not a real condition, rather a collection of certain traits not compatible with the current-year zeitgeist. Anno wrote the original Evangelion for young men like himself, detached and atomized.

Fidelis says:

Going to work without showering shows depression IE low self status

Nah, really strong tism gives you an inability to properly filter sensory input. This is why you will see kids that are high functioning otherwise but have a high concentration of tism alleles will flip out about haircuts and fingernail trimming. Seen this in kids that are not shy nor low status among their friends, really enjoys contact sports, the high stimulus of certain things normies take for granted are extremely uncomfortable for people with less of an ability to filter it. If anno is this type of autist, easy to see him not showering if he can get away with it, ironically it’s a high status behavior because otherwise he would be forced to hikkikomori or wear a clean suit.

notglowing says:

> Unlike Western auteurs who view their works as as a means of subjugating and humiliating their audiences, Anno promotes his main couple, Nadia as his waifu, as a romanticized ideal for his viewers.

You hit the nail on the head. This is why I like anime, and can enjoy it even when it seems to contain ideas I disagree with, while most western media has become fairly offensive to me.

Whether they have the right idea or not, the Japanese who make anime are always trying to make their viewers happy rather than humiliate and lecture them. It doesn’t have the same aggressive, malicious intent that Hollywood movies have.

It helps that everything tends to be idealized, and that in the aesthetics they try to strive towards beauty, rather than intentional ugliness.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

> ignores the central premise of Evangelion, that Shinji does not have the means, both psychological and interpersonal, to achieve this seemingly simple task.

Well, yes, that is indeed the point.

Anno was self-consciously referencing many classic tropes of super robot anime that came into mode in the late 70s and 80s. For example, the trope of teenage boy thrust into the role of soldier with the weight of destiny on his shoulders, where he rises to the occasion.

Except of course…

> ‘hey, you know that one character archetype you liked in that one story? well here is how that kind of person would *really* be like in the *’real’* world!’.

He doesn’t rise to the occasion, because why would anyone rise to the occasion? Everything sucks. And if I can’t rise to the occasion, then noone else can either… so on and so forth.

The ideal touched upon by Asuka, existing in potentia, is very much best girl; yet, like many things in Eva, Anno was unwilling – or unable – to actually deliver it.

jim says:

If a man cannot be a king under his own roof, and own a woman and children, why do anything?

And this is the tragedy and horror of modernity.

Fidelis says:

We need to formulate a word to distinguish between “a vaguely human-shaped male animal” and “a being fulfilling the divine telos of masculinity”.

At the very least to elevate the latter away from the former. I can see quite a large mass perfectly content with pan et circenses, but they also mostly lack any sort of ability to do much more than grunt labor while being monitored every second. The higher beings included in “man” are those being brought down to the level of the animal “man” by yoke of demonic relgious practice. We should make this clear.

S says:

We already have them- male and man.

Fidelis says:

Not nearly a strong enough distinction. I think we should borrow something from the greeks or latins for this.

Kunning Druegger says:

Full disclosure, I am definitely a wordfag, a dictioncel if you will. I agree with Fidelis here. While the “male/man” distinction absolutely works, it doesn’t work very well, and it would be completely misunderstood without repeated explanations as the terms are synonyms in common parlance.

Possibly related, I have gotten flack for my stubborn insistence on using “female” instead of “woman.” I don’t know why this triggers folks, but it does, and they are usually pronoun people with Hohol flags.

Adam says:

Man and nu-male

S says:

Eunuch strong enough?

Neofugue says:

> The ideal touched upon by Asuka, existing in potentia, is very much best girl; yet, like many things in Eva, Anno was unwilling – or unable – to actually deliver it.

It is not that Anno was unwilling or unable, it is that he never wanted to deliver it at all. Of course, what ended up happening is that Asuka became a “best girl” because of her trauma, which surprised Anno to the extent he felt the need to make the Rebuilds.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Sure, but then i was being charitable, and this tack makes my point even more so for me.

Red says:


Pilgrims Pass is interesting. He’s not based like Dovahatty, but in his Dune videos he is groping to the truth.

Pax Imperialis says:

>he is groping to the truth

I’ve been binge watching his videos and he’s on a similar trajectory towards truth as Yarvin was. There are some interesting parallels to Yarvin as well. Both share similar upper middle class backgrounds, both had cosmopolitan international educations, both had Communist grandfathers, and both write poetry.

The NRx concepts are there in their infancy. For example Pilgrims Pass wrote/said:

The nature of reality is such that leaders and scholars will primarily be of the upper class because they have the leisure to specialize and organize. The real common workers were victims brainwashed by people like Lenin. I know this from the inside, I know how the socialist sausage is made. The reality is: University types created a political theory that justified total control of the wealth by other university types.

‘University types’ might as well be ‘priestly types.’ It’s also clear he’s observing from outside America when he calls what we would term as the Cathedral/Harvard as California/coastal elites.

The Communists are literally a Godless and corrupted form of us Christians but the Commies traded one Jew for another and ironically they chose the Jew who wasn’t a worker but was a lazy bastard with no job and thought yeah he’s a better representative of the working class

It’s a less eloquent but much more succinct Yarvin if Yarvin was Catholic and European. Check out his Korra video. The title is misleading. It’s mostly an exploration of equality.

Red says:

Jim, would it be possible to ban users names shorter than 3? It’s difficult to quote them because a random letter doesn’t identify anyone in way that makes sense to humans.

Red says:

“This is the second-worst case scenario I had envisioned. The absolute worst was a mass die-off due to fulminant antibody-dependent enhancement recreating Black Death 2.0. This, perhaps mercifully, did not happen. Instead we are seeing the fagcinated (those that stupidly continue boosting themselves especially) continue to gimp their immune systems and shift their interferon profiles. So now they no longer have the capacity to fully clear respiratory viruses quickly (or at all . . .?) And therefore they are acting as plague rats with regards to respiratory viruses for the rest of us, including pureblooded children. This explains the massive surge in both influenza and RSV that we have seen this winter.”

Red says:

Igor Chudov on it:

KD link:

mRNA Shots Work Like Allergen Shots

I had many pollen allergies. Every spring was unpleasant. I decided to go to an allergist and take allergy shots, which amounted to repeatedly injecting allergens into me. As a result of these repeat antigen shots, my immune system developed non-inflammatory IgG4 antibodies, which mark pollen as a harmless substance to the rest of my immune system and prevent allergic inflammation and nasty symptoms.

There is something important, though: pollen does not replicate.

It is a good idea not to have inflammation in response to pollen. It is a bad idea, however, to train our immune system to ignore replicating pathogens such as Sars-Cov-2.

How would “immune tolerance,” induced by repeat antigen shots such as mRNA injections, look like when the person is infected with Sars-Cov-2?

It would look like a “mild” infection without a serious fever that would last much longer than necessary and cause organ damage. The sufferer may say, for the first week, that they are thankful for vaccines and boosters making their symptoms mild. Then they start wondering why the infection is not going away.

Such tolerance may explain why boosted people are the slowest to clear Covid-19:

Red says:

This is pretty much what Jim and other’s have observed with the boosted. This also makes the highly boosted a positive danger to be around. They’ve god GRDS and should be avoided at all costs because they’re plague rats.

This is good news for people who only took one shot. Assume the cardiac damage doesn’t kill you, your immune system isn’t completely fucked after one jab.

Red says:


someDude says:

And just like that, the west rediscovers untouchability. I wonder how the Hindus came upon the concept. Must have been any number of reasons. The point is that it will naturally spring up in any settled society.

Milosevic says:

lmao don’t be a faggot. There is no point worrying about any of this. I’ve never been healthier in my life and I’m surrounded by vaxxd lunatics. Move on m8.

Red says:

I haven’t been sick since Omicron, but I the people I’m around are mostly the unvaxed or just single dose vaxed.

simplyconnected says:

Karl Denninger has also been talking about this:

This turns you into a walking virus mutation and production factory, a source of infection to everyone around you and, to the extent that the virus does direct damage to your body systems, and we know the spike does, it also is likely to lead to very severe long-term problems that look like other conditions. Nobody is looking for spike damage specifically in, for example, heart attacks, strokes and pulmonary embolisms, never mind the possibility of potentiating cancer by suppressing immune response if that suppression and tolerance goes beyond Covid, and it very well might. If that’s not bad enough everyone that got jabbed has the same profile of response where the normal situation is that responses differ in different people because our body systems operate slightly differently […]
We may now have created a couple hundred million people in the US alone who have coded their immune systems to tolerate certain proteins that are common across all manner of respiratory viruses and worse, if its not local to viruses to be more-susceptible to cancer and other immune-sensitive problems with no way to reverse the effects!

simplyconnected says:

This is important stuff, so I thought I’d leave a couple of links, more in detail than Igor’s explanation, from Arkmedic and Jessica Rose.

Red says:

Very important stuff.

Added KD links for them.

Looks like they also looked at non mRNA jabs, no immune issues from them.

They did not see this result in the case of the non-mRNA injectable product ChAdOx1 (adenoviral vector-based vaccine) or for tetanus toxoid and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). They checked. This confirms that this class switch to this tolerizing antibody subclass is specific to the effects of repeated injections with the Comirnaty products (we’ll have to check the Moderna mRNA-1273 products) and more importantly, that is not a typical consequence of repeat antigen exposure from either natural infections and vaccination.

Karl says:

Massive surge in various repiratory diseaes is more readily explained by the large number of people with impaired immune systems.

A large number of plague rats should not affect people with uncompromised immune systems much. In any flu season, we encounter all the respiratory viruses that are around. No big deal if a large number of plague rats make us encounter any one of theses viruses a few weeks earlier than usual. Either you are already immune to that specific virus or you get a cold and are immune thereafter.

Red says:

One more article about, it looks more mainstream:

KD link:

“It may also increase the chance of certain autoimmune disorders, though that connection is more speculative.”

jim says:

“The immune shift causes the body to make relatively more of a less potent kind of antibody to Covid,”

Ignorant twits. They may have had trouble understanding the original article, since written evasively to avoid being deplatformed, demonetized, and cancelled.

IG1 and IG2 means the immune system is monitoring the problem. IG3 means “attack the enemy, don’t worry too much about collateral damage” (which of course makes you feel very ill, and can kill you in the course of attempting to kill the disease) IG4 means “false alarm, forget about it”. So you feel fine until viral damage to your organs causes you to keel over suddenly. Of course the jab is a false alarm, but actual covid is not.

Red says:

“Ignorant twits.” IE mainstream.

Your explanation of the antibody types is the best I’ve seen so far.

The paper was submitted in July and published during Christmas so the evasion clearly wasn’t enough. Makes one wonder why they’re finally publishing it at all.

Honest Bob says:


jim says:

true, but when you raise the issue, it is merely an attempt to create division on the right.

Pete says:

Thoughts on the guys shooting up power stations in WA? Disgruntled right-wing whites finally – FINALLY – using their guns, or false flag to justify more government crackdowns?

The Cominator says:

Almost certainly the latter. If not the latter its more likely to be radical greens without Cathedral support doing it than right wingers.

jim says:

I think it is the real thing.

zero says:

Agree, they aren’t making any fuss about it and it was to competent an operation for greenies. Altho there is always the possibility it had nothing to do with what we are aware of, it sounds like concord beta. And we can project an increase in activities outside the permitted zeitgeist. If it was a false flag there would be the j6 news puke nonstop. Instead crickets and most normie cons haven’t heard anything more then a rumour they vaguely remember a while ago.

The Cominator says:

Greenies can be quite competent at terrorism…

zero says:

When backed with tools sure. This was not an ira type operation. Vegans don’t know what a transformer is

Red says:

The last attack in WA only knocked out rural power according to the news but they could be lying. Washington state if full of leftist vermin who specialize in vandalism and harming a rural area would be up their ally. I’m pretty sure they started the forest fires fires a few years ago that fucked up rural areas in the Pacific Northwest after they got run out of some small towns when they tried to bring the BLM riots to them.

I’m still on the fence about it being a false flag with leftists or pissed off Americaaners. Chaos seems to be increasing.

Kunning Drueger says:

It could be a proof of concept, or newly radicalized guys dipping their toes in the waters of operationalizing the distinction. I disagree with TC on this one. I think CritInfra attacks are far more effective than mass minecraft attacks.

If it keeps happening and keeps getting ignored/memory holed, is it safe to assume that It Has Begun?

Something to consider: knocking out power in rural area is very different than hitting suburban or urban areas. The former is far more resilient and the latter is quite fragile across many sectors. The societal semi-collapse in Buffalo is illustrative; suspend the expectation or possibility of standard enforcement, and the niggers start stealing everything. The National Guard mobilized to Buffalo we’re not sent to shovel sidewalks and dig out corpses, they were sent to protect the nogs from Arab/merchant reprisals. If the power starts going out in areas where good men pushed too far for too long might start paying house calls to… well, there are always those who act with impunity when they expect to get away with anything. If it turns out that LEO is too busy securing the main street and hospital to respond to attacks on sodomites, lobbyists, and Coronatarian priestesses, who knows what might happen in the Rural Dark. A night of a thousand browns out, ah haha.

The Cominator says:

Not in favor of mass minecraft i want elite minecraft…

The Cominator says:

Why would any right winger ever hit a rural power station, if it were NYC, DC, LA San Fragcisco or Atlanta i might buy it but because of the choice of target i dont.

Kunning Druegger says:

I can think of quite a few, but I am hesitant to lay them out specifically. Lots of different kinds of people live in lots of different kinds of places. In some places, LEO resources are very thin on the ground due to geography, density, and baseline conduct and expectations of civility. It is not hard to have situations develop organically wherein there are simply no resources available to “send help” no matter how culturally deserving the “victims” might be.

Think of it like an immune system response like a fever. The body attacks everything in the hope that the important stuff will survive.

The Cominator says:

This answers nothing, the left doesnt want power in rural areas and targetting rural power stations for right wingers is fucking stupid and pointless and counterproductive and i would want any “right wingers” doing so to be executed. Proper violence sends high ranking leftists to hell…

Kunning Drueger says:

lol nah.

Wolf says:

Because they know the area and it’s easier to escape detection? Could be a lashing out, hijinks, or practice. Doesn’t appear to be political cause there were no demands or message.

Adam says:

Doesn’t seem like what a rightist would do. Seems more like an extension of all the farms that burned down.

Cloudswrest says:

Voxday links to an interesting essay on supporting Musk here:

Also I read today that Starlink is now servicing “around 100 receivers in Iran”.

First Ukraine, now Iran. He’s going to get himself killed one of these days.

Cloudswrest says:

By this I mean end up like Gerald Bull.

Profundity Enjoyer says:

New Moldbug? With science?

This is making the rounds on Twitter:

Article is impressive. It includes some data purporting to show that Jewish opinion is less predictive of policy than white gentile opinion, and that this aligns with the demographics of the ruling class or “Patriciate” which is about 12% Jewish, as their IQ would predict.

The central argument is “there exists a sovereign class, which I call the Patriciate, whose political desires determine the state of political culture. It consists of less than 10,000 people. Since this is the case, then a status game among >10% of the population cannot be the driver of political change. Rather, the driver is change in the composition of the Patriciate, whose behavior can be analyzed using the standard model from behavior genetics.”

“The real meat of exousiology is revealing why the Patriciate exists. The Patriciate exists because of the Iron Law of Oligarchy (ILO), which has 5 tenets. The one I have investigated the most thus far is the one which states that most people lack political agency, which is the ability to effectively pursue one’s political best interests.

When you understand political agency theory, the Patriciate running everything becomes a tautology. And when the Patriciate runs everything, there is no need for a positive feedback loop theory, particularly when Patriciate demographic change can explain the leftward shift. Furthermore, any such theory that is not restricted to the Patriciate is falsified.”

Wow, this is so much better than Curtis Yarvin. This is like the 145 IQ Yarvin, Yarvin being about 125 IQ imo.

S says:

“Now, jewishness was measured as religious jewishness,”

The Ultra-Orthodox don’t determine American policy is not a shocking claim.

“White gentile men are roughly 77% of Patricians. But this number has been decreasing. Instead of status games, this could serve as the reason why Cthulhu swims left. It certainly has Occam’s razor on its side.”

Posted above this is a graph showing the composition change of CEOs; Women, black, asian, latino. The issue is it starts at 2000 when their sum total as less then 5%.

Since leftism existed before 2000, the claim doesn’t work. You can try to fix it by claming inter-white replacement for the previous change, but this requires the Irish to be joining the elite in significant amounts prior to 1920s.

They are also wrong about status. Status is your ranking in the pecking order. You can’t use ‘the elite set status’ as an answer because status determines the positions of elites relative to one another and individuals who have the power to change and set that are- by definition- higher status then those who do not.

“Leftism is the end itself, and the incredibly rich elite use their power to make you tolerate it. “Tolerance.” This fits much better with the historical record, where feces art and exhibitionist crossdressing was always considered naturally disgusting, and virtue signalling was being against those things. ”

This theory is mutually exclusive with the increase of non-whites males driving leftism. It fails to explain why degenerate elites don’t get rejected or outcompeted by non-degenerate elites. It requires leftism to be naturally attractive which he argues against.Leftism as a coordinated elite shitting on the proles doesn’t work because they don’t care what proles think.

“Hanania is additionally guilty of reaching beyond what current knowledge permits. I say this, because exousiology is not even to the point where we can say with definitiveness what exactly is driving the increase of women in higher education and therefore the lines Hanania points to, or what is causing the increasing political divide in the US.”

Why would men want access to attractive young women? A question for the ages!

jim says:

Moldbug was smart.

This guy is midwit.

Profundity Enjoyer says:

I don’t think so, I don’t fully understand everything Bronski is claiming, the article is super dense. I’d say I’m 125-130 IQ. I’ve read Moldbug and while I see the appeal as propaganda, he’s basically just a sayer of things. I always assumed Moldbug fans are uniformly under 120 IQ. Moldbug himself seems like a wordcel, about on my level, he’s mostly just regurgitating mediocre books from 80 years ago in an obnoxious, catering way that appeals to 110 IQ people with poor attention spans. Hence his popularity — there’s a lot of stupid people, few people who probably really get the article I posted. I think someone should recommend to Bronski to water it down more if he wants to get as much attention as Moldbug.

zero says:

Short attention span? I think moldbugs big thing was describing Washington politics in the 1920-50s accurately and exposing the power of strong horse week horse over historic narrative. Some of his podcasts where he gives nigger para militaries the propaganda varnish as if they were being written into American social studies books was impressive to me. He definitely understood npr as a propaganda coup to define America politically and write out the right from the equation. Altho he is hilariously a holocaust truther, holo-truther?

Red says:

“Short attention span? ”

CE is describing his own attention span. He reads a mitwit because he cant understand Moldbug.

“I don’t think so, I don’t fully understand everything Bronski is claiming, the article is super dense.”

I read the entire article and understood everything he had to say. The bit about nothing understanding status is a Midwit red flag. Typically people in the middle don’t understand what status is while people at the bottom of the IQ chart and people at the top both get it without needing to discus it. So he creates a system to define what status is and it doesn’t work.

One of the hardest things I had to learn was that language sucks at describing reality, at best it’s an approximation. I’m an engineer by trade and I want everything to fit into a neat clean systems. Status is one of those concepts that doesn’t have a good approximate definition but we know it when we see it. We have the same issues with communicating about the mating dance, language cannot accurately describe it because it predates language. Best you can do is describe facets of it.

Profundity Enjoyer says:

You seem to not get science lol

You have to define things rigorously. It’s not okay to build a theory on an intuitive notion of something like “status.” That’s very midwit.

I didn’t fully understand his statistical arguments but he’s right about “status.”

Red says:

Science as in the scientific method produces truth. The sort of peer review science you’re pushing is the stuff that produces this:

Peer review in itself keeps out people who don’t agree with the peers from publishing leading ideas that are not allowed never being published.

For insistence during the early days of the US COVID vaccine rollout China had already published numerous papers showing that the spike protein did damage to the heart and circulatory system. American and European researchers found the same thing but none of them could get their papers published because the vaccines consisted of injecting trillions of spike proteins into your system. Finally one paper lied claiming that the spike protean in the vaccine wasn’t the same as the spike protean from the COVID virus and was published and from we learned that the vaccines cause heart damage. When people have to lie to get truth published, that isn’t science.

Before 1945 the Science was the Scientific Method, IE replication. After 1945 it became Peer Review, IE Ivy League priests reviewing studies to judge it’s “correctness”. Replication soon died out. Since then Science been slowly declining its ability to produce accurate results.

I know someone in the Material science field and they find every published paper useless. They are never able to replicate them when they try to apply them to actual problems. I’ve heard similar stories from many people in industry who’ve completely given up on trying to use peer reviewed published scientific studies to do actual production because 99% of the time they end up being garbage. They fund their own studies now because what’s published doesn’t fucking work.

Fireball says:

The papers publish from some places are getting so bad that the smart fraction of the first years are able to figure out that they are bullshit.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

To be enamored by imposing edifices of artilection, which gives an feeling of intellectual rigor, of divining profound mysteries through the effort of thrawling through every detail of the creatus, irrespective of the felicity of it all in the end, is most certainly an archetypical midwit affection. Just smart enough to notice the questions, so that they can give wrong answers to them.

One need only observe the soaring mountains of verbiage produced by 20th century marxianism to see this in action.

notglowing says:

This is why you are the best commenter on this blog

Red says:

Reading Pseudo-Chrysostom posts always reminds me of reading Feynman. Just an insane depth of knowledge and intellect. I wish he had his own blog.

Aidan says:

The great beauty and usefulness of English is in the depth and breadth of its body of diction. Sometimes a five-dolla-word is called for to communicate precise meaning. For this reason, English is the language of science and engineering. But if one’s writing is all five dollar words, it is almost certainly the case that he is not saying what he thinks he is saying.

Anonymous says:


The prestige of Cobbett’s excellent literary style has survived the persecution of his equally excellent opinions. But that style also is underrated through the loss of the real English tradition. More cautious schools have missed the fact that the very genius of the English tongue tends not only to vigour, but specially to violence. The Englishman of the leading articles is calm, moderate, and restrained; but then the Englishman of the leading articles is a Prussian. The mere English consonants are full of Cobbett. Dr. Johnson was our great man of letters when he said “stinks,” not when he said “putrefaction.” Take some common phrase like “raining cats and dogs,” and note not only the extravagance of imagery (though that is very Shakespearean), but a jagged energy in the very spelling. Say “chats” and “chiens” and it is not the same.

G. K. Chesterton

Pax Imperialis says:

There are many things which can not be defined rigorously because they exist on a Gaussian blur. There is much ambiguity in nature. Moreover there are many things which should not be rigorously defined because to do so would involve such a long and detailed rule set such that it would not be practical as a definition. We are largely dependent on heuristics from the quantum level to the social level.

Here’s a fun task, find a way ‘rigorousness’ can be defined rigorously in the scientific mathematical sense. Good luck.

Red says:

“We are largely dependent on heuristics from the quantum level to the social level.”

That’s a very good point.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Creation is always larger than anything that can fit inside your head.

Adam says:

>Creation is always larger than anything that can fit inside your head.

So true, the only thing that can define creation is creation itself. Life is an endless adaptation to life.

notglowing says:

Something this reminds me of is the definition of “woman”, which is politically controversial now.

What I found most interesting though, is that the question “How do you define a woman?” has been used by both sides as an attack against the other, which is somewhat strange.

People on our side will ask troons how they can define women, with the premise being that they have made the term meaningless.

On the other hand the latter will also sometimes direct the question to our side, with the premise being that we cannot exactly define a woman without them being able to point out some bad faith contradiction, such as women born with deformities.

I said “the latter” but there seems to be a not always obvious split in the left between tranny supporters and the older, “gender critical” individuals who make the argument I just illustrated. I have met several who while seemingly against the idea of objective “genders” support trannies.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>cannot exactly define a woman without them being able to point out some bad faith contradiction, such as women born with deformities.

The specters of the nominalist theologians, and their children, ‘The Enlightenment’, haunt the discourse to this day.

Beings of congenitally solipsistic temperament are eternally preoccupied with attempts to ‘universalize’ definitions of things, for in truth they are frustrated by inability to conceive of the matter of any conception in the first place. No one thing appears of any greater import than any other other thing – no one thing appears meaningfully distinct from any other thing. A ‘universal’ justice disguising an absence of justice; a ‘universal’ reason disguising an absence of reason; a ‘universal’ love disguising an absence of love.

His ultimate desire is for a System, that can do all the thinking *for* him. A formula, an algorithm, a roadmap, whereby he may ‘naively’ place inputs and receive outputs, without dependence on the frailties of his own cogitation. But that which could contain all of Being within itself is itself already beyond Being itself. And so such is the irony; those beings most desirous of a philosophical crutch, and who in similar kind are most attracted to such fields, in hopes of a palliation for the chronic niggling sense of bewilderment they face going through life, are also those *least qualified* to provide such – whose ideographic effluvient are most disastrously caustic to the felicity of such spheres.

Any given action – including any given speech act – is an implicit expression of value; the eventuality of doing one thing in the stead of any other thing a necessary demonstration of discrimination.

Any given value is an implicit teleology; a given state of affairs which through observation of the value would inevitably be brought about.

A Sign is a seed that has not yet bloomed into meaning; they hold no more intelligibility than any other thing to that which lacks any waters of imagination, whereby hence they sprout into shoots of Qualia. Only that which can form worlds, teleologion, in of itself, can follow the arrows to a destination, can travel the second half way to an end. Such is the chief quality that distinguishes dasein from any other kind of being.

Aidan says:

Things are defined teleologically. What is the difference between a bush and a tree? A bush blocks one’s sight of the near, a tree does not. It is an important distinction for hunting and war, which is why we have two separate words for closely related wood-stemmed leafy plants.

notglowing says:

>Things are defined teleologically. What is the difference between a bush and a tree?

Not false, but a dangerous counterargument. After all the person arguing against the existence of an objective definition of “man” and “woman” thinks the same way, but believes in the reverse process.

When leftists say you cannot define x, or y is socially constructed, what they actually, really mean is that they want to have the power to define x and change y; If it’s not objectively definable, and if it’s just some creation of man, then they should have the power to modify it for the purpose they see fit.

What needs to be remembered is that although we do construct language, and define words based on our need to use them, the concepts behind these words and the origins of our needs are in the real world, they are real, objective, independent of our existence.
Language *must* derive from reality, even if it cannot fully comprehend it.

And there is such a thing as *wrong* language, because it can be defined to make stating the truth impossible. Like “homophobia” makes disgust for homosexuality inexpressible. It is very much like in 1984.

jim says:

> You seem to not get science lol

I don’t think you are a shill, but you are a midwit well out of your depth. Be mindful of the Dunning-Kruger effect, or I am going to put you on moderation.

Neofugue says:

>Profundity Enjoyer

You know you can take a guy seriously when he calls himself Profundity Enjoyer, especially considering his “shill test” involves solving an extremely difficult 11th grade math problem. 🙃

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Extremely difficult? It is a power rule integral. I can do that shit in my head. Anyone who made it to the second week of integral calculus can probably do that, too. What would be an actual shill IQ test would be to put that equation in context and force someone to actually use their brain.

Neofugue says:

Sarcasm emoji – 🙃

Profundity Enjoyer says:

Meh, I’ve read pretty all of his blog posts and all if it is basically “big if true” stuff. Some of his ideas are common sense that I guess he packaged in a way suitable for low IQ types who never understood it before (the victor writes the history, etc), some of his ideas are almost certainly wrong (ultra-Calvinist hypothesis, professor sovereignty), none of it is rigorous. Really not impressive, again, it’s clear he quit working with his gambling money he won off of the dot com bubble, read a few dozen books (couldn’t even do it in his free time lol), and then regurgitated them uncritically for 3 years, laying down most of the core ideas in the first 3-6 months and repeating them ad nauseam for the remaining 2.5 years.

Profundity Enjoyer says:

Moldbug fans are people who needed old ideas laid out in books 80 years ago spoonfed to them by a mommy bird with plenty of funny digressions mixed in to make it palatable. It’s really quite pathetic once you understand this lol

jim says:

You are just a midwit suffering from Dunning Krueger effect.

In which case you are too short for this ride.

Red says:

Are we starting to get a new sort of shill or is this just Joseph Bronski shilling his crap here under another assumed name? The original link that started this thread only had 1k views. I doubt it was spreading around twitter.

Profundity Enjoyer says:

[*Deleted for Kunning Druger effect.*]

Kunning Drueger says:

He’s not one of my tribe lol. Midwit Mafia knows their limitations and seeks to be supportive, edifying, humorous, and informative to our inferiors, peers, and superiors.

Red, that Bronski guy seemed seriously pathetic. His takedowns we’re genuinely interesting, but the pathetic “why not have I moar fans?” bullshit was just embarrassing. That was a script he wrote out and then recorded them posted. Sad!

Protuberance Engulfer seems like a jealous kike, and I think you are dead on, it’s Bronski trying to swim in waters too deep.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Shilling one’s stuff is fine as long as it’s topical, you’re open about it, and not poisoned with the hubris that precludes profitable social interaction.

pinochet's ghost says:

Reading old i.e. suppressed books is not an easy or obvious thing to do before someone calls them to your attention.

Moldbug was just the smartest of the first people to have all three of youth, time, and access to a massive internet archive of every book.

In your first post you say his ideas are “big if true” and in your second you say they are obvious.

Javier says:

Admit it, you’re this “Bronski” guy. Tell you what, I hearby proclaim you the new thought leader of NRx. Congrats!

(fyi a smart person wouldn’t name their grand unifying theory with a garbled nonsense word like ‘excusiology’ or whatever.)

Red says:

How exactly can you be rigorous in the modern sense of peer review and data when peer review is producing fake study after fake study and modern data is mostly been “corrected” for political purposes?

History has been one long string of ever changing lies my entire life. The farther you go back to primary sources the more accurate the take is, which is exactly what Moldbug did.

The Cominator says:

Your Bronski article DOES have some value in laying out the oligarchies structure (and reinforcing for normies that it does exist) but youre overstating it…

Red says:

Are the oligarchs the CEOs or the owners the corporations? The CEO’s are generally the Harvard trained crew, IE the Cathedral, besides with Elon’s companies. The actual owners end up more like Bill Gates handing over their protection money and begging on their bellies for some priestly status. I wouldn’t call them Oligarchs.

He also failed to note the intelligence agents(“EX” FBI/CIA,etc) embedded in every major corporation. We have a structure that looks a lot more like Nazi Germany’s “corporations” where the inner party/deep state had people at every corporation semi controlling them. The talk of the 1% just smacks of leftist tropes.

The Cominator says:

Big corporation CEOs absent ownership stakes are high level managers put there with the blessing of the priesthood, so at least on the outer ring of the oligarchy.

Bill says:

Check out who sits on the boards of all these corporations. You’re going to find lots of elites in there.

Bill says:

The CEO’s are generally the Harvard trained crew

Harvard/Ivey is overrated as being what determines who and who isn’t the ruling elite. Probably comes from Moldbug getting into Brown thinking he’s some sort of elite even though he grew up poor and has achieved nothing in his life.

Plenty of non-elites go to Ivey schools nowadays, particularly the non-whites and vice-versa.

Elite-status is determined well before then in the K-9 private prep schools. Check out where Bush and Biden send their grandchildren. Tuition tends to be 30-40k or so for the elite high schools.

Bill says:


Aidan says:

Going to those prep schools does not make one elite. The elite send their kids to expensive schools because their kids getting beaten up by niggers would lower their status. Obama is elite because he is the illegitimate son of a very holy communist priest. It is just dynastic politics in a theocracy.

pinochet's ghost says:

[*deleted for rectification of names*]

jim says:

You do not know what a bagman is, or are, more likely, deliberately poisoning terminology to prevent people from talking about corruption and bribery as it is customarily performed in the US.

Red says:

“The elites of that era have been largely cast down, and in their place, a teaming mass of managerial midwits stands.”

We’re starting drop below the midwit range. I deal with new mangers who are in 95-105IQ at best. There’s a bunch of oldsters hanging on who are midwit and above, but they’re starting to go.

They’re still Elite as long as they wield power. Wielding Power’s kind of the key when thinking about elites. When they stop wielding power they stop being elite.

pinochet's ghost says:

[*deleted for rectification of names*]

jim says:

A bagman is a “””consultant”””. He is not power, he is not the recipient of bribes. Rather he is a courtier to power. He transmits bribes from the party being shaken down, to the judge, bureaucrat, or politician taking the bribe.

The party being shaken down pays the “””consultant””” a fee to write words that the officer of the state will find mysteriously persuasive, but the consultant spends most of his time with the officer of the state arranging nice stuff for him.

pinochet's ghost says:

[*deleted for rectification of names*]

Pax Imperialis says:

>thinking he’s some sort of elite even though he grew up poor

He grew up as the son of a Foreign Service family. That’s not poor, that’s pretty comfortable. I don’t know the exact amount paid out in the 70s, but I can tell you a GS10 (pretty mid level) today would be paid around ~60,000 base plus ~20,000 locality pay plus ~35,000 untaxed overseas pay (if you’re a lucky bastard and get stationed in Korea/Japan it’s ~45,000) plus around ~40,000 in benefits. Total comp is 155,000. Not including hazard pay if you’re unlucky to be sent to Iraq or something. I’m pretty sure Herb Yarvin advanced pretty quickly and was around GS13-GS15 most of his career so total comp would have been higher. In today’s money around high 100k to low 200k. Not bad for a being just a government man.

>has achieved nothing in his life.

In 1985, Yarvin returned to the US and entered Johns Hopkins’ longitudinal Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth. He graduated from Brown University in 1992, then was a graduate student of a computer science PhD program at UC Berkeley, before dropping out after a year and a half to join a tech company. In 2002, Yarvin founded the Urbit computer platform as a decentralized network of personal servers. In 2013 he co-founded the San Francisco-based company Tlön Corp to build out Urbit further with funding from Peter Thiel’s venture capital arm, the Founders Fund.

All of these things are HARD. He went from joining a tech company to making a tech company within 9 years. Have you done that?

>Elite-status is determined well before then in the K-12 private prep schools.

You could say elite status is determined at birth. You’re majorly wrong about the private prep school aspect being a sole aspect. That’s mostly an East Coast/New England thing. Harvard sources many of its students from “public” schools in the West and the South. In order to segregate your kids from the lower classes in the densely packed New England area you have to send them to private schools. In the rest of the country you simply move to a higher income neighborhood that has a “public” school that coincidentally only has the children of doctors, lawyers, engineers, fundies, etc.

Bill says:

That’s mostly an East Coast/New England thing. Harvard sources many of its students from “public” schools in the West and the South.

It’s mainly an East Coast/New England and California thing because that is where the elite come from by and large (although the Bush family sends their children to Texas private schools).

Elites are not sending their children to public schools, no matter how good those public schools are. It is the defining marker of aristocratic children.

With few exceptions, Harvard students who don’t have a private prep school background aren’t aristocratic and aren’t elite. They are just filling the diversity quota.

Bill says:

[*deleted for presupposing facts not in evidence, as if everyone already knew and admitted those claims*]

jim says:

Your claims might well be true, I have no idea. But they have to be made explicitly as claims, and if, as is likely, challenged, you have to present evidence and argument, rather than presupposing them as stuff everyone knows.

Pax Imperialis says:

>Elites are not sending their children to public schools

You’re not getting it. Those “public” schools are not public schools. I went to a “public” school and I was friends with a number of guys who went on to Ivy League schools. They were not diversity quota. They were mostly White with a few East Asians. The quota system was working against them. Nearly all of them came from elite backgrounds. I even knew a Jewish kid who only got into Princeton via nepotism; his family was open about it. Many even had yearly summer vacations in Europe. Much of my foreign language class even went to Europe over the summer. My “public” school had all of the traditional WASP athletic teams composed of almost 100% white kids in an area is less than 40% White alone in the under 18 demographic. Does this sound like a public school to you?

63 percent of Harvard students come from public schools. When you look into those public schools you’ll find many of them are functionally private schools.

Bill says:

How many homes did the families at your school own? Where was their summer home? Where did they store their yachts? Were the girls being shown at Debutante Balls?

Sorry chap but you and your friends sound upper-middle class sure, but not elite.

Elites are not being caught dead sending their kids to public school with the masses, even the highly rated magnet schools. It’s the act of paying large sums of money for their kids’ education that makes them exclusive. It’s a small club.

jim says:

Two homes, one rather nice, one rather modest, one quite small yacht.

Neofugue says:

Moldbug is a typical Westchester NY half-Jew, Jewish on his father’s side and White Protestant on his mother’s side.

When speaking of most of the United States, Bill is correct that an elite parent would never send his child to public school.

However, when speaking of certain areas along the East Coast, in particular the greater New York area, Pax is correct. Certain towns have school taxes averaging upwards of $20-30,000/year with teachers making well over $200,000 not including benefits. I went to private school in [x], but my friend in [y] went to public school despite having a home three times more expensive than my childhood home.

Neofugue says:

> How many homes did the families at your school own? Where was their summer home? Where did they store their yachts?

Would love to answer this question in detail, but I would prefer not to dox myself, thank you. Might as well ask which country clubs they belonged to.

Bill says:

Moldbug went to public high school with lots of low-class blacks in Maryland. That’s not a claim. He admits this in several podcasts. Smart guy but hardly an elite background, even though he wishes himself to be an aristocrat in his own mind.

Pax Imperialis says:

First you say Yarvin came from a poor background and achieved nothing which is demonstrably false. Then you claim that none of the elites came from public schools and that too is easily dismissed via statistics. Say around 30% are diversity based on the Black, Hispanic, and Native Indian population at Harvard and assuming none of them are qualified, that means the elites are equally likely to come from a public or private school.

Now you’re quibbling over whether upper middle class is elite. Do you not get that upper middle class is just a euphemism for lower class elite? It’s just constant goal post moving. This is stupid.

>How many homes did the families at your school own? Where was their summer home? Where did they store their yachts?

Uncouth to ask.

>public school with the masses, even the highly rated magnet schools.

What don’t you get about “public” not actually being public? Magnet schools are not elite by nature of belonging to a wider public school district. There are “public” schools which are better that magnet schools.

>It’s the act of paying large sums of money for their kids’ education that makes them exclusive.

Property taxes on that multi-million dollar home are the tuition payments. When the entire neighborhood is of similar real estate price and the school district only covers and caters to said neighborhood, you get a rather exclusive school. Heck, one of my substitute teachers was a retired GS15 State Department rat.

>Were the girls being shown at Debutante Balls?

Oh no! I didn’t grow up with a mostly dead and highly regional WASP tradition of my grandfather’s era. Those parties were there as a reward for learning manners and to show off the kids. If you haven’t noticed the elites of today are mostly crass, disgusting, and obscene. They don’t learn manners and so the Balls have fallen out of favor because the inherent debauchery would lead to a shit show.

Some really niche Balls are still around for the West Point cadets, but I guess you’ll just argue that elite military academy isn’t elite.

Pax Imperialis says:


>certain areas along the East Coast, in particular the greater New York area, Pax is correct. […]

That method of doing things spread a lot more than most people realize. It’s an excellent way of keeping certain people out without attracting the eye of DC. WW2/Korea/Vietnam/Cold War is also responsible due to it transplanting the traditional WASP military elites all over the US.

It’s why I’m not freezing my ass off in New England (great granddad’s original home) and also how I’m mixed race.

I’m now wondering if the relocation and scattering of the old WASP families is what killed off their political dominance. Hard to coordinated due to geographical distance which turned into social and cultural distance.

Bill says:

Oh no! I didn’t grow up with a mostly dead and highly regional WASP tradition of my grandfather’s era

Obviously you are not elite or even close to elite, otherwise you would know debutante balls have not fallen out of favor.

First you say Yarvin came from a poor background and achieved nothing which is demonstrably false. Then you claim that none of the elites came from public schools and that too is easily dismissed via statistics.

For some reason my comment on Curtis Y get censored. I’ve stated multiple times he went to public school with with low class blacks in MD. Hardly an aristocratic background even if he’s elite in his own mind.

My claim is merely getting into Ivy League/Harvard does NOT make one elite as much as Yarvin would like to think it does.

Being networked into the circle of aristocrats and elites at a young age via your family, social, and educational background, which surely includes private prep schools, does.

jim says:

I censored some of your comments for illegitimate forms of argument – you were arguing the way a shill argues.

Pax Imperialis says:

>otherwise you would know debutante balls have not fallen out of favor

Funny you say that because your links are evidence of what I said, that they are “a mostly dead and highly regional WASP tradition.”

From NYT:

The least-expensive ticket cost $1,100. Tables for 10 to 12 were priced as high as $25,000.

Oh my God, so fucking elite anyone could afford it.

The organizers said they were limited to 14 couples […] That is about half the number that attended when the ball was held at the Waldorf Astoria

Hilarious, 28 couples.

The International Debutante Ball, held every other December, has been the event at which generations of debutantes were presented — Astors, Vanderbilts, Rockefellers, princesses, daughters of presidents.

Do you realize they had to go international because domestic attendance died out? Also that’s a lot of old money that’s no longer in the decision making process.

And read the comments, they are golden.

I didn’t drop more than 1,500 on everything leading up to the event (I almost never go on vacation, I don’t spend a lot going out because I’m pretty much a homebody, idk you can argue that it’s a lot if you want to)

femcel shut in attended… SO ELITE. My parents easily spent that kind of money on me every week to fly me all over America for my extracurricular activities, and yes I did rub shoulders with the NY debutante sorts.

The after-parties each night were some of the most debaucherous events I have ever attended. We joked that the debutante balls were simply a way for the elite to have the kind of drunken and promiscuous experiences that normal college girls did without the negative stigma.

Ah yes, remember what I said about the debauchery. Why bother with Balls when it’s already provided by university.

Obviously do not understand the elites. Understandable because the elites have hidden their status and behaviors out of shame to such a degree you can no longer recognize it. You can’t even recognize Yarvin as being one of the elites even though everything about him screams elite to those in the know.

Bill says:


jim says:

You are telling us crap about our elite that comes from your script, not anecdotal knowledge and experience.

Kunning Drueger says:

Fascinating interplay here lads. Time to take a backseat Bill, arguing from evidence is good, but don’t presume that the things you read suddenly empower you to tell things to those that live in the reality that was being analyzed.

This exchange regarding elites brought two things to mind: we use the term Elite a lot, indeed we need to, but I am starting to think it’s poorly defined, as we all seem to “know it when we see it” yet seem to see different things AND the great project of the Frankfurt School has been realized comrades! The elites of that era have been largely cast down, and in their place, a teaming mass of managerial midwits stands.

To my mind, civil service brats re the children of elites. Their parents pull all the levers that matter. The elites of the US are just faggots, wonks, and journalists with good enough facial symmetry. I know there are still high powered, unimaginably wealthy people out there, but they are forced to contend with people who, a generation or three ago, they wouldn’t have even taken note of in passing.

Pax Imperialis says:

>I am starting to think it’s poorly defined

This isn’t a problem of poor definition.

Swap out elite for noble and it clarifies a great deal. A Baron is clearly a noble. So too is a Viscount, Earl, Marquess, and a Duke. To play a game of comparing relative nobleness of a Baron to a Viscount in an attempt to negate the Baron’s status as a noble is a pigheaded wilful blindness to the fact that the Baron wields real power of the nobility at large.

Because our nobles are unformalized and unstructured, such games are played ad infinitum. Worse, the relative nobleness is in constant flux making yesterdays comparison games “proof” that those obvious nobles are “not actually nobles.” Thus we act like a dog chasing its own tail trying to define something which was never formally defined in the first place.

Now if you think that’s bad, imagine this from the perspective of a King trying to manage his lands with no clear command structure on a 4 year clock. Good luck!

Bill says:

Time to take a backseat Bill, arguing from evidence is good

Evidence: Lauren Bush

Lauren Bush is the granddaughter of George HW Bush and niece GW Bush and Jeb Bush. You’d be hard pressed to find a better example of what a modern day aristocratic woman is in the US.

Attended an exclusive private prep school in Texas (Kinkaid School) before finishing at Princeton (Ivy League schools are nothing more than a sometimes finishing school for elite children).

She was presented at the le Bal des débutantes in 2000. Married David Lauren (son of Ralph Lauren) and has 3 kids.

These are the typical lives of the contemporary ruling elite class, and Lauren Bush is just one example. My argument and claim is that if you and those in your social circle do not have similar upbringings, you’re not elite.

I’m sure those who are butt hurt about this will come up with all kinds of creative ways for why that’s not the case.

jim says:

Lauren Bush has no power and no real connections to anyone that does have power. She is a good example of the elite that held power in 1950.

The story you are telling us is seventy years out of date, just as “Rothschilds Rothschilds Rothschilds” is ninety years out of date.

The elite merely go to expensive private schools as a way of staying away from blacks, and the capability to stay away from blacks does not make you elite. Pretty sure that just about everyone here has managed to stay away from blacks.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>I’m now wondering if the relocation and scattering of the old WASP families is what killed off their political dominance. Hard to coordinated due to geographical distance which turned into social and cultural distance.

Absolutely a factor. The whig theocracy worked hard to atomize its targets from their kinsmen across time and space, and worked especially hard to atomize the military; constantly rotating cadre and deployments from unit to unit place to place, to ensure that no body can begin building up real assabiyah.

Pax Imperialis says:

>Evidence: Lauren Bush

Cherry picking much? It wasn’t even good picking when you consider the event she went to.

>These are the typical lives of the contemporary ruling elite class
>My argument and claim is that if you and those in your social circle do not have similar upbringings

Can you tell me why le Bal des Débutantes was revived in 1992? If it is typical of the ruling elite why was it dead prior to 92; did we simply not have an elite prior to 92? Why are the majority of participants distant descendants of deposed continental European aristocrats? Are you going to argue that the ruling elites are mostly distant descendants of deposed continental European aristocrats and not Americans?

Why did Lauren Bush have to go to an international event rather than a domestic one like the old WASP families did in the early 20th century?

You’re argument is built on a false idea of what the elites are like. You fail to recognize that the American elite is a huge group of disparate groups that share little in common. You have completely fixated on the practices of a nearly extinct culture. 100 years ago such balls occurred in every major American city and had attendances in the hundreds. Even the most exclusive one at Waldorf-Astoria regularly debuted around 100 couples. Today such events are almost entirely international in both hosting and attendance yet only manage to debut around 20 couples.

Here’s an interesting quote from the organizer Ophélie Renouard:

“They are not interested in finding a husband, they are too young, what they prefer is the dress, because even if they are privileged they have never been to a haute couture house.”

This isn’t a debutante ball, it’s a fashion show play acting as something from the distant past. It’s an example why such balls became a mostly dead practice. They lost their utility for matchmaking.

I found one of the few American debutante balls left.

In 1999, 19-year-old Princeton University student Ellie Kemper participated in the century-old tradition and was crowned as the queen of love and beauty in the debutante ball hosted by the Veiled Prophet Organization — a secretive and exclusive society run for decades by wealthy White families.

After photos of the ceremony surfaced last week, prompting a backlash, the “Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt” actress offered a public apology on Monday in a statement posted to her Instagram account.

She said that when she participated, she was unaware of the organization’s “unquestionably racist, sexist and elitist past,” but she conceded that “ignorance is no excuse” and that she should have educated herself before getting involved.

If debutante balls are a practice of the ruling class, why did she have to publicly confess to the modern sins of racism and sexism for attending?

pinochet's ghost says:

Yarvin was plainly motivated in part or maybe entirely by the feeling that his qualities did not win him the social status he deserved.

He also autistically dropped out of a phd for autistically insisting that some useful research be done on a rational basis rather than serving his advisor’s political interests in exchange for promotions organized by the advisor and his academic allies.

Given what he did since, he has made his point that the elite should have bought him off but it’s too dumb to identify people like that ahead of time.

IMO it has subsequently bought him off.

jim says:


The Cominator says:

If you’re mentioning the Bush’s as an elite family (and they are) it shows that some elites do send their kids to public schools at least sometimes. Dubya went to public schools until High School.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

First of all, IQ is formally a derived statistic, when not spoken of in the colloquial sense as simply a synonym for ‘brain power’. It is using a formulaic operation to re-present a given dataset in a different way. You could use any kind of test you like on any given set you like and derive an ‘Intelligence Quotient’ from it.

Secondly, the derivative is relative to the dataset in question. The same test with nominally the same quotient will mean different things when applied to different sets; eg, a 100 in say Mombasa will be different from a 100 in say Bavaria, because the ‘average character’ of each of these sets would be different. There is a remarkable lack of care or conscientiousness or even apparent understanding on this matter in ‘The Literature’ when it comes to comparing quotient numbers from different test populations – when they not not deliberately confabulating them, of course. The LAC video that you got triggered by goes over this in part ( The classic jive, commonly used by chinks, pajeets, and kikes alike, is to make a dataset out of hoi-polloi in target populations, and a select demographic in the personally identified with population, to produce flattering results.

Thirdly, going back to the first point, amongst various cognitive tests popularly used for psychometrics, most of these involve a range of different sub-tests, which are then interpretively weighted and collated by whatever the effector’s favored method is; such that, even within a given set, two characters with a nominally identical derived quotient can still have significantly different profiles of characteristics.

To wit, amongst such popular test ranges and methods of weighting them (eg,, there is a endemic trend of high weight associated with operations of trivia. That is, tasks involving memorization, such as chess, recital of music, grammatology, and so on.

There are a number of reasons for this. One, and perhaps the most intransigent one, is the fact that the easiest things to measure are oft also the most trivial. Another, more contingent factor can be the fact that someone making a test will naturally tend to make it so that it selects for people like themselves, at a minimum – to say nothing of more ideologically motivated precii.

Take note of how, in the above example, the sub-test scores of sub-saharans with nominally similar quotients to europoids in the same test population, are heavily weighted to tasks like coding (matching different symbols to each other), and digit span (being presented with a string of symbols and repeating them back). It is interesting to note how the cognitive profile of the kinds of bantus who happen to score highly on this kind of test, bears a remarkable similarity to the cognitive profile of khazarians in general. Calculative but nominalistic wordceldom, low world-formation capacity, lacking in fruits of real (in the etymological sense of the word) genius; a good enough profile adapted to the task of a parasite hacking into larger scale (and thus less personal) social organisms, but not good for much else.

Every test measures something – and what those somethings are may not necessarily be what the effector intends them to be. Selection filters through which some things may pass, and others may not. Operating envelopes, which are more adaptive in some contexts, and less in others. Possibility spaces, in which some things are much more adaptive, and others not so much.

Anonymous says:

Moldbug gets credit for being first.

Profundity Enjoyer says:

Like Paracelsus in chemistry and Democritus in quantum mechanics.

Profundity Enjoyer says:

Wait, I take that back, Machiavelli was first, followed by Mosca, Michels, Pareto, Jouvenel, Burnham, and others. Moldbug is just a repackager of those guys, he’s not first on anything.

Anonymous says:

Fair, but you are explicitly calling Joseph Bronski the “New Moldbug” while not downgrading him for that as much as you are downgrading Moldbug.

The Cominator says:

Andrew Tate arrested in Romania (I think I know why he converted to Islam now). Now on one hand he kind of IS a pimp and a grifter in some ways, but that isn’t why he was arrested.

Pax Imperialis says:

He’s been having legal problems since April. Sending in a tactical team to arrest him only to hold him for 24 hours was excessive.

The Cominator says:

What I find irritating is all these morons buying the pizza box story, as if Andrew Tate with his entourage in sportscars was a low profile guy and as if they couldnt trace his electronics.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I am starting to think that Andrew Tate is glowing like Patriot Front. If he walks from this, it is a pretty good sign that someone is covering for him. The faction that realizes in needs manly men might have also realized that manly men will only fight if they have woman.

The Cominator says:

Possible but unlikely, the conversion to Islam though kind of cringe makes me think that less likely too ie that hes trying to make friends with Gulf royals in order to get foreign protection…

notglowing says:

Then why is he being arrested multiple times in the first place? What’s the big idea?

Arresting your guy specifically, then releasing him because he’s your asset, what reason would they have to do this except to for some reason prove that he works for them?

The only way this makes sense is if they are trying to turn him into a collaborator now, but why?

The Cominator says:

Normally these fuckers who glow are easy to spot like Spencer… obvious bluepill leftist bullshit but they hate blacks for no reason or something but otherwise a total prog.

Red says:

What I find irritating is all these morons buying the pizza box story, as if Andrew Tate with his entourage in sportscars was a low profile guy and as if they couldnt trace his electronics.

It’s promoted to show the power of the that Swedish tard.

Anon says:

This confirms that there is no “periphery of GAE”,where you can go and have relative freedom.
The options are Russia, China and islam.
Tate fall is due to his normality bias. He still thought that Eastern Europe is relatively outside clown world.
Despite him saying in one of his talk ” first they warn you then they ban you then they off you”
If he is lucky (and they didn’t epsteined him)he can pay massive amount of money then skip the country to the gulf.

Fidelis says:

The point is not to go to the periphery and then wave your dick in everyone’s face daring them to get you. Of course that invites action.

The reason you go to the periphery is that the channels of power and control and information collection are weaker. Not nonexistent, but weaker. If the Tornado dev was smart enough to stay pseudonymous and didn’t live in an entirely and long captured country, had lived even somewhere like Poland for that matter, still a captured state but less point and grab, just because the Poles are not masters of Ordnung, he wouldn’t be the guy picked to make an example of. They don’t have infinite resources, and the internet is manufacturing these guys in larger numbers than they have the means to suppress, have to means to smother in their nascency.

Have a sense of asymmetrical strategy here. You cannot just wave your flag walking down main street and expect not to get fucking shot. In the periphery most people are not so brainfucked they will murder you themselves for refusing to cut your dick off, and even better most people hate the fucking cops too. You go to Romania to quietly work on innocuous seeming projects. Not run a huge marketing campaign to steal zoomer mindshare as a facefag.

Kunning Drueger says:
The Cominator says:

Saw this scrolling thru fagbook.

Lawfare launched against Rupert Murdoch for allowing minor deviations from the Cathedral controlled op line (ie Tucker and Gutfeld get to go off script on most things but not all things).

Kunning Drueger says:

This reminds me of those “patent trolls” cases from back in the day. Dominion trying to make lemonade after becoming synonymous with “voter fraud.” I assume they’re just going to settle out of court.

Here’s your link but shorter.

Kudos to classactionlawyersDOTcom for a simple fucking webpage.

Kunning Drueger says:

Fascinating. GAE is taking hits on a lot of levels.

Here’s your link without a bukkake of ads all over its face:

Dharmicreality says:

Thanks. I’ll archify future links to avoid this problem.

Kunning Drueger says:

The Andrew Tate incident is knocking loose all sorts of stuff. So many grift-wingers gleefully trashing a guy who champions RPWQs and praising a disgusting little femcel parasite priest of the Gaia Cult. Less in the spotlight (for now), Tate’s purported conversion to Islam has apparently initiated a “imcel” movement (Islamic imcel loooool) which in turn has exposed a bunch of Muslim thought leaders as acolytes in the feminist cult, which is something we here already know: the Cathedral is capable of entrying any human institution.

Reading a bunch of schlock I wish I could scrub from my brain, I was reminded of a very simple, very powerful truth: any leader with a loyal following can conquer the world if he can guarantee pussy to his lads. Can anyone refute this? It tracks with Jimian thought regarding the WQ, evopsych, and Perennialist historiography.

This may be the 900 hits of LSD I just took, but I can’t shake the feeling that there is a mirror to IEW right now in, for lack of a better term, applied social sciences. By this I mean that if someone could combine BAP movement under an Andrew Tate professing Christianity with Jimian characteristics, they could basically conquer the world. I know it’s not that simple, but there isn’t a single country or culture that doesn’t have crowds of young men desperate to own a woman while faced with the prospect of dying alone and unnoticed in a world that doesn’t want them.

Global inceldom is just sitting there like so much U-235, just waiting to be harvested, concentrated, and deployed.

Mister Grumpus says:

You’re right. That’s all it would take. Even Richard Spencer, back in 2016, when asked what the alt right offered women, answered very directly: “Strong men”.

The problems of course are shills, entryists and censorship. There are plenty of guys out here right now who are ready to die and can do the job, but we’ll never hear about them, at least not electronically. And if we do he’ll get scared off, sell out, and be replaced with an FBI informant.

But Bitcoin did the impossible with money, and some other programming constructs can do the impossible with mass communication.

Mister Grumpus says:

Don’t forget that women are both the product and the market. Principles, logic, truth, fairness, the scientific method, I am consistently shocked by how little fertile age women demonstrably care about any of these things. Even the smart ones. AWALT.

Anyone who can market to the girls an extended team of guys who consistently outsmart/out-thump their enemies and keep their women in line with proud impunity, boom that’s it, ladies flock like bees to a hive. Their guts are out there searching right now, high and low, for that reproduction-conducive enforced-cooperate-cooperate environment, and their guts know in a second when they see it. They’ll make whatever lip-movements and vocal sounds are necessary to get in.

Fidelis says:

The crypto end of crypto payment systems works. The material world end not yet so much. Very hard to offramp significant quantities into material goods. This may well be changing.

The communications end of crypto payment systems doesn’t really exist. There’s lots of secure communication software, and theory as to how to anonymize the participants, but no one is putting it together in a way that not so technical people can utilize it. Maybe it will always be that way, that the cutting edge of information obfuscation remains in the hands of the technically competent.

What I see as the biggest barrier to the emergence of this warrior mannerbund, is the lack of penetration of the shill test into the memesphere. This place is the only place I have seen successful application of shill tests, and while the site being owned by jim gives special considerations — unlike the rest of the public internet, the mod is not in fact a decayingcrotch child rapist trannoid — I know you can deploy basic shill tests successfully even in places without mod ban support. They disappear when pressed to answer hard questions.

The shill test has to continue to be refined and has to be exported to the remaining smart fraction on our side. I don’t see another way. This world cannot be won by two man teams, but it can be won by a few dozen committed and cooperating men working as one.

Vendat Tunicam says:

A number of Christians have begun using a “witch test” to some effect on Twitter. They tweet at the self-professed christian, “Say Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior” and wouldn’t you know it, most of these pastors and theologians can’t say it. Rarely will one say it after a lengthy and torturous back and forth with their interlocutor. It is like pulling teeth.

Maybe we can start tweeting at self-professed red-blooded men, “Say she is bangable” and we attach a big-boobed post-andrenarche girl to the tweet. Call it the “bitch test”.

Red says:

That witch test is right out of the test Jim came up with for finding demon worshipers:

Not a lot of hits, so hard to tell how widespread it is.

Red says:

Though witch test is a really fucking stupid name for it.

Vendat Tunicam says:

It’s short, mostly describes what it is and is simple to remember. What would you call it?

Red says:

A witch test makes me think of Monty Python’s test to see if a witch floats in water or not. Jim calls it the Demon Worshiper’s test, though if you want to keep it simple call it the Satanist Test. They’re not dealing with witches, rather they’re dealing with Satanists pretending to be Christians.

Aidan says:

I think it’s pretty clear from what happened to Tate that having a sort of public “cult leader” is not possible

The Cominator says:

Tate is and was an alpha pimp, the problem with being a pimp and being a public Cathedral enemy is they just have to get a couple of women who worked for you to say you beat them and didn’t let them leave and then doing what pimps really do (have lots of girls in love with them and use them to make money doing prostitution or stuff which is close to prostitution until they get saturated and then some of the whores will runoff with clients generally with not much attempt from the pimp to stop them). Your business model does the rest

BTW to further reinforce my sympathetic view of the character of whores compared to normie women they’ve actually had trouble getting any of Tate’s current and former whores to actually say that (and I’m sure they’ve been offered money maybe threatened) and it sounds like they brought in a fake girl CIA agent this time.

Red says:

“BTW to further reinforce my sympathetic view of the character of whores compared to normie women they’ve actually had trouble getting any of Tate’s current and former whores to actually say that (and I’m sure they’ve been offered money maybe threatened) and it sounds like they brought in a fake girl CIA agent this time.”

You’re mistaking Tate’s Alphaness and violence for the good behavior or whores. If Tate was only fucking virgin girls and treating them the same why he treats his whores he’d achieve the same effect(See Odysseus). Whores are currently low status which makes interactions with them better than interactions with the average high status woman. Lower a woman’s status or increase your status with her(IE potential and actual violence) and you’d find them more pleasant.

The cathderal has been trying to make whoring high status for a while now with Onlyfans while still keeping prostitution illegal. If they succeed you’ll find whores to be just as much trouble as the average Americacunt.

The Cominator says:

Women will normally dime people under pressure 90% of the time including their boyfriends, most criminal brotherhoods don’t tolerate women at anything but the lowest level specifically for this reason. Tate’s alphadom has something to do with it but there is a lot of evidence whores are a bit harder to turn states than normie women.

Hugh Hefner was a much less violent pimp (still successful somehow) and certainly not ourguy but there was a point where some US attorney and the DEA were trying to railroad him for whatever reason and they found one of his girls who did have a drug problem and maxed out her charges… after being sentenced to 15 years in order to burn the DEA and the US attorney she went so far as to kill herself and defend Hefner in her suicide note.

Kunning Druegger says:

Tate’s model was based on greed and the desire to rise (perfectly normal motivations) but along the way he swallowed some redpills and earned the desire to do more than drive fast cars and fuck young girls. We’ve discussed it before: to those without pussy, the idea of rivers of flesh seems appealing and the project of a lifetime. But once attained, only the rare few perverts are satisfied with it, and most men want something more. Your work, Aidan, is instrumental in my perspective that it is the deprivation of pathways toward chosen violence that have cucked the souls of the men of the West. The WQ is the most important Q, but the VQ is nearly as substantial for us.

OK, Tate’s model left him exposed, and he doesn’t seem to have the right priests whispering in his ear. Let’s see how he deals with this warning shot from the Cathedral. BAP on the other hand… imagine BAP as Minister of Culture, Jim as High Tech Priest, and Tate as Warrior King. Not a perfect lineup, just a thought experiment. There are at least 3 men from here who I’d prefer to Tate, but who here has millions of digital followers, eh?

Most of our analysis looks to the American elites for a Caesar, but maybe the frontier is a better source? DeSantis has promise in a lot of ways, but can anyone here see a GenX father of daughters speaking RPs on the WQ? Ditto for Musk, though it’s slightly more believable. Ironically, though he’s probably too old, Trump is absolutely a guy I could see speaking the redpill truth. Indeed, he actually did so a couple times, maybe pinkpills, but still.

alf says:

Any would-be leader needs to treat Western society like the Clown world it is. Can’t fix the bullshit if you can’t see the bullshit. The anons get that. The namefags, less so.

notglowing says:

Why are all the facefags seemingly so naive about the state of our society?

Is it really the other way around, and only people who are deluded enough to think they will not be squashed by the system for going against it, are willing to attempt it, with their name on the line?

Trump, Musk, Tate, have had similar problems. You can see it coming a mile away. I witnessed Tate basically taking over tiktok for months earlier this year, and I knew he would not get away with it.

He knew he would face opposition, but underestimated it? Clearly he was ill prepared for what was to come. And Musk being turned into public enemy #1 for taking over twitter, Trump for becoming president.

They weren’t ready for either issue. Would they have attempted anything had they foreseen the outcome?
After all Jim doesn’t do anything visible outside of the internet, and neither do any of us.

Pax Imperialis says:

Generational gap. People are adaptive, but not that adaptive.

The Cominator says:

I don’t think Musk is unprepared… though I think he probably underestimated how embedded the FBI presence was at twitter.

Tate I think is aware of his problems with the Cathedral (or the Matrix as he calls it now) now but did not anticipate them to the extent he should have or at least he would have limited his exposure to the pimping business (which makes you very exposed legally)…

Trump… the reason I support DeSantis is he just seems to have a true boomer unwillingness to admit the corruption level. He thinks there are still only a few bad actors who are ruining everything…

Aidan says:

Not sure it’s possible to be so influential while anonymous. And if a facefag, speaking the truth will just get you hit with some trumped up charge. Would need to run this sort of thing from Russia or China.

The Cominator says:

Realistically Russia, though Tates conversion to Islam has me thinking that he thinks he can do it from Dubai and if hes a Muslim the government wont hand him over on a bs charge… i tend to think thats wrong.

Pax Imperialis says:

As per previous discussion on Debutante Balls, I wondered, who are still holding these events? I tripped into an Ukrainian rabbit hole from the Cold War.

The Ukrainian Medical Association of North America (UMANA) was incorporated as a professional organization in New York City in 1950 under the leadership of Roman Osinchuk, MD. He was a member of the 1941 Ukrainian National Council in Lviv. For many years he worked in the Board of Directors of the “Ukrainian Congressional Committee of America” and had ties with the World Congress of Free Ukrainians.

UMANA is a founding constituent of the World Federation of Ukrainian Medical Associations (WFUMA), and pursues cooperative relationships with Ukrainian organizations in the United States and Canada.

In an attempt to “open the doors“ to the West, the Ukrainian diaspora in the United States and Canada formed the World Federation of Ukrainian Medical Associations (WFUMA) in 1977 and later the WFUMA-Foundation.

Looks like IC shenanigans.

Kunning Druegger says:

There’s a substantial network of Ukrainian organizations in universities and commerce. There’s a reason it became the personal cash laundromat of senior senators.

Red says:

I’ve been hearing that the Ukrainian mafia in the US is very well developed as well, lots of avenues to move cash.

On a less positive note Voxday reported 15k Polish regulars fighting in the Ukraine:

Yandex translation:

I’m still looking for a Russian telegram to confirm it.

Pax Imperialis says:

>I’ve been hearing that the Ukrainian mafia in the US is very well developed as well

Extremely well developed throughout most of Europe as well. They mess around in US politics with a lot of coordination. Endorsements for the ENABLERS Act, “a common-sense response to this national security threat of money laundering”:

Florida for Ukraine
Hope for Ukraine
House of Ukraine
Minnesota Ukrainian American Advocacy Committee
Philly Stands with Ukraine
Returned Peace Corps Volunteers Alliance for Ukraine
Stand with Ukraine Foundation
Together for Ukraine
Ukraine TrustChain
Ukrainian American Coordinating Council
Ukrainian American House
Ukrainian Congress Committee of America
Ukrainian Medical Association of North America
Ukrainian National Women’s League of America
United Help Ukraine

Got to protect Zelensky, you know how it is? 🙃

Red says:

@Com here’s the reason for the lock downs in China at least in Shanghai, they’re GAE affiliate:

Kunning Druegger says:

Clarification requested: I thought the consensus was that Goodchild glows or had some other issue? Not attacking you for sharing, just wondering.

Red says:

KD that’s a fair question considering my previous position on TG.

Jim’s assessment is he’s listening to shills on PF. I think that’s correct. PF looks super attractive to pretty much everyone on right and they’re trending towards being the GAE’s version of Azov instead of a false flag group.

On medical stuff he’s quite good and doesn’t appear to be shilling. For a while there he was attacking men for being attracted to younger women with fully developed boobs but he switched his position after Jim and Starman pushed back hard. I’ve yet to see a shill or controlled opposition who could endorse that position.

Kunning Drueger says:

In an imperfect time, it would be foolish to expect perfection of anyone. I will not deny that the whole PF thing is super attractive to me. Fit dudes rolling together as a unit, being respectful & honorable, and giving off a dangerous aura. If not for this site, I’d probably be… well, you know;) . I Guess the real question is, if PF is not a glow op, how do they still exist, right?

They put out lots of super positive propaganda, like trad couples and families gathering to celebrate the holidays, platoons of bros working out together and doing impromptu boxing matches with guys they challenge, and showing up in force in a uniform manner to oppose the child tranny meat market BS. It’s hard to deny that they are projecting a very positive image of masculinity and cooperation. I’ve just gotten to the point where anytime I see a thing that appeals to me, my first thought is ” who is trying to take advantage of my weaknesses/sentiments??”

Red says:

PF is 100% a glowie op, but a failed one. The FBI had them setup for for a long time to suck anyone who was a real danger of running a guerrilla campaign against them. But almost everyone called them out as glowies. So when they raided and arrested a few of them or had them show up in cities as the “white supremacists” then everyone called them glowies and told them to fuck off. Using them as a false flag wasn’t going to work well since everyone identified them correctly.

Then the Ukrainian war started and the feds discovered that A) they need right to actually fight in order to win wars and B) the Azov Nazis were proving to be both effective in battle and effective in forcing unwilling men to fight for the Ukrainian government. They did this by murdering anyone who resisted with total conviction that they were righteous in doing so. Nazism has proven effective at forcing an unwilling nation to fight hard.

At this point PF went from being poorly funded and super glowie to being very well funded with a very polished and effective PR arm that’s no longer looks as glowie. The feds are controlling them but they’re grooming them to be like the FBI’s Nazi elites. It’s not the weak FBI forcing you to enlist to die fighting Russia, it’s the fit and ideologically driven PF doing it. That will be much harder to resist since you’d be fighting people you’d be far more inclined to be allies. They’re also willing to fight and die unlike the FBI shits, who will go running when strong men start actively resisting them.

PF is creating a problem for the right. We know the Feds are building them up to be like Azov but there’s no clear counter to it. Lots of good and useful men will end joining them and then be used to evil ends.

Red says:

Wulfgar probably has better insight into PF than I do. I’m personally super attracted to what they selling, but joining would be a mistake currently.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

If I were the guy running PF, I would be looking for the people who joined early but got out when the creepy, demonic shit started. Those guys are getting whacked first. It does double duty as a armed force and as a fly paper for some of the most dangerous enemies: warriors with a moral compass. No way I touch anything PF unless it is under such deep cover that I could disappear that identity and never have it connected to me.

Adam says:

Holiness spirals as I understand are usually halted by leftists… so there is potential in a future PF member giving it a shot.

Really not a bad idea for a lone wolf type to join with intentions to halt it should conditions permit. Better than random minecrafting.

Red says:

Really not a bad idea for a lone wolf type to join with intentions to halt it should conditions permit. Better than random minecrafting.

Azov has disgusting Satanic rituals to ensure loyalty. I’m sure the feds will have PF will do something similar, they’ve bringing the Azov guys over to meet congress and learn their methods. Once you partake in such behavior you can’t really go back or double cross them.

There was a book written in the 70s call Lucifer’s Hammer where a Comet hit the planet. One of the surviving groups there was an army unit that turned to cannibalism to survive. They got hooked up religious leader and they turned the cannibalism into a right of passage. If you wanted to join the army they forced you to kill, butcher, and eat another human. Once you partook in that you could never quit the army/religion because who would have anything to do with you? They locked you in with such acts.

This is very common in Demon worship. Shared crimes are committed creating a sick brotherhood. If you get to the point where you refuse the to commit the crime they’ll just kill you.

jim says:

> Azov has disgusting Satanic rituals to ensure loyalty.

Hence the rise of a Satanist elite, and the effectiveness of the demon worshiper test.

Christian nationalism is necessary to exclude the enemy. If not explicitly Christian, will become explicitly demonic.

I think it is better to call it the demon worshiper test than the witch test or the Satan worshiper test, for Satan has many names and many minions.

Red says:

“I think it is better to call it the demon worshiper test than the witch test or the Satan worshiper test, for Satan has many names and many minions.”

I agree that Demon Worshiper test is better, but normies don’t get Demon Worship at all. It took me quite a while to wrap my head around it.

I basically have to tell people to read “The Conquest of New Spain” to understand what a Demon worshiper is. If you have a good way to explain it to them, please let me know.

Red says:

Screwed up the formatting

Jim said:

I think it is better to call it the demon worshiper test than the witch test or the Satan worshiper test, for Satan has many names and many minions.”

I agree that Demon Worshiper test is better, but normies don’t get Demon Worship at all. It took me quite a while to wrap my head around it.

I basically have to tell people to read “The Conquest of New Spain” to understand what a Demon worshiper is. If you have a good way to explain it to them, please let me know.

jim says:

What is the problem?

Why don’t normies get it? What did you find hard to get your head around?

Explain it to me like I am five.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Obligatory transgression, shared crimes, and mutual blackmail as coordination mechanism, is the functional matter of demon worship.

alf says:

normies don’t get Demon Worship at all.

My experience is that they claim they don’t get it, but instinctively, they damn well do.

It’s like with gay acceptance — many men claim they accept gays, but I’ll bet you a bitcoin that when they see gays doing gay stuff, their disgust reflex kicks in.

With demon worship, same story. People tell themselves things like: ‘we’ve moved beyond good and evil, demons are a superstitious belief from the middle ages, yada yada’. But you show them a simple picture, like

and the demon recognition reflex kicks in.

Pax Imperialis says:

>My experience is that they claim they don’t get it, but instinctively, they damn well do.

Instinctively they understand but they are getting tripped up by the word Demon. Their minds go to popular TV series and books where demons are typically attractive looking men and women who are often the “misunderstood-good-guys.”

It’s a mental discontinuity for them that takes time to sort out.

alf says:

Obligatory transgression, shared crimes, and mutual blackmail as coordination mechanism, is the functional matter of demon worship.

I only now realize that Marina Abramovic’ performative art, in which the audience is coaxed into doing bad stuff, is really just an instructive workshop on demon worship.

alf says:

It’s a mental discontinuity for them that takes time to sort out.

Definitely. Ties into many Dark Enlightenment concepts, such as rejection of the enlightenment and embrace of religious morality. I learned not to overexplain it.

Red says:

I think a lot of what I’m seeing is people who just don’t want to see the Demons so they shutdown when I point them out. It’s almost like misbehavior with with Women and blacks, Normies just want to pretend it doesn’t exist.

I have a video of a faggot posting how he helped his female friend murder her unborn baby. The homo is obviously demon possessed.

People won’t look at it. They refuse to see the evil.

jim says:

> PF is creating a problem for the right. We know the Feds are building them up to be like Azov but there’s no clear counter to it. Lots of good and useful men will end joining them and then be used to evil ends.

Ukrainian Nationalists are working for Jewish internationalist globalist plotters to kill as many white Ukrainians as possible. A disturbingly effective shill program.

The Cominator says:

“PF is creating a problem for the right. We know the Feds are building them up to be like Azov but there’s no clear counter to it. Lots of good and useful men will end joining them and then be used to evil ends.”

Don’t see many people on the right who think PF is anything but a glowop.

State sponsored Nazism as a way of splitting the right… its hard to protect dumber rank and filers from defecting with this (normally with most forms of attacks its the midwits who are the problem) but not hard to protect smarter people.

Perhaps one good thing with the US being spicified and negrofied is that state sponsored Nazi splitting propraganda will work less well.

Red says:

Why wouldn’t people join PF if it’s got state backing? Happy families, brotherhood, etc? I’m sure there was a similar campaign for Azov before they started doing Demonic rituals.

The Cominator says:

If PF offered young tradwives that would be hard to resist but why would i want to be “brothers” with fedfags.

Red says:

It’s aimed at warriors, not you.

S says:

I don’t think it scales. The attraction is violence and Azov got to deploy violence against Russians and anyone associated with Russia.

Who does the Patriot Front get to beat up? Minorities are holy, if they wanted to beat up normal whites they’d have joined antifa and if they wanted to fight Russians, they’d already be in Ukraine.

The left has already shit up the US military- they can’t stop themselves from doing the same to a would be replacement.

Red says:

I don’t think it scales. The attraction is violence and Azov got to deploy violence against Russians and anyone associated with Russia.

Who does the Patriot Front get to beat up? Minorities are holy, if they wanted to beat up normal whites they’d have joined antifa and if they wanted to fight Russians, they’d already be in Ukraine.

Antifa, drug addicted whites, Christians, Russians etc. Azov is explicitly anti Jew but they lead and controlled by the Jews are not allowed to harm the Jews. So PF can hate niggers all they want but they’ll be given other targets the elites are fine with being attacked.

S says:

Antifa don’t show up if they don’t have police backing; they are a tool of the elite

White addicts don’t gather into large groups to target.

Attacking white Christians is Antifa.

Attacking Russians is already what people going to Ukraine do.

Azov offered violence in the form of shooting at Russians and engaging in street battles. There was an open niche due to the power vacuum. What is Patriot Front’s niche?

Mister Grumpus says:

So Xi basically dared the Shanghai Gang to call the Covid deer a harmless deer, and not the terribly deadly horse that it “is”?

Point deer make horse — the Emperor’s New Clothes for adults — is such a powerful pattern. I see it everywhere now.

Starman says:

Something to get off my chest:

The term “Modernity” is fake and gay.

Red says:

It does smack of blaming time instead of the men making normal family creation impossible.

Starman says:


“It does smack of blaming time instead of the men making normal family creation impossible.”

Yes. I’ve gotten suspicious of that word for that very same reason.

It has allowed anti-human gaia-worshipers to mask themselves as “dissident right.”

Kunning Drueger says:

I’m not following. Are they people praising modernity, or are they blaming all the problems on modernity? Does this tie into the rise of neopagan larping? the Retvrn Meme generates funny and inspiring images, are you saying it’s a psyop?

Starman says:

@Kunning Drueger

“Are they people praising modernity, or are they blaming all the problems on modernity?”

Modernity is a fake term.
An anti-concept much like racism, pedophilia, marital rape, and gender.

Starman says:

@Kunning Drueger

“Are they people praising modernity, or are they blaming all the problems on modernity?”

Modernity is a fake term.
An anti-concept much like racism, pedophilia, marital rape, and gender.

[Tags got broken on the last post]

Kunning Drueger says:

I don’t know if you thought this was a confession, or something you’d have to argue, but it’s dead on IMO. I use the term a lot, and it is always a negative, a pejorative, a shibboleth for the attuned to indicate codified fakeness and gayness. Completely agree, is what I’m saying. That ngram is basically a graphical representation of the Harvard Lead, or normie lag maybe, by which I mean the “20 year lag time” between Harvard and the Commons. Excellent find.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The state religion of the atlantic empire is technically a recent development, and Godly men developing fabulous new forms of techne is also technically a recent development, and so the tendency to conflate these facts is difficult to resist (and in the case of the former, done intentionally to take the shine of the later).

The term ‘modern’ itself is of course a floating point in a definitive sense, so there is an inherent contingency to trying to apply it to one specific set of time in particular (like, say, everything past the 16th century), which only becomes ever more strained as it recedes further into the past, and the cycles of history turn again.

Starman says:


“The state religion of the atlantic empire is technically a recent development, and Godly men developing fabulous new forms of techne is also technically a recent development, and so the tendency to conflate these facts is difficult to resist (and in the case of the former, done intentionally to take the shine of the later).”

That’s probably the reason that the brahmin class invented the term modernity out of thin air in the 1960s.
Quote from the link:

Modernity, a topic in the humanities and social sciences

Next time someone posts about “Modernity” in a non-ironic way, I will ask him to define it.

Pax Imperialis says:

It’s easier on the ears to hear “modernity” than “it’s the current year!” One is snobbish, the other is autistic NPC screeching. They both mean the same thing.

Starman says:

@Pax Imperialis
Define “modernity.”

Pax Imperialis says:

I did define it.

“modernity“=“it’s the current year!”

Starman says:

@Pax Imperialis

“I did define it.

‘modernity’=’it’s the current year!'”

“It’s the current year” means specifically one thing.
Does “modernity”?

Here’s Wrath of Gnon using the term modernity:

“Building cities for millions in Arizona with no other water sources than fossil groundwater that won’t last and will never replenish. Modernity.

The ancient Garamantes used fossil water thousands of years ago, if only they knew about a term invented out of thin air in the 1960s… 🤔

Pax Imperialis says:

My mockery of modernity didn’t transmit through the internet. That is fine.

>the brahmin class invented the term modernity out of thin air in the 1960s

Did it now? I thought it came from 1939. “I’m going to marry your husband so what this is 1939, we’re modern.”

Oh wait, The phrase “we’re modern” started being used in 1890. Now isn’t that interesting? But wait there’s more!

Good Lord! What happened in 1543!? Why of course it’s Sir Thomas More the “first in modern Europe” and the “modern popular Socialist.”

What you are seeing is an old concept in a new word or phrase. It’s recursive entropy in the spirit of wiping away the past for a bright new “orgastic future.”

>“It’s the current year” means specifically one thing.

It means many things, but more rigorously it means “we’re modern” which means “modernity” which means “modern man” which means etc etc…

Starman says:

@Pax Imperialis
Modernityas a proper term, is a fake term popularized in the 1960s.

Now lets take a look at some more Wrath of Gnon:

“Earthen plaster is modernity proof. The techniques, the tools, and the materials, all have remained virtually unchanged for hundreds of years. From hillside and field to wall and castle, and eventually return to the same soil it came from. Only the human hand is needed.

I guess the ancient Garamanteans were “modernity proof,”… except they were also practicing “modernity.”

What is “Modernity” again?

Pax Imperialis says:

I’ve offered multiple definitions. Some humorous and some abstract. I’ve also attempted to show the concept of “modernity” inhabits multiple words and phrases going far before the 1960s. It stretches back to the 1500s Sir Thomas More, the progenitor Whig mentality/history.

I can’t give a tight definition of “modernity” for the same reason I can’t give a tight definition of “communism.” The meaning is too amorphous. That does not mean those terms are fake. They do a decent job at describing a conceptional space that is both distinct and exclusionary of say medievalness.

Building cities for millions in Arizona with no other water sources than fossil groundwater that won’t last and will never replenish. Modernity.

This is expressing nihilistic temporality. God lasts forever. Without God all we have is our worldly material. Material that we have positioned in areas that can’t last a thousand years, maybe not even 100 years, or if we’re really unlucky not even 10. Contrast that with the Eternal City. A city with both tangible timelessness and seemingly eternal spirit. Does any “modern” city have those qualities? Do any “modern” churches hold the awe of the Notre-Dame de Paris? The Mona Lisa captures eternity (medievalness), Artist’s Can of Shit captures decay (modernity).

Earthen plaster is modernity proof. The techniques, the tools, and the materials, all have remained virtually unchanged for hundreds of years. From hillside and field to wall and castle, and eventually return to the same soil it came from. Only the human hand is needed.

This is expressing a longing for meaningful timelessness. Not in the material sense, after all the building returns to dust, but so does, as Christianity points out, the human body. What doesn’t turn to dust is the spirit that built the house. What WoG goes on to point out is that the removal of the human spirit from modern homes has lead to spiritual death. This is nihilistic temporality.

Watch Justin Trudeau give his reason and you may see the modernity that Wrath of Gnon is trying to get at:

There’s an extreme sense of the ephemeral and meaningless. “Because it’s 2015.” “Modernity” encompass ephemeralness and meaningless among many other concepts that arose during the 1500s. I can’t exactly define “modernity,” but I can tell you it’s the exact opposite of “medievalness.”

>It does smack of blaming time instead of the men making normal family creation impossible.

For good reason. Many who criticize modernity are themselves modern. They are nihilists who in turn hate themselves for being nihilists. That condition does effectively impede normal family creation. Most are a product of their time being raised in a Godless home and a Godless church. And now that I think about it, they are basically Shinji.

notglowing says:

If someone was to back the reactionary project, saying he wants to “destroy the *modern world*”, would he be a shill or a friend?

jim says:


Red says:

notglowing says

If someone was to back the reactionary project, saying he wants to “destroy the *modern world*”, would he be a shill or a friend?

IE he wanted a revolution? Foe. We’re in the business of restoration the world to a working build, not destroying the world, that’s nihilism.

The most provocative post Jim ever made here:
Make Women Property Again.

Or as the esteemed Neo-reactionary Scholar @TheShadowknight says:

Hippity hoppity, women are property..

Those ideas are firmly rooted in restoration, not destruction, though destruction will be required to roll back to what worked.

Cloudswrest says:

Speaking of “modernity”, I just came across this today re. Tolkien.

J. R. R. Tolkien’s bestselling fantasy novel The Lord of the Rings had an initial mixed literary reception. Despite some enthusiastic early reviews from supporters such as W. H. Auden, Iris Murdoch, and C. S. Lewis, literary hostility to Tolkien quickly became acute and continued until the start of the 21st century. From 1982, Tolkien scholars such as Tom Shippey and Verlyn Flieger began to roll back the hostility, defending Tolkien, rebutting the critics’ attacks and analysing what they saw as good qualities in Tolkien’s writing.

From 2003, scholars such as Brian Rosebury began to consider why Tolkien had attracted such hostility. Rosebury noted that Tolkien avoided calling The Lord of the Rings a novel, and that in Shippey’s view Tolkien had been aiming to create a medieval-style heroic romance, despite modern scepticism about that literary mode. In 2014, Patrick Curry analysed the reasons for the hostility, finding it both visceral and full of evident mistakes, and suggesting that the issue was that the critics felt that Tolkien threatened their dominant ideology, modernism.

Interpretations of The Lord of the Rings have included Marxist criticism, sometimes at odds with Tolkien’s social conservatism; the psychological reading of heroes, their partners, and their opponents as Jungian archetypes; and comparison of Tolkien with modernist writers.

Modernity Man says:

[*deleted for rectification of names*]

jim says:

You gave us the official definition of modernity, which seemingly reasonably defines modernity as industrial production and the replacement of muscle power by steam and electricity, and then sneaks into that definition the fake consensus that social changes imposed by state violence, such as the destruction of marriage and family, are the result of industrial production and the replacement of muscle power.

A2 says:

Isn’t it the thing before post-modernity?

(The latter which was abandoned once it had served its purpose.)

A2 says:

Your words remind me that white Christianity is power, as history so amply shows. Let us recover it.

Red says:

I just love that they didn’t give all the Jernos saline shots:

KD link:

Pax Imperialis says:

railway bridges, fuel depots and power plants in Russia have all been damaged in unexplained incidents since the Kremlin launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February. 
While no American personnel are involved on the ground in Russia in the execution of these missions, agency paramilitary officers are commanding and controlling the operations

I’m a little surprised this hasn’t been posted yet. Not anything groundbreaking, I remember the discussions here about the sinking of the Moskva and almost certain US involvement.

Worse yet, two sabotage cells compromised each other while casing the same target, according to the two former military officials. One operative died and another was captured in the resulting firefight with Russian security services, they said.

Yikes, that rough. It turns out that no plan survives first contact with the other plan.

Red says:

I never posted anything about it because it was obvious what was going on. Putin doesn’t want to expand the war so he’s not retaliating for the attacks. When the US blows up an entire pipe line, this sort of stuff seems minor.

BTW, ISIS has been rearmed and rebuilt by the US in Syria. Syrian war 2.0 is starting up.

Kunning Drueger says:

Here’s a line of inquiry pointed primarily at Jim, Red, and Wulfgar, but obviously open to anyone willing to engage:

Working off of Red’s stated premise (PF was a false flag generator that has morphed into a ultra-nationalist paramilitary under control of FBI), is Patriot Front uniquely susceptible to entryism from the Right?

For the organization to have the capacity implied by the above, by necessity, they must deploy certain methods and tactics to a specific type of person. This means that they will be men with ingroup preference and loyalty, able to coordinate and act proactively towards constrained goals. This means they are quite susceptible to our memes, moreso than almost any other group or organization.

Pax Imperialis says:

Capturing honeypots are generally detrimental. If they are susceptible to your memes, the goal would be to get them far away from FBI oversight as possible. In fact, you’d want to get them in the FBI itself such that they are mostly dead weight.

Kunning Drueger says:

Ok, fair point, but I still think there is some utility to considering reverse entrying an organization built and funded by the Cathedral that is specifically looking for masculine men to do manly things. This is a unique scenario IMO.

Red says:

@KD I’d feel better about it Azov wasn’t currently fighting to the last Goy in the Ukraine.

jim says:

Because our enemy has been practicing entryism successfully since the eighteenth century, they are very paranoid about entryists and are quite effective about stopping them. You are not getting anywhere unless you point to a whole lot of deer and make a whole lot of horses.

They are also going to test you for stuff that is hard to fake, like your disgust reflex. If you have one, not getting anywhere.

Mister Grumpus says:

As Aidan put it: “Want to advance into leadership? Have to be total garbage.”

Kunning Drueger says:

Once again, I am coming to BJC to ask for a favor lol.

Recently, Fidelis, Red, Starman and a few others have offered powerful insights on shill tests, both in application as well as underlying theory and, most importantly, the critical necessity. I’m humbly requesting that everyone make my life slightly easier by contributing observations, guidelines, and block structures regarding Shill Testing. Here’s why I ask.

I believe that field testing from lab personnel has gone far enough for a beta test out in the wild. Early tests on /pol/, /k/, YouTube, and Facebook have yielded positive results, and the good work done by our Gab detachment mirrors those results. What I’d like to do is put together an Introduction to Shill Tests and a Basics of Shill Tests, all wrapped up nice and neat. I can go into detail about how I will be using these tools if necessary, but probably better to keep stuff compartmentalized. All contributions welcome, but keep in mind it’s all going to be compressed and generalized.

If anyone thinks this is a dumb and/or destructive idea, please sound off. I think it’s time to expand, but if I’m wrong, tell me. Thanks for any assistance lads, and thanks to anyone and everyone that contributed to making BJC a blessed respite in the year of our Lord, 2022.

alf says:
Kunning Drueger says:

Will do, but need to build a Gab account first.

Starman says:

@Kunning Drueger

Keep in mind that Youtube will zap multiple choice Redpill on Women Questions right off its comment sections.

Red says:

Yep. Youtube has a shitload of keyword scanners and AI bots running around putting comments into moderation right away. I get basic comments censored all the time just commenting on history videos because the moderation is overbearing.

Starman says:


“I get basic comments censored all the time just commenting on history videos because the moderation is overbearing.”

With a completely different handle and persona, my Youtube comments on Islamic Divine Law and the Christian Logos got zapped right off. It was just comparative religion, nothing offensive to either Islam or Christianity.

Red says:

Google has blacklists of key words and phrases that’s that goes on for tens of thousands of pages. It’s gotten so bad that their search engine no longer works very well. They typically by keyword/phrase not by user.

You might be able to get away with posting stuff if you use misspelled words, but they added a lot of the common work arounds to those blacklists.

Kunning Drueger says:

interesting observations. I have built a methodology for deploying the shill test on YouTube that differs substantially from the methodology that we use here. obviously I’m not going to leave any examples, but I will tell you that it is very drawn out and circuitous. It definitely works, but it’s not for the faint of heart and it is mostly useful for figuring out what a person is and not policing them off the site.

Red says:

That’s pretty cool. I’m super careful with youtube, I’ve got too much stuff tied up with my google account to warrant catching a ban and most other like minded users are also worried about being banned so they very careful. Google bans everything when they hit you with the ban hammer.

FrankNorman says:

What’s the best search engine?

jim says:

Those were not the religions that you were offending.

All religions have been rendered offensive to demon worship, thus discussion of religion becomes more and more severely circumscribed.

Red says:

I’ve explained what I could about detecting shills. Look for comments from different users that are right next to each that are too perfectly complimentary, look for attacks designed to cut off areas of thinking by associating that thinking with low status behavior (conspiracy theorist, sexual status insults, etc).

Most of all, assume that people who have not posted much before are shills until they commit some thought crimes. Not imply they commit thought crimes, but actually commit thought crimes. Shills are really good at implying they’re committing a thought crime without actually committing one. Which is why shill tests are so good.

Finally, not every method of shill detection works for everyone. Back when I posted on reddit I explained to people until I was blue in the face how the shill comment blocks worked and those idiots never got it. Pick something that works for you and stick with it.

KD generally has pretty good instincts with new posters being shills but often changes his mind after push back because he’s trying to be fair to new posters. Stick with your original impression for a bit longer until they prove themselves. New posters are going to have to get used to being challenged and attacked to see what they’re made of.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Then said they unto him, Say now Shibboleth: and he said Sibboleth: for he could not frame to pronounce it right. Then they took him, and slew him at the passages of Jordan: and there fell at that time of the Ephraimites forty and two thousand.

Judges 12-6

The point of shill testing is to find things your shills can’t say, and oblige them to say them. Naturally this will mean a given group of subversives will have a given set of shill tests most appropriate for them.

The underlying dynamics for which the ideological window dressing serves as pretext are so often perennial, but it is laborious to go over it in detail every single time one more out of a legion more of shills pops up, and may so often go over the heads of the more NPC inclined anyways; thus, obliging your interlocutor to express opinions, concepts, and reasoning that would see him ostrasized in enemy social circles, provides an efficiency of energy in dispatching the matter; low effort signal jamming counter by an equally low effort filter.

Fidelis says:

We need a modernized 39 articles. Short, decisive, reveal your principals and repel your enemies. Not a giant treatise. Not a huge wordy explanation of the articles. We don’t even need 39, we can probably get away with a condensed form of three: woman question, race question, Christ question. We only need more than those three to really hammer out weasels, just as the 39 articles are pretty much all about the Christ question, just hammering on details as the entryists were adapted to basic “say the name of the Lord” type questions. The entryists have gotten used to being unchallenged, so we don’t need to hit them with a book. Just the three for more public facing but still moderated channels, such as this comments section. A much much stronger series is needed to vet those who might work closely with you, and frankly I don’t think this can be written out much further than a short series of precepts to test against. It’s a practice, and it requires intellect not a script. Can be taught, but not by explanation alone.

We don’t need a guidebook. Anyone that needs a fucking textbook as to how to make a paid shill or a weak souled demonic cocksucker squirm is not smart enough for the job.

You want to see more of this in the wild? Be the change. Those pattern matchers on your side will pick it up. You need to practice yourself to get better at it, good enough to hammer the more clever into revealing their master.

jim says:

I hope to get feedback on constructing a creed for the coming holy wars of the twenty first century. I may promote this comment to a post, but first, the related upcoming post, “War and Covid”.

I like my short version of the Christian creed, though it would not have sufficed during the holy wars of the seventeenth century during which the shill tests got longer and longer, it generally suffices against today’s fake Christians.

Jesus Christ is Lord, born in Bethlehem, died at Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world. Fully God and fully man. God is three and God is one.

But back then, women were not emancipated. Today, the women question is central, not the Christ question. We have recently seen a bunch of holy wars over the woman question, notably Afghanistan, which was fought to teach nine year old girls to put a condom on a banana and to make Afghanistan safe for faggots.

Syria was also a woman question war, but the Ukraine war is over the gay parade and the rainbow flag. The Global American Empire genocide in the Congo and attempted genocide in Rwanda were race question wars, but the attempted genocide of the Alawites in Syria was a woman question war.

How do we briefly summarize The three magic words and make women property again?

So here is my short version of the essential points. But it is too long to readily usable in the age of short attention spans, and not necessarily easy for midwits to understand. We need something short and accessible to midwits. We need something plain enough that the enemy’s refusal to understand what we are saying is going to be noticeable.

Jesus Christ is Lord, born in Bethlehem, died at Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world. Fully God and fully man. God is three and God is one.

It is female nature to be property, and they are never happy unless the property of the most alpha male that they have had sex with. This is marriage, commanded by Nature’s God. What is today called marriage is a sacrilege. God commands marriage, commands a form of marriage that is incompatible with female emancipation and female sexual choice, and the higher races will reproduce below replacement with any other system. The nature of women makes it unwise to allow them unrestricted sexual choice, because the majority of men can never be the most alpha male, resulting in incel and failure to reproduce.

Races are different, human races would be classified as different species were it not for the existence of substantial clines between the races, and some races are substantially closer to chimps, and hence presumably to the common ancestor of man and chimp, than other races. That humans are one species is not a fact about nature, but a fact about scientific nomenclature. Darwin did not feel like drawing an arbitrary line through northern Africa. It is impossible for substantially different races to live together as equals, and if a higher race attempts to grant a lower race equality, the violence and destructiveness of the lower race will drive the higher race out of the homes they have built.

But the stuff on the race question and women question is far too long. Needs to be condensed without losing its essential meaning. And the essential meaning needs to remain unspeakable and unthinkable for our enemies, so that not only can they not say it, they cannot even discuss it in a way that admits that their interlocutor said it and thought it.

Fidelis says:

But it is too long to readily usable in the age of short attention spans, and not necessarily easy for midwits to understand. We need something short and accessible to midwits.

More and more I come to believe including midwits in your calculations is a mistake. Midwits are not capable of self programming, they more than anyone are susceptible to enemy programming, which is much louder than your programming. Mass memeing is usefull only when fishing for chads. In which case, you are laying bait and hooks, trying to drag them to the source of your ideas where they can digest them at their own leisure.

Shill tests find their highest utility in vetting members of your organization and in vetting members of your group chat. Your group chat that you are using to gather information, test arguments, and make sense of the world. In both cases, if your shill test excludes midwits because they are too impatient, that is no loss.

Soverign corporations are truly not far now, their first iterations can be said to already exist. This is where the shill test must be refined. You need to smash the brains of any and all entryists before they enter the private chat, before they submit code. Fish publicly, talk privately, work cooperatively, exclude all evil.

Too dangerous to employ shill tests in an unsubtle way in meatspace. Too dangerous to not deploy the strongest and most highly refined shill tests online, when letting someone work with you on important projects, let alone delegating them important tasks.

S says:

Women desire men who remove their ability to choose and will search until their womb dries. Thus each man must own his wife and have the power of life and death over those who subvert this.

Status hierarchies dominate human behavior; thus there will never be equality. For race, the larger the gap the more force will be behind the status distinction; either natural hierarchy or the high using the low to murder the middle.

Missing anything essential?

jim says:

Seems pretty good, and a lot shorter than my version. Also readily intelligible.

I covered lots of stuff that matters, but for the intended usage, only what matters is the core heresy.

But the trouble is, though it is readily intelligible to us, can shills evade the intended meaning, substituting their own, which is how they got around the old Christian shill tests, which then had to get longer and longer?

I am not sure it is sufficiently clear to someone who wants to not understand it,

S says:

Does object level work- channel Heartsie and talk about what makes women wet and dry- or do they doublethink and blame men for female response?

Talking about status is slippery. But it can be more direct and less conceptual.

There always exists an elite.
Good helps those like them, evil hurts those like them.
Good elites have children and reward their supporters with the same.
Evil elites don’t reproduce and attack those they depend on, using outsiders to harm them who are betrayed in turn.

It feels close, but too clunky.

Red says:

I can’t add a whole lot to exact verbiage, but the things that seems drive progressives and McChristains (I repeat myself) up the wall is women being owned, rejection the idea of consent, and wives having to obey their husbands.

Paul’s words on women are basically taboo at this point:

1 Timothy 2

9 in like manner also the women, in becoming apparel, with modesty and sobriety to adorn themselves, not in braided hair, or gold, or pearls, or garments of great price,

10 but — which becometh women professing godly piety — through good works.

11 Let a woman in quietness learn in all subjection,

12 and a woman I do not suffer to teach, nor to rule a husband, but to be in quietness,

13 for Adam was first formed, then Eve,

14 and Adam was not deceived, but the woman, having been deceived, into transgression came,

15 and she shall be saved through the child-bearing, if they remain in faith, and love, and sanctification, with sobriety.

Women need to be subjugated to, obey, shut up around, and be below men. Their salvation is through child bearing.

simplyconnected says:

How about simply women should not have the same rights as men, and/or women should respect and obey, first their fathers, then their husbands. Hard to misinterpret, absolute kryptonite even to McChristians (as Red says).

jim says:

Short, and a sufficient thought crime. Also straightforwardly and directly follows form scripture.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I would change that second one to read, women should respect and obey their husbands, or fathers if unmarried. Primacy of fathers over husbands is a failure point of patriarchy. We do not want to give anyone a way in to wedge husbands against fathers.

The Cominator says:

Women should obey their fathers until married and then EXCLUSIVELY their husbands once married, and their fathers should arrange for them to be married shortly after puberty and not try to hold onto them after.

c4ssidy says:

Jim claims, rephrased in my own words, that an unmarried daughter will have a habit of wandering off down dark alleyways in a tight little dress with her legs showing. But if her bluepilled father is gatekeeping her into stupid ages, does she not have a duty at some point to wonder off? Or at least create a social media account?

jim says:

Yes she does, but this presupposes a social order where if a man pops a virgin, he is stuck with her, and she with him.

Red says:

After the bronze age collapse the Assyrians required every daughter married by 14. That’s a simple but effective tool to solve the issue.

simplyconnected says:

Primacy of fathers over husbands is a failure point of patriarchy.

Sorry, I meant it the way you clarified it, but my writing wasn’t very clear.

Red says:

simplyconnected says

Women should not have the same rights as men, and/or women should respect and obey, first their fathers, then their husbands.

I like that.

There’s a separate topic that girls needs to be married by 14, arranged marriages, and only marry the first man they fuck, but I’m not sure we can pile everything into simple statements.

I suggest a separate section for family life that includes not sending girls to higher education, forcing them to marry the first man they fuck, and rights and responsibilities of a patriarch with his children, specifically that he needs to finds good mates for all his children as one of his primary responsibilities.

But another section might be too much. Meme crafting isn’t really my thing.

The Cominator says:

“forcing them to marry the first man they fuck”

I do think the father should be able to veto this is the girl is young and attractive enough to get takers despite loss of virginity.

Red says:

I do think the father should be able to veto this is the girl is young and attractive enough to get takers despite loss of virginity.

First step on the road to women’s lib. The act of fucking is the act of marriage. The father no longer owns her. The only solutions are to allow the marriage stand or kill the man.

The Cominator says:

Nah virgin marriages among europeans were only the rule in the upper and upper middle classes in the West, generally for common people marriages were arranged when a girl was pregnant.

The only way to stop womens rights is to hang anyone advocating womens rights, there is no substitute for constantly executing progressives. Enacting Arab type rules and not our old rules is not a substitute.

jim says:

> Nah virgin marriages among europeans were only the rule in the upper and upper middle classes in the West, generally for common people marriages were arranged when a girl was pregnant

If she winds up stuck with the first man who banged her, virgin marriage. The ceremony makes it official, the sexual act with the intent and capability to keep the woman around is what makes marriage.

If virgin at the marriage ceremony, she is the bride, not yet the wife, until she and her husband retire to their room.

Red says:

I said the first man she fucked, not virgin marriage. Once a man’s turned that key, then he can turn it again and again.

Neofugue says:

> Nah virgin marriages among europeans were only the rule in the upper and upper middle classes in the West, generally for common people marriages were arranged when a girl was pregnant.

Why should our moral values be set to the low standards of inferior people?

Common people married when the girl was pregnant because infertile couples starved. Since this condition no longer applies, Red’s position is more relevant.

The Cominator says:

The Arab rules are for an inferior people bring back our form of patriarchy and we wont have to execute so many people for opposing it. Putting so many people in unsuitable marriages is going to bring too much opposition and that is when you get womens lib… a slightly looser system will be more palatable then we just hang its obvious feminist opponents and then we have stable patriarchy.

Also as i have often pointed out hard and fast first lover rules are just female choice by other means.

jim says:

> Also as i have often pointed out hard and fast first lover rules are just female choice by other means.

Female choice is not that bad if forced to choose once and forever.

ten says:

Daddy veto gives daddy incentive to hide his daughters lack of virginity, meaning he will hide her sexual misconduct, and she will manipulate him to let her bang around until she is broken beyond repair. It aligns vices of fathers with vices of daughters. Dangerous.

Don’t minimize female choice, maximize marriage. Which means if the girl launches her crotch at some nogood, you win some, lose some. If there are bitter old women stuck with their loser throughout life, daughters will be wary of getting stuck with losers.

And if the nogood turns around and isnt such a loser when put in charge of a family, which they tend to do, win win.

The Cominator says:

Not sure I agree…

Karl says:

Beautifully worded and concise, but for a shill test it needs to spelled out what to choose and what “own” entails.

Otherwise a shill will silently add some words that subvert the meaning, e.g. Women desire men who remove their ability to choose hate over love and will search until their womb dries. Thus each man must own his wife’ heart and have the power of life and death over those who subvert this.

The reason why legal texts are getting more and more lengthy and complex is that they are drafted to prevent hostile misinterpretation. The less common faith and cultural basis there is, the more needs to be spelled out explicitly. Shill tests face the same problem.

I suggest the following amendment of S’s excellent suggestion:

Every Woman of fertile age desires a man who removes her ability to fuck anyone but him and will search for such a man until her womb dries. Thus each man must own his wife, his wife must obey him, he must have power of life and death over her, and I have a duty to help any man of my community controlling his wife.

Property rights only exists by consensus. When a man no longer cares if his neighbor’s property is stolen, pretty soon someone will steal his own property. That’s why I suggest adding confirmation of a duty to the creed and shill test.

Fidelis says:

The problem here is that you can never have enough words words words to cover each edge case. This is a practice, not a theorem. Start with basic tenets, follow with specific and targeted material if you catch a bad smell. Having a lengthy well written screed just gives a target to practice against, more surface area to attack. So don’t write it down. Ingest the meaning yourself, to be able to be the one that would have written the treatise, then it becomes natural to see if the suspect shares your point of view.

SJ says:

I’ve found that stating ‘men must tell women what to do and then women will do it because it is their nature to obey’ causes crime stop and is quickly followed by a ban. Also usefully worded as if a husband isn’t telling his wife what to do then another man will. I’ve also found that the cucks I’m surrounded by are unable to think about telling their wives what to do and when they hear and see my much younger much more beautiful wife obeying me they will whisper to me in secret that I’m going to anger her majesty so I should stop commanding.

I have been going out of my way to demonstrate my command over my wife and to tell these men that men must be dominate, but dominate like Abraham is over Sarah. Crime stop prevents them from understanding.

I’m not sure how to break through the crime stop. I demonstrate my wife’s obedience, everyone knows I have a ‘trophy’ wife, and on top of that she is pregnant with our fifth son. During a snow storm two weeks ago I made a point to demonstrate my commanding her to shovel the walks and driveway before I get home and her obedience with the same result described above. Crime stop followed by several cucks whispering to me secretively that I must cease my leadership over my wife and rather servant lead lest I suffer the wrath of her majesty.

On this point I have wondered if consent mortality results in men seeing women as God, as women’s consent grants morality to the sex act under this insane morale code. I have been working out methods to challenge consent morality for several years with no success. I have ruined two ‘friendships’ with pathetic cucks by pressing this issue quite far but still no success.

Red says:

It’s funny, I barley care about the race question anymore. With the death of voting overwhelming us with darkies is less important than reproduction and combat power from groups of Aryan men, which we’ll only have if young men have faith, and can own their wives and children.

The Cominator says:

Yes to me the battle to keep America from becoming multiracial ala Brazil has unfortunately already been lost… while I certainly don’t want 100 million Africans coming here I’m less concerned about race than I used to be… Florida is multiracial but since it uncorrupted in its voting and since the Republicans here seem to be very good at converting nonwhites to the more redpilled variety of Republican politics it does okay compared to most places. There are heavily black neighborhoods in Florida I’m much safer in than some whiter methtowns in the Midwest…

The worst demon worshippers also almost always tend to be college educated whites ESPECIALLY women…

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

“Thank God for these good Christian boys” James Comey’s good friend muses, as he gazes lovingly down on the mysterymeat spawn of his daughters.

The Cominator says:

If I have the right to arrange marriages for them why should I worry about that?

Not a friend nor have I ever met Comey, but Comey was the last Cathedral insider who seemed to deliberately sabotage our enemies.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Why would you have that right, when the community as such is not constituted by people who think in ways that lead to such right?

Demography is destiny. The Alexandrian form of social organism passed away with Alexander’s armies. The Roman form of social organism passed away with the Roman form of people. Naturam expellas furca, tamen usque recurret.

The Cominator says:

In our hypothetical future state id have that right, of couse i dont now.

Red says:

Not a friend nor have I ever met Comey, but Comey was the last Cathedral insider who seemed to deliberately sabotage our enemies.

You still believe that bullshit? Comey was an incompetent figurehead with delusions of Grander who stupidity got in the way of Mueller’s boys who actually ran the FBI with Hillary Clinton. He was always against us and he was used quite skillfully by his handlers against Trump and MAGA after his initial fuck ups.

The Cominator says:

Agnostic on it but he made a LOT of fuckups and Trump probably should have kept him on…

Red says:

You are starting to remind me of a Polock.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>In our hypothetical future state id have that right, of couse i dont now.

In a hypothetical future polity constituted by people who share your genetic commons; not a multikulti mysterymeat stew.

Why do civnat cucks always think people who don’t think like them will somehow magically get along with them? WHy do civnat cucks always think people who don’t think like them will somehow magically get along with them profitably? By definition they don’t.

No form you value will exist without people of like kind as you, and thus share the same attraction to the same forms as you.

The Cominator says:

Red calm down, Trump was better off with Comey than with his own appointee (yes I’m sure foisted on him via McConnell and the gang) fucking Christopher Wray who consistently sabotaged him (probably worse than anyone) and DIDN’T fuck it up.

The Cominator says:

Not a civnat advocate the millet system but I’m recognizing the reality. Unless the civil war goes full racial its unlikely at this point that the US will ever get back to 1980s demographics at least within the next 200 years. Biden has probably let in 10-20 million illegals already and even under Trump the flood was merely halted but it wasn’t reversed…

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

It doesn’t get brought up often, assumedly because the ones who are still around from back then are polite about it, and everyone else are newerfigs who weren’t, but a commentary debut hinging on an inexplicable promotion of a swamp creature who acted exactly like every other swamp creature and stabbed Trump in the back was a huge face egg; a almost damning indictment even, something that will always be lurking in the back of the file drawer.

The Cominator says:

Comey never was going to be allowed to touch Hillary legally but nuking her from orbit I think 13 days before the 2016 election… Well if it wasn’t deliberate Comey’s idiocy was of a providential nature.

McCabe did way more against Trump than Comey did too, it wasn’t Comey running Strzok it was McCabe.

Red says:

It’s concerning that he hasn’t reputed Comey. He seemed a bit naive when he got started here and talked of how Comey would eventually ride in to save Trump. It was obvious bullshit back then but kind of a small thing in the scheme of things.

It’s Ok to admit that you were wrong and move on. It’s stupid to hold onto your mistakes as things that just haven’t been proven yet long after they’ve been disproven.

Red says:

Comey never was going to be allowed to touch Hillary legally but nuking her from orbit I think 13 days before the 2016 election… Well if it wasn’t deliberate Comey’s idiocy was of a providential nature.

McCabe did way more against Trump than Comey did too, it wasn’t Comey running Strzok it was McCabe.

After the election Comey stopped calling the shots and let Muellers boys run the FBI. They decided at that point to try to get Trump to fire Comey and Comey played along. Remember those memos about Trump he recorded in preparation to being fired?

Evil often mars evil. That all that happened with Comey.

A2 says:

This thread reminds me that at some point — perhaps now? — whites will have to become fully multicultural in the great multicultural empire we have decreed. Which is to say, become an interest group like blacks, jews, etc., and work our interest.

“In multiracial societies, you don’t vote in accordance with your economic interests and social interests, you vote in accordance with race and religion.” (Lee Kuan Yew)

Red says:

My point is now that voting doesn’t matter, only combat power does. Therefor we need to cultivate Aryan combat power, reproduction, and faith so that our warriors, engineers, priests, and workers can create a future for us.

pinochet's ghost says:

“Syria was also a woman question war,”

Both the Alawites and the Russians are 1950s feminists. So are the Chinese.

We face a bigger danger from our enemy’s enemies castrating themselves with 1950s feminism, than we do from our enemies literally castrating themselves.

Almost all cuckservatives also believe in 1950s feminism.

Woman question shill test has to be impossible to pass by 1950s feminists.

jim says:

> Both the Alawites and the Russians are 1950s feminists. So are the Chinese.

Alawite feminism proved insufficient to be acceptable.

The sticking issue was female education. Alawites insisted on equality. GAE demanded that women be more equal than men.

Shill detection:

1. Shills are desperate to prove they are part of your group. Hence, for example, they signal “hail fellow white christian male” strongly on Jim’s Blog. Which itself should raise suspicions. Since shilling is a mostly low effort thing, they are quite unsubtle about it. Being subtle and patient is beyond their purview. Example: one of the shills with the pseudonym “Whitey”.

2. Shills always project themselves as a caricature, or what left-wingers imagine right-wingers to be like. Also shills commit what left-wingers think are right-wing thought crimes and studiously avoid actual thought crimes. Hence they can loudly proclaim how much they hate jews, niggers and how they rayciss they are, but cannot say *why*. Since professional shills rely on scripts, it becomes obvious who wrote the script when they commit what they imagine are right wing Shibboleths. They insert their actual payload in between their innocuous “thought crimes”.

3. Shills disappear quietly or become predictably unresponsive when challenged to respond to thought crimes. It is not so much to find out whether they agree with the premise of the thought crime but whether they are actually able to engage intelligently with that thought crime at all in the first place.

The biggest issue with shills is not detecting them but actually moderating them and preventing them from drowning out signal with their noise. The thing is, apart from Jim’s Blog, there are not many forums out there with effective shill prevention, allowing shills to take over and derail conversations.

pinochet's ghost says:

this blog, compare to 4chan, proves that active moderation by a capable loyalist is the only solution to shills

4chan proves failing to control shills results in fatality

the only way to scale the moderation by capable loyalists is by the cell method

Red says:

A man’s wife has taken his son from him and by order the courts she going to have the son castrated:

KD link:

Read the comments, as Jim says a lot of the normies are quite on board on doing the right thing when they try to disfigure your children:

There is no such thing as law outside the Laws of Physics and the Law of Conscience.

If your children are honestly and legitimately in danger of bodily harm or injury you are 100% clear of conscience regardless of the opinions of other human beings.

Gary Plauché shooting son’s rapist.jpeg

Most of the rest are doing the McChristain thing and doing nothing.

Some are cheering on his son’s castration.
There can be no mercy for demon worshipers.

Pax Imperialis says:

His anger is just. Last resort to save his son is some bloodshed. Retweeting the Chase Steely picture is good. That’s the type of thing that should be done over a dead body.

Pax Imperialis says:

*not good

Red says:

I rather doubt he’ll doing anything. He seems genuinely surprised people are telling him to kidnap his son. He’s going to be more surprised when people treat him like shit for the rest of his life for failing to even try to save his son.

The Cominator says:

Kidnapping won’t do it unless he can escape to Russia and they agree to shelter him…

He has to kill his wife (preferably she is not in Austin) and go before a jury trial…

Pax Imperialis says:

You can be sure that after the picture he retweeted his chance of success went down massively. If he doesn’t get reported as a threat and detained, he may find the ex wife has armed guards waiting for him.

Red says:

What picture are you talking about?

The Cominator says:

The one with Pat Buchanan holding a revolver sitting under a portrait of Robert E Lee?

Red says:

That’s not a threat.

The Cominator says:

I would agree its not… its a very vague allusion to a semi violent mood.

Pax Imperialis says:

Forgot Texan gun laws, but in some states that’s enough to potentially trigger red flag laws. All it takes is for someone to call in claiming they feel the person is a threat.

Red says:

Retweeting the Chase Steely picture is good. That’s the type of thing that should be done over a dead body.

I agree, but it’s also why I know he’s not going to do jack shit. People who post stuff like that are not going to do anything.

The Cominator says:

Yeah generally people who are going to actually do something violent don’t talk about it…

Red says:

Man I love that film.

notglowing says:

What about this?

Maybe things aren’t quite that bad. Otherwise it’s one step from the worst possible situation.

notglowing says:

TransparencyWTX calling trannying kids demonic makes me more likely to believe them.

Maybe let’s not be too blackpilled

Pax Imperialis says:

California has made it perfectly clear they are a sanctuary state for trannies. Texas law prevents her from transitioning the kid in Texas. When she moves to California she will be free to do what she wants.

The Cominator says:

Dear God if the wife is in Cali much less chance he gets a jury that will treat him fairly if he does the right thing.

Pax Imperialis says:

She agreed to not transition the kid when she takes him to California. The mother would risk contempt as well as an aggravated perjury charge if she were to do it; however:

Extradition requests are made from the office of one state’s governor to the other. If the request is approved by both governors, an extradition hearing will be held and a court in the state with the fugitive will make a decision to grant or deny extradition.

It doesn’t even make it to a jury. The Californian governor’s office would just ignore requests and Texas is a bum out of luck.

Red says:

The mother would risk contempt as well as an aggravated perjury charge if she were to do it; however:

Women regularly ignore that stuff and the family courts do nothing. There’s no risk.

notglowing says:

It seems there is nuance to it and it wouldn’t be allowed in this case.
Unless we see them moving forward with it, there’s a good chance it might not happen and the court case prevented her from doing it.

I want to believe there is a good chance the kids will be saved, God willing.

Red says:

Unless we see them moving forward with it, there’s a good chance it might not happen and the court case prevented her from doing it.

You must be new here. The wife will do whatever she wants and the courts will ignore the violation as they always do. That’s how things work. Clinics are already above the law when it comes to mutilating children.

notglowing says:

Not new, but things aren’t always as black and white as they seem when it comes to laws being ignored for the sake of holiness.

We will see what happens, I think there’s still a good chance, and I will pray for him.

Otherwise, I am going to bed seething in impotent rage and that is always a pointless and a bad thing.

Red says:

Not new, but things aren’t always as black and white as they seem when it comes to laws being ignored for the sake of holiness.

I hate to be harsh about this, but you’re listening to McChristains lie to themselves and spread those lies on social media.

Here’s an actual Christian idea: God has delivered a protector for this boy. His name is Father. May God give him the courage to obey the Lord’s commandments and end the danger to his son.

Red says:

Also note he had his rights revoked because he wouldn’t treat his son as a girl.

Red says:

He seems to have the right sort of enemies:

Here’s a better story on the court decision:

The reality is she’ll take his son to a clinic and they’ll castrate him or put him on blockers and the courts won’t do shit about it. He’s go no say with no custody rights.

The Cominator says:

How old is he I wouldn’t have to sit still for my balls cutting if I don’t want to…

Red says:

They put you under for the surgery. The Feds and States are paying these clinics huge sums.

notglowing says:

He’s a little kid who got manipulated by his mother.

SJ says:

Bastards usually have bad outcomes, always have. Castration likely isn’t that unusual for a bastard. The man’s correct move is to ignore the slut and her bastard and, if he desires a legitimate family, to create that legitimate family. Nothing good comes from men pretending that they can gift a childhood of legitimacy unto a bastard. Nothing good comes from pretending a child isn’t a bastard in cases such as this as well, where the ‘marriage’ is dissolved.

Red says:

It might be the winter of death for the highly vaxxed:

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Bureaucrat: a one-size-fits-all suit will make things more efficient

>Reality: tailored suits are more efficient

Red says:

Fantastic video. I’d always wondered why those space suits were so bad. Elon’s approach of making it look cool and working for humans then make it functional for space is one of those things where it’s absolutely obviously the way to go but only a great man like Musk could make it happen.

Kunning Druegger says:

Here’s some PF and other groups propaganda I have encountered. This is in reference to an ongoing conversation. I am submitting this to deepen our background, not as an argument for or against a change in policy.

MMA/Boxing event in CA:

This is longer (30min), so scroll through if you want. the fighters and others get interviewed. They talk about various things, so anyone doing OSINT work, there’s a lot of info here to crawl through to see if/where the indicators are of glowie talking points. The tattoos on display tell their own story. White Nationalist, neopagan, neo Nazi, and Amerikaner imagery. Prison tats and not-so-prison tats. The music is… interesting. I guess I’m just getting old, but it all sounds so cringe to me, but so does 99% of what I encounter. White rappers… whatever, zoomers need their slapping beats I guess. I see why this is attractive, but i also see hoe very easy it is to subvert, infiltrate, and spin up & point to negate anything real. Another issue, I didn’t see a lot of hoes. I am the last guy that wants females around that don’t belong to me, but I am a family man. these are young fighters. It’s a necessary challenge of young manhood to be around women and hold frame. Another facet is, you know your on the rise when hoes start prowling around trying get you to police them. To be fair, a lot of the B roll was censored, so maybe they were hiding the sluts. There was a roastie looking ring girl, but she may be a reformed thot or some such.

Protest/March in Boston

Pretty standard fare for America nuPolitics. Dress them up in black, add a bunch of schlubby degenerates and, again, more bitches, and it isn’t too different from left leaning political propaganda film. Their ostensible leader, the guy with the cowboy hat, is indistinguishable from leftist political leader types I have encountered. He is intelligent, put together, and eloquent, but he is a commissar type nonetheless. A different mentality and he’d be doing the same job but with Antifa. I don’t mean to insult him, and I bet he’d be fun to go camping with, probably a great conversationalist. But I can say the same for the dudes I’ve met from black bloc, the leader types. Obviously excluding trannies and migrants, we are all human, and we tend to find our places in the hieracrhy if we have skills and presence. The more interesting facets of this film are the things in the background. The gear, the places they organize, their comms units. PF has serious funding for a grassroots political movement, by which I mean they have smart money. You wouldn’t believe how much gets dropped on left wing orgs and they piss it away without looking a tenth as organized as these guys. There were definitely skinnyfats, dumpy dumps, manlets in the ranks, but there are far more healthy guys that could probably rip if it came down to it. Their coordination evidenced in the film was good, they planned the op, had contingencies, did walk throughs, the leader man had a good speech that was rehearsed and well delivered. Some dumb nigger lost his cool (shocker, I know) and the PF guys dealt with it ok. They got frazzled when the Police showed up, a bit, but they still executed their contingency pretty well. The editing makes it hard to know what actually happened. And their op did exactly what it should do: spread awareness, unsettled their enemies, made them look virile and dangerous.

PF gets swept up by LEO in Idaho

OK, this one is interesting. Inside (literally) look at what happened when they got busted, the time it was all over the news. They were on their way to protest a trannie show (nigger warning: there’s a clip of a sodomite in the presence of children). Logic dictates that there are CIs and undercovers in the PF. I cannot conceive of a world where there wouldn’t be. But this was kind of whitepilling to watch. As an organization, they seem pretty on top of their game. It could very well be the case that they are all feds, but they were bonded out, to a man (31 total) overnight. A camera was not taken off one of the PF guys so there’s a snippet of footage in the party v&. Tinfoil perspective: the fed plant was allowed to keep the camera? maybe, but look closely at the LEO force that bushwhacks the truck. A real mess, different departments, tactical Tony and donut Donny, all stacked up all over each other. Some of the cops look terrified when they see what’s in the truck. This one is interesting, lads. Watch this one if you watch none of the others.

04:34 they actually talk about the “FBI plant” that was reported.
05:25-06:05 fun whitepill moment (for them, but still, feels nice to see bros)

Summary Analysis
From a cursory overview, PF appears to be a genuine political activist group with a central structure that goes “by the book” in terms of what federal law prescribes for such organizations. They appear to obtain permits, avail themselves of the information required by state law to legally and civilly protest, demonstrate, and organize, and operate as a 501c organization. On the social side, they appear to be a men’s group that operates on a chapter system by state/region, and it can be reasonably assumed they have a leadership hierarchy. The scarcity of females, minorities, degenerates, and weak specimens indicates that they do deploy some kind of filtering process for membership. Deeper analysis would be required to ascertain the scope and degree of this filtration. They appear to organize activities centered around political protest & activism, pugilism, outdoor recreation, and small scale/”gray” misdemeanors like banner drops and graffiti. On the resource side, they appear to have a somewhat substantial “war chest” with coffers that can cover legal action, bonds, retreats, property ownership or rental, gear, equipment, and uniforms.

Red says:

On the resource side, they appear to have a somewhat substantial “war chest” with coffers that can cover legal action, bonds, retreats, property ownership or rental, gear, equipment, and uniforms.

IE they have a state sponsor, just like Antifa and Azov. Since the Russians don’t seem to be sponsoring shit and they are rather Neo-Nazi phobic since the Nazis tried to murder 90 million slavs and the mass murders committed by Azov, that leaves you with the Federal government.

PF went through 2 distance phases: It wasn’t working to smear the Proud boys as a white supremacists organization since they were loaded with darkies. So PF shows up with the only people know anything about them are leftists. They’d do a protest somewhere an no one would on the right had any idea who the fuck they were, but the left sure knew and would scream about MAGA Neo-Nazis. They were intended as a smear for MAGA focus and potential false flags later. The Idaho raid happened during this time. That raid happened shortly after they were arrested at other events but allowed to keep their masks on while being detained, which made people yell glowies all the louder. They also frequently loaded up into you haul trucks after events with police protection. 100% illegal and no way the cops would do that without orders.

Phase 2 got underway after the GAE realized how useful Azov was proving. Their marketing quality went through the roof, there was less news stories run about them, and they started looking super legitimate. IE they appear to have moved from a glowie group designed to suck up opposition for later arrest or to commit false flags, to a full fledged state sponsored Neo-Nazi PMC in the process of forming.

Finally as a reminder what happens to actual resistance groups to the GAE look like:

They couldn’t find shit on the Branch Davidians. So they murdered them all. The FBI’s actual stated plan to get the BDs to give up was to tortured the children with tear gas until they surrendered. PF not being murdered by the feds indicates they’re being dirrected by the feds.

I’m sure PF is full of good people, but they’re good people with evil masters who will use them to cause great harm.

Kunning Druegger says:

Excellent points, as always. I’m reserving judgement on where they are headed, not in disagreement with you assessment, rather because of how blind I was to fedgov/Cathedral incompetence for a very long time. Arguments here forced me to reconsider, and then hindsight demonstrated that the signs were always there, I was just photoshopping them out. PF has resources, but, respectfully, I think you are portraying it a bit too black & white. There are intermediate sources of material support between truly organic association and fedgov funding. The “PF as Azov” is a novel take, one that elicits pretty interesting responses from people. Was that yours first Red, or who was it? Whoever, it is one of those things is freaky frog level analysis.

Working from that assumption, do you think Agent Shanikwa and Regional Director Karen are going to be able to keep a leash on that pet pitbull? I don’t know enough about Azov, but from what I’ve seen, I think it was an actual organization and they got the right CIA officer to back them. As well, there are many other nationalist militias, and the trickle of support became a stream after 2014. That stream became a flood in 2022. But prior to 2022, the MSM and their gay lover “independent” media used to scream and cry about “Azov Nazis” right up until they, as one, pivoted to the bold statement that they “[do] not” consider Azov as the “far right group it once was.” [1] This mirrors the shift that happened when Communist Internationale suddenly supported Hitler after years of opposing him, as well as the shift in the American Academe regarding the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. When Ukraine collapses, I think we will see an explosion of “white terrorism” in Europe and the US as their pet nazis start fomenting retribution for the West failing to give them victory against the Russian Menace.

I derailed myself, but there’s good stuff in there. The point I was working towards is this: to have PF perform as like Azov, they will need actual masculine characteristics and animating spirit. The negro & broads movements in the US in the 1930s magically disappeared when it was decided that the military needed to be strengthened and industry/commerce needed to shift to a war footing. I hope someone here or adjacent writes a book about that because it’s another one of those freaky frog types of observation. In any case, I am confident in stating that the fedgov of current era is not even a dull reflection of the FDR machine. I don’t think they can put the trannie/nigger/feminist genie back in the bottle. The holiness spiral has crossed a certain threshold.

If our shill tests work like we think they do, like we assert that they do anyways, then that same principle will apply to the building/maintaining of PF as a nationalist battalion. It worked in Ukraine because A) it was far away in a country no one cared or really knew about and B) they could afford to let the commissars in media bad mouth and “expose” Asov because the support was (most likely) funneled through the UKR government and/or oligarchs. How would they do that in the domestic setting, which is to say what can they funnel the support to and through without having their pet journalists accidentally “bash the fasc” in their relentless pursuit of brown scares? I think that’s a rather substantial challenge. To reiterate: fedgov as it exists now, whether it is the IC (CIA) or DOJ (FBI), has to

1)build up a masculine organization under the principles of tough guy nationalism/patriotism
2) fund and equip it
3) grow it
4) manage & deploy it

and they have to do this with an army of journos perpetually on the hunt for such things (real or imagined) and a talent pool that is getting girlier, gayer, and dumber by the day.

Hey man, I’m really enjoying this exercise, I think it’s interesting and worthwhile, but I am not working towards any end, so if for any reason you feel like you need to convince me not to join/support PF or anything like that, don’t. I’m just larping at intel analysis withy my frens.

Here’s some more data points:
PF quite recently in Ohio. Notice the lack of uniforms and no Cowboy dude. Could be a local chapter, but their website hasn’t been updated in a while (since summer), though there Telegram is more recent.

Here’s a look at “militia leaders”at the same Ohio event. These types are probably not considered a threat by fedgov.


Red says:

The “PF as Azov” is a novel take, one that elicits pretty interesting responses from people. Was that yours first Red, or who was it? Whoever, it is one of those things is freaky frog level analysis.

Wulfgar actually.

PF has resources, but, respectfully, I think you are portraying it a bit too black & white. There are intermediate sources of material support between truly organic association and fedgov funding.

Take a look at Anglin and the DailyStormer to see how the GAE deals with groups they don’t like when it comes to funding. There’s no way PF could get funded to that degree without the feds stepping crushing the income stream if they were opposed to PF.

How would they do that in the domestic setting, which is to say what can they funnel the support to and through without having their pet journalists accidentally “bash the fasc” in their relentless pursuit of brown scares? I think that’s a rather substantial challenge.

Why did the reporter working a big story about Muller suddenly die when a Dem political official was “visiting” her home. Reporters already know that implicating the Feds in such things leads to bad outcomes.

Besides the reporters all praise Azov to the skies now. They’re officially good Nazis.

1)build up a masculine organization under the principles of tough guy nationalism/patriotism
2) fund and equip it
3) grow it
4) manage & deploy it

and they have to do this with an army of journos perpetually on the hunt for such things (real or imagined) and a talent pool that is getting girlier, gayer, and dumber by the day.

You are under the impression that the Journos are independent actors, they’re not. They report what the Cathedral wants them to report and always have. The idea that they report the truth is one of the many lies they tell.

Feds seldom create new groups from scratch, but they help groups along until it’s time to harvest them to justify their funding. PF just happened to fit the bill for a Azov type group so they’re using it.

Such groups grow organically all the time, the feds inflate them, use them for some bullshit and then arrest them. That’s been the cycle since the 50s. This time they’re using them to build an effective army to fight for the GAE.

Hey man, I’m really enjoying this exercise, I think it’s interesting and worthwhile, but I am not working towards any end, so if for any reason you feel like you need to convince me not to join/support PF or anything like that, don’t. I’m just larping at intel analysis withy my frens.

Lots of warrior midswits are going to join the GAE version of Azov and I don’t see a way to stop it. The sort of men who should be the foot soldiers of the restoration will be used to fight to the last white man in a future war so that faggots can rape little boys. I feel despondent about it.

Ukraine is going to be a total ruin because of Azov. I hope America fares better.

PF quite recently in Ohio. Notice the lack of uniforms and no Cowboy dude. Could be a local chapter, but their website hasn’t been updated in a while (since summer), though there Telegram is more recent.

Looks like no official cold weather gear yet resulting in the weird assortment of tops. Most where still wearing the hats and the pants.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

“Fight and die for feminism and gay pride parades” memes are very powerful. I see them deployed all the time on chans with respect to jewkraine, and glowniggers never have a direct come-back, they just try to ignore it and drown it outwith more bot posting, and any time they do directly apply it is the mask coming off (IE ‘yes this is for Are Values’/’yes this is just naked power politics and we are just saying whatever is convenient to destroy russia’/and so on).

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

It is the combination of political cover, funding, and professional marketing that convinced me that they are going the Azov route. If someone wanted them to be a glowie false flag generator to use against MAGA, they would not need much funding, and their marketing would be intentionally bad. Just get a bunch of FBI guys, release some obnoxious nazi videos, do a march with everyone masked up and a few patsies who get grabbed by the police, and you are off to the races. We are not seeing that sort of thing; why?

I have seen professionally designed stickers in a liberal city I visited recently, the way Infowars and Alex Jones used to do. Their cinematography and editing is top notch, and their videos look professionally created. They have organization and discipline that takes weeks to develop in boot camp and has to be led and worked to by a team that knows each other. Someone is training them to be American Azov. Maybe even their private army for the fun times that will be the 2026 and 2028 Democratic primary/presidential election(lol git fukt Recucklicans, no more POTUS for you).

Red says:

they would not need much funding, and their marketing would be intentionally bad. Just get a bunch of FBI guys, release some obnoxious nazi videos,

There was a “hack” from PF back in 2020 or 2021 where they were “caught” on tape saying hail hitler after a recording a video. One of the glowie fed hacker groups released it. It was so poorly acted that the right just called PF glowies and laughed at them.

and professional marketing that convinced me that they are going the Azov route.

It was the sudden change in marketing that stood out to me as well. Not only had someone dropped a metric ton of money on it, but they were suddenly working with a very good marketing group. Which means someone who’s very good at marketing felt safe enough to take a Neo-Nazi group’s money in exchange for good propaganda. No way that happened without Cathedral approval and with the purpose of legitimatizing PF.

jim says:

The real tell, however, is inability of the “Neo Nazi propaganda” to say certain things that much need saying.

You can see the master by the crimethoughts that they cannot think.

pinochet's ghost says:

“Neo” in “neoliberal” and “neoconservative” means “Jewish.” No link to historical liberalism or conservatism.

“Neonazis” evoke nothing of the aesthetic of the German Nazi Party, a strong aesthetic they deliberately cultivated. “Neonazis” have never read a single publication by German Nazi Party or its supporters, and are probably Jewish.

Red says:

You have to be the worst shill on this board. Neoconservative means Troskite.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Which would be a consistent datapoint for “neo = jewish”.

Red says:

The problem with the is Dick Cheney, George Bush, etc. Yes almost all the official Neo-Conservitives “thinkers” are Jews. But the ones with power that implemented the polices were all gentiles.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

I don’t really see the problem. Jews and the most jew-like subsets of a target population naturally find each other.

Red says:

Having thought it over, you’re probably right.

pinochet's ghost says:

“You have to be the worst shill on this board. Neoconservative means Troskite.”

Trotskyite means Jewish Bolshevik. Trotsky was the coordination point for all the Jews Stalin kicked out of the USSR and who then settled in NYC. Trotsky himself settled in Mexico and got assassinated quite quickly – he was also Jewish but ultimately just a figurehead for this critical mass of Jewish left intellectuals in NYC.

Dick Cheney and GWB are shabbos goys. That’s why they’re so dumb. Look at the staff of Project For A New American Century to get a real idea of the ethnicity and outlook of this movement.

While not all Jews are malevolent (wanting to maximize one’s own power is not in itself malevolence, just being rational), the neoconservatives are a malevolent Jewish movement. Their targets (Iraq, Iran, Ukraine, Russia) are simply countries that have historically offended Jews. Historically offended – not that pose a current threat.

Arkyshrugger says:

is there a Jimian take on NJP?

jim says:


S says:

National Justice Party? What does Anglin say?

kawaii_kike says:

The founder of the National Justice Party, Mike Enoch accused Anglin working for the SPLC after Enochs chief of security was exposed for being a heroin dealing FBI informant.

I couldn’t find any of Anglins comments on the NJP specifically but at first glance they seem about as credible as the KKK.

They do have this point on their website though: “We support strong families. Married women will be paid by the state to care for their children. No fault divorce will be repealed, and homosexual marriage will be banned”
About as redpilled as Hitler, so they’re not very Jimian.

kawaii_kike says:
chris says:

For anyone who followed Mister Metokur, he did his last stream last night. Here is a mirror of it.

Red says:

Tell us something about him and why you liked him. I’ve never heard of him before.

Redbible says:

Mister Metokur is a 4chan tier shitposter, good for some lols and memes, but not a source of useful info.

Pax Imperialis says:

For a 4Chan shitposter he sure did ruffle the COVIDian cult. See 19 pages of academic hysteria:

Mister Metokur is a popular AMP within far-right communities online (Riberio et al.,
2020). His content usually offers commentary on pertinent sociopolitical issues by ridiculing, what he perceives as, the social degeneracy of Marxism, Transgenderism, and

Alternative media framing
of COVID-19 risks
Martin Rooke
Current Sociology Monograph
2021, Vol. 69(4) 584–602

I didn’t follow him much and this news is recent to me. I’m still sad to see him go like this. Regardless of all his flaws, he was ultimately just a normal guy from a better era laughing at the end of the world in much the same spirit of Salvador Dalí. Not to say he was a great man like Dalí, he was far too mundane, but one who similarly recognized the ridiculousness of the times. There was a mystical period in the early days of 4Chan when it wasn’t overrun by Cancer and AIDS. inb4 it was always Cancer with a side of AIDs. A more innocent time. Metokur embodied that Old 4Chan so it’s allegorical, that in the end, he’s dying of Cancer AIDS. RIP oldfag.

chris says:

He was a funny internet celebrity who was very effective at mocking the woke/SJWs and creating internet culture against them. E.g. he was instrumental in popularising gamergate.

He is a jester. And he was good at rallying internet culture against the left. He is terminally ill and that was likely his last stream ever.

I would not be surprised if those in their 20’s, 30’s or 40’s who frequent this blog laughed at some of his stuff over the past 10-12 years.

Red says:

Interesting thread on French Revolution’s redefine of the Calendar and how Napoleon abolished it.

KD link:

Mon says:

It is time for the white culture of the world to wake the fuck up and start demanding that all these fucked morally depraved politicians quit letting in foreigners. And punt those fuckers out of office, permanently. The white race, already nothing but a tiny percent of the world’s population, must survive. [*deleted*]

jim says:

And then you strangely overlook a number of obstacles to survival that are regularly discussed on this blog. Also, since when does one of our guys say “white culture“.

Take the shill test.

Pax Imperialis says:

I’m a little more sympathetic to you than jim. No really, I get the value of extended family and that race is like an extension of that, but “White culture“ is really just mainstream, universalist American culture. You’re conflating of the White Caucasian race with American culture is really just your progressive universalism leaking out.

The Europeans grad students I knew in college never referred to themselves as being a part of “White culture.” They were always German/French/etc. They would consider you a Yankee at best and a Le 56% mutt at worst. The desire for white pride world wide crashed and burned for the same reason the EU’s European identity project never got off the ground.

Western Taliban says:

White culture is from the beginning an enemy concept promoted by shills, it’s fake and gay and doesn’t exist, not even in America. It’s not like an Amerikaner in Texas, an Amerikaner in flyover states and an Amerikaner in NY are the same or have any real sense of unification in the absence of a common enemy. Amerikaner Texans right now would love to build a wall so that Amerkaner Californians get murdered at the entrance instead of letting them in to spread their disease.

From the very beginning of the country the 13 original colonies were different and basically hated each other, only they hated England even more. The FF only went full in when George III decided to rope them in as “rebels” and declaring he was going to hang them all, big mistake. And even then only a small percentage of Amerikaners fought to “free” America, while plenty of Amerikaners wanted to murder those Amerikaners.

jim often tells us that it is impossible to love far away people and those telling us that they love far away people are lying to murder us, I agree. But I would add that it is also impossible to hate far away people and those telling us to hate those far away are also lying to murder us. Just like the mainstream media tells me to hate Putin so that they can more easily murder me. This whole “white culture” thing is trying to sell me to hate some random nigger in Africa while murdering me with socialism back at home.

There is no such thing as a white race, or a black race or an asian race or a brown race, beyond perhaps, some very loose and informal biological grouping. The different white races have been killing each other for millennia, the different black races have been killing each other for millennia, the asian races have been killing each other for millennia and the brown races have been killing each other for millennia, and occasionally having had contact with a different race that stopped being far away, also killed those.

Some faggot shill talks to me about “blacks” as a group in an American context, gleefully ignoring the fact that niggers kill each other far more than they kill anyone else, it’s not even close. There is no black race except a progressive faggot using “black race” on a speech to justify looting and murdering whites, but it is other whites doing the looting, doing the organizing, doing the murdering, the niggers are back home in their neighborhoods killing each other. And occasionally they might be some niggers used as soldiers, but that’s niggers being foot soldiers. No nigger ever organized anything for this, he is too busy murdering other niggers. They can’t even organize the niggers in South Africa to murder the boers, because back there in Africa niggers are also too busy murdering each other.

Some faggot shill talks to me about “muslims” as a group in a global context and tells me that they are a threat against me, but of course the addendum is that the reason why muslims are a threat is because they murder faggots and make women property. Gleefully ignoring that Saudi Arabia and other gulf countries are happy to ally with the US to fuck Iran and other muslims in the ass, and have been doing so for many years, though perhaps not for much longer.

Sometimes I’m also supposed to feel threatened by some Asian conspiracy, the rise of the East or such, but the Koreans, the Japanese and the Chinese hate each other to an unimaginable degree. The Koreans and the Japanese even now are still leery about getting friendly with China, even with the US imposing faggotry and feminism on them. If they could, they would murder every single Chinese it seems.

And whites? Shit, the history of Europe is a record of seeing what country gets to murder everyone else. Try to put a Frenchman, a Spaniard, an Italian and a German in the same room to break bread, me thinks if they are not deracinated faggot progs the Spaniard and the Italian join hands to murder the Frenchman and the German probably joins. The Englishman wasn’t mentioned because he was conspiring with alternative elite factions in each of those countries to murder everyone else.

So again, over and over, and over again, there are those magic groups of magically unified people very busy killing each other that we are supposed to fear, and we are supposed to gather with people that have nothing to do with us and in many cases hate us or want to murder us for protection, because skin color, LOL

There isn’t any unified racial conspiracy or group trying to do anything to any other race, because they are too busy killing each other and they’ve always been. Because you can hate your neighbor, you cannot hate someone far away.

This bullshit is exactly how progressivism abducted the minds of a bunch of young Amerikaners some decades ago to go die in some far away land to become gay, feminist and raped by niggers today. Personally I’m not falling for this shit. “Color” race is a prog conspiracy to manipulate you and kill you, always has been.

Also, European grads are more likely to be progs, most Europeans don’t see Americans as “le 56% mutt”, it’s a 4chan meme, you are seen as Anglosphere or your own thing, and Yankee is a British thing, we don’t really do that in continental Europe.

Karl says:

White culture is from the beginning an enemy concept promoted by shills, it’s fake and gay and doesn’t exist

Indeed, but there are white cultures and they are all Christian. Christianity doesn’t keep peoples from making war on each other, but it is a common part of every European culture (arguably the only common part). EU’s European identity project explicitly rejected the very element that is common to every European culture. Of course it failed.

Western Taliban says:

Yes, Christendom was very real.

Pax Imperialis says:

Yes, yes, all valid points. I was trying to provide Mon (who is very likely an American progressive) a gentle, brief introduction to the idea that “white culture” is really just an American invention. Hence calling it “mainstream universalist” and pointing out universalism translates to progressivism. Also by pointing out that Europeans see themselves.

>Also, European grads are more likely to be progs
Sure, but they still don’t see themselves as “white” or some kind of “pan European.” These are GAE concepts that even European progs tend not to hold. The ones studying in America, who I was familiar with, tended to be pretty in tune with the Anglosphere. In short, they knew 4chan memes. That said, I was only ever interested in the… well, “eccentric” ones. I got to know a German monarchist for instance. In hindsight, my sample group was likely very biased.

>”Yankee is a British thing”
>“le 56% mutt”

Trying to use terms Mon would understand, and they’re good enough approximate translations of European views on Americans. The way Italians describe American tourists for instance can be pretty negative. “Le 56%” or it can be pretty indifferent “Yankee.”

Deep State says:

This affair is at least one of your top three biggest enemy shapes.
Any questions?

ShotsHeard says:

Some angry Negro or Muslim just shot up Michigan College, they’re not say which yet.
Too bad nobody had a gun in that gun free zone.
They could have scored themselves a kill crazy lunatic.
And saved peoples lives in the process.
Cue dumbass politicians trying to take guns away.
Time to take the politicians away.
They create these fucked up situations after all.

fallingdown says:

Biden and Blinken just gave a high political award to an obese brown sexually depraved and deviant tranny, with commentary by corrupt nanny Jill Biden and useless wanna-be-white lesbian Karine. Not to mention all the other sex-based fuckups they injected into the us govt to destroy the usa.

This entire democrat cesspool infesting the usa and the world has turned things into a freakshow and authoritarian regime against freedom to live as normal humans free from their fucked up forced idealogical invasion.

People are so fucking brainwashed they can’t see and cheer all this shit these people are doing.

There will be a glorious purging of all such pussies and politicians and weak dna from the planet.

Live or die, that will be a great day to be a part of.

jim says:

True, but if you want to get out of moderation, take the shill test.

alf says:

While there can be no unity, there can be business, and even friendship. Knowledgeable people in my church agree to that. I would expect that this extends to alliance, too.


The parallel runs the wrong way. Paul helped to take down the barrier between Christians of different races. We cannot take down the barrier between Orthodox Christians and everyone else.

I should clarify: I don’t expect Orthodox Christians to. We respect the difference in opinions and seek cooperation based on what we share, of which I agree there ought to be plenty.

Nonetheless, while we are on the subject, good to iterate what we don’t share.

The biggest issue with Orthodox Christianity is its de-emphasis, or perhaps even denial, of Christ as the Logos. What that means is, whenever we discuss tech or scientific innovation or just the scientific method by itself, we are channeling Christ, the divine. Seeking truth is ordained by God, is in fact ordered by God, and that which is uncovered by the scientific method validates God even further.

Orthodox Christianity, from my understanding at least, does not work this way. It is not that Christ speaks to us through the scientific method, it is that the scientific method is subservient to the faith. God is free to change the rules of physics at any moment. Which makes belief in miracles pretty much required for an orthodox Christian, and connected to it, breakthrough scientific discoveries that challenge the established story told in the churches, such as theory of evolution, are near universal anathema to the orthodox church.

The post-catholic and post-protestant Christian West struggles and has in great part lost their faith for perhaps very similar reasons, so again, to be clear, I understand and respect the orthodox position. But circling back to the parallel of Paul: what I meant to say is that for atheists who have ‘eaten from the tree of knowledge’, so to say, to say to them: ‘your soul will only be saved if you un-believe in theory of evolution’, it is the same as saying: lie about what you believe. Which is not how faith (to my mind) works.

Gnon is a bridge for those who have lost faith to regain it.

Neofugue says:

> so to say, to say to them: ‘your soul will only be saved if you un-believe in [X]’, it is the same as saying: lie about what you believe. Which is not how faith (to my mind) works.

Differences in metaphysics are at the heart of all these disagreements, which is why these discussions on theology and science often end poorly. Asking someone to accept something that goes against his metaphysical beliefs is akin to asking him to reject his own mind.

The central difference between Orthodox Christianity and NRx Gnon is that the former espouses panentheism while the latter espouses moderate realism. So the Logos in Orthodoxy is the Christianized “supreme universal” as opposed to the Logos of the West as “supreme logic.” To use a simpler explanation, the Orthodox Logos is closer to Plotinus’ Logos rather than Aristotle’s Logos.

As for the salvation of your soul, Orthodoxy is different from Roman Catholicism in its position on the Harrowing of Hell and its rejection of Dante’s Inferno (limbo). However, my goal here is to contribute an academic understanding of the faith, not to proselytize. I hope as well that despite our disagreements we can still find common ground.

jim says:

> Differences in metaphysics are at the heart of all these disagreements

I don’t know what metaphysics is, and have a small suspicion that no one else knows either. I am a moderate realist, stoic school of Aristotleanism, which means that like the ordinary chimp, and the ordinary man in the street, I believe my eyes and my hands, but unlike the man in the street, have a wise explanation of why everyone should believe his hands and his eyes.

And my hands and my eyes tell me that there was death in the world for aeons before Adam. You cannot metaphysic your way out of it, and if you try to, the masses are not going to follow, because too dumb to understand your terribly clever explanations of why hands and eyes should not be believed. If old earth creationism is heresy, all your midwit laity are going to believe in heresy, and the only true believers will be the stupid and those clever enough understand terribly clever rationales for making themselves stupid

User481 says:

He who observes the world in truth must conclude that the universe is old and that life evolved from earlier forms of life. He does not have to reject God in doing so.

There are many people within the Orthodox Church who condemn Orthodox Christians who hold this position. My priest tells me not to worry about such people.

Evolution does not disprove God. God does not disprove evolution. Both are true.

If you have time, here is a short, nuanced take on evolution by an Orthodox Christian priest:

If you have more time, here is a long, nuanced take on evolution by an Orthodox Christian dean of theology:

jim says:

Since Orthodoxy really has no choice but to tolerate the “heresy” of Old Earth Creationism, it might as well put up with the heresy that Mary and Joseph had a moral obligation to perform their marital duties, and did so.

The worst of it is elevating virginity for women over marriage, ditching Saint Paul on the recruitment of priests and Bishops, and ditching the stoic Logos from the Gospel of John.

That said, Orthodoxy has live apostolic succession, and Russian Orthodox has more live old Christianity than any other denomination.

Obviously most young earthers, fans of the virgin mary, and people who want to purge Christianity of such pagan additions to the purity of Judaism as the stoic Logos and the sacrament of marriage are not enemy shills, but all hail-fellow-christian enemy shills are pushing these memes, because compatible with and supportive of woke. Not everyone who pushes these memes is a shill, but everyone who is a shill is pushing these memes.

Saint Augustine pointed out that it is unreasonable to interpret the seven days of creation as seven literal twenty four hour days, for which position he caught a lot of flack, but no one proposes to exclude him as a heretic over that, though some would like to. So, following Saint Augustine’s argument, we can cheerfully stretch the book of Genesis to fit old earth. The problem is that Orthodoxy holiness spiraled no death before Adam into Genesis, in much the same way as they holiness spiraled that Mary was not only virgin, but remained so. Both of which are contrary to scripture, and both of which lead to moral problems, the continuing virginity of Mary because it attacks the Biblical and traditional Christian on marriage (work of the lavender mafia) and no death before Adam now creates moral problems, because if no death before Adam, no evolutionary psychology, which makes the Biblical rules on marriage and family inexplicable and arbitrary. Christians are required to discern the spirit of the law, and without evolutionary psychology, the laws on marriage and family make no sense, so Chesterton’s fence gets taken down.

User481 says:

If God wills it, it will be done; if not, not.

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